0:00:02 Unknown_05: All right Can my computer push 1200 kilobytes a second. I have I have no idea Let's see Hopefully I don't have to reduce my bitrate because if I do I have to fuck in I Have to reboot the stream and get a new URL and that would suck ass. Unknown_08: I Unknown_08: Is everything, is like the stream of decent quality, is it working fine? Unknown_05: I hope it is. Why is it telling me that okay, viewers may be experiencing minor issues? 0:00:49 Unknown_08: What is the minor issue? Why does YouTube fucking lie to me? Unknown_08: Please check the video resolution. The current resolution is 1920 by 1080, which is not optimal. What the fuck do you mean 1920 by 1080 is not optional? Unknown_08: I think you're fucking lying to me, YouTube. That's what it is. Unknown_08: Whatever. All right, so I am going to be streaming Firewatch. I have not a fucking clue what this game's about. And we will be discovering that together, which is just exciting. 0:01:27 Unknown_05: Is that a, no, it's not what I want. Unknown_05: Game capture, there we go. Yeah, okay. Unknown_05: Boot this up. Let me push the server here so I can hide this. Unknown_05: Change the foreground a bit. Unknown_05: It's a walking simulator. 0:02:01 Unknown_08: I'm very- I'm aware that it's a walking simulator. That's all I know. Alright. Oh jeez, why are the settings so low? Unknown_08: Crank that shit up to hella high. Yo. Unknown_08: I didn't ship this fucking computer from goddamn America for nothing. Unknown_08: Volume. Unknown_08: Alright. 0:02:36 Unknown_08: Alright, everything looks fine. Let's go. Unknown_08: Display subtitles. Oh, fuck. I'm sorry. No. Abort. Abort. Firewatch is game developer's DMCA PewDiePie? That's a fucking ballsy move. 0:03:13 Unknown_08: I like the font. Unknown_08: Yes, I will add subtitles, don't worry. Unknown_08: I see Yulia. No, Julia. Unknown_08: This is Boulder, Colorado, not Los Angeles. Okay, I see Yulia. What next? Unknown_08: I thought this was a video game. She's about your age, late 20s, laughing with well-dressed professors and grad students from nearby CU Boulder. You, Henry, are out drinking with your pals. I approach her, apparently. This is already unrealistic. 0:03:46 Unknown_08: Well, these are my options, huh? So what's your major or you're pretty? Let's go with the least creepy option. Unknown_08: You slur the word major and it smells like cores. You give an awkward smile. Evolutionary biology, she says, and I'm a professor. Cool, you reply. What's yours, she asks. Unknown_08: She sniffs the air. Toxicology. 0:04:18 Unknown_08: Is that a burn, you ask. She says, definitely worried. She hurt your feelings. She asked if you want to split a cheeseburger. Well, now I'm fucking, I'm all set. Oh, I'm already her boyfriend. This is great. Unknown_08: Okay, before I forget. Display Subtitles. There we go. YouTube is begging me to reduce my- Oh, jeez. I've got a gamer mouse. I need to reduce that shit. 0:04:52 Unknown_08: How do I reduce my gamer mouse controls? There we go. Unknown_08: Drop that down to about three. Unknown_08: There. Perfect. Unknown_08: It's a pretty- Unknown_08: This looks like a really cheap, uh, camera game. Unknown_08: I have this cranked up to hella maximum. I don't know. I don't know why it's so cheap looking. I feel cheated. 0:05:26 Unknown_08: Is there no sprint button? Can I not sprint? Unknown_08: Help. Unknown_08: Did I miss something? Unknown_08: Was I supposed to use the elevator? What the fuck? Unknown_08: How did I already fuck up? Unknown_08: I walked past- oh, the truck. Unknown_08: How was I supposed to know that this truck was my truck? Unknown_08: I call this- I call my series of me playing video games, uh, bad at video games for a reason. 0:06:10 Unknown_08: Okay. Unknown_08: I'm gonna get the, well obviously you get the dog that she wants. Unknown_08: Aww! I feel bad for the other dog! He's totally forgotten! Unknown_08: Uh, kids, they're not very smart or good at much. I'm saying if you and I have some- a couple little idiots. Okay? She wants kids. In that case, we should probably get married. Yeah, I would like that, you say. These kids are going to be screwed up enough. It's probably for the best their parents are hitched. You're absolutely right. 0:06:43 Unknown_08: Is there a reason why they're not showing me Yulia? She's my wife. I have no idea what she looks like. Where's my dog? Oh, geez. Unknown_08: Theodore Trail is not recommended for inexperienced hikers. 0:07:16 Unknown_08: I'm going this way. Unknown_08: Why am I here? I thought I was getting married. Am I getting married in the woods? Where's my fucking dog? Unknown_08: It's Thursday night and Yulia is four hours late. She doesn't call in. You're worried about getting angrier by the minute. Calm down. Unknown_08: She walks in after you've gone to bed. She's not quite drunk, but she's clearly been having a fun time. You fight when she gets between the sheets. Unknown_08: Why can't I just... 0:07:53 Unknown_08: You didn't touch each other all night. The next day you feel guilty for being so angry and ask her about the evening. She says it was great. Unknown_08: You hold onto a tiny pill of resentment, but you go make some coffee and go to work. Do I work in the woods? Unknown_08: Oh. Yulia still likes to draw. She pulls plants from her research. She draws all the places you go. She draws you. Obviously my He-Man. Unknown_08: Thank you. Unknown_08: Cucked by the blacks. Oh, geez, you're gonna get my video DMCA'd. Oh, I have to click that. 0:08:26 Unknown_08: Why do I have no backbone? I flex like He-Man. I need a backbone to flex like He-Man. How am I already fucking lost? Unknown_08: I can't believe there's no sprint button. Let me fucking run. 0:09:00 Unknown_08: During the summers, you and Yulia enjoy walking Bucket at night. Unknown_08: There's a festival in town that brings in folks from faraway places. One of them tries to mug you with a knife. This game is woke after all. Unknown_08: Bucket gets kicked. Unknown_08: Yulia yells. She gets flustered and she has trouble speaking when she is stressed. You confront the attacker. I beat his goddamn face out. Unknown_08: Your arms get cut up, but you beat the guy to a pulp. You don't feel very tough. You cry your eyes out before the cops show up. What the fuck? Yulia asks to take a different path from that day forward. What? 0:09:35 Unknown_08: You say okay, you don't want to go that way either. Oh, I thought you meant breaking up. Like, I beat the fucking mugger. What do you want? From then on, you walk by the river. Unknown_08: Plans to have the kids get waylaid by work. It's part of the conspiracy. You know, you save money by not having children, boy. Unknown_08: Yulia gets offered a job at Yale. Yale's in Connecticut, 2,000 miles away. It's a great job. Associate department chair. She wants to move. You absolutely do not. Convince her not to take the job. Agree if she commutes back and forth. Why don't you fucking move? If it's a great job, go get it. Like, what the fuck is this guy? Whatever. 0:10:09 Unknown_08: You ask her if she'll commute back and forth, but you don't want to move to Connecticut. She says that'll be hard, but she'll do it if you won't move. You tell her not to pass it up if it's what she wants. She agrees. She flies back to Boulder three times each semester. You could just move to Connecticut, you fucking retard. 0:10:43 Unknown_08: Yulia is sent from Yale on paid leave after having an episode. She lost it at a colleague for borrowing books that were important to her research. She didn't remember she had happily loaned them to him just two days prior. What a bitch. Unknown_08: She was found crying in the stairwell. You say that maybe you guys should talk about it to someone. You make macaroni and drink wine and try to forget about it. Unknown_08: God, what an ineffective retard your character is. After seeing multiple doctors and having many tests, they are worried that Yulia might be suffering from early-onset dementia. What?! They both decide to keep it a secret. What the fuck? 0:11:19 Unknown_08: Hey, it's me. I've got a great dick. Unknown_08: Bucket is getting older. Aw, no, not the puppy! Julia comments that it's kinda nice because he gets in less trouble around the house. 0:11:50 Unknown_08: A week later, she goes back to university. Unknown_08: Julia's affliction gets worse. She can't remember things in class. Her research is in shambles. She drives her car to the next town. Irver, for no particular reason, has been brought home by the police. She's devastated. She is sent home on permanent medical leave. Unknown_08: Some days, you get the Julia who calls you a dope and your unborn children little idiots. Other days, you get a stranger. She pulls you into bed to make love. After five minutes, she goes into a panic, believing her dad is at the door. Unknown_08: You tell her family they're crushed and begin to make trips to and from their home in Australia to visit her. For a while, your friends come by with little things to brighten the day. She gets worse. 0:12:27 Unknown_08: Oh my god, this goes on and on. You spend your days following Julia around the house. You count the seconds between the two weekly visits from Daniel, the nurse. He suggests that Julia could live somewhere else, somewhere with 24-hour care, a home. It sits with you for a couple months. Unknown_08: This is a hard one. You gotta take care of yourself, bro. Unknown_08: Put her into a home. Fuck that bitch. 0:13:00 Unknown_08: You gotta live your life and make white babies. Unknown_08: Yulia can't provide you with the white babies. Unknown_08: You have to move on. Unknown_08: Is there gameplay? No. Unknown_08: I get to work on my reading voice. Unknown_08: Hey, a deer! I like how when you're walking the log, it goes really slow so you can admire the deer. Oh, the fucker's gone. 0:13:33 Unknown_08: Her family agrees with your decision. You find a fantastic place in Boulder and move her there. You see her every day. Then, every other day. Unknown_08: You go out to the bar with your old friends. It's not the same. You get the feeling that every wife tells her husband, if you ever put me in a home like Henry did, I will cut your balls off. You slowly decide to not see your old friends that much. Unknown_08: Make new friends. Unknown_08: Julia's sister Susan moves to Boulder to be close to her. She visits her every day. You go with her most of the time. Susan buys you an old typewriter and urges you to use it if you don't see a therapist. You won't. You've always really liked Susan. Aw, fucking bang Susan. 0:14:06 Unknown_08: She's got motherly instinct. Months go by and Bucket dies. Julia doesn't remember him when you tell her. Sometimes it takes her a minute to lock onto you. In the back of your mind you believe it's because you see her less and less, and seeing her less and less makes her forget you more. You think. Summer is coming and you see an ad in the paper for a job. Unknown_08: Press F for Bucket. 0:14:42 Unknown_08: Okay, you take the job. Unknown_08: Oh, are you like a park ranger? Is that why you're in the woods? Unknown_08: Enter the lookout tower. You have to very slowly climb this lookout tower without the ability to sprint. Unknown_08: Alright. Walkin' up the lookout tower. 0:15:16 Unknown_08: Walkin' up the lookout tower. Unknown_08: Almost there. Oh, I'm caught. Unknown_08: Aw, don't make bucket jokes! Unknown_07: I can't... That looks like a PBS logo. 0:15:51 Unknown_08: Can I throw it? Unknown_08: Get fucked! Unknown_07: Get fucked! Unknown_07: Excellent. Unknown_07: Oh. Hi. 0:16:23 Unknown_08: Moshi moshi. Oh, I don't say anything? Unknown_08: Hi. Unknown_02: Don't be an asshole. What the fuck? Unknown_10: Bitch. Unknown_02: Look, I just hiked for two days, so I don't really follow whatever it is you're doing right now. 0:16:57 Unknown_10: You take a stab at what's wrong with me. Unknown_02: Fine, then can I sleep forever? I just wanna... Oh, I wanna... No, I wanna get the pinecone! Unknown_08: This one You're probably out here because nobody back home can stand you which after this brief introduction is not a big shock damn, dude Well, I'd better get some sleep then Just the cock shed Feeder fetish? No, I couldn't throw that pinecone. 0:17:37 Unknown_10: I want to throw that pinecone. The alpha shed! Unknown_08: All work and no play makes Henry a dull boy. Damn bitch, you're fucking creepy as shit. What the fuck? 0:18:10 Unknown_10: Don't worry about it. That hike puts everyone out of commission for a day or two. But now that you're up, let me quickly get you a clean slate of the job. There's a thing in the middle of your room with a round owl on it. Do you see it? 0:18:44 Unknown_08: There's no dialogue to select. Locate the round thing. Unknown_10: It's right in the middle of your room. Unknown_08: I'm looking at it. Yeah, I see it. Unknown_10: This is the Osborne Firefinder, invented in 1914 by W.B. Unknown_02: Osborne? Unknown_10: You use this to spot, you guessed it, fi- What the fuck? Unknown_02: What is it? 0:19:17 Unknown_10: Nothing, um, you, uh, you use this to- Oh, fuck me! Unknown_02: Good god, language, lady. Unknown_10: Out your west-facing window. Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Unknown_10: Are those fucking- Unknown_08: How do I? Oh, I can't use the compass with a pinecone in my hand? West facing window. Okay, I'm looking. Unknown_02: Oh yeah. I need you to confirm, do you see them? Unknown_02: Whoa, that's not legal, right? Unknown_10: Uh, no. You need to get down there right now and stop them. Fire danger is through the fucking roof. Unknown_02: Is that really my job? Unknown_10: Your job is whatever I say it is. Look, the closest ranger is like two days away. Go down there and set them straight. 0:19:52 Unknown_08: Maybe they're, like, flares. Maybe they're in trouble. Okay, pine cone. We got this. Wait, I should probably take... Oh, wait, no! Oh, I got it. Unknown_08: I'm not hungry. 0:20:31 Unknown_02: I don't need to read the map. Unknown_08: It's west. Unknown_08: Find rope in NFS cache box 306. Unknown_08: That's not on the map. Unknown_08: Oh. 306. That is... Why do I have to go- Wait, what? Unknown_08: No, it is West. Okay, I can read a map. I got this. I got this. Where's my pinecone? 0:21:11 Unknown_08: Well, fuck! I've already lost my goddamn pinecone! Unknown_08: Son of a bitch. Unknown_08: I got this. Unknown_08: I'm gonna get the bad ending because I didn't get the pine cone. Is it over the log? 0:21:46 Unknown_08: Yes. Unknown_08: How do you read maps? I don't know, I need my phone. Unknown_08: I think that's it. 0:22:17 Unknown_08: Why did I need to relay that to her? Alright, this ain't my first war rodeo. Unknown_08: Oh, fuck. Are you sure? What was it? One, two, three, four? Unknown_08: Hey, a pinecone! Great. Hey, nice. Unknown_08: Can I not put this in for later? Whatever. Unknown_08: What am I supposed to do? Unknown_08: Deal with whoever is setting off the fireworks with a rope? What the fuck? 0:22:50 Unknown_03: Day of the rope. Unknown_04: I don't think we're going to be lynching anybody. Unknown_08: Or setting off fireworks. Oh, I can run. Unknown_08: That's useful information. Where the fuck are the fireworks at? 0:23:21 Unknown_08: Well I had, I brought the rope. Unknown_08: The rope is what they said I needed. Where the fuck are the fireworks? Do you have blinchies? 0:23:54 Unknown_08: I don't know, I don't have any strong opinions of it so far. I wish I could, oh they're there. I wish I could find the fucking... Unknown_02: This shale slide is steep. How do you expect me to get down this? Unknown_10: I don't remember it being that bad. It's not even named on our topos. Unknown_02: It should be called Cripple Gulch, just east of gonna pee in a bag forever flats. Unknown_10: Oh, is that Absaroka Indian? Maybe Creek? Unknown_02: That's actually English for not in my job description. 