Schizo in a Suit 2020-02-21

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Unknown_03: I have to be careful with this song. This song doesn't even get me banned. Like everything else.

Unknown_04: Yeah, actually, I remember... I keep forgetting that YouTube is, like, purging Serbia Strong from, like, all the internet. It's actually... You can't find the original videos, I don't think, not on YouTube anymore. They got rid of a lot of it after Christchurch because he played it in the car or something. I just remember after the shooting, there was...

Unknown_04: A lot of fear from Serbians that people would hate them and blame them for it. Blame them for the Christchurch shitting because he played the God is a Serb song in his car on the livestream.

Unknown_00: I don't think that ever happened.

Unknown_04: I don't think there was ever an uptick in international anti-Serbian thought or bigotry or whatever. But I do remember that people got nervous about him.

Unknown_04: No, I should probably tweet this out. I usually tweet it out. If I sound tired, it's because I am.

Unknown_04: I've been nervous the last week. I always get kind of nervous before a move, but usually I have some confidence that I'm going to be

Unknown_04: I'm going to be situated for however long it takes to get re-situated, to find something else, to parlay that into a new trajectory, a new move, a new opportunity. But with this, it's just a bounce. It's just like a...

Unknown_04: Three months, maybe six, maybe up to a year if things go really poorly, you know. So it's a lot of uncertainty as opposed to usually when I move, I pick a pick a place and I decide I'm going to go there for however long it takes to to find something else.

Unknown_04: So this week I've been, I've been a sad boy and I haven't been, I haven't been, I fucking, I put in, you know, I'm really pissed off about the server situation. I wanted to upgrade the server because we're bottlenecking hard on disk space and disk IO. So I shopped around and I said, oh, I'll just contact this company next to my data center and I'll ask them about their surplus and get them to put together a server and, uh,

Unknown_04: you know, in a couple of minutes, however long it takes to snap together some Lego parts and ship it next door and accept several thousand dollars, you know, for a server. And they haven't done it yet. I put it in like last Friday and it's been an entire week and they still haven't got, it's like, I know the entire reason I picked you is because it should take a day. It should take a day to put together the server and rack it for me. You know what I mean? And for some reason, they just haven't given a shit. So now I am going to have to email them and figure out what the fuck is happening. And if they're not going to do it, you know, I have to be an asshole and say, why haven't you done this yet?

Unknown_04: And if they're not going to do it, find another retailer and buy a server from them.

Unknown_04: And then I guess wait for another week until that server arrives.

Unknown_04: It's it's fucking it's it's a nuisance and it's one I really shouldn't have to put up with because they should have just done it when I asked Skip I haven't even paid them. That's the thing. It's like what kind of what kind of business Do you have where I can't just ask like hey get this server for me and put it in the fucking rack yeah, it's like a it's like a it's not even a mile walk and You just walk it next door and put it in the fucking thing and you're done. And you can take, you know, $5,000 from someone. Why would you not do that? Why would you drag your feet on, on doing that? So I've just been, I've just been like waiting and I hate waiting. I hate sitting on my hands and watching and watching days go by. I woke up today and I was for sure thinking it was Wednesday and But no, it's Friday. It's just I'm bleeding the days from my life waiting for arrangements to fall into place in other countries, waiting for my passport, waiting for this contact to come through, waiting for this server, waiting for this and that.

Unknown_04: It drives me fucking crazy. If there's something to be done, I will do it. But when I have to just burn time, it's very stressful.

Unknown_04: Welcome to hell. You know, I'm looking forward to Serbia. I've decided, I don't know if I mentioned this, but I've decided on Serbia because it's really cheap. It's cheaper than Ukraine, which is scary.

Unknown_04: I've been told, I mean, I guess it depends on where and what, but like Bielograd or Biograde, whatever the fuck the name of the capital is.

Unknown_04: I mean, it's less, housing is less expensive there than it was in Ukraine.

Unknown_04: It's like $150 for an apartment there. It goes up to $500 for someplace in the middle of the city. So I don't know what the deal is with that.

Unknown_04: But I don't know. I'll probably feel more relaxed when I'm back in a Slavic country. It's just got an air of freedom there that you don't have in the West.

Unknown_04: Have you seen a Serbian film? It's pretty funny. I know of a Serbian film, enough to know that it's not very funny, if that's what you're asking.

Unknown_04: Oh, speaking of the West...

Unknown_04: There was a shooting in Germany. I don't know how to pronounce the name of the city. It's like Canal or something. And he, surprise, was a racist neo-Yazi, I think is what they call him now. And he is also a schizophrenic. It's hard to... I think he's more schizophrenic than Yahtzee, if I have to guess.

Unknown_04: Um...

Unknown_04: activated trap card who is a weirdo in my discord was nice enough to translate it into english and i i have some excerpts to read because i uh you know it's it's a good it's always a good idea to read uh manifestos but i find this one particularly interesting because it uh is kind of a classical crazy we don't really get a lot of you know i want you to keep in mind while i'm reading this

Unknown_04: that the current narrative by all the news that I've seen is that this person is a right-wing extremist inspired by modern-day right-wing parties in Germany. And he's just a bad guy, right? He's one of them. So as I proceed, I'm not going to read all of this because it's too long and too crazy, but he was nice enough to pull some highlights that I'll go through. I'm just going to read the first page.

Unknown_04: Introduction, and this was originally in German. This is a message to all German peoples. In this manuscript, I will explain what happened to me in my life, and why every German has to know about this, regardless how long it takes until my... Actually, you didn't really translate this well. You're missing words. Regardless of how long it takes until my message is proven right and truthful. Before I begin, I want to give some explanations. The core of my message are the activities of so-called secret service. Of a so-called secret service. Therefore, I want to explain more precisely what I mean by this. I am a normal citizen, meaning I am neither a Secret Service employee nor have I ever been employed by a Secret Service agent. Before a drastic event came up in my life, my knowledge of what a Secret Service is, how and with which methods it operates, came from openly available sources even though I had theories that went further from a very early age.

Unknown_04: Obviously, everyone who is reading this is going to have their own ideas of what a secret service is or what its tasks are. My mission is to inform everyone about the possibilities that lay beyond that which you believe to be part of that. And I'm going to guess that that was awkward as it was.

Unknown_04: At the time of this video's recording, thousands of German citizens are surveilled by video cameras. This is happening despite there not being a concrete reason for it. When I say surveillance, I mean acoustic and visual surveillance in private homes, in the workplace, and otherwise in places where one spends time.

