0:00:00 Unknown_03: You know, pals, there's so many great things about America that sometimes we don't even notice them. Unknown_05: But we'd notice them if they were gone. Sure. That's why everyone got us so homesick when we took that vacation in Italy. Oh, right. Unknown_05: Oh, well, oh, well, I felt so good today. We touched back down on an international runway. Unknown_05: Tipped the bell back on from overseas to the USA. Unknown_05: New York, Los Angeles, oh, how I yearn for you. Detroit, Chicago, Chattanooga, Baton Rouge. 0:00:36 Unknown_04: I'm so glad I'm living in the U.S.A. Yes, I'm so glad I'm living in the U.S.A. Unknown_05: Anything you want, we got it right here in the U.S.A. Unknown_05: Well, we're so glad we're living in the U.S.A. Yes, we're so glad we're living in the U.S.A. 0:01:17 Unknown_01: Sing along if you know the lyrics. Unknown_05: Come on, chat. Unknown_01: Sing it. Unknown_05: We're so glad. Unknown_03: We're so glad. Unknown_01: Every time I think about how beautiful our multi-ethnic country is, I'm reminded of the Chuck E. Cheese animatronics singing to me about being glad to live in the USA. It's scarred into my childhood memories. 0:01:57 Unknown_01: It's an indelible part of my memories. Unknown_01: It's a part of what made me. Those animatronics singing about loving the USA. I just remember it. Unknown_01: I have, okay, I promised at the new year I was going to avoid politics. Now I'd move that aside for another day. So I figure this short stream that I'm doing completely off the cuff, I have no notes, I have nothing. The only thing I prepared for this stream was that song. But I wanted to remind everyone that I will now be streaming. at a different time i'll be streaming on fridays and some saturdays at noon european time or uh 6 p.m eastern time in the u.s so i wanted to get that out so people who it's very hard to try and herd everyone to the new times and stuff because when i lost the channel the first time A lot of people still haven't found it, which is pretty sad. So I have to do better. I have to do better with that. And I have to do better with telling people to go to my website if they want to give me money. It's madattheinternet.com. That's the How You Give Josh Money website. Where's my banner? There it is. Uh, somebody, somebody sent me a PM saying that they'd listened to all my streams and wanted to know how to give me money. And it's like, I'm pretty sure I've advertised this website at least at some point. 0:03:29 Unknown_01: Uh, but I guess I don't do a good job. So there it is. I didn't, I didn't start this stream just to show my website, by the way. I know it seems like that. Uh, I wanted to mention, uh, I just want to mention it cause it was, it was fresh in my memory and I'd forget if I didn't mention it. Unknown_01: I just wanted to start the stream to tell everyone that their parents should have voted for Ron Paul in 2008, because you probably weren't old enough to vote in 2008. Definitely should have voted for Ron Paul in 2008. And because you did not vote for Ron Paul in 2008, the United States is now inexorably down the path of decline for all eternity. There's no recovering it. 0:04:08 Unknown_01: The U.S. is like a march now. It's just like a military state where the only way for the average person to have an acceptable quality of life is to either be born into certain families, which are privileged to a quality of life, or to join the military. Because you get like a free education and shit. You get everything for free if you join the military. The downside is you have to go to Iraq and get your legs blown off. Or to Iran and get your legs blown off. Or to Afghanistan and get your legs blown off. 0:04:41 Unknown_01: Or to Vietnam and get your legs blown off. you have to lose that's basically it education costs you an arm and a leg and you have to join the military in order to get those benefits otherwise otherwise you're just like cattle you get your fucking student loan get your interest rate and you're fucked a very doom and gloom because i i don't i don't want to bomb iran i don't enjoy this i don't enjoy looking at this I voted very specifically for Trump. You know, there's lots of bullshit reasons I supported Trump, but the main reason was I wanted a wall and I wanted to not be involved in the Middle East. I thought, how great is this? Trump is saying, let's not be involved in the Middle East. I love that idea. That's a great idea. I want to not be in the Middle East. That's fantastic. There is no wall and we are now bombing Iran. How is this a thing? How is this happening? 0:05:14 Unknown_01: chat i try to be optimistic i try i don't even i i stopped reading poll entirely because it was too depressing for me i was not emotionally prepared to handle that level of fucking like just miserable black pill nihilism every every second of every post but i don't know now that it's headlines i can't avoid it 0:06:06 Unknown_01: Same reason I voted for Obama, too? Ooh. Yeah, that's true. I remember when Obama had just won. I remember he went to Egypt and started quoting the Koran to Egyptians. And I remember thinking, how great is it that we have a president who is of diverse background and can go to a foreign country and speak eloquently and even quote the Koran to the audience? That's fantastic. It didn't amount to shit. Nothing mattered. Nothing mattered, chat. Why did nothing matter? 0:06:40 Unknown_01: The only man who could have saved us was Ron Paul. And if he had become president, they probably would have just killed him. Unknown_01: Disused car salesman. We're not bombing Iran. Are you sure? If you're over 18 and couldn't dodge the draft. Unknown_01: I know they do a certain thing. Whatever. Unknown_01: Pallets of money matter. That's true. Trump even mentioned that. He mentioned the pallets of money that Obama gave Iran. Unknown_01: Nothing matters. 0:07:14 Unknown_01: See, this is what I would advocate. And maybe I'm just a crazy person, whatever. Because I know many people have real jobs where they do stuff with their hands, as opposed to me. The only thing I touch with my hand is my dick. But if you can, if you are in a technological area of expertise, and you have the capacity... Unknown_01: Get a wife or marry or whatever with a non-thought and leave the country. Go to someplace that doesn't matter. Go to someplace like the Netherlands or Estonia or Singapore or Bolivia. Just go to someplace where it doesn't matter. Nothing matters. Nobody cares about you. Switzerland. You know, someplace like that. And raise your kid there with your internet money. 0:07:51 Unknown_01: And don't die. And then let the Americans die for you. Because you're protected under that umbrella. You don't have to care about anything. Unknown_01: Burlap sack of bitch. Unknown_01: Canary Islands, yeah, Canary Islands, beautiful, I've been to the Canary Islands, those are beautiful, snorkeling is, I went on a cruise there with my mom when I was like a teenager, we went snorkeling in the Canary, that's perfect, go to the Canary Islands, nobody is bombing the Canary Islands, you know what I mean, don't worry about this shit until, I don't know, 0:08:42 Unknown_01: it's so it's so frustrating it's so frustrating because it's like okay they went over and they destroyed a embassy you know the embassy is not a military target that's kind of shitty but we have military bases everywhere around iran everywhere it's like every 50 to 100 miles we have a different military base on every border they have except for syria Unknown_01: And it's for what? Why do we care? Oh, I know why we care. I know why we care about the Middle East. But we shouldn't have to care, is my point. We shouldn't have to care about fucking Iraq or Afghanistan or Iran. Unknown_01: They stormed the gate. Unknown_01: Poland. See, the issue with Poland is that it's by Russia. That's my fear with Estonia as well. Well, Poland and Estonia are both in NATO. Yeah, yeah, fuck it. Go to Poland. Poland's fine too. Because if anything happens, the Americans will come to save you. They'll send in the mutts. They'll parachute mutts into Russia and kill the Russians for you. And you don't have to do anything. The government can shift from Polish to Russian and back in a couple of years and you won't even notice it because you'll be farming potatoes or something. You won't even notice the government change. 0:10:07 Unknown_01: Why do I care so much about saber rattling? Nothing's going to happen. Because it's not just, okay, Trump is doing shit with Iran, Iran's doing shit with the US. We're doing this retarded foreign policy where we just sprinkle bases all over the fucking place and agitate... Unknown_01: agitate the fuck out of countries. I remember I saw an infographic that explained how the only countries that don't have banks owned by the Rothschilds are Iran, Russia, DPRK, and Uruguay or something in South America. That's why we're fucking with them. That's why we put these countries under sanctions and shit. It has nothing to do with nuclear weapons or or invading Crimea. It has entirely to do with the fact that they won't let our banks into their country to fuck with them. That's it. That's the only reason. And it's just depressing because we give... It's so blatant to me, how we give certain entities power over everything. Every element of our lives are controlled by fucking banks and shit. 0:10:43 Unknown_01: and we are going into foreign countries and inflicting our misgivings onto them. Like, Ukraine was nice, but it won't be nice for very long. It'll either be taken by Russia, or it'll cozy up with the U.S., and the government will change such that whatever benefits there were to living in Ukraine will be completely eroded, and it will be just like living in a shitty version of the U.S., 0:11:22 Unknown_01: I had not been to Poland, but over time you see how the EU puts influence on Poland. God knows how that's going to change over time. Unknown_01: I leave the U.S. to not be in the U.S., but when I go to a restaurant here, I hear American music. My upstairs neighbor... Playing through these shitty fucking European-built apartment complexes. Plays this fucking American pop music and this Turkish rap music that I fucking hear. It's like, I don't want to hear this shit. I don't want to have American culture when I'm not in the fucking United States. Why is every country a fucking satellite state of the United States with its language? Everyone speaks English to me. It's like, I don't want to fucking hear English. That's the best thing about living in Ukraine is nobody knows fucking English. You have to know a little bit of Russian to even get by. If you were up north, you'd have to know Ukrainian. You can't get by knowing English in Ukraine. But you can get by knowing English in every other country. Every country that's comfortably under the armpit of the United States because they own everything. And it's all the same. The more you travel, the more you realize how fucking samey everything is. You want something different, but it's not different. 