0:00:06 Unknown_02: Let's see, it is like, okay, there it is. Unknown_02: Man, oh man, every fucking time YouTube changes something, it just makes things a little bit worse, doesn't it? Unknown_07: Okay, is it still not, is it still not gonna show up? This is the cold, this is, me fucking with my settings on OBS, that's the cold intro for everyone. That's the exciting cold intro that I promise. Unknown_03: Fuck it. Unknown_02: Can't say no to YouTube. That's where people want to watch it. 0:00:37 Unknown_07: That's just how it is. It's on YouTube now. Does it not work on DLive now? No, it does work on DLive. Unknown_02: But the chat doesn't work on DLive. Or it doesn't work on YouTube. Unknown_02: Wunderbar. Unknown_02: The things I do for love. Unknown_02: Okay. Yeah, I'm just going to have to do it for... Unknown_02: or youtube yet and go that way sorry about that okay here's what i want to show people in my my epic cold intro you ready let me make sure i got this right because studio i don't want to fuck this up the window capture on this shit's real fucking iffy there it is 0:01:33 Unknown_07: okay so i tasked myself with making a flag for the german people so that the german people could finally feel pride in their country so i took the the the boon saddle or whatever the this eagle is called right now put it on a nice blue background now here's here's something that i find very important about flags you're ready Unknown_07: You should be able to rotate them, right? Unknown_02: Right, like this. Unknown_02: And then make them really tall, like banners, right? Unknown_02: And... I don't know why the fucking eagle's all fucked up now. I blame... I blame Adobe. Unknown_02: And then get the blue. Yes. Unknown_02: There we go. Unknown_02: Even though the eagle's fucked up. That looks nice. 0:02:27 Unknown_02: Autistic parrot? Unknown_02: That's the German seal, sir. Unknown_07: You can't make fun of that. All right, enough of this. We have a lot to talk about this stream, so settle in. Where's my music? Where's my cacophony of beautiful sounds? Unknown_02: Let's see. Oh, there it is. Okay. Okay. 0:04:24 Unknown_07: That's how you do a protest. Take your fucking tractors out and you just ride on up to the hog and you just say, go fuck yourself. And everyone, they have to listen to you because you make their major export. I think the Netherlands is the number two exporter of food in the entire world, like right below the United States. It's fucking crazy how much edible shit they make. Unknown_07: So... Apparently the hog has been saying that the tractors, the evil tractors of the boers of the Netherlands are putting out too much CO2. There's so much CO2 going out right now in those tractors that poor Greta Thunberg can't even see where she's going when she's walking about in Amsterdam. The CO2 is so thick. 0:05:02 Unknown_07: And... So they've taken to driving their tractor. They're apparently blocking all the major roads in the country, and it's pissing off all the motorists, but, you know, go fuck yourself. If you live in a government city, you're gonna have to deal with the protests when the protests come around. If you choose to live in Spooktown, that's, like, part of the rent is having to deal with the protests. Stop fucking crying. Unknown_07: But, uh... If, uh... 0:05:44 Unknown_07: I mean, what do you expect? What do you expect? Do you expect the farmers that make the food you make, or the food you eat, to pay some kind of extra tax for the carbon offset of their tractors? No, go fuck yourself. How dare you propose such an increase on the hardest working members of our society? Unknown_07: And then again, we could always just move the farming industry to China and eat their food instead. That's usually what we've done with our problems. Unknown_07: Oh, jeez. I can tell. I already know. I'm going to get some real fucking stimulating comments on this stream. I already know. Based on the initial reaction to my probing on Twitter and stuff, that the kinds of comments I'm going to get in response to my big brain thoughts regarding China will not be positive. They will be harsh, and they will be small-brained and stupid and ignorant and ill-informed, but such is the labor of my love to put up with such heinous ignorance. But before we get into China... 0:06:49 Unknown_07: Let's be smug. I'm debating. There's so many things I could start off with. I want to be smug first. Unknown_07: Okay. So here, just Tuesday, October 15th, 2019. Unknown_07: Sertiorari. Summary dispositions. Unknown_07: Scroll down. Scroll down. Sertiorari denied. Let's look for Melinda. Melinda. Unknown_07: No, that's not it. There's two Melindas. 1954, Scott Melinda v. Carlson Andrew et al. 0:07:28 Unknown_07: If you remember correctly, you're a longtime listener. Unknown_07: Melinda Scott was denied her fifth lawsuit in Virginia against me and various other parties, but always including either me or a company I own. Unknown_07: She attempted to petition the Supreme Court of the United States of America to hear her case because she believed that that the Kiwi Farms could be considered a state actor and thus be subject to constitutional privacy restraints, such as needing a warrant to talk about someone, because we use state resources like voter registrations and court documents to get docs. Now, obviously, that is a preposterous constitutional argument to make, and that's why it's been denied. 0:08:18 Unknown_07: So all the posturing they did about how, oh, they've already sent me a letter saying they've received my petition, and I've already passed the 1% acceptance threshold, and we're totally taking you to court. Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah. All that bullshit is just that. It's bullshit. Though not to be denied, when I pointed out to her when she made these videos and when she petitioned the Supreme Court initially, I very clearly, very intelligently, and very accurately underlined why what she was doing was retarded and would not get heard. 0:09:00 Unknown_07: So... not to be outdone at that exact time. I think if I, I would have to check, but this was done on August 1st. And I think it's exactly after my stream telling her what a retard she is. She filed another lawsuit and a, or, or filed another appeal, uh, Unknown_07: For another lawsuit. Now this one is against Brian Zager. Because he's apparently the owner of Encyclopedia Dramatica. What's really funny about her serving, quote unquote, serving Brian Zager. Is that Brian Zager was not even the owner of Encyclopedia Dramatica at the time that she sued him. And it is now like two or three years since Brian Zager has been the owner of Encyclopedia Dramatica. and she is still attempting to fucking sue him so it is fucking ridiculous now i also really now not only do i not live at that address my mom doesn't live at that address anymore uh but my name i don't know let me zoom in real quick for those watching last time i checked 0:10:12 Unknown_07: My name was not Joshua Moon. There is no N anywhere in my first name. I don't know where the fuck she got Joshua Moon from, but that's not my fucking name. I've never in my life been Joshua. Unknown_07: You know, my name is God Salvation. It's a biblical name. It's fucking Hebrew. And maybe she's just so offended by the fact that I have a good biblical name that she has resorted to slandering me as Joshua. So she doesn't have to refer to me as God Salvation. Anyways. 0:10:47 Unknown_07: this is the actual rich uh she's managed to spell it no it can't be a a religious thing because she managed to fucking spell it right here in the actual documents uh versus joshua moon and brian zager filed august 1st supreme court uh Unknown_07: Questions presented. Now remember, in appeals court, especially the Supreme Court, what you're asking is not, can you hear the trial again? It's something like a do-over. You're not just asking for the Supreme Court to re-hear your entire trial. 0:11:24 Unknown_07: What you're doing is you're saying, at least to what, I'm not a lawyer, but as I understand it, and I think I understand it pretty well, Um, what you're doing is you're saying to the Supreme court, the lower court has made an error of judgment and it has done so against the constitution. So review this constitutional question. And if you think that I'm right, then the lower court should have to reevaluate their decision with the informed constitutional answer to my question. So the constitutional question that she's presenting to the Supreme Court is, has Plaintiff Scott stated sufficient facts to support an invasion of privacy claim against defendant Moon and Zager, which is not a constitutional question. And number two, are defendants Moon and Zager immune from liability under 47 U.S.A. 230, which I guess could be. I mean, I don't think it is, but maybe. 0:12:05 Unknown_07: Uh, blah blah blah. She manages to actually cite two different cases in this instance. Unknown_02: This is all bullshit that she picked up at the clerk. Filled in implicitly attached. Unknown_02: Statements of the case. Unknown_07: Defendant Joshua Moon is the owner of a business called Locale, LLC, which operates a website called Kiwi Farms. Defendant Zager is the owner of a wiki website called Encyclopedia Dramatica. Both defendants publish content on their website about petitioner Scott. Both defendants publish the petitioner's name, likeness, and photo without her consent. Parentheses. Appropriation. Both defendants published private facts about Petitioner Scott. Both defendants published defamatory statements that were false. 