0:00:10 Unknown_12: This is the soft intro. It's just me fucking typing. So now I have to send... Hopefully, hopefully the new stream actually works. You are live. The internet can totally see you now. You better not be fucking lying to me, YouTube. I'm already angry. Unknown_12: Okay, I see it. It's 1080p now. Yeah, okay, fuck it. We're good. Unknown_12: Tweet at everyone. I lied. This is the URL. And a link to the new one. Yeah, that was a pain in the ass. I like how I can't tell YouTube, make a new fucking URL. It just tries to re-stitch it back together. That's a fucking lot of fun. 0:00:44 Unknown_08: Yeah, it's the I'm With Her song. Unknown_12: I played the fucking I'm With Her song and my fucking stream breaks. It breaks at the fucking seams. Can you even imagine my frustration right now? Chat is broken? I don't know. I don't know how to fix chat. You're all fucked. I don't know what to say. Sorry. Unknown_12: Everybody pile in and once... I need to find a real song. I'll find a real song and I'll play it. 0:01:18 Unknown_12: Give everybody a time to pile in. Unknown_08: I don't have any real song open. I do have the dick show open. Okay, 190 watch and when it gets up to 300 again, I'll start. Unknown_08: We hate you, feed us already. Yeah, dude. Unknown_12: This is the joy of streaming. Everything feels out of your control at all times. Everything feels like it's completely and totally out of your control. Nothing fucking works right. OBS fights you. YouTube fights you. The management at YouTube fights you. 0:01:51 Unknown_12: Discord delete your fucking channel the alternative sites crash all the fucking time. It's like the entire world wants to stop It's like get her go outside do anything else besides what you're doing right now because we don't fucking want you We don't fucking we don't fucking want you. I Just know so drunk and filled up. This is the pill stream Okay says health is fine says 300 viewers Fuck it. Let me start with uh What I want to start with 0:02:23 Unknown_12: Yeah, I'm going to start with the co-location server. Unknown_12: I guess I'll just upload BitChute from here. So as I mentioned yesterday, for those of you listening to this who did not catch the stream yesterday, abruptly, I was told by my data center in New York that they were discontinuing service That they were not going to give me any time to prepare. They were not going to accommodate me in any way. 0:02:58 Unknown_12: They had already physically, using the AC adapter switch on my rack, turned off all the router and all the servers in my rack. Unknown_12: And I was to come and pick up my stuff. But I was also not allowed on premises. And I would have to tell them I'm coming. They would themselves remove my shit from their racks, walk downstairs, and put it in a pile by the guard at the front desk. And I could pick it up there. Now, obviously, I'm out of the fucking country, right? And I can't do that. So I had to very quickly find a data center. I had one in mind and I already I already hooked it up see this is this is the power of me because I got that shit going I've already got it signed I've already got them preparing for it I've already got the payment process and then here's the other thing and I'll just whatever I don't give a shit anymore somebody has 0:04:09 Unknown_12: Forwarded me at some point. I'll just pull this I wasn't planning on showing this but whatever Responded to your abuse report. It's like a thousand of these See you abuse report responded to your abuse report, okay? Unknown_12: So here's the thing I'm gonna teach you how the internet works you're ready I Unknown_12: on the router you have to use something called the border gateway protocol to accept ip addresses and bgp routes are announced by something called an autonomous system number i don't mean to bore you but this is how it is you go to a rir there's like 10 000 acronyms in this process you go to a regional internet registry You request an IP address subnet and you request an autonomous system number, which then will allow you to direct using the border gateway protocol to your router those IP addresses. 0:05:00 Unknown_12: You have to justify to the RIR every single resource request that you are wanting. So if you want IP addresses, you have to justify why you want those IP addresses. You have to prove that you have hardware. You have to prove you have data center contracts with ISPs. You have to prove that you need IPv4 addresses, and you don't just need IPv6 addresses if you are looking for IPv4. And if you want an ASN, you have to justify that as well. Why can't you just use your ISPs ASN to broadcast your IP addresses? 0:05:46 Unknown_12: And I'll show you what this looks like when somebody sends in a abuse report to one of my services. Unknown_08: This one is to Encyclopedia Dramatica, but I will omit some of this information. Unknown_08: Hopefully that is appropriate. This doesn't have anything it shouldn't have. 0:06:27 Unknown_08: OK, this is a report forwarded to me by a crazy person complaining about Encyclopedia Germanica. Unknown_12: Cloudflare received your abuse report regarding EncyclopediaGermanica.rs. Please be aware that Cloudflare is a network provider offering a reverse proxy pass-through security service. You're not our hosting provider. So when somebody wants to complain, and they want to complain directly to the host of a website, Unknown_12: Usually they don't complain to me. They don't complain to the guys that run ED. They complain through Cloudflare, because when you look up who hosts ED using a whois service, you get the Cloudflare service. So they send in an abuse report via Cloudflare. And what Cloudflare does is send them some information And it sends the host the complaint. So this is a complaint and it was about specifically the article on like baby fuck, I think it was. Yeah, baby fuck. It's all right. We all know this. Baby fuck, baby fuck. It's all right. That's how it goes. So they were complaining about that page in particular. 0:07:02 Unknown_12: And as you can see, it lists the hosting provider, AS Colo Crossing, Colo Crossing US, that was the data center, and abuse contact, abuse at 1776hosting.com. And look at the people in chat who don't know what baby fuck is. 0:07:37 Unknown_12: uh... don't look it up if we can look it up right now because it is down pretty sure uh... hosting provider is called crossing that u s in these contacts is abuse at seventeen seventy six hosting dot com the abuse contact information comes from the i p who is the hosting provider comes from the a s n so for a while for the last year people who were complaining about websites hosted by me were getting this as a reply, saying hosting provider is Colo Crossing and then the abuse contact from my IP address. 0:08:16 Unknown_12: You know, 10% of people who wanted to complain to the site, only, you know, out of 10% of people who wanted to complain about the sites that I host, 10% of them were smart enough to know how to send shit to Cloudflare. Of that 10%, only 10% of that 10% was smart enough to get that contact information and start hounding me. Unknown_12: And only 10% of that 10% knew how to look up the ASN for Colo Crossing, find them. And then one person was smart enough to look up not only the ASN, because I think Colo Crossing ignored an amount of complaints. They then went up to the parent company and complained to the parent company of Colo Crossing, which is Deluxe, and complained to them. 0:09:05 Unknown_12: so that's how the complaint volume is one person did it and they told me that it was an anonymous complaint of course because they use some kind of weird thing on their site that lets them complain anonymously and they complain specifically about encyclopedia dramatica and kiwi farms so Unknown_12: Now, I've been having fun requesting more resources. And I am pleased to announce that I have been giving an ASN. And that's significant. Having an autonomous system member is not an insignificant acquisition. Because an ASN, at the very tippy top of the internet, at the base level, whichever direction you want to go, where things are iffy and weird, 0:09:56 Unknown_12: the part of the ocean where light cannot penetrate, there is a web of trust. And the ASNs, when they do BGP broadcasts, they actually have to trust each other with what they say to a certain degree. So that's why the RIRs are so stringent about not letting people get these numbers, right? Unknown_12: There was an incident, I think in 2007, where an Afghanistani ISP did a BGP broadcast with their ASN saying that the entire internet routed to a small ISP in Afghanistan. And it crashed basically every service on the internet at once because that's just how it works at that level. 