the true story I sent that song to a Muslim I know I'm like mr. Islam mr. Islam can you tell me what the lyrics of this in the sheet are about and this Islam happened to be a practitioner of anime and he said Josh
Unknown_04: This is the song called Pillars from JoJo's... Sorry, Awaken from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. This is not a Nasheed. This is an anime song. I'm like, oh.
Unknown_04: Okay, thank you for correcting me on this.
Unknown_04: But I quite like it. It's a good song.
Unknown_04: I don't know if his name is Muhammad. I don't ask for people's names. I don't want to know people's names.
All right. Time to kill the stickers. Get the show on.
Unknown_04: Today is a very interesting week. A lot has happened. Hopefully I can do it justice. No promises.
Unknown_04: But in particular, what stands out to me...
Unknown_04: is that I got a new customer on 1776 Hosting recently. And I'm very aware that I have this new customer because this non-government organization called Sleeping Giants has been emailing me. Specifically...
sleeping giants from france and they contact me and they go mon dieu moon there is an order from the president of france to shut down this website called democracy participation ran by boris lele you must shut it down and i'm like i don't know anything about this and you can fuck off unless you have a u.s court order which matters So the frog, he steps up, right? And he says, then I guess we will have to contact your business partners and tell them that you are hosting this Nazi website. And I was like, I don't have any business partners.
But actually, no, in their email, the first reply, they say, would you mind to please enlighten us to what you consider illegal as per U.S. law?
Unknown_04: Let me read that again. What would you consider illegal as per U.S. law?
Unknown_04: Like, motherfucker, what do you think? I think that's a very self-explanatory description. I think that is exactly what it is, and it cannot be described any more accurately.
So, I actually replied because I saw it on Twitter, and I guess I should pull this up. I didn't think about it for some reason.
Unknown_04: They have a really shitty Twitter handle that I can't think of. There it is.
Unknown_04: Okay. All in fucking French. Don't care. Don't care. Don't care. Don't care. Don't care. Don't care. They post a lot because they're working to fight the Nazis, guys. And fighting Nazis means posting on Twitter. So they say...
Is that like... It sounds like hamburger. The hamburger, 1776 hosting. Is there like a translate button? No? Anyways, they're saying... Okay, this is Joshua Noel Moon saying, I don't mean to bother, but would you happen to have any extra fingers left for my necklace? Toes, maybe. And this is, good Muslims need a nice genocide. And this is them, again, talking about my Jew finger necklace. I don't know what the obsession is with my jewelry, but this is like the eighth independent person to find this shit about the Jew finger necklace. And they, I don't know, they just love it. I don't know what the fuck it is. About the necklace. The Jew-erly. Yes.
Unknown_04: This is them. I don't know what ayon puse means. That sounds like a slur. Oh, we push persons, multiple people, to suicide.
Oh, and that's talking about Atkinson killing a couple Mexicans and then killing himself after he got cut by a couch.
Unknown_04: And this is... Oh, these are other... Oh, so they look up other people that are hosted through the subnet to try and fuck with them, too. Very, very... Very Vordrak-esque. So they wrote about me, and I said in my email...
I did see your post calling me a Nazi, though, which was very interesting. You did even try asking if I knew this website was hosted by me before assuming I was trying to start some sort of political uprising and resurrect the corpse of Adolf Hitler. I don't know anything about France. I don't speak French, and I don't know how your government works. I don't particularly care to know. I tend not to concern myself with foreign affairs because it's none of my business."
Unknown_04: In the U.S., you have to get a court order to take something down. And I said that the website in particular, this Democratic, it's a really weird name. It's like Democratic Participation. So when I read people complaining about it, they're like, the French are complaining, like, we really got to shut down Democratic Participation. I'm like, that's not, you know, I'm not an ophthalmologist like the people in the Weeb Wars forum are. But I gotta say, when they say they gotta shut down Democratic participation, that's not a good look.
My question in response to them was, this is just like a reverse proxy. They're buying the cheapest possible VPS. There's no fucking way this big-ass blog is hosted on this service. There's no way it's on this hardware based on the resource usage. It's just a reverse proxy like Cloudflare. And I'm like, okay, if I shut them down, they're just going to reverse proxy through a different VPS in a matter of seconds. It takes minutes to set up a new reverse proxy. And I know because I did this with Kiwi Farms for fucking forever.
So I asked, I said, do you intend to do this forever? Just keep fucking with different VPS companies?
Unknown_04: And they said...
Mr. Moon, thank you for your reply. Please point out where we call you a Nazi. And I don't know, like, they may not use the word Nazi, but I'm pretty sure I've got a good fucking case for what they're implying here with my site Abominable.
Unknown_04: But yet, as you are now aware, you do host a racist, LGBTQ-phobic, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic Nazi website created by someone who is, and this is an important tidbit, an Interpol Red Alert. It should come as no surprise to you that you and your company will be associated with the content and author. I guess you have looked at it, even though you are not a polygot, which is someone who speaks multiple languages, usually more than two.
We are confident that all the aforementioned adjectives can be easily understood by someone looking at the graphic content of the site.
Unknown_04: You can also hit the translate button, but as you state, you don't care. This is probably too much to ask. And yes, they did write that. They, as a non-government organization, presumably ran by adults over the age of 18, wrote the sentence, you can also hit the translate button, but as you state, you do not care. This is probably too much to ask.
That's the fucking red wine just staining the fucking email. As for inconveniencing you, because at the end of my email, I didn't read this part, but I said...
Unknown_04: baguette le frog or whoever the fuck you think you're hunting after has never inconvenienced me you have and that my point was that i have and i'll rant about this in a second i have never been inconvenienced by fucking nazis on the internet never not once not once in my life have i ever been harassed by a nazi on the internet but i am constantly dealing with these fucking people So he says, as for inconveniencing you, compared to the harm and inconvenience you cause to thousands of people by providing services to Boris Lele, you may comprehend that your personal inconvenience troubles us heartily. Please note that we shall indeed, if Lele changes VPSs, continue our endeavor forever if need be. As shall the French police and justice system. Fugitives always get caught in the end. Gordially, Sleeping Giants, France.
And my reply was simply the sentence, I'm not going to be threatened by the French.
Unknown_04: And they say, what a strange, if not sad world you live in. No one is threatening you. The person under Interpol Red Alert is Boris Lele. Anyway, this discussion is futile. You have confirmed that you do not care about the content you are hosting. That is your prerogative and reflects only on who you are and what you stand for. It seems Mr. Lele did not choose your company by accident, but he thought it was a good match for his despicable endeavours. Cordially, Sleeping James France. And then I ignore it. I leave it there. And I think for a little bit. And I'm thinking, you know, I should check. I'm just curious. I might want to go to the Schengen region at some point. I don't want to be fucking scooped up at the airport by a bunch of fucking angry baguettes because I host some stupid fucking website. So I go to Interpol, right? And I'll do it right now. Interpol red alert.
Or they're called red notices, I guess.
Unknown_09: But I can view and search it.
Unknown_04: All right, I want to do Lele, Bori, and press search.
And there are no results. And I said, look, dude, is there any evidence whatsoever that this Bori Lele guy is actually wanted by Interpol? And his response was... I'll just show you what he wanted me to see. Because...
Unknown_04: There is like a little tidbit, but basically what they say on this website, on Interpol's website, is that they have about 58,000 red alerts, but only about 57,000 of them can be searched publicly. The other 51,000 warrants for international arrest and extradition are private they're secret the overwhelming majority of red alerts are completely fucking secret and i'm just thinking like this is a absolute fucking nightmare how the fuck do how the fuck if you live in eu how the fuck do you sleep at night knowing that there's like this international government agency which can put out warrants from any other country for any bullshit fucking reason and scoop you up without even telling you that you're wanted
I don't get that shit. And somehow that's his response to me asking him for evidence that this man even has a red notice.
is it has been reported during his regular trials a good number of times in France, but hey, that's what we speak over here. Just hit Control-Interpol and find relevant reference, and the text will pop up. And they leaked to sites from Slate.France, the Wikipedia article on France, Le Monde.France, and BNVCA.org about how France is seeking extradition of Boris Le Lay. But, oh, and there's also an article from Haaretz, which is the Israeli newspaper, and they're all saying the same thing. They're all saying he's got a red alert.
