Thank you. 0:00:49 Unknown_00: You can't call classical music gay. That makes you uncivilized. It makes you like a redneck. You have to like classical music. There's no choice. Unknown_00: Hello, my friends. We're not dead yet, so there's some reason to celebrate. A lot has happened. I don't know what happened last week. It just saved up all its mana for this week. Because this week, I've been writing shit for like six hours. Unknown_00: Too much is going on. Unknown_00: I got through writing about China and about Boogie, and then I looked at the top of the forum. I'm like, oh yeah, all sorts of shit happened this week that I have to talk about because it's interesting. I'm going to make this a sandwich, I've decided. I thought about it for a while. I paced back and forth thinking like a crazy person. And I've decided I'm going to start with China, do all the little things in the middle, and then end with Boogie. Because even though... 0:01:27 Unknown_00: I'm already wanting to talk about Boogie, because he's really flustered me with his erratic behavior. Let's talk about my favorite thing in the world, China, first, though. Unknown_00: There is, to give you context, if you're listening in the future, there is currently a province in China... called Hubei and there's a city called Wuhan of some 10 million people who are currently under quarantine like a proper quarantine cannot leave the city can't go into the city it's a it's a completely cordoned off from from the rest of the world and everyone everyone in the world right now is expecting a catastrophe. There's a lot of weird rumors going around. There's a lot of chatter on WeChat, which is like the Telegram, the WhatsApp of China. And people are saying, oh, this is like a Resident Evil situation. There's a video I have somewhere. I thought I had this ready to go. Oh, here we go. 0:03:03 Unknown_00: The truck is here. The truck is here. Unknown_00: you're not able to if you're just listening you're not able to see it those are two white armored vehicles rolling down the street and they do have some kind of i think it looks like a some kind of turret on top that can shoot projectiles uh people are saying they're literally rolling tanks down the streets in china but those are armored personnel transport vehicles they're carrying people to and from locations so they are moving like military personnel around the city and shockingly let me pull this up there is construction going on they have very recently announced that they are building a hospital in six days this is the plan of the hospital and this is the construction that's going on day and night right now they moved all this material here to build a hospital for the sick 0:03:39 Unknown_00: in one week. So I don't know how many people they're expecting to get sick, but they've reported 850 so far, and of those 850, 50 are dead. It's called a coronavirus, and it's weakening people's immune systems, specifically to pneumonia. So the people dying, the youngest so far is 46, so they're already older people who have weakened immune systems, but the pneumonia is killing them off. uh but there's really uh there's all sorts of crazy reports there's crazy reports i saw one video that i can't play on youtube but it's literally just a guy walking down some stairs and then dropping just dropping and hitting his head on the stairs as he walks so people are reporting that someone people are dying without any prior symptoms pneumonia-like symptoms 0:04:54 Unknown_00: People are saying that it's more deadly than we're giving it credit for. And it's pretty much everywhere. It's in Australia. It's in Japan. It's in France. It's in the United States. It's in Canada. So basically every continent has already gotten it. If you were hoping to shut down Madagascar by now and save the human race, it's a little bit too late. Unknown_00: And what's really interesting to me, at least, is the forwardness of the Chinese government. Here is an article from the People's Daily titled, An Unprecedented Move, China Locks Down Megacity to Curb Virus Spread. 0:05:32 Unknown_00: Now, this is People's Daily quoting Xinhua or New China, and both these publications are state-ran. So for the state-ran governments, Unknown_00: or media organizations to be reporting so boldly on the virus is really strange because usually what these media organizations report are four things, very precisely four different things they like to cover. Unknown_00: Number one, China is great. Number two, other countries suck. So anytime China does something that they think is cool, they report on that. Anytime another country experiences hardship, if there's some kind of localized disaster, if there's any political upset, if anybody gets kicked out of office, they'll report on that. Third one is pandas aren't cute. So if you follow them on Twitter, there is a ton of panda-related content because they like pandas. Literally about a fourth of what they publish is just pandas. And then number four is fuck Japan. They really hate Japan. This is distinct from other countries are bad. Very specifically, fuck Japan. Anytime Japan does anything, they can go fuck themselves. So for them to deviate from this a bit and go in the we're having a bit of a virus outbreak here is extremely strange to me. And I was talking to my buddy, the Chinese guy that I had that one stream with about what he thinks is going on. And he doesn't know exactly how, doesn't even want to opine on how he thinks the government is. It's really, I don't know, it's strange. And a lot of people are hoping that this is the end of China. This is the virus that's going to wipe out all the bug men. It's going to completely destroy China. 0:06:54 Unknown_00: And that remains to be seen. So far, it's a thousand cases out of a billion people. And my personal theory, if you're curious, is that this is probably... Actually, let me save that for the end. Let me show you what everyone is hoping this is. And we'll go from there. 0:07:42 Unknown_09: Hell is overflowing. Unknown_09: And Satan... is sending his dead to us. Unknown_09: Why? Unknown_11: Because you have sex out of wedlock. Unknown_11: You kill unborn children. Unknown_11: You have men-on-man relations. Same-sex marriage. 0:08:16 Unknown_09: How do you think your God will judge you? Unknown_10: Well, friends, now we know. Unknown_10: When there is no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth. 0:08:54 Unknown_00: I downloaded the entire movie just to clip that for you. I hope it was worth it. It's one of my favorite scenes from any movie ever. Unknown_00: In some way, I guess it was to me. Unknown_00: People were posting this. They were posting this Shanghai Ruolanbao Huishan Biotech Limited. It's apparently a placard advertising this logo that looks a lot like the Umbrella Corps logo from the Resident Evil games. And I found that funny. Just, I don't know, maybe, I mean, it is strange that a biotech corporation, because it has to be stolen. They had to have taken it from the game. Like whoever came up with that logo, like even if they just went on Fiverr and were like, can you guys make us a logo for like $10? The guy who, you know, we're like a biotech company. Can you make us a biotech logo? And he was like, oh, sure. I'll just steal the Resident Evil logo and make it blue. That'll be awesome. 0:09:28 Unknown_00: Because there's no way that's a coincidence. Unknown_00: I actually looked this up. I have limited hours on a Friday to prepare a talking point script for these streams. And I spent like an hour looking at this company, trying to figure out what it was. They do make vaccines. They make all sorts of stuff that would be in line with a Resident Evil type corporation. And I went down here and I pulled their address. And I tried to find it on Google, and Google didn't really have any information regarding... 0:10:00 Unknown_00: like the street view. I wanted to see what their headquarters look like. But I did find it on Baidu. I found the map. Here it is. And I got a street view of it. This is as close as it gets. If I click the street view, it should highlight the streets that are available. 0:10:36 Unknown_00: Or it should. Maybe it doesn't want to anymore. But it only goes through this road right here and this road right here. It does not go over here and to where the address is. Unknown_00: So this is the best view that I can get from it. Unknown_00: And when I'm looking at the address, I'm thinking, this does not look like a corporate laboratory at all. This looks like cheap economy housing. So I looked it up, and sure enough, it is very cheap economy housing. It's 1.2 renminbi per square meter. If you're wondering how much that is, a renminbi right now is about 15 United States cents. So the average house, according to this, this is like 305 yuan. That's like 40 bucks a month for this apartment. So for some reason, this biotech corporation that's selling vaccines and stuff is headquartered out of this economical apartment complex in the middle of Shanghai. And it has nothing to do with the virus outbreak. I just love it because it's so strange that maybe that's just like where their offices like they have some guy at this apartment complex that handles all their mail for him. But that's definitely not like a laboratory unless it's underground and they're just experimenting on the people living upstairs. 0:11:53 Unknown_00: So make whatever approximations you want from this. Unknown_00: It left me asking all sorts of questions. Questions like this. Unknown_12: Now, why do you have to burn them to ashes to get them to finally stop? Why do they move like a plague? Why is Israel winning? Unknown_12: How is Israel winning? Unknown_12: They sealed off their entire country days before the undead attacked man. 0:12:29 Unknown_12: First to know. Unknown_12: first to act people have been building walls there for two millennia right yeah but finish all those thousands of years of work a week ago impeccable timing is all you want answers that's the man in jerusalem you want to see 0:13:00 Unknown_00: See, this is why everyone loves this virus. Because we've been watching zombie movies for like 30 years now. We're ready. We're ready. We've all got our guns. We've got our governments ready. We just need some zombies to come and liven things up. You can't argue about transgender shit when there's zombies. Zombies don't give a shit if you are pumped full of hormones. They're not like a vegan thing. Say, no, no, I don't want meat. They pump those cows so full of growth hormones. Zombie don't care. Zombie's going to eat you. So we've all been waiting. We've been desperately waiting for our salvation through apocalyptic crisis. 