0:24:31 Unknown_08: Cripple Gulch. Unknown_08: Can I use my... I have a rope, don't I? Donga knows the lay. Unknown_02: Has Donga's tribe been down the Cripple Gulch? Is that the origin story? 0:25:04 Unknown_04: No, no, no! Unknown_08: What the fuck? Is he already dead? Unknown_08: Can you feel your legs? Wiggle your toes. Unknown_03: Hey. Unknown_10: What the hell's wrong with you? Unknown_02: Crippled Gulch got me. Unknown_10: What exactly happened? Unknown_02: My rope snapped coming down the shale slide. Unknown_10: I think you'll have to pee in a bag for the rest of your life. Unknown_08: No, I think I'll make it. But now I can't fight Andy Warsky. 0:25:37 Unknown_08: The fireworks stopped. Unknown_02: It is a hell of a nice camping spot down here by the lake. I haven't been down there in years, but yeah, Jonesy Lake area is perfect. Unknown_08: Well, I went down here to deal with some fireworks, but now there are no- The fuck is that? 0:26:10 Unknown_08: Red Eagle, brewed in Wyoming. Ooh, I wish I could go to Wyoming. Unknown_02: Is there like a bin somewhere? Clean up? Unknown_08: Is this really what I'm doing? Collecting these beer cans. I'm a big fan of Wyoming. Unknown_08: Oh, maybe I should report it. Oh, it's a cache. Unknown_02: No, it's not. It's backpacks. 0:26:54 Unknown_10: Don't fuck with them. The last thing we need is some hikers filing a report about harassment. I don't want to fuck with them. Unknown_08: That's what they get. They left fucking beer cans and shit. Unknown_02: Oh, look. They decided to have a campfire, too. Unknown_10: You know, they color-coded the fire danger signs in case people were illiterate. But I guess that doesn't take into account just plain stupid, does it? Unknown_08: How do I stomp this out? There we go. Die. 0:27:27 Unknown_02: Oh shit, ferret are Irish. Unknown_02: They can miss. Unknown_02: Confiscate the fireworks? Alright, I think that's it. Unknown_08: I'm gonna get all these fucking beer cans, these motherfuckers. Unknown_02: Oh, they left their clothes out to dry. It looks like two people. 0:28:00 Unknown_02: What if they're naked? Unknown_10: Won't that be exciting? Look, they're obviously still there, so tell them off and then head back. I'm going to take their clothes. Unknown_08: That'll be our gamer justice. Unknown_08: Steal their clothes. Motherfuckers won't ever come back here. Unknown_08: This will be between us. Unknown_08: She doesn't need to know about it. 0:28:34 Unknown_08: Wait, wait, why can't I, why can't I take it? Oh, I can't examine it again? You're not allowed to be a pervert? Unknown_02: Uh, there are, uh, panties. Unknown_10: There are what? Unknown_02: I don't want to say that word again. Unknown_10: Why, because you're 12? Unknown_11: As you wish! Get fucked! Bitch! Look, I dealt with you in the last video game I played, shut the fuck up! 0:29:06 Unknown_08: Did they just run off like fucking... Looney Tunes? Unknown_08: Did you get... Begone Thought? Jason Voorhees, Thoughts Patrolled? 0:29:44 Unknown_02: Oh, I thought. Unknown_08: Look for their strings? Oh no, you're gonna get me DMCA'd. Unknown_08: Looking for strings is somebody else's protected copyright. Unknown_08: Oh man. How the fuck am I gonna get back there? 0:30:16 Unknown_08: Can I climb up Crippled Gulch? I doubt it. Unknown_02: Hey, I'm back near that big rock outcropping, but not sure how to get back. Unknown_10: Head west, back towards the lake, and then turn north towards the canyon. Unknown_08: Head west, back towards the lake? Unknown_08: Oh, fuck me! Alright, time to get your cardio in, Blue. Unknown_07: I can't even throw correctly. Unknown_08: Is that it? Just to go up here? 0:30:49 Unknown_07: What? Unknown_08: Oh, a raccoon. Unknown_02: There's a critter out here. A raccoon. Unknown_08: What's he got? I can't understand you. Because I'm whispering. He's got a granola bar. Because you're whispering. 0:31:20 Unknown_07: Give me that granola. Unknown_11: What the hell? I'm doing a crossword and I figured out the theme. It's homonyms. Pears, pears, pears. Unknown_08: Where's that fucking granola bar at? Unknown_08: The little fucker. I wanted that. I gotta get my cardio in. Unknown_11: Thanks. Unknown_08: Also, if you can't tell, Delilah and this guy are gonna fuck. He's gonna confess his love. Unknown_08: He's gonna confess his love. And they're gonna fuck. Where's my goddamn... What the fuck? What's even the point of having this back here? If I can't, I'm getting a fucking granola bar. 0:31:53 Unknown_08: Feed the raccoon. Unknown_08: If I had my... If I had, um... If I had the granola bar, I'd feed him. I'd feed the little fucker. He took the goddamn granola bar, though. Unknown_08: Bastard. Unknown_08: Euthanize your wife. It's like a secret area. What's this then? There's like another secret area. 0:32:27 Unknown_08: Those naked girls ran off and they didn't ever collect their clothing. Unknown_08: It's kind of concerning. I hope they're okay. Unknown_08: Now we're out in the middle of... Is that a beer can? Unknown_08: Aha! Unknown_08: Thought you could get away from me, you sneaky fucker. 0:32:59 Unknown_08: Okay, I'm hopelessly lost. No, I know I'm not. I can't read a map. I'm a man. Unknown_08: I saw something. What did I see? I keep seeing something. It flashed up on my screen for like a second. Unknown_08: Blocked trail. Unknown_04: Clear. Unknown_08: Why can't I clear it? Unknown_08: It's right there. Whatever. How the fuck do I get around this? I guess I have to go right back through this. 0:33:36 Unknown_08: I hope those kids are okay. Unknown_08: Look, they ran off without getting their fucking clothes. Unknown_08: They're gonna die. They're gonna, like, succumb to the fucking elements. Unknown_08: Let's just follow the river. I'm not being a creep! Unknown_08: I'm just saying, I hope they're fucking okay. Unknown_08: I killed them. Oh, no. 0:34:08 Unknown_08: Tips Radio. Unknown_08: Oh yeah, the naked teenage lesbians run off to Mr. Jefferson's photo-rape dungeon. I have a bit of a confession to make. Are you also a lesbian? Unknown_02: What is it? 0:34:40 Unknown_10: I was drunk last night when I welcomed you to the job. Unknown_02: Yeah, well, you're not the first boss to be guilty of that. Unknown_10: I know, I just, I know I can get a little pushy, you know, putting you on the spot about why you're out here and stuff. Unknown_06: It's fine The caves not that spooky we hate to be spooked playing this game. Unknown_10: Oh 0:35:19 Unknown_02: Hey, I heard some thunder. Unknown_10: Yeah, I've got eyes on a storm out to the north. Unknown_02: Well, that's bad, right, because of the lightning? Unknown_10: It just means we'll be busy. Hurry home, and try not to get hit by lightning. Unknown_02: I got hit by lightning when I was nine years old, so I'm safe. It's not gonna strike twice and all that. Unknown_10: Well, there was an old goat named Roy Sullivan who got hit by lightning seven times. Unknown_02: I don't like the sound of that. Unknown_10: That's not very positive. He's totally getting hit by lightning by the end of this game. God damn it! 0:35:53 Unknown_02: Yeah, I get the sense that not everything in here is useful. Unknown_10: In the boxes? Why's that? Unknown_02: I don't really know what I'll do with a deer horn. 0:36:24 Unknown_10: Firstly, they're called antlers. And secondly, stay out here long enough and you'll get creative. Unknown_08: Yeah. Unknown_08: Yeah, trick. Unknown_02: What's in this cave down here? Unknown_10: In Thunder Canyon? Unknown_02: Thunder Canyon? Unknown_10: Hey, I didn't name it. But in the cave? I don't know, rocks? NFS tells people not to go too far in there. It's pretty dangerous. 0:36:57 Unknown_02: So... So, I say, fuck it. Unknown_10: You're a grown man, you can go where you want. Unknown_02: Great. Used to go caving with someone back in Colorado. She loved it. Might be great to explore it sometime this summer. Unknown_10: Well, that could be fun. Obviously, be very careful. Unknown_02: It looks like the path leads through the cave. Unknown_10: Back in the cave, huh? Man, I don't need to lose another lookout in there. Unknown_02: Another lookout? Unknown_10: They go in, they never come out. 0:37:35 Unknown_02: This cave is gated off. Unknown_10: It's to stop spelunkers from dying without getting the keys from the Forest Service office first. Unknown_02: Makes sense. Unknown_10: Although Debbie says she lost them like three years ago, so maybe it's mysteries are locked away for good. Unknown_02: ah damn yeah but maybe you can find another one to get your caving kicks in oh this one's so close to home and convenient though oh sorry Hank why is she such a bully? Unknown_08: alright where the fuck am I? I just followed this path okay what are the fucking like 0:38:21 Unknown_02: There's some guy out here. Unknown_10: Some guy? Wait, he's looking at you? Is he doing anything else? Unknown_02: I, I don't think so. Henry, there's, there's something I, something someone should have told you about this area. Unknown_10: It's haunted. Unknown_02: What is it? Unknown_10: It's outside. Unknown_02: Come on. Unknown_10: The whole thing. And people come and go as they please. It's, it's, it's madness. Unknown_02: Yeah, yeah, okay, I get it. Unknown_02: This is getting really scary. 0:38:58 Unknown_08: My worst nightmares are being outside. Oh, Jesus. This game is like hell. Unknown_08: That's my personal hell, is having to walk around and shit outside in fucking Wyoming. Unknown_08: What, like a serial killer? I don't think she's a serial killer. At least I hope not. That'd be weird. 0:39:31 Unknown_08: Maybe she's Mr. Jefferson. At Vephoria's sex change operation. What are you, out of shape? Unknown_08: You fucking retard! Stop breaking shit! That's federal property! Unknown_02: Uh, well, that trail isn't closed anymore. Oh, really? Yeah, I took care of the blocked path. Unknown_02: It was backbreaking, but you know, anything for the service. Unknown_10: Well, thank you. Unknown_02: Anytime. 0:40:17 Unknown_06: What's this? Unknown_06: Oh, I can poop? What's this? Oh, baseball. Unknown_08: I can pick it up? Oh, that's fucking revolting. What the fuck? Unknown_08: Alright, I guess I beat that mission. 0:40:55 Unknown_00: I didn't throw the typewriter out the window. Unknown_08: Did I? Unknown_08: What's with that music? Do I have to fend somebody off with just my hipster typewriter? Unknown_11: My shit! Unknown_02: Uh... What can I do for you? Well, my typewriter is on the ground outside of my tower. Unknown_10: You right? 0:41:27 Unknown_02: Yeah, look, uh, the wind? No. How the hell- You should get inside. Fuck me. Unknown_02: Someone broke in. They what? They just- they wrecked the place. Threw my typewriter out the window. Unknown_02: Motherfucker! Holy shit! Um, I'll let- Unknown_08: Don't tread, you motherfucker. Unknown_08: The fuck's wrong with you? Unknown_08: This violates the non-aggression protocol. 0:41:59 Unknown_08: I don't have your fucking head for this. Unknown_02: There's glass everywhere. Unknown_10: Okay, I put in a call. Unknown_02: Okay, thanks. Unknown_10: Do you have any idea who would have done this? Unknown_02: The man. Unknown_02: Maybe that guy I saw in the canyon, but I don't know why the fuck he'd want to mess with my stuff. Unknown_10: Well, I'll have the Rangers keep an eye out for a man hiking on his own, and question him if they find him. Unknown_10: I can't believe someone would do this. I worry about bears and fires, and that's about it, and now I've got to worry about some deranged hiker going after lookouts? Great. 0:42:36 Unknown_10: Okay, in the morning I'm gonna call my friend Patty, who works the desk down in Cody. They keep a list of everyone who's officially been in and out of the trailhead since... I don't know, forever, and see if we can get a list of names. We won't get much, but at least if anything else happens, we can refer to it and see if anything comes up. Unknown_02: Thanks. Unknown_10: I need you to feel safe out here. Unknown_02: Just point me to the Forest Service weapons cache and I'll feel safer than the Pope in his little car. 0:43:08 Unknown_10: Someone made the choice years ago that leaving people with infinite amounts of alone time and a gun was kind of a bad idea. Unknown_08: Well, one motherfucker shoots himself after getting struck by lightning seven times. And now I don't have no fucking gun to defend myself and my property, my private property from deranged motherfuckers violating the non-aggression protocol. Wake up. Unknown_10: Hey, wake up! Unknown_02: Moshi moshi. I'm awake, I'm awake. What's your problem? 0:43:45 Unknown_10: Our problem. Unknown_02: Sorry, our problem. Unknown_10: That storm knocked out the phone line I used to talk to the service, which means we're cut off. I tried radioing out, and that's not working either. Unknown_02: Can I go fix it? Unknown_10: Well, you probably can't, but what you can do is hike out to where the wire runs through your area and report back if it's down. Then I can track down a ranger to get someone on it. Unknown_02: Okay, I can do that. Where is it? Unknown_10: Remember that cave you hiked through yesterday? 0:44:18 Unknown_02: Yeah, of course. Unknown_10: So, you're gonna wanna go back there, go through it, and keep going straight to the north when you come out. Unknown_02: Will do. Unknown_10: Thanks, Hank. A tidy home is a happy home. Ha ha ha ha! Unknown_08: What do I put back? There we go. Okay. Let's go. Wait. Oh no. How do I get my dishwasher soap? It's stuck. 0:44:50 Unknown_08: Drink the bleach? Unknown_08: Maybe one day. Unknown_08: Then they're not gonna have any more bleach. Unknown_08: Motherfuckers done drank it, so they can't have that anymore. Unknown_08: What's that shit? Unknown_08: What is that? Unknown_08: I desire... I'll bring it back up when I come back next time. I'm not gonna walk back up. 0:45:23 Unknown_04: What is that thing? Unknown_08: Where are you? Oh, it's just some pallets. Unknown_08: Thank you. I'm doing parkour. Unknown_08: Where's my thing? Unknown_08: By the outhouse. Where's my outhouse? Unknown_08: That motherfucker destroyed my outhouse. It'll be hell to pay. Unknown_02: That wind last night actually tore up some trees near my tower. 0:45:54 Unknown_10: I know, right? Ugh, it's out of this world. Now, imagine we had a big fire burning. Unknown_03: Yeah, Jesus. Unknown_10: It's something else. I've seen a still evening kick up 45 mile an hour winds in no time. If that happens this summer, you'll really be in for it. Unknown_08: Ow. Unknown_08: God, that guy, this motherfucker got fit fast. Look at this shit. Wait. Unknown_08: Alright, chat, keep your eyes out for a spooky motherfucker. 0:46:27 Unknown_08: The ghost of the dead man from the cave. Unknown_08: I'm owing to you. Unknown_08: His iron legs. Unknown_06: Where's that cave at? Unknown_06: He's thick. 0:47:05 Unknown_08: Is the Anglo menace stalking me in game? Maybe. Unknown_02: I just spend a lot of time with Julia. Unknown_10: Oh, so you have someone there. Unknown_02: Well, but you're taking a little break or we're. Look, I'm sorry. 0:47:37 Unknown_10: Can you hold that thought? Unknown_02: Sure. Just going to keep hiking and hoping it warms up. I thought I had to go back to the cave. Unknown_10: Hey, I don't think so. Why have you? Unknown_10: OK, good. Unknown_10: No, I don't think he has any idea. Unknown_02: Hey, your button is still down. Unknown_10: I'm absolutely sure. Is she trying to kill me? Would you? Unknown_10: Alright, I'll let you know if anything changes in that regard. 