0:00:02 Unknown_01: Holy shit. Unknown_01: Why is my thing called Zoo? Unknown_06: Basic controls, you can move, rotate, R, K, GUI interview. What do I do? Unknown_06: There's no linear to guide you in the country. Be a trader, thief, bounty hunter, farmer, or even a warlord. You need to explore the world to find your own adventure. All right. Unknown_01: Oh, Jesus. 0:00:39 Unknown_01: Confirmed zoo. I'm not I'm not a zoo. This is still this is slander of my person. Unknown_01: I Guess I just wander out, right? I could change the axis I can see shit. Where's my guy? I was running down the mountain hill now 0:01:12 Unknown_01: Oh, you know what I'm gonna have to do? Goddammit, it takes one person to ruin it for everybody. Unknown_06: I have to go to channel and go to moderation settings and have to enforce email verification. So he can't just make random accounts and shit. Unknown_06: And I'll give it, yeah. All right, that should work. Unknown_06: I hate being cyberbullied. Unknown_06: Can't can't the LGBTQIA plus guy enjoy a video game Sub chat only I don't think I can do sub chat only I have no idea what I'm doing I'm currently sending my guy out to this field of trees 0:02:07 Unknown_01: I can't mine that, because I don't have a pickaxe. What the fuck do I do? Unknown_06: What the fuck is this game? I have... I am bewildered by this. Unknown_01: What the fuck was that? It looked like a piece of rebar. Unknown_06: Kill someone. This is like ISO Minecraft. What the fuck is this? Is this a 3D Dwarf Fortress? It's not that bad yet. Oh, no. Oh, jeez. What the fuck? Unknown_06: Fuck this! There's like 8,000 of them. 0:02:41 Unknown_06: I'm under attack. I realize that. Do I attack them? I haven't f- Fuck it. Fuck it. I'll just attack them. Unknown_06: It's time to bring it on. Unknown_06: Okay, this is not going... Yeah, I should have ran. Unknown_01: Next time... Yeah, I really should have ran. Am I dead? You are knocked out. 0:03:15 Unknown_01: Do you get, like, raped? Unknown_01: Seriously ruin you will the unconscious status will change to dying the character won't get back up until he'll held by another character They don't get first aid in time. Unknown_06: They will eventually die after Healing a character will need time to recover before regaining consciousness Particularly bad injuries will enter the character into recovery coma until their vitals have approved above zero and Unknown_06: Getting KO'd may seem like a failure, but remember we learn best from our failures. Your toughness and defense stats will be improved each time you're KO'd. This will increase your KO recovery threshold over time. I'm in a recovery coma. 0:03:47 Unknown_01: Can I like skip? Unknown_01: Am I dead? Unknown_01: Is that it? Do I die? What the fuck? 0:04:34 Unknown_01: Fast forward? I am fast forwarding. Unknown_01: Oh, I can build shit. Holy fuck. Unknown_01: Can I build like a castle and enslave people? Unknown_06: Enslave other Scorchlanders? Unknown_06: I'm not playing Blockland. Fuck off. Unknown_06: Wakey wakey. Unknown_06: Wakey wakey. We have an audience to entertain, my brother. 0:05:10 Unknown_01: When do I wake up? Unknown_01: Oh no, what the fuck? Unknown_06: That guy just looted me? Stop fucking looting me! Fuck off! Unknown_07: I thought he was going over to help! He fucking looted me! What a piece of shit! 0:05:43 Unknown_01: My stomach needs to get back over there. Fuck it. Fuck it. Let's just, let's just restart. Does that exit the entire game? Okay, that exits the entire game. Okay. Unknown_01: It's fine. Unknown_01: I wasn't gonna stay there and just stare at my crippled ass forever. Unknown_06: Is this a multiplayer game? Unknown_01: God, I fucking hope not. 0:06:15 Unknown_01: Geez oh geez our fix apps that are blurry fuck off Fuck off. Okay new game. Unknown_06: Where are the options hold up? Unknown_06: Wanderer the wandering trader seeking to make your fortune spent the last of your savings on a backpack full of trade goods The holy sword the cannibal hunters I Unknown_01: The hive exile son of a captain the slaves rock-bottom Empire citizen Okay, I want to be the sword guy the wanderer Okay I'm not playing slave yet. Hold up Take guy with the dog. 0:07:07 Unknown_06: Oh, I didn't see that one. Sorry that one slipped right past me Unknown_06: I would be sad if the dog died though. Unknown_01: I'll do the dog next time I'm dead. It's called Kenshi. Unknown_01: I want to be the black guy again. Yeah. I'm going to randomize everything. Randomize all. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. 0:07:45 Unknown_01: I don't want to be a man left. Unknown_01: There we go. Perfect. Unknown_01: Order zone. Discover loan shack. Is that a quest? Unknown_01: What's a loan shack? What's in here? Unknown_01: I'll talk to these guys. Unknown_01: Who are you? I took your rum bottle. Oh, I'm asleep. I'm awake again. 0:08:19 Unknown_01: Get fucked. Unknown_01: All right, you guys are cool. I'll leave you alone What you can I just attack these people Haunt This character will make himself offensive noisy inconspicuous and then attempt to draw more of the enemy to attack him No Don't kill this woman kill 0:08:50 Unknown_01: Oh, there's how you rotate the camera. Unknown_01: Kill her. Unknown_06: Wait, I had a mini-po- wait. Unknown_06: Attack unprovoked. Yeah! Unknown_06: Yeah, fuck you. Unknown_06: Oh gee, she has like an actual sword. Why don't- you can't even get a hit in. You're useless. You're getting beat by this random chick. She's chopping you up. She's chopping you up into mince, bro. Defend yourself. Defend yourself. You're just letting her win. Unknown_07: How are you so worthless? 0:09:25 Unknown_07: She didn't let- you didn't get a single attack in. Unknown_06: You deserve to die. Oh geez. Unknown_01: What a mess. Unknown_01: Alright, new game. This time we'll be the guy with the dog. Unknown_01: Hell yeah. Unknown_01: It's a puppy? A homeless and hungry drifter rescues an abandoned puppy. Unknown_06: It seems pretty useless. Maybe he'll just eat it? What? Unknown_06: No, we're not eating a dog. Unknown_01: Fuck off. 0:10:13 Unknown_01: Let's see. Unknown_01: Oh, I can characterize the dog too. Unknown_06: He's like a creepy weird skeleton puppy. Unknown_06: Oh, Jesus. Unknown_01: I can't customize him at all. Unknown_01: No manlets. Unknown_01: All right, let's do this. Unknown_01: All right, we're here. Unknown_01: Where am I? Unknown_01: Is this the same place? No. 0:10:44 Unknown_01: Certainly not. Unknown_01: Go in here. Unknown_01: We have to find food. Unknown_01: The game says we have to find food. Unknown_01: Nothing there. Unknown_01: How do I climb? 0:11:18 Unknown_01: How do I climb the stairs? I guess I don't I'm very confused by this game Where's my dog at? Unknown_01: Oh, it's shitty. It's like way behind. Look how shitty that dog is. Hurry the fuck up. 0:11:49 Unknown_01: We do have gay smileys. Unknown_01: I've given all the representation. Is that an outhouse? Can you shit in this game? Unknown_01: Building material. 0:12:24 Unknown_01: Iron plates? Unknown_01: What? Unknown_01: Stolen goods? Who the fuck did I steal from? Unknown_06: I'm in, I'm in like an abandoned shack in the middle of fucking nowhere. Who the fuck am I stealing from? Oh. Unknown_06: There's like lots of shit in here. How do I go upstairs? I've yet to figure that one out. It's like shift plus, control plus. Unknown_01: Oh, I have to, this button. 