0:00:08 Unknown_02: It is Wednesday my dudes. Unknown_01: hello oh no it's way too loud that's fine i can't get the discord chat to work i'm sorry for everyone in the discord but that's just the way it has to be today um oh geez where do i start 0:00:47 Unknown_01: I'm very disappointed. I was hoping after I sent my email to the detective, I don't even know what you would call him. I guess he's a detective for the government. I was hoping they'd get like a receipt, you know, like a message saying, oh, we got your email and it has what we're looking for, so we're not going to kill you or something. Unknown_01: But they've not done that. They've given me no peace of mind whatsoever. I didn't even get a coupon for a free hamburger at McDonald's or anything. I've been completely deprived of, I don't even know if he got it. and that's very rude like you send someone an email especially like in a business relation a business fashion and usually you want them to at least reply and be like oh hey we got that email and we're gonna we're gonna look into it no no such no such uh what's the word no such compassion no no thoughtfulness whatsoever it's it's a quite appalling actually 0:01:19 Unknown_01: Oh, speaking of Discord, here's a pro tip. If you are a Discord power user who values their privacy, don't send two or three friend requests at once because you will be locked out of your account and the furries will come down on you. And they'll be like, you have to... Oh, I didn't send a message here. One saying that the stream had started. 0:01:58 Unknown_01: Then you have to add a phone number to your account to verify that you are not a Russian bot. You have to do this. And if you don't want to give them your phone number, you're shit out of luck. I tried contacting the furries, and they said, furries, you've made a mistake. My account is like three years old. I've never once been compromised or hacked or nothing has ever happened to my account. It's never been out of my control before. I'm not giving you my phone number. 0:02:46 Unknown_01: And the guy basically told me to go fuck myself and add my phone number. So I told him to delete my account. And he said, okay, we can do that. But you have to explicitly say the words, I confirm I want to delete the account associated with this email address. And then after I did that, he then further said, I have to ask my superior to validate this suspicious request. And then they finally said, we're going to delete your account in 15 days. 0:03:18 Unknown_01: I don't even know why. Why do you have to do 15 days? That's very weird to me. I wonder if it's like a data retention thing or if you've done something illegal on Discord and you want to delete the evidence. If you try to delete your account, it'll do like a 15-day hold so that the feds can request the information before you can get away with it or something like that. I don't trust Discord at all. Those people are very suspicious. They're owned by like a Chinese company, but they keep records of everything you do. Even when... Unknown_01: If you've used Discord for a long time, you can open up your friends list, and you can probably see all the different accounts that have been deleted, but you still have your histories with them. So if you know who the person is based on the context of those conversations, you can easily still take screen caps. It's still useful to government if they can look through deleted records and stuff. It's a horrible company, and I really wish people wouldn't use them. 0:03:58 Unknown_01: But I guess they're the most convenient, consumer-friendly chat program out there for the moment. Unknown_01: It's quite atrocious. Unknown_01: I have a tangential furry topic today, but I don't know if I want to talk about that just yet. Because it's going to put me in a weird mood if I talk about that. So I'm going to have to hold it off. I do want to say that I don't usually talk about the forum stuff. 0:04:38 Unknown_01: In any capacity other than bitching about it and how it's caused me problems for the 10th time in a row this week. Unknown_01: But we have a new board. I don't know why. Somebody asked for a board, I guess. I'm like, oh, that's a good idea. So we renamed the Bitcoin board to The Bidness, where you can talk about finances and stuff. And we added an internet and technology board in case you want to talk about internet stuff. 0:05:10 Unknown_01: I've always expanded the board based on demand. People say, why don't we have a board for that? Unknown_01: And then I add a board for that. It usually does quite well. So hopefully that will tide some people over and stimulate some posting because we lost some users for unknown reasons. Unknown_01: Well, I mean, usually the board slows down towards the end of the year anyways because... Unknown_01: I don't know why. I think people kill themselves more around this time of year, so that's probably why. 0:05:47 Unknown_01: I don't think it has anything to do with the seasons. Well, I mean, the depression might get worse with the seasons, but nobody's visiting family or anything. Is chat frozen again? It's up and down. Chat works, chat doesn't work. Unknown_01: It's a plague on my house. Unknown_01: Oh, and by the way, this has probably been the most successful month in terms of like Brave donations. So I guess people are really using Brave and using it to give shekels to the site because October especially has been really, really good. And I'm very happy about it because it's a lot of money relatively to me. To my determination of what a lot of money is, it's right there. 0:06:25 Unknown_01: Which is nice because I know for a fact based on how hard Brendan Eich personally, like not just Brave Foundation has been complained to. Brendan Eich as a human being has been attacked by these weirdos. The people working for his company get doxxed and attacked by these weirdos because they hate the fact that someone out there can watch an advertisement for a VPN on Brave, get two BAT tokens and give me 50 cents. 