Oh, I'm an idiot. What the fuck?
I clicked the button. I'm trying to figure out. Somebody said there's ads. And I'm like, what the fuck? Why are there ads? So I clicked the, there's a little monetization. Let me just show you, actually. Can I just show my fucking Firefox without revealing too much information? Okay, that's fine. Let me hide chat for a second, which I can't do without just hiding this.
Unknown_01: Okay, I go up here and then I click this button and I think, oh, this is my button for changing my monetization settings because I don't want to play ads. But no, it's the insert ad button. So as I was trying to turn off ads, I ended up inserting another ad, which is just fucking fantastic. Very lovely.
You might be wondering, why is this only on YouTube today? And the answer is, because I was using this new YouTube live streaming panel, and as I created my stream, it broke restream.io, so I can only use YouTube for today, because it's not going to restream.
Well, I was going to have a nice day of looking at 9-11 footage and looking at historical documents related to 9-11, but something has sucked all the 9-11 cheer out of me.
Unknown_01: I will start off with one, though, at the request of Cheery.
Unknown_01: Here we have a video called Fuck Em by Ravon from September 12th, 2001 on Newgrounds.
Unknown_01: Now obviously you can't play the actual video because the actual video is...
Unknown_01: uh what's the word oh it's flash and flash doesn't work anymore but luckily mpc player does actually play flash for some reason so i'm gonna go ahead and play this and i'm gonna have to narrate it because uh because it doesn't have any voice acting so i'll just go ahead and read it okay here we go
I am an American and damn proud of it, he says. Opening strong.
Unknown_01: Newspaper footage of the terror attack. Now some overseas assholes with box cutters think they can fuck with America. They think they can tread on the red, white, and blue and they think they'll get away with it? With their lives?
Unknown_01: Fuck no. Then there's a red eye. Then there's explosions.
Unknown_01: Death awaits you all, you fucking cowards.
Unknown_01: And then there's NATO, I guess. This is our fucking country. Fuck with any of us and you're fucking all fucking dead. Die, die, die. That's the Pentagon. Burn in hell, hijackers, he says.
Rest in peace, countless victims.
Unknown_01: They're not bullet holes. I can prove that those were meant to be explosions and not bullet holes because in the description of the video, he says, I just threw this together in a few minutes with how I feel about the horrible terrorist attacks and how I feel it should be handled with nuclear arms.
Clearly, those were meant to be nuclear explosions.
Unknown_01: I guess destroying the metropolises of Kabul and other such Afghanistan... I can't name any other Afghanistan city besides Kabul. I would say Tehran, but Tehran's in Iran.
Unknown_01: Nuclear bullets, oh no. I want to read some of the comments. This is such a weird microcosm of the internet from 2001.
Unknown_01: And then for some reason he quotes Jesus and says...
And then Kcock Gib Kasoy says, I'm all for it except for the nuclear part. He spells it nuclear, like Bush says it. You don't think they've got nukes themselves? Which the answer should be no. Oh, but the author, Ravan, says, that's why we should nuke them into oblivion so they can't counterattack.
Unknown_01: I guess that's a good strategy. That's what the American nuclear arms policy was for a long time.
Unknown_01: I think if they did have a bomb, they would have used it on us by now. Let's turn Afghanistan into one huge ashtray. Pretty much is already.
Oh, I like this guy. The Animator says, you're no better than Palestinians who are happy about the terrorists. Madman. And he gave us zero stars out of ten. Right, a five.
Unknown_01: I'm from Belgium and maybe Brussels is next because it's the capital of Europe. But let's pray there ain't going to be a next world war.
Unknown_01: I enjoyed this.
I wanted to read a lot more 9-11 footage, but this whole week has been shit.
Unknown_01: Before I talk about my own shortcomings, I want to shit on people with jobs, predominantly Rikita and Ty, because I made a post about this on the forum. I guess I should reiterate my thoughts in podcast form.
