0:00:02 Unknown_01: foreign foreign She's not here 0:01:15 Unknown_01: Oh god, it's so fucking late. Unknown_04: Why am I streaming this late? I need to grind. I need to get that scoreboard points. Everybody spam chat. Unknown_04: Oh my mic's really quiet. There we go. Unknown_04: Oh jeez. I play Japanese music like one more fucking time and everybody freaks out and starts calling it chinky music. 0:01:48 Unknown_04: It's like a remix. It's like a remix with black people music. So why you gotta be like that for? Unknown_04: Ah, geez. Somebody just tried to dux Rambut. Wasn't he the guy that called into the Rapportort and he was like, I really hope I don't get duxed because then I'm gonna lose my job in Australia. I think that was him, wasn't it? Unknown_04: I can't play video games. I can't, like, I can't even run Battlefield 1 at, like, the minimum settings. Not even, like, bare fucking minimum. Does not work. I've even... I realize that it's a heat bottleneck, because my laptop gets too hot. So, as an experiment, I tried to... I literally did this. At negative four degrees outside... 0:02:20 Unknown_04: I cut off the radiator, I opened up all the doors and windows, and I put on like a parka. And I was like, okay, I'm gonna play video games in negative 4 freezing-ass fucking cold, and see if I can play the game. And I actually did get stable frames per second, but I can't play the game because I'm fucking freezing my ass off. So I was like, that's not gonna happen. I can't do that. 0:02:51 Unknown_04: Play shitty basic games then? Well then I'm playing the fucking, then I'm like, I'm playing like Pong. Nobody wants to watch my fat ass play fucking Pong and talk about World Cup. That's some boring shit. My battery will freeze? My battery, I assure you, I had no battery. My battery blew like fucking a long ass time ago. It's just plugged in. If I jiggle that cord too much, my computer just shuts off. Unknown_04: So I'm waiting, I'm waiting and praying for Poroshenko to give me my computer. It's in customs right now. I checked up on the tracking status and it's in customs. But I didn't mail myself a monitor or anything so I'm gonna have to go up and buy my monitor. I'm buying a dual monitor setup with a fucking keyboard. It's gonna be like day and night. I'm catching up on like six years worth of shit by getting this computer and some monitors. 0:03:23 Unknown_04: All right, yes, let me let me go ahead All right, I'm gonna start recording the stream now free for YouTube I'll probably upload this to YouTube if you're listening on YouTube It's okay that you didn't catch this on stream.me forward slash kiwifarms You can make up for it by going to patreon.com slash mad at the internet Not that that's gonna last for too much longer actually I 0:04:10 Unknown_04: Let me pull this up since I mentioned that. I'll go over some stuff that's happened since the last stream because there has been some, uh... Unknown_04: There has been some updates. Some shit. Some shit's happened. We need to talk about it. As friends. Unknown_04: Josh's Friday feed? That's a good name for my Friday streams. Let me open up Firefox. Hopefully there's nothing horrible on it that you can't see. Oops. 0:04:42 Unknown_04: Oh god, now they see that I use Firefox. Oh shit. I don't use Firefox. Don't worry, I'm not gay. Unknown_04: So this person, reminder, Kiwi farms are Nazi incels. Nazi incels is like her word, like anybody she disagrees with is a Nazi incel. But she found me, this crazy lady named Sam Mabreen, she done found me. And she wants to de-platform me, because I am a Nazi incel. Unknown_04: Joshua Connor Moon has been quietly trying to make a comeback as a YouTuber and has set up a Patterson, even though he's supposed to be banned. If you could all report him and make them aware of the kind of violence they are enabling. 0:05:21 Unknown_04: Mainstream platforms such as YouTube and Patterson cannot be seen to condone or tolerate white supremacist violence. Not forgetting the systemic targeting of vulnerable adults. We need to remind them of that. Unknown_04: Why are people- oh, people are spamming chat. That's fine. Unknown_04: Didn't he say I swear to God he was the guy that called into the route for tort and was like I really hope I don't get doxed because I'm a Nazi and they're gonna fire me from my job working at Working at the kangaroo zoo in Australia. That's kind of sad But uh Okay, yeah, that's the same membrane. She's crazy by the way. She's actually probably worth the stream. She's psychotic I've been giving her a pass because she's been quiet recently, but now she's not being quiet. So I have no such inclination to give her a pass. 0:06:08 Unknown_04: Um, any news on the Wings front? There has been an update on the Wings front. Unknown_04: He, after that video, there were two people kind of featured prominently in it. One of them was that Binge Wings guy. If you need a reminder on who Binge Wings was I actually still have the logs I showed you. 0:06:47 Unknown_03: He was the guy who did the piss- pissists on shithead. Unknown_04: And he was banned. Unknown_04: And the other guy, the guy that owned that Jordy Jordan fake resume site, he was also banned from... from, uh, from their Discord. Because they made them- made them look bad, I guess. 0:07:20 Unknown_04: So yeah, I think, I think the Jordy Jordan site is still, like the fake resume site is still down. It appears to be, maybe it's just because of my IP coming from another country that's still allowed to load. Unknown_04: But the guy, the guy, the wings of obesity. Unknown_04: Oh no, it still does work. Unknown_04: The guy who owns it actually came onto the site and was like, no, no, no, you got it all wrong. Don't get it twisted. I didn't take it down. 0:07:53 Unknown_04: I'm just incompetent and I don't know how to keep my site up. Unknown_04: So that didn't work out too well. Unknown_04: Let's see. So that's that. Unknown_04: That's the update on Wings of Redemption, people. Oh, there was a comment by uh, let me let me find this actually Probably should have gotten this together before the stream, but that would require effort And I I don't do effort except on Wednesdays. 0:08:27 Unknown_09: That's the rule Let's see, where is it there was a Liquid Richard was the guy who did the videos. Unknown_04: Um Unknown_04: talking about, oh, the remixes, the song remixes. And he did leave a comment on my video very early after publishing it. He left a comment, so this is that comment. I'm selling my albums because I work really hard on them, unlike somebody who just downloads a VOD and cuts clips, edits them together. I don't have ads on my videos and I don't force anybody to buy my albums. 0:09:11 Unknown_04: Or donate if somebody wants to support me, that's cool. I'm actually trying to be creative and different. I don't want to be another highlight channel Unknown_04: And that was in response to me pointing out that although they get really super fucking pissed off at Lean from putting ads on his videos, this guy sells his album for money as well. And if the thought process is any form of monetization is inherently evil because capitalism is a sin, I guess, why do you do that? And his response was basically just that, I'm good enough that I can do that. Even though, if you don't realize, in some of his videos, I'll just play a clip of one to show you what I mean. 0:09:45 Unknown_09: Alright, Redneck, welcome to ban world. Unknown_04: So this is one of his songs for reference. Let me pull up the actual song in Firefox. Unknown_05: Big up Liquid Richard. 0:10:19 Unknown_04: So I can show you something. Unknown_05: Firma ban his bitch ass. Seriously, fuck you. If you continue to say Richard, whether you're a sub or not, I'm just gonna get rid of you for 24 hours. Unknown_03: I'm banning anybody trying to give me advice. Unknown_05: Alright, ban everybody. Shut the fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck up. Unknown_05: You fucking dick suck. Unknown_06: Shut the fuck up. Unknown_04: And he did now, Firefox. Here, I'll just, I'll just clip it from the, uh, somebody on the Kiwi farms was nice enough to put it, put it up for me. Unknown_07: Okay. Unknown_04: Here we go. Here's the place. 0:11:15 Unknown_04: Go back to Firefox. Unknown_04: And okay, so these are on his songs. He actually does get hit with copyright claims from the various songs that he gets his beats from. So in that song, it was a Dr. Dre song. So this is a tag from Dr. Dre type beat, West Coast Miss Outs. Another one from Ice Ice Baby, Solo by Clean Bandit, and this is Da-Ya-Vi-Ah-Oh-Ya-Si-Tibia by Triple Savage. 0:11:54 Unknown_04: And Dorae. And then there's another one. So all of his songs, like his beats aren't original, which isn't too uncommon with remixes like that, but if his claims that he just puts in so much effort, and he doesn't borrow any content from other creators, Unknown_04: He's lying. Oh if I toggle Firefox on while looking at the Kiwi farms look at the right or the left You see the margin with the the sign to comic when I take it off It lines up kind of That's funny 0:12:30 Unknown_09: He does I guess he does make his own songs, but the beats are borrowed from popular songs Oh, I shouldn't have I shouldn't have scrolled away so quickly. Unknown_04: Let me show you This guy this guy creep. He has some kind of thing with with him. He doesn't like them apparently because um Oh, and he points out that he has his his PayPal URL and every one of those songs Unknown_04: But this Mexico TV Transmesia... Is that Z with the thing on it? That's not like English, is it? Unknown_04: No, I mean that's not Spanish. 