0:00:23 Unknown_02: Hey, what's up, guys? Welcome to Lawsplaining the Interwebs. I'm your host, Nick Ricado of Ricado Law, a small law firm in central Minnesota. And with me today are my special guests, Null from The Certain Farming of Kiwis and Sriracha, of course, who joins me on basically all of these Russell Greer shows. Welcome to the show, you two. Unknown_03: Are we on now? Unknown_02: You are on. Yeah, you're not muted. You're not late, muted, or gay anymore. Thank you, thank you. 0:00:55 Unknown_08: Thank you. Thank you for having us here again, Nick. And I realize I say this every stream, but this is truly a great section. This chapter is the actual trial, and then we get into... Unknown_08: We meet Ken again. Ken, of course, Null, if you weren't here for the first couple chapters, you wouldn't know. Ken is Russell's lawyer friend who got burned to death by the Russian mob and also a Hispanic gentleman named Horatio. Unknown_02: Yes. What? No. 0:01:27 Unknown_02: No. Are we on chapter 9 or chapter 11? Unknown_03: We're on chapter 9. Unknown_02: Chapter 9. The chapters are only a couple pages long, so that's perfect. Some of them are very, very long. Unknown_02: Like chapter 6, I think, was like 35 pages long. Oh, jeez. He has consistency issues. Unknown_02: The only place where he doesn't have consistency issues is his face, which stays consistent at all times. Unknown_08: I mean, the consistency of having the right muscles seems to be off. 0:02:01 Unknown_02: So, yeah, to catch you up, Null... Unknown_02: At this point in the book, because you haven't read this book at all, right? Am I correct? No, I've never looked at it before. I saw the first two pages before the stream, and I commented on his choices of everything. Unknown_03: Specifically, my favorite part was he mentioned it was copyrighted by the United States Copyright Office, which is... Unknown_03: which is redundant. Anything you make is copyrighted. I guess you can file for the copyright ID, but then you would just put the copyright ID. He chose to make it very clear that the United States Copyright Office has looked at this book and probably shake their heads in shame and disgust before filing it away in some dustbin. 0:02:47 Unknown_02: Yeah, and he does have a copyright on file. uh for this book specifically but does he have a pending patent that's the question i don't know if he does have a pending patent um on file for the book A patent for suing Taylor Swift to try to get her to suck his penis? Unknown_08: No, I don't think that's patented yet. Unknown_03: I'm referencing Melinda Scott, who in her lawsuit against me very, very proudly boasted that she had a pending patent and she couldn't change her name because of that. Oh, yeah. So Greer needs to step it up. He needs to get a patent pending. 0:03:21 Unknown_08: Nick, this is something you might not know, but Null has been sued, I think, four times now. Unknown_03: Five times. Unknown_02: yeah five it's a fifth one oh i do know i actually i went on uh i went on his stream the other day when he was when he was uh sued again and then i covered it on my stream i think that night that same night and uh and then i got a bunch of angry comments from melinda scott 0:03:52 Unknown_03: Oh yeah, well she didn't say that she ideated killing you, did she? Unknown_02: No, she didn't threaten to kill me or say that I needed killing, but she did refer to me as a colleague, which might be the death of my career. Unknown_08: What does she do for a living? Is she a lawyer? Unknown_02: She's a former law student. Unknown_03: she's a no what's weird is that she has two different things that she says with that she says she's either a former law student or an aspiring law student and the car reminds me reminds me i did a stream on a guy from deagle nation jan rinkowski and his character jace jace connors and jace would refer to himself as a future former retired marine which which staggered you when you hear it for the first time he's like what what does that mean And then to hear that she's like a former aspiring law student, it's like you need to hash that logical sequence out because I'm lost. I don't know where the bus took off without me, but it's gone. I'm not on it. 0:04:42 Unknown_02: Yeah, that whole thing is very funny. Someone in the chat is asking, who is Melinda Scott? Melinda Scott is a apparently crazy woman with some number of husbands north of 19 before the age of 12. Unknown_02: No, I don't. She has an ambiguous number of former husbands, and her current husband might have pled guilty to pedophilia, some child assault charge. I'm not quite clear on that, but the way it's worded, it seems like maybe she was really mad that people pointed out that he was guilty of a sex offense. 0:05:28 Unknown_03: The best way to sum her up is she's a vexatious litigant who's currently suing me because her neighbors have said that she goes around suing everyone. And she claims that I started that rumor in her lawsuit against me. Unknown_02: Yeah, the best way to prove that you don't go around suing everybody is suing just about everybody. Unknown_08: Five times. 20, actually. Unknown_03: She's filed 21 suits and has won one of them because I don't know why. I think, oh, she had a stalker and she had a restraining order. 0:06:06 Unknown_06: Oh, okay. Unknown_02: Okay, so there's a couple chats and then we'll get right into the book here. I think that's sufficient introduction. And so the way we do this, Josh, is we alternate reading paragraphs, typically. We have to comment on the, we had lots of commentary and jokes Because we have to be clear that we are ridiculing everything about this copyrighted, created work because ridicule is protected speech and is part of the copyright process, and therefore it makes it a transformative use. 0:06:45 Unknown_09: If that makes you nervous, don't worry. There's plenty of things to ridicule here. Unknown_02: Yeah, so feel free to... Unknown_02: Just bask and simmer in each paragraph and laugh at stuff. If you need backstory, ask questions. Sriracha is an expert on Russell Greer, and we would both be happy to fill you in with any details of the book so far. So let me hit these chats and then we'll jump in. So I've got one from Mithran Emerus, who says, nice to see you torturing Null by forcing him to read Greer's book. I approve. Thanks, buddy. I appreciate that. Rick Nakeda says, what's the meaning of life? I think it's ridiculing Russell Greer is the meaning, the meaning of life. Then Mithran Emerus again says, question, if Scott, being Melinda Scott and Greer hooked up, would they create the ultimate lol cow or would it be a harbinger of the apocalypse? 0:07:17 Unknown_02: Oh, God. Unknown_03: stay hooked up yeah i don't know what's what do you get if you mix a jew and a latter-day saints mormon would that be like a latter-day jew is that what comes like that that is the revelation right like that's the entire book of revelation is all the all of the dead jews come back i think really i think that's horrifying 0:08:03 Unknown_02: That's the worst thing I've ever heard. I think that's part of it. Like that's the day of judgment is all of the all of the people rise back up and the chosen from the book of life whose names are etched on the book of life, which we know all the Jews names are at least the pure ones from the 12 tribes. Their names are etched in the book of life and they come back and then the God sits in judgment over the living and the dead. Unknown_00: So yes, literally all of the dead Jews come back, and then God decides whether they should be dead again or if they should live. 0:08:36 Unknown_02: Along with all the Gentiles, I guess. Why is he bringing them back to life if he's just going to kill them again? You know what? Unknown_02: We should maybe do a theology stream on Revelation sometime and talk about it. But I don't know if here's the proper place, but it has a lot to do with Jewish conceptions of death in the afterlife and what happens when you die. Unknown_02: But I have serious answers for this, but I don't know if we really want to do that. I don't think this needs a serious answer. Unknown_08: What was I going to say? Oh, I did have someone requested that I call you out on something that you got wrong. 0:09:09 Unknown_02: Oh, cool. Yeah. What's that? Unknown_08: So you said that small claims court trials do not have scheduled hearings. It's like a cattle call. Everybody shows up. Unknown_06: Sure. Unknown_08: Apparently in Utah, a Kiwi Farms user, I think by the name of Deadpool, I'm so sorry if you forgot your name, but I read your comment, said that that is not true because, as we will see in this coming chapter, he has a scheduled court time for the Ariana Grande, oh, I'm sorry, Anna Smith trial, and he is late for it. And that's a big point of contention with the judge. 0:09:48 Unknown_02: Gotcha. Well, they possibly do things just differently in each different small claims court. So I'm willing to accept that 100%. Unknown_02: I will take that criticism. I apologize profusely for providing an inaccurate description of a Utah small claims court. So hopefully Horatio doesn't come firebomb my Jetta or whatever. Unknown_08: Got a Molotov cocktail proof your windows. Unknown_02: I'm in the vault. I'm in the vault, Horatio. You can't get me. 0:10:22 Unknown_02: Okay, so next is Jeff S. It says, FYI, Josh might ask you to eat a lot of food. I don't have any food here, Josh, but I do have whiskey, so I'll consume that for you if you want to feed me, baby. back it down bunny at law says managed to stay up for this take my money gladly thank you very much cormoran says here's hoping melinda scott writes a book too and uh mysterious senor hilter says that face when the sixth gorillian return well there you go i guess uh that'd be the the bonus of revelation is you could actually count how many people died during the holocaust is because they'd all come back and you could just ask them Do they still have the tattoos? I don't know. I don't know if tattoos are preserved. 0:11:00 Unknown_02: Because I don't know if like, that would be another theological question, maybe. Anyway, let's get into this book, shall we? Unknown_02: So since you're new here, Josh, do you want to go ahead and start? Sure. Sure. Unknown_03: Chapter 9, She Chose Him Over Me. Whispers followed me everywhere I went, in the store, on the public transit, and places I went to go eat at, anywhere. While it was normal but not appreciated for a passerby to gawk at me in public because of my face, I had an extra reason why people stared at me. I was that guy who had sued Taylor Swift. No matter where I went, I overheard there's the guy who sued that one country turned pop star. What's her name? 0:11:33 Unknown_03: I don't believe that. That does not sound like a sentence any human being until me reading that sentence has ever said ever. Unknown_08: What's her name? The most famous pop singer in the world. Oh, fuck. It's slipping my mind. Oh, I'm sorry. We can't swear. I will freaking slip my mind. Unknown_02: You can. You can. Swear away. Swear away. It's like the end of signs except with swearing instead of a baseball bat. 0:12:15 Unknown_08: No way, I don't want God to kill me and then bring me back and then kill me again. Unknown_02: So, yeah, you'll find this, Josh, that everybody on Earth knows that Russell is suing Taylor Swift. Like, everybody he runs into, they all know and hate him. Everyone, universally. Is he a paranoid schizophrenic? No, it's just the truth. Because you can't mess with Tay-Tay. If you mess with Tay-Tay, it's over. Your life's over. You should probably just find Greenland and live there. 0:12:49 Unknown_08: Taylor has gangs of roving Hispanics that beat the shit out of everyone that causes problems for her. Unknown_02: Okay, sorry. Go on. Go on, buddy. I'm sorry. Unknown_03: On other occasions, I heard, there's Taylor Swift's stalker. Sometimes as I walked down the sidewalk, people would come up and take unwanted selfies with me. Unknown_03: I had definitely created an unwanted name for myself. My reputation was basically ruined. And I think maybe those voices he's hearing is just his subconscious yelling at him as he goes about his daily life. Unknown_02: As an Easter egg, I got a private message. It's not really an Easter egg. You guys don't even have to try to find it. It's like, never mind. I got a private message from one of Russell's former employers. 0:13:26 Unknown_08: Oh, shit. No way. Unknown_02: Yeah. Who just said that they found my channel because we were covering Russell. And they were very appreciative of the content. Unknown_08: Invite them on. Invite them on, whoever they are. I don't. Unknown_02: I doubt they will do it, but I'm going to. Unknown_02: Because the stories, right? 0:13:58 Unknown_07: What I would give. Unknown_02: Yeah, yeah. But I will definitely do that. I don't know if they'd be willing to come on or not. But if you are seeing this, uh person who sent me a direct message on twitter uh about your former employee i will be asking and please strongly consider it we can do all sorts of things to keep you anonymous uh so that you're not brought into the degeneracy all right siracha do you want to take the next chapter of course we'll set that up as like the rotation i guess Unknown_08: On a few occasions, I had people cost me. One such occasion was in a store. As I stood at a self-checkout paying for my weekly gallon of 2% whole milk and angry. 0:14:31 Unknown_02: How do you have 2% whole milk? Unknown_08: What the fuck? Who is drinking? What kind of single man is drinking an entire gallon of milk a week? Unknown_03: Oh, me, baby. I go to the store. I get my milk every day. That's what gives me strong bones. Unknown_08: My IBS is really triggered right now. Unknown_08: A weekly gallon of 2% whole milk, an angry pudgy female Taylor Swift fan ran up to me screaming, you sick freak. 0:15:06 Unknown_08: The female fan shouted from the top of her, this is all one sentence, by the way, top of her lungs, her face burning red. You had some nerve trying to accuse Taylor Swift of those things. How dare you? And you're going to sue her again? I stood stunned and embarrassed as other shoppers looked on. The female fan knocked the milk out of my hand and the carton of white goodness splashed all over Taylor Swift's awaiting face and breasts. Unknown_03: He described it as white goodness. Unknown_02: Yeah, the white goodness was the actual destruction. Unknown_08: The breasts of Kiara the Hook. Unknown_08: Like a bomb. Like a bomb. The plastic container exploded upon hitting the floor, just like I exploded all over Kiara the Hook. 0:15:44 Unknown_03: I was gonna say, I get the feeling that this isn't the first time white goodness spilled because of Taylor Swift. Unknown_02: I'm pretty sure every single night in Russell's dreams, white goodness is spilling on Taylor Swift. He is adamant throughout this book that this is not a date. It's not about a date. None of this is about a date. He's not trying to get a date with Taylor Swift. I mean, he may be trying to spray white goodness on Taylor Swift, but there's certainly no date involved. 0:16:17 Unknown_02: And Kiara is the censored name of the hooker that he went to the bunny ranch to hire somewhere around chapter five. Unknown_02: four or five i think yeah this book takes a whole sidebar to detail how he was totally ripped off by hooker because he paid for two hours of her time and then pissed that all away going to olive garden yeah he rented time from the hooker and then got a limo and drove her from the bunny ranch to the olive garden and then went back to the bunny ranch and was mad when he found out that 0:16:56 Unknown_02: No, the Olive Garden trip was included in the time. And so he basically wasted like four grand on a trip to Olive Garden. And he was very mad about it. And he actually ended up getting banned from the Bunny Ranch. Yeah, he should have asked. Unknown_03: That's a pertinent question before you take the hooker out. Unknown_05: Why wouldn't you ask? Unknown_02: Look here, what I'm going to do is we're going to... I'm hiring Kiara, but what I need to know is can I take her for the all-you-can-eat soup and breadsticks first? And will that count against my time? 0:17:31 Unknown_03: I mean, if I was him, I'd feel kind of ripped off, too. Like, bitch, that's fucking Olive Garden breadsticks. That's some good stuff. Why you got to rip me off for it? Unknown_08: What kind of Olive Garden meal lasts two hours, too? That's way too long. Unknown_03: She was burning the candles as long as she could. She kept him engaged in conversation. That's true. If the alternative is to have sex with Russell Greer, I'm going to eat my... She knew what she was doing. She was wily. Unknown_08: I'm going to eat my Italian wedding soup one spoonful at a time. Unknown_02: So Eric Blum says the Streamlabs chat is disabled. Do you mean the Stream Me chat? Stream Me chat is open. It shouldn't be disabled. And the Streamlabs chat, I got one a little bit ago from Cormoran, so it should be working. I don't know what's wrong, but I'm not going to try and fix it on the fly. Oh, Keck just sent one, so it should be good. And since, I guess, since we're at a brief pause, let me catch up on some of these. 