Hey, what's up, guys? Welcome to Lawsplaining the Interwebs. I am your host, Nick Riccata of Riccata Law, a small law firm in central Minnesota. And with me today is my special in-studio guest, Drexel.
Unknown_03: What's up?
Unknown_01: And of course, with us by carrier pigeon, we have Josh from Kiwi Farms and M-Specs, also of the Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_01: Hey, guys. Hi.
Unknown_01: hey welcome to the show uh we've got i've got some things to talk about i've got a beef with the kiwi farms no no now that we need to it's okay we have beef everyone Yeah, well, this is very special beef because this is like a roast beef commercial or whatever. I'm thinking of when I went to Sapporo in Japan, there were advertisements for all... They have specially cultivated cow there that has good marbling and the fat.
And you just see advertisements for it everywhere with perfectly marbled steak. So when you say special beef, I'm thinking of that. You're teleporting me to a foreign land, Nick.
Unknown_01: Yeah, well...
Unknown_01: We're not talking about feeders yet, Josh, but we're going to get to you.
Unknown_09: I just want a nice steak. Come on now.
Unknown_04: Yeah, sure. Already damaging his reputation. Defamation per se.
I'll have you know that Drexel here was not familiar with feeders.
Unknown_01: And so I told him that tonight... I have a hard time believing that, to be honest.
Unknown_04: There was like no knowledge.
Unknown_03: Like, you don't know about feeders? Like, really?
Unknown_09: Yeah, really. Yeah, really. You know, well, you watch like My 600-lb Life, and the husband, if there is one, is almost always like a normal-sized guy. And more often than not, they're black. I'm just saying. Yeah. i'm just saying it's usually the black guys that want like the 600 pounds i know you said on the stream the other day that like no black guys are doing theaterism and i was like what the black community man not at all i mean i speak for the minority of the minority which is like
That's a double secret minority.
Unknown_03: Yeah, double secret society minority. In the black community, the vast majority of the black dudes are actually pretty small.
Like, the women ate up everything. All the government cheese.
Unknown_03: They ate up everything. So, yeah, so I didn't know what a feeder was. I didn't know it had a term for it. I used to just be like, who are these guys that feed these land whales? I didn't know. So when you showed me my 600-pound life with tuba accompanying the fat, I was like, man, do these guys have a story? And now I'm anxious to know about the whole feeder thing. Well, I told— What are they called? The piggies? Well, there's pay piggies. What are the food ones?
Findom is different than feeders.
Unknown_01: Yeah, Findom is different than feeders, but I mean, there are some of the fat streamers out there who do, like, there's that one chick, she was on the Dick Show, and she only eats when someone mails her food or whatever. Or sends her food.
Unknown_09: What? Is she fat or thin?
Unknown_01: She's giant, but she has some condition where apparently, like, if she eats a normal diet, she will just gain huge amounts of weight. And her... They all claim to have, like, a bloated lymph.
Thyroid problem.
Unknown_01: She's actually... This is a terminal condition for her, apparently. What? !
Unknown_01: yeah you gotta listen to that episode of the dick show it was actually pretty interesting I can't remember what her name is but I mean she's got some terminal condition and she legitimately will die at some point from it and so her quest is to be like height for poundage the biggest eater or the biggest feeder whatever the biggest fatso there is I don't know how else to put it I have a question for both of the other guests yeah
My question is this. So when it comes to the whole feeding, all this thing, my 600-pound life, the question that myself and a lot of other people ask is, where do they get the money? Because to pay for all this food, I ate 19 steaks. Where are they getting this money from?
Unknown_04: They're not eating steaks.
Unknown_03: They're eating McDonald's.
Unknown_00: I see where they're hiding their pizzas.
Unknown_01: They're not working. I went to Little Caesars today. There's like three pizzas for $15. You said the work to make money.
Unknown_03: No, wrong. You have to work. Well...
So there's these people out here who work. You've got to realize about that. Okay, you have your hobbies, right? You go out, you do things, you go bowling or whatever, and you pay money for these things that occupy your time. Well, to get that big, you have to eat pretty much all the time. You can't have breaks. You've got to keep it. If you are 600 pounds and you eat a 2,000-calorie diet,
Your heart has to pump all that blood through all your blubber, and that will stress your heart out, and it will overwork itself. Your calorie output just from pumping your heart is going to be way higher than it should be. To maintain that weight, you have to eat 6,000 calories. Imagine you eat three squares a day to get 2,000. You have to eat... three times that. So the answer to that, how do they get the money for it? They have the same money as other people, but they don't have any hobbies because their hobby is eating. Yeah, they just have to realize is that a lot of these people are getting assistance.
Unknown_02: Well, don't worry. I know that.
I know that.
Unknown_01: But what I was telling Drexel last night, though, was that we can explain all of this because we have the feeder Irverlord on the stream tonight, and you would be able to give him a firsthand experience.
Unknown_09: I just know things. People get suspicious of why I know things, but I just know things. I can't help it. Sure, sure. Wink.
Unknown_01: Yeah, we got you. We got you, buddy. No, okay, so here's why I've got you guys on the show. Actually, I do have a policy that I implemented where I read $20 Super Chats right away, and there's one. So I'm going to hit that real quick and then we'll go into it. Siren Jag says, as it turns out, Geppetto was living inside Ren's stomach, safe and sound the whole time. Oh, geez. Okay.
I asked you guys to come on because of some very, very troubling things going on at the Kiwi Farms. And I actually my name, my good name is being dragged through the mud.
And so I came on to reprimand you, you, Josh, for running an evil doxing Web site.
Unknown_09: I didn't answer to the New Zealand Inquisition, but I will answer to the Minnesota Inquisition.
Unknown_01: Right, the Minnesota was much more powerful. Unironically more powerful and terrifying than New Zealand is Minnesota.
Unknown_01: I've heard you have no idea what's going on. I've been covering this story about Vic Mignogna since it kind of started. And over the weekend, a cosplayer... by the name of Dominique Sky was doxxed on your website. And I demand, I demand retribution. I demand you take it down. He wants me fired. Yeah, you gotta fire Em as well.
Em is like the overseer of the girly things on the site. She got her start moderating people.
Unknown_09: Well, she got her start moderating the beauty parlor, which was an idea I had. See, I'm very, I'm conniving, right? So I said, okay, look, we want to grow. Why do we want to grow? I don't make any money off the site. It costs me more money to have more people on the site, but we want to grow just because that's just how it is. So it's like, okay, we have all these different forums and websites all over. You got Pretty Ugly Little Liar. You got Little Cow Farm. And then you have, what's the other one? The third one.
I have no idea.
Unknown_05: Other than Low Call Foreman, Paul? There's a third one.
Unknown_01: Is there? Is it one of the Chan boards? All I know is Paul and Snow.
There's another one, but the point is that there's a huge demand. See, on 4chan, and this is where the whole locale thing started, is that each board usually had its locale. Like, Chris Chan came from the video game board, and then you had Ben Garrison from Paul, and TG, or not TG, the fashion board, has all these different cosplayers they make fun of. Reset era. Yeah.
Unknown_04: no no no this is a four reset era there's another one which is like fashion related and cosplay related but uh you know they had all these people in the mods on fashion were like okay you can't make fun of these cosplayers anymore you got to keep e-drama out so where do you go then so they made their own you know they made locale.farm and they made pull and they made uh
a bunch of other ones right and they're kind of disenfranchised it's like i'll make a girl board for and make it a kind of a nebulous concept where you can talk about things other than drama uh and kind of rope in all the people from all these different sites and that was mostly successful um the websites that i was hoping to get traffic from did come over and they they like some of the features that the site has that they don't have on their sites and they like the the hands-off administration approach because usually the admins on these sites are very they they use that kind of influence to Benefit themselves in some way and I I don't even know anything about this stuff So I I really have nothing to gain from having all these weirdos on my forum, but I I like it I just like it. It's just my thing So nothing nothing to gain.
Unknown_01: Oh, I think you might be talking about you talk trash.
Unknown_05: I
Unknown_09: yes that's it okay okay but so i was successful and i got the good users from these boards and like people were telling me like you've essentially ruined these websites because you've taken the best posters from there and as people started to leave the staff got really jealous and started getting possessive and of course that just alienates people more because they don't want to they don't want to stick around for that shit right and um pull or or pull a pretty ugly little liar i've been told is now the remnants of the of what it used to be before my concerted efforts to take people away from these sites and that's why from what i've seen because i have seen little tidbits of how they're how they're reacting to things and it's just like you're not acting like a website in this sphere should be you're you're acting like
you know, like, like reset era, even though, you know, they're, they're completely divorced from, from Genesis.
Unknown_01: Yeah. Well, I mean, thank you for the, no, go ahead. Go ahead.
Unknown_05: Well, I was about to say, that's, what's funny is that a lot of people, because of this, we bore things have been talking about oh, it's going to be Kiwi Farms versus Pull. And I was like, that already happened.
Unknown_01: Yeah, we won. We won that war a long time ago. Pull is the saddest place on the internet. What is Pull? Pull is a website called Pretty Ugly Little Liars. And they pride themselves on being like the mean girls, like the movie The Mean Girls of the internet. So they will pick a, I guess, a celebrity or something, and they'll make fun of them. or whatever but they have they have a bunch of rules at the same time like so if you can't post a counter thought like any counter thought to the prevailing uh wind of the thread is considered white knighting and that's against the rules so you can't also what they're trying to be like the thought of the uh fat police they're the thought thought police police
Yeah, it's this weird... It's a weird place. It's very... I mean, they're... If you go read through the forum on Pretty Ugly Little Liars, they're a defeated heap of people.
Unknown_01: Obviously.
Unknown_03: Come on, man. Obviously.
Unknown_01: It's a sad place.
Unknown_01: No, so... Well, there's a chat here that's kind of on point. The orange cow says Drexel... Josh is lying. He has a list of patented feeder tips. But then the next one, Pharaoh Owen says, the third doxing site is Onion Farms. I don't know if that's a real thing.
Oh, Jesus. Speaking of Onion Farms. Yeah, last Wednesday, I did a stream on somebody called Kingle, who is an avid fan of mine. And he, at some point, wanted to make a rival site to the Kiwi Farms called the Onion Farms. and he's he's just is just a fantastic walking joke and uh i i appreciate that super chat that was very funny noel has or not no nick has been contacted by kangol actually oh you have i
yeah i asked you a super chat question about it once asking what kingo wanted to talk to you about and you wouldn't answer oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's right that guy did contact me um i don't i don't think you can legally say what he was no no that that was one where i definitely cannot disclose the contents of that email so um you know i've unfortunately uh because it'd probably be funny
Unknown_09: The whole I can't tell you what it's about you can kind of infer from that what he was someone doesn't he Someone I couldn't tell you I wonder who I couldn't tell you at all.
Unknown_01: You will have to draw your own conclusions Okay, so stand with Vic says would you ever be the orcas pay pig for an entire month in return for unlimited? tax-free purchases for life plus having memory erase and No. The orca is Renfimith. Noel has talked to her before.
What was that?
Unknown_09: Noel has talked to her before.
Unknown_04: Yeah, I briefly had an exchange with her, and it was because I had no fucking clue who she was, and she was mad at me for some reason.
Unknown_09: I'm just like, lady, I don't even know you.
Unknown_01: Was she mad because her information ended up on your doxing forum?
Unknown_09: Probably. It was so long ago. I think Ems knows. Ems, do you know what she was mad about?
Unknown_05: I know why she was mad at you. Well, she was mad at Nick because he had you on. And so she did her thing. Well, Nick Riccata has on Noel of Notorious Doxie website, Kiwi Farms. And you responded to that. And she didn't realize who you were, that you were Noel.
Oh, yeah. That was great. That was on Twitter. Yeah.
Unknown_01: Oh, I have something. So the thrust of this and why I have you guys on is because I have been implicated. I have been implicated and I'm hoping that we can kind of clear the air here that I am very much disapprove of this.
so vic manana has hired a law firm beard harris bullock and hughes out of uh tyler texas uh ty beard has been on my show a couple times um we love you ty he has expressed gratitude to the to the farms on several occasions for um archiving information and making things very accessible however oh go ahead oh sorry no i just want to say i wonder how many like
Unknown_09: professional services have leveraged their work off of the site. Now that I think about it, it's probably been a lot, probably a lot more than you would think, like government agencies and lawyers and stuff dealing with litigation. have probably pulled archives of things off the site. I'm sure.
Unknown_01: And even if they didn't, they probably residually received archives that were made by people on the farms. Like whether they got it from the farms or it was passed around somewhere else.
It's a crazy thought.
Unknown_01: But we are... We have been slandered and defamed by various people on Twitter who have said that I am...
Unknown_01: colluding with Ty Beard and forcing the Kiwi farms to dox, harass, and intimidate people. Which I take umbrage of, because if this was a coordinated effort...
Unknown_05: My checks got lost in the mail.
Unknown_09: Well, shit.
Where's my cut of the $100,000 pie? Come on now. Yeah, and I don't even get a cut of it, which I find to be unfair.
Unknown_01: Time needs to pony up those lawyer wages.
Unknown_01: But here, so I told Ty about this. I said, Ty, I talked to him today. Ty, we have been actually implicated in this, this horrific doxing and harassment campaign that's going on on Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_01: And they say that we're directly involved in it, which, of course, I'm hoping you'll clarify is obviously not true. But Ty, he said he had to go to bed tonight, but he did send me a very specific message for Kiwi Farms in the form of a picture, which I'm going to show to you now, if you don't mind. So here comes that picture. So this is what Ty of Kiwi Farms had to, or Ty, not of Kiwi Farms, Ty had to say about Kiwi Farms. Oh, shit. You almost let it slip there. Yeah. Yeah.
What does it say? It's not up on the screen.
Unknown_01: Oh, yeah. You can't see it, can you? Here, let me... Seriously. Oh, I hate Windows. I can't show you. Just a minute. I'll show you in a second. Oh, man. Delay gratification. Well, let me take it off this for a second. There.
So, yeah, that was Ty's message for the...
Unknown_01: For the farms there. I hope everybody got to see that just fine.
Unknown_01: But no, so can you clear this up for me, Josh or whoever?
Unknown_01: How does directing the farms go? Josh, you run it. They're all your employees, basically.
um directing like i assume they're asking about somebody else outside the forum directing the site how does that usually go it was very poorly well i mean you have control over them though right like you no god no they're i describe it it's like a hurting a bunch of feral cats that piss and all over the place and like call your eyes out if you try to like touch them it's like
Unknown_09: As a loving cat lady myself, I just have to lay food out and hope that they go to it.
Unknown_01: Yeah, so let's... Well, Em, as a moderator, you're a moderator over there, right?
Unknown_04: Yes. Well, I'm an admin.
Unknown_01: An admin. Well, I gotta get the... Which means I'm the gayest moderator.
Unknown_04: Yeah.
Unknown_01: So you're an admin over there. Um, how much control does someone have? Well, I mean, you clearly are the, you're the puppet master then, right? What do you mean as an admin, you don't have control over what people do on Kiwi farms?
Um, I mean, I try not to use my control, I guess it's a fine line between letting people do what they want and say what they want. And also not just like, shitting all over the place and derailing threads and stuff like that.
Unknown_01: Right. That's what I would do if I were on there.
Unknown_01: And I don't, that's the funny thing. Like I don't even have a Kiwi farms.
Unknown_01: I don't even have a Kiwi farms account. So if there's something that I would like to communicate, I have to do it by proxy.
to someone like... You could always get an account. I would not dare associate myself with such villainous scum. Drexel. Oh, man. My sterling... Do you hear this? Your sterling reputation? They're trying to... I'm like the most beautiful pile of Teflon you've ever seen, and they're trying to get stuff to stick to me. Sell your good name.
Unknown_03: You know, here's the thing. I'm listening to Em and Josh, and it's just interesting to hear these different takes of different random peeps.
Do you guys feel that doxing and this whole new fake outrage trigger culture is basically one and the same?
Unknown_03: The type of people who want to dox are the people who are fake outraged about everything. Do you feel that way, Josh and Em?
Unknown_09: No, I think that getting ducked is the perfect thing to start crying about. Because it's sort of like, you know, if you want to pull a Jesse Smollett, right, and you want to get upset about something, you want to have people pay attention to you and look like the victim of something. Like, you know, there's actual physical violence. There's destruction of property. You know, there's lots of terrible things that can happen to somebody that can give them a reason to... be a professional victim. But doxing is something that a lot of people will sympathize with, but has no negative impact on your life.
As far as I know, as far as I know, the only person who has ever been visited by people that they do not welcome as a result of being doxed
Unknown_07: is you is me i don't think anybody else ever has ever been like has had people go to their house like as a result of internet drama to be talked to about that internet drama besides me and even then it's like i'm not gonna i'm not gonna cry about it but people that that's the things that you get docs and you can say look they're hosting my information on the site they're truly terrible if you support this person who they support you're also terrible
And I am a victim as a result of this action.
Unknown_09: And the benefit of that is, again, nothing has happened to you. You are perfectly fine. All your shit's in one place, exactly where you left it. Your doors are untampered with. You're not in fear of your life. But you have a great rallying cry, and a lot of people take advantage of that. And the first ones I remember are like Brianna Wu. Brianna Wu has been going on for like six years now about how they fought Gamergate. They're still politically campaigning on this concept that they fought the alt-right through Gamergate. So people are crazy, and people just need to get over it.
Well, but here's the thing that you're saying. Oh, go ahead, Em.
Unknown_05: Oh, I was going to say, there's literally like trannies on Twitter now every day coming out and being like, I was doxxed on Kiwi Farms. Like, please help. And you go and search for them on Kiwi Farms and we have nothing on them. Like, no one has talked about them.
Unknown_03: So it's just starving for attention then, you think, Em?
Unknown_09: Well, yeah, because they include their PayPal link.
Unknown_09: Yeah. It's always about the money.
Unknown_03: Don't pay the bills, Drexel. Well, so, Josh, here's my question, though. When you explain how people are, you know, saying that, other than yourself, of course, that... Doxing doesn't have much of an impact. Why do you think so many people want to be internet anonymous? Anonymity is everything on the internet, regardless if you have a channel or if you're just someone commenting. Everyone has avatars instead of who they really are.
It's the social implications or the repercussions. Because if you are somebody who is very vocal online, the first thing that either side, really, either political side wants to do when they don't like something you say is fuck with your income. I don't know why that is, but you can see that with Nick all the time. The first thing people do when they don't like him is say, I'm going to write the Minnesota Ethics Commission about this. They don't give a shit, obviously, but you have to evaluate their intent. Their intent is, I don't like this person, so I'm going to make it so that they are... financially crippled as a result of me not liking them and that is like it's a thing that both sides tend to do so um for the same reason that anonymity has always been valuable it's a it's a shield from uh political and social repercussions um you know it's it's not you could say that's at odds with saying that there's nothing wrong with doxing But when I say that, I mean that you're not going to die as a result. People aren't going to come kill you. People are lazy. They're not going to do that. But you're going to have to live with your repercussions. But even if you are somebody who is an advocate of anonymity,
And I consider myself such. The first thing I tell people is don't do anything anonymous, quote unquote, that you wouldn't want actually tied to your identity because there's always a chance that it can happen. Whether or not doxing is legal, if a government's after you, they're still going to hold you to the fire for things that you've done while anonymous if they uncover that.
Unknown_01: Yeah, and that's really, really good advice, is you can enjoy anonymity, and people should. And actually, maybe that's the object lesson of doxing, is that it's amazing. I'm hoping we can use at least a little bit of Dominique Sky as a case study on this doxing and talk about what people should be doing.
Unknown_01: If they want to if they want to engage in in this activity and remain anonymous. Now, Dominique Sky clearly does not want to remain anonymous. Right. So there's there's a difference here. Like this isn't a person who's, you know, has a pseudonym. Yeah. XX Game Raper 22 XX. Yeah. Who's who's out there?
Sky is a pseudonym. That's not her real ass name.
Unknown_01: Well, right. But, like, she's, um, I mean, she's out in public. She clearly wants to drive attention to at least the Dominique Sky handle. I mean, it'd be like me coming up with a pseudonym, but then going online every day and talking, uh, like I do, just without Ricada Lobb. Nicola Nicada.
Right, but if I picked some other pseudonym and came out and talked every day, like, I'd be trying to get attention to me. And if I'm, you know, her and posting pictures of me and my kid in cosplay, I mean, she wants that attention at some level. And so, I mean, the doxing of it is, it's a different level, right, than going and exposing someone who's completely anonymous, in my opinion. I mean, we do that too.
Unknown_09: Well, yeah, I get it.
But it's usually information that's public.
Unknown_09: It's just voting records and shit in the phone book and information that corporations sell. People wonder what Spokio is. Have you ever looked up Spokio and found yourself and got really intimidated by that? The way that Spokio works is that they buy creditor information from the three big companies, and then they amalgamate that together into a sort of online phone book.
Unknown_00: Um, so, you know, the tools that the primary tool is that some people get really clever, but really the, you know, the most common tools are, uh, just government records that are all public and, uh, creditor information, which is all public.
Um, you can probably find your social security number online now because of the, uh, recent hack in the, the credit bureaus. Um, and now to the people, people in chat were like, if you get swatted, you can die. Well, yeah, it isn't the same as doxing though. No, that is an actual crime, and it's a crime for a reason. But the thing is, you don't need to dock somebody to slot them. You can give a pseudonym. You can give a real name. Like when Monday Matt sent the federal police over to Keemstar's house, he just said it was Keemstar. He didn't know where exactly Keemstar lived, but the government knows where Keemstar lives. then they pay him a visit so if you're really upset about doc or swatting and you're upset about the fact that people will come over to your house on an anonymous phone call and shoot your dog and potentially kill you they see something in your hand you should be really more upset at the fact that we have a militarized police that can drop army troopers into your house in under 30 minutes no matter where you live off information uh i think you're taking your anger out on the wrong people
Yeah, well, and like if you hate dogs and you want them flash banged, you can do that too, right? Ian Miles Chong.
Unknown_01: That's not a joke. I think that actually happened. But yeah, there's a point to be made there, and that's actually something that kind of bothered me about the recent case with the swatting, you know, the guy who did the swatting where the guy did get killed. And the guy got 20 years. And Drexel and I were talking about this last night.
Unknown_01: The cops have some level of culpability in this. It's very convenient to immediately blame the swatter for the fact that a police officer somewhere pulled a trigger on someone.
But at some level, we are still talking about police who react to these types of calls with an insane level of violence. And I'm not saying that the cop should be guilty or something in that particular case, but it does raise a question, right? Like, who's showing up fully armed and loaded for bear, and who's pulling a trigger?
Unknown_01: But I but, you know, personally, I think swatting should be punished with attempted murder statutes myself.
Unknown_09: Yeah, I would agree.
Unknown_01: But but yeah, it's it's a weird sort of ethical conundrum here because you want cops to respond to credible information. But at the same time, like so many of these things are are turning out to be hoaxes and people are in real danger from it. They need to modify it.
When the heat started getting up around me, I actually went to my police station and said, look, I live here and I do Internet stuff and people don't like me. So if you get a call saying that I'm making a bomb or something, you know, you have to do your job. You have to come over. But please don't shoot my dog.
Unknown_09: That's that's all I'm asking for. And both times they came over, they shot your dog.