0:13:33 Unknown_00: And we're teetering on the brink, not because there's any real crisis going on, but because there's a lack of crisis. Unknown_00: Oh, wow. Somebody sent me this. Speaking of vegans, this guy named SexyVegan. Unknown_00: I really like this because... This is a tired joke, but he does look like one of those guys in Saints Row. We were to design a character in Saints Row. And what I realized after looking at this picture for so long is that he looks like the shooter from Aurora, but, like, inversed. It's like if you took him and you just kind of like inverted the colors, it would look pretty close to that. You took him and you inverted his ideology. I don't know if he has an ideology, but that's what I think. So I have I have a bunch of small things like this because I've been I've been spending a lot of time on the Internet today looking at shit. 0:14:43 Unknown_00: Joe Rogan endorsed Bernie Sanders, and there was a huge, there were like 100,000 tweets about this. Unknown_00: This woman named Ella Dawson, who was like a journalist supporting Hillary Clinton during 2016, said that Joe Rogan regularly gives a platform to hateful people like Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, James Damore, and Steven Crowder. He mainstreamed sexist, racist, homophobic, and transphobic rhetoric and people. His endorsement of Bernie is an embarrassment, not a point of pride. And then, down here, I like this response. Joe Rogan fans are the worst fucking people. I can't. Keep calling me a cunt. Prove it's my point, buddy. And it reminds me of this drill post. Go ahead. Keep screaming, shut the fuck up at me. It only makes my opinions worse. 0:15:20 Unknown_00: So I appreciate Ella Dawson for having a nice little tism over this. It was actually kind of 50-50. A lot of people were like, oh, we shouldn't accept Joe Rogan because he's more conservative than someone who supports Bernie Sanders should be. And a lot of people were like, if we want to open up our party to the moderate American, we have to take people like Joe Rogan. So... 0:15:57 Unknown_00: I don't know. You guys think Bernie's going to win this one? Unknown_00: My thought with Bernie is that if he wins, he's not going to be president for too long. The guy's like 78 or something. How much longer can people live? I know that Ruth Bader Ginsburg or whatever is like 92 now. I don't know. Maybe it's the chosen people. They can just live forever. You get the G fuel in them. Unknown_00: They'll go until they're like 110. But not really. 0:16:30 Unknown_00: I just think he's way too old to be president. You see people like Obama age 10 years in their first term. How much older can Bernie get? He's like the Crypt Keeper if he wins. Unknown_04: oh yeah bernie got slammed by the media and establishment same as trump i do agree that he he got the short end of the stick but i think if he was a tenacious enough person he could have broken the dnc i think he could have overcome hillary if he had the tenacity uh which trump had that's why trump beat the rnc and the rnc was very against him early on uh bernie faced the same opposition but he's just a much weaker character at least that's how it uh it appears to me 0:17:19 Unknown_00: Though I still maintain that Trump would have had a much harder time beating Bernie than Hillary Clinton. Unknown_00: A lot of people vehemently disagree with me on that, but I get the feeling that people would have... I don't know, because my grandmother said she wouldn't have voted for Bernie Sanders ever because he's a communist, but maybe he couldn't get the boomer vote and would have lost. Unknown_04: Does he even have kids? I do believe he has kids. Unknown_04: Let's see. Unknown_00: Oh, the trial is going on. Trump, Drumpf, the orange man bad, has been formally declared to be a bad man by the Congress or the House. And now it is up to the Senate to try him, and it requires a supermajority. It has to be 67, I want to say, 66 or 67 of the 100 senators have to find him guilty of at least one of the two charges against him to remove him from office. Otherwise, it was just a complete waste of time. And chances are, because the Senate is like 53% Republican right now, they're not going to get half or 15 of the Republicans to change out. That would be political suicide. 0:18:02 Unknown_00: But Representative Schiff said, and I only am talking about this because I find this quote to be unconscionable and disgusting. He says, 0:18:46 Unknown_00: So just listening to this quote, it seems like he's framing the conversation already to be. Unknown_00: it's not that orange man bad it's that the constitution is bad if the constitution couldn't handle orange man being bad then truly the constitution is the problem and it must be destroyed so i i don't know it makes me very uncomfortable i knew that at some point in this dark dark time before the zombies before the zombies came and killed us all out of mercy out of love We would be seeing an open hatred of the protections that Americans enjoy. But to see it on the House floor so soon, it just is a little bit surprising. 0:19:35 Unknown_00: And across the ocean, it's worth mentioning that Boris Johnson got the Queen's assent for their withdrawal agreement. So, the UK is leaving the EU at the end of the month. On January 31st, it is gone. No more going back. No turning back. It's happened. The UK is out. 0:20:13 Unknown_00: I never thought it would happen. I honestly thought they would find a way to... Unknown_00: To reverse it. Unknown_00: And people aren't too happy. I like all the complaints saying that Wales and Scotland and Northern Ireland, the places nobody cares about, didn't get to vote. It was only the British Parliament that got to vote on the withdrawal agreement because England is what owns those other countries, I guess, so they don't have a say. 0:20:45 Unknown_00: But good for them. Good for England. I hate England, but good for them. I'll give England the credit for this. They managed to do it. They managed to do it, kicking and screaming. It took them three years when it should have taken them, like, what, two years? Unknown_00: But they did it. So everyone give a round of applause for the British. They managed. And it's only because of Boris Johnson, the orange man of England. Unknown_00: Did he cut his hair? Oh, my God. They found a barber in the United Kingdom that could tame Boris Johnson's fucking mop. That's incredible. 0:21:17 Unknown_00: Was that like, did he lose the bet? Like, if he could actually get the UK out of the EU, he'd have to cut his hair? Oh, no, it looks wild there. Oh, that's in December 14th. So, yeah, he must have lost the bet and had to cut his hair. But good for him. Unknown_00: Uh, less good news. Oh, I don't know. This is kind of funny. If you don't know, GNOME is the desktop environment of Debian, I want to say, by default, a Linux distribution. If you don't know what any of this means, it means that when you install Linux, you have to pick an operating system distribution. Debian and Ubuntu are very popular ones. And DBN, when you set up Linux, you have to also pick your desktop environment. It's not all the same desktop for everyone. GNOME is a default. It's a very popular branch. And they, as an open source community, have instituted an infamous code of conduct policy. Many open source repositories have code of conducts. They've gotten notoriously paused, I guess would be the right word, over time. And this one is particularly egregious and pathetic. They ban inappropriate behavior, and in particular here we have sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist language. or otherwise exclusionary language. This includes deliberately referring to someone by a gender that they do not identify with and or questioning the legitimacy of an individual's gender identity. 0:22:37 Unknown_00: Also interesting is down here. Physical contact or simulated physical contact with emojis such as the kiss without affirmative consent is not acceptable. This includes sharing or distribution of sexualized images or text. 0:23:16 Unknown_00: If you accidentally asterisk hug asterisk someone in the process of developing software, you can be banned. What's really interesting to me is when I worked on Infinity Next, I had to deal with a couple open source repositories. Unknown_00: And I never had time. I never had time to worry about any of this. And I don't think any of these people actually write code. I think they just sit around and they sit on thrones and, like, ordain rules that don't matter. Because in the course of writing code, oh, my God, all the kiss emojis. I'm being, like, raped right now. Where is my code of conduct? I can't believe it. My masculinity has been torn away from me. 0:23:57 Unknown_00: Oh, and the big one, the one that made me laugh is down at the bottom. The gnome community prioritizes marginalized people's safety over privileged people's comfort. The committee will not act on complaints regarding reverse-isms, including reverse racism, reverse sexism, and cis-phobia. 0:24:38 Unknown_00: criticizing racist, sexist, cis-sexist, or otherwise oppressive behavior or assumptions. Unknown_00: Communicating boundaries or criticizing oppressive behavior in a tone you don't find congenial. Like, fuck these people. I can't... There was a thing where... I think it was GNOME. People found out that they all wrote their code on, like, Macs. Unknown_00: They used Apple Mail and they all used Sublime Text on Macintosh to write the GNOME desktop environment like some kind of toy. It doesn't surprise me that people who don't actually use Linux find the time to pass this kind of bullshit nobody should care about. 0:25:16 Unknown_00: If you are someone who manages an open source repository, I mean, God bless you, number one. But I don't know. I can't imagine having to deal with these people now. Unknown_00: Because, you know, the people who write code are autistic. And the people who would find benefit with these kinds of rules... And tent nudge nudge are also usually very autistic. So you're kind of like a tar wrangler if you are someone who manages an open source repository. Right. 0:25:59 Unknown_00: Here's some good news. Unknown_00: The wall of the suicide ward I'm in says trans rights. So we're really making sure that everyone feels comfortable, even in suicide wards. Speaking of unwarranted textual physical conduct... Unknown_00: Sending all the love and head pats that I can your way. Unknown_00: I can't function. I'm doing a physics degree. I can't get the intuitive feelings from physics, even classical math. I take books I'm not able to read. I don't see the point of living when I can't do the thing I love the most. And dysphoria just adds to the pile. Well, we all know there are a variety of side effects to hormones, so I'm sure that doesn't help. 0:26:31 Unknown_00: Solidarity, comrade. I hope you get the help you need. Uh... Unknown_00: I'm sending as many headpats as can be sent. If there's anything I can do to support you, DM me. Unknown_00: Pat, pat, comrade. You will prevail. I promise it gets better, sister. Cuddles, snuggles, headpats, and kisses you. Where is the affirmative consent? All these people should be banned. This is unacceptable. 