Alison Rapp & Jake Rapp - Mad at the Internet 2019-01-18

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(S Shorter than expected, * May be missing)

Unknown_01: And tomorrow she'll be a whore Nobody ever told her it's the wrong way Don't be afraid with the quickness you get laid For your family get paid it's the wrong way

Unknown_02: But I'm staring at her tits, it's the wrong way Strong if I can, but I am only a man So I take her to the can, it's the wrong way The only family that she's ever had Is her seven horny brothers and a drunk-ass dad He needed money so he put her on the street Everything was going fine until

Unknown_02: Talk all night, tried to make it right, believe me shit was tight you

Unknown_02: Hello!

Unknown_00: That is the sad story of a girl forced into prostitution to pay for her family's debts. This is not a sad story. Well, it is a sad story. It's half of a sad story. It's two stories. One of them's very sad. The other one's kind of annoying. You can already tell just by looking at this picture who is the sad story and who might be a manipulative little thought. We'll get into that shortly. Before I start talking about the things that I will be talking about, which is the people on the screen, I have clerical business. Oh god, look at the notepad. Alright, okay, clerical details. I have to catch up. People are asking questions and I have to give answers for them.

Unknown_00: Let's see, where do I start? Where do I start?

Unknown_00: Let's start with Okay, there is somebody out there, somebody of no importance, who is taking credit for getting me off, which is a thing. I am currently not on Let me get an email. I didn't think this through far enough. What's his name? MrAntiBully.

Unknown_00: That's the name. MrAntiBully. And he has a tweet about this.

Unknown_00: Saying, Josh has not been deleted from the platform. There is a legal issue that is under investigation. Quote, Ralph. And a person of dubious reliability has posted this screenshot as proof that he single-handedly has shown me from the platform.

Unknown_00: Now, this is not the case. So this is the email that people have been concerned about. This is, uh, re-urgent follow-up, Ross and Ben Perkins, um, from Jennifer Phillips to, and then the name for both the to line and the hi is filtered out.

Unknown_00: Now the person who posted this is not the person who received this email. They're posting it on behalf of somebody. And I'm not going to name that. Because if you know who it is, you already know who it is. And if you don't know who it is, I want them to post it themselves.

Unknown_00: Because I want them to confess their sins. They have buddied up to somebody who is going to take advantage of them. And no, Zoom is not the person who did it. Zoom is the person taking credit for it. The person who actually did the dirty work is somebody very familiar to me and who is very, very good at this kind of shit. Zoom is just taking credit for it because the person who actually did it does not want to be named. And I will grant them this because I like my YouTube channel.

Unknown_00: It's not Yaniv either. It's not the tampon guy.

Unknown_07: I'll just leave you guessing. I'm sorry.

Unknown_07: So, okay. What the fuck?

Unknown_00: Why is... Why is YouTube complaining about my stream? If my stream is having hiccups, let me know.

Unknown_00: It should be fine though. Fuckers.

Unknown_00: All right. Yes, it is the Anglo Menace. The Anglo Menace. It is not Univ, it is not Zoom. Whoever takes credit for it is fucking lying, and I can prove it. But that's fine. Okay, so the issue with them is that the guy, the Anglo, the Anglo Menace, the Eternal Anglo, the person who may be listening to this stream right now, and who should know that they will burn in hell for their sins,

Unknown_00: They dox, not the owner of The owner of is a different company that owns a bunch of different stream services, most of them cam whore sites. So I think that's how it works. So they have all these different cam sites, and they use that money to try to bootstrap a Twitch competitor. And the company that owns was contacted by this guy, which is the name that's doxed in the, I guess I shouldn't have shown the name. I didn't think about that. But the name for the actual company owners are in that email. So what he did is he found out who they are and contacted them and listed off all this shit about me being a pedophile or me being a fucking neo-Nazi, me being a fucking whatever the fuck. And it scared them. And that's why they asked to take down the account. And now the people are fighting to try and get my account reinstated. But it's up to the guys that own the company, obviously.

Unknown_00: So, I don't know. I'm not optimistic. I'm not pessimistic. I don't give a shit, really. Like, I enjoy my streams.

Unknown_00: I enjoy talking to you guys.

Unknown_00: But uh, you know, it is what it is.

Unknown_00: It's funny, my streams are so inoffensive compared to everybody else's. I intentionally involve politics, or avoid politics. I intentionally avoid all sorts of contentious shit. I'm way more tepid than I would be in text. In text I'm fucking aggressive as shit about things, but I do streams, I try to be...

Unknown_00: Try to be calm and have a good time, but such things are not not bound for this world.

Unknown_07: Let's see. I do love the nation of Israel.

Unknown_00: This is true. I made this so we could whenever I talk about being deplatformed, I'm just going to show this picture now. The Josh will always tell you what happened to him, but he'll never tell you why. A Russian proverb. I'll let you fill in the blanks for what Josh was supposed to be.

Unknown_00: Yes, I think talking about Alice and Raph will relax me a little bit.

Unknown_00: The Josh.

Unknown_00: What was the original word? Use your imagination. Come on now, you can do it.

Unknown_00: Where was I? Okay, that's covered.

Unknown_00: I guess people also kind of were hoping for a Tonka cover.

Unknown_00: I'm not sure I'm gonna do that until it's like for sure that he's gone from the internet because I like to cover things that are a complete story and this story is pretty complete. So I'm not gonna be going after Tonka for a while.

Unknown_00: What got me is, like, I gave the guy a benefit of a doubt, but this is clearly his fault. And he just can't accept responsibility for that. Like, clearly his fault. And he tries to pass the blame off on whatever the fuck, whatever circumstances. And it's bullshit. How hard is it to fucking submit your blood work? If he had submitted his blood work in time, you know what would've happened?

Unknown_00: Like, they would've just... Like, they said, oh, this doesn't match the name on the contract, let's sign a new contract. But he waited to the last second and completely fucked it over, so...

Unknown_00: Is there gonna be a documentary about that? I don't know if that's gonna happen. That's being managed by Zoom, who's a massive spastic, and he's asking for like $8,000 to fly to Tonka's house and harass his grandmother for his fucking documentary. If you're giving money to that shit, you're fucking pathetic. I'm just gonna say that.

Unknown_07: These two look so wholesome. You are wrong. You are...

Unknown_07: Very wrong.

Unknown_07: I'll show you that you're wrong. I will show you.

Unknown_07: This is the true identity.

Unknown_00: Choose the form of your destructor.

Unknown_00: We're gonna get there You know, I don't have any pictures of Allison for some reason for some reason I threw this shit together I went through and I got a bunch of shit, but the reason why is I don't really here here I'll use this picture. I can't use any pictures of her on the stream I can't like I was gonna be clever and censor them But the thing is I'm afraid if I do that, I'll get reported for like harassment or something So I'm just gonna show you clothed pictures with no fancy Fancy filtering. So this is Allison and this is Jake

Unknown_00: Behold, this is the less wholesome, the less wholesome photomagraphs of the things. Yes, if you're looking for science, you can just Google her name. She got really fat over the course of the story. Fuck, you know what? God damn it, let me just start. Let me just start, I'm getting into the details, because you motherfuckers already know this story. You're just here for me, for my drama. You wanna post hamsters. I know you fuckers, I know your gambit.

Unknown_00: Alright, so way back when, at the dawn of time, thousands of years ago, there was a little thing called Gamergate. And Gamergate caught the- got the attention.

Unknown_00: Rather, Allison Rapp got the attention of Gamergate. Allison Rapp was a Nintendo employee. She was a translator. She speaks fluent Japanese and worked for Nintendo of America as a human resources person. So she was fluent in Japanese. I think she translated Fire Emblem. Somebody has mentioned eight times in chat already. That she was responsible for the awful Americanized version of Fire Emblem, and V hated her for it. So, worked at Nintendo, basically had her dream job, right? Dream job, worked at Nintendo.

Unknown_00: And then, during Gamergate, she posted this, and she got the attention of the rabid misogynists of that deplorable anti-Israel movement on the internet by that despicable Alec Baldwin.

