I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that's real The needle tears a hole 0:00:00 Unknown_04: try to kill 0:01:20 Unknown_04: my sweetest friend everyone Unknown_12: Alright, you fuckers better have it working now. Normie music? Oh my god. Okay, so here's the complication. 0:01:55 Unknown_12: The people complaining to Ike, now he vehemently protested that he did not give in to any mob. Unknown_12: It's almost ridiculous how much Ike has been personally interacting with these people. Unknown_12: Saying that he did not give in to any kind of lynch mob But he didn't give a fuck until they started tweeting at him and then he did his own investigation and came to the conclusion that as per 5.2 on the Where is it their terms of service as they've outlined See you I'll just drop it on top 5.2 is restrictions on use. 0:02:51 Unknown_12: Company will not contribute that we own to any person or organization who in our sole judgment engages in or advocates for violence online or offline. B, directly incites violence against individuals or groups online or offline, or C, directly threatens any person, place, organization, or group. That We Own includes that used for UGP grants as well as that as part of our referral program as described in Section 19. 0:03:30 Unknown_12: So this is the Unknown_12: This is the interesting thing about that is I don't know exactly what that means and I'll show you Let me just take a screencap of the actual wallet I think I actually sent him in DM a Picture of my wallet. Yeah this I 0:04:02 Unknown_12: And it's very confusing, and even after talking to Brendan Eich about this, I don't know what the fuck I'm actually banned from. So this is my wallet, right? This is my wallet. I have $4 in bat from ads on Brave. And as you can see on the bottom, it says 12.2 basic attention tokens worth about $4. And then in the grants area, which is usually collapsed, I click to expand it. It says 12.1 BAT earned from ads. Unknown_12: And he told me, obviously the token itself is a cryptocurrency and the cryptocurrency isn't centrally managed. So he can't theoretically ban me from sending money or receiving money through cryptocurrency. 0:04:44 Unknown_12: All they can do is ban me from their affiliate system, which is fine. That's why the brave.com slash qe06 URL does not work anymore, because I'm banned from that. But when he described it, he basically told me that money from ad revenue wouldn't be considered a part of the user's money. It would still belong to the foundation. 0:05:25 Unknown_12: know from the way he described it you would think that based on my wallet the 12.2 basic attention tokens is only 0.1 my actual money and 12.1 bets from their ads would still be their money and I don't Unknown_12: But I pointed this out to him, and he said, if you try to send yourself a tip, you should be able to. So I went to the Kiwi Farms, and I sent myself a 10-BAT token tip, and it went through fine. So, I think, it's very strange, and I don't understand exactly what I'm banned from, and very frustratingly, he refuses to tell me. 0:06:17 Unknown_12: I actually I asked him I really did I asked him and I'll just show you what he said. Unknown_09: I don't want to send too much from the guy Unknown_09: He says, we don't discuss enforcement decisions and their final, don't waste time for either of us here. Unknown_12: And that was in response to me asking him what the fuck I got banned for. So he refuses to tell me, he refuses to tell me what it is on the website that constitutes advocating for violence. 0:07:05 Unknown_09: Way to cuck? What the fuck am I supposed to say? Unknown_12: Here's why I'm being nice, you ready? Because right now, this guy has $5,000 in mine. In an account. So it's like... Unknown_12: Now what? The original deposit date was two months ago. See, it says last deposit date was $100 from natural income before it started taking off and having advertisements and shit. Unknown_12: That was the last deposit date. It was supposed to deposit the next 09, did not deposit after that. And then I waited very patiently for this 09, and it didn't deposit after that. And every time I asked him in private, 0:07:37 Unknown_12: where is this money and he specifically avoided answering that question so it's very interesting and it's like you know I told like I told him I said you're gonna make me look like a fucking retard if you're some kind of fucking swindler you're some kind of fucking kike because like I I genuinely believe that this guy was going to had the best interest involved and as far as I know 0:08:21 Unknown_12: As far as I know, based on what I've seen, based on what I looked up, I am the only person in the entire world currently banned from Brave. Unknown_12: The only person. Unknown_12: So, I guess that's a, I guess, what's the financial value of that? I mean, you can keep using Brave, and I wouldn't, if you're on Brave already, I wouldn't advocate changing it. Because, uh... Stop wasting my time. See, this is why you don't take advice from Chad. Because if he doesn't give me the money, then you just complain to the FEC. Because that's a fucking scam. You can't do that. And then I can write up a nice article about how he fucking stole money. And, you know, there are lots of people skeptical of that shit. It gets posted in every goddamn Bitcoin blog ever made. 0:09:08 Unknown_12: Uh, no. He did not approach me. But I had contact with them. No, Brave is... I like Brave. I still like the browser. And I would continue, even in this diminished state, if the payout goes through. Unknown_12: Uh, which remains to be seen. I'm going to continue to bug the fuck out of them until I get an answer on that. Unknown_12: Um, because if you can still watch ads and send tips, like who gives a fuck that I'm banned from the referral system? You know what I mean? Like, what the fuck? Who gives a shit? If people can still tip and watch ads on their own time and send money manually, like why would I fucking care? 0:09:49 Unknown_12: That's that's the benefit like that's what I thought That's what I thought the point of the system was You know what I mean that you have it on the blockchain So that brave can absolve itself of any responsibility of what happens with the token That's what I thought the point was so if it Yeah, yeah, I'll be paying attention. I just wanted to do the stream because I I'm very frustrated 0:10:27 Unknown_09: It cucked I guess Because I was thinking about it and it's just like this here most people don't know this because it ended I Talked to Dankula Recently and I asked him what the situation was with his with his fine Does it seem like he was anticipating going to jail for a while, right? 0:11:07 Unknown_12: And I asked, you know, is it still looking like you're going to go to jail? And he said, no. Most people don't know this. At least I didn't know this. You guys know what happened with Dankula and it's fine? I'll take a sip of water. Unknown_09: Promoting a browser so much without real partnership is just stupid. Unknown_12: Motherfucker, who the fuck do you think is gonna partner me? You dumb nigger, you fucking name one fucking person out there who you think is gonna put their fucking name as official partner of the Kiwi Farms. You name, pull the fucking name out of your ass. Who the fuck do you think is gonna do that? Not a single fucking person. 0:11:44 Unknown_12: You have to do this. You have to play guerrilla. You have to fucking do this shit where you just latch on to a fucking project and adopt it and say, use this now because I can make use of it. You have to fucking rape him. You have to fucking go to Brendan Eich and rape his fucking ass and take what you can fucking get out of him. Because if you're not going to take what you want, you're never going to get it. You're never going to fucking get it from these people. 0:12:21 Unknown_09: They don't wanna- like fucking Rikita talking about how if- if nobody got banned on Twitter, advertisers would still advertise because they could absolve themselves of responsibility if their Clorox bleach ad ends up next to somebody telling somebody to drink bleach. Unknown_12: Or, you know, Beats by Dre showing up next to a tweet where somebody's telling somebody- calling somebody a nigger. That's not gonna fucking- they're not- they're gonna pull their fucking ads. This willful association shit doesn't fucking work. Unknown_12: Everybody, everybody is afraid of the outrage mob. And he can, I can walk up and fucking down and tell people that he's not afraid, he's not afraid. But you know what, here's a fucking tip. If he watches this, let me show you a fucking tip. If I type in brave employees, and I go to, let me type in software. 0:13:13 Unknown_12: First result, second result. Unknown_12: about Brave. Meet the team. Let's wait a little bit because it takes a while. Oh, here's the names, websites, LinkedIn profiles, GitHub accounts, and Twitter accounts for every single fucking person who works for this company. So if you're a fucking crazy person who's been stalking me for three fucking years, You know what you do? You go here, you take down every fucking name. You find out where they live, you find out how to contact them, you find out who their family is, you go after them, you put it in a nice big fucking list, and you email them, and you hound them, and you start calling them a pedophile, and then Brendan Eich walks back his, oh, we're not afraid of the lynch mob, he walks it back in 12 fucking hours. Because that's how fucking long ago it was, where he was telling people, you can be as 0:13:59 Unknown_12: as up front and confrontational as you want, but we're not intimidated by the mob. Yeah, but these motherfuckers are Brennan Eich. These dumb motherfuckers who put their fucking name on your website where you're sending money around are intimidated and will fucking quit your company if people go after them. So here's a fucking tip. Take this shit, let me show you. Take this shit, go up to it, right? Press fucking delete. Unknown_12: Or go up to the element above that, press fucking delete. Or the element- Just fucking die already. I'm trying- There we go. Better. No fucking information. Who works at your company? Not a fucking person. Who fucking knows? It's BritaNike and some pseudonyms and fake fucking people. Go to thispersondoesnotexist.com Oh my fucking god. Oh, that's THE person does not exist. I can't type when angry. There we go. That's your employee. Employee of the month. Carlos Rodriguez, 38, lives in Gibraltar or whatever. Just keep fucking doing it. Pull these people. These are your employees. Go to a fucking... Here. Here, here's your employee, Brendan. I got you. 0:15:10 Unknown_12: Tanitar Yelsatra. This is Tanitar Yelsatra, your new employee. This is... this is... Wistari Umafarin. He's head of security. I've got this shit all fucking sorted out. Don't worry about it. Take down your goddamn staff role off your fucking site so that crazy people from England can't fucking intimidate them. 0:15:43 Unknown_12: But no. Or blame me. Unknown_12: Blame me. Unknown_12: Take it down. Unknown_12: It's easier. It's easier. Take down the weird guy with the shitty website. Call it advocating violence. When I go to kiwifarms.net I do a captcha because my IP is in a country I've personally banned because of the DDoSes. 0:16:25 Unknown_12: And I go to Brianna Wu, right? I open up Brianna Wu. Unknown_12: Go to the first page of Brianna Wu. Unknown_12: And I see this, and I'm just thinking, man, I'm gonna fucking end it. This is advocating violence. I'm about to take a gun and blow my fucking brains out because this hobgoblin motherfucker is staring me deep into my fucking soul. And I can't- I can't take it anymore. So, at Brendan Eich, if you don't want- if you don't want this autonomous, self-reflexive violence, you gotta fucking delete it. Shouldn't have fucking- Well, that's the thing. Now I- now I- I realize. 0:17:02 Unknown_12: I realize now that they're gonna use, they're gonna use that fucking shooting video that I re-hosted, they're gonna use that as an excuse for everything now. Unknown_12: Because before that, they could say that we weren't violent. But now, they're gonna be able to say, for any service, at any time, they advocated violence. And it's like, no I fucking didn't, I re-hosted the video. Unknown_09: But they got an excuse. 0:17:39 Unknown_09: When will we learn to play as early as this? Unknown_12: What the fuck are you gonna do? You gonna de-platform them? Trust me, they're gonna be more than happy to take all the politically charged people and throw them in the dumpster. It's not left versus right, it is strictly an issue of making the internet apolitical. It is a corporate product to get you to watch videos of animals being cute with advertisements on the left and below the video. That is what they want the internet to be. Has absolutely nothing to do with silencing conservatives. They're not fucking silencing conservatives. They're silencing politics. 0:18:14 Unknown_12: I'm tired of this. Like, no, they're not silencing conservatives. It just so happens that the most politically charged people right now are conservatives because they're the ones looking at shit going, this is fucked. And when they go to talk about it, they get banned because it's racism. Unknown_12: And, uh, I asked this question about, uh, what's his fucking name? Unknown_12: Dankula. Here's the grand closing to the Dankula saga. You ready? 