Thankful for Ambien 2019-11-27

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do do so so all right shame on the one person in chat asking for the song name it's the thanksgiving theme from charlie brown what the fuck is wrong with you

Unknown_06: How do you not know this? It's been beaten to your head every year. Every year you're sitting there at that table in the dining room and Charlie Brown is the one in the living room. Maybe my family life was different from yours. Maybe your family life was miserable and depressing and you didn't have Charlie Brown.

Unknown_06: Eat shit, Zoomers.

Unknown_06: People too young to remember Charlie Brown. Oddly enough, this does have YouTube copyright on it, so I'm going to get a copyright claim from Vince Garaldi Trio for Thanksgiving theme.

Unknown_06: which is a very, very exciting title for a song.

Unknown_06: I guess most people listening to this are probably European. I've cultivated a European following against my wishes because I stream so late at night here, but it's like 3 p.m. Eastern time.

Unknown_06: So most of you probably don't care about Thanksgiving. But for those of you who are avoiding family, don't worry. My family is very much so happy to avoid me right now.

Unknown_06: Though, you can take some tips if you are just hiding right now, if you're going to be coming back into the fray. I got this wonderful email a couple days ago that I posted on Twitter that made me laugh.

Unknown_06: Get the DCC's Guide to Thanksgiving with your Republican relatives and all those silly Republican relatives. The turkey is resting, pies are baking, and your blood is boiling. Of course, it wouldn't be a family holiday without a few ill-informed political opinions from your Republican relatives. All those gosh darn political dissidents who are probably religious, unlike you who are informed on such things with their silly superstitions and mythologies. They have attached to this email a PDF that you can download that they encourage you to download and study for talking points on how to deal with your trumped-hard friends and family at the dinner table. So you can make life that much more insufferable for everyone around you as we spiral into the abyss. Thank you, DCCC, for your contributions today. It's very appreciated.

Unknown_06: Someone's spamming Hindu symbols in DLive. It wouldn't be DLive unless someone was spamming some shit all the fucking time. It really gets to me. Okay.

Unknown_06: Oh, shit.

Unknown_08: I didn't want to make it two hours.

Unknown_06: I just wanted ten seconds.

Unknown_08: There we go.

Unknown_08: Okay. Okay.

Unknown_06: Avoiding family. I wrote down avoiding family on this card. Like, that's useful information to me. I know someone who's avoiding their family right now, and I'll get to that. But it was really weird, because after... Like, when I...

Unknown_06: actually these topics do link together in like a weird way because uh i'm going to be talking about low tax later and low tax had a thing where he uh in like 2017 he had an issue with smorky who we did a stream on and you should go listen to that stream if you're curious about that drama um But his whole thing led him to meeting me. And I took on a lot of users from Something Awful at the time. And then after that, I shut down the forum because of drama with my best friend from England. And after that, I really split up ways with my family. And I haven't had Thanksgiving or Christmas with anyone from my family since 2017.

Unknown_06: And so it's just weird. Because that event ties very closely with...

Unknown_06: with low tax and i thought about it for a while like i had a week where the site was down and i was just contemplating things you know it was it was strange to me that a family unit which was made up over like what 20 30 40 years 50 years was broken apart so so heavily in like a week by like some guy just sending emails you know what i mean

Unknown_06: Because it wasn't just me splitting away from my family. They were mad at my mom for some reason. And then my uncle and his wife...

Unknown_06: uh really uh didn't want to associate with any of them anyways so they all like like just basically said go fuck yourself to each other and split apart entirely over over like some guy just sending nasty grams to him and being threatening and it's like you know it doesn't matter if a family takes like 50 years to build apart or build up if it splits apart and so easily in a week you know what i mean clearly it wasn't that important to any of them to begin with right

Unknown_06: I don't know. Maybe I'm a weirdo. I always felt very disassociated whenever I watched a cartoon or a movie as a kid where the moral of the story at the end was that family is so important. You have to know your family. If you're with your family, you can overcome anything. Lilo and Stitch had that thing where Moana means family or whatever the fuck.

Unknown_06: And I was like, really? I don't trust you, Lilo and Stitch. I think you're lying to me. I think you're bullshitting. So if you are avoiding family, I guess I'm with you on this.

Unknown_06: It's depressing. Well, I'm sorry. It's the holiday season. It's the season to be depressed. You know, everyone kills themselves in February because the holiday season is so fucking depressing. Everyone hates each other. Everyone's yelling at each other. Everyone's having political arguments with each other.

Unknown_06: Christmas is always disappointing. It's disappointing for the people who are trying to make it perfect because you can't have a perfect Thanksgiving. You can't have a perfect Christmas. It always goes to shit. I remember one Christmas my grandfather like hit me once. I don't remember why at this point.

Unknown_06: It's not like that was like a common thing either. I only remember what I said.

Unknown_06: I don't know. It's always, I don't know. Everyone has shitty family get-togethers. I just remember the cozy side of things. If you want to be cozy and you want to have cozy thoughts about Thanksgiving. I always liked, when I was a kid, I remember the kitchen and the dining areas connected to the living room, which has the TV and stuff. And you're listening to that Charlie Brown theme and the Thanksgiving Charlie Brown is on. And it's like 9, 10 p.m. on the one, I guess, the day before Christmas, especially. You're falling asleep and everyone's in the other room and they're talking. But because it's late at night, they're kind of murmuring to each other. And it's like that's like a warm feeling when you got people like talking to each other. And it's like indistinct kind of voice and like soft laughing and stuff. That's like Humphrey feels.

