I should start the fucking show with loud-ass fucking fake metal music every time. Look at chat. It's like I stepped in an anthill. I've never seen chat so active in my life. I've never seen so many people angry at me, and I fucking run websites dedicated to making people angry at me. I've clearly found a winning formula.
Unknown_01: Alright.
Unknown_01: This music choice was brought to you by my man. Where is my Firefox capture? There it is. By my man, Corbin Dallas Multipass.
I see the stream health is low. I'm checking that before I get into it.
Unknown_01: How's the stream, everybody? Is the stream good? Is everything good?
Unknown_01: Oh wait, I can always just restart the stream and replay the Rules of Nature theme and startle everyone all over again.
Unknown_01: Perfect.
Unknown_01: Okay, so he has been bugging me in chat. And I've decided to run a poll seeing if we should ban him or not. And I don't know what the results are at. They're usually at ban. People just press the button because it's power. It's like you give someone the button to ban someone, they're going to press it. They're going to press it almost always. Just how it is.
Laggy as fuck.
Unknown_01: I'll keep my eye open. Hopefully it improves. If not... I mean, I just see it. It's... I really... See, I'm terrible at this. I don't even know why I try. Why do I try? I'm fucking awful at it.
For some reason, I just keep doing it all over again.
Unknown_01: I know I have the internet connection to put through a fucking livestream.
Unknown_04: I know I can do it.
Unknown_01: Okay. I'm just gonna go ahead. And if it's terrible, if it's terrible, guess what? It's okay. Because I'm uploading this to Libsyn now. And...
iTunes is so far the only people who have not approved my podcast because it took me a while to even submit it. It took me a while to even submit this through to iTunes because I was having a 500 error when I was submitting my podcast and I had to email them. I had to email Apple and say, I can't submit my podcast. because it literally refuses I just get like a generic 500 error when I even try so then finally they fixed it and then I could submit it through and now hopefully it'll get on because I did a poll and I asked people I said do you do you want like a podcast thing like a like a actual stream thing that like Dick Masterson does and they're overwhelmingly it was like like 33 to 66 percent 66 in favor of having a audio only stream to listen to so it's like fuck it i guess we're doing it then i guess i'm gonna have to i guess i'm gonna have to actually do it are people just spamming i'm gonna get rid of you no i'll leave it alone i'll leave it alone i don't feel like moderating my chat ah
This week... This last week has felt simultaneously extremely long and extremely short at the same time. And I don't know how to describe it. It's like... You have... You have...
Unknown_01: A lot of shit's kind of happened, but not much shit's kind of happened.
Unknown_01: And it feels like I was just doing this yesterday. I don't know where the time goes. I think I'm just getting old. I think that's what's happening. I'm becoming an old man, and I'm dying. And Signal wants to update in the middle of the stream. Whatever.
I guess I'll talk about something that just happened, and I'll explain why I don't think it's as big a deal. Maybe it is. It's kind of hard. It's not as big a deal in a real-world sense.
Unknown_01: Just now, Project Veritas leaked some information from a Google insider proving their bias against conservatives. And...
Unknown_01: What it is, is a list of domain names that are banned from showing up in the Google News feed.
And I'll show you what that looks like.
Unknown_01: For people who are listening, because apparently this is now a podcast, if you go to Google and you just type in anything, let's just do China, because I know China's sent in a convoy to Hong Kong recently.
Unknown_01: So you see these top stories, and you see these news articles right here. That's what this list leaked from. Well, I've only looked at this one list. I know that there's more, and I want to be poking through it. But in terms of this one list, people are talking about this one list because the Ralph Retort showed up on it and Jim retweeted it. But...
all that list does is it stops things from showing up in this this area and i don't consider that too bad a thing uh because for instance with the bianca devon stuff the kiwi farms i know the kiwi farms has been on this list for a long time because we used to show up in these top stories and we don't anymore and i knew they fucking z-lined us on this um but it would be like if you type in bianca devins you probably would have got the kiwi farm slurred about her beheading or near beheading uh some weeks ago and they just they don't like that they don't like drama websites showing up on that because the list of other shit that shows up on this is like uh gta 5 dash mods uh
reddit.com slash r slash gentlemen boners because they the gentlemen boners thing is like for like celebrities so if a celebrity is in the news for whatever reason and gentlemen boners is in the top um then i guess it would show up as a news story like this this shit for like men to like perv on well-dressed women mmo champions on it but then there's also stuff like the rebel.media is on it and uh fluffy brew which is like pony torture porn and brosome.com it's going viral.com it's like it's like a mix between uh websites that can become deceptively popular during a a i funny.co is on it It's like either intentionally, intentionally viral shit, misleading shit, drama shit. And then sometimes what you would consider like what they would consider fake news. And that's, what's going to hurt them. Breitbart isn't on it, but the rebel media, uh, is.
And, um, like I think, uh, Chris, this website called Christian news, there's a lot of different like shitty news websites on this.
Unknown_01: Um, and,
Unknown_01: like info wars and stuff that they don't just don't want in that box and i don't like if this was the only thing that ever leaked from google i don't think anyone be would be credibly saying that this is evidence of conservative anti-conservative bias because this is just like really shitty websites like the kiwi farms that they don't want in that area but it's not um
I'm like torrenting websites and daily stormers on it. It's not, and it's going to be used as, as ammunition against them. I think it will have a pretty, a pretty hard impact on Google this week. Just this one document that I'm looking at, but, uh, I, I, So in terms of the actual effect it has on the search engine, I don't think that it's extremely significant. So I'll have to take a look at the other stuff before I really make a determination on what they're doing. But this is not a silver bullet, so to speak.
Shit about them hiring stupid coffee bean metaphor. I did see some stuff like that, but I don't know enough to speak informed on it. There were some screenshots of slideshows that I've seen that indicated they had something nefarious going on. So I will take a look at it. But that specific document I don't think is credibly biased towards anything.
Unknown_01: The CEO committed perjury by saying that list didn't exist.
I mean, the CEO very specifically said that there wasn't a list of websites that they keep outside the top stories box on the search engine, outside the news area on the search engine.
