AGDQ Stream Snipe 2019-01-06

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Unknown_00: What's going on in this level?

Unknown_23: We were rolling the second, now we gotta watch wacky comedy. I was close. Alright, Keys, what do you have?

Unknown_12: So I'm thinking about the first iPad game to ever be ran at a GDQ. So imagine a four-legged creature to combine.

Unknown_20: This is awful. I'm seriously regretting this. Imagine the Pico 8 minigame. Everyone, stream sniping amateur games down quickly. It's the VK link. And it's deep, simple, complex gameplay all at the same time.

Unknown_12: Anyone?

Unknown_12: I'm, of course, talking about CatDog.

Unknown_14: There's no cat dog in the marathon, Keys. It's not a game. First of all, it's a show. But it's not a game in the marathon. I mean, you're thinking of Cat Bird. That's the idea. Cat Dog was a good show, though.

Unknown_14: How about... Oops.

Unknown_38: Where's the Johnny Bravo shirt? Bird?

Unknown_20: He ruined his joke because he tore two shirts off at once. Oh, my God. This is like fucking cancer.

Unknown_20: Like, everybody knows what's going to come now because he's already torn his shirt.

Unknown_14: Spike, save us. Okay, to people not knowing, this is amateur games done quickly.

Unknown_20: This is the thing where everybody's like a tranny, and they try to play shit-fucking games like this.

Unknown_10: I present to you guys the retro classic from the 90s involving the hero thrust into the wild, tasked with saving a princess, and equipped with the master sword. Oh, wait. I know what you're saying.

Unknown_17: Also, you might want to hide this card.

Unknown_10: Along the journey, you will slay vampires and other such undead creatures. You can hide the names, I guess. Not that game. Yeah.

Unknown_10: No, I'm talking about the pattern classic from Atlas, where the final battle includes a villain named Vireless and a hero named Jim. Where the true final boss isn't the dragon or vampires, but angry trees and mobs of bees. And the game somehow finds a way to run at not 60, 30, or 20, but what looks like negative FPS. That's right, ladies and gentlemen. It's virtual hide. Of course.

Unknown_20: I don't, I don't understand like that's like a reference like an ABGM game from the NES.

Unknown_14: I think there's only one way to describe the next game and that is to just watch a clip.

Unknown_20: Like nobody's gonna get that shit. I wish I could show the chat.

Unknown_10: Nobody's laughing.

Unknown_20: Nobody's laughing at this shit. You guys are failures.

Unknown_20: Oh no.

Unknown_20: Is that a tranny? Have we seen a tranny yet?

Unknown_17: This might be numero uno. I'm gonna throw a thing up.

Unknown_20: Tranny counter zero.

Unknown_20: Throw that up at the top.

Unknown_20: You guys see it training, please.

Unknown_09: Oh god, they're so unfunny. It's like watching Kay's cooking boat with jokes.

Unknown_20: It's not.

Unknown_09: Is this guy some kind of furry?

Unknown_09: I wish the grand prize was like a mass murderer killing all these fucking people.

Unknown_09: What the fuck?

Unknown_20: Why would I want to buy something from this guy? This guy creeps me out.

Unknown_09: He's like a weirdo. Why do they keep trying- oh my god, none of these people are funny. Why are you- stop applauding this.

Unknown_20: You need to make a failed jokes counter. I know I wouldn't be able to do anything else. I'd just be updating my shit non-stop. Because everything they fucking say is just awful. Twitch started loving it though.

Unknown_20: Twitch chat. Yeah, I need to show Twitch chat somehow.

Unknown_14: Oh, there we go. Watching amateur games done quickly.

Unknown_20: Awesome games done quickly.

Unknown_14: Whatever.

Unknown_14: We've got Darkman, Blecky, and Kung Fu Fruit Cup. Could you pop it out and do the... We've got Kung Fu and Keys. And Spike and Darkman. And copy the URL. Pop it out and put it in.

Unknown_42: They've actually already prepared their answers on whiteboards.

Unknown_20: So Fiesel, I want to ask you, what is Blecky's favorite first-time indie game on the schedule?

Unknown_14: Oh, let's see.

Unknown_23: Well, I know the black people have Mexican food and spicy dips, so I'm going to say Guacamelee.

Unknown_20: We have people who might as well cut their dicks off, because they're not fucking men.

Unknown_38: They're not Chinese tradition.

Unknown_14: It's Guacamelee, dude. Got him. Very nice.

Unknown_14: All right, let's go over to Teezy and Kung Fu. I put shit on my fucking screen. What do you think is Kung Fu's favorite donation incentive of the marathon?

Unknown_12: Well, Kung Fu is a bit of a fashionista, so I'm going to guess the boxer shorts from Super Mario Odyssey. Let's see if that's it.

Unknown_20: It is!

Unknown_12: It's a box of shorts.

Unknown_20: Give me a second. I'm a pro at OBS, as everybody knows.

Unknown_14: I will figure this out. What do you think is Darkman's favorite Genesis game on the schedule? And I mean, this one's pretty obvious. I mean, if you say it's obvious, you got to go with the classics.

Unknown_10: Sonic the Hedgehog 1.

Unknown_14: Let's see. I'm sorry. No, it's, of course, Fairest Frustratus du Picapau.

Unknown_20: Why did I agree to do this?

Unknown_20: What's wrong with me? Did you get sucked into it? Somebody told me like hey, you should stream some amateur games done quickly. Oh, that sounds like a great idea That sounds like a lot of fun. We'll all have fun watching this fucking garbage Desire lines is fault everybody everybody

Unknown_14: Wait, what? How? How could he have possibly known that? Oh, we're roommates. Oh, come on.

Unknown_14: Okay, well, that's just cheating. Let's go on to Keys and Kung Fu. Keys, same question. What game from the schedule would be your nickname?

Unknown_12: Well, you saw how I ripped off those shirts.

Unknown_14: Clearly, I'm the god of war. Yeah, I don't believe that for a second. Let's check.

Unknown_14: Yeah, Twilight Princess. That seems more accurate. Yep.

Unknown_12: Is that thing with the red hair a tranny?

Unknown_20: The problem is that they're all fucking, they're all like bitch niggas. It's impossible to tell.

Unknown_20: Like who's supposed to be a tranny or not.

Unknown_20: This is terrible.

Unknown_20: Well that's just every fucking person we see on the screen.

Unknown_20: Why is Twitch chat like laughing at this? Stop enabling the self-harm. Well, it's subscriber-only, so I guess they all should still. I guess so. That's so depressing. Here, let me... I'm gonna update the CSS in the browser. I sent you a little plugin that would do it better and make it match the one... That is, uh... Is that for Twitch?

Unknown_42: He asked for Twitch, it's already pre-configured, you just gotta drop the CSS and the URL in.

Unknown_42: Yo, can you fucking hear me?

Unknown_06: Yes.

Unknown_20: Push the talk button.

Unknown_44: Yeah, yeah, I just wanted to make sure.

Unknown_06: I just wanted to say that Awesome Games Done Quick is what happens when the anime club takes over. We bring back bullying and autism.

Unknown_01: That's fair. That's fair. Oh, okay, and you even took out the background.

Unknown_20: Great. Yeah, it looked kind of more similar.

Unknown_01: And of course, Twitch is a great sponsor of ours, ourself. So thank you for powering us.

Unknown_20: Twitch, this is all your fault. There's that faggot that runs Amazon now, that guy.

Unknown_01: Jeff Bezos official?

Unknown_20: Yeah, Jeff Bezos. This is all your fault, Jeff Bezos, you motherfucker.

Unknown_01: This also includes GIF subs and Twitch Prime subs. Hold on, I'll have a picture. Now, before we start the countdown, I want to also bring on Amy from Prevent Cancer Foundation to talk for a minute. Oh, great. We're going to talk about cancer.

Unknown_20: Very topical. Thanks a lot. Hello, everybody.

Unknown_20: Oh, I thought she was bald for a second. Is she on chemo?

Unknown_29: Yo, what's going on? We're making fun of Tranny. I got a picture of Jess Bezos. Oh, right. OK.

Unknown_42: So I missed the ending of the battle last night.

Unknown_29: Relation Station 2019. That's cool. SPCC beat me. Those fuckers.

Unknown_42: He stole Josh's bike.

Unknown_20: Exactly. I was gonna go to his bike. I was gonna get in his shape. That was ni- Watching the end there. It looks like his ass is sticking like half a feet. He's got like an ass table back there. What the fuck?

Unknown_29: Hang on, wait, where can I go to actually watch the AGD?

Unknown_01: I just came here to confirm the stream chat is actually sound.

Unknown_41: Yeah, I just want to confirm that.

Unknown_01: It actually is.

Unknown_29: Now I don't have to watch the stream in me and just hear. I couldn't quite hear you. What is it?

Unknown_41: Do anything, not stream.

Unknown_01: Not even do like all the races for me.

Unknown_41: Messages or something like that. You're gonna get fucking banned easy.

Unknown_41: Guys look so super scripted. Okay, nevermind.

Unknown_20: Look at how fast it's moving. It's like nothing but emojis and shit. These people are like animals. And everyone there weighs over 150 kilos.

Unknown_25: No, I watched him all day yesterday, Critical. He didn't go back online with his account.

Unknown_29: Wait, Critical was banned from YouTube? No, no, the guy in chat named Critical.

Unknown_20: and it gets rid of the landing lag of the hard fall.

Unknown_25: We play as the knight, and you have two abilities right off the bat. It's basically just your nail, which is the little sword that we're swinging around, and you can jump and also you can heal. At the top left of the screen, you see the five little masks, that's our health bar. Most things do one health, some things do two.

Unknown_25: And to the left of that is the soul meter. And the soul meter I'm going to be referring to as kind of a 0 through 9.

Unknown_25: The way you build soul is by hitting things with the nail. And it's kind of our mana, our MP. You can kind of think of it.

Unknown_20: No sane person watches this, dude. This is all, this is like bullshit for like the intellectually handicapped. This is boring. Yeah. It really depends.

Unknown_42: I like watching some of the older N64 stuff where they talk about the exploits.

Unknown_20: Yes, because it becomes like an engineering project at that point. I mean, the TAS runs are TAS. But again, the engineering side of it.

Unknown_25: You can bounce off them or pogo and that's gonna be really important later in the

Unknown_51: What's the ETA? I've been outed as Robocop. They compare scores between themselves and shit.

Unknown_41: Even then, the funniest thing is that, you know, gaming is considered like a mental illness. That's maybe because there's too many fucking trannies, and transsexuality is kind of a mental illness by itself. So it makes you think a little bit, you know?

Unknown_29: Transgenderism isn't actually listed as a mental disorder, though. Yeah, it's actually a gender dysphoria.

Unknown_41: Basically, gender dysphoria is, but...

Unknown_42: Oh, wait.

Unknown_41: That's a JMA guy, guys.

Unknown_42: Yo, what was your thing yesterday? What were you trying to say?

Unknown_41: Yeah, I actually banned... What was that? Oh, yeah, I actually banned Guinness Stars or something. I also told, like, Cyberdemon got some pizza from me. You know, I sent pizza to Cyberdemon on stream. I don't know if he's arrived exactly to Cyberdemon's place. You know, that Tronny speedrunner streamer or something. Like, dude, I try not to exactly dox him because that would be exactly against stream-y DOS. But I did, I just did a, give him a prank call to like a local... Okay, I might just cut in here, this story's getting way too long.

Unknown_20: I just want to know why you're trying to take credit. Dude, nobody gives a shit about trolling credit. I'm so sick of this. If you want to argue about that shit, go someplace else. Nobody gives a shit.

Unknown_41: Whatever, I mean...

Unknown_20: No, I did not get my computer hooked up. Just saying though. I have to wait until I get accessories that I put in order for Wait, where's the training at? Is the training the one in the pink in the back? Oh, I guess I have to update the fucking counter.

Unknown_25: I forgot I put the counter up there.

Unknown_25: The game audio is a little loud. Is that person behind the fat guy like a 20?

Unknown_41: That kind of looks like Cyberdemon.

Unknown_25: That's what people are saying. That 20 over the background definitely reminds me of fucking Cyberdemon.

Unknown_41: Cyberdemon back to GTQ. Is that a train in the pink behind the fat dude?

Unknown_25: Yeah, the person in pink. You can only fight the dream boss version once you've defeated the original.

Unknown_51: They're all trannies, that's what you guys don't realize.

Unknown_20: They just haven't started transitioning yet. In a couple of years, all these guys are gonna be in fucking clown dresses and shit. Where's Cosmo? Cosmo's relegated to the fucking... the archives at this point. Aw, stop fucking deadnaming, dude. It's narciss- It's a dude. It's narciss-

Unknown_25: Alright, cool. Okay. Wait, why is it in Chinese?

Unknown_20: I still remember like, last year there was like $300 donation from that one guy.

Unknown_29: I wonder if he's gonna pull another donation like that again.

Unknown_20: Why is the game in Chinese?

Unknown_51: I know this one, I know this one actually. It's because the text speed is slightly faster in Chinese.

Unknown_34: Okay, that's funny. Of course I had to donate during your run. I told you it was worth it. So here I am. I just wanted to let you know that everyone here in the Hollow Knight restaurant is here to hear you out.

Unknown_39: If you circle OO, I'll throw in another $10.

Unknown_34: Also, like Hornet would say, get covered! We have $150 from Pantalone that says, let's go visuals.

Unknown_20: That thing looks like a Pokemon.

Unknown_34: Yeah, it's a fucking Chinese version. Dude, we just explained it.

Unknown_20: No, we just explained it. We literally just explained it. It's not that difficult.

Unknown_34: I cannot notice I'm a little bit late.

Unknown_41: I know.

Unknown_25: Thank you.

Unknown_25: Uh, so yeah, basically... Those are the only reason why they have it on Chinese is because they can skip through this text easier.

Unknown_29: Like that. Yeah. See, he did it again with the pulse.

Unknown_35: I don't know.

Unknown_37: If it's not an X, I don't know if it's not a bug then it's not concerned Listen it's like if you're in a relationship with a woman, but you get your dick sucked by a man.

Unknown_41: That's not cheating. So

Unknown_25: I have desperately tried to fix my computer so that I can stream a video without lag.

Unknown_20: Hopefully this works.

Unknown_29: They do have a category though. For your information, they have another category for speedruns that involves like use of major glitches most of the time. But I'm not sure if they actually do that on AGDQ.

Unknown_25: They do for some.

Unknown_17: Yeah, it says on the bottom right, true ending, no major glitches.

Unknown_29: Some of you lot are really quiet though, by the way.

Unknown_20: Who the fuck determines if something's a major glitch or not?

Unknown_17: I guess if it breaks the game, or like skips major sections. I'm sure some all thought differently at the time.

Unknown_29: If you can basically skip a lot of stuff, then yeah. Like for example, there's like... The game is supposed to be played, I think is how they do it.

Unknown_20: pretty much yeah the funny thing is that like people are really into it in the twitch chat they're like they even know the shit that he's doing before he does it and they're like oh shit he did it his first try like these niggas are all fucking gay is this a video or is he playing this live? he's playing live for ya?

Unknown_25: because twitch uses a retarded no i need to start twitch streaming i want those bits nigga i want those bits

Unknown_29: Noodle is becoming a camo.

Unknown_20: Dude, I'm gonna play Rainbow Six Siege and be like, I want that fuckin' surgery.

Unknown_51: I already sound like I'm on the verge of tears all the time.

Unknown_20: I don't get the fuckin' bits. Don't you worry.

Unknown_46: Ten points from House Gryffindor.

Unknown_20: Morse banging? Yeah, you can tell he's autistic, but he still has a fine tone of voice.

Unknown_29: Go by a completely different name and not reveal the fuck that you are. Well, my twitch handle is not from NZ, not from New Zealand.

Unknown_20: It's very CovertObs. Nobody will know.

Unknown_25: Speedrunning is it's fun to watch but only if there's major glitches. I think is a major Like when people are completely fucking up the game and shit I

Unknown_25: How long, like, is there like a goal time? Because he's been going for almost 10 minutes.

Unknown_20: Try to put logic and reason to being an autistic savant.

Unknown_20: I mean, is there like a high score that he's trying to get to or what?

Unknown_25: I've not actually played Hollow Knight, though.

Unknown_29: I'm wondering if I should get it at some point.

Unknown_20: I have it, but I didn't have a keyboard, so I didn't like, I didn't get to, or I didn't have a controller.

Unknown_29: That could be the next game that you stream. Hollow Knight, I would be so bad at it.

Unknown_25: Well, you're good at lesbian stuff.

Unknown_20: No, I'm terrible at that. It's kind of related, but has anyone heard of the YouTuber StealthGamerBR?

Unknown_37: No.

Unknown_25: Because it's kind of similar to this, but it's really fast gameplay.

Unknown_25: So I'll dash, pogo, and then I can dash again.

Unknown_25: Skylar you're really quiet.

Unknown_25: Yeah, I think I hear a lot of this of this very particular game, you know this I feel bad because it's like he's just beating up these poor woodland creatures People saying this game was just like

Unknown_41: People say every game is the same as Dark Souls and they're faggots.

Unknown_29: It's a stream streaming a stream, yes. I don't like to call it stream sniping though, because that's like something completely different.

Unknown_25: People like to call this stream sniping.

Unknown_30: What the fuck is he doing?

Unknown_46: He just died. Boo! Boo! You suck! He died! No, he didn't die.

Unknown_20: Yes, he did. He went back to his safe spot. He died. He fucking did.

Unknown_31: He just died.

Unknown_20: Trying to tell me... I know what dying looks like in a video game. Trying to fucking mansplain the shit out of me. No, I tried to catch up, dude.

Unknown_20: Has to be Paul. Nice.

Unknown_41: Wow, dude. That's amazing. Wow. Clap, clap, clap.

Unknown_20: He skipped. He skipped to there. He jumped on top of the ghost to get up there.

Unknown_29: Oh, so that's why he died, I think. Do you just get your own ghost in this game? No, the ghost was already there.

Unknown_20: He died trying to bait it the first time. Oh, it's a saw. That's pretty cool. If he kills us, he regains his money.

Unknown_17: No, do you die intentionally then? Yeah. Worst thing I've ever seen.

Unknown_20: Oh, he just skipped like the game.

Unknown_25: He skipped the game?

Unknown_29: He skipped half the game?

Unknown_51: Yeah, you're supposed to have like a super mega side dash to get through there and he's going in from the rear.

Unknown_25: There's three items in the game that you have to have to beat the game.

Unknown_51: Get the hell out of this game right now.

Unknown_25: Isn't that a major glitch? I mean, I guess that's like considered a minor glitch.

Unknown_20: I don't know.

Unknown_06: boring as fuck once we get the dream note from her then we're gonna do a trick called the star scout which basically just means we're going to open up the start menu like an operating game to get control of our character and then we're gonna dash into the room and we're still like asleep and if I do it 100% correctly then I'll actually see what's going on I don't know skipping half the fucking game seems like a glitch to me we'll see how it works out this looks like

Unknown_46: Some edgy college kids art project. I guess it's not really a glitch as much as it is just a bug.

Unknown_25: Like you know the level hasn't been designed.

Unknown_29: You know Mitigate that This guy sounds like coach McGirt from Home if you've ever seen the any% run of this

Unknown_20: And just imagine, he looks like Coach McGurk too, he just has that fucking sportswear on.

Unknown_25: Nobody knows who Coach McGurk is, I have to fucking educate you people now. Yeah, I know who he is.

Unknown_20: No, no, no, no, no, no. The guy looks like Bill. Oh, the fat.

Unknown_25: So that we can kill him on the way.

Unknown_25: Yeah, the bugs are cute.

Unknown_20: It's like a shame that he's murdering this entire forest. Josh wants bugs confirmed. Oh, shit.

Unknown_25: He only has two abilities. He couldn't make it during one.

Unknown_08: So just sit there and wait.

Unknown_07: However, the Twitch chat keeps insisting on calling them bug wife. I'm conflicted about that. I think they are bugs, though.

Unknown_46: They definitely look insectoid in nature, Mr. Potter.

Unknown_25: What are we gonna do here?

Unknown_46: We gonna call for this?

Unknown_20: Look, now it's suffering. And Waluigi's in the game too. Look at Twitch's chat guard, holy shit. Yeah, it's like, it's like, wow.

Unknown_29: That's it, that's all they're doing. Like, what are...

Unknown_41: You know, it's kind of like YouTube very sanitized to the point of like being Twitch is way way worse than YouTube It's actual stream chat, it's actually so the way

Unknown_29: It's just like it's just that one person called like some wife screaming and everyone is just suddenly jumping on back when I'm just spamming Waluigi in chat.

Unknown_20: That's how Twitch chat works all the time.

Unknown_29: Well, I'm saying that Twitch chat, like Twitch in general is way more sanitized than fucking YouTube.

Unknown_20: Like you can get away with a lot on YouTube. You say the word and everyone is on fucking Twitch.

Unknown_41: Oh yeah.

Unknown_41: You know, they migrate to Twitch.

Unknown_00: Like, man, Twitch is like way more fucking totalitarian than YouTube at this point.

Unknown_41: Fucking super Byzantine rulings and shit. I'm sorry, I'm just repeating everything he just said.

Unknown_25: Yeah, I just said that. Twitch is just Nazi Germany, man.

Unknown_41: Fuck that. When I made it, fuck this.

Unknown_08: The fucking rules are mostly bullshit.

Unknown_41: They think of every Twitch streamer like there was this like fucking Grand Ambassador thing and you can't even like smoke cigars in this fucking website or something. You can't drink, you can't, yeah, no, you can't do anything.

Unknown_20: It's for advertisers. You can't do anything that you can't do on national television in the United States. That's basically the way it is. Fucking shitty adverts and shit.

Unknown_25: So now we're going to do the uh- They want you to become their- Put electrical tape over your drinks logo.

Unknown_46: You need to open up a door on the top left, which is this switch right here at the bottom left.

Unknown_25: With $9,000 already- Instead of having to go all the way around to get back up, we're actually going to- Apparently.

Unknown_20: I mean, is $9,000 a lot for this- for this shit?

Unknown_17: Well, it's like 18 minutes in, but they usually get up to a couple of millions. Jesus fuck. Millions? The first day of AGDQ is when most of the money comes in.

Unknown_44: That's when everyone's just throwing cash at them. It peters off during the second and third day, but at the end of the third day is when even more cash comes in as a last rush.

Unknown_20: Don't they have like a 90% administrative fee for all this shit? Like, very little of it actually goes to charity. Rabbi, why are you playing video games?

Unknown_47: A lot of money goes towards paying like...

Unknown_47: various people so like gods are they actually security yet japanese you don't get fucking mad in the nfl do they pay the uh because they're like they've like hired all this massive hall just for people to play video games come over as well speedrunners have to like pay their own way to get there wow that's funny it's all a big i don't know about hotels though i think i just want to let you know

Unknown_47: I think they put them in a hotel room, but I don't know. A lot of them seem to room up.

Unknown_34: I still can't get over the fact that people just come to this massive hall just to watch, like, some guy play a game and finish it.

Unknown_29: It's an obscure game.

Unknown_20: Hollow Knight is obscure, not that obscure. If it's obscure and it's like, and they're doing crazy shit to break it and it's interesting to watch, like I could watch that, but this is just some guy playing Hollow Knight with like a cool trick every so often.

Unknown_20: And all the money they donate to charity they write off on taxes It's technically a business doing a donation and not a charity Funneling money on behalf of other charities as a foundation Wasn't like this shoddy thing like shit though. I

Unknown_41: Yeah, I don't even think 40% of... Very little of it goes to actual charity. I got a mate, right? Working in the UK. He sees basically all the charities. Dodgy as fuck. And he basically works people through charities all the freaking time.

Unknown_08: They are, that's the thing.

Unknown_29: The majority of, like, the most sort of major charities for comic relief, they all, like, it's all these massive, you know, shows, and they've been going on for years. They're saying, oh, it's all gonna go to, like, you know, starving African families. Like, it's been so many years, and what's, what's really happened to Africa? Nothing.

Unknown_08: Yeah, man. Decades and decades of shady-ass business, man.

Unknown_22: The Salvation Army in the UK is like... France is helping the homeless and obviously part of it goes to helping the homeless, but they also lobby against gay marriage and gay rights and stuff like that.

Unknown_51: Yeah, they're a Christian organisation.

Unknown_17: Yeah.

Unknown_17: So no downsides then.

Unknown_08: I'm gonna need citations on the Salvation Army lobby. I can't give you a citation, I just heard it. Yeah, that's why I'm asking for citations because of nothing.

Unknown_20: Somebody asked why the player is talking so much and it's because if he wasn't talking, like this would just be watching five really depressing people play a game in a nuanced way.

Unknown_25: The problem is that it's so boring to listen to.

Unknown_47: It's like the runner has to be good at everything.

Unknown_37: I don't even have the streams.

Unknown_10: Blah, blah, blah, blah, all the time.

Unknown_29: Because the audience is that easily pleased. You only have to talk about the most mundane stuff. As long as you're talking, they'll be interested. If you're not, they're just going to slowly leak out.

Unknown_51: There was one thing I saw that was interesting.

Unknown_20: It was a guy playing like Ghosts and Goblins on NES And he beat that fucking thing in like nine minutes, and that was pretty interesting The thing is you can't you can't fill a whole marathon event with like 10 minute speedruns like those are those are probably those are the best like for the spectacle and stuff but The other runs are more fun if you're more intimately familiar with the game itself Well then I guess it should be a single day instead of three fucking days of shit

Unknown_22: We gotta make that money.

Unknown_20: Wow, Josh.

Unknown_17: Think of the children.

Unknown_20: They fancy themselves. Think of the cancer. Think of the poor trannies that need their dilation.

Unknown_17: You can check the schedule and... It's got a lot of health.

Unknown_46: What if we do, like, speedruns but with sex?

Unknown_20: People are saying why are there so many callers? Like, this would be unmatchable if it was just by myself. Unfortunately, I only got 490.

Unknown_20: I would have nothing to say about this. Like, yeah, look at this fat guy play this game that I played until the first boss and immediately gave up on.

Unknown_29: I just noticed as well the estimate 1 hour 35 so people are just gonna say what this guy play for an hour and a half.

Unknown_22: People do speedruns of JRPGs that go on for like 3 to 6 hours. It's the gayest thing ever. There's not a lot of those at AGDQ but I think they play, they do play some near the end as well I think.

Unknown_22: How can you speedrun a roguelike game?

Unknown_20: They get so good at the game that it becomes like second nature to them, and they just don't fuck up ever. And if they do, they like cry, and it's great.

Unknown_41: It's mostly just down the block finish time. It's not always the same. It's down the block Yeah, with the randomized games it is We have a way for don't like any sense to me.

Unknown_22: I don't like running random games. It's one of my

Unknown_22: they set an estimate that's a bit above what they would expect to get in one run just to accommodate for like in case they fuck up and die on one run they do a couple actually spelunky what they did was they don't do like a run of just completing the game they do a run where you have to unlock all the shortcuts then beat all mech I think is the run just for like a speedrun event Yeah, but it's not a long game Yeah, well, no, it's it's takes like 15 minutes or something like that are like eight minutes I can't remember to do all that think that they're pretty good at the game It's actually not a GDQ is much bigger than the actual speedrunning community itself and

Unknown_22: it attracts a lot of people that otherwise aren't interested in speedrunning.

Unknown_20: That's probably the single most artistic thing ever produced ever in the history ever I mean, is it more to sleep in the smash first community?

Unknown_26: Yes.

Unknown_20: No No, that guy explains for 30 minutes how how he how he plays Super Mario why it's 64 without pressing the a button. Oh

Unknown_25: we actually figured it out because uh only pressing the a button half the time to be fair it wasn't like the actual run itself let's explain how how you can mean half an a press you see if you hold down the button before you enter the room that's only half an a press and it's like that for everything i'm watching that video makes me feel like i'm going insane i think that got me for a bit

Unknown_42: Yeah, like it's what he's explaining he doesn't need to go into that much detail like Explain to me Almo why did you flag this stream?

Unknown_22: Oh?

Unknown_20: Oh, I want to know.

Unknown_20: Explain this.

Unknown_25: We're doing damage to this ant under the platform.

Unknown_20: What has this stream done to deserve your ire?

Unknown_20: We're waiting.

Unknown_25: No homophony fireball, though? No. RIP. Never doing it.

Unknown_20: to stew the autism. I want this guy to respond. What is he upset about? Explain your... He's not going to explain.

Unknown_09: Okay, I guess he's not going to explain.

Unknown_20: I'm very disappointed in you, Alumux.