0:27:05 Unknown_00: Oh, I shared this one. This is sad, but this whammon... Unknown_00: If you are on the podcast, if you're listening to this and not watching this, this voice will confuse you. Unknown_07: Hello. 0:27:38 Unknown_07: My name is Elle. Unknown_07: I am a female to male to female detransitioner. Unknown_00: That means to say that they are a natal female. Unknown_00: They transitioned to a male by taking testosterone because they got depressed after being molested when they were a kid. They went to an LGBT center, and the therapist immediately put her on testosterone. And then later in life, discovered that she was... Oh, at 16, she was put on testosterone. And then immediately, kind of a couple years later, while in college, discovered that what they were probably doing... 0:28:10 Unknown_00: is trying to make themselves unattractive to men as a coping mechanism for being molested. And that's not uncommon. People who are molested tend to do things that make them unattractive. It's just a thing that happens. A lot of the super morbidly obese people you see on My 600-lb Life Unknown_00: uh early childhood trauma is a common theme with them and eating is a is a dual coping mechanism for bad feelings and it has the added benefit i guess of making them unattractive as well so it's it's a deep psychological thing and it is a shame that this person went to this quack doctor and got put on t and even though they've detransitioned uh 0:29:11 Unknown_00: They are probably going to be stuck with that voice for the rest of their life because it's very easy to add testosterone to your body and trigger a male puberty. It is very hard to then take that testosterone out of that body and undo the changes that male puberty did to you. So it really, really, really sucks to be her, I guess. But I wish her the best. And I think that we're going to see a lot more of this because I think it's already that the 41% meme, I think that number has risen to 50% for people under the age of 18. So the treatment is definitely not helping. Things are getting worse. 0:29:53 Unknown_00: Are you gay for fucking it? Probably not. It is a whammon. Unknown_00: Biologically. Okay, here's a question. If she was still dressed in dude clothes, would it be gay? I need ones in chat for if it is gay, two if it's not gay to hit an FTM. I need people voting in the chat right now. 0:30:28 Unknown_00: She's born as a she, so no. That's the pregnant... Oh, my God. Unknown_03: Let's wait. Unknown_00: I see a lot of twos. I see a lot of... That's like 50-50. That's very good. In fact, I see more... No, I'm going with the twos. So it's not gay. Unknown_00: Which one was not gay? Was it two for not gay or one for... I think it was not gay. Schrodinger's... Unknown_00: All right, let's move on. I'm sorry, Elle, I didn't mean to make fun of you. I'm sure you're a cool person. 0:31:01 Unknown_00: Not a cool person, though. Okay, how sad is this? I don't know this person, but I know of them. At the Charlottesville rally, they got in trouble because they were doing a neo-Nazi thing, and they got arrested for it and got the nickname Not Guilty. Well, they recently got arrested again. Christopher Cantwell is facing charges from a grand jury in New Hampshire for extortion. He very wisely chose to send from a traceable device on WhatsApp, which is owned by Facebook, to a victim saying, either do something for me or... 0:31:37 Unknown_00: Oh, here. So if you don't want me to come and fuck your wife in front of your kids, then you should make yourself scarce. Give me Vic. It's your only out. So he tried to intimidate this person into doing something for him on WhatsApp tied to his real identity by threatening to rape his wife. Unknown_00: And he's now arrested. So what's funny, this guy is a fed, by the way, this Cantwell guy. He glows. He's been an FBI informant before for reduced sentence. And he's just kind of like this bumbler. There's more history to him. If you want to read his thread, he tried clinging on to different... Oh, sorry, Telegram, not WhatsApp. My bad. But there's more history to him. I know that he clinged on to other movements and stuff before eventually clinging on to neo-Nazism in the US. So... 0:32:18 Unknown_00: But he does post on Gab. Well, he did post on Gab before he started advocating for assassinating politicians. And then Andrew Torba made the decision to ban him, which as much as I hate Andrew Torba, that's probably a fair thing to do. You can't really use a social media platform to advocate killing people. Most people don't like that. 0:32:51 Unknown_04: Let's watch this one because we get a video. I get to drink some water. Unknown_02: You need, will you be pleading guilty? What? No, don't touch me, don't touch me. Hey! Stop! Get away from me! Go away! Unknown_00: Fucking hell! Go away from me! Unknown_02: Jesus, get away from me, you fucking crazy fucking thing! Unknown_00: Get away from me! Unknown_02: Get away! Get the fuck away from me! Stay away from me! Get away from me! Now! Right now! 0:33:26 Unknown_02: You heard me? Unknown_00: I'm calling the police on you. Unknown_02: I don't give a shit! Get away from me! You stay away from me, I'm back! Unknown_00: Get away from me, he screams at the top of his lungs while chasing this person down the road. I love this. This is classic. Yaniv is like one of my... I mean, I guess it's safe to say he's one of my favorite people who came... He screwed with my channel, which is an unforgivable sin. Nobody can stop the broadcast. But at the same time, crazy motherfucker. It kind of sucks that he's so big now because a lot of people, a lot of boomers are posted on the Kiwi Farms now on this board about boomer, maple leaf related boomerisms. 0:33:58 Unknown_00: But these videos are fantastic. Yaniv is someone who has never once in his entire life faced resistance for anything he's ever done, ever. When he came out of college, he knew people who worked in Twitter and YouTube who could arbitrarily enforce his whims on other people. And now that... 0:34:35 Unknown_00: He's eating shit for it. He has no mental coping mechanism for dealing with being told no, and it results in these outbursts. He did get arrested for showing his taser to Blair White for possession of an illegal weapon, and I know that the Keon Bexta guy, the guy that runs the rebel media, he reported this as an assault to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who have confirmed that it is being investigated but kian has already also reported that yanev has been arrested on this as well and he provides no evidence for this and i really don't like these rebel rebel media guys because they bought like the domain yanev and they're trying to shill it and it's just like a link to like their money like come give us money 0:35:29 Unknown_00: Uh, which reminds me of something, but I look for it really hard. I really look for evidence that Yaniv has been arrested because this is the video right here. Yaniv arrested by Suri RCMP, but there's no evidence of this. There's, I looked through the video, no evidence for that here. Unknown_00: And multiple media outlets have reported that Yaniv is arrested, as it says here, charged with assault. No evidence for that. The only thing that I have seen confirmed by any other media organization is Vancouver Courier has reported that the Surrey RCMP confirmed Thursday has opened an investigation into alleged assault by Yaniv. So I'm not I'm not holding my breath that the rebel media guys are telling the truth because I don't trust them. They're kind of weird. 0:36:10 Unknown_00: Obviously, I'm hoping that he is because he could face up to five years for assault. But I'm not going to again, I'm not going to hold my breath for it. Unknown_00: I forgot to mention, by the way, my prediction with China. I said I would, and then I forgot, as I usually do. Just to recap on it, because I want to move on. I want to move on to the boogie thing eventually. Unknown_00: My thought on what's happening in China is that it probably is worse than they say. 0:36:53 Unknown_00: But I think that it's probably not the zombie outbreak. It's probably not as deadly as people would hope. It probably is deadly to older people. It probably will kill off all the boomers and we can heal as a society. Unknown_00: uh but i don't think it's as big a deal as people are hoping for and i think that the the large reaction from china is a test because i want to see i think that they want to see how how how much they can muster how things would go if we if we want to build a treatment center in a province in six days can we do it and that kind of shit maybe i'm just being optimistic for china 0:37:36 Unknown_00: because obviously I'm a shill for China. Those people like to point out. Unknown_00: But here's what makes me a Debbie Downer on the zombie apocalypse theory, is that I don't think the media would be having as much fun with it as they are right now. Because if you go to The Guardian and they have live updates, and every outbreak, oh, it's found in this state now, it's found in this country now, It's a new update and they, they post all these things from WeChat and cause it's in Chinese, people trust it implicitly. And, uh, 0:38:10 Unknown_00: They're shilling hard for money. Support Guardian Real Journalism. Donate here. I just don't think that they would be so happy. I think if it was actually a threat, and the WHO, the World Health Organization, has not declared it a crisis yet, like SARS, because SARS was deadlier, I think that it would be a lot less fun for those organizations, and I think they would be holding back, and I think our own governments would be lying to us about the severity of things. 0:38:41 Unknown_00: So that's my theory. I'm sorry if it's too China-shilly for everyone, but that's how I feel. Unknown_00: I don't even know what to say about this, the Onision thing. I have to talk about two people I don't like talking about today. Onision, I have to mention, and I have to mention Boogie. And both those people I don't like because both those people feed off of negative attention. And I don't like talking about people who like negative attention. But Onision really has fucked up again because while he's acting like a weirdo and while he's begging for negative attention... 