Because I've been waiting. It's always so frustrating the the last hour Before stream starts because you get anxious you got all your shit You know you're as prepared as you're gonna get right. I've already got all your shit laid out. You got everything pulled up
Unknown_01: And you're just sitting there because you can't you it's like waiting for a pizza, you know, you order a pizza and you know After 15 minutes, right you can't dedicate yourself to anything. You cannot get up at a moment's notice. I do right so I'm sitting here and I'm just fucking bored and I do this thing I don't know I don't know if anybody does this thing besides me it could just be me where I get up and I talk to myself and I call it I call it my crazy walk because I literally just walk back and forth and I have an imaginary argument with myself
And this is how I keep my mind sharp, because I'm completely socially isolated. I'm about 500 miles away from anybody who speaks English, right? And I don't fucking talk to people on the internet, because that's gay. I'm not a faggot. So I'm sitting here, and I'm arguing with myself, right?
Unknown_01: And I'm arguing about the internet.
Unknown_01: Because I had a conversation with Nick Rikita and he was very dismissive because he was on mobile and I would write up these very persuasive and elegant arguments, right?
But he would just reply with like these dismissive one-line replies that didn't answer anything that I said.
Unknown_01: And we were arguing about how to fix censorship on the internet. So I'm sitting here and for the last 30 minutes I've just been walking back and forth like an insane person talking to myself about
Unknown_01: About this issue Arguing with a Nick Rakita who does not exist and it would probably be very dismissive and rude He felt kind of rude. I know he's on mobile, but it felt kind of rude to me my point was though because he he was saying and I Don't get the gist of it because he didn't send a real reply, but I got the feeling that what he was arguing was that Congress should pass a law that specifically instructing Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter how they should run their company, and in general, don't ban anyone. And it's like, it's like bullshit. You can't do that. You can't tell a company how to run itself. Because Congress is dumb. Congress isn't going to be able to fix that. You tell a company, don't ban anyone, well then they're going to leave. They're gonna leave the country. Why would they not go to Ireland where they can ban whoever the fuck they want? Now the answer to that is, well if they go to Ireland, we're gonna instruct our payment processors to not send them money. Not allow transactions to that company. Well, it's like... Okay. Assuming that that doesn't completely destroy the business.
I mean, it might not.
Unknown_09: It might not.
Unknown_01: Because advertisers aren't going to want to advertise on a platform that can't ban pedophiles. And if you're saying that the advertising platform should be smart enough to figure out where not to place ads. You know, not to place ads next to a message that says drink bleach. Don't place your Clorox bleach ads next to a tweet saying drink bleach. Well, normal people don't want to go to a platform where they
where they get called like a nigger. And since you can't ban people, you say, OK, well, they can block people calling them a nigger. Well, then people can just make an alt account, and you can't ban them, because you can't ban anyone, apparently. And you can get harassed. Nobody wants to stay on a platform where they get harassed, normal people.
Unknown_08: And it's just.
Unknown_08: It's very frustrating.
Unknown_01: And he was also against net neutrality. Well, it's like... So you want to have the internet so that ISPs can tell where you can connect.
But you also want to, like, nationalize? Make, like, the VULTS? The VULKS Twitter? And the VULKS YouTube? The VULKS tube?
Unknown_01: And the VULKS book? Like, no. This is dumb.
Unknown_01: You're fine with it? Drink bleach?
Unknown_01: I thought you loved harassment. Net neutrality stuff, you suck. How the fuck do people not like net neutrality? You know what pisses me off about people who don't like net neutrality? You raise that shit up with them, you say, net neutrality is really fucking important because I've lived someplace where it doesn't fucking have it, and it really sucks when you can't connect to YouTube because Facebook pays the ISP to throttle connections to YouTube and Google. You know what they say is, well, you know, If these companies like Google really want to support net neutrality, why do they ban conservatives on YouTube? Like, motherfucker, that's not the same goddamn thing at all!
It's like if Starbucks denied service to homophobes, you're like, well, we should cut the fucking power to Starbucks. Allow Dunkin' Donuts to pay the electric company to cut power to Starbucks because they're, you know, why don't they, why do they ban homophobes on their coffee platform? We should allow the electric company to fuck over whoever it wants.
The high is bitter.
Unknown_08: This is preposterous.
Unknown_01: I've been sitting here, I've been brooding on this. I fucking hate people. I hate everybody who disagrees with me. You know what I mean? Why is- Why is the gun-?
Unknown_01: Add to favorite library. Why the fuck is this like an official thing that people can use? Look at this. This is highly offensive.
Oh god. Speaking of, Gator has invited me. This Friday.
Unknown_01: at what will be an ungodly hour, my time, on a Saturday.
Unknown_01: I think it's Friday, 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. I will be with, I believe, the guy who made the Chris-Chan documentary, Gino. He got banned from YouTube, I can't remember his name.
Unknown_01: But I'll be on Ralph's thing, talking about that.
All right, all right the cold the cold intro is done at the same time to stream for real ♪ Big adventures! ♪ ♪ Laura's Contest School Let's go to our Ham Ham Clubhouse! ♪
Can't play that on YouTube. You get a fucking ban for copyright infringement.
Unknown_01: All right, let's cut the stickers. I'll wait for everybody to catch up, then I'll cut the stickers. I need to be able to see my chat. The chat is my most valuable asset, the writer of wrongs.
Unknown_01: The corrector of opinions.
Unknown_01: I have a cut in my mouth. I didn't mention this when I was ranting about net neutrality. But I have a cut in my mouth and it really fucking hurts to touch it. I don't know how I got it. I guess I'm just gross or something and my mouth is falling apart like a fucking zombie to gangrene. But I had to exercise my mouth to get accustomed to moving it and shit.
Okay, let's kill these fucking stickers so I can read my goddamn chat Hide donation alerts? Why the fuck would I want to do that? Show me all the donation alerts. Hide stickers. Bam. Okay.
Unknown_01: Um...
Unknown_01: I don't have... I have weird shit today. I don't have anything that's like funny. You know what's funny? I wasn't planning on showing this, but I'm gonna steal some of Dick's content. Because it's funny. I'm gonna tease you guys, because you guys should...
This is like a thing. I don't want to steal this from dick because it's a But I tweeted it out I had a tweeted again because I formatted it in such a way that nobody could play it on the the mo the Desktop version but here Just get a get a glimpse of this. He's got a good thing going right now, and it's pretty funny Yeah, I did hold on I'm gonna add her right now
All right.
Unknown_02: Adding right. Sean, what's the over under on this being a woman?
Unknown_02: I mean, I couldn't even venture a guess.
Unknown_14: I mean, we got this poem, this beautiful poem calling you mean if this is cool, Sean, I'm probably going to piss my pants. Maybe it is. That's all I'm saying.
Unknown_02: He's a listener.
Unknown_14: Hello. Oh, Jesus.
Chris, it's me, it's me.
Unknown_05: You're beautiful. Hi, how are you?
Unknown_02: I'm good, thank you.
Unknown_05: That's good, how are you?
Unknown_02: I'm good, how are you?
Unknown_07: Is the call going well?
Unknown_07: Yeah, it's a bit, the audio is not very good.
Unknown_08: Yeah, we can hear you though.
Unknown_02: Oh good, that is good. I hope you're being nice to Chris.
Unknown_02: We're trying. We're trying.
Unknown_02: Well, Chris, here's Yumi. We've reached a new level.
I wasn't expecting that.
Unknown_02: So funny. What's so funny? Why are you making fun of me? You can't tell that that is that is obviously a man doing a woman. Chris, that's a man doing a woman's voice.
Unknown_02: Can you tell? Really? Yes. Can you do... Yumi, can you say something again, please?
Unknown_02: Yes. I think it's very mean you say I sound like a man. Chris, can you not tell that that is obviously a man doing a woman's voice?
Are you there?
Unknown_01: Oh, fuck. This is bullshit. Chris?
Unknown_01: Okay, I clipped that part because it's like you don't- you don't really need to know who the fuck that guy is to know- to know he's getting fucked in that phone call. But the Australian guy is named Chris the Kiwi and it's really cute because the fucking- the dick show people- have have like a pet they have like a pet retard and this guy comes on and he joins our Facebook groups and stuff and he hits on all the women and he sends dick pictures via Facebook to like people in the group and then also like sisters of people in the group just unsolicited dick pics to everyone that he can find
And then gets catfished constantly. Got catfished by, uh, someone pret- Somebody took Chris the Kiwi's photo and ran it through the Instagram, like, feminizing gay filter feature, and used that as the picture of a woman to catfish him with.
Unknown_01: So, he is gullible in a way that is classic, classic lolcow, and he's even named Chris, so he's got a lot going for him. And people have suggested I make a thread on him, but it's like, I really, I don't want to take that from him. I don't want to take that. I don't want to take that from them. We got thousands of retards. We don't need this one.
There's a lot of little cows out there. There's a lot of fucking crazy people who are just like pets.