0:13:12 Unknown_04: No, that has to be like Polish, because that guy's Polish. So he's saying that this is one of his other channels, I think, and Unknown_04: Like they're going after this guy too, and he points it out in a different thing I've not even looked into this so I have no fucking idea Unknown_04: Regarding this at all. I don't know if I'd go to bat for this guy. I have no fucking idea who he is But they're pointing out that They're doing the same shit to him They're calling them like I don't understand this immediate like desire to call everybody that you're making fun of a pedophile like it's every time it's like the the weakest fucking thing like People think of the worst thing you can call somebody and they just go right for it and they burn out anything else Like anything else is just like it is just under the bridge at that point Uh, that's fireman candor is the guy that owns the wings of redemption like hate subreddit And he's talking about banning lane and shit from this 0:13:58 Unknown_04: Oh look, he's got his banneries in the, uh... In the- in his, like, custom title. Acting faggoty because banned from Discord. I wonder if he was banned from Discord for saying the word lean. Oh, and this guy, um... God, what the fuck is his name? Unknown_04: Not creep, it was the other one. Wings of Obesity, the guy that owns the Jordy Jordan, like, fake resume site. He came in here, like, literally saying what I was talking about in the stream. Saying how he only got the surgery because we bullied him into getting it. We're helping him. We're the only reason why he gets up in the morning. Like, literally saying that. And it's like, like, creepy fucking rationalization. Like, if you want to be a dick to some fat fuck, just go for it. 0:14:49 Unknown_04: Why do you have to, like, justify it to yourself? If you really think it's just all fun and games, like, why do you have to convince us? Like, nobody... It's like with the, um... When people called me, like, a white knight. It's like, I don't care. It's what I want to do. I don't have to make you care. 0:15:27 Unknown_04: But, uh, this guy also, the Wings of Redemption guy, he's like the dumbest of the entire bunch. He, uh, he proudly, in that call, confirms his name to Wings of Redemption and says that he's a lawyer in Alberta. And his identity and shit, like, his real ID is just Alberta Lawyer. And he even replied to my fucking video, like, defending himself, because somebody said he was a, uh, a legal student, or he was a, uh... Unknown_04: I'm not sure, like a paralegal, like somebody who helps with law but doesn't actually practice it. And he's like, no, no, no, I assure you, I've graduated school, I've graduated law school, I'm an actual practicing lawyer. 0:16:06 Unknown_04: So he went, like, super out of his way, just out of ego, to, like, make sure everybody knew what his docs is. Like, I found his company page and stuff. I was like, I don't have it out for him. I've not posted it. I assume somebody will eventually, because it's, like, the easiest docs in the entire fucking world to find. He's going out of his way to make sure. And what's funny is his, you know, his Alberta Lawyer name, he has a YouTube channel called Alberta Lawyer that he was using to comment on stuff. Unknown_04: Let me, um, let me pull that up on YouTube. I mean, I'm just looking at a YouTube page. I'm not doxing anybody. 0:16:42 Unknown_04: But uh, oh, do you see something about this? Something that's a little bit fucking interesting that might associate Alberta Lawyer and fucking Wings of Obesity? Could it be the fact he follows all the fucking troll channels and likes nothing but Wings of Redemption videos? Unknown_04: Could it be? Could it be him? Unknown_04: It's just... Oh, Andy follows Boogie. I guess he just really likes fat people. I don't even know. It's just silly to me. 0:17:19 Unknown_04: I guess for being a big bad deoxer, I'm not too scary. Because this guy threw himself like a sacrifice on the pyre. Unknown_04: Oh, Jesus. Unknown_04: Um, what else? I don't want to talk about this creepy weirdo anymore. Let's move on from the winged trolls. Unknown_04: Uh, let's see. There was something I had set aside. Oh! Unknown_04: I know what I had set aside. 0:17:53 Unknown_04: Where is it? Unknown_04: Is this it? Unknown_04: Yeah, this is it. Guess who is suspended from Twitter once again? I'll give you a hint. Unknown_04: I'll give you a hint. Is it, it's me. I have been suspended from Twitter once again. Let me, let me show you, let me show you the tweet that broke the camel's back. Unknown_04: Fit to screen. Okay, this is the tweet, you ready? Yes, aggressively inserting yourself every time he's mentioned. That's the tweet that is apparently abusive behavior. I want to play a game with you guys. I want you to tell me, what about this tweet you think got me banned? 0:18:28 Unknown_09: Go ahead, I'm looking, I'm waiting. Unknown_09: Let's see if somebody gets it. Unknown_09: Oh, I see it. Unknown_04: Cithadrian. The answer is... I said the word he. 0:19:04 Unknown_04: And because of that horrible, horrible sin, I have been banned from the Twitters. You see, even when referring to somebody indirectly, you must always check your privilege and make sure you are not conducting yourself Unknown_04: Abusively. It is abusive behavior that Twitter seeks to eliminate ruthlessly. Unknown_04: Ah, jeez. Unknown_04: Am I fucking serious? Yes, I'm fucking serious. What's really fucking sadistic about them, right, is I'm still getting emails from Twitter like, hey Josh, come and check out the 190 fucking notifications you have. Well, I fucking wish I could, motherfucker, but I'm not doing this. Like, I've appealed it twice, I've not gotten a reply. I'm gonna continue to spam them with appeals. And in my appeals, I say stuff like, 0:19:50 Unknown_04: This is complete bullshit. You know it's complete bullshit And you should take really really elevate this fucking complaint to your manager Because whoever fucking took this tweet down is is is working with this weirdo sex pervert To fuck with me and to fuck with anybody making fun of them So yeah fuck that 0:20:31 Unknown_04: All right, um... All right, let's get rid of this shit. Should we make fun of him some more? I guess I'm uploading this video to YouTube. Actually, I can't upload this video to YouTube now, because some fuckhead's got into my chat and started posting Rand's docs. So now I can't upload this to fucking YouTube, because I'll get in trouble. Unknown_09: Asshole motherfuckers. Unknown_09: I did mention, yeah, somebody mentioned this. 0:21:06 Unknown_04: It's a fake dox if that helps. I don't think it helps. I don't think it matters. It could be fucking 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but dipshit motherfuckers moderating YouTube don't know the difference. I'm like, oh god, Pennsylvania Avenue. He's going to get cyberbullied in real life now. Unknown_09: We have to take down this video. Unknown_09: No, I can't because, uh... Yeah, I don't trust YouTube to make a fucking informed decision about goddamn anything. 0:21:41 Unknown_04: YouTube is... You know, speaking of fucking YouTube, I have been messaging them every day. Even if I don't get a reply, I send another fucking email. I send another fucking email about this shit every goddamn day. And guess what? It's not helping. Unknown_04: Here, let me- let me- I don't even need to- really, I don't need to take another screenshot of this. Because it's the same fucking thing. Every goddamn time. But I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna throw this up there. 0:22:17 Unknown_04: Still, this strike is still awaiting review. They have not even fucking reviewed it. It has been... It was done on the 26th, so now it's almost been... It's almost been 10 days. Unknown_04: before they- some- the fucking faggot suit and tie motherfuckers on YouTube have not even rolled off their fat fucking ass to review this frivolous bullshit. And even though I contact them every fucking day, I have yet to actually get a real reply. It's just been like, maybe you should get them to retract it. Like, no, they're doing it the fuck with me. It's fragmently- like, it's about a video that never even fucking aired, you dipshit motherfuckers. It's clearly not a valid DMCA request. 0:22:51 Unknown_04: Oh, also some other guy, since I'm on the topic, since I'm ranting, let me pull this up. Unknown_04: Some other, like he's been striking anybody who mentions him. And I'm just going to spoil it. You know, I've been kind of bullying that Wings of Obesity guy for making that Jordy Jordan fake resume site. I bought the guy's name. I bought the guy's girl name and real name. And I'm going to put up the same kind of shit, like this guy is a sex predator. You should never trust him. You should never fucking hire him because he's a fucking menace on society. And when I get time to throw that up there, Yeah, Jordy, er, not Jordy. JonathanYaniv.org and JessicaYaniv.org are mine, and I'm gonna throw up some shit. 0:23:29 Unknown_04: Yeah, fuck this guy. I'm gonna fucking eat him alive. He is literally never gonna live this down. Ever. I-I-I am... It takes a lot to piss me off. This guy's officially pissed me the fuck off. 0:24:02 Unknown_04: But I'm going to make a proper website. And the reason why I bought both is because I'm going to, on the Jonathan you need, I'm going to kind of play it straight. But with the Jessica you need, I'm going to take, like I have the website in Vision. When it's, it's going to, the application's going to be able to tell what URL you're using. And for the girl one, I'm gonna like tone the language down to make it palatable to like social justice types. So it's like if you're posting the link in like a turf safe area, you can post the Jonathan Univ one. And if you're gonna put the, if you're gonna post it in some place where there's like trannies and fifis and shit, then you can do the Jessica Univ one. And it'll be the same message, just with pronouns and shit. 0:24:34 Unknown_04: Yeah, fuck that guy. Unknown_04: He's gonna, he's gonna cry, he's gonna complain, he's gonna file motion, he's gonna go to the Human Rights Tribunal, and he's gonna suck my dick cause he's a fucking faggot. Unknown_04: Let me, let me actually find this shit, cause somebody else got struck with a, uh... A... Where the fuck is it? 0:25:22 Unknown_04: Is this it? No... Unknown_04: Some other guy got fucking struck down with a copyright strike and I'm trying to find that video but I'm not succeeding in doing this. Unknown_04: Let me try searching my history for DMCA. Unknown_04: Oh, ta-da! I am so good at computers, holy shit. Unknown_04: Alright, let's watch this. I wanted to show you one thing. 0:26:06 Unknown_09: Oh my god. I can't- The title of the video is I have- I got a false DNCA strike. Unknown_04: That is unfucking believable. Holy shit. Unknown_04: I'm going to post this. I'm live shitposting to the Kiwi farms. It's gonna happen. Unknown_04: Hold up. I went to pull up that I got a false DMCA claim video by that random guy on stream and I saw this. Boom. Now we're talking. Now we're using the power of the internet to its fullest. 0:26:39 Unknown_04: To everybody in Chit right now, to all my Chitters, you are immortalized in this screenshot. Unknown_04: I'll bring up the, yeah, now we're talking. Move this aside so you can see it. Oh geez, page is freaking out. I'm not good at website design apparently. 0:27:25 Unknown_04: Check it. Unknown_04: Okay, that's funny. All he said was like, I'm not going to mention this guy's name, I'm not going to say anything about him because he's going to fuck with my channel some more. And, uh, he fucked with the channel some more. Unknown_04: That is really fucking funny. That is really sad. Oh, jeez. Trannies are just the fucking worst. Unknown_04: Just the worst. They are the worst fucking people. 