Everybody pretends that you're something other than someone who is coasted from place to place, being a parasite off of every single genre you can find.
Unknown_11: Going everywhere you glue hairs, to going to where you're doing streams for a bit, to going to where you're doing the ethno-nationalist stuff for a bit, and then you go to this other thing. You just keep on going.
Unknown_27: My fucking computer fan is spinning up.
Unknown_11: Keep going. Have fun explaining to the people who watch you why you shilled a fucking... What was it? What was the stream?
Unknown_11: I can't even remember if it was a stream. It may have just been videos where he's shilling BetterHelp over and over to people and admits he didn't even know what it is. This feels like he wants to get on this bandwagon that fucking Ralph and everybody else has been surfing.
And he has no idea how to approach it. And he's just like ranting to himself and making shitty jokes about it all the time.
Unknown_11: now it's it's so bad guys me it's so cool everybody and I'm just gonna let everybody into the the voice chat and everybody can talk to me better help I don't wanna be like like fuckin what's-his-face never stalking right now I don't even know his name talk to its landma instant invite there we go show whatever you want to your fans if they're dumb enough to buy it Are you really wrong in throwing that out there, are you? I mean, you're just making a buck right where it's going.
Oh, my God. I got busy in here real quick.
Unknown_20: Josh, I...
Unknown_20: Do you enjoy angry dunga dunga tribe is this is this is you do the same guard he had like go ahead Oh, I thought my stream fucked up what I feel He says you cried when I streamed over I didn't care that you Okay, I know that you're a loser on the scale, let me see how many you've always been losing I
That's why the high point of your life... It's 585, yeah.
Unknown_20: It got to 600 for like 20 seconds. And then nothing.
Unknown_27: Well, people are watching because they're expecting Jim to find something, I guess. I mean, that's why I'm watching. I don't know about everybody else, but... That's why I'm here. I mean...
Unknown_27: I just can't get over... People kept saying that his stream was a good air stream, but there are moments where it's like 30 seconds of nothing being said, and I'm thinking, is my stream broken?
Unknown_11: Did OBS crash?
That's just a kumite for you. Just like you banned, what was his name, Gemini and Whitey. And it's like, I've heard him call people fat like 80 fucking times. It's like, say something else. Stop calling people fat.
Unknown_27: I'm not impressed by this.
Unknown_20: How fat do most people get in a wheelchair?
Unknown_08: Pretty fat. Pretty fat.
Unknown_06: Yeah, no, I... Yeah, I got banned in the comments from the streams for calling me Zambo.
Unknown_08: Andy is an original motherfucker.
Andy is an original motherfucker.
Unknown_11: Always been an original motherfucker.
Unknown_11: Everything about Andy, he is very talented and a very unique man with lots and lots of... Very, very good. 10 out of 10. No way he's gonna lose his fans.
Unknown_13: They fucking love him to death. I don't know why.
Unknown_11: I like how this is his big talking point against Andy Worski.
I can't listen to this chat and that at the same time. It would be fucking atrocious.
Unknown_20: If you look at his social media... Tonka hid his subscribers.
Unknown_11: Don't tell everybody why it was okay for you to do exactly what Philly D did, but then have the nerve to come around and hold your fucking, your beggar cup out.
Unknown_03: He didn't know that was gonna happen. Probably not ready.
Unknown_20: Do it.
Unknown_20: But he lost 17,000 subscribers. He's trying to get back at you. He's trying to get at Andy by saying Andy accepted the BetterHelp thing.
Unknown_27: But everybody accepted it.
Unknown_20: I can't blame individual YouTubers.
And Andy was the one who provided me access to his dashboard and shit to help piece together some stuff. Andy is the least irresponsible of them. don't go on any i think giving everybody access to that idea of course
Unknown_03: Of course he's talking shit about Andy. That's been the whole theme of the whole show. Yeah, he does seem a little bit better. Billy Bongo says you should look at a few videos of Andy.
Didn't Failure say yesterday that he wasn't bad? Didn't he say that Tonka wasn't bad? That Failure wasn't bad? Tonka's fucking furious. I'm just saying it's very interesting that the same guy is going to come out and talk about how awful BetterHelp is.
Unknown_03: I'm exposing the scam. That's the same motherfucker that saw you a year ago, dummy. Andy came on Failure's channel and On one hand, Tonka likes to say, oh, I don't care. But on the other hand, he's messaging those two and telling them what to say.
Unknown_03: So either you don't care, in which case don't message them and use them as a meat shield to talk for you like a little bitch, or come on yourself and talk to him.
Also, Dunga totally banned me from this chat too. He banned me. And it has to be a ban because if you're a wrench, you can only time people out.
Unknown_20: You can't ban people. I can't respond at all. It doesn't even give me your timed out message. So he banned me. I can't pay, but I don't think you guys can see my messages.
Unknown_13: whenever you type a message see if it gets showing and he's not a keep an eye on it even the horse goes up for half a second oh i see what you did there fine print i see what you also if you look at his chat most of his chat or his fucking mods i see what you did
It's not his fans typing, it's just his monitor. It's all wrenches. It's all wrenches. It reminded me of an old saying that makes me laugh. It feels super clever saying it, but it's like, Donga's tribe has more chiefs than Indians, because he has so many members.
Unknown_38: People are asking you to turn down just know that
Josh, I want to ask.
Unknown_13: Remember what happened with, like, what was it, KOG Gaming? The guys that... The fucking guys who hate Darkseid Phil?
Unknown_36: Yeah.
Unknown_13: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, they did some fucking autistic Illuminati shit where they would slide into people's DMs that were shit-talking them and be like, well, Dux, you faggot. Yeah, they were crazy.
Unknown_11: They also made that for you. You don't...
Unknown_08: I'm Shadowban. Shadowban, boys. Yeah, why is it holding your messages for reviews? I don't want that.
I was just about to say that. Do you know what this motherfucker did? Tonka just banned Andy from the chat because Andy came in to talk to him.
Unknown_11: No, I was one of his tiny mods. They always do this. Yeah, they kicked CRP during the Cabin Trap when we were having fun on the Cap Street because CRP was calling out Donga.
Yeah, but now the motherfuckers are in the chat saying, oh, Andy's going to use this as an excuse to, you know, rush it. Bro! Oh, yeah, I found it just now.
Unknown_20: I didn't realize I had turned it on. That's really annoying.
Unknown_20: I want everybody to say the retarded shit. That's the best part This like Donga could have had something but he fucked it up. He sucks up everything I just want to say that right now. We're at 60 60 viewers, which is about 1 10th of what like
I would also like to point out that most of Dongba's chat is just people making fun of him anyway. Half his viewers are just people spiting him right now. Look, Ralph chatted his best chat.
Unknown_19: I just think he's fucking retarded just because he's in a wheelchair. It's not even that.
Unknown_20: If he wasn't such a little bitch about everything, people wouldn't be making the crippled jokes constantly.
Unknown_19: Well, it's like, how do you expect to fight anybody? Like, he always said, fight me in real life. And it's like, dude, you're in a fucking wheelchair. Dongo will ram you with metal horse.
Unknown_08: Attempting to punch cop was the best thing I ever did. Now let me go. Is there any? Dongo slides into people's DMs.
Like, he fucking DMs people like, hey, Roxo, why are you talking shit to me, bro? Remember that? Here's the thing. He's like, you never said that, bruv.
Unknown_19: If he actually did that to me, I'd literally dox myself and give him my address. I'd be like, yeah, all right, let's meet right here. Remember that? Who did he pay to? Something like Andy. No.
Unknown_11: Pretty big. But who did he say that? As a person.
Who did he say that he's like, I'll pay you a grand to fucking meet you here right now, I'll fight you, or something like that.
Unknown_11: Yeah, okay, yeah, Zoom.
Unknown_19: Zoom should've done it. Maybe that's why it seems like we're here, because of failure likes.
Unknown_08: I don't fucking like him.
Unknown_20: Yeah, Zoom's a fucking, he fat retard as well.
Unknown_08: Oh, he's fat. Karate kicks and shit.
Unknown_11: Until Andy says, no food. He just lists off his friends and says he's not one of them.
Unknown_08: They're shitty.
Unknown_09: So, like, Could you beat Donga in a fight, though, if he was out of the wheelchair? If you know anything about me, you know I am a seasoned cripple killer, and I could easily beat his ass. No, I'm saying, like, hypothetically, like, he's up out of the wheelchair.
He's been healed by the hand of God to get back in the Rassle Rassle ring. Come on, bro.
Unknown_16: Just, like, yeah.
Unknown_27: Go work with me here.
Unknown_08: Ralph has to tweet out the link to Josh's stream.
Unknown_27: This stream is a shit show. I wouldn't advertise it if it was him. It's just funny.
Unknown_20: This is fun.
Unknown_11: This is hilarious.
Unknown_20: It's the Jew stream.
Unknown_08: Even if he was... Hold on, Freeze, is that what's going on? Wait, wait, hold up. What if you had to be tied into your wheelchair too?
What if you tied you both to wheelchairs so that you had to fight him on his level?
Unknown_09: Could you beat him?
Unknown_08: No, legitimately. Do you still work? So I'd use it to flip his wheel. No, no, no.
Unknown_09: You have to be like tied into it. Like it's fucking, you tie your legs.
Unknown_27: Like, like one of those three legged races where you're gimped intentionally. Yeah, exactly.
So he's like duct taped in. I still use my lower body to do like bunny hops. These things are not bad. I've seen his actions. Come on.
Unknown_18: These things are because.
Unknown_20: I have a better idea. You've seen that movie, uh, murder ball.
Unknown_20: Oh, yeah.
Unknown_09: That's a classic. Wait, are you talking about feel sorry for us, Paul? I'm not interested in talking to Andy.
Unknown_11: I'm saying I'll find Donga in that kind of arena where it's basically hockey but with wheelchairs. At the idea that I might come on failure stream yesterday.
Unknown_09: That's actually a legitimate sport. You should just challenge him to a murder ball match.
Hold on, Josh.
Unknown_09: You have one dislike on your stream.
Unknown_13: I think Donga saw. No, the motherfucker. He's sabotaging the Jew stream.
Unknown_27: I didn't even know he still streams.
Unknown_22: He has 202 dislikes. Yo hey guys, what's going on? I clicked that stream and I heard Tonka say that Andy would run at the idea of being on a stream with me.
Unknown_08: What have I shown my audience?
I've literally got five clips of him fleeing a stream the minute I joined the server.
Unknown_20: Turned around and tried to do the fucking thing.
Unknown_03: Dude, he literally runs every time I join a server he's in.
Unknown_08: I don't even think Donga can take Andy in a fight in real life. They're about the same size. He's crippled and in a wheelchair. Donga has two- Donga does not have two working legs. difference there dude he was like i want to fight you immediately leave your job like if you gave andy like two months in a gym i honestly like a fighting gym he's still talking about andy by the way he's still shit talking i don't know why he's crying about andy when he cucked him of course he's talking about to train on coke so he's used to it he's gonna be talking about andy for the
like andy literally cut to him and let him and his little gay friends bully him it was hilarious uh dong wave just says coral it was like tonka and vamp and joyce sparkle and they were giving advice on how to better his life and i'm like don't the three of you live in trailer parks she was like telling andy what to do like how to better his life i'm like are you the girl that faked having fibromyalgia
Unknown_03: She literally pretended that she had a fibromyalgia and then begged for Patreon invites so that she could make 18 videos a day about Onision.
Unknown_08: Yeah, and she took advice from a wizard, too. Oh shit, did she fuck Onision, though?
Unknown_20: No, she was literally, like, obsessed with him. Like, he was in bed. And she was making videos in her bed. It was hilarious.
Unknown_38: What?!
Unknown_20: Didn't Onision- Oh, you mean King Karl? Yeah, they debated, and he fucking destroyed her, too. It was hilarious. You mean that guy?
It's depressing that even Onision got something up on her. You mean that King Karl? He was like, why don't you make 20 more videos about me while claiming you're too sick to work? And then she just completely shut down. Who Andy removed from chats?
Unknown_08: You have to expect that coming, like, come on now. I just can't get over how he's still shit-talking fucking Andy. Yeah, I don't know why he's shit-talking Andy when he had to beg Andy to save his show when his show was dying.
Unknown_20: And then he had Andy and Failure lying for him for months. The only reason he's mad at Andy and Failure is because they stopped lying for him. And how cowardly of him to ban him from his chat and then keep going on and ranting about him without him being able to respond. That's why I called him out on fucking Jim's stream.
Not only that, he flat out refused to call up Andy.
Unknown_08: Earlier on in the stream, he was like, I'm not going to talk to him. Why would I debate why this guy is blue? Are they going to do that thing where they turn off the chat again because everybody's spamming wheelchairs?
Before the final thing where I completely destroyed him in front of his entire audience, he was literally getting bullied every fucking day to the point where they turned the chat off.
Unknown_27: That is actually fucking hysterical that they bullied him with fucking emojis to the point he had to shut off chat.
Unknown_20: Can you hear me?
Unknown_27: Yes.
Unknown_20: Yes, we can. I'll say this. I'm normally not a fan of spamming chat, but if you post one wheelchair every 20 seconds, nobody's going to believe you. Dude, it was like hundreds of people just spamming the chat, saying walk away, Tonka, and he was still talking about it.
Unknown_09: I don't know how this guy is still around.
Unknown_20: Everybody was bullying him, and then he said in front of his entire fan base, I was like, dude, turn on your camera right now and prove me wrong. Walk away, Tonka. Come on, pick up. I know your mouth works, but do your legs work? Come on, dude. Stop fucking moving the headset away from your mic and pretending that you're fucking moving. Actually stand up on camera and destroy me in front of everybody. And he just sat there going... I thought I heard a wheelchair squeaking. I thought I heard a wheelchair squeaking.
I swear to God, I could hear the sound of an electric wheelchair motor.
Unknown_20: Dude, they have people that have actually gone back in the streams and... and got the, like, clipped out the part where, like, the battery is dying and posted it on HM. You guys should see some wheelchairs on stream.
Or is it manual?
Unknown_20: It's, like, a battery-operated one. It's not, like, one of those ones that are, like... He can't even move it himself. So it's, like, a Stephen Hawking chair? No, it's, like, one of those ones for, like, people that hurt their back.
Unknown_11: I will fight you. My name is Tonka. Yeah, it's just a light chair you carry around.
Unknown_11: I remember when he kept challenging me to a fight and I told him I'll be done with my contract in like two weeks and then when I'm back in America we can book something and he's like alright let Andy know and I'm like alright Andy let's go let's book this I don't want to beat the shit out of this retard he immediately blocked me on Twitter had Andy block me on Twitter and then told everybody that I didn't want to fight him hold on let me go check things oh god
Yeah, I'm down for posting fucking wheelchairs in the chat. That sounds cool.
Unknown_20: I think you can do it if you really get a jousting. I fucking nailed that fucking dude in the leg on his three videos.
Unknown_11: I can never fucking post. And he had to take off four. Yeah, Tonka's in his hug box. You can't get to him right now.
Unknown_00: My god, he is. He is at Hugbox. He's got a hundred people telling him that he's the greatest in the world.
Unknown_03: It's a safe space. There's no Andy Zalab. There's no Love Zalab.
Unknown_11: Just don't go wrestle. That's why Jim gave us that kill stream. I can fuck with him for fucking hours.
Josh has such a successful stream, he doesn't even have to talk.
Unknown_27: I'm letting everybody else do the hard work for me while I post wheelchairs and talk his chest. He's a fucking wheelchairist.
Unknown_11: That is the greatest meme that I've ever done. That is really, that is genuinely fucking funny.
Unknown_06: Wheelchairs.
Unknown_20: And I seriously think he is, because it really fucks him up.
Unknown_11: You know, Pericles sent me this. He said that we should save it.
For when Donga really spazzes out.
Unknown_35: Oh, he spazzes out.
Unknown_16: Hold on. Because this is a picture of the dude that Donga has in the email.
Unknown_11: For the same reason Andy said, live on the fucking stream yesterday. Well, you know, you're talking to a guy that he's only tough when he's beating. We don't say anything against you. Oh, my God.
Unknown_20: He actually beat women. He dated girls in wrestling and that's why he's not popular in wrestling anymore. He was kicked out of a lot of the leagues because he was dating girls.
Was he ever popular? He was popular for a short while. What was his name again?
Unknown_20: It was like Robbie Viall.
Unknown_08: He was told to play the heel, he refused to play it.
Unknown_20: R-O-B-I-V-I-O. R-O-B-I-V-I-O, yeah.
Unknown_27: Somebody's asking how many people we have in the voice chat, and it's like, we have like 20, but we need 20 people to fill all this fucking dead air.
Unknown_20: Yeah. God forbid. God forbid. This is what Congress doesn't understand. This way we can have fun, we can shitpost, and we don't have to worry about 40,000 goddamn wrenches banning us.
Yeah, there are no wrenches in the chat.
Unknown_02: But I don't get it. Why doesn't he invite someone else on there? Like, why is he talking by himself? Because he likes to listen to himself.
Unknown_20: Yeah, you know, this reminds me.
Unknown_27: The Gator Gamer did a stream once where he was just telling a story for, like, an hour. And I was like, okay, well, this is interesting for, like, a once-off thing just to recount a story. But it's, like, literally, it's just Tonka's format. He just tells a story, and he's, like, talking to himself. Let me tell you about the time that I like Godzilla.
