Biohazards and YHWH 2020-01-31

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Unknown_06: oh no, we're all gonna die, I, I bought a mask, that's my shame, I said I wasn't too concerned, and then I bought a mask on Amazon, because I might have to fly, uh, either, either just out of Schengen, or all the way back to LA, and there's no way in hell I'm getting on a flight to LA, do you know, do you know the chinkiness levels of a flight to LA, it is like,

Unknown_06: All of it. The entire plane. So I'm going to be strapped up like a biohazard man going to L.A. If I go to L.A.

Unknown_06: So I'm prepared. I was initially... Well, I'm still not that concerned. It takes a lot to make me concerned.

Unknown_06: The big thing is that the Germans are monitoring the situation closely because they had a fun story where someone from Wuhan went to Bavaria? I want to say it's like southern Germany. And then they got their coworker infected. And then their coworker started showing symptoms. And now people that knew the coworker who had talked to the coworker before or interacted with the coworker before they were symptomatic are now sick. Which means that the Germans have confirmed the first person-to-person transmission of the coronavirus, the novel coronavirus they're calling it, during a time in which the spreader, spready, whatever you would call the person who was infected, was asymptomatic. Which means that you can be spreading the virus without knowing that you have the virus, which is...

Unknown_06: If I was building a deck of cards for my virus, if I was playing Plague Inc. and trying to build a virus that would kill as many people as possible, asymptomatic spreading would probably be one of my top picks for features of my bioweapon. So, I don't know. Lots of people are doing fear-mongering, though. Everyone who has a master's, a doctorate in epidemiology are on Twitter now just whoring it up.

Unknown_06: analyzing every piece of news they can find about the virus to tell everyone how screwed they are. So if you want to know how screwed you are, you can go to Twitter and look at anything, and you'll probably get a good idea.

Unknown_06: Though I did, for the memes, I won the forum very intelligently, very funnily, very suavely of me. I put everyone in biohazard suits. And now on the Know Your Meme entry for the biohazard suit meme, which a lot of people are putting on their avatars, they credit the Kiwi Farms as a spreader of the meme. So in our own viral sense, we have contributed to being a Bloody Mary, Typhoid Mary.

Unknown_06: Which I'm quite proud of. I'm very happy that we're known for something besides killing people, though.

Unknown_06: Good job, me, really working on the PR for the site.

Unknown_06: Okay, I think that's enough of that. I don't want to talk about the virus too much.

Unknown_06: Oh, how about this? How about this? This is worse than a million Chinaman deaths. I have been demonetized by YouTube again. I've tweeted about this. I put it up on the Twitter. I said I've been demonetized, and the thing that they've flagged me for is reused content. This channel, which is almost 100% me talking, has reused content.

Unknown_06: And I think, I have a couple things about this. Either A, they just wanted to get rid of me. And that was whatever, you know, because the weird thing about it is I can't even like fight it. There is no dispute process to this whatsoever. It's just like you get hit and you're out and you have to wait at least 30 days before you can put in a remodeling request. But there is no appeal process. There's no human beings to talk to. And if you look it up on their help sites, it basically says you have to wait 30 days. So the real bad thing.

Unknown_06: Because this happened to Jim recently.

Unknown_06: All the money that goes into your... It takes a month for AdSense to pay out. Your account is demonetized. All the money that's escrowed in your account until the end of that month is just gone. They take it. Someone gave a $100 Super Chat at one of those Life is Strange streams.

Unknown_06: And it's just locked up. And the only thing I can think of that's reused content on my channel is the Lane archive, which the video source for that is a private unlisted video. The other one is the Remilia stream. That's also a clip.

Unknown_06: But with the Remilia stream in particular, well, it's just a clip of Remilia talking about their family life before they committed suicide. The weird thing about that is when I was a partner on YouTube, I could choose not to monetize videos that were being copyright disputed. That's the only copyright dispute I filed. I don't even bother anymore. I just let them run ads, and I hope everybody is using Adblocker. If you're not using an Adblocker, I don't know what the hell is wrong with you. The scalpers should get no money. If you browse YouTube without Adblock, I personally hate you. None of those people who rely on ads should ever get money, ever. It's especially bad in the Amberlynn board. Like, you get all these people who hate Amberlynn watching Amberlynn's content religiously without adblocker. It's like, what are you doing? Why are you giving this person, like, a dollar every time you watch this video? Why are you spending 10 minutes watching ads for this video that's, like, 20 minutes long? I can't, like, it's just disgusting to me. So...

Unknown_06: Always use an ad blocker. That's the second thing is I think I put out a community post telling people ads are wrong on everything that I host because of these copyright claims I don't fight. So make sure you use an ad blocker. And I link to ad blockers. And then the next day I get hit with this reused content. So I think they look for mentions of ad blockers and community posts and take away your monetization if you talk about them.

Unknown_06: Not on like a social credit score at all. Talk bad about the company and you lose your money.

Unknown_06: Oh, but I was going to mention with Romelia in particular is that when I was a partner, I could choose not to monetize videos that are in dispute. So for Romelia, I just took it and I said no monetization. I'll fight the claim on that because I don't think there should be ads on that video. And I'll disable monetization for it right now. Well, when I lost that, all the videos that were in dispute that were manually demonetized by myself were remonetized. So the Remilia video is monetized, and it's hilarious because if I go there and I load up the Remilia video, it is a League of Legends ad that I get online. on this video of a dead former League of Legends player.

Unknown_06: It's so distasteful. I even emailed League of Legends. I narked on YouTube. I said, just so you know, YouTube's copyright system won't let me demonetize this video, and now it's running your ads on this dead person's last stream. So I hope you're proud. I hope your business association with Google is working out for you.

Unknown_06: And now I think, I actually checked this, I think, to try and show you guys live, and I think, I'll double check right now, but I think it was a, oh, no, see, it's still a League of Legends ad.

Unknown_02: And it's in Swiss, or whatever. So, yeah, no, fuck that.

Unknown_06: It is pretty disgusting. Oh yeah, here's another one.

