It took everything. And then when they had the fucking fight in front of the school with that black jock guy. Oh, man. That required restraint on a level that I've never had to personally exercise ever again. Or ever before.
Unknown_11: Beat us?
Unknown_14: Oh, okay.
Unknown_11: Let me... Fuck.
Unknown_14: Here, let me hide this real quick.
Unknown_14: I guess the game's booting up. I don't have an option with this anymore.
So, okay, what's the deal with the Andy Tonka thing? I guess since I'm here and we're in an intermediary point. Oh, shit. What is the deal with Andy and Tonka?
Unknown_11: Like, what changed? Let me check Ralph's Twitter. I bet you Ralph's Twitter has twitter.com the Ralph retort.
Unknown_11: Check Jim's Twitter.
Unknown_14: Okay. Oh.
Oh god, he's pretty like a thousand times in the last hour. What the fuck?
Unknown_11: Okay, andy worsey says big announcement 5 p.m on warski Some creepy news that's having me worried came in going live in a second i'll talk about it there.
Unknown_14: Sorry Uh
Unknown_11: So Tonka turned in his blood work after the deadline and left the promoter scrambling to see if the fight can still happen. What happened to our respect the fight game unlike Andy?
Now the owner of Valor is asking for a new contract. Something seems sketchy about all this. If I sign for a fight and I got my blood work in and the opponent fucked up, well, I would have to sign for a new contract.
Unknown_11: New contract has a sabotage clause in it.
Unknown_11: Honka's bloodwork results are in a different name than the one he signed the contract.
Unknown_11: Okay, so this is some really weak shit. Late bloodwork, different names, didn't sign on camera, didn't send in a promo shot like asked by the promoter. All that talk about respecting the fight game and he's doing everything he can to throw a wrench in the process.
Yeah, I mean, nobody, nobody, nobody thought that this fight was actually going to happen.
Unknown_11: Like, nobody. If you thought this fight was going to happen, you're fucking insane. That's all I'm going to say.
Unknown_11: Ugh. Like, there's not a chance in hell this would have happened.
Unknown_14: Sorry to be right, as always.
Actually, you know what? Since I'm on Rainbow Six now, without streaming to YouTube, I can do this.
Unknown_11: I can do this.
Unknown_11: And just show the stream.me chat all nice and big without having to refresh it constantly. Perfecta.
Unknown_11: All right, let's play with some Russians.
Unknown_11: Stop raining on your parfait? Is that what you said? I pray for you if you're solo puffing. I'm only playing casual. I don't play ranked.
Is this Battlefield V? No, it's not.
Unknown_11: Let's see, do I still get 144 frames while streaming? Oh my gosh.
Unknown_11: That's just pleasant. That is absolutely pleasant.
Oh, I'm not anticipating the win because I'm also, I'm playing in Europe and nobody, nobody in the Rainbow Six European servers plays fucking, speaks English.
Unknown_11: You caught me live, but I'm not actually talking about anything interesting today. I'm just playing Rambo.
Unknown_11: What setup you got, Josh? I showed it to people. Hold up. Let me minimize everything.
Unknown_11: And I'll show you.
Unknown_14: Restore. Pop this back up. Pop this back up. Drag this in.
Unknown_11: That's my setup.
Unknown_11: Isn't it comfy looking?
It looks extra super comfy. It's so nice not having my laptop right now. It's so fucking nice.
Unknown_11: Why is it still loading? Oh, some faggot.
Unknown_11: Doesn't have an SSD. He's loading his game off his fucking external. That's the worst thing about this game, is you have to wait for everybody, but some people, if they have their game on an external hard drive, it just takes literally fucking, like, five minutes sometimes. I should not be punished for them being faggots. They just shouldn't get to play around.
Dude, I invited Wings of Redemption to add me. If Wings of Redemption wants to play some casual on PC, I'm all for it.
Unknown_11: Can you imagine how mad the people who hate wings would be if I fucking played, uh, played Siege with them?
Unknown_06: Fuck. Deploy.
I only play hostage, by the way. I don't play those other game modes. The other game modes are dooky. Having the hostage is, like, good shit.
Unknown_11: That way you can sneak up on him and go, wah!
Unknown_11: Do the thing! Do the thing! There you go, you fucker.
Unknown_07: Deploying sensor.
It's two right there Two over here Where they're gonna try to they are I heard your own make me nervous I
Unknown_11: I don't know how I didn't get that kill.
Unknown_11: I'm embarrassed. Paranoid flying does not fucking stop it, so stop trying to give advice about something you don't know anything about.
Unknown_11: That scared the fuck out of me.
Unknown_11: Don't turn your fucking back to the guy shooting.
Unknown_11: Took a lot of shots to put that guy down. What the fuck was that?
I'm scared. I don't know what the fuck that was. Oh jeez, I'm nervous.
Unknown_11: Bad guys afoot. I see a beep. I see a beep. Where'd it go?
Watch this. Watch this.
Unknown_12: Wait!
Unknown_01: He's dead.
Unknown_11: I did not ace. I got four.
Unknown_11: Not an ace.
Unknown_11: Oh, jeez. I'm going to play a Thermite. Do I want to play Blitz? No, no. I want to play Thermite.