0:48:13 Unknown_10: Hey, sorry about that. Anyway, uh... Julia, girlfriend? Ex? Sorry, I don't mean to pry. Unknown_02: That would be my wife, Julia. Unknown_10: Oh, like, like your wife? Or like she's taken half my stuff, wife? Unknown_08: My wife. She's got brain problems. Unknown_02: She's sick, and I shouldn't be here, but I am. Unknown_02: Where the fuck am I going? Unknown_10: What is it? Unknown_02: We'll get into it. OK, well, in the meantime, you are here and it's beautiful and escaping isn't always something bad. Yeah, sure. 0:48:50 Unknown_08: Survey communication lines north of the cave north of the canyon what communication lines? Unknown_08: Well, that must be it. Okay All right, I got distracted I have brain problems if you haven't noticed I Unknown_08: This video game does not tell me what I'm supposed to be doing. And it does not even give me waypoints. There's not like a line on the ground telling me exactly where to go. I'm very confused. 0:49:25 Unknown_08: J.F. Unknown_06: Simulator? Unknown_08: Beautiful morning out here in video game land. Still going north. 0:49:59 Unknown_06: Telephone lines look fine. Unknown_02: I can see the wire you're talking about. It looks like it's in good shape from here. Unknown_10: Well, follow it up to the top of the trail if you can. You can head back as soon as you give me the all-clear. Unknown_02: Got it. Unknown_08: Hey, what's this? Is it an outhouse? Unknown_07: It's an old outhouse. Unknown_02: Hey, I found a structure that might have been an outhouse once, I think. Unknown_10: Whoa, uh, you don't need my permission to go to the bathroom, but, you know, use abandoned shitters at your own peril. 0:50:36 Unknown_02: I mean, I'm in the right area? Unknown_10: I do believe. Uh, the comms wire runs for quite a ways. Follow it all the way to the top of Beartooth Point, and if it's not damaged, you can loop around back home. Unknown_08: It's an old Vietnam veteran hat. What the fuck is this? Unknown_08: That's funny. 0:51:16 Unknown_08: Is there a ball in their toilet? I don't think there is. Unknown_08: I don't even know why this is in the game. Unknown_08: Just a little bit of... flavor. I want my guitar. Oh, man, I'm never gonna get my guitar back. Oh, fuck! God damn it! 0:51:48 Unknown_08: I wanted the fucking guitar. Unknown_08: Oh, fuck. Unknown_08: The game could use a piss button like in Duke Nukem. Unknown_08: Just piss on everything. Unknown_08: Reload saved. Supposed to be following a fucking utility wire, but I got distracted by the spooky stuff over here. 0:52:35 Unknown_08: Keep your eye out for spooky figures, cause this motherfucker's trying to kill me. He's probably racist. Unknown_08: Country roads, take me home. Unknown_08: Why did my options disappear? 0:53:12 Unknown_08: Can I not get up there? Unknown_08: Josh, do you find nothing fun to do in Russia? Unknown_08: Nobody speaks the language, so it's kinda hard to socialize. I'm not very social to begin with. Unknown_08: If I get lonely, I'll find an expat group or something. Unknown_08: But then I don't get lonely. Unknown_08: I... What's this? Oh, I can add shit to my map. Is that in all the caches? Because I haven't been doing that. Fuck. Why are there pinecones? Everywhere. 0:53:43 Unknown_08: There's like nothing interesting in this except for that map. Oh, what's this? Unknown_08: Dave, heyo, I got a note about needing to talk and sorry I didn't track you down. I've been looking for you all day. I figured you'd be near the canyon helping those grad students, but I guess not. I don't even know how I could really help. We're co-workers. Amigos Profesionales. If you need someone to throw a case back with and go time traveling, Ron's your guy. 0:54:17 Unknown_08: But I'm not really great with the life stuff. You get it. That's weird. I'll hold this. Unknown_08: What am I doing again? Oh, I'm following that. Unknown_08: Play a multiplayer game with the audience. Like what? Unknown_08: Like, like Fortnite? I don't know. I'm usually at my best when I'm solo. 0:54:53 Unknown_08: Oh, goddammit. Unknown_08: Fuckers. Unknown_02: Guess what? What is it? There's a bunch of empty cans up here. Unknown_10: Same as before? Yep. These fucking kids. Unknown_02: How can these girls be so stupid? Unknown_10: Trust me, I never underestimate the stupidity of a drunk teenager. Also, I never underestimate the balls of a drunk young woman, having been one. 0:55:27 Unknown_08: You're still a drunk young woman though. You were drinking on the job just the other day. Unknown_08: How do you have the moral... moral high ground? Unknown_02: Look at this. Littering took it down. No. No! Unknown_10: Uh, okay. Unknown_08: Yeah, let's touch fucking- oh, it's a telephone wire, not a power wire. 0:56:00 Unknown_08: It's been cut. It's been cut. Unknown_02: Pantalones. Unknown_10: I knew it the moment you said you found their trash. These idiots are gonna pay. Do they realize this is how people die? I mean, what if something happened to one of my lookouts while this was going on? And God forbid there's an actual fire burning out of control. Unknown_02: What do you want to do? 0:56:31 Unknown_10: I want you to go find them. Unknown_02: And then what? Kill them. Unknown_10: I haven't thought that far ahead. That's not true. Everything that comes to mind is. Unknown_08: killed them yeah I came out here for a breath of fresh air and some adventure what do you got? Unknown_10: I think I want you to just find them and scare the hell out of them yeah I'd make a spooky ghost costume but they stole my sheets spooky ghost costume? Unknown_04: I'll find them Are they black? I want to inspect the panties. This conversation won't end. 0:57:12 Unknown_08: Oh, I can't even report the fucking... the panties that say go to hell? Okay. Unknown_08: What's the most interesting thing about this? 0:57:46 Unknown_08: Come on, Pinecone. Wait, what was I doing? Unknown_08: Gone. Unknown_08: Find the teens. Unknown_08: I don't know, are they... Unknown_08: Should I go north, northeast to the supply drop, or should I go back to the lake? Unknown_08: Follow the beer cans. You're a genius. Unknown_08: A genius. 0:58:26 Unknown_08: Find the teens. Unknown_08: I gotta bring them back to my photo dungeon. Unknown_08: My liberal arts major thesis is on the loss of innocence. Unknown_08: I thought I was following the beer cans, but I guess fucking not. 0:58:58 Unknown_08: Unless this is where I'm supposed to go. I don't think it is, though. Yeah, that's where I just came from. Unknown_08: Oh, jeez. What a disaster. Unknown_08: These lesbians drink like 50 beers. I guess this Wyoming stuff ain't too strong. Is there a beer can over here? Or yonder? What the fuck is there? I guess that's where I'm supposed to go. But what's over here? Unknown_08: This is also open. 0:59:39 Unknown_08: I'm gonna go this way. I'm taking the path left taken. What's this? Unknown_08: I guess it wasn't the path left taken. Unknown_08: I'm gonna go this way. I'm gonna go to the supply drop. Unknown_08: Betcha they got stuff. 1:00:11 Unknown_08: I see no more beer cans, though. Did they die? Unknown_08: Maybe the stalker got them. Oh, there it is. Let's see, Moss Peak, Two Forks, Spruce. Unknown_08: There's not a fucking thing in here. Unknown_08: There's literally nothing. What the fuck? I'm gonna waste my fucking time. 1:00:43 Unknown_08: The goddamn teenager stole my fucking supply drop too? This is preposterous. Unknown_08: There's supposed to be something else over here, I can tell. Maybe not. Unknown_08: There are zero forks in there? Put your pine cones in there? Unknown_08: What's this? 1:01:18 Unknown_08: Why is there a fucking zipline here? I can't report this. Unknown_02: Help! Oh god, it's an emergency! Unknown_02: Yeah, I got eyes on a tornado! I gotta get out of here! A tornado in the heart of the Rockies? Yes! 1:01:51 Unknown_10: Holy moly, I need to call this in. Tom, Two Fork sees a tornado. He says he needs an evac into my sector. It's a meteorological impossibility. There haven't been tornadoes in the greater Yellowstone region in 100 million years. You're gonna need him to stay and take a detailed personal account, even if it means giving his life. Unknown_10: Okay, I'll tell him. Sorry, Hank, no dice. Unknown_02: Man. Unknown_08: Very dramatic. Unknown_02: Hey, what's this? There's an abandoned pack out here. 1:02:22 Unknown_10: And it's not one of the teens? Unknown_02: No, it looks like it was lost a long time ago. Unknown_10: Well, you could always pilfer it for supplies. Unknown_08: Hell yeah. Unknown_08: Hell yeah. Give me that. Unknown_08: Brian Goodwin. It's a Polaroid. Unknown_02: Oh yeah. I can take pictures of shit now. He's dead. 1:03:20 Unknown_02: Do you know him? Yeah, I just haven't heard that name in years. Unknown_08: He killed himself! He's the reason why I don't have... What, was he a fellow you had a thing with? Unknown_02: Mmm, yeah, he was so hot and heavy. Of course, Brian Goodwin was 12 years old, so... Ooh! Unknown_08: Even as a joke, that's inappropriate. I'm kidding! I'm being an actual 12-year-old. That part's true. Unknown_10: He was stationed in Two Forks, your lookout, with his dad Ned three summers ago. Great kid. 1:03:51 Unknown_02: You can bring children out here? Unknown_08: Dave, guess who's been going out with Debbie next week? No, not that shitheel Steve, it's your man Ron. I went up to check out the new guy at Two Forks and heard him talking to himself more than usual for lookouts, so I figured I'd stay away. Remember when you saw Chimney Rock having himself in that hammock? I'm starting to think the Forest Service only picks the deranged and perverted. Except for us, of course. We're the creme de la creme. Let's toast to Deb at the spot, Ron. 1:04:24 Unknown_10: That's ominous. Unknown_02: What, they couldn't handle your unique brand of charm? Unknown_10: Not many can. Unknown_02: Unsurprising. Unknown_10: Anyway, so it goes. Have fun with that camera. Try not to snap anything that would scar a photodome employee. Unknown_02: I don't know, I got a lot of hiking to do. Might get bored. Unknown_10: Well, I'm bored as rocks, so I'll keep you company while you find those girls, huh? 1:04:58 Unknown_02: Uh, someone found a fossil and put it in a cash box. Unknown_10: Could be the same person who left that antler. Unknown_02: Maybe they're leaving me an entire creature, piece by piece. I kinda don't wanna lose this. Unknown_08: I'll put it back in the cash box. In case I want it. Unknown_08: Uh... What? Unknown_02: She's got Alzheimer's, like, um, dementia. Unknown_10: Whoa. How old was she? 1:05:32 Unknown_02: Is she? She's alive. She's with her family in Melbourne, Australia. She's 43. Unknown_10: Fuck. Unknown_02: Yeah. Unknown_10: What was it like when you guys found out? Unknown_02: We were scared shitless. Unknown_02: We went straight to the doctor after her first spell or whatever. They diagnosed her and we were both just very scared. Unknown_02: Can't really tell when Julia is scared. She just gets quiet. 1:06:05 Unknown_02: She was very quiet. Unknown_02: Hey, Delilah? Unknown_02: So the Forest Service would put up a big chain-link fence Yeah, it looks like it surrounds a huge area Do you think those girls could be behind this fence I 1:06:39 Unknown_10: Well, having once been an ornery young woman, the last thing I would do is climb a fence. Especially if I knew I was in trouble. Unknown_02: I don't even know how I would get in. Unknown_10: It's really strange that that's out there, by the way. Unknown_02: Yeah, it's weird. Unknown_08: Did the fuckin' park rangers pay for this? Did they pay for this wall? Unknown_08: Look, look at this. It's just a shitty fuckin' chain-link fence, but that's all that's required to keep the skilled park ranger out of the fuckin' area. 1:07:16 Unknown_08: Okay, I guess I'm not going there then. Unknown_08: Here, you know what? I don't wanna waste time, but I know what I want for my first picture. Unknown_08: Out of respect for this big, beautiful chain link fence, I think there's only one thing to do. 1:07:47 Unknown_08: There, perfect. Now it'll stop fucking nagging me to take a picture or something. Unknown_08: Pro tip, don't rely on this ranger to save your life. He probably wouldn't save your life. Unknown_08: Artistic steel bear here. Unknown_08: You only have 18 pictures? Well, it was asking me to take a picture of something. Unknown_08: I figured I'd take a picture of that. Unknown_02: Burned area. From this burned section of forest, I have no idea where to go. The trail is pretty cold at this point. Unknown_10: You're out by Mule Point. No one would camp out in the fireweed. Well, I want you to stay out there as a favor to little old me. 1:08:20 Unknown_02: My pleasure. Unknown_10: Okay, we know these young women are sloppy. They must have left some sort of trail. Unknown_08: There's not much more to go. I gotta go south. Unknown_08: Catching up on the exercise I'm not doing in real life, that's pretty accurate. I feel fitter drinking my sugary energy drinks. Is that blood? 1:08:53 Unknown_02: No, it's dirt. Unknown_02: I feel like I'm going the wrong direction, but the game's acting as if I'm not Like it's it's like it's like linear even though it's it's kind of like pseudo linear. 1:09:33 Unknown_08: I Don't think I'm lost it just kind of feels like it I Unknown_08: The wife in this game, she has dementia. She has early onset Alzheimer's, which is actually a genetic condition that Vordrack's mother had. So he'll probably be losing his mind soon too. Wow, I'm on top of a natural bridge out here. Unknown_10: Really? Is it a complete arch? Unknown_02: Uh, no, I guess the bridge is out here. Still, I think I could jump this gap to get across the canyon. 1:10:07 Unknown_10: Wow, you're a regular Evel Knievel. Unknown_02: Oh yeah, you should see the jumpsuit I'm wearing. Unknown_08: Yeah, it is kind of, uh... Graphics are kind of silly. I mean, I'm obviously going in the right way, because there's, like, audio cues for where I'm going. Unknown_08: This has to be correct. 1:10:42 Unknown_08: Did I get the fanny pack yet? No. I ended up on it. Unknown_08: I guess it's supposed to go back to the lake where I first saw them at. Unknown_08: Yeah, yeah, I'm on it. Unknown_08: I mean, I just didn't think the game would be sending me that far away from where that first objective was. 1:11:13 Unknown_08: Jonesy Wake, Two Forks. Unknown_08: Oh, it's an opportunity to make sure I got that map. Aha! Unknown_08: Oh, I didn't get this note either. Unknown_08: Uh, Ron, hey man, Guy couldn't take it, so I locked up his lookout and put some stuff in the box. Found out one of those bars you liked. Hiking into the park, but let's get fucked up when I'm back. Dave. 1:11:52 Unknown_08: Uh... I'm walking all the way back to that? Fucking Jesus. Unknown_08: You bet Dave is a gay. Is that the secret? Do what? Unknown_02: Oh yeah. It's these girls. They are naked savages burning down the fucking park. 1:12:31 Unknown_02: You think it's those girls? Unknown_10: I'm pretty sure it's a campfire, so yeah. I'd call that a safe bet. Unknown_02: Man, they really do not give a shit, do they? Unknown_08: They're just running around fucking naked causing problems. Unknown_03: Donga tribe? Unknown_08: I don't think Donga's tribe has two naked girls in it. Unknown_08: Unless they're like trannies. Unknown_08: Thought, tribes, and smokes. 1:13:10 Unknown_08: Vamp was nice to me, but everybody says she's a tranny. She didn't sound like a tranny. That's how you know she's not a tranny. It's the voice. It gives it away every time. Unknown_05: Oh, boy. Unknown_08: I thought it was the hands. Now you get women who have big bodies and shit. It's always the voice. You just cannot fake a masculine voice. Or a feminine voice. 