0:39:17 Unknown_00: His two-year-old daughter, Chloe, as we have seen from Child Protective Services investigations into Onision, fell out of a two-story window and busted her head open. And Onision did not even hear this. They only found out that she was outside the house because she crawled up to a door and tapped on the window until someone noticed that she was tapping on the window. So he's eating shit for that as well. I mean, really, that's just... Unknown_00: awful it's really sad it's a little kid she's already cursed enough because um she's onision's daughter but uh from the report i met deputy groat at mary bridge's children's hospital uh 0:40:06 Unknown_00: Witness had juvenile. I'm sorry. This is censored because of juvenile victim slash witness. Juvenile victim slash witness had been brought into a CT scan immediately upon her arrival. I spoke to Lieutenant Johnson at Medical Unit 51. Johnson said the medical unit transported the witness to the hospital. Johnson said that when they arrived at the scene, witness arrived. was with Lieutenant Johnson, and there was a window screen partially underneath which was broken in the corner. He said the fall was not witnessed, and he was told that Kay was in the kitchen making dinner and James was in the garage. Johnson said that James said he heard tapping on the outside of the garage, and when he went to investigate it, he saw that the junior victim had fallen. And this is the kid in this instance. 0:40:40 Unknown_00: I spoke with Dr. Manji. He said that the juvenile victim had multiple skull fractures. He said that she had a subgallial hematoma. I don't know what that means. I hope I pronounced that right. Probably not. He said that she had small subdermal hematomas. Unknown_00: He said that there was some bleeding and bruising her brain. Unknown_00: I guess on her brain, but that it was not enough to require immediate surgery. I asked him if the injuries were life-threatening, and he explained that at this point they weren't, but due to the nature of the injuries, the juvenile victim would need to be carefully monitored because the situation could quickly change and the injuries could become life-threatening. He explained that the skull fracture on the right side of her head was depressed and pushing into her brain. Dr. Manji said that the injuries were consistent with a fall from a second-story window. 0:41:31 Unknown_00: So great job on ACN while you're on the fucking internet flailing around pretending to be a sex god your daughter is brain damaged because you don't pay attention to her ever apparently. Unknown_00: Because that is... I mean, how the fuck... If she was in the kitchen and he was in the garage, the two-year-old child was upstairs by herself and exposed to the elements in such a way that she could crawl to the window and then fling herself out of it and not be noticed while doing so. So, I mean, fuck these people. That's a major fuck-up. I know shit happens, but... 0:42:15 Unknown_00: Maybe watch your kids. Unknown_00: If you don't want your kids to get brain damaged, maybe watch them. Unknown_00: Okay, the coup de grace, the featured element of today is Boogie. Unknown_00: Boogie, a man I have not talked about much before because I don't know much about him. And from what I have seen about Boogie, I don't like him because, well, rather, I don't find him entertaining because he's clearly someone with his wits about him. He's not just like a crazy person like Yanov. 0:42:57 Unknown_00: He is someone who is, in many regards, a business professional who knows how to profit off of his audience. And he knows how to take bad things that happen to him and make them into good things. So necessarily, when bad things happen to him, they're also good things because he can make money off of it. Unknown_00: And the only time I've talked to Boogie was when I was on the Ralph Retort with Medeker and someone else, Akeemstar. And Boogie got on it, and he talked to us, and he was extremely good at disarming us. Even Medeker, he was extremely good at making... 0:43:32 Unknown_00: us question what we thought about him and to keep the conversation going in the direction he wanted and when he had basically said all he wanted to he left so there wasn't really a time to start uh start deflecting things or or Unknown_00: pushing against him in his narrative he just came in he said what he wanted to he disarmed everyone immediately made himself look like like a total like he's like a chameleon he came in there and he started making jokes that would please Ralph's audience that would later get him in trouble but at the time he was extremely good at blending into even an audience that different from his own 0:44:28 Unknown_00: and kind of woo everyone with his rhetoric, and then he got the fuck out when he had worn out his welcome, right? So it was extremely tactile and extremely well done, and people in the thread were angry at me for letting him manipulate us, so it's like I don't know Boogie. I don't know his story, and I still don't, but from what I've seen, I think I know this story, so I'd like to cover that. Unknown_00: Let me start off by saying this, though. Because as I looked into this, I was necessarily exposed to a sub-community on Reddit called Sam and Toki. And if you're not familiar with the term A-Log, in our parlance, it is someone who is unnecessarily angry over a lolcow. And the Sam and Toki people are unnecessarily angry over Boogie. And in a lot of ways, they end up enabling him because he is able to take their anger and the things they say and the things they do to him and turn that into a net gain for himself and excuse a lot of what he does to his audience more efficiently because of how they do abuse him. So I would never, ever encourage anyone to try and fuck with someone on the Internet because I think that, number one, it's funnier when people get what's coming. 0:46:00 Unknown_00: And no matter who it is, just remember in the end, get what you fucking deserve. Unknown_00: So it's not really necessary to to fuck with people. Unknown_00: And I'll explain what I mean by that, by the way, when I go through his reaction video, which is very, very recent. So just as a kind of intro, his account is hacked right now, I guess. Unknown_00: Very coincidentally, very conveniently for him, he's been kicked to this kind of sock puppet. And last time I checked, he was tweeting like every couple of minutes. Like he has, does it say here? He had several hundred tweets and he was replying like almost all of it was just from today. So for the last couple hours, he's been nonstop replying to everyone sending him messages. He replied to me. 0:46:38 Unknown_00: And I replied back, and I'll get back to that in a second. And then after going back and forth, he made this video about why he lied about swatting. And I'll play through this in a moment. But here he says, Okay, here's your milk. I look forward to watching them spin this against me somehow. Screenshot this tweet so that when this actually works against me somehow, you'll know I knew before I posted it. So... 0:47:12 Unknown_00: Let me just play one of the videos for when he got hacked. Unknown_05: All right, quick update to prove that this is in fact my alternate Twitter account. This is actually me. Unknown_05: My Twitter account got hacked into today. Looks like I really upset somebody on that hate subreddit because they hacked into that account. And the only thing they've done so far publicly, I'm sure they're going through DMs, looking for private information, looking for things to use against me, phone numbers of other creators and things along that lines. But so far publicly, all they've done is delete the tweets that make them look bad. which is pretty hysterical to me. 0:47:47 Unknown_05: But I've reached out to every creator I know. I've reached out to everybody I know that potentially could have a contact at Twitter. I haven't been successful yet. So if you know somebody at Twitter, feel free to reach out to them. Contact support on my behalf. If you'd like to tag them here, hopefully we'll get the account reinstated. I don't know. They changed the recovery email address. So I'm pretty much at a loss from there. Probably should have never had it tied to a public account to begin with. My bad. 0:48:28 Unknown_00: Okay, step one, if you have a verified Twitter account, you have two-factor authentication. He did not get hacked because he has a fucking two-step verification process on his phone. There's no way that they got into that account. Number two, if someone hacked Boogie's Twitter, the first thing they would do is start pulling DMs. I would already have his DMs right now, and that's what I said as much. What I believe has happened is that Boogie... Unknown_00: But Boogie shares a weird fat person personality trait with people like Chantel and Amberlynn Reid. 0:49:03 Unknown_00: Trust me, I'm not just talking about fat people because I love talking about fat people. This is the thing. There is something weird about the super morbidly obese. Unknown_00: where they are so good at lying to themselves, and they're good at lying to everyone around them. They have a pathological tendency to tell mistruth, and especially when there is a benefit of a doubt. If Amberlynn Reid can say on camera, I only had a small meal today. That's all I'm going to eat. In her mind, she is completely okay with telling that lie, even if it's obvious that someone at her size is eating at least 3,000 to 4,000 calories a day just to maintain, even more than that, 5,000 or 6,000. 0:49:49 Unknown_00: Even if it's obvious to people that she is not just going to eat that amount of food, in her mind, if you can't prove it, absolutely, that she's eating more than that, then it is a lie not only that she can get away with, but a lie worth telling. And Boogie and Chantel have that exact same trait where Boogie is just okay with lying constantly. He's at his most comfortable when he is casually lying to people and to himself. And he is such a you know, he's gone through 40 years of just fucking lying constantly that he told a casual lie to someone in his DMs. I was swatted twice in January. 0:50:32 Unknown_00: Well, he thought when he said that. Unknown_00: that there was no way whatsoever to prove that he did or did not get swatted in January or December. I can't remember which month, but he told someone in private this. And as it turns out in his area, any time the emergency response teams are summoned to a location, it is logged publicly. So when he told people that he was swatted twice... It was very easy to go to the public records for his house and see that he has not been swatted twice because there was no emergency response call to his address during that month. 