You know how much of a pain in the ass it is to stream? You know how much I bleed and suffer for you people? You know how fucking hard it is just to get basic shit to work in this?
Unknown_16: I've been using restream.io to stream to DLive and to YouTube at the same time, but now, but now right now it doesn't want to stream to fucking to YouTube. I've been playing it, DLive starts up fine, YouTube doesn't. I don't know, maybe they're fucking with Restream.io now. We don't want people multicasting now, because it's bad for business to have alternatives. Who fucking knows? Who even knows anymore? What the insidious clockwork machinery, the machinations of YouTube want at this point in time. It's all fucked.
A glitch voice? Yeah, I like that. This is Insomniac Olympics. I usually put it in the description, but Insomniac Olympics by Blockhead is my go-to song besides Kong by Bonobo for working on code stuff, so I'll put that in the description.
Unknown_16: How is everyone? I am feeling great. And I think, I think this is my first stream since I've gotten a, uh, a stand for my microphone. Uh, my first like, not at the internet stream, my Wednesday stream. So now I can bump my fucking gun up against the table all I want and it won't, it won't make that, that.
that fucking nasty bumping sound that you can always hear throughout all my streams as I move as my undulating form writhes against the the confines of my environment so now it's also right in front of my mouth so I can tune my my equipment better and and speak speak more directly into the microphone I suppose I think it reduces the echo Because there's a very noticeable echo in everything that I do, where you can just hear the sound waves of my mouth bouncing around the fucking room, the concrete confines of my Slavic one-bedroom. Anyways, whatever.
This is the laziest stream I've ever done in my entire life. I've ghostwritten it.
Unknown_16: I've been busy. I've been very busy the last week, and I'm like, okay, I gotta do my Mobility Mary scooter-athon, right? And I have to get some other shit done, because I'm in an awkward... You met me at a very interesting time in my life, and I am trying to sort something out that requires a lot of my attention. I took my ghostwriter, and I said, ghostwriter, can you whip me up a Mobility Mary stream? I don't need anything, just show me clips, I'll play clips and I'll laugh at it. And they were like, okay, I can do that. So, this is, I don't do my own, I'm like Keemstar, I have a writer's team now.
to help me along with this. Actually, a lot of what I'm going to play, I've seen a lot of it, but I've not seen all of it. You're going to get some genuine reactions as I plow through this enigma.
Unknown_16: Many of you will notice
Unknown_16: This is also unique in being the first stream I've ever done of two criteria. Number one, I have never done a stream on a topic we did not have a accompanying forum thread for. The Kiwi Farms does not have any thread regarding Mobility Mary and that's very unusual because I usually just steal information from my own site. As a way of monetizing my site, I recycle the hard work of many anonymous users into a stream.
In this instance, even that was not required. I can just pull up some videos and watch them.
Unknown_16: Also interesting, I have no picture of this woman. I have no idea what she looks like. And that's part of the charm of her. I've received a very, very credible tip from Zedkiss that her name is James Patrick O'Shaughnessy, but I've not verified that yet.
And that's a joke, in case you're a YouTube censor looking to delete this stream for whatever reason. That's not actually her name. I know we live in interesting times, but the name James has not yet become a female fat woman name, as far as I know. And I can't make fun of her for being fat, because as we've established, Susan Wojcicki, or whatever, permits bullying fat women. So, we're all clear. This stream is kosher as fuck. And maybe a little bit literally, as I watch some of these videos.
As far as clerical things go, I think that's it. Let me... Oh god, I didn't think far enough to decide what fucking... What do I show people to set this up?
Unknown_16: um okay this one actually i want to show you okay this is literally this woman this is all she does i'm just going to show you all she fucking does it's very straightforward okay pull up a video that's what i'm gonna do
There's many things in a initial showing of Mobility Mary that are worth pointing out. So, you will notice that, as her name implies, she has a front-mounted... Do I have to kill the stickers? I might have to kill the stickers already. Even though DLive is not functional, the stickers are. And I cannot tolerate this. These fucking dancing blobs. Ad nauseum forever. Okay.
Unknown_16: Where was I? Oh yeah, I was yelling about the fat woman in the scooter. So front mounted camera that she's recording her footage with. There is a very soothing element to her videos. It's like ASMR. Just listen for a couple of seconds. Let me make sure.
the whirring of the battery, the gentle rocking as her wheels hit the shitty pavement of whatever sidewalk she's on.
Unknown_16: She rounds the corner into this desolate back alley and approaches her target, her final destination. What lies at the end of this golden brick road?
in this very trustworthy area. She's already found her problem. I have to go this way.
Unknown_10: Oh no! Oh no! The door's closed!
Unknown_16: She wants some of Dick's. She wants Dick.
Unknown_18: She needs Dick.
Unknown_10: Oh no!
Unknown_18: But it's not handicap accessible.
Unknown_10: How am I supposed to yell?
Unknown_10: Hello in true value! Hello!
Unknown_10: Disabled customer can't open the door!
She's been defeated. She may have lost the battle folks, but she's not lost the war.
Unknown_10: Crud! Why is it closed?
Unknown_16: Now, you may think, there are other options for her. Perhaps ones that might be more handicap accessible besides Dick's True Value, the back alley entrance in the most ghetto fucking neighborhood in the US. Maybe there are other options for buying hardware.
You're probably right, but Mobility Mary, as I will showcase to everyone, is someone who enjoys her own suffering and she enjoys her own suffering by inflicting it on other people so now she's in predator mode she's got like predator vision goggles on right now and her scooter will not be deterred she must find someone to inflict suffering upon and here like a lion stalking gazelle she has found her target
She can't, she can't pounce yet. She's still in stealth mode. She needs to wait for them not to be in a position where they can turn down the offer.
Unknown_10: Excuse me, people. May I ask you a favor? I can't get into the hardware store, and so I usually go around the back.
Unknown_10: and the doors usually open and I yell and someone comes out in the alley to help me. It's closed, I yell, no one's coming. Could you please go in the front and just tell them? No, I'd rather wait and make sure that you've talked to someone. Maybe ask them if they can come and talk to me at the front.
