John Bulla - Mad at the Internet 2019-01-20

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(S Shorter than expected, * May be missing)

Unknown_14: So, the beautiful face you're looking at is John Stephen Bulla. And John Bulla is fucking old. He was born in 1951. He's a very old guy. He's got schizophrenia and he's been committed against his will indefinitely for sex crime. So I guess that's about it. I think that's the stream. Thank you for coming. Be sure to like and subscribe.

Unknown_14: But, you know, there's quite a bit more than that.

Unknown_14: It is, uh, he is...

Unknown_14: He is, he's got massive history for like 10 fucking years. And it's kind of hard, like I said I was going to do a stream on a schizophrenic guy and I didn't realize getting into Bulla just how comprehensive his fucking history was.

Unknown_14: So, I mean, this goes back, like, fucking 50 years. And I'll just kind of read you up on his childhood. And we'll get, we'll walk it back to the current point, where he is, I'm not joking about that, he is currently

Unknown_14: Indefinitely committed against his will in a psychiatric hospital in Florida. I should mention, I guess, to start this off, John Bulla is from, or at least lived in, at the time of his commitment and for the last long-ass fucking time.

Unknown_14: He is from Pensacola, Florida. He is a proud member of my tribe. The proud line of Florida men lineage.

Unknown_14: Committed in Florida. Let that sink in. It takes a lot.

Unknown_14: It takes a lot.

Unknown_14: Oh Like I did with Amberlynn. Yeah, Amberlynn is fucking She lived in Pensacola at least for a little while. I don't know what it is. The craziest fucking people are from From Flo Rida myself included So

Unknown_14: He's had a turbulent life, and he does have, legitimately does have, a schizophrenic type disorder. He is fucking insane, and I can only show you the tippy, tippy top of what it means to be John S. Bulla fucking insane. Um...

Unknown_14: He, to kind of just give you an example of what his entire life is like, at the age of six, he was shot in the gut by his friend. Apparently he was over at a friend's house playing with a toy car or something, according to him. And anything, any information that comes from him is fucking dubious as hell, so be careful with that.

Unknown_14: But he says, he claims, that he was playing with a toy car at his friend's place. And his friend took his dad's gun or something and shot Bulla in the gut.

Unknown_14: Or as he claims, near the heart. Like his heart got grazed by the bullet, according to him.

Unknown_14: His life did not improve from there.

Unknown_14: He was apparently abused by his stepfather. I'm not sure how. I didn't read anything regarding details. They described it as minor abuse, but I don't know what that means. But it led him to wishing that his stepfather would be killed, praying to God, that God would brush the dirt off the sole of his foot and kill his stepfather with the mighty falling dirt from his foot. And apparently his stepfather did die, which led Bulla to believe that he had a spiritual connection to God, and that would be a theme throughout his life.

Unknown_14: He was introduced to Mormonism after graduating school with what I can only imagine to be a very antiquated 1970s IT degree, and he did convert.

Unknown_14: He got married and lost that marriage, had a divorce, because he was accused and convicted of having an affair with his stepdaughter.

Unknown_14: who was underage, which is why to this day he is a sex offender. So, there's actually, we have a great timeline and I'm going to show you this regarding his decline only in the last few years to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement sex offender predator flyer list. And we're going to go through these pictures in just a second.

Unknown_14: But he was not a Mormon. I don't know how long he stayed a Mormon. I don't know the exact timeline with this. But I do know that he did not stay a Mormon. He converted to something called the Church of Christ with the Elijah message and had a falling out with the members.

Unknown_14: Let me go ahead and pull this up real quick and I'll show you.

Unknown_14: Yes, this is it. The website does not work, but this is indeed it. It is a very, very strange little splinter of Mormonism, and apparently the Bible says something about Elijah coming back before Christ and apparently the guy who founded the church was supposed to be the reincarnation of Elijah. Don't quote me on that, it's some crazy shit. And to the point where he was incarcerated, John Bulla Continued to purport that he was the one true minister of the Church of Christ with the Elijah message Since the falling out and Therefore would be the only person allowed By the church rules to grant marriages divorces and anything that wouldn't require the church's official approval because he's the only minister and

Unknown_14: And he eventually left, I think, North Carolina or Missouri. This is in Independence, Missouri, but he claims that some of this happened in North Carolina. So he's been all over the South, involved in crazy fucking religious shit. And the intro song, Personal Jesus, for people watching live, is an allusion to this. Because he does claim to be the one true ordained minister, the one true prophet of God, all this other shit. And

Unknown_14: I guess that's his appeal. His appeal is he is batshit fucking crazy, and I want to show you how quickly in the last few years his life has fucking deteriorated.

Unknown_14: So this is 2004. Looks kinda crazy.

Unknown_14: He looks- actually let me find a- I have a picture of him from way, way back. I think.

Unknown_07: Maybe I'm a liar.

Unknown_14: I'm a dummy if I don't have this. I guess I don't. Okay, this is 2004. He looks kind of crazy because of his creepy smile and his creepy smile is like a reoccurring thing with his pictures. He puts on the smile and it's real fucking crazy.

Unknown_14: One year later.

Unknown_14: Quite a bit of deterioration, looks dramatically more fucking crazy.

Unknown_14: This is 2015. This is three months later in 2015.

Unknown_14: Somehow he's trimmed his beard, but trimming his beard has not helped at all with his craziness. By showing more of his face, he looks crazier. So now we're going into 2016. Whoa, wait, who's this guy, right? There's a reason why his hair is blonde and his beard is now white. It's not, he just got older. He got crazier.

Unknown_14: Okay, now we're in 2017. There is clearly a problem. This is clearly a fucking issue. I mean, he does not look there anymore. He looks like he's fucking gone. The dude has had a serious, a serious complication in mental health. He is no longer among the living at this point in time.

Unknown_14: He's just fucking gone.

Unknown_14: But we have more.

Unknown_14: Oh wait, oh this is 2013. I guess I lied because this is 2014. This is 2013. He looks fucking crazy even there. Like just because of the fucking smile. If he wasn't doing this goddamn creepy ass fucking smile he'd look a lot better like in this picture. But the smile is on full display so he looks fucking insane.

Unknown_14: But now we have 2018.

Unknown_14: And this is the picture of John Bulla being arrested and what will- this is his mugshot. This is him going to fucking prison for assaulting a child without intent to kill. I think this is what the charge officially says. But it includes an adult assault charge too, and I don't know the full- what, uh, what the headlines were when he got arrested was, Florida man arrested wearing homemade necklace charging neighbor and child. Like, that is- that's what the newspaper said. So God knows what the fuck happened. Apparently he wasn't trying to hurt anybody, but he did fucking like charge a mother and her kid apparently. And then when they arrested him and had him take a mugshot, he's like waving like, hey, hey, it's me.

Unknown_14: Florida man, Jew necklace? No, no, no, no, no Jew necklace. This is just a little weird fucking thing he wears around his neck.

Unknown_14: And there's the background fits fits perfectly like a glove.

Unknown_07: Is there anything?

Unknown_07: Okay, let me just show you this, get this out of the way.

Unknown_07: Firefox on, live audio on, let's go.