1:13:43 Unknown_08: People who do it for years and years still sound wrong. Are you gonna go be with her? Unknown_10: Just go back to Boulder? Unknown_02: I don't know. I haven't really thought about it. Right now I'm trying to hunt down some vandals and I don't even know what I'm gonna do when I find them. Unknown_02: I'm not thinking very far ahead. Unknown_10: You should go see her. Unknown_02: She's with her family in Melbourne. They're not big fans of mine. Unknown_02: I went the wrong fucking way. Her sister, Susan, is great, but her parents, I think they always thought she could do better and that I could have done a better job looking after her. 1:14:21 Unknown_10: Fuck that. I have no doubt you did your best. Unknown_02: I don't know. Unknown_10: If you want to go visit her, you should go. Don't let a couple of assholes keep you away from someone you love. Unknown_07: I'll think about it. Add in pinecones. Unknown_08: Missing person, Mitch Michaels, 31. Identifying feature, distinctive facial hair. Unknown_08: Mitch Michaels was last seen around Jonesy Lake around July 3rd, 1981. He was first reported missing on July 29th, 1981 by Forest Service personnel. He is not known to be familiar with the area. Mitch was last seen around Jonesy Lake on the morning of July 3rd, 1981. 1:14:52 Unknown_08: Please contact Shoshone National Forest Dispatch if you see him. Unknown_08: Is that the guy? Is that the stalker? The creepy stalker man? Is he like a feral? Unknown_08: I guess I'm going the right way. Okay. Unknown_02: Boy, for as dry as it is this summer, there's an area down here that's lush. 1:15:26 Unknown_10: Oh, you must be talking about the Aspen Grove down there. Unknown_02: Yeah, I think that's where I am. Unknown_10: Those trees are actually one root organism. Did you know that? Unknown_02: I didn't. I did. Unknown_10: The oldest living organism on the planet is an aspen grove that is 10,000 years old. 1:16:02 Unknown_02: Hunting down naked women in a national park. How does this game work? Unknown_02: It's that Wyoming beer! 1:16:47 Unknown_02: What cunts I Have entered the teen zone take the magazine It's the name of a magazine for girls it's on the ground here at their camp I Unknown_08: Dear Psycho, I hope you're fucking happy we're leaving and we're going to find the police and whatever and tell them about how you creeped on us in the lake and then came and destroyed our campsite and all of our stuff. Oh, and stealing panties is gross out. You're probably a mental fucking axe murderer and are so going to jail. Hope it was worth being a jerk over some fireworks dick heart. Unknown_08: Assholes. Unknown_02: Oh, they're gone for sure. 1:17:36 Unknown_10: How can you tell? Unknown_02: Well, the girls left someone. Me, I guess. A note. Unknown_10: Well, what's it say? They're threatening to call the police because they think I attacked them. Unknown_02: Oh my God, well, did you? Unknown_02: No, hey, I didn't do this, okay? Someone or something went to town here, but it wasn't me. Unknown_10: Because I told you to scare them, not assault them. Unknown_02: I didn't, of course I didn't. I just threw their stereo in the lake. Unknown_10: Yeah, I really wish you wouldn't have done that. 1:18:08 Unknown_02: This is, I don't know, weird as hell, but it wasn't me. It's OK. I believe you. Unknown_10: Weird stuff happens in the woods. Unknown_08: Hey, these are fucking Chloe's gay ass dyke lumberjack shirts. This really is the teenagers. There's no way to call the cops. They're not coming back and we can get to work. Unknown_10: I'd really like to start enjoying a quiet summer. Unknown_02: Yeah, me too. Unknown_08: Oh, it teleports me to the fucking tower again. That's nice of them. 1:18:44 Unknown_08: So when do you get hit by the train? Unknown_08: They can't probe you through. No. Unknown_08: Obviously, there's a psycho who destroyed this building and broke into their campsite as well. Hey, Henry? Unknown_02: Yeah. Unknown_02: Why are you asking? Unknown_02: I could be Tom Cruise's good-looking twin brother. Oh, that's too bad. Unknown_10: I read in people he's like five foot nothing. 1:19:19 Unknown_02: What a bitch! That gives me a good start. Now, let's see. Unknown_10: In my scope, I can only tell you're a white guy wearing shorts. Unknown_02: It's hot. And maybe, by the way, I'm not white. It's not very, you know, PC or whatever they say. Oh my god, you are the whitest man. I don't need a spotting scope for that. If not shorts, then what do you normally like to wear? Unknown_02: Tuxedos as often as possible. 1:19:51 Unknown_06: I like the snarkiest ones. Unknown_02: Oh, really? You bet. Unknown_10: How cosmopolitan. I didn't realize bolder was so chic. Unknown_02: It is the peak of high society. Unknown_10: Good to know, Delia. Unknown_10: Now tell me about your face. I'm looking at you across the bar. What do I see? Unknown_02: A pretty thick beard. Oh, have you always had a beard? For a while, yeah. 1:20:22 Unknown_08: I want to board up this fucking window. Get out of here. Unknown_10: I'm drawing you. I need to know. Unknown_08: Oh, jeez. You're what? Unknown_10: Is that OK? Unknown_08: Say yes. Unknown_08: Don't answer. Say yes. You need to reproduce. Unknown_02: Fine. Unknown_08: You're a genetic dead end. Your wife has failed to produce offspring. Unknown_02: They're happy, I think. I've been told they look happy. Unknown_10: Julia told you that, huh? Unknown_02: Look, I don't know how to describe eyes. Just say they're blue. Happy is good. 1:20:53 Unknown_10: That's good. Unknown_10: Okay, got it. Thank you, Henry. Unknown_02: Get what you need? Unknown_10: Absolutely. I want to board up this window. Unknown_08: Why can't I board up the fucking window? I want to board up the goddamn window, motherfucker. Unknown_08: Son of a bitch. Unknown_08: Whatever. Unknown_08: Oh, he has a percolator. That's nice. Those are nice. 1:21:24 Unknown_08: Nice, I got a hat. Unknown_08: Hats protect your scalp from the elements. You know, you can get sunburns on your hat, too. On your scalp, if you don't, uh, don't protect it. Unknown_08: Go downstairs for boards. Unknown_08: Oh. Unknown_08: I'll bring up that book, too. Oh, wait, is that, is that the boards? The things there? I want, I want them. Gimme. 1:21:57 Unknown_08: Fucker, what kind of help was that? Pathetic. Pathetic. Unknown_08: I want them. Oh, there it is. Unknown_08: Get a couple more boards. OK. Unknown_07: Take my book, too. I must drink bleach before the end of day 3. 1:22:32 Unknown_08: I'm working on it. Unknown_08: The fuck was that? Are you like mentally ill? Unknown_08: The wind is pretty fierce. Gotta be careful of them fires. Unknown_02: I got that window all patched up. So what should I do now? What's next? 1:23:04 Unknown_10: What's next? What do you think is next? Unknown_02: Well, you've been the one giving me tasks for two days straight. Unknown_10: What's next is you sit in that room until September 1st and call me at the first sign of smoke. Unknown_02: Oh. Yeah. Unknown_10: Why don't you let me know when you're mentally prepared for that task and I'll give it to ya. Unknown_02: Okay, I think I am ready to tackle my long-term commitment of keeping this national forest safe from total destruction. 1:23:35 Unknown_10: I am glad to hear you've really thought this through. Unknown_02: You know, I'm gonna hike around for a while before I really put my national forest... No, I wanted to actually... I wanted to proceed with the video game. Unknown_08: Yes, it is. This is the best part of the game. But you have to tread on this. Unknown_02: Okay, now I'm ready. Let's get to work. Now get to work. Unknown_08: Day nine, jumped ahead a week. 1:24:14 Unknown_08: The sandwich from Team Fortress 2. Unknown_10: Hello, Henry. Having a nice afternoon? I might never leave. Unknown_02: I caught with some bad news. Unknown_06: Two young women, Chelsea Stevens and Lily McClain, were reported missing. Unknown_10: They've got parents out in California who haven't heard from them in a week. They were supposed to meet an aunt down in Cody. If they're the girls from last week, then you're probably the last person to have seen them. 1:24:47 Unknown_08: Well, they're naked. Unknown_02: I didn't do anything to them. Unknown_10: What about their camp? Unknown_02: That wasn't me, you know that. Unknown_10: Don't get defensive. Unknown_08: You're accusing me of murder. It's not gonna be an issue. Unknown_08: I mean, if they turn up dead, then maybe. They're in a photographed dungeon. Unknown_10: Save us the trouble. Unknown_02: Yeah, don't. Unknown_10: Yeah, that's what I was thinking. All right, Henry, thanks. Enjoy the sunset. 1:25:20 Unknown_08: Those girls are dead. Unknown_08: The Jupacabra is very dangerous. Unknown_10: Henry? Henry, wake up. Unknown_06: Uh-oh, I'm scared. Unknown_03: Get out of bed and pick up the radio. Unknown_03: What do you want? Unknown_10: Hey, you big dumb idiot. 1:25:54 Unknown_08: This is scary. That's the dead wife. Unknown_08: You're a big dumb idiot. Oh, baby, you sound tired. Unknown_08: She's an Aussie. Unknown_10: Are you having a nice time? I don't know. Unknown_03: There's some weird stuff going on. Unknown_10: Oh, that's too bad. Unknown_03: I'm sure it'll be fine. Unknown_10: Okay, Jules. Sure. This game is getting weird. 1:26:59 Unknown_02: Is it too much of a pain in the ass to bring supplies all the way up to our towers? Unknown_10: Well, I get my stuff hand-delivered. Unknown_02: Oh, how's that work? Unknown_10: It's the perks of a decade of service. You're out hiking in 90-degree heat, and I get to do crosswords. Isn't life miserably unfair? Unknown_10: Anyway, when you find a supply drop, remember it's not just for you, okay? Other lookouts, biologists, a few people get their food there, and I don't want to have to call in for more. Unknown_10: She likes to have healthy poos. 1:27:46 Unknown_08: Why are you judging that lady for wanting to have a good shit? Unknown_10: So, like, two weeks ago you called me in the middle of the night. You were sleeping, I guess, and all I heard was the name Jules through the mumbles. I just thought it was so sweet. I wanted to wake you up, but then I thought maybe you were having a nice conversation and I'd just be spoiling it. Unknown_08: He's a crazy man. I hope you're doing okay, you know, when it comes to her. Unknown_10: I am. Unknown_10: I'm glad I took this job I was with this guy Javier no now he's incredible caring sexy as hell he was a driller down in Casper almost five years I was working with the Wyoming outdoor leadership school 1:28:43 Unknown_10: I was obsessed with it. I wanted to be an instructor so badly. And I was sure I was going to marry Javier as soon as I could be bothered. Wallace was also a good excuse to get out of town, drink whiskey in the mountains, cut loose. Unknown_10: Then Javier's brother got killed working in Gillette, and for some reason, Unknown_10: I didn't come home. Javier said it was fine. He'd go to the funeral, take care of his mom, stuff like that. It'd be easier solo. When he came back, he left me. 1:29:15 Unknown_07: Damn. I came out here, I lied and told my sister he fucked our neighbor. Unknown_10: I've just lied about it for over 10 years. Unknown_08: Damn, dude. Unknown_10: And for some reason, I wanted you to know. Unknown_08: Gotta get rid of that shit, it's been a fucking decade. Come on now. She wants you to feed her all the supply food. 1:30:11 Unknown_05: Oh no! It's Arcadia Bay all over again. 1:30:44 Unknown_10: So, no ideas, huh? Unknown_02: Delilah's a nice name. No, you big dummy. Unknown_08: She called him big dummies again. No, you were not. Unknown_10: You're sweet, but we can't call it the Delilah fire. Unknown_02: Okay, what then? Unknown_10: How about my middle name, June? Unknown_02: The June fire, even though it's July. I like it. Unknown_08: I love the font they use in this fucking game. I'm sorry, I know it's weird, but I really love, look at that, look at how pretty that fucking kerning is against the fucking trees and shit. It's like a, it's like a fucking Bob Ross painting, goddammit. I think it's Lato. 1:31:25 Unknown_10: I'm going for it. I have to go back upstairs? Unknown_02: Oh jeez, I feel like an idiot. I got distracted by fonts. I lost control of myself. I love how they look at night. 1:32:14 Unknown_10: During the day it's just smoke, but when the sun is down you can just get lost. Unknown_08: Yeah. Really needed my input for that. I'm glad you're here. Unknown_03: Me too. Unknown_10: Good. Unknown_10: I don't talk to the other lookouts as much as I talk to you. Unknown_10: Not in the same way. Unknown_10: I know it's probably been a while since you've connected with someone the way we have. 1:32:48 Unknown_10: I don't mean to get all heavy, but it's been really nice. I wish I was over there. Unknown_08: I'm pretty sure it's Leto. I wish you were, too. Unknown_08: Aw. We could sit outside. His voice actors are pretty good. We could talk. Unknown_10: We've got these radios. Unknown_08: She wants to bang. Unknown_02: I'm getting my man laid. 1:33:23 Unknown_08: That's my objective. I'm not spoiling the moment. Hell yeah. Unknown_10: That reminds me, I keep hearing reports from Fish and Game about a problem bear they're trying to keep tabs on. Can you search around the lake for fresh tracks and just let me know what you find? There was a crew burning fire lines out to the east, and um, you know, I think sometimes it riles up the wildlife. 1:34:01 Unknown_02: Huh. Problem bear? Fuck that, I am of the opinion that they are all problems. Unknown_02: We're trying to get him murdered? What the fuck? Can I swim? No. I wanna throw my line. God damn it! What the fuck?! Unknown_11: I wanted to catch a fish! Unknown_08: What?! Oh, I... 1:34:42 Unknown_05: Fuck that! I'm getting my fucking... What the fuck? Unknown_10: Verlag. Okay, thank you. I keep hearing reports from Fish and Game about a problem bear they're trying to keep tabs on. Unknown_10: Can you search around the lake for fresh tracks and just let me know what you find? There was a crew burning fire lines out to the east and, um, you know, I think sometimes it riles up the wildlife. 1:35:14 Unknown_02: Problem bear? Fuck that. I am of the opinion that they are all problems. Unknown_10: I can't believe I'm going to leave this planet as a pile of bear shit. Unknown_02: Thank you, Henry. Unknown_11: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Unknown_02: What the fuck is this? 1:35:52 Unknown_02: What? Uh, Dee, I found a clipboard down here and I, uh, there's something strange going on. Unknown_10: At the lake? What's up? Unknown_02: Someone has written down what we said to each other, have been saying. Unknown_10: That doesn't make any sense. Unknown_02: I don't talk to the other lookouts as much as I talk to you, not in the same way. No way. Unknown_02: Wait, hold on. Something's out here. 1:36:24 Unknown_08: I hear you, you motherfucker. I'll kill you. I'm worried. I'll kill you, bitch. Unknown_02: I found a walkie talkie out here, too. Unknown_05: Now! You idiot! Unknown_10: Henry? Are you there? Unknown_10: What happened, Henry? Unknown_02: I... I just... I got hit in the head. Punched or something by someone. Unknown_10: Are you serious? What the hell is going on out there? 