0:12:58 Unknown_01: Oh, he has a sleeping bag. Unknown_01: I have no idea what I'm doing. Unknown_01: I have not a fucking clue. 0:13:29 Unknown_06: This is probably the most confusing game I've ever played, ever. Just like in terms of sheer confusion, I have no fucking idea what I'm doing. Unknown_01: No, there's no tutorial. Unknown_01: My character is hungry, that's all I know. 0:14:05 Unknown_01: You need food to survive in this world or you'll starve. You can grow food, buy it, hunt it, or steal it. Unknown_01: I'm like in the middle of fucking nowhere. Unknown_01: And I got, I got like a thief penalty for that shit. Unknown_06: But uh... Unknown_06: As far as I'm aware, no one lives here, so I don't know who I stole from. I mean, they can have their shit back if they want me to. 0:14:42 Unknown_01: Still better than Fallout 76 to not play that game. I would have no idea. Unknown_01: Oh, the doggies hunger too. Oh no. Unknown_01: I have no... I wouldn't even... Has anybody... Has anybody played this game ever in the history? Unknown_06: Am I the first person to play this game? Unknown_01: What the fuck are these cactuses? 0:15:18 Unknown_01: There's no food in this game. Unknown_01: I'm looking at the game right... What the fuck is that? Unknown_01: Oh, it's a boulder. Unknown_06: That's not food. Unknown_06: How did I hear about this game? For some reason this game was on my fucking wishlist. I had no idea what kind of sick fucking joke I played on myself. Unknown_06: But somebody gave me a Steam gift card saying they liked my streams. And I decided to pick this. And eat the cacti? Unknown_01: I wouldn't even know how! 0:15:58 Unknown_01: Ravaged Hamlet fast Is this best Even the map isn't fucking helpful. What the fuck is this? Unknown_06: Oh It has to be best. Okay, so if I go directly north this way there should technically be something I Think run run fucker run Unknown_01: Try not to get mugged by random people again. Wait, what happens if I go... That's not food. You can't eat that. 0:16:43 Unknown_01: Wait, I'll waste somebody else's money? That's how I feel right now. Unknown_06: I could have bought skins for Rainbow Six Siege. Instead, I'm playing Kenshi. Where the fuck am I? Why did I stop running? I didn't give you permission to stop running, you motherfucker. You're starving to death. Unknown_06: Discovered ravaged Hamlet what ravaged Hamlet discovered guard outpost what fucking guard outpost? What the fuck are you talking about? Wait, oh now they also have dogs. Oh fuck. Oh, geez run Then enemy dog Are you an identify yourself? dog 0:17:15 Unknown_06: Oh, I'm being aggressed. Unknown_01: Defend yourself. We'll eat the dog. Unknown_01: Why are you allowing yourself to be destroyed? Unknown_06: It is just a dog. Defend yourself from the dog. It just hit it with your... What the... Well, the dog's still alive, right? Unknown_01: All right, dog. I was blocking. 0:17:58 Unknown_06: He did better the first time, he actually got some hits in. Unknown_01: Where the fuck is the dog at? Unknown_01: Why are you so fucking slow and useless? Unknown_01: Yeah, this game is fucking weird. I don't know how else to say it. 0:18:33 Unknown_06: Like, I should have watched a stream where somebody else played this game. So I had the vaguest fucking idea of what I was doing. Unknown_06: Is there no audio? Unknown_06: Vaguely. Oh, you know what? There is audio. Unknown_06: There you go. Here's the beautiful audio for you. Unknown_06: The occasional footstep. Unknown_06: That's it. Unknown_06: Where's the dog at? Unknown_06: God, the dog is just so fucking slow. 0:19:16 Unknown_06: Isn't there a tutorial? No, there isn't, I don't think. Unknown_06: Read the manual I can zoom into the dog. I can't like follow him or anything. Oh, I can run doggy Wait, where am I at pick me up? Unknown_06: Oh You don't know medicine your dog. I should just fucking eating you. All right, let's try again. We got further this time. Oh 0:20:21 Unknown_06: I only play Scorchlanders. Unknown_05: Oh, that's perfect. Unknown_06: Okay, that's that's good. That's funny. That's legit fucking funny Okay this time I'm batai 0:21:02 Unknown_06: Okay, Bataille, let's go out and cause some trouble. Run. 0:21:38 Unknown_05: That is properly fucking ridiculous. Unknown_06: That's great. Let's see it. That's the kind of shit you only get like indie games No, no triple-a producer would fucking okay this. Can I eat these? All right prospect What Okay, so by okay, but tie is obviously some kind of fucking savant it's something about his posture I know that this is an arable soil, 663 meters above sea level, with a wind speed of 13.1 miles per hour. Okay. 0:22:15 Unknown_06: Nothing about eating that mushroom though. Unknown_06: You discovered your first town. Towns are perfect for stocking up on supplies and selling loot. What fucking loot? Unknown_06: I'm just so confused. Unknown_06: Oh! Unknown_06: Batai! Acquire! I can, I can interact with this. This giant mound of shit with cubes stuck in it that somebody made in Blender in 30 seconds. Go! 0:22:58 Unknown_06: Prospect. Unknown_06: There we go. Unknown_06: Permajobs? Unknown_06: They don't have anything. Unknown_06: To assign a job, select a character that holds shift while interacting with an object you wish to assign them to. You can give characters multiple jobs. You can remove a job anytime by pressing X on them. 0:23:34 Unknown_06: What the fuck? Unknown_06: Nothing's happening. He's not... He's not getting anything. Unknown_06: What? 0:24:15 Unknown_06: Is this all for one? Like this is on triple speed. I'm like starving myself. Unknown_06: I've lost like a third of my hunger bar. Unknown_06: Is this just to get one chunk of copper? Oh, I have two chunks of copper now. Unknown_06: Alright. Well, that's fucking boring. Let's go do something else. 0:24:48 Unknown_06: The fuck is that? Those are like giant... Those are creepy looking. Unknown_06: Move faster, you fucker. Unknown_06: Oh, there's stuff here. Unknown_06: That's good. I think. 0:25:19 Unknown_06: Ty, where the fuck are you? Unknown_06: Hurry up. Unknown_06: I'll go faster, you crippled, elderly freak. Unknown_06: I can't interact with these things. Okay. Well, that was fun. Oh no! Unknown_06: Oh no! Unknown_06: The dogs and the... Why are you running? I'm running because you're fucking... You're crazy. Unknown_06: Wait, fuck off. I'll kill you. I'll kill you, motherfucker. 0:25:59 Unknown_06: Do better. Unknown_06: Now's your chance. Unknown_06: He's crippled. Get him. Unknown_06: Attack him from behind. Unknown_06: You got this. Unknown_06: He's fine. He's bleeding out. I've never... 0:26:54 Unknown_07: I am without words. What the fuck? Can I play as one of these guys? Unknown_06: Wolfden22 has been wiped out. What the fuck? Does that mean they killed all the dogs? They killed all the dogs. Unknown_06: Oh my fucking god. Oh man. 0:27:36 Unknown_06: I don't know what pathologic is. It sounds complicated. Unknown_06: Oh man, that was rough. At least I'm not hungry anymore. Fuck you too. Unknown_06: Yeah, the game's hard. It's like, it's utterly aimless. There's nothing, there's no immediate goal in front of you. What else do I have? Unknown_06: Firewatch? No, I uninstalled that game. 0:28:07 Unknown_06: Oh man. Unknown_06: I have Europa, Universalis, Factorio, Kenshi, Paladins, RimWorld, Slay the Spire, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, and What Remains of Edith Finch. Unknown_01: A rogue light? Unknown_01: Is it EU4 stream? Why do people want to see me play EU4? 