Unknown_01: Maybe he did. I just don't think so. I think that's a reach. Because when people start using legal words, they don't usually know what the fuck they're talking about. Okay.
Unknown_01: That's that. I wanted to touch on that before I get into anything else because that's what everyone's sharing about and I thought, fuck it, I'll talk about it too.
Unknown_01: I did reach out to Yaniv about an interview. And immediately after I reached out to Yaniv about talking to me for an interview, which he initially accepted in his email. He just said you have to pick a time and a date besides Wednesday. He says that I have been contacted by a well-known documentarian that will be producing a documentary about me. At this point, I am no longer able to comment on anything in my life or do any interviews without permission from my agent. Thank you. So...
Uh, I guess that's canceled. It's very suspicious timing. I don't think I really doubt that he would spend this kind of bullshit. Um, cause he loves attention. He's, he's a absolute fucking narcissist who loves any and all negative attention.
but I should mention I don't know if I want to say that the Blair White thing happened before last week's stream I really did not like the Blair White stream no I didn't comment on it because I hadn't seen it until days after the stream the Blair White interview with Yana was terrible it was nothing but like moralizing grandstanding and it was really kind of fucking disgusting you don't interview someone to yell at them and say I'm done talking to you I'm never going to give you a platform on my channel ever again, girlfriend. That shit's fucking really gay, and only stupid brainless do that shit. But Yaniv, in a rare, based, besaid moment, docs, Blair White, using allegedly, double X docs, nonetheless, posted their address and obtained it illegally.
Unknown_01: Now, I'm very interested in hearing how you illegally obtain an address. The only thing I can think of is that Yanov scooted into a public, like a library or something, and broke the lock on the front door in the middle of the night using their scooter to just ram through it like a smash and grab, and then went to the phone book section and just took the phone book out and scooted the fuck out. So I'm really interested to hear how this happened. I did look after the stream on the Kiwi Farms for the Blair White thread to see if the pre-op or pre-transition pictures that Yaniv had on his phone were from the Kiwi Farms. And sure enough, we had the exact same photos. So there's a good chance that Yaniv just went to the Kiwi Farms and found the docs there and then posted it on or sent it to him.
I have no idea. It's all bullshit. Blair made a ton of fucking money off that stream and is now doing the very, very basic bitch, I've been doxxed, please give me penny money shit.
Which was probably their goal from the beginning. Because Blair is just, what, they pass better? So I'm supposed to like them more? They're a gross, mentally ill grifter like the fucking rest.
Unknown_01: Yeah. Sorry, I don't bend over backwards and kiss the ass of the fucking base blacks and the base trannies that are always held up in high esteem, but Blair White is just another fucking weirdo in a dress that just so happens to have never had his balls dropped, so he didn't have to do any transitioning.
The pig will be arrested.
Unknown_01: Yeah, fuck off.
Unknown_01: More interestingly is that Yaniv posted on the Kiwi Farms, and this was great because he posted, WG Kitty, I guess I have to say this stuff because people can't always see it. WG Kitty is a user on the Kiwi Farms who is a resident of the same apartment complex building in Canada where Yaniv is living.
And will frequently post first-hand accounts of, like, police visiting his apartment and shit like that. Good content, really good content. And Yaniv freaked the fuck out because he saw WG Kitty posting that nobody in that building likes Yaniv and knows everyone living next to Yaniv visits the Kiwi Farms, basically, is what they said. So they joined the site as the user. I left in the thing right here. Fuck WG Kitty and went on a tirade saying you are going to fucking die. I know who you are and I'm going to come there, slit your throat and throw your body under the golden ears bridge. Bob Adams knows who you are, too. So you better stop.
uh followed by you're going to fucking die motherfucker gonna die followed by you better not step outside of the building or else followed by these are all different posts by the way if you're watching the screen um followed by a post just saying meow meow meow and then another post saying meow meow meow meow meow and then uh i wish i was the oscar meyer wiener that is what i truly wish to be because if i was the oscar meyer wiener everyone would be in love with me
Unknown_01: Uh, so truly nonsensical drunk posting. They sent me a private message in the private message chain that we were using to verify. Um,
Verify that this was actually his account and he messaged me in the morning saying oh, I'm so hungover But I verified the account through other means they connected via a domestic connection from Langley British Columbia, which is where they're living Without a proxy. It wasn't a static service or whatever a VPN
Unknown_01: The time zone was U.S. Pacific. Browser agent matched the Apple devices we knew they had. And the email address was trustednerd at gmail.com. And when we were looking at this, we were really confused because we couldn't find it. Like if you had just gone to Google at the time and typed in with quotes trustednerd at gmail.com, you wouldn't get any results. Now, we knew that Trusted Nerd was a brand name that they used for their internet services, but we didn't have any link for that specific registered email address to anything, so we couldn't verify it at first.
But, somebody did some snooping and found out that Twitter sock puppet accounts, accounts we were pretty sure Yaniv was using to pat their own ass on the internet, found out that one of them was registered to the email address trustednerd at gmail dot com.
And that really bolstered the evidence that that account belonged to them, that email address belonged to them.
Unknown_01: We found it linked to other stuff from 2015 called Canada's Best Girlfriend that didn't have any content. But the real nail in the wall or the nail in the coffin was, and I hope I have a screen cap of this. I don't. Not offhand. But if you have been following me and my contempt for this fucking idiot in December 2018, December 26, 2018, which is now almost a full year. It's like seven months ago. It's a long as fuck. Oh, more than that. It's almost eight full months since then when I had my first encounter with Yaniv. I was going to do a stream on them and I threw up a picture of them as I do for the thumbnail for the stream. And he DMCA'd the fucking thumbnail. He DMCA'd a thumbnail on a scheduled stream that hadn't started yet. And I got a three-month copyright strike, manual strike on my account. And my appeals were denied by Google Corporate. for that DMCA. But I pulled up, or somebody pulled up a screen cap of this DMCA from way, way back when, and surprise, it came from Jonathan Yaniv, trustednerd at gmail.com. So the fucking...
copyright strike, 100% proved beyond a shadow of a fucking doubt that this account belonged to Jonathan Yanov.