Unknown_09: They made sure they knew that dog was a threat because I alerted them about it. No, both times they came over, they did not actually break in. It was the FBI, but they just walked up. The first time they caught my mom walking the dog, so I guess the dog was safe then because she was there. But the second time, they just knocked. They rang the doorbell and said, we have this email, and we need what you can give about this email, or we're going to have to subpoena it. So I was like, okay. And, you know, that's that. So, like, I know Keemstar said he went to the police. He went to the local FBI branch when his information got out there. He's like, look, I do this internet shit. And really, if your information is out there and you're afraid of that, like, from what I've seen, it's been successful. They put a little footnote on your address, like, don't shoot the dog here. Probably not going to bite you.
Hey, Josh, I got a question for you. Do you think that more internet personalities should go with the proactive action, which would be, like you said, if you think that you have haters out there that you just go to the law enforcement yourself, say, hey, I live here, this is my internet username, whatever, this is how people... If you get the call, just being more proactive as opposed to being reactive...
Unknown_09: From what I've heard, it's had a very high success rate. It worked for me, and it worked for Keemstar, because, again, Keemstar said that. But it's been multiple people. Jordy Jordan, the Wings of Redemption guy, who has a massive cult of people who just fucking hate the guy. And he said he went to the police and warned them.
This guy named Wings of Redemption, he was one of the early Call of Duty streamers or something, right? Yeah.
Unknown_01: On Twitch? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown_09: He was one of the first people who got really big streaming Call of Duty. And, like, nowadays people just fucking hate him and hate watch the shit out of him. And he has people who do legit criminal things to try and screw him over because he's not making mistakes as much anymore.
Unknown_09: And when he got doxxed and these people were screwing with him in ways that were criminal, he just went to the police and said, look, I'm an online streamer and I'm afraid of getting spotted. And he says when the call comes in, they just knock on the door and like, hey, we got this call. We got to check it out.
Unknown_09: and nothing bad happens.
Unknown_03: Okay, so Josh, I got a question for you, because that begs the opposite question, which would be, if there is a lot of attention on, you know, like you said, with docs in there going after the guy who is, or girl, who's, you know, they're going to that person's house, right? Like, this person's making a bomb, this person's doing X, Y, and Z. why is there not the same attention paid to the person who's making that call right oh just a quick little insight is uh my brother got by definition swatted before swatting was a thing back in 2006 uh fourth of july weekend his crazy ex-girlfriend Called the cops saying that he was going to kill her, kill himself. And he was, you know, a danger, a danger to everybody. And, you know, you know, you're you're a black army veteran. So that's all in the suburbs. And that's all they need to know. And they actually sent SWAT in the perimeter. In my neighborhood. This is the this is like a town.
I can't explain like the place where we grew up in the suburb of the Twin Cities. We're talking ninety eight and a half percent white people.
Unknown_01: No violent crime, very, very low violent crime, maybe like domestic, you know, you don't know much about that. And we're talking, I mean, the majority of that town is upper middle class.
Correct. Correct. Yeah. Upper middle class.
Unknown_01: And then there's trailer park. There's literally like you have a trailer park and then you have a bunch of homes that are now, you know, 800,000, three to $800,000. Correct. In current market. So you're talking upper middle class. for almost the entire community, and then that one trailer park where those kids came from.
Unknown_06: Yeah, those kids.
Unknown_01: And this swatting happens in this quiet, suburban neighborhood. Yeah, nothing town.
Unknown_03: And it looked like straight out of an action movie.
Didn't they helicopter dudes in?
Unknown_03: Yeah, helicopter dudes in.
Unknown_03: These are family friends that told us this, right? They're like, yeah, it literally looked like a movie. Armored cars.
Unknown_03: They got the armored SWAT van.
Unknown_01: The brick phone through the window. The brick phone through the window.
Unknown_03: Infiltrated. They went and infiltrated the whole section. Blocked it off. Like I said, formed an L perimeter. And the whole time my brother was playing Final Fantasy XII on the couch.
Unknown_03: So he basically got swatted, but yet they never addressed the person who was making these bogus calls. See what I'm saying? It seems like we never go after the person who's accusing. I'm not even one of those Bible guys, but I think that's his original name in the Bible. Lucifer is considered the accuser, right?
Unknown_03: He's called the accuser because usually what he was accusing is...
Unknown_01: before we get crazy out here there are several there are several devil figures in the bible and they get they get mixed up in english quite a bit but uh lucifer is is one of the angels and his job is to be the accuser this comes around in job but uh the serpent for example in in genesis is also supposed to be satan although that's never stated because the satan character comes in way later the very complicated stuff going on there but yeah
But that basic nature, like the idea that someone is pointing a finger saying, go after them, go after them, go after them.
Unknown_03: And no one ever seems to question that person. Like when someone's pointing a finger, Get the whole story right before you go and pull out guns and shoot people. Like, wait a minute. Who's making this call? Is this a credible source? Because if a private citizen were to make calls and dox a public official right now, right, a senator, a governor, they're not going to take that call seriously, right? They're going to go after the private citizen, right?
Unknown_01: No one's going to believe that your senator is going to kill up a bunch of people, but then they will go after me or whoever that caller would be, right?
The thing is that they do, and there have been a lot of convictions for swatting by stupid kids.
Unknown_09: There was a big story where two people got into a fight on Call of Duty and one dachshund spotted the other guy. And then they just said, who would do this to you? And there's like probably, you know, XX gay killer XX 69 on Call of Duty.
Unknown_09: And it was like, okay, we'll check it out. And then I guess they could corroborate that. And he got put in jail for attempted murder. He got a ridiculous fucking charge leveled against him for what he did. And it's just that I don't think you hear about it, number one. Number two, the information that they will work with uh is often anonymous like completely anonymous but they don't require you to validate or back up or associate an identity with the information in any way shape or form before they act on it and like you got to think it's like if you call in like a shooting
At like a mosque. You say, look, the nearby mosque, I'm hearing gunshots. I'm hearing gunshots and screaming.
Unknown_09: It doesn't matter if it's anonymous or not. Do you think they're going to wait half an hour like they did in New Zealand before sending people in so they can corroborate that information?
Oh, man, it's low.
Unknown_09: They're going to send one guy over to check and see if they actually hear any noises before they send them the satellite. Like, no, they're going to, by the time that information is read, within minutes, there's going to be fucking helicopters. There's going to be armored vans. Like, there's going to be, at the FBI office, I imagine they have those little firefighter poles where they, like, they hear the bell and they run down and put on, like, their armored belts and shit and get into the van. Like, they're not, no, you can't. just can't it's a very it is it's a very difficult question to ask like what how do you how do you mitigate fraud because on one hand you have to be as fast as humanly possible but on the other hand you have to exercise restraint and that's that's a difficult stack to balance you know what i think needs to happen nick and you know you and i've talked about this where one of the you know uh i'm sure m and josh can also agree is that
One of the ways to have a civilized society is deterrence. So how do you deter people from these bogus calls? I truly believe that to have it both ways, someone makes a call, and yes, you have a militarized force to check on the situation, not with their finger on the trigger, obviously, but to check, right? If they find out it was bogus,
Unknown_03: then whoever makes that call should be incurring all the charges, right? To send out SWAT, because that's not cheap.
Unknown_01: They should get restitution.
Unknown_03: They should get restitution. Let me ask you something, Josh. Imagine if you're somebody who gets mad at someone on Call of Duty and you SWAT them. SWAT shows up and they find out this person is just, I don't know, playing a game or just even if it's the wrong person or just whatever, right? They're not a threat. you should get a bill. And then what kind of bill do you think SWAT would give you?
It's huge. You see what I'm saying? I had a buddy who had a case where a kid was jumping off a bridge where it said no diving from the bridge, you know, over like a stream or a lake or something. And he was jumping in and he had made some post like on on twitter or whatever like i'm gonna end it all smiley smiley smiley and and he posts that and somebody saw it and reported it as like a suicide's about to happen so they send in i mean yeah this is a small town so they send in everything everything yeah and they've got helicopters and ambulances and stuff this kid had to pay he was uh he was found guilty of like hoaxing a suicide and then he had to pay restitution and it was like 60 grand but i'm saying like that would like the average person whoever's you know doing these calls they probably don't have 60 grand to spare right so could you imagine if that became the new norm where someone says no no don't worry you make that call we will converge on that location for that person however
We find out it's not what you say it is. You're eating the cost and then some and you're facing criminal charges. All of a sudden people say, wait, maybe just because I lost some Call of Duty or Fortnite, I shouldn't make that call. You see, that would be the deterrent.
Unknown_09: The issue is still that, you know, the senator is usually anonymous. It's a...
Unknown_09: It doesn't matter. You can make the penalty the death penalty. If they go over there and there's nothing there, they're just going to reroute the SWAT team to your house.
If someone makes the call in, you look at, I know people who work in the government sector, right? And if they want to find you, if you're making a call, they can trace you.
Unknown_03: Um, the information, what they usually do is that they're online and they use a VPN and then, you know, they go to a website through the VPN and the sender is, you know, behind seven proxies using Tor.
Unknown_09: Correct. And he's just filling out a form on the internet and there's no way to trace that.
Unknown_01: Yeah, it gets complicated. It's interesting. It's one of the few places where government is so far behind what's easily accessible to people. It's in child support.
If you want to find somebody, real talk. Oh, we don't know where Bin Laden is. Send child support.
Unknown_03: This person is in a fleet, the country. Send child support.
Unknown_00: They'll find him.
Unknown_03: The county services attorney. Trust me. Hey, Josh, real talk, man. If you want to find anybody, send child support. They will find you.
Unknown_03: Another country, another alias. Don't worry, they got you.
Unknown_01: Hold on, I got a couple chats to get to. I got to finish this one by Stan with Vic. Said, how do guys get into Fyndom and do they ever have regular lives? Asking for a friend.
Do you guys have any idea? I have no idea how someone gets into Fyndom. That sounds like the worst life I can imagine.
Unknown_09: Yeah, those sound pretty awful. But I don't know. It's weird to me that there are like sexual fetishes that become lifestyles.
Unknown_09: And my thought is always that if you're the kind of person who has to replace like hobbies and funfaring activity with like your extended sexual fetish universe, you're probably very boring. You know what I mean? Like you don't have anything else going on. So you just got to replace all that shit with like creepy sex stuff.
Now, I watched a documentary thing on the Fendom thing, and those guys were swearing up and down that it wasn't sexual.
Unknown_01: That's even worse. I don't remember what it was. It might've been a YouTube thing too. Like we're using a very loose definition of documentary. We're using a cosplay documentary here. No, this guy's like, no, it's not.
He was very open. I don't get sex as a reward. So why is he doing it? Well, I mean, he was swearing up and down that he wasn't busting out the nitrite gloves and some lubriderm or whatever, but we can imagine.
Unknown_03: You don't want to be out there jerking like that, man. That's sad. But did he give an answer, though?
Unknown_01: He said it wasn't sexual at all.
Unknown_03: Men are the logical creatures, right?
Unknown_01: He just liked being under her control or whatever. And spending his money
at her whim, right? On a whim, she's just like, yeah, yeah, spend money on this.
Unknown_01: She literally would call him at like 4 a.m. and be like, baby, I need some wings. And he would go get them.
Unknown_01: And bring them to her house.
Unknown_09: There is nothing more sexual than chicken wings. Right?
Unknown_01: Hold on.
Unknown_09: Olive Garden.
Unknown_01: Russell Greer, Olive Garden. Olive Garden, man. Okay, can I just...
you interrupted a massive firefight about what fast food is is the most sexual but yes go ahead you go ahead because you're the expert on that it would be the cheesy biscuits from red lobster oh those are those are aphrodisiacs i'll i'll say that 100 you could go with that i think uh
Unknown_03: Chicken and waffles. Like, sliders is the worst name ever for a food. Like, hey, you want to go get in the mood?
Unknown_00: Yeah, what you got, daddy? We got that white castle. We got that white castle.
Unknown_03: We got them sliders.
Unknown_00: We about to slide.
Unknown_03: Daddy's about to slide in with these sliders.
Unknown_01: All of a sudden, it ain't sexy no more. With all that onion patty. Onion patty.
Unknown_03: It's like the thickness of a fingernail. You know what I'm saying? That's driving me.
Unknown_01: Em, what were you going to say? Sorry.
I'm sorry. I am just getting harassed on Discord and Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_04: My girl, Casual Seppuku, go to bed, bitch. Okay, that's all I wanted to say.
Unknown_01: There you go.
Unknown_01: Okay, there's a couple chats to get through. Blaine20 says, M has a cute laugh. Heart.
Unknown_01: Oh, that was nice. Thank you.
Unknown_00: Mithran Emrys says, Ron believes someone is guiding it because that is how she operates.
Unknown_01: No wrong think is allowed. Oh, Ren, not Ron. Wow. Poor, poor Ron. RIP that guy. No wrong think is allowed. So she cannot conceive of people gathering information on their own initiative. It defies logic to her because she is a shill.
Ian Conant says, Mr. slash Mrs. Ron Toye was written on a legal document. We all need to remember that, I think. Cree Rose says, Andy Worski, Ethan Ralph, Joyce Sparkles BS, Tonka Saw, Vamp Candy, to name a few, had police sent to their home because of Kiwi Docs, but I still love you, Josh. Wink, wink. Did you need to respond to that, Josh?
Wait, who?
Unknown_01: Who?
Unknown_01: A lot of people apparently. Andy Morski, Ethan Ralph, Joyce Sparkle BF. No, no, no, no, no.
Unknown_04: Don't wrap us into that IBS shit. That was going on way before a lot of those people even had active threads.
Unknown_01: That's a whole other cancer. Yeah, well, I think what the argument is, and I'm not 100% sold on this argument, though, is that if the dox is out there, then someone can use it for nefarious purposes. But, I mean, I think you guys have been of the opinion in stating some relevant examples that you don't need a dox to swat someone or to get police to their house.
You don't. No, and the thing is, if the threat is that somebody's going to kill you because they know where you live... That's so that's so random like there's people living next door to you Like if you want to kill somebody you don't have to like go out of state for that shit There's many local targets that you can go for I don't buy the whole serial killer thing. I don't buy If somebody is a case you so much they're so obsessed with you they're stalking you like they want to do you harm yeah, I didn't believe that somebody that crazy or
is going to find a way to get your information. Yeah, somebody who wants to kill you can't find out where you are.
Unknown_09: If a bunch of fucking retards on some shitty website can find out where you live, guess what?
Unknown_04: Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Unknown_09: Your father with malicious intent can find out where you live. I promise you it's not that hard. It's like four or five different things that people use to dox. It's the easiest goddamn thing in the world.
Unknown_01: It's not special. DM me where I can mail the tombstone because you just got annihilated.
Unknown_05: I know. Fuck you, Noel. I'm speaking inclusively.
i'm not throwing shade i am the shade uh jose answers people can use skype or burner phones online number uh burner online phone number as a means of doing a swat call that's true you were talking about that behind all the proxies yeah uh ian conant says minnesota represent hey what's up buddy um okay so m
Unknown_01: Would you be willing, within whatever bounds you think is necessary to talk about, because you on the, I joked last night, but I think, I mean, I think it's a running joke on the farms, at least in the Vic Mignogna thread, that you are the taker of skulls, right?
Because you have, or the... Yes, I love Damien.
Unknown_05: I love Damien. He started a meme about it.
Unknown_01: yeah and i first i was a collector and then i became the doximon master yeah the doximon master got a doximal
Unknown_03: That's a thing? It's a hashtag?
Unknown_01: No, I mean, it's a meme now on Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_02: Oh, okay, yeah.
Unknown_01: So it's got a Pokedex and then the face of everybody who's been doxxed, right? That's what's going on. Now, and again, I think this is an important distinction. These are not people who are anonymous being exposed. These are people who are... public in some capacity and have specifically inserted themselves into a very public argument, right? Like this would be, uh, well, I mean, this, this kind of happened to me the other week, although the other side isn't very good at it. I, you know, people brought up my business address or posting pictures of my office and Which to them, and they were doing it in retaliation for me having an address of some other lawyer, like his office address on my show. Because he sent an ethics complaint about me probably a year ago. Yeah, Kevin Landau, Landwee. It's got to get old. Yeah, but so he has a mailing address in New York. It's not even a real address. It's one of those Regis offices.
Unknown_01: Because their main office is in Michigan, but they do business in New York. So they have a rent-a-office that you can send mail to. From what I remember is that the address he has is very fancy, and there's no way he actually has an office there. It's like 45 Rockefeller Plaza. Like, yeah. There's like there is an office there, but it's like one Chinese lady with like 10,000 different addresses registered there.
Yeah, it's honestly a mailroom and they tons of places will have an address there and they sort it all out and you can go because if you're not, I mean, renting an office in Manhattan is going to cost you a fortune.
Unknown_01: Right. So so I had that up briefly. So then people, of course, like docks my work address and they're posting my office location, which I don't really care. It doesn't bother me.
But that would be like me coming out and complaining that I who am commenting very publicly on this stuff.
Unknown_01: Am now being dragged into it so that I wanted to make a make it clear that these are not like Random anonymous people being doxxed or people who've made one statement on the subject. These are people actively participating in a very public discussion and in very very inflammatory ways So, Em, would you be willing to walk us through a little bit at least about Dominique's case? Because I found it very interesting when I was looking at what was going on there and the truth about where that information is and where it kind of came from. So I don't know if you'd be willing.
Okay. You just want... Like, me to walk through how I doxed her?
Unknown_01: Yeah. And talk about where that information... Because I think people think that there's some, like, leet hacker scene from Swordfish. Yeah. With your, like, 17 monitors and your one crappy keyboard and mouse. And you're, like, for some reason, throwing stuff all over the place and compiling information in a spider's web. But it's not... It's never that complicated.
No, it's not.
Unknown_05: Most of the time. I've never done a dog's back complicated.
Unknown_05: No, so Dominique Skye has public profiles.
Unknown_05: She has a public Twitter, although she did lock it down for a while, but she unlocked it before this happened. And she has a public Instagram and she has public Facebook pages. And her husband has a public Facebook page that she links to from her Facebook page. And his name is his Facebook handle, you know? You can, you just look at it and it's there. And, um, I, I knew that Skye is not her last name. Um, even if I didn't have confirmation for that, I like, I knew it because there's just no way.
And, but so I had her husband's name and I had their marriage date. Cause she has that listed on her Facebook, you know, when she links, to his because it says I am married to on this day.
And, you know, she's come out and said publicly that she lives in Texas. So all I did was look up Texas marriage records for that day with, and with her husband's name and there it is her name.
Unknown_05: And from there it's, you know, Texas is a state that, uh, post a lot of public information, but a lot of public records, including property records,
Unknown_05: So I was able to find her address through public property records and confirm it from, even if I didn't have that, she's posted a lot of pictures from inside her house and stuff like that. And just basically it's like a game. It's like a puzzle. It's all the pieces are there. You just have to put it together.
It's not hacking. It's not stalking.
Unknown_09: What's that game with the numbers? I want to say Seppuku, but I know it's Sudoku. Sudoku. It's not Seppuku.
Unknown_06: Come on. It's like Sudoku.
Unknown_09: You have the thing. Seppuku's a game. You have the piece of paper. You have a couple numbers in there. And you can logically fill out the entire thing if you look for it. That's all it is.
Yeah, and that's what it is.
Unknown_01: You know, I think...
Unknown_01: are certain people out there with uh different perspectives on doxing or um or whatever like i mean me for example i mean my information is available on a very public search right like you can find you can find quite a bit about me uh because i'm a lawyer so i'm publicly registered i have a public license um dominique's a registered nurse and she has talked about that at length and there's, you can find information about her from that as well. Uh, so there, there are some people out there with, with public stuff and it's, it's something that people need to consider when you're going to talk online about something. Is it someone eventually is going to look for you? It's a numbers game.
Unknown_01: And, uh,
Unknown_01: No one has to like or dislike anything. That's not the point of this show. It's not to agree or disagree. But it's to dispel some of the rumor and myth out there. Because I do think people believe that there's some sort of really... Like you're hacking into a chiropractor office or something who's got their information and trying to take it. Funny story. We grew up with a guy who was...
Who was a chiropractor? Who became a chiropractor? I know who you're talking about. Yeah. The big O? Yeah, that guy.
Unknown_03: Yeah.
Unknown_01: Do you know that my mom praised him?
Unknown_03: Was like, you guys need to be more like him. Next thing you know, the feds.
Unknown_01: Yeah. This guy, he was going to the mall, right? He's a chiropractor and he was setting up a table and he would take... take information down, and then he would go and open these medical access credit accounts on behalf of people without their consent, and then just run the bill up on those through his practice. He thought no one would catch him.
they did yeah they did they got you know he i don't think he ever served time though my privilege um white white privilege and white collar privilege no seriously like yeah i mean you look at the crime he did right it's a federal crime that you're taking people's money because now it's wired across state lines it's federal wire fraud right you look at what this guy is doing
Unknown_03: These people did not give him consent to go ahead and take their information down and make those payments, right? He did it to multiple. So each time you do it, that's a new count. So if someone said, how many counts of wire fraud? They would say, every single person times every single transaction is a count. I think he pled it out. Of course he did. Your lawyer tells you, yeah, plead. And yet, I don't think he served any jail time.
He got stiff probation. He did some during the trial. You know, his preliminary stuff.
Unknown_03: Yeah, okay.
Unknown_01: Because I remember there was a time where he was just gone.
Unknown_03: But I think he resurfaced, right?
Yeah, I think he's out now. I think his wife was in on it, maybe. Oh, no, she wasn't in on it. Definitely not.
Unknown_03: She was cleared out. Oh, yeah, that's always part of the deal. You're making a lot of money for a chiropractor.
Unknown_01: A lot of these white knights are dying on the sword for some of these dots.
Unknown_01: Yeah, anyway, but that's a different story. But it's not like my point was, it's not like people are, there's a, okay, some guy on Facebook or on Twitter was talking about how this is a violation of HIPAA and GDPR and stuff like that. And it's like, no, no, no, this information was not given to a privileged source and then leaked, right? Like that's a HIPAA violation is when you give your information to a medical provider and the medical provider comes out and like sells that info or distributes it to someone without your consent. That's a HIPAA violation. GDPR is a eurozone thing where a website collects data on its users and then they distribute that data without the user's consent to advertisers or whoever and there's a privilege in that exchange of information and they're violating the privilege. That's the regulation. This isn't that.
It isn't that by any means. It's merely like you can only really doc someone.
Unknown_01: Well, I shouldn't say you can. Most of the time, people are only really docs through their own public information just by putting those puzzle pieces together, as you said. And so it's important for people to understand that if you're going to be talking online, if you're going to have some sort of social media presence, you need to lock it down. Otherwise, someone will eventually, by the numbers, put the puzzle pieces together.
Unknown_09: Even if you do lock it down, people are going to find out eventually. Because if you are developing an online personality, like that personality is adding more numbers to that piece of paper. It's just, it's unavoidable.
The longer that it's out there, the more...
Unknown_09: The more of a inevitability it becomes, you know, because Europe does have a lot of strong data like privacy laws that protect you from both companies and and from government sources leaking information. But the drawback to that is when Tommy Robinson, for instance, in the UK, when he got arrested, he was detained. He was put in a cell. Six hours later, he was tried by a judge and convicted before anybody had any clue of what had happened to him. He was not allowed to make an outside phone call. and and you know the time it took before he was convicted of the crime he was detained on um and there's no paper trail for it you can't check like the inmate records they don't have mug shots in the uk so you know even if you were actively looking to see what happened to him see if he was arrested you would not be able to find that information right so the drawback the drawback is Yes. And things in the US, a lot of stuff is public record that perhaps you wouldn't want to be public record. But the converse is you are so much more protected from a government intrusion on your life because there is a paper trail for everything the government does to you. And, you know, people in the EU typically really, really, really, really hate doxing. And they consider it like a intrusion on people in the US that the government assist them the way that they do. but they don't understand at how much they're, they're relying on the government to take care of them when, when they, when they do that.