0:18:46 Unknown_12: Here's how it ended. They didn't haul him off to jail. They didn't fucking, you know, make him work in a ditch. They didn't put him in debtors prison. They just ordered the bank to withdraw 850 pounds, and they put it into the royal coffers, or whatever the fuck they call their treasury. And that was it. As far as England is concerned, uh, Unknown_12: Her Majesty the Queen versus Meeches Marken is done. They took his money and they said you paid your fine, we made you pay your fine, now everything's settled. So, in the future, they set this precedent, right? This precedent. Next time somebody makes an offensive joke, says something they don't like, says something Islamophobic and they get charged with hate speech or whatever, and they get that $850 fine, 0:19:21 Unknown_12: I can't, I bathed recently and my hands, I can't snap. I need more grit on my fingers. Bam! Thanos snap, that money is right out of your fucking bank account. It's like that scene out of Idiocracy, where every time they swear they just take the money right out of your fine. You said the F word, that's a $10 fine. You said the B word, that's a $10 fine. Or $10 has been deducted from your bank account. Just like that. 0:19:58 Unknown_12: Every iota of hate speech is a different fine and you can't make money for your sites because the sites are hate speech and that's just how it's going to be. If it's not conductive to watching cat videos and clicking advertisements for Clorox bleach and Beats by Dre Unknown_12: And, I don't know, pet shit, things for your cat, your cat sweater advertisements, cat food, your automobile, buy cars. 0:20:39 Unknown_09: That's all that matters. Unknown_09: Who talks like that I bathed recently? I do, I guess. I took a shower before the stream. Unknown_09: I usually take showers in the morning. Unknown_09: We can laugh it quick. Yeah, I guess. 0:21:11 Unknown_09: Are you trolling when you say that? Unknown_12: Are you trolling when you say that that's what was gonna happen when net neutrality got, like, is that a joke? I can't even tell. Why are your stickers black? Unknown_09: Because stickers are fucking shit. 0:21:44 Unknown_09: Who the fuck bathes more than once? Unknown_12: If you bathe like twice, you're like a fucking germophobe. Either you, uh... You either work, like outside in the sun, or you're like a weirdo. I live in air conditioning. I don't need to bathe twice a day. It's a waste of water. Unknown_09: Don't even feel bad for me, you know, who's really super fucked people like England people who actually have like an offensive political agenda. 0:22:17 Unknown_12: They're completely fucked England England Unknown_12: Has lost everything like those people the daily store when people have lost their families They've lost they can't be in America anymore. They can't hold a regular job England has like a 4.1 million dollar lawsuit levied against them How the fuck like even if you wanted to give it all up and retire how the fuck is he gonna do that? How do you go back to America and work a job? Unknown_12: As a waiter at Applebee's in Los Angeles serving Mexicans if you have you have a 4.1 million dollar lien against you 0:23:11 Unknown_09: Yeah, I don't know From what I can tell People still have autonomy over it's just because it's like you expect something you expect something to work You know, like you just expect one thing eventually to work Unknown_12: And it never does. It's like ups and downs. All I needed for this was to work a couple months. Like, if this had gone for six months, it would have helped a lot. I could have paid stuff off and I could have been fine. Unknown_12: But no. Unknown_12: After one and a half months, it's fucking broken. Unknown_09: You don't expect anything to work? Unknown_09: Oh yeah. Unknown_09: So you should take it off. Unknown_09: Take it off, Brianna Wu. We can go back to this page. 0:24:07 Unknown_09: Where Brendan like docks his entire fucking staff. Unknown_09: I have a backup plan? Not anymore. Unknown_09: Like how many, how many different things can I possibly do? Unknown_09: Panhandle. Unknown_09: Like, there's stuff I would like to do for the forum that I can't do. Unknown_12: Because when I spend time trying to be productive, I have to spend it making money, doing stupid shit I don't want to fucking do. 0:24:47 Unknown_12: I guess that's entitled, you know, it's like... Yeah, it's a job. Everybody works a job doing shit they don't want to do so they can go home and not raise a family and watch Rick and Morty and buy video games. Oh, what's the new game on E3? Unknown_12: What's that tranny advertisement? Unknown_12: Ghost punk or something Everybody's like oh shit. We gotta talk about this. I gotta talk about this dick advertisement and cyberpunk. Unknown_12: I don't even know How this the penis advert look I 0:25:34 Unknown_07: They censored the dick! Unknown_10: I can't believe they did that. What is the point? Unknown_10: Why did they censor the dick? 0:26:08 Unknown_12: Oh my- Oh man, my head hurts. I'm like nauseous and dizzy from laughing so hard. Unknown_12: Holy shit. Unknown_12: I don't understand. Why are they calling it transphobic? It's just a- It's just a- It says mix it up and it's got a dick girl. That's mixing it up. Unknown_09: It's about as mixed up as you can get. Oh man. You know what's funny is I host this guy's project. 0:26:41 Unknown_12: It's at resetera.kiwifarms.net. Unknown_12: If you go there, he keeps track of all the bans on ResetEra. Unknown_09: And some of these some of the recent ones from From that thread about the penis I saw Unknown_12: and they're pretty funny hold up let's see excusing racist behavior with inflammatory false equivalences over over multiple posts in this thread previous severe infractions and chinese isn't really a language there's man mandarin chinese hock cantonese haka language isn't race there's plenty of white people born in china who speak mandarin etc is it really racist to mock the way they speak therefore 0:27:48 Unknown_12: That's not even like English to me. Excusing racist behavior with inflammatory false equivalences over multiple posts in the thread. So he said this isn't so bad because they're just making fun of the way he talks and not his race. Therefore it's not racism. Unknown_12: Oh man. You know what's funny is that recent era Unknown_12: Speaking of ResetEra, you go to ResetEra, they're like a proper fucking business. Like, I think if they run ads and shit, right? 0:28:20 Unknown_12: Do they run ads? Unknown_12: Oh yeah, wanna browse without ads? Sign up now. You know how much fucking easier it would be if I could just run ads? Just run Google AdSense on my site? Unknown_09: Crazy. Unknown_09: Free Tibet, you know, it's the worst thing about that meme is doesn't work every time I see it. I know you don't know shit about China Run fake ads make niggers pay to browse about them. How do I how do I charge money for that? 0:28:58 Unknown_12: You see what I mean? Like if I had a way to just swipe credit cards on the Kiwi farms Unknown_09: It would make enough money to run, easily. Unknown_12: Oh yeah, Black Pigeon Speaks got banned from YouTube for... I don't even know why. We can look that up real quick. 0:29:40 Unknown_09: Is this it? Navy Hato? What the fucking name is that? Unknown_09: Where is it? Unknown_09: She not post the ban reason what do you get banned for? Oh We've got like manually deleted to Fully monetized and good standing with no strikes and I got it got banned like two days after this guy made a video Criticizing the Vox ad pocalypse from what I heard 0:30:20 Unknown_12: They just, they just delete it. Unknown_12: They just delete it and it's gone. Unknown_12: Oh yeah, the thing with mad at the internet.com is I can't really advertise it. Unknown_12: Like you see, you see how much money it makes when I can just advertise it off my streams and shit. Imagine how much money it would make if I could advertise, if I could properly charge money on the site. It would make enough where I could afford to actually improve things for once. Unknown_09: When I ran a coin miner on the site that was opt-in, it was so... It's too few people did it to make it worth maintaining. 0:31:00 Unknown_12: The site is, to this day, years later, it's still on blacklist from... from... Unknown_12: Like like piehole or whatever still thinks that we run a coin miner on the site and we don't And it's just like it's so it's so frustrating Like everything everything I try Just to make a little bit of scratch with just fails spectacularly to the point where years later I can't I can't like people can't access the site because piehole has it blocked and 0:31:43 Unknown_12: If the coin miner is opt-out, you run into the issue of it running and pissing people off. No. Unknown_12: Because there was a site called CoinHive, and I think they closed. Unknown_12: Oh yeah, you can't even fucking find it. They ran for a while with the opt-in, opt-out kind of system where people would run coin miners with browsers, but browsers adopted to block it, and now you can't coin mine. 0:32:21 Unknown_09: Pewdiepie content sucks now? Well that's a shame. I hate these fucking people. Unknown_12: When's Keemstar gonna get banned? So I don't have to hear about fucking Keemstar. What the fuck is keeping Keemstar out of being banned? How the fuck does he manage? Unknown_12: What do I have to do to be like Keemstar? And never have to be banned? Unknown_09: And can boss YouTube around? 0:33:00 Unknown_09: He's legit? How the fuck is Keem legit? Keemstar is Jewish? Unknown_12: What the fuck? Unknown_10: What the fu- You're shitting me! Unknown_12: His name is Daniel Keem? Keem's not a fucking... What? Unknown_09: No. There's no way. Does he have a u- He does. Unknown_09: It was deleted? 0:33:33 Unknown_09: How the fuck? Unknown_09: He's not... No, yeah, I don't think he's Jewish. Unknown_09: Well, he's been banned a lot of times. I don't know how he's not banned right now. Unknown_09: No, the thing about him having to have a proxy own his channel for him, that's not true anymore. Unknown_12: That used to be the case, but he properly, like, that's his channel now. 0:34:14 Unknown_09: Is Crowder Jewish? Unknown_09: No, I don't believe in too rich to fail. This black pigeon speaks at half a million. This better be a good fucking video. Or I'm never clicking anything you send me again. Unknown_09: arbitrary decision. I find it very interesting that a person who says, why would I give any time to someone who doesn't have a lot of followers, that is now complaining. 0:34:52 Unknown_13: This isn't evidence that he's Jewish, this is just bullshit. Unknown_05: How the fuck is Monday and Gnat isn't fucking Jewish? Unknown_09: Yeah, this is bullshit. Unknown_09: He's gay. Yeah, you repeat it all the time, he isn't Jewish but would like to be one. 0:35:34 Unknown_12: Speaking of... Oh man, I'm never gonna be able to find this. Unknown_12: Does anybody have a link to that clip of a IU Talking about rabbis If I can find this I would like to play it speaking of since I'm just I'm just gonna kill right now just killing time Yeah, no, let's go too far 0:36:10 Unknown_12: He's 9% part of the time that's not you're either in the tribe or you're out of the tribe. Unknown_09: Yeah, this seems like a joke 9% do like everybody in the world is 9% Jew least according to genealogy test There's no way he's American. Unknown_12: His mother is Jewish. I mean, he's probably circumcised because I Unknown_12: He's American Dude no, I'm not playing this shit Oh, is this the AIU clip? 0:36:57 Unknown_09: I do want to play this I hate this fucking guy. Unknown_12: You know how much I think I hate Unknown_12: AI you more than anyone else because how do you take something as cool as a kangaroo and Ruin it by being such a faggot Can't see so just choose me said your uncle to make them sit down but Choose me some good hands. Unknown_11: Yeah now your uncle Devin sat through an hour and a half of this debate to find that moment and 0:37:34 Unknown_00: That is coming in the immediate aftermath of that young woman on stage. She just said, I want four new questions. Choose me some good hands, hands that fucking white men. Fuck you whites. Do you see? Unknown_11: Just choose me some good hands. Unknown_12: Get to the good part. Unknown_11: If it's full white man, this is fucking an hour and 13 minutes long. Unknown_11: How many people even watch this all the way through? I'm going to make them sit down, but choose me some good hands. Yeah. Unknown_00: See, I was calling this out years ago when people weren't that brazen. Now they be brazen. So now their racism is material for a comedy act. Hey, any questions in the house? Any view that this is seen as acceptable? Moderator. Now I mentioned to you that I was a little bit alarmed that we had a rabbi. What is the fucking agenda? Now I mentioned to you that I was a little bit alarmed that we had a rabbi who, you know, it's just so random, but whatever. The guy had some great points. He was actually a very eloquent speaker with some very sharp ideas, but you know, Jews make up 0.5% of the population of the UK. And so when I found out we had another Jew, who was spilling all this anti-white shit. She was the one laughing at the white devil joke. You know, we got to de-platform Steve Bannon because he's white and he kind of cares about white people, so he's got to be a devil. That's not a coincidence that you have two Jews on stage. Come to find out, Jonathan Haidt is a Jew. Now, again, he's not saying anti-white shit anywhere near what these other people are saying. He was on the right side of this argument, speaking sensibly. But that's three Jews. 0:38:44 Unknown_00: on a panel of five people. Did some more research, the moderator is Jewish. 