0:00:01 Unknown_44: Jeez, did you guys miss me? Unknown_44: I'm back, nigga, I'm back. Unknown_44: Okay, let me sort out my affairs right now. Unknown_36: I have to, for some reason, on YouTube, my stream has a thumbnail from a modern art exhibit, but that's okay. Okay. Unknown_36: I'm going to change the notices. I got some water. I'm refreshed. I'm ready to go. I just have to do some technical stuff. I really shouldn't have opened. I should have taken a second to do this before I started streaming again. But it is what it is. 0:00:35 Unknown_44: One day I'll be good at streaming. Unknown_36: But for now, I am just a retard on the internet. Unknown_36: included live stream on the couch cock running live stream for life is strange life is strange chapter five oh geez so much going on i said i was going to stream every day today and i guess i'm going to do that hella life is tumblr yes all right i'm caught up with uh 0:01:25 Unknown_36: With, I don't know what you would even call this, clerical stuff? Unknown_44: Paperwork? Unknown_44: Excellent. Okay. Let's boot up the video game then. Unknown_44: Make sure live audio is working. If I can do this in one go. Unknown_44: I miss the other stream start over, please. Unknown_36: Not happening. Oh, let me, okay. I'm gonna actually, let me alter my fucking thing real quick. Cause I want to put this up big, big lettering. 0:01:59 Unknown_44: I want to make this fucking front and center. Unknown_36: I am at the end of the game. The game has some fucking twists as far as I'm like what I've seen is already massive fucking twist. Unknown_36: If you want to play this game, do not watch this stream. This is the end of the fucking game. I have no idea what's going on. And on that note, I'm not going to be reading chat as much as I usually do because I I'm interested in what's fucking happening in the game at this point. 0:02:33 Unknown_36: Let me pull out my phone and make sure that the stream's working. Unknown_44: Here's that beautiful music again. All right, it does look like it's working. 0:03:11 Unknown_44: Oh, yeah, it looks like I've sorted out all my fucking technical issues. That's good. All right, here we go. Unknown_44: Oh, you can't hear the game. Fuck. Unknown_44: Fix it. Unknown_09: Previously on... Whoa. Unknown_13: did you find rachel in the dark room over and over that's it we can't trust anybody except each other you know more about her than me no you and chloe think you know more than anybody like all teenagers oh look the wonder twins okay let me change this text so people are already complaining about it 0:04:10 Unknown_44: because like I don't want to I don't want to look at chat or anything after it starts in my dorm you are so fucking dead Nathan is truly psychotic I know he has something to do with Rachel missing Kate wasn't the first all those binders are filled with other victims what are you doing here Max Unknown_17: Victoria has to be next. Unknown_41: What a lame gimmick. Fuckers, stop complaining about shit. Unknown_41: Gimmick. Unknown_17: Rachel, why is he putting her in the ground like that? Unknown_13: Where? The junkyard. Max, we have to find that spot now. That's a body, in case you didn't pick up on that. Unknown_36: I'm sorry, Chloe. Unknown_17: I'm so sorry. 0:05:10 Unknown_17: I know you're close to Nathan, but your life is in serious danger. Unknown_13: Nathan just texted me. He says there won't be any evidence left after he's done. Unknown_13: Oh, God, Max, look. Unknown_13: She's still there. Unknown_13: Oh, no. Unknown_16: Chloe. Look out. What the fuck? Unknown_36: Okay, so just to clarify, this guy is the super mega rapist. She just got pricked with something. They didn't get any, they found a rape basement with documents and photos of women being posed sexually in the rape dungeon. They found a body. They did not tell anybody about this and were snooping around on the trail of this fucking rapist murderer without anybody knowing about it. 0:05:49 Unknown_36: And if you're on stream.me and you're having issues, I am also multicasting to YouTube on the Kiwi Farms channel if you do want to check it out. From there, or whatever. But you can... I'm so... I forgot how mad this fucking ending made me last night. Like, I legit was angry going to bed because of how fucking stupid... 0:07:19 Unknown_44: That really appropriate for a pun game. 0:07:56 Unknown_05: What? We're here. Unknown_38: It's a dark room. Unknown_36: Not very dark. Unknown_05: Is anybody out there? Unknown_36: Please, help! Yeah, fucking make sure he knows you're awake now, you fucking retard. Unknown_38: Wait. 0:08:29 Unknown_05: Help! Somebody help me! Unknown_36: Wait, can I enter a monologue right now? Oh, shit. Unknown_17: That's me. He took that shot last night. Unknown_17: Finally, I'm free. Unknown_17: Almost. 0:09:00 Unknown_16: Well, your clothes are still on. Unknown_36: You can't be too fucking raped. Unknown_16: If only you didn't fucking yell when you woke up. Unknown_36: You could have been doing this a little bit with more time. Uh... That's right. No, use this orange to free yourself. Retard motherfucker. No, I freed myself. Unknown_36: Bitch, do something. 0:09:39 Unknown_36: What the fuck? There's no con- Is this like a bug? How the- Oh, I have to move. Unknown_36: These straps are hurt. Unknown_36: Stop whining. Just be glad you're not fucking butchered in a junkyard right now. Jesus Christ. Unknown_36: How the fuck do you make this character hateable when she's all tied up? 0:10:12 Unknown_36: What now? Unknown_36: Get the syringe. Unknown_16: I don't remember anything that happened. Unknown_16: This must be the same drug Nathan used on Kate. Unknown_36: You know, there's a little black girl that got her out of this situation by just chewing on the fucking duct tape. You can bite through it. Is this game fucking with me right now? I'm being fucked with. I'm trying to be emotional over the fact that you're super mega raped. Unknown_36: And you're fucking with me. I hate looking at myself like that. 0:10:42 Unknown_17: You'll pay for this, Jefferson. Unknown_36: They're not even nerd, like, nudie pictures. They're being mad. Unknown_16: Oh, my God. Unknown_36: If I have to... I'm gonna have to ask Desirelines for help. Unknown_16: Look at the... Look at the photo. Unknown_36: Look at the hella photo, you hella faggot. Unknown_36: I can't stop being mad. It's called Mad at Video Games, and I'm fucking livid right now. Left to focus on the photo. 0:11:16 Unknown_17: i promised i would never go back in time like this again but this is the only way jesus i have to fiddle with i'm so clumsy ah oh no it's getting worse it was it was right a second ago there we go wait wait wait nope nope Unknown_36: Oh wait, I got it! Nigga. You got something wrong with you. 0:12:19 Unknown_04: Hold that stare there! Stay still! Unknown_04: Oh, Max! Unknown_25: You fucked up my shot! Unknown_25: But please don't worry. We have all the time in the world. Unknown_25: For now, I knew you were special the second I saw your first selfie. Unknown_25: No, Jesus Christ. I still hate that word. 0:12:54 Unknown_35: Take a picture of her ass. Unknown_25: But I love the purity of your own image. Unknown_25: Not like Rachel. You're the worst sexual deviant ever. Are you gay? Unknown_25: Poor Rachel. Unknown_36: Are you going to wear her like a skin suit? Unknown_36: Let me try this angle. Unknown_36: How hard is it just to fucking relax your muscles, stupid cunt? Unknown_25: Much better. Unknown_25: Thanks, Max. 0:13:26 Unknown_25: If only Nathan could see this setup. He tried so hard. But you can't just throw a few subjects around and expect a cohesive style or theme. But he had an eye for shadows and an eye for a whole lot more, as his elite family will find out, along with Arcadia Bay. Unknown_25: Nice. Unknown_25: Good. Look at those eyes. 0:13:59 Unknown_25: It's just too bad you're so goddamn nosy, Max. But this room is under 24-7 surveillance, so all I had to do was text you from Nathan's phone, and you fell right into my hands. Unknown_25: This is what happens when you trust a liberal arts major. I'm very uncomfortable right now. Unknown_25: I think I'm more uncomfortable than Max. Yeah, I'm sorry that Nathan killed her in self-defense. Unknown_25: But she had a troubled history like most Arcadia Bay dropouts. Nobody will be surprised. Or care. 0:14:37 Unknown_25: Though I promise, people will care when you die tonight, Max. Unknown_25: I wasn't lying when I said you have a gift. Unknown_25: Okay. Unknown_25: Now this looks good. Unknown_25: Maybe a few more close-ups. Unknown_36: of your fully closed body. I mean, really, you're too, like, you're okay with having this creepy basement, but you're not gonna, like, have... You can't have, like, nudity. 0:15:13 Unknown_25: I mean, she's 18. Unknown_36: All you had to do was relax your fucking muscles, you fucking retard. Unknown_36: Kick the needle and inject him with his own venom. Unknown_36: You retard. Stupid bitch! Look at what you've done. Unknown_25: You just don't listen, do you? In fact, you never did hear much in my class. If you had, you might have seen all this coming. Unknown_25: God damn, you are a fighter, though. Kiss her. I've had my eye on you, and I've noticed that you've been more fearless this week than maybe your whole life. No. 0:15:47 Unknown_25: Remember my number one rule. Unknown_25: Always take the shot. Kick him! Unknown_33: You idiot! What the fuck? Why is she so useless? 0:16:19 Unknown_32: What? Unknown_32: What changed? Unknown_36: I can't believe that happened. It didn't do anything to you. I'm so sick. Like, you're fine. He didn't rape you. Just... Like... What the fu... This is annoying now. Like, have the balls to have actual fucking rape. Unknown_36: Like, you know, rape is bad and shit. Unknown_17: I'm definitely more awake in this photo. I could try this one. 0:16:52 Unknown_17: This might work. Unknown_17: Please work. Unknown_36: That one already looks normal. Why? Unknown_36: Because now it's like, okay, it was really scary when I thought it was a rape basement, but now I just know it's a liberal arts major's fucking weirdo photo studio. 