It took months, but our effort has been rewarded. And my homie, the OG, BB, is free. He is free from the domicile of Chantal. He is now off to presumably breed with his sister from Senegal, who is definitely not his sister. I don't think anyone...
Unknown_01: I mean, she has no evidence that they're related. It's just his word.
Unknown_01: And she tried to pass it off and to say that it was a mutual conclusion, that they reached it together, that they just had a parting of ways, but no. We all know he's free, and he is a man of self-determination. It was no mutual reconciliation. It was not one step back, he said, and now he is on his own to make his own way.
It's beautiful, and I'm sure Toad's going to talk about it. He's going to have to, because he's doing an entire series on Chantel now, where it's like every month he's going to do an update. And it's kind of funny, because she does move fast enough, like in a drama sense, not in an actual physical speed sense. She does move fast enough to do a monthly thing on it, because it's just so weird how...
And she is obviously someone who, she doesn't work and she has no hobbies. So she is someone who is like a weirdo and who's trapped in her own head and has to fill that time between waking up and going to bed each day with something. And it's often these weird fad diets. And you can tell that she reads like Huckster stuff on the Internet about diet dieting because she was mentioning like macronutrients and micronutrients and saying, oh, this is good. It's good to have all these fruits because they have all the micros you need. Like, lady, you eat so much food that I'm sure all your micros are covered.
I'm sure that you have every vitamin under the sun and plenty. I'm sure you have everything you could ever need. You have too much of it. That is the problem. That is why you're fat. You're not going to lose weight because you get more vitamin D. That's nonsense. But no, she reads fit. She reads fit and now she thinks she has an understanding of dieting. I remember when I was like 18, I resolved to like work out every day. And I did it for like two months and I didn't lose any weight because I gained muscle for once. I remember concerning myself about macros and micros because I was reading Fit at the time. That's what she was doing, but she's like twice the age I was when I had this fad. It's just nonsense.
FPH got banned from Reddit.
Unknown_01: YouTube is more permissive than Reddit because on YouTube you can make fun of fat people all you want. And Susan Wojcicki personally endorses you when you make fun of fat people. But on Reddit you make fun of fat people and your community gets banned.
Unknown_01: Thank you to those of you who could visit for my weird Thursday stream.
Unknown_01: Tomorrow I will be busy, and probably not for the reasons you would hope. Well, I'm not going to lie and say for the reasons you think. I'm just going to have to occupy my time. with immigration matters. I am coming home to the United States of America at some point, presumably, unless I just hide in Serbia or Israel for a couple months before coming back here. But I'm very scared. I don't know why it makes me so nervous compared to all my other trips. Because I can go from Florida to Ukraine, no problem. But it's kind of strange because I know...
I'm going to get there. I'm going to get a flat. I'm going to get it fully furnished, and it's going to cost under $500 a month. And that's just taken care of. I don't have to worry about that. But this is like a short-term thing. I'm going to have to find an apartment that's fully furnished, that's short-term, that the owner knows is going to be short-term. And then the uncertainty is, I don't know how long the process is to get back in. You know what I mean? Because it usually is like 90 or 91 days to get back in. But if there's complications, if they don't want me back in...
then it could take longer. So I have to find an apartment that's fully furnished that can allow, at minimum, three months, and at maximum, a flexible stay.
Unknown_01: And it kind of boggles my mind, because do I go to Serbia or Israel, which has a 90-day visa program for Americans, and just hope for the best? Or do I go back to the United States? And even if I go back into the United States, I was looking at apartments now and they all do like background checks, like you're applying for a job. And it's like, am I going to get denied housing because I run the forum? Is that a is that a concern I have to have? And I don't know where I would go in the US because I have no ties anywhere in the United States.
I was thinking of going to LA because Dick has his 200th episode thing coming up and that sounds like a good time, but I don't want to be in LA for three months. And the upside of being in LA would be local access to all the embassies I could ever want. Every country in the world has an embassy.
in la uh but i i really don't want to be in la and it's so expensive it's so expensive to get anything in la it's like fifteen hundred dollars a month for a flat there that's not on like skid row
Unknown_01: I'm very stressed out over the whole not being a rootless, mutt American, perma-immigrant floater without culture who only knows English. It's just a disaster.
That's what I've been thinking about, and I know it's not too interesting, but I did get my passport from the authority, so they didn't burn my passport and send the capos after me. I'm still in good standing with the homies back home, apparently, unless they're making a plot to seize me, to seize my habeas corpus as I return.
Unknown_01: But they even give me a passport with 52 pages, and usually they issue passports with 28 pages.
unless you specifically ask for a bigger passport because you travel a lot. But I guess they looked at it and said, this guy travels a lot, so we'll just give him a big fat passport even though he didn't ask for it, which is quite nice. Very nice of the State Department to give a shit about something like that.
