0:00:02 Unknown_04: Let's see All right, I do see it on d live that's a good sign What's not a good sign? Unknown_02: is that Chats not working. I like to use the ratio in that io chat, but It does not work Unknown_02: Oh well. The problem then is that if I go to OBS, right? I go to foreground. Unknown_02: And I switch it to the DLive chat like this. Can't see half the fucking screen. Unknown_02: This is a conundrum. I don't know. Maybe I could just not have chat on the overlay. I could just not have the chat there. 0:00:45 Unknown_02: Which is- which I think is a straight downgrade. I like to have the chat on... on the screen. Chat's the most important part of the fucking- of any stream. Nobody gives a shit about the fucking weirdo playing the video game. It's all about being in the chat and saying the n-word. Unknown_02: And trolling the guy playing the video game. Unknown_02: There's no- there's no purpose to a stream besides that. Unknown_02: Oh well. 0:01:16 Unknown_02: I'll have to think. It's better for me to have the chat up, like the opaque one, because that's what I did for the last one, and it worked fine. Because I usually accommodate the chat. I don't usually put stuff behind it. Unknown_02: But with this, it's a fullscreen game. Unknown_01: Oh, well. Unknown_02: So I picked this game at random. It looked interesting. But the main reason why is that, number one, it's built in Unity. And number two, it's a top-down shooter. And I've decided, I don't even know why, but I am set on if I ever make a game, I want to make it a top-down, pseudo-isometric shooter. I just... I have no idea why. So I want to see how it actually plays. This music is clearly inspired by fucking Doom. 0:01:47 Unknown_04: Or at least the intro riff was. Unknown_04: Alright. Unknown_04: Well. Unknown_04: Oh, I have to hear the music that would be a fucking death An easy fix I did this I did the same exact fucking thing last time Right with the stream where I didn't have fucking audio and I was in discord So it's like 10 minutes of silence in the recording. 0:02:38 Unknown_02: I Don't know if it's like hotline, man. We'll see Unknown_02: I still have no idea how much any of that shit's worth. How much is a... how many... how many... kebabs is worth for it? Or aluminum? Unknown_02: I'm just happy that she doesn't have pink hair. Oh shit, we're already fucking playing? Holy fuck. 0:03:11 Unknown_02: Yes, I know how to move. Unknown_02: Die. Unknown_03: Oh, I have to shoot them. Unknown_02: Seems to feel like I'm playing Diablo or something. Unknown_02: Yeah, a lot of this shit is inspired by Diablo. Unknown_02: I'm dead. Bye! 0:03:43 Unknown_02: That looks like a one- Oh, Jesus Christ. Now fuck off. Unknown_02: I'm adapting. I have to right-click the buttons. Unknown_02: Pressing hard? Unknown_02: You literally just walk up and press hard. 0:04:16 Unknown_02: I should warn everybody, I'm terrible. I'm terrible at video games. Unknown_02: Holy shit, this guy's fucking dash is like, it's better than mine. Fuck off! Unknown_17: Fuck off! Unknown_02: Stop chasing me and flying and shit. Unknown_02: Oh. Unknown_02: Oh, it's doing that thing where you have to like switch. Unknown_07: Ta-da! Thank you, I'll be here all night. 0:04:48 Unknown_02: Oh, jeez. Female voice actors. Unknown_02: It's not cash money. I don't pay money for women in video games. Oh, she has like a whip. That's way better. Look, I can kill the fucking materials. No problem with the fucking whip. Unknown_02: We must move with haste. Oh, I can't teleport. Why can't I teleport? Really, as a game developer, why the fuck would you not let people teleport over these goddamn things? Why would you- Oh, fuck! I guess that's why. Use E to pick up a weapon. 0:05:23 Unknown_02: Why do I need this? Unknown_02: Do I use E to shoot left bottom? Unknown_05: Why do I use E? 0:05:59 Unknown_14: Oh, I do. Unknown_02: I right click. Unknown_06: Why the fuck is my mouse sensitivity so low? Unknown_02: I can't aim this shit. Unknown_05: Okay, I have to change that. Unknown_02: Yeah. There we go. That's too fast. This is that high-quality gamer content. Fuckin' with the mouse in particular. 0:06:30 Unknown_02: No, really, what the fuck? Unknown_02: I can't move my mouse! Help! Unknown_02: Call the FBI! Unknown_18: I'll do it. Unknown_02: This is fucking- like, I'm glad this game has, like, abundant fucking checkpoints. 0:07:02 Unknown_02: Or I would be completely fucked. I've already restarted, like, eight fucking times. What the fuck do I do with this? Unknown_17: There's too many! Unknown_02: Okay, is there another way? No? Really? I'm expected to get over that shit? Really? I am bad, I told you. 0:07:38 Unknown_17: I warned you, motherfuckers. They instantly fucking give you. Unknown_02: They instantly fucking murder you. Oh, I have to change back to him. Unknown_07: You need to go full Houdini on these turrets. Unknown_02: Oh, you're supposed to... You're supposed to read. Oh jeez, I never would have figured that out. 0:08:14 Unknown_07: Let me see if I can get into their heads. Unknown_02: This is getting more complicated by the second. Auto-targeting. Merking enemies before attacking will automatically... Oh my god, I don't need to aim anymore, I'm saved! 0:08:49 Unknown_02: I'm getting too much information now, game. You should have kept it simpler. I'm a dummy. I've got autism. I only know how to play Legos and bully people into suicide. I don't know how to read. Oh, that's base. 0:09:24 Unknown_07: Stairway to heaven. We've made it. Unknown_15: It's a trap. It's not really, game. Unknown_07: No, no, no. You can't start a story at the end. Where's the mystery? Unknown_02: They should have gotten a better voice actor for the woman. Unknown_02: That's just my thought. Yeah. Yeah, it's a trap. Oh, grade C. I see how it is. I thought I did perfect. 0:09:58 Unknown_09: New Bethlehem. Unknown_02: That's a bit too religious a reference. 0:10:29 Unknown_02: I mean, I guess, like, Four Horsemen are, like, in a pop culture thing. See, oh, this is what I was talking about, that riff. It sounds like Doom. Unknown_02: Okay, as you level up, you can build it. Okay. The melee. 0:11:13 Unknown_02: No, I just want to play the game. Come on now. Unknown_02: A bluesy religious hotline line? Maybe. Unknown_02: I never played Hotline Miami. Oh, I forgot how to do stuff. My brain, like, completely fucking melted. 0:12:18 Unknown_17: Why? It's like my brain is just melting. I forgot how to do everything I just learned. Why is time randomly slowing down? And then, like, stopping the slowing of the down. Okay, dash, dash, dash, and more dash. Unknown_02: I don't know how to get that guy. Unknown_02: Yeah, this has to be inspired by Hotline Miami, because it's just fucking ridiculous how fast it goes. Bullet. I like how Pestilence is black. I don't get a lot of the... 0:13:23 Unknown_02: Yeah, I really, I really, really, really like the game's, like, art direction. Wait, what's my fucking special ability? Unknown_02: Oh, I can't use it. Unknown_02: No, I don't want that one. 0:14:03 Unknown_02: Oh, I have to destroy TV sets. What the fuck am I supposed to be doing? How does killing four TV sets in a bar kill Pestilence? Unknown_02: I don't think you've got it straight. Unknown_02: It's like she can only teleport over fucking small obstacles. 0:14:43 Unknown_02: Is this Hotline Miami? It's called God's Triggers, obviously inspired by Hotline Miami. Unknown_02: What the fuck? Can't do it. 0:15:41 Unknown_18: It's not like super hot at all. 20 deaths. Unknown_02: I got a B though. I've improved. Unknown_04: I've gotten better. Unknown_09: Pestilence was now a major star of the silver screen. This was my first lead and she knew where to find him. See, tagging along with her seemed like the best bet to get the job done. 0:16:14 Unknown_09: Plus, for some reason, she wanted to beat the hell out of him as much as I did. Unknown_09: She's a racist too. Unknown_02: Sorry, it's like when I play video games, I do it to not think about politics. But then he talks about pestilence being on the TV. Unknown_02: I can't not do it. I'm physically incapable of not doing it. No, I didn't level up him because I didn't use him at all. He doesn't have a fucking... He doesn't have a way to kill from a range. How the fuck do I get across that? 0:16:57 Unknown_09: Why would a demon care about Earth so much? Unknown_07: I've been in exile on Earth for the last 2,000 years. I'm not going back to hell for all the silver in the world. 