Unknown_01: When I frequented the Discord for Dankula's people, they had pets. They had this one guy
Unknown_01: I'm trying to remember, Lebens, his name was Lebens and he was like this fucking crazy lunatic and he thought he was like the smartest person on the planet and he was he had the most unfortunate hairline and they had pictures of themselves with this guy at their meetups where he was like dabbing in like a suit and he just looked so out of place because he was this like scrawny manlet with a like Jew curls and an unfortunate hairline and he was dabbing in a fucking suit like a Sargon suit around around all these fucking weirdos from the Dankula discord and it's like all the every group has every group has like these people
They all have them. They don't get their own threads.
Unknown_01: And really, you know, the forum is so big now, it almost takes away. It takes away something when people get that shit laid out. It's funnier when you have a bunch of normies and they have no experience with somebody like ChrisTheKiwi. And they're experiencing that shit for the first time. And it's like taking a kid out ice skating for the first time or something. It's like everything is new to them. And it's like, just let them have it.
Just let them have it. Or they call- this guy calls in and he gets catfished by fucking everybody. And he gets, like, violent and suicidal to manipulate people. He threatens to cut off people's fingers and tits and shit when they start ignoring him. It's like, just let them have it.
Unknown_08: Just let them have it cuz it's funny You hate skating yeah, we do suffer from popularity now, it's like you
You know the site's reputation is so heavy that when people get a thread they just they just duck It makes me kind of wonder like I'm torn on this. I've considered opening a board for For topics that would be negatively impacted
Unknown_01: by the existence of their thread. And my concern, my issue with that is you have to create like a circle around it. Because I know, I know there are some people who would immediately tell, like go out of their way to tell these people that this thread exists. If I made a concerted effort to hide it, you know, they would go out of their way to ruin the fun. It's just that we're at that point where there's always gonna be one person who tries to fuck it up for somebody. I remember, um,
Uh, when the Kiwi Farms was down for the Xen 4.0.2 upgrade, and I had a fake takedown notice saying that we were, like, seized by Masaad and, uh...
Unknown_01: The FSB in Russia and the Arizona Police Department was just like a bizarre assortment of agencies that would practically never work on something, especially something so stupid, together. And we had one person, one locale, streaming their jubilation that this had occurred, and they took credit for it. And they were streaming, and I remember one guy, I think this was right after the issues with Stream.me. So, like, people who didn't like me on Stream.me came over to try and ruin the fun of this retard streaming himself reacting to the Kiwi farms being taken down. It's like... I don't know, I think there's a special place in hell for people who try to ruin the fun of other people. Especially like shitty, petty, mischievous little shit like that. Like, what kind of fucking hall monitor are you? Is that one of the circles of hell? You know, you have like the traitor, you have the uh...
The adulterer of the glutton circle. Is there like a like a special like 1.5 circle of hell for shitty little faggots hall monitors the The kid from um, what was the what was that show?
Unknown_01: Recess oh my god
the uh this fucking guy who is like now that i look at this in in retrospect he's like a jewish caricature looking guy look at this guy randall look at this look at this hall monitor motherfucker
Unknown_01: Yeah, look at this hall monitor-ass motherfucker doing the fucking hands, rubbing those hands together to impede on some fun with his fucking curls and shit. This motherfucker is gonna burn in the one and a half circle of hell where all the shitty little hall monitors go.
Unknown_01: And fuck this guy. Fuck people. Fuck people who do that. I'm not gonna be that. I realize now, in my position of power, if I got involved with Chris the Kiwi, I would certainly ruin Chris the Kiwi. Like in quantum physics, you know, you observe a particle.
You observe a subatomic particle, and in observing the subatomic particle, you have changed it in some way.
Unknown_01: That is the conundrum of retards on the internet that I'm currently faced with.
Unknown_01: Much like, as a segue, much like how I'm currently faced with the conundrum of people attacking my fucking site.
Like, look at this shit.
Unknown_01: Okay, if you can't tell, that's not a flat line. Before the spike, the number of requests per hour was... I'll look it up right now.
Unknown_01: It's not an insignificant number of fucking requests. It's like 750,000 individual HTTP requests per hour. And then the spike happens, that first little divot that you see, the first spike that is not like a flatline, is 19 million. 19 fucking million, so it goes from 750,000 per hour on a regular basis to 19 million, 37 million, 43 million, 22 million is the first downfall.
If you do the math on the unique visitors portion, you can come to the conclusion that it's between 2,000 and 5,000 different IP addresses committing many dozens of millions of requests per hour on my little Kiwi farm to try and shut it down. And all I do, all I do is I turn on under attack mode and it fucking goes away. Sometimes it's more sophisticated with that. I think I know the person who's doing it. Um, not by name, but I've dealt with this guy before. He does it at random and he always changes his tactic a little bit. And my previous fix for his attacks doesn't work anymore. It's like a virus. It's like the encryption games in World War II where they were constantly trying to encrypt and decrypt better. It's like that. It doesn't always work, so I have to update it a little bit. Every couple weeks he comes back and does this shit. I don't know who the fuck it is and I don't speculate. I never speculate on the motives.
Or people behind attacks. Because number one, doing so, I think motivates them. Number two...
Unknown_01: It doesn't matter. These kinds of attacks are a technical issue. They are a work-related hazard. They're part of the job. You never give a fuck about who's doing it. It doesn't matter. If you know who's doing it, you're going to go kill them? You're going to go try and compel the government to do it? You're not going to fucking arrest somebody for DDoSing a website. Nobody gives a fuck. Unless you're an actual company that suffered financial loss as a result of the attack, they don't give a fuck. So, don't even waste the brainpower. So many people were speculating, like, who do you think it is? Who is it? Who do you think it is? Who could have done this? Who would have done this? I don't know.
I don't care. The motivations and the names attached to it are so completely irrelevant.
Unknown_01: Knowing it doesn't do anything for you.
But it happens every so often and M's pecs sent me a discord message At where is it? 4.41 a.m.
Unknown_01: Now I am a strange person. I'm up at weird hours usually. First time in weeks that I have gone to bed. I woke up at like 6 or 7 in the morning and I went to bed before midnight. First time in weeks. And that is the first night in weeks where a DDoS attack happened. And it always happens at night my time. And I'm pretty sure... I'm pretty sure it, um... It's intentional. Because it never happens when I'm awake at those hours. It only happens when I'm asleep. Whoever the fuck does it... Has some way of telling when I'm active. And it's strange because I'm private on all my profiles.
And... He still knows. It must be like based on activity on the forum or something. It's very, it's very strange. I know.
Unknown_08: But then it's like, I don't know, when it got really bad, and he was doing it every day, if I ever went to sleep, I just cut on the nuisance, the nuisance things that were very effective at blocking him.
And that usually worked, and I could sleep easily. People would have to fucking deal with it during prime time hours, but it's like, who gives a shit? As long as it works.
Unknown_09: Okay, let's talk about the good news.
Unknown_01: Let's talk about the good news first. If you watch something called Red Letter Media, you probably know of a guy called Max Landis. Max Landis is famous for a couple things. Most notably, Max Landis is famous for ruining episodes of Best of the Worst by Red Letter Media. And that is an unforgivable sin. If you ruin episodes of Best of the Worst, you are a bad person. And you deserve bad things to happen to you. In fact, you will be joining the hall monitors in circle one and a half, burning in hell.
Max Landis, as indicated by the rainbow-colored mohawk he has in that picture, is a male feminist. And... Chat, would anybody like to guess what's happened to Max Landis in the last 20 hours?
Would anybody like to guess what has befallen my man Max Landis?
Unknown_08: I kissed him?
Unknown_01: No. AIDS? No. Gay stuff? No.
Unknown_01: Me too. Slipjack got it. Slipjack got it.
Unknown_01: Here's the funny thing, right?
Unknown_01: I want you guys... I'm gonna read this. It burns up time in the stream and people may not be actively watching this. I know they love my voice. Whatever fucking reason. So, I'm gonna read this and we're gonna laugh at it.
This is by Whitney S. Moore. I don't know if that's Whitney's Moore, Whitney S. Moore, or Whitney S'more. I'm gonna guess it's a, it's a, the S is a middle initial, but I cannot tell.
Unknown_01: She says, I never thought I would say anything publicly about the things Max Landis did to me because I believe that forgiveness was the correct way to heal. I even defended him for so long because I would truly believe he was getting better and that the ways he tortured me was isolated to our relationship. I thought there was no point in sharing the horrific, inhumane things he did to me because publicly condemning someone who was working on themselves is unproductive.
Now I know that this was a lie. He never got any better. He hid behind his friendship with me and several other good people so he could continue hurting people behind closed doors and not be questioned. I'm sorry I ever made him seem safe. by my association with him even peripherally. I have more to say and will be doing so anonymously because the things he did to me are too humiliating for me to even feel okay having my name attached to. And I will never want a person associating with him with me ever.
But let me be clear he is not a safe person to be around. I want to say that this is the single worst
Unknown_01: Me too, I've ever written. I don't mean worse as in, like, on scale of awfulness. I mean, like, this accusation is the flimsiest fucking thing I've ever seen, ever. And it makes me wonder if it's intentionally vague because it's defamation.
Unknown_01: You know what I mean?
Unknown_01: What did he do? I don't fucking know, he doesn't say. And she says that she has no intention of explaining what he did to her, because it's so humiliating. So it could have been, he could have dumped a milkshake on her, he could have thrown fish at her, he could have made her watch
Um, that really shitty Quentin Tarantino movie and glorious bastards with him. Like, who the fuck? Like, literally anything could be, uh, contained under this umbrella of humiliating, inhumane, horrific.
