Mumkey - Mad at the Internet 2019-07-11

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Unknown_08: fucking here we go easy fest easy fest oh you gotta do it

Unknown_02: Are you gonna do it? It's a giant baby! Are you gonna do it? It's a giant baby!

Unknown_08: So for giant baby, he has to play the rest of the game wearing adult diapers with a little binky in his mouth.

Unknown_06: In his underwear. I tried to look so formal and professional. Are you gonna do it? Of course I'm gonna do it! You're gonna do it? Of course I'm gonna do it! You don't want me to do it? every fucking wheel I have to get sure this is where you gave fucking all right give me my diaper and here he comes monkey Jones oh my god as a huge baby

Unknown_08: This is fucking ridiculous.

Unknown_06: I didn't think it would be so small, it's like a speedo. This is what you're gonna wear for the rest of the game? I guess I am! Is that the fucking rule?

Unknown_08: There's no winning here.

Unknown_07: No, there's no fucking winning here.

Unknown_07: This is the most naked I've ever been in my life!

Unknown_08: Congratulations, you got it two points.

Unknown_06: Oh, I feel like such a winner Best night of my life. I'm wearing a fucking speedo diaper And believe it or not.

Unknown_13: That was the high point of his life. Oh, geez Hello, my friends. I'm glad that you're all here today This is probably the most nervous For a stream I've ever been since I like started and I'd never done it before and I saw like a hundred people watching at once I'm like, oh fuck Fuck how am I what am I gonna do? But for some reason I'd really want to get this right and I spent a lot about a lot of time Trying to trying to like I got the notebook out. I got the notebook out I filled out three fucking pages of notes for this shit Do you believe that three fucking pages the most prepared have ever been my entire fucking desktop Covered in icons. I even edited shit together. You see that fucking intro. I fucking edited that in Premiere. I

Unknown_13: It was a lot of work, but even then, it's not even a deep dive. If you're hoping for a deep dive, you're going to be disappointed because I started following Mumkey pretty much at the start of the end. There are a lot of people who liked Mumkey for a long time, for years and years.

Unknown_13: And I am definitely not one of them. I never heard of him until he got kicked off of YouTube by Susan Wozzecki. And now, now he is dead. As far as I'm concerned, Mumkey is dead. And his body hasn't caught up with it yet. I've become more depressed with the situation as I've looked into it. And I'll get into that. But so far, I just want to do an overview of... Because I considered many different approaches for tackling this subject. And I was thinking, how can I do this in a way that a person who knows nothing about Mumkey can appreciate? And I decided I'm going to make it four lessons that Mumkey Jones taught us all.

Unknown_13: So that's what we're going to be doing. I have four lessons prepared in my pages, my notebook.

Unknown_13: And we're going to start with lesson one, I think.

Unknown_13: Oh, I should mention before I get into Lesson 1, I am vaguely aware that Mumkey scheduled two hours after I announced my stream, a stream with Tommy C, who is Keemstar's old helper who fell off the wagon.

Unknown_13: And he plays another role in the story that I'll get to, but he- Mumkey, within like the last couple hours, cancelled that stream. So, uh, Tommy C said it was for personal reasons. I don't know what that means. I don't think anyone knows what that means, so I'm just gonna- I'm just gonna go ahead. I was gonna go ahead either way. I wasn't gonna move it for fucking Tommy C. But I just want to make note that yes, I am aware of that. Very strange streaming coincidence. I didn't realize that 3pm EST on a Wednesday was such a hot slot for YouTube streaming competition. But hey, it is what it is. Alright, lesson one, my children.

Unknown_13: Lesson one is to have fun. Everybody loves having fun. How can Mumkey teach us about having fun? Let me go ahead and play this clip from his latest video about his buddy Biggs.

Unknown_04: about five years ago when I first emerged onto the scene as Monkey Jones, about five years ago. I started off with a YouTube channel called the Monkey and Biggs Show. It was a YouTube Let's Play channel where me and my best friend from life, from high school, whatever, Biggs, we did two Let's Play episodes a day for over a year. The channel famously

Unknown_04: had no following.

Unknown_04: There were hundreds of videos up, and I think maybe they had two or three views each, probably just from me clicking on them, watching them, and making sure that they were working, you know.

Unknown_04: It was a hobby. It was fun. We did it because it was fun. We did it because we enjoyed it.

Unknown_04: And nobody was watching. If we got one comment a month, we would be excited about it.

Unknown_04: And that kept going for a long time, just me and Biggs doing our show together. And then I started posting other types of videos on the channel, like my anime reviews, and then months and months later, one of them, the Bigara H.Kai Yamada's First Time,

Unknown_04: anime review went viral on reddit and suddenly the monkey and big show channel had blown up and had hundreds if not a thousand subscribers and that video had Hundreds of thousands of views. I mean it was just blown up huge and we were so excited Me and bigs were so excited. We finally had our big break. We now have an audience people are watching our let's play show now and We're putting out a fucking let's play and people are watching it and commenting on it and enjoying it. This is so amazing and cool.

Unknown_13: Okay, number one, you fuckers. I see you in chat saying, did I pre-record this? No, I did not pre-record this. I don't pre-record. I've just prepared for this, so I'm going through my motions. I have the vision in my head. And I wanted to talk about Biggs. Because Biggs was his entry point. And it was the genesis of current-day Mumkey. And I find this idea admirable. He just did streams with his buddy because whatever. Then, then Reddit gave him views and he lost his fucking mind. Well, first, no, no, that's not fair to say. He did not lose his fucking mind because of Reddit.

Unknown_13: This is, this is, here, I have a, I have a question for everybody. As we go through this, I want you to keep a question in his, in your head.

Unknown_13: At what point did we peak and start going downhill? Because this is hotly debated and I will give my theory towards the end. So keep that lingering thought in your brain as we progress.

Unknown_13: People, other mammachaeologists have given me their takes and I'll bring those up if I think about them as I go along.

Unknown_13: This was just the start. He had his buddy Biggs. They're still friends.

Unknown_13: That video is like an hour and 20 minutes long. I had to cut it up into like 20 different pieces, but they're still friends and they've been friends for a long time.

Unknown_13: His other early work, he was in Procrastinators with Digibro, and I know that there's some drama with Digibro. That's quite ironic now given the context I don't know anything about Digibro, so I can't I can't opine on that But I do know that he got kicked off for bringing drama to the show and after he got kicked off of

Unknown_13: of the procrastinators, he was exposed to Tommy C, which as I mentioned, ties in more than just this latest interview that Mumkey bailed out of.

Unknown_13: And I was told by

Unknown_13: Somebody, I don't want to name names, but I was told by somebody in one of the channels that Tommy C, introducing him to other e-celebs, was the beginning of the end. That was his theory about the beginning of the end for Mumkey. Because he was doing his videos, he was having fun, he was obscure, and he was not at the point where he took it seriously.

Unknown_13: and started relying on it for income. At this point, before Tommy C. got him in the know, he was an innocent, nubile baby boy in the grown-up diapers that had not been corrupted.

Unknown_13: Now, his biggest thing that he did when he was still in this developing phase of Mumkey Jones was the Elliot Rodger videos. And the Elliot Rodger videos are significant for multiple points. It's not just that they eventually got him kicked off of YouTube. The other thing was they kind of belie an undercurrent in Mumkey's worldview that will come up later. And I promise that isn't as pretentious as it sounds. I'm not just doing like a keynote review of this shit. I guarantee you'll see it as I show it to you.

Unknown_13: I'll show you a clip that I like from his Elliot Rogers video that we'll just watch together. It's about three minutes long.