Unknown_17: This is because of my curse of God on my enemies, and these people are my enemies. I was born there, and nobody there obeys God.

Unknown_01: God's church doesn't exist there in North Carolina, and they are cursed.

Unknown_14: Okay. That is John S. Bulla's Twitter account. Now inactive, obviously, because he's in fucking Looney Bin.

Unknown_14: John Bulla's Twitter account is a fu- Like, you can pull this up right now, it's still alive somehow. It is fucking insane.

Unknown_14: It is... peering into the fucking void. I do have some choice tweets that we'll look at.

Unknown_14: As we get into this, I'm going to start talking about trolls. And I'm going to start talking about things that are obviously people fucking with him. And you'll probably get sympathetic towards him at some point. But don't worry, by the end of this I'm going to completely obliterate any sympathy you have for him. And we're gonna end this pretty neutral towards his fate in the Florida loony bin.

Unknown_14: So a large facet of his presence on the internet is Love Quest. He has a Chris-Chan-esque

Unknown_14: Attraction sign and he puts out for any women that talk to him any fake women that talk to him It's just every minute for since 2009. I have information going back to 2009 that he was strung along by different trolls at different times at different years different people Just to get him to do stuff and I should clarify that it's not it's not too mean-spirited it's not like the indigo nation where gamer food tried to get Jace to rob a bank with the With an airsoft gun. It's not like the dimensional merge shit where people are extorting Chris is it's just It's very classic harm harmless fun With this crazy guy about as harmless as it can get This is John S. Bulla. So his tweets are typically something like this where

Unknown_14: where he takes a picture of a very attractive woman and photoshops in his his own custom writing and a picture of himself usually so in this it's like hi i'm john s bullet laying and having sex with my beautiful fiancee and girlfriend every day and night and like i think he has like telekinetic sex like in his brain There's a meme where he says something like, I'm with my girlfriend, and then in parentheses he says, sexually. Which is the spicy meme with John Bulla. Anytime you say something about John, you gotta mention sexually. So that people get the, uh, get the gist of it.

Unknown_14: So that is one such tweet.

Unknown_14: Here is a much more broad sense into how he acts. So in a few minutes, this will be my new profile picture. I'm John S. Bullock, God's only holy priest with the power to do anything. And just look at that fucking smile in the background.

Unknown_14: I censored this a little bit to make it safer for YouTube.

Unknown_14: But he's covering the nipples.

Unknown_14: He's very like he's ecstatic like you would think those are real titties based on his fucking face

Unknown_14: That sign says Nins Marie Danielle Nina Danielle age 26 born in Wilhelm New York at Bronx, New York That sign on the right says 2017 Playboy playmate from Playboy magazine John s bulla at bulla Stephen God's Jesus only priest and

Unknown_14: What I guess that's his phone number snapchat jbula57 go to the word of lord book at 103rd message To see what God in parentheses Jesus spoke my name I

Unknown_14: So, you know, that's him preaching his message about how he's the only true minister of that church, even though I think that website is run by other people from the church.

Unknown_14: And he's very open to a white adult woman to be his sex partner. And that was, again, that was the driving force behind a lot of the drama, was him trying to get that playboy playmate girl to be with him.

Unknown_14: Now, if you don't absolutely think that he's fucking crazy already... Oh, let me show you this one first.

Unknown_14: So this is him at Wendy's saying, hi, I'm shopping, it's too bad that you beautiful woman married to a devil or not aren't here with me to enjoy a good meal I pay for. At Wendy's.

Unknown_14: So all you beautiful women out there who are not fucking John Bulla, you're missing out. You are missing out on a truly compassionate gentleman. And you should be ashamed of yourself and your life choices.

Unknown_14: Um, okay, this is what I was going to show you. Oh, I should mention that part where it says, all you beautiful women married to a devil. Any man he comes into contact with is either a demon or it is Satan himself. But in general, all of his, like how, um,

Unknown_14: Pretty much exactly like how Chris-Chan would call all men jerks, stealing all the beautiful girls and leaving him none to choose from, John Bulla would condemn all men as being demons, there to wrest the love of attractive women away from him.

Unknown_14: Okay, this is what I wanted to show you that showed you how fucking crazy this guy is.

Unknown_14: I was standing up saying a prayer to God in my kitchen, churning and shaking the dust off my feet to you, curse, and stepped on glass. And this is a picture of him where he stepped on glass in his kitchen and he has bandaged his foot by sticking it in a, uh, in a Ziploc baggie.

Unknown_07: Oh, what does that say? Oh, that's the Bible. He has like a custom written cover for his Bible.

Unknown_14: So, uh, this is Bible, version God approves of, owned by John S. Bulla, don't move nor touch me book, not this book. And then it's a phone number for some reason. Oh, and it has a Snapchat. And it has a little note that says God's only church.

Unknown_07: This is what American healthcare looks like, Aerofags.

Unknown_14: I'm pretty sure it could get better. You know, you can go to a store and just get a fucking bandage, a proper one. Or you can just use a Ziploc baggie, whatever works.

Unknown_07: Oh god. I have so much shit.

Unknown_07: Here, uh... Oh, I mentioned this before, but I didn't pull this up, and I really should've.

Unknown_14: This is his story regarding what happened with his stepdaughter. And I'll just read this directly, because I can't paraphrase it. Later on, John married a woman and had an affair with his stepdaughter. There have been several different claims about the incident. 1. His wife was a demon, and so was the daughter. Since the wife wanted out of the relationship and was obviously fed up with his claims of holy priesthood, she made the daughter lie. 2.

Unknown_14: He had an affair with the stepdaughter, and once his wife found out, she lied about the whole thing. 3.

Unknown_14: It didn't happen at all. 4.

Unknown_14: His stepdaughter was raped, but not by him, but by a clone of him that originated on the planet Jupiter. John vividly recalls attempting to open a locked door, seeing the face of the clone, followed by the screams of his stepdaughter.

Unknown_14: However, 3 is clearly incorrect, since John is a registered sex offender and lives in a community of sexual predators. He also served 10 years in prison for the incident. That is... important. I don't know... My shit's so scattered, I don't even know how I can bring this up.

Unknown_14: Um, John did live in a community of people who were registered sex offenders.

Unknown_14: And... He chased them out by being batshit fucking crazy.

Unknown_07: Oh, jeez. I have so much weird shit. It's just eclectic. Here, you know what?

Unknown_14: Let's read this one. I'll tell you the story.

Unknown_14: So say hello to this beautiful woman named, uh, Cheriel.

Unknown_14: And it may come as a surprise to you and a surprise to John Bulla that Cheriel is, um, not what you would refer to as a, a natal woman. All right.

Unknown_14: And, um,

Unknown_14: Apparently Shariel and John Bulla were together for some time, but they never had sex. And John Bulla is convinced that Shariel was a natural woman, though he only ever got oral sex from Shariel.

Unknown_14: I think we're 100% certain that Shariel was not born a woman.

Unknown_14: I'm pretty sure.

Unknown_14: Uh, but John categorically denies this or calls her a inward demon, which is very offensive. And John should be ashamed of himself for, uh, for that particular crime poll. No poll. It's obvious. It's obvious. There's no need for a poll. We're very, we're very sure on this. Trust me.