Unknown_06: And it's been a long time since I've been that comfy.

Unknown_06: Let's see.

Unknown_06: Let's see what Destiny's up to.

Unknown_06: Where is my Destiny clip? There's my Destiny clip. Destiny, tell us some straight facts.

Unknown_00: I'm in a poly relationship. The reason why I'm in a poly relationship is because I don't give a fuck if my girlfriend goes and fucks another guy because I know she's coming back to me at the end of the night. Because we love each other. Because I'm a cool fucking person. I know that. If I'm not going to gatekeep the fuck out of who my girlfriend fucks, do you think I'm going to chase you around?

Unknown_08: Thanks for that update, Destiny. Let's see what Onision's up to.

Unknown_06: Oh, should I go to Onision?

Unknown_06: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's go to Onision. Onision, how was your day?

Unknown_10: Wow.

Unknown_10: Wow!

Unknown_10: Wow. So you guys are so into yourselves, like you are so committed to censoring innocent people that you're just going to go and try to get my Patreon deleted now. Oh, you have an opinion of me. So you're just going to try and ruin my entire career. Really? Is that what you're going to do? Oh, I'm sorry. The FBI never showed up. Oh, I'm sorry. The cops are all about Onion Boy because turns out, didn't break a single law. So what do we do? Oh, well, our opinions have been invalidated so many times of him that we're gonna disable his Patreon. Wow. Wow, you would really do that.

Unknown_09: You would really do that!

Unknown_09: You tried to do the FBI. Didn't work. You tried to do the police. Didn't work.

Unknown_10: So instead, you resorts to the paycheck.

Unknown_09: And you got it. You got it.

Unknown_10: All my patrons have been deleted.

Unknown_10: Are you happy now?

Unknown_02: Is this what you want, huh?

Unknown_09: You want a total meltdown? Do you like kombucha?

Unknown_09: I love kombucha!

Unknown_06: I think I'm going to leave it there.

Unknown_06: My favorite part was this part.

Unknown_09: Wow.

Unknown_09: Wow!

Unknown_06: Because it reminded me of a much funnier and more interesting person named Darkside Phil, who also yells wow all the time. And he was really, that was his best acting moment. I don't know. It was very clear to me like after I was going to watch, I watched the first minute of it. I was like, oh, I'll watch the second half on the stream and give a genuine reaction to it. And then he starts taking off his shirt and drinking kombucha. And it's like, yeah, that's fake. The other one is even worse. I'll play like 30 seconds of this because this is just shit.

Unknown_10: Guys, I just wanted to say I am sorry about the last video I posted. I was a little out of control. And I just wanted to let you know that I have thought about it a lot. And I wanted to apologize to you guys for being so irrational. Is there some great tears coming up?

Unknown_06: Maybe a little schizo.

Unknown_10: I've been up for about... 20 hours now, and ever since my Patreon got deleted, I haven't been feeling very good.

Unknown_10: So, if you could forgive me, I would appreciate that. I would feel good about that, and, uh... Twerk it.

Unknown_09: People have already made videos about me, and it's fucking humiliating, because there are a lot of places I don't know what to do about it.

Unknown_06: He's going for the Oscar, ladies and gentlemen. about me right now where people are saying terrible things about me

Unknown_06: For this scene, Onision, I want you to pretend that you are a small autistic child overwhelmed by choices at a Chuck E. Cheese. Do you want a pepperoni pizza? Or do you want the sausage pizza? Or do you just want plain cheese? You are having a meltdown at the Chuck E. Cheese. The animatronics are looking at you with contempt because you're interrupting their song. And go. Google's my name!

Unknown_11: I started a new website. I started a new website. is the solution to all my problems.

Unknown_06: Okay, that's enough of that. That's really bad. What does it go on for? I want to skip like 30 seconds ahead to see where he's at.

Unknown_09: He's taking off... Put your fucking shirt back on. How do you do this? Everything's gonna be okay.

Unknown_06: Okay. Fuck this. Fuck Onision. What a fucker.

Unknown_06: Maybe Dick can let him on to New Project 2. Medica got banned from Patreon this week. And Dick got him set up on New Project 2. Slash Mr. Medica. Maybe we can get a slash Onision. I don't know. I don't think... I'm not in any way business associated with Dick, but I wouldn't want that kind of terrible, terrible acting associated with my brand, New Project 2. Just a decision. I'm not advocating for deplatforming. I'm just saying that for the very discriminating enterprise that New Project 2 is, that's just...

Unknown_06: Not sure. Then again, I think he's just setting up, what was it, like or some shit, probably setting up his own subscription service. What's funny is that he wasn't making that much money on Patreon. He, of course, his stats were private because he was probably a little bit embarrassed by it, but he had like 600 patrons.

Unknown_06: And based on his, when his statistics were public, he was making, like, less than I was with 400, which is, like, wow.

Unknown_06: Like, DSP, wow, dude. I can't believe it. He must have, like, a level one, like, a $1 tier to see all this pathetic shit where he, like, licks toilets and stuff.

Unknown_06: And then that's what most people are going for.