Unknown_04: By the age of 19, Elliot Rodger was the most red-pilled man on Earth. After years of exhaustive and frustrating research, he came to the conclusion that women only care about two things. Wealth and power. He understood that personality means nothing. Women didn't dislike him because he was narcissistic and poured hot coffee all over them. They disliked him because he wasn't a millionaire. But that was about to change, thanks to a little-known invention called the lottery.

Unknown_04: Elliot knew it was his destiny to win the lottery, become a millionaire, and then win the heart of a beautiful blonde girl by flaunting his wealth. And he knew he would fulfill his fate thanks to a book called The Secret. The Secret is a book that retarded people read to convince themselves that their wildest dreams can come true if they just believe hard enough. So, Elliot spent days visualizing himself winning the lottery, bought a handful of Mega Millions lottery tickets, and then... lost. My faith was soon broken, as I bought a few Mega Millions lottery tickets and visualized myself being the winner. I usually visualized it by meditating on the rooftop of my mother's apartment right at the time of the drawing. A part of me knew it was impossible to will the universe to make me the winner just by wishing for it on a rooftop, but I was so desperate that I wanted to believe I could. I wanted to believe I had the POWER to do it. After failing to win when the jackpot reset because someone else won, I lost all faith in that book, and I almost ripped it apart in frustration. So, Elliot learned his lesson that the lottery wasn't the answer to his problems. Right? HAHAHAHAHAHA! LOOK AT THE TIME STAMP OF THE VIDEO!


Unknown_04: In the wake of his devastating lottery defeat, Elliot began researching other methods of becoming a millionaire at a young age. He contemplated a variety of get-rich-quick schemes, but almost immediately gave up on all of them when he realized they would require effort. For the next week or so, I spent time meditating in my room, trying to come up with ways to get rich. I could either invent something, start a great business idea, or go back to my original idea I had of writing an epic fantasy story that could be made into a movie. That reminded me of the reason why I gave up on that idea in the first place. the amount of time it would take to achieve success from such a prospect. I was so desperate, and I needed to do something right there and then. It was a matter of life and death. If I couldn't make it, then I had nothing to live for.

Unknown_13: Keep a footnote on that line. If I couldn't win the lottery to get the women's, I had nothing to live for.

Unknown_13: I am very selective with what people I stream. I didn't stream on any individual for a number of months because I didn't feel interested in any of the people I hadn't done that would take an hour or two to go over. that I could do. And part of that is a lot of people suggested artists, a lot of people suggested gamers.

Unknown_13: It's just not my forte. I didn't care. And I think obviously you have to care in a creative process if you want to make something good.

Unknown_13: Mumkey's story interests me, but in a kind of weird way. Mumkey's interest in Elliot Rogers, I think, was influenced by his own beliefs.

Unknown_13: I have been told and I've been shown clips indicating that Mumkey was a frequent player of R9K. And if you don't know what R9K is, R9K is a board on 4chan that prohibits duplicate posts. If you make a post that's ever been made before, like if you post a common phrase, you'll get banned for an incrementing period of time.

Unknown_13: Like it'll be 2 seconds, then 4 seconds, then 8 seconds, 16 seconds, and it'll just keep going. So you have to be creative. You have to create posts that haven't been made before in order to stay on R9K. And the easiest post to create on a board like that, to avoid the ban bot,

Unknown_13: Is to tell life stories that are unique to you so r9k over time developed into a place where people would post? their personal stories and the kind of person who would post on r9k are losers to put it nicely and Monkey found himself a lot a lot among that bunch and it became sort of like a birthplace for in seldom and in wizardry and and Wizard Chan, who I have a connection with because of Frederick Brennan, the co-founder of 8chan. Or not the co-founder, but the actual founder of 8chan. All that stems from R9K. Mumkey spent time there. And I think he was an incel. And he says as much in one of my clips that's coming up.

Unknown_13: But let me go ahead and... Actually, let's play this one first. I'll go out of order.

Unknown_04: As high school came to a close, it seemed as though everything was gonna be okay. And then, the depression came in.

Unknown_04: And the cystic acne. And, for some reason, I developed extreme social anxiety in college and didn't make any friends the whole time I was there.

Unknown_04: But you aren't here to learn about my pathetic life!

Unknown_13: Hey, don't be so sure.

Unknown_13: Now, I went out of order with that because I had this clip scheduled before, but I think it's better to watch having seen that first. And this one is a couple minutes long again.

Unknown_05: There's a reason why we live in a patriarchy, ladies. Because it works. Because it gets shit done. Because when we give women the control in society, it inevitably falls apart. It's up to us to prevent this future from happening. We need to take the world by storm and let all the women, alphas, and normies know that we won't let them destroy the fabric of society. We will rule through fear and intimidation, just as they have done. They will be forced to accept us, and treat us like anybody else! Our path won't breed out intelligence like the other. Rather, our path shall breed out discrimination, depression, loneliness, and despair! The path of the Beta Uprising is the path towards a bright and shining future for all of mankind! If you're in a position similar to my own, then join the beta uprising so that we can save the future of humanity. Once we grow in number, I guarantee you society will change direction in an instant. Concepts like feminism will be considered thought crime and will land people in prison Betas across the land will have their pick at whichever women they want to sleep with. Nobody will ever feel the need to commit suicide ever again!

Unknown_05: This is the future I offer you! This is the world I promise you! But the power to make these dreams come true is in your hands now! You are the Beta Uprising!

Unknown_05: You are the future of mankind!

Unknown_05: Go out and force our dreams into reality!

Unknown_01: Monkey, I wish you'd date with Alyssa. I don't want to talk about it, Grandma!

Unknown_13: Somebody was in chat complaining, Josh, this is satire. Can't you tell it's just satire? Well, satire is usually based on some grounding and reality is not.

Unknown_13: I don't think obviously I don't think he actually believes that to the the literal extent presented but I do think that he's in that realm and it becomes very obvious to me as as I watched his last video the most recent video he's made

Unknown_13: And I realize I'm playing a lot of clips, but to really wrap this up, this idea of his belief, his basis, his flawed and destructive, harmful relationship with womankind.

Unknown_13: Let me go ahead and play this last clip. I think it's about a minute and a half.

Unknown_04: Tyler has gotten laid zero times. I got laid twice in my life from being Tyler when I was 18.

Unknown_04: But now, as Monkey Jones, I've gotten laid three times in the last five years. So my point is Monkey Jones has gotten laid more than Tyler.

Unknown_04: And now I'm coming to realize it might be too late for Tyler.

Unknown_04: Three days of constant swiping and getting no matches. I think maybe only... Monkey Jones can find a girlfriend. I don't think Tyler can.

Unknown_13: Okay, that was, like, weeks ago. Like, a couple days ago, not even a week ago. And that was the video that I watched that made me realize, okay, I have to talk about this guy. Because number one, this is interesting. Number two, he's gonna kill himself and I can't do a stream postmortem, so I better just get it out of the way now. Because I see it coming.

Unknown_13: That's not a joke. That video is not a joke. He's on psychoactive drugs now and it's affecting that filter. He would be creative when he was frustrated before and now he just says it exactly as he feels it without really thinking about it. And these rambling hour and a half long videos that I sat through multiple times to get these clips kind of belie how he actually feels about things without the veneer of sarcasm.

Unknown_13: Which is fine, and it underpinned his videos, or rather how he felt is fine. Like, I don't care what you believe, and if you can do it in a creative way, express yourself in a creative way that people appreciate, more power to you. But, when you start getting big, when you start getting several thousand people paying attention to you, you get a Patreon, you start using it to pay your bills,

Unknown_13: It is now a business. Your YouTube career thing that you've been doing for fun for the last few years is now a business. And if you don't segue into that mindset that the thing that is paying your bills is a business that needs to be handled like a business, you will not only Undermine yourself by using your business in your professional life to bring yourself personal happiness and confidence. You'll undermine your business by just fucking it up in general.