Unknown_20: Godzilla 1 was better than Godzilla 2.
Unknown_22: Did you talk about Godzilla?
The first time I saw Tonka's stream was when he was talking with Sargon, and they were just talking about zombies and vampires. It was the gayest fucking thing I've ever seen.
Unknown_16: Let me tell you about the time that I had sex with a tranny girl.
Unknown_20: She was beautiful.
Unknown_11: And then I went 10-0 in an MMA match and nobody could fight me. They were like, holy shit, you're too powerful. You mean, telling him that I've never seen some of the videos he put out. Telling him that his friends were the cringiest fans around.
Unknown_11: Which, by the way, he agreed. Oh, I got banned from the... Did I get banned from the fan?
I got banned once and then they won't let you post it.
Unknown_30: We posted a fan post of Vietnam War.
Unknown_20: Bravo, Donga. Bra-fucking-vo.
Unknown_22: No, Vamp just lost her crack rock.
Unknown_11: Vamp lost the war against hiding in Adam's apple.
Unknown_22: There's a bunch of mods.
Unknown_11: There's a bunch of mods posting wrenches.
Unknown_08: All my haters are obese. There's like four wrenches posting wrenches.
Unknown_11: Donga no care. That to me, like coming from Ralph's chat and Ralph's stream to Tonka's stream, it's like, it's crazy because you don't see any moderators almost in Ralph's stream.
And then you come over to Tonka's and everybody is a fucking moderator. It's really difficult in any kind of way when it comes to those people because they're too busy. Josh, I'll explain it for you. I'll explain it for you, right?
Unknown_22: I'll explain it for you. He's a narcissistic little shit, and the only way he can keep an audience is if he empowers a bunch of other narcissistic little shits to feel big about themselves.
Unknown_27: Oh yeah, to have a petty level of authority over something that doesn't fucking matter.
Unknown_22: Yeah, Akujin, explain your shit to other people that need to find the power.
Unknown_06: Akujin, why do you think he's a narcissist?
Unknown_08: Tonka, yeah.
Unknown_06: He only cares about himself and doesn't care about what anybody else does and it's always Tomka Tomka Tomka Tomka is always right
he's he's 100 and 0 guys don't forget 100 and 0 he's the best i just think he's a thousand i just think he's a fucking idiot he's an absolute he's just that does anybody have the clip of when i was just bullying him on gym stream and he's just going failure failure you were there right andy andy and they'd already that was so that was so cringy and he was just like i was like nobody's coming to help you bro he's just like completely quiet
Unknown_20: Have I missed something? But where the fuck is failure?
Unknown_11: We're gonna roll with it. Dude, failure is literally only there to be contrarian, because Tonka helps him pay. You okay to do that? You're gonna catch shit. He fake quit again. I like that one video where he just folds over a whole half of a pizza.
Unknown_08: Did you guys ever see that video where he eats like almost 6,000 calories in like four minutes? Tonka?
Unknown_20: What? No failure.
He literally eats three or four whole pizzas, five double cheeseburgers from five guys in like a four minute period.
Unknown_20: I saw people like adding stone.
Unknown_11: He picks up an actual half of a pizza.
Unknown_11: Folds it over like a sub and just starts eating it. I've done maybe two fat girls.
Unknown_11: He's talking about fucking fat people again.
Unknown_27: What is with him and talking about fucking fat people?
I think it's because he got fat. He's in a wheelchair. He doesn't work out anymore.
Unknown_27: Because he's been calling people fat and now he's like, oh yeah, I fucked like two fat chicks. Dude, every girl that I found that he ever dated was fat.
Unknown_20: Joya, the other chick. And like he talks about being a cuck. He got cucked by Joaquin.
Unknown_11: And then he got, before he moved out of Alabama, he got cucked by that Joya chick.
Unknown_20: His best friend fucked his girlfriend and then Tonka showed up to his house and he beat the shit out of Tonka in front of his grandma's house and said, I'm gonna keep fucking with you.
Unknown_08: Big nose girls. What about that fucking...
Oh, yeah, totally.
Unknown_20: But if you ever get in the situation, it's like Joaquin posted pictures and had a stream with them in a hot tub at his mom's house.
Unknown_08: Oh, Jesus. I heard about this. Is that around still?
Unknown_20: Dude, they were posted on HN like a few weeks ago. There's literally a picture. It's her and Evmasters, and they're in their underwear, and his mom's like... That is disgusting.
They hadn't even been together. They broke up like a year ago, and she just pretended like they were together because he said he was going to kill himself if she didn't.
Unknown_35: What? They sent me in to wrap you up in a straight I don't even know
I heard you talking about how big-nosed bitches give the best head. First of all, you're marking for the Jews a little too hard for my liking.
Unknown_27: This is bizarre.
Unknown_17: This guy's talking about fucking Jewish girls now? What?
Unknown_17: Why would you do that?
Unknown_14: Wouldn't it bump into your pelvis?
Unknown_20: Yeah, of course AP's defending you. He's got a turbo in his wheelchair. He pulls all the bitches. Do you think he overclocked his fucking CPU?
Unknown_27: They're talking about fucking girls with big noses and giving blowjobs the nose bumps against their pelvis.
Like, that's the stream. It's not like Tonka can even feel his pelvis.
Unknown_20: Oh, that's funny. I mean, how did this work?
Unknown_13: How?
Unknown_20: Well, according to what Joya, his girlfriend, said, Tonka has a history of following his daddy's footsteps and was actually molesting his underage cousin.
Unknown_20: There's posts about it in his Facebook archive where he's crying about it and that one video I did where I was I was dramatically reading that post to the Naruto theme song That wasn't about his stepdad dying It was about Joya saying that he was fucking little girly
Anyway, man.
Unknown_11: You're 100% correct. I'm not sure if it's because they can breathe better. Hey, fuck. I'm not sure if I'm going to. Can you send me that? Yeah.
Unknown_17: I want to have that. Oh, hey, it's AP. You showed us the lollies. Yeah, did you know there's lollies? Did you know there's kiddie porn? Who's this other retard talking on YouTube that's fucking verified and monetized? I... Hold up, hold up. What's he talking about?
Unknown_27: Hold up.
Unknown_17: I got some shit. Maybe we could build some bridges. Maybe we could find some common ground. He was talking about, like, kiddie porn just a second ago. What the fuck? Yeah, who is this? Maybe I have the topic.
Wait a second. Bring some common ground. I'm just out on something. All of us could get together. He's talking about that retarded show on Netflix. Oh, Big Mouth?
Unknown_20: Yeah, that show's fucking trash. Yeah, it's trash.
Unknown_16: I hear it out.
Unknown_17: The Blunch stream. Sick, bro. We were watching a YouTube video that had been edited that
Unknown_17: When I tuned in, he was talking about how Jewish girls give the best head.
Yeah, he was talking about the nose bumping up. That's because Jewish men are essentially female.
Unknown_17: We all saw The Believer with Ryan Gosling. You should look at the Blunt Stream's YouTube channel. The first video that pops up is the Blunt Stream 4, Melanated.
Unknown_17: I'm not kidding. Netflix verified account. 7500 likes. 1900 dislikes.
Unknown_19: Apparently we're the weird ones for wanting to destroy this shit.
Oh, my God. Oh, no. It wasn't. It wasn't. It wasn't.
Unknown_15: It wasn't.
Unknown_17: It wasn't. It wasn't.
Unknown_15: It wasn't. It wasn't. It wasn't. It wasn't. It wasn't.
Unknown_06: I think they should.
Unknown_16: Andy should just join us, as far as I'm concerned.
Yeah, Andy should be on here.
Unknown_38: Dude, if Andy came on here, Taco would have a fucking stroke.
Unknown_20: I'd have to give him priority speaker or something. And he hates people. As in anybody in the world.
Unknown_20: Why am I really fast? Anybody else know why Tonkin decided to hide his subscriber count? I don't know.
Unknown_01: Because he doesn't care about the numbers. Me no care about numbers.
Unknown_20: Didn't he lose 1,700 people or something? Yeah, according to Social Blade, in the last 30 days, he's lost 17,407 subscribers. Yeah, but I didn't know he had that many subscribers.
Unknown_16: That's because he started off with 17,000 subscribers, and then at some point he decided to hide it.
And the last line he says, listen, now let's just stay at your house and fuck. That's why he liked it. Did he think Tonka has the sweetie squad in his angry list?
Unknown_08: I think he does.
Unknown_17: Yeah, he hit it in September.
Unknown_08: September 22nd. An adult's supposed to be offended and walk away like the older woman.
Unknown_17: I didn't even know he had that many to fucking lose. He got really mad when people found out that him and Vamp were passing around. That other shit that was on Netflix. The beginning of the movie.
Unknown_17: I thought he was barely over 1K.
Unknown_23: I don't watch movies.
Unknown_20: He was. And then he jumped on the Failure channel. And then when that was failing and Failure was pretending to be struck, they hit up Andy.
And Andy being such a fucking smooth brain just let him take over the fucking channel. As long as you slap a body positivity label on that, suddenly it's stunning and brave, and you're on a 12-year-old channel.
Unknown_20: I disagree. This one wasn't even... I don't know the name of it. Somebody just said, I don't know if it's a skit or a clip from a movie or not. They're just trying to save their dying channel.
Unknown_17: And Andy was like, nah, guys, they ain't gonna do that. It's the fucking Comedy Central reject all-star team, dude. It's Key and Pio. Nobody wants to hear anything out of you, Andy. Shut up. This isn't your channel. Their show's got canceled. It's a pilot.
They literally said that on his own channel.
Unknown_17: They sat bullying him on his own channel. Dude, I'm not joking, man. Like, it's fucking way over the line.
Unknown_17: way over the line. And the fact that I saw a like to dislike video where the likes were three times as many dislikes and 2,000 comments raising this shit.
Unknown_08: Oh, I feel better about my body now. You are muted. You are fucking up.
Unknown_06: Enough of you questioning me. At this time, I am sorry.
You and I will be demonetized. At this time, you must leave. You are muted. The people who moral fag to us about
Unknown_17: He blocked me on Twitter because I fucking jumped on his show one day and he let me call in and I said, maybe you should just put your dick on camera since it does most of the talking for your show anyway. And he blocked me on everything after that. Oh, okay. That's a great fucking website. Yeah, I love it. Cheers.
Yo, is that a fake eye?
Unknown_38: Is that a fake fucking eye? What the fuck is that?
Unknown_17: Is it glass eye?
Unknown_17: Really fast here. Somebody put a fucking suicide hotline on the cunt. That's fucking great. What the fuck? Liberalist. Liberalistic international. No! But they'll argue that again. Oh my god.
I can already see the arguments. Who are you talking about shit to, bro? No, no, no. I am in a wheelchair. I will not be thought the fucking degenerate because I don't want to see it.
Unknown_10: What a spank! Where the fuck are we at? It's like in every way a broken man.
Unknown_28: I love this site.
Whoever made this is great.
Unknown_20: Ugh, he's not even trustworthy. No, he's not only burned personal and professional bridges in his life long before YouTube, but he continues to do so until this day. His shady behavior is not only the complaint of a few, there are many creators from small to medium channels that he's betrayed in one form or another, or simply made extremely bad judgment calls that resulted in several fallouts.
Unknown_10: You can judge a man's character by a fruit they produce, and in Tonga's case, he produces none.
Unknown_20: Everything around Tonga withers and dies since he lacks personal disciplinary ability to maintain the minimal level of consistency Required to succeed in his goals.
Jesus. That's hard.
Unknown_17: Here's him getting bullied on Andy's stream. Where's the lie? There's no lie. There's Mr. 100 no. Are we going to switch over to the Andy stream when it goes live?
Unknown_20: I think it's starting right now. How do you get dunked on by Andy Worski?
Hold on, I got some sad donga memes.
Unknown_20: Let me pull them up. And this was after Andy did not want to read the donga posts yesterday.
Unknown_16: Because he didn't want to read the donga posts. Andy was such a cuck. Andy's coming in for fucking luck.
Unknown_19: I really want to know how he lost his fucking eye. I want to watch them suffer.
Unknown_17: I really want to know, because that looks recent. I'm sure he did something incredibly stupid. You know, he's breaking his own spine.
Just putting it out there, but smoking large amounts of meth to force people to go blind because they stopped blinking.
Unknown_06: The guy is just ranting and raving about killing pedophiles right now.
Unknown_17: Oh god. That's a hell of a go. There's kiddie porn on fucking Netflix. We need Nazis. Are you switching on the stream, Josh? Yeah, I'm gonna switch when it goes live. Oh, okay.
Unknown_27: It is live. Switch over, switch over. I'm gonna switch the stream. I'm gonna post it in the Discord chat, I guess.
Unknown_24: Alright, this shit is pretty funny. Good timing. I don't feel so good at failure.
You have people in wheelchairs!
Unknown_05: Oh, uh, really off-topic, uh, Zoom, are you gonna be watching Flash tonight?
Unknown_20: Yeah. Hell yeah. I was at, uh, I was at Comic-Con on Saturday, I met Josh Williamson.
Unknown_20: Oh, shit! And, um, he signed all my Godspeed merch and shit.
Unknown_33: This video's hilarious. Oh, crap. And he's just playing a copy of me. Oh, crap!
Unknown_27: he just watching a wheelchair that's funny that's really funny that's the grand canyon god damn it yeah this is like 144p blown up we should call him we should call him hover lift donga hover around donga to pull a two-ton band Do you really need a wheelchair that can pull a two-ton van?
Are you that fucking fat in your hover-round? Yes, that's security failure.
Unknown_24: That's real shit. This is marketed for Americans, so, you know, maybe.
Unknown_32: I'd like to point out, so Josh, we're sitting at 83 people watching.
Unknown_27: We got up to 92. Andy has already almost passed Tom Donk.
Unknown_27: Nobody's watching this because they want to watch Donga. They're watching this because they want to look for drama because they know Medicare's looking for it.
Medicare himself told me that.
Unknown_38: That's the only reason that he doesn't completely destroy Tonka is because he knows it pisses Sargon off.
Unknown_20: No, I think he's busy with better help
Yeah, that and the skeptics. Oh, I should tell you guys.
Unknown_27: I think most of you guys saw it, but the Kiwi Farms got screenshotted by PewDiePie in his latest video. Before this stream, I was on the phone with the BBC because they want to talk about Better Health.
Unknown_20: Why were you on the phone with your bull Tyrone? I was on the phone with BBC for Better Health.
Unknown_27: Yeah, they were asking about it.
Unknown_06: Josh you don't have a logo for your uh for this did the jew stream discord you should make this the your avatar i don't know what i would call this if i ever do this again
I think you should have this kind of format. Like, do more of this shit. No wheelchairs allowed.
Unknown_22: Yeah, I don't know.
Unknown_20: I might do it just because this is a comfortable time period for me because of my time zone.
Unknown_27: It would be hilarious if I just started up some lazy bullshit like this and it completely shit all over the Kumitech.
Unknown_24: Like if you have any fan base at all, you'll probably build I don't but I can throw the link around in the Kill stream chat and people join just out of boredom Make it kind of like the soilless match
Hold up, I want to hear what he's saying. You'd have to come up with a cheeky one.
Unknown_24: The strongest tribe, something like that. Yeah, that's a good one.
Unknown_19: Morning Wrestle Wrestle. Morning Wrestle Wrestle.
Unknown_24: Morning Wrestle Wrestle.
Unknown_19: Yes. Hold up, hold up.
Unknown_10: I want to hear what he's saying.
Unknown_19: Try to provide an entertaining show.
To the program we're gonna do what we wanted to do
Unknown_00: But, you know, like he was today. It was like, you know, do we say something about it? The morning ramp.
Unknown_15: Everybody's going to want at least a comment. Yes. The morning ramp. It's just like, you know. I don't like that one.
Unknown_27: The morning staircase. No tonkas allowed. Who is Andy talking to on the strand?
You told me to not- I think he still has Geek- It's Geekthulus. He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually a faggot, but- He's actually
Unknown_10: Um, yeah, but I was talking about the, like I said, I tried to, I gave rent for about six to seven chance rent free.
Yeah. Um, Somebody should send a Seth Wallace special to fucking Danga's grandma. See how long he stays on stream.
Unknown_10: He wanted to, and he kept ignoring me. Kept ignoring, kept ignoring, kept ignoring. And that whole thing happened yesterday. Andy's pulling up a clip. Can we show a clip from yesterday? I don't think everyone saw that. I can show a clip.
Unknown_15: Which one? Hold on, Andy's brain is loading. That dial-up sound in the background.
Unknown_21: Yeah.
Unknown_20: Dude, I swear it's like his brain is on Windows 95.
But it's stuttering.
Unknown_20: Here's what I'll say. Three megabytes of RAM.
Unknown_15: What do you expect?
Unknown_20: Andy's Canadian.
Unknown_15: They're all stupid. This is your brain. Shit, I think I got up to like 36 hours of being awake and I was fine.
Unknown_10: Viva Lewarski. No, Viva Lewarski right now. I hope he didn't delete it. No, he didn't erase it.
Unknown_24: You know, Andy kind of looks like the Unabomber in this.
Unknown_10: Yeah. Oh, wow, look.
Andy doesn't prepare ahead of time and clip the fucking stream. Wait, wait.
Unknown_24: Are you trying to tell me that Andy doesn't have any foresight? I think you're wrong, sir. Andy's just crashing.