0:17:32 Unknown_25: She doesn't understand our connection. Unknown_25: your i wouldn't even rape you your portrait you're trying too hard i know you're scared you will have the same doe-eyed look when you wake up here replaced by fear as you realize what's about to happen mr jefferson why are you doing this Unknown_25: Max, I'm so glad you asked that question. Simply put, I'm obsessed with the idea of capturing that moment innocence evolves into corruption. That shift from black to white to gray and beyond. Most models are cynical. They lose that naivete. 0:18:10 Unknown_36: You know what? Let me actually make this scary for everybody. I'm gonna show you exactly what he's looking for. Hold up. Unknown_36: Hold up. Unknown_36: having a fucking detour. I want to show you one of my favorite photos of all time. And when I say favorite, I don't mean that I like it. But it's probably a photo with Like, just horrifying. Let me just drop this. I want you all to look. Here is probably the inspiration for this game. Her name is Regina K. Walters. She was somebody who was kidnapped and held in the back of a truck for six months before the trucker who kidnapped her took this photo and killed her. 0:18:45 Unknown_36: Like, that's fucking scary. She's dead. She's legit fucking dead. He murdered this girl immediately after taking this photo. This photo is scarier than the entire game. And somebody's asking me on YouTube, how did you have this so fast? I know her name. It's Regina K. Walters. And her death is probably one of the most fascinating serial killer stories I've ever heard. 0:19:19 Unknown_36: Just a food for thought. Like, this game isn't going to be able to scare me because I already know what happened in real life. That's worse than this because they don't even have the balls to show you what happens in this kind of shit. Unknown_36: There's just some fucking faggot playing games with his fucking camera. Unknown_25: However, some Blackwell students carry their hope and optimism with them like an aura. And those lucky few become my models, my subjects. 0:19:52 Unknown_17: Yes, you're a psychopath. Unknown_17: And this is your last session. Unknown_25: Au contraire, Max. I'm so sane that nobody knows what's happening to you right Unknown_25: Oh, what an option. Oh! 0:20:41 Unknown_36: Oh, jeez, boys, it's getting edgy. Unknown_17: Blah, blah, blah. God, I hate your voice now. Unknown_25: You might as well savor it, considering it's the last you'll hear. Unknown_25: Oh. Unknown_25: That struck a nerve. Unknown_25: Your face changed color. Unknown_25: Beautiful. Unknown_14: You will not get away with this. I want you to know that. Unknown_25: Too bad you already made a convincing argument against Nathan in the principal's office. Unknown_25: Thank you so much for setting him up for me. How did he get set up? I hate this fucking game. 0:21:12 Unknown_25: He's as sick as you. Don't judge people, Max. Unknown_25: But that's why Nathan never should have been at Blackwell. Unknown_17: That makes two of you. Unknown_25: I help Nathan realize his vision. So few people get that chance. My inputs in this moment are really obviously affecting the game. It happens often in teacher-student relationships. 0:21:50 Unknown_25: It was kind of touching for a while. Unknown_17: Did you tell him everything about your plans at Blackwell? Unknown_25: Don't be stupid, Max. I told him what he needed to hear. In return... I had access to the Prescott fortune. Who do you think paid for this glorious darkroom and equipment? How else could I get all these hip new drugs for my subjects? Unknown_17: Rachel Amber was your victim, not your subject. Unknown_25: Oh. Unknown_25: Rachel Amber. Unknown_25: That's the real tragedy. 0:22:23 Unknown_25: Nathan thought he could be an artist like me. Unknown_25: Instead, the dumbass gave her an overdose. Unknown_17: Chloe and Rachel. Unknown_17: You killed both of them. Unknown_25: They're fucking together in heaven right now. Unknown_46: Why? Unknown_25: Why? Why? Start listening to me, you dumb cunt. Unknown_25: I'm sorry, Max. Unknown_36: Yeah, lesbians don't go to heaven. They go to hell. 0:22:58 Unknown_25: Rachel is dead. Unknown_25: But no tears. Los Angeles would have killed her anyway, so look at this as a favor. You're evil. Oh, I see. You and your friends almost beat Nathan to death. See, we're not so different. Unknown_17: Yes, yes we are. I cared more about Nathan than you did. Unknown_25: No, you didn't. Unknown_25: It's just too bad that he fell in lust with Rachel. He actually thought he could mimic what I do with the camera and subject, like father, but not like son. Unknown_17: Where is Nathan now? 0:23:29 Unknown_25: Dead and buried. Unknown_25: After what he did to Rachel, I knew I couldn't keep him as a protege for much longer. But he killed Nathan. Now the police will never find his body. Unknown_25: Do you finally get it now, Max? Unknown_25: I can't compromise my vision with amateurs. Unknown_17: You are an amateur. Unknown_17: Look at the trail of death you left behind. You can't blame all this on Nathan. Unknown_17: I don't care what you do to me. You're gonna die, motherfucker. Unknown_25: Calm down, casual. For Chloe and Rachel and everybody else. I do love your spirit, Max, but you brought yourself here. By your own choice. 0:24:00 Unknown_25: Anyway, I like my models to be seen and not heard. So I have to make sure... Oh, he's setting the mood. 0:24:37 Unknown_17: Oh. Max. Unknown_25: I would love to talk shop, but I really need to go over these pictures. Especially while they're fresh in my mind. 0:25:09 Unknown_25: I think our session was a career high for me. Unknown_17: You... You still have my diary. Unknown_25: Don't worry. Nobody's going to read it. Thanks for reminding me. Unknown_25: There's nothing more innocent than a teenager's diary. Unknown_25: Oh, look at your selfies. Unknown_36: Naga, stop using that word. Unknown_25: What a waste of talent. Unknown_36: It's creepier than the fucking rape dungeon. Look at that shot, Max. I will look at that shot, motherfucker. 0:25:42 Unknown_30: You can do so much better. Unknown_36: I'm gonna be linking in that shit. Unknown_36: Look at it. What are you waiting for? Look at the fucking shot. Unknown_36: Get out of the fucking rape dungeon. With a heart. Unknown_36: Take your fucking time focusing on this fucking picture, Max, you fucking retard motherfucker. 0:26:15 Unknown_25: I could frame any one of you in a dark corner. Oh shit, it's at the beginning of the game. Shh, shh, shh. I believe Max has taken what you kids call a... Oh yeah, it's not a rape dungeon, it's a photography dungeon. Unknown_17: Right back where I started this insane week. Unknown_36: Accused him of rape. Stand up and point the finger. Unknown_25: Your generation was not the first to use images for selfie expression. You're a racist. I couldn't resist. The point remains that the portraiture has always been a vital aspect of art and photography for as long as it's been around. Replay the entire game? No. Since we've captured our interest and clearly want to join the conversation, can you please tell us the name of the process? Take a gun and shoot him. Shoot him dead. 0:26:50 Unknown_17: Who cares? This class is hella bullshit. Oh, God. Unknown_25: I'll pretend you didn't say that and let you try to answer one more. Unknown_17: Sorry, there's no time left. I mean, your class is almost over. Unknown_25: Oh. Unknown_25: Well, uh... Thanks for the warning, Max. 0:27:26 Unknown_25: So, the Dagarian process made portraiture quite popular. Mainly because it gave the subjects clear, defined features. Why didn't he just kill you, Max? You can learn more when you finish reading the assigned chapters. Unknown_25: Clearly, Max doesn't have the, uh... time. Unknown_25: Time? Mrs. Caulfield? Is it really that time? Unknown_17: Which one's David? 0:28:13 Unknown_17: All I need is David's number and Jefferson is one text closer to life without parole. Unknown_17: I should be able to track down David's number from the school pamphlet. Found you. 6308243. Unknown_36: No, I hate numbers. 6308243. Hopefully I don't have to... Oh, I don't have to remember. Unknown_17: Thank God. Oh. Unknown_36: Oh, now you want the Nazis' help, you fucking motherfucker. You couldn't have gotten his fucking help before you went to the fucking photography rate dungeon, you dumb cunt, you fucking stupid bitch. Oh, now it's a fucking good idea to fucking... Oh, fuck you. Stupid bitch. 0:28:54 Unknown_17: So maybe I'll be going to San Francisco. And Jefferson, you'll be going to prison. Unknown_17: The past within the past. Unknown_17: Am I pushing myself too hard? Unknown_17: It doesn't matter what happens to me. Unknown_17: What can I do? Oh, my brain died. I don't know if... Oh, jeez. You're such a bitch, Max. What the fuck? 0:29:50 Unknown_17: not impressed anymore oh jesus i don't even know what i'm supposed to be doing kate hi kate oh hey why does she sound she has like an evil voice going on listen to her i am always remember that you're not alone i've got your back no matter what happens so do a lot of other people Unknown_17: Hug. Hug her, you fool. Yes! Oh yeah, finally. Unknown_10: Thanks. Unknown_10: You always know the right thing to do. Unknown_36: That's the true meaning of time travel, is getting lesbian hugs with Christian girls. 0:30:50 Unknown_36: Okay, I think I need to confront- wait. Unknown_36: Photo? Wait, can I take a photo of her? Unknown_36: Oh yeah. Unknown_36: Now I can go back in time again. Unknown_36: Paper ball? Unknown_17: This is the last time somebody bullies you, Kate. Unknown_36: Aren't we supposed to be saving you from a rape dungeon? Stop looking at fucking paper balls, you retard motherfucker. 0:31:27 Unknown_17: Mr. Jefferson, we need to talk. Unknown_36: Can you see I'm talking to Mr. Jefferson now? Unknown_25: I can see your kissing ass again. Unknown_17: Nothing new. Unknown_41: What did you just say? Unknown_25: Hold on, Victoria. Unknown_25: Are you okay, Max? Unknown_17: Not until Victoria knows that hiding behind a screen and posting videos of people is totally fucked up. You know how easy it is to hurt somebody? To destroy their life? Unknown_17: Are you proud of yourself? If you have any feelings, you should seek proper actions. Listen, I didn't... Of course you did. You're so insecure, you can't even be happy with your own talent. You have to try and bring everybody down to your mean and ugly level. Okay. I do not have to listen to this bullshit. 