to enter a world stranger than you have ever imagined the world of witchcraft magic and ritual so
I don't usually take music requests, but somebody really, really wanted me to play that song for his birthday. And it was pretty good. So I have to oblige the fan zone at least once in a while, right?
Unknown_14: I think many, many, many people guessed what I'd be talking about for Halloween. I promised four or five streams this month, and all the ones I wanted to do were fat people. And you guys had thoroughly made that an unpleasant topic for me. I now get traumatized at the sight of a fat person. I have to turn my head in disgust.
Lest I be mistaken for having lustful gazes upon them. So instead we're doing the exact opposite of a fat woman. We're doing two potatoes. We're sickly ill. Stickly ill.
Unknown_14: and as an added bonus because there's two of them it counts as two streams isn't that isn't that perfect it's cheating so now i only came in uh three out of four i only came in one short perfect it satisfies all all of the criteria that i needed for this month and the second hartley hooligan only died like october 12th i think i have it on my my cue card somewhere
So that's perfect timing. Thank you, Lola, for your sacrifice this wonderful Halloween, the most sacred holiday on the Joshua calendar. It is a noble endeavor of yours to enable this podcast or whatever this is. I don't know what to call it anymore because it is like a podcast, but it's also a stream. But most of the viewers don't watch it live, so it is what it is.
Unknown_14: I think my chat is dying. Oh, no, it's fine. Okay.
All right, so here's the Halloween tie-in. Get ready.
Unknown_14: It's very spooky. You may be spooked at the visage of this.
Unknown_14: Where does it start? I'm using one monitor right now, which is very gimpy compared to how I usually... I usually have a very professional setup right now. I'm using my laptop again, which is a discomfort to me. This is the Hartley Hooligans on... Let's see, that is November 2015. They're all superheroes.
We got the Hartley Hooligans all dressed up for 2016. A sheep, I guess.
Unknown_14: Little Bo Peep, but mostly sheep. Even the dogs are sheep, except for that one that's a black sheep. I guess it's still a sheep.
Unknown_14: This is October 2017. Now they are Scooby-Doo Mystery Gang.
Unknown_14: One more for 2018. And they are the Star Wars gang, the original crew. They have good taste. No prequel garbage, no new Disney garbage. Very, very classy arrangement there.
Unknown_14: Now, oh, there is one more, by the way. There is one more costume. I had trouble finding this one because I think they've deleted it. But it's this.
Unknown_14: Oh, way to ruin my surprise, OBS.
This one, which everyone has seen before because it is a meme. It is most definitely a meme. I've seen this naturally posted on a bunch of different sites because it is horrific. It is a potato eating another potato. One potato is dressed as a chef, the other as a lobster. Which means that they all have words starting with S. He had superheroes and sheep and Scooby-Doo, Star Wars and chef. Or shellfish. Whatever. It works the same.
Unknown_14: And that, I mean, it's just perfect. They died in October. They're spooky looking. And they have a theme of matching outfits for every year. So truly a terrific pick by me, if I do say so myself. The question is, how on God's green earth has this happened?
They have an extremely rare condition that I have written down somewhere, and I don't know where I've written it at. I just deleted my chat.
Unknown_14: Hold up, I got this.
They have a genetic condition that each parent has, which is one in 150 million chance of having. And somehow they found each other. And then even after finding each other, they have a one in four chance of having a child with this condition. Out of the three children, two of them had it, one after the other.
Unknown_14: It is microcephaly. Microcephaly, that's it. I remembered it. All the practice has paid off. And if you can't tell, I've been drinking a little bit. So I might slur words, but that's OK.
They did not know that they had it with Claire. And let me show you a picture of Claire from infancy. So you get an idea. They do look kind of normal when they're young.
Unknown_14: But that quickly fades away because they will fail to meet every single developmental milestone in their infancy. They have a condition which shrinks their brain to the size of a pea. Not necessarily the size of a pea, but it's extremely small. And it's unknown exactly what they're capable of feeling, what they're capable of experiencing, what they're capable of knowing. And a huge part of what makes Gwen so peculiar, because obviously the interesting person here is not the potatoes. The interesting person is the mother. As it tends to be with developmentally disabled children and serial killers and people in prison. It's never particularly their fault. It is the mother's fault, as we know. It explains my predicament. So, what is it about Gwen? She...
And it's kind of hard to hate her. I want to say that I don't hate her because one of my primary resources for this was a YouTube channel.
And it was just the worst person I've ever seen runs this channel. I want to actually show it because I want to shame this person for being such an asshole and making me being such a good resource and forcing me Against my will to use them as a resource because they did a good job. It's this person Gwen's deranged Hartley hooligans fun channel and their email is something like Gwen at
Unknown_14: Gwen at Gwen killed Claire dot com. It's something preposterously evil. And they add in like like music, like dramatic music to these videos of these children suffering. And I don't understand their their glee in ridiculing retarded children and their mother, who is definitely in some kind of postpartum psychosis. as a result of burying two extremely profoundly disabled children. So I don't know who this person is, but they're an asshole, and I resent them. And I want to make it clear, I don't hate this woman. I just think that she's done some good as a result of her advocacy, but...
It's kind of hard to be sympathetic to her because she does expose her children so much. And additionally, she's raised these two children who have the disability at the expense of their normal son, Cal. So...
They did genetic testing after the birth of Claire, and because this was in 2002, it was inconclusive in regards to what genetic disorder they had. It wasn't until many years later, I think like in 2018 or something, that they actually had conclusive genetic testing as to what the source of the condition was. They didn't know if it was genetic at first. because of how old and new that kind of medicine was.