0:51:06 Unknown_00: So when he told this lie, by the way, he also said who did it. He blamed very specifically the hate subreddit of Sam and Tolkien. Unknown_00: And it's worth mentioning that he likes to blame Sam and Tolkien a lot, but not the Kiwi Farms. And the reason why is because the forum just documents. Unknown_00: It does a pretty good job, I would say, that most people don't go out and try to fuck with Boogie. And if they did try to fuck with Boogie, we wouldn't tolerate them on the forum. So Sam and Toki people are way more okay with fucking with Boogie. And because they are, he's more okay with engaging with them and harvesting them for goodwill with his audience. He can't get away with that with the forum, so he kind of gives us a pass. 0:51:53 Unknown_00: Uh, so as he's blaming them for the swatting incident, he accidentally commits what may be a crime because you can't accuse someone else of being a criminal or rather a tort. I think it's a tort. If you say that someone broke the law. Unknown_00: That might be a civil offense because that's a hard form of defamation. If you say someone's shitty or someone's a liar, that's an opinion. But if you say someone is a criminal who has broken the law and the law was not even broken, you may have committed an offense against him. And the guy that runs the Sam and Toki subreddit is a fucking weirdo who really hates Boogie. So if he did lie super hard about this kind of easily provable as being a lie and defame the character of this guy, he could conceivably have some sort of remedial action against him. So immediately after he tells this bullshit and he gets caught out, he has this huge Mondo meltdown where, uh, I think this, this is the, uh, the PM champ. I'm not going to read all this. That'd be fucking insane. But this is where, uh, he's talking about the swatting. 0:53:06 Unknown_00: He mentioned the salmon Turkey subreddit trying to, he likes to engage these people. This is why I think that the DMS would have come out by now. If, uh, Unknown_00: If he had actually been hacked because he likes to engage his fans on a one-on-one basis and establish an emotional connection with them and make himself out to be the good guy deserving of pity. Uh, so I think there's a lot of good stuff that would be in there. 0:53:51 Unknown_00: Like he says here, I can't find the DM of the person who sent it to me, but go check the original post. Like if he can't even find his other conversations, he must be talking to a lot of people. And I guarantee you that's fun. Uh, I will read this, though. This is something that came out a couple days ago, and I was paying attention to it then because people were sending it to me, and it made me really wary about talking about Boogie at all. Unknown_00: Boy, that hate subreddit is going to wake up to a real banger in the morning. Not half as funny as their reaction to this sponsored video will be, though. You guys said grow a spine, so here we go. Details in the replies for those interested. 0:54:26 Unknown_00: So I always have a bunch of people tweeting at me for attention ever since I talked to one of the critics this summer. I took advantage of that and slipped into DMs a few weeks back and filled one guy with misinformation I knew he would leak mixed with truth. Unknown_00: So he's trying to do that fucking Game of Thrones thing where I sent misinformation to different people. And I know based on the lies that got out, who did it now? Unknown_00: He continues, I am a terrible liar. Unknown_00: And reading it back is so cringed. Claim I dated a 43-year-old woman for almost a year. Said I was writing a book and all kinds of other stuff. Was hoping it would keep them busy. It sure did. It was like they discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls. 0:54:59 Unknown_00: So he's doing the I'm only pretending to be retarded defense at this point. Unknown_00: From one of the things I said was that I got visits from cops in December. Now, that's not much of a lie because I got maybe four visits last year. I just shifted the dates around, had no clue they would latch onto that one like they did, though. To prove me wrong, they literally looked at my home address and then cross-referenced it via police records to try and discredit me. But in the process, they actually proved I got swatted three times last year. Providing the dates, making it easier to find my address, by the way. 0:55:36 Unknown_00: I mean, they literally violated Reddit policy. Oh, no, not Reddit policy. By making it easy on the thread to find my home address, it could even get their subreddit shut down. Absolutely insane. What's even crazier is they tried to make it seem like I blamed them for the SWAT. I didn't. And he absolutely did, by the way. He very explicitly blames the hate subreddit for the SWATing. Unknown_00: This was, of course, horribly manipulative and something I would normally never do. I have a friend in PR, and she recommended giving the misinformation. And I figure I have nothing to lose at this point, so why not have fun with it? But wow, did they take the bait. I'm sorry if this disappoints you, but after years of being harassed by these people, I wanted to make some control back. I just can't believe how awful it made them look. Doxing me, then spending hours going through police records to discredit me. Horrible obsession going awry. I feel really dirty and awful. I don't like lying, and I don't like manipulating, though. I'm not sure if I ever had to do it over again, if I would. But I figured they were going to call me out. They may as well make that... I may as well take that and use it against them. I need a shower. Nothing in the world more dangerous than someone who has nothing left to lose. 0:56:49 Unknown_06: Get what you fucking deserve! Unknown_00: living in a society uh i recommend watching out this little cow gonna milk those ew this little cow gonna milk those assholes back for a change ew i don't want to think i'm just imagining boogie is like a cow squeezing some kind of milky substance out of an asshole right now that's horrific uh i told you i would turn into wings or phil oh wings of redemption or phil 0:57:29 Unknown_00: I just don't know if I could do this for a living. So I'm going to go point by point over this, but it's everything he says here. He's in a puts into a video and I wasn't expecting the video. The video came out right before my stream time. And I, but I have had time to go over it and pick out some timestamps, but for the sake, I'm going to go over the entire thing in time and a half because he talks kind of slow, but yeah, Unknown_00: It should be fine. Unknown_00: Oh, and his whole milking assholes tirade. Chris, as in Christian Weston Chandler, didn't have my level of recognition and voice on the internet, though. When Chris begged for help, no one cares. But when I use their tools against them and expose them, people will listen. So he's saying he's going to stop trolling. And he, I think it's this video. 0:58:05 Unknown_00: Yeah, he posted a second video on his Twitter timeline. I'm going to play that as well. Unknown_00: Look, before I go to bed, I want to say that I have said and done some really stupid shit. Unknown_05: And if you hate me because of stuff that I've actually done, because of stuff that I've actually said... Unknown_05: I'm okay with that. I will take that fall. But what I will not do is let a known hate subreddit that has harassed that poor trans speedrunner, that has harassed other speedrunners, that has harassed my friend The Wandering Wind recently, that has harassed people like McJuggerNuggets, Kid Behind a Camera, all of this other stuff, man. I'm not going to let them do that shit. There's so much, when you look at that megathread, it's a bunch of nothing with a bunch of false narrative trying to turn it into something. I think if you really look at it, if you looked at those clips by themselves, you wouldn't be that upset. But with the false narrative, stuff like, I supposedly abuse women, I supposedly bang hookers, that I supposedly lying to you and manipulating you, I'm supposedly doing that right now, that I supposedly hacked myself, like, that shit... I'm not going to go down for that. I refuse to go down for that. So I'm going to shoot my shot. I know it's going to fail. I know that evil will end in an evil world. 0:59:29 Unknown_05: But I got nothing less to lose. There's a 100% chance that it's going to end the rest of my career. I'm aware of that. But there's a more than 0% chance that maybe it could stop this shit from happening to other people. Unknown_05: So why not? I'll shoot my shot. We will see. Unknown_00: Boogie is such a hero that even though what he's doing is incredibly stupid and makes no sense at all and will probably hurt him in the long run, he is so incredibly selfless that for the likes of people like Christian Wesson Chandler, he will set himself on fire on the steps of Capitol Hill and make some really gnarly soap for all the bureaucrats there to write articles 1:00:18 Unknown_00: to bribe them with his fat soap to write anti-cyberbullying legislation so that it never happens again. He is truly the most selfless cow that has ever lived. Unknown_00: Okay, let's watch this video. Unknown_00: Oh, I want to note real quick that he made this tweet saying that I'm going to go to bed now, but here's a final video before I go to bed. And then for some reason he doesn't have a shirt on. I don't know if getting out of bed and putting on a shirt is too much effort for him at this point in his life. Unknown_00: But it really is incredibly unsettling to see this big fat motherfucker just sitting here in his bed filming this, talking about how he's going to stop cyberbullying. Anyways, let me pull up that video about Boogie, and we'll set this to time and a half so we can get through it a little bit quicker, but while still being able to hear him. 1:01:00 Unknown_05: I have a friend who works for the FBI and I asked him how to deal with the online harassment that I get from a certain subreddit, from Kiwi Farms, from places like that. Unknown_00: And he told me the only way to fight that stuff back is to expose those people for what they really are. Unknown_00: No, he fucking did not. This did not happen. This literally did not fucking happen. At no point in the history of ever has a professional, number one, a FBI agent would not give you fucking advice like that. He would say that that would cost him his job if he gave you terrible advice like what you said he told you. Uh, but the advice, nobody would give you that. If someone came to you and said, I'm being bullied on the internet, what do I do? And would you tell, uh, I mean, unless you hated them, would you tell them, uh, fight back? Oh yeah. Expose those people for how they really are. No, nobody ever, unless his, FBI handler is like fucking with him or a figment of his imagination or is like a troll who just told him he's an FBI agent and he believes him. 1:02:22 Unknown_00: He's making this up. And don't let me forget that because that's an important thing. This is a trend. The whole FBI agent told me something is a trend that he does and I've noticed it already in the few videos I've heard him talking. Unknown_00: So that's what this video is. Unknown_05: I'm going to show you some receipts that I think you should see. First off, if you watch my channel, you've probably been recommended one of these videos exposing me. And man, there's a lot of stuff in this that is very fair criticism. I've said and done some really stupid stuff in my 14 years on YouTube, my 10 years on Twitch. I mean, I've said and done some really indefensible stuff. But one of the major themes of all of these videos is that I'm a lying manipulator, that I've lied to my audience, that I've manipulated you guys, that the abuse I went through isn't true, or that the suicidal impulses that I talk about feeling, those aren't true. I don't actually have any mental disorders. And I lie about all of this stuff to try to manipulate my audience, I guess, to make money or something along that lines. And all of those rumors come from one place, one place only. And that's a known hate subreddit. That hate subreddit is Sam and Tulki. And if you've ever heard... Okay, so these are the people I talked about. 