0:07:04 Unknown_01: That's the bulk of their gripe with Ike, is that someone can watch an advertisement and give me a penny for it. And that's too much. Every cent is too much money for my horrible, wicked, evil Kiwi Farms. Unknown_06: let's see, I shouldn't have, it's weird, you want to, you want to have alcohol when you stream, right, because it makes you, it makes you feel good, it makes it easier to talk to, like, a thousand people, but it has suds to it, which makes you burp, and nobody wants to hear you burp, so you gotta, you gotta chocolate rain it, and lean off the microphone, and burp politely, away from the, the ears of the good boys and girls on the, the stream chat. 0:07:54 Unknown_04: Okay. Unknown_01: Let's play this. This seems funny. I think everyone has already seen this, but I usually feel bad for showing people things that they've already seen, but I have to remember the people of tomorrow who won't have seen this yesterday. Unknown_01: This is Epstein didn't kill himself. This is a person from the US Army, I think, who talks about canine units and their service to the military. And he's talking about the dog because the long running leader of ISIS was recently killed. And he killed himself by detonating a bomb belt when he was tackled to the ground by a military dog. And the dog did suffer injuries, so he's getting awarded a Purple Heart and stuff, as is customary with our work animals. And he's on Fox News talking about the dog and how dogs help. And at the very end, he has a message for everyone at Fox News watching. 0:08:26 Unknown_02: And he can't wait. Unknown_01: So thank you and thank Nero for your service. I appreciate it. 0:09:04 Unknown_08: Absolutely. If I could, could I throw a PSA out real quick? Real quick. Unknown_08: Just the remarkable nature of these dogs and them being highlighted in the news creates a huge demand by people that frankly shouldn't have them. If you see the coverage and you decide I want one of these dogs, either buy a finished trained, you know, fully trained and finished dog from a professional or just don't get one at all. That and Epstein didn't kill himself. 0:09:40 Unknown_01: I didn't know that this copy of that footage had a black lady cracking up in the background. That's great. Unknown_01: You can tell... I'll pause it right here. You can tell when he asked about the PSA, you can see he pauses for a second, and you can tell he's really afraid. He's on national television. There's like 2 million people watching Fox News at any given time, and he's just like... Am I really going to go on national television and say that Epstein didn't kill himself? And he did the dog spiel and then he threw it out there. It was pretty good. People have been laughing at this because it is very funny. It's very funny because everyone knows it. 0:10:17 Unknown_01: I want to say that this is the first time. Unknown_01: Ever where something has happened and everyone knows that the official story does not make sense. It's not how they say it is. Because I've never seen anyone actually defend the given story that he hung himself from a bed with toilet paper or something. 0:10:54 Unknown_01: It's preposterous. Nobody on either side. And it makes sense because people on the conservative side believe in the elitist conspiracy. And then people on the leftist side have an anti-corporate stance. So of course all these big rich people are up to no good. Nobody puts it past them. And they believe the government is capable of it because they are. Unknown_01: and even people in the media they've known about it the other side of this is that um i don't have footage for it but three years ago there was a woman sorry i don't know her name but she she was going to do a story for cnn talking about epstein and his alleged travels his island and the people who visited the island with him and now he's supposedly at the center of this 0:11:44 Unknown_01: sex trafficking scandal. And CNN told her that, no, this great story, this actual journalism that you've done into this topic is not acceptable because we have vested interests outside of the sphere of reporting the news and the unknown news. Unknown_01: And I believe that Brian Stelter has been the chief editor of CNN for quite some time. And this 2009 tweet from him, now archived, says, I'm at Epstein's, 82 Stanton Street, Allen's. 0:12:20 Unknown_01: Allen Street. It's like a corner, I guess, 82 Stanton Street, Allen Street, New York City. And that's from 2009. So this guy, this editor, this chief editor at CNN has been visiting Epstein's house since at least 2009. And he's probably the person who said, no, don't run the story. That would probably would have been the lead story at the time, even though it was 2016, right? You know, 2016 was a big deal because of the Unknown_01: the elections I guess they didn't want to distract from that and they didn't want to they didn't want to talk about Epstein oh ABC I'm sorry I thought it was CNN though oh who knows who cares oh Epstein's bar is it is it actually a bar oh that's sad that dashes my heart 0:13:16 Unknown_01: I gotta look up this now. Unknown_04: I have to know. I've got a thirst for the truth. Unknown_04: Epstein's Bar. Unknown_01: Yeah. Oh, that's sad. There goes my conspiracy. Thanks, guys. I guess I should have taken 30 seconds to Google the address, huh? All the people fueling my conspiracy theories. Unknown_01: Real-time journalism, exactly. I don't even get paid for this. Not right now, at least, because Dick's madattheinternet.com is, I guess, defunct. It was defunct for like a day. I can't call it defunct right now. I was going to say that you might not get charged if you aren't subscribed to it because Dick got thrown out of his bank account, got closed. Do I want to talk about that yet? 0:13:49 Unknown_04: Now let's talk about this. 0:14:23 Unknown_01: Because I have to at this point. I don't know. I have really weird feelings about this. And I need to use you guys as therapy once again. Unknown_01: My friend Frederick is now using a fursona of a fat trash panda. Unknown_01: What the fuck are they called? Raccoons. A fat raccoon as his fursona. Apparently, I don't know if they were commissioned by him. Because they each charge like $200 per commission. Unknown_01: But they're like weird furry fetish artists. And this is like a fat... 0:14:57 Unknown_01: A fat raccoon, I guess, in, like, a computer chair. Unknown_01: And this is a fat raccoon in a computer chair. But it's done differently. I like this one because it's got... I like this one's pants better because it's got, like, the alphabet on it. Though it is really fat. And it makes me wonder if the artist is saying that Frederick is fat or if it's just the fact that the artist is, like, an inflationist. Like, he does, like, feeding stuff and inflation art and stuff, but it's really uncomfortable. And then this one, he's not as fat. I don't think this one likes fat people. 