0:00:00 Unknown_20: Alright, I'm a little bit late. You guys won't guess why I'm late. Unknown_20: I've been arguing with people on the internet. Can you believe this? Internet. The shame of... Unknown_20: of being me and arguing on the internet. Unknown_20: Here's some bonus content, I guess. If you're one of the weirdos who watches me play Life is Strange, I have a confession regarding my feelings. I don't know how I feel about something. I need some input from my dearest fans. The only people who can stand to watch me play Life is Strange. I have a... I have a concern? I don't know how to phrase it. There is, as of the last couple weeks, a bunch of people on Dick's Reddit who are mad at him, are angry at Dick. And now they're angry on the Kiwi Farms. And they're mad at me because I am playing defense for him. I've been arguing with people slowly over two days now about various things. Because my whole thing is I don't understand what they're so upset about. And I'm trying to determine this. 0:01:06 Unknown_20: And it's not becoming any clearer. Unknown_20: What did Dick do? I don't know. I'm getting conflicting stories over this. 0:01:41 Unknown_20: Because it seems like what they're mad about is him not paying Hayes and Cruz. But Hayes and Cruz doesn't really deny what Dick says about that. At some point, Dick just said, I'm not going to pay you for your bits anymore because they've lost popularity. But Hayes and Cruz continued to submit bits to the show, which kept getting played. And now retroactively, he's expecting to be paid for those bits, which were very clearly not going to be paid for. Unknown_20: So that's one thing. He had a 19-year-old furry who is in a bad place in their life right now because their parents hate that they're a furry weirdo who draws porn for a living. And people are saying that was taking advantage of him. Someone's saying that the entire lawsuit saga is now retroactively tainted. That Dick was manipulative and got his fans to ruin poor Innocent Maddox's career over nothing. And I don't think that's true. Because I remember I was there for the lawsuit. I remember the story behind that. And I wasn't manipulated into taking that position. I saw the lawsuit for what it is, which was insane. Yeah, I feel that way. 0:02:57 Unknown_20: And it's just strange to me, because I tend to notice things. I like to notice things. And when the current, when the feeling, when the atmosphere of a certain subsection of the site is very bipolar like that, I get concerned, because it's unnatural. It's not a... A... Unknown_20: run-of-the-mill type situation type deal that happens very often. It happens under very specific circumstances. And if I say what the circumstances I think... If I say what I think is happening, then I become a shill. I'm saying that because I'm running defense. I'm putting all the haters in a box like a lol cow. I can't do that. So... 0:03:33 Unknown_20: I'm going to be careful because I don't want to censor people. I don't like doing that. And I knew early on that if things went bad, I wouldn't play defense. But I'm just paying attention. But it's frustrating because in some ways my success aside, it's a dick success, right? Because there's manoftheinternet.com and it would be impossible for me to safely... Set up something like that because I would have to put my names on payment processors and Dick's bank account has like a million dollars on it so that he doesn't get dropped from banks as easily as someone with zero dollars would get dropped from a bank. So I don't know. I'm just thinking. 0:04:12 Unknown_20: It's about articles and things. Now, that's different. There's fewer people upset about that. I mean, that's its own thing. Because on one hand, you don't want to censor people. But on the other hand, it's like, don't bring that shit into my topic threads. Don't take your race-baiting, anti-Semitic shit, which is fine in its proper containment area. But don't take that and derail Yanov's thread into nothing about Jew conspiracy talk, because that's boring. It's not interesting. 0:04:48 Unknown_20: Zed doxed someone named One Angry Gamer, and One Angry Gamer turns out to be black. Well, then the next subsequent pages in the thread are all racist, and it's like... You know, if you believe that his behavior was a quality of his race, you would have probably noticed it before he got doxxed. But now, it just distracts from the quality and from the content of the thread. And it's causing me to look at it and go, ooh, this is getting weird. This is reducing the quality of the site now. 0:05:25 Unknown_20: I'm looking at many things and I'm not very happy with anything that I'm seeing. Unknown_20: OEG is a brother? I think so. I think that's what Zed said. I haven't looked at it too closely but I'm just trying to keep tabs on things. 0:06:04 Unknown_20: What is this, a Mad at the Internet stream? No, it's over, and this part is getting cut out of the archive, so I'll leave it up for a little bit, but I'm going to have to cut this out for the archive, because I don't want this to be on the YouTube channel for long term. My YouTube channel is a place for happy thoughts only. Unknown_20: At least long term. Okay, let me close out of the noise making stuff so I don't get an email during the stream. 0:06:38 Unknown_20: That's gone. Unknown_36: Okay. Unknown_20: Where's my video game at? Unknown_36: I'm not saying that people can't be racist. Unknown_20: I'm just saying that if you're going to be racist, make sure it's topical and make sure it has a beginning, conclusion, and end. Don't just turn the thread into a discussion about race because that's not what the threads are for. You can do that in articles and happening. I don't have to care there. But sometimes people just want to read about a person and not your personal theories about the tribe. There it is. Here's my game. 0:07:10 Unknown_20: Okay, this is the start of my stream. I have just started my stream, and nothing was said before at this point, and I love Israel. Here's Life is Strange 2, episode 5. Last episode, uh, there, what happened in the last episode? The older brother drove through a desert, and, uh, escaped from a hospital by killing the nurse, who was a nice guy, and did nothing wrong, and he literally just murdered him in cold blood. and then went to a church and the church lady was trying to make the the magical autistic kid into like a church pet for religious purposes and uh they killed her and oh his mom came back his mom came back and um it's just a thought literally she just left the the kids because she didn't feel like taking care of them so here we are chapter five episode five whatever it is 0:07:46 Unknown_20: Let's finish this so I can be done with it. Ah, being done with this game. Hopefully, I've been told this episode is the best one. I can't wait to see what their wolf analogy is for the intro of this game because how's it going to make any sense? Unknown_20: How can you turn what happened into a wolf allegory? 0:08:56 Unknown_25: Once upon a time in a wild, wild world, there were two wolf brothers living in their home lair with their papa wolf. Unknown_25: They lived in peace until hunters took their dad away. Unknown_25: The wolf brothers wandered for days and nights, learning how to live on their own for the first time. Unknown_25: That's when the big brother discovered that the little one was not an ordinary wolf, but a super wolf. Unknown_25: They decided to head south to the distant land of their ancestors. 0:09:38 Unknown_25: But the journey was long and dangerous. Unknown_25: Still, the wolf brothers made new friends on the way. They learned more about the world. But danger seemed to always follow them. After a bad accident, they were separated. The big brother had been hurt, and the hunters finally captured him. Unknown_25: They put him in a cage. But when he finally escaped, he went to search for his little brother. 0:10:13 Unknown_25: He soon found out That the little wolf had joined a coyote cult. And he would not leave them. Unknown_25: Suddenly, their mother showed up. After all that time. Unknown_25: She said she came to help rescue him. Unknown_25: They begged the coyote leader. But she would not release the little wolf. Unknown_20: Because they're idle. Unknown_25: So the little brother got so angry. He killed. 0:10:46 Unknown_25: The wolf brothers, now reunited, followed their rogue mother far into the desert to her hideaway. Unknown_36: Okay, we done with that. Let me make sure I can see everything. Unknown_36: Okay, I can see everything now. Unknown_36: Yeah, the wolf analogy is extremely tortured. 0:11:27 Unknown_20: So then they went to the wolf cult after the wolf FBI captured them, and the wolf mother came. Unknown_20: You can't hide from the wolf FBI growl. 0:12:09 Unknown_20: the wolf atf so then they went to donald wolf's wall and tried to climb it they met a special wolf that glowed in the dark he encouraged them to post violent threats on the internet but the wolf brothers resisted Unknown_10: What happened to their mom? 0:13:15 Unknown_10: So? Unknown_25: Yeah, okay. Unknown_25: Good call. Wow. Unknown_25: That's amazing. Unknown_10: I know. Unknown_20: Yep, really nice graphic. Unknown_10: Is your eye okay? Unknown_25: Yeah. Unknown_25: It just itches. Unknown_25: It's okay, Nana. I... Promise. Jump. 0:13:46 Unknown_10: Yeah. Uh, okay. Unknown_25: I love you. Unknown_25: No matter what happens. Unknown_20: You hear me? Yeah. Unknown_06: This is the slowest start to an episode so far. Unknown_20: Ow! Oh, fuck. Ow, ow! 0:14:21 Unknown_20: This game was made to test me. Unknown_10: To test my patience. Unknown_25: So... Are you still having those bad dreams? Unknown_25: You know, about Lisbeth? Unknown_20: Who the fuck is Lisbeth? Oh, the woman that he killed? I don't feel that bad about what I did. Unknown_10: Maybe... Feeling bad about murdering people is a spook? 0:14:58 Unknown_25: Not in this case. Unknown_25: It was her or us. You did what you had to do, and I know... I know. Unknown_10: She was so nice at first. Unknown_10: can't believe she turned me against you i'm sorry sean i feel pretty good actually no way i feel better every time we're the wolf bros nobody can tear us apart nobody right especially not law enforcement sean especially not a wall are we criminals now 0:15:31 Unknown_20: Dude, we've been criminals for like three months. Unknown_20: Sort of. We did a lot of... We've been criminals after the first person you killed. Unknown_25: If the cops catch us, we'll be judged for what we did. Unknown_25: That's for sure. I won't let them get us. Unknown_25: We're almost at the border. They're gonna have to put us down. Unknown_19: Finally. I like it, sir. Because we got rabies. But... We'll have to leave soon. 0:16:07 Unknown_10: I know. Unknown_21: I'm sorry, Anon. Unknown_10: Sean... I know it's been a long time. Can you tell me the rest of... The wolf story? Unknown_20: Did we get a shocking conclusion? Unknown_25: Yeah. I can tell you. Been forever since we left off. Unknown_10: Way too long. Unknown_25: Hmm. Unknown_21: Let's see. Unknown_25: Oh, yeah. Okay. Unknown_25: So, thanks to the Mama Wolf, the Wolf Brothers barely escaped from the Coyote Cult. 0:16:44 Unknown_25: She led them to her secret lair deep in the Red Desert. Unknown_40: The wolf brothers rested for a while. Unknown_25: But at some point, they'd have to continue their journey south. Unknown_20: Why couldn't she take them? Unknown_25: They were closer than ever to their father's land. But between them and their destination lied the evil Chupacabra. Unknown_10: And they would have to fight it together. Unknown_25: Um, excuse me. Who's telling the story? Unknown_10: You are. But... It's my story too. 0:17:21 Unknown_10: Right? Unknown_20: Who's the Chupacabra? Is that Trump? Unknown_25: Yeah. Unknown_25: That's true. Okay then. So what happens next? Unknown_08: Okay. Unknown_25: So the wolf guys encounter the evil Chupacabra. Unknown_10: And he attacks them. Unknown_10: He's very dangerous. Unknown_10: the little wolf uses his powers to crush him oh my god they arrive in the magic land as heroes because they have defeated the beast this has to be a trump okay steven because why would they be welcome to mexico's heroes unless you killed trump let's pack this up and if you can't say kill trump in the video game though you get knocked on by the other stuff before we leave this place is too pretty 0:18:19 Unknown_10: I hope we can go watch the stars again. Mom said there's a moon eclipse coming up soon. Unknown_25: I'm in. Unknown_25: This place is cool. Unknown_25: I could just move here. Unknown_10: Hey, I can help. Just tell me what you want to put in there. Unknown_25: You are the man. Unknown_10: I swear dad had that same book in the garage. Unknown_25: Yeah, I think he did. Unknown_10: Why did he never show it to us? Unknown_25: Maybe it reminded him of mom too much. Unknown_10: Oh. Unknown_10: Yeah. Unknown_10: Right. 