Kay's good cooking. Is this it?
Unknown_03: Where's her fucking thing?
Unknown_03: Kay, I'm finding it increasingly difficult to find your fucking food channel.
Unknown_06: Wait, wait, wait. Is this like... Oh, no.
Unknown_03: This is like a fan channel or some shit. I bet you if I do Big Man Lee one, you go to his channel.
Unknown_06: I can find it. Or maybe not. Somebody fucking link it to me.
Why don't I have this on bookmark by now?
Unknown_06: She got deleted? Her YouTube channel?
Unknown_06: Oh, that's funny. That's really funny. Enable VOD. I don't think I can enable VODs on my channel. My friend. I think that's like hard disabled for me. Because I didn't do anything to disable it.
Unknown_03: Uh...
What's this what's the fucking like category for talking and shit on the live just Chatting there we go.
Unknown_06: Okay chatting age restriction say recording on my stream save detail success Okay, it looks like it works, that's it
Unknown_03: No, that's a year ago, my man. That's an old channel.
Unknown_06: I think Venom got it. Yeah! My man Venom, the best artist on this side of the internet.
Unknown_03: He's got my hookup. All right.
corn bean bean corn beef bean and mash that looks awful salt and vinegar crisps salt and pepper chips which i guess is oh that's french fries that's right bacon and egg pie avocado and toast oh i bet you that's fucking brilliant i don't know if i have my um
Unknown_06: My bingo card ready. So unprepared for this. I wasn't planning one. Because she got better. It became less interesting because she got rid of her evil Necronomicon. And her shit actually became tolerable looking. It became less funny.
Unknown_06: Check my bookmarks on this.
Unknown_03: Aha! Aha!
Unknown_03: I do have it.
Unknown_03: Though it's horribly out of date.
Because I even have, like, the dog and the shit on this, so... Whatever. Whatever. I'll just take one. We'll do one or two. And that'll be all.
Unknown_06: Because I know I respect you people. You all work. You're busy. You have jobs. You have prior commitments.
Unknown_06: Me and my post-video deletion depression eating...
Unknown_06: Does not concern you.
Unknown_06: Neither does watching me live configure a fucking bingo card on my stream. There we go.
Unknown_03: Bam.
Unknown_03: Perfect.
Unknown_03: I need a token. Historically, I've used the Kiwi Farms logo, but I will use the Dancing Kiwi for today.
Unknown_03: Bam. Perfect.
Unknown_03: Happy.
Unknown_03: And what do you guys think? Avocados on toast? Pasta bake? What are we going for today?
Show us how you cook. Oh, geez.
Unknown_03: That'll be the stream before I off myself.
Unknown_06: Let's go for avocado on toast. I'm feeling that. We'll do the pasta. This is five. That's five. That's perfect. That's ten minutes. Let's do it.
Unknown_01: Hi, people, and I'm back cooking again. And today I'm going to be doing avocado on toast.
Unknown_06: I'm so excited.
Unknown_01: Now I'm going to cut into it.
Unknown_06: Yo.
Oh, God, she's already using a knife.
Unknown_06: That's a visible chair.
Unknown_06: You butchered that fucking avocado.
Unknown_01: There's a stone in it.
Unknown_05: Oh, Jesus Christ.
Unknown_06: Oh, shit.
Unknown_06: My butthole is like all tensed up watching this shit.
Unknown_01: That's the stone. Oh shit, I've dropped it.
Unknown_01: That's the stone. I'm gonna take the... ...stuff off it.
There you have your avocado stone. I know it's not very, you can't see it very well, but it definitely is.
Unknown_06: Watching her using that.
Unknown_06: It's really unsettling.
Unknown_01: What I'm going to do is, I'm going to have a bit of skin there. I don't want skin in with it. I'm going to scrape it all out.
Unknown_01: Get the skin off.
Unknown_01: And scrape it all out.
Is she using like a... Oh, she is using a spoon. I don't think that green is supposed to come out with it. So what I'm going to do is... This is bad.
Unknown_01: This looks awful.
Unknown_06: I don't think that green is supposed to come out with it because on the video I saw... It looks really unripe too.
Unknown_01: So what I'm going to do is I'm going to...
Unknown_06: It looks like phenomenally unripe.
Unknown_01: Take all the green off it. So it's just avocado.