But the doctors did warn her, if it was a genetic condition, that it would be a one-in-four chance because of how genes work. They could at least say that much. If this is the result of a genetic condition, it would be a one-in-four chance if subsequent children had it. And despite that warning, they did have Lola four or five years later. And what's weird about Lola is that, number one, it broke her. That's when she became crazy is when she had this second child. The other interesting thing is, and you guys might remember this name, she claims, and it appears to be true, that she went to high school with this guy named George Tiller. And if that name sounds familiar, there's a reason for it. He was a Christian who, in what year? 2009, was shot and killed by a member of his church congregation because he was one of the few doctors in the country at the time who performed late-term abortions.
And she had this doctor during her pregnancy with Lola, and he accurately assessed her at 24 weeks as having this developmental disorder before she was born. And the mother, Gwen, opted not to have an abortion at that time. And that has led to a lot of people speculating that she is a fundamentalist Christian who is fundamentally opposed to abortion, which is not true. She has said in certain radio long-form interviews that she is not against abortion and is pro-choice, but for whatever reason had decided to keep Lola. So... As far as that goes, a lot of people, I think a lot of people hate her because she is religious and because she has what they assume to be a fundamentalist view of conception. So if you are that kind of person, you can rest at easy knowing that she had the choice and decided to keep it, which I imagine will just make some people angrier, but whatever.
So Lola, not only does she have microcephala or whatever it's called, she has it more severely than her sister, Claire.
Unknown_14: From what I understand, they have 12 or 21. They have a huge number of diagnosed disorders in conjunction with microcephala, which probably contributed to why they died.
Unknown_14: Apparently they can live up to 70, but most don't. Most only live a couple of years.
Though somebody really, really wanted me to say in preparation for this that Claire was of age when she died. Apparently that is important information to certain people. So there you go.
Unknown_14: Let's see. And the thread, the forum thread that we have came about in 2017, which was after a certain scare. If you remember the Zika virus, the scare was that women who got the virus would then have children who had an underdeveloped brain. And the condition that Zika babies have is microcephala. So in 2016, she gained a ton, like a ton of publicity for her and her children, specifically because of the Zika virus. And if we go to, like, she has a nice WordPress blog or blogger page or whatever, entire page dedicated to press.
And there's radio interviews, there's dozens of online articles, certain videos with certain YouTube channels that I will cover, and then many, many television interviews, both locally, nationally, and internationally, in conjunction with people wanting to learn more about the Zika virus, because it was a big scare at the time.
So I'm going to go ahead and play one of these interviews, because it is genuinely informative. And let's go with...
Unknown_04: Let's go with the Radio New Zealand one. That seems appropriate.
Unknown_01: As cases of microcephaly become more common, and particularly its impact on pregnant women, it's receiving global media coverage. But for Kansas mother Gwen Hartley, microcephaly is her everyday life. Gwen has two daughters with the condition, Claire, aged 15, and Lola, aged 10. Claire and Lola have already beaten immense odds by living together. as long as they have. And for Gwen, the events of the past few weeks mean she's now being consulted as an expert and someone who has first-hand experience of microcephaly by people from throughout the world.
Yes, it's been pretty busy around the Hartley House.
Unknown_01: I suspect it's busy around the Hartley House all the time, is it?
Unknown_02: You are right. LAUGHTER
Unknown_14: I want to pause it right there because, yes, the entire interview is that awkward, which is why in my notes I didn't have that first.
But he does a really good job at coaxing her into giving her her perception of their daily life. And to her, her life is a lot more normal than it seems to you or me. There is another interview that is less friendly is this one from the BBC that I'll follow this up with. uh specifically for two clips because i don't want to spoil it but uh it's interesting it's it's insightful in a different way tell me about looking after claire and lola what first of all what do they understand and comprehend what do they know of life
You know, I think that a lot of people tend to sell kiddos similar to my kids and my kids short a little bit because I think they do that because they don't communicate in a typical way that they may not be in there. And I disagree completely because I am positive that my girls are in there and they find their own little ways to communicate with us that are a little more subtle than most people are used to.
Unknown_02: They use a lot of eye movements and
Unknown_02: They do make sounds and they find ways to get their points across. They're very opinionated little girls.
Unknown_01: So can you give me an example of how they might express their opinions?
Unknown_02: Well, Lola, she will either grunt a lot or if she's really mad, she has even been known to vomit, which I know that sounds really gross, but she makes her point that way.
Yeah, well, I can kind of understand that. So she's really aggrieved and she's, ugh, right? Correct.
Unknown_02: That's my girl.
Unknown_14: So that does sound weird, but literally, that is the extent of the communique between her children and her. And I have a video that's particularly sad that kind of highlights their communication with one another. She doesn't even go into detail with exactly how limited children are in talking to her because... What she forgets to mention is that in her many, many Facebook posts, which caters specifically, I think that she never mentions publicly that she is pro-choice because many of her followers are avidly pro-life evangelicals who kind of hold her up in the same way that Sarah Palin was held up for having a severely disabled child.
And that would ruin her reputation with her own community, so to speak. But she's much more candid with how gross they really are to those people because many of them have their own disabled kids and they're familiar with the limitations and that kind of weird, as she describes in one of the videos I'm going to play, a soul connection with the children.
Unknown_14: She also believes that they communicate by shitting themselves, which is really gross. She says they constantly smell like rotten cheese.
The depictions she gives of the kids is nauseating, and it's very sad, but I just wanted to interrupt that because it's not just vomiting. They communicate by pooping, essentially.