Unknown_14: There's no, there's no clarification needed.

Unknown_14: um let's watch a let's watch a video let's watch a video and you guys tell me i want you guys to tell me as we watch this where do you think this is recorded hello this is john bullo and i'm making a video of a man named robert snipes don't keep coming forward back up some

Unknown_18: Who, sir? Uh, how are you doing, Robert? And what's happening with you?

Unknown_04: What's happening with you, Robert?

Unknown_05: Having a lot of anxiety at times, and, uh, I've been talking about the, uh, devil, Satan, and now I'm waiting to find the devil.

Unknown_14: Alright, I see, I see the correct guess already. Yes, this isn't a mental institution. In the name of Jesus Christ, he's a criminal, and the demon is a criminal, because he knows

Unknown_05: He does not have much more time left.

Unknown_05: Yeah, did you say you saw somebody that looked like the angel Gabriel in your room? No, a shadow.

Unknown_18: A shadow? Too shadow. It wasn't somebody that was dark or light skinned or light? Move back some. You're getting too close.

Unknown_05: You're getting too close, man. What? Could have been from the dark side.

Unknown_18: Could have been from the dark side and just pretending to be an angel Gabriel? Yeah, trying to deceive him. Oh, yeah.

Unknown_05: What about your mother?

Unknown_18: She's a Mormon and she's got cancer?

Unknown_05: She's a Mormon and she's having colon problems. Colon cancer? Colon problems. Problems? Colon cancer.

Unknown_18: Back up some. You're getting too close. Okay, but you're getting too close. She's in bad shape. Bad shape? Yeah. She's a Mormon. Oh, yeah. Okay.

Unknown_18: If you don't want to be in this video, don't be walking back there, man.

Unknown_18: Okay.

Unknown_18: You gave me her phone number to call her, and I called her. Yeah, I called her, but she wasn't answering the phone at that time.

Unknown_05: Yeah, I'll try her again. I used to be a Mormon myself, and I was shown by God that if I continued in that church, I would be destroyed and go to hell by Satan.

Unknown_18: I was bitten by a serpent as a Mormon. Yeah, they are too. Yeah, that's right. I even found the so-called Jehovah Witness Church address on my GPS navigator last night.

Unknown_05: They don't believe in the Trinity.

Unknown_18: You're getting too close. Can you back up some?

Unknown_05: They don't believe in the Trinity.

Unknown_18: They don't? What do they believe in?

Unknown_05: They just believe in somebody called Jehovah, this God? They don't believe in Jesus, God. They don't believe in the Trinity.

Unknown_18: They don't believe that Jehovah is Jesus, do they?

Unknown_18: No. What do they think Jehovah is? I don't know.

Unknown_05: I've never read that far into it.

Unknown_18: What about the Church of Scientology? You know that's a false church too, don't you? That's another false church. Yeah.

Unknown_18: They brainwashed a lot of people into believing their religion. I think they hypnotized people even in that church.

Unknown_05: In the name of Jesus Christ.

Unknown_05: The divine and devil trembled in the name of Jesus, him and his demons. The devil was the prince of demons.

Unknown_18: Yeah, did you know that I recorded the demon that made the man kill the people in California? Yeah. You did know that? Well, you haven't heard it yet, but I did do that. I recorded that.

Unknown_07: Where are you going?

Unknown_18: I can't show these other people. If I record them, they might say, I don't want to be in the video, and then say, you can't have that video, you know?

Unknown_18: That's why I don't want to get them in it, because it's illegal to record people that don't want to be in a video. So that's why I'm saying that. I don't want them in it. Do you understand?

Unknown_05: And they're a bunch of demons anyway, they'd be saying something that you and I don't want to hear.

Unknown_18: They'd be saying you're a false Christian or something that we don't want to hear.

Unknown_18: So, anyway, maybe I can convert your mother to my religion, it's the Church of Christ. That's God's only church. She's a Mormon, yeah.

Unknown_05: Like I was.

Unknown_18: I was even a missionary for

Unknown_18: for two years in the Mormon Church and then I got back and God showed me in a vision that if I continued I would be destroyed by Satan because I got bit by Satan in a vision. He was a serpent in a vision. Anyway, I don't know where you're going. I'm going to turn it off now then, okay? Okay, this is the end of the video.

Unknown_14: It's clearly not. What the fuck?

Unknown_18: Now it's just me, John Bulla, again.

Unknown_18: I've got this new digital video camera that I can make videos of like this. It's a real good camera.

Unknown_05: I could just set it on something and stand back even, and then you could see me better.

Unknown_18: I think this is good enough. I don't want to stand here and you see me with other people. I don't want them in the video. It's just me here now in the video.

Unknown_06: That's all.

Unknown_18: And I'm going to end it now. John Bulla, my phone number is 727-504.

Unknown_18: He's in jail, so this doesn't count. 1705. And my email address is fully

Unknown_18: I'm curious what the other half of this video is. Skip ahead a little. Still going on.

Unknown_18: which is a record of the ancient inhabitants of America that came on a ship from Israel in about 600 B.C., beginning in 600 B.C. God commanded them to build a ship and then they came across the ocean and we're here in America, 600 years before Christ was born. And people don't even know this. They say Columbus discovered America.

Unknown_18: He didn't come here until about 1500 years A.D. after Christ was born, or after his death.

Unknown_18: And they say he discovered America. He didn't discover America. That's nonsense.

Unknown_18: And these people were a holy people that lived here in America. And then some of them started fighting.

Unknown_14: This is a Mormon sub. I think he's just prophesizing for the remainder of the video.

Unknown_14: Let me see if this is what I want to show.

Unknown_14: All these videos are quite long. We can take a look at his house.

Unknown_14: Take a look at probably what got him in prison.

Unknown_04: And this is a driveway that goes down to where I live.

Unknown_03: And as you can see, this is the first house on the road where I live. I wanna show you her house. And I don't understand this myself. See all them vehicles there? There's four vehicles there. And there's some woman that lives there right here in this place.

Unknown_03: And I saw her one day because I came out here to put my correct number on my box for my house. Oh, I just want to point out that thing around his neck, I think is like a suspender.

Unknown_14: I think he holds his pants up by wrapping a rope around his neck.

Unknown_03: Had the wrong number on it. And then she tore off the label I put on the box and came out and talked to me. She had some little kid with her.

Unknown_03: And I said, uh... Hello? And why did you... Okay, this story... I listened to this and I was thinking, these have to be the fucking people that he charged at.

Unknown_14: Like, he had to have had, like, an episode with them there, and just fucking, like, rushed at them.

Unknown_03: Tear off my label off this box, and she said, because that's my box.

Unknown_03: And there's three different people, actually more than three, because you can see there's four vehicles right there.

Unknown_03: And I don't understand this because she was saying that this little kid is her roommate.

Unknown_03: And at first she was saying that, and it's just a little girl, maybe 10 years old. And then the little girl said, I said, you look too young to be a roommate. And she said, no, I'm 30 years old.

Unknown_03: I said, come on, you're not 30 years old. I can tell you're not that old. She said, yeah, I am.

Unknown_03: Then finally the woman said, I told her I didn't believe that this girl was 30 years old.