Your word is not good enough, sir.
Unknown_18: I will sit here and I will watch you.
Unknown_10: Thank you so much.
Unknown_18: I will chaperone you to the destination.
Unknown_10: This gets so annoying. Because I can't get up here, I can't navigate inside the store at all.
Yeah, but usually, usually the back door is open and I just yell, you know, and then someone comes out and helps me.
Unknown_10: But I don't need them to just open the door for me. I need them to help me from the alley. I cannot physically get in the store.
Unknown_06: I can't. I can't get in the store.
Unknown_10: Ask someone to think and just come talk to me for a second. I'd really appreciate it.
Unknown_16: I can't help but think at this moment that there exists a website called Amazon where you can buy whatever you would like and they will deliver it directly to your house. So you do not need, you do not need to scoot to the back door.
Thank you so much. Thank you very much.
Unknown_06: Have a good weekend. I need to go around back.
Unknown_10: Usually I yell from the back door and someone comes to help me because I can't come in but the doors are closed back there I can't come in I don't have a car
Unknown_10: He means your mobility scooter. Stop being racist, Mary. And then you need to come and talk to me and I'll tell you what I need and then you're gonna need to bring it out because I literally cannot get in your store.
okay thank you i'll go around right now wait you know what's funny i want to back that up look you see the guy like okay somebody came over and i think there was like a bicycle over there with like a child attachment so you got a dad with his with his daughter that's really cute but watch he comes out
Unknown_06: You see the glance he made eye contact right there and now he proceeds into the store he's averting his gaze politely as is typical of the white male but the offspring does not know does not know to do that eye contact made it continues for three seconds she stares at this scene being created but she follows her dad and eye contact is broken when required right now
I just wanted to point that out because I like it when people stare.
Unknown_16: All those kids are staring too. I'm not going to do a play-by-play, you all saw it.
Unknown_16: Oh yeah, she could literally call the store and say, hey, I need a fucking, I need a little pink girly hammer and some nails.
Unknown_16: because I need to hammer some nails in my apartment, which we'll take a look at in a bit. No, no, no. It's much more fun for her to come outside and fucking whinge.
So now the communication has been made manually in the most inconvenient way possible, and she's going to scoot right back around.
Unknown_16: It's like poetry. We're going back to the first stanza. And we're going to see Dick's true value back to work.
I have to admit, the fucking sounds of the wind and stuff, it's really good. Like ASMR, mobility scooter, front load camera ASMR.
Unknown_16: She has to hide. Those are her true predators, the cars. And there is some content related to the rivalry between Mobility Mary and other roadside vehicles.
Oh, hello. I can't come in. I can't come in. Oh, no. And even, well, I could probably fit in there, but then I couldn't get anywhere. She can't fit? You know, I've dealt with you people forever. Why does she insist on opening the back door?
Unknown_10: Just have to come to the back door and yell for someone but today the door was closed. Oh, yeah, you know, so I was And I thought this is not working so I went around to the front some people walking by What I need
Oh shit, I was gonna play this as we got to the back door, but I got cut off.
Unknown_16: There we go. Perfect timing. Perfect timing. If I do say so myself. Why the fucking sticker's not disabled?
Unknown_16: Fuck your stickers.
Unknown_12: There we go. Push to the back of the bus, where they belong.
Unknown_12: uh well i have i have a plethora of options here which ones let's uh
Let's see, let's try this one. I wanna expand upon the rivalry that she has between her and cars.
Unknown_16: Ooh, this is dark. This is spooky. This is very spooky, guys. It's not even October yet.
Unknown_16: She's riding around on the sidewalk in pitch fucking darkness.
Unknown_16: I guess she doesn't have any blinkers. I'm gonna assume she doesn't have any blinkers or anything on her scooter.
Unknown_10: Oh my god, look at that. Hey!
yeah you better run bitch you better fucking run i saw that illegal right oh my god she almost died she almost died did you see that she almost she was almost blown to smithereens by that car making that right hand turn oh my god that was intense oh no people getting out if i have my autoplay on
Unknown_16: I have to save that one. Okay.
Unknown_16: Now we've established that Mary is a predator. She's like a centipede. She's a predator, but she's not an apex predator. There are things that even Mary fears besides cars.
oh my god oh my god is that dog unleashed holy oh my god oh my god here it comes he's sniffing around he can't be contained he's a pack is that your dog
Unknown_18: Oh no! Not on a leash?
Unknown_08: Don't alert his attention! No! He's coming! He's coming for you! No! They bite me!
Unknown_10: This is totally illegal!
Unknown_10: Totally illegal! I understand. And I get bitten, jumped on! No! He doesn't bite. I don't care! This is totally illegal! Okay, you're not making it any easier. Oh, I'm not making it any easier!
Unknown_16: She's shook.
Unknown_09: UNBELIEVABLE! You can hear the trembles in her voice.
Unknown_16: That was intense. That was even scarier. You saw that dog. That boxer. I think it was a boxer. The boxer was coming right for her though.
Unknown_16: Thank god she survived. To live another day in Medicare.
Unknown_12: What else do I got?
Unknown_12: Oh.
Unknown_12: Hmm.
Let's see.
Unknown_12: I want to see this one. What's this one? What stories does this video have?
Unknown_10: Oh, I think I missed it.
Unknown_16: It's still green.
Unknown_16: It's still green.
Unknown_16: It's still green.
Unknown_16: It is still green.
Unknown_16: It is extremely green. Never mind. You're too late. It's now yellow. Is this the video?
She just completely... Is that just the entire clip?
Unknown_18: Is she colorblind?
Unknown_18: Is she just completely, totally colorblind?
I'll wait this one out.
Unknown_17: What's left?
Unknown_18: Still a minute and a half. What do we got? What do we got? Oh look, that one wants you to park in rear.
Unknown_16: It says right there. Oh no!
Unknown_10: Sorry.
Unknown_16: But she's blocking the sidewalk. You're not supposed to do that, Mary.
Unknown_16: Oh that's cool, there's a train up there.