0:32:01 Unknown_41: Do I, Mr. Jefferson? Unknown_25: Well, it looks like you already did, Victoria. Unknown_41: Then I guess I'm done talking. Unknown_25: I sure hope so. Bitch. Unknown_25: I'm not going to say I didn't enjoy that. Unknown_36: Casual seppuku. Unknown_25: Why? Unknown_17: Here's my photograph for the everyday heroes contest. 0:32:38 Unknown_25: Oh, that was easy. Unknown_17: No. Unknown_17: It wasn't easy at all. Tell him about the photograph dungeon. Unknown_25: I can't prejudge yet, but I'm very happy you decided to enter. That means a lot to me and Blackwell. The first step for any artist is to put themselves out there in the world without fear. Unknown_25: To be. Unknown_25: Innocent guilty Well Thanks for the photo and Maybe both of us will be jet-setting to San Francisco this Friday Or maybe only one of us will be going don't be so modest max Anything can happen in a week as you're going to find out mr. Jefferson 0:33:29 Unknown_36: I would be really con-con-concerned. Unknown_36: I said confirmed, like a combination of concerned and confused. Unknown_36: Wait, so nothing's changing. The same shit happened. Unknown_36: The cop is eating the s- Is he gonna get a Belgian waffle now? Oh shit! Unknown_36: Holy fuck, the photographed rapist. 0:34:05 Unknown_36: Save her! Unknown_36: What? Unknown_36: Oh, I thought that was her body they were exhuming. I was like, what happened to Kate? Unknown_36: Chloe! Unknown_36: Ah, yeah. Unknown_36: After some hard-earned finger blasting. 0:34:42 Unknown_35: Okay, something fucked up is going to happen. I'm getting this... What's going to happen? Unknown_35: Oh, jeez. Unknown_17: Okay. Unknown_17: You're okay, Max. You're safe. Unknown_36: Is the plane going to crash? Why are we in a... We're in a photo. We're in a photo thing because... I hope I did everything right this time. Unknown_17: Because I saw the ends of the photo. 0:35:18 Unknown_17: Good work, David. Unknown_38: Are you a cripple? Unknown_36: I need to finger fuck you. No. Unknown_36: Something's wrong. What's wrong? Something's wrong. What is wrong? I know something's wrong. 0:35:49 Unknown_36: Are you a coal burner now? Is that what happened? Oh, jeez. Unknown_36: Go back to the photograph dungeon. Okay, let's read the fucking newspaper. There's something fucky. I'm so worried. Unknown_36: I'm very worried. What's wrong? Unknown_17: Oh, this is this is hot dog man in forever. This is a boy and I used to totally. There's something wrong with him all because look, stop talking about the hot dog. Unknown_36: Stop talking about the hot dog. Look, look, it's a photograph boundary. There's something this isn't right. I have to admit, I love being called an artist. 0:36:21 Unknown_36: There's something wrong. Unknown_17: It's so weird to be in between realities. Unknown_17: Everything is out of focus and in the distance. Unknown_36: That means that you didn't do the something. You didn't do the thing. Oh, Jesus. Unknown_36: We're almost in San Francisco. Unknown_17: I'm so stressed, but I'm so excited, too. Oh, no. Unknown_29: And stow any electronic gear until the plane is on the ground and at the gate. Thank you. We're starting our descent in a few minutes. Oh, God, there's a Jew. Oh, fuck. I don't think so. I'm hoping these airline seats get smaller so I won't have to fly at all anymore. How did you sleep? Hope I wasn't snoring out loud, Max. Just a bit. 0:37:30 Unknown_27: It's been a tough week at Blackwell. Unknown_27: So I hope you'll forgive me. Between Mr. Jefferson and Prescott's, things have been hectic, to say the least. Unknown_17: I totally get it, Principal Wells. Unknown_27: No, I have to fix the stream chat real quick. Unknown_36: Okay, fix. Fixerude. Unknown_36: Nothing happened. I can go back to having my fucking anxiety attack starting with, what the fuck's wrong? Unknown_27: Chat is hella fixed. 0:38:20 Unknown_36: Max, there's something wrong. Unknown_17: Another nosebleed. Unknown_36: You're going to die. Unknown_17: Max, you're not just screwing around with time. Unknown_36: Is everything okay? Unknown_36: If everything's okay and that's how the game ends, I'm gonna be really fucking weirded out. 0:38:54 Unknown_36: Oh man, there's something really fucked up coming. I'm getting, like, you know when you're playing a game like Five Nights at Freddy's, and you know the jump scare is coming, and you're waiting for the jump scare, and you're really fucking anxious because you know the jump scare is coming? There's some fucked up, weird, creepy, perverted French shit coming up. And I'm not physically ready for it. And if there isn't no weird fucked up shit, I'm gonna be really pissed off at this video game. I'm gonna be very mad at video games. 0:39:27 Unknown_17: San Francisco is so cool. And this gallery is huge. Unknown_27: So is the buffet. If an event skimps on the food, you know it's a bad event. Unknown_17: As long as I don't have to eat any caviar. Unknown_27: This is your day, Max. You can do whatever you want. I hope you take advantage of your status and talk to as many influential people here as possible. Oh, God, I don't have to talk to people. Unknown_17: I don't know. I feel so weird. Like, I'm a little kid hanging with the adults. Unknown_36: Bitch, you just got out of the photography rape dungeon. Unknown_33: Why are we doing this? 0:40:00 Unknown_27: What is with this fucking detour? You're a noteworthy adult being honored by your peers. Unknown_27: Now you have to start acting like the photographer you want to be. Unknown_27: Hell, I wanted to be in charge of a big school someday. Unknown_27: So I started taking charge of things when I was young. Unknown_33: What the fuck game? Unknown_27: Ask my poor classmates. Unknown_27: Max, I'm going to eat up that caviar so you don't have to. Unknown_27: Better get in there and start schmoozing. You know, I won't always be here to take charge, but you come talk to me whenever you want. 0:40:34 Unknown_17: I am so confused by this game right now. Unknown_36: What the fuck? Unknown_36: Like the story of that guy getting arrested was all told in like a very cheap cinematic. I'm curious what happened with Chloe. Unknown_36: Buster Jefferson, he's been a different person, been very cool. Apologize. Talking about David the Nazi. Unknown_36: Uh, he helped find Rachel and punish her killers. David obviously hella cares about my mom and probably made, yes, I am hella bored with nothing to do. 0:41:10 Unknown_36: I hope this dialogue sounds better coming out of my mouth. Unknown_36: Some of us hippies have homework, no shit, very proud of you. I won the heroes contest, holy shit, you rule. Unknown_36: Start your career. Bunny face. No emoji. It's not an emoji. That's an emoticon. Learn the difference. Unknown_36: Uh... Working on a new chair for you. Oh, everybody likes her. Kate's alive. Send her pictures of your tits, Max. And seduce her. 0:41:51 Unknown_36: I'm talking about David. Good stuff with Victoria. Uh... Unknown_36: I bet you blackmailed Jefferson. He went to jail for having a photography rape dungeon. What's wrong with you? Why are you such a bitch? Unknown_36: Oh, geez. And she never got raped. Unknown_36: That's weird. Unknown_36: Thanks, Mom. Unknown_36: I'm not gonna fuck you, Warren. Get the fuck off. You were never getting away. 0:42:24 Unknown_17: I wanna talk to Nan. Unknown_36: Something fucked up is happening. Unknown_17: This isn't real either. Unknown_36: I can tell. Where's the photo boundaries? Unknown_36: Where are the photo boundaries? I can feel it. Unknown_36: I can feel it. There's something fucked up coming. Unknown_36: The little fox with the hook hand is gonna come get me. Oh geez. What's this? 0:43:07 Unknown_17: Not my style, but the neon is a nice representation. Looks like shit. Unknown_17: Oh, shit. Pretentious alert. Unknown_36: Yeah, nigga, that is gay as fuck. Unknown_36: Who are you? Can I talk to you? Unknown_35: What's this? Unknown_36: Official entrance. Unknown_17: There I am. Along with all the other winners. Unknown_17: It's like the Vietnam War memorial of photography. Unknown_36: Oh jeez. Unknown_36: Can I put my name on it? Unknown_17: Fuck you. 0:43:41 Unknown_36: What's down here? Unknown_36: Why am I doing this? What's that? Is that a camera? I want the camera. Take the camera. Unknown_36: You're stealing somebody's... I hope they appreciate that. Unknown_36: Camera will remember this. Unknown_36: Hi, woman. Her voice actor is like, imagine if I was a voice actor in a video game. Unknown_43: I would do better. Hi, I'm Max Caulfield. Unknown_36: I'm a teenage French lesbian and hellerad. 0:44:18 Unknown_36: Please sign me up the voice your video game. Unknown_29: Look at this print. The depth of field, the colors. Look at the bokeh shape. This was definitely shot with a medium format camera. Pizza Gate is real. You can definitely find out those details. This game is woke. Unknown_02: I do not understand art. Unknown_29: Well, I have to say, this is the best Everyday Hero show I've seen since it began. All the pictures say a lot about our times. Bravo. 0:44:52 Unknown_29: Thank you, man. Unknown_13: How much would you pay for that? Unknown_36: I'm gonna inject you so full of morphine you're gonna stop breathing, lady. It's what you deserve. Unknown_41: I don't know why I'm talking to people. I don't know what you're talking about, black guy. 0:45:42 Unknown_39: How do these galleries afford to rent here? Unknown_36: Oh, food. Good. Unknown_17: I guess I have to get used to the idea of fancy food. I don't want to eat it. Unknown_36: Shut the fuck up. Go get yourself an hors d'oeuvre. Jesus Christ, Max. You suck the joy out of everything. Talk to this man. Unknown_39: I know it's kind of simple, but I find this haunting. Unknown_43: Right? The instant print makes it look timeless. Who's the artist? Unknown_35: That's all he says? What's this say? Unknown_17: Photography rape carries a maximum sentence of life. A life in the Lightroom, where everything is dark. I'm done talking to these NPCs. 0:46:17 Unknown_36: Wait, there it is. Unknown_36: You did it, Max. You made it. Unknown_18: Hi, and there she is to save the day. Hi. Unknown_36: Talk to the hipster without your photograph. Unknown_17: You did it, Max. You're a real artist. 