Right. I know that's like an aside, but no, it's an important aside because that's, um, Oh, maybe this is a good time to transition. So we'll inject, we'll inject some hormones and move into this, uh, other subject. One of the, one of the, um,
Unknown_01: It's a good time to transition because I was contacted by this guy, this brony. You can say he's a brony. I did say that I wasn't going to use his name. Everybody knows who I'm talking about, okay? so this uh this guy contacted me in regards to this vic situation he i've had three phone conversations with him and i want people to know kind of what happened on those conversations because what what happened um in real time is that this guy came out what was it yesterday uh em or was it the day before okay so yesterday this guy comes out with some very inflammatory tweets about Vic. And his story starts off that he witnessed two women, or I know he told me he only witnessed one of them, but he knows two women who were sexually assaulted by Vic Mignogna. That's I mean, that's the tweet. Two people I know were sexually assaulted by Vic Mignogna. And then he starts following up and replying to people and saying that police reports were filed, that he witnessed one of the assaults, of course, and stuff like that. And then then he starts getting some heat.
From the from the online community people are tagging me I wasn't even watching until I think I responded to one tweet from go shell Zen And I was just like I'll have to look into this right like I don't know what's going on so I said I was gonna look into it and then this guy calls me and probably within 30 minutes to an hour from when that happened. And he's like, hey, man, they tagged the police on Twitter. People are, you know, just blowing my phone up and all this stuff, and this is not okay. And I'm like, well...
What do you want me to do about it? Because I know what I'm not doing. I've never even heard of you before this person tweeted me and just tagged me. And I haven't said to do anything. I don't control people at all. So what do you want me to do?
And the guy's like, well, it's just not okay. Like, you know, I agree, right? No one needs to be harassed or bothered in their home or anything like that. But at the same time, I can't do anything other than maybe send out a little tweet that says, hey, you know what? Please remember not to bother people. So even then he accused somebody of like rape. Well, yeah, we're going to get to that. So, so yeah, he, he throws out this huge accusation, right? Two of my friends sexually assaulted by a man and there's a police report. So when he on the call, I'm like, okay, I need two things. One, where's the police report? to what happened right because this guy says he witnessed it now what his story was yesterday was that he and his friend are at a convention his friend wants to go meet vick and uh and so they go through the line or whatever and they go to take the picture and he tells me that vick grabs this woman's breast
She pushes his hand away and says no, and then he grabs it again. So a massive accusation right there. That is, under Texas law, that's probably not sexual assault, but it's probably a sexual battery or something like that. But sexual assault in Texas is listed specifically as, like, genital penetration or contact. So...
Unknown_01: Breasts likely aren't included in sex organs in Texas. Although there's an argument to be made, but it doesn't matter. This is didn't matter because this didn't happen in Texas. This allegedly happened in Ohio. Okay. So I'm like, well, I think one of his friends is Canadian, but this apparently happened at Ohio con in Columbus, which would have been four or five years ago.
Uh, whenever Vic was last at Ohio con, he's not there very often, uh, from what I understand. So, um, but he tells a story. This is a massive story.
Unknown_01: Doesn't make any sense to me, but you know, this guy says he witnessed this. I said, okay, there's a police report on this. And he's like, uh, well, I don't know.
So immediately now it's like, wait a minute. You said there were police reports on Twitter, but now you don't know. He says, well, I hope she filed one.
Unknown_01: I gave her a written statement and, uh, and he said, okay, well, where would it have been filed? There's probably Columbus where the, where the con was. That makes sense, right? You file it where the event took place. That's the, and that's the best I've got is happening. Columbus at Ohio con. So today that was at night, you know, I said, I'd make the tweet and I sent out the tweet said, please don't bother this guy or whatever. Uh, I'll look into it. So this probably early afternoon, I was running my kids around today, probably early afternoon. I call up both the Columbus, Ohio Police Department, the records department. And I ask, are there any records involving Vic Mignogna? Right. And I even I even did two spellings of it in case in case there was a bad spelling or something like that. That's a lie. I actually misspelled it. How embarrassing. And I called back. And I called back and spelled it correctly. But, you know, I did what would be a common misspelling of someone who's even typed that name like a hundred times.
And then I called back and verified with the correct spelling. No records. Okay, so then I call the Franklin County Sheriff's Department, which would be the Sheriff's Department that would handle that if the city police didn't know records. Same thing. I actually checked both names with the Franklin County Sheriff's Department as well, just to make sure, right?
Unknown_01: Nothing.
So, of course, no, there's no police department.
Unknown_03: Never.
Unknown_01: We've got a victim who has disappeared and is unnamed. And now it's gone from, well, I witnessed this, but it's not my story to tell. Now it's the third-hand account again. Of course. Every single time it comes up, this is a third-hand account. So then the guy calls me back today. Apparently people have called his work and all that stuff.
Unknown_05: Yeah, I don't believe that for a second.
Unknown_01: Yeah, all I can tell you is what the guy said, right? That people have called his work.
I don't know.
Unknown_01: As always, my position is don't bother people. Actually, that's the Kiwi Farms position too, right? It is. I mean, I don't buy it, but if somebody did call his work, that's really fucking retarded and you shouldn't do that. Yeah, you never harass the locale. You just watch.
Unknown_09: You watch them generally.
Unknown_09: Even then, it's like, I can't feel too bad for them. How hard is it to not go out of your way to accuse people of rape?
Now, we're going to get to that, too. Because at first, I'm like, people shouldn't bother you, right? That's kind of lame. Well, then...
Unknown_01: I start talking to this guy and he's like, well, did you find a police report? I'm like, what do you think? Like, what? Really? What do you think here? You think that she's going to she didn't file a police report. So, Mike, tell me the story again. Now, let me tell you the second story.
Unknown_01: Same dude. Same dude. Same incident.
But here's the retelling of that story.
Unknown_02: And go.
Unknown_01: Because, well, you don't tell me what to do. Oh, here we go. Because the story, remember, refresher is grabbed breast, told no, grabbed breast again. Now, here's the retelling of that story.
Unknown_01: Arm goes around the waist.
Unknown_01: Hand moves up, maybe grazes a breast.
Unknown_01: pushes hand down, hand goes back up, grazes a breast again. At the time, no one thought anything of it. Completely innocent.
Later, when all this blows up, think back on the incident and think, well, maybe that was weird. So we go from sexually assaulted my friend by grabbing her breast twice to, well, this was innocent at first. Looks like the ridge of his index finger might have gotten some under boob action.
Unknown_01: And no one thought of it at the time, but only later. So that's how that story gets told.
You expand the definition to fit your narrative to get the result you want. I have a question for Em, actually. Okay. So Em, as a woman, how do you feel about when women come up with these bogus allegations about whether they meet you or time's up, whatever it is, right? My question is this. When it comes to these allegations, why is it that A, women aren't standing by men, falsely accused or not, because men have no rights in America, the Western world, and B, my question has always been this, why is it that not women and men? Why is it the first question ever, where's the police report? Every time someone accuses someone, because it's always on social media or something. So that's my question to you, Em, obviously with the doxing thing.
Do you guys ever, as women, just start coming at people, before they even get two words out, just go like this, where's the police report? Every time, when they try to even tell their story, just go, where's the police report? And then he grabs me, where's the police report? You see what I'm saying?
Unknown_03: Okay, here's what I want to say.
Unknown_05: Twitter is not real life.
Unknown_03: Go ahead.
Unknown_05: I think, in real life, myself and a lot of women are kind of disturbed at the trend of, you know, we're going to ruin someone's entire life over an accusation with nothing really to back it up.
I think, you know, if something like that happened to my boyfriend, or, you know, my friend, a family member, then yeah, definitely, I'm gonna be there supporting them. And I want to know, you know, what evidence do you have? You know, did you go to the police? Did you do anything? I think
Unknown_05: most women are like that I think uh it's just not that way on Twitter and in the larger media because those people are crazy yeah I think it is it's it's a it's a political alignment I think that in general like you know there are women who are like defensive of people like Jeffrey Dahmer and Elliot Rogers like
I think it's unfair to say that women don't stand by men because they do.
Unknown_05: It's just that on Twitter, everybody is fucking psychotic.
Unknown_09: It's not fair to judge women by the Twitters because the people on Twitter are
Unknown_09: like genuinely, like you have, I'm sorry. I think that if you have, like more than 20,000 tweets, you're probably mentally ill. Hey, wait a minute. Let me check my stats. Yeah, you're getting up there, mister. You need to slow your pace on the tweeting because I checked. It's like 11,000.
I was going to say 10,000. I've got 12.2. Oh, my God. I was going to say 10,000. I was like, fuck, that would include Nick. Let me bump up to 20,000 real quick.
Unknown_09: Yeah, pretty soon I'm going to have to play the seppuku game you were talking about earlier. Just delete all your tweets like everybody else. It's okay.
Unknown_09: But no, it's like, really, you have to have a specific mindset to be one of those people who has that many tweets. And that mindset is very mob mentality, I think. Because if you're the kind of person that can roll around and enjoy the thousands of tweets thing, you have to be a part of the mob, I think. It's just my thoughts.
Yeah, thanks for outing me.
Unknown_01: I need that Twitter.
Unknown_01: Well, I mean, Twitter is a microcosm, and it's not a microcosm that is reflective of society. It's a microcosm that's reflective of a locker room.
It's very, very different.
Unknown_03: I think it's closer to an echo chamber. I don't do social media, but I understand that basic part of it.
Unknown_03: It's just kind of like these groups of people sit there and say, like I said, the fake outrage culture. When you first told me about Vic Mignogna about a month ago, what was going on, And I was kind of like, oh, how much support does he have? If you notice, he seems to have more support from fans than he does in necessarily his professional community. There doesn't seem to be anyone in his professional community that's giving him due process. It's the fans who kind of dig in, either whether they kind of do it with a he's our guy or let's just have due process work itself out. But there doesn't seem to be anyone. How many companies that Vic has worked with? How many... functions as you go to these conventions that stand up for due process. You see what I'm saying?
Yeah, that's... Well, there's a couple LA studios that still have him on. A couple?
Unknown_03: How many, though? Well, I think he was...
Unknown_01: I'm not an expert on this side of the lore because I really only care about the studios that have fired him.
But I think there's one that he does consistent work for and one that he does intermittent work for.
Unknown_01: And he lost the two consistent work ones in Texas. So right now he's firing at one and a half out of three and a half. if that makes sense. Lots of his support is groundswell. Now, the hard thing for him is that there are voice actors in the community who do...
Unknown_01: I can't say they do support him. They're on his side, but they can't publicly support him.
Because then it's like, oh, you're with the rapist or whatever.
Unknown_01: Because what some people really need to realize in this situation, and this I think is going to become very apparent over the next...
Unknown_01: couple weeks to a couple months is that this is not an isolated group like of just a few people who all came it's magically at the same time to the conclusion of oh vic has been doing this stuff and now we all need to act or now i need to act all of them independently doing that No, there is very much a culture, a clique group that has made a very concerted effort to get him removed from roles. And, for example, Ty Beard, who is his lawyer, was on one of my streams, and he mentioned that one of these people has gone after... specifically one of Ty's other clients for their choice of lawyer. And I'll tell you now, that was not a single person effort. It's not like one guy called up and said, hey, hiring this lawyer is bad. No, it didn't operate that way. It operated through multiple people. People keep talking about this conspiracy theory. This civil conspiracy is not a theory. It's a matter of proving it. It's definitely happening.
And so I know there are people, I've talked to other voice actors who are on his side under condition of anonymity. They can't stand up because they know that they're out.
Unknown_03: Correct.
Unknown_01: The moment they do.
Unknown_03: Now, you and I talked about this earlier. How many of these people do you think it's more of a matter of just jealousy and envy aimed toward Vic? Like, you know, I'm sure Josh and Em kind of weigh in on that. And also you, Nick. Like, how many of these people are saying, this guy has X amount of success. Vic is, you know, a handsome guy. He's successful in his field. You know, he gets lots of attention at these conventions. Maybe these other people aren't getting the same level of attention. They aren't getting the hugs and kisses from... all these fans, do you believe that that plays a big part in it?
I do, but I'm more curious what an observer like Em, who's been watching this from the outside, and Em, correct me if I'm wrong, but you have no affiliation or even before this thing happened, did you even know about Vic or care at all?
I mean, I knew who he was, but no, I didn't really care about him. I'm not a Vic stan. Like when Dominique got doxxed, that's what everybody on Twitter was saying. Look what the Vic stans are out of control. I don't even really care about Vic, to be honest. Like I don't want his life burned down over bogus accusations and shit like that. I don't believe in like, you know, mob justice, mob mentality that's been happening with stuff like this. But, you know, no, I don't really care about him beyond that. And I didn't really pay attention to him before this at all.
Um, so what's your, what's your read on what Drexel was saying? Where basically, uh, is, is jealousy is jealousy and professional and personal jealousy playing a role in this, uh, in your opinion, like, are you seeing that or not?
Unknown_05: I think, I think, uh, envy is part of it for sure. Um, especially with all of like these little weasels that have been running around the background that are definitely not as successful or popular. and never will be.
Unknown_05: And I think with the bigger players in it, like Monica and Sabbath and stuff like that, I think a lot of it is also them, you know, just being completely unprofessional and taking personal grudges to a whole other level.
And, you know, you know, most of us, if we have a coworker we don't like, We get over that and just get on with our lives and our jobs.
Unknown_01: And the amazing thing with their work is that, you know, for the most part, they barely see each other.
Unknown_01: They might run into each other at a con where they're double scheduled, but they don't record at Funimation often. Many of them record at home or at a friend's house or at some other studio and send the work in to Funimation for mixing. Like, Vic was recording from L.A., from his home in L.A., my understanding, many of his parts for Funimation and sending them in. So, like, when we've got these stories of him assaulting someone in the Funimation lobby, it's like, well, that could have happened maybe twice in the past 15 years when he was actually there.
You know, he's not... So, I mean, these people are having these coworkers that they don't like, Or have a problem with and it's amazing because how would you function in a regular workplace? Where you see these people on a on a daily basis.
Unknown_03: Yeah, you brush shoulders with them.
Unknown_01: It's wild They're probably working that way specifically because they do have some kind of anti-social personality disorder It's the only way they can get by and then something happens and they're just like yeah I I gotta I gotta ruin you because you pissed me off Right. And it's very, very strange. Let me get to a couple of these chats real quick. Wyatt Whitman says, so today is International Be Kind to Lawyers Day. You're amazing. And if anyone is mean to you today, we're going to have beef. Also, I started saying blood for the blood god when I play for the blood totem in Risk of Rain 2.
Awesome. Fantastic. Thank you. Thank you for that. And thank you for being kind to a lawyer. That sounded like a kid, but hopefully not. Ian Conant says, grew up in Ohio. Ohio law does include breasts as private organs. Well, there you go. Yeah, I was saying I don't know if Texas does, but I'm pretty sure that in Ohio it would be a sexual assault case. Takaki Onsai says, what I am finding hilarious is that no one actually cared about what Kiwi Farms is doing until Dominique Sky was exposed. Then everyone on the Kick Vic side lost their collective minds. What makes that cost thought so special? And that's true.
Somebody showed me screenshots from Paul, like them saying, like, these people are crazy. They docked Dominique Sky. I'm like, who? Like, I don't know. Okay. I brought this up, like, eight times already. I'm sorry. It's still fresh to me. Like, it burned me out really bad. But... Like, okay, you're okay with the shooting thing. And then Dominic's guy gets knocked. And that's where you draw the line. Like, these motherfuckers. These motherfuckers have wronged us. Like, okay, this is where the boundary is drawn. You can not fuck with Dominic's guy, motherfucker.
What's funny is that the same thing happened in Comicsgate, right? Is that We doxed several other people who were more important and involved than Lauren. I mean, we doxed Mark Waid and shit. But as soon as Lauren got doxed, it's like everybody lost their freaking minds. And it went on for months and months on Twitter.
Unknown_01: She milked that one hard.
Oh, she's still doing it. Yeah.
Unknown_05: But I think what's funny is that
Unknown_05: I think these cosplayers and stuff like that, they live online so much more than a lot of these other people.
Unknown_05: That's their job, in a sense.
Unknown_05: And so I think they're willing to be, or maybe just stupider, but they're much more public with it. She immediately went out and posted screenshots and stuff like that, basically telling everybody where they can go find this information.
Yeah, it's like an intentional... Other people, I think, either they don't know, because why would they know that we doxed them, or they're smart enough to not say anything about it.
Unknown_01: Yeah, that's been the weird thing in this because normal people are not on Kiwi Farms, right? Like, it's not like, oh, you know what? I'm going to go to my Google page, my Amazon page, and then I'm going to take a stroll over to Kiwi Farms and browse the silicone ball injectors.
Unknown_01: Like, that's not part of the average. What was that?
Unknown_01: That's a good thread. Don't talk down. I'm not talking down. It's just that thread requires a certain type of stomach. So it's not like the normal place that people go. But there's a dedicated group of people who do. But outside of that, the posting about it and ranting and raving about it really produces a Streisand effect. And it draws a bunch more people's attention to it than would otherwise have seen it. It's very weird.
If you think about it, because I haven't checked recently. but last time I checked it was like early this year and we were something like in, uh, like an Alexa, like top 10,000 site. Now, like I think we've just reached the 10,000 top 10,000 websites worldwide, which is really big. And when, when we think about how many people come to the site each day, it's a lot. And if you think about that, like in a corporate sense, like if a company is looking at these numbers and saying, how do we get numbers like these?
you're probably looking at millions in advertising dollars.
Unknown_09: Like the amount of capital you'd have to invest into a project to get the kind of stuff that we've gotten just because people yell about us.
Unknown_09: um is an immeasurable value so all they have to do is you know expose furries who are grooming children yeah well if mcdonald's starts doxing people like a furry board that they open up and then they just put like their own advertisements for like cheeseburgers next to next to the drama that'd be brilliant i can't even i can't even be mad about that
Matoko Kusanagi asks, I'm genuinely curious about just how many, without naming names, are joining Kick Vic and being loud on Twitter because they themselves have been guilty of some sort of illegal activity. I'm not going to name names, but there's at least one. I'm pretty sure he's talking about DC Douglas. Oh, yeah.
Unknown_05: That wouldn't surprise me at all.
Unknown_01: I got a preview something for y'all.
Unknown_01: And I can't, you've got to trust me on this. I can't give you any details. Many of you are waiting for April 15th for one particular reason. But I'm going to tell you, there are two particular reasons. One that you have no idea about.
And I hope to be able to mention it either on April 15th or very soon after because it is going to be riotously funny. And it is going to be shameful. Shameful. Shame for the spray.
Unknown_01: It's bad, y'all. Tax Day is my favorite day in 2019. Let's just say that. Let's just say that.
Unknown_05: Just the absolute state of 2019. Yeah.
Unknown_01: Well, when the juiciness of tax day is overcoming the fact that taxes had to be filed by that day, when that is outweighing, you know it's good. You know it's good. Of course. So, uh, that'll be, that'll be very, very interesting to see what's going on. Um, Ian Conant says, uh, oh yeah, but, uh, I, I do think this is the male feminine to get back to the question. This is the male feminist, uh,
what paradox we should we call it the male feminist paradox where these uh these guys who are absolutely horrifying uh are sometimes the loudest male feminists out there right to to hide their own um indiscretions and all that yeah please look over there at that person don't look too deep beneath my covers because you'll find something you'll find you'll find dead things
Pretty much. Yeah. Because they got skeletons in the closet.
Unknown_03: Joe Biden is feeling the heat. Al Franken felt the heat. A lot of guys, we talked about this.
Unknown_01: Yeah, Harvey Weinstein.
Unknown_03: Harvey Weinstein was a huge male feminist.
Unknown_03: The Mangina card doesn't work, man. This whole male feminist. And then when they get exposed, for better and for worse, in terms of from their own perspective, it's like,
Unknown_03: due process they took it out of context and all of a sudden now they want to flip the script do you see the world's most famous fan kick wait was that the sjw dude who kicked the phone out of the girl's hand yeah i saw that dude man i think he kicked her in the face Yeah, he was aiming for the phone. And then, yeah, he kicked her in the face. I saw that. Yeah, he was wearing a purple shirt.
Was the phone here? Yeah.
Unknown_03: Because, like, if I'm recording something, the phone's here. Well, it could be, like, here. And he's trying to wind kick the hand.
Unknown_01: Yeah.
Unknown_03: But... Homeboy should have found his range first. Yeah, he should have found the range first. He should have done, like, a warm-up kick or stretch or something. Yeah.
Unknown_01: Yeah, I did see that dude. He got a couple of test jabs out.
Unknown_03: Did anything ever happen to that dude?
Unknown_01: Uh... I don't know. I feel like he got arrested. Didn't he? Oh, he got arrested, but it was, he got charged.
Was it Canada? I always thought it was like Seattle or Portland, someplace like that.
Unknown_01: No, it wasn't Canada. Yeah, it was Canada. I know he got charged, but I don't know if he got out of it. Well, the bike lock guy, Eric Clanton, he was the guy who was going to like the Antifa rallies or whatever, and he had a bike lock on a chain. He was hitting people. Like he'd just walk up into a big crowd and he'd hit someone like with a MAGA hat in the head with a bike lock.
Unknown_02: Oh, wow.
Unknown_01: He gets charged with like a bunch of assault with, you know, deadly weapons and felony assaults. And they they dropped all of them for a plea agreement on like a misdemeanor disturbing, you know, disturbing the peace charge or whatever.
Unknown_01: No jail time.
Unknown_01: Portland was outside of Portland.
Unknown_09: That wouldn't have happened.
Unknown_01: Yeah, I think it was. It was somewhere like Portland or Berkeley. It was Portland. It was Berkeley, I'm pretty sure.
Unknown_03: Really? I remember it kind of being one of those. Because I kind of hear some of these stories.
Unknown_09: The odds are very tilted in favor of him. Not a better place in the world to assault somebody with a bike lot for wearing a hat than Berkeley and Portland.
You remember, though, Josh, because I was actually just out in Berkeley this past summer.
Unknown_03: It matters if you are the... Do you have one of those pink hats on?
Unknown_01: I do not. Marching down the road? I do not. Women unite?
Unknown_03: Yeah, we are women unite. I was in Berkeley, and the stories are true about stepping over homeless people and everything, but...
Unknown_03: When you're saying what you get off with, you get off with that based on your political affiliations. If you are a super leftist, you'll get away with that over there. Do you remember that case with the guy, I believe it was in Texas, the guy who shot the illegal immigrants who were stealing his neighbor's stuff, right? Remember that case?
He shot him in the back and he beat the rap.
Unknown_03: Yeah, in Texas- Because he was in Texas.
Unknown_01: In Texas, you can defend- You can defend you and your neighbor's property, I guess. Yeah, you can defend any property- With deadly force? From a burglary, which is a felony with deadly force in Texas. Because the reason-
Unknown_03: It's cattle related, right? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I do remember that.
