JustinRPG - Mad at the Internet 2019-02-07

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I love Restaurants

Unknown_04: Fresh Ram I love, marriage is strong. Fresh Ram and Justin, together forever. Together forever. Together forever. Fresh Ram and Justin, together forever. Together forever. Together forever.

Unknown_04: And the other is human asthma. If you love each other, love each other, love each other, love each other, love each other, love each other, love each other, love each other, love each other, love each other, love each other, sing with me, Rush and Ram!

Unknown_01: Sing with them, chat. You know the words. You know the words. All right, let me turn this off.

Unknown_01: I have to get emotional when I talk about JustinRPG. He was my first, my first lolcow. He was, he is near and dear to my fucking heart. Because I remember way back when. Okay, I mentioned the Blockland stuff, right? You guys remember that stream?

Unknown_01: There was a girl that I talked about in that stream, and we were very close friends, and she was a vorafile. And we would sometimes, I would make fun of her by comparing her to just an RPG.

Unknown_01: And sometimes I would scream at her the word lub.

Unknown_01: Just endlessly yelling at her love each other and I actually hold a contention. I have a very strong political opinion regarding that song I believe that it's actually flub each other. It is not love each other. I believe there's an F in there Flub each other and when I tell people this they think I'm fucking crazy, but I hear the F

Unknown_01: I hear the F and nobody can convince me otherwise.

Unknown_01: It's not D. Fuck off. I'm not into gypsies. Get out of here.

Unknown_01: Also, since I'm being open, let me tell you how close I was to not doing a stream today.

Unknown_01: I woke up yesterday in fucking hives. I had never seen it before. I had like bites on me. I'm like, do I have fucking bed bugs? How the fuck do I have bed bugs? I keep my shit clean.

Unknown_01: While I'm sitting there looking at this shit, like, what the fuck is this? What bit me? It, like, spread. And I'm thinking, holy fuck, this is like an allergic reaction type thing. And I was itchy all over. And it was miserable. And then, I'm thinking, before I figured out it was, like, allergies.

Unknown_01: I put all my bed dressings in the washing machine, and I cut it on, and then some fucking dipshit slav motherfucker had built something over the main lines, and it collapsed and crushed the water pipe to the entire fucking city. and nobody in the city had water and my fucking bed dressings were all damp and shit and like soapy and gross and I couldn't I couldn't take a shower and I was covered in fucking hives and uh

Unknown_01: Also, because of how my house is, I use a radiator. I don't have electric heating. And I- I- I- I- Like, it's fucking cold. It's February in fucking Russia. And I couldn't cut my fucking heating on because I wasn't- I didn't have any water. And I couldn't- Like, I couldn't flush the toilet. I couldn't use the fucking shower. I couldn't finish, uh, cleaning my fucking bed dressings. So I just go to bed on the mattress in, like, full clothes and shit. And then I wake up and I go out to get my fucking borscht, right? And nobody had any borscht because they didn't have fucking water yesterday And they couldn't put the shit in the slow cooker the night before So it was just it was just awful. It was just it was Tonka salt level fucking miserable And and all I was thinking about the entire fucking time was this shit was this fucking shit And especially you Joshua moon

Unknown_00: I curse you and all your followers and all your people over there that have spoke against my wife and I. I curse all of you in the name of Yahuwah that you die and that Yahuwah takes your life and that your insides rot with pestilence.

Unknown_00: May you die for coming against Yahuwah's righteous and for the stalker.

Unknown_01: Just some fucking bullshit. Unbelievable. Just unbelievable. It's miserable. It's miserable.

Unknown_01: Alright, what was I talking about? Oh, right. Just an RPG. Well gosh golly, I love Just an RPG. It's important to note with Just an RPG,

Unknown_01: that he is just a weirdo there are no trolling arcs there are no love sagas there's none of that faggot crap this is just a man who is very weird and I I miss that I miss the days where there were just weird people on the internet and people like that I like that I like this guy he is

Unknown_01: He's very open about himself.

Unknown_01: This is the famous picture of him. This was on Encyclopedia Germanica I think in like 2011? Like it was a long time ago. He is old school and he hasn't changed a fucking bit. So this is him with Chiquita or something? Chikorita? I don't know. It's the shitty plant one from the second gen. Though I do want to point out

Unknown_01: that the best part of this entire picture is the hamburger.

Unknown_01: If you look at the top right, JustinRPG, in his infinite wisdom, has decided that what his room needed to pull it together is a picture of a very thick double stack hamburger.

Unknown_01: And it's a great looking hamburger, but I don't understand the significance.

Unknown_01: Nick, maybe because he's a vorafile, he was thinking, you know, what I really need is like a hamburger in my room.

Unknown_01: But I personally wouldn't.

Unknown_01: And.

Unknown_01: Here's another older picture. I don't think he commissioned this one. I think he just pulled it and edited himself into it.

Unknown_01: So loudspeaker, attention, four human cadets are missing and stolen from the laboratory, an experimental shrink weapon.

Unknown_01: And as you can see, she's eating them. Now this is just like a normal, this is just a normal, in air quotes, vor picture. But as you can see, he has optimized it. He has improved it significantly by photoshopping himself into the situation, into the peril. He's really projecting himself in there for us.

Unknown_01: It looks photoshopped.

Unknown_01: Maybe just a little. Now this one's even more seamless. I want you guys to tell me if you can find out how, if this is edited or not.

Unknown_01: So I don't know who the girl on the right is. I think it's Saria from Ocarina of Time. I don't know. You guys tell me. But there's just an RPG. Oh, it's Rydia, not Saria. And there's a mole trace on the middle. Just an RPG very accurately points out in the thinking bubble. My Moltres is pooping in the new house. And Rydia or whatever says, you're going to have to eat all that now, Justin. And it says down there on the bottom. Scenario. Justin's Moltres couldn't wait to poop. She pooped in Justin and her new girlfriend's new house. Justin's girlfriend makes Justin eat Moltres's poop as a result. Since his girlfriend is the boss, Justin eats Moltres's poop. Justin then waits until Moltres has finished doing her business, then Justin eats all of Moltres's poop. And I mean every last bit and swallows it down too.

Unknown_01: So there's a lot to dig through in this picture.

Unknown_01: You might pick up the theme of female empowerment. And Justin, like our friend Melinda Leascott, is definitely a fan of the matriarchy. There are matriarchal elements to his household.

