Got a little angel on your show.
If I start streaming at 11.50 p.m. my time, then I don't have to worry about being late.
Unknown_00: That's how it works.
I usually interrupt the song a little bit, but I really like that song. I was hermit-ooed to Speak of the Devil, and I found that song on accident. Because I was looking for a clip of Bane saying, speak of the devil and he will appear. And then instead I found this song by, I think it's an Indian group or something. I think they're from India. Maybe not. I don't know.
Unknown_00: I don't know where they're from, but this is a quality song. I've never listened to anything else they've ever made, but I've listened to this song many times.
Unknown_00: What's the topic of today? I don't know. How about I'm lazy? Because I've thoroughly looked over my repertoire of individuals whom I can talk about, and there's not really anybody that...
Unknown_00: Let me phrase this correctly. There's a lot of people worth talking about, but none of whom would take up precisely an hour to two hours of streaming time. And the people most worth talking about would require like a down the rabbit hole documentary.
The forum is down. It's always down, isn't it?
Unknown_00: Stop. Why are you lying to me?
Unknown_00: Start this stream up with a liar telling fictional stories to me, and it's preposterous.
Unknown_00: Just got off work. Yeah, that's the benefit of streaming at midnight my time. What the hell is that? Did somebody give me a car?
Unknown_00: Can I redeem that for one real car in the real world? A Ninjagini. That's the first one.
It even has, like, a special status, like, above chat. It just sits there and looks down at the plebeians who do not have the requisite ninjaginis to hand out.
Unknown_01: Ugh.
Unknown_00: I also like starting early just because I don't have to care. I can say what I want, and I can let people fill in, and I can take it easy and get started.
Unknown_00: A lot of people commented when I first started streaming that I got a lot better at it within a few weeks, because my first streams were apparently very...
uh awkward because i i was nervous i was visibly nervous now now i get on a stream with like rikita and rikita has like 7 000 viewers and i know that if i say anything embarrassing i will embarrass myself in front of 7 000 people and it's just uh it just comes naturally say the n word i don't think the church would like that too much
Unknown_00: Uh, watch Virgo Rouge. Has she put out a video? We haven't done, we have not done a Virgo check.
Unknown_00: We haven't done a staple, a staple of my streams is checking on Virgo Rouge to see if she's put out more insane psychobabble. Ah, no, she hasn't.
Unknown_00: She hasn't. That's a bummer.
I would totally be up for some Virgo Rouge. No, she's been... I wonder if she's on other channels now. I think she puts out music videos again. She needs to go manic again. Somebody... God, it feels like there's a splinter in my throat. Somebody needs to tip her over into a schizophrenic manic state so she puts out more videos ranting about me. That's the best.
Unknown_02: The Virgo watch.
Unknown_00: Okay, I'm going to put the chat to Adrian. God, it really does. Before I start, I have to like... I'm tempted to like mute my microphone and then start coughing as loud as I can. Because like just now, just as I started talking, it literally feels like there is a splinter happening. Like, in my throat, stabbing me. And I have to, like, get on all fours and just start cacking like a cat trying to hack up a hairball. If I ever go, like, quiet randomly, it's because I'm in a state of physical pain. And I'm hunched over on the floor and suffering.
I want enough grease. Oh, yeah, I want enough grease to coat my throat.
Unknown_02: Oh, geez, this isn't going well. At least the chat on the overlay works.
Unknown_02: Off your lungs, that fucking man.
Unknown_00: I need to do something, man. Okay, if you are but a little baby, he has to leave. I'm putting the chat, I'm putting our stream on X-rated where it belongs.
Because we're naughty, and we say naughty words. How is there an emote for Ben Shapiro's sister? Who the hell has that emote of Ben Shapiro? That's crazy.
Unknown_00: And you know, now that I have chat on the screen again, people can see that. They can see...
Unknown_00: Abigail Shapiro in that weird gif image that is flooding the screen. Okay, let's start. Let's start this off right.
Because I don't know what's happened. Like, this is just the last week. And I don't know what happened last week, but...
Unknown_00: In the world of dogs, we have news.
Unknown_00: And I just want to share this because it's baffling to me.
Unknown_00: This is not a white girl, but I'm just going to say it. White people are insane. And here we have...
Patrolman charged with 20 counts of sex abuse against police dog and this I guess this is the dog I mean, it's a good choice. It's the German Shepherd. I can't fault him on the choice of dog But What state Louisiana that's that sounds about right if I was gonna guess it has like why don't people outside of the south fuck dogs and What is wrong with that? Like, it's specifically the South. There's a higher concentration of animal abuse.
Yeah. Oh.
Unknown_02: Oh, somebody sent me a link that I'm very happy about, and I'll get to.
Unknown_00: But yeah, this guy fucked his dog, and he was a cop, and then he got arrested. It wasn't embarrassing. Like, that would be my main concern if I was this guy, because it's like, you know, look at his face. This is a man who knows that his picture is going to be plastered all over the news because he fucked his dog.
Maximum prison sentence of 10 years, but...
Unknown_00: His main fault here was that he is a police officer. So he faces up to 10 years. But according to Breitbart, an illegal immigrant who fucked a dog to death has gotten out for 60 days.
Unknown_00: It doesn't show it here, but the breed of dog that he raped to death was like a Yorkshire Terrier. It was a very small dog. It was a very small dog who could not handle human genitalia. So, I mean, this guy, I mean, bravo to him for defying stereotypes. He's not white.
Almost all the time, if somebody's having sex with a dog, it's a white guy or a white girl. But this guy's like, no, you know, I'm going to show you. I'm a dreamer. I'm a dreamer. I can have sex with animals too, even though I'm defying stereotypes.
Unknown_00: And he did. And they rewarded him. The state of Oregon saw this and was like, wow, you're really showing people what Mexicans can do. I would have to vote.
I'm reminded of Dick Masterson. I was on Dick's show for episode 155.
Unknown_00: And here I am.
Unknown_00: Right at the bottom. I'm on this chart. I think it's in order of appearance. But I got on it. I'm going to have to vote myself a rage. If that's possible. Is that not possible? Am I not allowed to vote myself a rage? I guess not. I guess I can't. I can't vote myself a rage on this site. Thank you Dick Masterson for cock blocking me. I got to make sure I'm high up on the list.
But Dick Masterson has an intro where he's like, he was saying he was voted best Mexican like 20 weeks in a row until he missed his appearance in Australia. And now he's the worst Mexican eight weeks in a row. But I would say this guy, this guy is the worst Mexican. I'm going to vote for this guy. He's way worse than Dick Masterson. He fucked a dog to death. Until the day that Dick Masterson fucks a dog to death, I'm going to say that this guy is the worst Mexican.
It's not MS-13 we should worry about, it's the Mexican furries. That's true.
Unknown_00: Because they're fucking dogs to death.
Unknown_00: Now that I think about it, Wolf was a dog abuser.
Unknown_00: Oh, also, I want to complain about YouTube again. I was thinking, like, okay, people are having issues with DLive.
Unknown_00: And they're not able to watch...
Unknown_00: My streams, because their player doesn't work. Okay, I'll restream to YouTube this time just to play it out and get an overlay working again with the chat. So I go to my YouTube account.
I sign in for the backup, the Man at the Internet account, which is still up and has like 3,000 subscribers. I was thinking, I'll just use that again until it's destroyed and just archive on BitChute. And I'm going through, and I'm like, okay, the straight talk I'll get to. It's not an advertisement. Don't use these guys. They suck. I'm sitting there, and...
Unknown_00: I sign in and it's like, okay, I want to tie in Restream.io to my YouTube account so that I can get... I'm going to take it off because I don't want you... I'll bring it back to the dog guy. I'll just hide Firefox. I don't want to give them advertising. Don't use them. They suck. So I'm trying to tie in Restream.io to YouTube so that I can restream, right? And it says, okay, you have to text message verify your account. to uh to do this and the account number the phone number that i use is my straight talk number from the us and i i don't have access to it i i can't use it because i'm not in the us and they don't have coverage they have coverage in mongolia they have coverage in brunei they have coverage in india no coverage where i'm at so it's like okay i'll just delete the number off my account And then I go to do that, and it wants SMS verification to delete the number off my account, which I don't have access to. So I'm like, okay, well, I can probably go to the Straight Talk website and get the SMS code off their website. Because I remember in 2008, a long-ass time ago, when I was a teenager, my Verizon account had online SMS. I could go online and check my text messages even if my phone was dead.
which very convenient, something that every one of these providers should carry because you use your internet more than your phone at this point.
And they don't have it. They don't have it. In fact, when I go to Google and I type in how to straight talk check messages online, I get 10,000 results for how to view text messages and calls from a straight talk account. And I think it's like, that's not your own.
Unknown_00: Unable to find proxy server.
Unknown_02: Don't you do this to me?
Unknown_00: Is my proxy countdown? Oh my God. This is, I hate streaming. Everything goes wrong when you're trying to stream. I just want to show people. That every one of these results is about how to spy on your wife. That's what I want to show. Every single one of them. How do I recover deleted call history off another person's device? How do I check your text and call history of a straight talk account of my spouse? And it's like the responses on Quora are like, you know, you're not the only person. Oh, here. Straight talk account with other phone chats using Wi-Fi and no provider. And then the first response is you're not alone in wanting to monitor your spouse's phone. Having a presence in their online activity will help you stay self-aware and effectively partner in the 21st century. And then there's like...
It's how you remote payloads, like how to fucking spy on people, how to put viruses on your wife's phone because you're too fucking insecure to believe she's not like cyber texting people and sending nudes around.
Unknown_00: And it's just, it makes me laugh because it's like, all I want to do is check my fucking text messages with straight talk. And I can't do that. But I can figure out how to put a virus on my wife's phone so that she can't sex without me finding out.