Unknown_01: Texas has some pretty funny laws based on... They're based on like old... They're old laws that when you apply them to modern times, you're kind of like, oh yeah, it kind of works. Right.
Given the modern times.
Unknown_01: Well, Texas is like a mini Australia. Like Texas, collection in Texas is really tough because the early Texans were all fleeing debts in the state.
Unknown_02: Correct.
Unknown_01: And so then they come out and they form their state laws and their state laws insulate. Like you can't take houses, you can't take anything from people in Texas. It's very, very hard to take from a private citizen.
Unknown_01: Because they're, you know, well... Well, eventually they're going to come here and we need to make sure that we're insulated. Correct. And same thing with the property. Like, well, if you're going to take the neighbor's property, I mean, maybe he's out taking a nap and you guys are running cattle next to each other or whatever. And someone, you know, they don't want some thief coming along and... Trying to confuse it. Well, I was stealing his cows, not your cows.
Unknown_01: So they just let you shoot whoever. Not recommended, by the way. That's a very unrecommended cause a course of action to shoot a burglar in the back. Even in Texas, I would I would strongly suggest not taking that course of action because, you know, that's just that's one one judge away from being you you with a murder charge.
more or less it has better standard ground laws than texas florida florida you can shoot anyone anywhere your your castle is where you're at buddy you see fit my castle doctrine is a 45 uh
Unknown_01: Let's see, Ian Conant says, is there a way for the Japanese content creators to revoke the rights slash licenses of Funimation to produce the English dubs of their content? Now, the answer to that without actually seeing the licensing agreement is I don't know. But the heavy implication that I've heard from both insiders and outsiders and from people in both the US and Japan while researching and talking about this, is that Funimation can make, or no, Toei and other Japanese studios can make business hell for Funimation very easily. That they have tons of creative control and may be able to just pull licenses on a whim.
And that's pretty consistent with the state of the voice acting community from what I've seen. There is not a lot of protection and not a lot of money going to the Americans in this business. They make all their money at conventions.
Unknown_01: They don't make a ton of money. Just so people know, I guess union rules for an American TV show...
Unknown_01: If you're recording an episode of, like, My Little Pony, for example, you're pulling in, as a voice actor, a minimum of, like, a grand an episode. That's the union rule for an American original TV content. If you're talking anime content... Yeah, they're dubbing you in. Yeah, your union rules on anime content is something like 75 bucks an hour. And in LA, you're guaranteed two hours of studio time for each episode. So you go from $1,000 an episode for an American animation studio to $150 an episode for a Japanese anime dub. So it's very much a stepchild industry in the U.S. And that's something that these people need to understand. That's why these conventions are so important to a guy like Vic.
Correct, correct.
Unknown_01: It's because it's not like they're...
Unknown_01: Their contracts with Funimation, that's a door. That's a door to the real money. And the real money comes directly from their fans and their audiences and their engagement.
Unknown_09: Even with actors and stuff. Actors in B-movies, they go to conventions too because they make their money off signatures and merchandise. The people who star in crappy horror movies, they don't make their money from residual income checks. They have to hustle. Right.
Yeah, they get a union wage. But if it's in California, they get a union wage. If it's outside of California, you probably just get an hourly thing. And that's the difference between Funimation and some of these other studios. They're based in Texas. And I heard that they recently raised their base rate to kind of compete with the union rate. But in the union shops, you get like residuals and you get health care and stuff. In the Texas shops, you don't. So, but that's just, you know, it's based on what I've heard.
This is like a step back in the conversation, but you reminded me of something and I've been thinking about it since you, since you said it, when you said don't shoot somebody in the back, have you ever seen the blue collar comedy tour with Jeff Foxworthy? Yeah. Yeah. The original one that they did.
Unknown_09: Yeah, I think there's a skit by Ron White, I think, where he's talking about how you can't shoot somebody in the back in Texas. And he said, shoot somebody in the legs if their back is turned to you, because at some point they'll wonder what it is.
Unknown_09: So they'll turn around? Turn around. Nice. And then you can shoot them. And then it's okay.
Unknown_09: Sorry. It's been sitting on my chest since you said that. Because I was taken back to being a small child and watching Comedy Central and remembering that skit.
Oh, God. I forget how young you are. Because that came out when I was...
Unknown_01: Like in post high school. It was, if it wasn't post high school, it was very close to the end of high school.
Unknown_03: Cause blue collar comedy tour came out around the same time as Kings of comedy. Just right before my freshman year. Yes.
Unknown_01: I think Kings of comedy was first.
Unknown_03: It was first. Okay. So around the same time.
Unknown_01: And then the white people stole the idea like Elvis.
Unknown_03: Oh, here we go. There's no, there's no surviving Elvis, right? You know, there's a surviving, uh, still alive.
What are you talking about? Yeah.
Unknown_01: Oh, I see what you mean. There's no there's no like Elvis.
Unknown_03: There's no Me Too thing for Elvis. No one pedophile. Woody Allen. No one pedophile. Roman Polanski. Like, you know, they always talk about.
Unknown_04: Woody Allen was part of Me Too, wasn't he?
Unknown_03: Say it again.
Unknown_04: Woody Allen, like his daughter came out and talked about it more.
Unknown_03: Recently, but we've known about Woody Allen for years. Oh, well, yeah, that's true. You know what I'm saying? But there's no surviving Woody Allen. There's no surviving Roman Polanski. They want to be like surviving R. Kelly. How'd the girls get there? Oh, their parents brought them.
Well, I mean, what are you going to do?
Unknown_01: Not bring your underage daughter to R. Kelly's house?
Unknown_03: Right. That was my question with the Spacey thing.
Unknown_01: Kevin Spacey thing. When it first came out, Anthony Rapp.
Unknown_03: Was it the 17-year-old or was it the other one?
Unknown_01: He was 14, he said.
Unknown_01: uh anthony rapp the guy who played mark in rent you you wouldn't know you're not a musical guy but uh no so he he was the first accuser where kevin spacey suddenly was gay for the rest of his life after that because that was his defense right well i'm gay now right leave me alone because i'm gay now and i'm living but no so he gets accused by a guy who at the time of the incident said he was like 14 mm-hmm
And it was 14, I was at a Hollywood party, and Kevin Spacey took me up into a room, and he did stuff. And it's like...
Unknown_01: Why were you 14 at a Hollywood party? I know. Where's your mom?
Unknown_03: Drew Barrymore was at parties at like nine, someone that she was saying.
Unknown_01: Well, her and who's that other guy, Corey Feldman?
Unknown_03: Corey Feldman, yeah, the guy who had like the ice, not ice cream, the candy shop. It was basically like the Pied Piper of Hollywood and it was like luring kids there.
Unknown_09: Yeah.
Unknown_03: That was creepy.
Unknown_09: I always feel like, because they do, all these actors and stuff start really young and it just makes me think like the parents are, must know what happens and they still do it because that's like the entrance it's like it's like trial by fire if you want to be a hollywood star or you want your kid to be a hollywood star you have to like sell them to like sexual predators to get them to clout so they can get in movies and stuff that's that's what it feels like to me yeah and it feels like they make that calculation consciously yeah
Horrifying it like I always think about like Emma Watson and stuff like I think all of those people were molested And that's why Rupert got out.
Unknown_09: He sells ice cream now. He doesn't give a shit Rupert Rupert Gint is the is Ron Ron Weasley. Oh, oh from Harry Potter.
Unknown_03: Yeah, I just realized yeah, I was like like I
Unknown_09: Yeah, I mentioned the kids from the show because Emma Watson's not a big feminist icon. I'm just thinking your mom sold you to sex predators, and now that's why you think it's the new norm because you were sold to a pedophile cult in Hollywood, and your friends were smart enough to get, or at least one of them was smart enough to get out. Hey, Josh, I got a question for you.
uh-huh uh do you believe that that's the reason why like you know they're they're so anti-everything about you know and they're over the top like do you think that it's more of a projection like yeah if you're in hollywood which is pedo central and that's why they call it you know the nickname is hollyweird my question you would be like you know josh you think that that's it's 100 projection like because they're in this small incubated world of pedophiles they think like the world is full of pedophiles somebody said it was like a post on poll or something and it was just so perfect it said something like you know i think the reason why all these people talk about this institutionalized misogyny and rape is because they're all in hollywood and they're all getting raped and to them it's a really real thing and they just assume that every place is like rape central like no it's your fucked up little bubble
From California.
Unknown_09: That's psychotic and full of child molesters. All of us, we're fine. We're okay. We're getting through the day unmolested. Well, I mean, maybe you are.
Unknown_03: But Josh, do you see in the chat, there's some of these people that are world famous that I forgot about. There's people talking about Jerry Lee Lewis. We had known about that. There's a lot.
Unknown_01: Married his cousin who was like 13. Howard Hughes. Great Balls of Fire was probably a song about syphilis.
Could be. Could be. I mean, dudes out there getting burnt.
Unknown_03: But you know what I'm saying? You look at these people who are famous and stuff, and as we go back in yesteryear, the so-called golden age of Hollywood and stuff, a lot of those stars, when you start doing a little digging, these people were doing all kinds of... There was no social media back then. There was no internet back then. There was no camera phones getting every little thing that you said and did. Whereas now, it's not that we have that many more pedophiles. It's more exposure. That's it.
Yeah, and somebody mentioned fucking Dan Schneider. Dan Schneider was a producer for Nickelodeon, and he had, like, a foot fetish. And the logo for fucking Nickelodeon for a while in the 90s was a foot. And he posted, like, on the official Nickelodeon Twitter account, posted shit like, okay, kids, write something on your feet and take pictures of it. And this is happening.
Unknown_06: Yeah. And it's like, motherfucker.
Unknown_09: Dan fucking Schneider is one of the gross, like brazen, brazen about it. And he got away with it for fucking decades.
Unknown_01: One too many gins with Quentin Tarantino before that tweet.
Unknown_09: Hey, leave Quentin Tarantino out of this.
Unknown_01: I'm just saying he likes his feet. If Quentin Tarantino is a fucking Chester, I give up on movies.
Unknown_09: I'm just going to watch like South Korean films from now on.
Unknown_01: I'm not going to say he's, he's not, I don't know that he's, there's any like creepy allegations against him. I think it's just, he just likes feet. It's pretty clear. You watch Kill Bill. That man loves Uma Thurman's feet.
I think he loves every actor.
Unknown_03: I mean... I don't know.
Unknown_01: I just know that those feet he likes.
Unknown_03: He really loves Uma. Just like with Pulp Fiction. Yeah. Even in From Dusk Till Dawn. I think it was Juliette Lewis' feet. Like...
Unknown_03: Anywhere there's Tarantino and there's grindhouse in the death-proof part.
Unknown_01: Must have paid him to replace that one leg because that's 50% less feet.
Unknown_03: Yeah, that was something else, man.
Unknown_09: I'm very desensitized to horrible fetishes. As far as I'm concerned, feet is like a classy fetish.
Feet is the Gouda of fetishes.
Unknown_09: yeah just just leave quentin tarantino alone please you know he wants he was i i've never even noticed i've watched all of his movies i don't think i've ever noticed the foot thing are you serious oh my gosh wow go watch kill bill and how many direct shots of uma's feet are in tons i'm pretty sure quentin tarantino has already admitted he has a foot fetish what was that m sorry
Unknown_05: I'm pretty sure he's outright, he has a foot fat.
Unknown_01: Oh, yeah.
But it's so obvious.
Unknown_01: Yeah, he didn't. That was like, well, no, I'm not going to say that joke. Yeah, it's pretty clear.
Unknown_01: Archangel Nishan says, my thoughts on the suits, Nick. Let's slip the dogs of war. Well, it's not up to me. Not up to me. Um, but we'll, we'll see what happens very soon. Blaine 20 says in Ohio, breast contact is third degree misdemeanor. Victim testimony alone is insufficient. Well, I think you're under underscoring or underselling the fact that there is a guy who is, uh,
Mildly not credible who is also a witness. I'm not gonna say that Blaine 20 says so anime dubbing is crowdfunded like YouTube lawyering Here's 20 bucks. Thank you. Thank you. I'm glad you understand how this works Zach and Zach and Tawate I think I'm supposed to just say Zach and the Emperor was wrong embrace chaos use it for your ends as any warrior knows Thanks for getting me into 40k rackets when you when you are Driscoll
Unknown_01: are up in southern burbs oh when he called you driscoll but it's drexel oh okay when we're in the southern burbs let me know drinks on me well next time i'm in the southern suburbs i'll i'll find a way you gotta you gotta give me a way to contact you buddy right but uh send me a send me a message somewhere and let me know let me know um yeah so okay so
I just wanted to try and run back through this Vic stuff and see if there was anything we missed. We covered the doxing.
Unknown_01: I think one of the points that I wanted to get across with the doc stuff is that, like,
Unknown_01: People are expecting, some people out there, and I think they're mostly people on the opposite side of me trying to weaponize this in some way. They expect me to be able to tell you guys what to do.
Unknown_01: Like I'm supposed to direct you to stop doxing or something. One, I would never do that. I don't care what people do online. It's not my responsibility. But two, how would that go for me?
Not great.
Unknown_04: Not great.
Unknown_01: I'll just tell you right now, no. Right. Thank you. Thank you for doing that. Let me pause at a hypothetical.
Unknown_09: Let's say that your life was on the line or something. I'll bend my principles for my best buddy and I'll command the Legion to stand down. You know what would happen? Oh, we would tear you apart.
No, no, no.
Unknown_09: Okay, people would do that, yes. But you know what would actually happen the same day?
Unknown_09: There would be kiwifarms.com
Unknown_09: like house and it would be not managed by me and it would be some other person with a forum and it would be set up literally the same fucking day it would it would just it would just disappear from my hands like if you're holding some sand at the beach and you put the sand into the water and it just slips through your fingers as as sediment that's what would happen it would just be gone like immediately so like it's not even the kiwi farms it's not me it's not the kiwi farms it's not aspect it it is a thing that exists and that will always exist and where it exists is completely irrelevant
Right. Yeah, and that's true.
Unknown_01: But yeah, that's the problem. Well, and I think the guy, the brony guy, got an idea of...
Unknown_01: Of that when he asked if I could do anything to stop what was happening because I put out a tweet yesterday, which is about what I could do. I mean, I guess I could have done it on video, but that didn't seem like a prudent course of action done it on video to say. But I did the tweet that said, hey, you know what? Please don't bother this guy. And then when I talked to him today, one, the guys on it absolutely wrecked, which I mean. Well, you can't blame him, but I can also very much blame him for inserting himself into a very public discussion that that has thousands of very angry people. You can just go watch some MLP and get over it. Yeah. But so he sounded he sounded rattled. And I was like, well, I sent out that tweet yesterday. He's like, yeah, that made it worse. Well.
what do you want like what do you what do you want me to do what do you want people to do about this the the internet is full of it's shocking it's full of individuals who act uh individually and um and that's just the way it's gonna go so uh i appreciate you guys hanging out and and kind of talking about this very candidly um because it's important for people to understand like what I guess the the idea is. And and there is.
Unknown_01: There's obviously no coordinated effort, because if I if I tried to coordinate an effort on Kiwi Farms, I would I would my thread would turn very negative very quickly, I think.
Unknown_01: Yeah, you would probably get moved to the local section.
Unknown_09: Yeah. Oh, man, we don't have a thread on Nick. What the fuck?
Unknown_05: We haven't. Yeah, we have a thread on multimedia.
Unknown_09: Okay, yeah. I was going to say, I'm pretty sure we don't.
Or it's like four posts long, it's on page eight or something.
Unknown_01: We'll see how long that lasts. But no, I mean, that's just the way of the world because I've inserted myself very publicly into a public discussion. The criticism of it is going to be there.
Unknown_01: That's the way it goes. I knew what I was getting into.
Unknown_01: What annoyed me was that the pony guy tried to tell me that he didn't know it was going on.
Unknown_01: That he didn't know this was happening. In the same breath saying he's a big fan of my work.
Unknown_01: So, I believe that zero. Both of those statements cannot be true. If you're a big fan of my work, pretty much all I've talked about for the past month is this situation. Correct. So, you had to know something was happening. But, you know, gotta take him at his word at some point, I guess. I have an inquiry regarding this situation.
Who the fuck is Dominic Skye? It's a cosplayer.
Unknown_07: So what does that have to do with Vic?
Unknown_01: She... You go ahead, Em.
Unknown_05: Go ahead. No, she just jumped in for clout. She's just been running her mouth on Twitter.
Oh, so, so the lady, the lady who said she got diddled was, was, is not related to Dominic, but Dominic came on and was like, I support the lady who got diddled. And then she got doxxed by you for inserting herself. She did much more than that.
Unknown_05: She, she participated basically in doxxing someone else like last week too.
Unknown_01: Ooh.
Unknown_04: Some other cosplayer, I don't know.
Unknown_01: A YouTube personality called Supergirl.
She's on Twitter and YouTube as Supergirl.
Unknown_09: Did she support Vic? Yes. And Dominique Sky doxed her for supporting Vic, and then she got doxed for doxing her for supporting Vic.
Unknown_04: It wasn't doxing when she did it, Noel.
Unknown_09: Oh, okay.
Unknown_01: Why not? What did she do? All she did was she took her anonymous name and linked it to her real name.
Unknown_09: See, everybody likes it until they have a reason not to like it. No, exactly. In her mind, that lady is probably a rape enabler or something. So therefore, it's morally justifiable in her head.
Yeah. Well, everybody has their own justification for doxing. And Dominique's been involved in other antics as well. Early on, she was tweeting that she was in management at Funimation. And that...
Unknown_01: Despite any of my efforts, that rumor persisted that she was actually employed by Funimation and saying that she participated in the HR investigation against Vic and stuff like that. Now, she was doing it as a honeypot to get people to start retweeting it so she could be like, haha, lol, you idiots. You believed me when I said something online.
This woman is the biggest fucking whore.
Unknown_01: Well, I mean, we all have to remember that these people have made a concerted effort to destroy a man's career with zero evidence. But then the moment people react in a way that is adverse to them, suddenly they're a victim. And it's crazy to me. It's crazy. That would be like me being upset that they sent ethics complaints against me. I'm not upset. I think it's stupid. I think it's kind of funny. It would annoy me if it went beyond dismissal. But at the same time, I'm publicly out there talking about it. I'm calling Ron Toye a cuck at every turn. Yeah. I had a joke in a group earlier where I said, you know, they asked what Ron Toye does. And I was like, oh, he's some kind of mortgage lender or something. And I said, but I bet he watches other men lend out money, right? Like...
So I can expect some blowback from that.
Unknown_01: But this is that social justice mentality is I can go online, I can scream about whatever I want, and the moment anyone does anything to me, I'm a victim.
Unknown_03: I'm a victim.
Unknown_01: How dare they?
Unknown_03: It's played out. It's tired.
Unknown_03: But but it's the same thing that they always do you know I'm saying like there's there's no there's never a different path It's just that same that same old kind of a you know now. I'm the victim and it's just At what point do people just finally just say you know screw these people and cancel them Yeah, cancel them well
Here's a thought.
Unknown_09: Where? We're the thought patrol.
Unknown_00: Where are they?
Unknown_07: Well, number one, this woman.
Unknown_09: I just want to say I Googled her name, and I go over to the images, and it's like it's nothing but tits and ass. That's all she does. I see why she's popular.
Unknown_04: That's not true. She breaks. She takes pictures of her kid too.
Unknown_09: Her kid? Well, I'm looking at this. I don't see. You got to go to her Instagram page. I thought that was a midget.
Unknown_00: Oh, my God. Come on, man.
Didn't Michael Jackson do that with Webster? Yeah, you heard that? He's like at an award show. He had like a little Webster like holding him. But Emmanuel is like 20, 28 years old at the time. Look at these beautiful children.
Unknown_02: Yeah.
Unknown_02: that was bad that was bad the legal fund for vic got like a hundred thousand dollars right it meant it's going like a week or something yeah we're at we're at 125 now um i raised i raised the limit to 200 000 i haven't i haven't like promoted it and been talking about it a lot because i raised you know a hundred thousand does a lot but it doesn't do that much
there are like 15 potential defendants and some of them are in other States. Some of them are in Canada. Um, you know, so a hundred thousand was a great start and it was a very symbolic sort of gesture. Uh, I raised it to 200,000, but I haven't been promoting it super heavy. Cause you know, I'm, I'm not a guy who sits in shills stuff. I'm, I'm, admittedly bad at it but i will say uh i think i think after tax day uh we might we might be um i might promote it a little bit that week just for fun
get that tax return money well i also think i think there will be some very specific news that people will want to see following tax day and so they might they might you know be uh more willing to to donate to something with uh for some reason with maybe some tangible results happening on tax day Uh, so that's why I'll probably talk about it then. But yeah, I mean, it's, it's 125,000 so far. The support has been fantastic.
Unknown_09: What I was going to contrast that with was didn't they also do some kind of go, go kick fund me thing.
Unknown_04: Jamie Marchi did a go fund me. But it was for something for supporting victims.
Unknown_01: Supporting. OK, so white white girl Jamie Marchi picks a charity to donate to to try and raise five grand. And it's like sisters of color standing up against sexual violence.
So the whitest, redheadest voice actress picks the sisters of color for standing against sexual violence, not pandering at all. And the best part of that is that that That organization has been under investigation by the General Accountability Office, I believe, the government one.
Unknown_03: On what grounds, though?
Unknown_01: They misappropriated only $2.3 million of taxpayer money that they can't account for. I read their responses to the audit, and the audit was like, you need to maybe add some more board members with some more experience in this sort of stuff. And their response was, nah, no. We're not gonna. It's like the government gave them $2 million and they can't find out what they spent it on.
Yeah, sounds like the lifeline.
Unknown_01: Yeah. Oh, and Jessie Pridemore, she did a GoFundMe to try and raise some money as well to pay her rent, which was really embarrassing, and to pay for a lawyer and a landlord-tenant action, she claims. I don't know that that made much either. I don't think either of them have hit their goals.
I don't think so.
Unknown_04: Last I checked.
Unknown_09: So this is a true story. I once put in an application for a scholarship because I completed my AA like two years ago.
Unknown_09: And I wanted money. So I put in for scholarships. And one of the scholarships I applied to was for black lesbians.
Unknown_09: Wow. I was not granted that particular scholarship, but I think I have the soul of a black lesbian. I think I got the character of it. I don't know what this discrimination is, but it's unflattering. It's undefining of them. But I was going to say, these people who are very loud didn't make much money, as opposed to Vic, who's been most, like, this is a pending legal issue. So I imagine, I'm just guessing that he's been very quiet about it.
he's tweeted five times total since it since it all started so since february sounds about right so you know he has you and he has other people who support him but in general i would say that the noise like signal to noise ratio is in favor of people who don't like him would that be fair to say
Can you clarify what you mean by that?
Unknown_09: If you were to go on Twitter and just take like a head count of people tweeting about Vic, the social media weight is against him, is not in favor of him. I think it was.
Unknown_01: I think it was. But I think it shifted in his favor. Because I was going to say, it seems like a lot of these people have a social media capital, like a internet presence capital, but they don't have much money backing it.
I want to hope that's because people are sensible. The quiet people are more sensible.
Unknown_09: the wisdom to listen more than you speak is present. That's just what I'm hoping, that the loudest people are also the most broke ass. Basically.
Unknown_01: That is true, I think, for sure. So they definitely started with a lead on the social media stuff.