Unknown_01: We can probably blame that on the fact that he is a Single or only child. I want to say he's an only child of a single mom Who this is way back when this is 2011. I think at least this is a picture of her Everybody seems to think she's very hot and she has a thing for Corvettes. I'm pretty sure that she

Unknown_01: Her family, like her father or something, was somehow involved in the Corvette company. But she is definitely like one of those women who back in the day would pose next to cars and shit. And this is the old picture I could find of her for the purposes of this stream. Justin also likes cars on his Facebook and stuff. He has like video game cars and stuff on his page alongside horrible fetish material.

Unknown_01: If you think she's hot though, this is her now. She's aged quite a bit, not too gracefully.

Unknown_01: Based on this look of being dead inside, there might have been some revelations made in the last few years that have hurt her somewhat.

Unknown_01: Oh god, chat's fucking exploding. Jesus Christ. GILF. Oh, fuck. Fuck off. Fuck off with that. Alright, the majority of this is I have found recently that JustinRPG is actually still active and because how the internet is with like cringe groups on Facebook and Reddit he's gaining some traction. So we're just going to go over some of his new stuff to just kind of show you what you're in for if you go look for him.

Unknown_01: He has like an active Facebook account, he has an active Reddit account, and he has an active profile on one other site that I'm gonna get to last. So if you're wondering, does he still Photoshop him into pictures he doesn't belong in, the answer is yes.

Unknown_01: Obviously.

Unknown_01: Okay, oh, I put this over here for a reason, I remember. I'm going to have sex with this female flame Atronach. If I'm... Okay, the thing is, I'm gonna be reading a lot of his stuff, and I've tried to read it to myself, but keep in mind, I have brain problems, and these are all fictional names. I am going to mispronounce fucking everything constantly.

Unknown_01: If you notice this, tell me in chat. I will try to correct myself if it's in time. I am going to have sex with this female flame atronach from Oblivion. I find the flame atronach and he repeats the name. He never uses pronouns. He just repeats the name endlessly.

Unknown_01: Flame Atronach is from the Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Sexy. However, their body is made up of 87% fire, and 100% fire surrounds them. That fire could kill me if I tried to have sex with one. To remedy this, the Flame Atronach casts a spell on me, making me resistant to fire. Keep in mind, resistant is not the same as immune. I still take damage. It's either 1 point or 0 points of damage each second I'm having sex with her. Just because a particular second caused 0 points of damage does not mean that I did not feel anything. It just means I took no damage. I'm not going to rush through having sex with this Flame Atronach. I am making sure I pleasure anything I have sex with, especially non-humans. I'd rather take damage than not pleasure the Flame Atronach.

Unknown_01: At Atronach, my bad.

Unknown_01: The Flame Atronach and I go to the Plains of Oblivion to have sex. When having sex with non-humans, it is always sexier to have sex in their natural habitat rather than a human's natural habitat. The Plains of Oblivion is the Flame Atronach's...

Unknown_01: natural habitat. Before we went into the planes of oblivion, the flame atronach let all the Daedra know that we are just here for sex. The Daedra will not attack us because they know I am here at the planes of oblivion on sexual business. Is that like a political passport? When you go to the bowels of hell do they give you a special passport if you're just there to fuck things? This includes the Dremora. However, the Jamora Marquinas think that it is going to be easy recruit for becoming a follower of Mehrunes Dagon, considering that I am having sex with a flame atronach. However, I have no interest in becoming a Daedra.

Unknown_01: Okay.

Unknown_01: Now that post would not be worth reading if not for this fucking picture, which I'm gonna bring front and center because you need to see it.

Unknown_01: This is the picture that I got the thumbnail from, and I want you to see it in his glory.

Unknown_01: This is just perfect. Look at how happy he is to be next to that Actronach. He is just thrilled to be in hell, I guess.

Unknown_01: All right, I have another one. Oh, God, this one.

Unknown_01: As I mentioned at the beginning of the month in my cover photo, the next update of The Life of Justin Coolidge, the game, is indeed Princess Celestia.

Unknown_01: That update became live as of the 20th of August. This update allows me to ride my pony waifu Princess Celestia throughout Equestria. She is my transportation to get from point A to point B in Equestria, if long enough distance. This update also adds quests, side quests, and missions that either my pony waifu Princess Celestia needs to do or I need to do.

Unknown_01: Oh, Princess Celestia needs to do or her and I need to do. Okay, together. They do it together because they're a couple.

Unknown_01: There could be a quest here and there that involves all my main sexual partners. Wife Westram, Legendary Bae, Xerneas, Hazubando Lugia, and Pony Waifu Princess Celestia. The next update in late September is going to surprise the shit out of some people because a lot of people do not know that I like this anime. Spoiler alert, it used to be a Pokemon's main competitor.

Unknown_01: Oh Digimon.

Unknown_01: Spoiler alert, it's Digimon.

Unknown_01: Okay I want you to look at this uh what's this?

Unknown_01: Oh it's different.

Unknown_01: Look at look at that picture that he's used.

Unknown_01: Look at Look at how he straddles the... Look at that! I like how the pony even looks like it's in fucking pain. Like, I can't carry this fat motherfucker around. He's too big.

Unknown_01: Josh is jealous. Am I jealous of his waifu princess Celestia?

Unknown_01: What's this one say? Okay, so this is another update about the game. I could not find this game. I look for it I don't know if I'm blind or retarded or or what?

Unknown_01: I don't know if this game exists or if it's just like a thing he's working on or If it's like a fictional thing that he just enjoys talking about I could not find this game anywhere. Oh

Unknown_01: uh you'll never have what he has i i just i think his life is the game i don't know i cannot find um this dude's game i i desperately want to play it though

Unknown_01: So, let's, uh, let me get a sip of water, and then I want to talk to you about how weird his fucking fetishes are. Just scrolling down his Facebook timeline introduces you to so many things you didn't know existed, and which conflict with one another.

Unknown_01: Also, fair warning.

Unknown_01: These things I cannot pronounce either, so I'm gonna bumble through this like a fucking retard some more.

Unknown_01: Sorry, I'm dying still. Because I ate kebab. That's what I get. Oh, I didn't mention this. Last week I missed a week because I had the flu or something. And I got the flu immediately after I ate a kebab. And then the next week, because I'm a super genius with 142 IQ, I went to the same kebab place. And the next day I broke out in fucking hives, right? So I'm obviously mentally stunted. And I go to places that make me sick because I hate myself.

Unknown_01: Yes, remove kebab. There should be no kebab places anywhere.