Unknown_01: To the point where it's almost like parody or satire. You can't claim defamation for this because there's no specific claim. And anything, like,
He tortured me, like literally, physically, mentally, with terrible, shitty fucking- Like, who the fuck knows what this accusation is?
Unknown_01: And, I don't know. On one hand, I fucking hate Max Landis. And he ruined an episode of Best of the Worst. But on the other hand, this is so- this sets the fucking bar. As low as it goes. And read the comments. Love you Whitney S. Moore. Purple heart. Down the river dude. You got nothing but respect and support from me. And I'm sure an entire army of internet weirdos who think you're cool as fuck.
Aerothomecron, go girl. Thank you for this. I haven't been able to pin down what's true about him. I'm sorry you've had to battle with your thoughts about it. It's gotta be hard as hell. Extremely brave of you. Keep your chin up, baby steps. I'm so sorry you went through this. Whatever this may be, thank you for speaking out. Thank you for speaking out. I had been through a situation I'm guessing was similar. What you said really hit me. And had I been brave enough to say something, to warn others, to put some responsibility where it needed to go, I would have said it similarly. I am so, so sorry.
Nobody- I believe you! Like, you fucking got it! Because this is as vague as a Nostradamus prediction. This is like the fucking, um... The Book of Revelations. This is like, I saw a three-headed woman on the hill and it threw up the mountains and the rivers. Like, what the fuck does this mean? It could be literally anything.
She couldn't wear shoes in the house? Yeah, he made her take off his shoes to walk inside and he's like, you're not fucking Japanese. And she's like, look, it's just my house.
Unknown_01: Is there more? Oh, there we go.
Unknown_01: Thank you for sharing this, we got your back, hearts. My goodness, I'm so sorry to hear this happen to you, but I'm impressed by your strength and coming forward, I believe in you. I admire your strength, kisses. Hugging you so hard for your strength and healing, you're a warrior. Thank you for being so brave.
Oh, and TJ Smith with a verification icon, sends a blue heart.
Unknown_08: This, like his life is ruined by this.
Unknown_01: It's already, it's 20 hours ago, it has 4,000 likes. I guess people, I mean, I don't know if it's, I mean, it's on Instagram.
Unknown_01: Can I like go to her, to her Twitter? Does she have a Twitter? I wanna see if it has more likes there. She posted it there. That's right. Protected tweets. That has to be a different person.
Try Google.
Unknown_08: Instagram maybe she doesn't have a Twitter Yeah Again, it's really sad because it's like is his life is fucking over at this point and he she said nothing she said nothing of substance and She doesn't intend to she already said that she was not gonna say more so No, I think somebody posted this I don't think they posted anything that I didn't post I
Oh, weird. Huh.
Unknown_08: Eggman's ghost on the Kiwi farms.
Unknown_01: Did we break this story? How the fuck did I not see this post? Hey y'all, I've been lurking here for a minute, wondering if I should say something. I decided to go with the- his allegations coming back into light again, so here it goes. Max Landis is most definitely a serial rapist, serial sexual assaulter, malicious narcissist, and sociopath. I know this because I used to be deep in his inner circle, and he assaulted me as well. I don't know how you all handle this here, but I'm willing to verify my identity privately with someone to prove I know what I'm talking about.
Unknown_08: How the fuck did I do that?
Unknown_08: Many victims exactly, but it seems to be 15-20 women since his college days.
Unknown_01: He had sexual assault lawsuit made against him in college that he intimidated the girl into dropping with his family fame and power. He bragged about it. I personally know, as in they have told me their stories firsthand, of four other girls besides myself who he sexually assaulted in much the same way, like following a script. The Medium article writer is one of them. It's a lot how mine went as well with him setting... I should forward this email to TMZ. I'm gonna do that.
How do I send this to TMZ?
Unknown_08: TMZ editor email.
Unknown_08: Contact.
Unknown_08: Josh, show up.
Unknown_08: Josh.
Unknown_01: Maxlandis is getting me toot, and someone posted this on a random forum claiming with detail.
Damn See, this is this is what my streams offer people me sending emails. I've sent multiple emails while streaming Okay, I'm done talking about about Max Landis
Unknown_08: As one of- What the- I'm not fucking- Do you guys remember- Do you guys remember, um... What's it- What the fuck is his actual name?
Her name. Becca, or something. The Riot Games person? The Dangerhair from Riot? She claims to be one of his Jewish victims.
Unknown_01: Among other things Landis did to me in college, he pushed me hard and said that was acceptable because I'm a sub so I wanted it anywho. Told me I had to use ES pills to abuse me because I was so ugly he couldn't get it up otherwise. Then told me no one would believe me because I'm crazy. That is fucking funny. I need to feature this. I need to feature this like as soon, like right now.
Uh, where's the most recent there we go I'm gonna do this again.
Unknown_01: I'm gonna do this you get to you just sit through and enjoy my my administrative duties Communication notices ghetto feature threads maxland is got Me too
That way, the beacon has been lit.
Unknown_01: All will see the story. I'm gonna help this poor woman get her stories of sexual assault out.
Unknown_01: So that, uh... So that women, wahmen, get believed more.
Unknown_01: No one will ever believe you. True, I don't believe them. I think Becca's full of fucking shit. Becca's a fucking chronic liar. Awful fucking person.
Unknown_09: You're welcome, Rich Evans. Yeah.
Oh, God. Now, Red Letter Media looks bad in comparison.
Unknown_08: Here.
Unknown_08: Do I have this somewhere? You know what? I have it, like, on my favorites bar.
Unknown_08: Here we go.
Oh! You guys can't hear the audio.
Unknown_01: Oh my god, that's 14 seconds of dead air. But I... I get to live it again. I get to live through it again.
Unknown_01: All right, so here's the situation report. Molly Jane Zeta says, Twitter recognizes zoosexuality and grants us the same rights that other oppressed minority sexualities are granted. Remember to report hateful or violent posts by antis. Thank you so much, Twitter staff. Heart. Hashtag zoopride, hashtag zoosexual, hashtag zoosexuality, hashtag Twitter, hashtag Pride Month, hashtag Pride Month 2019.
It would be at this point in in common filth or this would be played Oh, I got like butchered by OBS. Yeah, I'll do it again. So everybody sees it He I got sent this because he specifically included the screenshot of Of the Kiwi farms. I don't know who posted this because he censored it with hearts
I like how the, I like how this thread is tagged, Dynol and then Zeusatus. It must be the Zeusatus thread then. So today I learned that animal fuckers, crossed out replaced with the word zoosexuals in the heart, are a protected group. The audacity of these subhuman degenerates to claim that they fall under that umbrella, Jesus Christ. The fact that Twitter apparently is upholding and removing posts that rightfully denounce This harmful shit is the most disturbing thing. Just what the ever-loving fuck is the reasoning behind that?
And the answer is that white girls fuck dogs. That's why they protect it. They got white girls in Twitter staff. They fuck dogs.
Unknown_01: And they gotta make sure that nobody's feelings get hurt.
Unknown_01: Israel supports all fur fags.
Unknown_01: Only if they're kosher.
Unknown_01: Furfags over zoophiles. I don't think that's a popular opinion. I think everybody thinks that all furries are- You guys remember that argument I had with Adam Johnson, the yourmoviesucks.org guy? We- it was in, um, it was in my video, which is now gone forever.
of Kiro the Wolf being arrested. By the way, we have not heard anything new about Kiro the Wolf. He's most certainly fucking unpersonned by the Cuban government. So we'll probably never hear about that guy ever again. But in the video, I mentioned that Adam Johnson says that fucking dogs is okay.
Unknown_01: And he personally replied to this video, defending his prior defense of animal sex. And every time I won an argument with him, won a point with him, he would move the goalpost. And eventually, it got to the point where he was saying, look, all I'm saying is, if you give a dog a blowjob, you're not hurting the animal. There's no way, it is impossible for you to say that giving a dog a blowjob is hurting the animal.
And in my reply to that, I pointed out that Kuro the wolf had a dog that died very recently at the time, had a dog that died from a urinary tract infection.
Unknown_01: And I- I posited it was very likely that Care of the Wolf's dog died because its penis came into contact with human bacteria. And to that, Adam Johnson had no reply.
So... I don't know. This- this shit- this shit with fucking zoophiles... Uh... Here- here's- here's a- here's a straw poll for everybody. Just use the chat. Uh... You wish you could die from blowjobs?
Unknown_01: Death by snoo-snoo. Alright, straw poll. Do you guys think that zoophilia or pedosexuality... will become the next target for mainstream de-stigmatization.
Which of the two do you guys think is going to become the next letter in the LGBTQ? I want to see. No, no, no. It's not a yes or no. It's not a yes or no. Zoo files or pedos?
Unknown_01: Both at the same time? Already is?
Unknown_01: Pedos first then zoo?
Unknown_01: Oh, everybody's going pedophiles. It's a hard favor for pedophiles.
Yeah, people are citing Desmond as amazing. I think that's true. I would actually agree that pedophiles are probably going to become the next target for destigmatization because...
