0:00:08 Unknown_18: Well, you made me weep, and you made me moan Well, you caused me to leave, child, my happy home But someday, baby, you ain't worry my life anymore 0:01:44 Unknown_10: I guess I do have to add the new hamster, don't I? Unknown_21: I like it. Look at this fucking thing. This is the cutest fucking thing on the planet. It fits right in. I might need to shrink it down just a little bit. But other than that, it's perfect. Unknown_21: it even shakes his butt like it's like it's like a combination it's like a combination of the roll and like the hamster shaking his butt and i know it's my bedtime it's 11 p.m i'm gonna relax it's been a fucking stressful fucking week i'm gonna drink a little bit and i'm gonna watch we're gonna watch i don't know 0:02:36 Unknown_21: That is rough alcohol. Unknown_21: That is like, that's like cheap stuff. Unknown_21: It's alright though, it's not too bad. I'm partial to the Kazatsu Karate. That's still better. That's a quality fucking vodka. Unknown_21: From that good old cartoon, nigga that's Hamtaro. How the fuck do you not know what Hamtaro is? 0:03:09 Unknown_21: Alright Josh give you a hundred how the fuck is your internet bill 147 dollars. Are you kidding me? Unknown_21: What the fuck do you have like a gigabit per second line I Unknown_21: Couldn't nap. No, no, no. That ended... That stream ended... I just needed a break, because we've been talking about KittyStyle for so long. I didn't cover anything that I wanted to, though. I got distracted by KittyStyle molesting his sister. I couldn't fucking... I didn't get a chance to talk about fucking Onision or anything else. Unknown_21: What's this? What are you sending me? 0:03:47 Unknown_21: Oh my god! Look at this! Ha ha ha ha ha! Unknown_21: Is this a link or is this a... Yeah, no, wait, that's a link. Why the fuck didn't it save the image properly? There we go. Look at this. Unknown_21: I'm going to end up with so many different hamster gifs by the end of this. Unknown_21: I just need to change my theme song to fucking Hamtaro. Unknown_02: Hulu is interested. Unknown_21: Blessed. 0:04:19 Unknown_21: There we go. Unknown_21: All right. Here, let me kill the mood. Let me kill the fun hamster mood. Hamster bathing in shekels. Unknown_02: Here, I want to make sure everybody is miserable. Unknown_21: I'm going to read this aloud. Get ready. Police investigate sexual assault allegations after a woman in vegetative state gives birth. 0:04:53 Unknown_21: The police in Phoenix have opened an investigation into allegations that a woman in a vegetative state at a private nursing facility was sexually assaulted and gave birth to a child last month. Unknown_21: There was a specific... It was in the headline of the tweet I saw. Unknown_21: But from what I remember, the person in the vegetative state, the woman, was, uh... Unknown_21: She had been comatose for 10 years. Unknown_21: So she's been out for a long-ass fucking time, and she just now had a kid. So... That's not good. And that's in Phoenix, Arizona, so I can't, like... I don't know. I guess Phoenix is a pretty liberal state. I was gonna say, I can't be political about it. 0:05:34 Unknown_21: I can't say, like... Like, uh... Yeah, I'll post the link to it so you can look at it yourselves in chat. It's like, I can't make a joke about it being, like, New York City or something. It's Phoenix. 10 years is a long time not to get any dick. Unknown_21: I don't know. You should be wearing a condom. Unknown_21: I'm going to put it out there. If you're going to have sex with a comatose woman, you should wear a condom. Unknown_21: How mad would you be if you woke up after 10 years of being in a coma and had to take care of a kid? 0:06:09 Unknown_21: God, I don't know. I'd probably put it up for fucking adoption. Unknown_21: Somebody asked, is the baby okay? Unknown_02: Mr. Leibowitz, related to John Leibowitz, former host of The Daily Show. Unknown_21: Let's see. 74 patient beds. Unknown_02: Is the baby happy? Huh. 0:06:44 Unknown_02: Doesn't mention anything about the health of the child, which is strange. Unknown_21: You'd think that would be the really important bit. The New York Times article on this was fucking garbage. Because the other one, the tweets mentioned that it had been 10 years. Here, let me pull this up. Unknown_21: Twitter moments, and we'll go through that. Unknown_21: Hurry up, Twitter. Unknown_02: For more than a decade. God, that's creepy. She can't be an attractive person. She's invigilative. 0:07:20 Unknown_02: What? Unknown_22: They didn't even know that she was pregnant until she started giving birth? How the fuck do you not recognize that a fucking potato has doubled in size? How the fuck? Unknown_22: Like, they literally did not notice that she was pregnant until she started... That's fucking ridiculous. Unknown_21: Shockingly giving birth after being in the vegetative state for more than a decade. None of the staff were aware that she was pregnant until she was giving birth. That is fucking preposterous. 0:07:53 Unknown_21: Hacienda Healthcare. Fuck off with that. Unknown_21: Some fucking Mexican healthcare in Arizona. Unknown_21: The baby was healthy, so there you go. The fucking Daily News beat the shit out of the New York Times. Unknown_21: Mentioned how long they've been comatose and how the baby was after birth. 0:08:25 Unknown_21: After the unexpected birth, the healthcare facility is requiring all male staff to have a female employee accompany them while visiting a female patient's room. That is fucking ridiculous. Unknown_21: Baby with no mother can't be mentally healthy? Well, the baby's going to grow up with neither. The mother's going to... Like, can you imagine? They better... I guess they're probably... Unknown_21: They're either going to give it to, like, grandparents or they're not going to say anything. Because can you imagine telling a kid as, like, an adoptive mother that, like, oh, your real mother was comatose. She never got to know you because she was a potato when she gave birth to you because you're a rape baby. Like, can you fucking imagine? 0:09:06 Unknown_21: Why don't they do a DNA test? They probably are. They're probably going to take DNA samples from every male employee at the facility and do paternity tests. And that's how they're going to find it. And that guy's going to go to jail for like 15 fucking years because he's a rapist. Unknown_02: Yeah. Unknown_02: Oh yeah, no. Unknown_21: You need early interactions with your mother and shit. There's no way. The kid's fucked. The kid's fucked for life already. And he's not even like 14 years that is preposterous they're not saying it's a sex crime but an incapacitated woman cannot what the fuck how do you not how do you not call it a sex crime what other kind of fucking crime is it like a mishandling of biological material are you fucking kidding me 0:09:38 Unknown_21: What if the vegetable consents? It depends on the potato. It really depends on the potato, doesn't it? Please don't put me in any fucking news articles about that shit. Free pussy for incels. We need to start putting incels in assisted living facilities so that they can take out their frustrations on incapacitated potato women. Unknown_21: race of perp that's a good fucking question and I guarantee you they're not going to tell it because they don't know they don't know yet they're going to have to do a DNA test and that takes a while do potatoes have rights no she's just food we're going to get to that we're probably going to watch some more of Kay's cooking after a bit 0:10:53 Unknown_21: Because I still have that bingo card. Let me pull that up. I'm going to set this aside for later on. We're going to get busy with this. Unknown_21: This is my... I updated it in the last stream. This is the formal bingo card that we're going to be using. We're definitely going to watch some more Kayla. It's a lot of fun playing bingo, watching her shit. Unknown_21: I'm stealing SPCC's airtime. Unknown_21: I don't know. I don't know if people, like, I don't know what the crawl server is. You can watch whatever you want. 0:11:25 Unknown_02: Feed stream. Unknown_21: No, the metal t-shirt is not a free mark. But I'll tell you what might be redundant. We'll look at this again. I have a thing for wearing a metal t-shirt and for visibly wearing a bra. And for wearing no bra. And I've noticed that if she doesn't wear a metal t-shirt, she is definitely wearing a bra. So those two cards are linked perfectly. 0:11:59 Unknown_02: She does not wear one every video. We saw a bunch where she wasn't wearing a metal t-shirt. Unknown_02: Oh, sorry, if you're just tuning in, if you're late and you're just tuning in, I was reading an article about how a woman in a vegetative state for almost 15 years gave birth to a child at Hacienda Medical Care in Phoenix, Arizona. Unknown_21: So you can rest assured knowing that they're probably Hispanic. The baby is probably Hispanic-looking. Unknown_21: Give us your number and SPCC can give you a call. 0:12:34 Unknown_02: Yeah, one sec. Unknown_02: Where the fuck is my number at? Unknown_21: Here. All right, hold up. I've never done that before, but I'll give you my phone number that I give out on forums and shit. Unknown_21: It should go right to my computer. Unknown_21: Settings so I've never watched that guy streams so Damn There you go. Try calling that if you want to I I Have been getting calls. Why do I have messages? I? 0:13:10 Unknown_21: Dude, this fucking guy, he constantly, like, every day, he's messaging me. Unknown_21: Like, he's, like, found my phone number and shit and is sending me text messages and is calling me from fucking Russia asking me to delete shit from my site. And it's like, I'm not going to fucking delete shit from my site. Fuck off. Unknown_02: It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous, I say. 0:13:48 Unknown_02: How do you allegedly give birth? Unknown_21: I guess... Allegedly gives birth. Unknown_21: That's a good catch. You either give birth or you fucking don't give birth. It's kind of hard to allegedly give birth to something. Josh, why did you impregnate that woman? Unknown_21: I was having a sexual emergency. You understand how it is. She wasn't wearing her burka in the hospital. I couldn't resist. 0:14:20 Unknown_02: Ah. Are we playing KB? No, yes we are. Uh, let's see. Unknown_02: There's something else. Unknown_21: Oh, an update on the, uh, the wing situation, by the way. I'm still, like, the comments on my channel are getting super nasty now. Because people are mad that Liquid Richard is gone. Unknown_21: And, uh... 0:14:51 Unknown_21: They've like the actual admins and shit have retreated into like a separate discord server to hide from the main discord server that people can access So they're like really crazy fucking paranoid Unknown_21: Do you put burkas on comatose women in Saudi Arabia and shit? No. Unknown_21: But only women are allowed to take care of other women in hospitals and shit. Except for doctors. Presumably doctors can be men, I would imagine. But usually any kind of caregiver is a woman, specifically for that. Unknown_21: He's gone? I mean... 0:15:34 Unknown_21: Liquid Richard is just gone. I think that's what you're referring to. They've deleted a lot of shit. Unknown_21: Godspeed and Aroxa were in the wings trolling discord. Yeah, that probably explains why they're so fucking mad, dude. Like, those people in there are super fucking pissed. Unknown_21: Dude, Liquid Richard has deleted everything. I'll pull that up. Hold up. Unknown_21: Like, I'll pull up one of their songs. Unknown_21: And go to that. 0:16:07 Unknown_21: Check that out. Hopefully that's going to load. Unknown_21: Yeah. Unknown_21: Unavailable because the uploader has closed their YouTube account. Their Twitter account's gone and everything. Unknown_02: Hello? Unknown_02: Hello? Unknown_17: Hello? Unknown_21: Hi. Unknown_17: What's up, man? Unknown_21: Nothing much. What's up? Unknown_17: Man, we're really going toe-to-toe for that $150. Motherfucker, I am buying new monitors. 0:16:41 Unknown_21: Yield. I need the money for borscht and vodka and monitors. You better fucking yield. Unknown_17: No, man, I need a new vape pen over here. Unknown_21: You'll get that fucking vape pen over my dead body. I need it. Unknown_17: Well, how many pictures of fat people are you going to show? I mean, how many are you going to take? Unknown_21: How many? Dude, I have gigabytes of fat women. This is fucking over for you. I can show people fat people for 12 hours. 0:17:13 Unknown_17: I know, I know. I'm just one retard, though. That's all I'm trying to say, man. Unknown_21: Well, you're up against a mountain of fat, and you can't climb that mountain. Unknown_17: Yeah, but now you're running on my schedule, Josh. Unknown_21: Well, let's see. There is, like, two and a half hours until UTC midnight, and that's when it closes. So you forced my hand, because if I don't get that $150, like, I got shipping. I got to move hardware across a fucking ocean and shit. You don't understand. 0:17:53 Unknown_17: What are you, some kind of industrial, like, mega wizard or something? Unknown_21: Uh, basically. Unknown_17: What are you talking about? You, like, operate a shipping container? A freight ship or something? No, I had to move a computer from the U.S. Unknown_21: to fucking Russia. That's expensive. Just buy one over there. It's a $2,000 computer. It's less expensive to just ship it. Unknown_17: Well, maybe you just bought it in parts. You know, just bought it in individual parts from, like, Google and Newegg and things. 0:18:27 Unknown_21: But then I'd have to beat you, like, multiple weeks to cover the expenses of buying it in parts. And that's a pain in the ass. Unknown_17: I'm streaming from Optiplex, so what's your problem? Unknown_21: From what? Unknown_17: Adele Optiplex. Unknown_21: I do a lot of shit, alright? I can't even play Battlefield on this laptop, alright? It fucking overheats. Listen, let me explain. Look, listen. I was fucking trying to play Battlefield, right? And my laptop overheated, right? And it's fucking Russia. It's fucking cold as shit. It's January in goddamn Russia. So you know what I do? I cut off the fucking radiators. And I opened the windows and I put on a parka so that I'm nice and comfy while my computer is getting blown off and fucking cooled by the natural air. And it's still not getting 60 frames per second. The sacrifices I have to make because you're cutting into my expendable cash is just the one week. I need the money. You don't understand. It's Christmas. Why don't you just move back? 0:19:03 Unknown_17: Just move back, man. Unknown_21: Well, then I'd have to fucking buy a plane ticket and move back. It's a preposterous suggestion. 0:19:38 Unknown_17: Why don't you just stay at the call center? I'll put you up for a week. Unknown_21: What, in the SBCC? I don't know. That involves working for the SBCC. Unknown_17: You don't have to work here. You might have to clean up a couple of ficus plants. It's a tempting offer. Unknown_21: I could just stream an extra two hours a day and not have to. Unknown_17: You could. Maybe. Unknown_17: I mean, I don't know. What are you planning? What do you got going on over there? Unknown_21: A lot. 0:20:10 Unknown_21: A lot of terror. Unknown_17: I'm giving you an opportunity to advertise. Unknown_21: Well, it's something I can advertise on stream, of course. I have my hands in many pockets. I'm sure you understand. That sounds very Jewish. Unknown_21: Don't ask too many questions, Goyim. You might not like what you hear. I don't think you're liking what you're hearing right now. Unknown_21: What do you mean? Oh, I don't like you. See, now you've got your fucking hands in my pockets trying to take my hunnid fitty. I can't allow that. That's Jewish. That right there is fucking Jewish. 0:20:45 Unknown_17: No, this is stream.me's pockets, okay? Unknown_21: That's true. It's probably Keemstar's pockets. That's the rumor. Unknown_17: That Keemstar runs the site? Unknown_21: Yes. Unknown_17: How about this? How about we just split it? I'll take 80, and then you can take 70. Unknown_21: That's a good deal. That's a good deal. Unknown_17: Yeah, I think that's fair. What do you think? I take 70. You just turn it off. Just turn off the stream. Just turn it off. I'll take 80. You'll take 70. 0:21:16 Unknown_21: Then I'm going to be bored for the next 40 minutes. I have pinned into my schedule and my action item itinerary to be watching fat people eat today. Unknown_17: But it's late over there. Just go to bed. It's nighttime over there. My bedtime is at midnight, though. Unknown_21: It's not midnight. Unknown_17: Just go to bed. It's probably illegal to be online over there right now anyway. Unknown_21: Not if you have a VPN. It's okay. 0:21:48 Unknown_17: Yeah. Well, you have an American phone number, right? Unknown_21: I have a Google Voice number. Unknown_17: Yeah. So what do you say? Just shut it down. Just shut the whole thing down. Just shut it down. Shut it down. Shut it down. See, you're trying to call me Jewish, motherfucker. Unknown_21: You're telling me to shut it down. Yeah, shut it down. Unknown_17: And then we can... And you'll take that, you know? Unknown_06: I can't. I can't. I can't do that. The people... The people need... I'm just running soul here from Adele Optiplex in my bathroom. 0:22:24 Unknown_21: In your bathroom? Is that why it echoes? Unknown_17: Yeah, that's why it... It's best acoustics in here, you know? Unknown_21: I don't know, man. I can split the money, but the people demand that women eating. Unknown_21: Look, I've pulled out the graphs. I've done some interviews with people. I have my focus groups and focus tested the men and women of the age group I target want Fat women making substandard food and then eating it and trying to force a smile. 