0:18:51 Unknown_20: Do you think if I tried to run off the cliff, the little kid would, like, prevent me from dying? Am I not allowed to die? Am I completely subservient to the autistic child? Trump a camera. Unknown_10: You know. Unknown_25: Me too, Daniel. I'm drawing this because I want to get the achievement. But, if I can see it in my mind, I can still sketch anything. Unknown_20: I probably have to draw it to proceed. Unknown_10: That's so cool. Unknown_10: I don't want you to stop drawing. Ever. 0:19:29 Unknown_20: Thanks, man. This is so cool. Unknown_35: Hmm. Unknown_20: Pretty good. Unknown_20: It's furry porn. Do you think that, uh... Unknown_20: That Daniel can do some cover art for the dick show. I hope he's not like cracking the tape though. Unless he negotiates up front. Unknown_10: Hmm. I can try. Ruff looks cool. But messy. Should I keep going? 0:20:11 Unknown_20: Looks like Captain Altismo in that. Why would he draw it right over the crease like that? It looks awful. Unknown_20: Put him on the rock! Unknown_20: Tada! Unknown_25: Finished. Unknown_10: Let me check it out! Oh yeah! Now that's a badass superhero you don't want to mess with. Unknown_20: Out of ink, I got the achievement. Unknown_20: Gotta get my achievos for my steam trading cards. 0:20:55 Unknown_25: God damn. That food was amazing. Unknown_25: Thanks, Joanne. Unknown_25: Yo, Captain Can. Can you take these away? Unknown_34: Sure. Unknown_25: Captain Can? Unknown_20: Oh, you're too lazy to get up? Unknown_20: What an asshole. Unknown_25: Let's clean up this mess. Unknown_10: Not if it cleans up by itself. Unknown_25: Stop. Daniel. 0:21:27 Unknown_10: No shit. Unknown_25: Now cut it out. Jeez. Unknown_20: Even though he's a psychopathic Mexican murderer, I think I like Daniel because he does stuff to prank his brother. Activate flashlight. Unknown_25: And no funny business. Unknown_10: Of course not. On the way. Unknown_25: Well, let's hit the trail, cowboy. 0:22:12 Unknown_18: What are you doing? He's torturing an insect. Unknown_18: What the fuck, dude? Don't do that. Unknown_25: What's wrong? Stop messing with it, man. He's like torturing animals now. He's like a serial killer. What the fuck's wrong? Seriously? What did you do that for? Unknown_25: Whatever. Unknown_10: That thing can sting us to death. Unknown_25: So what? You just torture it? Unknown_25: Jeez. Unknown_10: Hey, I won't do it again, if it matters to you. 0:22:44 Unknown_25: Let's just head out now. Unknown_20: Don't tell me what to do, Sean. I'll snap your neck like the coyote call leader. Unknown_10: I wish we saw more falling stars. Or any. Unknown_20: I can't go this way. I'm, like, stuck. Unknown_25: Hey, we saw the Milky Way, dude. How cool is that? Unknown_10: Yeah, that's true. And Mars. That was so cool Arthur and Stanley let us use the telescope. Unknown_20: Yeah. These guys are real cool. 0:23:19 Unknown_25: Amazing that anything can grow out here. Unknown_10: Does it ever rain in the desert? Unknown_25: Well... Oh. Unknown_25: Good question. Unknown_20: It does sometimes. Unknown_20: That's the point of even having a path there. Unknown_10: There is no spacebar. I mean, there is a spacebar on my keyboard, but you can't jump with it. Unknown_25: You can't jump. Unknown_20: Huh! 0:24:04 Unknown_25: She's... Um... Confused. Unknown_10: Like... What do you mean? Unknown_10: She's my mom. Unknown_25: Well... You know... Looks like a job for our local super... Psychic boy. Unknown_25: So... Maybe it can help us get out of here? Unknown_15: Can't he just, like, levitate them over the canyon? Unknown_25: I wasn't very careful. 0:24:52 Unknown_20: I think they're in Texas? I don't know where they're at. Unknown_20: Nevada like New Mexico or Arizona? They're in a border state at this point. Because they were in Nevada last time. Unknown_36: What state south of Nevada? Mexico? That's where they're at. Unknown_36: Arizona. 0:25:39 Unknown_20: This looks like something out of a Breaking Bad set now. I betcha they based it off this. I betcha they watched Breaking Bad and were like, we need something that looks like that. Rhode Island. Unknown_20: Yeah, they are literally the same asset, of course. Unknown_20: Everything else they bought off the asset store for Unreal. Unknown_10: Hey, I'm gonna go see what Joanne is doing. 0:26:15 Unknown_25: Go for it. I have to bring back the telescope to Stanley. Unknown_20: Who the fuck is Joanne? The mom? Her name's Karen. Who the fuck are they? Unknown_25: Went to town for weekly supplies. Some pancakes left in the kitchen? Heh. Unknown_25: Back soon. Unknown_20: Can we go to Mexico? I want to get to the Donald Trump pool. Unknown_20: I want to see my little brother murder more people in cold blood. 0:26:48 Unknown_25: Daniel, you copy? Yes, I read you. 10-4. I have a pancake alert in the kitchen. Repeat, pancake alert. Oh, man. I thought they just ate. Sorry. They packed up their shit. 10-4. No flying pancakes today. Unknown_20: What the fuck is this hippie commune? This is disgusting. I hate the French more and more every day. Unknown_20: Check one, Daniel. Who the fuck is Joanne? 0:27:20 Unknown_15: I told you. I told you she was a homosexual. Unknown_25: Look at this. Unknown_20: Why? Because they're gay? They're more patriotic than normal people? Unknown_20: There's Joan. Unless she was all the way over there. Unknown_20: The Founding Sisters, oh no. Unknown_25: This part of town is dead this time of year. Unknown_25: I should stay around here. Unknown_20: Okay, I guess Joan's in the camper van. It looks glorious, but... Joan Joanne Darby. 0:27:51 Unknown_10: I don't know. It kind of helps me focus. Get a better grip. Do you... Unknown_10: feel it what's up joanne see for yourself man check this out okay daniel let's take a little break got it feels like she has cancer you better not get near uh daniel then because he's i'm pretty sure whenever he does that something special he admits radiation i hear this one a lot 3.6 seconds yeah i bet but you have your own talent sean 0:28:36 Unknown_37: I'm dead serious. Unknown_20: Look at his eye contact. Unknown_19: As he thinks of what to say, he just stares at her. Unknown_25: I don't know. It's just doodles and shit. No big deal. Unknown_37: I thought my sculptures were shit, too, compared to all the dope stuff that was being done. But every artist is fucking unique, Sean. 0:29:10 Unknown_20: Oh, fucking unique. Unknown_37: We all got something to bring to the world. Unknown_37: So why are you all the way out here now? Unknown_37: Easy. Unknown_37: I started selling my work for good money. Unknown_20: She's wearing an LGBT thing as well. Unknown_37: Everyone turned into smiling sharks. It's pretty fucking cool. This is how the American talks. He inserts the inform into every sometimes. 0:29:59 Unknown_25: Okay. Unknown_37: Sure. Unknown_37: Why not? Ah, there you go. Now, go stand over there. Unknown_20: Daniel, you ready to start again? Unknown_37: Oh, yes! Unknown_20: Hold on! Unknown_20: So, for my next trick, I'd love to see if you can connect these three pieces. Unknown_20: I made a model of what I have in mind here, but go ahead and be the artist. 0:30:33 Unknown_37: This is gay. And we don't need a crane to lift this stuff. Wait, you know what she's... Daniel can snap this together like walk toys. Unknown_20: Look at... Hell yeah. I'll have to show you when I can see her. You see how she's wearing that thing? Oh, I'll show you in a second when I can do it. Unknown_20: I don't know what I'm doing up here. I'm gonna do the middle head. Wait. Unknown_20: Now... Let's throw on that spider. 0:31:05 Unknown_37: Be careful, Daniel. Don't want you to get hurt. Unknown_10: Maybe you should keep the same bottom piece. Don't you think? Unknown_37: Daniel... Unknown_37: You know every artist sees... We're just stacking garbage in the middle of an illegal township in the Arizona desert to make, like, hippie lesbian art. Unknown_20: This is the most French thing I've ever seen. This is preposterous. 0:31:36 Unknown_37: Oh, I see where you're going with this. Unknown_20: Well, you better. There's only one more thing. Unknown_25: Now... Unknown_25: Let's move Mr. Pancake's head onto the pedestal. Check it out! Unknown_20: A weapon just for hazmat old gear. Unknown_20: Let's just take the middle part and put some hazmat stuff on it so we can survive the virus. Unknown_20: What am I doing? 0:32:09 Unknown_20: Perfect. Beautiful. I feel like we're almost done. Unknown_25: Well... Unknown_25: Awww. Okay. 0:32:41 Unknown_18: That was fun. Okay, look. Look at her shirt. With, like, the tassels and stuff at the end. It looks like an LGBT version of those things that, like, rabbis wear. Unknown_20: Like, they put it around their neck and then, like, in front of them. It's kind of like that. Unknown_37: Yeah, I've read about it. It's a video game, right? Yes! Unknown_20: Am I done? Bring the telescope back to Arthur. Then you can build whatever you want in it. Unknown_37: Ooh, you never showed me that. 0:33:13 Unknown_19: Is that what is that gonna take his other eye Hey, what's up morning Sean join us have a seat Hey just in time for our special desert brew and even mention the minecraft free reference thanks So much Sean it's too early to be so awake. Oh Unknown_26: No kidding. Hey, how was your sleepover in the canyon? Unknown_16: No kidding. Unknown_26: Amazing. We watched the sunrise. Daniel loved it too. That's my favorite view out here. It's like ancient times, but it never gets old. Unlike us, darling. Unknown_20: We did. Thanks for hooking us up. Ow. That's the only way to get Arthur to camp now. Unknown_27: Becky is the real astronomer in the family. Wonder where she got this. Hope you guys get to meet Becky. 