0:01:05 Unknown_06: All right. Unknown_06: This is a message to Sam Hyde. Motherfucker, you think. Unknown_06: You think you fucked up your life. I can fuck it up way worse than you. Just give me the power. Give me the power to make your forum and you'll be eating out of a fucking box in Poland in like three weeks. I promise you. Give me four weeks and I'll fuck up everything you've ever worked to achieve. 0:01:57 Unknown_01: He better fucking do it. Unknown_01: It's not a fucking joke. I'm not making a joke. I will fucking make this million dollar extra whatever the fuck website. Don't you fucking worry. It'll be the greatest thing ever made that anybody's ever seen. Unknown_01: And he will regret it immensely. Alright, so... Unknown_01: this week this week i've not been paying attention to much i guess that's not a good way to start off the stream right to say that i haven't i haven't been paying attention to anything i've been having my head in the sand but i've been working on a personal project which i'm not i'm not at liberty it's a top secret project it's not interesting It's not like I'm working on something top secret that is secret because it's going to be a game changer and then everyone's going to see and it's going to be like, wow, it's complete fucking garbage. I don't know why I'm wasting my time with it. 0:02:38 Unknown_01: But... Unknown_01: It is what it is. And it's been distracting me from my other obligations, like running a cyberbullying troll terrorist website. Unknown_01: Now, I've been keeping my eye on Jordan Peterson, because Jordan Peterson has a plan to make my forum famous, even more so than Christchurch. Because he said this on record to me, privately. I'm going to make Christchurch look like a fucking joke. 0:03:19 Unknown_01: I know that everyone's making fun of this, this Jordan Peterson meme, where it's like you can just plug in text and get Jordan Peterson to very realistically say whatever the fuck you want him to say. Unknown_01: But I'll tell you why I love it more than you. I love it because I told Dick Nassar, I brought this up several times, I don't know why, because it keeps being more and more true. First time I spoke to Dick on The Dick Show, I told him that we were going to see the nudes of Congress people by, like, 2030. Like, we would have nudes on half the people in Congress. And now, with all this deep fake shit, we're going to have nudes of everyone. And they might not even be real, but they'll be so authentic looking that you won't be able to tell if they're real or not. And even like Congress is scrambling to fucking out all this shit. But there's still there's going to be dedicated. All these GPUs people are buying to mine Bitcoin. Like if that ever stops or when they get retired because new GPUs come out, all those old GPUs are going to be repurposed to fucking neural network shit to generate nudes of important famous people and synthesizing their voice to cause political crises and shit. 0:04:38 Unknown_01: And I love it. I love it. Because if we can make anyone on the earth say anything we want them to and do anything we want them to, then people have to be... Unknown_01: really pragmatic with how they evaluate people. It's no longer going to be enough to just say, oh, this person said something offensive. You got to ruin their life now because they said something offensive. Unknown_01: You can just deny it. Say, no, I didn't. You just went on to generate speech. You went to saybook.com and you generated that or somebody did. It's just a prank. You'll have that plausible deniability with everything. Like, even video of you robbing a bank, they'll just say, that's a deepfake, man. Somebody put my face... I've never even been to that bank. I don't know what that bank is. How would I rob that bank? Like, all footage is going to be fucking worthless. It's fantastic. And I can't wait to see how governments try to desperately claw this because it's not something that they can legislate. You can say, oh, well, posting fake shit is illegal. Well, how the fuck is a concerning person, someone who wants to follow that rule, going to realistically determine if something is fake or not? You know, video gets put out there of Boogie bashing someone's head in with a baseball bat. How the fuck is anyone supposed to say, no, that deep fake of a fat person with Boogie's face killing someone is fake? How are you going to make that determination? You just can't. It's not possible. same with speech so they're gonna they're gonna desperately try they're gonna try making it making it illegal um like like producing it but there's more countries in the u.s and that's why i said it's like it's going to be in russia all those old gpus are going to be moved to russia and giant warehouses dedicated to pumping this shit out and i'm sure russia will make it illegal too but they won't care unless it affects russian politicians And then, you know, it'll proliferate throughout the Internet. And unless the Internet is completely stripped down to a few highly controlled services at that point, you can't stop it. And trying to stop it will just dry sand effect it. 0:06:35 Unknown_01: So really, really exciting stuff. Very, very pleased to see that the ability for us to perceive reality itself is completely falling apart. And we're all going to be insane mole people acting off of figments of our imagination on the Internet. 0:07:11 Unknown_01: Let's see. Somebody, somebody spent money to ask me about the monkey. Unknown_01: Again, get you a guy that looks at you the way monkey looks at himself on sex tape. Yeah, that's, I guess I should warn people. I have to warn people that I want to talk about the monkey thing. So you consider this an intermission as we, as we get into this. Hold up. Where's my NPC player? Unknown_01: Perfect. Okay. Intermission time. Unknown_00: If you're not, if you're not emotionally prepared. Unknown_01: If you're not prepared for this, look away now. 0:07:43 Unknown_00: We all know it's a dog you're banging. You're a white girl, and I know it's hard, but you really gotta stop banging dogs. You can lie and start complaining. Stop complaining, y'all. Unknown_01: You know, Rusty Cage has done a new rendition of his White Girls Fuck Dogs song, and it's very heartfelt, I'll say that much. It's the only... Rusty Cage will be alive like 20 years from now, and people will only be remembering... It's like his hit single. It's like the one-hit wonder song that 20 years later he's tired of performing. You know, little little children will be running up to him in the streets and being like, oh, you're your Internet famous musician, Rusty Cage. Can you sing us white girls, fuck