0:00:01 Unknown_07: Kiwi Farms at noon every week. And this week I'm doing it on a guy who is crazy and was recently committed involuntarily indefinitely because he's a danger to himself and others. And he's not fat and he's not a tranny. So we're trying to get just a genuine crazy person as opposed to somebody gross. Unknown_04: I wanted to have you on to talk about that huge balls guy too. You remember that? Yeah, I did a prep on that, and I tried to find out more information. 0:00:37 Unknown_07: Those people were weird. Oh, is it possible? Unknown_07: Wax my female balls guy. Yeah, that's just degenerate. This guy, like, they were, like, in some kind of weird, like, BDSM gay worship thing where they all got this guy's name tattooed on their backs and stuff. Unknown_04: That's normal, Sean. That's my name tattooed on his back. Lower back. Are you going to put silicone in his testicles? Unknown_04: Yeah. Sean, let's talk after the show. How much would it cost for you to put silicone in your testicles? 0:01:08 Unknown_04: How much money? Oh, I don't know. Not very much. Unknown_04: What do you got on you right now? Unknown_04: Be careful with that shit. I probably got like 100 bucks. It's pretty good. 95. I didn't pay for parking. I could get you change. Oh, yeah. Okay, yeah. Unknown_07: well be careful with that because one of them died is is why it became news like i i don't the guy who we had on no but that guy knew him we had a guy right right right right that weird oh right yeah yeah dick had called in who did inflate his balls uh and he seemed quite normal yeah he was like an engineer yeah i mean yeah bisexual engineer and he he came off as very 0:02:00 Unknown_04: big ball almost like pragmatic about it like i don't mean it's hey he sold me i want to get some filler in there yeah but he knows where to get balls waxed he's trying to spread his degeneracy to the dick show trying to get everybody to inflate their balls he already got sean hooked up on it look at this yeah even the problem with degeneracy is that it's so much work Unknown_04: sometimes i had more energy maybe i could go get a fursuit like dude it up what would your anytime anybody mentions furries i gotta ask what would your fursona be dick uh i've i've already have one bonitis drew me one and i'm a hyena oh yeah that's a good one that's a great one scavenger but then i found out that the female hyena has a bigger dick than the male yeah yeah that's oh shit i already picked well the hyena the laugh is good and they're like scavengers so they're like pick it pick it like dying carcasses and shit like that's perfect yeah plus they're mexican according to the lion king right yeah what would your persona be mine yeah 0:03:18 Unknown_07: I guess a hamster now. Hamsters have been like a reoccurring theme in my streams. Everybody loves the hamsters at the end. Either that or like a crow. Unknown_04: a crow a crow i like crows like not a not a raven not a raven a crow in his face all emo no i went to i went to like england really young i remember all the the birds and like those are cool birds Unknown_07: just uh i don't trust i don't really like any animal that just doesn't understand when it's shitting um you know it just kind of falls out of it you're talking about rodents and birds birds birds yeah i don't think they know no i think i think crows are smart enough to know oh no they're smart enough but it's just their physiology i think i think it just 0:04:11 Unknown_04: i don't know i think it just your colon holds your so predators can't track you well sean's calling me incontinent now yeah i don't i don't know i mean i i i don't know if all birds work that way but you know they just kind of go where they go i think we should try we should just whenever let's try that put strap some diapers on and just see what it's like i'll tell you what i would no don't even like strap diapers i would i guarantee you i would watch every second of the summer olympics if you could just whenever oh yeah if the athletes just you know yeah that's the most i've ever watched of a triathlon or iron man is when they themselves i mean you like the long jump is a giant cat box it's perfect Unknown_07: Yeah, you better be fucking careful like people age regression with diapers and forced incontinence. That's a thing too. It's everything's a thing Yeah, it's called aging No, no, they want to do it the other way around they want to be babies That's the degenerate Twilight Zone you get so old that you have to wear diapers and talk like a child But then you lose the ability to have an erection. 0:05:19 Unknown_04: Most people don't want to shit themselves Yeah, these guys do Unknown_04: What do you mean most people don't want to shit themselves? What do you mean? I challenged that point on... Unknown_04: Well, uh, what makes you rage? Unknown_07: No. Anything? People who abuse DMCA strikes. That's all my... You know, I can't even describe. I'm, like, indignant. Because I just started doing YouTube stuff, like, a couple weeks ago, right? So for the last five years, I've been hosting my own sites. Ain't nobody gonna tell me what the fuck I can host. You send me a DMCA strike, I tell you to go fuck yourself. Now I'm on YouTube. 0:05:56 Unknown_07: Now I'm on YouTube. Random fucking psychotic tranny pedophiles can send me the most bullshit DMCA claim. YouTube, it has been fucking like 10, 11 days since that shit came in and since I appealed it. YouTube has not even reviewed it. There's a 10-day wait after they review and submit it forward. Haven't even fucking started that. So fuck that shit. Fuck that broken shit. Fuck people telling me what to do. Fuck that. 0:06:29 Unknown_04: It's good. It's true. I mean, you've lived your life with that credo. Me? Fuck people telling me what to do. Yeah, that's what resulted in my parents getting banned from my house. Unknown_04: Yeah. I'm going to give my dad a red card next time. I'm going to give him a yellow card warning and then a red card. I'm going to sit there like a ref. Don't even look at him. I was going to ask, can I have a whistle? Unknown_07: That's important to the authority aspect. Unknown_04: I'll take my mom's rape whistle and blow her back. 0:06:59 Unknown_04: Put the red card out everybody man. That must be it looks like so much fun the way those refs do that, too Yeah, this big stick up their ass It's fun cuz you know as soon as they throw it people are like fucking raging at them like frothing up the fucking mouth That's bullshit. Unknown_07: It's a bullshit fucking call. They know every time they blow that fucking whistle. They pissed off another hundred thousand fucking people It's more it looks more fun than throwing a flag in football. Unknown_04: Yeah, it does. Oh, yeah minute I Unknown_04: And you don't always necessarily see it, but he's out there holding it up and it's red. Yeah. For everyone to see. Boom. Perfect pose. Right. Boom, like Napoleon. Boom. Yep. That's a good one. Umpires, strikes are good. Yeah. Because they get to do whatever they want. They all have different strike calls. Some of them call immediately and then signal after. Like Enrico Palazzo. 0:07:31 Unknown_04: Naked gun. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That'd be a good one. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. That'd be good. I'd like to ump a game for one inning. I don't fuck the first pitch. I wouldn't like to umpire the first inning. That'd be great. Not throwing out the first pitch. I want to ump the first ball. Totally. And then just go right down the middle and spend like 10 minutes. Get a whole Marshall stack out there. Get it going. Oh man, you know that that's a strike and I'm going to take my time calling this right. All right. No, get out of here. I like your show. Thanks for calling. 0:08:02 Unknown_04: Thanks for calling in and keep us updated on the weird freaks. Will do. Unknown_07: I'll let you know if anything happens this week, and I'll call in next week if there's something. Unknown_04: Yeah, and what was the site? JonathanYaneve.org? 0:08:35 Unknown_07: Yes, JonathanYaneve.org or JessicaYaneve.org. I'm going to make two versions. One of them is going to be kind of forward talking. The other one, the JessicaYaneve1.org, will be kind of catering to people who are more sensitive so we can get the message out to everyone. Unknown_04: that's what's well now if yeah i mean uh i guess this uh you know you have to ask your seo friends but if you wanted 301 all the links from one to the other and have the same content and canonically direct the content from one to the other you it would increase your chance of ranking one of them if you are dealing with an seo type that makes sense yeah but of course it's all up to how much how much linking power you can 0:09:16 Unknown_07: Yeah, well, I imagine they'll, you know what, I'm going to predict that they both probably get way up there just because. I'm probably going to be fighting with myself for, like, the first one or two places. Like, the Kiwi Farms side is going to be, like, in between them. The Jonathan Yaniv one, then Kiwi Farms, then Jessica Yaniv, and then his portfolio site where he advertises his fucking bullshit. Unknown_07: All right, good luck, buddy. Unknown_15: Yep, take it easy. Unknown_15: hello it's just you and me now surprise motherfuckers get out of here now welcome back i missed anything well we wouldn't know we was listening to the dick show thing 0:10:13 Unknown_15: He's like, he's the best player at this game. Unknown_03: Yeah, we want more Dick. Unknown_07: More Dick? Unknown_03: You want Dick? You need Dick? He's incredible. Please. He's like super good at this game. We love Dick. And he has the world record. Wait, how the fuck do you speedrun this game? And it's from August 2009, I think. Oh, it says 22 tracks. You just need to run the best track possible. He's coined it like the first. At this point. Oh, man. If no one beats it. Unknown_05: Yeah, like all the Mario Kart games, the speedrun, it's all about constantly getting the drift. Oh, there's a bunch of glitches you can do. Unknown_03: Alright, get this truck around the corner. 0:10:50 Unknown_13: Why is he playing Rob the Robot? Unknown_07: Is that just a choice? Unknown_13: It's probably just the best stats. Unknown_07: I can't believe they even put this in. Unknown_13: Rob the Robot was like a commercial failure. Unknown_07: They didn't do anything. Unknown_13: I think I had one of those as a kid. It was marketed specifically to make the NES a toy rather than Unknown_03: So they're just they're just bragging that they Jude everybody's Like with the Labo like even just like snaking right here is not that easy. It's like Yeah, like the NES kind of like saved video games Where's the Nintendo label as that's like really during Mario Kart 0:11:24 Unknown_03: Yeah, I want cardboard in fucking the card for like cardboard Rob All right, am I still my band from a DD AG whatever I can do another message Somebody's calling you out in the chat Rob is my first Rob's great. 0:12:00 Unknown_05: Fuck off nigga. Fuck you. Oh Unknown_03: Someone just said, hey Joshua Moon, I want your babies in the Twitch chat. What? Yeah, in the Twitch chat, somebody said. There you go. Oh, jeez. Unknown_07: I'm going to be, like, one of those people eventually, where I link, like, shit in my video descriptions, and then there's, like, top comments referencing it, and nobody else knows what the fuck is that shit. 0:12:35 Unknown_05: Oh, no. Unknown_03: It's gonna be the gym spam, but Josh Oh, no, that's that's bad My feet is gonna be leaving comments on unrelated fat woman's videos like dang I bet I bet I know a guy from Pensacola fucking love you Donut planes one which is another retro track is very 0:13:07 Unknown_03: just remember that we called it here when when slob in this we called it of that it's like very fast tops by the way this is fucking boring this is this is like as boring as actual Mars car you can just dodge that fucking blue fellow wait you can do that yeah I don't know what the fuck is going on it's just like drifting like doing laps like what Unknown_13: We want Kirby. Unknown_05: We want Kirby. Unknown_03: More wheel. Kirby and the Donkey Kong were the best so far. Unknown_05: Is this the original Mario Kart? Unknown_03: DS. Unknown_03: The first Mario Kart was on Super Nintendo. Unknown_05: It was 2D. This is an hour long. Unknown_03: How the fuck is this an hour long? Unknown_13: An hour? 40 more fucking hours. 0:14:03 Unknown_07: It's a fucking good thing I had the dick show then to fucking eat into the time of this shit. Unknown_16: You know what? Unknown_07: Fuck it. Yeah, your pirate broadcasted the dick show. I gave my heads up because I didn't want to be mad. He was cool with it though. Um, I guess I can watch fat women eat again because it's almost yeah, there we go What you guys want to do bingo Unknown_07: The thing with her is that she has moods where she completely changes what kind of shit she rants about Yeah, like if I did a bingo party cycles it does like she uh right now She's talking about how everybody's ordinary and she is extraordinary like a fucking conceited cunt backwards, but it used to be that I 0:14:57 Unknown_07: Snooty. Yes, everybody else was snobby. She wasn't good enough because she was ordinary and everybody else was snobby. Unknown_03: And then even before that, she was just ranting about me constantly. Unknown_07: I don't even remember what she was saying about me. Oh, no. Unknown_07: You got blue, you got blue shelled. Unknown_06: Get fucked. You caught your hair there. Unknown_03: Yeah, that's part of the issue. Did she stop doing dancing videos? Because those are pretty. Like I was saying before. Unknown_07: She stopped doing, yeah. She doesn't do much with face cam anymore because. To dodge them. Unknown_03: Because you're like jumping in the air, jumping off. Because people will edit it into shit. 0:15:29 Unknown_07: All right, let me do a poll on stream.me and see what we want. Unknown_03: I see people spamming fucking Peter Bingo. Unknown_07: It's just two guys, though. Unknown_07: That's how chat works. Everybody has as many votes as they can put out there. What do Peter Bingo... Unknown_07: Random shit. Somebody say theater bingo? Amateur game development. Unknown_03: It's like the first opportunity I got to talk about this. Quickly. Something else. Has there been anything that Kay has cooked? 0:16:04 Unknown_06: Oh no, I'm being assaulted by balloons. I can't see my pole. Unknown_06: The balloons are blocking my pole options. Unknown_03: Good job, subscribers. And then... Unknown_07: Thank you. Unknown_03: I haven't seen a single thing that kids cook that looked edible. Nah, I wouldn't eat it. Maybe anything that's just like toast. The French toast was fucking awful. 