0:34:27 Unknown_25: That sounds cool, but we gotta be leaving soon. We still have a ways to go. Unknown_27: Technically, you're already in a way. Unknown_27: I get it, you still have to find your home. We were lucky, and old enough, to find ours here. Unknown_25: So, don't you ever get bored? Being out here is a big change. Unknown_26: We do sometimes. We're in a desert. I miss the parks, cafes, shopping. But this place is something else. 0:35:01 Unknown_27: And we feel safe out here. Unknown_27: If you could have seen me as a family man a few years ago, I had everything but nothing. Now I have nothing but everything. Unknown_20: I abandoned my family to come out to the middle of the desert and have raunchy gay sex in a commune ran by lesbians who also ran away from their families. Unknown_26: That's the real meaning of life. Unknown_25: I hear that. I'm just so fucking tired of running. I hope me and Daniel find our own... away. 0:35:35 Unknown_26: You will. People come here to reset their life. Become the person they wanna be. Or used to be. You're smart. Unknown_26: You'll figure out your next direction. Right, Gramps? Unknown_27: Speak for yourself, Grandpa. My body might be 59, but I'm 25. Unknown_27: Uh-huh. I'll remember that on the next hike. Unknown_25: I'm gonna hang around before it gets too hot. Thanks for the desert, Brew. 0:36:08 Unknown_25: These two remind me of Claire and Steven. Maybe y'all could spend some time with us. Unknown_25: You know what I saw them kissing the other day Dude I don't care what they do. That's their life. I Unknown_10: Aw, don't be such a buzz killer. I just mean, they're cute together. I hope somebody cares about me like that when I get old. 0:36:41 Unknown_20: This is hard. This is like hard to stomach. Unknown_20: Why are they doing this to Daniel? Unknown_20: Wait for Karen to come back. Okay, I'm waiting for Karen. Unknown_25: Looking at this place, I see that Karen really wanted to get away from it all. Unknown_25: Literally. Unknown_10: Superwolf to El Diez Blo Loco. 0:37:14 Unknown_10: Copy. I hid something super cool for you to find. Will you accept this quest to find my secret treasure? Unknown_25: I'm too beat and I know. Unknown_10: You're lost, dude. The secret treasure is still mine. Unknown_20: Okay, Karen, any time now. 0:37:46 Unknown_14: Any second now. Unknown_20: Just gotta wait for Karen. Come back home. Unknown_20: Gotta wait for Karen. Unknown_07: I think you're spotting Mom's truck coming back. Unknown_20: Oh, thank you, thank you. Unknown_07: Yes, 100% her. Gotcha. Unknown_20: Who the fuck else would it be in the middle of the desert? 0:38:21 Unknown_20: Get this game off and play Rainbow Six, there are no gays. Have you ever seen Ella? Unknown_20: Don't you lie to me. Or who's the other one? The one, the big, big lady. I don't know, I don't want to describe her on YouTube, I'll get in trouble. Unknown_20: Yeah, like, it's like a, it's a ma'am type situation with her. Unknown_20: That could be ice. Unknown_20: Yeah, the trap. It's like... I forgot her name. She does lay traps, though. 0:38:56 Unknown_20: Gridlock. Gridlock. That's it. Unknown_02: I'll let him know we're back. Gotta empty that truck. Unknown_25: No matter what happened before... Karen did hook us up here. Unknown_25: Hey. That counts. Good morning. Unknown_25: Howdy, Sean. Hey, what's up? How was the town trip? Unknown_31: hate these trips people look at us as if we're aliens here come the sand people the deserters have returned with offerings from das capital joe lee i missed you next time you're coming with us we'll see looking good oh right you can't forget your goodies 0:39:44 Unknown_37: Hey, thanks, Angel. Here. Unknown_37: Ah, you're the man, Karen. Catch you later. Unknown_14: Take care. Unknown_14: How can a fictional character be so unlikable? Unknown_25: It was amazing. So many stars. So quiet. Good call, Karen. Unknown_03: I knew you'd like it, Stargazer. Glad you got to see that. Unknown_20: I was told that this episode was less shit than the other ones. Why... Why was I lied to? Why did someone lie to me? 0:40:16 Unknown_03: How have I been lied for 40 minutes already? Unknown_31: Nothing has happened. Unknown_10: This is... I fucking hate this game. Unknown_31: No matter what he's been through, he just wants to be a kid and play. Unknown_25: Yep. Daniel hasn't been like this in forever. You've all been a good influence on him. About time you boys went to camp. I hope Daniel didn't get scared by all the critters. Nah. Been a while since Daniel's been afraid of animals. Or anything. 0:40:51 Unknown_22: He knows he's the bigger threat. So how's everyone in chat doing? Unknown_31: You guys okay? You guys scared about the virus? Unknown_20: I literally bought a gas mask, goggles, and nitrile gloves. Because I'm going to have to be flying internationally soon. And I'm definitely wearing my military-grade gas mask onto a... Me neither. I never figured it out. I'm not going to get cancer AIDS. Okay, if I opened a Patreon for my cancer AIDS, nobody would donate to it. I can't get away with that kind of shit. 0:41:24 Unknown_25: Not always easy, but He listens to me. Maybe I even fucked him up more. Unknown_31: Listen. Raising a kid is the toughest job in the world. Unknown_31: Trust me. Unknown_31: Combat was easier. 0:41:59 Unknown_31: Oh, you didn't tell me you were married. I used to be. She died a few years ago. Unknown_20: Is everyone in this camp like someone who abandoned their family to come live in this gay, polyamorous community? At least I got an angry stepdaughter in the deal. Why do the French hate families so much? I don't understand. Unknown_31: And she was always starting shit. Literally everyone in here has ran away from their family. Especially one like me. I just had no clue how to deal with her. Unknown_31: Wish I did, but we eventually made our peace. Anyway, you can't go back. 0:42:36 Unknown_31: Nope. Thanks for talking to me. Unknown_20: Is that Chloe's stepdad from the first? Better start my delivery now. Unknown_31: Really? Unknown_31: No way. Found some weird snacks in town. Unknown_31: Arthur's gonna flake. Unknown_15: Yeah, it is. Unknown_31: What the fuck? Unknown_31: Catch you later, Sean. Unknown_03: Okay, time out. I'm gonna melt. That was awesome, Mom. Now I know why they don't play baseball in the desert. Unknown_10: You throw way better than Sean. Unknown_19: We're not done out here yet. 0:43:09 Unknown_10: Let's get this food inside before it melts. No problem. She's so cool. Unknown_19: Ya think? Unknown_25: Joanne is so cool. Stanley's so cool. The heat is so cool. Unknown_25: You're way too easy, bro. Unknown_10: Whatever. Can't help it if I like Karen. Unknown_25: Just be you, and I know. I'm just saying. 0:43:41 Unknown_20: Why is my game trying to, like, push me in that direction? Don't get too cozy here. This is, uh... Rest stop. Unknown_10: I know. Unknown_20: Little show-off motherfucker. Look at this shit. Unknown_25: One thing Claire and Karen have in common. Unknown_25: Their love for pancakes. Unknown_20: He's just eating a pancake with his bare hands. What the fuck? That's like a cold pancake. He just picked it up and ate it. 0:44:13 Unknown_35: What is wrong with this kid? Unknown_20: Okay, I'm done. I want to go. I want to get the fuck out of here. Unknown_03: I have to admit, I do miss that Pacific Northwest weather sometimes. Unknown_25: Yeah, I bet. 0:44:46 Unknown_03: You've been here over a month now. What do you think of our little oasis? Unknown_25: It's a bit remote for me. I mean, we're just so far away from civilization. Unknown_03: Hmm. Unknown_03: Civilization is only what you make it. Unknown_20: right no it's no that's not right that's why people come here that's literally right karen for their own reasons not perfect but it works which way is south we're going to port the lobos hope it's worth it it's not easy to live as outcasts off the grid 0:45:29 Unknown_03: Clearly not. Unknown_03: We ought to be almost self-sufficient. Unknown_03: You just came back with a giant truck full of groceries. Unknown_16: That's not self-sufficient. Unknown_20: When you can just go to the city and buy your entire week's worth of groceries, that's not self-sufficiency. Just because you grow some fucking tomatoes doesn't mean that you're self-sufficient. Unknown_25: I couldn't live here for too long. Unknown_25: It feels disconnected. 0:46:02 Unknown_25: Maybe I'm too young. Unknown_03: Oh, I understand. It's not a starting point. It's more a place to sit back and let go. Unknown_20: The place to give up on ever being a productive member of society. Unknown_03: It's a place to hide from paying child support payments. By the way, can you grab your evil little bro so we can all talk? Unknown_25: Is everything okay? 0:46:33 Unknown_03: No, we killed people. I just thought we could spend this day together. Just the three of us. Unknown_20: Not kill anybody. Or torture animals. Unknown_25: Big brother to Superwolf? Unknown_25: We need you at Karen's trailer. Copy? Copy. Unknown_03: Hola, compadre. How about a trek around the canyon today? 0:47:06 Unknown_03: You in? Unknown_08: Totally. Unknown_03: Let's pack then. Unknown_20: Yes please, more walking in the desert. Unknown_36: I can't understand you. 0:47:37 Unknown_20: Go back to your country. Unknown_20: Explore with Dora. That should have been her name. That would have been funny. Unknown_20: Must 13 kidnap them. you gotta sling some meth. I need, I need your help digging up this, uh, stash of methamphetamine. The cartel left me. That's how we make our money. Go, go into the city and buy our shit. There is no gameplay. This is it. 0:48:21 Unknown_20: It's pretty basic that they're deporting themselves. Unknown_20: They did kill like eight people in doing so, though. Unknown_20: Not sending their best, is all we gotta say. Unknown_03: Ew, he just called her mom. Unknown_20: Karen doesn't cast a shadow. Unknown_03: Is she a vampire? Unknown_20: Oh, there's her shadow, okay. Nevermind. Unknown_15: Maybe we already saw this. I'm dreaming of a Trump wall. Unknown_10: Shut up! Goddamn. 0:49:14 Unknown_03: Uh-oh. I hear a wolf. Unknown_03: Better be careful of hunters out here. Unknown_10: Whatever. The Wolf Brothers aren't afraid of any hunter. Unknown_10: You must hike all the time, Mom. Unknown_03: There's not a lot to do, but it's enough for me. Unknown_03: Good thing Joanne likes to come with me. Unknown_10: Oh, I bet she would be fun to go hiking with. Unknown_03: Well, not when I go too fast. She's all about the journey. We usually find a good pace. Unknown_03: usually. 0:49:45 Unknown_10: Joanna's like Sean. They make art so they stop to look at stuff. You're way more like me. Fast. Unknown_03: Yeah, I am like you, Daniel. So let's hurry up. Unknown_20: I like how they couldn't be bothered to make a new environment so they just reused the first one where they left their trash. Unknown_03: I love to come here to get away from Unknown_03: I bet. 0:50:21 Unknown_08: It's the best spot. What's the point of this? Unknown_20: This game is trying my fucking patience real bad. Like more than in the second episode where nothing happened. Literally nothing happened. Unknown_20: Because it's like, I don't care about Karen. She's a thot. She's a hoe. She had some kids and then she abandoned them for no reason. Unknown_03: So, hey. Unknown_03: I do appreciate that you guys stuck around this long. Thank you. Unknown_25: You actually helped us. You gave us a place to recharge and... lay low. 0:50:52 Unknown_10: No kidding. Unknown_10: I was so beat down after Haven Point. Unknown_03: I know. Unknown_03: This is the best place to take some time for yourself. You don't get that chance. Let's talk about our feelings for an hour and a half. Unknown_20: Just know I love both of you so much. Unknown_03: I know you had it rough lately, but it'll be better when you're settled. Unknown_25: Porta Lobos. 