Unknown_06: This one, I checked different regions. I used a UK proxy. And sign up for free. And it's like this goofy cartoon that it looks like they paid a child to draw. It's like in this big magic marker style. And it's like right before this person talks about how a surgery ruined their life and their grandmother won't give them money anymore to buy their painkilling medication.

Unknown_06: I don't know. I really hope this shit bites them in the ass one day because they get away with way, way too much.

Unknown_06: Uh, Brittany, Brittany, Brittany Venti has been weird recently. She started complaining about people thinking she had posted nudes and now everyone's making fun of the people who give her money because it is extremely shameful to give Brittany Venti money. Uh, uh, for being a thought on the internet. So she gives out this Amazon affiliate link now, and it's like, if you don't want to be made fun of, uh, and called a simp because you're giving me money for literally nothing for just the chance of a crumb, you can do it in secret. You can do it, uh, on the down low. You can pay me by using this link.

Unknown_06: And I don't know what it is that started this weird shit with Brittany Venti recently. The people saying that she's posted nudes on poll have been around for years. People making fun of her donors have been around for years. And now recently, like within the last month, she started being a weirdo about it.

Unknown_06: And I hope she continues because I don't like her.

Unknown_06: People keep posting pictures of her in my Discord, and I hate these people because I look at her, and she's physically unpleasant to look at. I don't know what it is, but when I see her, I imagine someone who smells and tastes like vinegar, like salt and vinegar, like one of those chips that you buy that are vinegar-flavored. And I'm just thinking...

Unknown_06: I can't not imagine an odor looking at the pictures. And for some reason, people keep posting them. And I don't know, maybe it's because she is so morbidly unattractive that people give her money because it's like, oh, she's within my league. If I give her my money, I'm basically batting at chest level right now. So it can't possibly go wrong for me.

Unknown_06: Like me. I don't smell. Thank you very much. I'm very hygienic. I don't taste like chips.

Unknown_06: Oh, speaking of chips, the British are independent. Congratulations, England. You did it. After three years. I even, in this moment of triumph for the English, I have shown my support by putting this abominable abomination of my avatar or logo up on the front page of the site. Because I had to get rid of the suits at one point, so... Like, fuck it, this was a good excuse to get rid of the suits.

Unknown_06: Change the logo to something new. To celebrate Brexit Day, I guess. What's really funny about that, and let me just pull it up real quick... Is that, uh...

Unknown_02: Yeah, it still is.

Unknown_06: Wikipedia for the United Kingdom still has the EU for the map of England, but it's like they're out now.

Unknown_06: They're out, so you should change it, right? I don't think it does it with Switzerland, does it?

Unknown_06: No, see, Switzerland doesn't show the EU, even though they're liking the Schengen and stuff. So what's the deal with this? It's time to let go, Wikipedia editors. I know you have a specific disposition, but it's out, right? The last thing to do now is to negotiate the trade deal.

Unknown_06: But they're officially out of it, even in the European Union one, I think. It doesn't have an updated map. Yeah, no, see, it's still hard. I like the little Switzerland, like in the dead center of it. No, it still has the UK as a part of the EU, and it's not. It's time to update Wikipedia. They had, within milliseconds of the announcement, the formal declaration that Trump had won the election, updated his bio to say, President-elect of the United States. How is this happening? How have they not updated this yet?

Unknown_06: So, I know they could. I know they could. I know they have the capacity to update this article that they're clinging on. It's really bad.

Unknown_02: It's really sad for them.

Unknown_02: And, um...

Unknown_02: I have to admit, I've been working on something else.

Unknown_06: I don't know. I have a couple things I can flip through. Actually, before I talk about the site, let me give myself a second to drink water and show you a video that I think everyone will appreciate. A little throwback to times from before.

Unknown_00: Anyways, I got word that Kiwi Farms is illegally using my legal name and created a fake profile with my legal name. Please take that down because you don't have the right to use my corporate person. Don't even say please.

Unknown_07: Don't even tell them please.

Unknown_00: Well.

Unknown_07: Take it down.

Unknown_00: Yes, anyways.

Unknown_00: Apparently there was a character on there named Marshall Law that was pretending to be me. And he created a bunch of profiles because they kept censoring him. You know, because he was beating them at their own game. You know, he was the troll of trolls.

Unknown_00: And Joshua Moon didn't like that.

Unknown_00: So he took over the profiles, censored the martial law character so he couldn't post pictures or make comments and other things on the thread because he couldn't defend his own opposition.

Unknown_00: he couldn't even defend his position on anything because he's, uh, that retarded and that stupid.

Unknown_00: And, um, it just really shows you how intellectually weak these people are, but they want to pretend like they're morally and intellectually superior, but they can't defend their own positions. And when they go against somebody who can defend their position, who can tangle with words against them, you know, they resort to censorship and, uh, You know, I've always had a bad opinion about people that use that third anyways. And I always thought they were inferior to my intellectual abilities, but this just proves it. And, uh, yeah, martial law won the war because now you're going to be wasting all your time trying to sift through every single email and profile that wants to join Kiwi farms because you have no way of controlling, um,

Unknown_00: any account or fake account that the martial law character creates to join Kiwi Farms. So, anyways, have fun with that.

Unknown_00: Anyways.

Unknown_06: That guy's like 40. You know what's really funny about this is that for like the last month, Tamar Malindale-Scott, Tamar's like her Jewish convert name. She's been on her thread in the forum posting non-stop, like constant, just a constant diuretic shit stream and arguing with everyone, arguing with people about stupid, crazy shit like the earth being flat.

Unknown_06: And it's complete nonsense. And at the same time that she joined, this other person called Marshall Law joins and is just, like, extremely pro-Tamar and just starts sucking his own dick. Like, oh, I'm not Marshall Casterson. I'm just Marshall Law. I'm here to lay down my law. And he keeps denying being Marshall while, like, talking about how awesome the actual Marshall Casterson is. Then he puts out this video saying how awesome the troll Marshall Law is. And what he's saying is that he was put under approval for post approval because he kept doing multi-posts. He kept just posting random stupid shit in the thread. So we had to restrict him so that the thread was legible. And at a certain point, he makes alt accounts to get around this. And it's extremely obvious when he's making an alt account because he just joins and keeps acting the same way, often from the same IP address. So we just merge the accounts together so that he retains the permission set we gave him.