1:03:01 Unknown_00: Again, they are kind of A-loggy. But at the same time, the whole everything negative you think about me, it comes from one evil. So he's like... It almost feels like he's read a book on manipulation. Because I... I'm not like a boogie expert, but it feels like if you were some kind of guy, right, a leader who was trying to convince a lot of people to follow you blindly, you would demonize a certain group of people who could be applied negative attributes, right? And then you just blame everything on them. And as long as you can keep blaming things on them, then those people will do whatever you want. Right. That seems like a manipulation tactic that is famous. Right. That seems like a thing that would would potentially work on people, especially dumb people giving boogie money. 1:03:45 Unknown_05: of a mega thread. This is that mega thread. And this is where this place is hosted. This is the people who put that stuff together. So let's talk a little bit about those people. I want to show you how all of this started. Back in 2015 on my subreddit, the owner of this particular subreddit posted this about me, saying that I wasn't serious about my weight loss, that I never have been, that I'm full of excuses, that I'm lying all the time. that I'm lying about my suicidal tendencies, and those are gross exaggerations, and how I possibly couldn't have suicidal thoughts back when, because I had a beautiful wife, because I make six figures a year. I cropped out his name, I put this on Twitter, and I started a war. This guy has been coming at me for five years because I dared rebuke his bullshit. That's the guy who owns the subreddit that you're getting your information from. That's where that megathread lives. And I'm going to show you some fairly choice stuff from that subreddit, but they are deleting stuff left and right right now because they knew today was coming. They knew I was making this video. So they're trying to cover their tracks. 1:04:21 Unknown_00: They knew. They were hiding from Boogie. They were feeling, I think he was... Okay, I'm torn on this. When he was doing this whole tirade about how this locale is going to milk those assholes with all their sticky white milky juice, I think he was trying to hint at this video. But to me, when looking at it, it looks like he was hinting at the whole pretending to be hack shit. But I think he was hinting that this is how I was going to get back at them. I was going to make an expose video on the haters. But I will link to stuff like this medium here, which goes on to show that before I ever was part of their attention, they were sexist and ableist and homophobic, making fun of speedrunners because they were trans, because they were homosexual, because of the way they looked. 1:05:06 Unknown_05: I mean, yeah, this place basically went from a speedrun saga website to just an overall harassment website. They have openly mocked and attacked speedrunners for as long as they can for some of the most petty and horrible and stupid and disgusting reasons. Before I do this, I want to make sure it's very clear that I don't expect this to negate anything I've said or done wrong. But I want you to consider the source when it comes to some of this stuff, and I tell you that some of this stuff isn't... Okay, I have a note here to pause there. 1:05:42 Unknown_00: Again, everything is their fault, and he always, he constantly reassures throughout this entire video, I'm not trying to excuse myself, I'm just trying to put it in context. And that's like a verbal tick he has. He never tries to excuse himself of what he's done, he's just trying to frame it differently. Unknown_00: true. These are known liars, known manipulators, known gaslighters. Unknown_05: They've been doing it for years and they've been doing it to me. So when you take a look at what actual internet bullies these people are, I hope that you will learn to believe my word over mine because I will absolutely own my actual mistakes and we will talk about those in this video and further videos coming along. But for now, let me show you what bullies these people actually are. And what you can find there right now isn't even that bad compared to some of the other stuff they posted. They're a cleaning house. I highly recommend you go look at an archive of that subreddit to see some of the more toxic stuff, because the stuff that's there now is stuff they decided it's okay to leave up. They also attack literally anybody that I work with. Here's Andy Sanor, who wanted to have me on his podcast tonight. Here they are tearing him a brand new hole for daring having worked with me. When I get a sponsor for the channel, they letter bomb those sponsors until that sponsor is worried about whether or not they should work with me. Now, the good news is my sponsors pretty much always take my side, but that doesn't mean they don't actively try to destroy anybody that I work with, a sponsor that I work with. I mean, this is disgusting and abhorrent behavior. They keep creating accounts like this. When I block them, they just make more and more and more. And when they can't interact with me, they interact with people who work with me and fans and attack them and mock them and call them every name in the book. just for the sake of trying to discredit me. And some of these people will spend an hour or two every day doing this stuff. And not just for like a week, not for a month, but this subreddit has been actively attacking me and going through everything I've ever said and ever done on the internet for the last three years. They spend hundreds of man hours every day amongst them looking for any little mistake I've ever made, anything that I could say or do. And I don't think you can trust somebody who's that possessed, that's obsessed with something like that. I mean, I don't like Jake Paul, but I'm not tweeting at Jake Paul 100 times a day. I'm not investigating Jake Paul looking for every little twist and turn. Someone who does something like that is most likely not to be trusted. And this subreddit has been doing that for three years, spending hundreds of man hours for three years. I mean, it speaks of real mental imbalance, and that's coming from somebody who should know. 1:07:31 Unknown_00: When you take a look... Okay, I have a note there. Unknown_00: Number one, I don't ever find contacting ways people make money and fucking with them to be funny. I didn't find it with Maddox to be funny, contacting the leather man purse type thing and getting him kicked off of that. Harry's, I think, was the name of the leather worker that sponsored Maddox. I don't think that this is funny. And even if you do think it's funny... um keep in mind you're helping them like look at what he's doing he's saying look at this guy this guy is demonstrably fucking crazy i've been blocking him for years he's keep coming back they keep fucking with my sponsors uh feel feel bad for me and the people who like boogie and who want to like boogie will look at something like that and go oh i do feel bad for you so if you are that kind of person don't you don't have to take a moralistic approach and say that fucking with someone is uh funny or not funny You don't have to take a legal approach and say that torturous interference like that is something that can be taken against me in court. Look at how it actually affects him and realize that you are just giving him the kind of thing that he can put on a screen and keep that fucking money flowing with. 1:08:44 Unknown_00: Look at this mega thread. I want you to really look at it, because it's so hypocritical and so full of BS that only a moron would fall for a lot of the stuff that's in this. Unknown_05: And I'm not talking about the actual mistakes I've made, because anyone's going to see that stuff. But take this for example right here, where it says, contrary to what he claims, Boogie's not being accused of being a pedophile. But from there, all you have to do is scroll down the page to where they link to a clip and give it a false context saying Boogie doesn't want to have kids for fear of molesting them. That's what a pedophile does. A pedophile molests kids. You're accusing me of being a pedophile after saying that's not what you're doing, idiots. Unknown_00: Okay, I paused right here because I happen to have that fucking clip. 1:09:26 Unknown_00: Uh, somewhere? Somewhere? Where is it? I know I have it. I know I have it. If I don't have this, I'm going to be really upset. Unknown_04: Is it in my downloads? Unknown_00: Oh, I desperately, I can't, I can't continue. I have to pause it here until I can find it because I have this video somewhere. Unknown_00: I will literally pull up the megathread right now and download it again if I have to because I can't not play that clip. Unknown_04: Yeah, I'm going to have to do that. That's okay. 1:10:00 Unknown_04: Sorry. Unknown_04: I am a fatally flawed broken. Unknown_01: I am a fatally flawed broken person. Unknown_01: I'm not that different from my mom. I'm not that different from my dad. I've never molested anybody. I didn't beat my kids. I chose not to have kids so I wouldn't do those things. 