Unknown_06: Yeah, it is overreacted. I don't know. His whole thing is pathetic. Okay, he releases this tweet. If you think any of my videos are real, either you're an idiot or I'm a brilliant actor. Brilliant actor, ladies and gentlemen.

Unknown_06: He's like 30. What's funny is that looking at the videos, he does a lot to make himself look a lot younger than he is because you can tell that he's deathly afraid of aging.

Unknown_06: And when you see him without his makeup, you can see how much plastic surgery he's had and how badly it's affected his skin when he doesn't have makeup on.

Unknown_06: Oh, stop falling for it because I'm going to keep puppeting you until you see the strings. All of his tweets are this cringy. Like this. Like, your emotions are so easy to control. No, not for you. For me. You know what else I can control? When you cum. It's like all of his shit is like this really creepy, uh, daddy, little girl, like ERP and like all of them, every single one. I don't want to even when I read any of these, cause it makes me sound like a creepy pervert that I can't pull off correctly. They can do the voice, but I don't want to be sound clip saying any of this shit.

Unknown_06: uh oh you can't see it here read this read this i'm gonna i'm gonna zoom it in feast your eyes shit feast your eyes everyone everyone uh take it in while i read for a second i'm not gonna read this does he have a twin brother he doesn't have a twin brother you're bullshitting onision i'm on to you

Unknown_06: Though, um, oh, I wanted to show this video as well. I'm glad I thought of that. I'm glad I took a note for this. Because this is what I think kicked it off. And this video is also equally weird. This weird looking boy is actually a lemon that he was married to? It's really weird. Here, listen to this.

Unknown_01: This is also like acting. Yeah, like this. This is acting. Yeah, this is shit. Open your mouth.

Unknown_05: No, Greg, I don't want any. Open your mouth. I don't want any.

Unknown_06: Yeah, she's acting. Fuck this. Somebody suggested I do text-to-speech of his tweets, so I'm going to try this. Hold up.

Unknown_04: I can't believe you are so good at giving me head. I need to reward you. Can I introduce you to my twin brother and some rope? We'd like to double-team you in the bedroom. We both take our time. I hope you don't mind.

Unknown_08: That was pretty good. Let me do another one. Come on.

Unknown_08: Oh, this one's also pretty cringy.

Unknown_04: If you think someone is psychotic, a sociopath or otherwise, you really can't say anything bad about them. Otherwise you are just bullying someone who is mentally ill. What does that make you? Now, I have a condition where I need my cock sucked 24-7. Will you help me?

Unknown_06: I also like this. I think that's Blair White and some other tranny person, right? If you don't think they're sexy as fuck, I wonder if you are seeing the same wham and I am.

Unknown_06: Wham and air quotes. Thank you. I don't know. He's like baiting. He's trying to do reaction bait. I feel like a dipshit for falling for it. But at the same time, he's getting his wham and I don't know.

Unknown_06: Oh, no. Am I noticing something there? Because that latex dress is really tight-fitting. Uh-oh. Well, some people are into that. Maybe Onision's into that. I feel like I'm a dipshit for falling for a reaction, baby. At the same time, his ex-girlfriends are getting onto Chris Hansen and stuff and are calling him an abuser. And he clearly is mentally ill. I imagine that if he does have women around him, he is abusive. Even if he puts on, like, show acts like that to make fun of people. It just seems like a misdirection or something.

Unknown_06: Oh, well. I'll always remember him as someone who got dissed by the amazing atheist because he was a banana.

Unknown_06: Okay, last week I did not put this on. I didn't have much to talk about. I didn't put my stream on my Apple iTunes podcast thing. And I found out after the stream, immediately after the stream, that three hours before my podcast thing, someone named Simba Lyon shot two police officers in Monroe County in, I think, Michigan, I want to say.

Unknown_06: I feel like that's wrong, but I don't actually know. I guess it would be somewhere on this, but I'm not saying it. Whatever. Anyways, he shot two cops. He was overdue on his rent, which was $1,300 a month, and he was being evicted. And during the dispute with his landlord, cops came up to evict him, and he shot two people, two police officers. no he's interesting in that he is someone who has a proper forum thread and he has threatened people with a gun several times in the past uh last i heard he was in critical condition i for some reason didn't check to see if he is any better now hopefully not am i allowed to say that on youtube

Unknown_06: I don't know. I don't care. They're not talking about it. I didn't see an update in the article either about his condition. And I tried looking in the Minnesota court records and police arrest records trying to find a mugshot of this guy. And I couldn't find one. So he might be dead.

Unknown_06: but he um he's threatened people with guns for a long time this is him with his gun at a range and he's threatened to use it on people he's threatened to use it in in like fur clubs and stuff uh he's not a real intimidating looking person and yes if you're wondering simba lion is indeed his real name he legally changed it i think when he was 19 and

Unknown_06: And he said that he was going to be 19 forever. So he's one of those people with like Peter Pan syndrome, like Onision, who don't want to get older.

Unknown_06: And he's neurotic as fuck. There was this one conversation. He's threatened to sue Disney before for copyright infringement, saying that the name Cymbeline came from him, which is clearly false because he changed his name after Cymbeline.

Unknown_06: But this conversation with another furry says, do you bank with Fidelity? He says, what? No. And then I link them to, which is presumably a subsidiary of Fidelity. And he says, they are using my name without permission. I will expect them to pay me royalties on 100% of the revenue. To which the other person incredulous replies, what? What?