Unknown_25: so this is the crystal dash or uh better known as the super dash or the c dash um but it allows you to charge from the ground or from a wall i wanted an explanation he sounded kind of sincere then he just he just fucked off definitely until you can't be that interested to watch it and so it allows us to you know traverse i mean i can appreciate you know some of dedication but when it comes to level because just obnoxious it just gets in the key Yeah, kind of. That guy, that guy refused to answer my question why he flagged my stream.

Unknown_20: I'm very upset. That sounded more entertaining than this entire stream that we're watching.

Unknown_22: Who flagged your stream?

Unknown_20: This guy called out your stream.

Unknown_26: Why are they having the fucking tranny seal? That's the worst starter, by the way. The tranny seal. What?

Unknown_25: Flag for no fatties? That's a valid reason. Oh yeah, there's a free flag.

Unknown_29: Made an account. Oh, wow Wait somebody found his speedrun community no fucking way.

Unknown_20: That's awesome Let me look at this shit Troll la try a cute like in the background of the avatars Well the stream actually got interesting I'm invested now oh

Unknown_20: Alumux from Arizona. This user has not submitted any runs.

Unknown_37: The only thing I know about Arizona is it has a cool flag.

Unknown_25: Hey Josh, was it that Alumux quest? Yes.

Unknown_20: This user has not submitted any runs.

Unknown_25: Is that what you said?

Unknown_22: On info it says runs one. I want more information. Who is this man? Show me.

Unknown_25: It's a name of like a drug or something. I said fuck the tranny.

Unknown_01: That happens sometimes. I think there's a... I type in his name when I type in speedrun. And I found some videos, but I can't find why this guy's name is mentioned.

Unknown_31: And his name is- The speedrunner?

Unknown_47: The speedrunner's purple? Yeah, yeah, I searched his name and then I typed in the word, uh, speedrun, and it turned up a lot of stuff, but I don't understand why.

Unknown_22: It's probably not, not, uh, his name in it.

Unknown_20: There's nothing, who is this man? I don't know, you- you doubt me. Don't doubt me.

Unknown_17: Yeah, a lot of ra- types. Yeah.

Unknown_25: Yeah, it has an absolutely massive hitbox, and you're going to see here in this boss that's coming up right now that you can actually double or triple hit a lot of enemies and bosses with it to do 80 or 120 damage.

Unknown_25: So this boss that we're about to do is called the Watcher Knight. There's five of them, but it's called the Watcher Knight, or singular, I don't know why. Uh, and there's normally six of them, but, um, there's a Chandler you can break before it that kills one off the bat. So you don't have to fight it. Um, if you've ever seen this or if you ever, um, play the game casually, this, this boss is a huge roadblock for most, uh, newer players. They can be extremely difficult, especially by far the hardest part of the any percent no major glitches run. but in this since we have the shade soul they're basically gonna die like just into extremely no challenge is just for uh like organizing tournaments it's not real it is him though because it's a primarina yeah they're gonna die pretty quick and that's death there's one

Unknown_46: Hey.

Unknown_46: Hey, Joshua. Mm-hmm.

Unknown_20: Have you fucked?

Unknown_46: Yes.

Unknown_20: I'm sorry, say that again. God, I don't know what the fuck it is with my computer. Why is it robo-voicing everybody all the fucking time?

Unknown_36: Yeah. I'm getting robo-voiced.

Unknown_36: Wait, Josh, it is? There's too many people, like, in the chat, man.

Unknown_20: No, dude, my CPU is at, like, 40%. It's not fucking bottlenecking. It's fucking wish shit.

Unknown_29: Hang on, who asked about, like, who doesn't know about Randy's death?

Unknown_09: I'm going ghost, guys!

Unknown_09: I bet you shove cucumbers up your pussy.

Unknown_29: I love Tranny Phantom so much.

Unknown_08: That was just knock-off Tranny Elliot Rodger.

Unknown_29: Indeed.

Unknown_08: And he doesn't know about it, that's his shit.

Unknown_44: Elliot was twice the man he is.

Unknown_41: Shut up, you shit. Like, they call them mining killers, but not Elliot Roth. You fucking bullshitting me?

Unknown_25: But yeah, they're not a boss.

Unknown_25: All the skill in the world.

Unknown_34: very gang signs in the parking

Unknown_16: If you're getting consistent packet loss, by the way, you can adjust the voice quality for the specific channel.

Unknown_25: There's probably just too many people connected to the channel at once, I don't know.

Unknown_22: Discord is fucking hard.

Unknown_50: Someone in the chat said that the Twitch chat is like literal NPCs.

Unknown_41: Does that mean they're viewbotting?

Unknown_41: No, they're just dumb people, dude. It would be funny if they were actually dumb.

Unknown_30: They have no souls. Have you never heard of the NPC meme?

Unknown_41: Chuck? I already know about it, so maybe it makes you think. Maybe they're viewbotting that.

Unknown_34: Because they're literally robots. Wait, what did Ralph get removed from? Yeah, next to what you're talking about, man.

Unknown_34: We have a $25 donation from Attention Grabber, who says, this game's OK, but there's just too many bugs.

Unknown_44: That's awful.

Unknown_25: I've never heard that one.

Unknown_21: What do bugs ever do to you?

Unknown_34: We have a $50 donation from Anonymous, who says, I just beat Hollow Knight for the first time a few weeks ago. 85% in 40 hours. Hope you're just a little bit faster.

Unknown_25: What? Just a bit. What? Oh. I hope so, too. I can't sit here that long.

Unknown_34: we also have a one thousand five hundred dollars like the annoying bugs thing i couldn't even tell if i was meant to be a part of like like glitches or if it's just the fact that there's so many insects in the game he was truly a knight of great renown thank you we appreciate that back to you thanks for telling us that uh very popular hollow knight youtuber it goes into

Unknown_25: a lot of you know, lore and uh... Oh, they've banned him from Discord again apparently. His videos are actually interesting.

Unknown_20: SPCC is still here.

Unknown_25: But um... So now this is the Ancient Basin. We're gonna come up on a boss called the Brokeback Man. By the way, didn't that Jonathan Yane, didn't his Twitter go private recently?

Unknown_26: Oh yeah, that's gonna get clipped now.

Unknown_20: Probably. Oh, a week ago I think. No, he went private recently. Oh, and then right after that, right? Fight History. I just checked it today and it was still private. No, well it was on private for a brief period.

Unknown_25: with everything i have, because i have the most fun run in the game.

Unknown_25: Yeah, this is him because if you if you search that name you find all these weird collisions for like Mega Man fan games And then you go to that twitch channel, and it's set to Mega Man 9 so this fucking guy is like genuinely upset that we're making fun of Tranny's doesn't cost anything um so if you know that name is different vrc6 but i bet you if you search for that name you'll find other stuff yeah that's related to like uh oh oh i think i found a roadblock yeah we're just gonna kind of bully him in the corner i guess so it's some konami game chip in cartridges like

Unknown_20: Really? He must be, like, really super into this.

Unknown_20: He probably wants to fuck Pokemon and play Shenmue games.

Unknown_29: It's just some random guy who's, like, he's just that devoted.

Unknown_26: Why do Chinese ruin everything?

Unknown_25: Great, now do it again, but harder. Yeah, yeah, exactly. The Lost King is basically just that with, like, one new mechanic and one removed mechanic.

Unknown_20: Yeah, the stream is choppy, I know. Like, I have my computer set up, I just can't use it until I get the monitors and shit.

Unknown_22: You can't use the laptop as a monitor.

Unknown_20: I don't know if I don't have a shuttle to 13 plug either so I can't plug it in So I'm fucked and then I'm even gonna ship it until the 10th Like it sucks I have it in the fucking corner of the room like neglected ready to go I

Unknown_20: I'm dropping it down to 360p. I need- I can't drop it to 160 because I need to see those trannies in perfect clarity.

Unknown_26: I'm sizzling 240. Uh, try, uh, popping out the stream player.

Unknown_17: There we go. Nice.

Unknown_21: I told you yeah, they do like JRPG speedruns these fucking autists. I don't understand what the point of that is They're all like three hours, they're all three hours or longer all of them

Unknown_17: So in Final Fantasy IX there's an ultimate weapon called Excalibur that you can only obtain if you beat the game in under 12 hours. That's why. I mean if you're gonna do a 9 hour run, you might as well do a 24 hour run of Digimon World 2, like fuck.

Unknown_31: Well, they need the speedrun of Roblox.

Unknown_25: Yeah, speedrun RuneScape. Would there be breaks instead of just sitting and playing for nine hours straight?

Unknown_20: Well, you can conceivably speedrun Minecraft by, like, saying, okay, you have to go to the nether and kill that thing at the end. There are Minecraft speedruns that use seeds.

Unknown_25: It's the end that you have to go. I think the funniest thing was that I saw at one point a video on YouTube which was like Counter-Strike Source 2 assisted speedrun, but it was literally just some guy using a rage hack on a bot server.

Unknown_29: Wait, you pushed down your fucking button to burp into the fucking mic?

Unknown_25: Really?

Unknown_20: Josh could I ask like my farm's username if it could be like all uppercase because I'm not sure why even registered it all low okay good make it talk to staff right what the fuck don't ask me here

Unknown_20: I don't do fucking clerical duty on stream.

Unknown_29: I didn't think it would be worth taking the time to make a thread on there.

Unknown_22: That reminds me, I still haven't got access to the CP board.

Unknown_20: You're looking for the Pokemon community.

Unknown_25: Bobopedia is that way. Yeah, Bobopedia.

Unknown_20: one user makes you wonder how you've controlled them just one that's the picture of fucking philosophy nong with like the brain damage sonic the hedgehog character i asked him for that avatar picture because it's the best thing ever that is finest moment god i can't wait for the comfort is this alamox person we're looking in oh wait where is he finding the same enemy

Unknown_22: It's a hard version of the enemy from before.

Unknown_25: Deathblow. Cooler death.

Unknown_20: I feel bad for him. The boss sounds like he's getting killed like a thousand cuts at a time. He didn't do nothing.

Unknown_29: Is this boss already in the game earlier?

Unknown_22: Yeah, this is a dream version. He didn't do nothing.

Unknown_30: I feel bad for him.

Unknown_22: This one does fucking double damage and it's retarded.

Unknown_25: There's some triples.

Unknown_27: I'm just walking home from the store.

Unknown_20: He's just carrying his bag of Skittles and Arizona iced tea. And this nigger runs up on him.

Unknown_25: With a gun.

Unknown_26: Getting body for the fuck program.

Unknown_25: That's false. Failed champion, sorry.

Unknown_16: The greatest thing to happen to the Opaque and Trayvon family is fucking Trayvon getting his fucking face shot.

Unknown_29: When Arizona found to be using, like, human piss in their tea.

Unknown_20: Human piss? You know the Snegma King guy?

Unknown_20: The name's familiar who's he again? He's got the icon of the black guy like doing this Yeah

Unknown_20: Yeah, empty hero. He made a book called what if Trayvon lived or something and it's just like complete non sequitur fucking like Bullshit, and they fit they sued him like the the Martin family

Unknown_25: Wait, remind me again who Smegma King was.

Unknown_29: I said, like, some, um, like... Empty hero. The guy with the black guy avatar.

Unknown_22: Like, he always shows up in YouTube comments and shit. Ah.

Unknown_20: Yeah, he's an oddball, because he's not really, like, an internet celebrity, but everybody's seen at least one picture with him. He's like Marcos of the Internet. No, Carlos of the Internet.

Unknown_09: Carlos?

Unknown_09: I was like, there's a mention of him on the Encyclopedia Dramatica page which is just a chat log from like a Skype con leak, like Randy Harper saying like...

Unknown_29: Uh, retweeting, like, some retweet from SmegmaKing saying that he made the Gamergate blacklist.

Unknown_29: He made it on the blacklist with, like, Milo Yiannopoulos and that.

Unknown_20: Oh, yeah, yeah. He's like a comedian guy. He does, like, that MDE kind of weird humor.

Unknown_22: The Trayvon Martin book sounds like it is like out of the mind of Sam Hyde. Didn't he did that like live stream one time where he had this the Jai-Hoo story? I don't remember where it goes, but it was it sounded just like that.

Unknown_20: Oh, Jai-Hoo? The black chick that's like a comatose potato woman?

Unknown_22: No, no, no, it was it was a different thing. Jai-Hoo. It was like a story about some like it was retarded. It was completely retarded. You have to watch it.

Unknown_22: Don't fucking remember. Oh, he's fucking up.

Unknown_20: I know he's not I thought he fucked up I fucked up once Y'all should never seen I should write books.

Unknown_50: That's how I'm gonna fund the key from what should the chat chat? What should I write my book about? I should do something like Panders to QAnon.

Unknown_22: You know what I mean?

Unknown_20: Yeah, because those people still buy books.

Unknown_20: Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly and make it like a Q&A on the story they don't want you to know about and they'll buy that shit regardless of what the comments say because they'll just assume that it's like Jeff Bezos fucking with the score to make it intentionally negative, you know what I mean?

Unknown_29: I still know absolutely nothing about Keanon other than the fact that it's like something that boomers caught onto thinking it's a real thing is like some anon on 4chan.

Unknown_20: Yes, it is. It's specifically boomers and retarded people. It's the modern day Nostradamus. That's the best way to put it.

Unknown_17: What if I did it, but what if it happened? Chet wants you to write something about the feeder fed.

Unknown_20: Hell no. I'm not good at erotic material. I don't care what happens. Oh, you say so.

Unknown_20: What a fucking lie.

Unknown_31: We've all watched your streams. You can't tell us that. We heard the fucking heavy breathing.

Unknown_20: I'm not, I'm not, I'm not a good erotic fiction writer is what I'm saying.

Unknown_29: where did where the where's this feeder thing actually come from no just erotic non-fiction i think he just mentioned it on stream no other people did i know i've never encouraged people people spotted a trend

Unknown_20: It's better than that fat people are hilarious and they're easy pickings and then everybody thinks I'm ready to fat chicks. I am not Hey, there's no shame in it. There's no shame. I like I like androgynous girl You're like gamer boy. Yes, we've had in-depth discussions about androgynous women before and raw liver eating women to

Unknown_20: I like Jews who eat the liver right out of the cow. Is it still alive?

Unknown_25: What?

Unknown_22: Nice. Okay.

Unknown_25: That's the freshest way to get to the meat.

Unknown_20: It's got vitamin D. Still got all that nutrition running through.

Unknown_34: Exactly. Thanks a ton for everything you do for the community. Good luck. Shout outs to yo and get those buggy beans. Bye bye.

Unknown_44: Thanks.

Unknown_37: You just said his name on stream

Unknown_22: He's watching He was posting on cow he was making fun of some person like some e-celeb that they were making fun of and then somebody did a CSI Miami and zoom enhanced on it, and you could see his fucking exceptional detective icon in the top right So dumb everybody started making fun of him again.

Unknown_20: He probably did that on purpose. He wanted people to notice They look very much like your shape because they basically that's what

Unknown_33: I loved the moment when he got exposed as the exceptional detective when BSV just got him.

Unknown_20: No dude, what do you mean exposed? You can smell it. He has like a stink.

Unknown_33: Yeah, but I meant like everyone gradually just poking fun at him. Like BSV in particular. If only we had an exceptional detective to solve this problem.

Unknown_20: What bothers me about that is the word exceptional in that is if you describe something as retarded on the forum, it filters it, or if you use the word retard, it's exceptional individual. If you just use the word retarded, it's just exceptional, but it fits grammatically. So he took our original content that we stole from Red Letter Media, and he appropriated our culture into his fucking gay-ass persona.

Unknown_22: He does that all the time.

Unknown_20: Like, he's one of those meme-stealer people, you know?

Unknown_22: Where he, like, he doesn't belong, but he wants to belong. And he, like, forces himself into stuff.

Unknown_20: I wonder if Josh will move on to inflation next. Probably not. I don't that's one of those things I don't get like even from like a like a neutral standpoint like what the fuck is the appeal of inflation After you do your Maddox interview you can get Dobson on the stream Speaking of inflation I got an inflation survey you want it?

Unknown_36: Johnny can you turn your mic down a little?

Unknown_25: It could be kind of annoying, but lately I've gotten a lot better at it, so we're fine. Just don't lose this run, then we're good. Yeah, that's a good point. He's played for 51 minutes. This is kind of boring.

Unknown_20: How long is this? I can't believe I've already been watching this for an hour.

Unknown_33: Estimate is an hour and three minutes.

Unknown_29: Yeah, that's the only fun thing.

Unknown_29: This also just started like dead on at five. Let me just clock.

Unknown_36: I just realized, we said JY's name like a couple of times. How much room is he going to cover?

Unknown_20: He can't. is not going to put up with that shit. No, but YouTube.

Unknown_20: YouTube? We're not on YouTube. I can't stream to YouTube.

Unknown_37: What was it with stream not me admins are they are they more like they're more sort of siding with content like yours I

Unknown_20: Well, I summoned them yesterday. I was talking about, uh... I was talking about them yesterday. I don't remember why, but we were just joking about them.

Unknown_20: I said I never saw him in my chat and I said well they probably don't have any reason to talk to me because everything I do is kind of tame and the guy shows up and he just says the word tame in quotes like he's making fun of that like I'm sorry but my streams about transgender genitalia are educational and medical in nature if you don't like it you're transphobic that's all you gotta say

Unknown_20: I really thought that would be the line. I thought that would be the line that he crossed. I really did. I didn't even get an email about it. That's a medical stream. See, I think stream me was kind of like in limbo before like Ralph showed up. Yeah, no shit, dude. Like it was kind of a nothing website. The biggest streamer was fucking KittySales and NarcissaWright. Yeah, they were in fucking limbo.

Unknown_22: So like they're not they're not gonna like spit in the face of a good thing, you know I don't know.

Unknown_25: I still think that there's no way this is profitable right now.

Unknown_29: No fucking way. Oh

Unknown_20: You got all these fucking weirdos streaming to zero... zero viewers and shit.

Unknown_22: Yeah. They don't have any advertising.

Unknown_20: Yeah, I don't understand how they give out all that money to the top streamers. They have. Even before people showed up. They have... Well, I mean, KittyStyles and HerSisterRight were streaming to ten people each, and they were getting paid hundreds of dollars per week. And I'll tell you, it's because they have... They have an angel investor. Some... People think it's Keemstar. I don't know who it is.

Unknown_42: Well, it is. For one of them, it is.

Unknown_16: Keemstar also is doing his two tabs on the... All of us problematic.

Unknown_20: Cosmo is banned on YouTube so the first person to report him for Socking is The reason why he's off of right now is because He fell off the top 30 which means he doesn't even get $20 per week anymore.

Unknown_50: Get your wallet out mystery Rip

Unknown_06: Meanwhile they say on GDQ there's $10 on the line here.

Unknown_33: Is AGDQ the one with the weird tranny presenters?

Unknown_29: Yeah, that's the one we're watching right now.

Unknown_20: We're hoping to see somebody have a mental breakdown on camera, but so far it's going well, unfortunately.

Unknown_33: this is going to take a long while this is like going to be on for another then it's on to kirby i think kirby i want to see like it's a metroid i want to see like the gdq secret service step into tar drangle somebody well i guess it's like a needle of like thorazine and knock him out it'd be pretty fucking cool to like be a tar drangle at gdq

Unknown_20: on the

Unknown_16: I guess it's true.

Unknown_20: I mean if you're here watching this stream, you can't be out like kicking shit over in a GameStop. I'm doing my part.

Unknown_20: I'm never seeing this fight the same way again.

Unknown_16: The public education tottering was basically unreplaceable.

Unknown_16: No one really has that kind of special skill. I thought we killed it.

Unknown_20: It's squishy.

Unknown_20: Why, can somebody explain to me why they have Pepe the frog in the Twitch chat? That's a hate symbol. In fact, I'm aware that they asked somebody to remove Pepe from like their Twitch emotes because of the hate symbolism. You just ruined this game for me. Yeah, and look how much people gave a shit about that because people are still putting it on GDQ.

Unknown_29: I think probably after all this time they've tried to like reclaim it or something.

Unknown_30: Yeah, I think that's the thing that's going on.

Unknown_17: I think what it is is they, uh, maybe the people using it are like protesting silently.

Unknown_20: Cause they're living in a fucking dystopia. And that's all they can do is use Happy the Frog to protest.

Unknown_29: Unlikely. They just don't, they just don't give a shit. They're like off a plebby.

Unknown_34: Firefang says, Hollow Knight was my introduction to metroidvanias, I'm still amazed such a small team was able to release such a vast amount.

Unknown_36: Fucking Fahrenheit 451, but with Pepe.

Unknown_16: And I must shit holes.

Unknown_16: Oh, they're clapping.

Unknown_34: Wherever I am, I must shit holes. For real, I had to donate during the run for Hollow Knight, all the best for all the runners.

Unknown_20: How long is this game normally? Like, if you're not doing this shit. An hour and 30. No, how long is the game? No, no, no, it takes, it takes like tens of hours. Really?

Unknown_22: I started playing it recently. I've got like 50 hours, I think, almost.

Unknown_20: I'm gonna buy a controller once I get my PC set up. I'll probably try streaming on Twitch just to see how long I last, because it won't be long. Something is gonna start... I don't even know if I can be here. If you bring over viewers, you will get noticed.

Unknown_22: People look at the game categories and stuff. You could just not set a category and stream for your existing audience.

Unknown_29: I have, like, no reason to start any other, like, long games like that until I finish Bit.Repeat.

Unknown_20: Because, like, what I want to stream is, uh... Life is Strange. Oh, the second one? Yes. Is all of that out? No, before The Storm is out. I haven't played that one yet. And it's, like, five episodes again, so I'll play that over a week.

Unknown_22: Oh, those streams were fun.

Unknown_20: Yeah, well, I didn't fucking archive them. I'm a dummy.

Unknown_20: Aww.

Unknown_20: If you watch those streams those are precious fleeting memories that you'll never recover

Unknown_29: I would love to see like Josh trying his and I like really really difficult games.

Unknown_20: It would be so boring I don't think it would be fun. Yeah, I played Don't starve and I don't think that was very funny like people were having fun helping me and shit But if you were just like if you're if you're not having fun, it would be totally Because it's just like

Unknown_22: It takes too much concentration, it's not good for commentary.

Unknown_20: Yeah, as opposed to Life is Strange, where I'm like, I'm trying to desperately stop, like, you have to use three different buttons to rewind time to precision. And every time I kept forgetting... I don't believe, I don't believe for a second it was as hard as you made it look.

Unknown_22: I mean, I was kind of thinking more in the same vein as, like, Jerma trying to play Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy.

Unknown_20: No, no, it's like, well, in Life is Strange, again, they have three buttons to rewind time. And I kept using the wrong one, that you can't stop. And there was this- I redid this one scene like eight fucking times, and I desperately wanted to stop, so I just started banging on my fucking keyboard. And you could hear, like, Microsoft Sam, like, you pressed the sticky keys shift button five times. Like, in the background, as this horrible photography rape is happening. In the darkroom, yeah.

Unknown_29: Oh, please tell me someone, like, highlighted that or something, like, they clipped it.

Unknown_22: No, I don't know. It's not even possible on screen.

Unknown_22: That's a shame. I thought at least kept them. Did they delete them after 30 days or something?

Unknown_20: It's 45 days, it might be up there still.

Unknown_33: It was a fun series of streams, though. It would be cool if they actually supported a clip feature, because then someone would make a clip out of that and it would be pretty funny.

Unknown_33: Story-driven seems to work with you. If you tried something like L.A. Noire, maybe.

Unknown_20: At the start of the at the very end very end of the prior chapter the fourth one I can't remember just yelling at him like why are you in this creepy fucking junkyard hunting down like a rapist murderer? By yourselves like go get your buddy like your your stepfather. I believe he's a Nazi who has military experience who had experience not only in the military but specifically in reconnaissance and And he now works as like a security guard, applying that to the school. And they're off in the fucking junkyard looking for a rapist murderer by themselves. And then at the end... Oh, and they're using their cell phones with camera lights on and shit. And they're just like the most obvious fucking targets in the entire world. And I'm like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Go do literally anything else besides what you're doing. And then the fucking photographist raper walks up, pops the fucking blue haired dyke in the fucking gut, and then stabs, you know, the short haired girl in the neck with a needle, and she passes out. I'm like, you fucking deserve to get photograph raped. This is all your fault.

Unknown_29: Can we just point out, like, one person in the autistic noise channel who's like, I think he's like expecting people to come from the bush to talk.

Unknown_33: No.

Unknown_33: Max should have been laughing at the fucking hipster photography guy. With the fucking soy boy face.

Unknown_20: Not even man enough to rape her. Pull in a Sargon. I wouldn't even rape you. I'm just gonna take fucking pictures of you all tied up before I kill you. And I guess dispose of your body. Maybe he's like a necrophiliac. You know, like rape her corpse or something. But no, that's like... I think they wanted to have like a rape scene, but they pussed out.

Unknown_33: so he probably let her uh play on his nintendo switch app maybe he's more into animals instead we've got cardboard too yes nintendo labo i'm gonna build i'm gonna build my nintendo labo girlfriend

Unknown_30: I mean Life is Strange is the perfect game if you don't like women.

Unknown_29: Someone suggested play Depression Queen.

Unknown_48: Oh no.

Unknown_48: That game is like 5 minutes long. It's not even a game, it's a PowerPoint presentation.

Unknown_20: Yes it is, it's made in HTML.

Unknown_29: Wow, it's actually When she describes herself as a game developer reminds me of Brianna Wu and Brianna it's exactly like like says I'm a software engineer I'm a software engineer nigga Software engineers have a degree in engineering if you don't have a degree in engineering You're not a fucking software engineer

Unknown_20: Motherfucker you and the funny thing is I know some of the people that Brianna will contracted out game development work, too But they can't talk about it because Brianna will would go fucking eat shit and ruin their lives and careers that they did It's not worth it She did the voice acting for like a character in another game.

Unknown_15: It's like 2064 read only memories read only memories

Unknown_29: What if you tried that for a stream and you could just make fun of it?

Unknown_16: Let's say play Saigon's Kickstarter game, but that's... Oh my god, I remember that.

Unknown_25: I'm not talking about, like, 2064 read-only memories.

Unknown_29: That actually has an encyclopedia of dramatic content pages. How about you just play Mundane Matt's COD game?

Unknown_22: Monday and Matt made a card game?

Unknown_17: Yes. It's horrible. It's so bad. It has zero meaning. It's not really scary at all, but... Wait, hang on.

Unknown_29: Is it like in print or is it virtual?

Unknown_16: No, it's in print. It's just a fucking dice game. Why did so many losers decide to be board game designers and card game designers?

Unknown_22: The cards have no value, it's only the dice that he rolls.

Unknown_25: But he's very enthusiastic about explaining them.

Unknown_17: It's like people want to be the next, like, you know, Cards Against Humanity people.

Unknown_25: That's it.

Unknown_22: It was before that, I think. To be fair, that is a total dogshit game as well. Like, really. But it's a game.

Unknown_22: There is actually at least a game to it, and it's like... But you don't even need to buy the cards anymore, you can just go online and, like, pretend you're Sizzy and get a bunch of card cast dicks.

Unknown_29: And then it's actually funny.

Unknown_12: It's more fun if you just use the blank cards.

Unknown_25: Yeah, that as well, I guess. Isn't there like another game that is literally just cards against humanity but with blank cards only?

Unknown_20: Look at that fucking faggot in the Twitch chat saying, use your Amazon Prime subs to subscribe so that your money goes to the charity. This nigga gay.

Unknown_29: Wait, wait, what's the username?

Unknown_20: uh it's gone now he was he posted like two or three times hot shingles in your area ready to get nailed yeah nice two halves of the kingsville are held by the two um can i point out the fact that which is the how many people keep on subscribing and how many people are actually talking i don't know they're like they're posting it but she's gonna give us why is she a tree it's either on slow mode or most people are just lurking

Unknown_25: You can only talk if you donate There's so many people subscribing

Unknown_20: It's probably something like two messages a minute or something. It's like really fucking throttled.

Unknown_25: Yeah, that's your money's worth. That's your money's worth. You get to watch fucking Coach McGurk play this fucking game and you get to send a message every so often.

Unknown_29: God, I love AGDQ. God, I love being retarded.

Unknown_33: The schedule is fucking gay. There's gonna be an MGS2 run, like 3am Europort time.

Unknown_20: Are there gonna be any TAS runs at least?

Unknown_29: Because those are the only impressive ones.

Unknown_22: There's a TAS block. It's all in one day. Oh.

Unknown_22: Really? Which day? Day 2 or 3? Well, that's usually how it is.

Unknown_20: The tool-assisted ones are great. There's, um... What's the one with, like, you ride on Yoshi? The Super Mario game on the island. Super Mario World?

Unknown_22: Oh, wait, you mean Yoshi's Island, or...?