1:10:34 Unknown_01: But does that mean I'm any better than my mother? Does it mean I'm any better than my father? Probably not. Unknown_00: What context can you possibly add to that quote, Boogie? Boogie, you're literally saying that you're attracted to kids and you can't have them because you might molest them, Boogie. Unknown_00: I'm, you know, I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. I don't like throwing around the P word. I really don't like throwing around the P word. The P word is my least favorite word in the fucking language because it's not funny. It's never funny in any context, boogie. But when you do that, when you say shit like that, boogie, I don't have an option. I'm forced to assume something about you. And, you know, it's not like I'm bullying you type thing. It's not like I'm saying, oh, you're a bad person. I'm just saying, like, based off the facts, this is an attribute I am now forced to assume about you. And when you complain about it and you point to the Reddit and you point to the link and then you don't play it because you have no excuse for it, I am forced to assume that it's true and you're just bitching that people are saying it about you. 1:11:09 Unknown_00: I mean, really, that's just, I mean, it's just, it's just nuts. It's one of the worst clips I've ever heard. That's just not like a crazy person. Like this is a sane person making a rational judgment about themselves that I'm forced to assume is true. 1:11:41 Unknown_00: Back to the top of the page where it says, contrary to what he claims, Boogie is not being accused of being a wife beater. Unknown_05: Roll down the page and here's this section where supposedly I made my wife sign an NDA. And they gave it again false context saying that NDAs are signed when there are things to hide, which explains why Des has been awfully quiet on the relationship or any psychological, not physical abusive behavior towards her. And yes, I get that you're saying not a wife beater, but you're still accusing me of being emotionally abusive or any other type of abuse. You're being hypocritical. You can't trust those types of hypocrites. And by the way, my ex-wife never signed an NDA. And here she is on her own Twitter account claiming that she never signed an NDA. She can say whatever she wants. Why is this not in the megathread? Why did they not take that section down off the megathread once they were proven to be wrong? Because they know you'll never find this stuff. They know that you'll believe the lie and they'll give it even more false context. I've heard them saying stuff like I paid my ex-wife or bullied or threatened my ex-wife to tweet this out and that they're going to leave it up because they know the truth. But it's not the truth. They are just lying to you. They're just fucking liars. But that's not even the point of this video. 1:12:15 Unknown_00: This video is because I have a mark for that as well. That's an example. The tweet that he was showing on the screen was his ex-wife saying that she's not signed an NDA. And at that point, I would say that you should probably take that down or at least say that according to her, she is... 1:12:46 Unknown_00: That she's not under NDA and this information is probably wrong. I would just remove it on the forum. I would have it removed from the OP because it clutters it. And you see he goes from something like the pedophilia stuff to talking about the wife's NDA. And he can easily excuse that one. And even though they're not the same weight of accusation... They're both individual accusations, and if he can say, well, I'm not going to dispute this. I'm not going to linger on this. I'm not even going to show you what is being said here. I'm just going to show you that they're saying that I'm a pedophile, and then they're saying that my wife has signed this NDA, and here's my wife saying that she hasn't signed an NDA. It's like a clever mental trick to deny both without touching on one as much as you touch on the other, which can be demonstrably proven false. So, again, for the Sam and Tolkien people, being honest is a huge thing because you can't just make like a mega thread of things that are half true. Because then the things that are true, that are sickeningly in their nature, that really do hurt his reputation, if that's your objective, look false sitting next to things that are false. So that's why when I manage the forum, I always try to make sure that the objective truth is highlighted and things that are conjecture are left to opinionated posts and not in prominent areas of the site. 1:13:58 Unknown_05: I did something very, very stupid. They've been calling me a liar and a manipulator for a really, really long time. And after talking to my friend of the FBI, after talking to a friend in PR, they made a suggestion, and that was to bait them and see what would happen. So I did. I had a private conversation. Unknown_00: Okay, I mentioned earlier, don't let me forget this, the FBI told me to do something, this PR person told me to do something. Boogie has never once said, of my own will and accord, I am doing this. He has always said, I am doing this at the behest of an expert. So if what he's doing looks stupid or retarded or backfiring on him immediately, it's not his fault. He's not a stupid retard. It's the fault of the exports who are giving him advice that you plebeians just don't understand. It's an appeal to authority. And it drives me fucking nuts. I understand why he makes people angry now because he is such a fantastic liar. And if you're not ready for him or talking to him, all of this goes right over your head. So while I'm listening to this, I'm more cognizant of the fact that he is a liar and the things he says that are lies and how he lies and how he misdirects people are more obvious. 1:15:24 Unknown_05: with somebody i knew who posted on that message board and i filled it full of tons of misinformation to see what they would grab a hold of now i want to show you these receipts but someone probably from that subreddit hacked into my twitter today i don't have access to it as soon as i do i'll link this video i'll link all of the stuff and show you guys but he said in this by the way i never i think he said i never said that um it was one i don't remember which tweet it was but he never he said i never said that they hacked me Unknown_00: He just said it. He literally just said it. Probably someone from that subreddit. I mean, I guess the modifier probably is there, but really, fuck you. Not 12. 1:16:05 Unknown_05: Take my word for it. I told them all kinds of outlandish stuff. I told them that I was writing a book, which is not an entire lie. But I told them that I was swatted twice in December. I told them that I dated a girl that was 43 years old for the last couple of years because I wanted to see what they would do with this information. And I just wanted to keep them busy. I wanted to beat them based on what my PR person said. I said, give them something to talk about. So I did. What they latched on to, though, I was totally surprised with what they latched on because they incriminated themselves so beautifully. That I can't, if you have respect for these people after me showing you this, then I don't want you to have respect for me because I no longer respect you. Right here in one of the most upvoted posts on this entire subreddit, they show where they both doxed me, where they searched police records involving my address and my home information. 1:16:45 Unknown_00: Okay, this part makes my blood boil because he, I don't know what his gambit is here. I don't know what he's trying to say. But listen to how indignant he is that someone fact-checked him. Someone caught him out on his lie, and that is the crime. That's the real crime, is that someone bothered to look. Those motherfuckers. Unknown_05: Literally gone completely batshit insane. First up to do this, they had to look up my private information, including my address, and that is doxing me. Then they deep dove all of these police dispatch logs He literally says he spent the last four days going over these records. This is not a healthy behavior. This is not what a healthy person does. They searched through 4,587 records to look for my address. To find out that you lied. 1:17:22 Unknown_00: That's the crime. That's what he's so angry about. If they had... had come out and said, I spent four days going through all these records and I found out that Boogie was telling the truth and he's the real victim here. He would be thanking him. He'd be having him on a show and quote tweeting him. He wouldn't care about the doxing. What makes him mad is that he got found out for being a bullshit artist. You're gonna catch me in a lie that, by the way, was from a private conversation that got leaked. Unknown_05: That's how obsessed these people are. That's how dangerously mentally insane these people are. It's absolutely crazy. Now, he has since edited that post, but originally, in his original post, he listed the three dates that he did find that I did have visits from the police. And any idiot could then go to those police records, which are publicly available, and backwards engineer my address. That's why I'm saying I got doxxed, because any moron from that point could look at the date that he originally posted, look at the only welfare check of that day, and then 30 seconds later show up at my front door with a gun. That is a violation of Reddit policy. Reddit needs to deal with that, not me. I ain't dealing with that. 1:17:58 Unknown_00: If Sam and Tolkien get banned from Reddit, we will accept the refugees, but they must come in legally. And they must not do this gay bullshit because that's going to get me in trouble and it's going to make his thread. 1:18:31 Unknown_00: If you come in legally, then he won't be able to use the things you do against you. So you must conform, you must integrate into our proud society. Unknown_05: but it does because you can't do that you can't post people's private information online and they know that they go right up to the edge as often as they can but they try to stay under the rules with the harassment this time they crossed the line though that's just pure fact in fact i checked google cash and here that is right here um this is what they did they called the cops to get my personal private information and put it on the internet and i know that now that i'm posting these days here you guys can figure out what my address is but thanks to them it's already out there so Not much I can do about it now. So go ahead, show up at the front door if you need to. But by posting this, he violates Reddit policy. And more importantly, he violates me. This is not something that's okay to do. In order to debate them like this, I had to lie. I mean, they've been calling me a liar and a manipulator this whole time. And I've decided that I would just embrace it. That's what I would do in order to see if I can give them enough rope to hang themselves. They played right into it. I probably should have done this years ago when this harassment first started, but at least I did it now. What did he prove, though? He proved that they can check public records, that they're capable enough to cross-check things to find out the truth. 1:19:09 Unknown_00: He's trying to make it sound like he's the midget from Game of Thrones who's putting everyone against each other by giving different people different lies to see what gets leaked. And it's like you're not some, like, okay, you are very manipulative, but you're not a mastermind. You're not like a plotter or something coming up with some grand conspiracy to find out who the mole is. You're just lying on top of lies. It's not impressive. I'm not blown away by your skill here, your chess gambit. 