Unknown_04: Therefore, I don't mean cameras that are placed visibly in public spaces or shops. There are peoples that work for the Secret Service, which are able to read the minds of other people and furthermore process the ability to link up with their thoughts and to remote control them to a certain degree.

Unknown_04: The stuff that Edward Snowden revealed a few years back is a child's birthday party in comparison. When I, over the course of this message, talk about a secret service, I don't explicitly mean a named secret service like, for example, oh my fucking god, the Bundesnachrichtendienst, I think is the name of that, the CIA or the NSA, but an organization that operates on the basis of a secret service but never officially reveals itself by name. I will now describe why I know why I'm being surveilled by a Secret Service and why the validation of what I say is extremely important, even though I won't be able to experience it myself now.

Unknown_04: So, this guy is either crazy or, as some astute individuals on poll would say, is a false flag. Because I'm going to play a video that he put out on his YouTube channel, I think right before the shooting. And you'll see that he's not totally incoherent.

Unknown_01: Hold up. Okay, I got that video.

Unknown_01: This is my personal message to all Americans.

Unknown_00: Your country is under control of invisible secret societies.

Unknown_00: They use unknown evil methods like mind control and hold up a modern system of slavery.

Unknown_00: If you don't believe the following, you better wake up quick.

Unknown_00: In your country exist so-called deep underground military bases.

Unknown_00: In some of them they praise the devil himself.

Unknown_00: They abuse, torture and kill little children in an unbelievable amount and this happens already for a long period of time.

Unknown_04: I want to pause it there because when they take this guy and they try to chop him up and make him into a product because, you know, you take this guy in his suit and he looks like he's groomed. I think his mom probably cuts his hair because from what I understand, he killed himself and his mom after shooting up to shisha bars, which are like Turkish. Like you gather around like a.

Unknown_04: This is kind of hard to explain because I never encountered it until I saw it in Ukraine.

Unknown_04: But the Turks like to get around like a communal vape and they all vape together. It's basically like a big pipe but it's like a communal thing and there's multiple like hoses that you smoke from and it's like a big group vape and the Turks are famous for it. It was an Ottoman thing and they brought it to Europe.

Unknown_04: But that's what he shot up. So it was presumably targeting Turkish people. And I think in his manifesto, he talks about the Turks. But what they're going to do is they're going to take this video and say, okay, this guy groomed, wearing a suit, talking about killing babies. And that is a thing that lines up with Alex Jones here, conspiracy theories, and Moloch and all the stuff that was popular in 2016.

Unknown_00: Wake up. This is one form of reality in your country.

Unknown_00: Turn off the mainstream media.

Unknown_00: They don't have a clue.

Unknown_00: The first step is information.

Unknown_00: Maybe you have to read it or hear it once again from two other sources. But now you know it.

Unknown_00: The second step is action.

Unknown_00: Locate these bases, gather masses of people together and storm them.

Unknown_00: It's your duty as an American citizen to end this nightmare.

Unknown_00: Fight now.

Unknown_04: There's a much longer nine minute long video and in it he kind of talks about, someone did a breakdown of it in the thread about it, but in it he kind of breaks down his worldview and how he believes in telekinetic projection, how we can view things from far away, how people can view him from far away, how people can take control of each other and project ideas into each other. And there's a really weird part of that video where he holds up a CD-ROM and he basically says, this is the universe. And he starts pointing to it and saying how these two things are connected by the mind. And it's all really crazy psychobabble. And someone brought up an interesting point in the forum thread that I feel was poignant enough to bring up now. Is it's easy for me at this point to like point at this guy and say because I think in Germany they just passed new legislation restricting guns and I don't know what the deal is with his firearm he may have gotten it from like a shooting club if that's the case they're going to tighten it even more. and have more thorough... I don't know how someone like this gets a gun in Europe. I know there's illegal guns, but really, if he got it legally, you would think... Because he has an extensive police record. He's been red flagged, basically.

Unknown_04: This person is as red flagged as you can get. So I don't know the full details of how he acquired his firearm, but they're probably going to use him to justify...

Unknown_04: More regulations and background checks and screening in terms of getting guns in Europe now. But, you know, it's really easy for me to point at him and say, obviously this guy is crazy, right? Because he's talking about all this gang stalking shit that is just schizophrenic 101.

Unknown_04: But if the tables were turned, you know, if this was someone who was saying like Bernie Sanders projected himself into my bedroom like Obi-Wan Kenobi and said I have to go shoot up this country music festival, like nobody would accept the excuse that he's just schizophrenic. You know what I mean?

Unknown_04: Like people would say that even though he is schizophrenic, something about Bernie Sanders was pointed enough to the mentally ill that it encouraged some kind of violent event. You know what I mean?

Unknown_04: So, you know, on one hand it is something that's easy to just dismiss as crazy stuff. But on the other hand, you have to, I, I'm kind of, I can understand people not wanting to do that because it's just, uh,

Unknown_04: Because I don't think I would... I wouldn't give it a pass if it was the other side. You know what I mean?

Unknown_04: So, I don't know.

Unknown_04: That's it as far as video content goes. I'll just read a couple more highlights from this. The best thing about this manifesto, by the way, is his drawings. And I think his drawings are done by him. So keep in mind that these are his OC.

Unknown_01: And don't steal them.

Unknown_01: Let's see.

Unknown_01: This part is boring. I know he's just talking about how

Unknown_04: He can remember his very early life, and that's something that I've heard from schizophrenics as well, like this weird belief that they have an acute memory from infancy.

Unknown_04: But in this paragraph he says, " retrospect, I'm able to date the time span during which I only had an inkling that a secret service surveils me, the time between my birth and the September 11th terror attacks." So it was immediately after September 11th, according to him, that he developed a more acute understanding that he was being watched. And in this, it's a drawing of him and he drew himself as a baby with a penis for some reason. And his mother is saying he is so small.

Unknown_04: And I'm wondering, you know, I could make some implications there. And he's recounting, I think this is him recounting his first memory. I was situated in my house of my parents.

Unknown_04: Oh, that's his mom's hand.

Unknown_04: That's funny. That's really funny. You know, there's some Freudian shit going on. He did that on purpose.

Unknown_04: But she handed over to my father since apparently she had difficulty...

Unknown_04: I'm not going to let that one down.

Unknown_04: I can remember this since my mother said he is so small.

Unknown_04: Page three.