Unknown_13: So, lesson number two for Mumkey Jones is it's a business. And I know that's boring and I think a lot of people have that sort of resistance to the idea that creative video making is a business, but it is. If it pays your fucking bills, it is a business. And when he got what he wanted, when he, he's like a dog chasing cars, right? He got his big YouTube channel. He got his money. He was making his living off YouTube. Well, now it's a business. So, learn how to deal with a business. And this is the intro video for this lesson.

Unknown_13: This is from his, uh... Today's date is July 26th, and this weekend we are going to be filming a little short film I like to call, Monkey Jones Stops a School Shooting.

Unknown_04: It is difficult for me to look at this video because it represents the high point of my life. It was July 26, 2018, not even a full year ago.

Unknown_04: And I was living my best life. All of my wildest dreams had come true. And they were culminating in a single weekend where I would be making my greatest video ever with all of my best friends.

Unknown_04: I had achieved my dream of having a successful YouTube channel. I shared a home with a loving, supporting, beautiful girlfriend. I'd become friends with people who I'd once only been fans of. And together we were all gonna make a movie that represented my entire creative career up to that point. So how, in less than a year's time, did I go from living my absolute best life to living my worst?

Unknown_13: That's a good question.

Unknown_13: Like I said, when they all got together and did those videos, that was the high point. That wasn't a joke. I wasn't making a joke. I'm not a joker. When he got with those guys and was living with those guys and was making videos with those guys, that was the happiest he's ever been. And in less than a year, it's all gone. It's all gone. I don't even know if these people talk to him anymore. It's just gone.

Unknown_13: And part of that is because he didn't listen to the rules of business. And rule number one, for anybody out there listening to this that may be a YouTuber, let me give you rule number one.

Unknown_13: Don't fuck your fans. Don't fuck your fans. Don't fuck your fans. Don't fuck your fans. Don't fuck your fans. It will not end well. It will never end well. It has never ended well for anyone ever.

Unknown_13: Ever. Think about all the successful YouTubers that you know of who've been doing this for 10 years.

Unknown_13: Think about this. You might think of... Here's what I think of. I think of AVGN. Look at this. This guy has never been involved in drama as far as I know. He got married to someone who wasn't a fan, and he's had a child, and he continues to make his fucking videos without any problems because he treats it like a fucking business. You might think of Doug Walker. You might not like Doug Walker, but he has been around. I think he still does it, right? He even survived that fucking, the fallout of Channel Awesome. Channel Awesome was irrelevant. That was just a part of his business, right? He could still do this.

Unknown_13: Here's how much of a businessman Doug Walker is.

Unknown_13: Doug Walker knew. From what I've been told, Doug Walker knew that Jew Wario was a pedophile and he covered that shit up.

Unknown_13: This is how much of a businessman Doug Walker is.

Unknown_05: That's my bread and butter you're f***ing with.

Unknown_13: He's like Charles Off Denson from Metalocalypse. I will bury the tears of children if it means that I continue to fucking do my screeching nostalgia videos. Because it's my fucking bread and butter.

Unknown_13: That's the mentality you need if you want to do this for 10 years.

Unknown_13: Here's another person who's been doing it for 10 years.

Unknown_13: Pewdiepie very rich right because he treats it like a business and I think I think in this case His girlfriend was a fan But he's kept it. He he did it, you know He knew who to go after. He knew how to satisfy her, at least this long, to make sure she doesn't go to the fucking Kotaku with a tell-all rape story to fucking ruin his life. He said some N-words, he got in some trouble, but he's always seemed to be on top of what he's doing. And finally,

Unknown_13: Phil Burnell, by far the best businessman I've ever seen. Nobody likes him. I don't know who the fuck gives him money. He's still fucking doing it. I know this motherfucker makes tons of money. He's outlived everyone. Think of all your favorite YouTube creators who don't do shit anymore. DSP started earlier than them and continues to do it to this day. How? How the fuck does this motherfucker do it? Because he treats it like a business.

Unknown_13: And that's, that, that is my lesson. So, um, somebody brought this up, I saw it in chat, because I am reading chat, because this isn't pre-recorded, and you can go fuck yourself. Uh, that video, the entry video, had a pretty good shot of a little girl, not little in, like, age-wise, but a petite young woman, with red hair, named Sheepover.

Unknown_13: And, let me show you what Sheepover looks like. That's her, with a monkey in the studio, sat in the back, fucking drunk.

Unknown_13: That is her with an actual sheep. And that is her with all their friends. They're all together. They're all happy. Rusty Cage is looking absolutely plastered in that. It's great. Very, very cute, right? Out of his fucking league, kind of cute.

Unknown_13: I like this one the most. I put this one aside.

Unknown_13: when you're at in a work meeting on cam and hear him making monkey noises upstairs but you can't react so that's her downstairs on skype in a work meeting in a group call uh... well monkey jones is upstairs screeching like a monkey for his video and she's down there earning the bread this isn't just that sheep over is not just cutie okay she is mommy gf And I think that ended up being her downfall. She was an economic boon to this guy. She made money and supported him during months where he didn't make money. And for some reason, probably because he's funny, she put up with that.

Unknown_13: But when you give an incel feminine attention for the first time in his life, and he's not treating his business like a business, he makes mistakes. But let me clarify something, because a lot of people... I vehemently disagree with anyone who... Anyone who says that Susan kicking him off of YouTube was the end of Mumkey. I strongly disagree with that.

Unknown_13: Because let me show you this This is his patreon immediately following his dismissal in early January He's making four and a half thousand dollars a month off donations, and he's hosting his videos off-site He's still around and he got tons of media attention From big-name youtubers, and I'll show that in a second That would have sustained what he does but he's a fucking idiot this wasn't it YouTube canning him wasn't it he has a He has a new YouTube channel that has more subscribers than most big YouTube channels do. It's at like 75,000 already.

Unknown_13: And it's just a continuation of his old ones. So he was not ruined by that. People don't get ruined by that anymore. People expect it. My fucking channel, I have a thousand, like a thousand people watching this right now. More than that. And I got kicked off of YouTube. You can get around it. It doesn't matter. Nobody cares anymore.

Unknown_16: So,

Unknown_16: Let me play this.

Unknown_16: Is that it? Oh, here.

Unknown_13: This is a good example of when you are funded by your viewers and you're making money from people who watch your shit. This is precisely the kind of video you do not want to make.

Unknown_04: And I do also think it's because of the pills, but I, it's like, I don't care what random people on the internet are saying about me anymore at all.

Unknown_04: It's really great.

Unknown_04: I think apathy is the answer to how social media is.

Unknown_04: Destruction of our generation. If you've listened to these SOTY podcasts at all, we've often come to the conclusion that social media is destroying the fabric of society and that children shouldn't even be allowed on it because it's so poisonous.

Unknown_04: And I think avoiding it is not only the best thing for me, it's the best thing for just about everybody.

Unknown_13: I hate this fucking video, and this clip in particular, for like a thousand different reasons, and if your immediate reaction to that clip is, wow, he sounds like such a pretentious cocksucker, get used to it, because that's every clip from here on out. He sounds like he's up his own ass, he sounds like he climbed the peak of Mount Everest in fucking Nepal, and now he's achieved Buddhist Zen, and he is just the human avatar of forgiveness, and meditation, and mellowness, and enlightenment, and it's like, Like, you're like the biggest fucking Whole Foods philosopher I've ever seen. Calm the fuck down, you're bottled with pills from Big Pharma did not bring you to the next plane of existence. Shut the fuck up. It makes me angry. This video, this clip in particular made me realize, this was the first video I ever watched of him. And after I watched this shit and I saw this clip, I thought, I fucking hate this guy. I fucking hate this motherfucker. Because it's so, it's so pretentious.