Unknown_01: But, well, go to Texas. I'm not saying for too long. Though I do think if I go to the U.S., I want to shoot a gun. I haven't shot a gun in so long. And it is a very empowering and fun thing to do that everyone should do at least once. I think if you have formed an opinion on gun control but you haven't fired a gun, you're depriving yourself of experience that would inform your opinion better.
Go to bunk with Ralph. Ralph is going to the L.A. thing, too.
Unknown_01: That could be fun. That could be traumatic. That could go terribly. I could end up getting shot by Andy Worski.
Unknown_01: But it is California, so no gun zones. I don't know.
Unknown_01: I see many people offering to let me live with them. I appreciate it.
Unknown_01: Monk with Jim, and I'll just show up at his house unannounced and be like, hey, what's up?
Unknown_01: You got a place? You got a room? I could go to China. You know what that's sad is that I could legitimately, it would be a fun thing to do, to go with my buddy from China to go take a trip from someplace like Vladivostok into China, but not right now. Can't do that now. Thanks, coronavirus, for fucking up my travel plans.
This would be an excellent time to have a spiritual journey through China with random Chinese people. But instead, I have to go to Serbia or L.A. I legit would rather go to Serbia than L.A. Serbia is probably nice.
Unknown_01: china blog i think china has enough things to worry about uh without me being there so i'll spare them i'll spare them and i'll think i'll think upon this further uh low tax how is your lawsuit going
Thanks, Lotex. I said lawsuit. I meant to go divorce. Because I can't stop talking about him. I don't know why. In the same way that Chantel moves very quickly.
Unknown_01: The whole thing with Lotex and the forum, the Something Awful forum, and...
Unknown_01: It's interesting watching his Patreon in real time drop because I know that there is a hardcore core audience to the forum. With MMORPGs, you have these users who use the game as a social thing.
And part of the money that comes with a subscription-based MMORPG is that you have people there who are basically stuck in a social environment that requires them to be plugged into the game. And it's almost the exact same thing with Something Awful, that the core audience is like the game forums, who are people who do play MMORPGs, and they're in the Something Awful guilds. In the case of the Goon Fleet...
Unknown_01: I think you have to have a Something Awful forum account to even be in the goon fleet. So there is like a core audience of people who are completely plugged out of the drama surrounding low-techs.
Unknown_01: They are continuing to support this guy, but then there's this weird, fleshy exterior to that core that is the tranny drama that's going on in the woke squad, the woke brigade that he has to diplomatically deal with time to time that are now confronted with the fact that the website they occupy has a webmaster who now has two ex-wives, Claiming emotional abuse and in the case of Ashley she's very specifically claiming that he is using her immigration status to trap her in a relationship which is probably as cliche a. Feminist cause like a woke. I mean, that's an immigration issue concern. That's a women's rights like a financial entrapment concern. That's like a as close to the center of the woke cancel culture as you could possibly get without just having like a rape or something. And they now have to reconcile that they love this website because it caters to them explicitly, but the owner is problematic. And I'm watching this. I'm on the sidelines, right? I have no investment in this. I don't know any of these fucking people. I never even used something awful. But I get to sit on the sidelines.
And just watch what I see as an inevitable car crash, train wreck.
Unknown_01: And it's fantastic. And I check it every day. I have three tabs open for all three of our threads. The legal one, the one on low tax specifically, and the one on the community in general. And I check them every morning. Because when I wake up, the U.S. time zones have all passed and people are in bed now. Because I can't not look. It's fucking amazing.
I think that's it. As far as an update, not much has changed. I think I read the filing, the police report last time, so I won't bother. But he did a stream where he was bitching about me.
Unknown_01: He thinks I'm conspiring with his ex-wife to ruin him. He thinks that there's an actual conspiracy going on. That I sit here in my council and I plot with her. To ruin him. Because there's no way. There is no way that he could fuck up his own life that bad. Without an actual conspiracy. I guess to usurp him. I guess he thinks of it like a Crusader Kings type thing. Where if I just get my intrigue up. If I have him fall off a cliff. And I get to take over something awful. And make the 15k myself. I guess that's what he's hoping for. What he's imagining in his head.
But I do have this. Hold on.
Unknown_01: This. Okay, I'm going to play that again, because it's great, but then I want you to look at something else.
Okay, let's pause it right there. That is low-tax right now, as of yesterday. That is low-tax. This is low-tax as of three and a half years ago to four years ago. That's the wedding with the now-filing-for-divorce wife.
Unknown_01: How does one age...
Unknown_01: that much in such a short amount of time it really is it's like either he just hit the wall and he is just aging rapidly or this dude has changed some habits regarding the pill situation and it is eating him from i would say the inside out but i guess it's the inside out and the outside in at the exact same time because this this dude is going to be unrecognizable in a couple years
The pills? He's pill-pilled. He's pill-pilled like Jordan Peterson is pill-pilled. That's a great segue, because Jordan Peterson has broken his silence. His daughter came out and spoke on behalf of the family to say that...