0:18:06 Unknown_02: Tillip says, shill the merch. Yes, I will shill the merch, although I have a new shirt that I didn't have time to get set up before the stream. Mr. Snuffle says, did you see you made it into an Aiden Paladin video? I did. I did. Thank you, Aiden, for that. I appreciate it. Chris R. says, work got canceled tonight due to this poopy Michigan weather, so I actually get to watch one of these live, even have beer and snacks. God is good. 0:18:41 Unknown_02: That he is, friend. Doug Confair says, that's milk's name, Albert Einstein. That milk's name, Albert Einstein. Okay. And Keck7go says, carton of milk effing exploded on the ground when it fell. Are your milk containers made out of glass? WTF. Also, hi Nick, hi Sriracha, hi Noel. Good morning to you all. Good morning, Keck. 0:19:12 Unknown_08: good morning um before i continue with this next paragraph uh buddy don't you dare oh my bad my bad but yeah um prostitution is legal in japan and the logic behind it is specifically that cripples would never have sex without prostitution so it's it's permitted russell greer is also suing the state of utah to force that to happen Unknown_03: well he should cite japan japan's got that stuff on lock i went to japan with a cripple and he made use of that provision for for kinky japanese so pal sex 0:19:49 Unknown_08: Is it really legal now? When I lived there, it was legal. It was not legal. But for some reason, what I was told was that when they wrote the law, they somehow felt the need to specify that penis in vagina sex was illegal. Like they defined sex as a penis entering a vagina. So everything other than that is totally legal. Is that not the case anymore? Unknown_03: I don't know. I'm pretty sure that sex is permissible in the soap houses. 0:20:20 Unknown_08: I mean, how would you ever regulate that? Unknown_03: It's like the same as how gambling is legal. If you don't know, in Japan, you go to a gambling place and then you buy tokens with money. Unknown_03: When you cash out to give you tokens back, but they don't give you money So you have to go outside to like an outhouse Bank thing and you sell the tokens to another person an independent company that gives you the cash back so you can go gambling but in order to cash out winnings you have to go through this weird process and that like even as like it you know your bucket guys and you walk into the gambling establishment and And the Japanese people, they're very polite. They grasp their hands and they bow at something that you're indicated you're supposed to go to and shit. It's easy to figure out, but it's just like, this is clearly them circumventing some weirdly specific law that's completely ineffective in practice. 0:20:58 Unknown_02: uh yeah i i honestly have no idea so someone's asking why the the chat is not working on stream me i don't know everything's set up to work i'm able to type into it but i can't uh fix that anyway let's um let me god 0:21:34 Unknown_08: yeah japan pachinko gachapon legal anal sex with hookers is it legal to have sex with uh daki makura pillows or whatever well they can't consent because they're 12 so no that's right that's right what if your pillow's really old like what if you bought it and had it for six years so now the pillow is 18 I think that's one of those deals where it's like, oh, she is 500 years old, but she just looks age. Unknown_02: Yeah, she's really an ancient golden dragon. Okay, almost comically, the lady slipped in the milk and fell on the floor. Well, that's rude, Russell. Why are you laughing at someone falling? Growing more upset, the lady sat in the milk and incoherently blamed me for her falling. People ran over to her and helped her. Nobody bothered to ask me if I was okay after being verbally assaulted. 0:22:33 Unknown_02: Shockingly, people are more concerned about a woman falling down than a man standing there. Unknown_02: I don't know why. I was fine though. Sensing that this was my cue to leave, I left the store without any milk. Unknown_02: It was disappointing because I was really looking forward to having cereal that night. Unknown_02: On other occasions, I had people shout at me, maybe I should sue you for being ugly. Unknown_02: This is one of those few things that I believe 100% happened in this book. A bullseye was on my back for suing America's princess of pop. 0:23:12 Unknown_02: Okay, go ahead, Josh. Unknown_03: uh princess of pop the winter of 2016 2017 was a dark one my heart felt as cold as the ice hanging from the house from my house roof things just kept getting worse it was a chilly thursday weeks before christmas that i stood in the conference room of my insurance office facing three head partners mr greer the head partner mr brown Oh, God, that sentence was so poorly structured. I completely Mr. Greer, the head partner, Mr. Brown said, looking at me, the past few weeks had been very difficult for our company because of you. Hundreds of emails have clogged up our inbox pertaining to you. And frankly, we don't have the patience for this or your antics. With that said, I'm giving you the chance to deny everything. I'm giving you the chance to say it was all just a stunt and that Taylor Swift doesn't owe you a thing. Go ahead. You believe that that happened? 0:23:53 Unknown_09: Oh, I 100% believe this happened. Unknown_02: Yeah. I think it was probably more forceful than what is being conveyed. Like, you will deny this or... Unknown_02: You're done. And I don't mean fired. I mean Horatio will come get you. 0:24:28 Unknown_08: Why would you even give him the chance to deny it? Just be like, hey, you're being a spurg on the internet. Leave. Unknown_02: Yeah, please. Please go. Please go. And when you go, you also have to announce that you have left the company and no longer to email us. Please. Unknown_08: Yeah, or we'll sue you because we're a law firm. Unknown_06: Ugh. Unknown_08: I stood thinking and remembering all that I had went through. I had put myself and loved ones through hell because I was truly believed in what I was arguing for. celebrity duty and celebrity influence to deny it all now for a job would be spitting on why is that in quotes my family to deny what i had i think you're spitting on your family all the time russ yeah only if your family is present and you're speaking are you and also everyone you interact with i think to deny what i had discovered to be true would be lying to myself okay and uh uh josh i'm gonna do that thing that i do when i do russell's voice is i hook my finger into my lip and i pull it down as far as it can go until i spill drool on myself you should get a prosthetic yeah where's the lips nick they're right here oh yeet they're coming well like truly sorry for all i was supposed to be true i began Oh, good lord! One of the partners cried out, shaking her head. 0:26:15 Unknown_03: Well, Mr. Greer, Mr. Brown said, it's clear that you have made up your mind that you no longer want to work for this company. So I bid you farewell. You may go and pack up your belongings. Unknown_01: Let me take this one, sir. Unknown_01: Please. Sir, let me explain. It all makes sense. I tried explaining. Unknown_01: Oh, wait, I thought one of you would take over from the next spot. Unknown_08: Oh, wait, no, I was wondering what you were saying. No, Mr. Greer, Mr. Brown said blankly. It's foolish. I don't need a Looney Tune working for this company. And just like that, I was let go from another job because of Taylor Swift. 0:26:54 Unknown_08: ridiculously they were treating me as if i was a felon or a sex offender yeah what a crazy jump that last one is whenever i heard taylor's music i would cry oh wow me too but for different reasons that's pathetic why why are you laughing why are you laughing at my pain 0:27:32 Unknown_03: Oh, man, that caught me off guard. I was caught off guard. Whenever I heard Taylor's music, I would cry. That was like out of left field. Let's go. That's like getting hit by a car in terms of suddenness. Unknown_08: That statement is like the least weird thing in this book. Unknown_03: I'm just imagine him like in an Applebee's or something, eating some some mozzarella stick, you know, like a taster back basket of like five different like a sampler. And then just like a Taylor Swift song comes on. He just starts crying into his martini, his appletini. That's my that's my mental image of this. 0:28:05 Unknown_08: You're at the gym and you're lifting weights and then suddenly they play. Look what you made me do. And it's just burst into tears. Unknown_03: It hurt my heart to think of someone who hurt me so much. I wanted to forget her. I searched for a sense of purpose. The trial replayed in my nightmares. Sometimes I would have dreams of Taylor standing in a field surrounded in light, and I would run towards her, wanting to be in her light. But no matter how hard I ran at her... 0:28:42 Unknown_01: I kept running in place. Unknown_03: Eventually, the dreams vanished. I'm so glad I got that paragraph. That was a juicy one. Unknown_01: You pronounced vagina wrong. Vagina? Unknown_08: You see, the light represents the cervical mucus. Unknown_09: And Taylor Swift represents Taylor Swift. Unknown_09: Is it my turn, Nick? Unknown_01: Uh, yeah. I'm gonna take a sip of whiskey. Do it, do it, do it, do it. 0:29:15 Unknown_08: Hang on, I'll mute. Oh, that's just, that's just delicious. Unknown_08: Does it hurt going down? It looks like it hurts going down. Unknown_03: This isn't being bigoted. This is Nick Rikita trying to understand somebody's condition. This is a learning experience. Unknown_01: I'm getting better at it. I used to spill whiskey all over my lap. 0:29:49 Unknown_08: Towards the end of December, Ken called me. Ken, of course, the burned up lawyer who has horrible scars all over his body. Unknown_08: He had been released from the hospital and was slowly recovering at home. Russell, don't turn on the TV or the news for a few days, Ken warned. But curiosity had always killed me. I loaded CNN.com on my laptop and the breaking news story read. Taylor Swift visits 95-year-old fan. My heart dropped. I couldn't believe what I saw. I was so upset. While I wanted to be happy for the elderly man, he did absolutely nothing to deserve that. 0:30:21 Unknown_09: That, of course, being a visit from Taylor Swift. Unknown_02: This is the premise of his entire lawsuit. Unknown_03: I love the next sentence. He wrote that and immediately realized what a bastard he sounded like. Unknown_08: Yeah, like, if you have to say, as conceited as this sounds, you could have just not wrote that sentence, man. Like, you're the editor. 0:30:53 Unknown_02: But yeah, so the purpose of his lawsuit is that Taylor Swift was recognizing the gifts of other people publicly by either giving them a shout-out on Instagram or going and visiting them or going to prom with some pimple-faced kid in high school or something. Or something. Unknown_02: And so for her to visit a 95-year-old fan right after the lawsuit that she probably didn't even know existed ended was like... Her shoving a cold steel dagger right through Russell's black withered heart. Unknown_08: Which I think she literally does in the last dream sequence of this book. Spoiler alert. Unknown_08: As conceited as that sound, it's the truth. I can't mince my words. Well, you can because you're editing the book. 0:31:41 Unknown_08: It was almost like Taylor was flipping me off with that publicity stunt. I tried contacting the CNN reporter, Chloe Melas, who covered the meeting between Taylor and the old man to tell Chloe about the unfairness. Unknown_08: But Chloe simply said, we are too short staffed to cover your shory. The media bias was strong. Unknown_03: See, we need to stop doing this pussyfooting stuff where we say we're too short staffed. His response should have just been, you are like a garbage. You're a human garbage and you need to stop because this is pathetic. If more people were blunt like that, the world would be a better place. 0:32:16 Unknown_08: I mean, they probably didn't want to get dragged into court. Unknown_01: Yeah, that's Unknown_03: He's not being afraid of that, too. Just do it. Unknown_02: Just do what's necessary. Just do it. Do it! Unknown_02: This is not sponsored by Nike. That meeting between Taylor and the elderly man proved to be too much for me. Distraught about that, and with the feeling of gloom hanging over me, I decided I couldn't take the pain any longer. Well, we know how this story doesn't end because he did write the book. 0:32:50 Unknown_02: I couldn't live anymore knowing that my celebrity crush hated me for being nice to her while she continued to flaunt her fame and visit those who did nothing for her. Unknown_02: She simply visited the man because he was old? Question mark? The absurdity and the irony hurt my head. So one afternoon, I got off on a random track stop and sent a cryptic mass text to everybody in my phone i'm sorry love you all the text read they probably all thought oh thank god oh my god oh my god i just remembered this nick this is where uh 0:33:48 Unknown_08: Russell Greer, at the end of this chapter, meets the Kevin Landau of Utah. Unknown_06: And I can't wait. Unknown_08: I'm sorry, I was just overwhelmed with passion. Go ahead. Unknown_02: I couldn't live anymore and bear the thought of what Taylor Swift did to me. I couldn't live with the thought of knowing that I hurt innocent people with my rhetoric. Unknown_08: What Taylor Swift did to me, a.k.a. literally nothing. That's what he's doing when she did nothing. Unknown_02: To make things worse, Taylor began dating a no-name British actor who, again, most likely didn't do anything for her. 0:34:35 Unknown_02: He probably just simply lifted his pinky and said, I'm an actor. Date me. Why don't you try that, Russ? Unknown_02: He did nothing for Taylor to show that he was genuine or that he cared. He just used his sort of fame to get with her. It was ridiculous and heartbreaking. Unknown_08: I think he might be talking about Calvin Harris, who is British but is not an actor. Unknown_02: I don't even know who that is. So I guess Calvin Harris is a no-name. Unknown_08: He's a DJ. He's probably the most famous DJ in the world. 0:35:10 Unknown_03: That's an alpha move, though. You walk up to somebody like Taylor Swift and you raise your pinky and just say, date me. She might pinky promise on that stuff. Unknown_02: I'm an actor. Unknown_03: Date me. Unknown_02: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Unknown_03: That's a baller move. Unknown_09: Like Taylor Swift doesn't spend all day interacting with actors. That's like saying I'm an accountant to her. Unknown_03: Well, I mean, if you did that, you'd probably have similar success rate. Why does she care? You don't need to support her. Unknown_08: That's fucking true. Unknown_03: Okay. In the distance, the tracks train approached or quickly approached. The metal train crossing arms came down, lights flashing and bells chiming, barreling. This is like a complete non sequitur from that previous paragraph. 0:35:44 Unknown_03: Is he like standing in front of a train? Is this how that connects? Unknown_03: Barreling down the track, the train must have been going 60 miles an hour as it pulled three passenger cars all connected to each other. Upon seeing me standing in the tracks, the train driver began blowing the train horn. He is standing in front of the tracks. The train horn. Not in my best state of mind, I walked towards the approaching train, wanting death. The loud screeching. The train brakes were applied, but the train still moved quickly forward. People began shouting at me as thoughts consumed my mind. What does death feel like? Is it quick? What happens after we die? Is it just pitch black, or is there truly life after this? 0:36:23 Unknown_03: I continued to ask myself questions, preparing myself for the impact. Despite all of my rhetorical questions, I only hoped that suicide would free me from the mental anguish that Taylor Swift had inflicted upon me. As the train continued to come at me, a middle-aged man pushed me out of the way. We both fell to the pavement. Mere seconds later, the train rolled by. 0:36:58 Unknown_03: What are you trying to do? Kill yourself? The man asked me in a rude, scared-to-death way. What an asshole. Being rude. I can't believe somebody risked their life for this fucking asshole. Unknown_08: What are you trying to do? Unknown_02: Kill yourself? Unknown_08: I got big news for you. This didn't happen, so don't feel too bad. Unknown_03: I guess he wasn't involuntarily committed after this, which is probably what would happen if somebody had to push you out of a train's way in public like this. Probably go to psych or something and there'd be a record of it. 0:37:41 Unknown_08: I mean, yeah, that's typically what happens when you fail suicide, right? Unknown_02: I don't know. I've never tried. Unknown_08: Nick, can you take the last two? Because it requires... Oh, wait, no, there's only one word. I blankly responded, catching my breath, not believing that I had gotten so close to killing myself. The man studied me and then an expression formed on his face as if he knew who I was. Because apparently everybody in Utah knows the name. 0:38:16 Unknown_03: I love I love the fact that he wrote in here that the guy who saved him from committing suicide had instant regret when he figured out who he was. He wrote that on his own volition. Unknown_08: No, that's true. If this guy is alive and well, then he is definitely going to hell because we're stopping this natural chain of events. Unknown_02: God's like, I had this set up just fine, Walter. He was going to do it himself. I didn't even have to smite him. He had self-smite on. Unknown_09: What did Farrah Abram ever do to you, Walter? 