Unknown_01: And I'm not being, this is not some bullshit I'm spinning. I'm not making a joke here. I think that they'll go for kids getting fucked before dogs because people like their animals more than they like human children. I think that people instinctively appreciate animals more and you get like the Sargon, the big brain take that it depends on the child. But most people would disagree that an animal can consent to sex more so than people would disagree that a child cannot consent to sex. That's my opinion and I see people agreeing with me. So that's my position. I've thought about this and I thought about this a while back when I was like a teenager. I remember thinking when gay marriage was just becoming a big issue and it was pretty obvious that
gay marriage was eventually going to become federally legal.
Unknown_01: I remember thinking, like, are they just going to keep going? Are they just going to, like, eventually approve, like, dog fuckers and kitty fuckers? And at the time, it was such an alien concept, I decided that there was no fucking way they would actually do that.
And little did I know, in ten years, they very much would be. That seems to be the way it's going. Because even... There was, um...
Unknown_01: I was listening to The Biggest Problem in the Universe. I've been going through every episode and just listening to it while playing games and shit. And the episode was recorded in 2016, I want to say? 2016, 2015.
Unknown_01: But Maddox was making the point, because he brought in the problem pedophiles, and he was bringing up the point that
Social stigma towards pedophiles was stopping pedophiles from going to therapists to seek help.
Unknown_01: And he was arguing that they should get therapy. I remember agreeing with that at some point. When I was more liberal, I remember agreeing with it at some point. And now it's like, I don't know if I do. I think I've regressed on that position.
Unknown_01: It's becoming too socially acceptable. I don't think that talks between therapists should ever become a government issue. I don't think it should be reported.
But in no way, shape, or form should society be expected to sympathize with a child molester. I don't agree with that.
Unknown_09: Once a liberal?
Unknown_01: No, that's not how the saying goes. The saying goes, if you're not a liberal at 20, you're heartless. If you're not a conservative at 30, you're brainless. Something like that. There's many variations of that saying. And sometimes in the opposite, but not really in the opposite. I mean, it's not true in the opposite. Nobody's conservative at fucking 20. They're all doe-eyed. You haven't been hard- You haven't been hardened to the harsh realities of the world. And how shitty it is, and how fucking awful everybody is. And how some- Yeah, you gotta- You can't fix a pedophile. You just gotta shoot him.
Alabama legalized chemical castration for pedophiles. That would be great news except for the fact that I think something like one in five pedophiles who are castrated re-offend.
I don't know how but they do I'm pretty sure it's a I'm pretty sure that includes like Child pornography possessions and not necessarily molestation offenses But I don't think it's effective you you literally can't beat that you can't cut off parts of their body effectively enough to Root this shit out of them Well, there's no cure. There's no cure at all And there's no point in housing them for the rest of their lives like that's just fucking that's torture as far as I'm concerned
Unknown_01: Life finds a way These dildos know these probably use their fingers I mean, come on Tell that to the cartel videos Cut off the head. Oh, there we go Are we applying zombie rules? Is this like The Walking Dead? No, it's not the not the logic that we have to apply
I mean, I guess it's true. I mean, how- I mean, pedoph- The current rumor with the far right that I now associate with is, uh... What is it? That homosexuality spread through child molestation? So I guess it is like The Walking Dead. You gotta go for the head.
Unknown_08: Just kill all children. There we go.
Unknown_08: Zombies are less harmful to children than pedophiles?
Unknown_01: I don't think that'd be...
Unknown_01: That ain't it, chief. That's really hard to say out loud.
That ain't it, chief.
Unknown_09: Next one.
Unknown_01: Okay, so this is really hard to explain.
Unknown_01: And it's very coincidental given the timing of everything that's been happening with like the KikVik people and the DDoS attack. So, uh, let me give you some background.
Unknown_01: I have talked about this woman before, but not in detail because I did not want her to go after my channel on YouTube as hard as she would have if I just did a proper stream on her.
I'm going to be talking about a woman called Sam Abrain Salal, who is a Pakistani immigrant to the United Kingdom. Sorry, the United Kingdom, of course.
Unknown_01: because the United Kingdom and everybody in it is shit, just in general. If you're in the UK, you're fucking garbage. I don't know how else to put that.
Unknown_01: Sam Abrin Salal has been popping off at Brendan Eich, who is the, I've talked about him before. He is the co-founder of Mozilla Foundation, the inventor of JavaScript, and the current head of Brave.
And I've been shilling brave hard because of the basic attention token and how that's been benefiting the Kiwi farms immensely And I'll do a write-up about about how well that's worked. It's worked really well I'm just waiting on something but this Know-nothing no follower Twitter account called spotlight newspaper says Joshua Moon the Nazi incel promotes white terrorism incest pedophilia What the fuck have I ever encouraged incest?
Unknown_01: I think I've said... I think I've said that I would probably fuck my sister if she was hot. Is that incest? It's probably incest. Because I'm trying to think... I guess you don't need to have kids for it to be incest. It's just fucking your sister is good enough. But uh... NaziIncel who promotes white terrorism and incest and pedophilia on his various platforms has been allowed to reopen his YouTube account. This is the man who has been banned from numerous platforms after the New Zealand terror attacks for refusing to take down the video.
And this is in reply to a post by Sarah John Niza, which is not a real person.
Unknown_01: So this onto the actual meat. So Spotlight newspaper says to Brendan Eich, why are you platforming Joshua Moon, a man who advocates white terrorism, incest, pedophilia, stalks, and harassment with online, even threatening to rape, murder, and dismember them, and has been linked to a series of online threats to harm children in Florida? Brendan Ike replies, if anyone registers the domain name, we verify the domain name control via protocol. Such a site must comply with laws, otherwise we don't censor what the DNS allows. See this thread. If you know of a verified site violating terms, please DM me specifics. Thanks. And the Spotlight newspaper replies, little help for your research. A link to the shakemyhead.com.au article on
I don't think I remember this one some random the Sydney Morning Herald.
Unknown_01: Oh I've seen this one. Yeah One of these articles complaining about me not taking down the torrent for the shooting video
This is one of many threads, and I can't read through them all, but here is Salal saying, Britain Ike has been contacted via email and Twitter, but he's pretending he doesn't know who Joshua Connor Moon even is, though there are countless mainstream publications that have reported on it.
Unknown_01: And this is in reply to Spotlight newspaper. These people are talking to each other very obviously, and they're complaining that Ike ignored them.
Unknown_01: No DM yet, but you tweeted the same message to all brave staffers on Twitter, whom you could find easily. If you are serious about this, stop the pressure tactics. They won't work. If they did, we would not verify any site or channel with enemies who use such tactics. Your staff were contacted, but ignored us. You can look into Joshua Connor Moon yourself. The question now is, are you going to platform a white supremacist who advocates terrorism, incest, and pedophilia, sorry, pedophilia, and who stalks and threatens to rape and murder and dismember women online?
No need to repeat yourself all the time, we are looking into it. We do not DMS domain name deplatforming, so we won't change that from our end. I keep repeating myself because you keep deflecting. It is not my responsibility to facilitate you with information that is freely available online. That said, I provided you with a number of links now and would like a decision and action taken immediately.
To which Ike replies, when I said we were looking into it, that was not a deflection. It takes time to wade through that site. Your repetitious tweets are not helpful, even if they make you feel important. Links to the domain in question showing threats or incitement of violence would be much more helpful.
Unknown_01: And God, I'm gonna win myself trying to say these accusations repeatedly. I'm trying to get a white supremacist pedophile and someone who threatens to rape and dismember women off your platform and you think I'm doing this because it makes me feel self-important. Shame on you. Frankly, this reveals more about what you think about yourself than it does me.
And it goes on.
Unknown_08: So, this is a older article from her blog.
Unknown_01: YouTube quietly lets Nazi terrorist promoter Joshua Ko- What the fuck is a terrorist promoter?
Unknown_01: Is that like a WWE thing? Am I like the promoter for the Christchurch guy? Do I arrange the fights and shit? Do I get them licensed?
Do I write the nasty voicemail about one of them backing out because he couldn't prove the name on the signatories the same as his real name?
Unknown_01: Uh, after the New Zealand terror attacks, platforms like YouTube can no longer afford to ignore the risk that Kiwifarm has posed and the account was banned. Whereas social media bosses were pushed to removing footage of the attack filmed by the New Zealand terrorists, Moon refused and told authorities to go jump. He has proven to the world that he is a threat to vulnerable people, but he also has no boundaries. He reveled in the slaughter of innocent worshippers and encouraged others to do the same. Odd then that it appears Joshua Moon has reinstated his YouTube account and this is a link to an archive that I legitimately do not manage. I have no fucking idea who runs this. I have no contact with this person at all.
So she's just wrong like the thesis of her article is just wrong YouTube has shown a lack of care and consideration for the victims of the New Zealand terror attack and all Potential future victims if Nazi incels like moon are allowed to spread their hate via mainstream channels despite criminal activity We cannot feign ignorance when they strike again moon can also be found here at D live TV slash Kiwi farm shout out to the The people watching right now on DLive. We are hoping to initiate a dialogue with DLive.tv to make them aware of just who they are. just who it is they are hosting. In a civilized society, there is no place for the vile meanderings of a Nazi incel who is connected with multiple murderers and suicides and a network of white supremacist terrorists, from the Americans to the Antipodeans, which is the Maori, the Negro, the native word for New Zealand, on New Zealand. Joshua Moon is quoted as saying, I have begged my mother and my therapist to sleep with me out of desperation on his forum. This creature has no sense of right and wrong. Here's a podcast analyzing the pedophilia promotion of Joshua Connor Moon. Is this a...