0:27:56 Unknown_04: I don't even know what to do. Like that threw me off so fucking hard. I have no fucking idea what to say about that anymore. Unknown_04: Oh, I was going to mention that I have been contacting lawyers about it. Because really, I don't want to show the exact numbers. I've not made too much money, but I made a couple hundred dollars off streaming, which is really fucking nice. For somebody like me in my situation, it's really fucking nice. 0:28:31 Unknown_04: Like, he's fucked with that. He's fucked with that. With his bullshit. Unknown_04: So, oh, and really, the funny thing is, I didn't even get to, I didn't even point this out on the thing. In my screenshot, I'll show you again, it says, claimant Jonathan Yaniv, manually detected. If I go back to this, Unknown_04: The screenshot I just took of that other video, you'll notice, is no longer available due to a copyright strike by Jessica Yaniv. And if that's not his legal name, then guess what? He's filed a false DMCA strike, under penalty of perjury, which is a crime. So, I mean, really, this guy deserves more than anybody else, anybody who uses the law Fraudulently to fuck with people deserves to eat shit It's like it's like people who cry rape because they regretted sex like you should you should seriously just eat fucking shit The government's bad enough without people fucking lying to themselves So, I don't know if I will like if I end up getting a lawyer for it and uh 0:29:49 Unknown_04: Like, I'll crowdfund it. I could probably get the money at this point just because of how many people fucking hate this guy. And rightfully fucking so, because he's a complete piece of shit. Unknown_04: Just send Fancy Bear, right? Unknown_04: I don't know. I don't think Fancy Bear can do anything with this training. Unknown_04: It's just... It's so frustrating. Like, this shouldn't be happening. Unknown_04: He's a pedophile. He's a pedophile freak of fucking nature. How is he an upper echelon citizen of this world? Like, he's not even American. He is a random fucking pedophile tranny freak who preys on children in British Columbia. 0:30:22 Unknown_04: And he is somehow able to just completely obliterate any reference to him. People even, like, using, like, indirectly referencing him get fucking obliterated off the face of the fucking internet. Is that really what 2020 is gonna be like? Is that really the future of the fucking internet? How? How? How does that happen? 0:30:58 Unknown_04: He's a part of the tribe. He is a part of the tribe. Is that it? I mean, there's pedophile Jews who get fucked over, right? Unknown_04: Yes, dude. He's not just talking about giving tampons to little girls. He's talking about how, what if I'm going to be surrounded by prepubescent children? What if one of them has their first period around me? Then they ask me to help put them in. Like, what do I do? And he asked that exact same question, like, to every woman who would answer it. 0:31:32 Unknown_04: Like, I guess, I don't even know if he wants to do it himself or if he just wants to hear stories about it, but like... Unknown_04: He's just fucking disgusting and no reasonable person on the planet should want to stick up for him or do this kind of shit pull these kind of fucking tricks for him Yeah, I'm sure he's being a real fucking Ralph did this last week. He's not been affected by it like I'm still talking about it because he's still doing shit So I don't even know 0:32:10 Unknown_04: Nullnamed him. Unknown_09: Pito is Jew, there's no distinction. Unknown_04: Yeah, I'm completely fucking off-kilter now. You know what we need to do to calm down? The tensions are high. The tensions are high. Let me pull up some comforting material so that we can calm ourselves. Let's have calm down time. 0:32:44 Unknown_04: There we go. Aww yeah. Unknown_04: That's the good stuff. Unknown_04: This is an old standby. These are old favorites that have been reliable. Unknown_09: Hi people, and I'm back cooking again. 0:33:17 Unknown_13: And today I'm going to be doing a cake with icing on. Unknown_13: Right, as you can see I've got the marge in the dish. Unknown_10: Crack the egg. Unknown_04: Margarine? You're already fucking up. Unknown_04: Oh that's right, her son hates butter. So what I'm going to do is put the eggs and the marge together. 0:33:58 Unknown_13: Gonna put the sugar in. Unknown_04: Sugar? Did she say that weird even for herself? Unknown_13: Mix that in. Unknown_04: Yes, this is a cooking stream. I'm preparing cake right now. Unknown_13: And now I'm going to add Unknown_13: The flour. Unknown_04: Woah, woah, woah, hold the fuck up. Salt raisin flour. I will have you know to whoever said that, fucking the Danish police guy did not find cooking with Kay. I've been streaming her since fucking early December. Fuck off with that shit. Kay is mine. I'm not negotiating. 0:34:35 Unknown_13: For the... For it to rise. Unknown_13: And I'm gonna mix this. Can you get me a bit of milk, please? It's chunky because it's fucking margarine and not fucking butter. Unknown_04: Ah, fuck off. Alison sucked my dick. It's mine. 0:35:08 Unknown_13: We start pouring some in, we stop when I tell you. Unknown_13: Don't, not fast. Unknown_13: Fuck! I'm getting tired. Unknown_08: That's it, that's it. Unknown_04: How do you fuck up a cake? Unknown_04: So now I'm going to turn it on to fast speed to get it... Everybody type Alex as a stupid fucking nigger in chat. 0:35:41 Unknown_13: Right, I'm going to tip it in now to the cake tin. Unknown_13: Think I might have made too much mixture here. Unknown_13: If you want to know what it was, it was four ounces of flour. Unknown_13: Four ounces of salt-freezing flour, four ounces of marge, four ounces of marge. Unknown_13: Hold on. Four ounces of plain flour, salt-freezing flour, four ounces of salt. Oh, fuck, I'm making a mess of this. Four ounces of salt-freezing flour, four ounces of sugar, four ounces of marge, two eggs and a bit of milk. Jesus! 0:36:20 Unknown_13: Right that's the cake, it's supposed to be, well it's going to be put in the oven for about 20 minutes. Unknown_13: And I do apologize for earlier on. I said they were going to be a bit louder that I shouldn't have said. Unknown_04: Right, as you can see the cake's now done and nice and cold. So what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be making some icing sugar. 0:36:53 Unknown_13: Now what the recipe said was make a cake with icing sugar. Unknown_13: The only thing is, Unknown_13: It didn't say what color the icing sugar was so Lee's got his choice and Lee picked pink so Mix in some pink. There'll probably not be enough in it, but it'll be. Unknown_04: She's gonna make a pink cake with the pot? Unknown_04: Oh she's making icing. Unknown_13: It's like blood red. Unknown_04: Is icing literally nothing but sugar? 0:37:30 Unknown_04: I thought you added flour. Can you see that on camera? Unknown_13: Can you scan it up, down? Unknown_03: That does not look like icing. That way? Unknown_13: Which way? Unknown_13: As you can see, it says pink. Unknown_03: You put too much in it! Unknown_13: But, it's turned out, as you can see, red. Unknown_04: So, I don't understand. Unknown_13: I probably put too much in. I thought, I thought it'd be all pink. Unknown_13: Now that's too sloppy. Yeah, no shit. So I'm going to put a bit more icing sugar in. It might turn it pink after all. 0:38:02 Unknown_04: It needs like, it needs like flour or something. Unknown_04: She put in so much food coloring, coloring. It like. Unknown_13: It's a bit soft and runny though. Unknown_04: Oh my God. Unknown_04: I'm not going to feed her. Unknown_13: So that's when you're in trouble with icing, when you're making things like icing, Unknown_13: Just a bit too much... liquid. And everything goes... wrong. Oh, it's thickening up now. Oh, did she finally add flour or is that more sugar? 0:38:36 Unknown_04: How much fucking icing are you- It still looks right to me. But... it's still... It's alright to go on the cake. Unknown_13: She's so cool. But I'm gonna put a bit more icing sugar so I can make it a bit pink. Unknown_13: She's so below her. It's all staying red, never mind. We'll have to just do. 0:39:09 Unknown_13: She's... She's giving up. We'll put some icing on it. Unknown_13: She can't figure this one out. Unknown_04: It's just a bumper. Right, so now I'm going to put... I think that's a bit too runny still. Unknown_13: Yeah, no shit. We don't have time because it's going to go in the fridge, ain't it? Unknown_13: So I'm gonna put that... She mixed so much fucking food coloring into that shit that it like... it wasn't... As you can see, one side is bigger than the other. So I'm just gonna let it drip... from the big side. 0:39:47 Unknown_04: That cake has the texture of, like, taint. Doesn't it look like somebody's taint, like, really close up? It looks like... it has like a porous texture to it. That's uncomfortable to look at. Unknown_13: Right, as you can see, I actually cut it out with a knife in the end because it didn't go according to plan. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut a slice off for Lee and let Lee taste it. How is she so bad? Right, as you can see, the cake is now set on the top. I've put it in freezer. How is she so bad at everything? 0:40:22 Unknown_02: She can't even cut it right. Unknown_08: It should have been pink Oh my god 0:41:08 Unknown_05: It's sweet. Sweet? Unknown_13: That's the icing on it. Unknown_05: What? Unknown_05: That is way too sweet for me now. That is too sweet for me. Look at her face. That's the icing sugar. But apart from that, they came nice and soft. So apart from the icing, thumbs up. Unknown_11: Oh, wow. Unknown_05: She looks so mad. Unknown_04: Her disaster wasn't up to pace. Unknown_13: Do the comments point out how to do it right? You only need two drops of food coloring. 0:42:02 Unknown_09: Jesus left Okay, just out of curiosity if you didn't want your icing to be that sweet like what do you mix it with besides food coloring to like get it to even out Like I'm pretty sure you put flour in it or something. Unknown_04: Don't you? You know to make it like like a Unknown_04: To make it something smoother? Yolk? Is it yolk? Unknown_04: Water? You just use less icing? That's a good answer. Lemon juice? Fuck off. Unknown_04: Eggs or cream cheese? That's a good answer. Unknown_04: Kidney? Unknown_04: Kidney? Like, oh jeez, you mentioned my girl. You mentioned something that reminded me of my wife. My beautiful wife. 0:42:53 Unknown_04: I'm curious. Unknown_04: Oh, butter, that's it, okay. You've been making fake videos of me saying that I never did pornography. Unknown_04: Seven minutes. Look at how perfect that clip is of Casterson's face. Is there one that's short? Here we go. Four minutes, perfect time. Thank you, Virgo. You know how to be punctual, girl. Unknown_00: This is me. I'm so happy. And I just feel so good about myself that I'm somebody that people are jealous of. She sounds like she's being sarcastic. Because they're so jealous of people that are not ordinary looking. 