Unknown_01: I don't talk about... I do talk. I bring it up every so often. Every time I bring it up, I say I don't talk about it, but... I don't really go into depth. I guess relatively speaking, I don't talk about it at all. If you take the people who do talk about Wii Wars and you divide the time that I spend talking about it by the time that they spend talking about it, I probably don't have any significant digits. It's not over 1%.
That is to say that the first hearing of the Weeb Wars lawsuit, Vic Mignogna versus a bunch of people, four people, well, three people in a corporation, happened, and it didn't go well.
Unknown_01: Now, that's my...
Unknown_01: That's my layman interpretation of the events. I have been told by some more credible sources that they went about as well as you could expect. Because from what I understand, the TCPA meeting is a preliminary... It's a weird thing that they do in Texas specifically, I think, where... If you are filing civil torts in the vein of defamation, they give you an initial hearing that's supposed to weed out psychotic bullshit without any expense. So the TCPA hearing is to determine strictly the credibility of each accusation. And the determination was that
I think it was 17 torts filed against the four different defendants.
I want to say...
Unknown_01: like four of them stuck, maybe a little bit, maybe a couple more, but they were all defamation and it completely cut out one of the defendants, at least for this stage. And which is fine. You know, you don't always, you don't win everything in law in particular. It's law is, is a strange creature where it presents itself as an empirical science, as a, a strict set of rules that always makes sense and can be applied evenly to everyone all the time.
And in practice, it's not. It's a very flawed and emotional system that kind of corrects itself by having appeals where there's like several stages of appeals.
Unknown_01: It's kind of built into the system where they know, everyone knows that people are flawed and they make bad decisions. And they've even proven that judges will make harsher decisions later into the day. They'll make hard decisions right before lunch, and they'll make harsh decisions towards the end of the day, further away from their midday break.
But once they come back from recess, they're usually more lenient and tolerant. So it's not as simple as saying that we have all the facts. We are in the right. The law says here that they are guilty of what they're accused of. Therefore, we get the verdict that we want. And I learned this particularly with Chris because CWC was getting extorted for a while. I knew exactly who was doing it. I had evidence that they were doing it. I had evidence that they'd stolen money. I mean, literally, they had gotten Chris to buy them stuff under threat and send it directly to their homes, like their home addresses where they lived. And I could prove all this. I had all this information, and I hassled investigators. I hassled prosecuting attorneys and the government. I had all this information tied up nice in a bundle, and I threw it at everyone that I could. At one point, somebody who was trying to take down the Kiwi Farms
made a threat to hospitals in my name. And the FBI came to my house to talk to me about this terrorist threat that had been penned and delivered in my name. And I clear it up and I say, you know, I'm a high profile target because I run this site and it's all bullshit. And I'm sorry that people got scared over it. But while you're here,
I have this case all ready for you. Let me go get my manila envelope full of information, and you can take this back with you. And this is an actual crime affecting a mentally handicapped person because they're extorting him.
Unknown_01: And nothing happened. Nothing ever happened. They never did anything with it. And to this day, people are like,
Fucking with him in a way that's criminal. And I don't care anymore. Because number one, he lets it happen. And it's like, okay, I tried. I gave it a good college try. And nothing happened. I should have known better. But it is what it is.
Unknown_01: But it really shook my faith in our government. Because I had everything you could ask for. The best possible assembly of information to prove that these adults knowingly and willingly extorted money from someone who is retarded. And nobody cared.
Unknown_04: The whole thing about law is that what you might expect to happen doesn't always happen.
Unknown_01: And that's understandable. You have a bad hearing. What frustrates me about the handling of it is twofold. Number one, it's other people's money. And then number two...
Unknown_01: I think the presentation of Ty and Nick's streams left something to be desired.
In particular, let me pull this up. Let me just find this on the fly, and I'll describe it to people listening.
Unknown_04: Ty Beard. Let me just pull this up.