0:10:36 Unknown_12: I have an ASN. So theoretically, I could make that identical kind of request, which means that I have Unknown_12: Every goddamn time, every fucking time they try to do this shit to me and force me to shrink away and become smaller. I have to do more to prop myself up. I have to control my own IPs. I have to be my own ASN. I have to find ways to get data centers locked into a contract that they can't fucking renew. And guess what? I figured out why, or unilaterally several, I figured out why they were able to break that contract. You know why? Because they waited a full fucking year. The date, the suddenness of this was due to the fact that the contract was up for renewal and they could just fucking cut it just like that without any problems. They just weren't renewing it. Isn't that great? 0:11:49 Unknown_12: So that's why. And... Unknown_12: Chat is broken. I don't know what the fuck you guys want me to do about chat. I genuinely don't know what the fuck you want me to do about chat. Unknown_12: You keep fucking complaining about it. Unknown_08: I don't know what the fuck you want. Unknown_08: There, is it fixed now? Stop fucking bothering me. 0:12:26 Unknown_08: Is it fixed? Are you happy? Is everything good? Unknown_08: Okay. Jesus. Unknown_08: What was I talking about? Oh. Yeah. Everything works now. I talked about Jim. Oh. 0:13:00 Unknown_12: I forgot my train of thought. Oh, hardware will arrive at the new data center on Monday. Unknown_12: The contract ended, which is why they were able to cancel it. But that also means that my lease for hardware is over. To give you an idea of what my finances look like, whenever I mention why the Kiwi Farms is so expensive, it's because I'm paying a lot for a lot of different things. Like, this is my finances in a bundle. You ready? Unknown_08: I'm gonna put this there. 0:13:37 Unknown_12: Personal. Unknown_12: It's like $500 for rent and utilities. $300 personal expenses. Unknown_12: Plus, up to, plus or minus 200 for that kind of shit. Which is usually like audio equipment, clothing, like kitchen shit, you know what I mean? Like permanent fixes that don't factor into personal expenses. And then there is hosting infrastructure. 0:14:11 Unknown_12: My IPs are 1400 a year. Unknown_12: My contract for Half Rack was like $715 a month. Unknown_12: And lease for hardware was $300 a month. Unknown_12: Here's how it's changed. Unknown_12: The IP is going to stay the same. 0:14:50 Unknown_12: I'm going to have to pay more for an ASN because that's now my rack space 365 a month. So all in all. Unknown_12: I can't spell. Don't even bother. Unknown_12: All in all, I'm saving about $650 a month now over this. So the effort to hurt the site and hurt what I do has benefited me to the tune of $650 a month and a better deal. Unknown_08: Yeah, it's a lot. 0:15:29 Unknown_08: It's a... Unknown_08: So how am I broke? Unknown_12: What do you mean? Because I don't make any money. And I spend a lot. And I know who did it. You know what? I guarantee you. I guarantee you it's Yaniv. Unknown_12: Because... Unknown_12: It was done anonymously, and it was specifically about the Kiwi Farms. And I thought for a second it was about certain other sites that I'm vaguely aware or on my network or reverse proxy through it or whatever. Nope. Regular old Kiwi Farms. It's a harassment issue. That's what the issue is. It's harassment. It's harassment. 0:16:00 Unknown_12: No, it's Yaniv. There's no fucking way it's not Yaniv. Unknown_12: No, no fucking way. Unknown_12: And I'll cover Yaniv in a little bit. Unknown_12: But for now, for now it's time to get to the good stuff. Unknown_12: To the good stuff, the things that we're all waiting for. Amberlynn Reid has invented a culinary masterpiece that we all need to bear witness to. Can I make Firefox small? 0:16:38 Unknown_12: I can't now without hiding chat. Unknown_12: She has invented something. I'm going to let her explain it. Unknown_12: You might notice at the bottom there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 different ad breaks. Fuck that shit. In 12 minutes. That's like whenever you... Fuck you. Jesus. How much fucking food do you need? We're going to watch 5 minutes of it. Because I want you guys to see exactly what the fuck it is. Unknown_12: It's really bothering me that the Firefox is like this. Know what I'm gonna do? I got a tricky idea. I'm gonna blow it up. 0:17:10 Unknown_12: Actually, let me refresh first so the ad blocker gets rid of those fucking ads. Unknown_12: Also, I wanted to point out that this is the thumbnail that she chose. I didn't, like, force this upon her. She decided this was the most flattering way to present herself. Unknown_05: Okay. Watch. Watch her food. Watch this. So... Unknown_05: There is no skin on these cucumbers. I don't know what kind of fucking cucumbers these are, but they're really fucking big. 0:17:46 Unknown_12: For me, the skin makes the cucumber taste gross. Unknown_05: Her hands are so fat that she can only cut it like once, like down the middle. What I'm going to do is... She's not going to make slices with it. I'm just going to cut it. Just kind of cut that shit in the fucking boat. Obviously. Unknown_05: It's just going to look like that. Unknown_05: We're going to leave that one there for now. Unknown_05: I love how this one's like huge and this one's small. Unknown_12: Yeah, you should cut it again. Unknown_05: I'm falling for the commotion. The commotion. Okay, so the next step. 0:18:18 Unknown_11: What's the next step, Chet? What do you think it is? Unknown_05: Is cream cheese. Unknown_05: I don't know how this is going to taste, y'all. Unknown_11: Cream cheese. Unknown_05: Never done it before. Unknown_11: I like this part, too. Watch this. Watch this weird shit she does. Unknown_05: So this cream cheese was never opened before, so I'm just going to. Unknown_05: I have a thing where I have to stir stuff. Unknown_12: Have you ever seen anybody do that? She cracked open a bottle of cream cheese and just stirs it. Unknown_05: What the fuck is that? Where we live, we're not allowed to drink the water. Unknown_05: So that's a random tidbit for you guys. I just don't understand. This is why I don't like living in Kentucky. I've never heard of it before. Yeah, it's called water advisory. Yeah, that's weird. Okay. Look at that. So now we're going to take cream cheese. 0:18:50 Unknown_11: She's going to take that half a fucking cucumber. Unknown_12: Like three-fourths of a cucumber. Unknown_05: I don't know how this is going to pan out, y'all. Unknown_12: It just spreads a fucking huge-ass dollop of cream-ass cheese on this thing. Unknown_05: Kind of looks weird, but... No, no, we're watching this. Unknown_05: No one else uses this cream cheese, by the way. So don't feel like, oh my god, everyone's double dipping. 0:19:23 Unknown_12: She didn't put it in her mouth yet. That's not double dipping. Okay. Unknown_11: Whatever. OK, watch this. Watch this. Guess what comes next. She's on a diet, y'all. What do you think she's going to put on top? Unknown_05: So I'm just going to do it to this one for now. Unknown_05: But that's not the end of it. We're going to put. Unknown_12: What do you think? What do you think she's going to put on her cucumber boat with cream cheese? Can I put it in chat? I paused it. Cheetos, cheese. Unknown_12: Oh, somebody already got it. Pascal guessed bacon. 0:19:57 Unknown_05: Bacon. You guys are probably like, what? Unknown_05: Okay, so the thing was, I wasn't gonna put bacon. I was actually gonna put chicken lunch meat, but my chicken lunch meat was bad. That's okay. Unknown_05: All right, so one more step. I'm going to add everything but the bagel seasoning. Unknown_12: these are skin cucumbers half a cucumber if you cream cheese bacon and bagel seasoning try it like this you're ready that's why i randomly came up i'm waiting i'm waiting for one moment in particular you're ready for this i've done it before but all right eric let's try it i'm really nervous because this is so random it's like a little cucumber boat 0:20:53 Unknown_12: She shoved that entire fucking thing into her mouth. Half a fucking cucumber. Loaded up with fucking cream cheese and bacon. Just shoved that shit right the fuck in. Like a wood chipper. Unknown_12: Look at her eyes light up. The synapses in her brain. It tastes like... Firing for the first time all day. Ooh. Unknown_05: Hold on. Unknown_05: What ties it all together is the bacon. Unknown_11: Yeah, no shit. Do it again. Unknown_05: Honestly. I want to pause on your face. Unknown_11: Look at that. 0:21:27 Unknown_13: Look at, she's eating half a fucking, half a fucking cucumber. Just, just shoving it the fuck in. Unknown_12: She's thrilled with it too. What are the comments on this? Unknown_05: I'm actually shocked. Unknown_12: She doesn't filter her comments because she knows that all her... Like, the people that watch her shit hate her. And they come back so that they can talk to each other and make fun of her in the comments. So she's like a whore for abuse. So... You said you could eat two footlongs, but you can't eat two cucumbers. Dainty. 