0:43:31 Unknown_00: And they're also jealous of people that are not ordinary talent-wise. And that's why we don't have any people that are exceptionally talented on the radio anymore. Unknown_00: or in the entertainment world, or anything. All that YouTube is about is promoting ordinary people. Unknown_00: Very average and very ordinary. There's very few things on YouTube that's anything but trash and a flea market. She keeps calling me ordinary. 0:44:04 Unknown_04: Do I find her attractive? Of course not. She's too thin. Unknown_04: Hold up, hold up. Unknown_00: It's not my channel. Unknown_03: What foods help? Oh, man. Unknown_03: I wish I knew what that said. I was left out of it. Unknown_00: It's such low-end things. YouTube is such a low-end company that musicians are- Oh, yeah. Unknown_04: This is too quiet. My bad. Unknown_00: For stealing their money. YouTube is a flea market. Really low-end, low-class people that don't deserve any free music. You know, her other videos were about how snobby YouTube was. And you are. Thank you so much for the $100. 0:44:43 Unknown_00: anyone who really loves music, but when I go on here, I haven't checked it today because I'm not what I do check. Because this is not my account. 21 subscribers. There's nobody here that enjoys music. So I don't share my music online anymore. Yeah, see, SnobTube. She says, like, Kiwi Farms is like the snooty farms. The elitist farms. But now... Which is what I am. But now it's ordinary too. My face is totally out of the ordinary. 0:45:17 Unknown_00: And it really makes people jealous. And it did when I was a kid. People were beating up on me. And it's still the same thing. I'm taking cooking lessons from Kay, so I can feed her. We're going to be making some period blood icing cakes in here. In any way, shape, or form. Even Royal Christina, she has beautiful eyes. People hate her. She has great hair. You know, this is going to make me sound like a fatty, but there was a Twix wrapper on my desk, and I was like, ooh, is there a second Twix in there that I haven't eaten? But no, the Twix was consumed. And so Joshua Connor Moon thinks that he's just going to continue trashing anyone that's out of the ordinary, and his talentless self can be a YouTube star. And that's all that our culture has become, rock bottom. There's nothing on the radio. Anyone who's out of the ordinary is going to be told they're nothing and they're garbage. And we just have to have... Look, if you've never experienced the fake Twix phenomena, you're not a human being. And also my talent is very out of the ordinary. Unfortunately, people can't accept that. 0:46:21 Unknown_00: I know I'm out of the ordinary. What do you want me to do? Tell you that I look ordinary? You look like fucking insane. I'm very out of the ordinary. And most people are way, way ordinary compared to me. And they just don't like it. Unknown_04: And she's fucking manic. Unknown_00: And so, we used to have a society... Ukrainian tics? Unknown_04: No, they uh... Americans. Where are these techies? Unknown_00: None anymore. 0:46:59 Unknown_00: I'm trying to read this packaging and it has occurred to me that I do not speak Russian and I cannot read the packaging so I cannot tell you where they're packaged at. Talk about Furby? What the fuck? Thank you. Unknown_00: Twix package ASMR. You're ordinary looking compared to me. You have ordinary talent. I could care less about your subscribers. I could care less about YouTube, which is ordinary tube, and that's all it's about. You have expensive cameras. You have expensive videos. You're still as ordinary as they. I could care less about you. I have an email address. 0:47:43 Unknown_04: You think she's asking Azia? She vehemently denies being Jewish. Unknown_00: She vehemently denies it. Or just rehash. Unknown_00: Goodbye, boring people. You wanna see anybody who's out of the ordinary? That's your problem. Bye. Unknown_04: Uh, I guess we gotta go now. I need somebody- I can't- I can't- I need to see somebody ordinary again. Kay is truly- Wait, wait, what the fuck was that? Did that say cottage pie my way? 0:48:15 Unknown_03: No, where'd it go? Unknown_03: Oh man, I saw something that said cottage pie my way and it looked fucking hilarious. Unknown_09: And now it is just gone. Unknown_09: Why is my internet so fucking slow? Garlic bread my way. Unknown_09: Oh, oh fuck yeah. 0:48:48 Unknown_04: Cottage pie, I don't even know what the fuck that means. Unknown_13: People and I'm back cooking again today I've mentioned this before but when she does that that hi people I'm back cooking again It sounds like she's taunting me like, you know, look at her face. Unknown_04: Look at the insidious the insidious Contempt she has for the camera that she looks into she knows the suffering she intends to inflict Hey, I'm doing a cottage pie my way 0:49:21 Unknown_13: I'm going to show you. First of all, I've got the mincemeat ready, waiting to be cooked. She boiled it. She boiled that. Unknown_03: Because all I did was just wash my mincemeat. Unknown_13: I know I've been told not to, but I washed my mincemeat. Unknown_13: Then I peeled some potatoes. And they're... We're off to a good start. Cooking. Unknown_04: How does she, she does not ever use like an oven mitt. I'm just showing you the mincemeat in the chasers. Yeah, I should have cooked it at 3 o'clock or something. 0:49:52 Unknown_13: But the mincemeat, I always think it's best to cook the mincemeat for at least an hour. Now I'm going to add some gravy granules to mine, but you can add oxo's or anything. You can add anything you want. You don't have to add anything if you don't want to. But I'm just gonna add some gravy granules now. Unknown_04: To clarify, in England, for some reason, they do call ground beef mincemeat, even though it's not mincemeat. I blame this entirely on the fact that the Anglo menace is mentally handicapped, but they are safe on their island, which is why Hitler could not kill them. 0:50:29 Unknown_13: I've just tested everything. The meat's done, the taters are done. Unknown_13: All I'm going to do now is mash the potatoes, and I'm not going to mash them on my cooker, I'm going to mash them on my table. And then I'm going to transfer everything, and I'll show you it before it goes in the oven. Unknown_13: Right, now, as you can see, I bought a new dish yesterday, but you won't have known, but yes, I bought a new dish. Unknown_05: It's not mince, because you bought the last one. Unknown_13: Mince is like scrap. Yes, but I slowly decided to play on the floor. Unknown_03: So now, I'm going to throw all the minced meat all on my cooker. 0:51:05 Unknown_13: How is she unable to scoop? Look at this. Take a smaller ladle of it. Unknown_13: So I missed that bit, didn't ya? And I was slow. Unknown_04: That doesn't look right, guys. Unknown_11: Rough mincemeat here. Unknown_11: I think I didn't add too much. Unknown_04: Why did she boil it? I don't understand. It does look like brains, right? 0:51:37 Unknown_04: She's not, yeah, she's not draining it, she's not shredding it properly. She just, like, took the bags of fucking meat from Tesco's and dumped it into this fucking pot. Unknown_04: It's like, it's like, ugh. 0:52:12 Unknown_04: You know, you can dump that over, like, a shredder, or what the fuck you call it? A strainer, not a shredder. Unknown_04: And then once you strain it, you can, uh... Unknown_04: Kay wants to feed me and I think I'd lose weight. What the fuck? What the fuck's the point of that then? Just dump it in! I don't understand. 0:52:55 Unknown_13: It's a potato's finale, I'm sure. Unknown_04: Wait, so all she's doing, she's gonna bake ground beef under mashed potatoes? Unknown_04: Did she even, she didn't even put any like condensed milk in that. It's just mashed potatoes. Unknown_04: Whatever. Unknown_04: Whatever. Unknown_11: Believe it or not, Unknown_04: Non-stick pans gave her brain damage. Unknown_13: When I was mashing them, they were nice and creamy. 0:53:34 Unknown_08: Nice and creamy. Unknown_13: They're on a dry foot camera. Unknown_04: They look a bit golden. Unknown_04: I don't send out notifications. I swear I do. Unknown_11: Didn't even put open on it. Come on. Unknown_13: Too much meat and not enough taters. 0:54:06 Unknown_04: Yeah, followers will be notified when you go live. Unknown_13: No. Unknown_04: Sorry. Unknown_13: When I were younger, my mum would have made this. Unknown_13: She was too little to design. Unknown_04: Yeah, they definitely have notifications enabled. Unknown_11: and all it is is just running fork just across the tits to give it that to give it that really authentic fucking look that's what that's what's important and look at how badly her fork shakes does she have like cerebral palsy? 0:54:50 Unknown_04: yes I know you can't that would explain a lot mushrooms can't have cheese so I've only done a little bit Unknown_04: That's like the nastiest, that's like American cheese. That's like that gross fucking fake cheese shit. Unknown_04: That's genuinely appalling. Unknown_13: That goes in the oven. Unknown_04: Even the fork is disabled. Unknown_13: When we need oven, it goes in grill. Unknown_13: It goes in the grill for about ten minutes. Unknown_13: So now, that's where mine's going to go. Unknown_04: Wait, is she only putting that little... Right, it is done. Unknown_13: I know you don't like it, but it is done. And what it is, I don't know. I'll put two more things in. 0:55:27 Unknown_02: Why did she even... Why did she even bother with that little blanket of fucking cheese? I don't understand. It's time for the dish. Unknown_13: And... What's it all for? Unknown_11: Nearly lost a lot then. Well, nearly lost a good amount. 0:56:00 Unknown_04: That's so gross. Unknown_13: And I know you keep saying, we're not bothered, but dogs can have this as well. Unknown_13: I don't think people can have my lady. Mincemeat and they are allowed potatoes. Unknown_13: So she gets his fetish. I can't pick it out! Unknown_04: I think Furdrike is going to have a fucking stroke watching this, because that nigger loves animals. Just the thought of feeding dogs this shit is going to give him a fucking aneurysm. 