Unknown_00: Like, dudes have spent literally thousands of years treating lady things as bad things, and then, wait, I can't do lady things misandry.

Unknown_00: Unrelated, hey dudes, misandry is not real. If you feel like you can't take up ballet, don't blame misandry, blame millennia of misogyny. So, this tweet by this Nintendo employee thousands of years ago caught the attention of Goober Gobber, and Goober Gobber decided they were gonna do some investigation. Oh, also this tweet pissed off GamerGate.

Unknown_00: Did you know that video games are not the most important things in the world? This is actually after that first tweet.

Unknown_00: She posted this after Gamergate got pissed off at her and she got more attention because of it. Do you know that video games are not the most important things in the world? If you want to have intelligent conversations about games, you need to educate yourself on life and intersectional social issues totally outside of games. Uh, Gilbert Albert did not respond well to that either.

Unknown_00: So they did some digging into her Twitter account, right?

Unknown_00: And they found this.

Unknown_00: This kind of legal bullshit pisses me off. Read my IR thesis before you go hating on me, kthx. And that link goes to the CNN report about police arrest man for child pornography after tip-off from burglars. So here's a funny thing. There is a constitutional protection against unwarranted search from the police. The police can't search your house unless they have a reason to.

Unknown_00: But there's an interesting caveat. If a citizen does something illegal, like breaking into your house, and they see that you're a predator, a child predator, they can report you to the police and that, even though their information came from a crime, that counts as a justification for a legal search.

Unknown_00: So what happened is the burglars broke into the house and saw that he had child pornography. I think it was like VHS tapes just labeled like child pornography or like 13 year old nude or something. And he got busted for that because the police searched the house and confirmed that it existed based on the burglars tips.

Unknown_00: And she's mad about that because this poor pedophile was guilty of a victimless crime. You should understand a victimless crime of possession of child pornography. Don't clip that out of context.

Unknown_00: So let's see what she said in that tweet. She invited us to read her IR thesis. Well, let's go read her IR thesis and figure out. Let's get to the bottom of this.

Unknown_00: and figure out what she means by victimless crime. Why did this fat man getting arrested piss her off?

Unknown_00: Speech We Hate is an argument for the cessation of international pressure on Japan to strengthen its anti-child pornography laws. And this is quite long, I'm only going to read a specific paragraph of it.

Unknown_00: The gist of it is that Japan has very lax child pornography laws, and age of consent is super low in Japan, it's like 13 years old.

Unknown_00: And she's saying that because Japan has a different culture, you need to permit them to have different laws on child pornography. And this is her argument for that, basically calling it a victimless crime. Now there's a particular paragraph, I think it's

Unknown_00: I think it's at the very end. When this got posted on the Kiwi Farms, by the way, people started calling her a pedophile, or a person advocating total decriminalization of child pornography. And when people start making that shit, that kind of accusation, because it gets thrown at me so much, I try to be skeptical. I try to give them a benefit of a doubt. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to find this in The actual document on the fly like this because it's it's so it's like a scan. It's not actually It's not actually

Unknown_07: format it in such a way that I can pull it up.

Unknown_00: So I have this on the locale wiki. I'm just going to read this. This is a direct excerpt from the thesis that I have transliterated some time ago. I'll read this.

Unknown_00: I side with the camp that argues not for less strict legislation against the simple possession of child pornography, the creation and dissemination of child pornography depicting real children as a whole is another matter entirely, but also for the abatement of pressure put on Japan for its lax and rarely enforced laws. Clearly, shaming Japanese politicians like Keijo Goto and Japan's National Police Agency or allowing Western media to trivialize Japan's positions on child pornography as being blatantly and perversely anti-child will ameliorate the conditions of children all over the world, not in Japan, not in Eastern Europe, not in Africa, and not in the United States or Western Europe. The conditions that encourage child abuse, child prostitution, and child trafficking likely have little if nothing to do with people possessing even a morally questionable type of media. Instead of directing its efforts at wiping out child pornography, especially child pornography depicting fictional children, being that there is almost no proof that real quantifiably no proof that real children are ever harmed in the creation, distribution, or possession of it, nations like the United States should be focusing on improving domestic health care options, educational opportunities, job markets, and other social, political, and economic solutions that

Unknown_00: Quantifiably help children and adults at risk out of illegal and damaging exploitative situations Japan already has already this and being that Japan has signed under the United Nations Convention of the rights on the rights of the child and Has a much lower rate of child abuse than many Western states I believe it is time for the United States and other countries to learn from their eastern neighbor censoring media however questionable does not solve societal ills Clearly further research on the effects god fucking damn it fuck off Thunderbird

Unknown_00: Clearly, further research on the effects of child pornography should be conducted. I believe George Gerbner's Cultivation Theory, which as explained previously, states that people who watch violent television are simply more apt to believe that the world is violent, not that they should commit acts of violence, is a theory that may be expanded to include such media as child pornography.

Unknown_00: It is also important to devise some way that nations may control the reach of child trafficking and child prostitution without infringing on the rights of nations to censor or not censor domestic media. And the solutions must be international in scale. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, especially the second optional protocol, was plainly a step in the right direction. but was not the bullseye solution and clearly encourages nations to judge others that do not strictly legislate against child pornography. Future conventions and other international agreements should seek to ameliorate the conditions- she used that word twice in this fucking two paragraph thing. ameliorate the conditions of child all over the world and transnationally while remaining respectful and tolerant of the domestic laws of signatories furthermore western media outlets reporting on child pornography research and laws should do more to recognize the complexity of the media and the debates regarding its creation distribution and possession child pornography is not the cause of societal issues regarding children and its total eradication should not be considered a solution to these ills it is a red hearings issue and both politicians and the media would do well to recognize it as such so here's the thing regarding like there's some shit i would agree with on this but the main thing that she misses and this gets her fucked

Unknown_00: is that she says in the first paragraph, the conditions that encourage child abuse, child prostitution, and child trafficking likely have little if nothing to do with people possessing even a morally questionable type of media. The issue with this is that she's fucking wrong. And here, I'm gonna give you a political lesson.

Unknown_00: Do you know, here, I'm gonna ask this, and I want you guys to tell me. Why is child pornography banned in the United States?

Unknown_00: Why do you think that? If we have the First Amendment, why do we ban it?

Unknown_07: Anybody want to take a guess?

Unknown_07: Well, he's a gateway drug.

Unknown_00: Because it's harmful for society, because Orange Man bad the Jews, because it's child abuse, because it's wrong, you should be shot, because you have to rape kids, because it's morally wrong.

Unknown_00: Okay, here I'll tell you why.

Unknown_00: Child pornography is illegal in the United States because, Max Rose got it first when I saw, or no, Phobos got it first. It creates a black market. Even if you criminalize, and it should be criminal, the production of child pornography, obviously, why do we ban even the possession of it? And the reason why is because the possession and trade or transfer of it creates an international black market for child sex slavery. That's why. If Americans are able to buy, transmit, or possess child pornography, then you're going to create markets for it in countries like Ukraine, countries like Nigeria, countries like Thailand, countries like the Philippines. It creates a black market and it puts children all over the world at risk. We do this with other things. For instance, if the FBI can prove that you sexually abused a child that would be illegal in the United States, in Thailand, they will arrest and prosecute you in the United States as if you did it here. And the reason why is because the federal government protects children regardless of where they are in the world.

Unknown_00: When she says the conditions that encourage child abuse, child prostitution, and child trafficking likely have little if nothing to do with people possessing even a morally questionable type of media, she is wrong. And she is wrong in the worst way. The reason why we very specifically ban child pornography is because it does have a victim. Which is why I am for that particular legislation.

Unknown_00: So even if you were to pose some kind of argument that she's entitled to her opinion, the big issue with this is that she was a representative, not just a worker. She didn't mop the fucking floors at Nintendo of America. She worked there as human resources. She was the PR face of Nintendo of America at some point. So you can't have a child pornography advocate Working at your fucking company and yeah, she worked directly with kids which created a bit of a fucking problem. So what happened? Well, obviously people weren't happy with this, and eventually a woman named Jamie Walton reached out and said, So, Jamie Walton. Who the fuck is Jamie Walton? Well, let me tell you who Jamie Walton is.

