When the world seems bleak and cold When your bones feel tired and old When wind is howling through the trees There's a shelter from the storm There's a fire burning warm You'll find it if you follow me
Unknown_04: Oh, the bliss will set you free Oh, the bliss is gonna make you see When the world seems grim and dark When the sky won't show a star
I love the bliss.
Alright. Alright. Hello, my friends. If I sound tired, it's because I am. It is now 2 AM. I saw people in my Discord who are Russian, who, I think it's like, I think it's 2 AM there too, who should be in bed. Or not in bed.
Unknown_02: So shame on them for not maintaining an appropriate schedule, because growing boys and girls do need their sleep.
Unknown_02: Um, where do I even start? So about a week ago, a little bit over a week ago, I did a stream called the Black Pill Stream, as I frequently do, where I talk about how completely and totally and utterly fucked all of us are, but most, more than anyone else, me.
And I talked about, I'm going to explain what happened again, so that people who didn't see that, or people who watch this in 2020, I always stream with the idea of if somebody watches the stream five years in the future, in 2024, during the start of Trump's third term as God Emperor, what did they need to know to appreciate the stream?
Unknown_02: So for this instance, uh, I have been fighting a very long struggle to keep my irrelevant shitty gossip website called the Kiwi Farms afloat.
Unknown_02: Originally, it was hosted on a $5 VPS on Linode, then Linode threw us off, so I moved to Gandhi, and Gandhi immediately threw us off in such a way I couldn't even back it up before they deleted everything. And then I got clever and I bought a server and a data center and I've used VPSs throughout the world to reverse proxy to that main host. So you connect to it through Cloudflare and then it reverse proxies to the server. And then it feeds you back. So when the complaint comes in, it goes to the VPS, that's the reverse proxy, and if it gets taken down, then only that VPS is taken down. I've been doing this for fucking years. And eventually I got fed up, and I decided, fuck it, I'm not doing this anymore. I'm not buying VPSs and shit.
I am thoroughly fucking done with that game. So, I dropped everything I fucking had into buying hardware, to registering a company, to buying a BGP capable router,
Buying IP addresses. If you don't know, IP addresses are fucking very expensive. The current IPs that I have cost $1,400 a month. But in ARIN, you have to buy them at auction. And they start at $4,000 for a 24, which is only 250 addresses. So, lots of fucking money into building a company that hosts shit on the internet, right?
Unknown_02: And...
Unknown_02: From there, I got a contract with the data center, and I hosted for about a year and a half there.
And on July 2nd, very ironic, because my hosting company is called 1776 Hosting, right? And on July 2nd, two days before the Independence Day, everything's just off. And I check my email, and I have an email.
Unknown_00: I'll just read it verbatim.
Unknown_02: I don't have it in front of me. I didn't prepare for this at all. This isn't the Mumkey stream where I actually take time to prepare.
Unknown_02: Preparations are for Wednesdays.
Unknown_02: Joshua, your machine PDUA-302J2 has been suspended due to violations of our acceptable use policy. You may review a copy of our acceptable use policy at the following link. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Sincerely, the Director of Communications.
Unknown_02: Well, as you could probably imagine, I had many questions about why my shit was all fucking unplugged. And I asked my question. And they told me, it wasn't our decision, it was Deluxe. Deluxe being the parent company of Cocoa Crossing. Let me pull up Firefox and I'll show you what Deluxe is.
Okay, you might be thinking, uh, this does not look like an ISP, this does not look like a data center, what the fuck is this? And the answer is, you're very right, this is a check printing company, and they print checks, they do not host internet shit. So, how they acquired a data center that I just happen to be at, uh, is a fucking mystery to me.
Unknown_02: But these are the ones that made the decision. So I contacted their hotline. And the woman on the hotline had no fucking idea what I was talking about. Because this is a check printing company. This isn't an IT company. They wouldn't know. Like, this woman has never had a call like this in her entire life. So I email Codocrossing and I say, this is a check printing company. And the guy responds, yeah, they also print checks. I'm like, well, motherfucker, who the fuck do I contact at this check printing company to get information about why you have unplugged shit from the fucking wall? And he's like, try legal and compliance. So I call legal and compliance. And because it's July 2nd, two days before July 4th, nobody there. I call July 3rd. Surprise, nobody there. So then I call up the cell phone of the head of media relations for the company, and I say, look, you motherfucker, you have caused me great problems, and I want an answer. And if you don't give me an answer, I'm going to complain very loudly on the internet to my many, many dozens of fans. So then, finally, about an hour later, I get my prompt fucking reply from Legal & Compliance. And, uh...
This is the little clip of that conversation.
Unknown_07: Questions of the AUP for harassing behavior.
Is there, I mean, I ran a service that hosted many different websites. Is there a specific domain name that was violated or?
Unknown_00: We received a general inquiry that referenced several domain names, and after investigation, we found that at least two of the ones that we investigated were in violation of the AUP.
Unknown_02: You can't tell me who filed the inquiry, what domains were cited?
Unknown_00: It was an anonymous inquiry. It came in through our anonymous hotline, so we don't know who filed the inquiry.
Okay, and I still can't know what domains?
Unknown_00: The domains that we looked at were, I believe, Kiwi Farms and Encyclopedia something. Sorry, I don't have them in front of me, but does that sound familiar to you?
Unknown_02: Encyclopedia Dramatica?
Unknown_00: Yes.
Unknown_02: Okay. All right. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I found this while looking for their contact page. This is a lighthouse services deluxe And this is a incident report for ethics violations ethics and compliant report incident this I guarantee you This is what it came through this weird fucking form where people can submit incidents reports And it's apparently all anonymous because it goes through this third party company And then they they review it and send it to the contact us page so this check company got a complaint from this
this ethics and compliant intermediary and then they sent that back to them and then that got to my data center and by that time they'd already made the decision now what's really funny is that at no point at no point have they ever
Unknown_02: Like, they didn't ask. They didn't even ask if I actually hosted it. They didn't ask me if I hosted it. They didn't ask if I would take it down. They didn't even ask to see if I was aware that those services were passed through my hardware at all. Which I find fascinating, to be quite honest.
Unknown_02: Um, so it was done and luckily they, I think the actual data center, Colo Crossing was embarrassed because they refunded me my last month for like $700. They let me keep the hardware, obviously.
And I told them to 2-day it to a different data center.
Unknown_02: And I had much more confidence in this other data center.
Unknown_02: But the amount of money that it cost to 2-day it was $600. And I'm like, OK, I guess I'm paying $600. Well, they'd never billed me for it. I think they said don't bill him for this overnight, because we want him to go away.