Unknown_03: I know she wasn't. And then a woman said, well, she's really not. She's just somebody that needed a place to stay or something, the homeless person.

Unknown_03: And so I'm letting her stay with me.

Unknown_03: But why did she talk about it if that wasn't true anyway, is what I want to know. It doesn't make sense to me.

Unknown_03: Uh, that guy was talking to me earlier. This is making me homesick. Something.

Unknown_03: Hello? Oh, yeah, sure.

Unknown_03: Somebody was trying to pull in here with a truck. Two guys driving by with a truck, and then there comes somebody else in the vehicle.

Unknown_03: But, uh, I didn't want to end my video just because of them.

Unknown_03: So anyway, this is her house. This is right on the street where I live, and that's her house right there. Actually, she's renting from the same owner of the house I rent. This is making me homesick, by the way. The owner told my mother that they're going to have to leave. For some reason, they're being evicted. And also these other people that live in a garage right behind this house. All the white trash, the shitty homes. And she told me, I asked her what she does for a living and she said she's a manager of the Subway restaurant.

Unknown_03: I don't know what she does, but I've never seen her there. I went to the Subway restaurant and their Wi-Fi connection doesn't work right.

Unknown_03: Anyway, my phone number is 727- Why does he give out his phone number like in every fucking video?

Unknown_14: 201- Skip ahead a bit. I'm curious what he says.

Unknown_03: Why is that you know you very beautiful women You treat me bad me John bad. I want to know why you're doing this. Here's my mailbox right here Right behind me that's it there. That's my mailbox. I just got some mail out of the box. It's just I

Unknown_03: What the fuck is with the monster truck rally back there?

Unknown_14: Holy shit.

Unknown_03: Walking up the road. I don't know if you can see him, but... Right behind me. I don't know who he is. But you know there's no blacks at all around here. So I'm like, here's another neighbor. Right there, right beside my driveway. That's his. I met that guy. He's another white guy. No blacks at all around here.

Unknown_03: And it's a nice area.

Unknown_03: Here's a house here that's just white people living there. I don't know what they do for a living.

Unknown_03: But one time I had this big huge TV that my mother bought for a dollar and I couldn't get it out of her van.

Unknown_03: And she told me to go find somebody to help get it out because she actually hurt her hand trying to help me get it out. And I couldn't get it out myself and it was real big and it's still in my house and I'm not even using it. But I'm going to try to sell it.

Unknown_03: on Craigslist. I've already got a personals ad on Craigslist. I'm a woman and nobody's even responding to that. Alright, let's take a break.

Unknown_14: We're having an intermission right now. He mentioned a Craigslist advertisement. Well motherfuckers, I happen to have a copy of that Craigslist advertisement.

Unknown_07: Alright, here we fucking go.

Unknown_07: Oi, drop into the fucking thing, you piece of shit. Are you fucking kidding me? There we go.

Unknown_14: I am a good, handsome man. Pensacola, 5'11", status divorce. Florida, Florida.

Unknown_14: I don't know.

Unknown_14: I don't know what the Florida thing means. I'm assuming...

Unknown_14: It just makes me think in my head like normally you have a state selector like you choose your state And then it would say like state like Minnesota State, Montana State, California But you could also just do Florida, Florida or not, Florida And he had to choose Florida, Florida to confirm the Florida status

Unknown_14: Um, I am a divorced, handsome, holy man who was in the ministry of Jesus Christ and I am divorced through no fault of my own since 1995.

Unknown_14: Both ex-wives are bad women who committed adultery and the first wife also attempted to stab and kill me with a large kitchen knife just because I said I did not like a picture she had on the wall. Which knife I took away from her, who then started throwing pots and pans at me, which I took away from her also. I never hurt- I never hit or threatened to hurt her or any woman throughout my life.

Unknown_14: I lived in Missouri in a mobile home and married her through common law marriage to her. It was 1980 when I met her. She had an ad in a newspaper and she lived in an apartment with her 6 year old son. She was one of the most beautiful women I ever saw and we had sex the first day we met and I was 27 and she was 25 and she was white and had long brown hair and huge boobs or breasts I guess. and was slim and looked like Kate Upton or Kaley Cuoco or Hayley Clausen or Ashley Graham, more like her, whose pictures I have and show so women see the type of women I want and Satan and gay men and boys leave me alone. I have a one-year new subscription to the Cosmopolitan magazine and a 2017 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit magazine and a two-year subscription to the Playboy magazine I purchased three weeks ago. My name is John. I, John, am not gay and have never been gay and do not want any gay man or boy or transgender person to contact me.

Unknown_14: Well, there you go.

Unknown_14: Guys, I mean, ladies, he is a handsome man.

Unknown_14: His Florida status is Florida.

Unknown_14: He has been divorced twice through no fault of his own. He has multiple subscriptions to titty magazines. And he is definitely, most definitely, not a homosex.

Unknown_14: Also, I should point out, I don't know if you can see it too well in that photo, but I definitely have another one with his shirt off.

Unknown_07: Somewhere... Stop hiding from me, shirtless bulla.

Unknown_07: I need to show the world. I guess that's as good as it's get, as I have on my desktop.

Unknown_14: You can see on his abdomen, he has a huge X mark.

Unknown_14: And I don't know...

Unknown_14: What the fuck that's from I don't know if that's like a cut mark I don't know if he got shot and they had to like retrieve the bullet from him as a kid and it scarred like that um

Unknown_14: I have no fucking idea. It's a mystery to me.

Unknown_14: He's been stabbed. That's what it looks like. I told you, he got shot or something.

Unknown_14: And his wife apparently stabbed at him with a knife and shit. He apparently has a very strong tolerance to pain because he gets fucking- he steps in glass and he's just fine.

Unknown_14: All right, let's get back to this and let's go back to his message.

Unknown_03: Damn it, because I got the best dad in the world. I tell about how Jesus Christ spoke to me from heaven when I was only 18 through a wall. And that was the first time I ever heard him, 43 years ago.

Unknown_03: And then first before that, I saw Satan. I actually saw him. He came through the wall, passed through the wall. And I saw him as a spirit, floating in the air. And he had black hair.

Unknown_03: And a beard. Curly beard. And he's really just a black man. That's all he is.

Unknown_03: And, uh... So, um... Uh, there's... There's people right over here. Somebody just came out of this place. This is my neighbor's house. The one that lives right on the... on the, uh... road. And then... This is a driveway that leads down to where I live at. And I'm walking towards my house now.

Unknown_03: And this, this is the back, the back of her house. And if she has one roommate, why is all these vehicles here?

Unknown_03: The sounds you're hearing, by the way, are the demons attempting to contact him.

Unknown_14: And after this video, I'm going to give you a rundown on the demons. What in the world are all these people is what I want to know.

Unknown_03: And here comes this guy behind me with a trash can. I don't know who he is either. I've never even seen him before.

Unknown_03: And this isn't even a house. It's a garage right here, a garage. But there's people that live in that place.

Unknown_03: And that's the next house behind my house.

Unknown_03: And my landlord owns that place too. And there's people that actually live in a garage right there. And late at night, they play loud music and they dance around.

Unknown_03: And I don't know what they're doing. There's women in there and men. I've seen them through the window dancing with each other or something and playing loud music in that garage.