Unknown_01: This is three minutes. I'm tempted to play it in its entirety, but I'm not going to. If you don't remember, if you don't know, Jordan Peterson is like a motivational speaker for, I would say like disenfranchised young men. But he's kind of, he's not like a Fuentes where he's hyper political. And he's not like a Dick Masterson who's like hyper machoism.
He's like, Peterson tries to be like a surrogate daddy, and he tries to provide, I think he tries to provide good life lessons just in how to govern yourself. I would say he's probably soft aligned with like the men go their own way people, because his whole thing, from what I understand, is that you just need to take care of yourself.
And and then, you know, sort your priorities out. And then if you take care of yourself and if you learn how to be emotionally mature, the good things you want will come as a natural consequence of that. I don't know for sure because I'm not like a huge Peterson person, but that's what I get as a as a.
Unknown_01: When I think about him, so which makes it very, very hypocritical of him to be so addicted to tranquilizers that he is currently holed up in a Russian rehabilitation center because no American rehabilitation center can adequately deal with his level of addiction.
From what she says, they tried American clinics. They tried American programs where they would try to wean him off him. And from what she said, they tried very hard to wean him very, very incrementally, just a little bit less dosage.
Unknown_01: But none of that worked. And with the drugs he's on, he is physically addicted. So if he were to go off these drugs, it could kill him. So they took him to Russia as a last resort. And the program that they are doing is kind of like a clinical trial. It's not yet approved. It's not approved in the U.S.,
And what they do is they artificially put him in a coma and then just take him off the drugs entirely, which is dangerous.
Unknown_01: And from the sound of it, it hasn't gone perfectly because people are saying that he's brain damaged now. His brain was probably inflamed and pressed against the size of his skull, and now he has brain damage from the coma.
And from the withdrawal of the drugs, which is quite sad because, you know, he's like an inspiration to a lot of people.
Unknown_01: But she this video is kind of weird and there's a statement at the end. I'll just read the last paragraph.
Unknown_01: So let me make a couple things clear, she says. Neither our family nor the doctors here believe that this is a case of psychological addiction. Benzodiazepine, physical dependence due to brain changes, can occur in a matter of weeks. It can be made even worse by paradoxical reactions that are difficult to diagnose and can be extremely dangerous. We've been told and hope that Dad will recover fully, but it will take time, and he still has a way to go. We're extremely lucky and grateful that he's alive. The next update will come from him directly. Thanks again for all the support. Earlier in the statement, she mentions that he is in physical therapy and relearning how to walk. So I don't know how quickly they're expecting. With the brain, it's always...
A bit of a crapshoot. You never know if someone's going to recover quickly or miraculously or if they're just going to become like a potato. So, you know, best of luck and all. But the weird emphasis that it kind of sounds like the statement was written. I'm sure it was written by a PR person. But it emphasizes that it wasn't a psychological addiction, that Peterson was suffering from a physical addiction, and I think that was very pointed at his estate. This is not the result of his program being bad or his advice being bad. It's the fault of the medication or just an unfortunate side effect that nobody could predict. Which I don't know how true that is. I'm not going to guess. I'm not like a doctor. But apparently he got on the drugs because he was... Like, his wife had had cancer, and terminal cancer was going to die, so he got so depressed that he started taking this medication to cope with it.
And that ended up being a very serious addiction, which has almost killed him at this point.
Unknown_01: Bullshit, he never needed to take meds. Yeah, I don't know.
Unknown_01: It would be really...
Unknown_01: I would never want to take a prescription. I don't think I've ever had a script in my life.
No, that's bullshit. Very briefly, I did have pills for a weight loss program, and I had antibiotics, so I had pneumonia at some point.
Unknown_01: But I don't know. I kind of wanted Adderall. I always wanted Adderall, but I never had Adderall.
Unknown_01: Oh, well.
Unknown_01: Because I always wanted to do more work.
Unknown_01: You know what I mean? Fatty pills. They're good for having energy. It's like a cup of coffee with a pill.
I'm more for uppers than downers.
Unknown_01: I would prefer to be not on any medication, which is why I'm not. But if I had to choose, I always see people who are taking depressants as needing to deal with something that they can't really deal with. But I understand that my opinion on that is woefully ill-informed.
Unknown_01: Dick and Sean, they always argue. Sean doesn't usually contradict Dick on anything he says on the Dick Show. But when it comes to depression and stuff, depression medication, they disagree.
It'll take over the entire show. They'll just start arguing with each other because Sean's a huge proponent of of going to therapists and finding antidepressants and stuff.
Unknown_01: Whereas Dick is more of a...
Unknown_01: I don't know, an asshole, and completely disagrees that anyone should ever take that kind of medication. But, oh well, I don't know. I don't really care. Thankfully, I have always found safe treatments for my woes, such as starting cyberbullying forums and moving to Ukraine. And really, if you're depressed, you should do that.
I would wholeheartedly recommend it.
Unknown_04: Unironically.
