Oops. Sorry. I was just shopping for new entertainment.
Unknown_02: Didn't mean to show that too early. I prepared this. I don't usually prepare an edited intro, but I felt creative this time.
Unknown_04: White girls fucked up White girls fucked up
White girls fuck dogs White girls fuck dogs
Unknown_02: Sorry, I keep saying I'm probably going to get banned from YouTube for something like every stream. Luckily, I have submerged my power level. I'm on an obscure channel, not even 10,000 subscribers. They'll never find me. They're powerless to stop me.
Unknown_02: Uh, the, the word of the town, the talk of the town for this week is that Elendi fucks her dog. Uh, I will leave it up to you to decide if that's true. Um, though I can say this, I can say this with some certainty that, uh, she is not as you would, as, as some people would, uh, would say, uh,
She is not white. She is Colombian. And among white scholars, she is not Aryan. So, I don't know. Maybe you'll take your chalkboard out and you'll take off one little line, you know, lick your thumb and just wipe off one little chalkboard line and just not score on your own goal with that one. But I don't know.
Maybe honorary.
Unknown_02: Close enough for the purposes of me playing a Rusty Cade song. Why the fuck is my background not working? Can nothing work ever? Is that like a thing? It works on that screen.
Unknown_05: Why the fuck doesn't it work on this one?
Unknown_02: Whatever. I guess we're just staring into a black void today. Good enough. Why not? Who gives a shit?
Unknown_02: Colombians fuck dogs. Oh, jeez. Adios mio. El porro. What the fuck's the word for dog in Spanish? Whatever. You know, I've taken Spanish lessons like six years worth between high school and college.
I don't know any Spanish. I didn't like Donde. I know pantalones en fuego. I know some Spanish, but not enough to live in America anymore. Oh, jeez.
My entire intro... I have a card, you know, I write on cards because I'm scatterbrained, and my intro card just says to talk about how Elena deflects dogs. You know, she's definitely more of a dog person than a cat person. I made... The very astute observation that she threw her cat behind her in an act of hatred and contempt for her own animal. But with a dog, a dog can get right up in it. It can go for the biscuit. It doesn't stop her whatsoever. A dog's not getting thrown out the fucking window for doing that shit. If the cat did that, the cat would get a fucking broken neck on Twitch. So, I don't know. Maybe she doesn't fuck it, but there's definitely some favoritism going on. That's all I'm going to say about that. We have some... What's the word?
Catching up to do? Custodial work. We have custodial work. We have to catch up on something that has happened.
Unknown_05: Is Firefox going to work at least?
Unknown_02: Oh, no. Oh, you know what it is? NPCs on top of it. I bet you now. Yep, there it is. I'm just a retard. Well, okay. Don't mind that. That was just some additional reading. We're talking about foodie booty.
Foodie Booty says, well, I'm going to be okay. The incision has not reopened, so no repair to it is necessary at this time. The doctor explained that there may have been a cavity with fluid and it needed to come out, but the fluid is not infectious.
Unknown_02: This can happen sometimes.
Unknown_02: He was, however, a bit concerned by the redness around the wound and prescribed me bed rest and antibiotics in order to nip an infection in the bud. So, guys, just wanted to let you know that I will be away for a bit, properly taking care of myself. Much love, XO. Last week, I talked about how she was...
Oh, I guess this is just the update. This is not the actual announcement of the issue.
Unknown_02: Last week she had a total hysterectomy. So the cavity she's talking about in this update is where her womb would be. I mean, cavity is a very weird word for womb, but...
I don't have the original post, unfortunately. It's somewhere. I have it somewhere.
Unknown_02: But I don't know. She bent over to pick up something, right? Because hours after she got out of the ER for the surgery, this very serious invasive surgery, she started doing mukbangs again the next day.
Unknown_02: And then at some point, bend over to pick something up or plug something in, and she sat back and realized that she's now sitting in a pool of blood, of her own blood, because she had sprung a fucking leak of bodily fluids all over the carpet. And apparently this was because of stitches coming out or something. Apparently, according to her, it wasn't that serious a complication, and she's already gone back to making mukbangs. Her latest video, as of 18 hours ago, is a cheesesteak and crispy potatoes mukbang. So her appetite hasn't been punctured at all, but she has popped like a balloon, as some people say. And really, when you think about Chantal, you don't want to think about the word pop in any way, shape, or form. There are zero positive things you could ascribe the verb pop to in affiliation with Chantel and have it be a positive thing. But that is what she has effectively done.
Let's see. I have some notes for this.
Unknown_02: She's used this as an excuse already, this prescribed bed rest, to go ahead and...
Unknown_02: use it as an excuse to order takeout because, I mean, anything can be an excuse to order takeout, essentially. I mean, I don't know. The doctor didn't really say, okay, lay on your ass and eat all the food you want. Oh, it's on my Twitter, by the way, the original announcement.
So I'll read it. So I bent over to plug in my charger into the wall and sat down on my bed and heard a huge rush of liquid.
Unknown_02: I looked down and a huge amount of fluid and blood was leaking onto the floor coming from my incision. To emphasize her exacerbations with the situation, she used three frustrated emojis. I'm heading to the ER with Bibi. So she's in the car, and he's driving. And her instinct, I guess to keep herself calm, is a form of enlightened meditation, like a Buddhist monk. She is sitting here on her phone, posting what looks like a... I'm gonna guess that this is a YouTube community post thing, because she really likes YouTube community posts. She really likes that feature, YouTube. Just some feedback. Just wanted to let you know so that you all aren't wondering where I am. I am not sure if they will keep me or not. I have not been properly taking care of myself and I feel so bad. Well, that's a fucking moment of clarity, isn't it?