0:12:42 Unknown_07: Okay, I really shouldn't laugh at that. I'll explain why that's really funny, though, and put Petitioner Scott in a false light. Defamatory statements, one of the earliest... 0:13:16 Unknown_07: constitutional questions like really that the united states ever had the the the idea that defamation is necessarily false stems before the united states was even a country the the decision that defamation if you spread something that is true about someone and hurts their business is not defamation that case actually came from like 19 or 1697 or something it's an ancient judgment Unknown_07: from the colonial era of the fucking United States. And it's a fundamental element of our defamation law. So necessarily, a defamatory statement is false. Unknown_07: Defendant Moon published statements about Plaintiff Scott as an owner of the website. Defendant Zager published the information about Plaintiff Scott as an owner of his website. Both defendants designed their websites for other users to input 0:14:12 Unknown_07: In information as well, both defendant sites encourage illegal activity, defamation, and invasion of privacy by other users. Defendant Moon also published information about Plaintiff Scott using his own user profile, Null. Unknown_07: Now we should talk a little bit about Null. This guy's a sick bastard. In fact, there's been a recent piece talking about him that we all need to see. After the horrific shooting in Germany last week, Channel One out of Berlin in Germany did some coverage about right-wing hate mobs on the internet. Let me just actually pull this clip up. 0:14:54 Unknown_00: Check that out. Unknown_07: Check out that fucking doggy. Now, I know, okay, if you're listening and you don't know German, the guy is basically saying that right-wing extremists have taken their old, quote, old and inhumane ideas internationally in a new, dangerous form. 0:15:27 Unknown_07: Literally, it's a Channel One German documentary about right-wing extremism and the HAL shooting. Unknown_07: They pull up the Kiwi Farms multiple times in this 30-minute long media. Unknown_07: But in this particular frame, they zoom up on my fucking slobber mutt. And it's my Halloween version. So his brains are exposed and he's got vampire teeth. He's really quite terrifying. His fangs are fully bared. It's a horrific visage that would scare anyone to their bone. So really big props, big ups to Germany for tackling the doggo question here. 0:16:09 Unknown_07: Anyways, now that you know who Null is... God damn it. I always forget to close my fucking... My Thunderbird. And I always get an email during my streams. Unknown_07: Such an amateur. I don't even know where my Thunderbird is. Unknown_07: No, I didn't. I don't think I've ever talked to Zager. 0:16:49 Unknown_07: Maybe I have. I wouldn't say that absolutely, but I'm pretty sure we've never had close communication about anything. Unknown_07: Oh, that's when my connection's bored. I'm uploading torrents right now. Unknown_07: Both defendants were informed by Plaintiff Scott and were made aware of... Defamant of... Oh, she's missing the word the there. Defamatory nature of the information that they posted, both defendants were reminded and told in the email that they did not have Plaintiff Scott's permission to use her name, likeness, and photo on their sites. Plaintiff Scott asked in separate emails to the defendants to remove the content. Defendant Moon refused to remove the content. Defendant Zager denied owning the website ED despite public records showing otherwise. Wow. 0:17:25 Unknown_07: What brilliant people. I really... That's fucking remarkable. Unknown_07: Consequently, Plaintiff Scott filed a complaint for invasion of privacy. Unknown_07: and defamation in federal western district of virginia outlining the facts of her case using the pro se litigant form plaintiff scott asked for an injunction for the removal of the content as well as damages now again she's supposed to be using this to back up her constitutional question but because she didn't ask a constitutional question she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing she has not done so these are just restating the facts of the case or the alleged facts of the case which would be in the actual case that the Supreme Court would review. They would use this as a launchpad into the constitutional question using the broadest strokes of the case and then actually looking at the case to determine if the constitutional question is valid. 0:18:25 Unknown_07: The lower district court dismissed petitioner Scott's claim for invasion of privacy and defamation. The lower district court granted defendants Moon and Zager immunity under... No, they didn't, is the thing. That might have been brought up, but as far as I know, every single lawsuit she's ever filed... has been thrown out because of failure to state a claim. On my website, I explain how the Communications Decency Act, and specifically Section 230, provides pretty strong protection for things other people say on the Kiwi Farms. But never once has she ever made it to a point where that law would be relevant in her filings because she never states a fucking claim. Invasion of privacy is not a crime. 0:19:02 Unknown_07: It might be a component of a crime, but in itself, making fun of someone on the internet is still not illegal. 0:19:40 Unknown_07: The lower district court granted defendant Zager immunity under... She just repeats that. She does this a lot. She just doesn't understand the difference between me and Zager, which is kind of insulting. So she restates everything twice. Instead of just saying defendant Moon and Zager... Unknown_07: Oh, I guess she didn't allege... No, because in this sense, the lower district court granted defendant Zager immunity under 47230 for defamation claims. Did she not accuse me of defamation? Is me saying that she's the dumbest person possibly ever no longer defamatory to her now? Because that was one of the things that she sued for before. 0:20:17 Unknown_07: The lower district dismissed petitioner Scott's defamation claims against defendant Moon as rhetorical hyperbole. Unknown_07: No, I don't know. I don't want to throw away my rhetorical hyperbole, but I do think she is the dumbest person possibly ever. I would stand by that statement. Petitioner Scott appealed the case to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, demonstrating that defendants Moon and Zeger did not qualify for immunity based upon current legal standards. Upon appeal, the appeals court dismissed Scott's invasion of privacy claim appeal. That doesn't even sound like English. Upon appeal, the appeals court dismissed Scott's invasion of privacy claim appeal. It's like she's just thrown the fucking word appeal throughout the sentence. 0:20:53 Unknown_07: Oh, God, there's like two more pages of this. I'll probably read the first page unless it's really funny. Unknown_07: Many Americans are being affected negatively by a website called Kiwi Farms. Petitioner Scott is the only target of the website thus far who has appealed to courts for justice. The owner of the site, Joshua Connor Moon, has caused countless injuries to American people in many judicial circuits. He uses his website to harass, injure, and defame others. Journalists everywhere are in an outroar over the unabated, harmful content on his site. Even the country of New Zealand has asked that he remove content from his site which mocks terrorist events in their country. Well, if it's mocking terrorist events in their country, it's a good thing. We're the good guys. 0:21:28 Unknown_07: The website, Encyclopedia Germanica, also has a widespread negative reach on American people. Despite the civil request for him to remove harassing and defamatory statements about others, Definite Moon persists. Isn't that like a Democrat thing? She persisted. Definite Moon persisted in his reckless disregard for others. He even has contributed to the suicide of a young teenage girl. His website does not embody the protection of the First Amendment. What you just said is the opposite of that, though. That's not a... That's not a... Whatever. His website embodies the presence of a domestic terrorist who verbally harasses others. 0:22:06 Unknown_07: He uses loopholes in internet law to continue in a behavior that would be regulated by law in a brick-and-mortar setting. 0:22:46 Unknown_07: A decision by this court that enforces strict standards of immunity would give justice to many Americans. This court should settle this important question of federal law because the number of American people in different judicial circuits that would be affected from a decision. Unknown_07: kiwi farms is an example of a pattern of conduct that is continuing all over the united states countless americans are being victimized by the lack of congressional regulation of extreme internet lowercase i behavior judicial courts however have consistently stated that immunity from liability under 47 usc t30 can only be used as a defense under certain conditions the first third ninth and tenth court of appeals have all enforced certain standards of immunity under the communications decency act 0:23:32 Unknown_02: Uh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Unknown_02: She said that the court contradicted itself. Unknown_02: She says that she's not being treated fair as per prior court decisions. Unknown_02: Call me a terrorist again. Uh... Or... Unknown_07: Petitioner Scott outlines sufficient factual content demonstrating defendants Moon and Zager were slash are responsible for the information they posted on their website about Petitioner Scott. But you've never stated a claim. 