Unknown_10: Actually, if he had a longer nose, he would look exactly like that photo Negro Joe just sent.
oh yeah me was right don't write about matt flag channel well you know what dude he was talking on andy's fucking like i personally would never i wouldn't do that oh yeah i prefer to let people exactly yeah he sounds like up on the internet but you know hey he he didn't do it in a kind of name is geek
Unknown_34: A fucking cheaty kind of way.
Unknown_16: He's not as good of a name as Fatty Caddy. Terms of service against you. Oh, no, it's terrible, too. Oh, no.
Unknown_15: I got flagged.
Unknown_16: Dude, that Fatty Caddy guy went from zero to zero real quick when I fucking said his name out loud.
Unknown_19: Yeah, he went negative. Why does he wear a hoodie? He looks so fucking hideous.
Unknown_08: That's what I'm saying. He looks like the Unabomber. Yeah.
Unknown_27: Andy, take down your hood, man. You're wearing your earphones over your hood. That's not how you wear earphones.
Exactly. You wear the hood over the earphones. Come on, Warski.
Unknown_13: I want Andy to wring his hands like a Jew.
Unknown_03: I can't understand you. Back to your country.
Unknown_27: You're going to get me banned on my first stream.
Unknown_03: Yeah, I guess it's my fault for inviting the internet to join me in this voice chat.
Unknown_24: Oh my god, now he's pulling me up a tranny.
You're not gonna get banned as long as we don't advocate for any sort of, you know, violence against any sort of, you know, particular group or tribe. All we gotta do is just say that it's happening in Minecraft and we're good.
Unknown_20: Yeah. Theoretically, the Minecraft situation... Andy's career is fucked.
Unknown_24: I'm just saying, man, if I had all the Jews in a Minecraft server...
Unknown_10: By the way Joel Robinson from influence logic CEO yes move move no Yeah, no, I just said throw something up and so I did this is what I got I
I mean, this isn't a bad thing. I like how the nose is going downward, too.
Unknown_20: It's not even, like, pointy. It's like, is he, like, Pakistani?
Unknown_27: Where is he from?
Unknown_10: Okay.
Unknown_20: Andy.
Unknown_27: I don't know where this is going.
Unknown_15: He's Canadian. He's an Italian. He's just Mediterranean. He might be like Northern African or something. Portuguese, which is basically. We'll read some more Super Chats.
Unknown_10: ever since you mentioned how he had a hood indoors it's not bothering me i really want him to take it off
I think the headphones over his head is what bothers me. What the fuck is that guy? It's getting pretty cold in Ottawa now, man.
Unknown_21: He can't afford the heat.
Unknown_20: God, we need to rake them.
Unknown_08: You know what's weird? It doesn't even make sense to say it's cold because he has his sleeves rolled up.
Unknown_26: He has his sleeves rolled up on his hoodie. Yeah.
Unknown_26: Well, the thing is, I don't know if you've ever recorded, but if you're trying to get your audio quality up, you usually, like, your studio gets hot because you turn off the AC.
So it should be really hot in his room because he has to soundproof it. But he still has the fucking hoodie on. I imagine he's just sweating underneath that fucking thing. No, no, no, no, no.
Unknown_24: Why does he have his hoodie on and then also have his sleeves rolled up?
Unknown_15: That's what doesn't make any sense. He also doesn't have a shirt on underneath the hoodie. I don't think I see a shirt.
Unknown_13: I see a shirt. You just want to see Andy Burton's nipples again, Josh. You're confusing him with Styx.
Unknown_27: Styx is the guy who wears leather jackets and no shirt.
Unknown_10: If you guys have ever been to Vermont, you'd wear a leather jacket. That's a wonderful picture. I don't plan on ever going to Canada.
I said Vermont for a six-pack.
Unknown_10: Yeah, it's fucking cold as shit over there. Like, always. Except for, like, two months in fall and two months in, like, summer where it's okay.
Unknown_24: But then, other than that, it's just, like, Vermont.
Unknown_10: Nice Photoshop, Kat. That's a good job you did there.
Yeah, that's what I was saying.
Unknown_10: I just stole this for two. I just like geek because I'm pretty sure. What a reason to hate you. Is that hoodie too small for him?
Unknown_24: I think that hoodie is too big for that hoodie.
Unknown_24: It's probably Sinead's.
Unknown_38: You know how when you get broken up with some people crazy enough to wear their racist clothes all the time?
Unknown_20: Is he still with Sinead? No, no, they broke up. He stopped making money, so she kicked him out.
Oh. She got tired of working at the bar job to support his ass. If that was Sinead's jacket, it should look five times as big. I swear to God, I'm a grocery sharer. Five times the amount of viewers.
Unknown_10: Yeah, he looked better when he was bald.
Unknown_20: Was that his burning his own nipple stage?
Unknown_10: You think he looked better when he was old? Were you more attracted to him then?
He just looks like a fucking... He should wear a polo shirt.
Unknown_08: He looks cuter in a polo shirt. You guys are fucking gay. He looks better with his men down.
Unknown_32: I am not a snake.
Unknown_15: I'm an octopus. There's an octopus emoji.
Unknown_10: Honestly, that was the most entertaining thing he's ever done was that entire shoot where he just...
Unknown_10: He tried to do a handstand and then fell over on himself I occasionally burn my own nipples with a zippo lighter
It took everyone in the stream a couple of minutes to realize what the fuck he was doing.
Unknown_19: That was the best part. He was tripping on something. He was tripping balls on something, I'll tell you that much. There's no fucking way you were sober in that. Andy, what are you doing?
Unknown_27: Andy, I was able to set this up in 15 minutes. What are you doing, bro? You do this as a living, don't you?
Unknown_15: He does. He even has a time slot where he's setting it up like two days in advance. I feel threatened, ladies and gentlemen. I don't feel safe. Swag and stop.
What the fuck is he doing? I don't... Is he trying to, like, play a video?
Unknown_20: What are any of these people doing?
Unknown_10: He is high as shit right now.
Unknown_27: Oh yeah, is he the one that everybody says does coke?
Unknown_38: Yeah, he just scoops it up with that hook nose.
Unknown_39: He's had a better career than Baked, although... Now we know why Sargon and him were hanging out together.
Unknown_20: They were doing some rails.
Like he's all the skin fucking somatic looking big cook knows people
Unknown_08: I don't know how anybody could watch Andy with how fucking fake he is.
Unknown_03: He is so fucking fake. Compare him to Tonka.
Unknown_10: Andy don't look so bad.
I'm gonna put your picture up on the stream because I think it's beautiful and I want everybody
Unknown_07: That's beautiful. It's been a while since I've done a thing on it.
Unknown_07: At the time we normally stream. You just talk to him. Normal guy.
Unknown_06: I get it. Why does failure always sound like he's about to collapse? Because his weight is always out of breath. I get it, fucking.
Like just got out of bed every time he speaks every stream I'm sick of fucking
Unknown_10: Now, here's what you lied about. Failure is overweight.
Unknown_20: He's also the return. Failure is not overweight.
Unknown_10: He's obese. There's a difference. I'm the kind of guy who remembers who helped him. He's post-morbidly obese.
He's pretty half dead.
Unknown_07: What is this a conversation of?
Unknown_03: I can't explain it.
Unknown_15: The thing about his show... By the way, really fast here.
Morning Kuwete has 511 viewers currently, and this will... I'm just saying... Well, no, I'm saying Andy's eclipsed it two times over. Well, Andy's stream cost him 200 viewers right off the bat. It was almost 700. Overall, it sounded like 500, you said? Yeah, 500. Yeah.
Unknown_15: Nobody wants to see him talk.
Unknown_27: I gave him a fair shot. I wanted to hear what he had to say.
Unknown_15: He mumbled to himself for an hour. Only half of that he was actually talking. Andy's a liar.
Unknown_10: Andy Big Gay? Did you see the look of the select right share on Tom's stream?
Like for the love of god everything came out of the fucking backyard I think fucking your team came out better Holy shit
Unknown_32: I don't remember who it was but somebody pointed out that
Fuck, did this all happen? How did it all happen?
Unknown_28: I remember sitting in a fucking shitty server with fucking Bully the Anti-Billy and fucking Zoom and da-da-da. I was anime mafia fucking bullshit. I never predicted this would happen.
Unknown_10: Stop fucking with other people. She's muted.
Unknown_03: You know what that is that's the vamp putting in her two cents But she's well my entry to it was a fucking quadroon Australian Japanese dude Hey guys
What's that what's that link you put in the chat?
Unknown_16: Somewhere a YouTube analyst is like writing this shit down and just sighing in disbelief
Oh, you call me a fag all the time. This is going to be a stream of a stream. Or me be mad. This is the best counter stream I've seen in a while. Anyway. We should stream something.
Unknown_10: Can we open a window with Adelvich for two?
Unknown_10: Okay, uh, like, window, window, window, and have, um, Doppelganger stream and Andy stream. So it's re-streaming the stream. Oh, God. This is gonna be called a face act, Luke.
It's gonna fuckin' fall as the fuckin' end of the universe right there. Who the fuck is this person? Why the fuck are they trying to stream-snipe a nobody stream? No, it's just a joke, I'm pretty sure.
Unknown_27: We're just... It's funny! We're just having some fun on the internet right now.
Unknown_09: I've been wondering about that, so what is this all about? Why are we stream-sniping a stream-snipe?
Unknown_27: Okay, it started because usually Kumite gets no viewers, and... Stream-snipes.
Unknown_32: Yeah, like, it was just like he was playing hockey with somebody.
Unknown_27: And Jim said he was going to watch today's Kumite. I forgot why. And everybody showed up to see what would happen, and I got tons of viewers, and everybody told me, like, just make your own stream. And now we're watching Andy because the other stream was boring.
For your analogy, basketball player is Tonka and it's his own team.
Unknown_30: It was just Tonka bouncing from weird topic to weird topic to try and fill empty dead air and still leaving half an hour of it in. Isn't there like a huge bit where Tonka didn't talk for like...
Unknown_20: No, it kept happening where he would go silent for like 30 seconds and people were like, did the stream die?
Did my stream die? It's like, no, he's just not talking.
Unknown_32: He's struggling to keep his fucking... He's trying really hard to not talk.
Unknown_21: That's why he bounces fat chicks to trannies to pedos to... Dongish's stream literally almost has 300 dislikes.
Unknown_30: Craters on the moon.
Unknown_28: Pretty much, yeah. Wait, does it have more dislikes than active viewers? Almost.
Unknown_19: Almost half.
Unknown_28: Almost.
Unknown_15: There we go. Those are rookie numbers.
Unknown_28: We need to get those numbers up.
Did you see this on Twitter?
Unknown_15: Oh, okay. I was only going for a joke. I mean... Trying to earn them superchats, but... I wonder if I've been unblobbed on Dongus.
Unknown_21: Let's find out. But does it have colons?
Unknown_28: Dude, fucking, if a stream has call-ins, its viewers are like, times by two instantly because people just want to get on the- Even if it's a bad stream, people want to get on the fuck with it, like, um, all those, like, Buddhist guys when the 4chan cunts go- Yeah, every second is like, that means Tonka got vamped to dislike the stream.
Tonka won't take call-ins, he'll get too many people bitching him out. There we go
Unknown_28: called Matt's Modern World, and it's a shitty stream that gets dick old viewers. I'm currently trying to coach them on how to fucking use Discord as a colon service. But they're boomers, so they have no fucking clue what's going on.
Unknown_27: As a colon service? Oh, colon. I was like, what the fuck is a colon service?
Unknown_28: See, that's when you get the fucking garden hose and stick it where the sun don't shine. That's the homosexual agenda, you see.
Here on the Jew stream we wholly endorse the homosexual agenda and the colon- Kenny wants some of that colon service.
Unknown_28: I got unbanned from Donga's stream if you got timed out go back and start spamming wheelchair emojis again.
Unknown_28: I'm gonna do that right now. No, right away, right away. Okay, okay, okay. What's the fucking deal with the wheelchair?
I heard that he was, like, crippled for a small period of time because he got his back booked. He's got a battery-operated wheelchair that runs out on stream and you can hear it beeping in the background.
Unknown_10: Oh, so one of those little, like, uh, joystick motherfuckers.
Unknown_30: One of those little rascal things that those kids used to have in high school, yeah.
Unknown_15: Yeah, fuck. So he's a cripple. There's one of those stories where you can hear him reversing on it. Do you think it has typos, so when he falls over?
Unknown_08: Oh, fuck.
No, no, the reservation can't afford that.
Unknown_21: That's too high-end.
Unknown_15: No, no, I mean, like, I would have wrestled him before.
Unknown_28: I'm still mad at him.
Unknown_10: Damn.
Unknown_22: He's got an exosuit like that dog from Rick and Morty, you know?
Unknown_27: Beatnik just got banned from the chat for wheelchair spamming. Yeah.
Unknown_10: They're letting some of the wheelchairs go. The humble wheelchair merchants.
Unknown_27: They don't want to ban everybody. I love how they're saying the wheelchair joke was a Kumite thing.
And then they're banning them? Yeah, of course.
Unknown_27: Somebody wants me to stream-slate just the chat for Dongus, so I'll do that. That would actually be good.
Unknown_38: Just have, like, an active count with chair emojis. Yeah, that would be brilliant.
Unknown_27: There we go.
Unknown_21: That's perfect. Just perfect. Can you imagine the YouTube Analytica person just looking at that and thinking, well, just the text. Like, why are there so many wheelchairs here? What's going on?
Maybe I should look into this. No, they're going to be like, oh, this means we need more inclusivity in streams.
Unknown_27: We have to encourage this.
Unknown_20: I have no idea what we're talking about. I am actively posting wheelchairs to kind of get some more diversity.
Unknown_10: The DMs, I really love you.
Unknown_21: No one wants to explain old memes to you.
Unknown_10: Fucking normal. I fucking hate this internet over here, dude. Just put a bullet in my brain. You know, except I can't get a gun, so, you know. Someone put a bullet in my brain.
Oh, sweet stuff. I'll fucking just... I'll strip naked and walk out.
Unknown_28: Can I help you identify which snakes were clean fastest? Oh, I know which ones. It's the fucking brown ones, eh? Those brown snakes have two legs and two arms and live in Melbourne.
Unknown_03: You've got to find the poisonous snakes.
Unknown_28: I have a smoke. No, no. I've got to find the brown snakes that live in Melbourne and rape and beat people to death.
Where's the evidence? Where's the evidence? You haven't had me confronting you. Evidence. Where's the evidence?
Unknown_24: Now, listen. I don't like hearing you anyway. You're trying to put trash on me. You're a little juicy in here. It's just so...
Unknown_10: I want to recap what the Jew stream is.
Unknown_27: I have a public Discord server with like 30 people, I have 60 viewers, I have Andy Worski streaming in the back, and I have Donga's livestream chat to the right. And a dick up your ass. Yeah, yeah, I've got everything feng shui'd just perfectly.
Good stuff. That's the power of the big nose tribe.
Unknown_27: They're starting to delete fucking...
Unknown_38: You know he's melting down in his admin chat on Discord.
Unknown_22: He's like, ban all the wheelchair people.
Unknown_10: Take away their clothes. Compensate their plates.
Unknown_29: Compensate their wheelchairs. Is this a not safe for work chat? I'll change it to not safe for work real quick.
You should definitely make it work.
Unknown_10: Yeah, hold on. I have no problem with that. That might be a good idea.
Unknown_28: Yeah, there we go.
Unknown_27: There we go.
Unknown_28: Oh, God.
Unknown_16: Feel free to post whatever.
Unknown_25: Niko, did you make that yourself or who made that?
Unknown_10: That was Jay.
Unknown_25: Good work, Jay.
Unknown_10: Okay, no. I walked in there. We wanted to fire Jeff. Tonka was the one. That went from zero to 100 real quick. I think I got kicked.
I just can't stop laughing at Andy sitting here crying about people being fake when he's so fucking fake. I have DMs of him where he's literally just shitting all over Tonka and calling failure fat. What is he wrong? Yeah, but literally the day after this, he's... Yeah, I can hear myself now. This guy's like, yeah, you know,
I was wrong about them. You were right, Tonka. I'm sorry. And then he sat and he cucked to them on the computer.
Unknown_28: Oh, Jesus fucking Christ, Negro Joe. Why did you have to say that?
Unknown_10: What have we done to you? The dick tits. Send it to Nora. Well, you fucking failed at that, mate. Just get the fuck out of here trying to eat.
Unknown_28: Oh, Christ, no. It only gets worse. Oh, Jesus.
HH apparently rates this live stream two wheelchairs out of five wheelchairs.
Unknown_28: Wait, wait, wait. So you're like, oh, Jesus fucking Christ. Is that another black man grabbing another black man's semi-erect penis as he's kissing a black woman?
Unknown_08: Well, HH is a faggot. I'm going to fight him in real life.
Unknown_28: What the fuck?
Unknown_27: Why are you guys so mean to Nora? Be nice to Nora.
Unknown_28: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Unknown_08: Hey, post somebody... Yeah, exactly. Somebody post a fucking Ben Damal. Hey, where the fuck is Ben Damal with Miller?
Where's that?
Unknown_28: You know what I'm talking about.
Unknown_25: Why does David Chirot look like a fucking headshot?
Unknown_28: What the fuck is that? You saw it.
Unknown_25: It looks like Brooklyn Venti's brother. No.