0:51:28 Unknown_25: Karen. Karen. Unknown_25: Be honest. Unknown_25: Do you think we'll make it to Mexico? Unknown_03: You made it this far. Unknown_15: Going through hell. Unknown_03: I hope so, Sean. Unknown_03: You both deserve it. Unknown_03: But... I have to be upfront with both of you. Unknown_03: What happened in Haven Point is catching up on us. Huh? What do you mean? When we were in town, we saw some stories in the papers. 0:51:59 Unknown_03: The feds are definitely tracking us down in the region. Unknown_20: What? You mean that murdering people and burning down entire communes has consequences? Well... Donald Trump's America, man. Figures. It's the worst. Unknown_20: This is gonna last forever. Unknown_20: They literally did not want to stay here. Let's just go. Why'd they stay here for a month anyways? Unknown_21: We'll leave tomorrow. 0:52:36 Unknown_20: In the night, at the top of the canyon, they turned back and they could see the hunters with their flashlights glowing in the dark. Unknown_20: They were coming for the wolves. Unknown_03: That's why I brought you back here. Unknown_03: I made these for the 4th of July, but this is better. Unknown_10: Oh, I love those things. Whoa, awesome. Cool. Unknown_10: What the fuck is this? Unknown_20: Let's light up the sky. Is this like a Mexican thing? Like a candle and like paper. What the fuck is it? 0:53:15 Unknown_18: the chinese does it really fly you can put like a tea candle light inside the paper bag and it flies like a hot air balloon really 0:53:54 Unknown_20: Let's send these candles as high up as we can so that Los Agentes Federales will be able to see us. Let's paint them the colors of the Mexican flag so they know for sure that it's us. 0:54:34 Unknown_18: Send them to California to start more fire. Unknown_20: This is so powerful. It's so powerful because there's so much emotion. It's the three candles that are drifting in the wind because it's fate and it's taking them where they need to go, but they're not really in control of it. They're just like the candle in the wind. The music really helps emphasize this point and the emotional impact that this is conveying, really, if you think about it. 0:55:12 Unknown_20: Is the bile in my throat an emotion? Uh, no. That means that you got the woo-flu. The quarantine cube is coming for you. Unknown_20: JF is a genius for this. Unknown_20: Well, they came back to town after releasing those lambs. Oh, my God. Unknown_20: Please, please, I need a federal agent to show up. I need, like, a caravan of federal agents to show up. 0:55:48 Unknown_03: Are you guys all set up to leave? Unknown_10: No. Unknown_10: Such we have to leave again. Unknown_10: Why can't everybody leave us alone? Unknown_20: How many more murders do we need to commit before people just go away? Unknown_25: How far is the border? Unknown_03: Not that far. Uh, maybe, uh, five or six hours drive. Damn, they're not even that close. It won't be easy crossing that border. Unknown_14: Why not? Unknown_03: So, I'm gonna give you a head start on the police. Wait, how? I'm gonna go kill people. The cops are after me, too, for what happened in Nevada. 0:56:22 Unknown_03: So they can catch me instead of you. Unknown_20: But you didn't do anything. Unknown_10: That's bullshit, Mom. Don't give up. Unknown_03: Don't. Unknown_20: She didn't break any laws. Unknown_03: It's not about me right now. Unknown_03: We need to get your asses to Puerto Lobos. Unknown_25: Thank you. Unknown_20: So much. Oh, you know what? She did start that fire. 0:56:53 Unknown_03: She literally set a building on fire. That's right. I remember. Unknown_20: She did commit arson. Unknown_03: Probably attempted murder. Unknown_03: And I feel the same today. Unknown_03: You have to stay true to yourselves. Unknown_03: But it's hard when somebody or something gets in the way. Unknown_03: It can get ugly. Unknown_20: Yeah, you're right. She burned down the church. You have to find some sort of balance. Okay, I get it. 0:57:25 Unknown_25: Fuck the rules. Unknown_25: We'll do whatever we can to survive. Unknown_25: We already did. Unknown_14: Even if that means murder. Unknown_03: You did what you had to to protect your brother all the way from Seattle to Arizona. Unknown_03: And I'm sorry you had to make hard decisions to stay safe. Unknown_03: But sometimes you just have no other choice. Unknown_03: Okay, this is the last roundup. 0:57:58 Unknown_10: Wait, let me say bye to Joanne. Unknown_03: I need to wish her well because she has cancer. Unknown_20: I might not get to see her again. She might be dead the next time I come here. Unknown_03: Okay. They're all Trump voters. Unknown_20: Even the black guy? Was he a base black guy? Unknown_20: We love our African American Trump voters, don't we, folks? Unknown_20: Okay. Where am I? 0:58:31 Unknown_20: Check one, David. Oh my god, guys. Unknown_20: It's amazing how seamlessly this game goes from cinematic to moving around. It's like nothing changes. Unknown_00: It's just part of the cinematic. Unknown_20: Hey, guys. Wait. That's not David. That's Stanley and Arthur. Who the fuck is David? Oh, David is Chloe's stepdad. Unknown_20: Must be in this camper van. That looks like a 1950s trope. 0:59:06 Unknown_20: Do they still make trailers like this? Unknown_25: Sean. Hey. Unknown_25: Karen said you wanted to see me. Unknown_31: Yeah, but go grab that police scanner inside first. Unknown_31: I gotta put these new plates on the car. Sure. I'm on it. I'll join you when I'm done. Unknown_25: Wonder where David got this police scanner. 0:59:42 Unknown_25: Okay, how does this thing work? Unknown_20: Oh, I have to do something? Unknown_25: Uh, okay. Unknown_25: We gotta search between 140 and 160. Unknown_21: Riveting. 1:00:16 Unknown_21: This is why I have a mechanical keyboard. Unknown_20: You can hear these brown switches doing their best. This place has too many adults. Unknown_25: But I'm gonna miss it. Unknown_27: Oh, I missed the meme channel, I'm sorry 1:01:08 Unknown_20: I was too annoyed by having to search through that shit to think about funny things. Unknown_20: Go to the car and leave the town. Okay. Unknown_22: and your mom's car is all ready to roll. Did you get the police scanner? Yep, and I found the police frequency. How about that? Good job. 1:01:44 Unknown_31: Now, you'll always want to know what they're up to. No surprises on your way to the border. Unknown_31: Alright, this is the fastest route. When you get there, cross between these two stations. Unknown_31: Now, Unknown_31: You have to exit the main road and drive through the desert for a while. But Karen's car should be okay. Unknown_20: I don't know why I'm telling you this because the player won't actually have to drive and it will be a cinematic. Sure. 1:02:21 Unknown_31: I think so. Unknown_31: Sean, you have to know the police are on your ass. Unknown_31: You only get one chance here. Unknown_31: I'm not trying to be a dick. Unknown_20: It's okay, David. We can just snap their necks if they find us. Honest. Unknown_25: I know, David. Unknown_25: Thanks. Unknown_31: Here. Unknown_31: Have a seat. 1:02:54 Unknown_31: I don't mean to order you around. Unknown_31: That habits die hard. Unknown_31: And yes, I was suspicious when Karen showed up with you two. But after watching you and your little brother for a while, I think I get what you're going through. When our town was destroyed by that hurricane. He's talking about Arcadia Bay. My stepdaughter and her friend were among the only survivors. Unknown_31: We lost. 1:03:27 Unknown_31: everyone else because she sacrificed the entire town to get her sorry her gay friend i used to hate them for running away does that mean that that's the canonical ending straight away the canonical ending is that chloe killed everyone in arcadia bay to save max i was trying to rebuild did you stay in touch do you get along now Unknown_31: Yeah. Unknown_31: Took me a while to acknowledge the past was the past and move on. Unknown_31: Like they did. Unknown_31: Once I realized that, I reached out to them. Unknown_31: And we made peace with each other. The base egoist anarchist ending. I stayed here for a while. Unknown_20: The lives of everyone in Arcadia Bay is just the same. Imagine. Imagine. At last. Placing the well-being of total strangers and also some family that you don't care about. And who are totally lame. Hella lame, even. Over the life of your gay lover. 1:04:27 Unknown_31: I'm going to do everything I can to help you get out of here. That's my duty now. Unknown_20: Well, then get your gun and ride shotgun and kill some cops with us. I want to be straight up with you, okay? Unknown_31: Yeah, of course. Unknown_31: I know you guys got screwed. 1:04:58 Unknown_15: By the police. And you think there's no other way out. Unknown_31: And you're neck deep in trouble, all right. Unknown_31: But you and Daniel can't just hide out forever. Unknown_31: Is that how you see yourself in ten years? Unknown_31: You're still young. Unknown_31: I bet they'd be lenient if you step up and face the law. Unknown_20: Take responsibility for my actions. Are you nuts? We've come too far now. 1:05:28 Unknown_20: We just want a new life. We're going to kill everyone that we need to to get to Puerto Lobo. I understand. And if you suggest otherwise, I will snap your neck like we snapped everyone else's neck. I personally, with my own two hands, murdered my black nurse for no reason. Unknown_31: You're too young to be dealing with all this. Unknown_23: And Daniel is growing up fast. Unknown_31: Too fast. 1:06:00 Unknown_31: That's what I'm worried about. Unknown_31: You made it here. Unknown_20: So... David, you're colonel. We'll give you a pass when we join MS-13. We're not going to cut your head off. What? Unknown_20: Why do they have a smartphone? They can find out where you are immediately because you guys are apparently close enough to the satellite tower so you get a second... Hey, sweetie. Unknown_31: What's up? Unknown_20: Okay. Okay. 1:06:33 Unknown_20: Is he talking to Klaue? Unknown_20: Yeah, he is. He's talking to Klaue. Because they went to New York or something. Unknown_20: Go to the town, car, and leave the town. Okay. This is inappropriate time to go to the bathroom, I think. I think I have a clip somewhere I can play. Unknown_36: Well, I don't want to play any of those because I'll get in trouble. 