0:22:03 Unknown_12: Eating a cucumber situation type deal. Some tidbits on top. Unknown_12: Uh... Unknown_12: These aren't mean. I wonder if she's blocking people now. They used to be a lot meaner. Oh, how to turn a 15-calorie cucumber into 500 calories. That's being conservative. She actually does a math at some point. I think it's, like, right here. This is really good. Unknown_05: I don't know. Unknown_12: She's too busy shoving it in. Unknown_05: She's got it on her face. 0:22:34 Unknown_12: She just, like, lazily paws it away in the napkin. Unknown_05: I probably couldn't eat. Unknown_12: I wonder, I talked about the calories. She does the math. She says she's got like the bacon on it because it adds that like salt. Unknown_05: She adds more to it. Unknown_12: It needs more. So we're going to add another piece. Unknown_05: Very low calorie meal because two slices of bacon is only 60 calories. Unknown_11: And watch two slices of bacon, 60 calories. What about the cream cheese? 0:23:07 Unknown_05: Cream cheese. Unknown_05: I'd say I use about two servings. Unknown_12: Two tablespoons of cream cheese. She used two tablespoons of cream cheese like on the first quarter of it. Unknown_12: Look, it's on her fucking nose and shit. Unknown_05: This is good. Unknown_12: Okay, I'm done with her. Unknown_12: Disgust me. Unknown_12: Now, on to Keemstar. Keemstar has been transitioning into, uh, like a pussy or something. Uh, Team 10, which is Logan Paul's people, kicked out two trans girls from their house for not being real girls. Yikes. 0:23:39 Unknown_09: Oh, like, I just thought you guys were, like, gonna come with some real girls. Unknown_03: We're not real girls, apparently. What? You're being an asshole. Unknown_09: I'm not real. What do you mean she's not a girl? Unknown_03: I'm not an educated fucking trans woman. Unknown_09: I'm not a trans woman. How is a trans woman Unknown_09: You literally just said she's not a girl! 0:24:14 Unknown_09: What do you mean she's not a girl, Blaine? Unknown_12: What do you mean it's fine? We're recording this. You better watch your fucking mouth, Blaine. Unknown_09: Then why do you say she's literally not a girl and look at her? Unknown_12: Drag your entire family behind a truck, Blaine. Unknown_09: You were told what? I was told that girls were coming. Okay, good. Girls are here. Unknown_09: Period. Just a little bit. Unknown_12: Okay, that's it. Almost a million views. Keemstar is big yikes. That's an oof from me, chief. That ain't it. And these people are on that. These replies. I'm disgusted. 0:24:47 Unknown_12: There is one reply in particular. Unknown_12: When you're 2% of the population, 40% of multiple files. We're, uh... There's one in particular. It's, like, buried. It's, like, super mega fucking buried now. I retweeted it. Do I have to find... I'm gonna pull up my own fucking Twitter and find this tweet. Because I demand. I demand to show it to you. To show what a real man of culture looks like. 0:25:19 Unknown_12: Here it is. Unknown_12: They probably hide it. Like on the, uh, if you're not logged in, like I'm not, they probably hide it. Saladino, Joey Salad says, well, they're probably trying to fuck. He wants some dudes with wigs on when they're wanting to bone. And that's, that's pretty great. Unknown_12: That's, uh, that's about, that sums it up. And then the offended comments are like, this man is running for Congress. 0:25:57 Unknown_08: This is running for Congress and he's saying these terrible things. Unknown_12: Wah. Wah. Unknown_12: Silence, transphobe. I blocked all these people. I went down this tweet for like an hour in reply to this, and I blocked every single fucking person who was saying that heterosexual men must fuck trannies or they should have their entire life pulled apart by the lynch mob. I blocked every single one of them. Unknown_12: I know it didn't do anything, but it was cathartic. Unknown_12: It was like popping zits. 0:26:31 Unknown_12: It was like, it was like, like crinkling up bubble wrap. Just going down the list. Bam! Bam! Bam! Just fucking, just killing them all. Unknown_12: One at a time. Unknown_12: Oh, you know what? Speaking of killing them all, I don't think, I don't think I ever played this. This was going to be my intro, but I completely forgot about it. I'll play it now. Because I completely forgot I made this. 0:27:20 Unknown_01: Come. Good girl. Wow! Unknown_01: All right, motherfucker, so a couple weeks ago, I shot the fucking dog that lives across the way. Little barking-ass motherfucker was on top of the goddamn balcony. He wouldn't shut the fuck up, you feel me? And I had to drop my nigga. I had to put him to fuck Dan, you feel me? 0:27:53 Unknown_12: Sorry, I made that an Adobe Premiere. That's the height of my artistic talent with video editing, but I hope it was worth it. Unknown_12: I see lots of Awus in chat, and as we've established, Awu is all white girls fuck dogs. Unknown_12: It's not an acronym. It's not an acronym. It's just a fact of life. And I want to see aloos in chat because that's what it means. If you say aloo, you're acknowledging the relationship between womankind and dogkind, which is through the knot. All things exist in harmony because of the knot. Thank you. Thank you. Look at the aloos. Thank you, chat. Hold on. Do I got one? Do I got the clip? 0:28:33 Unknown_12: I wanna make it loop too. I wanna make it loop. I want it to be loud as fuck and I want it to loop. Unknown_09: Awoo! Awoo shit! 0:29:08 Unknown_12: All right, that's enough of that. Thank you. Unknown_12: Thank you. I'm not playing the song. I only play the song when there is active white girl behavior on my screen that I need to address. Unknown_10: All right, next one. Unknown_12: Thank you Keemstar for your contribution. Unknown_12: you guys remember this somebody brought this to my attention and I want to go over it because if you don't remember we searcher was owned by this guy and he wanted to do he wanted to do the gab thing with like the the oh Firefox isn't open sir Firefox is now open and we're open to the we searcher gab page this guy wanted to make like a patreon for the alt right 0:30:11 Unknown_12: And if you Google, if you haven't tweeted in two years, go to Google, you type in WeSearcher. Unknown_12: Crowdfunding platform becoming home for alt-right causes. In less than two months, Daily Stormer versus SPLC Legal Defense Fund raised more than $155,000. What the fuck? SPLC. Ha! So SPLC versus Daily Stormer Defense Fund. Unknown_12: And the next one, SPLC lists a researcher as a white nationalist hate group. A fucking crowdfunding platform immediately becomes a hate group because they allowed somebody to raise their fucking defense fund. That's pretty funny. 0:30:47 Unknown_12: That is genuinely funny. Then it's Charles C. Johnson. And then Know Your Meme. And that really sums it up. They tried to make a free crowdfunding platform, and now it's just a meme. It's just a meme now. What's the meme, Know Your Meme? Tell me. Tell me what the meme is of WeSearcher. Unknown_08: Oh, he got featured in a Ben Garrison cartoon. Ha ha ha ha! 0:31:28 Unknown_12: Bounties. I know that Sam Hyde used, what's it called, a researcher to post like if you could get into the sewer below Comet Ping Pong he would pay you. I'm pretty sure that got listed. Unknown_12: But yeah, it didn't last. I actually mailed these guys and I said like, do you realize how fast they're going to shit down your fucking neck? Do you realize how it's impossible to hide what your payment processors are? Do you realize that you're going to get added to a bad press newsletter and the banks are never going to let you bank with them ever again? Your private accounts will be traumatized because of this shit. And he's like, we are aware of these problems and we're going to deal with them. 0:32:01 Unknown_12: And I tried to offer him suggestions on what to do, and he didn't take them. Unknown_12: And I win, I guess. I guess I don't win. He loses. He loses, but he proves me right, so it is what it is. Unknown_12: The bad goy list, pretty much. Unknown_08: There's also... Like, if you actually just go to WeSearcher right now... Where is it? 0:32:46 Unknown_12: Yeah, this is it. It's just gone. It gives like a page OK. This is WeSearcher now. It just says page OK. There's another one that was listed on the Wikipedia page. It's gotnews.com. Unknown_12: Similarly, I think gotnews is like a 400 error or something. Unknown_12: Oh, no. It's a 200. If you open the view page source, it's just a park page is all it is. Unknown_08: So much for that. 0:33:20 Unknown_08: Rest in peace. Unknown_12: I don't know. Oh, and I was going to mention this because I like to rant about Torba. Unknown_12: Andrew Torba moved. I mentioned this a couple weeks ago. I haven't looked into it. He moved Gab to the Fediverse. I'm not sure about the technical details. I