Unknown_42: Super Mario Sunshine.

Unknown_20: No! It's an old Super Nintendo game, and you have to climb the thing to get to the point, like the tippy-top, like in the first game.

Unknown_29: Isn't that SMB3?

Unknown_20: It might be. I don't know, sorry, I'm mentally handicapped and I don't know things like this. I forgot those old games as well, I don't care. It might be Yoshida. But in the tool-assisted thing, they have so thoroughly broken the game, they figured out a way to arbitrarily input machine code. Yeah, that's Super Mario World. They can reprogram the entire game to be Tetris, and there are two little assisted runs where like Mario jumps around like a fucking spastic for 30 seconds, and then the game's just Tetris. It's the most bizarre shit.

Unknown_29: Seriously? Is there a video of that?

Unknown_20: Yeah, just hold it. That's code injection. Yeah, yeah, but it's it's like you can use that to very very easily just beat the game in seconds. But then you can also... It's not very easy.

Unknown_22: Somebody's actually done it live. People have done it live, not with the tool-assisted thing. They've just done it manually by hand. That's really impressive.

Unknown_18: What's it called?

Unknown_29: How do I look it up on YouTube?

Unknown_20: Super Mario World Code Injection. Or Tetris or some shit.

Unknown_29: Super Mario World Code Injection.

Unknown_33: Arbitrary code execution also works.

Unknown_17: This year's task block is to run. First result I see is a video from Sethbling.

Unknown_20: I guess these streams are better for the audience because it's long.

Unknown_20: Or something, I don't know. I guess the tool-assisted one is too fast.

Unknown_25: I think shorter... We don't heal on bosses, we heal on just basic problems.

Unknown_20: Tool-assisted isn't considered valid.

Unknown_25: Passive Pain is gonna be great.

Unknown_20: Why? It's the only impressive one because it requires like engineering and shit to do right. Spoiler alert, I only started practicing it like two weeks ago.

Unknown_22: There's a lot of impressive work goes into like writing and stuff for these other runs.

Unknown_42: Yeah, but it's not the fastest.

Unknown_22: Sorry, I'll shut my window.

Unknown_20: The main reason why they don't like it is because, like, especially in the NES games, you can't press the left and right button at the same time, but with the tool assistant you can.

Unknown_25: You also can't use more than one controller.

Unknown_17: I think the whole point is that it's a competition.

Unknown_20: I like this comment. Really cool that you can play a game really fast but are you capable of reproducing and not being an evolutionary dead end?

Unknown_20: That's a question for the ages. I don't know. Do you think this guy's gonna reproduce in his life? That's a rigged pole Tiny

Unknown_21: Is that a tranny behind him by the way? I can't tell it kind of looks like yeah, I was wondering Resounding no, it's 7 to 37.

Unknown_25: You guys have so little faith in coach burger. He was the best part of home videos Oh

Unknown_20: We should just stream that. There's that guy playing fucking Venture Bros on a marathon. We need to stream fucking home videos. Why is he beating up on that bell?

Unknown_25: He's got ADHD and he can't sit still for two seconds.

Unknown_20: Well, you just gotta ring it once to get the beetle, but he's bored. So yeah. I got you here.

Unknown_25: First, I need to hit up the stream tree to make up for the essence that we use teleporting.

Unknown_22: This is a really pretty game, though.

Unknown_22: It's it's a pretty good game. I like it.

Unknown_42: It's made in unity engine, too, right?

Unknown_20: Yeah, it is. Unity is a good engine. I don't care. Last time.

Unknown_42: As I was gonna say, it gets a lot of shit for the asset flips, but this actually looks really good, lighting-wise.

Unknown_20: There's a lot of good games made in Unity, it's just that everyone always makes fun of Unity because it's what every single person uses to make asset flips, because it's one of the easiest engines to learn. I like the moth. The moth is pretty.

Unknown_20: Please don't loot the moth.

Unknown_28: I don't know what you're thinking.

Unknown_20: Is there like a bunch of moth rape in this game?

Unknown_29: My anime girl voice? I was gonna say- Moth.

Unknown_15: Uh, crap for like sex. You guys wanna hear his anime girl voice?

Unknown_20: No! Oh no. I don't.

Unknown_25: We need to reach 100,000 by the end of the run.

Unknown_29: I'm also now seeing a video of someone in Super Mario World that did Pong and Snake. That's impressive.

Unknown_20: Yeah, no, they do all sorts of weird shit.

Unknown_50: Yeah, someone brought up in the chat with the arbitrary code execution.

Unknown_33: Someone made an actual fully functional Super Mario maker.

Unknown_32: It's very impressive.

Unknown_33: Yeah, it happened live. It happened live. Yeah, it happened live on SGDQ actually. It was a task bot at the very, very end of the...

Unknown_21: Oh, no way. Is that the Duango AC? Isn't it? He's pretty- that guy does some pretty cool stuff.

Unknown_44: Wait, can somebody explain to me what the Twitch emote is with the guy holding his chin?

Unknown_20: I always thought that was a DSA. That's TotalBiscuit. It's TotalBiscuit.

Unknown_29: That's TotalBiscuit going lol.

Unknown_20: I always thought that was DarkSidePhil.

Unknown_31: why would he doesn't have a hat i wish dsp could get a global twitch emote that would be the best dsp was touched by god but he is not that touched by god we need the stress emote on twitch we need that emoji that ralph had on like the screen not the one with him masturbating

Unknown_22: Should be doing yes that global fucking twitch.

Unknown_20: Can you imagine his reaction if they did that?

Unknown_20: They added that clip of him masturbating as a global moat And renamed it like leg scratch or something Darkside yawn

Unknown_22: You know how they have like the little animated ones for cheers and stuff? Yeah. Like if you donate more than a certain number of bits you get the DSP ejaculation clip.

Unknown_25: That was scary.

Unknown_25: You probably added to it. You made up for it. I did.

Unknown_25: That trick, uh, sometimes doesn't work for me, and I- Alright, this post-office action is giving me anxiety. The play. No, no clap. Oh, God.

Unknown_20: He's fucking up! You're fucking up!

Unknown_25: He's fucking dead, dude!

Unknown_20: Oh, he got the- There we go. He's not so good at Super Meat Boy.

Unknown_26: Damn!

Unknown_20: God damn, mate. Why did they open the fucking menu again?

Unknown_29: I think it's to stop him getting staggered recalls. There's a minor glitch in Super Mii, but when you open a menu, it's like they, it just holds a jump button for you. So like you hold the jump button, I think you hold the jump button and you go open a menu and then you close it quick. That kind of reminds me a lot of the BLJ from Super Mario 64, where like you use it to

Unknown_29: It is pretty much just auto-jump, that's it. That's why people open the menu on Super Meat Boy speedruns.

Unknown_20: No, no, specifically this game. Wow. Yeah, I... Whenever you... When you fall for a long distance... No, it's not.

Unknown_22: When you fall for a long distance, you get staggered for a second in this game, and notice whenever he falls with the menu open, it doesn't happen. It's just so you can move whenever he hits the ground.

Unknown_20: You fuck up again, they're gonna take your dick like they took Cosmo's.

Unknown_22: You're going in the tranny box.

Unknown_25: Now this is actually exciting because he's doing platforming and he's actually like fucking up so it's not just like boring.

Unknown_22: Yeah this is a fun segment.

Unknown_20: See if I was streaming this I'd already have quit the game. Yeah this is this is like like a couple of tens of hours into the game normally so.

Unknown_25: he's probably he's probably ahead of the estimate they usually put like a uh a reasonable amount of time for them to you know to beat it

Unknown_33: there's like a site that has the latest uh for each game and each uh each like individual challenge for it and they're very lenient with estimates on agdqs yeah they have fuck up buffers in there basically unless you royally fuck up and get the game to like be soft soft locked or something you're likely going to be holy shit fuck that

Unknown_25: This is like the best part so far. Yeah, there's a shortcut here, by the way.

Unknown_26: Why is it a whole game like this?

Unknown_22: Oh, when he opens the menu, it makes him fall faster too.

Unknown_20: Well, he stopped talking because he actually had to focus for once. He wasn't just breezing through shit. How many people are going to be speedrunning this game?

Unknown_38: Just him?

Unknown_20: Just him.

Unknown_38: Who knew? I don't think I could watch it the second time. It's just like five hours of people taking turns in the same shit.

Unknown_22: Sometimes they do races, but they do it at the same time. They won't nobody ever plays the same game twice I think this game supposed to be more story driven

Unknown_22: It is, yeah, you're not really getting like a good impression of the game just watching it like this.

Unknown_27: Yeah, what a great game of speedrun here, speedrun.

Unknown_33: It's just kind of depressing we gotta wait till 9 for a Morrowind speedrun, which is gonna be all mine.

Unknown_22: Oh man, Morrowind speedrun is so good.

Unknown_25: They're playing this game on an old patch because the devs are faggots patched out a bunch of stuff that's like only used by speedrunners

Unknown_38: Yeah, why would they do that? That's so stupid.

Unknown_22: It's gay.

Unknown_38: Like, a casual player will never run into that, so like, what the hell's the point?

Unknown_25: So you're saying this version of this run isn't legit? No, it isn't legit. Shut up.

Unknown_17: It's legit as decided by the community, yeah, so it's fine. That's just how it is. This isn't up to date, his speedrun doesn't count.

Unknown_30: XD

Unknown_22: So whatever is the fast this version will usually unless it's like just completely broken and makes a game on that'll be the only time I've ever done In some some games they even skip like the intro because they are so slow Setup save yeah The world just keeps getting bigger and bigger as it descends in the darkest In the fucking Paris catacombs

Unknown_29: Sir, why do you always just post like porn in the chat? Previous vessels.

Unknown_25: Yeah, I don't know why people do that on Discord.

Unknown_22: I got invited to a Discord once and I went in just to see what it was because it was like from a Discord that I was in and it was just like wall-to-wall porn of Isabelle from Animal Crossing. That's the entire Discord.

Unknown_29: I don't think it's been like months. It's been like months since I even went on a Discord server with an NSFW channel.

Unknown_22: Yeah, I don't know. I don't, uh... I don't know what that's all about. Sharing porn with a bunch of guys?

Unknown_22: I don't get that.

Unknown_30: Hell yeah, my fellow anime fans!

Unknown_15: What are you talking about? That happens in this server?

Unknown_29: Okay, my internet, like, died on the hot seat. Because you're the only one that posted.

Unknown_36: Oh, this is a porn server. What the fuck?

Unknown_29: My internet like died I was trying to say I think it's been like a month since I was even on a discord server with an NSFW channel. Like I just have not like had the interest in that.

Unknown_25: I mean that sounds jokes but...

Unknown_15: I know I'm a little bit late on what I get in the stream, but they just talked about blowtorching penis.

Unknown_25: The new DLC that came out for this game, which are all free by the way.

Unknown_25: They came out with another ending that's at the end of an extremely difficult part of the game. So it kind of put us true ending runners in a weird position. To be honest, I don't think the stream chat wants to hear this.

Unknown_30: I don't know what to tell you.

Unknown_25: No one wants to hear the worst DLC right now. I don't understand. Why are they upset?

Unknown_25: We're gonna go fight the Hollow Knight.

Unknown_22: Who's upset this? No, it's like a scene from the game where he falls, I guess.

Unknown_25: And they were all, like, emojying to it.

Unknown_25: He's gonna be stabbing himself throughout the fight to try to help us. Basically, there's an enemy called the Raven... Oh, so they just decided, no, this is not gonna be the true ending. ...what's causing all this infection and making all the bugs go insane. And so, in the regular any% run of this game, you...

Unknown_25: You basically just kill the Hollow Knight, and then absorb the Radiance or the Infection from him, and take his place, and it just kind of repeats the cycle. Shut up.

Unknown_22: No, thematically it is kind of similar to Dark Souls. If you play the game, you like, know the story, it's kind of similar to Dark Souls. Dark Souls.

Unknown_25: Dark Souls. Is this a Dark Souls of speedrunning?

Unknown_22: Oh my god. Dark Souls is the Dark Souls of speedrunning.

Unknown_25: Let's not do this. Dark Souls isn't even that impressive anymore.

Unknown_22: Dark Souls isn't even that impressive anymore.

Unknown_25: There's just that Dark Souls of streams to watch.

Unknown_29: Dark Souls is just that one game like every single person plays and like, oh I played a really hard game There's like so many other harder games out there as well.

Unknown_22: Yeah, I never have thought that Dark Souls is that hard? It's it's really not that's just a mech strength.

Unknown_20: I played the first one up until the first boss and then I got bored It's only hard if you don't even be the side one no, oh

Unknown_22: Come on, man.

Unknown_20: I think he means the Taurus Demon, not the Asylum Demon.

Unknown_22: Unless you only played for like 10 minutes.

Unknown_20: Taurus Demon's pretty tough. You kill a couple of skeletons and then you're in the room with the big guy. You didn't even finish the tutorial. That's the tutorial, man.

Unknown_20: Yeah, you died at the tutorial, Jax. What the heck?

Unknown_20: You're not a real gamer. No, I'm not. I only play good games like Dota 2 and Rainbow Six. And Life is Strange. And the awesome adventures of Captain Awesome.

Unknown_22: That was so much better than the other one, the Life is Strange. That was so much more tolerable.

Unknown_22: Not annoying.

Unknown_20: You can get away with retarded writing where your characters are all stupid if your character is literally a child as well, so I guess that helps.

Unknown_25: I wanna see this kid get his ass kicked by this fucking white guy.

Unknown_20: This boss is really easy. He said that's the hardest part of the entire run. It's probably a joke. I don't know.

Unknown_20: Definitely a joke.

Unknown_33: He's just hitting and hitting him. It's not that easy, but for a late game, well he doesn't got any of the weapon upgrades or anything.

Unknown_22: His spell is like the thing that's doing damage.

Unknown_29: This is the final boss sign.

Unknown_25: Yeah, yeah. This is like a fucking Undertale boss.

Unknown_22: Yeah, I know what you mean, yeah.

Unknown_17: No. I don't know what that is. Oh, it's like, you know, the I wanna be the guy. It's like a fan game.

Unknown_22: It's the game where you take two steps and then it jumpscare kills you, and it's insanely unfair.

Unknown_29: Yeah, there's a lot of people who play Iwanas, games like those, isn't it?

Unknown_22: People do speedruns of that game. Of what?

Unknown_29: Yeah, of course, because Iwana is apparently a pseudo-Japanese term as well, Iwana.

Unknown_29: They have that now for those sorts of games. There's a pretty weird community for those. And there's so many of those games as well.

Unknown_22: He's scared, he doesn't want to go for free hits at the minute.

Unknown_20: He has literally 1 HP. What happened to Warthog?

Unknown_08: He's trying to make a stream with him and stuff, but it's like, I don't know.

Unknown_20: I haven't seen him appear in the Discord lately.

Unknown_17: He appeared yesterday, I thought.

Unknown_20: He was rapping for you guys in chat.

Unknown_20: He's getting sweaty. He's a sweaty boy. He's gonna die. He needs deodorant. Yeah, this looks really hard actually. It's the final boss, right? Yes.

Unknown_30: Yeah.

Unknown_20: Can you smell that sweat? Don't you dare. Well, I prefer the word musk.

Unknown_20: No, I don't. No, I don't. Oh, he got him! Oh, you fucker!

Unknown_15: Amen, dude. We don't heal the boxes down here.

Unknown_38: Are we betting money on how many trains are gonna appear? Dang!

Unknown_22: All of them.

Unknown_22: Like lifting up a rock, and bugs crawl out.

Unknown_25: And... time. He made $30,000 from that. That's a fuck ton of HRT right there.

Unknown_38: I'm gonna throw dilation stations.

Unknown_38: I don't want to donate 250.

Unknown_08: Man, dilation is disgusting.

Unknown_25: So I'm just going to let you guys know now. Yeah. Of course. I don't think Anima disagrees here.

Unknown_29: Okay, cool. So like there's 8 minutes under the estimate. Cool.

Unknown_25: Ruined the cutscene before we got there. Like how is this so interesting?

Unknown_29: I don't get it. Yeah, I don't want you guys to be upset.

Unknown_25: It's probably interesting for people who play the game legit.

Unknown_22: Yeah, like with the longer runs and the ones where nothing really obviously broken is happening, it's more fun if you're intimately familiar with the game.

Unknown_29: Yeah, but even then, if you're into the game, obviously, it's something nice that you can say, you know, it's like a sort of a party trick. Not like a party trick, but something you'd say to your mates at a party, when you're in a social gathering. But not something you'd broadcast publicly and brag about, like, it's competitive.

Unknown_22: Well, it is competitive. There's lots of people who run this.

Unknown_22: Not that the marathon time is obviously not going to be close to the world record or anything, but... This guy actually, this visuals guy, holds the world record for any percent and true ending. There's a lot of really shitty games that people run that are just not competitive at all. You know, I think, okay, I'm not sure, like... I'm having so much trouble explaining it, but it's like...

Unknown_29: I don't see why there has to be like such a massive, you know, gathering just to watch people like, you know, do speed runs when it's just something that you could just share TMAs like, Hey, look, I did this. Oh, that's pretty cool. That's kind of interesting, but it's like a niche.

Unknown_35: It's basically a community where everyone tries to one up each other and learn from each other. TDQ is just a convention really.

Unknown_22: And this is just like one event. Like this is the thing to see at the convention. It's essentially just that. I guess that's fair.

Unknown_33: An hour 24 minutes with loads.

Unknown_33: For this category.

Unknown_29: Are there any major glitches in the Hollow Knight universe?

Unknown_20: What's he doing? I thought the game was Irver.

Unknown_22: He's gonna do a glitch showcase, I think.

Unknown_20: It's never Irver.

Unknown_22: Josh, why do you say Irver?

Unknown_20: Because that's how I say it.

Unknown_37: How much money to get you to say Irver?

Unknown_16: Arnie, can you stop consuming the microphone? Uh, he said it once, he- I think there was a fucking- I can say it just fine. It physically hurts him to say it.

Unknown_20: It's just, yeah, it's a pain in the ass. Say it! No, fuck you.

Unknown_20: See, you can't- he can't do it.

Unknown_16: He said it. He can't do it.

Unknown_22: He's not a fucking monkey. Jesus. Do it, monkey! Am I too low?

Unknown_16: Well, we're all monkeys.

Unknown_50: It works for us.

Unknown_33: Don't bully Josh, don't do it.

Unknown_29: So was this the glitch showcase?

Unknown_16: I think so.

Unknown_22: Oh there was actually no this I think this is the path of pain they were talking about earlier there was a donation incentive for them to do this.

Unknown_20: Oh somebody donated like three thousand dollars or something?

Unknown_22: They met whatever the donation incentive was. I heard them talking about it.

Unknown_20: You're a fool! You can't do it! You can't do it!

Unknown_29: So this is basically just like a Super Meat Boy style level, basically.

Unknown_20: Yeah, apparently the true ending of the game is if you go through this part and you do something, it's a happy ending as opposed to a sad ending.

Unknown_29: What were they laughing at? What did he say? Oh, I like how you can bounce off the blades like that.

Unknown_25: Gotta wait for this fall to come back. Normally you'd have to break that, but it's already- er, uh, flip that switch, but it's already flipped, unfortunately. Ah, I tried.

Unknown_29: Missed that.

Unknown_29: That was kinda sick.

Unknown_38: Fuckin' right.

Unknown_20: Oh! Dunked! What a noob.

Unknown_38: Good thing the counter ain't still going.

Unknown_20: I'm gonna pay you money to fuck up!

Unknown_22: Ow.

Unknown_22: Yeah, this is worth like $3,000 for this, I think.

Unknown_16: You need to do the hands dilation stations. Like, do they have HIV testing stations? I mean, he's still going pretty fast.

Unknown_22: Yeah, to be fair, he is doing pretty well.

Unknown_29: What was the convention? What was the furry convention again that like ran out of supplies for HIV testing?

Unknown_30: Yeah, it's Midwest FurFest.

Unknown_29: Yeah, yeah. That was jokes.

Unknown_30: And the comments on the tweet were like, oh, thank you for doing this service for the community, having AIDS testing machines for us. Thank you. Yeah, cuz it was a donation incentive He didn't know for sure that he was gonna have to do it

Unknown_22: it's outside of the probably the uh true ending no major glitches is just the category that he runs all the time so he doesn't really like practice the rest of the game that's still with a little practice he could probably do this flawless with what he's got now

Unknown_29: Now when you put it that way, it sounds like the worst way you could ever play a game, like just doing the same thing over and over again, just that one run.

Unknown_20: It takes a certain kind of person. You should see the way that they play or they practice like the original Super Mario Bros or the SNES version.

Unknown_20: Like they will play that game the exact same way over and fucking over again to try and...

Unknown_20: Try and beat the score by like milliseconds.

Unknown_25: What's the clapping for? What do you actually do?

Unknown_20: He beat that area.

Unknown_25: It wasn't as clean as I would have liked.

Unknown_29: Like, as impressive as it is, there's like... There's gotta be a time where you say, you know, okay, this is, like, I'm wasting my time here.

Unknown_26: Yeah, this is not fun anymore.

Unknown_38: No, you can always shave off zero, one seconds.

Unknown_25: Alright, and that's Pat's pain.

Unknown_33: That's essentially what it's come down to with the original Super Mario, with all the frame rule shit. It's very, very, very technical. Yeah.

Unknown_20: Uh, that stuff's kind of cool. The plushie is cute. I bet it smells like, like crotch rot. It smells like dilation. They got $30,000. Oh, cool.

Unknown_29: Seriously, I was kind of cool. That's like a really like gone

Unknown_22: Oh, they're doing Donkey Kong Country here.

Unknown_20: The only thing worse than awkward gamer humor is awkward female gamer humor. That shit is just like eight levels of detached and shit I want to hear. Does anybody remember the girl from like years ago who was doing like a fucking Yoshi impression on stream and shit?

Unknown_22: That was awful.

Unknown_20: No, I don't watch that shit. And like the crowd like cheers and they... Very spotted. 100%.

Unknown_20: Look, there's a guy wearing a Discord hoodie. Boo! You guys banned my man, Ralph. Free Ralph memes.

Unknown_19: Oh my god!

Unknown_15: That has to be a true. That has to be a true.

Unknown_29: Oh no, the one where they like... Where is that? It's like they try to be like... Like the pink do-rag or something?

Unknown_33: I wonder if they'll have a chair sniffer this time.

Unknown_30: Is that woman, or man, or whatever, he's wearing a fucking muumuu. Is that true?

Unknown_29: Wait, is that meant to be like one of them pussy hats, or is it just some dishrag? I think it's just a rag.

Unknown_38: Nah, it almost looks like one of them, like, sort of, I think, feminist hats.

Unknown_30: She rolled up in the shower curtain.

Unknown_22: Oh, thank you. An actual commercially produced ad.

Unknown_22: Oh no, it's just as bad actually.

Unknown_19: Go back to the singing! Go back to the singing! Let me show you guys something. This is my computer.

Unknown_20: I showed you guys the computer before. But you see this computer? You see how sad it is that it's not plugged in because I don't have a C13 Nisheko? Do you understand? I need to learn how to play a game very quickly so I can raise the money requisite for plugging my laptop. Oh yeah, Super Meat Boy Forever.

Unknown_29: This was literally just going to be an auto-runner. So, dead.

Unknown_33: Go to DSP routes. Say if you don't get that monitor, the trolls will... Well, this should be better.

Unknown_20: Is this what we're seeing now? Because the Super Meat Boy is, like, the best parts of that speedrun. Yeah, good question. Where are your gamer levels?

Unknown_44: No, that was just a teaser for a game coming.

Unknown_29: It's the teaser for the new Super Meat Boy game coming this year, which is literally... They made Super Meat Boy into an auto-runner. Really? Yeah.

Unknown_22: That's a mad game. I mean, it sounds interesting, but you've already got Bit.Trip.Runner, and everyone's already played Bit.Trip.Runner.

Unknown_20: Kirby! Is this Kirby Super Star? It's the only one that matters.

Unknown_33: I wanna see him beat up Meta Knight!

Unknown_20: I beat that game as a kid and I remember thinking how I went from like running around and eating jungle animals to killing a knight to beating like a cyborg space demon and I'm thinking this game's kind of fucking weird. You should add one to the tranny counter, Josh. Wait, where do we- where's the tranny? We need a screencap of the tranny, I don't see it.

Unknown_17: Are you sure that's a tranny? Yes. I'll put that up. We got two trannies confirmed. Holy shit, the feeder is here. Wait, is that an amputee?

Unknown_16: Like, he's missing one leg there.

Unknown_46: Is that somebody in our discord really playing that shit randomly?

Unknown_44: No, they they're playing in the dine time.

Unknown_29: Yeah, it's in it's from the stream

Unknown_22: Thanks for ear raping us, adbq.

Unknown_34: I hate this form more than life itself.

Unknown_33: Oh, it gets worse. I actually forgot, what is this thing?

Unknown_29: So many ways that they're playing. Where is it from? I keep forgetting.

Unknown_20: It's so so many things. What's this pastebin that somebody pasted? Trolljkyg. Explain yourself.

Unknown_29: Oh, it's dogtails, okay.

Unknown_20: Yeah, it says it all on the back. Wait, is this the tranny in the back row? This person calling themselves plural? Oh my god, what the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck?

Unknown_29: Wait a minute, what?

Unknown_20: Apparently the tranny that we just counted is also a plural system tranny.

Unknown_34: Nice.

Unknown_20: Is that true? Oh no.

Unknown_35: Multi-gen.

Unknown_20: Proton magic girl. Wait, is this real? Is this real?

Unknown_22: Protomagic girl has a thread on the farms.

Unknown_19: Is that the one in the U.S.

Unknown_22: right now with the dishrag?

Unknown_29: No, no, no.

Unknown_19: That's not the one. Wait, are we up to three trannies?

Unknown_29: Is it the one with the dishrag or no? No, I don't see I don't see protomagical girls not on the stream right now.

Unknown_22: I don't I don't see I can't see.

Unknown_20: Oh, you can't see the I mean, yeah, the chat is called Hey that ham bone that we counted as trannying with the pink resist Is that what that is?

Unknown_20: That is a pussy hat, what the fuck?

Unknown_34: Dude, that's a tranny.

Unknown_20: That's a tranny. Confirmed. I don't think it's a- it's not a pussy hat. I don't think it is. That thing has the body's portions of an ogre.

Unknown_29: No, it's got- it's got the ears on there. It's not- it's not quite, like, you know- I think that's just a fold.

Unknown_22: That's not, like, an ear.

Unknown_29: Yeah, it just looks like a do-rag.

Unknown_15: No, it looks too big of a fool to actually be a doer.

Unknown_29: How did you find this dude?

Unknown_37: Oh wait, the furfag found her. I'm not a furfag!

Unknown_34: Hold on! Oh shit, yeah, it's a doerag, but yep, that is a tranny. That is a tranny.

Unknown_22: Confirm me to become a doerag.

Unknown_01: From the Twitter. Moved to the spot where I'm visible on stream.

Unknown_20: Okay, I know.

Unknown_29: It doesn't quite look like a resistor. Not you, Axel. Okay, good.

Unknown_34: Okay, she's retweeting tweets from Potomagical Girl. She's a trend.

Unknown_20: She's also plural, check your privilege. Like does anyone recall what kind of magical did? I remember her like flagging shit. Wait, did this... Did this furry guy already find the twerp?

Unknown_35: What is her pronoun if she has her Discord link?

Unknown_20: If they're a plural, they want to be called they.

Unknown_34: Oy vey. Engage to NP cats. Oy vey.

Unknown_20: All y'all do? Nigga, you trying to be southern?

Unknown_20: We don't take kindly to fake southerner gamer girls around here.

Unknown_20: Is Discord dying?

Unknown_34: I think Discord is dying. What makes you say that?

Unknown_20: It's just you, I think.

Unknown_34: Oh, okay.

Unknown_20: Let me try changing, like, if it keeps fucking up. I tried to do my southern accent and then nobody laughed, so I'm assuming that Discord is having technical issues. There's no other... No, we heard, we heard.

Unknown_22: I was in shock from the fucking upskirt shot there in the Discord.

Unknown_33: Do I have a pussy hat?

Unknown_17: I do not have a pussy hat.

Unknown_17: Oh my god, check, uh, bot discussions, there's a close-up of the fad. No, no, AGTQ Twitch channel, there's someone on there with the username LunaIsBestPrincess.

Unknown_20: That's good. That's good, that sets my mind at ease.

Unknown_33: Uh, apparently, KittyStyle's second Twitch channel got some- Well, yeah, ProtoMagical was the fu-

Unknown_20: You're a faggot, right?

Unknown_20: Discord link is in the widgets area of the stream. Josh, Josh, Josh. Blue hair, left.