Unknown_11: You have any fucking idea how nice it is to go from 30 frames per second, like, lowest settings across the board to 144 frames per second while streaming on hella high settings? Like, it feels like a drug shot into the fucking brainstem.
Is this the new Counter-Strike for people over the age of 18? Yes, it is. Rainbow Six is very nice. And I hate Counter-Strike. I really do. But I enjoy this game a lot.
Unknown_11: Dude, I wouldn't play with DSP or Wings of Redemption in a fucking second. Wings is actually really good, and he plays a lot of the same characters I do.
Like, I love Valkyrie. I love Pulse. I love Thermite.
Unknown_11: I love Blitz, and he plays all those characters. And he's a really, really good Blitz. Watching Wings of Redemption play Blitz is fucking nuts. The guy is great at Blitz.
Unknown_11: Ubifags? Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of Ubisoft, but this game is really good. I'm actually excited for, um... What's the game that's coming out that's the... It's not quite an MMO, but it's like a team-based or a party-based, like, PvE and PvP game. The Division. The Division 2.
Fuck you, droning around is, like, the best part. Fuck.
Unknown_11: I guess that's where the markers are.
Unknown_11: I was too busy talking to actually adequately look for the objective. It's like a retard. I'm gonna escort these guys. You know what flag that is, chat? Take a good look at that flag. I'll give you a couple of seconds to think about it. Because I know what flag that is.
Because I'm a smart boy who loves flags.
Unknown_11: The answer is Morocco. That has been Flag Trivia with Josh.
This guy's getting fucking cyberbullied.
Unknown_11: Get fucked, Doc. You fucking nerd.
Unknown_11: Where the fuck are they?
Unknown_11: That Doc's back for more. No, no, he's still alive. Yeah, kind of.
Unknown_11: Vexillology, that's it.
I can recognize almost every flag in the world.
Unknown_11: And even some flags that don't exist.
Unknown_11: That's my autistic superpower. I have a feeling I'm not gonna do well this one.
Unknown_11: Ooh!
Unknown_11: Holy shit. He knew where I was at.
Unknown_11: My favorite flags are false flags, like 9-11. No, heraldry is anything with symbolism, like coat of arms and shit. Stream sniped! Oh no, it's already started.
Fuck, how did that doc know exactly where I was at? I'm kinda pissed about that. That fucker. We cyberbullied him with the drones and then he just comes out and fucking shoots us in the face. The Raylene flag.
What the fuck is the- what is Raylene?
Unknown_11: Oh.
Unknown_11: What?
Unknown_11: I've never seen this before. I've never even heard of this as a concept. Let me pull it out so I can show you people what he's talking about. It's this.
Unknown_14: God damn it.
I hate using Ctrl-D when I have my second screen set up. I wish Ctrl-D did not clear out the other screen. I need that one up.
Unknown_11: There's no way to... Sorry, not Ctrl-D, but Windows-D. If you know how to go to desktop on just one monitor, let me know. But... No, the Aurelian one had the fucking... That's just the Israeli flag. The Aurelian one had like a swastika.
Unknown_11: Did we win? No, we lost. I guess if I don't kill four people, we're fucked.
Do I want to go pulse again?
Unknown_01: What leaks?
Unknown_11: No, I don't need to delay. Nobody was stream sniping me. I guarantee it.
Unknown_11: I just knew where I was at, probably because I was loud. Shotgun noob? The fucking alternative for pulse with... The reason why you need a shotgun with pulse is so that you can do this shit.
If anybody's standing behind that fucking wall, they're dead.
Unknown_11: Actually, you know what?
Unknown_11: I guess this guy's barricaded. I was gonna say... Made a hidey hole.
Unknown_11: I don't know why that guy fortified that wall. He's a dummy.
Unknown_11: If there's an enemy standing behind the wall, they die too, you fucker.
Why did he... Look at this fucking dipshit.
Unknown_11: What the fuck is this shit?
Unknown_11: Why would you do this?
Unknown_11: there's like four over here enemy scan inbound starting your timer Fuck.
I shouldn't have done that. I was hoping just to get her, but I did not get her. The thing is, the shotgun just does so little damage.
Unknown_11: I did get greedy. They're all right there.
Unknown_11: Yes, this game is way better than Counter-Strike. I hate Counter-Strike. Counter-Strike is just a miserable fucking experience. Why did I peek so hard? I don't know. I felt like a god. I felt like I could have just peeked and just fucking murdered him.
Online lag. I'm pressing buttons.
Unknown_11: You can't shoot through the walls when it's plastered like that. You can only shoot through certain walls. The plaster is too hard.
Unknown_11: Counter-Strike is for chads? Counter-Strike is like for pissed off Russian children.
Yeah, I should have taken the corner slow. I know. I'm not good at video games, I told you.
Unknown_11: Does this map favor defense? I don't know. I don't think that hard about stuff. I just play. I'm not good at meta. I need to learn how to swat first before I can play CS probably. My tendons are too retracted. This is the best part of the game.
When you're the little mice.
Unknown_11: The little computer mice running around. Annoying people. Trying to get them to shoot the hostage by jumping around. That's the best shit.
Unknown_11: Amstercam? 5 seconds before insertion.
Unknown_06: Hostage location is unknown. Operation is still a go.