Oh, that's... She links to... She links to fucking, uh... What's his name? Corey. Zoom.
Unknown_01: Despite our many requests for BitChute host Ray Vahee to ban Moon from his application, he continues to ignore us. You can find him on Twitter and ask him why he thinks this is okay. According to news.com.au, Australia's number one news website, which reaches 9.5 million Australians.
Before he founded Kiwi Farms, Moon was sacked as the administrator of HN for allegedly promoting pedophilia. He is notorious for his online stalking and harassment campaigns, which has featured threats to rape, murder, and dismember his mainly female victims. In 2016, Moon was linked to a series of online threats to harm children in Florida, where he shares a home with his mother, forcing dozens of schools into lockdown.
Unknown_01: Feels like I'm reading something about, like, a completely different person, and, like, a fictitious universe that doesn't actually exist.
You know what I mean? It's so weird. Like, I don't even know what the fuck they're talking about. Like, everything that they've said is just wrong. And it gets regurgitated. And it's like, at this point, we might as well just be talking about somebody that you made up by yourself.
Unknown_01: Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, halt. It's another showa. It's partially based on ED, yes it is. It's based on a lot of shit. It's just like, it's like a blender. Like you put in some real things and you blend it around and you get this shit.
But she goes on, considering he's invested 30 million of his own money, I say we got a good chance of making him change his mind. In referring to Ike founding Mozilla Foundation, or not Mozilla Foundation, but the Brave Foundation.
Unknown_01: Get a reply from this cuck. Nexus 5 me. Arsenal are a disappointment. Austerity is violence. The hungry ears haven't lost their appetite. Yo no soy marinero.
Unknown_01: The cuck, basically. But how to convince him to do that? I don't know enough about how it all works to know that he actually makes money from it. Ads or subscriptions, the cuck asks, to which Sam Mabreen Salal replies.
Luckily, I have people on hand who know all about making people like him bend to their will I'm just the public face. Oh, oh Geez, I'm tugging at tugging at the old neck sleeve here because this motherfucker knows people She's incompetent and ineffectual and noisy and stupid and banned from Twitter and I could probably report this post for ban evasion but the people she knows are actually affected. Oh my, I just realized, look at this. Look at this picture. Do you, do you notice something? Do you notice a dangerous monster, a child eater in this, in the hands of this brown purple people eater? Look at this.
You know what's funny is that she claims disability and survives entirely because the NHS in the UK... Let's not get out of hand here because she is very obviously not white. She is what we call... The technical term is people of color, I'll have you know. She is from Pakistan. She's a Paki.
And she's not white.
Unknown_08: But she does probably fuck that dog.
Unknown_08: Oh, I forgot to... I was playing the music.
Unknown_01: I was playing the music. God damn it. I'll just keep my audio channel on.
Okay. What's on this show? Oh, this!
Unknown_01: Brave cashing in on our misery. For the past fortnight or so, victims of Kiwi Farms have been reaching out to Brennan Eich and staff at Brave to see if we could appeal to their humanity and make them understand that a group of Nazi incels have targeted over 1,700 people for the purpose of harassment and stalking owing to their protected characteristics. Oh, so the retarded faggot shit about these fucking people is their protected characteristics. Fuck off. Is wrong and should not be enabled via their service. It has taken many months, if not years, to have Joshua Connor Moon and his marrying band of fledgling terrorists removed from social media platform. They've had free reign for so long.
We're not stupid. We know there's a high likelihood we are appealing to the very same people who set up and bankrolled the Nazis. They're all white men. They're all from the same corners of the world with the same chip on their shoulder about their alleged supremacy. They run Twitter and Facebook, as I found out this morning when I tried to log in and was met with this screen.
Okay, I found this really funny. Violating our rules against hateful content. So this tweet was deleted from Facebook for violating the rules against hateful content. And when I read it, I want you to think about why the fuck that might be.
Unknown_01: Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. You can kill all the Muslims, but there will always be more. These monsters have lost their humanity. In the quest for dominance, someone should put her back under house arrest. She's a danger to the world. Now, she's obviously saying that the person she's talking about is the monster who lost their humanity in the quest for dominance. Someone should put her back under house arrest, she's a danger to the world. Like, the second half of this tweet is about a person that she's talking about, but the first half is about Muslims. But when you read it, despite the fact she's supposedly a fucking writer who should understand how the fuck this works, It sounds like she's saying that the monsters are the Muslims who have lost their humanity and their quest for dominance, and someone should put them under house arrest because they're dangerous to the world. And she apparently didn't catch what she was implying with how she wrote her fucking message.
But she goes on.
Unknown_01: They reported these tweets, clearly hyperbolic, but they will argue their feelings were hurt and it gave them undue stress because if there's one thing white men are good at, it's playing the victim. The second tweet, it looks like I'm advocating for the killing of Muslims, that I'm targeting Muslims, but I was referring, oh, she did figure it out. But I was referring to Aung San Suu Kyi and how she will never kill all the Muslims. They will prevail. Oh, jeez. If you kill, remember, if you kill them all, there will be more, she says.
Uh, imagine punishing me for attacking Muslims. These tweets are old, nothing to do with them. That means someone went through my entire feed to try to find something to beat me with. They sure are rattled. Brennan Ike referred to us as trolls and reported us for harassment, which is fucking irony, given that this is exactly what we have been subjugated to for a number of years, abuses that Ike himself is extending by allowing Kiwi farms the means to get funding. Ike wants to get rich off all the Nazis, pedophiles, and terrorist monsters the rest of the web have been forced to reject.
Here's Brave reminding everyone that if they get demonetized by Google for being a Nazi, racist, homophobe, bigot, or otherwise shit person, they have your back.
Unknown_01: He's found his niche. Having invested 30 million of his own money into his business, Ike is neither ignorant to the pernicious nature of these forums, nor does he care. He just wants to profit off of them. It would seem that though Brendan Ike is building a business for the sole purpose of funding Nazis like Joshua Connor Moon, when other streams run dry, Ike refuted the claims on Twitter saying that's fake news. I'm not independently wealthy. My net worth is an order less and not all liquid. Some idiot edited Crunchbase and made up those numbers based on a CoinDesk story that was fake too, but at least didn't name me as an investor. I'm a founder, not an investor. Be careful with fake news.
Considering us on the front page of Yahoo News, I think about suing. Brendan Eich and his ilk need to be reminded we live in a world where tolerance is a peace treaty. In a civilized society, we have laws to remind us of our limits. Otherwise, the entire structure falls down. If we are attacked, we have the right to self-defense. If our families and friends are fair game, then so are theirs. So this is her saying, I'm a Muslim from Pakistan. I live with my family from Pakistan in the United Kingdom. And you tolerate me as a form of peace treaty. And if you don't tolerate me, the peace deal is off and we will attack your family and friends. That is literally what she's saying. That is literally what she's saying. This woman will rise up.
Pibble Nation will rise up and kill your family and friends if you refuse to give her NHS benefits and if you call her a freak.
Unknown_01: We refuse to be victimized anymore. We're taking back that power. Anything else would mean admitting defeat and letting these cowards win.
And this is talking about her account. Activist account, working against doxing adversaries, not here for the bants. I get it, do not reject it out of hand. Consequentialism is evil in my view, though by any means necessary to self-justification using means our enemies uses that we reject as evil when they do it. Well Brendan, if the world was actually working and rules mattered and laws had been applied, you'd have a point. No justice, no peace. That goddamn Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_01: That god damn Kiwi Farms Usually I fuck up with reading but I had plenty of mouth exercise when I was yelling at myself before the stream and I've been reading pretty well without fucking up
Brave or enablers of Nazis. Oh god. There's more. Oh, she just has all the names of all the people You know, what's funny is that in?
Unknown_01: This is a bit of an aside But in this article, she says that they're all white men They're all white men from the same corners of the world with the same chip on their shoulder about alleged supremacy but if we go back to Her timeline. I'm never gonna find this. I just realized cuz she fucking never shuts the fuck up
Neo-Nazis website the Daily Stormer is court-ordered to pay 1.4 point 1 million to our Muslim commentator For falsely claiming he bombed an area concert American Muslims will not be silenced by hate. Yeah, good luck getting fucking Andrew Anglin to give you what 4.1 million dollars you stupid cunts. Holy shit That's fucking preposterous Uh
Unknown_01: She said she when she was doxing all the people who work for brave she Mentioned I'm not gonna be able to find this probably because that's a fucking freak because she tweets so much Because
She said that some of them were POC and possibly Muslim. And she was impressed by that. But when she writes this article trying to smear Brave and the foundation, she pretends they're all white. And even what's, I mean, we go back to the other page.
Unknown_01: Yanju, I'm pretty sure Yanju is not, is not white. Ben Livschitz, not white.
Unknown_01: Catherine Corer, not a man.
Unknown_08: I don't get it.
Oh yeah, look at this.
Unknown_01: I'm sure that this is a straight white man right here. My pronoun is they.