0:56:32 Unknown_11: Got no strength in my arms to pick it out. Unknown_11: Potatoes? Unknown_04: What the fuck? Are you close to death? Has eating like this for your entire life put you in the fucking grave? Yeah, he's gonna turn his nose up at that one. Unknown_13: Yeah, the meat juice is fucking gross. 0:57:10 Unknown_13: Rightly yours is going in a plate now. As I said, you can put cheese on it if you want. You can put anything on it if you want. Unknown_13: I've just made a plain one. Unknown_03: That looks so gross. Like legit. Unknown_13: You can put, you can add. Unknown_13: Oh, well, well. You can add Unknown_13: Peas to it, carrots, anything you want. You don't have to put any, like that, like I said, you don't have to put cheese on the top either. It's just that. 0:57:44 Unknown_04: I like cheese. Unknown_13: Mac and cheese. Unknown_04: The soup at the bottom is just like, it's like grossing me the fuck out. Unknown_13: I know, and this one can't. Unknown_04: And that's like, it has to be like at least two pounds of beef and like a pound of potatoes. Unknown_04: They're like two fat cunts and their fat cunt fuckin' dog. Look at that shit! That is- That is the actual serving for like two or three people on that fuckin' plate. This is the end product of a- Oh god. Unknown_12: Cottage pie. 0:58:16 Unknown_13: My son's going to do the taste test. I've got it all down here. Unknown_04: It's like still really hot. Her hands are probably burning holding that fuckin' plate. Just the way she likes it. That's hot, buddy. Really, really, really hot. Unknown_04: Yeah. Put it on a fucking table then. Record the fucking table. Unknown_05: Do you know how much I hate British people? Unknown_04: I really fucking hate British people so goddamn much. 0:58:52 Unknown_04: Mmm. Unknown_04: Show does taste like beef and potatoes. Unknown_05: Yeah, nice. You can actually taste the mince meat. I would fucking hope so. Unknown_04: There's only like a pound of it on your fucking plate. Unknown_05: It's good. Unknown_13: That gives you a rough idea of how to make a cottage pie. Obviously you don't have to get it all down ya. Just because I have it doesn't really matter. Unknown_04: Wait hold up. 0:59:22 Unknown_13: You can like see the outlines of her fucking tits. Please keep viewing mate. Get everybody else to view mate. Unknown_04: Alright somebody said that this is the actual product that you're supposed to get. Unknown_09: Classic Shepard's Pie, Gordon Ramsay. Unknown_04: Oh, it's Shepard's Pie! Unknown_03: Wait, that was supposed to be Shepard's Pie? Unknown_04: My fucking, my uncle is British and he made Shepard's Pie once and it was fucking great. What the fuck? 0:59:55 Unknown_06: Mince, vegetables, potatoes. Easy. Unknown_06: Olive oil. Unknown_06: Minced lamb. Unknown_06: A little bit of color on the mince, and it gets rid of that unwanted fat. Nothing worse than a greasy shepherd's pie. Unknown_06: Season. Unknown_04: Yeah, you gotta get the- you gotta degrease it. And you add vegetables and shit. Oh, that looks great! Unknown_06: Once the vegetables are grated in there, they disintegrate and almost puree, adding great flavor. And that's the secret behind a really good shepherd's pie. It's all in the mince. 1:00:28 Unknown_06: What's the sauce? Tomato puree. Unknown_06: Red wine. Oh, fuck yeah! Unknown_04: Oh, this is, oh, I'm feeling like a fat man in paradise right now. Unknown_06: Right, now the red wine's evaporated. Chicken stock in. Unknown_06: And cook it out for three or four minutes. No more than that. Unknown_06: Potatoes. Unknown_06: Is he gonna make mash mash? Hell yeah. Season. Unknown_06: Egg yolks. 1:00:59 Unknown_06: Oh, you put eggs in it? Unknown_04: Oh, dude. I've never heard of that. Unknown_06: I've always put condensed milk. You're quite generous with the parmesan, because that's what gets it really nice and golden brown. Oh, fuck. I want some of this shit. Now, deserve to sit on top of my mince. Unknown_06: But do you bake it when it's like that? Unknown_06: Good old fashioned tip, just to keep my mum happy, fork the top. 18 to 20 minutes in the oven. Beautiful. Unknown_06: Dude, that's some good shit right there. What the fuck? Fuck off with that. Alright, hold up, hold up, hold up. Alright, let's take a compare and contrast. That's the pie in the pot thing. That's the cut. 1:01:31 Unknown_04: Okay, let's go to K, our expert. Our expert English person. 1:02:03 Unknown_04: Show it. Okay, wait, hold up. Let's see it when it's still on the tray. Unknown_04: Okay, that's it out of it. So let's compare again. Unknown_04: That's it in the pan. That's it in the pan. Unknown_04: Let's see it when she's holding it up. That is just a finished product and versus Ramsey. I mean, she nailed it. She nailed it. Let's be real here. That's basically the same thing. Unknown_04: Right? 1:02:35 Unknown_04: I think she nailed it. All right, OK. We're going to do a poll for the next one. It's not just going to be me. I will hand over the driver's wheel of this feeder express. Unknown_04: Okay, I'm gonna let me let me add the poll real quick. We got what video we got Cullen skink. I don't even know what the fuck that is, but it sounds interesting Jambalaya Jambalaya and I'll pick another one How about 1:03:24 Unknown_09: Chicken... What? Unknown_04: Chicken, bayo, and bacon, and mayo. Unknown_04: Okay, chicken, bacon, and mayo. That's up there. Alright, the poll is going. Select your fighter. Unknown_04: Cullen Skink? Oh jeez. Oh no, Chicken Bacon is fighting the Cullen Skink. Chicken Bayo is taking a decisive lead. 60 votes are in. Unknown_04: ChickenBacon up by 11. ChickenBacon up by 15. Can Coalinskink reel it back? Oh jeez. ChickenBacon is maintaining a 10 plus point lead. With Erver 100 votes in. Oh jeez. Jambalaya is dead last. 1:03:57 Unknown_04: But chicken bacon Still still maintaining that 10 point lead. I don't I don't think Cohen skink has has what it takes No, no, that's a 20 point lead. I am calling it for chicken bacon We are we are gonna start that video right the fuck now. Don't even need to wait for the final results And today I'm going to be doing a 1:04:33 Unknown_13: Chicken, bacon, and mayonnaise. Unknown_02: She can't even remember the name. Unknown_13: As you can see, I've got some chicken already. Unknown_04: Oh, dude. Unknown_13: Dude, dude. Unknown_04: You have to cook that. Unknown_13: Cooked. Yes, it's already cooked. Unknown_04: Is it really? Unknown_13: My dog's being cool for that. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut this bacon in certain strips. 1:05:15 Unknown_10: And before I... Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch. Fingers are involved in that. Unknown_10: Right, and that's it there. Unknown_13: Now, I've always been told that my hero chef uses back bacon. Unknown_13: And I've also been told that my late husband's back bacon is the best. So... Unknown_13: I use back bacon. You can use any bacon you want. It can be your meal, and it can be your choice. Wait, wait, did she... If you don't like bacon, then you can use whatever you want. 1:05:49 Unknown_04: Did she boil the bacon? Unknown_13: If you don't like chicken... Wait, wait, let's cook boiled chicken with raw bacon on top of it. Unknown_04: If you're vegetarian, well, I'm sorry. Unknown_13: Making this dish is not for you. Unknown_04: No, the bacon is totally raw. The chicken is debatably cooked. Unknown_13: Meat. Unknown_13: Most of it. Unknown_13: So I'm just going to do one more piece of bacon. 1:06:26 Unknown_13: I'm not. That's it, one more piece of bacon. Unknown_04: I'm uncomfortable. And I'm going to put some mayo in it. Yeah, that's raw fucking bacon. We've established this. That's raw bacon. Unknown_13: and it's gonna make it into a pasta bake. Unknown_04: A pasta bake? Unknown_13: Ouch. That could have been dangerous because that one's been on. No, there's that last piece of bacon. Unknown_04: She almost burned herself again. We need, like, a bingo card. Like, Kay almost burns herself. Kay, uh, inappropriately cooks something. Like, serves it raw. Kay... Kay says that she's gonna feed it to her dog. Shit like that. 1:06:58 Unknown_04: Here, you know what? I'm just going to wash my hands because I hate the feel of bacon on my fingers. Unknown_13: That's better. Unknown_13: Right, so now I'm going to get my spoon out. Unknown_13: Or my spatula. No. Unknown_04: Here, hold on. We're going to do something. We're going to fill out a... 1:07:32 Unknown_04: Awkward laugh is a free spot? Okay, hold up. No, no, no, I gotta... Let me find a template for this. We're gonna make a bingo card and every time we watch this fat bitch we're gonna pull this out. Unknown_04: Okay, okay, okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Unknown_04: Bingo card template. Unknown_04: Hell yeah. Hell yeah, that is a good looking bingo card. 1:08:05 Unknown_09: I need, like, an empty free space, though. You know what, I will just... I'll just Photoshop that out. Unknown_04: Can I show Photoshop in OBS? Unknown_04: I want to show Photoshop in OBS. Unknown_04: Let me show Photoshop in OBS. Unknown_09: Window Capture... Oh! Oh! Can I... Unknown_09: Can I actually show it? 1:08:39 Unknown_04: Oh no, you can't see... You can't see the actual contents of the fucking Photoshop. Like, the actual thing I'm editing is gone. Unknown_04: Okay, fuck it. I guess I'm just gonna get rid of that. And we're gonna do this live. Unknown_04: I'm just going to relay to you what I'm putting in and then you'll see it when it's done. When it's beautiful. Unknown_04: My sparkling baby boy. So the free space is obviously going to be... Unknown_04: Not somebody suggested that desire line suggested that we would do Awkward laughter, but I'm gonna say hello people That's gonna be the free space because she says it every video. So that's that's a that's a good space I want to make the font Quattro Cinco because that's my that's my signature font if you ever see that font, it's probably It's probably that I wrote it 1:09:22 Unknown_04: Okay, hello people is the free space. Unknown_04: We're going to do awkward laughter here. Unknown_03: Okay. Unknown_04: I'm going to have, I'm going to put this one here. Unknown_04: Son does not, does not like the food. That's going to be a spot. That has to be a spot. 1:10:05 Unknown_04: I'll put one down here. Unknown_04: K mentions the food will go to the dogs. Unknown_04: That's gonna be a spot. Unknown_04: Let me check chat, see what the suggestions are for chat. Where's my fucking OBS set? Did I close out the OBS? No, it's right there. Unknown_04: Owl counter, oh, that's a good one. Unknown_04: K exclaims, 1:10:37 Unknown_04: Ow, as she hurts herself. Unknown_04: That's a good one. That's a really good one. Unknown_04: Margarine. Okay, that's a good one as well, because she does, she inexplicably uses that for fucking everything. Unknown_04: Margarine instead of butter. I probably spelled margarine wrong, but that's okay. Unknown_04: Okay, I'll put the no bra on. I'll put that in one of the weird spaces. 