Unknown_01: So, just like all Xerneas, my legendary bae Xernea is capable of shrinking me, but she would never do so. She cares about me and does not want anything to happen to me. Other Xerneas do not shrink me. Some will crush me as well. Oh, not only shrink me, some will crush me as well. Some Xerneas out there force me to have sex with them. Wow.

Unknown_01: My legendary bae Xerneas will never force me to have sex with her. All sexual contact with my legendary bae is consensual. She will never shrink me and she will definitely never crush me. However, if my legendary bae Xerneas sees another Xerneas force me to have sex with them, shrinking me or crushing me, she cannot interfere.

Unknown_01: This is killing me. I'm gonna fucking stroke out and die reading this shit. And this is gonna be my last words. You guys are gonna gather around my plus-size coffin and be... He was a kind fellow and his final words were about a legendary Pokemon forcing Justin Coolidge to suck their dicks.

Unknown_01: Oh God.

Unknown_01: My legendary base Zernias can protect me from other Zernias that try to force me to have sex with them or try to shrink me if my legendary base Zernias catches them before they started to do so. My Legendary Bay Xerneas cannot stop Xerneas from crushing me, even if she caught them before they did so, because I would already be shrunken. If my Legendary Bay Xerneas finds me shrunken somewhere because I was shrunken by another Xerneas that did not crush me afterwards, she cannot return me to normal size, because the only Xerneas that can return me to normal size are the same Xerneas that shrunk me.

Unknown_01: Other Xerneas cannot return me to normal size either if they were not the Xerneas that shrank me. Pictured here is my legendary bae Xerneas holding me close to her because she cares about me.

Unknown_01: Jesus Christ.

Unknown_01: So if you can't tell, what he likes to do when he masturbates is set up situations that are very precise.

Unknown_01: And he goes into detail about how nobody can help him and how people care about him.

Unknown_01: The thing about caring about him is what's strangely reoccurring. And as I mentioned, it conflicts a little bit.

Unknown_01: So I'm going to read this one, which is posted literally right after this.

Unknown_01: Precision fetus, not quite.

Unknown_01: Giratina? Giratina? The female Giratina and I are about to make things sexual. Oh God, he's really stepped it up in his relationship. Also, I like the little female sign over the monster.

Unknown_01: Because if you needed to know that it was a female, it'll let you know. There's no ambiguity there.

Unknown_01: Uh, however, Giratina thought it would be even more sexy if she shrank me some first. Now that I am shrunken down to two feet nine inches, what a fucking manlet, we can do some sexual stuff. I have to get behind Giratina in order to be sexual with her. She lifts up her tail and exposes her vagina. I cannot reach her vagina at this shrunken size. Not to worry, she can

Unknown_01: She can use Psychic to lift me up to her vagina, where I can lick it or have sex with her, or whatever she wants me to do to her vagina. Arceus granted the female Giratina the ability to shrink living things when she asked him to make me smaller.

Unknown_01: There are a few rules set in place that the female Giratina must follow. She can only shrink me, and it must be done for sexual purposes. The female Giratina is a good guy? What? That's contradictory. It can't be a good guy, it's a female.

Unknown_01: It is male Giratina, plural, you have to look out for. So I like the contradiction between this thing protects him from being shrunk down. It would never shrink him down without his permission because it loves him. But then he also indulges the opposite, where this gigantic six-legged monster caterpillar with demon wings Will rape him because it's just into it. So there's there's definitely some conflicting interests there Also, I have a question both of those and I think every Pokemon mentioned so far is legendary Why can't he ever be into like a normal Pokemon like like Houndoom?

Unknown_01: Why why can't he be like this white girl and be into Houndoom?

Unknown_01: Okay, there is more you saw this coming yeah, fuck you motherfucker didn't see nothing coming All right, oh yes standards, that's why you would never do a houndoom oh My god, okay, I think this is yeah, this is the November post that we were that he didn't want to spoil. Oh

Unknown_01: I am in Imperial Draymon Dragon Mode's stomach. What the fuck? That's not even a sentence. What the fuck is an Imperial Draymon Dragon Mode stomach?

Unknown_01: How does a dragon dinosaur armor thing have a fucking stomach? Whatever. Both Imperial Draymon Dragon Mode, that's like a tongue twister. I'm gonna try to say that as quickly as possible as he repeats himself a thousand times. She has a sexual,

Unknown_01: Oh, I am in ImperialDragonMode's stomach. Both ImperialDragonMode and I think it is very sexy when she swallows me. She has a sexual arousal look and I am very happy to spend 10 minutes in her stomach. 10 minutes is the official amount of time that is spent in a Pret's stomach for willing prey lore. However, 10 minutes in the stomach of a creature as big as ImperialDramondDragonMode will cause a little digestion. Therefore, when I am thrown up, I will show some very minor signs of digestion. Here's a fun fact, ImperialDramondDragonMode can digest me in a mere 20 minutes due to her very large size. ImperialDramondDragonMode has fairly good odds when it comes to throwing me up on her first try. If she is struggling to get me out of her stomach, it is just bad RNG. I'm glad that we're incorporating RPG elements to Imperial Dragon mode eating you.

Unknown_01: Technically, Imperial Dragon mode is peeing in the... What? Is a peeing in my mouth Digimon? The main arousal...

Unknown_01: The main arousal for Imperial Dream in Dragon Mode is for her to urinate in my mouth. However, I cannot display that kind of thing on Facebook because Facebook's rules state that I cannot show any genitals, even ones of a fictional non-human character. Imperial Dream in Dragon Mode is the third sexiest Digimon.

Unknown_01: Lilliemon is first, Rainamon is second.

Unknown_01: Oh, God. All right, there's more.

Unknown_01: Oh, you know what I didn't fucking show you? I'm such an idiot.

Unknown_01: Where's this one? Is this the one that I want? Yes.

Unknown_01: Okay, so if you don't know, let me hide this first. There are other kinds of vore besides the regular kind of vore. Regular in quotes.

Unknown_01: There's like soul vore, there's like cock vore, there's anal vore.

Unknown_01: JustinRPG has found something I've never seen before.

Unknown_01: I'm not like literally I've never even heard of this. I've heard of soul war I've heard of soul war where people where people get their fucking souls eaten, but I've never heard of this I was walking down the street and a magic man said that my wife just urinated So he sent me to the inside of my wife's bladder. He did not know that my wife was a reshiram Nor did he know that my wife was not even human

Unknown_01: He just knew that she urinated. His magic told him that. He has no clue that he sent me to the bladder of a Reshiram. He just assumes that he sent me to the bladder of some human girl. When I got to my wife's bladder, I find that it is indeed empty. I must now wait for her bladder to fill up with urine so she can urinate and let me out. Oh God, that'd be fucking painful. I'd be passing like a fucking gallbladder stone or something.