Even though she's in and out of the ER, by the way, this is kind of an aside. This is a detour from our regularly scheduled foodie booty content.
She commented, and someone posted this, Dutch Courage posted this very succinct summary of the YouTube drama. She posted on this Life by Jen channel that, And Life by Jane is someone I've never talked about, but who I am vaguely aware of. She is super morbidly obese, much like Chantel. I don't think, I think she's like Southern US. And she recently moved in with a guy who is a literal alcoholic, like a in and out of sobriety program alcoholic. And there are videos of him on camera. And he has like, he's like the redneck white trash version of B.B.,
Like, he looks like he is slowly dying. Like, the camera is a weapon that emits radiation that is slowly Chernobling him into an early grave. And he's just sitting there staring at her, shooting... In return, his eyes are shooting daggers back at her. And this subtle, quiet arms race is going on on the camera as nothing interesting is being said, but a lot is being said by the dynamics... of this morbidly obese woman like showing off this trophy husband who's cooking for her and he is obviously very unhappy to be on camera and so she her drama is this guy is obviously not into her this guy is obviously like a homeless person who would be on the streets if not for the fact that he has nested in this fat hen's uh little chicken coop And Fruity Booty comes to an act of genuine selflessness, a rare moment of courage on the Fruity Booty's part, rushes to her aid to defend her in her honor and says, I knew it was all hogwash, Jen. People are bored on here, and that's what they do. Make shit up. It's a problem, as they use this as a means of entertainment. Oh, no. I used to think that vegan cupcake was fair, but I saw that she... And I guess vegan cupcake's a YouTube channel. But I saw that she hearts and replies to insulting comments about you and Jean. Oh, no.
That's something that only a wham and a very insecure man would pay attention to. The hearts and likes about shit.
Unknown_02: Don't listen to it at all. Like what happened with me? They want you guys to fail and they want to get a rise. Also, they can have something to do.
Unknown_02: Something. Oh, sorry. Something to talk about. Your videos were down for less than a day, and already Facebook groups were discussing it, etc., etc., rolling eyes emoji. I know I freaked out at you in a bitchy moment, but I always care about you and wish you the best, XO.
This has devolved. Actually, can I pause on the fact that she basically admits she reads drama groups that make fun of Life by Jim? That's a very niche thing. I need to...
Unknown_02: I don't know. I need to open a board specifically for, like, old middle-aged women who want to talk about Life by Jen. I guess that's what the beauty parlor is. Probably a little bit younger than that. Whatever.
Flooby Booby says, type girl cool.
Unknown_02: Just have to make everything about you. Go away, you dumb cow, and take care of your dying body.
Unknown_02: Wow, what poetry murdered by words from this random person. Chantel says, I'm shocked you have time to leave comments. I can't believe you actually took a break from shoveling your fat, nasty face with thousands of calories. You're repulsive. And nobody likes your nasty ass. Go eat some more so you can weigh 600 pounds too.
Unknown_02: Foodie hears slash feels a gush of liquid gushing from her wound, but has time to post it to her community. And by the way, all is well, she updated. Jen, please don't converse with that female.
These people are weird. I want to see a reply. Is there any more that's funny?
Unknown_05: foodie booty is just bad news she's so desperate to be liked by you oh this is a reply to the type girl cool the very eloquent woman that I quoted before the first one how about you take care of your dying brain flooby booby la mal so stupid do better I like that comment a lot that was pretty pretty effective I think
She replies, Oh, someone is triggered. Laughing while crying emoji. It must be so miserable being you. I mean, look at you, Chantal. You are only getting fatter. You can't stick to anything for too long because you are too stupid and impulsive to do so. And let's not forget that you are a laughingstock. Yikes. What a sad and pathetic human being you are. Wow, she really does not like this type girl cool.
Unknown_02: And again, this is like in between her total hysterectomy and her popping like a balloon and coming back on a schedule of antibiotics. She's arguing with these random fucking people on this random fucking YouTube channel. It's like in the comments of a video by some woman who records her alcoholic fiancé cooking potatoes and bacon and shit.
Who gives a fuck? I don't stick to a diet or get fatter, which I am the same weight, but okay. Do you go around fat shaming people? Oh, fuck me. You're probably fat too.
Unknown_02: That's probably true. Just like the rest of these intelligent critics of YouTube. Get the fuck out. Why am I even arguing with these sheeple with amoeba brains? And you're the one who is triggered since you commented your rubbish first. Dismissed. Middle finger emoji.
Sheeple. Is she fucking Alex Jones now?
Unknown_02: Wake up, sheeple. I'm actually thin.
Unknown_02: Jeannie Aloha. Why are you watching my videos and if they discuss you, get the stick out of your ass. Everyone farts.
Unknown_02: She should write a kid's book. Everybody farts. I don't know. It keeps going on.
I'll read another exchange between Type Girl and Foodie, because that seems to be the sparks. Sorry, Chantel, but I'm not fat. Not everyone who doesn't like you is fat, but of course your pea-sized brain. What? Pea-sized is much bigger than amoeba-sized brain, Type Girl. Cool, you really need to atomize that shit a little bit more. Can't possibly comprehend that. And if you woke up a 120-pound skinny legend, you would fat shame everybody and their mother. We all know that you hate being fat but are too dumb, lazy, and impulsive to do anything about it. So, bitch, shut the fuck up.