Unknown_00: She is the current leader of something called the Wayne Foundation. What is the Wayne Foundation? Spreading awareness of human trafficking occurring in the United States and providing direct services for young women victimized by commercial exploitation. Our vision is a world without child slavery. We are dedicated to providing direct assistance to those victimized by exploitation. The Wayne Foundation is committed to spreading awareness of commercial sex exploitation of children, CSEC, and domestic minor sexual trafficking, DMST, occurring within the United States." So she had, because of her statements and the attention of Gubergaber, Jamie Walton, the head of this company or this organization, this 501c3 charity, that like from what I've told, what I've seen from Jamie Walton, is that she will put kids who are taken from homes in emergency situations into temporary care at any hour. If she gets a phone call at 2 a.m. she will jump out of bed. get with a kid at a police station, and because of her role in the company, she can't directly take the kid into her house. She can only find somebody else to take him. So she'll sit with that child in a police station that has just been saved from prostitution and call up everybody she can think of to find a temporary housing situation for those kids. And that is the woman who Alison Rapp pissed off with her bullshit about child pornography.

Unknown_00: And what do you think happened to Jamie Walton because she did that?

Unknown_00: Where is it?

Unknown_00: I guess I don't have a screenshot of this. She was accused of being a Gamergate brainwashed advocate.

Unknown_00: Jamie Walton, the owner

Unknown_00: or director of the Wayne Foundation. She was attacked by social justice warriors for being pro-gamergate because she said that a woman advocating the decriminalization of child pornography was somehow not fit to represent a toy company. And if you're worried about her, no, she was not fired. She kept her job. She's the director of the company. She can't be fired. But it was extremely frustrating for her because her entire life is about trying to save children from rape houses and shit. This is the kind of shit she fights against constantly. Her entire life is based against fighting this notion that child pornography is a victimless crime. So the sheer fucking audacity of these people to accuse Jamie Walton of somehow being a pro-Gamergate actor is just preposterous and offensive. And luckily it boiled over, but it was still, you know, pathetic at the time it happened.

Unknown_07: So the issue is, after this,

Unknown_00: She was fired. Surprise, surprise, right? Today the decision was made. I am no longer a good, safe representation of Nintendo. My employment has been terminated. Well, no fucking shit.

Unknown_07: But why was she fired?

Unknown_07: That's a good question.

Unknown_07: The answer was a bit cryptic.

Unknown_00: Later the same day, Nintendo responded to Rep's Twitter comments by issuing an official statement to the press. Oh, I didn't cap this for some reason. Because she's deleted all of her shit, so I couldn't find it. But she went on a fucking tirade calling Nintendo a sexist, horrible place to work and shit. And it's like, you're doing a really fucking good job of making yourself... appealing to prospective employers by bad-mouthing your last company. Like, no, it was a joy to work for you guys, I really wish you didn't end this way, yadda yadda yadda, she just tore open them. So after that, Social Justice Warriors lined up to protect Allison Rapp, and it forced Nintendo of America to issue a statement saying,

Unknown_00: In which the company flat out denied any alleged connection between the termination of her employment and the Twitter feud she had become embroiled in while offering an explanation that she was fired because she was moonlighting with a second job, a violation of the company's internal policy. Allison Rapp, they said, was terminated due to the violation of an internal company policy involving holding a second job in conflict with Nintendo's corporate culture. Though Mrs. Rapp's termination follows her being the subject of criticism from certain groups via social media several weeks ago, the two are absolutely not related. Nintendo is a company committed to fostering inclusion and diversity in both our company and the broader video game industry, and we firmly reject the harassment of individuals based on gender, race, or personal beliefs. We wish Ms. Rapp well in her future endeavors."

Unknown_00: Well, that's fucking weird. If she didn't get fired because of goober gobber, what was she fired for?

Unknown_00: The answer, my friends, is that she was a prostitute.

Unknown_00: I can't show you any of the pictures to prove this because my video will get taken down.

Unknown_00: She was a prostitute.

Unknown_00: And when she was fired she claimed that it was because of college debt.

Unknown_00: And somehow Nintendo found this and fired her on it. But they didn't have, like it wasn't known. Nintendo found out before anybody else did.

Unknown_00: So if you're asking how much she cost, don't get too excited. I don't think she ever had a successful lay. There's somebody making three fifth jokes and two fifth jokes and that's because she had like two ratings and neither of them were positive. They both said that like it was an escort service and she literally just dated them and didn't put out even though they had money paid for the service. So, all she had to do was suck some dick, basically. She fucked up. She's even a failure at a whore.

Unknown_00: So, that happened.

Unknown_07: So you might be thinking, if she was a whore, selling nudes and stuff,

Unknown_00: isn't isn't she married isn't she married if she's a prostitute um what about the husband so uh let's dig into that i i showed you this before

Unknown_00: This is Jake Rapp. I want you to meet the biggest cuck in the universe. Probably a bigger cuck than Maddox, because if you realize, Maddox's girlfriend was not an actual literal prostitute.

Unknown_00: This is Jake Rapp. Hold up.

Unknown_00: I was deciding when this was going on, this was brand new, this was a breaking story, do we want a second thread specifically for Jake Rapp?

Unknown_00: Do we want that? Because he's just a cuck.

Unknown_00: How could he possibly be a lolcow?

Unknown_00: Well, here's how.

Unknown_07: I'll read this, don't worry.

Unknown_00: Anonymous asked, if you could go back to before you opened up and started poly, what advice would you give yourself? Not really a question seeking advice, he says, but I'll give it a go anyways. So this is gonna sound like a shameless plug, but honestly, a coach of some sort. Something like this on Tumblr or a role model to talk to with every once in a while, etc. Starting off, Being previously super used to monogamy, it felt really lonely. I had preconceived notions, like a lot of other couples that open, that Polly was going to be the cat's pajamas, and that my partner and I would tackle it together as a team all the way.

Unknown_00: But then, when my partner started to have feels, and those weren't really my feels, well all of a sudden it was just me. Partner loved me, but I saw a partner that wasn't us as much anymore. Aside from the fact that I didn't just have my shit together, nor was at all able to depend on myself, I didn't have anyone to talk to. I had some progressive friends, and I had a word of advice here and there on subreddits. I tried reading all the recommended literature, but it all just made me angry because I didn't feel I was anywhere near the ideals represented therein. So a coach, a mentor I guess, someone who had been through the shit first hand and came out on the other side alive and well.

Unknown_00: So what he's essentially saying there is that when he was in this open relationship with allison wrap his wife.

Unknown_00: He literally needed fucking therapy to get through it. And somebody made the great joke, Coach Cuckpill, and that's more than you, more true than you realize. We're gonna get into, if you wanted to know who the fuck Coach Blue Pill is, let me fucking introduce you to Coach Blue Pill. This is Jake Rapp's coaching service.

Unknown_00: A coach blue pill, aka hot mess coaching. Feeling like a hot mess? Let's get this shit on lock. Too long, didn't read the entire website, you're stressed. Probably about relationships, but maybe other stuff too. I'm here for you right fucking now. I'm a super friendly coach. We're going to figure out a way to find some direction in life. I'm not a therapist, but I'm still very able to help you. And you pay whatever you want for real. Some reasons this is awesome. Polly can't queer anything people might judge you for friendly. Weekend and evening availability. We can chat anywhere, anyhow, from anywhere, maybe even space. No limit on persons per session. Bring your pets. And did I mention this is pay what you want?

Unknown_00: Let's meet the coach.

Unknown_00: My name is Jake Rapp, or Jacob Rapp, or whatever rolls off your tongue easiest, I guess. Jakeypoo Rapp. I look like a Jakeypoo in that picture. Oh, geez, you sure do. I've been interested in helping others get through challenging times in their lives since I was 11 years old.