have heard from other people who host services on the Fediverse that they don't want him on it, but it is what it is. Unknown_12: The benefit, though, is it's actually, I mean, if he's moving on to a decentralized technology and he's promoting it, that is good, undeniably. So maybe Andrew Torba can learn. He's not going to learn from people telling him what's going to happen and what he should do. He's going to learn the painful way. 0:33:59 Unknown_12: Over the span of years. Unknown_12: And, you know, I don't want to give him credit because he doesn't deserve any. But who knows? Maybe there's some hope for him. Because if he's anything, he's a businessman. Unknown_12: And he knows how to make money. Unknown_12: Don't be Rama Rama. Unknown_12: Andrew never learns. I don't know. Fed ever... You know what? That's the other thing, is I think it's just like... It's the same way he opened up, like, the Gab coin. Can I, like... Is that even possible to find information about Gab Ico? 0:34:36 Unknown_08: Alt-right Ico. Ten million dollars? Unknown_08: What the fuck ever? Unknown_08: I don't think, uh... Unknown_08: Gap token. Unknown_12: Oh, 16.6% for $10 million. God, I fucking hate Torba. Unknown_08: How much did he sell? 0:35:13 Unknown_08: Did it never happen? Because it says it's a whitelist right there. Unknown_12: He only got the white paper out. Unknown_12: He never did it. Unknown_12: That's what this is saying. I don't know if this is true. That seems to be the case, though. He never fucking, uh, he never actually did it. Well, that's surprising. What other thing could he do? What other thing could Andrew Torba do to chase fucking trends? The Fediverse thing is a trend. I don't think for a second Andrew Torba actually understands or appreciates decentralization. I'm pretty sure it's just a trend. Just like cryptocurrency was a trend to him. Freedom of speech was a trend to him. 0:35:45 Unknown_12: Decentralization is a trend. Unknown_12: He tried to have his own video streaming service before he realized after investing money and time into it that it would cost a lot of fucking money and time and hardware to actually get it off the ground. Then he gave up on that. Unknown_12: I wonder how many other things. 0:36:17 Unknown_12: Conversely, however, BitChute... What's his face? Lettaker tweeted this. Unknown_00: I don't know how to find this otherwise. Unknown_12: But I do want to show it off because I've been eagerly anticipating this. What the fuck is it? Unknown_12: There it is. Unknown_08: What's the URL for this? Because I want to pull this up and show people it. Unknown_08: Bitshoot.com live. Unknown_12: Is this even a thing? Is it gonna load? I haven't done too much research into it, no. 0:36:53 Unknown_12: That's a pain in the fucking ass. Why the fuck is there... Watch this, look at this. This is bad design. The URL clearly is bitchute.com slash live slash Ron Gibson. Then you go over here and live is like a channel that's called live. Unknown_12: That's not a good sign. Their system URL can also be hijacked as a fucking channel name. Unknown_12: And then it's just, uh... It's, uh... Streaming, but... What? 0:37:27 Unknown_08: Is he streaming... Nazis? What are you doing? How do I get down to... 0:38:03 Unknown_08: Oh, no, there's no audio. Unknown_07: I'm so sorry. That's why we've got to stay on air. It's why you've got to keep fighting because we're going to win this in the end. It's God's promise, and we see the evidence. The tide's even turning as world government's built. Unknown_00: A tide is coming against it, and world government will only stand for a day, the Bible says, and a day is generally a year in prophecy. Unknown_07: This thing is going to be rough. It's going to be the last days of boot camp. We're going to make it through it together. Unknown_12: Yeah, this is the bit shoot thing, and this is torrenting. This is all peer-to-peer. Unknown_12: I hope so. No, because I'm downloading 100% of it from BitChute. I really should be. I should not be. I don't know. I guess they're still testing it. I would love to see this develop more. It really has to be. This is the future. And the site is really janky, but I don't know. BitChute's the only one that has a working prototype. And once they open source it, I don't know if it is open source. It needs to be fucked. Oh, no. BitChute Limited, Oxford House, United Kingdom. Oh, no. 0:38:35 Unknown_12: No, no. That's no good. 0:39:11 Unknown_08: But, I don't know. Hopefully, hopefully they fix it. Unknown_08: We'll see. Unknown_08: Okay, there's two more things I want to talk about. Unknown_12: This is going to be a short stream because I've been fucking burnt out. I've been doing shit. Unknown_12: We need an ad break, chat. Let's take an ad break. Unknown_00: your eyes on these homemade dishes and chocolatey desserts all made with ramen noodles really ramen noodles yes ramen hi kathy mitchell here with my new ramen joy cookbook filled with unbelievable recipes everyone will love this entire basket cost under ten dollars and wait till you see what you can make with it check these out ramen shrimp ramen tacos even ramen sliders watch this brown some beef or any other meat with a ramen seasoning pack 0:40:08 Unknown_06: Dump in a package of ramen, a good-sized squirt of ketchup, and a can of cola. Yes, cola. For a fantastic barbecue beef pasta better than what they serve at the rib joint at a fraction of the cost. What more? Form cooked ramen and egg into a fast pizza crust. Then add your favorite toppings for a mouth-watering pizza in minutes. It's right here on page 84. And here's my favorite. Just dump some ramen on top of some leftover chicken and veggies. Add a can of soup, stir and bake. A delicious feast for the whole family, all for less than $3. What the best salad ever? Start with lettuce, onions, and mandarin oranges. Top with crushed ramen and pecans, and use your seasoning pack to make an awesome dressing. A restaurant bestseller you can easily make at home. Love that crunch. How about these decadent truffles or grandma's ramen apple pie? 0:40:43 Unknown_03: Mm-mm. I love these recipes. I made the creamy berry crumble. It was fast, easy, and so delicious. Unknown_06: So amaze everyone with my new Ramen Joy cookbook, just $10. But wait, you can also get ramen nibbles with my favorite party recipes, like these cheesy jalapeno poppers or this fresh ramen hummus. And don't forget dessert, chocolate mousse-filled ramen cups. Yummy. You can get both books with nearly 100 delicious ramen recipes for $10. Here's how to order. 0:41:19 Unknown_00: Call 1-800-383-7660 to get Ramen Joy on this special TV offer. But you must call now or go to www.byramenjoy.com. So call 1-800-383-7660. That's 1-800-383-7660. Call now. Unknown_12: Well, I know I'm getting mine, chat. I could use some tasty ramen borscht with some ramen black bread, ramen salo. It would be good stuff. All right. 0:41:51 Unknown_12: Speaking of Yaniv. Unknown_12: Yaniv is in trouble right now. I will explain. Hopefully this gives me a good starting point. Let's check it out. Unknown_12: Okay, so Yaniv tells somebody named Charlotte Millington that, in response to this message, what a surprise to see Jessica Yaniv and her mother this morning at the hotel. Jessica's mom took my photo with my sash while Jessica said hi to all the girls. 0:42:24 Unknown_12: To which Jessica Yaniv replies, how to surprise you all, hearts. Unknown_12: And Charlotte replies saying, let me be clear. It is entirely inappropriate of you to show up at a hotel where the girls are having breakfast and take photos of them. If you show up anywhere, the girls are socializing, practicing or performing again. I will call the police myself. Unknown_12: And you need replies. Pretty sad to see that the future potential Miss British Columbia is exhibiting transphobic behavior. That being that you're terrified a trans girl will show up where you are considering several contestants are LGBTQ, including me. 0:43:08 Unknown_12: Oh, now, is there trouble in paradise? Has the mystical, magical promised land of British Columbia turned hostile and sour to Jessica Yaniv? This appears to be like eight different messages in reply to this. Did your interview not go well or something? Not sure why you're attacking me. Unknown_12: when you were just fine in welcoming there i understand your stress but i didn't know the missus category is underage considering some are retired fyi i have a 0:43:47 Unknown_12: I have a membership with Choice Hotels, and if I want to spend $150 and check in, I absolutely can. You don't own the hotel or the pageant. If you don't win Mrs. British Columbia, it's not the end of the world. I've come to cope with that. There are prettier girls there than you or me. Losing $500 isn't the end of the world. You have a great job at H... What the fuck? You need to, like, drop out where this fucking bitch works at. Holy shit. Like, I know... Unknown_12: I know, uh... I know where you work, motherfucker. Don't you fuck with me. Don't you fucking say bad things about me on Twitter. Unknown_12: And then again, another message. Pretty sad to see that you're the, oh, I already read that one. And this is an old message. Do not mistake my previous gentleness for an inability to understand the gravity of you and your mother showing up to a pageant filled with underage girls and taking their photo. Which he never replies. FYI, I didn't take one pic. My mom just liked to see courageous girls such as myself pushing for LGBTQ rights, hearts. 