0:15:31 Unknown_01: And now it's like his profile picture. When I saw the profile picture, I thought, is this like an edit? No, he actually... Unknown_01: He actually put that as his profile picture. So now I've been showing furries about it. And the one that I talked to was not pleased by this. Unknown_01: This one says one of us. And then Frederick, as an actual human being, said, Could be. Oh, well, probably not, though. Unknown_01: At least not yet. W. Maybe not ever. W. Only God knows, I guess. At. W. At. 0:16:03 Unknown_01: And that really made my skin crawl. Unknown_01: And I don't know why he's doing this. Because it's not just, like, okay, talking to the journalist when he said never talk to a journalist. That's fucking weird. Becoming a furry. That's fucking weird. Becoming a born-again Christian furry. Pretty fucking weird. Unknown_01: Now he's claiming to be a journalist because he's co-authoring articles now. Unknown_01: His first ever credited byline was to the Daily Stormer because he was talking about eugenics and how we need to have nausea or, like, eugenics. And now his second byline is going to be like this leftist rag talking about how we need to close down 8chan and 8kun. 0:16:40 Unknown_01: And it's just... Unknown_01: It's really frustrating. So now they're doing lookups on who is information. Because I think 2cows kicked 8chan.net off their domain registrar, so they registered again. Unknown_01: 8chan.net. Is it wet yet? Which sounds disgusting. I think that's a... one of the porn domains that Watkins owns. So they're trying to get those kicked off now. And to keep the site up, because all the mainstream DDoS protection things like Voxility and Cloudflare won't accept HN anymore, but they're getting DDoS attacked by what's-his-face's... God damn it, my fucking email every time. 0:17:37 Unknown_01: Now they're getting DDoS attacked and shit. Unknown_01: They need DDoS protection, and it's alleged that Frederick is paying for the DDoS attacks himself. I don't even think so, to be honest. It's just a fun thing to do for people who have botnets. He could be. It's not beyond him, I guess, at this point. Um... Unknown_01: But the anti-DDoS people that they're working with, that 8chan's working with now, is in Vladivostok. And it's with this guy. I'm trying to think of his name. He has like a weird Chinese-Russian handle. 0:18:10 Unknown_01: But it's going through his network, and what he does, according to this meet-the-biggest-bulletproof-hoster, Yali Shanda, which is a Chinese spelling of Alexander, apparently. Unknown_01: But this guy is like a hacker, and he runs bulletproof hosting out of Vladivostok, which has DDoS protection to it. And what it does is it allows people to send out spam emails and have a reliable port for phishing and stuff. 0:18:45 Unknown_01: And as far as I'm aware, the Russian government doesn't care about that kind of stuff. So he's safe to get away from it. I can't even show you, because it's literally a scan of his passport that was allegedly leaked from the Chinese embassy, or the Russian embassy in China, in Beijing. I can't show you that on screen, but Frederick is flat out posting copies of this guy's passport in Twitter, in public. And I don't even know, I think we can technically post pictures of people's passports. I can't show you it in a stream. Unknown_01: What's funny is that he was born in Ukraine, in the Ukraine, in the Soviet Union, and moved to the Far East at some point. Because apparently, here's a history lesson, apparently there was an attempt by the USSR to colonize Siberia. And they set aside this area called Green Ukraine, which is right where Vladivostok is. And they tried to move all these Ukrainians there to populate Siberia a little bit more. So that's why there's this weird Ukrainian guy hosting a bulletproof spam service out of the middle of Siberia on the Pacific coast of Russia. 0:19:25 Unknown_01: But he's going after this guy now because why not? Unknown_01: trying to spread his documentation around. And I just, I don't get it. I just, I don't understand the vendetta at this point. And it makes me wonder if it really is just about getting back at Jim. Because, again, I don't like Jim. But I have no interest in seeing him fail because I need, we need more winners right now in that kind of sphere. 0:20:04 Unknown_01: And I'll talk about Dick in a little bit, because Dick is having some success, I guess, in his subtle defiance of the infrastructure. But, I mean, 8chan going down benefits no one. It benefits no one. It doesn't even benefit the people who think they'll benefit from it. There's not a single... 0:20:41 Unknown_01: It makes me wonder if he's specifically just trying to cover his ass as thoroughly as possible in case something in the government does happen so that he doesn't get extradited. Unknown_01: Like, if he's just trying to put as much distance as possible between himself and A-chan. Unknown_01: No, I don't think it's his girlfriend either. I mean, if his penile girlfriend cares, I mean, I doubt he cares enough to care what she thinks. So that doesn't have anything to do with him. Unknown_01: Is he dying? I mean, his life expectancy is about 40, but that hasn't changed. 