0:46:50 Unknown_36: Talk to them. Unknown_17: At least for today. Stop monologuing. Unknown_36: Have conversation with the people that will give you money for hipster shit. Oh, she's bleeding again. Unknown_36: Uh-oh. Unknown_36: The fox! Unknown_36: The fox is here! Unknown_36: I knew it was coming. Run! Unknown_18: Chloe! Hey, are you okay? Unknown_17: We lost you there for a second. Your nose. I'm okay. 0:47:21 Unknown_17: Jet lag. Unknown_17: High altitude. Unknown_36: Run. Run, lady. Oh, jeez. Unknown_16: You left the ringer off, idiot. Unknown_17: Come on, please answer. Unknown_16: Max, holy shit, man, your vision. Unknown_16: It's true. You saw the tornado. It's coming. Unknown_17: What? Oh, no. Chloe, where are you? I'm so fucking scared. I'm by the beach. Chloe, can you hear me? Hello? 0:47:52 Unknown_17: Hello? Unknown_17: Oh, my God. The tornado was real. Unknown_32: The fuck? Unknown_17: What? What the fuck is happening? Are you gonna kill yourself? 0:48:30 Unknown_36: Do I have to go back to my thing and look at one of the photographs on my photograph art? Unknown_17: No fucking way! Chloe can't die again. Unknown_17: I have to save her. Unknown_36: Oh, no. Uh-oh. Unknown_39: I have a feeling... Excuse me. I'd love to ask you a few questions about your work. Unknown_36: Sorry, but... Nigga! Hold up. Unknown_36: Nigga. Don't interrupt me. I'm trying to save shit. Unknown_36: Oh, jeez. 0:49:16 Unknown_36: She's gonna die. What the fuck can you even do? Care of the photo. Unknown_17: Destroy it. Unknown_17: Sorry, San Francisco. Unknown_17: Chloe comes first. Unknown_36: Can't tear a Polaroid like that. 0:50:10 Unknown_36: Did Jefferson not get arrested? What the fuck is happening? What the fuck is happening?! Unknown_36: She threw herself back in the photography dungeon! Unknown_32: How did that... Unknown_32: How the fuck did that do that? Oh, I'm back here again. Unknown_17: I thought I'd be game. What did you say, Max? What? Unknown_17: Jefferson. Game. Not here. 0:50:43 Unknown_25: Game. You're you're pissing me off. You're back in my class. You're still spacing out. Um, I might be cool if you took one of your patented selfies now. Unknown_25: Transformation between the old Max and the new Max. Unknown_25: Anyway. Unknown_25: Kick him in the dick. Yeah. Unknown_36: Kick him in the dick. Unknown_25: Don't touch my face. Unknown_17: You're a photographer. 0:51:24 Unknown_25: A nose blade is a first world problem. Unknown_25: Your iris, that dilation like a shutter. Unknown_25: The pictures you're taking of me now. Unknown_25: Too bad you pissed away your gift. You could have won the contest, but you destroyed your own beautiful photograph. Unknown_25: What a waste. Unknown_25: Sorry, I burned all your stuff. Unknown_25: I got carried away. Fuck. Unknown_36: She didn't discover the rape bunker. She just got abducted this time. Unknown_25: That's why I'm still here. Especially since you've developed from nerd to hero within a week. 0:51:59 Unknown_25: There's something weird going on with you. Unknown_36: The bird tornado. It's arrived. Unknown_25: Did you see how crazy it is outside? Unknown_25: Like I said, something weird. Unknown_25: There's that fear. Unknown_25: The bird tornado will save us. 0:52:44 Unknown_25: At least, that's the last lecture you'll ever have to hear from me. And I promise you, no more nosebleeds. Unknown_17: Mr. Jefferson, please. Unknown_25: There's a bird tornado outside. You don't know what's happening. Unknown_25: Quiet. Unknown_25: Quiet, Max. Unknown_17: Please. Unknown_17: Don't do this. Unknown_36: If she dies while under the drug, she won't be able to rewind time. 0:53:19 Unknown_36: Nigga. Unknown_36: Bird tornado. Unknown_36: I command you, as player of video game, to end this photographer's nonsense. Unknown_36: Immediately. I promise. Unknown_25: Immediately. Like, right now. Now! Unknown_36: Bird tornado. Unknown_36: Say something. Scream, scream! 0:53:51 Unknown_36: David, go! Hail Hitler. Unknown_33: No! Unknown_33: Why didn't you scream, you stupid bitch? You fucking dumb nigger. Unknown_36: I'm going to get banned from YouTube for saying that. I'm going to have to take this video down. I promise you. Unknown_25: No more nosebleeds. Unknown_17: Hail Hitler! Say it! Unknown_36: Say it loud and proud. Unknown_17: Um... Um... 0:54:34 Unknown_17: Would you... take... one last picture of me? Unknown_17: I... I wanna be your best subject. Unknown_25: I almost don't believe that, but... I think you've finally learned from me. 0:55:09 Unknown_36: Wait, hold up. Unknown_36: Hold up. I have an idea. I have an idea to improve this. Unknown_36: Before we see this epic climax, I need to set the mood, because there's no music right now. 0:55:42 Unknown_36: All right. Unknown_36: Better fucking work. Unknown_33: Oh, shit. No, I don't mean to rewind it. Stop the games. Unknown_32: That's the wrong one! 0:56:13 Unknown_32: That's the wrong one! Unknown_36: Oh jeez! I keep fucking up! I'm so- Okay! Unknown_46: Come in, David! 0:56:50 Unknown_36: God damn it! Unknown_36: You fucking retard! We'll do this one more time. Unknown_46: I'm sorry, I got excited by the music. 0:57:32 Unknown_36: I think we got it. This time it's gonna work. Unknown_36: I've pumped them up through the ether of the internet. Unknown_07: Get him! Hold it! What? What the fuck was I supposed to do? Unknown_06: Oh no I have to go through it again! Why? And I promise you 0:58:09 Unknown_36: Oh, jeez. I guess this is the only option left. Unknown_17: Excuse me, but my throat is scratchy. Look, there is a physical finite fucking number of times. Unknown_36: Gotta get that voice nice and ready so I can yell Hitler. Unknown_36: Okay, I'm prepped. 0:58:46 Unknown_36: Scream. Unknown_36: Scream, lady. I promise, this final dose won't hurt. Scream, do something! Unknown_36: What? Unknown_17: David, watch out! Unknown_29: Time to shut the fuck up, okay? What the fuck? Unknown_17: Bad timing, Max. Too early. Unknown_33: No, stop it. Stop the rewind. Why does it have to go all the fucking way back every goddamn motherfucking time? 0:59:28 Unknown_25: I just want to get out of the photography basement. Unknown_36: Could he please it? I'm doing the music again. I think that one... Hey, then! Unknown_06: Hold it! What? What's the... Okay. 1:00:04 Unknown_36: Maybe... Oh, I hate this fucking game. I hate this fucking game. Unknown_27: They didn't think people would fuck up this bad. Unknown_36: What am I supposed to do? I'm looking at chat now. Tell me! Yeah, this is clearly online lag. Unknown_07: Can I not yell? Unknown_36: Can you fucking do something? Unknown_36: Oh, jeez. Unknown_36: I've been raped like eight times now. Ugh, fuck. 1:00:38 Unknown_36: Okay, desire. You better be fucking right. Unknown_36: No more nosebleeds. Yeah, yeah, I know. Water, please. Unknown_17: Okay, water and at the right time. Unknown_36: I got it this time. I'm in fucking pain, Mr. Jefferson. Just put me down. Unknown_36: What? Unknown_04: David, watch out! How? How did you know that? 1:01:10 Unknown_36: David, you fucker! Wait, wait. Oh, no! Unknown_33: Stop! Cease and desist! Cease and desist the fucking rewinding! Oh, did I crash the game? Oh, no. Unknown_00: No! Oh my god! Stop! Unknown_22: Just... Just in... Is there a button to just peacefully sunset? 1:01:41 Unknown_22: Oh no... Oh, the game's broken! Unknown_17: Can I please ask you for one last request? I can't press escape anymore. I can't press the space bar. Unknown_22: I think I permanently... I think I permanently damaged my space bar. Unknown_17: And would you mind turning off the lights? 1:02:19 Unknown_17: They make me squint, so... Unknown_25: I promise, this final dose won't hurt. Unknown_04: What? Unknown_05: David, watch out! Unknown_04: Time to shut the fuck... David, watch out! How? How did you know that? I am the master of time. 1:03:08 Unknown_36: David! Unknown_36: David, you fucker! Unknown_33: You fucker! You fucker! You fucker! You fucker! Unknown_33: God damn it! Why are you fucking... What? Unknown_36: Oh, I know what it is. I'm having a brain blast. My gray matter is kicking back in. I understand. Everything makes sense to me now. 1:03:39 Unknown_36: And I promise you, I've got it. Unknown_17: Excuse me, but my throat is scratchy. Can I please? Unknown_25: I promise this final dose won't hurt. Unknown_05: David, watch out! Unknown_31: Wait, hold up. 1:04:12 Unknown_31: No. Unknown_31: What? Unknown_32: I saw it before. Unknown_05: David, watch out! Unknown_04: How? How did you know that? Unknown_32: I swear to God, I saw this before. Unknown_17: David, watch out! 1:04:43 Unknown_36: I'm so mad. Unknown_17: Bad timing, Max. Too early. Unknown_36: Shout. Unknown_36: I swear, I saw this before. Unknown_05: David, watch out! Unknown_05: Ugh! Unknown_36: Take a trolley, motherfucker. Get him. Kick his ass. What the fuck?! Unknown_25: Goddammit. Using timecars. 1:05:41 Unknown_36: You fucker! Unknown_36: Wait. I got this. I'm gonna give myself a fucking stroke. Unknown_36: How does this change anything? Unknown_36: What the fuck? Unknown_36: Get him! Unknown_30: Oh lord, Max. Unknown_30: Are you okay? No, I've been stuck in this part of the game for 15 minutes, David. 