Unknown_04: Can I play a video? I want to drink water.
Unknown_01: What kind of video? Oh, okay. Here. Since I'm demonetized, since I'm demonetized because nobody thinks I should make money ever, I have found a sponsorship with a Scandinavian airliner, and we'll just play a couple minutes of this great advertisement while I drink some water.
Unknown_03: What is truly Scandinavian?
Get out of the way.
Unknown_03: Absolutely nothing.
Unknown_03: There is no such thing. Everything is copied.
Unknown_03: Our democracy?
Unknown_05: Credit goes to Greece. Parental leave?
The iconic Scandinavian windmills were actually invented in Persia. And we made the German bicycle a staple of our city. It's Turkish.
Unknown_05: Dutch. It's Chinese.
Unknown_03: German.
Unknown_03: And it gets worse. Rumor has it the oh-so-Swedish meatballs might not be as Swedish as you think, but Turkish.
Even the Danish isn't Danish.
Unknown_03: It's Austrian. And the pride of Norway, the paperclip, was actually invented by an American. And while we're at it, America, thank you for taking the first steps in empowering the women's rights movement. We're no better than our Viking ancestors. We take everything we like on our trips abroad, adjust it a little bit, and voila!
Unknown_03: It's a unique Scandinavian thing.
Unknown_03: Going out into the world inspires us to think big, even though we're quite small. Because every time we go beyond our borders, we add colors, generations, progress, and the best of everywhere to here.
In a way, Scandinavia was brought here, piece by piece, by everyday people who found the best of our home away from home.
Unknown_03: So we can't wait to see what wonderful things you'll bring home next.
I warned them. I said, this might be a little bit off demographic. I don't think my viewers would be interested in that kind of ad. We're like, no, no, you travel a lot. It'd be perfect. We really want all your viewers to watch this advertisement. If you insist, if you insist, I guess I have no option. Thankfully, I'm hydrated now.
Unknown_01: If you're very blackpilled by that video, by the way, the top comment on the copy that I saw, because they've been taking those down, and this video will probably get flagged automatically because it played it, whatever.
The top comment I saw on my copy was, if there was nothing to worry about, they wouldn't bother playing videos like that or paying for advertisements like that. Yeah, you know, that's an inspiring thought, I guess.
Unknown_01: Speaking of Turkey, I've been yelled at by Turkish people. Can you believe this? In the last week, I have gotten three. After weeks and weeks of not getting any real complaints to talk about on the forum, this week I've gotten three complaints.
Unknown_01: One from Turkey, one from Germany, and one from the United States. Perfect. The big three.
Okay, this one's funny because it's a Turkish incel, and I don't know too much about him. I'm not going to bother.
Unknown_01: The only funny thing worth mentioning about it is that he's an incel, and his attorney that he got to threaten me is a Turkish woman, which is funny that as soon as he got into issues and he needed legal representation, I guess he decided that a woman wouldn't be too bad. Uh, and for some reason, when she sent me this DMCA, she attached this picture of herself, I guess, to be like, Hey, I'm a whammon. So you should do what I, when I want Mr. Internet person. And my answer is no. Uh, the, the entire thing, she says that she is a U S law specialist, which is probably is, is code word for not a lawyer in the United States. Uh,
But she warns me that if I don't, well, number one, she claimed that this is a DMCA, which it's not. It's not a DMCA. But she says that if I don't comply within 14 days, which is arbitrary, they'll take action against me in the U.S. state of New Hampshire. which is an interesting choice because I've never been to New Hampshire and nothing I've ever owned has ever been in New Hampshire. I have no businesses in New Hampshire. I don't know anyone from New Hampshire. I want to say that Kenneth Englehart was from New Hampshire, but no, he's from Rhode Island. So I literally know no one from New Hampshire. And I want to say Bernie Sanders is from New Hampshire, but no, Bernie Sanders is from Vermont. I literally cannot name a single fucking thing from New Hampshire. So I don't know where that comes from. I'm sure that it's just like a...
They have like a contact there, like a lawyer who does business law in New Hampshire. But it has to be a federal attorney because I think copyright's a federal thing. Anyways, that's the Turkish one. German one is... Okay, the threat is like the general threat for German people.
Unknown_01: And the entire thing is just like so lazy and sloppy and shitty. And it doesn't make sense from a layman perspective.
Unknown_01: because he's saying that you publish on your website illegal and insulting content about my client in the German language. Under current law, both in the USA and in Germany, freedom of expression is guaranteed, but an insult like the one you find on your website is clearly not covered, which is long.
And I sent him a really nasty reply. My message to him was, go fuck yourself, you kraut faggot, we won the war, eat shit. Because I found this very impertinent. Like, how dare you, Mr. Random German Man, pretend that you know anything about our laws when you clearly don't. I don't know if this, because I'm being very nice when I'm reading this sentence. I'm correcting mistakes, like insulting comment about my client in German language. Under current law, freedom of expression is guaranteed by law.