I just buy the full game. I didn't have to buy any DLC for it.
Unknown_11: If you want to see me get mad playing a game, you should watch me play Overwatch. I HATE Overwatch.
Unknown_11: It's such fu- Like, every character in the fucking game's a sniper.
Unknown_11: Please don't shoot me through the wall. I guess they're downstairs, huh?
Should've gotten him.
Unknown_11: No, that guy got him for me, though.
Unknown_11: If I'd gotten the headshot, I would've gotten him, but I fucked up.
Unknown_11: I'm nervous.
I'm nervous. I'm nervous. I'm nervous. I'm nervous. They're gonna get me. They're gonna get me.
Unknown_08: God damn it!
Unknown_11: I thought I got him.
Unknown_11: It felt like the thing was right on him.
Unknown_11: I do. It's the same doc that got me last time. He's like impervious to my bullets. They cleared the blast!
Ah, they're throwing in the Zyklon B. The tactic would have never worked offline because you can't play this game offline. I don't even know if you can play it, like, LAN.
Unknown_06: Check your fire. Hop is injured.
Unknown_11: Oh, you fucking retard. You gotta get in there now. Get in there. Or don't. Not a teammate.
Yeah, we won.
Unknown_06: I like this dramatic cam.
Unknown_11: Online combos?
Unknown_11: Hey look! I'm MVP.
Hell yeah. I immediately walked in and died without accomplishing anything, but I'm MVP.
Unknown_11: That was pretty good.
Unknown_11: Feeder MVP I am look blitz does look fat. He's like the fattest looking operator on the entire. Maybe that's why I like to play but he's It take bullets to the head the best I do my team The the Yui for this yeah, it's not that bad I
I think I'm on.
Unknown_11: Most voluptuous porker?
Unknown_11: No, I only play by myself. I'll play with Wings of Redemption, though, so we can talk about bullying people.
Oh, the Paisley. This is just what I wanted.
Unknown_11: The only thing I hate is the fucking Moroccan people. Just show a static background. I don't need that shit.
Unknown_11: This is a great map. I like this map. These people are don't step on me people. And the police are attempting to step on them.
Which is a preposterous concept.
Unknown_11: Oh, I got the desert eagle. You know, she's Israeli, I think. No, she's Navy Seal. But she has a deagle. Why would she have a... We need Israeli forces, IDF forces for this game. I want the IDF package. They should make them four times as expensive, too.
Unknown_11: Ash is Israeli?
Unknown_09: What?
Is Ash really a Jew? That's pretty funny because everybody fucking hates her. I don't even know what a Neko Para is. I'm not gonna play that. I don't like Japan. Fuck Japan.
Unknown_11: Dude, I am bad at fighting games. Like, I've never... No, just like, I would play them, I guess, but I have never played a fighting game, ever. I have no interest in it.
Fuck. Piece of shit.
Unknown_11: Think I'm fucking around?
Unknown_11: Fucking pilot, Garby.
Unknown_08: Can I pick?
yes he did speak english time to play the game the way it was meant to be played very safely behind barriers while using a camera phone
Unknown_11: Got my spikes on me, got my spikes on the roof. There's one right there, mark him.
Unknown_11: I always, it makes me feel like I'm playing Five Nights at Freddy's when I'm using the cameras. I hope I don't get spooked by a wolf. That would be too scary.
We don't have sights on anybody.
Unknown_11: What? They got my camera? Are you fucking kidding me? I needed that camera. Like, really fucking bad.
Unknown_11: Can I get this one? No.
Unknown_11: We don't have sights on fucking anything now.
Nobody's died yet. We're like a minute into the round and nobody's died.
Unknown_11: I'm watching anime. I'm on the kiwi farms right now. I'll let these scrubs take care of all this busy work for me.
Oh, there's one. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Did I get him? I got him. I did not get him. Oh, I did get him, and now he's dead. Great job, me. See, I'm playing the cameras correctly. These are the only two sites I have now, though.
Unknown_11: I really fucking need this camera to be downstairs.
Unknown_11: Really fucking need it.
Unknown_11: Really fucking need it.
What, what, what, what, what?
Unknown_11: Camping? I'm playing defense. I got the fucking objective right there. Of course I'm fucking camping.
Unknown_11: See, look at this. Now my team's dying like fools. This is a tactical advantage. Don't tell me not to camp.
I'm the one protecting the objective.
Unknown_06: Watch, they're gonna make a run for it.
Unknown_11: They run for it. Kill that motherfucker. Oh, see? I won.
Unknown_11: Great job.
Unknown_10: Just watching the action.
Unknown_11: I'm not a pussy. I'm just doing my job. I watch the fucking cameras. Fucker.
Here, you wanna see... I won by doing nothing like DSP. I'm not camping, I'm protecting the fucking objective!
Unknown_01: Riven... I can't help it! That's just how I play!
Unknown_11: Is there more drama between Ralf and Danish police? I thought Alex left, and I thought he was equally mad at both of us.
Oh yeah, I'm a spectator of my own game.
Unknown_11: Ah, I'm caught.
Unknown_11: I'm in ham ham vision again.
Unknown_11: There's nothing up here. Okay, thank you game for putting my fucking camera in this room.