Unknown_04: Parallel to these first impressions, I first heard the voice inside my mind, which now for the first time appeared, which wasn't friendly, though, and uttered, Oh, how stupid, I fell in the trap. I immediately answered that woman's voice with no, and fell asleep shortly thereafter.

Unknown_04: So I guess that's her saying, what the fuck is going on? This is nonsense.

Unknown_04: This picture is absolute fucking nonsense. Is he objecting I'm not small as a baby? I actually have a huge wang.

Unknown_01: Thank you. Let's see. I think that's it for page two.

Unknown_04: Page 4 and 7, the critical conversation with a colleague from my banking apprenticeship. Oh, my God.

Unknown_04: Okay, and the thing is, when I first saw this in German, and I saw these diagrams, I thought, you know, this is probably some really racist stuff that's being said here. And then I look at it, and it's like, I'd like to watch a sequel to Basic Instinct.

Unknown_04: A critical conversation with a colleague from my banking apprenticeship.

Unknown_04: Now I want to jump to the year of 1999 because that is when for me critical exchange with a colleague from my banking apprenticeship happened. At this point in time I was 22 years old and that is a perfect age by the way because he said he started thinking about the surveillance more in 2001. That is the perfect age for an adult male to start developing the symptoms of schizophrenia. So right on the money, he has his epiphanies regarding the voices and the astral projection at the exact time that it would be medically accurate for him to do so.

Unknown_04: At this point in time, I was 22 years old, and I was with him in his apartment in Frankfurt, and we talked about different things. This exchange, which I recount here, naturally is not word-for-word accurate, but is instead a summary of essential contents. And then he...

Unknown_04: For some reason, usually use a diagram or a picture to emphasize like a very critical event. Instead, it's just them sitting there on the sofa. And he's like, I'd like to watch a sequel to Basic Instinct.

Unknown_04: I like to preface this with the fact that I could feel that his secret service was present during the exchange because I was able to feel them linking up. The topic of our exchange was, besides other things, the criminality or, more broadly, the bad behavior of certain national groups such as Turks, Moroccans, Lebanese, Kurds, etc., We had both reached a sort of consensus about this topic already. Both of us had already made similar personal experiences at that point in time, which resulted in an antipathy towards these national groups, and we were on the same wavelength in that regard.

Unknown_04: Preface, Josh?

Unknown_02: Isn't it preface? Is it preface?

Unknown_02: I like preface more.

Unknown_04: preface, fuck you.

Unknown_04: These personal experiences I can safely categorize as harmless in quotation marks, such as intentionally provoked fights on the way home from school or stupid insults at the disco. At the disco? Who the fuck is going to a disco in 1999? Harmless because no personal damage or injuries or... That's how you know he's crazy. He's going to fucking discos in 1999.

Unknown_04: Harmless because no personal damage or injuries or loss of personal objects, blah blah blah.

Unknown_04: Different results such as violence attacks all the way up to knife attacks and corresponding injuries from the newspaper, for example, one could only perceive at the end of the spectrum like brawls between five foreigners and one German, which resulted in severe injuries and death. So that's him talking about the race. And that's the meat of the story to anyone who's looking for a reason to be angry at this.

Unknown_04: I'm being informed that a disco is a German term for a nightclub, which apparently activated trap card did not know.

Unknown_01: Okay, let's see. Let's skip to page 11, I think.

Unknown_01: I don't need to know about his adventures at the disco.

Unknown_04: I treason even 20 years ago regarding the problem of analysis of which of why is Germany tolerating the constant foreign criminality? The conclusion that a criminal foreigner is only representing one side of the coin on the other side of the Germans, which are either ignorant or too weak or too stupid to solve the problem. meaning to send them all out of the country. Historical reasons can play a role here, or a lack of information, empathy, or bad experiences. Therefore, if one wants to solve the issue of foreign crime rates, one should not be too hasty in going against the foreign enemy, but instead should first defeat the inner enemy. The inner enemy can be oneself or even the own people. Since I, as already mentioned, got the impression or the suspicion that a Secret Service listens in on this conversation, I said something analogous. Analogous?

Unknown_00: Oh my god.

Unknown_04: I said something like the following imagine if you will we are both sitting here and are being listened in on while at the same time only a few kilometers away are foreigner a foreigner commits a crime that would be a monstrous and effrontery without measure because of and now innocuous no it's not innocuous

Unknown_04: It says analogous.

Unknown_01: An-al-gous. Okay. Analogous. Fuck it.

Unknown_01: yeah see i'm reading through it still and it's just it's very it's very dense and it doesn't have a point you know what i mean like with brenton's there is a point like this is the problem this is the solution and his it's like the problem are the turks and the reason why people can't come to terms with the turks is because of the secret service

Unknown_04: and that that's very hard to read just verbatim and i you know i have issues with words on a on a regular basis but trying to read schizophrenic second language uh psychobabble is extremely difficult forgive me this is how you don't english

Unknown_01: I feel like that's the gist of it.

Unknown_01: I know Trapcord had a lot of favorite points, but it's just like... At one point, here...

Unknown_01: And this is, again, just the middle of the story.

Unknown_04: So the next day, the attack on the World Trade Center occurred. On an intuitive level, I knew that there was a connection between me and that the attack was carried out by the USA themselves. I resisted the pressure for a few weeks, but I saw that my studies were in danger. I also wasn't able to comprehend the entire background as to why someone would let the 9-11 attacks happen. In January 2002, I went to the police for the first time to report a case of illegal surveillance. Sadly, I didn't reach my goal. In the following weeks and months, the whole picture revealed itself to me, and where I had assumed that the surveillance had started with me going to the university, I had to recognize with a heavy heart that I had been in the clutches of the secret organization my entire life. And that's what I was referring to regarding how much more screening could you possibly want in terms of gun ownership. This guy went to the police three different times to report that he was being spied on by the government.

Unknown_04: And I, I mean, I don't know. And it was recent. It wasn't like it happened all the way back in 2004 before people were concerned about these things. It happened last year. Uh,

Unknown_04: I turned towards various private investigators and made two reports on the public prosecutor in Hanau and the other to the general state attorney in Karlsruhe.

Unknown_04: The best result was that a private investigator recommended a remote viewing institute in Austria to me. But even that person wrote back to me a few weeks later that he was unable to help me. Because probably he was talking to like a psychic or something who did it for like fun. And he just said like, I can't help you because you're like a schizo.

Unknown_01: Here he's talking about Hollywood movies and how the films are created, I guess, to further their endeavors.