That's my straight talk rant because I can't I can't restream to YouTube right now And I can't do it because straight talk does not have a fucking way to check your text messages on the internet for whatever reason But they do have ways for you to spy on your wife Women women are the target
Unknown_00: That's true. Okay, chat, you tell me. Do you think men spy on their wife more or women spy on their husbands more?
Unknown_00: I'm curious what you would believe to be more common because I think that men are probably more jealous than women.
Unknown_00: On that technical level where they have to check your phones? I don't know. I've never had anybody demand to see my text messages.
Unknown_00: Men, men more, women spot.
It's like 50-50. This is a very contentious question.
Unknown_02: Somebody's saying that women spy just a little bit more than men, but they both do it.
Unknown_00: They're both insecure fucking psychotics.
Unknown_00: I haven't fucked crazy yet? No, I have not.
Unknown_00: My mama told me when I was a little boy, do not stick your dick in crazy because she will fuck up your entire life. And I have so far managed to do this.
Though I've had crazy women try to destroy me. Okay, let's talk about Sargon. I'm not going to talk about anything else because
Unknown_00: It's already been covered, but Sargon has been tweeting the clown world meme.
Unknown_00: And I hate this. And I wish he would stop. Sargon, stop ruining my memes. I like the clown world meme. I like it. It's actually funny. And this motherfucker. This motherfucker. Look, I even told him. I told him. God, he tweets so fucking much. I told him, if you take clown world from us, I will personally milkshake you.
Unknown_00: I will fly to the United Kingdom and then be arrested on sight. But if I do not get arrested, I will go to BK and get a milkshake and I will fucking dump that on your fucking head for ruining. And then he replies and he retweets himself, which is like a sin. And he replies with the clown. So what I did is I sent an email to Jared Holt.
I sent him an email. This is true. This is not bullshit. If you don't follow my Twitter account, you should definitely follow my Twitter account. I sent him an email, and I said, Carl Rape Tweet Benjamin, MEP candidate, has used the notorious white supremacist clown world meme in a recent tweet from his political strategy account. I figured you should be aware of this, and I love the nation of Israel. XOXO, Josh. So I'm hoping that my man, Jared Holt, will publish an article about the fact that this lunatic, when I heard him talking about rape, I cried because it reminded me of my rapist. And it really struck me deep. So I'm against him and his rape apologism. And I hope Jared Holt does something to embarrass him.
But he's already, actually, I want to read, I have this tab open as well because it's funny to me. The Rational Licky, I've never paid much attention to Rational Licky because I don't know what it is. I don't care to find out. But their articles are like parody of themselves.
When I heard him talking about raping his wife, he couldn't stop laughing. I don't want to talk too much about Sargon, because it's, like, that's not my thing. I don't know Sargon that well. We've only... He's only messaged me, like, once ever.
Unknown_00: I don't even remember the context. I told him to fuck off, and he, like, challenged me to, like, a duel or something. Like, not directly, but, like, in a... And, like, he...
He showed his hand that he'd be interested in starting a shit-playing contest, and I just ignored him. So I think he's obnoxious in a not-funny way.
Unknown_00: But I wanted evidence. Actually, the evidence I found that Clown World is a racist meme, and I was going to send the evidence to Jared Holt, but I guess I should have just showed this.
Oh, god, my internet.
Unknown_02: Where is it?
Unknown_02: Let me type in right wing watch.
Unknown_00: Because I found this in my original query here.
Unknown_00: I found this, and I was going to send this to Jared Holt as evidence. But the author of the article declaring this meme racist is actually Jared Holt. Like, unironically, he wrote this article saying that this clown is racist. So I think he already knew. He didn't need any additional information because he wrote the fucking article about it that I was going to send to him, which is just crazy. But I wanted to read this because it's funny.
Clown World, or Hail Honkler, is an alt-right propaganda meme. Clown World was a phrase first used on the Right Stuff's podcast, The Daily Shoah, in 2017, that the U.S. was a clown country because it didn't actually murder everyone who wasn't white. The Honkler image first appeared on 4chan in February 2019. Clown World and Honkler are a part of an alt-right effort to obfuscate racism and hate with seemingly innocuous memes.
And then this is all funny. The alt-right uses memes as an online radicalization tool. One of the best known icons is Pepe the Frog, a meme co-opted by 4chan in 2008. Honkler resembles Pepe, but in a clown outfit. Like Pepe, Honkler also has a racist connotation and is explicitly alt-right, often used by neo-Nazis. When Meme originated on 4chan in 2019, they already said that. You're redundant. In a thread titled Operation Honk, referred to as Honk Honk or Honkler. When I say honk, it makes me sound like a dipshit. Like I'm just going Honk Honk.
over and over again because it keeps appearing when where hunkler imagery portrays anti-semitic homophobic transphobic and racist tropes hunkler is the main figure of the clown world though other alt-right imagery is also drawn over by clown features including images of adolf hitler and shock imagery i like this picture though look at him he's just so clown world propaganda.png yeah when i see When I see this clown, it's just like, you know what I want to do? I want to murder minorities. Because I'm so emotionally affected by this image.
Josh, please stop being retarded. Why am I being retarded? This is funny.
Unknown_00: He makes me happy. He does. He's got a cool wig and everything. Okay, I have a request. There is a song, I think by The Right Stuff.
Unknown_00: And it's just called cuck, I think. But it's very hard to find because the word cuck is so ubiquitous with the internet now. But it's just like a rap song by the Right Stuff guys. And it's about people who are cucks. And if you know this song, please give it to me because I've been looking for it and I cannot find it.
goats that came back the web would be a better place yeah can you imagine can you imagine what would happen if shock sites were still a thing and you were in and you sent like a social justice warrior like two girls one cup for the first time like that would be like rape like that would be like sexual assault lemon party yeah somebody said that d live was a lemon party and it made me laugh
Tub girl? Yeah, tub girl. That's fucking shocking. I remember when I was a preteen, when I was really young, I had a friend come over, a childhood friend that I knew in elementary school. My first friend in the area when I moved from Maryland to Florida. And I showed him, I wanted to show him the internet because he didn't, he was a weirdo when he got into Boy Scouts and went outside. So he didn't do the internet stuff like I did. and I wanted to show him the internet in a succinct way that I could. So I showed him shitting dick nipples. I didn't want to show him gore, so I went to something kind of safe. And I think he was traumatized by shitting dick nipples. I think that broke his brain, and we didn't speak very much after that. And then many, many years later...
I found him again. And he added me. He was a grocery checkout person in the city. And my grandma met him.
Her grocery is taken care of by him. And he's like, oh, you're Josh's grandma. Can you get him to talk to me? Because we haven't talked in a while. And she was like, oh, sure, sure. And we hooked up on Steam.
Unknown_00: And he's like, oh, so what have you been up to? This was like two years ago. And I don't lie to people. I don't lie to people. And I was like, I have started to hate sight.
And I've had... He was still in the area where my high school was. And my high school that I went to got a...
Unknown_00: had a bomb threat delivered to it by the the British guy that keeps trying to close down my site and I'm like oh all these people hate me now and they sent bomb threats to this to the school and he was like wait I remember that I remember that happening I was like yeah here's the news article for that was because of me somebody somebody wanted to get me arrested and So they sent a bomb threat to the school in my name. And it's kind of my fault now that the city lives in paranoia because all these hoaxes keep happening to try and get me in trouble. And he didn't... We stopped talking, and my... My grandmother got to the checkout aisle sometime later and talked to him again and said, oh, did you get a hold of Josh?
And he said something to her like, yeah, I don't think we'll be talking again anytime soon. She relayed this message to me. I'm like, yeah, that sounds about right.
Unknown_00: Life's a bitch and then you die.
It keeps getting worse.
Unknown_00: He's scared of me. There's nothing to be scared of.
Unknown_00: There's nothing to be scared of whatsoever. You just have to embrace it.
Unknown_00: You just have to embrace it and live with the consequences of your actions because we're all going to die and it's a clown world.
Unknown_00: If only you knew how bad things really were.
Unknown_00: Um, you're talking about Sargon ruining things.
Okay, I really, again, I don't want to talk about Sargon too much because I think he's boring, but I really don't like people who abuse the DMCA. And funnily enough, uh, this is covered more in detail by a video that Dame Pesos put out, which is actually really good. I would encourage you to watch it if you care about this stuff.
Unknown_00: But, uh,
Unknown_00: Somebody claiming to be a Brexit party member and staffer for UKIP, I don't know how that works, but apparently they work for both parties, filed a DMCA complaint against Ethan Ralph for...
selling this t-shirt and it's been taken down and the company that does his merchandise says you can't have this and i think they suspended his entire storefront because of it
Unknown_00: But somebody pointed out the hypocrisy because Alex Jones busted onto the set of The Young Turts holding a t-shirt that had Bill Clinton's face that said rape. Like the Obama thing. And Sargon said that was the funniest thing that he's ever seen. So he's very hypocritical. And I really... The frustrating thing about...
Unknown_00: about Sargon is that he's very, very hypocritical and he has some kind of weird delusion that what he does has a greater purpose. So it's like you can't even call him on it because he'll just laugh and say it's a part of some scheme. And I don't know if he actually believes that or not. But it takes a lot of the joy of someone like me laughing at him. Because he's so bulbous. It's like a...
Like that episode of SpongeBob where the fish tries to kick SpongeBob's butt, but he's just like a big retarded sponge. And it's like a shock absorber. You can't make fun of somebody who has no shame, who has literally no shame and no conscience because he's so self-obsessed.
It's called a midlife crisis. That fucking shocked me. The dude's almost 40. If you don't know, Sargon's like 39 years old. He's way too fucking old to be doing shit like this. It's crazy how fucking old Sargon is. And yet he acts... Like, I thought he was 29. He has a baby face, first of all. He doesn't look much older than I am. But he acts. He does the kind of shit that you would expect him to do. Like, crazy, off-the-wall fucking retard shit that has no purpose whatsoever.