Unknown_16: Where the fuck is this? It's in my notes somewhere.
Is she going to the liquor store do you think? Do you think she's getting like huge bottles of booze to get fucking Lisa done?
Unknown_10: This one doesn't even go white.
Unknown_10: Excuse me. I need to go up there, ma'am. Get out of the way, homeless woman. I need to get out of the street. Come out of the street. I can't until you move out of... Just come on and stop playing. That's a handicap ramp. I can't... I can't go over the curb. Right there. Oh my God. Right there.
You can't move another couple inches.
Unknown_18: Black people are the best when it comes to this bitch Mary that's profanity. You can't call her a bitch. What the fuck?
She's scooting past after that she knows that black woman won't take no fucking lip like that Snack her the fuck down
Unknown_16: I'm glad I sat through that one, because I like the black people in her videos because they're the only ones that don't put up with that shit. The place where she lives is written down in my notes somewhere.
Unknown_16: Also apparently she's like vegan. There's videos of her like cooking like Chantal.
Unknown_16: Like pretending to cook healthy and shit. And a lot of her her tribulations are attempting to get to whole foods.
Um, such as in this video. Which introduces the only reoccurring character in these videos besides Mary herself. Uh, the hero. The hero of wherever the fuck this is. Um.
Unknown_16: I'm gonna find out while this plays. While we introduce the hero. It's seven minutes long but it's worth it.
Listen to that audio. So comfortable. Oh no! There she is.
Unknown_16: The black knight. The dark knight rises.
Unknown_05: oh shit I'm drinking my soda pop and I didn't get to comment on the best thing this this you know I'm not like a body language expert but check this out just watch what she does
As she approaches, as Mary approaches, she's protected, obviously. This is actually a symbiotic relationship. In order to protect herself from St. Mary and her predatory nature, the white girl has attached herself, has knotted herself to the dog, which of course is a predator that Mary cannot face herself. So now this white girl and this dog
Unknown_16: They impede the scooter of justice.
Unknown_16: Also, it's very obvious that this woman has met Mary before.
Ma'am, please go to the side. I can't go around.
Unknown_10: Ma'am.
Unknown_10: Oh, my God.
Unknown_10: This is what I get.
Unknown_05: Please.
This lady refuses to let me go past her.
Unknown_18: She calls for help. She cries for help. Will they help her? Will they punish the woman?
Unknown_08: But she won't let me. She won't let you go past her. But it's not going to do me any good. There's a car, though. You better hurry up. Oh, my God. No, now the cars are getting involved. It's a tag team. I can't go on the street. It's a nightmare. I can't walk.
Unknown_10: And she won't let me go past her. Have a good day.
Unknown_11: Sorry.
Unknown_16: They can't help her.
Unknown_16: They can't... She gave me the finger! They can't help her against the dog.
It's too strong.
Unknown_16: Now the cars are closing in. Oh, it's hell.
Unknown_16: Now, okay, that woman has like a two-minute head start. Let's see how long it takes. One, two, three, four, five. She just fucking, like, floors that shit to close that gap so that she can continue. It's a fucking hound. Look, the dog knows. The dog is warning him.
Unknown_10: Excuse me. The fucking fat bitch is coming.
Unknown_16: Fat bitch is coming. This lady won't let me go past her.
She won't just move over for a minute.
Unknown_10: What am I supposed to do? She won't let me go past her.
Unknown_16: Got another, got another 30 second head start. Let's close that gap again. What's funny about this is really that
Unknown_16: She could just pace this woman walking her dog. Like, she could theoretically pace this woman and her dog and not lose any time. She demands- What is wrong with you?
Just let me go past you!
Unknown_16: Not only for the woman with the dog to do what she wants her to, she demands to, like, zoom past her on this scooter to the Whole Foods. Like, she's entitled to go faster than pedestrians.
Unknown_16: Will also not walking at all and I don't know why but that I really hate that like she's really fucking obnoxious and grading all the time But specifically the fact that she thinks that she's entitled to walk faster than I mean that woman looks fit. She's walking the dog So she's probably walking and above a normal like like walking pace in the US and that's that's not good enough She has to be going 20 miles per hour on the sidewalk in her scooter
Oh my god!
Unknown_10: There's a freaking policeman and you need him.
Unknown_16: Police! Arrest this woman, she's got a dog. We know what that means. But ma'am, that's legal in California. Oh my god!
Unknown_16: It's a really nice neighborhood.
This is so going on YouTube.
Unknown_16: This is nice. I'm not in a hurry. We're going through the Whole Foods, out in the fresh air.
Nice, nice pace. Nice brisk pace.
Unknown_16: Not a care in the world, unless you're Mobility Mary.
Unknown_16: When you live alone off of Medicare exclusively, your time is precious. Your time is valuable. And you gotta get to Whole Foods when you gotta get to Whole Foods. Maybe she's just hungry. She's hankering for a snack. A snack.
Unknown_16: And she's being denied. Okay, this is a good part.
Now's your chance, ma'am. Run. All that space. Why do you think she won't progress? I wonder what alpha warrior predator of this suburban sidewalk ecosystem exists that is inhibiting her from proceeding to the Whole Foods at the pace that she desires.
Unknown_08: I can't get close to your dog.
Unknown_00: You're nuts, man.
Unknown_08: And you're going on YouTube. Let's walk.
Unknown_00: You have time.
Unknown_08: I need to go all the way up to Whole Foods.
Let's take a step back.
Unknown_16: I know the chat's in the way but hmm it's almost as if this is a block you know laid out in squares and there's like you can if your mobility scooter goes 20 miles an hour you can just go up this block and then go parallel to the dog and then wrap back around her at such a speed you'll probably end up in front of her and you can proceed to the whole foods that is assuming very boldly you do not have a sexual fetish for being inconvenienced
I've been bitten several times. Please move to the side for a moment and let me pull.
Unknown_18: See, hold up.
Unknown_16: She has noticed that her symbiotic relationship with the dog is protecting her from the scooter. So she has taken on dog-like characteristics.