0:17:34 Unknown_02: Damn. I can't get over how fast it is. Like when they notice you. Unknown_02: Like you are just fucked. You don't have a reaction already lined up. Unknown_17: Final Fantasy. Unknown_02: I've never played Final Fantasy. Actually that's a lie. Unknown_02: When I, um... My mom took me up to New York City, because one of her friend's kids was getting married to this Jewish guy, and she had converted to Judaism and everything. And he had Final Fantasy, and I spent my entire time up in New York not doing any of the gay shit like visiting the Statue of Liberty. I spent it playing Final Fantasy. 0:18:13 Unknown_18: The music ran out. It really shouldn't have taken that long to do that part. 0:19:25 Unknown_14: New York is a trainwreck of incidents. There's nothing else to do there besides cut off your dick, pretty much. Unknown_02: See, I keep relying... I keep getting back on her, because she's so much easier. What I'm saying is being the woman is easy mode in this game, because you just fucking poke them with your thing. Unknown_02: Well, the music probably isn't properly looped because I've taken too long to beat this stage. 0:20:07 Unknown_02: It's like, uh, we never, we never ever, in our, in our... playtesting, we- How did he kill me mid-dash? Fuck off. Unknown_02: We never suspected anybody would do this fucking dash. Unknown_02: There's a way to do this. Nope. Unknown_02: Oh, now I can't. Oh, fuck off! Unknown_02: Yeah, the dude goes invisible, watch. So you left shift, but then you can't dash. 0:20:50 Unknown_02: It's really... Unknown_02: We'll have issues in this game if there's no text formatting. Unknown_12: What? Unknown_02: Can I break in, kill that guy, and then go invisible? To get away from the trouble? Not that way. 0:21:28 Unknown_02: I got this. It's in my head. I have it... I have it working in my head. Fuck it, let me throw! Unknown_02: They knew my bullshit. They wouldn't let me hurt him. 0:22:00 Unknown_10: I almost did it that time. Unknown_10: I actually did that. 0:22:34 Unknown_02: Wait, I'm already killing the boss guy? Unknown_02: D! Unknown_02: Like, nevermind. We take back that positive thing we said about you last round. That was fucking awful. Unknown_02: I wasn't cheesing yet. Unknown_18: How do you cheese this game? 0:23:29 Unknown_07: Oh, I didn't even see him. 0:24:02 Unknown_01: I was on a roll too, and they fucked me up. looks like the logical place to go 0:25:04 Unknown_07: But now this is the real one? I've been chasing this guy for fucking forever. 0:25:48 Unknown_02: The guys behind the four horsemen are the chosen people. Unknown_02: Yeah, I think I already made that joke. Unknown_02: Oh look, it gave me an A! It gave me an S! That's the best. Unknown_02: Aw, shit. I went from D- to S. That's my progression. That's like my progression in life. I started out as like a C, then I went to a B, then I went to a D again, now I'm an S. Unknown_02: Damn. 0:26:24 Unknown_03: I don't use this ever. Unknown_02: Oh, jeez. Unknown_02: He just like popped out. Unknown_01: Here they come! Unknown_02: I'm trying to be stealthy and that's not working. I really shouldn't do that. Damn. 0:27:52 Unknown_14: This game is very cathartic. Unknown_02: I never played Hotline Miami, but I imagine Hotline Miami would be cathartic as well. Unknown_02: I used an Asus, I think. Unknown_02: I used like a weird, like, Russian sub-brand of an Asus monitor. Unknown_02: Like, my keyboard has fucking Krillin on it, too. It's like a second keyboard. That looks like a fixed camera now. 0:29:12 Unknown_02: My cheese strategy is if you, if you like dash and strike at the same time, you're like, you like run into them as like a kill. Unknown_17: This fucking, this guy's like chasing me out! Unknown_02: Now I know what it's like to be a woman. Like, that was, like, sexual assault. Get the fuck away from me. Unknown_02: I'm not gonna give you my gamer girl pee. Unknown_02: Fuck off. 0:30:01 Unknown_18: Okay, this is... this is a hard level. Unknown_02: And it has something to do with how the fucking camera is fixed. Unknown_02: And it has something to do with how my fucking mouse is. I don't... I am very unhappy with how my mouse moves. I don't know what the fuck it is. But it's a pain in my ass. 0:30:48 Unknown_13: This fucking cunt. He just reaches out with his little fucking pistol and pops me. Unknown_02: Alright, sorry partner, but your 8 billion years of angel treachery ends today. 0:31:38 Unknown_15: The last one! Oh, do I have to redo these? Oh, fuck me. Unknown_16: And then he died too. After he fucking stuck me, he fucking died. 0:32:13 Unknown_02: Oh, the Gatling gun. Unknown_12: What? Unknown_02: Oh! Oh! Unknown_17: That's what you were supposed to do! Unknown_17: I was getting good too! Unknown_14: I was doing- hey, I was doing pretty fucking good, all things considered. 0:32:48 Unknown_16: Fuck off. Unknown_12: Now is it done? Oh, fuck me. Unknown_16: Die. Thank you. Unknown_07: Don't fucking bully me. Unknown_02: I was doing great. 0:33:26 Unknown_02: I was getting up there. Unknown_02: Look, my level with him is so much higher because I'm just cheesing him. Unknown_02: No, the game's doing okay. Unknown_02: The game is okay. I saw the trailers and stuff and I'm like, hey, this looks like they actually gave a shit when they made this fucking game. Deflecting explosive enemies. 0:34:06 Unknown_02: Harry freezes the enemies and bullets around him temporarily. That's not fucking badass. Unknown_02: I'm okay with that. Unknown_02: Oh shit, it's like a fucking mutant train now. Unknown_18: Now we're talking. 0:35:03 Unknown_02: I went to... I was trying to stealth him. That didn't work out. Unknown_02: The button for stealthing is in a fucking bad place! Unknown_02: Well, I gotta say it out loud. 0:35:36 Unknown_13: I try to be all stealthy about it, then just walk up and fucking end me. Unknown_02: See, the bad thing about adding, like, abilities and shit to this game is I'm trying to, like, parapress these fucking things. Unknown_02: Oh, that's right, I can't... I can't go invisible anymore. Unknown_02: That's why my invisibility is not working, is because I switched off the fucking invisibility. 0:36:53 Unknown_12: Okay, and then I switch. Get ready, boys! 0:37:24 Unknown_18: What the fuck is that? Oh, jeez. Unknown_02: That's... that's fucking needless. Unknown_18: What the fuck's the point of that? Just let me walk across the goddamn thing. Unknown_02: They killed me by hitting the fucking explosive barrel. Okay, I got it this time. 0:38:07 Unknown_02: I have it planned out in my fucking head. Unknown_02: Slow down. One, two, three. Unknown_02: Okay. Unknown_02: This is getting ridiculous. Now what? The fuck do I do? 0:38:51 Unknown_02: Is there, like, a puzzle in this game? Do I have to, like, switch this one back? Unknown_02: No. Unknown_02: Oh, game, don't throw puzzles at me. I'm not mental. I do not have the mental capacity for your fucking games. 0:39:33 Unknown_02: Help me. What the fuck am I doing? Unknown_12: Turn on the glyph? What fucking glyph? What the fuck are you talking about? What glyph? 0:40:15 Unknown_12: Okay, come on now. Unknown_02: That makes you a circle on the floor? No, that's the invisibility thing. Unknown_02: It doesn't... Alright game, you're losing me. Unknown_02: Video game players are dummies. You can't throw this shit in there. I really hope I'm just missing something obvious because I'm an idiot and this game doesn't put in a puzzle element. 