Unknown_04: Oh, they're in the basement.
Unknown_11: See, I'm really fucking glad I picked Monty then.
Okay, they're in that room. I don't think they fortified the room.
Unknown_02: Where are we going?
Oi, don't shoot me, you fucker! Who the fuck did that? You better fucking run. You cunt.
Unknown_11: Fucking bitch.
Unknown_11: Fucking shoot me. Look at this. Look at this bitch. I'm marking you, motherfucker. Yeah, you better run.
Now that they're distracted, I'm going to take my entrance.
Unknown_12: Bitch. Get dropped.
Unknown_11: I'm being electrocuted. I'm just sitting in the corner.
How the fuck did that not get him?
Unknown_11: Fuck you. Follow me.
Unknown_08: We have this.
Unknown_04: Yeah, he's in that corner. One on four remaining.
Unknown_11: Rush him. Rush him. Go. Charge.
Unknown_11: Follow me in. We're going to bully her.
Unknown_10: I didn't think she'd pull out the gun. Bully her.
Hit her. Yes. I have a kill count.
Unknown_12: I have a kill.
Unknown_11: Hey, she cheated. She pulled out a gun. I was gonna face her shield versus shield and the motherfucker was playing games with my heart.
I'll play Pulse this time because apparently me playing Valkyrie isn't fun enough, isn't entertaining enough. Killed by Oprah.
Unknown_11: You know, people still don't recognize that Clash is like a woman. They always think it's a guy.
Unknown_11: This is my first time playing this game though. Not bad enough.
Wasn't located are they fucking retarded?
Unknown_11: Now the real game begins to dox them all with my little widget
Unknown_11: They're already shooting through that window, so I guess that's where they're going to come in.
Unknown_11: I could stand right here.
Any of them going to come this way? Doesn't look good.
Unknown_11: Lots of angry noises that way, though.
Unknown_11: Oh, jeez. It feels like I'm missi- wait. I see you. I see you.
Unknown_11: Move fucker fucking rat Sensor activated
sensor deployed use the mirror window check if they're pushing there's someone in deploying heartbeat sensor I see you, my precious.
Unknown_11: That guy's rambunctious. Look at him run.
Coming upstairs now? Where are you?
Unknown_11: There they are. They're both by me. They're both by me. They're coming upstairs over here.
Unknown_11: Watch out, there's a hole in the wall right there.
Unknown_06: Op 4, last operator standing. Scanning.
Unknown_11: Is he coming up?
Unknown_11: I don't see anybody.
He threw the pride poster.
Unknown_08: He's coming by stairs. I see him.
Unknown_11: I see him. He's directly under me. He's coming up the stairs. He's peaking now.
Unknown_08: Yeah, by the stairs.
Unknown_11: Directly south of me right now. I don't think he's peaking.
Unknown_04: No, there's a shield. That guy was like, fuck this.
Unknown_11: I'm not playing that game.
Unknown_11: I'm just gonna lock up and whop him.
Good job Moroccan guy, you did it. Oh, I didn't say GG.
Unknown_11: That's a requirement. Ooh, I got a Pokemon booster card pack.
Unknown_11: What is this?
Unknown_11: Oh, it has flowers. It's Maui. That's nice. I remember to say thanks for the alpha.
that's that's anything besides gg i think you should be banned from video games collectively if you say anything besides gg at the end of a video game like that should be the only thing that's allowed thanks for the alpha pack fuck you i would report you if you said that shit
Unknown_11: Oh, did I backfill? Oh, jeez.
Unknown_11: That's no good.
Unknown_08: Just take it easy.
Unknown_06: Just take it easy.
Unknown_06: Oh, you fool.
Unknown_11: You fool. Stay behind the fucking barricade. Why the fuck would you peek?
The game will fucking tell you if he goes for the hostage. Why would you... Fool.
Unknown_11: I didn't fill into no fucking winning team. This is bullshit. I'm gonna go boots.
Unknown_11: What Battle Cat? Are you in this game? Is that what you're trying to tell me? I don't see no Battle Cat.
See that guy, that guy was not a good camper. All he had to do was camp and he would've been just fine. Instead he was a fool. And he played a fool's game. Is this guy not gonna pick?
Unknown_11: Oh he's not gonna get to play, okay.
Unknown_11: And he rage quit, fantastic.
Unknown_11: DannyDeVito2.
Unknown_11: I always see DannyDeVitoChew everywhere.
Unknown_11: And he has a very creative name.
By the way, I'm streaming at a much, much... Fuck you, Baz. I'm streaming at a much lower bitrate than I usually do. Is the server... Like, is the stream not needing refreshes ever? Because supposedly, when you stream at 2500, it shouldn't need refreshing. Like, it shouldn't stall.
Unknown_05: You need to locate the hostage.
Hey, I already got my monitors. I don't need that motherfucker's 150. He can keep his 150. Fucker. Not that he needs it, now that he's stealing Alex's 150 too. Motherfucker just can't keep his hands off 150s.
Unknown_11: My hamster's already dead.
Unknown_06: The archives don't work all together.
Unknown_11: They're just completely broken. Though I'm streaming at such a low bitrate right now, I'm hoping that, uh...