Unknown_09: For a moment and let me pull.
Unknown_18: That dog was so ready to bite the fuck out of it for two.
Unknown_10: You see that?
Unknown_18: You see that good boy ready to attack?
You're sick!
Unknown_10: Where's a policeman when I need one?
Unknown_16: Probably at the Whole Foods.
Unknown_16: oh this is this is a good part too or she just bitches several blocks she won't let me pass she gives me the finger she won't let me pass since the park she won't move to the side she's out of her stubborn mind
Rude? I think she was rude to me once. Oh, did she? Did she do something to you too?
Unknown_00: This fucking gossip shit.
Unknown_10: She's nuttier than a fruitcake.
Unknown_00: And when I, when I said, finally said, look, you're nuts.
Unknown_10: Just, just move over for a minute. She turned around, came close to me and started barking at me.
Unknown_10: Nothing, I swear to God. Okay, I'm not gonna smile at her anymore. Oh my God, smile at her? Try barking. She seems to respond to barks and growls. She clearly has some issues, some anger issues.
Oh my God, so I'm gonna have to do this all the way up to Whole Foods.
Unknown_10: Oh no, I'm sorry. Cause, you know, on this street, I don't dare go in the streets. Oh yeah, yeah. what a mild inconvenience i usually have to what could you cross there and then use the other side no because there's places on that side where where you where you uh where the sidewalk is even worse
Unknown_10: Like that excuse remember when I pointed out she can just make a right and go around the block So the sidewalk there is less good.
Well bitches are fucking dog on that sidewalk. That's that's Inhibiting your progress to the whole foods Lord have mercy Somebody was saying, you know, there's quite a few comparisons to our friend Yaniv Making some speculations Now, I don't know too much about Mary. She's an enigma. She's one of the most well-guarded identities I've ever seen
Unknown_16: But we have gained this insight to her psyche, and I will share it with you.
Here I am on the first night of Hanukkah enjoying all the Christmas stuff.
Unknown_10: Whatever.
Unknown_10: Absolutely. I wish more people felt like that.
Unknown_10: This world would be a lot more peaceful. It's true.
Unknown_16: Alright, that's boring. I just wanted to point that out.
Unknown_16: Now look at all the people in chat saying they called it. They called it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't do that on purpose by the way.
Unknown_16: My ghostwriter just happened to notice that and threw it up for me.
Let's play in traffic again.
Unknown_16: Woo, two minutes per, oh shit, oh shit. This is another video that has people of melanin, basketball Americans. And as we've established with the park, I don't know if she was homeless or just carrying around a wheelchair for whatever reason, but they don't take this shit. They don't take this trifling ass fat lady in the scooter. They don't stand for that.
Oh, load. I get fucking anxious just watching this part. Like, what the fuck is wrong? Why are you in the fucking road? On the bike lane, on your fucking scooter?
Unknown_16: Like a death wish?
Unknown_08: Oh my god! She's like shitting herself.
Unknown_16: Get on the fucking sidewalk, you lunatic!
Unknown_16: Alright.
Unknown_16: Now, you might be wondering, what's the hurry? I've never seen her on such a quest before. She seems to be in a rush to get to this Taco Bell drive-thru. Is she in the mood for a big bean burrito? Is she wanting a chalupa? No, actually, she is not hungry this time, shockingly. She's on another mission. To hunt down a man who wronged her.
Now we've entered the conflict zone. Mobility Mary has, in an effort to ascertain justice, hunted down this melanin American to a Taco Bell drive-thru.
This man was trying to acquire for himself ill-gotten goods of a hash brown ordered a couple seconds too early because she made, or he made, an illegal turn which cut her off. Now will he stand for this? Will he allow this bitch to sit up in his blind spot and yell at him as he places his order for delicious hash browns? We will find out.
Unknown_10: Hello? You almost hit me. You made a totally illegal move. Get the fuck away from me.
Unknown_11: Are you serious?
Unknown_10: Yes, I'm serious. There's no fucking almost in life.
Unknown_11: I did not hit you. I said you almost hit me.
Unknown_10: There's no almost in life. You made an illegal move.
Unknown_11: Get the fuck off the street with that thing.
Unknown_10: You're in the street. It's not a car. That's not a car. It's a disability mobility. So go away.
I did not hit you. I'm with my kids here. Go away.
Unknown_11: I have my two little boys here.
Unknown_07: Oh, do you? And they're alive. You almost killed me. I'm not Donald Trump.
Unknown_11: Go away.
Unknown_16: I did not hit you. I did not hit you.
Unknown_11: I did not. Oh, high school.
Unknown_16: Oh my God. Say something racist. Entertain me.
Unknown_16: He said, um, I didn't, I, there is no almost. I did not hit you. You're not Donald Trump. Stop driving in the road with that fucking thing. And she just immediately takes off. But really, I mean, look at, look at what she's fucking doing to catch up with him. Just like in the fucking road on her fucking scooter. People are honking at her because she's, she's a fucking road hazard just so she can get right up in this guy's fucking grill.
while he's ordering hash browns for his kids to chastise him not to exchange fucking insurance or anything just to yell at him for making her slightly uncomfortable but I guess she's I guess she's just a racist what do you think chat do you think she's out for justice or do you think that she just hates black people I'm pretty sure it's the latter which is why it's okay for us to make fun of her on YouTube because she's a terrible person who uh
What else we got? Oh, I'll save that one for later. We watched that one. Let's watch this one. I've not seen this one before, so we will get some new insight here.
Unknown_10: In the fucking parking lot again, of course.
Unknown_10: She was Isn't that her right right back? You see him like a black lump right past that's yep. She's still there. I figured she would be Hello
Oh, wait, what the fuck? So the woman, I was wondering, did she make a friend at some point? But no, as we see, we have, we have a Latina woman, uh, Grasse, I think is her name, uh, working for the Whole Foods. So we're at this, this mystical Whole Foods. Let's take a break, actually.