0:40:52 Unknown_02: The hand thing to a switch. One hand thing. Unknown_12: Oh! Unknown_12: I wonder... Yeah, I see it there. Unknown_02: It's like... Oh! 0:41:32 Unknown_02: See, the game changed the fucking rules on me. You can't teleport anything past anything else, but you can teleport through the fucking cage bars? Unknown_15: Like, I can't teleport past that fucking... Maybe you have to be... No, because you can't teleport over that. You can't teleport over that, either. Unknown_02: I don't know, I don't want to blame the game, but that's really fucking inconsistent, that shit. What you can and cannot teleport through as the chick is very non-self-explanatory. 0:42:07 Unknown_08: Progress. 0:42:53 Unknown_04: I'll make my own game. The thing is, if I made a GoFundMe or something for a game idea, that shit would get fucking deleted. Unknown_02: That shit would get immediately fucking deleted off the internet. Unknown_02: How do I go back to GDL? I don't know what the stun range is. 0:43:29 Unknown_10: I curse you both. Unknown_10: Now you'll get a taste of my reality. What kind of sinister trick is that? Unknown_10: I feel dizzy. Unknown_02: If he's pestilence it has to be some kind of LSD trip. Unknown_02: It feels like I'm playing Bastion all of a sudden. Like with the floating platforms and shit. Unknown_02: So that reminds me, I don't want to play her. She sucks. Yeah, this is like Bastion. Why? 0:44:00 Unknown_10: Oh, they're right there. No, you got pranks. Unknown_02: The black guy fucking pranked your dumb ass. You got all excited and shit. Your voice cracked. You're like, oh fuck, I gotta get my fucking wings. But then it's like, nah man, sorry, you're a fag. Fags don't get wings. They get sent to hell. Oh. 0:44:36 Unknown_02: Okay, it's specifically bars. It is specifically fucking bars. If it's barred, I can go through it. That's the fucking rule. Gamer pro tip. Enjoy the show. 0:45:13 Unknown_03: Oh no, my controls are reversed. I'm not good at my controls on a good day. Unknown_09: What is this trickery? Unknown_17: He got poked. 0:45:49 Unknown_10: You're getting poked, bitch! I cleared it! Unknown_13: My second try! I did it! Unknown_15: Why did they decide to make Pestilence like Belial from Diablo and have him be like a black joker playing pranks on you and shit? 0:46:31 Unknown_02: That's a very odd design choice. Unknown_02: Just my thoughts. Unknown_02: Look at that. Unknown_02: Oh, S-rank motherfuckers. I'm back at it. After my embarrassing F-rank. Unknown_04: Yeah, it is a weird design choice, the pestilence. 0:47:05 Unknown_02: Like, there was no pestilence in that entire thing. Like, it was just cowboys. Why the fuck? Why is pestilence a black cowboy playing pranks on people? Unknown_17: What the fuck does that have to do with pestilence? Unknown_02: See, I don't know anything about the LA Lakers. You can't make sports references to me. You're fucked if you do that. 0:47:43 Unknown_02: A dark vortex draws any enemy within its radius towards its center and temporarily stuns them. How the fuck do you have time to set that up? Unknown_02: See, these abilities and shit, I just don't understand. Unknown_02: Time freeze. Unknown_02: Whatever. Increase the range, increase the range, now we are fucking talking. Unknown_02: All I need is range and speed. You keep all your silly things to yourself, video game. 0:48:21 Unknown_02: See, I didn't have enough speed. Unknown_02: You gotta go fast. Fuck. Unknown_16: I tried to be sneaky about it. I tried to be sneaky about it! 0:48:57 Unknown_02: Damn, they fucking gibby us so fast. Okay, this got a lot harder, like very quickly. Unknown_14: Did I pick this up? What? Oh, it's a throwing star. Oh shit! That didn't do me any good. 0:49:40 Unknown_12: Can I kill these guys? Unknown_02: No, I can't. This guy really hard. Like, very quickly. Damn, the big... Fuck off! Fuck off! Unknown_02: Will I stream? No, if I streamed SS13 I would get fucking gripped. I would get gripped so hard. Turn around. I wanna stealth you. Oh shit! 0:50:11 Unknown_02: See I learned from pestilence down the fucking I'm the fucking prank master prank master Are those bars I 0:51:16 Unknown_02: See look it's bars again, it's only bars that she can go through 0:51:51 Unknown_02: Why are there puzzles in this game? You don't have the intellectual capacity to speedrun fucking puzzles. Unknown_02: main clown. 0:52:26 Unknown_02: I play virologist. I don't talk to people. You need to find the other switches. Unknown_02: So which horseman is this? And why is his thing puzzled? Unknown_02: It's a very strange horseman. 0:53:00 Unknown_02: I just think that if my grandmother played this game, she would disagree with the biblical interpretation on display here. I don't think Jesus ever said anything about the four horsemen being cowboys. Unknown_02: Or playing pranks. Unknown_02: Then again, Lucifer... Lucifer would probably play pranks. Because he was the deceiver. Unknown_02: He was the tempter. Have you ever received... I've not said anything. I'm playing a game. 0:53:45 Unknown_02: That's very strange. I contacted them on their Twitter account too. I don't know how to enable the thing that they're asking for. 0:54:17 Unknown_02: Uh, they should answer my DM on Twitter, cause I don't know... I don't know if that's automated. I'm just gonna ignore it unless it's automated. 0:54:56 Unknown_10: I have, I still have these bouncing blades from before. How do I open the door? Didn't I already open, oh, I was gonna say, didn't I already open that from a different, wait, why does that open other things? What is going on? Unknown_02: Oh, I had it on the last two guys down there. 0:56:06 Unknown_02: I mean, I'll do it, but that's basically, you're just saying that because of who I am, this stream is somehow not safe for work. I've not done anything, like, unless this game is somehow not safe for work. Unknown_02: That's just strange. Unknown_09: Now we just need the last one. 0:57:13 Unknown_02: How did that kill me? Come on. Unknown_02: Sure, this is a very spooky game. It's got black cowboys playing pranks on you. I would be scared shitless if that happened. 0:58:01 Unknown_02: Harry pushes the enemies in front of him and knocks them down. Unknown_18: See, the thing is that Harry also has a big sword and can just, like, stab people. Unknown_02: Like, if I'm close enough to him, I can play pranks on him like that. 0:58:42 Unknown_17: Why is this so hard for me? I don't understand. Unknown_15: Really? I just... I just killed those. I just killed those. Yes, thank you. 0:59:34 Unknown_02: Okay, I'm getting pranked hard here. Unknown_02: My current tactics are not working. Unknown_08: It's not medieval, it's like... I can't describe it adequately, the genre they're going for. Unknown_02: Oh, jeez. See, I got pranked again! This game just... 1:00:21 Unknown_02: Her miraculous ability to teleport through bars comes in handy yet again. Unknown_03: Oh god. Subtle hint on where to go next. 1:01:21 Unknown_02: I don't know anything about Fuentes. I've seen some of his posts on Twitter that I thought were pretty funny. But aside from that, that very, very limited exposure, I don't know anything about him. Oh, jeez. 1:02:38 Unknown_16: He pulled a knife on somebody? Unknown_02: What the fuck? Unknown_02: Yeah, I am... I'm lost. The game did not very subtly direct me on where to go after I freed those prisoners. So I'm just sort of aimlessly wandering about right now. Unknown_02: I'm lost in thought, too. My gameplay was disrupted. There we go, I got my... 1:03:15 Unknown_02: I got my hint. My very subtle direction of where to go. Unknown_02: Oh god, I was like reading chat. Unknown_02: These motherfuckers came up. I was just sitting there minding my own business. Unknown_02: Really? Fuck you. Fuck off with that shit. Unknown_02: Oh look, my column is pre-fallen now, so I can walk around it. I have to use all of my brain power to figure this one out. Really? Am I like- oh, that was stuck. 