0:39:18 Unknown_00: The one that just said white people, white men should put their fucking hands down because they're not good, that woman is Jewish. So four out of the five people on this panel are Jewish. Unknown_00: Am I supposed to ignore that? Unknown_00: Why wasn't that addressed? I mean, of course they talked about the Holocaust and antisemitism and Nazis, fuck whites. It's incredible. Four out of the five are Jewish. And the fifth guy is the most anti-white bigoted fucker on the panel. So this is an astonishing trend. I have been on record. Go look up my videos on Jews, on Israel, my personal experience with Jews. 0:39:56 Unknown_12: Get ready. He has to kiss some ass to keep his channel. Unknown_00: I have been on record. Go look up my videos on Jews, on Israel. My personal experience with Jews has always been incredible. Always. I find them to be a fascinating people, an accomplished people, talented, funny, productive. They are a small minority. They are just very functional. I'm a huge fan of Israel. I defend Israel on every front. I love it too. I mean, I'm absolutely in favor of Israel. But I'm also in favor of the truth. And I'm an empiricist. I'm an empiricist. And if I'm looking at this panel and slowly it's being unveiled to me that, oh, wait a minute, the people here who are anti-white are fucking Jewish. And this is a discussion in England disparaging my race. I will take notice because there is a disproportionate amount of Jews on the far left, which means, and in the media, which translates to there's a disproportionate amount of Jews who are anti-white. That is a fact. I am acutely aware that it's not all, and unlike the people on that stage, I hold individuals accountable for their thoughts, ideas, and actions. So if I see that these two Jewish women are disparaging white people, I don't blame Judaism. I don't blame every Jew in the world. I blame them, but I also take notice of who they are. Just like I take notice that mulattoes tend to be more anti-white and aggro than non-mulattoes. That's a fact. 0:41:07 Unknown_00: I mean look at what we're witnessing here. I didn't make this up. I just watched this this they did this in March I think that's the end does anybody say What's funny is that I don't think his audience really received this too. Unknown_12: Oh it did. Oh my god. Oh 0:41:42 Unknown_09: He kept going and going. Unknown_12: It's like if I had said that on my channel, I'd have gotten... Can I watch the replay for this? Unknown_09: Jews hate arrows. Unknown_12: Everybody's, everybody's making fun of him in the chat. Sorry, I was, you guys can't see it because my chat is on top of his, but there, there is, it's a, he did a, he did this, um, he released this video as a premiere and the people in chat are like making fun of him. 0:42:32 Unknown_09: Dude, you are hallucinating. Unknown_12: This is- Let me pull it up. Where's my- I have this- I have this open in a tab right now. So I can pull it up when I need it. 0:43:08 Unknown_12: I need that dopamine. I gotta keep my dopamine levels up. Unknown_09: It's not enough. Unknown_09: Get the fuck out of here. Colonel J is like a fucking weirdo. Unknown_09: He can go into the timeout box with the fucking dog fuckers. Unknown_09: Go on, Beskor. You know, Beskor got cucked too. From what I've heard, Beskor doesn't upload politically sensitive videos anymore. 0:43:48 Unknown_09: Dude, honking is banned. Did I tweet that? Unknown_12: I think I tweeted that. Unknown_12: If I didn't... Oh, you know what? Unknown_09: I sent it to a friend. I'll pull that up. Unknown_09: I didn't send this to somebody. Unknown_09: I don't know how this is bounding into comments. I don't know what the fuck that is. Oh, this is a link to a different article. 0:44:23 Unknown_12: Facebook has banned the word honk, claiming it's a violation of their community standards. Unknown_09: I want the press release. Unknown_09: I think they just made a... now being reported. Infowars? Unknown_12: Oh my god, I'm like in a... Oh, there we go! Alex Jo- Paul Joseph- sorry, not Alex Joseph, Paul Joseph Lawson. He's got the fix. It looks like something you posted doesn't follow our community standards. Honk. 0:45:00 Unknown_12: You know what's funny? He's reading that aloud. It's like a parody of itself. Because that's something you would honk to. And it's the honk itself. How do you do that? Unknown_12: You know how they do that it's because the SPLC Facebook and MasterCard get their talking points directly from the SPLC SPLC honk Where is it? Unknown_09: Honk honk 0:45:35 Unknown_09: Had an article on it SPLC in the ADL as No, I don't want notifications from fucking read it fuck off Somebody asked me what the clown thing was and I said Hong Kong is HH which is hail Hitler and they thought I Unknown_09: I hate the internet. We should we should burn the internet to the ground and Just completely give up and go back to Fast forward quick reads through a Jewish lens. That's what I'm talking about I want to see how do they how do they explain this? 0:46:32 Unknown_12: As Right Wing Watch reported on April 4th, users of online message board 4chan, which is popular among white nationalists, have begun to popularize a character called Honkler, an image of Pepe the Frog, the cartoon mascot of the so-called alt-right, wearing a clown nose and colorful wig. The other anti-Semites have built upon Honkler imagery when citing news that confirms their nihilistic worldview. When describing what they see as an illogic of a liberal, non-racist society, they write that they are living in a clown world, or just write Honk Honk as a shorthand to get that point across. Prominent far-right online platforms including the neo-nazi website the daily stormer and the increasingly popular white nationalist podcast goy talk I've used these memes in their post and many anonymous troll accounts have changed their profile pictures the photos of clowns as their synonyms to things like honkler honkler son and 0:47:32 Unknown_10: Honkler Honkler Honkler son is a good name. Unknown_12: That is a That's a really good name I would name my child Honkler Honkler son I've never been on I've never heard we talk Unknown_12: oh yeah this is this is great in response to an article about the Florida state legislation passing a law strengthening bans on anti-semitism in public schools a user with the avatar of an anime cartoon with a rainbow wig and red nose wrote meanwhile they will let the Jews continue to lie to make slavery and the treatment of Native Americans seem worse to incite hatred against whites honk honk 0:48:31 Unknown_09: I guess we're just going to talk about clowns for an hour now. Unknown_12: Clowns make me happy. I used to hate clowns, but now I love them. Unknown_12: I read recently that the clown emoji has been appropriated as a white nationalist dog whistle. Does that concern you at all? That you're lumping yourself in with a hate group? Unknown_12: Silence, liberal. Unknown_09: You don't get to see the unedited version too often. 0:49:05 Unknown_09: Bro, that's a Nazi emoji? I can't tell if these people are fucking joking anymore. Unknown_09: Didn't it used to be for pesos? Unknown_09: The Honk Lacoste? The six million honks? Unknown_09: I got in a fucking email from Brendan Yett. That motherfucker. That motherfucker. Unknown_12: You know what, it kind of bothers me that he publicly announced that he had banned me from their platform. That's kind of like a thing between you and the person that you're acting upon. I don't think it's your fucking job to announce that shit. 0:49:45 Unknown_12: So, you know what I'm gonna do? I'm still gonna shill Brave. If I can still make money off of it through people watching ads, and they can send that to me. That's the thing though. It's like, if you can't send the money, then you don't own the fucking money. If they're giving you the basic attention tokens and you can't spend it wherever the fuck you want. And you don't own that. It's not yours. And if that's the case, then I'll relay that information to these Bitcoin blogs that are interested in that kind of shit. Because that's pertinent. If they can control centrally the currency, then it's not decentralized. 0:50:22 Unknown_09: Well, he can always at him Like I would I would never like you can he responds he responds to fucking everybody on Twitter Brendan Ike He likes to argue Yeah, look this motherfucker has 89,000 tweets 0:51:05 Unknown_12: He just responds to absolutely everyone who adds him. So fucking add him if you want to. Just be careful, don't add him from an account talking about the Kiwi farms that can be traced back to who you are. That's why I wouldn't advocate it. Unknown_09: Need a bag? I need money. Unknown_09: Oh yeah, that's what the stream was about. He missed the first half. Unknown_09: Here, I'll throw it up again for people who were late. 0:51:49 Unknown_09: Thank you, creator. Thank you for registering as a creator via the Brave Rewards. Unknown_12: You're no longer eligible to receive BAT that is owned by Brave Software. If people using Brave Rewards allocate BAT from the Brave user growth pool to you, we will not honor those requests. You are no longer able to participate in the referral program. Unknown_12: This change only applies to BAT belonging to Brave Software. It does not affect anyone's ability to contribute BAT, which they own to you, using Brave Rewards, because they can't. Theoretically, they should not be able to. We made this decision based on our determination that 5.2 of the Brave Rewards Terms of Service for Publishers applies to you. The section is as follows. 0:52:24 Unknown_12: Company will not contribute that we own to any person or organization who on our sole judgment engages in violence Basically directly incites violence against individuals groups online or offline is the the cited reason I Don't know well, here's the thing if you have that like this is like I've tested this and 0:53:00 Unknown_12: And this still works. You can go to the thing, right? You can go to the site, click the little icon, and I will save this so I can show you. Unknown_09: And you can still send tips this way. Unknown_12: So that's when I'm gonna make a post on the forum asking people about it. if they can still do this. And I don't understand what exactly I'm banned from. And when I've asked Brendan Eich what am I actually terminated from, he doesn't tell me. He's been very aloof about that, so I don't fucking know. 0:53:32 Unknown_12: In all, the communication from Brave regarding what the ban is, how it impacts me, how it affects people's ability to use their own bat to send money to me, like that is all fucking completely ambiguous. And you have to be really explicit with crypto shit, because it's by name, it's crypto, it's cryptic. 0:54:13 Unknown_09: Should have just fucked them. It's true. It would have fixed a lot of issues Oh, I think the advertisers only work in like America they region lock it I've noticed I only get advertisements and stuff on my proxies in the u.s. Unknown_12: It doesn't work Does it work in vodka land normally I 0:54:44 Unknown_09: Crypto Jews like Daniel Kim. Unknown_09: Oh, you should never trust the startups. They should have to prove themselves. Unknown_12: And for a while, Ike looked like he gave a shit. Unknown_12: But they never do. Not when they're dumb and they put their staff directory up and give space for random fucking British people to harass these people. Unknown_09: If you wanna try it, try it. 0:55:17 Unknown_09: Close the browser first because I don't know if the send a tip thing, like it still says I'm a verified publisher. Unknown_12: I don't know what that means. Unknown_12: I don't actually know what that means. Unknown_12: Because it would be very against Ike's interest to have that kind of control. Because it hurts like... Why the fuck would people invest in your program if it's not going to solve any more issues than anything else, you know what I mean? Unknown_09: Somebody says they tried to send a tip directly via the Brave browser and it does not work. 0:56:03 Unknown_12: I don't know. Like what is it? What does it say? Cuz I can do it. I can do it on sites that aren't verified I'm trying to figure this out A blue check minor bravery Unknown_09: No, no, no. Nobody with a checkmark's brave. They're all subhumans. 0:56:34 Unknown_09: Okay, it does need, yeah, that was before the ban though. Unknown_12: Like the sending a tip thing didn't always work. Unknown_12: I've seen issues with that. That's just the browser being bad. Unknown_12: I don't think in any way I'm actually like prohibited from receiving money. That would be preposterous It would undermine the entire fucking point of a cryptocurrency Yeah, okay if I'm gonna I'm gonna make sure before I make a post about it but When I'm sure of what the actual limitations are I'll make a write-up about it 0:57:40 Unknown_09: Stop being poor. Man. Unknown_12: They better make sure I never get money. They better fucking make sure. Because if I win the lottery or some shit and I end up with a billion dollars. Unknown_12: Oh man. I have plans. I have some plans for that money. It's already spent in my head. Unknown_12: See, this was all just a trick. This entire stream was an hour-long trick to get people to open the tip screen and give me tips and that. 0:58:13 Unknown_09: What's the error? Unknown_09: No, if it says that, try again. Unknown_12: Because I think it doesn't work sometimes. Unknown_09: I'm not sure why. Unknown_09: How did PewDiePie cut to Vox? Unknown_09: Explain this. I'm curious. 0:58:44 Unknown_09: Let me check and see if I can see the tips on my side. Unknown_09: No bat have a lemon. Thank you See this is like live debugging to try and figure out what the luck to do You 0:59:30 Unknown_09: Let's see. Is it any higher than it was a couple minutes ago when I took the screenshot? Unknown_12: Yeah, it is. Okay, I guess I get it then. I guess everybody can go fuck themselves. Unknown_12: I can still receive tips. I just have to tell people to fucking send it directly. Unknown_12: Whatever. It's so fucking asinine. God, you know how much a pain in the ass it is to exist? Why does life have to be such a pain in the fucking ass all the fucking time? Unknown_12: You know, it used to be we'd go out and we'd farm, and we'd buy a wife from the market like we would a pig, and then we'd fuck it like we would a pig. And everything was normal, everything was fine. 1:00:07 Unknown_09: Now we got, now we got, yikes. Unknown_09: Do you think this guy, hold up, pull up a picture of him. Unknown_09: You dog fuckers, get out of here. Unknown_09: Where do you think this guy is from? What kind of- I guess Ike is like a German last name. Unknown_12: He doesn't look German though. Here's the funny thing, you ready? This is Brendan Ike. This is the guy who owns Brave. 