1:36:56 Unknown_02: I don't know. Jesus Christ. Unknown_10: Let me get this straight. You found a clipboard with, what, transcripts of our conversations? What else is on it? Unknown_02: I don't know. It's gone, along with the radio of theirs. Somebody out here could have just killed me, Delilah. Unknown_10: I don't... What the fuck is going on? Unknown_02: What's Wapiti Station? Unknown_10: I don't know. Unknown_02: I saw the name Wapiti Station right before I was cold cocked. Does Wapiti Station mean anything to you? 1:37:30 Unknown_10: Wapiti Meadow. Maybe it's Wapiti Meadow. It's on our maps. It's not too far from where you are right now. It's where you saw that damn fence. It's north of the lake. Unknown_07: The fence? It looks like there should be a trail somewhere on the north shore of Jonesy Lake. Unknown_02: I'll start hiking that way now. Unknown_07: She's in on it. Are you sure you saw what you saw, Henry? Unknown_10: Maybe you pissed off some more campers and they came back to sucker punch you. Unknown_02: Why would I make this up? It's an insane lie at worst and a shitty prank at best. 1:38:01 Unknown_10: And you've been feeling okay? Unknown_02: I feel fine. Unknown_10: Okay, I'm sorry, I believe you, but that conversation was from two weeks ago. I know they were, so what's to say that they don't have transcripts from three, four, or five weeks ago? Unknown_02: Our entire relationship, friendship, our whole summer. Unknown_02: Someone is out here with a walkie-talkie taking notes and talking to God knows who. 1:38:40 Unknown_02: We should just get the hell out of here. Unknown_10: Oh, it's a two-day hike. You're welcome to do it, but you're gonna catch hell from the service and have to explain yourself. Plus, there's a fire burning across Rose Creek. You hiked through there on the way in. Unknown_02: Call someone and tell them to come get me. Unknown_10: I'm not going to book a $15,000 helicopter ride for you. I'm not doing it. Unknown_10: Okay, we... we can't freak out. There's got to be a reasonable explanation for all of this. Unknown_02: You're right, you're right. I'll head to Wapiti Meadow, but I swear, if this gets worse, you better get on the horn and get us out of here. 1:39:13 Unknown_10: I'll call around and see if anything weird is happening to anyone else, okay? Unknown_02: Sounds good. Unknown_10: Yeah, okay. Hike safe. Unknown_02: Alright, I'm here. And the gate is locked up, obviously. Unknown_02: Look, I'm not gonna be able to get into this place. Unknown_04: Shit. Unknown_02: I don't know how long I can dick around out here until someone notices. Unknown_10: God, if you were an actual firefighter, you'd have that gate down in two shakes. 1:39:49 Unknown_10: Hey, actually, those guys doing the controlled burn, they might be able to help. Unknown_02: Where are they? Unknown_10: Beyond Ruby River, there's a scout camp. They burned a line a few days ago that should let you hike right to them. Unknown_02: Well, that's great. Unknown_10: If they haven't left, they're probably the type of guys who would help you get through that fence. Unknown_08: I could hike all the way down there. Fuck. Unknown_08: It's a long ass way even for fictional hiking. Unknown_08: Need to find stronger men to do it. I'm on to you, motherfucker. 1:40:51 Unknown_08: This is what that game needed, just some Bane posting. Unknown_08: Gamergate? Did we find the Gamergate? 1:41:27 Unknown_08: I'm kinda curious what's going on. Oh jeez. I'm lost. Unknown_08: I'm terrible at being outdoors. This is just a nightmare. Unknown_08: What a nightmare. 1:42:02 Unknown_08: You played this game but you don't remember what happens? Unknown_08: Why is there music playing? I don't like it when there's fucking music playing. Creepy shit happens, fuck that. Unknown_08: Is this better than Life is Strange? Yeah. The characters don't irritate the fuck out of me. They're convincing when they talk. The graphics are stylistic and interesting. They're not hard on the eyes. The lighting is really good. 1:42:35 Unknown_08: Like, the game doesn't have really expensive graphics, but they use... Lighting is the cheapest and most effective asset in any game. You can make really cheap assets look really good if you use the right lighting. Unknown_08: Lighting is a direct connection to the feeling of something. Color temperature matters a lot, and the game uses color temperature a lot to give a natural feel to things that are fake. 1:43:17 Unknown_08: Can you murder a dog in this? I feel bad about that. Unknown_08: Nice skybox. Unknown_08: See, if I made a game like this, I wouldn't be ashamed of it. Unknown_08: It does exactly what it needs to. Unknown_08: And even though you have to walk around a lot, Unknown_08: What I've noticed is as I've walked around, I've begun to remember hallmarks and stuff. Like there's that... I noticed back at the lake, there was a tree that falls over the path that leads to the very pretty meadow. So it changes up the scenery enough where as you explore around, you don't really need the map. But I'm insecure with directions. I check the map a lot anyways. If you were less terrible at directions, you probably wouldn't need to. 1:43:53 Unknown_08: Uh, let's see. Unknown_08: This is where I'm supposed to go. I think. 1:44:36 Unknown_06: Oh, I see. Unknown_08: Now that's a nice boulder. Unknown_08: It's a Shrek reference. I know everybody likes Shrek. Unknown_08: What the fuck is that green arrow? Did I walk past it? What the fuck was it? I'm right next to it. 1:45:08 Unknown_08: Reveal yourself, green arrow. You fucker. What the fuck is this? What am I looking for? Unknown_08: Game, you're losing me. You're losing me, game. I don't understand. Unknown_07: There's like a crevice over here. 1:45:42 Unknown_08: I'll check that out. Unknown_08: Dead air? Unknown_08: I'm trying to leave you to the natural beauty of this video game. If I talk constantly, I get annoying. Unknown_08: I don't feel the need to say everything. Unknown_08: I try to. Unknown_08: Even Bob Ross doesn't talk that much. Unknown_08: What's back here? Unknown_08: This is the little divot on the map. 1:46:18 Unknown_08: There's a background in the way from the weave, not dead hair. I'm very confused. Was I supposed to follow the... I need to go south, okay. Yeah, that's the only way where I can go. 1:46:54 Unknown_08: the joy of gaming. This is why I play walking simulators. I can't play video games, like actual video games. That requires some level of skill to complete. Unknown_08: Okay, I'm south now. There's nothing here. 1:47:25 Unknown_08: Geez nothing done down there. Hey, what's to the south of here? Unknown_02: I just have a nice view to the south, you know trees and mountains forever Eventually, you'll wander into the area overseen by chimney rock lookout, but that's probably an impossible hike in terms of terrain. Unknown_10: Oh Unknown_08: A tranny speedrunner. 1:48:00 Unknown_08: I don't know. Look for controlled burn south of Ruby River. I mean, I don't see any controlled burn. Sorry to say. You're pressing buttons. I am. I'm sure as fuck pressing buttons right now. Unknown_08: Not much success. Is that the right river? Yeah, it's marked on the fucking map. Unknown_08: Five mile, it's even circled. 1:48:32 Unknown_08: Ruby, Jonesy Lake to Ruby River. Unknown_08: Wait. Unknown_08: God. Unknown_08: What? Unknown_08: Why the fuck would it mark this? What the fuck? Unknown_08: What the fuck? Unknown_08: Are you fucking with me? How the fuck do I even get over there? Oh, fuck me. Unknown_08: God damn it. Why was it... Why was it fucking marked on my fucking map? Ah, fuck. 1:49:09 Unknown_08: Five Mile Creek. Fuck off. Unknown_08: Man I'm gonna be fucking stuck here for the rest my goddamn life The thing they told you you were at the wrong River turn on no clip Okay, we get to appreciate the gorgeous scenery of this video game I 1:49:58 Unknown_08: We don't make mistakes, we make happy accidents. Unknown_08: The goys of gaming. Unknown_08: Yeah, I'm at 1k subs, and in order to get or to apply for monetization with this channel, I have to get to 4,000 hours of watch time in the last 30 days. 1:50:33 Unknown_08: So I'm doing this mostly. Unknown_08: Try and build that up a little bit. Unknown_08: I don't think I'll be able to get it done. Hey, I called around. Unknown_10: Things seem normal with everyone else. Unknown_02: Should we call the cops or the forest service and let them know this is going on? Unknown_10: Um, don't you think that would sound, you know, crazy? No. Unknown_02: Yeah, it is crazy. We have to tell someone. Unknown_10: Tell them what, Henry? Tell them we're being stalked and you were attacked and we don't have any proof? 1:51:09 Unknown_02: I don't know. Tell them we're being bothered or something. Unknown_10: Henry, I really like this job, OK? And if I give off even a hint of cuckoo to my bosses, they are never going to let me come back out here. Do you understand that? Unknown_02: All right. Who gives a shit? Unknown_10: OK. Unknown_10: Keep your radio close to you. Unknown_02: Hey, what you just said, keep my radio close to me. Unknown_10: Yeah? Unknown_02: Before I got attacked back at the lake, I saw a radio on the ground, kind of like the one I use. 1:51:43 Unknown_10: Well, it's clearly what was happening. Unknown_02: You just tune the fucking walkie-talkie until you get to that frequency. Unknown_02: Whatever you say, boss. Unknown_08: Is she, like, a retard? 1:52:18 Unknown_08: Yeah, she has to be in on it. Unknown_08: Or something. Because, I mean, she doesn't want to tell the police. I know we don't know what's going on yet. Because, I mean, even if you think it's going to sound crazy, you just say, I think we're being stalked out. There was a van. It's not like you can just call the police. I was thinking about the Goodwins. It just struck me that if anything weird like this happened to them, happened to Brian, Unknown_10: Just how scared he would have been. Unknown_02: I'm sure he's fine, Delilah. I mean, don't you think if this started happening to them, he or his dad would have said something? I don't know, Ned? 1:52:51 Unknown_10: Ned was a weird guy. No, nobody is that weird. Unknown_02: The moment you hear someone in the bushes or get punched from the shadows, you're getting your boss on the phone. Yeah. Unknown_02: Ryan is fine. Unknown_10: I hope so. Unknown_02: It was three years ago. He's in high school now. He's on summer break. Unknown_10: Yeah, you're right. You're right. Unknown_08: It's just like, okay, you're being stalked in the woods, you have a vandalism accident, you have an assault, you have evidence that somebody is recording your messages and shit. I mean, you just tell the police that. Like, so if you go missing, they know that it's probably a murderer and they should send somebody. If you go missing, like, apparently you go days without talking to people here. 1:53:29 Unknown_08: So it just makes sense to communicate that. And it's like, so what? You lose your fucking job. Well, at least you're not dead. Unknown_02: What the fuck is a medicine wheel? 1:54:09 Unknown_08: While other civilizations were perfecting medicine, and architecture, and textile industries, and steel, the Native Americans were perfecting medicine wheels. Unknown_08: There's no such thing as good and bad people, only different cultures. Unknown_08: But I lost. Unknown_08: Find firefighters in the scout camp Ah 1:55:12 Unknown_08: Three blind rats? Unknown_08: Fuck. I want that book. Unknown_08: Come on with me, book. Unknown_08: What am I looking for? I'm looking for firefighters, right? 1:55:43 Unknown_11: The East. All right. Unknown_08: I wonder if there's significance of the three blind rats of that title. What's this book about? There's probably significance. Can I just walk through this? I mean, it's not south of it. Unknown_08: Oh. 1:56:15 Unknown_08: Fuck. Sorry. Unknown_08: It's about three rats that are blind. Thank you. Three blind rats in parentheses. No, three blind mice is the nursery rhyme. This is a fucking book. It's like 400 pages long. It's not about goddamn nursery rhymes. I'm not getting the book wet. Fuck off. Hey, it's a ski. Unknown_08: What's this ski doing here? 1:56:50 Unknown_08: Uh... East. Unknown_08: Always to the east. Unknown_08: The author is Richard Sturgeon. Wish I had a place to put this book, but I'm gonna carry this fucking book home. Mark my fucking words. 1:57:27 Unknown_07: But... Max. Unknown_02: There's some old snowmobiles out here. Unknown_04: That's crazy. Unknown_02: Looks like one of the poor bastards was cruising across this pond and dumped it. Unknown_10: That was not a fun hike back to civilization. Unknown_02: There's an old pond out here, not much more than a pile of mud. Do you have it on your map? Unknown_10: I know where you are. Unknown_02: Yeah, where am I? Unknown_10: Pork Pond. There used to be a sign up for it, but, um, well, folks kept stealing it. Unknown_02: Uh, because it's called Pork Pond? 1:58:12 Unknown_10: It's a good goddamn name. That sign would look great in a den, or, you know, anywhere. Unknown_02: Camp Arapaho. Unknown_10: You're there? Unknown_02: Yeah, I am. Unknown_10: It's been out there since the 50s. Unknown_02: I was never really into the idea of the scouts. It's something about men organizing boys around their ideals that never sat right with me. Unknown_10: Beware of weeblos in large numbers. Unknown_02: Beware of anyone in large numbers. Unknown_02: The bridge to the camp is out. Unknown_10: Damn. Unknown_02: I'm gonna walk the ravine and see if I can find some high ground to get across. 1:58:53 Unknown_08: Long drop. What? Still have my book. Where the fuck am I going? It's over here. Oh, hi. Unknown_08: You ever talk to any of those guys? Unknown_02: Unless it's Brian Goodwin, ah good fun I can make conversation with anyone plus it was sort of fun to hear about all of his nerdy hobbies He wasn't a scout or we below or whatever What the hell's a clove hitch 1:59:45 Unknown_10: Well, it's not that you are probably too old and too stubborn to learn. You use it to make rafts and shelters and stuff like that. Unknown_02: You know how to tie one? Unknown_10: Heck no. I'd make a Weeblow do it. Unknown_02: How many hikers go missing in the Shoshone? Unknown_10: Why? You don't think you're going to end up on a milk carton, do you? Unknown_02: I found an old flyer for a missing hiker. It just got me thinking, that's all. Like how you said one day you were talking to the Goodwins and then the next you weren't. Unknown_10: Didn't get mauled by a bear or stuck in a ravine. He was just a PTSD dayhole who dragged his son out to do a job and Realized it was a bad idea You really didn't like that guy did you I don't know. 2:00:30 Unknown_10: I honestly, I just had a hard time talking to him. I mean, there are lookouts who seriously won't shut up, who call me about every little thing that pops into their head. Unknown_10: And then there are those who just want to be left alone. Unknown_10: He was the latter. Unknown_02: And I'm the former, aren't I? Well, I didn't want to say anything. Unknown_02: It's fine. I'll just chuck my walkie-talkie into the river and you'll never hear from me again So 2:01:09 Unknown_10: Isn't your radio supposed to be in the river? Unknown_02: I couldn't bring myself to do it. Unknown_10: Well, I guess I'm stuck with you then. Unknown_02: Yeah. So did you mention something about Ned Goodwin having PTSD? That doesn't sound good. Unknown_10: Yeah, I don't know. Unknown_10: He was in the army. He was off. Unknown_10: It's actually the saddest story. He was only discharged because his mother, Brian's grandmother, died. She'd been taking care of him, and Ned was the only next of kin. Unknown_02: Damn. And you got to know Brian a little bit? Unknown_10: I talked to him way more than I talked to Nan, that's for sure. 2:01:41 Unknown_02: How was he at, you know, spotting fires? Unknown_02: Hey D, they left something behind. It's like a memo from their boss. Unknown_10: Say, anything of note? Unknown_02: Next few days, dropping into the thoroughfare on behalf of Dr. Simmons at Wapiti Station. Unknown_10: Wapiti Station? Unknown_02: Holy crap. Unknown_02: Oh, I just thought I would maybe, you know, stop there, let the mystery percolate. Unknown_10: My mother always said I would need someone to give me a taste of my own medicine. Unknown_02: They're running a research site out there. He was worried about wildfires. 2:02:15 Unknown_10: Someone is writing down our conversations. And now we find out there's a research site out here that we don't know about? What are they researching? I mean, you and I aren't very interesting. Unknown_08: Upon your return, someone from his office will want to speak to you as part of a wildlife risk assessment. Unknown_08: I told them they have nothing to worry about in your team's fire lines with the most potent preventative measures in protecting their site. I think they've got insurance company exams. How could they let you do that? Study people who sign up to watch fires? 