0:01:17 Unknown_03: Have I told you all that we are all fucked? We're all completely and totally and irreversibly, unhelpably, demonstrably fucked. Unknown_04: Because we are. Unknown_04: What's funny is, uh... I don't even know where to begin. I'm gonna have to dive right into the legal stuff. I'm actually upset. But, I, um... I had a brief conversation with Brendan Eich. That actually paid out, by the way. I got my payout from him. At least I get to disable the stickers now, because the fucking stickers drive me up the wall. 0:01:55 Unknown_04: Um... Unknown_04: So he sent me a message and he linked me to an article about the legislation I've been arguing on Twitter the last hour about. I guess he, somebody linked him. Oh, geez. Refresh if black. I have to tell people. If you see blackness, you must refresh. 0:02:29 Unknown_04: So I guess somebody had sent him a stream, the stream where I was complaining. And apparently, I don't even remember saying this, but apparently I said I would rape Brendan Eich. And somebody sent him the stream and said, look, he's violent. He's a sex offender. Josh is a sex offender out for that booty. And he brought this up in conversation, but then still. 0:03:05 Unknown_04: A couple days later sends me out of the blue a p.m. With this link to this legislation that I'm talking about so you must not have taken it personally You must not have taken it personally My stream isn't lagging If you if you're having playback issues, it's your fault you suck So Unknown_04: Yeah, it's it's a quality issue. I don't know complain to them and make me a a person who can get quality settings because otherwise I cannot Cannot change my my quality It's chugging real hard Oh, you know what No, that's not it. 0:03:53 Unknown_05: Yeah, I don't know my internet connection is fine And Unknown_17: Set it to 480? I guess so. Unknown_17: I can't imagine what else it is. Unknown_17: Can't even imagine. I'm using 4% of my network. I know it's not me. Unknown_17: It's fine, it's not fine. Like half the peop- Oh. Do we really have to do the fucking VLC thing again? 0:04:31 Unknown_17: Hella fine. Unknown_17: All right. Unknown_17: All right, no, people say it's fine. Drop your settings. Unknown_04: Don't know what else to tell you. Unknown_04: Okay, so let me just get into my argument with this, because I promised people I would talk about this, and I guess I will. Unknown_17: So, it's this. Unknown_04: This guy named Josh, no relation. Unknown_04: Mr. Josh Hawley of the Senate introduced into a bill with a long title. Where's the long title at? To amend the Communications Decency Act to encourage providers of interactive computer services to provide content moderation that is politically neutral. Very nice. The basic gist of this legislation is it's only a couple pages long, and as you can see, for some reason, bills are written in such a way that you're only allowed to use 20% of the paper width at any given time. Even when it's not indented to subsection, subsection, subsection, triple I, or whatever, you can see that the bill takes up less than half of the page, and I had no idea 0:05:42 Unknown_04: Like, this just shows that the government is shit to the point where they can't even write on a piece of fucking paper without it being retarded. Because this is fucking dumb. Unknown_04: But what he wants to do is empower the FTC. Unknown_04: Where is it at? I've been scrolling up and down. Requirement of politically unbiased content moderation by covered companies, Federal Trade Commission immunity certification. Which means that if you are a company that is a covered company, you must go to the FTC and provide them two years of documentation, as it says here. 0:06:19 Unknown_04: As it says here, you must provide them two years of documentation proving that your content moderation policies on your platform is politically neutral, as it says. Or as it specifically says, Unknown_04: It is not designed to negatively affect a political party, candidate, or viewpoint, or BV, disproportionately restricts or promotes access to or the availability of information from a political party, political candidate, or viewpoint. Unknown_04: So that's what it means. And covered companies is described at the bottom. And you're going to notice something with the covered companies. Unknown_04: Covered Company is in a not, is in a for-profit, it says not 501C, meaning for-profit company, that has had more than 30 million active American users in the last 12 months. 0:07:16 Unknown_04: Or, sorry, let me try that again. And one month has had 30 million active American users in the last 12 months. So any month of that last 12 months, 30 million US users, 300 million worldwide users, or half a billion dollars of global annual revenue. That basically covers Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, and Facebook. Maybe another one, maybe Instagram, but that's about it. Unknown_04: So that's all this is targeting. It's written in such a way that it doesn't specifically target those companies, but that's what it's doing. 0:07:52 Unknown_04: And they want the FTC to have to write a certification saying that you're a good boy and you didn't do nothing wrong. Unknown_04: I guess if you trust the FTC. Dick Masterson said that it's better than the FCC because the FTC has to actually take you to court and prove that you're being politically biased in your moderation. But here's the big problem. Here's the problem with all of this. You ready? Unknown_04: It's listed under exceptions. Business necessity. An action of a provider of an interactive computer service that is disproportionately restricts access to or the availability of information from a political party, candidate, or viewpoint shall not be considered a politically biased moderation practice if the action is necessary for business. 0:08:39 Unknown_04: Which is a really broad way of saying if you have to do it for money reasons, then it's not going to be covered by this. You get a pass. Your good boy certification from the FTC gets a pass. Well, guess what? That's everything. If a company says… Unknown_04: Maybe Mastercard, for instance, says that we will pull your fucking payment processor if you don't censor, if you continue to allow people to say the word faggot on your platform, we'll take your payment processor, then guess what? That's your business reason. That's all you need. All you need to circumvent this legislation and get your good boy passed, regardless of what you're actually doing on your platform, is to have MasterCard say, we would not do business with any company that promotes bigotry. And considering that Twitter has no say in this anymore, they have the option of either A, losing 100% of their business overnight as they're canceled from the payment processor, or B, 0:09:17 Unknown_04: Go ahead and cite this as an exception and be exempt from the legislation to begin with. So MasterCard, VisaCard, YouTube, and sorry, wrong list of things to be angry at. YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook are just going to say we have to do it. We have to do it, if not because of MasterCard, because of our advertisers. 0:09:59 Unknown_04: I mean, even as an advertiser, if somebody says, we find this content offensive, and if our ad has the possibility of showing up next to it, we don't want to advertise with you. Then all they could say is, well, we have an algorithm to detect things, and we're not going to place your ads next to offensive content. But if that doesn't work, if they don't want to advertise with you because of the presence of this content on your platform, full stop. then that is a business reason to moderate content as they continue to do. And here's the other thing. Here's number two. You ready? 0:10:35 Unknown_04: Here's the other reason why this doesn't work. The politically biased moderation doesn't work if they censor all politics, if they're even handedly discriminatory against all politics, from the fucking Soviets to the fascists, then they're still not being biased under this law. They're not giving an advantage or a disadvantage to any particular party. They're suppressing politics as a whole. That's still an unbiased motivation. So all this bill would really do, even if it works, even if this business exception didn't immediately invalidate the entire intent of this bill, all that would happen is it would then say, okay, we're banning the fucking liberals too. Our platform is gonna be for kitties and titties. And if it ain't that, get the fuck out. We don't want you. Because you and your stinky politics, and all your fucking squabbling, all this bullshit about immigrants, it's bad for business. So get the fuck out. You want to go make your Macedon groups, you want to go talk on Telegram, you want to do whatever the fuck, go do it. Out of sight. Out of mind. Because we don't want that. 0:11:45 Unknown_04: And then, and then what? Unknown_04: What's going to happen then? You're going to make your own alternatives? Where you're going to have a communist version of Twitter? Good fucking luck with that! You're going to go to Mastodon? Good fucking luck with that! It's the exact same problem. And nobody's going to have to care. Unknown_04: And the shit like Gab that's going to become a safe haven for conservatives? They're not going to make any fucking money because Mastercard isn't going to allow it. This is nothing. And the other bill? Unknown_04: I should mention this the other bill that this Josh no relation pushed out was the one that added touch was the first update to the Communications Decency Act that said something like this bill shall be in no way intended to prevent law enforcement from enforcing uh... sex trafficking laws that cause craigslist to get rid of their personal ads that cause back pays to be seized by the government that uh... that poked a big fucking hole that caused tumblr to get banned tumblr to get banned from itunes and the iStore like that and basically destroy the entire company like that didn't fucking that wasn't politically motivated 0:12:33 Unknown_04: But if it became a big fucking deal as soon as that bill got passed, don't touch the CDA. Unknown_05: Just don't fucking do it. Unknown_05: If you want to fix the issue, you have to make it so that person A and person B can exchange money and nobody can tell them they can't do that. Unknown_04: But that is not what they're fixing and they never will. The only hope that this bill has and actually have an affect in what it's trying to do is to demonstrate that this top-down approach at dictating how a company is to operate itself is hopeless. 0:13:39 Unknown_04: Because what happens if Twitter goes bankrupt over this? Then we will have six Twitters that are hug boxes for each other that don't have 30 million users, that don't have to apply for their good boy licenses, and then this thing is completely fucking bust anyways. Unknown_17: And... Unknown_17: It's just, it's such a pointless endeavor, it's a feel-good endeavor. 0:14:15 Unknown_04: And I want to know, this is a genuine question, because I don't fucking know, what happens if Twitter says, okay, if you're going to pass this bill, we're going to go to Ireland. We're now an Irish company. Everything we do should be extrapolated to be in the jurisdiction of Dublin, Ireland. What fucking happens then? Is the government going to use its terrorist sanctions to put Twitter on a fucking terrorist watch list so that we can block money going to them? Is that what happens? Use the US Patriot Act to declare Twitter a terrorist organization that defies our laws? Are we going to instruct ISPs to block access to Twitter because they refuse to apply for their good boy license in the FTC? What happens? 0:14:55 Unknown_04: I don't fucking know. I'll tell you what does happen. All those fucking jobs in Santa Monica or San Francisco or whatever the fuck, gone. And then all those shitty fucking Californians, gone too. Going to fucking Wyoming. Going to Austin, Texas. Going to Florida. Just shit it up for everybody else. And then we're going to have a Mexican world order as they vote in their fucking candidates in Spanish. Unknown_04: Because all the money in California dried up and all the gibs dried up and they moved somewhere else that's less shitty. That's what fucking happens. 0:15:30 Unknown_17: It's hopeless. Unknown_04: It's a hopeless situation. And I realize that MasterCard and VisaCard will never, never be regulated. They will never be regulated. They touch trillions of dollars a year. They touch trillions of dollars a year in every goddamn country in the world. And besides, like, Crimea and Iran are the only places where they don't do business. Unknown_04: And they have a hand in every transaction. Every time money changes hands, Visa Card and MasterCard touch it. And Visa Card and MasterCard have such a monopoly that even in foreign countries, local card shops don't work. I have a Discover card. It doesn't work anywhere except the United States and Japan for some reason. 