But how the fuck do you know? How do you know that he has a red alert if there's no publication of this? Surely, I should be able to fucking email someone and get a fucking paper in my reply as a PDF saying, this is the policing agency, this is the country that is requesting his extradition, this is us accepting him, and there should be names and accountability on this fucking piece of paper that...
Unknown_04: that indicate to me that this is an actual thing by actual people going through actual processes but no none of that and i know from experience with the fucking new zealand articles the new zealand media that like i've been called a lot of shit but i remember what i get called and when the new zealand press were writing stories about me they were
wrong basically the first articles that came out i don't even remember what they said which contradicts my earlier statement but it was it was something not even like tethered to reality which i've never even seen before and then sure enough the other articles coming out in australia and new zealand were reporting the exact same thing that the first article had reported
Unknown_04: even though that first article was wrong. And I remember when I was in elementary school, my teacher told me that she would catch cheaters not because people sitting next to each other got every question right, but because people sitting next to each other, where one was a cheater, would get the same wrong questions wrong the same way. So that is to say that when one newspaper gets it wrong and the others copy it, I know that they copied it because it's the same wrong information and they're just borrowing from each other in a way that would never happen if they were doing their own research. So if Boris Lele has a Interpol red alert There is no fucking way for me to determine that. They don't have the fucking paperwork they claim is obvious and common fucking knowledge. And for as far as I know, these websites could just be copying off each other's fucking papers, resulting in this web of Wikipedia-valid citations that is completely wrong and without merit. And it's baffling to me. And I'm supposed to care. I'm supposed... Like, this is...
oh these fucking people man i'm supposed to care like you can't here's how it works in america i i guess the europeans don't get this you're supposed to give me the document that says this is the issuing authority this is why you should care this is what must be done and europe is just whatever the fuck you got fucking frenchmen complaining in your email address so that's supposed to be it and if you don't comply you're a fucking nazi fuck you
Unknown_04: If my ancestors didn't come over there and fight the Nazis, y'all would be speaking German, all right? So I don't want to fucking hear anything about this. And no, I'm not afraid of this fucking French group, but I know that the actual sleeping giants are supposedly big and scary, right? So there's probably going to be problems that come out of this, but it's going to be from the French going to the fucking Americans and asking the Americans for help again, this time to fight the internet Nazis, I guess. It's fucking pitiful. These people are scum fuckers. And the way this asshole, this cocksucker motherfucker writes is just despicable. He writes like a fucking anime villain. He writes like a cartoon character.
Like, uh, I sent him an email basically saying that, saying that you're a fucking cocksucker, you don't even have the papers that you think you do. And he says, uh, Mr. Moon, it seems Google does not appreciate the foul language you use and classifies you as spam. Who are we to argue? Cordially, Sleeping Giants, France. And it's like, what's my takeaway from that kind of fucking reply? Is that a gotcha? Like, oh, I use the word fucking in an email. Therefore, Google classified me as spam.
Shame on me. I should really give a fuck that your spam filters are shit. Like, it's like it's like. a combination of a mentally stunted child and someone who is trying to sound imitate imitating, but whose concept of imitating comes from like a Disney villain. And it's, it's preposterous. How the fuck did these people get power and money? Do they have power? Am I wasting my time even talking to these people? They said that they got the back ends of fucking multinationals, but apparently they don't. So fuck them.
I'm sure I'm going to hear more of it, but for now I consider this closed. Oh, and in a final email, in a final email, uh, that I will show, uh, they included this note, this, this little bit as a word of warning. I don't want to show my email. Thanks a lot. OBS. What the fuck?
As a word of warning, Bori Lele has been known to threaten or incite physical violence, doxing Jewish citizens or politicians. He has a number of aliases. We advise you secure your correspondence with him should you ever be on the other side of the coin and become his target or target. Sorry, target target. And I'm guessing that what happened is that motherfucker goes to my Twitter page, right?
Unknown_04: And he sees, oh, this guy is a Jewish American. This guy is a Jewish American. I know how to scare him. Where's my song at? God damn it.
This better be it. I know what'll shake this guy to his boots. I know how to get this guy to comply. Just a little bit of fair warning that his comeuppance is right around the corner if he deals with his lele.
Unknown_04: I don't know. That tickles me. I love it when random fucking people just... It's very funny.
So that's my 20 minute rant on French people.
Unknown_09: I hope you've enjoyed. My brain is like offline now. I think I tuckered myself out. I have to reboot.
Unknown_04: I hope I didn't show anything in my emails. I don't think I have anything in my emails.
Let's see this guy DM me. Oh!
Unknown_04: I'll be talking about that anyways.
Unknown_04: So it's not a big deal.
Unknown_09: Let's see.
Unknown_09: You know what it is, is that Firefox and Mozilla Thunderbird use the same rendering engine.
Unknown_04: So when OBS tries to capture Firefox, it can mistake the process for Thunderbird because they both use Gecko. And that's why OBS will capture my fucking email when I'm trying to show Firefox. What a pain in the ass.
Let's talk about, oh, Maddox.
Unknown_04: Maddox.
Unknown_04: This motherfucker let me down.
Unknown_04: Last week he did a fucking big announcement.
Unknown_04: He did an announcement saying that he was going to do a video on someone who's been bothering him for years. And we're all like, oh.
Unknown_04: Hide off the heels of his big drama where he was calling Dick a school shooter or someone who inspired school shooters. Like, oh, okay, he's finally going to talk about the lawsuit. He's going to talk about Dick. No, he comes up with this. Ed Sheeran makes me want to become a worse person. Nigga, you can't. Number one, you can't become a worse person. Number two, fuck you. Don't waste my time. And I'm sure he's all giddy. I'm sure he's rubbing his hands together. I got them. I got all those dickheads. They got excited for something that didn't happen. There's your hot goss, Ed Sheeran. All it does is make you look like a dipshit motherfucker by posting this garbage. Nobody cares. Somebody said it was going to be Trump, but I think the anti-Trump market is fully saturated. I can't imagine who's consuming that media now.
Okay, let's watch a swamp monster and a genocide denier talk for a couple minutes.
Unknown_05: Joining me now is Brianna Wu. She's a candidate for Congress in Massachusetts 8th District. She's running against the Democratic incumbent. I want to talk about that incumbent in a little bit because he's got some issues.
Unknown_05: Brianna, welcome to the Young Turks.
Unknown_06: Thank you for having me. This is such a pleasure to be here. I wanna tell you, you kept me sane during the Bush administration. I listened to you every single day on Air America. I've been with you all since the beginning.
That's amazing. Thank you, Brianna. I really appreciate it. As I was reading through your materials today, Brianna, I was reminded, of course, a lot of what happened in Gamergate.
Unknown_05: It actually gelled for me a lot of things that are in the news today, including the New York Times saying, hey, turns out these right wingers are now targeting the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN, and trying to ruin our reputations, and sometimes even going after our families. And it made me think, yeah, welcome to the Internet. That's been happening to us for a long, long time. And I said, they've been trying to terrorize us. And then as I was reading what happened to you again. I thought, you know what, you're patient zero in a lot of ways in the right-wing terror attacks that began online.
It's really true.
Unknown_06: Yeah, 8chan, a lot of people don't know this, but 8chan first kind of, it's become a regular part of our mass shootings here in this country. 8chan actually was essentially founded during Gamergate, going after me and other industry women. When they made the Law & Order episode about my life, they were actually reenacting threats that came from 8chan. So You know, I've been fighting Steve Bannon. Did you catch that?