Unknown_11: That I should fix the issue with the archives. No promises, though.
Kill this fool. Pop this fool. Because he fucked up that time. Where the fuck even is a... Here, I'll put a thing right there.
Unknown_06: Damn.
Unknown_10: What the fuck is wrong with you? Look at this. Look at this professional extraction team going in. Man, shut the fuck up, you bitch.
Sounds like a retarded animal. I just joined the game.
The guy's still laughing.
Ugh, this fucker has such a slow ass fucking computer.
Unknown_11: Iranian embassy reenactment.
Unknown_11: Lake of hearts, it's another show up Dude, it's it's fucking if you have an external hard drive like some people play this game off their external That's why it takes along the load Yeah, I don't
I don't think SBCC enjoyed the drama either, but when Alex went after Ralph and shit, like, that was a bad idea on his part. Ralph will roll around on that shit. He'll have fun with that shit.
Unknown_06: No, they did find the hostage.
Unknown_11: Fuck off.
Unknown_11: This is my professional camera placement.
Unknown_11: Well, this game in particular is bad to put on external because it slows everybody else down too. So everybody else suffers from your faggot shit.
Wow, they popped every fucking camera already.
Unknown_06: Enemy scan incoming. Starting the clock.
Unknown_11: Yeah, pop. Shoot it. Shoot it, bitch. That's what I thought, motherfucker.
Unknown_11: Uh, insane wizard, turn around. There's a guy coming up the wall. He's looking at you.
Unknown_11: He's running away. He's got a grew needle in him. He's on the, uh, the bottom floor. He's pulling it out right now.
He's coming back up.
Unknown_01: Most descriptive commentary I've ever heard.
Unknown_11: Thank you. Thank you. He's put a claymore on that door, by the way.
Unknown_11: He's stomping around on the third floor The east background Enemy drone is coming in for escape He's peeking he's peeking at you insane wizard from that door again
I just wanted to kill, I got so impatient.
Unknown_11: I've been sitting around, I haven't gotten a kill.
Unknown_11: They've got a hostage.
Unknown_11: The guy's out the window by now. It's gone. That's it. That's GG.
Unknown_13: He did that twice!
All three of them are on that hallway. Pick it up right now. Wait, they're coming in. They're coming in.
Unknown_10: Get your gun out. Get your gun out. Get that pussy shield away. Get the gun out. Get the gun out. You can't win with the shield. Get the gun out. Kill them. Kill one of them before it's over. It's gamer. Oh, you fool.
Back feeling on a winning team, they said.
Unknown_11: Not likely. I got killed by a luchador.
Unknown_11: See, I did my best. I died horribly without accomplishing anything. But I did my best. That guy did not do his best. He kept that shield up. That pussy-ass fucking shield ain't gonna fucking save him. From the hordes, the unwashed masses coming from the second floor.
Let's do... I like Blitz.
Unknown_11: I haven't had a good Blitz game today, but I like Blitz.
Unknown_11: No, Cosmo does not stream here anymore. Cosmo is banevating on YouTube and streaming to an audience of like 10 people.
Unknown_11: They got bullied off of like 30th place, so they don't even get $20 a week anymore.
Unknown_11: So he abandoned for greener pastures in the land of JewTube.
What does Ying even do?
Unknown_05: Need to find a hostage.
Unknown_11: Wanda filed for divorce.
Unknown_11: Yes, Cosmo still streams every second of every day.
Unknown_09: Where?
Unknown_11: Where?
Oh, is it dead? No, it's not dead.
Unknown_11: Sorry, I'm very reckless with my hamsters.
Unknown_06: Insertion in five seconds.
Unknown_11: It's not a good place to bully her.
Unknown_06: Hostage located.
Unknown_11: All right. Am I on the right floor?
Doesn't feel like I'm on the right floor. What's spotting there?
What's spotting me this time? Where the fuck is that camera at?
Unknown_11: Fuck off with that!
Unknown_11: I ain't having that.
Unknown_11: What the fuck is spotting me? I'm losing my mind. Can I plant here? Yeah, I can.
Fear me! Eh, spot me now, motherfucker.
Unknown_11: I guess I have to do something. Am I the last one standing? I guess I am.
Unknown_06: Bitch! Look at this.
Unknown_11: Look at this!
Fuck you!
Unknown_11: That first round was just a fluke.
Unknown_11: Geez now you guys now everybody knows how terrible I am in video games Caught by a pokeball Somebody even left like they rage quit that round. They're like fuck this. I'm not playing with this is Josh guy. He's a fucker What else I have I have a couple other games installed and I play Oh
Fortify the room. You need to keep the hostage secure.
Unknown_11: This is such a great map to play Valkyrie on.
Unknown_06: Hostage location compromised.
Unknown_11: Ask DSP for tips.
Unknown_11: You might genuinely have some, considering how fucking bad I am.
What's insurgency?
Unknown_11: Is it like one of those games that nobody plays? This guy is so fucking dead. I bet you fucking money he's gonna be the first one to die.
Unknown_11: No. He got shot and then he fucking ran away. Fucker.
I'm watching you.
Unknown_11: I know you want to come in.
Unknown_11: Oh, yes he does. He broke the wall.
Unknown_11: Come in, you fucker.