Unknown_00: Oh, since 11 year old me thought Jake underscore people person would be the coolest email ever. Guess what? Little old me was onto something. I just had one of those vocational light bulbs go off where you realize that you hate your career path and get the fuck out, which was totally awesome, which has, which, which totally has that awesome, super motivated, follow your dreams authenticity to it, but leaves my professional coaching portfolio a little sparse.

Unknown_00: Go ahead and Google me, you probably won't find much except my Twitter, from which you'll only learn that I am a nerd, I have a Boston Terrier and a cat, and that I'm awesome, and I am often sarcastic towards men, rights activists, and other anon internet bullies. I guarantee you, if you search for this guy's name now, you'll find a little bit more.

Unknown_00: There's also some video stuff I made back in school. Weirdly enough, there's another jkrap doing videos out there. I'm working on my coaching accreditation because that's a thing. Otherwise, I've just been personally in and helped others through some really hot ass messes. And thus will be good enough at helping you figure out what you want and can give you some pretty fucking phenomenal input along the way. He had this entire website, right?

Unknown_00: About how he's going to help you through his hot messes. How to be comfortable.

Unknown_00: with being a cuck.

Unknown_00: Some coach blue pill shit going on. And then he has a Tumblr blog, which is still up for some reason, called Hot Mess Coach Living With Somebody Who Has BPD Is Fucking Hard. I'm only going to read a few paragraphs of this and then skip to the end. I should preface this by saying that I have no formal research or accreditation on the topic of mental health, just the 5 plus years experience of being in a relationship with my partner who has bipolar disorder.

Unknown_00: A very important thing to say before I go into this venting session is people who have bipolar disorder, or any personality disorder for that matter, are not bad people. In fact, more often than not, people with bipolar disorder are awesome in so many ways. Otherwise, I wouldn't have married one of them.

Unknown_00: They can do very bad things, but it's really a case of they know not what they do sometimes. People with undiagnosed bipolar disorder truly are doing what they believe to be rational. It's how they've functioned in life up until this point, and you can't really fault someone for being blind to something they are absolutely unable to see. The sinister and destructive powers of bipolar disorder lies within how incredible

Unknown_00: Geez incredibly fucking sneaky it is it slowly disrupts your life over a long period of time and Just kind of leaves you scratching your head like what the fuck? Why does this suck so much? And I want to leave it over there because if you haven't picked up on it yet If you haven't picked up on it yet he is fucking miserable with this woman and pretends to be a fucking coach and

Unknown_00: Oh, borderline personality disorder. Borderline personality disorder. Not bipolar personality disorder. Borderline personality disorder. The disease that any fucking crazy woman uses to excuse being a complete and total bitch all the fucking time. And if you haven't picked up on it yet, the reason why he does this coat shit is because he's extremely fucking unhappy with Allison Rapp. And it's miserable for him.

Unknown_00: And, uh...

Unknown_07: And let me try to find if I have a picture or something that I want to show. This is like a good time for a picture.

Unknown_07: Here, I'll show you this.

Unknown_00: After he started this coach blue pill thing going on with being a cuck and being professionally a cuck, his girlfriend encouraged him to date other people.

Unknown_00: But, because Alyson Rapp is possessive in this poly relationship that mostly swings one way, his first poly relations were with other men, and she encouraged him to take it up the ass.

Unknown_00: And in fact, I think, I think that we also found a escort page for him.

Unknown_00: And she was basically pimping him out to people.

Unknown_00: And she might have fucked him up the ass.

Unknown_00: And she might have filmed herself fucking him up the ass. And she might have posted on Twitter to shame him for fucking him up the ass.

Unknown_00: And, uh, somebody asked, is he gay? No, he's not gay. He described himself as heteroflex. So if you want to see the face of a heteroflex person getting fucked up the ass, this is it. Now, of course, he wasn't actually gay, and he wasn't actually interested in anything other than monogamy. He was just the victim to this crazy fucking woman's bullshit.

Unknown_00: And of course because she's possessive and crazy she didn't want him with another woman as she had been with other men.

Unknown_00: She wanted him with men because you know she's a weirdo child pornography defense squad person who had yaoi fantasies.

Unknown_00: So he got completely fucked over in this relationship. Now, of course, while they were together, not only was she briefly a two out of three or two out of five prostitute, she was a Patreon whore. And that's not being a, that's not like just a pay pig kind of thing, like a turn of phrase. She was literally a Patreon whore. And if you want to know what being a whore on Patreon looks like, it looks like this. Hey, y'all, do you want the world to be more sex and femme positive? Do you want to learn more about mental illness?

Unknown_00: Do you wanna know more about mental illness? Well, fuckin' join my Patreon, motherfucker, and get a front-row fuckin' seat. Do you think I'm sort of cute, albeit a little dweeby? Do you pretty pictures make you happy? Wow, you're so in luck. So lucky. I do all kinds of things such as cosplaying, modeling, and writing about my diagnosis of borderline personality disorder, depression, and panic disorder. Wow!

Unknown_00: My goal is to be able to once again feel like I'm making a difference in at least a few people's lives by being actively sex positive, open about mental health, and more. Thank you so much for your continued support of me and the things that are important to me and may be important to you as well. I've been blessed with an incredible support network for many years, and I can only hope for many more.

Unknown_00: So, for $1 a month, you get Little Devils. You'll be entered into a monthly drawing for either an exclusive high-res digital image or a physical Polaroid print. You know, you're not supposed to have lotteries on Patreon.

Unknown_00: Just a thought. For $3 a month, you get access to my Patreon-only feed, which includes exclusive posts, pictures, videos, and more.

Unknown_00: So I want to point out that the $1 tier has 16 patrons, and the $3 tier has 126 patrons. And this is the one that gets you titty pictures.

Unknown_00: At $10 a month, you get Hecaton Cheer. I don't know what the fuck that means. Monthly digital Polaroid and formal non-professional thank you pic, plus previous cheers. At $20 or more, you get Bail, which is the monthly mini Polaroid, one exclusive shot, signed and shipped to you. And then it has like a little slut picture right there. At $25 a month you get Skolopindra. What the fuck are these names? Folks in this tier will get an mp3 voice memo. Maybe I'll say goodnight, maybe I'll tell you I got to pet a good dog that day once per month. Wow.

Unknown_00: At $30 a month, you get Phantasmania, oh my fuck, fuck this. Whatever the fuck this says. Come chat with an exclusive monthly Google Hangouts session. Previous tiers. This one I can pronounce. Madama Butterfly for $50 a month. 10 minute private Google Hangouts video chat once a month. If you prefer Google text chat, that's totally fine too.

Unknown_00: And then one signed 5x7 print, my choice.

Unknown_00: At $100 or more, my Dama Kefri, two exclusive mini Polaroids, one handwritten note, two signed 5x7 prints, 10% off all digital prints in my store Envy Shop, plus previous tiers does not stack with 20 tier. And then at $200 a month, you get the Queen Shebo.

Unknown_00: One high-res digital pic in your inbox for wallpaper or other private use.

Unknown_00: Two 8x10 prints of my choice, 20% off all digital prints in my store and eShop, plus previous tiers. Stacks with $100 tier, not $20 tier.

Unknown_00: And she mentioned store ending multiple times, so I guess it's only fair to show you this.

Unknown_07: Ha ha ha holy hell look at this anti-nudity bullshit at store envy is trying to pull with me

Unknown_00: Hello, it has come to our attention that you are promoting items that we have listed as prohibited from sale on Store Envy. Pornography. This is a direct violation of the store owner's agreement, a copy of which can be viewed at the URL below. Please reread the article mentioned and take down all products that are in violation. If you do not do so and within 48 hours, we will be forced to temporarily shut down your store, which of course we would like to avoid. Please respond to this email when the problem lines have been removed to avoid store closure.

Unknown_00: And of course she's fucking verified, are you crazy? That nigga gets a blue tick mark. She's sex positive and has mental health issues.

Unknown_00: Therefore, verified.