Unknown_13: It's so pretentious and I don't feel bad for him.

Unknown_13: Not even for the reasons that a lot of people more in the know than the average viewer at this point knows. I can't feel bad for him specifically because of this.

Unknown_16: And let me go ahead.

Unknown_13: And I came up with this at the last second, this allegory. But I'm going to wing it. You ready?

Unknown_13: Mumkey Jones, in this game of life, this blackjack game of life, was dealt his hand. He got an 8 of clubs and a 5 of spades. That's a 13. You don't want to have a 13 in blackjack, because you can't stay on that, because the dealer will almost always beat you. And you can't safely hit 113 because you can bust. It's very difficult. It's an uncomfortable position to be in. So...

Unknown_13: He goes ahead and he hits. Very boldly, he hits on this 13.

Unknown_13: And he gets a 7. A 7 of hearts. He's now at 20. One of the most comfortable hands to be at in blackjack.

Unknown_13: Only one hand can beat him. This is a comfortable place to be. This is a staying point.

Unknown_13: But he doesn't stay on 20, does he chat? He wants a 21. He wants a 21. So... He wants that Ace of Diamonds. He wants the YouTube channel, he wants the money, he wants the Mommy GF, and then he wants the fuck buddy. So he wants to hit and get that Ace. And get that 21.

Unknown_13: But he didn't get an ace, did he, Chad? He didn't get- he didn't get that ace. He got the two of clubs and he went bust. And he lost every goddamn motherfucking thing he had ever worked for in his entire life. Because he wanted just one more extra.

Unknown_12: YouTube removes 58 million videos featuring hateful and inappropriate content. 58 million videos.

Unknown_12: For example, now a YouTube channel called Monkey Jones. It's a channel that made a lot of videos about Elliot Rodger. If you don't know who this is, he's a guy that shot and killed six people. But he generally made it in the sense of making fun of him. If you upload a video, the problem is that no one knows the rules. If you upload a video and it has no problem and hundreds and thousands of views, then you imagine that it's safe to say that you can upload a video with a similar style of comedy or whatever it is. But instead, you know, he keeps doing it, and then when YouTube realized, oh, we have to delete this guy's channel now, which is just messed up. They could have just deleted the videos, or age-restricted them, or... But why remove the channel?

Unknown_11: Monkey Jones has been banned from YouTube. In fact, two of his channels were completely terminated for violating the community guidelines.

Unknown_00: So Monkey Jones has been completely yeeted off of YouTube in its entirety. He even got his original Twitter account banned as well. And the reasons that were given for it is because YouTube didn't like the fact that he was uploading videos on Elliot Rogers.

Unknown_10: I just want to make people aware this is happening everywhere as some kind of end-of-year mass purge. So Merry Christmas to Mumkey Jones from Susan Wojcicki.

Unknown_09: So here we have Quentin Reviews basically kind of laughing about the whole situation that he had lost his channels. And to that I say this I was actually a really big fan of Quentin Reviews but if you happen to be watching this dude I didn't know you were such a dick so

Unknown_09: I guess the only thing I have to say in relation to that is, uh, go fuck yourself, you salty ass cunt.

Unknown_11: So Monkey Jones, someone who had a large part in the creation of my YouTube channel, received six YouTube guideline strikes on his main channel and his second channel, which then led to his channels being deleted from YouTube.

Unknown_14: Not that I don't like Mumkey anymore, but rather, he's no longer a creator on this website. On December 11th, 2018, both of his main channels were terminated by YouTube out of the blue, after he received three strikes on both of them without any real explanation.

Unknown_04: Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got myself into this situation. Well, it all started earlier today when a horse-faced bitch named Susan decided to kill me.

Unknown_03: Guys, I'm researching the Monkey Jones case, right? And, you know, I was linked this video, which is I think on Vimeo or something, so it can't get taken down. So I'm watching it, and here comes Monkey Jones in, dressed as a monkey, flying, right?

Unknown_03: and uh he's running through this parking lot right and then yep that's me you're probably wondering how i got myself into this situation well it all started earlier today when a horse-faced bitch named susan decided to kill me

Unknown_03: What do you want me to do with that? Honestly! Okay, so you want me to cover a story to get this guy unbanned on YouTube, and he calls the CEO of YouTube a horse-face bitch. Honestly, what do you guys expect? Like, I don't know, this is so ridiculous that it's like, this is unfair that he's banned. You called the CEO, A horse face bitch, like clearly targeted harassment. It's not that I'm being soft. It's that like nobody is using your brain here. Like what the fuck is that? I just, I don't understand what you guys expect. I mean, I'm only three minutes into this video and I see something that's like, oh yeah, he's definitely not getting his YouTube back. Like what?

Unknown_13: Lesson number three.

Unknown_13: Don't take it for granted. Alternatively titled, lesson three, don't burn bridges. Alternatively titled probably what my grandfather would call it life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it I You know, I'm not a big fan of Keemstar, but I gotta I gotta Empathize with him on that point because it I mean maybe try Trying to get unbanned before you start calling people in the platform a bitch if that's your appeal

Unknown_13: Maybe maybe don't shit and throw it at them before you ask them nicely to unban your channel because I don't know what you expect and that's a it's a trend that's the first time even if you think oh whatever you know he can he can get away I mean his patreon was fine his patreon was fine so he can go ahead and make fun of Susan if he wants to

Unknown_13: and move off of YouTube if he wants to.

Unknown_13: Because remember, YouTube didn't kill Mumkey Jones. Mumkey Jones killed Mumkey Jones. The same Patreon, what, like six months later, is less than half of what it was immediately after he got banned.

Unknown_13: And the answer why is coming up. I'm sure many of you already know. But I just want to frame this. I want to frame this in a way that I understand it. It was never the circumstances that he found himself in that led to what he's become now. It is his actions and his actions alone.

Unknown_13: Because he did not only cheat on Sheepover with Lu or Liu, I think her name is pronounced Lu, but he cheated on her with a third girl.

Unknown_13: This is a clip just a couple hours ago where it became known that he was seeing this woman during the relationship. There's another Asian girl called Carson who he might have been seeing as well. But I love this, this follow-up. Listen, don't get it twisted, Mumkey didn't cheat on anyone with me. I just wanted to watch him J.O., which I haven't done yet, Mumkey.

Unknown_13: Well, you know, I can't fault Mumkey for that. I would J.O. with Mumkey. You gotta keep your J.O. crystal charged for that kind of shit.

Unknown_13: Maybe that's why he's so depressed. No one's filled up his J.O. crystal.

Unknown_13: He's running on fumes. Someone needs to help this guy recharge his fucking crystal.

Unknown_16: There are clips for this.

Unknown_13: This... I don't even know how to... This period is probably the shortest that I'm gonna touch on. Because it's just... I want to demonstrate his contempt for the user base. His own user base. The I don't care video where he's like rattling those pills in the bottle. That's a good example of it. But then there's shit like this.

Unknown_13: This was posted right before I announced my stream. Been having a great day so far, going out with old friends and having fun. How many hours so far today have you spent alone in your room on Discord obsessing over the personal lives of D-list E-celebs and projecting your depression and self-loathing onto them? Hey, like, motherfucker, I'm pretty sure your depression is not something that we're projecting onto you. I'm pretty sure you've made

Unknown_13: Dozens of hours of content in the public arena saying that you are super mega depressed and ideate suicide. I'm pretty sure you did that and not us. So his bridge burning is not just Susan and calling her a horse face bitch, it's shit like this.

Unknown_05: My brother, tell me what are we fighting for? There's gotta be so much more.