Unknown_01: And that was very funny to me. So I reported it to the cops because it is a credible death threat. Yanov just recently got arrested by the RCMB for having an illegal taser. No license for that taser. So they got taken in for that. And now, you know, you have a dangerously armed, a man armed to the teeth with a taser making death threats to a person they know or believes lives at their apartment complex. So I went ahead and I reported that myself because fuck them.
Oh, here we go.
Unknown_04: Perfect.
Unknown_04: I'll go ahead and throw this on the screen for people who are watching.
This is the original copyright notice. And as you can see, email address signed under penalty of perjury is trustednerd.gmail.com. So when I got this, when I saw this on the forum, I knew for a fact that it would be his account.
Unknown_01: And as far as I know, WG Kitty has to compliment that complaint. I gave them my report number at the police station for them to file their compliment to it, their account, that they believe it's a credible threat. And before then, nothing can happen, really. So it's up to them if they want to get involved in this. And I wouldn't blame them that they didn't want to.
But on the other hand...
Unknown_01: Wikipedia has deleted the Jessica Yaniv article. And as Yaniv was in SEO stuff, he would make all sorts of shit on all sorts of websites for them to kind of protect himself on the search engine front from negative publicity.
And recently, some weirdo on Wikipedia decided to delete the article. Not just delete the article, but basically drop the history of the article. And nobody archived it. I can't find any archives. I know it existed, and I can prove it existed because... Because, uh... Did they delete...
Unknown_04: Did they delete the deletion notice for this fucking article?
Unknown_01: Because it used to say that the sysop fastily deleted it.
And now I don't even see the deletion notice. Does it only show up if you're logged into Wikipedia?
Unknown_01: Yeah, okay, it does. It only shows if you're logged into Wikipedia. Or...
Unknown_01: How fucking crazy, because I'm not signed in on this on Chrome either, but it doesn't show up at all on Firefox. That's fucking weird. But I'll go ahead and take a screenshot so I can show people watching what this looks like.
Yeah, that's fucking bizarre.
Unknown_01: There is a history for it, though. They were talking about whether to delete it.
Unknown_01: Jonathan Yaniv. Oh, I think Jessica Yaniv forwarded to the Jonathan Yaniv article, which is now deleted. Does it tell me? No, it doesn't say on this either.
Unknown_01: But it did get deleted.
Unknown_01: Even though this is the most of public interest Yoniv has ever been, this is when Wikipedia, oh, the result was to delete and salt, so now you can't recreate it even if you want to. And I guarantee you, it's because the training activists who control Wikipedia now have decided that they don't want this person to have any footprint because it's bad for them. It's bad news for them. It boggles my mind because,
all these tech companies twitter twitter had verified yanov's accounts youtube was bowing over backwards to fucking file their dmca complaints and keep them enforced even on uh even on bullshit thumbnail complaints wikipedia had articles up for him for fucking you know months oh look this was he he first created it like in april 2015 and shit
Oh, this is the old one. This is when he was doing SEO optimization in 2015. But he had a Jessica Yaniv article up as late as 2019, and it's just fucking gone.
Unknown_01: So they were tolerant of this shit. They probably only didn't delete it for being a worthless article once he transitioned and they held off of it. And then it became bad publicity. So they allowed it to keep. But these tech companies were completely fucking okay with him until it became bad publicity for Trani's. And then they stopped. And it's like a fucking Thanos snap. It's all at once. All at once they collectively, as if there's some kind of fucking Zerg overmind...
decided to do this together and that shit just makes that shit is so transparent to me and it makes me wonder it's like with the epstein shit i'm not going to talk about epstein but if you're if you're listening again in 2024 a notorious billionaire pedophile
Unknown_01: was just found dead in jail despite having the names and stories of every billionaire in the world having kids with him on his satanic island worshiping uh moloch who if you don't know is a member of the the jewish talmud uh pantheon of gods of which uh yahweh is the most powerful and revered
um but moloch demands child sacrifices so they all go to this island they all fuck kids together he got arrested for child sex trafficking and now he's dead and that everyone knew he was going to die in prison there's no fucking way they're going to let him testify against uh against other billionaire pedophiles they would bring down the entire government we'd have We'd literally have a fucking civilian uprising of dead politicians if we found out how many of them fuck kids.
Unknown_01: And I forgot where I was going with that. I got consumed with my hatred. I feel my pulse in my eye again. And what was I talking about?
Unknown_01: Oh, we all knew. We all knew it was going to happen. And when it happened, everybody's like, yeah, we all knew it was going to happen. And it's like this with the fucking journalists and bureaucrats and technocrats and shit covering up for Yaniv. It's like, yeah, we knew. We know they're doing it. There's nothing we can do about it. We know that they were going to kill Epstein. Nothing we can do about it. It's just life. It's just how it is.
But Yaniv did have a person. A person sent me this email. I can tell it's not Yaniv because it's very politely written and it's not deranged at all. Saying, can you just send this to WG Kitty? It's a threat, basically. And I went ahead and posted it.
I got another email back from this person that's long and boring and I'm not going to read it. But I tried to reply because at the end of the email that I got in response to me posting it, I didn't reply to this email directly. I got this email saying, please forward the attached audio to WG Kitty. I do not represent Yaniv and this is a one-time intermediary type thing as a result of a private conversation.
Unknown_01: And I posted it everywhere I could because it was funny. And then they sent me another email explaining that they care for Yaniv and that they're friends or family friends or something weird like that. And they just want what's best for everyone. And then at the end of that second email...
Instead of like a kind regards or farewell or thank you kind of thing to sign off, they said shalom. And if you don't know, my Twitter account is very Jewish. My name's in Hebrew and I have Israeli flags. So I think they sent me that just to be like, yeah, just between us.
Unknown_01: Just between us, shalom.
Unknown_01: And I think that was supposed to be like a nudge, nudge, wink, wink, like, make sure this is taken care of correctly. I don't know what they were hoping for me to do, regardless, but...
whenever uh here's the audio i'll play this i didn't he didn't send this audio file with the thumbnail i i attached that myself because the site can't embed mp3s it can only embed mp4s so i had to make it a video so i just attached a thumbnail to it i'll go ahead and play it now hey there this is jessica in the event this is the message for wg kitty listen you need to stop
Unknown_02: I'm just going to make it really frank. You are harassing me. I have done nothing to you.