Unknown_03: There's something.

Unknown_03: Clothes or something hanging right there. Trash or something.

Unknown_03: But... I've seen them through the window. Sexually? This woman just had one roommate.

Unknown_03: A little girl with a bunch of other people. Doesn't make sense to me. Maybe she's some kind of child molester or something.

Unknown_03: I don't know. I told my mother about it and she said just leave them alone. Don't even talk to them anymore.

Unknown_03: And I haven't even talked to him, that was about a month ago when I talked to her. And that's it, I don't even talk to these people.

Unknown_03: But I'm going on down to my house now.

Unknown_03: Somebody said John. Some guy saying John. Here's a tree branch.

Unknown_03: Can you see it? Yeah.

Unknown_14: That's a tree branch guys. If you've never seen a tree branch that's what it looks like.

Unknown_03: There's a whole bunch of junk laying on the ground and I actually fixed the latch to my screen door because it wasn't even aligned correctly so that it wasn't allowing

Unknown_03: the door to even shut and it was always open and I couldn't stand it. I had to keep the other doors shut and couldn't even open the door because flies and insects and roaches and whatever could come right in.

Unknown_03: And so he said he was going to come and send somebody here to fix it and he never did. So I went to the Home Depot store and bought a latch myself that costed me $11.96.

Unknown_03: And the man charges me $500 a month in rent.

Unknown_03: And I've got things to buy myself and I don't want to spend it on that. It's his responsibility and he hasn't fixed it. I told him about it and he did nothing about it. My mother said leave him alone.

Unknown_03: Can't really do much about it to get my money back is what I'm saying and I don't like it because my mother It's been helping me pay my rent and I have to do what she wants about it So I don't contact him about it It's not right that I should have to pay for that and I also To fix the door latch. I had to get a drill $30 drill about a $30 drill and

Unknown_03: How many cents? It just ends!

Unknown_14: Okay Well, that's John Bull everybody What the fuck did it take me to it hammock camping on island kayak fishing, Pensacola Can y'all spare me about a $30 drill and $11.96 hook? I don't think they can I don't know what's gonna happen

Unknown_14: What else I got? We got any more clips? I do have one more clip related to trolling. Let me just give you a quick rundown on this guy's entire life. At least, the part of the life that I care about. Which is his internet content. Actually, this is one of the rare times, the only time so far, that I had to source my information off of Encyclopedia Dramatica. I need some sort of, like, soundboard so I can play, like, booing sounds or something.

Unknown_14: Because that is quite clearly a shame for a display, but the reason why is John Bulla's history actually goes back to 2009 Way before the Kiwi farms He was getting trolled on tiny chat, and I don't know how many of you guys even know what the fuck tiny chat even is It was a a webcam streaming platform way way back when that was full of cam horrors. It was fantastic I remember being on B

Unknown_14: Like as like a teenager using like Fake videos from random guys to get titty pictures. It was a magical fucking place. I remember one time I was like 14 and I used this video feed of an emo boy To get some gothic chick to show me her tits and then I said, I'll be right back I have to I have to recharge my mouse and I left the video feed up So I had said I'd be right back. I have to go do something and I left the video feed up But the guy just sitting there

Unknown_14: And, um... She obviously blocked me, because that's creepy as fuck. She probably thought I was like a 90-year-old man that she had flashed her tits to. Maybe I instilled some, uh... some modesty in her. I helped her.

Unknown_14: Power level? No, this is a triumph.

Unknown_14: I'm not ashamed of that shit. That's fucking great.

Unknown_14: It's not power leveling if it's not embarrassing.

Unknown_14: That is a accomplishment.

Unknown_14: So, that's going on the ED page. Bite me, motherfucker.

Unknown_14: Let him know, let him know that I was a catfishing champion when I was a wee lad.

Unknown_14: But he was discovered on TinyChat in 2009. He began evangelizing the message of the Church of Christ with the Elijah message. He is very, very easily baited with fake videos of camgirls, but of course he's now in the loony bin, so good luck with that.

Unknown_14: He exposed himself very regularly on camera until the demons started calling his mom during the act and had her walk in on him exposing himself on Skype.

Unknown_14: And as he moved from TinyChat to Skype, the demons sort of became his go-to excuse for literally anything bad happening to him.

Unknown_14: So, as it sort of progressed into 2011,

Unknown_14: Trolls convinced him that he was going to be rich because I think it was a woman claiming to be Steve Jobs' daughter or something was into him. And he was getting strung along with that. But then a white knight messaged him and told him that they were, it was a ruse. And he disappeared for some time in 2011, for like two years he just went completely gone. But in 2013, that's when we really start to see his deterioration as a person. And if we go back to 2013, this is the picture I have of him from 2013. So you can really start to see the damage being done.

Unknown_14: Um, this is when, by the way, the ED article and even I think the active poster in the Kiwi Farms thread is by a guy called Von Wolf Demon. Who was like the big gatekeeping troll for John Bulla stuff for the majority of the time after 2011 when he came back.

Unknown_14: Um, he began associating foods with demons and let me show you this.

Unknown_14: I think I definitely have a picture of this somewhere if I don't I'm fucking retarded Okay So judging by the the

Unknown_14: the name of this file. This is a picture of John Bulla holding up a banana and he was told that bananas were associated with demons and he refused to eat bananas and turnips and a lot of other foods because the trolls or the demons had convinced him that they were demonic and they convinced him that the bananas were what the demons used to call people as phones

Unknown_14: And considering that the time period considering this is early 2010 I'm pretty sure they told him this because of the banana phone song so So again, this is a long-ass fucking story going back a long-ass fucking time so demons were using banana phones to call up Call up John Bulla and his parents and shit and he began associating foods with demons and At one point he was only drinking beer, eating salmon, potatoes, and drinking coffee. So he was only drinking beer and coffee and only eating salmon and potatoes. That was his diet. And it showed in how he looked by 2014.

Unknown_14: And 2015.

Unknown_14: So if you're wondering what a diet of potatoes and salmon, beer, and coffee gets you, it gets you this apparently.

Unknown_14: That's fucking based.

Unknown_14: That's a king's diet. I'm reminded of that video of the fat woman who refuses to eat anything but cheesy potatoes. Like she'll go to McDonald's and order like french fries but then ask them to microwave it with like a slice of cheese on it because she can only eat cheesy potatoes.

Unknown_14: It turns you into Richard Stallman. I don't know. He hasn't eaten anything off of his foot, I don't think.

Unknown_14: So, a lot of the shit that they did was harmless and a lot of the crazy shit he did as a result of the trolling was not goaded by the trolls.

Unknown_14: One of the things, I'll show you an example of the kind of stuff they had him do.

Unknown_14: They didn't have him, again, they didn't put him in any kind of direct danger like the Deagle Nation people try to do. It's just shit like this. They had him go to,

Unknown_14: to like dollar stores and get bathrobes. And this is a picture of him in a cowboy hat and white bathrobe. And these were the holy garments of his church.

Unknown_14: And like he had an entire wardrobe of white bathrobes that he called like the holy wardrobe and shit. Aesthetic? Hey, this is the quintessential Florida man attire. I don't want to hear any of you fucking You sacrilegious motherfuckers out there condemning this.