0:38:57 Unknown_02: Wait, did he stalk Farrah Abram? Unknown_08: Oh yeah, he sued, long story short, this is SparkNotes, he sued Farrah Abram because Farrah Abram liked a tweet of his that said, Farrah, we should go to, like some unpaid intern running Farrah Abram's Twitter, liked a tweet that said, Farrah, we should go on a date. She did not proceed to go on the date, so then he tried to sue her for the date, and then like a dog with its tail between its legs, he ran away scampering and shit his pants when he found out that they were planning on countersuing him. Unknown_02: Did we, Null, were you and I talking about Promissory Estoppel the other day? 0:39:33 Unknown_02: Yes, yeah. Fair Abraham liked my tweet. It's Promissory Estoppel. Yes, I remember at the time that I first read his lawsuits, I had just read in my books, Unknown_03: about the concept of people making an agreement and some people putting money towards that agreement and then other people backing out after the fact and you can sue to get that money back because you you promised to do something that you didn't do and then like right after that i guess we read the same book and he based his entire lawsuit after after that concept and i was like oh that's coincidental 0:40:08 Unknown_02: uh let me let me get through a couple chats and real oh wait no there's one more one one okay yeah go ahead you're the guy who was you're the guy who was on the news the man stated you sued taylor swift i nodded my head expecting him to go bananas on me like everybody else had but he just smiled Unknown_08: mine oh my god his name is literally walter nick do you have powers can you choose lottery tickets for me no i just i read it i read oh you did oh fuck you i don't want your lottery numbers no you don't not any good my name's walter the man said and you're dot dot dot russell gray uh let me okay let me say guys i must have broken the stream me chat i'm sorry i i guess i have it to subscribers only somehow and i can't change it on the fly i don't know i don't know what i did i'm sorry uh so i apologize um yeah i'll get it fixed next stream 0:41:15 Unknown_02: Uh, okay. Danny Rendon says, I want more Sriracha. What's she do outside these streams? She a YouTuber, a streamer, a Twitter troll. I need answers. Uh, if you check the description of the video on YouTube, um, you can see that, uh, her twitch.tv channel is linked on there. Uh, so go ahead and follow her on Twitch and then, um, you can follow her on Twitter at, at delete your account. Unknown_08: I'll put it in. Yeah, no, you're right. I am also a Twitter troll here. I'll put it in the chat for you. Thank you. That's really nice of you. 0:41:47 Unknown_02: No problem. And also, I do have Null's website. Oh, not me. Sorry. No, the guy that complimented me. Well, fine. Screw you then. I'm deleting everything from the description now. Unknown_09: Screw you. I'm deleting you from the internet. Unknown_03: My very famous website, metattheinternet.com. Everybody knows about that one. Unknown_02: Yep. That is also linked in the description. I went there today. It was very thorough. It's very professional. See, I believe in a minimalist approach to web design. Did you design it with Flash or Java? Because I can't tell. It's very interactive. 0:42:18 Unknown_03: Oh, I was going to make a joke about some old Adobe product that you can make websites in in the late 1990s, and I've completely forgotten about it. It's like Adobe DreamWorks or something. Unknown_02: I make everything in Microsoft Silverlight. Unknown_03: Dreamweaver. That's it. It was made in Dreamweaver. Unknown_02: Don Palmera says, Japan sounds totally crazy. Well, yeah. Unknown_02: Yeah. Tech7go says, Kentucky governor's lawyers, Kim Davis failed to do her job as clerk, must pay 225,000 in legal fees. How much did the state of Kentucky lose on state lawyers? Would you ever defend the state in a legal case? 0:42:53 Unknown_02: That'd be a tough one. Unknown_02: Don't really care for the state. Siren Jag says, yes, Greer is a sex offender. I find the thought of Russell Greer having sex to be offensive. Why is that hard to understand, Nick? Why? Why? Sex is not supposed to be like a Gallagher show. The thought gives me glaucoma. A Gallagher show? Like the people in the front row need to wear ponchos or whatever? 0:43:26 Unknown_08: What does that mean? What's a Gallagher show? Unknown_02: Oh, Gallagher is a comedian from like the late 70s to mid 80s. And he had a bit called the Sledge-O-Matic where he had a giant sledgehammer and he would smash various fruit on on the front on stage. And so the front rows of his show had to wear ponchos because you'd have like watermelon juice or pineapple juice all over you. Oh, God. Unknown_07: All right. Unknown_02: Yeah, it was it was good. It was good. Unknown_02: Andrew Mohan says, how can you read this, Nick, and not want the death penalty? Null's profile is... You're anti-death penalty? 0:43:59 Unknown_02: I am... Let me... I have a nuanced lawyerly position on it. Because I have, you know, that's how I live. No, I believe that the state has the power to impose the death penalty. I don't have faith in the American government to do it competently. That's my position on the death penalty. Null's profile is Cancer148GangGang. Oh, he's referring to my Kiwi Farms profile. Unknown_03: All the text is in rainbow and it plays music about Japanese goblins. 0:44:35 Unknown_02: That's awful. Why would you do that? So people stop sending me messages. Why wouldn't you just have a menacing fang-bearing canine? Unknown_03: I've tried that. It didn't work. I had the Japanese goblins to scare them away. Unknown_08: Well, ladies and gentlemen, if we've got no more Super Chats, I'd like to get us to court today. Unknown_02: Yes, yes. Sorry. Unknown_02: This is where I get to start. Hell yeah. I get to start this. Chapter 10, the $50 million Taylor Swift lawsuit. He sued her for $50 million, really? He just sued her for $100 million. Is he Maddox? 0:45:07 Unknown_03: Is he trying to compete with Maddox for most preposterous sum? Unknown_03: No, that was $200 million, I think, right? Unknown_08: Wait, how much was that? Unknown_03: We couldn't decide because of how the lawsuit was written if it was $20 million total or 20 million times the number of alleged torts, which would be like $220 million. Each tort, I think, was like $5 to $18 million total. Unknown_02: yeah well some of them were 20 and then there was one that was like 1 million and then there were several that were yeah 5 to like 20 million and it was ambiguous as to who was responsible for what amounts and stuff like that god was such a mess yeah oh nick did i tell you i saw kevin landau in court the other week and his pants are now too tight I heard that he was wearing some skin slappers. Oh, God, yes. 0:45:56 Unknown_03: Landhouse gas. You're in New York, and you're going to see the people in court in person? Unknown_08: I live in New York, so yeah, it's a quick train ride for me. Unknown_02: She is pretty good friends with the stereos. Unknown_02: Oh, okay. Unknown_03: I was going to say, we have special rewards for people who go to locale court stuff. Oh, really? Unknown_08: Next time I'll take notes. Unknown_03: Yeah. That started way back in 2012 when we had two women named Sian and Indigo go to the first court cases that Chris Chan was involved in. Oh, okay. Well, next time... 0:46:36 Unknown_08: Luckily, the one I was at was just continued. So maybe next time something interesting will happen, I'll definitely take notes there. It would be easy to sneak a tape recorder in, but I am an upstanding citizen. Unknown_03: No, don't do that. Don't create liability for a forum trophy. That's retarded. Unknown_02: Wait, continued to when? Did they decide? Unknown_08: April. April 3rd. Unknown_02: Oh my god, I'm waiting for anything. Like, I still check that stupid website and see if new documents pop up. 0:47:10 Unknown_02: Okay, uh... The first line! I'm sorry! It kills me! Oh! Unknown_02: Oh, wait, no. An hour after. I thought it said after an hour. Sorry. An hour after I had failed to kill myself. I thought it said after an hour I had failed to kill myself. Unknown_09: i was still trying i was waiting for the trains but they must have been on its way or something that fucker walter kept dragging me off the tracks i kept telling him to leave me alone but he wouldn't run me over an hour after i had failed to kill myself my new acquaintance and i sat in a booth at a buffet walter was a lawyer which is why he was hanging out at the train tracks 0:47:56 Unknown_02: Who had been actively following my case. Apparently, he had tried messaging me on social media. But since every other message in my Facebook inbox consisted of threatening and harassing messages from strangers, I never checked my inbox. Walter actually agreed with my lawsuit and agreed that the judge was biased. Not biased. The judge was the noun bias. He does that a lot. Unknown_08: And I'm really amazed that he hasn't learned yet. Unknown_02: and that john smith was a dirtbag john smith is uh definitely not a superstar playboy lawyer greg scored him fucks hookers on his way into court and in court and in judges chambers and then he rails cocaine off the bench every time he wins i bet he doesn't even take them to olive garden No, he does shots right out of the judge's navel. 0:48:45 Unknown_03: Oh, can I say, though, that I can disprove that this story happened simply by the fact that the guy that tried to save him was a lawyer? Lawyers would never go out of their way to save somebody. You know how much liability that creates for you if you try to help somebody? Screw that. Unknown_02: What we do is immediately turn around and close our eyes because we can't represent someone if we're a material witness, so. Unknown_02: I didn't see the train hit him. I was right there, but I happened to turn away at the last moment, so I can definitely represent him, but I'm pretty sure the train did. I finally felt vindicated and understood. Don't try killing yourself again, but I totally understand why you tried doing it, Walter said as we both ate extra helpings of breakfast food. There are some very vicious people after you. They're the insane ones, not you. Are you still thinking of filing that federal lawsuit that was mentioned on the news? I'll take the next two because the second one's only a sentence. 0:49:21 Unknown_03: Okay, let me, I guess I have to do the thing. Hold up. Yeah. I kind of said in the heat of the moment. Pull your lip down more. Unknown_08: Pull your lip down more and try it again. Unknown_03: Pull harder. Pull harder. My lips are dry. They'll bleed. I can't do it. Well, listen, Russell has to deal with this every day. 0:50:01 Unknown_09: The least we can do while critiquing his work is try to understand his pain. Unknown_03: You're telling me to suffer for my art? Is that what you're saying? Unknown_09: Yeah, it is. Unknown_02: Russell has like 30 years of pain and you're complaining about a chapped lip? Come on. I am. It's really dry. I don't want to break it. Unknown_03: Oh, geez. Unknown_03: I kind of said that in the heat of the moment. I explained to Walter, you should do it. I will help you, Walter encouraged. Imagine if the jury awarded you half of Taylor's net worth. You would be so rich. 0:50:32 Unknown_03: Walter had dollar signs in his eyes. He seemed to be after some of Taylor's money, too. I had never, ever wanted any of her money. I had only wanted fairness. To be honest, I really didn't know what I wanted. Unknown_08: Hey, Nick, hashtag not a date. What the fuck? Unknown_08: Inappropriate. Unknown_08: To be honest, I really didn't know what I wanted, which is why I sued her for $150 million. 0:51:12 Unknown_08: Feels not real, guys. Days later. Oh, wait. Walter, by the way, is. Oh, wait. I already made that joke. Kevin Landau of Utah. Unknown_08: Days later, I met up with Walter in his humble office located on the fourth floor of a building in downtown Salt Lake City. A jurist doctorate hung on his wall. Unknown_02: A jurist doctor, Russell. Not a doctorate. It's not a jurist doctorate. It's a jurist doctor. It's just called a jurist doctor. You do not have a jurist doctorate. It's... Unknown_02: oh wow i learned something today just a jurist doctor that's what it's called a jurist doctor rat degree hung on the wall identifying him as a true blue through and through lawyer 0:51:55 Unknown_08: So we wouldn't be able to sue her for slander as she's protected by a thing called the litigation privilege, which is some bullshit thing that says you can lie about whatever you want and you're protected because it's all a part of the legal process. Walter told me, Nick, is that accurate? Unknown_02: I mean, to a point. Unknown_02: To a point it's accurate. But you can't blatantly lie to the court as someone you know is about to find out, right? You can't just blatantly lie. Unknown_03: If you file an answer to a complaint and you have a Microsoft Word footer that shows up on every page and it's just something like plaintiff raped and murdered a girl in 1990. Is that permissible? Is that part of the litigation privilege? 0:52:40 Unknown_02: No, it's not. The litigation privilege basically protects you when you're filing your answer to a complaint, right? And you say that you deny anything ever happened. And then a jury goes through and says, no, this actually did happen, even though you denied it. and you're legally liable, then you don't get sued for perjury just because you said something did or didn't happen, and then the court found the opposite. That's the litigation privilege. It's not like a blanket way to defame someone or to do stuff like that. Isn't the opposite not true? 0:53:14 Unknown_03: If you plead guilty, then... Unknown_03: I mean, technically, that means that you did it, right? Which is why you have to plead like NOLA contingent or something if you don't want to plead guilty. Unknown_02: I mean, not really. You could still deny doing it, and they can't tag you for perjury or making false statements during the court process in a criminal case. 0:53:49 Unknown_02: The nolo contender or no contest or an Alford plea or whatever, those are useful in various other instances, but Like maybe, you know, you plea, but you're hoping that there's an issue on appeal that will be resolved. And it could be problematic for you to admit to certain facts in a case. So you would just say that you don't recall those facts, but you plea that you can't specifically affirm or deny a fact, but you recognize that they have enough evidence to go against you, if that makes sense. Um, if you, I mean, you could get a lot of information Googling an Altford plea, uh, or a Norgard plea. They're, they're the basic, basically all the same thing. But yeah, it's, I can't recall, like maybe you were blackout drunk. 0:54:36 Unknown_02: So you can't testify that you did something while you were blackout drunk. Unknown_02: So that would be a lie, but you testify that there's video evidence of you doing a thing while you were blackout drunk, so you accept that they have that evidence. Does that make sense? Unknown_08: Makes sense to me. Unknown_02: That's what the no-look contender or no-contest plea is for, technically. Yeah, sorry. Unknown_08: So are you telling me that Taylor Swift was lying when she said that she found Russell invasive and troubling? 