Unknown_02: So, whatever, I'm happy with that. I'm happy not having to pay more money than I have to.
But in the process, I'm thinking, here's the thing. When a complaint hits Cloudflare, it will return to the complainee, if they deem it to be a valid complaint, two pieces of information. The complaint email of the hosting service provider and the autonomous system number. My complaint, the complaint information comes from the IP. So it would always be abuse at 1776hosting.com. But the ASN would come from the data center who is an internet service provider. Because ASNs are dangerous. You can't give them out to people because they can direct the routing table of the internet. You can really seriously fuck up the internet if you have an ASN. And I didn't want to get it because it's a lot of you have to prove that you have a valid use for this ASN if you are applying for one.
So I just let them do the broadcast. Well, I didn't realize that it would say U.S. Colo Crossing in the complaint. So people were seeing that as the host, followed by abuse at 1776 hosting dot com as the contact information. Well, one person, one of the people complaining apparently went a step further, found the company complaining to them when Colo Crossing probably didn't give a fuck. And the only person I know of who complained to Colo Crossing was Yaniv. He was the one who sent in the DMCA to them and he was the one that sent in the, uh, the, the rental lawyer abuse template DMCA thing to them. And I guarantee you he went hunting and found that fucking incident report form and sent that upwards. So, uh,
So that happened, and while this is happening, while they're moving my hardware, and of course it's moving fucking slow as shit, because it's July 4th, and the July 4th weekend, and none of these people want to be fucking moving my shit around, or setting things up, or racking things, they want to be at home with their families. So, taking an insufferable, on my end it's insufferable watching how slow the shit was moving and how long it took them to package it. You know, you can't blame them because of the timing, but it's just really fucking insufferable when you want 100% uptime and you've been down for 8 days. Like, that's bad.
But during this time, I used this time productively, and I applied for an ASN from Aaron. And now I have a piece of the internet. I sit at the great roundtable of the internet, where important decisions about where shit is point to that. Because I have to. Apparently I fucking... That's the extent. That's the extent. In total, there are like 300,000 ASNs in the world. And somehow I have one. Because I've registered myself as a fucking internet service provider.
But it arrived, it got racked up, and then I had to do something I've never done before, which is the Border Gateway Protocol is how the internet pieces itself together, and I've never used, I've never had to do an announcement.
Unknown_02: It's stressful because there were instances there was a ISP in Pakistan in like 2007 that accidentally Routed the entire internet to a black hole in the middle of Pakistan and it shut down the internet for like a couple of hours so
I was nervous about that, somehow I did it, and it only took a couple hours, and things were kind of working, but as one last slap in the face, the previous BGP announcement was still up from Colo Crossing, so half the internet hitting the west coast would go to my data center, and the other half that was connecting through the east coast would go to a black hole in the middle of fucking New York. And it took like 12 hours for them to resend that BGP announcement and let my IPs actually work for the entire internet.
Unknown_02: And... Very, very frustrating. The upside, though, is that the new contract is half as much as the old one. I have the ASN, and I'm really curious now how, from this position,
Unknown_02: How does it get worse? Because I've considered it, and based on the setup that I have, I only see three different possible ways for the hardware situation to develop negatively, or for the stability of Kiwi farms to develop negatively. I see three possibilities.
I see Cloudflare dropping us, which wouldn't be
Unknown_02: Automatic death sentence, because it just wouldn't. Cloudflare is extremely useful, and I like it.
Unknown_02: But, you know, there's DDoS protection at the ISP level, and there's all sorts of—with an ASN, there's a whole lot of shit you can do to mitigate DDoS attacks. And as far as I know, there's only one other site that Cloudflare has ever banned from its service without, like, a court order to do so.
Would anybody like to guess what the other website that Cloudflare has banned is?
Unknown_02: I'm watching chat. Tell me.
Unknown_07: Tell me, chat. What's the other website that's been banned?
Unknown_07: DailyStormer. Who got that?
Unknown_02: Dayzdongle. It was the DailyStormer. Andrew Anglin got kicked off.
Unknown_02: And, uh... Yeah, the guy... It's weird.
Unknown_02: Uh, the guy, the CEO of Cloudflare actually wrote this really long post.
about how bad he felt for doing it. Because he says, like, no one man should have all this power. I pressed the button.
Unknown_02: I pressed the button and they was gone. They was just gone. I Thanos snapped them out of existence. What a tragedy.
Unknown_02: But, you know, the timing of Daily Stormer going down was that Anglin had posted an article saying that
Unknown_02: Like kind of like it was he was doxing somebody but he was doxing them Like a Jewish person right after somebody had died at Charlottesville and that's what that was what the justification was So, I mean, I don't know I mean it's possible the Kiwi farms could do something at that level but the more people like if Cloudflare starts dropping people They really, Cloudflare especially, because Cloudflare controls like 30, 40% of the internet at this point, in terms of traffic. If they start policing the internet with the immense power that they have at an infrastructure level, they're really begging for legislation at that point. They're really, really, really pushing the boundaries of the publisher protections granted by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
So yeah, I mean, I don't think they will. They could, though. Like, I know for a fact. I'm going to see if I can find this. Hold up.
Let's see.
Unknown_02: Can I just go to, I don't know, not signed in. This is Liz Fong Jones who worked at Google trying to get the Kiwi farms de-indexed from Google from within Google itself as the maintainer of trans at Cloudflare newsletter. Or not at Cloudflare, but at Google. And I think if they let me search without being signed in, yeah, here.
Doesn't matter how much protection of my speech online I have if I'm physically intimidated into not speaking. This is why Cloudflare's argument that they would provide both me and white supremacists slash transphobes protection of our speech is bullshit.
Unknown_02: This is about, like, Liz hates Cloudflare.
Unknown_02: Because Cloudflare protects both 8chan and KiwiForums and just bitches non-stop about them.
And I know for a fact that they've contacted Cloudflare people trying to get Kiwiframe specifically just look how many fucking times they tagged Cloudflare. Cloudflare, it's like hundreds of fucking tweets about Cloudflare.
Unknown_02: Oh, and yeah, fuck you.