Unknown_01: You know, these are people, Monica Real has something like, I think at the start of this, she had like 60,000, 70,000 followers and she's pushing 80 now.
Jamie Markey had something like 20 to 40,000 followers on Twitter. I mean, they had, and Mars Girl has quite a few. I mean, not that level, but quite a few as well. So they did have some clout on social media, and they were very successful. But as time went on, as they kept tweeting, and as their tweets got more and more insane and unhinged, their engagement, the engagement that they had... It just plummeted. And then Vic comes out and makes one tweet and says, hey, I've retained a lawyer. I didn't want to fight back. I didn't want to do this, but this is the only way. I've got to clear my name. And by the way, there's a GoFundMe out there. He makes that one tweet and blows the like and retweet ratios out of the water of Jamie Markey, Monica Real, and Funimation themselves. I mean, his metrics on it were... shifting very much in his favor when you start breaking down like the number of followers versus the engagement they were getting and now he has a significant following as well and that's been very helpful in all of this is that he has a hundred thousand twitter followers um he has a very dedicated fan base and that honestly has probably saved his life
To put it bluntly.
Unknown_09: Ty Beard made a Twitter account just to say something like, expect us.
Unknown_01: No, he made that account in 2018, but he never used it. Never used it. Until he... We will be in touch. He said something like, expect me.
Unknown_09: He said, we will be in touch. Okay. Yeah. That did very well. Because I remember you retweeted that with, like, nothing on it because he had just made it. And I retweeted it. And by, like, the time I retweeted it, it had gained, like, 200 retweets. Like, in the second, it took me to process the tweet and say, yeah, people should probably see this. This is funny.
Yeah. He had, like, 3,300 followers from one tweet.
Unknown_01: But it goes to show, like, just how...
Unknown_01: much they lost the narrative. They never expected any of this. And that's been the most unique thing watching this movement versus watching Comic Skate and stuff like that is...
Unknown_01: All the people, I think they picked Vic as their first target, because I haven't talked about this much, but people are out there aware. There's a document that was a list of cleansing the anime community of the toxic males, right? It's always the males. And they had to shut it down because one of their own ended up on it. Right. Yeah, of course. Whoops. But so they had this list. And I mean, there's direct messages from Mars girl saying after Vic, we need to do this. And they had a plan. And then I think they picked Vic for a very specific reason. I think they knew in their hearts that he would not fight back, that he would lay down and die, that he would forgive them all and just hope it would blow over. And it kind of looked like he was going to for a while.
It's just true.
Unknown_09: You never, ever, ever apologize. Ever. For any reason.
Unknown_09: There's a recent episode by... Who's the gross British man who does the talk show?
Unknown_04: Piers Morgan? That could be so many people.
Unknown_09: John Oliver. Oh, John Oliver.
Unknown_04: He did Last Week Tonight.
Unknown_09: Yes, he did an episode on mob mentality or internet lynch mobs. And half of it's just interviewing the woman who gave Bill Clinton a blowjob, Monica Lewinsky. And he's talking about it. And it's really funny watching him because I guess his writers realize what a horrible hypocrite he would look like if he did a moral outrage episode on moral outrage. So half of it's almost like apologizing for his show being the way it is.
And the other half is telling people that it's a bad thing to do.
Unknown_06: And it's it's just there's a part where he's yelling at Tucker Carlson because Tucker Carlson said something like Arabs are primitive subhumans and everything they do is disgusting.
And he said that like 20 years ago on some shock jock podcast, right? Or ShopJockRadio.
Unknown_09: Yeah, exactly. And it got brought up and people tried to rub his nose in it. And it's just like, fuck you, I'm not apologizing. And John Oliver was so indignant about this. Like, he didn't even apologize. Like, well, no shit. How dare he not apologize?
Unknown_01: Number two, apologizing doesn't help.
Unknown_01: Yeah, oh wait. So I'm going to demand now a formal apology from the Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_05: For what?
Unknown_01: Everything.
Unknown_01: Murdering all those people in New Zealand, for starters. Killing those muscle pups. That's your fault, too. Muscle pups.
That's the inflatable balls guy.
Unknown_01: Okay, so Double A sent a chat, and this is about Dominique. She's been sharing social media posts from other people non-stop of people sending thoughts and prayers for her to pull through this. Confirmed victim. She loves the attention.
Unknown_00: I don't know how she's going to survive having her semi-public information made just as public as it was.
Yeah. It's clownish.
Unknown_01: It's ridiculous. But, you know, and although she's doing it right, right? Like you capitalize on the situation. That's what Em was talking about before is this is an opportunity for people to score points when they get doxxed. I mean, that's the one way you fight back is to say, well, look what they did. They're monsters.
Unknown_03: Yeah, you got to go the victim narrative.
Unknown_01: right what you should do is get a gun that's my that's my that's my advice to anybody have you been doxxed are you emotionally traumatized do you fear for your life now get yourself a gun any gun get multiple guns and just lay that around the house you'll never be afraid of anything ever again you're you're set yeah especially in texas
especially in texas especially in florida right get yourself get yourself a gun and get yourself a concealed carry permit because you can get those and you're set yeah and then i like the spike man says kick vick started a fire with no kindling i agree i agree well and also another thing about when this initially kicked off on twitter when the original posts that were getting thousands and thousands of retweets and likes
Unknown_05: A lot of those people were not involved in any way. You know, they didn't really care. It's just another Twitter post about, you know, this man is an abuser spread this like wildfire. And then, so they just click, you know, retweet and then they don't ever think about it again. And so it's no surprise that a huge portion of people who were engaged with that just immediately dropped off. They're not going to stick around for, you know, the autism that follows after the online fight.
The people following her probably are interested in, like, anime and shit. Like, they don't care. Like, if you're not tweeting about anime or cosplay, like, why the fuck would I be following you? All those people who used to follow her probably, like, have muted her on Twitter so they don't see her shit anymore. Because it's just, like, I can't see my anime and cosplay on my timeline between all your shit. Right?
Unknown_05: I can't jack off with all this legal talk going on.
Unknown_09: Well, I mean, that's a personal problem.
Unknown_01: I certainly can't.
Unknown_09: Em's timeline was completely ruined. That's the source of her vendetta. Her timeline was destroyed.
Well, guys, there's a couple chats, and then I won't make you guys suffer through the reading of all the super chats if you want to take off, but there's two more.
Unknown_05: I can hang around. I saw a few that were about doxing going by, and I think kind of addressed the...
Unknown_01: Yeah, I think Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_01: Yeah, I just don't want to hold you guys here. So if you need to go, let me know. But otherwise, there's these last two for 20, and then we'll go back and go through the history.
Automata says, I want to start a new thing. Just say, I got hacked, a la Joy Reid. That's that something that doesn't make sense, but then we all ignore any accusations afterwards because reasons. They try to follow up, hacked again.
Unknown_01: Joseph Kerwin says, can we get some thoughts and prayers in the chat for the oppressed thoughts?
Unknown_01: And thoughts are, I mean, they're an endangered breed. We need to definitely do that.
Unknown_01: They're dying in droves, wailing in the streets.
The thought audit is coming. That's coming. Yeah, they're getting routed up by the IRS. It's coming.
Unknown_09: And putting FEMA camps.
Unknown_01: You know what? Jeremy Hambly, the quartering, he actually had a sensible tweet about... It wasn't directed at Thoughts specifically, but it had that sort of flair to it. But it was all YouTubers. It's like, hey, YouTubers, stop complaining about paying taxes all at once and actually treat... Basically, he said, treat this like a real business and make your quarterly estimated payments and put money aside for your taxes. What are you doing? I was like, yeah, I think a lot of people don't treat this as a business.
And that was good advice. So I guess listen to Hambly at least on that, guys.
Unknown_01: But OK, so Night of Hope X says, yo, pizza thought is for real. Adorable. Real talk.
Unknown_01: CX, what a cutie. I don't know if that's, I think that's from the thumbnail. Excitable Boy says, Vulcan lives. Notorious Moon Man, thank you for the donation. Eduardo Ramirez says, why is y'all's solution, what is y'all's solution to the furry question?
And what's the furry question?
Unknown_01: The furries exist, I assume. They do exist. I know, but... That's the furry question. The furry question, extermination. Do they exist?
Unknown_03: But if you know the answer is yes, then... Okay, maybe you haven't been on the internet long enough for this.
Unknown_01: It's a play on the Jewish question from Nazi Germany, right?
Unknown_01: What do we do?
Unknown_09: Where do the Jews belong in Europe? Do they belong in Europe or do they not? Do they have to like... That's the question, right?
That's the furry question. Do the furries have a place in society or do we have to put them on Madagascar?
Unknown_09: Emphasis on the gas of Madagascar there?
Unknown_01: No? What's that? I said emphasis on the gas in Madagascar.
Unknown_09: Oh, be careful with that.
Unknown_01: So what's your solution to the furry question, Drexel? I don't know, man.
Unknown_03: You know, the only thing that... When you hit me with the whole furries and, like, the... Was it the sex doll furries?
Hey, when a guy came up to me at a con and he had been offered... He had been offered two grand to make a sex otter.
Unknown_03: Oh, God, man. Wait. That was Desire Line. What was the little, like, latex...
Unknown_03: Saying that, I think somebody was trying to fist or something.
Unknown_01: I think it was a sex otter.
Unknown_01: Apparently, it's a common thing.
Unknown_01: You can go on Reddit and find the sex otter. How do you know this, though? Sex otter is an old nickname for the dire lion. No, I was at an anime convention, and a guy, a very, very lovely individual from his company is American Meat.
They sell sex toys, but they're wrapped up like meat at a grocery store. Brilliant. It was brilliant.
Unknown_01: He was the guy who was telling me that someone asked him to make a sex otter.
Unknown_01: When I mentioned that on the stream, someone sent me to a Reddit post where someone had made the sex otter.
Unknown_01: You can actually find it and see it. Those pictures are put on incognito mode.
Unknown_01: before you search because wow it's filthy every time you say sex otter right i mean otters are cute but i'm not you know i'm not into them that way they stink just so you know otters are fucking stinky animals they do everybody yeah so uh so yeah that's uh well i gotta know what's the solution
the furry question i mean i'm i'm more tolerant of furries than most people simply because i i know so many of them as programmers i don't know what the it is about furries and trannies developing good software but they are i think it's autism i think furries and trannies are both autistic at their core that's the core like the the root of the problem is autism
Unknown_09: And then it manifests as trannies and furries. But the autism also manifests as software development, which I appreciate. So that's the main reason why I do not say, like, oh, we need to gas all these people. Because, like, who's going to write your software?
Unknown_03: It's not going to make a good contribution to society then, would you say, Josh?
Unknown_09: Yeah, I mean, as long as they keep their freaky stuff away from me, and they just give me their software, I'm okay.
Unknown_01: Covering the Damore lawsuit, I can't disagree. I can't disagree with you at all. Because I learned about wingless golden dragons. I learned about someone who identified as an ornate building.
Unknown_01: I mean...
Unknown_01: For real. You know what I've always said about that, right? That's the most powerful company in the world put on a seminar to educate people about gender identity, and the seminar was run by a wingless golden dragon in an ornate building.
Unknown_03: You know what I've always said about those people, right?
Unknown_01: What's that?
Unknown_03: I'm pretty sure we have a thread on one of those people. What was that?
I'm pretty sure we have a thread on one of those people.
Unknown_03: Is it Fong Jones?
Unknown_03: But if the United States declares war and they say, you know, call it all, you know, ornate buildings or whatever, you know, someone tries to gender identify with, some of those people will identify as something else, right?
Unknown_01: Yeah, well, I guess. I don't know. Because they don't want to go fight.
Unknown_03: They don't want to go do anything.
Unknown_01: I'm not going to misgender them.
Unknown_09: That's the ultimate, like, morale thing. It's like, okay, we're at war with China. And, you know, we get a ground. We have our second D-Day. And we've landed. We've just taken Shenzhen. And Hong Kong is on our side. We've taken this area. And there are pictures of our furries and ornate buildings standing proudly with the American flag on top of, like, a Chinese monument. And we just take pictures of this shit and airdrop it all over China. And either that's going to frenzy them into a psychotic rage that we can't defeat, or it's just going to crush them like glass. And they'll instantly surrender so that they don't have to deal with our armed furry and ornate building divisions.
I find it humorous. I just think the whole furry thing, like, If you think about most sexual encounters, people are trying to get clothes off. So for someone to put on some animal suit... Hey, I was mascot for one football game as a stand-in because that dude was sick.
Unknown_01: And it was the hottest I have been in my entire life.
Unknown_03: And it's not sexy. It's not like, you couldn't imagine being like, all right, yeah, let's get this off. You're sweaty and you've been like, it's that, that stuff's like stuck to you.
I had an ice pack. You're not going to smell good. I had an ice pack in there. That thing was hot liquid within 10 minutes of putting that suit on. Absolutely. It was terrible. I feel bad for, what's his face? I could not get down in a fursuit. No, I'll tell you my solution. My man, Bonitis, famous furry porn artist, Bonitis,
Unknown_01: He retweeted a video that you guys should all check out. And it involved both Space Marines and a bunch of furries. And it's fantastic. Just a short animation. I don't have the link handy, but if anybody throws it up in the chat, it's great.
Is that where the Space Marines get attacked by sexually deviant monster furries?
Unknown_01: Yeah, they fell into their furry big gay trap. Oh my god, that was funny.
Unknown_01: Oh, that's several furries in chat with like furry avatar said, I guess I'm autistic now.
Unknown_09: And it's like, yeah.
Unknown_08: Yeah. But I've got some bad news.
Unknown_09: The doctor's got his diagnosis.
Unknown_01: You can go get your pills now. There you go. Okay. Solo Beverly says, love that Shane is now in your intro with his gotcha. Yeah, that's, that's fantastic. Good job, Shane. Craven Moorhead says, love when null is on one of my favorite guests. Oh, someone who didn't call you like, uh, something awful.
oh don't call me something awful please anything aren't you the owner of something awful lower tax oh no uh sakaki onzai says m m specs sounds like a lovely lady don't kill me uh oh i would never blaine 20 says josh stop letting nick post defamatory doxing stuff on your site bro he's giving me a bad reputation with the first it was the weeb wars now it's this shit Or what was the other one? Comic Skate. And it's like, all this trouble you're bringing me, Nick.
Yeah, well, and I forced you to keep that video from New Zealand, apparently, too.
Unknown_09: Did they? Did they say that?
Unknown_01: No, only that one New Zealand guy who... I got a direct message on Facebook from an actual Kiwi who was really pissed off that I asked if they haka'd you via email.
Unknown_01: I thought that was the least offensive thing that was said in that stream, but I guess not.
Unknown_09: All those fucking articles calling New Zealand by the Mari name, Anatolia or whatever the fuck. That was so strange. I've never... I thought New Zealanders were normal, but Kiwis... All sorts of Kiwis are fucked up, apparently.
All I gotta say is that guy was real mad when we started the conversation, but he was pretty chilled out by the end, so it was good. It was good.
Unknown_01: Me and New Zealand are fixed now. You and New Zealand, I don't think you're on the same terms. No, I don't think I can ever step... You know, that's the funny thing.
Unknown_09: I don't think I have an outstanding warrant anywhere in the world, but I probably legitimately cannot fucking go to New Zealand now because I would be arrested for propagating controlled...
video footage or whatever.
Unknown_01: Do you see they're selling it now? You can buy it from the New Zealand government for like $100. Wait, the footage that they banned someone? Yeah, okay, so you know about that shooting in New Zealand, right? It's not the video. They got someone arrested, right, for posting?
Unknown_03: Or wait, is it the manifesto that they're selling?
Unknown_09: It's the manifesto they're selling for like $150. How shameful is that, though?
Unknown_03: You're going ahead and you're monetizing.
Unknown_01: They're not selling it. It's just a fee to the government for access to this document. Yeah, good job. Good job. But yeah, no, you'll never be in a Lord of the Rings movie.
Unknown_01: Okay, let's see. GunsDownInHale says Drexel helped Josh with his pickup game. That was a dismissive chuckle.
Unknown_01: You gotta go bare chest, open shirt to begin.
Unknown_05: Drexel, have you ever been with Ukrainian chicks?
Unknown_03: Hold on.
i know a ukrainian a ukrainian russian didn't smash though so he had to go through the mental no so yeah look when you ask me very roundabout way of saying that i'm completely fucked and beyond help thank you thank you look em when you ask me a question like have you ever been with this it's like this is literally like nix it's a rolodex i gotta be like okay hold up Okay, regions, time periods.
Unknown_09: It's a humble brag.
Unknown_01: Yeah, yeah, okay, yeah. No, it's like he's downloading the jump program in the Matrix.
Unknown_03: Yeah, so, but you know, though, I'll tell you what, I'm going to change that. I don't think Ukraine's been completely cucked, right? Most Eastern Bloc European countries haven't been cucked.
Unknown_01: Ukraine's a funny country.
Unknown_03: You know?
Unknown_01: They had a, I don't know if he still, is the president of Ukraine still that boxer?
No, the president of Ukraine is a chocolate man.
Unknown_01: Okay, but for like just a couple years ago, it was that heavyweight boxing... Remember that guy? The big hairy Ukrainian dude who was a heavyweight? Don King promoted him?
Unknown_03: Really?
Unknown_01: Yeah. You don't remember that guy? I remember the Klitschko brothers. Yeah, Klitschko is... But that's not a Ukrainian name.
Unknown_09: No, I think... Okay, apparently you're thinking of Vitaly Klitschko, which is the president of... Kiev, which is the administrative capital of Ukraine.
Okay, he was... Wait a minute.
Unknown_09: He's a big guy. Poroshenko is the chocolate man. He owns a big chocolate company. He's like a billionaire.
Unknown_01: Vladimir Klitschko.
Unknown_09: Yes. Poroshenko appointed him as mayor of Kiev, but I don't think he's... Oh, okay.
Unknown_01: I thought he was like the president or chief or whatever of it.
Unknown_03: You know what's crazy? Someone just asked me if in the chat, I think it was like Eagle Loan or something, had I been with a midget?
Unknown_01: no but you know a true story about about a midget though i can't lie to you man um oh come on i i know look so okay you i'm sure you know you didn't see the wolf of wall street like the one guy who didn't but what ends up happening is that you get to a point where you have to start coming up with like new things to do right you just gotta go like you know i need to try and you know blank so i was talking about this with a couple of guys i know and i said you know what
They show me this. There's a midget in Thailand. I kid you not. She is a...
Unknown_03: I think she's like Russian. No, she's Ukrainian. Crazy enough. I think she's actually Ukrainian. Well, you can chalk two off the list right there.
Unknown_00: She's either Russian or Ukrainian.
Unknown_03: She is a white chick who moved to, I believe, Vietnam. There wasn't enough black dudes, so she went to Thailand. She has a tattoo of Africa, the entire continent, on her butt cheek. She's black only, you know, jungle fever. It happens, right? and these guys legendary right so i said to myself no and then they showed me like videos and stuff and i went you know a midget so i tried to you know because i'm six six six seven so i started kind of like trying to imagine and i remember seeing how a whole howard stern video long ago where bridget the midget was on yeah howard stern goes let me see if i could do this so howard stern stands up
Looks at that, he's like, no, I just can't. And he couldn't bring himself to do it. However, I sat there and I thought to myself, I can't smash a midget because they look like children to me. Because they're pre-smashed. Yeah, they are. I mean, they're half the size, right? So all of a sudden I came up with this idea. What if the new thing was no longer, threesomes is played out. Okay, that's like 2016, right? We don't do threesomes anymore. 2.5 somes.
Oh my god. Imagine it though.
Unknown_03: You get a normal sized chick and a midget.
Unknown_03: Imagine what you can do though.
Unknown_06: I would rather not.
You don't want to imagine? No, I don't need that.
Unknown_09: That makes me feel really bad for midgets. Cause it's like, imagine being a midget woman and you know, you made yourself, you've fricking yourself up as much as possible. And then fucking Drexel say, Oh, you look like a kid. I can't fuck you. Cause you look like a kid.
Unknown_03: That's awful. Like how mean. So, so, so Josh, here's the problem though. When I say they look like, it's because of the, the height imbalance, right? So there was a, we had to smash this lawyer chick way back when.
We had to smash. So this lawyer chick, we had to smash this lawyer chick, right?
Unknown_03: And there goes my ad revenue. She's five foot even.
Unknown_03: And I'm kind of like,
Unknown_01: So you're close, cuz I think the definition is 4'9 or something. 4'9, 4'10, something like that.
Unknown_03: But even a five footer to me, even if she's a grown woman, looks childish because of the physical height. I'm just kinda like, yeah, I just can't. But then once I saw that tattoo of Africa on that- I thought to myself, I could do this.
Would you say Wakanda forever?
Unknown_03: I will get with a midget and the real chick will be like this.
Unknown_03: And do a Wakanda salute.
Unknown_03: You go in. Here's what happens. You got to come up with new things, man. There's only so many Beckys you can do. There's only so many Juanitas, Shaquishas you can do. Eventually you're like... how to come up with something else.
You know what I'm saying? Like, you don't want to start going down the BBW route. I mean, dark things happen down that route, man. I'm just telling you.
Unknown_03: Dark things, I mean. Dark things indeed.
Unknown_03: I mean, things start happening, man. I'm just saying, like, Josh, I don't know if you watched the stream where Nick, you know, someone in the chat asked about, like, you know, what big chick would I smash? I think I settled on, was it Tess Holliday or Melissa McCarthy?
No, it was Melissa McCarthy. Oh, my God. You can't smash Tess Holliday. Tess does all the smashing. I mean, she's smashing whole cakes. She's smashing the earth. You said you would fuck Melissa McCarthy?
Unknown_09: Wait, say it again? You said you would fuck Melissa McCarthy.
Unknown_03: Hold on, hold on, hold on. The short answer to this question is yes.
Unknown_05: Hold on, Josh, context.
Unknown_03: Context. It had to be a famous BBW. So just with that alone, you don't have that many options because most famous women aren't big women. You see what I'm saying? So you got a limited pool. You're like, okay, so of that limited pool, what big chick would I smash? And I was like, at least with Melissa McCarthy, cute face. I mean, all big chicks got good hands. They all got good manicures. Melissa McCarthy looks like this many of them. Manicures and pedicures. Josh, let me ask you something. Have you ever known a big chick who didn't have immaculate hands and feet?
Be honest. You ever notice that? Maybe they do or do not have a cute face. But Josh, you know what I'm talking about, right? They all have great hands, right? Like, oh, I got my nails here. Yeah, Josh. You know what he's talking about.
You know what I'm talking about. People keep saying that they don't know what I'm talking about.
Unknown_09: You know what I'm talking about, man. I just remember specifically when I was in college, my English teacher, my English professor, was a woman who was big, but she was very well done. Like, she prettied up everything. Thank you. And it's I mean, not all of them do it, though. Some of them just look fucking disgusting. That's a gross.
Unknown_03: I give you that.
OK, so, Josh, you can at least admit this, though, right? If they're not just the ones who just gave up. Right. As long as they're not just someone because I mean, you could be a skinny chick who gave up. You know what I'm saying? So as long as they aren't just someone who just said, I give up. You look at the hands and feet.
Unknown_03: And they're always immaculate. So when I told you about creating my perfect chick, Nick, I said, I want big girl hands. Her hand game is fierce.