Unknown_00: Now, if you're wondering what kind of saucy picture she throws up on that page, well, worry no more, because this is what.

Unknown_07: Sneak peek at one of the physical Polaroids going out this month to $20 plus patrons.

Unknown_00: You can still get it.

Unknown_00: And that's a picture of her naked with her titties out with Fuck Trump written on them.

Unknown_00: That's right. That's right. Orange man is bad. For $20 a month guys, you can get these titties. Fuck Trump.

Unknown_00: Fuckly Drumpf the Drumpft I've actually burned through this stuff really fast because again a lot of it that I want to show you I can't show you Because because she's a proper fucking whore Like like what her threat on Kiwi farms is so long it's so long because

Unknown_00: We had somebody on her Patreon account who was actively reposting shit she posted and you could see like over time I tried to look this up on the archives and I tried to pull up her Patreon totals. Actually can I do that? I bet Graftreon has it. Graftreon...

Unknown_00: Uh, what's her URL? Hopefully I can find this and show you guys what was happening with her Patreon.

Unknown_00: I really should have done this before, but I'm a lazy cake, so.

Unknown_00: Oh, fuck it, they don't have archives of it.

Unknown_00: Okay, I'll just spoil it then. She was losing money very, very quickly.

Unknown_00: Just hemorrhaging money. And that's because, if you don't know, there's a little bit of a phenomenon with camwhores. Is that you can initially get that batch of people willing to pay you hundreds of dollars a month for your shit.

Unknown_00: But at a certain point, there's only so much you can show. There's only so much that you can show of your body before people already know what it looks like. And eventually, she did a full-on, like, pussy picture. And that's out there. She didn't even shave her vagina before she took a picture of it. And she was losing money pretty fast, because it's like, you know, the next step after that is to go, like, full-on masturbation and start doing cam shows and shit.

Unknown_00: And so she was losing all of her money and eventually she had to sit down and she had to do this.

Unknown_00: Cost-benefit analysis. A cost-benefit analysis is a process businesses used to analyze decisions. The business or analyst sums the benefits of a situation or action and then subtracts the cost associated with taking that action.

Unknown_00: So she had to sit down and say, okay, I am a complete and total fucking whore. I have just shown my horrible vag on camera, and I'm only making at this point like $1,000 a month while doing it. I can either continue to be a whore and make less and less money doing more and more stuff and she was she was actually gaining weight and stuff so she was getting uglier as time went on and i can take care of my body i can do all this shit and or i can leave

Unknown_00: And part of what we think happened is that she got romantically involved in this other guy who was an Asian lawyer or something. He was in law school. Actually, she accidentally doxed him. His docs are still in the forum. And I think after he got doxed, he found out. And he told her, either completely and totally remove yourself off the internet.

Unknown_00: Completely remove yourself from the internet or I'm gone.

Unknown_00: And she did.

Unknown_00: The reason why I said I didn't have that many archives of tweets and stuff is because she fucking completely uprooted herself. This is the only one I've seen, ever, that has just said, you know what, I'm gone. My Patreon's gone, my Twitter's gone, my store page is gone, my LinkedIn is gone, I'm deleting everything off the fucking internet, and I'm gone, and she has stayed gone for like a year now. She's just fucking gone.

Unknown_00: It's not even a delete fucking everything. You know, usually you have like a DFE and then somebody comes back under a different name trying to be all sneaky and shit. No, she's fucking gone. It's crazy.

Unknown_00: And...

Unknown_00: If you're wondering what happened to Jake, he ended up with another woman. Now, of course, it's a poly relationship, right? So that should be fine. But it wasn't fine. Allison was very jealous of this. She didn't like the fact that he was with a different woman.

Unknown_00: And she divorced him over it, even though she was literally a fucking whore this entire time.

Unknown_07: So, this is the court, it's from Washington.

Unknown_00: Jacob Repp is now Jacob Johnson. He, oh, I didn't even mention, he took her name. He took her name. And after the divorce, he got his name back.

Unknown_00: And, and. Oh no, chat, you're killing me.

Unknown_00: But he's free and I wonder let me show you actually this can I Can I safely show you guys this?

Unknown_07: Oh God okay, yes, I can yes, I can

Unknown_00: Okay, so this is that thing I told you about and This is the picture and this is the forum emote to this day Suffering is an emote and it's just his face. This is the face of suffering He actually took this this picture right here and he made it his Twitter profile and Twitter banner for like a long-ass fucking time He really enjoyed This thing he even wrote about it on his tumblr blog. Do I saw that opening? Yes, I do. I

Unknown_00: On quitting harassment and shame so on his coach blue pill blog he wrote about how to get over being cyberbullied so That's what happened with that if you're wondering what he looks like today by the way Here we go

Unknown_00: He freed himself from Allison Rep, but he is still... he's still Coach Blue Pill, in my mind. He hasn't posted that much. He's basically free. I think he... there's something I saw on the forum. Hopefully I can browse through that safely. You know what, let me hide this real quick while I find it.

Unknown_00: I don't trust this fucking Kiwi Farms. I disavow this Kiwi Farms website. It's a fucking dump. It has all this nudography and shit. Okay, here.

Unknown_00: Uh, that's his new wife. She looks like an Indian poo in the loo, but they made a cuck van and they're just going to cuck around the whole country together in this, in this van, which I guess is kind of cute. I mean, if all you need in life is the cuck van, you know, well, what's there to, what's there to desire?

Unknown_00: It's basically a happy end, you know? I mean, it's better than being married to a whore.

Unknown_07: Just saying. But yeah, that's it.

Unknown_00: That's the cute little story of Alice and Raph and fucking Jake Raph. And how she completely ruined his life and made him a prostitute and fucked him in the ass and got him to take dick.

Unknown_00: as she systematically destroyed her entire life and forced him to become a therapist for other cucks because he couldn't handle being married to her.

Unknown_00: There's a lot more like I'm thinking back on it and it is a very long thread like his thread is like 150 pages and Her thread is like 600 pages or something preposterous like that, but most of that's just kind of retreading it It was it was witnessing firsthand the slow decay of a woman from somebody I mean this she okay people always People fucking bullied me constantly for this shit. But I still think she's cute. Okay? I still think she's cute. Don't fucking give me shit for it. She's got mousy figures and shit. She's a dainty ass girl. And whenever I said that she was kind of cute, everybody gave me shit for it that I don't fucking deserve because I'm a good boy.

Unknown_00: She's a monster. Obviously she's a monster. I would never date her. Because she ruins lives on like a professional fucking level. Here's why people bully me for this shit. Let me show you. You see this?

Unknown_00: This is what she looks like in a good picture.

Unknown_00: And you see those eye bags? Everybody gives her so much shit for those eye bags.

Unknown_00: No, I did not like her just because she got chubby. She did get fat over the duration of her Patreon whoring.

Unknown_00: But... Disgusting. I'm reconsidering.

Unknown_00: Good picture.

Unknown_00: Eyebag fetishes? Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. I'm already a feeder. I don't need eyebag fetish on my fucking roster.

Unknown_00: Oh, jeez.

Unknown_00: No, I liked her when she was thin, okay. Not when she was fat. She got cellulite and shit when she got fat. She was a nasty fat girl.

Unknown_00: Oh, jeez.

Unknown_00: Joss wants to get her fat. Maybe that's why I like her thin. I like more to work with, obviously. How is that a good picture? I don't know. Like, what's wrong?

Unknown_00: I don't know. Maybe my standards are just fucking low. When I see that, it's like, oh, she looks like a person. She looks like a cute girl. I don't know why people give me so much shit for it.

Unknown_01: Oh, jeez.

Unknown_00: She has purple hair.

Unknown_00: See her other pics. Yeah, there are some pics where she looks really- I showed this one. I showed this one. I'm not being biased here. I'm not trying to flatter her. This is the picture I put on the local wiki and this is the least flattering picture I could find for her.

Unknown_07: Feed her.

Unknown_00: Oh no.