Unknown_02: Non-stop for years for literally since 2017 they've been bitching about fucking Cloudflare fucking crazy But anyways, I'm just saying I know the pressure is on them the second thing I can imagine happening is we get sued I'm surprised we haven't actually legitimately been sued and I don't know if Rikita talked about this at all on
On his last podcast, and I'm not gonna, I can't show any of this, I'm gonna get my YouTube account deleted for sure, but a guy called Akiva Kohan, yes, Kohan, is a genuine certified member of the New York State Bar, a senior intellectual property attorney. In New York, threatened to sue the Kiwi farms over pictures of his family posted online and he was saying like, we're gonna get you. It's almost like disturbing the level of sexual energy and how these Jewish people talk about their lawsuits. Because he's saying like, I'm gonna get you, piggy. I'm gonna make you pay up, piggy. You're gonna be my pay pig. I'm gonna sue you for statutory damages under the Copyright Act. Because I've registered my copyright, so I know you can try and run, piggy, but I'm gonna get you at the border. You can't flee the country from my judgments. You can't escape the latex of my bankruptcy-proof lawsuit judgments against you. pay piggy and it's like what the fuck is wrong with you it's like if you like it like when you're like a little kid and you have a bully and you just imagine yourself like shooting up the school and putting down your bully and that kind of like rush you get like dream about like i just imagine cohen laying down on like his bed with his hands behind his head looking up at the ceiling like i'm gonna make them pay up for what they did to me No one makes fun of the gods chosen on the internet lives to tell the tale. They're gonna have to pay the fee for that And it's just it's just like what the fuck is wrong with you anyways um the funny thing about that is With a lawsuit that an IP lawsuit. There's three ways of getting money out of it, right?
it's like a
Unknown_02: Number one is actual damages. Somebody steals your shit and as a result you lose money from it. Then they owe you the money that you caused them to lose, right? You steal someone's shit, you profit from it, you get sued, you have to give that money back to them. The second one is punitive damages. Punitive damages are from malicious acts of copyright theft. And that's like piracy. Shit that you know is wrong and that a reasonable person would understand as being copyright theft.
And that is like up to $30,000 per violation of punitive damages. And then the third one is statutory damages. For instance, I would never get punitive damages for hosting images because of a myriad of reasons where I would believe in good faith that I don't break copyright. I know I don't. So there goes Pino's damages, and they're not actual damages because he's not lost any money, it's just shitty pictures of his fucking ugly kids. The other one is statutory damages, and that goes up to $150,000 per infringement. But the problem with statutory damages is that you have to register the copyright with the US Copyright Office three months before the infringement. And it takes up to nine months to file for the copyright. So all this shit he's saying that we're going to get statutory damages from hasn't been registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. And if it has, it hasn't gone through yet. So the infringement's already happened. The alleged infringement has already happened. And it's not possible for him to get statutory damages because of it.
And when that got pointed out and I think for sure he's like I thought this guy wouldn't be dumb enough to think I've never been threatened with a lawsuit before because I just didn't think that he would be that naive but
Unknown_02: I think it's Akiva M. Cohen, if not, there it is. Accounts, tweets are protected. We all started making fun of him and once I pointed out that I knew what copyright was and how it works and how the lawsuit would actually go, he immediately locked his account.
So I like I'm shocked by this I thought for sure he wouldn't be dumb enough to think that I have never dealt with a lawsuit threat before or that I like I can show you guys my You guys want to laugh I'm gonna show you my Kindle I'm going to show you the books I read. Now, obviously I'm an intellectual and I don't listen to audiobooks. I'm not a big gay.
But I don't read many books, right?
Unknown_02: Just not a big fan of books. My mom tried very hard when I was a kid to get me into reading, but that was never the case.
Unknown_02: Just didn't work.
Unknown_02: Let me pull this up.
Unknown_02: Where did I save it? Ah, there we go. Here.
Unknown_02: And ignore the little things that say how much it's right. I flip back and forth and it changes the place based on that. So, fit to screen.
Civil procedure, the conscious unconscious, or the unconscious universe, the culture of critique, the day of the rope, federal rules of civil procedure, introduction to law and the legal system, the myth of Sisyphus, rules for radicals, the stranger, understanding intellectual property law, when bigly, And win your case.
Unknown_02: How to be persuasive. So there you go.
Surprise. Surprise, Mr. Cohen. I've read a book, motherfucker.
Unknown_02: I've read as many books about copyright laws. I've read as many fucking textbooks about copyright laws. I have read far-right race-baiting books.
Unknown_02: Oh, I don't have Siege.
Unknown_07: Siege got pulled off of Amazon before I could find it.
Scrolling through books to 99% doesn't count as reading it. That's true.
Unknown_02: I read the book. Dude, no.
Unknown_02: Here's how I find these books. I think I've mentioned this before. I really enjoy it. I'll put this back on the screen. The first one.
Unknown_02: I think it was the first one, Civil Procedure.
Unknown_02: When I read this, I got it off of Amazon for like $60 because one of the reviews was from a law professor in Wisconsin or something, or Michigan. And I really liked it. It was a pretty good book and it was in simple language so I digested it really easily.
And I sent her an email, I'm like, hey, I really liked your book suggestion for this one book, and I would really like to know if there was another book that touched on this topic that you would suggest, because you've made good suggestions so far. And I said, thanks a lot, Joshua Moon. And her reply was, Joshua Moon from the Kiwi Farms? and I was like, yes and I never got my book suggestion the fucking bitch didn't tell me the goddamn book I wanted I just wanted a book books aren't illegal books aren't hate speech why would she deny me this information?
I never did anything wrong, chat I don't think she wanted the D because I never got my reply
Unknown_02: And don't make fun of me for saying yes, why would I lie? I'm not a liar, chat.
Unknown_02: And her name, Albert Einstein, that's not a... Sorry, that's a bottle. That's not a fucking Albert Einstein story, it happened. Not gonna pull it up, I don't wanna ax her, but it did happen.
Unknown_02: But yeah, other than that, oh, the third one.
Unknown_02: Surprise, a lawsuit doesn't happen. And if I get sued for a copyright lawsuit, I am 100% taking that pro se. And I'll tell you why. Because if I lose a copyright lawsuit, that shit is like written into the ledger. That case law becomes something that affects everyone in the entire country. And because of how much copyright shit is handled within the US, the US is basically the copyright jurisdiction of the entire world because of how our laws work. But I'm gonna make sure if I lose that lawsuit, everyone suffers. The entire world will suffer because of it.
I think this is the thing it doesn't happen very often because nobody wants to throw themselves in a litigation But if you have an interest in the outcome of a case Because of the case law you can inject yourself into it through something called an intervention And I'm gonna I'm gonna trailblaze this shit as fucking hard as I can I'm gonna burn as many goddamn bridges as I absolutely fucking can and to force Google and the EFF to intervene in the lawsuit on my behalf to fight my case for me. I will- I will fucking play that game. I have nothing to lose, Google. I have no money. I will- I will fucking tank the fuck- I will poison this well. I will take the poison and dump that shit right in the fucking well.