And this is now becoming criminal harassment.
Unknown_02: Also, because you're a tenant slash owner in this building, the building now gets involved. I have already advised, I have already advised strata council. I have advised, I have advised Bob Adams as well. Um, there will be legal action taken against this building due to your behavior. Now, this is what might happen.
This is why I suggest you stop and delete all your posts.
Unknown_02: Reason being what can happen. is they can do a court-ordered sale of your building because of your behavior. I'm not instigating anything here.
Unknown_02: Now, I want you to think about it for a second. This whole building is going to be sued because of your behavior this
It cuts off there. Now, I see a lot of people asking, like, what the fuck does he mean by sue the building?
Unknown_01: Okay, as a background, very briefly, I worked as a payroll. I worked for a payroll company as a developer in Australia.
Unknown_01: And in Australia, I was exposed to the concept of what's called a corporate body. And I don't know if there's any U.S. equivalent to this. I imagine there is. It's just different language.
Unknown_01: Basically, what happens is when they erect a condominium, the construction company builds it, and then all the tenant, the apartment owners buy their apartment like you would any other piece of property. But they also, based on how much of the apartment they own, they have that much stake in the corporate body, which is a legal entity owned in a kind of – they all vote on decisions – And some of the decisions they can make are like forcing people to sell their apartment because they don't want to live next to them.
It's all very bureaucratic. And what he's saying is I'm going to sue the corporate body that owns our building to force them to sell your apartment with or without your consent in this matter. So I think that's what he's talking about. I don't know if Canada has that. He could just be talking complete bullshit. I think a company called Stratus owns the entire building. So I don't know if he's just saying I'm going to sue Stratus or what the fuck he's on about. He doesn't make it clear. But it's not total nonsense if I think he's saying what I think he's saying.
So, yeah.
Unknown_01: Why not just make them in the lease? Because it's not a lease. They own their apartment. It's not like in the U.S. where you just pay month to month. You pay $250,000, you own your apartment outright, and then you also own a part of the company called the corporate body.
Unknown_01: I think that's it. And I don't know for sure if he does know the identity of WG Kitty. He could be trying to force WG Kitty to make a police report because you have a right to know your accuser, and then he can start filing frivolous litigation at him. I don't know what his plan is. He's a crazy tranny. I try not to think about what crazy people are thinking.
So that's the update. I invited them to talk to me. And what I was really hoping was to have a real conversation with them and ask for their motivation and just stay calm and let them have a platform to say the crazy shit they want to say.
Unknown_01: As opposed to going, girlfriend, you know, there's more to being a woman than just looking a woman. And I put more effort into my hair than you do your entire drag. And I think that's all faggot crap. I fucking hate it. I think that Blair did a terrible fucking job grandstanding.
Nobody's impressed. You take a bad person and say, you're a bad person. I think you're a bad person. I don't think that's impressive. Nobody is compelled by that kind of bullshit. It's like you just wasted people's time.
Unknown_01: So what I wanted to do was give Yanov that talk, and then I wanted to show it to Maddox and say, look, Maddox, I know how to take someone who's a literal pedophile, a absolute fucking disgusting freak, who is accosting everyone who's ever been around them in a 10-mile radius, and I can handle a conversation with you. And I wanted to talk to Maddox, because Maddox has been fucking all over the place, Shitting on Dick and saying that that sounds like a very lewd act.
Not literally shitting on Dick. Maybe he is. I don't judge. But I am saying that he's been having a cross-internet, pan-internet starting of a new era of the feud between himself and his former co-host, Dick Masterson, current host of The Dick Show. I want to say the biggest problem in the universe, but that's not right.
uh so i i shot him an email i said max if you want to talk i want to listen because it fucking it boggles my mind how you can stay quiet for so long how do you how do you have a lawsuit how do you how do you lose a lawsuit how do you you're you're a satirist you You run shows. You have Twitter accounts. You have Facebook accounts. You manage them every single fucking day. And you've gone, like what, how long has it been now? Two or three fucking years? And this shit has been bugging you for two to three years and you've never sat down and you've never said your side of the story. You've never done it. How the fuck have you managed to go, I can't go, I can't keep a secret for a fucking week. I can't keep a personal secret for a fucking week. How the fuck has he done two to three years?
That alone makes me want to talk to him. And just shut the fuck up and let him say whatever the fuck he wants. And just keep the narrowest train tracks for having a conversation. As opposed to just letting him diatribe. Just keep that shit railroaded and let him say what he wants. Because I can't imagine... I can't imagine...
Unknown_01: But, uh, I don't know. I guess I won't be talking to Yana and I can't show that to Maddox, but hopefully Maddox will want to talk to me. Cause I'm, I'm, I am super, super curious to see if he, if what he has to say. Uh, I don't have screen caps in front of me. Uh, Jake did a thing, did a bonus episode. If you're really curious about the, that stuff, go for it.
The gist was that a long time ago, when Dick first did the Dick Show, I want to say it was around the peak of 8chan, and somebody made an unofficial 8chan The Dick Show board. And somebody posted on the Dick Show a rape list, women they wanted to rape or something. And Maddox has used that for three years to say that Dick is cultivating an audience of rapists and spree killers and shit.
And after the Dayton shooting has been saying that because the Dayton shooter had a rape list or something, therefore the next Dayton shooter is an active listening member of the Dick show audience. And therefore the media should get Dick kicked off of Patreon and stuff. It's just... It's real fucking nasty. If you don't know, Dick has a Patreon of like $22,000 a month or something fucking preposterous like that. And Maddox's is like $200. And I know it bothers him. Everyone... How could it not? How could you have a partnership with anybody on the planet and then split ways and you end up with $200 and they end up with $22,000? It doesn't matter who the fuck you are. It doesn't matter if you're a Buddhist monk who has rid the body of all desire. You will still have a fucking speck of envy and resentment in you. There is no nirvana pure enough to fucking burn the soul of that shit. You're scarred for life.