1:19:48 Unknown_05: Like absolute dirt for having lied to you guys. It breaks my heart. I don't like doing that kind of thing. Unknown_00: And here's apologizing. It makes me feel like garbage to have sunk to this level. Unknown_05: But at this point, my career is over. At this point, my YouTube channel is over. Public perception about me is completely gone. So I had nothing else to lose at this point. If I lose you, one of the last things I had to lose over, I'm genuinely sorry. I genuinely am. And they're telling me that I broke the law by lying about this stuff. So I might even go to jail. But if it was a way to try to save my career, I hope you can understand why I did it. If it was a chance to save my relationship with you, I hope you understand why I did it. This is completely out of character for me. 1:20:26 Unknown_00: I might go to jail for my wonderful Game of Thrones plot, but it was worth it because I proved to you all that Sam and Tolkien are doctors. Unknown_05: It fucks me up having to do it, but here we are. That's the world I live in now, and you told me to grow a spine, so there's my spine. And then the craziest thing about it is that when you go to the subreddit right now, they'll tell you there's no way I was smarter than them. It's no way that I'm better than them. He lies all the time. That was just him lying, and now he's lying again to cover the lies. You can only cry wolf so much, guys. I mean, you got me this time. I absolutely lied about the swatting this time to try to bait you guys. But you say everything. You're going to even call this video a lie. That's how full of shit you are. And I think it's time that people stop believing your gaslighting, lying horse shit. That's what abusers do, by the way. That's how they manipulate. 1:20:59 Unknown_00: Okay, this part's great. This part is genuinely fucking comedy gold. Listen to this word for word. This is great. I might make this regular speed because this is, you need to hear this. 1:21:30 Unknown_05: ...related you guys into all of this, by the way. When an abuser wants to gaslight you, what they do is they claim you're the gaslighter. When the... Let's go back 20 seconds., by the way. That's how shit you are. And I think it's time that people stop believing your gaslighting, lying, horse shit. You're the gaslighter. When an abuser wants to gaslight you, what they do is they claim you're the gaslighter. When the... Boogie. Unknown_00: boogie it's like 10 seconds later and you're you trip on yourself i don't know i someone sent me a tweet by the way saying that this apology was so bad that they ended up unsubscribing to boogie finally and i don't know if that's real i mean the down votes are pretty high relatively but i just i can't imagine eating this shit i can't imagine it because it's it's so obviously manipulative and i don't know anything about boogie 1:22:27 Unknown_05: wants to abuse you, they claim that you are the abuser. And that's what these people have done. They wanted to attack me, they wanted to discredit me, they were doing it long before I got divorced, long before I said or did any of the stupid things I've said and done over the last couple of years. But they have tried to lie to you and manipulate you into thinking I'm the liar. And who do you think is more likely to lie here? Me, the person who experienced all of these things and I'm telling you about them? Or the people who don't know me at all? My history in Southwest Virginia, my abuse is well documented. I have friends and family members who come forward to talk about it. My ex-wife, my brother, even my sister has admitted to some of it online and she doesn't want to be involved at all. I have the receipts. I have the facts. I have the truth. And all they have is a bunch of clips that they took out of context and they were attacking me long before I even gave them one of those clips. Only I can save you followers. Continue to subscribe to my Patreon and Twitch to use. When you take a look at this mega thread, if you haven't already, please use a critical mind. There's so much stuff on this that shouldn't even be open to criticism. Who I date, how I live my life, my weight loss, any of this stuff, none of this should be something that they discuss. They literally searched internet archives back to 2004 to the websites I published back in 2004 looking for things that they- Okay, this is also a great point because he brings up these crazy people. 1:23:02 Unknown_00: Yeah, the porn blogs that he ran in 2004. This guy's a coomer, by the way. If you want to know what a coomer looks like, he ain't that skinny. He's big and fat, and he's milking assholes. Okay, he throws it down. He throws down the gambit. You can't judge me on something that I said 14 years ago. That's fine. I'm willing to give you that, boogie, because there are things that I said 14 years ago. I don't want to be judged on it. But then he immediately segues into a defense that I think comes up right now. ...take out of context and attack me with. 1:23:36 Unknown_05: Here they are talking about where I forgave my sister for molesting me and how I must be lying about my sister. Every single thing that they possibly can take and run with, they do. So much of this is such obvious bullshit that if you believe everything on this list, literally everything, then you must be one of the most gullible people in the world. And look, if there's one thing on here you don't believe, then I hope you have a critical mind for the rest of it. Because yes, I have made my mistakes. Absolutely. but most of what's on here ain't that. And if in your mind, it comes down to my word versus them, then I want you to take a look at my 14 year history of work here on YouTube. 1:24:17 Unknown_00: Don't judge me on something from 2004, but do look back on my proud 14 year history on YouTube. Unknown_00: Well, what is it, motherfucker? Should I judge you on something that you said 14 years ago or should I not judge you on something you said 14 years ago? Because it seems like you're bringing up your history as a defense against your history. You can't have it both ways. You can't say, oh, it's exactly 14 years ago that you have to stop judging me. 16 years ago, that's too far. 1:24:51 Unknown_00: Come on, don't judge anyone, don't judge anybody on anything they said 16 years ago. Let's be rational here. Where I've run charity streams, helped out small creators, when I would raid a small creator on Twitch every night, helping them get partnered. Unknown_05: Where I've given away money to fans, where I've done giveaways here on this YouTube channel, and all of the other good that I have done here, and compare that to any good that they've done, the lack of good that they've done, and the horrible amount of damage they've done, not to me, but to other people like Nerissa, like Cosmo, all of the other people they have shit on over the years before I was even in their crosshairs, I think it's pretty easy to pick a side. And once again, does this excuse any of the stupid jokes I've made that could be taken as racist, that could be taken as homophobic, or something that could be taken out of context because I joke about suicide, I joke about my own molestation? No, absolutely not. When I compare these people to rapists and Nazis, even though these people are scum, they're nothing like a rapist, nothing like a Nazi. That's not something I should have said. I've said and done some really stupid stuff. And if you dislike me because I've said those stupid things and you think those stupid things outweigh the good that I've done or the content that I create, then that's fine. I don't want you watching my content. I want you to go on about your life and enjoy it. But if you're one of these people that have been gaslit into thinking I've been a liar, I've been a manipulator, that I've made you do something you didn't want, that I took advantage of you, that I ever wanted anything other than to entertain you and inspire you to be a better person than I am and to do better than me. If that's what you think. then i hope that maybe you'll reconsider where you got that information from and take a critical look at both that information and both of what i provided here today and as well as the rest of my channel and maybe you'll come back you probably won't i mean this is a video of a desperate man who realizes he's got really nothing else to lose so i finally decided to sink to their level i hate myself for it but you know and you get put in a corner you do what you got to do to get out i'm gonna go think long and hard about posting this because in order to post this i have to publicly admit i may have done a felony 1:26:12 Unknown_05: Guys, thanks for watching. I love you very much. And I'll speak with you again soon. 1:26:44 Unknown_05: What a day. Also, if you know anybody at Twitter, reach out to them. Unknown_00: Okay, whatever, whatever. Be a better person than Boogie. That's not a high bar set. I think everyone here can be a better person than Boogie. Don't actively build a career off making gullible people feel bad for you for shit that you did. That's pretty easy. I think most of us can do that. So, on that note, I do believe I'm all wrapped up. Unknown_00: I had a lot of fun looking at this video. It's condensed sleaze. He's a sleazy fucking guy. I didn't really have much exposure to him before this. 1:27:15 Unknown_00: So just kind of... It feels like I'm going into a frying pan. You know what I mean? You dive into it and you're just like, this guy is really bad. And fortunately, I think that this whole thing about being swatted and... Unknown_00: trying to excuse himself for it and all this shit. It's like so obvious what he's doing that it doesn't go past me. It's not something that's so bloated and over so many years that I can't understand it. Like, obviously, this guy is a fucking sleaze. So... 1:27:50 Unknown_00: Uh, I hope, I hope that was a satisfying apology to all those people who are mad at me for not giving Boogie the squeeze on the Ralph record like two years ago. Unknown_00: Um, and yeah, I think that's it. So be safe. Don't catch the flu. If you do catch the flu, pull your teeth out so you can't bite nobody. Unknown_00: And I will see you guys tomorrow for the last episode of Life is Strange 2. And then I will see you guys on next Friday for whatever crazy shit has happened then. And I'll see you then. 1:28:28 Unknown_04: Take it easy. Unknown_04: They blocked my fucking song in this... Oh, fuck me. Unknown_00: Can I play it on this browser behind the proxy? Come on now. Don't fuck with me, YouTube. Don't fuck with me. I'm trying to go pee. I have to pee, YouTube. Can you just let me go pee? Unknown_00: Oh my god, what a disaster. Unknown_04: I desperately just want to go pee. 1:29:03 Unknown_00: Okay, here we go. Here we go. Saved. 1:29:46 Unknown_08: Of a seven day binge I cannot see your name It's ingrained from my lips We've only reached the third day Of a seven day binge 1:30:37 Unknown_08: Wear me well I just feel like I'm Contaminated with someone else's hell We've only reached the third day Of a seven day pen Unknown_08: I got bullets. Better be with you. Better be with you. Better be with you.