dogs? And he'll be like, you know, I made a thousand other songs now. Don't you want to hear something else? And a lot of good songs that I put a lot of effort into besides that shitty jingle I whipped up in an afternoon. And they'll be like, no, you want to hear white girls, fuck dogs. 0:08:20 Unknown_01: And he'll sigh and resign himself to it. So if you don't know, if you've never heard of Mumkey Jones, if you're like a grandpa who's listening to this for some reason because you found it on iTunes accidentally. By the way, my Libsyn feed is now published to Google Play and iTunes. So if that's a thing you're interested in, go for it. But if you're like a random boomer grandpa listening to this on iTunes because it's under the comedy section and I'm committing a grievous act of false advertising with that. 0:09:01 Unknown_01: There's a guy on the Internet named Monkey Jones who is once Internet famous, but is now he's thrown it all away in exchange for a. Unknown_01: A girl who looks like a boy. In fact, Liu so much looks like a boy that... And the way that he's looking at it... Okay, this... Somebody said in that thread that there is straight porn for gay men. where it's shot with an emphasis on the guy the guy's looking at the camera there's emphasis on his penis the women woman is completely like out of the frame most of the time and it's straight porn for gay men they said and i think between him shooting the porn mostly centered on himself and between her looking like an actual man i think monkey is a closeted homosexual and this is his way of living out that gay fantasy while pretending to be straight 0:10:22 Unknown_01: I think what needs to happen is Mumkey Jones needs to get fucked in the ass by a bear, and it'll be okay. Unknown_01: There was a very heated debate over the size of Mumkey's penis. People seemed to think it was very small. Jordan Peterson actually weighed in on this. Unknown_04: Based on how high the dumb cunt was bouncing, I could tell that Mumkey's cock is a five-incher at best. Unknown_04: Real teeny weeny you got there, young'o boy. Unknown_01: People seem to think that it was very small. I don't know. His penis looked average to me. I think it's a weird thing on the internet where people opine that every penis they see is the smallest penis ever. And it makes me very suspicious of why they're overreacting. It's like when somebody brings up pedophiles and people start reacting and going... 0:11:06 Unknown_01: Like, oh, man, I fucking hate pedophiles. I want to fucking kill all the pedophiles in the world. All pedophiles need to die. Like, yeah, we all know. We all know this. We all think that pedophiles are bad. Why are you, like, so invested in letting me know how you personally feel about pedophiles? It just makes me fucking suspicious. So with all these motherfuckers saying that this cock is, like, the smallest penis they've ever seen, I'm just like... 0:11:42 Unknown_01: How small is your penis where you have to insist that this is reality, this is your perception of it? Because I get fucking, I get suspicious of that shit. Unknown_01: Diapetus, yeah, exactly. You got to make sure people know your opinion on pedophilia. Unknown_01: Somebody named NotTheNSA or possibly TheNSA asked me where I am. I wonder why. Unknown_01: Why do people keep saying that Leo is Jewish? I don't believe that. Because her last name is Italian. It's like Simonette or something. She doesn't look Jewish. She just looks ugly. Not every ugly person in the world is Jewish. That's a misconception. 0:12:24 Unknown_01: Is there anything else I want to say about Mumkey? I don't want to talk about Mumkey that much. I know that's the big news. Everyone's talking about Mumkey because Italian in triple quotes. Unknown_01: Because he wants to be infamous now. He's taking on that mindset where it's like, haters make me famous, cash me outside, how about that? It's really obnoxious. I don't know if that's intentional reverse psychology or he wants to be as obnoxious about it so people stop talking about him. Or if he's actually hoping that he'll become like a dark side Phil. I don't know what he's going for, but it's kind of nauseating. Because it's like, what the fuck is wrong with you? 0:12:57 Unknown_01: Do I have anything else on? Oh. Unknown_01: Jordan Peterson, what's your opinion on white girls and dogs? Unknown_04: Holy fucking shit. I want to bang the Animal Crossing dog so god and bad. I can't stand it anymore. 0:13:31 Unknown_04: Every time I go to the town, all I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her own line. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Isabel. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should be busted inside of Isabel's tight dog pussy. I want her to have my mutant human dog babies. Unknown_04: Fuck my fucking mum. Caught me with the neighbor's dog. Unknown_04: I dressed her in my sister's skirt and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in ten hours, and I'm worried she's gonna take away my threeds. 0:14:07 Unknown_04: I might not ever get to see Isabel again. Unknown_01: Rest in peace, Isabel. Maybe that's like the Jewish pronunciation of Isabel. It's not a mispronunciation. He's just saying it as he's used to. Unknown_01: So really the big thing is Blair White. Unknown_01: I don't have too much to talk about because this has been a boring week. Yeah, Mumkey. I guess before I talk about Blair White, I want to talk about the motivation of leaking the sex tape. It's very strange because it's debated. She says that she didn't leak it. 0:14:48 Unknown_01: And from what I understand, Dylan, the underage boy, leaked it. So I don't know if he's underage currently, but what it sounds like is that she, in her mind, sending it to specific people isn't leaking it. It's only posting it to the public that's leaking it. But when she sends it to an underage boy and he then transfers it to other people who then post it and spread it around, she leaked it. And she leaked it via an underage person who shouldn't be receiving that material to begin with. 0:15:27 Unknown_01: So I don't even know. Unknown_01: Apparently, people speculate that she was trying to blackmail him into talking to her. And there's apparently a lot more. Like, there's eight videos in total, and this is the first one. So I don't know. People were really depressed because it's literally just her riding Mumkey. And Mumkey's staring creepily into the camera like he's getting off on his own reflection. Unknown_01: And we were expecting him getting fucked in the ass or something. So hopefully that's on the up and up. I want to see Mumkey Jones get fucked in the ass by a female twink. That's my sexual fetish. 