Unknown_04: Which, again, if you're someone who is trying to pick this apart for some kind of narrative, this is what you would go for.

Unknown_01: Talking about the series Vikings and Prison Break.

Unknown_01: The Cell with Jennifer Lopez.

Unknown_04: Starship Troopers? Oh my god, maybe he is Carl. He has a suit, and he likes Starship Troopers. This movie deals with the not-too-distant future in which special forces of the army have telepathic abilities. This has been reality for some time now. Oh, perfect.

Unknown_04: That was my favorite part of... I mean, he didn't really have telepathic abilities in that movie. He just, like, touched an alien.

Unknown_04: And could, like, link up with their hive mind.

Unknown_04: Maybe he thinks it's, like, a historical document, like in Galaxy Quest.

Unknown_01: Oh.

Unknown_01: Oh.

Unknown_01: He's like... He's a Valsal, by the way.

Unknown_04: I think according to him. Because he knew that the Secret Service would use women to spy on him, I think.

Unknown_04: So... He voluntarily abstained from women throughout his entire life, he said. Because he couldn't trust them not to spy on him for the Secret Service.

Unknown_01: He controlled a ferret? What?

Unknown_01: There's no ferret in this.

Unknown_01: Yeah, I think that's about it. Maybe there's some good stuff I missed. Here's a conclusion. I'll read this.

Unknown_04: None of this can be random chance. The Iraq and Afghanistan war, especially how they're being waged. The people at the DFB, the trainer station of Jurgen Klopp. The subject of international management of the University of Beirut. The named Hollywood movies. The fact that a billionaire is currently putting into practice my political strategies. Even some of his slogans were invented by me, such as America first, buy American and hire American. So he came up with America first and Donald Trump stole that.

Unknown_04: And as I already stated, I could give numerous different examples that fit into the same category. This way, I had the privilege during the past 18 years to be part of several milestones and to further train my brain capacity thanks to these strategic signals. For me personally, it has been a long time since I doubted that I am right when I say that I am being surveilled by a secret organization. Back when I unknowingly dialed 911, uh...

Unknown_01: Apparently he actually wrote 911 and not the actual German emergency number.

Unknown_04: Since I only dialed 911, or rather they made me dial it, the emergency number did not extend their help to me. Maybe because you dialed the wrong fucking emergency number, apparently.

Unknown_04: Naturally, these are just some random choice bits and a small part of what I've experienced during my life or what I said. It's impossible to capture my... See, this is... Okay, this is your conclusion paragraph. It's time to write, like, your point. And it just skips through and through.

Unknown_04: He ends it on, people come and go. What stays are the people.

Unknown_04: This is apparently a German expression.

Unknown_04: And take careful note in the future of who your people are, which I guess is like the racial motive. And my fascination is this. In his video, you see in the back left,

Unknown_04: He has all these books. And it makes me wonder if... Because I think those are like financial accounting books. But it makes me wonder if that's like all schizophrenic nonsense. You know, just like hundreds of pages of it. I would be... I mean, I say I'm a little bit curious what's inside. But at the same time, that's probably...

Unknown_04: It's probably very meandering and not coherent at all, because that's also a schizophrenic thing. When they talk to you, they're just going to talk, and they don't really come to a conclusion.

Unknown_04: Those are binders, not books.

Unknown_04: What do you put in a binder, motherfucker? You put paper in it. I mean, obviously he's not binding his own fucking books. You just get a binder, and then you get loose paper, and you put it in the binders.

Unknown_01: People with schizoaffective just bounce around like that? Yes, they do.

Unknown_04: Yes, they do. And I'm usually a big fan of schizos, but not when they shoot people and get me in trouble and get other people in trouble for no reason.

Unknown_04: Oh, well. I think that's it. Time to take a break so I can drink something. Hmm. I kind of want to play a clip.

Unknown_01: What do I got for a clip?

Unknown_01: Maybe I'll just play some of this. Some of this. I'll drink some water.

Unknown_01: Let me get a good timestamp for this. Okay, first minute. I'll play the first minute.

Unknown_01: It's time to recap on an old friend.

Unknown_03: Hello, foodie beauties.

Unknown_07: Hello. Alright, so I was really debating

Unknown_07: whether I should make this video or not, um, you know, for obvious reasons, uh, the amount of hate that it will get. But furthermore,

Unknown_07: I don't feel like, I just feel like no matter what I do, I'm going to get hate anyway. Um, but I do still have a lot of supporters and that's why I continue to do this. But I feel like I have the right to do this video as somebody who is a continual subject of so many reaction channels.

Unknown_07: Um, basically people who sit there and criticize every detail of my life.

Unknown_07: They can give their opinion. So I'm going to give my opinion. This video is not served to bash anybody that I talk about in this video.

Unknown_07: It's just giving my thoughts and views. Like I said, as somebody who is a subject to a lot of this criticism.

Unknown_04: Okay, I'm done drinking water. Here, let me catch you up on what's happened in the Chantal sphere. You ready? Now, Toad has been doing this Chantal series, and I would suggest watching this. And he's gonna recap this, because this month has been big. This has been the biggest month in the Chantaliverse ever, because she broke up with Bebe, and now her whole life is fucked up, because Bebe, my nigga Bebe, is free. So now what is she going to do? Because BB was the husbando. BB was the rock around which she orbited, right?

Unknown_04: Now he's gone. And now she's in a situation where she is without uterus. She is old in her life.

Unknown_04: And she has now just come away from her fiancé.

Unknown_04: Now, a normal person might take a step back and say, okay, well now I have to focus on my health and my career, right? No, Chantal is not that kind of person. She looks at this and says, what I need to do is go on a road trip into the United States to eat Sonic and Chick-fil-A. So she does exactly that. She goes south of Ottawa into New York and has a mukbang by herself in her car eating Sonic.

Unknown_04: And I just want to show you this.

Unknown_04: Give me a good beauty bite. Look at this. Look at her holding up this sausage.

Unknown_04: That is a foot long of meat. And then as soon as she's done eating this foot long of meat and chili and potatoes, she goes to Chick-fil-A. This is on the same day. I think this was on the same day.

Unknown_04: It was recorded on the same day, but it was posted a day apart, I think. So she goes and has Chick-fil-A. And she's getting a giant thing of waffle fries and two different chicken sandwiches and all this soda. And then she goes out and she has a super embarrassing TMI video with this barbecue sandwich place that has fried onion rings and french fries and two big pulled pork sandwiches and shit. And it's just like...