0:24:10 Unknown_07: Lastly, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has departed from judicial proceedings by misquoting in their opinion information the Petitioner Scott's brief. Unknown_02: Again, she's saying that they contradicted themselves somehow. Unknown_02: Uh... Unknown_02: Invasion of privacy claim against a feminine that does not qualify for immunity under... I don't... Again, I don't... She's never stated a law that invasion of privacy is even a thing. Unknown_07: She has no fucking clue what she's doing. I guess I made that clear by now. 0:24:45 Unknown_07: Respectfully submitted, scribble scratch, pick and scratch, October 1st, 2019. That's the end of that. The second half is really dry. It's just really poor legal argumentation with no citations, no laws, no nothing. She has fu- It has been literally like five years, like four or five years now, and she still has not figured out that she has to state a claim. That is it. That is all you have to do to move to the next step is state a fucking claim. This person broke this law, and this is how. That's it. Can't fucking do it. Just completely, completely over her head. What a wretched fucking retard she is. 0:25:18 Unknown_02: Ah, that's right. Damn it, Nick, we lost the case again. All right, that's enough about this woman. Unknown_07: I got my notebook. There's a lot happening, so I took some notes. 0:25:52 Unknown_07: Um, let's talk about Frederick a little bit. Frederick, the former owner of HN, also probably better known as Hot Wheels, is on a fucking war path. I don't know. He's, like, completely lost his mind. I kind of understood him rooting against Jim and, like, wanting to talk to media, like, a little bit, even though he said never to talk to media before. Unknown_02: Um... Unknown_07: Why are... Apparently my stream is getting, like, promoted on YouTube. Why are 1.3 thousand people watching you if you have 8 thousand subs? Because I have a very active and interactive audience. Okay. 0:26:24 Unknown_07: Um... Unknown_07: Okay, so Frederick is really mad at Jim. I mentioned that. I said I kind of understand being mad at Jim and advocating for taking down 8chan. If that's your point of view, like whatever, go for it. He's doing shit now where he's actively like mapping their company. Unknown_07: And there was one part where he... Oh, Jim, the current owner of 8chan, he's also in the Philippines, and he's basically really close to naturalizing as a Filipino citizen. 0:27:06 Unknown_07: And Frederick went to... I think this is the post right here. He went to a Filipino immigration court and submitted to the court his testimony in Tagalog as to why Jim should not be given his... Unknown_07: I want my fucking picture load. Should not be given citizenship, Filipino citizenship. Why is this picture not reloading? There it is. Jim Watkin naturalization hearing. I learned about it at the last minute. The judge graciously allowed me to submit a written and oral statement. He didn't show up. The next hearing is scheduled for February 2020. I got a delay. No one else opposed. I think Jim didn't even show up. 0:27:43 Unknown_07: Actually, it's all in English because the legal language of the Philippines, for the purposes of court cases and shit, it's all English. Unknown_02: Apparently a Washington Post reporter went to the hearing and said that his performance was entertaining. Unknown_07: This I just don't get. Like, you're... 0:28:15 Unknown_07: Frederick is in a vulnerable position, and you know what I say about smug, my friends? Unknown_07: You know what I say about being smug? Don't do it, because you're inviting misfortune to yourself. Unknown_07: And with what he's doing right now, I would definitely say that he's inviting misfortune to himself. Unknown_07: Um... Unknown_07: Oh, that's right. He would have to give up citizenship in the U.S. He did something where he published... I couldn't find it in this thread, and I didn't want to look up his Twitter history to find it. But he did something where he tried to find the entire history, Jim's entire family. He basically doxed Jim's entire family on Twitter for the journalist to go hog. And I think he did a livestream where he... Who I knew was looking. Oh, yeah, he did a live stream where he went over his statements and shit. Yeah. 0:28:54 Unknown_07: I can't condone that. Like, that's crazy. I get not liking Jim. I don't like Jim at all. But... Unknown_07: The lengths that he's going to is making him a very big target. I realize that Jim probably couldn't get away with killing him now, but I wouldn't tempt fate. I didn't tempt fate. When I realized that I probably got into shit with rich people on a poor island, I left. 0:29:30 Unknown_07: Because fuck that. Unknown_07: I got too much I want to do. I got too much I want to do to not be killed and fed to pigs. Unknown_02: But fuck that. Unknown_02: So. Let's sit with that. Oh, he did gain weight, too. Unknown_07: That's probably not nice to say, but YouTube does allow me to make fun of fat people, so I should take it every chance I get. Unknown_07: Okay, so this was found. This bedroom picture was found a couple days ago. And I noticed that it was on a Zillow belonging to a familiar address. And I asked Dick, I said, Dick, do you know this address? And he says, yes, I do, actually. That is Maddox's address. That is where Maddox lives. And because the owner of the house who Maddox rents from was selling it, which I guess the contracts for tenantship would travel with the contract for the house, that's how it usually works. But you still have to take pictures of the inside. So the real estate agent came in and took some very flattering photos, the best he could, of the inside of the house where Maddox lives. And based on the attire and the Fuck Wills poster there in the back room, it's safe to say that this is Maddox's bedroom. 0:30:43 Unknown_07: I took notes on this because it's fantastic and I really want to go through it and give it the attention it deserves. Most people are listening, so let me describe this room for you. 0:31:18 Unknown_07: Imagine a room with no furniture. All things that are furniture are either like particle board or cardboard boxes. Unknown_07: Anything which has clothing in it is industrial shelving that you would find in Amazon or something like a warehouse. The walls are completely barren in this room except for two sharks which are stuck to the wall with, I guess, thumbtack. and it looks like the kind of decoration you would see in a 12-year-old boy's room. The duvet for this bed is bright blue, and it has a very creepy smiley face on it. There are two kinds of people in the world. People who know that this is the face of the King Slime from Dragon Quest, and then people who aren't gay who think that it is the creepiest fucking thing ever and who would not feel comfortable in that room because of the giant creepy smiley face looking at them. 0:31:56 Unknown_07: If you are not familiar with it, it kind of looks like the face of Mr. Popo from Dragon Ball Z. So if you know what that looks like, that's what the face looks like. Unknown_07: Uh, let's see. 0:32:28 Unknown_07: His passport, like this is, this looks like his passport. I have a passport that looks exactly like this with the torn or the, uh, the loose edges and stuff. So his nightstand, which is made out of just a cardboard box, literally just a cardboard box has his passport on it. He has the attire of a lumberjack slash soy boy. Unknown_07: There's a curtain between his studio and his bedroom that's just a green screen hung up on a curtain rod. Unknown_07: There are essential oils hidden away behind the fan in the back room. 0:33:04 Unknown_07: My best guess is either he has some kind of humidifier that he puts the essential oils into to make his room smell nice because he's a homosexual, perhaps. Or he literally rubs them on his scalp to try and regrow hair. It could be either or, so I'm going for the hair. Unknown_07: Now, the creepiest thing, the most horrifying thing about this picture, by the way, is I can't zoom in any further, so if you're watching, you just have to take my word on it. The ceiling fan that is in the studio room behind the curtain has no blades to it. 0:33:45 Unknown_07: It is a ceiling fan with a string for toggling the speed and lights of the ceiling fan. But there is no blades. There is no blades to it, which means it cannot move air. From what I understand, this was explained by Dick in one of his podcasts, where he was talking about the importance of needing basic handyman skills. Unknown_07: Um, and from what I understand, Maddox had an issue with this ceiling fan and instead of fixing it or paying someone to fix it, he literally just removed the, the blades from the fan. So the motor is perpetually spinning inside this, this bladeless ceiling fan. And he is satisfied with this as being where he lives. So I don't know. I always find that very remarkable because it's like, how fucking lazy can you possibly be? Now, what's interesting, I wanted to make this a bit of a game, right? 