Unknown_04: So, my family wasn't very thrilled about the news of the proposal or even the girl being here at all.

Unknown_04: I never expected my brother, Patchy, to talk shit about me behind my back on the internet.

Unknown_04: He lives down the street from me. I moved him down the street from him. I'd never expected this It's such unexpected behavior But you remember folks you remember my my whole mantra is now about forgiveness. And I've come to realize, I said earlier, in the previous video, I've been having a lot of memory issues, a bit of an identity crisis, and I do feel like I'm a different person now. Because of the medication, I really do. But, I'm okay with it.

Unknown_04: because I think I'm a better version of myself. I think I've evolved as a human being beyond feelings of fear, anxiety, anguish, sorrow.

Unknown_04: These things are basically foreign to me now.

Unknown_13: Yes, that's always a good sign when you can't feel anything. I like it when I go out into the snow here in the Slavic wasteland in the middle of January and I'm up to my tits in snow and I can't feel my hands or feet and I'm thinking, wow, you know, this is great. I've evolved past the pain of frostbite.

Unknown_13: I try not to do that.

Unknown_13: Here, I also want to play this clip regarding his brother. And I'll explain the brother thing is, but I want to make it known that he has put his current objectives over his own family. And he appears to... I think this is emotional manipulation. You can disagree with me on that particular interpretation, and I won't hold it against you. But I consider this next clip to be extremely manipulative.

Unknown_16: At this point, this is a clip of the Parkland shooter and his brother in an interrogation room at the police department after his arrest.

Unknown_13: And his brother comes in to see him and says, you know, I can't believe you've done this. And our mother is crying and you've hurt the entire family. Everyone thinks you're a monster. And it's like I just wish you would talk to me because I love you and I want to give you a hug Is that okay? Can I give you a hug and then they hug and it's actually really sad because you can see when that kid starts crying He kind of realizes that he's made a terrible mistake and he's probably gonna get executed by the state of Florida now for killing a bunch of people but This this actual clip is really sad. So how does he use the tragedy of the Parkland shooter to relate to his situation? That's an entirely his own fault. I

Unknown_13: And his brother still gives him a hug and says, man, what the fuck did you do?

Unknown_04: You fucked up so bad. How could you do this? But he still showed up and gave him a hug.

Unknown_04: And I thought,

Unknown_04: Man, that's- that's what a brother is for. You could commit a fucking mass shooting and he'll still- he'll get- he'll say you are a motherfucker but he'll still be there for you and give you a hug so that you feel some piece of humanity left because that- your family is- is the people who- who treat you with humanity even when the world thinks of you

Unknown_04: as a degenerate subhuman piece of shit.

Unknown_13: Here's my take.

Unknown_13: Unconditional love does not exist. Enabling behavior does. That clip that he played from the Parkland shooter is emotional.

Unknown_13: Because, and the reaction from his brother is entirely appropriate, because it may be the last time he ever gets to talk to his brother like that. To have a one-on-one without any kind of barriers between them. And his life is over. There's nothing he can say that can change that. Mumkey is in the process of making a very real choice. a series of decisions. It's like the fucking Chernobyl reactor. If you watch that show, he's disabled all the safety protocols, he's pushing shit through that doesn't make any fucking sense, he's disregarding regulations because he wants to get some arbitrary accomplishment that doesn't matter to anyone except him, and he's willing to disregard everyone else around him in the pursuit of this. And it doesn't make any sense. And he's trying to say, how dare you, brother, for not enabling my self-destructive behavior. You're truly an awful person. Even the Parkland shooter's brother was better than you. I can make graphite jokes now.

Unknown_13: I can think of one, but I have to build up to it.

Unknown_13: Okay, lesson four. Number four, cut your losses. And I don't even have an opening clip for this because there is no fucking way for me to actually enter into the discussion of that second video, the one where he's in front of the painting. It's so retarded that I've just been showing you abstracts of it.

Unknown_13: But the actual discussion of what he's talking about in that video is so retarded that it actually concerns me, and I'll explain that in a second.

Unknown_13: In Breaking Bad, Mumkey's latest video, he is discussing how he is like Walter White at the end of season 4 of Breaking Bad.

Unknown_13: Which, I don't even want to talk about this, I didn't watch Breaking Bad, and spoilers for Breaking Bad if you give a shit. Season 4. From what I understand, Walter White, cooking meth,

Unknown_13: has been trying to make money for his family and for his cancer treatment. His wife Skylar is estranged from him and is now fucking a different man.

Unknown_13: Walter White has fucked up. He has ruined his life and his family hates him now. So he gives her tons of money, and she gives it to the guy she's fucking for safekeeping. And when he realizes that he's fucked, the EPA is after him, his brother is dead, the main drug dealer in the area fucking hates him and wants to kill him, and his wife has given the money he's earned to the guy she's fucking and cucking him with, He starts having a mental breakdown and he relates his series of decisions and this moment that he's had with Breaking Bad. And I'm sorry if I got any of that wrong. It's just my understanding of it. It doesn't matter. I will show you and let him describe it.

Unknown_16: That was my last ditch effort to be happy.

Unknown_13: Actually,

Unknown_13: Let me back it up even further.

Unknown_13: I showed you that clip about him talking about how he only got laid as Mumkey. There was a part right before that.

Unknown_13: I'm just gonna play it for you.

Unknown_04: During those three days where I didn't leave bed because I was just so broken as a human,

Unknown_13: I made it. Okay, sorry, it's not the EPA after Walter White, it's the FDA.

Unknown_04: During those three days where I didn't leave bed because I was just so broken as a human.

Unknown_04: i made a tinder account and i made a bumble account which is just another tinder and i put in all my best photos like like the best ones where i look

Unknown_04: deceptively attractive like instead of being a three out of ten I look like I'm at least like maybe a five these are some really top-notch monkey photos and fill out the whole profile and I say you know what just as an experiment let's see if I just say yes to everybody How many matches would I get? We're talking the transgender people. Sure. Yeah. You know what? Get your hopes up. Sure.

Unknown_13: Yes. I, I, I've not paused the clip yet, but I like, I want to hear that one again.

Unknown_13: Get your hopes up.

Unknown_04: I just say yes to everybody. How many matches would I get? We're talking transgender people. Sure. Yeah. You know what? Get your hopes up. Sure. Yes.

Unknown_04: The morbidly obese women.

Unknown_04: Hell yeah. Let's get you on there.

Unknown_04: Let's do it.

Unknown_04: Gotta get some oil for my fucking lantern. Here we go.

Unknown_04: The moral of the story is that after the three days of swiping yes on everybody every 12 hours, I had zero matches.

Unknown_04: This is my best photos.

Unknown_13: This is the clip that leads him to his Walter White Breakdown and it was a gambit Flawed from the start. I mentioned this on Twitter to him. I don't know if he realizes yet yet But he decided that he was going to do a test at this point Sheepover had broken up with him, or he had broken up with Sheepover, actually. And Liu had broken up with him. Because she wanted to get back with the 15-year-old that she was fucking.

Unknown_13: He, uh, he got dumped. For a child, as he says.

Unknown_13: And, uh, actually, I didn't play that, did I?

Unknown_13: Is this the part?

Unknown_04: And now she wants to be with the child instead.

Unknown_13: So that's that's Lu or Liu. She dumped him to get back with the 15 year old. As he says, a child. He acknowledges that she's a pedophile or an ephebophile, whatever the fuck you want to call it. In his mind, it is pedophilia based on his own word choice.

Unknown_13: And.

Unknown_13: He is so desperate, he pulls up Tinder and Bumble, and he matches, or tries to match, with everyone he sees, regardless of physicality, regardless of anything. Every single person he swipes right on, and he gets zero matches. And that makes, that breaks him. In his mind, he is an undesirable of society. No different from Elliot Rodger. He, nobody will fuck this man. He is beyond reproach.