0:12:28 Unknown_01: And all these countries do is they sit and they gloat about how great their healthcare system is to us. Well, you know why you have such a great healthcare system is because you're a part of NATO. You have no fucking military. You have no fucking Navy. You have no Air Force. And it's just the mutts dying for you. You don't even pay your fucking NATO dues. It'd be real easy to have a global healthcare system in the United States if we didn't have a fucking military. We could just give people bars of gold in their own military jet at this point. We have to defend every country on Earth. And in exchange, every country on Earth is basically just a shitty version of the United States. Everyone here looks down at the fucking ground. They wear black coats. They all look like they're about to hang themselves because they're so fucking depressed. 0:13:34 Unknown_01: Everyone who glorifies EU countries are retarded. Unknown_00: It's so depressing. Unknown_01: You travel and you just realize how everyone just wants today to be like yesterday and they want tomorrow to be like today. And it sucks. Unknown_01: It sucks. 0:14:09 Unknown_01: Gosh, bitches for an hour of the stream. Basically, this is how I really feel. Unknown_01: At least the beer is good, right? That's what the European... We got free healthcare and we got beer. That's Evan. That's the life I want. It's a... Unknown_01: I've been to three countries besides the United States. I've been to Belize. I've been to the Grand Cayman Islands. I've been to Mexico. I've been to Australia. I've been to Japan. I've been to the Philippines. I've lived in the Philippines. I've lived in Ukraine. I've been throughout the EU. 0:14:41 Unknown_01: Like, what do you mean I've only been to three countries outside the U.S.? It is literally all the fucking same. It is exactly the same. Though they might use French coffee presses in Australia, and they might use drip coffee in here, and they might use this kind of coffee here, and it might, you know, whatever the fuck. It's all the same shit. You find a Coca-Cola in every fucking store, no matter where you're from. They play the same fucking music on the radio, no matter where you're at. It is all the same. 0:15:14 Unknown_01: The only difference is weird stuff, and it mostly applies to people who have residents there, like who are national for the country. Unknown_00: He wants his forum to stop being demonized. Unknown_01: That's right. I want to... I think... I don't want to mention it because it might be a bad idea to say it out loud. But something else happened recently where I'm just like, fuck, man. It's such a stupid thing. Oh, and we got kicked off of the Proton Mail and Proton BPS affiliate shit. For what? Because someone complained? Someone wrote a fucking letter and complained? Grow some fucking balls. And they were a Swiss company. That's what happened with them. You can't trust a fucking Swiss. 0:15:53 Unknown_01: They're such a shattered and disgusting people. Unknown_01: I think I hate the Swiss more than I hate any other European country. It's weird because they like to pretend that they're not in the EU, but they're in every single EU agreement. They have all the downsides of being EU without actually being in the EU. So they can technically claim that they're still being neutral, that they're still an independent country, but they're not. They're barely even a single country. All the cantons have so much. It's weird. You hear all these weird stories about shit happening in Switzerland, and it's usually just because one canton passed something, like the Romanche-speaking canon that nobody lives in, passed something weird, and in effect, it makes people think, fuck it, fuck Switzerland. I hate Switzerland. Yeah, my shekels. Because what I like to do is I like to advertise things that I use. 0:16:39 Unknown_01: And when private Internet access got bought out by CyberGhost, I no longer use private Internet access because CyberGhost has a bad reputation. And what I tell people to use is ProtonVPN now because it works better. But they don't want to be associated with the forum because someone sent them an angry email. But what I also tell people to use is either ProtonMail or Cockly for an alternative email service. 0:17:13 Unknown_01: So it really sucks when you advertise something because you use it and you would like to see other people use it. And then they fucking kowtow to a bullshit angry email that doesn't, like, what, are they going to get put in fucking jail for paying me, like, what, $100 a month tops? Is that what happened? I mean, I don't know. I don't know Switzerland. All I know about Switzerland is that it is literally illegal at, like, a federal level to be homophobic. If you're homophobic, there's a quote by someone who was, like, a federal representative in Switzerland who said something literally to the effect of, Homophobia is not an opinion. It's a crime. 0:17:52 Unknown_01: So, fuck Switzerland. Fuck their gay-ass flag, too. Their bullshit is so boring. Fucking square and shit. Unknown_01: I don't know yet. I have not found a replacement for them, but fuck them. Unknown_01: I even emailed the guy who was my representative from ProtonMail or ProtonVPN. And I said, look, if you partner with me, there will be a lot of people who have an interest in this shit. But you are going to get angry emails from people because they don't like the site. Will you be able to put up with angry emails? And he gave a very confident and reassuring reply that his company had the ability to put up with angry emails. And then within like two weeks, he comes back saying, we got some feedback from the Proton community and we can no longer be associated. And we'd really like it if you took off any mention of ProtonVPN or ProtonMail from your website. That's like so much for that, you fucking spineless pussy motherfucker. Yeah, I am. 0:19:06 Unknown_00: I am. Fuck those people. Unknown_00: Iran flag number one, yeah. Unknown_01: Richard Spencer with his Iran flag. Unknown_01: Here's a question, chat. Here's a genuine question I have for everyone listening to this. Who the fuck is Partisan Girl? I know that she was on the Ralph Retort, but who is she, and why do I care what she thinks? Because it is presumed that I care what she thinks, and I don't know why. 0:19:38 Unknown_01: I need someone with knowledge to explain to me this situation type deal. Unknown_00: Because I don't fucking get it. I'm waiting. Unknown_00: Partisan girl. A psycho. She's a girl. Unknown_01: Some Syrian bitch who's popular because she looks nice. She works for RT. Does she really? Really? 0:20:15 Unknown_01: Some Syrian bitch living in Australia. Big milkers. Unknown_01: Cock and ball torture. Unknown_01: He has nice lips. Large in and out. Unknown_01: Partisan girl is a pull tart in Syrian civil war thought. That's how she got started. Okay. Unknown_01: Because she also changed her flag to the Iranian one. Unknown_01: I don't know. Why is she in Australia? They should send her back. I thought if she's like a Syrian partisan, why is she not in Syria supporting the cause? Why is she not in like, I don't know, any other country in the Middle East supporting the Syrian? 0:20:49 Unknown_00: Why is she in Australia doing this? Unknown_00: She supports rebellion against Assad. I thought that was like the opposite of what she supported. Unknown_00: I thought she supported Assad. Or is she the one that, does she support like that US-backed democracy movement? Unknown_01: I don't have a great understanding of the Middle East, but I'm pretty sure that Syria was just a French mandate or something, wasn't it? 0:21:29 Unknown_01: That's why Syria has so much forced ethnic diversity is because the French just colonized that area after the First World War or something and then split it up arbitrarily. So now you have all these people who don't like each other living together under the same government. Why would you support a government like that? Unknown_00: She's pro-Assad, so someone's wrong. Unknown_00: Why is chat lying to me? Unknown_00: Okay. Unknown_00: I don't know. I don't want to get angry. I am angry, though. Unknown_01: I just... 0:22:15 Unknown_01: I just want to be optimistic, but I find it hard to be optimistic because it's like every, every year we have to bomb some random fucking country in the Middle East. I really, okay. I'm glad I didn't realize that we hadn't retaliate. I thought we did retaliate. Unknown_01: I really, I know that, um, what happened with the Iran thing was really funny was, uh, Unknown_01: They missed everything, right? And then after that, they asked for... They, like, said, don't bomb us back. Unknown_01: Don't bomb us back. I'm sorry we fired missiles at you, but they didn't actually hit anything, so therefore, don't bomb us back. 0:22:57 Unknown_00: Okay. Unknown_00: Nick Fuentes. Nick Fuentes... Unknown_01: He likes... Okay, can someone explain to me why he is having a crisis with Catboys now? Unknown_01: Because I've heard that. I've heard that, like, I think his threat... Somebody made a threat on him on the forum specifically because something happened with the Catboys. Unknown_01: And now there's, like, a crisis in his fan base because he's apparently a homosexual. 