So, I don't know. That shit's rough.
Unknown_01: I feel for him. I mean, if I got the short end of that fucking stick, if I pulled that wishbone and I got half an inch and the other guy got everything else, I'd be fucking mad. Like, where's mine, motherfucker?
Unknown_01: Well, but again, I would be more than happy to talk to Maddox.
Unknown_01: Because why not?
Unknown_04: Why not, right?
Dick and Maddox are equally lame and unfunny. That's an interesting take.
Unknown_01: There's somebody who runs an unofficial archive of all my...
Unknown_01: Of everything that I do. I don't know who the fuck it is. I don't pay him. Hopefully he doesn't run ads. But he archived the Nick Ricchita stream on it because I was on it. You can check it out on Nick's channel. It's about four hours long. Nick's really good at conversating. I said conversating. I sound like fucking Ralph now. Yeah, he's real good at conversating. No, he's an interesting person, and he's good at keeping things going.
But somebody didn't like Nick. I don't know many people who don't like Nick. Everybody seems to like Nick. Besides the fucking weirdos who are trying to sue Vic Mignogna. So...
Unknown_01: I don't know. I imagine there are people who don't like Nick. That's hyperbole.
Unknown_01: Okay, here is this. I'm going to read all of this. Let me get a sip of water, actually.
Ah, precious, precious water.
Unknown_01: You may remember Sam Abrin-Shalal, a Muslim apostate living in the great nation of England from Pakistan. An apostate daughter of a Sufi, or I think it's a Sufi scholar from Pakistan, who has completely disgraced their family by leaving the faith. And who now hates the Kiwi Farms after she got a thread because here's... Here's how fucking smart this bitch is. You ready? She, um...
She had a thread because she got minor media attention at some point during Gamergate or something. Because she made a hashtag called hashtag kill all men. And she got in legal trouble in England because of course she did for the hashtag kill all men. And this guy who was an English professor or something made a Kiwi Farms thread for her. And she docs this fucking guy and says, I know what school you work at. And if you don't fucking delete this Kiwi Farms thread, I'm going to come after you. I'm going to come after your family. I'm going to come after your job. I'm going to fucking ruin you. And he did. Now, this was so long ago on the Kiwi Farms that users still have the ability to delete shit like that in a way I couldn't recover. but I was able to prove using some magic that she had done this and that this thread had existed I found the thread and I was able to kind of uncover who made it but
After talking shit about the Kiwi Farms on Twitter, Cat Party found her and uncovered the same information, made a thread, got posted in a locale, and she made a very arrogant tweet like, Oh, Cat Party on Kiwi Farms thinks he can make a thread about me, huh? Well, I'll show him what happened to the last guy that made a thread on me.
And for the last two years...
Unknown_01: I think she has been ranting every fucking day about us to the point where she's gotten banned from Twitter for like violent fucking rhetoric. And now she's relegated to this sad little fucking WordPress site. It's not even a self-hosted WordPress site. She was buddy-buddy with Vordrak at one point. But because Vordrak is like Gamergate alumni, she doesn't actually trust them. So it's not even hosted on like her own website. It's just some shitty fucking WordPress blog.
But this was her hot take following 8chan's departure from Cloudflare.
Unknown_01: This is by Sam Brain Salal titled, Is it too little too late for Cloudflare?
Unknown_01: Quote, many of us woke up yesterday morning to the news there had been another couple of mass shootings in America, in Texas and Ohio. My first thought was whether or not the shooters had any connections to any number of forums promoting white supremacist violence, notably Kiwi Farms, a notorious website that is already linked to at least two mass shootings and a number of suicides, much of which is documented on this very blog.
And that is two sentences in the opening paragraph.
Unknown_01: It transpired the shooter in the El Paso incident had used the form 8chan to spread his hateful manifesto.
Unknown_01: 8chan is a spinoff of 4chan, and Kiwi Farms is the latest, to my knowledge, iteration for these hubs, each one mutating to include those who fall outside the parameters of permitted conduct. with each new chapter the nazi incels have become more brazen in their actions and grotesque in their ideology and with it the threat of violence has grown exponentially joshua moon of kiwi farms is detested by members of the various chan networks because he is a pedophile and even white supremacists draw the line somewhere We, the victims of Nazi incel forums, have been highlighting these threats these monsters pose since 2014 at least.
We have reported them to the authorities and appealed to politicians and journalists alike to help us make the laws work yet have been given very little support. We are expected to believe that organizations like the FBI have had their hands tied and various police forces across the UK and US are limited in their respective jurisdictions.
Unknown_01: Considering the actions brought against members of ISIS... And she didn't capitalize the name ISIS like an acronym, so she's talking about the ancient Egyptian god, ISIS. ...members of ISIS when they used social media to further their extremist agenda. Their accounts were deleted immediately, whereas Twitter and Facebook haven't enacted the same zero-tolerance policies towards their exact ideological opponents." Nazi incels should have been having it out with ISIS instead of targeting moderates, many of them marginalized, and for the tech giants to support them in their free speech endeavors as though hate speech should be giving any protection. It highlights the troubling links between privilege and white supremacy and how we have been fighting an uphill battle we could never win. Uh...
As of June last year, as far as we are aware, Cloudflare was also providing a service for Kiwi Farms. Given that Kiwi Farms is an extreme bastardization of 8chan, with incumbents thus far rejected by channers of all previous chan networks, it would certainly be in their best interest to do the same here.
Unknown_01: It's odd that Cloudflare boss Matthew Prince had said he would continue to support 8chan despite the shooting because his company's policy was to remain neutral over this type of content. His service protected, but in an apparent U-turn less than 24 hours, Prince wrote in a blog post, 8chan has repeatedly proven itself to be a cesspool of hate when they have proven themselves to be lawless and that lawlessness has caused multiple tragic deaths. Oh God, it's so long. Did she update this to make it fucking longer? Okay, I guess I'll finish it.