Unknown_16: and pull this up. This is the nexus of all of Mobility Mary's life. This Whole Foods, which is essentially her church, this is her Mecca. If she could get on her hands and knees and face Mecca, she would instead face the Whole Foods here in, what's the name of the city again? It's in LA, but it's Mar Vista, it's like the district of it.
I just want to point that out. So here's where we're at, we're at this Whole Foods. And she has acquiesced the attention of Grasse to counter, to confront, to confront, oh, oh God. Oh shit, no, go back, go back.
Unknown_16: I think I remember what happens in this.
See, I can't, and she's like right across. You see, she's on half the sidewalk. And one of those things is on the other side.
Unknown_10: Now watch. Oh my god! This woman stopped.
Unknown_10: I'm in shock! I'm absolutely in shock.
Unknown_16: Her fucking chatter is just like the worst.
Unknown_10: Do me a favor with the bag.
Unknown_16: Oh no.
I have a really hard time dealing with cringe.
Unknown_16: And um...
Unknown_16: Based on the title of this video. I think we're in we're in for some cringe, so I'm gonna I'm not ready for She had to get a she had to get a Whole Foods worker to help her give
Unknown_16: food to somebody.
Unknown_10: I didn't want to get anything perishable because who knows when she... Oh no, this is bad. I'm not ready for this. But this is like really healthy, really nutritious. She has a problem with teeth or whatever. They're really soft.
She's such a great person donating food and being so thoughtful and recording it for YouTube.
Unknown_10: She hasn't moved back over, I don't think. Oh no, I think she has. I don't think I have room.
Unknown_16: I don't know, I'm one of the loose subscribers. Please. Please.
Unknown_10: Ma'am? Oh, that woman does not want to be bothered. Ma'am, I'm sorry, but I'm going to need you to move a little bit again. Get out of the way, home... Oh, that's fine. Get out of the way, homeless woman. My son here has a little gift for you.
Do a three-point turn so we can see. Are you sure?
Unknown_10: Oh my goodness. Thank you. I just got paid. Yeah, but I want to because I can't eat it.
Unknown_10: Are you sure?
Unknown_16: Thank you. Hey, listen.
Unknown_10: Are you sure? She's rejecting the food. Oh my goodness. Thank you. I just got paid.
Unknown_16: I just got paid.
Yeah, but I want to, because I can't eat it. It's things I can't eat.
Unknown_16: She bought this woman, she said that she can't eat that food. I guarantee you it's non-kosher. And that's why she can't eat that food. So she bought this black chick that's been loitering on the sidewalk and annoying her. Fucking non-kosher food and now that she doesn't want the food.
Unknown_16: She can't, she can't, oh my god.
Unknown_10: Power bars, they're delicious and you don't have to eat it right away.
Oh my god.
Unknown_16: Grasse wants to kill herself right now.
Unknown_10: I have a friend who buys really crappy cheap power bars. My friend, Victor.
Unknown_16: You're such a hero.
Unknown_10: Thank you!
Unknown_16: She's such a selfless... Wait, wait, wait!
Unknown_17: Holy fuck!
Unknown_10: Thank you!
Unknown_17: There it is! There she is! I've never seen this before! Her claw! Her claw! Show it again!
Thank you!
Unknown_17: It's as fat as I thought it would be! I can't even believe it! Oh no problem!
Unknown_10: Just be careful out here!
Unknown_10: Be very careful!
Look at how fast she goes.
Unknown_16: That fucking scooter, man. That scooter's got some fucking like Tesla motor in that shit. For her to move that fucking fast.
Unknown_16: Okay.
Unknown_16: This is very scenic.
Unknown_16: It's almost a shame to interrupt it. Interrupt this ASMR. But I do want to show you.
Unknown_16: um the closest thing that we have to the sighting of mobility mary one i'll blow it up that's the one take a good look at it two and three and this one is the best one i think
Because you can really see, you can really see the form, the shape of the gunt and her general bell-like figure.
Unknown_16: You can even see the shadow, the long shadow of her wrist fat on the foreground of the shadow. Don't mind the zombies and the zombie children, we're looking specifically at the shadow. That's the more interesting thing in this picture. Just, uh, since we were at a nice stopping point with that terrible video, with the maw, or the claw, I thought I'd show that.
Alright, what else? We got a lot more, actually. I could do this all day. I'm feeling good. Hmm.
Unknown_12: Hmm. I think this one, this one's timestamp, but I do have to pee.
Unknown_16: I might let it play out a bit.
Unknown_16: Okay. Yeah.
Unknown_16: I'll let this one play out. He's got some ASMR for you.
Are you watching where you're going?
Unknown_16: I need to make, here's my business idea, here's my proposition, in case any of you are millionaires and you wanna start a business, here's my pitch. Gamer catheters, for when you're having an epic gamer moment, but you really gotta pee, your gamer catheter can keep you seated and at your prime for hours on end. So, that's my proposition.
Excuse me, did you walk under the tunnel there? Yes. Can I ask you something? Because I got stuck in a really bad situation. Last time I tried to go through there, at the far end of it, there was something sticking way out, so I couldn't continue. I think it's wide enough now. Are you sure? Because you have no idea how hard it is to turn around. No, I can't. I literally cannot turn around. I'm visually impaired and I had to go backwards and reverse, not able to see the edge, all the way back to the corner.
Swing low.
Unknown_08: How much space do you need? I need... Just about that wide?
Unknown_10: Well, I, well... Yeah, you would end up getting very close to the tarp that's hanging down. That's the big black thing is still there? Yeah, it's still there. Oh, no. So, you know, have you ever used... The other side? That side going through there.
It's very narrow. Yeah, I don't think I... I don't think you'd make it.
Unknown_10: I need to go to Whole Foods. I'm gonna have to go all the way back to my house. All the way around.
Unknown_10: To circumvent this, I'm so sick of this.
Unknown_00: You might be able to call a police officer just to ask for help to get around. No. No, not worth it.
Unknown_10: This kind of stuff happens literally everywhere I go. Is this the video where she attempts it? But thank you for taking the time just to tell me. No, it's not. Fuck. I really appreciate your time. What's the one where she tries to clear it?
Have a great day.