0:23:38 Unknown_00: Nick lost his anal virginity. Unknown_00: He's secretly gay. Unknown_00: Nick Oshada. He couldn't stay in the closet. Unknown_00: It's fucking with his head. I heard he's being weird, but I never followed him to begin with, so I don't have a baseline for Nick Fuentes' behavior to make an assumption on how he's behaving. Unknown_00: Boy pussy is great. Catboy Nyancialism. 0:24:10 Unknown_01: He loves traps. Unknown_01: Why is everyone who's a right-leaning person who is ostensibly advocating strict immigration policies and a pseudo-white nationalism type thing, why are they all like... They all either marry an Asian woman or a Middle Eastern woman or they're gay or they're Richard Spencer and they cheat on their wife with a communist... 0:24:45 Unknown_01: None of those are things associated with, like, Christian white nationalism. Unknown_00: Polarity. Unknown_00: Ask ancient Greece. Unknown_01: The right is getting gayer. Knickers are gay. Unknown_00: The Groypers turned our boy gay. Unknown_00: They're addicted to porn. Unknown_01: That's a hot take. We got all these Coomers. How do we find a non-Coomer white man to lead the Groypers to the new government? 0:25:25 Unknown_00: Ironic anal sex to own the libs. They put chemicals in the water. Unknown_01: That's also a good one. Unknown_01: You mean grifters. We want accelerationism. Unknown_01: My thing is, when people talk about a race war in the United States, all the cumin. Whenever I say cumin, it sounds like the spice, the poo and the lose you use to make their curry. All the cooming in chat. Unknown_01: When people talk about civil war in the U.S., though, I just think in a best-case situation, the U.S. would fragment. You're not going to be able to deport all the Mexicans. You just can't do it. There's too many. There's too many. The U.S. is now too diverse to undo that. You know what I mean? I'm not advocating for it, by the way. I'm just saying, like, in a theoretical situation, the amount of actual genocide you would need to accomplish that is just preposterous. You would not be able to do that. The best you could hope for now is, like, a split, where, like, the northern states become, like, an Arab republic... And the West Coast becomes Nuevo Mexico. And the Northeast becomes, I don't know, it just becomes New England. It becomes an independent New England that has socialism and stuff. And then the Confederacy, the South Rises again, all those states become like an anarcho-capitalist type thing. 0:26:37 Unknown_01: And then I guess Wyoming becomes a kingdom with a hereditary monarchy, for good measure, the Mountain King. Unknown_01: Can't spell communism without some cumin. Yeah. I don't know. But the thing is that the U.S. balkanizes. I don't think there'd be peace, obviously. If the U.S. just split apart state lines and stuff, there wouldn't be... You would no longer have like a... I mean, that's scary if you think about it. 0:27:13 Unknown_01: You're going to have a situation where countries can go back to war with each other and the U.S. won't just randomly intervene. NATO would have to be destroyed because are all the new American countries going to join NATO and support that? Who gets the military if the U.S. splits apart? 0:27:44 Unknown_01: What would happen to the nukes? All the nukes would be owned by the monarchy, the Midwestern monarchy of Colorado, Wyoming, Montana. Those states, the king would have all the nukes because that's where we keep our nukes at. Unknown_01: Europe gets the mutt military. Where would we keep the mutts in Europe? Unknown_01: Probably Italy. Unknown_00: Italy seems like the best bet for storing the military. Okay. 0:28:16 Unknown_00: Yeah. I don't know. Unknown_01: My optimism with Trump basically died when the government shutdown ended. Because it really felt like he was going strong with the shutdown. And he said... Unknown_01: He basically put his foot down and said, I'm not going to restore the government. And for that very long period, people, I think, saw for the first time really how pathetic and weak, not pathetic and weak, but useless the federal government was in their daily life. All the things that we attribute to government, like when you talk about anarcho-capitalism, people will be like, well, who will buy the X? Who will fund the police? Who will fund the firefighting department? 0:28:47 Unknown_01: Who will run the jails? Who would pave the roads? And you kind of realize all of those are state services. All of those are paid for by the state taxes, and state taxes are already very low compared to federal taxes. So we pay the federal government way, way more, and we get almost nothing out of it that we see in our daily lives. 0:29:32 Unknown_01: And I think people were starting to see that when the government was shut down. But then right as IRS tax season was coming up, coincidentally, Trump backed down on it without any reason. He had all this momentum and all this support and was just like, hey, you know what? I'm going to give up. And I think when that happened, it was because someone approached Trump and someone said to Trump, uh, 0:30:10 Unknown_01: you know, we need this tax money. We need this tax money. And you're going to sign this bill. You're going to get a deal that's less good than what you want. And you're going to finance the IRS. Because if you don't do that, we're going to make your family name as cursed as Kennedy. And he was just like, oh, okay, I guess I have to. Unknown_01: And I really think that happened because what else could have happened? Unknown_01: I can't even imagine. Unknown_00: And nothing like that's ever going to happen again. 0:30:47 Unknown_00: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are the biggest funding holes. Unknown_01: My favorite thing about that, and I might have mentioned it before, but I'll mention it again because why not. Unknown_01: My favorite thing about that was Unknown_01: At some point, way back when, right? Like, people wonder why our healthcare costs so much. Why does it cost the American $300 for a bottle of insulin when it costs the Canadian $30 for a bottle of insulin? Unknown_01: Why do they charge $15 for an aspirin or a Tylenol in a hospital? And the answer has to do with Medicare and Medicaid. 0:31:23 Unknown_01: Because in the 90s, hospitals would charge people a lower rate than they did the government, right? Unknown_01: But then in the 90s, we sued Healthcare America because they were charging Medicare way more than they were charging independent people for healthcare. Unknown_01: And Healthcare America paid out several billion dollars to Medicare as a result of this government lawsuit. Since then, Healthcare America and all the other hospitals have just been charging everyone the same price, but the prices they charge are like $50 for a plastic tube, $15 for a Tylenol, $2,000 a night in ICU, hundreds of thousands of dollars for chemotherapy. The reason for that is because the government will always pay out these healthcare expenses no matter what they charge. And even if independent health care, you know, if people just wanting to pay out of pocket go bankrupt as a result, it doesn't matter because they always get paid by the government. So the losses they incur from uninsured people going bankrupt is made up a hundredfold by the government reliably paying out for Medicare and Medicaid. 0:32:16 Unknown_01: So there's no reason to lower their prices. Unknown_01: And it's like everything that is broken can be traced back to a government program that tried to make things better. And... 0:33:00 Unknown_01: I try to explain this and people are calling me like a... I've been reading this subreddit called A Boring Dystopia just to kill some time the last few days. And all those people are super, super hung up about the whole late stage capitalism thing. Unknown_01: And they're very depressed and horrifically depressed people who are just so ready to die because they hate their job so much and stuff. 0:33:31 Unknown_01: And I kind of had an epiphany about how they think about stuff. And I was thinking... Unknown_01: This is very hard to explain. I tried to explain it in my Discord, talking to people casually a couple hours ago, and I failed. Unknown_01: I hope to explain this better now. But when I was a teenager, I made game modes for a video game called Blockland. And it was very autistic, and my game modes were very autistic. But because I was like a shitty teenager, when people played my game modes wrong, I would yell at them, and I would ban them manually. And if you've ever played a game called, I want to say Jailbreak for Garry's Mod or for Counter-Strike Source... It's kind of like that where you have these game modes that have loose rules and they're enforced by a moderator. They're enforced by like a higher power, ensuring that nobody breaks the rules that are just written and supposed to be understood. Right. Um, 0:34:10 Unknown_01: But at some point, I remember that the creator of the game, Badspot, came into my server or posted on a forum or something and said that the kind of game modes that I made were shitty because they relied on a moderator to enforce the rules instead of just having the game be fair fundamentally by making it technically impossible to break the game. Because people would basically cheat by taking advantage of how bad the code was and how the rules were designed to advantage themselves. And if they did that, you'd have to ban them. And his argument was you should have just designed your game to not be broken to begin with. You should always consider, and if it's not possible to technically, using the code, enforce a rule... The whole system should be reconsidered. You should be looking at it like, what can I do to make this fun and fair without needing oversight? And I kind of feel like that's the branch in thinking, is people who want more government