0:55:14 Unknown_02: Is that what I'm hearing? Yep, she definitely was. And Walter's just wrong. Those mean, defamatory statements. Unknown_08: Every single day, Taylor cries in her room because she wants to talk to Russell, but her mean old agents won't let her. Unknown_06: Right, right. Unknown_08: It's all a part of the legal process, Walter told me. But I really like your failure to warn argument. That's where I see us prevailing. Nick, you're shaking your head. Unknown_04: What does that mean? Unknown_08: I'm sorry. I'm going to have to interrupt you again. Unknown_02: Nobody, no lawyer would say, I really like your failure to warn argument to Russell Greer. 0:55:52 Unknown_09: Fucking Kevin Landau. I'm headcanoning that Walter is actually related to Kevin Landau, because you know how Landau has... There's a Landau in California, and there's a Landau in Michigan. Unknown_08: I'm headcanoning that Walter Landau is... Unknown_02: Is that why he left the train station? Because he was from the state? Yeah. Landau was just on the way to that. At the time, didn't he own a clothing store in L.A.? Unknown_02: Kevin did. So Walter might actually be Kevin Landau. Unknown_08: And this Landau is what the Walter Landau is taking the train because he's also an alcoholic who can't drive. 0:56:32 Unknown_02: Listen, listen, Russell, I can't tell you why, but it takes me a really long time to walk across the state of Utah. So I actually have to take a train. But just know that I can't drive a car. Unknown_09: I have a license. Unknown_08: Well, I had a license. Unknown_08: Anyways, while I was on board with Walter's plan, I couldn't tell if he was acting in my best interest or if he simply wanted his hand in the cookie jar, so to speak. It made me uneasy because money was far from what I wanted. I only wanted Taylor to be held accountable for her negligent actions and to not go on a date with me. 0:57:13 Unknown_02: Yeah, how are you going to hold her accountable if not by money, Russell? That's what money in lawsuits is for. Unknown_02: with fervent enthusiasm walter spoke of how we could bankrupt taylor swift and derail her career she'll be she'll be sued so hard no one will buy her music anymore it was like he savored what he was saying enjoying the thought of destroying taylor swift i still know why he's writing this right what was that 0:57:49 Unknown_03: You know why he's writing this, right? Making this up. Trying to make himself look better and clear up his intentions. Unknown_02: Oh, no, no. This definitely happened. This is real. Unknown_08: Wait, so you're telling me that a lawyer didn't randomly save him from a train track and then offer to throw his career into a toilet by pursuing a frivolous lawsuit? What are you talking about? Unknown_03: I'm just saying that the entire point of this is to make him look better. Make him look like a Jesus Christ type figure. He's sacrificing himself. Unknown_09: I don't know. This sounds like a real interaction to me. 0:58:22 Unknown_02: Yeah. Josh, I think you're reaching here. I think you're reaching. There are some things I would agree with you on, but this one, I definitely believe that. Listen, I live in New York City, so I save people from trains very frequently. Unknown_09: And every time I do, I always offer to sue their greatest celebrity enemy afterwards. It's not weird. It's just something you do. Unknown_02: Because, of course, being in New York and being a Juris Doctorate holding lawyer that you are, you're familiar with all of their cases because you've been following them. Definitely. 0:58:55 Unknown_08: Like a hawk. Every single one. Unknown_02: Okay, let's take Russ at his word here for a second, though. Let's take him at his word for a second. Okay. Everyone who's following this lawsuit is trying to literally kill him. Right? Like Horatio, all of the people at the Whole Foods or whatever who hate him, the woman who killed his milk carton. Everybody who's following this lawsuit hates Russell Greer with undying passion. Unknown_02: One guy comes up, saves him on accident. It's like, oh, you're that guy. It's like, I actually know you're that guy. I've been following your case. Russell should immediately distrust him based on the law of numbers alone. Like if everybody hates me, this guy should also probably hate me. I mean, I guess my answer to that would be if you recognize Russell Greer and you still saved him from a train. 0:59:29 Unknown_08: Cause like Nick, I'm not saying, I'm not saying I think Russell should die, but would I throw myself in front of a train for Russell? Unknown_09: No, absolutely not. 1:00:01 Unknown_02: What about like a small train? Like a Thomas, a tank engine with batteries. Unknown_08: Not even a small child's Thomas. Like one of those ones that goes on the wooden tracks. Unknown_09: I don't even think that. Unknown_02: Okay. I still had a soft spot in my heart for her and I didn't want to hurt her. I only wanted her to have her eyes open and swallow the bitter. This is very sexual. Unknown_08: Swallow the bitter hot milk that spilled all over it. 1:00:33 Unknown_03: wholesome whiteness wholesome whiteness wait what did he call it the white goodness white goodness white goodness very racist of russell and swallow the bitter truth and accept what she did to me what color is your ejaculate he just likes white goodness i'm just saying no i mean russell here is also virulent racist nick just prefers chocolate milk that's what he's saying Unknown_09: Don't tell your wife that. Unknown_02: I would never. I would never broadcast any of this to the world. Except on YouTube? Yeah. In a matter of minutes. In a matter of minutes, legal papers were printed out and Walter placed a pen in the papers in front of me for me to sign. Mr. Greer, I'll have you read and sign. I'm also going to require a $500 retainer. Unknown_02: Walter explained with a smile. I was in a deep thought as I studied our contract. Just one, though. Just one deep thought. 1:01:31 Unknown_02: Here, let me get this line out of the way. Unknown_08: He's got a one-track mind, you know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? You guys know what I'm saying. Unknown_01: One track, like a train that's running over. Yeah. Unknown_01: Can I think over this? I asked. Just think it's over, Russell. Not think over this. Unknown_03: Well, he's thinking over it. Unknown_01: He's thinking over it. Unknown_03: Because he's missing the point is what he's saying. Can I think over this? 1:02:06 Unknown_01: I asked. Unknown_03: Sure, sure, Walter said very politely. Metaphorically, I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. If I signed the engagement agreement, Walter would be my attorney and all hell would break loose with Taylor, as I imagined her and John Smith wanted to happily countersue me. If I didn't sign it, Taylor would get away scot-free and continue to mislead with her publicity stunts, harming myself and people like Max, the dying hospital boy. I was in the dilemma. Turning to my one friend who supported me the entire time, I made my way over to Ken's home. 1:02:37 Unknown_02: Wait, Sriracha, help me out. Unknown_02: Did he not visit Max? Is that what happened? Unknown_08: Oh, he, um, of course he visited Max, the dying boy. No, you could fill in on this too. Uh, Russell visited a boy in the hospital and it definitely true story that absolutely did happen. because he was volunteering and the boy said at the last second, I'm dying of cancer and my only wish is to have Taylor Swift come visit me because Taylor Swift showed that she had a duty to visit everyone because she visited other people on the news. Nick, are you asking me if this is a real story that really did happen? 1:03:18 Unknown_02: No, I couldn't remember because he said he harmed himself and Max, the dying hospital boy. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, Nick. Unknown_08: You see, many people believe that Russell is suing Taylor for a date. That's actually not true. This is hashtag not a date, but he is suing on behalf of Max, the dead seven-year-old or the dying seven-year-old in hospital. Unknown_03: who knew that Taylor had a duty to warn with her publicity stunts. I'm pretty sure Taylor Swift should visit a dying seven-year-old that wanted to see her. I don't think she would ignore that. I mean, no, there's a lot of dying seven-year-olds. But not many of them want to see Taylor Swift. Most of them, they're telling the Make-A-Wish people, I want to not die of cancer. Not many of them are like, I want to see Taylor Swift. Why would you want to see Taylor Swift? If that's your last wish, go to Nepal. 1:03:53 Unknown_03: Go have a Buddhist journey, enlightenment journey in Nepal. Unknown_02: I don't know if a seven-year-old wants to go to Nepal for an enlightenment journey. I don't know what seven-year-olds do. Also, you know that flight is like 17 hours long. Unknown_09: That is a nightmare. Unknown_02: That's more than the life expectancy of Max. 1:04:27 Unknown_02: don't have cancer um what was uh i think it's my turn yeah yeah yeah i was just making sure there wasn't something i thought i was gonna whoa i went blurry i thought i was gonna say something but i wasn't go ahead sorry when i met with ken he looked a lot better than i had when i saw him in the hospital months before it was mid-february ken rested on his couch near his Unknown_08: crackling fireplace with obvious signs of trouble all over his body. I mean, yeah, if you get hit with a Molotov cocktail in your car, you're probably not going to look too hot. Unknown_09: Even after you could do skin grafts till the cows come home. Not going to look too hot. Unknown_03: Was that intentional? Unknown_08: What? Oh, but I'm good one. Unknown_02: It's relative heat. Now relative. Unknown_08: We talked about Walter and the potential representation. There's no guarantee that the news is going to cover this fairly, Ken cautioned. We saw how that all went. Sitting silently, Ken gathered his thoughts. 1:05:22 Unknown_08: Russell, you have an inspiring story here. You're an underdog. Everyone loves underdog stories. Instead of spending your entire life in a courtroom battling Taylor Swift, write about it. Write a book about the entire... Ken? Unknown_09: Man, Ken really is the troll. We don't deserve, but the one that we do need right now. Thank you, Ken. Unknown_08: Here's to Ken. Let's all take a sip of our beer. 1:05:55 Unknown_05: Hmm. Unknown_08: Write about it. Write a book about this entire incident. It's a modern day David and Goliath story. I mean, you caused Taylor to release her song in an attempt to hide everything. That's huge. Which she definitely did because that song was not on a schedule to promote a movie. Unknown_02: Here's what you did, Russ. Here's how effective you are. You forced Taylor Swift to release a song and make millions of dollars. 1:06:27 Unknown_09: You slightly upped the release of a song with Taylor Swift and also a member of One Direction up a week or two, Russell. That's power. That's power not even God himself has. Unknown_08: You could do more good with this book than another lawsuit will. Unknown_02: I agree. I agree. He's much more effective in the book. I love that. I mean, I'm having a lot more fun reading the book than I am listening to Taylor Swift. Hey. No. Unknown_02: Just kidding. Sorry. Sorry. Unknown_02: Writing had always been my passion. I couldn't believe that I had never thought of writing the entire incident out. 1:07:14 Unknown_02: My thoughts turned away from suing Taylor Swift a second time to publishing a book about why I sued her. After all, nobody understood my cause of action. There was no guarantee that my second lawsuit would be covered fairly. Unknown_02: As I developed the book idea more, I wanted the book to influence people and not just be an explainer sort of book. During my brainstorming, Walter would continue to call me and email me asking if I had made a decision. Unknown_08: Asking if I had any booze and could he borrow my car? Unknown_02: Walter, Walter, if you're out there, because if you're following, if you're still trying to get in on that sweet Taylor Swift settlement money and you're out there, Walter, I need you to contact me. I need you. I need you. I need Walter. During my brainstorming. 1:08:03 Unknown_02: Oh wait, I read that already. I wasn't sure how to tell him off, as if he wouldn't leave me alone. So I did the easiest thing I could do, and I blocked his number and email, and never, ever heard back from him. Or got his last name. Then he sued me. Then he sued me for failing to make representations that he would respond to my emails. Yeah. 1:08:35 Unknown_02: oh my goodness um let me catch up on some chats real quick and then uh then we can go we can go through more if we want uh bagel goose says null show us your toes No. Now. What's happening? Just, I don't know that you actually have toes, so I'm going to ask you to DM me a picture of your toes on Discord, and I will definitely not leak it. 1:09:09 Unknown_02: So just go ahead and do that whenever you're ready. I could just verify that you have toes. Lazarian444 says, so Russ is cheating on Burnt Ken with Walter. Rude. Unknown_02: Oh, wait, no, that was Lampshade. Lazarian said, I can't believe how much this is like My Immortal. Unknown_02: That's Ken or Walter. Walter saving Russell Greer is like My Immortal. Unknown_02: Yeah, Lampshade says, so Russ is cheating on burnt Ken with Walter. Rude. Oliver, no, Olivier Flamant says, ask Josh why he got butt blasted about the gym docs. 1:09:45 Unknown_02: Oh, I replied to this guy in chat. Unknown_03: I said I got irritated over the gem docs because people got really mad at me and I didn't want to put up with it. Unknown_03: That's it. Unknown_02: Oh, well, how dare you? Sorry. No, I don't care. No, I'm just kidding. Unknown_02: Don't be, you can only be legitimately sorry on this channel. The orange cow says, all Taylor needs to do to make things right is give Russell her colonoscopy bag. I think he means colostomy bag. And maybe let him lick the stoma a little. She owes it to him. That's hideous. 1:10:18 Unknown_02: That's disgusting. Unknown_02: That's one of the grossest chats I've ever gotten. Thank you for that. Unknown_08: I'm really happy I don't know what any of those words mean. Unknown_02: Oh, yeah. You don't want to. No, don't tell me. Unknown_08: Don't tell me. Unknown_02: Just stop right there. Unknown_08: Move it on out. Unknown_02: No. God, it's horrid. It's just lingering in my head right now. Like the licking. What's the? 1:10:50 Unknown_03: The turtle buttered stoma hole. Is that? Are we getting there? Unknown_01: Like, like. Unknown_03: Somebody's going to clip that and make it their Twitter avatar now. I don't know why you would do that. Unknown_08: Nick, you have a really long tongue. Unknown_01: Not long enough. Not long enough to get into that stoma. Oh, God. Unknown_01: The orange cow, that is filthy, man. 1:11:26 Unknown_02: That guy from that thing says, thank you for alerting me to the racist behavior of my toaster. I'm seeking legal recourse for bread losses amounting $32.60. Will you represent me against your... Oh, we're taking... What brand of toaster do you have? Is it an Oster toaster? We're taking those scumbags all the way to the bank. Unknown_02: Bagel Goose replied to you, Nully, says, you dirty feeder, show us your toes. Unknown_02: So the toes need to happen at some point. And then Landon Mac and James says, the ultimate display of cuckery. Paying $4,000 to take a hooker to Olive Garden. Also, no, let's see those toes, daddy, please. No! It's not happening. 1:12:06 Unknown_02: Being a costume. Unknown_02: Yeah, that's foul. Should we go ahead and read chapter 11 while we're here? Yeah. Unknown_08: The whole book is less than 10 more pages. Unknown_02: Yeah, we might as well wrap it up, right? Let's do it. Let's wrap it up like we're going on a date with Taylor. Unknown_03: All right. Chapter 11. Unknown_03: My ultimate bigoted backstage experience. And that sounds like innuendo about some ebony homoeroticism. 1:12:41 Unknown_03: The colorful stage lights illuminated off of me as I sat in the third row, dressed in a suit near the stage at the Vivint Smart Home Arena in Salt Lake City with a group of other fans who had purchased VIP backstage passes to meet and see a famous female artist. It was mid-March. Due to this artist lawyer sending me letters warning me not to put her name in this book, I will refer to her as Anna. 1:13:21 Unknown_03: Anna, a popular, young, beautiful Grammy-nominated artist, strided out onto the stage with her background dancers. My heart raced as I saw her in person. The tickets had cost me close to $1,000, but I had spent all of that money in a desperate attempt to get Taylor Swift off my mind. I figured acceptance by another celebrity would get me over my depressed Taylor Swift thoughts. Kind of like how I went after Taylor to get over Murphy. Unknown_04: Oh, yeah. Unknown_02: I never. Yeah, definitely. That one's censored. 