Unknown_09: But then you got, when you say that, it's like, I'm just imagining like a regular sized woman with like those pudgy little snossy hands.
so maybe we got to go with how something feels not the actual like physical uh presence because otherwise you would like it would look really frankensteinish like like you'd be like okay so i want yeah i want the butt from this girl but she's got to have the legs of this and the stay puff marshmallow hands yeah yeah yeah you want the marshmallow hands of melissa or tess
Unknown_03: now with tess she can scoop out half a cake with those hands but see i would i would i would go for tess because i know if you keep feeding her josh if you keep feeding her she'll eventually croak man you can get the money like tess you eat that cake girl you eat that cake you don't say i mean give her the icing whatever it takes yeah why not oh my god this holiday has like 200 pounds or on milson mccarthy
She is huge. Josh, I've read her official statement. She's a stunning 260. Stop. Stop. I'm 250.
Unknown_00: Tess Holliday's arms are way too sexy. Yeah. She's too sexy like bullet trains are getting built in California. You're right.
Unknown_03: Look, man, you guys know. You know what? People need to start going ahead and doing it. Look, man, these fat chicks need love too.
Unknown_03: Every now and then, like I said, I have like a big chick quota. I told Nick this. So, M, whether you have a boyfriend or not. Okay, let me ask you this.
Women have a certain quota, do they not? At some point they're like, I just wanna get with a thug for a weekend, or I wanna get with, and they will pick a type, right? Women do this.
Unknown_01: Do they? Does she? Well, you gotta let her answer.
Unknown_03: Go ahead, I'm just curious.
Unknown_03: I don't. No, I'm not saying you. I'm just saying, like, women that you've encountered in general, just women in general, women you've encountered, women will be like, I want blank, a certain type. They're not saying they're going to date them. They're not going to marry them. They have a certain, like, archetype, right, that they want to get with at that very particular time. Do you think that's true?
Women probably do.
Unknown_06: No.
Unknown_09: Ims is just like a weirdo internet person in college. If she doesn't strike me as the type, I'd be like, yeah, you know, I want to fuck my whole life up today. Let me go get a gangbanger. That's what I'm in the mood for.
Unknown_03: Hey, man, it happens. I'm not going to lie. Look, man, there are times when you're like... Oh, my God. So they're like, man, I need an Asian girl. They're just like, man, you know what?
Yeah. pull open the menu then right you just pull up on the menu so just like a big like if you get like i told you this if you get with too many spinners you have to have a big chick to balance it out you're like damn i want those fat hands like you you need sausage every now and then i don't appreciate being called into that
Unknown_01: That was a bit much. That was a bit much. Lee Timms says, Nick, what is your opinion on Remington losing the liability? We got to change the subject. What is your opinion on Remington losing the liability ruling for Sandy Hook, and how do you think it will affect future lawsuits for firearm makers? I don't know that they lost. I think they just lost the appeal that they're immune from the lawsuit. Well, it'll just, I mean, eventually lawsuits make everything more expensive. There's the answer to that.
And Blaine20 says, PSA, please check out Tug's comic book fund.
Unknown_01: There you go. Check that out as well.
Unknown_01: Good Lord. What have you done? I don't know.
Unknown_02: The stream went left, man. I don't know what happened.
Unknown_01: The stream went south.
Unknown_02: I don't know what happened just there. Things happen.
uh next is that all came from you helping josh with this pickup game oh yeah yeah you need to whoever donated that 20 fucking dollars got their money's worth that was two dollars
Unknown_01: And you didn't help him. You're uniquely unqualified to... He said that he hadn't been with a Ukrainian girl, so he can't help. Oh, he's in Ukraine?
Unknown_04: I have a question that's been burning inside of me. I have to get this out.
That tattoo of Africa on that chick's... Where is it? No, no, no. Was it just a black tattoo, or did it have, like, the red, green, and black, you know, stripes?
Unknown_03: Oh, were you saying, like, you know, was she going African Bambada kind of look? yeah like a dashiki was it just black or did it have that that african tricolor no no it was just the black outline like just black ink outline of the continent she's not committed not committed to that there's no commitment there if you're not she's committed she's committed to the bbc she's committed
Oh, my God. Nemo Space, thanks for the donation. The Killer Critic says, Ponytoast looks like he's from To Catch a Predator. Well, that's brutal. Nemo Space says, can you help me promote a charity stream if I tweet you?
Unknown_01: Sure, I guess. I don't know. It depends on the charity stream. Rick Nikada says, wrong think is forbidden on pretty ugly little liars. Scrotus Swatch says, Nicky Rackets and the Drex spreading the truth? And well, I guess with the Drex spreading them cheeks, pragmatic culture says, can you ask Josh what's with the null name? Sounds kind of gay and cringe.
The origin is even worse. I'm just going to say it. I don't think I've ever said this on a stream because it's embarrassing, but I'll just get it out there. When I was 19 and I was thinking of a way to like, okay, what's going to be my nickname for this website administrative shit?
Unknown_09: I was like, let me just take Moot's name and get a synonym. And that is literally the origin of it. It's just some bullshit.
Unknown_06: It is the worst fucking thing.
But now it's out there because somebody paid money to get the answer.
Unknown_01: Well, I'm glad that you addressed it. It's definitely cringe-pilled.
Unknown_01: Captain Vax says, Lord Inquisitor, rumor has it the Day of Reckoning will come on the 15th. The lawyer guardsmen of the Death Corp stand ready to deliver the Emperor's justice alongside yourself and Chapter Master Beard. First time donating, also tell Tweety I said hi.
Unknown_01: Hi, Tweety.
Unknown_01: um yeah i can't wait for the 15th i think it's gonna be real funny realities realities coming in the form of a bus uh a bus of peace we'll call it i like the spike man says 3d pg weebs remove 3d we are here we are woo get used to it desu i don't know what that means oh
I don't speak internet very well yet, but I'm working on it.
Unknown_01: Matoko Kusanagi says, Rip, I'm late, but you're not too late. You're never too late. Intimidator 0108 says, Hi Nick, loved your response to my tweet about Ren. Oh, good. I'm glad. Tillip says, Ask Josh about his chair. Josh, what kind of chair you got, buddy?
Unknown_09: Oh, I've got a fucking Wings of Redemption squeaky chair. When I started streaming, I realized, oh, I'm not sitting in the wooden chair for streams. I have to roll it out and get my kitchen chair because my actual office chair squeaks like Wings of Redemption.
It squeaks, but does it look like Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs took to it? Oh, God.
Unknown_05: Noel doesn't know that. He hasn't seen the Shane chair. You haven't seen Shane's chair? You have?
Unknown_09: Yes, because last time I was with Nick, he read Super Chats and I brought up the fucking chair. I have to look at the fucking chair right now.
Unknown_09: Yeah, it looked like an insane person had taken a carving knife and was just taking strips and chunks out of this chair to build lampshades. Well, he was building a more beautiful chair somewhere else with pieces of it.
With Batgirl hands.
Unknown_01: Stefan Sanderson says we are what we eat so it makes sense that Shane has the intelligence of a shoe as rude the DCV Titan says who else hears a collective ringing in the distance oh I think this stream might make some people out there on Twitter mad
Unknown_01: I think it made some people in the chat mad, to be honest. Josh, you're just destroying my credibility. Rude.
Okay, there was somebody on Twitter who replied to your tweet saying that I'd be on today. And he said something like, oh, you know, Josh is a scumbag. I'll check the next one out next. Motherfucker, I know you're listening. I know you didn't skip this one. So to you specifically, it's so nice. I'm glad you could join us, my friend. I'm glad you could join us.
Unknown_01: Well, there you go. There you go.
Unknown_01: You're like a magnet for people who love and hate you. That's true.
Unknown_01: AngelRin89 says, Did Ty Beard see Fist of the Beard Star meme? I believe so. I sent it to him. I believe he did watch it. So...
I'll have to follow up with him on that. Ryu Sketches says, does Drexel have his own YouTube channel? Probably the most common question.
Unknown_03: It's gotten real common. It's coming next year, man. I mean, you know how it is.
Unknown_01: Would love to watch him talk about politics and other stuff. Other stuff being smashing midgets, apparently. Don't forget about them hands! Them hands!
Unknown_01: I mean, I guess you gotta... Well, now...
Unknown_01: There are different types of little people, right? Like if we use the- Oh my God. Because there's midgets and then there's dwarfism, which is different.
Is that the ones with the big foreheads? I don't know. Which one's which?
Unknown_01: I don't know. Em, can you help?
Unknown_04: No, I can't.
Unknown_09: Josh, can you help?
Unknown_09: I don't know which one's which, but I know there's ones that look normal, but are just really small.
Unknown_03: And then there's ones that have the fucked up limbs and shit. Okay, dwarfism. Dwarfism is like the elongated forehead and your dimensions are different.
Unknown_01: Like Tyrion Lannister, we're saying. Yeah, yeah. The guy from Game of Thrones.
Unknown_03: Oh, Peter Dinklage.
Unknown_01: Yeah, Peter Dinklage.
He's considered a dwarf.
Unknown_01: I think he's a dwarf.
Unknown_03: Yeah, correct. He's a dwarf. Okay, so now if Peter Dinklage was a female and hot,
Unknown_09: I could do a Game of Thrones role play. People think that Peter Dinklage is a sexy midget.
Unknown_03: Peter Dinklage is an attractive man, a real talk. When he was in Days of Future Past as Bolivar Trask, if I were a chick looking at him, I mean, he would have to get a mutant power to grow. But otherwise, Peter Dinklage.
Unknown_01: Like Super Cheap for whatever.
He's got an African tattoo on his butt.
Unknown_01: Yeah, you know. You get an African tattoo on his butt and you are down.
Unknown_00: Yeah, you know what, man?
Unknown_01: The things happen, man. That's all I'm saying. Dinklage and Drexel cellmates.
Unknown_01: A love story. You know, look, man.
Unknown_03: You got to have a sense of humor about it. But you got to look at this stuff and just kind of look at it and be like, you know. I mean, well, I just recently got asked to do a Harry Potter role play. I've never seen a Harry Potter movie.
Unknown_01: Are you Hermione? Did they assign you Hermione?
Unknown_03: No, they didn't. I'm probably going to be Voldemort. I'm casting spells. On cheeks.
This is.
Unknown_03: Voldemort's the villain.
Unknown_01: He who shall not be named. Voldemort looks like a snake, though. What's that?
Unknown_05: Voldemort looks like a snake, though.
Unknown_01: Don't, don't, don't open up this joke. Please don't.
Unknown_01: You'll see Voldemort when you hear the zip. That's.
Unknown_03: Good lord. Okay, just like with cosplay, right? everyone in this chat i'm assuming is you know and he's familiar enough with cosplay anime like you can turn anything sexual if you can turn some animals sexual come on furries otter's looking real good this time yeah otter i mean if an otter can turn into a sex symbol or whatever well of course you could turn peter dinklage or hermione or whoever you don't say you're like eh
Are you saying people have the ability to turn Emma Watson into a sexual symbol?
Unknown_01: I'm shocked.
Unknown_03: Well, even just the image of her. If you put someone in any kind of makeup or something, I've seen Zero Suit Samus in Smash Bros.
Unknown_03: I bet you there's some cosplayers right now as Zero Suit Samus, right? Ha!
Unknown_03: Right? I'm sure there's some chick out there that's like, I'm Zero Suit Samus. Look at me, I'm busty, I'm attractive. And a dude be like, man, all of a sudden a Metroid role play doesn't seem so bad.
Unknown_01: all right uh we're gonna move on let's see architect of fate says count dankula got arrested because he was doxxed ouch uh there you go i don't i don't actually know if that's why he got arrested but i'm pretty i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure they could have found him yeah maybe government knows exactly where where he lives He doesn't have a distinct look or voice or a very popular YouTube channel. Joshua Bailey says, there's too much value in victimhood. I think I agree with that.
Taco Jones says, Drexel looks so bored. Yeah, you really did earlier. Did I? I was just listening. This was two hours ago. I was just listening. I'm just saying. Okay. Bring it down to energy of the stream.
Unknown_03: No, I was never bored, man. I was just listening. This is... It's different. That's why I appreciate him and Josh. Just... You know me, I like listening to different viewpoints and all that, people from all different kind of corners of the world. So, you know, I mean, I never knew what a feeder was until tonight. I didn't know that much about the Vic Mignogna thing until you told me. I was like, oh, I know about me too. You know, I mean, you know me, you got to set the tripod on these thoughts.
So it is what it is. You better do POV. Don't know what could happen, man.
Unknown_01: Oh, that's what you mean by set up the tripod. Yeah, you got to set the tripod, man. You meant like a literal tripod with a camera on it. Correct.
Unknown_03: So consent videos are coming to Pornhub. That's going to be like the new thing. Like, do you consent? Yes. It's coming. They sign a contract?
Sign a contract, yeah, man. I was saying the consent contracts, that'll just be wallpaper in fraternity dorms.
Unknown_03: Correct. Real talk, like, okay, like, if someone is, you say, you're in a frat, right?
Unknown_01: Yeah.
Unknown_03: And all of a sudden, with Me Too, all of a sudden, dude's going to be like, oh, hold up, let's make sure. You said there was an app for that now, right?
Unknown_01: Someone said that in the chat. Someone said that in the chat. I'm not aware of the app.
Unknown_03: So I'm sure that these frats know. The frat's got to know, right? All right, word gets around. All right, man, we got to make sure we got the fingerprint. We got to do X, Y, and Z. Here's the nondisclosure agreement. Here's the consent form. Here's the video on both of our phones with the front-facing camera, 10 megapixel now. All 10 of them megapixels. All 10 of them megapixels. You can see her. You are not in danger, right, Thot?
No. Yeah, but see, they can't see the gun off screen. But you got to wide shot it. That's why you got the tripod, multiple angles. Hey, I've seen ISIS can do it.
Unknown_02: Yeah, ISIS does. Hey, their videos are real.
Unknown_01: No, I'm not in danger. Dudes look terrified.
Anyway, let's move on to that subject quick.
Unknown_01: What do we got?
Unknown_01: This stupid thing rolls too much. Karen D says, let's get this straight for grammar sakes. Doxing has one X. The more Xs in the word is how gay the op is that got the dox.
Unknown_01: Very true. That's a good way to look at it, I think. The text in 83 says, Gavin Free and Meg Turney of RT had someone show up at their house firing off his gun. If you think it's already public, so then go fac yourself. So there you go.
I don't know who Gavin Free and Meg Turney of RT are. Is that Russia Today?
Unknown_09: Russia Today, sounds right.
Unknown_01: Yeah, I guess. Well, see, because I'm in this stupid anime world now, I see RT and I think Rooster Teeth, and I don't know what else it would be. Skeet Neat says, Hello, Nick. I finally built my computer and I just wanted to ask you this. Are you Jay Bauman's long-lost crypto Jew brother? I don't think so. Do you know who that is? No. Who's that?
Jay Bauman is the co-host of Red Letter Media.
Unknown_09: Half in the Bag and Best of the Worst. Do you not watch them?
Unknown_01: No, I didn't, but I've seen screenshots of the guy now that you mentioned that.
Unknown_09: Yeah, there's two modes of Jay. He's either like a scraggly homeless person or he does look pretty much exactly like you.
Unknown_01: Oh, so the RT, sorry, the RT is Rooster Teeth, I'm being told vehemently by the chat. So it's not Russia Today, apparently. It was Rooster Teeth. Yeah, and thank you for telling me I look like a scraggly homeless guy. That's great.
No, that's like in the anime when the guy, the muscle guy, has to yell for a couple episodes to transform. That's like Jay's untransformed form. And then once he yells, he becomes the buff dude with the nice hair.
Unknown_01: Oh, okay. There you go.
Unknown_09: Like his Super Saiyan form.
Unknown_01: Thank you. That's very relatable and weird.
The Coke Master says, what do if you are swatted and you have guns?
Unknown_01: I mean... You're the guy who got doxxed?
Unknown_03: You got swatted, you're saying? And you have guns. Don't do anything. Don't reach for them.
Unknown_01: Yeah, I mean, there may be... Swatting is a hard thing to deal with because they are coming in. Hot. They're coming in hot. You want to be on the ground, prostrate, nothing going on.
Unknown_03: Okay, so the guy that Tyler Barris swatted, that was the wrong guy?
Unknown_03: He just kind of opened the door wondering what's going on and was killed. But it's like, if you're swatted, you don't know you've been swatted. Obviously, if two idiots are arguing online, but if you did get swatted... Now, if they do a no-knock entry and they just battering ram down the door, then you know you're swatted. Well, that's how they snatched my brother, remember? When he was playing the game, they just came in. They took the hard phone through the window and apprehended him. What if they would have thought that his PlayStation controller was a gun?
Unknown_03: He's gone.
Unknown_01: I know.
Unknown_01: I can hear his voice in my head when that thing crashes through the window. He'll go, what the hell?
Right? You already know. You know him. So, yeah, man.
Unknown_01: He didn't deserve that. He didn't deserve it.
Unknown_03: Well. Don't. No, come on. His ex-girlfriend was a, hold up. Let's make sure we get the checklist.
Unknown_03: Used meth.
Unknown_03: A stripper, maybe escort, coming from a broken home. She had all the boxes checked. Did I say stripper already?
Unknown_01: Yeah, we need to hook her up with Russell Greer.
Unknown_03: Yeah, yeah. She checked all the boxes. It's like, well, yeah.
Hey, she's changed.
Unknown_01: Kodiak says, the dog likes treats. Please no flash and clear. Aw, pray for pupper. Lil Poo Poo says, if you are swatted by a trap, is it still gay?
Unknown_01: I think it's super gay at that point.
Unknown_01: Proto Falzar says, I suspect Sabbath is hiding skeletons. The self-appointed arbiters of justice will bury you alive and hide the evidence against them in your grave. That's depressing. Blue Nowhere 999 says, It's raining shekels. Oh, no.
Comic-Con Freak says, Drexel, thank you for your sexy, deep voice. Mm-hmm. I hope that was a chick, man. I mean, does it really matter? I mean, if they're paying you, go ahead. What if it was Peter Dinklage?
Unknown_01: uh listless azure says people forget that uploading photos can give ip yeah that's like and that's going deeper like when you're talking about scraping metadata out of stuff to to find people that's like that's getting into that swordfish level of hacking at least from my normal perspective so i have no idea how to do that i'd have to hire someone to dox that'd be a
Automata says, if Drexel does ever create a YouTube channel, I'm sure he's got a bunch of the only good type of SUBS racked up here. Oh, subscribers, subs.
Unknown_01: Also, maybe plug Q. Yeah, my man Q's channel is going. He's posting videos every couple days. Definitely check it out. I think it's called Out of the Darkness.
Unknown_01: and Yeah, I'll be I'll be sharing some of his videos very soon Talbot link says burner phone paid for with cash and dialing star six seven not secret that this is good for anonymous calls basic flash beat hard knowledge there you go joshua ryan thank you for the donation addy m says i present a motion to have drex and ty team up to overthrow nick and become the sole host of the live stream nick i'm sure you'll be a guest rude ouch coming into my house and taking over my disrespect cucking me out of my own stream your own stream man well say that for the 48 hour discuss hey come on we're not making this a thing
Chad, he's telling me I need to do a 48-hour stream at some milestone, like 100,000 subscribers or something. Well, go 36-hour. What are you at now? 52?
Unknown_03: What are you at now? I'm at 53. Almost 54. Okay, at 75,000, go 36. Why do you do this to me? And then at 100,000, go 48, like a two-day live stream. You trying to end my marriage?
Unknown_01: Yes. Yes.
Unknown_03: yes rude rude uh automata says the siren song of the under boob a classic tale that was in reference to the vic thing uh who is ty by the way ty's the lawyer vick's lawyer oh okay i got you i gotta say one more thing about that vic thing what's up the man has a policy oh man hold on
Drex, you're a famous voice actor.
Unknown_02: Of course.
Unknown_01: You're at a convention.
Unknown_01: Shit comes up. Dressed in cosplay nothing, right? She's Zero Suit Samus. Some straps.
Unknown_01: And she says, will you sign my breasts? Would you do it?
Unknown_03: Pre-MeToo or post-MeToo?
Unknown_01: No, now. You. Would you do it right now? No.
Unknown_03: No. Yeah, like I told you, with Me Too, all the Chads and Tyrones, we changed the game. We were taking more precautions.
Unknown_01: Now, do you have a moral problem with signing breasts?
Unknown_03: Absolutely not.
Unknown_01: In private, would you sign a breast?
Not with Me Too. Me Too changed everything.
Unknown_01: Okay, so it changed everything.
Unknown_01: Vic has a policy against signing breasts.
Unknown_01: Been asked several times by women to do it.
Unknown_01: They're trying to say this man...
Unknown_01: gets like the finger on the under boob. And that's, I mean, well, context matters.
Unknown_03: You and I talked about this earlier. Um, me being a taller guy, um, you know, like where you hug someone matters based on their bus size. Like if a woman is flat chested, and she's tall, the hug is going to be, is going to, you know, your, your hand will be at a different level than a shorter, bustier woman. If you're a taller man that, you know, when you hug them, you're kind of, your hand is kind of naturally around there.
I just thought of it. I'm sorry. You're making a point, but I just thought of the name of your Peter Dinklage porno.
Unknown_03: Oh God. What is it?
Unknown_01: Game of Tyrones.
Unknown_03: Oh man.
Unknown_00: I couldn't hold it. You know what's bad though?
Unknown_03: you can make that like a black series.
Unknown_00: Yeah.
Unknown_01: Yeah. I can roll with it. A black gay midget series. Why is it always going to be gay, man? Well, you said Peter Dinklage. I said, look, I said Peter Dinklage was, he's a handsome midget.
I'm not smashing dudes or traps or trends. The chat got it all messed up. So Josh, you've been taken out of context. And then from that point forward, everyone thinks that you're like, like Drex is the tranny chaser. Like, uh,
Unknown_09: Everything everybody believes about me is 100% true.
Unknown_03: Look, I have like people, it's like 95% of everything people believe about me is true. It's just that 5%. I make one comment about the trans community and now everyone's like, oh, it's the tranny guy. Oh, here we go. Oh, man.
Shifting gears like the best tranny.
Unknown_03: That game of Tyrone's. I like that.
Unknown_01: Yeah.
Unknown_03: Yeah. Yeah.
Unknown_01: You can call that your crew or whatever.
Unknown_03: Yeah, I'd call it crew.
Unknown_01: Smash crew, call it Game of Thrones.
Unknown_03: All it is is a mass text from me, and we get it poppin'.
Unknown_01: Okay.
Unknown_01: Mask DePlainview says, SJWs are attracted to the mob mentality that comes with social media. Why have proof when likes and shares will do? It's pathetic. Very true. The Lazy Name says, thanks for doing this. You're welcome. Enigma1788 says, Nick, have you seen my Dragon Ball comic that I tagged you with on Twitter? I think Drex would enjoy it. Look up hashtag Chad and Tyrone. We'll check that out in a little bit. Steven Alvarez says social media is high school culture. Kind of obvious. I think actually the voice acting community is high school culture. That's what I'm learning about. Very clicky. It's very clicky. It's very catty. It's vicious.
Um, comic book freak. No, wait. Yama fan says, I saw a rumor that Toei is angry at the voice actors for what they're doing to Vic and are thinking of cutting them. That'd be funny. That'd be very funny. Comic-Con freak says, just when we think things are starting to calm down a little, a new person steps forward with a tweet like a new challenger in Super Smash Bros. Nice. Ian Conant says, oh wait, no, I read that one. Itchicinco Negroni. Hashtag I stand with Dominique is a new hashtag by her fans. Hmm.