intervention and less capitalism are people who expect not to have a fundamentally fair system, but to have an all-seeing eye which imposes fairness on people. as opposed to people who want a more open market and more competition and the government stepping in only to break up truly horrific monopolies and infringements of human rights, who want to design a fair system that doesn't have to be monitored so stringently. And I hope that makes sense because it's a very obtuse and autistic comparison to make, but I don't know how to better explain it. 0:35:53 Unknown_01: Josh solves government using autism. That's basically it. You need autistic people who write strict rules that are easily understood in which create an environment of competition that is fundamentally fair. Unknown_00: You know what I mean? Unknown_00: Lulbert. Oh, that's right, the Dilbert guy. 0:36:40 Unknown_01: Has the Dilbert guy stolen preemptively my autistic, my autistocracy? Unknown_00: I don't know because the other hand is we have a really great medical system and we're literally growing like lambs and artificial wombs now. Unknown_01: And I don't, that's in large part due to how fat our medical system is. Unknown_01: And I don't want to take that away. I don't want to take that progress away. There has to be some balance for it. But it would be very hard. 0:37:17 Unknown_00: It's very hard to fix the system. Unknown_00: Imagine telling some doctor in America he's not going to make $150,000 a year instead of $70,000 in order to lower the cost of Medicare. Unknown_01: I mean, that's the other thing is that in Europe it's really hard to find a doctor because any doctor that wants to make money either goes private or moves to the U.S. and does his practice there, you know. Unknown_01: There's a really famous doctor who works in bariatrics, the doctor now who is in like my 600 pound life and stuff. He's from Tehran. He's from Iran. And he moved to the US to practice medicine because it makes more money than to do it in a country like Iran. 0:37:49 Unknown_01: But on the other hand, when I was in Ukraine, I remember I was walking down the street behind two people, and they were both doctors. The guy on the left was like a neurosurgeon, and he was saying that doctors from the U.S. were leaving to go to countries like Ukraine because the medical system there is so deregulated. Unknown_01: that it's it's easier to do your practice because you can do things that you're not allowed to do in the u.s and people will just pay out of pocket and you don't have to deal with the government so i don't know what the fuck that that neurologist did where he's doing brain surgery in the the ukraine because he doesn't want to do it in america but it was an interesting thing to overhear because i guess they just assumed that everyone around them didn't know english 0:38:39 Unknown_00: The doctor is Jewish as fuck. Unknown_00: I don't think so. He sounded not Jewish. Unknown_00: Go to Japan and help fill the samurai shortage there. Unknown_01: I don't... Japan... Unknown_01: I don't have any solutions for Japan because I don't know anything about it, unfortunately. Oh, my God. There's so many super chats that I didn't see because post-toes to avoid World War III. Yo, meat boom. I love your stuff. Just moved to Poland. They don't know English. That's bullshit. Everyone in Europe knows English. Probably less so in Polish. Oh, the thing is, in Poland, they don't like foreigners. They'll treat you poorly in Poland if you are a foreigner. 0:39:11 Unknown_01: I'm sorry you have to deal with humans. This is why we need locale streams. The escapism of laughing at special people on the internet helps the black pill go down. That's true. I think they'll do more of them, but this is the reality. 0:39:44 Unknown_00: Gino Samuel. Oh, am I being blamed for something Gino Samuel related again? Unknown_01: Because remember, he lost his channel at some point because someone reported him for cyberbullying. And everyone blamed me, me personally, for harming Gino Samuels. Unknown_00: I don't even know who this fucking guy is. Unknown_00: Does YouTube steal my superchats? No, they do not. 0:40:15 Unknown_01: Because I only make fun of fat people, and I love Israel. Unknown_01: Jim should learn a thing from me. All he has to do is throw the Israeli flag up on the back of his stream, and YouTube will know. Unknown_01: Someone suggested that I move to Svalbard, which is like an island off the northern coast of Norway in the Arctic Ocean. And, uh, no. Because that's cold as shit. Unknown_00: Stuff like that. 0:40:47 Unknown_00: Life is hard when you're mentally handicapped. Unknown_00: Oh, amateur games are awesome games done quickly. Unknown_01: For some reason, I thought you were talking about amateur games development. No. I know that Chibi is streaming on Friday for the first time in years, and Chibi is a horrific train wreck. I might watch that, but otherwise I have no interest. Last year when they did AGDQ, it was not that interesting because they kind of realized how much of a spectacle they were and decided to tone it down. So I'm not optimistic that the current one will be entertaining at all. 0:41:29 Unknown_00: No, not all the speedrunners. I think AGDQ became too much of a hot topic for that kind of spectacle-washing. Unknown_01: So all the people who are spectacles no longer go because they know they're going to get made fun of for doing it. Unknown_00: Yeah, Chibi's going to be at AGDQ. 0:42:06 Unknown_01: Again, I'll probably watch that one, but I'm not going to watch anything else. Unknown_01: You know what's funny about the dilation station? That's literally something that Jim just made up. I'm pretty sure. Everyone knows about the dilation station, even if they don't know why. And they don't know if it's true or not. They probably don't even know what AGDQ is. But that rumor was so pervasive that most people who know what AGDQ is also know about the dilation stations. They're not real... 0:42:44 Unknown_01: Yeah, it's made up. It's not a real thing. Look, people in chat don't even know that it's like a made up thing. Unknown_00: Oh yeah, Twitch is awful. Unknown_01: Twitch is like the most horrifically censored thing ever. All these corporate friendly streaming sites, it's so nauseating. Unknown_00: It makes me... I don't know. Unknown_01: It's frustrating. And all this stuff happened as we entered 2020. As we entered 2020, they're doing all this thing to shut down commentary. People can't talk to each other anymore. 0:43:15 Unknown_01: And Google... What was it recently that happened that made me really cognizant that we were entering the... Unknown_01: We were entering the 2020 election cycle. There was something that happened with Google or something that was just like, yeah, they're preparing for something. Make a streaming service. It's really expensive. It's really expensive to do streaming. It's a lot of money to get the bandwidth required for a popular stream. 0:43:50 Unknown_00: It's absolutely real. That's why all the cameras no longer show the players in full view at AGDQ. Unknown_01: The dilation stations are not real, but the whole people are making fun of AGDQ people, so they have to hide what an embarrassment all their Let's Players are. 0:44:23 Unknown_01: That's real. Unknown_00: Yeah, yeah, I made a mistake. All this thing. Unknown_01: Oh, yes. Unknown_01: Lotex finally banned or deleted Fuck You and Die. The board is just gone. Unknown_01: I miss Stream.me, too. Stream.me was fun, but it's... People are crazy now, man. You can't host free internet shit anymore. No company wants to touch the kind of shit that... 0:44:55 Unknown_01: That makes a wild west internet. Unknown_01: Everyone's getting old. Everyone's getting afraid of stuff. Unknown_01: I mentioned Gino Samuel because last time something happened to his channel, I got blamed for it. People thought it was me that... Unknown_01: That took down his streams. Like, I have any investment in doing that. People, like, unironically think that I protect Chris from stuff by aggressively invoking the tactics of people that I would make fun of. 0:45:30 Unknown_01: dilation station no they do not have dude if you wanted to dilate you just do it in like a hotel room or a bathroom they do dilate but they don't dilate like they don't have like a dilation crisis this is like a copy pasta where like some guy was at agdq in the middle of a of a stream and he's like i gotta dilate i gotta dilate now and he runs out of the room like that's fake you just you just have to do it a couple times a day to keep the vagina from closing up Unknown_01: Which, I mean, I'm not saying that that's something I would wish on anyone ever. I'm just saying that it's not some kind of medical emergency that they need to have stations in a convention center to accommodate. That's ridiculous. Come on now. How do you not know what dilation is? Unknown_01: Oh, is it just dilation? Am I adding an A there? Is that why you're making fun of it? Unknown_01: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, I know a lot about dilation because I am an expert on these things. That's why people don't like me. 0:46:30 Unknown_01: A couple times a day, painfully. Unknown_01: We changed the width of a community watch thread recently to be not like a Reddit gawking thing, but just a general trans gawking thing. And I've seen more fake vaginas in the last two weeks or so than I would want to see ever in my life. They're really unattractive. 0:47:03 Unknown_01: They are woefully unattractive. Unknown_01: And, like, I don't know. It's sad. It's sad for me to think about because I've known people who wanted to transition. And I'm just like, you don't want it. You don't want this. And I'll show them the infographics and stuff, and they don't believe me. They say that's, like, turf propaganda. That's a small case. Like, 95% of people who get the surgery are happy with the results. It's really inexpensive if you get it done in Thailand. And they're completely blinded to how terrible the surgery is, how uncomfortable your life becomes, how painful your life becomes. 