0:28:40 Unknown_06: That's so weird. Are you guys autistic? Unknown_06: It's like a roguelike but for pussies? What game? Unknown_06: No, I'm not gonna play Finch. I'm gonna play Finch when I have time. Unknown_06: I'm great at EU4, thank you very much, motherfucker. 0:29:14 Unknown_01: Yeah, I'll play Edith Finch, but I'll play that for like the main channel. Unknown_06: Always down for Siege. ASP is dope. I had an all- highly autistic flatmate who played EU4. EU4 is quality fucking game. That's all I'm gonna say. Unknown_06: Though I'm so- it wouldn't be fun to stream. I'm so autistic about it, and I save skin like crazy. Unknown_06: EU4 multiplayer is a fucking disaster. EU4 multiplayer is genuinely one of the worst online experiences that you can have. You're permanently stuck at like speed 3. Like, I play EU4 like a turn-based. I play it on speed 4 or 5 and just pause it whenever I need to think. 0:29:48 Unknown_06: Oh, God. I'll play RimWorld, but... I have to get my mods ready for that shit. Unknown_06: Buy something with viewers? You keep telling me to do that. Unknown_01: I get the feeling it would be a terrible disaster. Unknown_01: Um... I don't know. I'll buy a game. I have store credit. What the fuck do I get? 0:30:21 Unknown_01: Factorio? Unknown_06: I've never... I've not done much with Factorio. I can't play that on stream. Unknown_01: I'll tell you what's on my wish list. Unknown_06: Something called Frostpunk. Unknown_06: Shadow Tactics, Blade of Shogun, Medieval Kingdom Wars. Unknown_06: Life is Strange 2, of course. Atom RPG. Frostpunk is a meme game? 0:30:53 Unknown_06: Detention, Monster Hunter World, something called Grease, and Anno 1800, which is not out yet, but looks fan-fucking-tastic. Unknown_01: AdamRPG is apparently not good. Detention might be neat, I don't know anything about it. 0:31:25 Unknown_06: You're a man of culture, I see. Unknown_06: Ow. What's that a reference to? Is that a reference to, uh... Why do some people say that Frostpunk is a bad game, but then some people say it's a great game? Unknown_01: What the fuck is Milky Boobies? Unknown_01: See, this is the problem. I look at video games and I'm so depressed. 0:31:57 Unknown_01: I hate video games. Unknown_01: Nokia? Oh, it's actually a game? Unknown_01: What the fuck? Oh, this is like one of those meme games. Unknown_01: You guys are thoughts. Unknown_06: Doki-doki literature come what is endless space to oh, it's like a turn-based like a still artist thing. Unknown_01: That's right Always interesting We could just watch Fight Club Fight Club is a good game. Oh 0:32:39 Unknown_06: Xeno knots I'd like to Xeno nuts. I played through Xeno not to the end. I had to cheat a little though I'm very bad at games. I just end up cheating a lot of the time Bad video games category dead air basically No cheating this time play on normal, I don't know my issue with that shit is like I 0:33:12 Unknown_06: You just get wiped out and then you're sad because you get wiped out. Unknown_01: Play Left 4 Dead 2 dead air campaign? Unknown_06: Left 4 Dead 2 is a quality fucking game. You know what, I'll tell you, I wish that if I could make a game that was a genre, um, Unknown_06: I remember when I played Left 4 Dead 2 there was a game mode that allowed 32 players and it was like 16 versus 16 and the way the game was is because there were so many enemies and so many human players at once you had to keep up you had to keep up if you got if you got left behind you got left behind fucking hard and people would make it like it was like a it was fucking chaos it was fantastic 0:34:03 Unknown_06: And you could buy upgrades for certain classes. I remember I'd save all my points for Carnival, the final chapter of the amusement park one. And I would spend it all on upgrading the tank class to max. And then I'd just buy myself a tank and sit up top the Carnival throwing rocks at the humans. And it would instantly incapacitate everybody that they hit. And they couldn't do anything about me because I had max health and shit and was just hanging out on the roof. Unknown_06: It was a fantastic game mode. 0:34:42 Unknown_01: Zachtronics, Pinku, Resident Evil 2. Unknown_06: I will play Biohazard, the one with the... Unknown_06: The references, the allegories or allusions to Texas Chainsaw Massacre. That was a good looking trailer. And it had a good song. I like good songs. Unknown_06: Songs are like cheats though. You can make any piece of art more interesting by having a good song on it. Unknown_06: Why do you want me to play this Pathologic game? It looks like doo-doo. 0:35:18 Unknown_06: Pathologic Classic HD is the definitive edition of the original cult classic psychological first-person survival game. In this unforgettable experience, players control one of three unique characters as they try to save a mysterious town from a deadly plague that cannot be stopped. Unknown_06: I don't need to play it, it just told me. Can't be stopped. Unknown_01: Holy shit, how do people have like a hundred fucking hours in this shit? 0:35:56 Unknown_01: I don't have VR. Unknown_01: Can't do VR games. Unknown_06: The Forest? Unknown_06: Isn't The Forest that game where you see a peepee because the guy tries to abduct you and torture you? Unknown_01: That's too creepy for me. Unknown_01: You have a thousand hours in Euro truck sim, what the fuck? 0:36:31 Unknown_01: Can you just use a ring I kind of want to play I like eu4 but uh Here I'll show you how I play rim world and if everybody thinks I'm I'm bored because of it Or autistic like I'm some kind of autistic animal because of it Unknown_01: All right here press 1 for EU 4 to 4 rim world Shoot him up. What is a shoot him up? Unknown_01: Oh God All right to it seems to be winning seems to be the consensus I 0:37:22 Unknown_06: Do I have my mods in order? I do not. Unknown_01: Here, let me make sure I got my mods in order. Unknown_01: Browse the workshop. Unknown_01: Most popular RPG style inventory? What? Unknown_01: That sounds awesome. Unknown_01: Hell yeah, I'll get that. Unknown_01: Better pawn control that sounds like a must-have At the mod manager mod Recipe icons children's school and learning Oh Prepare carefully is the most important one. You can't play this game without prepare carefully. Oh 0:38:13 Unknown_01: It's gonna be a mess. Unknown_01: No, I don't get that much. Unknown_01: The thing is, with RimWorld, I'm experienced enough at it that it shouldn't be that big of a problem. Alright, I think everything is downloaded and ready to go. 0:38:52 Unknown_06: Nobody would understand what I was doing in EU4, though. It's not like I'm a... Who's that guy? Flory Worry. It's not like that. I'm not even good at it. I think I usually play on rough. Unknown_06: Randy's the only one that matters. Unknown_06: I'll just go. I usually prepare very, very carefully, but I'm just going to wing it. Good night. 