0:00:00 Unknown_01: hello i am josh i'm going to show you how to download a video off of youtube or pretty much any other website on the internet with a little simple tool and upload it to a forum so first thing you're going to do is go to youtube-cl.org you get a website like this go to download instructions Unknown_01: Follow the instructions that are right for your computer, but for most of you, right-clicking windows.exe and then clicking save link as and saving it to a directory that you'll be able to find it in is the easiest way. Unknown_01: I'm saving it to my downloads directory. This is just fine. Unknown_01: Now that I have it, I have to find it in a terminal. So what we're going to do is open a terminal by pressing the Windows key and R at the same time. You'll get a prompt that looks like this. Type in the letters CMD like I have done and press enter. You'll get a black box like this. It is scary looking, but don't worry, it's very easy. 0:00:56 Unknown_01: we're going to find the directory that i have downloaded the executable to in this case it is the downloads directory so type in cd capital d downloads and press enter now that i'm in the directory type in youtube hyphen dl.exe or as a life hack type in the first few letters and press tab until you get it Unknown_01: the easiest way to download any file on the internet is to copy the url and then right click directly into the terminal to paste your clipboard into the command line and then press enter as if by magic i have downloaded it to the same folder that the executable is in i can play it you have record levels of autism so uh 0:01:48 Unknown_01: If that doesn't work, it is usually because YouTube has changed something and it's broken YouTube DL. YouTube DL has great maintainers that maintain many different working download modules for many different websites. If that happens, just type in YouTube-DL.exe again and type in hyphen U as an update, capital U, and press enter. It'll check for an update and automatically apply it so that it should work again. But since we've just downloaded it, there is no update. You can do many different formats with YouTube DL, especially for YouTube. Type in with a hyphen again, lowercase or uppercase F. and then the url this will show you all the different formats available for the download that you've uh that you've selected and then to choose one you simply type in the same string again but with a lowercase f and then put in the number um what i like to do however is type in mp4 0:02:29 Unknown_01: and it will select the best quality audio visual combination with mp4 in this case it would be the same as typing in the number 22 because that's the best quality mp4 available and voila you have record levels of autism you can also do this with audio type in uh let's do m4a should download an audio file you have record levels of autism 0:03:19 Unknown_01: Now, it's really handy to download with MP4 because you're wanting to upload it somewhere else. MP4 is a pretty well-accepted format. In this case, we're gonna upload it to a Zenforo forum. Post thread, pick your board. When you get to this page, attach files, upload your file, and then insert video. But wait, you're not done. Many stupid people have failed at this part. Unknown_01: they will insert the video and then begin typing and to their dismay the text is on the right hand side next to the video they don't know what to do and because they are stupid they will add many new lines until it breaks don't do this you're smart what you're going to do is click the video once go to alignment and then select none at that point it is now below the video and you do not have to add a thousand lines and you'll be able to post the thread the title 0:04:13 Unknown_00: You have record levels of autism. Unknown_01: Congratulations. You have just downloaded the video off the internet and posted it to an internet forum. I'm very proud of you.