It's poorly written. So I'm supposed to believe that this person is a professional who's versed in English law when he doesn't know how to read English, how to write English.
Unknown_01: And then he goes on, for no reason, he says in the post, post number two, her daughter was taken away from her, keeps making drunken videos in which she freaks out completely, and among other things, sorry, I'm having issues reading this because it's so bad, Freedy's drunk and freaking out again.
And he says explicitly, this can't be like a translation issue, reasons why these contents are illegal. And he's saying that they're illegal because, number one, the person concerned was not drunk at that time. Very confident statement.
Unknown_01: Anyways, she is a dry alcoholic and has been for 10 years. She has not drunk since. These are untrue allegations which cause considerable damage to Ms. Miller's reputation and therefore cannot be tolerated. And number two, furthermore, the user claims that the daughter of the person concerned was taken away from her by the state because she did not fulfill her duties. This is also an untrue and false allegation that is not true. It's like Shakespeare. It rhymes.
The only truth is that the victim voluntarily gave her daughter away to protect herself. I don't know if that means...
Unknown_01: To protect her from herself or that her daughter was like some kind of vicious like Tasmanian devil monster that would attack her. But either way, his his actual legal reasoning.
Unknown_01: Is that I must remove this message because it's illegal in the United States because she was not actually drunk at the time. So he says.
And he estimates that the damage is $20 to five significant digits, unless that's backwards. But I'll assume that's just $20. That seems more appropriate than $20,000.
Unknown_01: uh why is why why is the state utah what the fuck does he know about utah the jurisdictions the united states the state of utah why do these people pick these random ass fucking states and say that i'll see you in
This dude, there is a 0% chance that this dude, Christopher Wolf, can point at the state of Utah on an unmarked map of the United States and tell me with any confidence what it is. Um... Then he says he swears under penalty or perjury that the above are true. Um...
Unknown_01: That he's given an authorized act on that person's behalf. I don't think he needs a sign under penalty of perjury. Because he's not making a sworn statement. He's just bitching at me.
Unknown_01: Anyways, that's the German one. It's nonsense. And it's from Utah, apparently. Like Maddox.
Unknown_01: Now, the interesting one, my favorite one, the one that I woke up to this morning, and I was thinking, oh, my God, what a happy little coincidence that this is. I was going to check for my Super Chats, but then I forgot that Susan Wojcicki is oppressing me because she's anti-Semitic. But to continue on, Nakato Avocado. Now, if you don't know who Nakato Avocado is, this should sum him up pretty well. He's this big, fat, I think he's gay. Yeah, he is gay. And I think he's Mexican, and I don't know where he's from. I think he's from a Spanish-speaking area, though. Anyways, he was at one point in time either, I think he was vegan, and he did healthy mukbangs, which is like a, originally it was a Korean thing, because Asian people are weird, and they want to eat meals with someone, but they're all lonely because they don't have sex anymore. They're like, okay, I'll watch other people eat and talk and have a good time while I eat so that I'm not alone.
This was readily adopted in America, not because anyone wants to watch someone genuinely eat and eat with them, but because people are fat and want to get paid for eating. And also vicious troglodytes such as myself want to sit in bed and watch someone eat themselves to death. Those are the appeals of these people. Nakato is probably the most famous mukbanger. I can't name anyone more famous than him.
Unknown_01: And it's primarily because he is a huge, colossal train wreck of a person. He is a perpetual embarrassment. And the only reason why I don't talk about him like I do someone like Chantal or Amberlynn... is that Amberlynn and Chantel have great amounts of shame, and they do a lot to protect themselves from the reality of their life. And it's fun to poke fun at someone like that because they're very guarded, and they think that you're dumb enough to believe when they say that they only eat 2,000 calories a day. That's what makes it fun, because they lie to you. Ikato lies to you because he wants that reaction. And he wants that attention.
In his videos he talks about how he cheats on his husband and his husband cheats on him and he'll fuck around with guys behind his husband's back because he saw him in bed with another man so now he's going to go out and get his. And he eats and he cries. He's literally eating so much that he's like gagging on it as he sobs into his food. And it's just the most pathetic thing. And it's not funny because it's so degenerate. It's just gross. So I don't talk about him too much. But rest assured, he is an appalling person and I have no positive things to say about him.
and his lawyer does not have much to say about us.
Unknown_01: He says, we're looking to have our copyright-protected images removed from your website. Link below for your convenience. Now, she links his thread as a copyright, but she explains, these images are taken from a membership-only prepaid access site and being reposted onto your page. Not only is this against the OnlyFans copyright subscription policy, but this directly impacts my client's line of business, as the content is being taken from a policy-protected service
and being reposted with ill intent and malice. We ask that you immediately remove said images within five business days as they violate our copyright. We are more than happy to have people review, discuss, and comment upon Nikocado Avocado's content within the public domain. Copyright and protected images, however, are not on the table for distribution. Please let me know if you need any more information with us regarding this matter.