0:39:30 Unknown_06: Here's how I play, ready? I go Metapa, and then I hire enough mercs to take over Swahili. And then I deal with religious revolts for the next 400 fucking years. 0:40:13 Unknown_06: Name crew members? That sounds like so time-consuming. Unknown_06: You're trying to make me like one of your Russian girl streamers with the titties. Unknown_06: I know how you are. Unknown_06: Don't pick a Dindu Nation. That's your first mistake. I don't know what that means. 0:40:45 Unknown_06: Oh, that's perfect. Unknown_06: Yeah I think I have three useless retards. I didn't want to spend too much time fucking around with it though Night what time is it now? Unknown_06: I guess it's late even for fucking Americans now All right, you're about to see true autism 0:41:28 Unknown_06: Since when did they start giving you flat jackets and shit? What the fuck? Unknown_06: Okay, work. Unknown_06: What is... Sleepy and Midori. Unknown_06: Has it always done that? Unknown_06: Has that always been there? What the fuck? Is that like a mod? 0:42:01 Unknown_06: Oh yeah, I have to change the stream name. Unknown_06: Uh, to RimWorld. Unknown_06: Still can't put LGBTQIA+, but whatever. Unknown_06: Usually, oh, this says marsh. I fucking hate marsh. Unknown_06: Marsh is like cancer. Where the fuck is the fertile soil at? Oh, there it is. Right next to the fucking marsh. 0:42:35 Unknown_06: Aw, man, this is why I usually pick warmer areas, because I hate marsh. Unknown_06: Do I really not have any place that actually has fertile soil? Unknown_06: Feeder I have a fat chick sleepy doesn't look like a feeder though All right, fuck it that's gonna do All right, hey that's handy 0:43:21 Unknown_06: Alright, stockpile... Furniture. Unknown_06: So first thing is first, I usually appropriate one of these buildings to, uh... Like, don't look at me like I'm an expert, because I'm not. I'm, like, mildly retarded. But I like to take one of these buildings and make it my own. Unknown_06: Now you want to play yourself? That's the problem. Unknown_06: That's the problem with RimWorld. It's not a game that you can watch. Who wants to watch somebody play the best game ever made? Look, Midori, you fucking loser. You're fucking it up for everybody. 0:43:54 Unknown_06: Just had to take down the wall. How do you destroy limestone fucking blocks? Unknown_06: Ripping up a wall. Like, you just pull it apart. Unknown_06: It's like, okay, here's a life hack. You want to take these as well, because when you build the walls, you're going to replace them. There's no benefit whatsoever to having those be tiled on the ground. 0:44:29 Unknown_06: Okay. It's so messy. The border between it is really messy. Unknown_06: line. I usually do 4x4 squares like this because I have brain problems and it soothes me. 0:45:20 Unknown_06: It soothes me when they're in 9x9 blocks. Unknown_06: We'll see. Unknown_06: I don't have a healer. Scrawlrite? Nope. Everybody sucks. Great. Unknown_06: Excellente. Get a pen. I can put anything here. New. Unknown_06: Oh, this is autism? Of course. 0:45:54 Unknown_06: This is... Unknown_06: Make the lock, I get the cotton. It's not a guy. We don't have cotton. Unknown_06: See, this is like such a good starting area. Is that my... Why do we have a warg? You know how badass wargs are? What the fuck? Unknown_06: Those things are like indestructible. Nothing can kill them. 0:46:28 Unknown_06: Don't say that aloud, Zyre. Unknown_06: I will if there's a problem. Don't worry about it. Unknown_06: You know what? Unknown_06: You know what? Unknown_06: I think... Unknown_06: I think I want to play Rainbow. 0:47:01 Unknown_06: I think I want to play Rainbow. Like, RimWorld, it's uncomfortable playing it with other people watching, because it's like you have to try to be entertaining. Unknown_06: But RimWorld's supposed to be like the comfy game. It's supposed to be a game that you sit down and you play for like 12 hours, and then you wake up not having eaten or doing anything. Unknown_06: No, you don't want to watch me play EU4, I promise. Unknown_06: I'll just play a couple rounds of rainbow and then I'll go to bed No, it's I know it's not it's nobody's fault it's just like The atmosphere that you want to have when you play that game is something of like Of like solitude so that you can you can pick things apart and do it precisely the way you wanted to Can't dodge bullets in rainbow 0:48:03 Unknown_01: Are we partying up with Wings of Wings? Wings to play, I'll play with him. Unknown_06: Is he streaming right now? Unknown_02: What is that? Unknown_06: FB run, tryhard, FBB block, entrench. What the fuck is this? Unknown_06: What the fuck? Oh, no! They're doing the gay shit that fucking, uh, Overwatch does. 0:48:40 Unknown_06: Oh, what a wreck. Unknown_06: No, you don't want to see me play fucking Touhou. That would be so miserable. Unknown_06: I hate those fucking games. Unknown_06: I'm, like, psychologically conditioned to hate Touhou because there was a, um... Unknown_06: There was a flash game from like the early 2000s where you have to have absolute concentration to beat it and then at the end you just get a screamer like when you're playing. It's a mess. I remember I woke up my mom because the screamer comes on and it's like over speakers and shit and scares the fuck out of them. 0:49:12 Unknown_06: Yeah. Unknown_06: What is with all the flags? What is the non-binary flag? It's like yellow, white, purple, and fuchsia? Gender fluid pride. Pink, white, purple, and blue. 0:49:47 Unknown_06: What is the one where it's just like pansexual pride? It's like bright red, bright yellow, and then cyan. And it looks like the McDonald's colors. Unknown_06: I just don't understand, like, what frustrates me about the whole... Alright, I'm gonna go on a toxic rant that's gonna get me banned from Twitch. It's just like... Why does it matter? 0:50:24 Unknown_06: Why do we need... What is the... Unknown_06: Like why does, like how many people are pansexual? Like in the entire world, how many people are pansexual? Like out of the entire population of people in the world, how many of them are gender fluid? It feels like, like maybe at most like a thousand people are gender fluid or pansexual. Unknown_06: A ton? How many is a ton? No, I don't... I think nobody gives a shit. They just do it because it's like... It makes them feel good or something. I don't think there's that many people who are that. 0:50:56 Unknown_06: And here's the thing I want to know. What the fuck is the difference between pansexual and bisexual? Unknown_06: You know what I mean? Like, what the fuck is the difference? I just wanna know what the difference is. 0:51:32 Unknown_00: One extra character. Unknown_07: It just seems like, from what I've told, Unknown_06: been told pansexuals are trans-inclusive? Unknown_06: Which makes me wonder, um, in the list of flags that are up there, is there bisexual? Or is it just pansexual? Because it makes me feel like if you're, if you're somebody who's bisexual, or pansexual, or whatever, but you won't have sex with transgender people, it almost feels like it's a bigoted, bigoted distinction, you know? 0:52:18 Unknown_06: Yeah, is there no bisexual flag? Because that's