0:34:25 Unknown_07: I wanted to make it a game. So I made a tweet and I said, send this picture to a woman you know, a friend, a girlfriend, a wife, mother, any woman, and ask her if she would have sex in that bed with a man she just met. There were a couple of responses. A lot of women protested saying, I would never have sex on the first date with a guy I just met, yada, yada, yada. 0:35:01 Unknown_07: But the overwhelming answer is either no, fuck no, or oh, I love Dragon Quest. So if you are someone who is really courting the Dragon Quest fangirl committee, I would highly suggest the King Slime Duvet. If you're a normal person wanting normal women who probably don't smell any body odor... Unknown_07: I would avoid the duvet. The other thing I learned from reading the responses to this challenge I put out is the recording equipment in the back room is highly disconcerting, even to women after they knew that it was podcasting stuff. He does like a show. They were very concerned by the recording equipment. So lesson number two that I learned from this is that do not put a camera anywhere near where you want a woman to feel comfortable because they are fucking weirded out by that shit. Like more women talked about the camera than the duvet. So I guess that's a good take home for this as well. 0:35:33 Unknown_07: No, I put this out. This is probably the I had over 100 responses to this fucking tweet, which was pretty, pretty fun. Just the top one saying no. If they said I didn't know it depended on his personality, people would inform them that it was Maddox and they would immediately say, oh, hell no. A lot of people say, how old is he? Like, is he a young guy? And then they say 40 or 40. I think he's either 40 or 42. 0:36:24 Unknown_07: And they would freak out at that because that's preposterous. I actually sent this to my mom. Unknown_07: And I said, how do you feel about a guy with a bedroom like this? And she says, younger guy. I say the number 40. And she says, and I think my mom actually had the best response of all of them. Immature, I guess, obviously single, which is perfect. It was very succinct. I'm very proud of my mother. You see where I get my wit from is obviously I'm a cut from such a branch. 0:36:58 Unknown_07: No. Unknown_07: If you go home with a man and don't see books, don't fuck him. Well, clearly he has books that he wrote called Fuck Whales. 0:37:34 Unknown_07: Mid-20s, fuck no, I'd laugh and walk home. If even I may be too scared at my decision to laugh. A lot of women said that they would be afraid of being raped. A lot of them said, I wouldn't expect to be able to do anything because I'd be killed. A lot of people imply that he's a pedophile. When Dick said that it looks like the room of a pedophile, I thought that was a bit much. But a lot of people, without any context, said that it looked like the room of a pedophile. So I guess Dick is vindicated in his usage of the P word, which I try to avoid. Unknown_02: He needs to reevaluate his life choices because that ain't it, boo. 0:38:10 Unknown_07: Hell yeah. It's perfect. Unknown_07: I did also... I don't know. I did not do this. I promise. I'm not even saying that as like a joke. I'm just saying that I did not do this. Unknown_07: Someone posted it to Reddit for our male living space. And I normally don't like talking about Reddit, but... It got 7.5 thousand upvotes in under 24 hours. I have a lot of debt, so I can't buy fancy furniture, and I'm recently single. I need help making my flat a bit more appealing to chicks. 0:38:44 Unknown_07: When I saw this, only a few hours after it got posted, I quote-mined, Needs more sharks. You're not single because you killed her, right? He shows them who the true King Slime is. This is cyberbullying bait. This is probably my favorite quote out of the bunch because the person who saw this thought, that poor kid, his friends on Discord, he posted a picture of his room and his friends on Discord are being a bully to him and they're posting it on Reddit without his permission and they're really being complete jerks to this poor kid. They don't really know that he's like 40-something. 0:39:25 Unknown_07: The fuck whales poster is the best part. This dude really loves sharks. And from one who was in the know, you look like a guy who just lost a $20 million lawsuit. Oof. Oh, geez. Unknown_07: The top comment right now is, what's up with the watermark at the bottom right? I want to know whose room this really is. Unknown_07: And then there are people talking about how it's Maddox. That's funny. Unknown_07: Simply had a plant. Needs more sharks. This is the perfect setup. It's just missing more wall sharks. 0:40:01 Unknown_07: Chicks love sharks. They love guys who don't waste things. Unknown_03: Okay. Unknown_07: I don't want to read any more because otherwise I'm going to turn to one of those channels that are just like Microsoft Sam reading fucking Reddit posts. I think I'd rather kill myself. Now, Dick, because I said make sure you tag Dick Masterson when you reply to this tweet with your friend, your female friend or whatever. and their response and he's been retweeting all of them and he's he's just having a blast i'm really i'm really glad that i get to bring joy to people's life like this because he's he's retweeted every single fucking one of them and i can tell he's just in a state of of uh of what's the word When you're just having a mind orgasm 24-7. Fuck it. I forgot it. I lost the word. Euphoria. Not because of any phony gods, but because of Maddox's horrible fucking room. 0:40:46 Unknown_07: Oh my god. Chat just shit itself all at once. Unknown_02: That's funny. Unknown_02: Okay, well, did I get that? Oh, geez. It still hasn't stopped. 0:41:20 Unknown_07: I'm not... English is only my first language, okay? Don't expect too much from me. Talked about that, talked about that. Unknown_02: Talked about all that. Unknown_02: Talked about that. Unknown_02: Okay. Unknown_02: It is time to talk about China. China. Unknown_02: uh okay so there was a guy and again i obviously in 2024 hong kong is now safely a part of the people's republic of china as an integrated province of the of the guangdong province right 0:42:11 Unknown_07: I'm going to be trying to pronounce a lot of Chinese words in this stream, so don't forgive me. Unknown_07: I'll tell you, this is 30 seconds of clip. I will explain what happens to it in English after it's done. But this is the powder keg. Unknown_09: Okay, it's already over. Unknown_07: So what happened is that Hearthstone, a card-playing game popular under Blizzard, Activision Blizzard, had a champion from Hong Kong, and he got onto the livestream, and he put on a gas mask, and he said, free Hong Kong in Chinese. And literally, the casters are so afraid... 0:43:05 Unknown_07: of his language after he puts on that gas mask because the gas mask became a symbol of the riots because of the tear gas being used by the state police. So when he puts it on, they automatically know he's going to say something about Hong Kong because they're Chinese themselves. They literally hide behind their screens to get away from these words as if the words are going to claw through the screen and get them. And in a way, ironically, they did. Because what happened after the statement is that not only was Blitzchung, the man who won the tournament, expelled from the tournaments for a year, and not only was his prize money revoked, but the casters were also fired, effectively, from Blizzard for an entire year. So... 0:43:54 Unknown_07: This caused a bit of a fuss over here in the Western world, the pro-democracy West, where we saw this as a gross enforcement of an autocratic government's anti-speech policies to a Western audience by a Western company. And the response from Blizzard has mostly been absolute fucking silence, with one exception. Unknown_07: Uh, people expected and people have lost their fucking minds. I'm going to read this post cause it's the funniest of all the ones that I saw. 0:44:27 Unknown_07: uh hearthstone used to make me happy or at least pass the time and even when it felt like a job i still kept playing but now now it makes me feel dirty and gross i've lost how long i've played but it's been years i've got all gold hero portraits and beat all the adventures And when the meadow was boring or annoying, I would still get on and run arena or do my dailies before getting off. I never missed a tavern brawl. And it's been one of my favorite things to do when I have 10 to 15 minutes to kill on my phone. At least, it was. When I first saw this, I immediately swapped Hearthstone with my wife. 0:45:02 Unknown_07: And then I put at the end, at least it was before Xi Jinping fucked her. And now she feels all dirty and gross. I can't even look at her the same way. Unknown_07: That's how it feels. This motherfucker just lost his wife to Blitzchung. He took her. He stole her from him. 0:45:35 Unknown_07: Oh, but that's not all. It's not just the Hearthstone players and the main Blizzard community. There has been a movement to delete their Blizzard account. Unknown_07: And apparently the response from Blizzard in regards to getting their Blizzard account revoked is, please submit two forms of personal identification, government ID, so that we can confirm you're the owner of the account before we delete it. Unknown_07: Which is not something that people want to do when the company is supposedly in bed with China, right? 