Unknown_01: When her bladder is full, she will urinate and let me out. Unless she has a reason to hold her urine in, then I will drown in her urine. Keep in mind, Reshiram does not know that I am in her bladder. You think he'd fucking feel that shit? That sounds painful.

Unknown_01: So I wanna tell you something that I forgot to show you.

Unknown_01: You might be wondering, how much does JustAnRPG love Reshiram? The answer is this much.

Unknown_06: Tiny details in that eye. Look at it.

Unknown_07: How's it looking, Justin?

Unknown_04: Good. Linged. There's more linge in that wing of it.

Unknown_07: It's getting there.

Unknown_04: Do the lines take longer or do they fill?

Unknown_01: How can you say you love her if you won't even tattoo her onto your arm His mother enables him. I don't know if she wants to go get um A tattoo like whose fucking business is it to stop him, you know?

Unknown_01: Sorry, that was just a little detour a little detour there's more there's so much more Oh, I have the full version of that picture by the way

Unknown_01: I want to show you it.

Unknown_01: This is one of the most bewildering fucking things I've ever seen.

Unknown_01: Urine in her bladder, urine exide out. Your wife just urinated.

Unknown_01: So to me inside of her bladder, I send you. I think that's like a racist witch doctor depiction, like billywitchdoctor.com. A riotous chicken. But instead of...

Unknown_01: Instead of like BillyWitchDoctor.com, he just sends you to somebody's bladder if they pee?

Unknown_01: He didn't say he shrank him.

Unknown_01: Like maybe if he does this normally, it like explodes the person as you like impure inside of them and they fucking tear in half.

Unknown_01: I don't know, this guy's an asshole though. I want to point out how big his fucking gut is though. Like he's got great posture, but that is a fucking gut right there.

Unknown_05: All right, let us continue.

Unknown_05: Oh, I can't pronounce this name either.

Unknown_01: My pet Suicune, Matusow the Suicune, named after the professional poker player.

Unknown_01: Matusow the Suicune pees in my mouth sometimes. It was an agreement that I would allow him to do so if he became my pet. Now, he doesn't ever seem to have sex with male animals, but he does let them pee in his mouth. I don't... Suicune. Suicune. Okay, whatever.

Unknown_05: But yeah.

Unknown_05: Again, he does this with Luga too. Oh god.

Unknown_01: I can't. You guys aren't going to like it when I get to this.

Unknown_01: I am known for creating some of the most attractive Sims in the Sims free play. Here is one of the sexiest Sims I've ever created. I would not mind having sex with her.

Unknown_01: She is more attractive than any white Sim I have ever created.

Unknown_01: So he likes men. He likes women. He likes animals.

Unknown_01: He likes fictional Imperial Dragon Draymen lords. He likes non-human rock monsters made of fire.

Unknown_01: And he likes blacks.

Unknown_01: That's right. He is a true sexual maverick.

Unknown_01: Okay, now I mentioned he's active on another site, but before I show you that, let me just show you, I don't even know why I saved this.

Unknown_01: Oh, I know, I remember why I saved it. I remember why I saved it.

Unknown_01: So this is his eBay, and as you can see, he incorporates, he's very, very open about being into Vorophilia, and that's a picture of him riding a Moltres and being eaten by Reshiram. Now his name is Moltres Rider, but he's being eaten by Reshiram.

Unknown_01: I just find that weird. That's what I find weird. Like, you should be monogamous, Justin. You should only have one wife. I mean, you got her fucking tattooed to your arm. How you gonna leave her after that?

Unknown_01: But, uh, he's not afraid of his kink, right? So...

Unknown_01: There's a website out there, don't ask how I know this, called Ekka's Portal. Ekka's Portal is a, like, vorafile, like, it's massive. Like, it's bigger than the Kiwi farms, and it's just for, like, vorafiles to post art of people getting eaten and shit. And to discuss their fetish with other people and find roleplaying, like, buddies and shit.

Unknown_01: And he is a very active poster on Ekka's portal.

Unknown_01: And some of his posts on this are just fucking hysterical.

Unknown_01: Being open about loving boar. I am very open about being into boar. There are people whom I don't, do not even know, who know that I am into it. Oh, jeez. I think he's talking about us.

Unknown_01: In fact, I am open with 80% of my sexual interests.

Unknown_01: What's the other 20%?

Unknown_01: What's the other 20%, Justin?

Unknown_01: That 80% does have a deviation, because I do not share everything with everybody. Some things I am fine with expressing to anybody, while some things nobody but me and a couple of artists I asked to draw said fetishes know about. Vore, however, is about as open as it gets.

Unknown_01: Oh, I see people making baseless speculation about what that 20% could be in chat. I'm gonna ignore that. Let's not slander the guy.

Unknown_01: Anyone else like lolly preds? I know this is a touchy subject for some people, but here goes. Keep in mind this is not a place to post images of such and some people may be offended by this topic slash content. Read at your own risk. Does anyone else like lolly slash lollicon preds? If yes, then what turned you on about being eaten by a lollicon? Me, I like lollipreds because their digestive system is newer and they have a kind of aesthetic that is just not possible with adults. I figure that a newer digestive system could would affect vor differently and I like the idea of being in the digestive system that could potentially be different slash more effective yet not fully developed. My preferred range of pred is four to seven, but I will accept up to age 12 to eat me, but no less than four. What the fuck?

Unknown_01: Justin. Oh, geez. The first lolly that I had a vore interest in was young Rydia. Wait a second. Isn't, oh.

Unknown_01: Isn't, wait, isn't that this one?

Unknown_01: That one.

Unknown_01: He's been open about this for fucking forever then, because that's what this is. In Reani, Sailor Moon R version. I am unsure which I wanted as a Pred first because I got interested in those characters around the same time. Both of which are amongst the first of my Vore interests. Oh jeez.

Unknown_01: That's a darker origin story.