Sorgon the Impenetrable.
Unknown_00: Well, if he gets fucking arrested for hate speech, he might get penetrated. Just a word to the wise. Because I'm tired of Sorgon. Everybody's tired of Sorgon. I just wish... What's sad is that I want some finality. Like, when that vote comes and then UKIP decides to completely disband its entire party. Like, you would hope that's the finality to the Sorgon story, but it's not gonna be. He's gonna go on for at least another year. It's gonna end...
Unknown_00: I think it's going to end when his YouTube channel goes away, but it can't go away because people will complain too loudly. Look at how everybody switched over to Subscribestar, and then that gave a big boost to Subscribestar as well.
So he still has clout from retards who take him seriously. But he has to lose that first. Something has to happen. In order for Sargon to go away, something has to happen where the credibility of his intellectual facade is stripped away to even the retards who like him.
Unknown_00: And I don't know what would do that because they're very retarded. They're very stupid. The MEP thing is going to be a great opportunity for that to happen. He has to say something so fucking stupid after he loses that even people who support him have to stop and think about how fucking retarded he is.
Yeah, well, subscribe to our lost PayPal, of course.
Unknown_00: PayPal is the, I told you, PayPal is the first service to go. If anything high risk ever happens to a service, PayPal is the first to go. And I don't even know why that is. It's so risk adverse. And I think it's because it's not a regulated as like a bank or a payment processor. It's just an internet service, which is preposterous. But it's so risk adverse, I think, because it doesn't want to get regulated. So it heavily self-regulates to detriment of the entire world.
DM leak about how he hates his fans.
Unknown_00: Yeah. Yeah. If he came out and said something like, you know, I only do it for the money and all these idiots, all these retard incels who follow me actually think I give a shit about saving the West.
Unknown_00: Like he like makes it makes himself look antagonistic, but I don't know. Is he that retarded? Do you guys think he's that retarded? He's actually said that and put it on record somewhere.
I'm waiting for it. Is my chat frozen?
Unknown_00: Probably. Yes. Oh god, the yeses. People very much so agree that he has put on records somewhere he hates his fans. I wouldn't even rate my fans.
Unknown_00: Of course not. He would tenderly fuck them out of their money.
Unknown_00: Open treasure. I'll save the treasure chest for last. You gotta do that last. No such leaks will come
Yeah, I agree. I don't think they'll come. I think he's too business-oriented to milking his own fans for that kind of thing to come. So we can only watch and gawk. You know what he reminds me of? He reminds me of... Oh, no.
Unknown_00: Come on. There it is. He's the Brianna Wu of the right. It's like someone you can't take seriously, but he's there, and he'll never go away. Brianna Wu will never go away. Brianna Wu will continue to do this, and you wonder how. How do you find the money for this? How do you find the money to continue wasting money everyone's time with your fucking campaigns don't say that no no he will he will never go away Brianna Wu will be campaigning for congressperson of Massachusetts 8th district for 40 fucking years and will never go away he's not right I don't care what he is I don't care he's right leaning as far as the UK is concerned
You cannot compare a psycho tranny to a basic Brit. Yes, I can. All British people are basically psychotic trannies. The psych of the transgender and the psych of the British are equitable. They're near identical, I would say. The British are just... Have I ever told you guys how much I fucking hate... england i really fucking hate england i hate everybody on england i know some people there like me but i don't care i hate i hate you i hate your country so much it's such shit oh god
Also hate how Brianna will will prefix everything they say by saying as a quote like if I go to the search right from as a software engineer I press enter and
Unknown_00: It's just like, it's so much.
Unknown_00: Like, even as a software engineer, or as a programmer, is that one? No?
Unknown_00: Game developer?
Unknown_00: As a game developer, as a game developer, huge Porsche fan, as a game developer, I'm a feminist and a software engineer.
Unknown_00: Too many people know me as a feminist and not a software engineer and game developer. My central belief as a game developer. This is fun. What other things can I type in? Brianna Wu as a... He said something about clocks recently.
No, that's not it. I want to find this tweet about clocks. It made me laugh.
Unknown_00: There's something about how we switch to... Oh, you know what? What if I type in quartz? I can find it. Yeah!
Unknown_00: this fun fact you probably haven't heard of quartz watches or pro or have heard of quartz watches but do you know how they work and why they destroyed the mechanical watch in the 1980s it's really an interesting bit of science clocks had been mechanical since the 14th century but while beautiful pieces of mechanical engineering they are not particularly accurate Quartz timekeeping changed all that. Quartz is a piezoelectric silicate, meaning if you charge it, it bends slightly. Quartz isn't particularly temperature sensitive, which means it's an excellent material for oscillating at a specific frequency. And that frequency is used to keep very accurate time. Here's the interesting part. Do you know why they took off in the 80s?
Traditional quartz watches are very expensive to make since the quartz must be cut very precisely. But in the 1980s, Seiko figured out how to make them cheaply. They chop a piece of quartz pretty well, then measure how defective the oscillation was. And then the microprocessor in the watch calculates the correct time by adjusting for the defective oscillation. Mechanical Swiss watchmakers had to scramble to compete with Japan and came up with the certified Swiss quartz watches, which are produced with fewer defects.
I know you don't care, but it's just like, this person is running for Congress and they're spastic and reading about watches and shit.
I hate them. I want them to make a tweet.
Unknown_00: dilation do you know why quartz makes really good dilating because they dilate at a specific frequency when you put them in your body they heat up and they bend slightly and that that really that wiggle gets that gets that that stink ditch uh dilated perfectly at the right frequency
Unknown_00: This is what our politicians... You know what I've been told that makes more sense in regards to this? Is that Brianna Wu's husband is Frank Wu.
And there's no link. There used to be a link to it. I'm going to type in Frank Wu and see if I get it.
Unknown_00: No.
Unknown_00: But I want to show you Frank Wu. I've talked about Frank Wu before. I hate Frank Wu. And I'll show you why.
Unknown_00: Oh, here. Frank Wu is actually like... Ew! What the fuck? I forgot about this. Look at this. Ew!
Okay, he's a Hugo Award winner. He's like an artist. He is... Look at this. He drew Brianna.
Unknown_00: It's named Melanie, but there's no fucking way that's Melanie. That's definitely Brianna. Why is this image broken, Frank Wu? Get your fucking faggot husband to fix this. Why is this not on the server?
Unknown_00: The fucking thumbnail works. I want to see the full fucking thing. Oh, my God. Is that the only one that's broken? Yes, it is. So only the one that looks like Brianna Wu is fucking broken. That is preposterous.
Look at this. There's no way that's an accident.
Unknown_02: Because they all work.
Unknown_00: They all work besides the fucking Melanie one. Do you see this? Come on. Come the fuck on. He broke this. And he's trying to make it look like it's not deleted. I'm going to find this fucking picture. You marked my fucking words.
Unknown_02: This is not. I can't believe it.
I literally, literally cannot believe this.
Unknown_02: Oh, there's the full one. Wait. There.
Unknown_00: There. He drew... He drew Brianna Wu as a big titty snake lady who was being molested by math. Do you see this?
Unknown_00: Do you see this? No, this is art.
Unknown_00: But look, there's like O equals and then math and shit. So Frank Wu is an actual engineer and drew his tranny husband like this. And it's... I hate him.
This is him. He's the most stereotypical Chinaman-looking guy ever, and he married that. And I think he manages the Brianna Wu Twitter account right now because Brianna Wu does not give a single solitary fuck about the quartz watches. But this guy, this guy who draws his wife-husband being molested by algebra equations and shit probably does. Is that enough butt much?
No, you have to partake.
Unknown_02: All right, let's get off this.
Unknown_00: See, Brianna Wu is somebody I would want to do a proper stream on.
Unknown_00: And my entire stream would be about how he cannot ever close his fucking mouth. And every fucking picture that this motherfucker takes, his mouth is wide open. And the most soy of all soy ever...
It's an almost every except for his older ones his older ones he can close his mouth, but when he's around Brianna He cannot keep his fucking mouth closed Already whenever this I know I hate him though, and I just I want to I want to I want to complain Okay, I want to read something. I know you guys like me reading I
Unknown_00: I read this on Nick Rikita's stream on Monday.
Unknown_00: So if you've seen that, this will be a recap. And I'll show a little bit more, but these are the emails. Subject from Jeff Allen, taloncombat at gmail.com. Subject, legal action against kiwifarms.net and Josh Noel Moon. It's illegal at kiwifarms.net.
Good day. I am emailing you as requested. You can try to attack my through cyber means now, but it will only help my case. I will not open any return emails from you. I have attached my attorney's contact for your convenience. Contact him, not me from this point. Sincerely, Jeff Allen slash Gottfried Roser. And then he contained the, he attached the contact information of this random guy in Texas.
And I replied, that's not how that works. Like if you're going to send a legal complaint to somebody, you don't email them and then give your lawyers, your attorneys contact information and then have them contact you.
Unknown_00: To which he replies, I'll let my... Again, I guess he's replying without reading my email because he said he wouldn't open my return emails, but he did.
Unknown_00: He said, I'll let my lawyers handle it. I am not a lawyer.
Unknown_00: We'll see what happens. Hang tight. To which I reply...
Are you aware that this is a dog bite car accident and workplace injury injury lawyer and on the stream?
Unknown_00: Nick Rikita, I'm sorry. You can't see the emails on my screen, but that's okay Looked at pull up the guy's thing right and this is it and It's this guy. Okay. Number one. He looks like John Smith from the matrix. He just looks like that guy with his business haircut and shit and But he looks way, way too young to be like an experienced lawyer who has security clearance and military veteran expertise and shit.