0:16:03 Unknown_04: JCB, like, no. Unknown_04: The real choice is just, it would take one bill to say that unless they have a legal reason to ban somebody from using their system, then they can't. But they're never going to do that. Anybody who would propose a bill like that would be shot fucking dead in the middle of the night, ruled a suicide. 0:16:43 Unknown_04: It's utterly hopeless. Unknown_04: And even if it did work, what happens? Oh, then the FTC has regulatory powers over the internet. That's great. I can't wait for the first Democrat president to inherit that fucking power and put Marshall Goldstein as the chairman of the FTC. That's real fucking great. Unknown_04: Here's my suggestion, because if this bill does pass, you know what's going to happen? All these companies are going to protest it. And it's going to go to the Supreme Court. It's definitely going to go to the Supreme Court. And I'm not even going to pretend to know who they're going to rule in favor of or on what terms or what specific portions of this bill are going to be constitutional or unconstitutional. I can't say for sure, but I do know it's going to cost hundreds of millions of dollars over the course of years, over the course of half a decade. 0:17:14 Unknown_04: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Instagram, all this shit, Reddit is going to be in and out of the Supreme Court for half a decade charging hundreds of millions of dollars a year fighting it from a government standpoint. Not to mention that this bill instructs the FTC to open up a regulatory commission to operate anyway. So you have all those employee expenses and operating expenses as discretionary spending as a part of this bill as well. So just take that money, just take that money, and you ready? Make a, can I, I need like a, here, I got this. I'll make it real big. Make tube.gov 0:17:48 Unknown_04: and message.gov and book.gov and what's a Reddit equivalent? Give us like spurg.gov or lgbt.gov and just have that be the Reddit alternative. Just take that money, right? And make national versions of it and then moderate it any fucking way you want to. And there you have genuine competition and it costs less fucking money than it does to push this bullshit through the fucking courts. Just do it. Just do it. Because that's what you want. You want this bullshit where you have the government instructing these corporations how to manage their fucking business? Just go the full length and make the Voxbook and the VoxTwitter and the VoxReddit. Just fucking get it over with because that's what these people are asking for. 0:19:10 Unknown_17: It would be having public access USPS equivalents of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Reddit would be a more effective way of instigating the change that Josh NoRelation wants to do on social media would be more effective than the bill he's pushed through. Unknown_04: Or is trying to push through. It's not actually law yet. Unknown_04: I don't think it's up for vote yet. This is like the first draft. Unknown_04: But yeah, that's how I feel. Unknown_04: Because I'll prove that what I'm saying is true, and that what you actually want is competition. So this is something that somebody noticed. You have this person named Emily Gorsinski saying, ah yes, kiwi farms, the thing trans people famously never try to combat. 0:20:01 Unknown_04: And then you see Yona Becks, who I did a stream on, saying, Google refuses to delist Kiwi farms, has led to many trans suicides, and Google couldn't give a flying fuck. Liz Fong Jones, former employee for Google, replies with zip tie emojis. And Yona Becks says, I've emailed them like eight times and never gotten a response. I'm just tired and cranky at this point, sorry. Nothing to do but whine at this point. And then Liz Fong Jones replies, as former lead of trans at Google, which is a mailing list like the one that Demore was complaining about, I can say I did all I could. Unknown_04: So this is a former Googler saying that while they were a, they're like a software reliability engineer at Google, 0:20:46 Unknown_04: or something and while they were actually at Google and actually managing the trans at Google newsletter Unknown_04: They could not convince Google to stop this. If you go to Google and type in Greta Gustava, for instance, you get one, there was actually two the first time I saw it. There are two different, oh, there's a locale wiki, and then a second one from the locale wiki about Trans Lifeline. And then the Kiwi Farmerstead is fifth. So out of the top five, the first time I Googled her name, Unknown_04: Three of the top five were things that I ran, that Greta Gessile most definitely does not want as results for their name. Now why can't Google just, Dano snap me out of fucking existence, remove all my things? Because this is their core product. Everything that Google sells hinges on this product being the best search engine, providing people what they actually want when they go looking for it. And they have to do that, because right now, there's alternatives. You go to Yandex, you type in Greta Gustava. First two are things that I run. You go to yahoo.co.jp, you type in Greta Gustava. Twitter's the first result, because Twitter is massively popular in Japan. But the second result is LocaleWiki. And sixth result is Greta Gustava from KiwiFarms.net. 0:22:01 Unknown_04: Oh, one I didn't include, but I did look up. Let's try Bing. Type in Greta Gustava, Bing. Oh, look at this. I get a nice little blurb and everything. Born Kel Brian Anderson is the co-founder of Trans Lifeline, a charity dedicated to the well-being of transgender people. Greta is scrutinized for mismanaging her charity, associating with abusers in the trans community, and physically intimidating people she considers opponents. Wow. Unknown_04: Isn't that something? I bet fucking... I bet they would prefer that not to be the case when you search their fucking name. But even YouTube can't censor that shit. Because when people search for the name Greta Gessaba, what are they looking for? They're not looking for their Facebook, not looking for their Twitter. They're looking for what I gotta say, baby. They're looking for me. 0:22:35 Unknown_04: And they can't get rid of me, because if they do, that's the first step for this product. The main reason why Google can afford to influence the hearts and minds of everyone on the planet right now. Starts being less viable a product than Yandex. And they don't want that. They can't afford that. That's the fucking, that's the shop. That's the baby in the bathwater down the fucking toilet. 0:23:10 Unknown_17: All right. Unknown_17: That's it. That's my rant. Unknown_17: That's my rant about Google and this bill. I didn't mean to, ah, whatever. I'm gonna drink some water. 0:24:00 Unknown_04: My point was showing what the other the other search engines show is that competition is important And if you have competition you have to give a shit about being the best and not just being there It's all I gotta say There's something else I missed I think that's it. Unknown_17: Yep. I just want to make sure cuz I know I Unknown_04: Dick said a lot of things that I wanted to reply on. I wanted to make fun of white people, too. Because white people seem like they're entitled to YouTube and Twitter. What does it have to be, then? Why can't you even conceive of making your own? And I was going to go on a big rant about Hell, competition is like a brown people thing. Like, you go to Tijuana, and you see Jose and Pedro have their own taco shops right next to each other, and they're in competition. You go to Chicago, and you see two different African hair salons right next to each other, and that's competition. White people, though, is like, if you give me options, if you take me to the Spicy Aisle in Walmart, and I have to choose between two different brands of mayonnaise, my fucking brain's gonna melt and pour out my fucking ears, because I can't handle diversity of choice. I just need the one. Why can't the government, why can't the FTC step in and make mayo as spicy as I want it to be? 0:24:58 Unknown_04: And just the one brand, don't bother making a government brand of mayonnaise. Unknown_17: I just need the one. Alright. 0:25:45 Unknown_17: Let me start with the less interesting one first. Unknown_04: Scott Ford. Copyrighted eagle porn. Unknown_04: My original work. My name is Scott Ford and I'm a graphic artist operating under the company name of AdusArt with online aliases Adus, Haliadus, MEvent, and MoistEagleEvent. Unknown_04: Kiwifarms.net is infringing on my copyrighted work. 0:26:17 Unknown_04: Forgot to turn off my air conditioner. I bet you guys could hear that. Uh, Kiwi Farms is infringing on my copyrighted work. The online pieces to which I own exclusive copyrights can be found out and then some links to it for affinity. Unknown_04: Uh, you're required to have fur affinity membership and disabled adult filters to even view the above content. Because of this, I've also re- or rendered screenshots of the original images, opened the working files in Photoshop, and annotated them with my unique watermarks as semi-transparent layers. Okay. Similarly, I screenshotted my network folders where the selfies were stored and signed watermarked them as well. If you would like these images as proof that I am the creator, please provide a means to send the images. The anonymous poster mentions that my material is available only to members of the source sites if they copied it anyways. 0:26:50 Unknown_04: In addition to violating copyright law, the post also creates an opportunity for minors to access pornographic material anonymously without an account, something I take extra efforts to avoid. To which I reply, hi Scott, I reviewed the allegedly infringing work and believe it is used fairly. The author of the post is criticizing your art in person in a way that necessarily requires the material he has used to make the point. Without that fair use of alleged work, his post would be just a rant. 0:27:22 Unknown_04: In no way does the use of this work infringe upon any market reserved by the original work. Unknown_04: Where it was originally posted is irrelevant to this complaint, as is the age restrictions you put on it. The KiwiForums is also an adult website. Noted in the footer, this website is for adult audiences. If it is illegal for you to view adult material, leave immediately. 0:28:01 Unknown_04: Um, here's, let me make sure that I can actually show you this before, before I bring it up. Because it may be, it may be some hardcore eagle fucking... Okay, no it's not. Unknown_17: So the interesting thing about this guy is that he lives in Milwaukee. Unknown_04: Shout out to Red Letter Media. He's a doctor. Unknown_04: And he travels across the world, the country, working with wild birds. He works with exotic endangered animals, specifically avians, and he's admitted to molesting a bald eagle, his favorite species. 