0:21:23 Unknown_04: I've heard rumors that they think that Frederick might go tranny, but there are other candidates I have for going tranny. Unknown_01: I want to see Andrew Dobson go tranny. Andrew Dobson is higher up on my list before Frederick for going woman. But then again, Frederick has Jesus on his side, so I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. Unknown_01: I don't know. Frederick really likes pissing people off. That makes him happy. I've seen him do it. I've seen him piss someone off, get the satisfaction of pissing them off, and then be very happy about doing it. I've seen that in person. I mean, it's funny when it happens, but... not when it happens to something you like. I remember there was a service called Gratipay, and Gratipay was supposed to be an alternative to Patreon that had more flexible creator-oriented pay schedules so that people would keep more of their money and the people donating would get to determine how much of that money goes towards the service and how much of it gets to go to the creator, kind of like in a humble bundle sense with the sliders and stuff. And Gratapay was actually picking up some steam and had a bunch of creators on its site. And it even had a font awesome brand icon that has since been removed because it's basically shut down. Frederick got into an IRC chat with this guy, this Gratapay guy. 0:22:34 Unknown_01: And 8chan had been removed from Gratipay. And I think it was because a payment processor told the guy that you have to take 8chan off of Gratipay. And he was talking to the guy, and the guy gave him some generic excuse about violating creator standards or something. Like he gave a rule that Frederick had violated. Now, normally, when a normal person kicks a problem off their service, they give whatever reason they like or just say it doesn't matter what you think because this is something that I have to do. I have no choice in the matter. I have to do it. And they just leave it at that, right? They say that we have to cut our losses here. We can't have you. We're sorry, but you got to go. This guy that ran Gratapay did not have... that neurotypical problem-solving ability. He did not have the capacity for him to say, sorry, you just gotta go. It's not my problem anymore. Because I think he had autism. And in his mind, he had to be right. He had to be fair and just in the way he executed his business transactions. So when he gave a rule that Frederick had violated, Frederick accurately pointed out that that rule would also apply to basically all these other people, and we'd have to get rid of them. And he was playing this kind of brain chess with this Gratapay guy until he eventually made the Gratapay guy ban everyone from his site that wasn't a musician. And he did, because the Gratapay guy was autistic. And could not just say, you know, sorry, you got to cut your losses. I got to cut my losses with you. You got to go. He was backed into his own logical web and systematically dismantled his entire company and his product, his Gratipay platform, because he lost this mind chess with Frederick. And I always remember that because it was very funny when it was happening. And it was almost incredible how stupid this guy was that he was talking to. And it makes me wonder if it frustrates him that something similar hasn't happened with 8chan. Where he can play mind games with this dude. And just get Jim to admit defeat and call it quits. You know what I mean? Or maybe it's the other way around. Maybe he knows that Jim has some sort of weird psychological defiant disorder. And maybe by being as big an asshole as possible, he'll endeavor and he'll spend all of his money on trying to keep HN alive. And that's his secret goal. Because Jim Watkins owns a huge chunk of the Internet. He owns like a 16 or 12-bit IPv4 range, which if you don't know, an IP address these days goes about $25. And if you own a 24, you own 256 IP addresses at $25 each. So it's like a couple thousand dollars. A 12, on the other hand, is like hundreds of thousands of IPs. 0:25:43 Unknown_01: So if he sold his 12 net, he would have millions of dollars. And there would be people who would buy a 12 prefix IPv4 space or range right now. Unknown_01: Like he could sell that for millions of dollars right now. There are companies that would buy it right now. Unknown_01: So, I mean, I'll be surprised to see if he buys a smaller range, because he doesn't need a 24 or a 12. He doesn't have hundreds of thousands of client devices to assign IPs to. He could barely use a 24 right now. So I'd be unsurprised to see him sell his IP spaces and use that money to continue this battle ad nauseum, ad infinitum, right? 0:26:22 Unknown_01: Did Jim testify before? I think he did. He showed up with like these weird mutton chops on and he looked really bad and everyone said this guy looks exactly like how I imagine the owner of HM will look like and it was pretty mean but it was also very true. 0:26:57 Unknown_01: pig farming dude that kills me is like Frederick you are in a vulnerable position right now where I mean there's some things I want to say it's not even that it's against like YouTube rules or it's illegal to say it's like it makes me feel bad it's a very strange feeling usually I have to say I can't say this because it's against the YouTube rules I can't say this because it makes me feel bad Like, Frederick is on opiates now. He doesn't need to be on the opiates that he is on. The only reason why he takes the painkillers that he's on is because he, when he got with that woman that took his virginity when he was the admin of Wizard Chan, she was an opiate addict and got him to complain about pain and get prescriptions. Up until that point, he wasn't on prescription painkillers as far as I know. Unknown_01: So the Philippines is a dangerous place to be a drug head. I'm just saying. And I know that it's probably unlikely because Jim, you know, if you're an American, you kill an American overseas. It doesn't matter if it's overseas. It becomes a U.S. federal problem. 0:27:58 Unknown_01: But you could go missing a lot easier overseas. I mean, right now everyone would blame Jim. But, you know, it's not like Jim's going to forget about it once it all dies down. He may never forget about it. He's a very angry person. I'm not in the business of pissing off angry people. Well, I am. But I'm not in the business of insisting on pissing off angry people. if someone is dangerous i don't fuck around with them i get emails from like genuinely dangerous psychotic people all the time that i just ignore because the worst thing i could ever do is make a show out of it i can make a show out of some things but not all the things 0:28:41 Unknown_01: And I don't know. Frederick is really trying to give this guy an excuse to murder him in cold blood. And Jim's had cancer and stuff. I'm pretty sure he had a cancer scare. I don't remember what kind of cancer, but it was a big deal. And it really made Ron take over a lot of business aspects of NTT Tech and stuff. If he gets cancer again, why wouldn't he kill Frederick, you know? Again, I feel bad for