Is it rotten or unripe?
Unknown_01: Let's see how it goes.
Unknown_06: I can't even tell. Oh, Jesus, fuck.
Unknown_01: Right, as you can see, it's all done.
Unknown_01: I'm going to mash it all up now. Toasties.
Unknown_01: under the grill as you can see it's all done ta-da all mashed up picking bits of green out of it right as you can see I'm putting it on the toast it's I've been told it tastes like
Oh my god.
Unknown_01: Right, I don't know if you're supposed to... Come here. I haven't been doing this because I've been laughing. I don't know if you're supposed to re-toast it after.
Unknown_01: Oh, it looks like... Is she using her stove for this?
I'm going to say she hurt herself because she keeps saying how.
Unknown_01: Right, I'm going to put it back in the toaster. I'd be like, oh, that won't fall into reading toaster. We'll be in shit. So, yeah, I'm going to put it back in the stove.
Unknown_00: Basically destroy something. Just to warm it up because I don't even know where I'm supposed to run out.
Unknown_01: And this is the end product. And Lee's refused to do the taste test. He refuses?
Unknown_06: What the fuck?
Unknown_00: I'm going to say something physically.
I'm just going to give us that one. It's rotten, you fucking daft cunt. What the fuck?
Unknown_06: No shit, it tastes bad. You've picked up the moldiest fucking avocado on the fucking Tesco, and now you're wondering why it tastes good.
Unknown_01: Right. Disgusting. Right, I have to wash my mouth out of blackcurrant.
Unknown_06: Disgusting.
Unknown_01: That was the worst thing I've ever tried. Even worse than the avocado. So, if you like what you see... Oh, God. It's still Tuesday aftertaste. It's so right. It's wrong. If you like what you see, please keep viewing me. If you want to give me a big old thumbs up, it would be much appreciated. And if you want to leave a comment, which I know you're going to, please feel free, the more the merrier. And if you haven't subscribed, or you know someone who hasn't subscribed, it's a lady who subscribed to me last night. Thank you.
Bye. The one woman who subscribed last night?
Unknown_06: Okay, let's watch the pasta one that was pretty uh, we should have done that one last that was fucking appalling That countertop is different did you get a new top
I'm not going to put all the pasta in. For the simple reason, I've done some checking.
Unknown_01: Provided it's not salt, dogs can have pasta. And I can't see how much I'm doing.
Unknown_01: Should be enough for him. The rest is in ours.
Unknown_01: So what I'm going to do is I'm going to add some water to both of them. I've got some...
Unknown_01: Mushroom. And I'm going to cut them up. What the fuck are you doing? And I'm going to boil them. And then, well, we'll see how it goes.
I hope she knows.
Unknown_01: She does know about me.
Unknown_06: She commented on my stream about her. And she said some weird shit. You could tell she was upset, but she was trying to act like she wasn't upset and was playing it off like a joke. But yeah, she's commented before.
Unknown_00: I didn't show you, but I did the chicken earlier.
Unknown_01: I can't believe she puts the pasta in before she gets the water boiling.
In there.
Unknown_01: Cover the bottom of the dish.
Unknown_05: What the fuck? Oh, she's doing... How would you do that?
Unknown_01: And I've got some mushrooms, which I boiled. I had a bit of trouble with getting the water out of them, but what I'm going to do is, because they hardly any taste of mushroom, I'm going to add a little bit of salt as they cooked. I don't know if you've seen that, have you? Yeah, and then I'm just going to mix it.
Unknown_06: Ow!
Unknown_01: Ow!
They're scraping it.
Unknown_01: Mix it down. I know you're not supposed to mix metal on metal, but... You're really not. It doesn't matter.
Unknown_01: All right, when I'm good, I'm going to put these now.
Unknown_01: in the dish.
Unknown_01: Spread them out a bit. The pasta is done, I have just got to drain the pasta And when I've drained the pasta, I'm gonna leave it for a few minutes. Because then I've got some... I wish I could, like, add a thousand points just for the scraping. There's some sauce to put on here.
Domeo salsa.
Unknown_01: Right, I'm gonna put the sauce on now. What the fuck did she do with the chicken?
Unknown_06: Oh, it's still there. Did she pull it out? Oh, shit.