1:06:13 Unknown_33: I'm so glad you came. Unknown_33: Thank you, David. Thank you. Unknown_30: Don't thank me. Unknown_30: You brought me here. Unknown_30: Let's wrap up this son of a bitch first. Unknown_30: he won't be going anywhere when he wakes up tie his hands and take photographs forever or worse mr jefferson now it's your turn to be captured in a moment is that a reference to a mugshot picture save chloe he burned everything including all just take a new photo warren 1:07:04 Unknown_17: I can use that picture he took of us. Shit, no signal. Unknown_36: There's a bird tornado out there, don't you hear it? Unknown_17: Thanks, Mr. Jefferson, but you won't need this anymore. Unknown_30: Okay. Unknown_30: Now, what the hell is this place? Unknown_17: I better go outside and call for him. Unknown_36: It's kind of photograph rape room. Oh, please answer. Can you walk a little bit faster than the- Hold on, Max. 1:07:38 Unknown_30: So, where is Chloe? Unknown_30: The beach. Unknown_32: What the fuck? She's at the beach. Unknown_17: David... Chloe is... She's at the beach. ...is dead. Unknown_36: Oh, that's right. She's dead. I lied. This isn't happening. Yeah, you passed her body on the way to the rape room. Unknown_31: No, God. 1:08:09 Unknown_36: Not Chloe. Sorry, I was living in the other timeline where she's at the beach and the bird tornado was coming out. Unknown_17: I saw a Jefferson killer in the junkyard last night. Unknown_31: Last night? Unknown_31: Why do I have a nosebleed all of a sudden? Unknown_22: Oh, jeez. I'm getting lightheaded. Unknown_36: Daddy, shut the fuck up. I got a photo. I'm gonna go back in time. I'm gonna save Chloe. I'm gonna stop the bird tornado. Everything's okay. 1:08:39 Unknown_36: Look. Unknown_36: Look, you put an end to the photography rapist. You killed my wife's child, you sick fucker! And you took away my stepdaughter! Unknown_36: Kill him. Unknown_36: Kill him! Unknown_47: David, wait! Unknown_05: Kill him! Unknown_36: Exercise violence. 1:09:19 Unknown_36: Sorry, I just wanted to do that. Unknown_30: Max, I'm sorry. Unknown_30: I'm sorry you had to see that. Unknown_36: Oh, geez. There's blood in this game. That's not a nosebleed. Unknown_31: What have I done? 1:09:52 Unknown_31: All that time I wasted with surveillance. Unknown_31: Chloe. Unknown_31: I'm sorry. Unknown_31: Joyce. Unknown_31: I failed you. Unknown_31: My family. Unknown_36: Just... What the fuck is the point of all this? Unknown_33: We're literally... The entire point is to go back in the photo now. Unknown_36: We're just going back in time. You better get outside. Unknown_30: You've seen enough of this room. Unknown_36: I got 15 minutes with this bod before it starts to get cold. 1:10:31 Unknown_36: And stop making fun of him for being a stepfather, okay? Unknown_36: Chloe's dad died. So it's not the same thing. Not the same thing, chat. Stop being mean. Unknown_36: Oh, I'm playing the game again. Unknown_36: I forgot. 1:11:04 Unknown_36: It's not the same thing. Chloe's not even half black. You guys need to stop being so offensive. Unknown_36: The bird tornado. Unknown_17: Why are you dressing all black like a fucking Quaker now? Unknown_17: Warren, can you hear me? Unknown_36: Oh, geez, don't call Warren. Unknown_17: Never mind. Listen, do you have that photo you took last night in the parking lot? Yeah, but why? 1:11:36 Unknown_21: It wasn't that great a shot. Unknown_17: Yes, it is, and I want it. Where are you? I'm at the Two Whales Diner. Unknown_21: Pretty much trapped in here with Joyce thanks to this Armageddon weather. I'm expecting the ocean to turn red. Unknown_14: Shut up, Warren! Unknown_21: Pussy. Shut the fuck up. I've got a bird tornado to catch. This is the first time I've seen Max drive anything. Unknown_36: Nice. 1:12:29 Unknown_36: Are you old enough to drive, little missy? Unknown_45: I told you, I, Trust Limbo, have been warning you people for years that our culture of sin and entitlement would lead to God striking us down. Unknown_45: And I'm the one trapped in this Unknown_36: Don't swear. You have one new message. Unknown_45: The message received yesterday at 9 PM. Max, it's Nathan. 1:13:04 Unknown_42: I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Unknown_37: I didn't want to hurt Kate or Rachel or... I didn't want to hurt anybody. Unknown_37: Everybody heals me. Unknown_37: Mr. Jefferson is coming for me now. All this shit will be over soon. 1:13:38 Unknown_37: Watch out, Max. He wants to hurt you next. Unknown_33: All this could have been avoided if you just put your phone off fucking silence, you stupid bitch. Unknown_36: Oh yeah. That's why he didn't rate Max. He only likes boys. 1:14:48 Unknown_36: The bird tornado is upon us. Unknown_36: You guys can get the fuck out of there, that's clearly like a fucking massive tornado that can pick up that debris and kill you. Unknown_35: Oh jeez, we need to find the... Unknown_36: No, you're fucked. Let's get to the diner. 1:15:22 Unknown_17: Let's get to the diner. Shut the fuck up. Unknown_36: Just get to the diner. Unknown_36: None of this matters. Unknown_21: None of this matters. Unknown_36: Just go. Where the fuck is it? Unknown_36: The name of that body is dead body. I'm pretty sure he's dead here crawling crawling lady We got to get to that diner to get the photograph and pass all this superfluous nonsense. Oh geez Am I playing the walking dead now? 1:16:01 Unknown_12: Uh Unknown_36: Nah, asshole. Unknown_32: That's what you get. Unknown_36: That's what you get, motherfucker. Unknown_36: None of this matters, though, Max. You're fine. We just gotta get to the picture before the Borg tornado does. 1:16:38 Unknown_36: Go, Max, go! Unknown_36: We gotta save our lesbian girlfriend in Finger Blaster in San Francisco. Unknown_36: No, what are you waiting for? Unknown_20: Oh, jeez. What? Unknown_36: Oh, god. 1:17:12 Unknown_36: Oh, I have to do that repeatedly. Unknown_36: I got it, I got it. I need to put the sand on the fire so it doesn't blow up the diner. Unknown_36: I got it. Unknown_36: Put your bitch in... You might want to put another fucking shovel full of that shit. Unknown_36: Whatever. Unknown_17: The bird tornado. Prophecy foretold this. 1:17:53 Unknown_36: Why is there a sign on the homeless? I don't give a shit about them. Unknown_29: You guys are so dead. Unknown_02: You're all gonna die. 1:18:25 Unknown_36: Do you not see that massive fucking tornado? Unknown_02: There is a fucking monster storm coming. What the fuck are you people doing? Just get to the fucking photograph. Just look at the fucking photograph. Oh my god, this fucking game is gonna give me a stroke. Unknown_20: you okay warren how the hell did i ignore all those warnings max the snow the eclipse there's nothing you could do about it warren i'm so stupid the giant bird tornado that's crashing waves against the fucking shore right now so glad everybody is safe here but i need that photo from warren to help chloe sorry 1:19:19 Unknown_20: I hate to say I'm glad to see you, but I'm so glad to see you. I require the photograph. Unknown_17: The important thing is that you're safe. And I know you can take care of yourself after Nathan. Unknown_20: Should have done that a long time ago. But damn, Max. I'm not kissing Warren. Unknown_04: I believe you actually drove down here in the middle of a fucking E6 tornado. Unknown_20: Just for one photograph? I mean, I know you didn't come for me. Unknown_17: I came for all of you. Unknown_20: Okay, fine. Unknown_17: Just tell me you do have the photograph. I just want... Now shut up and listen. Unknown_20: Oh, yeah. You're finally going to tell me what you never did in the parking lot. 1:20:00 Unknown_17: I wish I would have. So I'm just going to tell you without any explanation. Unknown_17: Trust me, okay? Unknown_36: Blow a bubble on his butthole like a baby's belly? Unknown_17: That has to be the real Empty Hero. Unknown_36: There's no fucking way anybody else would see that shit. Unknown_17: Where else could I be? Unknown_17: Go on. Then I found out that I could rewind time. And long story short, Mark Jefferson is insane and dangerous. 1:20:32 Unknown_20: Is that all? Unknown_17: I have to go back in time. Jefferson already killed Chloe. Unknown_17: I can't let that happen. Unknown_15: I have to do something, Warren. Unknown_36: Your lips aren't moving. Unknown_15: Going back in time is what caused the storm. Unknown_20: All because of me? Your lips aren't moving, Max. I'm not a real scientist. Are you still paralyzed from the deadly neurotoxin? This seems like pure cause and effect. Maybe chaos theory. 1:21:03 Unknown_20: What happened with Jefferson? Did he hurt you? Unknown_17: He used Nathan to get drugs and money for him. Unknown_17: Jefferson tied me up. Their lips aren't frozen. Unknown_36: They're just puckering up for that kiss. Unknown_17: I need the best ending. Took sick photos of me. It was so horrible. Unknown_20: Mads, I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. 1:21:36 Unknown_20: You're the bravest person I've ever known. Unknown_20: He's dead. Show me the fucking photograph, Warren. You fucking retard. Shut the fuck up. Unknown_17: There is literally a fucking bird tornado about to kill us all. 1:22:09 Unknown_17: Warren, I know this all sounds insane, but you're the only other person who I can count on now. Unknown_17: I wish we had more time together. Unknown_17: Do you believe me? Unknown_20: Max, of course I believe you. You're the most amazing person I've ever met. And I'm glad you trust me. Unknown_17: Always. Unknown_17: I just wish I could trust my powers. I guess we'll never know if it's magic or science. Unknown_20: Even if it's from a wizard or a wormhole, you're part of something bigger. Give me the photograph. I don't believe in fate or destiny, but after this week, I realize I don't know shit. That makes both of us, Warren. I do know you're here for a reason, and 1:22:51 Unknown_20: I guess it's up to you to find out why. Max, I'm sorry you got stuck in this. Give me the photograph. I don't have a fucking clue what's going on. That's okay, just give me the photograph. I have total faith that you'll do the right thing when the time comes. Like when you give me the photograph. I'm so proud of you, Max. Thanks. How could there be a more important moment in history? Yes. I'm in the middle of it with you. Yes, so I can get the ending. So thank you for trusting me. Unknown_17: Thanks for being here. 1:23:23 Unknown_17: Always. Unknown_36: Yes. Unknown_36: Wait, so how do I kiss him? Unknown_02: Oh, God. Unknown_36: Oh, jeez. Unknown_20: Oh, I guess I kiss him after I look at the photo. Unknown_36: Wait, why does he suddenly know about my powers? Unknown_17: Hug? 1:23:53 Unknown_36: Kiss him when you hug him. Unknown_36: I'm trying to get the best ending. Unknown_36: No, I can't get the best ending because I was a dick to him for the- See, desire lines, my choices do matter. Unknown_33: I was a horrible cunt to him the entire fucking game and now I can't get the best ending. Unknown_36: Okay, time to stare at the photograph and get the fuck out of here. 1:24:43 Unknown_40: Welcome to the end of the world, ladies. Unknown_36: I called it that this photo would become important, Leader. I totally fucking called it. Unknown_13: We got no time for this shit. Come on, Max. Unknown_36: Hi, Chloe. Unknown_13: Chloe! Unknown_13: Jesus, dude, what is up with you? I'm just glad we're here together. Unknown_19: I guess you need to talk. Unknown_19: No worries. It's all good. Unknown_13: I'm glad you're with me, too. What's going on, Max? We have to find Nathan right now. Sorry, Warren. Let's go. Now. Chloe, wait. Listen. I can walk and listen, okay? 1:25:19 Unknown_13: Stop and listen for once. Unknown_13: Fine, Max. Unknown_17: Kiss her. I'm listening. Unknown_33: Kiss her. Unknown_17: Chloe, you can't go in that party. Unknown_13: You're going to die if you do. You used your powers, right? And you fucked around with time and I died. Not like that. Unknown_13: You're supposed to back me up. So there's no way that punk ass bitch Nathan Prescott is taking me down. She just said you're going to die. Unknown_33: What the fuck? Believe women. Mark Jefferson killed you. Believe women. 