Unknown_01: Okay, this is you can go to Ekka's portal. I can't bring this up live on stream, but you can bring it up yourself and I would encourage you to do so the forum likes to pick through his stuff. He's made 650 posts apparently but So there's a lot to dig through if you if you choose to But apparently he makes so many threads that I'll just read this

Unknown_01: Pred implying that prey will be digested before swallowing. Does anyone else like Vor scenarios where the Pred tells the prey that the prey will be digested without actually saying I'm going to digest you? The Pred's words could be anywhere from obvious to not obvious that the prey is going to be digested. like for example with my wife now he's this is a thread and he apparently is like so well known here he can just say that his wife is a restaurant and everybody fucking knows this uh restaurant holds shrunken me by her mouth getting ready to swallow me she says i'm going to take a nap after i swallow you did you know that digestion in a restaurant stomach is more effective if the restaurant is sleeping or napping That right there, she never said that she was going to digest me, but heavily implied it. Even just the, I'm going to take a nap after I swallow you, implies digestion, but it is not obvious. Her second sentence makes it more obvious. Does anyone like Preds that imply they are going to, that the prey will be digested without actually saying it straight up?

Unknown_01: And the reply to this is fantastic, from a guy called Furanz. Justin, with all due respect, can you make a megathread for your questions, then update it with any questions you think up? You've made easily over 100 threads asking, in my opinion, very specific questions that really, really don't need their own thread. Every. Single. Bloody. Time. We all love conversations about Vor. But the thing is, you're never looking for a conversation. You never get back to your threads to talk with people in your threads. You ask these questions, give your two cents in the same post, then leave to make another thread about some other silly scenario you thought up. If you actually had a conversation about people,

Unknown_01: Oh, if you actually had a conversation, people would take you seriously, but you're just littering echos with your lame threads. Again, I don't want to sound harsh, but I, and I'm sure many others, have had enough. That isn't to say, stop altogether, never post again, just think, do I really need to make another thread to ask this one question, or should I make just an RPG's questions thread, and save littering the forum, because that would be ace.

Unknown_01: I highly doubt you're going to read this far, or even if you're going to see this message, but in case you do, just be mindful of how much guff you're putting on the forum. So this guy is like, we run, we run a fancy vorophile discussion forum, and you, you autistic degenerate, you are spamming our fantastic five-star vorophilia establishment with your shitty fucking threads, and you need to stop.

Unknown_01: Now, of course, he's fine making a hundred threads asking very specific questions.

Unknown_01: And, uh, on the contrary, he's not very open himself. Why is the internet spammed with same-size vore lately?

Unknown_01: It's a real turn off for me. The one vore I cannot stand is same size with huge bellies with multiple people struggling in it. It is spamming up the vore related Facebook pages and groups and even on Reddit. There are a lot of new art on here in the same nature. I hate it. It is very unrealistic. I prefer macro micro because it makes more sense and is more realistic than these girls with bellies nine times their size. What is with this?

Unknown_01: And Omewamu Shindiru, which has that fucking Eiwu thing. If you use an Eiwu dog as your avatar, I hate you. And you are degenerate. I fucking hate that fucking dog. So fucking much. Look, she's eating a hamburger in that avatar. And I hate that shit. Fuck you.

Unknown_01: But they reply.

Unknown_01: I mean, eating Pokemon shit isn't really very realistic either, but we mostly leave you alone and don't bash your kink, so maybe you should stay in your lane and focus on what you like instead of complaining about what other people like. No, no, mods, ban anybody saying AWU. Fuck that shit.

Unknown_01: How non-progressive? Look, if you are into polyamory, he likes you. If you're into vore, he likes you. If you're into bladder vore, he likes you. If you're into dog fucking, he's okay with you. But motherfucker, if you're into same-size vore, burn in hell.

Unknown_05: Oh, jeez.

Unknown_05: There was another one that I had. Where did it go?

Unknown_05: Did I, like, miss, like, an entire... Oh, I did.

Unknown_01: I missed a bunch.

Unknown_01: I dragged these in, but apparently OBS only adds, like, five images at a time.

Unknown_01: Let me read these. There's one final thing I'll probably read about the turn of the hour, and that'll be my signing off, because I read this, and it made me, like, genuinely sad.

Unknown_05: Let's see, there's that one.

Unknown_01: Oh!

Unknown_01: Oh, I remember why I didn't have that one. Here, let's read this one.

Unknown_01: No, stop! Okay, now people are tagging me on places to fucking awoo at me. Fuck off. That shit's so fucking autistic, I hate it. I see it all over the fucking places. I want it to go away. I hate that fucking dog woman. I hope she burns in hell.

Unknown_01: Okay, this Pokemon came out like some time ago and is probably the dumbest Pokemon ever made. I don't know. I'm pretty sure. I am pretty sure that JustinRPG is the only person ever who likes Alolan Exeggutor. Like, the only person.

Unknown_01: Alolan Exeggutor is my favorite Alolan form Pokemon. She's not my favorite Gen 7 Pokemon. She's just my favorite Alolan form. I got attracted to this Pokemon. Seriously, look at that fucking thing and then keep in mind that Justin wants to fuck it. What is sexually attractive about this stupid looking palm tree motherfucker?

Unknown_01: I got attracted to this Pokemon when I went to Exeggutor Island in Pokemon Ultra Sun. And then when I went behind the Alolan Exeggutor, you could not see your character. This Pokemon's body alone is bigger than a human, plus you have her neck. I made it so you can see me in this picture because it would be pointless to make it if you cannot see me in my own profile picture. No, Alolan Exeggutor being released in Pokemon Go did not influence me to make this profile picture. I was decided for my June profile picture at the beginning of May before anyone even knew that Alolan form Pokemon was coming out in Pokemon Go.

Unknown_01: It is just a coincidence that Alolan Exeggutor was released days before I released this profile picture. I hate it. I think I hate that thing as much as I hate the dog. Look at that. It's just, it's just an Exeggutor with like a long ass neck.

Unknown_01: He's just like staring, standing behind it leering at people.

Unknown_01: All right, I lied. I thought I had a bunch more. I do not. Again, you can go to his Echo Portal account and see all of his posts and see how people hate him because he's an embarrassment. The poor, the girl I talked to, whenever I bullied him or her about, bullied him, whenever I bullied her about JustinRPG, she'd get really upset because it, war files like JustinRPG give her a bad name.

Unknown_01: Okay, look if you want me to do more I can literally go to his To his Facebook post and I could just scroll down and pick out like a hundred of them Like everything he posts is exactly like this. Hold up. I just like control copy paste list I cannot copy paste this.

Unknown_05: Okay

Unknown_01: Can I, is it public? Can I just bring it up in Firefox? No, I can't, because I need an account. I do not have an account for Facebook.