1:04:01 Unknown_10: How does the game suck? 1:04:34 Unknown_02: The game's okay. Unknown_02: The game's pretty good. You just sit there and get... You don't get a thing. You just turn off your brain and stop thinking about the nightmarish existence that we live in. 1:05:06 Unknown_02: Destiny got him banned, or got Nick banned. The guy on Ralph's show wanted me to talk to Destiny about, I guess Destiny thinks it's okay to de-platform people. And I thought that would be a good thing for me and him to talk about. Unknown_02: What I know is that if I were to talk to Destiny, my only goal for it would be to keep composure. Because I've been told everybody, like, loses their shit when they talk to Destiny for some reason. And I guess it's because he's like a weird-looking goblin kind of guy. He looks like that, um, that Ricky Bulwark guy. If Ricky Bulwark was, like, more human-shaped. 1:05:44 Unknown_02: And I guess his smug ass, like, condescending attitude doesn't help. Unknown_02: But, uh, don't go on Ralph's show again. 1:06:19 Unknown_02: What's the lobster argument? Unknown_02: Destiny would try to ruin me? Unknown_02: Have you ever been exposed to anything I've ever done? Like I'm just sitting here playing this fucking game and moderators on this site that I just joined are already mad at my stream because probably a bunch of people reported it. There's nothing that Destiny can fucking do. Maybe if he wrote me into a suicide note and then killed himself, I might get flack for that, but people have done that already and it didn't work. 1:06:54 Unknown_02: Yeah, I'll be honest, you know, good for Ricky Berwick not like being restrained by his disability and shit, but he's very scary looking and I don't find his crippling takes funny. 1:07:27 Unknown_02: This is how I feel. Unknown_02: I don't think Jared Holt has the capacity to injure my reputation any further than his current. Maybe that's hubris, but I'm pretty sure I'm right. 1:08:00 Unknown_02: Okay, I have to use all of my big brain. Unknown_10: They want me to poke him in the butt. Unknown_02: This is not dangerous. Unknown_05: This is not dangerous at all. Unknown_02: Like, he can't hit me. How do I poke him in the butt, though? 1:08:47 Unknown_17: Oh! Unknown_17: I have to hit him. Unknown_17: I have to hit him with this. Unknown_10: Hey, I get it! Unknown_02: Yeah! Unknown_02: Get fanny-packed, boyo. Unknown_02: Oh god, now it's moving and shit. 1:09:29 Unknown_02: Sam does not get that much money. I know from a very reliable source that Sam Hyde does not make money. Unknown_02: His life is essentially completely fucking ruined because of all the shit that's happened to him. Unknown_02: Like, I don't think... I don't know, a lot of people on Kiwi Farms do like that kind of shit. Like, I don't know, I've listened to a lot of Sam Hyde in one particular short burst. 1:10:04 Unknown_02: I watched a lot of his stuff at once. Unknown_02: And I enjoyed it. Unknown_02: But I don't seek it out. Unknown_02: Particularly. Unknown_12: Sam Hyde wrote a letter? Unknown_12: What did he... what? 1:10:44 Unknown_12: What letter? Unknown_18: When was this? Unknown_02: No, I don't think he has lots of money. Unknown_14: Uh... Unknown_02: Yeah, I'll check it out later. Unknown_14: How is it... How is it pathetic though? 1:11:33 Unknown_02: I'm curious, how is it pathetic? Unknown_02: Oh, he's hinted at that in videos. Like, videos that I've seen. Oh man, this is fought. I really wish they checkpointed it after this part. Unknown_02: That next part's hard, because they revive each other. 1:12:24 Unknown_02: Alright, you're gonna make me do that again. Fuck off. I really doubt that Sam hides a tranny. I'm just gonna throw that out there. 1:13:07 Unknown_10: So why do all these people worship like this disgusting slug monster? Unknown_02: I know it's... Unknown_02: How do you dislike him as a person? How do you even tell where the person of Sam Hyde starts? 1:14:27 Unknown_02: You know what? Unknown_05: No, that didn't work. Unknown_02: No, fuck off with that gay shit. I ain't doing that. 1:15:41 Unknown_02: My favorite thing from Sam Hyde ever is the thing that he does like a tribute to some comedian, but it's very clearly like a veiled threat. Not wanting to kill him. Unknown_02: Have I ever had to defend myself? Unknown_02: Against a crowd of people Random fucking cuts to just like like guns shooting and it's just perfect Oh 1:16:34 Unknown_15: Where's my worm approaching at? Unknown_02: Now where do I go? Unknown_18: Oh, I didn't see him. What the fuck is that for? 1:17:10 Unknown_02: Do I have to capture the worms? Unknown_07: Trap it and hit it with the spikes! Unknown_02: What the fuck is... what spikes? Oh, jeez. Don't stick up... where's my worm approaching at, lady? Unknown_18: Yes, I see that. Unknown_16: What spikes? 1:18:00 Unknown_14: Oh, I have to get over there or something. Unknown_02: Oh, okay, I see what to do. Unknown_02: I figured it out. Unknown_02: As a very smart gamer, I have finally figured this one out. Get fucked. This is why gamers will rule the world. 1:18:45 Unknown_02: Alright, after this level, I'm gonna read that Sam Hyde note. Unknown_02: Oh, shit. Unknown_07: I'm done. How's this woman, like, an expert in worm eggs? 1:19:25 Unknown_02: Have you seen a lot of worm eggs in your life, lady? Unknown_02: Yeah, something you want to tell the class about worm eggs? Unknown_16: What the fuck was the point of that? Unknown_16: Point is to the meter. Yeah, baby. 1:20:37 Unknown_02: Ow! God dammit! Unknown_02: Figured it out. Her magic ability to teleport from across bars comes in handy yet again. Unknown_02: Really, why would you ever need to teleport past anything other than prison bars? Unknown_13: Wait, do you fucking mind? 1:21:34 Unknown_18: Fuck off It's like a joke Okay, I see it now I figured it out Fuck you Unknown_17: Fuck off with that? Unknown_02: Oh man, I'm getting pissed off. Fuck this. Fuck this. Unknown_17: This part of the map is specifically fucking engineered to piss me off as much as fucking possible. 1:22:43 Unknown_02: I'm about to lose my shit. I don't even know how. I would imagine it is like playing some kind of fucking optical trick to make sure I always die, but it's not. It's like on a fixed pattern. Unknown_02: Going invisible does not fucking stop it. So stop saying things you know nothing about. Ban anyone giving me advice. Why are there three of them? 1:23:29 Unknown_17: Fuck off. Unknown_07: Embryos? I thought they were eggs. Unknown_03: They're just clumps of cells, really. Unknown_02: Yes, I heard he got married to Kat. 1:24:03 Unknown_02: His marriage to Kat is like the most financial decision ever. It sort of reminds me of a royal wedding where they get married for diplomatic reasons as opposed to love or anything. Unknown_02: Defend the DSP on what? 1:24:39 Unknown_04: Oh, they're eating people. I mean, I'd eat a person. Unknown_02: Sword attacks deflect bullets. Sword attacks create shockwaves. Oh, fuck yeah. Unknown_11: She doesn't sound like how she looks. 1:25:17 Unknown_02: This is uncomfortable. I'm uncomfortable. Unknown_02: This got like really creepy all of a sudden. Unknown_13: Oh no, we have to cook her? Unknown_02: How do I put her on a grill? Oh, it doesn't get hot until after. Ah. 1:26:02 Unknown_02: damn calm down lady damn she's so fast how is she that big and that fast at the same goddamn time jesus christ Unknown_02: Yeah, I can't, I can't escape this shit anymore. This is just my life. I've accepted it. Unknown_17: No, don't! Stop this! Stop this! No more! No more! 1:26:55 Unknown_17: This is creepy! This is, like, genuinely upsetting to me! Unknown_11: Fuck off! Fuck off, Mr. Tender! 1:27:31 Unknown_02: No more tingers! Unknown_14: She's getting thinner! I'm not feeding her, I'm anti-feeding her. I'm making her thin. Unknown_02: Fuck off. No! Unknown_02: No more. 1:28:04 Unknown_02: No more bad feelings. Unknown_02: Ooh, gotcha gun. Get away! Unknown_01: Get away! Unknown_11: He's going hypershe's going Sanic fast now I 1:28:56 Unknown_07: Yeah, I get it. Unknown_02: Now you're toasty. That's what you get. Unknown_10: Why does Death run a drug cartel? Unknown_11: One of his joints is north of here. It's called the Last Supper. Unknown_10: That's sufficient. Your grotesque existence ends here. 1:29:36 Unknown_02: No more fatties in these parts. Unknown_01: Hey. Unknown_04: All right, let's read that letter. All right, let's read that letter. 