0:44:26 Unknown_12: I have been told from a reliable source who works at this pageant that Yaniv's mother is very old, but also a direct enabler of Yaniv, like directly holding their hand through what they do. tells them that it's okay, helps them do shit, helps them pay for shit, is directly involved at every step of the way to make sure that UNIV has the capacity to engage minors and beauty pageants and figure out where people work. And I've been told that all this shit is done in conjunction with the mother. It's, yeah, Barbara Chandler-like. That's what it reminds me of. Yaniv reminds me of Chris a lot. Like a really nasty, kind of more technologically competent Yaniv or Chris with a Barbara Chan enabler. 0:45:12 Unknown_08: Let's see, did I already take that? I did read those. There's so many more pages that have been added since the shit got leaked. 0:46:08 Unknown_08: Oh, I know it's different in Victoria, but you can get into a lot of doo-doo if you make false reports to the police here. Unknown_12: You wouldn't want that. Langley doesn't take false reports lightly. Don't you fucking report me to the police, you cunt. I'll fucking kill you. Unknown_12: The other thing to remember, you're in a pageant. You're there to get judged on stage with people taking pictures of you. I honestly think pageantry is too much stress on your mental health. There's no shame in giving up, saying it's too much when you're courageous to do that. Unknown_08: Don't you dare. Don't you dare call the police on me. 0:46:50 Unknown_12: Oh, by the way, which officer are you calling? I know all the officers from Walnut Grove, Fort Langley, and they all love me and my passion for LGBTQ equality. You should get some rest. You have a 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. that day. I know your entire fucking agenda. I know where you sleep. I know everyone you could ever fucking talk to. The pool and water slide open at 7 a.m. Take a dip and cool off. I might be there to take pictures of you. Unknown_12: By the way, if you want some help with your makeup, let me know. I don't mind doing it for you because I know you're minded elsewhere with an insane schedule today. I'm only a few minutes away. If you're battling depression, there are resources for that. 0:47:28 Unknown_08: Just reach out. Unknown_08: Is this another one? Unknown_12: Did you sleep well? You have a long day today. Are you mentally there to compete today? Unknown_08: Like just fucking flat out fucking creeping on them. Unknown_08: Let's see, anything else? Unknown_08: Is this more? 0:48:03 Unknown_08: Oh, I would be iffy about a stranger watching my daughter, whatever their sexuality is. Unknown_12: Charlotte doesn't sound transphobic, merely murmuring about young girls. Unknown_12: Sweaty, you keep forgetting I am a girl. Unknown_12: Just to remind you, you should leave your children with me unattended because I am a female. Unknown_08: I can be trusted. Unknown_08: Uh... Unknown_12: Yaniv, oh, this is from Morgaine Ogre, which was one of the, like, orbiters around Yaniv, who, uh, defended him. Got my fucking Twitter account suspended by repeating my, reporting my fucking tweets before. Uh, Yaniv should not be around young girls or, young women or girls until the issues of the past have been addressed. What issues? Yaniv replies. And this issue, and that is, uh, Morgaine's blog? 0:48:41 Unknown_12: And praying of children makes you a predator regardless of who you are. So I guess the pendulum swung and even the beta orbiters in this fucking circle are turning on him. Unknown_12: Oh, the fake one you created. It's all fake. It's all made up. Unknown_12: The information was passed on to law enforcement. Please only engage with me through your lawyers. I encourage organizers of events for children and youth to notify law enforcement each time they are concerned. A predator interacted with minors in their care. A single incident may not be actionable, but a pattern of conduct is. 0:49:18 Unknown_12: Ask about getting a restraining order. Unknown_08: That is... Unknown_08: Oh, this is also funny. Unknown_12: Of course I get removed from a hospital by a transphobic nurse who caters to a Muslim family because they're uncomfortable with a transgender person there. Oh, we can agree. I mean, base Islam, man. I'm thinking about converting myself. You think I should be Shia, Sunni, or Ibadi? I'm thinking going Ibadi. I don't know about you guys, but base Muslims. 0:49:52 Unknown_08: That's my thought. Unknown_08: Oh, this person apparently believes this retarded story. Unknown_12: Seriously beginning to hate people. Unknown_12: She starts screaming at me saying I'm causing a scene when all I'm doing is sitting down with my mom wearing pride flag leggings and a shirt and bra and quickly scoots the Muslim family inside to safety. 0:50:27 Unknown_12: These are the very proud programmer socks being put on display. My leggings are a threat to Muslims and bigots everywhere. Oh, no. Unknown_08: And that's just the hospital. Unknown_12: Sorry, this is all good. I really, I'm savoring this because I fucking hate this person. Unknown_12: The Muslims didn't kick me out. A transphobic nurse did. I'm prepared to take legal action against Fraser Health. Unknown_12: And then Morgane says, fuck off. Unknown_12: And Yaniv cries, remove me from your mentions. 0:51:06 Unknown_12: Uh, pretty standard abuser tactics. I know the police well. They won't listen to you. You're making something up. The truth is, police take a dim view of people who target vulnerable people. Who's the vulnerable person here again? Oh yeah, it's me. Very predictable. You're a charlatan and a menace. Unknown_12: Charlotte's all for a rocker lately. Pageant stress will do that to you. Oh my god, Richard, you're a man. You're a straight white man. You better shut the fuck up. There are disabled trans folks with an X around you. Unknown_12: Oh, I like this too. These are completely unrelated people who follow Jessica on Facebook. Your feed every day is about you being discriminated by everyone and everywhere. I highly doubt you are kicked out of the hospitals. That would be a huge lawsuit to deny a person treatment due to sexual, gender, or race. 0:51:40 Unknown_12: Sexual gender? Is that a thing now? I do understand that there are some people that are against transgender, but it just seems like your Facebook feed is all about negative and you're trying to receive attention. I'm going to have to delete you as to be honest. I want positive postings to read and all yours is negative multiple times a day. And then Catalina Robles replies, Sorry, I kind of agree. It is always negative and seems that way, but I always tell her that. And you're right, it would be a big lawsuit as everyone has so many rights. 0:52:17 Unknown_12: I think I'm getting it a lot because I haven't transitioned as fast. Unknown_12: And Catalina says, that doesn't make any sense. Unknown_12: And Eve, I don't know why this happened so much. Unknown_12: And they're saying that you're angry. Unknown_08: Cy Minnington better fucking be careful. Unknown_08: And then other people are backing up Charlotte, the original beauty pageant person who called him out. 0:52:50 Unknown_12: Nothing about what she said is transphobic. You're just an absolute freak of a woman. Unknown_12: Your past predatory behavior is very well documented. On the one hand, I'm horrified to see you continuing it, and on the other, delighted because it proves us all right. Unknown_08: That's about Yaniv's mother. Oh, and there it is. Unknown_12: There's Yaniv at the fucking pageant. Unknown_12: Taking pictures of people after being told by contenders at the pageant they don't want them there. Unknown_12: I think that's Charlotte. 