saying it. I don't know if it's against YouTube rules or whatever, but... Unknown_01: It's all I can think of. Unknown_01: Like, how do you not, how does your mind not go there? I remember, did I, I might have mentioned this on a different stream, and I'm going to be repeating myself, but it's a funny story, and I like telling it. When I moved to the Philippines, Frederick was very generous and very hospitable, and he hooked me up with an apartment in the same apartment complex as him. There were three towers or four towers joined at certain floors by bridges, and that went over roads and stuff and i was on tower one he was on tower three or four and the room that he got for me was being illegally sublet from another filipino woman who was 0:30:02 Unknown_01: She herself had gotten the rent from a different woman. And she was just going to sublet like three months that she had to be somewhere else. But she got greedy and wanted to continue doing it to skim like $100 off the top or whatever. Unknown_01: And she would have gotten away with it except for the fact that she didn't pay a fee that had to go to the building. Like you have to pay like a $25 fee every year. And she had to pay that fee, but she didn't pay that fee probably because you had to pay it in person. She didn't feel like coming over to pay it. So the actual owner of the building got hit with the fee and they came over to demand to know why I hadn't paid the fee. And I was like, I have never been told about the fee. And like, where is, where is she at? Where's the woman that has her name on the contract? Um, I'm like, lady, I have no fucking idea who you are. I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. And I have no fucking idea what your problem is or how I can make you go away. And it was very, I could tell based on her face that she understood what was happening at that point and said, are you like her boyfriend? I'm like, no, I'm not her boyfriend. I don't know who the fuck she is. I've seen her like once. And they found out that she was subletting to me. 0:31:14 Unknown_01: And I was paying her, and I was paying her more than what she was paying them, and they got angry at that. And when we were sorting this out, me, her, the subletting lady, and Frederick, Frederick called her a word, which in Tagalog means like a swindler or something. It's like a padala or padawan, something like that. I don't know. I don't know the word. 0:31:46 Unknown_01: I'd know it if I saw it again, but I don't know it off the top of my head. But it means like a swindler and it's a really, really bad word in their language. It's like one of the worst things you can call someone. And when he called her that, she became extremely distraught. And was like crying and was like angry that she was crying and didn't want to show that she was she was crying. So she got angry instead. And she stood up and pointed at him and said, I could lift you by the hair like a turnip and throw you. And he was like, okay, whatever lady and wheeled out of there, like flipping her off. And I felt so bad for her. She actually started crying once he was gone. And I was like, you know, it's, uh, it's not so bad. You know, I'm not angry or anything. And she was like, oh, he's so, he's so, he's so good at pushing buttons. And he's so, he makes me so angry talking to him. 0:32:20 Unknown_01: And I was like, yeah, yeah, he gets like that. Unknown_01: But, you know, I don't think anything happened to her or anything. I think that basically settled it. I started paying the new people and everything was fine until Nex died and all hopes and dreams in the galaxy died with it. 0:32:54 Unknown_01: My fucking chat keeps freezing. You know what the worst thing about losing my main channel is? Is that I can't check my comments. I really like checking the comments. And I really like seeing what people would say about stuff. Even weeks after the fact. And seeing certain videos get a little bit of traction out of nowhere. And get a bunch of new comments. It got linked to some place. And I can't do that anymore. The user engagement is the funnest part about doing streams. 0:33:36 Unknown_01: It's genuinely not a therapy thing that I do just for myself. It's not like when you write yourself a letter and burn it. Unknown_01: It's something more than that. Unknown_01: Having chat not fucking work, having my comments have to constantly be purged and shit. I wish there was like a common area on the mad at the internet dot com site because I'd like to see those comments going forward. But it is what it is. Yeah, the comments where I was arguing with Adam from your movie sucks. Those are gone. Unknown_01: I think they're screenshotted somewhere, but... I mean, what's funny is that he followed me on Twitter, and I kind of fanboyed a bit, and I think I annoyed him in private, but that's okay. I told him, you should totally do a stream... Like, you know, the typical annoying shit that people do. Like, oh, dude, you should totally do a video on this. You should totally... What's your opinion on this? It's like a... Like a little boy seeing an actor or something. Like, oh, dude, when you were in that movie 12 years ago, that was great. That was the shit, wasn't it? 0:34:17 Unknown_01: People are giving me shit for liking Adam. Whatever. I like Jim Sterling, too. I don't care. I don't do what's popular, kids. I do what feels good. Oh, no. 0:34:56 Unknown_01: Oh, I wonder what happened to Yanov. Something made me think of Yanov. Unknown_01: He disappeared after... I haven't heard anything from him after they lost the tribunal. I wonder if he'll talk to me now. I should email him. Unknown_01: I need to start talking to people things. I want to talk to people, but nobody wants to talk to me. I'm such a nice guy. Why does no one want to talk to me? I give everyone an opportunity to state their opinion, and I'm not an asshole about it. I'm perfect for an interviewing position. 