His circumstance is exceptional. I bet it is. But it's like car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, Uber and Lyft accidents, workplace injury, commercial litigation, and dog bites, which if you guys followed the funniest lawsuit in the world by Maddox, you'd know that hiring a dog bite attorney does not always work out. This guy, from what Rikita says, this guy is a...
Unknown_00: uh, insurance chaser. Basically he makes sure that insurance pays out as much as they need to, or more than they need to just to get you to go away. And then he collects a portion of that payout and it's just good money. You know, somebody like my buddy had a car accident and he was riding his bike. He got hit from the, from the side and from behind by a, uh, a reckless driver. His legs are all fucked up. He goes to the hospital, uh, He's out of work for a week. He needs several thousand dollars of medical treatment money. Actually, when I told this story to Rikita, I told it better. And I'll try to capture that again.
When he got hit, he almost died, first of all. He almost died.
Because the bike got hit. And if you look at the bike, the frame of the bicycle was completely mangled. Like the car hit him hard enough where if the impact was delivered into him as opposed to the bicycle, it would have crumpled his legs and hip like a folding tent or something. But he rolled over the hood and somehow did not hurt his neck at all.
Unknown_00: Yes, they were both Puerto Rican. He was very obnoxious. He was a nice guy, but he was very obnoxious. And the guy that hit him was Puerto Rican. And for some reason, these Puerto Ricans were in New York.
But he gets injured, and I called my mom because I didn't know what to do. I was like, Mom, my roommate got hit by a car. What do I do? And she's like, How bad is it? I'm like, His legs are fucked up, and he can't walk, and he's in pain. He's not in pain. He's in shock. He doesn't feel any pain right now. And she's like, okay, number one, do not call an ambulance because ambulances cost like $2,000.
Unknown_00: Number two, take some pictures of it and keep any paperwork that you get. Any paperwork you get from the hospital, from police, any paperwork at this point needs to be kept like gold because it could be gold. And then number three.
Oh, get a lawyer. Number three was get a lawyer. And Nick Rakita agreed that this was solid advice, and it was a good idea. So we called an Uber, and he took an Uber to the hospital.
Unknown_00: And I guess I hung out there, and our friend came, or our third roommate came, and we settled him out, and then we took an Uber back, or we took her car back to the house.
And I think he got to pay out like $30,000.
Unknown_00: We got one of those injury attorneys. You know, you see the billboards where it's like the injury attorneys call, call this number. And like the number is something that you could sing in a commercial so that people remember it.
Unknown_00: And he got his money. So the advice was good. The advice, it was good advice.
Unknown_00: And this is one of those lawyers where he just, like, chases the insurance because he wants some of that money. Now, the dog bite one was the interesting one because of Landau.
And as you can see, the dog bite is extremely relevant to this case. Because there is a dangerous dog bearing fangs, threatening this guy.
Unknown_00: Yeah, that's it. He's not somebody who is extremely overly qualified to represent this hard-hitting motherfucker and his security clearance and his 20 years of combat experience and shit.
But he's cheap, and that's what matters. So I want to introduce you to this guy because apparently he's been around for so fucking long that people on the forum knew about him from like 20 years, 20 years ago.
Unknown_00: And they were told, like, in summer camp and shit, like, don't act like this guy if you ever become a black belt because it's pathetic. And let me play this voicemail. Cody Sanders.
Oh, and if you're wondering, no, I did this. I set this up. I had this tab open and I edited it. This is the original image. I was hoping for a bigger reaction, but I think it was so subtle, it passed over people's heads.
Unknown_06: This is Godfrey Roser calling from Texas.
Unknown_06: I know this is being recorded so that you can play this back later to whoever you wish. will let you know that my phone call is also being recorded, so that if you try to edit this in any way, shape, or form, it will be exposed to the entire public nation. Do you understand me that I will not be threatening you with physical violence? But I am coming to Colorado, and I will meet you face-to-face. You will never know when I'm going to show up or where I'm going to show up, but I will be there very soon after I take care of some things done here in Texas. I do have friends that live in the Denver area, and I will be showing up in Loveland, Colorado, or wherever you're going to be at. And I will find you, and I will confront you in public, in a public place, or unless you want to sit down like a man and talk with me and explain to me why you do what you do and who you really are. And if you want to prove to me and the world that you are who you say you are, you will have proof. Real proof, not some fake paperwork. I am not the man to be played with, and I hope you understand. I am not one of your average martial arts people. I've spent an entire life working for the government and being in the military, and I am done playing with you.
You want to try and spread my name around? You want to try and hurt my reputation? I guarantee you it will be the last thing you ever do, legally.
Unknown_06: I'm telling you right now, I'm coming to Colorado. And I'm going to sit down and either talk to you or inadvertently bump into you at Starbucks or wherever else you hang out. But I will find you and I will speak to you man to man, face to face. I'm also asking you to step on the mat with me. I want to see how good you really are in the martial arts and show me what you got. Your students, your school, all of this stuff. I want to go to your school if you have one. I want to watch you teach your classes. I want to see who you are and what you really do or don't know. I will be recording it. I will be bringing a news crew with me. I have a lot of friends in Denver. I have a lot of friends at the Air Force Academy. I have a lot of things going on. So before you start pulling punches and throwing chicken feathers around, you better know who you're screwing with, buddy.
I am not threatening you with physical violence. I will not lay a finger on you. I'm just going to check you out in person to see who you really are. So you know now that I'm done playing around. And I'm coming up to Colorado very soon.
Unknown_06: And I hope you have a very nice day. Enjoy your day, sir. And I will be talking to you soon.
If I ever had to defend myself in a self-defense situation, John Oliver. Peacekeeper John Oliver. If I had to shoot my way through a crowd of people, John Oliver. This is all hypothetical, John Oliver. I would never condone physical violence against you, John Oliver.
Unknown_00: Uh, so, let me, this is just a random email from some, some like, um, I don't know exactly what kind of person this is, but you know there's like those boomer cults, like the 419 eaters, the people who troll, uh, uh, like fraud and stuff, and, and check for stolen valor, valor.
Those kind of boomer people who have Facebook groups who try and get at the baddies. They're like proto-Kiwi farms for old people. I think that's what this guy is. And he found this guy claiming to be a 20-year Air Force intelligence veteran, black belt in Hokkaido. And he's like, you're a fucking fraud. So it sent him off on this murderous tirade.
Unknown_00: And now that this has gotten published, and I'll explain why it's gotten published in a second, he sent me this email.
Unknown_02: uh sorry he sent me an email after that when i asked are you aware this is a dog bite car accident and workplace injury lawyer he sent me a blank email that just had his phone number and then uh this second email are you aware he belongs to the bar association and has contact with hundreds of thousands of other lawyers
A matter of that he's a personal injury lawyer, this is cause of a personal injury, and furthermore, who belongs to an association that has thousands of other lawyers in the city of Dallas who are more than willing to help me out in the situation to protect my private information from the general public? I'm sure you would not be happy if someone released all your private and personal information, including a picture of your house,
Unknown_00: your address, a picture of your daughter's school, and a lot of other personal information. I'm sure you would not like it
Unknown_00: Like that, if you had a family to protect and a reputation for text that you could feed that family. I'm asking you as a man to remove my personal information from your website. Be a man and don't act like a child and turn this into a stupid legal battle. I've got nothing but time and money, my friend, and I guarantee you will lose. With the other side of that coin, a real man would admit to his faults and apologize and remove another man's personal information as a status of honor and integrity as a man. What are you going to do? Sincerely, Jeff Allen.
What's interesting about this is he mentions that we posted his daughter's school, which I didn't see in the thread. But I figured out why he said that later. I looked through it. And what I could find is this.
I think this is where he teaches at.
Unknown_00: Something like this. There's a building called Condom Sense on the right side.
Unknown_02: Dude, this is like the sketchiest fucking mall I've ever seen.
Unknown_00: 3D Smoke Shop, Nolitas Emergency Agency, Oriental Massage, Foot Body Relaxation, Psychic, and Condom Sense Sex Shop.
What it's missing to really, really put this together is a fucking payday loan.
Unknown_00: That's what it needs. If there was a payday loan, I'm looking for it because I'm expecting it to be there. But if there was a payday loan store right next to it, that would be the top. Insurance agency. Oh, that's funny. I'm really hoping for a payday loan, but it's not there.
Unknown_00: A gun shop? No, a gun shop. You don't put gun shots in this shady area. You put gun shots where, in the family area, where people go to shoot. You can't have your fucking oriental foot massage right next to it.
Anyways, there was an address of a school. Oh, this is it.
Unknown_00: This is where he worked at, which is a school. And then he says, this is where my daughter goes to school. And I'm just thinking, like, if you, oh, it's a Bethany Christian school.
Unknown_00: So it's a Christian, like, private school. But it's like, okay, if you were actually licensed with security clearance, like, you would have enough discipline to know not to surrender information voluntarily. Like, me knowing—if he was, like, an MSA agent— And I now know where his daughter goes to school at because he told me. That's a huge problem, right? If you were the government, you would not want people openly telling people where their kids go to school.
I don't know. That alone, I think, invalidates any claim that he has any kind of security clearance because nobody would be fucking dumb enough if they worked in intelligence to voluntarily hand over information that's incriminating to them.
Huge faux pas.
Unknown_02: That's right.
Unknown_02: Um...
Unknown_02: Okay. Oh, so this got posted because he was the bodyguard of Monika Real.
Unknown_00: Not Monika. I said it again. Monica. She's not black. Her name is just Monica. It's not Monika. But every time I see it, I want to say Monika because it's a funnier... It's a more fun name to say than Monica. Monica's fucking boring. But, uh...
He was a bodyguard for this voice actor who's accusing Vic Mignogna of sexual assault.
Unknown_00: And he's like a creepy weirdo, like, white knight on our Facebook and stuff, too. And people dug into him and found out that he's a fucking maniac. And now he's been posting on the forum for a while as Glue Stick.