Unknown_00: She looks average at best. Well, that's what I'm saying is that she doesn't look ugly She looks like an average cute kind of girl and people give me so much shit for telling the truth Where is that picture of them saying they hated Christ because he told the truth? That's me I'm basically fucking Jesus and you guys are cyber bullies and let me know why I do these streams I get fucking I get fucking cyber bullied for this shit Such a disaster

Unknown_00: I googled her name and all I see is her porn. I can't show you any good pictures. Oh, I will show you this though Because this is funny to me One of the reoccurring themes of her pictures on the thread. Everybody would point this out as time went on. You see this? You see how she has no eyebags on this picture?

Unknown_00: She would routinely shop out the fucking eyebags every goddamn time and it was so fucking obvious. Because she'd go from massive fucking crow's feet to Asian eyes instantly between pictures. It's like the- It's like- It's like she photoshopped out a pound of skin from her eye bags.

Unknown_00: Between pictures.

Unknown_00: Raccoon to Asian eyes, basically.

Unknown_00: She's hot as fuck, y'all gay. Thank you, ambassador of chat. Sticking up to me and my bizarre taste in women.

Unknown_00: Josh mentioned Jake's Albert piercing. I forgot about that shit. Oh, jeez.

Unknown_00: Can I find that?

Unknown_07: Yeah, he did. He got a piercing. I don't think he posted a picture of it.

Unknown_07: I don't think so, at least.

Unknown_07: Oh geez, hold up.

Unknown_00: There's a picture I definitely want to show you of her emasculating this man some more. Actually, you know what? Let's bring this up and let's read this. This is a blast from the past. I remember this when it came out. This looks like a reputable website. What the fuck is this? The Ralph Retort. Alison Rapp's husband comments on Scandal, my life is dope and I do dope shit. This is a picture of him and a very cute Toad from Mario tank top. Well, we've been patiently waiting for the one, for one... Ralph, your writing is shit! What the fuck is this?


Unknown_00: Well, we've been patiently waiting for 1D the rap duo to come out and make some comments on their recent public destination. But so far, we've been limited to stray tweets and complaints from Allison about the doxxing of her family. Doxxing with 1X!

Unknown_00: Yay!

Unknown_00: You got this right, at least. Props to the fucking editor-in-chief of this website. As far as that goes, I don't know what she wants. Am I supposed to feel sad for her? It's just something that happens on the internet. Capital I for the internet. Hold up. Hold up.

Unknown_00: Here. I'm gonna start just editing this for him. Hold up. So I need to

Unknown_00: I need to put a line through this and okay, I'm going to put a happy face next to this.

Unknown_07: So we know, know that he got it right.

Unknown_00: And then I'm going to put a carrot over here.

Unknown_00: Because this is supposed to be a capital. I can't think of any public figure who hasn't been doxxed. It's not optimal, perhaps, but oh well. If you expect me to cry for you, though, think again. Speaking of crying, Jake Rapp, the cucked husband who was revealed to be a sex worker himself the other day after Allison was disposed, has now put out a nearly 2,000 word post chock full of goodies like this. And here, let me show you my editing.

Unknown_00: Here, put that right there. That's how you edit. I'm the editor-in-chief of and my editing kicks ass, motherfucker.

Unknown_00: Choctful? Oh yeah, it's not Choctful. That's wrong. I didn't cross that out too. Alright. I resign- Oh my- He was a barista! Are you fucking kidding me? I resign from my position as barista in Cafe Mario at Nintendo on Monday. He worked at the- He worked at the cafe in the Nintendo headquarters as a barista. Oh jeez.

Unknown_00: It was a pretty sweet gig, so Dexo paid me quite well for being a plain old coffee slinger. I got to know a lot of really awesome people, and I consider it a really informative chapter in my life. I'm not crazy broken up about it, as I was intending to leave the position shortly anyway to pursue a different path in life. Oh, God. Oh, God.

Unknown_00: Was he cleaning fucking coffee cups?

Unknown_00: Cafe Mario when he had the- when he had the Eureka moment to start a coach blue pill website.

Unknown_00: Oh, geez.

Unknown_00: I decided to dip out early, which I figured would be the best option given the current atmosphere. It has been the case before that Nintendo brass doesn't like a certain contractor for some reason or another, and they just kind of disappear. One day the district manager shows up, you turn in your badge, and you don't get to ask many questions. Given Nintendo's risk adverse track record for handling potential PR problems, I figured I'd likely be doing them a favor. I'd much rather leave on my own terms than have to hear the bogus, we're not firing you, but the client has asked you to leave so we're going to try to find another account for you to work at. Obviously this is pure speculation on my part so no need to go kicking down Nintendo's door, but I'd put good money on that having happened had I not been proactive about it. My managers in Sodexo were super considerate about my decision as opposed to Allison's one day remaining of health insurance coverage and whopping nothing else for severance when she was can. Escorted out would have been such a good yet touchy pun here.

Unknown_00: What's done is done. I wish Nintendo all the best for its future endeavors. Ralph continues.

Unknown_00: That was probably a wise decision, Jake. I'm pretty sure you were about to get booted out of there within the week. Also, I don't know how you could still stand to show your face, but perhaps one of your clientele included your co-workers. In fact, I'm fully expecting that show to drop with either you or Allison before all is said and done. From Mr. Oh, jeez.

Unknown_00: More from Mr., in quotes, rep.

Unknown_00: This is why tweet after tweet, post after post, I kind of just started giggling. Very masculine giggles, of course. Partially because everything is so comically far from the truth, but mostly because, wait for it, none of it will accomplish what the campaign at large seeks to achieve. Or, in the very least, wants to spectate a breaking of self. Sure, it made me- Nigga, you got fucked in the ass by your wife. Well, after she fucked other men and whored out on Patreon. Like, I'm pretty sure you're broken.

Unknown_00: But sure, it made me feel I need to quit my job. Sure, it will probably affect my future employment prospects. Sure, it's a really weird couple.

Unknown_00: conversations to have with people who now know a bit more about me, but will I ever be crushed to the point of second-guessing my identity? Absolutely not.

Unknown_00: Sure, Ralph says, in summary, sure I lost my job, got exposed as a degenerate, had weird piercings broadcast worldwide, my wife was embarrassed and also got terminated from her job, but other than that, no big deal. He says, I do have to admire his spirit, although I think he may be putting on a front for public consumption. Oh, and about that piercing. I'm thinking of getting an 8g piece of metal stabbed through their urethra. Wait, goddammit. I think someone getting an 8g piece of metal stabbed through their urethra is an incredibly brave and masculine slash ballsy thing to do. And I bet the sex feels great, but who am I to know?

Unknown_00: Ralph says, I don't know about Brave Jake. I would substitute the word insane myself, but you do you. Personally, I won't be getting a Prince Albert anytime soon. I can safely assure you of that. The final thought from Ralph. In the words of our beloved Lord and Savior Kanye West, my life is dope and I do dope shit. That was his thing from his Coach Cut Pill thing.

Unknown_00: That was like his tagline.

Unknown_00: It then goes on to admit that he doesn't even listen to Kanye, which makes the quote even more bizarre. Plus, nothing about his life or careers would be described as dope, but I'll leave it there. Give me your thoughts on this clown down below, and I'll be back shortly with this latest on that social autopsy Kickstarter. And social autopsy, if you don't remember, was on Candace Owens. Before Candace Owens became the base black woman of the alt-right, she was making a doxing website, targeting trolls.

Unknown_00: Just a thought, a long aside.

Unknown_00: But that's not what I was looking for. There it is.

Unknown_00: For some reason this picture is only on the Daily Stormer. Wait, is this it? This website is shit. Oh, somebody, this is nice. I'll save this and read this.

Unknown_00: Yeah, this picture I can only find on the Daily Stormer for some reason, and the Daily Stormer isn't loading, so I'm just gonna paste the thumbnail. That's really shitty, and we'll have to deal with it.

Unknown_00: It's really low quality, but I want to show you this. This is the kind of shit she posted on Twitter all the time. As you can see, it's Jake Rapp wearing nothing but a pink, uh... What do you call that? Apron.