0:16:35 Unknown_13: Damn, Peter Bingo's fucking winning. Unknown_07: I have a winning formula here. Here, you know what? Here's what we'll do for this. I'm just gonna fucking... You guys keep watching that and you let me know You let me know when we're off fucking Mario Kart. And maybe we'll watch a little bit more of it before I go to bed at midnight. Hello, my fellow several miles. I have created the meme. Unknown_15: Alright. It's fucking winning. Winning like Stu. 0:17:08 Unknown_15: Yeah, Stu had a significant advantage. Unknown_04: Josh. What? Unknown_04: Why not play the video I cut down the melt-ons? It's like 30 minutes, that's why. Unknown_07: I watched it, though. She's actually a proper fucking crazy person. That's worth watching. Unknown_07: I didn't suspect that, I just thought she'd be some dumpy bitch that did shitty cooking videos. But no, she's like actually spiteful and mean to people. Unknown_05: I genuinely didn't... I kind of picked up on the way she, like, she's, like, really intimidating to her son, though. Like, whenever, like, she's kind of joking around, but you can tell, like, she kind of means it as well. 0:17:42 Unknown_07: The thing that tipped me off that she might be kind of, like, a crazy person in actuality is her shit about the fucking merchandise. Like, people throwing up lazy fucking Teespring things with shitty t-shirts. Unknown_05: Fake t-shirts. Yeah. Unknown_07: Counterfeit Kay's cooking merch. Yeah, and she's like... like yelling like that's not the real thing you can buy it with your money if you want to but i'll be having my own t-shirts and you can buy it there and that's actual merchant and she just like every fucking episode she goes on about it all the time yeah it would be it would be like okay if it was like once but she it seems to really get under her skin yeah because she wants the money And people are telling her that it's not just that they're selling fake merchandise. It's that people are telling her that they're selling, like, tens of thousands of dollars worth of fake merchandise, even though she doesn't even get that many views on her fucking... on her videos. 0:18:22 Unknown_07: So, uh... The chat is like hungry birds demanding to be fed. Unknown_07: So I suppose... I suppose I will... Are you gonna feed them? Yes. I'll come back if, uh, when Mario Kart's fucking over. 40 minutes. Unknown_07: We can't watch it. 0:18:56 Unknown_05: Watch it. Mute it. Unknown_07: Mute it and check on it every so often. Unknown_05: I'm going to stick it on my beautiful second monitor here so I can just monitor it in the background. Unknown_07: Oh, yeah. I wish I had extra money for a monitor so I could fucking watch it. That'd be really nice. They don't have, like, goodwill stores in fuckin' Ukraine. Unknown_13: They don't have, like, goodwill stores in fuckin' Ukraine. Unknown_07: They don't have, like, goodwill stores in fuckin' Ukraine. Unknown_13: They don't have, like, goodwill stores in fuckin' Ukraine. Unknown_07: They don't have, like, goodwill stores in fuckin' Ukraine. Unknown_13: They don't have, like, goodwill stores in fuckin' Ukraine. They don't have, like, goodwill stores in fuckin' Ukraine. Unknown_07: They don't have, like, goodwill stores in fuckin' Ukraine. They don't have, like, goodwill stores in fuckin' Ukraine. They don't have, like, goodwill stores in fuckin' Ukraine. They don't have, like, goodwill stores in fuckin' Ukraine. They don't have, like, goodwill stores in fuckin' Ukraine. 0:19:28 Unknown_05: They don't have, like, goodwill stores in fuckin' Ukraine. Unknown_13: They don't have, like, goodwill stores in fuckin' Ukraine. They don't have, like, good Unknown_05: Had a buddy who I played counter-strike with years ago. He fished a CRT monitor out of a dumpster so he could play CS All right, all right, okay, I'm gonna watch I'm gonna watch it. Unknown_07: I'm gonna watch the fat people Okay, it's just me and you again Well, let me let me read. Let me read the screen this abomination 0:20:06 Unknown_07: Come back up. Unknown_07: There we go. Unknown_07: Okay. Unknown_07: Feed us. Feed us. Unknown_07: Okay, okay. Unknown_07: Oh, jeez, I didn't mean to open that. Unknown_15: All right, all right, all right, all right. Unknown_15: Let me... Unknown_15: Let me find her thing. Kay's. Unknown_15: Oh, you know what? I usually just Google search it. 0:20:36 Unknown_15: Very slowly, apparently. God, my fucking computer. Unknown_07: I even have my computer up in like an odd way to help it ventilate. And it's still fucking hot and slow as shit. Unknown_07: Oh, I can't wait. Kay's cooking. 0:21:09 Unknown_15: All right, all right, all right. I'm going to leave this one up to chat, I guess. Unknown_15: I'm going to hide the foreground real quick. Unknown_07: You guys look at this page, and you start spamming for something that you want. Unknown_07: You tell me. I'm going to go by whatever I see, whatever seems most prominent. I'm not going to pull it. It takes too much fucking time. Unknown_07: I vote starve. Unknown_15: You can starve on your own time, nigga. You can starve on your own time. 0:21:42 Unknown_07: Oh god, this Euroceptor guy really wants the fucking lamb chops. Unknown_07: Yorkshire pudding, Yorkshire pudding. Everybody has a different thing. Unknown_07: Oh, god. I'm getting the fucking migraine trying to read this. Unknown_07: OK, I'll do the fucking lamb chops, and then I'll do this. No, wait. Snake. Ow. 0:22:21 Unknown_07: OK, you know what? I'm going to queue up three. That's what we're going to do. The Yorkshire pudding. Unknown_15: Where's the lamb pie? Unknown_15: Where is it? Unknown_15: Where is it? Unknown_15: Where is it? Unknown_15: Oh, steak pie. And then one other. I'm going to queue that up. 0:22:55 Unknown_15: Lamb chops. Did I get the lamb chops already? I did not. Unknown_07: Lamb chops. OK, lamb cutlets I think is what's being asked for. All right, we'll watch that in that order. Unknown_07: All right, everything is good to go. Firefox booted, foreground in the front. You can stop voting now. I already got it. Unknown_07: Assets loaded. Unknown_07: Let me put that right. Unknown_07: Shrink it down proper. We're getting ready for bingo night. We're like old ladies in the bingo hall. I got my stamper out. We're all set. 0:23:28 Unknown_07: And one other thing. Just, just in case. Gonna get that nice, nice and centered. Okay, hide that. Hide that for now. Unknown_07: Wink wink. Unknown_07: Alright. Unknown_11: Hi people and I'm back cooking and today I'm going to be doing Yorkshire pudding and beef wraps. Unknown_11: I'm going to cut this onion. It says to... Alright, alright. 0:24:00 Unknown_09: It doesn't actually look like a bloody onion. Unknown_11: It's a pepper and it says to slice it. Unknown_11: So what I'm going to do is I'm going to put the top on. Unknown_07: So this is Yorkshire pudding and beef wraps. She did have her metal shirt on. That's one. No bras being called. Unknown_11: I'm going to throw that up. Unknown_11: Take all the seeds out. Unknown_11: No, I'm not, because they're not going to come off yet. Unknown_07: It's a fucking... Take all the seeds out. It's a red bell pepper. You don't need to take all the seeds. Take all the seeds out, and then I'll come out. Unknown_11: Right. Get them out with a spoon. I'll put them out with a knife. 0:24:33 Unknown_07: I'm not obsessed with food. This is just quality filler, okay? This is just good content. That's how I feel. I hate that. Unknown_00: Wait, somebody's linking me a bingo card generator. Unknown_07: Wait, hold up. This might be a game changer. This might be a game changer. What the fuck is this? 0:25:06 Unknown_07: Oh, we can have different ones. Include a free space. Free space text is hi people. Unknown_07: OK, word list separated by commas. Unknown_07: All right, awkward. Oh, we can have a lot then. Awkward laughter. Unknown_07: Bitches about Merc. Unknown_07: Sun visibly upset. Unknown_15: Sun hates food. Can I? Well, it needs to be in different orders. 