Unknown_06: and this is him declaring victory declaring victory that the great unknown troll martial law whomever he may be came out on top of that engagement uh kill confirmed tango down the description for the video is is really funny as yasha yeah yeah shock what the fuck is this

Unknown_06: Is that the only video? Okay, whatever.

Unknown_06: Joshua Moon Knoll, and this is a quote from me. You are in my coffee shop. You can say what you like, but if you shit on my floor, I'm going to have to clean it up. You sound like a baby back bitch. What the fuck is a baby back bitch? Do you like merge baby back ribs and bitch together? Or whatever. who cries like a spoiled child who doesn't get their way. You got defeated and shit on by Jews because we are number one.

Unknown_06: Kiwi Farms is doing damage control, changing all their security measures and censoring, spelled wrong, because their weakness has been exposed. People who take pride in Kiwi Farms doxing, stalking, and harassing people online are acting like cockroaches dispersing in the light.

Unknown_06: So I don't know. Very fun. I love these people. They're very crazy. She's basically just given up on the whole lawsuit stuff at this point, I think, and is is just just shit posting, I guess, which is fine. I welcome that over over filing spurious lawsuits all the time.

Unknown_06: But she'll probably be back. I like how whenever, like in that video, you can hear all of her shitty little kids just all over the place because that's all she does is pop out babies. And she claims that she's so busy being a mother. She can't even go to a real attorney to get like a free quota, free legal counseling regarding the defamation situation. Can't do that. Can't spare 30 seconds to go out and get a free consultation. And there's no way you can go get a free consultation with kids in tow. No lawyer on the planet lets kids into their office.

Unknown_06: So she's just going to keep spitballing shit at federal judges until they get sick of her. Her current one, I don't know if I've mentioned this, but she's filed an ethics complaint. I don't know if it's a lawsuit or a complaint against the judge of her last few cases claiming that I am a Mason. I am a top-level Mason and is demanding to know what level Mason I am exactly. and how I'm knocking boots with these lawyers and judges to have her perfectly legal and constitutional and make-sense arguments and lawsuits thrown out as quickly as I am. So that's fun. I like that I'm a Mason now. I'm not Jewish, apparently. I'm a Mason. Everyone can apply their own labels to me. Wow, whatever suits them best.

Unknown_02: Sigh.

Unknown_02: Let's see.

Unknown_02: Oh, someone posted a thread about this guy.

Unknown_06: We can watch a couple minutes of this.

Unknown_06: Oh, that's too long. Let me try this one.

Unknown_04: This is the game that they play. You know, what they're doing is they're just constantly provoking me, trying to get the taxi driver to take me where he's acting like he's stupid, doesn't know what it is. Takes my hat off my head and throws it on the ground. Then takes it, I point a camera at him and he throws it back up there. Then he snatches my crutches. This is called street theater. And this has been going on all over the world. This is nothing new.

Unknown_04: Nothing new. And this is the game which they play.

Unknown_04: So I've had to call the police now. He grabbed my crutches. I got in another taxi, and he wouldn't even let me take the taxi. He jumped in the backseat of the taxi. I jumped in another taxi. He jumped in the backseat of the taxi, grabbed my crutches.

Unknown_04: This is the game which they play.

Unknown_04: And the law enforcement's in it. Law enforcement's involved. I mean, I'll target it in. Here he comes again. He's holding up traffic. He's holding up traffic with his car. I jump into another taxi right over here on the other side of the street. He jumps into the taxi with me, grabs my crutches, won't let me leave. I've had to call the police. This is called organized stalking. This is called stalking. This is called government informants turned into provocateurs. I'm having a fight with this. I can't get away from him.

Unknown_04: I jumped in another taxi. He parks his taxi there. He jumps in the back seat and grabs my crutches.

Unknown_04: So he's calling me all kinds of names. I've had to call the police. It's just ridiculous.

Unknown_05: Now he's grabbed my crutches.

Unknown_04: Now he's grabbed my crutches. Hey, what you? What you? What you?

Unknown_05: Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? No. It's a lie. It's a fucking murder. Are you fucking me? Do you want to fucking me? Why? Why? Why? I'm going to say it now. Why? It's a lie! It's a lie! It's a lie! It's a lie! It's a lie! It's a lie, brother! It's a lie and you want to fuck me!

Unknown_01: Get him away from me.

Unknown_05: He knocked me to the ground. No, ambulancia, por favor, ambulancia.

Unknown_04: Ambulancia! Ambulancia!

Unknown_06: Isn't it great that people record themselves getting knocked over by... I guess he's either Mexican or Puerto Rican, but Puerto Rican taxi drivers. And they upload it voluntarily. Nobody puts a gun to their head and says, upload this embarrassing footage of you getting your ass kicked by some elderly Puerto Rican cab driver.

Unknown_06: They do it on their own. It's truly a blessed world that we live in.

Unknown_06: I think that's about it in terms of video content. I wish I had more. I need to check up on that guy. I do like the schizophrenics. I like the gang stalkers a lot. And what's funny is that when they get their threads and stuff, because they're crazy people who post 100 videos a day to YouTube, they use that as evidence internally. They go, look, this is proof that we're being gang stalked because we have this thread on the internet by the gang stalkers, I guess.

Unknown_06: I've even been called, not by schizophrenics, but I guess by people who didn't know the connotation of the word. The forum has been called a gang-stalking organization. I can kind of understand it. I get where it's coming from.

Unknown_02: Anything else funny? Maybe not.

Unknown_02: There's weird shit going on with, like... There's two people on the forum who I banned because I got tired of them.

Unknown_06: But they're, like, so angry that I won't move Dick's thread into Internet Famous. And it's like they're doxing his girlfriend and stuff in this multimedia thread. And then they complain that I don't move it. And it's like... Well, I'll move it when I feel it belongs there. When the thread has become like a mixed bag. Like at some point, Jim's thread was less about his streams.