Unknown_05: Here.

Unknown_05: There, okay, okay. Oh, I did show this one. Son of a bitch.

Unknown_05: Oh, I feel like a dummy now.

Unknown_05: Okay, that one's new.

Unknown_01: Okay, let me just pull the fucking profile picture for it. Like, he has like one generic picture for, uh, for Vor that he uses for fucking everything.

Unknown_01: Oh jeez, it's massive.

Unknown_01: Oh jeez, I tried to shrink it down and it didn't work. Why is it so fucking big? There we go. He uses like the same picture for absolutely everything and I don't understand why.

Unknown_01: It's got like a little picture of him being ingested in the corner.

Unknown_05: Let's crop this. There we go.

Unknown_05: Sorry, did air.

Unknown_01: Arceus and I were on a long mission and we ran out of food. Arceus is a god. He is literally a god. That's when Pokemon jump the shark and for some reason it can run out of food. Just conjure more food. You are literally God. Why does God even need to eat?

Unknown_01: When this happens, I become God Arceus's meal. He swallowed me alive and now I'm in his stomach. I still worship Arceus even while in his stomach. I say a worship prayer to Arceus. This is not a prayer to get out alive or to lessen the pain from digestion or anything. This is 100% to worship Arceus.

Unknown_01: Being that Arceus is a god, his digestive system adapts to most effectively, efficiently digest whatever is in the stomach for the quickest digestion and most benefit to Arceus. This means Arceus can digest me in 10-15 minutes. His digestive system adapts to the most effective digestive system, a human being taken into account that the human is a solid whole. Like, the way he writes is just like the most manic shit ever. Like, why do you have to repeat yourself 100,000 fucking times?

Unknown_01: Oh, this is the Final Fantasy character again.

Unknown_01: Rydia transform me into a large bird whenever she needs to go somewhere. She does this with transform magic. Oh, you fucking- you think? She then- His head's the bird head!

Unknown_01: He's literally just a bird with a head.

Unknown_01: Okay. She then rides me whenever she needs to go. Once we arrive at her destination, she transforms me back into a human. Rydia can transform me into a large bird anytime at her will. There is nothing I can do to not be transformed into a bird. It is Rydia's will.

Unknown_01: That was his profile picture. You know, I wonder if his mom is friends with him when

Unknown_01: On Facebook. Oh, I didn't show this one either. How the fuck did I not show this one? This one had me laughing out loud.

Unknown_01: My wife had to urinate and she did not want to do so in the city where there are a bunch of people. She goes to the top of this man-made hill and urinates right into a reservoir. I yell at my wife, not in the reservoir, because that is the city's water supply. Now people will be drinking water that has Reshiram's urine in it. Since the water is already filtered before it reaches this point, it does not need much more water filtering. In fact, it is not enough to remove Reshiram's urine.

Unknown_01: A lot of these fantasies seem to relinquish, to be about the relinquishment control. That is a keen observation. There's one more fetish that I will reveal at the very end. Okay, I'll just go to this one. I'll read a couple more.

Unknown_01: I've got a good system going now where I can just easily pop these onto the OBS.

Unknown_01: Pokemon live about a thousand years. My wife is actually 183 years old. However, that is only 18 Pokemon years.

Unknown_01: My wife, Reshiram, is still a young adult. If I live to be 100, my wife will be 251 years old. She would still be a young adult for a few more decades if I die at 100. Reshiram is going to be there with me till death do us part. I will remain in her memory for hundreds of years after I am gone. FYI in order to find the age of Pokemon years take her actual age and divide it by a hundred since a hundred is ten percent of a thousand and Human year conversions are based on a hundred Okay, it's very mathematical of you Justin Oh God Here okay, I have an idea for how I'm gonna do this

Unknown_05: Who wants to fucking download?

Unknown_05: I don't know what Valor is, so you guys have to tell me.

Unknown_01: I am getting quite- I'm getting to be quite the Valor. I was constantly taking gems, especially Team Mystic gems. This caught the attention of Blanche, the leader of Team Mystic. Blanche decides to take matters into his own hands. she into her own hands she has an espion shrink me down so she can swallow me that way i cannot take her team's gems anymore i cannot take gems if i'm in her stomach plus i am too small to even use a phone at this size blanche will not throw me up because it would mean i could take oh there's more

Unknown_01: We take her team's gems again. I will end up being digested by her. On the bright side, at least it was not Spark who swallowed me. Candela would never swallow me because I am Team Valor. Oh, this is a Pokemon Go thing. I gotcha.

Unknown_01: Okay, this is the picture that he added.

Unknown_01: That will keep him from taking my team's gems, she says.

Unknown_01: What does it say? What does that text say?

Unknown_01: Oh, it just says glurg glurg.

Unknown_01: he's not crying for help he's just drowning in her stomach okay pokemon go to the polls no please uh what else we got

Unknown_05: Okay, I'll read these last two and then and then I'm gonna I'm gonna say that's it because I want to I want to have a a a moment after this All right, I I needed I need to talk directly to Justin

Unknown_01: These are my wife Reshiram's sexual partners. Since my wife Reshiram allows me to have sex with others, I allow her the same. Oh jeez, she's polyamorous. That never ends well.

Unknown_01: She has five species that have sex with her. Me being the only human because I do not allow her to have sex with other humans. The same as she does not allow me to have sex with other Reshiram. These four legendary Pokemon that have sex with my wife can sexually pleasure her better than I can because they are her size. They all have penises designed for the size of my wife, Reshiram's vagina. Especially the male Reshiram.

Unknown_01: Her penis is designed specifically for a female restaurant's vagina. Hence, specifically designed for my wife's vagina. He can sexually pleasure my wife. Restaurant. The best. Dude. Do not get me wrong, I can sexually pleasure my wife Reshiram. It is just that there is a lot of extra room in her vagina when I have sex with her, and that hinders me some in sexually pleasuring her. Because of this, she gets more enjoyment and sexual pleasure with any of these four legendary Pokemon.

Unknown_01: than she does when I have sex with her. However, she prefers me to have sex with her over these four legendary Pokemon because love is involved when I have sex with her. On a side note, my wife Reshiram does not have five sexual partners. It is five species of sexual partners. There are multiple Reshiram, Solgaleo, Zekrom, Xerneas that have sex with her.