0:15:59 Unknown_01: Talk about Godwinson. Godwinson left. Godwinson left... Unknown_01: He just deleted everything. He posted... It was very strange. Unknown_01: He posted a link to a Discord channel. I joined. And like a hundred people joined in like a few minutes. And then he deleted it. He deleted everything else all at once. And I don't know if he got doxxed or what. But Godwinson, if you've watched the video about cooking with Kay... 0:16:38 Unknown_01: And her son Lee, he did the video called Neathog Day. Unknown_01: And it was just the repeat of Lee's vlogs. And it was a very good video and it kind of underscored how pathetic the British are. No, how pathetic people are who live in that kind of cycle where they don't have any ambitions and they just go through each day. He made that video, and he made a lot of videos that were quite funny. He was one of my favorite content creators because he didn't have any ambitions for money or fame. He just did videos that interested them, and they were quite good. So I don't know. He's deleted stuff before. Hopefully he comes back because I liked his stuff, and I like to show his stuff to people because it was quality. 0:17:15 Unknown_01: uh neat hog day as in groundhog but neat hog uh because it's the name comes from the concept of groundhog day where you relive the same day every every day it just repeats endlessly there's an entire movie based off of it where brad pitt's fighting aliens or some shit Unknown_01: but uh his neat hog day was just waking up feeding his dog going for a walk making breakfast making dinner and for my tea i'm having two yum yums and then he feeds his dog and then he uploads his vlog to to youtube and then he says night night ziggy i'll see you in the morning and that's that's his entire day every day and god wants to kind of put that together and it was 0:18:13 Unknown_01: A pretty fantastic video. One of the best I've ever seen. Because it fills you with a kind of existential dread that usually requires someone much more effort to accomplish. Just by showing the actuality of how someone lives was enough to accomplish that. Unknown_01: Now, I'll save that. It's related, but I'll save that for the end. 0:18:46 Unknown_01: Let's see. Oh, and Jim got banned off of DLive. I don't know if he's been unbanned. I'm pretty sure he has, but he did a video talking about it. And from what I understand is that there was some kind of Unknown_01: Like I haven't been banned off DLive and everyone was telling me like I should close my account out of like solidarity or some shit. It was very strange and people were warning me that they were cracking down on social justice warrior shit. But from what I understand, he got banned because he was playing a clip. Unknown_01: of that it was a like a twitch stream a real life stream or something that incidentally caught the audio of a rape in the next room and jim had done something to the audio to blow it up so that uh the rape was more easily heard and that that was what got him banned and they stated a reason was like sexual content or something because d live has a pretty strong stance on sexual content So I don't know nobody else has been affected I really think it's just like you can't play sex stuff on the alive or they'll ban you real fast 0:19:40 Unknown_01: It's on YouTube? I don't know. You have to understand that they're a new platform. Twitch has a big problem with porn. And they probably have to deal with porn and stuff. And YouTube is really shitty at... The fucking Mumkey Jones sex tape is on YouTube. And it stays up for hours at a time. So just because it's on YouTube doesn't mean that they're generally more restrictive than YouTube or anything. I think that's a false equivalence. 0:20:19 Unknown_01: It was just a grope. Unknown_01: I didn't know. I don't watch it. I had no interest in seeing that. But from what I heard, what I understood, and from DLive's reaction, that was why. It would suck if DLive went. Because, I mean, what's the alternative to DLive right now? Fucking... Unknown_01: bitwave I would literally rather stop streaming altogether than go on bitwave because those people are fucking creepy and I don't want anything to do with them so that's that's my opinion on yeah no fuck off literally would rather stop it or I would just I would just do it on my own site because I could easily like 15 people 1500 people are watching this right now I could easily stream that in audio in 96 kilobit per second audio stream. It's easy. 0:21:11 Unknown_01: Oh, and Dame Pesos got flagged. Who did that? Let me pull that up, actually. I had heard about that, but I didn't look into it. What the fuck is his name now? It's like Gator Pesos or something. Dame Gator? Unknown_01: Is that it? Oh, it is. Unknown_03: What a weird-ass fucking name. 0:21:42 Unknown_03: Is it Monday Matt again? Oh, these are the videos. Unknown_03: Oh no, it's Kraut this time. Unknown_01: Or no, it's... Unknown_01: It's like two different things at once. Oh, no, it is the soilless man. Wow. I can't. What a fucking pussy. Unknown_01: What if I would ask, do you think if it's actually. So right now I'm looking up the image of the community guideline strikes that Dominique Peso's got. And therefore, two different soilless Matt shows one for violation of YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying. Bullying. Both of them on that. Or on the second one on policy on hate speech. I don't know what hate speech Dame Pesos did, but I would ask if you guys think it's actually Nat who did this, but I'm going to go out on a whim and just say it is. I don't understand that. I will never understand the mentality of like people can't say mean things about me. 0:22:18 Unknown_01: it's it's such it's so it's so completely alien like it's completely there is no like on a venn diagram there's a zero a zero uh 0:23:03 Unknown_01: Intersection, that's the word. I have so many different I words in my brain that were not intersection, trying to fight for that space. But in the Venn diagram of my brain, there's no intersection between what I think and this mentality of people can't say mean things about me on the internet. Do you people know the kind of shit that is said about me? I would be fucking dead if I tried to control that. I would have to fucking kill myself if that shit got to me. I have seen more things written about me that are just fabrications. The most hideous fabrications possible. 0:23:42 Unknown_01: More so than anything I've ever read on the forum. Like, combined. Unknown_01: But Monday Matt can't handle some fucking squeaky wetback laughing at him for being a fucking Uber Eats driver. Why even live? What is the purpose of your life if that's your fucking line in the sand? You can't tolerate that. Literally, why live if you're that fucking pathetic? 