Unknown_01: So have you...
Unknown_01: you would never have heard of microcephaly, would you, prior to having Claire?
Unknown_02: You know, I don't think that I would have. I'm not sure when or if my path would have ever crossed anyone else who had that condition.
Unknown_01: Yeah, and now, of course, it's just beginning to become one of the most discussed medical conditions on the planet. And is there a sense now that you are less lonely, that this is a less solitary journey for you?
You know, I think you're right about that, actually. I think it's been, you know, I felt a little bit of a kinship with the other moms that I've met along the way. There's been online communities for children who have microcephaly and their families and caregivers, and that has really sustained me through the last 14-plus years.
Unknown_02: And that has I just I don't know where I'd be without that group of moms. But as far as it being in the public, people actually know what it is now. And I'm afraid. Well, I hope that I don't continue to get people to people ask me questions such as what's wrong with your daughter now, because I think that probably it's going to be a little bit more recognized because it's in the news so much.
Yeah. So on the one hand, you're doing lots of interviews like this, which is a form of, I don't know, responsibility or a burden or something. But on the other hand, people are going to understand the condition more, right?
Unknown_02: Right. I think the awareness is really good for microcephaly itself. I just wish that it had come to be on a little bit different circumstances.
Unknown_01: Yeah.
Unknown_01: You have been the most tenacious and singular mum, haven't you? And you were told when your babies were born that their life expectancy was very short, maybe as short as a year, but you have never given up on them, have you? No, I think that that is the key.
And what support do you get? What external support do you get? Or is it something that you do as a family?
Unknown_02: I think we definitely do it as a family, and I don't think I could do it alone. I know that much. Having my support team and my friends and my family and, I mean, our girl therapists all the way to their teachers and our, you know, pediatrician, too.
Unknown_02: The whole team matters. And having that support and having everybody be on the same page, having the same expectations and high standards for the girls' care and what we want them to accomplish is crucial. I mean, I think the key for all these new moms is to find that team.
Wow, it's big, isn't it? This is a big thing that's been asked of you.
Unknown_02: It is, but I guess I just want to help as many people as I can. If my experience does that, I'm grateful to share it.
Unknown_01: Yeah. In terms now of all the discussions about whether people should go to the Olympics and, you know, there's a lot of fear now about microcephaly. You, of course, had Claire and then had a third child, Lola. So you understood, I guess, the risks and yet you went ahead anyway and had another baby, right?
That is correct. And I think for me and for my family, it took a lot of thought, a lot of deliberation and prayer and everything just to make sure that we felt like no matter what happened with our situation, whether our child was born typical or not, that we would be ready for it at that point. And we literally waited four years before we made that decision. and for us, we just kind of had the faith that whatever child was given to us was going to be the perfect child for our family, and I still feel that way.
Unknown_01: And that faith has been rewarded. That has been the case for you.
Yes, absolutely.
Unknown_01: Gosh, that's a beautiful way to feel about any child, isn't it?
Unknown_02: Absolutely, yeah. I feel like all three of my kids have been nothing but a gift to my life.
Unknown_14: So, many people feel that Mr. New Zealand was being a bit softball, but when it comes to talking to people, you know, there's different keys to their honesty when you're trying to have a conversation, especially one that they know is going to be public. And I feel that his interview, even though it was extremely gushing and extremely over the top in its politeness... uh yielded a lot of useful information and i hope uh her mentality her her public persona uh is more well understood by that there's another interview that i want to give out and this one i'm only going to show clips of a couple minutes of but it was conducted in 2016 immediately after the Zika scare so was this one and it's what's interesting about how this guy does it he's from the BBC he's English he doesn't act as nice as this guy is that she shows her contempt for her other child and you do have to just kind of listen to it to understand what I mean by contempt give me a second to get the right time code
actually uh let's see two 103 i say b and how have the two children developed over the years
Unknown_03: Actually, they have surprised everyone. They are literally the light of our lives. Their development is coming along slowly but surely. But it's been beautiful to watch because the progress is so much more appreciated this go around than with our son, who's typical.
Unknown_09: And have your two daughters.
Unknown_14: That's it right there. The progress with the children, even though the milestones they're hitting are literally a decade after when they're supposed to be hit, the progress is so much more appreciated than with Cal, their typical child. For one, I really hate the terminology typical. I know they don't want to say the healthy child or the normal child. Typical is a much more pleasant word for the potatoes, but
I mean, typical means ordinary and unspectacular. And everything I've ever seen from Cal indicates that he is nothing short of a really nice and protective elder brother who really wants to make his mom happy. And I never see anything that indicates she appreciates him in any way. And even in that language, the terminology, typical, he's a typical son. It's so diminishing of him as a person. And there's another segment towards the end of this interview that I'll skip to for that. But when I heard that the first time, I just couldn't believe how she phrased it.
So what would you say, Gwen, to those mothers in Brazil who must be experiencing similar emotions to yourself all those years ago?
I would tell them that they can totally do this and that it's going to be life changing and it's going to make their family so much stronger than they ever thought possible. I would tell them to trust their heart, even though doctors think that they know best, they're still the mom and the dad and they still know that child best.
Unknown_03: And just to enjoy every single second, because I think with our son who is typical, we took a lot for granted. because it just was supposed to happen. And with our girls, we are so much more grateful for every single thing that they are able to do because it's all a gift.
Unknown_09: But arguably, you live in the United States and you've had a lot of support in raising your two daughters. That, of course, might be absent in Brazil and in the rest of the Americas.