0:28:49 Unknown_04: So this guy is into bird sex. I can't show you the pictures, but he's into bird sex. And he's also a person responsible for ensuring the survival of America's official bird. Unknown_04: So this is the face of a man who fucks birds. Unknown_04: Though what's funny is that he also quoted this other post. Unknown_04: This post specifically, right here, he cited as copyright infringement. But what it says is, hopefully there's some obscure US law that means people who mess with bald eagles suffer some extensively. Draconian punishment, so he wanted this post violated or deleted for copyright infringement And also, you know like like they fucking do He sent this to my host my good friends at 1776 hosting calm posted sent me sent forwarded me this complaint as they usually do and It was very obvious He could have sent it to me, but he opted not to he opted to send to my host hoping that this would get handled without them ever Disclosing the actual report to me. So Okay, Joseph Kumi up this one was emailed directly to I want to say Do I still have this hold up hold up I'm looking I 0:29:28 Unknown_17: I'm looking for this original email. It may be lost. 0:30:28 Unknown_17: Oh no, there it is. Unknown_04: Okay, he sent it directly to legal at kiwifarms.net. Unknown_04: So Joseph Kumia has some balls and he says I, Joseph Kumia, am the copyright owner of the content below that was taken without proper consent and posted to the Kiwi farms by one of your subscribers directly to various social media accounts containing said intellectual property. I've lifted my copyrighted photos below. Unknown_04: If you don't know, Joseph Kumia is the brother of Anthony Kumia who is 0:31:06 Unknown_04: Anthony of Anthony and Opie. I've never listened to their show, but it was a really big like shock jock thing on XM radio Unknown_04: Joseph cameo was famous with the Opie and Anthony subreddit because he was a massive fucking retard who would bumble into the the Opie and Anthony reddit and just shit all over the place and everybody made fun of him so if you're into Opie and Anthony or you were before they split up and you know who this guy is he has a thread and he's promised that 0:31:40 Unknown_04: In response to me saying that they were a classic example of fair use, replied saying, Hey Josh, sounds like I need to register an account and take full advantage of your tenacious attitude. In reply to copyright law, this will be entertaining. Any relation to Kathy Moon? JC. So I really, I really, really like this because I have no idea who anyone on my dad's side of the family is, but I especially love people who threaten me. It is my favorite thing, because this motherfucker hasn't a fucking clue. You don't know where I've been, Joe. You don't know where I've been. So I'm excited for this. I want to show something. I've not watched this all the way through, but I've been told that it is funny. So I want to watch it. 0:32:21 Unknown_04: I don't know why it's not linked. Fuck off. Oh, he also sent in a bullshit DMCA complaint to fucking Google, like they all fucking do, the fucking cowards. Unknown_17: Fucking cocksuckers. Unknown_17: Alright. Unknown_17: Blah blah blah. This is why he's relatively famous, by the way. If I can find it. 0:33:01 Unknown_17: Who the fuck is it? Unknown_04: Oh, I'm gonna be pissed off if I can't find this. Oh, there it is. Unknown_17: Bam. Unknown_17: How long is this? 10 minutes. Unknown_17: Is this also 10 minutes? Unknown_04: Oh man, that's 20 minutes long. Unknown_04: Is there like a reduced version at the end? Unknown_04: How long is this? 50 minutes! Unknown_17: Fuck off. 0:33:33 Unknown_00: a car carrying violent white supremacists and a myriad of other ridiculous accusations. Unknown_08: This is the plaintiff, Joseph Comia. He says the defendant booked his U2 cover band for an event he was having, and the guy tried to cancel the gig two weeks before the performance date. The defendant thinks he has the right to cancel penalty free, but he's here to show him he can't. Unknown_08: agree and is suing for $2,300, the amount he's due. 0:34:13 Unknown_08: This is the defendant Terrence Nelson. He says, a patron at the bar he was gonna have the YouTube cover band perform at, told him the plaintiff was a humongous racist, and sent him screenshots of despicable things the guy posted on Twitter. Unknown_02: He's far from a chill spot. Unknown_08: He won't endorse or finance a bigot, and he believes he has it out with the contract he signed, so he owes nothing. He's accused of still not finding what he's looking for. 0:34:45 Unknown_08: All parties, please use your right hand. What you are about to witness is real. The participants are not actors. They are actual litigants with a case pending in civil court. Both parties have agreed to drop their claims and have their cases settled here before Judge Marilyn Millian in our forum, the People's Court. Unknown_01: Decide to come to order, please. Unknown_01: All right, Mr. Kumiya, you are suing Mr. Nelson for $2,300 for the balance of a contract to book, is it your band? 0:35:22 Unknown_00: It is my band, yes. Unknown_06: Okay, a U2 cover band. What's the name of your cover band? Unknown_00: Tribute Band, by the name of 2U. Unknown_06: To you. And what do you mean by, what's a tribute band? Unknown_00: A tribute band is a cover band that presents themselves as the original act. Unknown_06: Oh, so they gear up and stuff. Unknown_00: Dress up, it's half acting, half musicianship. Who does Bono? A gentleman by the name of Cello, a friend of mine. Okay, I was going to say, you're not going to cut it. Unknown_06: Alright. No, no, no. Okay, so tell me what happened. Unknown_00: Well, in essence, I received a phone call from Mr. Nelson, an email, requesting that we play at his establishment, Trenton Social. 0:36:03 Unknown_00: What's the name of your establishment? Trenton Social. OK. And after a little bit of back and forth with him via email, we decided that we could do it. Unknown_00: And he was very thankful. I thanked him. We had not too many words back and forth as far as discussing logistics. Do you have a written contract? I do, yes. May I see it? Sure. I think he's on the right. Unknown_00: Like if he, if they sign, if they sign contracts and shit. I think Kumi is on the right. That contract was in force for approximately two months. And, um, when I, uh, the first I heard about there being a problem was, uh, uh, Mr. Nelson had sent me an email and, uh, he told me that the contract wasn't correct. So, uh, he had gotten in touch with me via telephone. And when we spoke, he came clean about it, and he said that he believes that I have some political and social beliefs that would not be acceptable in his venue, and that he feels as though... Political and social beliefs? And social beliefs, yes, that go against what he says. In fact, he had mentioned 0:36:37 Unknown_00: being informed of tweets and Facebook posts that portray me as a, not only a racist, but a misogynist, a homophobe, a pedophile, a... Wait for it when he says that. 0:37:37 Unknown_04: Look at the black guy in the back left. Look at that. Unknown_00: a misogynist, a homophobe, a pedophile, a card-carrying violent white supremacist, and a myriad of other ridiculous accusations. Unknown_00: I have the source Unknown_00: He's still gaping. I did a bit of investigating and I came up with the source of those accusations. And it's an ongoing problem that I've had pertaining to online bullying and terrorist tactics to do nothing more than defame me, make my brand unemployed. 0:38:20 Unknown_06: Yeah, but were the comments from you that he was concerned about or were the comments from someone else that he was concerned about? Unknown_00: They come from somewhere else. They're pure fabrication. Unknown_06: Okay, what happened? Unknown_09: I was sent messages from people that were not only guests of my venue, but also friends and whatever. I was unaware of his affiliation with his brother, who's a radio personality, so he was somewhat... Who's the brother? Anthony Cumia from the Opie and Anthony show. Unknown_07: Wow, who made the racist comments? The testimony continues. Unknown_03: I wanna know. I don't want him at your club if he said that. 0:38:59 Unknown_06: I don't want him at your club if there's somebody who says he said that. Unknown_04: Oh, Jesus. Unknown_04: Oh. Unknown_04: Disturbing content. I gotta throw up a sugar warning for that shit. Unknown_04: Oh, look, it's archive.iv. Put him down. Oh, no, wait. I have to read it. Unknown_04: Put him down like a rabid animal I'd call him a nigger without being insulted niggers everywhere I can't believe they aired this on TV This is from fucking television and they threw this up without a censor bar Daniel Boone was a man Was a big man, but the bear was bigger So he ran up like a nigger up a tree up a tree racist song lyrics Sunday 0:39:51 Unknown_04: Idea, if you're black and convicted, uh, convicted oif being an animal, no jail time straight to the jungles of Africa. Hashtag solution. Unknown_04: I hate this goat yodeling cunt and I don't even know her. Nice work Obama. Widening the racial and religious divide. And it's a woman in a hijab down there. Unknown_04: I could see how a faggot like you would think bathing in semen is more desirable than making money playing guitar. Hashtag, you're a bakaki boy. 0:40:33 Unknown_04: Apparently the nigger defied description. Unknown_04: P.S. Any race who would smash a 65 year old man's head into a pavement is a nigger, but. Unknown_04: History lesson, Pearl Harbor equals Japs, 9-11 equals sand niggers, towel heads, etc. Unknown_04: Anth attack equals nigger, human nature fuckers, no apologies for reacting. I don't know what anth attack is. Unknown_04: All those wasted years of etiquette, charm, and poised lessons at the fag academy for this abuse. I'm crushed. Hashtag biker. 0:41:10 Unknown_04: Uh, Anthony Cumia tweeted, no surprise here, dumb old broad, what the fuck did she think she could do with this thug? And he replies to his brother, less intelligent than an ape, monkey-like thought processes, no regard for life, kill it now before it grows up. It is in quotes by the way, I think he's implying black people. Uh, hashtag lethal injection. 0:41:45 Unknown_04: More of the same subhuman, non-reasoning, primitive, ape-like behavior by a bunch of beasts. Unknown_04: I think he's sort of getting banned at this point and he calmed down. Unknown_04: Oh, we put two in that subhuman's head up close and without blinking. We put nagged dogs down. That's what's needed. Hashtag no rehab. Unknown_17: Back to the show, he says. Unknown_07: The plaintiff has a U2 tribute band, and the defendant cancelled the gig two weeks before. The defendant says he found out the plaintiff was a racist. But the plaintiff says he never said the statements, and somebody's setting him up. Let's listen. 0:42:21 Unknown_00: Oh, he didn't say those archives that easily? Yeah, in 2014. Unknown_06: And he was dismissed from the show for what reasons? Unknown_00: There was an issue with management. on Sirius XM satellite radio. Unknown_00: He was in, if you'd like I can go through the story. Unknown_06: No, I just kind of like, what did, let's try it this way. Unknown_00: He was dismissed for angrily tweeting. Unknown_00: involving a confrontation that he had with a woman in Manhattan. Management said more than that. 0:42:58 Unknown_06: I remember this. Management said that it was racist and misogynistic and blah, blah, blah. All the things you said except for pedophile. Unknown_00: Racist, misogynist, and chauvinist. Unknown_06: That gentleman is your brother. Unknown_00: That is correct. Unknown_06: He's my younger brother. Unknown_09: messages. Unknown_06: Messages from who are these people? Unknown_09: Some are guests of my place, some are friends, some are acquaintances, some are people... And they tell you what? Unknown_06: That he's... They don't tell me anything, they send me links to screen grabs of things that Joe Cumia has said. Okay, but that he has said, not that his brother has said. 0:43:35 Unknown_09: I wouldn't judge a man by something his brother said, I would judge a man by something that he said. Unknown_06: So what are the screenshots they sent you? I have them here. By the way, when are you getting this in relation to the date? The date is going to be on St. Patrick's Day. Unknown_09: It had already passed. It was just several weeks ago. Unknown_06: No, I meant when do you get contacted by a bunch of people telling you... It was at the beginning of March, like the first and second. So it was within the two-week cancellation period. Unknown_09: prior to the two-week cancellation period. 0:44:10 Unknown_06: So when you get these, you decide I don't want them in my club? Unknown_09: I decide I don't want them in my club. Let me look at this contract more closely and see if there's anything... Right, but why didn't you just cancel the way the contract says? Unknown_06: Because the contract says that you have to... Did you cancel the way the contract says, which is notice must be in writing received through the U.S. Postal Service? Unknown_09: I thought I owed the man a conversation as opposed to just sending something in the mail. Unknown_09: I thought our rapport... You should do both, but anyway, go ahead. I thought our rapport over the phone was good. You know, I liked him when we first spoke, and musically, I think that their band is great, but... Tell me what comments were brought to your attention. 0:44:44 Unknown_06: Comments of his or comments of his brother? You say no. Comments of Joe Cummings. So show me the comments that were brought to your attention. Were they in writing? Unknown_09: There are screen grabs. Unknown_09: May I interject for one moment? Unknown_00: Can you object? Unknown_06: Yes. Unknown_00: No interject. I'd like to interject for one moment. Not usually, but go ahead. I have a thought fresh in my head. Unknown_06: Well, that's what we have pens for. Unknown_00: Screen grabs are Unknown_00: First of all, easily manipulated. Second of all, taken out of context often. And I can answer for each and every one of those. And I can tell you which ones have been taken out of context and which ones are genuine screen grabs and are not. 0:45:23 Unknown_06: Attention all Caucasians, if I die while being arrested because I acted like an animal, white people, please don't riot and loot on my account. What was this in reference to? Do you know the context of this? Not that there's a good one, I'm just trying to understand what it was. Unknown_09: I don't know the context of it. Unknown_06: Do you know? Unknown_09: No, I never wrote that. Unknown_06: Oh, it fucking... It looped. Unknown_00: It looped. 