Unknown_02: Um...
Just like the other people who try to defame me on the internet, you will also be dealt with legally. Those people's sites have all been shut down for a reason. My attorneys are already busy gathering all the information on this site which you've released, which includes my personal home photo and address, along with investigating the site and all who posted anything about it. A police report has been filed and will be forwarded to the FBI for further federal investigation." I have messaged the moderator of this site to have any personal information regarding me taken down and to no avail. It is still here. I am telling you, this time you have pissed off the wrong person. Maybe you guys ought to look up what military intelligent people in Humint slash SR do for a living. Now my family is in danger because of your stupidity of releasing my personal home address and photos.
of my daughter's school out in a public forum. Again, I have to move my daughter to a new school to hide her from harm. You guys are damn idiots. You have caused me harm off-site. Remove my personal information immediately. I am not asking. Godfrey Roser slash Jeffrey Allen.
Unknown_00: He was apparently featured on this Martial Arts Hall of Shame Facebook page. That's funny.
Unknown_00: Oh, this is him with his chinky wife.
Unknown_00: I want to get to that eventually. He's got a chinky wife.
Unknown_00: I think he actually did. Look at him in that fucking outfit with the straw hat and shit. I think he did live in Korea for some time, and I think he studied that Hopkado thing.
Unknown_00: But he claimed to be attacked every day going to work. He was attacked with knives every single day going to work in Japan and Korea, which probably makes him... Probably because he's white. I mean, if you're Japanese and you saw this fucking white guy and his fat Asian wife going to work, you'd be like, hey...
Get out of here, white pigu. You can go at him with a knife, but unfortunately for you, he's a level six black belt in Hopkado.
Unknown_00: Somebody posted the 300 confirms kill post and he says, No one has 300 confirmed kills, idiot. Come get me, motherfucker. I'll be waiting. Thanks for threatening me with physical violence on the internet, dink. You're digging your own legal hole. What was your bud's class number, numbnuts? I can look it up for you and push it forward to the plank holders.
Grow a brain, moron. That's funny.
Unknown_02: There is a point, I think, on... I'm looking for one in particular.
Unknown_00: Okay, he posted this, by the way. This is not a safe zone. Overly sensitive, thin-skinned little sissy should exit this location immediately. I fucking hate boomers.
This is the sign going up on my door out of a martial arts school. By the way, if you're going to negatively comment on this, I don't care what you think, lol.
Unknown_00: Was this him with his chinky wife?
Unknown_02: He looks like a bad spot. Hold up.
Unknown_02: I want to show you this. If you remember my stream about Blockland.
This guy, yeah.
Unknown_02: Yeah, look.
Unknown_02: Virtually identical.
Unknown_02: Like his father or something. His shitty martial arts father.
Unknown_02: Basically the same.
Unknown_00: I'm looking for one thing in particular. I really should have bookmarked this prior. But it was just like I saw it and I was just like, what the fuck?
Unknown_02: I think it's either on this page or the page before. He made a post on Facebook.
saying that we took it down.
Unknown_00: And I don't know why he thinks that.
Unknown_00: It's very, like the thread is very obviously still out. You'll probably find it if you search for his name.
Unknown_02: And I'm actually kind of bug bothered about this.
Unknown_02: It's like people are still posting court documents and shit. And he made a tweet saying that we took it down.
That waifu.
Unknown_02: I can't blame her. Asian food is fucking delicious.
Unknown_02: If I can't find this, I'm going to be seriously butthurt.
Unknown_00: I'm going to be seriously emotionally distraught.
Unknown_00: Because I think what happened is we split this thread out from, oh, he also says he's a member of like the German, the German military. I don't even fucking know what's going on with this.
He wears, like, on his picture, in his first page, you can see that he's got the Korean thing and the German flag. And it's like, why? I don't understand. There's pictures of him in a beret, too, and it's supposed to be, like, the German beret. And it's like, has this guy ever been to Germany? Why the fuck is he wearing a German flag?
Unknown_00: Why is he like this? I wanna know, I wanna know, like even from a standpoint, like what the fuck is, is he like a Germanaboo?
Unknown_00: Is that a thing? Does anyone wanna be German? He bought some Nazi memorabilia, he did not. That's just a, that's just some shitty thing.
Okay, I'm gonna go down to 22.
Unknown_02: I'm actually extremely butthurt.
Unknown_00: That should be in the front page. I'm going to have to get them to edit it and keep it up to date.
Unknown_00: But he said it's taken down, and it's quite clearly not. And I wonder, does he not know? You know what? I'm going to call him. I should call him and chat. Let me see what he has to say. I mean, he put his phone number in the email.
Unknown_02: As far as I'm concerned, that is consent to call him.
Microphone turned off. Oh Hopefully Google's gonna work for me I'm gonna get a sip of water. Let me prepare myself. I
Unknown_02: Get SBCC to do it. I'll send them the number after this. I'm curious, though. Okay, it's calling.
Unknown_00: Hi, is this Jeff Allen?
Unknown_06: Speaking.
Unknown_00: My name is Josh. I run the Kiwi Farms. How are you?
Unknown_06: Hey, good, Josh. How are you doing?
Unknown_00: Pretty good. I just wanted to call and ask about your legal threats.
Unknown_06: That's being taken care of, so that's something that I can't discuss with you.
Unknown_00: It's being taken care of? Did you settle with the dog bite guy, or did you find somebody else?
Unknown_04: Oh, no. Something much better is coming. Trust me.
Is that all you're going to say?
Unknown_04: That's all I can say. That's all I'm allowed to say. As long as my stuff is still out there on the Internet and it hasn't been removed from Kiwi Farms, then I have to do what I got to do to protect my privacy.
Unknown_00: But it's been up for like 20 years. People were telling me that they printed out these exposés about you that were on these... Untrue.
Unknown_06: What do you mean untrue?
Unknown_04: A lot of these people that have come against me are people that are in the martial arts world, whoever themselves are fraud. And I expose them for their fraud. And then they attacked me and tried to make me look like a fraud. But it always backfires on them.
Well, it was on these, like, I guess you would probably know the name better than I do. It's like a martial arts forum that deleted, I guess deleted the post about you because you threatened them.
Unknown_00: No, I sued them.
Unknown_00: Did you actually sue them? Is there court work that I can look up that has names attached to it?
Unknown_04: No. As soon as they found out that the things were filed, they dropped everything and got rid of it, so I did too.
I have a personal reputation to uphold. Even the initial filing should be public information if you did file them.
Unknown_06: Well, as soon as I told them that things were being filed and they got a letter from whatever, they dropped everything.
Unknown_00: So you threatened them like you threatened me, and they just immediately capitulated and gave you what you wanted before you filed anything?
Unknown_06: Exactly, because they know that I don't play games.
Unknown_00: Well, then you didn't sue them. I'm a retired military.
Unknown_04: Well, they were smart.
Unknown_04: They don't need to go through a bunch of trouble.
You realize that it's legal, right? To talk about people on the internet?
Unknown_04: It is not legal to slander people and only post negative things about them that are not true.
Unknown_00: Are you aware of the distinction between slander? Or to post my private information out on the internet, especially when I'm a veteran with a security clearance. Number one, I don't believe that you have a security clearance. That could turn into a federal.
Unknown_06: It doesn't matter what you believe or not, Josh.
Unknown_00: You don't have any chance of checking my military records, so you're just going to have to go with it. If it was illegal, presumably the court order would come in to remove it because of the particular circumstances. Well, don't worry about it.
Things are being handled.
Unknown_00: I'm just saying, okay, I'm not a military guy, right? But if I had a security clearance, if I had a prestigious position in the military or the government, and this breach of privacy happened, I would not voluntarily surrender the information that one of the schools that people thought you worked at was also the location of where your daughter went to school. That seems like a voluntary surrender of information that would go against a security, somebody trained in InfoSec. They would not hand over that information without... It's not classified information.
Yes, but it's unintelligent to tell people... My daughter doesn't go to school there any longer, and I don't teach there any longer.
Unknown_06: I don't use their facility, their gymnasium, and my daughter no longer goes to that school. She has been transferred out.
Unknown_00: And what's the issue?
Unknown_06: As soon as you posted my information, she was transferred to a new school that day.
Unknown_00: And what's the issue?
Unknown_00: I mean, if the information is even accurate, what's the issue? The issue is that my personal information is out there, Josh.
Unknown_06: And believe me, believe me on this.
It's being taken care of. So don't worry about it.
Unknown_00: I didn't even get an email from your attorney, though. You said that it would be coming like that day. I won't? I won't be getting an email? Don't worry about my attorney. I won't be getting... How are they going to service me if I'm not going to get an email from somebody?
Unknown_06: Don't worry about my attorney. Things are being handled in a different way.
Unknown_00: I mean, well, you're saying now that you don't have an attorney and that the government's on it. But, okay, how are they going to contact me? Am I going to get an email from the government then?
Unknown_05: What am I... I don't know what they're going to do or how they're going to do it, but don't worry about it.
I mean, presumably you would want me to worry about it, correct? It is a joke, because you're full of shit.
Unknown_05: But it's not a joke. I don't believe anything that you said.
Unknown_00: I don't think you have 20 years combat experience. I don't think you have a black belt.
Unknown_06: Nobody has 20 years combat experience, Josh. Nobody.
Unknown_00: Not even General Patton. Okay, are you in the military right now? You say you have a security clearance. I am retired.
Unknown_06: Then what's your security clearance?
Unknown_00: I'm retired, and I presently work as a government contractor. Okay, so...
Unknown_00: So you were in the intelligence for the Air Force, which means you got data from pilots and shit, sending it back home. No, I was a human guy.
Look up special reconnaissance on WikiLeaks, and you'll find out exactly what I did.