Unknown_38: Looks like a tranny. $50 from Alex86.

Unknown_34: I'm so glad I've finally been able to donate to AGDQ.

Unknown_20: Can you imagine the smell?

Unknown_38: I think we should up the counter again.

Unknown_44: That looked like one.

Unknown_20: I can't.

Unknown_37: I barely have a sense of smell.

Unknown_48: Oh yeah, if I recall correctly, GDQ has specific rules that the attendees have to shower regularly. Oh, they all got their shower in a can, right?

Unknown_22: They got their Axe body spray.

Unknown_34: They're good. Is that a smash, President?

Unknown_20: It's like how they say that casinos pump in oxygen to get people excited. They pump in Axe body spray. They pump in Axe body spray so that everybody gets clean, nice and squeaky clean. My dad has battled cancer twice and come through both times with the help of amazing people. Epic Lulz, Baguette won the Majora's Mask file name.

Unknown_34: I just wanna say that fucks that guy up, cause now he has to, he has to like, slowly hype him.

Unknown_33: That's not actually gonna fuck him up. Depends when he starts the timer.

Unknown_29: Yeah, usually they create the save file then they begin.

Unknown_19: And everyone in Twitch chat is going mad because haha bread random funny.

Unknown_20: Somebody asked, does that mean that GDQ's atmosphere is flammable? And I can only hope so.

Unknown_29: Imagine all the Florida states.

Unknown_20: Hey, fuck off, motherfucker. Florida is the best state in the union. Florida should conquer the other states.

Unknown_15: That is incorrect. Ohio is the best state in the union.

Unknown_20: Fuck Ohio.

Unknown_20: Yesterday you said it was Wyoming.

Unknown_20: Wyoming is the best state to live in. Florida is the best state in terms of like batshit crazy methods, eating people like zombies. No argument there.

Unknown_20: This is a Japanese game. Why is it in Japanese? Probably because it's faster.

Unknown_22: Text scroll speed.

Unknown_20: Oh dude, I'm hyped for this. I wanna see Kirby. Meta Knight! Meta Knight, I know you!

Unknown_29: This time we've also got six ugly nerds.

Unknown_20: God, Kirby is such a fucking weird game. The best game. You fool!

Unknown_27: Roy, you fool!

Unknown_20: You're a failure. Your mother doesn't love you. You wasted your youth doing this stupid faggot crap and now... And now you've amounted to nothing. People are cyber-blue. Look at his hair. Look at the hair. Yeah, he's cool. He's so cool. Is it just me or is it kinda greasy?

Unknown_22: He looks like, uh, that fuckin' Asian guy. The, uh, Jeopardy guy.

Unknown_20: What was the thing that they were spamming in Twitch chat last time there was a Shrani playing?

Unknown_44: Uh, DanSexy?

Unknown_20: Yeah. The emote? Oh, yes!

Unknown_22: They got rid of that emote, didn't they? The proto-magical girl, like, campaigned hard to get that fucking back from the chat. Yeah, it was that bitch.

Unknown_33: It was that bitch. Yeah, now I remember. That's funny See me what they're also spamming like hot pocket or some shit mean mean stuff is funny mean stuff is the best stuff if it's not There's no value to it.

Unknown_29: I'm gonna see you there. This is interesting Like you just thought like five seconds and he goes let's do that I have no idea

Unknown_20: Didn't get the treasure Yeah, there's always an estimate I'll do it.

Unknown_00: It's the blue guy with the butt

Unknown_27: And then finish off the rest with, uh... Oh, he's taking his ass. Oh, he didn't get to see his butt, because he left it, so... Alright, this is a big switch, it opens the front door back here, but we're never gonna come back here, so... But, it's true, the blue guy has a... There's eight different bosses.

Unknown_17: Most guys have butts.

Unknown_20: This guy... This wheel... Most guys have butts. This Kirby guy with the wheel, he's faster than Sanic.

Unknown_27: That's fucking blasphemy.

Unknown_20: Yeah, yeah, this is like, this is like last processing. This is ahead of its time.

Unknown_06: This is another platform.

Unknown_01: Give me some fucking variety, man.

Unknown_27: What the fuck?

Unknown_01: Oh, he fucked it up.

Unknown_20: You fool!

Unknown_27: Oh no. Oh no. He fucked it up twice. So the reason why it gave me the fighter ability is because it tried to punch me. So Golem is a very unique ability, or unique enemy in this game in that, depending on what you're trying to do, it gives you a different ability.

Unknown_17: This is why your mother doesn't love you, streamer.

Unknown_20: You're spending the prime years of your life playing Kirby with a bunch of trannies. You're not even good at it.

Unknown_17: I would like to mention, every time they cheer, look at the guy on the left. He doesn't understand how to clap. He only uses his shoulders. The guy on the far left in the black shirt?

Unknown_27: With the, like, fucking pedo mustache? Yeah. Also, they all sit in the same way.

Unknown_01: I don't know why they're not applauding as much as they did for the Hollow Knight guy, but Kirby's a better gamer.

Unknown_44: Yeah, this is a lot more exciting.

Unknown_31: This is like a better run, for sure. Oh, this guy holds the world record for any percent on Kirby. He's the best Kirby player.

Unknown_27: Yeah, 27 minutes, 48 seconds.

Unknown_31: He didn't get that 27 minutes fucking up like he's been doing.

Unknown_20: The first one we're gonna go to is at the end of Radish Runes. I know, I know, I heard.

Unknown_27: A little bit of a scary part.

Unknown_00: If you lose your ability and it spikes, you lose a lot of time.

Unknown_27: I guess one thing about this run is that you do want to keep abilities for a particularly long amount of time.

Unknown_12: This wheel part, I'm so pinging. If you have any donations right now, go ahead.

Unknown_34: All right, sounds good. We have a $15.51 donation from Miracooby Kirby.

Unknown_33: Kirby awakened the feeder feathers in Josh's chest.

Unknown_33: There's not really much to say about mashrooms. There's a little bit of four-wheel movement, but it's pretty much just straight.

Unknown_27: You can see in rooms like this, avoiding him by doing carefully placed jumps. It would physically hurt. You could just roll on the ground.

Unknown_27: So what you're saying is, we just want to roll with it.

Unknown_25: Yes.

Unknown_16: This makes me believe in how we should have a limit now. Get it? Cause he's a wheel. Sitting down and stuffing his face.

Unknown_27: Those guys were like entombed that's cruel the the perpetrators of these traps are fucking monsters Fucking that's Rand

Unknown_26: What's Master Hand doing here?

Unknown_27: I guess so. That's neat. Those little...

Unknown_27: This game came after melee are you fucking kidding me?

Unknown_27: He's getting fucked he's getting fucked Mennonites got your number little bitch. Oh

Unknown_27: Can we get a third?

Unknown_20: Get a third in Meta Knight. You got this. No! Ah, fucker. He cheated. Shall we say it's rigged?

Unknown_27: Yeah, that nigga's a cheetah.

Unknown_27: But that's why it went OK.

Unknown_27: It's a little bit different from other games where you're forced to use sword. Here, we chose to use sword. So when you take damage, we actually just lose our ability.

Unknown_27: Oh, wow. Oh, nice.

Unknown_27: You'll notice that when I'm not using an ability like wheel, I'm constantly jumping. It really doesn't look like it, but Kirby's moving ever so slightly faster in the air than on the ground. He should get a wheel for it. Yeah.

Unknown_20: Oh, shit.

Unknown_20: It's a diversity quota. He's already done with that? What the fuck? Oh my jeez. I can't make any racist jokes. I already had like eight lined up and he fucking ran right through it. Fuck that guy. You're ruining my jokes. We're going to have a real throw down here. Oh, he's a cute little mole.

Unknown_27: Very random, but what I need Molly to do is that I need him to actually throw something. I like how the gameplay is actually so exciting that everyone else is quiet. Look at them clap.

Unknown_30: The guy on the far left in the black shirt whenever he claps he likes a stash like it's like his arms are on hinges yeah Perfect 90 degree angles and shit and he goes like clap clap clap clap.

Unknown_20: Oh

Unknown_20: You can roll right over the fucking spikes when he's in wheelie mode fuck off.

Unknown_27: That's a P. That's bullshit. Oh

Unknown_20: Do 100% no wheelies! All these trannies run 90%.

Unknown_16: It's a wheelie bro. He didn't kill the wheelie bro. Game recognized game.

Unknown_27: This is another pretty important shortcut. It comes in like pairs of switches.

Unknown_27: We're going to be using that to get to two other bosses later on. There's going to be two assistant speedruns on the 12th. It's going to be a little bit scary if I mess it up.

Unknown_17: Yeah, they all need to.

Unknown_27: There's an enemy called a Mira that you're going to see at the bottom.

Unknown_22: Because there's stuff happening.

Unknown_22: Like Hollow Knight's a pretty slow game. And the graphics are pretty.

Unknown_27: Look at this. How old is this game? 2004. It says in the top left there. Fucked it up. Is that a fuck up?

Unknown_22: Yes, he meant to go up.

Unknown_26: Estimated time is 32 minutes.

Unknown_21: This wheel is ridiculous, like even the enemies that he can't kill he just like floats through them.

Unknown_30: It's usual that they do fuck up every single run because it's live and they get nervous so they always overestimate when they will be done. Yeah it's literally that.

Unknown_33: Also some RNG, like, there was this Pokemon gold speedrun that failed at the very end because of critical... He just, like, fucking raped that guy.

Unknown_20: That wheel, the wheel man cannot be stopped. Look, look at the NPC. Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap

Unknown_22: Cycle company needs to be oiled.

Unknown_20: Entering suspended status. Oh, there's that fucking kirby dance. That's my jam.

Unknown_27: Yeah, the only only kirby dance.

Unknown_33: Maybe the the couch was a gif image all Just like hide him that way they make sure it meets

Unknown_33: i see it's pre-recorded cgi tranny's a genie yeah george lucas has made this half cutting edge technology for your agv yeah black people are a little bit scary because if you take in this game if you take any kind of damage you'll lose your ability uh which is a little bit different from

Unknown_27: It's Arthur Chu, that's the guy's name I'm thinking of. That's what he looks like. I think it's Arthur Chu, I always fucking forget his name and I get him confused with that other Asian guy.

Unknown_20: I'm vaguely aware of who you're talking about, yeah. He's just like a baby. Look, that fucking wheel can walk on water. When he's in wheel mode, he is Jesus Christ. Christ! That nigga fucking hits a bottle of water, that's gonna turn into wine.

Unknown_34: We have a hundred dollars for anonymous. Gotta donate, but my favorite pink cream buff boy, Kirby's on. Kick some butt on the run, swordsman Kirby.

Unknown_20: You didn't really say kick some butt. I bet you said kick some ass.

Unknown_20: I probably said something like kick the stomps and tranny mangina. Oh no, we gotta filter that. What's a good replacement word? They have like a writer team so they can do it to like... Pretty sure like 30% of the chat is just like trolling.

Unknown_27: Oh, he lost it!

Unknown_20: He lost the wheel! You fool! You are nothing without your wheel.

Unknown_27: Can he even hit him while he's rolling?

Unknown_20: Yes, he can.

Unknown_27: This is a neat little mix setup.

Unknown_27: I've never played a Kirby game but this does look fun. I love the UFO. I've never even seen that before. That's super cute though.

Unknown_20: yeah but they make you attract i like how even the fish the fish wear goggles they wear snorkels so we're essentially sort of bumping uh enemies into each other so we can help don't shame them we can't be breathing that circles underwater

Unknown_34: Hey swordsman, do we have time for one more? We have a very special donation. Yeah, yeah. Alright, we do have a hundred dollars from our own Adobean. Thank you so much, Adobe. I'm gonna need some help from you in the couch as well.

Unknown_20: Clap, clap, clap. Suspended. Returning to Idle Sea. Awaiting future. This is Mark Zuckerberg's second generation.

Unknown_35: Look, he's- Is this Suckerbot too?

Unknown_16: No, no, Jesse. Old Jesse, right? Shut up! That gamer girl is getting on my fucking nerves. Shut up, bitch. Now! Get- be gone!

Unknown_22: You should have heard the girl who was doing, like, uh, fucking anime voices in Yoshi Impressions years ago.

Unknown_20: I really don't fucking want to. I'll be honest with you, that does not sound like something I am interested in. Thank you, though. They have to constantly try to emulate her.

Unknown_27: Why do you hate building?

Unknown_20: I respect women. And after running the game for a while, you get used to it. Dare I say you're a woman disrespecter? Look at those two sharks dropping bombs.

Unknown_20: The sharks don't have snorkels. How do they breathe?

Unknown_17: They were planes, I think. Yeah, I'm back for now.

Unknown_27: Gobbler? They're like, no glitches in those ones.

Unknown_20: Is it like a grabbler? Is that what he said? Oh no! These bosses stand like no chance.

Unknown_27: This game's so broken.

Unknown_35: He is fucking dead.

Unknown_29: What have I- what have I missed?

Unknown_29: I missed half the game I guess but like what else has been going on?

Unknown_20: Nothing, we've been watching the video games and making fun of Trannies and this one guy on the left hand side he claps like he's an automaton.

Unknown_22: He's a robot

Unknown_22: Just when they clap, just watch. Look at that posture.

Unknown_20: That shit's like that fucking, that caricature virgin meme. You know what I mean?

Unknown_29: Oh no, he's got them like, he's got them like pokey outie ears as well. Like he just looks like an idiot.

Unknown_20: Look, he went from wheel, now he's just a fucking rocket. This is preposterous. That is great.

Unknown_44: Kirby is the prophet Muhammad come to life again.

Unknown_29: He will make it in time Run strike Kirby

Unknown_20: I faded it out. Kirby is on his way to the government welfare line. He's got to go fucking fast. He's in a hurry. He's got to get there early.

Unknown_20: You can't catch the tugboat.

Unknown_29: He's catching the tugboat.

Unknown_20: Oh, and that explains the fucking, he's using the rocket and he's using the wheel like the truck apiece. So he's in truck apiece mode right now. He can't be stopped. No, no sand barrier can stop this wheel. Just imagine, just imagine like,

Unknown_29: Nintendo have been ahead of the game with like representation of black characters Just imagine like you're like some Middle Eastern town and like you just see it overhead and next thing you hear is good And now he's in he's protecting the Christmas market right now Yeah, pull up the actual thing and watch it if you're in the wish

Unknown_27: Two more, uh, two more bosses before the final boss sequence.

Unknown_29: Wait, why did they, like, restart the intro? The main menu.

Unknown_35: Faster.

Unknown_20: Oh, okay. It's specifically to skip the dance, yeah, which sucks, because the dance is, like, the best part of the game. Yeah, it's great.

Unknown_30: Alright, okay.

Unknown_30: They restart the games in many, many games, like Zelda, uh, they do that all the time.

Unknown_26: That's gay as fuck.

Unknown_27: What's the donation goal to see the dance? 20k. So right now we're actually not going to be going towards the end of...

Unknown_20: Give it to me, I'll handle it on his behalf to make sure we see that Kirby dance.

Unknown_29: Just let Josh turn the stream off and put up an emulator right now and just do the Kirby dance.

Unknown_20: Trust me, Glemm. Trust me. I'll make sure it goes to the needy children of cancer at St. Jude's. At St.

Unknown_44: Jude's. Make sure you include a very nice message in.

Unknown_44: It's st.

Unknown_20: St.

Unknown_20: What? I think you meant to me.

Unknown_00: You gave money? To me.

Unknown_20: Who deserves it? I need money for the money.

Unknown_22: And they'll need your money.

Unknown_09: You know that money belongs to Yosh? Yosh?

Unknown_26: Yosh is the main money for transitional surgery.

Unknown_20: Oh, you know what? After this, I will show you guys something funny. I don't know. I don't think everybody saw, but I will definitely show people after this.

Unknown_20: Not to tease content.

Unknown_27: Is it going to be on the stream because I'm not watching that.

Unknown_20: Uh, yeah, I'll read it, so don't worry. You're not gonna miss it, you can't see it.

Unknown_27: Okay. No one asked. Oh, boy. Yeah, I'm missing, I've checked, I balanced my budget. I'm missing about $150 this week. I don't know if you guys heard about that.

Unknown_20: You know, people were in chat, like, like, acting like I was actually mad at my phone call with that guy. I don't, like, I think it's an autism thing. Like, do you not fucking pick up people having fun when they're on a fucking phone call?

Unknown_20: Like, I said I had sickle cell anemia. Like, I'm quite clearly not being fucking serious.

Unknown_20: Josh is fucking dying like... This seems like the worst place to use the wheel when you need to be using it. Yeah, you can't use the wheel.

Unknown_22: Blaze just wants to hold on to it for after.

Unknown_17: Well Josh, it's current year, you could be a strong and independent black woman in current mech. Alright, so now we're coming to our second Master Hand fight.

Unknown_27: This one's a little bit different because Master Hand is... Master Hand! That means I need to do these wheel jumps. Master Hand. A little bit trickier.

Unknown_27: This is a racing game what a hot baby

Unknown_34: Dirt 5. Kirby thanks you for playing Twisted.

Unknown_29: Kirby thanks you for playing Dirt Rally.

Unknown_34: Look how fucking OP that wheel is.

Unknown_20: That wheel is just fucking... Like, King Dedede is gonna come down and just all of his woodland creatures have skid marks over their fucking face. He's like, what the fuck?

Unknown_32: Yeah, you see it. King Dedede defeat. What the...

Unknown_20: Oh no, he's got the rocket! He cannot be stopped!

Unknown_27: So now they've got both skid marks and burn marks on their face.

Unknown_29: Some of them are exploded.

Unknown_20: Some are crushed by the sandbags.

Unknown_29: It's over for them. It's over. Is there an acid throw power-up in this game?

Unknown_22: Some of them have been culturally...

Unknown_27: How did he lose the wheel you fucker you had one job Whoa, I think he picked it because there's no like you can hit both at once I think Such a brainy gamer

Unknown_27: The guy on the left just looks like an absolute mutant. What's with the other colored Kirby?

Unknown_20: Those are like your other lives I think, but he's obviously not going to die.

Unknown_32: God, King Dedede is so fucking hot. When do we see it?

Unknown_27: Top 10 daddies in video.

Unknown_32: Number 1, King Dedede. Top 10 daddies in video.

Unknown_29: We are ending this conversation. We are ending this conversation for chat.

Unknown_32: Probably my favorite Kirby. Number 14.

Unknown_32: No!

Unknown_32: This is Discord, guys. This sounds really fun, right? Yeah, welcome to the farm for all justice, man.

Unknown_27: Alright, so this hammer mix, uh, the mix itself, you know, they're, they're, like, you said, they're four frames wide. That's actually easy. I don't know, I think it is multiplayer, because that red Kirby on, like, the top left changed.

Unknown_09: Hey, Kirby has a flip phone on the top left. I think that red Kirby had a hat earlier, now it's gone.

Unknown_46: Yeah, he couldn't call it.

Unknown_27: Pretty much does, like, a third of the health, so that's why it becomes way easier with hammer.

Unknown_32: Pretty good game.

Unknown_32: I wouldn't cut my dick off to stream it though.

Unknown_27: Is that how you get into the... It's a gay mafia, man. What's he doing?

Unknown_26: Also, Sarah, I know you're listening to this, you big fat retard wall.

Unknown_27: This is kind of the same as the first Meta Knight fight, except it can do a few more moves. So this is like the one useful glitch in the run. So I'm like hovering like a little bit off the ground.

Unknown_27: It's this fucking End of JoJo Part 2 Coliseum shit. Oh shit. He's like a Super Saiyan, what the fuck? Oh my god. What the shi- WHOA. We did it.

Unknown_20: It gets hit by the star multiple times.

Unknown_19: He caught the sword again, what the fuck?

Unknown_27: That dude is getting fucking animal raped

Unknown_27: Also, if anybody has a life hack to make it say your microphone is like at a hundred percent all the time Let me know cuz it my fucking mic likes to go down to like really quiet I think

Unknown_18: It's really gay, they have automatic gain on in the settings.

Unknown_30: You need to turn that shit off, nigga.

Unknown_32: Yeah, they do. Not like Discord, like the mic settings on the fucking PC.

Unknown_30: On Windows, yeah. Yeah, so Discord will control your Windows PC. What?

Unknown_20: Is that what that is?

Unknown_30: Fuck that. Yes. Yes.

Unknown_20: Oh my god. I've been a fool. I've been made a fool.

Unknown_30: It is. You need to go into your settings and turn that shit off right now, dude. That shouldn't be on by default.

Unknown_20: Well, I turned it on because I wanted automatic game control. I didn't want them to fucking nigg me over with that shit.

Unknown_27: That guy is not as cool as Null from the other games. He's so unbiased. Well, he's got the red eye!

Unknown_22: Oh, your mic's stuck on. I think you have it on, like, I don't know. Yeah, I hear just white noise. It was too loud. Oh, shit. It's literally just constantly transmitting.

Unknown_20: One, two, three.

Unknown_29: Is it just on my end, or did the GDQ stream just freeze? No, I don't know. You do sound pretty loud now.

Unknown_20: We're good. I have to make my voice authoritative somehow. Or you could just turn on the VIP thing.

Unknown_20: No. A VIP thing's gay. It is pretty gay. And they can do it.

Unknown_27: You'll notice that I was also hitting the mirrors that were spawning, and that actually does... Who's this has got the same name as me on the Discord?

Unknown_27: So now we're on to the sixth and final phase, so after the last hit on this one, it's time.

Unknown_36: Oh now we're smuffing.

Unknown_20: Oh wait, there's the eyeball man.

Unknown_36: Oh that's a pussy.

Unknown_31: That's a dilated pussy boys.

Unknown_32: That reminds me of my wife's c-section when she had my... Nigga, shut up! That's your eye coming out of your bob's puss!

Unknown_08: Wow, look at that fucking clapping on both sides.

Unknown_20: Wait, why are the credits rolling before the game's over? It is over. He beat it. Oh, they said someone in the Twitch chat said it was one minute off the world record.

Unknown_37: One minute's a fucking long ass time. Yeah, that's a little long. 69 funny numbers!

Unknown_38: Hey, dude, that's a 600. Hey, shut up. He does not, he's gonna transition.

Unknown_30: It's not kirby's hand on this.

Unknown_20: Yeah, I was hoping to say something like I want to I want to announce that uh, James has just started becoming Samantha and everybody should applaud that This guy in the discord change his name to this baseball spurp as well. Okay, I will I will read what I was gonna read before I'm gonna mute the uh the stream by the way Or yeah the stream. Where is it? Okay

Unknown_20: In case you missed this, this was commented on the stream I did about being sued.

Unknown_20: This is from the crazy woman who sued me and lost by default four times. Oh, nice. Said, a little bird came and told me that you were talking slander again about me on this video. I don't concern myself with other men's affairs because I am a married woman. So I won't listen to your videos. I don't even use YouTube. No devout Jew would. So those of you claiming to be Jewish and then using YouTube while calling me a fake Jew are full of hypocrisy. Not that I need to defend myself to you. I don't. You aren't a Senn-hedron. Whatever the fuck that is. I'm completely flabbergasted that you persist in your slander as if I somehow care what a man of inferior education who doesn't follow Torah thinks about legal or theological issues. I hold a bachelor's degree and years of legal training. I'll take my opinion over yours any day. I've been a devout Jew for more than a decade. Why do you think Christians think that I would care about what you think I deserve? You are not qualified in the least bit to be a judge in the house of Israel. Your opinions mean nothing to me. Now I'm going to get off this YouTube before my eyes get defiled. I won't concern myself with your comments posted afterward, but make sure you look for my appeal in the courthouse. While you are busy making this video calling me a failure, I am busy filing appeals. OG, what's that? I turn real life experiences into learning opportunities while modeling to the world what an educated, dignified conversation looks like? I'd call that a success.

Unknown_20: Beautiful.

Unknown_43: Can I point?

Unknown_15: Yeah, she's fucking bad.

Unknown_38: We might need to increase that tranny counter a little bit. He just posted another one in the voice chat.

Unknown_20: Another one what? Yeah, that's a tranny. Holy moly. Oh my god. We missed a tranny, ladies and gentlemen. Hang on, hang on.

Unknown_29: Enhance, enhance.

Unknown_20: Zoom in. Enhance it for the stream so they can see.

Unknown_29: They need to see it for themselves.

Unknown_20: Okay, hold up, hold up.

Unknown_19: Could that be?

Unknown_29: Yeah, it might be for a... Here, I'll do a poll.

Unknown_20: I'll do a poll on the Don't do a poll, everybody's gonna say yes. They can't see it yet. Hey, I will fucking make audience interaction. People need the buttons to press. It's entertaining. You already know the answer.

Unknown_20: I don't give a shit. Asking questions you already know the answer to is called audience engagement, okay? I am a professional.

Unknown_20: There's a surprising number of people who are- that's a gamer girl? Are you shitting me? I don't think gamer girls exist. We need to dox her.

Unknown_29: It's a gamer goblin. You see a fat woman and you immediately want to dox her.

Unknown_36: Yeah, okay.

Unknown_29: Can we just take a moment, that guy in front of the fat black guy, can we just take a moment to pay respects for his hairline?

Unknown_37: I can't see it. Oh, he's got the fucking hair. Rest in peace, my man's hairline.

Unknown_16: Oh yeah, he's got it bad.

Unknown_20: What hairline? That's the point where you just shave it bald.

Unknown_16: Alright, the poll is 89 to 23, so clearly, regardless of the vaginal status, they are a tranny.

Unknown_20: Fact confirmed. Yeah, that's not like sideburns, that's like one of those airplane pillows you wrap around the back of your neck.

Unknown_20: I just want to know how much they paid that black guy to add some fucking diversity to that audience. There's no fucking way he's there of his own volition. He's just thinking like, man, I can't wait to get out of here and spend my 250.

Unknown_20: He's thinking, I'm gonna go home and get me a monitor.

Unknown_29: He's just saying that you ain't gone bored out of his life. Yeah, they paid him.

Unknown_20: They paid him. I know where my money went. I know where my fucking money went. He's on Amazon right now on his phone ordering his monitor.

Unknown_29: There's a kid there wearing a Santa hat. Oh no.

Unknown_22: Don't bring kids to GTA.

Unknown_20: Wait, you know what? Maybe that is SPCC. Because he's black. He's getting his fucking vape pen. He's waiting. He can't smoke inside. They told him they're smoking inside.

Unknown_29: Who's SPCC again?

Unknown_20: He runs a prank call channel. He beat me up for third place last week.

Unknown_05: Ugh. Well, you gotta end that, mate. Juice something. I can't tell.

Unknown_34: Slurp juice flavored vape juice.

Unknown_17: No, that's not anime, that's some Popeye edit.

Unknown_29: Oh, it is, it's Popeye, I see that.

Unknown_20: People seem very convinced that's just a fat ugly woman, but I'm gonna count him as a tranny. I hope you find out, and I hope your feelings get hurt.

Unknown_20: They can't tell because he's a man, he's on like 360p. You would smash her, would you, Yosh? Would I fuck her? No, that's gross. I don't fuck gamer girls, they got issues.

Unknown_34: I'm picking her up.

Unknown_20: They got daddy issues. Irvermom, do you play the video games?

Unknown_30: Oh my god, Gamer Jesus is a red shirt.

Unknown_20: Let her answer. Gamer Jesus.

Unknown_07: I play some, yeah. I play, uh, Factorio. You play Dota? You play Dota?

Unknown_15: Oh my god, guys, guys, guys. I just noticed, if you look on the left-hand side of the screen, what the Cod War Athena Dark Odyssey God Armor of Crap is on, look what the background is. I don't know what you're talking about.

Unknown_20: It's just the- Oh, it's fucking ZDang on the train.

Unknown_15: They got a fucking scope on her!

Unknown_22: She's got a crosshair fixed on her.

Unknown_22: Look behind the, like, behind the UI.

Unknown_32: Gamers are fucking disgusting. These guys are worse than trainees. I mean, not trainees, furries. Same thing.

Unknown_18: Are they pointing, like, right at their Tolkien people?

Unknown_20: Look at what the bald guy is doing. He's like conducting like a pretend orchestra

Unknown_32: It didn't get any worse.

Unknown_32: Oh no, he's air drumming. People are looking at him too. People are looking at him.

Unknown_35: No, no, they want him to keep still because every time he makes his head he, like, flashes someone in blind.

Unknown_20: Somebody in front of him is like, stop moving your fucking hands, you look like a spastic. We're trying not to have any incidents this fucking time.

Unknown_22: He doesn't realize there's 134,000 people watching and he's going into the fucking compilation video this year.

Unknown_20: There's people in chat, if you're bald and you know it, dab the chat. Hello?