Unknown_02: So my hands are not what was gushing fluid. It was my abdomen incision. Oh, she's talking about why she's doing this with her injuries.
As long as her hands are intact, it does not matter how deteriorated the rest of this water balloon is. She will continue to comment and shoot down the trolls.
Unknown_02: for the rest of her days i guess which may not be too long uh life by jen did comment by the way and said yeesh this escalated quickly this all of this is uncalled for and i'm directing this towards everyone i don't care who started it or who felt justified to reply it's just childish and now i see how stupid i look fighting with these people in the comments so i guess this wasn't all for nothing let me talk about her one day look that's the picture of her you can see her in the top left she's very fat
I haven't actually seen a picture of her. I've just seen the video where her husband is cooking for her. Not her husband, her boyfriend who moved in is cooking for her. I don't know. I'll take a look. Because, I mean, Chantel might die. Me and Toad have to team up and scout the prairies for some new meat.
Unknown_05: Let's see. Okay, enough of this. Enough of this. Begone.
Unknown_02: Oh, my man Jim. I heard about YouTube drama, and I immediately went ahead and looked at Jim Sterling, hoping for my man Jim to illuminate me on the YouTube issue. because Jim is usually very on top of these types of things. He considers, he watches YouTube very closely, so I rush over, hoping, hoping for some information, some explanation of what's happened, and no, he doesn't have anything to say. He got hit by it, he got hit by this drama, but he hasn't really said that much. Get Jim on, I don't think Jim wants to talk to me.
The other gym, though, has been on top of this. I flipped between my gyms for information.
This is apparently...
Unknown_02: Actually, I have the regular tweet right here. Our Jim has been talking about this a lot because he doesn't like Susan Wojcicki or whatever the fuck.
Unknown_02: This guy made Alice... Oh, well, let's play of Alice Madness Returns and got hit with a copyright complaint by... this illustrated sound music that they replied to. And I, I think he, he made this game or he was a composer. He's an American game designer. And I think he made, or was a part of Alice madness returns. He did a let's play of his own game. And, uh,
He got hit with a copyright strike for his own Let's Play of his own game, which is a bit funny. And their reply is, thanks for bringing this to attention. You can repeal it here. And then he posts the box art, which is great. And he highlights the American McGee game. And this was from at American McGee. So it's just really funny. And this is a lot of people who have been hit by it. Like there are some people. Oh, geez, where is it?
I think Jim had the actual screenshot. Were they? Oh, I know who had the screenshot I'm looking for. I was best illuminated by what was going on by DarkSidePhil because DarkSidePhil is the real watchdog of YouTube. Not Jim Sterling. Nobody cares about Jim Sterling or Medicare. It's DarkSidePhil who at 9.31 a.m. I like how Sub Queen put this together in such a way that there's like an exact time stamp for each tweet that goes out.
Apparently a company named Illustrated Sound Music purchased the rights to a ton of video game soundtracks and loaded them into YouTube's content ID system this morning. So far, 70 videos claimed and counting, including Alan Wake, Crisis 2, Bioshock Infinite, and more. Delightful. uh seven really as far as that goes as look at a first tweet like he wakes up dark side phil rises from what i assume is a coffin in like a room built uh out of like concrete blocks so that he can sleep in in darkness like he deserves he rises from his coffin and he goes to his computer And he sees what's going on, and he immediately knows. Darkside Phil immediately determines, based on the nodes of data placed around him, what few scant nodes of data there are. That, number one, this is an American music company. Number two, they bought existing music rights. Number three, they put it in YouTube content ID. And number four... All videos on YouTube right now that feature this music are retroactively getting content ID'd all at once. Sometimes hundreds of videos in his instance.
So that's that detective brain. That's that 15 years on YouTube paying off for him.
Unknown_02: One step further, a mere 15 minutes later, it's like that robot from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, how it needs like a million years to deduce the meaning of life is 42. Direct side film needs 15 minutes to deduce more than that. uh illustrated sound music is erroneously claiming the visual content of a huge amount of lps on youtube right now on behalf of a particular let's player completely illegal and considering the sheer amount of videos being affected must be fixed immediately and the real great thing about that is i think is this the one no it's not the one that comes a little bit later
A minute later, he makes fun of YouTube, like jams his finger in the wound.
Unknown_02: Someone says, well, it's a good thing you're not a YouTube Let's Player anymore, right? He says, yep, back in the day, this would be a disaster. Today, not so much.
Unknown_02: He engages some more people who are apparently Let's Players and eventually does an update saying, so far, over 500... This is...
Unknown_02: I guess 12 hours later, so far over 500 of my gameplay videos have been illegally claimed by Illustrated Sound Music, and the number continues to grow. I don't have the manpower to manually dispute these claims. Will Team YouTube do anything about this gross abuse of Content ID? And he posts a screenshot of his inbox.
Apparently, I mean, it's just hundreds of emails saying that Content ID is triggering. And he, when no one else can, DarkSidePhil yells on Twitter, and he gets a reply from Team YouTube directly saying, Thanks for reporting this. We're currently investigating. We'll let you know if we have any updates. And he says, Okay, I'll appreciate the response here. I cannot even use my email because the spam is off the charts.
Unknown_02: I think this has happened before. I'm pretty sure this has happened before where something happens with Content ID and retroactively music that was not Content ID and then gets hit with Content ID and they lose monetization. I mean, I guess it sucks.
Unknown_02: But really, what the fuck are you going to do? This is just... People don't really understand how YouTube's Content ID is not necessarily...