0:25:48 Unknown_15: number of cards to create. Unknown_15: I thought it was going to be in different orders. Unknown_15: Here, let me duplicate it and see if it actually works. Unknown_15: Oh, it does work. OK. Unknown_15: Great. Unknown_15: The sun hates food. We get to make it. 0:26:21 Unknown_15: We're going to make uses store-bought items. Unknown_07: Kay hurts herself. Unknown_07: Apologizes for kitchen. Unknown_07: Yells at fans. Unknown_07: No bra. Shaky hands. Unknown_15: Our card is better. OK, we got those now. 0:26:57 Unknown_07: Fan requested video. Unknown_07: Fucks up moving food. Unknown_07: No vegetables except starches. Unknown_15: Boils meat. Unknown_15: Labored breathing. Unknown_07: No seasoning. Unknown_07: My way. Unknown_07: Excess of liquids. 0:27:32 Unknown_07: Wearing metal T-shirt. Unknown_07: Raw pork or chicken. Unknown_07: Massive serving on plate. That's a clarification. Kay feeds dogs. Unknown_07: physically destroys something uses stove at highest setting burns something and margarine is the complete list anything else that we want to add while i got this open uses stove as counter we gotta we gotta have enough 0:28:20 Unknown_15: I gotta have enough stuff going around. Unknown_15: Scrape. Unknown_15: Are the metal t-shirts her dead husband's? No, I think that's just the only one that fits her. Unknown_15: Uses stove as counter. Scrape, scrape, scrape. Fucks up words. Unknown_07: Oh, that's a good one. Unknown_07: Mush mouthed. Unknown_07: Anytime she says something just completely wrong. Unknown_07: uh here scolds lee let him fuck up on outro mispronounces the words there's a mush mouth i'm not adding makes dick hard i got shaky i already added our bingo card there add joshua the kike that's the free space nigga gives a shout out 0:29:20 Unknown_15: Yeah, I did take off mentions of dead people. Unknown_15: Wearing watch? Unknown_07: That's not K enough. Unknown_07: Says something British. Unknown_07: Scrapes fork while cooking. OK, people keep asking for the scrapes. I'm going to add scrapes utensils. Unknown_15: Why is that spelled wrong? Unknown_15: Josh fucks up the leaderboards. Unknown_15: Greasy hair. No, no, I think that's good for now. Let me copy paste this so they don't fuck it up. 0:29:54 Unknown_15: All right. Wait, wait. Unknown_15: Kay's cooking. Bingo. OK. All right, I'm just going to cap one. Unknown_15: Cap that one right there. Paint. Unknown_15: I wish I could just get one card and show that, but it's the way it's got to be. 0:30:28 Unknown_15: Drop that. Unknown_15: Boom. All right, let's get rid of the old one. Unknown_15: Hi people is the free space. Unknown_07: Token fits it just comfy, copy. Okay, we're good. Let's watch the server. Unknown_11: Hi people, and I'm back cooking. Unknown_07: No, shut up. 0:30:59 Unknown_06: Shut up. Unknown_11: Hi people, and I'm back cooking. And today I'm going to be doing yogurt pudding and beef wraps. Unknown_06: I'm going to cut this onion. Unknown_11: It says to onion. Does that actually look like a bloody onion? Unknown_07: Okay, do we have mush mouth on this card? Unknown_11: So what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut the top off. Unknown_07: Mush mouth is there. I might be wise of getting a bigger knife for this. Unknown_07: Paste reference. Yes, there's no brawl this time. Unknown_11: Take all the seeds out. 0:31:30 Unknown_07: Where's the metal one? No, I'm not, because it's not going to come off yet. Unknown_11: That's it. Take all the seeds out. Unknown_07: Metal t-shirts up there. Unknown_11: Take all the bloody seeds out. Then they're not going to come out. Right. Get them out with a spoon. Or cut them out with a knife. Unknown_11: I'm just cutting them out with a knife. Unknown_11: Yep, make sure they're all out. I hate that. Unknown_07: I got the minnow, sir. I got it. Unknown_00: I got it. I know you can't see me, but all I'm doing is just cutting the... 0:32:11 Unknown_07: Yeah, we got that food cooking back there. You know what? She's fucking... She's boiling in fucking meat and fucking margarine again. That's what that excess shit is. Unknown_11: Now I'm going to cut the... Is margarine on the thing? Cut it into strips. Unknown_07: Yep, margarine. As you can see, I've cleaned it out. Unknown_11: Very good. Got my little seeds. Unknown_11: Eight seeds. Unknown_11: And it says to slice it. Unknown_03: That is a dull fucking knife. And I'm not gonna slice it with that because that is absolutely crap. 0:32:44 Unknown_11: Right. Unknown_07: Is that a bread cutter? Unknown_11: Into slices now. Unknown_11: I don't even know if I'm doing them... Did she hurt herself? Right, size, but... And I know they've got to go in the frying pan. But I'm putting them in a bowl until the steaks are done. I don't know if you can see what the steaks are doing. Unknown_11: And they're not doing it on high heat, they're doing it on low heat. Unknown_07: You know, I'm going to say excessive liquids too. That's just like, you don't, like, unless you're trying to, I mean, this is a beef wrap. This is a pudding. You're not supposed to use that much fucking margarine to like deep fat fry your fucking meat. And you're supposed to be, you're supposed to cook the vegetables before your meat because the meat cooks faster. Is she being shaky hands? 0:33:16 Unknown_11: All right, that's the onion. That's the pepper done. Unknown_07: We got cooked on the heat setting, we did. That meat would be fucking burned. And now I'm going to cut a red onion. Unknown_11: I don't think you're supposed to use a brick. 0:33:53 Unknown_07: Oh, whatever. Unknown_07: All right, everybody's calling the fucking shaky hands. We got to do that. Oh, this knife is good, isn't it? Unknown_11: less sharp or I'm getting weaker. I think I'll go for the second one. Unknown_11: Right, so I'm taking all the skin off there in the end. Unknown_11: Ooh, nearly dropped it. Is that Kenna's fucking up moving food? 0:34:24 Unknown_07: She hasn't dropped anything yet as far as I can see. Unknown_07: Okay, that's physically, she's like mauling the fucking onion with her hands. Unknown_07: Where is physically destroy something? There we go. Unknown_11: Just that last one to take off. Unknown_07: Yes, that is a bread knife. Unknown_11: And it's to cut this into chunks. Unknown_07: She was trying to peel it off. She was trying to peel it off. I'll excuse that one. I'll pull the counter off because she was trying to remove that layer. I don't know how to do chunks. 0:34:57 Unknown_11: I don't have it. Unknown_11: Slice it nice. Unknown_07: Yeah. Slice and dice. Unknown_11: That's the one. Unknown_11: Yeah. Unknown_07: Fine. I'm going to slice it too. Unknown_11: Whatever. Unknown_07: I don't know. People seem to feel bad for the onion. I'll put it back on. I'll put it back on. Unknown_11: Oh, watch your fingers. Oh, shit. So that's the slice done. Part of it. Move that bit of onion. 0:35:36 Unknown_07: I'm glad that we get so much screen time just to watch her completely... Watch her awful fucking knife skills. Unknown_11: And that's the dice done. I think I want a bit more cutting. She's drunk. Unknown_07: I think she's just retarded. So that's the fuel that's already being done. Unknown_11: So they're the ones that can go in. These red onions are strong. 