0:22:56 Unknown_17: So you're saying that they're not dominant, they're subs? Unknown_21: No, no, of course they're dominant. They're asserting themselves Irver subs. Irver the fat woman making the hamburger helpership. Unknown_17: Who's Irv? What are you talking about? Unknown_21: Irv? Unknown_21: Hey, hey now, it's my autistic slur. Now you're just cyberbullying me. This is abuse. I have ADHD. I can't be held responsible for my Irv-ers. 0:23:33 Unknown_17: I celebrate all sorts of autisimal gatherings and everything, so I understand what you're going through. Unknown_21: Is your best friend autistic? Is that what you're saying? Unknown_17: No, I don't need to worry about that. I'm black. Unknown_04: I don't know. Unknown_17: Next week we can have a different arrangement, but I got things to do this week too. I'm not buying monitors. I'm buying more important things than that. Unknown_20: Like bait pins? Unknown_17: I don't think bait pins qualify as a need. 0:24:06 Unknown_21: Monitors are a need. I need my monitors. Unknown_17: Listen, it's broken. Unknown_17: I'm trying to buy a gong. I'm trying to buy all sorts of things over here. Unknown_21: Your gong and your vape pen work just fine. I don't see the problem. Unknown_21: My monitor has a little black dot dead fucking center in it that I can't get rid of no matter what. I don't know where the fuck it came from, but it's dead center in the fucking screen. This dead ass pixel. It bugs the shit out of me. How do you have no mercy? 0:24:40 Unknown_17: What's your problem with black pixels? You got a problem with black pixels? It's very discriminatory. Unknown_21: Like, the rest of my pixels work just fine. They're integrated members of my monitor, but the black pixels in the dead center don't fucking do shit. They don't light up at all. But just resize your window. Unknown_17: Just resize it to the right side of the screen, and you won't have to worry about it. Just put a piece of tape over it. You won't see it. Unknown_21: But then they'll get offended. They'll notice that I'm moving my shit around on my monitor to fucking avoid the black pixels. And they're going to get fucking mad at me. And it's like, well, if you want it to work, just fine. Nobody would care. But now I have to accommodate you, and you're going to call it out as being fucking, like, no. That's just causing more problems. 0:25:13 Unknown_17: This changed the resolution. Let's make it real, real big. Unknown_21: But I'll still see the fucking... They'll still be there. They'll still be there. I'll have to look at them. Unknown_17: Then wear sunglasses. 0:25:49 Unknown_21: Inside? At fucking 11.30? Hey, you'll be cooler. Unknown_17: You'll cancel out the autism a little bit. Unknown_21: I don't know. I think people will still notice me saying Erber. Look, I can say it right if I really want to. Unknown_17: Oh, I'm saving up for a pair of Ray-Bans. I can send them to you, though. If I get this $150, I can send you these Ray-Bans, and then you can wear them inside. You won't have that problem anymore with your black pixels. Unknown_21: You could just buy a new monitor, though. Unknown_17: Nah, I don't think you do. Just stop the stream, Josh. Just shut it off. 0:26:20 Unknown_21: No, I'm not going to shut it down. You can't make me. This is a free country. Technically, the legal entity that I operate under is in the United States, which is a free country. Unknown_17: I don't know. I'm actually in the United States, though. Unknown_21: Well, so is my corporate identity. Unknown_21: The LLC that this phone number belongs to, it's a free country, so I get to say that. Unknown_17: You're talking about your sexual identity, Josh? I mean, I'm not really interested in that, but if you think it helps your case, you're allowed to say so. 0:26:54 Unknown_21: No, no, no. You're misrepresenting the facts of the case, Mr. SBC worker. Unknown_17: You're a free beneficiary. Unknown_21: What's that? Unknown_17: You're being prejudiciary. Unknown_21: Prejudiciary? You are ignoring the personhood of my corporate identity. And you're basically, you know, you're just, you're, what the fuck is the word? Unknown_04: What? Unknown_17: What do you mean? Unknown_17: What word? 0:27:25 Unknown_21: Erasure. You're erasing my corporate identities. It's very offensive. Unknown_17: Well, I don't believe in it, though. I have a whole different religious belief system that doesn't really work with that. It kind of counteracts it. Unknown_21: You're allowed to believe whatever you want, but in the United States, corporations are people. And my corporation is in Wyoming, and Wyoming is the freest state of the freest country. So therefore, it is a free country. 0:27:56 Unknown_17: Well, you haven't been to American Samoa, then. Unknown_21: I have not. I don't know what's there. What's in American Samoa? Unknown_17: Maybe you should move there right now. Just pack it up. Just put your computer in a box and just get on a boat. And just shut down the stream, too. Before you leave, make sure you shut off the stream. Unknown_21: It would cost more money. I don't even know where the fuck American Samoa is. Is that in the Caribbean or is it by Guam? Where the fuck is this? Unknown_17: That's an idea for your next stream next week. You can bring up a map and you can find out where places are. 0:28:31 Unknown_21: motherfucker. I'll bring... I got fucking internet right now. I'll fucking bring it up. I'll figure out where goddamn American Samoa is. I just clicked on the link that says Zabaragina, and now I can find it. Okay. Unknown_17: Yeah, keep looking. Maybe you can find a place on Trulia. Maybe bring up Zillow as well. Unknown_21: It's very pretty. Unknown_17: Yeah, it's a wonderful place. Maybe you should just get on the boat right now. Just book a ticket. You know, you could take the I'll give you 70 and I'll take 80. But then we loop back to the original issue that the people demand feeding. 0:29:02 Unknown_21: They demand to be fed. Unknown_17: I think you're imposing it upon them. Unknown_21: I think they're demanding. I'll interact with Chad a little bit. I'll add a poll and we'll figure this one out and we'll get some points in the process. Unknown_17: What's the poll? Can I enter an option? I'll knock off five bucks, that way you can get, you know, I'll take 90 and you'll take 60. Here, yeah, okay, what's your option? Unknown_21: The question is, do you want feeding porn? Answers will be yes, no, or what? What's your input on this? It's yes, no. 0:29:43 Unknown_17: Yes, no, and shut it down, maybe? Or perhaps my son fucked a ficus? I don't know. But either way, it's not going to happen because you're going to turn off the stream. The only poll that's going to be happening is while your stream is off. So you can do next stream. Unknown_21: Don't worry. I got the poll up. I got the poll up right now. Unknown_17: How about this? How about this, Josh? For your poll, you should have a time for next stream and a bunch of options because it's not happening today. Just turn it off. 0:30:16 Unknown_21: I see yes in the lead. Shut it down less than half the votes with my son fucked a ficus in a close second. Unknown_21: I mean, the people want feeding porn. That's just how it is. I think they want ficus porn. Don't shoot the messenger. People want their feeding porn. It's okay. Again, it's a free country. People can look at their feeding porn all they want. Unknown_17: You're pushing it through a biased source, though. I'm trying to have a neutralized, vaporized source. 0:30:47 Unknown_21: I think you can get vape pens for less than $150. I don't know. I don't smoke the fag fluid, but I think that's excessive. Unknown_17: I'll get a Kiwi Farms engraved logo on it. You want to do that? Unknown_17: That way we'll call it good. Unknown_21: It's a pretty tempting offer, actually. But you don't stream with a webcam, so nobody can see you smoke from your Kiwi Farms vape pen. 0:31:27 Unknown_17: But they know it. They can tell it when they hear it. They know it when they see it, and they see it when they know it, you know? Unknown_21: See, people are already, like, there's a revolution in the chat. People are violently revolting and demanding that the call in, let's call in, and we can return to our feeding porn. Like, that's what's happening. Like, this guy, his name is Sex Zwo, and he's saying fat woman just repeatedly. He's just flooding the chat with fat. 0:31:58 Unknown_17: I've been to Walmart before, Josh. Have you been to a Walmart? I've seen it all before. Unknown_21: I've been to a Walmart. Yes. Unknown_17: Not in Russia. They don't have them out there. Unknown_21: No, no, no. Back when I was in the U.S., once upon a time, I did go to a Walmart, actually. Unknown_17: Yeah, well, since you left, you know, they have these stores now. They're called Walmart. They're called Costco. They're called, you know, Sam's Club. They sell real big food. Unknown_21: Yeah. Unknown_17: So you might not have seen it. So maybe you just get on a boat, just go to American Samoa, and then I'll kick you $60 for it. 0:32:32 Unknown_21: Is there a fucking Walmart in American Samoa? I'm going to look this up, actually. Unknown_17: There's got to be. Let me look it up, too. Don't go anywhere, okay? Unknown_21: Okay. Unknown_17: I'm trying to look it up. I'm going to look it up. Unknown_21: No, this is a postcard. There are no Walmarts in American Samoa. Unknown_03: Big Red, you don't have a life. Why don't you do something with yourself? 0:33:07 Unknown_18: what what was that you're muted i can't hear you i just heard a very angry black woman at the end of the call did he hang up am i by myself in my thoughts now i think that i think that's the case he is never going to hang up josh and get out of this Unknown_21: No, I think he hung up. I think he played a clip of a black woman being very displeased with me and then hung up. I see how it is. Unknown_21: All right. Unknown_21: All right. Unknown_21: I will not keep my ravenous audience waiting. Unknown_21: We're going to go back to Kay. Unknown_02: Kay is the only person who can... 0:34:04 Unknown_02: Ah, yeah. There we go. Unknown_21: Look, if you're here for the call now, SBCC, I hung up because he wasn't talking. Unknown_21: I just heard the black woman. Unknown_21: I apologize if I hung up. Unknown_21: He patched you to big red. They immediately hung up on me. Unknown_02: Fuck it. Unknown_02: Fuck it. Unknown_02: I need fat people. Unknown_21: Alright, let's pick one at random. Just complete fucking random this time. 0:34:35 Unknown_21: Wait. Unknown_21: Look, do you want to watch fat people eating with me? Unknown_17: Yeah, you hung up on me. Why'd you hang up? Unknown_21: I didn't ha- You weren't saying anything. I just heard a black woman yell at me for not having a life, and then there was silence. I was deafened by the silence. I felt alone for the first time in my life. Unknown_17: Yeah, I think that's a sign, Josh. I think it means you have to turn off the stream. Unknown_21: I don't think so. I think that black woman wanted me to go back to feeding videos. 0:35:06 Unknown_17: I don't know about that. I think she's busy feeding people herself. How about this, Josh? You just shut down the stream, okay? And you give me some numbers. Unknown_21: Some numbers? Unknown_17: Yeah. Unknown_21: Your stream has not lost any viewers. You're still at like 325. Nobody has come over. These are all my people. My feedies. My feedie squad. Unknown_17: Who am I talking to? Nate Silver over here? Unknown_21: No, because my numbers are correct. 0:35:38 Unknown_17: Well, I got an army of 300 retards. Unknown_21: Hey, hey now. They just want to watch you call black people. That's all they want. It's an honest day's work. Unknown_17: I mean, they do like calling black people. You want to talk to a black person? Is that what you're telling me? Unknown_21: I don't know. Unknown_21: I don't know how to do prank calls. I apologize. Unknown_21: I would probably be horribly embarrassing. That might be your tactic, though. Try to patch me in with a black person and then have me embarrass myself by not being funny enough. Unknown_17: Well, I think what you could do instead is just let me do it, and you can just show up. 0:36:13 Unknown_21: Hey, you have your entire channel wide open for the specific purpose of calling black people and making fun of them for their disabilities. Unknown_17: Well, why don't you just kick a couple phone numbers my way? At least, you know, give us something to chew on over here while you're looking at bad people. Unknown_21: I have one. Unknown_17: All right, what you got? Unknown_21: When did I call? Hold up. Hold up, hold up, hold up. Let me find it. Unknown_21: You're going to have to... It's like a bullshit virtual office number. You're going to have to press zero to get patched into somebody. How do you want me to give it to you? Unknown_17: You can just say it out loud. 0:36:57 Unknown_17: Does it matter or is it... Do you just want to... No, it does not matter. Yeah. Unknown_21: It's a virtual office, huh? Yes. It's just bullshit. It forwards you to them as soon as you call. Unknown_21: Okay. Are you ready? Unknown_21: Yeah, I'm ready. 778-278-8933. Ask for Jessica Yaniv. Okay. And who's this guy again? Unknown_21: Uh, very vexatious, litigant, DMCA abuser, Tranny. 0:37:35 Unknown_17: Oh, okay. Yeah, this dude seems cool. Is this your friend? Unknown_21: Very close friend. Okay. Unknown_17: Yeah, so you want to stay on the line, and then you can just shut off your stream, and then we can just keep... We'll see. Unknown_21: If you manage to keep him... Ask for IT stuff. He does IT work. If you can keep him on for more than 10 seconds, I would be impressed. Just kind of faint interest in SEO stuff. Try to mention a KiwiFarm. Say that KiwiFarms has a threat on you, and you need SEO help. 0:38:08 Unknown_17: Okay, hold on. Let's see. I'm going to call him right now. Unknown_17: I'd get it to work. Unknown_20: Will I be able to hear it? Unknown_17: Yeah. Unknown_17: Should. Unknown_17: No. Unknown_17: I don't think it is. I don't think that worked. Unknown_21: What happened? Did they immediately hang up or what? Unknown_17: No, I think it probably didn't pick up because of its silence. When you try to bring in someone else, that means that they didn't pick up. I mean, I don't know. What's the deal with this guy again? 0:38:42 Unknown_21: It should go to... He lives in D.C.? Yeah, British Columbia. It should go to an office. It shouldn't go directly to him unless he closed down the number. Unknown_17: He closed down the number? Is that something that you did? you call somebody one time close down a number seal i know how to do a prank call stream just shut down yours no i i call up and i'm like hey is this jonathan eve and he's like ah it's jessica and then i was like oh hi i run the kiwi farms and then he's like oh have a nice day and immediately hung up immediately well why would you identify yourself as that right away because i was going to talk to him about his fucking dmca shit he sent me 0:39:32 Unknown_17: Are you trying to go legit, I see. Unknown_21: Yeah, yeah. I was trying to have an honest conversation with the guy. I can't be a funny man. I'm not a funny man. I just watch fat people eating. That's all I got. I'm a one-trick pony. You're trying to say I'm this loyalist? Unknown_17: Hello? No, no, no, no. Unknown_21: You just gotta try again. What do you have as the number? Say it back to me. Unknown_17: Hello? I think hello. Are you connected here? Unknown_21: Am I? Yeah. Unknown_21: Can you hear me? Unknown_17: No. I tried calling the number. It didn't connect. You're going to have to hang on. If it sounds like it's going away, just don't do anything because it's going to sound like it's hanging up, but it's not hanging up, okay? All right. 0:40:04 Unknown_21: If I can't hear you, I'll just watch the stream. Unknown_17: Yeah, just watch the stream, and why don't you just donate as well, and then post in the chat. I'll subscribe. Unknown_21: If it's really good, I'll subscribe. I'll gift a subscriber to somebody. Unknown_01: Thank you for calling jy knows it business consulting if you know your party's extension, please enter it now or press eight for the name directory for sales press one for support press to or press zero for the next available representative. 0:40:55 Unknown_00: Thank you for calling jy knows it business consulting if you know your party's extension, please enter it now or press eight for the name directory for sales press one for support press to or press zero for the next available representative. Unknown_00: Thank you for calling jy knows it business consulting if you know your party's extension, please enter it now or press eight for the name directory. Unknown_01: For sales, press 1. For support, press 2. Or press 0 for the next available representative. 0:41:56 Unknown_17: okay well that number didn't work it just disconnected me after i pressed zero it didn't happen oh i still can't hear you we're not done hello i think you have to i think he has to re recall after after uh he does that after uh he does that Unknown_02: okay well i don't know what to do now chat what do i do now because uh you know i need to uh i need this 150 dollars really bad and i think i'm getting through to him so hello please hello 0:43:25 Unknown_21: I don't know, man. I think you can get a vape pen for way cheaper than $150. I don't know, man. You have an entire $225 left. I mean, it's not a bad amount of money. It's just not $375. It sounds good for you. Unknown_17: It sounds good for you. Let the new guy get a chance. Come on, man. Unknown_21: You're not new. You've been around, motherfucker. You've beaten me before. Not on having been on the internet. Unknown_17: I've been on the phone, but not on the internet. It's two different things, Josh. 0:43:57 Unknown_21: No, no, no. You've beaten me in previous weeks. Don't even try. You've got fucking my man, James Patrick Ashanessi, fucking chilling for... How can you not beat me on that alone? Come on now. Unknown_21: You've got help. Unknown_17: Because not everybody can appreciate the level of art that we're doing over here. Unknown_17: It's very highbrow. Unknown_21: I don't know. I wish he could have gotten fucking Jonathan on. That would have been funny. Did he not pick up or what? I don't know what happened. 