1:07:04 Unknown_36: What do I have? Do I have anything that I can play while I go to the bathroom? Unknown_20: No. Oh, okay, I'll play this. Be right back. Unknown_23: Listen, you son of a bitch. What the fuck's your problem? You want to sit here and say that I'm a goddamn fucking Russian? You get in my face with that, I'll beat your goddamn ass, you son of a bitch. You piece of shit. You fucking goddamn fucker. Listen, fuckhead. You don't fucking cross the line. Get that through your goddamn fucking head. Stop pushing your shit. You're the people that have fucked this country over and gang raped the shit out of them and lost an election. So stop shooting your mouth off, blaming it on the enemy. You got that, you goddamn son of a bitch? Fill your head. I'm sorry, but I'm done. You start calling me a foreign agent. Those are 1:09:11 Unknown_36: hi the dead air give me a second i need to finish something what's this can i play this no that's not it Unknown_36: Yeah, I had to finish dilating. Okay, all done. Unknown_20: Dilation station 13. Open for business. Unknown_20: Let's continue. Unknown_20: Go to the car to leave the town. Get the fuck out. 1:09:56 Unknown_25: Get the fuck out. Unknown_25: Daniel, do you copy? Unknown_25: It's time to wrap it up. Be right there. Open. Unknown_25: A pee bottle? Unknown_20: Some kind of basement dweller? Unknown_25: Yeah. Unknown_25: Kind of sad. Unknown_20: I know. Unknown_10: Are we leaving yet? Unknown_25: We have to. Unknown_20: There is audio. Unknown_20: You're liars. I can see it. I can see the bar. Trying to trick me, but I'm on top of my tech. 1:10:29 Unknown_10: Okay. I'm gonna miss you. Unknown_03: I'll miss you too, Danny. It means so much to me that I got to see you. Unknown_03: I know life has not been fair. Unknown_03: But you're brave and strong. Unknown_03: You're going to make it to Mexico. Unknown_00: You had it muted. Unknown_03: Just watch out for your power, Danny. Unknown_03: And your big brother. Unknown_10: Okay, Mom. Unknown_20: Okay, let's go. Come on. Let's go to Mexico. Get to that wall. Get out of here. 1:11:01 Unknown_20: Move it along. Mosey on down the road. Unknown_20: Take a trip. Unknown_20: No. Bye. Bye, bitch. Thanks for the pancakes. Unknown_20: Thanks for the pancakes. I'm getting the fuck out. I wish I could have done more. Unknown_20: You could have done more, but you decided to go be a communist lesbian. Unknown_20: So we're leaving now. 1:11:51 Unknown_20: I told you she was gay. She's a bisexual. That's why she has the condom for David and then she just hangs out with the cancer woman. Unknown_20: French wombs belong to Algerian seed. 1:12:25 Unknown_20: You see, you find yourself a woman who is a potato and she will not object to your manliness. Unknown_20: She will be a support mother for your children. Unknown_14: La pomme de ta. 1:13:12 Unknown_20: Hey. Unknown_20: What flavor is tart milk? Ask Boogie. He likes to milk assholes, apparently. I'm almost there, okay? You gotta ask him what flavor that is. That's the last time I have to say that. Unknown_10: I don't care about that. Unknown_25: So... What's the problem? Unknown_25: Is this... Unknown_10: What are we going to do in Puerto Lobos? We don't know anybody. Unknown_20: I recognize this melody, chat. I recognize it. Unknown_10: We're like strangers. Unknown_10: How long can we live there? 1:13:45 Unknown_25: Forever. Unknown_25: We can live like kings, dude. Unknown_25: The dollar goes a long way there. Unknown_25: We don't need much. Unknown_10: Yeah, right. Unknown_10: So who am I going to play with? What do I do for fun? A Mexican kid. Unknown_20: Play Minecraft. Play Fortnite. Unknown_20: Come on. Unknown_25: You can make friends when you go back to school. Unknown_10: Dude, I can't even speak Spanish. How can I make friends or do anything if I can't talk? 1:14:17 Unknown_18: Dude, you just learned the language. Unknown_25: I'll teach you, man. Unknown_10: You think so? Unknown_25: I say, that's cool. You fit in everywhere we go. And we'll get to hang out too. Unknown_19: He said everywhere. He said it like I say it. Well, that sounds okay. I guess. Unknown_10: Am I Sean? Unknown_19: Have I been Sean this entire time? We'll be fine. 1:14:51 Unknown_19: Okay. Unknown_06: I trust you. How can I teach these kids? Unknown_15: Such scenery, much magic. 1:15:38 Unknown_20: what is it suddenly occurring to him that going to mexico may not solve all their problems that's kind of cute Unknown_20: daniel's the most likable person in the entire story i don't know why he just is maybe maybe i give him a pass because he's like a kid but i don't know he seems to have like the most reasonable line of thought i guess he seems to be the least psychotic of everyone in the story 1:16:24 Unknown_20: Dude, I'm telling you, that's how they make their money. They're gonna fling bags of rock over the border. Can't build a wall high enough to get that. Unknown_20: They're gonna have to build special drones. Oh, there it is. Amazing. Unknown_10: That looks so big. Unknown_20: It's 10 feet taller than originally designed. Unknown_25: Dude, it's just a giant fence. Except it won't keep buzzing. 1:17:04 Unknown_20: No, it's a big, beautiful wall. A fence. A fence. Unknown_20: I take offense to you calling that wall a fence. After the raid on the way, there was no sign of Sean and Daniel Diaz. We believe they left within the past few hours. Unknown_20: fuck is that look there's like a graphical glitch the police scanner is like in this bush you guys see that what the fuck Sean yeah I can so this is like a bug I can't walk through the police can't even do anything the cops will have to let her go 1:17:48 Unknown_10: I'll teach them a lesson if they don't leave us alone. Unknown_20: Kill them all. They're going to. Once we're over that fucking hell. We're just... We're just... Name one thing that won't be a problem in 2020. Ice. You know why? Because we're just gonna kill them. This shit lasts until Puerto Lobos. Unknown_20: Unless our car breaks down in the desert. No, he was able to lift a fucking giant rock. You can't lift a car over the border. Unknown_10: Why would they build this? Unknown_20: Well, you know... Stop illegal immigration because they're economic migrants causing a financial crisis in the United States. 1:18:22 Unknown_09: Is there a wall like this up north? Unknown_21: Nah. Unknown_20: Canadians don't come down as much and cause economic crises, so we don't really need to build a physical barrier on the northern border. I don't know, Daniel. Unknown_10: Daniel. Unknown_20: Do you have any other questions that I can answer for you, Daniel? Unknown_20: I'm sure it is. Oh my god. Destroy the wall. Unknown_19: Destroy the wall. Unknown_20: Go. Daniel Chu. Here we are, Daniel. Daniel Chu, use psychic on the wall. 1:18:54 Unknown_10: Let's get out of here. Unknown_20: Let's blow this joint, Papa Bear. Yeah. Unknown_20: Take it easy. Mr. Gorbachev, bring down this wall. Unknown_20: In regard to the final resolution of the East German, or the final settlement of Germany, bring it down. 1:19:31 Unknown_20: concrete and steel it bends like all the rest dude it's hard it can't be destroyed it's american it's american metal baby it's all right steel baby take your time stay made in america motherfucker you can't you can't bring it your own Unknown_18: It's too strong. Unknown_32: I'm with you, Daniel. Unknown_10: Almost there. Unknown_18: No, hang in there. Hang in there, wall. No! No! Unknown_18: Wall! 1:20:34 Unknown_25: You were right, Superwolf. Unknown_20: You lived. Unknown_20: And you fought valiantly for the defense of the American people. It's okay. It's okay. We will always remember you all. Just breathe. Shh. Unknown_20: Breathe. Unknown_13: We did it! We fucked that shit up. 1:21:06 Unknown_20: You hella impeached that wall. Unknown_35: Yes! Unknown_15: Press F in chat for the wall. Unknown_15: Oh shit. I better see some fucking apps in chat. Unknown_25: It's all thanks to you. It's gonna be alright now. We've done the hardest part. Unknown_10: Thanks for taking me down here, Sean. Unknown_25: Nah. Unknown_25: We did it together, man. Unknown_25: Come on. Unknown_25: It was a beautiful wall. 1:21:39 Unknown_20: A tall wall. Unknown_10: He represented something we've never thought of or felt before as spectators of this game. Unknown_20: He represented entertainment. Unknown_08: He was a familiar thing. Unknown_10: He was a symbol of hope. Oh my god! Unknown_20: Daniel! Unknown_32: Daniel, talk to me! Daniel! Talk to me! They fucking shot that little boy! No way, not now! 1:22:12 Unknown_19: Daniel! Unknown_19: They saw that freak tear down that wall and they just fucking slapped him. Unknown_32: Hey! Unknown_35: Who are you? Unknown_20: Adios mio! Unknown_32: Did you shoot my brother? Unknown_30: Kill him. Unknown_30: Oh no, it's... Get off of me! Unknown_30: Get off of me! Unknown_11: Well, is he? Unknown_13: He's my brother! Unknown_30: Let me go! Unknown_13: Do not move if you want to keep that arm. Comprende? Keep an eye on the wall. These fuckers blew it up so their friends can cross. Daniel! So what's the plan, huh? I bet there's a dozen more coming through, right? No! 1:22:51 Unknown_32: We're leaving! Unknown_32: Ha ha ha ha! Unknown_13: Ha ha ha ha! 1:23:30 Unknown_32: Listen, it's a long story, but we really are trying to get out of here. Unknown_13: You can fucking skateboard across the border ten miles away. So tell me the plan. Unknown_13: That was not us! We have no idea how it happened! Don't fuck with us, kid. You're the only ones around. Unknown_30: Looks like no one's coming for now. Unknown_13: Anyway, don't waste your energy. I bet the Porter Patrol has a big plan for you, mister. Unknown_30: Madison, come on. We have to deal with this kid. 1:24:05 Unknown_32: Stop bleeding. Unknown_30: Don't touch him. Unknown_32: Get off. Don't move. Unknown_18: The wall cried out in pain. Unknown_20: This is how it's done, kids. This is how you wrangle an illegal immigrant. As Border Patrol. As wannabe Border Patrol. Unknown_20: He's like crying. What the fuck is going on? Unknown_13: Where's Spencer? Oh no, is it Richard Spencer? 1:24:36 Unknown_19: Is that the other guy? Unknown_30: Yeah, I heard about this crap. Not happening anymore. Come on, Manny. Do what the officer says. Unknown_30: Fuck! How old is he? He's alright, officer. Don't worry. Shut it! You're both coming with me to the station. Unknown_13: What? Are you kidding? Oh, no! Unknown_18: They're illegals! Unknown_18: Fuck's sake! What'd I say? Unknown_14: Kill him. Unknown_14: Kill him. Okay. 1:25:16 Unknown_20: Take a breath. Unknown_20: I have to ban amateur sexy videos. Click here. I need to deport this illegal. Get you out of here. I can't believe YouTube is ruining my stream. Unknown_20: Unwanted commercial spam. Unknown_36: Get out of here, you thot. Get out of here, you thot. Unknown_36: Okay. Look at this. Unknown_36: Do I have to get a mod? 1:25:49 Unknown_36: You're ruining my buzz, you fuckers. Unknown_36: Okay. Unknown_36: There's like 8,000 of them. What the fuck? Unknown_36: I'm like hiding them and they're still... Oh my fucking god. Unknown_36: Look, this motherfucker is laughing at me. 1:26:23 Unknown_36: I'm just trying to play a game about Mexican children getting deported and these fucking thoughts are spamming. Unknown_20: I will get rid of you. I'll throw you over the fucking border. Unknown_36: Aim, aim, aim? What the fuck? Unknown_36: I don't understand. They're like making jokes that about, Oh, Oh, they're taking other chat messages and just repasting them because it gets them around the, the automated YouTube filters. 1:27:01 Unknown_20: I see. Unknown_36: I see. That's funny. Unknown_36: They're like, they're copying. Yeah. They're copying what you guys say. That's fucking weird. Unknown_36: Okay, I need, like... Wow. Unknown_36: That's fucking crazy. Unknown_36: Welcome to Battenworld, buddy. Yeah, no shit. 1:27:32 Unknown_36: Okay, I do. I need, like, a moderator so I can just play the fucking game. Unknown_36: Make us all jammy. Unknown_36: Now that would be a mistake. Unknown_15: Who can I trust? Unknown_20: I don't know who any of you fucking people are. I just do my streams. Unknown_20: Surely I've gotten rid of... I've hidden like 8,000 fucking people and there's still more. Unknown_15: That's utterly fucking insane. 