Unknown_13: or at least he thinks, based on his pathetic, retarded concept of Tinder being the arbitrator of would you fuck me. Because when he did this, when he went on these programs and he swiped right on everybody, he flagged himself as a spammer. The more people you swipe right at, the less your profile is, and the less likely somebody is to even see your swipe. So if you do this for three days straight, swiping right, Tinder flags you as a spammer and hides you from anybody's view. Nobody will find your matches. So when he did this, he sabotaged himself. And that is the reason why he got matched by absolutely no one. Because his matchmaking elo was at the fucking bottom with all the people, with the robots. And he didn't know this. And he didn't bother to look it up. And based on this, on this gambit, this fucking failed thought experiment, this happened.

Unknown_04: That was my last ditch effort to be happy.

Unknown_04: And it had exploded so spectacularly in my face that I actually started laughing.

Unknown_04: And that was my crawlspace moment. Walter White laying there.

Unknown_04: Where's the money? I gave it to Ted.

Unknown_06: You gave the money to Penike? The phone starts ringing.

Unknown_04: Marie says, oh, the DEA's here, they're gonna kill Hank, whilst laughing fucking hysterically. Because he realizes it too.

Unknown_04: It might be a manic moment, but sometimes your life becomes so

Unknown_04: so impressively fucked. Like, it took a Breaking Bad full writing team to get Walter White that fucked. And it was so impressive that the character couldn't help but laugh. Like, it's an absurd level. The level of absurdity of his fuckedness is so astronomical that it's funny. And I felt that in that moment, coming to terms with exactly everything that has been happening.

Unknown_13: I want to point this out, by the way, that number one, fucking up a relationship and tanking your YouTube career is not the same as losing hundreds of thousands of dollars to your boyfriend's bull. It's not the same as having killed someone and running from the law. It's not the same as having fucking MS-13 gangbangers after you. It's not the same as having the DEA, the DMV, and the Library of Congress tailing you. It's not the same. You haven't done anything you can't fix if you would fucking put in the effort that would be required to do so. I don't mean to sit here and grandstand, but it frustrates me listening to this, that he's tricked himself. He's tricked himself into thinking that he is right.

Unknown_13: It is... His self-pity and his emo bullshit is...

Unknown_13: It's narcissism disguised as depth and disguised as enlightenment. He hasn't achieved any greater understanding. He's just tricked himself into thinking that nothing he does matters. And it annoys me to watch it. It's like, you're too old for this shit.

Unknown_13: I blame the drugs.

Unknown_13: And if you feel bad for him, and I don't think many of you do, but if you feel bad for him, don't. Because

Unknown_16: Let me save that actually.

Unknown_13: Let me show you this. This is what the outcome of that Breaking Bad realization was. Because what you don't know is that when…

Unknown_13: When Liu, or Leo, or Liu, whatever the fuck her name is, when Liu was with the 15 year old again, OJ, I think his name was, I can't keep up with all the fucking boys she's fucked, but she's fucked numerous underage boys and has paid for their sexual interest in video games on Steam. I've seen the receipts for it. But she was with one of them, I think it was OJ.

Unknown_13: And Sheepover would still have taken him back at this point in time. She still would have taken him back after this public humiliation and after this downfall. Because she liked him.

Unknown_13: And this is what Breaking Bad made him do instead.

Unknown_13: He picked the worst ending.

Unknown_13: The ending no one wanted for him. He engaged Liu.

Unknown_13: He put the ring on Liu.

Unknown_13: he did this he did this because he thought no one would ever love him because he didn't match anyone on tinder in three days and he he begged her to leave the child and move in with him in iowa do you wonder Do you wonder why Patchy doesn't want to be enabling this? Do you wonder why he's unhappy to hear that she's moving from New York to live next door to him in Iowa?

Unknown_13: It's because of this. It's because of the Breaking Bad crawlspace scene he had when he proposed to a pedophile who looks like a teenage boy herself.

Unknown_16: But... But he had an epiphany.

Unknown_04: While sitting in the shower, I just sat, thinking, head against the wall, water pouring down on me.

Unknown_04: And I had my Lily of the Valley moment. I realized, this can't be how it ends.

Unknown_04: If I want the life I want to live, if I want to be the person I want to be, this is how I want it to be. I want to be with her. I love her. I want to stop her from making mistakes.

Unknown_04: I know she's capable of being a better person because I know she's a good person who just makes mistakes a lot. And the only way anybody is going to be able to give her the love she needs

Unknown_04: is to be able to put up with lots of mistakes and lots of, you've got to be willing.

Unknown_04: You've got to truly love that person to be willing. And that's how I felt. So I thought, here's my Lily of the Valley.

Unknown_13: Let's meet Lily of the Valley. This is Lou.

Unknown_13: Her real name is Ellie, I'm pretty sure.

Unknown_13: And this is the fiancee of Monkey Jones.

Unknown_16: Let's, uh... Let's learn a little bit about her, shall we?

Unknown_13: I mentioned that she's attracted to underage boys. This is true.

Unknown_16: Let's look at this

Unknown_16: Pretty sure she's mentally unstable.

Unknown_13: That whole breath play deal is true. Which I mean, you do you chief, but I'm like three times her size and I got worried about it too. She peed on my floor, reached across the passenger seat in my car to honk the horn at fucking cop cars. She's done some wild shit to the point of dragging like five other dudes into our like love triangle shit. Like it goes on, my dude. Oh, that sounds fun. That sounds like a relaxing life. I just want to hear, I want you to listen to her talk to Dylan, who I think was the 15-year-old. And I want you to hear how she talks to this person. I'm only going to show you a little bit. I'm not going to show you all 14 minutes of it. We're going to listen to about 60 seconds of this, just at random. There's no significance to the clip I'm playing. This is just how she tries to blame shift and make other people feel bad for the things that she's done.

Unknown_10: after threatening legal action against me she finally stopped doing what she was doing to me we already broke up before that yeah but you kept on fucking leeching affection off of me what do you mean?

Unknown_01: i was talking- i wasn't manipulating you you get so- here's the thing you get when someone doesn't talk to you when- when- like- like you brought it up recently you were like oh i'm starting to think you're using me cause you call me less that's what aynsley did you're not not to put it this way but you're fucking lucky i'm even calling you and checking on you i shouldn't have to deal with being worried constantly i shouldn't have to look over my shoulder but i want to i want to keep an eye on you i'm worried and you know i'm like no i don't want to do this anymore i want to start a new chapter in my life i want to be with oj i want to forget all this just bad shit that has happened in my life, and you take it upon yourself to do this to me because you're... I don't know. I don't know.

Unknown_10: That's enough of that.

Unknown_13: The details of that bullshit are irrelevant. I'm not gonna make you listen to children argue.

Unknown_13: But, I am pity enough to pull up her F list. If you don't know, Effless is the premier furry fetish roleplay and casual encounter site on the internet. And as you can see, her Effless is quite large. Luckily, I've gone through and picked out my favorites. Let's look at them together, shall we? I even sorted the columns out so we can put these into columns. Let's start with favorites.

Unknown_13: Forced incest. Forced nudity. Forcefully gagged. Verbal abuse. Oh great, so that annoying little banter you just heard, that's gonna be Mumkey's life. She's gonna be sexually aroused by verbally abusing Mumkey Jones every day of his life. Let's continue. Thank God he's got that medication so that things don't hurt anymore. Let's go to the yes column.

Unknown_13: Age play in younger characters. Hey, I think we figured that one out as a fave. Caging. That's when you put a cage on your peepee.

Unknown_13: Cock-slapping.