0:46:20 Unknown_05: This is preposterous. I need the second part. Unknown_00: There we go. Oh, I never wrote that. Unknown_06: Damn, that boy was the size of a shaved silverback ape. And if you squint a little. Unknown_06: And this is purportedly, this is a picture of you. And this is coming from your what? Unknown_00: Twitter. Unknown_06: Twitter. Unknown_00: No, it's coming from a hosting site called Imgur. Imgur is a hosting site wherein anyone can post pretty much anything. 0:46:53 Unknown_06: How do you know it's coming from Imgur? Unknown_00: I can show you who did it. I can show you the person, the very person that went to Terrence and told him Unknown_00: In no uncertain terms, I'm going to get Joe Cumia cancelled and Joe Cumia and his band cancelled on St. Patrick's Day proudly. This and these are our live links right now. I can actually I can actually show you and I have the I have the right now. 0:47:25 Unknown_06: So he's one of the many people, according to him, who reached out to him. But now tell me tell me this. How can you show me that that person Unknown_06: put it on Imgur. You can't do that. Other than the fact that he was proud to have reported it. Unknown_00: There's an online community of people. I didn't want to bring up Reddit. I really didn't want to bring it up. They've done nothing but give me a problem. It started about a year ago. Unknown_06: You know what? Don't even. I'm sorry. Don't worry about it. So now I'm reading these comments and you're reading these comments and they're abysmal. So what do you decide you're going to do? 0:48:00 Unknown_00: As you know, if you know anything about my brother's old show, they used to gang up on other radio shows. They did some pretty abysmal things. I mean, they did things that were entertaining while on the air. That's what got them their ratings. That's what made Anthony as famous as they were. I will fly back to the U.S. Harvey Levin here to meet him in people's car the judge and you have to make a snap decision Somebody made racist comments that a band you hired outside the club and then two weeks later. 0:48:36 Unknown_07: They're about to perform Can you say to them contracts over? I don't want you in I would say yes, you can say contracts over because it's that bad Yes, are you great? I agree Even though there's no contract that says anything about it. I agree. I do the same thing Okay, but can you do it and not get sued for the performance fee that the person has? Unknown_06: I would hope that they wouldn't let them play, but... What do you think? Unknown_07: It's America. You're allowed to say horrible things. Think about it. Think about it. She disagrees. Oh, never let women vote. Oh, jeez. 0:49:09 Unknown_09: I can't have him as a welcome guest. I don't blame you, but now here's the thing. Unknown_06: There's a contract that says how this is supposed to go down, and you don't follow within the contract. I don't want him at your club. Unknown_02: She's getting technical. Unknown_06: I don't want him at your club if there's somebody who says he said that. The whole thing's too controversial, right? But then it's so simple. Why don't you just do what it is that it says there? Now, without a doubt, you were informed by him before the two weeks. You were actually informed by him on the phone. You don't deny that. You were informed by him. We're canceling you, correct? 0:49:41 Unknown_09: That's correct. And I contacted him in writing the day before just so that it was before that two-week window. Unknown_00: By email. By email. He also told me that he was going to show up and have a conversation with me face-to-face so he could get to know me and we could sit down and talk like human beings and he can make his determination then whether or not I seem like a racist, misogynist, pedophile. Stop calling yourself a pedophile, dude. Unknown_04: He looks like, the black guy looks like Marvin from Pulp Fiction. The guy who gets his brains blown out in the back of the car. But Marvin back there is just... He's in a different world, man. He doesn't know what to think. A violent guy. 0:50:15 Unknown_00: That's really what it comes down to. Unknown_00: Instead, he took the word. Unknown_06: Why would this guy have something against you to make up that you said these things so similar to the things your brother said? Unknown_00: It's not just one guy, if you'd be kind enough to take a look. It's an online community of people that used to be known as pests. Opie and Anthony Pests. As you know, if you know anything about my brother's old show, they used to gang up on other radio shows. They did they did some pretty abysmal things. I mean, they did things that were entertaining while on the air. That's what got them their ratings. That's what got Anthony, made Anthony as famous and Inopia as famous as they were. But these people are still around. They still hang around. They're basically online terrorists. They want to have anything to do with affecting my life and my brother's life. Who are these people? Is he specifically referring to the... Yes, that's why. That is why. It's a little bit far-fetched. 0:51:22 Unknown_06: You end up sending an email when? Unknown_09: On March 2nd, the day that I called him. Prior to the two-week period. Unknown_06: I am going to assume, for the purposes of our discussion, that he said every single last thing. Unknown_06: And then I'm going to analyze it. 0:51:54 Unknown_02: But it doesn't matter. So the question that I have and that I have to analyze here is, is it sufficient when a contract specifically calls for cancellation through the U.S. Unknown_06: mail to turn around and cancel in a different way? Unknown_06: OK. You know, all you have to do is have postmarked something, you know, and I would always send it certified return receipt requested or just something so that you have a picture of the post. Unknown_02: Is she going to side with him? Unknown_06: But you don't. 0:52:25 Unknown_06: And the question that I have to answer is, is that sufficient? Unknown_06: Is your email, does your email do it or does the law require the way the contract says? Unknown_06: And I, you know, I looked at this research before coming up here, because I got to tell you, I think, you know, if you're concerned that he's making these horribly racist comments, you should cancel them. But that's not the question that I have. Did you know, were you right in doing it? Being a racist is not a reason for cancellation of a contract. Racists can enter 0:53:01 Unknown_06: if you did say it. Racists can't enter contracts. Racists can't enter contracts? You're still legally binding. And that's one of the beautiful things about this place. That's what makes us different than other nations, is that you have the privilege of being as racist as you want, and you're not going to go to jail for it. You have the freedom of speech. Unknown_01: You can be a complete jerk if you want to be. You have the freedom to never have anything to do with you. Unknown_06: So you have to do the things according to the way the contract says. I think that if you're getting grief as a club owner from people about something like this, you absolutely did the right thing. I just wish you'd done it the right way. You understand what I'm saying? 0:53:32 Unknown_02: Damn. That's unexpected. Unknown_06: I hope you're not lying under oath today. You know what, I just hope that you're not lying under oath today, because then I could feel better about what I'm about to do. Because if you are lying under oath and I'm still doing this, I still know that it's the right thing, it's still the thing I have to do, but it'll leave a sour taste in my mouth. My verdict is for the plaintiff and the amount of the remainder of the contract, $2,300. That's shocking. 0:54:09 Unknown_01: Well, the judge's hands were tied by the law, so she fines for the plate if he gets the $2,300 back. You know what's a shame? The cost of a postage stamp could have saved you $2,300. Unknown_09: I haven't bought stamps since online banking started, so, you know. Unknown_01: I know, but I mean, that's the case you face here. Simply, a postage stamp could have done it. Unknown_09: Yeah. Unknown_01: I think you've learned a valuable lesson. Unknown_09: Sure. Unknown_01: We'll cut it there. 0:54:42 Unknown_04: That is funny. Unknown_04: I'm actually shocked the public television person ran with that. Unknown_17: That was unexpected. Unknown_17: All right. Unknown_17: Yeah, he's rubbing it in. He's just standing there making fun of him. Unknown_04: Joe posted pictures of the judges' tits on social media. Unknown_04: I'm nervous now. I don't want to scroll. Unknown_04: Would totally I would fly back to the u.s. 0:55:13 Unknown_17: To see this guy and the people's court thing Is that me I don't think so Okay, I was gonna talk about this as well, I'm gonna get a get some get some water somebody angry shoes What did I miss in this? Unknown_17: Oh Unknown_17: Oh yeah, he censored it. Unknown_04: That's funny. Unknown_04: Apparently she went to a beach and paparazzi took topless photos of her. That's mean. Unknown_17: See, the Kiwi Farms doesn't do anything as bad as what paparazzi does. They stay in business. 0:56:06 Unknown_17: Oh, the pedo stuff. Unknown_04: I can't remember what it was, I didn't care enough to look into it. He said something on Twitter that pissed everybody off. Unknown_17: I don't see anything in this OP though. So whatever it is, I don't know. 0:56:41 Unknown_17: I think it's something he said on Reddit. Unknown_17: The pedo stuff was completely fabricated. Oh, okay. Unknown_17: Yeah, I don't know. Unknown_04: About him drinking child spit? That's nasty. Unknown_04: He replied to my email, by the way. Let's see if I can find it. Unknown_04: Oh, I'll read you this. Now your true colors are apparent. I thought you might have been a non-partisan businessman with a belief in freedom of expression with no agenda other than your convictions. I guess I was mistaken. So you have a vested interest in protecting the rights of libelous cunts on Reddit. Oh yeah, it's been fun so far. Why not encourage me to take you to the next level? See you, Moony. See you, Soony. Or so long Loony, see you soony, which is quite nice. I can see why he's a He's in a cover band now because he's a It's a lyrical genius So, okay, so let me I'm not gonna read this but let me cover the brave thing because I want to I want to throw it out there Because I ranted about it when it happened, but I didn't understand it like it was such a 0:58:01 Unknown_04: I'm still frustrated by the way that he chose to dole out information to me. I think he was apprehensive of me at first. But after talking to people from Rave, I figured it out. The publishing ban is complete. It's not just like, you can only send, like you can't send grants or whatever. It is complete. You can't send any tips, and I don't know, like you can technically send tips through the publisher, says someone brave to the Kiwi Farms right now, but you can't Unknown_04: I won't get it. So I don't know why it even allows it. Like that's definitely a bug with the system. I don't know if it gets bounced back to you or what. I didn't get a good answer on that. 0:58:36 Unknown_04: But in general right now, you can't send money through Brave to the site with your grant money. Unknown_04: Brave intends to decouple money you get from the Brave Foundation and from AdGrant so that you can send AdGrant money to whoever you want. But as it stands right now, you can't send it to me. And the reason why Unknown_04: He said that the site encouraged violence. I don't know how it did that. And he refuses to, or they refuse to explain how it encouraged violence. I don't know if it's the Christchurch thing or what. 0:59:09 Unknown_04: So that's frustrating, and it's a baffling policy to not back up what you're saying. I don't understand it at all. Unknown_04: But that is the given reason. But I think the real reason has to do with banks. And if you're enabling money to be sent to the site, you run the risk of getting removed from a bank. And I get the feeling that what actually happened was that the banking system got threatened, and that's why he was forced to take me off. 0:59:49 Unknown_04: But I can't know for sure. What I have been told and what I figured out is that the kiwifarms.net.tw and .is domains are banned. But I as a person am not banned. So, for instance, if you go to manattheinternet.com Unknown_04: That site is a brave publisher and if you want to use the tip to send grants to madattheinternet.com for these quality live streams you can absolutely do so because it's not banned and I've made sure that that's 1:00:28 Unknown_04: Not not a workaround that's gonna get stomped out. I as a person am still not banned From the publishing system. It's just the the domain we don't Something like that So that's the case with that If you choose to do that, so but yeah, the site itself has been because it prohibits That's interesting what the fuck is that Unknown_04: click a button on Firefox and it makes it into