Unknown_07: Here, let's read this.

Unknown_07: I think this is a cap from her whoring website. Is that safe for work? Let me make sure it's safe for work.

Unknown_07: Who it is?

Unknown_00: She says, the entire modern US system of valuing humans by commitment to serial capitalist corporate culture is revolting and should be burned down.

Unknown_07: She photoshopped her eye bags out in that picture.

Unknown_07: The personal girlfriend experience.

Unknown_00: Would you like a movie buddy, dinner date, gala girl, frisky, enchantress, all of the above?

Unknown_00: One hour, when you're light on time but heavy on desire. Best for returning clients, $250. Let's get to know each other and have a little fun. Good option for new clients, $450. Three hours, some extra time to grab a bite and grab and bite, $650. Four hours, what can't we do in four hours, $800.

Unknown_00: VIP experience for gentlemen and ladies who want to go deep. Extended dinner date. Let's go out on the town for a romantic meal and still have plenty of time left to play in private. Six hours. $1,000.

Unknown_00: Long affair. The day and evening are ours. Dying to see a show, visit a comic book shop, take a walk through the park. Don't forget to save time and see me in private. Eight hours. $1,300.

Unknown_00: Overnight! We can savor a nice dinner, have some active fun, then fall asleep cuddling and watching old horror movies. Don't worry, I'll make sure you're awake and at rapt attention in the morning. 14 hours, $2,000.

Unknown_00: All day, let's jam-pack our schedule with romantic outings, or just stay in, eat ice cream, and marathon your favorite movies. It's your day, 24 hours, for $2,500. And finally, the weekend. Give yourself a two-day central staycation. We can go out, stay in, sleep, stay up, kiss, laugh. Above all, let's relax together away from everyday stressors. Time negotiable, e.g. Friday evening, Sunday morning. Four thousand dollars.

Unknown_00: I wouldn't even wrap you. Jesus Christ.

Unknown_07: How much to wear a bag of red? Hopefully that comes with the package. Let's see if there's anything else I can find.

Unknown_07: Mmm, I covered all the important bits. I think that might be it.

Unknown_00: I'm afraid to show any of her porn stuff because that'll get me fucking iced for sure.

Unknown_07: For sure.

Unknown_07: Mentioned the foggo. What foggo?

Unknown_00: No, this is not the new channel, this will be uploaded to the main archive channel. This is just the super secret streaming channel. For right now.

Unknown_00: Oh, you know what I didn't mention? On the forum, whenever she had ass kissers that were replying to her in her Twitter, we could find pictures of them usually, and they were just the most pathetic looking people you could ever possibly imagine.

Unknown_00: And I don't have a good collection of that offhand, but yeah, we had... We had lots and lots of pictures like that.

Unknown_00: Which packages did you buy, Josh? I'm a voyeur, I get all my stuff for free.

Unknown_00: Oh shit, I forgot about the fucking dog!

Unknown_00: That's right, holy shit, how did I forget about the fucking dog? You know what, is this what this is about?

Unknown_00: This is also on the Daily Stormer. What the fuck does the Daily Stormer have all these different things on the... on Alice in Rap- Oh, I can't access it because for some reason they ban Slavic countries.

Unknown_07: Alright, let's pull up the Daily Stormer for my fucking content.

Unknown_07: She's probably dead now. F for Karen.

Unknown_07: Oh come on Andrew, where the fuck is this tweet?

Unknown_00: You know how weird it is to see... This is by Andrew Anglin, right? Yeah, you know how weird it is to see Andrew Anglin making fun of a lolcow who is taking screenshots of the Kiwi farms? Like this is so meta, it's Anglin, Allison Rapp, Kiwi farms on the third level.

Unknown_00: Oh yeah, and I love the nation of Israel and condemn the Daily Stormer in the strongest possible terms. But, uh, SmallPatriDactyl, or PetriDactyl, I don't know how to pronounce that, I'm retarded. They're sending fake complaints to me to the Seattle PD, and that says...

Unknown_00: Anna in complaint to Seattle cops about loud sexual noises going on at the doc's address.

Unknown_00: Enjoying a suffragette of laughter at the superiority of my life in Jake's and all masculine, sexual, and professional. I don't even know what she's mad about in that. I was looking for the dog. I want to know about the dog.

Unknown_07: Okay, there's lots of shit for this. Holy shit.

Unknown_07: Okay, is this her dog?

Unknown_00: Okay, I'm on the dog. I'm researching live. I don't usually do this, but I'm a lazy cunt today.

Unknown_00: I think this is her dog that she got randomly.

Unknown_07: Is the dog okay? No, that dog is fucking dead.

Unknown_00: Well it's not- I should retract that note, it is not literally fucking dead.

Unknown_00: I was just making a joke, please do not think that the dog is dead.

Unknown_07: Okay.

Unknown_07: There's this. What the fuck is this? Yeah, I'll just throw up some pictures of the dog. The weird thing about the dog is that, um, and I'll explain this once I get the pictures up there.

Unknown_07: So these are just some pictures of the dog. She used it to cam whore a little bit.

Unknown_00: uh and according to kiwifarm she's very abused now i forget the details of it but people claim that she abused her dog and i'm trying to remember why oh jesus christ before i forget before i forget

Unknown_00: I forget why people said it was abused.

Unknown_00: She's complaining about that Paul Hane guy was one of the people that was really pathetic that we made fun of. But I think it was because she fed the dog garbage. The main thing I remember

Unknown_00: Oh!

Unknown_00: The prong collars! That's it, thank you. She... This is a fucking tiny ass fucking mutt dog. You see how small it is in comparison to her tiny fucking ass? And that top left picture, she used the prong collar on this... Like, even with big dogs. Animal activists will say that the prong collars are animal abuse, even for big dogs that actually are hard to control and require physical strength. It was like this tiny-ass fucking Boston Terrier puppy and she used this prong collar that you use for like dangerous fucking animals. Here, I'll show you what this is in case you don't know what I'm talking about. I'll pull this up real quick and you'll quickly realize

Unknown_00: Why... Why people don't want it?

Unknown_00: Or think it's animal abuse?

Unknown_00: So this is what a prong collar is. You can see that there are metal hooks in it. And when the dog attempts to move away from the source of the collar, the prongs will dig into the flesh of the animal. And obviously these are a specialty tool. These are something that you use when you have a problem dog that is very big and you need a tool to put the balance of power back in the hands of the handler. It is a thing that people use for a specific reason when the situation requires it. This fucking tiny ass one pound dog does not need a fucking prong in it because you can easily take the fucking collar and just yank it where the fuck you want to go and the motherfucker will fly towards you and you can just go that direction.

Unknown_00: Nah, I use that shit for my chocolate lab and pitbull. Well, I mean, some people say that it's abuse no matter what, but when you have big ass fucking dogs and you're a smaller person, you might need the collar, but there is no excuse for using it on a little rat dog that you can just physically move anyways.

Unknown_00: Just give the collar to Jake, be careful what you wish for.

Unknown_00: Be careful what you wish for.

Unknown_00: I'm not saying, I'm not making any implications here.

Unknown_00: I'm not making any implications here, but I'm just saying, you know, be careful what you wish for.

Unknown_00: How- how- can I get right up in that face? There we go. Witness- witness pain.

Unknown_00: Witness the- this- this is that poor puppy's face every time she puts that prong collar on. Do you see the suffering? Do you see the agony? So think twice.

Unknown_00: When the prong hits.

Unknown_07: But uh... Was there anything else?

Unknown_00: Oh! The fucking walks, okay.

Unknown_00: She used this service for walking dogs. So instead of being a good owner and putting your fucking regular collar on a dog and walking it on the park and spending some time with your animal, she would pay people to walk her dog and she would use this app and the app would tell you if the dog pissed or shit during the walk. So instead of like

Unknown_00: Why can't she walk it? Good fucking question. She doesn't work, obviously. She has no excuse not to do this. She was getting fat over her time doing Patreon stuff, so you'd think a walk would be welcomed in her fucking life. But no, she would pay other people to walk the fucking dog for her.