0:44:28 Unknown_17: I pressed zero and the call disconnected. Unknown_21: His phone must be off or something. That's funny. That's what it seemed like it was. Unknown_17: Is he... Unknown_21: Like, he's really gross. I really fucking wish you had fucking gotten a hold of him, because that would have been funny. Like, me calling him, I'm just fucking deadpan. I'm just like, hey, and then he just hangs up, because he's too chicken shit. He probably thought it was a customer at first, because he was happy to talk to me, and then as soon as I say, like, anything else, he's just gone. Yeah. 0:45:02 Unknown_17: Well, you know what? It's like, some people send me stuff from your... Dream I think who is this war dog guy? Do you have anything? Unknown_21: Wardog will a hundred percent fucking pick up. Unknown_17: I Already called him. I've usually missed that one. Unknown_21: I know In that case Stream and let's go look through my archives and you can find the I don't know You got a hundred people up on me. It's only You got like two hours left to close the six thousand point gap. That's like fucking beat me. I 0:45:36 Unknown_17: You haven't shown the cellulite yet. That's why. You haven't shown the cellulite. Unknown_21: The cellulite? Unknown_17: When you start showing the phone flaps and people are... I was trying. Unknown_21: See, this is you subverting my stream. You're trying to get me to fucking... You can't subvert my stream. No, no, no, because you're doing the call shit. You're fine. I am not showing the fat people, which is what my audience demands. And it is subverting their expectations in a way that is disastrous. 0:46:07 Unknown_17: Yeah, but you got a whole website. But you got a whole website, though, man. I just have a little phone here. Unknown_21: Go open up the fucking site and look at it. I'm not advertising this stream. This is just me and the Feedy Squad. Unknown_17: Yeah, but you have a whole website for Kiwi Farms. I just have a telephone. Unknown_21: Yeah, but here's the thing. The website doesn't make any money. So I basically have to whore myself out to Stream.me to support my full-grown infant son, the Kiwi Farms, which costs me like $1,000 a month. You're not only taking food out of my mouth, you're not only taking food out of my computer's mouth, you're taking money out of the Kiwi Farms' mouth. That's the kind of advanced Jew magic that you're working right now. 0:46:45 Unknown_17: Yeah, that $150 is going to crash the whole site. I'm trying to put my kids through college over here. Unknown_21: I don't believe that. You're spinning me some kind of fucking story. But you're depriving my child, my real child, to actually exist. The Kiwi Farms have that money. Unknown_17: Well, they're not children because they're adults now. They're in college. 0:47:27 Unknown_21: No, no, no. I don't believe that. Unknown_21: If they are, the niggas can deliver pizza or something. Then you can prank all their pizza boys. Unknown_17: They're very studious, so they're not going to be spending time delivering pizza. No, no, no. Unknown_21: Everybody's got to get a job at that age. It builds character. Unknown_17: No, they're going to be working on engineering. They're going to design a monitor that you're going to buy, but not this time. You're going to have to wait a few weeks to buy it. Not this week, Josh. Unknown_21: No, no, no. See, you're trying to do tricks on me. You're trying to do tricks. I'm not buying it. 0:48:00 Unknown_17: Come on. Come on. Unknown_21: Come on. Unknown_21: Come on. Unknown_21: I don't understand. I don't understand why you're so dead set. And I know you, motherfucker, because yesterday I streamed, and it was a good stream. It was a great stream, a fantastic stream, if I do say so myself. And I go over and I'm in third place. I go over and check my place. Motherfucking guess who's there? SPC. Like, 10,000 points above me. I'm like, this motherfucker is trying to steal my goddamn bike. So I'm like, fuck it, I'll stream today. Excellent stream. Good talk with Ralph. Get another, like, 160,000 points or some shit. And I'm like, fuck. I'm set. I'm all set. Motherfucking... As I close, as I end the stream, SPCC going live. Jim fucking tweeting out. I'm like, these niggas is conspiring against me to steal my fucking bike. And I know dead ass if you had fucking beaten me by like a thousand points, you would have just shut it down and be like, this call is over. Because you would have had the bike. You would have had that fucking bike. You'd be running away with it. You'd be fucking buying your vape pen and shit, motherfucker. I'm on to you. I'm not paranoid. This is this is the facts of the situation. Okay, you're fucking stealing my bike Don't you played yourself? 0:49:07 Unknown_17: Yeah, I mean you run on my schedule Don't even try this don't even try this running on my It's not like the horse and chirpy when you do that, have you ever seen that? 0:49:47 Unknown_17: No, no, I'm busy. I'm working. Unknown_21: I mean, you can take a break to watch Chirpy. It's a classic, classic show. Unknown_17: Chirpy, is that a show for kids? Unknown_21: I wouldn't show it to kids, personally. Unknown_17: Okay, yeah, see, I don't know what that is. So what do you mean, you're on to me? What is that supposed to mean? Unknown_21: I know what you're doing. You're just trying to steal my bike, motherfucker. Unknown_17: You're bringing in people, you're bringing on Ralph, you're talking about meta stream me stuff, and then you're saying, I'm just making phone calls here, Josh. 0:50:25 Unknown_21: You're full of shit. You and the government, probably Mossad, is back there trying to deprive me of this $150 to make sure I can't buy my goddamn monitor. Because I can't play my fucking video games. My computer runs at 80 fucking degrees when I try to play Battlefield 1. And I'm going to need that GTX 180 to render female German fucking soldiers in Battlefield 5. That's just how it is. Unknown_17: Not this time. You're going to have to stick to mobile games for a while, Josh. 0:51:01 Unknown_22: You know what, motherfucker? Even my phone, my phone screen is fucking cracked. I'm over here trying to use my fucking phone to browse the Kiwi Farms while I'm eating my borscht at the fucking store. My fingertips are all getting sliced up and shit because my screen's cracked. You know where that $150 could go to? It'd go to a new fucking phone. Unknown_21: But guess what? I'm not going to be able to afford it because the nigga fucking rode off with my bike. Fucking Mr. Medicare riding on the bitch seat in the back. Unknown_21: He's probably not even riding it normally. He's probably sitting on the side with both legs on one side as you guys drift off into the fucking horizon. You ringing that fucking bell on your bike, taunting me with my own bell bike as you ride off. 0:51:38 Unknown_17: That's me riding away on your bike. Unknown_21: I'm being fucking cyberbullied over here. It's a disaster. I just wanted a nice stream with fat women eating shit food, and this is what was wrought. Unknown_17: Josh, you've already streamed today, and you've got to just shut it down. You've already had your time, and as far as your phone goes, have you listened to the stream? I know you have, because you're on my schedule now. So I know you know I only have a phone with one button that occasionally gets stung. 0:52:20 Unknown_21: How do you dial? Maybe that's why you can get patched into fucking any of your phone only has one button. I mean, look at the phone on the screen. That has, like, that not only has a nine-digit keypad, that has, like, eight extra buttons for shit. Unknown_17: Well, they're all stuck except for the red one. Unknown_21: What's the red one do? Unknown_17: It's the one that kicks your stream off the air. Just shut it down, Josh. Unknown_21: No, I can't. I can't do that. No, I can't do that. Shut it down. Unknown_17: Shut it down. Shut it down. Shut it down right now. Open this wall. 0:52:52 Unknown_17: Shut it that down See this motherfucker over here is trying to claim that he only got one button that that is like a digital mixing things You've got like a professional fucking thing with many extra buttons for special effects and shit You probably bought that with your stream dot me money from last week when you beat me Unknown_21: This motherfucker is trying to claim that he needs that extra $150. You don't need that extra $150. You got this fucking digital mixing station on your fucking... No, no, no. I'm not buying this. 0:53:25 Unknown_17: This is my voice. I've had the same voice. I've been playing calls for the past five years or more, and I've had the same voice the whole time. So I'm not sure what you're talking about. Unknown_21: You know, your voice does not naturally fucking echo and stutter and shit. You've got, he's like, unless you went over to fucking Kanye West's recording studio and stole some shit out of that too, like you stole my fucking bike, you know, I'm not buying that shit. Unknown_17: The acoustics in my bathroom are pretty crazy, Josh. Now, if you come by, if you want to just move back to the States, I'll let you stay here. You can sleep in the bathroom. It's fine. There's extra room. 0:53:59 Unknown_21: Flush the toilet, motherfucker. Flush that fucking toilet. Unknown_17: Oh, it's flushed, and you'll have to clean it, too. That's all I ask. No, no, no, nigga. Unknown_21: You ain't got no fucking flush sound effect ready. You don't got no fucking toilet back there. I'm calling you out on this shit. You don't got no fucking toilet. Unknown_17: Are you asking me to flush the toilet right now? Unknown_21: Flush it right fucking now. The second. Don't fucking move to the bathroom and do it. Do it right now. Unknown_21: That's your bait pin, motherfucker. I reckon. No, no, no. That's your functional bait pin that doesn't need to be replaced. 0:54:42 Unknown_17: It's fine. There's plenty of room in here. You can just stay in the call center, Josh. Just move back, okay? You know, get a plane ticket. I'm on Google Flights right now. Unknown_21: That fucking toilet's got, like, gong bells and shit. That's some fancy-ass fucking toilet for somebody who needs $150 to put their kids through college. Just sell that toilet. That toilet's, like, worth $10,000. You could easily put your kids through college with that shit. Unknown_17: It's actually quite antiquated. Do you want to have a rap battle instead? Do you want to settle with a rap battle? Unknown_21: Nigga, listen to my voice and try to imagine me rapping. I'm not doing that shit. 0:55:14 Unknown_21: Here, I'll put in my buddy fucking Wardog. He'll rap for me. Unknown_17: Why don't you rap? Go ahead, Josh. Unknown_21: Fuck off with that shit. Take your studio equipment and turn that shit off. That ain't happening. Unknown_17: Oh, come on, Josh. Just lay down a few bars. Spit that fire. Come on. Tell me about the feeders. Unknown_21: No, no, no. That's my hard limit. That's me at the party. I'm, like, drunk and shit. And you're coming on to me, and it's not happening. I'm saying no. That's the hard line in the sand. Unknown_17: What, do you want some more, like, Euro trash techno style since you're in Russia? I can cute it up for you as well if you want that. I think it'd be even worse at hard bass than a rap battle. Okay, what's keeping the people? Yeah, let's keep it with the American Southern style. I want you to spit a few bars. Ready? Go. 0:55:50 Unknown_21: This ain't happening, all right? You can use your fancy fucking mixing equipment to play whatever you want. Like, that's the fucking, no, that's the breaks. Yeah, come on. Come on. 0:56:25 Unknown_17: Somebody gifted me a sub on your channel. They're helping you make up that difference. Unknown_04: You don't need the $150. You've got some great supporters over here making that gap up for you. Unknown_17: Yeah, but, you know, I'm just trying to, you know, get you to shut down your stream. Just shut it down. Just turn it off. There's a button in the corner that says on OBS, on the bottom, it says stop streaming. That's the button you want to hit. 0:57:04 Unknown_21: It doesn't work. I'm contractually obligated by OBS to continue streaming until midnight UTC. Unknown_17: Just lay down a few bars, Josh. Tell them how you're doing. Unknown_21: I'll drink some vodka instead. No, no, no. Using my voice for anything besides droning on about fat women is out of my contract. Unknown_17: Come on, you can do it. We can make it sound fatter. 0:57:40 Unknown_21: I think I would die of embarrassment. Unknown_04: That sounds pretty fat. Unknown_17: I mean, what time does this even end? What time does the leaderboard end? In two hours. Unknown_17: In two hours? That's perfect. Unknown_04: Why is that perfect? Unknown_17: Because motherfuckers are just going down. Unknown_21: I thought you were a working man trying to put their kids through college. I mean, you've got two hours to make up 6,000 points. I mean, if you were really a working man with some kids trying to put through college and shit, I don't think you'd be doing this. 0:58:13 Unknown_17: It's a weekend, okay? Unknown_21: You should be working a job on the weekend trying to feed those kids. Unknown_17: I got a 9 to 5. Unknown_17: I have a call center job and I got my other call center job. Unknown_17: Or you can just donate me $150 and put it through... I'll shut down the stream. Just give me $150. That defeats the purpose. 0:58:51 Unknown_21: You're still getting my bike. Unknown_17: Or you can just... We can do something. If you want to give me... I'll take $100 and you can take $50. Unknown_21: You already offered that. You told me I had to shut down my stream for that, though. Unknown_17: Yeah, so let's do it that way. I still want to show the people that I'm eating. Unknown_17: Maybe. Unknown_17: What are people saying in there? I'm kind of curious right now. Unknown_21: They're spamming hamsters and spamming plus tins. The plus tins are my bread and butter. I may be down 100 viewers, but I have enough plus tins and hamsters to blot out the fucking sun. 0:59:25 Unknown_17: Yeah, looks like you got only four people in the chat, though. Unknown_21: But they're very voluminous. That's the thing. Unknown_17: Well, you know what? How about we do this? I think there's a way that you can just stop streaming. You just have to turn off the computer, though. It might be easier to do that. Unknown_21: I can't turn off my computer until I have the other computer ready to go. And the other computer... I mean, I'll send you pictures of it. She's very pretty, but she doesn't have a monitor. I just got... You know, that fucking computer just came off a fucking boat from the United States. And some Slavic guys... Like called me up and like, is this is this computer? And I was like, oh, OK. Yeah, I do. And then I run down there. Right. And I get my computer and I haul it back upstairs. Right. And now it's sitting there dejected, waiting for their fucking monitor. It's like, oh, great. I'll just use the extra one hundred fifty dollars I'm getting off streamed out me this week to get the monitor. And, you know, I may or may not be getting kiked out of that money, depending on the situation report of a certain other streamer who will not be named. 1:00:34 Unknown_17: Yeah, well, you can name me. My name is Raul. Unknown_21: I thought you were black. Raul's not a black name. You gotta have a black name. Unknown_17: Well, it is black. Where I'm from, it's black. Are you being discriminatory? Because I think you are. You knew what I was gonna say. You knew what I was gonna say! A little bit. Unknown_17: The thing is, Josh, I think your plans have changed now. They shouldn't have depended on it. Now what you do is just call back that Serbian guy or whatever, get on the boat, and just go back to America. Unknown_21: I'm not going to hide away on a fucking storage boat to American Samoa on the other side of the goddamn planet. When I could just get a monitor. 1:01:19 Unknown_17: Or you could just get on a freight ship and just come back. And then we'll throw you a party. I'll get you a pizza. Unknown_21: There ain't going to be no fucking pizza. I do that shit. There's not going to be no fucking pizza. You're not going to be spending your $150 extra on fucking pizza and the SPCC, nigga. You're fucking lying to me. Unknown_17: I heard you like pizza. That's what everybody's telling me in my chat. Unknown_21: I like my pizza with toppings. Unknown_17: It doesn't seem so. Not what I'm saying. 1:01:53 Unknown_21: I like the toffins. I like it loaded in fucking veg. I don't like that shit bear. I like it with some stuff on it. Don't believe it. Don't believe the chat. Ignore the chat. Why don't you just shut your chat off? Because they're misinforming you on my taste profile with pizza. And I think it would be better for you, for your stream, to put that shit on some slow-mo. It's moving kind of fast right now. You can't even really keep up with it. You should probably... Slow it down a little bit. Put the brakes on. Unknown_17: I think you're talking too fast. I think you need to slow it down. And I think what you should do instead is... So what you're telling me is that you're dominant when it comes to pizza? You're dominant. You want some stuff on top. You're top when it comes to pizza? 1:02:24 Unknown_21: uh yes sir yes i'm on top when it comes to pizza with the top when it comes to pizza you're dumb no no no i told you i like it with stuff on it i like it with the vegetables you like to put stuff on your cheese pizza that sounds that sounds pretty wild josh 1:02:57 Unknown_17: I don't know what to say. Unknown_21: It's not a cheese pizza once there's stuff on it. That's what I'm saying. I would never eat the pizza plain at Sacrilege. You gotta put toppings on it. Otherwise, you're just eating like a fucking... You're just eating like pasta. Unknown_17: You're saying it depends on the type of pizza? Unknown_21: No, no, no. I'm saying that I always like my pizza to be matured with vegetables and meat. Unknown_17: So you like to, you know, do that yourself then? It's the top, so you're dominant. 1:03:28 Unknown_21: No, I don't cook. I'm not a fucking, I'm not a slob back there in the kitchen working, okay? I just get the pizza with the stuff on it. Okay. 1:04:05 Unknown_17: Hey, Josh, I just contacted Stream Me Support on Lycos, and they said that you have to shut down your stream now. Unknown_21: I don't see community watching the chat. Unknown_17: Yeah, but... Unknown_17: your dominance over cheese pizza, and it's not... Look, I was a stupid kid. Unknown_21: I picked up the phone. I didn't know what I was doing. I ordered the cheese pizza. It's excusable. It happens. It's a mistake that any young child can make when ordering pizza. 