like an article? Unknown_04: What? 1:01:01 Unknown_04: When did they add this? What the fuck is this? Unknown_17: Where did this come from? Unknown_17: Whatever. Unknown_04: But yeah, that's it. I did get paid out by Brave, so that $5,000 hasn't disappeared. Well, it's gone now. I've used it to pay shit off and continue existing for more months. Unknown_17: For right now, that's the situation Don't need to mean you want to refund no refunds What's this Okay, let's play this let's suffer this together You know, they say a lot of things About people You know I can't eat this, I can't eat that. 1:01:55 Unknown_10: But you know what I just want to eat? I just want to eat some food, man. Unknown_10: But no, they say the kind of person can't eat this kind of food. But you know what I say to them? Unknown_10: I say, well, I'm going to eat it. I'm going to eat it real good. Unknown_10: And these people who say I can't eat Unknown_10: I get angry at them. 1:02:28 Unknown_10: I get real angry You don't want to get my way when I'm angry Because then I don't see you as a person. I see you as food and it just makes me even more hungrier and I get yummy And I get hungry Unknown_10: I'm gonna pull out the barbecue sauce. Unknown_10: I'm gonna whip it on you. Spray it on you. Like you're a bucket. Who's about to get spray painted because I'm spray painting you with victory meat. Unknown_10: Victory meat sauce. Unknown_10: And victory taste. Unknown_10: Because I can smell your taste and I can hear it too. 1:03:07 Unknown_10: And boy, I am seeing a tasteful feast before my eyes. Unknown_10: And it's a beautiful sound. Unknown_10: Beautiful sound that will dance on my tongue and make my taste buds breed for generations that will tell of this feast of your flesh for centuries and for several millennia to come. Unknown_10: So be warned, don't tell me what to eat, because I'm going to eat you. Unknown_10: And you're going to be tasty, whether you're thick, thin, or anything in between. 1:03:47 Unknown_10: Except seafood. If you live on the coast, you can piss off, because I won't eat you. You're salty. You smell like fish, and you look like one, too. Unknown_17: Okay, so this was posted on CBS Dallas Fort Worth. Unknown_04: Would anybody like to guess why this was posted on CBS Dallas Fort Worth? Unknown_04: If you guessed that he is the shooter of the Federal Building, you win. This is the same guy. He was a hungry boy, so he came down to the Federal Building in Dallas and was like, I'm gonna get me some meat steak from the Federal Building. Unfortunately for him, all the delicious meat steak In the federal building was well protected by armed guards who shot him before he could kill or hurt anybody so He's eating steak in heaven. No, he's obviously trying to look trying to be crazier I think he's acting it up because you can see the fear in his eyes in this picture like he He's realized he's made a grave mistake and is about to die but the day before he was a little bit a little bit more confident in himself 1:05:07 Unknown_04: Do you guys think he's, do you guys think he's crazy or do you guys think he was trying to be like a joker? Was trying to be like a joker man. Unknown_04: It wasn't him? Unknown_17: Pretty sure it's him. That's what I was told. Unknown_04: Social media post by the man officials say opened fire at Earl Cable Federal Building in downtown Dallas. Gives insight into the alleged shooter's state of mind. Unknown_04: I was right. Unknown_17: Trying to be like the Joker man? Exactly. Unknown_17: He's gay? 1:05:41 Unknown_17: Probably. 50-50. Would you live in a society? Unknown_04: Stable? Unknown_04: I don't know. He's probably just low IQ. Because if you're gonna try to, if you're gonna write something silly before you go shoot up a building, you'd probably do a better job. Unknown_04: Speaking of shooters, Unknown_04: Man who shared New Zealand mosque shooting video online jailed for 21 months. A New Zealand man has been jailed for almost two years for sharing a video of the Christchurch mosque shooting that killed 51 people. Philip Neville Arps, 44, was sentenced in the Christchurch District Court on Tuesday for 21 months in prison after pleading guilty to two charges of distributing objectionable material. His lawyer, Ansem Williams, confirmed to CNN. 1:06:17 Unknown_17: So remember lads Don't share things that are offensive Who gets bland for the shooting Probably 8chan 8chan got hit with a warrant after that synagogue shooting Unknown_17: Hopefully they don't kill him in jail. They probably will. 1:06:58 Unknown_04: Stop talking bad about New Zealand. I can't help it. I told them- I told them they were looking like fools, and now they look like fools. Unknown_04: What else I got? Unknown_17: I got a lot of stuff. A lot of stuff that's just weird. Unknown_17: Oh. Unknown_17: Where's the actual picture at? Unknown_17: Come on, Chapo trap- trap house. Unknown_17: Where's the picture? 1:07:32 Unknown_17: Here it is. Unknown_17: I can't read this all out because I was just warned by the DLife staff not to say mean things. Unknown_04: But this got posted in the Chapo trap house. Unknown_04: The aftermath of being punched in the face by fellow Americans that obviously missed history class and got mad about my flags. But then, uh, you check the comments out for this. Unknown_04: And it's like every single comment in reply to this has been removed by a moderator. This is a while ago, but I noticed this today, so I'm sharing it today. Look at this. Why did they delete literally every comment? 1:08:06 Unknown_17: I don't know. Unknown_04: I just thought that funny. Speaking of Reddit. Unknown_04: I'm putting my extremely profoundly disabled seven-year-old into a residential facility so I can forget he exists. I'm not sorry. I can't tell anyone this, even my therapist. Lambast me if you want. Maybe I deserve it. I only ask that you would do, in my situation, not what you think people should do, what you would really do. I'm a single mom of two boys, 12 and 7. My husband passed away three years ago in a work-related accident. A very large portion of me believed it was a suicide. I can't see him ever making the mistake he made that caused his death, and he had taken an action just before that which would ensure that no co-workers were in his room. I fully believed he killed himself because of our younger son, and no one will ever change my mind." 1:08:43 Unknown_04: When we were told I was pregnant, when I was pregnant that he would have Down syndrome, I thought we could handle that, even if it was severe. 1:09:16 Unknown_04: But it turned out he had chromosome deletion. His disorder is kind of rare, so I won't post specific, which specific one, but suffice to say, he will never be anything more than he is now or has ever been. And what he is, is nothing. Unknown_04: He doesn't appear to have any awareness and never has. His eyes are locked in one position. He doesn't respond to noise, touch, or pain. He is total care. He is capable of nothing. He is tube fed and on oxygen. He's in diapers and will be forever. He makes no sounds, no attempts to communicate, has never really cried as a baby. He has never made an attempt to interact with anyone or his environment. I'm not upset because I got a special needs or imperfect child. I feel this way because this thing It takes up 200% of my time and does nothing. I didn't get an imperfect child. I didn't get a child. I do not love him. He doesn't have any personality and there is nothing to love. And yet I am responsible for him. In addition to his extreme delays, he's also medically fragile. 1:09:50 Unknown_04: Respiratory crises, fecal impactations, his atomic nervous system doesn't function properly, issues with his G-tube, infections, pressure sores that no matter what we put on him or how we position him. Our older son has suffered because of his non-existent brothers and has colored everything in his life. He's had medical care get delayed because there's only one of me and his brother is more critical. We do have a visiting home nurse but only 20 hours a week and we aren't eligible for more. I was starting law school, but I gave up my dreams and my plan for my children for this potato. My older son can't do a lot of things he wants to do because of the younger's need for care and appointments. The final straw was I heard a sound. I went into my younger son's room to check, thinking he had forgotten how to breathe again. and saw older son hitting him and screaming, you're why I don't have a mother, you're why I don't have a father, you're why I can't have friends over, you're why I can't be in sports. I didn't ask for you and I hope you die. 1:11:13 Unknown_04: Instead of being horrified, I watched, and younger son just did not react. No signs of pain or fear or upset, no reaction at all. He breathes, but he is not alive. He doesn't know who I am. He doesn't know who older son is. He has no sense of self, life experience, or awareness of his surroundings. He doesn't need to be in my home. He doesn't know or care where he is. He is genetically my son, but he is not family. My previously abused, brain-damaged cat who can't walk straight has more personality and is far more lovable than my child. In fact, I was looking forward to raising a Downs baby, even one with severe impairments for that reason. With disability can come gifts. This boy is not a gift, he's a genetic mistake that I probably should have miscarried, and definitely would have terminated if I had known he would be like this. And the flip side is, if he has awareness, he's miserable, and there's nothing I can do. If he likes or dislikes, I don't know what they are. If he is in pain, he can't tell anyone. If he wants anything, he can't communicate. He's had every imaginable therapy, but nothing makes a difference. And so I'm leaving our home, or he's leaving our home on the 29th. 1:12:26 Unknown_04: I feel excited and relieved, then guilty, because I'll know we'll be happier with him gone. He's already taken my husband and my son's father. He was working so much overtime to pay for the cucumber's care, for the experimental therapies insurance won't cover, because this one was going to be the breakthrough. He was tired and defeated and disappointed. He sought counseling as well, but I don't think he could ever say the words, I don't want my son in my home either. He's ruined my older son. I was so wrapped up in the younger, I never realized how ignored and damaged he was. He and his father too. I didn't just lose my husband. He is my priority now. 1:13:02 Unknown_04: And this malignant lump can be someone else's problem. Unknown_04: At least they'll be paid a wage to take care of him. At least they'll get a break from him when they punch out. I just want to never think of him again, and I'm not sorry. And for that, I'm sorry. Thanks for reading. Unknown_04: Oh, I like this because they locked the post, but the moderator called this woman a liar and made fun of her. And for the next four paragraphs, she's like making fun of him and saying, I'll dox myself. I'll post my government ID. I'll show my husband's death certificate. I'll show you the news articles about the freak industrial accident that ended his life. I'll show you everything you want to fucking know. 1:13:36 Unknown_04: And then this guy is just like, hey, I made a major mistake. I thought I knew more than I did, and I'm sorry for whatever additional stress I've caused you. Unknown_04: Sorry, I hope things go better for you Ronhout. And he's got like negative 2,000 points and shit because he went on fucking he went on Google and typed in Down syndrome chromosome deletion and didn't find any results because it's two different disorders but he ridiculed this fucking suffering woman and like locked her post for being bullshit. 1:14:23 Unknown_17: Yeah, Janny. Unknown_04: I need a good Janny song. Unknown_05: Come on, give me a Janny song. Unknown_04: Janny bands. Can I get that? Unknown_04: Come on, I need a Janny song! I'm pissed. I'm not giving this one up. I'm pursuing this, I don't care if it takes me ten fucking minutes. Unknown_04: I'm finding it. Unknown_17: I don't know how to spell six nine, there we go. 1:14:56 Unknown_17: Janny. Unknown_17: Did they delete all these parody songs off their platform? Unknown_17: I'm so mad. Unknown_17: One of you must know the name of a song. Unknown_05: Look at this, I don't want kids, I want Janny's. Unknown_17: Jani doesn't know. 1:15:31 Unknown_17: They must- Why am I getting like all these weird fucking kids? Unknown_04: I want Jani's. Unknown_04: No, I'm finding this fucking song. The stream is ending here if I can't find- Who the fuck is this kid? Who the fuck is you? Get the fuck off my screen, lady. I don't want you to- I don't want you. I want Jani. Unknown_05: No, I'm not stopping. Unknown_17: Oh, wait, it's in chat. I see it. I see links. Unknown_17: This better be it. This better be what I'm looking for. 1:16:05 Unknown_17: No, this isn't it. It's a specific song. It's like a 6ix9ine parody. Unknown_04: Come on. Unknown_04: No, this isn't it either. Fuck you. Unknown_04: I don't have autoplay. Unknown_17: Give me a Gianni song. Unknown_17: Gianni, that's not it. Unknown_17: No. 1:16:38 Unknown_17: All right, Moritsune, I trust this person. Unknown_04: No, this is... You lied to me. Why are you doing this? Look, four different people have sent me the fucking Rick Astley link! This is... Stop it! Unknown_17: I am so mad. Yeah! Here we go. It was worth it People 1:17:51 Unknown_16: Oh, enable stickers? Unknown_16: Okay, I'll enable stickers. Unknown_04: I'm gonna get a drink. I'm gonna get a drink. You guys enjoy. 