0:53:26 Unknown_12: Just sitting there taking pictures of this fucking contender after they lost or weren't allowed to compete or something. Just sitting there. Yes, yes, I know. Miss Beauty, Miss British Columbia, whatever. I have to because I'm on fucking YouTube and shit. Unknown_12: But even then, I can't even imagine. Unknown_12: There's a thing... Is that the video? Oh my god. 0:54:25 Unknown_12: Just filming the girls dancing I guess that first frame though that is fucking comedic perfection That is great I could watch it again and again I think it wraps up around here Unknown_08: Picture of the pageant again. Images are loading slow. Neve bantering with somebody. Unknown_12: Neve's in a fucking wheelchair, by the way. I have a picture of this somewhere. I don't know what page it's on, but... 0:55:15 Unknown_12: And he claims to be having a brain tumor. But I know for a fact they don't, based on what leaks have told. Oh, there it is. Unknown_12: I'm laughing. I'm laughing for something completely unrelated to this. I just think the picture is funny. It's the composition. It's not the rascal. We all got to live our best life, regardless of our disabilities. 0:55:50 Unknown_12: The funny stuff is that guy's legs are crossed weird, and that's funny to me. Not the scooter. Unknown_12: Here's the upcoming drama with Univ, is that Univ is claiming to have a brain tumor, but leaks have told me that Univ does not have any cancer, and instead has some kind of issues with their filtering organs, and needs a surgery to drain excess fluid into the abdominal cavity. But it's claiming it's a tumor, even though it's not. 0:56:25 Unknown_12: Oh, this automated message from Charlotte. Whenever Charlotte gets a follow, automatically tweets out a thank you for following. Somebody took the initiative to make a Twitter account called You Need Your Brain named Jessica You Need Your Brain Tumor and follow Charlotte Millington to automate the message. Thank you, Jessica You Need Your Brain Tumor for the follow. In case you need the joke explained. Unknown_12: I think I tweeted something I found out that shortly after that oh yeah and you've already got that account fucking nuked immediately alright I think that's it for that there is some work going on behind the scenes operation avenge my fucking data center is a go and we're gonna sort that out we're gonna sort that shit out 0:57:26 Unknown_08: Right fucking quick. Unknown_12: Everybody, Yaniv's world is getting very small. Unknown_12: From what I've heard, they're a nuisance, like, constantly. And because of certain efforts by people, I don't know, certain people who might own jessicaneeve.org, if you Google their name, you might not be able to get it right now. Oh, wait, no, you should be able to. It may not be up because of my data center issue. 0:57:58 Unknown_08: Maybe down for the moment. It's hard to say. Or is it? I know it should be up there. Unknown_12: Should be up there somewhere. Unless it's like actually fucking down right now. Because, yeah, I think it's down. But anyways, people have found out more info about Yaniv. And the police know. The hospital knows. The beauty pageant people know. People living at Yaniv's apartment complex know. The manager of the apartment knows. And they email me. These people fucking email me to say what a fucking menace Yaniv is. And how they're all waiting. They're all waiting. They all see, more specifically... 0:58:40 Unknown_12: they see that Yaniv does actively try to take pictures of kids. Constantly. Unknown_12: And they all observe it, and if you call them out on it, Yaniv gets mad and says, like, oh, you're just transphobic. But they all know that he's alleged to be a pedophile, and they all observe Yaniv. And Yaniv's mom taking pictures of people that don't want anything to do with him. 0:59:17 Unknown_12: So, yeah, it's fucking, it's great. It's really great. It's funny to watch in real time. And I'm doing everything I can. If people email me asking for stuff, I'll give it to them. Unknown_08: It's pretty good. Unknown_12: Okay. One other thing I want to talk about, and then I'll check for Kay's stuff. Again, I know it's been short, but my week has gotten noticeably fucked up. 0:59:53 Unknown_08: Make sure that this is right. Nick Rakita of Rakita Law has been served. Unknown_12: Now this isn't usually my cup of tea because I don't know the law. Unknown_12: Here's the thing. I don't think I can show this. Whatever. I don't give a shit anymore. Unknown_12: They served Nick, but they also, for whatever reason, they must have paid a private investigator to find out where he lives, because I'm pretty sure that's his real address, where he lives. And he went out of his way to make sure that his home address and stuff was hard to find. So I think the entire purpose... The entire purpose of summoning Nick to give oral deposition in this case was to dox him in a legal capacity so that everybody would fund it. I'm pretty sure that's it. And also maybe to get the GoFundMe for Vic Montana shut down. But that's like a tertiary thing. Can you send Nick presents? Go for it. 1:00:30 Unknown_12: Oh, did Ralph really lose his PayPal because of people asking for refunds? That's pretty... That's slightly funny. 1:01:10 Unknown_08: Address the glint? I talk about Ralph all the fucking time. Unknown_08: Nick was not served. That is a request to a judge. Unknown_12: He has not been served. Okay. But I know that's beside the point. I think that the entire purpose of this was to get his address where his house and his kids are on the public record. 1:01:44 Unknown_12: I think you'll be fine. I'm pretty sure everybody in the house has a gun. Unknown_08: Good luck. Unknown_08: It's not true? That's not true. Unknown_08: Nick drowns animals. Unknown_12: That's so sad. He drowned that fucking skunk. Shoot that fuck. Shoot it. Shoot the fucking skunk. Don't fucking drown us. 1:02:16 Unknown_08: Don't drown the fucking skunk. Unknown_08: No, he'll be fine. Unknown_08: You'll be fine, kids. Let it go. Unknown_12: Let's play bingo. Unknown_12: Grab a card. Unknown_08: Generate bingo cards. I do want it centered. 1:02:49 Unknown_08: I know for sure Kay has a new video that I have not checked out. Unknown_08: So this is a short stream, so I have to make up for it somehow. Unknown_08: I have to make up for it somehow. Unknown_08: I know you've been watching lots of feeding today, but it's one of those days where you get depressed and you just gotta sit down on the sofa and depression-y. Unknown_12: By the way, while I'm setting this up, if you have not watched the latest episode of The Dick Show, episode 161, I would strongly suggest checking it out. It is a fantastic episode and it features John McAfee. 1:03:31 Unknown_12: Who is a fucking insane person. Unknown_12: And a delight. A genuine delight. Unknown_12: So, just shilling that. Unknown_08: Okay, what do I got for tokens today? I should mix it up a bit. Unknown_08: Here, you know what? Unknown_08: I know what I'll use for tokens. 1:04:05 Unknown_08: Set the opacity to 66. Unknown_08: Perfect. Unknown_08: Save it. Unknown_12: OK. For the token, I will be using the Mutt, the Mara Mutt, the source of all pain and suffering in the Americas, the kryptonite of the USA flag on Int and Pol. Unknown_12: Copy this. Unknown_08: Okay. K's... I don't think I... I have her shit bookmarked, don't I? 1:04:44 Unknown_12: There we go. I'm going to have to find this fucking URL again. I'm going to kill myself. Unknown_12: Egg fried rice! Let's do it. Unknown_04: Hi, people. And today I'm back cooking again. And today I'm going to do the best version of egg fried rice. Unknown_04: Right, first of all, it's three. Where the fuck did she get a wok? Tablespoons of oil. Why do you have a wok? Unknown_11: Okay. Unknown_04: Yeah, that's it. So I'm going to get that warmed up. While I'm waiting, I'm going to crack some eggs and beat them. 1:05:24 Unknown_04: So it said four eggs. How is canola oil pods? Unknown_12: You're full of shit. Unknown_04: Crack them while the pans are going to get hot. Unknown_12: Does that count? Unknown_04: I'm hurting yourself. Unknown_12: I'm going to count it. She just yells owl for no fucking reason. 1:06:04 Unknown_12: No bra. Unknown_12: I need to get another look at that shit to determine. Unknown_04: You just beat the eggs. Unknown_12: Oh, this is prime spillage. Unknown_12: Do something. Unknown_11: Beat them to stir a bit. Unknown_04: Or stew a bit, whatever you call it. Unknown_04: And I'm going to add, because I haven't put the pan on full. Unknown_04: That's what I do. I'm going to put the onions in. 1:06:35 Unknown_12: Ah, fuck, that cuts us out of the fucking... We give them a good go. Unknown_04: This time... I've got rice. It's being done. It's being cooked. Unknown_12: I'm shocked she fucking knew to cook it before she puts it in. Unknown_04: Right, as you can see, the onions are starting to change colour. Unknown_04: I'm gonna add the rice, which has already been cooked. I'm shocked, she caramelized the onion, she put the fucking rice in. 1:07:33 Unknown_11: This is going to be a tough one. Unknown_04: She hasn't put Marge in either. Oh my god, this is like hard mode. Unknown_04: So now I'm going to add the egg in 1:08:30 Unknown_04: And I'm going to mix it all around. Unknown_12: Yeah, I won't work the higher side. I'm just going to flip it. Unknown_04: Oh. Unknown_04: Scrape in the bottom of that pan and get it wok again. I'm going to need a new wok by the time I'm finished. You didn't add any seasoning. I think there were a bit too many eggs in there. Never mind, but it did say four eggs. Unknown_04: Right, do you want to know what it said? It said 750 grams of rice. It looks like mush. Unknown_04: One grain rice, four eggs, one onion chopped. 