1:30:12 Unknown_02: Be quiet, game. Okay, where is it? What is the link? Oh, you posted it, I think. Unknown_04: Post it again, I can't find it. Unknown_04: So does being x-rated like ban me from the front of the site? Is that what happens? Unknown_04: Let's see. Yeah, it does. Because I have like 40 people watching right now. 1:30:47 Unknown_02: And I don't get to be on the front page. Unknown_02: Because I'm a bad boy apparently. Unknown_04: I would be like one of the top 10 streamers on the site. Unknown_04: All right, pull this up on fire Oh, that's right, I decided did not have the chat on that's what happened 1:31:42 Unknown_02: Okay, yo bros Sammy here lots of dots because I am thinking I put some images in here to make it slick But this is a pretty heartfelt email and give you guys a scoop. This is pretty important Turning point here my G's Very hard to translate like his writing into two words because you're just gonna sound like a boring prick for even trying Oh, you know what? This is the wrong chat Unknown_02: I'm glad I didn't put this one on the stream This out copy this link put this on the OBS There we go, that's right It's a blog not a letter, okay, whatever whatever the fuck I don't care I 1:32:40 Unknown_04: Previously talked about being out here in the big bad world trying to make it as an outsider artist and how building momentum Is like having an ember in your palm and trying to stoke it into a fire like fondling a fireball like right you And about the coldness and inertia and difficulty in getting these creative endeavors going it feels like you're in high school year-round Uh Unknown_04: Knowing you're dying inside will hot girls humiliate you who's humiliating Sam Hyde and You have this one defective Tamagotchi in your pocket the Tamagotchi is your life's purpose your ambition your vision your for your future and MK ultra Knuckle-dragging shithead phase jocks are trying to vanish it out of existence unless you focus all your dwindling low IQ mental energies on making it stay real long enough for the final bell and 1:33:38 Unknown_04: It's really hard to read a shit like cuz it's all like weird Weird post-modernist shit Losing the show going back to the cold watching our heart fall out from our clutches and getting stumped by actually Nelson's boyfriend was hard enough I tried my best to come up with a solution or way out of that but after the damage had been done I Unknown_02: I mean, I'm not gonna get into it, but it's just heartbreaking All the more so it was my own fault and these people are like brothers to me and after working on this for over 10 years I think we're not really talking about it, but there are a lot of comments like I wish MD MD would do something and I just want you guys to know that I've been heartbroken and twisted up into a fucking ball over it than any of you have 1:34:30 Unknown_04: Why are the fonts different for each paragraph? Unknown_04: Is this intentional? This is Roboto. This is Helvetica. And this is Roboto again. Unknown_04: Why is this like this? 1:35:05 Unknown_04: Getting kicked in the balls repeatedly is when I'm best at it's called cock and ball torture. Unknown_02: Look it up. Unknown_02: He's always been an optimist He's a genius a lot of people misconstrue his work or his personality is being negatively oriented You Unknown_04: Said anger is the soul's immune system and who wouldn't be dissatisfied with this shit I'm not retconning anything when I say that MD slash myself has have been and will always be His core about a better future punctuating the inequities of our time. 1:35:40 Unknown_02: So others may Write the whirling gyres of history something along those lines. Unknown_04: I Unknown_04: He's been working his ass off strapped to a computer logging serious hours putting pieces together Taking The same determination attention to detail but none of the creepiness and it's a handsome guy neat Nick Oh, I guess Nick is like his sidekick. Unknown_02: That's right Working in comic comedy videos 1:36:32 Unknown_04: Okay, so he wants to do one major release every month, that's what he says Let's do a major release every 20 days, but right now it's just doing a month Unknown_04: He's asking people to donate to his Gumroad Patreon thing at $5 a month. Unknown_02: So whatever how many people are on his MailChimp mailing list, he wants a tenth of those people to donate $5 a month. 1:37:22 Unknown_04: The code is good for 100 peeps. Oh, that's like his welfare. Unknown_02: I love you guys. Thankful everyday. You find me funny enough to watch. To those of you who already signed up, triple fucking thank you. It's my honor to make stuff that makes you happy, laugh, etc. Wouldn't be dead without you. I take my obligation very seriously. Pink pussy hat locked in. Let's rock. Peace. I don't know. That's not too bad. Unknown_02: Like, you made it sound like it would be the worst things ever. Unknown_02: I've read much much worse. I mean it sounds a lot like the thing is like if he really wanted money I feel like he should have he should have just said that Like I know it probably is like an ego thing. You know what I mean? where it's like 1:38:06 Unknown_02: Because, like, I need money. But I never just say that. Like, I never just have, like, a beg banner or something on the site with, like, goals like that. Because it, like, fucking... It sucks. Unknown_02: It sucks having to ask for money because it's like you're a failure as a businessman if you do. If you're so bad at running a business you have to ask people to donate your money without expecting anything in return. It's like you failed as a businessman at that point. 1:38:39 Unknown_02: You've categorically failed yourself as a business person. Unknown_04: It's true. Unknown_04: Yeah, well, no, I'm just saying that um Like that's why it sucks like you never want to you never want to say that Like even if it's true, you just don't want to say it because it's like you're telling yourself like Like yeah, there are ways to take this thing that you made and make money with it. Unknown_02: But for one reason or another, you know Well, I mean that's the difficult thing is that 1:39:22 Unknown_02: He makes his videos and shit, but there's no way he can effectively monetize it. So even if crowdfunding is the appropriate way to make money with something, given extenuating circumstances, you always want to do it in the way where you give people shit for their money. Unknown_02: So if you do have to break down and just ask for money, it sucks. Unknown_02: Do I feel bad when people help? Yes, I do. Like, I don't know how to react to people giving me money, which probably makes my reaction to receiving money not satisfying to people who would give money, which probably does not help. 1:40:14 Unknown_02: Is Patreon, he has a Patreon? Unknown_02: People probably don't know about it. I didn't, like, I would assume he's banned from Patreon. Unknown_04: But He has to be banned Yeah, see no they don't have him on fucking oh, that's what you meant you meant that he was banned Unknown_02: Yeah, dude, that's the thing. It's like, Patreon's nice while you got it. It's real fucking nice. 1:40:47 Unknown_02: Um, but it goes fast. Like, they take down that shit fast. Like, the YouTube thing was nice. Unknown_02: I can't show you because I can't even access my channel. But in the month of March, I did the one stream that had Super Chats enabled, and then I had like $10 a day in residual ad revenue just for old shit that I had that I could actually monetize. And I could only monetize half of my old streams because of music. Unknown_02: But I mean That's like 300 bucks 300 to 400 dollars, which is like all that's my rent My rent is $400. I make $400 From from like ad revenue that that's rent paid for that. I don't have to think about like that in losing That's hard, you know 1:41:27 Unknown_02: And it's especially frustrating because you think about how many people are on YouTube who make unbelievable amounts of fucking money. And the reason why they can get away with it is because their shit is within the boundaries of what people tolerate. Like, Jim Sterling. Unknown_02: He makes, how much? 1:42:07 Unknown_02: He makes $13,000 a month. A month. 