0:00:00 Unknown_00: Hey guys. Unknown_00: It's alright. I guess like play games in the mean. Unknown_00: They think that she like broke her ankle so... Now we're gonna just play some board games. 0:00:56 Unknown_00: so this is what it looks like is this even a mukbang i'm barely like talking to them i'm still doing weight watchers obviously still on track Unknown_00: just gonna pour i've been really wanting just like indian type stuff and i'm gonna be honest i'm gonna tell you guys right now i just poured this in here like that see um 0:02:04 Unknown_00: I'm not confident. Unknown_00: This is sparkling ice kiwi strawberry, by the way. Unknown_00: If there's one part of my body that I'm the most ashamed of, it's my legs. Unknown_00: I hate my legs. 0:02:39 Unknown_00: And if something was to nibble on someone's leg, I feel like they wouldn't choose mine because I have pants on, so. 0:03:30 Unknown_00: I love rice.