Unknown_01: Other restaurant can have sex with my wife like I can have sex with other humans You can always have sex with your own species is what my wife and I have agreed on Now that sounds like cucking I got some bad news Okay, you can see the picture there is restaurant and him eating dog food at the bottom he's there at the very corner

Unknown_01: I feed my wife, Reshiram, her pure Pokemon Naturals wet Pokemon food formulated for Legendary Pokemon, and she says that she wants to share her meal with me because she thought it would be very romantic to be eating the same food together.

Unknown_01: I agreed to do so because I love her and I do not want to hurt her feelings. She is a Pokemon, so she is less likely to understand why I would not want to eat her food. Her food is designed for legendary Pokemon, not humans, and it would probably taste bad to a human. It is the same reason why I agreed to watch Zekrom have sex with her despite having no attraction to Zekrom whatsoever.

Unknown_01: My wife wanted me to come to the wilderness and watch him have sex with her. Back to sharing her meal, Pokémon food is not meant to be eaten with a fork. You do not see Pokémon eating Pokémon food with a fork. Pokémon food is not finger food either. It would be messy to grab pure Pokémon, natural, wet Pokémon food formulated for legendary Pokémon with my hands. The way I must eat her pure Pokemon Naturals wet Pokemon food formulated for legendary Pokemon with her is like her. Bin her and put my mouth to her food to take bites of her Pokemon food. I have not figured out why insta my day randomly makes images blurry.

Unknown_01: And if you didn't catch that, that is pure Pokemon Naturals wet Pokemon food formulated for legendary Pokemon.

Unknown_01: That is, that is, wow, what he's eating in that picture.

Unknown_01: Let me get a picture of this. I want you to look at it.

Unknown_01: It's important.

Unknown_01: I'm gonna get in trouble for saying this.

Unknown_01: Okay.

Unknown_01: So the left is Reshiram, the vast white Pokemon that is JustinRPG's wife.

Unknown_01: And the right is Zekrom, a legendary black Pokemon that apparently fucks Reshiram and makes JustinRPG watch. Now, a reminder that Reshiram is a vast white Pokemon.

Unknown_01: and he cannot adequately sexually pleasure her. However, Zekrom is a vast black Pokemon and happens to have a penis specifically designed for sexually pleasuring the vast white Pokemon. So, that's why just an RPG has to watch.

Unknown_01: He has no choice in this matter, but does not want to hurt her feelings. And they're a broken, polyamorous relationship. Listen, Justin, this is emotionally abusive. You don't want this. You want stable monogamy, as God implied.

Unknown_01: As God wanted. You can get out of this. I know it seems dangerous. You got a tattoo of her, but you can't spend the rest of your life in this emotionally abusive setup. I mean, you could be like a normal person and fuck a dog or something.

Unknown_01: But you gotta get out of there, Justin. You don't want this for yourself.

Unknown_01: Alright.

Unknown_05: Alright, it's just an RPG a life coach.

Unknown_01: Yeah, we save fucking Jake rap But now we need to save just an RPG because this restaurant is getting blacked and you can tell it's killing him I mean, I mean after all

Unknown_01: Just look at his mom.

Unknown_01: You can tell that JustinRPG's emotional stress from being in a polyamorous relationship he's not quite comfortable with is taking a toll on him and taking a toll on her as a result.

Unknown_01: So, think of the family. Think of your family, Justin.

Unknown_01: All right, I think that's it.

Unknown_01: Again, if you want to check out some of the other stuff he's posted, his Facebook is wide open.

Unknown_01: I do request you don't bully the guy. He's not a bad guy. He's not a bad boy. And somehow he's remained like, again, no trolling arcs whatsoever. It's just, it's all, it's all crazy. And that's just perfect.

Unknown_01: You better play a song.

Unknown_01: Oh, I had a song, I had... Okay, you know what? Let's listen to his discography of it. I can't just pick one outro song for this guy. Let me cut on live audio, and I'm gonna show you some of my favorites.

Unknown_01: Okay, this is one of my top favorites. It's not one of my THE favorites, but it is one of my top favorites.

Unknown_01: I'm hoping this isn't the full intro, because the full intro is way too fucking long.

Unknown_01: Yes, it is.

Unknown_01: Okay.

Unknown_04: I hate this Windows Vista tonight.

Unknown_04: Blue screens.

Unknown_04: And I've hated this Windows Vista all my life.

Unknown_04: Crashes.

Unknown_04: Can you hate this Windows Vista tonight?

Unknown_04: Blue screens.

Unknown_04: Crashes.

Unknown_04: Well, if you told me it was the best, I would not use it at all.

Unknown_04: I've seen Microsoft before, my friend, but I don't know if they know who it affects.

Unknown_04: Well, I was there and I tested it out.

Unknown_04: I saw it with my own two eyes.

Unknown_04: so you can use it if you want I know where it's going it's going into the trash all right that's one of them okay you know um

Unknown_01: Fuck, what is the name of that band? I'm gonna sound like a fucking idiot, hold up. If I get this wrong, System of a Down. If you like radio by System of a Down, well check out Zekrom Radio by JustinRPG.

Unknown_04: I feel electric spark on my shoulder and the touch of pterovolt. Turn the switch on, check the electricity. I leave it on in bed, I slumber. I hear the rhythm of the music. I buy the fire and never use it. Hear the talking of the DJ. Can't understand what does he say. I'm on sacrum radio.

Unknown_04: I'm a Zekrom, whoa, radio.

Unknown_01: Wait, what the fuck? What the fuck? What is this? I've never even heard this one before.

Unknown_07: I'm a furry. You're a furry.

Unknown_01: Okay, if you can't tell he's saying I'm a furry what the fuck are what What the fuck it sounds like the theme to crazy bus You ever watched the AVGN episode on crazy bus. That's what I'm reminded of. Oh Geez

Unknown_01: Look, at first he gets blacked by the guy, now he's writing fucking songs about him.

Unknown_04: Wait, he's saying he loves them? Oh no! Oh no!

Unknown_04: If he married Reshiram, he'd make Zekrom his best man.

Unknown_01: The niggas fucking her! Justin!

Unknown_01: No!

Unknown_04: Oh, jeez. This is borderline experimental.

Unknown_04: Well, I don't know why I came here tonight. I got a feeling that something ain't right.

Unknown_01: People eating Pokemon, I don't like it.

Unknown_04: And I'm wondering how I'll protest so well.

Unknown_04: I have an idea. Lugia'll eat me. So I'm stuck in Lugia's stomach alone.