Unknown_01: My pronoun is they. Here are some examples using they, them pronouns. They went to the park. I went with them. They brought their Frisbee. At least I think it was theirs. They threw the Frisbee to themselves. Sorry, Tom. You're fucked.
Unknown_01: Because you are a straight white man, an enabler of Nazism. You fucking faggot.
Unknown_01: People just say whatever they need to fit their narrative at the moment. That is literally a tactic straight out of the book rules for radicals I mean I talked about it It's the ends justified the means literally say whatever the fuck you want whenever you want it gives a shit as long as you get the the means that you're that you're going for That's all that matters. So, you know, whatever I just realized we have close to a thousand people watching this stream on DLive, which is really, really encouraging. I'm fucking shocked that a thousand people watch my streams at all, especially on DLive. So, I'm sure I'm their top streamer right now. I have to be.
That's crazy.
Unknown_01: And all I'm doing is reading about this fucking psycho bitch and her pitbull.
Unknown_01: Okay.
Unknown_01: Let's just, the audio, I apologize in advance, the audio quality for this is fucking awful.
But it's all I got. I think it's from their site, so I don't know what else I could do for it.
Unknown_01: Just take a listen.
Unknown_06: So good evening, your worship and counselors.
Jessica, I live in Walnut Grove, and today I'm here to talk about conversion therapy and getting it down.
Unknown_06: I'm really hoping you all turn this over to staff.
Unknown_06: So.
Unknown_06: So basically, again, my presentation is in regards to banning conversion therapy practices in the town of Langley, and also creating anti-bullying programs to prevent cyberbullying, and working with the federal and provincial government to restrict access to common cyberbullying websites, and getting this done before we protect the trees. So first off is my recommendation is for the township of Langley to suspend the business licenses of any business practicing conversion therapy and to restrict the granting of licenses to businesses wanting to practice conversion therapy, affirmation therapy, and intervention therapy. And to also work with the provincial and the federal government to restrict web access to common bullying and harmful sites such as 8chan, 4chan, KF, I'm not going to say the name of that site, and other LOL cow properties, and also make it a crime to legally access these sites.
Okay, did you hear that bit? Let's take a step back and listen to that part again.
Unknown_06: ...and other LOL Cal properties that also make it a crime to legally access these sites. We don't need another Amanda Todd. I'm just going to make it really clear.
Unknown_06: We don't need that. And also to make it illegal to access these sites via alternate mechanisms. And also something really important, which I made note of at the town hall meeting, is we don't have a CAR 67, which is actually really important.
So my other recommendation is to implement a CAR 67 with the Langley RCMP staffed by a member of the RCMP.
Unknown_01: Okay, at that point it gets boring.
Unknown_01: Uh, let me try to skip ahead a little bit because I see that fourth bullet point I want to catch that And train and cyberbullying, uh one constable that I have a member of the rcmp is constable That I have some relationships with personally as constable.
Yo, uh, really good. Uh constable knows a lot about this Um, there's also a message to shut down investigate and prosecute those involved Okay, so the thesis of Jonathan and Eve's slideshow for the the City Council of British Columbia was that
was about conversion therapy his goal was to ban conversion therapy and then immediately into this he goes on some fucking retarded tirade about how literally the internet needs to be censored and people who access the sites via proxy should be arrested for circumventing the internet blockade of Canada literally putting behind the country of Canada behind a China-style fucking firewall. And I just found that astounding. I find it astounding that anybody in earnest can propose any kind of suggestions for this, but I find it more and more common. I found it in New Zealand and all sorts of different places where the Anglo, for some reason, is just completely okay with this kind of shit.
Unknown_01: Though I think Yaniv is Jewish, so I can't blame the Anglo for this, but if Canada, I mean Canada, Canada! Really, I can blame them. I'll blame them regardless.
His suggestion was quite literally to... I made a post, and I'll read it, because if you're not familiar with Yaniv, he has a long, long history of trying to censor the site, and I kind of summed it up in this post right here.
Unknown_01: Uh, Jonathan Yaniv has attempted to censor the internet by filing complaints to Google to hide unfavorable results for his name. He has attempted to censor the internet by filing in court for injunctions against publishing his name, which he was granted.
In Canada, it is illegal for any kind of publication to disclose the name Jonathan or Jessica Yenit. Because he's in ongoing litigation against a bunch of beauty salons in British Columbia right now, there is a publication blockade. imposed by the court against saying the name Jessica or Jonathan Youniv, which is why when they talk about it, they will simply abbreviate the name to JY. I'm not joking. That's not a joke. I'm not making an Anglo joke. That's actually literally the legal situation regarding his name right now in Canada. You cannot publish the name. And he has gotten results for his name on my site, blocked by google.ca by using that court order.
So, censor the internet by intimidating the publishers of content into retracting their statements, which he has done. Censor the internet by intimidating the platforms of content into banning authors. He's done that with Twitter, YouTube, and WordPress. I've never seen WordPress ban people from running blogs. They seem to be pretty libertarian with their approach, but Jonathan Yneev somehow fucking did it. Got WordPress to ban blogs for talking about his abuses against women.
Unknown_01: Five, censor the internet by intimidating domain registrars into revoking domains. And six, censor the internet by sending bullshit cease and desist to ISPs to cut companies off from the internet, which he has done.
Jonathan you need hired a lawyer I mentioned this before at some point I hired a lawyer to send a cease and desist to the ISP that I have a contract with as a part of 1776 hosting to try and get them to compel me to take down Bullshit he also followed a DMCA with them and he wanted this shit taken down and I replied saying I accept the DMCA Here's my address if you want to go to court take me to fucking court and at first the ISP was really annoyed they had to deal with this and I told him flat out it's like if you're gonna make me take this shit down I'll find business elsewhere I'll pack up all my shit I'll literally pack up all my shit and move it to a different data center before I let you intimidate me or let this fat fucking faggot pedophile child abuser
Unknown_01: misogynist psychopath intimidate you into forcing me to take this shit down like I I literally could not give less of a fuck if we can't if this is your limit we can't do business and they they they decided to let me handle it at least for the time being
So, but he never, ever, ever, ever, ever, not once has he ever sent anything to me. He has only sent it to other people around me, other service providers, other people that I rely on, scaffolding infrastructure. Never once has this motherfucker sent anything to me. He's the biggest fucking coward. And if you're wondering why the audio quality of that video was so poor, it was because he is so afraid of being ridiculed on the Kiwi farms. He refused to be visible on the hearing he refused to have his face shown during the hearing so they had to make special accommodations to hide him from the camera and that's why the audio equipment was so poor because they had to do special stupid shit for him um
But since then, the fact that he's ran into me, and he can't take me down, and he can't take this shit down, is starting to wear on him. Because this is the first time, and I'm not just saying that to be a blowhard, this is pretty much obviously, based on his reaction, the first time he's ever been told no in his entire life. Somebody put together this collection of screenshots from Jonathan's Facebook post, saying, um,
Unknown_01: So, from Monday, so freaking sick, not just the flu but the worst news ever and I'm a mess and I have to present tonight. Presenting shortly and I feel like poop.
Ambulance and fire department found me on the floor of my living room and I don't know what happened.
Unknown_01: And, oh, I'll read this because he replied.
Unknown_01: I went home at 2 a.m. They don't know what happened either I just dropped. I was telling my mom I wasn't feeling well and she called but I believe my personal responder from Telus dialed and was given and as well given the huge emergency services response like six paramedics and five to six firefighters came. So glad to have amazing friends that support over or spend over five hours in emergency with me take care of me. I would have broken down today during breast cancer testing thanks Tavia.
I want you to see this.
Unknown_01: It is... What is it? I've seen it before. He literally wears a fucking life alert thing around his neck that will call the paramedics for him if he collapses or something. He literally has this fucking life alert thing, and I don't know why. I don't know what his medical condition is or if he even has one, but he has a fucking life alert.
Beats fucking me.
Unknown_01: He's a Spoonie? I don't know if he's a Spoonie or if he's like, you know how the God Chosen are. They're really fucking neurotic people. I don't know what the fuck this is, I don't know how the fuck it works, but he has it.
Unknown_01: And that's what called, he says he collapsed in his fucking room, his living room, by himself.
Unknown_01: And uh, his telos had to save his life.
Is there anything new?
Unknown_08: No.
Unknown_08: Let's see, I think there was something on 309 too.
Unknown_08: You know a trans woman who might be... Oh, he keeps fucking bringing up Amanda Todd.
Unknown_01: I forgot that.
Unknown_01: Because it's actually starting to piss me off. He's made 3 or 4 different posts and tweets about how the Kiwi Farms was trying to make him the next Amanda Todd. I'm trying to remember the last time he mentioned this. He mentioned that in the video. Because he said, we don't need another Amanda Todd. But he's mentioned it before. He's compared himself to Amanda Todd at least like 3 times now.
Do you have tit pics? Thankfully we do not, as far as I know.
Unknown_08: Yeah, I don't want to see Yniv's tits.
Unknown_01: I just had an epiphany.
Somebody pointed out that he said he was getting checked for breast cancer and how he was having a breast cancer scare. You know what it actually was? I guarantee you, Jonathan Yniv just wanted to go to a fucking woman's clinic and have another woman
Unknown_01: Fondle his tits and do a mastectomy scan. Not a mastectomy, but I don't know what you call that.