Unknown_04: No, this horse is the Kiwi Farms. How cute.
Unknown_01: Ty is wearing a shirt called, Damn it, Nick, we lost the case again. Because every time anything happens in the case, people adversarial to Vic's case will say they just lost the case. So they thought it would be cheeky to meme it and say, Damn it, Nick, we lost the case again. To the point where Ty has put on his shirt the words, Damn it, Nick, we lost the case again, and sells in his store for profit. It doesn't benefit the case at all. It doesn't go to the coffers of the war chest or anything. It is a for-profit merchandise deal that directly benefits him that says, Damn it, Nick, we lost the case again. And it's like, it very much so reminded me of this.
of Milo Yiannopoulos, who is now bankrupt, selling a t-shirt that says, stop being poor.
Unknown_01: And when you sell a t-shirt that very arrogantly and smugly proclaims that you should just stop being poor, and then you become bankrupt yourself, it has a comical effect where you look like a fucking asshole. So if you're going to sell a shirt that says, damn it, Nick, we lost the case again, you better make sure that you fucking steamroll them in court or people are really going to make fun of you.
Unknown_01: Smug in general is something that I think is one of the most repelling.
Unknown_01: It's like a pheromone. You smell smug and you're just like, ugh. It doesn't even matter how right you are.
Smug people are just the worst and are intolerable.
Unknown_01: That was my feelings, and people very incorrectly assumed that I was against Nick or Ty or whatever, and I'm not. It doesn't matter to me, ultimately.
Unknown_01: but my, my thought was that, well, from here, and I'm only, I'm going into detail with my thoughts on this because, uh, I feel I'm one of the few people who have contrary opinions to the case in any regard, not to the general gist of what they're doing. I think that there's been wrong committed to Vic, but in terms of, uh, handling, uh,
People have told me that the TIE's response of 1,200 pages to the TCPA was appropriate because it had 100 actual pages of filings, but it's just like 1,200 pages of anything is completely fucking surreal. No one ever, no one ever, not a single person in the history of the world of mankind has ever read a 1,200-page anything.
If you know someone, or if you personally say that you've read something that is 1,200 pages long, you're wrong. You're a liar. You've not read a 1,200-page anything. Actually, you know what?
Unknown_01: Let me look something up real quick.
Unknown_04: Oh, sorry, there's a movie now. Pages of...
Unknown_01: See, even the Deathly Hallows is only 800 pages, and that's with the short version of it, the short page version of it. So, no, nobody has ever read 1,200 pages of anything, ever. Mind comp, how much is mind comp?
Mein Kampf is only about the same as Harry Potter. Nope, nope, nope, nope. What about, um... What's that fucking book by the lady? It's not Atlas Shrugged, it's the other one. It's like, oh, Fountainhead.
Unknown_01: How long is Fountainhead? Ooh. No, that's only 753 pages long. See? Nobody...
Unknown_01: Has ever read any... No, the Bible. Fuck you. Nobody's read the Bible. No one in the history of the world has read the Bible from front to back. That's never happened.
War and Peace? Nobody's read that. I've never met anyone who's read War and Peace. The Talmud? Okay, how much is it? I would believe that they've read that from front to cover. Oh, the Talmud is 2,700 pages. Okay, well, I'm wrong. The Jews have read the Talmud of 2,700 pages in length, and that is why the Jews run the world.
Unknown_01: If any of us, mere goyim, could read, 1200 pages we would we would break that threshold and become the masters of our own destiny but until the day that anyone reads i mean the the texas judge was was was definitely white he's like a texan he's not like a jew so he hasn't read the talmud he doesn't have time for 1200 pages
You read Alet?
Unknown_01: Kirk Kotal says, that's bull, Josh. I read Alet. Motherfucker, if you read so much, you should know how to say a lot. Because I'm pretty sure you're not talking about Alets. You fucker.
Unknown_01: I've had enough with you, chat.
Unknown_01: I'm telling you.