Unknown_04: And this is within the weeks of promising that she's going to focus on her health. And even as she's doing this, even as she is actively, obviously binging on this gross fucking food in massive, disgusting proportions, she is claiming and promising and saying over and over again that she is on a calorie counting plan.

Unknown_04: and is weighing out these foods and counting the calories to make sure that she isn't going over her dietary budget.

Unknown_04: There's a thing that fat people do, especially fat people like Chantal and Bookie. I've mentioned this before, and Amberlynn. If they're pathological liars, and I think the reason why they developed this pathology where they constantly feel the need to lie about things that you know are lies and that are obviously lies just by how big they remain, is that they lie to themselves a lot. and they think that it's like they practice and they get so confident in lying to themselves that they they feel very confident in lying to other people and if she's saying that she's counting calories and she's doing everything right she's doing everything by the books but you don't have video evidence of her breaking that then in her mind if you don't believe her that's your problem and you're the idiot

Unknown_04: And the fact that she's hurting herself and the fact that it's obviously not true because she hasn't lost any weight and if anything has gained weight back doesn't matter to her because she's convinced herself and she thinks she's convinced people as well. And that's why it frustrates her when people make fun of her and don't believe her because she thinks that she's successfully fooled everyone. And it's just bizarre.

Unknown_04: And now she's on the kick of the cycle where she's a...

Unknown_04: Try trying to cope with the fact that people aren't really, aren't giving her the sympathy and the pity that she wants. Cause she really wants pity. She just had the breakup with BB and she needs people to feel bad for her. So she's doing this. I'm human. I will show myself compassion. I have an eating disorder. This is not my fault. I made mistakes. That doesn't make me a failure. I will not allow others to try and shame me for my hardships.

Unknown_04: And this is as she's doing her weight loss journey. Can I say how much I hate the words mental health and I hate the words journey now. I hate the band journey too. Just to round it out. Because it is a bunch of bullshit.

Unknown_04: This is another one of those videos where she's bitching about the haters. I don't have clips for that one though.

Unknown_04: Okay, listen, I agree there's a lot to make fun of me, but of all things, why is drinking gravy so bad? Well, that's just a mystery.

Unknown_04: In regards to her putting out the videos where everyone is pointing out the fact that she's not doing her diets... Oh, did I... Did I ever...

Unknown_02: Do we ever watch the video where she... Where she is... Oh, I really... I really should have clipped this one.

Unknown_04: Because is this... I think this is the video where she explains that she had an abortion with Pete's. Or a baby or something. And she aborted that baby. And she feels like her life is now karma.

Unknown_04: Karma for that.

Unknown_04: I think I mentioned that. I must've mentioned that. I think that was in the BB video where they broke up and she mentioned that she had, she was at one point pregnant and aborted the baby. Now she's infertile. I think I, yeah, that was the BB divorce video. Uh,

Unknown_04: I'm getting tired of having to delete the I'm getting tired of flip-flopping, etc. comments or the cycle begins again. I see that a lot in mine and the comments of those also struggling with weight loss and food addiction, etc. I don't need to hear your negativity and you will not shame me for my disorder.

Unknown_04: No, sir. If you are too ignorant to understand and are just here for a train wreck show, you have problems. I am human and no one here is without fault. The people who make these comments, these things are not even watching us bigger girls on YouTube to support. They want to see failures so that they can parrot those same comments over and over again. Get out of here with that bullshit. Also, my channel gives you whiplash by a neck brace and then she links to a neck brace, which is very clever.

Unknown_04: And I will pick this up at 240.

Unknown_07: Charlie Gold is, let's break this down, okay? She's a YouTuber who has double my subscribers. 122,000 subscribers.

Unknown_07: That's fine. Some people think I'm just jealous.

Unknown_07: I'm not jealous of somebody having more subscribers than me, especially not since the only reason they have so many subscribers is because they talk about me and Amberlynn or that they are on this weight loss journey. So

Unknown_07: That's the thing. This person criticizes Amberlynn and I

Unknown_07: in all her videos mostly amberlynn um because people like to use amberlynn okay i have to i have to mention this i mentioned this on the nick rakita stream and there's a throwback to that nick rakita stream that's what i'm going to mention after this but i mentioned with talking about um tevin that dsp has a ton of people who make fun of him he has a huge hater sphere

Unknown_04: And of all the people who hate him and who make fun of him and who stream snipe him, Tevin is the only black one that I know.

Unknown_04: Chantel is the same way. She has tons of people who make fun of her. One of them, who I think is Michael B. Petty. I think Michael B. Petty also does Chantel and Amberlynn the exact same way this Charlie Goldman does. But Michael B. Petty is like a gay white guy, right? But Charlie Gold is a black chick. And for some reason, I've never seen Chantel even mention Michael B. Petty. But she is happy to bring up Charlie Gold. And she says something about Charlie Gold later on that is pretty funny. So I'll continue with 350.

Unknown_07: But I'll be in the videos once in a while. One video in particular, she's made fun of my tent size underwear. So I'm 387 pounds, okay? She was bigger than me at one point. I'm pretty sure she was bigger than me.

Unknown_07: And recently what sparked this, these feelings is that a video, a video went around and it has her mugshot, which is from 2019 of her. And I don't really give a shit if she's been arrested. I don't care about, that's none of my business. What I was interested in is her weight on the mugshot. And it was like 310 pounds or something like that.

Unknown_07: I've seen people say, well, at least she's still 70 pounds lighter than you. It doesn't matter. She's still morbidly obese and she's been bigger than me, which means she is struggling still. She's not thin. She's not an epitome of health. She's still somebody who struggles. with weight issues and for her to comment on the size of my underwear or to fat shame me or Amberlynn is just ridiculous and that's always been what I had an issue with.

Unknown_04: So to clarify, Amberlynn, in a fit of rage, in a level of binge eating distress that I've never borne witness to, essentially docks this black woman who does reaction videos of her by pulling up her arrest records

Unknown_04: and and finding her criminal history so that she I guess so that she could find as she says her weight and compare compare weights now obviously this downplays the systemic societal socio-economic issues that that Charlie Gold finds herself in obviously people in the ghetto are more prone to obesity because they only have access to KFC and that doesn't help but she lives in Canada and She has all the access to free medicine and healthy groceries that she could ever want. Charlie Gold probably doesn't have an allowance from her grandma to buy whatever the fuck she wants. So really, really yikes, to be quite honest with you, fam.

Unknown_01: Oh, where's my next time? 650.