Correct. And I think that families find ways to step up. I think relationships are strengthened and others drop away. I think that they will still have a team. I think their team will probably be whatever therapists are available to them, plus family members who do rise to the occasion and support them in the way that they need.
Unknown_14: And that's the end of that interview. But I did like how he kind of pressed her towards the end and said, you're playing this off as a blessing, as something that's very special to you and how much you appreciate the time that you're spending with your daughters. But people in Brazil, and he brings up Brazil and the Americas because that's where the Zika outbreak was happening at the time.
uh they might not have access to such medical miracles as the u.s and even then she says oh well you know the family will help you get through it and uh you know they'll have therapists and stuff which i guess is a tacit admission that she visits the therapist i hadn't seen any blog posts about that but i found that rather telling um On the topic of the elder son, this is what's really sad to me. Regardless of your opinion of Gwen, the mother, it is undeniable that the son, Cal, has had a diminished quality of life as a result of these other kids who are much more burdened. And this is true with any kind of developmentally delayed child. There are normal children they will suffer as a consequence because the other child will get much more attention, and they usually tend to do less. You go to school, you get all A's. Well, that's fine, but Lola shed herself in protest today, again, just now. So even though you've gotten all A's and you're the pride of the family, we have to give that attention to the potatoes because they require it to exist.
So it does stress out children, and for poor Cal, you know, they were born, he was born in 1998, and everything I've seen of him indicates that he is a great kid. Obviously, I don't know him. He could be an asshole, but I'm going to assume in good faith that he's not.
But since he's been a child himself, he's been taking care, in some part, taking care and sharing time with his parents for forever. And, you know, he looks cute in all these pictures with them, but I can't help but feel that something has been taken from him as a result.
Unknown_14: This is another picture from Instagram.
Unknown_14: That kind of shows that they've had a long stint. It's just really sad because he is a cute kid, and he's trying to be like, oh, you know, I have a little sister. I have to be protective of her. But you know after a while it has to hurt. And then this one in particular, this is him going to prom together in high school. And remember, those kids aren't too much older than him. Claire is four years younger than him, and Lola is eight years younger than him. And for some reason, his mother, Gwen, has insisted that they take the kids there to the prom. And he's having the girl he took to prom hold one of his sisters up for this picture. And I just can't help but feel that they're both suffering inside. When I first saw this picture, by the way, years ago, I cropped out her face. I don't know who she is. She's just some random girl that he's at prom with. and i made it an emoji on the kiwi farms and i believe the short code for it is colon shit eating in colon because it's a shit eating grin and i i feel that you know it's just one photo but i mean if you're a girl and you're dating this guy you have to you have to be thinking like i have to put up with these fucking potatoes i have to i have to involve them in my life in some way they smell like cheese and they protest being held by shitting themselves
What a nightmare.
Unknown_14: But that's enough complaining for Cal. I want to reintroduce everyone to an old friend. I've done one edited video in my entire life on the topic of people of interest, I suppose. And it was about special books for special kids. So when you see this guy, you might recognize him.
Unknown_13: I'm really happy to be here with you, Claire, and you, Lola.
And right in front of us, yep, right there, there's a camera.
Unknown_13: And people from all over the world can see you.
Unknown_03: They're very intuitive. They connect on different levels than you would.
Unknown_14: Now, this is the first video I'm playing you of the children in live motion with live audio. And I find it very poignant because while I was reading this, I was mostly trolling through her Instagram and her Facebook and reading that kind of stuff. but it wasn't until I saw them in motion with this, you know, the, the guy from special books for special kids, just he's, he looks extremely nice. Okay. He looks like a good person. I don't, some people think that he's taking advantage of retards, but I don't, I'm, I can see it going both ways. He's somebody who is either trying to be very nice or is taking advantage. It, Either way, seeing how they squirm and writhe and grunt, it's extremely creepy to me. It wasn't what I was expecting. I expected them to be a lot more still. And while they're there in live motion, it's a completely different experience beholding them. So in this, they mention that soul connection I brought up before. So listen out for that.
Connect with a typical child. It's more of a soul level connection, we've always said. I feel privileged to be here right now.
Unknown_13: Well, thank you.
Unknown_13: experiencing one of those soul connections too and i know it's a soul connection for each of you because you're holding my thumbs they've made me a better person over the years and i'm thankful for that and i wouldn't change him any anyway he's so nice valuable
and changing the world in so many ways.
Unknown_10: With Cal, before we had the girls, we kind of overlooked enjoying those things along the way, the journey that went along with it. I listened to your dad talk all about how much you changed his world.
Unknown_13: Hi.
Unknown_10: I think after we had the girls, we appreciated all the steps that went along to getting to that point.
Unknown_13: Then I listened to your mom describe how you're spunky.
I think Lola is closer to my personality because she's a little spunkier, a little sassier. I think she'd cuss a lot if she spoke.
Unknown_13: And how you're laid back and calm.
Unknown_03: Claire is a lot more just kind of your typical middle child, easygoing, goes with the flow.
Unknown_13: And I could tell that you each influenced her in such a great way too.
Unknown_03: I guess I'm proud of both of them for choosing to stay with me, for wanting to be here, and for making me a better person.
Unknown_13: Then I heard kale.
And you made kale.
Unknown_13: You helped me make kale.
Unknown_13: into such a young, intelligent man.
Unknown_12: They can love like everyone else can. They're human and they care for people and they like going out and doing things too. They don't want to just stay at home and they have feelings just like everyone else does.
Unknown_13: And those are just a few of the ways you two are impacting the world. You should be very proud of yourself.