Unknown_01: A mastoptic-y. Basically, you know how they do breast cancer scans? They put your tit on a fucking x-ray machine and they squeeze it and it hurts like shit? It's that. He has to be going to those just to get women to fondle his fucking tits.
That's the...
Unknown_01: Yeah, yeah, while the wax my balls, any of these fucking clinics, turn them away. Because he's not a woman. They're gonna get sued. He's gonna sue fucking feminine hygiene clinics and breast cancer centers for not servicing them. That's a... Mammogram, sorry.
Unknown_08: How do you know how it feels?
Because I was raised by women, that's how I know how it feels. They fucking bitch about it when they get their tits scanned. Is it actually genius?
Unknown_01: Yeah. I wonder how many professionals have had to touch male parts on Jonathan and Eve as part of his request so that they don't get sued. It has to be like hundreds of women at this point.
Unknown_08: Check my feminine balls for cancer if you want to put your fucking feminine balls in that squeezy press thing they use to scan tits Go for it.
You'd be doing a favor Yeah, you need is not funny.
Unknown_08: Oh she made a new tweet.
Unknown_08: What's your new tweet them though?
Unknown_01: Britain's largest Muslim organization has condemned the Conservatives over fundamental failures in addressing Islamophobia within the party. You know, what's funny is that, um, Sammy is not Muslim. She is an apostate of Islam, which as many people know is a death sentence in Muslim countries. And I specifically made sure... I want to see if it shows up. Sam Umbreen.
Unknown_09: Oh here it's in I think yeah it's in this Muslim apostate and I go out of my way.
Unknown_01: Born into a religious family she rejected faith and became Murtad Ferti an apostate early in life and I mentioned that she's from a religious family because she is
Unknown_01: the granddaughter of a Sufi Islam scholar. And I go out of my way to point out the fact that she's not an actual Muslim, because in the world that she is crafting, she would be killed for that.
These people's world are so small.
Unknown_01: You almost feel bad for him, but then you realize that she and her people ruined, ruined Europe for the rest of us.
Unknown_01: Minecrafting, basically.
Unknown_09: Alright my friends, can anybody else think of anything that's happened this week?
That's all I got.
Unknown_01: That's all I got.
Unknown_01: Bring her on, I don't want to fucking talk to her.
Unknown_01: She's like a psych, she is legit psychotic. She's mentally ill.
Unknown_08: Like dangerously mentally ill.
Unknown_08: Ralph. Oh, I don't have anything related to that.
Unknown_01: So you just have to take my word when I talk about this.
Unknown_01: No, I don't give a fuck about E3.
DSP got a job? Are you fucking kidding? Oh, OK, God.
Unknown_09: OK, there is stuff to talk about.
Unknown_09: OK, how do I want to show this?
Unknown_01: Do you guys know a good, like, Pastebin site besides Pastebin? Ghostbin recently became fucking, uh, like, regist- you have to, like, register to- to- or it's read-only for some reason.
Pastebin. Paintbin?
Unknown_08: Pastebin. This looks right. I want to make a new one.
Unknown_08: OK.
Unknown_08: I want to make a new one. Oh, OK.
Unknown_01: There we go. OK. Let's start with Ralph, because I am going to show up and talk to, assuming he's, he,
he was streaming cuphead or something and got so drunk that he fell asleep with the stream up and then woke up and then talked for like 15 minutes with people and then fell asleep again and then there was a there was a time where like 20 people were sitting in his discord
Unknown_01: Like listening to him because you could hear him talking and stuff in the background like you could hear the shower going And he was apparently yelling at his mom and shit It was very strange. I don't know I don't know what the outcome of it was because I ducked kind of early into it But I just know that happened he had been sober for a while, and I think he fell off the wagon
Unknown_01: He didn't get a visit from the feds, the fucking dispatch called in a wellness check for him. And I still get messages from people every goddamn motherfucking day from Bitwave people telling me to stream on Bitwave. And then the owner of the Bitwave site is calling in the fucking police to harass Ralph when he's sleeping with a fucking hangover. It's like, fuck off! I don't want anything to fucking do with the Bitwave people or Dispatch, because the guy is fucking nuts.
I would never send somebody I like to go to a site where the owner is calling the fucking police on people who are just drunk and having a sleep.
Unknown_01: Fuck that. And fuck people, like... I don't want to, like, ban people or block people advertising it, because I think a lot of it comes from naivety, but I'm so sick of hearing about it. It's not happening.
Oh yeah, he fell asleep while watching her video and he didn't know he was still streaming his monitor and her legs were up in the air and he had paused right there while she was like spread eagle on this video and then fell asleep and it's like all you could see was her legs and her face paused very awkwardly and that's where it was frozen on his computer for like six hours at a time
Unknown_08: Yeah, that's why it became a big deal.
Unknown_01: I feel bad for laughing, because it's embarrassing, but at the same time... I don't know.
Unknown_08: No, don't say that. Foster fat?
Unknown_01: Oh, the bat payout hasn't happened yet. I'm waiting on it still. I'm having to contact their support because it's been delayed for... It's going on second month.
I'm not happy about it.
Unknown_08: Didn't know nor is still in the UK studying as far as I know Talk about Hong Kong.
Unknown_01: I don't know enough about Hong Kong situation right now I know that they have their Congress signed a deal with mainland China to extradite people to the mainland And it's causing fucking riots. I mean Hong Kong and Taiwan are just gone I know I have people who watch who are in Taiwan and they really really really don't want to be a part of China but um
There's nothing there's nothing anybody can do You know, there's nothing anybody can do to challenge the territorial sovereignty of China right now there's just there's no fucking hope and they have the Chinese government has a 100-year plan to integrate Taiwan Hong Kong and The other the other areas that were occupied by the European powers like they're going to get it Barring something unforeseen like there's no way that Taiwan can repel the mainland. I
Unknown_01: Chinese Taipei The English word for Chinese Taipei is Taiwan UK VPNs don't want to load forums anymore probably because they DNS ban the Kiwi farms. Oh, yeah, don't don't don't buy VPNs at a fucking the United Kingdom Jesus Christ. What the fuck are you doing?
Unknown_08: And I don't care about Ross
Okay, um, let me show you guys this I don't want to post I'm debating how much of this I want to post I got an email and I don't want to I don't want to just dox the guy See when I get emails like this I'm gonna drink of water cuz I have to read this
Unknown_08: Let's see, can I?
Unknown_08: Wish I could, here, I'll just do this.
Unknown_08: Yeah, there we go, perfect.
Unknown_08: And I'll get a drink of water before I read it.
Unknown_01: Content not in the spirit of Kiwi Farms terms and rules. Hello, I'm not an experienced user and I couldn't find the private message button on any moderator or staff profile so I thought I'd just try my luck here. I don't want to make comments on people's profiles because there's someone stalking me at the moment and I feel just be used more as fuel for this harassment towards me. I took time and read the terms of service and rules and I have a complaint about something and it just it goes on and on about not like wanting to get in touch and when I get an email like this I can tell the person wants to make a complaint to get something taken down but doesn't want to say who they are because they're afraid that if they say who they are
I'm just gonna post the email and make it worse. So I asked the guy, like, look, I'm not gonna fucking take down Thread. You might as well just tell me what the fuck you want. And this is his reply. This is his reply. This is the longest email I have ever received in my life. Even when I worked IT and had to get design specs sent by email to design entire things of software, I have never received an email this fucking long. It is pages. I put it in Microsoft Word. It is six fucking pages long. 1,800 words. Do you see this shit?
Do you see this fucking shit?
Unknown_09: And it's just, it's like, I didn't even read it.
Unknown_09: Where's my, what's my reply? Uh...
Unknown_08: Here, I said... Don't worry about the chats, I'll put money into it.
Unknown_01: Your email is the longest I have ever personally received and there is no way for me to digest what you're trying to say. You're also linking to search results that disappear by the time I try to access them. There is no rule against content about minors. I'm not particularly sympathetic towards a Muslim in Sweden either. Islam is naturally pro-pedophilia as a religion. I've skimmed through his post on you, and it's reinforcing your adherence to Islam. There's enough archives and work going on with this guy's post, not inclined to delete it. And that's what he was saying is that he's a Muslim immigrant in Sweden, and this guy is just being a huge dick to him. I'm trying to think. Okay, communities. Let me pull this post up just on the fly.
Unknown_08: Wasn't intending on saying this showing this but I don't give a shit Because it's just it's you wasted my fucking time So I'm gonna make fun of them
Unknown_01: Okay, so this is the post that he's complaining about, this communities guy. His username was suphamsaloo, and has been doxxed. He's an Iraqi Sunni Muslim living in Sweden. He's been posting on this- posting content supporting Al Qaeda and ISIS. He's an Arab, regularly harasses Christians from the Middle East, Shia Muslims, and Muslim women married to non-Muslim men, and has said he's a pedophile. And I think he said he's a pedophile specifically in support of the Prophet Muhammad's marriage to Aisha, the nine-year-old girl as described in the Quran.
It just goes on and he talks about the shit and then I think there's pictures of the shit he posts Archives of his different posts and stuff and this is what he wants gone.