Unknown_13: Coercion and blackmail. Hmm, I wonder why Mumkey Jones married her. Maybe it didn't have anything to do with a Walter White scene. Maybe there's just some hardcore fucking video with her that she is threatening to put on the internet. Who knows?

Unknown_13: Competition. Hmm, sorry sheep, you're just competition to Lou.

Unknown_13: Force-feeding.

Unknown_07: Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Unknown_13: Pegging, physical restraints, piercing, pleasure control and denial, and plot twists. Well, I'm a fan of plot twists myself.

Unknown_13: Now we're in the maybe category.

Unknown_13: Adultery. I think that's more than just a maybe.

Unknown_13: Anal vore, that's when you shove people up your ass. Hard vore, that's when you bite down on little people and murder them with your teeth as they die and gush in your fucking mouth like a starburst. And scissification, oh jeez.

Unknown_13: And just for kicks, let's look at what she's not into.

Unknown_13: World of Warcraft, oh, can't blame her. And pregnancy. There's a theory that Sheep has said that she's not into children at all. Not into having children. But Mumkey definitely wanted children. So if he's hoping that Lou might want to get pregnant at some point, you know, I don't know if that's just like a fetish thing, or if it's like she doesn't want kids, but just something to consider.

Unknown_13: Oh, hey, I missed a couple.

Unknown_13: Canines?

Unknown_13: Knotted cocks?

Unknown_13: Zoophilia? Oh, no!

Unknown_13: Well, we knew it was coming. You got the headphones on just in time. Oh my god. And if you're wondering, can it get any worse?

Unknown_13: Yes, it can.

Unknown_13: Yes, it can. It can always get worse.

Unknown_13: Uh, this is him inviting that chick that just wanted to charge her J.O. crystal with him, over. And this is, uh, Ian, McFuckingH, saying that he's gonna come visit them. So, it appears that they have an open relationship, which, as we know, I-I can't fit a two and a half lesson here, but, uh, don't ever get into a polyamorous relationship, cause it's not gonna fucking work. And I do believe it's an open relationship, because I don't think she would have dumped OJ for Mumke unless they could be open as well.

Unknown_13: And one conversation I posted about the breath play, he mentions a love triangle, so I think there is some...

Unknown_13: Some openness there.

Unknown_13: Now you're wondering, if you're wondering, what has Sheepover been doing throughout this? The answer is being called up by Mumkey all the time because he's very miserable at his life choices.

Unknown_13: Sheepover says, it was literally a few days ago he called me upset because she told him, post-proposal, that she loved OJ more than him.

Unknown_13: And I am not exaggerating about any of that.

Unknown_13: But don't feel bad for him because he fucking got what he deserved. Let me play you one more clip from his his Walter White shit Media in general what Walt has done and she calls him on the phone horrified in tears wondering

Unknown_04: who she's even speaking to. She doesn't recognize this man anymore. This used to be a person she loved so much. And now she's finding out about this crazy thing that he's done from the news.

Unknown_04: And she's just so scared and confused and doesn't recognize the man she once loved.

Unknown_04: And all he says back to her is, it's over.

Unknown_04: I won.

Unknown_04: And I feel like.

Unknown_04: when the tweet came out about the engagement and everybody was freaking out uh and sheep over and i talked on the phone it felt very similar to that conversation i named this file what a fucking winner dot mp4 in all caps except for the extension i'm not a monster now if you're feeling bad for sheep uh you should feel bad but don't feel too bad

Unknown_13: Because after that conversation this got posted I'm no contact probably forever. The last time I talked to him he said something really fucking rude. I'm legit done. He basically laughed in my face. When I first saw this I had the sneaking suspicion he literally word for word reenacted that Breaking Bad sequence with her and told her I won. Like a fucking lunatic. But the actual reality appears to be that she has found a boyfriend and his response to that was, I can't believe you have a boyfriend. Did you even leave the house? Or something to that effect.

Unknown_13: Which was so unbelievably unacceptable for him to say that even I somewhat doubt that actually happened because holy shit.

Unknown_13: How can you be so in denial?

Unknown_16: Let me play...

Unknown_13: Let me play a Jerry Springer clip that's actually pretty relevant to this, for both Mumke, dealing with somebody who cheated on him with a 15-year-old boy, and perhaps even Sheepover, who has dealt with the cheater. She's already made the appropriate determination to move on, but I really like this quote, and I hope you guys do too.

Unknown_15: You know, our guests today haven't been treated particularly well by the men in their lives, and of course there's rarely a good reason for mistreating people. But the truth is, it happens. During the course of a lifetime, few manage to escape being wronged by someone close to them. Sometimes it's purposeful, sometimes it's merely a lack of consideration or insensitivity. Sometimes it's simply because one partner loses interest in the other, develops feelings for someone else. And of course, pain ensues. Someone who loved and trusted is hurt. There's no way to predict if the person you're with is going to hurt you. Even the seemingly nicest people occasionally act badly. It's why relationships beyond parent-child are never guaranteed. It's almost impossible to protect yourself against possible pain if you're willing to love. There's always a risk. Trust can be broken. But there is a way to protect yourself from letting the mistreatment continue. The fact is most people inevitably get treated the way they permit themselves to be treated. I'm not suggesting that lovers shouldn't be given a second chance or that you should ever embark upon a relationship believing that your partner is perfect. No one is.

Unknown_15: But if you've been mistreated and you choose to stick around, know that he's already demonstrated the ability to hurt you. And what has happened in the interim to make you think that he wouldn't do it again?

Unknown_15: Wanting him to change doesn't mean that he has. Until next time, take care of yourself and each other.

Unknown_13: There's one more clip that I want to play, and before I move on to my final thoughts, I've held this to last for Lesson 4.

Unknown_16: I'll play it through, give my thoughts. I'm dead serious about this.

Unknown_13: Oops, I'm glad I caught my live audio.

Unknown_04: I was curious if I stopped taking the pills and they say, don't do this. Do not just abruptly stop without talking to your doctor. It's going to be a horrible idea. You'll probably kill yourself. And I'm thinking, I don't know. I feel enlightened. I feel evolved. I think I'll be able to handle it, right?

Unknown_04: So I stopped taking it for two days. I was like, yeah, let's see if some of these side effects some of these side effects Don't like them folks They're fucking with me if I can get the benefits without the side effects by quitting the pills, but still being In a good mindset, then let's do that, right? No, no horrible breakdown

Unknown_04: I felt like the real me has been inside sleeping and that all of my life recently has been a living nightmare.

Unknown_04: And that the real me had finally woken up and realized the nightmare he was stuck in.

Unknown_04: And I was stuck like that for about 24 hours.

Unknown_13: Yeah, it's almost as if drugs aren't the answer to all your problems.

Unknown_13: This reminds me a lot of Etika, because Etika, people close to him and people that were fans of him said he kept relating his life to fictional stuff, to stories and movies and games and things that didn't exist, and that was one of the warning signs before he killed himself.

Unknown_13: And I just have a lot of thoughts with this, and

Unknown_13: I'm... I see a lot of the signs and I'll dive into it.

Unknown_06: For my whole life, I've been living as this angry, violent freak wearing a monkey mask.

Unknown_05: And it went way too far.

Unknown_05: I...

Unknown_05: I can't live with myself. Uncle Alex did what he had to do! He knew it was terrible and unforgivable, but he needed to do it to stop them! He did what he had to do to release me! What the hell are you talking about? We've all got some version of Mumkey inside us. It's the id and the ego. It's Jekyll and Hyde. It's Yugi and the Pharaoh. It's Jimmy and Mumkey! Uncle Alex knew that I was the only one who could stop them, and he took the actions necessary to set me free.