Unknown_12: Once you get to know them and meet them, they're two great girls and they can be loved just how they are and they love people back.
So there you go. In the flesh. My boy Cal and the two potatoes. I don't know. What do you guys think? Do you think he was robbed? I mean, he seems so nice and genuine about what he says. It's hard to imagine that he has any hidden resentment. But it's also very hard to imagine that he doesn't. Because it would be a tremendous burden on him. As someone who's forced to be a caregiver, you know, what a horrible thing.
They've shown up in a lot of things like this. I also have this one from Orange Sox, which I might as well play at this time.
Unknown_14: This one's a lot less interesting.
Unknown_02: I just wish that somebody had told me that there was a lot of kids who do defy odds. You know, there were kids that were, I mean, there's people that have microcephaly that are living, you know, into their 70s and 80s. And I wish somebody had told me that. I wish somebody had told me that you could have a child that is very profoundly affected that could live a quality life. with, you know, being a important member of society who's valued and respected and loved and cherished without ever having walked a step or spoke a word. You know, I wish somebody would have told me that back then, that I could still be happy and I could still find joy in the life that I had. And that maybe there was a chance that this life wasn't an accident, that I was supposed to be this mom. So I just wish somebody had told me that in the beginning. And I try to really make that point to these new moms that, you know, this life is special and perfect and wonderful exactly the way that it is.
I actually lied. I forgot how much crazy bullshit she says in 50 seconds.
Unknown_14: Live to 70. Productive members of society.
Unknown_14: There's no way. If you want to say that their life is worth living, I can't argue with that. Perhaps it is. But, you know, they're not going to be productive members of society, no matter how much you wish they were. Also, I didn't realize this at first. I'm going to bring this back up. This is the Halloween picture where they were the lobster and the chef.
I just like how they all have chicken pox and Cal just looks... That's the only picture I've seen of him where he doesn't look happy to be in that picture. He can't hold up the facade for the chicken pox picture. So...
Let me go ahead and pull up her blog, because there are interesting elements of her blog.
Unknown_14: Some paragraphs, some choice paragraphs that I picked out for reading.
Unknown_14: Again, this is from the official blog that they run, theheartleyhooligans.com. And this is from the page about Lola.
Unknown_14: And the paragraph I picked out says... Considering we'd already been through the ringers with Claire about five years earlier, we knew that we did not want the labor, delivery, or her life in general to be anything less than serene and perfect. We already felt once what it was like to have our baby whisked away, poked and prodded, and evaluated to the nth degree. that's not living as far as we're concerned and we are pretty much experts on claire so we felt confident that we'd know how to care for lola too therefore per our request microcephaly was never mentioned during lola's birth she was treated like any other baby and her delivery was very healing for our family in many ways it was perfection in addition we refused all testing for lola after her birth as we had already been there done that once with claire and we still had no answers about why this occurred.
So the main reason why people really, really hate Gwen is that she is a New Age medicine homeopath who has a lot of herbs and remedies and natural essences and oils and stuff that she substituted in the stead of actual medicine. But I mean, from my perspective, I can't blame her. There's no medicine that's going to regrow 90% of your brain, right? There's no way to put the potato back on the potato cart. It's already fallen off. It's fallen off the wagon. There's no putting it back on. So it kind of makes me feel, as I read this, that the main reason why she embraced that kind of natural medicine is because, specifically because, she believed it would be a natural way to let the children die. Because I believe she even denied them antibiotics and that kind of stuff. Don't quote me on that. I don't want to say she denied her kids antibiotics. Um, but it would make sense in a way.
And I mean, a lot of the people following her blog, following her Facebook page were people who were into homeopathic remedies and who, uh, believe that her children living to as long as they did is not, um, they didn't die that young because of homeopathic medicine. They lived that long because they had homeopathic medicine. They would have died much younger in their opinion. So it is strange, and a lot of people hate her for this kind of stuff. But in her situation, the challenges are pretty steep, and the answers are very difficult. So either way, I can't blame her. Because if medicine doesn't work, why not? Why not sleep with crystals? Why not imbibe essential oils? Why not burn candles? Who cares? I can't be angry at that.
There's more stuff about this towards the end.
Today, Lola drinks a goat's milk formula by bottle, which is all Miss Sensitive can tolerate. I believe that Lola's name was Miss Sensitive and Claire's name was Miss Pockets. That was like their nickname for them. She also eats organic fresh fruits and veggies by spoon. We continue to search for foods she is not allergic to, though it has been tough. So the kid is so fucked up. It's not just the brain issues. It's like she has allergies and dwarfism and so much more going on that it's very sad.
Unknown_14: uh lola loves to eat uh does so as often as a newborn and let's just say she can put it away let's just whatever it says that she was born five pounds smaller and she is much smaller than her sister uh there's a another paragraph
in this one which is the the welcome page it says we are we use many natural supplements essential oils homeopathics vitamins and minerals with both girls and they are thriving we receive regular chiropractic chiropractic care and have used craniosacral therapy as well as hydrotherapy and hippotherapy in the past. They receive services at home to optimize their lives, PT, OT, speech slash technology, vision therapy, and a teacher as well. Oh, they hire a teacher.
Unknown_14: I should mention at this point that nobody knows how they actually afford the money that they spend on these kids because they obviously are very well off being able to afford as much as they do. Many people, especially people in the South who are very religious, don't have access to this kind of personalized care for their developmentally delayed kids, right?