0:46:14 Unknown_07: So, people are not too happy about that. Unknown_07: And the overall message from Blizzard seems to have been, we're going to ignore this. And we're going to hope that by the time the BlizzCon happens, people have forgotten about it. So this is a message from Nintendo New York. Please be aware that the previously announced Overwatch launch event scheduled for Wednesday at Nintendo New York City has been cancelled by Blizzard. We apologize for any inconveniences may cause. So they're really killing all the shit, right? 0:46:52 Unknown_07: and saying that we're not going to have any more events before BlizzCon, and people are planning to wear black shirts in solidarity with the protesters and whatnot. Unknown_02: So... There's been a... Unknown_02: Let's do this one first. Unknown_02: Ooh, there's different ways to take this. Unknown_07: I have some notes. It's worth mentioning that China has not actually... Apparently China has not compelled them to do this at all. It's been an autonomous decision by Activision Blizzard without any coercion from the Communist Party. So I don't know if that's actually true, but that seems to be the case. 0:47:31 Unknown_07: And... Unknown_07: This is their statement. Unknown_07: This is from Jeff Allen. Jeff Allen Brack, the president of Blizzard Entertainment. Unknown_07: It's kind of just appeasement. I'm not going to read it all because it's fucking boring corporate drivel. I like this part where they start the paragraph by saying, Every voice matters. But then the next sentence starts with the word however. Every voice matters and we strongly encourage everyone in our community to share their viewpoints in the many places available for them to express themselves. however the official broadcast needs to be about the tournament and to be a place where all are welcome in support of that we want to keep the official channels focused on the game my favorite thing about that that quote we need to keep the official channels focus on the game um i am showing something on screen that i can't show to people who would be listening to a podcast version of this But it's a montage of all the things that Blizzard does that's focusing on the game. Like have a grand pride day at the arena. So the Swiss caster who looks a lot like Tracer wearing a gay pride t-shirt. The official merchandise of gay pride wristbands and stuff. 0:48:08 Unknown_07: In my post about it, I get more. So is wearing a different gay pride t-shirt and they're saying Overwatch League is love and rainbows. The London Gaymers with official Blizzard merchandise supporting them. And the entire Blizzard staff in rainbow Blizzard t-shirts with the giant Blizzard banner in LGBT colors with a trans flag flying in the background. Now, isn't that lovely? They really got to keep that focus on the game with no political messages distracting from it. In fact, if only there was someone fat and annoying who could sum up the hypocrisy of these Western companies and their virtue signaling in 50 seconds or so. 0:49:06 Unknown_01: Blizzard claims any divisive statement is punishable, but what if, say, Blitzchung had spoken up for LGBTQ rights, or asylum seekers, or anything that can be argued in the exact same way to be divisive and deliberate and offensive to someone, somewhere? There's no way in hell that Blizzard would suspend Blitzchung for yelling trans rights, and they shouldn't suspend anyone for yelling trans rights, trans rights by the way, even as it would inevitably create an outcry from fucking arseholes. Do I think a tournament participant should be able to yell anything? No, not completely. I mean, hate speech, for example, is not really free speech. It's hate speech. And that's the kind of thing that you'd think Blizzard's rules for expression would pertain to. You know, yelling racist or homophobic shit. Not supporting democracy. 0:49:54 Unknown_07: Oh, I love that. It doesn't even take him 60 seconds for that train of thought to fucking crash into something and kill everyone on board. 0:50:42 Unknown_07: It's like 50, I think the clip itself was 50 and a quarter second long. That's the exact length of attention that people have in regards to connecting A to B before it all just disintegrates into a fucking ash heap. I'm trying to watch my swearing. I've noticed that my version of um or uh is just a swear. So I'm working on it. I'm working on my speech impediments here. Unknown_02: So... Oh, the other interesting thing about that thing, by the way. 0:51:21 Unknown_02: Where is it? I think it's the last one. In the tournament itself, Blitzchung played fair. Unknown_07: Now we believe he should receive his prizing. Unknown_07: we now believe he should receive his praising it's like i i can read it with a chinese stereotype accent and see exactly the the language that the chinaman was using when he wrote this statement for them it's exact it is broken english that is copy pasted in from like google translate would do a better job they definitely had a chinaman write this fucking thing 0:52:00 Unknown_07: It's ridiculous how transparent it is. And then in the... There's a part where he says something ridiculous. Oh. The specific views expressed by Blitzchung were not a factor in the decision we made. To be clear, our relationships in China had no influence in our decision. I don't fucking trust you. I don't believe you when you say that. just say it just be honest just be honest and say yeah you know what here's the truth you want to know the truth gamer community you're all shit you're fucking insufferable i hate you the chinese market is better we don't care if you delete your accounts we don't care if you delete your subscriptions we don't care if you delete and uninstall overwatch because we already got Your money. And you're not valuable to us anymore. And the Chinese are. Because you know what? The Chinese have a set standard for what they want to consume. Their things, what they want is... 0:52:49 Unknown_07: is known it's written in the party doctrine it's easily understood and it doesn't get in the way what does china not want blizzard to talk about don't question our territorial sovereignty don't talk about the dalai lama don't shit on communism and that's it oh and don't don't show witchcraft they don't like witchcraft either for some reason because they're they're asian and asians are superstitious you know that's that's an asianic thing but whatever that's their rules what what is what do westerners not want to say 0:53:34 Unknown_07: Oh, you know, make sure that you have a diverse cast, at least a quarter brown in POC, but no more than 50%, though, because that's pandering. And make sure you have some LGBT plus representation, and make sure your development staff is also diverse, with no more than 50, but no fewer than 25% of your staff POC, and have some LGBT in there, and make sure you make your icon rainbow, and blah, blah, blah, blah, and... Unknown_07: The fundamental elements of the game, who the people are, what they look like, what their skin color is, what their genders are, not even which gender are they, what the fuck is their gender? All of that, all of that is up in the air. And no matter what you do, no matter what angle you take it, you can't make people in the West happy. What does China want? China wants straight people. China wants men and women. China wants whites and Chinese. They don't want blacks. It's very clear cut. 0:54:14 Unknown_07: And the most interesting thing that I've seen, because, you know, gaming protests don't work. Nobody cares. Again, if the entire West stopped buying their stuff, it would be fine. Activision Blizzard would just be bought by Tencent or whatever, Epic Games. And the next version of Call of Duty would be Call of Duty... liberate Taiwan and the people's liberation army would be defending Taiwan from Western imperialists. And they'd throw it on the Epic game store and make it, you know, 10 cents, literally 10 cents. And people would still buy it and play it and they would have fun and they would rate it highly and whatever. No, what are you going to do? You're going to ban the game in America. You're going to say this game violates our, our, our, uh, national interest. So we're going to ban it. Then what? Then you're no better than China. Then you're doing the exact same things that people are complaining about with China and their censorship. I'd play it. I'd give it a shot. Ten cents for defending Taiwan from imperialist America? That sounds like fun. That sounds like a game I've never played before. I've played killing sand people, Modern Warfare. I've played killing Germans, Modern Warfare. 