0:47:35 Unknown_01: I don't think I ever got a chance to talk about Romilia in any depth because their death occurred while I was not streaming. But Romilia had an entire life of complication due to the fact that they got the sexual reassignment surgery. When they got the reassignment surgery done in Thailand, two things happened that really complicated their life. Number one, they used to be like a choir singer or something. I don't know the full history of their singing, but I know that they sung. And when they put Romelia under anesthesia before the surgery, the intubation tube damaged their vocal cords. So when you hear Amelia talk, they sound weird. 0:48:18 Unknown_01: And it's not entirely because of hormones or anything. It's because their vocal cords were damaged by the intubation tube, this Thai practitioner. And then the second thing that happened to Amelia during the surgery, the same event, is that the surgery did not go well. So not only did they not get the bottom that they would have liked, They were also damaged so that they had chronic pain. The prognosis was basically a life of pain management, which is if you know people who have pain management, you know that's not really a particularly good life. It's just like you try to deal with it. So you're 23 and you're a live streamer, let's player, who likes to sing. And you can no longer sing. You can no longer have sex adequately. And everyone makes fun of you on the internet because you're basically a sideshow to them, right? So it's a very depressing thing, and I'm not at all surprised that they would kill themselves or want to kill themselves. It's very sad, and I would never wish it on anyone. Like, okay, you want to be trans. That's on you. But when people say they want the surgery, I'm just like, don't listen to Reddit. Don't go to our Reddit slash post-op vaginas or whatever the fuck. And see the photoshopped and the professionally photographed post-op vaginas. And think that's going to be you. And you're going to live as a woman. And you're going to have really enjoyable sex. Because you're not. You're going to be in pain. And you're going to be missing parts of you. And nothing that you have is going to be natural. And you'll probably kill yourself if you do that. 0:50:04 Unknown_01: And nobody listens to me. 0:50:40 Unknown_01: Nobody listens to me. I tell people the truth. Nobody listens to me. Unknown_01: Everyone thinks, everyone thinks that I'm a big, mean cyber bully. And I only spread vicious lies about hardworking doctors that fulfill the wishes of trans women everywhere. And really, it's like, you're doing this and you don't hear anything bad about it because people can't tell you anything bad about it. If you get the surgery, you will not be happy with the end results. 0:51:12 Unknown_01: So... Unknown_01: I guess that's kind of like a dark aside, but it's something that bothers me because it's like, okay, it's one thing if you want to be trans and you want to do the bathroom thing. It's another to want to get children to transition. It's another to like cut off your penis. You know what I mean? It's like at some point you just, you feel bad and you're like, maybe no, maybe don't because it's not a good idea. 0:51:45 Unknown_01: I see lots of bigotry in the chat. I'll have you know that bigotry is not tolerated here. I need to get the engineer to start banning people for saying mean things because we don't tolerate mean things here. Unknown_01: Truth about gender butchery is suppressed by true advocacy groups. That is true. That is true, and I think it's a mutual desire to inflict suffering on people. I genuinely believe that people who are post-op and who advocate for getting the surgery are people who are miserable and want to make other people miserable. 0:52:20 Unknown_01: I say that unironically. I think a lot of them just want to make people miserable like they are. Unknown_00: That's how I feel about that. Unknown_01: Oh, speaking of here, I'll throw this up on. Unknown_01: Oh, God, I think I have the thing on my front page. I'll just talk about this a little bit because it's funny. Unknown_01: Melinda Lay Scott, the crazy mountain Jew who who sends me fantastic lawsuits that I've won every single one for. 0:52:54 Unknown_01: She sent a complaint to Cloudflare, who then said, this is the host. It's 1776 hosting. And she sent me this email saying, I reported an abusive website to Cloudflare, who then referred me to this email. I would like to report abusive content on a website called kiwifarms.net. Unknown_01: They abuse people on the website with gang stalking, gang harassment, defamation, other forms of verbal abuse, doxing people, and encouraging criminal stalking. And then I replied cheekily by saying, Hi Melinda, I do in fact run a hosting company. Have a terrific New Year, Josh. And she replies saying you run it to support abusive content. So it's like even after replying saying that have a terrific. I obviously know her from that email. And she still doesn't understand that it's the Josh they're complaining about that's replying. 0:53:29 Unknown_01: And then I reply again, I run it because I get a lot of complaints from dumb people, perhaps the dumbest people, as a throwback to when she tried to sue me for saying that she's an idiot, perhaps the dumbest idiot ever. Unknown_01: She's now planning on suing the entire court system, I think. I think she's formally accusing in a lawsuit that all the judges who have handled her case thus far are accepting bribes. Like she thinks I'm paying them. I wish I had the money to bribe judges. That would be fantastic. Unfortunately, I'm just a weirdo. So that's going to be interesting. And I'm not even on the hook of it. She's just being like a retard. So that's great. 0:54:03 Unknown_01: That email exchange finally got her to join the site, by the way. And she's just... Let me find this because it was pretty funny. But she's just like posting pictures of herself. Oh, fuck. Unknown_01: I shouldn't have closed that out so early because... 0:54:45 Unknown_01: Let me find it again because it was really funny, one of her replies. And then she sent me something else. Let me pull up as well. Unknown_01: Yeah, this is it. She sent me this saying, oh, it just occurred to me that this could be Joshua Moon. I didn't see the email address slash name connection until now. If it is him, may Yahuwah keep cursing you for your wickedness. Unknown_01: And if this is Joshua Moon, don't email me again or I'm reporting you to the FBI for gang stalking. And then I emailed her and we had a nice little back and forth. That was very cute. 0:55:19 Unknown_01: This other one is funny. Unknown_01: That I might as well show off now. Unknown_01: Oh, that's a report. Wait, no. Unknown_01: She's pretending this account isn't her, even though I've traced the IP address to Wise County in Virginia, which is definitely where she lives. Unknown_01: She says, And she sent me this picture of her in a hammock by a lake. 0:55:51 Unknown_01: I guess it's a gotcha. Unknown_01: I mean, surely this staged picture of her in a hammock is her living her best life with her eight kids. You know, she said that she couldn't ever talk to an attorney because she had eight kids and didn't have time to talk to an attorney. But she has enough time to go to the lakes and hang up a hammock. Unknown_01: So she's a liar. Maybe her eight kids are out there, which kind of ruins the serenity of the picture. 0:56:25 Unknown_00: This is a nice lake. Must be nice to live up in the Appalachians. It's remarkable because she's living her best life and you're cursed by the Torah and Yahuwah. Unknown_01: That's why. Get your head out of the gutter, bigot. Unknown_01: Yeah, that's her, I think. She's a crazy person. Crazy people, I've noticed, are usually thinner than not crazy people. Like truly psychotic schizophrenic people are usually very thin. I think it's because they run around a lot. Like they're a manic all the time and they're out. They're too crazy to remember to eat food consistently. So they're just like spazzing out constantly and not eating, which is a good way to lose weight. 0:56:59 Unknown_00: Uh, okay. I've talked about Iran. I've talked about... Some stuff. Unknown_01: I suppose. I don't know. I shouldn't end the stream. I feel bad. I've been ignoring Chit. My beautiful Chit for way too long. Just bashing through. Because I've been busy recently. Which is weird. 0:57:34 Unknown_01: I'm not really a busy person. I'm not like a business professional, but I've been kind of busy. Unknown_01: Oh, Yaniv. Yaniv, um... Unknown_01: Yaniv filed yet another human rights tribunal complaint after losing all their other ones. I don't know. Unknown_01: I don't know what is going to happen with Yaniv now. Because it's like he's so aggressive about rubbing it in people's face that he doesn't care for the due process system at all. And it's for the same thing. It's for the ball-waxing stuff. So even after the Human Rights Tribunal stuff about the ball-waxing, he goes on to try and make the same complaint about different people. So he clearly – and he's publicly stated that he's not going to pay the fine for the ball-waxing stuff because he got fined for several thousand dollars. And he's just said, I'm not going to fucking pay it. And he's filed more complaints with the Human Rights Tribunal. 0:58:10 Unknown_00: So – 0:58:45 Unknown_00: So it's just I have no clue. Unknown_01: How do you handle someone like that who just has such blatant disrespect for your entire court process? Canada really has like a breaking point with this guy. How do you deal with someone who so blatantly holds your entire system in contempt? Unknown_01: His profile picture is the best. Oh yeah, the one with him in the beauty pageant clothing. Unknown_01: I talked about Nick Fuentes. 