0:35:31 Unknown_04: But it is what it is. Unknown_01: Here's a weird thing that is worth bringing up. A while ago, I emailed Maddox a couple times saying, Maddox, please talk to me about the lawsuit. And he never responded. But very, very uniquely, I am not blocked by Maddox on Twitter. Unknown_01: And apparently everyone else is. But my account, for some reason, is not blocked on Twitter. So I have good reason to believe 0:36:04 Unknown_01: that Maddox watches what I say, and I think he doesn't have me blocked because he watches what Dick says on Twitter, and he wants to see our interactions together because he's putting it together in like a scrapbook. He's taking notes on that shit, but I don't know. On the other hand, he could just be a big fan of mine. I don't think that's the case, though. Maddox should talk to me. I'm a great guy, and I would give him a fair shot to explain himself. I don't want to yell at him. Maddox, I don't want to yell at you. Just talk to me. Talk to me about the lawsuit, buddy. I am your best chance. I've got at least 200 people who watch my streams, and they would all love to hear us talk together. If you would just give me a chance. 0:36:38 Unknown_01: Uh, but he posted this and, uh, cause he, he just can't let it go. He can't let Dick get away with it. So he posted this cause Rich, I don't want to talk about Richard Spencer. I'm not going to dedicate any time to Richard Spencer, but Richard Spencer had a, an issue cause the dying star, the, the dangerous F word that I can't say on YouTube, not, not the, the fuck word, the other F word that I can't say on YouTube, uh, He dropped the hot goss on Richard Spencer saying that he rules the Jews or something. And I don't care because he's Richard Spencer and he is a Fed. I'm 100% sure he's a Fed. I really hate Richard Spencer. 0:37:09 Unknown_01: But Richard Spencer was in the news because of what he said and when Milo Yiannopoulos leaked. 0:37:47 Unknown_01: And Maddox very quickly threw together this clip, which I am going to play right now. Unknown_02: Richard, this is Dick Masterson, author of Men Are Better Than Women, just in case you didn't know. Richard, I got to ask you flat out, did you ever hit her in anger or grab her? No, I never hit her in anger. No, absolutely not. I got to ask you, because I actually respect you a lot, and people are asking, and I got to ask. Unknown_02: I actually respect you a lot. Unknown_03: This country does belong to white people, culturally, politically, socially, everything. We define what America is. I'm a white Zionist in that I believe in the power of a future ethnostate for white people. 0:38:26 Unknown_02: Spencer, can I ask you something? Everything that your wife is saying is false. How do you think you ended up in this in this situation? Because, you know, the ethno state helps the grandkids. I think avoiding like I'll speak frankly, avoiding women like this who are who's kind of trying to destroy your life. Like how the hell did you end up in this situation, do you think, with this woman? You're a smart guy. Like, you're I mean, obviously, you're very intellectual. You drink wine for fuck's sake. I mean, you think about things so deeply. 0:39:01 Unknown_03: Hail Trump. Hail our people. Hail victory. Unknown_02: I actually respect you a lot. Unknown_02: You're a smart guy. Like, I mean, obviously, you're very intellectual. You drink wine for fuck's sake. That's the kind of content you get at the Dick Show Patreon. Unknown_03: I'm going to subscribe, I have to say. I didn't know about you before I came on the stream. Little fucking oxeroons! 0:39:32 Unknown_07: My fucking ancestors fucking enslaved those pieces of fucking shit! Those pieces of shit get ruled by people like me! They look up and see a face like mine looking down at them! Unknown_02: Richard Spencer, your wife's saying that you tried to hit her while she was nine months pregnant. Please, a woman who's nine months pregnant and he couldn't hit her? That's preposterous. She can barely move. She's the size of a hippo. Unknown_00: I agree. Well, this is what happens when the Jews control the means of communication. They can use it for whatever petty little thing they want. 0:40:13 Unknown_01: That was Maddox's attempt at smearing Dick as a Mexican white supremacist. The best kind. The hardest working white supremacist, if we're going to be serious for a second. Unknown_01: I don't know. I wouldn't go so far as to say that Maddox didn't pick up on the sarcasm there. Saying you're an intellectual, you drink wine. The shit about hitting his girl. He was obviously trying to get Richard Spencer to say stupid things. Unknown_01: That was clearly what he was doing. But the nuance there is not useful to the purpose of making Dick look like a Mexican white supremacist. So it doesn't get included. It's not considered. 0:40:48 Unknown_01: All the reporting, Maddox has tried very hard to get Dick thrown off of Patreon. Unknown_01: And Patreon came back and basically warned him because he made fun of the woman that Cody Wilson from Defense Distributed had sex with. Unknown_01: uh and said that that was inappropriate and if he made further jokes like that uh ridiculing the victims of sex abuse i mean whatever with that i can't even get started with that zed on the forum he always knows he knows how upset i get when i talk about cody wilson and how the the fed totally set him up with bullshit charges and he'll bring it up all the time just to piss me off 0:41:35 Unknown_01: and i have to be careful not to get baited because i get baited easily with the cody wilson stuff because he's he so got set up they extradited him from from taiwan because he because he had sex with a woman who was 16 who on the sugar daddy site said that she was 18 she lied about her age and he got fucked for it and the state made him Unknown_01: pay $5,000 to her for restitution. And Dick made a joke, something like that was like a state mandated tip or something. And that was, that was over the line for Patreon. That's, uh, ridiculing a victim of sex abuse. Like, Oh, Unknown_01: Don't try that. Unknown_01: Because it's so obvious that they set him up and that they paid her for her testimony. It's just a different kind of prostitution when you pimp out to the government. I pimped out to the government to get them off my ass and I haven't even got my free cheeseburger coupon yet. I got fucking ripped off. She gets $5,000. I don't even get a thank you. I go, thank you. This makes our country safer. No, it doesn't. I mean, he can't even lie to me. He's not going to pretend that I would think for a second that me giving an IP address for some guy who posted a manifesto made our country safer. 