Unknown_06: And kind of like a 50-50 discussion about him as well as the streams. And that's when it got moved to Internet Famous. Same way that like Ralph's thread is 50-50 about him and about his streams. But most people in the thread, except for like a few weirdos... We're mostly talking about the streams and they it's just it's just strange to me because I can pick up on when people are trying to force my hand and when people are trying to force my hand I'm very reluctant to give them what they want because I don't want to enable like shitty spastic behavior where people just scream at me until I capitulate that's like what low tax does.

Unknown_06: The order of something awful is like the path of least resistance to give people what they want so they shut up and say, eh, I'm not about that.

Unknown_06: Didn't the Dick thread get invaded by, like, 40 Maddoxes? It's the other way around. The Maddox thread got invaded by people talking about the podcast.

Unknown_06: And now it's just, like, Dick General, the Maddox thread. So, I don't know. I told people to go post on the other thread, and they didn't want to. So I locked the Maddox thread so people would be naturally inclined to move to the other thread. And then the people posting on that thread were, like, assholes. Like, spastic weirdos.

Unknown_06: And then this one guy, one of the guys I banned, he immediately took to Twitter and started posting screencaps of my posts saying, like, oh, he said the N-word. He's real mad. It's like, have you never read any posts I've ever made on that forum? How can you be so new? I don't know. I'll see how that turns out. Because it is, it's a very...

Unknown_06: It's very synthetic. It feels synthetic to me. Usually, if you wanted to prove that someone is like a locale, you would just say what it is that's so funny. That hasn't happened yet.

Unknown_06: So, I don't know. Spastics on Kiwi Farms, I know. What a novel concept.

Unknown_06: Um, let's see. There's more stuff that happened this week. Kind of like small stuff. It's like a crapshoot. What I found really funny, and I'll just share this.

Unknown_06: Or, you know, I'll just go chronologically. I don't think I mentioned this on the last stream. I think it happened too late in the stream. Yeah, so it was on Sunday. So one of the VPNs I was looking at trying to get sponsorship from or thinking about getting sponsorship from was CryptoStorm. And CryptoStorm has a very sordid history because one of the co-founders, known as Fausti, is an open zoo file like if you go to his uh twitter page he is he has like the little the z's the greek z's in his uh bio saying that he's like a a zoo file who advocates he's like a he's like a jank a jank yogurt wanting wanting animal sex to be to be legal where you're pleasuring the animal i guess And he died. He died from cancer.

Unknown_06: So if you're one of those people who really doesn't like animals getting fucked, you can thank God today, or last Sunday, I guess, because he died from his cancers.

Unknown_06: That's nice. That's a very uplifting story. It's like the Wuhan virus only killing boomers and people with HIV. It's a bright future ahead of us, friends.

Unknown_06: All the S's. I see a couple F's. You better sort yourself out. F is to pay respects. S is a spit on grave. This is a well-established thing.

Unknown_06: It's so common now that people who don't even know or have never played a Call of Duty game know that F is to pay respects. It's a very strange time.

Unknown_06: In the Brianna Wu world, because I'm like the number one subscriber to the Brianna Wu newsletter. I read every newsletter that Brianna Wu sends me. And ProPublica, which is a Twitter scraping service of congressional candidates and other political figures.

Unknown_06: highlights what tweets get sent and deleted by politicians. And one by Brianna Wu says, nothing like starting the day having your classic roadster towed for potentially catastrophic engine damage. Best case scenario, it's the IMS rear chiming chain tensioner. Worst case scenario, I'm rebuilding a $15,000 engine. Brianna Wu really likes to use big words to try and prove that they're smart and know what they're doing. And they really don't because they're just saying that

Unknown_06: Something went wrong, and I'm having it towed and paying someone to fix it, which is kind of the exact opposite of what a busybody engineer, hobbyist mechanic would do. Catastrophic engine damage just means that the engine's really fucked up, probably from a lack of maintenance. They didn't get hit or anything. People were speculating that what happened is they didn't change the oil for 250,000 miles, and that's why the engine has catastrophic damage.

Unknown_06: But it's really a bad idea if you're running as a congressional candidate to tell people that you're going to be spending $15,000 on repairing your Porsche. Most people don't really relate to the struggles of someone who has to repair their second Porsche.

Unknown_06: And then immediately after that, they send out this email. That was on, what day was this email sent?

Unknown_06: uh or this tweet was noticed deleted after 18 seconds they didn't have to think too hard about that one like oh fuck i really shouldn't be talking about my porsche on twitter uh i'll delete this one and then she immediately deleted it and that was on the 24th and then on the 30th i get this email from brianna woo my favorite massachusetts candidate for congress and says I'll get right to it. Our end of the month deadline is tomorrow, and we need $3,400 to stay on track. Can you give $20.20 or whatever you can to help us get there? Look, I know you're getting hit up with emails from candidates all the time, but many of those other candidates are taking money from corporate PACs like my opponent, conservative Stephen Lynch. I refuse to because I won't be bought out by them. I rely solely on individual donors like you. And what someone was saying in the comments of this was that what a lot of people like to do who run for Congress and then get their packs together is they'll sell their car as like a campaign thing to their own campaign.

Unknown_06: And then they can use money to repair their cars with the campaign finances because that's a campaign expense then. And then sell the car back to themselves and take no loss because they're basically buying and selling the same thing back to themselves. So that's really fun.

Unknown_06: Not suspicious at all to have these kinds of emails come out after saying that you fucked up your Porsche by not changing the oil.

Unknown_06: Conservadim wasn't the DNC threatening the shops to not help people running against them incumbents.

Unknown_06: Conservadim just means a Democrat who's also not completely fucking insane, like Brianna Wu is. Stephen Lynch is an old-timey Democrat. He's pretty well-regarded. He's like a sinner. He's a centrist, which used to be an okay thing. If you were in someplace like Massachusetts, you could get away with being a centrist.

Unknown_06: uh nowadays if you're not literally about to overthrow the government and kill every businessman and distribute the wealth and forgive all all debts and set up ubi and that kind of shit if you're not doing that you're not you're not liberal enough for the democratic party david lynch 2020

Unknown_06: He got the attention he always wants. Of course, he's not upset.

Unknown_06: Who? Brianna Wu? Oh, yeah. Brianna Wu loves attention. I wish I could get Zed to write a proper thesis on Brianna Wu.