0:24:16 Unknown_03: I don't know. Unknown_03: That's what I have to say about being de-indexed. Unknown_01: So far, my shit's going fine, though. You know what it is? I started loving Israel. I started loving Israel, and I stopped talking bad about trannies. Now, on that note, let's talk about trannies. Unknown_01: Now, on the last episode of Mad at the Internet, I warned you that Blair White is a fucking gross tranny and should not be given any leeway just because they are our base tranny, quote unquote, and they have conservative viewpoints and they believe in the gender binary does not mean that that blair white is not a mentally ill man in drag who can be trusted with anything quote erot demonstrandum ryan gordon now yaniv and i had planned a uh a interview and then he abruptly backed out because he had gotten an agent for a documentary 0:25:07 Unknown_01: The documentarian was apparently this guy, Ryan Gordon. Unknown_01: And Ryan Gordon, as part of their agreement, had gotten access to all of Yanov's social media and was basically given free access to everything that Yanov does, to see all his private stuff and everything. And Gordon was using that as a direct way to pipe information into the Canadian police. He was essentially like a... like a freelance fed working for the Canadians based on what he was doing. He was completely taking advantage of Yanov from what he said. 0:26:04 Unknown_01: And he confided who he was and what he was doing to Blair White. Unknown_01: Blair White being in, uh, I'll leave a link to this in the post, but from what he says, it's a long story. I'm not going to read it, but I'll give you the gist. Unknown_01: Uh, Unknown_01: Blair White called the Langley Police Department by Yaniv and tried to corroborate information that Gordon had told him with what the police said. And what the police told Blair White is that they could not give any information about an ongoing investigation. To which Blair White turns around and says, I think this is... 0:26:43 Unknown_01: Oh, as he puts it, instead it sounds like she thought, I can make another video off this, and she did. Blair White made a video basically saying that this guy, Ryan Gordon, was the documentarian and was lying, was protecting a pedophile, was protecting Yaniv. And since the internet circle around Yaniv right now is a boomer frenzy, 0:27:24 Unknown_01: And because, as I've explained earlier, when people talk about pedophiles, they get like a frothing fucking rage where they excuse being complete fucking retards in favor of being like wannabe Chris Hansen vigilante witch hunters who fuck up everything. Unknown_01: He immediately got doxxed. And then, according to him, people showed up at his house to the point where he called police and asked for patrols to stop by to make sure people weren't coming to kill him. Because Blair White had put this guy on fucking blast as being a pedophile protector or something. At least from the accounts, and I think the staff verified him. I hope so, otherwise I'm looking like a retard. Unknown_01: Uh, but yeah, cause he, he contacted Blair and said, you know, you, you really misunderstand from his, um, 0:28:19 Unknown_01: From his account, he says, And despite that, despite knowing and having that confirmation they were looking for after the video went out, Blair has not taken down the video, has not apologized. And from what he said... Unknown_01: trying to find the quote um blair basically said to him that it would make him look bad if he had gotten this wrong so he's not going to fess up to it at all because he wants to be internet famous uh blair had agreed to confidentiality with this person in exchange for a scoop on this yana thing that uh blair was very interested in and in response to that this psychotic fucking crossdresser 0:29:20 Unknown_01: basically ruined his life he's called off the the documentary he's uh completely dropped it so i guess i get my interview with yonav now thanks blair uh and is just giving up on it so i don't know i think that's really funny i i called it like within days of it happening but blair shouldn't be trusted and i'm right again it's not a hard call though Here you have someone who has a bona fide mental illness. Should they be trusted with confidential information that can really hurt you if it was in the wrong hands? The answer is no. The answer is no. Do not give psychotics your fucking noose to hang you with. You will regret it when they do it. Unknown_01: And you'll be surprised by their motivation in doing it. Unknown_03: Jay predicted this exactly. Unknown_03: Okay, here's the thing. I'll tell you. 0:30:19 Unknown_01: My interview with Yaniv would not be hostile. It's like with Maddox. I really do not want a yelling contest. I have no interest in yelling at someone. I just want to talk, and I have good questions, and I have a good way of engaging someone and not pushing a narrative. I have no reason to tell Yaniv that I think they're a bad person. I think my position on this is already well understood, and I don't have to prove to people what side I'm on. I don't feel that. 0:30:54 Unknown_01: But someone like Blair White has to grandstand. They get this interview, and then at the end they go, I think I've already made fun of this. I made fun of this when it happened. When it happened, and how Blair was just like, you make trans people look bad, and I don't want to give you a platform, and I think you're disgusting, and it's like... Okay. Unknown_01: Nobody, nobody was accusing you of being like Yaniv until you said that, uh, you make yourself look really fucking suspect when, when you go out on that limb. And I have no interest in doing that to Yaniv. I just want to ask questions and get him to talk. And, uh, it's the same thing with Maddox. I don't want to yell at Maddox. I just want to ask questions and get him to talk. Cause I think he has an interesting story that he hasn't spoken about yet. 0:31:27 Unknown_01: Uh, this guy is promising. He said he's filed a police report locally and with, uh, he's contacted the Hollywood police where Blair lives to suppress charges. I don't know for what, I guess for harassment, maybe for defamation. Um, cause I mean, in terms of actual, like in terms of like defamation cases are, are hard to prove in general, obviously, um, 0:32:05 Unknown_01: And the big thing is you need damages, right? You need damages to prove defamation. If I say that you're, you know, if you're something that you're not and it doesn't do you any harm, you can be as offended as you want, but you don't have a defamation case. But if you're a documentarian and you're expecting to make X amount of money off your documentary and your defamation causes the documentary to fall apart, that is a possible loss as far as I'm aware in terms of defamation. So I don't know. I wish the best for him. 0:32:39 Unknown_01: I hope it works out, because it really sucks that this fucking retard in a dress ruined his shit for literally like 15 minutes of fame, just so that they can make another video going, I'm totally not like Yaniv, and I think Yaniv is bad. Like, okay. Unknown_01: Who gives a shit what you think? You're not fucking important. Nobody cares. Unknown_01: Thanks for ruining the police's end to everything that Jan have had. Completely free to charge, you retard. 