1:28:10 Unknown_36: This is more interesting than the game so far, is me banning these fucking bots. Unknown_36: Make one of us a Janning. Unknown_36: Okay. Unknown_36: I legit don't know any of you. Uh... Unknown_36: Just play the game. I refuse to repeat bots or faggots. 1:28:46 Unknown_20: Where's YouTube at? You motherfuckers. YouTube has taken all the freedom of all the people who use this fucking platform. You can't say things. You can't make jokes that are offensive. You can't do anything. And they can't even keep the fucking spam bots out of the goddamn chat. I can't even believe that. Unknown_36: Okay, here, I'm gonna give... Black Lagoon Death Squad, I guess. Unknown_20: And Demon Wrath 6166. That's a trustworthy gamer name. 1:29:18 Unknown_20: You fuckers, just get rid of the bots. Hide them from the channel. Unknown_36: Not the sex bot. Unknown_36: Okay, can't I ban spots now? Unknown_36: I think I can. Okay. Unknown_20: Fix this. Unknown_20: Okay, Demon Wrath 616 is destroying them. Okay. Let us continue. 1:29:55 Unknown_07: What? Unknown_29: What? Unknown_29: Kill him. No, I have no idea who Sean is. Kill him. Kill him. 1:30:30 Unknown_36: I keep seeing people getting banned in chat, but like... They keep coming. Unknown_20: The hard efforts of DemonWraith616 to destroy the bot menace. The bot thought menace. The thought bot menace. Unknown_20: There's no... There's no hope. Unknown_20: They destroyed the wall, but they couldn't destroy racism. Unknown_20: That's funny. They're like in a shitty jail. 1:31:06 Unknown_20: With other Mexicans. Are they going to talk in Spanish? Unknown_20: Where's the kid at? Is he in one of those poverty centers where the kids are eating pizza and crying? Unknown_19: Don't look at me. Unknown_19: Bitch, this is all your fault. Unknown_12: Si. Unknown_04: Yo soy Diego. Unknown_04: Mi esposa Carla y este frijolito de aquí es Angel. 1:31:41 Unknown_38: Oh, Angela. Unknown_24: Encantado. Are we going to get the rest of the game in Spanish now? Unknown_04: ¿Cómo te sientes, hijo? Unknown_20: Well, they're such good people. Unknown_24: Such good people. Unknown_20: They just gave me a further future. Unknown_24: Es mi hermanito. Nos separaron. Unknown_24: They don't hurt the kids here, implying that they hurt them elsewhere, okay. Unknown_38: Seriously? 1:32:28 Unknown_25: Why are you doing this? What's your problem? Doing what? Unknown_28: You shot my ten-year-old brother! Unknown_28: It was a mistake. It's just a grace. The falls would knock him out. Unknown_13: Oh, you don't have to talk to him, Dad. I hope that Campbell's almost done with the paperwork. Unknown_30: Then we're out and we're not coming back. Unknown_25: I'm so tired of all this shit. 1:33:00 Unknown_13: This place is fucking gross. Unknown_25: When will we get a break? Unknown_24: Do you know how long they're going to leave us here? Unknown_04: No. This is the first time they're trying to cross. I remember our first time. That's how we moved from C to the desert. Unknown_24: Oh, that's actually a racist term. Unknown_20: They're just undocumented migrants. How do they fail three times? 1:33:32 Unknown_38: You just cross. Unknown_24: And... aren't you tired of trying? We have no other choice. Unknown_38: And we'll keep trying until we cross. We want to give a better life to our son or daughter. Unknown_04: But... isn't choosing the easiest solution... getting away from your problems... 1:34:16 Unknown_24: If the baby is born in jail, is it still an American citizen? Unknown_04: Oh, so he's Catholic. That's a rosary. It's a Catholic rosary. Unknown_20: We really don't 1:35:11 Unknown_20: We are integrated. Unknown_17: Taco taco burrito. Unknown_13: Enough now. It's America. We speak English. We're just talking. They know English. Now the problem is you people breaking into my country. We come here to work, not steal or live at your home. Diego, now I am so fucking tired. You only come here to cause trouble. And we have to pay for your welfare. You all want a free ride. And that makes me sick. 1:35:43 Unknown_20: Oh, where's the option to say based? Oh, great, I can just say nothing. Unknown_40: Yes, an honest job and the ability to raise our child in a safe country. That's all we're looking for. 1:36:18 Unknown_11: That's what you people always say. But the facts speak for themselves. Unknown_12: You hunt us like animals. Unknown_13: You don't look like you've been walking hundreds of miles. Don't say that much. 1:36:52 Unknown_13: Now you and your unborn parasite have nothing in common with me and my family. Unknown_30: What? Maddy. Unknown_13: What'd you say? Oh, see? There you go. Unknown_30: Take it easy. Unknown_13: This is our country. Unknown_30: Here we are. I would like to get out of here soon. Unknown_04: No, you know I'm not. Unknown_20: Oh no, she's going into labor. Unknown_11: I guarantee you that one's going into labor. Yo! Unknown_30: Madison! Everybody calm down. Campbell! Tell me we're out of here. Unknown_13: Why are we stuck down here with them? You know us. We're helping you, goddammit! 1:37:28 Unknown_29: Hey, you have the right to remain silent, so fucking use it, okay? Alright. Diaz, you're up. How's... Unknown_29: We're gonna take you into a situation where you can escape now. 1:38:14 Unknown_29: Alright. Sit down. Unknown_16: He's doing fine for a kid who got grazed by a bullet. Unknown_29: Lost some blood. Unknown_29: But he's tough. They're taking care of him at the infirmary. Unknown_29: You want coffee? Unknown_29: Okay. Good. Unknown_29: Be right back. Unknown_25: Great. Unknown_25: Now I can put on a fucking show. I hope he's alright. 1:38:46 Unknown_25: Shit. Is it morning already? How am I gonna get myself out of this mess? Of course not. It was now or never. Once we have to leave, there's no leaving. Unknown_25: I hope Daniel doesn't freak out in here. Unknown_13: What am I supposed to do? 1:39:27 Unknown_20: No objectives? Okay. The white table? Unknown_19: She's a sovereign citizen You're going to solitary got it 1:40:16 Unknown_20: Thank God. Movement on the screen. Unknown_29: There you go. Unknown_29: Looks like you need it. Thanks. Unknown_20: All right. Unknown_20: We only have an option to drink the coffee. There we go. Unknown_20: Okay. Unknown_29: Damn. Unknown_25: Seriously? Yeah. 1:40:46 Unknown_25: Coffee's gonna make me feel so much better. Unknown_25: At least it'll keep me up. Unknown_29: Jeez. Unknown_29: That's quite a crime spree. Unknown_29: It's hard to believe what kids can do nowadays. Unknown_29: Killing that officer in Seattle. Assaulting a gas station clerk. 1:41:19 Unknown_29: Caught in another weird explosion at a pot farm in California. Then you join a religious commune in Nevada, and its leader is found dead short after. Unknown_29: And we're not even halfway down the list. One of those things you could get away with. Unknown_29: But not all that. Unknown_29: I can explain. It sounds crazy, but I can explain. Explain it to Agent Flores. She's on her way now. 1:41:51 Unknown_29: She spoke to your mother. Unknown_20: The cop would have him talk. Unknown_29: Who took responsibility for the church fire. Unknown_25: She says a lot. Who cares? You don't have any proof. Unknown_25: But sure, throw another innocent in jail. Unknown_25: I don't really care. Unknown_29: I bet she'd be happy to hear that. Listen, I feel sorry for you. I really do. But denying what you did will only make things worse. 1:42:29 Unknown_20: Not if it's a fed shop, no. I think they'll still talk to you. Unknown_20: uh wasn't my fault get you to talk before the federal I did was try to serve everything that he's saying is uh I guess you did isn't it you know hurt his case I read the report you claim that officer Matthews death was an accident so why didn't you wait for the police no one would have believed what happened we didn't either well 1:43:02 Unknown_29: Between bars? Uh oh. Unknown_29: Uh-oh. Unknown_16: What I don't get is how two kids can destroy so much stuff. 1:43:36 Unknown_29: I mean, anywhere you went, something blew up. Unknown_29: Seriously. Unknown_16: You want the answer, officer? Just you wait. Unknown_25: What do you want me to say? We're supervillains. Unknown_20: My little brother's gonna come in here. We're gonna bash the brains out with the Sunday blood. My little brother coming over to murder you in cold blood. Unknown_29: Time to die, officer. 1:44:22 Unknown_20: Crush his neck. Unknown_10: Murder him. Kill him. Kill the people in the cell. Kill him. Unknown_14: Kill him. I'm still here. Unknown_25: Shall we try to make peace with these morons? Unknown_09: No, kill them. Who are these people? Unknown_25: Well, Carla and Diego. 1:44:57 Unknown_14: We'll take Carla and Diego. They came all the way from Mexico. Unknown_25: Thank God. Unknown_25: They're only in jail for it. As for the others, they're the ones who tried to shoot you. Kill them. Unknown_10: Really? Unknown_25: Kill them. Unknown_10: Bet they deserve a lesson. Unknown_25: Sure. Unknown_25: Yes! Time for payback. Unknown_13: What do you want now your turn Daniel? Unknown_25: Kill him don't mess with us kill the mother We need to free these people hold on we're gonna get you out Break the bars. 1:45:42 Unknown_20: We're doing this Daniel. We're doing this portal oboe style. Oh Unknown_00: That's it. Unknown_00: Gracias. Unknown_00: Muchas gracias. Unknown_14: Vamanos. Unknown_00: Esperenme aqui. Unknown_00: Until I check this out. Of course. Unknown_14: Alright, we're done killing people. Time to go home. Unknown_07: Okay, hands up! Oh, shit! Unknown_14: Kill him. Unknown_07: Don't move! Don't shoot! Hands up! Do not move! Wait! 1:46:14 Unknown_14: Pull the gun up to his chin and pull the trigger psychically. Unknown_07: Let me think. Sean, what do I do? Quick! Don't fight. Crush them! Now! Got it! Okay, stop! I said! Let the bodies hit the floor! Unknown_06: I'm only using 4%, 4% of my power. 1:46:47 Unknown_20: Or what? Can I get the rifle? Unknown_14: No? Unknown_25: I bet it belongs to one of these trigger-happy people. 1:47:18 Unknown_25: Can I get the rifle? Unknown_25: After this, you're not gonna hunt shit anymore. Unknown_18: What are we doing? Unknown_18: Escape the police station. Unknown_20: I'm taking the flag pin. I do like flags. Pretty good memory. Taking the flag pin. From a pretty bad place. Unknown_20: Anything else I want here? I got an achievement for that. Unknown_25: Okay, let's go. Get outta here. Unknown_10: Let's get outta here a little bit. 1:47:53 Unknown_25: Take it out, Daniel. Unknown_38: May God bless you for all this murder. Unknown_20: Pop that kid out quick so they can't deport you. Let's roll, Daniel. Unknown_14: Vamanos. Vamanos. 1:48:27 Unknown_10: Hurry, Sean! Drive! Unknown_10: No, nobody is chasing us. Unknown_20: Not yet. Unknown_10: Nobody's alive. Unknown_20: Little guy. You killed them all. There's an all-point bulletin for every unit in the area. That's what an all-point... Okay, that really bothered me. There's an all-point bulletin for every unit in the area? That's what an all-points bulletin is. It's every unit in the area has to respond. Fuck this. I don't know why it bothered me. That really bothered me. 1:49:00 Unknown_05: They've escaped from the El Rey police station. They are considered armed Unknown_20: And extremely autistic. Unknown_10: Are... we still going to Mexico? Unknown_25: Yeah. Unknown_25: We got nowhere else to go. 1:49:44 Unknown_10: Sean, it's the 4th of July. Unknown_10: Our first one without Dad. It's the 4th of July. Unknown_20: Very symbolic. Unknown_10: You're right. Unknown_10: Remember how he was so in the fireworks every year? Unknown_10: He always made us go too early so we could get a good spot. Unknown_25: I know. Unknown_25: He is so corny. 