Unknown_06: Because he firmly believes that a lot of the crazy shit that Wu does is not Brianna Wu's ambitions, but rather Frank Wu's, the Chinaman that they married, who is very well aware of Brianna Wu's history and situation in the pants. So, Zed is convinced that Frank Wu is some kind of, like, devious mastermind who puts Brianna Wu up to all, and finances all these stupid things that Brianna Wu does because Frank Wu has, like, a fetish for, like, humiliating people or something.

Unknown_06: I really, it would be an extremely interesting read to get, like, a proper post from him, from Zed, detailing his theories of the Wu household.

Unknown_02: Yeah.

Unknown_02: Uh, okay.

Unknown_02: Oh, okay, here is some uplifting news, I guess.

Unknown_06: I did a stream a while back on Narcissa, Cosmo, whatever you want to call them, and where is the...

Unknown_06: Narcissa Wright got famous when they were still Cosmo Wright by doing a world record on Ocarina of Time.

Unknown_06: And to this day, I think that the trick that they found to let people get that world record, that bypass they found, is still named after him. And recently, some other really big exploits, time savers in Ocarina of Time got found, and Narcissa lost their world record.

Unknown_06: So they've been fighting to get it back, and they got really close. They lost by two seconds, but they're up there near the top with low zoots. So Narcissa has a job now as well, and is apparently back competitive with the speed running. So... Good for them. Good for them, right? Can we be proud of Narcissa? They are... Crunklord. Crunklord runs the Pleroma instance, and he runs our Matrix instance, and he's like a genuine... I don't know how to describe Crunklord's interest in Narcissa, but...

Unknown_06: Uh, they, he really likes to, to hate. I don't know. I just know that he likes Narcissa and potentially sexually ways. So to see, to see his boy Narcissa back up at the top, I'm sure everyone, everyone is proud. Everyone is extremely proud.

Unknown_06: and Peter Coffin who was once known for potentially being married to a real doll is now being accused by their wife I don't know what the relationship is of grooming them oh here it is by Jamie this is like a call out I had a public facing conversation and I like the little hammer and sickle in their name that's great thank you Thank you.

Unknown_06: which was the big scandal that Cal got super excited about where they were like trying to, I think they even did. They matched all the photos of his supposed wife with like real dolls that were being bought and sold. So that was all weird, but I don't know what the outcome of it was.

Unknown_06: I think she ended up being real after all was said and done. But I openly admitted that I have no hard evidence and that this is something I am suspicious of. I openly admitted I didn't know if it was appropriate for me to talk about. He responded by threatening me with cyberstalking and attempts to silence me on Discord. quoting peter coffin you need to go fuck yourself you have absolutely no right to say that kind of shit about me and my partner there's nothing you can say you're a lying piece of shit fuck you and jamie continues if people keep saying that me having no hard evidence on hand at the moment i posted this means that i never had any evidence at all here is some evidence

Unknown_06: According to Peter, he met Kimmy via Twitter on December of 2009.

Unknown_06: So that means they met when she was 16. Maximum yikes right there. And she turned 26 in 2018, which puts her birthday at July 16th, 1992. Same year as me.

Unknown_06: So the accusation is that Peter Coffin met his current girlfriend when she was underage. And if you don't know who Peter Coffin is, if you need a really brief introduction to the whole Peter Coffin thing, I can sum it up really well for everyone.

Unknown_01: I'm a beta and we're both beta as fuck If you're looking for an alpha male here Then you're shit out of luck Domination and total power These are not things we crave Our self-worth is not contingent on how many women we've laid

Unknown_02: Oh, I'm muted. Fuck.

Unknown_02: I muted myself because I was playing beta as fuck.

Unknown_06: I was explaining. I was explaining. Okay.

Unknown_06: That this part. This part is my favorite part. That where he's dancing.

Unknown_06: And he's doing the pushing thing. He does his wave. He does the thumbs up. He does the reverse level thing. It's just excellent. And now you can see why such a hunk of man meat could meet a young girl and just dominate her, groom her to his needs, his very specific masculine needs. Though apparently the person that they're making fun of, or this woman is talking about Jamie,

Unknown_06: She's talking about Kimmy being underage when they met. But Kimmy was the fake one. It's Ashley Coffin that was the real one. So if the whole fake girlfriend thing is the result of... If this accusation comes from him lying about dating a real doll that was underage, that would be pretty funny. Apparently Kimmy has the same birthday as Ashley, so it could be the same person. Oh, that would make more sense. If he was...

Unknown_06: uh actually seems like he met kimmy in real life in scotland sometime before march 23rd 2011 i met an asian girl in scotland she used fake pictures of herself on the internet i know what she actually looks like though people assume i made her up oh is that the story is that his official story now that that he got catfished by like a regularly attractive woman

Unknown_06: Okay, so they will have fun with it for a while, then go away. It's not the worst thing to happen. I may sue popular blogger woman over defamation of character as her statements are provably false.

Unknown_06: Okay, so he met Kimmy, who was a fake woman by Ashley, who was underage at the time.

Unknown_02: That's fucking weird.

Unknown_02: Can anyone explain this better than me at this point? Because... Okay, they got married when she was 19.

Unknown_06: So he met her while she was 17, groomed her for a time, then married her. How old is he? Because he looks like he's mid-30s in that video.

Unknown_06: Uh...

Unknown_06: you're historically abusive and dishonest i wanted you to know i will be observing and reporting oh he's going to be watching her making sure that that she's being a good girl uh you are among the worst oh 17 is legal pops how old is he and where is it it's not legal in the u.s is it is it legal in california 16 is legal.

Unknown_02: I guess it's legal in Scotland, but if he's like 30, that's really gross.

Unknown_02: I know in the UK, it infamously depends on the child.

Unknown_06: He groomed a real Dalton. She apparently used fake pictures of herself to like catfish him. I don't know why though.

Unknown_02: She's not like unattractive.

Unknown_02: Oh, well, they're saying that the real doll was, like, the front for, like, the underage girl.

Unknown_06: So he could not get in trouble for that when it was happening. I don't know. How old is he? I need someone to... He's 60.