0:33:11 Unknown_01: Jordan, what do you think about Blair? Unknown_04: I hope that Blair whitewashes her feminine penis. Unknown_01: Me too. You don't want some dick cheese up on that. The estrogen does not make it any better. Unknown_03: Is that it? Is that all I have? 30 minute stream? Unknown_01: Can you guys think of anything? Anything I missed? Because it's been a slow week. It's been a slow week for me at least. 0:33:43 Unknown_01: Oh. Unknown_01: Oh. You know what I have. You know what I have. Unknown_01: I unfortunately do not have a bingo card for this. But. Unknown_03: But. Unknown_03: But. Unknown_01: Where is it? If I don't have this downloaded, I'm not going to play the video. I'm just going to shoot myself live on stream. 0:34:14 Unknown_03: I better fucking have this clip. Unknown_01: Oh, I don't know how it's going to play with audio only. Fuck it, whatever. Who cares? If it's shit, I'll cut it out of the Libsyn feed. Where the fuck is this? Unknown_03: Oh, I feel like a total retard right now. Unknown_03: I know I saved it. Unknown_01: Okay, here's what it is. If I can't find it, I'm just gonna cry. 0:34:46 Unknown_01: Lee, the kid, K's son, Lee. Unknown_03: Hello, guys, and welcome back to my channel. Unknown_01: You're doing it before I was ready, Lee. Unknown_01: You gotta wait for the cue, Lee. Unknown_01: This mother, he did it. He climbed out of his Neathog to take his mother's throne. His mother is getting old. She is getting aged. Her hands are too shaky and Parkinson's-y to cut the potatoes anymore. So the ascended Neathog is ready to cook. And I have not watched this. I hope it's terrible. We'll see. 0:35:25 Unknown_07: hello guys and welcome back to my channel today i am so excited this video that i'm about to do has been requested so many times i can't remember how many times it's been requested it's literally a lot so today i am actually going to be doing it But before I start, I just want to let you know I have lost my battery charger for the camcorder, so I have no idea. So I might have to switch cameras all the way around. I just want to point out that he loses his fucking battery charger, like, every episode. 0:36:00 Unknown_01: I've heard Kay say that as well. Like, we're on low battery and we don't have the charger. How the fuck do you keep losing the thing? You're in like a shitty two-bedroom British cottage. Where the fuck can you possibly put this fucking camera battery charger that you can't find it reliably? I hate losing shit. Oh, he's trying to be entertaining. Unknown_01: Oh no, his mom- Bit delayed, but thank you! That's K. He's having his mom help him make his fucking video. That's really embarrassing, and I'm kind of cringing. 0:36:36 Unknown_07: And today, I am doing my first cooking video! Yes, this video has been requested so many times, so- You just said that. Unknown_05: I'm not gonna tell you what I am cooking, but you will just have to see during the vlog. Unknown_07: It's not a vlog, is it? Is it a vlog? Or is it just a cooking video? Who knows? Unknown_01: Just so excited. So I've got all the pans set up. Get some margin there. Get some margin there. I know you want it. Can you help me with the camera? 0:37:10 Unknown_07: To be honest, you don't have to wear the camera, so. Unknown_06: Come on, Mom. Mom, get the camera. Unknown_07: Right, so that's one. Right, guys. Just letting you know, the world might have changed because halfway through, I was putting the two slices of bacon in. Look at how gross that fucking bacon is. Unknown_01: It's like pure fat. There's like a little triangle of meat on each end of the bacon. I really hope he puts margarine in the pan with the bacon. 0:37:44 Unknown_07: So the bacon is cooking now. A good way to do bacon is don't put anything in with the bacon. Let it cook in its own juices. He didn't mean it as that to sound like cooking his own juices. Anyway, just putting me in my day, man. Unknown_01: Don't talk about sexly. So, the bacon's cooking now. Unknown_07: In this pan is going to be going scrambled eggs. So, let's get the... In a pot? I'll show you what I'm getting. Unknown_07: Well, I won't show you what I'm getting. You'll see what I'm getting. 0:38:16 Unknown_01: Is he making an omelette or something? Unknown_07: Right, guys. So, going in this pan here... He's so excited about food. Unknown_01: He is. Unknown_07: Crumbled eggs. Can you see it? Unknown_01: You've already said that you were putting eggs in it hot, Lee. Unknown_07: So you can fucking tell me if you can see it or not, and I can't believe I've just swore. Right, so you put another butter in. Unknown_01: That's margarine. Don't even call it butter. You fucked it. I know your secret. Unknown_07: Alright, so. Unknown_07: You're going to need to let that melt for a bit. Not all of it, just let a bit melt. 0:38:48 Unknown_07: You know, when it starts to melt, move it around the pan. Unknown_07: He's so nervous. Unknown_01: He wants to please me with his offering of food. Unknown_05: This is what you cut out, Lee. Unknown_05: You fumbling off-screen with your packaging is the shit you cut out, Lee. 0:39:25 Unknown_05: He's so stressed. Unknown_07: You know what? Forget it. I'll just come back when it starts to start to melt. Unknown_07: You got no shit. Butter is starting to melt. Unknown_05: Oh, that looks like butter. That looks like butter, not fucking oil, Lee. Unknown_07: I'll just do it here. Unknown_07: Just move it around, around, around. Unknown_05: It doesn't even look like food. I really hate margarine. Margarine it all. Unknown_07: Come on! Freakin' heck, go, go over there, go over there, right there. 