1:11:15 Unknown_09: Visibly wearing no bra. Unknown_04: And on that same vein, I'll put another one of the weird spaces. Unknown_04: Wearing a Metallica shirt. Unknown_04: Wearing a Metallica shirt. She wears fucking Metallica shirts all the goddamn time for some reason. Unknown_04: Pronounces a word weirdly. I don't think I'm in the place. 1:11:49 Unknown_04: I'm not in the place to say that. Oh, it's Iron Maiden, I'm sorry. I'll say a metal t-shirt instead. In case she does wear one or the other. Unknown_04: Iron Maiden, Iron Maiden, I see it, I see it, I see it, I see it. Unknown_04: Okay, food coloring. Unknown_09: I'm gonna put another space for physically destroys food with utensil. 1:12:22 Unknown_04: Because she also tends to do that as well. Unknown_09: Why don't I just put it in Excel? Unknown_04: I'm gonna put it on the screen is why. Boiled meat. Okay. Unknown_04: Boiled meat. Unknown_09: That's on as well. Unknown_04: Poison to non-anglo. Boiled meat. Unknown_09: I already have something for the dogs. 1:12:59 Unknown_09: No seasoning. Unknown_04: OK, I'll do that. I'm going to put no seasoning and no... I'm going to make that two different spaces. And then on the other side, I'm going to put no vegetables. Unknown_04: Actually, I'm going to give myself a cheat for this one. For no vegetables, I'm going to put in small print, besides potatoes. 1:13:30 Unknown_04: That's going to be my gotcha to make sure that one actually gets hit sometimes. Unknown_04: Salmonella potential. Unknown_04: That's a good one as well. Unknown_09: Why'd it make it so big? I said make yourself small, motherfucker. Unknown_04: It's not a fucking joke. It's not a fucking game. I said small. Unknown_04: Uh, okay. Unknown_09: Salmonella risk. 1:14:10 Unknown_09: Put that one there. Unknown_09: Put that one there. Unknown_09: Put that one there. Unknown_09: Okay, check in chat. Potatoes don't count. Yes, that's right. Unknown_03: Fat autistic son showing up. The son, the son's already a space. Unknown_09: I'll actually, I'll make two for the son. 1:14:45 Unknown_04: Sun is taste- You know what, I'm not gonna call him the taste tester, I'm gonna say Guinea Pig. Unknown_04: That's what he is. He's a pig and he's a guinea pig. Unknown_09: Fumbles plating? Does that even count? Unknown_04: Josh screams why- It can't be something in my control. That's- Okay. Unknown_04: Well, it says physically destroys food with utensils. I'll make another spot for that then. I'll say, uh... Fucks up putting... You know what? I'll make this broader instead of the plating. Fucks up moving food. 1:15:23 Unknown_04: And then it'll count for anything. Even if it's like trading between pans. Dirty kitchen? Isn't that like a... That should be the fucking free space. Weird camera angles. Okay. I won't do that, but I will put... Unknown_04: In multiple quick cuts in sequence. So when she does the random shit where she makes interjections and then changes to another cut, I'll put that as a space. Spastic movements. Oh, that's a good one. 1:15:58 Unknown_04: Shaky Alzheimer's hand. Unknown_04: That's a spot. That's a spot for sure. Unknown_03: Excessive oil? I'll make a spot for appalling excess of liquids. Unknown_04: Because that is a trend. Where it's like something is way, way, way too wet. And it looks really gross. 1:16:33 Unknown_04: Injury? No, no, I already have a spot for Keg screams ow as she hurts herself. That's a thing. Unknown_04: Uh, grease. Unknown_04: Excessive sugar. Alzheimer's. Unknown_04: Poor straining skills. Unknown_04: Oh, fan requested recipe! That's a good one. I'm gonna throw that up there. Fan requested video. Unknown_04: Excellent. Unknown_04: Um, I'll make this a spot as well. 1:17:05 Unknown_04: Kay accommodates her son's taste. Because that's the thing that she does a lot. She says, I'll put only cheese on my half of it because I like it, but my son doesn't. Unknown_04: So that's something that's a reoccurring trend as well. Unknown_04: Mentions dead husband. Unknown_04: Okay, let's do it. Unknown_04: Dead husband. Unknown_09: You're going to have to help me with that one. I'm probably going to miss that one. 1:17:42 Unknown_09: And I'll change it where it says no vegetables besides starches so that we are perfectly clear. Unknown_04: Did he die from the cooking? Unknown_04: Her son is lactose intolerant? Unknown_09: Oh, that's right, okay. Unknown_04: Okay, I got three more spaces, three more spaces. Let me throw up what I got so far so we know we're all on the same page. 1:18:25 Unknown_09: Where'd it go? Okay. Unknown_09: Okay this is where we're at. We got three more left. Unknown_09: Fire hazard. Unknown_09: That's a tough one. Unknown_09: Oh no, I see several good ones. Unknown_04: Okay, so she explains something about her 1:18:59 Unknown_04: she excuses some condition about... Okay, so I added, she excuses some condition her kitchen is in. Make that one a little bit shorter. Unknown_04: So whenever she says, oh, that's just fucked up and don't worry about it, or my thing is fucked up, don't worry about it. Unknown_04: Two large servings, that's a good one as well. Unknown_04: Massive serving of food. Unknown_09: Okay, and one more, one last one. 1:19:51 Unknown_09: Giant portions heavy breathing heavy breathing Oh No, I already have too many things dedicated I was gonna say like if her meal was literally like one or two ingredients I would make that one but she already has I already have a thing for like no vegetables and no seasoning Unknown_09: Use of metal on metal? Unknown_04: Getting a heart attack live on camera? Metal on metal? Is that really a thing? No, I think that's just you. I haven't heard that. Burns food. Okay, I'll make that the last one. Unknown_04: Burns food. Okay, that's the final spot. Unknown_09: One other thing I need. 1:20:46 Unknown_09: What's that fucking called? Unknown_04: Oh, you know what? You know what? You know what? You know what? Unknown_04: I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I know exactly what I want to do. The fuck is it? Unknown_09: Ha. One other thing I gotta Photoshop. 1:21:18 Unknown_09: And then we'll be good to go. Unknown_04: We can return to our regularly scheduled video. Well, it wasn't regularly scheduled, but whatever. You know what I mean? Unknown_08: One, two, five, six. One, two, five, six. Unknown_04: Hide this. Get it nice and centered. Unknown_09: Center. 1:21:50 Unknown_04: Yeah, there we go. This is a surprise. I will show you. I will show you. Unknown_09: How big is one of those squares? Unknown_09: Copy. 161 by 108. 1:22:26 Unknown_04: Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. I got this. I got this. So now, we have a little token. The Kiwi token. We've got this. Unknown_04: Reset transform. Put this down in the corner. Unknown_09: Put the little Kiwi on it. And we are good to go. Unknown_09: Hey, let's restart it. 1:23:01 Unknown_13: Hi people, I'm back cooking again. Unknown_13: Ziggy. Unknown_13: And today I'm going to be doing a chicken bacon mayonnaise bake. Unknown_13: As you can see, I've got some chicken already ripped up. Cooked. Unknown_04: Okay, she does boil meat for this. Unknown_13: What I'm going to do is I'm going to cut this bacon in certain strips. 1:23:41 Unknown_10: And before I Unknown_04: Actually this one I think do we are we gonna mark this as a salmonella risk Now I've always been told that my Hero chef. Unknown_13: All right, we're gonna say salmonella risk. Unknown_04: Oh Unknown_13: And I've also been told by my late husband that bacon is the best. So, if you don't like bacon, you can use any bacon you want. It'll be your meal, and it'll be your choice. 1:24:12 Unknown_13: If you don't like bacon, then you can use whatever you want. If you don't like chicken, use whatever you want. Unknown_04: Did she talk about her dead husband? I didn't even catch that one. If you don't like any meat, if you're vegetarian, well I'm sorry, making this dish is not for you. Okay, enough people said it. Unknown_13: meat, most of it. Unknown_13: So I'm just going to do one more piece of bacon. 1:24:52 Unknown_13: Can't get a bit of that. That's it, one more piece of bacon. And then I'm going to put some mayo in it. Unknown_04: We haven't seen this shirt yet. We can't rate that off just yet. Unknown_13: And it's going to make it into a pasta bake. Unknown_13: Ouch. That could have been dangerous because that one's been on. No, there's that last piece of bacon. Unknown_13: I'll use that. Unknown_02: Wait, are her hands shaky? 1:25:29 Unknown_04: Oh, a fine, fine, I'll put the fucking Iron Maiden shirt on, Jesus Christ. On top. I'm just going to wash my hands because I hate the feel of bacon on my fingers. Unknown_04: At least she watches her fucking hands. Unknown_13: Right, so now I'm going to get my spoon out. Unknown_04: Does salt constitute a seasoning? No, definitely a spoon. Unknown_13: Oops, sorry, I hit camera, is it hard to focus? No, good. And I'm gonna put... Shake the mayo. I can't shake it. I've got no shake in there. 1:26:10 Unknown_04: Is this literally just gonna be bacon, mayo, and... Is she gonna cook the bacon? Unknown_13: That looks appetizing. I'm gonna mix it in. Unknown_13: Oh, Jesus Christ! Unknown_13: It's all done. Unknown_13: Oh, you can't squeeze it with lid on, it doesn't work. Unknown_02: Okay, that's an excess of liquid. 1:26:43 Unknown_02: Appalling excess of liquid. Unknown_13: Right, do you think that's enough or should I just put a little bit more in? It's got to have a bit of juice, doesn't it? Unknown_04: can we get two for appalling excess of liquid that's it it's starting to take four coming together which it shouldn't do 1:27:30 Unknown_13: That's it, it's all coated in mayo. I couldn't think of what it is. So now I'm gonna transfer it into this dish. Unknown_04: Okay, she can fuck this up. If she fucks this up, that's another square. Unknown_04: Check for spillage on the sides. I've never seen her successfully transfer food from one article to another. Wait, did she do it? Unknown_13: Chicken and bacon. Unknown_13: and mayonnaise pasta bake. Unknown_03: There's no pasta. 