0:42:30 Unknown_01: some boomer in Texas posted a book and now we gotta go harass him at his house and door knock and be like hey what you doing over here buddy you're not planning any kind of shooting are ya we're just checking in on ya cause we're scared we're worried about the things you're posting online boy and just know that we're watching you and we're not gonna give Josh a free cheeseburger because he's an asshole and he doesn't deserve it 0:43:23 Unknown_01: I'm holding this little cue card in my hand, looking at my notes as if it's going to save me. There's no saving me. You don't have the answers I'm looking for, little cue card. Unknown_01: Okay, so regarding Dick, remember, I need my shill link somewhere. Hold on, I'm going to type this live. Texting mad at the internet dot com. I'm going to make the font better. Unknown_01: Make it bold, prone. Unknown_01: And then I'm gonna make it like a 96 or something. And I need a stroke. This is quality. 0:44:01 Unknown_01: Quality entertainment. This is... I watched a great video today about shilling, so I feel very inspired to shill the best of my ability. madathiana.com, a site brought to you by a certain L.A.-based comedian who lost his payment processor. Unknown_01: And I looked for a while that I would not be able to process payments for the month of November because, as he says, Chase just canceled my merchant account effective immediately. Bank of America did the same last week. They called it a business decision. I'm looking for a replacement, but it doesn't look good. I'm deeply sorry for the effects this will have on other creators more as I can. And the more as I can is Discover Card told Chase Support to cancel my account. The first rep read me the note on my account. And the next several reps denied that claim and refused to comment on why I was shut down other than calling it a business decision. So the very first guy that Dick talked to on that Chase Support line was... 0:45:13 Unknown_01: erroneous in telling him that Discover Card was responsible for this decision. Now, Discover Card processes at most 5% of credit cards. They're nothing, and they have no presence outside of the U.S. I am a loyal... Unknown_01: On the Rikita show, I mentioned that I am a proud Discover Card cardholder. I've been a Discover Card member since I was 13 because my mom gave me like a teen credit card that had a $100 line for the purpose of teaching fiscal responsibility. 0:45:49 Unknown_01: So I've been a member for a very long time, and now I'm going to have to cancel because these guys can suck my ass as far as I'm concerned. What was I talking about? Oh, they're just not as big as Chase and Visa and MasterCard, which makes it very suspicious as to why they would want his account terminated. Unknown_01: It's very strange why the company with the least amount of business would have an interest in shutting off even more business. Unknown_01: Um, so Dick being Dick, Dick has a great ability to, uh, he, he has charisma that says like, if he was like a character builder and like fallout, he'd have a lot of charisma cause he can talk his way. I've tried talking to people to figure things out and nobody ever wants to tell me anything. He can call up chase and get answers for that. Chase Support says they're going to be calling back from higher ups because apparently within the contract, if they terminate your account, you get 30 days to figure out what you're going to do with it. And he was not given that luxury. They terminated it and then just killed it. 0:46:35 Unknown_01: He went to Chinatown and got a Chinese family-owned, not like Chinese people, not like the Chinese government, got an account with a Chinese-owned family bank. 0:47:11 Unknown_01: and went to a payment processor that handles gun sales online and got an account with them because guns are considered a higher risk for the purposes of payment processing. So if you want to sell guns or if you want to sell certain types of things like online gambling and stuff, you have to go with a higher risk payment processor. So that's what he's talking about with that. He got a Chinese-owned bank account, and he got a higher risk payment processor that deals with guns. So that's his effort to resurrect New Project 2 in all its glory and bring back the money to the people. Unknown_01: And when he did get his call back from Chase, they said that Discover Card demanded his account be terminated for, quote, no reason, and Chase complied. 0:48:01 Unknown_01: And he said he was going to be looking into... I guess a lawsuit or something. I don't know. I don't know what he hopes to do. It would be funny to see a lawsuit against these people because they all suck. But now he's getting forwarded upwards to the executives, which is funny. Unknown_01: So on a final dick related note, by the way, the final note, I will be joining him. Unknown_01: tonight I want to say I think it says here tomorrow 7pm but that's actually today for me it's going to be 4am and I'm going to find a way to do it if it kills me I will find a way to be up at 4am to talk to people and have a good time and spend 3 hours talking about Dr. Phil if it kills me because this man is working hard for my freedom to process other people's credit cards 0:48:59 Unknown_01: If you're interested in that, I think you have to be... I'll probably leak the link. I don't think he'll mind. I'll leak it to my Discord or something so that people can watch it. Because his search is over. He finally got his tapes from the Library of Sweden. Unknown_01: The only useful thing that Sweden has ever done, ever, is record old episodes of Dr. Phil and keep them in a library somewhere. And they have graciously turned over the last archives of this Dr. Phil tape. Because from what I understand, some of the women featured in it sued the Dr. Phil network. I don't know what company he was with at the time. And their response was to bury all the episodes, call up all the networks, and say, you've got to get rid of these episodes because they sued us about it. and the only people they didn't call up, apparently, was the Library of Sweden, who, many years after the fact, have graciously turned over the archives. 