0:39:58 Unknown_01: It does look like paint. It looks like you would fuckin' tackle that on your walls. Unknown_07: Right. So, now... Kay's advice is to put that shit on max, so it melts faster. Unknown_01: Get up. Lock your thorns. Unknown_08: Why does she have to... Why does she have to chaperone him to make bacons and egg? Unknown_01: Or bacon and eggs. Why does he need her help with this? 0:40:30 Unknown_07: I'm recording, aren't I? Yeah. I'm glad you're doing this and just not recording. I'll be like, no. Do it again. Unknown_05: She's worried he's gonna burn down the house. Unknown_05: If Kay's fucking worried about your cooking, that's a bad sign. Unknown_05: Oh, yeah, he's scratching the fuck out of that Teflon with the fork. Unknown_01: I'm sure they're already poisoned with all sorts of foreign fucking British shit. Unknown_05: Oh, already? 0:41:03 Unknown_05: His form with the eggs is good, though. That's impressive. Countertops fucking clean. Unknown_01: That's impressive. Unknown_05: Already better than Kay. Ow. Even Kay. Unknown_08: Kay's like, what the fuck are you doing? I can't believe I used the fork. Unknown_05: What am I thinking? Unknown_07: So I'm gonna keep on stirring this. Unknown_05: Thank you. This video is making me appreciate Kay and her skills more. She knows about the metal on metal. 0:41:36 Unknown_05: She knows about the heat. Oh, coming good. Unknown_07: Can you come and stir this while I just wash my hands? To get all the egg off. I hate eggs. Unknown_07: Alright, put some salt in. It's a good thing that his mom's here to help. Pepper. Unknown_07: And egg starting. I usually put pepper on last to taste clever. Unknown_05: That wasn't anything. You're not going to be able to taste that. 0:42:11 Unknown_07: Alright guys, I'm just going to... Come and stir this. I am. Unknown_05: Wait, he's getting his mom to help him? Unknown_07: To stir the eggs? Just keep stirring this. Get a bit thicker now. Unknown_05: You don't need to stir it. Unknown_07: Just stir this while I just wash my hands, that's all. Unknown_05: It's scrambled eggs, dude. You just fucking cook it and you scramble it. Unknown_05: It looks bad because you added margarine to it. Margarine is so fucking gross and it makes everything look shitty. 0:42:46 Unknown_05: Just throw in some fucking butter or olive oil. Unknown_07: Nice and done. Should have put the bacon in a lot longer. Unknown_07: Oh my God. Guys, look at that scrambled egg coming in nicely. Oh, that looks nice. He's so proud. Unknown_02: Wait, the bacon's way not done yet. Unknown_07: Calm down. Where's the pork? If it's me, it's done. You want your bacon like that? Yeah. Unknown_07: Really? Unknown_05: The bacon's not cooking because he's so afraid of cooking it on high heat like she does. The scrambled egg's done nice. 0:43:20 Unknown_05: He's not cooking it at all. Unknown_07: Right, guys, so I'm going to dish it out. No. Oi. Oi. What? I'm going to show the camera. Unknown_07: Cheek. Unknown_02: What happened? Why didn't he flip the bacon? Unknown_05: We can see it fine, Liam. Unknown_06: That's not done at all. That's raw as fuck. Unknown_05: You're gonna have fucking worms eating that shit. Unknown_07: Wait, what did he do? You cut the camera because you forgot to put toast on the toast first? 0:43:59 Unknown_01: I'm sorry, you put bread in the toaster to get toast. Unknown_07: Right, can I see? I'm just going to get all the scrambled eggs out now. I don't want to leave it in the pan. You can just leave it in the pan. You don't have to... I'll just make it all terrible. Unknown_07: The scrambled eggs. Unknown_07: Oh, freaking heck. Just let all the freaking cocoa. Terrific. Unknown_07: Right, so, a bit messy, but that's the scrambled egg out, and the toast is doing it now. Just keep it in the fucking... Right, guys, I've done this in the freaking awkwardest way possible. 0:44:31 Unknown_01: Yes, you did. Unknown_07: You know... Just leave it in the fucking pan until it's ready. Anyway, toast is done. Both sides buttered. I mean, not buttered. Unknown_07: Both sides toasted, whatever. Unknown_07: Right, guys. Unknown_05: How much marge? I bet he's gonna add so much fucking marge to that bread. Unknown_07: It really has. Right, so, quick butter. Unknown_01: Oh, I can't wait. Unknown_01: I bet you can't see any bread once he's done spreading it. 0:45:12 Unknown_07: That's a lot of fucking marge. Unknown_01: Even he knows. He knows it's a lot of marge and he's ashamed of it, which is why he said that. Unknown_01: That is, like, pure fucking hydrogenated, like, corn oil. It's not butter. I don't know why he doesn't like butter. That's the weirdest thing about him, is how much he... He got it on the side, so you can't touch it. You're gonna get marge on your fucking hands eating that shit. Unknown_01: Look, he can't... Scrape it off the fuck, thank you. 0:45:47 Unknown_07: He didn't even do it right. Unknown_01: If you hold that fucking sandwich, you're gonna get margarine on your hands, no matter how you hold it, because it's gonna be on both sides now. Unknown_07: Right, guys. Unknown_01: Because he put so much of it on it. Unknown_07: Once it's all buttered... This is where... I know he has autism, because he's making sure that, like, every... The entire surface area of that bread has to be evenly covered in margarine. Unknown_07: Right, put the lid back on. Unknown_07: Right, now this is what's supposed to have happened the first time. So, what you do is... So you get your first... 0:46:22 Unknown_01: I just have to admire the fact that he's explaining this like it's an instructional video. Here's how you make bacon eggs on toast. Unknown_01: You have to put the eggs on the toast. Then you put the bacon on top. Then you close the bread together. That's how you do it. Pro tips from Lee. Unknown_01: For a fucking mongoloid who's never made bacon eggs on toast before. Unknown_07: You put it on the plate. 0:47:00 Unknown_07: Flawless. Unknown_05: Flawless. That was a perfect transfer. Unknown_05: Hot. Unknown_07: So that's your scrambled eggs there. Unknown_07: With this next one... If you're listening to this, he just spilled egg all over the fucking place. Unknown_05: And it's just like, yeah, that's good enough. Unknown_07: Hot. Right, so your scrambled egg and toast is there. Unknown_06: Why not just put the bacon directly on it so you don't have to be... Unknown_07: You pick up the toast. Can you see this? Can you see it? What the fuck are you doing? 