Unknown_01: My explanation is pretty much what I'm going to say, or my reply is pretty much going to be this explanation regarding their claim.
Number one, if you're going to do a DMCA, there's a format for a DMCA. You have to specifically mention that you are using the DMCA, I'm pretty sure. You have to sign under penalty of perjury. You have to do a lot. You have to actually itemize the links to the copyrighted content. You have to link directly to it. On the first page of that thread, there's no content from OnlyFans. She's just trying to get the entire thread removed, I'm pretty sure.
Unknown_01: Obviously, that's all bullshit. The distinction between public domain and copyrighted protected images is a bullshit one.
I don't think anyone who watches YouTube people talk about shit has to be told what fair use is. It's pretty... It's almost like common knowledge nowadays. It's like... It's like learning about the branches of government because everyone on YouTube is exposed to the concept of fair use from their favorite YouTubers bitching about how it gets taken advantage of constantly.
Unknown_01: But, I mean, people making fun of you is the most classic example of fair use.
Unknown_01: Malice and ill intent are basically hard-coded into the legislation the way that it's written. So, her distinction is bullshit. The only reason why I didn't yell at her and give her a shitty reply like I did the German guy... is that her email is nice and is not like an insult. I don't consider this insulting in the same way the German one is because she's not saying that I have to do it in 14 days or she's going to sue me in the state of Nebraska. It's just like, here's our scary legally sounding email that I'm going to try and send to a couple people and hopefully get at least one of them taken down. But I mean, out of all...
If I had... Okay.
Unknown_01: Sometimes I get concerned about lawsuits. Because sometimes I get... And they're never the ones that you think. It's never the Mountain Jews or whatever. It is always the weird, obscure things. Usually porn actors. Porno people because if their if their stuff gets posted on the forum and it's usually never like a thread it's just like an offhanded comment like oh this person reminds me of this other person who did porn and had an issue with it like that that kind of stuff is more not in my favor especially because it's not a thread dedicated to them. But Nikado Avocado, if I had to pick someone to sue me, I would probably pick Onision, followed by Nikado Avocado. Because those people, or YandereDev, all those people...
The most obvious candidates for someone whose content is reused consistently on a fair use basis.
Unknown_01: This guy, nobody can stand to watch his shit. His videos are so gross. that nobody in his thread could ever hope to sit through one of his stomach-churning catharsises, his little make-believes.
It would have to come from a thread.
Unknown_01: I only say Onision over Nakato Avocado because Onision, everyone hates him. He has such a bad reputation that it would be immediately in my favor and a lot of fun. But Nakato Avocado is up there. Oh, I forgot I was sharing my screen. You all get to see Boogie's feet.
Unknown_01: Let me get a sip of water and I'll talk about Boogie's feet.
Unknown_04: Remember to stay hydrated so you don't get diabetes.
So what you're looking at is a picture of a fat man stepping on hamburgers.
Unknown_01: Boogie has come out of seclusion after a week, two weeks. I'm not really saying that much on Twitter. He comes back with a vengeance, making the content and videos that he's been promising his fans. And his content is him and stepping on hamburgers. But not just him. It's not just Boogie. He's not just back with a vengeance. He has brought help with him. Now, let me make sure that MPC Player is off. I'm going to play audio for you, and I will explain what you're hearing after. Let me crank it up. It's a little bit quiet.
If you hear what sounds like a pig, that's because it is a woman making pig sounds. Boogie, wanting to do a video with a fellow content creator, teamed up with a bottom-of-the-barrel cam whore from Arkansas, who I cannot show anything of because I think even her save-for-work stuff would get me banned from YouTube.
Instead, I'll show you an art piece that I did off one of her photos. I'm pretty sure that plastic penises are allowed.
Unknown_01: She's into the BBC. She's into eating donuts and wearing pig masks and squealing. And when she got her new BBC dildo, she put it on her forehead and took this picture.
Unknown_01: And I was inspired to make subversive art because the beauty of whatever that says must not perish from the earth. This is truly, she is beautiful and a woman who must be respected, uh, by the likes of boogie.
And, uh, Yeah, I don't know.
Unknown_01: When I saw her stuff, I was so fundamentally reviled by it that I felt I had to make fun of it a little bit. I had to point this out. I had to show this to thousands of people, potentially. If you're listening, as I remind myself that not everyone is watching...
Unknown_01: It is a... Okay, I think I explained it perfectly, actually. Imagine white trailer trash with a big black cock on her forehead. And those look like Wiccan Satanist hoop earrings and bullnose piercing. And those hipster glasses that you would expect on someone from California, but instead it's all in trailer trash. And she's stepping on hamburgers with Boogie.
For money, I would assume. I would assume that she would want to be paid for it. Everyone else pays her.
Unknown_01: Imagine eating that ass. No.
Unknown_01: Why are you saying this?
Unknown_01: Pentagram. Yeah, that's it. Not Satanist. Pentagram.
