0:00:00 Unknown_00: The people, it's so easy to tell the people from Kiwi Farms because they're the ones who are constantly overanalyzing everything in my life because they do not have a life of, they don't have a life themselves. So they have to live through me. Unknown_00: Live through me, Kiwi Farms. Unknown_00: Bunch of retards. Yeah, I said retards. Unknown_00: I mean, I've found trans people to be sexy. I've watched trans videos before. They're hot, by the way. Guess my wife is in a shelter. My wife is in a battered woman's shelter. 0:00:51 Unknown_00: Because apparently... Unknown_00: I'm a Nazi. Everybody here is a Nazi, and I am the leader of the Nazi party. You guys could post in here, post about like hating me in here, and I will ban you in real time. You're gone. That is, this is a live ban. Unknown_00: Oh, okay, this guy gets banned. Yep, getting rid of this guy. Wow! I haven't been drinking, so... Is this band-worthy? What do you guys think? I'm gonna leave this up to you. Okay, I'll get rid of this guy, too, because he's just an empty clone. I'm violently transphobic now! I'm a transphobic... Nazi. 0:01:23 Unknown_00: Live band. Okay, this person goes absolutely having a meltdown. I'm going crazy here. Uh, have you just thought about logging off as funny as this shit is? No, this is actually entertaining. Nobody is telling me who the transphobes are. Everybody hates me. You guys are all Nazis and you all hate trans people just like me. I took a break. 0:01:57 Unknown_00: from hating transsexuals and loving Nazis to show you my pig pants. Clipping gold one, yeah. Someone's gonna take all this stuff and put it together. That will be cool. I can't wait for that. I just wanted to stream some video games, but instead I became Hitler.