1:25:50 Unknown_13: Jefferson, the art teacher. That's bullshit. Nathan is the fucking serial killer. We saw the proof. Unknown_36: Why won't you just believe her? Unknown_13: She has time traveling powers. Unknown_17: Are you coming? Unknown_17: Nathan is dead and you're in danger. That fucker is already dead. Unknown_33: Because I can rewind fucking time and you are aware of this. We've been talking about it for four fucking days. Now you have to believe women. 1:26:21 Unknown_16: You have no choice. Me too. I am pulling the ultimate card. Unknown_33: Neil. Unknown_13: Neil! I was the one who dragged you into all this shit. Nobody, especially you, should have to go through that. 1:26:58 Unknown_13: Now we have to stop Jefferson. Unknown_17: With one bullet. No. Not this way. Unknown_17: Chloe, I can't keep fixing everything if all I'm going to do is just break it over and over again. Unknown_17: I know how this is gonna turn out, and I'm afraid I'm fucking up all these alternate realities. Wait, alternate realities? Unknown_13: What do you mean, Max? Unknown_13: What did you do? I fucked up. Unknown_17: I fucked up, Chloe. I wanted to make things right, but everything turned out wrong. Max, what the hell are you talking about? 1:27:30 Unknown_17: I was able to go back in time to the last day William was alive. Unknown_36: Oh, I didn't mean to tell her that. Unknown_17: I stopped him from leaving, but you ended up in a car crash instead. Unknown_16: You saw my dad again? Unknown_16: You were completely paralyzed. Unknown_33: And then I killed you. And then I killed you. Unknown_16: I robbed the life from you. Unknown_17: You asked me to end your life. 1:28:08 Unknown_17: I did. Unknown_17: For you. I didn't want you to suffer in any other timeline or reality. Unknown_17: I couldn't bear the thought of you in any more pain. Unknown_36: I like this rave music in the back. Unknown_13: That must have been... Unknown_13: That must have been awful for you. I'm so sorry I had to ask you that. Unknown_17: It was worse for you. Unknown_36: Because you were a cripple and you had to poo in a pan. Unknown_17: As usual, I messed everything up and I never want to hurt you. Ever. 1:28:43 Unknown_17: You have to believe me. Unknown_16: Of course I do. Unknown_36: Oh, she's telling her because she's trying to convince her to not be a retard. Unknown_13: Nobody would. Unknown_13: The important thing is that we're together again. You're right. Unknown_17: That's why you should come with me, so we can stay together and stay alive. I hear you, Max, but do you think we should let Jefferson get away with torture and murder? Of course not. Unknown_13: If we tell David, he'll believe us. Wow, if only somebody had suggested that the first time you went into the fucking bunker. 1:29:14 Unknown_33: If only somebody was screaming that at the top of my fucking lungs for 15 minutes fucking straight before you got dragged into the fucking photography dungeon. Unknown_17: I'd be dead right now. Unknown_13: Max, I had no clue. I should have been the one to save you, but... I'm so grateful David was there. So what's your plan? The game conclusion is literally just doing what I said to do in the first place, that any rational person would have done. Unknown_36: Take the paranoid fucking neo-Nazi veteran surveillance officer with you to the photography dungeon. 1:30:01 Unknown_36: My god, we absolutely oh fuck the French fuck this fucking game. Unknown_17: Fuck you David fucking You'll have to tell me exactly what I did and said just now Just explain that I traveled through time using the photo. Will you believe me? I'll always believe you Chloe Unknown_36: Kevin, thank you for subscribing to my awful fucking stream channel. Unknown_36: Oh, jeez. 1:30:39 Unknown_36: Oh, the police come this time. Unknown_36: Is everything okay? Is the bird tornado going away? Unknown_36: No, they're just gonna stand there and taunt it? Don't taunt the bird tornado! Get the fuck out of there! Unknown_36: Leave! Unknown_13: Leave! Get the fuck out of there! There's a fucking tornado! Unknown_33: Leave! 1:31:13 Unknown_13: worked actually get the out looks like even fate doesn't want us apart and travel through multiple that tornado is going like half a mile an hour you could have easily leave you can drive away there is nothing stopping you from running away right now for wanting me out of your life after all my drama just leave i'm the official drama king and queen of arcadia pay this week Unknown_17: Why are you talking about this? Unknown_33: In real life, you wouldn't even be able to talk to each other over the sounds of the fucking waves and wind. Unknown_16: Just get the fuck out. Unknown_13: Just leave. Just leave. Unknown_17: You deserve to die. I want you both to die. Stay. 1:32:19 Unknown_17: Stay where you're at until you are dead. Without you, my powers wouldn't even exist. Unknown_13: Then for whatever scientific, mystical reason that we'll obviously never figure out, we were meant to be together at this exact moment in history. Kiss. I have to think that Rachel was somewhere behind the scenes fighting for justice. Unknown_36: Stay and kiss now. Unknown_17: We all owe Rachel Amber. Unknown_17: Kiss her. Hella crazy. Hella get the fuck out of there. 1:33:03 Unknown_17: The storm is getting bigger now. It's coming closer. Unknown_17: I can't even believe this is real. This is happening because of me. Stop it. Just stop beating yourself up, okay? Unknown_13: We've both paid our dues already on this. God, look at that. Look at that monster. Unknown_36: Yeah, look at that monster staying out there very still. Unknown_13: Our revenge. Unknown_13: What the fuck? Oh, now you leave. Now you leave. Unknown_36: What the fuck? 1:33:45 Unknown_25: Alfred Hitchcock famously called film little pieces of time. Oh, no. The worst ending. It just sends me to the start of the game. We have to listen to this Jefferson lecture again. Unknown_17: Oh, God. This might be hell. Unknown_25: Now, can you give me an example of a photographer who perfectly captured the human condition in black and white? Unknown_17: Am I stuck in a time loop? Grrrr. Unknown_41: What the fuck? 1:34:19 Unknown_25: Oh no! Oh no, the birds! Unknown_25: How do you not see that? There are... There are birds! Seriously though, I could frame any one of you in a dark corner and capture you in a moment of desperation. Unknown_17: What? Unknown_17: Everybody's gone now. Unknown_17: Have I totally fucked up time? Unknown_17: This doesn't make sense. 1:34:54 Unknown_17: I'm sorry, Kate. Unknown_25: I see you, Max Caulfield. Don't even think about leaving here until we talk about your entry. Unknown_25: I just wanted to know if you'd like to spend the rest of your life in my darkroom. 1:35:27 Unknown_25: Your purity inspires me so much, and we could be so happy together. Unknown_25: Who needs selfies when I can give you portraiture? Unknown_17: There's no way I'm saying that. No way. Unknown_17: I've been dreaming of the day when you would finally tell me. Unknown_17: I love you, Mr. Jefferson. Unknown_25: Call me Mark. Unknown_25: We need to play catch up on all the time we've wasted. Especially since there's nobody left in your life. Unknown_25: I love you too, Max. This can't be real. 1:36:04 Unknown_17: I don't believe it. Mm-hmm. 1:36:39 Unknown_10: Hey, Kate. Max. How could you let me jump off a roof? You were the only person I trusted here. But you never really listened to me. Now I'm never going to heaven. Instead, you've stuck me in hell. Alone forever. No! Kate, I was only trying to save you. 1:37:23 Unknown_32: Guys, what the fuck? Unknown_32: What the fuck? Unknown_29: Okay, where did you last put those keys? 1:37:58 Unknown_36: I didn't realize I was playing the fucking Stanley Parable. What the fuck? Unknown_36: Oh God. Unknown_36: I'm in hell. This is over all the trannies I've killed. Unknown_36: This is for the trannies. Unknown_17: This hall never ends. I better find something. 