Unknown_01: No one has ever read 1,200 pages of anything.
Les Miserables is 1,100 pages. That's not 1,200 pages.
Unknown_01: Telling you, nobody has ever read 1,200 pages of anything, especially not in a couple days. Now, the argument would be, oh, he only had to read 100 pages, but it was clear from the hearing, regardless of if you believe mistakenly that you've read 1,200 pages of anything, even if you believe that, the judge clearly did not give enough of a fuck too, which is understandable because he's...
A mere a mere mortal So, I don't know my point with that was that I
Unknown_01: It didn't go well. I can blame that on any number of factors. Um, but it not going well jeopardizes a lot of trust in it. People were legit freaking out. People were, were saying, Oh, we need to take up arms. If there's no justice, we're going to have to make justice ourself. Like what are you going to get a fucking gun and kill these people? Is that your idea? If you get a gun and start killing people, it's only going to make Vic look like an asshole. Like Vic, why are your fans all assholes who take up arms and shoot judges? Well, What's wrong with you, Vic? What's wrong with your fans?
What's wrong? And you know what it is? All he has to do then is say, well, these are the kinds of people who listen to anime dubs. And that would probably work. He should hire me for his attorney because when he has to face down this reality, I will have a perfect defense lined up and everything will be okay. I'll talk our way out of it.
Really, I mean, it is a concern.
Unknown_01: Because the idea is, okay, it gets thrown out at TCPA. The judge is now going to rule on the defamation as it stands for the remaining three defendants. And then he's going to make a judgment on how much money is owed, if any. What penalty is to be applied. And then, after that final judgment has been made,
Unknown_01: he, as in Vic and his counsel, will be able to go to the appeals court and say that the judge unfairly threw out the TI, the tortuous interference, and the conspiracy charges against all the defendants. And then the appeals court can say yes or no, and then it starts all over again.
But the issue with that, you know, it's all fine and dandy in terms of a battle plan, is that if it gets to that point...
Unknown_01: They're going to need more money. Ty charges something like $400 an hour.
Unknown_01: I mean, I can't say this with certainty, but I'm sure he charges for his appearances, his social media interactions.
Unknown_01: That all comes out of the war chest. And then what?
Unknown_01: He's going to have to, I guess, crowdfund another $200,000 to go through the appeals process.
So then, I mean, are the weebs going to bankroll that as well?
Unknown_01: Maybe it's in the name of justice.
Unknown_01: I can think of better uses for $200,000, though.
Unknown_04: I'm just saying. I guess the dub's only worn out.
Unknown_04: The grift is real. Perhaps. I don't know. I hope the best. I hope I'm wrong.
Unknown_01: Because I like Nick.
I hope everything is normal. Everything's good. I'm going to assume in good faith it is. And that this is just bad. That'll be my official stance on this.
Unknown_01: Oh, and somebody brought up the ADL. I don't have a good enough opinion on this.
Unknown_01: Let me go ahead and show this clip though. I'll just pull it up live, whatever.
Unknown_04: I just want the actual PewDiePie video.
Unknown_01: Why am I getting like news articles?
PewDiePie. I want like his actual channel.
Unknown_01: Is he, is Google like squelching his fucking presence on, on, on actual Google? Cause I type in a hundred million sub PewDiePie. I expect his unboxing video to be his a hundred million subs video. And instead it's just news articles from like Forbes and shit.
Unknown_01: If I go to YouTube, I get it as the first result right here. Okay.
Unknown_01: This, uh, I want you guys to look at his face.
Trying to find out where, like the first two minutes of this fucking video are him shilling for this fucking bullshit I don't care about.
Unknown_04: Trying to find the exact moment he says this.
Unknown_04: What's the timestamp for this?
Unknown_01: I swear, like the logo popped up on the screen and everything.
Unknown_01: Now it's just gone. Did he like edit his video so it doesn't show up?