Unknown_01: I really don't.

Unknown_07: And...

Unknown_07: Yeah, I'm happy that she's getting some exposure as a person. Like, people are starting to criticize her.

Unknown_04: Correction, it was not Amberlynn that doxxed Charlie Gold. It was people on the Kiwi Farms. But even though Chantel disavows the Kiwi Farms to the maximum extent, she would use that information to compare weights, apparently.

Unknown_07: you know what the funny thing is about these channels is that they can give their opinion and criticize all day long other people but the minute they get it back they go off they completely go off there's receipts of that circulating around I'll let you search it yourself I'm not gonna post that kind of stuff on here like I said this is not a drama video it's not meant to Cause drama.

Unknown_04: You don't get to say that. It's just my opinion on everything. You don't get to say that this is not a drama video. You don't get to, like, march into Poland and say that this is not an invasion. Everyone's just like, oh, well, if you say so. We're not going to react as if it were. That's not how it works. You can't just say that something is and isn't a drama video. Back off. Alright, that just got to me. Because, like I said, I'm the subject of this.

Unknown_07: So, I feel like I have a right to. And...

Unknown_07: I just, to me, it's, it's, you're being a hypocrite by doing that. I don't get it. Like making fun of my tent size underwear. Like that's, like I said, like people who insult others, they just, they're already beneath you. So there's not even any point in addressing them. Like there's people who will make fun of my arm flab or how I look. And you know what? I don't, I'm not even going to comment on that because I like,

Unknown_07: I've realized long ago that people who make fun of your looks are just the lowest. Anyway, that's the lowest form of insult that you could ever do. It's just like whatever, you know, but it's just like this thing with these critics being obese themselves and just because you're not as obese as somebody else or just because you have more mobility than somebody else doesn't give you the right. People were on my ass.

Unknown_07: when I made that video about Amberlynn criticizing her for being immobile in the scooter, which I've apologized to her many times.

Unknown_07: But now that Charlie or somebody else will criticize me, not even just Charlie, but anybody who criticizes me for being almost immobile, who's overweight as well, but they can, they're allowed to do that. But I wasn't, you know what I mean? It's just like, it's very hypocritical. It's just very like one sided, you know, what's good for the goose is not good for the gander apparently.

Unknown_04: Okay, so there is some truth to that. A lot of the people who make fun of Chantel are super morbidly obese. I am quite fat. I've lost some weight, granted, but I think that even with being overweight, even if your critics are morbidly obese, not everyone is Chantel. Not everyone tries to make their living to be eating. And there's especially with Chantel, you can hear her like play up the like the crunching when she eats chips and stuff like she tries to make that as appalling as possible. And you can tell that it's like a fetish thing that the people who who actually like get the intended purpose out of her videos encourage her to do those things.

Unknown_04: And I don't understand why she can't figure that out. Now, I mean, on the other hand, I encourage her to retaliate as much as possible, because that makes it funny. But from a logical perspective, you have to wonder, like, what the fuck is wrong with you? I'm not too long into it.

Unknown_07: I don't want to make a big deal of this. But I wanted to give my opinion on it, um...

Unknown_07: Because to me it's just ridiculous. It's just absolutely ridiculous. And even before people started picking on me or making me the subject of their videos, I advocated for Amberlynn because I think that her treatment's not fair on YouTube. I don't. I never will. I don't care what she's done in the past.

Unknown_07: People do stupid things. We're all human. No one is above anyone else.

Unknown_07: And it's just like, everyone's made mistakes. People criticizing have probably done 10 times worse. You know, it's just like.

Unknown_04: That's just projection. I don't get it. That's just like raw projection. So it's like people will continue to do that.

Unknown_07: I don't really care anymore. I have my group of supporters and the rest can watch in silence because you're, you know, like, yeah, I do filter my comments because for really nasty things.

Unknown_07: but no i i don't need that on my channel so it's not just really nasty things by the way if you read her comments they are pristine the squeakiest cleanest happiest positive most goku get on attitude area of the entire site

Unknown_04: These sad people are pathetic. Love you, Chantel. Facts. Can you block these people? I know that's right, Chantel, but bust back on they motherfucking ass.

Unknown_04: Wow, that got really hood. They should never have came for you if you didn't send for them. And now they big mad. Oh well, if the shoe fits. Black clapping emojis times three.

Unknown_04: People who comment, at least Charlie can walk without getting winded are just like Charlie, ableist, making the value of a person based on their weight and ability. So glad you, my followers, are not like that. Love you guys. That reads like a boogie message. That reads like something boogie would write.

Unknown_04: This was an hour ago.

Unknown_04: I just know, I love knowing that she reads all these fucking comments. She reads every single one, even the ones that she kicks out onto the curb. She reads and she just constantly is engaged in this shit. I'll read this one because I'm curious what it says. YouTube needs to take these hate channels off. Oh no, they're coming for me. Don't. Don't you worry, Paula Cunliffe. They're coming for me. Susan's got my name.

Unknown_04: I agree with you that they're hypocrites. I'm from England. Oh, fuck. And last week, a presenter on TV has committed suicide over trolls. This needs to stop. Kisses.

Unknown_04: Especially since people watch my videos through them only sometimes. Apparently YouTube is going to do something about them. Probably true, but look, you can tell she's mad. Oh, they're not watching my videos first before watching the reactions. They're skipping my ads, my advertisements. YouTube's got to fix that.

Unknown_04: And then everything else is just curated boring shit.

Unknown_04: Oh, Michael, is that...

Unknown_04: Told you, all hypocrites, especially Charlie, who offered Amberlynn a weight loss challenge and hasn't lost weight this year. 310 isn't that far off from 387, Charlie. Please have a seat.

Unknown_04: Oh, snap, snap, snap. I deleted the picture of the post, but all hypocrites, my opinion remains the same. And are you going to address your own addiction before criticizing others? I have a screenshot of you doing a line while talking shit.

Unknown_04: You know, what happens in the hood stays in the hood, foodie booty.

Unknown_04: Can you imagine Chantel in, like, a hood fight where they're, like, pulling each other's weaves and shit? That would be fucking... I would pay money for that shit. Me and Toad can put together, like, a pot and get that going.

Unknown_04: Maybe have them wrestle on top of some Chick-fil-A. Or something. No, you get Boogie to stomp around on Chick-fil-A in the background. Getting him dressed up as a cheerleader and then have them fighting gravy, KFC gravy. That's perfect. Stream that on YouTube. You get 20,000 viewers easy. And the Super Chat money would just roll in.