0:59:22 Unknown_01: Oh yeah, Yaniv got paid out by a bunch of people because he complained and then they gave him money to just go away and then he withdrew his complaint. He did this a lot until a couple people fired back. Unknown_00: He's not suffering, though. Unknown_01: He's causing a ton of people suffering, and he's not really getting any retribution for it. You make him prime minister, that's a good option. Imagine, Canada has a real potential here to have its first Jewish handicapped trans woman as a prime minister, and I think that would be a great step forward for not just Canada, but all the civilized world. 1:00:03 Unknown_01: Yeah, people made a page for Nick on the forum. Unknown_01: The Catboy stuff, I'm not following that too much, but it's apparently very interesting to people, so they're talking about it. Unknown_01: I'll probably stream Life is Strange 2 on Saturday. I'm going to try to do my Roundup stuff on Fridays, and then a stream like this that's more relaxed, or a video game thing on Saturday to try and stay more engaged. I feel that I have not been... Unknown_01: I've not been talking chat as much. I've been doing my thing and then just signing off and not really interacting as much. So I'm trying to course correct on that. 1:00:36 Unknown_01: Spoon feed cat boy? I don't know. That would be something for Friday to talk about. I'm going to have to look at that and figure out what the deal is with that. Because people really, really, really liked Nick Fuentes not too long ago. And now they're saying that he's a homosexual who's dating a cat boy. Unknown_01: Which makes me, I don't know, good for him, I guess. It does raise the question of why so many people, I mentioned this before, why so many people who are that kind of political pundit tend to end up as gay or married to Asians. 1:01:21 Unknown_01: Nick literally went on a date with a cross-dressing cat boy who sucks horse cock. Well, that's progressive of him. See, this is what the new right is. We have to cast away all those bigoted philosophies of the past and become more with the times to reach out and get the cat boy loving horse cock sucking demographic to vote Republican. Unknown_01: Yes, the Graper shit was funny. The questions aimed at Charlie Kirk and stuff were funny. 1:01:56 Unknown_01: It's overblown, but it's funny. Yeah, I mean, it could have just been a joke. And if it is a joke, good for him. If he's literally just playing a prank on his own fan base to say, like, hey, lighten up, we're not going to win any favors by being humorless stiffs that can't take a joke. Unknown_01: That's something I'm for. Because I mentioned before how when I talk about loving Israel, as I do with all my heart, a lot of people get genuinely angry with me and send me nasty emails and call me like a Shabbat goy and stuff. And it's like if you lose your humor, you lose everything. People don't want to be... On the boring, angry, unhappy, unfunny side of the political spectrum. Because nobody wants to be angry, unhappy, unfunny, joyless, humorless. Nobody wants to live a life like that. 1:02:29 Unknown_01: So, I don't know. I'll be cautiously optimistic looking at Nick. Unknown_01: It was an hour of flirting. Yeah. Unknown_01: Why would he livestream this? Why would he livestream himself flirting with a cat boy in a car? 1:03:04 Unknown_00: I don't understand. Okay, I promise for Friday I will watch the entire hour of Nick Fuentes and a cat boy in a car flirting with each other, and I'll clip it. Unknown_01: I'll clip it like I did in my Something Awful intro. Unknown_00: He couldn't help himself. 1:03:38 Unknown_01: The Catboy ran a lollicon channel. He used to defend those salon virtuous pedophiles. Wow, what? Don't tell me this. I was up for a funny hour of clipping a Catboy and Nick Fuentes flirting with him, hoping to have a laugh. And now you've got to throw that kind of accusation in and ruin it for everyone by making it about pedo stuff. 10 hours of him. Unknown_00: What? There's no fucking way I can do that. 1:04:10 Unknown_01: That's ridiculous. Unknown_01: I can't imagine going on a date and flirting with anyone for 10 hours. That is beyond belief. That is way too much. Unknown_00: That's not true at all. Okay, I hope not. Unknown_01: I'll look at it. I don't want to say that someone's a pedophile on stream. Not now. So I'll refrain myself and hope for the best. Hope for something funny as opposed to sad. Unknown_00: I'll watch the... Okay, fine. 1:04:43 Unknown_01: Give me a link to this supercut. Unknown_01: I'll ask my chat... Unknown_01: Give me the supercut. Unknown_01: And I'll watch that. Unknown_00: And then I'll be at the end, probably. Unknown_00: Okay, okay, okay. I'm trying to get the supercut. Unknown_00: Oh, more sooner got me. I hope this is it. Unknown_01: If it's 12 minutes, it's in the thread. Oh, there we go. Okay. Let me pull this up. Let me know if there's any audio issues. Thank you. 1:05:15 Unknown_04: I was gonna pick you up at, like, noon or one, and then I just kept, like, watching your videos. Unknown_09: I was, like, just kept watching. Unknown_01: The Catboy looks a lot like Moot. You know what I mean? Unknown_09: People have been giving me shit about, I said I don't believe in dinosaurs. Unknown_03: I was doing some research about that. And then I just kind of got, then I just got sucked in, and then I was watching videos about the End Times. You were watching videos about dinosaurs? 1:05:47 Unknown_01: Is Nick Fuentes autistic? Unknown_08: So you've looked at the data, what do you think about the dinosaurs now then? Unknown_02: Um, so I guess, so they're real, but they live with people. That's, that was the takeaway. Unknown_08: What? Unknown_02: Okay. Yeah, because I did my research, because I said on the show in a very tongue-in-cheek way, I'm like, yeah, I find it hard to believe that dinosaurs are real. Unknown_03: And I even, all these fucking people get on my case, they're like, oh. Unknown_01: Okay, I'll gauge chat because I don't want to say something that's cruel to our religious folks with an X. So press 1 if you believe in dinosaurs from millions of years ago. Press 2 for literally anything else. I want to know what my audience believes. 1:06:28 Unknown_02: Oh, well, you don't believe in dinosaurs. Oh, he doesn't even... Oh, wait, you don't believe in dinosaurs? Unknown_03: And it's so funny to me because that's exactly the intended reaction. I see lots of ones. Unknown_01: I see lots of pro-dinosaur people. Unknown_03: I don't... I'm going to put the e-notes and get fogged up a little bit. I don't care about dinosaurs. I don't know anything about dinosaurs. Unknown_01: Okay, I see tons of ones. And I said even on the show, I said, yeah, they probably were real. Unknown_03: I said, but... I said, when I think about it, it just seems like outlandish to me. I said, I just find it hard to believe. Are we not allowed to say that? You know what I mean? 1:07:01 Unknown_01: For the record, I believe that people, because when it comes to stuff like the dinosaurs and the Earth being round and if we went to the moon, I am completely okay with people having crazy ideas about that because it literally does not matter. But I think it's also fair to judge people based off that kind of stuff. Unknown_03: i didn't say my opinions are not real i said well it seems kind of like crazy when you think about it and they're like oh yeah someone someone super chatted to say look at his lips look he keeps the cat boy keeps licking his lips but i did all this research and i texted a good friend of mine um because he's very woke on the dq on the dinosaur question i was like do you have any resources on the dinosaur question in the bible it talks about dinosaurs they talk about in the book of job they talk about behemoth which is a sauropod they broke down all the different descriptions of the behemoth and it was a sauropod and they showed how they you know i'm not i'm not like a guy who dates a lot i'm not like a guy who dates a lot of cat boys a lot but this cat boy does not appear at all interested in nick's uh theological discussion about dinosaurs uncover 1:07:54 Unknown_01: Like when he asked about the dinosaurs, I don't think he was expecting a serious answer. Dinosaur bones. Unknown_03: And in the dinosaur bones, they found like red blood cells, which organic material like that couldn't survive 65 million years, which is what they said was how long ago the dinosaurs died. Also, the fossil stuff was consistent with drowning in perhaps a great biblical flood as opposed to a meteor. So, so that was my red pill on the DQ today. Unknown_08: I see. I see. Yeah. 1:08:52 Unknown_01: Ah, this position is making me uncomfortable, sir. I'm gonna need the camera position fixed, sir. Unknown_08: When it comes to shit like dinosaurs, I think it's just not very important. Like, who gives a shit? Unknown_02: Yeah, well, yeah, that's exactly my point. That's why I'm willing to joke about it and be silly. What the fuck is he doing? Take your time, take your time. Unknown_08: It's not like they have jobs, right? Well, it is Sunday. They just got back from church. What, Nixies? Yeah, one of the ones where they're like, you know black churches, right? 1:09:25 Unknown_08: Yeah, no, what is that? Unknown_08: singing and shit. Unknown_09: Try not to dox our location too much. Unknown_08: Yeah, yeah. Unknown_08: He's cute. Oh, yeah. Everyone always talks about who's taller. I'm taller. Yeah, he's literally taller. Well, Nick's seven foot and I'm only like six. You're walking on the curb right now. Unknown_09: I can't see what you're walking. Unknown_08: You're walking on the curb. So... 1:10:02 Unknown_08: Me and Nick were hanging out last night. We come home and there's been a shooting outside my house. Unknown_09: Did you establish there was a shooting? What else could it have been? Unknown_07: There were so many cop cars. Unknown_09: I think you're... Nick looks so happy. Unknown_01: Look at how happy he is. Unknown_09: I don't know what it was, but... Does he always smile like that? I don't know. Did you ever get to the bottom? Did you ask around? No, I went inside and I locked the door. Yeah, that was probably smart. Yeah, I couldn't figure it out. I tried to sort of like drive around, but I couldn't figure it out. There was a big police car. There was... Well, they were hanging out last night. 