what I'm wondering right now. If the distinction between bisexual and pansexual is that bisexuals don't want transgender people, then it feels like bisexual people are not welcome in the new paradigm. Unknown_06: You know what I mean? Unknown_06: No, I don't think pansexual includes dogs. 0:52:51 Unknown_06: I think it means the pans are okay with all the other flags. It's kind of like blood types, you know. Like AB negative is like the global donor that can only receive AB negative. It's like that. Why are these guys dying? Stop dying, you dummies. Unknown_06: Look at them, they're killing each other. Unknown_06: They're not watching their backs either. Unknown_06: Yes, yes. Unknown_06: It's very dangerous down that hallway. That's why I'm out here. I don't want to get shot. I don't want to get shot. 0:53:25 Unknown_06: Hold it! I don't want to get shot. I don't want to get shot. Unknown_08: I don't want to get shot. I don't want to get shot. I don't want to get shot. Unknown_08: That guy there... I don't know what that guy's saying. Unknown_06: There's a little kid and he speaks Russian. Fuck, it's a Monty. 0:54:05 Unknown_06: Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Unknown_06: Fuck this. Ha! Get fucked! Get fucked, Monty! Unknown_06: Got a frost trap, motherfucker. Unknown_08: I know you're there, but... Oh. Unknown_06: Porosho! Unknown_04: That... That guy! 0:54:41 Unknown_06: Intimidated by Russian children, they're fucking feisty. Play an operator of color? Unknown_06: Do we consider Japanese people of color? Unknown_06: Or are they just invited? Unknown_04: No, I can't. Unknown_06: I love Thermite. I'd play Thermite in a heartbeat. 0:55:28 Unknown_05: They're playing fucking Russian music and shit. Like, like, like Soviet era music. Unknown_04: I didn't pick that out. Unknown_06: That's not my... I've not heard any hard bass since I moved here. Unknown_06: Just a thought. You know what? The Pole Anthem, that song is still used by the... Unknown_06: But the, uh, aircraft people in Germany, they still sing that song. It's not like a Nazi song. 0:56:03 Unknown_06: Russian sounds like Arabic? It sounds like Portuguese to me. Unknown_06: Like, when I hear it, I think of Portuguese. Unknown_00: Not like Brazilian Portuguese, but like regular, good old-fashioned Portuguese. Unknown_06: Oh, jeez. Unknown_06: They're going right towards it. Unknown_06: Just follow them. Unknown_06: Okay. Fuck! Hostage located. 0:57:02 Unknown_00: Operator standing by. First you kill me, then I'll kill you. Now you kill me again! We have the hostage. Hostage squad, secure the hostage. Unknown_00: They're all yelling at each other because they got shot. 0:57:35 Unknown_06: Why am I reloading? I reload when I have a chance. I didn't want to like shoot and lose all my bullets. It's just a force of habit. Unknown_06: He's talking about oof. Unknown_06: Oh jeez. Unknown_06: Defense. See, this game is like, it's way easier to stream. You just play the game and it's like entertaining. Here, I'll play a person of color. I'll play Clash. Hell yeah. Now we got some representation, motherfucker. 0:58:07 Unknown_04: Clash is a woman. Unknown_06: Briefing by playing clash clash does not need Here, okay. Here's here's another thing you can clip to get me banned from twitch Clash is the only female shield bearer in the game, right? 0:58:49 Unknown_06: Only female shield person in the game. One of the few women in the game too. And she is the only shield bearer that can be overpowered by meleeing the shield. If you run up to Clash and melee her shield, you can immediately shoot her. Because her shield will be like jarred. So for some reason, Ubisoft... Unknown_04: Where's my clash pride flag? 0:59:45 Unknown_06: You know, the LGBT flag used to have a brown stripe in it for people of color. Unknown_06: Now it doesn't. I feel like it could be more inclusive. I'm gonna go help this Russian guy. There's Monty. Help. Monty and Blitz. Here. Unknown_06: I got him. 1:00:23 Unknown_06: Girl power! Can I get a girl power in chat? I just beat the fuck out of them. Unknown_06: Those male shields didn't stand a chance. Unknown_04: Oh yeah, I see some girl power in chat. Unknown_06: I think my girl power can be used in here. 1:00:55 Unknown_04: Watch this, what the fuck? Unknown_06: And he killed three people with that what the fuck How many um 1:01:43 Unknown_06: How many viewers do I need before they add a global emote for me? I want the Kiwi Farms logo to be my global emote so people can spam it. Unknown_04: Hey, what the fuck? Unknown_06: There's... That BC Warrior guy. Unknown_06: Is this not the same thing as that other global emote of the guy? Unknown_06: He's clearly in drag. Unknown_06: We'll have to actually be working for change. I don't think that's gonna happen. 1:02:22 Unknown_04: Wait, if you get partner, if you just get partner, you get a global emote. Unknown_06: I don't know. As an LGBTQI plus myself, I find that BC Warrior global emote transphobic. It's a transphobic meme, is what it is. Like the attack helicopter. That's all I'm going to say on the issue. Oh, subscriber emotes. Unknown_06: No, I want a global emote. I want a global emote like that furry Sona. Is the furry global emote still there? 1:02:55 Unknown_00: Five seconds to go. Unknown_00: Rescue attempt is a go. Find and secure the hostage. Unknown_06: No, I'm referring to that one. Unknown_06: That one with the pink hair and the mustache, that's clearly transphobic, too. I mean, drag is a way of life, not just a culture. Unknown_06: And it's not a costume for transphobes to use. 1:03:40 Unknown_00: No but what? Bro, I have 3 FPS, I don't even know what I'm doing, I'm taking shots... Unknown_04: I was immobile in front of the guy. Insane bro. I'm having so much fun. I don't know, sometimes it lags, it's weird, sometimes it's in single. 1:04:12 Unknown_04: I see guns flying I don't know what's going on When I see the line of fire, it doesn't lag at all FUCKED 1:05:09 Unknown_04: That guy had a really I don't know where he can't he comes from but he had a really I Unknown_06: Maybe he wasn't speaking Russian, maybe he was speaking Ukrainian or something. Because his language sounded so soft for Russian. Russian has lots of hard consonants and stuff. Ukrainian's usually softer. Unknown_06: You missed the Kinsey bit? Yes you did. Unknown_06: He was not speaking French, he was speaking Russian. Wasn't he? Unknown_06: He was yelling at the guy. 1:05:58 Unknown_06: Oh, I thought it was talking to the other kid who was clearly speaking Russian. I was gonna say it sounded really fucking bippity-boppity for Russian. Unknown_06: Sounded like French. Unknown_06: Maybe French speaking Russian. There we go. That's a good fan theory. Unknown_06: He talked about the... Well, I heard him talk about the lag too. I could pick out the word lag. That's not some kind of... hard... I want a booster. 