0:55:25 Unknown_07: I've killed Russians. I've killed Germans. I've killed sand people. I've never played as the People's Liberation Army defending China from the West, though. That sounds like it would be something entertaining and new. I'd play it. Unknown_07: So whatever. So much for your epic gamer protest and boycott. See how far that goes. Nobody gives a shit. The most interesting gambit I've seen from the boycott Blizzard community is this. Mark Kern, who was a former team lead for old Blizzard. Blackman was Blizzard North. deleted his account and started promoting this idea of taking the Chinese Overwatch character Mei, and Overwatch is still a big competitive game in mainland China, and making her into a symbol of the Free Hong Kong movement. So there's been a lot of really interesting art that's come out of it. I quite like the art. This particular mural... 0:56:40 Unknown_07: It shows seven different pieces of art featuring Mei as a Hong Kong protester. I mean, it's really good. A lot of the art is really good. Unknown_07: This one. This one is by far the best. It's just perfect in terms of its artistic value. It's really nice. Unknown_07: But is it going to have the desired effect? Is it going to get Overwatch banned in China? The myopic understanding of China and the censorship of China... is that Xi Jinping was offended by Winnie the Pooh and characterizations of him being similar to Winnie the Pooh. So he banned it throughout China. But that's really not that true. Winnie the Pooh is still pretty successful and popular in China. It's just that he doesn't want people calling him Winnie the Pooh, especially in China. And you might think, well, that's stupid. That's juvenile. But his idea for what he is is a strong leader, right? What is Winnie the Pooh? You say he's a yellow bear, he eats a lot of honey, and he's good with his friends. Well, that could be misinterpreted as obese, gluttonous, and weak-willed, and insecure in himself. He might look like Winnie the Pooh, but he doesn't want to be talked about in the context. So the understanding of people in the West and the weird characterization we give to the East, the understanding that we think that people in North Korea don't think that Kim Jong-un has a butthole, it's weird shit. 0:57:51 Unknown_07: and so i think oh we'll make may a character uh for the freedom of hong kong the democratization of china and we'll get it banned in china because that's how it works that's how i i read it on i read it on reddit i got reddit gold for proposing the idea so it must be true it got 60 000 upvotes on our blizzard so it must be true 0:58:45 Unknown_07: And it's just, that's not how it works. It would be better, here's a fun fact, if you want to know what people in China like. Unknown_07: In the official trailer for Diablo 3, for the Chinese audience, they cut the witch doctor's bits. The witch doctor is like a Haitian voodoo person. Unknown_07: and he like throws jars of spiders and raises the dead and all that's you know witchcraft and stuff it's not very well received in china in general but it's widely speculated that he was cut because he's black and in the um the mobile game the diablo mobile game which is made by a chinese mobile game developing company 0:59:30 Unknown_07: they completely removed him from the game altogether. The Witch Chapter is not a part of the Chinese mobile game for Diablo. Unknown_07: Very, very funny. Funnier to me than the base stuff. Unknown_07: I'm interested to see how this plays out, the whole make me a symbol of the revolution thing. Unknown_07: I think people aren't that retarded. I think that what will happen is that if it is brought up at all, Blizzard will just say, as a malicious attack against our company, they're using our intellectual property to represent things that we don't. as as a deliberate attempt to to defame us as being pro-democracy in hk and they'll just go oh okay we know they're being assholes so we're not going to do anything about it they'll forget about it once they don't get a reaction and i think that'll be the end of it i could be wrong but i think that's the uh the obvious answer 1:00:08 Unknown_07: The other interesting thing that happened as a result of this is... Stone Toss. This whole... Unknown_07: china thing seems to unite people if you're someone who's a communist or far left you hate china because they're not real communism if you're a centrist you hate china because of how illiberal they are or you hate them because they they don't respect human rights like the west does and if you're someone who's a nazi you hate china because they're they're chinese and you just don't like chinese people But for some reason, when it comes down to Hong Kong, everyone seems united in wanting military intervention against China for some reason, for Hong Kong. It's like, yeah, you know, whatever. We don't need to be in Afghanistan. That was a mistake. That was a failure. We don't need to be in Iraq. That was a mistake. That was a failure. We don't need to be in Syria. That was a mistake. That was a failure. We shouldn't have gone to Vietnam. That was a mistake. That was a failure. We shouldn't have gone to Korea. That was a mistake. That was a failure. We need to do something about Hong Kong and Taiwan. As a country, we need to band together. And why? What's wrong with you? How do you fucking say the same thing over and over again? This military intervention, this democracy, beacon of democracy tactic does not work. And then when you go to Hong Kong, when you're dealing with China, you have to do something. We have to do something. Why? 1:01:52 Unknown_07: Why? It's so fucked. Unknown_07: I have a post, actually, and I wasn't planning on bringing this up, but I'm going to find it because I think it's really relevant. Unknown_02: Give me a second. Unknown_07: I wrote this, and I really want people to understand how fucked Hong Kong is because it's more fucked than they know. 1:02:34 Unknown_02: So this right here is the province of Guangdong. Unknown_07: And this province has a population of 113 million people. Unknown_07: That population is more than the UK. It's more than France. It's more than Germany. It's more than Ukraine. It's only slightly less than Russia and slightly less than Japan and many times more than Taiwan. The population of Hong Kong, by comparison, is 5 million. 1:03:11 Unknown_07: And this is the map. You can see that Hong Kong is right there. It's right next to these other four cities. And they were forcibly opened to the Western colonial powers during the 1800s by the Ting Dynasty. Unknown_07: this was during the opiate wars this is when uh the uk pumped china full of drugs and then fought them and forced them to open up these ports hong kong is the last to be returned to china in 1998 and it was a at the time in the 80s and when it was coming back to them hong kong had a gdp higher than all of china hong kong's gdp right now is like 380 billion dollars a year 1:03:53 Unknown_07: China's is 20 trillion. So even relatively right now, it's still a huge economic factor and they don't want to screw with it too bad but in terms of where it's at like people think that Hainan this island at the south of China is where Hong Kong is and It's not There is no separation between Hong Kong and the mainland. It's not this. It is not another Taiwan. They do not have a strait to cross. They do not have a protection of a sea of water. It is a part, for all intents and purposes, a part... of China on the mainland. There's no way around it. And there's no entity on this earth that is going to go to war to China to try and compel them to not do anything to Hong Kong. The US is its greatest trade partner and England might be leaving the UK today. So they're going to lose all that trade because they don't have any plan. And then what? Are they going to piss off China as well? And they're not going to have any trade partners besides the US. 1:04:27 Unknown_07: So no, nobody is going to come to Hong Kong's help. It's over. They will be fully integrated by 2049, like it or not. And if you don't like it and you're in Hong Kong, get the fuck out. What are you waiting for? You know there's no hope for this. You know you can't sit there and smile and wait for things to turn out well because that's not happening. 1:04:59 Unknown_07: So that's my point with that. Now, I don't understand why people get angry at this. Now, Stone Toss says, fuck the Kurds and fuck the Hong Kong protesters. And the responses are all, why would you say something so stupid yet so loud? Fuck your bad vibes, bro. Of course, all memes. Pack your things, get out of my building. And these are all like his fans. 1:05:31 Unknown_07: people who normally agree with Stone Toss on absolutely everything, hate him for saying that we shouldn't try and meddle in China's affairs, which would be his policy with anything else. Don't fight for Israel and Iran. Don't fight for Israel and Afghanistan or Iraq or Syria. Don't go to the Middle East. Don't go to Africa. Let's not fight proxy wars all over the planet. And then when it's Hong Kong, because it's up against the Chinese, people turn off their brains when it comes to China. 