It has taken Cloudflare years to come to this conclusion, despite the many reports of the contrary from their many victims. I find it interesting that Matthew Prince alludes to the actions of removing 8chan from their network as a short-term fix that only takes the heat off them as an organization and warns that 8chan will return in cahoots with another company that has even less of a moral backbone than Cloudflare, something neo-Nazi sites like Daily Stormer did when Cloudflare threw their service from them. Daily Stormer switched to the new provider because it promised not to respond to legal process, a move which is surely illegal in itself. To proudly assert you are above the law and will not in any circumstances observe it.
Let's see.
Unknown_01: Prince carries on to say it does nothing to address why hateful sites fester online. It does nothing to address why mass shootings occur. It does nothing to address why portions of the population feel so disenchanted they have to turn to hate. Well, I can shed some light on here since she writes so poorly. Well, I can shed some light here for you, Matt. Hate sites fester online because white supremacists run the world and laws exist primarily to incarcerate marginalized groups who are not white. Mass shootings occur because of a gun culture that is promoted by toxic white patriarchy, a visceral hatred for anything that does not bend to its will, as we know historically, and the reasons they feel disenchanted? This is possibly the first generation of white people to experience the backlash against white supremacist power and controls from people of color as a whole, something that went largely unchallenged for 500 years through divide and conquer. Dissenters were swiftly murdered and history is stifled until very recently. There's a crisis of white supremacy where the proverbial dummy has been spat out of the pram and they escalate violence in hopes it will put the fear of a white god into us. None of these are good reasons. None of these antagonists deserve our understanding or compassion. Like ISIS, they know only toxic male violence. Sorry, toxic male violence. And it should not be legitimized by uppity tech dweebs who genuinely believe in white supremacy of white folk.
This entire episode is proof that we can bankrupt fascism, and it is a threat that will make them obey the rules that govern the rest of us, nothing more or less. Joshua Moon has been reported to celebrate the shootings and has encouraged members of his forum to keep up the momentum. in light of this and matt's impassioned speech on laws and lawlessness and how it makes no difference to some but it does to him he might want to consider withdrawing service of kiwi farms also if he hasn't already or he might accuse him of lip service and consider suing this enabler of violent mass shootings
Services like Cloudflare and Brave Software owe the victims of Nazi and cell forums. They have ignored the suffering these insolent wretches have inflicted on us.
Unknown_01: Those of us who have objected to hate. You know, we too have been disenchanted. Except we have never had the entitlement to act as we please. Oh, fuck you.
We have never felt the need for mindless violence or hatred or any...
Unknown_01: or hated anything or anyone enough to destroy it. These people belong behind bars if they haven't the least bit of control over their violent impulses. Perhaps Matthew Prince would like to consider this when he's defending murderers on the internet and how he personally enabled them.
Bravo. Bravo.
Unknown_01: That's good shit. That's the kind of literary genius that makes a once-in-a-generation author.
Unknown_01: Keep it up. I like how on the cloud, the tag cloud on the right-hand side, it's like feminism is number one, misogyny, Kiwi Farms racism number two, and then Kiwi Farms and Joshua, Connor Moon, are right next to each other. Oh, and Joshua Moon is right next to Kill All Men alphabetically, which is pretty fucking funny. I don't know if that's alphabetically, but it's pretty funny. Regardless. Okay. Um... That's enough of that. Can't read any more of that shit today.
Let's watch a video, and I'll drink some water.
Unknown_04: Let's see. How long is this?
Unknown_04: That's about a minute.
Unknown_04: Let's, uh...
Unknown_04: Watch this. Ooh, ooh. Okay, this is a recording of myself, actually.
And if you didn't catch this, that's okay.
Unknown_01: Because I did this on DLive. It was a small stream. I was like, okay, I got a funny voicemail, and I'm going to do a call live, and I only did it on DLive. So if you haven't heard this, you're going to really enjoy this.
Unknown_04: This is a recording, so anything up until I say this is the end of the recording is me from about a week ago. Enjoy. Sorry, the silence is the actual video.
Oh, hi. Okay, there it is. This should be working now.
Unknown_01: I just received an interesting phone call for everyone, and I'll play it for right now.
Unknown_08: Hi, my name is Alex Rose. I'm a legal representative of Gregory D'Agostino. Uh, you have a man named, uh, Low Cow, Lord Cat. Uh, call on him because, uh, we'll be pressing charges on this person, uh, posting, uh, slanderous, uh, remarks on a client of mine on your site. Uh, this person, Lord Cat, uh, W. Lord Cat, he goes by L-O-L-K-O-W, Lord Cat Cow. He's posting things about a big physique and Gregory D'Agostino. Um, I need it taken down immediately. Uh, I will contact the legal department, uh, This person has been slamming this person for many years. His name is Lordcat.
Valiant, L-O-R-D-K-A-T. Valant, V-A-L-I-A-N-T. Crunchlord.
Mostly, it seems like Lordcat. Let me look it up.
Unknown_08: Okay. Lordcat Discord server. Thank you. I need to take it out immediately, please. You can contact me back at 917-498-8329. Thank you.
Unknown_01: That sounds like an invitation to me.
Unknown_04: Hello? Hi, is this Alex Rose?
Unknown_01: Can you hear me? Yes, can you hear me? Yes, now I can. This is Alex Rose. I'm sorry, who is this? You literally just called me. I'm Joshua Moon. I run the Kiwi Farms. You sent me a voicemail complaint.
Unknown_08: I'm calling because one of your people are spamming my client's information all over the web, and I just wanted to take it off or if I have to go to the court to get this removed.
Who is your client?
Unknown_08: Well, I can send you the link. Did you get the link I sent you? Oh, I can send you a link. I sent you an email as well.
Unknown_08: You have a guy named Lord Cat that's going around spamming illegal stuff about my client.
Unknown_08: I did not receive an email. All right. I know Lord Cat has been harassing someone that I work with for quite some time. And now it's getting a little bit too personal. And, you know, I want to see if you guys would kindly remove that. or if I would have to go get a court order or something. I just want you to kindly remove it. I can send you the email. I can send you the link if you like. Yeah, if you want to go ahead and email me. This person, Lordcat, seems to be doing this. I see quite a few complaints about this, man.