Unknown_01: I think the guy also wrote this The local wikis and read-only form right now, but he also made this post and this is the guy and it's just it's not a very good article, but it's shit in Swedish and English and Arabic
Outlining it and the thing is I like there's no fucking way. There's no way I can read through this shit and make a determination if it's stalking or not cuz it's He like goes point by point there's a claim apparently that He plays with boys penises.
Unknown_09: I Don't know I don't know what the fuck any of this is I
Unknown_08: This just looks like garbage.
Unknown_08: Talking about, I guess this is an edit that he made on Wikipedia about how Arab women touch, fondle, and caress the penises of their little boy relatives.
And that's like something that got posted that's an extrapolation of how he's a pedophile. And then, and then in reply to me saying I'm not going to delete this fucking post because I don't give a shit.
Unknown_01: He replies with another fucking massive wall of text. This is a completely different one. Let me put it in Word and I'll tell you how long it is.
Unknown_08: According to Microsoft Word, this is an additional five pages and 1,500 words.
Unknown_01: And in reply to me saying I don't give a shit about Muslims, he says, my brother, look, I understand your frustration with extremists and the destruction that they have caused worldwide, but please remember that the ones taking the biggest blows are the Kurds and themselves. Islamic State genocided 500 Yazidis.
In one week. 30 years ago, Islamic State wore suits and ties as they murdered 180,000 Kurdish civilians in an extremely cold-blooded manner in northern Iraq. And I'll explain what I mean here in a moment. Obviously, I don't fucking read this shit because I don't care. My reply to this was...
Unknown_01: Muslims have no place in the West promoting pedophilia ideologies. The post have enough reasonable basis that I won't delete them. If the poster has committed an offense, get a U.S. court order against him. And that's all I said in reply to War and Peace Volume 2.
It's just bullshit. Like, I don't care.
Unknown_08: He's saying that, yeah, he's... It's like some kind of 4chan argument, because this is all on DesuArchive.
Unknown_01: And he's been harassing the guy that runs DesuArchive to get this shit deleted. He said that he had success removing content from DesuArchive.
Unknown_08: I don't have a suit? I do have a suit.
Unknown_08: I think.
Unknown_08: I just don't wear it.
Unknown_01: I have no reason to wear a suit. I look like garbage.
Unknown_01: Alright. Uh, okay. I talked about Ralph. I talked about the 8-page email I got.
Unknown_08: Anything else?
Anything else, my brother? Have I shown you the way?
Unknown_09: About how Arabs touch little boy penises.
Unknown_01: No suit Josh. Oh my god, the harassment.
Unknown_08: I don't care about Ross.
Unknown_08: Dude, I don't care about your video.
Unknown_01: I don't care. Tell me what your video is. Like I'm not gonna open random fucking videos on stream. What is it?
You've been spamming chat for fucking 10 minutes. What the fuck is your video? I'm annoyed now. What the fuck do you want?
Unknown_01: Look, he just keeps saying it. I'm telling him to post the fucking video and he just keeps spamming Josh I have a video. I don't give a shit.
Unknown_09: What the fuck do you want? I don't care about Laura Southern.
Unknown_08: I'm not gonna play an expose video about YMS.
Post it on Instagram.
Unknown_08: Well, post the fucking link to the video!
Unknown_01: Like, what the fuck do you want me to do? You have a video. Okay, let me pry it from your fucking mind.
Unknown_08: I'm just gonna rip it from you.
Unknown_08: Post it.
Unknown_08: What is this and why are there people watching this Firefox time?
Unknown_01: I'm a notorious online Nazi incel pedophile racist terrorist responsible for crimes against humanity in New Zealand. So people, people want to watch my... my uh... content. What the fuck is this? 16 seconds. I can do this.
Hold on. No, I got it. Okay, that's pretty funny
That's that's a that's a time from a different era What's this this is the YMS video if this video is like oh it's only a couple minutes long Now I do
Unknown_13: I have a serious question. Are you a furry? As in, do you put on furry costumes and go to furry parties with other people in furry costumes and possible fuck other people while wearing a furry costume? This is a serious question. I really need to know if I am following a fur fag for a profit here, thanks.
Unknown_13: Um, if you're asking that question, then chances are you already know the answer. Yeah, I'm a furry. Deal with it.
I love how good he posts these videos.
Unknown_01: It's been a big year.
Unknown_02: All of a sudden, my knee's dislocated. Great. And I don't have medical insurance.
Unknown_14: Peace out.
This is really what I... Not what I was hoping for.
Unknown_11: Woodbang. Woodnotbang. Woodbang. Woodnotbang. Woodbang. Woodnotbang. Woodbang. Woodnotbang. Woodbang.
Unknown_12: Vegans are pretty much the only people that are actually at liberty to say that having sex with animals is wrong.
Unknown_12: Everybody else is a fucking hypocrite to it, but... Like, you can't, you can't say, like, oh, sucking a dog's dick is wrong, but, like, eating an animal isn't. You can't say, like, oh, we're, we should, we should...
Do all these, like, non-consensual things, and then, like, you support that, but... somebody's sucking an animal's dick, or, like, just touching a horse dong. That's wrong. It's wrong if you touch it and enjoy it. It's not wrong if... if you touch it for the sake of the farming meat industry. There's no evidence whatsoever that the animal was being abused. Because if the animal wasn't abused... Then you're not really helping anybody, you're just putting somebody in jail because you don't like them, because you think that what they're doing is gross, and you don't understand them. You know? You're being a fucking bigot.
Literally, the only thing that zoophilia and bestiality laws accomplish is to put people in jail who were not abusing animals, but having sex with them.
Unknown_12: It's absolutely disgusting, and I hate that we live in a world where people can
Unknown_12: criminalize the behavior of others while, you know, their own group gets to do literally the same thing under a different pretense, you know? Oh, mine's for meat. We really... an animal's life isn't important. I mean, I already said what he believed.
I already said that he defended sucking dog dicks.
Unknown_01: And he clearly doesn't understand the distinction between mating an animal for the purposes of making new animals versus masturbating a horse because you think horse cock is awesome. Like, I've already seen, like, I already said that.
Unknown_01: I don't know. I wish he would just come to his senses. The amount of investment he's put into defending his stance on bestiality, I am forced to assume that he's into it. There's no way that he's just casually defending this viewpoint as staunchly as he is. There's no fucking way.
Unknown_08: Alright. Alright.
Unknown_08: That's enough.
Unknown_01: My friends, I thank you for joining me on this adventure.
And I will see you next Wednesday.
Unknown_01: Thank you to everybody who has donated to my... Oh, before I do this, I need to do the chest.
Unknown_08: I'll do the chest. Where the fuck is my chest?
Unknown_08: Okay, how the fuck did my chest get emptied this is preposterous I'll put in I'll put in some you know, you're ready everybody I just sign into my lino account, okay
All right. There we go.
Unknown_08: Now it has money. I'm gonna make it rain.
Unknown_01: Thank you to everybody who gave me this fake Monopoly money. I appreciate it.
Unknown_01: And, uh... Thank you to everybody who... What is this?
Unknown_08: Where's my thing? Did I delete the... Oh, you know what's in the foreground. Damn.
It donates to this thing, because it's very important.
Unknown_08: The chestplate, chestplate on 4, 3, 2, 1, go.
Unknown_09: I better see some fucking lemons.
Unknown_01: Literally some fucking lemons.
Unknown_01: DeLong gets 50. Nazia gets 30.
Unknown_01: Murasaki doll gets 22. FelixFlex got 18 and Erver got 15.
Yeah! Yeah! See, this is the Gibbs economy. I Gibbs you all the money, and then the money is just given right back to me. This is the trickle-up economy.
Unknown_08: It's just proof socialism works.
Unknown_08: All right. All right, all right, all right.
Unknown_08: Lemon party. All right.
I'll see you guys next week.
Unknown_08: Where's my outro song? I had an outro song picked out.
Unknown_08: All right, where the fuck is it?
Unknown_08: Is it this?
Unknown_08: No, it's not that.
Unknown_08: Is it... Is it... this? No.
Unknown_08: You're a nigger. You're a fucking nigger.
That's not it.
Unknown_08: Is it this?
Unknown_08: No, it's not that.
Unknown_08: It's in this other folder.
I had it somewhere.
Unknown_08: Oh, there it is. Okay. See you next week!
Unknown_03: Wanna wrap you up inside Crazy I'ma spin you to your blind Grow you up and make you mine Wanna tangle up in you Don't be tempted to escape Wishing that was just us two Cause she'll make you feel out of place Wanna tangle up in you Don't be tempted to escape Wishing that was just us two Just us two I am a spy
Have all the ways to reel you in Delicately I will spin Evil Dead intentions on my mind Got my fangs out, better hide Wanna tangle up in you Don't be tempted to escape Wishing that was just us two Cause she'll make you feel
Unknown_03: be tempted to escape wishing it was just us two just us two i am a spider
Creep up behind ya Promise not to beg Unless you're hurting me I am a spider Creep up behind ya Promise not to beg Unless you're hurting me White girls fuck dogs White girls fuck dogs White girls fuck
Unknown_04: say that white culture doesn't exist but when a dog is humping them they can't resist they never will admit it but they know that it's true it's just something that every white girl loves
Spike girl, Spock dog