1:06:07 Unknown_07: And they always find a reason to not worry about it. You point out how big China is, how it has 1.2 billion people. It is 90% Han Chinese. I think it's like 97% speak Mandarin. Unknown_07: It is an ethnically, culturally, religiously, linguistically united country of 1.2 billion people who will soon overtake the United States GDP. And they have an autocratic government that makes hundred-year plans. It's not like a democracy where we flip-flop every few years. Taiwan is actually a great example of this. Taiwan has a democratic system. And they don't know what they want to do. The smart thing for Taiwan to do, if they wanted to be independent, was to anchor down on getting independence. But the people of Taiwan keep voting between two different parties, one of which kind of wants to take back the mainland, and the other of which definitely wants to take back the mainland. So they can't even vote to determine if they want to not stop claiming the mainland and just be happy as Taiwanese. 1:07:26 Unknown_07: And meanwhile, China is setting out 100 year plans to do whatever it is that they want to do. The first thing they want to do is reassert sovereignty over Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and other semi-autonomous regions. Unknown_07: And it is scary. It is scary how big, how resource rich, how organized, how centrally powerful China is. But whenever you mention it, whenever you tell someone, How big and scary China is and how we are definitely heading into a Chinese century. They turn off their brains and go, China's military is bad. China is an autocratic communist state and communism cannot succeed. 1:08:04 Unknown_07: China is ran by the Chinese and Chinese people are bug people who can only steal from the white man. And it's it's mind numbing. It's like, how do you how do you even believe what you say when they they move so quickly when they take all your fucking come all your companies don't care about you anymore. All they all they all leave. And soon you will realize the next 10 years, you will realize that with all the big game companies, all the big media companies, all the music industry, everyone, all these multi-billion dollar industries that have catered to you explicitly for decades. Suddenly, you won't be their target audience. You'll be the second rung. And you can boycott and you can protest and you can scream and cry and say, oh, we're not getting our representation. But they won't care because in China, they have a perfect consumer base, which has a very traditional and very easily understood homogenous $1.2 billion or 1.2 billion person market. 1:08:38 Unknown_07: And they don't have any of that weird pickiness that Americans have. 1:09:34 Unknown_07: Chinese people love gambling. So all those microtransactions that Jim Sterling's been bitching about for three years, the loot box is perfectly acceptable in China. No problem in China. Unknown_07: Copyright, DMCA stuff, no problem in China. They did not have, not many people in China had computers in the 90s and early 2000s. They've never experienced an internet or a game marketplace like we did with the NES and stuff. That stuff just didn't exist in the mainland. They've only ever experienced electronics through the iStore and through their phone. So they're used to centralized platforms that have built-in DRM. They're used to all this stuff and they don't protest it and they don't care and they're perfectly content with it and they have deep, spendy pocketbooks because they've been enjoying a 10% to 15% GDPR increase every year. 1:10:11 Unknown_07: And they are perfect. They are perfect for selling shit too. You're not. You fucking complain about everything. You need non-GMO. You need ethically sourced. You need no microtransactions. You need no DRM. You need perfect representation balances and LGBT and yada yada. They don't. They don't care. As long as it makes them happy. That's all they care about. And they will buy from Hollywood, they'll buy from Blizzard, Activision, whatever, and you will be forgotten about. And I don't know how to make that nice sounding, and I don't know how to make, I don't know how to offer solutions to that. Because the time for looking at solutions would be 20 years ago. 1:11:19 Unknown_07: But nobody even takes it seriously. Talk about China now, nobody gives a shit. And they don't even want to be taken seriously. How does it advantage them to power project right now? It doesn't. They don't want to wake people up to the fact that they're getting stronger. Unknown_02: Israel, thank God. I really love Israel. Unknown_07: And I know, I'm waiting for that Israel-China showdown. Unknown_07: We built China. China was the golem, man. We put in how many billions of dollars? We took all the manufacturing jobs that made America great in the 1950s and we shifted them off to China. And then they used that to build their infrastructure. And people don't get that China's dictatorial ship is not necessarily as bad as it usually is. Usually with a dictatorship, right? You have the head of state, and the head of state just becomes head of state by one controlling mechanism, and then he's head of state until he dies. And if you get a bad one, then you're screwed. He ruins your country. In China, it's a bit different. There are multiple organs of government, and they each have a head. But they don't always have to be the same person, but they can be. And when they have all the different organs making their head the same person, he's called the paramount leader. You had Mao Zedong, you had Deng Xiaoping, and then you had Xi Jinping. And there were other leaders that were important in China between those three, but they weren't paramount leaders. They didn't unify the different organs of government. So really, the first step to becoming a leader in China is to politic your way up to the leader of a single organ and then take over the others. It's a lot more choosy and you have to impress a lot more people. The requisite wit, intelligence, and charisma to enter that position is a higher bar of entry than any other political form. 1:13:00 Unknown_07: I'm not saying it's perfect, but I'm saying that it's not as stupid as it is in the DPRK, where it's just a hereditary dictatorship, which sometimes gets you a guy who doesn't know what he's doing and who's a retard. Xi Jinping knows exactly what it's doing, and he shouldn't be misconstrued and removed to this icon of Winnie the Pooh, because he's not Winnie the Pooh. You're doing yourself a disservice. 1:13:36 Unknown_07: Oh, 100 billion social credit points. My God, I'm going to get myself an apartment in Hong Kong, which is a part of China. Unknown_07: But I like China so much, why don't you live there? Because I'm not Chinese. And that's the worst part. Let's say that Russia took over everything. Let's say that China's position of power was granted to Russia. And Russia is a billion slab as strong. It is the cheekiest and the breakiest that it's ever been. It suffers the same faults as China, but it has all the strengths of China as well. So if I learned Russian and if I moved to this new Russia, which is strong and powerful, I might fit in. I have the skin color. I have the eyes. I have the hair. I could possibly pass as Russian. I probably wouldn't pass as native, but I could get by day to day. I would not pass as Chinese. Almost none of you listening to this would ever pass as Chinese. So you can learn Zhongguan. You can move to China. You can tow the party line. You can do everything you can to appease the government of China. But you will always be a guest in China. And they can always take your China card back. China has a population, again, of 1.2 billion people. They have fewer than 2,500 naturalized citizens. 10, 20 years and who are total party loyalists do not get naturalized in China because the government does not allow it. 1:15:15 Unknown_07: If you're not Chinese, you're not welcome to be Chinese. And that's partly because of their history. For hundreds of years, China has been occupied by foreign powers. They've been occupied by the Mongols. They've been occupied by the West. They've been occupied by Japan. And for the first time in history, the Chinese people are for like a thousand years Unknown_07: The Chinese people are once again led by someone who is Han Chinese, and they are never going to give that back up. Unknown_07: Never. They want your money. They'll let your companies come in, but they have to be owned. This is true. They have to be 50% owned by the Chinese. If you want to put Activision Blizzard into China, you have to set up a Chinese Activision Blizzard that is 50% owned by a Chinese national, which is usually Tencent. That's how Tencent keeps buying parts of companies. If you want to put League of Legends in China, you have to sell half of your company to Tencent in order for it to do business in the mainland. and that's how they get their their tentacles into everything and that's why if you say free hong kong in a activision blizzard stream everyone around you gets fired and what's funny is that people get mad and say oh well it's not fair that if you're going to punish blitzchung you should punish blitzchung don't punish the casters do you know why they punish the casters because that is the most typical chinese thing ever you don't you don't just people aren't just put in line in the east by threats against them they're put in line by threats against everyone they know if you do something that disrespects the party disrespects you know your government it's not just you that gets into trouble it's the people you were talking to it's the people in your family they all get because of you so you better keep your mouth shut or everyone you're talking to is going to get screwed over 1:16:34 Unknown_02: So yeah, Activision Blizzard is now fairly Chinese. And they're acting like a Chinese company. Unknown_02: Get some Pizza Hut and take some white pills. Unknown_07: There's no white pills in China. White pills in America are like 56% white. Unknown_07: I mean, that's pretty, that's like a gray pill. Unknown_07: That's like, oh, you know, you got some good stuff. I mean, America's military is strong, but China's not looking for a military fight. They just want to take everything you enjoy and make it Chinese. 