1:00:42 Unknown_09: This is... This is the guy who's been stalking me. Unknown_12: Not the one on the left, the one on the right. Unknown_12: I'm telling you. I am sensing... I'm sensing Anglo. I'm sensing Anglo. I can smell it. I can smell the Anglo. And I'm pretty sure... I'm pretty sure... That's what it is. I'm pretty sure it's... It's... The Eternal... The Eternal Anglo. It just has a German last name. 1:01:15 Unknown_12: Both have stalked me has Sargon stalked me. Unknown_12: How is so I don't think Sargon knows I exist Oh, he's French, okay That's funny have I seen him with Sargon before Yeah, cuz I guess during gamergate he went out of his way to meet like there's a picture of him with Milo, too. I 1:01:59 Unknown_12: That one's more famous. There's two of him. Unknown_09: What the fuck he really likes. He really likes Milo. Unknown_09: Huh? Unknown_09: I don't know if he likes Sargon anymore though Sargon was too busy saving the West. That's true That is true 1:02:33 Unknown_09: The 20-year plan? Unknown_09: Sorgon did an interview with Samuel Collingwood Smith, really? I should get a drug addiction going. I've been considering smoking. That way my voice will sound developed and not weird. 1:03:11 Unknown_09: People hate me because I'm bad. And I do bad things and I say bad things. Unknown_09: Don't start smoking. Please do start smoking. Waste of money. It's only like a buck a pack here. Unknown_09: Smoking is degenerate. That shit stacks up. Unknown_09: Definitely try meth. Crocodile. Unknown_09: Cigarettes are a great investment. 1:03:52 Unknown_09: A child with bronchitis. Unknown_09: Look, here's a true fact. Everybody here smokes. Unknown_09: I'll show you. Unknown_09: I want one thing, there we go. Unknown_12: Prevalence of tobacco smoking percentage in male population age 15 or higher. 60% of people. 60% of people in Russia smoke. It's fucking crazy how many people smoke in Slav lands. In Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania it's not much better. They smoke a lot in Greece too. 1:04:26 Unknown_12: Poor people smoke Russia got more money than Ukraine. They spoke more than Ukraine Though I will tell you the smell of hookah is really good and I will show you what I mean I don't know if you guys have this I've never seen this except in Turkey and I 1:05:07 Unknown_12: And in Europe, Eastern Europe, is this shit. It smells so good. When people are smoking this shit, it's like a perfume in the air. I'm sure it's really harsh on your lungs, but it's pleasant sitting next to it. Unknown_09: Don't convert to Islam. Unknown_09: Hey man, I'll eat my kebab. Unknown_12: I'll smoke my hookah. Unknown_12: I'll live in Germany. Unknown_12: Oh, I just got an email. Unknown_12: Let's read an email. 1:05:40 Unknown_12: Oh my gosh Holy cow. This is this is a hard-hitting email that I just got I'm gonna pull it up. Unknown_09: I'll read it It's not very long it's not eight pages long fortunately I Unknown_09: Let's see, I have no idea who this person is before anybody asks 1:06:17 Unknown_12: This is from Ashley Kloot. I hereby or I request removal from your site. I am hereby requesting all of my info and any post made by me or about me be removed from your site. I do not wish to play your games and be ridiculed by your so-called subscribers and users. Your site is offensive. 1:06:49 Unknown_09: I don't know who this person is. Unknown_12: I can search their email address. Or their name. Unknown_12: See what we get. I mean, if their information is on the site, I should be able to find it. Ashley Clute. Unknown_09: That's an awful fucking name. 1:07:22 Unknown_09: It's not on the site. What the fuck are you complaining about? Unknown_09: Oh, here we go. Unknown_09: Oh, it's like a random post in the thread. What the fuck? Unknown_09: No, it's just... What? 1:08:00 Unknown_09: Who the fuck is this person? Why did they turn up in the search results? Unknown_09: So she re- she re- what? Unknown_12: She registered on the site, rated a post, and I guess wants her account deleted? No, I don't fucking do that shit. Fuck off. I don't delete accounts. Eat shit. You get nothing. Unknown_12: bothering you bothering me with your bullshit I was hoping for some good content not good just shit I updated my contact form recently I said I suggest you read my page and removing contact before cut removing content before contacting me if that's a request legal for u.s. court orders u.s. DMCA takedown request and u.s. law enforcement queries my address for servicing 1:08:48 Unknown_12: I have a thing for press, inquiries from members of the press. I do not respond to the British. Unknown_12: And in general, with my voicemail thing. Unknown_12: And then compliments, complaints, death threats, cries for help, nude pictures of yourself, woman only, no traps. Unknown_12: And I reserve the right to publish any email I receive for any reason at all, or no reason at all. 1:09:22 Unknown_12: Let me I have already gotten voicemail from this by the way, I'm gonna play it I think it's just garbage. I think it's just some kid playing games on my telephone, but I'll play it Cuz you can hear him snickering he thinks he's funny wait, hold up wrong one I'm part of the good so and the good fellows hit me and hired by red guys. Unknown_08: I'm here to show and destroy all your plushies, and burn down your house, and destroy all your video games. Unknown_08: Good day, sir. Unknown_09: Uh, hi, Jared. 1:10:08 Unknown_08: Um... I'm part of... I am a, uh... I'm sorry to tell you this, but, uh, you're about to be evicted. Uh, you have three weeks to, uh, pack your shit and leave. Unknown_09: I would start now. Unknown_09: Jared, you better answer me, will you? Unknown_08: Or, I will not give you $5,000. Chat, what the fuck? Unknown_09: Why is this kid playing on my phone? 1:10:45 Unknown_12: Why is this kid playing on my phone? I don't like it when people play on my phone. 13 year old B-Tard? Unknown_12: That's probably accurate. Unknown_12: I wish I got 5,000. Unknown_12: Yeah, no shit. This is Brendan Eich. You better answer me or I'm not going to give you your 5,000 dollars. Yeah, fuck off. You better give me my 5,000 dollars or I'm going to call the fucking FEC, motherfucker. Unknown_12: Running your scam operation. 1:11:28 Unknown_09: It's Virgo. Unknown_09: Oh, man You know that would cheer me up right now some Virgo. Unknown_09: Can I get some Virgo? I'm gonna look it up Let's see Come on why is the site so slow? Unknown_09: Oh my God. Oh sweet Jesus. 1:12:00 Unknown_09: Is this new? When was this? Unknown_09: Sunday. Unknown_09: Today? Oh my God. Unknown_12: Oh my God. Unknown_12: Heck yes. Unknown_01: Hello. This is a short commentary. It's really funny. Um, I received a letter from Dar and uh, Unknown_01: Yeah, I like to think on the positive side of Dar that he really loved me and all of this, but the guy that delivered the papers, all of these papers from a court, saying that I can't see him ever again for the rest of his life. He said that he thinks that DAR might have been part of the setup and that he was behind it. Who the fuck is DAR? You know, I have dementia. I mean, he's not totally making believe, but making believe he doesn't have any control over anything and that he could be setting me up for getting in trouble. 1:12:34 Unknown_01: See, years ago, these people beat me up and then threw me out of the house and then said, oh, she did this and this and this. This is what they would do. That's what psychopaths do. They would beat me up, throw me out of the house, and then say she did something to us. 1:13:13 Unknown_01: They were compulsive liars. They were psychopaths. Unknown_01: And this person, Dara, is probably setting me up. I mean, he's with them. Unknown_01: He gave this person a POA two times. He beat me up till I was 22, never came to my concerts with Curtis, went and only spent time with them with the 666 and the logo of their company everywhere. And you'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see the 666 everywhere in their company. Promoting pedophilia and baby thongs and baby thongs, children and everything. 1:13:45 Unknown_01: They're promoting that to children. I don't think that they should do that. I think they should let children just be children and have Daffy Duck giving oral sex to kids on rides. Literally, they have a ride with Daffy Duck. His mouth is right on the crotch of all the kids. It's really disgusting and depraved. And she's involved with this because she has no brain and also nothing, nothing upstairs. See, my friends, I went to the Bahamas with a professor at Temple. who was a dentist. I have had multiple friends that are lawyers, boyfriends that is a lawyer at the United Nations right now in agriculture, in the environment, helping the environment. He was delegated to a position from the president 1:14:17 Unknown_01: Appointed not delegated. Look I have to get going. Um, you know, I'm like Seward, you know, I'm gifted in in composition and vocal arts But I'm multi-dimensional. I'm also a visual I'm gonna pause it cuz she does like all her videos where she's like, I have to get going number one Unknown_12: There's five more minutes left. Number two, nobody fucking asked you to make this video. If you don't want to make the video, don't make the video. Wait till you have time. What the fuck kind of comment is that, bitch? 1:14:58 Unknown_01: I'm very, very, um, gifted artistically. So I studied to Curtis for 10 years and four years with her students. And one of them was Candace was a really good friend. who was a teacher. She became my friend. She won Liederkrantz and Mario Alonso competition. I could have won it too, but I was dealing with major oppression. Unknown_01: And she became my friend, very encouraging, sent me out with my teacher from Curtis. And she was a bassoon major at Curtis and an opera major. So anyway, she was my friend. She was an avid horseback rider, my friend from high school who became, she wanted to be a neurosurgeon, had six varsity letters. I won all these medals and prizes with her. In a team that was first in the state, she went to U of Penn. on a full scholarship. My cousin Stuart had full scholarships, went to Cornell, Columbia, is a Harvard professor right now, won a million dollar prize in medical research, is helping people with ALS and Lou Gehrig's disease. He has very little video views for somebody that won a million dollar prize in medical research. He's trying to help people. 1:16:10 Unknown_01: So he is helping people, hopefully, to sustain life. And he doesn't get a lot of video views. So I'm trying to help people. I believe that music is the most powerful healing modality in the world. And basically, I think it's underrated. I think there are other very creative people from these music schools. They may not graduate. Leonard Bernstein did not graduate, Curtis, but he went there. So I also studied with my composition teacher, Laurie Isaman. who taught master classes at Lincoln Center. He went to the Mads Music School and Manhattan School of Music, taught advanced composition, won a, well, he actually was nominated for a Grammy Award, ick. Grammys mean nothing to me, really, I don't know. But years ago, maybe, but they might have meant a little bit of something, but not really everything. And also had a top 10 album in jazz. 1:16:42 Unknown_01: He's a really good musician, really good composer. I would say he's kind of a depressing composer, and he wasn't that nice a person in the end. He just didn't want to see me succeed. So I have to get off. 1:17:17 Unknown_01: What I do... I have to get off. Unknown_12: Three more minutes left. Unknown_01: is a special specialized field where I don't care what anybody hey and motherfucker I'm tracking the words with my cursor because I'm not talking and I'm demonstrating what I'm fucking reading for people I don't fuck you so I don't have to pause the video and instruct you on how how streaming works motherfucker Tell me I'm making $300, up to $300 a day. $96,000 a year, $100,000 a year. 1:17:49 Unknown_01: My business, what I do now, some people help me get into a business and I'm doing it by myself mostly. I'm making up to $300 a day. I mean, and basically, I could take them to court if I wanted to, but I just don't want to be around these kinds of people. Now, my friends are business people. Unknown_01: He makes $300,000 a year, my friend in Detroit. He has a lot of overheads, so he doesn't take it all. $300,000 a year, okay? But he has a business and has numbers of people working for him. I just realized... She's not recording audio and superimposing it on like a black screen. 1:18:22 Unknown_12: She's actually recording in the dark. Unknown_01: She moved it you can see light you can like see the outline of a face right there Unknown_12: Why the fuck did she... Whatever. Unknown_01: ...has numbers of people working for him. Very hard-working guy, and he's smart. Business smart, okay? And he's not stupid, and it doesn't matter if he's struggling or not. I would say that people... These people out in Cali land are not smart people. They've never done anything with their life except hanging around 666 and the logo of... some skanky little company that has a million people that signed a petition against it. So I'm gifted. They don't like that. Who cares about you? Dar used to teach the gifted. He taught all kinds of things. He was gifted. He could have probably finished and gotten his PhD, but he didn't do that. It doesn't really matter. This other side of the family, Gerard speaks to me, would get together with each other. His father became a professor. 