Unknown_01: Look at the top of his head. His head? That's not even, that's not a trans woman, I'll have you know. That's not a man, nor a trans woman. That is a true form, uh, real life woman.
And I don't have a video for Boogie, unfortunately. I mean, I could just show you stepping on, him stepping on hamburgers, but, uh, that's not too interesting.
Unknown_04: Okay.
Unknown_01: Oh, I'm internet famous again, by the way. This tweet went viral. I guess kind of viral. It's got a thousand likes because I posted this kind of like being a little bit bombastic, kind of extending the truth. It's a message from YandereDev in his Discord channel saying, oh, why is that not the full thing?
Oh, that's bad. How did this get so many retweets when it's like half missing? Uh-oh.
Unknown_04: Whatever.
Unknown_01: He just says, update. We might have a solution in the works. I contacted Discord and asked them what could be done about the situation. They asked me to send them the user IDs and message IDs of everyone who participated in the raid slash harasses me through DM.
Unknown_01: That would be literally thousands of accounts. I don't want to spend my time doing that. However, it might be the only way to resolve the situation. If thousands of accounts get suspended or banned, then word would spread that raiding the server harassing me would result in a ban. It should say in a ban. I thought I had the entire thing there.
But he goes on to say that he's done this. He has done this. He's gone through, taken hours and hours and hours to compile a comprehensive list of every ID that did one of those Cum Chalice speedruns, and he's sending it to Discord to get banned. So now I think all the people who are tweeting it and liking it and stuff were like, Uh, the little weeaboo fangirls who wanted Yandere Dove and now, like, bully him because he took their money and didn't give them a video game. Uh, but now they're, like, freaking out because the Panther account's gonna get banned.
And they might.
Unknown_01: I mean, Discord, lest we forget, my favorite thing about Discord...
Unknown_01: is that a long time ago, they started banning Lolicon. If you posted Lolicon, you would get banned from Discord. But there were all these servers dedicated to furry Lolicon called CubPorn. And when people started reporting the CubPorn to Discord, they said, oh no, CubPorn is fine. And it just so happens that Discord is owned and operated by furries and all their community managers are all furries. So it's okay when they masturbate to Lolicon when it's like a furry animal creature.
But for all the other weeaboos, they're tough shit. You don't get anything. Either convert or die, motherfucker.
Unknown_01: So, I don't know. Maybe they'll ban thousands of people. That would be funny. I would hope for that. I didn't do anything. My server's fine. Everyone's, like, all the retweet messages were like, everyone, move your servers onto new accounts because they're going to be doing purges. Like, they're all...
offloading their valuables onto family friends because they're about to get deported and shit. I don't know.
Unknown_04: That's good fun for me.
Unknown_04: Here, let's play this. I've been teasing an Amy Ramadan video for some time, but this got clipped out of a livestream recently, and it's kind of funny.
Unknown_02: Do I need to get the spoon?
Unknown_02: I can't even reach him. Okay, then you need to stop.
Unknown_02: I carry this with me everywhere I go.
Do I ever use it?
Unknown_02: Nope.
Unknown_02: Do I threaten it? Yep.
Unknown_02: All they have to do is see me put my hand up there and they're like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I was like, well, then do I need to.
Unknown_01: Okay, show of hands, chat, do you believe that children can develop a fear of spoons from the mere implication of it, but without ever having been whacked with a spoon? What do you guys think? Do you think that this is a true statement, that she doesn't use the spoon, but everyone is afraid of it? Yes? Oh my god, everyone's taking her side. Sure? Use that spoon for eating? She hurts her kids? Fear the spoon?
No. If that bitch is holding it, yes.
Unknown_01: The people who don't like her are saying that she abuses her kids. I don't know. I'm trying to think. My mom... Wait, would my... Like, I didn't get beat as a kid. Like, after a certain age. It was, like, a really young thing. But I don't think... I guess it got threatened. But I just remember thinking, like, no, you wouldn't.
Because that would be an issue.
Unknown_04: I'm terrified of that spoon.
Unknown_01: Ha ha ha ha!
Unknown_01: By the way, I'm going to play this again. Listen in the background.
Unknown_02: Get the spoon. I can't even reach him.
Unknown_02: Okay, then you need to stop.
Unknown_02: I carry this with me everywhere I go.
Unknown_01: I heard like... Do I ever use it? It's like Arabic music.
Unknown_02: Do I threaten it?
Unknown_02: Nope.
Do I threaten it?
Unknown_01: I think so. I think it was like Arabic music. Maybe I'm like, all they have to do is see me put my hand up. That sounds like some Aqbar type music. And I just enjoy it. I wonder what people think. Like when, when they walk down the street and they see her, what kind of thoughts go through their mind?
Unknown_01: Um, okay.