Unknown_14: He also held up a traction sign. Let me try to read this.

Unknown_14: I, John S. Bullock, God's Jesus, only real minister in church, seeks a beautiful girl and woman for my girlfriend, roommate, and wife. So you can't just be his roommate, you have to be his girlfriend and wife.

Unknown_14: You can't just be his wife, you have to also be his roommate.

Unknown_14: rent for my female room will only be 250 per month i was called by jesus at elijah uh word of the lord book message 103 verse 32

Unknown_14: So these are his attraction signs. These are the things that he put out to draw women in. He puts these messages on fucking everything. Everything in his house has labels on them.

Unknown_14: And that's his Bible.

Unknown_14: The only version that Jesus endures. I don't know if that's like a really big Bible that he put stickers on or if he actually wrote that.

Unknown_14: Okay, so this is the story.

Unknown_14: I'll just throw this- I censored this. This is- I did not censor that picture. Fuck. I'm gonna have to cut this before I upload it to fucking YouTube now. God damn it.

Unknown_14: I have the censored version somewhere. No, I don't. Okay, I'll just tell the story then. Fuck it.

Unknown_14: Okay. So...

Unknown_14: Part of the reason why he took Josh I was eating too fucking bad Part of the reason why he only started eating those foods is because he believed that demons could possess you from the unholy foods and at one point he became Convinced that his poop was possessed. Actually, let me just edit this really very quickly and and Paint and I'll save it

Unknown_14: Okay, here we go, that's censored.

Unknown_14: I can leave that one in. Holy shit of John Bulla, no splattering 3, 2, 24.

Unknown_14: John S. Bulla, prophet Jesus, Moses, and angels recorded in more of his contact information. So he was trying to convince people that his poo was holy because it wasn't possessed by demons.

Unknown_14: And to do this,

Unknown_14: Because Von the Wolf, the big troll, was very straight and not gay, and trying to steal all the beautiful, attractive women from him. Because anytime the women, the catfishes, didn't pan out, they would just say that the Von Wolf Demon got them, and convince them to come with him. So, to prove, to spite Von Wolf Demon and his demonic foods, John Bulla,

Unknown_14: took laxatives, and then when he shit, he shit into a Tupperware container and let it sit for seven hours, and then decided that because the unholy spirit of Von Wolf was contained in the poo in the Tupperware container, he suck his dick into it, because he knew that the Von Wolf demon would be tortured by the presence of a male penis, as opposed to the women that he was attracted to.

Unknown_14: And that was how he conducted an exorcism of the Von Wolf demon from his poop.

Unknown_14: And this is in the crazy period. This is like 2013, 2014. 2014 was also the year of intense trolling.

Unknown_14: He had many, many girlfriend sagas in the Von Wolf Demon.

Unknown_14: But then all the pranks, like he would go to meet people in person and take taxis and stuff and then they wouldn't show up and he'd go back home. He'd get those bathrobes and shit.

Unknown_14: That is sort of where I lose the trail. I've tried peeking through the thread and stuff.

Unknown_14: From what I see, he was going through the system and eventually, in 2018, he was arrested. Let me pull up the article real quick.

Unknown_14: This actually got passed around quite a bit because it was like a LOL Florida man type story.

Unknown_14: And this is actually the Florida News Journal. I know these people.

Unknown_14: You drive past this headquarters on... Hey, there it is.

Unknown_14: There's his picture. So man wearing homemade knife necklace charges at neighbors Escambia County Sheriff's Office says. A Pensacola man faces three felony charges after authorities say he made a homemade knife necklace and charged at his neighbor and his neighbor's young children with knives. John Bulla, 64, was arrested Wednesday at his home on Amber Street.

Unknown_14: Bulla's neighbor told deputies that earlier in the morning he heard a commotion outside and went to see what it was, and his two children followed him outside. That's when the neighbor saw Bulla standing outside wearing a handmade knife necklace and holding a knife in both hands, according to the Escambia County Sheriff's Office arrest report. The neighbors told Bulla he was making too much noise early in the morning and he needed to go inside or the neighbor would call the police, the report said. Bulla then allegedly told him if you call the cops I will kill you and ran at him holding a knife above his head as if he was going to swing it at the neighbor. The neighbor told deputies he pushed his kids inside the door, followed them inside, and locked the door. He said Bulla continued to yell outside his door for many minutes while he called 911. Deputies went to Bulla's home, but he refused to come to the door and shouted he had a knife and hammer and he would kill anyone who came inside his residence.

Unknown_14: The deputies were eventually able to make contact with the man on the phone and encouraged him to come outside slowly without any weapons. He was eventually detained. Inside his home, deputies allegedly found a handmade knife necklace, a hammer, and a kitchen knife on a carabiner with a box cutter attached.

Unknown_14: Bull was charged with one count of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and two counts of felony child cruelty. He's being held at the Escambia County Jail on $30,000 bond. He was convicted and they sent him to like a special mental health court or trial where they determined that he wasn't safe to live independently and I believe he's set to be detained there for like the rest of his life.

Unknown_07: He lives in a sex offender zone.

Unknown_14: Kids can still live there, just not go to school. Yeah, I don't know what the deal is. He lives in like a special area for like sex offenders.

Unknown_07: I don't know what a carabiner is, I'm sorry.

Unknown_07: He had an urban model on his knife.

Unknown_14: You mean a knife necklace to match your Jewfinger necklace? Hey now.

Unknown_14: Don't be talking about my necklaces They Baker acted him. I I think I don't know what his situation is.

Unknown_14: I Think he's just a dependent of the state. I don't like I think Baker acted is like Like temporary it's not it's not a permanent thing. He's been like permanently declared a ward of the state now Kara beaner that sounds offensive.

Unknown_07: I

Unknown_07: climbing clip and it wasn't a 72-hour hold.

Unknown_14: He's like a permanent ward of the state now. So you don't have to worry about him. If you live in Pensacola, you don't have to worry about John Bulla. You do have to worry about Amberlynn Reed, but not John Bulla.

Unknown_14: So...

Unknown_14: As I promised entering into this, you might feel bad for him because he did get fucked with a long time and it's, you know, it's not possible to say how much that hurt him or exasperated his mental health issues because with, um... How the fuck did I forget his name? Terry! Terry Davis! He had the same kind of schizophrenic problems and he was getting baited by fucking, um...

Unknown_14: by catfishes until he basically killed himself over fake women, which is really depressing because he was a genius. He was like genius level.

Unknown_14: Bulla was not. Bulla was just like your run-of-the-mill fucking crazy. And he was also a pedophile. So let's just get this out of the way so that nobody feels sorry. We have a happy ending, I guess.

Unknown_14: Aside from the story with his stepwife, or his ex-wife, rather,

Unknown_14: We'll just throw these up there He had a big spurge out on fucking Twitter and he's saying stuff like a man that teaches his child the truth Who offends a child sexually is better than teacher teaching lie to Jesus said in the Bible to you Sunday school and other schools that you are offending children by lying to them and should be hanged and drowned

Unknown_14: A child believing a lie will go to hell in the lake of fire and brimstone and be there forever. You are guilty of causing worse than sex.