Unknown_34: Oh god!

Unknown_20: What is the- what is the bald guy doing? They noticed! Chat noticed!

Unknown_34: Bro this dude hailing Hitler, what the hell?

Unknown_29: My internet has just been dying, like what happened?

Unknown_00: We were making fun of a bald guy who was literally like pretend orchestrating the fucking audience

Unknown_29: I saw that, I saw that. I was laughing as well. He was like, he noticed people were looking at him as well, so he was just like, oh, oh, okay.

Unknown_20: Wait, am I on camera? I was just itching my leg. I was just itching my leg. Yeah, he's gonna get waved at.

Unknown_20: Like the long-ass cane is gonna- Look he's doing it again!

Unknown_19: He's doing it again!

Unknown_20: What's wrong with this guy?

Unknown_19: Baldi! Baldi you're on stream! You're on- He's gonna break that chair!

Unknown_20: People are looking at him! The chair is like creaking under his weight, look. He's having a stroke dude.

Unknown_20: Does he have cerebral palsy? What the fuck is he doing? Where's his Todd ring?

Unknown_22: He keeps doing it every time a new song comes on. It's every time a new song comes on he does this.

Unknown_20: I just imagine him sitting alone at home listening to video game music doing this shit by himself.

Unknown_33: They're trying to ignore him.

Unknown_22: They're all trying to avoid looking at him.

Unknown_20: Okay, real talk, real talk, chat. What do you think his fursona is? Oh, the black dude is showing him?

Unknown_44: He's doing it again, he's doing it again.

Unknown_15: Oh no, begone! Say his fursona is something.

Unknown_20: I think it's a Digimon, that's my guess.

Unknown_16: It looks like Keemstar after some fucking scissors. It looks like a younger Keemstar. That girl is kinda cute.

Unknown_07: That woman definitely needs a free HIV checkup at the furry convention, that's all I'm gonna say.

Unknown_18: And I just like games that have like very high skill. Who would smash guys? You can tell by the voice. The voice and the fact that she looks freaking sexy.

Unknown_30: Uh, that's your opinion.

Unknown_05: Damn, baby, she thicc! What the heck? Jealousy? God.

Unknown_20: People watching at home don't realize what's going on

Unknown_18: SGDQ. I'm just happy that there's actually a pretty woman in this stream.

Unknown_30: I thought it was only going to be like sweaty men pretending.

Unknown_20: No, they pay women to pretend they're interested. Talking about what to eat in circles. For real. Yeah, for real. That's not a woman, that's just CGI. CGI.

Unknown_20: I'm just imagining in the background there's that guy that was like the actor for Jar Jar Binks is wearing like a gamer girl hat and they're just projecting her onto the screen.

Unknown_30: It's a black guy.

Unknown_29: I've only just managed to open the stream again after my internet died. Why is this Dorito hair? It just looks like a bag of flaming Doritos. They need to have another one with a green ombre.

Unknown_20: That's Mountain Dew.

Unknown_29: They can be the caster. That's a fetish now. Fuck you.

Unknown_20: See, now we're elevating the fetish from feeding to like a metaphorical kind of feeding. It's an allegory. It's a thinking non-fetish. Everyone's gonna fucking waifu god damn Doritos of Mountain Dew.

Unknown_16: Like Rules 34 Crossover?

Unknown_16: How much do you think that they have to spend on getting her there?

Unknown_20: I love his fucking humble brag like yeah you know I only play like the super most high skill level kind of game that's what interests me I would never play something like Kirby only faggots would fucking speedrun Kirby that's a simple fuck you just play the fucking wheel you just play the fucking wheel you kill everything instantly you know I've got a high I've got good taste

Unknown_30: Hey, uh, Josh, can you zoom in on her boobies for the stream, please?

Unknown_20: She's got, like, folds going on, because she's, like, leaning forward.

Unknown_27: I'm not digging her tits, man. I don't know what you are.

Unknown_20: I'm speaking to myself that, like, her thickness is actually just, like, stuffing, and she's actually just a fucking... She's leaning forward. No, what she's doing is she's leaning forward. She doesn't have good posture, and it's making her front end, like, all scrunched up. I hate how they're wearing like fucking like gamer headgear instead of just wearing like a fucking jacket microphone Oh, you know, it's probably a sponsorship is what yeah I have no idea

Unknown_44: But like this is honestly like the worst kind of people and I fucking despise all these people the fucking like the people who wear like the Pokemon backpack like in the fucking like They're consumers.

Unknown_20: They're consumers and they consume gamers a Gamer is just a consumer

Unknown_32: I remember seeing this like fat sack of shit with like a pokeball snapback and I wanted to punch him in the face.

Unknown_20: There's only one kind of consumer that we adore on this stream. What is that?

Unknown_44: Haterism. What kind are you?

Unknown_20: Oh, look at this fucking guy.

Unknown_31: He looks like a serial killer does this guy look like he looks like a serial killer, yeah One person I like how it's he's so nervous he's so nervous that's why he's talking that fast You get of course BTK, Joshua Moon in Seven Years.

Unknown_09: That's optimistic. It's at least like three.

Unknown_09: We got a grub.

Unknown_09: It makes noises. Hopefully they're coming through my mic.

Unknown_09: That's a good one.

Unknown_09: And of course we have Hornet here. Same thing with the sword. I love this little technology. Just a tiny little magnet so it snaps right to her hand and she can hold it for you.

Unknown_44: He is so embarrassed Hit me up

Unknown_20: He's so mad. Did you guys see him drop that fucking sword?

Unknown_22: Yes.

Unknown_20: That was really important. Right after talking about the amazing magnet technology. The amazing magnet technology. He didn't invest in a good fucking magnet though. That fucking sword flew right the fuck off.

Unknown_20: The fucking hornet flush said fuck you.

Unknown_29: Like, forget Magnus. Forget Magnus. This guy needs to invest in a lint roller. This guy just needs some fucking soap. Look at his greasy ass hair. This hair looks like it's been salami on chips.

Unknown_32: I don't know what to say about it. This fucking moustache is an up arrow.

Unknown_31: He's got a weird look to him.

Unknown_20: He looks like somebody. Nick Bates, not him.

Unknown_44: I can imagine him like he drives home, his like beat up fucking 1985 car rolls up into his apartment building and it's all like messy and he turns out the light.

Unknown_20: Except for, except in the corner. There's like a glass display with glass shelves just full of anime figurines.

Unknown_32: Yeah. Dude, he's like stuttering.

Unknown_20: He's talking so fast because he's nervous. And he's like stuttering.

Unknown_06: He's not even looking at the camera most of the time.

Unknown_20: Yeah, he's looking away from the camera a lot.

Unknown_20: He's like, uh, he's like fucking Nick Cruz.

Unknown_20: Somebody said he looks like BTK. I think that might be what I'm thinking of.

Unknown_34: BTK? Oh, there's nothing. If I'm not, if I'm, that's the name of a drum and bass artist.

Unknown_20: BTK.

Unknown_34: BTK is a serious builder.

Unknown_29: That's what they got that name for him.

Unknown_20: Oh.

Unknown_30: I've never played Donkey Kong, does that make me a fake gamer girl?

Unknown_34: What's with the audience? There's like screaming in the background.

Unknown_29: Is there a tranny down? Are they trying to get him back up? Somebody got misgendered.

Unknown_20: Oh god, I thought the guy saying I need my dilation was coming over from the stream. I'm like, oh shit, did somebody hijack the fucking mic and say that? Guys, I wish, I wish.

Unknown_10: That would have been fucking great.

Unknown_19: That would have been the highlight of the stream.

Unknown_20: The guy fucking up that sword. We've got two of the top runners in Donkey Kong Country 1.

Unknown_10: Guys, if there was someone actually like him accepting to just say that, that would be so dope. That would be good.

Unknown_29: Woo!

Unknown_10: Current world record holder of this category and his... Schedule didn't say this but looks that way.

Unknown_10: Got some magic tracks in store for you guys. They're just warming up. I think the bigger thing to root for, we got a frog on the left side right now. Right side of your screen. That's our boy, Winky.

Unknown_22: Yeah, I think that's going to be the thing in this run. Like, whenever you, like, enemy, you keep cartwheeling.

Unknown_10: So they, like, try to chain it to get more speed. With that, guys, this game, it goes real fast. So do not blink. With that, we'll introduce us once we get into the run.

Unknown_10: Let them get set up.

Unknown_20: Why are there two players? One just looks at the map. It's a race.

Unknown_20: Oh, no shit. That sounds fun.

Unknown_10: Yeah, those are usually fun. Yeah, the races are one of the more fun things at GCP. Let's all count them down from five, four, three, two, one.

Unknown_28: Go!

Unknown_28: They're rolling in.

Unknown_28: Alright, so 1-1 here. We want to get rid of Donkey as soon as possible.

Unknown_22: No, I think that was a bad audio clip or video clip.

Unknown_28: Right off the bat, we're going to do what's called an extended roll. Their capture card or whatever. You just roll longer. Oh! Void misses it. So yeah, you saw it on Stu's screen there.

Unknown_20: I don't know. One of them's fucking up. You're fucking up. You're a fool. Nobody will ever love you.

Unknown_28: And if you repress once you've finished rolling through the enemy, you get a longer roll.

Unknown_20: That guy on the left just kicked his ass.

Unknown_13: Also shoutouts to Favlo who was meant to be racing but he couldn't make it unfortunately.

Unknown_20: Was he the good one that was supposed to be player 2? Very impressive.

Unknown_13: The guy is waiting for his bait pen. Or his bike. That's how he got here. He got to A, G, D, Q. With his bike. His bike in quotes.

Unknown_13: A little bit more tech. The Void guy is number two on leaderboards in this category.

Unknown_33: Still his number. If you do it too early, you grab the barrel.

Unknown_20: Yeah, he's fucking... He's getting raped. They're like neck and neck. No, they're not. The guy in the left is way ahead.

Unknown_44: I mean, if he fucks up, he'll lose it.

Unknown_20: Yeah, they just traded spots. Yeah, and the second level... They died.

Unknown_13: I'm rooting for Stu. He's the underdog. I want Stu to win.

Unknown_20: I'm on team Stu. I'm gonna do a poll. It's my professional audience interaction. Who are you rooting for?

Unknown_10: I better see like a hundred thousand stews.

Unknown_20: No, no, no, that's cheating. I have to compel people by a peer pressure to vote how I want them to.

Unknown_10: Yeah, yeah, there are people, of course, but there's people in the chat playing, like, Samus, I ain't got ultimates. My nigga Stu, he's just wrecking. Wait, wait, is this, like, versus? Yes.

Unknown_20: The guy on the right is Void, and he's apparently like number two worldwide for this game. But the nigga on the left, that's my nigga Stew. Nobody knows who the fuck Stew is, but we're rooting for him. Whoever loses this has to cut their dick off. Flawless beaver beaver stomping right there I

Unknown_20: Oh shit. Stu's up the hill. He's gonna maintain his lead. I have confidence.

Unknown_15: How many registered sex offenders do you think are in that room? Half. All of them? At least, like, half of them.

Unknown_20: The other half are transgender, and they're perving little girls' bathrooms don't count as sex offenses anymore. They're all, uh, Native girl intellectuals. So it looks like multiple people.

Unknown_10: It is still debated to this day.

Unknown_10: Oh, look at the guy. There's a guy with a donkey on his back. Oh, I see that. Bad information. Oh, no. Oh, no! Jesus, it's just cosplay.

Unknown_10: I thought Stu fell behind. I was heartbroken. He's actually doing pretty well. He's going way ahead. This nigga is my nigga Stu.

Unknown_20: You can't fuck with him.

Unknown_10: You try to fuck with Stu, you lose your head. And your hairline.

Unknown_20: And your dick when you lose.

Unknown_13: We are heading into 2-4, stop and go station. Another really difficult level. He's getting ganked by Steve. We're 5 seconds far, so he's bringing down the nexus. This dude is in his own right now, man. This fucking noob is scaring me.

Unknown_20: Which one is Stu? Is Stu the bald guy? With his intensity, I can tell if he loses this round, he's coming back with an AR-15 and he's gonna finish the fight. He's gonna like, grow hair. Yeah, just google him, he's the bald guy.

Unknown_13: Holy shit.

Unknown_13: This is intense, this is intense. I gotta fuck up this Pelican.

Unknown_10: Fuck you Pelican.

Unknown_13: How many? He just said that on mic. He just said that Void's not gonna come back in this.

Unknown_20: Wait, is that it?

Unknown_13: Are they calling it for Sue? Oh no, it's not yet.

Unknown_20: There's more.

Unknown_10: What, really? They said if you blink, you'll miss it. I blinked many times and it's still going.

Unknown_10: Might as well just kill yourself live on stream because you're gonna become a woman.

Unknown_33: Stu's got you by the balls If they're too early they will die

Unknown_28: and if they're too late they can just keep fun hrt for void refers to the space between basically we're going to combine so which one all right which which is who's who on the left and right like the actual face

Unknown_29: Oh my god Concede concede

Unknown_19: Don't be like Cosmo.

Unknown_19: Don't be like Cosmo. If you're like Cosmo, you're fucked.

Unknown_22: He legit just lost like 20 seconds. This nigga, he could have made it easy on himself.

Unknown_33: He could have made it easy on himself, but now he's getting stewed. Josh, can you say game over?

Unknown_20: Game over? See? Oh my gosh.

Unknown_31: That was like almost a whole minute.

Unknown_20: I said it because I did the influx. Where you say over, you have to do the influx. You have to do it right. It's a science. Oh shit.

Unknown_20: He just fucked up all the crocodiles.

Unknown_13: Double extender, yes. I see you, Floridians know all about crocodile.

Unknown_28: Very far.

Unknown_10: You gain more momentum as you go through enemies. Look at Stu's face, it's one of a combination.

Unknown_20: Yeah, if Stu loses this, everybody's gonna die. That's why Void's throwing it. He's throwing it.

Unknown_28: They're not actually, what are they doing here, Nate? Where's he going? They're gonna do map warp. I'm gonna shoot in.

Unknown_28: of a wrong warp you can do on the overworld so how it works is you'll notice these corners like where the path pivots if they as you know they're not doing it how far behind void is he's just like all the way back there this nigga's finishing the he's he's an entire level ahead right now

Unknown_10: Get the fuck out of here with this Void shit.

Unknown_20: Look, Stu's beating him so hard now he's playing Echo the Dolphin.

Unknown_44: There we go, perfect.

Unknown_20: It's tough, it's framed perfect, but you also have the option of, you can use any face button.

Unknown_13: I think start also works for that.

Unknown_00: A lot of people will either mash all the buttons, or they will kind of roll like, I think Eason uses a back of a Wiimote and kind of rolls it across.

Unknown_13: That is the coolest. I was wrong, I voted for fucking boycott.

Unknown_22: Some people will actually try to time it, they'll press three buttons at the same time, or kind of space them out.

Unknown_28: Roughly a friend I voted for void because the screen is on a color still Moving on up in the clam city Push the barrel up into the beef if you

Unknown_10: If you voted for Void and he loses, do you have to become a tranny as well?

Unknown_22: No, no, no.

Unknown_10: The ultimate shame belongs only to Void.

Unknown_28: You'll see there, instead of going under and dismounting, he actually clipped through the clam. You're in it.

Unknown_10: No, it must be from the stream Oh my god, they're cold

Unknown_33: They're calling boy Yeah, yeah, that's funny Dude calling must be the number one record holder graduating

Unknown_28: It's a very cool trick, and it's actually pretty easy to learn. All you have to do is jump off. Oh, I don't know how you'd be able to see it.

Unknown_13: Under the barrel. That's close. You were like, really like pixels from the death plane right there. Yeah.

Unknown_10: Common safety strap. People do. They'll do it.

Unknown_08: Gamer juice.

Unknown_09: I will do that to the end.

Unknown_10: Yeah, another warp right here, but it's a little different. Maybe Supreme, if you want to go ahead and explain, like, what's happening here?

Unknown_13: So he's bouncing up off, obviously, and he's flying above the level, holding kind of like up and right and kind of rotating over to get on the screen. I didn't know if I could fall off normally, but he does a quick roll and he jumps into the barrel.

Unknown_28: That is a very hard stuff to do just for a day. I don't even think Stu's aware that he's in like a

Unknown_35: What the fuck would they even have Skype installed on that computer?

Unknown_28: Diddy's faster. Diddy is obviously who we want in front most of the time, so that strat is slower than just doing Donkey like if you were doing an IL, but faster overall because it keeps Diddy in the front.

Unknown_38: Yeah, that's a foul.

Unknown_13: It's almost better if you somehow lost Espresso or you died to just go back to the start because she saves so much time.

Unknown_27: Void just a little bit behind.

Unknown_19: It would really take him to like lose at the end of a level now for him to cast this out.

Unknown_24: Like a major fuck up. All because he could not achieve like- Ah, Stu's mom's getting in it! Wait, what?

Unknown_20: Stu's mom donated to the thing to get a shoutout. Holy shit dude.

Unknown_34: Gettin' fuckin' dunked on. This pro moniker. Look at Void, look at Void's face. He's getting, like, really, uh, just haunted. He knows his mom's not gonna call him, he's just crouched on the ground.

Unknown_20: What's Void's name gonna be when he transitions? Uh, T50.

Unknown_26: Voidress is a good one. Abscessed.

Unknown_22: Probably not as many from from Void as from Stew.

Unknown_20: You don't want to look on the right side of your screen. It's a bit of a fucking tragedy. Keep left. Keep left.

Unknown_30: Yeah, don't bother coming home Stu's mom was gonna come in and take the controller and just continue beating void

Unknown_35: If you're listening at the end if you hear the piano at all

Unknown_13: That's not how the voice works. Yeah, that's weird. Why would you say people voice? What? No. Why is it so dark? Oh no, Stu's playing in the dark. It's difficult. Stu's in hell.

Unknown_20: He's playing in fucking hard mode.

Unknown_28: He don't even need the lights. He's in sicko mode right now.

Unknown_27: Dude, extra hard mode. He can't even finish. Oh, no fucking way.

Unknown_10: There's a blind cripple on his own eagle.

Unknown_20: Oh, against all odds. No!

Unknown_20: He's being sabotaged. It's Void's mom, she's a hacker.

Unknown_10: Oh wait, what? Oh my god. It must be a part of the game. He's cheating.

Unknown_20: I think it has to be a part of the game or something. Oh my god! It's probably because the screen is so dark it doesn't actually... Stu's doing it! He's in the next level and he's doing the super flying monkey thing again. Oh my god. Damn. I wanna see Void fuck this one up and get further behind. Here it comes, get ready. Oh, he fucked it up!

Unknown_26: Wait, did he?

Unknown_20: I think so. He messed up.

Unknown_44: He messed up!

Unknown_29: Oh! No!

Unknown_19: We're gonna get you the name of some doctors, Void.

Unknown_10: Don't you worry. Don't you worry.

Unknown_19: We got you a year- Your consolation prize is three years of Soylent for free.

Unknown_10: Every day.

Unknown_19: Just concede, nigga. Just concede.

Unknown_19: He's playing the level out manually because he can't do it. You're ruined. He's going to beat the game by the time he finishes this level. He looks so annoyed.

Unknown_20: He better.

Unknown_22: He did at least beat the first level so he's not falling apart. He got it but it didn't quite work out.

Unknown_20: No, no, no. This is a disaster.

Unknown_10: I told you niggas to vote for Stu.

Unknown_19: I told you. I don't lead you astray.

Unknown_10: Fuck you. Fuck you, retard. This retard motherfucker trying to convince people that this isn't a disaster.

Unknown_13: Viewing and playing it's just it's just gonna take Stu when putting down his fucking controller for a half a minute Nice level though

Unknown_20: No, they have a catheter and it's okay.

Unknown_10: Look! He's still fucking up.

Unknown_13: That actually wouldn't even surprise me if they had to like fit catheters every time.

Unknown_22: Yeah, they sell special speedrun grade catheters.

Unknown_20: Look, Stu has not even moved. He's like a statue. Void's like changing posture and shit because he's agitated.

Unknown_10: He's a loser.

Unknown_20: He didn't go to college because he was speedrunning, and this is the culmination of all his hard work.

Unknown_22: He's wondering where he's going to go now, because he knows his dad is going to cancel the fucking plane tickets whenever he hears it.

Unknown_20: Stu's mom is already on the phone, letting his dad know that there's no reason to let him come back.

Unknown_20: Because he's going to be coming back as a woman.

Unknown_31: Oh, look at that fucking thing. Dude did the pose. Guys, guys, what do you bet that Void is going to do another shooting?

Unknown_10: I already made the Madden NFL joke, he looks like a shooter. Look at the grimace, look at him grimacing.

Unknown_22: He's already recorded the baseball game.

Unknown_34: All right, sounds good, Spike. We have $5 from the Shade Masters. I don't know what's more impressive, that we have two amazing runners for DKC, or they managed to get an Urban Yeti on the couch. Good luck, you two.

Unknown_10: Nice execution right there by Void. Nice execution there by Void.

Unknown_27: Too little, too late.

Unknown_27: This is only entertaining just because of how bad Void is fucking up right now.

Unknown_13: Gonna grab it for safety.

Unknown_13: It's got a terrifying level to it. Why did you press the button to do that?

Unknown_10: Final water level poison pond.

Unknown_28: Do not lose your fish here.

Unknown_20: Don't lose the fish, dude. We got this.

Unknown_28: Triple mincer clip. And in the practice race that they did before this, he actually failed it twice.

Unknown_28: I'm interested to see how he goes. It's not over yet.

Unknown_10: Right here on Void's side. One mincer, two, and three. Very nice. Very nice.

Unknown_13: It's not over till I say it's over.

Unknown_13: So yeah, what we saw on Void's side as he was doing triple mincer clip was he's doing a little bit of camera manipulation to get the last elevator before that mini-neck E2 spawn where he wants it to so he can instantly just kind of roll and jump onto it instead of having to wait until the second last elevator sinks to the bottom. He just got into it. He's the entire level behind. The entire water level behind.

Unknown_20: He did the monkey thing, but it starts spinning forever.

Unknown_13: He lost! Void lost his fish.

Unknown_28: Stu didn't even lose his fish. Just when he thinks Stu messed up, he fucking does a glitch.

Unknown_33: Whole part of the plan, motherfuckers.

Unknown_20: My nigga Stu is in control. He's a calm, calculated motherfucker. He dinks it.

Unknown_10: He's ignoring gravity. We don't need gravity where we're going. Void finishing off Poison Pine right there.

Unknown_10: Little minecart, lots of tire rolls.

Unknown_10: Yeah, again, being... This is a hard-looking level. I got some art coming up for the finale of the Grand Race. Your art is fantastic, man.

Unknown_07: I'm excited. Wait, what's your username on the farms? Overmom? I don't think she posts on the farm.

Unknown_20: A lot of people who watch my streams don't have formic acid.

Unknown_10: I know, but she's got the, you know...

Unknown_29: FFB. Oh no, I don't think she has a forum account.

Unknown_10: I mean, Desire Alliance isn't a moderator. The viewership of the streams is a lot different from the actual forum. It's strange.

Unknown_20: Not even half the people the animal control board is a lot smaller like the amberlin

Unknown_22: Well, yeah, that goes without saying, doesn't it?

Unknown_29: Alright, let's see the flash vibes. Yes, yes, thank you for explaining the joke, my man. No, no, okay, I'm retarded.

Unknown_20: She has lots of normal viewers. She has, like, a normal fan base.

Unknown_13: Yeah, it's not quite as simple. In every case of just jumping immediately, like this one right here, if he jumps immediately, he's gonna get actually bit by the second one. So here we're gonna see some, hopefully see some slap sides of this one. These two. Three. Some actual utilization. Nice.

Unknown_10: Five. Six. Wow.

Unknown_20: Wait, I don't understand what the boss is. It's the BP oil spill.

Unknown_13: We got it. Oh no. How many, like, fully normie farms are there actually because of the Amberlynn board?

Unknown_20: Most of the forum is pretty normal. People don't like to admit that, but there's a very large majority of people. Our user base is 40% female, mostly over the age of 24. It's not like a bunch of stupid weird kids.

Unknown_28: I get that, but at the same time there's the inside joke of the moderation team, especially when it's like half of the farms are just like trying to get my side wrong.

Unknown_20: There are quite a few. We have an over-representation of transgender individuals in the Kiwi farms.

Unknown_28: Oh, he's actually opting out of Kota. Pretty wise decision, considering... It is the recipe of the two.

Unknown_31: Oh, he does it again. He's OP.

Unknown_20: You can't fucking, you can't fuck with Steve.

Unknown_13: He can turn around in the air. What is he doing? He's fucking juking.

Unknown_13: Don't try to read his body, he does not emote as a normal person does.

Unknown_20: Now he's got a fucking rhinoceros he cannot be stopped He has built-in input delay, yeah, let's look over a voice on screen he's got the setup going a little

Unknown_13: Yeah, so Rambi controls like a tank, he's gonna, you know, be slow. Are you gonna have this stream on the entire day, Josh?

Unknown_20: No. No, no, no.

Unknown_09: Until after serious Sam, I imagine.

Unknown_20: I have no plans, I don't know what the itinerary is.

Unknown_15: I'm just relaxed. You can only be so consistent with Framer. Yeah, absolutely.

Unknown_13: Of course you can beat Speedrun. Of course you can beat Speedrun, Serious Sam. Serious Sam is one of the really hot first person shooters. The launch you get from that hit. Speedrun. To save a little bit of time, but not a big deal.

Unknown_13: It's not online though is it? You could if it was online, it's like co-op.

Unknown_28: Basically just takes the frame perfectness out of the trick exactly.

Unknown_13: Yeah, because Super jump isn't frame-perfect Being able to Opportunity to get the flight dish this physical challenges became air I

Unknown_20: Dude, that guy is still on the fucking thing that he rolled through. Like, Stu is humiliating this guy. We're watching it live. If you are in my chat right now, you are watching this live. This man, I'm putting money on the table right now before the next amateur, whatever, Awesome Games Unquickly thing. Void will be a woman. I'm calling it. Somebody find Void's computer. I like how we started off just watching this with the sole intent to laugh at it, but now we're actually getting properly invested into AGD shit.

Unknown_10: Over mom has done an art, and I'm gonna put it right up on the top so everybody can see it nice Coming into realistically the final real level in the run.

Unknown_29: It's a very very challenging arguably the hottest level in the game

Unknown_28: His way ahead still you can't fuck this up

Unknown_44: I bet all the bananas on you.

Unknown_20: This is all my Bitcoin.

Unknown_44: Don't you fuck up?

Unknown_28: He's giving me he's giving me heart palpitations, don't you fuck up We made art for you motherfucker we made up again

Unknown_19: He has to restart the entire level?

Unknown_22: No, you get the checkpoints. You get the checkpoints.

Unknown_22: Oh God!

Unknown_20: This is preposterous. Stu, why are you throwing?

Unknown_37: Jesus is cheating. He's using miracles to win. He's praying to Jesus.

Unknown_33: Yeah, if he wasn't annoyed, the audio would have switched over to Void. He better get the... No, he didn't.

Unknown_13: He didn't get the barrel. That's not gonna appease the donkey gods right there. My boy Void's gonna go for it. No, he's gonna hit the jump button. He's not gonna have a chance.

Unknown_31: Yeah, he does it. There he goes. He did it.

Unknown_20: Yay! Okay. You fucker.

Unknown_29: He's still higher up. They're like neck and neck now. Oh, now.

Unknown_20: Oh, he's a full level. Okay, nevermind. Yeah, he was. He lost an entire level. Actually, you know what? Now we're giving Void an opportunity to humiliate himself further.

Unknown_19: So that might be a blessing in disguise. Yeah, that boss is dead as well.

Unknown_20: Was that the final boss?

Unknown_28: No, no. King K. Rool was the final boss.

Unknown_22: He died!

Unknown_20: We were worried. There was nothing to be worried about. Look, Stu is just being a bully right now.

Unknown_18: He's beating this boss with Donkey Kong.

Unknown_27: He's not even using Diddy anymore. He's not playing games.

Unknown_18: He's just gonna use Donkey Kong.

Unknown_20: I think Donkey Kong does more damage. Big fan.

Unknown_10: Let's say golden barrel. Apparently, that's technically slower to do, but not that slow.

Unknown_28: You have to do it.

Unknown_20: He's still on Donkey Kong though, so that's like an extra life, right?

Unknown_28: Yeah, I think so.

Unknown_10: You got two hit points.

Unknown_28: He did it. No, no, no, no, no. He's not dead yet.

Unknown_10: Is that a checkpoint though?

Unknown_22: No, it's not a checkpoint. This is a fake credits thing, he actually gets back up.