1:19:30 Unknown_01: They all have PhDs. This guy has a master's degree in psychology. I could have gone in that direction and just finished up things, but I went to Curtis, studied composition with somebody else, became a jazz musician. I didn't feel I needed it because Vangelis is a mega genius. And I know he's a mega genius. He's just a real genius. I think he is. He could be a mega genius. Unknown_01: He never even graduated college. He went to art school. So I have to go. You don't need a PhD to be an artist, but it really would help in the world that we're living in to have education. Some people that have an education can't even make a living. 1:20:02 Unknown_01: at all. So I'm making $300 a day. I have to get going. Um, if you want to be sued, you can, it's okay, but I've got to get going. I have all kinds of medals and prizes and in one of the hardest medals and prizes, cross country and track. Very difficult. All my friends were upward, uh, thinking people and very highly motivated. If you want to mess with very strong people, that's up to you. You lied about me in the court of law. I have to get going. I have to work. Goodbye, you low-lives. This guy could be setting me up. I'm not going to contact him on DARS day. I'm not going to be doing it on Sunday. I'm not contacting you. You hang around the lowest competent denominator, you're not going to be seeing me. You lie about me in court, you're not going to be seeing me ever again. You're a low-life. You're low-life people. I have family on this side of the country. They're smart. I have friends. They're smart. I don't need you. I want you out of my life. Goodbye. Get lost. Yeah, I saw that for a brief second. Look, it's like resting on her knee or something. 1:21:09 Unknown_10: That's funny. Unknown_01: That is legit funny. Unknown_12: She just has this camera facing down her knee, and she's just sitting there, ranting to herself like a fucking retard. That's crazy. Unknown_12: Is there more? 1:21:46 Unknown_12: What? Look! I love, loves, loves her Dar. I will never forget my Dar. Hello, Dar. Unknown_12: You are loved. And then if Dar associates with evil, he is one with evil. Unknown_12: Who is Dar? Did he break her heart? Unknown_03: Hello, I want to talk about my sweet Dar. 1:22:16 Unknown_01: I love you sweet Dar. Unknown_10: I thought you were married Oh my god 1:23:04 Unknown_10: Hold up, did she say that? Unknown_12: She wouldn't mind if she diapered him. Okay, I wouldn't mind I'm sorry. I know the the audio is really low. I have to um, I Can't make it louder Know what I bet I can do it with Unknown_09: Can I auto-mix? I don't want to auto-mix it with Windows. Look at it all fucked up. Unknown_12: Here, let me increase it. It'll be, uh, sold up. 1:23:36 Unknown_12: God, sorry. Oh no! Unknown_01: The wind noises. Unknown_01: So, I'm not coarse and ugly like they are. They're coarse and ugly and genetically hardened. There's something wrong with their DNA. Now, Dar is a very sweet person. And I believe that Dar is in a love situation now. 1:24:10 Unknown_01: And I'm outside. I woke up at 3 in the morning. I'm being blessed by God. Unknown_01: Is she like a homeless person out in the park what the fuck Is dark 1:24:53 Unknown_01: The only thing that matters to toxic narcissists, malignant narcissists and psychopaths is themselves. They don't care about Dar's feelings or mine. And claiming that Dar cannot make rational decisions at the end of their life, because Dar is someone they want to control. Because that's what malignant narcissists and psychopaths want. Unknown_01: Well, it's going to be Father's Day and I received a letter from my father and I'm not legally allowed to talk to my dad because of a person who lied to a court. A person who committed grand larceny lied to court saying that I'm going to be dangerous to this person. Right. And I worked with the terminally ill, did they? No. 1:25:31 Unknown_01: They never worked in a nursing home. I did. Also, my cousins invited me over. Edith and my cousin Lowell is in a nursing home. He's not doing well. Who the fuck is Dard? And all these people. Unknown_01: Gerald talks to me all the time. Who the fuck is Dard? He's a very nice person. He's a psychologist. And I'm sure Seward is doing really well. He's a Harvard professor and he won a million dollar prize in research. 1:26:13 Unknown_01: and he's looking to sustain life and helping people that have ALS and Lou Gehrig's disease. Unknown_01: So, yeah, he invented something that helps to regulate medicine and trying to see how it's working. And he invented something called, well, I'm not gonna say what it is, but anyway, he's- It's her dad. Interested in helping people as much as money. Unknown_12: Okay, so I figured it out. Unknown_12: Her dad is in end-of-life care. He's in an old folks home and she is not legally allowed to be around him. 1:26:58 Unknown_12: So she must have done something that her family got a protective order for her dad Unknown_12: against her and these videos are her reminiscing about how much she loves her dad and is even saying like the the weird comment about the diapering is like her saying I don't care that if you are if you're a diaper I'll still take care of you dad because I love you that's what I don't know why the fuck she calls him Dar Unknown_01: So all that millions of dollars, no, the million dollars that he won has to go towards research, because he's a research doctor, so. 1:27:41 Unknown_01: Yeah, he's not living that large, I'm sure. He's just working really hard, and I'm just, it's about five o'clock, I need to get going, and I received a beautiful message from my dad. Yeah, her dad has dementia. And I can't respond to it, legally. Unknown_01: I was told by a lawyer in California and other people that I cannot respond to my death because this crazy woman who basically committed grand larceny, and there was a police report, decided to keep us away from each other when he fell in her presence after the police forced What? 1:28:16 Unknown_12: You're full of shit. Unknown_01: Is that true? Unknown_12: So she calls him Dar... She calls him Dar instead of Dad because she's legally... She can't legally talk about him. So she doesn't flat out say, I love my dad, I wish I could talk to my dad. Unknown_10: Because that would be a violation of her stalking restraining order. Unknown_10: Oh wow, that's fucking, that's wild. Unknown_01: They didn't care. They don't care about how my dad feels. He misses me. I miss him. 1:28:47 Unknown_01: She doesn't care about either of us. Unknown_01: But she has a husband, so what does she need my dad for? I don't have anybody. Unknown_01: I have my cousins, but not really. I mean, Edith invited me over. Unknown_01: which is nice. I can't get up there. I spent $54 last time paying for the outer bridge and all the other bridge tolls. And I can't do that right now. I have to work. But I would love to see them. And it's very sad that Lowell is not doing well. 1:29:21 Unknown_01: So anyway, I just want to say that I love my dad. I love my dad. She said it. I don't know if he's looking at my videos. I really don't know, but I'm not legally allowed to say anything to my dad. Unknown_01: I'm not legally allowed to respond. This is how sick this is when you're dealing with people who are sick. Well, perjury is a criminal act. Of course, lying in court, which she did, is criminal. Unknown_01: She's or she's just delusional. Maybe it's not lying. She's delusional. It's wacko. So, um, the thing is right now, I, what did she do to get a restraining order? $3,000. I'm paying my rent, which is, uh, you know, it's a lot of rent. I'm paying $200 extra because I owe money to him and a new car and everything for my work. And I'm, um, I love this person a lot. 1:29:58 Unknown_01: I cried when I got it. I just love him, and I can't send him a card for the holiday coming up. I'm not legally allowed. And see, the thing is, she wants all the money, so I have no legal rights anymore. 1:30:30 Unknown_12: That's the, uh, that's the strange thing, is like, when you hear a crazy person, and she's obviously fucking nuts, but when she talks, it's, she's very, you know, like, emotions are, they like transcend language and sense. You know, you can, somebody can be crazy and still belie how they feel, even if what they say doesn't make sense. So even though she's rambling like a fucking lunatic, 1:31:06 Unknown_12: You know, she still sounds sad it's very strange Yeah, you should feel bad for the crazy What Jim said he's moving off of off of YouTube good to get demonetized It's his new name Unknown_09: Wrong one twitter.com Didn't say that Lied to me you got me to pull this shit up on strain to check fucking liar Oh, would you lie to me jet? Unknown_09: Oh and make sure whoever was in chat talking about these videos, I hope you're archiving them now putting them to the site 1:32:13 Unknown_09: What else I got? Unknown_09: That's on his Patreon, okay. Unknown_09: I mean, I guess I don't I don't know anything about bit shoot calm the other user interfaces garbage but I think I Mean I can't blame them and there's so many people being thrown off YouTube now that alternatives are going to spring up and There's gonna be a little bit of competition, but really You know bit shoot is already demonetized. 1:33:02 Unknown_12: It's already demonetized and Unknown_09: They're gonna run into all the same problems we are I guess Maybe I should email them And tell them hey, hey my friends we are we suffer together Yeah, yeah, yeah people complain about the alive I like the alive so far it's okay I 1:33:37 Unknown_09: Yeah, I know about the experimental live feature, and it's peer-to-peer, which is crazy. Unknown_12: I really hope they make that shit open source. If we get a good peer-to-peer live streaming system that uses... Most people don't know this, but JavaScript is so advanced now that modern browsers can emulate torrent software in the browser. And you can watch a live stream, and there exist demonstrations of this that are paid for. Unknown_12: but you can watch a live stream and it's entirely over torrenting it's just the like the person uploading the video hits the master server the master server you know sends information out to a couple people but then most of the the data is actually peer-to-peer and that that's a huge bottleneck because YouTube is so unprofitable specifically because 1:34:33 Unknown_12: Of storage and bandwidth if you can resolve that bottleneck, it's it's big. It's a big deal Wasm Hey, you know, whatever whatever works wasm is compiled though wasm is uh, it's not very good new of you Unknown_12: And if you don't know what Wasm is, it's a... I believe it's C++. It's C++ converted to JavaScript. Unknown_12: And your browser can run C++. Browsers are... Like, there's not gonna be any other software soon. It's just gonna be browsers. 1:35:09 Unknown_12: Everything is gonna be a fucking internet application running Wasm. Unknown_09: Yeah dude, I'm telling you, I feel we're so close. Unknown_12: We're so close to having an open internet again. Unknown_12: We just need people who want that and who have the capabilities, which is why the whole Brendan Eich thing was so disappointing. Because it's like, you have the capacity here to make something that you can't tear down. Because once that peer-to-peer torrenting stuff is out, and anybody can host a live streaming application on minimal software, like that's it. You can't put that genie back in a bottle. It's done. 1:35:43 Unknown_12: And we, we, people need to be actively working towards that. Everybody in tech, everybody who knows anything about a computer needs to be thinking, how do I, how do I help? How do I help us get away from fucking YouTube and Twitter? And I know like so many people just go to work and they just write their fucking JavaScript front ends for their faggot fucking day job. And they go home and like, there's a Swedish guy on the forum who's a cross dresser. 1:36:26 Unknown_12: and he works for a company in Sweden doing front end javascript and design and shit goes to his job and he works his 9 to 5 making some corporate bullshit then he goes home and he spends his paycheck on dresses and he wears dresses because he likes to feel pretty what are you doing? you're not making babies you're not building software you're not Unknown_12: Decentralizing the internet when you die. Will anybody remember you? 1:37:04 Unknown_12: With your with your lack of Ken and you're no you're no basic attention tokens It's a wash man total a total waste Unknown_09: Now he wears the programming socks too. I have, um, the only picture I've seen of him is wearing those striped patterns as like gloves, like fingerless gloves that go up to your elbow. 1:37:36 Unknown_12: And it's like rainbow patterned and shit. Unknown_09: I'm like, nigga, that's gay. That's some gay shit. Unknown_12: Alright, I don't have bingo. I don't have bingo ready, but I'll watch a key video and then I'll play an outro song Oh God, what's her new one similar Facebook? 