Unknown_01: It looks like Brooklyn Venti's brother.
Unknown_28: Wait, wait. Is that last one? Is that woman wearing a diaper? Squeeze the phone.
Unknown_15: Oh, no. Okay, really fast, though. David said, Rat, looks like what happens if you take a photo of half of your face and then mirror the other half.
No, that's what happens when you fucking play, that's what- Dude, fucking Jesus Christ, that's what happens when you fucking hit someone in the face, fucking square on the ridge of their nose with a sledgehammer and their eyes just fucking split.
Unknown_28: You guys seen that guy who got fuckin' shot in the head and his fuckin' eyeballs pop out and his fuckin' face splits in half and he looks like- He looks exactly like that, honestly. I hope you enjoy the striking again. Oh, God.
Unknown_25: That gets me every single time. Josh, that's your icon from now on. Right there. There it is. I feel bad for people actually watching this because I can't show any of these pictures you're laughing at.
Oh god, you guys are missing out.
Unknown_20: I will describe the last one right here.
Unknown_10: Uh, it's a photo of Bunty trying desperately to grab for something inside of a man's orifice.
Unknown_25: You fucking lost his keys in there or something. It's done, fuck you.
Unknown_28: Fuck you, go and grapple detail. It's fucking two fucking brown men, Bunty King's fucking face is on one of them. And he's reaching so far into the fucking colonic chamber.
Unknown_07: That's Bunty, that's actually Bunty.
Unknown_28: Giving the street shooter the benefit of a doubt.
Oh god.
Unknown_28: With this fucking asshole buddy
Unknown_28: And he's turned one of the men into Kermit the Frog. I'm just enjoying this story while listening to Andy Worsky go donga donga donga in the background.
Unknown_27: Fuck wrist, he's almost near elbow.
Unknown_08: He's almost elbow deep. He's taking the left hand wipe a little bit too seriously.
Unknown_28: Denga denga donga ishna wanna wrestle, wrestle. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Unknown_10: Buy yourself some food.
Unknown_30: Here's a hundred bucks.
Unknown_10: I don't have the reverse one.
Unknown_22: Taco, sorry.
You see, it is...
Unknown_10: It always goes back to Fallout.
Unknown_24: It always goes back to Fallout.
Unknown_10: Just to clarify.
Unknown_30: Bongo, bongo, bongo. I don't want to leave the Congo. Oh, no, no, no, no.
Unknown_28: Actually, I wish that was the case because I wouldn't have to deal with so many negative deaths.
Unknown_27: No more singing. I'm putting a stop to the singing.
Unknown_10: No. No.
Unknown_10: No, I haven't. Cool, thank you very much. We'll check that out. You know what I just realized?
He's completely naked, but he's wearing sandals.
Unknown_15: What's it called?
Unknown_25: Stop talking about stuff in the Discord chat.
Unknown_08: Nobody can see that. Well, I mean... See, like, um... I'm a fucking previous Miss Edge, and normally when you go down and right, you're up in attractiveness.
Unknown_27: Look at the, uh... Look at Donga's livestream chat, because it's almost 100% wheelchairs right now, and I'm enjoying those.
It is hard to do.
Unknown_08: He mods posting wheelchairs. Well, he mods everybody. It's beautiful.
Unknown_16: I'm gonna switch back over to Tonka's thing real quick because I want to see what he's talking about. Yeah, fuck it. We're gonna come in and there's gonna be dead silence for about 14 seconds.
That's fine. Somebody's telling me they're going to report my channel. What the fuck?
Unknown_00: Well, no, I mean, technically... If he tries, you could probably... He tries to file a DMCA strike.
Unknown_17: Not gonna work very well. I can say whatever the fuck I want. It's beautiful. I'm actually in the process of... I don't have to give a fuck if my YouTube channel gets fucked up. I can just say whatever the fuck I want.
Unknown_25: I hate it. I'm just not that guy.
Unknown_17: I don't know.
Unknown_20: Wing of Redemption is like 400 pounds on failure. This is... You think Ferry has to get his fucking shower reconstructed?
That is disturbing. I can't see my own penis.
Unknown_28: They fucking reconstructed to fit this absolute fucking unit of human epidermic tissue. Oh my fucking god.
Unknown_27: I don't know if you can hear it, but on... Steve says no.
Unknown_11: Oh, that's fucked up.
Unknown_27: They're still talking about Andy.
Unknown_11: They're still talking about him. Andy would not have scammed people like that. That's not something he would have done. Surely not. Come on.
Dialogue always has the mad beef. What's my Twitter? It's at BluntStreamAP. Come throw the fucking mad fake beef at me.
Unknown_14: Call my mom a whore. Do what you gotta do. He only got like $1,100 from it.
Unknown_17: He didn't swindle a ton of people. I mean, at this point, if you see a fucking YouTuber getting shekels from a company promoting it, it should make you want to stay away from the company, not buy into it.
It's your fault if you get fucked.
Unknown_27: Andy was one of the first people to drop it. Andy was one of the first people to drop it. Like, I don't know. I can only fault him for going for it in the beginning anyways.
Unknown_08: and it was only once it was it was like one time i don't think he advertised it every stream for a year he only advertised it for the original one back in october see don't cheat i'll see you out there you need so i don't know the youtubers trying to fault andy for it it's just it seems desperate to me it seems very desperate canadian
If Duncan is running out of people to blame, right?
Unknown_27: When he's worked his way through all the people who's worked with him before, he's going to try and find somebody else.
Unknown_30: But it'll never be him. Duncan, 10,000. No, Duncan, never to blame.
Unknown_06: You wouldn't get for a couple of fucking months.
Unknown_17: So, I mean, that was kind of a... Was that a bit? Was that a bit? If BetterHelp was offering fucking Tonga $200 for every sign up, he'd be on it in a fucking heart. Most people wouldn't do that. There was no harm, no foul.
Unknown_20: It was a fucking joke.
It is, yeah. Well, I mean, the company sounds legitimate.
Unknown_20: Like, when you hear about it, it doesn't sound like something good. Not at all.
Unknown_11: See if you get banned. Shut up. See if you get that kind of ban.
Unknown_11: Should've worked in the corner. But they do help disabled people, and he is disabled. I was very nice to her.
Unknown_23: I was very nice to her, man. They help the IDF get some more shekels from the goyim.
Unknown_28: That's all I understand.
Unknown_08: Lex!
Unknown_08: Kunkka's such an idiot.
Who the fuck put a man's stand on his own two feet in Kunkka's bat?
Unknown_08: You slow, Lex! I played! Okay, okay. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Unknown_28: So we know he uses a fucking wheelchair. That's pretty well deducted. Do people know what kind of purple he is?
Unknown_08: Okay, so can his dick get hot? Holy cow.
he was told not to do like a wild stunt because the ring didn't have enough padding and he just completely fucking ignored the ring uh the fight promoter and just tried to do the thing
Unknown_20: Landed on the guy's shoulder flipped off the fucking ring and landed flat on his back I'm ruthless.
Unknown_17: I don't have Ruth. Yeah Just like sprawled on the floor knocked out.
Unknown_20: That was how he was the bloodstream. Who the fuck is this guy or they?
Who is AP some retard he does a cartoon show he thinks he's funny I
Unknown_16: He doesn't even do the cartoon show anymore. He doesn't even fucking do the show anymore.
Unknown_17: Go and look.
Unknown_16: I will tell people the truth.
Unknown_17: He's unemployed. I see Gale got message deleted in chat. I guess he was posting too many wheelchairs.
Unknown_27: Hold on, hold on.
Unknown_09: I got banned first on my first wheelchair posting once my alt account started posting and by that time I think Fonka just gave up and everybody fucking started posting wheelchairs. He gave up on you like he did his next few steps. Or do you think BAMP dumped him for fucking somebody that could actually walk around?
I don't know why specifically they're deleting Gale's messages. He's just posting wheelchairs and, um, like, I don't know.
Unknown_16: They specifically hate him. Well, you guys keep going.
Unknown_20: Naga's gonna go to war with the Kiwi Farms tribe.
Unknown_27: Oh my god.
Unknown_08: handle that so much shit on him he gets so mad because like me and that goyim dude we like docks his whole family and we have like their genealogy charts and like the adoption records for his fucking uncle and shit even when he has a guest with him there's still like 10 seconds of dead air sometimes is everybody
got that short of a memory alright dude one question here how like is his mother his first cousin dude he literally told this whole story to a tranny that like he went on intricate detail about how his uncle fucked his mother but then when we actually found out that that was actually his uncle he still went on to tell the story about how he is that guy's son you know that guy clout his mom and that's how biology works where he was like
Unknown_17: I fucking own it. He was calling Sargon. Parker's a weird boy. But that's why I asked. I wouldn't be surprised.
Unknown_14: His dad is currently in jail for trying to fuck his little sister.
Unknown_29: Not only is he in jail.
Unknown_17: Jesus fucking Christ.
Unknown_24: Start using the WC1 too, because the WC1 seems to piss them off for some reason.
Unknown_27: I don't know why, but... I think so, but it also can mean wheelchair in this instance. I'll write these wrongs
I was listening to Andy, and Andy was like, yeah, you can't argue with Taco.
Unknown_11: He'll just keep asking questions. All right, so just start insulting him until he freaks out.
Unknown_20: How fucking hard is that?
Unknown_11: I did that for six hours one day.
I literally just sat and made fun of him for six and a half hours. Just calling him crippled.
Unknown_27: Oh, I see why they were deleting that message. It's because it says dong of wheelchair in between the emojis.
Unknown_17: There were two strings.
Unknown_38: Dong of wheelchair.
Unknown_16: If he turns off his chat right now when he actually has a little bit of viewership, he is legit fucking brain damaged.
Unknown_25: He fell on his spine, but he broke his fucking brain.
His jeans were broken from birth. It's all that crystal meth he's been using.
Unknown_24: The game was rigged up.
Unknown_08: He has angry goblino. Jim said he was going to watch.
Unknown_20: If only he knew that Jim thinks he's a complete faggot.
Unknown_27: He must know.
Unknown_20: Jim said as much on the last stream.
Unknown_20: I wonder, is he still doing that thing where he begs for likes? Alright guys, we'll talk about this thing that you want to hear about if we just get 600 likes. Oh yeah, if you're watching right now, be sure to like and subscribe to the juice stream. He was doing that right before Andy got rid of him. They'd have like 1,200 dislikes and he'd be like, alright guys. If you want us to actually have a fight where people are actually fighting on IBS, we're gonna need 800 likes. Oh, that's gay.
That's really fucking gay.
Unknown_20: I cost him a lot of subscribers. How long until he starts doing fucking Amazon gift card giveaways for every time somebody... Someone will join my free gift card giveaway? So I'll talk about the chat. And subscribe. Subscribe now. We're going to be handing out shekel gift cards here. These two people are going to argue. And everybody will be like, when are they going to fucking argue? We don't want to listen to you talk about Godzilla versus fucking King Kong for the thousandth time. If you guys want us to start it up right now, we're going to need a thousand likes and we're not going to bring them on.
Did they ever get 1,000 likes? That's a real question. They got 3,000 dislikes. What is the max viewers they've ever had on the Kumite? 3,000?
Unknown_11: When they were on Andy's channel, they were doing I think there's like 2,600 but it was literally just people posting wheelchair I mean Jim could literally do a stream at like 3 a.m.
in the morning and pull in like five times as many viewers as Tonka can Everyone five times is an understatement Jim did one at five in the morning.
Unknown_08: I got like 20k
Unknown_08: talking about puppy fuckers.
Unknown_28: Hey, your motherfucker's one fucking coach in here real quick.
Unknown_17: I see that seven of you have... Sure, why not? Bring coach! You won't be disappointed. Release the coach.
Unknown_28: Free the coach. More boomers. More boomers.
Unknown_17: We need more boomer representation.
Unknown_28: I've got my Monster Zero Ultra ready for him. We're at peak boomer capacity. Have a good day. I'm going to go have a nap.
Take it easy.
Unknown_20: All right, there we go. Go for sleepy time.
Unknown_17: Definitely Lex is enjoying the stream. Lex! All right, Jay says that Geek says that you had ops in your Discord.
Unknown_17: Find that shit. Thanks, Bobbill. Thanks, Channel 5 Action News.
Unknown_11: Yeah, here. I'll stop listening to things that keep Blue and AP in. Well, I don't know. Stop listening to AP something.
Unknown_17: I talk a lot of shit that's not to be taken. Yeah, there we go. There we go. Oh, he's in.
He's in. The mad one. Are you from Europe?
Unknown_16: Not Eastern Europe. Southern Italian.
Unknown_17: Basically, I'm willing to fight like all the French people. Party's over. I'll take France by myself. Now we'll wait for Coach Phil to get the correct camera.
Unknown_20: There we go.
Unknown_17: It's time for 20 different camera angles.
Unknown_20: All we need is Jim, and it's a complete roster.
Unknown_08: Coach, even Discord talks shit to you. How does that feel? Coach, let me introduce you to our revolutionary new format where I make a public Discord, invite people in, and then just live stream it lazily.
Is there a Kumite Discord?
Unknown_18: How many people are in here, man? As many people as there are watching the actual stream.
Unknown_27: Hold on, guys.
Unknown_20: We're going to get the camera coach turning around with a football in his hand for some reason. We're actually kind of coach posting.
Unknown_08: We got like five different angles of this. I don't know if we have room for Jim.
Unknown_20: This is a really high-level, classy joint.
Oh, can I post, uh, here in the general, just post a video? Yeah, I know what you're gonna post, you son of a bitch.
Unknown_25: That is the fucking weirdest video effect I've ever seen, and by the way, you can do better than that.
Unknown_28: Oh my god, is that Tasha with the tits?
Unknown_24: We're posting pictures of flowers, right?
I can't show any of this on the stream again, I feel- Are you sure you can't- Are you sure you can't post any of this?
Unknown_26: Definitely.
Unknown_15: Isn't that that potato that Jeff fucking interviewed? Yeah, that's the potato Jeff is after.
Unknown_09: Oh, man.
Unknown_18: I just got to say, I think JF is great. He's been a really good friend to me. He's helped me out. What's him in retards, man? What the fuck, man? Just get like a regular girl.
I'll make it work. You need to have a really high IQ to date people with really low IQ
Unknown_18: I'm one of those low IQ individuals. I didn't understand that.
Your brain is very smooth.
Unknown_24: Your brain has no crease like mine. Mine has many creases.
Unknown_06: You guys have no idea what you are dealing with. What you are visiting is true alpha male. You are no longer my friend.
Unknown_33: Is it normal for Andy Worsky to have 1500 viewers?
Yeah, that's pretty normal. I think Andy has broken 1,000 plus every time he streams. Because, like, even, like, Tonka's back down below 500 again. I have a question. I have a question about Andy. I got a question about Andy. How come he's still beating subs? I mean, okay, he's hitting 1,000 on his streams. How come he's beating subs? the profits from the kumite streams aren't interesting like we started this up right because he's an idiot who doesn't know how to manage a fucking channel
Like, we started the stream, we got all these people in here, we started talking, and we were watching the Kumite. And we got bored. Like, even all of us watching it together, it's still fucking boring. Because, like, there were multiple times where we were sitting there, and we were watching it.
Unknown_18: The talk is just the boring shit. That's the problem. Well, no, because it's like we're sitting there and we're watching it and we're thinking, like, did something break?
Unknown_27: Because it just, dead air for 30 seconds. 30 plus seconds, half a minute to a minute of dead air. And it's like... And it's just like, all he's talked about so far is how much he doesn't like Andy and how much he doesn't pay attention to Medicare and shit. Jesus Christ, who the fuck cares about all that bullshit he doesn't pay attention to?
I think you're dumb and gay. I can make a thousand channels better than his, I swear, but I'm not going to do it.
Unknown_18: Well, then go and do it, you know? But, like, no, I mean, like, Tong is just dull. He's dull as fucking paint dry or some shit like that.
Unknown_27: And he had a lot of viewers above his average today because Jim mentioned him that he'd be watching this particular stream.
Unknown_20: He's the Uncle Rico of IBS. Yeah, because the normal Tonga...
Unknown_27: But it's like, I mean, this was his chance to kind of get some viewers, and I would never watch his fucking stream again. Well, the thing is, he relies on his guests to pull the show and keep the, you know.
All right, so check it out. Yeah, keep the dinner.
Unknown_20: Yeah, but what's fucking retarded is that he keeps getting fucking... Who knows... A question for the room.
Unknown_18: Who knows how he started? I don't know.
Unknown_20: He started doing... He started... Dunga started doing this shit called grapple vision or some shit like that about wrestling. Right?
Unknown_20: It was some gay shit. He went from GrappleVision, then he was doing games, and that's how he met Failure.
Unknown_38: No!
Unknown_38: That's a fucking lie. And then they had two channels, and they both failed.
They both got suspended. And then he moved on to Failure's channel.
Unknown_29: Was this when he was on his old channel? Yeah, his old channel got suspended.
Unknown_20: The grapple of his new channel got suspended, too.
Unknown_16: He also used to do an appearance.
Unknown_29: He used to be on National Geographic.
Unknown_38: Oh, shit.
Unknown_29: I remember this one.
Unknown_27: Yeah, GunsDown says in the chat, he says that Tonka is losing his shit mostly because Failure is not there to tell him to stop talking about this shit.