1:06:36 Unknown_06: Flying guns. Unknown_06: Well, you'd think the French would have better connections. Unknown_06: He's also headcanon gay. That's very inclusive. Unknown_06: Is Hermione gay? Unknown_06: That would be the best thing that J.K. Rowling could go back into the books and change. She said that Hermione is black even though Hermione is clearly white because she even gets a sunburn at some point in the book. 1:07:10 Unknown_06: But if they if they went back in time and made Hermione Granger gay after she got after she got married to Ron That would be fantastic. That would be the best possible Retrospective ship or whatever Because it's just it just raises questions about the sincerity of their marriage and if they're experiencing like are they having sex? Unknown_06: Ron is trans. Is that true? Unknown_08: She has five mansions, I know she's richer than the Queen of England Snape is asexual he wanted he was a 1:08:07 Unknown_06: He was into the girl, the whole plot of the fucking book is that Snape had a misconnection with Potter's mom. How did that guy not get both kills? That was a shame for display. Unknown_06: Is Snape's pedosexual? I hope not. Unknown_06: That was just a front, of course. Unknown_06: Have I listened to my immortal? I sure have. Unknown_06: Snape was the best character. Let's see, checking my email real quick. Make sure I didn't miss anything. No urgent crisis I need to resolve. 1:08:48 Unknown_06: Isn't banging snogging Snape is an incel. I like that. That's a good lore. I'm all about that lore There's um To become a partner you need to stream for 12 days you need to stream for 25 hours and 1:09:33 Unknown_06: in the last 30 days and you need an average of 75 viewers. That's the hard part. Like I average like 45 viewers apparently. Unknown_00: I don't know. Unknown_06: Like I'm actually surprised. I thought when I started streaming I would only get like 100 people tops watching my stuff. But some of my streams got like 1500 people watching me. Like I can't even fathom that. 1:10:12 Unknown_01: Where my chat gone? Unknown_01: My internet dropped or something? No? Unknown_06: Chat dead, oh jeez. Unknown_06: My audio is still working fine, though, right? 1:10:46 Unknown_06: Oh, Ralph is streaming. That's right. It's like 5. It's like 5 in the morning now. Unknown_03: I'm not going to eat on stream. Unknown_06: If I eat on stream, it's going to be eating something I like. Like worse. Unknown_06: People don't understand how good worse is. I think it's a meme. Unknown_06: have bad feelings about this round. I think I tried to throw a C4. I heard the, uh, the satchel go through. 1:11:37 Unknown_00: Stop shooting me, you big bully. 1:12:11 Unknown_06: We'll be dead air on Josh's D-platforming. Unknown_06: Gotta be careful what you say. Don't wanna get into any trouble. Unknown_06: I don't know what they're doing. I was hoping to rendezvous with them, but they're just fucking about. I can't really do anything about it. 1:12:49 Unknown_06: I'd wound it up better, I would've gotten him. Unknown_06: Should we try plov? Is it like a food? Unknown_06: Never heard of plov. Unknown_06: Plov. Unknown_06: Oh, it's like a fried rice. That does look good. That looks like some shit you could get. There used to be like Chinese food, but like with Russian stuff. Unknown_06: Cause Plav looks fantastic. That looks like something you can get in like a little wonton container for like a dollar and it'll fill you up. 1:13:25 Unknown_06: Imagine having less viewers than DSP. I think you mean fewer viewers than DSP. How many viewers is DSP getting? Unknown_06: I would hope he has more viewers than me. Motherfuckers been doing this shit for like 10 goddamn years. Unknown_06: I type in DSP and I can't find his Twitch. Unknown_06: Darkside Phil. Unknown_01: Oh, there it is. Unknown_01: Is he streaming? Oh, he is streaming. Unknown_01: He's got 92. You know what? 1:13:58 Unknown_06: I'm not doing that bad. Unknown_06: He's got 88 and 14. You're both wrong. He's got 92. Unknown_06: Stream snipe D? I can't stream snipe. You can't stream snipe on this. Unknown_08: Ten seconds. Unknown_00: Five seconds left. Unknown_06: How many mundane mats is that? Does mundane mat even stream? Unknown_06: Time expired. Stream me, Snipe, then. 1:14:38 Unknown_06: It's true, I'm not black. Unknown_06: Who's that guy that he really hates? Unknown_06: Trevor or something? Unknown_06: Tevin. Tevin. Unknown_06: Who's Trevor? There's a black guy named Trevor. Unknown_06: Is that the guy from... Oh, Franklin's the guy from GTA 5. Unknown_06: Trevor's also from GTA 5, but he's not black. 1:15:11 Unknown_06: Yeah, yeah, I know who Trevor is. I figured it out. I had to use 100% of my brain, but I did figure it out. Unknown_06: Why is the black lady bald? I have no idea. Clash's character design is just appalling. It's like just- it's genuinely fucking awful. Unknown_06: She's black and angry. I think she's just, um... 1:15:44 Unknown_06: She's got chemotherapy. Like, even, like, her, her, like, portrait is awful. Like, why is she showing her teeth like that? Why can't she look professional or something? Like, she's doing the soyboy face, and it looks really uncomfortable. Unknown_06: Her, like, her in-game character looks better than her portrait. Her portrait is just awful looking. Unknown_00: I have no idea what I just heard. Unknown_03: Who the fuck shot the hostage? Unknown_06: Why are you such a fuck-up, Frost? What the fuck's wrong with you? Look at this. Her blood is splattered across the fucking room because you shot her. Look! Look at this Frost aim! Look at this Frost trying to shoot! 1:16:16 Unknown_06: She just emptied an entire fucking clip. Or magazine. Trying to get this fucking drone. Unknown_06: You can't say the T word. I don't even have censorship in the, um, enabled, the auto mod. The auto mod is off entirely, so if that word is censored and you can't say it, that's, uh, something that is enabled even if auto mod is off. 1:16:53 Unknown_06: Oh, I didn't put down my thing. I was too busy laughing at Frost trying to shoot guns. Unknown_06: I said magazine, I corrected myself. Fuck off. Unknown_06: What are you, Trans Clip or something? Unknown_07: Clip! Unknown_06: Clip! It's magazine. Hey, fuck off. Oh, you're just now putting down your trans cross. Alright. 1:17:37 Unknown_06: Why is Clash almost dead? Clash why are you almost dead bro? Unknown_06: She's so dead. 1:18:12 Unknown_06: Alright Frost, you got this. You warmed yourself up. You warmed up, you're fine. You're in the zone. You're gonna get headshots. Unknown_06: Window. North. Unknown_06: They're rushing, they don't know us. Oh, that guy did. He reacted. 1:18:44 Unknown_06: Fuck, I don't want to be trapped. Unknown_06: Ha! Fucked. Unknown_06: Oh shit, I saw him. Unknown_06: I saw a fucking shadow of him. Unknown_06: You're surprised how many boobie streamers can do body paint with no issues? Like without a shirt on? That doesn't sound right. 1:19:21 Unknown_08: Really? Unknown_06: That's crazy. Unknown_06: Like there was a rule not too long ago where you had to have like coverage on. If you didn't have enough shirt on, they would like kick you off. 1:19:54 Unknown_00: I wonder why. Unknown_06: Do you think, like, the boobie streamers make so much money for Twitch that they're, like, the highest profit margin? So they're worth keeping around? 1:20:32 Unknown_06: They overchurned that? No shirts allowed again? That's... God, that's so frustrating. Unknown_06: They fucked their virgin mods, is that a thing? Unknown_06: Can you? Well, I don't talk bad about any particular streamer. 