1:38:10 Unknown_09: Eight months ago, this isn't that what's her what's her new? Oh Unknown_09: What's her new channel? Unknown_09: Kay Cook? Unknown_12: That's an unfortunate band name or a fortunate real name. I guess you're fucked lady Sorry about your career. You're always gonna be the fish-and-chips lady from Northern Bridge or whatever the fuck And look my video I bet oh the kiwi farms are kind of like if I click this is a disappeared as it gets to a fucking hole I Type in cake cooking and I get garbage. Oh, there we go. Oh 1:38:46 Unknown_12: Manchester tart without the jam. Piss take pukka on pizza. Beef stew. Prawns on toast. Curried prawns. Corned beef hash. Chips and egg. Pasta bake. Chicken and chips. First Q&A. Egg custard, not egg fried rice. 1:39:21 Unknown_09: I only do the piss take. Unknown_09: uh people and I'm back again hold the fuck up somebody said something and I have to check you lied to me you said it was she commented on it and she didn't what the fuck you made me check and today it's the long-awaited beast day yay! 1:40:08 Unknown_03: yay! Unknown_03: people and I'm back again and today it's the long-awaited Beastie! Unknown_09: Hold up. I'm doing something. 1:40:53 Unknown_09: I'm still working on it. You have to wait. Unknown_09: You have to wait for my epic meme. Unknown_09: If you don't know what I'm doing already, you're slow. You're slow on the uptake. Unknown_09: Oh, I forgot. I forgot I didn't stop screen sharing my Firefox. Unknown_12: I guess that, I guess that ruins the suspense. I guess. 1:41:26 Unknown_09: Yay. Unknown_12: Sorry. I was, I was confused. Unknown_12: I was compelled. Unknown_02: Right, as you can see, I've got my two Chicago pizzas. Unknown_02: That's my pucker pie. Right, as I said, you can see my two pizzas and my pucker pie. 1:42:03 Unknown_02: I'll smack thee, I swear to God, I'm gonna chin thee and rape one. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put these in the oven for about... Sorry, I forgot. Unknown_12: I still have my audio way the fuck up because of the Virgo Rouge videos. Unknown_12: It's at 12 decibels. 15, 16 minutes, depending on how brown the pie goes, and then I'm going to do the long-awaited one. Unknown_02: Right, as you can see, my... Unknown_02: Chicago pizza? 1:42:41 Unknown_10: Good, don't you? Nigga, holy fuck, it's been four goddamn years, get a fucking oven mitt. Why the fuck are you touching 400 degrees aluminum with your bare fucking hands? Unknown_12: You've been doing this your entire goddamn life. How fucking hard is it to get a fucking oven mitt? I don't know how to do this. Unknown_12: What the fuck? Unknown_02: What are you doing? Get out. What are you doing? Pucker pie. I forgot what flavor I think it's. Mushrooms. Something to do with mushrooms. 1:43:14 Unknown_02: Oh. Unknown_02: Stop holding. That's pizza. That's a pucker pie in Unknown_02: What the fuck is wrong with British people? What the fuck is wrong with British people? Normal people don't do this shit! 1:44:05 Unknown_09: Chicken Kiev burger? Unknown_09: Hi people, I'm back cooking. Unknown_12: And today I'm going to- She's trying Ukrainian shit. You better fucking- Chicken Kiev burgers. Unknown_07: Oh my god. Unknown_02: As you can see, I've got marge. Unknown_02: And there's some parsley and some... Garlic. That's it. Unknown_02: Parsley and garlic in here. Unknown_02: So I'm going to put that in the marge. 1:44:40 Unknown_12: That's like some cannabis oil and bud. Now I know why she makes that puck of pie shit. She's fucking stoned out of her mind and got some munchies. Unknown_02: And I'm going to mix it around and around and around and around and around. Until it all becomes... Oh, that garlic is strong! 1:45:18 Unknown_02: Could you get me the salt? I forgot the salt, please. Unknown_02: Buddy, is there a wallow in bloody room? Unknown_02: Thank you. It's a good pinch. It's half at the top. Unknown_02: So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to get my chicken out. 1:45:49 Unknown_12: That's what we're going for, chat. I'm going to get my chicken out, and I'm going to show you what it showed me on Google, whatever it is. Unknown_02: Right, that's a piece of chicken breast. Unknown_02: And it says to cut the inside, but that don't look very thick to me. So what it didn't say cut, it says do it with a knife. 1:46:23 Unknown_02: but I prefer to do it with scissors. Unknown_02: And they say I make a little pocket. Unknown_02: Hold on, I'll go and get my sewing machine and I'll make a bleeding pocket better than that. Unknown_12: Why does she never cut chicken with a knife? Unknown_03: That's a little pocket. Unknown_12: What the fuck are you doing? I need more hands. Unknown_02: And it says Unknown_12: She making like a fuck hole in that chicken breast? 1:46:57 Unknown_02: That. Unknown_12: Oh my god. Into a sausage shape. Oh no! Unknown_02: Oh no! Near enough sausage shape. Unknown_12: Yeah, take it chicken. Take it. Don't waste any drop chicken. Unknown_02: Right, that's in there. It says close up with your fingers, which is closed up now. There's a bit of garlic coming out of it. It don't matter, it's still the same. 1:47:30 Unknown_02: It looks like it got crumpled. Right, I'm gonna dip it again. Dip it in an egg. Unknown_02: I hate this bit. Unknown_12: Well, if you used a fork, it would be a lot easier. Dip it in flour. Unknown_02: Dip it in breadcrumbs. I think you need to dip it in flour again, actually. I think you need to dip it in flour, then in breadcrumbs, yeah. 1:48:04 Unknown_02: So I made a mistake, yes. Oh my god. Unknown_04: Oh my god. Unknown_02: Then we dip it in breadcrumbs. That's so fucking nasty. Oh, shit. The bukkake came out. Get a spoon and put it in the frying pan. It says to put it in the frying pan. Unknown_10: That was the right thing to do? You think this is right? 1:48:37 Unknown_06: Oh no. That's not a burger! Unknown_02: There's no- There's no bread! Unknown_07: I think he's gonna do the cheese sandwich! I think I'm still here for... It's fried chicken, you fat fuck, eat it! 1:49:11 Unknown_13: It's been a long wait! It's not even summer yet! Unknown_12: Hold up, hold up. Okay, so this is what we got. Right? Unknown_09: This is what we were going for. This is what we got. Unknown_09: What we were going for, what we got. Unknown_12: Get back to that taste test. Unknown_02: He's doing the taste test, there's going to be a description in the... There's going to be a link in the description to my Facebook page. 1:49:47 Unknown_10: I can't even fucking pile it down. Unknown_02: Nice laughing, Mum, because she got it wrong. Unknown_02: It is a link in the description, isn't it? Unknown_12: Oh, I like the bukkake. Nice and creamy. Unknown_02: A little bit crunchy. 10 out of 10. Unknown_12: Perfect. Just like in Kiev. Unknown_02: It is a link in the description. It's gonna be a link in the description. Yeah, that's right. I got it right. 1:50:23 Unknown_13: What kind is that? Unknown_02: Is it nice? Unknown_13: Yeah. Unknown_13: The chicken is a bit dry, but... Chicken always gets dried up. But it's not dry as, like, if you just cook it. Unknown_13: If that makes any sense. Unknown_02: Would it be all right to wash it down with a cup of coffee? I don't know. Unknown_02: If you could have coffee. I don't know. I mean, it won't be dry if you wash it down with a cup of coffee. Unknown_13: I don't know, do I? No, it's a drink! 1:50:55 Unknown_12: Wash it down with some vodka. Unknown_02: Did you give me a thumbs up? Unknown_09: So, if you like what you see... Mmm, okay. Mmm, I love you hot. Unknown_12: By... Federica Crescenzi. 1:51:32 Unknown_12: Okay, this is my live tweet of the stream. I'm gonna- I'm just gonna cap this and post it on Twitter. Without a comment, because this is pretty fucking good. I love Kay. She- I- She is- She is a phenomenal person. This is why we gotta keep the Nazis off YouTube. Unknown_12: So we can have a safe place for Kay to make these videos. 1:52:05 Unknown_09: I want more like the Kiev burger. I think we watched that one. Unknown_09: We watched the flapjack, I remember that. Unknown_12: Let's uh... Okay, this beef stew just looked like a fucking disaster. Unknown_02: Hi people, I'm back cooking and today I'm going to be doing a beef stew. Unknown_02: Right, as you can see I've got the carrots and the onions and what I'm going to do is I'm going to slice these carrots into the dish. 1:52:47 Unknown_02: Now, where's the other dish? Where's the other part of the dish? Unknown_02: I could have sworn I bought a more part. Unknown_02: Thank you. Quick transfer. Unknown_12: She didn't skin those. Now if you wonder why I transferred, that is the bottom of the dish, and that is the top. She didn't skin the carrots. Unknown_02: I tried it the other way around the other day, and it just... No joke, when she's handling a knife, my testicles ache. 1:53:22 Unknown_12: Like, watching her try to handle a sharp object makes my balls physically pain. Unknown_02: But it didn't go right. Unknown_02: So, like I said, I'm cutting the carriots open. Now, you might just say, oh, you've left the skin on. Unknown_02: But according to James Martin, that is the best thing to do. Unknown_02: That class is a shout-out to him. I think it is. I'd like to get a shout-out on his show. 1:54:00 Unknown_04: Oh, man. I need a drink. Unknown_02: Yeah, that's nearly finished carrots. Unknown_02: And then the onions. I've just peeled the onions and my eyes are absolutely screaming. Unknown_12: And some aspartame. Unknown_02: I've been crying. So I'm going to cut the onion. Sorry, honey in. Unknown_12: No, you said it right the first time. Unknown_02: What the fuck's wrong with you? 1:54:32 Unknown_02: I'm going to slice that into the carriots. Unknown_12: She doesn't need a license for it. That knife was made during the Second World War. So it's grandfathered in. But new knives have to have a license. Unknown_02: There we are. Unknown_02: And I'm just going to do the other. Unknown_02: God, it's so dangerous. Unknown_12: It's so precocious. Oh, no, she's slipping and hurting her. Oh, no, she's slipping into her hand. Unknown_02: She's slicing into her palm. I know you'll be cringing when we're cutting into my hand. I have been doing this for years, and I mean years. 1:55:14 Unknown_02: And the knife is about as sharp as a blunted anvil. Right, so, oh! Unknown_12: Did she just say the knife is as blunt as a sharpened enbomb? Unknown_02: What did she just say? I've been doing this for years, and I mean years. Unknown_02: And the knife is about as sharp as a blunted enbomb. Unknown_02: And the knife is about as sharp as a blunted enbomb. What the fuck is she saying? Oops, nearly lost that one there. I'm gonna mix it around. 1:55:49 Unknown_02: But, uh, Unknown_02: Pep. Unknown_02: Salt. Unknown_02: Can you get me a stock out as well, please? They ain't covered. Unknown_02: Now, on the, on the, erm, on the internet... Yeah, that'll do. On the internet, it said you can use beef or you can use braising steak. 1:56:26 Unknown_02: No. Unknown_02: I'm not allowed bacon. Unknown_12: What's wrong with her beef, by the way? Unknown_03: No. Look at that. Unknown_12: Why is it brown? Chat, what's wrong with it? Unknown_12: No, no, no, there's something wrong with this beef. I've seen cow before. This isn't cow. Unknown_12: It's like freezer-baked or something. Unknown_02: I'm not allowed bacon steak. So I'm thinking stuff it for one day. I'll put it. Unknown_02: So it's still a bit frozen. I got that earlier. Unknown_12: Oh, it is frozen. 1:56:57 Unknown_02: But anyway, yeah, I'm going to put braising steak in. Unknown_12: It's not even like properly defrosted yet. Unknown_02: Once it's cooked, I'm going to cut it up. It might help to put the oven on, won't it? My oven is like 200 degrees now. Unknown_12: Because they're frozen and stuck together. Unknown_02: I'll fucking harness it to go to the butcher's. You lost that one. Unknown_12: You just go to Tesco's and get a fucking steak. Unknown_02: Yeah, I know it's still frozen, but it'll cook. 1:57:31 Unknown_02: Oh my word. That's it, right. Unknown_02: So I'll move that bit up. Unknown_12: Adam- And as a tip, if you're trying to pull apart meat like that, you run it under water, right? Like warm water to help it defrost between the edges, whatever. Kirsty- Put that bit in like that. Unknown_02: Oopsie-daisy, we need a bigger dish. Unknown_02: Not to worry. Adam- We're gonna need more blunted imbalances for this one. Kirsty- Put that bit in, put that bit in. All done, voila! 1:58:04 Unknown_02: What I'm going to do now is I'm going to boil my kettle, and I'm going to put... Can you see that? Can it... Do I need to move it to nearer to camera? Unknown_02: Is that perfect? Right. As you can see, little veggies on it. Look, it's a carrot there and a bit of turnip there. Unknown_12: Package of seasoning. Unknown_02: Anyway, what I'm going to do is I'm going to melt this and pour it Unknown_12: Oh, it's like butter. Unknown_02: I'm going to put it in boiling water, tip it all over, then I'm going to put the casserole. Casserole? Just fucking nuke it for a second. Why am I saying casserole? I'm going to put the stew in the oven. I might put a bit of parsley on the meat to make it a bit more nicer. And then I'm going to cook it for 10 minutes, then I'm going to take it out, show you what it looks like, cut the meat up, and then put it back in the oven, which should take about an hour to a half an hour to an hour. 1:58:49 Unknown_02: Right, as you can see, it's had 10 minutes and the meat's starting to cook already. I know it's not done. Unknown_02: So what I'm gonna do is... Oh, shit. Unknown_02: Hey, hey, hey. And before you say yes, I did slip up with parsley. What? I was just cutting the fucking meat again with a fucking scissor. Oh, Jesus Christ. Unknown_12: I hate those scissors. Stop using scissors to cut food, Kate. Unknown_02: What the fuck is wrong with you? These are about as sharp as my bloody big toe. 1:59:35 Unknown_10: Excessive liquid. Unknown_02: What I'm going to do is I'm going to cut the meat up. Unknown_10: It's a stew, Jackass. Unknown_02: I'm better leaving the scissors than this. I'm going to cut the meat up. The meat is unevenly cooked because she stacked the meat on top of each other. Unknown_12: She was being cute and quirky about how much meat she put in the stew, but she didn't leave any space for the water to actually cook it evenly. Unknown_02: I'm just going to scoop it all around together, and then I'm going to put it back in the oven for about half an hour. Unknown_02: Right, as you can see, it's all done now. Yeah, there's some dirt bits, but I left it in for an hour. I thought I'd leave it in for an hour. What I'm going to do is I'm going to scoop some out onto a plate. I mean, I guess it's adequate, but it's like... I'm not going to get much gravy with that. That's not, like, good. 2:00:09 Unknown_02: Right, Lee's gonna... Lee's gonna come and do the taste test. And while he's doing the taste test, he's gonna leave a link in the description to Markay's cooking channel. Lee, you're off camera. Unknown_13: He's gonna burn his mouth again. Unknown_02: Shut up. Unknown_13: So try the meat first. 