The fault of a big evil company being a big evil company. Like, yeah, okay, you have a really stupid system that's easily abused. But it's not their fault. Their capitulation to these rights holders is legally required of them. Um...
Unknown_02: I'll explain that in a bit. It's getting worse over time.
Unknown_02: Illustrated Sound put out a statement saying that we deeply apologize for the abundance of copyright claims on your content. We are working closely with YouTube to get these claims released and to restore order back to the Content ID ecosystem.
Please be aware that Illustrated Sound's creators are not at fault for this error. We are an ISN, are firm believers in upholding the YouTube community guidelines and respecting the copyrights of others. We kindly ask that you be patient with us as we work on correcting these issues.
Unknown_02: and releasing our claims on your content.
Unknown_02: So they pass the buck right away back to YouTube. And it could very well be YouTube's fault. It's probably artificial intelligence at this point. All the scanning definitely is.
Unknown_02: And it's probably just gone apeshit with some new power and this big purchase of property, as DarkSidePhil put it, triggered it.
I looked on YouTube's channel, by the way, to find some kind of update on this, and instead I found them advertising these four people I've never heard of on the Streamy Awards.
Unknown_02: Which is an awful name, by the way. Streamy kind of makes me think of piss, and it sounds a lot like steamy, which is like a big steaming pile of shit. So the steamy awards featuring Brandon Rogers, collaborator, I've never heard of him. Nikita Dragon, never heard of her.
Unknown_02: Ellie Mills. I like how professional these photos are. Ellie Mills is just like this random photo of her from like 10 years ago.
And then Mark Robber.
Unknown_02: Okay, you know, I know this woman and I'm ashamed that I know her. I also want to point out that every single one of these people are like some obscure shade of brown.
Unknown_02: Ellie Mills is the woman who had the mental breakdown about how she worked so hard on YouTube making videos that she had a mental breakdown. And it caused this big thing about how YouTube has to look after its creators and protect its creators because its creators are what makes it special. And creators are working so hard and they're driving themselves nuts. And Ellie Mills did like this freak out video where she was criticizing crying. She's like, I'm so unhappy, even though I make tons of money. And I have to work for it. Oh, me. And she somehow became like an icon for YouTube. Like YouTube decided this sufficiently brown, sufficiently pale, sufficiently female creature is an icon for our goodliness, like our efforts to help people so we can now make her like an icon for the community or something. and they're trying to make her a thing. It's like, I don't want to watch her shit. I don't care about her. Anyways, I just brought that up because I wanted to rant about Ellie Mills, and I have no idea why YouTube hasn't said something officially about this issue, but they never do.
I was going to complain about the copyright stuff because Congress, as of October 22nd, I guess November is already fucking gone. This isn't really news anymore. But the Case Act is a Copyright Alternative and Small Claims Enforcement Act of 2019, which is another way of enforcing copyright if you're someone who has not a lot of money to take it to court. And it's like it's going to be another I feel it's going to be another kind of DMCA. And the whole reason why YouTube is fucked up and has this content ID shit is because of DMCA. I've read the law for DMCA and I've read it quite a few times because when I get the DMCA, I don't want to pay attention to.
on the forum, I look at it and I bring it up and I read the word of it and try to think of what I can do to fuck with this person who is trying to abuse this law to censor my website. And oftentimes, I realize that my hands are very tied in dealing with it because of how it's written. It is very pro the complainee as opposed to the person receiving the complaint. So YouTube, if it didn't do things the way it does, would assume a lot of fault.
And it's really forced to behave the way it does. And I don't like pitching for Google at any time. But really, I think that our copyright system is a mess. And I don't know the text of this. I remember hearing some things about it. I know that the EFF does not support it. And the EFF is usually the right team.
am i a hapa i'm not a hapa i'm like half italian half german half english and according to my ancestry or whatever i'm two percent black which gives me um two percent of an n-word pass
Unknown_02: So I can only say it every so often. I can't say it. I can't, you know, I can't use it more. It's like a racial skill in the Elder Scrolls. I can only use it once a day. And then it has to recharge. But no, I'm on a hapa. What was I saying?
Unknown_02: Oh, we should get rid of copyright law and become a communist anarchist state. That's what I'm advocating for, because really, fuck these people.
Unknown_02: Or just move to Ukraine, where there is no copyright law.
Oh, okay, that's that. I was going to complain about something else. Oh, stop DDoSing my fucking website. I don't know if you guys have noticed this, but the Kiwi Farms, like the last three days, has been under Cloudflare Active Protection.
Unknown_02: It's been going on for like a year now. It started up like September last year, where someone was actively trying to bring down the site through DDoS.
Unknown_02: and it's it's always something different it's like a different vector every time and when i have to change things and reconfigure things i lose some of the protections i set up and then he does it again like he's this this is a person who is actively working on this every day maybe not every day maybe once a week he gets together and is like i'm gonna fuck with the forum some more
And he does it.
Unknown_02: So it's either a DDoS with just a regular packet flood to the network. If I put on filtering on that, it's like an HTTP attack. If I change that, he does it a different way and makes it a slow loss. And I don't know how to effectively filter out what he's doing right now without having Cloudflare on. So all I can do is just put on active protection every time it starts up and turn it off sometime later. It's a real pain in the ass. And it's really hard to find people who are knowledgeable about this stuff who I can ask to look at it. You know what I mean? Like, that kind of stuff isn't cheap.
It's a real fucking annoyance.
Unknown_02: So, you know, I think I have an idea of who it is. And the really funny thing is it's not Vordrak, I don't think. It's some of the bad guys.