1, 2, 3 and to the 4, bands on my ear till I dodge em with my phone. 1:18:28 Unknown_15: Whether to make an entrance or back on up, guess you know I'm about to rip shit up. Give me the microphone first so I can flux like a bubble. Kappa with Dr. Dre together, now you know you're in trouble. Ain't nothing but a G-Tank baby, dabbing on Jenny's all day lately. What's the next step of my master plan? It's simple. I'll make a shitpost with my nigga Pepe, making the great toast. He does it for free, still living with his mother. Big ball of blubber when he watching your thunder. 1:19:02 Unknown_16: All right. Unknown_04: All right. No more stickers. We have to move on now. Our intermission with Lil' Chapo is over. All right. Sorry about your potato, kid, but this Janny can suck a dick. Unknown_04: All right, let me read this. Unknown_17: This is on something awful if you can't tell. Unknown_04: So backstory, I met the Saurus on the Kiwi farms, formerly the Quickie Farms in 2012. 1:19:43 Unknown_04: I married him partly to escape my toxic family, toxic, toxic family in a rural area and partly because I was genuinely quite taken with him. Some of you might remember the Saris as a racist political extremist who would leave pizza boxes out overnight and then finish the pie in the morning. Fast forward seven years later, it turns out Saris suffered from latent schizophrenia. Unknown_04: And his psychosis was triggered by abusing massive amounts of DXM, which is cough medicine apparently. Unknown_04: Last year he went insane due to using DXM plus heroin plus marijuana and came to the conclusion that he was the messiah chosen by God to lead a communist revolution in America. 1:20:29 Unknown_04: After writing up a manifesto and giving it to his boss's daughter, he was fired and later investigated by the FBI on suspicion of being a terrorist. Sadly, his drug abuse got worse in the last few months. Last week, he tripped so hard on DXM that he kept claiming that God was communicating with him via light bulbs and fortune cookies. After he repeatedly barricaded me in our bedroom and began destroying things in our apartment, I had no choice but to call 911. They forced open the door and arrested him on charges of false imprisonment and criminal mischief. While in hospital, he spat on a cop's face and was charged with aggravated assault. He will likely be deported if you remember us asking anything. 1:21:14 Unknown_04: This was an original post from 2006. Unknown_04: So since AI is now probating people for any wrong thing, I figured I might as well go out and post whatever I want. Can I just say I am fucking overjoyed that as a result of- no, his account was from 2006- that as a result of Trump's presidency, the lesser races, i.e. Muslims, fellow Americans, fellow Americans, etc., are going to be fucking dying and suffer on a vast scale. His refusal to take action on climate change alone will cause their regions and continents to become deserts. As food and resources become scarce, they will turn on one another, helping to increase the rate of extermination. Any refugees who try to escape to Europe will turn the people's hearts there harder and sooner, or later they will be using machine guns to deal with the problem of fellow Americans. While with bombing in the Middle East at the same time, it won't be too long before this race, a mad beast, is destroyed as it clearly needs to for the world to live in any kind of peace. 1:21:47 Unknown_04: In America, those attempting to leave the parasite nation of Mexico, poo-skinned subhuman fellow Americans like Baby Polus and Vincent Fox who have known their whole lives stealing and leeching The USA through reparations and illegal immigration will meet a great wall, trapping them in the hell they have created for themselves. Meanwhile, climate change is projected to impact North America and Europe far less. 1:22:32 Unknown_04: The best part is there's nothing anyone on this forum can do about it the die is already cast I guess you already knew that which is why you're desperately Cloister yourselves in a safe space instead of going out into the real world and punching Nazis I'm off to wear my MAGA hat and sing the new chant. I came up with with my local identarian group He was banned three times for this post by the look of things Mary 1:23:16 Unknown_04: So I know who these people are, I'm pretty sure. In 2012, before I started hosting the Quickie forums, there were two people called Osphos and Blueberry Ragamuffin, who were like an item. And I think there's talk about how this woman is a sex worker or something. Unknown_04: And BlueberryRagamuffin did cam shows. So I'm pretty sure this is Blueberry and those folks. I can't imagine. I'm not singing the song. I can't sing. 1:23:51 Unknown_04: I can't. Unknown_04: I disavow racism. Unknown_17: Of course. Unknown_17: Josh wants an item. Unknown_17: Why is that dated 2006? I think that's the account I think yeah, see something awful is stupid the date of the account is in the left-hand side, but the Post date is on the bottom left-hand side June 8th 18th. Unknown_04: This one doesn't show the bottom bottom left so I can't tell when it was posted Jew fingers hey now 1:24:34 Unknown_17: I think that's it. Unknown_17: I think that's it. Is that it? Unknown_17: I have emails. Unknown_17: Oh, we cannot have racial... I got an email. Unknown_04: Cannot have racial slurs on DLive, even if your stream is X-tagged. Oh, geez. Unknown_04: It's because the banks, the banks will get you. The banks will eat you alive. 1:25:07 Unknown_04: Oh, okay, here's one thing we can, can I do a vote? Can I do a poll? Does this have like stream me polls? Okay, here's what we'll do. I'm going to enable stickers. Unknown_04: but I'm also going to drop the slow-mo down to 60 seconds. I'm gonna give you guys time to accommodate this. Here's what we're gonna do, okay? If you want... Unknown_04: If you want me to talk about Ralph... Actually, no, we don't need stickers for this. I'll just do the slow-mo. If you want me to talk about Ralph, press 1. If you don't, press 2. Vote now. 1 or 2, I say. I'm gonna be looking. 1:25:46 Unknown_04: I'm gonna be looking. Unknown_04: I see a 3. We have one 3 so far. Unknown_17: Oh, God. Oh. Unknown_17: Hey Yeah, no, it worked. Unknown_04: Okay, Jesus Christ How many people are watching this because we're on 60 second slow mode and I still see a lot of fucking messages Whatever All right, I guess I have to um I 1:26:30 Unknown_17: Let's see. Unknown_04: I think I have these on my computer somewhere. Unknown_04: I've not actually seen this, so we'll watch it together, as is tradition. Unknown_04: Let me open an NPC player so I can... So I can actually... Where is it? Unknown_17: Oh, there we go. Unknown_17: How long is this? 35 minutes? ! 1:27:03 Unknown_04: So what do you want to do going forward with this because me and Gator can keep the lights on for pretty much as long as you need buddy. Unknown_04: Yeah, I haven't decided. Unknown_04: Okay, tell me if you see if he sounds drunk cuz I know he denied being drunk when he was streaming Tell me if you guys think he's intoxicated in the stream Here's fuck off 1:27:38 Unknown_12: I haven't decided that. I completely get it, dude. So if you need to- if you need to take a break, me and Gator are, like, more than willing to, like, hold down the fork. Uh, I just naturally don't like, um, you know, taking too much time off and- Well, don't- don't take, like- don't take, like, a month off. Just, like, take- just- if you need to take a couple of weeks, get, you know- Oh, yeah! Unknown_13: I mean, I- I- fully realized that you guys would support me in whatever decision I may eventually make. Unknown_12: Anything that you need, dude, just let us know and we'll make, like I said, we'll just make sure that the lights are on afterwards. I'm just, you know, whatever you need, dude. All right? 1:28:15 Unknown_13: I think the Zidane thing was manufactured... Dude, it's... Let me speak, let me speak, let me speak with all due respect. Unknown_12: Like I said, dude, just let me and Gator know if you need to take some time off, take a break. Well, like I said, we wanna keep the show going and we'll make sure that the audience doesn't... Yeah, man, I understand that. Unknown_13: I don't know that I'm gonna be taking a break, though. Okay. But we'll see if I feel... I know, it's just, like I said, we don't want the... Like I said, if you need to, dude. 1:28:49 Unknown_12: That's all we're trying to do. Unknown_13: Yeah, yeah, I understand. Are you trying to intervention me on air, Flamenco? Unknown_12: No, I'm not. R-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r- 1:29:22 Unknown_12: Alright guys, we'll catch you next time that we come on. Signing off for us. Unknown_05: You already see it. The top left. I'm gonna zoom in. Hold on. 1:30:03 Unknown_17: Yeah. There we go. Put it up on the... Yeah! Unknown_04: Yeah! There it is! It's on the background. Zoom enhance. Unknown_04: I can make out that silhouette. Unknown_17: Moonie, see you soonie. 1:30:45 Unknown_17: What went wrong, chat? Unknown_17: They were literally making thousands a month and even a shout out from PewDiePie, how did they mess up so easy? Unknown_17: Ralph went wrong, enroll live streaming, enroll live streaming. That's I think that's a thing I don't know why people do that to themselves like somebody sent me a clip like last week of um 1:31:17 Unknown_04: What the fuck is his name? He's also in this, uh, that guy, Godspeed. He was, like, Ralph was in real life streaming somewhere in New York. So, so Cory goes out and he's streaming himself, he's live streaming himself in real life walking down the street. And then, like, a girl with a, with a skeleton mask comes out of nowhere and just calls him a pedophile and he sounds shook. And he keeps walking and shit, and it's like, why are you people doing this to yourselves? Why are you exposing yourself in public in the middle of the streets where random fucking women can walk up to you and call you a pedophile to your face and just keep walking? I don't understand! Why do you do this? 1:31:59 Unknown_04: It doesn't benefit you. Sit at home where you're comfortable and make fun of people. Where if they intrude on your domain, you can shoot them, legally. That's the best way. Unknown_17: When's my in real life streaming coming up? If I'm ever on an in real life stream, it's because a bunch of fucking, if I'm back in the US and a bunch of people have decided they're gonna stream themselves coming up to my door and getting shot. 1:32:41 Unknown_04: That's my in real life stream. That's gonna be my debut before my booking and subsequent release for self-defense. Unknown_04: With coach, I'll probably meet coach at some point, but I don't I don't want to like live stream like that I made it pretty clear if we meet up. I don't want pictures and video taken. I just like It's just it's not the same. I like I like talking and seeing the text but it's like I don't want to I don't want to be like a like a personality like that 1:33:14 Unknown_04: Why would I want that? Unknown_04: That violates my little bubble that I built up that's comfortable where I feel at ease to say whatever. He will film you on the train? Yeah, I'm wary of that. To be honest, that makes me nervous because I think he'd do it just because. Just to spite me. Unknown_04: Explain the Zidane thing. Zidane disappeared like in like January and he never came back except for one time as far as I'm aware. 1:33:48 Unknown_04: Like, I think the claim was that he was very busy with work. But I think what happened with Zidane is that people went after him and it made him uncomfortable. And he's just like, you know, I have to make a choice here if I want to be like an internet person or a young professional. And he decided to wage cut it out because he didn't want to be an internet person, which is a respectable choice. Unknown_04: He took the normie pill. He got shown that red pill, blue pill shit. He's like, give me the largest blue pill you can. I'm gonna go to San Francisco and I'm gonna make sure that my workplaces are diverse. I'm gonna make sure that I don't do contracts with racists. 