0:36:23 Unknown_11: So I think that's that one done. Unknown_11: So I can put them in the bowl. Unknown_07: I can say retarded. This is a free speech website. Unknown_07: Yeah, this does. I don't want her to cut her fingers off. Unknown_07: Stop calling her a brat pod. What the fuck is wrong with you? Unknown_11: Aren't knives banned over there? Unknown_07: Yes, that's why she's using a bread knife instead of an actual chef's knife to cook this. 0:37:00 Unknown_11: So, same again. Just... Unknown_07: I'm, like, this video is like eight minutes of her fumbling with a fucking knife in the most exhausting way possible. Unknown_11: One way. Unknown_11: And the other way. Unknown_11: So they end up being diced. Unknown_11: That's one onion. Well, part of onion, don't it? 0:37:32 Unknown_07: It's just one. Are you adding more? And then after that, it says to add some pepper. Unknown_11: Not too much, because I don't like pepper. And then it said a teaspoon of garlic of your choice. Well, I've got some Unknown_11: easy garlic here or as what's that like not that other garlic I've got that lazy garlic I should have fetched that out instead so what I'm going to do is I'm going to finish the onion off then I'm going to mix it all together wait till the steak's done and then hopefully well get on with the frying bit other frying bit 0:38:30 Unknown_11: I'm going to do Yorkshire pudding now. I've got the oven on. Unknown_11: Some plain flour. I see it, I see it. Unknown_07: Is that on the card? Unknown_07: I got distracted. People are fucking peeing. I'm doing a stream. I'm doing a happy time feeding stream. I'm getting drunk. I'm waiting for her to, uh, be a lot of fans. Unknown_11: Can you get me? 0:39:04 Unknown_07: Oh, she did. She burned the meat. Unknown_11: Can you get me some of that, please? Unknown_07: Oh, my God. Okay, they're so bad. Unknown_07: What are you doing? Be careful. Oh, okay. Let me get the token ready for fucking spilling shit. Unknown_07: I'm ready for it. I'm ready for this. Unknown_07: Come on. Get that shit going. Get that shit going. I'm dropping the fucking token as soon as that shit starts. Oh. 0:39:43 Unknown_06: She can't hold it. She can't hold it. Unknown_07: Oh, I'm so disappointed. I was ready for that fucking flower to go everywhere. God damn it. Unknown_11: Right, and... Unknown_07: Kay, you fucking cunt. What I'm going to do is I'm going to put all this stuff now in here, because it's all going to be mixed together anyway. 0:40:22 Unknown_09: I'll put everything in here. Unknown_07: Yeah, she literally doesn't have a counter. She just has a stove top. Unknown_07: Wait, why are they adding... That food is fucking burned already, and she's just now adding raw vegetables to it? Like, dude, you want to fucking, like, sauté the veggies, like, way, way before you introduce the meat. I can't get the lid off, so I'm not adding it. Unknown_11: I have to put the lid off, don't I? 0:40:54 Unknown_11: So, I don't know how much to add, but I think I'm doing enough. Unknown_09: Oh, God. It's in the ring now, like that. Unknown_07: That's fucking crazy. What? Unknown_06: She did it. Unknown_07: She likes her steak well done. All right. Unknown_01: Now what I'm going to do with this, I'm going to turn it down to number one. 0:41:28 Unknown_09: I'm going to cover it. Unknown_07: Well, I already know how we're going to fucking get bingo on this. I'm going to leave it to cook in its own little way. Unknown_09: Wow. I put that crazy garlic. Oh, wow, that's... Wait, oh, she added garlic, the fucking bitch. Can you smell that? Well, obviously you can smell it. Unknown_06: She added garlic. Fuck. Unknown_09: So I'm going to leave that now to cook a bit on its own, in its own... 0:42:02 Unknown_11: She put in garlic That is some well done fucking steak Is it bad that this is like the most edible thing I think she's ever cooked No, she used pepper doesn't count as seasoning. Unknown_07: It's only it's anything besides salt and pepper, but she used garlic I'm gonna count as a seasoning Unknown_11: This is the end product of a Yorkshire pudding and a beef wrap. Lee's going to come and do the taste test. Unknown_14: Can I have a fork? Unknown_11: Oh, get your fingers, get it over with. Unknown_07: Is that count as scolding Lee? Unknown_11: Mmm. 0:42:57 Unknown_11: Now I know you have trouble with some of my Yorkshire puddings, is that alright? Did she hurt herself? Unknown_11: Crispy around, so that's good. Unknown_07: Alright, we're calling that a scolding. Now that meat should be done perfect. The meat's fucking like rubbered. Is it? Unknown_11: Yeah, oh, yeah. Unknown_07: She didn't use the sobit highest setting. Unknown_10: Not speaking to me. Unknown_14: Nice and tender. Oh, good. You can... The peppers aren't that strong, which is good. They're not cumin peppers. But you can't really taste it. So, yeah, for yourself. 0:43:31 Unknown_11: Well, that looks like the money has nearly disintegrated. I did not laugh at it. So, yeah, thumbs up. Oh, very good. Unknown_11: Alright, we can still clutch this. Yes! Yes! She yelled it! She did it! She did it! Oh, that's beautiful. 0:44:16 Unknown_11: If you like what you see, please keep doing me. If you want to give me a big ol' thumbs up, it'd be much appreciated. And if you haven't sub- Oh, that was fucking clutch. Unknown_07: She juked us on the fucking- the seasoning. But she couldn't hold it in. She had to yell. Unknown_07: Alright, that was good. I was at the edge of my seat. That was more exciting than fucking Mario Kart, to be sure. Unknown_07: All right, we got steak piloted up next. Let's reset the card. I'm going to generate another card. Any other requests to modify? Anything to add before we proceed, before we begin again? 0:44:50 Unknown_15: Let's see. Mario Kart is still going. Unknown_07: Yeah, fuck that. Unknown_07: Keep it going, keep it going. We'll do it, we'll do it. Anything else, like a different card, like anything to add to the card? Unknown_07: Fresh garlic is not seasoning, you nigger. Yeah, it is. 0:45:22 Unknown_07: Okay, I'll add stove as countertop. That guy really fucking wants that. Unknown_07: Stove as countertop. Unknown_07: Food is badly chopped. Nah, I'm gonna consider that a duplicate of destroying food. Irversize chunks. Unknown_07: Josh is a feeder. Unknown_15: No, no, no. I'm going to change the card to a different one. 0:45:53 Unknown_07: I'm going to keep changing it, rotating it to different stuff to keep it fresh. Unknown_15: All right. Hold up. Oh, no shit. Unknown_15: Oh, the site's a little bit shitty. Damn it. Unknown_15: All right, I'm going to generate another card. Unknown_15: And, whoa, whoa, whoa, what the fuck? Unknown_15: Oh, I almost, like, oh, I got nervous. I thought I had lost it, but no, it's there. All right, bingo card. And I'll print this one out. 0:46:34 Unknown_15: Just at random. Okay. Unknown_15: helps to have the entire thing in viewport crop save and that's the new card already there so steak pie here we go hi people and i'm back cooking again and today i'm going to be doing steak pie uh okay so do we have the i'm gonna put the uh 0:47:21 Unknown_11: I'm going to fry. Unknown_07: Wait, hold up. Titty check. Unknown_07: Okay, that's no bra. Unknown_11: Right, I'm going to put the... And that's a metal shirt. Unknown_07: We got that. I'm going to fry. Unknown_07: Oh, my gosh. Unknown_11: She's going to be bleeding big chunks here. They're going to need to cook. Unknown_07: Is that in margarine? Unknown_11: They're not going to cook without bloody eating. Right, I'm going to put that... Right, as you can see, I'll put the... Did she just crank that up to 11 again? Yeah. 0:47:54 Unknown_11: I'm gonna cut the honey in half yeah she put that up to max where uh where is peel the skin off oh we don't have it we don't have a Unknown_11: You don't have a spot for max heat. Unknown_07: Does that count? No, she's not using, I don't think that counts as a, no, she did mush mouth it. Where's mush mouth up? Unknown_07: That doesn't count as using it as a countertop because that's an elbow. Where's, where's, 0:48:50 Unknown_07: If man if she hurts herself is not on this fucking thing That needs to be on like everyone Okay breathing okay breathing going in oh Unknown_11: So going in. Unknown_07: The card is hard. Unknown_11: This is a harder card. Unknown_09: I'm going to cook the onion up. 0:49:33 Unknown_07: The seasoning. Unknown_07: She added some Mr. Dash motherfuckers. Get right. That's two. She got fucking onions in there too. Get cooked. Unknown_09: Half. Unknown_09: And I'm going to let them dribble with these onions. Unknown_01: Wait, is that oil? Okay, if that's oil. Unknown_07: I thought it was just like the wetness of the steak at first. But no, if that's oil, that's fucking ridiculous. You don't cook meat in fucking oil. I don't understand that. 0:50:06 Unknown_09: Like you don't cook meat in oil like that. Right. Unknown_09: And to all you people who told me to get an onion slice that I have been all around town, could not find one anywhere. So I don't know. 0:50:38 Unknown_01: I don't know where my mother got those from. Unknown_07: Y'all the fans, yeah, you got it. Unknown_07: Here's your supper, pal. 0:51:10 Unknown_09: Oh, she fucked up. Unknown_07: She spilled shit. Unknown_07: God, stop cutting like that. That was an awkward laugh. Unknown_01: I got the awkward laugh. The onion went flying right. Unknown_01: So that's the gizmo in with the gizmos. Unknown_01: It says just to cook it till it's all a bit brown. I'm going to turn the heat down. This is going to be a hard one. It's not all brown. It should be. 0:51:46 Unknown_01: I'm going to put some more. Unknown_07: This is a fucking hard card. Unknown_07: That's not oil? Unknown_01: Is it margarine? 0:52:27 Unknown_07: Uh, she did use the other countertop. Unknown_07: Ah, man. Unknown_07: I don't know, how long is this video? She's got plenty of time to fuck- Oh god, we've got 13 minutes. Don't worry, this is a hard card, but we're- we've been allotted time. Unknown_01: Can you get me the salt and pepper out, please? 0:53:00 Unknown_09: She definitely tries to cook better in some of her later videos just because so many people ridicule her for being awful at everything. Unknown_07: I mean, she's still fucking cooked the meat before the vegetables. And she's cooking on max heat instead of slow cooking it. But yeah, this is edible. Unknown_11: Right, I'm going to put the flour in now. Unknown_07: What the fuck? Is that a table? When the fuck did this bitch get a table? Unknown_07: Hey, look, it's that watch. Somebody really wanted it as an item. Unknown_11: That's about eight ounces. Lovely. Unknown_11: Ow, ow, ow. Put that in there. You can see that going in. 0:53:57 Unknown_11: Going in. Unknown_11: Oh, what have I done? I forgot to pop the... What the fuck are you doing? Unknown_06: She's like retarded. Unknown_11: I'm gonna put four ounces of margarine. Unknown_07: Oh, there's our fucking margarine. Unknown_07: We got time, fellas. We got time. 0:54:30 Unknown_09: get off my pedestal maybe use anything else besides margarine what's store bar the the flower the flower doesn't count everybody buys flowers store-bought means like packaged salami or something Unknown_07: Do you really need that much margarine? Unknown_11: In the pan? Oh, pan. Unknown_07: No, no, no. Flour doesn't count. Unknown_11: Am I actually on camera? Oh, no. Unknown_11: What we do is put that aside. Unknown_07: Yeah, I'm going to count that as scraping. Unknown_11: I'm going to rub this flour into the... Yeah, that counts because she's clacking it together and shit. Unknown_07: Scrapes, utensils, we got. Ooh, this is a tough one. 0:55:33 Unknown_06: what why is she oh my god she can't use butter because her son has like a fucked up digestive system or something that is so fucking nasty though let's put his hands all up in this shit he's a fucking you have a mixer we've seen your mixer we are we are we're on to you lady we know you have a mixer this is inappropriate thank you A pinch of salt. Unknown_11: Rub that in as well. It's not physically destroyed, it's just protruding flour. Unknown_07: It doesn't count yet. Unknown_07: Yeah, the hands are getting nice and bloody up in there. 0:56:32 Unknown_11: I'm gonna get some water. Unknown_07: Ew! Oh my god! Come on! Good chefs use their hands to mix in flour and fucking margarine, really? Unknown_11: I don't buy that shit. Unknown_07: It's not destroyed because it wasn't. It's just flour and margarine. Fine, fuck it. I'm not keen on pie. This is hard, man. I'll excuse that one. That's physically destroyed. That's why I just put a top on. 0:57:04 Unknown_07: Josh has never cooked. I've cooked every so often. Unknown_11: Eat the what's inside it and throw the crust away. I know it's a waste of money, but. Unknown_07: What are people asking? Unknown_11: So I'm making full pie this time. Oh, rolling pin sticking to it now. breaking it up now, little shake. Unknown_11: Throwing at them. 0:57:39 Unknown_11: Right, I'm going to now put it in my dish. Unknown_11: Oh, fuck. Unknown_07: Language, lady. No, I'm going to start it all again because it's all gone wrong. Oh, my God. She's actually fixing it as opposed to just plopping it down on the fucking plate. That's impressive. All right. Unknown_07: It's destroyed now. We're going to give it that space de facto. 0:58:18 Unknown_07: She has made worse dough. This is one of her better videos. And this is a hard card. So we're up against the fucking, against the elements right now. Unknown_11: Alright, we're doing it now. It's getting there. Unknown_11: With my pistol stitches on me. You never roll back. Unknown_11: Right now, hopefully... Yes, it does. It's got up on the... It's a rumbling pin, isn't it? 0:58:53 Unknown_11: Shocking memory. Unknown_07: What's she doing? Unknown_07: Oh. Unknown_07: You're such a full K. Oh, she saved it. Saved. Unknown_11: And what I'm going to do is I'm going to... There's an archive if you want to look at older streams. Unknown_07: Like, the archive fucks up a lot, so I'm not too optimistic. 0:59:29 Unknown_11: There. I'm going to roll the lid out. Unknown_07: Actually, I'm streaming to VK right now. I'll post the link to my VK after this. And the VK archive is usually a little bit better. So I'm going to roll this lid out on top of the pie. Unknown_07: She really... What do we need for a bingo? She's already used vegetables, so we can't use that. She's already used seasoning, so we can't use that. That rules out, like, almost all of them. If she pulls something out of a package and uses that, and then puts way too much shit on a plate, we can, uh... 1:00:02 Unknown_07: We might be saved. Unknown_07: How does it hinge on Lee? Unknown_11: Right, now that looks alright to me. That looks the same size. Unknown_07: There's no Lee token. Oh, the son hates the food? No, she's used vegetables. 