Unknown_01: It's going all over. Well, that's what it's supposed to do. I meant it's going all over the dish.
Oh, she spilled something.
Unknown_06: She confesses it to me.
Unknown_01: What I'm going to do is... Lee, I swear that's sloppy.
Unknown_01: Right, that's all out.
Unknown_01: What I'm going to do is I'm going to... What the fuck is she doing?
Unknown_06: Why would you do that? Why would you make things nice and layered like that and then fucking stir it around? Why would you not just get like a second jar of ragu?
Unknown_00: I should have got two jars instead of one. Yeah, no shit.
Unknown_00: Oh, shit.
That's funny.
Unknown_06: Oh, she did. She swore.
Unknown_01: Too much pasta. I'm going to add a second one too.
Unknown_06: It doesn't really account for anything. Too much pasta and not enough sauce.
Unknown_01: Right, so I'm going to put that in the oven now for about
Unknown_01: Well, I'm going to look at it after 10 minutes because everything has already been cooked. It just needs the sauce to warm up a bit.
Do mushrooms count as veggies?
Unknown_01: And I'm just going to scoop a bit out onto a plate and let Lee try it.
Unknown_01: And Lee's coming to do the taste test.
Unknown_01: It's in camera shot. Are you in camera?
Unknown_04: Oh, hi there.
Unknown_01: Right in camera shot.
Unknown_06: okay if you don't know autistics really really hate the back of their next touch so let's take a second look at that what girlie smash put my hand down your neck to strangle you remember the first time you tried it i have never tried it just like one eye open tonight i have to put my mouth
You're burning your mouth. I'm big. Oh, you're big. Oh, my God.
Unknown_04: Mmm, nice. We'll say she's physically destroyed something from listening to the pasta.
Unknown_01: Oh, right, that's very good. Right, if you like what you see, please keep viewing me. If you want to give me a big old thumbs up, much appreciated. And if you want to leave a comment, please feel free, the more the merrier. And if you haven't subscribed or you know someone who hasn't subscribed, and to the new people who have come over who have subscribed, I want to say a big thank you to you. Thank you. Thank you. Bye. Bye.
i want to point out that in stream chat owo says everyone hates the back to their neck next touch unless they're fucking which just to me means that owo has the autism because normal people can react to having their neck touched without freaking out like that that's my that's my official take on that no veggies mushrooms are veggies mushrooms are veggies i'll brigade onto okay fine one more one more
Hi people, I'm back cooking again.
Unknown_00: And today I'm going to be doing avocado, you know, avocado on toast.
Unknown_06: Shit, can't get it through. Already? I can't believe this.
Unknown_01: Oh, there's supposed to be something in the middle there and there is nothing. What the video I watched
Unknown_01: So I had to take everything out and crush it all on a plate. So, I mean, all it's going to just be is cut around everything and take it all out onto the plate.
I'm already going to call it.
Unknown_01: Oh, Jesus Christ. I call it seconds before disaster.
Unknown_01: Avocado shell. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to mash this up. Oh, God, it's going brown.
Unknown_01: Right, so I was going to mash this up, but... Is it like impossible for British people to find normal vegetables? Very, very, very finely. See if I can mash it up then. So you can get a bit of heat to it and see if it can mash up a bit. Like stuttering. Right, as you can see, the toast is done. It's took me a while.
What is that?
Unknown_05: What is that?
Unknown_01: That's the avocado.
Unknown_05: What?
Unknown_01: Looks like crushed up bananas, mate.
Unknown_05: What is that? That's not avocado.
Unknown_05: They're like pecans.
Unknown_01: Can you get me a bit of salt, please?
Unknown_01: I don't know if I need, because I don't know. I'm just saying.
Unknown_05: What is that? No, you wouldn't know that.
Unknown_01: She doesn't even know what she's doing.
Unknown_05: She doesn't know what ingredient she's using.
What I'm going to do is I'm going to put it back under the grill just to warm the avocado through.
Unknown_01: As you can see, it's been warmed up. A bit of steam still coming from it. Lee says it's not easy doing taste tests, so it looks like it's down to me. I'm dreading it as well, so here goes.
I'm going to back that. We're striking out on this card.
Unknown_06: This card is...