Unknown_04: And don't come from me about that picture I put of her in my thumbnail. It is pretty lenient compared to what unflattering pictures of us she uses. No simpies, she says. No simpies. And that's just a random picture of that guy. And that's the video.

Unknown_04: So, this appears to be the situation.

Unknown_04: so glad you made this video about some about time someone called charlie out in her bs now we wait for other commentary channels to coddle her and defend her actions as they try to slam you with this video you made because we all know that always makes sense

Unknown_04: and uh oh there's one video i forgot to mention the this is getting bad video this is like the the moment of clarity in the the chantal cycle when toad does his uh analysis of this month he's going to bring up the cycle video and he's going to point to this video this video right here this is getting bad and say this is the moment of clarity because it is quite literally there's something about it and she she her story there is she goes to look for apartments because she's looking she's moving away from BB and she's looking I guess she's looking for a place with by herself or I think she's going to share a flat with Pete's that's the plan so she's going to look at places with Pete's because that's going to be her roommate and she goes to a apartment complex or presumably there's several big buildings on a lot And she goes to meet the real estate agent or the manager for the building and says, show me your place. And he's like, okay, but the room you're looking at is on the far side of the lot, and it had just snowed. And so he warned her, and she, in her hubris, said, okay, fuck it, I'll walk. Instead of just saying, I'm fat, I need to drive, she says, I'll walk. And she said that while she was walking to see this building, she got so out of breath and was so embarrassed that she got angry with the guy and got snappy with him. And she says that she could tell from how he responded that...

Unknown_04: that he was obviously very displeased by her, and he was just thinking, like, God, what a fat bitch she is. Then they get to the apartment complex, and he says, it's on the fourth floor, but don't worry, we have an elevator. And the elevator comes down, and it's too small for her. She looks at it, and she gets claustrophobic, and she decides, I'm not going up to see it. So she walked the entire way, and she said that she was in pain, she was huffing and puffing, she was probably all pink and red and stuff. And he gets the elevator and says, I'm not walking up the stairs because I can't do it. It's four floors. And I can't take the elevator because it's too small for her.

Unknown_04: So she's sitting there and that's where her story ends. I'm guessing that she makes Pete walk to go get the car so that she can drive the car up to... I don't know if he can drive, actually. I know that she drives him to the Dungeons and Dragons and comic book stores and shit. I don't know if he can drive himself. But I assume she made someone go get her at the end of it because there's no fucking way she's walking back. And she said she was so, you know, humiliated by this experience. She gets home.

Unknown_04: Chantal is terrified of elevators. How the fuck do you know that?

Unknown_04: I've never... She said that she gets claustrophobic, but I've never heard... God, her life must suck to be that fucking fat, not able to walk upstairs, and also being terrified of elevators.

Unknown_04: But anyways, that's the end of the story. And she said she was so mortified by this experience, she had a moment of clarity.

Unknown_04: And she starts talking in granule detail about how she needs to fix her life, how her life is so bad, how she blames this stuff on other people. How she wishes that there was mental health help in Canada for her and all this other stuff. And then immediately after she goes on this, this rant, like, what is it? Two days after she she's back into it, just yelling at her cyber bullies and shit.

Unknown_04: And I don't know, it's sad. It is quite sad to see someone who is so stuck in their ways and who you can show. You can look, you can say, look, here is your pattern. Here is where you're at now. Here's where you're going to be in a month from now. And you will ride this wave until you die if you don't change things. And she just has no inclination to adjust herself in any way and is perfectly, perfectly content with that, uh, with that fate she talked about being afraid of elevators in several videos one of them when she was cheating on Pete the guy who lived on the top floor and she was embarrassed by how sweaty she was when she got to his room huh oh yeah I do remember that huh never thought of that that's weird I wonder if she's afraid that they're gonna like crash because she's so heavy they can they can carry up to like like 2,000 pounds they're not they're not like flimsy that's strange

Unknown_04: Oh, well, that's it as far as this goes. Count Dankula tweeted at me right before the stream. It's apparently...

Unknown_04: Someone asked him to do one of his Mad Lad videos on Chris Chan, and his response was no, because enough is enough, I guess. And he added me to say that I would know more about his current situation, and I really don't. I haven't checked on Chris in several months. I don't read his board. I actively go out of my way to avoid hearing anything that he does or says at this point, because there was a point where after the Idea Guy stuff,

Unknown_02: uh he was in a situation where he had contacts who were genuinely trying to help him he was isolated from the idea guys he was safe and he had reliable counsel but we weren't going to play pretend with his you know his magic shoe part sonichu shit

Unknown_04: And he didn't like that. So he literally just gave up on us and said, I'm going to go find friends on Discord who can give me what I want. And now they fuck with him and tell him whatever because it's funny to them. and but he's happy that way because he gets his his fantasies placated so he's literally in like a tranny discord cult and they just tell him whatever ultimate dimension whatever the to keep them entertained and that entertains them and i mean i i have no interest in trying to help him because at that point it's like

Unknown_04: If he doesn't want to help himself, there's no point. There's no point being emotionally involved. And when you know that something is fake, it's like the crazy Gail stuff where she's talking about the bukkake or the nukake or whatever, and you hear that Skype theme kick in and you hear this guy's fucking idiot just feeding her lines that she then repeats almost verbatim, you lose your interest in it because you know that's not actually what she believes.

Unknown_04: That's just what she's been told and what she very loyally repeats.

Unknown_04: I feel the same way about Chris. I feel none of this is actually Chris. This is just what he wants to believe because it's more...

Unknown_04: It makes his life more important. If he's the one true Sonichu reincarnation or whatever, he's a very important person and he's the only person who can talk about the dimensional verge. He has some kind of foresight into the universe that nobody else does. And it entertains him and...

Unknown_04: it allows him to avoid the realities of like what's going to happen when barb dies because when barb dies none of those guys who are with him right now are going to help him deal with the bankruptcy that'll inevitably follow as all her debtors try to collect on the uh massive amounts of consumer debt and reverse mortgage issues put out in the house it'll be a cluster and at that point if he contacts us and he says i need your help and i'm going to take this seriously then yeah i'll probably help him but other than that you know i have i have no no interest in chris the last time i heard from chris he text messaged me in ukraine talked about some random shit and i just i i it was like all about the dimensional merge and stuff and i just ignored it so that's the the christian update

Unknown_01: oh okay i i don't know this guy used to be called like dsp underscore text or something or no it was like dragon killer or something he has a forum account but he says shout out to kiwi farms for being autistic fucks that just docks everyone even people that had nothing to do that do nothing to actually deserve it and he gets angry with someone down here who says uh

Unknown_01: Says you shouldn't use autistic as a slur or something like that.