1336 times 12 is $150,000. Not even including his ad revenue. He has ads. He has ads on all videos besides the Gemquisition. Unknown_02: So, I mean, he probably makes hundreds of dollars from advertisements at least. And then on top of that, if you go to, uh, I think he sells like merchandise. It's like jimquisition.sharkrobot.com or something. 1:42:41 Unknown_02: Whatever. But, like, he sells merch. And you know what he does? Unknown_02: He's a fucking, he's a gambler. So he goes to the Beau Ravage in Biloxi because he's in Mississippi and he's got a gambling problem. One of the few states in the entire country where gambling outright is fucking legal. Unknown_02: So he even says in a video game at some point where it's like if you want to gamble here's my here's my pro tip go to the Beaurevage in Biloxi and sit at the the slot machines near the the bar and every time the waitress comes around ask for a drink but only only play the penny slots and just keep putting a penny in and you'll end up like saving money drinking that way 1:43:37 Unknown_02: He's outright said that. Unknown_02: Oh yeah, dude, that's the... You know what? The other thing is with that, he sent, um... Oh, dude, he talks about it constantly! That's why he hates loot boxes so much, because he has a gambling addiction, and he probably buys a shit ton of loot boxes. Like, compulsively. And because he considers it like a psychological crises, and not a thing that you can just opt out of. Unknown_02: He probably, like, when he ends up spending hundreds of dollars on loot boxes, he probably thinks of himself as a victim, and that's why he takes such a hard line on it. But no doubt, he's that fucking whale that he always talks about. He's the fucking whale. He spends hundreds of dollars on fucking loot boxes, and then he goes out to the Boeravage and spends a thousand more. I can't, like, because he's making $150,000 just off Patreon. Then you add on merchandising, you add on all this other shit that he fucking does. And I guarantee you, A lot of that, a huge and a not insignificant proportion of that money goes straight to the Beaurevage and other casinos in Biloxi. 1:44:14 Unknown_04: He has a kid? What, Jim Sterling has a kid? No, yes he does play games on his phone. 1:44:50 Unknown_04: He's talked about that. Unknown_04: Who the fuck is this? Unknown_04: It looks like the People's Populist Press. Unknown_04: Who the fuck is this? I've never heard of this guy. 1:45:32 Unknown_04: Godwinson, I like Godwinson's video on um on Kay's kid or Lee's cool or whatever There's something I was gonna say Oh Jim Sterling's gotten really obnoxious. Unknown_02: I like I like Jim Sterling's videos a lot of them but I can't like he's His videos have gotten really like like political in what people speculate I've never heard of this Unknown_02: But if you if there's this thing called the cheapo trap house And they they apparently make like a lot of money Yeah, they make they make a lot of money Look, I I would be set for like three years with this amount of money that they make in one month 1:46:25 Unknown_02: and people have speculated that these guys are like communists apparently and Jim Sterling has taken the approach of if you go communist you'll make lots of money and it's apparently been working and I also heard that like Toadie1, the dwarf fortress guy Unknown_04: He's been getting a lot more money because he had a cancer scare or something earlier in 2018. Unknown_02: And he decided he needed more money because of the cancer scare. He didn't want to have to turn down treatment. So he decided to add politics into Dwarf Fortress to appeal to liberal backers more. And what he's added to Dwarf Fortress is homosexual dwarfs and transsexual dwarfs. 1:47:20 Unknown_02: Which is just fucking preposterous. I don't even know if that's true. That's just what I've heard. But, uh, it's very strange. Like, I've considered it. I've considered making some kind of, like, super progressive alter ego to try and game the system. Unknown_02: This isn't accurate. They told me to set it to x-rated, dude. Unknown_04: The moderators told me I had to set it to x-rated because my stream got reported. 1:48:02 Unknown_04: Yeah, I don't know. It's just... Unknown_04: Mm-hmm. Well, he keeps adding stuff to like To like the world he like he keeps adding like civilization Development and stuff to dwarf fortress and it's like, okay If you want to add all that you have to have a way to process it because otherwise, you know the simulation It's one thing to process the fucking like water and shit on the map, which is already a pain in the ass But once you start processing like the development of the entire world every day, you're gonna you're gonna have issues with that 1:48:40 Unknown_04: So I don't know. It's very frustrating because it reminds me of China. Unknown_02: My buddy is Chinese, but he was born in Australia and he doesn't know how to write and read Chinese, but he knows how to speak it very well. Unknown_02: And he told me that the way, like people think of China as a way to Unknown_02: As like just a very scary police state that'll disappear you in the middle of the night like KGB style if you do something They don't like and I don't know maybe that's true for certain offensive offenses that the state doesn't like But in general, you know China is a country with a billion people, right? so if you want to try and corral a billion people into thinking and behaving a certain way and 1:49:26 Unknown_02: You can't do that by force. You just can't. You'll never ever have the requisite manpower to force a billion people to do something. So what you do is you compel them to do something. Unknown_02: And the example he liked to give is that Unknown_02: On the train station, for efficiency reasons, the government running the train station wants you to use the automated tellers. They want you to use the robot vending machines that hand out tickets because that way it's faster and it saves on human resources. 1:50:03 Unknown_02: But, because he's illiterate, and he likes talking to people, he says, fuck it, I'm not gonna use the robot vending machines, I'm gonna go use the human tellers. So he goes up there, and starts talking to them and stuff, and starting to get his ticket. And they require, like... three forms of ID to use the train. And he's like, I don't understand. I mean, if I use the vending machine, it doesn't require any ID, right? And I'm like, yes, if you just use the vending machines, we don't have to go through this process. And he's like, well, why the fuck do I have to do it if I go to a teller? And she just says, that's the way it is. 1:50:44 Unknown_02: He thinks that the government's point is to get people to use the automated teller machines for the tickets because They just want you to and to punish people who don't do it the way they want you to do it They're gonna require bullshit so Unknown_02: Like that that's that process is applied all over the West when it comes to shit like this it's like if you want if you want to do something like make a YouTube account or a patreon or Anything and you want to you know, you want to be an internet personality then the first step is to fall in line and to to say things that they like and don't say things they don't like and And if you do that, you can be a Twitch streamer, and you can be a YouTube personality making edited videos about stuff, you can have your Patreon account, you can have your Twitter account, you can do all the stuff, you can host your website on whatever service you want to, you can sell your merchandise off Redbubble, you can have anything you want. 1:51:39 Unknown_02: And the second, the very fucking second you have the audacity to go against the grain, You lose all of it. Unknown_02: You lose all of it, and it's exactly what happens in China. Like, they're never gonna ban. Unknown_02: Like, it's like with my appeal to YouTube. All I said in my repeal was like, you know, I would really like to know why this manual step was applied to my account, and