Fuck it. Um, okay, third one.
Unknown_02: What is it?
Unknown_02: Oh, okay, so there are a handful of companies that connect almost all the little ISPs together. Now, obviously you don't just route, like if you make an ISP, you don't route fiber to every computer in the world.
Most data on the internet passes through a couple of big countries or a couple of big companies.
Unknown_02: In the US, the big ones are Hurricane Electric, Cogent, and something called Level 3.
Unknown_02: And I mean anybody can traceroute my IPs and find out which one I mostly pass through. And I mostly pass through Hurricane Electric.
Unknown_02: And as a tier one provider, and as the backbone of the internet, literally called internet backbones, they could null route, theoretically they could null route my IPs and kick me off of the internet. And if that happens,
I don't think it's ever happened. I don't think a Tier 1 ISP for political reasons has ever banned any service in history. And if that happens, I have broken the internet. I have taken the internet and put it in my hands and snapped it. Snapped it like the neck of a small child.
Unknown_02: I mean, everybody would hate me.
Unknown_02: Everyone would hate me.
I don't think that'll ever happen, though. It would be such a bad idea. It would be such a bad idea. It's the same logic as Cloudflare. Don't get involved. Cloudflare is a little bit more involved than a backbone provider like that. But if they did get involved, it would be a disastrous ripple effect throughout the internet.
Unknown_02: But at that point, it's like, what else, what else is there? What else can they possibly do? You can traceroute it. Traceroute 103, 114, 191, 1.
That's the router right now. Fucking DDoS it. I don't care. I can't, like, people know my IP.
Unknown_02: What's his face?
Unknown_02: The pedophile. Zoom. When he, he thought he was hot shit because he looked up what my fucking subnet was.
Unknown_02: That's not secret you go to fucking Any RIR and you search for my name for the who is contact and you'll find it It's 103 114 191 dot point zero slash 24. That's the subnet and If you traceroute it you'll see all the intermediary nodes all the tier ones and tier twos involved in connecting you from your computer to mine and
there i'm right there i'm right there on the backbone now and it's just i i can't imagine i could be wrong i dare not test fate but it's taken a long time to get to this point where it's just like
Unknown_02: Anything that you do now will have serious consequences outside of just the kiwi farms. I'm like a tumor. I'm like a tumor in the brain surrounded by your motor functions and your eyesight and your
and the thing that regulates your heartbeat. I'm like geoblastoma. Cancer, wrapped between all the intricate delicacies of your brain, like John McCain's. Just strangling it. And I'll sit here comfy. I'll sit here comfy, happy as a clam, wrapped on that brain. And I dare you, motherfucker. Try. Try and cut me out now.
Take that knife.
Unknown_07: Please stop graphically describing brain tumors. I will drop unconscious I Moved I didn't break the law as far as I know maybe I have but it's cheaper here everything that I do month to month is like $700 and now that my no my expenses are so low with the new contract.
It's just I
Unknown_02: It's very beneficial to be here, as opposed to in the U.S.
Unknown_07: Like in the U.S. $700 would be the rent.
Unknown_02: Not even including utilities, not including vehicle transportations, all sorts of shit. When's the Sekiro stream? I'll stream when everything, probably after the late into the month, like the last week of the month at earliest.
How much weight have I lost? None. I'm still fat.
Unknown_02: Is it nice here? Yeah. I just wish I knew the language. I'm so bad at learning the language.
Unknown_02: Aren't you afraid of getting sex traffic? No. It's actually really safe here.
Unknown_07: Like, the streets are clean and shit.
Unknown_07: How is this a white pill stream? I don't know.
Unknown_02: I feel like I'm being more optimistic than usual. Isn't that... It's not like... It just feels better. Have I tried Duolingo? Yes, I've tried Duolingo.
What happens to the site?
Unknown_02: The site stays up.
Unknown_02: No, I've not gotten a haircut. My hair is very long. My hair is probably the longest now than it's ever been. It touches like the middle of my shoulder blades now.
Unknown_07: Not on Happy Pills, I'm not Mumkey.
Ew, why is everybody grossed up with my hair? No, I'm not taking any more pictures, I only get recognized.
Unknown_02: Oh, Kayflay did put out a new album, didn't she? It's pretty good.
Unknown_02: It's not it's not her best. There's no songs on it that make me think Actually, there is one. I have it queued up for the outro song.
Unknown_02: Oh Man I've only been talking for 30 minutes Should I keep rambling or should I call it quits? I just want to say hi and tell everybody this is the this is the wonderful situation that we're in now Or it's like playing chicken with the Internet.
Unknown_07: How long until I kill myself?
Unknown_02: I don't know. I don't see that as on the table. I have no reason to.
Unknown_02: Like the thing is, I've not broken the law. There's still plenty of wiggle room. I've not even exhausted all my options yet.
Unknown_02: Because, like, if I really- like, you know what I haven't even tried doing? I know a lot of companies that sell shit that are against the rules, and they just continually make fictional companies. You know what I could do? Here's a deadass thing that I could fucking do.
I could go to a Ukrainian prison.
Unknown_02: Prop up people who are serving long sentences for violent crimes and get them to go 50-50 on companies with me. Pay them $10 for their signature. And use their name as their managing member to continually create new merchant accounts for different banks. And just keep doing that. And it would be completely legal. As far as I know it's legal. Maybe not.
But if I do that, I mean, I'm just saying in terms of exhausting options, I've not even touched the crazy amount of shit that there is to do to prop something like that up. I'm exhausting the legal options step by step, the legal obvious by the numbers, forcing people into awkward situations where they have to admit they have to back down, not for any real reason, but because they can't take the fucking heat of people complaining.
Oh, I think about a lot of things.
Unknown_02: I contemplate my gambits all the time. It's what I do. It's what keeps me happy, is thinking about this shit.
Unknown_07: How do you feel with the ex-USSR shithole?
Unknown_02: Um... Yeah, it's weird. There are no... There are black people here. I see one black person every week or so, but they're almost always very black, like from Nigeria or shit. The one mixed-race person I've ever seen was an American woman who was sitting at a table adjacent to me. And they were... They were fu... The American tourists were fucking awful, by the way. They're so obnoxious, and they're rude.
Like, I mean, they're awkward. They're not rude in the sense that they're mean. They're rude in the sense that they're fucking awkward and belligerent, and they're making jokes that the waitress can't understand, and she just sits there waiting for permission to fucking leave, because these dumbass Amerifats are being stupid.