Unknown_04: And he says they are autistic because they doxed them. So it's not actually a slur, it's just truth. This guy asked a very pertinent question. Is this an actual DSP quote or is the guy running the DSP archives spurring me out? And he says, is DSP running KF or is it just autistic fucks breaking out by doing worse shit than him? And Monitor Lizard replies, your only chance for true anonymity is to not play the game from the start and posting publicly accessible information is morally and legally fine. If I think someone who runs a page dedicated to documenting DSP's every move and every word would understand this.

Unknown_04: And he replies, I also understand going after the right or wrong people. So we all should be very thankful. that we have a moral arbiter as stony and stoic as DSP archives to tell us who the wrong and right people are and who deserves to be doxxed and who doesn't.

Unknown_04: Should we all be doxxed then if we're talking about DSP is all it takes, right?

Unknown_04: And then the monitor lizard again very accurately replies, If you can find publicly available information, then sure, anyone can share information on anyone else as long as they don't break the law to acquire the information. And that's even that. I mean, as long as they don't break the law, but if someone else breaks the law, like the MGM got hacked, the MGM resorts got hacked and like three to 10 million records and home addresses got leaked out. It's actually completely legal to repost stuff that was hacked. It's just illegal to hack, obviously.

Unknown_04: And he says, well, it's a good thing I don't use social media outside of this and YouTube, I guess.

Unknown_04: Uh, and then in this, I, I mean, I made a post and I don't have it offhand. Unfortunately, I just said that, um,

Unknown_04: he was spurging out and was very funny and reminded me of the wings of redemption trolls doing you know saying piss piss at me and it's that's funny which it is and he uses to prove he's not autistic he uses an anime reaction image which is the most certifiable proof that someone has severe mental health problems that I can think of. When the operator of a website that does nothing but mock, jocks, and obsess over multiple locals so that you have no life for talking about a locale. I went back to try and find these tweets for this page, or for me talking about this page.

Unknown_04: uh and i couldn't find it because since this went out on the 19th he has tweeted at least 200 times he has clipped all this from dsp streams he's posted all this anime and i am glad i looked at it before the stream because when i went to go look at it the very first things i saw were like retweets of hentai or something or or like pornographic live streamers So I'm really fucking happy that I... Because if I open that up on stream right now, I could get struck. I could get struck easily for showing porn on stream.

Unknown_04: And I just don't get it. Because the guy who got doxxed, by the way...

Unknown_04: It's just some fucking nobody. Nobody would care unless something like a really prominent person started complaining openly about the forum in a way that would get retweeted to me, like 100%. Nobody would notice. It would have maybe three replies in that thread, but he lit the beacon up, like, hey, come look at this because it's funny. And it is.

Unknown_04: It's art, though? Yeah, right.

Unknown_04: There's nothing art about anime. Come on now.

Unknown_04: All right.

Unknown_04: I do believe that's it.

Unknown_04: Uh, next time you talk to me, I I'll still be here. So I'm, I'm not leaving until probably early March.

Unknown_04: Uh, I guess if you're in Belgrade and you don't intend to kill me, uh, send me a message. Um, and maybe I'll do a meetup. I know they have KFC there and I haven't had KFC in forever. We can all go get KFC in Serbia together.

Unknown_04: And, uh,

Unknown_04: I'll be there until June, though I might take a flight to L.A. to go to Dick's 200th episode. I would really like to. I can't commit to it yet, but it's not even the price. If I book it right now, a round trip to L.A. is like $400 from Belgrade, but it is a 14-hour flight each way, and that's a long time to be in a fucking airplane, especially if I'm not buying a first-class ticket, which I definitely would not be doing.

Unknown_01: All right, anything else? Go to Road Rage?

Unknown_04: I'd like to.

Unknown_04: I'm not usually an insecure person, but when I think about how bad Ralph got it after the fucking Tonka fight, it makes me nervous, man. What if it all spills out? What if it just hangs low? I'd never hear the end of it. I would literally never hear the end of it. I'll have to buy overalls. That would be funny, actually. If I showed up in overalls or something with a tucked shirt...

Unknown_04: Because everyone would know why.

Unknown_01: Guns, armor.

Unknown_04: Oh, well.

Unknown_04: I'll think about it. I'd really like to. I've never been to LA. I've been through LAX, but that's not the same. I got to see what the beating heart of American depravity looks like before the Civil War or whatever.

Unknown_01: Oh, well.

Unknown_01: Anti-gum measures. All right. I'll see you guys on Friday.

Unknown_04: Oh, and no promises, but I would really, really like to do a proper person stream on FedSmoker because he, I haven't mentioned this, I mentioned it on Twitter, a good old-fashioned locale, a schizophrenic, a funny schizophrenic,

Unknown_04: uh named fed smoker a guy who called everyone in the entire world a baby rapist i'll actually i'll tease that a little bit because there was one video that i i saw that i thought this is like a prop a great one minute introduction to fed smoker let's see not that not that oh come on i need

Unknown_01: I think, is this? No, how long is this?

Unknown_04: That's it. Okay, this is it. This is it. This is my teaser for FedSmoker. And then hopefully I'll get to do a proper stream on them. Probably after I'm in Serbia, not before.

Unknown_05: Walgreens Americans.

Unknown_05: Been shopping here for about three months and they haven't been being very kind to me here in Council Bluffs. Doing like that cold inbred fucking feeling when I shop in there.

Unknown_05: I'll be putting everybody on the net as baby rapers from now on if I even see a flinch around me in this town. I think the pigs might have got to them here and they feel like they can get away with that with me.

Unknown_05: I'll put your fucking chief on the net as baby rapers. I get snubbed one more time out of this store. You watch and see, bitches. I'm gonna put this dog on the net as a baby raper, too. You fucking baby raper! You fucking baby raper!

Unknown_04: the world is demonstrably poor without this man among us. And, uh, F I'm just, I'm pressing F press F for, for Fred Smoker, my friends. Uh, I'd like to, I'd like to talk about them, but until then, uh, I'll see you guys next week. I have a special wrap up video.

Unknown_04: So if you want to stick around for that and See you then No, no, no, where is it?

Unknown_01: It's my video Aha, okay. Bye guys