Unknown_02: It's a – I think it's like a person who like is friends with like a weirdo drug addict who has a thread. And whenever that guy has like a mood swing because of his meth addiction – He asked his friend, who's like a semi-gray hat kind of person, to just fuck with the site some. And it happens once a month. I don't know who it is. I'm pretty sure it's them, but I don't really pay any attention to it because it doesn't matter who it is. It just sucks because...
I refuse to do anything for anyone, especially by coercion. So I just ignore it. I'll fix it one day, I guess. I haven't been very productive this month. November basically is like a hole in my brain. It's just completely burned out. I didn't do anything.
Unknown_02: BitChute...
Unknown_02: Is worth talking about because... Oh, that's Boogie. I'll talk about him too. I think I... I thought I had something for this.
Unknown_05: There's a gem tweet for it.
Unknown_05: Where is it? Where the fuck is it?
Because he's like a beta tester for their new live streaming system. And apparently, they're going to do a crowdfund for their live streaming thing. And while that sounds promising, it would be very cool for BitChute to have live streaming. There is an article by Frederick, the Frederick that is currently embroiled in a criminal defamation case in the Philippines, the founder of HM. And the article basically says that Bitshoot lies about being peer-to-peer, and he's effectively correct. A lot of people got mad at him, like, oh, now he's going after Bitshoot because he's like a shill for liberals or something.
But really, the thesis of his article is correct. BitChute is fundamentally not peer-to-peer.
Unknown_02: Technically, there is a bit-torrenting aspect to BitChute where you can provide your own bandwidth by hosting a copy of your videos locally so that they're not all centralized on BitChute. But if BitChute gets attacked and it goes down, then it is effectively...
I mean, it's effectively gone, right? And just because some videos are being hosted on various peers on BitTorrent does not mean that it is a peer-to-peer service. It's not like the KiwiFarms.cc, which is a...
Unknown_02: I can't pronounce this word. It's like a biblical word.
Unknown_02: Paloma instance, and that is on the Fediverse, which is like a decentralized Twitter. If you go to kiwifarms.cc and you take it down, whatever, if I take down this instance, the rest of the Fediverse, I guess I probably shouldn't have opened this because there's anime boobs. But the rest of the Fediverse stays up, right? Like these guys, this guy's is on Gab. This guy, this booby bot is on PL.765racing.com. Those are all different instances. There's only one bit shoot and it's not federated in the same way as the Fediverse is or other federated networks like BitTorrenting itself, IRC, that kind of stuff. So it really isn't a peer-to-peer service, and Frederick is fundamentally accurate in his article. And my concern with the live streaming is the torrenting that BitChute does have right now is only for its benefit. You're lending your bandwidth, theoretically, to alleviate costs for BitChute, which can be a good thing. Because then it doesn't have to be a massive corporation to host all the bandwidth that it would need to provide services for someone like PewDiePie.
But it's not truly decentralized. With the live streaming thing, that's also exciting. Because I know that there is... some some peer-to-peer live streaming shit out there, but it's it's closed source and I think I said it before but I'm not gonna promote or shill a crowdfunding platform for bit shoots live streaming unless it is Promised to be open source in a way that I could fucking sue them if they don't make it open source I want to be able to have a live that Kiwi farmers net with a peer-to-peer copy or peer-to-peer live streaming on it using a copy of that crowdfunded software, I want to be able to theoretically stream tranny porn to 50,000 people at once. And if I can't do it, I'm not going to throw any money at it because there are existing services out there that can use localized bandwidth to stream to people. But I only have like a one gigabit per second line with my data center.
To stream, like Jim gets 25,000 people watching his streams. Even if you were to stream at 720p, it would still be dozens of gigabits per second in up bandwidth. Theoretically, with a peer-to-peer service, you could have 100,000 people watching a live stream on this system and not hit a gigabit of bandwidth upstream because of the peer-to-peer networking. That's ideal, and that would instantly obsolete things like YouTube Live and even DLive because you could have your live.kiwifarms.net. Jim could buy MrMediker.com and livestream to 100,000 people if he wanted to. Ralph could make it a subdomain or a page on the ralphretort.com. Dick could have it on the dick.show website. It's a very important thing that already exists and needs to be redone in a way that is functional and consumer friendly and open source so that people can use it in a real development environment, real production environment. Sorry.
for how they do it normally. So, you know, BitChute making its live streaming services is whatever. There's already lots of competition out there.
Unknown_02: But I'm tired of more centralized solutions because they always fail. DLive was not what people hoped it would be. Mixer was not what people thought it would be. Mixer is even worse than Twitch somehow.
Unknown_02: And all of these services, if they ever did get big, if BitChute ever got big, the owner of the company, BitChute, is an Englishman. He's an Anglo. I trust him for nothing. So really, enough. It's insufficient to keep jumping between centralized providers. Either they make it open source or it's not worth anything.
Oh yeah, and ripstream.me, exactly, point in fucking case, stream.me existed, it was a good thing, everyone had fun there, it was a weird wild west period, but the people who hosted that site dealt with a lot of shit they couldn't, or were forced to deal with a lot of shit they didn't have the capacity to deal with, and they shut it down because it was a burden to them.
That's how it will always be. There's a reason why there isn't shit like 8chan. Why 8chan is so hard to host and why things like stream.me are impractical to host.
Unknown_02: And why we have to have decentralized options because otherwise everything is just going to be shit forever.
Unknown_05: Alright, let's listen to Boogie Lie while I take a drink.