1:04:47 Unknown_17: I suppose so. Unknown_21: I'm just saying... What? Unknown_17: I kind of got to get back to making some calls here. Unknown_21: Okay. I have to go back to feeding pizza. But, you know, if you want to shut down your stream a little bit early, I would understand. You know, this call must have been exhausting. Unknown_17: No, not so much. It's actually been pretty productive. You know, I found out, you know, that I think you can just get on a boat and come back to America. It would be a lot better for you. Just go to American Samoa. I don't want to go to goddamn American Samoa. 1:05:20 Unknown_21: Fuck that shit. Okay. Unknown_17: You can come over and you can look at the monitor I got. Anytime you want. You can plug it in. It's got VGA. Unknown_21: Hey, if you don't... Hey, no. No, no, no. Fuck that shit. We'll play Arena Football. Unknown_17: We'll play Arena Football on PlayStation. It's fine. You don't need to play battles. Unknown_21: I've been avoiding sports games since the last tournament I went to got shot up. Unknown_17: Well, it's not so much as a sport, you know, as much as it is a way of life. 1:05:54 Unknown_17: But I think what you should do is just stick to mobile games. Just sell your computer. You can just stream from your phone. You can just talk into it. Unknown_21: Alright, motherfucker. I need to feed my squad. You go back to your calling. Your one button calling, I'm sure. Unknown_17: Alright, Josh. Alright, give me some numbers if you've got some good ones in the future, okay? Unknown_21: Yep, take it easy. Unknown_17: Alright, bye. Unknown_21: Oh shit, I hung up too early. 1:06:27 Unknown_02: Fuck! Unknown_02: Alright, sorry. Unknown_02: I got distracted. I got distracted by the man in the pickle suit. Unknown_02: Where was I? Unknown_02: That's right. Unknown_02: Here we go. Here's the good stuff. Unknown_02: Let's, uh, let's pick one at random, and we'll do this proper. Alright, chicken and bacon omelette, that sounds promising. 1:06:58 Unknown_21: Vegetable fried rice, we'll do that next. Unknown_03: Hi people, and I'm back cooking again, and today I'm going to be doing a chicken and bacon omelette. Unknown_14: As you can see, I've put bits of lard on the, uh, Unknown_14: Chicken, something on, and I'm gonna put it in the oven for half an hour, and then I'm gonna turn it over and do it for another half an hour. Unknown_14: Right, as you can see, the chicken is done. I've turned it over halfway. I know I didn't show you. That's the looks of it. 1:07:34 Unknown_21: Pink, that. Unknown_14: Chicken, something on, and I'm gonna put it... Okay, first of all, right off the bat, she did the fucking hello people thing, so that's our free space, right? Unknown_21: Uh, okay. Copy. Case reference. Already, that chicken did not look fucking cooked. Unknown_21: Go back to this. What's this? Is that a... I can't tell. She is visibly not wearing a bra, though. So that is definitely a fucking... A fucking free space. 1:08:07 Unknown_03: Bacon omelette. Is that an Iron Maiden shirt, though? Unknown_14: As you can see, I've put bits of lard on the... I can't tell. Tell me if that's an Iron Maiden shirt. I'm going to put it in the oven. for half an hour and then I'm gonna turn it over and do it for another half an hour. Unknown_14: Right, as you can see, the chicken is done. I've turned it over halfway. I know I didn't show you. That still looks a bit pink, that. Unknown_21: Yeah, it fucking does. Unknown_14: I think I'm gonna put them in for another 10 minutes just to make sure that they're done properly. 1:08:39 Unknown_21: Okay, that is an Ironman. Unknown_14: Right, as you know, the chicken were done. So now, I'm starting to put the bacon on before I make the omelettes. And I'm going to make the omelette and cut the bacon up, cut the chicken up, and, well, make the omelette. Unknown_21: Hold up, sorry. Unknown_14: Right, I've done the chicken, as I've shown you. Now you can hear me. Unknown_21: I have no fear. Unknown_14: What I'm going to do is I'm going to mix these eggs. Unknown_14: I'm going to take the bacon out of the frying pan, and then I'm going to... I got you, I got you. 1:09:12 Unknown_21: No, voice is fine. Voice is fine. Don't worry about it. That was a shaky hand, you're right. Unknown_21: Has she spilled anything yet? Unknown_13: I'm going to mix this so it's all yellow. 1:09:50 Unknown_21: That doesn't count as destroying food. She hasn't spilled anything yet I don't think. Unknown_13: That's straight on my arm holding this dish. Unknown_21: She's like physically fucking dying cooking eggs. Oh, I forgot the margarine. She had margarine on the chicken she cooked. Shit, all we need is awkward laughter already. Unknown_20: Holy fuck. Unknown_14: Right, now I'm going to put the egg in. I've just... 1:10:23 Unknown_14: You've just seen me beat my way around like that. I'm gonna cut some bacon into it. Unknown_14: Ow! I wanna use the bacon that's already been cooked a few minutes ago. Got burnt on that side, am I? Unknown_21: She called the burn for us. Okay. I might be best pulling it behind. Hold up, hold up. I'm fucking with the OBS on a different screen. 1:10:58 Unknown_14: I'm going to put a few bits of chicken in. Unknown_21: Exit studio mode, paste reference. Unknown_21: Burns food that's up in there. Unknown_21: She didn't know. She heard herself. Unknown_14: Obviously, I'm going to turn it over. I've reduced my heat dramatically. It was on six to cook the bacon and the chicken. Now I've turned it down to three. Unknown_21: Sorry, I'm, I'm, I don't. Unknown_14: It's the end product of a chicken. That's a, that's a massive serving of food. Unknown_21: Omelette. Unknown_14: Omelette. Unknown_14: He's going to try it now. Watch that arm. 1:11:37 Unknown_14: Getting camera shot, you're not in camera. Unknown_21: She did, she had it up on the highest setting. Unknown_07: That's quite good for my pizza, sir. Unknown_21: the sun the sun can say she doesn't like it we got this we got two possible ones here good good actually very tasteful really enjoy it thumbs up very good very good That's true. There's no seasoning and there's no vegetables. 1:12:14 Unknown_14: Pepper doesn't count. It has to be something else besides pepper. That fucking retard kid always cucks us. Unknown_14: If you want to give me a big old thumbs up, please do, feel free. And if you want to leave a comment, the more the merrier. And if you want to subscribe, or you know someone who hasn't subscribed. She didn't laugh. Get subscribing, get them subscribing. Thank you, bye. 1:12:48 Unknown_21: She did not laugh, we got cucked. Unknown_21: Chicken and vegetables. Let's do calzone, that looks awful. Just in the picture, that looks fucking awful. Unknown_14: People are made my cooking again today and today I'm making it's either being called calzone or calzone choices shows Unknown_14: and as you can see i've started putting some of the ingredients in what i've done is i've put four cups of bread flour which is just normal cheap bread flour uh three cups of water and the cup i've been using is a small one this one if you use big ones you'll end up it's just calzone even though i use the right stuff so now i'm just gonna add everything that it says i need to add 1:13:51 Unknown_21: She has prepackaged fucking meat. She didn't even cut her own goddamn sausage. Unknown_04: That counts as a prepackaged. Unknown_21: Did she spill? That's before. She has to spill it in the video. Unknown_20: If she pre-spills, that doesn't count. Unknown_21: Excessive liquid. She has to start mixing it first. Unknown_14: Olive oil. Two tablespoons of olive oil. One. Unknown_21: Hello People is a free space. It doesn't have to actually be hit. 1:14:24 Unknown_14: Two. There you see. Didn't have a good count, did you? Unknown_21: She's not used fucking margarine this time. Unknown_14: That's fucking amazing. And then it's a teaspoon of salt. And we're having trouble with this salt all the time. Unknown_14: It's because it's cube salt. One. 1:15:07 Unknown_14: One teaspoon of sugar. There we are. Unknown_14: And one teaspoon of yeast. Now this yeast, even though it says Alison's yeast, you can get it from a supermarket. Unknown_21: Wait, why does she... Oh, shaky hands. Unknown_11: And I'm just going to add one teaspoon of yeast. 1:15:41 Unknown_14: And then I'm going to mix it until it makes a dough. Obviously not with a teaspoon. It's just showing you that I'm going to be mixing it. Unknown_14: You can see I've got the dough going. And yes, I'm back on my oven top. I'm lost without my oven top. Is that it? Unknown_14: I don't even know. You know what? I don't even know what the fuck to do for this. You know what? I'm going to put that down for physically destroying food because I don't know why the fuck she's doing that on her oven top. 1:16:30 Unknown_14: So, and I can. So there's gonna be a bit of cheese on mine. Unknown_21: That's not excessive liquid. It doesn't count. Unknown_21: It's like when she boils fucking meat. Unknown_14: Right, so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna... I'm gonna stop kneeing it. I'm definitely out. I'm gonna... Would you get a knife? 1:17:03 Unknown_11: And I'm going to hold it. Unknown_11: It's not doing uncut bread. Get off. Get off. Unknown_21: What the fuck is she doing? Unknown_11: You're going over there. Unknown_14: And now I'm going to knead this one a bit more because... Unknown_21: No, I think the bread's got as much shit as it can be in it. Unknown_14: She's putting, I mean, she's putting flour in it. Unknown_21: She's rolling it in flour. Unknown_14: Now, I haven't got a round circle tin. Well, I have. I'm not doing pizzas. 1:17:35 Unknown_21: Knife on glass top. Unknown_14: That's what pizza is. A calzone or calzone is. It's a pizza. Just like that. Instead of that, that's your pizza. Just fold it over like that. So... I'm not hiding my strings. Make sure notifications are on and shit. Unknown_14: but not like the Italians do. I'm the one that picks it up and catches it with my mom. Unknown_08: Just like my mom used to make. 1:18:09 Unknown_08: As you can see, it's becoming round. I'm going to roll it out a bit. I'll try and keep it Unknown_08: I hear labor breathing. Unknown_21: That's definitely... It might be wise to keep you rolling, pen full of flour, and not letting it just all... How is she so fucking, like, imprecise with rolling shit? 1:18:44 Unknown_14: Don't even start, I'm telling you. Unknown_06: How many more times? Unknown_07: I'm just stood here watching. Unknown_14: I saw what they were thinking. Unknown_14: I can see it in the eyes. I'm just watching you doing it. Right, now that to me is slightly round. It's a round shape-ish. Unknown_07: I must be really tired then. Unknown_14: Shut up. Unknown_14: Now I am going to put some... As everybody knows, when you hold your bat here... 1:19:22 Unknown_14: I don't use tinned tomatoes anymore. Unknown_14: A friend of mine, she told me to use pasta. I don't know if you can see it. Unknown_18: What? Unknown_14: But it says pasta. What the fuck is that? That's why I use it. Not because it's pasta, because it's called pasta. But it's not the reason why I use it. It's like tomatoes. It's called passata. Unknown_21: It's not called pasta. What the fuck is wrong with you? Unknown_14: So I'm using, it's like a tomato sauce. I mean you can use it, you can go through all, rigmarole and get in that other tomato thing. Tomato puree, that's it. You can go through all that if you want. 1:20:06 Unknown_21: Is it uncooked tomato puree that has been strained of liquid? Unknown_14: Is that what that's on? Yeah, I was just having an idea. Unknown_21: I die inside knowing that she's in my neck of the woods. She's Anglo. Unknown_21: The Anglo menace. 1:20:41 Unknown_21: Thank you. Unknown_21: Wait, is she getting Marge? She's got the tub of margarine out. Unknown_14: Oh, now she's... Now that she has the fucking giant mess on her fucking stovetop, she brings out a fucking pan, a baking pan for the fucking bread. Unknown_21: Fuck off. Unknown_14: Why are you so fucking dumb? 1:21:12 Unknown_14: As you can see, I'm splashing. Splashing. Something was splashing. Unknown_08: I'm... What's it called? Spreading. Unknown_21: It's okay to be a little... You know what? I'm going to... Mark fucks up moving food. Because I don't even know what the fuck... Like, her... That's like a disaster. Unknown_14: Like I said, I'm spreading it. Spreading it out. Unknown_14: And I am going to put some meat... Cheese... Unknown_21: She doesn't know what the fuck it is. Unknown_14: I gotta see this. Unknown_14: Shut up. 1:21:45 Unknown_06: What is helping you out? Unknown_21: I mean, I guess that's okay. What the fuck is that? Like, why would you use that over, like, tomato paste out of a can or something? Unknown_11: I'm going to spread that out. Unknown_11: Oh, it does look nice. Unknown_21: I have no idea what passata is. Unknown_11: We need a bit more on that. Unknown_21: Surely she's going to put meat and cheese in it. There we go. 1:22:21 Unknown_08: Like lots of my videos. Just a bit. Oh dear, never mind. Unknown_21: Surely she's going to use fucking meat and cheese. It's a calzone. Unknown_14: Now I am going to put some... Unknown_14: German salami's on. 1:22:53 Unknown_21: OK, we have meat at least. Unknown_22: Wait, wait. Oh, she's making it without cheese because her son is lactose intolerant. So that means that we can mark that she's accommodated his taste because she's making a fucking pizza without any cheese. Unknown_21: And I guess we're not going to get any fucking vegetables. Unknown_10: You do know this is going to go horribly wrong. Unknown_14: And we're not going to get any seasoning either. Well, I'd like to keep saying I'm not a professional cook. 1:23:27 Unknown_14: That is the start of it. Unknown_11: Now, I want my little oof-a-doofa. Unknown_14: My little oof-a-doofa. Unknown_14: It's where you can't think of the name. You've said my little oof-a-doofa. Now, I'm going to lift it up. 1:24:05 Unknown_14: Please go right. There it's all. Unknown_21: That looks awful. Unknown_14: It's too sticky. That's awful. Unknown_22: How do you fuck up that bad? Unknown_08: She completely... 1:24:40 Unknown_21: You know what? I'm marking physically destroys food a second time. Unknown_08: That's a fucking massacre. I'm marking awkward laughing again as well. Unknown_21: I'm marking physically destroys food a third time. Unknown_08: Right. As you can see, it's got all 1:25:14 Unknown_21: No, the serving is what she puts on the plate at the end. If she puts, like, way too much food for a single person to eat, that's the massive serving. She can cook as much as she wants. Unknown_14: And I'm crimping the edges so they don't fall. Unknown_21: I'm marking awkward laughter four more times. Oh, mom. 1:25:47 Unknown_08: Can this day get any worse? Unknown_09: I've had enough. I'm going back to bed. Unknown_07: We've seen the time. Unknown_09: Shouldn't have got up. Right. Unknown_14: That's one. Done. Unknown_21: Oh my god, there's a second one. Unknown_14: Oh, no! Unknown_21: It's not Erber. It's not Erber. There's a second one. Well, if I'm wrong. Unknown_14: Well, yeah. Right, now this one is stuck. Then you dirty cow. Not you, me. 1:26:20 Unknown_21: It's still around. Unknown_21: She's mixing it on the... Well, she's trying to bread it up because the first one was sticky and awful. Maybe you should have put flour on the fucking baking tray. All right, so now... Excuse me. Unknown_10: Kids, stop fucking with the camera. 1:26:52 Unknown_14: I'm sorry. While I'm thinking, while I'm cooking, I've got to say something. Unknown_14: somebody has done a like page for me. Unknown_14: I don't know who it is, it's not my son, but somebody has done it. Unknown_21: And all I want to say to the person Unknown_14: Who's on the like page? Unknown_21: Okay, this is the first time we get to mark this one. I made this odd corner that we've never hit before. She apologizes for her kitchen or yells at her fans. So this whole thing about making a like page on Facebook, that counts as getting mad at fans. 1:27:23 Unknown_08: Very good entertaining. Unknown_14: I enjoyed it. Even though you put in some things that I didn't do. Unknown_14: So yes, very entertaining. Yes, I do actually like it. I have watched it. Unknown_14: And a few of my friends have watched it as well. And they give me some funny looks thanks to you. 1:27:59 Unknown_13: Right. Unknown_14: Now this, how I'm going to do this one, is how it's supposed to be. Yes, I know it's square. Does it matter? What have I said I'm just studying? So your eyes, you cross-eyed at me. Unknown_21: Oh, God. You know what? Chat, answer me this, chat. Shouldn't she not be spreading that, like, only around the middle? Like, shouldn't you be leaving, like, a crust or something so that you can pinch it closed together? She, like, immediately, like, dumps the fucking pizzata over the edges of the bread so that she can't actually close it together again, right? Like, isn't that what you're supposed to do? 1:28:32 Unknown_05: I'm not going to know where it is. Unknown_10: It's in the fridge. Unknown_07: All right. 1:29:08 Unknown_21: You're supposed to shake the bag up too so that it doesn't settle. That's right. Unknown_21: And I'm gonna have some... What the fuck is she doing? Why is she only putting it on half? Unknown_21: Oh, I guess she's gonna try to fold it this time that way. On my pizza, too. Unknown_14: It's in a red packet, though. Unknown_11: Why did she make a cut there? She just says that she doesn't have any cheese because she fucking ate it all. That's great. We need like a K emote. 1:30:14 Unknown_22: How is she so bad? What the fuck? She gets so much positive comments from her. Unknown_14: God loves a trier. Unknown_14: And I'm having to use my cooker top. Unknown_21: There is do and do not. 1:30:47 Unknown_14: There is no try. Unknown_21: And this bitch is... Look at this. Look, I'm putting another one for fucks up moving food. Unknown_11: Look at that shit. I'm making... I'm a cooker. She needs a thread. Unknown_21: Pull on what? What should the pull be? On the next video? Unknown_08: Right, done. This is how we're gonna cook them. 1:31:19 Unknown_14: Now I'm gonna put them in the oven for 10 minutes. Unknown_21: Oh, she deletes negative comments? Okay. Unknown_14: Look at how awful the presentation is on the fucking bacon shank. You have to put these on the bottom shelf of the oven for 10 minutes. Mine's on 200. You can't even see what mine's on. Unknown_21: Okay, we need to figure out how we can win this bingo card. Unknown_21: She, um... She's not going to use the stove. 