Unknown_06: and then that's asinine to which simba lion the very intelligent person that he is says no it's not and i'm planning my letter to write them right now i think i will demand five percent per month and one percent past due since they began using my name i recommend that you not a lion is a species of big cat your last name is lion the word lion has been around a lot longer than you've had that name and have been alive

Unknown_06: Stop it. Doing stuff like that is asinine. Stuff like that gives furries like me a bad name. Oh, that sucks. I don't know if he ever sued that bank, but, uh.

Unknown_06: There's a lot, and I'm tempted. I was tempted to make this stream a SambaLion stream. I might put that on the table. Maybe do a proper stream. I know you guys like the proper stream, so maybe. It's a good idea. Maybe if he dies, because that way you know it ends. Well, I mean, if he gets arrested, that's basically an end.

Unknown_06: Who knows? Though, I don't know. I hate talking about pedo shit on streams. And apparently he's into cub stuff, but is shy about it, so I don't know. That's not fun. I'm afraid to click these. I don't know if it's porn. That's always a good sign.

Unknown_08: Okay, here's the fun thing. The really fun one.

Unknown_06: Low tax...

Unknown_06: Lotex is on, I believe, his second marriage, and he's apparently married to his second Korean wife.

Unknown_06: And I'll just read his message. I won't paraphrase it.

Unknown_06: Richard Kayanka, who is Lotex, says, and this is going to be hard to read because everything he writes is fucking obnoxious.

Unknown_06: um what's the word for when you're in the middle of a divorce and you're out of town and then your wife steals three thousand dollars from your business checking account then disables her phone and takes a bunch of clothes and her pets and your daughter and flees the state even though she has no immigration papers or driver's license asking for myself

Unknown_06: His second message says a fun new update my wife and daughter are according to the police somewhere in the area But they cannot tell me where

Unknown_06: Because if a woman claims to be afraid of a man, and they don't require any evidence to do so, they can take your family members and hide for as long as they want. This is absolutely fucking insane. I've never threatened or laid a hand on my wife. All she has to do is claim she's afraid of me, and now she's legally allowed in Missouri to stay hidden with certain organizations indefinitely. Not to sound like a red pill man going his own way, but it's absolutely insane that a woman can take your child away from you by just claiming she's scared without requiring any proof or evidence. This is absolutely fucked. Now, the reaction from Something Awful has been many big boo-hoo, sob-sob, cry-cry tears, though it's unclear because she's not said anything anywhere what the actual situation is for her.

Unknown_06: What people were saying, one person said on the forum, a dissenting opinion, was that he was out of town at the time that she left and was visiting a forum at, they said. So he was probably eloping with a whammon from the website, and she was upset and left, which is probably fair.

Unknown_06: But it's very, I don't know. Her name, I've actually had a conversation with Lady Ambien. And before, I mean, the situation is what it is. I do agree with him that it is kind of fucked that she doesn't have to initiate any kind of legal proceeding to basically kidnap the daughter and move away. No proof or evidence of anything that's happened to her that would warrant a fear for your life. Though what I'm curious about is how she doesn't have immigration papers. You're fucking married, bro. You should... You would presumably have a permanent residence visa at that point unless you're so fucking lazy with your paperwork that you haven't properly immigrated her even after a marriage. It's even more shocking because from what I understand...

Unknown_06: their daughter also does not have her paper sorted out, which I don't even know how that works. How the fuck in the United States of America do you not have your daughter's citizenship sorted? In the United States, like, all you have to do is be born in a hospital in the United States and you have a birth certificate and a passport for them, like, fucking immediately. So I don't know what Lotex did to end up in that situation where he doesn't have...

Unknown_06: citizenship for his kids sorted out. It's the easiest thing in the world. Women from Russia take a tour to Florida to give birth just so that they have a dual national child.

Unknown_06: It's absolutely mind-boggling. The only thing I can think of is that they literally gave birth to this kid in a barn like it was Jesus fucking Christ and then didn't bother to get a birth certificate, which I think is illegal. You have to register the birth of your child with the Department of State to get a social security number and shit. Or they went to Korea to have the baby, which is also weird. Why would you bring a very pregnant woman, especially someone poor, like low tax, who constantly gropes about their financial troubles? Why would you fly a very pregnant woman to South Korea to give birth just to complicate your own residency issues, you know?

Unknown_06: It's it's a bizarre. I mentioned that I had a conversation with Lady Ambien is her name because apparently she she does meth or something like she does meth. And well, the joke goes that she does meth and he does boxed wine and Ambien.

Unknown_06: And at a certain point in 2017, before the forum went down for about two weeks because of the threats and shit, something awful was falling apart because of Schmorky coming out as like a pee-pee-poo-poo pedophile and Lotex having, I think Lotex was so punched upside the head, blindsided by this revelation that this person he's known for a decade is like a child molester fetishist.

Unknown_06: And he's let this guy like Smirky came to his house and babysat his kids and shit. And he had to have conversations with his kids like, did Smirky ever touch you anywhere? You know, the really fun conversations that you desperately don't want to fucking have with your kids at any point in their life. So the reality of how this person could have taken advantage of him like woke him up from his coma because something awful from what I understand has been on autopilot for a very, very long time. And when I say something awful, I'm referring colloquially to the forum. The blog itself is basically dead in the water. Nobody gives a shit about the actual website. It's just the forum that makes the money.