1:28:07 Unknown_13: If you wonder why I was saying it slow, it's that Lee were relaying it all back to me. Unknown_13: Like I said, I've got a lot on my mind, so I don't forget a thing. Right, I think that looks alright. Unknown_04: Okay, awkward laugh. You guys got that one. Unknown_13: Can you get me a spoon, please? Because if I shake that too much, I'm going to end up with bad wrists, bad arms, and bad shoulders. Unknown_13: What have you got there? Don't want me to make a difference, do you? So, I'm going to put this in the oven, and I'm going to check it after 10 minutes, because like I said, it's part of checking everything. After 10 minutes, I've lost my little diddly-clop, what I call my diddly-clop. which I use it for cooking all the time. No, that's a different doodlycloth. So anyway, I'm going to put it in the oven, look for my little doodlycloth, and then I'm going to bring it out when I think it's done. 1:28:46 Unknown_04: Right, as you can see, it's done. Oh, that looks awful. Unknown_13: So now... Oh my God! Unknown_04: I'm putting a third for appalling excess of liquid. That is actual fucking garbage. Unknown_13: And that is your end product. 1:29:22 Unknown_04: That's the end product? Unknown_04: Okay, so hold up, we gotta do some fucking catch up here. There is no seasoning. Unknown_04: There is no veggies. Unknown_04: She is wearing that t-shirt, you're right. She did not burn the food because she didn't actually cook it correctly. Okay, we don't have bingo yet. Maybe she can get some quick cuts in here. Unknown_04: Hold up, hold up, hold up. It's on his guinea pig. Right, let's give it a try. 1:29:54 Unknown_13: Yeah, I didn't cut the bacon. I should have cut it the other way as well. Unknown_04: Yeah, you really should have. Unknown_05: Is it too late? Nice multitude of flavours. Yeah. That's the right word, isn't it? Multitude of flavours, yeah. It's just like you coming out with a word like that. Nice multitude of flavours, really lovely. Bacon's done good. Are you fucking kidding me? Everything's done. Too much mayo or not? No, no, no, not too much at all. I guess. Very good. 1:30:34 Unknown_02: We were so close! Unknown_13: For the record, I didn't declare it a bingo, because if you look at this... 1:31:07 Unknown_04: It's like, it's not that much food, like it barely, it's like a reasonable portion of whatever the fuck you want to call it. And she didn't say that she was gonna feed it to the dogs. Unknown_13: If you like what you see, please... And if you haven't subscribed or you know someone who hasn't subscribed, get them subscribing. Get subscribing. Let's get the whole world subscribing. Thank you, bye! Unknown_04: Wow. Unknown_04: Our bingo card, I guess, at least passes the sniff test. It didn't fucking fly on that one. Unknown_04: Oh jeez. Okay. 1:31:45 Unknown_04: I'm gonna do a... Which one was the second one? The Cohen skink. Let me clear off my fucking... my bingo table. Unknown_13: Hi people and I'm back cooking again and today I'm going to be doing something called Cullen's skink or something. Unknown_04: She can't even pronounce the fucking name. Now as you can see I've got some oil and some marge. Unknown_13: It said oil and marge. A tablespoon of marge. Unknown_04: Margarine instead of butter right off the fucking bat. Unknown_13: I've never heard of onions being melted in... 1:32:22 Unknown_13: Who am I to argue? Unknown_13: So as you can hear, the pan's boiling now. Unknown_14: She- Fuck! Unknown_04: Hold up. I am making an executive decision here. I am- I am gonna change something. Give me a second. Unknown_04: Cuz this is something that we should've- we should've put in the fucking card. Um... Okay, here's what we're gonna change, alright? 1:32:53 Unknown_04: I am going to change, uh, I'm going to change fucks up moving food, or sorry, let me change physically destroys food with utensil. That's the one I'm going to change. I'm going to change this with... Unknown_09: Get ready, the surprise is coming! Unknown_09: Perfect. I said BAM like I'm fucking Emeril Lagasse cooking up a thing. Unknown_04: Alright, replace it. And there it is. I've replaced it with using the stove on the highest setting. Cause she does it every goddamn time there's a fucking stove. I'm putting the fucking kiwi on it. Cause that's where it fucking belongs. 1:33:40 Unknown_02: Cheater feeder Are her hands shaking? 1:34:15 Unknown_10: I have that same kitchen knife Unknown_04: Okay, okay, I see, I see the shaky hands. Unknown_04: It's down to the fucking sun again. The sun... He has to say he doesn't like it. Unknown_13: Milk and fish? What? 1:35:08 Unknown_03: Oh, oh, oh, jeez. Unknown_13: Oh, it said chop potatoes. I haven't chopped them very well. Unknown_04: I'm surprised she hasn't hurt herself yet. Unknown_13: Chop some potatoes up. Unknown_02: Her knife skills are making me fucking nervous. 1:35:44 Unknown_04: Oh, ouch. Unknown_04: Oh, there we go. Unknown_04: She did it. She did it. She cut herself. Unknown_11: Cooking from my hospital bed. Right. 1:36:16 Unknown_10: They're doing nicely. Unknown_04: She didn't mention the dead husband. That kind of is an awkward laugh. I'm seeing demands for the awkward laugh. Unknown_08: Did she really mention the husband? Unknown_04: I don't even hear it. Unknown_13: Transfer that to a frying pan. Unknown_04: It's like something is going on in my fucking head where she's mentioning the husband and I don't hear it. Unknown_13: smoked haddock smoked haddock in the frying pan letting it have a little time to bubble up the onions are nearly done they can be added to the fish as soon as it starts boiling it's starting to boil already that's good isn't it see in the pan it can boil 1:37:18 Unknown_13: I've done this the wrong way around haven't I? I should have added that onion and that. Never mind, it doesn't matter. Unknown_13: So as you can see it's starting to boil and it said Unknown_13: Does that count as boiling meat? Unknown_04: I guess it does. She's quite literally boiling fish and milk. Unknown_11: That counts. She's so dumb. Unknown_13: She's just cooking, she's actually boiling it in the milk so that's not an appalling excess. If anything she's using too little for what she's doing. 1:38:04 Unknown_13: Right, I got wrong. I says it needs... I don't see the quick cut. Unknown_04: I think she just cut normally. Unknown_13: Oops, not turning it over, but never mind. Unknown_04: Never mind. That's really bad. Unknown_13: When the fish is soft, with my little oof-a-doof-a, I'm going to show you if it's soft. Now that's just broke up like easy, ain't it? Unknown_04: So it has to be multiple cuts, like one after the other within seconds. It can't just be one awkward cut. I need to break it up and add to the onion. Imagine the smell, I'd rather not. Those potatoes are completely fucking raw. 1:38:39 Unknown_13: And I'm going to transfer all this lovely stuff Unknown_04: Is that a small? Unknown_13: Am I in a small ring? No, I'm in a big ring. Unknown_03: We have an opportunity here, she's saying. Unknown_04: We have an opportunity. Unknown_13: Onions. Unknown_13: As you can see, I've added it all to the pan. A bit of pepper. 1:39:16 Unknown_08: Does pepper count as a seasoning? Unknown_13: And a bit of salt. It says I can either use parsley or chives. Unknown_13: So I'm going to use chives. Unknown_04: Okay, pepper counts as a seasoning. Ouch. Unknown_04: I guess we're putting no vegetables if she doesn't put any... Seasoning! Unknown_02: We did it! We did it! Unknown_02: Actual seasoning! I can't believe it! Unknown_13: I've made some chicken stock up. I don't think I've made enough, but... That's a clutch. That's clutch. That's clutch seasoning right there. Clutch. So I need to make sure everything is cut up as small as possible when it's all in the pan. So I'm going to have the fish stock. 1:39:51 Unknown_04: Oh, there are no vegetables because there are onions. You're right. Unknown_04: It's not just potatoes. Unknown_12: It's dissolving the pan. Unknown_04: So, God, this is mainly her first video. She's put seasoning and vegetables in the same dish. Truly, truly an interesting tactic to avoid getting us a bingo. 1:40:23 Unknown_04: The sun. Unknown_04: You have to. Unknown_13: It's time to start spinning, spinning, spinning up again. Now, because there's some lumps in here, Unknown_04: That looks just awful. Just fucking awful. See, here's the thing, I don't think it's an appalling excess of liquids, I think it's an appalling excess of solids in this case. 1:41:02 Unknown_13: And that's what these are, little lumps. Unknown_04: Okay, we have an opportunity here to get some fucks up moving food. Not that that's really going to help that much. Unknown_13: So I'm going to put a bit of this into a dish and let Lee try it and then we'll sort that out. Unknown_04: Sun's the guinea pig, we got that one. Unknown_13: Lee is coming to do the taste test. Unknown_13: I've left it bubbling over here. Unknown_04: Sun! Sun! You can do it! You can do it! Unknown_04: You know you want to. Oh, there it is. 1:41:34 Unknown_13: That fish should be done lovely, because it's been done in milk. Unknown_13: You don't like it, do you? No. Oh, right. I got you. Unknown_05: Perfume. It's weird, huh? Unknown_13: Shit. Crap. Nice. Unknown_13: Flavoury. Unknown_05: That's it. Unknown_04: Flavoury. Flavoury is not a fucking word. Very nice. Unknown_13: Actually, it's full of flavour, but never mind. Whatever. Unknown_04: No bro. You didn't get that one. Unknown_13: No, I didn't do it. 1:42:06 Unknown_04: I'm putting a double on my awkward laugh for that shit. Unknown_13: Well yeah, I mean, you've got a JC back axle in there. Ah, we can't get salmonella because there's no fucking chicken. Unknown_04: It's not even done. Unknown_13: Well it should be, but it's only bloody had. Unknown_05: Yeah, it tastes a bit like onions. He has to say he doesn't like it. But like the onions. A bit done. Unknown_13: Not done, but not... Done, but not overdone. Uh-huh. Unknown_05: A bit crunchy, but no. Unknown_13: Well, yeah, but I mean, it's still on, so I don't want people to eat that. 1:42:40 Unknown_04: He does hate it. I'm not denying that. But he has to say it. Unknown_13: He has to say it. Unknown_04: He has to say it. He has to actually say it. I don't know if I made it right. But he doesn't like it. Unknown_13: It's edible, so it ain't going to be a redo. Even though every time I make something, people keep saying, redo, redo, redo. I just ignore them, delete it, and that's it. So keep putting that, or keep deleting your comments. So if you like what you see, please Unknown_13: If you like what you see, please keep viewing me. If you want to give me a big old thumbs up, it'd be much appreciated. If you want to leave a comment, please feel free, the more the merrier. And if you haven't subscribed and you know someone who hasn't subscribed, get them subscribing. Get yourself subscribing. Get everybody subscribing. Thank you! Bye! 1:43:10 Unknown_04: Alright, I'm gonna call it. You guys can hate on me all you want. But he has to say that he didn't like it. And he did not do that. Unknown_04: He did it with the other one. Hi people, and I'm back again. Unknown_13: Oh jeez, okay. 1:43:46 Unknown_04: Hi people, and I'm back again. Unknown_13: Let's watch another. Unknown_04: These are addicting. Especially now that we have our bingo card. And it is battle tested. Unknown_04: It is battle tested and we're going to try it again Okay, we did the column sync let's do I'm gonna do another poll I'll put the jambalaya back up for a take to a second chance I 1:44:24 Unknown_04: I don't know what the fuck a pan wheel is, but that's going in it. Unknown_04: Pan wheel. Unknown_04: And uh, redo, I'm gonna, whatever the fuck that means, redo bagels. Unknown_04: Alright, let's see. Let's see, let's get that shit up there. Unknown_04: All right, all right, all right. I see, I see five for the, it's all tied. It's all tied up. Within a margin of one or two votes per, it could be anybody's dish. Anybody could win this. Panwheel, Panwheel edging it out. Jambalaya and Redo Bagels are both tied, but Panwheel now a significant lead of 10 votes. More than 10 votes. I think Panwheel, Panwheel's securing this. It's lead is only growing as Jambalaya and Redo Bagels fight each other for second. 