Unknown_10: What, really? Yeah, when I played this as a kid, it was fucking crazy.

Unknown_22: You know, I think this run is a really good summation of how important the frames are in these other games.

Unknown_13: You didn't say after the credits. Like, that was really the big difference, they both died in platform perils. That's fucked up. That's fucked up. That's fucked up! They're like on the same level.

Unknown_20: If he fucks up, that's it.

Unknown_22: Oh no! I anticipate Void gonna die on this boss, to be honest. Well, maybe. I guess it's easy for a speedrunner.

Unknown_20: Oh, there's the banana. Time, nigga, time!

Unknown_20: To the to the 78 of you who took my advice and voted for my nigga Stu, congratulations on being right.

Unknown_10: Alright, sounds good and I think this is appropriate right now. $20 from Vixu that says Void rolling in.

Unknown_20: Good luck and much love to all from the Snoozer Corn. Look, look, that nigga, that nigga boy's still playing.

Unknown_20: He's still playing. Oh my god, no, and he's stopping on the- He took his headset off on the fake red. Is he gonna carry on still? Oh, he's gonna finish it I think.

Unknown_30: He's getting bullied by his fans.

Unknown_34: Yeah, he just, he's regribbing.

Unknown_30: He's like stomping at me, he can't keep his leg.

Unknown_34: Yeah, he got fucking cyberbullied.

Unknown_20: Look at that. Look, he's still playing. He's still playing. That nigga's still, he's relaxing. He's enjoying his super chats and shit. He's fine. We don't even need to see this guy finish the game.

Unknown_34: We'll just put that right there. That'll suffice.

Unknown_20: He adjusted so hard.

Unknown_22: Now that we mentioned it, I'm going to have to update the tranny count.

Unknown_13: I'm just going to call it Future Tranny. It's a tranny in the making.

Unknown_08: The seeds have been planted.

Unknown_20: Alright, let's hear it one more time for Stu, Void, and the lovely commentary coming from the couch, especially from SpikeVegeta there.

Unknown_10: Thank you very much. Fantastic commentary. I'm just gonna smash this shit.

Unknown_20: I mean, he's already got the hair for it. I'm just excited for the next round, because that's when Void's going to come back in with the AR-15 and clear house.

Unknown_33: Oh, we didn't see the time comparison. Fuck you, God.

Unknown_27: They didn't even show the time comparison. No, he's dead.

Unknown_33: He's obscuring it.

Unknown_27: Oh, I was.

Unknown_53: Well, I think there's... $25 from Sam160.

Unknown_34: Donkey Kong Country is one of my favorite games. I played recently and it took me over two hours to get where they were now. Please ask Spike Vegeta to speedrun Rayman 1 again and give a shoutout to my friend Chris.

Unknown_26: You're the man. I'd love to. Dude, that is a really fucking sick game.

Unknown_38: Especially since you like play with other people on their DS's and shit. $25 from Roboslim.

Unknown_34: First donation of the week. DKC was the series I feel really got me in the game.

Unknown_26: They didn't even need the game, did they? You could just stream it to them. Yeah, that was fucking sick.

Unknown_28: I had like seven people on a fucking bus playing it, dude. It was so fucking crazy. Oh, shit. Like, seven people with their DSs.

Unknown_26: I really missed it.

Unknown_20: What's in your mission? $100 from Casra.

Unknown_34: I discovered GDK speedruns earlier this year, and I'm excited to help donate this year Loving those super rolls and DKC and looking forward to back.

Unknown_20: Yeah, the super rolls that student Not the super rolls that void didn't do why the fuck is that guy have a body pillow of a streamer? What the fuck?

Unknown_20: Oh Yeah, he does what the fuck I would donate $20 I

Unknown_20: Oh my god!

Unknown_19: You guys- Josh body pillows.

Unknown_20: Can the stream see it though? It's on the far right. Yeah, no, no, no. I moved it over after I saw it. That was very brief.

Unknown_34: Wait, what?

Unknown_20: Oh, I- Oh...

Unknown_20: Someone just said I was banned.

Unknown_35: It's the guy that did the eardrumming.

Unknown_34: Is he back? Is that a tranny behind our red shirt? Wait, you said Baldi got banned?

Unknown_15: I'm not so sure. No, someone in the Twitch chat said he got banned from SimpleFlips2.

Unknown_34: Oh yeah, that's definitely for sure. No, I don't think that's a tranny. That's a woman, she's got big tits.

Unknown_20: Yeah, I just saw, I just saw.

Unknown_34: Is SimpleFlips like a cow warrior? No, he's a Mario, uh... I know he's a streamer, but would he be considered like a cow?

Unknown_35: Not at all. Oh, okay, fine.

Unknown_34: Anonymous donated $250. Thanks for doing this awesome event.

Unknown_27: Majora's Mask is gonna be in like three hours.

Unknown_26: I got a onesie.

Unknown_34: I can practically smell it from here. It's just so sweet. Looking forward to another week of fantastic runs. The dedication you put in every six months lures me.

Unknown_37: Yeah, there's a black man in a onesie with a body pillow.

Unknown_15: No, that was a white guy with a- Yeah, it was. No! No way, that- What?

Unknown_34: Yes!

Unknown_21: Zutat donates $10. Hey, first time catching GDQ live.

Unknown_34: Love the run so far, and cannot wait for Mario Kart DS.

Unknown_21: Did he go to GDQ? Oh, man. How do you get out of jail now? He's been out for a few months.

Unknown_44: He used to be on the same forum as me.

Unknown_34: Little Blue Fae donates $25, my first donation for 2019, hopefully not the last. If you're listening to this, remember, for the price of a cup of coffee, a couple of your favorite underwear jerseys, you could instead donate to AGDQ slash PreventCancerFoundation. To compete for code blue, let's see us get a million more in less than 48 hours. Oh yeah, he's white. Is that the guy on the body pillow from Blue's Clues?

Unknown_44: No.

Unknown_41: He wants to fuck a gorilla.

Unknown_41: You don't.

Unknown_34: Who would fuck a gorilla? Gorilla hand. You don't use.

Unknown_34: LongWayDown donates $60, saying, taking AntillesChallenge to donate for all the SuperJump roles in Donkey Kong Country. So glad that it's GDQ time again.

Unknown_34: Alright, I'm back. What'd I miss? Dude, the body pillow's a meme.

Unknown_37: It's not an actual meme. It's still a body pillow.

Unknown_46: Yeah, it's still a fucking body pillow.

Unknown_20: It's just some random dude. Somebody did a super chat talking about their dead friend or something. Like, what the fuck? We're trying to play Donkey Kong here, motherfucker. Oh, good news though.

Unknown_20: Oh yeah, is that a bingo stage? Should I bring up the bingo card?

Unknown_34: You do kind of need a bingo for it.

Unknown_33: Just take the case cooking bingo. Like you put stuff like greeting from Germany, cancer, dead relative.

Unknown_20: That guy did, like, a really awkward dance in front of the camera. Oh, dab.

Unknown_22: Oh, I hope he fucking does it again. Oh, no, it's the bald man. Bald guy looks like he's getting ready to play Kickstarter again.

Unknown_20: I'm enjoying this music, but I could use some visual help. Some visual assistance to enjoy it more. Look, his head's bobbing. His hand's moving. He wants to. He wants to. He feels the rhythm. He's been instructed, his tard wrangler came whenever the camera was off and told him to stop.

Unknown_34: Why are the seats so fucking empty?

Unknown_20: Don't people attend these shows?

Unknown_34: No. There's like a hundred and fifty thousand people watching, really.

Unknown_22: They have to have way more chairs than me for most of it, for like the bigger events, like Megaman or something, you know?

Unknown_20: Megaman's the big one. Everybody will show up for the Meg- Well, it used to be.

Unknown_22: I don't know if it is now.

Unknown_22: Oh, it's still a block. Yeah, the Mega Man block. Used to be a big pull.

Unknown_20: We need my nigga Gnark to speedrun Breath of the Wild.

Unknown_15: Oh, there's a guy named LigisbetterthanSE2. He is... says he's the guy in the white hoodie with the cap on. Ha ha ha, I see that. I see what you did there.

Unknown_34: Wait, he's in the Discord?

Unknown_20: No, he's in the Twitch chat. He's on his phone talking in Twitch chat about being there, and he's not doing anything. Like, wave at the camera or something.

Unknown_20: Why would you go through all the effort and then not say or do anything? Yeah, that guy's probably lying, man.

Unknown_09: We need somebody to go into the subscribers only chat and say, I am the tranny in front of that guy.

Unknown_34: People are gifting subs to that channel, so if I get the opportunity, I'm fucking... Well, I technically have Twitch Prime.

Unknown_20: Would they ban me from the entire site for making the tranny joke?

Unknown_20: No, not from the whole site, no. You get very quickly banned from GDQ, but not the whole site.

Unknown_33: They absolutely have word filters.

Unknown_20: Okay, I just want to see if the word dilation is word filter. That's what I'm curious about. Are you going to attend the GDQ Twitch chat? Yes, probably. I have Twitch Prime, so I should be able to.

Unknown_29: Wait, subscribe then?

Unknown_20: Yeah, give me a sec. Uh, subscribe free with Twitch Prime.

Unknown_20: Okay, I'm not from New Zealand, which am I? I'm gonna... Anyone... wanna... Oh shit. Echo. Anyone wanna... dilate... together?

Unknown_34: That's my epic witty humor.

Unknown_20: Am I, am I la... humor?

Unknown_20: Fly. Okay. Anyone want to dilate together as my message? I didn't see anything in your message. No, I just posted it. I just posted it. It's the second time that I was canceled and I have to give up the ASAP opportunity queue.

Unknown_34: I don't know much about the research and all that mumbo-jumbo, but I'm sure this helps a ton. It's still up.

Unknown_19: They didn't delete it yet. Run, little message, run! Flee! Everyone want to dilate together?

Unknown_20: Holy shit. She fucking got away with it. Oh, I think it just... No, no, it's gone. Yeah, it's still up there. Oh, no, no, it's... Run, little message. It is. It's like a proper fucking, like... They missed it. It slipped through. They didn't see it.

Unknown_34: It's just kidding. It's just kidding.

Unknown_20: Wait, is the snowflake really the fucking moderator icon?

Unknown_18: Direct really...

Unknown_23: Hi, I'm Fiesel, and I'm here with two runners from this DKC race.

Unknown_18: Hey, guys.

Unknown_23: Hi, great race.

Unknown_23: So, man.

Unknown_20: OK, let me see this one.

Unknown_23: OK, Stu, just, John, number.

Unknown_45: You know, eight seconds on the short end to 40 seconds on the high end. So the run becomes very, very, very quickly, making very exciting races.

Unknown_11: but it also makes uh overall that one's too subtle they're not gonna they're not gonna pick up on that the nuance is too is too okay let me let me mute this so i can give the lore properly you don't know

Unknown_20: In the Nintendo World Championship, Cosmo Wright was paired up against John Numbers, and they were going to do... They were testing out Super Mario Maker. Like, as the final test, they were going to do Super Mario Maker. A brand new stage, nobody's seen it before. They're both going into it new, fresh, and they were going to, you know, have a race. Cosmo failed at the very first obstacle, while John Numbers was like on stage three. And everybody jokes that that was the moment that John Numbers took Cosmo's masculinity forever and he became Narcissa.

Unknown_45: It's in my stream about that.

Unknown_45: press Y at the same time to get like inside the Kremsis box.

Unknown_20: And then I'm able to go backwards with that jump roll. And you can see the speed disparity between Void and myself.

Unknown_45: It's about 20 seconds.

Unknown_20: No, it's still there. Your message was somewhat inconsistent because you say you two are.

Unknown_37: It's fine. Okay.

Unknown_45: Oh, it's still there.

Unknown_37: Yeah, I see it.

Unknown_45: It's an action replay of how badly Voidwalker fucking did it. Someone else? I agree with you on that. Yeah, like on good days, you can turn...

Unknown_11: Wait, I like how that guy's wearing a Donkey Kong shirt, but our man Stu is wearing like the Kennedy Space Station I mean, so what does that do to you? You missed that first one. What does that do to your confidence?

Unknown_11: Yeah, so like there's there are two ways of missing that trick and in particular first frenzy as they are so if you wait hold up That's a much bigger I have to I'm I forgot I was supposed to be calling into the dick show I'm gonna call into the dick show and keep my mic on hold up.

Unknown_20: I didn't lose as much time All right, let me disconnect from this real quick

Unknown_24: don't know your own strengths. For God's sake, one of the biggest, one of the ugliest sins we make in societies of people is overestimating our value. Oh, that is, there is no- For sure. Sin more grotesque than that. For sure. You see somebody throwing a tantrum around, oh yeah, you don't want my money? I'll go spend my money somewhere. Like, ooh, wow, look at this person really overestimates their power. Yeah, their worth. Oh, their worth. Terrible. Yep. Terrible sin that we have. Terrible sin that we have. And usually people who act that way have been appeased at lower levels.

Unknown_38: But at some point, somebody just goes, fuck off.

Unknown_24: Yeah.

Unknown_38: And then it just stops them right there.

Unknown_24: And they don't know what to do.

Unknown_24: I guess it's I guess I talk about it so much because it plays into the bigger issue I have with people martyring themselves. Yeah.

Unknown_24: Men as a whole unable to resist the compulsion to martyr themselves for a mysterious door prize. Well, if I if I harm myself, then, you know, things will happen and then things will get better. Yeah. May just be a big pile of dog shit on the other side of that door. Yeah. You might just be harming yourself. Right. Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown_38: There may there may not ever be a benefit.

Unknown_24: Let me talk to Josh. Hey, what's up, man? Noel from Kiwi Farms. Hello.

Unknown_20: Hey, what's up, man? And nothing much. I was actually streaming and you messaged me. I was like, oh, God, let me hop over. You want to go back to your stream? No, no, no. Of course not. They want to hear Dick. I'm giving them a sneak peek. You're being broadcasted. Just just. Oh, wonderful. I don't want to steal you.

Unknown_24: No, I love your show.

Unknown_24: Null does a it's like a morning time show for my for California time.

Unknown_19: Yeah. He goes through some of the wonderful freaks on Kiwi farms and just it gives you like a cliff notes of them.

Unknown_24: Oh, because I see I love characters. And they all are such tremendous characters.

Unknown_24: That's the way to put it. I was telling him the well, you know, they are. I was telling Noel the other day we were we were talking about his show and it fills that itch for me that 11 a.m.

Unknown_24: Maury, Montel Williams, Ricky Lake. You remember when we were kids? You'd stay up from school and you'd watch The Price is Right and then bam, it would be hours of this sick depravity. Of trash talk shows.

Unknown_38: Of trash and dysfunction.

Unknown_24: and incest and depravity.

Unknown_20: See, I like the comparison to Jerry Springer more because at the end of every episode of Jerry Springer, he had a moral of the story and he had a saying like, be good to yourselves and others, right? Yeah.

Unknown_24: Jerry Springer apologizing for what just happened.

Unknown_24: playing ball. He doesn't think that at all. He thinks that they're all trash. He's, he's Mephistopheles and he's cranking the cog. He's laughing all the way to the bank. Yeah. He's turning, he's putting this filth into the meat grinder and out comes cash. And then he gets on and lies to everyone's face to keep it going. That's how you play the game. Uh, anyway, I love your show for that reason. I do. I always try to watch. I get too engrossed.

Unknown_20: Yeah, well, thank you. It's it's very flat. We had a we had a brief talk like a couple days ago It's like yeah, it's really nice to hear that people who do that kind of Podcast type stuff like it. I mean that's that's like a very high form of flattery because you do this professionally very well We have a huge fan base. So very Thank you very much

Unknown_24: Yeah, I do it professionally while we still can, right?

Unknown_24: Well, permitted. You had a you had a freak on the other day or a gentleman on a woman, excuse me, a trans lady on your show the other day that I wanted to talk about. Oh, I didn't.

Unknown_19: I didn't have a morning.

Unknown_24: Well, yeah, you did.

Unknown_24: Was that a secret?

Unknown_20: When you called him? No, no, no. I called him, but I didn't, like, it was not, like, set up. I didn't have him as a guest. I just called him. Oh, right, right, right. I'm just fucking around. Yeah, I'm being semantic. My bad. No, I called him because I had his phone number because he used it on his DMCA. He sent me a DMCA, like, you got to take this stuff down. And if I had Rakita here, he could back me up. But he DMCA not only like pictures and selfies he took, you know, they're all fair use regardless. But it was like a shit that other people made. Like other people's stuff about him. Like he, original artwork, screen caps of logs, like stuff he does not even own. And he tried to DMCA that. So, you know, you have to send your address, you have to send in a phone number for servicing stuff. And I just said, fuck it, I'll call him up, because I'm doing a talk about him, because he struck down my YouTube channel as well, and I'm on, let me just call him up. And I did, and I said... It's a guy who identifies as a woman now, but he uses this identification to try to get his genitals waxed.

Unknown_24: And then sues the genital waxing places when they refuse to wax him because he has a dick and balls. Let me clarify.

Unknown_20: You're a little bit wrong on that. He does not sue them. It's even better. It's even better.

Unknown_19: Yeah, yeah, basically.

Unknown_20: OK, Canada has something that we don't have a parallel towards in the US. They have something called the Human Rights Tribunal. And if your human rights are violated, you can talk to them. Well, he legit, like with 16 different women, called beauticians or anesthesiologists or something, he goes to the Human Rights Tribunal of British Columbia and says, these 16 beauticians have fundamentally violated my human rights. by not waxing my female balls. And they- they take that fucking case. They take it.

Unknown_19: They take it? Dude, it's, yeah. And all, you know, you have to feel bad for him, because he just goes up and files this bullshit. I don't want to touch any dude's balls. Can you imagine this?

Unknown_24: You set up shop to wax genitals.

Unknown_19: My female balls.

Unknown_24: This woman, this man calls you, hey, I'm a trans woman, is that okay? There's chat logs of him saying, of him chatting with these women and asking if that would be a problem.

Unknown_18: I have like a really huge clip.

Unknown_24: It's a cock and multiple balls, and that's what But you have to like I can't feel bad for him at all cuz he's trolling he's trolling cuz You know the women look for this.

Unknown_20: He doesn't have to lawyer up. He doesn't have to do anything He just files the complaint and then the tribunal the government is hounding these women But if they want to defend themselves they got a lawyer up Goddamn fuck you women

Unknown_19: And the thing is, is that the women are having problems finding solicitors willing to represent them because trans stuff can ruin the lawyer's career.

Unknown_20: If they're not careful, they can be ruined by it.

Unknown_24: It's just because this fucking weirdo and the guy is deranged. Yeah. He is like like this. He's he he says he's a woman, but then he hits up. He goes on women Facebook groups. and just obsessively asks them about going to the women's locker room and how he can strike up conversations with women if he sees their tampon strings. What is the guy, is Jennifer Yanev?

Unknown_20: It's, okay, I'm gonna show a little bit. I've been working on something over the weekend, because this guy, this guy is really pissing me off. And I try not to be petty, I try not to be vindictive, but this guy is really, really stepping on some toes, and I feel like I'm in an opportunity to be helpful to people. I'm going to be helpful. Trusted Nerd, I think, is the name. Well, his name is Jonathan Yaniv or Jessica Yaniv, and his business is Trusted Nerd, and among which he offers SEO optimization. which is him saying he'll DMCA people for you for hosting your stuff if you want to take it down. But I've bought and And I'm going to make a little bit of an expose. And I'm going to show him how SEO optimization is really done. So by the time this airs, I will have those websites ready. It'll just be like a quick essay with some screenshots and stuff. abstracted from the Kiwi farms. Because a lot of people in the trans-sensitive community who should know about this guy would not go to the Kiwi farms and trust it as a primary source of information. So I'm going to take what I know, abstract it to those sites, and And hopefully, by the time this airs properly, it'll just be everything that could be said about him in one place.

Unknown_24: Haps sounds like a good public service that you're doing solicitors who are protecting these these women Yeah, and they need help they literally because it's not cheap and they even if it was cheap They can't find people because if they say the wrong thing if they handle this issue incorrectly, they're gonna get raked over coals by by the media Yeah, they have to prove they're a woman. Show me your dick and balls. Now I'll defend you. I can imagine the headlines now. Woman refused her human rights because...

Unknown_24: Esthetician won't wax her balls. Well, and there's a video that I watched by a Sorry, go ahead.

Unknown_20: No, there was a video by a Let's call it like she's a weirdo too, but she's like honest and what she does she considers herself a gender abolitionist right and her name is like peach yogurt and she's a Dutch woman who does

Unknown_20: What's that? It's like dick cheese. She does lesbian and feminist essays.

Unknown_24: Does it ever happen? It's happened to me a couple times in my life. When you're plowing a chicken, you get that foam.

Unknown_24: Is it? I've always wanted to ask someone about that, but I never have and never thought of it until you said peach yogurt. There's like a couple, I don't know if that means they're ovulating. Have you ever fucked a chick who's like, yes, yes, that means yes, you know?

Unknown_20: Wait, you asked him if he ever fucked a chick? I would hope so. No, no, no. There's like this foam that comes, this white foam that comes out of him.

Unknown_24: I've never been able to figure out why it happens, when it happens.

Unknown_20: I know they were turned on.

Unknown_24: See, I thought, the first time it happened to me, I thought, I was like, wow, is this bitch so turned on that this weird foam comes out?

Unknown_20: But then it didn't happen to me for ages again. It turns out that they're a snail way back in their family lineage.

Unknown_20: Yeah, I don't think you'd want to make peach yogurt with a shake. Just a heads up.

Unknown_24: Okay, sorry.

Unknown_20: Peach yogurt. Wait, what did we do? What did we just do?

Unknown_18: What's that? What did we just do? No, nothing. I said you don't want to make peach yogurt with a woman named Peach Yogurt because she's like an older lesbian woman.

Unknown_20: You want to avoid that. But she put out a video that was kind of explanatory regarding what he was asking of them. And it's not as simple as it sounds where it's like you're going to a woman's only salon and they're refusing to do the service because they don't see you as a woman. The Brazilian wax he's asking for is technically different. From how it would be conducted on a woman. On a woman you just spread it around and then you pull back the paper and that's it. But with the balls and cock you gotta be careful because that shit's sensitive. So it's an entirely different process and he's trying to force them to do something they literally are not trained to do. They don't have the technical skill to do. So they're getting completely fucked over complete nonsense.

Unknown_24: These are like small Vietnamese women, right?

Unknown_20: I mean, like, yeah.

Unknown_24: Just trying to get by. Trying to escape the horror of killing fields of Cambodia. They come to beautiful America, they miss a little bit, go to Canada. Now they got a big fat guy asking them, suing them because they want waxes balls.

Unknown_24: Am I the only one that finds this as funny as it is?

Unknown_20: I find it tragic. Hold on, let me show you what the guy looks like.

Unknown_24: Let me show you what this guy looks like.

Unknown_20: Be careful, don't show that on your YouTube channel, because you're going to get struck down for that. I don't, I don't give a shit.

Unknown_24: My YouTube channel means nothing to me. I assume it will be gone. It's just a clip show. If they do take it, I'll go to bitch shoot. I'm surprised I haven't already. That's why I don't, I quit doing YouTube when they removed all my voicemails like 10 years ago. This is so disheartening.

Unknown_00: Here's what, here's what he, here's what this guy looks.

Unknown_24: Oh, fuck. That's not it. That's not big enough.

Unknown_24: Alright, here's what this guy looks like. It looks like Jared ate himself super fatty.

Unknown_20: Yes! Yes, it does. He looks just like fucking Jared. It's uncanny. He's got the look. He's got the look.

Unknown_26: Yeah.

Unknown_20: And, I mean, you didn't even really touch one. Like, yeah, he went to women's bathrooms.

Unknown_20: Yes. Is that the one where he's like smiling and has makeup on and looks kind of creepy like a doll?

Unknown_24: No, no. It's the one where he's wearing a Google Glass and he wears this Google Glass always, which is always recording.

Unknown_20: Right.

Unknown_24: Right. Going into women's restrooms. This is him as a woman, by the way.

Unknown_20: Yeah. And he specifically goes to the restroom in gyms where people are changing.

Unknown_24: Here we go. That's what he looks like as a woman. Now I got the makeup on with the kissy face.

Unknown_20: I only hear depression, I hear saddening sighs from your end.

Unknown_38: Yeah, that's me, I do that a lot.

Unknown_24: John doesn't find as much enjoyment in these freaks as I do.

Unknown_38: I just find it so preposterous that we're suing each other over stuff like this.

Unknown_24: Not suing! Sicking the government on you for violating human rights. For free, yeah. Well what do you mean, what if you wanted to have your balls waxed and no one would do it? You're telling me that's a world you want to live in?

Unknown_24: Or you can't pretend to be a woman and get your balls the thing is you can't get your balls latch You just have to go to a place that has people who are technically skilled in handling male genitalia He's he's that's the thing.

Unknown_20: It's not just like No matter what kind of angle you give and trying to give him the benefit of a doubt it always comes back to there's something else he could have done and And it makes it intentionally and blatantly fucking malicious. It is malice. Because no matter how you try to excuse it, there is another thing he could have done that he refused to do. Because that service is clearly available. Yes. Getting waxed. Yeah. I mean, gay guys get full body waxes all the time. He could have just gone to a gay salon. It would have been fine. Nobody would have cared. But no, he specifically wanted women to handle his balls.

Unknown_20: And that's what it is, because he joins these on Facebook groups. He's apparently been banned from 60 plus makeup groups on Facebook because what he does is he joins them and then he hunts down women who are also part of the groups and sends them Facebook messages saying like, asking creepy shit like, Like, how will I know if I can ask for a tampon? And again, this is a biological man. He claims to be intersex, but even if he was intersex, you don't have, you don't have menstruation. So he's not, whatever reason he's asking for tampons, it's, it's invalid. And in these stories, like, even if you're intersex, you don't need to ask 60 women about how to ask for tampons. Yeah. No, even if,

Unknown_24: That's what I mean. I'm I have a I have absolutely zero vagina at all and I know how tampons work I don't need to ask anybody and it's it's crazy because he'll recount Yeah

Unknown_24: he'll recount some of his stories.

Unknown_20: It's so funny though.

Unknown_24: Hold on. It's so funny because they've posted, I don't know how these women got or why they posted them, but they'll post chat logs of this guy asking women on Facebook about, uh, how to ask for a tampon. And these women will just indulge. Like they'll talk to this weirdo for, huge paragraphs of explanations, like you can see that they're always like, ha ha ha. Yeah, well, you know, it's like they're so it's so eager. That is also appealing to me. That's also dumb, bitch. What are you doing? That's also how, you know, they're real women by the length of the replies. Exactly.

Unknown_24: Anyway, go ahead.

Unknown_20: What were you going to show? Oh, I was going to say, well, it wasn't 60 women. It was 60 groups. And why these logs leak is because the women show the group managers what this guy is doing. And they'll post as evidence those logs. So God knows how many potentially hundreds of women this guy's talked to to try and get stuff. And the women being attacked by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, They've said that he messaged them and their businesses and would call them up on their phones for weeks Trying to get an appointment scheduled and no matter how many times no means no He still is like harassing them. So this is like it is it is like government mandated Harassment and that's the only way to put it

Unknown_38: He keeps trying to get up by myself. My fucking ball hair is growing into the neighbor's yard.

Unknown_24: There's encroachment issues.

Unknown_24: I need to get one of these Koreans over here to wax my balls. Immediately. My woman balls immediately. No man will do.

Unknown_24: Send the city tree trimmers over. He's like a sick emperor, right? Like if the government comes, according to his plan, the government will come at gunpoint and make the little Vietnamese broad come over and wax his ball.

Unknown_08: On her knees and cry it.

Unknown_20: Yeah, they'll just go, oh, oh, oh.

Unknown_24: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Unknown_20: And like, you can hear in some of these shant logs, he's telling his stories of asking for tampons. He does it all the time, because that gets him off, I guess. But even in his stories, he's like, oh, they went over to the, you know how you get condom machines in some gas station bathrooms and stuff? Well, in a lot of the bathrooms, they have single-use item hygiene product dispensers there, too. So he'll talk about them going over to the machines and putting in coins for them to get him something. And it's like, he could have done that on his own. It's fucking free use. And he wants booze.

Unknown_43: Yeah.

Unknown_24: Yeah, yeah, I'd said 7-eleven asking little girls if you can go buy them tampons money. Well, he was This is trusted nerd Jonathan, you know who's doing that, right?

Unknown_20: Yes, Jonathan you need or Jessica you need British Columbia trusted nerd He goes by all these different names and he's you know, he's an SEO guy. So on his Twitter he still goes by like Jonathan in parentheses Jessica you need Yeah.

