0:00:00 Unknown_00: Hey guys! Okay, so now that all this is situated, we can... Mmm. I don't know. Unknown_00: Meat bows. Unknown_00: Yeah. 0:00:31 Unknown_00: Depression is a scary thing. I know a lot of you can look at my videos now and be like, girl, you ain't got a life now. 0:01:10 Unknown_00: She does go into work today, so I'm gonna miss her. 0:01:49 Unknown_00: I think my next mukbang is going to be fruit. Unknown_00: I'm going to think about it. 0:02:59 Unknown_00: Do you guys like meatballs? Unknown_00: Yeah, I devoured that. Unknown_00: I just feel like if I sat here and Unknown_00: chewed super slow and like talked a lot this video would be like three hours long