1:38:57 Unknown_12: Rachel, my mother. She was my... angel. Unknown_12: After my dad died and you moved, I felt abandoned. Unknown_18: Rachel saved my life. Unknown_18: So, Rachel took my place. I'm glad she was there for you, six months ago. Unknown_18: Which one was the one that was blocked off because of Rachel? Uh, it's not Kate. It has to be... I think it's this one. I think... I think that was it. It was one of these. I think it was on the left-hand side. There we go. 1:39:28 Unknown_36: Is this where Victoria gets raped? Unknown_36: One of these is Victoria's room. I think that one was Victoria's. 1:40:02 Unknown_36: One of these is Rachel's room. This game got really fucking experimental really fucking fast. Unknown_36: Wait, does she have to... Does she have to write lipstick on the mirror? Unknown_36: No. Unknown_36: I just went to the bathroom. It didn't work. Unknown_42: Wait, why is it black screened? Unknown_36: Hold up. 1:40:41 Unknown_36: Oh, I don't know what's wrong with the game. I'm looking at it right now. Unknown_36: Is the game... Can you guys hear me? Because the game's working fine. Unknown_36: Oh, the game is fine? Oh, you have to... Oh, it's broken from my phone, too. I guess if I reload it, it'll be okay. Okay, yeah, if you see the black screen, you have to refresh it. 1:41:16 Unknown_15: You feel like totally wrong, but Victoria's room has to be nearby. Unknown_36: Yeah, no shit, motherfucker! Unknown_36: Is it this one? It's one of these. Oh, look. Unknown_38: It's Max's car, Billy. This don't behave like it. Unknown_36: Look, there's a finite number of fucking doors. Unknown_36: There's a finite number of these fucking doors. Unknown_41: Actually, we made the best choice. Unknown_41: Okay, look at the map. 1:41:56 Unknown_36: Oh, okay. Unknown_36: What? She didn't, she didn't present that word. Unknown_36: You better get raped. That's all I gotta say. Unknown_36: Oh god, I'm Max again. I wonder whose room I'm supposed to be going to for this one. Oh jeez. 1:42:27 Unknown_17: Oh, god. Unknown_36: Everybody's autistic. Unknown_10: Go back. Unknown_36: They're talking like sims. Unknown_17: You better walk backwards. You're the only one who's going to be walking that way. Unknown_13: What the fuck are you doing? Is this the end? What the fuck? Oh no! 1:43:26 Unknown_33: It's getting too hipster. Unknown_33: The hipster is hitting critical mass. Unknown_33: Oh, god. Unknown_24: Don't try to hide, Max. Get over here. Oh, thank god. We're back in the rape room. Let me capture you. 1:43:59 Unknown_17: Jefferson is coming after me. Max, you used to be so pure, so innocent. Unknown_25: Now, you have to die. Unknown_36: I've beaten Batman in Arkham Origins. Unknown_25: Please understand, Max. You can't get me. The only place I can be my selfie is in the darkroom. Unknown_24: I can't believe you let that hillbilly murder me in cold blood. You'll never get me. 1:44:32 Unknown_17: You'll never get me, scarecrow. I thought I could be your professor. Unknown_25: For life. Oh, run bitch. Unknown_36: Get the fuck over this. Oh, Jesus. Unknown_36: I'm not getting caught. I'm not going back to that fucking room. Can't make me. I saw David get killed repeatedly. Fuck off scarecrow. 1:45:20 Unknown_26: Good evening, Blackwell. This is Principal Well. And I'm here to drop the mic on Max Caulfield. Unknown_36: Never get me. Unknown_36: No! No! Oh god! I'm giving myself fucking cancer again. Unknown_36: The second one is like way faster or something. Unknown_26: Fuck. Ow. Fuck off. Now! Now! 1:45:52 Unknown_36: Fuck off with your rape light. Unknown_17: Wait, I got it. Unknown_17: I got it, I got it, I got it. I figured it out. Look, I'm literally a genius. 1:46:22 Unknown_36: I'm literally a genius. If we go this way, we have the extra time to make the gap. Unknown_36: Literally a genius. Literally a genius. Fucking the smartest man to ever live. Unknown_26: Okay. No more... Unknown_36: He'll never get me. Unknown_20: Fuck off. Oh, I guess I can't literally creep behind him. Unknown_36: My sneak is only level 5. It's not level 99. Fuck off. 1:46:54 Unknown_40: Daggett. I'm not going into your rape dungeon. Unknown_36: Especially not yours. Unknown_36: Oh jeez. Unknown_40: You dig my wheels, Max? Get in the car. Unknown_47: Wait, Max. Fuck off. Unknown_40: Max? Fuck off. You dig my wheels, Max? Unknown_36: Fuck off. Fuck off. Unknown_36: Fuck off. 1:47:29 Unknown_36: Real money from the handicap. Look at me. Unknown_36: Never. I will find my way. Too good. Too good. Unknown_28: Proceed onwards, Nathan. No. Fuck you. Fucker. Oh, am I like stuck now? Oh jeez. 1:48:04 Unknown_34: Fuck off. That's right. Unknown_36: That's right. No, go back. Unknown_36: I'll call the Nazi on you. He does have no butt. Unknown_34: That's a fair criticism. Unknown_36: She does have no butt. Unknown_34: Oh jeez. Unknown_24: That way. Unknown_36: All the characters hate me. They're trying to rape me. Unknown_24: Oh wait, hold on. Oh, bottle. Fuck off. I want the bottle. Without spinning around, I require this bottle. Perfect. Wrong one. 1:48:36 Unknown_29: She gave great head? I like how the game has completely ran out of- Completely ran out of ideas. I'm literally gathering bottles in a fake junkyard right now. Unknown_36: Oh jeez. 1:49:27 Unknown_36: Hey bottles. Oh, am I supposed to sit on that bench? Oh thank god, she's freezing to death. 1:50:18 Unknown_03: Don't you dare question the chef. Unknown_01: Right, like you're the real cook here? I am, when your mom's away. I'll let her know that. Unknown_36: Who is phone? Unknown_03: Hello? Hey, honey. Just making a fabulous breakfast with Chloe and Max. We're all going to work at the Two Winds. Unknown_03: What? Unknown_03: You are ridiculous. Oh, geez. 1:51:20 Unknown_03: Shit, where are those keys? Unknown_01: Another dollar for the swear jar! Hey, it's me! Unknown_01: Aha! Unknown_03: You can't hide from me forever. Unknown_03: Now lock up after I leave. Play nice. Try not to destroy too much of the house. And no Chloe and Max wine tasting session. Unknown_01: Dad! Unknown_35: I was willing to... Who the fuck is... Unknown_36: Who the fuck is that? Oh, Nathan? 1:51:52 Unknown_36: The dog is sending me threatening messages. I should have let you got raped by snake thing, you fucker. Unknown_36: Oh, is she telling you that you're gonna be in hell? I hope so. 1:52:26 Unknown_38: Oh, Jesus. Unknown_17: How long will this nightmare go on? Unknown_36: Oh, God. Now she's in her underwear. What the fuck? Unknown_25: I think you'd be perfect for my new photo series on retro grunge. Unknown_25: You got the same qualities that I loved in Rachel Amber. Is this cucking? But not Max. Oh, no. Max. Unknown_13: Max is a fucking child. Unknown_25: Oh Christ, I know. And she never shuts up, does she? 1:52:57 Unknown_13: I'm so over her hipster bullshit. Unknown_25: I think everyone at Blackwell is over Max. Let's prove it. Unknown_13: Booyah, Warren. I thought you were all over Max's shit. Unknown_20: She's not all that. Unknown_20: So who cares if she doesn't kiss you? Kiss her. Unknown_13: Oh, you should have seen her make a move on me in my room. Hello, lame. Unknown_20: Mac should see me make a move on you. It was pretty lame. Unknown_36: Come here. Oh, no. The game. This is brainwashing. Damn, you're a sexy bitch. This is liberal brainwashing. 1:53:31 Unknown_33: Help. Unknown_13: Help. David. Plus, she's like my personal partner. Unknown_39: David. Unknown_13: I hear that. Unknown_39: Do you want to party? I got a drugstore in my room. Unknown_13: Oh, shit. Look at Mac sparring us. Can I fast forward this? No. Take a fucking picture, bitch. Oh, shit. Unknown_36: I don't want to look at you. Unknown_13: Take it off. Rape her. Rape her. Finger blast her. She's got her legs open. Unknown_36: Oh, geez. 1:54:15 Unknown_36: The French are really weird. They're just some fucking... Kill her again. Unknown_13: You're gonna let the cripple talk to you like that, Max? Oh hi, I'm in the bathroom again. Unknown_36: Maybe she just ate a really bad tuna sandwich and she has food poisoning giving her hallucinations. Unknown_17: I'll be so grateful if this is the last digicode. Unknown_44: That's bullshit. 1:55:06 Unknown_44: Great. Numbers are all over the place. Unknown_44: How will I find the right code? Unknown_36: Chat. Chat, it was not 1488. You lied to me again. I should stop taking notes from you guys. 1:55:37 Unknown_44: Oh, geez. Unknown_44: What? Oh, God. Chat was useful for once. Why was it that number? Unknown_35: Explain it to me. Unknown_41: Don't kill us, Max. Unknown_41: I guess I'll never dance again, Max. Unknown_29: I hope not. Right when I was about to start a new life. Unknown_41: Honey, I always thought... So this is how Max gets her revenge. Unknown_29: Don't let the squirrels die. You'll have to go without me. Unknown_36: no the belgian waffle if only we had gotten the bacon and eggs if only we had gotten the bacon and eggs and everything would have been okay who are you holy are you cereal i'm you dumbass 1:56:28 Unknown_17: Or I'm one of many Maxes you've left behind. Can you get me out of here? Oh, so you want help? Unknown_17: Thought you could control everybody and everything, huh? Unknown_09: Twist time around your fingers? Unknown_09: I tried to help. Unknown_09: I only wanted to do the right thing. Unknown_17: No, you only wanted to be popular. Unknown_17: And once you got these amazing powers, Unknown_17: Your big plan was to trick people into thinking you give a rat's ass. 1:57:04 Unknown_44: I do care. I didn't care about being popular. That's why I was trying to make friends. Unknown_17: I was just trying to beat the game. What the fuck? You were just looking for a shortcut because you can't make friends on your own. We had Chloe. I have great friends and I've used my powers for good. Please stop playing innocent. You're a goddamn hypocrite. Unknown_17: You've left a trail of death and suffering behind you. That was not my fault, you son of a bitch. Don't you dare talk about our mom that way. 1:57:36 Unknown_36: Oh, God. Stop trying to be clever, Frenchman. Unknown_17: What about the crap that was your fault? Wait, wait. Let me guess. You fucked up time and space for your precious punk, Chloe? Unknown_35: Yes. I'm guilty as charged. Unknown_17: You think she's worth all that? Unknown_35: Yes. Of course. Unknown_17: Yep, hold up. 1:58:24 Unknown_17: Yeah, Evil Max does have better voice acting. What's up? Unknown_36: are you ready to fuck dude do not even fuck with her head she knows what we went through together this week and you don't there's no way you can break up our team this is reality take a picture of her oh geez after five years you're still max caulfield i am seriously glad to see you what is the point of this welcome home max fasten your seatbelt 1:59:24 Unknown_36: Drive into the ditch, I can kill you. Oh jeez. Am I sneaking again? Unknown_13: I, uh, know it was your birthday last month. Unknown_13: This was my real father's camera. This song fucking rules! Can't dance, hippie? Come on! Unknown_13: Rock out, girl! Unknown_13: You were here today, Max. You saved me. I'm still trippin' on that. Seeing you after all these years feel- Let's talk about your superpower. Unknown_13: epic welcome to american rust my home away from hell you saved me again crazy oh no now we're totally bonded i'm so glad you're my partner in crime how long does this go on for come check out these files i know what happened i was just here let's call it a draw i'm gonna freeze my ass off when i get out cow bunga why look an otter in my water 2:00:18 Unknown_36: Doesn't have a bra on. Unknown_13: Your power is changing everything. Oh, yes, she does. Unknown_36: It was just black. Unknown_13: I couldn't see it. Unknown_17: I'm going to sort of photo hog. Unknown_36: Finger blast. Unknown_17: Inject. There we go. Unknown_36: This kiss is better than the one in the actual game. Unknown_13: Oh god. And it's stiff. It's stiff motionless mannequins and it's better. Run Max. Run away from the lecture. Killed her. Now you inject her with the morphine. 