When they did that Law & Order episode where someone attacks a woman and says, go home, gamer girl. That was based off of true events, real threats levied against Brianna Wu off of 8chan. So there's 30 more seconds of this and then another part early into the video that I'm going to play.
Unknown_06: Yiannopoulos, all of these right wing people for a very long time. I know how to beat them. And the way you beat Steve Bannon is you stand up to him. You speak with honesty and passion. And you don't do this democratic insider playbook where you try to overthink every single issue. You just talk to the people directly about what's going on and how you're gonna fix it. And I think that's how we can beat the alt-right in our politics in this country. But, you know, for the. OK, there's that bit.
And then.
Unknown_04: Like right here, I want to say like right here.
really harrowing story. During Gamergate, my dog Crash died. And Gamergate was actually doxing me at the vet, sending me death threats, sending me videos of men holding knives up to the camera, wearing skull masks, telling me how they're going to murder me and photoshopping pictures of my dog on fire to kind of make it even more traumatic. It's a playbook where cruelty is really the point
Unknown_05: But you know, as you mentioned them sending the pictures of your dog on fire, it literally made me remember the crosses they would set on fire and put into people's lawns.
And now they're doing it in a digital way. And it's a form of terrorism. Because if you're not as strong as you were, and honestly, as we are in our audiences,
Unknown_05: Of course, any normal person would be incredibly freaked out by death threats, rape threats, etc. They would be terrorized by that. And like the Klan wore the hood to protect their identity, now online we have people who have anonymity in some of these platforms. And that is their version of putting on a hood like the Klan did. And so just, I guess, last question on that is, do you think the media has
Explain this clearly enough, the depth of how the right wing uses threats of terrorizing our lives to try to quiet the left wing. Or do you think that they've done the false equivalency and really done great disservice to what's actually happening in politics these days?
Unknown_06: I think that the media enjoys the story of a woman in danger. It's something everybody loves for some perverse reason. When I first stood up to Gamergate, I never felt brave. I saw it as just doing what I had to do. I knew that if I didn't stand up for the women I worked with in my field, I knew I wasn't going to be able to live with myself. You mentioned the Klan, Cenk. I grew up in Mississippi.
I saw the Klan marching through my town, my college campus. I went to school with people that are part of the Klan. I've seen this dark heart.
Unknown_06: You know, for me, when I came out to my parents, I found myself homeless not long after that.
Unknown_06: I've seen some of the darkest parts of humanity growing up in the South. And what, looking back on Gamergate, I find so frustrating is it was a fun, entertaining story about a woman getting death threats that they just kind of enjoyed.
A piece for the Times that published just last week about how I didn't feel like our industry really learned any lessons from it. And I think that's very frustrating. A woman.
Unknown_04: You know, if you were around during Gamergate, you'll remember that there was a time where Brianna Lou said to the press, I am the primary victim of Gamergate. And if you know anything about that shit, you'll know that it started because Zoe Quinn fucked a bunch of guys to get her shit more attention. And Brianna Wu is, like, really fucking gross. Just a really gross person. Like, oh, yeah, of course, my struggles with internet bullies making fun of me and my dead dog. That's the same as when...
Like, how would anyone think that's a true statement? Okay, Brianna was an idiot. They'll say whatever the fuck they want. Sink or Chunk, whatever the fuck that guy's name is. Idiot. He'll believe whatever the fuck he wants. How does...
Unknown_04: a normal rational person think people making fun of your dead dog on the internet is the same as masked men showing up at your fucking house and burning effigies in your front yard how could anyone listening to this program make that that conflation unless they are like seriously mentally ill i i don't get that shit and
She stood up to Gamergate. What did you accomplish?
Unknown_04: What did you accomplish? I don't know. I never say that Gamergate won because I don't think it did. But Brianna Wu certainly did not come out as a winner in Gamergate.
Unknown_04: They're a financial failure. The only reason why Brianna Wu can continue to buy fucking Porsches and shit is that...
Unknown_04: That weirdo with the open mouth that's married to Brianna Wu is like an engineer. He's like a genuine engineer.
And most people see him as like a pushover that Brianna takes money from and stuff. But Zed, everyone's favorite Zed on the forum, he is convinced that... What the fuck is his name?
Unknown_04: Frank. Frank Wu. Yeah. He is convinced the opposite, that Frank Wu is a serial manipulator who enjoys controlling Brianna and putting them up to retarded shit like this. that's that's zed's theory i don't know if it's true but it's an interesting idea and it's one that i think only he holds is but he knows more about uh the woos than than anyone else on earth probably more than they know so i just figured i'd just throw it out there let's listen to goku yell
Hey, look at those faggot ass clothes. Faggot, faggot, fag, fucking fag. My son's a fag. I do have one more request. It has to do with our training regime. Will you guys suck me off until I come all over your faces? I wish those were louder.
Unknown_09: Oh, this is everyone's favorite.
Unknown_12: Go on.
Unknown_12: Go on. Go on.
I was like, yes! Yes! I was just like, right there!
Unknown_04: She has a good, like, porn voice. It's been suggested before, but it's not an original thought. She should do, like, hentai voice acting.
Unknown_04: It'd probably make a lot of money.
Unknown_04: I don't like to cover the Weeb War stuff too much, because I don't really follow it that much, and Nick does a much better job.
Unknown_04: But, uh...
Unknown_04: After all the hoopla about Vic being a gross person making dirty jokes.
All the bloopers of the voice actors and characters saying ridiculous stuff has been leaked.
Unknown_04: And it's kind of funny because on one hand, you know, Reset Era and stuff, they listen to this and they get all mad. Like, oh, you can't use the F word. You can't use that. That's LGBTQ phobic.
Unknown_04: But on the other hand, they realize that the only people who really, really care are people who support Vic and who are trying to push this as being like a gotcha. So on one hand...
Unknown_04: It is kind of interesting. But on the other hand, it's not going to come to anything like there's no way there's no way that this is going to like they're saying, oh, you know, Funimation is going to lose its contracts with 10, 10, 10, whatever the fuck the Japanese company that does DBZ Funimation is going to lose their contract with them.
I don't know. I don't think that... Over what? Some fucking voice clips of the characters going off? You know, I guarantee you that if they did a more adult-oriented English dub of DBZ, where there is anti-PC humor like that, that's not going to happen. I mean, that would go over very well. It's not going to happen. But if they did self-publish... like a english dub of dbz with tons of like like boondocks type humor or a south park kind of humor that would play really well i think because i don't know there's not too many anime adult animes like south park are there i wouldn't know but uh team four i don't know anything about anime
That would be great. At least one person cosigns my idea. So if you want to make it, uh, toe, toe a, you have to pay me. I don't know. I just want to play that here. I'll play my, I only, I, my entire motivation, uh, for, for doing this, for talking about this at all was to play this.
Unknown_08: Hey, look at those faggot ass clothes. Faggot, faggot, fag, fucking
Unknown_04: I just love it so much. He is so emotionally thrilled to be calling his son a faggot. A faggot fag. He is thrilled to the very core at this prospect. And I, for one, appreciate that kind of animation. Not animation like drawing, but animation as in energy. So thank you, voice actor of Goku, for lightening my day.
okay let's talk about lego lego is being a butthole lego sent me this i'm not going to read this because this is all legalese bullshit but they legit sent me a dmca sorry not a dmca they sent me a complaint a a empty mindless complaint over these four attachments
Which is, I guess the stream's going to get struck now because of this.
Unknown_04: It appears to be a Star Wars Lego set with a little guy in a ship.
Unknown_04: And here's another one, but instead of a ship, it's definitely still a ship, but it's got bigger engines in the back and it's got two of them.
Unknown_04: This one is a lady on a ship, but it appears to be like a floating ground ship and she's being chased by stormtroopers.
That one is like a giant black ship. It looks like a bad guy ship.
Unknown_04: And that looks like the Millennium Falcon. I recognize that one. So there you go. These are apparently property of Lego Company. And from what I understand, they're not released yet.