I don't know if you guys allow anybody to slander people on your site or not, if you guys allow it or not, or if you guys monitor it. I don't know what your rules are, but I'm not going to allow... um you know my client gets slandered like it's supposed to be false accusations i mean can you are you the legal department or you just work for the company i own the website there's no one else besides me all right then can i ask you kindly to look into to investigate into this please
In general, we do not take things down without a court order, and people are held responsible for what they post on the site. I do have a question for you, though. You said you're going to go get a court order. That's fine. No, I wanted to ask you if I would have to get a court order or if you would kindly take this down. In general, yes. I have a question for you, though. You said your name is Alex Rose?
Unknown_08: Alex Rose is one of my colleagues, correct?
Unknown_01: No, you said that your name, I have your transcription of your voicemail. He said, hi, my name is Alex Rose. Am I speaking to Alex Rose?
Unknown_04: You're not going to tell me what your name is?
Unknown_01: uh that's funny that's really funny
All right, I'm going to end it there.
Unknown_01: We are no longer in the past. We are now in the present. The current day, current time.
Unknown_01: That was Alex. No, it wasn't Alex. What the fuck is his actual name? I don't know his actual name.
Unknown_01: But whoever the fuck he is.
Unknown_01: It's like Lord Faz or something. It's something weird.
Unknown_01: But he's the current pet lolcow of Lord Cat.
And also known as Big Fazeek. Thank you, Eight of Spades. Big Fazeek. And he's the current pet lolcow of Lord Cat. Who is like former that guy with the glasses or the Spoonie experiment. Some weird... like weirdo network of of weirdos who did youtube videos and he had to falling out with them and now is like a like a name fag on the kiwi farms who's just like openly docs and okay with it but he's been fucking with this guy for a while And he runs his own podcast now called Drop Dead Cynical. So if you're really interested in hearing the adventures of Alex Rose, that's where I would direct you to because Lord Cat has been working on that for some time. There's like a little pet project.
I've actually listened to Big Physique talk to himself. He does these 30-minute long monologues where he talks about how his family hates him and how he's filing police reports to get Lord Cat arrested for stalking and shit. It's really classic crazy to the point where I don't even want to touch it because everything I touch turns to shit. If I give this guy too much of a spotlight, it's going to melt him. So I'll let the crazy just be crazy. And when he gets hit by a train, then I guess I can talk about it. Speaking of which, this is the Wednesday following August 11th. And August 11th is the make sure I'm right.
August 11th, 2018 was the death of Terry A. Davis.
Unknown_01: And my outro song for this stream will be in memory of Terry A. Davis. This is the first year anniversary of his suicide. And we are all poor as a result. I get legit choked up. And if I start feeling too sad, I'm going to have to switch topics because it makes me tight in the throat thinking about Terry.
He was one of the first people I ever started following on the then-Quickie forums.
Unknown_01: He is a monumentally funny person, and there are not enough funny people left on Earth to lose one like Terry.
Unknown_01: So it really hits me in the gut thinking about him.
Because now, you know, the world's just fucking freaks. Fucking Epsteins and Yanevs, and there's not enough funny people. Even the old standby funny people like Chris are just fucking freaks now that nobody wants to pay attention to.
Unknown_01: Speaking of, somebody was getting called by Yaniv, someone trying to be a quote-unquote independent journalist, which means welfare recipient, as we found out. um this fucking guy and he got into a verbal a verbal altercation with uh yanov and recorded it i just want you i want you to think about how much of a retard yanov is for saying what he said to this guy and i just want you to see what a fucking like pathetic cock gobbler this guy is
Look at how happy he is to get threatened. If you can see. If you can't, just take my fucking word. This guy is way too excited to be threatened because he gets attention for once. You want to start selling shit to me?
Unknown_03: I'm going to start selling shit to you.
Unknown_01: And yes, that's his real voice.
Unknown_03: Quit calling my fucking phone.
Unknown_03: You know who the fuck this is? Quit calling my fucking cell phone.
Who are you?
Unknown_03: It's Donald.
Unknown_06: Oh. You mean the guy who has, like, a decent assist again?
Unknown_03: Oh, yeah? Well, basically, you need to watch what you're fucking- I'm gonna fucking kill you, and I'm not even fucking exaggerating.
Unknown_06: I will fucking come there and fucking- Come on, man! Bring it!
Unknown_03: Bring it!
Unknown_06: I'm not fucking kidding!
Unknown_03: Bring it! Now you're just under threat! Now you're just- Stop fucking calling me! I'm gonna fucking kill you, and I'm not even exaggerating that. You're gonna kill me! You're gonna kill me!
Unknown_03: You're going to kill me, man.
You come near me, you're going to fucking die. And I'm not even fucking kidding.
Unknown_03: Now I just got you on the live stream for fucking uttering threats.
Unknown_06: I don't fucking care. You're fucking harassing me.
Unknown_03: You fucking harass me. You threaten to fucking mace me. You threaten to assault me. You threaten to do everything to me. So own up to your actions, you fucking child groomer. You're a fucking little pedophile. Go fuck yourself. I'm a pedophile. Look at you.
Unknown_01: When one is so deprived for attention they start doing a literal fucking happy dance in their chair because they get called a pedophile. That's when you should just give up. You should give up your independent journalism and go into sanitation or something. you you faggot motherfucker can you tell like i i don't know if you were listening to this just by audio tell me which one of those people sounds like they're the locale and which one sounds like uh the normal person and you won't if you don't know either of these people you won't be able to tell which one is less gay because they're they're both just so pathetic uh we found out this guy um
had been had been arrested for drunken disorderly conduct and was was filmed naked in a drunk tank cell in a holding cell covered in his own piss because he just pissed on the floor and sat on it for several hours and was doing an interview with the local news and his Kermit voice saying yeah they made us sit they made us sit in our own pee pee in the holding cell and and it's just it's really sad in the video the the police had to put out because they filmed the cells and they you know they had to respond to the allegations they were treating prisoners unfairly has him fucking naked in it and uh
Unknown_01: So we have his nudes, courtesy of the Canadian government because he filed a fucking complaint against them and they were forced to release the footage of him naked. And in the article about this that has the footage of him naked, there's 16 pages of comments from people saying that this guy, as part of his quote-unquote independent journalism... Was like fucking with them and saying stupid shit and harassing them. So it's really funny. We should probably throw together a thread for him. But this guy made me realize that Yaniv is such a high-value target right now. All the crazy fringe retards are coming out the fucking woodwork to fuck with him. And we're probably going to get a couple people like this guy that are worth talking about. There's another guy who is like a Chris Hansen wannabe. And people are throwing together some shit on him. He's kind of like that old boomer who was going after Jim for a while.