Unknown_14: Children forget about sex offenses quickly, and have no effect on them. You hypocrites exaggerate, but burning in 9000 degree hell never stops. You think it is worse for you to have sex with your child, or she forgets not hurting at all, or calls your child to burn forever. Fools.

Unknown_14: Other lies tell your child 2. Evolution 3. Your church is true. 4. Atheism. Okay to smoke, fuck, use drugs, and drink alcohol.

Unknown_14: His argument here is that it's okay to have sex with kids because they forget about the trauma, and if you are a godly person who teaches them about Jesus, then you're sparing them from hell and doing them a favor. So it's better to be a child rapist who believes in God and teaches their kids about God while having sex with them, than to be a non-pedophile, non-religious person who condemns their child to hell.

Unknown_14: So, that is John Bulla.

Unknown_14: I'm sure I forgot a lot. I would actually encourage you, if you're interested in more of his misadventures, I would actually encourage you to read his forum thread. Because, like, I sat down, as I do, I sat down early in the morning, I pulled up all the things I could on John Bulla. I said, okay, I'm gonna get involved in this, I'm gonna figure out the story. I'm gonna write it all down. I have an entire fucking page of notes, and I have screenshots, and I have videos and stuff, but it's so fucking much. It is years and years of shit. If we go to his channel, he's got all these different videos for years, and I would suggest looking at them if you want to see more. We can watch one more and show him how he interacted with people catfishing him. Be aware, this is probably very loud.

Unknown_03: I'm John Bulla, and that's me to the bottom lower right. That's my ex-wife, Stephanie, up at the top left corner. To the right is a false Moses. A fake Moses. He's really a demon called the Moonman Demon, I believe. So, anyway, I'm gonna play this video, old video that was done on this T-Mobile phone I used to own. And this used to be my old address. 2500 54th Avenue.

Unknown_03: He still doxxes himself every fucking video. St.

Unknown_03: Petersburg, Florida. Lot 459. Some people that see this will probably remember that.

Unknown_03: Anyway, this is also me and some VCR tapes I just bought.

Unknown_03: And that's a

Unknown_03: Magazine I just bought and a TV. That's my other TV. That's the one I'm gonna have, uh, TV service on. It's a very good TV. It costed $60.

Unknown_03: Uh, this is some other... They have no fucking clue what he's talking about. There's one.

Unknown_03: And then, um... Also... Oh, jeez. Careful.

Unknown_03: and these other ones up here.

Unknown_03: This is a, it's like a video series or something of these car tapes. I didn't even look at them. And then here's a newspaper from where I live. It's called, that's PGA, It's actually a free newspaper.

Unknown_00: Hey, we just read that.

Unknown_03: And here's some other VCR tapes I haven't even looked at about Jesus and the Bible and so on. This one says, Stephen's Test of Faith and Journey of Inspiration for All Days. And then here's some men or something here. But here's a thing I cooked.

Unknown_03: Cook things on and I'm heating up some coffee water in that one right there. Coffee water. Here's another magazine I just bought. Let's see, that's some other headphones I have.

Unknown_03: And let me show you what else I got here. I don't have much time.

Unknown_03: this thing and this is another one of these videos and that's here this phone here is really built it's got a built-in

Unknown_14: I have no idea what he's talking about, but I'm so fascinated. I just want to see more of his apartment.

Unknown_03: Let me show you what I'm talking about.

Unknown_14: Oh, God, he has a flip phone.

Unknown_03: As you can see, there's my information about my real phone number. Stop doxing yourself. This phone doesn't work anymore. It was one of these others I used to have. It doesn't work anymore.

Unknown_03: But it still allows videos. It's got a video on it.

Unknown_03: Very important one. But here's the radio.

Unknown_03: This is the radio. I'm trying to get it to work, but it has to have headphones in it, because I got it set up for that. Oh, wait a minute. I have to have headphones plugged in to make it work.

Unknown_02: He's got headphones. And then here's another magazine I got, right there.

Unknown_03: Got that magazine, Vogue, and then here's another one. And, uh... They're just scattered all over this fucking room. Here's this other one here, still.

Unknown_03: Stop knocking shit over. Anyway, here's Jessica Alba. She used to have that show called Dark Angel. Here's another magazine. But that's my TV. That's outside. This is an air mattress I use to sleep on. I got to hurry up and record this video. There's another woman I like.

Unknown_03: And, uh, don't have a lot of time. Here's another woman I like. Why is he running out of time? He's like running through his fucking house now. I got a lot of dishes I need to wash.

Unknown_03: And then this is my bedroom.

Unknown_03: Big bedroom here. I slept in here last night. This is going to be my bedroom. And I'm going to share this place with somebody else. Here's an air conditioner and I'm going to put this on YouTube and then show it to people.

Unknown_03: expenses here but uh i'm gonna have good tv service with this tv right here but this one here is a big huge tv that my mother got for one dollar at some place there's a mcleod radio and this is a christian station and it doesn't sometimes it doesn't come in real good it's coming in pretty good right now it's 3 44 p.m

Unknown_02: Today's date when I'm recording this is February 27th in the year of 2016 and this is where I used to live.

Unknown_03: I don't live there anymore. People live there that stole my My Stuff six bags of my groceries, but look at this scripture Isaiah chapter 2 verse 16

Unknown_03: that God will destroy all pleasant pictures. And how many of you have pleasant pictures? You have too many of them. I have real pictures. You have pictures of yourself all over the fucking place. The most important thing right now is I wanted to share this video of my ex-wife and ex-girlfriend. And I've even got her as a contact on Skype right now. There's a big problem about that. But anyway, I want you to see this video. It's an old video I had.

Unknown_03: Here it goes.

Unknown_18: for life?

Unknown_06: Chilling.

Unknown_18: Showering?

Unknown_06: I already showered. I thought you just said shower-ering. No, I'm chilling.

Unknown_03: Chilling? What does that mean?

Unknown_03: That guy pretended to be Moses. It's not him. It's really a demon called the Moonman Demon. So you get all the banana shit off your face? Banana shit?

Unknown_10: Oh, that wasn't me. That wasn't my demon sister. But I did take a shower just because.

Unknown_04: How did you get it on you?

Unknown_10: Um, she put it on my face.

Unknown_14: What the fuck?

Unknown_14: I had never watched that video before. I had no fucking idea what to expect.

Unknown_14: I mean, you got... I need to archive all this shit. It's still up. Um... Mmm!

Unknown_14: I'm glad I caught this. That weird picture of him made me think of something I forgot. The reason why he had a very drastic change of appearance between this picture and this picture is because his shower stopped working so he began to bathe himself in hydroxyl

Unknown_14: Hydrogen peroxide So the reason why his skins all fucked up and everything is bleach is because he has been bathing in hydro hydrogen peroxide That that's why he looks like Sam Hyde Just uh-huh well that will do it yes it will Hard word for Josh very difficult word hydrogen peroxide I got it

Unknown_14: Fucking metal.

Unknown_14: Hydrogen peroxide. I got it, I got it. Hightest is fucked. He is an alpha fucking male, don't you forget. Alright.

Unknown_14: One other thing I want to show you just before... Wait, does he have a link to his shit?

Unknown_14: If not, I think I do have a link.