Unknown_04: They're not released yet.
Unknown_04: And there's a line where they reveal their true hand.
Unknown_04: The current leak is about an unauthorized party having made his or her own photo of unreleased confidential copyrighted Lego artwork and two, having published his or her photo on the internet in both cases without authorization of the copyright owner. These images are improperly obtained. Now that's not something I have to give a shit about because no one cares. That's like a corporate thing. That's not something I have to care about
There's another line that's more relevant.
Unknown_04: No, it's in, like, a subsequent email, I think. But I send in a thing saying, this isn't a DMCA takedown notice. This is a polite request disguised as something more serious. It's your responsibility to manage your trade secrets, not mine. Don't disrespect me with this intellectually dishonest shit. To which they reply with a DMCA notice. With actual U.S. registration numbers attached, which is something I don't usually get...
And then I say that it's fair use.
Unknown_04: Because it is. The actual post they're complaining about is this. And with this guy who looks like a... Oh, his avatar is Mandark or whatever. What the fuck is the... It's from Space Ghost Coast to Coast. The reptile.
okay chat tell me what this this cricket looking thing is but he's in like a um star wars thing and his name is general friendliness zorak that's it so it's zorak but like in a lego star wars thing Anyways, he does a really good job reviewing the products, and he makes fun of them, actually. He says that they look shitty, and they look not like the actual movies, which would make it a critical review protected under fair use. In fact, it's one of the best examples of fair use I could really hope for, because without those images in that post, he would be unable to adequately critique the leaks. So that's what I said, and I never got a follow-up email. Actually, I did. That's a lie. I did get a follow-up email, but my follow-up email was literally the exact same complaint. Literally, word for word, the exact same complaint as the first one, and I think even the same exact images. If not, it's because...
Yeah, it's the same exact fucking images, same URLs and everything. So the motherfuckers closed the ticket, but because it was still there, their automated system flagged it again. The case number in the fucking URL is case number 653,111. So they send out...
Unknown_04: More than half a million of these fucking emails since they started doing it and counting. And I don't know. I don't care. And if Disney wants to come at me for DMCA shit, I'll still fucking deny it. Because it's fair use. It's so fair use. It's not even like pretend fair use where you have arguably a case to make for fair use. The motherfucker who wrote this review...
Did a really good job. And if you shrink it down a little bit, the amount of space used by the text is equivalent to the actual size of the image.
Unknown_04: There is substantial work there to transform the images into a part of a critique, which is the very cornerstone of what fair use is. So fuck them. Disney wants to come at me? Do it. I will win pro se against Disney, and it'll make them look bad. I promise.
Lego Nazis.
Unknown_04: Oh, speaking of Josh winning, Bing and DuckDuckGo have both decided to lift their ban on KiwiFarms.net. And I think that's because I complained to DuckDuckGo very loudly, and they probably complained to Oath, and then Oath lifted the spam. Now, it makes me wonder, because none of the companies actually replied to me. um except bing who replied to say that they can't speak on why we're listed as spam but they replied to me after the spam had already been lifted so they're not very coherent over at bing but
I think what happened is somebody at Oath, which is owned by AOL and Yahoo, their parent company, which is Verizon Media, I want to say. Verizon Media owns both Yahoo and AOL and owns Oath by extension, which is used by DuckDuckGo and Bing. So when you think, oh, there's like all these other small, shitty alternative search engines, no, not really. You got Yandex, you got Google, you got Baidu, and then you have Oath and a million different skins. I think Ask Jeeves also uses Oath. uh but oath lifted it i think that's because like some tranny or whatever and oath probably you know like an act of defiance blacklisted us as spam and then the moment that got reviewed by anyone else like what the fuck is this why is this blacklisted as spam so uh i think it got restored but i'm putting it as a notch on my bed my bed post i have successfully laid laid low the the the menace
Very nice. Very nice.
Unknown_09: Okay. Let me get a sip of water.
Unknown_04: Oh, yes.
Unknown_04: My prayers to Israel.
Unknown_04: Please admire search. I don't even know what that is.
Unknown_04: Oh, you know what it is?
Unknown_04: This is like a weird search engine where it uses metadata as opposed to
Unknown_04: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It uses metadata on different websites to kind of coagulate a result. And from what I understand, it's supposed to be special because it's better or something. There's something about it. People really like it. People want me to show it. So if you are interested in this weird-ass fucking search engine, it's searx.
Sear, as in like sears, or searing a steak, x.me, I guess.
Unknown_09: Thank you, very cool.
Unknown_09: Let me drink water before I talk about this next thing.
Listening to you reminds me of Rich Evans.
Unknown_04: I don't even have diabetes.
Unknown_04: That's like a backhanded compliment to say that somebody reminds you of Rich Evans. I feel like I've been slighted in some way.
Unknown_09: Actually, you know what? Let's listen to Low Tax before I play that.
Unknown_03: He knows me for, besides creating 4chan and the Nazi Party, is that I'm an honest man. And I'm a good man.
With a lot of donuts. Between 1 and 25 donuts.
Unknown_03: Oh, yeah, and Kiwi Farms. I did that, too.
Unknown_03: I'm Kiwi Farms. I dox people. Okay.
Unknown_03: You know, people say... Hold on. People say that, you know, I would love to donate, but I don't have any money. You know what?
Unknown_03: Get money.
Unknown_03: from somebody else if you don't have money just get it from somebody else that's how you do it that's how i do it you somehow find a way to i god i hate this music you somehow find a way to have money from somebody else has money they take your their money and then you give that money to me that's how that works that's uh low tax by the way in case you didn't recognize it
Oh, somebody said in chat, you can't see it if you're watching because my chat blocks it.
Unknown_04: Antilles says, man, Kiwi Farm sucks. Well, fuck you, Antilles, you motherfucker. That's rude.
Unknown_04: You know what's really weird about this? Is look at how much low tax looks like Ralph in this. He looks so much like, especially that jail photo of Ralph. I'm going to pull this up.
Unknown_04: I'm going to pull this up because I feel inspired.
Unknown_09: Hopefully my results are going to be work safe.
So far, oh, there it is.
Unknown_09: This.
Unknown_09: This. He looks exactly like Lotex.
Unknown_09: Maybe Lotex is Ethan Ralph's father. They're very close.
Unknown_09: Anyways, this.
Unknown_09: So, some background.
Unknown_04: I'm going to go over to this thread and show you.
Unknown_04: This person posted this video. Now, if you don't know what an ALOG is, allow me to explain. An ALOG is someone who gets really mad at a lolcal unnecessarily.
Usually, there's no reason to get mad at the internet. It's a bad idea. Wouldn't recommend it. But some people get so gosh darn mad at the internet, they have to make videos about how mad they are. So this person goes ahead and makes a video about how mad Amberlynn makes them.
Unknown_07: I'm pissed.
Unknown_07: If you follow Amberlynn Reid, you know why I'm pissed.
I didn't anticipate. It's not worth watching, genuinely.
Unknown_04: What's funny is that this person, they're talking about it, and they're not even really talking about it that mean, and there's only a couple of posts before they complain. But the email I get from them...
Unknown_04: uh is this uh hi i decided to make a video out of anger towards amberlynn reed last night and a member of this thread shared it making fun of me oh no sharply after i started getting a bunch of comments telling me to kill myself and calling me a dog killer i had to turn off turn comments off on all of my videos Like, I understand hate happens on the internet, little case I, but they brought up the fact that I had a dog that was sick and had to sadly put him down. I'm working on my mental health, unlike Amber. Not to mention these people don't know my eating disorder story like they want to believe. A medication caused weight gain. I'm working on weight loss. It comes across as I'm having breathing issues in the video due to being so livid at Amber, plus I struggle to be verbal due to autism. These people need to realize they're not doctors either.