Failure doesn't even do anything anyway. Failure is just there for Tonka to yell at.
Unknown_20: That Broke his back by doing some like backflip morning. Yes. Yes, and that's how he broke his back Broke his neck.
Unknown_26: Okay, so he's really like crippled mess
Unknown_16: Yeah, he's really crippled.
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown_33: Yeah, that's how he did it.
Unknown_17: That's how he did it.
Unknown_17: I thought his girlfriend was vamped.
Unknown_18: Dammit, I fucked up. The guy who posted the no pedestrian emoji. No walking.
Unknown_38: That was me! Yeah!
That's funny. I don't really know who Joaquin is because I've just never interacted with him. He's a faggot.
Unknown_14: He's a fucking balding idiot. Okay, so he's here. Anyway, so what? What happened?
Unknown_08: But he's pretty cool right now because he got into a hot tub with a vamp and took pictures of it.
Unknown_18: Really?
So what's vamp look like under the pink hair?
Unknown_08: No, she's disgusting.
Unknown_18: But I'm not the point.
Unknown_08: The point is that he cocked Tonka. What way is it? Vamp? Vamp?
Unknown_18: Tonka was banging vamp or or they were just friends No, they were just
Unknown_20: But Tonka can never afford to visit her and she can never afford to visit him because they're both broken. They live in trailer parks. She looks like Jimmy Hopkins with red hair.
You gotta imagine that hot tub smelled like ball sweat and sadness afterwards.
Unknown_08: It probably smelled like boiled hot dogs. It smelled like fucking chicken soup in there. Yeah, like boiled hot dogs.
Unknown_20: The real question is, whose ball is the champs? The body or not?
Unknown_16: The answer to that is yes. Look at that. Look at that. Is this Nick's action hammer? Is this Nick's action hammer and drag?
Unknown_18: No, not really. You know, drag across your dick. Coach, you're catching feelings, coach?
If you had to pay for sex, how much would you pay a vamp to fuck?
Unknown_20: Shut the fuck up. He better pay me. He'd have to pay me. About tree fitting. About tree fitting. Is that sticks? Is that sticks?
Unknown_38: Bullshit, that's fucking Styx!
Unknown_14: Where the fuck did it come from? Bullshit, this isn't Styx. It is.
Look at its face, it's Styx. I don't know, where's the uncensored one? I want to see the uncensored one. Why do you want to see the uncensored one?
Unknown_26: Why do you want to see the uncensored one? You're gonna reveal something on the stream?
Unknown_18: Why not? Why not? Have you been hanging out with King of Pole lately?
Unknown_20: What the fuck?
Unknown_18: No. Oh, that is funny, but I have to admit the box is so goddamn small that does not augur well for the poor guy.
You could say most of his hand could be covering it.
Unknown_18: How the fuck did he manage to take this picture? Why would he take this fucking picture? What was the rationale here?
Unknown_18: It's like Marvin the Martian.
Unknown_20: What the fuck? He's trying to attract a mate, coach. It's not working. No, no, no.
Unknown_27: Here, I'm going to mute the chat just for a second because I don't want to listen to what they're saying.
Unknown_07: You know what I'm saying?
I'm just curious, just between you and me, stream chat, we're going to turn this up for a second and see what they're saying.
Unknown_23: Wow! Oh, mate, mate. No more on the right side of the face, mate. It's starting to swell up. This is the moneymaker. Okay, this was a mistake.
Unknown_27: This was a mistake. Tuning into this was a mistake. Let's go back to the noise. There we go.
Unknown_23: Ugh. Oh.
Unknown_35: What the fuck is that?
Unknown_18: That's a vampire.
Unknown_17: I know what. Hey, somebody knows the fucking movie. Hell yeah. Love John Carver. Damn.
I think you guys missed out. I actually muted you all so I could tune into the Tonka stream to hear what it was, and it was just autistic fucking noise that's somehow worse than listening to you guys. I was like, okay. He said you were going to mute us. Yeah, I was like, fuck it. I might as well just tune it back out and pop it back on because this is fucking awful.
Unknown_08: I'm sorry.
Unknown_17: I got a- I got a random- I got a- You tried stronger than Tonka tried. Hey, what the fuck?
This is your map, right? She's got a dead camp.
Unknown_17: Uh, notice that. Hey, coach.
Unknown_13: Your mom will be crying over the cough, and I'll be like, don't worry, you can't hate anyone.
Unknown_16: Damn, man. Some of her old Instagram pictures. I can put that on the stream.
Unknown_27: I think that's what true is.
Unknown_17: I think that's what true is. Dude, I saw a guy in a bathroom with that fucking nice suit and I was like, you've got some money. It looks like everybody can take a look. Vamp looks like a fucking meth head, alright?
Coach, have you seen this picture yet?
Unknown_16: Looks like... Is that Vance?
Unknown_06: Is that Vance?
Unknown_17: God, his teeth are so terrible.
Unknown_25: Does he drink battery acid on the daily? Who is this redhead chick I keep seeing?
Unknown_18: Wait, that's the vamp who's the admin in Ralph's chat, really? Yep.
Look at that whole man right there. I don't know, that picture is better than the other one where she's like, obviously we're both bad.
Unknown_17: Well, that's not saying much. The thing is, she's got that thousand cock stare, you know what I'm saying?
Unknown_18: Fuck her. He's not wrong.
Unknown_27: I'm just gonna start building my vamp collection on the stream, like Dash, so everybody can just see vamp. I wanna see more pictures of her so I can fill up my screen. It looks like a background character out of Breaking Bad. Yeah, that one looks like a tranny.
You can't make that ugly look good.
Unknown_27: Like putting makeup on a pig.
Unknown_20: This one looks like Skeletor with pink hair.
Unknown_17: My god, that is terrible. You're never gonna make him happy, dude. It's like Brianna Wu's child. Hey, that's an insult to Brianna Wu. Brianna Wu had a child, and now it's known as Brianna Wu.
Oh, no. I'm like, we get it. I've seen that even posted before. I don't know who that fucking...
Unknown_17: What did you come here to talk about, Schmeckle?
Unknown_27: Is the redhead with the huge tits her? It can't be.
Unknown_17: No.
Unknown_18: No, it's not.
Unknown_11: What? What? Is that a thing?
Unknown_20: Yeah, that's the new her. Yes. No.
I said I'm not into cows. What do you want me to say? Schmeckle. Schmeckle. Call me that. I'm sober right now. Can't be Schmeckle. Call me Tommy. There we go. Like, fake cow tits? Hold on. I'm not into that. Nice.
Unknown_13: unfiltered skinny not like those udders no okay i have i've built my mural i hope you guys appreciate it i'm looking at her instagram these pictures don't look good of her why is she picking these bad pictures
Who was saying that they thought that she was into meth?
Unknown_18: If she's that fat and addicted to meth, she's doing something wrong. She's really fucking up. She spends her days making t-shirts for Tonka's show.
He looks like Skeletor now. I think that's worse than the fucking math.
Unknown_27: She calls herself an artist because she can throw a fucking PNG on a fucking teespring logo. Okay, let's pull up one of these. I'm going to add one of her shirts.
Unknown_20: No, pull up her art. No, hold on. Pull up that art she has on her Instagram.
Unknown_11: Oh, man, look at that. God. Look at this artistry. Look how good she is. Look how good she is.
Unknown_24: What the fuck am I doing?
Unknown_02: This is worse than the real dick cake. Oh, that's what I mean. If you're doing it like, uh... No. No, that's... Is that in general with Kreia? Yeah, you can have a good time with it. When you're doing it on Andy levels, every six months or so, you get this.
Look at that jawline. Look at that jawline.
Unknown_06: Disgusting. That's a hard shade. Does she have some stubble, actually?
Unknown_26: Wait a minute. Look at Ian. There's some stubble going on.
Unknown_25: She needs to get that Gillette.
Unknown_25: She's got some Paco eyes.
That's a problem, man. Wait, wait, wait. You know she's trouble.
Unknown_27: There's a t-shirt that he sells that has the fucking tribe thing to it.
Unknown_17: Like an Indian chief?
Unknown_27: Is that where the joke comes from? You can call him Andy Koski in the chat if you want.
Unknown_17: Also, in fact, he's a fucking feather, yeah.
Unknown_20: I don't know if he's a cokehead.
Unknown_17: He used to tell everybody he's an Indian, but he's not.
Unknown_20: You just did! He's a goblino. His mom is Puerto Rican and his dad's a fucking hillbilly.
Unknown_25: You know what she honestly exactly looks like? She looks like Riley Dennis with red hair. I couldn't see that yet.
Oh, wait, wait. Look at all the tape measure. Oh, wow. If he spent the fucking money himself.
Unknown_14: She's got a mean Adam's apple, too. This situation started to look bad for that side of things. Fuck that art, though. That is awful.
Unknown_17: Yo, and then feel the pressure of Brittany Venti. I mean, the... Holy shit. Call this like a... I mean, that's like...
The distance between the eyes are accurate.
Unknown_38: If you guys want to see Tonka's mom, here's Tonka's mom's Facebook. You can see a picture of Tonka.
Unknown_20: Now, understand this, though. With every picture of her, just know this is a good one. In real life, she probably just looks like...
Unknown_20: You can clearly see Tonka in one of the pictures. When they're at the restaurant.
No, dude, I'm a whore. Dude, I want IRL fucking fights for sure.
Unknown_02: That's a great idea, man. I'll fight anyone from fucking Europe. I live about an hour away from Andy. I am every bit as scrawny as he is. Why the fuck would you fight for Donga?
Unknown_11: Don't do it. We're in the wrong place. I'm assuming that this is going to be the exact same message that was debunked by simply reading it. Yeah, so it was definitely me.
Unknown_20: It was fucking crap.
Unknown_11: You know, didn't you get that fucking, that message that Andy tried to pass around?
I'm not sure what message you're talking about.
Unknown_02: I don't want to hear that from you.
Unknown_11: I don't want to hear that from you.
Unknown_02: I don't want to hear that from you.
Unknown_27: I'm just going to keep throwing up more shit I find on the screen.
Unknown_17: This is going to be my shtick.
Unknown_27: I'm just going to throw a random shit up and just build on top of it. Because apparently Anthony Bird left his job at Riot Games at the same time a story comes out that sexual harassment was happening at Riot Games.
Unknown_20: Yeah, Broke Team Pill tweeted out a whole bunch of stuff about it, so I can find it really fast.
Unknown_27: Oh, okay, yeah, please do, because fucking, uh, Kumite is boring as shit. Oh, uh, did you see that PMS thing you bought?
Oh, yeah, that whole thing.
Unknown_13: Look how big Fave is. He looks like a fucking refrigerator.
Unknown_17: Yeah, it very clearly said information on what he's doing.
Unknown_27: Oh, I do try to keep the chat on top of it, but it slides to the bottom.
Unknown_17: Dude, I love how they said it's like the top layer and then just like dip things down. Don't be feigned into this. OBS is like a pig squealing in the background. You've been Peter Griffin. You'll turn him to the dark side. You'll turn him to the dark side.
Unknown_17: Okay. All right. I'm going to copy and paste this really fast. These are three tweets from protein film, and it should just... There we go. This is in the chat? Yeah. Yeah.
Okay. I'll just screenshot this. Throw it up there.
Unknown_05: This is the thing. The major homo.
Unknown_11: Let him do it.
Unknown_05: They sum up everything pretty well.
Unknown_17: You need to wrestle Andy. That's right, man. You need to fucking take it to the cage.
Unknown_11: I'm getting the hang of this. I'm getting the hang of this. I don't know if the... Okay. It's fine. It's fine.
Unknown_27: So, let's read these real quick.
Unknown_27: Inaugurating this new account with that good shit, Anthony Birch used his position of power at Gearbox to trick women into applying for a job that didn't exist and then just fuck them and chuck them, similar to fellow male ally Matt Hickey, who is now in prison for this. He then went to Riot, which is infamous for being a sexual assault hellfire parade, and made me wonder if he continued this trick or others there. For some reason, he never wants to talk about this or clear the record, which runs contrary to innocent behavior and is...
So, what's been serious to me is that Anthony Burch left right games because he was fired or if he chose to move to his current position of being unemployed looking for writing work and video games.
Unknown_27: So, yeah, I mean, this is a pattern of male feminists who are fucking rapists.
Unknown_17: a little bit of that it's almost like he's been doing this for 10 years it should be common sense don't bail is not going to be a feminist not even going to give those not every rapist is a feminist but every feminist is a rapist you know that sam hide video where he's screaming i can't get the pussy in his car
Look at the back of VAM's hair in this picture.
Unknown_29: What do you need
One part of her head Jesus
Unknown_18: Now that I think about it, I've never interacted with her at any length.
Unknown_17: She's always been some stream that I happen to be on or whatever.
What the fuck?
Unknown_27: It looks like some kind of cherry pie exploded and she's comically blasted by it in the face.
Unknown_17: That's kind of funny. One of you out there needs to come fucking kill me. Yes, Elizabeth!
Unknown_27: She's not, she's not, like, her face isn't too ugly in that picture.
Unknown_13: I don't know, like, why it changed.
Unknown_27: Maybe it is drugs. I don't know.
Unknown_14: It's strange.
Unknown_27: That's one of those scene kid wigs.
Unknown_13: Her face is ugly in this picture. Oh, God.
Unknown_14: Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.
Unknown_13: Oh, no. Oh, no.
Blunt stream guy who's sucking Tonka's cock. He's really fucking annoying The village people time stamp or where is it?
Unknown_08: Yeah, I think so. Oh
Unknown_17: No, in all seriousness, if you've got to play background music for a stream, Winamp makes it very, very, very, very, very easy.
Unknown_08: I think he's distracting me with funny memes like the whale.
Unknown_17: It's just you can hotkey it, so it's really easy. That's why I use Winamp for that. Yeah, every time I pause and try to listen to what's actually happening in the Kumite, it's just like the most benign fucking bullshit ever.
It's so dreary.
Unknown_11: Look at this bitch's hair and then the garbage on the ground behind her.
Oh, wait a minute.
Unknown_26: Her skin is like yellow. It's probably Arizona.
Unknown_24: No, it's just the lighting. It's just the lighting.
Unknown_26: Because she lives in a dirty tree.
Unknown_24: Since everybody pointed out Narcissa right, I'm going to take 30 seconds to have a moment with Chad.
Unknown_18: She looks like the mother from Requiem for a Dream.
Unknown_20: Oh no! What's- I'm so sad. What do you think I've been doing over the last, like, three years? Like, what do you think I've been fucking doing?
Oh, good.
Unknown_17: Oh, Goodwill got that fucking black mark of music, fuck yeah.
Unknown_17: iTunes is still fancy for AP. What's iTunes? What are you talking about? What the fuck is that?
Unknown_11: Alright, Nico.
Unknown_27: And just so you know, yes, that is every single one of Narcissa's streams now. She just fucking cries for money.
Unknown_09: Let's see it. Alright, we're about to one-vote her while we're with the other one.
Say it again or after the intro gets come on the whole The whole fucking trash fire that had to do with the furniture in there mark of being one of the the owners of the pool the owner of bad dragon and
Unknown_37: You know that some of the castings that he did for those dildos were live castings?
Unknown_27: Yeah, there's a rumor for that. Some of the competitors to Bad Dragon actually advertise their dildos are cast from live animal penises.
Unknown_17: Who the fuck was it that said that they had someone that they knew? Close your mouth, man. The stench of dick is fucking knocking us out over here. Chio, good to see you out there, says Coach.
Is Coach Redfield hanging out around here?
Unknown_17: I will kick his ass all the way back. Quick cool take.
Unknown_14: We'll cheer everybody up.
Unknown_17: Sorry
Unknown_17: Yes. Are you going to go fight him?
Unknown_27: Are you going to go accept that offer, though? Yeah, go fight him.
Go fight him, coach.
Unknown_18: You're going to wrestle, wrestle? Andy has to now pretend to be a wrestler. I'm like way late. I got to get the fuck out of here. That's a sad day. I just got wrapped up. Go wrestle, wrestle. You're such a coward, Coach Redfield. You're not going to go wrestle, wrestle AP on the Kumite? Go wrestle, AP. You coached Russell, Russell.
Unknown_27: I'm realizing that just...
Unknown_18: Having that... I got the stream open but muted, right? And I guess he just sees me there and it just freaks him out. So I don't know what to do.
I'll just let him get freaked out. See, this is why Coach Red Pill is smarter.
Unknown_27: He's psychologically wrestling him.
Unknown_17: You're psychologically wrestling him.
Unknown_27: You don't have to fight him.
Unknown_17: You're just a psychological bastard.
Unknown_17: You know what you should do? There is no line of delineation there. Please. It is not mutually exclusive. You can enjoy both. I thought he didn't have many kids. I thought that he was supporting his ex-girlfriend's kid. That's what he told me. He was drunk for your amusement. Some freak show shit like that? That's when you come to the Blunt Street.
Blunt stream fuck this guy.
Unknown_08: This guy's a faggot. There's a stream called the blunt stream, but he doesn't have any money for children Is that a bald guy that was posted in chat earlier no is that a
I'm sure someone has a fucking picture of this guy yet.
Unknown_34: I don't know. Good idea. I'm sure that's not going to backfire anytime soon.
Unknown_10: The ghost guy? Gastly. Yeah, they both showed up. Where the fuck is Gastly? But at least Gastly looks fine bald.