1:21:05 Unknown_06: Surely they can't ban me for that, right? That's funny. Unknown_06: Like, being honest, there's nothing... Unknown_06: I mean, it's just like emotional manipulation. You have guys that are like, like desperate and they're willing to throw money at women who will never ever consider them for a relationship. Unknown_06: Like the women that do those kinds of things don't want a man who's into video games and stuff. They want like, they want like a lawyer. 1:21:41 Unknown_06: So that when they're 30, and people stop throwing money at them, they're still, they have a stable income. Unknown_06: What? Unknown_06: I don't believe that. I don't believe that, Cherry. That's, like, too sad. Like, you'd think the people that run Twitch would be, like, normal. At least semi-normal. 1:22:20 Unknown_06: Okay, what the fuck? This body paint thing has gotta be bullshit. I'm gonna pull this up on Twitch right fucking now. Body... Body paint. Come the fuck on. Unknown_06: Nothing. Unknown_06: Live, knock him dead. Unknown_05: Cosplay Meg? Oh, there's an entire thing for it, like a tag. 1:22:52 Unknown_01: I don't see any boobies though. Unknown_01: Yeah, the one body painter I found is like, she's wearing like glow-in-the-dark makeup, and she's from Sweden. Unknown_06: It actually looks really cool. How does she only have 12 viewers when I have 50? She's got like cool body paint on and shit, and it's playing World of Tanks. Unknown_06: That's better than what I'm doing. 1:23:25 Unknown_06: Discord lead programmers refer to discord has always been run by furries its name is Discord it's named after the fucking god of chaos from my little pony How do people not know that the app is literally it was developed by people from the MLP board on 4chan That's how I got it start How do people not know this? Unknown_06: I don't know. I don't know who voice acting is the guy and he's got like body parts from all the different animals. 1:24:22 Unknown_06: Yeah, well, I was surprised how long Discord's stayed, like, not shit. But now it's properly shit. It's going down the shitter. Dude, that guy is murdering the fucking hostage. Unknown_06: Oh, he's doing that so that it has no HP. Unknown_06: Okay, dude, you might want to spread that shit out a little bit. Let me look at this body painting clip. Unknown_06: body painting dark phoenix recreating my first ever body paint what the fuck she is like completely naked not bad body paint though 1:25:16 Unknown_06: She started out with, like, things to stick over her nipples so that her areola never show. And then just painted over that. Pretty good body paint, though. Unknown_06: Just getting converted. Unknown_06: I think I'm gonna be a body paint enthusiast. What are you shooting at, dude? What the fuck happened? 1:26:01 Unknown_06: Keep sending me body paint pictures as I wait for my turn. Unknown_01: God, it's so... It's so weird. Unknown_06: Like, Twitch is so... so... conservative with stuff. It's so weird to, like, look at a woman just sitting there, topless. Like, painting her boobs off. 1:26:37 Unknown_06: It's like a contradiction. Unknown_06: You know what I was thinking today? Because I'm vaguely aware that Steam has like broadcasting, but it doesn't really have like a proper steaming platform. Do you know how much fucking, how instantly, instant-fucking-taneously Valve would immediately like supplant YouTube and Twitch? 1:27:12 Unknown_06: Like, if YouTube and Twitch immediately, like, switched over, like, if they made a proper streaming platform, Steam would, like, why are you telling me to use Steam? I don't trust it now. Who the fuck are you? Unknown_06: Why don't you do your thing on Steam? I don't know anybody who streams on Steam. I don't know why their platform is so bad. Unknown_06: Does it matter that no one uses it? Yeah, kind of. Part of the fun of streaming is talking to people and stuff. Unknown_02: Just wait, just wait, relax. 1:27:58 Unknown_00: I was gonna say, just wind down the timer. Unknown_06: What's really, okay, this is gonna sound mean, but I've noticed that people doing the body paint stuff aren't usually very attractive. Unknown_06: Is that a sexist thing for me to notice? I'm correct. Unknown_01: I know I'm correct, motherfucker. Unknown_07: I don't need your goddamn permission. 1:28:36 Unknown_06: Maybe they're building the infrastructure to compete when they want to. I don't have much hope for that. Unknown_02: Yes, probably because your enemy was a noob. I don't know. Unknown_06: I am body positive. I'm not saying that only attractive women should be allowed to body paint. Unknown_06: Zombie unicorn is from Bully Hunters. Oh, God. I don't want to be hunted. Unknown_01: What's this? 1:29:11 Unknown_01: Woman parts? Unknown_06: I'm gonna hold my tongue on that one. Unknown_03: There's a bully free zone, that's correct. Unknown_06: She's the Van Helsing of Bully Hunter. 1:29:42 Unknown_06: Does anybody here, like, watch a lot of Twitch streams? Unknown_06: Or just in general? Not just, like, Twitch streams, but, like, video game streams. Unknown_06: Not anymore. Unknown_06: Is it because of how sterile things are? Unknown_08: The way... Unknown_06: The way I feel about streaming video games, especially on Twitch, is, um... 1:30:19 Unknown_06: Have you ever played a game that's well past its prime, and everybody you talk to in the game tells you about how shit the game is now, and how it used to be so much better before? Like I remember playing an old Star Wars MMORPG that SOE ruined with like a combat evolve system, and I feel the same way about Twitch that I do about that Star Wars MMO. No, not World of Warcraft, but World of Warcraft is, Unknown_06: is one that could ostensibly be considered that. But very specifically, I remember Star Wars, yeah, Star Wars Galaxies. I remember everybody telling me when I picked that game up, finally, that, um, that the game was ruined by SOE and now it's a dying game and nobody plays it anymore and like it lost 90% of its population. And I feel that way about like streaming. I feel like, um, 1:31:11 Unknown_06: everybody here doesn't want to be here, you know what I mean? Unknown_06: That they, uh, are just here out of, like, a force of habit, and they wish they could be somewhere else. And it's not a very inviting atmosphere, you know? 1:31:55 Unknown_06: It's just like, I don't know, you kind of just wish that you had gotten there at its prime and had seen what everybody else saw. Unknown_06: I fucking beasted that round, by the way. Unknown_06: As I was pontificating about the Christmas of stream past, I completely fucking beasted that shit. I popped both mute drones. I broke all the fucking grenade things. I broke the fucking entry barrier. I fucking did good. 1:32:34 Unknown_06: Okay, let me check what people were saying. Unknown_06: Yeah, people are saying wow, I feel that way about wow. Unknown_01: That last one was actually kind of cute. 1:33:08 Unknown_01: Girl, you're way too good to be doing body paint streams on fucking Twitch. Unknown_06: Your face is a bit weird. Unknown_06: You should play as 100% OJ. Unknown_06: What the fuck is 100% OJ? Unknown_06: It's esoteric crazy shit? Like what? Unknown_06: Oh, fuck that. Unknown_06: That sounds like awful. Unknown_00: Secure the