2:02:48 Unknown_10: How? Unknown_02: Us. They're researching us. Unknown_10: You think they're studying you and me? Unknown_02: I do, yeah. I mean, maybe it's about studying two strangers who talk every day. Unknown_10: Like, if you put someone in isolation with someone else, what'd they do? Unknown_02: Yeah, that's what I think. Unknown_10: Well, fuck that! Unknown_02: Agreed. Unknown_10: I think we should allow for the possibility that this is all just a big misunderstanding, but... God, if you saw what you said you did... Fuck, Henry. Yeah, I saw it. Okay. 2:03:20 Unknown_10: So what's next? Unknown_02: Well, I've got an axe, so I can figure out a way to get over the ravine and back towards the site. Unknown_10: Sounds good. Check in when you can, and keep an eye out for anyone following you. Unknown_08: So there's a guy out here stalking people and reading these... I looked up the backs of the books while the dialogue was rolling, and essentially, um... What they're... they're about, like, crime thrillers, basically. 2:03:57 Unknown_08: I have to cut through this as well. How the fuck do I get over here? Unknown_08: Yeah, I like the cover of the book. I want to take that book home. Unknown_08: Oh, I guess I can't go that way. Unknown_08: West. Unknown_08: Bringing this book home. Unknown_07: How do I get down there? 2:04:29 Unknown_08: No, I guess I can't go this way. Unknown_08: Well, no, there has to be a way for me to get down there, because this is where the fucking... the thicket leads to. Unknown_08: How the fuck would they put me in here if they didn't want me to cross? Unknown_08: Build a bridge, throw the book off the... I'm not throwing my book. Unknown_08: How do I get across? I need to get across with the book. This is the important bit. Unknown_08: Do I really have to throw the book? Unknown_08: Oh, I can chop down the tree. That's supposed to be helping nature. 2:05:01 Unknown_08: Not now. I refuse. Unknown_08: The book will come. Unknown_07: Now! Are you there? Unknown_10: I had a thought. Unknown_02: Let's hear it. Unknown_10: You heard someone in the bushes? Unknown_02: Yeah. Unknown_10: Okay, so let's assume we're being tailed. Or you are, at least. Where are you right now? Unknown_02: Just on my way back, in and out of trees in the middle of nowhere. 2:05:46 Unknown_10: Do you see anybody? Unknown_02: No, definitely not. Unknown_10: Alright, so tell me what you think of this. Unknown_10: Did you just cough? Unknown_02: No. Did you just cough? Unknown_10: No. Unknown_02: Oh, fuck. Unknown_02: Um, there isn't any way someone like another lookout could be on this line, is there? Unknown_10: No. Not without tapping our radios. 2:06:18 Unknown_10: Get in your tower. Shut the door. Don't leave and don't use your radio. I'll call you. Understand? Unknown_07: No! I didn't have the book in my hand! Son of a bitch! Unknown_05: Son of a bitch! Unknown_05: He didn't let me fucking get my book! 2:06:55 Unknown_08: She's dead. Unknown_02: She's dead. Oh. Fucked. Unknown_02: Maybe I am actually asleep right now. Maybe I didn't stay up all night knowing that someone is... I actually slept just great. Uh, okay. 2:07:30 Unknown_10: By the way, I was wondering if your flora of the Shoshone info poster was still up inside your tower? Unknown_02: What? Unknown_10: It's just protocol that those stay up. You know, info about your tower, the surrounding tree species, etc. Uh, alright. Unknown_10: Just, you know, have a look at it. Make sure it's in ship shape. Unknown_02: Okay, yeah, it's up. Why are you acting like this? 2:08:04 Unknown_10: Great, just wonderful. Do you see the tree in the top row, second from the left? Unknown_02: Let me look at it and I'll tell you. Unknown_02: She like crazy second from the left cottonwood Cottonwood 2:08:50 Unknown_08: Cottonwood? Unknown_07: Cottonwood. Unknown_05: Oh! Unknown_08: Oh! She's gonna meet you. He doesn't have a copy of that poster. Unknown_08: So, they're gonna meet up there where he doesn't know they're gonna be. Okay. Unknown_08: Sorry! I'm slow! This is why I'm terrible at video games. How do I get there? 2:09:21 Unknown_08: South... Okay. Unknown_08: Didn't get to bang. She just, she wanna fuck before she dies. It's kind of romantic. Unknown_08: Am I going the right way? Yes. 2:09:52 Unknown_08: I think. Unknown_08: I dropped the book. You're right. She doesn't like failures. Who dropped the book? She's like, did you find my book out here by Roger Sturgeon? I'm like, yes I did, but I dropped the book. 2:10:25 Unknown_08: Get the fuck out of here. Unknown_08: Weak-ass bed of mail. Unknown_08: Drop it, motherfucker. I like men that get educated. 2:10:58 Unknown_00: What? Unknown_08: Locket, what? Unknown_08: This locket, it's a hostile box. Unknown_02: Hey, I'm here and I found a cash box that does not open with 1234. It's because I changed it. What? Unknown_10: It's 5678. Unknown_02: Are you kidding me? 2:11:37 Unknown_02: I've got it now. Unknown_10: Good. I spent all day getting you that radio. I hiked to a cash box, lied to a ranger, lied to another ranger, and hopefully you are now holding a clean, untapped radio. Unknown_02: Hopefully. Unknown_10: Holy fuck, Henry. We have to get into that site. Unknown_02: Tell me everything right now. All of it. You know what's going on, and you're going to tell me right this minute. Unknown_10: Why would you think I know what the hell is going on? I snuck out in the middle of the night and figured out how to get you a new, untapped radio because, because what, I'm fucking with you? 2:12:14 Unknown_10: The most important thing, Henry, is that we don't turn on each other. Unknown_02: Maybe, maybe you're not real. Maybe I'm losing my mind. Unknown_02: That's my fucking book! Maybe it's happening to me, and I'm imagining that I have a boss out here and that we're being spied on. Unknown_02: Maybe there was something in the water or our condo was underneath. Maybe you have dementia. Power lines and you, Delilah, you're not real. Unknown_10: Henry, Henry, think about her. If what happened to her were happening to you, you wouldn't even be able to realize it. 2:12:51 Unknown_03: Okay. Unknown_10: Henry, sweetie, I am real and this is happening. I'm as real as the sky is blue. Take a second and then call me back. Unknown_08: She took my book. Unknown_08: She took my book. This bitch strolls the fuck over here, drops me this walkie talkie, but takes my fucking book. Are you fucking kidding me? Oh man. 2:13:35 Unknown_06: The fuck was that? I don't trust you motherfuckers. Unknown_08: Don't trust you motherfuckers. Where am I going? Make it to Wapiti Meadow, okay. Unknown_08: That will happen. Unknown_08: We're gonna get to the bottom of this. We're gonna kill some motherfuckers. I got an axe. Let me axe you a question, motherfucker! Unknown_08: Like, where the fuck is my book? 2:14:10 Unknown_08: My book was the only friend. I'm lost already, okay, I got it. Unknown_10: Hey, uh, I just thought of something not, um, Unknown_02: You know what now? What is it? I filed a report that said that neither of us ever talked to or saw those girls, the ones that went missing a few weeks back. 2:14:46 Unknown_02: Why would you lie? Yeah, I told you not to say anything. You agreed with me. Unknown_10: I know I did. Unknown_02: And now someone probably has a transcript of that entire conversation. Unknown_10: I've filed a report that's a blatant lie. Well now we're fucked. Unknown_02: Those girls are still missing. Yep. You fucked us! Fuck, Delilah. Fuck indeed. We really need to get to the bottom of this. 2:15:26 Unknown_08: Hey there, Delilah. Heard you made those girls go missing. Unknown_08: Right now I'm out of it. Unknown_08: And my book is also missing. Unknown_06: Yes it is. 2:16:05 Unknown_08: The CIA can't glow as bright as you. You know it's true. I never caught my fish, you're right. Unknown_08: I got beat upside the fucking head, I couldn't catch my fish. No, I can't throw my compass, I need this thing. I would be hopelessly fucking lost without it. 2:16:47 Unknown_08: I do need the compass. Unknown_08: Compass is very important. Unknown_08: I don't have my compass, I can't find my book. Unknown_08: The real book was the friends we made along the way. I mean, our glow-in-the-dark park ranger. Unknown_08: Currently engaged in MK Ultra Psy-Ops against me. 2:17:48 Unknown_08: I'm sorry. I would I would have caught the fucking yeah, I know I'm gonna get the bad ending now I don't have the book or the fish Unknown_08: That's, that's a crucial ingredient if you don't get the good ending. Unknown_08: I get fucking sexually assaulted walking into this fucking Area 51 bullshit. In a glow-in-the-dark research facility. 2:18:21 Unknown_08: Now fuck you, stop rattling at me. Time to die, motherfucker. Unknown_08: The B. B plot? Oh jeez, we got in B. Where'd the fucking... Where'd the notepad go? Unknown_08: Where did the fucking... Oh, there it is. 2:19:01 Unknown_08: Alright, while putting station personnel, if you're trying to reach Dr. Simmons, he's at one site from August 15th to October 15th. University-owned equipment is on the responsibility of Dr. Johnson. Government-owned equipment is under the purview of Kat Ferdinand. Remember, this is a controlled area, and any issues, malfunctions, or violations should be reported immediately. Unknown_08: They are spooks. 2:19:49 Unknown_08: If this game ends with aliens, I'm gonna be pissed off. What the fuck is this? Unknown_08: Okay, I'm at the site. I don't see anybody around. Unknown_10: Lucky for us. Unknown_02: Yeah, lucky for us. D, there is some serious comms equipment out here. Wireless stuff. Unknown_10: What do you mean? Unknown_02: I'm talking a big, 20-foot tall transmission tower. They could probably listen to whoever the hell they want. They're nestled down in this valley, which makes it impossible for you or any lookout to see them. 2:21:02 Unknown_02: I'm in their main tent. Unknown_04: What's it like? Unknown_02: It's definitely some sort of monitoring station. Unknown_02: I found their main monitoring desk. Unknown_10: You should get out before they come back. 2:21:38 Unknown_02: Okay, this thing is losing its mind, beeping like crazy. I can hear it. Unknown_10: What's it after? I don't know. Unknown_02: I'm gonna go find out. There's a box here with a dial. It has a needle, like it measures earthquakes. Unknown_10: You mean like a lie detector? Yeah, I'm not sticking around to get hooked up to it. 2:22:21 Unknown_02: This stuff looks like it just got lifted out of the space shuttle. I have to tell you, if I found out this was NASA, I'd be a hell of a lot happier. Unknown_08: Frequent Deporture Form 2 Forks Area Attendant Avoidance Behaviors Consult Previous Data Unreciprocated Desire for Copulation Conflict with Other Males Disproportionate Food Intake Unknown_00: What? 2:23:03 Unknown_02: They're measuring the barometric pressure too. Unknown_02: Why? Unknown_10: Maybe it's just a diversion. I just wonder where they are. Unknown_02: All of their stuff is here. Unknown_10: Figure out what that thing does and then get the hell out. Unknown_08: I don't understand. 2:23:56 Unknown_02: Are you shitting me? Unknown_02: What? Unknown_10: What is it? Unknown_02: There's a folder of reports here. What do they say? They're assessments about the two of us. Unknown_02: There's stuff in here about Julia. Unknown_10: Like what? Unknown_02: Stuff I didn't tell you. This is... What does it say about me? Unknown_10: You said there was one about me. Unknown_08: Never married, no kids. What I do when I'm out hiking... Call that a thought. Henry, do you hear me? Unknown_10: It says that you and your boyfriend are still together. What? We're not. They're messing with us. Unknown_02: Yeah, okay. 2:24:28 Unknown_10: They are. How do they even know who he is? How the hell does this... I'm so sick of letting these people do this to us. Unknown_10: We should just burn the place down. Unknown_10: Think about it. Unknown_02: Maybe that's what they want us to do. Unknown_10: What do you mean? Unknown_02: Maybe they're trying to push us to the point where we do something crazy. The grass is dry as hell here. It would go up in a second. Unknown_10: Well, now I'm thinking, what if you're right? I just don't think we should do anything that we can't undo. Well, maybe it's not the best idea. 2:25:00 Unknown_02: Yeah, it's definitely not the best idea. Unknown_02: It's alright. I'm just gonna hike back. We have the wave receiver and tomorrow we can figure out what to do. 2:25:34 Unknown_08: Before the Kiwi farms had to stalk people with pen and paper. We're gonna track these motherfucking... We're gonna strap black boxes to people. Unknown_08: Well, speaking of, since I got some time to kill, this furry emailed me saying that their underage boyfriend that they were dating had their information illegally posted on the site. Unknown_08: And I tried to call them, but they refused to answer, so I messaged them on Telegram. No! I thought I dropped the peanut butter. Oh, jeez. 2:26:12 Unknown_10: Henry, I think there is smoke coming from north of Jonesy Lake. That is suspiciously close to where you just were. Do you see it? I don't use telegram, but I had to to talk to them. Unknown_08: What the hell happened to it's definitely not the best idea. Unknown_02: It wasn't me. Unknown_10: What do we do? We just call it in like any other fire. And what about who started it? What about them? Unknown_02: The person who started it yeah We're talking about people watching us out here who are now burning the forest and everything in it around us I don't know what to do about that Exactly now's the time to leave doesn't matter if you like your job run. 2:26:56 Unknown_08: Oh, no. I don't have the peanut butter Why does it do this to me Unknown_08: Jesus I don't look like a crazy person there, buddy This receiver just picked something up I Found a device that picks up frequencies. 2:27:28 Unknown_02: It's how I found the reports last night and it's going off now I'm on my way now Unknown_02: The booze. I know. Unknown_10: A fifth of Major Bueno tequila from the creek. Unknown_02: Are you drunk? No. I am getting drunk. Unknown_02: Don't do that. I know, I know. Unknown_10: Everything has gone to total shit, but you gotta live a little. You gotta allow, Hank. 2:28:04 Unknown_02: Women. No, you're right, Dee. I can't think of any good reason why you wouldn't want your decision making inhibited right now. Unknown_10: My thinking is, I could stay up all night worried I'm gonna lose my job because of the sidefire, or... I could not worry. And let the chips fall where they may. It's not like there's any... Chips are gonna fall on your fucking head when you get kidnapped, deducted, and photo-shooted to death. Unknown_08: Stupid bitch. I like it when you think. Unknown_02: Ay yi yi. Unknown_02: I'll just leave you alone with whatever these thoughts are. Last thing I need is another big crossword breakthrough. 