0:47:33 Unknown_06: Can you see this? Just put the bacon directly on the eggs. Unknown_07: Can you see this? Can you see this? Yeah, the toast is there. Unknown_06: Do you need a step ladder so you can see? Unknown_07: Do you want a slot? Unknown_07: Right, so. Unknown_06: What the fuck is this? Why is he cutting the bread in half? Unknown_07: We shouldn't have a sharp knife. Unknown_06: He's such a retard. Unknown_07: Shut the knife. It can move his head. Unknown_06: Oh my god. Like that. 0:48:06 Unknown_07: Like that. Like that. But that is not the end of it. Right guys, so all that's done, you get a bit of ketchup. Unknown_08: What the fuck is he doing? Did he say ketchup? Unknown_06: No. Unknown_08: It's a good thing you like ketchup. No. Unknown_07: I don't like, no, not like ketchup. Unknown_08: No. Unknown_07: That's enough. Unknown_01: Oh, my God. He's putting ketchup on fucking eggs on toast. Unknown_07: It's supposed to go like a zigzag, but it kind of messed up. Wait, that's not it. What the fuck, Lee? 0:48:39 Unknown_06: Move out of the way. Unknown_06: Even K, K is, K, his mother, K, infamous for her fucking bad cooking is in the back appalled by this fucking shit. Unknown_01: I can't believe this. Unknown_07: I was supposed to put pepper on, but she just said, I don't want pepper, I don't want pepper. So that, as my mother says, is an M product. Really enjoyed it. Unknown_07: Only thing is now. Unknown_06: You haven't eaten it yet. Unknown_07: Need to know what it tastes like, so one more. 0:49:13 Unknown_06: He's gonna feed this slop to his fucking mother. His mother who raised him. Unknown_06: Make him eat this fucking... Ew! Unknown_12: What? Unknown_07: She doesn't like it. I don't like the veg sauce. Alright, fine. Go for that. Unknown_07: Is this creme brulee good or not? Yeah. Unknown_01: Why is he... Why is he prepared it like this? Unknown_07: What? 0:49:46 Unknown_01: The bacon's raw. There's no way that's not raw bacon. There's no flavors in your mouth. Unknown_07: No, no, no. Unknown_01: She's so angry at him. She hates it. I love bacon anyway, but yes, it's very nice. Unknown_07: Big thumbs up. Unknown_07: Right, guys, so that is... Okay, I think this is... I don't want to just listen to him talk, but... Unknown_01: I want to explain this audioly. Unknown_01: Audioly? How the fuck do you say visually but with audio? Verbally. I want to narrate his assembly on the plate. I thought he was going to put the bacon on top of the eggs and then put the second layer of toast on top of it and eat it like a sandwich like a normal fucking person would. 0:50:18 Unknown_01: He has not done this. He took his second piece of toast and he cut it down the middle, like horizontally, not even diagonally down the middle and made two flaps, like two bread wings for this, this egg on toast with ketchup on it. And he has laid raw ass fucking like Canadian bacon on either side so that it looks like a really shitty satellite with like bacon solar panels or something. Or like an angel made out of God's contempt for mankind. And it's genuinely shocking how unappealing he's prepared a bacon and egg sandwich. Like, genuinely appalling. So if you're listening on iTunes or whatever the fuck, I hope my audiovisual transcription has been of service to you. I want to hear what he says, though. If it's boring, I'll cut it off. 0:50:58 Unknown_07: right guys so that is the end of this video i hope you did enjoy it i really enjoyed it i've been looking forward to this for a very long time she's over there scuffing her face with it 0:51:44 Unknown_07: so yes hope you did enjoy it if you did enjoy it give it a big thumbs up let me know if you want me to like not make this a regular thing but do more cooking videos on my channel it's not even the butter it's not even that the butter didn't melt it was margarine um which i i'm gonna i'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that margarine has a higher melting point than butter but yeah the eggs are fucking cold the bacon's fucking cold the bacon never got hot so the bacon is definitely cold Unknown_01: it's just yeah i can't even imagine like if you bite into that because of how much margie's put into it you're gonna feel that oil that artificial oil coat your entire mouth because it's just so much and i it's i'm actually i didn't know how interesting this video would be i didn't watch it before i played it um but jesus christ you know i really enjoyed it Unknown_07: you know all this is a visit that's true things i didn't well that's not for you can't get like a lot of the uh... long enough to know one is that they all in reverse more or less number two of course i can't work or if i got all you know that too and the sports of pepper on it you know the uh... recall it 0:53:02 Unknown_07: Scrambled eggs. But obviously. Unknown_01: He's trying to explain how you put black pepper on the eggs. Unknown_07: I really can't. Can't remember. But like I said. I hope you did enjoy it. If you did. Thumbs up. Leave it in the comments. If you want me to do it more regular. Unknown_05: Who cuts his hair. Who the fuck do you think cuts his hair. Kerry C. His mom cuts his fucking hair. So I will see you. Unknown_07: Next time I do a video. Goodbye. Unknown_01: I'm so glad I watched this. There's like another minute left. And we are face back at another... I don't know if this is the same... I'm guessing he's made a brand new bacon solar panel satellite dish. And he has this new Mark II bacon satellite dish. Anglo satellite orbiting Earth. He has managed to actually cook the bacon, it looks like, at least better than before, but he's taken a step back in the design as he's now added ketchup to the bacon on marge toast. And I can't wait to hear what he has to say about this shit. 0:53:34 Unknown_07: You know, I was going to put the... I forgot to film putting the red sauce on. I'll put the red sauce on and then put the pepper on. So a bit of pepper on. 0:54:15 Unknown_07: And that is it. That is the video done. And, yeah, that's mine done. The first one done was my mom's. And the second one is mine. I think it's nice. So let me know what you guys think. Let me know if you think it looks nice or whatever. Let me know if you're going to try it. And I will see you next video. Unknown_01: Is anyone here inspired to try this sandwich now? Just out of curiosity. Unknown_01: I'm actually curious. I have the video ID. I am mildly curious to see what the comments are like. Oh, that's already what we played. 2,000 views. 0:54:48 Unknown_03: They're better at cooking than K, Jesus Christ. Unknown_01: They're also complimentary. Do you think he prunes his comments so that it's only positive stuff? He has to be pruning this. Lee, I love this video. Your energy was superb. This is so fucking gay. All these people are fucking retards. 