Should I spit on them? I'm gonna spit on you, but two. But two.
Unknown_02: It's Nigerians and Ethiopians. You can tell it's Ethiopians if they have longer hair. For some reason Ethiopians like to keep an inch of hair, really curly hair, as opposed to Nigerians who shave it bald.
Unknown_07: You'll sign off on a merchant account for me?
Unknown_02: Yeah, I mean, like I'm saying, there are
There's a lot of really complicated shitty options that I just don't want to deal with right now.
Unknown_07: I'll play, I told you I'll play Sekiro or whatever at the end.
Unknown_07: Click straight here.
Unknown_02: Talk more about Mumkey. Oh, you know, there have been developments. There have been developments on the Mumkey front. On the Mumkey front. Here, I'll show you.
Oh, no, it's not Leo the Wolf.
Unknown_02: Liu Lau has deleted her account on the Twitter. She made a post saying, should I make a video clearing things up? I guess she watched my video.
Unknown_02: I wish I could see her face when this got played.
Thousand hours in Adobe Premiere.
Unknown_02: Ten people are going to show up to that Area 51 thing, and they're going to get to the border, and there's going to be an armed patrol there, and they say, if you cross this line, we will fucking kill you. No, they're going to say, if you cross this line, we're going to arrest you.
Unknown_07: And they're not going to, nobody's going to get shot.
Oh, and I wonder if Mumkey has said anything. I don't think Mumkey has said anything since he cancelled. Yeah, he made a tweet saying like, should I stop trying to talk on the internet with people?
Unknown_02: Should I not have a social media presence? Yeah, people are being mean to me. And he deleted all his other tweets and he told Dick Masterson
Unknown_02: That he'd show up on the Sunday stream with him.
Unknown_02: Which would be noon Pacific Standard Time. And I told... He flaked on fucking Tommy C. Which he scheduled right at the start of my stream.
He didn't even announce that he wouldn't be on that Tommy C stream afterwards. What a dickhead.
Unknown_07: And...
Unknown_02: I told Dick if he flayed that would show up on the stream. Kind of as motivation for Mumkey to show up and talk to Dick so I wouldn't get that slot. But I'll do it if he doesn't show up.
Unknown_02: Now Lou is ghosting and Mumkey is ghosting. And they also like sheep over it.
Poor sheep.
Unknown_02: Look over at sheepovers liked tweets.
Unknown_07: Okay, I will.
Unknown_07: No, I can't. Can I like them on a different page?
Unknown_02: No, I cannot. Here, let me check. This is an interesting lead. Let me actually check on Brave.
Unknown_02: See if there's anything in it.
Unknown_02: Oh, this. Yeah, I've seen this.
Unknown_02: Uh, this is Patchy, Mumkey's brother that got mentioned in the stream. And Sheepover liked this tweet where it's the Principal Skinner meme format. He's saying, could I be in the wrong province? No, it's every single other person in my life. And Mumkey, or Sheepover, liked this tweet.
I can't blame her.
Unknown_07: I do not think—here, let's make a prediction chat.
Unknown_02: Press 1—or let me say the question first so that you can press 1 or 2 in a timely manner.
Unknown_02: Do you think Mumkey Jones will show up on the Dick Show? Press 1 for yes, he will. Press 2 for no, he will flake. Let's see.
Let's see. Oh, jeez.
Unknown_02: I've seen a lot of threes.
Unknown_02: You're just pressing numbers, you're fucking it up. Okay, there's the twos. Oh my god, that's a lot of twos.
Unknown_02: Holy fuck. Okay, it seems to be very, very, very two. Very two-leaning.
He'll kill himself before he can?
Unknown_07: Aw, don't say that.
Unknown_07: He flaked before all of this.
Unknown_02: Oh okay, press 3 if you think he'll kill himself live on air.
Unknown_02: To try and make Dick feel bad for bullying him on the internet. 3 for live suicide, exactly.
Unknown_07: Oh my god, there's the threes. It just took a second. It just took a second.
Oh, man.
Unknown_07: Yeah, that's the update on that.
Unknown_07: What a mess.
Unknown_07: Let's see, anything else happen?
Unknown_02: There's been a little bit of stuff.
Unknown_02: I saw that Nick Rikita in the last week broke $200,000 on the crowdfunding thing, which is nice.
Doesn't make me any money.
Unknown_02: Buy my hats. You know what's funny? As I put that up there, I was making fun of Jim a little, and I said, buy my hats so I can pay for my Akiva Cohen lawsuit for copyright infringement. And I got multiple people asking where the merchandise shop was.
Unknown_02: I was being bitter about Jim again. Why do you have to ask me where the fucking hat store is and make me look like a retard?
I've done merch before. I usually try to make really broad, appealing shirts. Like things you would wear in public that don't feature the Kiwi Farms logo or the words Kiwi Farms at all. Like we had a shirt that was like a black tank top for people who go to the gym.
Unknown_02: Because I got a lot of requests for gym clothing. So I was like, okay, it's a black t-shirt and it says
Unknown_02: Be the change you want to see. At the top and bottom, but the bottom one is in Japanese. And it's just a door with an outline of a couch in front of it as a reference to William Atkinson, fuck you, from Encyclopedia Dramatica, who got cut by a couch. There were a couple cute ones that just had kiwis and stuff on them, and then there was one that was, well they were mostly kiwis.
Crypto fashion. Oh, I mean if it's if you have to pay with crypto.
Unknown_02: There's no There's no like the demand won't be high enough to even bother you
Kiwi hijab, I'll sell those to New Zealand.
Unknown_02: Has Akiba actually sent me a cease and desist? No. He's not sent me any paperwork. I can check my mail.
Unknown_02: See if I got a cease and desist during the stream.
Unknown_07: Let's see. What's the good news?
Let's see, I got some information about Brave.
Unknown_02: From what I've been told, Brave has a way for you to collect your own ad share with Uphold now so that you can send your ad share basic attention tokens to whomever you please without Brave being involved in that decision. So I'll probably make a post about that at some point.
Unknown_07: Why do people keep talking about my numbers? It's like 900 people, right? Let's see, who's watching on DLive? 161 and 900 on... that's not bad. Surprised that many people even care.
Make a shirt saying white girls fuck dogs.
Unknown_07: I don't think anyone would wear that. I wouldn't want anyone to wear that. Let me put it that way.
Unknown_07: We're bored. I know, I know.
Unknown_02: Unless you're talking about in general. I don't know who streams anymore. Who the fuck streams? It seems like streaming was so big at one point where it's like I had to think really hard about when I could safely stream and not trip over anybody else.