To which I very confusedly reply saying, I don't know what the complaint is or what you want me to do. I don't see anyone in the thread talking about your dog. And, uh, which is me like saying, is there any evidence that in this like comment chain are, are these comments like, Oh, we need to like bully this retard. Uh, and, and like, uh,
uh make fun of their dead dog i don't see anyone talking about their dog so i just reply like i don't know what the fuck you're talking about uh and i say page 100 instead of addressing that concern which i thought is what they were doing saying like hey there's a coordinated effort here on the amberlynn board to to you know send comments to all my videos
They reply, page 170 of the thread, but I'll attach a screenshot of what they wrote in the Amberlynn Reid fan videos and the haters. It's titled, I believe, sent from my iPhone. And now I realize, oh, they're not actually requesting that I handle like an actual abuse instance of people coordinating an attack against a person.
Unknown_04: I respond very alarmed because I didn't realize that they were actually being that dumb. I said, I'm not deleting posts talking about your video.
Unknown_04: uh so immediately like like on a fucking dime this person turns around at me says if you don't i'm getting the fbi involved in legal action against the site because of the endless de-axing harassment and other things that happen to have a negative impact i've been gathering evidence i went to college for pre-law sent for my iphone So I say the only thing that I can at this point, LOL, fuck off, retard. And they reply, see you in court. Sent from my iPhone.
Now, obviously, everything about that is very funny. I really like the part where they said that they, she went to college for pre-law, which is the least intimidating thing I have ever heard in my entire life. I went to college for pre-law is something you put on like a resume for like a job at Starbucks. It is not something you put in a threat, in a email to sign off a threat with.
So I didn't reply after that because I didn't care to.
Unknown_04: And this is what they sent me. If you thought I was kidding, here's a copy of the report I filed for harassment to the FBI earlier.
Unknown_04: So this is an IC3 report. The IC3 is the Internet Crime Complaint Center, a department of the FBI. So serious time here. This is their tip.gov thing.
Unknown_04: I uploaded a video to my YouTube channel expressing anger at someone. It was posted to Kiwi Farms. People there also brought up that I had put my dog down. He had seizures. I should read semicolons. Semicolons are such an odd thing to verbalize.
It also brought up that I had to put my dog down, semicolon, he had seizures. These people mocked my eating disorder struggles. Someone took the fact that I am a female-to-male transgender individual and now I'm getting referred to as a she, despite being on hormones and legally male. Shortly after, I was getting comments calling me a dog killer, comma, on my video. People poking fun at my appearance. I had to disable comments on my videos because I was worried about getting doxxed or death threats. I contacted Noel, quote unquote, of Kiwi Farms to try and get him to take it down, but he basically just called me a retard.
Keep this in mind. Quote, I was worried about getting daxed. That's important.
Unknown_04: So here's the email exchange sent to the IC3.
Unknown_04: Exact same thing I just wrote. It's literally just this person reporting to the FBI. I called them a retard. Sent to the FBI directly. LOL. Fuck off, retard. Yeah.
And then they digitally sign it as their name. Now, whatever you do, do not squint too hard at this block of information. Whatever you do... close your eyes now remember this is sent to me exactly like this they took the necessary steps to make sure that their information was blotted out of this thing now if you're thinking oh i can squint and see that just fine yes you're right but it's worse than that she sent me a fucking pdf with the text layer intact i could literally just highlight it and reply to them
So I said, oh, let me not show that. I said, bro, you didn't even remove your docs from this. You fucking used a gray highlight tool in Adobe Acrobat, which leaves the underlying text intact. Bro, you're like super mega retarded. You sent me this voluntarily on your own. And unsurprisingly, I haven't heard back since.
Unknown_09: So without further ado.
Oh, why is my microphone off? Oh, it's because my fucking VPN's off.
Unknown_09: That's off.
Unknown_09: Always allow.
Unknown_09: Done. Come on. Marky piece of shit. Do I have to disable this?
Unknown_09: What should I say, chat? Give me ideas.
Unknown_09: Give me ideas.
Unknown_09: I'm just going to ask.
Unknown_04: I want to be nice like I always do. I'm always nice. Anyone who says that I'm not nice is just wrong.
Can the fucking thing let me use my microphone? Thank you. There we go.
Unknown_00: welcome to verizon wireless the number you dialed has been changed they've already changed their number oh my fucking god wow okay that is that is quality
That's great. That is genuinely entertaining.
Unknown_09: Two steps ahead, exactly. That's right. We got ourselves a certified genius.
Unknown_09: I'll save that for later. I don't want to talk about that right now.
Unknown_04: Okay, there is... Oh, I don't know why I have this open, but I guess I'll talk about this.
There is apparently an IDF thing called Roam Rahak, I guess. Literally, looking ahead. And it's a program designed to train young adults with autism into professions required by the IDF. Apparently, all that poll shitposting really got to the IDF. And now they're working on weaponizing autism quite literally. I guess they've got to get all those Israeli gamers into the Air Force for drone bombing or something.
Unknown_04: I don't know. I really like this though. It's funny. It's funny that they actually literally do this.
I'm coughing up a lung now.
Unknown_04: That's what I get for laughing so obnoxiously. Speaking of coughing up a lung, let's talk about McAfee.
Unknown_04: If you don't know, I was on a stream called WTF with, I think...
Unknown_04: They had a name very similar to mine. It's like the Anger Zone or something.
But McAfee was there. And I gotta say, kids, don't meet your heroes, as they say.
Unknown_04: McAfee seemed very disinterested in everything he was talking about. And he was very disinterested in running for president. He was very disinterested in... actually fixing things which made me wonder like okay you're doing this for like a publicity stunt that's fine but what uh what what are you generating publicity for and i guess it was just for for uh like his cryptocurrency stuff But then even with that, I asked him, how do you get normies into crypto? How do you get a normie to go out of their way to learn how a wallet works, how fake internet money works, how to understand that there really is no difference between fiat currency and Bitcoin in terms of how that works?
How do you do that? Oh, and his reply was just to advertise one of his products. It was very...
Unknown_04: It was very disheartening. I don't know why I expected some kind of weird, otherworldly wisdom from him.
But I was an idiot for that.
Unknown_04: I had interest in hearing what his beliefs were on internet backbones and censorship and didn't really have any.
Unknown_04: I think the main reason why the CIA hasn't got him is because he's not really a threat. What's the point of putting effort and energy into capturing someone who doesn't really pose any kind of risk to the status quo or national security, I guess?
I don't know.
Unknown_09: Yeah, he said live on air that he was shooting up heroin as he was talking to us.
Unknown_04: And when he did that, I'm like, oh, so for the remainder of the interview, he's just going to be high. I don't know what I expected.
Unknown_09: I don't know. I just expected something more.
Unknown_04: Okay, I'm actually going to be calling another person during this because there is a guy on the forum.
And his brand is Digital Forensics. And there is this fucking crazy woman named Padma Accord who has been trying desperately to remove a Kiwi Farms link about her. Now, she's using this weird... I've never seen anyone use this before.
Unknown_04: and she calls herself like an SEO master or something.
Unknown_04: But what that really amounts to is, um,
Unknown_04: What it amounts to is filing these weird, outdated cache things on Google to remove links. I've never seen anyone do this before. And all I have to do, now that I know how this works, is I just go back and I click the button. I'll actually show you. Hold up.
Now this works. I wasn't thinking of showing this right now, but I guess I will.
Unknown_09: Because why not? Let's see.
Unknown_04: I guess this is going to be annoying for people who are just listening. But if you're watching, this is a part of the Google Webmaster.
And there's a way using this to temporarily hide certain URLs from the Google results. And I've never had to use it. I have never had a reason to use this. But apparently, there is some way for third parties to file complaints about outdated caches on their own. And when I found this out, I went through and I undid all the ones that were active. It wasn't just her. But every day since, she has filed an additional outdated cache removal complaint about links with her name.