Unknown_06: And so in the time that it's been on autopilot, it's lost a lot of what made it special. A lot of the humor value has died. All the people have become PC. It's a very gated community for people who have a specific political disposition.

Unknown_06: And low tax himself had very little to do in informing this direction of the site. His volunteer staff did because he doesn't know how to do anything. He doesn't host the forum himself. He doesn't know. He doesn't moderate it himself. He does very little of day to day work. or even long-term operational stuff besides just maintaining the money-making apparatus, the banking and the credit card processing. That's all he cares about. So by relinquishing so much control over the site to volunteers, he created a power vacuum that was taken up by people who...

Unknown_06: have morphed the site into something quite unlike its original form. And during the schmorky stuff, because the forum was very integral in releasing leaks and helping people get their word out, Lotex ended up joining the site and thanking people and talking to people for a little bit before people on his site forced him to stop posting on the forum because it was problematic for him to do so.

Unknown_06: and he's not come back since. But one of the things I remember the most about his stay on the site was that he went back to Something Awful, and he was very upset with the way the Schmorky thread was going on Something Awful because a lot of people were like, oh, well, just because Schmorky is a pee-pee-poo-poo pedophile, we shouldn't deadname them. We shouldn't misgender them. We owe them basic human dignity and respect. And Lotex was just like, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

Unknown_06: He's a pedophile. He is a pedophile, and he might have touched my kids, and you guys are fucking insane. And he pointed to the forum and said, those people are funny. Those people are making things that are funny. They're making Photoshop jokes and music and shit, and that's the stuff that Something Awful used to do before we became this shit.

Unknown_06: And it seemed for a little while that he had a real impetus to awaken from the wine and Ambien coma and return as the headman of his own site. And Lady Ambien contacted me and was basically asking for advice on how to proceed.

Unknown_06: And we had a little conversation. And, I mean, she asked me not to talk about the stuff we talked about. But given the circumstances, I'm sure she's okay with it.

Unknown_06: I'm going to take some liberty. I've kept quiet on it for a while.

Unknown_06: But what she basically said is that low tax has no...

Unknown_06: Push back. If you pressure him on anything, he gives instantly. He wants a path of least resistance every time. It doesn't matter who's doing it or what their motivation is or how it impacts them or what the effect is on his life.

Unknown_06: He wants

Unknown_06: uh to do as little as possible in the moment anyone confronts him on anything he will just hide he'll shrink away he'll go to a different room when she says that she was trying to encourage him to take the reins of the site back uh he would like just walk away from her and go lay down somewhere

Unknown_06: And I can only imagine what that's like living with when you can't talk to someone because they'll just shut down. They'll power down like a fucking robot and hide in a different room for the duration. Especially it's your fucking site. It's your fucking site. I can't imagine ever. Having, having people tell me how to run my fucking site. Like I've given too much to let random fucking people with zero investment and shit to tell me what the fuck to do. There's no way. Literally, it does not matter who it is on the forum. We have a lot of people I would hate to lose, but if any of them ever acted like I fucking owed them anything, no.

Unknown_06: No.

Unknown_06: Not a fucking chance. Nothing. There is nothing you can say to force me, to capitulate me to your fucking demands. Fuck off.

Unknown_06: But for some reason, low tax is just like whatever. I know the site sucks. I know it's not funny. The people on it, I don't fucking like them, but they give me money. And if you guys want to do this for free, you want to maintain the code for free, you want to operate the service for free, you want to moderate for free, you can make this thing as much a catastrophe, much of an embarrassing spectacle as you want. Just keep the fucking gravy rolling.

Unknown_06: And from a whammon's perspective, that's one of the most unattractive stances you could ever possibly take on anything. Just let other people wash your dick for you. Fuck off.

Unknown_08: I guess that's an aside.

Unknown_06: Uh, actually, I did send her a message, by the way. I sent Lady Ambien a message. I probably shouldn't have. I felt a little bit sleazy for it. Because it's like, oh, she's apparently, allegedly, in fear of her life, right?

Unknown_06: But I'm going to hit her up for the scoop.

Unknown_06: You got anything to say? I've heard some things. Some hot goss. I was wondering if you maybe had something to add to this conversation. No, I was a little bit more tactful than that. But only a little bit. Was it a big turn off for me?

Unknown_06: Yeah, when low tags shine away like that. Oh, man. That was as soft as it gets.

Unknown_08: Oh, you know what?

Unknown_06: I wrote this as a note as well.

Unknown_06: The site was getting really big really fast during the Something Awful stuff because we used to get a lot of new users from Something Awful. And I still know people who joined the site because they found out about it. um from the the schmorky stuff and they said that the site's as close to the original something awful kind of environment that they they liked a long time ago as they found since which is nice but then the site went down immediately during this the site went down because of the fucking vordrak shit and it lost all that momentum and i still regret it i always think about how big the site would be how many more people we would have from how many more good contributors we would have from something awful if uh

Unknown_06: If it hadn't have gone down at that time. A lot of people still don't know the site's back up.

Unknown_08: It hurts my heart.

Unknown_08: Woe is me.

Unknown_06: Used to be a good site. I'm sure it was. I mean, what's funny is that just recently, like the week before this happened, somebody somebody gave me a hot tip, a little bit of a scoop that low tax was deleting articles from 2005 and older that were problematic and not nice to transgendered folks with an X.