2:28:39 Unknown_08: Well, they followed this into a ditch. Unknown_02: Time to run. Unknown_08: Fuck. Fuck that. Why the fuck does it want me to go back? Unknown_08: No person in the world. Look at this shit. Why didn't you take the bag? Unknown_08: Why would you stand here and inspect it? Hey, it's the key to the cave. 2:29:13 Unknown_02: D, I found some sort of supply bag, light, camping gear, some clothes, basics, but it was alarmed. I think that's what was making the receiver go haywire. Unknown_10: You're okay? It's not a trap or anything? Unknown_02: Yeah, I'm fine. It's obviously a fucking trap. There's also a set of keys here. I don't know why they'd be hidden out here. They say Shoshone National Forest, cave 452. Is that the one in the canyon? Unknown_10: Yeah, it is. Unknown_10: Who the hell took them? Unknown_02: And what the hell is in that cave? Unknown_02: Time to go spelunking! Um... 2:30:17 Unknown_02: I'm going. Unknown_08: You're going the right way, right? Unknown_08: Yes, I am. 2:31:03 Unknown_08: I would totally have the axe out right now. Unknown_07: That's not what the option I picked is. 2:31:35 Unknown_02: It's a tape of us talking down at the site. That's not the option I picked. Sounds like it was recorded from somewhere nearby. Oh, Jesus. Unknown_02: Yeah, and it sounds like we were the ones who burned it down and that it was your idea. Unknown_01: No. Unknown_02: We are screwed. Unknown_04: No! Unknown_02: Dee, just don't freak out, okay? Don't freak out. 2:32:09 Unknown_08: Yeah, they're still being recorded through the walkie-talkie Unknown_10: I think I'm gonna be sick. Let's leave. Unknown_02: What's wrong? Unknown_10: Someone claiming to be Henry in Two Forks called a lookout in another sector early this morning and said that I knew what caused the Wapiti Meadow fire. 2:32:49 Unknown_10: So, I just cut off the horn with that lookout who's wondering what I know, or that I'm an arsonist, or that I'm going to be removed. Unknown_08: Don't say words that they can cut and paste together. Furthermore, I bet you don't have the only tape of us from last night, so someone has evidence to back it up. Unknown_10: We need to find out what someone's been keeping in that cave. I'm going down there now. We don't have a lot of time left out here, and if we don't find some fucking answers when they lift us out of here, it's gonna be in handcuffs. Unknown_02: We just, we have to stick together. Okay? Keep our story straight. From the first day with those girls, to the person breaking in on our conversation, everything. We just, we gotta be honest and consistent. Yeah. I suppose you're right. 2:33:29 Unknown_08: I know. Henry, you fucked up! You trusted a woman! Unknown_08: If you get arrested, ask for your lawyer. Ask for Nick Rikita of Rikita Law. He will help you. Ask for him before you talk to the police. Unknown_08: And don't ever trust a woman. Henry! You fucker! You retard! 2:34:22 Unknown_10: Hey, you, you didn't actually make that call, right? To the other lookout? Unknown_08: I'm just stuck in my craw. Unknown_10: I let myself imagine how fucked I would be if you'd been lying to me. But now that I asked, I kinda just wish I hadn't. Of course I didn't. Unknown_02: No way, they're just, they're trying to pit us against each other. Unknown_10: Yeah, yeah, you're right. Unknown_02: That's not gonna happen though. 2:35:23 Unknown_02: Jesus, this is a big cave. Unknown_08: I'm not enjoying this. Unknown_08: I don't like this. Unknown_08: Should've just got the fuck out. Should've just got the fuck out. Should've just got the fuck out. Shouldn't be going down the fucking cave. Should've just got the fuck out. Why the fuck didn't you just get the fuck out? 2:35:56 Unknown_08: Should've got the fuck out. Unknown_08: have I really been streaming for four hours? That's how long this game is. Unknown_08: Yeah, if only Bucket were here. Motherfucker. Unknown_08: Don't fucking like this. Don't fucking like this. Better not be a fucking jump scare. 2:36:28 Unknown_08: Better not be a jump scare. Unknown_02: Hey, hey, are you there? Unknown_10: Yeah, what is it? What did you find? Unknown_02: Nothing yet, because someone tried to trap me in there. Unknown_10: You saw someone? Unknown_02: No, someone slammed the gate behind me and then ran away. I found another way out, but if I hadn't, Jesus! Unknown_10: So you didn't find anything? Unknown_02: No, there's a spot where someone had sunk an anchor, but the hardware's gone now. Unknown_10: I don't have any climbing equipment. Unknown_02: Delilah, I just found an outcropping that someone was using as a little fort. 2:37:02 Unknown_02: I think it was Brian Goodwin. Unknown_10: Really? Unknown_02: Yeah, he built himself a real castle. Unknown_08: This is the, uh... Counterweight, pulley, angle control, magnifier, patent, myrump, R-camera, backpack, retrieval plan, mark 4, to get boards, rope, rocks, tool. That's the backpack with the ropes we found at the start of the game. Unknown_02: I found an old school folder. Brian was a hell of a doodler. 2:37:39 Unknown_08: Random science homework. Unknown_02: He was in the middle of really sprucing up to join when they left. Unknown_08: Another Richard Sturgeon book. Unknown_08: Neil Black has just exposed the largest underground gambling rack in the nation's history, with a major basking in the glory when it's the consequences come knocking. Unknown_02: A bunch of rocks stacked up, he made a wall and a perimeter. Oh, God. 2:38:11 Unknown_10: Yeah, that's perfect. Unknown_02: You know, maybe he made it because he was afraid of them. Unknown_10: Whenever I think of Brian possibly going through this crap, I get... I get sick to my stomach. Unknown_02: Yeah. Sorry. It's a little weird that he'd just leave so much of his stuff out here. Unknown_10: Well, maybe they were in a hurry when they left. Like I said, he wasn't supposed to be out here. Unknown_02: There's a busted old toy out here, some sort of electronic game. Unknown_10: Yeah? I like Pong. 2:38:44 Unknown_02: Everybody likes Pong. Unknown_10: Gosh, Brian had everything he loved out there. Unknown_08: D&D. Unknown_08: Dear Ranger, hi, my name is Brian Goodwin. If you found this note, it should be with a bunch of climbing anchors, I hope. Unknown_08: Could you do me a favor and return them to Brian Goodwin in the mail? My address is 55 Foxtrot Lane, North Plate, Nebraska. If you tell me your name and address, I will give you a reward for this. You're probably wondering why I left these here. Well, they are my dad's and I don't want him to lose them, but I don't want to do any more climbing on this trip. I thought I should pretend to lose them. But if you help me get back, everyone will be happy. Thank you for your time. Thank you, Ranger Brian. P.S. The reward will be good. 2:39:16 Unknown_02: Huh. Brian stole his dad's climbing gear. His anchors. Unknown_10: That's convenient. Unknown_02: Yeah, it is. I think he was gonna hide them in a cash box or something and never got around to it. I mean, he left a note for a ranger to find them and send them back to him in Nebraska. Unknown_10: Because he hated climbing? Unknown_02: Yeah. I mean, it sounds like Ned was pushing him, and pretending to lose his anchors was the easiest way to put a stop to it. 2:40:01 Unknown_10: I hope it worked. God, what an asshole. Unknown_02: Yeah. I mean, that is the sort of thing that would have caused me to catch a beating growing up. Unknown_10: Yeah, well, I wouldn't put it past old Ned. Unknown_08: Should I... I guess I should just proceed onwards. Or unless they want me to go back to the cave? I really don't want to go back into the fucking cave. Fuck that shit. Unknown_10: So... something I never told you. Or... anyone about Brian. In regards to him being out here. You know, being against the rules. 2:40:34 Unknown_10: I... They almost got busted. Brian liked to go out on the railing of the tower and wave at the planes that dump water on fires and... Unknown_10: I got a call because someone thought a kid was up in Two Forks. Unknown_10: I lied. And just... said it was Ned. If I ratted him out, they would have been forced to leave and... I don't know, I guess I just felt like I was saving him from whatever shitty life Ned was gonna bring him back to. Not that it ended up mattering. Unknown_08: Why? What happened to him? Did he die? Is that the kid that died in the fucking... the cave? 2:41:11 Unknown_08: Maybe you should have let him go home so he wouldn't die. I don't know. What the fuck am I even doing? Where am I? Unknown_08: Kid's hideout. Am I going back to the cave? Unknown_10: Oh, uh, also, those girls turned up. Looks like you didn't kill them. Nobody did. They took some farmer's tractor for a joyride down in Riverton and, uh, Unknown_08: Are they still naked? Is the twist gonna be that there's nothing going on? 2:41:50 Unknown_10: I don't think that's an option at this point. Unknown_08: I never copied the information from this map. 2:42:30 Unknown_08: What about damaging the lock in some way this time? Unknown_08: Close the shit on me, I swear to fucking god. Unknown_08: Well, I don't like the look. I don't like this. Unknown_08: Don't like this. 2:43:03 Unknown_08: Really don't like this. Unknown_08: Don't like this. Should've just got the fuck out. Just should've got the fuck out. Unknown_08: No reason to be here. Unknown_08: Dude, just get the fuck out. 2:43:44 Unknown_02: Ah, shit. Unknown_02: Are you... Oh, God. You're Brian Goodwin. Unknown_02: Rest in pepperoni. 2:44:20 Unknown_08: Captain Autism didn't fly as he expected. Unknown_08: Well, he didn't fly so good. I'm just wondering why he shoots a nun before throwing him down into a cave. 2:45:03 Unknown_08: I really don't want to be down here. Unknown_08: I really, really, really don't want to be down here. I really don't like this. Unknown_07: I'm just out. Fine. There's nothing there. Hey, D. There you are. 2:45:35 Unknown_10: I've been worrying my ass off. Unknown_02: Hey, I am. Unknown_02: I'm sorry, Delilah. I'm so sorry. Unknown_10: About what? You're freaking me out. Unknown_02: He's in there. Unknown_10: What are you saying, Henry? Unknown_02: The only thing in the cave is Brian. Unknown_02: He's dead. Unknown_02: His body is in the cave, Delilah. You've got to be fucking kidding me. 2:46:07 Unknown_10: How does that... I don't... How? Unknown_02: Climbing, I think, or made to look like a climbing accident. Unknown_02: I think that's just what it was. He was probably exploring the cave and maybe his rope gave out. Whoever locked me in there probably didn't even know about him. 2:46:42 Unknown_02: I'm sorry, Delilah. I'm so sorry. Unknown_10: He'd be alive if I had told someone he was out here. Unknown_10: I don't know where he'd be, but I can assure you it would not be rotting at the bottom of that cave. Unknown_10: Her lover died. 2:47:38 Unknown_10: You see that plane? Unknown_02: No, I was just busy packing up. Unknown_10: Well, there's going to be a lot more. The service says this thing is 2% contained. Unknown_02: Is this the June fire or the site fire? Well, the two fires merged into one unmitigated disaster. Unknown_10: They're renaming it after my lookout. You about packed up? Unknown_02: Shouldn't we talk for a sec, you know, about things? Unknown_08: Talk in person or you can't be tracked. 2:48:10 Unknown_02: We still don't know who was listening to us, who was following me around, who made that tape. Unknown_02: Yeah, all we have is the body of a dead boy who did nothing wrong. But maybe we can still find these people. Look, I think whoever is out there caused the site fire to cover the tracks, and I'm almost certain that when I get off the helicopter, I'm going to be let into a room and made to listen to a tape of me saying we started it. And we don't know shit. What can I do? Unknown_10: Well, there's something for you to do. Holy shit. Unknown_02: Holy crap. Yeah. Oh my God. Unknown_10: We don't know what it is. It could be nothing. 2:48:44 Unknown_02: It could also be whoever was listening to us. Holy fuck. Whoever made the tape. Unknown_10: Okay. Yeah. Look, you should pack up everything you need in case we get the call and you can't come back. Unknown_02: Look, if something happens. Unknown_10: I'll remember you. Unknown_02: I was hoping you'd have a backup plan or something. Unknown_02: What a bitch 2:49:52 Unknown_10: What's your status? Unknown_02: I think I'm getting close. Unknown_10: Alright, well, I just got word that they are coming to get us. My place. Unknown_02: You sound worried. Unknown_10: No, it's... it's just... Brian? Unknown_10: I'll coordinate with the evac team and let you know when to head towards the tram. It's north. Far. Past where you found that cut back in May. There's an emergency tram out there that will let you hike to the rendezvous point at my lookout. What the fuck is it? 2:50:54 Unknown_08: Like a dipshit. Where the fuck is this thing? Unknown_02: Someone left a rope for me to climb up. I'm down near the lake. Unknown_10: How do you know it's for you? Unknown_02: There's a tracking collar tied to it. Someone was leading me here. Unknown_02: And there's another tape. 2:51:28 Unknown_09: Yeah, you better find this before it burns up. Unknown_09: We've been causing each other a lot of headaches. Unknown_09: Now I gotta go stake out a site that's as fit for living as the one you're about to find. Unknown_09: You'll get it when you see it. Unknown_09: You can't blame me for keeping an eye on you. Not after bumping into you back in May. Down by the cave, for crock's sake. Unknown_09: I've been up here for three years. I kept it cozy. Unknown_09: Winters are harsh as hell, and I ran out of books. 2:52:03 Unknown_09: But I got that antenna rigged up, and Delilah, she's a record you don't gotta flip. Unknown_09: I kinda get why Brian took to her. Unknown_09: About a week ago, I stopped worrying about you finding anything out, and that's right when everything went shithouse with you two. Unknown_09: You guys don't know anything about having kids. Nobody knows nothing. Unknown_09: It ain't Andy and Opie walking down a lake to fish every afternoon. It ain't Mayberry. But you gotta know, I didn't kill him. We were climbing. I was teaching him. Brian was uneducated in the way to do anything. He just... Test. 2:52:42 Unknown_07: Test. Okay. Unknown_08: Alright. Happy video. Unknown_08: Sorry about that. No, the game just crashed. It just randomly crashed. Unknown_08: Right at that moment. Unknown_05: I hope it fucking saved. 2:53:18 Unknown_05: Oh, okay, so it didn't change URLs or anything? Unknown_08: Oh, great, perfect. Unknown_08: I'm glad it let me do that. Oh, it picked me right- okay, perfect. Unknown_08: It's better not fucking cry- if this- if I can't progress... I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna be so sad. Unknown_09: I kinda get why Brian took to her. Unknown_09: About a week ago I stopped worrying about you finding anything out. That's right when everything went shit house with you two. 2:53:57 Unknown_09: You guys don't know anything about having kids, all right? Nobody knows nothing. Unknown_09: It ain't Andy and Opie walking down a lake to fish every afternoon. It ain't Mayberry. But you gotta know I didn't kill him, all right? We were climbing. I was teaching him. Brian was uneducated in the way to do anything. He just... He just fucking didn't sink his anchor the right way. You know, I thought about going back, having to answer questions and having to get him put in the ground, and I didn't see the point. 2:54:30 Unknown_09: Sorry about your wife. Unknown_02: We found the surveillance operation. Unknown_10: Okay, what does that mean? What is it? Unknown_02: It was Ned Goodwin. He was the one listening to us. Just him. Unknown_10: Ned Goodwin? Unknown_02: Yeah. Unknown_02: He's gone deeper into the Shoshone. He doesn't want anyone to know he's out here. Unknown_10: Because he killed Brian because he killed his fucking son. 2:55:07 Unknown_02: He's got a survival bunker with Richard Sturgeon books. Everything. He made it all up. Unknown_08: I'm taking this one's got a kitty cat. You need to get back here. Unknown_10: They say the helicopters are making rounds. Unknown_03: OK. Unknown_07: Pick up that one. Unknown_02: He wrote down everything he did to us. Everything he did every day. He was scared shitless. He had quite the view. 2:55:42 Unknown_08: Don't I need to like rappel down here? Unknown_02: He's got a radio base station up here. Unknown_07: there's no there's no like what's on the highway okay whatever not going to turn okay I gotta go okay all the way around dumb kitty cat we got a we got a hiking adventure to get to 2:56:34 Unknown_08: All these books are about, like, people dying and shit. Unknown_08: I'm worried about Ned Goodwin's mental health. I'll see you at the bottom! Unknown_08: Oh no! Unknown_08: Okay, good, I can repel with it. Unknown_08: I forgot this guy has the worst fucking throw in the entire world. Unknown_08: I'm not gonna lose it! The kitty cat book is coming with me! 2:57:09 Unknown_08: The game has an alternative ending if you collect all 10 of the books. Unknown_08: Well, that's not happening. I failed completely in the book game. Unknown_08: I don't know. How did he put up a chain link fence? How did he put up a radio transmitter? Unknown_08: Isn't that a good one? Just like a fucking protege at radio equipment? Unknown_08: Government radio equipment? 