1:31:53 Unknown_21: She's not going to add any more ingredients. Unknown_14: As you can see, I've took them out of the oven. Unknown_14: We can get bingo if she burns herself and she cuts a massive serving to put on the plate. Unknown_11: Just to make sure the... We can win this one, guys. Unknown_21: We can win this one. What the fuck is she doing? Unknown_21: Yeah, that dough looks fucking atrocious, by the way. It looks worse than a frozen pizza. Unknown_14: It looks a lot better than what they did when they first went in. 1:32:28 Unknown_21: wait is that so now they're going back in oh no she's cooking it again she put she poked oh another 10 minutes she burned her she did it try not to burn your hand she did it Unknown_14: I'm going to turn my oven up to 200. It's up to 200 now. Unknown_22: Okay, guys, we are hinging on one. Unknown_21: We can do this either row one or column O. We can do this if the sun doesn't like it or if it's a massive serving of food. Unknown_14: Just a confirmation from my cameraman that my memory card in the camcorder is flashing. So, like I said, it's in for 10 minutes. I can't show you the end product because it's... Well, like I said, it's flashing. So I hope you've enjoyed what you've seen. I hope you've enjoyed the laugh so much. If you have, keep giving me a big old thumbs up. Wait, is she not going to test it? I will cook it. It doesn't really matter. No! No! We've been cut! Get subscribing. Okay, thank you. Bye! 1:33:12 Unknown_22: She didn't fucking taste test it. 1:33:45 Unknown_22: She didn't taste test it, you fucking bitch. Unknown_22: I can't believe that. You... She completely fucking cucked us. Unknown_18: Fuck you. We didn't even get the taste test. Unknown_21: Fuck this. Unknown_21: Oh, man. Unknown_21: It almost seems like we don't get bingos on ones that are just complete fucking disasters. We have to rely on it going moderately well so that she actually does enough with the video to give us our well-deserved fucking bingo. 1:34:20 Unknown_21: So we'll do another one. Unknown_21: We got completely cucked. Unknown_21: Completely fucking cucked. Chat is in an uproar right now because of how we got fucking cucked. Somebody requested last time. We'll do a poll. We'll do a poll. Unknown_21: Actually, in the nature of the video, of tonight's chill stream, we will do, I'm going to go by oldest and load up a page and show chat. 1:34:56 Unknown_21: And start spam. Just spam whatever video you want out of this page. Unknown_21: I'll leave it up on this I won't show that next room and I'll take a look I'll take a look show me Now there's still time left there's still time left This motherfucker is trying to steal my bike that ain't happening 1:35:36 Unknown_21: I see Beef Wellington. Everybody seems to want Beef Wellington. Oh, you can't even see the entire screen. That's my bad. Unknown_21: Okay, Beef Wellington. Let's do this. Unknown_21: Oh, we'll do the chicken nuggets next. That sounds like a good one. Unknown_14: Hi, people. I'm back cooking again. I've been asked to do a Beef Wellington, and believe me, there's no wellies involved. 1:36:08 Unknown_14: Right, I've never made one before, so I'm just going to do what it says. It says roughly chop the mushrooms up and put them in a blender. This is a blender, as you can see, and I'm just cutting the mushrooms up into the blender. Always make sure you wash your mushrooms because you don't know what's been on them. Unknown_14: Right, it says to put... I've cut all the mushrooms... Sorry, I didn't look at it. Unknown_21: I got distracted. She's not wearing her Iron Maiden t-shirt. 1:36:47 Unknown_14: Is she wearing a bra? Unknown_21: We'll have to check later and see if she's wearing a bra. Unknown_14: Because you don't know what's been on them. Unknown_14: Right, it says to put... I've cut all the mushrooms up, as you can see, and I've put them in a blender like it's been told. And I've been told to add some seasoning... Unknown_14: So I'm just adding some seasoning. I'm also adding a bit of salt. Not too much. Unknown_14: Right, now I've mixed it into a light, slight paste. 1:37:26 Unknown_21: Alright, I've rallied the troops. We are going to get some viewers. We're going to fucking beat the SPCC. Unknown_21: I'm not taking this laying down. All right. Okay. Fan request. Fan request. Catch me up. Catch me up. I missed some stuff. Unknown_21: Okay. Fan requests. Unknown_21: I put out a rallying cry to the, to the forum. We got this. Unknown_14: Now she's got to cook for about 10 minutes. You've got to continually stir it. 1:38:02 Unknown_14: Right, I think it's at its time. I'm going to turn it up as it's... She's turning it up, so that's all the way up at the fucking top, as far as I'm concerned. Unknown_21: Multiple fast cuts gotta replace. Unknown_14: It said put it on a plate. Unknown_14: Oh my, what the fuck? Unknown_14: On a... Unknown_21: Is that supposed to look like that? Unknown_14: Metal plate. Unknown_21: I don't think that's supposed to look like that. Unknown_14: Because I don't want a glass one to break. I'm not saying it would break, but I ain't taking no chances. 1:38:40 Unknown_14: And for the crepe, or as it's called, it's coat, you need to use flour. Unfortunately, it doesn't say how much flour. So I'm just putting... Unknown_14: Three dessert spoons in. Unknown_14: Then it said to add the eggs. Now I'm doing two eggs. Unknown_21: It's not e-begging if it is watching a fat woman cook. That is the fucking rule. 1:39:18 Unknown_14: Don't even try it. Unknown_14: So I'm putting two heaped spoons full in. And you said add salt. Unknown_21: What a combination. So I'm trying a little salt. And this is, I've got the whisky. Unknown_14: So I'm going to whisk it. Now I'm cooking the beef. 1:39:49 Unknown_14: Fillets and you don't have to cook them for good. You just have to give them Why is she cook is that oil like the bottom of the pan? Unknown_21: What the fuck is that? We see what happens. Are you supposed to? Unknown_14: How long they want cooking is depending on how high you do the heat It doesn't say do it high just says do it on a medium heat. So I'm doing mine on a medium heat and Unknown_14: Right, mine's just been in the frying pan for about... Yeah, that's excess. You don't need fucking oil in a fucking pan like that. And as you can see, it's starting to... Oh, is it margarine? Is it fucking margarine? But it's not cooked in by a long way. It has to go in the oven before it can be cooked. 1:40:24 Unknown_14: Right now the meat is done. Like I said I have never done this before so you can imagine I haven't got everything that it needs. It says cling film. I haven't got no cling film because I didn't know I needed it. Unknown_14: So what I'm going to do is I'm going to do my best. 1:41:02 Unknown_11: Wait, that's raw. Unknown_21: I mean, I guess it's beef. Unknown_11: You can have it kind of... But I mean, that's like... She like fried it so that it's raw in the center. Unknown_21: So they're all standing up. Unknown_21: I mean, I guess she's going to cook it again. That doesn't look right, though. Unknown_14: And the mushrooms I did earlier has got to go... Unknown_21: That looks so fucking appetizing. That is just the fucking best. 1:41:37 Unknown_14: So I am just scraping it all on the beef. Unknown_14: Now I'm going to fold it over. Unknown_14: Oh, not enough. Told you something had to go wrong, didn't it? Unknown_14: So when in doubt, Unknown_14: put a piece over it now that has got to cool for 15 to 20 minutes before it can be cooked is she gonna feed her dogs beef wellington i've took my uh 1:42:24 Unknown_14: but crust out, as it's called, or whatever it's supposed to be called properly. And as you can see, it needs a lot of kneading, as if you were doing bread. Oh, she's making dough again. Unknown_21: Fantastic. Unknown_14: Why is she always making dough on her fucking oven top? Fucking get a counter or something. Do you not have a fucking countertop in your fucking house? And it's just a case of folding it in. I don't know if you can see. It's just a case of folding it in on itself and keep doing that until... I got it. I got it. 1:42:59 Unknown_21: Leave me alone. Stop bullying me. Unknown_14: But please don't. As you can see I'm going to put a bit more flour on. Make sure your rolling pin has got flour on it and it says it's got to be rolled out into a rectangular shape which I'm not very good at rolling out. Unknown_14: As you can see, it's not a proper rectangle. And I know these have not stuck together because I haven't... It's all... I've got loads of juice, which you're not supposed to have. 1:43:31 Unknown_21: She's just admitted to appalling excess of liquids. That's what just happened. She fucking knows. Unknown_14: Right. Unknown_14: I'm going to tip it over. Unknown_14: And it don't look too bad. Unknown_14: And I'm going to tip it out, tip it into, onto the... Is she like burning herself moving this shit? 1:44:15 Unknown_22: Why does she not wear oven mitts? Unknown_14: And I'm going to roll it over, as you can see. Well, there's no fucking vegetables. Unknown_21: And there's no fucking seasoning at all. Unknown_14: It's just, it's literally just beef and tomato. Unknown_21: Or not tomatoes, but mushrooms. Unknown_10: Because I want to. Unknown_14: Now it's got to go in the oven. And she fucked up moving the fuck, yeah. Further 30 minutes to 40 minutes. Fucked it up. Ha! 1:44:49 Unknown_14: the oven okay that counts as physically destroying food i've got to glaze it as you can see i put mine in the oven in a in a roasting pan and it's just and she's she's like labored in breathing if i had gone wrong glaze um as it's called glaze you get an egg in there bowl cup anything and all you do is you just Unknown_14: What do you mean you'd still eat it? That's fucking disgusting! Unknown_21: And that's called glazing. I mean it's just mushrooms and beef, is that all it's supposed to be? Now it's time to get the beef wellington out of the oven and see what it turns out like. Unknown_14: Oooh! Unknown_14: I don't think somehow it's supposed to be like that. 1:45:47 Unknown_21: Yeah, you fucking think? Unknown_14: But it looks like it's cooked. Unknown_21: I'm putting the second one on the pollen excessive fucking... Well, I hope that answered the question of a beef Wellington. Unknown_14: It didn't have to turn out exactly how it should have, but I didn't have the right equipment for it. Why is her light bulb like that? It's like she's in hell or something. If you like what you've seen, give me a thumbs up. Unknown_21: Is she not going to taste test it? Unknown_14: And... if you want to leave a comment whether you want something cooking or just making please feel free and subscribe to me if you haven't already okay thank you bye oh no brawl or not that's not going to be a bingo what a waste all right what else we got let's watch some of the newer ones 1:46:45 Unknown_21: There was one that we didn't see yesterday that was like chicken nuggets. Unknown_02: I want to watch the chicken nuggets. Unknown_02: If you see chicken nuggets, let me know. Unknown_02: Vegan breakfast. Unknown_21: No, stay focused, Josh. Unknown_21: There were chicken nuggets somewhere. Unknown_21: Not here. Unknown_21: I got this. 1:47:19 Unknown_02: Oh. Unknown_21: Beef nuggets? No, no, no, no. It was chicken nuggets. Unknown_21: Wait, is that it? Redo chicken nuggets in blankets? What the fuck? Why are there, like, piss-take chicken nuggets with a twist? Unknown_21: We'll do chicken nuggets in a blanket. That sounds awful. Unknown_03: Hi people, and I'm back cooking again. Unknown_14: And today is going to be a redo of the chicken nuggets in Doner Meat. 1:47:52 Unknown_03: Now, beating it out now. Unknown_22: Wait, what the fuck is that? Unknown_22: Where did it come from? Unknown_22: Is that just like pre-packaged processed chicken? Unknown_14: What the fuck is that? I should have put the... Unknown_14: Wait, why is this only a minute and a half? And then... What the fuck are you doing? Wrapped it, wrapped that end on a meat. And the other chicken nugget in. 1:48:26 Unknown_10: And wrapped that one end on a meat. Unknown_14: What the fuck is this? Oh, no, it's called my open. Unknown_14: Get down. Stay down. Unknown_21: Nobody can identify what the blanket's supposed to be. Unknown_14: I'm going to cook them for about 10 minutes and check them. And like I say, I keep checking things for 10 minutes. What the fuck is this? And that is the end product of what it should have been like, but it wasn't. 1:49:00 Unknown_14: Well, I hope I gave you a rough idea on how to do chicken nuggets wrapped in doner meat blankets. Doner meat. Doner meat. If you like what you see, please keep viewing me. I guess. If you want to give me a big old thumbs up, I'd be much appreciated. Unknown_14: If you want to leave a comment, please feel free. The more the merrier. And if you haven't subscribed or you know someone who hasn't subscribed, get them subscribing and get subscribing yourself. Thank you. Unknown_03: Bye. Unknown_21: That one was too short. Unknown_21: She really needs a longer video to really hit those fuck-up points. 1:49:39 Unknown_02: Find a longer one. Unknown_02: buttered chicken k's way that sounds awful let's it's only four minutes though hi people and i'm back cooking again and today i'm supposed to be doing buttered chicken but the thing is after doing a lot of research on google i found out there's a lot of ginger and a lot of chili that goes into it and as you know i can't have any of them because of my acid reflux 1:50:11 Unknown_14: Wait, wait, really? That's why she doesn't use any spices? So, I'm going to do it, but I'm going to do it my way. Unknown_21: She sounds very sinister saying that. Unknown_14: Well, I'm going to put fucking no seasoning. First of all, I'm going to cook... And we can already guess that the butter is going to be fucking margarine. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to put a bit on each one. Unknown_21: That's not butter. Unknown_14: She doesn't use butter. Unknown_21: That's margarine. Unknown_14: Yeah, it's margarine. 1:50:42 Unknown_21: She doesn't use butter on anything. Unknown_14: And then when they're partly cooked, I'm going to cut them. Unknown_14: Well, turn them over and cut them. Unknown_20: Moil it. Yeah. Unknown_14: Inside them. Unknown_14: And then that one will be my version. And I know you're going to say, oh, you didn't do it right. I'm not doing it right because I'm doing it my way. Unknown_21: Okay, that is definitely yelling at fans. She's like preemptively yelling at people. Unknown_14: So that's it. I'm going to put that chicken in the oven. Unknown_14: I'm going to leave it for about half an hour. Then I'm going to take it out, turn it over, put the chicken on the inside and cook it again. 1:51:17 Unknown_21: That is an appalling excess of liquids, right fucking there. Unknown_14: Oh, it fell off. Easy. It needs to be done. And I'm going to put some margarine. Oh, yep, labored breathing. Unknown_21: That's there. Unknown_14: Has she hurt herself? That's me. Unknown_14: Butchered. Unknown_22: She's putting more margarine on it. That is so disgusting. Unknown_14: And that's butchered chicken caseway. 1:51:56 Unknown_09: Now Lee's coming to do the taste test of chicken with butter. It's literally just margarine. Unknown_21: There's no chicken. Unknown_09: Would you like a knife? Unknown_21: Alright, I want to see this fat fuck justify this abomination he's shoving into his fucking face hole. With that faggy ass fucking haircut. Unknown_07: Saw the accident at Port Said. 1:52:32 Unknown_07: It's smooth, if you get what I mean. Moist. You know how chicken is... Chicken is moist. Unknown_07: It's like smooth and moist, if you get what I mean. Obviously, that's the butter, isn't it? But it is actually nice. I hate this fucking retard so fucking much. But it's like smooth and moist, so yeah. Very good, very good. Why are his lips blue? Unknown_21: Because this retard, like, chugs Gatorade and eats margarine chicken every fucking day. Unknown_14: That's why. Unknown_14: If it is, it's all fake. Don't buy it. Just wait. I am in talks with another supplier at the moment. I love how frequently she has to remind people that all that shit is not hers. So anything else, anybody selling it, it's up to you, but I wouldn't buy it because it's not real. Just be a little bit patient. 1:53:07 Unknown_21: This is like a four-minute long video, and it goes, like, it's another minute of her just talking. Unknown_14: Like, an entire fourth of this video is just her talking. At the moment. Unknown_00: And the reason why I left my other supplier is he wanted more money than what I was giving. 1:53:43 Unknown_14: So I just, you know, just thought I'd clear that bit up. And if you like what you see, I need a short video, and I'm so sorry, but... Why is she talking? Um... Unknown_14: People just asked me to do things like butter chicken. And like I said, there were things in it that I'm not allowed to have. So if you like what you see, please keep viewing me. If you want to give me a big old thumbs up, it would be much appreciated. And if you want to leave me a comment, please feel free. And if you know someone who has subscribed or you haven't subscribed, please subscribe. Thank you very much. Bye. 1:54:20 Unknown_21: dementia she's got a lot that's what happens when you eat fucking margarine every day apparently all right somebody mentioned chicken curry no that's not it Unknown_02: Pistachio scrambled eggs and curry. Why does she keep making shit with curry? 