1:14:03 Unknown_02: Why is a woman's name Murphy? Can you explain this to me? Murphy Brown. Unknown_03: Have you never heard of Murphy Brown? Unknown_03: No. What kind of name is Murphy? I've never heard a woman named Murphy my entire life. What kind of last name is Moon? Unknown_08: It's a good one. Unknown_03: Thanks for asking. It's Korean. The president of South Korea is named Moon. Thank you very much. Unknown_08: Really? Did they kick? I'm not up to date on my Korean politics, obviously. Unknown_02: Also, isn't the head of the UN Ban Ki-moon? Unknown_03: I wouldn't know. 1:14:35 Unknown_08: We don't know the answers to these questions. Unknown_02: The current Secretary General of the United Nation from South Korea, Ban Ki-moon? Unknown_03: I guess. I don't keep track of the UN. I don't respect its existence. Unknown_02: It's an illegitimate international organization. Unknown_02: I agree. I agree with you. And just as an FYI, my boomer powers have fixed the StreamMe chat. I apologize, StreamMe chat, for neglecting you for so long. But you have to factor in that I'm a complete idiot and just couldn't figure out how to fix it. Also, the menus on the StreamMe settings are ambiguous. I had to turn it on. I put it on sub only, too, because it's like it's like a switch and like it indicates that the right side of the switch is to enable non subscribers to post. 1:15:11 Unknown_03: But it's actually the current setting on the left side. I remember doing that on accident too. And then once you set it that way, it changes like four other settings too. And you have to go through and switch them all off. It's a pain in the ass. I don't have to worry about that anymore. Unknown_02: You went ahead and got yourself thrown right off. 1:15:47 Unknown_02: I had to turn off audience participation on my Twitch, kiddo, because everybody kept saying the N-word. Unknown_02: You should stream on Stream Me where apparently you can just say whatever you want in the chat and Twitch can't touch you. Listen, I've already been banned from Twitch once. Unknown_08: I don't want to get banned again. Guys, chill out. I got one more sentence and then we can... Oh, yeah, sorry. Unknown_03: While Anna was very beautiful, she had a reputation for being a snob, but I don't judge people without meeting them, so I didn't care what other people said about her. Unknown_02: He literally wrote an entire book judging Taylor Swift and then says he doesn't judge people without meeting them. Have you ever met her? Of course not. If he was ever in the presence of Taylor Swift, there would be a saliva goo colored photo of her immediately after. 1:16:29 Unknown_03: I get to meet her in person like he did with Ariana Grande. Unknown_03: I don't know. No, Taylor Swift does not do meet and greets, as far as I know. Unknown_03: You know, I did a meet and greet once. Unknown_08: How was it? Unknown_03: With who? It was actually really fulfilling. 1:17:01 Unknown_03: In 2013, I had gotten really addicted to an artist named Kay Flay. And I put up for one of the largest contribution levels for a new album at the time. And I got to eat sushi with her in Atlanta, Georgia. And it was a really great experience. She was very engaging and personal. Unknown_02: What was the contribution level? Unknown_03: It was 500, but at the time I was working, so I could justify that. Unknown_02: That's not that bad. I was thinking you were going to say like six grand or something. Unknown_03: Oh, no. She was a very small artist. The venue she played at had like a 300 people maximum count, but I really liked her stuff, so I was like, fuck it. I had one opportunity to meet this person who I've listened to all of her songs, and I think she's awesome. 1:17:41 Unknown_02: Did she let you feed her sushi? No, she did not let me eat her sushi. Unknown_03: I did not pick chopsticks and push sushi down her throat. That did not happen. Unknown_02: No, I figured they were, you know, rolls that were nicely wrapped up. You could have just used your fingers. You didn't need them. No! Unknown_02: This is not my fetish, Nick. It might be yours, but it's not mine. I just listened to the internet. I don't know. I think I read it on the farms. Unknown_03: Everything on the farm is true, so it must be true. 1:18:18 Unknown_02: Sriracha, I think it's you. Are we sure? Unknown_08: We're not done talking about sticking figures to people's throats? Unknown_02: I don't know what Josh does in his spare time with the money that he spends on various struggling artists. Unknown_08: Not hookers. At least we hope. It's $500. It's pretty cheap. Unfortunately, though, like anywhere I go, people judged me. Anna's guards stereotyped my disability. Since I... stereotyped my whatever. We'll be here all day. If I start getting semantic, since I sat on the edge of the third row, I sat feet away from three of honest security guards. The guards laughed at me and mocked my disability. They talked amongst themselves about apprehending me because I appeared to be drunk. I wanted to ask Ana a question about being a songwriter for her, but I was frightened that the guards would assault me, so I didn't get the chance. Oh, let me fill in a couple of blanks that I'm sure everybody has in their brain right now. There is a fantastic... Nick, you and I should read through this at some point. There is a fantastic... Somebody actually showed up to the trial... Between Ariana Grande and Russell Greer, which ended up obviously being John Smith and Russell Greer. 1:19:34 Unknown_06: And the judge really just ripped into him over this. Unknown_08: Someone transcribed almost the entirety of the interactions between the judge and Russell. And it is truly hilarious. I think it's even on page 150 or around there on the Russell Greer thread. It is so hilarious. much fun to read i read through it last week just for shits and gigs even though i've read the entire thing multiple times we'll have to yeah we should do that that can be the next one that can be the like the the the epilogue yeah no we got to we got to yeah um where are we oh yeah and so uh yeah we've covered that josh you understand anna's ariana grande right 1:20:20 Unknown_03: yes okay now if you were planning to become a songwriter for a you know massive pop recording artist is it not the best possible method uh to just go to the concert to buy front road tickets to the concert and then to try and approach her uh while you look like a murderer Unknown_02: who's definitely uh gonna hashtag not a date ariana grande um isn't that the best way to do it like with with uh saliva covered resume in hand like screaming at the front backstage pass Unknown_02: Did I misread? Unknown_08: No, we're going to get to that part. The way I interpret this, and I've spent a lot of time thinking about how this concert went down, because this whole series of events is very bizarre. The way that I'm interpreting this is that Anna Smith, or Anna... 1:21:18 Unknown_08: Ariana Grande had a – first she came out and she did a little like meet and greet with the fans. And then she went backstage and everybody got the chance to take a photo with her and talk to her. No gifts were allowed, by the way. That becomes important later, so remember that. It was explicit condition of buying the badge that you could not bring her a gift because they don't want anybody – stuffing flowers with ricin and handing it to Ariana Grande before her concert and then after all of this she puts up with all of this bullshit then she has to perform for two hours that is how I interpret the series of events well let's uh let's see oh sorry I'm drinking gin navy strength gin it's great I'm gonna save a sip for for a little bit of bird feeding in a little bit uh 1:22:11 Unknown_02: A half hour later, I stood in line with other VIP fans to meet Anna in person directly. When it was my turn to meet Anna, one of her many bodyguards held open the door to the tent that Anna stood in. When I walked into the tent, Anna looked very beautiful, but she immediately formed a disgusted face upon seeing me and my deformed face. Unknown_02: I felt so ugly and little. Well, those are both true. To all of the people before me, Ana told them how beautiful they looked. Trying to brush aside her rude expression, I made conversation with her. Uh... 1:22:49 Unknown_01: Hey, Anna, just so you know, I'm the guy who got you flowers, I said to her, hoping for a warm response. But Anna stared at me the same way Austin Flowers had stared at the mole on the mole's face in Austin Flowers 3. Chop it up in a guacamole. Yeah, because she was probably thinking about how much rice in you stuffed in those flowers. 1:23:22 Unknown_03: I don't know. I don't believe that happened. Unknown_03: I'm going to be the conscientious objector. I'm going to say that that is a misrepresentation of what had happened. Unknown_07: I saw that. Unknown_08: I hope the audience, did you see that? I saw that. Unknown_03: I don't know what he did. Unknown_08: Nick, can you focus on your camera and do that again, please? I don't think the audience missed it. Unknown_01: Oh, it's still dripping. Oh, it's disgusting. Unknown_01: I had to lick the gin off my fingers. 1:23:58 Unknown_01: Just like Russell licked the white creamy goodness out of Kiara the hooker. Unknown_03: This is a Christian stream. Unknown_02: Oh yeah, that's right. I'm going to hell. Oh god, that was worse. There's nothing more Christian than licking the stoma. Unknown_03: This turn is it? This turn is it? Unknown_03: Josh. Together, the pop star and I looked at the camera. Trying to be smooth, I put my arms... Ew, this is unwarranted contact. Trying to be smooth, I put my arms slowly around Anna. Unsurprisingly, Anna made a weird noise, like a don't touch me, you freak noise. Well, if it's unsurprising, why the fuck would you do it? I'm going to reread this. Unsurprisingly, Anna made a weird noise like a don't touch me, you freak noise. Next sentence, I couldn't believe it. Unsurprisingly, next sentence, I couldn't believe it. Well, what the fuck? One of these statements is false. 1:25:12 Unknown_03: You have made a situation where one of your sentences is wrong, Mr. Weird. Unknown_02: Wait a minute, but like trying to be smooth, trying to, oh, I guess because he's taking a picture with her so he has permission to at least be in proximity. But trying to be smooth, like what's he got? I think he literally thinks that I did a meet and greet with Ariana Grande. If I just go ahead and grab her by the hip, right? Like we're definitely going to get married and have babies within nine months. Like, what was he thinking? Unknown_04: Was he sitting there like, oh, man, this is definitely where she's looking for a dude to hook up with after the show, the fan meet and greet full of 12 year old girls. 1:25:55 Unknown_03: Well, you should know that the way you attract pop stars is you hold out your pink and go, are you an actor? Then they can't then they can't reject you. Unknown_09: Yeah. Russ, why don't you use the I'm an actor line? You almost killed yourself over it a chapter ago. Unknown_09: You think that would stick in your memory? Unknown_02: At this point, there should just be a train track following Russell around, waiting for him to jump back in front. Unknown_03: Somebody in chat posted, unsurprisingly, 2% whole milk. I couldn't believe it. 1:26:33 Unknown_03: Okay. After the picture was taken, Anna looked at me with a disgusted look and grumbled, thanks for the flowers. My heart was again trashed by a celebrity. I couldn't believe it. For the second time in this paragraph, something couldn't believe it. Unknown_03: Slowly, as I shuffled out of the tent and went to a bathroom and cried. i was half tempted to leave and not stay for the show to make a long story short i went to the concert and my place was right next to the stage after the concert i again was assaulted by the guards verbally and physically 1:27:09 Unknown_03: My right to an enjoyable evening was stolen from me because I looked differently. But since I had gone through hell with Taylor Swift, I didn't want to start a commotion about Anna. I tried to be happy, believe it or not. I posted my pictures on my Facebook because it was cool that I did meet her. It just sucked because she hated me. Unknown_02: Hey, guys, I found a real picture of this encounter. I'm going to put it over our faces. So if you've got the stream pulled up, you'll see it. You'll see it right in just a second here. It's a real picture of Russell Greer meeting Ariana Grande. 1:27:52 Unknown_08: I'm really excited. Man, this lag. I really want to see this. Unknown_02: I hate, yeah, the 20 second delay is brutal, but you should, it should be there now. Unknown_08: Oh, there we go. Unknown_08: Russell, you've gotten taller. Unknown_02: He was very tan for this picture. Unknown_02: It's all that milk he's drinking. Unknown_03: His bones are growing. Unknown_02: Well, and Horatio, to be fair, Horatio had just firebombed him this time instead of Ken. And this was post-burn, Russell Greer. That's why he doesn't have any hair and why his skin's a little crispy. 1:28:26 Unknown_08: the skin grafts i actually don't know if that's russell or if this guy had just already read russell's book and was like oh i'm gonna be at a fundraiser with ariana and i know how to handle this scene what are you talking about that's russell looks exactly like just like oh that's a that's a man of the cloth ladies and gentlemen Unknown_08: Weeks later, when the backstage meet and greet photos were available for viewing, I was stunned to see Anna passionate in every picture except mine. She had a disgusted look in my picture. It made me sick to my stomach. I tried talking to her manager about the entire incident, but amazingly, Nick, believe it or not, she ignored me. Unknown_08: Who could have possibly predicted this? 1:29:22 Unknown_08: Even though I was given his direct email, I'm sure you were given that and you didn't find it on some fucking stalker website. Unknown_03: Like some Kiwi Farms. Unknown_08: Yeah, no, is this management on Kiwi Farms, Josh? Unknown_03: It might be. Unknown_08: Her manager is secretly Melissa. Unknown_08: The word duty came to mind again. Unknown_09: Amazing. Unknown_08: I have a sense of a good theme. Unknown_08: All of my past research processed through my head and the calculation formed in my brain that Anna had failed to provide a safe environment for a disabled person. Per Utah law that requires places give disabled people equal rights in places of amusement. The word place was in that sentence about six times. 1:30:05 Unknown_08: Surely equal rights also pertain to not being assaulted. No, that's where they stop. Unknown_02: They're like, well, we're looking to give a lot of equal rights out. However, the assault, that's where, no, we don't want equal rights. You have to build a wheelchair ramp, but nothing stops you from shoving the cripple down the wheelchair. Unknown_03: That's fine. Unknown_02: At least it wasn't the stairs. As long as you yell that out when you shove Tonka down the wheelchair ramp, you just have to scream, at least it wasn't the stairs! 1:30:41 Unknown_02: I'm sorry, sorry. Unknown_02: To my hesitation, I came out about what Anna did to me after a terrorist attack prompted me to reveal what she did. Horatio! Unknown_08: Wait, what terrorist attack? That was the Manchester bomber bombed on Ariana Grande concert. Nick is laughing at terrorism. 1:31:20 Unknown_09: Everybody screenshot this. Unknown_02: Oh, wow. I forgot that happened to her. Unknown_02: It didn't happen to, let's be clear, it didn't happen to Ariana Grande either. It happened to a bunch of Brits who went out to buy tickets and went to her show. Unknown_03: It was like 12-year-old British girls that got blown to pieces at her concert while she was performing and she had to watch it. Yeah, that's awesome. What the fuck were you guys talking about? Unknown_08: It happened to Russell Greer in Utah who never left the United States of America. Unknown_03: I don't know where you guys are getting this shit. What the fuck? 1:31:54 Unknown_03: That stem cell juice that makes you stay young forever, to have the kind of karma that results in Russell Greer and then having children blown up in front of you. You have to be doing some pretty evil shit for that kind of karma. That's not everyday normal. Unknown_02: Can you imagine the thought process that goes on? Unknown_02: Breaking news. Unknown_02: Bombing at Ariana Grande concert. Children's body parts littering the streets of London. And Russell's like, I have to tell my story. It's time for me to come out with the truth after all these children have died. Unknown_03: Is he alluding that it's her fault? Yeah, obviously. I can't take it. What is... 1:32:34 Unknown_02: Oh my gosh. Unknown_02: I'm sorry. Unknown_02: I need a minute. Wait, we're still on this. Who was reading that chapter? Unknown_02: Okay, we're not at the middle. We're still at the beginning. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay. I felt obligated. Obligated! 1:33:06 Unknown_02: to hold her to her higher duty that public policy dictated. See chapter one if you don't know what I mean by public policy. Unknown_02: I sued her because her or her manager never offered any explanations or apologies or fellatio. Since the guards were under her control, because again, we know that Ariana Grande is the one dictating orders to her security guards. Yeah, not the security company that she hired. She's the security expert. She is Kevin Costner, and she is telling them what to do. She also orchestrates terrorist attacks. 1:33:40 Unknown_03: It's like how he attributes every malicious thing that happens to him as a direct coordinated attack by Taylor Swift. It's like these people got other shit to do. They don't even manage their own concerts. They got other people. They don't even read their own emails. Unknown_09: He thinks Ariana Grande is fucking Saddam Hussein. Unknown_06: Hiding in a cave somewhere in Iraq. 1:34:15 Unknown_09: It's Ariana Grande eating rats to survive. And then afterwards Trump comes out and is like, ladies and gentlemen, we got him. Unknown_03: It's like a do we do thing. Unknown_09: Trump pulls his mask off and it's Ariana Grande. Unknown_02: After Ariana bombed all those children, she dug a hole in the middle of London and just hid in it for nine days. And Russell was like, she's gone too far. 1:34:51 Unknown_02: Oh my god. Unknown_02: okay since the guards were under her control she was liable she was the one running the shindig nope that's the manager manager uh several several layers of separation between pop star who sings songs and looks pretty uh and and people actually making a show function selling tickets and managing security Unknown_02: Yeah, he did use... He chose that word. That wasn't you making fun of him. That's what he said. That was an unironic shindig. In the wild. 1:35:22 Unknown_02: Steve Irwin would be proud. Unknown_02: To some, it may have seemed like I was truly litigious. No, Russell, why? She was the... Oh, wait. But on the contrary... I just wanted celebs to put their money where their mouth was. So he doesn't want any money on his penis. And abide by their superstar status and duties. Psst. Read chapter 1 if you don't agree. We're on chapter 11. 1:35:53 Unknown_03: I'm pretty fucking sure we read chapter 1. We didn't skip. Unknown_02: Well, to be fair, you did. Unknown_03: You skipped all the way to nine. Oh, that's because of extenuating circumstances, okay? Unknown_08: I mean, to be fair, it's kind of nice of him to assume that if you read chapter one, you definitely subscribed to all his weird bullshit so you could just put it down in the bookstore. Unknown_09: Don't invest your money. It's like, oh yeah, no, go back and reread if you guys forgot about the batshit insane things I said in chapter one that you agreed to. 1:36:29 Unknown_03: Early August came and I felt that I had a very good shot at winning since the harm had happened directly in the jurisdiction and I had solid evidence. What evidence? What evidence? There's no evidence here. To my confusion, though, I somehow showed up half an hour late to the trial. Unknown_03: The time got mixed up in my mind. Anna had hired John Smith. He was on a warpath to bring me down. The judge was different than the last trial judge, but this judge, just like Judge Harris, had reeked of B.I., kind of like B.O. for body odor, which is short for bias. It would just be B. It doesn't need to be short. 1:37:11 Unknown_03: If you include the periods in the acronym, it is the exact same blank. You did nothing. Unknown_03: You actually wrote an entire sentence to explain what BI means. This judge reeked of B-I-A-S, which stood for bias. 1:37:46 Unknown_03: It wasn't even a trial for Anna, though. Like, it was supposed to be. I didn't even get her in the courtroom. She promised me. Unknown_01: She promised me. Unknown_03: Can he sue her for not showing up in court? Was that promissory estoppel? Unknown_03: It had unfairly turned into a trial against me for irrelevant things I had said. I had written stupid comments on my Facebook and John Smith, like the scum bucket he was, purposely twisted my words and I almost got arrested in the courtroom. Oh, my God. You really fucked up, buddy. John was such a drama queen. If you were the one almost getting arrested in the courtroom, you really fucked up. I don't think you're the one being a drama queen. 1:38:19 Unknown_03: As somebody who has a lawyer in my family, I happen to know, and I'm sure you guys both know, that Facebook is the best way to win your case. People will confess to the dumbest shit on Facebook publicly, and you just yank that off and say, look, he said it. He pled guilty on Facebook. I winned. Unknown_08: Actually, the reason why Russell almost got thrown in the clink at this trial was because he posted on Facebook that he was going to – I believe I'm saying this verbatim, but someone is going to correct me – kick Greg Skourtis' ass. 1:39:05 Unknown_08: And also that there was, quote, going to be blood. Yeah. Unknown_03: oh my god that's not smart oh how do i how do i send uh i don't know does how do i send milk to russell greer whatever happened to you corresponding with greg skortis is he gonna come on the show i miss him Unknown_02: i i don't know i don't know he stopped he stopped answering me and then i got i got very busy and haven't followed up so i i i will i will i mean after this stream i'd stop answering you too i'll mention this here since it's more topical i mentioned this last time i talked to nick 1:39:49 Unknown_03: There was a while where he was threatening to sue me and I kept saying, do it, do it. Unknown_02: Russell, not Skordas. Skordas was not threatening to sue. Unknown_03: Greer, right. It was threatening to sue me or threatening to sue my company or something. And he just kept saying it. And at a certain point, I was just like, oh no, don't throw me into the briar patch. I would be torn to shreds in the briar patch. And he never did sue me, but I was kind of taunting him to do it because I had emailed scored us and i said look i have no money whatsoever but this guy's like a creepy weirdo and if he sues my company i can't even answer it pro se because of because of how that works and i was like would you be willing to to represent my company pro bono or uh you know seeking relief for seeking your money from him if we won uh if he were to sue me and all he said in reply was uh it would be my pleasure sent from my iphone or something that was the entire message 1:40:43 Unknown_02: And I was like, Oh, it would be so much. Unknown_03: I would get like a little suit. I would fly out to Utah. I would, I would have fun. I would have fun. Unknown_02: Yeah. The good thing about small claims court is you don't have to like do a bunch of paperwork. I mean, you can, but for the most part, it's all done on oral pleadings, right? Like they, you, you file your initial complaint, which is usually just a disaster because it's written by a non-lawyer. And then you know, then the people go in and they just hash it out. They get a, they get a court date right away. So I'm sure SCORTUS probably would love to just go in and make fun of russell in court without having to do any like uh heavy lifting on drafting documents and stuff like that somebody asked in chat can he be forced to fork over bitcoin assets i don't know what bitcoin assets you're talking about i have literally zero bitcoin i don't even know what a bitcoin is sir sir preposterous accusation 1:41:19 Unknown_02: what i don't i don't i don't believe bitcoin is real good news because it's not that was is real not israel so just so we're clear on that just make sure yeah we wouldn't want to we wouldn't want to say that um uh okay so is it wait taracha is it you good god whose turn is it hang on where are we unsurprisingly john again Unknown_08: Unsurprisingly, John again brought up the lie that I had sued Taylor Swift for a date to establish a pattern of my quote frivolous litigious and crazy behavior to my frustration. 1:42:25 Unknown_08: secretly filmed the trial and put it up on YouTube and other sites. For example, that loser Kiwi site. What? Unknown_03: Oh gosh. Yeah, no, but in this book, it's the Kiwi orchards. Unknown_08: It's not the Kiwi farms. Unknown_03: I'm not going to assume if he mentioned me, please mention me as many times as you want. Unknown_02: I implore you. No, he's talking about your direct competitor, the Kiwi orchards. Someone register that domain immediately. Yeah. Unknown_08: No, I really hope you don't take this the wrong way, but God, would I love Russell to sue you. 1:43:00 Unknown_03: Oh, it would be fantastic. I would love to see what address he sends it to, because I know he's going to get that wrong right off the bat. Unknown_08: He's going to send it to that Pentecost. Unknown_08: Penta, what is it? The one in Florida? What? Unknown_06: Luckily, I wasn't arrested, but I was fined for speaking the truth. Unknown_08: The fine he is talking about is the judge awarded was so frustrated with Russell's bullshit that he awarded Greg Skordas $1,500 in attorney's fees on behalf of Ariana fucking Grande. 1:43:33 Unknown_09: She might be a millionaire, but she does not have to deal with this. Unknown_08: Oh. Unknown_08: Just like all other truth speakers, I had been punished because the judge, nor John, wanted to open their minds, which goes against all legal precedent as judges are required to analyze situations broadly. I don't even know what those last three words mean. Unknown_02: neither neither does he because uh so many court documents opinions from judges uh contain the words we must construe this narrowly the whole idea that judges are required to analyze situations broadly is generally the opposite of truth um and they wouldn't they wouldn't use the word broadly They would use narrowly or liberally. Liberally construing something. Broadly is too vague. It might mean womanly, right? Like, that's why they can't say it. 1:44:21 Unknown_02: Is that true? I don't know if that's true. You know what? Let me hit a couple of these chats real quick. Or wait, we have... We have a couple more paragraphs, and then I'll do chats, and then we'll do... Okay. As the trolls filmed me walking out of the courthouse, parentheses, none of the news stations showed up because John had again threatened them. I'm sure that's what he was doing. I began to wonder if my white knight efforts were worth the repercussions. Sidebar, they never are. They're never worth the repercussions. No fake fat-faced judges wanted to listen to me or look at my evidence. Even when I cited the correct laws and the correct precedent, nobody wanted to listen. Everybody just laughed. They didn't analyze the facts. They only analyzed me. This entire incident was one for the books. That's why I signed it Chapter 11 for this book. 1:45:29 Unknown_03: Can I just point out the hypocrisy of him calling the judges fake fat face? Like, why are you making fun of somebody's face? Unknown_03: And your weight because you piss your pants every time anybody talks about your disability. Unknown_02: Okay, real quick. Bagel Goose says, thank you, Nick, for the new Twitter profile pic. I think that was the tongue through the lips. Unknown_00: Landon McEnjames says, want to know what really makes me a rage? Unknown_02: Me having to miss your stream the other night because two of my friends invited themselves over to drink my booze. That's not cool. They should have brought booze with them. Medicurist Murdochian Archiver says, we're going to Chernobyl. Josh, you cannot escape. Oh, absolutely. 1:46:05 Unknown_03: That guy lives in Ukraine. We're going to go to hit up Chernobyl at some point. Unknown_02: That'd be hilarious. Don't go by the elephant foot. I hear that that's like a quick death sentence. I'll take Greer to show him it. Unknown_02: If you take Greer to the elephant's foot, it would cure his face. Unknown_02: Medicurious Murdochian Archiver says, also thanks for the mod, you boomer. Medicurious, this is for you, buddy. Notice the shirt I'm wearing? That's right. That's a Sweetie Squad shirt. Oh, God. 1:46:38 Unknown_02: i bet i bet you jim hates that i bet you he hates it so much good good suck it jim lampshade says anna doesn't like flowers from square-faced artards probably not do the flowers like did the flowers have a droopy petal like on one side consistently they were wilted on one side only You know what you should do? 1:47:12 Unknown_03: You said R-Tard. You should use the Kiwi Farms culture and call them exceptional individuals. Unknown_02: No, that's what he wrote. R-Tards was the actual chat. I was reading. I didn't have to. Unknown_03: If you get the actual word, you should use exceptional individual. That's my favorite statement. Unknown_02: And then finally, Crocodactyl says, Magnus did nothing wrong. Layman Russ yiff and warp. Shh. Unknown_02: I never considered that Layman Russ is definitely a giant furry. Oh, that's disheartening. That's really depressing. The biggest furry, truly tremendous. 1:47:45 Unknown_02: All right, so who's, is it my chapter? Who finished that? No, I just finished that. You're up, chapter 12. Unknown_03: I like how there's precisely three paragraphs for each chapter, so I always get to open it. It's very princely of me. Unknown_03: Chapter 12, quick blurb on the Irver-hyped Colorado DJ trial. I also really appreciate that all of his chapter titles includes Irver in some context, so I get to trip it up each time. 1:48:20 Unknown_03: Towards the end of the summer of 2017, Taylor Swift was on trial for probably the dumbest case I've ever seen. No figure. No figure. I'll contest that. Some disgruntled DJ claimed that Taylor Swift had falsely accused him of grabbing her butt at a backstage meet and greet in 2014 when she was on her 1989 tour. Unknown_03: This DJ was understandably fired from his job, and so he sued Taylor Swift and others for harms suffered. Apparently, the doofus wasn't hurting too bad for money because he got himself some fancy pants lawyer. As a side note... I have absolutely no respect for this guy. That all aside, it was a he said, she said case. Well, I'm glad that even after he got metaphorically stabbed in the heart by Taylor Swift, he's still white, white nights for her and her ability to destroy people's lives with random claims. 1:48:59 Unknown_08: Nick, what happened in this trial? I did not pay attention to this. Unknown_02: I have no idea. I'm sure it was just dismissed because the guy couldn't produce any evidence. Oh, wait, no. 1:49:31 Unknown_08: Why is he suing because she grabbed her ass? Or he grabbed her ass? Unknown_02: I think he was suing her for defamation. Unknown_03: She claimed that he grabbed her ass and that got him fired. Unknown_02: Yeah, so he sued her for that. And I think they just produced a picture of like, it's from the front, but it really looks like his hand is... Let me find it. We have the internet. Unknown_02: DJ grabs Taylor Swift's butt. Unknown_02: uh no he's definitely he's definitely there's no way he's not it's like right up there hold on it's coming it's coming uh hold on here we go here we go that's for he's got like a creepy pedo stash too oh god wait i screwed it up sorry i clicked on the wrong thing Yeah, there he is, guys. That's him definitely not grabbing Taylor Swift's Rear end. 1:50:28 Unknown_08: Where is his hand if it's not on her ass? That's what I would ask. Unknown_03: He's either hover handing her or it looks like it's right over the crack too. That's where it's placed. Unknown_02: Looks like he's going for the full Elmo with that one. I really like that these courtroom drawings of Taylor Swift look nothing like her. Unknown_02: Oh my gosh. 1:51:00 Unknown_08: Look like a 40 year old character actor on CNN. Unknown_02: She countersued for a dollar and one, says Lampshade. Lampshade, who is not a he. I apologize, Lampshade. I apologize. Unknown_08: Laughably, the guy had no evidence. I read through his complaint months before. He was grasping at straws, just like he was grasping at Taylor Swift's sweet thong line. Unknown_08: I felt so sorry for Taylor and her mother. Not sorry enough because he wished her mother would die of cancer and get wrecked a bitch. Since they had to go to trial for the weird DJ, even though Taylor hurt me, I believed her in this case. She had no reason to lie. In fact, with everything explained in chapter one, public policy dictated that Taylor Swift be an example and tell the truth. 