1:10:36 Unknown_01: That's right. Unknown_09: A lot of Democrats running from the scene. Unknown_08: Running, literally running. Running. So... I'm thinking... Unknown_08: I'm thinking Nikko hooked me up with an Airbnb. It was supposed to be safe. Unknown_08: That's why in the thumbnail you can see the red and blue light on our faces. Because that was right outside the house. 1:11:07 Unknown_09: I'm, like, so hungry I can't even explain it. Unknown_01: But every time I see it, it's, like, half an hour. I feel like the third wheel on the state. Unknown_09: I have to get something to my belly so I can go normal. Maybe just troll, troll the Airbnb and the B3. I got you good for now. Unknown_08: Is that Airbnb only after the 16th? Unknown_01: And now that Nick's not talking about politics or dinosaurs anymore, the guy looks happier. Unknown_01: Oh, finally a mukbang. My favorites. Unknown_08: It's like the average Tuesday. He's like an Australian. Yeah, I just got roast beef juice all over my face. 1:11:40 Unknown_09: We're very wet. Did you put this under? Unknown_09: What are you doing, man? I was trying to shut the sandwich. You just got my chips all over the table. It's like a baby dish. Unknown_01: Here, I have a question for Nick Fuentes. What does anal sex have to do with winning the culture war? You just fucked my chick. Being the third wheel in this is a good thing. 1:12:12 Unknown_08: That's this idea that's been brought to the zeitgeist, right? Unknown_08: to stop men from making relationships because we're dangerous when we're together. So I was like, oh, you give your friend a hug, oh, gay. Look at his face. Oh, you have a shower with your friend, gay. Belly's full. Unknown_04: I'm energized. I'm charged up. 1:12:44 Unknown_01: When he talks about being full like that, he sounds like Review Bra. He's doing a report of the week. He just ate a fantastic Domino's pizza, and now he's charged up and ready to take on the day. Unknown_09: Ready to rock. Unknown_09: Let's rock. Unknown_09: Let's rock and roll out of here. You ready to rock and roll? I'm ready to rock and roll, man. Unknown_07: Yo, have you ever seen my air guitar? Unknown_07: Do a really good air guitar, man. Are you making fun of Americans there? No, I don't even know who I'm making fun of, honestly. 1:13:22 Unknown_04: It's good to see that Nick Flynn says, like, Scania, man of taste. If I don't have guests in the vessel... Swinging your arms around and shit? Unknown_01: Oh, yeah. Unknown_04: Pumped all the way up. He's pumped up. Hey. Yo. Hey. Unknown_08: What are you doing here? Get out of my car! 1:13:57 Unknown_09: What do I want to hear right now? Unknown_04: What do I want to hear? Unknown_08: What? Why is that indirect kiss mode? Fuck the optics, Catboy's going in. Unknown_04: Why is that indirect kiss mode? Unknown_08: No, that's what I'm trying to avoid. What are you talking about? With the straws. Unknown_04: Oh, oh, oh, yeah. Unknown_07: It feels fresh. Hey, how come you don't compliment me on this? Unknown_01: They really should not be on their phones on a date like that. That's bad manners. Unknown_08: My clothes. Unknown_08: Pretty leathery. Unknown_09: How about this for you? Unknown_08: The silver? Wear it with your Cybertruck? 1:14:33 Unknown_09: Facts, I would actually do that, though. The silver's a little bright, though, for me. It's a bit much. It's kind of girly. Unknown_08: Yeah, I wouldn't want to wear something girly. Does anyone know how they met each other? I've already got something ultra warm like a sweater. Unknown_01: Maybe Nick's just happy to be out with someone. I don't know what his social life's like. Maybe he's just happy to be out with a friend. Is this baggy or is it just the way it is? 1:15:07 Unknown_08: No, I think that's a good fit. You think so? Good fit, yeah, yeah. Right? I think it's baggy. Unknown_01: I see, I see a, I see a, uh, someone just saying, this is cool. It's medium. What are you going to do? You got someone else in chat. Unknown_09: Well, I don't know. You're six feet tall. You're small. Unknown_08: Men's small. Unknown_06: Maybe it, like, too baggy. Unknown_08: not a good fit bad yeah everyone says this and they're on z-line they're wrong they're wrong i'm looking at it in person oh huh that's weird he was a 24-7 oh that's interesting 1:15:50 Unknown_01: That's definitely gay, Nick. You don't want a sweater like that. This thing looks gay. Unknown_08: Yeah, thank you, Nick. Okay, everyone say it's gay. I'm just going to go with your choice, dude. I mean, think about it. I'm the one that picked this. Unknown_02: Nick blew him over. Wow. Unknown_01: Is he from Australia? That's like a several thousand dollar ticket to get a round trip to Australia. This one's a large hound. 1:16:22 Unknown_08: We're probably around the same size, right? Yeah, we're exactly the same size. Maybe the small. I doubt the small's going to fit. Unknown_09: I'll try it on just for fun. Unknown_08: All right. Unknown_09: Let's see it just for the look, just for the fit. Unknown_01: Why are they clothes shopping? That's weird. Unknown_09: I don't think I ever went clothes shopping with another man before. Unknown_09: Let me see myself. Actually, I don't know if it looks too small. Unknown_01: Nick did not fly him over. That is a lie. There's conflicting information going on here. I'm just going to show all the people who call me a midget what it's like. 1:16:56 Unknown_08: I'm not a midget, Jack. Oh, you don't fit a small cell. Unknown_08: Yeah, let me pull this off because I don't know what I'm wearing. Santa pack, Jack? Unknown_08: This is supposed to come in the house, though. Unknown_08: There we go. There, yeah. That's not bad. Unknown_09: Style check? Style check. Vosh slides. Unknown_08: This is vosh. Unknown_09: I like it. Unknown_08: My opinion? Get it, get it. Unknown_09: Yeah, yeah, people want me to get it. 1:17:37 Unknown_01: One of them has the same voice as me. Is that Nick Fuentes? I don't think I sound like Nick Fuentes. I'm pretty sure I'm not Australian. Unknown_08: No, no, no, it's fine for you, but... You're gonna scold me? No, she scolds me. I'm like, hey, can I turn a fucking light on so people can see in here? She's like, no, it makes it hard for me to see the road. Cammy flew out to the anime con. Okay. I have a... It doesn't change... Well, I'm sitting in the car as well. I can see what you can see. Undistorted view of vision of the road. Exactly. But no, she... She says it makes it hard for her to see, and I'm like, fuck. It doesn't make sense to me. 1:18:08 Unknown_03: Your mom seems very nice, though. I like her. Unknown_08: Yeah. Unknown_08: I'm not hating on my mom, I'm just saying. Unknown_02: Take it easy on your mom, all right? Unknown_08: Cool it with the anti-mom remarks. Unknown_01: Plot twist, Josh was the cameraman. Is that the end of it? Okay. Yeah, that's strange. I'll have to watch the rest of it because it does seem homoerotic on the surface, but if that's the worst of it, 1:18:42 Unknown_01: Oh, he responded. How long is this? Oh, it's seven minutes. I'll watch a couple minutes of it. Unknown_03: But I'm waiting. You know, I want to look. We have to address the Catboy thing at some point tonight. Everybody's so concerned about it. I was waiting for a good question about it, but I might as well address it. You know, I did a stream with Lolly Sox. Unknown_03: He's now known as Catboy Cammy. He changed his name. I advise him to change his name because, you know, lolly socks, not great optics. Frankly, I didn't necessarily, like, I didn't put my stamp of approval on Catboy Cammy. I was like, it's not really, I mean, it's a little, lolly socks, it's hard to be worse than that. But, you know, is that really better, Catboy Cammy? In any case, this guy, if you don't know who he is, he's been on the Weekly Sweat. I did a stream with him, like, last month. 1:19:14 Unknown_03: He was a D-Live streamer. He would stream 24-7 on D-Live. Unknown_03: And he would do these, like, filthy Frank-style lifestyle streams. He was on 24-7. So he had his wall papered over with, like, anime posters. He would go out to anime conventions and other things wearing anime dresses. And he would do IRL, like, lifestyle content. 1:19:48 Unknown_03: You know, I don't approve of everything anybody you've ever hung out with has ever done. Obviously, right? That's fair. But that is the context. He's based in Redfield. You know, I caught a couple of the streams and he watched Greatest Story Never Told. Okay. I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is. Damn it. You know, whatever. Well, okay. So he watched a documentary and I don't approve of that documentary, but you let it slip, right? But talk about letting things slip. It's things like that that slip, not other things. 1:20:22 Unknown_03: So he was watching a certain six hour documentary. I'm just going to pretend that didn't happen. He was watching a certain six hour documentary. He was red pilling people on HBD, all kinds of things. And I'm like, okay, this guy's like based in Redfield. What's HBD? Unknown_03: And I put in a couple of chats on DLive, and I said, like, you know, what's the deal with, like, the anime costumes? What's the deal with, like, other things that you're doing? And he said, well, you know, you see, the point of the anime stuff, the point of the get-up is because it's funny or it gets attention. It's disarming, you know, and people are not as reactive to certain things if you're wearing a costume. 