And many people believe that the husband has some very high-paying job and other people believe that she makes a ton of money
Unknown_14: off her Instagram and Facebook exploits of the kids to afford it. So I don't have an answer for that regarding money.
Unknown_14: We are hoping that these therapies will help further the girl's development, which remains around a newborn level, and also help with their increased tone slash cerebral palsy, as it seems to be one of their main issues. Claire has severe scoliosis and Lola has severe kyphosis. I don't know if I pronounced that right. Probably not.
What's weird is when you talk to somebody who is like really sick or they have kids that are super sick, like they have the dictionary of a doctor pretty much. I think that's why so many of them think that they have the same skill set as a doctor because it's like, oh, now they know what everything is. I have the same knowledge as the doctor. But talking to them and trying to read what they write is very difficult because they tend to throw around big words a lot.
Unknown_14: And that goes with anybody sick.
Unknown_14: Both girls are not candidates for surgery for their backs or their dislocated hips due to the extreme sensitivity to anesthesia and their lack of body fat. However, we have an amazing team of therapists who bring out the best in our girls and we love them like our own.
We are so blessed to be seeing tiny gains with both of them. So there we go. That's the rundown on homeopathy that I wanted to show people. And since I'm here, I might as well do this. You can see at the top, there are different tabs. We have Home, Our Story, Cal, Claire, Lola. Go to Lola's page, right?
Unknown_14: It's the Lola Grace. She's sitting there on the couch, and she's kind of propped up, and I want to mention that in a second.
Unknown_14: Go to Claire, and it's Claire being held up by her dad in a Wonder Woman outfit. To be honest, that's probably the best picture of either of them. And then Cal. Go to Cal's page, and it's the Halloween picture I showed before. And what I really liked about this is that despite Claire and Lola possibly being the hardest of them to get good pictures of, Cal is the one who doesn't have a picture of just himself up on his page. That makes me sad. Why can't you just get a good picture of Cal being happy and by himself as a normal child for his biography? I don't know. Here's what it is. And at this time, I also want to point out the common element in their pages, despite the top area, is this, the About Me page.
This is Gwyn, an autobiography about Gwyn by Gwyn.
Unknown_14: And this is really embarrassing to read. I am a real life damn near snow fucking white super pale and gifted at dwarf wrangling from the Midwest who blogs semi-regularly about everything from my kids antics to my husband's sketchy facial hair to me shitting myself. And remember, she wrote this. This is not like a joke. This is not GwenKilledClaire.com written by the cyber bully. This is like her autobiography. When I'm not cleaning up random bodily fluids from the kids, you pervs. Ew. Taking care of my girlies and studying up on random unsolved medical issues. I find time to share about my unique life being married to a stud glassblower and raising three amazing kiddos, two of whom happen to be neuro-metabolic genetic superpowers. Oh, happen to have neuro-metabolic genetic superpowers. Primary life goals, find joy daily, love the hell out of life I was given, celebrate everything, optimize, optimize, optimize, baby.
And I kind of haven't given this enough attention. She literally believes that the kids exist in a sort of supernatural way where they are so incredibly powerful, they project themselves in the world around her.
Unknown_14: And it's quite amazing the level of cope that's found with her. For instance, both of them are dead, I should mention. I don't know if I have. I think I have mentioned. They're both dead.
Lola died in October 2019, obviously, and Claire died December 2018.
Unknown_14: And, for instance, in the obituary for Lola...
Unknown_14: she mentions that their death days are almost a year apart. And she says it's not a coincidence. They both wanted to be with each other. And even in those interviews I played, they're talking about how the children, we love the children and we want to thank the children for being here with us, for choosing to be here with us. In her mind, the children are capable of parting at any time.
And they choose to stay on Earth and be with Gwen because they love Gwen and they love the dad and they love their brother so much that they want to continue to be on Earth.
Unknown_14: And...
Unknown_14: It's just, I don't know. It's a level of cope. I can understand why she would believe that. I kind of think of it as a healthier cope than other mechanisms that could exist. There are unhealthy ways of dealing with that lot in life than what she says. Who knows?
Unknown_14: I think I showed this already. Their press page is extremely long. I want to talk more about homeopathy.
Homeopath. Because I find that interesting.
Unknown_04: Nah, nothing more.
Unknown_04: Unfortunately, we don't have a huge thing dedicated to it.
Unknown_14: And the resources are just people for parents of other developmentally delayed children. So it's not like here is our homeopath stuff. I imagine some of it is. Magnesium supplements.
Somatron Vibro Acoustic Therapy Chair. That sounds kind of bullshit. Earth Mama Organics.
Unknown_14: La Leche League International.
Unknown_14: All that stuff is just kind of weird.
Unknown_14: There is a weird thing regarding their posture. Or they have an extremely strange and diseased looking posture. This is an example of that.
To the point where many people refer to them as the hunchbacks, which I find kind of mean. But people believe that the reason why they are so hunchbacked like this is specifically because she continues to prop them up upright for pictures and stuff.
Unknown_14: Uh, as if to imply that if they, if she did not do this, if she did not set these kids up like this, they would not have the hunchbacks that they have. And I, obviously I don't know enough to say that, but it's a, it's a popular opinion.
Unknown_14: I also really like this one, this picture of this Instagram post. Can't see my haters with the $50 bill in her mouth just to gape like she's falling asleep behind the $50 bill. Like you can't tell.
And just one more thing that I've noticed to kind of hammer home the point I made about Cal earlier since I thought of it.