Unknown_24: Well, you know, it's a public service what you're doing. And we had a similar a listener made that Kevin A Landau dot com. Mm hmm.

Unknown_24: They must have known something about SEO, because it's number one for Kevin Landau's name. Perhaps that same listener will hear this.

Unknown_20: The way that SEO works, just as a rough rundown, is that number one, it's what people are looking for. So when it terminates the search, Google gives it like a plus one. But also, it cedes the importance of that site based on third-party LinkedIn. So it gets traded on your Reddit, for instance. It gets posted on the Kiwi farms. then Google sees those link-ins and it gives it extra points. So just sharing it is, in general, the best way to promote something like that.

Unknown_24: Very funny.

Unknown_20: This is just one episode of Noel's show.

Unknown_20: I wanted to do it properly on YouTube, but I put up a notice, like I'm going to be streaming in six hours about this guy, on December 26th. He DMCA'd me on December 25th. He doesn't celebrate Christmas, apparently. On the 26th, he DMCA's a thumbnail on an upcoming stream. That's what you have to be grateful for.

Unknown_24: Yeah. Get some tinsel in him or something. He's got the Grinch going on.

Unknown_24: Maybe then he'd have a nice Christmas.

Unknown_20: I don't know and like I don't I don't know I don't want to get too into detail but like he was asking some women like I'm going on a trip and I know there's gonna be like lots of like 10 year old girls on this trip with me and what if they asked me for a pad what if they asked me for a tampon how do I show them how to put it in like he's asking that kind of shit and at that point you're like oh this guy

Unknown_20: Yeah, I don't know if he's like talking about his fantasies, but yeah, that's what it sounds like.

Unknown_24: It sounds like that, right? That's the that's the impression I got as well.

Unknown_24: Well, it's it's it's great. Like I said, it's the Montel Williams. It's the Jerry Springer. Oh, yeah. Itch.

Unknown_20: that it's scratching. When do you do your show? I do my shows on Wednesdays a little bit after noon. Since I'm DMCA-striked, I've been doing it on slash kiwifarms at noon every week. And this week I'm doing it on a guy who is crazy and was recently committed involuntarily Indefinitely because he's a danger to himself and others and he's not fat and he's not a tranny So we're trying to trying to get just a genuine crazy person as opposed to somebody gross hmm I Wanted to have you want to talk about that huge balls guy, too.

Unknown_24: You remember that?

Unknown_20: Yeah, I tried I did I did a prep on that and I tried to find out more information Those people were weird like they were

Unknown_20: Wax my female balls guy. Yeah, that's just degenerate. This guy like the they were like in some kind of weird like BDSM gay worship thing where they all got this guy's name tattooed on their backs and stuff. That's normal, Sean has my name tattooed on his back.

Unknown_24: Lower back. Are you going to put silicone in his testicles?

Unknown_24: Yeah, Sean, let's talk after the show. Wait, is this how much would it cost for you to put silicone in your testicles?

Unknown_24: How much money? Oh, I don't know. Not very much.

Unknown_24: What do you got on you right now?

Unknown_24: Be careful with that shit. Yeah, I've probably got like 100 bucks. Yeah, it's pretty good. 95. I had to pay for parking.

Unknown_20: Yeah, I could get you change. Oh, yeah. Okay, yeah.

Unknown_20: Well, be careful with that shit because one of them died is why it became news. Like, I don't the guy who we had on. No, but that guy knew him. We had a guy. Right, right, right, right.

Unknown_24: That weird. Oh, right. Yeah. Yeah. Dick had called in who did inflate his balls and he seemed quite normal. Yeah. He was like an engineer. Yeah. I mean, yeah. Bisexual engineer. And he he came off as very

Unknown_24: Like, almost like pragmatic about it. Like, I don't mean it's, hey. He sold me. Yeah. Your balls were attacked here. I buy his lies. I want to get some filler in there. Yeah.

Unknown_24: But he knows where to get balls waxed.

Unknown_20: He's trying to spread his degeneracy through the dick show, trying to get everybody to inflate their balls. He already got Sean hooked up on it. Look at this.

Unknown_20: Evangelo. The problem with degeneracy is that it's so much work.

Unknown_24: Sometimes. If I had more energy, maybe I could go get a fursuit, like dude it up.

Unknown_20: Anytime anybody mentions furries, I got to ask, what would your fursona be, Dick?

Unknown_24: I've already have one. Bonitas drew me one and I'm a hyena.

Unknown_19: Oh, yeah, that's a good one.

Unknown_24: That's a great one. scavenger, but then I found out that the female hyena has a bigger dick than the male. Oh shit, I already picked. Well, the hyena, the laugh is good and they're like scavengers.

Unknown_20: So they're like, pick it, pick it like dying carcasses and shit. Like that's perfect.

Unknown_24: Plus they're Mexican according to the Lion King.

Unknown_24: Yeah. What would your persona be?

Unknown_20: Mine?

Unknown_24: Yeah.

Unknown_20: I guess a hamster now. Hamsters have been like a reoccurring theme in my streams. Everybody loves the hamsters at the end. Either that or like a crow.

Unknown_20: Yeah, a crow.

Unknown_24: A crow.

Unknown_20: I like crows. Not a raven. Not a raven. A crow.

Unknown_24: Pain in his face. All emo.

Unknown_20: I went to like England really young. I remember all the birds and shit. Those are fucking cool birds.

Unknown_20: I don't trust, I don't really like any animal that just doesn't understand when it's shitting.

Unknown_24: Oh, hmm. You know, it just kind of falls out of it. You're talking about rodents and birds, birds, birds. Yeah. I don't think they know. No, I think I think crows are smart enough to know. Oh, no, they're smart enough. But it's just their physiology, I think. I think it just got no cold. I don't know. I think it just pulls out. Your colon holds your shit. So predators can't track you. Fucking Sean's calling me incontinent now.

Unknown_24: Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I don't know if all birds work that way, but, you know, they just kind of go where they go. I think we should just shit whenever. Let's try that. Strap some diapers on and just see what it's like. I'll tell you what, I would... No, don't even, like, strap diapers on. I guarantee you I would watch every second of the Summer Olympics. If you could just shit whenever? Oh yeah, if the athlete's just, you know... Yeah, that's the most I've ever watched of a triathlon or Ironman is when they shit themselves. I mean, like the long jump is a giant cat box. It's perfect.

Unknown_20: Yeah, you better be fucking careful, like people age regression with diapers and forced incontinence. That's the thing, too. It's everything's a thing. Yeah, it's called aging.

Unknown_20: No, no, they want to do it the other way around. They want to be babies. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, right.

Unknown_24: It's a degenerate twilight zone. You get so old that you have to wear diapers and talk like a child, but then you lose the ability to have an erection. Most people don't want to shit themselves.

Unknown_20: Yeah, these guys do.

Unknown_24: What do you mean most people don't want to shit themselves? What do you mean? I challenge that point.

Unknown_20: Well, uh, what makes you rage? No. Anything? People who abuse DMCA strike. That's all my- You know, I can't even describe. I'm- I'm like indignant. Cause I just started doing YouTube stuff, like a couple weeks ago, right? So for the last five years, I've been hosting my own sites. Ain't nobody gonna tell me what the fuck I can host. You send me a DMCA strike, I tell you to go fuck yourself. Now I'm on YouTube.

Unknown_20: Now I'm on YouTube.

Unknown_19: Random fucking psychotic tranny pedophiles can send me the most bullshit DMCA claim. YouTube, it has been fucking like 10, 11 days since that shit came in and since I appealed it.

Unknown_20: YouTube has not even reviewed it. There's a 10-day wait after they review and submit it forward. Haven't even fucking started that. So fuck that shit. Fuck that broken shit. Fuck people telling me what to do. Fuck that.

Unknown_24: Yeah. It's true. I mean, you've lived your life with that credo, right? Me? Fuck people telling me what to do. Yeah, now that's what resulted in my parents getting banned from my house.

Unknown_24: Yeah. I'm going to give my dad a red card next time. I'm going to give him a yellow card warning. Right. And then a red card. I'm going to sit there like a rat. Don't even look at him. I was going to ask, can I have a whistle?

Unknown_20: That's important. Yeah. To the authority aspect.

Unknown_24: I'll take my mom's rape whistle and blow his ass.

Unknown_24: Put the red card out everybody man. That must be it looks like so much fun the way those refs do that, too Yeah, it's big stick up their ass It's fun because you know as soon as they throw it people are like fucking raging at them like frothing up the fucking mouth That's bullshit the bullshit fucking call.

Unknown_20: They know every time they blow that fucking whistle. They pissed off another hundred thousand fucking people It's more. It looks more fun than throwing a flag in football. Yeah, it does a minute.

Unknown_24: Oh

Unknown_24: And you don't always necessarily see it, but he's out there, it's holding it up and it's red for everyone to see. Boom, perfect pose. Boom, like Napoleon. Boom. That's a good one. Umpires, strikes are good, because they get to do whatever they want. They all have different strike calls. Some of them call immediately and then signal after. Like Enrico Palazzo.

Unknown_24: Naked gun.

Unknown_24: Yeah. That'd be a good one. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. That'd be good for, I'd like to ump a game for one inning. I don't want, fuck the first pitch. I wouldn't like to umpire the first inning. That'd be great. Not throwing out the first pitch. I want to ump the first ball. Totally. And then just go right down the middle and spend like 10 minutes. Get a whole Marshall stack out there. Right?

Unknown_24: get it going oh man you know that that's a strike and i'm gonna take my time calling this right all right no get out of here i like your show thank you thanks for calling yep thanks for calling in keep us updated on the weird freaks will do i'll uh i'll let you know if anything happens this week and i'll call on next week if there's something Yeah. And what was the site? Jonathan, you need to org.

Unknown_20: Yes. Jonathan, you need to org or Jessica, you need to org. I'm going to make two versions. One of them is going to be kind of forward talking. The other one, the Jessica, you need one that org will be kind of kind of catering to people who are more sensitive so we can get the message out to everyone. That's what's well now.

Unknown_24: If you know, I mean, I guess that's a you know, you have to ask your SEO friends. But if you want a 301, all the links from one to the other, and have the same content and canonically direct the content from one to the other, it would increase your chance of ranking one of them if you are dealing with an SEO type.

Unknown_20: That makes sense.

Unknown_24: Yeah. But of course, it's all up to how much linking power you can.

Unknown_20: Yeah. Well, I imagine, you know what, I'm going to predict that they both probably get way up there just because. I'm probably gonna be fighting with myself for like the first one or two places like the Kiwi farms that is gonna be like in between them the Jonathan you need one then Kiwi farms and Jessica you need and then then his portfolio site where he advertises his fucking bullshit All right, good luck buddy take it easy Hello, it's just you and me now I

Unknown_43: Surprise, motherfuckers!

Unknown_43: Get out of here. Now! Fuck.

Unknown_43: I'll come back. I miss anything?

Unknown_43: Well, we wouldn't know. We was listening to the Nick Show thing.

Unknown_43: He's like, he's the best player at this game.

Unknown_18: Yeah, we want more Dick. More Dick? You want Dick? You need Dick? He's incredible. Please. He's like super good at this game. We love Dick. And he has the world record. Wait, how the fuck do you speedrun this game? And it's from August 2009, I think. Oh, it says 22 tracks. You just need to run that fast track. He's coined it, like, the first. At this point. Fuck, man. That's a real 10 years old if no one beats it.

Unknown_22: Yeah, like, all the Mario Kart games, like, the speedrun, it's all about, like, constantly getting the drift.

Unknown_18: Oh, there's a bunch of glitches you can do. Alright, beat this truck around the corner.

Unknown_38: Why is he playing Rob the Robot?

Unknown_20: Is that just a choice?

Unknown_38: It's probably just the best stats. I can't believe they even put this in.

Unknown_20: Like, Rob the Robot was like a commercial failure that didn't do anything. I think I had one of those as a kid. It was broken. It was marketed specifically to make the NES a toy rather than a video game console.

Unknown_18: So they're just they're just bragging that they jude everybody Yeah, like the NES kind of like Where's the Nintendo label

Unknown_18: Yeah, I want cardboard and fucking with the card for cardboard roll All right, am I in my band from a DD AG, whatever I can do another message Somebody's calling you I did the chat Rob is my first Rob's great.

Unknown_31: Fuck.

Unknown_20: Fuck you.

Unknown_22: Oh

Unknown_18: I'm gonna be like one of those people eventually where I link like shit in my video descriptions and then there's like comments referencing it

Unknown_20: and nobody else like if joshua moon brought you here it's gonna be the gym spam it's gonna be the gym spam but josh's oh no that's oh that's bad

Unknown_20: My feed is going to be leaving comments on unrelated Fatwoman's videos like, dang, I bet I know a guy from Pensacola who'd fucking love you.

Unknown_18: Just remember that we called it hair on Slavmas Eve. We called it. By the way, this is fucking boring.

Unknown_20: Yeah, this is like as boring as actual Mario Kart. Did he just dodge that fucking blue shell though?

Unknown_44: Wait, you can do that? Yeah, he's done it like multiple times.

Unknown_26: I don't know what the fuck is going on, he's just like drifting and like doing laps, like what is this?

Unknown_38: We want Kirby.

Unknown_26: We want Kirby. More wheel. Kirby and the Donkey Kong were the best so far.

Unknown_22: Is this the original Mario Kart?

Unknown_18: This is DS.

Unknown_22: The first Mario Kart was on Super Nintendo, it was 2D. This is an hour long, how the fuck is this an hour? An hour?! 40 more fucking... how? 40 more minutes? It's a fucking good thing I had the dick show then, to fucking eat into the time of this shit.

Unknown_44: You know what fuck it your pirate broadcast of the dicks I gave my heads up because I didn't want to be mad I guess I can watch fat women eat again.

Unknown_20: He's great

Unknown_20: The thing with her is that she has moods where she completely changes what kind of shit she rants about yeah like if I did if I did a bingo cycle it does like Right now she's talking about how everybody's ordinary and she's extraordinary like a fucking conceited cunt But it used to be that

Unknown_20: Snooty. Everybody else was snobby. She wasn't good enough because she was ordinary and everybody else was snobby. And then even before that she was just ranting about me constantly. I don't even remember what she was saying about me.

Unknown_20: He got blue, he got blue shelled!

Unknown_19: Get fucked! Get fucked! Did she stop doing dancing videos? Cause those are pretty... She stopped doing, yeah, she doesn't do much with facecam anymore, because uh... Because people will edit it into shit.

Unknown_27: Alright, let me do a poll on and see what we want.

Unknown_18: I see people spamming fucking feeder bingo. It's just two guys, though.

Unknown_20: That's how chat works. Everybody has as many votes as they can put out there. What do?

Unknown_18: Feeder, bingo.

Unknown_20: random shit amateur game development oh no I'm being assaulted by balloons I can't see my pole the balloons are blocking my pole options good job subscribers

Unknown_20: Thank you.

Unknown_18: I haven't seen a single thing that looked edible. Nah, I wouldn't eat it. Maybe the... anything that's just like toast.

Unknown_21: The French toast was fucking awful.

Unknown_33: Damn, Peter Bingo's fucking winning.

Unknown_20: I have a winning formula here. Here, you know what? Here's what we'll do for this. I'm just gonna fucking... you guys keep watching that and you let me know. You let me know when we're off fucking Mario Kart. And maybe we'll watch a little bit more of it before I go to bed at like midnight. Hello, my fellow- I have created the meme. Alright.

Unknown_20: Alright, alright.

Unknown_33: It's fucking winning. Winning like Stu.

Unknown_33: Yeah, Stu had a significant advantage.

Unknown_17: Josh. What?

Unknown_17: Uh, why not play the video I cut down, the MalTongue? It's like 30 minutes, that's why.

Unknown_20: I watched it, though. She's actually a proper fucking crazy person. That's worth watching.

Unknown_20: I didn't suspect that, I just thought she'd be some dumpy bitch that did shitty cooking videos. But no, she's like actually spiteful and mean to people.

Unknown_20: I genuinely didn't.

Unknown_22: I kind of picked up on the way she like she's like really intimidating to her son though like whenever like she's kind of joking around but you can tell like she kind of means it as well.

Unknown_20: It's that and the thing that tipped me off that she might be kind of like a crazy person in actuality Her shit about the fucking merchandise like people throwing up lazy fucking teespring things with with a shitty t-shirts like a t-shirt Yeah, fit case cooking merch. Yeah, and she's like like yelling out like that's not the real thing You can buy it with your money if you want to but I'll be having me on t-shirts and you can buy it there and that's Actual merchant and she just like every fucking episode she brings goes on about it all the time Yeah, it would be it'd be like okay if it was like once but she it seems to really get under her skin Yeah, cuz she wants the money And people are telling her that it's not just that they're selling fake merchandise It's that the people are telling her that they're selling like tens of thousands of dollars worth of fake merchandise Even though she doesn't even get that many views on her fucking on her videos So The chat is like hungry birds demanding to be fed until I suppose I Suppose I will are you gonna feed them? Yes, I'll come back when Mario Kart's fucking over. It's 40 minutes.

Unknown_20: We can't watch it. Watch it. Watch it. Mute it. Mute it and check on it every so often.

Unknown_22: I'm going to stick it on my my beautiful second monitor here so I can just monitor it in the background.

Unknown_20: Oh, yeah. I wish I had extra money for a monitor so I could fucking watch it. That'd be really nice.

Unknown_22: How much do you think of the birds in Ukraine projected onto the wall?

Unknown_26: Like, they don't have a Goodwill store or something over there where you can just like pick up- Hey, I don't want no fucking Slavic Goodwill fucking monitor.

Unknown_20: I want a thing that I can actually play Rainbow Six and Battlefield on, okay?

Unknown_38: Yeah, I know, but like for now, you can probably get one for like five bucks. I had a buddy who I played Counter-Strike with years ago who fished a CRT monitor out of a dumpster so he could play CS on it.

Unknown_22: Wait, who's the shit bro?

Unknown_43: All right, all right, okay, I'm gonna watch, I'm gonna watch it.

Unknown_20: I'm gonna watch the fat people.

Unknown_20: Okay, it's just me and you again.

Unknown_20: Let me, let me rid, let me rid the screen of this, this abomination.

Unknown_20: I'm back up.

Unknown_20: There we go.

Unknown_20: Okay, feed us, feed us!

Unknown_20: Okay, okay.

Unknown_20: Oh geez, I didn't mean to open that. All right, all right, all right, all right.

Unknown_43: Let me, let me find her thing, Kaze.

Unknown_20: Oh, you know what, I usually just Google search it.

Unknown_43: Very slowly apparently.

Unknown_20: God, my fucking computer. I even have my computer up in like an odd way to help it ventilate and it's still fucking hot and slow as shit.

Unknown_20: Oh, I can't wait. Kay's cooking.

Unknown_43: Alright, alright, alright, I guess we're gonna, I'm gonna leave this one up to chat I guess.

Unknown_43: I'm gonna hide the fort around real quick.

Unknown_20: You guys look at this page and you start spamming for something that you want.

Unknown_20: You tell me. I'm gonna go by whatever I see, whatever seems most prominent. Not gonna pull it, takes too much fucking time.

Unknown_20: I vote starve. You can starve on your own time, nigga. You can starve on your own time. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Unknown_20: Yorkshire Pudding, Yorkshire Pudding... Everybody has a different, different thing.

Unknown_20: Oh God, my- I'm getting a fucking migraine trying to read this.

Unknown_20: Okay, I'll do the fucking Lamb Chops and then I'll do... This- No, wait. Snake- Ow!

Unknown_20: Okay, you know what? I'm gonna queue up three. That's what we're gonna do. The Yorkshire Pudding... Uh... Where's the Lamb Pie?

Unknown_43: Where is it?

Unknown_43: Where is it?

Unknown_43: Where is it?

Unknown_43: Oh, stick pie. And then one other. I'm going to queue that up.

Unknown_43: Lamb chops. Did I get the lamb chops already? I did not.

Unknown_20: Where are the lamb chops? OK, lamb cutlets, I think is what's being asked for. All right, we'll watch that in that order.

Unknown_20: Alright, everything's good to go. Firefox booted. Foreground in the front. You can stop voting now. I already got it.

Unknown_20: Assets.

Unknown_20: Assets loaded.

Unknown_20: Let me put that right.

Unknown_20: Shrink it down proper. We're getting ready for bingo night. We're like old ladies in the bingo hall. I got my stamper out. We're all set.

Unknown_20: And one other thing, just, just in case, I'm gonna get that nice, nice and centered. Okay, hide that, hide that for now.

Unknown_20: Wink, wink.

Unknown_20: All right.

Unknown_04: Hi people, and I'm back cooking, and today I'm going to be doing Yorkshire Pudding and Beef Wraps.

Unknown_04: I'm going to cut this onion. It says to take the onion. All right, all right. Does that actually look like a bloody onion?

Unknown_04: It's a pepper, and it says to slice it.

Unknown_04: So what I'm going to do is I'm going to put the top off. So this is Yorkshire pudding in beef wraps.

Unknown_20: She did have her metal shirt on. That's one.

Unknown_04: Why is it getting a big enough?

Unknown_20: No bras being called. I'm going to throw that up.

Unknown_04: Pick all the seeds out.

Unknown_04: It's a fucking... it's a red bell pepper, you don't need to grow the seeds.

Unknown_04: I'm not obsessed with food, this is just... this is just quality filler, okay?

Unknown_20: This is just good content. That's how I feel.

Unknown_20: Somebody's linking me a bingo card generator Anyway, hold up this might this might be a game-changer this might be a game-changer. What the fuck is this?

Unknown_20: Oh We can have different one include a free space free space text is Hi people

Unknown_20: Okay, word list separated by commas.

Unknown_20: All right, awkward. Oh, we can have a lot then. Awkward laughter.

Unknown_20: Bitches about merc.

Unknown_20: Son visibly upset.

Unknown_20: Son hates food.

Unknown_43: Can I... Well, it needs to be in different orders.

Unknown_43: Number of cards to create.

Unknown_43: I thought it was going to be in different orders.

Unknown_43: Here, let me duplicate it and see if it actually works.

Unknown_43: Oh, it does work. Okay.

Unknown_43: Great.

Unknown_43: The sun hates food. We get to make it.

Unknown_43: We're going to make... Uses store-bought items.

Unknown_20: Kay hurts herself.

Unknown_20: Wait.

Unknown_20: Apologizes for kitchen.

Unknown_20: Yells at fans.

Unknown_20: No bra. Shaky hands.

Unknown_43: Our card is better? Okay, we got this now.

Unknown_20: Fan requested video.

Unknown_20: Fucks up moving food.

Unknown_20: No vegetables except starches.

Unknown_43: Boils meat.

Unknown_20: Labored breathing.

Unknown_20: No seasoning.

Unknown_20: My way.

Unknown_20: Excess of liquids.

Unknown_20: Wearing metal t-shirt.

Unknown_20: Raw pork or chicken.

Unknown_20: Massive serving on plate. That's a clarification. It's a K feeds dogs.

Unknown_20: physically destroys something, uses stove at highest setting, burns something, and margarine is the complete list. Anything else that we want to add while I got this open?

Unknown_20: Uses stove as counter. We gotta have enough stuff going around.

Unknown_43: Scrape.

Unknown_43: Are the metal t-shirts her dead husband's? No, I think that's just the only one that fits her.

Unknown_43: Uses stove as counter.

Unknown_20: Scrape, scrape, scrape. Fucks up words. Oh, that's a good one.

Unknown_20: Mush mouthed.

Unknown_20: Anytime she says something just completely wrong.

Unknown_20: Here, scolds Lee.

Unknown_43: I'm gonna let him fuck up on outro.

Unknown_20: Mispronounces the word as there is a mush mouth.

Unknown_20: I'm not adding make stick card. I got shaky. I already added our bingo card there.

Unknown_20: Add Josh as a kike.

Unknown_43: That's the free space nigga.

Unknown_43: Gives a shout out.

Unknown_43: Yeah, I did take off mentions of dead people.

Unknown_20: Wearing watch? That's not K enough.

Unknown_20: Says something British.

Unknown_20: Scrapes fork while cooking. Okay, people keep asking for the scrapes. I'm gonna add scraped utensils.

Unknown_43: Why is that spelled wrong?

Unknown_43: Josh fucks up the leaderboards. No, no, I think that's good for now.

Unknown_20: Let me copy paste this so they don't fuck it up.

Unknown_43: All right, wait, wait.

Unknown_43: Kay's cooking, bingo. Okay.

Unknown_43: All right, I'm just gonna cap one.

Unknown_43: Cap that one right there, paint.

Unknown_43: Wish I could just get like one card and show that, but it's the way it's gotta be.

Unknown_43: PNG, drop that.

Unknown_43: Boom. All right, let's get rid of the old one.

Unknown_43: IP pulls the free space.

Unknown_20: Token fits it just comfy. Copy. Okay, we're good. Let's watch the server.

Unknown_04: Now shut up!

Unknown_20: Shut up!

Unknown_04: Hi people and I'm back cooking and today I'm going to be doing Yorkshire Pudding and Bean Fraps.

Unknown_04: I'm going to cut this onion. It says two onion. Does that actually look like a bloody onion?

Unknown_04: Okay, do we have mush mouth on this card?

Unknown_20: So what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut the top off.

Unknown_20: Mush mouth is there. I'm not being wise of getting a bigger knife for this.

Unknown_20: paste reference. Yes, no brawl this time.

Unknown_04: Take all the seeds out.

Unknown_20: Where's the metal one? No, I'm not, because it's not going to come off yet.

Unknown_04: Take all the seeds out.

Unknown_20: Metal t-shirts up there.

Unknown_04: Get them out with a spoon, or cut them out with a knife.

Unknown_04: I'm just going to cut them out with a knife.

Unknown_04: Get the seeds all out.

Unknown_20: I got the minnow shirt, I got it, I got it.

Unknown_20: Yeah, you got that food cooking back there. You know what? She's fucking... She's boiling and fucking meat and fucking margarine again. That's what that excess shit is.

Unknown_20: Is margarine on the thing?

Unknown_04: Cut it into strips. Yep, margarine. As you can see, I've cleaned it out. Very good. Got rid of all the seeds. Eight seeds.

Unknown_04: And it says to slice it.

Unknown_20: That is a dull fucking knife.

Unknown_04: And I'm not gonna slice it with that, because that is absolutely crap.

Unknown_04: Right.

Unknown_20: Is that a bread cutter?

Unknown_04: Into slices now.

Unknown_04: I don't even know if I'm doing them. Did she hurt herself? I know they've got to go in the frying pan, but I'm putting them in a bowl until the steaks are done. I don't know if you can see what the steaks are doing.

Unknown_04: And they're not doing it on high heat, they're doing it on low heat. You know, I'm gonna say excessive liquids too.

Unknown_20: That's just like, wait, you don't... Like, unless you're trying to... I mean, this is a beef wrap, this is a pudding. You're not supposed to use that much fucking margarine to, like, deep fat fry your fucking... your meat. And you're supposed to be... You're supposed to cook the vegetables before your meat, because the meat cooks faster. Is she being shaky hands?

Unknown_04: Alright, that's the onion.

Unknown_04: That's the pepper done.

Unknown_20: We got cucked on the heat setting we did. That meat would be fucking burned.

Unknown_04: And now I'm going to cut a red onion. I don't think we're supposed to use a brick.

Unknown_20: Oh, whatever.

Unknown_20: All right, everybody's calling the fucking shaky hands. We've got to do that.

Unknown_00: And with this knife, it's getting less sharp when I'm getting

Unknown_04: Weaker. I think I'll go for the second one.

Unknown_04: Right, so I'm taking all the... off the onion.

Unknown_04: Ooh! Nearly dropped it. Does that count as fucking up moving food? She hasn't dropped anything yet, as far as I can see.

Unknown_20: Okay, that's physically des- She's, like, mauling the fucking onion with her hands.

Unknown_20: Where is physically destroy something? There we go.

Unknown_04: Just that last one to take off.

Unknown_04: Yes, that is a bread knife.

Unknown_04: And it's said to cut this into chunks. She was trying to peel it off.

Unknown_20: She was trying to peel it off. I'll excuse that one. I'll pull the counter off because she was trying to remove that layer. I don't know how to do chunks.

Unknown_04: I do halve it. Slice it.

Unknown_04: Yeah. Slice and dice. That's the one.

Unknown_04: Yeah.

Unknown_20: Fine!

Unknown_04: I'm gonna slice it too.

Unknown_20: Whatever.

Unknown_20: I don't know, people seem to feel bad for the onion.

Unknown_04: I'll put it back on.

Unknown_20: I'll put it back on.

Unknown_04: Oh! Watch your fingers! Oh, shit! So that's the sliced one. Part of it. Move that bit of it in.