Unknown_05: Where's my boogie lying video?
I know where it's at.
Unknown_01: And that's what that's the coolest fucking thing about this. So I'm going to tell you the crazy. Nobody's going to believe anything I'm about to say.
Unknown_01: Nobody's going to believe anything I'm about to say. This is going to be on the front page of Reddit where Boogie lies about God or something. I don't know what it's going to fucking say. But I've debated telling this story. I'm going to tell the story anyway.
Unknown_01: If this is used against me, at this point, I'm not surprised anymore.
So, I think I found God. God.
Unknown_01: it's pretty crazy.
Unknown_01: So let me explain myself, but I think I found God through this. I think I might be more religious now.
Unknown_01: Um, so, um, like I said,
Um, try to stop in time at a fail.
Unknown_01: And I have one thought put into a ditch.
Unknown_01: I don't think that was me thinking that thought.
Unknown_01: I think that was fate or God, if you will, or karma or whatever it is. I don't know.
Unknown_01: I'd like to think I'm good enough of a person to where I would try to put into a ditch.
Unknown_01: I don't know.
Unknown_01: But then my car hits that ditch, which is like a good six foot drop. It was considerably taller than the car. I hit that ditch.
I could have flipped that car.
Unknown_01: I could have turned it on its side.
Unknown_01: That engine could have caught fire. The glass, I could have went through the windshield.
Unknown_01: But I was wearing my seatbelt because you guys,
Unknown_01: said, put on your seatbelt, get off your phone, put on your seatbelt, get off your phone. And when I read it, I listened.
Unknown_01: And because of you guys, I was wearing my seatbelt and I was off my fucking phone.
Call that karma, call that fate, call that God, call it whatever you want to call it. But that's a hell of a coincidence, I think.
Unknown_01: And I didn't flip the car. I didn't turn it on its side.
Unknown_01: I didn't plow directly into the back of that car. I didn't hurt those three kids. I didn't hurt those parents.
Unknown_01: I'm the only one with a single injury in our little pack. I mean, the guy had a stroke, obviously had a stroke. And any of those cars up there, as far as I know, I'm sure somebody got a little bit hurt. But as for my little pack of cars, I was the only one to get an injury.
So the EMT talks to me and he says,
Unknown_01: I want you to come to the hospital with me. Anonymous Redneck, have a good night, brother. Thanks for coming, man. Glad to have you, brother.
Unknown_01: Um... He, um... He said, I want you to come to the hospital with me. I've seen people just like you in a car wreck just like this, fender benders, and have them die ten minutes later from a broken neck, from a crack in the neck, a crack in the spine.
Unknown_01: Why did you lie about your car crash? I didn't.
Unknown_01: And then backtrack after posting your ticket on Twitter. I didn't.
Unknown_01: So that's easy. If you think I did, that's you.
Unknown_01: And I get it. Maybe something I said contradicts another thing I said. I was in shock, man. I don't know what to tell you, but I didn't.
Unknown_01: What I did do was change my opinion about something. Originally, I thought it was important to point out to you guys that a guy ahead of me wrecked, causing me to wreck.
But forget that.
Unknown_02: Ignore that entirely. I think that's all the interesting bits.
Unknown_02: Boogie, rest in peace, died shortly after this.
Unknown_02: No, he's perfectly fine.
Unknown_02: If you don't know, Boogie is on this weird fucking... I don't like talking about... He's like Onision in the fact that he's really fake. He just comes across as a very fake person. And there's a weird thing where he has these very pretty blue eyes. And whenever he talks on these, like deep blue, whenever he talks on these streams, he makes very direct eye contact with the camera where you are forced to make eye contact with him if you watch the video. And I think to his audience, that's a very personal and kind of invasive thing. And I think that makes him a more effective evangelizer for his message to the people who are willing to believe him.
But it creeps me out because I don't trust him. And that kind of eye contact is intrusive as opposed to convincing, if that makes sense.
Unknown_02: Uh, in his, he's currently on this weird cross country trip where he's visiting all the bad places of his childhood. His entire persona is kind of built up on what a victim he is and what a terrible, uh, life he has lived.
He's taken a trip to his old family house.
Unknown_02: There was sort of this weird, uh,
Unknown_02: Kind of thing where he set up where he walked into his old family house and the roof is collapsed and it's obviously water damage like the insides. But then he walks up to the camera and there's these pictures of him that are turned over in these laminated sheets. And he's like, oh, what's this? And he flips it over and it's like a picture of him and his family together. He's like, oh my God, it's a picture of me and my family. It's like, he very clearly staged that and he kind of set it up for like emotional credit. And that's basically the entire cross country road trip that he's doing. He very recently, if I hide this, I'm bringing up Firefox. He made it all the way to see his sister and this brain prolapse guy, brain prolapse guy, uh, Uh, is kind of on top of this shit because he met his sister. That's the picture. She is very weird looking. Uh, she's a man all the way to Virginia to see my sister and put the bad blood behind us. First time seeing her in 10 years and first time seeing my great niece ever. Family is pretty great.
And he says, apparently, the sister has raped him at some point. I don't know the context for that. That's the weird thing about talking about someone like Onision and Boogie is that unless you've been following him for years, you kind of feel like there's context and a backstory to everything. That you could not possibly know without spending hours looking into it. So I don't know what the deal is with his claim that his sister raped him. But he did get into an accident.
And the top minds of Reddit looked at his ticket after he posted it.
Unknown_02: And they did photo forensics and kind of determined that the citation on the ticket was a 558136.