Unknown_06: I don't know. He doesn't look 60 in this video right here. Don't show your emotions.

Unknown_01: Be violent.

Unknown_06: Looks like he's about 30-something.

Unknown_02: What do you guys think?

Unknown_02: Noelle.

Unknown_02: That might be it. Oh, okay. Let me finally complain.

Unknown_06: Okay, he was late 20s. Fine. I guess that's not so bad. But, you know, he made himself a male feminist. So now he gets to lay in the bed of shit that male feminism is.

Unknown_06: Oh!

Unknown_06: Low tax. I almost completely forgot about low tax. He's been bad. Uh...

Unknown_06: So to recap on low taxes situation in December, he his wife took their toddler age daughter and left the state and went to a woman's shelter. She's currently Canadian. And even though they're married, they just never got around to sorting out her visa because she should she should be legal now that she's she's married to an American citizen. But that never happened. So she has an expired visa and is hiding out in a woman's shelter with a baby. And she raised about $3,000 on GoFundMe for emergency expenses.

Unknown_06: Her representation is coming from a charity. So it's a charity specifically for women who are in the United States because and who are fleeing from their their ex spouse because they have visa issues and that visa issue is being used to blackmail them. It's a specific thing that's usually used by like Mexican or other like Latin American immigrants who are in abusive situations. But that's her representation. It's charity. It's pro bono. So she doesn't have to worry about that. The money is for her, her living expenses and her daughter and low tax being the benevolent male feminist that he is.

Unknown_06: used his super lawyers, his extremely expensive attorneys that he's paying out the ass for, to file or threaten to file a defamation suit against her. And she has been forced to close the GoFundMe for her emergency expenses. Literally, literally taking food, taking money from his child, who is currently being sole cared for by this woman. So he's like deprived his own child of necessities to spite this one. It's not even like money that she's not profiteering off of this. It's three thousand dollars, a one time thing. He's currently making over nine thousand dollars right now per month. And that's how he has something like way more than fifty thousand dollars in savings from which to hire attorneys from. Not to make the site better, mind you. Just to fuck over his ex-wife. So it's just incredible. I posted screencaps of this. The happiest I've ever seen him is this shit. Her GoFundMe was suspended. Good going to everyone who I banned for defending her. You wasted your 10 bucks on nothing. And on Facebook. Couldn't contain the gloating to one area. Had to spread the gospel of Richard Kayenka to all forms of social media. Well, it must really suck if you started a fraudulent GoFundMe lying by claiming your husband assaulted you for five years and your account got suspended for making the entire story up because proof was sent showing that you submitted to a judge you had never once been abused. I'll be accepting any and all apologies from people who claimed I was lying when I said I never abused my wife or child. The line forms in this thread. Number one, he's conflating all abuse with physical abuse.

Unknown_06: Number two, he's pretending that the court system is some sort of objective way. It's not even like she got found guilty of lying or anything. He threatened to sue GoFundMe. He had his super lawyers file a fucking complaint against GoFundMe, presumably, to get this thing forced down. And he is, like, coming. He's having a Coomer moment because he's so excited that he fucked over his own kid and

Unknown_06: It's pretty, it's pretty based in Redfield. If you think about it, she is completely and totally thought patrolled. And this is the most base I've ever seen low tax ever.

Unknown_06: Uh, Oh, by the way, I only found this out just now. I'll bring this up and show you these, uh, trans emotion emojis and the, the man in Dale.

Unknown_06: Uh, where is it?

Unknown_06: Frederick, he took credit for this. He said that he submitted a patch for Unicode to combine. How they do flags is there's like a ligament. There's like a code that you put in next to a regular flag. And when it displays it, it renders a specific flag, which is why sometimes you'll see like the flag for Lichtenstein instead of my Israeli flags on Twitter. It's because of a glitch with how the flags work. But what he submitted was a patch where it formally merged a specific Unicode text with the flag to make the trans flag. So if you're wondering who is responsible for the trans flag on the Unicode patch, it is none other than Frederick Brennan, the former owner of 8chan. I contributed to Unicode just so you know the trans insignia is not new. It's been there since 2005.

Unknown_06: What makes it new is the ZWJ sequence of it plus flag, which makes the trans flag the more you know.

Unknown_06: So I hope everyone's happy with this.

Unknown_06: Was there more about low tax? Oh, this.

Unknown_06: For reasons you can probably... This is her announcement. For reasons you can probably figure out, I will likely have to pull this and refund the money. And that was her basically saying that...

Unknown_06: low tax is hard after her not just like after after getting her his kid back which of course you could understand like i will deprive you of all basic necessities if that's what's required so i could because i imagine what he's going to do is say look she had to go and go fund me and ask for money she doesn't have the resources to support a child the child is better off with me i deserve full custody and then he's just gonna let her get raised by the internet or or logan day this new bipolar disorder mess that he's hired as as a brand manager for something awful llc she doesn't know how to code she doesn't know how to do she doesn't even care about the forum which is all that makes money for something awful she wants to she has some sort of weird insane plan to make the front page of a web 1.0 website relevant again And it's just so coincidental that she lives in Pleasant Hill, Missouri, the middle of bumfuck nowhere. She's moved out and they're hanging out together and drinking on streams together. Complete coincidence that she comes in right after this woman has to flee his house and starts getting payrolled. So all the goons out there throwing money at this fucking charity case.

Unknown_06: I love it. I love that all these super woke people are financing everything they hate, literally everything they hate, and they just let it get away with it. Oh, and this tweet went super viral. I'm very proud of it. If you don't remember, I've complained about Liz Fong Jones, and I'll complain about Google before I wrap up.

Unknown_06: But Liz Fong Jones is the former Googler, or the Zoogler, I like to say, ex-Oogler, which is kind of gay. I prefer former Googler because it makes sense.

Unknown_06: But they use their LizF at email address to intimidate a tiny, tiny VPS provider out of the Netherlands I use for email services and to try and spook them into deleting my email server. Well, they've recently come out as plural, and if you... I should...

Unknown_06: I want to do, I should do a stream on Liz Fong Jones. I can't do it on YouTube though. It would have to be like a DLive exclusive because it would get nuked out of orbit if I did it on YouTube. You know what? I might do that. I might do a proper Liz one. I just can't do it on YouTube because it'll get me in trouble.