Unknown_07: I better have a fucking link.

Unknown_07: Nope. Wrong one. Wrong one.

Unknown_14: I'm gonna find this. There we go. Fuck off. Fuck off. Fuck off.

Unknown_14: Alright.

Unknown_14: If we go to his Twitter account. Again, still up.

Unknown_14: And you go, just scroll. This is slash bola steven. Just scroll.

Unknown_14: And read this shit. You can go back like a year on this account. He's had several. But this one has lots and lots of shit.

Unknown_14: And he just, like if you just want to read pure schizophrenic fucking nonsense, here you go.

Unknown_14: I follow this beautiful woman who works at a TV station. I get 15 in Alabama about 65 and a half 65 miles in one hour drive. Why won't she drive to meet me?

Unknown_14: Another picture I didn't even get to show is he in a lot of these videos I can't even show them to you because they're so noisy because the TV is just blaring at fucking full volume and here's a

Unknown_14: Here's a picture of him watching the Alabama weather.

Unknown_14: Off-scroll to message 103 verse 32 John's only phones and then on the right says not John Esbola He or she is a bad evil person John with TV is God's only minister in church who will all go to hell for rejecting me so he's just He's angry at the TV person because he's not on TV and the guy on TV the meteorologist is apparently a fake prophet No fucking idea

Unknown_14: And all of his shit's like that. All of it's fucking crazy. I'll take this down and just read random shit. This is all up if you want to read it.

Unknown_14: Uh... Me, John, with my girlfriend. Is she darker than you? Her. Oh, she is mixed race. Oh, I have read about her in our paper. She is and different.

Unknown_14: My fiancé about Abigail. We look similar but her nose and eyes are way different. I have no fucking idea what she's talking about. Oh, this is some random porn star that I guess a catfish is saying that she looks close to.

Unknown_14: Who I'm hearing now, Jennifer Lopez. This is who I'm hearing now, Jennifer Lopez. Britney Spears is a big hypocrite demon who never saw one word to me and is a sex offender.

Unknown_14: I just avowed that. I'm not calling Britney Spears a sex offender.

Unknown_14: This is a man with a horn is nothing but a doomed devil who Jesus and angels will burn up to ashes.

Unknown_07: You know what, I might agree with him on that.

Unknown_14: If you are as better than me as you claim to be lying demons called law enforcement raise this dead person to live again as I have done others.

Unknown_14: Breaking body found in submerged vehicle in Northwest Florida. So I guess he's trying to resurrect the fucking dead there Yeah, it's just it's just constant fucking nonsense, and it's great Get schizophrenics are by far my favorite like locales Just complete fucking nonsense

Unknown_14: Yeah, unfortunately, I gave the spoiler away in the start of the video John Bulla is committed right now. So there is no there is no No Twist ending to this. He's just fucking in a loony bin and and is a sex offender and the state of Florida has decided that he's a danger to society and can't live on his own and

Unknown_14: So yeah, I will... I'll have to go through this. I'll have to edit the poo-poo out for YouTube, but I'll keep the full archive on slash channel slash kiwifarms.

Unknown_14: This channel is where I'm going to be doing live streams out on YouTube. So if you want to catch that live and not just the VOD, I'll try to keep the VODs up on the main kiwifarms channel, but it's not going to last. I can tell because people are really fucking pissed off.

Unknown_14: I'm trying to get me shut down, which is expected They're also trying to get my my patreon taken down which I'm assuming they will eventually just fine But aside from that that's that's John as fucking bola I

Unknown_14: I mean Yeah slash gateway farms will be up but a lot of people have problems with the player and stuff so I'm still gonna try to keep the YouTube channel up for people who want to see on YouTube and on bit shoot Yeah, fuck YouTube All right.

Unknown_14: Oh One other thing one other thing cuz somebody made a reference to a

Unknown_14: to a Wings of Redemption meme. Let me just show you this and then I'll play my outro song for the day.

Unknown_07: That's not what I want. Oh, there it is.

Unknown_01: By the way, all the people that are doing chargebacks, if somebody from Kiwi Farms comes to me and wants your information, I might have to give it to them.

Unknown_01: He's pointing that out there. Do I ever wish- You hear that?

Unknown_14: You hear that? Wings- Wings of Redemption has endorsed- has endorsed the doxing ways. So you motherfuckers doing- doing chargebacks better watch out. He's- he's- he's calling the demon. He's making a deal with- with Von Wolf Demon. You motherfuckers better watch out.

Unknown_14: Alright. Alright, alright, alright. I think that's it. Let me pull up the outro song. And thank you very much for joining me on this little journey of crazy. It's as much- I learned about as much as you did today. This was all- John Bull has been one of those staples that people on the site have been following for a long-ass fucking time. And this is the first chance I've gotten to really, really dig into him. And he's just fucking insane.

Unknown_07: Take it easy.

Unknown_08: As a resident of Miami-Dade County, it is your right to know the names and likenesses of sex offenders living in your area. As a public service, we have created this videotape so that you and your friends and family can stay aware, stay safe, and maybe even have a little fun.

Unknown_08: Enjoy. to expose our sexual crimes to you. We were bad, but now we're good.

Unknown_09: I'm Larry Arthauer, and I'll refrain from touching my neighbor's kids again. What I did was not too kind, but I'm a nice guy you'll come to find. I've got a backyard and a real nice pool. Y'all should come over for a barbecue. We can make some cold drinks in my blender, but do keep in mind that I'm a sex offender.

Unknown_13: Vernon Douglas is my name. My battery arrest is what brought me fame. But there's much more to know about me. I love to dance and I love to ski. I zip and zoom on through the snow. Just strap on my boots and watch me go. But I can't ski until December. Till then I'm just a sex offender.

Unknown_15: I'm Charles Doling, dropping rhymes. I've been arrested seven times. I know that sounds like a lot. Three of those times were for vandalism. Feel real bad I got caught. Might do it again, probably not. I'm not here to make pretenses. I'm here because of my sex offenses.

Unknown_16: I'm Sam Pound. I'm number one. Apologizing for what I've done. In case you were wondering what that was, I snuck into a bathroom and I...

Unknown_16: Eat no truffles, I'm just here to do the sex offender shuffle.

Unknown_10: Hey, everybody, I'm Laura Hughes. Proving girls can do it, too. And by it, I mean touch your cousin. Was it worth it? No, it wasn't. You won't find me in your child's play set, because I got to wear this ankle bracelet. I'm not here to go on a bender. I'm here because I'm a sex offender.

Unknown_12: Last name Bermholt, first name Mark. I'm moving in somewhere on your block. Not in a house, but in a van. If you need me to move it, I sure can. The last thing I want is any trouble I've learned my lesson from the sex offender shuffle

Unknown_00: Arthur Chase. They said I didn't have to show my face. My first trial ended in a hung jury. If I'm found guilty, they'll unblur me. I'm not the necrophiliac, Arthur Chase. That's a different Arthur Chase. I'm not here to be my own defender. I'm here because I'm possibly a sex offender.

Unknown_11: OK, real quick. I am not like these people. OK, there's an extortion plot by my ex-wife, who's the only witness. And she's trying to take away my kids. And if I'm not here to pack my duffel, I'm just here to do