Unknown_11: Oh, that's a Blitz. That's a Blitz. That's a Blitz.
Unknown_07: Still.
He better be dead. He better be dead! And nobody could fucking cover me either. Fuck you. I don't even know what Honeypuff is.
Unknown_11: Nah, nobody needed him. Nobody did shit. I'm kind of annoyed about that. These fuckers deserve to lose. Fuck you, Gru. Die, motherfucker. Get Blitz. Is Blitz still alive?
Look at this fucker.
Unknown_11: He's on the stairs, you dipshit.
Unknown_06: Go up there, he's pulling it out!
Unknown_09: Why are you such a pussy?
Unknown_09: Wait, he got downed by the fucking Grooneedle?
Unknown_11: Wow.
Unknown_08: Aim, aim, you did it.
Unknown_03: Good job.
Panzer Stark... Stark.
Unknown_11: Blitz is a handsome guy.
Unknown_11: Look at that, he's like an Aryan.
Unknown_11: Am I playing with Slavs? Yes, I'm playing in Europe, which is almost always, almost entirely Slavs.
Here's a trick, you can scan through the hostage, and it drives people fucking insane, because they can't see you.
Unknown_11: Oh, I streamed Life is Strange already, it's on the YouTube channel, my secondary YouTube channel.
Unknown_11: I'm gonna load that up with some, uh...
Unknown_11: with some PG-13 video game gameplay, so I can run ads and shit. Not run ads, but do super chats during the livestreams again.
I'm afraid to jump. There's going to be a fucking thing there.
Unknown_13: Boosting adrenaline.
Unknown_11: Get fucked!
Unknown_11: That's a professional grenade.
All my grenades is professional.
Unknown_11: Interrogation interrogation interrogation Yes, I know how I died thank you game
Interrogation if you die to that that lady with the face paint she can come up and kill you with a knife and if she does that All your teammates positions get revealed for like five seconds That's important if you know an interrogation is coming in to call it out so people can run Alex Alex everybody writing Alex is a nigger and chat Yeah, just get the fucking guy
Unknown_11: Just get him.
Unknown_11: Get the guy.
Unknown_11: I'd get the guy. If this was me, I'd be getting the guy. Yes, Caviar is a BR. That's why she runs around with a knife and stabs niggas in the dick.
Dude, just get the fucking hostage.
Unknown_11: Get the hostage.
Unknown_11: Oh look, you fool, now they know where you're at.
Unknown_11: All that time, he just got the hostage.
Unknown_11: If he had gotten the hostage, he wouldn't have been right there, and he would have been fine.
Let's play Frost.
Unknown_11: I'm playing all sorts of different shit because I'm not doing well anymore.
Unknown_13: Here, let me put a song on.
Unknown_11: That'll help.
Unknown_14: What's a good song?
Where are we at?
Unknown_14: No, I want a song. I want a song, YouTube.
Unknown_11: Oh, look, it has Kay's Cooking as a suggestion. Somehow it just fucking knows. It just knows that this random Ukrainian IP address wants Kay's Cooking videos.
Unknown_11: YouTube is just so good at guessing.
Unknown_11: Blame it on stream sniping. I'm sure that's what it is.
Internationally famous Joshua Connor Moon playing casual. Gotta stream snipe that shit.
Unknown_06: They don't play that much Brawl, so if my trap placements are retarded, you know why.
Unknown_13: I'm going to put my trap right there.
Unknown_11: Put this right there.
Unknown_11: And put this right there.
Don't let anybody take that. I was going to camp.
Unknown_11: You knew I was going to camp.
Unknown_11: These guys are getting fucked by Bob Ross, by Boss Rob.
Playing this game sober? I don't know. I don't want to get drunk on stream. I'm going to make mistakes.
Unknown_11: Great job, asshole. Uh-oh.
Unknown_11: So throw my charge.
Unknown_11: There's four of them and two of us.
Lit her up.
Unknown_11: Got this.
Unknown_11: Don't run! Don't run! This is a good firefight.
She's down, she's down. Man, that's a little tense.
Unknown_11: This crew is good, though. I trust them. I got this.
Great job, dude. Great job. Horosho. Mission successful.
Unknown_11: I can't believe we won that.
Unknown_11: Fuck, I guess I'll just play Frost again.
Bob Ross was not an autist. Fuck you, you motherfucker.
Unknown_01: How dare you?
Unknown_06: You need to keep the hostage secure. Fortify the room.
Unknown_05: Perhaps below hatches. No hatches in there.
My traps aren't... This is a really tight room to be stuck in.
Not feeling good about this one.
Unknown_11: But I'm not going to be a negative Nancy. I got this good Gru on my team.
Unknown_11: I know we're coffined in, I told you. I don't feel good about being in this room, but... I don't know, uh... I can't get out now. I'm not... I'm not waiting to hear the fucking hissing sound of the thermite charge.
Don't want. Don't want. Don't want. Don't want. Don't want.
Unknown_11: Do not want. Don't want. Don't want. Don't want. Not interested in this.
He's got like 20%.
Unknown_11: He's a maverick. He's burning through the armor there, so be careful peeking because he's got holes in the wall.
Unknown_11: It's not GG.
Unknown_11: We got this. Don't be such a negative Nancy.