That's embarrassing.
Em, pure speculation, how many of those fans are 28 to 37 white males with beards that you could clean a rusted pot with? 98%.
Unknown_02: the truth comes out she's married y'all she's just putting it on display she's not handing it out no matter how hard you white knight for her on twitter oh my goodness king like all you're getting is that instagram that's that's the closest you're ever getting to to a dominique sky uh king kdi says why would you dox people in the first place well i don't dox people so i don't have an answer to that um do you guys want to take that on
I can talk about it.
Unknown_09: Yeah. In general, I don't do it very often because I don't usually care enough about something to do it. But Zed, who's the guy who docs Jim, for instance, he likes challenges.
Unknown_09: And he'll usually look for challenging information. Like if somebody says that somebody can't get doxxed, he'll get way more interested. But he's like a weirdo. He's really invested in it and is really, really good at it.
That is the best doxxer on the site.
Unknown_05: He gets the hardest Sudoku puzzles that only have like... There's like a number nine in the top right corner and he still fucking figures it all out somehow.
Unknown_09: I am...
Unknown_01: Yeah, go ahead.
Unknown_05: For me, I mean, I can only speak for me personally and kind of in the larger context of Kiwi Farms as a site.
Unknown_05: Personally, I think if you are putting docks out there because you expect something to happen with it, that's a little fucked up. I think that's definitely the wrong perspective to take. I mean, Kiwi Farms...
we're a gossip board. I mean, we're talking about weirdos on the internet and for a lot of, and for a lot of people, like, it's just a username, you know, people can come out here and be talking about like the craziest shit and you don't really know anything about them. And so I think it's one, it's, I think it's natural to want to know more about like crazy people and, and what they're all about and in a lot of cases docs can just be like a tool to do that to get more context to a person um you know a lot of times it like nelson before it doesn't matter like nothing happens for it and that's fine like i don't want stuff to happen to people like yeah you know one thing that's strange is sometimes you get uh like if you want to know about
like a name change there's a lot of reasons why somebody might put on a fake name when they're doing business and sometimes sometimes they're like convicted sex offenders or sometimes like their their legal history is insane there's that one woman from uh ibs who is like the most insane insipid old thought ever to exist And then we did a lookup of her court history in California, and she's been sued in debtor's court like a dozen times. So it's like this is a woman who is really bad at finances and who's like a grifter. She just goes from famous person to famous person trying to get money. That's why she was with Ice Poseidon. Oh, Corinne? yes corinne she's she's been sued many times by by credit agencies because she's a debtor you know what's funny about corinne so my channel went from live views of like four or five hundred to six hundred and then they jumped to like five thousand right and the moment that they hit that five thousand mark corinne slid right into my dms on twitter
Oh, yeah. I mean, immediately. And I was like, I have never talked to you. I've only heard about you on, like, I think Jim's thing about her. And then she was, you know, on the Ralph Retort or whatever on Killstream. And that's it. But she was there immediately like, hey, blah, blah, blah. I'm this person. I want to help out. And I'm like, is that the real Corinne? That's depressing.
Unknown_09: No, she does that. She's contacted me multiple times where she like... My thing is I have developed strategies for dealing with every kind of personality disorder imaginable because I get them all as a result of hosting the site.
And there's a specific disorder for people who want the negative attention that the site brings them. For whatever reason, they want it really bad. and usually it's by people who have a fetish for shame specifically diaper furries they want negative attention they want their nudes out there they want to be seen with like this one guy has been sending me pictures of him sucking a pacifier and nothing but a diaper holding up his you know his driver's license his passport social security card his local security card he's been sending me this email like please put this on the front page so i i ignore those emails usually but the first time i get them i have a a stock reply which is 90 effective at never receiving a second email from somebody who wants attention and uh the the message i send is i am not interested in promoting your content at this time this is the most dull corporate thing i can possibly come up with for telling somebody i don't care about them at all and never want to see them again and uh the only two people who have ever continued to message me after that first email is this idiot who keeps sending me his goddamn social security card And Corinne, Corinne followed up by saying, if you're not interested in promoting my content this time, why are you hosting this thread about me?
And I replied like five times with the exact same message. And she replied every goddamn time with a different email until eventually I just started ignoring her.
Unknown_01: Now, I'm more interested in you educating Drex on diaper furries. Yeah.
Unknown_09: Okay, imagine a grown-ass man who's wearing a diaper and is also a dog.
He's talking about having a quota. We gotta get a diaper furry on the quota.
Unknown_03: I think. I have a midget quota, a fat chick quota.
Unknown_01: I have a diaper fur quota. You're just tiptoeing towards the deep end, my friend.
Unknown_03: Well, look, I'm aware of adult babies. The first time I ever saw it, I was in ninth or tenth grade. It was on Jerry Springer.
Unknown_00: Yeah. And I thought it was fake.
Unknown_03: And Jerry's like, oh, we got adult babies.
Unknown_03: You know, Josh, look that episode up. I bet you it'll pop up.
Unknown_03: Jerry Springer. I remember being 12 and having a TV in my room.
I could only get channels 1 through 60 or something. So I would have to flip through and find entertainment at odd hours because I've always been like a weirdo up at late hours.
Unknown_08: No.
Unknown_09: Shocker.
Unknown_08: Yeah. Right.
Unknown_09: Yeah. Right.
Unknown_01: So it's like it's infomercials.
Unknown_09: I remember I have so many different infomercials about like courts and and has has. Like Tasmanian jewelry and shit. And all that stuff's burned into my brain. And Jerry Springer. Jerry Springer hosted a fantastic program. And he always ended the show, I think, by saying... What was his line? He says, be good to yourself and to others or something. He had a very strange send-off line.
But... It was something like, until next time.
Unknown_01: I mean, it was...
Unknown_09: he would do a, he would do a lessons learned. He would do like a Jerry's final thoughts.
Unknown_03: Yeah. I remember that. Yeah. And he would, he would wrap it up in a nice bow and say like, these people could have resolved their differences in this, this way.
And, uh, you know, until next time, you'll be good to yourself and be good to each other.
Unknown_03: I think I was to say, yeah, be good to each other.
Unknown_09: Yeah. And I don't know. I've never thought about it too much, but the more I think about it, I think the Kiwi farms, the culture of the forum is secretly inspired by Jerry Springer. Yeah.
Unknown_01: Yeah, it's... I was watching some old Jerry Springer the other day. It was great. I mean, it reminds me a lot of... Oh, go ahead. No, you go ahead.
Unknown_05: It reminds me a lot of whenever there's an Antifa protest or some kind of socialist protest and somebody gets arrested and it comes out later like, guess what this person's parents are actually multi-millionaires and they go to Harvard and like blah blah blah and meanwhile they're out there like advocating for communism and you know eat the rich and stuff like that and people like eat that shit up like is that is that different than doxing like is it different than doxing when you know some pastor like gets out of like he got arrested for soliciting sex with gay prostitutes like it's that same kind of thing like we have threads on like a bunch of trannies on the site that have
criminal past for that are dangerous fucking people and then when you tell people who are friends with them this is a dangerous fucking person who has no real friends in life and if you think you're friends with them you're fucking wrong and here is a dozen other instances to prove that this person will fuck you the very nanosecond they get an opportunity to enrich themselves by fucking you and then they'll go
Oh, you know, I didn't know that about them, but I really wish I didn't know their their dead name. I really wish I didn't know their mail. It's like, motherfucker, I am doing you a benefit. I am doing you a service at this moment in time. Can you shut the fuck up and just listen and stop being retarded? It's it's it's it's it's very frustrating because it's like your priorities are so fucked up. Like, how did you get this way?
Unknown_01: Yeah, I think that's true. Feel good. Kind of motivation is what I'm saying.
Unknown_05: It's, it's like a stepping stone, finding more information about a person and a lot of the, like the psychology behind what they do. Sure.
You know why they are acting this way.
Unknown_05: And that's basically it. I mean,
Unknown_05: And it shouldn't be something that's taken off site. No, don't contact any of these people off site. Don't harass them. Don't do any of that shit. It's not necessary.
Unknown_09: And the other thing to consider is a lot of them are like genuine dangers.
Unknown_09: You don't want to insert yourself in their fucking life. Like make fun of them. Like I've taken as many precautions as I can to help people stay anonymous on the site so that you can talk about people without fear of repercussion from them. And you should take advantage of that because the second you go out of your way, even to help him, like there's times where fucking Chris, Chris has had my, has had various phone numbers in mind that I use to talk to him. And he has given them out without asking me, like, even as I'm helping him, he's given them out. And like, I've obviously used like burner numbers and shit with him, but it's just like, I can only imagine, you know, these idiots who try to try to help Chris, myself included and, And then get their shit leaked. And it's happened multiple times. And people still don't realize, oh, maybe this isn't a good idea. Well, there you go.
Okay, I've seen a lot of people in chat talking about ethical doxing.
I don't believe that shit.
Unknown_05: That's stupid. I don't care who you dox.
Unknown_05: I care about if you do something beyond that. Because...
Unknown_05: Like I said, it's not necessary. You shouldn't be doing that shit. You shouldn't be trying to affect somebody in real life.
Unknown_09: Here's a good anecdote for that. If you watch that John Oliver show about mob mentality or outrage culture that he published about three weeks ago, you'll notice that he does a very bad job trying to distinguish why what he does is morally justifiable and why what everybody else does is not. And when you talk about, okay, it's justifiable, it's ethical to dox the people that hurt animals.
It's okay if we dox pedophiles. It's okay if we talk about this. It's okay if we talk about this.
Unknown_09: It's like you sound exactly like John Oliver to me. When you listen to him, you'll realize what a pathetic fucking fence sitter he is on that issue. Because it's literally his entire job. And he's trying to condemn it at the same time. It's the exact same fucking thing.
Unknown_05: Okay. And I'm seeing another person talking about how it's funny that We stay anonymous. Well, first off, Noel's been doxxed.
Yeah, everything's fine.
Unknown_05: I'm anonymous because I work to keep myself anonymous. I mean, if you figure out who I am and you want to post that shit, post that shit.
Unknown_05: Go ahead.
Unknown_01: That's all I have to say about that.
Unknown_01: Well, at least you're consistent, right?
Unknown_05: I am. That's why I'm saying there's nothing wrong with doxxing. That's the only... position you can have, or unless, and then you can't say anything else about shit. Like, well, I mean, it was okay. Cause they doxed like a legit pedo and it's okay that they doxed, you know, people who fuck animals and it's okay that they did all this.
Everybody has a different line when it comes to morality, you know?
Unknown_01: So it's either like, it's all okay or it's not okay.
Unknown_05: And my position is it's okay.
Unknown_05: And that's just me personally.
Unknown_01: Yep. And I mean, that's that's the people have to make up their own minds on all of this stuff, right? It's just like anything.
Unknown_01: You don't have to be OK with it or you can be OK with it. That's up to you. Feel good. Always 990 says so real talk. How do governments like New Zealand not get the videos and dumb stuff on the Internet get buried within five days max and instead try to do dumb things? Love all of you and can't wait for Game of Tyrones.
So we talked about this a little bit, Josh, is that it's the Streisand effect, right? New Zealand drew more attention to that video by trying to have it shut down everywhere.
Unknown_09: The video would have lost its steam, like, within the first... Like, after I had helped seed it as much as possible, it probably would have lost all of... Like, people would have just seen it and, like, oh, you know, it's just people dying and shit, and this guy is spouting off retarded shit. Like, that's all it is. What's vastly more interesting is the response from the government. The response from the government is preposterous. I'm still getting emails from people, like, saying, I got an email. I haven't read this anywhere, but I'll read this. Um... haven't posted this anywhere but somebody sent me this yesterday um so this is still going on like the reverberations of this is still happening for this is from spark which is an isp in new zealand hi the recent tragic events in christchurch have prompted many to look at how they can control the content they see on the internet because you have spark broadband you can block a lot of harmful harmful content from anyone using your home broadband connection you can do this using net shield basic which comes at no extra cost with spark broadband plans and then it says what does net shield basic block new pages and content are being created constantly on the internet so when it comes to blocking harmful content online no tool can catch anything net shield basic filters an enormous amount of what's out there making it a great first line of defense block content includes abusive content such as graphic violence, and hostility based on race, religion, gender, or ethnicity. Websites containing harmful footage and imagery from the Christchurch attack have also been blocked. Illegal activity and pornography regards the team at Spark. So they're still actively going out there.
Maybe they mean illegal pornography.
Unknown_09: No, just pornography.
Unknown_01: Oh, they just block that?
Unknown_09: Yeah, I guess. I mean, it's like in the UK. You have to get a license for your porn, for your smut.
They can put you in a fucking database of pervert motherfuckers.
Unknown_01: Well, there you go. Okay, that was a long answer to why would you dox people in the first place. DLJ Screwjob says, Ty also said on that stream that some of them have been after Vic for six to seven years and Toby Bounty Hunters, he was Toy Bounty Hunters, mentioned this in chat. When Ruben Langdon publicly supported Vic, Kick Vic tried to find dirt on him too. Of course they did.
Unknown_01: Talbot Link says, now people are going to Google silicone ball injectors. Good. We like expanding minds here. Sepuku World Champion Cave says, anyone using Stan unironically should be avoided. It's embarrassing. They're worse than boomers. We were saying that. Oh, my God.
It's a phrase I started using ironically. And then at some point, I just stopped using it ironically. And I can't stop.
Unknown_01: What is it? Stand?
Unknown_05: Stan.
Unknown_01: Stan. The Eminem song, Stan. Hmm.
Unknown_01: like stalker fan yeah this is this is an aside but i think eminem was at the 2019 oscars and he did a song that he ended with bitch i wrote stan as like his as like his sign off for the rap song and i'm just reminded of that now because it was really really fucking cringy to see a 50 year old man singing about a song he wrote when he was at his prime yeah well pretty much anything he does these days is pretty cringy
We were saying that when I was 18, I turned 37 next week. The NPCs reveal themselves by using old terms. Nick Drex, our gen will be the last original one.
Unknown_01: I mean, I think every generation thinks that, but we'll see. Why says Chuck Norris lost his hairstylist job and eventually turned himself in. Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris, not Chuck Norris. I was about to say. Eric Clanton, the bike lot guy was a teacher working in Berkeley.
Unknown_01: Rhino says, Texas allows you to kill prostitutes if it's at night.
Unknown_02: Wow.
Unknown_01: I wouldn't want that daytime host laying. Above Average Peen, Jeremy says, this is a very entertaining stream going on with, or there is a very entertaining stream going on with Geekdom and Perfection, LMFAO, it's comedy gold.
I mean, I guess if that's what you're into. Eduardo Ramirez says, comparing Tejas to Cuckstralia, reee and unsub. Handsome Jack says, Vic let kids who found his home address inside his house for a friendly chat. How much you want to bet if the kids do that to Rial, she'd be in hysterics. Calling the cops while Soye has a panic attack in the corner. I did not consent for these kids to talk to us. Ricard says, don't do that.
Unknown_01: Don't do that for your own safety. Ricard says, hey, Nick, Flash gets dropped a new vid. Dark Templars kill and perform an exterminatus on a furry planet. That's what I was talking about earlier. It's a great video. TLJ Screwjob says, hey, Nick, all those Twit and Ur lawyers are saying testimony will be enough in regards to Monica and Jamie and the, quote, 30 other women willing to testify. Whee!
But I stand with Vic as saying that, no, you need evidence as well. Can you clear this up for us noobs? No, it'll be up to whose testimony is most convincing to a jury. I mean, that's how, if you have he said, she said, the jury's going to have to decide on which one is more credible.
That's how that's going to go. Um, now they're certainly not going to get 30 other women to testify. That's, that's wrong. Cause if they do, if they do, I'm sure Ty will bring in 300 women to testify on his behalf. That's just how that goes. That's why courts don't allow it. Bad player says, and your TV refused to worship the human face. Okay. Uh, Mopo King, Mopolo King says, have y'all seen conspiracy of silence? Also honk. No, I haven't.
Unknown_01: The Swoligark says, Elijah Wood's parents purposefully kept him away from Hollywood parties to ensure his O-ring remained intact.
Wow. Derek Alexander says, thanks to the current stream, we all know what Marcellus Wallace looks like. Good job, Nick.
Unknown_01: Rando number nine says, Dan, if her shoe size is on the clock, she's ready for the Schneider.
Unknown_01: Bagelgoose says, show toes, null, you coward. It's classy, remember?
Unknown_01: It's calling you out on your classy foot fetish.
Unknown_09: Oh, yeah. Somebody posted this comic that I can't show, but it's from Stone Toss. There's two guys, one's wearing a shirt that says boobs, the other one's wearing a shirt that says ass, and they're shaking hands, and they look in the corner, and there's this hunchback monstrosity wearing a shirt that says feet.
They look down on him with scorn.
Unknown_01: As they should. As they should.
Unknown_01: Matt Ranoste, thank you for the donation. Monday in Matt's Boulder says, wait, what were the accusations Uma made toward Weinstein and Tarantino? Wasn't it linked to her almost dying on the set of Kill Bill? I'm not aware of that. Are you?
Unknown_01: I didn't know Uma made accusations about Tarantino.
Unknown_03: I haven't heard. I mean, if there has, maybe someone can Google it or something. I haven't heard that before.
Unknown_01: Sure. Archangel Nishan says, question for Josh and Em. At what point would you consider doxing turning into something criminal like child endangerment?
It can't possibly turn into something like it.
Unknown_09: It's a loaded question.
Unknown_05: You would have to include something like a threat.
Unknown_09: When does something turn into a crime? When does walking down the street turn into assault? I guess when you fucking take a stick and start killing somebody with it. I don't know.
Unknown_05: It's a separate thing. It's always another action on top of the original action. The original action is a neutral thing.
you know, if you make a threat, though, that's not a neutral statement. You know, that's a crime. If you do a call to violence and say, you know, somebody, you know, if you post, like, this is where, if you post somebody, like, this is their kid, this is where they go to school, go, like, kidnap their kid or something, yeah, that's a crime. You know?
Unknown_09: The things that you can do with information that hurts somebody are already crimes. They're already, you know,
Because they're a dangerous action.
Unknown_06: With information alone, you cannot hurt somebody unless that information is damaging to them, in which case it should be known.
Unknown_09: it's just i i don't ever buy any of these arguments because you could say that you could make allegories towards any other thing and get the get the same kind of results like when does when does anything turn into a crime like when you commit a criminal offense that's that's the answer right i'm seeing someone in chat talking about kids getting bullied because of doxing okay where like
Where is that happening?
Unknown_09: Yeah, that's dumb. That doesn't happen. Cyberbullying happens because you go to the same fucking school.
Unknown_09: You don't need to find them. They're at your fucking home class. You can take your mashed potatoes and fling it at them with a spoon. They're right fucking there.
Unknown_09: So there you go.
Unknown_05: Who did we dox? And then like somebody started contacting their kids and cyber bullying them.
Unknown_01: Well, I mean, it's always hypotheticals. The the answer, of course, to the threat question is that immediately Dominique Sky suggested not only that she was doxed, but she and her family were threatened, which is not what happened on the forum at all. Yeah, that didn't happen at all.
But that's the narrative they went with because it suited their agenda, right?
Unknown_01: It's more sympathetic if you threaten people.
Unknown_05: If me saying this is her daughter's name and a picture of her and her husband and her daughter is endangering her daughter, then why did Dominique Sky not endanger her daughter by posting the exact same information on her public Instagram?
Unknown_09: And my information was out there for years. And the bad shit that happened was quickly resolved because it was bullshit.
I don't know. People have said the same things for many, many, many years. And it's never changed my position. Even having the worst things that could ever possibly happen to you as a result of doxing. All the hypotheticals have occurred to me. And it has not shaken my belief whatsoever.
Unknown_01: Someone says, how would you like it if your family's addresses were all made public? Not cool then, huh? Well, do not dox, period. Look, man, if your family owns houses, they are, I hate to say it, but they are public.
My grandfather, my aunt, my other aunt and uncle, my mom's current address, it's all out there.
Unknown_09: People have compiled it in giant fucking paste bins and shared it around and like, these are where these people live. And they're all fine. And I feel so fucking bad for anybody who would have the audacity to visit my grandfather because he is a fucking psychotic Vietnam veteran and you will regret it. The last moments of your life will be misery forever.
Unknown_09: I'm not fucking worried. I'm sorry.
Unknown_01: Well, there you go. I mean, I don't know what else to say. Again, people are not going to agree. The point here is not to convince you to agree with doxing. You make up your own mind on that, for sure. Let's see. Sakaki Onsai says, Dominique doxed Supergirl and Chronic Karen. Rando number nine says, the cosplay thought cries in pain as she doxes you. Finfrog says, Chronic Karen got called at work. Phone number which wasn't public info. I don't know how they got it. You know, I guess that's the question.
of the stuff you'd have to commit a crime to get and if you do that's obviously wrong talbot link says i'm not a guy who shills true talk up your merch more uh yeah you can find a link to the merch store down in the description there's some scrolling merch that runs below the below the show uh check it out if you like it buy it if you don't don't cypher warrior says tax day featuring ty beard is the duke um
Unknown_01: we've got gengio says thoughts are wailing in the streets that's w-h-a-l-i-n-g architect of fate says when do we get the thad story drexel not tonight because it's late i'm trying to get through these right talbot link says you guys are giving me very bad ideas to draw sonic the hedgehog says nick after the stream you have to see the flash gets video on space marines fighting furries it's right here on youtube oh i've seen it i've watched it several times avenge me brother oh
Bad Dragonite says, all the furry autists here seem to, here to see something awful. Daryl says, Flash Kids did the animation. They're awesome. Tillip says, Des Tiny genuinely wants to harm conservatives. Yeah, he made a weird statement about that recently. Quietness says, Josh needs to teach Drexel about beauty of K. Oh, God. Cooking with K. That's a reference to K's cooking.
Unknown_09: K is a woman from,
Unknown_09: middle England and She is just the worst cook ever unbelievably bad It's like I think I think her mother her mother grew up during the First World War and She grew up during the second or like her grandmother was the First World War her mom was the Second World War So all she knows how to cook are like these ration recipes. And her pot is like this vintage World War I ration pot. made out of like cheap metal and shit. And it's just, she uses, she uses her stove top for like a cutting board and everything she makes is just disgusting looking. And it's, it's fantastic. We, uh, we have bingo for her. And when I, when I watch her with my, with my fans, I, uh, I pull up a bingo card and we watch her video. and we try to get bingo because she has consistent themes in it like she always wears a metallica shirt um she always starts the video by saying hi people she always uses margarine she uses like pounds and pounds of margarine because her her son hates butter for some reason but loves margarine by like the the
But like the pound and she doesn't make anything from scratch. And she always, you just got to watch it. Just Google Kay's cooking or cooking with Kay and watch any video. It's fantastic.
Unknown_01: That sounds horrible.
Unknown_09: It's great.
Unknown_01: Roscoe.
Unknown_01: Director.
Unknown_01: Feeder.
Unknown_01: He's a feeder.
Unknown_02: Who?
Unknown_01: I mean, he just told you about all that great food.
Unknown_02: Oh, you're talking about... Come on. He's a feature.
Unknown_09: Poor Josh.