1:34:23 Unknown_17: Did Dan bail like Jim? Not really. I think, well Jim, I don't know. Unknown_04: It's not the same thing. Unknown_04: Because Zidane just left pretty much he still tweets and stuff, but he's not like making a splinter as far as I know Yeah, I don't give a fuck Phil that's that's right 1:35:20 Unknown_17: What pill am I on? Unknown_17: My insides are black. Unknown_17: You break me in half and I just ooze tar all over the fucking carpet. Unknown_17: Gun shielding. Unknown_17: These people are weird. Unknown_04: It is weird. I didn't like Gator too much when he was like a co-host with the soundboard, but he was okay. He was okay doing his own thing without the soundboard. Cause he, uh, cause when I was on, I was with Flamenco and Gator for that one little stream they did and they were both pretty good about trying to invoke the guest. We had that guy, Gino Samuel, who was like this shy, he was obviously very shy and introverted and not used to talking to a lot of people. So, um, 1:35:59 Unknown_04: They had to invite him to speak and they did a pretty okay job Like all everybody tried to give them space to talk and stuff, which is a good sign Okay, all right, I think that's it law Beck's I 1:36:36 Unknown_04: Uh, Scott Ford, Joseph Acuna, Brave, that guy, that guy, Zealand, Chapo, Confession, Janny, Lucas Warner. Oh, I didn't cover this. I don't know who Lucas Warner is. I don't know how the fuck he has fucking like 340 pages of shit on the forum. I have no idea how this is possible. Unknown_04: There's a 37 year old homeless liberal atheist in support of Bernie Sanders obsession with wanting to bang millennial chicks unmedicated schizo violent person Euphoric atheist and take keeps getting catfish, but he left these comments 1:37:19 Unknown_04: I'm not doing K tonight. Unknown_04: You did something to a friend of mine. My parents used to work with bounty hunters and law enforcement. They know everything about me. Unknown_04: You do and then some. Are you sure you want me to continue with this? I'd think twice. Unknown_04: I'm not sure if this is legal or not, but I think it would be considering the target. I'm offering $200 to take down the stalker website Kiwi Farms on a permanent basis. I know it's not a lot, but I'm not sure if I can trust you or not. I'll pay you on October 1st, 2019 through PayPal. These guys have tried everything in their power to get me arrested or hurt by the general public for three years to no luck. They've hurt some of my friends. I can't go into much detail out of fear for my safety and the safety of those I love. I've already had dealings with the police who also have all the information they do about me. I wish you all the best. 1:37:52 Unknown_17: Then I went to the New York Knack. Unknown_17: Alright. Unknown_17: That's funny. He's not gonna get that. Unknown_17: Trying to think I get that film there's something else, but I don't know what I don't know what That's just her that's just that All right, I think that's it um, I said I wasn't gonna do K, but let me check And see if there's anything new. 1:38:47 Unknown_04: There's something new. I'll watch it I Don't know the link to our new channel Unknown_17: What's the old one I'm gonna bookmark this the set nope, that's the cake cook channel again Somebody linked me her new her new channel cuz I can't find it How the fuck do I not have this on hand 1:39:31 Unknown_17: No, no, no. Unknown_17: Is this the new one? Oh, it is the new one. Unknown_04: Oh, she did make new stuff. Okay. Okay, fine. We'll watch the fucking... Watch the fat lady cook. I don't know what the fuck musaka is, but we're watching it. Unknown_14: Hi, people. Unknown_04: And I'm back cooking again. And today I'm making the long-awaited musaka. Unknown_14: On some of the Joy I hold up you guys are gonna make me do this again It's just the right one I think it is both updated sons reads approvals. 1:40:22 Unknown_17: Okay. Yeah, that's right This Unknown_17: I'll make sure, I'll make it center. Unknown_17: Crop this in MS Paint. Tool of champions. Unknown_04: I am the most efficient livestreamer when it comes to using MS Paint. This is my special talent. 1:40:53 Unknown_17: I don't have my tokens ready though. Unknown_17: I need a little QE or something. What can I put as a token? Unknown_17: Bam, there we go. Unknown_17: Now we're talking. Unknown_17: Now we're talking. All right. 1:41:25 Unknown_17: She doesn't have an Iron Maiden shirt. Unknown_17: Pretty good. Copy, paste, reference. Unknown_17: Iron Maiden shirt. Unknown_17: Iron Maiden shirt. There we go. Unknown_14: On some of them, it says red onions. And on some it says normal onions. So I don't know. I'm just doing what. Unknown_04: This one's going to be a hard one. Oh, wait. She is using the stove as a countertop already. So I'm cooking this at medium heat. 1:42:01 Unknown_14: And I've got to wait until they go soft. Unknown_04: But this one's going to be hard because she's using vegetables and seasoning. Unknown_14: Well, there's going to be a few of them missing. There is going to be cheese missing on this because obviously my son can't eat cheese. Unknown_04: Real oil? Oh my god. Unknown_14: So it's two tablespoons of oil, one red onion on a medium heat. Unknown_04: Oh my god. Unknown_14: And it says I've got to cook it till soft. And then add my garlic. 1:42:37 Unknown_14: Oh, cook for a few minutes, add garlic and then cook for a few minutes. Unknown_04: She's using medium heat too. This is, this is like nightmare mode. This is hell. Unknown_14: And then it says stir, uh, then I said, she's using, she's using margarine. Unknown_04: Oh, she is not using a broil, that's right. Pissed reference. Unknown_14: So I'm going to get, let them, it says on a medium heat. It says let them get soft first and then add the garlic. 1:43:11 Unknown_14: You have 21 minutes she can fuck up there's a lot of time here She's obviously following instructions on something Yeah Unknown_04: She knows my bingo card, and she's trying to fuck with me. I expect the audience to be spitting by now. Unknown_04: No, Kate, when you cook at a lower temperature, things don't just randomly combust. You have to actually wait a little bit. Unknown_14: To the middle of the pan. Unknown_14: Because that's where... She's, like, shocked. Unknown_04: Like, why isn't everything burning on the pan? It's been sitting there for, like, 30 seconds, and it's not on fire yet. 1:43:59 Unknown_14: Number three. Unknown_14: Cook it halfway. It should... It should do. Unknown_14: She's so confused. Yeah, nice little pattern. Oh, one bit sticky. There we are. Unknown_04: She's actually confused by the food cooking correctly. Unknown_14: Until soft. Unknown_14: Right, I've just had the garlic 1:44:33 Unknown_14: Nice, smells nice doesn't it? And it says add, it doesn't say add anything, it says add the mince, the lamb mince. Unknown_14: It does say how much, but I didn't weigh it out. How much is implied? Oh, what's it say here? Unknown_02: She turned the heat up. Unknown_02: She had to turn the heat up. 1:45:14 Unknown_04: She's adding it completely frozen to the pot. Unknown_04: She didn't let it thaw. Unknown_04: She didn't let it thaw first, Kay. Unknown_03: It's gonna cook incorrectly. Unknown_14: I think I need to... She has no concept of just letting food cook. Unknown_04: You could say add a bit more if you need to. Unknown_14: Not mince, obviously. Bloody oil. I think a bit all in. 1:45:46 Unknown_14: Because it just says a lot of mince. I am going to add a little oil because it does say you can add Unknown_04: Bro, give it time first before you start fucking with shit. Unknown_04: She's going to cut the heat up. I can tell already. She's going to cut the heat up. She's going to get impatient. And cut it up. Unknown_14: Until all the oil has been evaporated. Oh, that's a big word, isn't it? It was, but people don't know until it's dry. Right, I've got to wait. 1:46:18 Unknown_14: It's all mushy and shit. It's like a combination of mushy and still maintaining that hamster pellet shape at the same time. 1:46:58 Unknown_14: So, cook it until it's dry. Simmer for... Oh, that's why it's brown. Keep knocking it out. Unknown_14: How does she not know how to brown... ...meat? Unknown_04: She's like... She's like 50. Unknown_04: Have you never browned ground beef before? Like... I don't get it. Unknown_14: What the fuck was that? Unknown_17: You can't... Listen... Listen for her scream. 1:47:30 Unknown_04: And then it just hard cuts. Salt and pepper. And then it just hard cuts. Unknown_14: So mix that in. And then it says. Unknown_02: Yeah, excess liquid. Add the parsley. Unknown_14: That's the parsley added. Unknown_14: Yeah, there was like a pizza sauce with salt and pepper I pop 1:48:27 Unknown_02: It's not just like it's not just like a thing of sauce. It's like a kit like a taco kit I'm not pre-made parsley. It was something else. She's like a tube of sauce on her countertop Unknown_14: I added the milk and the, oh I haven't added the milk, I added the marge and the flour. Margarine! It didn't record, so I'm adding now the milk. 1:49:05 Unknown_14: And I'm gonna mix that together. That looks disgusting by the way, I don't know what the fuck this is. Unknown_04: Because you're using margarine and not butter you fucking idiot Exactly how it was in the video I watched All right, so I'm gonna take that off 1:49:49 Unknown_02: Is that on the highest setting? Unknown_14: I'm not 100% sure, but I'm sure I'm supposed to add it here. Unknown_04: You're letting it sit. You're letting that fucking dairy product sit on that fucking hot as shit stove top. Unknown_14: Oh god, that's really strong. Turn that off, put that on. Unknown_04: I'm gonna mock it as a hot as fuck. Oh my god, we can do this. Unknown_04: We're getting there. We're getting there, baby. 1:50:22 Unknown_04: Oh no! Sorry, I have to point this out. You look at the top right. I was being tactical, like how do we win this? What can we win this with? And then I noticed the top right, Kay feeds the dogs. Unknown_04: Oh, I need to update my bingo card. What a Debbie downer. 1:51:00 Unknown_02: This looks awful, by the way. I don't know what the fuck this is. Unknown_14: I'm going to keep mixing this in. Unknown_14: And then I'm going to rearrange. Unknown_14: Then, as you can see, I've got an aubergine. Unknown_14: Alright, mate. Down, down. Alright, can you see? Unknown_02: I don't think she's doing it right. Right, I've got an aubergine anyway. 1:51:36 Unknown_14: Mixed in It's not cuz it's fucking margarine and not butter Right, so I'm gonna just leave that to simmer for a bit because I'm gonna coat My taste is on tape. I've done some I Unknown_02: We can't, we're cocked on that, we're hard cocked on that vertical line because she's using veggies. She's using onions. Unknown_04: I need an adversary icon. The hamster blocks the way. Unknown_14: We can't win that one. 1:52:34 Unknown_14: I've got no room in this kitchen. So what I'm going to do... These are the complicated rules of bingo. Unknown_14: Right, I've got no room in this kitchen. Unknown_14: Right, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to chop some more... Did she burn herself? Unknown_14: Hopefully. Unknown_14: Not with fingers anymore. 1:53:08 Unknown_04: You almost have like a cut finger. Yes, that's bloody hard. Unknown_14: So I'm going to chop. Unknown_14: Tear this up. Unknown_02: Oh god, whenever she handles a knife, my dick hurts. It like shrinks inside my body. You can't see it, but I am absolutely shitting myself. Unknown_14: This is a brand new knife, and it's just sharp as hell. As you can see, I've got a plaster on my finger. Unknown_04: Oh my god, she's already hurt herself! Unknown_14: I'm marking that. Unknown_04: I'm marking that. I don't care if it's retrospective. It counts. It's within the purview of this stream. She's injured herself. Wait, go away. I want this one. 1:53:39 Unknown_14: No, I'll get another chair. Unknown_14: Don't touch this, this knife. Unknown_14: Just keep cutting. Unknown_16: Just set it, set it on the counter. What are you doing? Oh, shit. Unknown_16: How is she? 1:54:13 Unknown_04: Are we going to mark shaky hands for that one? We're going to mark shaky hands for that one. Unknown_04: We're gonna get like a fucking blackout. Unknown_14: That's that. That's the... Well, she's all done. Unknown_04: She's not doing any more of that. Unknown_14: What I'm gonna do... Shit. 1:54:45 Unknown_14: Is... The aubergine. Unknown_14: That's going in the oven first. Unknown_14: The oven's on. Unknown_14: I'm going to take the top off. Unknown_14: Why didn't that come off? That's it. Take the top off. Cut it. Unknown_02: Oh no. Oh no, round two. Round two. Unknown_14: So I'm going to take the outer skin off, then I'm going to slice it up. Unknown_04: I don't think it's fan requested. Unknown_14: Right, Lee's gone off somewhere, so I'm having to do this. 1:55:21 Unknown_14: cutting my aubergine and I'm going to put it in the pan because it said the aubergine needs to be cooking so I'm going to cut the aubergine first wait wait hold up Unknown_04: This is urgent. This is critical news that has just fallen in. This is breaking. And I will show you. We'll return to our regularly scheduled broadcasting, but... I have something to show you. Unknown_17: Hello! Unknown_04: Pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 512 C.3.A., this communication serves as a statement that Sourcebooks, Inc. is the exclusive rights holder for me and white supremacy, published February 2020. These exclusive rights are being violated by material available upon your site at the following URLs. 1:56:13 Unknown_04: I have a good faith belief that the use of this material in such a fashion is not authorized by the copyright holder, the copyright holder's agent, or the law. Under penalty of perjury in the United States Court of Law, I say the information contained in the notification is accurate and I'm authorized to act on behalf of the exclusive rights holder for the material in question. I may be contacted by the following methods including all with the relevant information. I hereby request that you remove or disable access to this material as it appears on your service in an expedient a fashion as possible. Thank you, Jennifer Sirkowicz. 