2:00:53 Unknown_18: I'm glad we are though. Unknown_17: Whoa, awesome picture. Killer, killer, killer. Unknown_45: Looks so badass in her pirate gear. Unknown_17: Chloe, you're back. Kate wasn't the first. Rachel. Rachel, no, no, please not her. Come on, Max, we're almost there. Unknown_13: Max, come on now. Unknown_13: Don't worry, we'll be okay. 2:01:26 Unknown_36: Oh, thank God! Get into the lighthouse! Unknown_13: Get into the lighthouse! 2:02:07 Unknown_15: This is my storm I caused this I caused all of this I Changed fate destiny so much that I actually did alter the course of everything Death and destruction Unknown_13: kiss her! 2:03:00 Unknown_13: Max. Unknown_17: This is the only way. Unknown_36: The bucket. Unknown_17: I feel like I took the shot a thousand years ago. Unknown_36: You must go back in time and kill the butterfly. Unknown_11: You... You could use that photo to change everything right back to when you took that picture. Unknown_13: All that would take is for me to... Unknown_13: David Cage. 2:03:43 Unknown_11: If you ruin my teenage French lesbian fantasy by making me kill this dyke, I swear to fucking god I will personally go to France and kick your fucking ass. Unknown_13: Even my stepfather deserves her alive. Unknown_11: There's so many more people in Arcadia Bay who should live. Oh my god. She's right. 2:04:37 Unknown_13: she's totally right she has to die every thread every everything in the game involves her dying she has to die and laugh like i haven't done in years wherever i end up after this in whatever reality all those moments between us were real and they'll always be ours no matter what you choose Unknown_13: I know you'll make the right decision. Unknown_15: Chloe, I can't make this joy. Unknown_15: No, Max, you're the only one who can. Unknown_36: He has to die. Unknown_13: Max. 2:05:34 Unknown_13: It's time. Unknown_15: Chloe... I'm so, so sorry. Unknown_15: I... I don't want to do this. Unknown_13: I know, Max. Unknown_13: But we have to. We have to save everybody. Okay? Unknown_13: And you'll make those fuckers pay for what they did to Rachel. Unknown_13: Being together this week... Unknown_13: Oh, no. That's what she said before I shot her up with morphine last time. Unknown_36: Oh, no. Kiss her, you fool. 2:06:05 Unknown_13: I got my kiss. Unknown_36: Oh, no. Unknown_11: I'll always love you. Now get out of here, please. Do it before I freak. 2:06:38 Unknown_13: And Max Caulfield, don't you forget about me. 2:07:41 Unknown_39: It's cool, Nathan. Unknown_39: Don't stress. You're okay, bro. Just count to three. Unknown_39: Don't be scared. You own this school. If I wanted, I could blow it up. You're the boss. Unknown_39: So what do you want? Unknown_13: I hope you checked the perimeter, as my step-ass would say. Unknown_13: Now, let's talk business. Unknown_39: I got nothing for you. Unknown_13: Wrong. You got hella cash. Unknown_13: You don't know who the fuck I am or who you're messing around with! 2:08:13 Unknown_13: Where'd you get that? What are you doing? Come on, put that thing down! Don't ever tell me what to do! I'm so sick of people trying to control me! You are going to get in hella more trouble for this than drugs! Nobody would ever even miss your punk ass, would they? Unknown_11: Get that gun away from me, psycho! Unknown_36: I can't fucking believe the game got the best of me. Unknown_36: The entire fucking time, I'm chasing this fucking bitch. 2:08:49 Unknown_36: And the game, like, fucking... Fuck you. I can't even fucking believe that. Unknown_36: Like, I was chasing after the fucking dyke as a fucking joke. Fuck this. Unknown_36: Fuck you, French. And a million dirty ways Now I see you lying there Like a lilo losing 2:09:41 Unknown_08: Now Nathan knows about the the teacher so he's gonna turn oh Come on 2:10:54 Unknown_36: I legit feel fucking manipulated by this shit. 2:11:31 Unknown_36: Why is she dressed like that? What the fuck? Unknown_36: Did she convert to Christianity? Oh, jeez. Oh, no, she's in a fucking funeral again. Fuck off. Ugh. Unknown_08: I'm the ghost in the back of your head. 2:12:42 Unknown_36: Why is the game playing fucking rock music? Unknown_36: At the fucking funeral? Here, you know what? You know what? Unknown_36: I have an idea. I'm gonna... I was gonna... Let me play my own music. I'm gonna play my own music for this funeral. Unknown_36: Fuck this. Fuck this bullshit. Volume mixer. Mute this shit. Unknown_36: We're going in. 2:14:14 Unknown_46: Wait, is there dialogue on this game? Unknown_33: Why isn't it fucking subtitled? Are you fucking kidding? Why is everything about this game the worst possible fucking thing? Unknown_33: Oh, there is no dialogue! There is no eulogy! It's just him miming words! Oh, fuck! Unknown_33: Fuck this game! 2:14:55 Unknown_33: Just end! Just cut to the fucking credits! Unknown_36: Fuck you, butterfly little faggot. 2:15:45 Unknown_44: Butterfly orb. Unknown_44: Holy shit, 52% of people picked it. All right, mirror back. Unknown_44: I guess I should have gone pee, but I want to rant after I go pee. 2:17:03 Unknown_44: Okay, so... Like, I got legit fucking sad at the end of that shit. Unknown_36: Before the fucking hipster music came on, I realized, before the game made me choose... Unknown_36: That literally the entire point of the fucking game is that Chloe has to die. Because the moment she said, don't you realize that every fucking chapter has a scene where I fucking die? Like, I was making jokes about that. She shoots herself off the fucking car bunker. She gets shot by Jefferson. She gets raped and murdered, I'm pretty sure, at some point. Like, she gets shot at the beginning of the game. She gets shot in every fucking goddamn chapter. And the entire time, I'm just trying to get my fucking lesbian kiss. And it fucking happens at the end of the game when you realize you have to kill her. 2:17:43 Unknown_36: Fuck you. And what's shitty about that is I was only going for that as a fucking joke. Unknown_36: And apparently, that's the trick that the game developers wanted you to fall in. They wanted you to do that. So as a joke, I fell for the fucking Frenchman tricks. 2:18:17 Unknown_36: I got outplayed by the fucking front. I'm gonna go fucking slit my wrist. Ugh, fuck. Unknown_44: I couldn't kiss Warren. Unknown_44: Ugh. Unknown_44: Desire lines. What happens if you... What's the good ending? Unknown_36: Hold on. Fuck this. Unknown_35: This is bullshit. Unknown_44: This is the bullshit. Unknown_44: Okay. Unknown_44: Oh, my keyboard's in Russian. 2:18:49 Unknown_44: What happened? Unknown_44: Life is strange. Good ending. Unknown_44: How long is this? Unknown_44: It's 12 minutes long. Fuck that. What is the best ending? Tell me, game. Unknown_44: Is that the best ending? 2:19:22 Unknown_44: What the fuck? Unknown_44: I just... Man, what the fuck, game? Unknown_36: You couldn't just let me have my French lesbians? You had to make it awkward? Unknown_44: Okay. Unknown_35: It's midnight. I'm gonna go to bed. But before I do... Let me find a song. Unknown_44: Let me find the song to end this one. 2:19:57 Unknown_44: I don't even know if you'd like that song. Four Minutes Long, it's by a lady. I know you guys don't like ladies. Unknown_44: The only way to win is not to play. That's a fair ending. Unknown_44: Yeah, I'm about to screw some optics and go in. I'm kind of fucking mad. 2:20:30 Unknown_44: I don't even know what to do. That just took the wind out of my sails. Unknown_44: Oh, jeez. I'm looking at my desktop. Unknown_44: What can I play? So, to recap... Unknown_44: Chloe got shot, and then Mr. Jefferson, a homosexual liberal arts major in photography, takes you into his photograph dungeon where he does not rape people. 2:21:04 Unknown_36: He only takes photographs of them. Where he awkwardly takes photographs of you before he shoots you up with a needle, before you go back in time to alert David about the photography seller. So he can come in so that you can Unknown_36: You can arrest Mr. Jefferson. Unknown_36: But then you realize you fucked up time, so you go back in time to save Chloe. Unknown_36: But in the process of saving Chloe, Chloe reveals to you that she absolutely, positively must die and everything must go back the way it was because the moral of the story is that if you try to change time, you'll have undesired consequences and destiny is just the current timeline. So you shouldn't fuck with it. 2:21:51 Unknown_36: And you definitely shouldn't use your superpowers to go back in time to win petty arguments on campus. Okay. Unknown_44: Okay, thank you, thank you France for that valuable life lesson. Is that it? Unknown_44: Yeah, the monkey paw. 2:22:25 Unknown_44: I think I got a fucking nosebleed from trying to understand this shit. Unknown_44: Alright. Unknown_44: I can't, like legit, my brain is fried. I can't think of a fucking song. Unknown_44: You know what? Unknown_44: You know what? Unknown_36: I played this at the start of the stream for William Atchison. But I'm just going to play this and I'm going to go to bed. Thank you all for joining me. I hope this has been a fun experience for all of you. 2:23:02 Unknown_27: The year is 1940. Unknown_27: And something isn't right Something's wrong when you regret Things that haven't happened yet 2:23:50 Unknown_42: to stay awake with me a while and smile and smile you couldn't sleep for the awful fright that kept you up in bed last night but while curious shapeshift in the dark they vanish Unknown_42: Wake with me a while So we're riding 2:25:55 Unknown_42: Thanks for watching!