Unknown_00: I want you guys to look at his face as this comes up. I'm gonna make it nice and big. I want you guys to tell me what you think is going through his head as he says this.
Celebration, I'm donating $50,000 to Anti-Defamation League, which is an organization that fights bigotry and prejudice in all its forms. Thank you, honey, for sponsoring this video. Let's get on with the unboxing.
Unknown_01: Try one more time. We'll go through it one more time.
Unknown_01: This, right here. This exact frame. Good shot. Does he look like... Does he look like he's seriously, emotionally invested in this? You think he's, uh...
You think he's... He looks like he's in pain. Like he needs a shot of morphine to make it through this video. Yeah, this is like a just face. Okay, if you're not able to witness this, if you're just listening, I want you to imagine Zven, or whatever the fuck his name is, looking at you
With a kind of buried contempt. He kind of reminds me of the narrator from Fight Club when he's talking to his boss, like his boss is coming up like, did you file those priority reports? And the narrator is just all fucked up and is smoking and his shit's all jacked and he looks up at him. That's what I'm kind of getting from this.
Unknown_01: That's my characteristic description of PewDiePie at this moment. And the ADL logo is next to him and it's got $50,000. People are saying he's getting extorted because the ADL was calling him like a white nationalist at some point. And they think that this is some kind of form of appeasement. Now, PewDiePie has actually refuted this.
This is his official statement.
Unknown_01: Misrepresenting headlines of me has led me down a path of twists with the MSN for years now.
Unknown_01: But after the Christchurch, he spelled Christchurch wrong, because he spelled it as two different words as opposed to a single word. But after the travesty a few months ago, my own clash with MSN was manipulated as a tool for destruction. I'm not okay with the situation any longer, and I felt my responsibility is to make changes. Making a donation to the ADL doesn't make sense to everyone, especially since they've outright spoken against me. I wanted to show publicly that I can move past it and move on. I think that's important. This just isn't my fight anymore. That last line is weird. I think that's important. This just isn't my fight anymore. That's a weird way to say that. What fight? Against the MSN? Is that what he's saying? Here's the interesting thing.
Okay, hold up.
Unknown_01: I want to show you something that somebody else pointed out that I thought was interesting, right?
Unknown_04: Hold up.
Unknown_04: Let me capture this window, or try to at least.
Unknown_04: Oh, does it not want to work?
Unknown_04: Oh, fuck.
Oh, does this work?
Unknown_04: No?
Unknown_04: Oh, there we go.
Unknown_04: There we go. Let me blow this up.
Unknown_01: OK, so this is his message, right? And this is what people noticed that I thought was interesting. We move this down a little bit, right?
Unknown_01: Take this. Do this. Get a nice white font. I guess he's using Arial.
Get about 48 going. This is the conspiracy. Ready?
Unknown_01: They're saying that this kind of... Let me make it bigger, actually.
Unknown_01: This kind of looks like it matches up.
Unknown_01: Maybe it's 64. That's
Unknown_01: That's the, I don't know, it doesn't really fit, not exactly, but there is clearly something at the very top of his notice. There is, or does it say oopsie?
It does, doesn't it? Oopsie fits better.
Unknown_01: And he just deleted that out. I don't know. Oopsie fits really well, too. There is a tip. There's a thing at the top of the note. And it is clearly... Like, when you write as a kindergartner and you get that writing paper that has the lines drawn on it, underneath the bottom line where the tail of the P and the Qs would go, there is clearly some characters that have been cut out. So in his message...
Unknown_01: It looks like the words help me would fit, but somebody has said that oopsie also fits.
And I think oopsie fits even better.
Unknown_01: Yeah, I bet you it is oopsie.
Unknown_01: Even that's strange, though. Oopsie doesn't fit into the word at all.
Unknown_01: I mean, even if it does say, oopsie, that's really weird. Because it doesn't make sense in the context of this message at all.
Unknown_04: Fonts is too, I don't know. Wrong font.
Yeah, he's using a different font.