1:51:37 Unknown_08: Whatever the fuck that means. Unknown_03: When you said that, he said he wished her mother had died of cancer. I'm just imagining a scenario where she's dying of cancer and she goes to visit her at the hospital and post the picture of them at the hospital. And then Russell Greer makes a complaint about how she's visiting elderly, sick, dying cancer patients in the hospital. 1:52:18 Unknown_08: Yeah, did your mom even write you a song, Taylor Swift? Unknown_03: Yeah, what did she do for you, bitch? Come on now. Unknown_02: Why would you do that to me? Frustratingly, the guy got an incredible amount of news media attention, not butt cheek, over something that he had no evidence of, exclamation point. I couldn't believe it. That's where the exclamation point should have been, Russell. Unknown_02: He did interviews here and there. Fox News and CNN covered the trial. It was broadcasted everywhere over the dumbest thing imaginable. 1:52:58 Unknown_02: When I had tried to tell the news about my case, which I had rock star evidence of, the news directors rolled their eyes and made excuses. That was if John Smith hadn't already warned them about me. The logic for allowing a hokey lawsuit to be covered internationally, but disallowing a lawsuit to be covered that I had solid evidence and arguments for made very little sense. Now, interestingly, Sriracha, Correct me if I'm wrong, but earlier in this book, was he not complaining that his lawsuit was getting international coverage? Unknown_08: I mean, this book is titled how I became internationally noticed, so he must have prided it on some level. 1:53:43 Unknown_02: Yeah, because he was complaining that the Daily Mail or the Daily Caller or whatever had an unfavorable article. Unknown_08: Get my story covered by Dora, but she said, no, Ablamos, exceptional individual. Unknown_02: Made very little sense. Unknown_02: Unlike the DJ, I didn't want my 15 minutes of fame. I only wanted to bring awareness to an unfair situation. But my character was assassinated. Unknown_02: And I ignored when I came out about the truth. 1:54:22 Unknown_02: Really, it all fell back onto the automatic believability that stems from one having a lawyer and the other, me, not having counsel. The media reminded me with their coverage of the DJ of how biased they were. If the news wouldn't listen and report, then my book would tell all. Unknown_08: and we're in the last chapter guys and this chapter is the end the story has ended actually two chapters ago yeah he doesn't he doesn't know how to end this uh book at all this is about uh i think this is personal motivation or something is this my turn nope i i i am the prince of the chapter open that's true three paragraphs 1:55:09 Unknown_03: Chapter 13, fighting the Taylor Swifts in your life. Oh, geez. Unknown_03: As I sit back in my chair at my desk, hands rested beside my laptop, I contemplate the past year. It's October 2017, a whole year since I had decided to sue Taylor Swift and what started out as an attempt to get her attention to the situation. Little did I know that the entire thing would backfire on me. Little did I know that I would discover that Taylor disliked me. Little did I know that I would reach infamy internationally. And every time zone. Little did I know that I would lose friends, housing and employment over this. And little did I know I would discover things about myself that I probably wouldn't have discovered if none of this had ever happened. 1:55:46 Unknown_08: It's been about 10. No, I'm sorry. Go ahead. No, I'm just dying. Unknown_02: I'm trying not to audibly laugh. I can't. Unknown_02: I'm just imagining him the way he describes it, okay? Unknown_03: Sit up right in your chair and then put both hands on your desk and stare forward intently in contemplation. That's what he's doing. And I just imagine him... 1:56:21 Unknown_03: With his default facial expression. Just, like, staring ahead intently in, like, somber, self-righteous fury, thinking about the last year and how badly he screwed himself over. And that's just... That's my head picture for this paragraph. Unknown_02: Yeah, I mean, he has... Unknown_02: shockingly ruined his ability to do anything ever. Unknown_02: Like, you feel bad for people, or I do. I feel bad for people when the internet, like, tries to ruin their life to some extent. I don't really feel bad when someone does something that ruins their life without the internet's help at all. Well, it's like you look at you look at Internet drama and stuff and what affects people in their daily lives and like me hosting the forum and the things people say about me affects my life. 1:56:53 Unknown_03: But on the plus side, the one thing I can say that's never happened to me is I've never been arrested and I've never filed vexatious litigation. And, like, nobody wants to risk knowing or associating with somebody who fires off random lawsuits. Because, you know, even if somebody is, like, a nasty person or has a nasty history, the second they become, like, an active threat to the people they talk to in terms of legal situations, like, that hurts your reputation more than anything, I would think. 1:57:35 Unknown_02: That's why I'm always surprised when I see people, like, not to... Unknown_02: bring this back to maddox but that's why i'm so surprised when people like uh still support maddox and and uh are like yeah he was right or whatever it's like you you realize that if you were in the same position he would do this to you that this is his response yeah la is a hot car though so you're gonna if you're in there you're gonna die together 1:58:27 Unknown_02: You're up, Sriracha. Sorry, my chuckling derailed it. No, you're fine. Unknown_08: It's been almost 10 years since my high school jail experience. Oh, yeah, by the way, y'all, he went to jail at the beginning of this chapter. It's not important. What? Unknown_06: Like it was yesterday, I can still remember being a scared 18-year-old boy standing in front of the black and white height measuring device, having my mugshot taken by a deputy. Unknown_08: I can still remember my jail cell door slammed tight and the sound it made when it electronically locked. I can still tell you who the inmates were in my pod and what they looked like. As if playing on repeat, I can still tell you when I saw Taylor Swift on the jail TV playing within my eyes. Playing within my eyes. 1:59:00 Unknown_03: When I said that, when I went on that tirade and said that I've never been to jail or been arrested and I've never sued anybody. Unknown_03: What did he go to jail for? I didn't think that he had actually gone to jail. He went to jail for maybe writing a kill list and also maybe bringing a gun to school. Unknown_08: What? 1:59:34 Unknown_02: Yeah, he he we had well, we didn't have one of his high school classmates on earlier. We had one of his his paralegal course classmates on. But basically what Russell might have done is he might have gone into a bathroom stall and written down a list of people that maybe needed to die by name on the bathroom stall wall. Like he might have allegedly done that and then gotten arrested for it. And then through some serious legal chops gotten out of it. And not his chops, obviously. His chops are paralyzed. But the legal chops of someone that his foster family hired and paid quite a bit of money to make it go away. 2:00:11 Unknown_02: But yeah. Unknown_03: How old is he? Like right now? Unknown_08: He's in his late 20s, I think. 26, 27. Unknown_03: Oh, so this is like post Columbine, post 9-11. Yeah, don't do that. Don't make kill lists at school. You will go to jail for it. And also maybe all of the people on the kill list were females that he wanted to date. 2:00:45 Unknown_02: I mean, we're getting out into crazy town now. Unknown_08: I know it doesn't sound believable based on this narrative we've been reading. Unknown_03: I remember when I was in high school, I went to I went to Niceville High School. So maybe it's just because it was just such a nice place. But I remember we had one Muslim girl who wore a hijab and she had a massive circle of friends and everybody adored her because she was different. Everybody was like 99 percent white school. And then I remember there was like a cripple kid who was a bit weird and he walked with crutches and he had a girlfriend that was normal. So I don't like I think if you're just not shit, you can get a girlfriend in high school. I don't think life is that hard. 2:01:19 Unknown_02: I don't know if you understand the caliber of woman that Russell deserves. Unknown_02: He deserves. Unknown_03: He seems nasty. I don't know. What makes somebody so nasty? Because he's been nasty for a while. Unknown_02: I don't think you get it, Josh. Russell will only settle for Ariana Grande. Oh, okay. He'll settle for her. So he needs a 10. Unknown_02: he'll settle for her after being rejected by Taylor Swift. Like he'll settle for Ariana Grande. That's the Russell Greer mindset that you're dealing with. And there's a reason you can't fathom it. It's because it's just red-pilled truth. That's all it is. 2:01:56 Unknown_08: You're not black-billed enough yet to understand that Russell deserves pop star poon. You've got to read Gorilla Mindset and you've got to live Gorilla Mindset to understand why Russell knows that he can get Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Ariana Grande. Unknown_02: No. 2:02:30 Unknown_03: I think there is a Amazon review for that. Like I read this book to try and learn how to be more alpha. And in the five years since I've lost my girlfriend, I've lost all my friends. My family doesn't talk to me anymore. I lost my job. Oh, not five years, five months. Unknown_03: And it's like, it's like, well, okay, well, first of all, you know, even if you feel better doing acting like this, it clearly has a detrimental impact in your life. Second of all, If you've got good family, lots of friends, a girlfriend, and a job, what do you think you're doing wrong? It seems like you've done pretty well. Be happy. What's wrong with you? 2:03:04 Unknown_02: Sriracha, you're like best friends with Cernovich. Care to speak to this? Unknown_08: Um, Mike Cernovich invited me to the premiere of hoax and then forgot to send me the address. Unknown_08: He told me he couldn't send the address because Antifa, they were concerned about Antifa hitting the, uh, New York premiere. So I'm like, Oh, that's cool. So I emailed him a couple of hours before the actual showing. I was like, Hey, just checking up on that, uh, Antifa thing. He was like, Oh my God, we're already here. If, uh, 2:03:36 Unknown_02: If Mike Cernovich were to invite me to the premiere of a movie, I would bring Bronx Blogger with me, except I fear the AIDS, so I actually wouldn't. Unknown_08: I would bring toast. Unknown_02: You'd bring toast? Unknown_08: Yeah, avocado toast. Like, welcome to our city, here's our specialties, avocado toast. Unknown_02: Okay, where are we? Where are we? Here we are. Here we are, sorry. Unknown_02: And even after all of these years, I can still hear the warden ask sternly, Who is Russell Greer? That question has followed me through all of these years. During my first year of college, as a confused, helpless missionary sweating around down in Arizona, unsure in what he believed in, 2:04:17 Unknown_02: As a college student, again, working two jobs. As a paralegal graduate who couldn't hold onto his... Onto is two words in this instance, Russell. Who couldn't hold onto his professional jobs because of his desired dreams. His desired dreams of spending years writing a song for Taylor Swift and then suing her. But through all of that, I feel that I have finally answered that burning, haunting question. 2:04:54 Unknown_03: Who is Russell Greer? He's a flawed human who does his best and he doesn't get credit for his efforts. He's a regular guy with regular emotions. Given his acquired anxiety, he can do and say things he doesn't mean, but he's never purposefully malicious. He tries to treat others as he wants to be treated. But what I have found about myself, Russell Greer, is that I don't give up. I'm a fighter. I'm going... I keep going, even if it means going up against the odds. I was born in a difficult situation and have found myself in unfair circumstances because of discrimination against me for being the way I was born. Despite the unfairness of my life and of the brutalizing efforts at trying to impress Taylor Swift, I'm still standing amidst the wreckage of my cloud nine. And I wanted to share with you, my reader, that you too can keep standing even after you seemingly lose everything. 2:05:32 Unknown_03: Legal advice, don't take life advice from Russell Weir. Unknown_02: He's just a regular guy with regular emotions. Unknown_03: From actual accredited jurist doctorate holder, Joshua Moon. Jurist doctor! We've covered this already. 2:06:15 Unknown_04: That's what I'm referencing. Unknown_03: Thank you. Unknown_03: It's not actually legal advice if I claim I hold a degree type that doesn't exist. That's legal advice as well. Unknown_02: He's just a regular guy with regular guy emotions. Unknown_08: He's a regular fucking guy. Unknown_08: You see, we each have a Taylor Swift in our life. Yes, there is that beautiful blonde. Yeah, no, we all literally have a Taylor Swift in our life. 2:06:48 Unknown_02: No matter where you go. She's one of the most well-known people on earth. Unknown_08: Yes, there is that beautiful blonde pop star who is naturally in everybody's life because she exists and because her face is plastered everywhere and her music plays on every platform. But figuratively, we all have a Taylor Swift. We have that thing in our life that we work so hard for. But it gets wrong. Unknown_03: She's not like an object. Oh, yes, she is. You can't just lasso her and drag her back to your Utah sex dungeon. 2:07:19 Unknown_03: And then she gets lassoed back by Greg Scordis. Unknown_03: Is he riding shirtless on a horse while he lassos? Unknown_02: No, he's riding shirtless on some whores. Unknown_08: And a big bag of cocaine. He has a lasso made of cocaine. Unknown_02: He just pulls a baggie of cocaine down and rubber bands it around his head and just breathes pure coke. Unknown_03: You reminded me of a joke I was going to make but forgot a long time ago. I was going to make a joke that the story would have been better if Walter had invited him to make crystal meth with him. 2:08:01 Unknown_03: That would have been a more interesting story than the fake lawyer who put himself at unnecessary liability. Unknown_08: Where were we? We have the thing, but she gets wrongfully snatched from us by Greg Skordis' cocaine lasso and dragged back off to his Salt Lake City sex dungeon. We all have that thing in our lives that we work so hard for, but it gets wrongfully snatched from us. Unknown_08: Whether it's a promotion that's given to somebody else who doesn't work as hard as you do, or a new car that you see advertised for weeks, and when you finally have the spending money, the guy in front of you buys it off the lot. 2:08:41 Unknown_02: Because he can't make another one. Unknown_08: No, I don't think Russell knows how car sales work. Unknown_09: In addition to the long, teeming list of everything that he does not understand, cars is also on the list. Yeah. Unknown_02: I really wanted that car and now it's gone forever. Unknown_03: I'm just imagining some horrible transformation fetish porn with a Taylor Swift car, like immobilized and parked in a used car salesman lot that Russell Greer is haggling over. It's the stuff of nightmares. Thank you for introducing this to my head. 2:09:14 Unknown_02: That 2014 Ford Fiesta in green was the only one! It was the only one Ford made! Unknown_08: So what do you do? Do you speak up or stay silent? Unknown_08: Truly a mystery. Unknown_02: Some people will tell you that to say nothing is better than to say something at all. Wait. Unknown_07: Oh god. Unknown_02: Those people will tell you that to say something will only burn bridges and make you unwanted enemies with others. No, to say a particular something will only get you enemies, Russell. But I disagree. To say nothing only robs yourself of justice. 2:09:53 Unknown_02: In the end, only you matter, so it really is your choice. This is a bad Mormon. If you stay silent, nobody will know the truth of the harms you allege. If you speak, yes, you run that risk of being labeled hurtful names, but you also are able to release that lion. Truth is like a lion. Release it, and it will defend itself, but not against Greg Skordas. 