1:00:35 Unknown_07: If she scolds Lee and he hates the food, that would be the most clutch. Unknown_11: I'm going to slap it in there. Unknown_11: Right, now I'm taking it from the pan, the frying pan. And that food is like... I should have cut it up, but I didn't. Unknown_11: And I'm using... That is some traditional English cooking right there. Whichever you want to call it. 1:01:10 Unknown_11: The one with the holes in it. Unknown_07: Yeah, Lee is a fucking retard. This motherfucker is going to eat this slop and fucking love it. Two big thumbs up. Big thumbs up for you, Mum. Unknown_11: Too many lumps in there. Unknown_11: Never mind. Unknown_11: So that's that done. Unknown_07: Scrape, scrape, scrape. Unknown_11: I'm going to put a lid on it. 1:01:47 Unknown_11: Put the pile over there for a minute. Unknown_11: Get the lid. Unknown_07: She's still fucking with... Come here. Unknown_11: Oh, fuck. Unknown_07: Blind bake the bottom. Oh, yeah. Dude, that doesn't look right. Unknown_11: Well, what I'm going to do is I'm going to... That doesn't look right, Kay. Unknown_11: Well, I'm going to close at the ends. 1:02:24 Unknown_11: And then I'm gonna glaze it with milk. Unknown_07: I don't know, my mom was a bad cook and I always knew that the food was shit. And I'm gonna leave these big edges on it. Unknown_11: Because they'll come off with the pie when it's all nice and cooked. Unknown_11: So I'm gonna glaze it with egg. Unknown_11: And then it's going in the oven. I'm gonna check it because it says 20 minutes. On one of the things to do it says 20 minutes. and the other one says 30 minutes so I'm going to check it after 20 minutes and we'll see how it's gone. 1:03:02 Unknown_11: As you can see it's done and the pastry is broken. Unknown_11: Never cut this on that. I'm going to cut a bit off for Lee to try. Unknown_11: Do you know? Unknown_11: That's why I never put a top and a bottom on a pastry. Unknown_07: What the fuck is that? Unknown_11: Lee's gonna do the taste test. 1:03:36 Unknown_07: Oh, God. I think I might put a bit of gravy on that after. Unknown_11: It's a bit dry. Unknown_06: Lee! Unknown_11: Lee! It looks a bit dry, even though I put a lot of stuff in. Unknown_06: Lee! Unknown_06: Come on. Yeah, big piece of meat. Unknown_11: I'm sorry. I should have... It's like burning. Unknown_06: Chopped him up. Yeah, it's like burning. Unknown_11: Is it? It shouldn't be. Unknown_06: Oh! He hates it. He hates it. 1:04:06 Unknown_11: But then again, steak is tough. Yell at him. Unknown_06: Yell at him. Yell at him. Unknown_06: Come on. Unknown_06: get yelled at, you fat faggot. Unknown_14: No, you can lie all you fucking want, motherfucker. He backtalked. He backtalked. Yeah, but that is steak. Unknown_11: It is actually tough and chew it. Unknown_14: But apart from that, because I'm not really a big... 1:04:40 Unknown_14: Steak, fine, you know. But, you know, I'll eat it if it is done. Unknown_11: Yes! Yes! Yes! She lost her tongue. I can't believe that. Unknown_06: I can't believe that. Unknown_11: Right, as you see, that's... As Lee said, it's a... Oh, that's funny. So about Little Outburst, the swearing, I just... 1:05:17 Unknown_11: I can't believe that. Unknown_07: That fucking little faggot does not come out for us more often than not. Unknown_11: If you want to leave a comment, please feel free. And I always get told I'm rushing the ending bit. Sorry. I just get used to it. And then if you haven't subscribed to the new... To the new subscribers who tell me that they've just subscribed. Hiya! Ow. Unknown_11: So if you want to subscribe, please subscribe. Get everybody subscribing. Get yourself subscribing. Thank you. Bye. 1:05:56 Unknown_07: That was crazy. I was not expecting that one to come out on top. All right. Somebody really wants to. We'll save this. We'll put this aside. Unknown_07: But somebody wanted to watch her son's videos. So we'll take a detour. Unknown_07: And we'll look at that just real quick. Just as a final thing before I head off for the night, because I am a sleepy boy. I need to wind down. 1:06:28 Unknown_07: Let's go ahead and look at it. Let me do a poll, because there's three different channels, right? Unknown_07: Actually, you know what? There's only two, because we've already looked at the singing one before. Unknown_07: Where's my stream.net? Unknown_07: Which channel? Unknown_07: Big Man Lee's Gaming or Big Man Lee. Unknown_07: I think that's just a bit. Okay, that's it. All right, vote. Vote. 1:07:00 Unknown_07: I'm going to see. I bet you I'm not going to tilt the results by giving my thoughts. But I did vote. I participated in the democratic process. Unknown_07: Oh, somebody sent me this. Unknown_07: Oh, that's so fucking gay. That's so fucking sad. Proton, Magical Girl, Proto, Z, Zim, Zer, Alexis, It, It's, She, Her. Fuck you. How embarrassing. I can't believe somebody would actually... That's so fucking sad. 1:07:32 Unknown_07: Oh, jeez. Unknown_15: All right. I think we're going to have to call it for Big Man Lee. Unknown_07: I don't think Big Man Lee's gaming has a chance anymore. 1:08:06 Unknown_07: Let's see. Was that on? Unknown_07: That must be Christmas Day. Let's watch the Christmas video, then. We'll watch this through. Unknown_14: If you already realize which you probably have it's Christmas already It's Christmas Day and I just want to say You know begin this video. I've enjoyed vlogmas. I really have I Know the vlogs have been a bit behind like a day late, but I 1:08:43 Unknown_14: that's as it is you know a lot of vloggers are a day behind so yeah but i just want to say a big thank you i have enjoyed vlogmas so much it possibly being the best vlogmas you know out there but i really enjoyed it i just want to say you know i just want to say a big thank you i really do because i've enjoyed it will it be a regular thing after vlogmas if i daily vlog 1:09:21 Unknown_14: Might be. I don't know yet. We'll just have to wait and find out. I do not look like Lee. Unknown_06: Fuck you. You cocksucker motherfucker. Ew, he does have a boogie. Unknown_14: Ew, he does have a boogie. Oh, no. Unknown_14: Hold up. My mum just opened the Christmas crackers. Go on, Mum. Wait, is it gone? Okay, it is gone. Unknown_12: Why don't you see penguins in Britain? Unknown_14: Why? Unknown_12: Because they're afraid of whales. 1:09:52 Unknown_07: He has like moles all over his body. Not really at all, but yeah. Unknown_12: What did the snowman eat for breakfast? Unknown_14: Carrot? I don't know. Snowflakes. Unknown_07: Oh, God. Wait, is it just them? They have no family or whatever? Unknown_14: Seriously. Right, since I haven't really vlogged much, I only vlog like when I got up. Unknown_14: And when I was having my dinner. I don't know if I was having my dinner or not. I can't remember. I don't think I was. But anyway. I just want you guys to let me know. What's your best bit about Christmas? 1:10:26 Unknown_14: I've asked my mum. And she said her best bit is. You know just relaxing after the Christmas meal. Listening to Christmas songs. You know just like the normal stuff. I think mine is just, like, seeing all the, like, Christmas lights, you know, everyone seems to be jolly. Unknown_07: What's your favorite part of Christmas, Chet? Unknown_14: And that, like, that's what I think, you know, is one of my best bits about Christmas, just everyone being jolly. Because, I mean, like, in, like, normal days, you see someone. 