road. 1:33:52 Unknown_06: Wait, Hispanic Narcissa and their name on Twitch is Trapped1to10? Really? Unknown_06: You can't have someone- like at least Narcissa- At least Narcissa's name wasn't like about being trans. Unknown_06: Come on. I'm not gonna play no fucking Wii game, fuck off. Unknown_06: I don't have the patience for Japanese shit. You know how much I fucking hate- I hate every game from Japan. I didn't even like, um... What's that one Japanese game that everybody in the entire world said was the best game ever made because it broke the fourth wall? 1:34:37 Unknown_06: And had like a little boy with a blindfold on? Yeah, Nier. Unknown_06: I didn't really care for that game. I did really enjoy the ending though. The ending was fantastic. Unknown_06: Well, see I didn't like the combat. What the fuck is that? Oh, shit. 1:35:11 Unknown_06: What the fuck is that black or the red lines on the wall? There's some dude trying to poke a hole in the shit. Unknown_06: There's a guy there, right? Unknown_06: No, there's not. I was gonna say, what the fuck? I saw the laser. I saw the laser pointer on the wall. I'm like, is that a friendly gun? What the fuck is that? 1:35:43 Unknown_06: Okay, I'm running. I'm running. I'm running. I'm running. I'm running. Unknown_06: That was a bad idea. I was extremely scared. I knew they were coming for me. Unknown_06: I knew they were coming. Unknown_06: Shot in the back. I should have taken a healing dart before I ran. 1:36:24 Unknown_01: How do you stand there naked painting on yourself? Unknown_00: Is she live? No? Oh, she has one of those gross-ass yippie dogs. Fuck that. Unknown_06: How many- I hate gross-ass fucking yippie dogs. 1:36:57 Unknown_06: Instantly dropped. Unknown_06: Don't tell me what to do. I'll fucking alt-tab and watch whatever the fuck I want, motherfucker. That guy got out-fucking-played. Unknown_06: Goodnight, my friend. Unknown_06: I'll probably call it quits after this round, I guess. 1:37:29 Unknown_06: Not this round, this game. I hope this motherfucker doesn't win. I'd like to play one more time. Unknown_06: If not, I'll play another game. Unknown_06: Stepped in the groin needle, bro. You heard it. Unknown_06: That's an awful spot. That's an awful spot. Unknown_06: This guy, this fucking guy is so dead. If this guy doesn't die, these guys are garbage. 1:38:03 Unknown_00: Is dating a Twitch streamer one degree of separation from Maddox levels of cuckery? Unknown_06: Um... God. Probably not. Unknown_06: I mean, if it's like... I mean, technically, you're like the bull. Like, you're the one she's with. If everybody else is less than after her and shit, then you're not really the cuck. Unless they're like a body-pain streamer. Unknown_06: I don't think I'd be okay with my girlfriend being a body-pain streamer. 1:38:44 Unknown_06: I mean, that's just like too close to porn, in my opinion. Unknown_06: Like, you might as well just do porn. Unknown_06: Why not? Unknown_06: The thing is, if... Like, I don't know. I just do things... Like, if I wasn't streaming for guys right now, I would just be playing Rainbow Six by myself. Because it's a good game. I have fun playing Rainbow Six. And talking in broken Russian and dying instantly as soon as I turn the corner and shit. 1:39:23 Unknown_06: Um, if I happen to get a following doing this, I know how it's gonna end. Like, there's no fucking way that they're gonna let me stay on this platform. Like the second, the fucking second, one of these people who has a forum thread, figures out who the fuck I am, they're gonna go right to corporate, and I'm banned. That's all. That's all there is to it. Unknown_06: Why do people pay titty streamers when you can watch real titty streamers? I think it's because, um, I think a lot of the guys like, like not knowing, you know, they like a little bit left to the imagination. 1:40:06 Unknown_06: That's how I feel. Unknown_06: It's like with... I don't want to name names. I don't know if they stream on Twitch. Unknown_06: But there is a particular cosplayer out there who recently got into porn. And I'm not sure if that was because they wanted to make more money or if it's because the money they were making was slowly dwindling. Unknown_06: And, as she's gotten into porn, people leave her, like, really mean comments on her, on her, like, Reddit and stuff, saying like, well, now that you've shown us so much skin, the only thing I can imagine wanting to pay money for right now is, you know, like, hardcore stuff. You have to, you have to start doing hardcore stuff now that you've shown everything. 1:40:46 Unknown_06: And, I think it's like that. That some guys would just rather Unknown_06: Like, you can't go back to, like, regular cosplay stuff after you've seen somebody naked. Unknown_06: You know what I mean? Unknown_06: No, it's the children sending money? Are you sure? I don't believe that. Really? Really? 1:41:19 Unknown_06: Look at this. Why would you do that? Unknown_06: Somebody sent me more... more cosplay. Unknown_06: Oh no! Oh no, that wasn't body paint! That wasn't body paint at all! You lied to me, Hotline... R... inning... 420! You fucking liar. 1:41:52 Unknown_06: I thought I was gonna get, like, body paint boobies, instead I got something much worse. Unknown_06: Man, you know how much I wish I could just be a degenerate? Unknown_06: Like, an actual fucking degenerate. Unknown_06: And... 1:42:24 Unknown_06: and just like make lots of money and not have to give a shit about anything be completely enabled by society to be a fucking monster and just not care at all that would be great you think I could even do it? like at this point Unknown_06: An androgynous streamer, go for it. That sounds fun. Unknown_06: But at this point, do you think I can just disappear? I can just shut down my shit and send in a job application to BuzzFeed and be like, I surrender. Give me a job. Unknown_06: Give me a job. I want to play games on Twitch in really awful makeup and just be completely disgusting. I'm a coder. 1:43:21 Unknown_06: It's true, I can't get a job. I'm not attractive, just don't. Unknown_05: A born-again degenerate, that's perfect. Unknown_06: That's fantastic. I don't want this fucking... get this shit out of my fucking sight. 1:43:57 Unknown_06: Stop throwing your fucking things at me, you fucking psycho. Unknown_06: I was hoping for a kill there. It didn't work out. Unknown_06: Oh. 1:44:37 Unknown_06: Somebody on the side. Unknown_06: I'm jumping out fuck off the roof is on the roof He's looking down at you nice shot That guy jumped out the roof that guy had fucking balls look at this shit What 1:45:31 Unknown_06: Alright, my friends. Unknown_06: I realize it's late for everybody now, so... Thank you for joining me for this not-Kenshi, not-RimWorld stream. Unknown_06: Maybe one day I'll be a titty body paint artist, but for today... Is there any lore behind my Twitch name? Unknown_06: Yes? I don't think I can say it, though. Unknown_06: I'll get a feeder remote for I don't have plans. I'm definitely gonna stream on Wednesday. I don't know for who though We'll see depending on the situation There's somebody who's basically volunteered himself to be on the stream for Wednesday, so But yeah, all right, I'll see you guys when I see you take it easy