Unknown_01: He does say oopsie all the time, but specifically in this message, it's uncharacteristic. I don't know. It is a coded message. The space in Christchurch, the this isn't my fight anymore, the oopsie.
Unknown_01: The legendary, oopsies. I mean, it is 9-11 if we're going to be making conspiracy theories up.
Unknown_01: Today is the day to make some conspiracy theories up. Today, you know what's interesting about today in regards, like, you know, there's a 9-11 anniversary every year. But today is the 18th 9-11 anniversary.
Which means that the children born after September 11th will be coming of age, starting now.
Unknown_01: And today specifically, children born on 9-11 are now old enough to enlist in the army and die for wars that 9-11 started, that are still ongoing.
Unknown_01: You can legally fuck 9-11, exactly.
Unknown_01: So all of you out there who remember 9-11, congratulations. You are officially fucking old. I'm going to get some mudder.
For democracy, that's right.
So the Kiwi Farms got hacked, and I don't know how.
Unknown_01: I don't even know if I fixed it.
Unknown_01: It's kind of... It's a strange feeling. Because I knew it was coming eventually. Of course, as the site profile expanded, it would become a target for everyone.
Unknown_01: People didn't know that? I'm surprised there are people that just now heard about it.
Unknown_01: Yeah, the leak contained... The leak was interesting because of the format. It contained... Like...
Snapshots of pages rendered as markdown from the perspective of the user signed in and the release was made on my account. So whoever did it not only had access to different accounts, they had access to my account through two factor authentication.
Unknown_01: Somehow they bypassed that.
Unknown_01: I guess it's conceivable they would have my password.
Unknown_01: But they wouldn't have two-factor authentication, which makes it seem much more likely that they just had the session token.
Unknown_04: Josh false flag.
Well, the issue, I think, came from the fact that Redis was open. Redis is a memcache which stores sessions. So from what I would think, it would make sense that if somebody could get access to Redis, they could get access to the session keys and then use that to programmatically download certain areas of the site from the view of that user. That's what I can think of. Now, the Redis did have a very strong password, but Redis has also been infamous for being insecure in the past. So if there is an open exploit for Redis, a zero-day that hasn't been patched yet, they could have applied that. And the reason, usually I have everything tight behind firewalls, IP tables that block any strange connection, basically anything that's not through SSH or from Cloudflare.
But, after Cloudflare kicked 8chan off, I started playing with moving the site from behind
Unknown_01: from behind Cloudflare.
Unknown_01: And because the site kept getting bigger, I had to deal with adding additional resources to it from multiple servers. So I dropped a significant chunk of the basic protections of the site in terms of communicating with the server.
and then had to open Redis up, unbind it from local port so that other servers could talk to it and try to get together a local network that could handle the demands of the site.
Unknown_01: And that is becoming the problem. It's like, number one, you can't rely on any third-party services. Number two, the site continues to grow in size. And then number three,
Unknown_01: I am the only person who handles any of it.
Unknown_01: So it's becoming more than I can juggle by myself.
Unknown_01: Maybe if I could host it in the cloud, if I could just put the site on fucking Amazon, hide it behind Cloudflare, and monetize it with advertisements, it would be perfectly fine. But I can't. I have to do everything.
And it's very hard. It's very fucking hard to do everything by yourself all the time.
Unknown_01: Which is why I tried to make it so that people acted with the idea that it would always be a high-value target and would probably get hacked one day.
Nobody's going to sponsor the site. Notch is not going to step down off his fucking cloud and give me $200,000. It's a fantasy. It's like people who play the lottery.
Unknown_01: Yeah, maybe if I buy 100 scratch tickets, I'll win a chunk of the mega millions. Probably not.
Unknown_04: Probably not.
Unknown_04: All this just for a place where people talk shit about retards.
Unknown_01: That's the thing. I've said this before. It's not that the forum is extremely important, because it's not. It's not an important website.