Unknown_10: Oh, yes, yes, yes.
Unknown_16: This is it.
Unknown_16: Oh, my ghostwriter is so on point with this shit. I'm so impressed.
Unknown_16: Yeah, just start, this is the thing that you could see underneath the tunnel from the distance. Look at this, look at all this homeless shit. All these homeless people's shit. Blocking, blocking the sidewalk for mobility. How the fuck is she supposed to get through this? Homeless people, homeless people, inconsiderate. I wonder why you're homeless, because you're so fucking inconsiderate.
Unknown_10: I can't do anything.
She can't do anything, that's where you have to go. Great.
Unknown_10: Now I have to turn around on this narrow thing.
Unknown_10: Oh my god.
Unknown_02: Oh my god. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
Unknown_15: Beep. A three point turn.
I remember taking my three-point turn at the driving test. I cried. It's okay. It's okay, Mobility Mary.
Unknown_14: This is insane. Oh, now it...
Unknown_14: Stimulation overload! Does it really take her five minutes to back out of the fucking subway?
Look at her! How is she so bad at backing up?
Unknown_17: Just back up!
Unknown_16: She's literally crying because she can't figure out how to back up her fat ass.
Unknown_16: Oh, she's visually impaired.
Unknown_18: That's right. Vision impaired people don't know how to fucking back up their scooter. I forgot about that. They don't teach you that in school.
On the road again. She's crying. You can hear her sniffling.
Unknown_16: Okay, I don't care though. He's gonna use his legs to walk around that black part. Look.
Unknown_16: Have you ever felt like a plastic bag?
Unknown_15: No.
Unknown_15: The trash was going the right way and it was inside a lane. Which is more than Mobility Mary can say about her ability to fucking drive.
Please don't sing. I'll sing if I want to. This is my stream. This is my stream. I can sing if I fucking want to.
Unknown_16: She's still doing this? She still can't do a three-point turn? Shoot.
Unknown_16: Look. Hold up, hold up.
Unknown_16: He's on his phone. He's on his phone. And he notices. Doink! It's like the Metal Gear Solid when they spot you. Look, that guy over there is too. They're all staring because she's a spectacle. This is great.
She's still crying.
Unknown_15: All the exclamation points in chat.
Unknown_15: She's, how does she, how is she so bad?
Unknown_16: How do you not know how to do a fucking three or five point turn on a sidewalk to fucking not have to back up the entire way? That's, that's, I'm incredulous at that. How the fuck do you not know how to do that?
There's a second part of this video because I think she goes to the Ross over there and she just starts yelling at people. Like she gives up and just like, fuck it, I'm going to go to Ross and spend money on moo-moos or whatever the fuck.
No, she has to go harass more people.
Unknown_10: She's so fat she can't fit through that, the fat person door, the cripple door.
Unknown_16: She has to go through the double door. That's pretty fucking funny.
Unknown_10: And I'm pretty sure that the fucking, uh, that thing, it was specifically the cripple door.
Unknown_16: Yeah, you can see it. You can see it right there. Do you see the button for pressing it and getting all the doors to open at once? I'm pretty sure that's the button for handicapped accessibility, but she wants people to do it for her.
Unknown_10: Thank you so much, sir.
Are you the manager?
Unknown_10: Is there someone here that's a manager that I can speak to? Thank you so much, sir.
Unknown_16: Sir? Oh, the other guy. Just because she's black doesn't mean she's a sir. What the fuck?
Unknown_06: Huh?
Unknown_06: Yes, please.
Unknown_16: Curious what she wants. Oh, no, that's just the video ending. She just wants to cause problems somewhere else. Somebody was saying that this is the most American thing they've ever seen, and it reminded me of this, which I'm sure we was Finns will appreciate.
On the other side yeah there she is
After that party gets pulled over by the police, I think. But that was pretty great for what it was. I think about this video a lot. I think about this video like I think about Jesus Christ or my own mother. I replay it sometimes just to reacquaint myself with what it means to be loved.
Okay, I have no idea what this video is, but I want to see it now.
Unknown_10: This is lovely, all sticking out. I have to either stop and cut it all down. I just got hit in the head.
Unknown_03: He was trying.
Unknown_10: Three times, four times.
Unknown_17: He was trying.
Unknown_17: She just drives into it. She makes no attempt to like block it. Wait, hold up.
Look, look on the right. Look, you can see the shadow. You can see the shadow. The shadows are the best part.
Unknown_16: The little glimpses of the humanity behind the scooter. Look, she's wearing like, like, Oh, I went exactly. Let me make it slow. Cause I went exactly one frame. I keep seeing.
Oh, that's twice as fast. I want to go super slow.
Unknown_16: Where is it? We're coming up on it. We're coming up on the peak. You can see our glasses. I think it's right there.
Unknown_16: And it hits the wall there. You can see she's got, she's got short hair and big glasses. And I think I see a little chain. She has little chains dangling off, dangling off the arms onto around her neck.
Unknown_16: And you can see her ham fist or on the, on the controls.
Yeah, that's quality. That's some quality content right there.
Unknown_16: you gotta slow this shit down and observe and take in what we can see it's never it's never finding the picture that's interesting or is it's it's the it's the quest it's the journey to building mental image um let's see i'm gonna watch this for for as long as it is but i do want to show one particular moment
She's making that Asian gay boy help her through Trader Joe's.
Unknown_16: And there's a specific moment in here.
Unknown_16: She's like nervous going through a Trader Joe's.
Unknown_16: Also, whenever she's in public like this, pay attention to everyone else's faces and see the looks of contempt and disgust that cross them as they gaze upon this visage.
He's trying his best. He's not like a, he's not like a... Okay, this is gonna be funny, but... If you guys know, uh... Frederick, I'll show a picture, because I don't think everybody knows who he is. That watch is a little shut. Frederick. Just pull it up real quick.