Unknown_02: And that is, in Tennessee law, where the collision happened, a distracted driving citation. So...
Unknown_02: The theory is, because he mentioned it in his video, that he was not using his camera. He was live streaming himself driving at certain points of his trip. And apparently right before this collision happened. And people are making fun of him by saying that he was distracted by his phone. He was being reckless in driving. And he caused the collision. And they're backing this up by signing the 558-136 on the ticket, which would indicate that he violated this due care law in Tennessee.
He's been arguing with people about this in his very weird kind of slippery way.
uh yes has the ticket says i failed to stop have i been distracted she would have written that down instead look here yes it does cover distracted driving but it also covers failure to stop that's what she wrote on the ticket not distracted driving
Unknown_02: The part, this is the part O, I guess I violated as she wrote down.
Unknown_02: Exercise due care to avoid colliding with any other motor vehicle.
Unknown_02: I literally failed to stop my vehicle and collided with another vehicle. Had I been distracted, that's what she would have written instead. I get that you guys don't trust me, but don't you trust the state trooper?
Unknown_02: I mean, I kind of get what he's saying. I think that the way it works in Florida, at least, because all the states have their different laws on traffic shit, is that if you hit a car in the rear, you are automatically, almost without exception, at fault. uh you you did the damage which is why there's the videos of the insurance fraudsters who box a car in uh from behind and from the front and slam on their brakes to force a rear end collision uh
I mean, it could be possible he wasn't at fault. In the video, I mean, he was not helping his case, really. When people are saying you probably caused this collision by being reckless and distracted on your phone, and then he immediately comes out with a video by saying that, actually, I was not recklessly driving. I was informed by Jesus Christ in my head that I should put down my phone and buckle my seatbelt because a collision might happen in the next 10 minutes. And, oh, he responded to Ralph in this one. God, I'm so sick of talking about this accident. I want it to be over so I can just be grateful to still be alive. I was too close to the car in front of me and failed to stop. I hit the car because of that. I take full responsibility. I was not on my phone. Done now.
And then Ralph says, just ignore it, boogie. I didn't even know this was still going on until now. That's a very encouraging message from Ralph. That's weird.
Unknown_02: It will be until I'm dead, my friend.
Why does he always talk about his death? It's like he's wishing for it. He's praying to God, to the Jesus Christ he just found, to please end it. He was praying when he very angrily and aggressively slammed into the car in front of him, but unfortunately for him, his prayers were not answered, and he was just fine.
Unknown_02: Rest assured, unfortunately, I plan to be her as long as I can be. Apparently, there's supposed to be an unnamed YouTuber who is working on a big expose video to rekindle this fire later in the week as well. Also, did you get my DMs?
That's kind of threatening. You get that thing I sent you? I can't, you know, I have to admit,
Unknown_02: Oh, you think it's Toad? It could be Toad. Toad's a popular boy. Up and coming.
Unknown_02: Oh, has he announced it? Oh, he's announced it. Okay. I see how it is. Toad McKinley getting up there in the YouTube fame. Can't wait for his channel to get deleted.
We'll do a stream together on BitChute.
Unknown_02: DM leaks. Ralph. Ralph. What are you doing? Don't hide the content, Ralph.
Unknown_05: Chat logic.
Unknown_05: Okay.
Unknown_02: Okay.
Unknown_02: Okay.
Unknown_02: For some reason, Gino Samuel, the guy who's literally doing a 20... He's on part 26 of his... It's not a joke. Whenever I say part 26 of a documentary, it feels like a joke, like it's a punchline or something. But no, he's not even out of the 2000s yet. He hasn't hit 2010 in the documentary series yet. I don't even watch him. And for some reason, when his YouTube channel got deleted for cyberbullying, people blame me for it. Like, I fucking care. But this weird looking guy, who's apparently Gino and Samuel, did an hour and a half long live stream about Boogie.
Or just watched his video, I guess, and commented over it with a green screen or some shit.
Unknown_02: Boogie's weird, and I don't like talking about him. Because when I had that conversation with Boogie on the Ralph Retort, people got mad at me. Like, why didn't you call him out on his stuff? Why'd you let him lie to you? It's like, motherfucker, I don't know who this guy is.
And when he talked to us on that stream, he was very convincing and very genuine sounding. And I mean, I definitely wasn't prepared to like tango with this guy who's apparently a master manipulator. But I do have to say in this video, he looks so old. I don't know how old he is, but I think he's like 30, 38, 40.
Like 45, something like that. But he looks fucking old.
Unknown_02: Doesn't help that he has gray beard hair and stuff.
Unknown_02: But yeah, he's not looking too good.
Unknown_02: He might die soon.
Unknown_02: And if he does die, nobody's going to believe it because he's died every day for the last three years.
Unknown_02: Oh, well.
Unknown_02: Is that it?
Unknown_02: I think that's it. Let me double check. I'm trying out a new extension on Firefox to put all my clips together. I could have made a bigger deal out of the Alinity stuff, but who gives a shit?
All I know... You know what's funny? Okay. I forgot. I was originally initially going to introduce myself on this stream as being internet famous tweeter. Live it against 1918. Because my fucking tweet for this Alinity thing has like 2,500 likes, which is quite a bit. I think I've gotten more than that before. But the comments are so normie. And there's a lot of black people who are interested in this tweet, by the way. I'm just saying that because... I think black people have like a... What's a word? Like a stereotype that white people fuck dogs. I don't know who has been promoting such lies. Who's been singing such songs about such things. But the comments are pretty funny. And...