Unknown_04: And all it takes... I can't show you any of this because Google started denying her requests. And that's quite strange because they were accepting them before. The canceled ones are ones that went through that I canceled by pressing a button that just said to cancel. So it's very strange. I don't know what she's up to. But she's gotten this company called Digital Forensics out of Ohio to contact people talking about her on the forum. And their effort... has literally been to post spam on the thread saying, if you are this person, you are in trouble. This is digital forensics. You have defamed Padma Accord and you will contact this phone number. So they're literally saying to anonymous users, contact us at this phone number and we'll talk to you, I guess so that we can sue you or something. It's a very unappealing request. And I've been trying to get in touch with them and it hasn't been, it hasn't been easy.
But they just recently sent me a message via email saying, You are speaking with the lead forensic investigator with Digital Forensics Corporation. We have documented a series of content that you have published referring to our client, Mrs. Padma Accord, case number 1994032.
The content you have posted and distributed to thousands of followers is labeled as cyber harassment in bold defamation in bold and cyber bullying in bold. Please read the attached report for additional information on this investigation documentation of the harassing content legalities and details on moving forward. Please contact me before. Oh, please contact me back before the conclusion of 24 hours to let me know how you wish to proceed in this manner. I can be reached at my email or by phone call directly at the number listed below. Thank you. And it's always the same extension, but I get a female voice when I call.
Let me open this and then hopefully I can just show you what I've received.
Unknown_04: Switch my Firefox one to Acrobat. There we go. That's exactly what I want.
Unknown_09: Can I make this bigger?
Unknown_09: I hate computers.
Unknown_09: Actual size. There we go. That's fine.
Unknown_04: So, Law Office of Jerome Simonovic. Now, that's weird because this is the third name I've heard that is different from the others, and they're all Slavs. The other one, there's like an Ivan and, I don't know, they're just weird. So the account, okay, this is also funny. To the holders of the accounts kiwifarmsu slash officer underscore doodles, which I'm not Reddit.
That's not how usernames work on my fucking site. We're not Reddit.
Unknown_04: So to the holders of the accounts listed above, not me, I've been retained on or about, is he actually an attorney?
Unknown_04: Because this isn't a law office.
Unknown_04: I'm really curious if this guy's actually... Someone in chat, look up this guy's law office. I'm going to post it in the Discord. Find me his license. His license to practice law in the state of Ohio, probably.
I have been retained on or about July 2nd, 2019 by the client list above for the purposes of coordinating an investigation into a cyber harassment and defamation campaign against the client. The client has also engaged Digital Forensics Corporation. Oh, so this is like a company working for Simonovic? I guarantee you these are his friends then. If this is like the actual lawyer and he's using this PI company, then they're probably friends. They're all probably cheeky-breaky. They all probably post on fucking... 2ch.hk or something and they know each other so uh acquiring digital evidence involved in the cyber harassment defamation and intentional inflection of emotional distress on my client as well as attempting to identify the harassers and account administrators and have the platform administrators or legal team assist us in having these harassing defamatory posts removed from the internet lowercase i
It is requested that the accounts involved also be suspended by the platforms of administration.
Digital Forensics Corporation and myself are working together in the cyber harassment, defamation, and intentional inflection of emotional distress by the client and identify the harassers.
Unknown_04: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Oh, this content has been spread and posted on several platforms, including but not limited to YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, Kiwi Farms, 4chan, and more. This is considered a malicious attack on the character of my client and has caused the client to be in extreme distress, worried for the safety of herself and her family, and damaged the client's business reputation. I don't know how they think that...
Unknown_04: LMR 365 is okay. So Jeremy Simonovic is indeed a, an attorney. Uh, I don't know how they think officer doodles is LMR 365. I have literally no idea. They're not doing a very good job. This is the Kiwi farms thread.
All of this is legal, completely fucking worthless.
Unknown_09: And then officer dude. Oh, officer doodle says that the, uh,
Unknown_04: This stuff is on... This is the same thing they're posting on the forum. Hello, did you receive our message contact regarding an important matter directly at Digital Forensics? So they're literally just spamming replies to these guys. And it's not a Kiwi Farms account. These guys are really bad. You'd think a Digital Forensics Corporation would know the difference between Reddit and other websites that don't have Reddit URLs.
Okay, this is the bold part. This is their cease and desist order. You, the administrator of the provided... They sent me this fucking thing that they made for the LMR to me. You, the administrator of the provided YouTube, Twitter, and Reddit accounts are committing acts that could rise to the level of a serious crime not listed by statute that carry with it criminal prosecution and large money fines. You are hereby... And this is in red and bold. You are hereby requested to permanently delete all content posted on Kiwi Farms containing information about or mentioning my clients.
Should you continue, my office will resort to any and all means available of contacting all relevant branches of government of the United States.
Unknown_04: Hopefully not the IC3. They've already got something for me this week. As well as the YouTube legal department to have this matter resolved.
Unknown_04: Matter will be pursued to the furthest possible extent.
Should they choose to ignore this request...
Unknown_04: Your science associates should also be informed as all parties involved in this matter can and will be held responsible.
Unknown_09: You have 24 hours.
Unknown_09: This matter is confidential. You are hereby forbidden.
Unknown_04: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I am hereby forbidden. Time to shut the stream off, boys. From disclosing any information contained in this letter to any other party, hopefully not 1,500 of them, and are hereby expressly forbidden from communicating with the client, referring to the client, communicating or contacting the client's known contacts, identifying the client... or publishing any and all information, including without limitation to the information at the center of this cyber harassment or any platform. They wrote this really shittily. They were being given the opportunity to resolve this amicably before the investigation escalated.
Once again, you have, and this is bold and red, you have 24 hours after transmission of this letter to communicate your cessation of all activities conducted against my client.
Unknown_04: They just respond back to Digital Forensics Corporation, not even to him. Oh, I can just email him, too.
Unknown_04: It's the same email address. Or the same number.
Unknown_04: It's the same exact number. This is all like going to the same toilet. How interesting.
Time to drink my water and prepare.
Unknown_09: This message will self-destruct. All right.
Unknown_09: I'm going to get cheeky breaking.
Unknown_01: Thank you for calling digitalforensicscorp.com, the most experienced and technologically advanced digital forensics provider in the industry. Your call may be recorded for quality and training purposes. Please listen to the following options. If you know your party's extension, please dial it at any time.
Press 1 to start.
Unknown_00: Forensics, this is Taylor. Hi, I got an email about the Kiwi Farms from, I don't think there's a name attached to this email address, but I just had to call this extension. Yeah, it was from our investigations email.
Unknown_00: Okay, perfect. So just give me one second here so I can pull a couple of things up.
Unknown_00: Regarding the email, I mean, just to start off, do you have any questions or explanations?
Unknown_04: Explanations for what?
Unknown_00: just for why you're posting defamatory content about our client, why you're engaging in this type of cyber harassment and bullying.
Unknown_04: Well, the PDF attached is for multiple accounts across different platforms, and it doesn't exactly say how it makes the connections between the different accounts. None of them are me, so I'm not sure why I got the PDF intended for the person actually posting.
So you're not the administrator of the Officer Doodle's Kiwi Farms accounts?
Unknown_04: well okay number one that's not a kiwi farms account it says user it's a reddit account the account in the screenshots is named lmr365 which is not a reddit account okay i'm the administrator of the site i own the kiwi farms okay so you're the owner of kiwi farms and you allow this type of defamatory content to be posted about someone i don't know if it's defamatory that would be a decision for a court
Okay, well, the reason that we're contacting you is because, you know, I am speaking on behalf of the law office of Digital Forensics Corporation. So we do have an in-house counsel.