Unknown_05: No, you're fucking insane. I'm fucking insane. The Jews are going to lay waste to all of humanity, Jimmy. Uncle Alex tried to stop them, but he couldn't. So he made the terrible sacrifice of setting me free. But they've been working hard to suppress me. They keep deleting our YouTube channels. They use women to emotionally manipulate you into a state of depression so that you don't feel like doing anything at all. They even used one of your best friends against you so that you would try to shut me down. You've got to believe me and give me back control! Because if you don't, then the entire world is fucked! I don't know what to believe... Believe in me! Believe in Uncle Alex! For the sake of mankind, let Jimmy fade away and fully embrace Monkey!

Unknown_13: I think you know that's that's I don't want to get too much deeper into that but that's that's how I feel about that okay so I actually added this a fifth lesson a surprise lesson after all of my of my four lessons I've added a fifth one which isn't a lesson from monkey well maybe it is

Unknown_13: But it's not a good lesson.

Unknown_13: It's not like a take-home-with-ya kind of lesson. It's a warning.

Unknown_13: Say goodbye. I sincerely believe that Mumkey Jones is going to kill himself.

Unknown_13: I don't believe that it can be stopped at this point, because he doesn't want to, and I'll explain why.

Unknown_13: Let me show you MS Paint. And we'll draw, we're all gonna, we're gonna draw together. And we're gonna, we're gonna have a little adventure together. Just us, as friends.

Unknown_13: This is, let's see, this canvas is about 900, I'll put it up 400.

Unknown_16: So this is baseline happiness, right? Gonna Bob Ross this shit.

Unknown_16: And let's say that a good day you wake up, you know, good day, good stuff.

Unknown_13: Not much traffic. Works fine. Nice climate. That's just, that's just your day, right?

Unknown_13: And it feels good.

Unknown_13: But then something bad happens. Somebody swears at you on your ride home and it's a bad day. You have bad feelings, right? We all got bad feelings sometimes.

Unknown_13: So you feel bad.

Unknown_13: Now if you feel like you can't deal with your problems and they give you drugs, it actually mellows you out. It's like a buff. It's your pain resistance. Not just, not physical pain, emotional pain. And that buff makes your peaks and your troughs lower.

Unknown_13: This is where Mumkey is at with his drugs.

Unknown_16: And he never feels too good, but he never feels too bad.

Unknown_13: And he can deal with that for the most part. He's not going to be as creative. If you're a bipolar and you experience lots of peaks and troughs like that, it might be a good thing. Maybe you can't do anything if you're off your medication.

Unknown_13: But something might happen. You know, you have really bad days. Your family stops talking to you, right? Things aren't too good. Your girlfriend moves in, but it doesn't fix all the problems you thought it would. It's just not the same as your old stability. And then something

Unknown_13: Let me fill this in real quick. Something might happen that makes things feel really, really bad, right?

Unknown_13: Kind of incredible pain, like if you throw out everything in your entire life for a girl, and she dumps you, and all of a sudden, the medicine, even though it works, even though it's blocking out a percentage, half of all the pain you feel,

Unknown_13: it's still greater than the greatest pain you felt.

Unknown_13: And you think to yourself, as the user of this medication, I am feeling pain like I felt not since I started taking this. Truly, the medication must not be working anymore. And as you've heard, Mumkey has experimented with stopping his medication at random.

Unknown_13: So then, now,

Unknown_13: you feel your pain and the medication is just gone and suddenly it is an overwhelming spike that you are unprepared for that hits you like a train because you thought maybe the pills weren't doing their job not to realize

Unknown_13: that they were, and they were the only thing keeping you back from the brink.

Unknown_13: And when that happens, because Liu, Liu, Liu, Liu, whatever the fuck her name is, will dump him. This relationship is not going to work. I can feel it.

Unknown_13: And I think that will be the end.

Unknown_13: This is my prediction. And I know Mumkey made a tweet saying, oh, you're all armchair psychologists. Like, motherfucker, you don't need a degree in armchair psychology to see the end of this story, my friend. You're not that complicated. And I pulled this up before the stream because I was curious.

Unknown_13: Here are the signs of suicidalness in adults. Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself. Check. Looking for ways to kill oneself. I wouldn't know, but I'm sure if you've watched his videos, I'm sure he mentioned it at some point. I'll give that a pass. Talking about feeling hopeless or having no purpose. Check. Talking about feeling trapped or being in unbearable pain. Check. Talking about being a burden to others. Check. Acting anxious, agitated, or reckless. Hella fucking check. Can I like, like four of those? Sleeping too little or too much. What's actually funny about that one? is Monkey Jones backed out of a, or was trying to back out of a podcast call in with Dick Masterson because he says that he sleeps too much and didn't know when he'd be awake. So, I'm gonna say, check. Withdrawing or feeling isolated. Made a tweet a couple hours ago about maybe quitting all social media and just uploading videos without talking to people. So, check. Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge.

Unknown_04: Get better. You want them to be a better person.

Unknown_04: And I want to be a better person. I think I can help her work on the things she needs to work on and she's definitely been helping me work on some of my demons of

Unknown_04: you know, hatred and vengeance. You know, I think my new lifestyle, you know, my medication and spending time with her is really making me more of a peaceful person who doesn't, who isn't quick to anger or judgment. Demons of

Unknown_04: you know, hatred and vengeance.

Unknown_13: Check. Displaying extreme mood swings. Check. And there's one that's not listed on this, but, uh, oh, I didn't, I didn't cover it. Increasingly use of alcohol or drugs. I've been told that he's taken, uh, drinking with his, uh, SSRIs. So, uh, check.

Unknown_13: And to top it all off, I noticed this in response to a tweet in response to something I had tagged him in.

Unknown_13: Which means that even though he didn't like any of my tweets, I know that he read them.

Unknown_16: This was into the clip, the first half, where he talks about his Tinder experiment.

Unknown_13: Somebody says, this is better than any soap opera I've ever seen. I can't wait for tomorrow's episode. Followed by, I can't wait for the series finale, like by Simi and Jimmy. And he's done this with several things. I don't have them clipped, but I've noticed that he tends to be hinting at a finale. He's mentioned a season closure.

Unknown_13: a grand finale, a final episode. He's been talking about it, and I know what he's doing. He's not saying suicide because he doesn't want to be sectioned, but I know what you're doing, motherfucker.

Unknown_13: So, if you are someone who likes Mumkey Jones, perhaps if you're a brother of Mumkey Jones, and you are emotionally invested in his continued existence, now would be the time to hint. Oh, also, I have a prediction that, um...

Unknown_13: The behavior he's exhibiting where he's trying to alienate people, that's also a thing. It's one of those low-key things where it's like, if you feel bad about killing yourself because people will miss you, if you just act like a huge asshole and you piss everybody off and you rid them of your life, you know that if you kill yourself, they won't care as much because they don't like you anymore. That's a thing that happens too, and he's fucking doing that shit. I'm seeing that shit in real time. So, it's happening. I guarantee you it's happening. The whole reason I did this stream is because I really am sure he's going to do it soon.

Unknown_13: And it's not my fucking- I believe in the right to die. I'm not going to intervene, but just throwing that out there as a nice closure to this hour and a half long ride we've all been together on.

Unknown_13: And with that, I am, uh, I'm done. That's all I have to say.

Unknown_13: So thank you for joining me. I hope you've found this stream entertaining and educating. You can support my streams at this website.

Unknown_13: And, uh... Anything else?

Unknown_16: I do think that's it.

Unknown_16: Thank you for joining me. Be good to yourself and to others. And I will see you next Wednesday.

Unknown_16: Where's my song at?

Unknown_16: There it is.

Unknown_18: And on my mind, you turn your back on me. so

Unknown_18: And the feeling's my own