I don't know. I've been paying attention to it. It's like a little baby. When you have a nice tweet that has some circulation to it and all sorts of weirdos who have no idea who you are start talking to you and stuff. It's kind of funny.
I don't know.
Unknown_02: I think that's it.
Unknown_02: Can I talk to you guys about my hopes and dreams?
Unknown_02: Because I'm suffering from an ambition, an aspiration, which I feel like I'll never get to do. You see, Chit, 2% king. I am 2% king.
Unknown_02: Oh! Oh, I didn't... I can't believe I forgot. I didn't even write this on my fucking card. Scent of the Lion is fucking dead.
I'll talk about my dreams in a second. I have to talk about this. I actually, right before the stream, someone pointed out that he had an account on the Kiwi Farms that had three posts. And I had to give him that deceased tag we give to dead people.
Unknown_02: I'll just read out the news article real quick. I can't believe... I was going to do this at the start when I said I had custodian work to do. I talked about Simba Lyon being shot last stream, as well as Chantel. And I want to talk about how he died, and she is back in the hospital. Simba Lyon, the 40-year-old man who police say was the suspect in the shooting of a pair of Monroe police officers, has died. In a tweet sent out Monday afternoon, Michigan State Police said Lyon died over the weekend. Authorities did not release any more details other than to say the investigation continues. Lyon was named as a suspect in the November 19th police shooting, but it appears he never left the hospital after being shot by officers who returned fire at him. Police was taken to a Toledo hospital following the incident and was listed in critical condition two weeks ago in the last MSP update on his condition.
The two officers shot in the incident were treated and released from the hospital. Come on, MLive.com. Where's the editorial professionalism here?
From the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
Unknown_02: So basically, if you missed last week's stream, he got into a conflict with his landlord. He didn't want to pay his rent, and he got evicted. And when the police came to evict him, he shot him. For real. presumably for violating his non-aggression protocol uh but they they were better shooters i guess and they fucking murdered him in cold blood uh issued by the state and now now and really this is a cover-up because simba lion was going to sue disney for infringing upon his name which he came up with and that the movie obviously stole from him um
uh so this is a disney conspiracy to tie up some loose ends so they can keep that that sweet sweet simba lion copyright all to themselves after the success of their last movie the live action simba movie or whatever the fuck it's called the lion king uh they big deal they gotta they gotta keep it to themselves glad i remembered that all by myself
Unknown_02: Okay, now let's talk about my hopes and dreams.
Unknown_02: Chat, I want to make a video game before I die.
Unknown_02: But I don't know how. It's very rough. It's one of those things, right, where people say, like, oh, I want to go see whatever. I want to go see Paris. You know, the Japanese, they want to go see Paris, and then they go to Paris, and then they kill themselves because Paris is such a depressing shithole. Literally, beholding Paris inflicts such an emotional wound. They cannot imagine a life continued on past the post-Paris experience. It's like that.
I don't know. I've played with Unity and stuff, but it's really hard. It's really hard to do something and to invest so much time in something that you can't make money from. Because it feels like when you're writing code and stuff, it's difficult particularly because my real profession would be code.
Unknown_02: It feels like if you're going to spend 40 hours a week developing something, it should be something for immediate money and not something which theoretically could turn profitable in the next year. You know what I mean? I don't know why I'm telling you this. It's irrelevant, but it's on my chest. It's on my chest every day, chat, where I want to make a video game. Make a cock and ball torture game. Oh, I have such a treat for you for the outro song.
Hentai breathing simulator. You're right, chat. I need to continue my breathing simulator.
Unknown_02: Feeder game.
Unknown_02: You weren't dying for a long time? Oh, don't be so optimistic.
Unknown_02: Just code for SS13? Don't tempt me. I was thinking about that today. I noticed that when you had plasma fixation in a virus, if you put it on a plasma tank and inhale it, it still does damage to you. It's like it really should be able to use a plasma tank instead of oxygen if you have plasma fixation. I was thinking I'll commit that as a change. I'll write the code and I'll commit the code. But then I decided against it because it's like a guilt thing. It's like if you're writing code for something that's not your job.
It feels like you're a retard loser. Deadbeat. Why aren't you using your talent or whatever for money? Why are you using it to fix something that is so weird and autistic and not profitable in any way? Okay.
I just got a notification from beyond that Space Station 13 is online. That's my cue to wrap this stream up. I got a date in space, and I have a song that's been stuck in my head all week, which is awful, and I'm going to inflict it on you. So I will see you guys next week. I don't know. I promised you guys last year that I would do a Hanukkah stream this year, but Hanukkah this year falls on the 22nd to the 30th.
And so I don't want to stream shit over Christmas. But Life is Strange 2 is out. So I don't know. I don't know what my plans are. I promise I will absolutely 100% stream all the episodes of Life is Strange 2 this month.
Unknown_02: But I may not do the Hanukkah stuff because it is over Christmas. And I consider like Christmas is on a Wednesday. And there's like there's no fucking way. I'm going to stream on Wednesday. Every year I joke about wanting to close the site down on Christmas Day just for the day, like go do something else besides post on the Kiwi Farms on Christmas Day. That's the most depressing fucking thing I can think of. And then people ask me not to and say they don't have anything else to do on Christmas. I'm like, well, that's the most depressing fucking thing I've ever heard in my life. So I don't know.
I don't know. I'll figure something out. I promise.
Unknown_02: But I will see you next week for sure.
Unknown_02: okay take it easy my friends crush my cock with a rock i must maximum pain i must endure okay here we go
I must
Enjoy my facts in the dark.