Unknown_06: Uh, so we were, I was going to play a game. I forgot about it. I should really, I should go back. Now it would be an inopportune time to do it because I don't know if low tax is paying enough attention. But the idea was that we would find old articles on something awful and feature them on like the front page of the site. like like old internet content of the day and then it would be something awful post about like lynching people and it would be a horrible embarrassment and people would complain about it on something awful and we just get him to delete all the the old content that built the site over time like cutting down a tree at the base but i guess that's really mean spirited it is also funny that's that's the

Unknown_06: That's the tightrope you got to walk. Is it too mean-spirited to outweigh the funny? In that case, it's not because it is a voluntary action. You are making someone do something that they have no reason to do except that you're making fun of them. That's as clean cut as it gets.

Unknown_06: That's a smooth shave.

Unknown_06: Oh yes, please do it. Sounds funny. Do it. Ooh, even though, even though low tax is at a low point right now, his, his daughter, his woman, his pets all gone away in Missouri. Is this, is this the, the, the, the opportune time for, for, for humor, for humorous content?

Unknown_06: Why would he do that? Because his people complained. Same thing as with the Schmorky shit. Why the fuck would he censor, ban people, probate people who are dead naming a fucking Schmorky? Because his people complained about it. Why did he stop posting on the Kiwi farm? Because his people complained about it. And what's funny is after that, he was really hurting for advertisers, right? That was before his Patreon account, which makes like $10,000 now.

Unknown_06: And I'll mention that in a second, but he was mostly making money from advertising. So it's like $20, and the way that it works, it's like it's a pool. You put $20 in for a month, and then every time someone loads a page, they get a random advertisement from the pool. So if there are – I mean it's a really fair system. It's the way that 8chan does it where if there are 100 people advertising, they're all fairly put in the pool unless they bought multiple times. If you bought it five times, it's like a lottery every time you load the page, right? Very fair system and it has – if it's really competitive, you get shown less but that's how much the space is worth, right? So I put in a Kiwi Farms advertisement that went straight to the Something Awful page and threw in a couple quotes from Low Tax as the ad. I had the Kiwi Farms logo, white background, and then quotes from Low Tax or quotes from the Something Awful discussions about the Kiwi Farms thread and put it on the advertisement for Something Awful. And he took down my ads and he didn't refund me. I even wrote him an email.

Unknown_06: Saying that I would do a chargeback if he didn't refund me. And this motherfucker still didn't refund me.

Unknown_06: What an asshole. He didn't render the service. It ran for about like three days. I was giving him good money. Using that space. But people complain, and that's all that matters. He wants a life without noise and without problems, the laziest, most simple, straightforward, non-confrontational existence possible. And that's the kind of life that you only get with Ambien and boxed wine, I guess.

Unknown_06: It ripped me off like 20 bucks. Well, technically like $18 because it ran for a couple days.

Unknown_06: I don't know him that much. It's on the table. It's on the table. His story is still ongoing. It's a slow one, so I'm in no rush. Is that it? That's it.

Unknown_06: I will keep my eyes on the low-tech situation as it develops, because it is a developing story.

Unknown_08: Let's watch a fat woman.

Unknown_08: Where is it? Okay, here we go.

Unknown_08: There's a fat woman. Oh, no, not on that browser. On this browser.

Unknown_08: I've been avoiding fat people because I'm getting cyberbullied, and I'm emotionally fickle.

Unknown_06: I thought, fuck it, I will avoid the fat people topics for a while, but you can't help it. Fat people are funny, and I like to laugh at them. So let's laugh at a fat woman getting a hysterectomy.

Unknown_07: Hey, guys. Let me, uh...

Unknown_06: I jumped right into this. I really shouldn't have. I should have given you guys a backstory to this.

Unknown_06: Something like 20% of women have a condition known as polycystic ovarian syndrome. And it basically makes your ovaries bubble wrap with cysts. And the condition is complicated with a variety of other environmental factors of your body, most notably your diet and how fat you are. So if you are a fat woman who has polycystic ovary syndrome, Your ovaries are a lot more bubble-wrappy than a normal person of a normal weight who also has that condition. It also makes you have a hormonal disorder because, you know, your ovaries produce estrogen. So if you have it, it makes – like your caloric intake ceiling is –

Unknown_06: It is lower. You don't produce as much insulin, so you digest sugars and shit worse. It basically, you know, it fucks up your hormones, right? So it's important to eat right and exercise if you have this condition. But a lot of women use it as an excuse not to do those things and to blame their weight gain on their ovaries. Now, the ultimate conclusion of such behaviors and excuses is your ovaries can become cancerous. And if you have cancer anywhere, it can spread to more important organs. So if it does become at risk of cancer, it's a good idea to cut it out. So Chantel has been scheduled for a hysterectomy for a long time, many years, I want to say. But her weight is an issue. When you weigh that much, it is very likely they can cut you open, put you under, and you won't wake up. It's just what it is. Anesthesiology on someone who's super morbidly obese like Chantel is very dangerous. And not many doctors are willing to risk it because then it makes their insurance go up and people don't want to pay more for insurance.

Unknown_06: However, she's gone on for so long now that the scales have tipped. The risk of her dying from her ovarian cysts and the risk of her dying on the table from anesthesia are balanced in favor of the cysts. So they're saying, okay, we're going to go ahead with the surgery.