Unknown_20: Fucking AP looks like he burned. I'm clicking all around because V is nowhere in here.
Unknown_10: Anybody monitoring is he still working out about me? Is that what he said?
Oh, uh, I haven't listened to them.
Unknown_20: Is that the girl that Ross is doing it? Yeah, that's Ruby the Hole.
Unknown_29: Coach, tell him in chat that you go in there and blow his ass.
Unknown_20: Why do you have that?
Unknown_29: Are we talking about the video?
Unknown_14: I don't have that. Okay, 27. Okay.
Unknown_17: I like that he has nothing else to say. It's just, your name's Fousey.
Unknown_20: Yeah, it kind of went there.
Fousey, you don't have a lot of testosterone.
Unknown_20: Oh, no, I do. Anyways. You know, I'm fucking impressed with how bad that is.
Unknown_25: Yeah, like the Joker in the Batman movie.
Unknown_10: Yeah, yeah.
Unknown_18: Who's a fan of his? Who's a fan of his? Hold on, hold on.
Unknown_10: Exactly. So I'm going to be on the plane on the way there. I'm kind of curious. Where do you guys think that it all went wrong for him?
Because he was riding high for quite a while. When he tried to fuck off with Jim.
Unknown_20: When he tried to fuck up Jim. It went wrong for Funko.
Unknown_03: But, like, when did he try to paraphrase him? When he's stupid, that, oh, you're doxing me shit?
Unknown_18: That crap? That, yeah.
Unknown_15: I mean, I like what he's saying so far. I think it started with Zoom. Maybe chief of the Space Force?
Unknown_03: I think it went wrong under his skin. It all went wrong when his goblino mother had sex with a white man. It all goes back to this.
Oh, come on, man.
Unknown_10: Okay, so $1,300 and he had already made it back. I can't walk anymore.
Unknown_24: Oh, hey, medical training.
Unknown_11: Apparently already discussed how much it was and everything. So it's 10,000 now, though, guys. Now it's 10,000, and that's why I didn't get it. Well, I mean, did he make enough to write Mind Trap? Did he?
I don't know.
Unknown_11: but only if you play it you hadn't pulled the trigger he uh he uh what came out that said mine medicare is chatting in the tonka street like it wasn't about jews it was about traps i would i would give it a read oh about what medicare tweeted see andy that's the trick man you gotta take that money that you've got so nobody can accuse you it's an extra large popcorn mine trap and that way i'm giving people the thing for the money
Unknown_10: for the shekel minister uh we got clayton bigsby ten dollars buy my position on land acquisition i love all these parts keep the the bots for my youtube channel like uh i don't know like 50 50 50 coach coin a day man are expensive
What does that translate into, Israeli Shuckles?
Unknown_38: Infinite.
Unknown_27: Oh, no. Oh, somebody's asking what this stream's about, which is a great question. I don't actually know. We were originally going to stream snipe the Kumite, but the Kumite is really fucking boring, so we've just been talking about random shit for about two hours now.
Unknown_27: I hope that helps. I hope that clarifies. I don't know.
Unknown_20: I think Josh has got a good format here, though. Just a bunch of random fucking people.
Unknown_27: I don't know.
I'm really tempted right now to just... Because this time slot's perfect for me. It's 7 fucking p.m. is when he starts doing the morning Kumite. I could easily... Because that's like 7 p.m. for me. And I could easily fucking do it.
Unknown_20: Josh, where are you? I'm in Eastern Europe right now. Oh, really? Where are you? Where in Eastern Europe?
Unknown_27: I don't want to say specifically.
Unknown_18: I'm in the same time zone as Damascus. That's what matters. Is it 10pm your time? Because it's 10.30 my time. I'm in Ukraine.
Oh, really? Where the fuck are you?
Unknown_18: What city? Kharkov. Kharkov. No fucking shit.
Unknown_27: I'm nearby. Yeah, no shit. We could have an in-person stream together very easily. Too many voices talking in my head.
Unknown_20: Oh, hey, Mr. Medeker, Josh Tribe, Attack Tonga Tribe, this means Boulder War.
Unknown_27: They're listening to Jim.
Oh my god, we're already off to a great start. We got fucking Jim fucking shit talking in the chat.
Unknown_34: That's great.
Unknown_32: I
Unknown_06: I said it, but nobody believes me.
Unknown_27: Beautiful. I guess I'll wrench him so I know it's him. I didn't think that was actually him.
Click on his channel to make sure.
Unknown_03: We famous now. DogaTribe start fire. Fire warm. There we go. I expected... Andy found my vid. My shit stream vid.
Unknown_27: I expect Jim to ban anybody who says mean things about me.
Unknown_27: Yeah, right.
Unknown_19: So, is Josh in Ukraine? Is he running from the government or something? I'm not running from the government.
I just want to be someplace comfy and white.
Unknown_10: Exactly! Exactly my thoughts!
Unknown_27: No, a little bit of money goes a long way in this year. Yeah.
Unknown_18: Yeah, I can tell you that. You know, I like renting out my studio here. My studio space is 600 square feet. I'm paying 400 bucks. I recommend the Donetsk people. Shut the fuck up.
Unknown_03: His 14-year-old ladyboy is only $50 a week.
Unknown_27: Yeah, no, I don't know. I could easily fucking stream in this time period. Yeah, it's perfect.
Yeah, you know, right after dinner, sort of.
Unknown_27: Mm-hmm. You're settling down, you're getting ready to retire for the afternoon.
Unknown_27: I'm just thinking, I don't know what I would do. Like, I don't know what I would do for co-hosts. I imagine if I don't have a co-host, I could just bring on random people and just do this. This is fun. This is comfy. I think this format's fun as shit. You could literally just have this.
Unknown_20: Have Zoom be your co-host. Yeah. That'll really piss off Domka.
I don't know- I don't know the- the- the blood between the two of them, so... I'm just doing shit that's funny.
Unknown_29: And Tonga- Donga don't like Zoom, because Zoom makes joke on Donga. Oh, have- have that for your host.
Unknown_10: Yeah, I don't know.
Unknown_29: Donga- Donga can't throw a cake at all.
Unknown_16: You're just a fuckin' degenerate pedophile.
Unknown_29: Fuck that cunt.
Wait, is Zoom in the chat or are you guys just fucking around?
Unknown_29: He was in the call.
Unknown_14: Everybody gets the thing. Can I play devil's advocate? You can tell. What some of the people are going to say.
Unknown_17: I'd like to ask a question. He got Chris to put him in line. Is Medeker on the Kumater?
Unknown_27: They listened to it.
Unknown_17: It had been purchased.
Unknown_16: I didn't see him in anyone else's chat. He's just in arms. No, no, I mean on the actual Kumite hangout call.
Because I keep hearing his voice and I don't know if they're listening to him or what.
Unknown_29: They're listening. Yeah, he's never going on that.
Unknown_27: That's very funny. That's actually very funny.
Unknown_17: That he's just chilling out in the chat and they're listening to him. Josh, I have a question. I don't know. I'm asking. That's what I'm saying. No, that's what I'm saying.
Unknown_38: He is currently in his car, undoubtedly.
Unknown_17: I am in my car. I am in my car. Uh, it sounded like a pit- I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious.
I'm serious. I'm serious.
Unknown_17: I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious.
Unknown_20: I'm serious.
Unknown_17: I'm serious. I'm serious.
Unknown_05: I'm serious.
Unknown_17: I'm serious.
Unknown_05: I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious.
Unknown_17: I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious.
Unknown_05: I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious.
Unknown_17: I'm serious. I'm serious.
Unknown_05: I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious.
Unknown_17: I'd watch that.
Unknown_02: That would be funny. My name is Sloop.
That would be funny and funny. Sloop, I don't even know you, but asking those two questions just proves you're fucking retarded.
Unknown_29: He's just sweating.
Unknown_37: Did you also break your neck in a wrestling match? Balls haven't dropped yet.
Unknown_23: Get a fat co-host and do this time slot. Josh!
Unknown_14: Josh, I'll gain 200 pounds for you.
Oh, let me restate something because Jim's listening now, and I think he should hear it.
Unknown_27: I don't know if you've seen it, but the PewDiePie video about BetterHelp features the forum thread, and I was contacted by the BBC regarding BetterHelp.
Unknown_27: And I think it's going to get really big, the BetterHelp story.
Unknown_17: Yes, it's Bull Tyrone culture.
Unknown_14: I feel very confident saying that.
Unknown_17: That's interesting.
Unknown_06: He's going to go away now.
Unknown_17: He's been around for so fucking long.
Unknown_06: And you're not saying that. He's a fucking boogie.
I'm sorry for anybody who actually wanted to hear like a snipe of the stream. It's just so fucking boring and dull.
Unknown_17: You're missing out on on Tonka reiterating that he doesn't care about Andy while also whining about Andy Sure I'll download it and rehost it on the forum
I think YouTube will allow it at that point.
Unknown_14: A proud Native American takes his last stand. He took his last stand quite a few years ago.
Unknown_17: That is what he do.
Unknown_17: This should have been done a long time ago. How long does the kumite actually last?
Unknown_27: Like the stream?
Unknown_08: Too long. Too long. He just keeps it on while he goes to the fucking store. It's lunch. He comes back. He does all that shit.
Ralph was annoying with his bullshit like, I'll drop to the store and get a beer. But like...
Unknown_20: Tonka like once went to the fucking convenience store sandwiches That's actually very funny How does he have any viewers at all?
I know, I just don't understand. What does it feel like?
Unknown_27: There's the better question.
Unknown_16: Because they all want to dick ride him so much. What is there to dick ride?
Unknown_29: Because he's undefeated. He's 1,000.
Unknown_27: He's 101 and 0. Okay, I have a question. I have a genuine question because I've never watched one of these Kumite Internet Bloodsport things. What happens in the fights?
I think he got them the wrong way around.
Unknown_27: Someone makes fun of Donga.
Unknown_29: Donga can't make jokes, so he says fight me in real life.
Unknown_27: The streams are literally just two people yelling at each other It's
It's like because like earlier the stream when Tonka just got started He kept calling people in chat fat like there was a woman in chat and he was saying like if the fat bitch out get the fat bitch out of the chat and
Unknown_27: That is that internet blood sports Fucking people watch this shit to begin with I don't understand It's kind of funny
I'll wrestle the shit out of both of you
Unknown_29: Nobody watched it when it was just, like, Tonka talking. See, this is funny to me, because I've heard, like, jokes made at the expense of Kumite.
He has a rocket attached to it. Like, I've heard a lot of jokes at the expense of the Kumite, and to hear the full lore and to know that they're not really that far off from reality, like, that's funny to me.
Unknown_27: Like, he actually told people he wanted to fight them in real life and he's a cripple. That's fucking hysterical.
Unknown_25: That's actually funny. Every single scene I ever listen to, he ends up calling some- Every single scene I ever listen to, he ends up calling some- Every single scene I ever listen to, he ends up calling some- Every single scene I ever listen to, he ends up calling some- Every single scene I ever listen to, he ends up calling some- Every single scene I ever listen to, he ends up calling some- Every single scene I ever listen to, he ends up calling some- Every single scene I ever listen to, he ends up calling some- Every single scene I ever listen to, he ends up calling some- Every single scene I ever listen to, he ends up calling some- Every single scene I ever listen to, he ends up calling some- Every single scene I ever listen to, he ends up calling some- Every single scene I ever listen to, he ends up calling some- Every single scene I ever listen to, he ends up calling some- Every single scene I ever listen to, he ends up calling some- Every single scene I ever listen to, he ends up calling some-
That's funny.
Unknown_08: Yeah, it is.
Unknown_27: Like, Jim, that's actually funny that this guy in a fucking wheelchair is challenging people to fisticuffs in real life. That's fucking actually funny.
Unknown_27: I would tip his wheelchair.
Okay, I'm gonna have to download these and throw them up on the stream.
Unknown_27: Give me a second.
Unknown_29: That's funny.
Unknown_20: Put them up in order. It was just contacts. It was colored contacts. Okay, everybody.
Unknown_27: What is that? What is that, Chad?
Unknown_20: What is that?
Unknown_38: Enhance. Enhance. Enhance. Enhance.
Unknown_27: Is that a glass eye chat? Does that look like a glass eye to you? Press 1 if it's a glass eye.
Unknown_20: Press 1 if it's a glass eye.
Are we doing press one? Press two if it's just a contact lens.
Unknown_20: Jim's original idea for it was basically just Jerry Springer let these retards go wild and all that.
Unknown_17: Was it Jim's idea? No. Zoom and a couple other people wanted to shit talk Tom because he would ban everyone.
Unknown_29: He would pass around ban lists of them and he would never let them go on stream to shit talk him. Or call him out for having a fucking child.
Unknown_27: This all seems so silly to me. It is.
That was the beauty of it. It was the biggest spectacle on the internet. And that's when it made it awesome. That's so silly. This was the biggest spectacle on the internet, man. God damn.
Unknown_29: It's like your website in audio form.
Unknown_27: No, because my website is one person, and we're talking about it. We're having a serious discussion about a retard, and the humor value is that you're taking a retard seriously. This is just like worse than trash TV, because even at the end of Jerry Springer, you have Jerry Springer come out and give the moral of the story and a lesson learned.
There's no fucking lesson learned here.
Unknown_25: Look Josh, you want a perfect sign-up of the whole In-N-Out Bloodsports thing? Just watch that like 6-hour stream that Medica had with Zoom, Tonka, and pretty much everyone else involved in the In-N-Out Bloodsports. Yeah, it was essentially the end of Bloodsports stream.
Unknown_06: Is that the Apocalypse stream that I heard?
Unknown_27: Yeah, the IBS Apocalypse.
Unknown_06: Just 7 hours of just non-stop autism.
Unknown_34: That legit made me want to kill myself.
Unknown_18: It should've just been the very definition of autism. That was seven hours of retard screaming nonstop. Man, I wanted to slit my wrist after about five minutes.
Then he finds out it's going to be $14,000 to do it.
Unknown_17: Well, fuck that.
Unknown_18: Yeah, if only it had been entertaining and witty or something. But no, it was just screaming. It was just this wall of sound. It was non-stop screaming.
Unknown_27: Yeah, it was non-stop. Oh, here, let me ask people in chat. If you're listening to this, I want to know, if you watch the Bloodsports, what was your favorite moment? I want to hear what a favorite moment from everybody is.
Jim versus the pedophile. Ross. When it died, Tonka Noah was pretty fucking funny. He's a bigger whore than I am.
Unknown_02: Hey Josh, did you know there's a picture of Conker in a wheelchair? Is there? Let's see it. Oh my gosh.
This is the evidence right there. I can't say none of this.
Unknown_20: No, Josh. It's not. I'm very happy about the fact that I am. Medicare versus Ross. You don't have any evidence that I'm in. You're trying to slam things.
Unknown_17: Oh, that coach is muted currently.
Unknown_17: I'm a man of my words, slacker. A lot of people are saying the SPLC call.
Unknown_27: Did that happen? Oh, yeah.
That did happen.
Unknown_27: He called the SPLC to see if he was banned from Israel.
Unknown_03: The liberalist trademark, did Andy try to trademark liberalist? That was Andy, not... It's almost like one of the best moments involved Duncan.
Unknown_20: Yeah, from what it sounds like, it's not Tonka at all.
It's Andy doing stuff that's silly. And not even internet play works. Yeah, it doesn't sound like Tonka did anything. What did Tonka do?
Unknown_06: What's your favorite Tonka moment?
Unknown_27: That's a better question. What's your favorite Tonka moment? Him versus Sargon. The only...
Unknown_16: only thing I can think of my favorite part my favorite donga moment is when he went to go fight his best friend for cucking him with his girlfriend and then he got his ass beat and then he got cucked I have one I have one I have one I have the injured tribesman story okay here's the story of donga squirrel and gym dog donga squirrel gather many nuts gym dog run and kill donga squirrel donga squirrel dead
That was, like, literally a sob story that Dongus said on livestream. Like, Jim killed me. He killed the livestream. He ruined me. Wait, did he say that?
Unknown_20: Is this a clip that I can play right fucking now? Because I want to hear this clip. I'll hunt for it. I'll hunt for it. I would love to see it. I think he deleted that from his channel. I'm almost positive. He deletes all of the kumites that make him look bad.
Unknown_18: I bet you that today's stream will not be on his channel. You know, hang on, sorry to butt in, you know, I was, like, listening to the Kumite man. What the fuck is this guy and dead air? He'll go, like, 10, 12 seconds. I mean, it's just fucking sloppy. You know what I mean? He's a fucking charisma guy. No, it's just fucking irresponsible streaming.
I mean, uh...
Unknown_18: Just move the shit along, have yourself organized.
Unknown_29: It's the best his doblino inbred brain can do. You also have to understand that Donga's stream, he doesn't plan anything for it.
Unknown_20: He puts it up, and then he's like, we have this one topic to talk about. Like, he has no planning in his stream at all.
What gets me is that even when he's on stream with, like, another person, there's still dead air. It's like, how the fuck do you have a conversation with somebody where there's, like, 20 seconds of awkward silence?
Unknown_18: Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And like, just now, just now he was on, I counted it, man. He was on like 15 seconds of dead air, right? And then he starts doing super chats and awkward, right? He's trying to put together a sentence.
Unknown_08: Just move it away. That's why I'm looking through the super chats to read ones that aren't about Donga Tribe or him getting cocked and shit.