To the point where I picked 8am on a Wednesday or something. And now, now it's like who the fuck streams? Like consistently.
Unknown_02: Nick Fuentes?
Unknown_07: Play the video again. I don't know who Monty is.
Yeah. Yeah, I know.
Unknown_07: Dark V apparently had a stroke and died.
Unknown_07: Sucks to hear.
Unknown_07: Oh, here's something funny.
Unknown_02: In that Akiva Cohen thread, somebody tagged me because he had made a tweet about how everybody loves his grandma's garlic borscht.
Unknown_02: And I will actually just show this.
Unknown_02: Let me do Google, because that's how I found it, just to make sure. I was like, what the fuck is garlic borscht? So I went to this, this website called Centropa.
And it says, noble garlic borscht, preserving Jewish memory, bringing history to life.
Unknown_02: And it's a shepherdic or Ashkenazi borscht, I guess. But here's the kicker. The author of this article is somebody called Jane Cohen. And I'm thinking, did I fucking, like, dox his aunt or cousin or something accidentally by looking up a borscht recipe?
That made me laugh, this idea. Yeah, garlic borscht in quotes.
Unknown_02: Yeah, do Jews steal all the Polish food and then they slap a name like Nobel in front of it? Knobble? I don't know if it's pronounced Nobel or Knobble. I'm gonna guess Knobble because it sounds fucking disgusting.
Unknown_02: Yeah, no, Cohen's very common. I looked it up, I was actually really curious. I was told no, not likely.
Overmom says it's Knobble.
Unknown_07: And now I'm not I'm not look okay look I know certain people would buy Embarrassing clothing and actually wear it in public, but I refuse I am a principled man when people tell me to shut down my site I tell them to go fuck themselves and when they tell me to print clothing that I would be humiliated to see somebody wear I say no your money is
Your money is no good to me. Take collars, that's always a fucking disaster. Here, in a couple minutes I'll get into the free-for-all room and you can all scream at me at the top of your lungs. So pile into that shit if you want that. I'll do it for like five minutes.
Unknown_02: Tops. Tops. Five minutes. Tops. With a K. Tops.
Unknown_07: K-flay hoodies are fucking good though.
Unknown_07: What the fuck are you talking about?
Oh just make the initials white girls fuck dogs and then what put put this this I did some searching this is the original dog from the the Commonwealth stuff and I reversed image searched it and I got this puppy which is bigger and I reversed image search this and I got this version of the picture which is now much higher detail and I reversed him and searched his list and I finally found the original from a cute puppy top 10 list. The dog. He looks much less traumatized when you don't zoom up on his fucking thousand yard stare.
Unknown_02: He is pretty cute.
Unknown_07: Okay.
Did I get this?
Unknown_07: Copy ID. Oh my god. There's far too many people.
Unknown_07: There's far too many people.
Unknown_07: Hi! Hi. Scream. No, don't literally. No.
I'm gonna- I'm gonna mute them for a second. I know I have priority speakers somehow.
Unknown_07: Where- where is my priority?
Unknown_07: Oh no.
Unknown_07: Oh no, this is a disaster. I- Hotcake.
Unknown_02: Okay, I think that's enough of that.
It's far too much noise. It's overstimulating me, and I'm dying.
Unknown_02: Top got 100% ASMR. I was looking for my priority speaker button, but I couldn't find it, so I gave up.
Unknown_02: Okay. What else can I do?
Unknown_02: I guess I could check for K.
Unknown_02: Since that's a reoccurring theme.
I think I have it bookmarked, do I not? Because I have this question— I bit my tongue. I bit my tongue while talking. I have this question, and I ask it every goddamn day. Do I have it bookmarked? And the answer is yes, I do. Okay. Ooh! Ooh! She cooked! She cooked! Oh, that's based. Where is it?
Unknown_02: All right, we're going to do this and then I'm going to retire. I felt bad because I did my monkey stream, and then I didn't do a proper week review stream. So this is my apology for that week review stream not being there. Where is a bingo card?
Pool bar, bookmarks, card generator.
Unknown_07: Let me go through and make sure this is all. Awkward laughter, bitches about merchandise. That's not relevant.
Unknown_07: Is it on both of them?
Unknown_07: Yeah, get rid of this.
Unknown_02: Okay, hurts herself, yells at fans. She doesn't do that anymore. Visibly wearing- that's redundant with the metal shirt. Shaky hands. Fan requested food. Spills something. No veggies except starches. Boils or deep fries meat. Labored breathing. And I made that the British spelling because it's Anglo.
No seasoning except salt and pepper, my way. Excessive liquids or metals.
Unknown_02: T-shirt raw or chicken pork. I'll just Iron Maiden.
Unknown_02: Right here, wearing her son's t-shirt. That's more accurate. We're all checking her pork. Massive serving on plate. Kay feeds dogs.
Which, uh, the dog is dead. I'm gonna remove that. Physically destroys something. Stove on highest setting.
Unknown_02: Burns something. Margarine. Margarine's a gimme. Like, free. Scrapes utensils. Stove uses countertop. Mushmouse.
Unknown_02: I'm gonna add swearing. She swears, because she does that a lot, too.
Unknown_07: I'm going to say that this one's critique.
Unknown_07: The culture of critique. I'm going to bookmark this.
OK. Let's take this one. Oh, I have to make it centered. Bam.
Unknown_07: Add this.
Unknown_07: Somebody was saying, are we going to make it through an episode of this without Josh feeding us?
Unknown_02: Without his gross, disgusting feeder porn fetish?
Unknown_07: The answer is no.
Oh, by the way, I haven't mentioned this in the stream yet, because this is the first stream since the monkey stream, but the amount of positive feedback
Unknown_02: Got from From people regarding that stream was actually fucking shocking like everyone really really seemed to like that stream Which is very gratifying because I put in a lot of work to make it happen It was a pain in the fucking ass. It was two full days of like finding shit and asking people questions and
Unknown_02: And clipping stuff. I spent so much time in FFmpeg, manually timestamping clips.
Trying to get everything organized.
Unknown_07: Writing notes and shit.
Unknown_07: Ah.
Unknown_02: Yeah, I promise you I will do more of those. And my big plan is for October, my favorite month. I am a huge Halloween fanatic. I really like Halloween atmosphere. I love fall. I love pumpkins. I love pumpkin spice lattes. I like everything about Halloween.
I 100% will during during October I will every week I my plan is to do a stream on a deceased locale and line by line just go through it and cover my favorites my favorite dead ones probably starting with um what's her name the shed princess a girl who hung herself and everybody blames us for it
Unknown_02: Not Terry. Oh, Terry Barry. Yeah.