Unknown_14: This is all the posts. And she has this weird obsession with the moon as well, which is kind of pagan and not very Christian. But I think both of them died on or near a full moon. I think Claire died on a full moon. And then when Lola died, the full moon was very visible in the sky. And she said, oh, the moon is watching over us. And the children have some kind of connection to the moon, that kind of shit. But as I was going through their Instagram, I couldn't help but notice that, you know, lots and lots of potato pictures, lots of pictures of her, her husband, some pictures of the boy.
But at no point is she taking a picture just of the boy. At no point. It's always the girls. And it's never just of the boy. I was scrolling down looking really hard to just find a picture of the boy by himself.
In a way...
Unknown_14: That would make him look normal. And not have a life that's perpetually burdened. By his sisters. And this is the only one I could find. From December 1st 2015. They went hiking with him. Maybe they went hiking with him. Every week or so. And this is the only picture they put on Instagram. Because they give him privacy. This is the only picture I could find.
Unknown_14: Of him by himself on this Instagram. And not with his sisters.
And just so you know. They live in like Topeka. Oh I'm sorry. I did not have my Firefox open. During that entire soliloquy. I was scrolling down her Instagram. Just showing hundreds of posts. Of no siblings. And then we go down here. And here's the one. And just so you know. They're both. I think they're in Kansas. I want to say.
Unknown_14: It's there in Kansas. So if you look back there, back in the mountains, you can see the home of Amberlynn Reed in the distance. And it's quite beautiful. I want to thank Cal for bringing me this stunning picture of the Amberlynn Reed Mountains in Topeka, Kansas.
Oh, it's Kentucky. Why was he dead in Kansas, then?
Unknown_04: I feel duped. I swear.
Unknown_04: Oh well. I don't know. I don't care. I think I have another video. Let me check real quick.
It's hard, it's hard only having one monitor.
Unknown_14: I had to kill SPCC during the stream.me days to get my two monitors.
Unknown_14: Now I'm back down to one and it's torture. Okay, ooh, let me mention this. Because I don't want to leave this on a sad note and just be like, Gwen's a bad mother, she should have vacuumed out her children as soon as she, she should have vacuumed out all of them because she's unfit. I don't want to be like that. Don't want to be a Debbie Downer. This is Halloween, the most sacred of days.
Ooh, actually, I do have these videos. I'll save that. Hold that positive thought. I have more negative things to show you.
Unknown_14: This is from that channel with the very awful person who runs it. The experiments have begun, and this is kind of showing the cognitive abilities of the children. Give me a second. I'll show this real quick. Oh, no. Go away.
Unknown_03: Oh, Mrs. Pocky's mad to get started.
Unknown_03: She's hungry, so we're hoping that she's going to be a good girl. Are you going to be a good girl? Find the pig. Where is it, Lola? Where is it, Lola? Okay, I see the cursor over there on the far. Nice. There he is.
I don't know. This is their therapy, right? Where they're testing the cognitive abilities of the children.
Unknown_14: And obviously the intent is to get the kid to look at the 3D animation on the screen. The pig dancing around to Michael Jackson music. But it doesn't look to me like she's actually doing it. Maybe I'm wrong, but it really does look like she's looking everywhere except at the pig.
She's interested in it for sure.
Unknown_14: The kid's, like, she's looking at you while facing forward. That's, I mean, I can see it. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm not, like, a therapist. She's not looking down, though.
Unknown_03: Okay, Pocky.
gonna come out that's what i had for that the other thing is and the reason why a lot of people don't like gwen and they kind of say that she's exploiting her kids for attention is uh is this stuff and to me even this to me uh is more sad than angering and i have to apologize for the music because that's the the fucking asshole that runs the channel adding it in
Unknown_05: Put your lip out. I'm going to cry. Put your lip out.
I am very sorry. I muted myself, and I did not catch it. I always do it every stream. I have to do it at least once. What I was saying is that it sounds like they're taunting her by trying to get her to cry, but they're not. She's trying to get the girl to indicate that she...
Unknown_14: uh can cry because that is a developmental milestone when a child cries to indicate they want something that is a a part of the natural progression of a child's life right but of course claire doesn't cry she she pouts she her eyes get puffy like she's going to to have tears but um she never cries because she just hasn't hit that point in her developmental cycle So the asshole who edited these videos together and made her out of the dramatic music and gave it terrible titles like Mrs. Pocket Has a Nervous Breakdown and Claire the In Great Nightmare Begins or Does It doesn't seem to understand that it's not the mother taunting the child to tears. It is her begging the child to hit a developmental landmark that she should have hit at like two months into being alive. So...
you know, these kinds of videos are, are, are very sad.
Unknown_09: It's so sad.
Unknown_14: And that's that, that's that video.
Unknown_14: Yeah, it is sad. It's not, it doesn't make me, I don't know. It kind of, I'm kind of glad it's not something that makes me angry. Cause there was, um,
I did a video on that other mother who was demonstrably a bad person. I forget her name for some reason.
Unknown_14: But this is not the same kind of thing. She's not being abusive. She's not being manipulative. I think this is how she copes with the unimaginable situation. From what I've seen, there's nothing there to be mad about. The only thing that you can be mad about is that the children were forced to live
Suzanne Schofield was the one who was exploitative. But those children were forced to live a life really without value, and that kind of feels mean to say, but there was no potential there, and so much resources went into them that will never be yielded by society. I don't know. It kind of bums me out, and it makes me feel bad for Cal because he's a normal kid. He's typical. He's a typical child. Now he's in college. And I hope that he finds his own interest and his own click. I guarantee you he's going to be a lot happier now that he's out of his house. But the question remains for Gwen, what does she do from here? Her entire life for the last 18 plus years has been entirely solely dedicated to taking care of these kids perpetually for every second of every day without pause, without vacations, taking care of the kids.