1:11:01 Unknown_07: I should start a vlog. Maybe one day. Unknown_14: Oh, Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Happy New Year as well. You know, it's like that. Unknown_14: So that's that's my best bit about Christmas. You know, it's like seem like everyone gets along better learn about Christmastime He's got a patreon he's got What you think your best bit about he's 30 if it didn't look 30 if it's just a Christmas light so your stuff I 1:11:37 Unknown_14: Or doing something nice for someone else. You know, that's also a good thing as well. Unknown_07: I'm trying to decide what I like about Christmas. I do like the cold weather. I love cold weather. Oh, look at that fat fucking greyhound wobbling along. No! Unknown_07: Here's your supper, pal. I don't know if you guys will be actually interested in this. Unknown_14: I know it's been a while. But I don't know if I showed you all the trimmings and lights and how they're put up. 1:12:10 Unknown_14: Honestly, I kind of thought it was Christmas because this is like the Christmas vlog. I thought I'd show you them even though the decorations and lights aren't being put up. I don't think I showed you. them all. I don't know if it is, so I thought I'd show you them now. There's some tin fill. Unknown_14: Tin fill? Unknown_07: I hope that's what it's called, mate. Unknown_14: So that goes down there all the way up there. Back up so you can see the fucking living room, dude. Unknown_14: And I just think they look so much better at night. See if I can get them all in. 1:12:47 Unknown_14: i think i've noticed lots of girls like to hang christmas lights all over their bedrooms so that they can have like a soft light at night it's a very girly thing to do right that was the dining room now it's time to show you the hallway oh there's something so they're going like that all the way down oh tinsel not tinfoil sorry i'm sleepy okay that's my excuse 1:13:22 Unknown_07: Whores like it, yes. Cam whores love to put that shit in the back. Unknown_14: and obviously some trimmings you know that lot on the ceiling and some more tinsel on the picture as you go upstairs and then there's all these blue lights coming all the way down here and then there's also these lights around the door 1:14:05 Unknown_14: don't they have family and then there's these three pictures with a bit of tinsel on and there's some lights there as well i don't know if i showed you actually these but we also got these as well two christmas trees and a star and that is one of the snowmen and that is the snowman Unknown_14: And now you have seen all the Christmas decorations we have got up inside. Unknown_07: The blue lights are so strange. That is all the lights, all the decorations. I like it, though. Unknown_14: Everything is up. Unknown_07: Is Lee retarded? I think he's autistic. Unknown_07: Just saying. Unknown_14: Oh, there's one thing I forgot to show you, actually. And obviously, for some reason, the camera doesn't want to focus, but we've got some bells here that go all the way down there, obviously. And we've also got some Santa lights, which, well, we've put them up so it looks like he's climbing up. And, yeah, that's it. 1:15:03 Unknown_14: and that is all the christmas decorations all the christmas lights that we've got inside so yeah really you know i hope you have enjoyed me showing you all these is that it yeah that's mostly it oh no right guys i thought i'd end this vlog a bit different 1:15:43 Unknown_14: I just want to say a big thank you for, you know, all the views I've been getting and all the subscribers I've been getting while I've been doing Vlogmas. Honestly, you know, as you know, if you've been here for a long time, my vlogs are the same. And a lot of them are, you know, well, they are boring. You know, I'm not going to admit that. Unknown_14: I will admit that. Unknown_14: But. I just want to say like a big thank you. You know. I've enjoyed vlogging this. Unknown_14: And like I said before. Unknown_14: Am I going to vlog like a regular thing. I mean. Am I going to do daily vlogs like a regular thing. 1:16:28 Unknown_14: I don't know. I might do. I might not do. Some weeks. I might want to try it some weeks. I might not want to try it. Unknown_14: but yeah i just lost i just want to say a big thank you for you know sticking with me through this vlogmas i feel really bad now yeah and that's it and i know vlogmas is supposed to end on the 25th of december but i'm gonna vlog boxing day yeah i thought might as well 1:17:09 Unknown_14: So I am vlogging tomorrow. This was published on the 27th. So I will see you tomorrow. Good night. Unknown_07: Look, this is how sad it is. He's all thankful for his views and shit. But look at the comments. He didn't show us what you bought your mother. He didn't show... You made the... Unknown_07: You didn't show us what you bought Kay. And his entire vlog, like for the last time, was about what he bought her. You didn't show us what you got for Christmas. You didn't show us the Christmas dinner. You showed us lights and trimmings for the last 10 of the vlogs and you've done it again. A Christmas vlog where you don't show gift giving or the dinner is like the most basic components of a Christmas vlog. Honestly, just give up now. These are terrible. 1:17:43 Unknown_07: Your mom's going to have a huge electrics bill this month. Unknown_07: Here's your dislike, pal. Day 25, your two days late, pal. What did you get for Christmas? 1:18:27 Unknown_15: That's sad. They're commenting like... Unknown_07: Like, Tanya posted this, like, on Christmas Day. Oh, that's sad. Oh, man. What a terrible way to end the stream. I feel bad. Unknown_06: Well... 1:18:59 Unknown_07: I mean, fuck. I don't have anything else to say. Unknown_07: I guess thanks for watching amateur games, or I keep saying amateur games. Awesome games. Like the video for them. Hold up. I will do that. I have to take a, you know, I can't do it on my Firefox, but I'll give it a big thumbs up on my Kiwi Farms account. I'll make this my only liked video. Unknown_07: Hold up. Big thumbs up. 1:19:30 Unknown_07: And I'll show you the receipts. Unknown_07: OK. Unknown_07: I'll show you. I'll show you that I've done it. Unknown_07: Thumbs up that PNG. Drop that into OBS. Unknown_07: And I'll show you even more. Unknown_15: Hold up. Unknown_15: Can you view my like videos as a guest? I don't think you can. 1:20:04 Unknown_15: No, you can't. OK. There you go. That's my receipt. Unknown_07: I gave him the big old thumbs up. Unknown_07: A night-night thumbs up. Unknown_07: All right. Unknown_07: Well, that is the stream. Thank you for watching with me. I appreciate it. I hope you guys enjoyed. We had a weird format today because it was me talking with people about random shit while very, very boring gameplay happened in the background, which culminated in me randomly showing up on the dick show. It's weird. It's like if you just stream, weird shit happens. You don't plan for it, but it happens. It seems to be like a... 1:20:36 Unknown_07: It seems to be, like, isn't there a thing for it, like, with streamers' luck or whatever? Whatever. Yeah, thanks for watching. Again, I'm streaming formally on noon on Wednesday, Eastern Standard Time. And I have a special song picked out. And I'll see you when I see you. Unknown_15: Wow, where the fuck did it go? Unknown_15: I downloaded this. I know I have it. 1:21:08 Unknown_07: There it is. All right. I'll see you on Wednesday at the latest. Bye-byes. Thank you. 1:22:22 Unknown_08: Thank you.