1:54:51 Unknown_02: The issue with curry is that Sausage wow that looks bad curry automatically disqualifies the no spice style And today I'm going to be doing Unknown_14: And they're the sausages I put under the grill. So I'm going to put them in and then I'm going to, well, obviously... Is that a real casing or is that like a fake casing? Well, you just keep checking them over. It's a metal shirt, you're right. Right. I am putting, I am doing curry now. The sort of curry that I do. You can do your own curry at your own way. I don't... 1:55:23 Unknown_14: because I'm doing it my way, and that is it. Unknown_21: We really do need a thing for my way. Unknown_14: Two cups of water, I don't know if you saw it. Unknown_14: Did you have it on camera? Good. 1:56:00 Unknown_21: She used condoms. Unknown_14: Are we on number six? Unknown_21: Wait, is she going to boil the sausages in that? Unknown_14: I guess it's boiled meat, if that's how she's going to cook it. Unknown_06: You're on six? Unknown_14: Yeah. Unknown_14: Sour number one winter. You lied to me. Did she yell at the fans already? Unknown_21: My brain must be fucking... Fried. Unknown_21: My brain must be fried. And then I'm going to put four spoons... She spilled the fucking curry powder. 1:56:34 Unknown_14: Fuck off. I'm going to put four dessert spoons in this water to make curry powder. Unknown_21: Replace dead people with my way. Unknown_14: That's a good suggestion. Unknown_21: Here, I'll do that. I'm going to cheat again. I'm sorry. Unknown_21: You know how I am, though. I'm just a cheater. 1:57:06 Unknown_11: Right, now I've done the curry. Unknown_14: Oh! Unknown_14: Did do the curry. Unknown_14: Starting to bubble, so... Unknown_14: That means it needs to turn down to number two. Unknown_14: Ouch. Unknown_14: Can't stretch my hand that far. And I'm going to... There we are. Unknown_14: Get a pair of the scissors and cut the sausages... The scissors? 1:57:44 Unknown_14: Into the... Oh, fuck. Unknown_21: She already fucked up. I'm editing the thing. Okay, this is an awkward laugh. She already did awkward laugh. She's now physically destroying food. I can't even get that out. Unknown_21: Oh, God. Unknown_14: Like I said, I'm going to cook the sausages. Hopefully, they're not all going to fall off. Surely. 1:58:15 Unknown_14: Mix that in. I can't go a coffee. Curry's getting a bit thicker now, which it should have. All right, I have updated the thing to my way. It's falling sausages today. It's not curry, it's falling sausages. Unknown_21: Oh. Unknown_21: I guess this counts as boiling meat, doesn't it? I mean, it's a curry. 1:58:47 Unknown_21: Why is that thing inverse? Unknown_21: Boils meat. Unknown_14: Right, um... Oh, God, what the fuck? Unknown_14: I'm gonna get the curry and sausages now. Well, there's no vegetables. Unknown_14: Some of these sausages haven't been cut, so... Unknown_14: We are going to take the wheels off this cooker. I'm going to end up next door. 1:59:20 Unknown_21: It looks like vomit. All curry looks like vomit. Unknown_21: Oh, she did. She did use the highest setting. Unknown_07: Can you use your kitchen phone? Unknown_14: Yeah, she's got a bigger kitchen than me, hasn't she? Unknown_21: It's not raw meat. She's cooked it twice now. She's boiled it and she's cooked it independently. Unknown_21: No, it's curry. That doesn't count as excess liquid. Well, those fucking fries look disgusting. I don't know if I should count that or not. There we are. Unknown_14: And that is the end product of... That's a big, way too much. ...is sausage curry, but I've put some chips on with mine. 1:59:54 Unknown_14: All right, for the bee, she has to say something about the dogs. Unknown_07: I don't think she is, though. Unknown_07: It's not watching. Unknown_14: What's that, then, in corner? Unknown_07: It's going to say memory card. Unknown_14: Ah, okay then. Unknown_07: Alright, so I'm gonna go and try the sausage and curry. Unknown_14: Yeah. Unknown_10: What about the curry and sausage? Unknown_21: Say you hate it. Say you hate it, you fat fuck. 2:00:33 Unknown_07: Hot and spicy. Unknown_13: Hot and spicy. I fucking hate this kid. Unknown_07: I hate this fucking faggot. He's always full of shit. Unknown_14: Right, well I hope that gave you a rough idea on how to do sausage and curry. You don't have to do juice with it, you can do rice with it, you don't have to do anything with it. You can just have sausage and curry, it doesn't really matter. So if you like what you see, please keep viewing me. 2:01:08 Unknown_21: He said nice and spicy. I don't know. I'm not going to count it because that's like a cheap bingo. I want a total victory. I want a total victory, chat. Unknown_14: Please feel free, the more the merrier. And if you haven't subscribed, or you don't want to subscribe, get subscribed. And you also subscribe. Thank you. Bye. Unknown_14: All right. Unknown_21: All right, we already watched the cowboy putt. Unknown_21: We already watched that one. Yeah, I'll do a poll this time. I'll pick out three at a random page and we'll do a poll. 2:01:40 Unknown_02: All right, all right, all right, all right, all right. Let's find the one. Unknown_02: God, all these look awful. Unknown_02: Uh, okay. Fuck it, we'll just do this page. 2:02:12 Unknown_21: We'll just do this page. Unknown_21: Uh, we got... No, let me hide the bingo card for this. Unknown_21: We've got, which is potato with tuna and mayo. Unknown_02: We've got... Unknown_21: I mean some of these try to look healthy pizza on toast I think she could probably she could probably get bingo with that because we got bingo with like really shitty ones before and salt and pepper chicken and chips a lot of that one okay oh well somebody's saying Korean meal but that has too many veggies 2:03:03 Unknown_21: I'm gonna vote for pizza and toast I think she could really fuck that up easily but people people really want the tuna and mayo apparently nobody wants the salt and pepper chicken and chips even though that shit looks fucking like I'm sure she can make that raw and disgusting merengue tuna will be disgusting I agree Unknown_21: Oh shit pizza on toast because I shielded the pizza on toast and now people are voting it back up. Unknown_02: It's too close. I can't call it because it's too fucking close. Unknown_21: It keeps going back and forth. 2:03:56 Unknown_21: I'm going to have to wait. Oh, there it is. 38 to 42, pizza on toast. Unknown_02: All right. Unknown_02: Alright, how long is this? Unknown_21: Six minutes? She could fuck it up in six minutes. I have faith in her. Unknown_14: Hi people, and I'm back cooking again. And today I'm going to be doing... I'm not sure if it's... If it's a proper... We're off to a bad start. Unknown_21: No middle shirt. And I can't see if her tits are off center. Unknown_14: Pizza on toast. 2:04:32 Unknown_14: As you can see, I've got some pasta... Unknown_14: some tomato puree and some sausages. Unknown_14: So what I'm going to do is I'm going to pour a bit of, is it called, tomato juice on. Unknown_14: Oops, spilt that. Unknown_21: She said she spilled it. Spread it out. Did she spill it like off camera? I'm going to call that then. 2:05:05 Unknown_21: Let's say, I can't, I have to know for sure. Unknown_10: Wait, is this really just, is this really just bread with fucking, that's, that's, really? Unknown_22: Yeah, I'm going to call upon excess on this already. Unknown_21: She has no idea how to like just put a little bit of shit on it. Unknown_10: What the fuck is she doing? 2:05:42 Unknown_10: Spread that around like that. Unknown_21: Yeah, she hasn't toasted it, no. Unknown_21: I guess she's going to try to cook it with the tomato sauce already absorbed into it, I guess. Unknown_14: Now I'm going to... It's going to be soggy and gross. Unknown_21: It's not going to be crispy at all. Unknown_14: I've got some... Yeah, I'm going to call it for the pre-made stuff as well. Unknown_21: It's not what we normally have, is it? Unknown_14: I could excuse it, but everything is so lazy and shitty right now. 2:06:16 Unknown_14: I'm not having it anyway. Unknown_14: And because there's three lots of salami, I'm going to do... I'm going to take that off. Unknown_21: She's not using the cheese again because she has to accommodate the fucking lay, so I'm going to call for that. Unknown_21: She's not used margarine yet, which is fucking impressive. Unknown_14: And then the middle one. 2:06:48 Unknown_14: They look a little bit bigger. Oh, they're only a bit thin, aren't they? Unknown_10: And there's one more to go on. 2:07:20 Unknown_14: and the last one which is the same size as that one go over that I think it's all different forms of salami Unknown_21: There's like nothing else on this besides you just fucking like salami and bread and pasta sauce She's managed not to burn herself yet, but that's because there's nothing cooked So what I'm gonna do it I'm gonna put that in the grill I'm going to keep checking it and I Unknown_14: Like I said, there's no specific time. It's just when it looks as though it's done, when the salami is bubbling, then obviously it's done. I mean, why not? Like I said, I'm doing it under the grill, so I'm going to put it under the grill now. 2:08:04 Unknown_14: And this is the end product of pizza on toast. Unknown_14: Lee is coming to do the taste test. Unknown_21: There's no seasoning either. You can use margarine. Unknown_07: Fold it all, like that. Like so. Unknown_07: The Fandle. Unknown_21: Oh man. Unknown_07: Oh, the Fandle. I didn't know what you said then. 2:08:45 Unknown_15: Oh, whatever, just call it the Fandle, whatever. Unknown_21: That kid grosses me out. Unknown_21: Does he not like it? He looks like he's laboring to eat it. I thought we weren't talking. Unknown_14: Are you going to say that on every video? No, because it's just that you were very long. Unknown_07: Yeah, but you haven't actually said that on every video. Have I? Unknown_14: I'll use it as my catchphrase then. I'm going to go with another one. Unknown_07: Right. Favorite tomato, eh? Favorite tomato. Is it? Yeah. You don't have anything, do you? Yep. Nice. 2:09:18 Unknown_07: Won't say as nice as the pizza I have. Unknown_07: It's the stuff that you have for the pizza, anyway. I'm gonna mark it. He obviously does not like it. But it's just weird having it with bread. I mean, I know pizza is basic. Unknown_21: God, he finally doesn't fucking like it. Unknown_21: But she didn't hurt herself. You know what? Unknown_07: He can't enjoy food unless his mother is physically harmed in the making of it. Unknown_07: That's obviously the fucking rule. Very good. 2:09:51 Unknown_14: Well, I hope I gave you a good idea on how to do Pete's song. Fuck off, Kay. Unknown_21: He's a stupid cunt. Unknown_21: Give us a bingo, you bitch. You fucking slag motherfucker. I want a bingo, god damn it. Alright, I'm going off the rails again. I'm going off the rails. Unknown_21: I'm going to pick one. I'm going to do it my way. We're going to get a bingo. 2:10:27 Unknown_21: Chicken tender is my way. That's a fucking winner. That's a winner if I've ever seen one. I'm calling it. I may not get my $150, but I am going to get my fucking bingo. Unknown_14: what I had to do. And when it comes to, it's just chicken without the boning, without the skin on, and cooked to a certain length. Unknown_22: She said my way. Unknown_14: Oh, we're knocking them down. We're knocking them down. As chicken tenders, and we'll see how it goes from then. 2:11:05 Unknown_14: and to the body who shot the state out here or whatever you shouted in the park i'm sorry i didn't hear you if it was uh... we are not going down just see it and as i can as you can see like i just said and she came and this is a chicken that's being people and and those skin on it Unknown_21: We're doing this. Unknown_14: Oh, my God. We got salmonella. Unknown_21: Look at the salmonella on that shit. We're fucking golden. This is it. Unknown_14: This is a fucking bingo. Unknown_21: Yeah, she is. Unknown_13: I can hear her breathing. 2:12:02 Unknown_22: She's physically, ew, she's cutting it with scissors. Unknown_14: What the fuck? That's another. I'm going to put them in the tray. Unknown_14: Thank you, Lee. And I'm going to roast them for, I don't know, about 20 minutes to see how they turn out. I know that you have to turn them over after so many minutes, so we'll see how it goes. Unknown_14: As you can see, the chicken tenders are done. I'm going to just take a few out for you to eat. Unknown_22: Why is it greasy? She did it. 2:12:43 Unknown_22: She just baked chicken in margarine. Unknown_21: I'm pretty... No, that's margarine. I can tell. She didn't show it in the video, but she put margarine on that shit. That's why it's... Is it already done? Unknown_14: How is it halfway over? There's nothing. Okay, there's no fucking seasoning. Unknown_22: There's no fucking vegetables? What the fuck? Unknown_18: She just baked chicken breasts. 2:13:15 Unknown_22: Didn't say anything. Unknown_14: I don't know what's wrong. Unknown_18: Oh, come a fuck on. Unknown_14: I'm not tilling the plates. Unknown_21: I thought that was going to be a winner for sure. Unknown_21: Awkward laugh. Unknown_14: Chicken? Well, obviously, it's pretty chicken. Yeah? Good? Unknown_14: Good? Unknown_14: Do I get a thumbs up? 2:13:59 Unknown_14: You're going to get a slap. Unknown_21: I've just done the rice. Unknown_14: What I do is, with my rice... Wait, rice? Unknown_22: What the fuck? Unknown_14: I put it in the pan, obviously, cook it, and then I take it out of the pan, put it in a sieve, pour boiling water on it, and then I put it on the plate. That should be okay. Unknown_14: Well, that's it. I mean, obviously, you've seen the end product. Lee's done his taste test, so I just thought I'd mention about the rice. I mean, you don't have to do that, but I want to try this. 2:14:35 Unknown_22: What fucking rice? Unknown_22: What the fuck are you talking about? Unknown_22: Is she seriously demented? There is no fucking rice in that fucking plate. Unknown_14: Oh, please, please, please mention the dogs. Unknown_21: Please say you're going to feed the dogs. Unknown_14: And just to let you know, as the longer waited t-shirt are now got up for sale. 2:15:08 Unknown_21: She's selling fucking t-shirts. I'm so mad. I'm so mad. You really need to get a crippling, I swear. Unknown_14: Right. Unknown_14: The t-shirts, these t-shirts, which I'm going to give you the address, are the only one. You get them anywhere else, they are not legit. But from here, they are the only legit ones. And the address to get the t-shirts, my t-shirts, which I have said yes to, not anyone else, is facebook.com forward slash Kay's Good Cooking Official. Is this just her ranting about her fucking t-shirt? That's facebook.com forward slash Kay's Good Cooking Official. You know what? 2:15:44 Unknown_21: I am making another executive change to the bingo card. Unknown_02: Okay, give me... Unknown_02: Okay, I know what we're going to do. I know what we're going to change for this. Unknown_21: Give me a sec. We're making an executive decision right now. And I'm going to switch out Kay Accommodates Her Son's Taste with 2:16:19 Unknown_21: Alright, I got this. This one's a winner. This one's a winner. We're gonna start seeing more bingos after this one. Alright. I swear to fucking god. I'm replacing Accommodate Sons Tates with Bitches About Merchandise. Anytime she mentions something about merchandise, that's gonna fucking, that's that square. That'll round it out. 2:17:00 Unknown_21: All right. Unknown_21: All right, all right, all right. Unknown_21: Chicken Salisbury Steak Big Mac Rustler My Way. Let's do that one. Unknown_14: Hi, people, and I'm back today. It was not the first time. Unknown_22: She mentions her fucking merchandise, or she mentions merchandise all the fucking time. Unknown_14: I'm putting some lard in a pan. 2:17:34 Unknown_21: Is that lard or is that margarine? I don't trust her. Unknown_14: I'm not going to cuck us out of the fucking bingo. Unknown_21: I'm going to do my way just because she's, uh, it's in the title. She was definitely wearing a metal shirt and she was in overall. Unknown_14: All right. Well, I'll put my heat on halfway. Unknown_21: Not yellow enough, can't be Marge. Unknown_14: Big Macs are big. I'm going to put a big lump of... Mincemeat. Yeah, reduced fat mincemeat. 2:18:10 Unknown_22: What is the point of using reduced fat mincemeat when you're going to fucking boil it in fucking lard? Unknown_22: What is the fucking purpose of that? A rustler, which, after looking, researching everything... Unknown_14: is more or less the same. Unknown_14: So as you can see, well, I don't know if you can, the lard is starting to melt. Unknown_14: And I know these aren't round. Does Virgo know I'm cheating on her? 2:18:42 Unknown_21: We can watch a Virgo video after this. We can take a break. If they have machines. We need to do a Virgo bingo card. Actually, you know what? I think I did a Virgo bingo card. Unknown_21: But I think she's changed how she rants. Like she used to rant and hit these marks like every fucking time. But now she's less predictable. Unknown_14: Now I'm gonna butter the bread cakes. Unknown_14: As you can see, it's not looking much like a Big Mac at the moment. So I'm gonna butter the bread cakes. I will be putting cheese on one, but not the other. Because as my previous viewers know, my son can't have cheese. 