1:17:32 Unknown_02: Splash damage to credit score. That's it. Or social credit score. That's a good term. Unknown_02: Doesn't Overwatch have an obvious Dalai Lama stand-in? I think you're thinking of... I know who you're talking about. 1:18:08 Unknown_02: Zenyatta I don't I don't think I think he's a a Buddhist stand-in uh not necessarily like a Tibetan Buddhist but you know even though even though China's like a state atheist nation it's not they don't hate Buddhism Buddhism is a important part of their cultural history uh even with communism Unknown_07: No, I think that's, oh. Unknown_07: My favorite thing, by the way, of their response is that Blizzard said, the specific views expressed by Blitzchung were not a factor in the decision we made. I wanna be clear, our relationships in China had no influence on our decision. Meanwhile, on Weibo, which is the Chinese version of Twitter, the official Hearthstone account released a statement saying, We are very angered and disappointed at what happened at the event and do not condone it in any way. We also highly object to spreading the personal political beliefs in this manner. Effective immediately, we banned the contest from events and terminated work with the broadcasters. We will always respect and defend the pride of our country. And our country does not mean America, if you're wondering. 1:19:04 Unknown_02: I don't know. Unknown_07: I can't care when I get to fuck over an inferior country in five years. Are you saying when you get to go to war to China, it's just going to be a fun time? I mean, that's what I mean. People turn their brains off. 1:19:41 Unknown_07: They think about China, and then they find a comforting escape. Unknown_07: They get angry, and they get scared, and it causes a fuse to blow, and the power transfers elsewhere, and it becomes an excuse. Oh, it'll be a lot of fun to have a real war, as opposed to all the fake wars that we've been fucking around in for the last 60, 70 years now. Unknown_07: I mean, the war in Vietnam went pretty well. 1:20:14 Unknown_02: Bunch of chanks down there, too. Oh, jeez. Okay. I think that's it. Did I miss anything? Unknown_02: Defeatism means you work for the enemy. I guess. I just... I don't know. Unknown_02: I'm not going to do case clicking today. I did not miss Hampshire. I'm saving it. I was going to save it for the end. 1:20:46 Unknown_02: Ah, fuck the Kurds. I don't want to talk about them. Unknown_07: I will do a spooky stream on Halloween. I picked a really, really bad month. I didn't pick a bad month. It just happens to be a bad month. I'm basically going to be disconnected from my main machine for the next week, so it's not a good time. Unknown_07: On Halloween, I will definitely be doing a stream, though, I promise. Unknown_07: No matter what, I will do a stream on Halloween. 1:21:20 Unknown_02: No, fuck no, I wouldn't fight for the U.S. Are you kidding me? Unknown_02: Jesus Christ. Unknown_02: Can I leave on a positive note? I don't know. It's hard to leave on a positive note. Unknown_07: Look at this. This is the Hampshire thing people were talking about. Unknown_07: Hampshire is the name of a Patreon page accruing over $1,000 a month that places hamsters in abusively small enclosures, then places the enclosures underwater with a dangerous makeshift ventilation system. This is animal abuse and it should not be tolerated. 1:21:55 Unknown_07: They're given information about how to report his Twitch page, how to report his Patreon, how to report his YouTube account, how to report his Twitter account for animal abuse. And what's really sad about this is if you ever watch a hamster and what he does with these enclosures is he is so concerned about the animal welfare, like the amount of work he does to make sure that the enclosures are safe and resilient for the protection of the hamsters. 1:22:32 Unknown_07: is really i mean he really obviously cares and the only time his hamsters have ever died was when his roommate forgot to fucking feed him when he was out of town which is so sad because he obviously quite loves the animals uh but no these these retard yeah i think he also i don't have that up but he also posted on like our vegan and our pita what's this guy i'm already posted Unknown_02: Or whatever. Unknown_02: Animal rights. Unknown_07: I think he also posted them. Oh, he posted them in Socialism 101. Unknown_07: Oh, God. Unknown_07: Vegan circle jerk. Unknown_02: Yeah, this guy's an asshole. Unknown_07: They're trying to take away underwater hamster exploration, which I personally as a hamster aficionado find extremely distasteful. 1:23:37 Unknown_02: Or leave China on a... I don't know. I mean... I don't know. Unknown_07: I don't want to keep talking about China because I've already blown my load on that. It's just... Even if the United States and all of Europe joined together as a single unified entity, it still would not have a billion people to its name. Unknown_07: And... Unknown_07: it would still be fundamentally flawed by having to appease to mentally ill people in dresses who think that they're not mentally ill and who think that you should have to cater to what they want. You can't build a society on something like that. That is a mixture into the concrete that will cause cracks in the foundation for the next 30 years. And I have no solutions to that kind of stuff. 1:24:13 Unknown_07: If you want to beat China, you have to... I mean, eventually there will come a point where people realize that this is a threat. And I think that they will start becoming more conservative. We're just like, obviously this is now a Darwinian thing. People don't know this, but... Unknown_07: the word meme is darwinian and when he was talking about genes he created a a psychological equivalent a sister word called meme a gene is a part of the genetic sequence which is passed on by natural selection and weak genes are weeded out and strong genes are passed on right well with ideas it's it's called a meme Strong ideas are passed on and propagated from mind to mind, and weak ideas are naturally weeded out over time. That's why we don't believe in geocentrism anymore. This is why we don't believe in heliocentrism anymore. 1:25:06 Unknown_07: There are certain other ideas which have been passed on for generations, which we are now criticizing quite spectacularly to the chagrin of many people. But in general, that is a meme. It is the genetic sequence of an idea. And right now, we are at a... Unknown_07: point where the carrying capacity for democracy and this autocratic system i don't know what to call it i guess socialism with chinese characteristics are are coming to a head they're fighting for the same resources and what meme will win will be the meme of democracy or the meme of socialism with chinese characteristics who knows but i think when that happens when that really comes to a boiling point people on the democracy side will say well we have to get rid of some of the weaker memes of our democracy And the stupider, weak people who are a part of our society. 1:26:06 Unknown_07: Maybe. Unknown_07: So, I mean, 2020 is going to be really rough. Unknown_07: This decade is going to be crazy. It's only going to get worse. You think we're in a clown world now? Wait for 2020. Wait for 2021. Every year, it's going to get so crazy, you're not going to believe it. And it's going to happen so fast, you're not going to be able to keep up. Unknown_02: But 2020. 1:26:42 Unknown_07: Yeah, I mean, even then, do you think of the elections on 2020? Who's going to be president? Will it be Yang versus Trump? Unknown_07: What can we expect with the Democratic primaries, the Republican primaries? Someone might challenge Trump for 2020. That's going to be really crazy. And then you think of 2024 where Trump can't run again. Who are either side going to put out? I can't even fathom who the Republicans will put up after Trump. And it depends on a ton of things. Unknown_07: it's just I wouldn't even wager a guess at that point so if you want to be optimistic just think that maybe in the natural order of things in the next 10 years the weak memes of our society will begin to die and we'll become something a little bit better who knows maybe we'll just all be Chinese by then anyways I think that's it 1:27:40 Unknown_02: I think that's all I have to say. Unknown_07: So in the language of my new people, of my winning team, I will see you again next week, and I'll definitely see you guys on Halloween for a dead person stream. Unknown_07: Thank you for coming, and I'll see you soon. Now where's my... Ah, there it is.