1:09:05 Unknown_04: Oh, we forgot salt and pepper. Can you get me salt and pepper, please? Unknown_04: So we can add a bit of spice to it. Unknown_04: Thank you. Salt. Unknown_04: Pepper. Thank you. Unknown_04: Oh, pepper, salt. Unknown_04: Truffle now. Doesn't matter. Unknown_11: No, it isn't kind of seasoning. Salt and pepper. Unknown_04: And that is your egg fried rice. 1:09:37 Unknown_04: All done. Perfect. Unknown_04: Better than that. Unknown_04: And Lee is coming to do the taste test. And while he does, he's going to leave a link in the description to my Facebook page. Don't. Unknown_04: Don't. You're not on camera. Get on camera. Unknown_02: That suck. Unknown_02: Worth a try. Just looks like it. I'll take that food you're offering. I'll take that food you're offering. 1:10:08 Unknown_04: You can't have it because there's onions in there. Unknown_11: We should have a thing for if he actually says he doesn't like it. Unknown_02: The rice is really bland. Unknown_04: But it is, that's always it anyway. Unknown_02: You should have a bit of egg in it. Unknown_04: Can't taste it at all. Unknown_02: Onions are crunchier. So, yeah, I don't know how it's supposed to go. I don't know. Unknown_12: How does he know? It's like the one confident thing she's cooked and he's mad about it. 1:10:40 Unknown_04: Well, I think I needed to put more eggs in, but like he says, it's tasted... Unknown_04: land which rice garlic or something so if you like what you see oh sarah i know i said they were going to be no redo but the thing is i'll tell you i've lost my book i put my book somewhere and i've lost it and i couldn't think the only thing i could see what i'd already done was egg fried rice so that's why it's all done again is there like a necronomicon if you want to give me a big old thumbs up 1:11:15 Unknown_12: Did she just say that she uses a cookbook and the reason why she did egg fried rice is because she lost her cookbook? Is there like a cooking necronomicon where every horrible fucking thing she's ever made came out of that fucking book? And now that she's lost it, now that the book is gone, she can make egg fried rice without killing somebody in the process? Is this the information I'm supposed to be gathering from that? Because that's what I'm getting. That's what I'm fucking hearing. That the book has been gone. Must find the book. 1:11:58 Unknown_12: Is the book called 101 Recipes with Margarine? Unknown_12: Is this the root of all evil? We have to find it and drive a stake through it to save Kay and to save Lee from the horrible torment that is their life. Unknown_12: That's funny. Unknown_12: Anything else you made, Kay, in the last week? No, she's still looking for that book. We looked at the... 1:12:32 Unknown_12: Look at the potato set. We'll do another one. Unknown_12: We'll do another one, because we didn't... Because I haven't had much to say this week. It's been a pretty boring week, and... I've been busy signing contracts and spending money I don't fucking have. Unknown_12: Because of whiners. Because of crybabies on the internet. Unknown_12: Here's an interesting thing. I don't know if I... Unknown_12: And a person, a benefactor, has offered to pay me money to play Sekiro Shadow something? 1:13:13 Unknown_12: What's the name of it? Unknown_12: Sekiro Shadows Die Twice. Unknown_12: He has offered me a lot of money to play this game. Unknown_12: And specifically to achieve every ending in this game. I've never ever played any from software video game before. So if you're interested in that when my hardware issue has been resolved. I will be streaming Sekiro Shadows Die twice. 1:13:45 Unknown_12: And I have to buy a controller. I have to get my fucking drive note together and go down to a game store and grunt at a controller so I get it. Unknown_12: But after that, like, I don't know. I'm sure it's going to be absolute suffering. I don't do... Unknown_12: I'm sure I'm going to be annoyed and I'm going to fucking hate it because I don't like hard games. Unknown_12: But it's a lot of money. It's a significant amount of cash that I cannot turn down. So I need an excuse to play video games and fill this channel up with shit. So it looks like a normal good boy channel as opposed to a bad boy channel. 1:14:22 Unknown_12: Gaming week. Unknown_12: I'll play I'll play it throughout like an actual week like I'll do it like at this time every day except for Wednesday until I beat it Means the armored core people making money isn't supposed to be fun Unknown_12: I'll play Life is Strange. Unknown_12: During the Steam Summer Sale, I bought the fucking Life is Strange 2 bundle. And that doesn't come all the way out until December. So I might make it a thing where on the first week of each month, I'll play an episode of Life is Strange 2 until the final episode comes out in December. I'm also planning in October... 1:14:53 Unknown_12: I'm planning to do a, um, I've been saving, I've been saving and this is a callback to my roots. I will do during the month of October, I will do live streams. Unknown_12: Um, Unknown_12: on dead locales i will go back and i i i've had uh in my in my head for a while now i've had the intention to stream on certain people who are no longer with us but i've opted not to because i wanted to save it for october so with october now coming upon us i will pull them out of the uh 1:15:43 Unknown_12: the the drawer out of the morgue and I will make some locale streams on on certain people who who have died So stay tuned for that Unknown_12: I fucking love Halloween, by the way. October is my favorite month of the year. It's fall. It's nice and cool, but it's not too cool. Everything's spooky. All the horror movies come out. Everything gets spooky themed. I roll out all my spooky themes for the Kiwi Farms. I change the logo. I make it all orange. I love fucking Halloween. Unknown_08: Have we watched this? Unknown_08: Which one should we... 1:16:25 Unknown_08: I don't know which ones I've watched. Unknown_12: Here, I'm going to throw this up. You guys tell me which ones you want to watch. I'm tempted for moussaka. I don't know what the fuck moussaka is. Or curried prawns. You tell me. Unknown_12: You tell me which ones, motherfuckers. Unknown_08: Egg custard, beef stew, all of them. Unknown_08: We watched moussaka. Yeah, I think we did. Okay, we'll watch the prawns. I see a lot of people asking for the prawns. Unknown_04: Hi people, and I'm back cooking again, and today I'm going to be doing curry... Oh, curry prawns. 1:17:07 Unknown_12: There's a mush mouth on the fucking thing. Unknown_04: Now, as you can see, I've got the oil in my pan. I've got the ring on. I don't know if you can see that. Can you see that? Yeah, I've got the ring on. It's only on half, which is number three, because the onions don't need colouring. They just need steaming a bit. So... Unknown_11: Where is mushroom? Unknown_04: After I finish kicking right back my watch. I'm going to. 1:17:39 Unknown_04: They should have been cut. They were cut. Why are they not cut now? Unknown_12: I think I didn't know the only vegetables she likes to use. Unknown_04: So what I'm going to do is I'm going to keep an eye on them, but I'm going to let them. I've got a bit of skin there. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to. Unknown_04: Give them a chance. Unknown_04: I'm not going to colour them. I'm just going to make sure that they're all covered a little bit in oil. It did say two tablespoons of oil. I'm not sure how you're putting it in. But anyway, yeah, it's two tablespoons of oil, an onion chopped up. 1:18:14 Unknown_12: Oh, so the person saying that trying to beat Sekiro will take like 100 hours, I'll have chat on and stuff. I'm sure I'll have to DSP it because I'll have no idea what to fucking do. I know these games piss me off because you have to dodge and worry about iframes and you have to learn the patterns and shit. Unknown_12: That's going to drive me up the fucking wall because that's not my cup of tea. 1:18:46 Unknown_04: Some prawns, some garlic, some of that, we call it easy garlic, and paste, and, can you pass me them because they need to go in as well, and tomatoes. Yes, I know you're going to say you can't have tomatoes in a biscuit, but I'm not going to be the one eating it. Unknown_12: spoon is broken right these have been well simmering for about I don't know 10 minutes so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put everything in which is where's the pre-cooked at teaspoon of garlic 1:19:44 Unknown_04: So I'm going to mix that in. I'm going to say her coughing off camera is hurting herself. Unknown_04: And I'm going to add the prawnies. The prawnies. Unknown_12: No, she doesn't know how to use a knife. Have you ever seen her fucking use a knife? Unknown_12: I've never felt anxiety like I have watching Kay cut something. She is the worst. Unknown_04: I'm going to turn the heat up a bit. Unknown_04: Any more? 1:20:20 Unknown_12: Oh man, she can yell at your fans. Unknown_04: Yell at your fans. The onions. Unknown_12: The onions. Does she do that on purpose or is that like a retard thing? Unknown_04: Now if you're wondering, it said a teaspoon of, it didn't say a teaspoon, it said a tablespoon of oil. Unknown_04: Two tablespoons of oil. It said five Unknown_04: to six ounces of prawns, I put six, but it doesn't matter, and it said two, it said a teaspoon of garlic, a tin of tomatoes, and two tablespoons of curry paste. 