Okay, I haven't found that one video, but I have found a pretty good video to pull up. It's only like 30 seconds long. Folks.
Unknown_20: TonkaSol does not like to talk about Jim.
Unknown_27: Okay, I'm gonna mute for a second and pull this up so I can watch it.
Unknown_27: Yeah, doing the same.
Unknown_27: Hold up.
Unknown_08: Tonka is free to sweetie tribe.
Unknown_35: Is it just me or the luck of his streams got... Oops, hold up. I fucked up.
Door by...
Unknown_35: okay let's see put a i need to put a compilation of all the times medicare's been on my channel together and i don't put that up did i this up i think i this up yeah this is live this is just uh torian said uh for two says nothing wrong with a couple seasons it just so happened i tuned into this live and it's um it's him talking about it that's actually funny
Look at the personality. This is a guy named Spaghetti Pockets.
Unknown_11: When we go back through this... I actually have no idea what I'm doing because I'm bad at computers.
Unknown_27: Yeah, this is it. Okay, sorry. I have like multiple layers of this shit going on.
Unknown_11: This is a guy named Spaghetti Pockets. When we go back through this stream...
Unknown_11: one day down the line we're just going to see him in the chat being like talk about jim that's a great name though i gotta talk about jim talk about jim that's the shit i'm talking about oh oh because he's afraid to talk about jim
Okay, that's funny. I fucked it up on delivery, but that's still funny. He goes back there.
Unknown_05: He's like, trickle down shackles, Goyim. Goyim, give me the shackles. Hang on a second. I'll be right back, guys.
Unknown_06: Oh, Josh, I had a question for you.
Unknown_39: How did you find out that the Bad Dragon CEO or whatever is, like, a pedophile or something?
Unknown_27: He's not a pedophile. I'll have to pull up the actual accusations. I think he's involved in zoo stuff, but even that. It's just funny because I had a roommate that had, like, Bad Dragon products, and he's like, oh, yeah, this guy is, like, awesome.
He's so, like, liberal and liberal idiot.
Unknown_39: Okay, fair enough.
Unknown_27: I don't know the full story with Varka, but Varka is like a pillar of the community. If Varka goes down, the furry community has lost somebody that's really fucking important. I would imagine. Do you know how much he makes?
Unknown_39: He has to be a millionaire.
Unknown_27: Because he was already wealthy before he started up Bad Dragon.
Unknown_39: Bro, those things cost like... Well, let's see.
Unknown_27: They cost more than a regular sex product.
Unknown_39: Yeah.
Unknown_27: Because my fantasy...
I'm curious what um, what can somebody check and see how many viewers that Tonka's really simple rent in a $1,200 average is a good Yeah, 480 doesn't matter if you have to take a few of the we're at 94 right now It's just and we're not even listening to it anymore. I had to mute it because it was too much noise and nothing Yeah, it's boring It's just, yeah, it's... I feel kind of bad.
Unknown_14: You don't feel bad. Don't feel bad. Because I know for a fact, if I started doing this every day at the exact same time, we would fucking stomp him out in like a week tops.
Unknown_27: We would have more people.
Unknown_35: It's too easy.
Unknown_20: I say you should do it. You should do it. Yeah, fuck him. Kill him.
Unknown_20: Not literally.
Is this his living? Is this how he makes his living?
Unknown_29: Yes. He doesn't do this for money. He owns a bunch of businesses.
Unknown_27: No, he doesn't.
Unknown_29: He was lying and he posted he was sharing around his mom's used car lot as his, which isn't his. Oh, that's so sad. That's sad. Alexa, play Despacito.
Unknown_29: Because if you search his real name in the national register of homeowners, he hasn't owned or has never owned a business in his life. He's just lying about it. This is how he makes his living.
How long does he usually stream? I think I asked this before, but I didn't get a really solid answer. I mean, he usually streams like four or five hours, right? Every day?
Unknown_35: Every fucking day. That's a lot.
Unknown_24: He probably just collects disability checks.
Unknown_29: I mean, he has a shit ton of paychecks to give him a bunch of money. Like, someone, some faggot gave Vamp $200 for being shit-talked last night.
Unknown_20: Some faggot? Oh, there it is. That is so fucking gay.
That is so fucking gay. What a fucking faggot.
Unknown_12: I hope that guy doesn't backflip off of a skyscraper.
Unknown_19: be too fast in minecraft all right in a minecraft situation i wish he did that yeah if you put me in a self-defense situation in minecraft that would chop you right off so yeah a whole bunch of these are around uh three to four hours long some shorter with the real answers and what time does he what time does he stream in the eastern
Um, right now it's 7 a.m.
Unknown_16: He starts at 11.30 normally.
Unknown_39: Yeah. Eastern's 11.30. The pig is blowing the fuck out.
Unknown_20: It's getting close to being in.
Unknown_20: It's getting real close to being in for it sometimes. It's fucking 4 right now. 4 p.m.? Yeah, it's 4 p.m. over here.
Unknown_27: And he's been streaming for about four hours? So he starts about noon Eastern?
Unknown_35: Yeah, usually. Okay.
Unknown_27: I think today he was late because usually he sets it up to start at 11.30 or 11.30 or 11.
I mean, I could do that.
Unknown_27: I could do that easy. If I stream at like 11. He oversleeps.
Unknown_27: But if I started streaming at like 11 Eastern and did it for maybe two hours, I think two hours is reliable because otherwise you're stretching. You already have like half of his regular viewers.
Unknown_29: He usually gets like 200 now.
Unknown_20: Honestly, if you just shared it on your, amongst regular people that watch fucking Kiwi, that
Unknown_20: Some of them would watch, right? Yeah.
Unknown_27: In a stream, I probably wouldn't do it exactly like this. I would probably have a lot of people come on. My thing is, my big gripe with how Ralph does his thing is that he's really bad with the callers.
I feel bad for people who try to call into his show because he never gets to people.
Unknown_20: A full green room, two callers. I don't feel bad about that because
Unknown_20: Yes, you are you Fucking ruined it for me
Kenny fucking ruined it for me. I would say, like, if I did Collins, I would do, like, I would say, don't ask me how I'm doing. I'm doing fine. Don't say hello. Don't say, um, don't fucking stutter. Don't stammer. Just say what the fuck you got to say. You got five seconds. Can you, like, oh. You got to turn into Ralph after one show, then.
Unknown_08: No, no, no, no, no. So, Josh, you have to let me start.
Unknown_39: Bye.
Unknown_25: No, but sometimes you get a spur gun and it gets really funny like Puck.
Unknown_39: If that was the case, then you would have kicked Puck 15.
Yeah, Puck was amazing.
Unknown_39: Puck was so autistic that he... Yeah, but the first 30 seconds he was like,
Unknown_39: uh well you know uh yeah i probably would have kicked well he's legitimately autistic though unless there's something like so many normie fans because the thing is if i have like like 30 people in green room i would want to bust through them in like five minutes
Unknown_20: Knock out those super callers.
Unknown_27: Yeah, no, like, what I would do is I would keep, like, I would keep the room locked, and then there would be a time where it's like, okay, I'm going to take callers. So if you're around and you want to talk right now, it's open, and you just bleed it for five-minute stops, and then you just move on. And that way...
Like with everybody on at once?
Unknown_19: No, no, no.
Unknown_27: You just open the green room when you're ready to take the call so nobody's waiting in the green room not knowing when the calls are going to be taken.
Unknown_08: And then you close it, empty it out when you're done. I don't know.
Unknown_20: I like this kind of format where just a whole bunch of people screaming in the wind.
Unknown_27: Maybe at the end, but not for the bulk of it. I get that.
Unknown_20: But I guarantee you, within, like, one week, though, you'll have more viewers than Donga currently has.
Yeah, it would be really nasty if everybody could just jump in. Especially if you have any kind of viewership. But, like, I don't know. My big gripe with Ralph is that he just doesn't take the calls. And he doesn't take it, like, after every topic. He'll switch topics and not take any calls at all. And it's like, if you're changing topics, that should be the time to take calls. Yeah, people will call in, like, three hours later and bring up something.
Unknown_13: You just fucked with Fat Donga. You just messed with Fat Alcoholic Donga. Get ready, Josh. He's about to shit talk you.
Unknown_27: He's about to shit talk me? I just can't stand Ralph's laugh.
No, it's like a retarded Ray Liotta's laugh from Goodfellas.
Unknown_27: Oh, the dolphin laugh.
Unknown_27: He's echolocating some fucking boots. Hey, Josh, look what's in general right now.
Unknown_27: I've seen that. I don't want to make fun of Ralph, though. I can't throw it out there. I like Ralph.
Unknown_27: He's an internet friend. What can I say? I'm going to fucking bleed in here. Ralph is going to die inside the shit out of you. I don't care if you're his best fucking friend.
Unknown_25: That is fucking funny, what I just posted. It is pretty funny.
I'll throw this one up because it's funny.
Unknown_04: Yeah.
Unknown_25: This is objectively funny.
Unknown_04: Where's his suit, by the way? Where is his suit? Does he have a suit?
Unknown_25: That is a good question.
Unknown_04: Isn't that his wedding picture? Come on now. That is accurate, yeah.
Unknown_25: How do you have just a simple dress shirt with your fucking top button unbuttoned, all wrinkled and shit for your wife?
Unknown_04: See, this is why he's never going to be a politician, because he doesn't have a suit. Those are fat folds, not wrinkles.
That photo is when he got done paying the mortgage on fucking Nora.
Unknown_20: Yeah, oh, yeah. Oh, Andy's stream got taken down, apparently. Let me look into this.
Unknown_27: Andy's freaking coach flagged it down.
Unknown_27: Jesus, coach.
Unknown_18: What?
Unknown_18: Coach, you flagged it down. Coach, good job.
Unknown_38: What happened?
Unknown_04: Coach, you flagged it down.
Who told?
Unknown_20: I'm not even kidding. If you click that link, it should take you to the last, like, two seconds of this fucking video.
Unknown_18: What? What happened? I don't know. It's not DMCA. It just stopped. I don't know what happened. Wink.
Unknown_27: When I was at the very beginning of Tonka's stream, he was making fun of the in-jokes that people have regarding the streamers, like the suit thing. He was trying to piss on people who find that kind of shit funny. You know why? He's butthurt about that because of the fucking Donga shit. That's what he's trying to make fun of without saying it directly because he doesn't want to show that it fucking bothers him.
I don't know. Get a fucking sense of humor.
Unknown_38: Can't put up.
Unknown_19: Those dislikes are getting up there. Donga better watch out.
Unknown_04: The absolute unit in the picture that Kenny posted.
Unknown_27: Here, I'm going to tune back into the whatever, the kumite. See what they're talking about.
Yeah, his stream just fucking stops.
Unknown_17: I have to call hacks on that shit. Get the brooms. I can't remember who he is. That's her full AP.
Unknown_02: That's hurtful. There's one of the two of us. These guys have no chemistry whatsoever. The bald one.
Unknown_17: This isn't a bald Schmeckle. This is the solar power panel for the second piece.
It is Adonis.
Unknown_27: I miss the white noise.
Unknown_04: At all. Oh yeah, that's accurate.
Unknown_27: I saw that in the newspaper.
Unknown_27: Anytime I tune into what they're saying, it's just like there's nothing interesting being said. I feel like I'm beating a dead horse by talking about that, but it's just like, I don't know.
Unknown_04: Where's Kenny Jones? We should get Kenny Jones in. He won't. Give me a Glock with one bullet. You know what?
Who wants me to bring Kenny Jones on? I'll fucking DM him.
Unknown_27: Let's get Kenny Jones on. It goes around in circles and shit when you're talking to him.
Unknown_27: Ask Punished Taco.
Unknown_19: Tell him we'll start a Patreon and we'll get him that Glock he wants.
Unknown_04: Oh, shit.
Unknown_27: We have over 100 people now. That's crazy that I just fucking threw this lazy shit up and there's 100 people watching me. Be a weirdo.
Does he have any poisonous snakes?
Unknown_19: Yeah, he collects snake venom.
Unknown_12: They're all poisonous. Every single one of them.
Unknown_29: That's what he gets paid for. He collects poisonous snakes.
Unknown_29: He milks poison from snakes.
Unknown_12: You heard him. He's a snake milker.
Unknown_08: Look what you mean. That's poison that comes out their front holes. They have two front holes. These are snake facts. I'm actually a fucking zoologist, all right?
I got a mask. The snake is the Black Mamba Charizard snake. Y'all cowards. Y'all cowards. Y'all cowards.
Unknown_19: Y'all cowards.
Unknown_24: Y'all cowards.
Unknown_08: They have tusks, and they don't do anything. They're solid, they're not hollow, and they secrete poison through their skin. I heard this all from Kenny himself.
Unknown_38: What's an amino acid?
Unknown_04: What's an amino acid?
Because I can.
Unknown_29: How have you not crashed into a car, you gook?
Unknown_25: I bet you haven't pushed a child. I bet you haven't pushed a child.
Unknown_29: How have you not killed yourself yet? In an accident?
Unknown_05: I'm in an accident right now. I'm just waiting for the cops to get here.
Unknown_38: I can't feel my legs.
Unknown_05: I can't feel my legs.
Unknown_27: Are you playing like real life Crazy Taxi?
Unknown_27: The fucking cops are going to be like, sir, have you been talking on this shitty live stream while you were driving?
I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Officer. I just drove room to room.
Unknown_33: Carol, why you give me paper? I don't speak English.
Unknown_04: I'm sorry.
Unknown_04: I go to ISAC eventually. But then my car crashed into another car.
Unknown_13: Josh, have you seen that photo where somebody turns an actual skeleton into a sex toy? A furry sex toy? Yes, I have seen that.
Unknown_27: It's really old.
It's still creepy though. What the fuck? What? What? Wait, was it a real skeleton? Yes, it was a real skeleton.
Unknown_05: Was it Grimnir?
Unknown_13: Grimnir?
Unknown_05: I got this cool new sex toy.
Unknown_29: You like? The bone. I like this sex toy bone. The bone.
Unknown_08: I've made it out of a German skeleton.
That's stupid. What the fuck is that?
Unknown_04: What? What did you say, seizure?
Unknown_38: Did you pull it out?
Unknown_04: He's going to send his biker gangs at you. He'll send the biker gangs, man. I'm terrified.
Unknown_08: Can you get him on? Let's get him on.
Unknown_13: Oh, God. Hey, Machiavellius, buddy, post the fucking screen cap of herpy.net, the fucking website.
I'm scared of bikes.
Unknown_13: I'm scared of bikes.
Unknown_29: Who has the gooks and hazards, man?
Unknown_29: Who has the groups and hazards meme? I got it. It doesn't make sense.
Unknown_05: It's scary.
Unknown_29: This is Sloop right now driving on the street while talking on YouTube.
Unknown_26: That is dogs. That is dogs.
Unknown_29: SwayGaming has unsubbed.
Unknown_17: I'm not sure to which channel. Go fucking rear off into traffic, buddy.
Unknown_08: So any guesses as to who's Jim's Sock account in our Discord?
Unknown_27: Who's Jim's? Well, who's not in the fucking voice chat? That's the obvious answer.
Unknown_08: People who come in with like Mike dead mics, but but they have working headphones on I Think you just saw it in his suggestions.
Unknown_13: Yeah, Josh. Look at that fucking herpy.net. Have you seen that before know what I Just got McAveely supposed to link in the chat. Look at the look at the archive Can you guys not dox me please
I hope you crash into a bridge, you gook of hazard. All right, this is his... Hey, guys, this is his real box right here.
Unknown_25: This right here is his real box.
Unknown_37: Stop doxing me, please.
Unknown_37: Jesus, fuck. Though, Josh, you know what really got taken down?
Unknown_37: Sounds like failure. Because apparently a lot of the users that came out that were using herpy.net were actually mostly underage. And they started coming out on... Yeah, they started posting on the forums. Like, they made a whole thread where, like, oh, this is me coming clean. New facts. So... So... So...
So eventually a lot of the members started coming out as underage and a lot of the other older members were promoting it and saying, oh, you're doing brave shit and whatever. Oh, I'm glad that you're actually coming into your own skin and you're embracing this. So I'm not sure for how long this went on, but I'm pretty sure that's one of the reasons why Warka had to shut down Herpy.net because there's just a bunch of underage kids cybering with like 30, 40 year olds.
Good job accepting it and embracing it, Goyim. Good job.
Unknown_27: Oy vey. Oy vey.
Unknown_05: Good job, Goyim. We're so proud. Oy vey. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
Unknown_26: La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
Unknown_13: La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la
Unknown_27: Yeah, I'm still reading through it, the screenshot. I posted it up on the stream.
Unknown_13: Really fucked up, ain't it? Enjoy.
Unknown_27: Do you know anything else about Varka?
Unknown_27: Do you know anything else about Varka?
Unknown_37: He used to have a lot of info. When it's regarding to this site, that's all I pretty much know is that there was this whole underage pedophile outbreak that was happening on his site, so he had to shut it down.
Unknown_05: Shut it down. That was essentially as much as I knew.
Unknown_37: And there was a bunch of bestiality shit on it as well. That might be what people are referring to.
Unknown_27: Because I know for sure that somebody said Arca made his money with a VPN company. The VPN company was a subsidiary of a hosting company that had affiliation with bestiality sites. Which I guess is this. I guess this is what they've been talking about.