2:00:41 Unknown_02: Yes. But it's had an hour, so it should be... An hour? Unknown_13: Not tender at all. Unknown_02: It's not tender. It's not good. It's good. No, it is tender. Because it's freezer burned. If it's not tender, it means it's chewy. Unknown_13: Oh, so it's tender then. Unknown_02: It's tender. Unknown_13: Right. Unknown_02: I'm going back to my mother's. Unknown_13: Carrot's still a bit crunchy but not too crunchy. Unknown_02: That's how they're supposed to be. No it's not. Unknown_13: It's just fine. Good. Unknown_02: Brilliant. 2:01:15 Unknown_02: Like I said, Lee's going to leave a link in the description to my Kay's cooking page. Any other page is just not mine. Unknown_02: I've done some potatoes with the Unknown_02: Obviously I haven't bothered showing you, but I've peeled them, boiled them, I've mashed them, so they're done now. So yeah, if you like what you see, please keep viewing me. If you want to give me a big old thumbs up, thanks very much. Unknown_02: If you want to give me a thumbs up, please do. If you want to leave a comment, please feel free, the more the merrier. And if you haven't subscribed, or you know someone who hasn't subscribed, get them subscribing. 2:01:50 Unknown_02: It's not like thunder when it goes upstairs. Anyway, thank you. Unknown_09: All I know from cooking is, this is true, when the forum went down and I brought it back up, I just left the state. Unknown_12: I took my computer and stuff and I just left and I went up to a random state and I was like, what's as far away from Florida as possible? So I went to New York. I lived in New York for about eight months, seven to eight months. 2:02:29 Unknown_12: And when I got up there, I got a bedsit at first for... I think like $4.50 a month for a room. I was hanging out there, and it was weird because, you know, a bedsit... It was like an old colonial house that had nine rooms. Four on the first floor, five on the second floor. Unknown_12: And it was like a Craigslist thing, so you always had new roommates because it was a high turnover for the... 2:03:04 Unknown_12: for for the other beds and a crazy woman Unknown_12: Ended up in the same the same house as me and she had a kind of energy about her and we kind of hit it off because she was like She's like old enough to be my mom, but she's like a very crazy like crackhead kind of like Italian woman who was just neurotic and really fun and she's like I'm moving I'm staying up here to to see my kids and stuff because I just got back from like a Trip around the country and I want to I want to be with my kids and I'm gonna rent a three-bedroom and let my kids stay intermittently in the third bedroom and you can have the other room because we get along." I'm like, okay. She offered it to me at less money than I was paying for at the bedsits. I'm like, okay, I'll do that. So I literally move in with this woman, and she's fucking neurotic and insane, but she's a really good cleaner. And she is one of the best cooks I've ever met. So, you know, it kind of works for a while, until she like loses her mind and just completely fucking abandons the state. But up until then it was really nice and I learned so much about food like I knew as little as like Lee about food before I met this woman and she introduced me to like pesto and how to slow cook and how to cook things and I remember I bought a my contribution to the kitchen was a crock pot and 2:04:41 Unknown_12: And they put a crockpot up in the kitchen. Unknown_12: And we'd go 50-50 on groceries and stuff. Unknown_12: It was the best thing in the world, was putting in a bunch of groceries into the crockpot right before bed. and then slow cooking that shit for eight hours and waking up in the morning to the break of dawn to the smell of that fucking food in the crockpot was the best thing it was the only the only time I've ever slept for less than eight hours and not woken up tired after like 14 hours of sleep was when I had food in that crockpot to wake up to 2:05:27 Unknown_12: And it was very comfortable. Unknown_09: I made a lot of stuff in that. Unknown_09: True love, no. Unknown_09: She was crazy. Unknown_09: She had a lot of issues, because her, she inherited a lot of, like not a huge amount of money, but a lot of money where she didn't have to work for a while. Unknown_12: And ended up losing her mind and taking a vacation around the country. And during that stint, her ex-husband... 2:06:02 Unknown_12: Was uh, sorry was taking care of the kids at the time and then when she gets done with her like her breakdown And driving around the country. She heads up to new york to meet her kids again And they they grew up during that time. She missed one or two years, right? When they were like 10. Well now they're they're pre-teens And they're they're snobby and they don't want to hang out with mom anymore. They got their own friends So not once during the time that I was with her did her kids ever come for an overnight in that third bedroom. And she ended up subletting it illegally to a Puerto Rican guy who was really annoying and played Fortnite and would scream while playing Fortnite in the middle of the night and I fucking hated him. And he made me very racist against Puerto Ricans. 2:06:42 Unknown_12: He also got hit by a car during my time there. Unknown_12: Yeah, it is pretty sad. She ended up leaving randomly. I mentioned she disappeared off the face of the planet because she started drinking alcohol very heavily. I kind of knew she was a lush, but I had no idea. She hid how much she drank, and she drank a lot. and it became very obvious she was like a wino and she would pound down entire bottles of wine and we just I started realizing it because I would open up the counters to find my groceries to make my crock pots and I would find like like a dozen empty wine bottles like stashed away in the cupboards and I'm like ooh she's putting away a lot of a lot of wine oh yeah she was doing more than alcohol I'm pretty sure she was on speed 2:07:25 Unknown_09: But she taught me a lot about food. Unknown_12: That knowledge I take to this very day, where I watch this retarded woman attempt to show the world how British people cook. Unknown_12: And I judge it harshly. Okay, this looks disgusting. Let's watch this. Unknown_03: Hi, and welcome to Kay's Cocaine New Channel. 2:08:26 Unknown_02: Hi people and I'm back cooking again and today I'm going to be making a sausage roll. Unknown_02: Right, as you can see I've got 8 oz of flour, 2 oz of marge, 2 oz of lard, a pinch of salt and 2 to 3 tablespoons of water. So what I'm going to do is rub these into breadcrumbs Unknown_02: And it does, oh, it says after, put the pinch of salt. Unknown_12: Wait, this is 11 minutes. That does look gross, but somebody said there was faggot chips. Oh my God. Did we watch this already? 2:09:05 Unknown_12: No, we did not. Unknown_02: And I'm back cooking again. And today I'm going to be doing faggots chips and peas. Unknown_02: As you can see, they're frozen. I put them on a plate. Oh my God. You're supposed to put them in a dish first, but I put them on a plate. Unknown_02: The chip pan is... Oh, the cook is not even sweet. That's silly. But yes, when the pan heats up, I'm going to put the chips in. So at the moment, I'm going to put this plate in the microwave. It does go in for about five to seven minutes, but I'm going to check it anyway, keep my eye on it, and then they'll be done. Right, as you can see... Oh, I don't know if you can, but it's steaming. Can you see the steam? Yeah, I've got a mark. 2:09:37 Unknown_02: I'm going to put the chippies on. Unknown_02: Chippies are done. Not many chippies there, really. Peas are just starting to boil. Come on, get boiling a bit more. Come on. Come on, get boiling. So I'm going to put the chippies on. 2:10:15 Unknown_02: Oh my God. Oh my God. Unknown_02: And there's some chippies left in. Unknown_02: Let me get them out. Unknown_10: She's like slinging fucking boiling grease all over the place. Unknown_02: I've got my spotted, spotted spoon we're holding. Drain them a bit. Unknown_02: No, we're not going to put these, nah. Put them outside of the plate. Make a little hole there. There we are. 2:10:47 Unknown_02: And Lee is coming to do the taste test. And while he is, I'm going to tell you there's a link in the... How? How? How? How? Unknown_13: How? How? Unknown_02: How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? Unknown_13: How? How? Unknown_02: How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? Unknown_02: How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? Unknown_13: How? How? How? How? How? How? Unknown_12: How? How? How? How? How? Unknown_02: How? How? How? Unknown_12: How? How? Unknown_02: How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? Unknown_02: How? How? How? How? How? How? How? Unknown_04: How? How? How? 2:11:18 Unknown_02: How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? How? Unknown_13: How? Unknown_13: They're not. Unknown_02: I know they're not. Unknown_13: No, they're fine. Fine? They're supposed to be hard. Unknown_02: They're a bit, not 100% hard, but they're a bit hard. That's how they're supposed to be. Unknown_02: Good. Glad to hear it. Unknown_02: Right, I hope that gives you a rough idea on how to do all that mail. It's just a lot to go through. Unknown_02: So if you like what you see, please keep viewing me. If you want to give me a big, I'm going to say a big old smashing thumbs up. 2:11:51 Unknown_02: I don't know why, but anyway, if you want to give me a smashing thumbs up, go ahead. If you want to leave a comment, please feel free, the more the merrier. And if you haven't subscribed, or you know someone who hasn't subscribed, and to all you new people, come over from the old channel. Thank you for coming over. Thank you. Unknown_10: There's no way this is the actual picture of this person. Unknown_12: There's no way that's actually her. 2:12:26 Unknown_12: Brilliant of you to represent the LGBTs this way K. My neighbors are two men together and they are lovely always bring my post round. When it's wrong, so a top meal like this is the least they deserve. Unknown_12: Thank you, Maureen Black, for recognizing Kay's contribution to the LGBT community. Unknown_12: Okay. Unknown_12: Let's continue with this. I want to see this sausage. Unknown_12: Yes, it is I can't do a British accent the only thing that I know how to do that's British is I know It's really obnoxious in overwatch how tracer like never pronounces T's and it's really obvious in this one line where if you have a if the enemy team has a teleporter tracer will say 2:13:30 Unknown_12: They got a heliport, we gotta find it. It's like she has some kind of disease where if she says the T sound, if she makes a T sound, like a bomb in her brain will explode and her head will rain giblets on everyone because of the bomb. So she has to pronounce everything extremely incorrectly and it's very obnoxious. Unknown_12: It's called autism. 2:14:09 Unknown_02: Keep turning my bowl just in case I've missed a bit. Make it into breadcrumbs. Unknown_12: Dude, Tracer being gay is a crime. Unknown_02: Sorry, I have to rant about Tracer. Unknown_12: Hold up, I want to show people this. Unknown_12: I think I mentioned this before, but I'm ranting about it again. I hope I don't get porn. Unknown_12: This this pose they removed this pose from the game because the people complained that it showed off her ass too much and was too sexual So they removed it and it's like, you know, there are people who have obviously spent thousands of hours 2:14:58 Unknown_12: Designing the perfect woman the perfect butt for a video game so that obnoxious fan fanboys will spend money to decorate this ass and as many different ways as possible and it's just like They robbed those designers of all that effort by making her a lesbian because now Women don't want to fuck Tracer She's British Unknown_12: Nobody wants to fuck her because she's a gay. They completely ruined her. Unknown_12: And it's a disgrace. Unknown_02: Just make sure you've got all the stuff lubbed in. Right, and I think that's about done. The breadcrumbs are done. Unknown_02: So... 2:15:59 Unknown_12: This don't look like breadcrumbs, okay? Unknown_02: Could you get me a fork, please? Unknown_12: That looks like flour with some water in it. Right, after he got me a fork, I'm purely tip a bit of water in. Unknown_02: Add a pinch of salt. 2:16:35 Unknown_12: Scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch. Unknown_02: Put a bit more water in. I think I'm going to need more water than what it said. Unknown_12: This isn't breadcrumbs though. What the fuck? Unknown_12: Why is she calling it... If she's making a pastry, why is she calling it, uh... Yeah, I think I am. Why is she calling it breadcrumbs? Unknown_02: I'm going to get some more water. As you can see, I've took it out of the dish, bowl, whichever. Unknown_02: I'm just going to... Unknown_02: It's still a bit damp so I'm going to get it, even though it said on the TV just to have damp pastry. I'm not