Unknown_02: Terry A. Davis, Terry Barry. I don't know if I'll do Davis. I probably will.
Unknown_02: I can't do a dead people stream and not cover Terry Davis.
Unknown_02: But yeah.
Unknown_02: Things like that. Not Amanda Todd. Not me. Fucking needed.
Unknown_02: Forgot the entire reason why I pulled up Photoshop to make this token.
Yeah, that's the plan, and I don't know.
Unknown_02: There's actually a lot of Lolcals that I did not cover at all when I was doing those streams consistently because...
Unknown_02: I was going to save it for an October stream. So I've actually been saving a lot of the people I wanted to be talking about for a full year so that I could talk about them for Halloween. Because my last Halloween stream was about Anorexics. I actually started in October, so we're coming up on a full fucking year of me streaming, which is insane. It does not feel like it's been a year at all.
Unknown_07: Do the good stuff.
Unknown_07: Hi people and I'm back cooking again and today I'm going to be doing egg foil.
Unknown_08: Right as you can see I've got everything sliced up. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to dice them now.
Unknown_08: The reason I don't, I don't know why I didn't dice them first but it said, I'm going to put the pan on three, because it did say I've got to put everything in before the pan gets hot.
Don't ask me why, I don't know, I'm just Wow.
Unknown_02: She already burned herself.
Unknown_02: Oh no. She, she has a smart in her. I don't know why it bugs me that Lee doesn't help her.
Unknown_08: It doesn't help her cut.
Unknown_02: Cause she's got like arthritis and shit. And he just fucking stands there and does nothing.
Unknown_08: I thought you liked drinks. Oh, don't say that.
Unknown_08: I'll make sure.
Unknown_08: I'll make sure it's doing that.
Unknown_08: That won't have it rewired. About a while, what?
She spilled something.
Unknown_02: Don't put that for her, it's herself.
Unknown_08: Now I did say to get a green onion.
Unknown_01: I don't trust green onions.
Unknown_08: So I got a white one. Besides, there weren't any green ones.
Unknown_01: We're not having to spill something like that?
Unknown_08: They weren't much in shop, were they, today? Couldn't get no bean sprouts, no cashew things.
Why didn't I cut these up before?
Unknown_08: As you see, I've gone back to my blunt knife because I don't trust cutting into my hand with them sharp knives.
Unknown_02: Did she have her iron manager on?
Unknown_08: Oh yeah, she did. Why didn't I cut these up before?
Unknown_02: Yeah, she did.
Unknown_08: As you see, I've gone back to my blunt knife because I don't trust cutting into my hand with them sharp knives.
Unknown_08: Already had a cut finger from him, so I don't want to end up taking the rest of my fingers off.
No, dude, we covered this last time. She's better at cooking now because she lost that fucking cookbook. That's like evil.
Unknown_02: She's been using this fucking cookbook for God knows how long and it's just concentrated Satan. What's that noise?
Unknown_08: It's always doing that.
Unknown_02: I don't know.
Unknown_08: I thought that was like a noise. It gets on my nerves. Like a knocking sound.
Unknown_08: They're more or less chopped up, diced, whatever you call them. I'm going to put these mushy rums in next.
Unknown_08: Diced them up.
Unknown_02: It took my brain like a second to process what the fuck a mushy rum was. I could have just sliced them on camera but it were easier just to do it as I were.
Unknown_08: Oh, it's easier to do it.
Unknown_08: Um, and if you look- if you want to know what else I've got, I don't know if you can see, I've got red peppers, and I've got some peas. And it said to use frozen peas. Now I could only get garden peas, but... I'm not very happy about it, because I don't- I'm bothered about garden peas, but... Is she, like, intentionally scraping the fucking bottom of that Teflon pan with that knife? This is gonna take a long, long time to do.
As you can see, as you can see I've chopped it all up for a morning pan. He said put it all in together. I think you shouldn't but, who am I to argue? Apparently from what a Chinese man was telling me in the shop this morning, all the pieces of St.
Unknown_06: Glory are like omelette.
Unknown_01: Did she walk up to a random Chinese man and ask him how to make egg foo young? He's just like, you're sufficiently Asian, how the fuck do I make egg foo young? He says with bits of everything on it.
So, I don't know, I mean I just... Cause I was telling him the ingredients, I wrote that down.
Unknown_08: And he says, who says you need 12 eggs? And I went, well it said, he went, he went for an omelette, it says, I would say about add two or three.
Unknown_08: So I'm just putting two in at the moment.
Unknown_08: And I think a Chinese would know more than me to, how to do an egg, an egg for you wouldn't he?
So I'm gonna add the egg in, which I think- She whisked it really bad.
Unknown_08: He didn't say to beat the eggs.
Unknown_01: Yeah, it does look like it's just an omelette.
Unknown_02: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, do you know why the recipe said to put green onions in and not white onions?
Cause the fucking green onions go on top when- when it's done. You don't actually put onions in it, you garnish with fucking green onions. She- It's like, has she- why didn't she look up what the fuck she's cooking before she cooks it? I don't understand, chat.
Unknown_08: Everything's pouring out of the pan because it's not a big frying pan She's got it on way too hot because the eggs are already They're already burning. It's like sticking to it It has to be on
One like highest still. It's cooking so fast!
Unknown_08: I only added two. So I think I'll just put another one in just for... Just because he did say two or three.
Unknown_02: Why doesn't she just slow the fuck down and cook her food properly?
Unknown_08: And as you see, it's done. It's took... the, uh, Mickey's dough. It's done now. I know I'm using metal and I shouldn't... but I'm trying not to touch the bottom. So I'm going to turn it off because it all looks done. Get off the spoon. And I'm going to put... There's more breathing pleasing out in here now.
So I'm going to put some on the plate.
Unknown_08: Get off the spoon. Get off. We'll put you a few more other things on that are not to do with, oh my god, spinning pan.
She's having like a panic attack trying to do us.
Unknown_08: Right, so that is your Egg Foo Yung.
Unknown_08: And Lee is coming to do his taste test. And while he does, he's going to put a link in the description. Yeah.
Unknown_02: Right, so.
Unknown_02: Let's see. Oh, okay. She did not put any seasoning in it. This is a simple recipe. A veg and egg. But.
Unknown_02: There is a way. There is a path to victory. and it depends on this fat cunt not liking vegetables and I'm gonna say I'm gonna say that it's gonna happen that he's not gonna like it he's gonna say oh it's rather plain and um I don't like egg and it could have used some margarine and that will be that'll be his review and fork full of everything okay okay okay let's see let's see do we get it by the way
It's hot.