2:10:32 Unknown_08: Or getting fired from law firms. Unknown_03: greg scored us can tame a lion he's got he's got like an army of hookers that can help him out with that shit he doesn't need help um as you stand at the crossroads of whether you should speak or stay silent the choice of what you're going to do faces you okay that's redundant as a statement but you and you alone can make can own Unknown_03: You and you alone can only make that determination of whether that Taylor Swift in your life is worth pursuing. Is it worth bringing attention to if it gets snatched away from you or it leads you on and creates a misrepresentation, leaving you wronged and harmed? That's also redundant. And if you do speak up and speak out about the wrongs you face, you must make that choice and determine if you are going to run and hide when the blowback comes Or if you're going to stand and fight and I really appreciate I got the worst written paragraph of this entire book I'm really happy Russell Greer went with the first draft of his of his writing his consciousness down on paper because that that entire paragraph means literally nothing. 2:11:49 Unknown_02: yeah i can't wait um what we're gonna spoiler alert when we finish the book since this is an inspirational and motivational uh chapter i think sirachi will agree with me that we have to watch his motivational america's got talent audition oh no there'd be no better way to end this book yeah that's what's gotta happen that's what's gotta happen um okay you're you're up Unknown_08: My readers, let's go ahead and close this out. Wait, no, there's one more paragraph. Having experienced this for myself, I am here to tell you, stand and fight. Shout from the top of your lungs and bring attention to the situation. You may be slandered for it. You may be harassed for the words you speak, but it will bring awareness and awareness causes change. Even if one billion people on this planet hate you for the words you speak, influencing that one person who listens to you is worth it because that one person can share what you wrote. with others and others can in turn share your words which can cause change i don't get it if everybody in the world hates you except this one person i don't think one person helping you it's like an anti-vaxxer thing right and even if you are a minority of one the truth is still the truth Speaking the truth has never been a popular thing, especially when it alleges facts about a person whom the majority of the populace love. Martin Luther King, Malala Yousafzai, Russell Greer. The truth isn't to be popular. It's to bring awareness. And even if you lose everything for the words you speak, you can still be the last one standing because you are the person on this planet who allows a loss to be truly seen as a loss. I don't even understand the words coming out of my mouth anymore. 2:13:38 Unknown_02: I literally have no idea what you're saying. Unknown_03: You can tell in this chapter that he wanted to write some pseudo-motivational stuff And just to close it out, and he had no concern whatsoever for what he's saying. So he just bashed out the first draft and never read it twice. And that's what got published in his book. Unknown_02: I think you're giving him a lot of credit saying he edited any other chapter. Unknown_08: Yeah, that's a big... The other ones were legible. Unknown_03: They had a train of thought I could follow. I have no clue what he's trying to say in this. This is just like paragraphs of nonsense. 2:14:14 Unknown_03: Speaking of nonsense, let's jump right back into it. Unknown_08: Yes, free speech isn't free. Unknown_08: Neither are lawyers. It comes with consequences. Instead of viewing bad results as consequences, though, look at them as sacrifices for speaking. What a terrible outlook. Instead of viewing bad results like, oh, this chemotherapy isn't working. Unknown_08: It's a sacrifice. Let's keep doing it. Unknown_08: uh did you do for speaking the truth view negative outcomes as a sort of one door closes a better one opens experience but who knows maybe speaking the truth will land you a million dollar contract with your own television show that's how it usually happens a much better deal than i went through losing friends employment and home like 2:15:11 Unknown_02: Look, it's a big gamble on one end of the spectrum for speaking the truth. You got a million dollar television show on the other end, losing friends and job and home. Unknown_03: That's it. I'm just imagining what he thought his TV show would be like. I can just imagine him on MTV, like the show up next. Why I sued Taylor Swift. Unknown_00: And it's like, it's like him mumbling out like motivational nonsense. Unknown_03: And then. Then after he leaves the stage, a picture of Taylor Swift is projected on the wall behind where he was standing, and the audience just starts booing with two minutes hate from 1984. That's the only thing I can imagine for him. 2:15:49 Unknown_01: My moderator, Tess, brought up a good point. She says, lips to the last paragraph. Unknown_01: So this is for Tess. Okay, okay. Unknown_01: I'll start over, it was one sentence. But who knows? Daily Seeking the Truth will lend you a million dollar contract with your own television show, a much better deal than I went through, losing friends, employment, and home. Sincerely, I hope you don't ever have to endure what I did for Seeking the Truth. It is my hope that you'll be honored through the ages for the words you seek. 2:16:27 Unknown_01: Today you'll have statues and murals done in your likeness. Today's parades will be held for you and your birthday will become a national holiday. Today's followers will start a religion after you with your words becoming biblical and studied daily. Unknown_01: Whatever your heart may be, and no matter what kind of Taylor Swift you have in your life, always speak. You never know how powerful your words can be. 2:17:06 Unknown_01: Well, let's hear it, guys. Unknown_08: Let's hear it. That is the book. Unknown_03: I'm just imagining like a mural of Russell Greer. I'm imagining Martin Luther King Jr. talking about segregation as his Taylor Swift or Jesus Christ talking about the Romans as his Taylor Swift. Unknown_03: I'm just filled with contempt. Unknown_02: i imagine a mural of russell greer and and being one of those like surrealistic paintings where they have multiple things happening that don't that wouldn't naturally make sense where he's there like mouth agape and a big thing of drool and then like a beautiful woman washing her hair under like maybe a taylor swift or an ariana grande washing her hair under like the drool waterfall that's coming that's that's the mural eye picture 2:17:59 Unknown_02: I think that would sell massive amounts. Unknown_08: That's disgusting. Don't ever say that again. Unknown_02: Okay, we've got two chats, and then we will close out with some inspirational words from Russell himself. Not from an impression. but from a real Russell Greer. Landon McEnjames says, I'm going to draw an anime illustration of Null's toes. That's horrifying, but you should. Tillip says, now the three of you read Sonichu. We're not going to do that on this stream. But Sonichu is one of the potentials. We've got some more Russell to read, though, I think. We've got that transcript. We've got his essay on why he wants to make your daughter have sex with him for $500. $500? Just $500? $100. 2:18:33 Unknown_02: We're going to do that. Unknown_02: Oh, Cormorant says, Rackets, several chapters back, I mentioned an Asian fake lips adult film. Unfortunately, it's all in moon language, so I could never find it for you. However, Pornhub kinky fake lips. Enjoy the horror. The horror. Well, that sounds horrifying. 2:19:06 Unknown_08: Send it to me. I can speak moon runs. Unknown_02: I think he was saying he can't type in moon runes to find the lips from Japan. But maybe, maybe. Unknown_02: Okay. Okay, so I have to... Unknown_02: have to do this real quick let me hide that and then i've got the clip ready do you guys want a do you guys want this clip like a link to it so you can listen at the same time or should you just do you want to just mute your microphones and be like 20 seconds behind with the with the chat what do you guys i've seen this more times than anyone involved in this stream so i don't need a link 2:19:59 Unknown_02: just throw it up and watch it okay so uh yeah so i'm gonna hit play and you guys will see this 20 seconds later for the longest time i was mad because i had a disability now i'm happy and i like to joke that i'm the world's best ventriloquist Unknown_00: I'm here tonight to tell you that you can overcome your disability by doing these three easy things. Unknown_00: Accept it. Unknown_00: There's no point in being mad about things we can't change. And maybe I can't change this. But I can change how I deal with it. By using a slideshow so people know what the heck I'm saying. 2:20:57 Unknown_00: And free at dance. Yes. Unknown_00: I'd like to invite you to come and dance with me. Unknown_00: Oh yeah, get it. Get it, Russ! Unknown_02: Get it, Russ! Unknown_01: Oh my gosh. 2:21:38 Unknown_02: okay okay so i hope you are warmly inspired by russell oh yeah i've had quite enough russell tonight Unknown_03: I almost feel bad for him, but at the same time, he's just like such a nasty person. Unknown_07: He's a huge shithead. Unknown_02: Yeah, when we first started doing this, I felt bad a little bit about mocking him with the lips and stuff like that. And then about on chapter two, I got over it. Unknown_03: Yeah, it's I remember when it first got to the forum, like when the Russell Greer people in the forum have had an uneasy relationship with me, because I didn't like them at first. 2:22:29 Unknown_03: I tried to give them their own sub forum where they could post updates about them. And then they only posted in one thread anyway. So I merged the forum back to one thread and moved it back. And they got mad at me for that. Unknown_03: And I just remember, like, you know, there's so much more to talk about this guy than just his face. They all made face jokes about him. And then I realized, oh, they only do it because it pisses them off so much. Yeah. And it's just like, I don't know. It's like, yeah, it's a legit, like, shitty disability to have. I feel bad for him. When he talks, it's really pitiful and depressing. But... At the same time, it's like he could probably do well for himself if he wasn't such an insipid piece of shit. 2:23:03 Unknown_02: Yeah, the real disability is up here, not down here. Yeah, being a stupid piece of shit's a disability. Unknown_08: In which case, sign me up for SSI. Unknown_03: On the topic of vexatious litigants, you have Melinda Scott and you have Russell Greer, right? Yeah. And their their their lawsuits are incompetent for like two different reasons but kind of in the same way where they hold a truth in their head to be the truth and are unwilling to learn at all and they continuously make the same mistake without ever even questioning in their head 2:23:57 Unknown_03: if that mistake could belong with them and they continue on making the same mistake. And it's like, is there like, what, what does that to somebody where they are? Is it narcissism? Is that just what it is? Cause it's like, it's either quite clearly in the wrong, but they continue with it. Unknown_02: I'm not I'm not a I'm not a psychology. I think it's either narcissism or like histrionic personality disorder. But where they like so Russell and Melinda have this thing where each of them thinks that anyone who opposed to them hates them. 2:24:33 Unknown_02: Or anyone who calls them wrong hates them. Like they must be right. They have to be right. Everybody else is wrong and it's all motivated by bias. Unknown_02: So like, the funny thing with Melinda is that if she just listened to you, to you, she could go to a lawyer and they would either tell her, look, you don't have a case, or maybe she'd find the one lawyer who's like, well, maybe we've got a case with this thing, right? But instead, because you have said something contrary to the narrative in her head, she just has decided that it's only because you hate her that you would say anything at all and that you must be discounted and so they'll go seeking the anybody who will affirm what's going on and it's that's really an unfortunate thing well with melinda it's like i suggested you know lawyers give free consultations like that's their thing they want you to hire them so you can come in and they'll give you what they think about your complaint for free for free because they want you to pay them and you know she rejects that 2:25:11 Unknown_03: categorically because she asked me in response to the advice, go to get a free consultation. She asked me in reply, are you going to pay for my childcare services as I go to get a free consultation? I'm like, there are lawyers that will come to your house if you are seriously overburdened. I'm sure there's at least one who will do it. If they're hurting for work, they'll come talk to you at your house. Um, but I mean, you can go there with your kids and I say, you can go there while they're at school. And then she's like, well, that's just ignorant because I homeschool. I homeschool all my kids. I have a patriarch. I have a matriarchal family with a female empowerment. It's ain't the 1950s anymore. I'm like, well, if it's not the 1950s anymore, you can go to a attorney on your own autonomously. You don't need help. 2:26:14 Unknown_02: Yeah, hire a male babysitter then and go to an attorney. What does your husband do? Female attorney. Can he not look after your kids on his own for an hour? In fairness, her husband might not be allowed to be alone with the children. Unknown_08: Right? That is such a good note to go out. 2:26:49 Unknown_02: I don't know that because I haven't ever... I didn't look to see if he was on the registry, but... Unknown_02: He pled guilty. He might be. And it's not just me. Unknown_03: The judge has written the same opinion like three times where it's like, oh, he basically, yeah, he basically copy and pasted the one from December to this one. Unknown_02: I think he added one paragraph. Unknown_03: The things he copied over were the insults. Unknown_03: He made sure that that was there twice in the first and last paragraph. He made sure all the things I said about her were present in his opinion. 2:27:24 Unknown_03: But it's like you just listen to his advice. You don't have to listen to me. Listen to him. He's a federal judge. He was appointed by Bill Clinton. He's as far away from a biased opinion as you can possibly get. Unknown_02: Nope. He went against her. He's biased. That's how it goes. Not biased, by the way. I've learned from Russ. It is just bias. Yeah, just B-I. That's two syllables. 2:27:59 Unknown_02: All right. I think that's about all we've got. I mean, that's the end of the document. Unknown_02: And that's the end of the chats. Unknown_02: This has been, this stupid series has been way too much fun. It's been truly eyeopening and I'm glad I got to share it with you guys. Yeah. Well, like I said, we've got a couple more, uh, Greer documents to cover that we'll have to, um, we'll have to make that happen in the near future. Unknown_02: Uh, Oh, Gojirify. This is for you guys. I answered this the other day. I think if Chewbacca and Spock were in a shower, who would soap who first? 2:28:31 Unknown_03: Probably Chewbacca would soap Spock first because Chewbacca has a lot of hair. That requires the attention. You just get that out of the way. Unknown_08: I've never seen Star Trek, but I have seen Star Wars The Last Jedi and only that one. And I think that Chewbacca would soap Spock first because he loves... The Porgs taught him to put other beings before himself. 2:29:04 Unknown_02: Now, would he use a porg as like a shower sponge? Like would he, would he pour soap on the porg and squish it and like try and lather it up? Unknown_05: Imagine not that, but imagine if he had a little bit of shampoo and he just rubbed it on the top of his little fetters. Unknown_05: That'd be so cute. I don't even know who Spock is. Unknown_03: I'm sorry. Unknown_02: He's a Vulcan logic engine from Star Trek. He was second in command. I thought he was the captain by the famous guy. 2:29:39 Unknown_03: No, he was second in command to Captain Kirk. Okay. Okay. Unknown_02: All right, guys. All right. Well, thank you. Thank you to my guests, Null and Sriracha. I really appreciate you guys coming on. Null, you should read the rest of this book. It's not a long read, but it is infuriating. Or you can just watch the videos that I've done, but that's probably take you a lot longer. Unknown_03: Yeah, I was going to say the book would probably take 30 minutes to bust through. Listening to the reading of it would take like 16 hours. Unknown_02: Yeah, that's maybe not quite enough. 2:30:20 Unknown_02: But yeah, so thank you. Of course, thank you to Sriracha for introducing me to the wonders of Russell Greer's book and Russell Greer. Oh, you're welcome, buddy. And thank you, of course, to the chat and to all the viewers. So you guys make this fun to do. And we will see you soon, I suppose. So have a good night. Unknown_02: Take it easy.