Unknown_20: I'm glad that we get so much screen time just to watch her completely- Watch her awful fucking knife skills.

Unknown_04: And that's the dice done. I think I want a bit more cutting. She's drunk.

Unknown_20: I think she's just retarded. So that's a few that's already been done.

Unknown_04: So they're the ones that can go in.

Unknown_04: Oh, he's already in his a strong at my eyes, weren't they?

Unknown_04: Then that one done.

Unknown_04: So I can put them in the bowl.

Unknown_20: I can say retarded. This is a free speech website.

Unknown_04: Just say a medium onion. And that's what I'm doing.

Unknown_20: Yeah, this does.

Unknown_04: I don't want her to cut her fingers off. Dicing them off. Dicing them off.

Unknown_20: Stop calling her a brat-paw, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Unknown_04: Hopefully.

Unknown_04: Oh, and I put a bonnet in that, isn't me. Aren't knives banned over there?

Unknown_20: Yes, that's why she's using a bread knife instead of an actual chef's knife.

Unknown_04: Yeah, it has been now.

Unknown_04: So, same again.

Unknown_20: I'm, like, this video is like eight minutes of her fumbling with a fucking knife in the most exhausting way possible.

Unknown_04: One way.

Unknown_04: And the other way.

Unknown_04: So they end up being diced.

Unknown_04: And that's one onion. Well, part of onion done.

Unknown_20: It's just one? Are you adding more? And then after that, it says to add some pepper.

Unknown_04: Not too much, because I don't like pepper.

Unknown_04: And then it said, a teaspoon of garlic of your choice. Well I've got some easy garlic here.

Unknown_04: What is that like? Not that other garlic, I've got that lazy garlic. I should have fetched that instead. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to finish the onion off and I'm going to

Unknown_04: Mix it all together, wait till the steak's done, and then hopefully, well, get on with the frying bit, other frying bit.

Unknown_04: Right, I'm gonna do Yorkshire pudding now. I've got the oven on.

Unknown_04: Some plain flour.

Unknown_20: Swerve lot, swerve lot, I see it, I see it. Is that on the card?

Unknown_17: Salt.

Unknown_20: Alright, I got distracted. People are fucking peeing on me. I'm doing a stream. I'm doing a happy time feeding stream. I'm getting drunk. I'm waiting for her to, uh... a lot of fans.

Unknown_04: Oh, she did!

Unknown_20: She burned the meat!

Unknown_04: Oh my god. Kay, you're so bad.

Unknown_20: What are you doing? Be care- Oh, okay, let me get the token ready for fucking spilling shit.

Unknown_20: I'm ready for it. I'm ready for this.

Unknown_20: Come on, get that shit going. Get that shit going. I'm dropping the fucking token as soon as- as soon as that shit starts.

Unknown_19: Your chloropromote detector went off!

Unknown_04: Aww.

Unknown_19: She can't hold it! She can't hold it!

Unknown_20: Oh, I'm so disappointed. I was ready for that fucking flower to go everywhere. God damn it.

Unknown_20: Okay, you fucking cunt.

Unknown_04: Yeah, she literally doesn't have a counter. She just has a stove top.

Unknown_20: Wait, why are they adding- That- That food is fucking burned already, and she's just now adding raw vegetables to it? Like, dude, you wanna- you wanna fucking, like, sauté the veggies, like, way, way before you introduce the meat.

Unknown_04: I can't get the lid off, so I'm not adding it. I just got the lid off, so I- So, I don't know how much to add.

Unknown_02: But I think that'll be enough, I think so. I think it'll be enough, I think so.

Unknown_20: That's fucking crazy. What?!

Unknown_19: Yes! She did it!

Unknown_20: She likes her steak well done, alright.

Unknown_02: Now what I'm gonna do with this, I'm gonna turn it down to number one.

Unknown_53: I'm gonna cover it.

Unknown_20: Well, I already know how we're gonna fucking get bingo on this. I'm gonna leave it... cook in its own little way.

Unknown_53: Wow. I thought that was easy garlic, huh? Wow, that's, uh... Wait, oh, she added garlic, the fucking bitch. Can you smell that?

Unknown_02: Well, obviously, you can smell it. She added garlic.

Unknown_19: Fuck!

Unknown_02: So I'm gonna leave that now to cook a bit... ...on its own, in its own...

Unknown_04: She put in garlic That is some well done fucking steak Is it bad that this is like the most edible thing I think she's ever cooked No, she used pepper doesn't count as seasoning.

Unknown_20: It's only it's anything besides salt and pepper, but she used garlic I'm gonna count as a seasoning

Unknown_04: and a Yorkshire Pudding.

Unknown_04: This is the end product of a Yorkshire Pudding and a beef wrap. Lee's going to come and do the taste test.

Unknown_39: Can I have my fork?

Unknown_04: Oh get your fingers, get it over the reet. It's not. Did they all think they were inventing fork and forks? Does that count as scolding Lee?

Unknown_04: Now I know you have trouble with some of my Yorkshire puddings, is that alright?

Unknown_40: Mm-hmm.

Unknown_20: Did she hurt herself?

Unknown_40: Crispy around, so that's good.

Unknown_20: Alright, we're calling that a scolding. Now that meat should be done perfect. The meat's fucking like rubber.

Unknown_04: Is it? Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Unknown_20: She didn't use the stove at highest setting.

Unknown_40: Nice and tender. Oh, good.

Unknown_40: The peppers aren't that strong, which is good, because I'm not keen on peppers. But you can't really taste the onions, so... Well, that looks like the money has merely disintegrated, isn't it?

Unknown_04: So, yeah, thumbs up. Oh, very good.

Unknown_04: Alright, we can still clutch this. Yes! Yes! She yelled it! She did it! She did it!

Unknown_04: Oh, that's beautiful. That was fucking clutch. She juked us on the fucking seasoning. She couldn't hold it in. She had to yell.

Unknown_20: All right, that was good. I was at the edge of my seat. That was more exciting than fucking Mario Kart, to be sure. All right, we got steak pie loaded up next. Let's reset the card. I'm gonna generate another card. Any requests to modify? Anything to add before we proceed?

Unknown_20: Before we begin again?

Unknown_43: Let's see, Mario Kart is still going, yeah fuck that.

Unknown_20: Keep it going, keep it going, we'll do it, we'll do it. Anything else, like a different card, like anything to add to the card?

Unknown_20: Fresh garlic is not seasoning you nigger, yeah it is.

Unknown_20: Okay, I'll add stove as countertop, that guy really fucking wants that.

Unknown_20: Stove as countertop.

Unknown_20: Food is badly chopped. I'm going to consider that a duplicate of destroying food. Oversized chunks?

Unknown_20: Josh is a feeder. No, no, no. I'm going to change the card to a different one. I'm going to keep changing it, rotating it to different stuff to keep it fresh.

Unknown_43: All right, hold up. Oh, no shit.

Unknown_43: Oh, the site's a little bit shitty. Damn it.

Unknown_43: All right, I'm going to generate another card.

Unknown_43: And whoa, whoa, whoa, what the fuck?

Unknown_43: Oh, I almost like, oh, I got nervous.

Unknown_43: I thought I had lost it, but no, it's there. All right, bingo card.

Unknown_43: I'll print this one out.

Unknown_43: Just at random.

Unknown_43: It helps to have the entire thing in viewport.

Unknown_43: Crop.

Unknown_20: Save. And that's the new card already there. So steak pie, here we go. Hi people, and I'm back cooking again.

Unknown_03: And today I'm going to be doing steak pie.

Unknown_20: Okay, so do we have the... Right, I'm going to put the... I'm going to fry... Wait, hold up. Titty check.

Unknown_20: Okay, that's no brawl.

Unknown_04: Right, I'm going to put the... And that's a metal shirt, we got that. I'm going to fry... Oh my God. She's got me bleeding big chunks here. They're going to need to cook.

Unknown_20: Is that in margarine?

Unknown_04: They're not going to cook without bloody eating. Right, I'm going to put that... Right, as you can see, I've put the... Did she just crank that up to 11 again? Pan. That's it. I'm going to cook...

Unknown_04: Put the honey in up.

Unknown_20: Oh, that was easy.

Unknown_20: Yeah, she put that up to max.

Unknown_20: Where, uh... You were filming this, I don't know.

Unknown_20: Where is... Peel the skin off.

Unknown_20: Oh, we don't have it. We don't have, uh... We don't have a spot for max heat.

Unknown_20: Does that count? No, she's not using... I don't think that counts as a... No, she did mush my outfit. Where's mush my outfit?

Unknown_04: Right, that's stupid.

Unknown_20: That doesn't count as using it as a countertop. Ow, ow, ow, ow.

Unknown_20: That's an elbow. Can I just get rid of them? Man, if she hurts herself is not on this fucking thing.

Unknown_20: That needs to be on, like, every one.

Unknown_04: And I'm gonna... I'm gonna put a bit of thyme. Oh, there it is. There it is. I see it. It said a bit of thyme. I have two bleeding sets to it. I don't know.

Unknown_20: Okay, breathing.

Unknown_04: Okay. Nothing going in.

Unknown_20: Breathing going in. Is it going in? The card is... The card is hard, yes.

Unknown_04: This is a harder card.

Unknown_53: Cook the onion up.

Unknown_20: The seasoning. She added some Mr. Dash, motherfucker. Get right. That's two. That's two. She got fucking onions in there, too. Get cucked.

Unknown_53: Half.

Unknown_02: And I'm going to flip them.

Unknown_02: Wait, is that oil? Okay, that's oil.

Unknown_20: I thought it was just like the wetness of the steak at first, but no.

Unknown_02: If that's oil, that's fucking ridiculous.

Unknown_20: You don't cook meat in fucking oil! I don't understand that.

Unknown_02: Like, you don't cook meat in oil like that.

Unknown_02: And for all you people who told me to get an onion slice, that I have been all round town, could not find one anywhere. So I don't know... I don't know where my mother got those from.

Unknown_20: You'll defend, yeah, you got it.

Unknown_20: Here's your supper, pal.

Unknown_53: You don't even know where I've got to, now.

Unknown_20: Oh, she fucked up. She spilled shit.

Unknown_53: Somebody cut.

Unknown_20: Yara, stop cutting like that.

Unknown_00: You're fucking... That was an awkward laugh.

Unknown_20: I got the awkward laugh.

Unknown_53: I didn't even know it was any nicer. The onion went flying, right? So that's the...

Unknown_02: This is going to be a hard one.

Unknown_15: This is a fucking hard card.

Unknown_20: That's not oil.

Unknown_02: Is it margarine?

Unknown_20: Uh, she did use it as a countertop.

Unknown_20: Ah, man.

Unknown_02: Alright, I'm gonna put the parsley in.

Unknown_20: I don't know, how long is this video? She's got plenty of time to fuck- Oh, God, we've got 30 minutes. Don't worry, this is a hard card, but we're- we've been allotted time.

Unknown_02: Can you get me the salt and pepper out, please?

Unknown_02: She definitely tries to cook better in some of her later videos just because so many people ridicule her for being awful at everything.

Unknown_20: I mean, she's still fucking cook the meat before the vegetables and she's cooking on max heat instead of slow cooking it. But yeah, this is edible.

Unknown_04: What the fuck? Is that a table?

Unknown_20: What in the fuck did this bitch get a table?

Unknown_20: Hey look, it's that watch somebody really wanted as an item.

Unknown_04: That's about eight ounces, roughly.

Unknown_04: Ow, ow, ow.

Unknown_04: Oh, there's our fucking margarine

Unknown_20: We got time, fellas. We got time.

Unknown_53: Get off my bloody spoon!

Unknown_20: Maybe use anything else besides margarine.

Unknown_20: What's store-bought? The flour doesn't count. Everybody buys flour store-bought. Store-bought means like packaged salami or something.

Unknown_20: Do you really need that much margarine?

Unknown_04: In the pan? Oh, pan.

Unknown_20: No, no, flour doesn't count.

Unknown_04: Am I actually on camera? Oh, no.

Unknown_04: What we do is put that aside. Yeah, I'm going to count that as scraping. I'm going to rub this flour into the... Yeah, that counts because she's been... she's clacking it together and shit.

Unknown_20: Scrape utensils, we got... Ooh, this is a tough one.

Unknown_19: What? Why is she? Oh my god.

Unknown_20: She can't use butter because her son has like a fucked up digestive system or something. That is so fucking nasty though. Let's put his hands all up in this shit. He's a fucking... You have a mixer. We've seen your mixer. We are... We are... We're onto you lady. We know you have a mixer. This is inappropriate.

Unknown_04: Thank you.

Unknown_04: Pinch of salt. Rub that in as well. It's not physically destroyed, it's just more joined in flour.

Unknown_20: It doesn't count yet.

Unknown_20: Yeah, bleedy hands getting nice and bloody up in there.

Unknown_04: I'm gonna get some water.

Unknown_20: Eww! Oh my god! Come on! Good chefs use their hands to mix in flour and fucking margarine, really?

Unknown_04: I don't buy that shit.

Unknown_20: It's not destroyed because... Because it wasn't... It's just flour and margarine. Fine, fuck it.

Unknown_04: This is hard, man.

Unknown_20: I'll excuse that one. That's physically destroyed.

Unknown_20: Josh has never cooked... I've cooked every so often.

Unknown_04: What are people asking?

Unknown_04: So I'm making full pie this time. Oh, rolling pin sticking to it now. Breaking it up now. Little shake.

Unknown_04: All right, I'm going to now put it in my dish.

Unknown_04: Oh, fuck.

Unknown_04: Language Oh my god, she's actually fixing it as opposed to just plopping it down on the fucking plate.

Unknown_20: That's impressive It's destroyed now we're gonna give it we're gonna give it that space the fact though I

Unknown_20: She has made worse deaths. This is one of her better videos. And this is a hard card. So we're up against the fucking... against the elements right now.

Unknown_04: Alright, we're doing it now. Let's get him down.

Unknown_04: Boy, if my pastry teacher saw me, she'd never roll back!

Unknown_04: right now hopefully yes it's got up on the um uh it's a rubber pin isn't it shocking memory what's she doing oh you're such a full k that's oh she saved it saved

Unknown_04: And what I'm going to do is, I'm going to... There's an archive if you want to look at older streams.

Unknown_20: Like, the archive fucks up a lot, so I'm not too optimistic.

Unknown_04: There. I'm going to... roll the lid out.

Unknown_20: Actually, I'm streaming to VK right now. I'll post a link to my VK after this.

Unknown_04: And the VK archive is usually a little bit better. So I'm going to roll this lid out. Put it on top of the pie.

Unknown_20: She really... What do we need for a bingo? She's already used vegetables, so we can't use that. She's already used seasonings, so we can't use that. That rules out, like, almost all of them.

Unknown_20: We need... If she pulls something out of a package and uses that, and then puts way too much shit on a plate, we can, uh...

Unknown_20: We might be saved.

Unknown_20: How does it hinge on Lee?

Unknown_04: Right, now that looks... That looks alright to me. That looks the same size.

Unknown_20: There's no Lee token.

Unknown_04: Oh, the son hates the food?

Unknown_20: No, she's used vegetables.

Unknown_20: Yeah, if she scolds Lee and he hates the food, that would be the most clutch.

Unknown_04: I'm gonna slap it in there.

Unknown_04: Right, now I'm taking it from the pan, the curve frying pan.

Unknown_20: And that food is like... I should have cut it up but I didn't.

Unknown_04: And I'm using... That is some traditional English cooking right there. Salted or salted cream, whichever you want to call it.

Unknown_04: The one with the holes in.

Unknown_20: Yeah, Lee is a fucking retard. This motherfucker is going to eat this slop and fucking love it.

Unknown_19: Two big thumbs up. Big thumbs up for you, mum.

Unknown_04: Too many lumps in there. Never mind.

Unknown_04: So that's that done.

Unknown_20: Scrape, scrape, scrape.

Unknown_04: I'm going to put a lid on it.

Unknown_04: Put the pie over there for a minute.

Unknown_04: Get the lid. She's still fucking with me. Come here.

Unknown_03: Oh, fuck.

Unknown_20: Blind bake the bottom. Oh, yeah. Dude, that doesn't look right.

Unknown_04: Well, what I'm going to do is I'm going to... That doesn't look right, Kay.

Unknown_04: Well, I'm going to close the ends.

Unknown_04: And then I'm going to glaze it with milk.

Unknown_20: I don't know. My mom was a bad cook and I always knew that the food was shit. I'm going to leave these big edges on it.

Unknown_04: Because they'll come off with the pie when it's all nice and cooked.

Unknown_04: So I'm going to glaze it with egg.

Unknown_04: And then it's going in the oven. I'm going to check it because it says 20 minutes. On one of the things to do it says 20 minutes. and other one says 30 minutes so I'm going to check it after 20 minutes and we'll see how it's gone.

Unknown_04: As you can see it's done and pastry is broken. I'm going to cut a bit off for later try.

Unknown_04: Do you know

Unknown_04: That's why I never put a top and a bottom on a pastry.

Unknown_20: What the fuck is that?

Unknown_04: Lee's gonna do the taste test.

Unknown_20: Oh, God. I think I might put a bit of gravy on that after.

Unknown_04: It's a bit dry. Lee! Lee! It's a bit dry, even though I put a lot of stuff in.

Unknown_19: Lee!

Unknown_19: Come on.

Unknown_04: Get a big piece of meat. I'm sorry, Eric. I should've ch- It's like burning.

Unknown_19: Chopped him up. Yeah, it's like burning. It's tough.

Unknown_03: Is it? It shouldn't be.

Unknown_19: Oh! He hates it! He hates it!

Unknown_04: But then again, steak is tough. Yell at him!

Unknown_19: Yell at him! Yell at him!

Unknown_19: Come on!

Unknown_19: get yelled at you fat faggot. Everything is nice, pastry is just nice.

Unknown_39: Now you can lie all you fucking want motherfucker.

Unknown_39: Yeah, right.

Unknown_39: Um, steak is tough. He back talked. Sure, but.

Unknown_04: But at it's time, you saw that.

Unknown_39: Yeah, but that, that is steak, it's just, he's actually tough and sure. But apart from that, cause I'm not really a big

Unknown_39: Yes! Yes! Yes! I can't believe that.

Unknown_19: I can't believe that.

Unknown_04: Oh that's funny.

Unknown_04: I can't believe that. That fucking little faggot does not come out for us more often than not. If you want to leave a comment, please feel free. I'm always getting told I'm rushing the ending bit. Sorry. I just get used to it. And then if you haven't subscribed to the new subscribers who tell me that they've just subscribed.

Unknown_04: Hiya! So, if you want to subscribe, please subscribe, get everybody subscribing, get yourself subscribing. Thank you, bye!

Unknown_20: That was crazy. I was not expecting that one to come out on top. All right. Somebody really wants to... We'll save this. We'll put this aside.

Unknown_20: But somebody wanted to watch her son's videos. So we'll take a detour.

Unknown_20: And we'll look at that real quick. Just real quick. Just as a final thing.

Unknown_20: Before I head off for the night. Because I am a sleepy boy. I need to wind down.

Unknown_20: Let's go ahead and look at, let me do a poll, because there's three different channels, right?

Unknown_20: Actually, you know what? There's only two, because we've already looked at the singing one before.

Unknown_20: Where's my

Unknown_20: Which channel? Big Man Lee's Gaming or Big Man Lee?

Unknown_20: I think that's just it. OK, that's it. That's it. All right, vote.

Unknown_20: Vote. I'm gonna see. I betcha... I'm not gonna tilt the results by giving my thoughts. But I did vote. I participated in the democratic process.

Unknown_20: Oh, somebody sent me this.

Unknown_20: Oh, that's so fucking gay.

Unknown_20: That's so fucking sad. Proton, Magical Girl, Proto Z, Zim, Zur, Alexis, It, It's, She, Her. Fuck you. How embarrassing. I can't believe somebody would actually... That's... That's so fucking sad.

Unknown_43: Oh, jeez.

Unknown_20: Alright, I think we're gonna have to call it for Big Man Lee. I don't think Big Man Lee's gaming has a chance anymore.

Unknown_20: Let's see, was that on... That must be Christmas Day. Let's watch the Christmas video then. We'll watch this through.

Unknown_44: Christmas!

Unknown_39: If you haven't already realised, which you probably have, it's Christmas already. It's Christmas day, and I just wanna say, you know, beginning of this video, I've enjoyed vlogging this. I really have. I know the vlogs have been a bit behind, like a day late, but

Unknown_39: that's as it is you know a lot of vloggers are a day behind so yeah but i just want to say a big thank you i have enjoyed vlogmas so much it possibly being the best vlogmas you know out there but i have really enjoyed it i just want to say you know i just want to say a big thank you i really do because i've enjoyed it will it be a regular thing after vlogmas if i daily vlog

Unknown_39: Might be. I don't know yet, we'll just have to wait and find out. I do not look like Lee, fuck you.

Unknown_19: Cocksucking motherfucker.

Unknown_39: Ew, he does have a boogie!

Unknown_20: That's so- ew! He does have a boogie!

Unknown_39: Oh no!

Unknown_39: Hold up. My mom just opened the Christmas cracker, so go on mom.

Unknown_20: Wait, is it gone?

Unknown_39: Okay, it is gone.

Unknown_05: Why don't you see penguins in Britain?

Unknown_39: Why?

Unknown_05: Because they're afraid of whales.

Unknown_20: He has like moles all over his body.

Unknown_39: But not really at all, but yeah.

Unknown_05: What did the snowman eat for breakfast?

Unknown_39: Carrot, I don't know. Snowflakes.

Unknown_20: Wait, is it just them?

Unknown_20: They have no family or whatever?

Unknown_39: Right, since I haven't really vlogged much, I only vlog like when I got up,

Unknown_39: When I was having my dinner. I don't know if I was having my dinner or not. I can't remember. I don't think I was but anyway.

Unknown_39: I just want you guys to let me know what's your best bit about Christmas.

Unknown_39: I've asked my mum and she said her best bit is you know just relaxing after the Christmas meal. Listening to Christmas songs. You know just like the normal stuff.

Unknown_39: I think mine is just like seeing all the like Christmas lights, you know. What's your favorite part of Christmas? And that lot. That's what I think, you know. is one of my best bits about Christmas, just everyone being jolly. Because, I mean, like, in like normal days, you see someone.

Unknown_20: I should start a vlog. Maybe one day.

Unknown_39: Oh, Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Happy New Year as well. You know, it's like that.

Unknown_39: So, that's my best bit about Christmas. You know, it's like, it seems like everyone gets along better around about Christmas time.

Unknown_39: He's got a Patreon.

Unknown_20: He's got two supporters on Patreon. Wait, he's 30?

Unknown_39: He didn't look 30. I'm trying to decide what I like about Christmas.

Unknown_20: I do like the cold weather. I love cold weather. Oh, look at that fat fucking greyhound wobbling along.

Unknown_39: No!

Unknown_20: Here's your supper pal. I don't know if you guys will be actually interested in this.

Unknown_39: I know it's been a while. But I don't know if I showed you all the trimmings and lights and how they were put up.

Unknown_39: Um, obviously I can't afford it with Christmas, because this is like the Christmas vlog. I thought I'd show you them, even though I haven't really, even though the decorations... Save the dog. But I don't think I showed you them all. I don't know if it is, so I thought I'd show you them now. There's some tin-fill.

Unknown_39: Tin-fill? There you go. I hope that's what it's called, man. Also, that goes down there, all the way up there.

Unknown_00: Back up so we can see the fucking living room, dude.

Unknown_39: And I just think they look so much better at night. See if I can get them all in.

Unknown_39: I think... I've noticed lots of girls like to hang Christmas lights all over their bedrooms.

Unknown_20: So that they can have like a soft light at night.

Unknown_39: It's a very girly thing to do. Right, that was the dining room. Now it's time to show you the hallway. Obviously there's some tinsel there going like...

Unknown_39: That all the way down.

Unknown_19: Oh tinsel not tinfoil. Sorry. I'm sleepy.

Unknown_20: Okay, that's my excuse Horse like it. Yes cam whores love to put that shit in the back. Oh

Unknown_39: And obviously some trimmings, you know, that lot on the ceiling.

Unknown_39: And some more tinsel on the pictures as you go upstairs. And then there's all these blue lights coming all the way down here. Blue's a mad choice for Christmas. And then there's also these lights around the door.

Unknown_39: Don't they have family?

Unknown_39: And then there's these three pictures with a bit of tinsel on.

Unknown_39: And there's some lights there as well. I don't know if I showed you actually these but we've also got these as well. Two Christmas trees and a star.

Unknown_39: And that is one of the snowmen.

Unknown_39: And that is the other snowman.

Unknown_39: And now you have seen all the Christmas decorations we have got up.

Unknown_20: The blue lights are so strange. That is all the lights, all the decorations. I like it though, kind of.

Unknown_39: Everything is up.

Unknown_20: Is Lee retarded? I think he's autistic. Just saying.

Unknown_39: Oh, there's one thing I forgot to show you actually. And obviously for some reason the camera don't want to focus but we've got some bells here that go all the way down there obviously. And we've also got some Santa's lights which, well, we've put them up so it looks like he's climbing up. And yeah, and that's it.

Unknown_39: and that is all the christmas decorations all the christmas lights that we've got inside so yeah really you know i hope you have enjoyed me showing you all these is that it yeah that's mostly it oh no right guys i thought i'd end this vlog a bit different i just want to say a big thank you for you know and all the views i've been getting and all the subscribers i've been getting while i've been doing vlogmas honestly you know as you know if you've been here for a while my vlogs are all the same and a lot of them are you know well they are boring you know i'm not gonna admit that i'm not gonna admit that i will admit that but

Unknown_39: I just want to say like a big thank you you know I've enjoyed vlogging this and like I said before am I going to vlog like a regular thing I mean like am I going to do a daily vlog like a regular thing I don't know I might do I might not do some weeks I might want to try it some weeks I might not want to try it but I just want to say a big thank you for you know sticking with me through this vlogmas I feel really bad now yeah and that's it and I know vlogmas is supposed to end on the 25th of December but I'm going to vlogboxing day yeah I thought might as well

Unknown_39: So I am vlogging tomorrow.

Unknown_20: This was published on the 27th.

Unknown_39: So I will see you tomorrow. Good night.

Unknown_20: Look, this is how sad it is. He's all thankful for his views and shit, but look at the comments. He didn't show us what you bought your mother. He didn't show... He made the...

Unknown_20: You didn't show us what you bought Kay. And his entire vlog, like for the last time, was about what he bought her. You didn't show us what you got for Christmas. You didn't show us the Christmas dinner. You showed us lights and trimmings for the last 10 of the vlogs and you've done it again. A Christmas vlog where you don't show gift giving or the dinner, that's like the most basic components of a Christmas vlog. Honestly, just give up now. These are terrible.

Unknown_20: Your mom's gonna have a huge electrics bill this month.

Unknown_20: Here's your dislike, pal. Day 25, you're two days late, pal. What did you get for Christmas?

Unknown_43: That's sad. They're like commenting like...

Unknown_20: Like, Tanya posted this, like, on Christmas Day. Oh, that's sad.

Unknown_20: Oh man, what a terrible way to end the stream. I feel bad.

Unknown_20: Well, I mean, fuck, I don't have anything else to say.

Unknown_20: I guess thanks for watching amateur games, or I keep saying amateur games, awesome games. Like the video for them. Hold up, I will do that. I have to take a, you know, I can't do it on my Firefox, but I'll give it a big thumbs up on my Kiwi Farms account. I'll make this my only liked video.

Unknown_20: Big thumbs up and I'll show you I'll show you the receipts Okay I'll show you I show you that I've done it Thumbs up that PNG drop that into OBS and I'll show you even more hold up

Unknown_43: Can you view my like videos as a guest? I don't think you can.

Unknown_43: No, you can't. Okay. Oh, there you go.

Unknown_20: That's my that's my receipt. I gave him the big old thumbs up a night-night thumbs up All right Well, that is the stream. Thank you for watching with me. I appreciate it. I hope you guys enjoyed We had a weird format today because it was me talking with people about random shit while very very boring Gameplay happened in the background Which culminated in me randomly showing up on the dick show. It's weird, it's like if you just stream, weird shit happens. You don't plan for it, but it happens. It seems to be like a... It seems to be, like, isn't there a thing for it? Like, with streamer's luck. Or whatever. Whatever. Um, yeah, thanks for watching. I, again, I'm streaming formally on noon on Wednesday, Eastern Standard Time. And I have a special song picked out.

Unknown_20: And I'll see you when I see you.

Unknown_43: Where the fuck did it go?

Unknown_43: I downloaded this. I know I have it.

Unknown_20: There it is. Alright, I'll see you on Wednesday with the latest. I'm I don't know.

Unknown_00: Bye!