He's in that room but he was watching the door when I walked in so be careful.
Unknown_11: That guy's got no HP. I want him to watch out for those holes in the wall.
Unknown_11: The best thing about this game... The sound design of this game is so fucking good. GG.
I can't- that was fucking good.
Unknown_11: Aha, aha, not interesting. What a dickhead. That was a good fucking game!
Unknown_11: This is definitely not the gameplay. The game, the game is really good. I like the game. I like to play the game. Here, I wanted to do a stream on this game for a long ass fucking time. Let me see what the, uh... I have to update it. This computer just got off the boat, so it's like six months out of fucking date on everything. So let me update this game.
And, uh...
Unknown_11: My stream might lag a bit because I'm downloading something. I'll see how much I have to download. It's like over a gig. It's like more than 10 minutes. I'm not going to bother.
Unknown_09: But if I can, I will definitely play at least a round or two of this game, which I'm sure everybody will love.
Unknown_11: I'm sure everybody will love this game and think it's great.
Six gigs?
Unknown_11: Oh, I can't do that. That's way too much.
Unknown_11: I'll save it. I'll save it for a rainy day. Do I have anything else installed? I don't even have Battle.net installed. I'm going to have to reset my fucking Battle.net password and shit. Pain in the ass.
Unknown_11: No, no, no. Rainbow Six is up to date, but other games that I have are not up to date. I was going to play something else that I think everybody would hate, but I don't have it installed.
Alright, I'll play one more and then I'm gonna... I'm gonna have to take some time to install some stuff.
Unknown_11: And get my environment set up for work and shit like that. I'm so happy to have this fucking computer back, you have no idea.
Unknown_11: You haven't a fucking clue how good it feels to be able to sit up straight and look at my fucking monitors at eye level and not be hunched over a keyboard where half the keys don't even fucking work.
It is un... indescribable in its niceness.
Unknown_11: And I was so scared when I first got the computer and stuff, right?
Unknown_11: I was fucking with it. And the power would come on, the fans would come on, the water cooler would start to chug. Everything was working. MOBA was lit up. No boot. No BIOS. Nothing. I'm thinking, fuck, the motherboard's fucking shot. It's the fucking motherboard. Fucking motherboard is fucking dead. I fried it. I probably plugged it into the fucking outlet, the shuko, into the fucking Slavic power lines, and it just fried the motherboard instantly. I'm fucked. And then I opened it up, and the RAM sticks were loose. And you just pop the RAM sticks back in and snap it in, and it ran perfectly. Like, oh, thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Slavic God.
I'm glad you liked... I'm surprised people like my streams. Like, it always...
Unknown_11: It always takes me by surprise. I did a stream the other day on Jim Watkins and 8chan and stuff. I thought it was a really dry stream. I didn't really have much energy for that one. Just because it wasn't something that's fun to me. Seeing 8chan die is not fun to me. I wish things had worked out better.
But people still like the stream. And it's like, well, fuck. I guess I'll just keep going. People keep liking it. I'll keep going.
Unknown_11: And having some good luck with Frost, so. Her gun's really fun. Dude, I have never played Dark Souls or Bloodborne. Like, I played Dark Souls, the first one, for like five minutes.
I really, I really, I was having doubts about having two monitors on my table because it's so small, but with streaming, having the fucking chat and the OBS lined up vertically like this is just amazing. It's so helpful.
Unknown_11: Hey, I don't like it when people kill themselves that have a forum threat. Like, that brings me no fucking joy, because I'm always wondering, like, is this going to be the thing that causes some kind of pussy fucking media outcry against the site?
Unknown_11: The shit with Chloe got me nervous.
Unknown_11: Nothing ultimately happened with it, because it's, you know, it is what it is. I can't fucking help it if somebody kills themselves because it's some bullshit.
Had nothing to do with the forum.
Unknown_11: Everything else going on in closed life is worse than the... Worse than the flamethrower.
Unknown_06: I'm not sad when people kill themselves.
Unknown_11: You know, I think it's... I think it is... I think it's always a choice. It should always be a choice. Everybody should have the option to kill themselves. I think taking that away is sadistic.
But, um...
Unknown_11: With Chloe in particular, it's like, they had nothing. They had alienated their family, they had alienated the trannies, they had alienated everybody in their entire lives, and it was nobody's fault except Chloe's.
Unknown_11: And, uh, there's only so much... I can only feel so bad about something like that.
Unknown_11: Why would you put a mirror here? This is fucking worthless. Put a mirror where I can watch this fucking stairwell, you asshole. I threw my hostage room through...
Now this is a bad spot to be in. I don't want to be here. But I can't show my back to that stairwell. I don't trust the stairwell even more. I'm making a run for it. Whew!
Unknown_11: I'm fucking nervous. I'm sweating bullets right now.
Don't want to be in that fucking room.
Unknown_11: Wait, don't go out the window. I'm not jumping out the fucking window.
Unknown_11: Fuck that shit.
Unknown_11: How many is it? Just one?
Unknown_03: I jumped out the window.
I'm sorry.
Unknown_03: I lied. Hostiles eliminated.
Somebody left. It was somebody left on their team. They knew they were going to get the butt pound.