Unknown_00: I don't think somebody with security clearance would be telling me to look up WikiLeaks.
Unknown_00: The description of my job in the military is on WikiLeaks, just like every other description of their job in the military is on WikiLeaks.
Unknown_06: You can look it up. And the job that I did in the military is on WikiLeaks. Everybody's job in the military is on WikiLeaks, what it is. And what I did for the Air Force is not classified. How I did it, where I went, and where we performed things, that's classified. But the job I did in the Air Force is not classified. Everybody in the world knows I was in military intelligence. And they know I was a human source collector, and they know that I worked in special reconnaissance. And that's all they need to know. They know what I did for a living, and they don't need to know where, how, or who.
And it just seems like, okay, that was true. And I don't know enough about the military to challenge you on that. But you've registered these LLCs to your address.
Unknown_00: We're to the point where it's all public record. Like these addresses that you're complaining about come from incorporations that you filed. Here's the problem, Josh.
Here's the problem, Josh, is that you took my information without my permission and you made it easily accessible to everybody on your forum or whoever did it. And that's what I have a problem with. If you guys have something to ask me, ask me and I'll tell you what you need to know. But to go into my mailbox and take my mail and open it up and scan it and put it out on the Internet is basically what you did. It's illegal.
Unknown_00: Are you saying that we opened your mail? It's taking my personal information and putting it out there on purpose to try to defame my name.
And I don't appreciate it.
Unknown_00: You can not appreciate it. That's fine. I can't tell you how to feel about something. But these are all public records.
Unknown_00: You can't tell people. Public record or not.
Unknown_06: How would you like it if I went into your entire life and pulled out everything in your life with my military intelligence background and the connections I have from the time you were born until tomorrow? And I posted it all out on the Internet for everybody to see everything about you.
Unknown_00: I guarantee you it's already out there. Everything, every car you own, everywhere you lived, your grades in school, the whole works.
Go for it.
Unknown_00: I'm not that stupid. I have nothing to hide, and people have already done worse.
Unknown_00: Everything about me is already known. I'm challenging you. Go ahead and do it.
Unknown_06: There's something else that's going to be happening, and I'm not going to allow to really talk about it, but it'll be taken care of.
Unknown_00: Are they going to drone strike me? Where is Trump sending the drone to kill me?
You know, I've got children that are older than you, Josh, so don't even worry about it. I know exactly what you're going through right now and what you're trying to do and try to make me feel stupid. But here's the thing. You're not. No, but then nothing you can do can make me feel bad or anything like that. You're just going to personally attack me. I could care less.
Unknown_00: Being shameless is a very positive quality. But know that there are repercussions for doing that kind of stuff.
Unknown_00: Like, yeah, it would require, it would have to be able to feel shame to feel stupid about something, I would imagine.
Unknown_06: The thing that made me the upset the most was that a picture of my daughter's school was posted out on the internet.
Nobody knows that that's true. school but if they would have showed up at bethany christian school and harm would have come to my daughter be assured to me josh i would knock your front door down and take care of business you understand what i'm saying you threaten the welfare of my family that's what i'm saying you don't register your business at that address and then when that address got posted
Unknown_00: You told people that's where your daughter went. Nobody knew that you even had a kid until you told people that you did and that she went to that address.
That was your fault. You posted that. Nobody else did. It's your fault.
Unknown_06: Let me tell you something. First of all, what you did was immoral. Legal or not, it was wrong and not cool.
Unknown_06: That's the number one thing. You have to have morals in this life, and you have to have some integrity and some honor. To do that to somebody and put their personal information out on the Internet is not only immoral, it's immature and stupid. It just shows how low you're willing to go to try to prove your own ego and your own insecurities. I don't know how you grow up or who you are, but you need to get over yourself, buddy. You need to grow up and become a man and start treating people with respect. Because one day you're going to do something to somebody and they're going to make you very hurt and very unhappy. I'm not the person to do that because I just let it go. You just said that you're sending over like some kind of government package to fuck me up.
What do you, how do you, how do you take the moral high ground after that? It seems like revenge is your forte. You made a threat saying that if something had happened to her because of the information on the site, you'd come kill me. Like you can't do this water under the bridge speech after making threats for, for, for, for days. Like you've been angry for days.
Why do you think I'm angry?
Unknown_00: Why? Because something's happened that's out of your control, and that makes you uncomfortable. Because you have no morals.
Unknown_06: You have no morals, Josh. Who are you to be the arbiter of morals? You have no boundaries into people's personal private lives. None.
Unknown_06: And that's going to come back to bite you someday. I don't know by who. Not by me. But one day it's going to come back and bite you really, really hard. You're probably about 25 years old.
That's true. I'm 26. 400.
Unknown_06: I know your birthday. I know a lot about you that you don't think I know.
Unknown_00: My information is tied to the site. If you go to the Florida voter records and you type in Joshua Moon, you'll find my Escambia voter record showing one of my addresses before I moved and my birthday. That's public information. It does not bother me that you have that because it's public information. And if you want to send me a birthday card, you can go ahead.
Did I take your information and put it on the internet? As revenge?
Unknown_00: I mean, you just said that you were going to compile a complete dossier on every hand I've ever shaken. I mean, go ahead. Does it hurt me? Does it hurt my feelings? Does it put me in danger? No, it doesn't.
Unknown_06: I have the ability to do that, but it's not worth my time, Josh, because you're a kid. You don't even know what you're doing in life.
Unknown_00: You just said you were sending the government to drone strike me.
Unknown_06: How do you...
You said that. You said that.
Unknown_00: You said that you were going to sue me, and then when you said, when you couldn't back that up by saying that you've ever made any kind of filing in your life besides a business incorporation registered at your daughter's school, you said that it was a government thing.
Unknown_06: I've never had to file anything, because you know why? These guys in the martial arts, they know I'll show up at their school, and I'll step on the mat, and they know it. And that's why they drop my stuff off the internet.
I don't play games. My family's reputation and my reputation as a professional as not only as a government contractor, but as a martial artist for 43 years, I've been in a martial arts 43 years. That's twice as long as you've been alive.
Unknown_06: You got to think about my personal reputation and how hard I've worked to build my reputation. And when people get out there and try to ruin my reputation, to take food off the table to feed my family, there's going to be repercussions.
If you're retired, you should have a pension by now. You shouldn't have to worry about anything.
Unknown_06: I do have a pension.
Unknown_00: I think your food issue is sorted for the rest of your life.
Unknown_06: But that's beside the point, Josh.
Unknown_00: So what you're saying is that this could potentially take money, like you wouldn't be able to be a bodyguard for Monica Real, and you wouldn't be able to put that, I guess, towards a Ford truck or something. Your family is not endangered in any way. As a government contractor with a security clearance, it could damage my reputation.
It could damage me of getting a job with another company if there's people posting my stuff out on the Internet.
Unknown_00: But what information is out there that you're embarrassed of and which may hurt your reputation?
Unknown_06: None of that stuff that you put out is going to hurt my reputation.
Unknown_00: Then what's the problem?
Unknown_06: The point is that you dug stuff up on the internet that was archived and posted it.
Unknown_00: Yes.
Unknown_06: Stuff that I already got rid of.
Unknown_00: Yes.
Unknown_06: Stuff that was deleted off people's websites.
Unknown_00: Their entire website was shut down. Okay.
And you dug that stuff up out of the archives and posted it.
Unknown_00: That also upset me, that you would go that far to try and make me look like a mall cop.
Unknown_06: I think that's pretty low class, to be honest. Because I did security for somebody that you may personally not like, it doesn't give you any reason to go out there and try to ruin somebody's reputation anymore. and keep them from getting future employment from a government agency.
Unknown_00: Well, first of all, I did not post. I had no involvement in this. I had no interest in this until you sent me emails.
Your site asked you to take it down.
Unknown_00: And I refused because I had no reason to.
Unknown_06: But I'm asking you as a gentleman, as a man with morals and integrity, to take it down as a man. If you're going to be a child about this, then it's going to be handled in ways that is beyond my control compared to what the people that I work for. That's my point.
See, you're bringing this up again. You're saying that it is not – you're juggling multiple conflicting things here.
Unknown_06: I'm not even worried about my lawyer anymore. I'm not even worried about my lawyer anymore. I told my lawyer, I said, you know what, stand down because it's going to be taken care of a different way.
Unknown_06: So it's going to be taken care of. I don't know how, and I don't know by what agency or what person or whatever, but it was told to me that it would be taken care of.
And I have no idea or responsibility for what happens.
Unknown_06: That's all I'm saying.
Unknown_00: I mean, that seems like a veiled threat, number one. That seems like you're hinting that the government is going to hurt me in some way. I'm not going to hurt you.
Unknown_06: I don't know what's going to happen. But all I know is that it was told to me by somebody through my network. They said, forget about your lawyer. We'll handle it.
Unknown_06: And that's all they told me. And I said, fine. I told my lawyer to stand down.
I had $500 on my hand. I was going to go to my lawyer's office and have a right to a letter of cease and desist demand.
Unknown_06: But I didn't.
Unknown_00: Well, that's not anything. Your complaint is as valid as a cease and desist letter. A cease and desist letter is how it starts, Josh.
Unknown_06: And if you refuse to oblige by that, it goes to the next step. You see, the legal system works by steps.
Unknown_00: I'm very much aware of how the legal system works. I'm telling you that a cease and desist letter isn't even really necessary. But it's a good way to get something done without the court. It's not even really a part of the legal process. Exactly.
But it's an honorable way to ask somebody to do something legally. And an honorable man would pay attention to that and say, oh, I, you know, maybe I shouldn't have done that. And then I will reverse it and help and apologize to the guy.
Unknown_00: And that's the honorable thing to do. You say that the information on the site does not hurt you. It does not constitute any sort of threat to you or your family or to your career prospects.