2:19:18 Unknown_09: Now it's the turny over time. Unknown_09: That's one turny over. Unknown_21: Did she like completely remove the lard from the pan? Unknown_09: Oh no, I just can't see it. Because it's like absorbing it. Unknown_14: You really don't need fucking lard for whole beef. Because they're big. 2:19:54 Unknown_21: There's no marge, it's lard. Unknown_14: Cut them probably in half or slice them in half just to get the other half done. It's not half done. It's like 10% done at best. Unknown_21: Wait, oh, she spread the fucking marge on the bread cake. Unknown_13: That's right. Unknown_21: She's gonna burn herself. Come on, burn yourself! Burn yourself! Unknown_09: She's physically dis- She's physically destroyed food. 2:20:31 Unknown_18: And that is on the highest setting for sure. Unknown_21: Burn yourself! Burn it! Unknown_21: Oh, I guess now we have four hamburgers. You don't have to use the highest setting all the fucking time, dude. Unknown_11: Back together. Unknown_11: Well that she burned it that's why That's why it's uh, yeah, you can see the burn Oh 2:21:22 Unknown_21: Oh, she dripped. Yeah, she fucked up moving food. Unknown_21: And she called Al. Unknown_21: And I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna say it, there's no fucking seasoning coming. Unknown_21: And she offered less. Unknown_21: The beef is definitely cooked now, because she's split up. Unknown_21: Dude, look at that fucking, that is so gross. Unknown_19: That is an awful burger. Unknown_19: There's no vegetables, that's it? 2:21:55 Unknown_14: Big Mac. Without the lettuce, we have the salad. Unknown_19: Without the salad. Unknown_13: This is the Big Mac, so... Come on, Mr. Taste Tester. Unknown_03: I don't mind. Unknown_13: I don't mind. Unknown_03: I don't mind. Unknown_13: I don't mind. Unknown_07: I don't mind. Unknown_13: I don't mind. Unknown_07: I don't mind. I don't mind. Unknown_13: I don't mind. I don't mind. I don't mind. 2:22:37 Unknown_19: I hate this fucking kid. Unknown_13: Do I get a thumbs up? Unknown_19: I hate this fucking kid. Unknown_07: So there you have it. Unknown_14: Right, now I am doing my... I'm not doing a taste test, obviously. Unknown_13: As you can see, I've got some more in. But my Big Mac, or Goose Flop, as sometimes I call it, Unknown_13: You know what? You know what? I'm going to call it. 2:23:08 Unknown_14: I'm going to call it. We'll put it to a poll. Unknown_13: I'm going to call it though. Unknown_22: That is... 2:23:41 Unknown_21: That is a massive serving. I'm just gonna... I need your... This is gonna go through the fucking democratic process here. Are we gonna call that a massive serving of food? Is that massive? Unknown_21: You guys are just desperate for a win. That's what this is. You guys are just fucking desperate for the win at this point. Unknown_21: Cheat. Cheat. Unknown_21: It's fucking massive, you fatties. 2:24:18 Unknown_18: What a cheap win. He lied, he hated it. Unknown_02: Oh no. Unknown_02: Don't cheat the bingo? Unknown_22: I'll put it up to a poll. Unknown_02: I'll put it up to a poll. Unknown_02: It's massive, only Americans know. I'm gonna agree. Unknown_21: That's like half a pound of beef. Unknown_21: Hold up. Okay, we'll go back. We'll go back to the mints. I'm gonna prove this. 2:24:50 Unknown_21: That is like... That's like half a pound. Unknown_02: Like, that's a lot of fucking food. Unknown_18: Democracy. Unknown_21: I'm gonna call it. That is... That is a grotesque amount of fucking beef and fat. I'm sorry. You can fucking hate me all you goddamn want. Well, I'm calling it. That is... That's too much fucking food. I need a song. I need... I need a song for, like, when we hit a bingo. I don't have anything that's anti-English enough. The Black and Tan song doesn't count. 2:25:21 Unknown_21: I need something that's, like, actually, like, fuck the English, burn in hell, or something. Unknown_02: Rigged? Unknown_21: I put it to a poll, okay? If it was not a democratic process, then the poll should have said otherwise. 2:25:57 Unknown_21: Sad file in New England. Unknown_02: Cannot eat black and tans. Unknown_02: London Bridge is falling. Unknown_21: chat is gay this is right nigga let me go back to that hamburger and show and show make my point again that is that's like half a pound on a bun with margarine you know how much fat contents in that fucking thing that's like a thousand calories at least in just one burger no no that's a massive portion nuke fucking england that's all i gotta say 2:26:36 Unknown_21: All right. Unknown_21: We will do another. Actually, you know what? Let's check on Virgo. See how Virgo is doing. Unknown_21: Virgo, do you have any content? Do you want to bitch and moan about people on the internet again? Unknown_16: You've been making fake videos of me saying that I never did pornography. Unknown_21: No, that's one day ago. Unknown_21: This is a minute long. We'll watch this one. This is old, though. 2:27:07 Unknown_16: Well, I did take down some videos that were defaming online. I'm sure some of the other ones will be removed. But I'm not giving my legal married name. And for that reason is my husband is very concerned about his reputation with his job. What are you spamming? And his reputation. And the reason I'm using a maiden name and not my married name. Unknown_16: He doesn't want anyone to know who he is in terms of online and offline. Everybody knows who he is, but he doesn't want any. Oh my God. 2:27:43 Unknown_21: This is actually great. Hold on. Unknown_16: I'm using my old name basically. Unknown_21: Her mom has drawn this lovely family. Unknown_16: I told you what the deal was. I don't owe you any explanations. I'm just letting you know that you're delusional. This is just perfect. Unknown_16: I'm trying to protect my husband. Unknown_21: I like how the mutt drawing isn't just the meme. Unknown_16: It's like a proper rendition of the mutt. Because I'm giving you free quality music. I've done nothing wrong. 2:28:17 Unknown_16: I have done absolutely nothing to deserve being gang-stalked. I'm not reading any of your messages. I'm also not giving you my married name because I want to protect my husband and his job. I don't like mints. Unknown_21: Oh, thumbs up. I can't have the cheese because of my lactose intolerance. Thumbs up. You gotta have the marg. Cause I can't have butter. Thumbs up. Big thumbs up for you. Unknown_21: Fuck that nigga. That nigga would eat doo-doo out of a fucking toilet bowl. And give us a big ol' thumbs up. Fucking lying ass motherfucker. Cheating ass fucking bingo ruining motherfucker. 2:28:52 Unknown_21: We need to get the mutt and make the mutt a fucking emoji. Just thumbs up. Unknown_21: Anytime we have a video about eating shit. Just straight fucking dookie. We can get the whole thumbs up out there. Unknown_02: Virgo has no husband, you think? Unknown_02: Wait, hold up. 2:29:26 Unknown_21: Featured channel. Big man Lee. Big man Lee gaming. Big man Lee singing. Unknown_02: Lee is cool one. Unknown_02: This motherfucker. Unknown_02: It's him. Unknown_21: Look, he's even got this gay bullshit fucking banner and shit. What the fuck is this? Unknown_06: It's the most beautiful time of the year. Life's been, been, been so much cheer. I should replay in the winter snow Run beyond the mistletoe I don't wanna miss out my holidays But I can't stop staring at your face I should replay in the winter snow Run beyond the mistletoe This is awful. Why would you put this on the internet? 2:30:12 Unknown_06: This is three minutes long? Unknown_06: Wait, he's getting a Patreon? What the fuck? But he ends it with that! 2:30:56 Unknown_21: Hold up, hold up. Unknown_21: I gotta see more. Unknown_02: This fucking guy. Unknown_02: This fucking guy. What does he stream? Unknown_02: Wait, she has like troll Twitter. Unknown_22: Is she like a proper fucking locale and shit? Unknown_21: I like crap food and watching unemployable men playing in the woods in Sheelfield watch my videos. 2:31:32 Unknown_21: Is she like a... Wait, Meltdown? Unknown_22: What the fuck? What the fuck? Unknown_22: Does she have more fans than just me? Unknown_21: Kay's good cooking got banned on YouTube like her son on the last video, Real Life Trevors. She then had a complete meltdown on Facebook. Unknown_21: Really? Unknown_22: Really? Kay, Puddleful was bragging. 2:32:13 Unknown_14: He got your channel banned. You better fuck. Unknown_14: Actually, I was thinking about that. I was really thinking about that. Unknown_14: So if he's got my channel band, well, swing some roundabouts because I'm going to live the same way him. Unknown_18: Now this is like editing with gay nigger memes and shit. Unknown_15: I fucking hate this shit. Just post the fucking content. That's because he got his took down. Somebody got his channel took down. Someone I know and they got his channel took down. And if he's watching, you're dead meat pal. You are dead meat. What the fuck? 2:32:45 Unknown_22: Ooh, you're odd. Unknown_15: Oh, stop putting nigger memes in the fucking video. Unknown_14: He's an American dickhead. That's all it is. He takes pride out of taking piss out of people. Fuck you, lady. Unknown_15: Don't worry. Unknown_14: He definitely is. I'm going to get him banned off YouTube. Unknown_15: Like I said, I'm going to put a message in. 2:33:23 Unknown_21: Oh, I hate this fucking bitch who edits those fucking videos. Unknown_14: You're not funny. Just roll the fucking clip. Oh, I can't fucking... Oh, I can't fucking stand it. Unknown_21: This fucking retard. This dumbass motherfucker editing all this fucking bullshit. Unknown_02: I'm not on benefit- ow, I wanna watch it so fucking bad but I can't because it's fucking garbage. 2:34:04 Unknown_21: If you guys can find a channel that actually has, like, good fucking clips and shit, let me know. Unknown_21: I wanna see what her retard son's doing. Unknown_02: No videos, no following. Unknown_02: Well, this is, Lee is, I mean, does he have no, has he never put anything out? 2:34:40 Unknown_21: I just went there. I want to see what this guy is doing. Unknown_02: That was bullshit Boxing day, I guess we'll go back to that guy shit Accounts private what the fuck who are these people? 2:35:16 Unknown_21: Yeah, this guy's like bullshit he bought this fucking thing off Fiverr or something Unknown_21: Okay, what the fuck is this? This better be good. Unknown_02: Okay, is this a channel that actually does it right? Unknown_14: The thing is, YouTube have stopped me from getting access to my channel. I don't know why. Unknown_14: Well, I don't. Unknown_15: I can't say yes, I know why, because I don't. I really don't know why. So, that's the reason why I haven't been putting any videos up. I can't get access. 2:35:51 Unknown_21: Who is Godwinson? Unknown_15: Kay, Puddleful was bragging. Unknown_15: He got your channel banned. You better fu- Alright, I got the link. Copied the link. Why? Why do they do this? 2:36:24 Unknown_22: These fucking dumb bitches on Facebook edit these fucking videos in the most uninteresting ways possible. Unknown_15: Fucking stupid cunts. Unknown_14: Okay, I'm checking on Godwinson. I can't stand the way these fucking dumb cows edit these fucking videos to make them insufferable. 2:37:00 Unknown_12: Instead, it's a way of life, it's a routine that many find difficult to break from. It's a wall of diamond that is almost so difficult to punch through. Except those that do, do some really great things because they've harnessed their temporary position as an outlier looking on wider society And they've used that in order to... What the fuck is this? Why am I watching this? And then one day, you're going to wake up and realize... What the fuck is he talking about? Unknown_21: Who sent me this? Bad mods. Ban whoever the fuck sent me this video. ...study the subject. 2:37:39 Unknown_21: That's what I want. Unknown_07: I've been seeing on YouTube a lot of people doing daily vlogs... Unknown_07: and it looks interesting so i thought you know what i'll give it a shot Unknown_21: Yeah, he totally didn't buy that off fucking Fiverr. Unknown_07: Another morning. This is three minutes past one. As soon as I get out of bed, you jump in. No, don't shake your head. For my dinner, I am having tuna, sweet corn, and mayonnaise sandwich. The sandwich that I absolutely love. It is gorgeous. 2:38:13 Unknown_21: I hate this fucking guy. Unknown_07: For my tea, I'm having minced beef and onion, chips, and some bread. Unknown_07: Right, it's time to go and have a shave. Night night, big girl. See you in morning. Night night. Unknown_07: Right guys, I'm all tucked up into bed. It's quarter to five in the morning and literally I'm so glad I'm in bed because I'm tired. 2:38:45 Unknown_05: This is half eleven, and I've just got up. Unknown_07: For my tea, I'm having the three peas pepperoni peppered pizza. Night night, Ziggy. I'll see you in the morning, pal. What the fuck am I watching? I'm all tucked up into bed. It's twelve minutes past five in the morning. 2:39:28 Unknown_21: I want to cut this off, but I'm entrenched. Unknown_07: And for my breakfast, I am having two slices of toast. And for my dinner, I am having one and a half tuna sandwich. Unknown_07: And for my tea, I am having chips and steak. And for my supper, I am having chicken roll sandwich. Unknown_07: Here's your supper, pal. Now! Unknown_07: Oh, look, it's dying. 2:40:03 Unknown_07: Is he retarded? Unknown_21: Yes, he's retarded. You see what the fuck this guy eats? You are what you eat, and this guy is retarded. Unknown_07: And for my tea, I'm having a calzone. A calzone? Look, look, oh my god, the dog. Unknown_07: The dog is dying! Right guys, I've just got into bed. I hope you have enjoyed today's vlog. 2:40:40 Unknown_07: Right, I can see my mum. Mum, mum, hiya. Unknown_11: Hiya love, what are you doing here? Unknown_19: The dog is like, two retarded people are force-feeding me garbage. Unknown_07: This video is like hypnotizing. Look at the dog! It's suffering! 2:41:15 Unknown_07: Good morning guys, and for my tea I am having turkey and chips. Here's your peeled chips pal. Unknown_07: Night night Ziggy, I'll see you in the morning pal. Unknown_07: Right guys, I've just gone to bed. I hope you have enjoyed today's vlog. Unknown_07: And for my breakfast, I'm having a bacon sandwich. And for my tea, I am having mint lamb chops and potatoes. Well, mashed potatoes. Here's your supper. No! 2:41:53 Unknown_22: Not the dog. Unknown_07: And for my supper, I'm having two yum-yums. Unknown_07: It's a dog! And as you can see, I've got my onesie on. So yeah, I've got my onesie on. Unknown_07: Good morning, guys. Unknown_07: And for my breakfast, I'm having a change. I am having porridge. Here's your breakfast, pal. 2:42:26 Unknown_22: Stop feeding the dog carbs! Get that pillow out of the way. Unknown_22: Feed it like dog food. Unknown_07: We're having a bit of a break now. I'm having my tea and for my tea I'm having chicken and chips. And for my supper I'm having a ham sandwich. Unknown_07: Here's your supper pal. Unknown_07: Night night Ziggy, I'll see you in the morning pal. Unknown_07: Right, Gains, I'm just going to bed. I hope you've enjoyed today's vlog. 2:42:59 Unknown_12: He repeats the same day. He's living this Neathog day. Time has transcended. He, in fact, has transcended time. Time has transcended him, and he lives in this state where days roll into years, roll into arguably decades. That's the harrowing future. Unknown_12: The problem with all of this is that our identity, our nation's future, is wrapped up in people like him. 2:43:33 Unknown_12: Good morning, guys. Unknown_07: And for my breakfast, I'm having a sausage sandwich. Unknown_07: Here's your breakfast, pal. Unknown_07: This video is oddly mesmerizing. And for my tea, I am having two sweet corn tuna and mayonnaise sandwiches. Here's your supper, pal. Stop feeding the dog that fucking garbage. Unknown_22: It looks emaciated. Unknown_07: And for my supper, I am having two yum-yums. Unknown_07: My night is a gassy morning, pal. 2:44:07 Unknown_07: Right guys, I've just gone to bed. I hope you have enjoyed today's vlog. And for my breakfast, I am having two boiled eggs and some bread. Well, two slices of bread. Unknown_07: Here's your breakfast, pal. No, stop feeding it that shit. And for my dinner, no. Unknown_07: I am having roast potatoes peas and pork and for my supper. I'm having two Yum-yums. If you don't know what yum-yums are they are yum-yum. I don't really know how to explain it. 2:44:40 Unknown_04: Let's say yum-yums sweet sweet pastry with icing on He looks sad he doesn't want it he wants dog food Unknown_18: He looks traumatized! I hope you have enjoyed today's vlog. Unknown_07: Good morning, guys. This video is art. And for my dinner, I'm having chips, curry and sausages. And for my supper, I'm having a chicken raw sandwich. Unknown_07: Here's your supper, pal. Unknown_18: It's in a margarine tin! Alright guys, I'm just going to bed. 2:45:25 Unknown_07: I hope you enjoyed today's vlog. And for my tea, I am having chicken nuggets and fish fingers. And for my supper, I'm having a ham sandwich. Unknown_07: Here's your supper, pal. Unknown_21: This video is traumatizing. Unknown_07: good morning guys well it's just turned the afternoon and my alarm got me up Ziggy where are you? there you go there 2:46:17 Unknown_07: And for my tea, I'm having chicken nuggets, chips and marrow fat peas. And for my supper, I'm having a ham sandwich. Unknown_06: Here's your supper, pal. Unknown_07: What is it, sardines? Sardines. Here's your sardines, pal. Unknown_07: I'm like hypnotized by this fucking video. Good morning guys. Here's your supper. Oh wait, it's over. I think I'll see you morning pal. 2:46:59 Unknown_07: Right guys, I just got into bed. I hope you've enjoyed today's vlog. And for my supper I'm having two ham sandwiches. Unknown_07: Here's your picture, Ziggy. Unknown_07: Careful, Mom. Unknown_07: He like crashes. That food poisons him and he crashes. Unknown_07: Right guys, I've just got into bed. Unknown_12: I hope you've enjoyed today's vlog. Unknown_12: This is what happens when we embrace the cocoon of comfort and we don't recognise that being neat is only a temporary fix. It should only be used to clear your headspace and re-evaluate the world around you. 2:47:36 Unknown_12: Instead, this fellow was doomed to repeat his neat hog day, to keep on going, repeating the same day, day after day, year after year. Unknown_12: It's so sad. It's so true. Unknown_12: How many people do you know that live this way? How many people do you know that don't really have anything wrong with them as such, 2:48:15 Unknown_12: but this is how they exercise their creativity, their time on this earth. Unknown_12: Unfortunately, Lee is not going to be affecting the wider world around him beyond being a very cautionary tale on how the neat cocoon, the neat hog day is a very pressing reality if you find yourself in that bubble. Unknown_12: So I will say this finally, Unknown_12: Rise up, take action, and break through the diamond wall. 2:48:53 Unknown_12: Thank you. Unknown_02: It's a very weird video. Unknown_02: Night night, Goldwinson. See you in the morning, pal. Unknown_02: And for my tea, I'm having two yum-yums. Unknown_21: Yeah, that's a depressing ass fucking video. That's like artistry, though. That's some good shit. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be. 2:49:24 Unknown_02: Alright. Unknown_21: Let's see. What else we got? We got ten more minutes. I'll play it out. Just a heads up in case you're curious about the timer. Unknown_21: uh... we are definitely gonna lose but on the plus side i don't know if this is out of pity or what but we've gotten like lots and lots and lots of donations today like almost like seventy five dollars worth so i'm not gonna get my hundred and fifty for third place again i don't think i've ever gotten third place on that fucking high score table it's rigged against me i'm gonna say that stream.me is antisemitic and the guy who runs it aka keemstar hates the Jews and hates Israeli people. But it doesn't matter because you guys donated like tons of fucking money for some reason and made it up. So I guess now I can get my monitor and play Battlefield 1 on my computer as God intended. 2:50:15 Unknown_21: So thank you. Thank you everybody who played along and spammed and shit. That was fun. Unknown_21: She was on British TV. What the fuck? Unknown_21: Give me that shit. Where's my stream at? I closed up my stream on... Where's my chat? 2:50:49 Unknown_21: I want to see. Unknown_02: I want to see. Unknown_02: Spam that link again. Okay, I got it. I got it. Unknown_02: I watched the chat on the OBS. Unknown_20: Oh god. Is she like famous? 2:51:21 Unknown_07: What the fuck is this? 2:52:07 Unknown_14: Wait, hold up, I closed out of Chrome. Unknown_21: I didn't see, uh... Oh, is that it? Unknown_02: Okay, I have Chrome open again with Hangouts. Unknown_02: So if I get a call, I'll hear it now. 2:52:49 Unknown_21: Sorry, I didn't have fucking hangouts open that shit goes to hangouts. I only have that on Chrome Brit humor sucks. Yes, it does. The British are awful at fucking everything Let's see. We got eight minutes left. Give me give me an eight minute video. Unknown_02: Okay, we'll play one more round. Oh Unknown_02: We already watched the cake with icing videos. Unknown_02: Diabetic beans on toast. That sounds like a winner. Unknown_03: Hi people, and I'm back cooking again. And today I'm going to be doing a diabetic breakfast. 2:53:24 Unknown_14: Does she have fucking diabetes? But I'll put the grill under the toast. Unknown_14: Even that other way around if you want. And the beans I've got, front can away now. And then lower is sugar, obviously for diabetics, because you can't have proper normal beans. Right, as you can see, the toast is nicely done. Oh. Unknown_14: I'll break this wash if I carry on. All right, that's fucking margarine, right off the bat. Butter in it. 2:53:59 Unknown_14: Can diabetics have butter? Unknown_21: I guess they can have butter. Unknown_21: They can have sugar. It's not butter, it's fucking margarine. I suppose only a minimal amount, isn't it? Unknown_14: Oh well, then I'll scrape as much off as we can and just scrape it all around the bed. Unknown_14: Right, we've just found out that diabetics aren't supposed to have marge, but they can have butter. 2:54:35 Unknown_14: So... They can't have margarine? Unknown_21: Why? Because it's hydrogenated oil? Unknown_14: It's not diabetics, but it's giving you a rough idea. Unknown_21: I have my fucking hangouts open, so if I get a call, I should hear it. Unknown_14: I just like the normal beans, not to do with sugaring them out. Unknown_18: That's it? Unknown_14: I've got to say it. Anyway. Right, Lee's going to do the taste test. Right. Sorry, we were having a little chat before you. Well, there's no vegetables on this. 2:55:09 Unknown_21: There's no fucking seasoning on this. Unknown_15: Taste the beans. See what the beans are like. I've got to taste it all. Unknown_21: Fucking Grim Reaper calling me up. You got some fucking nerve here, buddy. Unknown_20: Hello? Wait, who are you? What the fuck? Unknown_20: Who are you? Why are you calling me? Hello? Hi. Unknown_02: Who the fuck? 2:55:43 Unknown_02: Who the fuck is that? Unknown_02: Whatever. Unknown_04: What the fuck ever He doesn't like it Locale LLC, how can I help you? 2:56:36 Unknown_17: Hey, why'd you hang up, Josh? Unknown_21: I didn't fucking hang up. You connected me with some fucking random bitch. What's wrong with you? Unknown_17: Well, I was excited to get you on the line, so I just had to kind of just jump you in on whatever call I was on at the time. It's busy at the call center today. Unknown_21: I see that. I see you've been very fucking busy. You got some fucking nerve calling up here like the grim fucking reaper here to harvest his fucking earnings. I see how it is. Unknown_17: I'm just trying to have it be a gentleman's agreement. Be a gentleman about it, okay? Unknown_21: Well, what agreement? What do you need from me? You already fucking won. 2:57:08 Unknown_17: Yeah, but you know, I'm just saying you can come over and you can look at the monitor anytime you want. I'll put you up in the bathroom. No problem. I thought you were getting a vape pen. Unknown_21: What's this talk about a monitor now? You know, I stayed up to 2 fucking AM to try and get this money. Look, I need this money for my diabetes medication and my AIDS medication. I got fucking tapeworms. I've got fucking sickle cell anemia. These pills aren't fucking cheap, okay? Unknown_17: I don't have a violin sample on here, Josh. I'm sorry, but... Well, you should fucking get one, you asshole, if you're gonna go around stealing other niggas' bikes, other niggas' monitors. 2:57:40 Unknown_21: That's what you should fucking be spending that money on, getting some fucking violin samples. Unknown_17: This is like the first bike I ever owned, man. Let's let a nigga have a bike. One time. Unknown_21: That was that was ill-gotten gains you pout up with fucking this is Jim's revenge for the whole doxing thing I was gonna fucking promote it gonna promote Rival streams to steal food out of my mouth to steal my fucking beat his pills to steal my fucking my fucking Blood sugar monitor strips. I see how it is Well, I'm bi curious. 2:58:20 Unknown_17: I take medication for that. So I Unknown_21: I thought they used electroshock for that. Did they change it up? Unknown_17: Yeah, they changed it up. It's oral now. It's completely done orally. Unknown_21: Well, that's good. I'm glad they're making progress on treating serious diseases like that. Unknown_21: Jokes aside, what's up fucking vaping? Is that like an actual vape? You gotta tell me if that's a sample or a vape. 2:58:54 Unknown_21: shit. Wait, who the fuck did you hook me up with? You got somebody to call me. You got some bitch to call me, and then I answered, and I immediately yelled at her, and I looked like an asshole. I'm a nice guy, okay? That ruins my fucking image. Hey, if you were nice, if you were nice, you would've just shut down the stream when I told you to, Josh. Unknown_17: I gave you fair warning, buddy. Unknown_21: I needed, I told you, I need the fucking bunny for my fucking betas. Unknown_17: I needed two. Unknown_21: Hey, maybe... Unknown_17: Maybe I'll subscribe to your channel. 2:59:25 Unknown_21: Do it, motherfucker. You owe me now. I'm fucking out. I can't pay rent now. You fucked me. You fucked me, guy. Unknown_17: That's bullshit. You can't pay rent. Okay, Sargon. Unknown_21: Well, now you're going to fucking report my fucking Patreon. So I can't fucking... I see how it is. Unknown_17: I would never. I would never. Maybe get a BuzzFeed article written, but never report it, you know? Unknown_21: BuzzFeed article. You can't do better than that. I've already been mentioned in, like, the Daily Mail for setting people on fire. Oh, yeah, speaking of, motherfucker, close to gal never fucking robbed me of $150, but she still got set on fire. Just throwing that out there. 2:59:57 Unknown_17: Who got set on fire? Unknown_21: Some tranny. Unknown_17: Oh. What happened? Unknown_21: They set themselves on fire. Unknown_17: Oh, is that like an act of protest? Like that Rage Against the Machine album? Unknown_21: Yeah, but instead of the machine, it was the Kiwi Farms. Which I guess is a machine, if you think about it. It's a forum. Unknown_17: Basically a machine. Out of service today, Josh. Unknown_21: I guess I'm going to have to close up shop. I'm going to have to sell all the kiwis. I'm going to have to whore out some kiwi egg holes to fucking sexual perverts so I can make ends meet. So I can keep the server online and shit. Because I got some nigga at the SPCC stealing my fucking bacon. 3:00:40 Unknown_17: What's the server built with popsicle sticks and cum? What the fuck's going on, man? Unknown_21: No, it's just very expensive. It's a very expensive thing. Unknown_17: Well, you know, how about this? How about I run the server out of the call center? And you can just pay me instead. Unknown_21: You're probably charging more because you're a fucking kike, thieving kike motherfucker. Unknown_17: No, I can't be Jewish because I'm black. You know, I can't be. 3:01:13 Unknown_21: You're a black Israelite. Unknown_17: That's right. Unknown_17: I think you should just bring the server over here, just put it on a boat, and I'll set it up in the call center, and we'll have it all. I don't think you can manage it. Unknown_21: There's more than one button on it. Unknown_17: I'll figure it out. Unknown_21: Are you going to get Jim to help you with that too, motherfucker? Unknown_17: Yeah. I'll get him to hold my whole voice down here and press all the buttons. 3:01:45 Unknown_17: Josh, just concede. Chad is asking you to concede. Unknown_21: I concede. I don't get a fucking choice in this shit. UTC zero has just passed over. I think if we check the high score tables right now, it should be different numbers. Unknown_17: Okay. I don't know how that works, honestly. Honestly, I can't even look at it. So I'm just taking the word of Chad. You could be beating me right now. Unknown_21: Can't look at it because you're on a phone in the bathroom. Unknown_17: Are you going to buy a computer monitor with that fucking money, you kike motherfucker? 3:02:17 Unknown_17: I will have one soon, but I can't read it. If you can just read me the score, I can't see it. What does it say? 775 to 764. Unknown_21: 777-9311. Unknown_21: seven seven seven nine three no no it says mine says seven seven five thousand for you and seven six four for me it was it was the other way around it was like 612 to like 500 but then you're like you know what like you know i i really i really gotta steal this bike today so i better get going 3:02:57 Unknown_17: Come on, let a nigga have a bike one time. One goddamn time. Unknown_21: You don't need no bike. You're fucking in there vaping and shit. You don't need a bike. Where the fuck are you going? What important business do you got to do on that fucking bike? You ain't got shit. Unknown_17: I operate call centers all over the country. Unknown_21: Do you? Do you bike between them? Unknown_17: Yeah. Unknown_17: Biking's not a problem. Maybe I can upgrade. Maybe I can get a Buick Somerset or something like that. Unknown_21: Is your $150 going to be the down payment? 3:03:30 Unknown_17: That's probably the total cost when you really think about it. Unknown_21: What is 779311? What is that? Unknown_17: That's how many points I'm winning by. Unknown_17: Right? That's what you said. Unknown_21: It's a phone number, motherfucker. Unknown_17: Is it? I thought you had the amount of points that I'm leading by. Unknown_21: No, you wouldn't put a period after four numbers. You're full of shit. Unknown_17: After four numbers? What do you mean? 9311 is four numbers. 3:04:03 Unknown_21: You wouldn't put the comma after four numbers. Unknown_17: Yeah, and 10 cents or something, right? Because you do it in U.S. currency. Unknown_21: Wait, did you get into touch with Niamh? Somebody said you got him after I started doing the fat lady stream. Unknown_17: No, I got through his system and I hit zero to connect to whatever that's supposed to go to, as you were telling me to do. And no one picked up. It just went to a voicemail. Unknown_17: He seems, I don't know, based on what you're telling me and a little bit I've heard, it seems like the kind of guy that won't answer the phone on weekends. 3:04:39 Unknown_21: Oh, yeah, that's true. Even though it's like midday for him. I don't know. I think he's just not answering his phone right now. There's lots of feminists who are super pissed off at him. He's probably getting all sorts of calls. Unknown_17: Yeah, that sounds interesting. I'm serious, though, man. If you have any numbers, you know, we can collaborate. You know, this doesn't have to be a disadvantage for you, you know. Unknown_21: Any other numbers? Let me show you this. Well, you don't have a monitor. I can't show it to you. 3:05:11 Unknown_21: No, you can email me and I can print it out from my phone. Yeah, I will. Unknown_21: I'll email you a board on the Kiwi Farms. Unknown_21: And it is a place where people, where I post... I thought there was a video. What? I thought there was a video game. Unknown_21: No, no, no, no. It's not a video game. You can't get it online only. It's a mobile app, you see. Unknown_17: Kiwi Farms is? Unknown_21: Yes. But there's a specific place you can go on the app, and it's where I post takedown requests. And if they're proper DMCA requests, they should have phone numbers associated. 3:05:47 Unknown_21: I see. I'll try to find one. The Jonathan and Eve one has a phone number. I'll try to find two or three. Unknown_17: Is there a DCMA request against you? Unknown_21: Against the forum, yes. I get about one a month. Unknown_17: Really? Yes. That doesn't make sense. Unknown_17: That's weird. Why do they do that? Unknown_21: They send it to me to take down content on the forum that's about them. Then I just support it and I post it. Unknown_17: Okay. That's probably the best idea. 3:06:26 Unknown_17: But the phone number, I think, is the most valuable piece of information for me. I don't really care about their Snapchats or Instagrams. Unknown_21: When you send a complete DMCA, it's supposed to have an address and phone number for servicing. Unknown_21: So I'm looking through to find one that has a phone number attached so that you can get that. Unknown_17: Okay. One a week? Wow. I wish somebody would send me one phone number a month. Unknown_17: Doesn't happen. Unknown_21: I wish I got more. 3:07:02 Unknown_21: Like, I do stuff for Encyclopedia Dramatica, too, and they get some deals. Unknown_17: Okay. Yeah, I imagine they would. They've been in operation for a long time. Unknown_17: It's like a bitchy shit about this. Unknown_21: Yeah, I'll send you an email with some phone numbers. I got to sleep soon, though, because I stayed up to 2 a.m. Trying to make that monitor money. Unknown_17: You could have just stayed in bed. You could have got a good night's sleep, but you just didn't listen, Josh. Next time, you should just listen. Unknown_21: I guess next time I will. I've never been third place on the high score table. That would be cool. I'll do it this time. You have been third place before. 3:07:42 Unknown_17: You have been, I think. Unknown_17: You haven't? Unknown_21: Nope. Unknown_17: Okay. You don't know what it's like? Unknown_21: No, I have no idea. Unknown_17: Okay. Well, maybe you should talk to Danish police. Don't talk to me, man. Unknown_21: Well, that motherfucker streams like 24 hours a day. I don't think I can compete unless I hire some Ukrainian women to stream topless 24 hours a day. Then I might be able to compete with that shit. But before then, I don't know. 3:08:15 Unknown_17: I don't think that's happening. Unknown_21: Why don't we all just go in and start a cable network? Unknown_17: We'll be able to say anything we want, I'm sure. Unknown_21: Uh, yeah. Okay. I have a phone number if you want to call one. Unknown_17: Yeah. Uh, did you email it or did you, uh, no, I'll read this one aloud. Unknown_21: Well, I'll still send you that. I'll send that right now. But, uh, I got to write it down somewhere though. Unknown_17: Just hold on a second. I gotta, I gotta find something to write it down on. 3:08:52 Unknown_21: Your vape pen sounds like it's working just fine. Is it? Unknown_17: Okay, what is it? Unknown_21: 415-489-8456. All right, who's this? Unknown_21: This is somebody who owns IndiePornRevolution.com and TroubleFilms.com. Unknown_21: They appear to be some kind of pervert. 3:09:26 Unknown_21: It's a Courtney trail and Chelsea Poe I'll open the site and describe what I see in a second Okay, yes, tell me tell me what's on your monitor other than the black pixel. Yeah, she owns other domains like queer porn TV and what's this one? Unknown_21: Chelsea Poe dot info and okay indie porn revolution calm and Unknown_21: fat girl fantasies and dykes. And then on queerporn.tv is lots of strap-ons and lesbians. Okay. Unknown_21: And BDSM lesbians. And then chelseapoe.info is a dick girl in bondage gear. 3:10:16 Unknown_21: What's that? It's a tranny, basically, getting pegged in the ass. Unknown_21: And that's why you want a new monitor, so you can look at that stuff? Yeah, I mean, there's all those black pixels all over the fucking place. I can't see shit. Unknown_17: Yeah. Unknown_17: Well, I mean, yeah, that seems like it could be pretty good. Unknown_21: I mean, I don't know. I don't know what you do. You feel pretty sleepy? I do. I feel very tired. 3:10:48 Unknown_17: Yeah. I feel pretty sleepy. Maybe you should go to sleep, Josh. Unknown_21: Maybe I fucking will. Well, if it's any consolidation, I now have 1,000 points, and everybody else has zero, so I guess I win for this week. Unknown_17: No, I have 2,000 right now. Unknown_21: Oh, I see. I see. Yeah. Unknown_17: And that's the way it's going to stay. Unknown_17: All right. Unknown_21: Well, I'm going to go to bed, and you can call the trainees if you want to. 3:11:20 Unknown_17: Yeah. Good night, Josh. Good fun. Unknown_21: All right. Oh, thank you. Thank you for watching, my friends. And I guess next Wednesday I am doing John Bulla, and then I'm going to be talking about 8chan at some point, either at the end of the week or the day after. Unknown_21: And I don't think I'll play an outro song. I'll just end it. Because I want to hear this guy call it training. 3:11:52 Unknown_21: Take it easy, my friends. And thank you to everybody who donated to make up the difference. I appreciate it.