I'd like to know what specifically I did wrong so that I can conform to your community guidelines better. And they just said, literally, if you translate that email they sent me from Hebrew to English, it said something like, we've reviewed your appeal and have decided to uphold the suspension. If you want to learn what the community guidelines are, you can go to this link. Which, like, okay, it doesn't matter anymore because you banned my account. Whatever the fuck they are is irrelevant. but they'll never say specifically like this moment in this stream was against the guidelines in such a way we are forced to terminate the account because that sets like a precedent 1:52:36 Unknown_02: where people know specifically what not to say to get banned from YouTube. And you'll have people walking the line and avoiding saying those specific things that are against the rules so they keep it like a secret. They have like secret precedents set that only the staff knows about and at their discretion they enforce it. 1:53:23 Unknown_02: So you never have any kind of recourse against it. And it's intentional. Unknown_02: It's exactly like China, where it's just like, look, you know in your heart of hearts what they want you to do and what they don't want you to do. Unknown_02: And if you know it's good for you, you just do it. 1:54:05 Unknown_04: On the plus side, not all bad. Unknown_02: The Mad at the Internet shit is still up. And I wagered in my favor for once. I got the feeling that that Patreon substitute would last for a while. Unknown_04: And so far it has. Unknown_04: How do I see things going from here? Unknown_02: The thing is is that now I see things on an upswing I predicted that 2020 would be the start of like a grand recovery Because I just I just see the signs. It's a feeling it's an emotional thing. It's not something I can back up with evidence It's stuff like the kick Vic, you know, you have um, I 1:54:41 Unknown_02: You have Kickvick, which is like a thing of the Me Too stuff, right? But then it doesn't work. It backfires and people start taking the male's side and starts defending him and throws large quantities of cash just for a legal defense. It's not even a charity. Unknown_02: It's not a charity. It's not like a Greyhound Rescue or something. It's a legal defense fund for a man accused of rape and it makes $100,000 in like a month. 1:55:14 Unknown_02: That's preposterous. That wouldn't have happened in 2016. Unknown_02: That's a 2019 thing where you can see that. So the whole, you know, kick Vic thing turning on its heels is a sign of like healing to me. Unknown_02: BitChute has started testing peer-to-peer live streaming, which is something I predicted in 2018 would have to happen for live streaming to continue at all. 1:55:54 Unknown_02: And you're starting to see people like Dick who have the capacity and charisma to interact with like banking institutions to get things done. So I think that if there is ever going to be a kind of cultural recovery, it's going to happen. And starting 2020, like 2019, you're going to Unknown_02: Is like, okay, we have reached a critical mass. 2019 is the critical mass. You're going to see a divergence, like a really big one. In 2016 you had Trump electing, and you see people getting tired of it en masse. But I think 2019 is when things are going to get so fucking preposterous. That the general mainstream consensus is going to completely sour to the progressive side of things. We're just like, okay, you people are like pedophiles and you're fucking dogs and you're censoring shit on massive levels. across multiple platforms in organized efforts to condemn specific political views and this is bullshit and this is really fucking gay and it's gonna be shit where like your mom is talking about it like your mom saw something and it was like you know we really need to do something about all this faggot shit that's happening because it's really nasty and stupid that's just my my feeling about it 1:57:23 Unknown_04: Because I'd noticed it. Like, I had a girl talking to me. Unknown_02: And she's from a very, very cucked European country. Unknown_02: And you know, I'm talking to her and everybody she knows is super progressive. Because it's just how it is. Unknown_02: And all of her classmates and stuff are like super radical feminists and progressives and shit. And they're open to like polyamory. Unknown_02: And she's coming from this fresh worldview where you know everything she's ever been taught her entire life has been super anti-fascist and super anti Anti this and that like like American education on fucking steroids, and you talk to her for like a couple weeks Not even that like a couple days 1:58:12 Unknown_02: And the edge of, you know, it's better to have families where a man and a woman get together and have children. And very quickly, her worldview were like, yeah, you know what, that actually makes sense. That's actually a lot more sensical than pedophile tranny open relationships. Unknown_04: It's quite impressive you managed to retain so much hope even after New Zealand. Unknown_02: Okay, you have to understand my point of view that I do not consider the Anglos to be human beings and I do not consider the quality of life in Anglosphere countries relevant to my interests. I do not care at all about what happens to the Anglo. So it's like, okay, Australia and New Zealand didn't mean any kingdom are mad at me. I don't care. 1:59:02 Unknown_02: You might as well be telling me that fucking Ecuador is angry at me or Tanzania wants me to take something down. Like I could not possibly give less of a fuck about what what Zimbabwe thinks about my website. I just don't care. I would put more 1:59:37 Unknown_02: more thought and consideration to my responses to countries like China and Russia and Japan than I would into fucking New Zealand. It's literally just like, who the fuck do you think you are, you spastic little cunts? Like, whatever happened in your life to make you think that you as a federal police officer for this irrelevant shitty fucking nation of yours, that you have any influence whatsoever, Unknown_02: If you and the United Kingdom sank to the bottom of the fucking ocean, and every single person on your country drowned, nobody would care, and the world would move on. Unknown_04: Is this your final monologue before you go? No, dude, I do this all the time. 2:00:20 Unknown_02: Like, when I play a game, I don't usually intend on talking, but I usually do, because I... Unknown_02: I think about stuff a lot, but I don't usually get to talk about it too much. Unknown_04: I've been to Australia. I lived in Australia for about six months, seven months. Unknown_02: That was right before Infinity Next. I moved straight from Australia to the Philippines. Unknown_02: And I stayed in the Philippines for seven months. 2:00:53 Unknown_02: And at the tail end of my stay in the Philippines, I moved back to America and I stayed Unknown_02: I stayed in America for a little under a year at my mom's place. And I left when families started getting attacked by that British guy. And then I went to Buffalo in New York. Unknown_04: And I lived there for about nine months. And then I moved from Buffalo Unknown_04: to the Slavic Waste, where I am currently. 