0:49:34 Unknown_01: So we're going to be watching them together. Unknown_01: I guess at 4 a.m. my time, but whatever. There are worse things to be doing at 4 a.m. Unknown_04: Dynamite and Volvo are not useful, not in the hands of a Swede, as far as I'm concerned with that. 0:50:18 Unknown_04: If anybody knows a credit card that can get Sky Miles with Delta, please let me know. Unknown_01: Or something like that. The Star Alliance. Because I need to get a new credit card because I'm going to be canceling my Discover. I've been a card member since I was 13. And I have to get rid of it for political... Because I stand by... Unknown_01: My political protest, okay? I'm not a fair-weather protester. I'm not like those soy boys in our Blizzard saying, oh, the Hong Kong stuff is so bad. We'll never buy a Blizzard game again. Immediately, boom, Overwatch 2 is announced. Nothing even in it. Overwatch 2 is literally nothing, but it's called Overwatch 2. And they're throwing up their fucking hands in popcorn and shit. Their jaws are on him to the floor in anticipation of the mighty load from Blizzard. Activision Blizzard. 0:50:55 Unknown_01: The Discord link is on the Matty site. Unknown_01: I'll put it up on the screen again so that you can see it. It's matty.net.com. The Discord link is in it, in case you're wondering. And you can also give me money, I think. Unknown_01: Diablo 3.5, yeah. Unknown_01: Fuck Blizzard. Unknown_01: I can't possibly care. $6 PVE patch. 0:51:35 Unknown_01: Yeah, fuck that. Unknown_01: I'm an activist for my cause. Here's my advice, because I get emails a lot from people saying, like, you know, I don't know programming, and I don't know anything about keeping up a website. I don't know anything about any of this. I'm useless. But how do I help? And, like, the only answer you can give someone like that is, well, give me your money. Okay? I'll spend your money in a way that's useful to me. Unknown_01: But people don't like that answer. So here's my advice if you want to be useful but don't want to give me money or Dick Masterson money and you don't have an IT skill. 0:52:17 Unknown_01: In your career, in your daily life, if you ever get an instance where you know that someone is being fucked over for shit like this, you have to go out of your way to make problems for the apparatus. You can either go into law and look up these antitrust things. But if you're in something like Telecom and you work for an ISP, you can't let people get away with this shit. Like if someone is trying to get you to cut service to a website that's not breaking the law because it causes problems, you've got to be like, I'll quit if you do that. Everyone has to actively incorporate this go-fuck-yourself mentality into what they do because if you're just passive about it, if you're the kind of person who won't tell people to go fuck themselves and make problems with it, then you're not helping. It helps a lot more to be the guy at the front desk for Chase who tells the guy that Discover made us close your bank account than it does to be the three other people who didn't say that. 0:53:10 Unknown_04: That's what I think. Unknown_04: It'll be hard in the future. Unknown_01: And it'll only be from everyone just not letting people fuck around with you. Unknown_01: Like when Discord wanted my phone number, like yeah, I could have paid money for a fake SIM card in the US and gotten my Discord account and validated with it, but I didn't want to. Because go fuck yourself. I'll make you delete my account. I have eight more open for free. I'm moving all the people I actually want to talk to over to Signal and Telegram and stuff where nobody can close my account because they want something else from me. 0:53:53 Unknown_01: That's what I do. And I'll harass people on support emails. I'll tell people. My email to Discord started off with something like, I'm not giving you my phone number. Discord is digital Satan. I fucking hate you guys. Unknown_01: I'm not giving you my phone number. You have to be a problem. You have to be a pain in the ass all the fucking time. You have to bitch and cry and moan. You have to be caring. You have to speak to the manager. You have to make them hate you and make them so inconvenienced by the things that they're doing to inconvenience you that it's not worth it anymore. That's how I feel. 0:54:38 Unknown_01: because this complacency shit just doesn't cut it you have to scream when someone fucks you over you have to scream at the top of your lungs until everyone has to pay attention yeah you have to have a phone number to make sure that you're not a bot but not delete your account if you just have your email address you can delete your account just fine 0:55:16 Unknown_04: All right, I think that's it. Have I missed anything this week? Unknown_01: Who controls the banks? Oh, no. Can't ask questions about that. Reminds me of... This is from my Twitter. I already posted this on Twitter, but it made me laugh. I'm going to say it again. Unknown_01: There's this link to this Nick Fuentes video. Unknown_01: And it made me laugh because when you try to open it, hopefully it can reproduce this on the fly and not look like an asshole. Oh, okay. When I'm on my Swiss proxy and it says video unavailable, this content is not available on this country domain. Nick Fuentes on the cookie question. And literally the entire video is him talking about cookies and, and baking cookies. And for some reason it's just not available in Switzerland. Um, It really makes me raise my eyebrows in confusion and frustration and shock and horror. How could this cookie video be censored in Switzerland, the freest of the European countries? 0:56:26 Unknown_01: I don't know. I don't have answers for these things. I don't know anything. I'm a retard. I just like to host my website about other retards on the internet and talk about retards once a week to help with my mental health. Unknown_04: All right. Unknown_01: I think that's it. Unknown_04: Okay. I will see you guys, um, Unknown_01: in one two four six hours i guess assuming that i have the wherewithal to wake up at four in the fucking morning which truth be told i probably don't all right see you guys next week or in four hours 0:57:44 Unknown_05: Past and present, it don't matter, not a future, sort it out. Unknown_05: What you're moving in elliptical, I don't think it's not what you say. What you say is way too complicated. 0:58:51 Unknown_05: We'll be right back.