Unknown_06: I don't want it on there. And that's my personal ask of you as my personal information, my business tax records, my home address, a picture of the front of my house. Hello.
Unknown_06: Why do I want people to know where I live? So your cronies can come and attack my house like throwing trash on my front yard and screaming and yelling at me? How about that?
I don't think anybody in the history of the site – I'm asking you nicely as a man to be honorable and just take that stuff off your site.
Unknown_06: Just delete my stuff. I've been playing very nicely with the other people on your site, posting with them, talking with them, having fun, cracking jokes at each other. It's fun. Your site is a lot of fun. But when it goes to attacking people personally, that goes beyond –
Unknown_06: responsibility and being an immature male.
Unknown_00: But you said that there's nothing on that that hurts your reputation.
Unknown_06: Okay.
It's immature. It's like you being in high school and somebody says something to you and you say, well, at least I don't live in a trailer park. You're putting their personal information out there and hurting their feelings, A, and B, making the other people think that they're stupid by calling them Names like Spurgs.
Unknown_06: That's completely not cool to make fun of people for their physical handicaps that they have no control over.
Unknown_00: What physical handicaps? I thought you were a black belt. How are you physically disabled?
I'm talking about other people as well. Josh, listen to me. You're not in high school anymore, dude. Grow up. You graduated. It's time to leave mentally. Go to college. Do something with your life. Get a career. Become a lawyer. Become an astronaut. Whatever you want to do. I want to do this. Because it's funny.
Unknown_00: What do you want to do with your life? I want to continue to promote humor and freedom of speech. And I think that this accomplishes that.
Unknown_06: Okay. Humor and freedom of speech is fine.
And I'm totally all for that. But when it goes to attacking people and putting a picture of their house and their personal address and stuff out there to try and bring attention to the person, that's really not cool. That's very, very not cool.
Unknown_00: Sure. I mean, people can raise whatever moralistic arguments that they want. I mean, it's public information. There's nothing illegal. I mean, I'd even disagree that it's immoral. From my perspective, I don't see it as immoral to say this is somebody and this is where they live. And I know this because it's from their business filings.
Let me ask. let me ask you something somebody's got somebody's got some sort of problem with their life or they've got something going on with their life and you make fun of them and they either something does damage to them because of it because they think that you think you're funny and they want to try to impress you or be the person does harm to themselves and causes problems for their family so what's moral about that at all it's not moral it's wrong It's okay to poke fun at people, but you don't put their personal information out there for other people to see. It's not cool. It's really, really not cool.
But why? Why isn't that something you do?
Unknown_00: You've said that it upsets people, it hurts their feelings, but why do I care? Why is that something that I have to concern myself with?
Unknown_06: You have to have compassion for your fellow American person, fellow human being. You have to have compassion for their life. They have a right to privacy, and they have a right to feel good about their life and what they're doing with their life. No, they don't. Show me where it says in the Constitution that you have a right to feel good about yourself. The pursuit of liberty and pursuit of happiness... Is not infringed by people making fun of you.
Are you happy? Are you helping people pursue their happiness? Sure. There are thousands of people on my site right now pursuing happiness.
Unknown_00: Well...
Unknown_06: How many people have gotten in trouble in the past for posting a government official, a military member, or a celebrity's personal address and information out on the internet? How many people have been sued for that? I'll tell you, thousands. I doubt that.
Not thousands. There is a very particularly famous case. Have you ever heard of the Barbra Streisand suit?
Unknown_06: Why do you think almost every single movie star entertainer uses a fake name? You think Tom Cruise is his real name? That's not his real name.
Unknown_00: Because they're taking appropriate steps to protect their privacy.
Unknown_06: Exactly. That's why I use my German name on my Facebook page to keep my private life away from my entertainment life.
Didn't do a very good job of that. Exactly.
Unknown_06: born, given German name, before I was adopted by my American father, my stepfather.
Unknown_06: So I use my legal name on my LinkedIn page because that's my job. That's where I get my leads from and talk to people legally. But my Facebook page has my registered German name on it, which I use my German passport to prove to Google that that's my name. And I use that name to keep people out of my private life.
But you go and post my private life on a public website. I don't like that. It's not nice of you, Josh. It's just wrong. It's not nice of you.
Unknown_00: What you're telling me is that you've taken certain precautions to protect your privacy and you didn't do a good enough job at that. And now people who are curious about some of your claims have pieced together this tapestry that you've woven and you're not happy that they've done that. And I don't see how that's criminal. I don't even see how that's immoral.
Unknown_06: I don't care if people know my legal American name and my German name and put two and two together. I have posted that on Facebook. I let everybody know on there that that is my legal name, is legal name, and my German name is the name I use on Facebook. And everybody knows that. Everybody knows that. But the thing about it is that I don't like it when people specifically take my personal information and put it... No, did they die?
Did the call drop?
Unknown_02: It did. It ended.
It was getting redundant at that point. I didn't do it.
Unknown_00: He calls me back, I'll answer it.
Unknown_00: But we're getting into a feedback loop at that point.
Unknown_00: Yeah, rip. It had gone on for 30 minutes or so.
Unknown_02: F. Yeah, I don't know. I was hoping... That's a good enough point to break.
Unknown_00: Because it's just like...
Unknown_00: He had a tough guy persona at the start. And then as it's like, okay, well, what are you saying by this? What are you saying by that? What are you saying by this? He just kept losing ground. He wouldn't defend his points ever. And I was hoping that he would take a really hard stand and say, like, it is illegal. It's 100% illegal. You're going to see how illegal it is. You're going to see how I'm going to make you recognize how illegal it is. And then he just never did. He just kept conceding every point I made until it was like this aloof philosophical standpoint and how it's unacceptable. And then when he lost that, he just said, it makes me feel bad and I don't want it. It's like, take a hard stand on something. And make a claim. Because it was literally just... It made me feel bad. And I don't even believe he has a daughter at this point. I think that's just bullshit. I think he just said that because it's like, oh, he docks my work. And I want you to know that I took her out and put her into a different place.
And I've changed my work. But he hasn't changed his work. He didn't move. He didn't even have a kid there. That's my...
My theory on it. You think he's trying to put a hit out on Jersh? I doubt it. I mean, it's like, okay, hypothetically speaking, right, you are a guy. You're a guy, right? And you're a secret agent man, right? And he... Sorry, I was... People had posted in the thread about the phone call.
Unknown_00: Um...
Unknown_00: You got docs and that's criminal because it jeopardizes the national security. This guy's information being out there jeopardizes national security. It can't be out there because it causes a credible threat to agents working in the field who can't be identified as American agents.
Like, okay, they would not handle it this way. They would not handle it this way. They would contact their boss and say, look, boss, I got fucked up. They would be pulled out of their assignment because their life is at risk now. And then I would get like a court order, a FISA court order or something saying, you can't say this. You can't say this. You have to pull this down.
Unknown_00: Um, I would probably do, I'll pull this up. I'll show people what it is. Uh,
I think it's this.
Unknown_00: But it's a specific... Oh, come on, Yandex, don't fuck me over.
Unknown_00: It's a specific HTTP status for censorship. It's based on that book, Fahrenheit 451 or 440, 421 or whatever. And that's the error code. So I would take down the thread with that error code so people know that it's a legal thing. And then I would retract my canary, which is at the bottom of the site. And I'll show that one.
But I'm on site says we've not received any secret court orders or gag orders live free or die if If I got if I got a FISA court order that I couldn't disclose I would just remove that from the footer and yeah, I would make the the thread error 451 because it's a censorship thing and then
Unknown_00: And that would be, I imagine, that would be the process, right? That makes sense. That's not this weird runaround. So I think he's full of shit.
I know that's obvious, but that's full of shit.
Unknown_00: Oh, that took about like 40 minutes.
Unknown_00: So last thing.
Unknown_00: And then I'll call it quits. Actually, two things before I call it quits. Before I talk about this, if you didn't hear, speaking of random weirdos in foreign countries, these vice journalists showed up at Jim Watkins' house in the Philippines. And according to him, they literally trespassed. They walked right into his bedroom and then were escorted out. So I don't know what they were looking for, but they got reported to the Filipino police for breaking and entering. Because they just walked into fucking Jim Watkins' house and were looking around for God knows what.
But I find that funny.
Unknown_02: Oh, the journal whores. Yeah, journalists are fucking pathetic in the U.S.
Um... Though, I mean, they're lucky.
Unknown_00: Because I...
Unknown_00: If I was in Florida and some fucking people were in my bedroom, they would die. I would kill them. I would assume they're there to kill me and I would fucking kill them. I would shoot until they stopped moving.
Unknown_00: And that's not even illegal. It's not even illegal for me to say that.
Unknown_00: Like, I would just assume that they're there to kill me and I would kill them. I would have to. I would not ask questions. I would not say, put your hands up. What are you doing here? I would just fucking kill them.
Because what the fuck else are you going to do? Why are these people in my fucking house? I don't even know. I don't want to know. You got to die.
Unknown_00: Just my thought. I don't know what the laws are like in the Philippines now, but I guarantee if they were to come back, Jim probably has a fucking shotgun and the pigs are being starved as we speak.
Unknown_00: Stay back. Stay back. We will defend ourselves.
Unknown_00: True Floridian? Yes.