Unknown_04: Yes, I'm stuck in Lugia's stomach alone. I'm seeing what it's like to be in a stomach. It's so hard to keep this smile from my face. Losing control, Pokemon being eaten.

Unknown_04: I'm in a stomach to see what it's like. Here I am, stuck in Lugia's stomach alone.

Unknown_04: Well, it ain't right to eat a Pokemon, so I let the Pokemon eat me. I spent some time in the desert.

Unknown_01: This is like Nightmare.

Unknown_04: Pokemon shouldn't be eaten. Please.

Unknown_04: Guess I'm stuck and looking your stomach along. And I'm seeing what it's like to be in a stomach. It's so hard to keep this smile from my face. Losing control, Pokemon being eaten. No, this is like too depressing, hold on. To see what it's like.

Unknown_01: Okay, this one, this one's my personal favorite.

Unknown_04: So you can get hit by Blue Flare if you don't like my wife Cause I love my Pokemon wife so get hit by Blue Flare Cause I love Russian Ram and she knows Blue Flare Cause I love my Pokemon wife so get hit

Unknown_04: So you can get hit by Blue Flare if you don't like my wife. Cause I love my Pokemon wife so get hit by Blue Flare. Cause I love Russian Ram and she knows Blue Flare. Cause I love my Pokemon wife so get hit by Blue Flare.

Unknown_04: So I have some trolls on my back who don't want me to be married to Reshiram. Reshiram. But I love Reshiram.

Unknown_04: But I love Reshiram.

Unknown_04: I am married to restaurant and there's a lot of people that don't like it but that's Tuff Nuggies.

Unknown_05: This one, this one was requested and I think it is a good one too.

Unknown_04: This is just a song. Do not attempt to tell a Pokemon to use a Pokemon attack on you at all. A Pokemon attack could severely injure or kill a human. You have been warned.

Unknown_04: Well you're the Pokemon, the one with Pokemon attacks I am just a human, I have no attacks That's okay, let's see how you attack Use a Pokemon move on me now Hit me with your best shot Why don't you hit me with your best shot?

Unknown_04: Hit me with your best shot Fire away!

Unknown_04: Use flamethrower on me, those attacks ain't fair! Attack this human, I'm open! Knock me out, Pokemon move! Even if it's a five power point move! Hit me with your best shot! Why don't you hit me with your best shot?

Unknown_04: Hit me with your best shot!

Unknown_04: Fire away!

Unknown_01: Alright, I think that's enough of that.

Unknown_01: Any other requests?

Unknown_01: Windows Vista tonight's pretty fucking great. I have to admit. That one's pretty high up there.

Unknown_01: Do autists lack rhythm in general? Yes. Yes they do. Okay, who wants to bet by the way?

Unknown_01: Who wants to bet, do you guys think that this is going to get hit with DMCA shit from Content ID because of the songs he's sampled? I can't wait for that, you know I want to fucking appeal him. I'm 100% appealing that shit, just so they have to listen to it. They're going to say, well this song is Content ID matched with In The Air Tonight, and I'll be like, no, no, no. No, no, no. You've got this all wrong. You think this is by Collins. It's not. It's by my man, Justin Coolidge. He's an artist. And you have to listen to this song, and you have to confirm that shit.

Unknown_01: Sony Executive Motherfucker went to fucking New York City Harvard College to get your intellectual property law degree specialization. You have to listen to Justin fucking RPG butcher the song, butcher the intellectual property of your bullshit faggot fucking company. And I hope you enjoy it, motherfucker. Alright.

Unknown_01: I didn't see anybody make a request. I'm going to say that's it. All right, I have a song.

Unknown_01: Pretentious Music Man forcing people to listen to Vorecore.

Unknown_01: That's true. I am a pretentious music man. I have a song.

Unknown_01: I have my outro song, I've got it picked out, I've got it ready to go.

Unknown_01: First person to guess what this song is from when I play it gets some pierogies or something.

Unknown_05: What the fuck is it?

Unknown_05: Sad Jolteon? I'll play that one.

Unknown_01: Where is that?

Unknown_01: I don't see anything about Jolteon. Oh, Jolt- Dark Jolt- What the fuck?

Unknown_03: Jolteon, Dark Jolteon.

Unknown_01: Oh, this one's repetitive.

Unknown_03: Jolteon, Dark Jolteon.

Unknown_04: Jolteon, Dark Jolteon. Jolteon, Dark Jolteon.

Unknown_04: Mistreated Pokemon does not trust any humans. Jolteon, Dark Jolteon. Jolteon, Dark Jolteon. Oh, this one's super repetitive.

Unknown_03: Jolteon, Jolteon, Jolteon, Jolteon, so he can pay back the humans for mistreating him.

Unknown_04: Jolteon, Jolteon, Jolteon, Jolteon, Jolteon,

Unknown_01: Oh God.

Unknown_01: Let's hear it my man.

Unknown_01: You got this one chance. You got one shot. Do not miss your chance to blow.

Unknown_04: Just a legendary Pokemon.

Unknown_04: Living in the Pokemon world.

Unknown_04: She took the name Rasharam.

Unknown_04: Just a Poképhile. Played Pokémon all his life.

Unknown_04: He took an attraction to Rasheram.

Unknown_04: A dragon's turbo blaze.

Unknown_04: A human less than half as tall. With a screen they can share the night. It goes on and on and on and on. Computers. Pixels.

Unknown_04: Although it's just imagery, but it is still very attractive.

Unknown_04: The vast white attractiveness showing somewhere on the screen.

Unknown_04: Working hard to love his wife.

Unknown_04: even though it isn't real. Love anything that suits his life, just one more time.

Unknown_04: Some will like, some will hate,

Unknown_04: Some were born to cheer him on. Oh, Pokemon never ends. It goes on and on and on and on. Computers. Pixels.

Unknown_04: Although it's just imagery, but it is still very attractive.

Unknown_04: Fire.

Unknown_04: Dragon.

Unknown_04: The vast white attractiveness showing somewhere on the screen.

Unknown_04: Don't stop loving.

Unknown_04: Hold on to Reshiram, Fire Dragon.

Unknown_04: Don't stop loving.

Unknown_04: Hold on to Reshiram, Fire Dragon.

Unknown_04: Don't stop loving.

Unknown_04: Hold on to Reshiram. Fire Dragons.

Unknown_05: Is that it? I guess that's it.

Unknown_01: All right, I'll see everybody next week. I don't know who I'm gonna do it on yet, but I'll figure it out.

Unknown_01: Take it easy, guys.