Yeah. And this has been shut down for I don't even know how long. It got hacked twice, I believe.
Unknown_37: It got hacked twice and then, I mean, it came up immediately. Okay, Josh, they actually doxed me now.
Unknown_05: Can you please make them stop?
Unknown_05: It was mostly people saying like, oh, I want to build my own pool so I can have an alligator to fuck in or something like that.
Unknown_37: Yeah. Why don't we let them do that?
Unknown_19: Are these Jewish Asians? Yes. What? This is nonsense. I refuse.
They're coming.
Unknown_13: My friend, and he has all this weird fucking info about it. He lost a bunch, though.
Unknown_27: I know there's a synagogue in Beijing, but I don't know anything else about that. Why can't we let them have a pit where they try and fuck alligators in?
Unknown_38: What?
Oh, Chris.
Unknown_26: Oh, I pissed him off real big. Oh, he's pissed off now.
Unknown_27: Well, I guess we can throw these up there, because this is the Jew stream, and this is the kosher stream. Asian Jew stream.
Unknown_25: You need to post that fucking... The Goyim knows, shut it down. You need to post that shit up, too. Oh, no.
Unknown_38: Shut us down.
Let's take a listen into what's going on in the Tonka stream.
Unknown_08: We're not Nazis, okay? We have Asians.
Unknown_17: He's saying, that's their Tommy Robinson. Tommy Robinson is that for Britain. He beat them. The whole world pissed all over their country because they put him in jail. Now you can't take pictures with the motherfucker you go to jail.
Unknown_17: It's fucked, but it's not surprising, is what I'm saying. I wonder how high the credit score is. Fucked, but not surprising. Europe is dark, and fucking Britain is... Europe has gone dark in more ways than one, and Britain is about ten years behind. It's deadly going that way. And miss me with that slippery slope ballast-y shit.
Okay, I have an update on the Tonka stream. So AP is describing that England is in a dead place and every time he finishes a statement, Tonka lets it go dead air. And sometimes he goes, yeah. He has nothing to add to this conversation regarding politics.
Unknown_08: If it's not fucking wrestling, wrestle, wrestle, or infinite trauma. Yeah, he's like, is Tommy Robinson a wrestler?
Unknown_27: Then I'd fucking know something about that.
He's wrestling the Muslims.
Unknown_24: I put the drugs in the pudding pot.
Unknown_38: Oh, buddy.
Unknown_33: Take a little taste of my butt and pop, pop, pop.
Unknown_19: You see, you gotta put the drugs in the drink and then they sleep and then you die.
You know what I'm talking about.
Unknown_12: Remember the six gorillion minutes of dead air. Donka drugged them before he WrestleWrestled.
Unknown_25: Bill Cosby raped six gorillion women.
Unknown_05: Oh yeah, Josh, Josh, did you hear that women are now illegal because of Kavanaugh?
Unknown_05: What's illegal?
Unknown_05: Women are not illegal. Women. Oh, thank God. Kavanaugh outlawed them for me.
Unknown_27: There's a video he reminded me of. Yeah, it's becoming handmade still, guys.
Shut up.
Unknown_08: Can we unironically do that since they're so fucking annoying right now?
Unknown_19: Is he still at about 500? No, he's at 470. 382 dislikes. Wow. He almost has a pass by Sweetie Tribe. He almost has more dislikes than viewers.
That's really sad.
Unknown_08: He got brapped.
Unknown_27: We're at about 105, which fucking blows my mind, because we're not even doing anything. We're just fucking talking about stupid shit.
Unknown_20: This is entertaining. And there's no dead air.
Unknown_19: There's no dead air.
Unknown_24: That's the best part.
Unknown_19: Give it a couple more hours, and I bet you we'll almost get up there with Tonka.
No, I can't do that.
Unknown_19: I'll probably cut it off in 15 minutes.
Unknown_20: No, Tonka's going to come down to you. You know what?
Unknown_25: 24-hour stream. That's what you should be doing. 24-hour stream.
Unknown_25: Constant ops.
Unknown_26: 24-hour ops. Never-ending ops. Seven-day ops.
Unknown_27: I would do 24 hour streams if it was like a charity thing. I would be glad if it was a charity thing. Like maybe in December we can do a thing where it's just 24 hours. Anybody can join the fucking general chat and we'll do it. That's a good idea. That's a good idea. So, so what's December 24th, you should do a 24 hour stream every day.
What's the charity going to go to? Jewish victims of the Holocaust or what? The National Rifle Association, if that's an option.
Unknown_27: I guess that would be fun.
Unknown_08: Can we do it by buying guns?
Unknown_27: Yeah, if you want to buy a gun.
Unknown_08: We'll use the charity money to buy ourselves guns and call that a donation to them.
It has to be an American gun. Get your legalese straight.
Unknown_08: I can't get a Desert Eagle if I do?
Unknown_27: No, Desert Eagles are fucking Israeli. You can't get a Desert Eagle.
Unknown_27: That's what I'm saying.
Unknown_27: I want to get an Uzi, man.
Unknown_08: You use a Yid weapon to kill the Yid. Buy a bunch of macros.
Unknown_25: In Minecraft.
Unknown_26: In a Roblox server.
Unknown_01: Yeah, in a Minecraft server.
Unknown_33: I'm playing Roblox right now.
Unknown_01: A high point for every member of KiwiForms.
Oh, no. You're trying to get us killed?
Unknown_25: You know what? Marlins are dog shit. Marlins are dog shit.
Unknown_08: Or a gun for under a hundred bucks that you can just fucking throw away after your murder is pretty cool.
Unknown_01: At least with a high point, when you run out of ammunition, you can club them to death with it.
Unknown_08: That's why people are getting caught, is because they keep the gun after their murders.
Unknown_08: Gotta get a high point to throw that shit away.
Unknown_25: You're gonna get a fucking flintlock pistol like a real man.
Like a fucking pirate.
Unknown_33: Yep.
Unknown_33: Dead air. Dead air. We did it. Yep.
Unknown_08: Oh, no. I got distracted because I was doing this.
Unknown_27: I'm gonna throw him up here in a second and post him in Discord chat real quick. It's making me laugh.
Unknown_08: There's no way he's going to come on because he's... Bring him on and we'll talk about Sweden for three hours.
That's slow as possible.
Unknown_25: It'd be awesome if Kenny came on. That would really spice things up.
Unknown_08: There's no person in this world who talks slower than Grim here.
Unknown_28: I don't know what you're talking about. I'm here.
Unknown_08: Hey, hey.
Unknown_28: Wait, hold on. Shut up. People were spamming different links to me for some fucking reason. Shut up, you stupid chink.
Unknown_13: Were you attracted to the bone? Grimnir, the bone. Wait, what's the lore with Grimnir? Grimnir, we found a sex doll for our people.
It is a German skeleton with a flashlight.
Unknown_29: He's a braindead Swede.
Unknown_27: Is that his lore? Is there anything else? Grimnir, do you have a complicated character that's not being explained?
Unknown_29: He has a recent head injury, so he's lost that game.
Unknown_24: He fell off his bike. He was riding his bike, got drunk, fell, and now he has a smooth top head.
Unknown_27: Does he have a smooth brain? Like, uh, ZugZug? Is ZugZug the one with the smooth brain?
ZugZug has a smoother brain.
Unknown_19: Did someone say they were getting candy jams on?
Unknown_19: That'd make my day. Oh, fuck it.
Unknown_28: Get him on. Get him on, you son of a bitch.
Unknown_13: We have candy on. Applewhite, do it. Find him.
Unknown_28: Find him.
Unknown_25: I'm DMing, and he didn't DM me back.
Unknown_28: No, I mean, like, do the voice.
Unknown_13: Do the fucking voice.
Unknown_25: He's probably fucking killed himself.
Unknown_28: Good.
Unknown_27: Oh, Jesus Christ. I just posted a picture of Grenier. Let me fucking explain my thoughts regarding the Kenny thing, because after Friday...
After we started talking about Kenny, all these random fucking people nobody's seen before start commenting on my video. They start commenting in the stream chat. They start shitposting in the Killstream chat.
Unknown_28: You got rid of fucking Grim, mate.
Unknown_27: Jesus Christ.
Unknown_27: It's just like all these, I think they're the other Margaret stalkers that Kenny was talking about because they came out of nowhere and were very defensive of Kenny and saying Margaret didn't pay what she owe.
Unknown_08: It's also Ralph's pay pigs. There's a lot of those.
Yeah, it was just fucking weird. Like it just came out of nowhere.
Unknown_08: There's like a lot of autistic normies who follow Ralph and they're like, um, actually that's the proper procedure when a woman slights you is you try your best to ruin her life.
Unknown_08: what's going on I don't know it was strange to me and my something fucky got triggered by that because it's pretty odd for all these randoms that come out after Kenny starts getting flack they start defending him hey Josh uh huh yes
I love how the off just came out of nowhere.
Unknown_25: Just came out of absolute thin air.
Unknown_13: Remember Spurge McBurg in the other chat? He was bitching to me for two hours straight that, oh, you guys are just bullying Kenny. And then when you came in, I'm like, hey, that's the real Josh. You have something to say to him? He's like, I don't know. I don't have anything to say. And then he piped up a call sign. Who?
Unknown_13: Spurge McBurg in the fucking Spike Club. Remember him? The blue icon guy? No.
Unknown_26: No.
Unknown_13: Sorry.
Unknown_26: I don't think of you at all. No, I have really terrible memory.
That's my fucking curse. I don't remember shit.
Unknown_24: I only remember people who matter, says Josh.
Unknown_13: Your brain committed suicide, Josh. Your brain just like...
Unknown_27: Joel Robinson remembers the people in the this chat they're fucking like they had really they had the kind of same names that they bought spamming Obama during the better help stream that shit no no you know what if Kenny has a bot army I don't think the only one has a bot army is fatty caddy
Well, you know, Kenny bought someone from Fiverr to do it.
Unknown_28: The Fiverr botnet.
Unknown_28: Dude, fucking, he bought someone from Fiverr to scam him. That's all that they really did.
Unknown_25: He got somebody from Fiverr to find the snake.
Unknown_28: There we go. Actually, I was gonna say, fucking, in regards to fucking, uh, from Grimmy Boy, um, we fucking, uh, some of our lads over there saw him at the fucking Nordfront and shit.
Unknown_28: That's the- that's the deep law between the- Mike, can you get that picture out of the fuckin' double-engined Viper?
Oof. Well, cause the guy that wasn't fuckin' sent it, no, I- I fuckin' sent it to him, he's like, I don't wanna send the picture because it's too detailed for where I am.
Unknown_24: Like, I'm waiting.
Unknown_28: But it's gen- it's- I told him, I was like, it's generic fuckin' engines. It- no one's gonna be able to link it back to you. Would you need two keys for it?
Unknown_16: He's getting shitty about it.
Unknown_16: Two wheels.
Unknown_16: Yeah, it's going to need a... It's an 18-wheeler, secretly.
Unknown_28: It's actually a max semi-trailer. And it's meant for collecting bulbous.
10-cylinder inline engine. Oh, yeah.
Unknown_12: How many camshafts would you need, fucking 8? 36. 6 gorillian. 16 gorillian.
Unknown_27: Alright, I'm gonna tune back into the, uh, the Kumite, because I want to see what's going on, just to... Because these guys are still fucking talking, I can't imagine they're talking about anything interesting.
Unknown_17: I'm seeing out there in the chat, looks like somebody says my voice is fake. I'm not sure how that could be.
When I unpaused it, there was like three or four seconds where I didn't know if the stream was broken.
Unknown_17: That was totally fucking real. That was totally fucking real. I got a voice of an angel. Ain't that a kick in the head? You wish you could have a motherfucker like me sing to your bitch and get her wet so she'll finally fuck you again. Not you. I'm just talking to the universe. This is awkward. And that is all the time we have today for the motherfucking Kumite. I am your new host of the Kumite. I'm taking this shit because Tarka was irresponsible and he can't be out here talking shit. This is not funny. No more. No more. I take over now. I'm Failure's boss now and Failure's fired. Welcome to the goddamn AP Kumite. And that is all the time we have. So I remind you, if you like this content, then you need to go to streamlabs.com forward slash the blunt stream or over to the blunt stream right now. I'm giving away fucking wrenches. Go into the in the army now fucking chat for the upcoming Thursday night theater in the army now.
I'm done with this. I'm done with this. This is bad. I made a mistake.
Unknown_28: It's a nerf Vulcan. That's my guess. Or say, take your guns.
Unknown_31: Take your country.
Take your nerve, okay?
Unknown_31: They take your guns, the niggas.
Unknown_24: And worst of all, they'll take your foster's beard.
Unknown_08: I told you he's Australian. Now we're talking about fucking Australia.
Unknown_27: I tuned out to listen to the Kumite again, and it was AP doing a sign-off, and he was basically just acting hyper-masculine, and it was kind of embarrassing, and it gave me thoughts of cringe. He's 40.
Unknown_08: Rambot's 40? Testosterone fucking injections or whatever he does. Super male vitality. There you go. Probably mid-30s.
Probably mid-30s.
Unknown_20: See, shit like this is what nobody likes for Kumite.
Unknown_20: come on it's like every time i i tune out because i want to i kind of want to stream snipe a little bit to show people in chat that are watching this like what's happening on that and every time i do it's just unpleasant in fact when i fucking uh unmuted it it's like i didn't hear anything i'm like is the fucking stream broken and then they started talking again fucking car you've been sitting there silent for a bit haven't you
He's thinking about all the shekels he just got off of Andy Worsley's stream. He's watching Coach Coyne go up another 3%.
Unknown_19: Tonka has more dislikes than people actually watching his fucking stream.
Unknown_28: No, Coach Shekel, what was the fucking censor set? Wait, wait, wait. Real questions. Real fucking question hours right here. What was the censor set you sent me that was best for a price point for a video?
Unknown_38: What?
Unknown_28: I missed your question.
That was best for video per price.
Unknown_27: OK, before we sign off, I don't know what's being discussed, but I want to nap in a bit. Yeah, me too, actually.
Unknown_20: Somebody said in chat, remind Josh about the Viva La Raza stuff, and I want to know what it is.
Unknown_27: What that is viva la Rasa Long live the race long live the race. How does it time to come into it?
Unknown_18: On a soundboard they had that and they played that fucking thing every time somebody I gave money on on What's the other name of the other sister give money stream? Yeah, so fucking annoying
Serious question, though, guys. How long does it take the cops to come on a highway when there's a car accident? Yeah, even at one point, they would do it again when, um... People would say it, and whenever, like, if Andy would say Viva La Raza, they would play it, because they thought it was funny.
Unknown_08: Wait, wait, wait.
Unknown_28: In America, in America, a fucking Mexican on WWE said, long live his race, and saying it in fucking the Spanish dialect of Mexicans. Oh, it's Mexican dialect of Spanish.
Josh, just imagine every time there's... You've got to say it on TV.
Unknown_29: Josh, every time there's dead air, just imagine they played a clip of some spic saying Viva La Raza.
Unknown_27: Is that comedy?
Unknown_20: That's what they would do. They did it like hundreds of times a stream. It got to the point where it was only funny because... Because of how awkward it was? Yes. It's like the full-blown Johnny Test. All right.
Unknown_27: We're at three hours. I'm going to play a little clip.
Unknown_04: I'm going to end it here, but I'm going to play a little something for everybody and then close it.
Hey Josh, DM me.
Unknown_18: Can you DM me? Yeah, sure.
Unknown_27: Oh, I can't. You have to add me and I'll accept it.
Unknown_18: Which one?
Unknown_18: I don't know how to do it on Discord. Can you do it on Twitter? He's a boomer. Shout out to Joe Rogue. Right click on his name, you fucking boomer.
Unknown_08: Right click on Joe Rogue. I don't know how to fucking... I don't know! You interrupted my closing segment by Jerry Springer. My lawn, kid! Send a few shackles my way, I'll fix your VCR for you.
Alright, well thank you everybody for coming. Thank you everybody for watching.
Unknown_25: I'll sort this out, Coach Red Pillow.
Unknown_27: It's 12 o'clock somewhere!
Unknown_26: And I'm gonna add one more clip to the stream and call it quits.
Unknown_27: Alright, it was a fun stream, everybody. Shout out Joe Rogue. I want my monitor turned on!
Unknown_36: I want my monitor turned on! Out of my mind, out of my fucking mind. I'm, I'm, out of my fucking mind. Out of my fucking mind, my, my, my, I'm. Out of my fucking mind. Out of my, my, my, my, my, my, my, I'm. Out of my fu- mind, out of my fucking mind, mind, I'm out of my fucking mind, gg, golly oh my, I was doing fine, once upon a time, till my brain left and it didn't say bye, don't look at me wrong, I'm out of my mind, like Lady Gaga, Bobby Fischer combined, so paranoid of espionage, I'm watching my doors and checking my blinds, my brain's on vacation, they're telling me, and I'm bipolar to the severity, and i need medication apparently and some electro-compulsive therapy i am a rebel but yes i'm so militant still i am eligible for disabilities i am psychotic but there is no remedy this is not figurative this is literally these people so dumb i go to the mental facility see man i'm so out there i slap fives with vt slap fives i don't need a feature they don't want me eating a mullet cart when i'm on the speed if you feel the same as me then you gotta agree i'm out of my mind out of my out of my mind out of my I'm out of my fucking mind.