Unknown_00: And the dog would have awful fucking farts, and I think it's because she would feed it people food.

Unknown_00: Yeah, and then she had an e-bag. She was paying people to walk her dog for her, but then had to beg for like rent and stuff on Twitter.

Unknown_00: And it's like, I don't know. It's like, why would you get a dog if you're not going to take care of it? Like, I kind of get the desire to have a dog every so often, but then it's like, I don't want to pick up the shit so I don't get a dog. Like, that's just how I am.

Unknown_00: Oh yeah, it was a fashion accessory. Look at how she's carrying the fucking dog in those pictures that she's selling. Like obviously the only interest she had in the animal was modeling with it. Let's see, are there any other pictures of dogs?

Unknown_07: Oh, she also had a cat.

Unknown_07: Let's see...

Unknown_07: Anything else from this? I think that's it.

Unknown_07: Did Bake Alaska Walker Dog do a stream of cool dog videos?

Unknown_00: Oh yeah, that's right.

Unknown_00: One of the people that we found as one of our Twitter followers was an actual pedophile. Like a convicted sex offender.

Unknown_00: Show her shit cosplays? Okay, I can do that. I can pull out some shit cosplay real quick.

Unknown_00: Here, uh... I think her most famous one was this.

Unknown_00: This is the one she used, like, whenever you search her name, you're gonna find this, like, immediately. Why the fuck can't I open this?

Unknown_00: Stop banning my fucking country from your shit fucking websites. I'm not DDOSing you, you cocksucker motherfuckers.

Unknown_00: I'm just an innocent boy in a Slavic country. I am not a threat to your website, you fuckheads.

Unknown_00: Okay, this is her Ness cosplay.

Unknown_00: And this is the one she used everywhere. I guess because people told her that she looked cute in it.

Unknown_00: This is a different one. I don't even know what the fuck this is. So if you want to tell me what this is, please do so in chat at this time, and I will read it, I promise.

Unknown_00: Isn't Ness a boy? Yes.

Unknown_00: That one is bad. I don't know what that is. Tharja? What's Tharja? What's a Tharja? Oh, Fire Emblem! The game that she fucked up the translation to.

Unknown_07: Okay, great.

Unknown_07: Um, let's see, I did search for cosplay.

Unknown_00: Wait, wait, wait, what the fuck? Oh yeah.

Unknown_00: Here, I don't know what this is a cosplay of. Maybe you guys can tell me.

Unknown_00: I'll post it in chat if you can figure out what this is a cosplay of.

Unknown_07: A dirty whore, creepy slut.

Unknown_00: Are these characters in Fire Emblem? I don't know. I don't know these things.

Unknown_07: Oh, I can't show that one. What the fuck is all this shit?

Unknown_07: Also, I do want to point this out to the people.

Unknown_00: We had this discussion about her being attractive or not before.

Unknown_00: Um, you will- you will yield that she looks a thousand times better when she puts sunglasses on so you can't see her fucking eyes. Just admit it. Just admit it, you know- admit it! You can't- As soon as she puts those fucking sunglasses on, it's just a thousand times better.

Unknown_00: Everybody- everybody yields that it's better. Okay.

Unknown_00: Come on, I know that there was more fucking cosplay than this shit.

Unknown_07: You're failing me, Google. You piece of shit.

Unknown_07: Was that really? Oh, dude.

Unknown_07: There was a D.Va one. I have to find the D.Va one. Where the fuck is the D.Va one? Oh.

Unknown_07: Oh, come on.

Unknown_07: Allison rap patron. Okay, is this gonna be a good this better be a good post. I'm trusting you not to fuck up Oh geez What's this I don't know what the fuck that is here. I'll just post this I'll just steal this one image from this Kiwi farms website and use this one. I

Unknown_07: Nerf this.

Unknown_07: Wait, I want to specifically take this picture out.

Unknown_00: Because this is the funniest one.

Unknown_00: I want to show people this one.

Unknown_00: Everybody already spotted it before I brought up the big picture.

Unknown_00: I'll take this one, I'll put this one aside so you can see the full set.

Unknown_07: See, I already posted the hump day one.

Unknown_07: That's just whoring.

Unknown_07: What the fuck?

Unknown_07: Wait, wait, hold up!

Unknown_00: I didn't realize this at first. I guess I'm going to totally get fucking banned from YouTube. This is an art stream. Oh, jeez. Let me hide this. I need to do prerequisite work to show this picture. How do I add text?

Unknown_00: Text.

Unknown_00: Excellent. This is an art stream. We are doing art. I love Nation of Israel.

Unknown_00: Platyprosinto, bold 72. I'd always center this.

Unknown_07: Perfect.

Unknown_07: Put this right there so everybody can see it.

Unknown_00: We're gonna go back to this. Where is it?

Unknown_00: Oh, it needs an outline. It needs an outline, Chad. Give me a second.

Unknown_00: I'm doing this on the fly, as you can tell. Requires patience.

Unknown_07: Okay, now we can go back.

Unknown_00: And I just want to point out that, as an art critic, I'm pointing out the fact that she's wearing only body paint in this, and you can tell... How are her tits so low on her chest? Do you see this?

Unknown_07: That's not just me, right? That's abnormal, right?

Unknown_07: How old is she? She's like 30 in this picture, which I guess is... Sag. No tits. Hard living.

Unknown_00: Let's get these let's keep these artistic critiques going in I'll just let chat speak for me. They're about normal. Okay. Well, thank you Japanese person No, dude, she's not wearing a shirt. She's she's where it's all body paint Could be worse That's normal saggy baggy hanging milkers that made us allow Convincing paint

Unknown_00: I'd give her a 2 out of 5.

Unknown_00: It's not saggy, it's just low origin. Yes, it is. It's strange, I've seen other girls who have like, her boobs are just placed low in her chest.

Unknown_00: I thought you liked saggy tits? No! Nobody likes saggy tits.

Unknown_00: Let's try not to get banned from YouTube with this stream, but I guess I'm gonna get banned from YouTube from this stream, whatever. I'm not even gonna fucking bother to cut this out. This gets me banned, whatever. If YouTube can't appreciate high art, then I'll take my content elsewhere.

Unknown_07: Blue... Josh got a beard? Fuck off.

Unknown_07: Did I nuke my own channel to avoid playing Life is Strange?

Unknown_00: No, I did not. It'll be at the start of the stream when I re-upload it to YouTube.

Unknown_07: I don't know. I hate how I always go to DLive and collect ice creams.

Unknown_07: Ew, no. I do not like Aiden Paladins. Don't be like that.

Unknown_07: Alright.

Unknown_07: Alright, I think that's all I can do.

Unknown_00: I think I have ran this well dry. I've used her up as much as I can.

Unknown_00: Let's see, I do have a song. I do have a song. I have to play two copyrighted songs. I played a copyrighted song at the start of the stream so I have to play a second one now.

Unknown_00: And then I will probably stream next Wednesday, depending on how things go. We'll see. Hopefully I'll be back on stream by then.

Unknown_00: But thank you for watching, my friends, on this super secret stream channel. Which is super secret, obviously.

Unknown_07: And I'll see you next time, wherever it may be. What the fuck is that song? Oh, there we go.

Unknown_04: Life is awesome, I confess. What I do, I do best. You got nothing, I got tasted. And I'm blessed, yes.

Unknown_05: Lay me down tonight In my linen and curls Lay me down tonight Breathe the air of girls I've sucked my way up to the top This is my show I've sucked my way up to the top Let's go, baby

Unknown_04: I'm a dragon, you're a whore Don't even know what you're good for Mimicking me is a fucking bore To me, like me Lay me down tonight In my diamonds and pearls Tell me something nice

Unknown_05: This is my show

Unknown_05: Lay me down tonight In my linen and pearls Lay me down tonight I'm your favorite girl I fucked my way under the dogs This is my show I fucked my way under the dogs You'll save me now