1:50:21 Unknown_25: He said he was proud to live in this country. Unknown_20: Really makes you think, huh? Unknown_20: Are they just going to go through the port this time? Are they going to the same spot in the wall they captured at? Shit. 1:50:56 Unknown_19: Bruh. Unknown_20: Kill them all. Unknown_20: Here it is. Unknown_05: Our ending. Unknown_18: The Arcadia Bay. Unknown_05: Sean! Unknown_05: Sean Diaz! It's over! Unknown_05: Don't make this worse. Get out of the car. Slow. With your head above your head. Do exactly what I say. 1:51:30 Unknown_20: It's time, Sean. It's time, Daniel. Kill them all. Unknown_14: Kill them all. Unknown_14: You know that day... Unknown_25: In Seattle. Unknown_25: The day Dad was shot. Unknown_25: I think about it every day. And I would give anything to change what happened. But I can't. 1:52:08 Unknown_25: But we're just gonna kill him. Unknown_20: I'm sorry for my mistakes. Unknown_20: I tried my best. We're just gonna kill him. Sean. Unknown_25: But you were the one with the real power. And you know how to use it now. We're not a kid anymore. If we surrender, they will separate us, Daniel. Unknown_19: Which is why we're gonna kill them. And if that happens, promise me that you will be strong. 1:52:45 Unknown_25: Be brave. Unknown_25: Be a fighter in Nano. Like you already are. Unknown_06: Don't say that. Let's just get out of here. Unknown_25: Whatever happens, always remember that you're Daniel Diaz. Unknown_34: I promise, Sean. Come on. Unknown_05: Kill them all. 1:53:22 Unknown_20: There is. So? Unknown_05: The road can be paved in blood. Unknown_09: How does the story of the Wolf Brothers end? They fucking kill... They fucking kill them all. Unknown_16: Fucking kill them all. Unknown_25: They make it to the other side. Unknown_20: Be careful. Are they gonna- Are they gonna do, uh, an E.T.? Are they- Oh, shit. 1:53:54 Unknown_20: What the fu- Is he- Is he really gonna kill them all? Unknown_05: You're safe, Sean. Just get out of the car. Like your brother. Unknown_20: If I was a girl, my name would've been Carrie. I'm just gonna kill him. Unknown_20: Now it's time to use all of my power. 1:54:32 Unknown_35: What the fuck? Shoot! Unknown_35: Shoot! Unknown_17: Aim! Aim! Aim! Oh shit, he's like fucking bullets and shit now. Is he gonna reverse them all? Unknown_14: Come on, Dan, be the best character! Unknown_18: Be the best character! 1:55:06 Unknown_20: Holy shit. Unknown_20: Oh, get fucked, lady. We're going to Porta Lobos and everyone else can get fucked. Holy shit, those guys are dead. Those guys are legit dead. Everyone else got knocked down. Those guys are fucked. 1:55:49 Unknown_20: Oh yeah, we got a 1488 at the border. We got an APB. Here nearby is the Lafayette border. I think it's fucking everyone. I think it's the ECP guys. 1:56:30 Unknown_14: Good job. Unknown_08: We can go now. Unknown_14: Yeah. Unknown_25: Let's go home. Unknown_20: Are they all dead? They're not even like knocked out. They're just dead. He killed them all. 1:57:08 Unknown_20: We did it, bro. We killed him. Unknown_20: I like to imagine that there's, like, the one Mexican guy in the Mexican side of that border who's just like, eh, fuck this. I don't get paid enough to die for this shit. 1:57:50 Unknown_20: Moral relativism ending completed. That's right. Unknown_20: Those are all his drawings of Porto Lobos. 1:58:33 Unknown_19: Because that's where they lived. Unknown_20: Oh my god, that's like legit furry shit. Look at that. Unknown_20: Taking a screenshot of that. 1:59:15 Unknown_20: Two dead? Are they like gang members now? I guess they run... I wouldn't keep the last name Diaz. Well then again, I guess Diaz is a common enough name. That doesn't matter. Unknown_17: What is that bear? I mean, this is such a bad... If they're repairing cars and shit, like, whatever. 2:00:05 Unknown_18: He's seven years into Trump's reign. 2:00:41 Unknown_20: I think the description of him with an eyepatch would be really distinct, but whatever. Unknown_20: That hot dog man in the back? Oh, his eye is fine. Unknown_20: Oh, that's, uh, that's Daniel. Unknown_34: What? What? Unknown_17: Here I go, killing again. Unknown_18: Murder him. Unknown_14: Oh, he... Point the gun at... I want to see him kill someone by pointing the gun at his head and pulling the trigger. 2:01:30 Unknown_20: I really want to see that. Come on. Unknown_20: Come on, do it. Unknown_20: Put the gun to... He has a gun. Just point it at his head and pull the trigger. Unknown_18: They're alive, really? Unknown_20: Well, now they know that you have psychic powers, dude! You can't leave witnesses like that! I like how scrawny Daniel's arms are, because he never has to lift anything, ever, in his life. He just uses his brain powers. 2:02:12 Unknown_19: Mexicans are superstitious, they won't be back. Oh, he only kills Hawaiians, okay. 2:02:45 Unknown_20: Come on, bro, let's share a corona. Unknown_19: Hey, man, there are worse lives than this. Unknown_19: All things considered, this is pretty good, as far as an ending. Unknown_18: He still smokes. My choices matter. When I made him smoke in the first decision I made, it mattered. Unknown_20: Because here he is, smoking still, all these years later. 2:03:38 Unknown_19: My choices didn't matter. Unknown_19: I feel so rewarded. Unknown_18: Half our money goes to smokes. And the third world, smokes are cheap. The less the government subsidizes healthcare, the less the cigarettes are taxed. And cigarettes that are untaxed are very cheap. Episode 5. Fuck you. 2:04:10 Unknown_18: He decided to force the roadblock, and Daniel accepted. Unknown_20: Oh, you could... Oh, if you didn't teach him to murder, he would refuse to kill everyone at the end. Oh. 2:04:43 Unknown_20: Can I even choose to surrender? Because I've taught him to murder so much that I might have... He might refuse if I reload the save. Unknown_20: uh overall you taught daniel to put himself and his brother first and for some reason people the majority of people like two-thirds of people said didn't do that that's kind of gay um you refuse to do the treasure hunt six percent of people Unknown_20: You overall kept your distance with Karen. The minority of people did that. You didn't leave a note to Karen. I didn't know that was an option, but most people apparently figured it out. 2:05:15 Unknown_20: You didn't say farewell to Arthur and Stanley. Unknown_20: I had no reason to care about them. Unknown_20: You didn't say farewell to Joanne. I had no reason to care about her. You didn't hug Karen. 3% of people chose that. 97% of people hugged Karen for some reason. Unknown_20: You stayed out of the argument. Most people got involved. You freed the Mexican couple. Two-thirds of people did that. You didn't ask Daniel to free the vigilantes. Most people did that. You asked Daniel to take revenge on the vigilantes. 80% of people did not do that. You asked Daniel to kill the officers to escape the station. 2:05:48 Unknown_36: Only 15% of the people did that. Unknown_36: Daniel was told off about the scorpion but kept messing with it. Unknown_20: Daniel managed to set up Joe Enson without your help. Unknown_20: Daniel was okay to kill the officers. 10%. Unknown_20: Daniel wasn't asked to kill the officers. Okay, I want to reload. 2:06:33 Unknown_36: I want to reload. Unknown_36: Buy more? I'm not buying more of this shit. I want to surrender to the police. Unknown_36: I want to be like, Mr. Police, I'm sorry for all the wrong I've done. Unknown_36: Any second now. I hope you didn't pay money for this. Unknown_20: You know I don't pirate my games. I support my French developers. 2:07:04 Unknown_20: Yeah, I got the good one for sure. Unknown_20: Please don't make me go back. Unknown_20: Here. Unknown_20: To start your game from this chapter, see the consequences of other toys. You can use a different save spot to keep her real. 2:07:41 Unknown_20: Uh, okay. Unknown_20: Alright. Unknown_20: New game, plus time. Oh man, can you imagine this game on extra hard difficulty? Unknown_20: I get chills just thinking about it. Unknown_20: Just watch a compilation. Unknown_20: Daniel will just refuse not to kill. If that happens, I'd be boring. Hopefully I picked... 2:08:20 Unknown_20: some option so that he can... he would not refuse. If he refuses... I just want to see what the surrender option is. Unknown_19: Oh, fuck. Unknown_19: I can't skip this shit. Unknown_10: Why can't I skip this shit? Unknown_20: I just want to see what happens if I say surrender. No, I can't press skip. See how it's crossed out in the bottom right? 2:08:52 Unknown_20: Well, okay, I want to see what happens if I pick the other one I want to see if he just declines and it's the same exact day his stuff In Seattle Unknown_20: Yes, I remember we just had this conversation with Daniel. 2:09:25 Unknown_20: Or Sean, whatever the fuck your name is. I think about it every day. And I would give anything to change what happened. Unknown_20: Josh loves this game so much he can't stop playing. I'm addicted to this. Life is Strange is my favorite series. Unknown_25: I'm sorry for my mistakes. Unknown_25: I tried my best. Unknown_25: I swear. Sean... Unknown_25: But you were the one with the real power. And you know how to use it now. You're not a kid anymore. If we surrender, they will separate us, Daniel. And if that happens, promise me that you will be strong. 2:09:57 Unknown_25: Be brave. Unknown_25: Be a fighter. And not like you already are. Unknown_06: Don't say that. Let's just get out of here. Unknown_25: Whatever happens, always remember that you're Daniel Diaz. 2:10:38 Unknown_25: Okay. Unknown_34: Do this. Unknown_05: Come on. Unknown_14: This is her last warning. Unknown_05: Listen up. How does the story of the Wolfe brothers end? Unknown_05: Step out of the car. Now. Oh, hey. 2:11:17 Unknown_25: I think their story ends right here. Unknown_14: No, amigo. Unknown_25: No. Unknown_14: No, hermano. Unknown_25: No! Daniel, come on. Unknown_05: So we went all this way? All that shit for nothing? Unknown_14: You pussy, Sean. We were going to Mexico. You pussy. Unknown_08: You said. We're done. Unknown_08: The end. Unknown_08: It's not who we are. 2:11:50 Unknown_14: Excuse me, ma'am. Unknown_08: Now it's my turn to take care of the shop. That's who I am. Everything will be alright. Unknown_08: I promise. There's no going back anymore. Unknown_32: Daniel! No! Stop! Holy shit. Unknown_18: Time to E.T. this shit. Unknown_17: Shoot! Unknown_32: Shoot! In the water! 2:12:22 Unknown_32: E.T. go home! E.T. go home! Unknown_32: Holy shit! He's like the star from Super Mario Bros. Unknown_18: Sean! Unknown_35: You see that? Unknown_05: That's Phil! Look! Unknown_05: He made it! Unknown_08: Sean! Unknown_20: Oh no! 2:12:52 Unknown_20: Holy shit. That's sad. That's sad. Daniel was the only smart one in this ending. 