Unknown_00: And this is an issue that has been ongoing for months now. As you can see, we were retained in July. So there have been, you know, several platforms, including yours, Kiwi Farms, that have been posting defamatory content and, you know, quite frankly, cyber harassing my client. So what my job is is to basically try to get in touch with all of you, you know, to basically give you a fair warning, to show you some documentation, which I can provide more if you need, but basically show you some documentation of what is occurring on these platforms and what, you know, you potentially could be held responsible for. So rather than taking legal action and getting the courts involved, this is more of a warning and a request to cooperate with us and get this content taken down you know, before this does escalate. And, you know, that's not the ideal situation. That's not what we want to do. And, you know, in no way is this a threat or anything like that. We're simply asking for just the cooperation because this is something that's been taking over, you know, this innocent woman's life. I'm not sure how informed you are about this content or about the quote unquote Padma McCord conspiracy, but,
You know, but this has just gotten really out of hand. So your platform... What's been the consequence of people posting about her?
I'm sorry, what is the consequence?
Unknown_04: Let me actually have several questions. First of all, are you a lawyer yourself? Sure.
Unknown_00: I'm not an attorney. As I said, I'm a forensic investigator, and I'm working on behalf of our law office right now. We do have an in-house counsel that will be involved in this if it escalates. So as of now, I'm the forensic investigator working on this case, basically attempting to resolve this issue amicably without taking legal action.
Okay. I've received as a, you know, I've hosted the site for about six years, so I've received all sorts of letters and stuff. I usually, when I get a cease and desist, uh, which I guess this isn't a cease and desist technically. Um,
Unknown_00: Well, that is what it's intended to be.
Unknown_04: Usually they list a statute, a statute relevant to the notice.
Unknown_04: And I don't see either a state or federal statute provided in the email. Is there a statute in mind for the content posted on the forum?
Well, for example, I mean, we're located in the state of Ohio. However, we have attorneys across the country that work with our state. law office. So as I'm sure you're aware of, the statutes are different from state to state. So no, those are not provided in this document, but they can be provided.
Unknown_04: Okay, if you want to go ahead and give me the statutes, that would be helpful.
Unknown_04: Because right now, I mean, the document is erroneous. Because number one, the complaint is directed specifically at someone named Officer Doodles. And the Officer Doodles person simply makes a Reddit post saying that this information is available on the Kiwi Farms. And then the information available, the original post about Padma McCord is by LMR365. And he's not mentioned at all. So I'm curious, who is the person responsible for piecing together the information for this post?
So this information that has been pieced together, again, is a sample. You know, there is. quite a bit of content on your platform regarding my client and yes there are several other users that have posted content about her that have also been contacted asking to reach out to us so that we can explain the situation to them individually as well but if you don't know who these people are there's not really much you can do about about this
Well, that's the thing is on, you know, a general level, no, there's not, which is why we are taking, you know, this is really just a courtesy to, you know, put people on notice that, you know, this is cyber harassment. This is defamation.
Unknown_00: You know, majority of these statements are false. You're posting out intellectual property of my clients on your website. And I'm not just saying you specifically. Like I said, there's quite a few people involved in this. But, I mean, there's a lot of issues here. Her personal information is being posted, including her addresses and phone numbers. That's a very big issue. invasion of privacy.
Unknown_00: There are photos and videos that she's taking. Well, yes, I mean, it is. Like I said, state to state, the statutes are different, but cyber harassment and defamation is a crime. And I'm sure you read in the letter, I mean, this has potential to get to a very serious offense. I mean, it could be a felony in some states. So we're just trying to prevent that and, you know, just gain the cooperation of individuals. I mean, I think as a site administrator, you would probably have some empathy for, you know, someone who's being blasted on your platform and would want to work to make your platform a more positive environment and not have someone, you know, being harassed and defamed from all sorts of different directions. A lot of this originating on Kiwi Farms.
You said that your digital forensic corporation has been retained by Patman Accord since July 2nd, on or about 2019. So that's about going on... Three months, about. Yeah, three months. Out of curiosity, how much would a service like this cost?
Unknown_00: Well, that's something you would need to talk to one of our case managers about, and I'm not really able to disclose any information about what my client has paid to you.
However, most of our services start around $1,500. $1,500.
Unknown_04: So, I mean, I can't ask, but it's a non-zero amount. And over three months, you know, you put together this. You got the name of the account wrong. And then your response to this presence of material on the site is that I, as the administrator, should seek a more positive environment for the site. Have you looked at any other thread on the Kiwi Farms?
Unknown_00: there have been quite a few threads and I see that it's a very, you know, inappropriate site, but, you know, and I also read your content removal policies and I see a lot of the, you know, feedback given is very sarcastic and, you know, just really doesn't take these types of matters seriously.
So again, you know, that's why you're being sent this notice so that you have an opportunity to take this matter seriously before legal action is taken. And again, this is not a threat. Legal action hasn't been taken yet. I'm a forensic investigator.
Unknown_00: Right now I'm investigating potential cyber crimes of cyber harassment, cyber bullying, defamation, intellectual property theft, and so on. So this is more or less an opportunity for you to better monitor this platform because this woman is a real woman and her personal information is being dispersed all over this platform. There are samples of it provided in your report where her name, address, birth date, business information, all kinds of websites about her are being dispersed, family photos, information about her son, so on. Would you happen to know what company owns my site, the company I technically represent right now?
Well, that's not something I've taken the opportunity to escalate yet. Like I said, this is the very initial phase. So, I mean, I'd be happy to get more information and get our law office involved. But right now, my main goal is to kind of negotiate this with you and figure out a way to solve this amicably before having to take that measure.
Unknown_04: I'm just curious because it's been going on for three months now, but you don't seem to know what the forum is about.
Well, it's been going on for far more than three months. That's just when the client obtained our services. And as outlined in the notice, this has been going on on multiple different platforms. So we've kind of been just going down the list of platforms. This was the most recent activity, so that's where we started with this. And, you know, myself and my client both have quite an extensive timeline of cyber harassment and defamation, including posts on your platform. So, I mean, much more information examples can be provided, and I'd be happy to provide those. You know, I'll get the approval of my client, but as you know, I mean, it's your platform. It's public posting, so...
Yes. And just a heads up, the sites in Florida of locale LLC and within the state of Florida, pretty much none of the things you mentioned are against the law and federally they're not against the law. In regards to stolen intellectual property, they're used fairly for the purposes of criticism and ridicule. And I just, I really wish you had told this woman that you're wasting her time and money.
Well, we're not wasting her time and money, but thank you for your concern. I've reached several account holders and platforms and had quite a bit of this defamatory content taken down. So if that's not something you're willing to discuss and do, I mean, you know, that's okay. I see your sarcastic comments about, you know, going to court and you will win and this and that, and I don't want it to escalate to that. I really think what you're doing is wrong, but that's neither here nor there. This is something that is very negatively affecting my client's life and can be considered an intentional infliction of emotional distress. So whatever we need to do to take action to get this content taken down, we will, but this is just a notice that these services have been contracted and that this is
the process that will be followed if we can't come together and cooperate on this. I think it's a pretty simple request, not something that any other individuals or platforms have chosen to defend and argue. They're more willing to take down this content to kind of avoid this escalating.
Unknown_04: Oh, that's why we're the best. Just a heads up, the person... Oh, that's why you're the best.
Unknown_00: Okay.
The person responsible for the post is unable to delete it. Nobody can delete their post on the forum. So in regards to the warning saying you have 24 hours to comply, if you do actually find this person, he will not be able to oblige the request in any capacity. I do have an address for you if you would like to take it down. Of the individual? I believe so.
Unknown_00: Well, I mean, at this point, one, I don't really think that's information that you should be disclosing. What kind of platform manager gives out their users' personal information, such as their addresses and things like that? I don't really think that's appropriate. Suddenly you're concerned for this person's privacy.
Well, yeah, I mean, I am. If I'm talking to the account administrator and you're willing to just give out users' information, I mean, that's very concerning.
Unknown_04: Do you want it or not?
Unknown_00: No, I mean I don't want someone's personal address. Okay. Okay, I was just offering it.