Unknown_00: That's that's I don't know I Florida has the best standard ground laws where it's just like if somebody is in your fucking property And they're not supposed to be there and you're especially your fucking bedroom Like you have to assume that they are there to kill you why the fuck else would somebody be in your fucking house? rummaging around in your fucking bedroom
In my state, it's illegal to defend yourself in your own house. It's probably New York. New York has this really weird law where it's like your back has to be physically pressed against the wall in order to use a gun to defend your life. And it's called like duty to retreat or it's even in your own property. You have to retreat. And then there's the castle doctrine where if somebody's in your house and you don't know them and they're breaking and entering, you can kill them. But then Florida, Florida has the standard ground law. So it's like an order. You have the duty to retreat followed by an order of awesomeness. You have duty to retreat followed by... Castle doctrine followed by standard ground and standard ground is like it doesn't matter where you are if you can like the Zimmerman case with Martin they were in the streets and Trayvon was physically intimidating George George Zimmerman and because of the standard ground laws he was able to defend himself a lethal force in the street because he didn't and He had no duty to retreat. He didn't even have a duty to retreat to his fucking castle for the castle doctrine. He could just kill him right there in the streets. Which is why Florida is based and red-pilled and don't tread on me.
Don't tread on me, pilled.
Unknown_00: Zimmerman case did not use standard ground.
Unknown_02: What did it use then?
Unknown_02: I'm pretty sure it was standard ground.
Unknown_00: Oh, is the case that because Zimmerman was physically assaulted, he was able to shoot Trayvon? Is that why? Yeah, self-defense. Okay, he got attacked, and that's why. Yeah, that case. I remember...
Funnily enough, the Trayvon Martin case, since I'm on this rant, the Trayvon Martin case was the case that made me realize the media is full of shit. That was like the first red pill that made me realize the media cannot be trusted and will fucking lie. It will lie to make white people look worse.
I want to see if this is this.
Unknown_00: This, this shit, once they started posting this shit, I was like, what the fuck? Because they made him look like a white guy, and they made Trayvon look like a 12-year-old graduate. Like, this is so fucking accurate. They had him look like this little boy, but no, fucking Trayvon was running around like this.
Unknown_00: This, this picture is like, that was my first little red pill where it was just like, these people.
These people are fucking liars, and they are out to get me. They are out to get me if this is the narrative spin.
Unknown_00: They want me to fucking die if this is what they're doing, because it was bullshit. I remember how angry people were when Zimmerman got acquitted for self-defense. They were so mad, because in their mind... This evil white man in Florida shot and murdered this honor roll student when in reality it was like a professional, a professional Latina guy who was a part of his neighborhood watch shot and killed this disgusting fucking gangbanger. Fuck off.
Yeah, these people. This was the first, though. I can't even imagine kids today, though. Kids today are living in this, and it's never not this. It's always this bad. In the very second, the very nanosecond that the media narrative is contradicted, they pull the plug on it. Like that fucking shooting in Colorado where it was some faggot and this faggot transgender underage girlfriend
Like, if you are a 12-year-old and you're watching this story and you're like, oh no, another shooting. And like, that's the one where you're like, I'm gonna be like one of those other child activists and I'm gonna bring the, I'm gonna change gun laws in my state and show people that white people are bad and you're all gung-ho and you're 12 and you wanna make a difference and you wanna post a big expose. You wanna post like a thing on your Tumblr blog that gets 10,000 notes and you're all hyped for this and you start digging into it and that's the one where you realize,
Unknown_00: That it was fucking weirdo degenerates who shot up a school because they were mad at how conservative it was, and then the media drops it like a fucking hot potato, and you're sitting there wondering, like, okay, do I post about this and excise myself for my Tumblr... you know circle jerk or or do i just swallow it and continue like it's there i i think that this generation is going to be fucking crazy because every single day it's like one of these trayvon martin cases and there's there's no way that it's not sorry that's my political rant for the day last time i did one of these i got upset over um
anti-semitism in europe because there's a huge a huge huge spike in anti-semitic violence in europe right now and when people write about it when all these journalists write about the anti-semitic violence and graffiti and and uh destruction of property that's happening in europe they always make it seem like it's the europeans doing it but no it's the fucking immigrants and they never mention that
Yeah, I think that's a wrap. Oh, no, I have to talk about this guy. Just so we're clear, I'm Facebook. I'm on Facebook under Sophia Salil.
Unknown_00: This is not an appropriate name for me to be reading with my fucking mental handicaps. I'm on Facebook under Sophia Soliloquy or some shit. Feel free to friend me whenever... That's like a fucking alliteration too. Feel free to friend me and whatever. I'm pretty sure a lot of people from here already have because my friend requests totally increased. Mostly dudes wanting this beautiful tranny to violate them in much the same way I do myself. It's just pathetic. If you really want to hurt me, you'll come at me. I'm in Tucson, Arizona, and I'll fight you. My major cross streets are Giant and Country Club. There's plenty of places to have this out in peace and quiet from the law. PM me on any platform. I'll seriously make an attempt to be there so we can talk.
And I'm hoping this is in the first post. It better be. I think yawning sneeze will make... Oh, yes.
Unknown_00: Hold up. Let me hide this.
I need to... Oh.
Unknown_00: I'm very glad I did not open that on stream. It is a man with his fist in another man's ass up to the elbow.
Unknown_00: Up to the elbow. This is the person.
Unknown_00: Wait, I can't show that because there's thumbnails here. I'll open this in a different tab so you can see it. This is the person. This is Sophia Soliloquy. All right, I'm going to have to hide this again so I can look through this thread.
There's some ass torture that I can't show you because it's X-rated.
Unknown_00: And I guess I can show you this because it's not safe for work. Oh, yeah. Did I mention I'm a little?
Unknown_00: Sophia Soliloquy, 10 months ago. So if you want to fight Sophia, if you're in the Tucson, Arizona area, and you want to fight Sophia, you want to get down and dirty with Sophia Soliloquy, You can contact him or her or whatever on any platform and sort out your differences. You can quote-unquote talk.
I hope you will consider that.
Unknown_02: I think that's it.
Unknown_00: I think that's it. I think that's a satisfying episode. I've decided, by the way, what I'm going to call this.
Unknown_00: I'm going to have to think of something to call my little expose streams. Maybe I'll just keep mad at the internet for those streams. But I think I'm going to call my recap streams Hump Day. Because I like it. It's a nice name. I'll claim Wednesday as my throne. This will be the throne of Wizday. And it will be the seat. The seat of Hump Day. And I will open my chest. Hold up.
Even though the chest should be on the fucking dashboard page and not on the streaming page.
Unknown_02: I will open it.
All right, 96, 96 Lino points.
Unknown_00: You fuckers better get some.
Unknown_00: The more viewers engage in your channel, the more Lino points the chest accumulates. Chest rewards expire in 165 hours.
Unknown_00: Oh, I can add, I can add points to it. I'll add, you know, I'll add a hundred and, oh, there's more. It just bumped up. I'll add a hundred, And 2.7 to make it around 200.
Unknown_00: Why can't I add that? Does it not work with periods?
Okay, I added 102. I think that works.
Unknown_00: There it is. Okay. I wish I could add the .7. The .7 not adding really annoys the fuck out of me. But I'll open it up like this. Get ready. We're going to do this.
Unknown_00: Okay, click it. Click chat. You've got 30 seconds. You've got 30 seconds to get your Lino points. You better fucking do it. You better get those fucking Lino points.
He's got 15 seconds left.
Unknown_00: Oh my god.
Unknown_00: Get your crypto shekels, chat. This is your big break. You're going to be on the Bitcoin train in no time. Oh my god.
Unknown_00: Evening sequence got almost 15. That's a lot That's way more than the last time like the highest one the last time we got like a like a single Lino And then abnormally and then gallery of sue suey JPV and algorithm got almost five.
Oh My god, oh my god now the lemons I've handed out an entire chest full of lemons and they're being pelted back at me It's like if, like, it's like if Sargon of Akkad opened a fucking milkshake stand in the middle of London. He's just, he's being accosted. He's being accosted by his own, his own folly. Oh, God.
Unknown_00: All right, my friends. I hope you've enjoyed my little phone call. I hope you've enjoyed my under-informed rants about things. Thank you to the weirdos who buy Lino coins, like Starchild, who donated 1,000 Lino coins. I don't even know how much that's worth, but I have over 1,000 Lino coins now.
Anyway, in the evening, even though they really need to fix their fonts so that names can get displayed.
Unknown_00: Because it just says Star Child 8, and then Inoue, and then Evening Se. All right.
Unknown_00: I'll see you guys next hump day.
Unknown_00: And let me find a song.
Unknown_00: Let me find. I need a song about fighting. You know what?
Yeah. Is this it? Oh, wait, wait, wait.
Unknown_00: Yeah, this will work. This will work.
Unknown_02: All right. See you guys. I'm done.
I moved out to Langley recently With a plain and simple dream Wanna infiltrate some third world place And topple their regime Those men in black with their mansion suitcases Where everything's on a need to know basis Agents got that swagger Everyone's so cloak and dagger I'm feeling nervous but I'm really kinda wishing For an undercover mission That's when the red alert came on the radio
Unknown_03: Got my dark sunglasses on, and I had my weapon drawn. So I get my handcuffs, my cyanide pills, my classified nausea. Timing the phones like, yeah. Shredding the files like, yeah. I memorized all the enemy spies I got to neutralize today. Yeah, it's a party in the CIA. Yeah, it's a party in the CIA.
I've done a couple of crazy things that have almost gotten me dismissed Like terminate some head of state who wasn't even on my list
Unknown_03: We need a quickie confession We'll start a waterboarding session No hurry on this South American dictator I'll assassinate him later That's when he walked right in my laser sights And my silencer was on And my silencer was on And another target's gone Yeah, we got our black ops all over the world From Kazakhstan to Bombay
Paying the bribes like yeah Plugging the leaks like yeah Interrogating the scum of the earth We'll break them by the break of day Yeah, it's a party in the CIA Yeah, it's a party in the CIA Need a country to stabilize, stabilize Look no further, we're your guy, we're your guy
Unknown_03: We've got snazzy suits and ties And a better dental plan than the FBI's Better put your hands up and get in the van Or else you'll get blown away Staging a coup like it Brainwashing hoes like it We only torture the folks we don't like You're probably gonna be
It's a party in the CIA.