Unknown_08: so it finally happened she got on the table and this is her before before the surgery 6.30 p.m.

Unknown_07: and they gave me some Tylenol and I'm just waiting. So I guess the next time I see you guys will be after in the recovery. I have to spend four hours in recovery because I have sleep apnea. So it's an automatic four hours to monitor breathing and oxygen saturation.

Unknown_06: And before I forget, she tried to treat it for a long time with, like, what do you call it when someone does something all natural style? Like, using alternative medicine. She tried alternative medicine. Holistic medicine. Like, water fast and shit like that.

Unknown_06: And it didn't work, so here's her surgery.

Unknown_07: My mom and BB are here, so...

Unknown_07: See you guys. This is like a heated blanket.

Unknown_07: I don't want the heat on them hot. But it goes with you to the OR. And they make you wear these fashionable little... Oh, my leg's hairy.

Unknown_07: And they make you wear these little booties.

Unknown_06: Her disposition changed real fucking fast. So I'm out of surgery.

Unknown_07: in my room, feeling pretty tired, so I'll talk to you

Unknown_06: Oh, I see it in chat. Yes, BB did in fact come back. It is confirmed that BB has not escaped to Guyana or wherever the fuck he has returned to his situation. Though, from what I understand, and for some reason, I think Toad's in the chat. Toad, you did not mention that BB has a quote-unquote sister from his town living with them. So it's not officially a poly relationship thing going on, but she's hanging out with Pete's all the fucking time, and they've got some chick from Africa living with them who's allegedly his sister, but God knows.

Unknown_07: Hey, so this is day...

Unknown_07: I'm so groggy. I'm on a lot of pain meds. Leaning off though, I'm not on the pump anymore and taking oral tablets for pain.

Unknown_07: I'm going to do a video when I'm out of the hospital explaining everything because I can't really hold it up here. It's Friday and my mom's here.

Unknown_07: I'm probably going to be discharged tomorrow, Saturday, during the day. So, if that's the case, I'll be able to do a video and talk all about my surgery for you guys, okay? So, see you soon.

Unknown_07: My room does have a knife.

Unknown_06: I think I'll cut it off there. So, that's the surgery. And then... And then...

Unknown_06: Oh, and BB, BB wants, oh, wait, what does he say? Toad says, don't worry, Josh, I'm going to send her some of my merch with dirty sock wrapped inside so when she throws it across the, oh, it cuts off. I wanted to read that. This fucking YouTube.

Unknown_06: This motherfucker. Someone's saying that Toad loves Chantel more than me. We're going to have to have a fight for the love of m'lady.

Unknown_06: Oh, I lost the comment. Rest in peace.

Unknown_06: Let me bring this up as well. This is graphic. If you are of weak dispositions and are not listening to this on iTunes in the future, turn away now. It's going to get me fucking age restricted. Sign in? Are you fucking kidding me? How long is this? I can download it?

Unknown_08: Oh, that's... Oh, fuck that.

Unknown_08: I'll just, uh... I'll just take a screencap. Oof. Okay, that's a good screencap.

Unknown_08: That one will work.

Unknown_08: And if you're listening to this, by the way, and you're one of the lamin in the Kiwi Farms thread about Chantel, can you stop saying that this is faked?

Unknown_06: Because this is clearly not faked. Unless BB is not actually a security guard working night shifts. He's actually like a Hollywood prosthetic makeup, whatever the fuck, makeup artist. That's clearly a real surgical scar, exactly where it should be on a body for this.

Unknown_06: In one of her videos, she mentioned that she was talking to the anesthesiologist, and he said something like he works with bariatrics or something. He doesn't usually work with people doing...

Unknown_06: uh with whatever this this kind of shit he works specifically in the bariatrics doing i guess like liposuction or not liposuction but the the the gastric bypass surgeries and stuff and so that made me laugh when i heard that like yeah of course they're gonna get the doctor who specializes in like super fat people to work on this because they're obviously they're obviously scared of her just fucking dying on the table right that's what i'd be afraid of

Unknown_06: Oh, and if you're wondering, has this really inspired Chantal to change her ways? Has having her entire ovarian... It's a total hysterectomy, which means that everything's taken out. It's the first time she's lost weight in the last 10 years because they removed organs from her body.

Unknown_06: And if we go to her channel...

Unknown_06: Let's see. She was advised not to eat shit food. I'll high chat for right now. She was advised not to eat shit food for, like, months leading up to the surgery because it fucks with your hormones. It fucks with your blood pressure. It fucks with everything, all the minerals in your body to eat this kind of food. But she did it right up until the day of.

Unknown_06: And immediately after, two days, three days after the surgery, pizza rolls and cheesecake mukbang. Oh, hell yeah. It just goes to show you that some people never learn. Literally like two to three days afterwards. Maybe even one day. Who knows?

Unknown_06: Though in this video, she's saying how she's going to just eat whatever she wants and treat it like a job and eat junk food on the show because she has to. And then all the comments are shit like this.

Unknown_06: Oh, I guess one got through. I like how the one negative comment is the only one that has any upvotes to it.

Unknown_06: And then... Wow, you look exceptionally pretty here. Let's see what exceptionally pretty looks like. There we go.