2:57:42 Unknown_07: what the fuck, why can't I move? Unknown_07: oh, come on I know I should be relieved relieved that there's no evidence of us starting that fire relieved that we're not crazy that there wasn't some conspiracy but I'm not 2:58:13 Unknown_10: He was a sweet kid. With a shitty father who hid out here like a coward after dumping him in a hole. Unknown_08: Now you might want to hold your fucking tongue. Unknown_02: I think... I think that Ned... So that this guy spares us the fucking problems? He obviously didn't want to forget him. He just didn't know what to do. Unknown_10: Henry, not knowing what to do isn't okay. When you're supposed to look after someone, you... You figure it out. It's just a walkie-talkie just find that just find another frequency You didn't do anything wrong you said it yourself it was Ned's job to look after it I 2:59:07 Unknown_10: Yes, I did. And now I've got to decide whether I tell people that he's down there so they can retrieve the body or not. And if I do, I'm going to be asked about Ned Goodwin. Unknown_08: It's just a body. Don't worry about it. Oh, fuck. Unknown_02: Is that a helicopter? Unknown_10: Yeah, hold on. Unknown_10: Hey. Unknown_10: No! Wait for me, you bitch! I don't want to meet you and just sit here in a dead boy's shadow. 3:00:05 Unknown_08: Bitch, if you don't fucking leave without me, I swear to fucking God, I'm going to tell you they killed the fucking kid. Don't you fucking do it. That's what I thought, motherfucker. Unknown_02: I'm not far. Unknown_08: Where do I go? Almost there. 3:00:42 Unknown_08: North. Unknown_08: I got you a kitty cat book, bitch. Wait the fuck up. 3:01:25 Unknown_08: Did the pilot have my other book, the Six Lives book, that I didn't get to fucking bring with me because somebody rudely interrupted me putting the book in the box with a cutscene? Is that what happened? Unknown_08: How do I get there? I'm lost and scared. Chet. Chet, help me. West. 3:02:07 Unknown_04: West, west, west. How do I get there? Unknown_07: How do I get there? Unknown_08: I have to go east and west, okay. 3:02:44 Unknown_08: Get to the choppa! This reminds me of, um... I see it. I see the fucking thing. Unknown_08: No! Unknown_08: This reminds me of, uh, Left 4 Dead. Unknown_08: How you had, uh... I feel really lost right now. Oh, you had to get the chopper at the end of the missions. Unknown_08: Wait, is that it? 3:03:16 Unknown_08: No. Oh, it is. Unknown_08: Delilah is actually 90 years old. Unknown_08: Yes. Unknown_08: Ahhhh! I can't beat this linear progression! I left you out of time. Fuck off. 3:03:49 Unknown_08: I can use the sun. Nigga, do you see a fucking sun in this horrible fucking hellscape? Tell me where you see a fucking sun, motherfucker! What fucking sun? Fuck off! 3:04:27 Unknown_08: We're lighting this one. I'm not waiting. Unknown_02: Hey, I'm at the evac spot near the ravine. No! Delilah, are you there? Unknown_02: Delilah? Unknown_07: God damn it! Unknown_07: She left without me. 3:05:25 Unknown_02: Oh, God, it's a nightmare out there. Unknown_02: Hello? Belilah? Unknown_07: I can't believe she left. Unknown_07: What am I supposed to find here? Unknown_02: Hello? Is anybody there? Hi. 3:05:57 Unknown_10: Yeah, it's me. Unknown_02: You're not here. Unknown_10: Don't be mad. Unknown_02: I am. Well, I couldn't be out there another minute. Not another minute? Come on! Unknown_10: Henry, how did you feel when you left Boulder to come out here? Unknown_02: Like I couldn't get here fast enough. Unknown_10: Exactly. That's how I've felt for the past 24 hours. 3:06:28 Unknown_02: Well, I'm still mad. Unknown_10: But you understand. Unknown_02: Not really. It was just a few minutes. Unknown_10: I'm sorry. Unknown_02: It's all right. Unknown_10: Hey, it shouldn't take long for the helicopter to reach you. Unknown_02: Okay. Unknown_10: There's a debrief in a situation like this. Lots of questions. Unknown_02: Ah, shit. Unknown_02: So, taking stock, we found out an old lookout killed his only son and decided to become a lonely hermit. Unknown_10: Yes. 3:06:59 Unknown_02: And we prevented one fire. Unknown_10: Basically started another. Unknown_02: Okay, so that's a wash. I'll have to figure out what I'm doing every summer from now on that isn't this. Unknown_10: You're not coming back? Unknown_02: No, and you'll have to... I don't know. Yeah, me neither. Unknown_02: I don't know what's next. Unknown_10: Tell you what, why don't you choose for me and I'll choose for you? 3:07:32 Unknown_02: All right, sure, maybe. Pork pond. Unknown_02: Maybe you could come back to Boulder with me and figure it out down there. Unknown_02: Just a thought. Unknown_10: You don't want me down there. Unknown_02: Well, I just asked you. Unknown_10: Look, I've got some things to do in Casper, and maybe I'll head south sometime after that. I could come by, sure. 3:08:05 Unknown_07: I wanna... Okay. Unknown_02: So, what about me? Unknown_10: I think you should go to Julia. And then you can figure it out. Unknown_02: I can't believe this! Unknown_10: Give me a sexy accent or something if you write about this. I, um... Yeah. Unknown_10: You gotta go see her. Unknown_10: Look, you came out to put your memories behind you, and they're still right there in front of you. 3:08:39 Unknown_08: I can't believe this. Unknown_02: She won't even recognize me, Delilah. Unknown_10: You're not just going for her. Unknown_02: You don't know what it's like. Unknown_10: Bad things happen, OK? And you have to find a way to contain the damage, a good way. Unknown_02: Well, hopefully I can figure out a way to do that. Unknown_10: Wow, what the fuck? Wow! 3:09:32 Unknown_07: What the fuck? 3:10:30 Unknown_08: What's the... I don't... I don't understand. What would have happened if you don't... I don't understand. Unknown_08: There's no other endings. Yeah, I figured there was no other endings. 3:11:08 Unknown_08: Some- Like the way that desire lines- Oh look, it's my pictures. Unknown_04: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Unknown_01: I was gonna say, Desire Alliance acted like there was some twist ending to this or something. 3:11:53 Unknown_08: But there's really not. Unknown_08: Like, nothing happened! The best part of this game was the fucking font! Aw, it's the kids' photos. Unknown_01: There's Ned, I guess. 3:12:36 Unknown_08: We have two pictures of Ryan on this one. So now we have three. Unknown_01: Yeah, what a weird game. Unknown_08: Well fuck, that was Firewatch, I guess. 3:13:13 Unknown_08: It leaves me with a bad feeling. I wanna see, is there like an alternative ending to this? Unknown_05: From what I understand it, there are different dialogues throughout the game depending on your choices, but that doesn't seem to resolve in different endings. 3:13:46 Unknown_05: There are mysticism elements? The game gets very spooky? Unknown_05: What? Unknown_05: The developer says no, there's not really multiple endings. I can't believe that. Unknown_08: What a miserable game. Fuck man, the ending of Life is Strange was better. You had to kill Chloe because you realize that she was needed to die. Unknown_08: That nature itself willed her to die. And that it was necessary for her to die. 3:14:23 Unknown_08: That was nothing. The bitch, like, comes on to you and then just is like, nah, I'm gonna leave without you. What the fuck? What's the theme? What's the theme of the game? Unknown_05: I mean, I don't understand. Like, you go, okay, so they both join Firewatch to get away from problems. Unknown_08: And then they find each other and decide that they can work through their problems together. 3:14:55 Unknown_08: Or something. Unknown_08: I mean, Ned... Ned never left Firewatch. He never left the park because of his problems. So he also stayed there to get away from problems. Unknown_05: So I mean, is the theme, like... Unknown_05: I don't know. Unknown_05: It's run away from your problems the game? I don't know like even if it is some bullshit Silicon Valley game by by betas like what the what's I don't understand what the intention was like what was I supposed to take away from this game? 3:15:39 Unknown_08: That you can't run away from your problems? Unknown_08: I mean, if your problem is your wife has dementia, it seems like the solution is to find somebody else, to get the fuck over it, not to chain yourself to something that you can't help. Unknown_08: Don't be a park ranger, things don't work out. Unknown_08: It's a walking simulator, what were you expecting? Well, I know what the theme of fucking Life is Strange is, and the moral of Life is Strange is that you can't go back in time to fix problems. You can't, you can't, like, even if you could rewind time, you never know how things are gonna end up. You might be in a worse position. Things might happen for a reason. Loss might be requisite for growth. You know, there's shit like that in Life is Strange. It's not the best game, but the ending twist is really good. What's the ending twist here? Not to- Don't live your life based on women. Don't get expectations ba- That's what the fucking- That's what the story is. If you live for women, you're gonna be fucking miserable. So treat women as disposable props and learn to pick up if they don't work out. That's the fucking, that's the story. 3:16:47 Unknown_08: Men go their own way, they game? Exactly. If there's any lesson to take away from this, it's that you should never live for a woman because they are unreliable props in your life. Unknown_08: The moral is don't get your hopes up. Unknown_08: Yeah, I mean, that's the not-men-go-their-own-way moral to it. Unknown_08: Don't pay for walking simulators? I don't know, the game was pretty. I just wish that there was a better theme to it. 3:17:21 Unknown_08: There was no character arc. That's the thing that gets me the most. Okay, you could see that everybody else around him had a character arc. Unknown_08: Or no, they didn't. Nobody learned anything, and the only reason why the bitch left at the end is because she didn't want to be around him anymore. Unknown_05: And Ned, Ned was afraid of consequences. Unknown_08: She was afraid of consequences. He was afraid of moving on, I guess. It's just, it was relaxing. A lot of people, like 150 people consistently watch three hours of gameplay where I'm just wandering around the fucking woods. 3:17:56 Unknown_08: And then at the end it... The stream was worth it to see me throw the fish and pull the leg. That was pretty bad. Unknown_05: I don't know. It was a comfy stream. I'm glad. I'm glad other people enjoyed it. Unknown_08: Me, I'm just like, I don't know. I like to walk away from stuff. 3:18:32 Unknown_08: The way I remember, the way I evaluate games and movies and everything, stories and everything is how Unknown_08: is the impact it has as you walk away from it. I remember the ending to Life is Strange. I remember being completely blindsided by the idea that Chloe had to fucking die. Like, I was playing through that game as a piss-take, and then at the end, like, oh shit, I have to kill this bitch. Unknown_08: And I got blindsided, like, Chloe's father got blindsided by that truck on the play theater stage. 3:19:12 Unknown_08: It worked I remembered it. I'm not gonna remember this game I'm gonna delete this game off my hard drive right now, and I'm not gonna remember it because there's no takeaway I Ate the meal and it you know it's like Chinese food I'm gonna be hungry in a couple hours from now because there was no takeaway from it And it's just yeah the font was good. Unknown_05: What was the name of the font was name of the font again I 3:19:47 Unknown_05: Verlag. Verlag. I'll incorporate that font somewhere. Unknown_08: Play Life is Strange 2? I'll play Life is Strange 2 at some point. Unknown_05: I just don't get it. I guess I don't. Unknown_08: Maybe I haven't lived the kind of life that puts me in a position where I understand this game in the way that the developers intended. Unknown_08: No, you have to kill Chloe. The two solutions with Chloe at the end of Life is Strange is let Arcadia Bay and everybody you've ever known die horribly to an anomalous bird tornado hurricane, or let her die. If you take the option where you wipe out all of Arcadia Bay, you're fucking retarded. The only canonical ending in my mind is that you let her die. Because, I mean, there's nothing- There's nothing stopping her from getting shot again as soon as you're right off, she could- Like, in the ending where you choose to let Arcadia Bay be destroyed, you could be riding off your fucking bicycle out of the ruins, and then she just immediately hits something and flies off her bike and impales on a fucking lead pipe sticking out in the road. Like, she was going to die. The only option is to let Chloe die. It was meant to be. And your little, faggy, teenage, time-warping abilities are just accessory. 3:21:05 Unknown_05: She had to die. Unknown_05: She needed to be hella dead. That's exactly right. She needed to die. Unknown_08: That was the only way for that story to end. Unknown_08: Yeah, no, the moment it becomes obvious that she had to die, it makes sense. It's like, oh, that's why she's so fucking unlucky. You know, that's why all this other shit happened. That's why you're playing around the fucking junkyard and you shoot her in the fucking gut because the game intended for her to die. And it makes sense because the entire game, you're trying to juggle two concepts. You want to get Nathan, the bully. You want to get the professor, the rapist photographer. 3:21:40 Unknown_08: and you wanna get Chloe to live. And it becomes obvious, as soon as you don't kill Chloe in Life is Strange, it immediately resolves itself. The police get involved with Nathan, and then they find out, because of his confessions and the fact that Nathan was the professor's protege, he rats him out, and they find the rape dungeon, and he gets arrested anyways. So it was meant to be. If she had died, they would have found the rape dungeon right then and there, and nobody else would have gotten in trouble. Like Victoria gets raped because you delay it. So there is a point to it. There's a reason why the universe wanted Chloe to die. 3:22:15 Unknown_05: And the ending is just setting that right. Unknown_08: It's just, yeah, there's a reason for it. There's a reason for her to die. And the game revealing that was the entire emotional core of the ending, which is why I remember it. I remember it in perfect fucking detail, because I really liked it. The game itself was boring. The dialogue was shit. Max was a Mary Sue. Chloe was obnoxious and retarded. But, I liked the theme. The theme was extremely strong, and if it had been used better, Life is Strange would have defined walking simulators in a very positive way, instead of like as a joke. 3:23:00 Unknown_08: So, yeah. Unknown_08: As with this, there's no moral, there's no takeaway. It's just, she's a bitch, and you can't trust women. Like, that's literally the... That's literally the takeaway. 3:23:38 Unknown_05: Does Josh watch anime? I do not. Unknown_05: I do not. Unknown_05: So, I don't know. Unknown_08: Well, I think that's it. I think I'm gonna have to go to bed soon because it's like almost 5 a.m. But thank you for joining me on this exploration of a wilderness with a bitch. Unknown_08: And I hope to see you again soon. Take it easy, friends.