Unknown_16: he's got this little chair right and when we were together in the Philippines you know the streets get packed they get really packed with um like all the Filipinos so to make to help him get through crowds you know I'm a big fat guy and I'm kind of stout so it's like I'll hold out my elbows a little bit so that my width is the same width as that wheelchair. And I will push my way through the crowd of people to create the aisle which he may proceed in. It was a very tactical maneuver to make use of my time. And as we can see here, she has tried to employ the Asian twink to do the same, but he does not have the figure. He does not have that linebacker figure to push through the crowd and deliver her onto her destination. I am really not up to all this.
Oh, is he just escorting her out of the fucking building?
Unknown_10: At least all this is open again.
Unknown_16: Who's that emo kid?
Unknown_10: Did they make it so there's extra handicap spaces by doing this? Yes. We are completely ADA compliant.
Unknown_01: Yes.
Unknown_14: Yes.
Unknown_01: I'll see you next time, Linda. Thank you for putting up with my... I'll see you next time, Linda. Thank you for...
Linda the name the very the very alias mobility Mary is but a pseudonym she has wrapped she has wrapped her her identity her online handle under layers of facade to throw off the highly qualified doxxers of the Kiwi farms and that is why nobody, nobody can find out who she is. Is Linda even her real name? I think we've got a Montagraph situation where she's been preparing for this for years. You know what they say about Jews, they're all neurotic.
Unknown_01: I think that's it.
Unknown_16: Rest of the video was her just being a fucking nuisance in traffic again. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Yep. Just nothing. ASMR. Somebody needs to make a mobility Mary ASMR video. Uh, I did that one, did that one, did that one, do the plants.
Oh, here, I'll do this one. I want to play another dog video.
Unknown_16: but this one I want to show.
St. Mary is on a mission again to deliver, sorry, to deliver foodstuff to the homeless.
Unknown_16: She is one of God's chosen.
Unknown_16: Her grace, her grace is infinite.
Unknown_16: What is she doing? Move!
Unknown_16: Let me see it.
Unknown_16: She drove past a homeless person, cut on her fucking thing, and then wants to give her shit.
Ma'am, I returned some bottles, and I got $4.17. Do you want to take it over to Ralph's and redeem it? No. Okay. Huh?
Unknown_10: Okay. I thought you might want the money.
Unknown_16: I want to be left alone.
Unknown_16: I don't want fat people rolling up next to me trying to get me a wadded up receipt.
Unknown_16: Why are you guys bullying LA for? It's not LA's fault about Mobility Mary.
Let's see.
Unknown_12: Oh yeah, why is that? Let's watch another dog video. I wanna watch a dog video.
Unknown_12: I think, okay, this is the second part of that first one.
Unknown_12: I think.
Unknown_12: Oh no, it's just the, oh, it's 17 seconds.
I was hoping it was more. It's her again.
Unknown_10: Could you please go to the side so the dog doesn't, please don't let the dog get near me. I got a worse bite than you did.
Unknown_16: You ever see that meme? I don't even know what I would search for to show it, but it's like, it's like a guy walking past, and then another guy is like passing him, and it's like a black guy, and he says something, and he's like, ha ha, just kidding, you all right, bro? And he's like, yeah, I'm okay. And then the next frame is like him typing angrily about how black people are violent or something. Like that was that encounter. She went home, and then she got on her AOL chatroom, and she started complaining about this dog woman, for this very brief encounter where she gets barked at.
What does she say?
Unknown_00: I gotta first bite the neighbor?
Unknown_17: What the fuck is she saying?
Unknown_00: Somebody tell me.
Oh, I got a worse bite than they do.
Unknown_15: And then she immediately shuts up and starts scooting along the road.
Unknown_16: That's great.
Unknown_16: I think that's the last of the dog woman, but she is a champion of crazy dog loving white women everywhere. That's pretty great.
Unknown_12: Lights.
Unknown_12: I've seen that.
I think. I don't know if we've seen this one.
Unknown_16: Oh, she, yeah, she finally makes it to the Whole Foods. The legendary.
Unknown_14: That looks like a dump.
Unknown_16: That's the dumpiest fucking parking lot for a Whole Foods I've ever seen.
Unknown_16: But she made it.
She's going to temple.
Unknown_15: We really shouldn't be blocking the handicap crossing here.
Unknown_10: Any of this blue, no one is supposed to be blocking it. Look at her!
Unknown_16: Look at her bitching because the fucking pallet is encroaching on like a square foot of fucking space. Fuck you! Thank you, I'll take that into consideration.
Unknown_19: So, that's the situation.
Unknown_16: She's so mad that he didn't care enough.
Unknown_10: Look, look.
Unknown_16: Go back again and track the boy's face. Track his face. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11... She can't look away!
You're in the handicapped space. People are not supposed to have to force you to get out of this by law. You're not supposed to be in here.
Unknown_19: Take it up with management, okay?
Unknown_16: Damn.
Unknown_10: How about if I call the police? You're insane.
Unknown_10: Oh, really?
Unknown_19: Yeah.
You're insane.
Unknown_16: Shut down.
Unknown_19: I'm out here doing my job. No, but you're doing it illegally. You're insane. And I'm surprised that you shop here.
Unknown_16: I'm going to cause so many problems. I guarantee we got fired for that shit.
Unknown_16: He sounded Australian, too. Did you hear that? The twinge in his voice? Also, I didn't pause it because he was being entertaining. But, um... Where is she? I saw her.
Look even this guy over here. He turns up. He is ripped away from his mobile device to a witness to witness the The craziness going on How about if I call the police?
Unknown_16: Sorry, I just I like the faces of the crowds because it's it's like a mirror You can't see mobility Mary, but you're staring at the people and they're giving you Your reaction if you were standing there what you would be doing and it's a little bit of humanity It adds to the portrait of mobility Mary Oh and I've been informed that she's not actually bitching about the She's not actually bitching about the watermelon
She's she's bitching. Oh, okay. She's not bitching about the watermelon palette, which is what I thought because of it was on the blue She's bitching about them standing there. This is what she's upset about them how they're parked This is what she's causing a problem that she's going oh
Unknown_16: She's angry that they're standing there in the blue. Anywhere in this blue is the fuss. That's fucking nuts. That's even worse than I thought.