Unknown_06: but um the most memorable thing i know about liz is not even liz like liz is hideous but their partner is trans and is trans snake and will literally walk around with their arms tied to their side by like a leash and collar in public at like hardware stores there are photos of of them together in hardware stores with their trans snake partner tied up

Unknown_06: But I'll save that for later. I like from my stream that I feel inspired for that because I really hate Liz. I have a personal hatred of this person because what kind of what kind of asshole uses their scary at Google dot com account to intimidate some poor little company of the fucking Netherlands? Come on. Anyways, the actual thing that inspired this rant is this message saying, this is why it took so long for us to figure out we were plural. Because no headspace, no internal voicing, just acting in very different ways depending on frontiness, put us in front of a text field though and hashtag plural gang.

Unknown_06: I'm reminded of those little kids from the fuck was the name of that cartoon on Cartoon Network where it was like the kids had numbers. It was like number one, number two, number three or whatever. And then there were like the bad guy kids and they were like a hive mind that walked around together. Kids next door. Yeah, that's it.

Unknown_06: Then there were the evil kids, and they had parasites in their brain or something, and they all talked and walked together. That's what I think of when I think of plural gangs.

Unknown_06: But apparently Liz Fong Jones, that giant, giant head has enough room for multiple people in it, apparently. And...

Unknown_06: What gets me the most about this, and Ralph pointed this out, I didn't even think about it because plural is just so crazy on its own.

Unknown_06: The message that Liz is tweeting is, fun fact, some people have an internal narrative and some don't. As in some people's thoughts are like sentences they hear and some people just have abstract nonverbal thoughts and have to consciously verbalize them. And most people aren't aware of the other type of person. That is an NPC. If you walk around and you don't talk to yourself in your head, If you have no internal narrative, no internal monologue, you are not a human being. You lack the spark of life that God instills in all people made in his image. And you are not a person. You are a golem. And Liz Fong Jones is definitely a golem. because that is bizarre that you can have you apparently there are multiple people inside that head and none of them have a voice they're all just golems and like like a golem that can switch between fire and lightning and water type golem attributes it's it's disgusting i i fuck this person uh

Unknown_06: And speaking of Google, so I've been fighting this week very hard to make the forum faster. I've been failing horrifically. It's a little bit faster. It really depends because sometimes it loads instantly like I want it to. And then other times it takes over a second to load like this one. This reload took a second. And I don't know what it is, and I've been fighting with it. I'm not going to bore you with technical details, but the thing that really got me into this is that I've been fighting for a while, and I have a picture here to show you.

Unknown_06: my fight against, uh, our decline in SEO because it was happening for a while. And I think the major contributor of it was that articles and happenings had a lot of plagiarism for major news sources and Google was penalizing us for it. And after I fixed that and I did it right here, right in the middle of this graph, uh, it started improving our score, which is what I want. But the other thing I think that happened is that Google started emphasizing very heavily page speed, uh, And not just the quickness of which the page loads, but the speediness of the site to actually load its content and start presenting meaningful information. And not only that, but it matters very hugely to mobile users. If I go to the page speed, it shows me mobile by default. The score for desktop is much higher, much better than it is for mobile, but it cares hugely about the speed of mobile users. Because mobile users are now the majority of all internet traffic. Almost everyone is on their phone all the time. So it even happened on the forum where a while back, like two years ago, the majority of traffic switched over to being mobile. So now to get a good page rank on Google... Your site not only has to load quickly, but it has to load quickly for mobile. And it uses AI to determine the mobile user experience. Like it simulates touching links and stuff and determines problems that a mobile person would have. And it's just a huge clusterfuck, and it really hurts communities. It hurts forums. It hurts places where things are discussed. What it really wants to do, and this is my personal conspiracy theory hypothesis, is that what Google really, really wants to emphasize on the Internet today is pages that are light-themed and that are articles, that are finalized.

Unknown_06: Wikipedia is a good one. Wikipedia has a much higher score. I think on desktop it's near perfect. Wikipedia released an app recently. I'm thinking that's a big thing about how their pages are kind of bulky because they have so many... Google hates images. It penalizes them for having large images on the site. It penalizes the forum for having avatars and stuff. It's...

Unknown_06: It's mind numbing and you can't have any style and if you have any style on the site that obfuscates it on the first load so you can't even like optimize caching you have to optimize the actual first load of the page and that penalizes dark themes because dark themes have to load in fonts and they have to change the colors of stuff and the background might change before the text. So your first meaningful load might be three seconds as opposed to one second. So they want an entire internet of static articles with no images and light themes because that's what resolves the query as quickly as possible. They don't want people going to community sites and discussing things together. They want the first hit to always be real news and Wikipedia and the approved narrative and as boring and static away as possible. So that when someone reads the headline and reads the thesis sentence of an article, they know exactly what Google wants them to know about the topic. And that ends it. And they have no more intellectual curiosity about what they're searching.

Unknown_06: So...

Unknown_06: It's very frustrating, and I've been pouring myself into this all week, which is why I haven't prepared a proper stream. I've just been kind of fucking around for this one.

Unknown_06: And I'm at my wit's end, because I see...

Unknown_06: Not only that what I have is not properly optimized for this kind of thing, but it seems almost like the deck is stacked against not just the forum, my forum, but all forums. It seems like Google really fucking hates forums. And I've seen a lot of people talking about that and talking about how discussion sites are becoming less and less relevant to search engines. And specifically, I remember when we had the locale wiki, the locale wiki, even though it was a much smaller site that got much less traffic than the forum, oftentimes the wiki would present over the Kiwi Farms itself because it likes that kind of thing. It doesn't like discussion sites. So food for thought, and a little bit of sharing of my burden, because it's been driving me absolutely fucking crazy, and I'm at the end of my rope, so to speak.

Unknown_02: Ugh.

Unknown_02: Oh, yeah, I'm sure they do. I'm sure they want to control the spread of things.