Unknown_08: Nice, actually.
Unknown_01: No! You fucker! You're lying! You're lying!
Unknown_08: It's on that Facebook page called Kay's Cooking. So, everybody who's on here, go over to that as well, as well as being on here.
Unknown_08: Oh, Karen, hold this for me.
Unknown_02: Yeah, I'm gonna mark it. Where's the scolding at?
Unknown_01: Oh, there's a nice bit of chocolate. Oh, very good.
Unknown_01: fucker fucker you fuckerly son of a bitch where is it
ahhh, it's not gonna be enough goddammit, I'm looking for ways I'm being robbed!
Unknown_08: if you want to leave a comment, please feel free, the more the merrier and if you haven't subscribed or you know someone who hasn't subscribed, get them subscribing get yourself subscribing thank you, bye!
Unknown_02: we were robbed that fat motherfucker didn't like that shit
Unknown_07: Congrats on Lee on his new job as a biomedical scientist with Bupa.
Is that a thing?
Unknown_02: Did he get a job?
Unknown_07: There's no way this motherfucker got work.
Unknown_07: I'm shocked.
Unknown_07: Green onions means spring onions.
Unknown_02: Okay, thanks for advice. Do you guys remember when I looked at the comments on one of her videos?
Unknown_02: and uh there was like an indian man or something saying like oh yes you are so hot and pretty i wish you could cook for me and he said something like really lewd about her tits and she replied and said thanks i'm glad you liked them and you could you could tell she was talking about the the food but it just said It just sounded like she was accepting this this compliment about her tits. It was really funny Oh I have one more thing. I have one more thing to show you guys to foreshadow My next potential
Single individual live stream.
Unknown_02: Hold up, let me pull this.
And I don't even want to tell you who it is. It's a top secret. It's like a corporate secret, like the Coca-Cola recipe.
Unknown_06: Here.
Unknown_09: Would you mind going to the side?
Unknown_09: Please go to the side.
Unknown_09: Ma'am, please go to the side. I can't go around.
Unknown_09: Ma'am. Oh my God. This is what I get.
Ma'am, I can't go around you! Please!
Unknown_02: This lady refuses to let me go past her!
Unknown_09: But she won't let me. But it's not going to do me any good.
Oh my God. I can't go on the street on this street. I can't walk and she won't let me go past her. She gave me the finger.
Unknown_02: I like this part. She's so- the dog lady is so far away, she could conceivably cross the road right here or something, right? So watch what happens. She could go a block down that way. What's she gonna do?
Guess, guess, guess. Just fucking hits that shit. Going 20 miles an hour. Gotta catch up with this bitch so we can yell at her some more.
Unknown_02: Lady, I like how the dog is getting scared. He's like, excuse me, the scooter lady, the scooter lady.
Unknown_09: This lady won't let me go past her.
Unknown_09: She won't just move over for a minute.
Unknown_09: What am I supposed to do? She won't let me go past her.
I like the electric motor sounds.
Unknown_02: She knows... She's training that.
Unknown_09: What is wrong with you? Just let me go past you.
This is how I imagine the Kiwi farms. I'm just walking down the sidewalk, minding my own business, and then these fucking crippled folk speed up behind me and are like, what's wrong with you? Why don't you coddle me?
Unknown_02: Where's the police? Police, arrest this pedestrian for walking. We don't walk in America, we scoot. If you ain't scooting,
Unknown_02: You're violating the law.
This is so going on YouTube.
I can only scoot at a walking pace. I can't go 20 miles per hour anymore. I have to actually walk. I have to move like everybody else. At the same speed as everybody else.
Unknown_02: This is the best part. Get ready.
Unknown_03: I can't get close to your dog!
Unknown_03: And you're going on YouTube!
I need to go all the way up to Whole Foods! I've been bitten several times! Please move to the side for a moment! And let me pet! You're going on YouTube, lady!
Unknown_09: You're sick!
Unknown_09: Where's the policeman when I need one?
Several blocks. She won't let me pass. She gives me the finger. She won't let me pass. It's in the park.
Unknown_09: She won't move to the side. She's out of her fucking mind.
Unknown_09: Rude?
Unknown_01: I think she was rude to me once.
Unknown_09: Oh, did she? Did she do something to you too?
Unknown_01: What a bitch.
Unknown_03: She said, like, pick a side. Pick a side? She thought I was walking her on the wrong.
Unknown_09: She's nuttier than a fruitcake.
Unknown_03: And when I, when I said, finally said, look, you're nuts.
Unknown_09: Just, just move over for a minute. She turned around, came close to me and started barking at me. She barked. Oh my God. I swear to God. Okay, I'm not going to smile at her anymore. Oh my God! Smile at her. Try barking. She seems to respond to barks and growls. Well, she clearly has some issues.
Oh my God! So I'm going to have to do this all the way up to Whole Foods.
Unknown_09: Oh no, I'm sorry. Because, you know, on this street, I don't dare go in the street. Oh yeah.
Unknown_09: You know, on the side streets, I usually have to.
Unknown_00: Could you cross there and then use the other side?
No, because there's places on that side where the sidewalk is even worse than it is on this side. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. It's crazy. Yeah, I think she's crazy. She's nuts. Oh, well. It's going to be a long ride to Whole Foods.
Unknown_02: Oh, no.
Unknown_09: Have a good one.
Unknown_02: Aw, I was hoping she would zoom up on her ass again. Oh well.
Unknown_02: Look forward to that one, friends. I will... I'm pretty sure I will want to dig through her library of work and bring to you a highlight reel.
Because she's a little bit of a mystery and she's never recorded herself directly. It's all done through a...
Unknown_02: like reflections in doors and shadows on the floor. It creates an aura of mystery and it's quite riveting. So that's my plan.
Unknown_00: I think that's it.
Unknown_02: Thank you for joining me on this White Pill stream. My apology stream for only doing Mumkey earlier this week. I hope to do more streams like that over time.
Unknown_02: And I think that's it, my friends.
I'll see you next Wednesday.
Unknown_02: And you can support my streaming, my lazy, good-for-nothing streaming on this web zone.
Unknown_02: This background, by the way, is by a fan. So thank you, fan, for making this background while I went to go get pizza.
Unknown_02: Donate money so I can afford to eat pizza every day from sushi restaurants in the Ukraine. No, sorry, not the Ukraine. Just Ukraine.
Unknown_02: And where's my outro song?
Unknown_02: Where's my other, there it is. Okay, see you Wednesday.