Unknown_16: And that guy is totally fucking Australian. Look at that fucking hat and that shit he's wearing. That motherfucker is straight off the boat. He's probably got a wallaby back home and everything.
Unknown_12: I might be wrapping it up. I think I got everything.
Unknown_12: Didn't watch that. Didn't watch that. Didn't watch that.
Unknown_12: uh let's watch this one this one we've we've been outside with mary but have we been inside mary so many of her videos not playing any of them because they're not interesting it's just her with that parakeet or whatever the fuck it is it's a parrot it's it's some kind of exotic bird and they're very expensive
And for some reason, she has one. And what's also interesting is that her apartment is very small. I think it's like a one bedroom and has like a kitchen, a half kitchen, a bathroom, the living room, and her bedroom. And it's kind of cluttered. So you're wondering if she's so physically impaired, how the fuck does she navigate her own room?
Unknown_16: Cockatoo. Sorry.
Unknown_16: I hate those fucking birds. They're so scary looking. And they stare at you with their beady little eyes. And make scary fucking noises. I don't know what...
Is she like standing or is she like... I'm just imagining her like on the scooter like inside her own living room.
Unknown_16: And I feel bad for the bird too. She's just showing off her birdcage.
I want to point out the leopard print broom over there on the left hand side. This video is just still I think. I was really hoping to show more of her apartment but... She didn't do many videos inside because she just wanted to bitch about people.
Unknown_16: Somebody says she needs some cock in her life, which is why she bought a cockatoo. It's a very good pun. Thank you for that.
Unknown_12: It's more of her bird.
Unknown_02: Is that you?
Unknown_16: It's not a bad bird.
Make a noise birdie.
Unknown_02: Yeah.
Unknown_16: This is all the interaction she gets that's not bitching at people.
Unknown_02: Make a noise.
Unknown_10: Oh, brah.
Unknown_02: Whoa, what are you doing? What are you doing?
Unknown_02: Give me a kiss. There's a kiss.
Unknown_02: There's a kiss.
Unknown_16: Silly girl.
Unknown_02: There were many, many, many videos of her doing this, by the way.
Unknown_16: Just like interacting with the bird.
Unknown_16: Oh, the ghostwriter made an observation with this. Listen to Mary's voice.
Who's the silliest girl?
Unknown_16: Her voice isn't whiny. That would be you. She's talking like a normal, usually when people are talking to their pets, they're going boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, like in a weird fucking baby voice. She's talking in like a normal way to the bird that you don't ever hear.
Unknown_02: Hello. Say hello.
Unknown_02: Say hello.
Unknown_02: Yeah.
Unknown_16: That's really, that's strange.
Unknown_12: And somebody said in this one, which I think we've seen. Oh, I don't see the comment. I was told that there's a comment of somebody white knighting her in the, in the,
No replies, but I don't see it.
Unknown_12: Oh well.
Unknown_12: Okay.
Unknown_12: Oh, there's a link to the channel.
Unknown_12: I want to see this. I'm curious.
Unknown_12: In bed with a goblin. I don't think that's...
Unknown_12: I don't think that this is the sock account of Mary.
Unknown_16: Subscribe to Jim and Fox News. I wouldn't be surprised if this motherfucking one subscribed to me. He's got... No, I don't think that's... I don't think that's Mary. Good try though. Thank you.
Unknown_12: Okay, I have very sloppily put together an outro video, and I think that's about it.
Unknown_16: As far as what happens to Mobility Mary, she got posted on our public freakouts, and she very quickly deleted everything, which is why it's on the Ghost of Mobility Mary channel.
And she's been, as far as I know, she's been quiet ever since. I've never heard anything else from her.
Unknown_16: So that's a nice conclusive story. This woman decided that she was going to use the power of the internet to complain about handicap accessibility in LA.
Unknown_16: She was bullied relentlessly by that hate site known as Reddit.
Unknown_16: And she decided to drop off the face of the earth. reducing her daily contact with human beings to zero, except for the dog lady who, legend has it, still barks at her to this day.
And with that, please enjoy this very, very shitty outro video I put together. And I will see you all next Wednesday. If you want to help my streams and give me free cash for what I do, there you go.
Unknown_16: And I'll see you when I see you. Oh, I'm probably playing Sekiro later this week. So if you like me being angry at video games, you can look forward to that.
Unknown_16: Bye-bye.
Get the fuck away from me. Are you serious? Yes, I'm serious.
Unknown_03: There's no fucking almost in life.
Unknown_11: I did not hit you.
Unknown_10: I said you almost hit me. There's no almost in life. You made an illegal... Get the fuck off the street with that thing.
Unknown_11: You're in the street. It's not a car. That's not a car.
Unknown_10: It's a disability mobility... So go away.
Unknown_11: I did not hit you. I'm with my kids here. Go away.
Unknown_11: I have my two little boys here.
Unknown_07: Oh, do you? And they're alive. You almost killed me. You're not Donald Trump.
Unknown_11: Go away. I did not hit you.
Till I get you! I'm so crazy, go too easy! More than Nike! I wanna race for you! Shall I go now? Yes, yes, yes! I'm gonna step on the gas! Tonight is the night! And be a lover! Yeah, yeah, yeah! I'll be so quick as a flash! And I'll be your hero! Yes, yes, yes! I'm gonna run in the flesh! Tonight is the night! To be the winner! Yeah! It's like a hot sensation.
Got this power that is taking me out. Yes, I'm gonna blast you mute. Ready now, ready go. I'm gonna take my car. You're gonna see me. I'm gonna drive it along till I get you. I'm so crazy, I'm so lazy. No, you likey. I wanna race for you. Shall I go now? Yes, yes, yes. I'm gonna step on the gas. So now I'm ready to go. I'm gonna run in the flesh tonight
I tried very hard to sync this up to other things, but I ran out of time. I really, I had a great, I had an epic, I had an epic montage of her scootin' the boot, but I fell short. I apologize.
Ready cuz I'm waiting for you. It's gonna be my soul Oh Yes, yes, yes I'm gonna step on the gas tonight