1:20:59 Unknown_01: That was the gist of it. Unknown_03: I was like, oh, okay. Because at first I had the same reaction. I'm like, there's this guy who's doing weird things. What's the deal with that? How are you based in Redfield, but you're doing weird things? And he explained it to me. And he came out to the United States to do IRL streams. And we did a stream together like last month. This was four weeks ago. Unknown_03: And people made a big deal out of it at the time. We did a 10-hour lifestyle stream. We, like, got lunch. We went to an arcade. We did a few things, you know. And at the time, it was, like, a little controversial because this was fresh off the Milo thing. Everyone was up in arms about the Milo thing. Oh, he's on the Milo show. And then the lolly socks thing happened. And, oh, everybody gave me a hard time about that. But then it blew over. You know, then everyone, like, got over it. whatever it was a stream not a big deal and then much more recently uh this vaush guy found it i guess he found it because this is like a four week why would he name everybody saw it everybody got over it that guy's like a like a huge anti-troll like this big fat guy who streams on youtube why would he name this person i don't know i don't think i would name him i was in his position 1:22:08 Unknown_03: And then this guy Vaush found it, and he made a video, or then he just started lying about what happened. He said that I flew this guy out to the United States, which is not true. He said I put him up at a hotel, which is not true. He said that all kinds of other things. He said this guy's a sex worker, which is not true. He said that this streamer is gay, which is not true. Unknown_03: Uh, you know, the streamer in question, Lolly Socks, Catboy Cammy, is not homosexual. You know, that's just not true. So, uh, if anybody can find any evidence to the contrary on any of these points, feel free to share it. But, you know, for the most part, it's been a lot of lies, exaggeration, misinterpretation by, by bad faith actors, by people that are willfully lying. The Vouch guy who made the video where a lot of that has originated is, is a far-left Marxist pedophile. He is homosexual himself. He's obese. He has said that he's in favor of violence against right-wing people. He says, I'm like the most influential neo-Nazi in the Western Hemisphere. And he made a video gloating and lying about this stream. And people are, like, taking all that at face value. He's obviously embarrassed about this. 1:22:52 Unknown_01: But at the same time, I mean, I guess, see, I went into this, I want to say I went into this very neutral and not knowing anything. And so far, I find myself sympathetic to Fuentes. because his answers are pretty good to the questions I had, and I don't mind people retaining a sense of humor, even if it's not a traditional Christian political type of optic that's sacrificed. I mean, he's obviously unhappy with the fact that people are making fun of him, but so far, I'm kind of sympathetic. 1:23:28 Unknown_03: So, I don't know. I think I've addressed most of the contentions there, but it's really not... You know, when people say, Nick, I trust the plan, but... Don't say you trust the plan, but you must trust the plan. If we can't survive things like this, it's never going to work. Because this has been going... You know, the bigger picture here, the bigger story... 1:24:10 Unknown_03: I said for three months, it has been constant FUD tactics. It has been constant lying, slandering, misdirection. You know what FUD is? Fear, uncertainty, doubt. That is the tactic of the enemy. And it's been all kinds of things for the past three months, but you just haven't noticed it, right? It's been Groiper, Grifter. Nick attacked Ben Shapiro's family. Nick denies the Holocaust. Nick is a Chinese agent. Nick was trying to dox people at Groiper Leadership Summit. Nick... Nick is a neocon, and this is the latest one. 1:24:43 Unknown_02: Nick is a gay? But this is a big deal. Unknown_03: This is why you have to trust the planet. Don't believe everything you hear and see on the Internet. So that's my clarification. Unknown_03: The guy's totally based in red pill. He's not gay. I'm not gay. You know, nothing happened. Unknown_01: I wouldn't, I would refrain from, if you're talking about optics, I would refrain from calling anyone named lolly socks based in red pilled. Unknown_01: I mean, I don't know. People watch the stream, and, you know, a stream where we, like, play arcade games, and Voush is like, well, look, in this picture, Nick... This is the same Fuentes who told Milo he didn't want gays or interracial relationships in his vision of America, yet at the same time he's getting banged by a cat boy. That's fair. I feel that, yeah, he was pretty harsh with Milo, which is, I mean, it's fair for him to be harsh, but, I mean, the guy is clearly flamboyant. I would say that he's probably gay, too. 1:25:24 Unknown_03: Looks at him and they're laughing. Oh, yeah. Well, he goes, well, I guess that's a date then. Look, they're laughing at each other the whole time. Oh, yeah. A couple of guys hanging out. Well, it must be a date, right? But let's see. So that's the... Some people are confused. I posted about this on Twitter. I'm probably blowing it way out of proportion, but... A very dedicated and persistent group of people who I imagine are not good faith actors have been pushing this hard on social media. But it is important to clarify for the record. It's important to clarify for the record if there are people that do support me that are confused or whatever. It's important to correct the record. Make sure everybody's on board. 1:26:04 Unknown_01: I would not be promoting somebody who is a homosexual. Unknown_03: He is not a homosexual. You could ask him. You could go to his Twitter timeline. Unknown_01: Anybody who watches his streams know this too. Unknown_03: Bye. Unknown_01: I do get the sense that he's hiding something, but for his sake, I hope it doesn't come out. Because if something happens that proves that he was knowingly lying about something in this reaction, it throws into doubt everything he said in this reaction, right? So if he's saying, I'm not gay, this guy is not gay, I didn't know that much about him, etc., and it did come out that he knew ahead of time, or he did buy the plane ticket, he did buy the hotel room, if something like that came out and cast a doubt on everything he said in this, I think that would be really, really bad for him. 1:26:52 Unknown_03: the way you know we've been hanging out for the past couple of weeks and it's like this guy this guy's like a chat he slays femoids you know so it's not like it's not like what people are portraying it to be so in any case we're gonna get back to the super chats here I'm sure it'll come up in further super chats But hopefully that puts it to bed. Hopefully that's the final clarification. People are saying, well, how is it misinformation? We saw it. I tweeted today, so this is the guy pushing the disinfo, which is Vausch, who is a pedophile. And they're like, what disinfo? We saw it. Saw what? People hanging out? Vausch said, you know, there were so many lies that were told in that video. 1:27:42 Unknown_03: Anyway, but we've got to get back to the Super Chat. So that does frustrate me because it's lies. But that's the problem. It's like, and I said this about the China thing. People said that I was like a Chinese operative. And I said this on a stream before. I said the problem is you get to a certain level. And people just make things up about you. And if you address it, will you make it bigger than it is sometimes? Unknown_01: Or if you deny it too much, then it legitimizes it. 1:28:15 Unknown_03: You know what I mean? It's like when you ask a loaded question. And you ask somebody, why do you stop? What is the expression? When did you start beating your wife? Or whatever. Something like that. Unknown_00: And so in sort of answering it, it almost legitimizes the question itself. Unknown_03: And it's a very frustrating part about being famous. is that people can and do literally just invent things. Unknown_01: Yeah, that's true. Unknown_03: I don't know. Unknown_01: Maybe I feel bad for him for personal reasons, but for his sake, I hope he's not lying, because it's going to cause a big upset. And right now, he has satisfied a large market of people that are currently disenfranchised from a lot of the mainstream media. And it would be sad to see him take a tumble because he decided to do this so publicly and so flagrantly, which is kind of a strange thing in and of itself. If he was gay, why would he hang out with this guy? You know what I mean? 1:28:46 Unknown_01: No e-girls ever, but e-boys are fine. How is that not sus? Because presumably you're not trying to have sex with an e-boy. But I guess that's a point in contention for him. I don't know. Unknown_01: All right, I think that's going to be it. Unknown_01: This is interesting, and I'm sorry. I know a lot of people are yelling about this because they want to see more or specific videos, but I promise you I'll take a look at it for Friday, and I'll address it more comprehensively because I just wanted to crash course into this because it's just something that everyone is talking about, I guess, and I had no clue on. Here, I'll save this one. Someone just sent me another link in chat. Is this the same one? No, it's not. 1:29:45 Unknown_01: I'll just post this here. Unknown_01: Okay. All right, my friends. Thank you. And keep in mind, um, the website that I coordinate everything at is man at the internet.com. That's also where you can donate if you'd like to. And I will be streaming again on Friday. And if I have the time on Saturday, I'll probably play another episode of life is strange too. So, uh, thanks everyone. Unknown_01: And. 1:30:17 Unknown_01: Oh yeah, the Gudian video with the guy from BreadTube. I'll have to save that for next stream when I do my roundup because that's a really funny video. I think it's still featured on the site if you want to go see it now. But take it easy and thanks for watching. Unknown_00: It's kind of like a gay anime song. Unknown_01: Sorry if you don't like that. But I, in particular, like this one. Unknown_01: See you on Friday at this time. At noon Eastern Time and 6pm Euro Time. So that is. 1:30:53 Unknown_06: Set up a new world and let's be If I'm only God, then you're the proof of my existence. Switch my gender to love. You have to watch. 1:32:17 Unknown_06: We both know. So I shall live. I cannot. I can't hear a sound.