1:21:02 Unknown_12: We're gonna count, no, we're not gonna count curry paste. Curry paste, curry paste. That's like a part of the recipe. Unknown_04: So, what I'm going to do is, I'm going to put, I can't see how that's gonna taste, Unknown_04: I can't see how putting tomatoes in is going to taste of curry. Unknown_11: Shrimp are white because they're probably grown in a fucking shrimp farm. Unknown_04: Let's check my list. This seems edible so far. Motherfucker, it's onions and shrimp in a fucking pan. A can of Tums. 1:21:36 Unknown_04: In. Unknown_04: What's that? Teaspoon of got on. Unknown_04: What's it then? It's got to go in. It's got to go in then. So, what's this turn like that? Unknown_04: Lee, what are you doing with your phone? Unknown_12: Relic is not seasoning. Fuck off. Unknown_04: Oh! They're supposed to be chopped tomatoes and they're being plumbed. Unknown_04: Gets me some scissors, please, so I can cut these tomatoes things up, please. Unknown_12: They're just tomatoes. They'll fucking render if you cook them long enough. 1:22:06 Unknown_04: They'll do. I know it's yours, Lee, but... Unknown_04: Nearly ended up on bloody floor. Dog nearly had a bean off. Unknown_12: I'm gonna count that as spilling something. It's not, but... I'm gonna cut these. Unknown_04: I don't know what the fuck she's doing with the scissors, but whatever. Tomatoes up. Unknown_04: Make it seem like chopped tomatoes. 1:22:41 Unknown_12: This is really gross to watch. I'm gagging. Unknown_04: So give that chance to... They look a bit like chop, don't they? Unknown_04: Bloody heck! I pumped them out of the bloody hole. Unknown_04: They look like chop now. Stop. Unknown_04: My phone went, yeah. Are we going to count this for excessive liquids? 1:23:13 Unknown_12: I see it in chat. People want it. People want it. Unknown_04: So I'm going to throw up. It's still hot, but it's not. Unknown_12: Oh, man. Unknown_04: Come on, chop up. We can get a double. Unknown_12: We can get a double. Unknown_11: She just has to yell. She has to yell at her fans. Unknown_04: Well, there's nothing I can do now apart from, you know, Unknown_04: Even she's disgusted by her fucking cooking. Unknown_12: I'm going to throw that away because I don't like to see that in it. 1:23:49 Unknown_04: And I am going to leave this a bit until the heat picks up. Like I said, it's on number three. And I don't know why it's not warming up. Mind you, because I just put everything in in one go. So, yeah, I'm going to give it a chance. And when it starts boiling, I'll come back to it and put the curry sauce in. Unknown_04: Right, as you can see, well, it's not started boiling again, but it's getting hot again. I don't know if you can see the steam eating up. So I'm going to put the curry in. 1:24:26 Unknown_12: Oh, this is going to be lovely. Unknown_04: I can't wait for her to add this poo brown color to this lovely red, rust-colored red tomatoes. Unknown_04: Google, so I'm not going to argue with them. Unknown_12: Scrapes, scrapes, scrapes. You know what? Physically destroy some of this. You fucking destroyed those tomatoes. How did we not like this one? Unknown_12: And, uh... Oh, man! How did we not have margarine in this recipe? Unknown_04: So, mix all that in. 1:25:03 Unknown_04: How did we not have margarine? Whoa. You need to add a bit of salt, then. Unknown_04: I think there needs to be a bit more curry in here, but it did say two tablespoons. Unknown_04: So, who am I to argue? I know, normally the first, but. Unknown_12: Oh, I'm so mad. I'm so mad. I mean, that fucking is. Unknown_04: So, as far as I'm concerned, I followed that exactly as it was. If this was a different bingo card, we'd fucking win. And we'll put some. 1:25:35 Unknown_11: The card is cutting us. Unknown_04: We'll throw some rice with this. Not. in the pot and I'm going to do some rice and it should turn out an honest meal. Really. Unknown_04: I'll just have a bottle of rice. Unknown_04: And that's the end product. Come on. Unknown_02: And he's gonna do the taste test while he's leaving a link in the description to Kay's Cookie. Oh, that's very good. I'm holding a plate and a spoon, but I'm gonna leave a link here now. I'm doing it on my feet. If I leave it on my feet, then it starts happening like that. 1:26:07 Unknown_02: Yo, that'd be actually a good challenge, Jack, to see if I could do that. Unknown_04: Yeah. Link in the description to Kay's Cookie page. Unknown_12: We're so fucked. She's not gonna yell at the fans. She doesn't do that anymore. Unknown_02: He looks shocked. He's like in a state. Wow. Unknown_04: Wow as in... No, wow as in tomorrow. 1:26:40 Unknown_02: Okay, hell. Unknown_04: Don't swear. Unknown_02: Swear. Well, then tomorrow's all strong. Unknown_02: Yeah, could hardly taste the curry like you said. Unknown_02: Onions are still crunchy. Unknown_02: You know, I don't like my onions crunchy. Prawns, Unknown_02: Well, there's a lot of things. I can't remember if I'm prone to fuck. I'm prone to fuck. Unknown_04: I don't think you are. I think it's your first time with prone. Unknown_02: He's like, he's my age. Unknown_04: I like prone. Unknown_10: How has he not had, how has he never had shit? Like, he's just said it's shit. No, he said it were alright. 1:27:13 Unknown_04: He's eating it behind camera anyway. So, if you like what you see, please keep. Unknown_04: if you want to give me a thumbs up please do so leave that camera because i've lost the plot and if you want to subscribe no no no no if you want to leave a comment please feel free the more the merrier And if you want to subscribe, well, you know someone who hasn't subscribed. Get them subscribing. Get everybody subscribing. 1:27:50 Unknown_12: Get angry. Say something negative. Unknown_04: Damn it! Unknown_08: God damn it. Unknown_08: I like how you can tell this is a... Unknown_12: This is by an Englishman. You did a good job on them tomatoes with the scissors. You wouldn't know they was plum ones. I hope Lee's not allergic to prawns if he's never had them before. 1:28:25 Unknown_12: Fuck this. Fuck English people. Fuck it. I'm done. We're done with this. Get off my fucking screen. Fail your bingo card, you piece of shit. You disgusted motherfucker. Cucking me. Autoplay cucking me. Fuck it. Fuck this. Unknown_12: I know we got first line. We're getting out of here, chat. We're getting the fuck out. We're done. We're gone gonzo. Unknown_12: I'll see you. I'll see you when I see you. I might stream... I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I'll see you next week. Same time, same place. 1:28:56 Unknown_12: Unless my channel gets deleted, which is a very high chance, considering how things have been going. Unknown_08: See you all in hell. Unknown_08: We have not allowed ourselves to comprehend what failure might mean for us. Unknown_09: Is it a comfort or a curse, the knowledge that we could have avoided all this? Unknown_03: The birds all died and the trees caught fire and the government it called us crazy. We built a big world then we watched it all burn. 1:29:29 Unknown_03: The clouds as I was freaking out. God save me. We're not in California anymore. Unknown_03: We're not in California anymore. Straighten all our sunshine in for a storm. Don't say I didn't warn you. We're not in California anymore. 1:30:09 Unknown_03: keep on screaming i'd like a road map like to turn the clock back but the internet it keeps on freezing drank up every bottle and i smoked some marijuana i was hoping i could find some peace i looked up at the clouds the light was peeking out i can't believe it we're not in california 1:31:07 Unknown_10: Anymore Unknown_03: Visions of the dissonance, I'm searching for the synonyms But all that I can say is that I think I lost my innocence And I bet if I asked everybody that I know They'd wanna be a kid again Visions of the dissonance, I'm searching for the synonyms But all that I can say is that I think I lost my innocence And I bet if I asked everybody that I know They'd wanna be a kid again So they could do it different We're not in California 1:32:43 Unknown_03: Anymore.