0:55:29 Unknown_01: Well done, Nate. Looks good at that, says Adam Logsdon. Unknown_01: cracking video big man have a thumbs up brilliantly well done k for taste testing from jackie by the way yours is better the bacon's done more love crispy bacon from jojo thompson did you watch the same video as me because that bacon was fucking raw 0:56:12 Unknown_01: I can't believe it. Are these like fake accounts? Who the fuck are these people? Unknown_01: Who the fuck are these people? Is he like buying comments? Unknown_03: Wow. Let's go more, please, says Naveed behind the camera. Unknown_01: Awesome. I think this is your finest video ever. Your cooking skills are excellent. Not as good as K's, but still amazing, says Loline Cheeky. Who are you fucking deranged sycophants telling this poor autistic child that his cooking is not fucking appalling? 0:56:46 Unknown_06: What the fuck is... I'm like shocked at this shit. Unknown_01: What the fuck? Unknown_01: pity comments they're all socks of his i'm inspired to start a youtube cooking show now if i ever do if i ever make borscht at home i'll have to to do a do a video with a thumbs up wait what 0:57:27 Unknown_01: Oh my god. Unknown_01: How are you single? With skills like that in the kitchen, I'm sure loads of girls will be chasing you soon. I'd have breakfast in bed with you, Lee Hart, says Jenna Mann. A clearly, clearly depraved, sadistic liar. A chronic, pathological fucking liar who is a... Unknown_01: Just out to make this idiot continue to produce mistakes on YouTube for her fucking amusement. 0:58:04 Unknown_01: Or it's either him. It's probably him in dress. He probably gets all prettied up. He buzzes himself up in marge. In a yellow margarine colored dress. And dances in front of a mirror before leaving YouTube comments saying about how he'd fuck him. About how I would fuck me. Unknown_01: Alright, I think that's all the entertainment I can beat out of Big Man Lee cooking bad. Cooking poorly, I'm sorry. In the Queen's English. Unknown_01: I'm jealous. Unknown_03: Oh, fuck you. Can we have Jordan Peterson's text-to-speech like other streams? 0:58:35 Unknown_01: What, like dynamic? Like built into the stream? Oh, that would get fucking annoying fast. Unknown_01: All right. All right. Sorry. I was reading some stuff. Make sure I didn't miss anything. Anything else, my friends? Anything else that you want to talk about before? Because it's been a short stream, so I'm open to some ideas. Let me look at my downloads, see if I've downloaded anything funny. 0:59:18 Unknown_01: Was Epstein dead last stream? Yes, Epstein's been dead, hasn't he? Unknown_01: I have a very distorted concept of time because I'm a fucking weirdo. Dick Masterson is interviewing Boogie, apparently, in the next two weeks. So I've made an open question on the Kiwi Farms. Unknown_01: If you have any suggestions for how to deal with Boogie... 0:59:54 Unknown_01: Please post there because I'm very interested in hearing what people would suggest. I did have a conversation with Boogie with Jim and Ralph like a year ago. And people responded very negatively to that conversation because they said that we let him put on his nice guy routine and get away with stuff. But really, when you talk to Boogie, he acts clueless. Like he's like, I have no idea about that. I let my manager take care of that, you know. Unknown_01: uh i i have no interest in that you know i just put on a show it's that kind of conversation and it really it really like jars you because you lose your footing so if you're someone who talks to uh or knows a lot about boogie and would be interested in seeing dick talk to boogie uh do go ahead and post your suggestions or tips in that thread because i i would be interested um 1:00:50 Unknown_01: and seeing boogie react to someone who knows how to deal with him, I suppose. Um, Unknown_01: Someone invited me to talk to John McAfee, by the way. I'm not sure if that actually came to be, but apparently they had McAfee already set up for a date way in the future, maybe a month from now. So I would definitely be down for that because I have to talk to that man. It's clandestine for me to speak to McAfee. If it does happen, I'll let everyone know. 1:01:27 Unknown_01: If it doesn't, I'll cry. Unknown_03: I think that might be it. Unknown_03: I think that might be it. Unknown_03: Yeah. Unknown_01: Oh, the only use me blade, I've never heard of them. I'll have to look. If there's a thread on the forum, I'll check it out. But I've seen it suggested now. I've never heard of them before. Unknown_01: Oh, before I forget, this tweet got posted like a couple hours ago and it made me laugh really hard because it's just like, I'll read it. Thank you to Wayne Allen Root for the very nice words. Quote, President Trump is the greatest president for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America. He is the best president for Israel in the history of the world, and the Jewish people in Israel love him. He's like the king of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God. But American Jews don't know him or like him. They don't know what they're doing or saying anymore. It makes no sense, but that's okay. If he keeps doing what he's doing, he's good for all Jews, blacks, gays, everyone. And importantly, he's good for everyone in America who wants a job. Wow, says Trump. 1:02:44 Unknown_01: uh so that there's king of israel donald trump i i every day you know i wake up and i thank god for israel because i i love the nation of israel and i think i love israel more than anyone else but then i see a tweet from donald trump about how much he loves israel and i'm Unknown_01: So every day, Donald Trump challenges me to love Israel more, and I try to meet that challenge to the best of my ability. 1:03:22 Unknown_01: Jordan, what do you say about Israel? The Jew is immunized against all dangers. Unknown_04: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer. It all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew, and you will be astonished as he recoils how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back. Unknown_04: I've been found out. Unknown_01: Well, that's anti-Semitic as fuck, Jordan Peterson. I can't endorse that. I have to disavow. Unknown_01: And with those famous last words, I think I'm going to call it a wrap. 1:03:57 Unknown_01: And I'll catch you guys next week. Take it easy. 1:04:36 Unknown_09: Thank you. Unknown_10: What you do to me. 1:05:25 Unknown_09: I guess someone told me that. But man, I never saw it coming. Gonna let myself go soon. Unknown_10: Man, I'm gonna tear it down. And maybe take my kitty with me, yeah. Unknown_10: Even though my heart is breaking Is this ever gonna straight you up? Oh my God, what's wrong with me? Can't seem to teach you how to make it feel good I'll be your nightmare mirror Do what you do to me I'll be your nightmare mirror Corner than a steel blade 1:05:59 Unknown_12: Skip, skip, skip, skip, skip, skip, skip, skip, skip, skip, skip, skip. Baby, baby, baby Bye, faggot.