Unknown_01: That is wrong on so many levels. Avocado is for cooking, not for mashing on pretty sauce. It's eggplant. To the person who asked me to do it, I am sorry, but that is disgusting, sick, and... It's eggplant. Never happened again. So... Sorry for that. What you see, please keep doing, man.
If you want to give me a big old thumbs up, it would be much appreciated. It would help if you wore your glasses when shopping.
Unknown_06: How did you not see it? Aubergine and avocado look different when cut open. Did she really think they were the same thing?
Unknown_03: Is she like a retard?
Unknown_03: She's a retard. She thought that wasn't avocado.
That's... Oh my god.
Unknown_06: Wow.
Unknown_06: That's funny. That's really funny. That's great.
Unknown_06: That's like an automatic blackout. Kay used the fucking eggplant instead of an avocado. That's great. One more.
Unknown_03: Is there like a short one? Like a really short one.
Curried chicken. Two minutes. Let's do this. Get rid of the bingo card.
Unknown_06: I'm very fucked up.
Unknown_01: Hi people, I'm back cooking. And today I'm going to be doing curried chicken. Now, I know a lot of you would want me to make the chicken. Yeah.
Unknown_01: I'll lay the egg now and make the curry. But the thing is that after seeing what went into it, half of the stuff that's in it is not for me. So what I did was I cheated and bought a jar.
Unknown_01: Right. Like I told you, I cheated.
So she's just putting chicken in curry sauce, basically.
Unknown_01: Jar, curry.
Unknown_01: And looking at that, that's three peppers. Yeah.
Unknown_01: Did she say my way?
Unknown_06: Oh Mark, this is my way enough for me.
Unknown_01: Now as you can see the chicken is done, the curry is done as well. It was bubbling at one stage, I turned it down but you can still see the bubbles. Where did she get that cooked meat from?
Unknown_06: She's just spooning a... It's just a jar of fucking curry sauce she's spooning on top of already cooked chicken. Did she buy the fucking rotisserie too?
That's pathetic. That's pathetic. Get rid of the bingo card.
Unknown_06: It's over. I'm done.
Unknown_01: I'm angered. It's scolding fucking hot every time because Lee can't wait to cool it off or anything.
Unknown_01: He doesn't like it?
Unknown_06: No, I told him.
Unknown_04: I'm sorry.
Unknown_01: I might try a little bit on the sauce.
Unknown_04: Chicken nice and moist. The skin is nice and crisp. All good. Just one shame the curry's not that hot.
I'd rather have thumbs up. Yeah, I'd like a bit of thumbs up.
Unknown_04: You did give it a thumbs up. Fucking weirdo.
Unknown_01: Well, like you said, like you said, like Lee said, it's...
Unknown_01: Curry's not hot. Might try a little bit for a bit of a saucer and get my chicken in it. You should have bought the one that said hot then. Right. See, please keep doing me. If you want to give me a big old thumbs up, I'd much appreciate it. And if you want to leave a comment, please feel free. The more the merrier. And if you haven't subscribed, get subscribing. Get everybody subscribing. And did anybody notice then? I'll set it. We all fumbling. What?
Unknown_06: When she gets crazy, she scares me. Okay. Well, thank you guys for watching. I promise I'll do another person stream by the end of this week or early next week. Probably the end of this week.
Unknown_06: And hopefully my channel's not fucked up.
Unknown_06: I'm tempted to delete the video because I haven't gotten a strike yet. I'm afraid there's like a ticket sitting on some fucking bean counter at his desk waiting.
Unknown_06: I don't know. Maybe the guy who deleted it was like... He came over and was like...
Like, oh, so the fucking racists are, like, sharing this fucking video on this livestream. I'll take care of that. And then he saw how much we loved Israel on my channel. He's like, oh, okay. So, you know, it's Jewish people on Yom Kippur. They're sharing this tragedy. They're talking about Netanyahu's remarks. And, you know, I understand what they're doing. But we can't allow this content. So I am going to have to delete it.
Unknown_06: But I'm not going to issue a strike because there's been no violation of the spirit of the rules.
Unknown_06: So I think that might have been what happened. So always remember to love Israel because it will watch over your YouTube channel and bring you good tidings.
And I'll see you guys next week. And if it's not next week, I'll see you whenever. In a couple days. 24 hours. Something like that. Peace. Thank you.