So now all at once, both of them die in one year, less than one year. And Cal's off to college and he's doing well, which is good. But for her, what does that mean? She wakes up. What does she do? She doesn't have a job. She's not had a job in a while. How does she take care of herself? Is she going to try to have another child so that she can have something to take care of?
Is she going to buy 1,000 cats? She took a small break from social media, but as of right now, she's already posting to it.
Unknown_14: How is she going to try to make it into a nonprofit and make that her job, which could considerably be a good thing, right? You have a nonprofit for developmentally delayed kids. It could be a good thing.
Or is she going to have an unhealthy spin and try and replace them with something that probably shouldn't be there to begin with? So I don't know.
Unknown_14: But it's good timing. It's a good bookmark to talk about the Hartley-Hooligans. And I hope, I don't know, I don't feel like she should be hated. I spent a lot of time looking at her history and her stuff. I can understand not liking her for having a second, but at the same time, maybe she just wanted a big family. Whatever. The one good thing that did come out of it for people in Kansas or Kentucky or wherever the fuck she is, is that she got pot legalized. Not entirely, but a little bit. I will show you this.
care this story you will only see here a major victory for Kansas families who fought to allow medicinal cannabis oil within state lines giving one family closure to their extensive journey her big sister Claire actually passed away in December and
We started this process with her, so the goal was to do it for both of our girls and to give them the best life that we possibly could.
Unknown_08: Right now, parents could be arrested and have their child taken away if caught with the low amounts of THC oil.
Unknown_00: But the Kansas House and Senate passed a bill allowing families to bring back the oil from states where it is legal, like Colorado. And Governor Laura Kelly could sign that bill, making it law. 41 Action News reporter Steven Dial spoke exclusively to this family behind this push and they have to be thrilled with this new Steven Kevin and Krista.
Unknown_07: Huge step forward and now just one signature away to make it law be called Claire and Lola's law. The two children have nearly a dozen disabilities. Claire died in December and now the family hopes the law change will save Lola and other children's lives.
just really, really thankful that people heard our plea and that they embraced our family as they did and understood what a need there was for this.
Unknown_07: What Gwen and Scott Hartley need is illegal in Kansas, but that need they feel can help save their daughter's life.
Unknown_03: Lola has maybe 20 to 30 a day, some that we see and some that we don't see.
Unknown_03: And also she has a lot of tightness and stiffness in her muscles, so we're hoping that this is going to give her some pain relief.
Unknown_07: When we met Lola Hartley earlier this year, she was with her parents, urging lawmakers to pass House Bill 2244. She was urging lawmakers. Lola was. To buy low THC oil from Colorado and legally administer it in Kansas. Anywhere from pregnant women all the way up to ages 80, 90 years old, I see coming in here getting it. Eric Smith owns a CBD shop in Mission, Kansas. His oil does not have THC in it. Smith says there are many benefits from it other than treating seizures. We asked law enforcement about the possible downside to this bill. Some we spoke with say they are worried about people faking documents. If signed by the governor, patients would have to have a doctor's letter 15 months prior to the purchase stating debilitating medical condition and a third party lab has to test the quality of the oil.
Claire and Lola's law is going to help so many kids in Kansas. We're just so hopeful, so excited.
Unknown_07: Now today I contacted the governor's office. A spokesperson told me that Governor Kelly is currently reviewing the bill. Just a reminder, this bill only allows people to bring in that THC oil from other states. It does not allow THC oil to be sold in Kansas. Reporting Stephen Dial, 41 Action News.
Unknown_08: So THC oil is derived from the cannabis plant. Federal law allows for no more than .3% of THC in products where it's legal in the states. There is a difference between THC and CBD oil. Not all cannabis products contain the psychoactive effect like the THC can. It's the component of the plant responsible for creating the high associated with recreational use as well.
So that's that. It got passed. This is her Instagram post about it. She's crying with her family in the... I think Kansas... I should know this by now. I said it a dozen times in the news report, but...
Unknown_14: They're happy. It's a nice footnote. What do the kids do? They got medical marijuana in their state for kids who have seizures like they do. Apparently they did. Apparently they had 20 plus seizures a day, which is horrifying. You know, it does make me sad because if they feel anything, it has to be pain. It has to be nonstop pain. It has to be I have no mouth and I must scream type agony like every second. I shouldn't say that. It's terrible.
So, I hope you guys have a wonderful Halloween. Thank you for spending time with me. Thank you for everyone who gave super chats.
Unknown_14: And have a great day. Here is my outro song. And I'll see you next Wednesday.
Unknown_04: As is tradition.
Unknown_04: Where is it?
Unknown_04: Where is it?
Oh, there it is.
Unknown_06: a silver gun and what i'm facing you've got this wrong you are mistaken inject me with some kind of poison
Unknown_06: My body shuts down and I'm left fallen. Am I supposed to fight and leave my soul behind? Blank walls surrounding me, stuck in between two sins. And every part of me was left purple and green. One more lost lonely deep, left broke down chasing dreams.
In the second life, I see you as the killer. Pulling down on the trigger, ain't got me nothing to you. In the second life, I will prove that you're ugly and make your new boyfriend love me.
A hooded man will be waiting to kill me right where I begin.
Unknown_06: Then I will die for the third time. Then rise up limping like a zombie.
then go surrounding me stuck in between two scenes and every part of me was
make your new boyfriend love me
In the afterlife, afterlife, afterlife