1:56:50 Unknown_04: And this is, you guys are witnessing live on air Unknown_04: Live on air the first ever complete total accurate and Legally justified DMCA takedown notice I have ever received ever No, my response is going to be I'm taking it down because I I got a complaint from the author of the book saying 1:57:35 Unknown_04: saying that she wanted this taken down. And I looked at it and I'm like, oh, this is not fair use because it's just a republishing of this book without any reason for it, without any commentary, without anything. So I said, look, I'll take it down, but you have to actually, because she said that she had sold the book to a publisher. And I said, well, if you sold the book to a publisher, you need to get the publisher to contact me and file a formal DMCA takedown notice, preferably with a copyright ID. And she sent me the ISBN, this is a complete under penalty of perjury with the relevant contact information, a link to the document itself, and she is authorized by the publishing company in charge of the intellectual property. Which means that for the second time in the Kiwi Farms history, in the last six years, this is a actually justified DMCA takedown notice. The first one, this is true, 1:58:17 Unknown_04: The first one was a takedown notice from a Bible, like a Bible company, because they had written a, like a thesis on numerology and the number seven. Unknown_04: And somebody was arguing with the schizophrenic who thought he was a reincarnation of Albert Einstein and Jesus Christ. Unknown_04: who was obsessed with the number seven, and a guy literally stole parts of this Bible report, this Bible thesis on the number seven, and integrated it into his forum post. And the Bible companies like publishing anti-fraud or anti-theft software found the republication. of this material and sent a DMCA takedown notice asking that I remove the stolen parts of this Bible thesis and I obliged it because it was straight theft and I made fun of the guy I'm like you were so you were so eager to get a leg up on this fucking retard this schizophrenic retard that you were arguing with you literally stole copyrighted intellectual property from a Bible website so that you could make your argument you fucking idiot 1:59:04 Unknown_04: So, once the stream is down, I'll deal with that. But I just wanted to point that out, because I was waiting for it. I knew that they would, I just wanted to make her jump through hoops. 1:59:43 Unknown_17: Oh, before I get back into it, 13.45. Hi people, and I'm back cooking again. Unknown_14: And today, I'm making the long-awaited moussaka. Unknown_04: What's the fan requested? You fucking- you people fucking lied to me. Wait, wait. Unknown_04: She said long-awaited, not long-awaited. Yeah, no. She didn't say it was requested by fans. 2:00:16 Unknown_04: That doesn't count. It has to be fan requested. Unknown_14: I don't think I'm co- I think I'm cooking it- cooking it way too thin. Unknown_14: I need to make it pretty thick. Unknown_16: So... Unknown_14: Filled it best I can. Unknown_04: Man, my butthole is so puckered watching this shit. Lady, you're bad at cutting shit. Put that in. 2:00:48 Unknown_14: Put my knuckle in there. Give it a bit more room. Unknown_14: Oops. Unknown_14: A bit of skin on my thumb. Unknown_14: Sort of spread them out. Unknown_14: I'm not going to have much room, but take them in, take them off, do them in a bit. Because it said you'd probably have to do them in two batches. Unknown_14: And then it says... What does it say, Kate? 2:01:28 Unknown_04: Kirk. Unknown_14: Hold on, let me just check all this because I'm getting confused. Unknown_14: Oh, no! Let me just check all this because I'm getting confused. Unknown_14: They have a kitty cat! Right, I'm going to add the puree and the stuff together. I'm not going to put too much on. Because it's going to cook with something. No, it didn't say anything about adding any more juice. But it did say adding puree. 2:02:00 Unknown_14: I've run out of room now. Unknown_14: Is she on a surface that isn't her stove? Unknown_04: What the fuck? Unknown_14: So I'm going to give that a half. Unknown_14: Mix it in so it's got something to cook with. And like I said, it's going in for 45 minutes. Unknown_14: And hopefully, well, we should find out what it tastes like. 2:02:33 Unknown_04: Is she not going to cover it? Unknown_14: And what I'm going to do is I'm going to cook the aubergines for about 10 minutes. I know I've done the other and left it in, but I found out after five minutes of sat down and thinking what I was doing, I remembered. So I've put the aubergines in for 10 minutes and I'm going to put the rest of the mince on it. Then I'm going to put the, then I'm going to, what I'm going to do is fry the potatoes as well and hopefully everything should go right. Unknown_14: Right I've put some oil, I'm using the same pan, I know you're going to say oh don't do that but I'm going to put the taters in the pan and I'm going to cook them until they are golden brown I don't know how long for, just until they're golden brown so that's 2:03:30 Unknown_14: Quite a few potatoes in there. Unknown_04: Wait, these are potatoes? Oh, she's just frying potatoes? And what I shall do is, when they are done... Unknown_14: I shall turn him over, give him a chance to go golden brown. Unknown_04: These are the most uneven potatoes I've ever seen. Why the fuck doesn't, you know, it's not even entirely her fault. She's got like arthritis or something and she can't hold her hand steady. Why doesn't Lee fucking help? Unknown_14: I've got my aubergines going. Unknown_04: What's that fuck just standing there watching her fucking suffer to make this schlop for him? What the fuck even was that? 2:04:05 Unknown_14: Minced meat on this. Unknown_14: There. And my, uh... She has alcohol on some shit. Spuddy tooters, as you can see, they're golden brown. Unknown_02: Say, aubergine. Into the bloody pan. I don't know what an aubergine is. I know what an eggplant is. I don't think it's supposed to be as brown as that, but let's away. Unknown_14: Oops. Drop that one. Put that on top and put another one in there. 2:04:36 Unknown_14: and I am going to put that now in the oven for 45 minutes and then well I'm going to bring the other one out and put some potatoes on that one as well. Unknown_14: Right, um, well, memory card. I'll tell you, Joe, we're having a bit of trouble. I'll tell you how much oil there is. Unknown_15: A bit of trouble. It's a pain in the arse. It recalls what it wants. It doesn't recall when it can't be bothered. It's a pain in the arse. Unknown_04: I didn't even catch this one. She boiled me. Unknown_14: So that's it. That's the tomato sauce. Unknown_04: Or is she fried it? Unknown_14: Whatever. Love it. So we're going to put that back in the oven for about 20 minutes and hopefully everything should be fine. Unknown_14: As you can see, it's done. So I'm going to cut a bit out for you. 2:05:16 Unknown_04: How did she hurt herself doing that? It's all right, Lee. Unknown_14: I'm going to let you try that. Lee's going to do the tasting. Oh, it's not a huge serving. Unknown_14: Good. Unknown_14: You still look pale, though. Unknown_15: I'm not even looking forward to this. 2:05:53 Unknown_15: Well, I mean, that's nice and moist. Good. That's a change for you, I must think. Unknown_14: Yep. Is this potato or an orange? Unknown_15: I have no idea. Unknown_14: I think it's an orange. I've never tasted these. I think you're supposed to have it together, a bit together. Unknown_16: She's embarrassed. Unknown_02: Her son hates her. Oh yeah, there's going to be a link in this description to Kay's cooking Facebook page. 2:06:35 Unknown_15: That is nice. Unknown_14: Is it? Unknown_15: Nice mixture of flavours. The tomato is way too strong. It really is. Unknown_14: I didn't put as much in as it said. Unknown_15: The tomato overpowers it all. Unknown_14: Yeah, but the aubergine taste is nice. Unknown_15: Yeah, everything's fine. Aubergine's nice. But, yeah, the tomato puree, whatever you put in... Tomato puree... It's pasta and tomato puree. Unknown_14: It says you have to have them both. Unknown_15: I don't know why, but it's too overpowering for my taste, but thumbs up. 2:07:09 Unknown_14: Oh, brilliant. Unknown_14: You know what? You know what, just for that... Unknown_04: Fuck it. Fuck it. I'm calling it. I don't give a shit. Fuck the rules. 2:07:39 Unknown_14: Fuck the rules. We win. Everyone else can fuck off. Yeah, if you want to comment, please feel free to more than they're real. And if you haven't subscribed or you know someone who hasn't subscribed, Curly, don't look back here. Unknown_05: Yeah, mushed mouth. That counts. If you know someone who hasn't subscribed, get them subscribing. There's no way we didn't hit mushed mouth. Get everybody subscribing. Unknown_14: Thank you. Bye. Unknown_16: All right. Unknown_04: All right, that's it. I have to take care of some clerical business, so I'm gonna call it there. And with that said, thank you, my friends, for joining me this Wednesday, this hump day. 2:08:14 Unknown_04: for another week of benign, banal shit. Remember to donate. If you are using Brave, that is a Brave publisher-enabled site, you can certainly go and send me your grants. It will not, I promise, none of that will be used on the kiwi farms. It will be used to feed me food, like borscht and moussaka. 2:08:55 Unknown_04: Gibbs oh the chest that's right. Let's do the chest I Have to pee really really really fucking bad really really fucking die What's the that's the worst part of streaming is when you have to pee and you're suffering Alright, I'll add in a hundred. Okay, even though we're way above a hundred 2:09:27 Unknown_17: All right get in there All right, my friends it's time to open the chest Unknown_04: All right, what can we talk about for 25 seconds? No Pee, Gibbs. That's right, this is the trickle-up economy, as we've called it. I'm gonna give you all lemons, and then you give me those lemons. And that's the way it should be. No company can get in the way of telling you who you can give your lemons to. That is the principle of the libertarian, the lemon-tarian. 2:10:11 Unknown_04: Ideology, okay Fanny abdabs got 16 ninja warrior got 10 nausea got seven and a half erver got 6.1 and scam likely got five and an Envelope, I don't know what the fuck that is. I guess you got a ticket or something Congratulations on getting your ticket scam likely. I hope you're not gonna scam anybody with that ticket Give me your lemons. Yeah Unknown_17: Yeah! There's some lemons. Unknown_17: Going to the gun? Unknown_17: Hey man, it's your lemons. Unknown_04: I'm just glad to stimulate the lemon economy. Alright, I really have to pee. 2:10:57 Unknown_17: Have a song. Unknown_17: I'll see you next week, my friends. 2:11:36 Unknown_11: A man and a cat are crying by the window Grey rains are dripping right on the glass A man and a cat are going to the hospital A man has a brain disease The doctor is going, going to the snowy plain Good! Unknown_11: And we shall not stop until the sky falls down. 2:12:38 Unknown_11: A man and a cat hardly count the days Instead of the blue sky, there's a gray ceiling A man and a cat fly through the night But the dream of the bride doesn't give them wings The doctor rides, rides through the snowy plain Unknown_11: Where are you, where are you, where are you? 2:13:49 Unknown_11: But they can't hear the walls, the corpses are like veins, And under the chest, like a heart, it's beating madly. The doctor is going, going through the snowy plain, The parachute is safe, the people are lucky. A man and a cat Unknown_11: The melancholy will pass