2:01:36 Unknown_04: I'm gonna do anything. I don't know if I see options to do stuff. Unknown_02: I do it like I'm just robust if I I'm very opportunistic when it comes to like seizing upon something and trying it out because it's like What happens if it doesn't work? Unknown_02: It joins a very long list of other things that have completely failed to be reliable How sad whatever will I do? Unknown_04: I? 2:02:21 Unknown_04: I had a contact nearby who was like, hey, you know, I'm moving soon, but you should if you're looking for a place you should check this out Unknown_02: Can you imagine if I did make a game you know what I would do I would have one of the title slides for the game be something like a fruit of the Kiwi farms or something and People would lose their shit. There would be like neo-nazi alt-right and sell hate site Kiwi farms makes a video game and Unknown_02: called you know something saccharine like my happy little sunshine paradise a 2d Tetris remake in 2019 and it gets published on Steam and all those fucking like danger hair polyamorous freak-of-fucking-natures that that work for polygon shit would just completely have a mental breakdown 2:03:25 Unknown_02: I don't know. Unknown_04: It would be fun. Unknown_02: It would be fun to put a game out there just to see what would happen Just for that Unknown_02: You know what if it didn't work, you know what I would do I would localize it I would make like it would be like a mobile game right and say okay I'm banned from Steam what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna localize it in Chinese and I'm gonna put it on the on the Chinese Android market because the the Chinese Android market has nothing to do with Google Google has no foothold in in China whatsoever they have their own Android app stores and shit and I've just put it on that and 2:04:01 Unknown_02: Come to Poland? I would. Poland's a part of the EU. You guys gotta leave the EU first. You guys leave the EU and I'll be in fucking Warsaw tomorrow. Unknown_04: How Euro-skeptic is Poland, by the way? Unknown_02: I don't know the answer to that. I'm curious how smaller countries like Poland and the Baltic countries feel about Euro. 2:04:52 Unknown_02: You know what? Here's my proposition, right? Let me pull this up on OBS and then I'm gonna go wind down my day. Unknown_02: This. Unknown_02: This. You, the Baltic countries, and Ukraine. Also Moldova. Moldova can join in. You guys need to form... uh... Miez... Miez... Miedz... Mordza. Or whatever the fuck this is. However you pronounce this. 2:05:30 Unknown_02: Make that. And make it your own thing. Unknown_02: Or just call yourself the Great Wall of Europe. The big fucking wall between Russia and Western Europe. Unknown_04: Just make that the name. Unknown_04: That's my opinion. Unknown_04: What, you think Merkel's gonna invade fucking Poland? Can you imagine? Can you imagine? 2:06:03 Unknown_02: What would happen if Germany invaded Poland? For any reason. Unknown_02: Germany cannot, for the remainder of the Earth, and all the nations on the Earth, invade Poland. It's just not allowed. It has to wait at least 500 years before it can invade Poland. Poland could attack Germany. Unknown_02: And if Germany did anything in retaliation to Poland, 2:06:36 Unknown_02: You would have it would have like a hundred different countries putting boots on German soil like the next day You live in a pretty small town are you near oh fuck what's it called? Unknown_04: There's that little that little piece right there that Unknown_02: Lviv that's it like that area was was like taken from Poland During the Soviet era the Lviv area and they still speak Polish in Lviv at least near it or around it Like they don't speak any Russian up in Lviv they speak only Ukrainian and in Polish Lwow 2:07:34 Unknown_02: From what I understand the Poles hate Ukraine specifically because of Lviv and They don't have good relations because apparently when Ukraine like okay to understand why Ukraine does not like Poland You have to go way way back to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Poland was on the Far East, and Lithuania constituted almost all of Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic countries. And Poland were assholes, and like fucking raped and pillaged the fuck out of Lithuania in this union. Lithuania was the lesser partner of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Unknown_02: And to this day, the Ukrainians do not like Poland because of how badly they got mega-raped by Poland during this era, where Poland very briefly was a world power. 2:08:38 Unknown_02: And then when Ukraine finally got its opportunity to rape and murder Poland during the Soviet takeover of the Eastern Bloc, they did so. Unknown_02: And the Polish people and Ukrainians do not get along too well. Unknown_04: Oh god, Aiden Paladin. Unknown_02: Okay, since I'm on the topic, there's this fucking ugly-ass woman. Hold up. Unknown_02: What's her name? Her name is like Chicken Kiev or something. Unknown_02: That's like her brand name. A daily dose of culture shock. 2:09:22 Unknown_02: She's such an ugly person. Unknown_02: And I guess she's from Ukraine. I think she speaks Ukrainian and German and English. But she's- she's- Yes, this woman! She's like part Jewish. She's like Jewish and- and something else. She's- she's a true disgusting mongoloid and she needs to cover up because you can see stretch marks on her tits. Unknown_02: And she lives out of Kiev and- and she's like- Look, Talia Levin. That is the most Jewish fucking name ever. 2:09:57 Unknown_02: Extremely online anti-fascist, but kind of not nice love in not loving our Levine Look she's fat Gypsy yes Civiti Unknown_04: It's a VD. Yeah vids poverty and media Finally I can't I can't view the media file a that's off-limits to me I Could have had logged in but I really don't want to see more pictures of this one She's just really nasty and I've considered visiting her. Unknown_02: I Unknown_02: But I decided that would be a really bad idea, to go visit this fucking Jewish chick. 2:10:49 Unknown_02: All right. All right. All right. All right. I feel I feel that is sufficient for stream This is a small stream just me and 40 people playing playing this weird game called God trigger or God's Trigger, which is harder to say this really just go with God trigger How good is my Russian? Yeah, American, that's malinky ruski that's and a pack yet the pizalas that I Unknown_02: And, uh, Belaruski. And latte. Unknown_04: And borscht. 2:11:22 Unknown_04: Thank you. Girl. Unknown_04: Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl. What an Italian. Fuck that. Unknown_04: LOL. Unknown_02: How good is my Jewish? I know how to say oy vey. I know shekel. 2:11:53 Unknown_02: I know gewalt. I know shoah. I know the important words. Unknown_02: I'll get kicked off of Slav land soon if I did that. I need to make enough money I can live in Switzerland and speak Swiss German. Unknown_04: Yes, that's where I'm at. I can read stuff, but I have no idea what I say. Alright, I'll see you guys on Wednesday. 2:12:29 Unknown_02: I don't know who I'm going to stream about. It's probably not going to be Ferf anyway, because that's going to take too much research to do properly. Unknown_02: I wish I was CIA. I had to get a fucking paycheck. I could afford to live in fucking Switzerland. Unknown_02: Onision that's a good idea Onision would be funny Dobson here, you know, here's my here's my Dobson stream So I don't have an outro song this will suffice here's here's my entire Andrew Dobson stream 2:13:24 Unknown_04: Andrew Dobson, professional artist Traces pictures out Big Ben Goes to sell them at conventions Five minutes in Photoshop I hope you die on your way to MCM On your way to MCM Unknown_02: By the way, if you think that, um, that voice is familiar, it's because this is actually fucking Ken Ashcorp, the Panda Tranny guy who does songs. Unknown_02: But, uh, he's, he's, he had a brief stint. This, uh, it's, uh, I think his name is Forever Pandering or something. Unknown_02: And he did a drama channel at some point before he flipped and became a Tranny Panda artist. And he did like call-out videos on like artists and shit like Andrew Dobson. And he's tried very hard to have people forget that. 2:14:25 Unknown_02: I wish Ken Ashcorp would do something funny. I wish I could do a video on him because he's probably got some good drama to talk about that he wished people would never ever find out about. Unknown_04: Alright, I'll see you guys on Wednesday. Unknown_02: I'm glad that DLive is at least stable. I don't know. I sent them a DM asking about me streaming there. I have no fucking idea why they wanted me to make my stream x-rated because I literally was not doing anything x-rated. I was playing a video game. I was being very mild-mannered about it, too. 2:15:02 Unknown_04: Oh, God. Unknown_04: All right, well wish me luck I'll talk to them and hopefully I'll get it sorted