Unknown_03: Don't you just want to eat straight margarine, Drexel?
The evidence is clear.
Unknown_03: The only thing I ever ate straight up like that was cookie dough. I used to get packs of cookie dough and eat it.
Unknown_01: I tried to eat a tube of cookie dough. That's not a good idea because you can't pound that down in one sitting. It gets funky in the fridge after you open it.
Unknown_03: True, yeah, you got about two hours after you open it to down it.
Unknown_01: Yeah, because the end starts getting hard.
Unknown_03: Yeah, yeah, once it gets hard, it's bad.
Unknown_01: Yeah, not good.
Unknown_09: Freezing burn, yeah. You just got to do it. You just got to put down that whole pound of dough.
Unknown_03: Yeah, put down that pound of dough.
That's disgusting. Rusco Disco says, Josh, I got into programming recently, finding out I actually love it. How did you learn it? Hopefully you don't consider HTML slash CSS coding. Wish me luck.
Unknown_09: no uh html and css are are not programming languages they are uh i don't even know how to describe it they're just like an interface programs use that that html and css and then programmatically generate things with it so it's kind of like a script they're not even really i mean you could say that about anything with a compiler
Yeah, that's true. There's a specific word for it. It's not programming. But he clarified that, no, it's not programming. He's probably doing JavaScript. JavaScript is what's really big right now. I got into programming very young because when I was like 12, I played a game called Blockland. And Blockland had a very robust scripting backend for it. So you could change the game any way you wanted. And there was just shit that I wanted to see in the game. So I just made it. And TorqueScript was based off of C Sharp. And eventually, I made very complicated game modes for this game by the time I was like 15, 16, and said, you know what? I really wanted a website for my game. I wanted to have a high score table. And I wanted to show information publicly. So if you go to the site, you'll see stuff about the game as it's happening, no matter where you are. and from that i learned uh mysql and you know php and javascript and all that stuff and by the time i was 17 or 18 i had a working knowledge of programming languages that let me get a job like right out of high school that's awesome i mean no college needed none of that like second years that you know no i i got my aa when i was like 25 just because uh my mom
pushed me into this program where I was taking college courses to complete high school credit. And I never completed either technically.
Unknown_09: So eventually I was just like, you know what? I'm like four classes from getting my AA. I might as well complete them and get some grant money while I do it. So I did.
Unknown_09: But if you want to get into programming, I'm not a teacher, but what I would say is think of something you want, that you actually want, and figure out how to make it. And that inquisitiveness will guide you in a practical way forward. to to making what you want and you'll learn a lot in the process and eventually when you do make it when you get the bare minimum working you'll be like you know this is kind of i want to make it better and that's like the the roots the the root of the tree of learning how to how to do software i have i have a ba and a jd but a lot of people on twitter tell me i need aa so
You thought of that like five minutes ago in the middle of my spiel and you saved that shit. I thought about it the first time you said you had an AA like an hour and a half ago.
Unknown_01: And I missed it. I'm like, I missed the window. I missed the window.
Unknown_09: Like a ninja just sitting on it.
Unknown_01: Yeah. Patient assassin. Andrew War Snowboard says Spectrum Internet made me miss 70 minutes live. Well, that was rude. Sue him. Bad Dragonite says Drexel going after them African pygmies. Gross. TLJ Screwjob says, so when you smash a BBW, are you able to see the D go in and out, or do the fat rolls jiggling around make it impossible? Wow.
Wow. Is that your final answer? That's the final answer. Okay. Tom531Cat, there's so many statements that can go on a t-shirt. Her hand game is fierce, not taken out of context. A gentle smiling face on a true back of t-shirt. On true back of t-shirt. There we go. eat neat says as an autistic man i will never know the experiences uh if this experience of tapping fat women at least i have warhammer 40k that's a good job that's all you need brother chris dagger says hell yeah drex that was amazing laughed so hard uh parochia parochial joe says drexel's famous bbw smash wouldn't be rosie o'donnell what if i slap a schlong on her
Rosie doesn't even like men. Well, I mean, but she might.
Unknown_01: You could tame that beast.
Unknown_03: Well, you know how I feel about so-called lesbians.
Unknown_01: Why did you get the inquisitive look when I said you could tame that beast?
Unknown_03: Look, I view lesbians as a sort of challenge. I mean, sort of. I mean, because a lot of them aren't even lesbians. So, yeah. It's all a crap test for me.
Unknown_01: There you go. It's all a ruse. Joshua Bailey says, pledged you on New Project 2. Can you send a Discord invite when you get a chance? Yeah, buddy, send me an email with the email address you use for New Project 2 so I can follow it and fix it. The Flame Silver Hunter says, when the lawsuit? We'll see. We'll see. Super Captain Chris says, how much money to make Drexel my new best friend?
Do you do paid best friends? I mean... Do you do the friend experience?
Unknown_03: Yeah. They got the girlfriend experience. They got the friend experience. Yeah, that'll be the new hustle.
Unknown_01: Well, they got the black friend experience. That's the free... That's the impact. The black friend experience. Oh, yeah, you got that.
Unknown_03: Wait, have you guys heard about the...
Unknown_03: What is it? There's like the cuddle parlors in Japan, things like that.
That's an old thing. There's an entire Vice documentary about the parlor. And it's so weird. It contains one of the weirdest moments ever caught on camera where the guy is laying down with this woman. And it's the whole like the girlfriend or not a girlfriend experience, but like the just the companionship in bed experience, I guess. And he's talking to her. He's like, you know, how do you feel about this? And you're like, do you have a boyfriend? And she's like, no, of course not. And then he's like, she says, just I think like without being prompted, she's like, no, I don't have a boyfriend. And when I see happy couples at Christmastime, I want them to die. And he's like, OK, that's that's enough of that.
Unknown_08: Later, he just gets this.
Unknown_03: Yeah, it was creepy, man. Like, Josh, did you ever have that feeling that, like, you know, with all the social media and just, you know, the internet age, like, as people become more disconnected from, like, physical, you know, face-to-face interaction, like, it's kind of getting to that point where that's how, like, lonely people are, is, like, I'll pay for company, for human interaction.
Unknown_09: See, I don't know if I could... The thing that gets me is, it's like, if you have to pay for something...
It's not genuine. So I don't know what people get out of it unless they are like so unfathomably isolated socially that even paid for company is a suitable alternative. Because I just, I can't imagine the fulfillment from it.
Unknown_01: What if you pay for it and then let it go and see if it comes back?
Unknown_01: Let what go?
Unknown_01: What you pay for it.
Unknown_01: Oh, thanks. He doesn't get the reference. We're moving that on. Thank you.
I think somebody short-circuited my brain. I'm just sitting here staring at my screen like, what the fuck? All Out of Bubblegum says, the Texas Shane Chair Massacre. Y says, Hermione's Patronus took the form of an otter, and she got recast as black in the plays.
Unknown_01: There you go. Really? um actually in i think uh i think uh what jk rowling came out and basically said hermione is black oh i know that and what pissed me off is my i told my mom that and she got she like dug into the fucking book and was like look here yeah there's a part of the book where it says like that she's white
no that she says that she has really fair skin and yeah sunburn in one of the books because they're they're outside and her her skin dark or pinks because she gets a mild summer and it's like black people don't get sunburned yeah it's fake didn't they say grindelwald or whatever was like gay with whoever else like i'm not a harry potter guy like i heard that and i was like really gay with uh retroactively go back yeah yeah and it's just like it's lame she's just taking like a hacksaw to her own and it's funny because i watched um i watched the the magical adventures of grindelwald or whatever the with somebody and we're just like this is the most awful piece of ever it's so boring and nothing ever happens and it makes you wonder like how did how did she make books that people liked because she seems utterly incompetent now and it's like an editor
Unknown_09: Do you think it was all just editing? Somebody put it together correctly? They edited out all the dumb shit.
Or she just loses her fastball. That can happen to you. You're creative for a period of time and you have this rush of creativity and then later on, after you lose that major story... Well, I mean, editing made Memento. Editing made Star Wars.
Unknown_09: I'm wondering, is she like a...
Unknown_09: a george lucas somebody who's like a creative mind but isn't very organized or intelligent when it comes to decision making so you need you know professionals to help you with that because there's there's a thing where uh somebody caught her off guard at like a a book signing or something it was like Do wizards have toilets? And she was like, before the muggle toiletry came in, they would simply make their shit vanish. They would shit like an Indian on a designated shitting street and then make it disappear with magic before the muggles came along and showed them toilets.
Why wouldn't you just disappear it right out of your lower intestine?
Unknown_01: I mean, I guess you miss your Twitter time or whatever if you do that. I don't know. If you fuck up, you could disappear your appendix so it's safe from just a shit first.
Talbot Link says, Drexel can turn anything sexual. Dude, I used to know someone that identified as a Tesco with tits. There's weird stuff out there. I don't know what that means. Very weird.
Unknown_01: A gas station with booze?
Unknown_04: Okay.
Unknown_01: Oh, a Tesco gas station. Oh, yeah, okay. Now I got it. Weird.
Unknown_01: Kami4242 says, this is $5 to help jumpstart Drexel's stand-up career. That two and a half some BBW segment was way better than anything you'll hear on Comedy Central nowadays. There you go. Is Comedy Central that bad now? Oh.
Is it that bad?
Unknown_01: Yeah.
Unknown_09: I mean, come on.
Unknown_03: Was they like full SJW?
Unknown_09: I got that fucking Don... Who the fuck is Don Lemon?
Unknown_03: Sorry, I don't know.
Unknown_09: Lemon's an olive in my fucking head for some reason.
Unknown_01: Don Lemon is on Comedy Central now?
Unknown_01: I thought he was the host of The Tonight Show. Is he the host of Trevor Noah? The Daily Show. Trevor Noah, I think, right?
He looks similar to Don Lemon. He does look a little similar.
Unknown_01: I'm not that racist. I'm just an idiot. He's just all black people.
Unknown_01: For those of you just tuning in, we've got Don Lemon or Trevor Noah on the show here, too. Just so you know.
Unknown_09: I was going to say this. I was waiting for the right time to say it. It's nice to see the blackface lawyer's blackface. And it's nice to know that the blackface lawyer's blackface looks like Samuel L. Jackson.
Okay, let's see. Automata says, someone put out a condom box that takes two people to open. Probably more gimmick than product, but it's out there now. That's just, you're not creative enough if you need two people to open any kind of box.
Unknown_04: But what if you just put a gun on her and tell her, open the box?
Unknown_01: Yeah, exactly. I'm not going to say that joke. SMscorks89 says, RT equals rooster teeth, Nick. Thank you. Hilarious says, Nick, after saying that, you're legally obligated to hook Russell up with this chick.
Are you saying I should hook Russell up with M? That's rude. Yeah.
Unknown_01: that's that's that's em's personal maybe they're talking about dominique maybe we'll just go with that oh yeah i think that that might be true i think that might be true uh v ue samadari a detective says who would win drexel versus vic by getting girls and fight two uh vic would always win with girls only because of uh that's just the nature of of women if you have status if you have you know
If you're more famous, Harvey Weinstein was luckier than me.
Unknown_01: I think you're nine feet taller than Vic, though.
Unknown_03: Yeah, but when you got money or you got status... You know, like I said, Harvey Weinstein can get more women than me, even now. He's like, I'm Harvey Weinstein, looking horrible with that weird-looking eye. Harvey Weinstein looks terrible.
Unknown_00: Whatever happened to loving a brother with a bus pass? Right?
Unknown_03: So, yeah, you know, I mean, you can always skate as long as you've got, you know, celebrity or money or whatever. you know because i've had women say they're like you know i can get you know more guys you can get girls it's like but that's not saying something in order to have an even playing field you'd have to say who gets more a famous man or your average female you know that's actually a more even playing field yeah it's like you can get as many guys as you want but could you get harvey weinstein that that is that is the ultimate because you see harvey weinstein he has his pick of the litter he does
but have you seen those pictures of him drexel where he's with uh emma watson speaking of harry potter and he's like he's like controlling her he's he's got both hands on her and is like guiding her body through oh i haven't seen that and she she just looks like her brain is offline and she's in like a like in like a drone mode where man it might be the mk ultra you know she might be a government asset
Unknown_09: She's just letting Harvey Weinstein control her for the time being. And it's really fucking unsettling. Just seeing those pictures made me think, yeah, all these people are fucked up.
Unknown_09: I'll look it up.
Unknown_03: Now that you say it, I'll Google Harvey Weinstein plus Emma Watson and see what pops up. It should be the top result.
Unknown_09: It's unsettling. There's like four or five different shots, and she just looks out of it, and he's like the grossest pot-bellied pig human to ever exist.
Unknown_03: He looks like Gannon.
The Russell Greer hookup was for your brother's ex, by the way.
Unknown_02: Oh, yeah.
Unknown_01: Perfect. Perfect. We'll do that.
Unknown_01: Okay. Y says, is Drexel's brother Mundane Matt? He also had a meth head stripper girlfriend at one point. No. No. Shockingly, there's not much family resemblance there. Twans Gruberman says, Josh is lying. He's married to a buxom culinary queen called Kay from England. He would often remark how he would enter the kitchen and say, hi, Kay, and I'm back smashing again.
that's that's untasteful that's unbecoming of you super chatter now josh you've answered questions candidly and honestly all throughout this stream and i hope you do the same here little poopoo says josh monthly bill spent on feeding
Unknown_01: Oh, geez.
Unknown_09: Let's see.
Unknown_09: Things here are cheap, so you get your $4 a day. That's what Keith's thinking about it. Yeah. It's only about $120. You can sustain somebody for very cheap overseas. I recommend it. If you have the capacity to go overseas to expand your feeding options, do so.
Unknown_01: There you go.
Unknown_01: Y says, Game of Tyrones, a bunch of women compete to sit on the throne. gross monday matt boulder says drexel effing trainees needs to be on know your meme and needs a kiwi farm page uh let's see blaine 20 says found roberts fb uh dom's hubby it's official he's a beta architect of fate says how many bronies are being cast for game of tyrones is the subtitle we was kang's or wakanda forever nice uh we'll have to determine that in post waifu sands frontier says hey m i don't want to be that guy but why is distributing a shooting okay but cp isn't there are reasonable exceptions to every rule someone who disagrees with doxing is following the same logic when they advocate using it against heinous criminals
yeah no the thing about i i think i mentioned this the last time i was on when i was talking specifically about the shooting um the law that they're using to punish people for distributing or even just downloading and watching the video is the same law they use to control child pornography which is why i i always tell people if you ever see a law in congress or in your parliament That's something about helping kids always be fucking skeptical of that shit because they will pass the most egregious fucking violations of your personal rights under the guise of doing it for the kids. It's you just you have to be really fucking careful because it's complete bullshit and people fall for it constantly. I agree.
Yeah, but I'll tell you the answer why distributing a shooting is okay, but child porn isn't. In the United States, it's legal to distribute a shooting video. It's not illegal to distribute child porn.
Unknown_09: Well, that's the legal answer. But the rationale behind it is that allowing child pornography to circulate creates a black market which enables exploitation in countries with poorer governments that can't combat it effectively. So the best choice is to make it so dangerous in first world countries that that money doesn't end up going towards these studios in overseas countries. Whereas, I mean, what happens, you distribute this video and there's not going to be like a black market for Moss shootings. It's not, it's a, it's a completely different ideological thing. And I, I mean, maybe they're afraid that more people are going to be encouraged by this video. I think that's the thought.
I mean, that was the thought that it would be used for propaganda or whatever, but here's the, here's the problem.
Unknown_01: Is that it was used for propaganda even though they tried to stop it. And it would be. There's not a stop. I mean, to me, there's a vast difference in the market impact that you're talking about. It's far more likely that you will create a child pornography victim because other governments have much different rules about this stuff.
It's sort of the directness of it. If we allow the propagation of this material, then yes, it absolutely, positively, 100% would enable these studios to benefit from child exploitation. Does this video create more shooters? You could argue it, but you can't say beyond the shadow of a doubt 100% that somebody will be inspired by this video to shoot up a mosque.
We don't have data on it at all.
Unknown_09: Yeah, it's a completely different kind of like philosophical ballpark. And, you know, you would hope, depending on who you are, you would hope that nobody would be inspired to kill more people.
Unknown_09: But, you know, I just get the feeling that if somebody was going to shoot up a mosque, this video isn't going to persuade them either way. You know what I mean? Like, if you're already that kind of person, I don't think this tape is going to be the one that's like, yeah, you know what, I can do that.
There you go.
Unknown_01: Okay, we gotta get through this, because I really gotta go to the bathroom. Higara says, at null we need Dobson mad at the internet, also show toes.
Unknown_01: uh feels good any always 990 says thanks for reading the oh excuse me thanks for reading the chat even though it was 1999 here's the rest plus some extra thank you uh stupid mf thanks for the donation tlj screwjob says as and for monica and jamie i hope you now know what you publicly said happened to you wasn't sexual assault like soye and amanda and the rest of kick vick has said if you go back on it with i didn't want to hurt him so i said that instead good luck Stupid MF says, question for Drexel, what's your opinion on Devil's Three Ways? MMF, is sharing caring or is it a form of cuckery?
Okay, there's a couple things you can be. You can be a cuck or you can be a stag.
Unknown_03: Be a stag. Don't ever be a cuck.
Unknown_01: Okay, we'll leave it at that. Leave it at that. Internet tab says, doxing like a gun is a tool. Are you going to ban all guns because some people get shot? Thomas Arena says, do you watch The Dragon Prince and Cobra Kai? No, I have no time for any TV.
No One Important says, my name is Tony Stark and I'm not afraid of you. It's just you and me. On the off chance you're a man, here's my home address, Iron Man 3.
Unknown_01: CECollins68 says, lol Drex, have you ever been to a cuddle party? A thing?
Unknown_01: Oron1 says, proof that Hermione isn't black, the covers.
Unknown_01: Yeah, she's white in all the depictions. Well, I mean, that's just a racist artist. Bad Player says... It's a thin line between auteur and autist. 1991 Shadowheart says, Hey Nick, just joined the stream. Heard any news about Monica getting kicked from Toei? A YouTuber named Perfection did an upload on it. Keep up the work, mate. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Aussie. Oi, oi, oi.
I would take anything Perfection posts with a grain of salt. That guy has some really clickbaity titles and doesn't ever seem to back it up. But, you know, I mean, I don't know his info sources. I have no idea, but I'm suspicious. FullmetalDBZ, thanks for the chats. FriedBacon says, for the hypocrites out there, how about instead of doxing criminals, why don't you just report them to the authorities?
I don't know if any hypocrites want to answer that. Um...
Unknown_01: Sometimes part of reporting them to the authorities is doxing them. Right.
Unknown_01: If they're anonymous online. I have reported people to the police before.
Unknown_08: What was that? I have reported people to the police before.
Unknown_01: Yeah, I almost never do because I'm a defense attorney. I do it anonymously. There you go. So that nobody can ask me questions and they leave me alone. Derp Kerblurp says the doxing argument is similar to gun control. Should a thing be illegal simply because some people choose to use it to do bad things? And Waifu Sans Frontiers says you completely missed the point of my question. I'm saying the same rationale for stopping the proliferation of child porn can be used by a person with a dox of a kitty fiddler who would normally be against doxing. Hmm.
What? I just go for the Occam's razor thing, where it's just like, it's always fine.
Unknown_09: Stop worrying about it.
Unknown_01: It's always fine. I'm trying to noodle through this statement. The same rationale for stopping the proliferation of child porn, which is that more proliferating child porn creates victims, could be used by a person with the dox of a kitty fiddler who would normally be against doxing.
I guess if you don't dox that person, then you're creating victims. I don't know.
Unknown_09: The word doxing there could be replaced with vigilante homicide, and still I think would carry a more effective meaning. That's a very personal mind frame I think he's describing.
Unknown_01: Well, I think the problem is that doxing encompasses this huge umbrella of things. Because there's doxing of naming someone who's been anonymous. There's doxing of gathering public data that's available in several places into one place. And then there's doxing of gathering private data that's not available and putting that out there. And it's all under the same term.
That never happens.
Unknown_09: If something is gathered, it's already public. Now, usually...
Unknown_06: Well, that's not true, because people who steal credit card info from a company that hasn't published and has a duty not to publish that info... That's different, though, because... But I'm saying that still would be considered doxing.
Unknown_09: There was... There was... yeah i mean that that general term but for instance there's a breach of patreon and the whole schema of who was donating to who and email addresses for creators and for patrons were leaked and we used some of these email addresses to find out the identities of some people there was one in particular
The secret gamer girl person who is a bearded Santa Claus potbelly man. I mean, why are you getting me another ethics complaint?
Unknown_09: But the point is, is that we found out who he was specifically because of the Patreon leak. Now, the leak itself was criminal hacking.
Unknown_09: But once that information is out there, it's public and it can be used legally and republished legally. And that's where the thing, like the taking private information, like the fappening where all the celebrities have their nudes leaked, that hack is the criminal act.
Right, yeah, yeah. But people, I'm saying that people lump those together. You're talking about a subsequent usage of the information. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's included in the phrase too. I'm saying that doxing is such a broad term because it encompasses so many different things.
Unknown_01: And some of them are clearly worse than others. We specifically usually refer to just the assimilation of already public information when we talk about it.
Unknown_09: So I don't know. People have their own definitions for stuff. I can't specifically address that.
Yeah, there you go. And that's fine. Akasit, there are two chats left and then we're going to finish the stream. Akasit says, you've already lost if you try to argue against the law to protect my children. The only valid way forward, in my opinion, is to argue that the government must recognize the social contract that individual rights are not to be infringed. Alas, falls on deaf ears. Right? I mean, we know how that goes. Once you warn the moms about the children, whatever you like is gone. Yep. bob newbie lord of noobs says drex here's for the for bridget and the blacked throne thank you all right guys we've we've gone four hours i think that's sufficient oh i do got something to say to josh real quick though oh what's up uh josh i looked up harvey weinstein uh emma watson you were right that's extremely creepy
She looks like a doll or something.
Unknown_01: She does. I'll show you the pictures, man.
Unknown_03: It's bad.
Unknown_01: I've seen him, but I'll look again just because I like looking at that Harvey Weinstein face.
Unknown_03: Yeah, I can't look at his face either, but it's very creepy.
Unknown_01: He does look like Ganon. That's such a great association. He does. I'm looking at the pictures. He looks like a pig monster.
Unknown_01: All right, well, to my guests, don't leave just yet. We'll say goodbye right after we sign off to the chat. Thank you for watching and participating. I hope you got all of your questions answered. And if not, next time, next time.
Did you guys want to say anything or plug the Kiwi Farms or anything like that?
Unknown_09: uh no if you're there you already know why you're there you're in that weed wars thread looking at looking at looking at things that are highly illegal by certain people's definition of legal so i don't i don't need to advertise it you'll come anyways um i was asked to give a shout out to neural who wants you all to know to remember that culture wars are retarded
Unknown_05: And also to Sneasel, fuck you. All right, that's all I have to say. All right, thanks.
And last chat, I'm going to say it with the lights off. Waifus and Waifu Sand Frontier says, most nations have laws. Waving confidence if a professional bound by confidentiality discovers that the person has feelings for children. I only have 250 characters. Suppose these questions, guys, give me the benefit of the doubt. You have all the benefit of the doubt. We'll see you guys later. Thanks, chat. Talk to you soon.
Unknown_02: Thanks for coming in, Josh. No, thanks guys.