going to argue, because I'm only the first book. 2:17:10 Unknown_02: And while I think on, I've started a new Facebook page, Cookies Cooking. I'd like you to go off to it, like it, follow it. Unknown_02: And Lee will leave a... what is it? Unknown_02: A link in the description. Lee will leave a link in the description. She's like the worst pastry maker ever. 2:17:47 Unknown_12: Anytime she attempts to water in flour, she fucks it up horribly. Unknown_02: So, some flour on my rolling pin. And I will roll it out. Unknown_02: And I actually saw something I was told not to do on TV the other day. Unknown_02: Rolling pastry backwards. Now I was always told never to do that. Unknown_02: So... I think it's time for you to abandon everything you've been taught by your mother. It was good enough for Mary Berry. She lied to you. 2:18:23 Unknown_12: She taught you some bullshit as a prank. To sabotage your entire life. Unknown_12: She hated you. Unknown_10: She thought you were a retard. Unknown_10: Right now the sausage me oh my god, we've got no sausage me Just kitten we have a lot right here. Unknown_02: Oh 2:19:04 Unknown_12: Oh yeah, cut that meat while I go for it. Get that meat out of that tube. Unknown_02: I want that meat. Unknown_12: Give me that meat! Unknown_02: Cut that down. Unknown_12: I can't even see where the paper starts. Like that. Unknown_12: How did you hurt yourself with scissors? Children can operate scissors without hurting themselves. I should have took this out of the packet before. Yeah, no shit. 2:19:37 Unknown_12: Yeah, there we go. That's some meat. Unknown_02: Roll that up. Unknown_02: I'm going to roll it here. Unknown_02: I know it's not going to be on camera, but... Unknown_12: circumcised sausage. Unknown_02: What the fuck are you doing? Unknown_12: Oh my god, that looks like shit. That literally looks like shit, K. That looks like a poofy log. Unknown_10: It's sticking everywhere! Oh my... K! 2:20:08 Unknown_10: K! Unknown_02: So, I'm gonna use some more flour. Over here again. Unknown_02: And roll it out a bit more. I'm gonna fold it over like that. And then roll it in the flour. Unknown_02: And I should roll it out so it's a lot thinner. There is no seasoning on that shit log that she's putting in, that she's calling a sausage. Unknown_07: Oops. 2:20:53 Unknown_02: Right, is that right? That'll be right into it. That's right into it, am I right? So what I'm gonna do is something I haven't never done before. I'm gonna pat it down. Unknown_02: There we are. Unknown_02: This is gonna be fun. Unknown_02: Should've put it near the edge, shouldn't I? Never mind. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pick this pastry up. Unknown_07: Oh yes, awesome. 2:21:25 Unknown_02: break it up a bit there and then we're going to roll it over, watch it stick. Unknown_02: No it hasn't! Awesome! Unknown_02: And a bit more. Unknown_02: And what I'm going to do is I'm going to get a knife and I'm going to cut the edges off or I might just leave them on. Pull that edge over there like that. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to Unknown_02: Um... I'm gonna grease my tray, obviously. I'm gonna cover this in egg yolk. 2:22:03 Unknown_02: I'm gonna beat an egg and I'm gonna glaze it with an egg. And then put it in the oven and we'll give it 20 minutes on electric mark 200. Wait, wait, wait, what? Unknown_12: Don't know gas. Wait, sorry, I got distracted by somebody. Unknown_12: What? Unknown_12: That's it? That's the pastry? Is the shit log? Unknown_02: Because I don't know, I've never had some gas for about 10 years now. So yeah, and hopefully we'll see how it cooks as it's, well, as it's going. Unknown_02: Right, as you can see, they're not as brown as you get in the, uh, wherever you get them, wherever you get your sausage rolls from, but I think they look alright, apart from a bit of the pastry coming apart, but, uh, can't be helped. 2:22:52 Unknown_02: Yeah, the- It's actually shocking how the- the end result looks so much more edible. Unknown_12: I mean, it's really plain, but like, it doesn't look as bad as I thought it would. Unknown_02: I'm genuinely shocked. Unknown_07: Except- except look at this. Unknown_12: Look at that cut! It's all bread. What the fuck? That's not even- Unknown_02: You say it's hot, I swear I'll ram it all down your throat. Unknown_12: Well stop fucking feeding him scalding hot fucking food. 2:23:32 Unknown_12: Let it cool off. Unknown_13: It's hot. It's like a warm sausage, that's all I can say. Unknown_02: Does it taste as hot? It's just meat and flour. Can you hear it coming? Glad to hear it. Unknown_02: Right, that's it, that's all I can say. Apart from go to my Facebook channel, it's called Kay's Cooking. Come on, let's make it a nice present for me and let me get the subscribers up. Not subscribers, the followers and the likes. 2:24:08 Unknown_02: And if you want to subscribe to this channel, please do. What's for tea? Oh my god. Is this a drama channel? You know how much I hate the word tea? 2:24:43 Unknown_12: Oh, that's right. Tea is an Anglo term for like brunch. I thought this was like a drama channel called What's for Tea and now it's actually a... It's like a brunch cooking show. Unknown_12: I almost got angry for no reason. Unknown_09: Her food looks edible. Unknown_09: By Anglo standards. Unknown_09: Mmm, I could use some food. 2:25:15 Unknown_09: Give us the tea Josh All right, let's do one more just because I Want to see her try borscht I get her to try borscht. Unknown_12: How do I get her to? Unknown_12: chicken pasta and sun-dried tomatoes cakes and buns That's all I am hot pot you can't fuck up a hot pot I Unknown_09: Get one in about five minutes. Good Friday. Unknown_12: Quiche! That sounds like a winner. Unknown_03: Hi people and I'm back cooking again and today I'm going to be making quiche. 2:26:02 Unknown_02: Right, as you can see in the bowl I've got flour. I've got six ounces of flour, three ounces of marge and three ounces of lard. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to mix it all together until it makes breadcrumbs. Unknown_02: So like I said, three ounce of marge, three ounce of lard, and six ounce of flour. Unknown_02: Right, I got it all in breadcrumbs. I didn't show you, just mixing it in. So all I'm going to do is just roll this into, roll it out. 2:26:46 Unknown_02: Put in the tin. This is the pastry to make pudding. Unknown_02: Finish playing that. Unknown_12: She's using fucking, she's making bread again. She doesn't know how. Unknown_12: Then again, I guess last time it turned out okay. What the fuck do I know? Unknown_12: I've never made pastry. Unknown_12: I just don't trust her. Unknown_02: So what I'm going to do is, I'm going to grease my tin. 2:27:20 Unknown_02: I'm going to put, well, I'm going to grease it, then I'm going to put the pastry in it, then I'm going to put the fillings on top of it. Unknown_12: She's probably on fucking Xanax or something. She went to the NHS and got hooked up. Unknown_02: As you can see, I've got two eggs in, three eggs in there. Bit of thyme. Unknown_02: And what I'm going to do is I'm going to... I don't know if you can see that. I've got a bit of time in there. What I'm going to do is I'm going to cut... some bacon up. Unknown_12: Goddammit. Unknown_02: In the egg. Unknown_12: That's my pet peeve is those fucking scissors. Can you see the bacon? You know what, it's probably easier for her because she's got arthritis and she's not good with the knife. So she just uses the food scissors to cut shit. 2:28:00 Unknown_12: Whatever. Unknown_12: There are better things to be mad about. As you can see, I've just submerged the bacon. That looks nasty. Unknown_02: A bit of pepper. Unknown_02: I'm just going to cover that up. Unknown_02: All in. Unknown_02: Now I'm going to just put it all into the dish. Yeah, if I remake the squares, the fucking food scissors, the safety scissors is going to be a new item. 2:28:38 Unknown_02: Now when I think of quiche I think of brown egg yolk Okay, I'm gonna make a prediction I'm not like a food guy I only know what I know because of a crazy Italian but um Unknown_12: Egg cooks fast, meat cooks slower. Unknown_12: So if you put raw bacon and raw egg with raw pastry and put them in the oven together, my prediction is that these items are going to be cooked unevenly because they're all fucking different cooking lengths. You think this one's going to be okay? Okay. Hedging against me, betting against the house. 2:29:24 Unknown_02: And that's the quiche, I don't know why it's raised up in the middle, uh, trapped in the malt flour in the middle part than they were on the edges. Unknown_10: Hold up! Wait, watch it. It's like, it's like moving. Unknown_02: And that's the quiche, I don't know why it's raised up in the middle, uh, trapped in the malt flour in the middle part than they were on the edges. Unknown_02: Before Lee does the taste test, I just want to tell you, I took it out of the pan, tin, and it all fell apart. But I saved as much as I could. So Lee's going to come and do the taste test. 2:30:01 Unknown_02: You weren't looking forward to it, were you? You're still not looking forward to it? Unknown_13: Um, eggnog, though. Unknown_02: It should be. In the oven for about 25 minutes. Unknown_02: What, pastry? Unknown_13: Bone-dry. 2:30:34 Unknown_02: Is it? Unknown_13: Bone-dry. Unknown_02: And I actually put my lard, er, lard, ah, lard in it. Unknown_00: Yeah, what the fuck is frying in the background? Unknown_02: Oh, go away. You can always wash pastry down with a cup of tea. Unknown_02: Before he turns the camera off. Can I go? Yeah, I'd like to leave a description. Is it a description? No. I'd like to leave a link in the description to my Facebook page. There will be one in here. 2:31:07 Unknown_02: Right, if you like what you see, please keep viewing me. If you want to leave me a comment, please feel free, the more the merrier. Give me a thumbs up if you want to give me a big old thumbs up, please feel free. And if you haven't subscribed, or you know someone who hasn't subscribed, I know a lot of you have come from my old channel onto the new channel. Thank you for coming over. Unknown_02: If you can get any more over, it would be appreciated. Unknown_03: So, thank you. Bye. 2:31:44 Unknown_12: Somebody was having a enlightened argument with me about Tracer. I have to defend my lady. Unknown_03: Alright. Unknown_09: I don't think shit. Unknown_09: Be proud, Josh. Greasefire. Unknown_09: Somebody... Yeah, that did not turn out okay. Unknown_12: I wanna see it cry again. I wanna see food suffer. Unknown_02: Right, and that's the quiche. I don't know why it's raised up in the middle. Perhaps they were more far in the middle part than they were on the edges. 2:32:33 Unknown_09: Pastry is dry because you use far too much flour when rolling it out. You only need a light dusting. Unknown_09: Can I suggest something, Yzbutter? Unknown_12: Get this fucking reprobate out of my goddamn sight. John Peters. John Peters, you motherfucker. You, you motherfucker. Don't like, don't like buh-uh. That's, that's, that's how it is around here, you fucking asshole. Unknown_09: He should know this. Any true fan would know this. 2:33:10 Unknown_09: The chest is burning? Oh. Wait, is there like a time limit? Unknown_09: Do I have to use it at a time? It's not burning. Unknown_09: Chess rewards will expire in 1,400 hours. Alright, let's open this fucker. Unknown_09: I'm gonna add my hunnid... hunnid lenos. 2:33:42 Unknown_09: I'm about to... Unknown_09: All right All right, here we go I'm gonna open it distribute rewards. Okay, we got 30 seconds. We got 30 seconds. Don't panic 2:34:14 Unknown_09: Keep it going. Give me Lena. Give me that Alright, this is this is you're about to get a gang everybody. Unknown_12: You're about to get a gang. This is this is the trip trickle up economy As Andrew likes to say what the fuck? Why did Irva get 20? Why did one guy? Why did Irva get 10% of the fucking pot? Unknown_12: DeLong got 12, Andy Warsky, who's probably not the real Andy Warsky, got 9, VoldySpicy got 7 and a half, Nazia got 6. Why did Irver... What the fuck? 2:34:46 Unknown_12: Why did he... Yeah, give me those, give me those lemons. Oh my god. Unknown_12: The lemon spam is the best part of chat. Wish I got like a little chime or something when it happened. Unknown_09: Look at that. Unknown_09: Look at that. It's trickling up the economy you give the poor people the lino and Then they they give it right back. Unknown_12: They put it right back in I like how when they donate more than one lemon it says like ninja warrior just donated six lemon I know that the people that run this site are Turkish, but You donate multiple lemons lemons with an S 2:35:39 Unknown_09: Bug chest mechanics All right, that's enough Remember Brendan Ike's thing is Brendan Ike if you want to yell at him about your bat in his inexplicable decision to Ban my site from his his system for no reason I 30 more seconds of this She doesn't have time just to wander in the woods outside Bye-bye Bye-bye. All right 2:36:36 Unknown_09: Send to play the outro song they got something lined up Oh, you couldn't see it you couldn't see it whatever Whatever it gives a shit All right, see you guys on Wednesday Unknown_06: Yeah. But every time I think I'm fine, you keep on dreamin' up A hundred different ways to cause hysteria Am I itching? 2:37:48 Unknown_05: Am I blind? I just can't see through her Too many regulations coming back until we're running out 2:38:28 Unknown_05: Wouldn't need too much, and still I chew it up and spit out what is too big to swallow. I've got enough for everyone, so here we go. Let's see how far that we can run before this gig is over. I hear the warning sign on everybody's stereo. Do you love what you like? What would you do for more? You kept on dancing underneath the bus.