Unknown_11: I hope that guy joined in time for a 5v5. It would kind of suck if we have to wait. Yeah, he does get to play. That's good.
Unknown_11: They were ashamed to be killed by me? Fuck off. I'm a great video game player. Okay.
Need to find the hostage. I'm actually doing pretty well this round.
Unknown_11: Time to fuck that up.
Unknown_11: Don't shoot, don't shoot, don't shoot. Hands up, don't shoot, hands up, don't shoot.
Unknown_11: I was a bad guy the whole time. They can't shoot me. They're afraid to shoot me. Look at this. Pussies. Fire. Fire. You know you want to. They're shooting each other. They're shooting each other. Come on.
Take the shot. Take the shot.
Unknown_12: Oh, he got it.
Unknown_11: I will blow the wall, comrades.
Oh, that went nowhere.
Unknown_11: Watch this, you ready?
Yeah, when I watch people play Rainbow Six, I try to control the cameras too. I don't know why.
Unknown_11: No, I'm playing Frost.
Unknown_06: You need to keep the hostage secure. Fortify the room.
Unknown_11: What do I do? Oh, that time I rescued the hostage, which is always funny. Very rarely does the hostage actually get rescued.
But when I play Blitz or Monty, I go right for it. That's the best part. Deploying gamma.
Unknown_13: Deploying gamma. 10 seconds.
They didn't find it? Let's fuck up.
Unknown_11: Hmm.
Unknown_11: They're totally gonna blo- Do I have fortifications?
Unknown_11: I want a fortifa.
Unknown_11: Oh, we need like three to fortify this one wall. Fuck that. Here, I'll put this right here.
Unknown_11: Expert. Expert level.
Unknown_11: You're not doing mirror, right? You're supposed to be able to shoot around the mirror.
Unknown_11: Oh, Jesus.
Unknown_07: Yeah, let's not go into that room.
I hear them by that wall that I was concerned about. Did you see that body? That was majestic.
This fucker totally wants to blow that door.
Unknown_11: I don't want him to.
Unknown_11: They're both over here, bro.
Unknown_06: Op 4, last operator standing.
Unknown_11: That's a flawless victory. That was a good stream to go off on.
Why aren't I on Andy's stream? Was I invited to Andy's stream?
Unknown_11: Was I MVP? Oh, fuck yeah.
Unknown_11: Yahwa.
Unknown_11: Did I get a bonus pack? I better have gotten a fucking bonus pack, motherfucker. I did not.
All right. Well, that was pretty good. As far as streaming fucking Rainbow Six went, that was pretty fun, actually.
Unknown_11: Pete Ben Saga 2.0 happening right now.
Unknown_11: I mean, was I invited? I don't watch Andy's streams unless there's a reason to.
Unknown_11: Hold up.
Unknown_11: Let me go ahead and before I cut this off, I'll probably stop streaming unless there's something interesting happening.
Unknown_11: Let me set something up real quick just to see what happens.
display capture it's Don't want that I just want to capture I just want to capture Firefox like I had done before perfect set that up a little bit Center it
Unknown_14: All right.
Unknown_14: I'll try to find this real quick.
Unknown_14: What's his name? Andy Orski.
Unknown_11: i heard what happened but uh streams are doing fucking amazing by the way and i'm gonna stick around you're doing okay i'm gonna stick around and do uh super chats hang out with the audience for a little bit is it over before i fucking peace chris you want to stay for a little bit yeah yeah he's already over i gotta get going right now no can you both just down for five minutes i need a picture so bad all right cool thanks sorry i'm like i've
No, all that happened with him is that he canceled, like, one of them canceled their fight or something.
Unknown_11: Apparently Tonka has submitted fake blood works or something. It's really crazy.
Unknown_11: Yeah, sorry. I didn't, no, sorry. I kind of got the gist of what had happened. It's just like, yeah, the whole fight thing, it just isn't for me. Like, I just, I'll see it when it happens, if it ever happens. But the prospects of that aren't pretty good.
Unknown_11: Alright, well thank you guys for watching. I hope it was actually interesting.
Unknown_11: When it comes to streaming video games, even I don't know what the... I've never watched a video game stream. And so I don't know what's good or what's not good. The video game streams that I watch are usually super technical, like EU4, where there's some crazy shit happening.
But yeah.
Unknown_11: Tonka changed his name legally? Either that or he stole shit.
Unknown_14: That's funny.
Unknown_14: All right. Oh, we'll see what happens with Tonka and Andy.
Unknown_11: It'll be interesting. And I'll probably see you guys tomorrow. I think I'm going to stream every day this week, just because. Because I got my computer, and I'm happy. And it's fun.
OK. Oh, I don't have it on this computer. Now I feel like such a scrub.
Unknown_11: I don't have this. OK, here we go.
Unknown_14: All right, guys.
Unknown_14: Take it easy.
Under the big city lights, he always knows just when the time is right. He never shows what he's thinking, he keeps it inside because he's too cool for school. He comes alive, and when the sun goes down, he gets it right.
No way of getting things done. He's always looking out for number one. He's the real player And if you mess with him You know you'll never win He's an instigator Enemy eliminator And when he knocks you better You better let him in He walks alone Under the big city lights
Just wanted some fucking hamsters, man.