Unknown_01: And this guy, I called him out. I like to go through my Twitter when I do these now because whenever I see something funny, I tweet it out. And then I can go back in the week and look at all the funny things that happened that week. This guy, a fellow lover of Israel, I think, says, does no one even realize when I'm calling him out on his bullshit, why would he even take my call out as a compliment, regardless of removing the links from my social media pages? This guy attempted to bravely call me out.
uh, by, by bringing up the alleged necklace that everyone seems very fond of for some reason. It's just, it's just a family heirloom. It's a necklace that everyone has, but for some reason people take issue with it on Twitter. And he raised this up to say that I am of a certain political alignments, which I'm definitely not. And so I just retweet it because it's funny because it's funny that this weed board guy is so angry at me for nothing.
And he immediately deletes it everywhere and puts up this message like, I called him out. I called him out and nothing happened. He hasn't shrunk away. He hasn't apologized. He hasn't tried to dispel it. He just retweeted it.
Unknown_01: And it's funny to me.
Unknown_04: That's it. It's just funny to me.
Unknown_01: Everyone should be like that, I think. Everyone should just take a position of who gives a fuck at all times. It doesn't matter what someone says.
Because if you don't give them... You have to empower someone to have leverage over you, right? So if someone is saying shit about you, who gives a fuck? I don't know. I guess the forum... Sometimes people try to take control of their reputation that way. They try to say, oh, well, I don't care. Or I take that as a point of pride, and I try to run with it. And...
Unknown_01: To an extent, it always does kind of work, but at the same time, it's like if you don't change anything that you're doing, people are still going to make fun of you. But in a way, it does make it less funny.
Alright, I think that's it. I'm trying to think. I think I got everything I wanted to talk about out of the way.
Unknown_01: Thank you again for joining me on this strange Thursday stream. I was going to prepare more, but I ended up playing Crusader Kings all day.
Unknown_01: I'll tell you, in lieu of more content, I'll tell you my Crusader Kings story.
Unknown_01: I was playing on Ireland because I hadn't played in a while, and I know that Ireland's a pretty easy place to start out. And...
The person who eventually united Ireland was a whammon. My king basically had united, almost united Ireland and had two daughters and he died under suspicious circumstances. So there were two female heirs who got basically half the country each, right?
Unknown_01: And I was planning on killing the other sister and
Unknown_01: So I could take her crown, right? And then I died because she killed me. And then at some point, a merchant comes along. A literal Jewish merchant comes along and offers me a slave from Ethiopia.
And he says he's a fine slave and he's a eunuch. So you don't have to worry about Ethiopian babies in this fine country of Ireland. You can just have him. I'm like, okay, fuck it. I'll take the Ethiopian slave. And so my queen and this black man with no balls became best friends. And immediately I put him in the council. And he had a decent level of intrigue. So me being the queen with like 30 intrigue, which is why the character was able to kill my queen first. And this black man basically murdered everyone in our way. And she united Ireland.
through that means by using an Ethiopian eunuch slave to just kill everyone and it worked it worked perfectly oh and we'd invite old men who had lots of money and no heirs to the court and then we'd kill them too so that we'd get the money and I would strongly suggest my eunuch strategy to anyone playing Crusader Kings 2 Ireland got blacked BB from Senegal
blacked Ireland. He had no balls. How is that getting blacked if he has no balls?
Unknown_04: This is like an autistic homosexual telling me their dream.
Unknown_01: Yeah, pretty much.
Unknown_01: Is this a metaphor for BB leaving Chantel? Did he have to kill someone? Did Chantel kill his queen? Did he get bought from a Jewish merchant? That's Toad McKinley. I just read that as a
I think you've got Chantal in the brain, my friend.
Unknown_01: Not everything is about Chantal.
Unknown_01: Oh, well. I can't believe BB conquered Ireland.
Unknown_01: I wish him the best. It can't be any worse. Being conquered by BB cannot possibly be worse than being conquered by England. Or the Irish. Can you imagine?
Unknown_01: All right. I'll see you guys next Friday. It's not Friday. Well, no, no, I lied. Not next Friday. The Friday after Friday.
Maybe. Maybe I'll be in L.A. then. I don't know. I'll figure it out. And if you have any ideas of where I should go, you should DM me on Twitter. I like reading people's ideas of what they would do in my situation if they had to flee for 90 plus days. All right. Take it easy.
Unknown_01: Oh, before I play the song, I should tell you that it has certain significance to me. Because when the forum went down for Vordrak, because I was going to give up on the site, and I brought it back up later, this was the song I featured on the front page. So it has special significance to me.
Take it easy.
Unknown_05: Baby, that's where I come from I'm coming home My life on the inside Ain't what it used to be You know the kids gone crazy And the dickie boys slides and shits I won't let the drag end up Cause all I want left is the dust Baby, that's where I come from
We'll be right back. We'll be right back. We'll be right back.
It looks like the end for me Last year's coming It's the chicken and rice and beans Oh, it's a drag I know But everybody gotta go You wait for me down below I'm coming home Oh yeah I'm coming home Oh yeah I'm coming home Oh yeah