2:13:50 Unknown_20: So they do all die because that says massacre on the front border. So everyone everyone there is dead. He does kill him, huh? Unknown_20: They're not just like knocked out or anything. They're dead Unknown_19: plague of pickpockets in puerto lopos he's just like stealing shit from people by himself oh that's sad it's like a freak show at a carnival now 2:14:51 Unknown_20: Spectacular heist at the central bank more than 1 million. He's like a fucking criminal just killing people and shit Holy shit He teams up with Bane Unknown_19: Now he did this. Mexican Joker. Choco Crisp. All the Choco Crisp in the world now. 2:15:25 Unknown_20: I don't know. I think this is like the realistic end. Because throughout the game, Sean is like this shitty, wimpy retard. Unknown_20: Oh, they don't have like a repair shop anymore. Just him by himself. Oh, that's sad. He's still drawing furry stuff. Bleached his hair, got tattoos. 2:16:02 Unknown_20: Just sitting on the beach in Mexico, drawing by himself. Unknown_18: Is that how it ends? 2:16:56 Unknown_20: He became a Catholic? Unknown_16: Those are Catholic things, aren't they? Unknown_18: Press F for the most retarded person in the entire world. 2:17:54 Unknown_20: They're coming to fuck with someone mourning a grave? What assholes? Unknown_20: They don't know that this kid is a killer. He can't even be persuaded not to kill. They don't even have to do anything at this point. Just by intruding upon his moment of privacy, they have doomed themselves. No one will ever find their bodies now. Unknown_20: But put it to his come on. I want it put it to his head and pull the trigger Yeah, it's happening is it is he gonna do it I can't Do it do it there is no mercy in Mexico I 2:18:56 Unknown_18: oh he didn't pull the trigger yeah he did it as like a warning or something Unknown_20: That's a way better ending. It's just very sad. He's all by himself. Unknown_20: Daniel didn't deserve that. He was just a little Mexican kid. Unknown_18: He just wanted to show his neighbor his zombie blood. That's all he wanted. Unknown_18: Fuck you Raul Barbé and Michael Koch, you assholes. 2:19:47 Unknown_20: Alone in gay Mexico. Fate worse than death. Unknown_36: Okay, fuck this. I do want to see... Hold up. I'm actually extremely curious what happens if you just surrender. Unknown_20: Let me go to Google. I'm going to pull this up and we're going to watch it. I'm curious. Unknown_20: Uh... Life is strange to surrender ending. Unknown_36: Because I can't get that anymore. 2:20:19 Unknown_36: Uh, oh. All seven endings. Like, 44 minutes to get all seven endings. Unknown_36: Oh. Unknown_36: Does it, like, have time stamps or something? Like, just watch. Unknown_20: Oh, okay. Unknown_20: No, there's no... They don't have any time stamps for this shit. Fuck that. Hold up. I want to watch this. Hold up. Unknown_36: How do they not have timestamps for this shit? 2:20:53 Unknown_36: Okay, that's a bad ending. Unknown_36: That's a bad ending. Did they get out of this one? Okay, this is one. Unknown_36: Okay. Unknown_36: Let's do all purpose Firefox. Unknown_36: Is everything working on? Yes. Unknown_36: They make it to the other side. Unknown_21: Oh, no, this is not it. 2:21:33 Unknown_36: Where the fuck is it? Are the other ones just like way shorter or what the fuck? Unknown_36: Life is Strange, all five endings. Please just watch those ones, though. Unknown_35: okay but no no daniel come on yeah this is the one where he kills him anyways where the is the one where they just surrender to change what happened 2:22:24 Unknown_36: If we surrender... And if that happens... I... There- no, there are no timestamps. Unknown_12: I- I even searched- Oh no, it is, okay. Unknown_20: We didn't see it the first time. Unknown_33: I get it. Unknown_08: That's not who we are. Unknown_08: Exactly. Unknown_25: We're not criminals. Unknown_25: We're just kids. Unknown_25: And we still have time to choose what life we want to live. You're my brother. 2:23:18 Unknown_25: And I love you. Unknown_08: I... I love you too, Sean. It's gonna be alright. Unknown_18: He's reaching for a gun. Shoot, shoot. Unknown_09: Really? Unknown_09: How do you know? Because... We're doing the right thing. Unknown_25: Just... Try and remember what I taught you. Unknown_25: I mean... Only the good shit... 2:23:55 Unknown_19: That's the best line in the game. Unknown_32: On your knees! I said on your knees now! Unknown_20: That guy being an asshole, dude. He didn't stay on your belly, either. He sat on your knees. 2:24:28 Unknown_01: I'm sorry about all this. We're gonna look after your brother. Unknown_20: Not after you, though. You're gonna get raped. Okay. Unknown_01: He's ready. Unknown_01: Sean! No! Sean! Come back! Unknown_01: He's gonna be fine. No he's not. I hate how they lie and say like everything's gonna be okay, you're gonna be fine, we're gonna work with you. 2:25:06 Unknown_20: Because they never do. They just send you to rape me in the ass prison and then you get all fucked up in the head. And you get out and you don't have any skills and you're just fucked for life. I really, I just, I fucking hate cops. Unknown_20: I really do. I hate the fucking lies. The bullshit sentimentalities that they say like that. It's not going to be okay. Your brother's fucked. He'll be lucky if he's not going to get killed in the first year of being in prison. Because they're going to send him to jail for murder at this point. There's nothing. There's no hope for him. 2:25:53 Unknown_20: Now, my grandfather was a cop. My grandfather was also the biggest asshole I know. Here, I'll tell you guys a story about my grandfather that you're all going to find based. There was a... I'll tell it to you after because I want to see the other one where he... There's another one that I'll watch. Unknown_20: Oh, is that him in the foster care? Oh, that's him with Captain Awesome, because he's our Captain Spirit, because he's still alive. 2:26:29 Unknown_20: Aww. Unknown_20: He's drawing furry comics and stuff for DeviantArt. Unknown_20: Graduates from college or high school, whatever the fuck that is. Unknown_20: He has a decent life without his fucking older brother. Unknown_20: That's David. 2:27:00 Unknown_20: How does he meet David? Does he end up meeting Karen and meeting their hippie friends? That must be what that is. That's definitely David. Unknown_20: Oh yeah, he does. He definitely meets his mom. Because there she is. Unknown_20: I get the more interesting endings. That's him as a barista. As many college graduates are in the US. 2:27:49 Unknown_20: Was that, uh... Unknown_20: No, because that's his eye. His brother's just fucked in prison forever. That's all just Daniel. 15 years after the events of the murder. Unknown_20: Are they at the prison or something? Did he get 15? Yeah, that must be because that's his mom. He must be there to pick him up or something. 2:28:29 Unknown_20: I don't know, 15 years for a 17 year old, that's like his entire lifespan. I mean, I guess he did kill people, but... Unknown_20: Yeah, he's fucked, man. You can't spend your entire adult life in prison and then just walk out and be okay. 2:29:13 Unknown_20: even for the high honor part he kills a police officer um and there was the arson of the church but the mom might have served that one and i think that there was the the robbery so you got uh attempt maybe they dropped that one you confess to the murder or whatever Unknown_20: I don't know. I wouldn't confess. It's like, okay, there's a fucking explosion. How do you know that? I don't remember anything. I just woke up and everyone was knocked down and the cop was dead and I don't know how it happened. How are they going to say that you did that? What did you kill him with? What was your murder weapon? There is no murder weapon. He just bumped into a fucking car after shooting my dad. Okay, this is going to speed up a little bit. 2:30:13 Unknown_20: They go back to the woods in the second chapter. Uh oh, okay. Unknown_36: Uh... What the fuck? There's more? They camp there and they catch up and shit? Unknown_20: Does he like kill them? Unknown_20: Oh, he's crying? Cause his entire life was spent in jail? I would cry too if my entire life was wasted like that. And then they- he drives away? Sorry, I'm skipping through this because it's boring, it's just music. And nothing's happening. 2:30:57 Unknown_17: he wooed he wooed it was silent but he's doing it you're too old for that you oh yeah maybe he is going to puerto lobos he's a felon good luck getting into mexico yeah this one just drags on and on you're 13 minutes cinematic 2:31:47 Unknown_36: Is that it? Unknown_20: Yeah, I don't care about that. Fuck Lila. She sucks. Unknown_20: Surrender with low morality. Unknown_36: No, that's the one... Cross the border with low morality. We did that. Unknown_36: Surrender with low morality. Unknown_36: Cross the border high morality. Okay. Unknown_36: This is the one where he just decides to go gun it, right? Yeah. 2:32:24 Unknown_20: Yeah, yeah. Okay, we saw that one. Unknown_36: Then parting ways. Unknown_36: I'll do Sean with Finn because he's gay. Unknown_36: Huh? Unknown_36: What? 2:33:05 Unknown_18: So if you cross the border with high morality, Unknown_18: I don't want to! Unknown_05: I'm not hurting anyone else! Unknown_18: Okay, he refuses to help. It's too late! They're shooting at us, Daniel! This is the only way! You son of a... He didn't hurt... Okay, he didn't kill the cops in that one. Unknown_09: What? What are you talking about? Don't turn back for me. 2:33:38 Unknown_17: Is he gonna... Is he gonna jump out of the car? Holy shit! 2:34:14 Unknown_20: Did they arrest the kid in that one? Unknown_18: Why is the kid getting arrested? 2:34:56 Unknown_20: Okay, and then the ending sequence is like the same, I think. Unknown_20: Bless avoids late due to miracle. Yeah, he grows up normal. And he gets leathers from his brother. I guess he's just like a mechanic in Porto Lobos at this point. Unknown_20: Okay, definitely the one where everyone dies except for Daniel is the best one. 2:35:35 Unknown_20: Okay, well, I hope you guys have enjoyed this terrible, terrible game. Unknown_20: I don't know what game I would play next. And I don't know when I'll play a game next. I'll have to think about it and look for some options. Unknown_20: But yeah, thank you for watching. And let me play an outro song to recap. Unknown_36: Let's see. Unknown_20: I should have this. I have this somewhere. I have this saved somewhere. 2:36:10 Unknown_36: Okay, here it is. All right. Well, I'll see you guys next Saturday. Thanks for watching. Take it easy. Unknown_20: oh okay before i play phoenix the story of my grandfather was when he was a cop he worked as a washington dc police officer and there was some kind of like civil rights march i want to say it's i don't know the time frame but he uh he said that one of the protesters got his ankle you know who was a person of color uh got his ankle caught in the uh footrest of his bike and he ended up getting dragged down the road I remember hearing the story when I was like six or seven for the first time and thinking morality is a spook. 2:36:56 Unknown_20: So that's why that was my introduction to a police officer, by the way. Unknown_20: All right. Unknown_20: I know. I know Sekiro. I'll have to finish Sekiro at some point. He did give me the money and he said you don't have to finish it if you don't like it. This is for the site. But I do feel bad for not finishing it. Unknown_20: All right. See you guys on Saturday or Friday or whatever the fuck I stream on now. Take it easy. 2:38:24 Unknown_33: Alistomania Think less but see it grow Like a riot, like a riot, oh 2:39:33 Unknown_33: Listermania Listermania Listermania Listermania Listermania Listermania Listermania Listermania 2:41:14 Unknown_35: this girl