Unknown_06: Please do more story times. Love your holiday intro. Who else saw pizza rolls and cheesecake and clicked this? Ah ha ha ha.

Unknown_06: Glad the surgery went well. You look good. Glad you're deciding to do what you want for your videos. Please understand it's your channel and you can choose the content. Hey Chantel, you look so cute today. So she's very clearly scrubbing that shit. Let's go wiki clean because the show is the nicest comment section on YouTube.

Unknown_06: And then mere hours after putting out that video where she's like, I'm just going to eat what I want. I'm not going to care what the haters think. Yada, yada, yada. She says, hey, guys. Hey, so I've changed my mind again. I think I'm going to eliminate unhealthy fast food for my diet. I can always do better. I can cook. I can make gourmet stuff. It will be fun. I think this is the best. I am feeling better. I want to continue to take care of my body while I'm ahead.

Unknown_06: And, you know, it seems fucking batshit. Like, here you are in a situation where you could very well die because you have a chronic condition that is exacerbated by your weight. And after your surgery where you are in pain because they've taken organs out of your body, here you are in a situation where you can no longer have children because they had to remove all your ovaries, all your reproductive organs. With a husband, a fiancé who wants children, four children that you can no longer bear for him as he sleeps in a house with another woman from his own country that may or may not be his sister, you continue to just do awful, retarded shit. I'm looking for a frame in this because I want to show you something. For those of you watching, let's see. Ooh, that seems like a good one. You may notice that she has...

Unknown_06: A ring. And you might be thinking, oh, did her and Bebe tie the knot? Are they married now? No, she bought it for herself.

Unknown_06: She was so desperate. I don't know if she's just desperate to get married or trying to really hint to Bebe, I'm ready to settle down with you, or if she's just running out of shit to buy on her binge shopping sprees, but she has bought herself her own fucking engagement ring, which is probably the most pathetic and desperate thing I've ever heard of in my entire life. And I'm really being serious there. I'm really thinking of something sadder than buying your own engagement ring. That's some live-action roleplay taken to extreme. It's such a visible declaration of sadness.

Unknown_06: How did she fit it around her fat fucking sausage? Very carefully. There's nothing sadder, smart man.

Unknown_06: I think that's all I can say about Chantal for today, because...

Unknown_06: I don't know. If I go on too long, people get the wrong ideas. And I have to keep my appearances up. I am a quality entertainer who does not sink to such depths to pick on the fatties. And I would never do such a thing. Yeah, I think that's it. I think that's a good, rounded discussion, my friends. Anything I can think of? I still have a chance. I don't know.

Unknown_08: Is the shot mirrored?

Unknown_06: Well, maybe. I don't know. Maybe she put it on her right hand just to make it clear that it's not an engagement ring or something. I don't know. It's hard to figure out what the fuck she's thinking at any given time. I had a friend once down in Flo Rida, and he was a very funny guy. And for a little while, I lived... I might have mentioned this before, because it's one of my favorite time periods of my life. It was really fun. I had just gotten my job working remotely for the Australians, and I was saving up money to go overseas for the first time. And to save money, I was living with my friend. My friend that I met when I did fast food when I was like 17, 18.

Unknown_06: But it wasn't just my friend I was living with. I was living with him, his sister, his sister's baby, his sister's baby daddy, his mom and his mom's third husband, which was younger than her oldest son, and their feral cat who would scratch the fuck out of me anytime I got near her.

Unknown_06: and even though it was a double wide it was super cramped i slept on the couch and i got flea bites a lot uh it was a lot of fun being around these people and i have nothing but good things to say about any of them uh except you know there's not really a negative thing to say about about her but his mom uh

Unknown_06: His mom was a smoker, and she smoked one right after the other, right? And she got cancer. She got breast cancer, and they took off one of her breasts, and she had to wear a prosthetic to even it out, right? Well, after that surgery, she smoked even more, and she smoked inside the house as opposed to just outside the house like she used to do. And I never understood that. It's like, do you have a reckless disregard for your own life and your own quality of life? Because dying to smoke is not a fast death. It's not like you're just not going to wake up one day. That's an option. But it's more likely that you just start losing digits, you start losing your sight, you start losing bits of you, you know? And it made me sad.

Unknown_06: But that also, I mean, Chantel reminds me of that. Like, how much more than a cancer scare, a surgery scare, do you need to kick you out of it? It's like with low tax. You know, you've realized how awful your site is now.

Unknown_06: And one of the main contributors was a pedophile. Now might be the time to take the reins of your life back into your hands.

Unknown_06: You just had your ovaries removed. Now might be the time to take control of yourself. You had a breast removed. Now might be the time to take control of yourself. Why? Why do people ignore the signs?

Unknown_06: How much more obvious can it get to you that it's time to change? But what do I know?

Unknown_06: So I'll leave you with that, my Jerry's final thoughts. Be good to yourself and each other. Have a merry, wonderful, whatever, Thanksgiving. Don't be too mean to your relatives. You never know what might happen.

Unknown_06: And take it easy, my friends.

Unknown_08: Where's my outro song? I had it prepared.

Unknown_06: There it is. All right. See you next time.

Unknown_02: you can be free in america

Unknown_02: Can't be free in America

Unknown_02: Come and get me now When we started it was long ago

Unknown_02: You can be free in America, but I'm sick of listening to everyone. I just want you home.

Unknown_02: I just.