His name escapes me, but he's like that. Someone with like 10 years of deranged internet antics. Been around for way too fucking long. Takes themselves way too fucking seriously. Montagraph. And I hope to see more of it because it's genuine comedy.
Unknown_01: I don't know who the fuck this person is, but this comment made me laugh, and I hope you enjoyed listening to it. The video is not important. She was live streaming a video game, and the sound quality is bad, but she said some funny stuff, so I'm going to play it too.
Unknown_00: I do think it is absolutely fucking hilarious that Kiwi Farms is under attack and they've been temporarily shut down. I think it's funny that the guy has to pretty much pay in order to make it go away and he's begging for donations.
Only losers would donate their hard earned money to some fucking retard to stalk, dox, and harass innocent people. So I hope it's down for a couple days, and it'll give these idiots something to talk about in other places besides hiding on Kiwi Farms. I think that is just too much. Now what are all these people going to do all day long that spend all their time on Kiwi Farms? Like, what are you going to do all day now?
Unknown_00: I find that fucking absolutely hilarious. It's not the first time it's happened either. It's happened a couple times before. So it always makes me laugh because now they have to find something else to do with their time. Or they actually have to stop and come out of hiding and go on YouTube. You know what I mean? That's just fucking too much.
Those laughs sounded really genuine. She had like a Coach Red Pill laugh going on. Where she's like, I just think that's so fucking funny.
Unknown_01: I don't know who the fuck this lady is. But I guarantee you I'm going to find out. Because apparently she has a real fucking lady boner for me. And is going after me. So I'm probably going to get more clips for that. And it's going to be like, oh, I haven't done a check on...
On my girl. I think she deleted her channel or something. I just got remembered or reminded of... I just got remembered. I just got learned of something.
Unknown_01: Oh, does she have any more content? I'm checking. Hold up. Hold up. I'm doing it live. Oh, last month. Last post was four months ago. That breaks my heart.
Unknown_01: Maybe one day she'll come back and reclaim the throne. Not Kay. The schizophrenic woman. Virgo. Virgo ruse.
We have an heir to the throne as Virgo Rouge is lost, has abandoned, has removed herself from the throne of my number one fan. We will have some competition, some tryouts for number two. So we'll see how that turns out.
Unknown_01: I think that's all I got for clips. Yeah, yeah. This is going to be... Let's somehow talk for an hour. That's fucking impressive.
Lots of little stuff. Nothing too big, though. Here is this little tidbit of news. I don't care about comics. Anybody who does is a fucking weirdo. But Bounding into Comics says, Marvel Comics hires Zoe Quinn to write Hellcat story.
Unknown_01: Which is really funny.
Unknown_01: Because I know who Zoe Quinn is. And I know she's a fucking hack. But, see, that's the thing. That's when people say, you know, Gamergate won in the end. Because we got Trump elected. We changed the public opinion. Like, how the fuck did Gamergate win?
These people, Brianna Wu's running for Congress forever for the rest of their life.
Unknown_01: Brianna Wu's always going to be running for Congress now. They're going to be professionally running for Congress just so they can make enough money to fucking feed themselves and shit.
Unknown_01: Zoe Quinn's getting hired for this random shit. Fucking Randy Lee Harper has a job with Google or something now, making that AI, training that AI to hate white men. All these people are fucking just fine. What did Gamergate win? What did Gamergate get? The site that fucking sprung up around Gamergate just got fucking shit kicked in. Is 8chan even up yet? I haven't checked. Let's check right now. Is 8chan up?
Connected and connected and I'm gonna guess no I guess a chance still fucking down after being kicked off a flat cloud flare was real worth it guys Cultural awakening everything is better now. Congratulations.
Oh Yeah, the the real I am aware of this Zoe Quinn was a parent was Zoe Quinn directly involved in vertigo from DC I
Unknown_04: Somebody tell me in chat. I'm watching.
Unknown_04: Yep, still down. No, she wasn't.
Unknown_01: Anybody know about Vertigo Comics?
Unknown_01: Okay, yeah, she was. People seem to be saying yes.
Unknown_01: There was an adult comic thing for DC, which is the other main comic publisher, obviously.
But they had Vertigo, which was a studio that did adult series and weird stuff. They did stuff that was not suitable for most audiences. And I think Zoe Quinn was involved in that, and DC realized that they couldn't adapt any of the shit that Vertigo was putting out into a film or a TV series, so they just axed everything. And then as soon as they do that, a couple months later, Marvel hires Zoe Quinn to write for them.
Unknown_01: So maybe Marvel's not going to go bankrupt. They just had fucking Infinity Wars, right? Marvel's the people behind that shit, right? They're fine. The comic books might not be, though.
Maybe after Zoe Quinn kills Marvel Comics, she can get hired as a screenplay writer for Marvel Film Studios. That'll be fun. Maybe that'll work out.
Unknown_01: Oh, 8chan still don't.
Unknown_01: Gamergate won again.
Unknown_01: Marvel has Disney money to back them up. Yeah, they'll be fine. They'll be fine. These companies don't die anymore.
Just buy product. What's the J Balvin quote? Buy product and get excited for more product. Just do that. Just do that. Don't think about it.
Unknown_01: She wrote Depression Quest, guys. She's overly qualified.
Unknown_04: okay that's it uh this usually don't say the name of the outro as long as we do the outro but in this case this is a piano cover of the tempo temple os uh hymn risen um you know i'll put a link to the author's youtube channel in the description as i do and i'll see you guys next week take it easy my friends