Unknown_06: Can we go back? No. Only if the boomerpocalypse, only if Wuhan Chan comes over and ushers in the boomerocalypse. You know, I read an article where they were saying that if a million boomers died in the U.S., it would collapse the price of real estate across the entire country. and houses and real estate would be super cheap. I'm like, oh, what a tragedy. Can you imagine if property was obtainable, Jack? Can you even imagine if you could go and get a piece of land without... without being in debt for 15 years. I'm disgusted by the thought chat. I need my loans. If I don't have student loans and personal loans and credit cards, instant loans and property loans, I don't even know what I'm doing with my... It's like in The Sims. You're always busting ass getting that job so that you can go and fill your house with nice furniture and get that pool and shit. it's like that if i don't have a minimum payment due at the end of the month my brain just shuts offline and i i become vegetative i start playing space station 13 and making breathing simulators it's truly horrific okay uniboomer we're really overdoing a plague See, I'm not scared. I know that whatever is going to happen is going to happen. There's no reason to be afraid, Chad. It's all in God's plan, right?

Unknown_06: It's all in the grand design of things. There might need to be some mass casualty event as a result of the Who Buy novel coronavirus. Whatever the fuck you want to call it. Because you can't just quarantine all of China. That's racist. I love all the articles saying if you are making jokes about bat soup, you're racist. If you're making jokes about China, you're racist. If you want to quarantine China, you're racist. We can't quarantine China. It's racist. We have to embrace the bat soup. Whatever happens, happens.

Unknown_06: God is good. Praise God. Thank you, random Byzantine guard, for your prayers, your call to prayers.

Unknown_06: All right. Can you guys think of anything else? Was that a good note to end the stream on? You're not worried? I'm not worried either. And I know it would be fun, it would be profitable to do some hype streams about the virus and its spread and how bad China is. But I can't make myself afraid. I don't know why.

Unknown_06: Maybe I'm just an edgy nihilist.

Unknown_02: Except the virus bigot.

Unknown_02: Make fun of the Gutian vid. I already played that one.

Unknown_06: Noel loves China. I do love China. Here's what I'm going to do. I know that South America is the only continent that doesn't have any virus right now. I might go take a nice vacation to Hubei. I might go get some bat soup and then take a nice flight over to Peru or Brazil and just...

Unknown_06: just start koofing start koofing all over the place nobody nobody could stop me i wonder if that's terrorism do you think they would hang me for that is that is that like a is knowingly spreading a virus terrorism bioterrorism i need i need you guys i need someone i need a peruvian legal expert to look that up

Unknown_06: And if it is actually bioterrorism, I'm just kidding.

Unknown_06: Any agent listening to this, I'm just kidding.

Unknown_06: I lack the inhibition to go and do things like that.

Unknown_06: It's only a misdemeanor in California.

Unknown_06: That's funny.

Unknown_06: It's just a cough. It is just a cough. It's just pneumonia. It's only going to kill the boomers. If you get some Chinaman covered in boils and pustules that are exploding, let me know. Get a picture of that, and I'll start freaking the fuck out.

Unknown_06: But until I see some truly horrific things, if I see lymph nodes swelling up like in the Black Plague, I'll get scared. But it's just pneumonia. The only people who've got to worry are boomers, people with HIV, and chain smokers, probably. There goes Jim and Ralph.

Unknown_06: Maybe that's why he's so afraid. He's going to get pneumonia and he won't be able to recover from it. Oh.

Unknown_06: Obese people too. Perfect. We're cleaning slate. We're going back to how God wanted it to be. Alright. I'm done.

Unknown_06: I'll see you guys. I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow. If I'm going to do anything tomorrow. I'll let you guys know in advance.

Unknown_06: But otherwise, that's it. Boogie's in hiding. Can't make fun of him anymore. He had a huge bitch fit after his last thing. He was on YouTube all day posting comments about how just asinine stuff. I really hate how he talks because it's like if someone says, hey, I'm a former fan. I really think that your content has declined. I see some... some uh you know some truth to what people are saying about you i really wish you the best boogie will say like i'm so sorry you fell for the lies i hope to see you back again real soon he does that like over and over and over again and he's just are you smarmy asshole cocksucker i bet you boogie took my monetization away i made fun of boogie so he complained to his fucking handler at youtube and they took my they took my 10 bucks

Unknown_06: They took all the tithes to the Church of Feudalism and just squandered it on Susan and her boxed wine. All right. See you when I see you.

Unknown_03: And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder.

Unknown_03: One of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold, a white horse.

Unknown_03: There's a man going around taking names, and he decides who to free and who to blame.

Unknown_03: Everybody will be treated all the same.

Unknown_03: There'll be a golden ladder reaching down when the man comes around.

Unknown_03: The hairs on your arm will stand up at the terror in each sip and in each sip.

Unknown_03: Will you partake of that last offered cup or disappear into the potter's ground when the man comes around?

Unknown_03: Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers.

Unknown_03: One hundred million angels singing Multitudes are marching to the big kettle drum Voices calling, voices crying Some are born and some are dying It's Alpha and Omega's kingdom come And the whirlwind

Unknown_03: is in the thorn tree the virgins are all trimming their wigs the whirlwind is in the thorn tree it's hard for thee to kick against the pricks till Armageddon no shalom no shalom then the father hen will call his chickens home

Unknown_03: The wise men will bow down before the throne.

Unknown_03: And at his feet they'll cast their golden crowns.

Unknown_03: When the man comes around. Whoever is unjust, let him be unjust still.

Unknown_03: Whoever is righteous, let him be righteous still.

Unknown_03: Whoever is filthy, let him be filthy still.

Unknown_03: Listen to the words long written down.

Unknown_03: When the man comes around.

Unknown_03: Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers. One hundred million angels singing.

Unknown_03: Multitudes are marching to the big kettle drum. Voices calling, voices crying.

Unknown_03: Some are born and some are dying. It's Alpha and Omega's kingdom come.

Unknown_03: And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree. The virgins are all trimming their wicks.

Unknown_03: The whirlwind is in the thorn tree.

Unknown_03: It's hard for thee to kick against the priest.

Unknown_03: In measured a hundred weight and penny pound.

Unknown_03: When the man comes around.

Unknown_03: And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts, and I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.