Unknown_00: Okay, well, I'm very glad that you think this is comical. Thank you for calling me, but I see that clearly we aren't going to be able to have a serious and mature conversation about this. So moving forward, I guess what needs to be done will be done.
I would imagine you and I will be in contact again.
Unknown_04: All right, and can you give a big shout-out to the 1,600 people watching this, please?
Unknown_00: Absolutely not.
Unknown_04: All right, you take it easy. Thank you, Taylor. You too. Bye-bye.
Unknown_04: Bye. I do like having fun on the Internet, and that was a little bit of fun.
Didn't even see how... Yeah, exactly.
Unknown_04: I tried to hook the fam up with a cute girl, and she just completely blows us off. Women these days, am I right?
Unknown_04: And by the way, if you were wondering, the address I was going to give her belongs to the owner of Digital Forensics. So I'm kind of irritated that she did not accept my offer. I'm very let down by this.
Unknown_09: Ugh.
Unknown_09: That was fun. I'm glad. That was good timing. I'm glad they got in touch with me.
This has been a good stream.
Unknown_04: I got a good feeling about this stream chat. It feels like lots of little stuff's been happening. One more big thing, and then I'm going to call it quits. Thank you for joining me. This isn't funny, unfortunately. Not funny. You all know what it is. So I don't know. There's no... Well, I guess if you're listening to this in the future, you're not going to know what the fuck it is. But for the people around right now at this moment... You all know.
Alec... Oh, God, it's like a Polish name. I can't pronounce Polish names. I think it's Holoszka. Alec Holoszka. I'm probably wrong.
Unknown_04: Alec Holoszka has died. He has killed himself. When the media talks about him having killed himself, or having died, what they mean to say is that he has killed himself.
And this is the statement from her...
Unknown_04: or his sister Alec my brother and best friend passed away this morning those who know me will know that I believe survivors and have always done everything I can to support survivors those suffering from mental illnesses and those with chronic illnesses Alec was a victim of abuse and he also spent a lifetime battling mood and personality disorders I will not pretend that he was not also responsible for causing harm, but deep down he was a person who wanted only to offer people care and kindness. It took him a while to figure out how.
Over the last few years with therapy and medication, Alec became a new person, the same person he'd always been but without any of the darkness. He was a calm and happy, positive and loving.
Unknown_04: Obviously change is a slow process and he wasn't perfect, but he was working towards rehabilitation and a better life. in the last few days he was supported by many manitoba crisis services and i want to thank everyone for the support i want to thank adam saltzman for staying up quite late and talking with us and reminding alec that there was a future my my family has and always will be the most important thing to me please give us time to heal we tried our best to support alec but in the end he left he felt he had to lost too much in the end he felt he had lost too much
I currently do not see a place for myself in games or in Twitter. I will not be looking at the responses to this post. I appreciate everyone who has reached out to me over the last few days. For anyone who is in a time of darkness, I encourage you to reach out for support. There are always people who will be there for you. This is within five days, I want to say, of Zoe Quinn accusing this guy of sex abuse. He has killed himself. And the response of many people who respect women is that he was found out. He was guilty.
And he killed himself to avoid consequences of his actions. And to all those who oppose those people, Alec is the first murderer of Zoe Quinn.
Unknown_04: Whichever side you want to take, more power to you. My take is that we'll never find out if he is guilty or not. It won't get decided in any court.
Unknown_00: There will be no investigation for it.
Unknown_04: Uh, it's over. They wanted to get rid of this guy. He's now very effectively gotten rid of, and that's the end of that. It's quite sad, and I made a prediction a while ago with Dick on The Dick Show that, uh...
that more people would die as a result of cancel culture. I think a lot more people are going to die. The culture war hasn't really gotten the body tool going up yet. But now we're at a point where people are being completely and totally ruined over mere accusations. And all it takes is one person sufficiently privileged to say this person has hurt me, and that's it. I mean, what the fuck?
What would you do?
Unknown_04: I think a lot of people would kill themselves. And it's just become such a powerful weapon that doesn't require any burden of proof on the accuser. And it has to be believed because not believing it is itself like a crime. If you don't believe Zoe Quinn at her word, you have hurt Zoe Quinn. So I don't know. It's very sad and it's sad for many reasons.
i don't know really anything about alec i didn't play his game night in the woods but a lot of people seem to remember it fondly uh people like to point out very accurately very astutely that alec had made more real games than zoe quinn ever has and a lot of people seem to be speculating that she was jealous of him that might be the case i don't really know but i as much as i don't want to opine on it i think
Unknown_04: I'm more interested in how I think this is going to start affecting... Like, Zoe Quinn's nuked her Twitter account. So, I don't know. I guess in the same vein, it's not safe to say that just because she nuked her Twitter account, she knows she's fucking guilty. She didn't nuke her Twitter account during Gamergate when people were harassing her for fucking a bunch of guys to get her games reviewed.
Unknown_04: But she's deleted it now.
Unknown_04: Eileen Mary has also protected her tweets. So she's gone too because of the negative attention that the tweet got her.
It's just all around quite strange. And I think you're going to see more dead people soon.
Unknown_04: Because it's just shocking. You know how hard it is to work on a game? I'm working on a game right now. I don't know if I'll ever publish it. I probably won't because I probably won't ever finish it. It's something you have to work on every single day. If you take even a day off to not work on your game, you lose it. You lose like a tire. You roll a tire down a hill or something, and it rolls pretty fast. But then the moment it starts wobbling, that's it. It's fucked. It's going to fall over. And it's like that.
Game development is not programming. It's not like engineering. In some regards, it is. But most of a game is just the self-discipline to do it.
Unknown_04: And self-discipline is probably a harder skill to hone than to know how to program. If you're a lazy genius, you're way more worthless than someone who's moderately intelligent and very self-disciplined. And if you have people like Zoe Quinn who are just fucking lazy and useless, it doesn't matter how much they actually know or don't know because they'll never make anything.
and i don't know i just feel like people people who do make weird stuff are are usually uh quite strange which is why i try not to judge people as silly as that sounds i always try to look at what kind of shit people do because fucking weirdos make the best shit sometimes ah oh well
Unknown_04: All right. Thank you, my friends, for joining me. I hope this has been entertaining to you.
And I'll see you next Wednesday, probably.
Unknown_11: Life is awesome, I confess What I do, I do the best
Unknown_11: this is my show
what you're good for mimicking me is a fucking bore to me like me lay me down tonight in my diamonds and pearls tell me something I'm your favorite girl I fucked my way up to the top this is my
i'm your favorite girl
Unknown_02: Breaking! Breaking! Stop the presses! Stop the hamsters!
Unknown_02: Oh my god. Jacob Wall wanted on felony arrest. What? What is this? I can't believe this. My man...
Unknown_04: Unlawfully selling securities in California. The thing he got in trouble for to begin with. I can't believe it. The badman. He can't be stopped. Oh, that is...
Conservative operative Jacob Wohl wanted on felony arrest in California development that could hamper his spree of bizarre blundering political schemes. This is by my man, Will Summer of the Daily Beast. The number one Jacob Wohl tracker in the world.
Unknown_04: Just fantastic and funny. I can't, that is great. Because it's not even like a, oh, he can't even spin this as like a wrong thing thing. Like, oh, I got arrested for being conservative. This is, this is me being arrested for being conservative. He was, he was told he was the youngest person ever banned from selling securities in the United States. And here he fucking is selling securities again. Why can't you do something else? How fucking bad, how fucking weird is the Jacob wall life where, where you have to go, you have to do the one thing you literally can't fucking do. You have to go back to selling securities.
That, that is funny.
Unknown_04: Okay, that's it. That's my breaking news. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for interrupting the hamsters. I'll bring the hamsters back. You know what? I'll put one big hamster right in the middle of the screen so everyone can see it. Get rid of this.
And I'll play this off again. Hopefully there will not be any more breaking news.
And my linen and curls Lay me down tonight I'm your favorite girl I fucked my way up to the top This is my show