But it's specifically because the site is so unimportant that it's like...
Unknown_01: I cannot carve out a niche for something so insignificant. What can exist?
Unknown_01: What is the litmus test? What is actually permitted?
Unknown_01: Not everything is going to be WikiLeaks. Not everything is going to be 4chan. Not everything is going to be a politically protected exercise of freedom of speech.
Most shit online is just going to be bullshit.
Unknown_01: It's always going to be satire. It's always going to be fucking nonsense.
Unknown_01: It's like a modest proposal.
Unknown_01: I mean, what about the modest proposal is historically significant in terms of its value to society? But we all remember it. If I say a modest proposal, almost everyone in chat knows what that is. And if you're not one of those people, a modest proposal was a pamphlet published in the 1700s in the U.S. about literally cannibalizing poor people to get rid of them.
And it was seen as a hallmark of American satire and freedom of speech because it was something so fucking preposterous and offensive.
Unknown_01: But, you know, it had an impact.
Not everything is going to be WikiLeaks. It's just not.
Unknown_01: And I take issue with people who say that it has to be. It has to be important.
Unknown_01: For it to be able to exist.
Unknown_04: Are they considering that seriously today? I don't know. Eat the fucking bugs.
Unknown_01: Eat the bugs.
Unknown_01: That's probably going to happen at some point. I saw somebody speculating that people are going to start eating bugs to virtue signal. Whenever you see those San Francisco tech devs posing with their mouths open with their Nintendo Switch and stuff and with other gay shit, they're so silent. They're going to be doing that with, like, bug burgers. They're going to get, like, pâtés of bugs that are just maggots crawling and shit. Cooked mealworms that you would feed to your gecko just between two burgers. And they're going to be sitting back there with their mouth unhinged like some sort of fucking...
Some sort of monster, like an amnesia. The weird, jawless, unhinged fucking creatures from that just eating that fucking bug burger. The roach face, yeah.
Unknown_01: I think it's going to happen. They're going to be like, look at how I'm doing my part. I'm a vegetarian or a vegan that eats bugs. What's that called? There has to be a word for that. Person who eats only bugs.
Unknown_04: What the fuck is that?
Unknown_01: Entomophagy.
Unknown_01: That's not gonna catch on. That's not a cute, fun word like vegan. Let's call them bug fuckers. Look at those bug fuckers over there eating that maggot burger.
Unknown_04: There, yes, yeah, perfect.
Look, these people in Bangkok are saving the environment. What are you doing? Insectivore, that's a good one.
Unknown_04: yeah my fear like i don't know having having the site broken into it feels like an invasion of my privacy specifically like i don't know if they get access to conversations and shit who cares i'm sure i've said embarrassing things over the years i've been posting on the site since 2013 i mean there's definitely something that would look bad but it's old who cares
It's a more ephemeral kind of feeling.
Unknown_01: It's just like that was something that hadn't happened in six years.
Unknown_01: I guarantee you it wasn't even someone smart. It was some fucking retard. The person that Ride thinks it was is like a pedophile vigilante who uses the site as an arm, as a department of his internet anti-pedophile vigilante crusade against Jonathan Yaniv.
Unknown_01: People gave me shit for talking about the people who grandstand about pedophiles all the fucking time. That's part of what I mean. The people who consider themselves genuinely a force for good anti-pedophile vigilantes are always the craziest motherfuckers on the internet. People who know that they're evil, like Vordrak... They're only somewhat dangerous because they have a level of self-reflection. People who think that they're actually good when they're psychotic are the most dangerous.
Because they act with self-righteousness.
Unknown_04: Do I know I'm evil?
Unknown_04: To most people, the forum is boring.
Unknown_01: It's a niche site for shit-talking people. Sometimes it has a purpose in archiving something that people want to take down, but that's the exception, not the rule.
Unknown_01: Which is why someone like Notch would never, ever support it. I don't know why people would seriously expect that.
So I don't know.
Unknown_04: I guess I'm not very high energy today.
Unknown_01: I'm trying to think if there's anything to say about it.
Unknown_01: People are mad. I'm offering account deletions. If you want your account deleted, make a talk to staff thread.
Unknown_01: No questions asked. I don't care.
People are mad at me. Cause I rehosted it for a second.
Unknown_01: Uh,
Unknown_01: I put it all up there. I was just like, because it's already out. And then people complained. I said, well, you're giving them what they wanted.
Unknown_04: No, deleting accounts do have a purpose.
Unknown_01: If you're someone who has said something like if you have an email address tied to your identity and you've said things that would get you in trouble in your country or in your industry or whatever, delete your account because I'll rename it so that post made on the site that you made will have a different username. And then if anyone brings it up, you just deny it.
No, it does not delete your post, but it will be renamed.
Unknown_04: Yeah, it's easy to blame people for having bad InfoSec, but at the same time, I always had a policy of trying to protect people.
So it feels weird to just say, oh, you're fucked.
Unknown_04: It's weird.
Unknown_01: The person who did it, it's weird because I have the logs of what the person did with my account before they posted the leak. They made a new account called CatDogSoup, which is very strange. And then they logged in and then they looked at the mod board. They didn't click on any threads. They went back. They went to the top secret inner circle, which is just a shit posting board for older users. The name is ironic. And then they backed out of that and then they posted it. So it's strange that the person who had access to the account did absolutely nothing with it. They didn't delete any posts.
He did try to access the admin panel, but the admin panel had two-factor authentication with a different session system than the main site. So he didn't have two-factor authentication for that.
So he couldn't go into admin.
Unknown_01: But...
Unknown_01: Nothing.
Unknown_01: Nothing. No pranks. Just a thread. Message in chat and that's it.
Unknown_04: Oh well. I don't know.
Unknown_01: Leaker was behind Tor. I determined that they used the...
The PL version of the site, not because it wasn't behind... Well, the reason why is because the Tor version of the site is kind of shitty and broken. But the Cloudflare versions redirect you to the Tor version. So if you want to use Tor to do something, you have to use the non-Cloudflare version to the site. I believe that was the... The actual attack didn't have anything to do with the PL version of the site. It was that...
Unknown_01: accessing the website at all via Tor when required not using the Cloudflare version.
Yeah, it could be someone who was paid. I know people have been paid in the past to try and break into the site.
Unknown_04: Call the FBI.
Unknown_04: They've already established the FBI are worthless.
Unknown_01: No, it's not the 9-11 of the forum. Because it happened on 9-10. See, that's how I know the people who did it are humorless. Because why would you not wait? They had persistent access to this information for a week. It started at least late October, early September. So they did it for over a week and then they didn't wait one more day to 9-11. That's how you know the people who did it are fucking completely and totally humorless.
Which is just a shame. Oh well.
Unknown_01: IP is Tor, dude. I don't know why. What kind of fucking question is that? No, it's Tor. It's worthless. It's a worthless IP. You might as well not have one.
No, late August, early September.
Unknown_04: Oh, I think that's it. Anything else?
Unknown_04: Nope. Okay. Sorry, it's not very funny this time. I'm not feeling too good.
Take it easy, my friends.
Unknown_04: We've got freedom of religion.
Unknown_03: I understand.
Unknown_03: I designate Burlington the war memorial place.
There's a painful memory in our minds. Our hearts keep breaking when we envision that tragic time. We gotta stop the monster ground zero. The government knows that every victim God help us retain the honor and trust.
Oh, yeah. Right.
Unknown_03: Americans died in the attack. It's a sacred place and that's a cold hard fact. Are you kidding me? 3,000 people died a month and a half away? Are you serious? Any innocent Americans were killed. If we let them build it, can't you see? They'll turn 9-11 to a mockery. We gotta stop the mosque at ground zero. Coming in the
I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you. Hears you.