1:44:57 Unknown_04: Who... Renew Bagels is now falling desperately into third place as Panwheel takes the lead over Jambalaya. And I am going to call it, as it sits comfortably at more than 20 votes over Jambalaya, Panwheel takes the cake. Who the fuck are they? Who the fuck is it? 1:45:35 Unknown_09: Oh, I highlighted it. There we go. Unknown_09: Hi, people, and I'm back. She barely got the face space out that time. Unknown_11: Today, I'm going to be making panwheels. Unknown_13: Right, as you can see, I've rolled out some pastry, puff pastry. And it said, after the three lots of research that I did, that it needs to be covered in this sort of sauce. So that's it. Unknown_04: Middle shirt, you're right, you're right. 1:46:11 Unknown_04: forget that I forget that one's basically it says you've got to leave a little Unknown_04: What the fuck is that? Tomato sauce? Unknown_13: What's he doing? Unknown_02: She's short of breath. Unknown_04: What are you doing Ziggy? That's margarine. That's why the pan looks like that. It's because she's using margarine instead of butter. It said leave some space around the edge. 1:46:48 Unknown_13: So I don't want to put Unknown_13: Not too much on. Unknown_04: Well, she hasn't destroyed anything. She's being very delicate so far. A bit more. Unknown_13: You don't mind this stuff, do you, Lee? Unknown_04: No, I don't mind it. Unknown_13: Right, so that's... No, no, that's definitely margarine, I'm pretty sure. Unknown_04: Because that's how it looks when she uses it. Unknown_13: It's not the best if I put it over now, get somewhere. Unknown_04: She's trying to make pinwheels. 1:47:26 Unknown_13: Right, and I've got some ham. Unknown_04: Get the dog. Wait, is that raw? Oh, come on. Why does she never cook her meat before applying it to the dish? I'm gonna put some ham just where the, um... where the... It's watery. I think she just went to the store. She went to Tesco and she got like a cheap bottle of hot sauce or something. I think that's what that is. Unknown_11: That's it. A bit more there. Unknown_04: He might as well just put fucking chips of bacon on it, eh? 1:48:03 Unknown_04: Oh, it's just like Spams? Ew. Unknown_04: I can hear the dog breathing into my fucking ear. Unknown_04: Get that fucking dog out of the kitchen. Unknown_04: Oh, she spilled. She's fucked up. That is a fucked up moving food. We have a spill. Unknown_13: Cam down. Unknown_04: Kill confirmed. Unknown_13: And it says roll it very tightly. 1:48:42 Unknown_13: Now I think... I have put so much meat on to roll it tightly. Unknown_04: What the fuck is she making? What the fuck is this? Unknown_04: Yeah, no seasoning. I wait for the end before I make a determination on if there is seasoning or vegetables. Also, are we going to consider tomato sauce a vegetable? I'm not. Unknown_13: Shaky hands, okay. People are calling for the shaky hands. 1:49:23 Unknown_04: We're making a vertical pillar again, but we have the guardian. We have the ferryman of the Styx River, of the bingo card, at the end, who always compliments his mother's shitty food. I'll put some on a baking tray. Unknown_13: I don't think they're supposed to be that thick. So I'll cut that one a bit thinner. Stuff's falling out. Tomatoes are a fruit. Unknown_04: That's a good thought. Put some butch on. Unknown_13: And stir him around. Unknown_13: You're not at home. Sausage rolls, aren't they? 1:49:57 Unknown_04: Okay, hold up. I'm gonna- we need- we need to convene the Congress of Chat to determine what we're gonna proceed with. Unknown_04: Somebody has chaired- chaired the notion. Should we change the sun tile to Visibly Dislikes Food? Unknown_04: Yes. Unknown_04: Change it, or... No. Keep it. Unknown_04: Alright, the poll has started. I'm voting to keep it personally. 1:50:33 Unknown_04: Oh my god! People are scorned after the last episode. They're saying, they're saying never again! We will never allow the bingo, the bingo to go unfulfilled because the sun lies. Sun visibly, or directly, or... Unknown_04: Visibly dislikes food or says so. Okay. 1:51:05 Unknown_04: So we got both now. That's gonna be, we're gonna just have to deal with it. I didn't mind the bingo card being a little bit hard, but I am completely outnumbered on this. This is 108 to 35. The bingo card has been adjusted. Unknown_04: Don't let them cuck us! This one's altogether raw. 1:51:43 Unknown_04: Democracy is gay. It looks good until the pastry decided to get a little bit of shape. Unknown_13: And last two now. Oops. That haven't got much in. In fact, that hasn't got anything in. Unknown_04: You know what? So... Oh, I changed that tile. I can't... I was going to say that she physically destroyed food with a tinsel. What the fuck is she doing? Unknown_11: It'll be alright, won't it Lee? 1:52:24 Unknown_13: Put that like that. And what I'm going to do now is crack an egg, obviously. I'm going to put it in all. Beat it a bit. Unknown_04: Unless no seasoning, unless no vegetables. Unknown_13: It's done. Unknown_04: And now I'm going to... Wait, oh, does she have carrots? Oh, well, fuck, that's a vegetable. Unknown_13: egg all the way around them and on top just to glaze them. Why is this one all on its own? No, that's a veggie. And that one, that poor little one's fell over. 1:52:58 Unknown_11: Doesn't matter. Unknown_02: Well, that's cheese. Unknown_08: It was the end one, that's why, because there was too much stuff in it. 1:53:30 Unknown_04: No broth. We'll have to double check. Unknown_13: Right, so they're all done, as far as I can see. So I'm going to put them in the oven for about 10 minutes, check them to see how they've turned out. Unknown_13: Right, as you can see, they've all come out. Unknown_13: Some of them have stuck to the tray. Unknown_08: I'm just going to put a few on. Unknown_13: As you can see, I don't know if you can see, I've got two already out, rolled, ready for my stuff to be put on. So this is the end product of panwheels. 1:54:05 Unknown_13: And Lee's going to taste the panwheels. Unknown_12: It's weird. 1:54:41 Unknown_12: It's like a snooze. Unknown_04: I changed it, Kylo. Don't say anything. Unknown_13: Wait. Unknown_13: I think it's like tomato sauce. Unknown_13: He doesn't like it. Unknown_05: It's nice, but it's like a bit sweet. Unknown_05: Fuck you. You're full of shit, kid. Unknown_13: It was like that when I bought it. Unknown_05: And obviously, sweet stuff can be nice, but sometimes it can be like just a bit too much. You're so full of shit. And that's what I think it is, it's a bit too much. I mean, it's alright to eat, but I think it's too sweet for my liking. He doesn't like it! 1:55:17 Unknown_05: He said he doesn't like it! Unknown_13: I'm sorry you didn't give me a thumbs up because it was too sweet. The pastry was already made as you saw. I don't know if you did see. Anyway, the pastry was already made, I just rolled it out. So yeah, for that what you see, please keep viewing me. If you want to give me a big old thumbs up, it'd be much appreciated. Unknown_02: She looks hurt. 1:55:49 Unknown_02: She looks damaged. I hurt myself today. If you want to leave a comment, please feel free to do that. Unknown_04: And if you haven't subscribed, if you know someone who hasn't subscribed, get subscribing and get them subscribing. Unknown_13: Thank you, bye! Unknown_04: Alright, somebody suggested that we change food coloring. What should we change it to? Unknown_04: Ooh, that's a good one. Ervermom has suggested a great one, and I'm just gonna use that. There's no vote to this. Uses store-bought anything. Hold up, not anything. 1:56:22 Unknown_04: Pre-made stuff. Okay, I don't know how to phrase this correctly, but if she uses anything that is not a raw ingredient, I think that should count. Like, if it's pastry dough, if it's Unknown_04: Basically anything that just helps her cheat, like processed food, prefab, that kind of shit. Unknown_04: Free space? Not always, because sometimes she just uses such simple shitty stuff that she doesn't need to pre-buy anything. 1:57:02 Unknown_09: What did the geeker say? Unknown_09: I need to do the bingo thing with different locales, maybe. Unknown_04: Pre-packaged, okay. Unknown_04: Whatever, okay, that's fine. The second one was, what was it? Unknown_04: We did this one. Unknown_04: And the second one was going to be... Not the donuts. Unknown_09: What the fuck was the other one? Was it the jambalaya? 1:57:33 Unknown_09: Jambalaya, okay, here we go. Now she always says subscribe, that'd be a free space. Unknown_04: That's why hello people's there. Unknown_13: Hi people, and I'm back cooking again. That counts, by the way, unless you didn't say hello. Unknown_04: I'm gonna be doing the long-awaited Jambalaya. Unknown_04: Long-awaited, that means that was a fan requested video. Unknown_13: I'm gonna put a tablespoon full of oil in, as it said. 1:58:07 Unknown_13: Seeing that I haven't got a proper tablespoon, I've been using dessert spoons. butter she's not using margarine this time to grease her pan that's surprising and there's a tablespoon in that so that's done right the oil and what I want to do is it's said to warm it up so I'm going to put it in the oven for about a minute or so does that count? Unknown_04: if it's just like rice in a package that doesn't count heat the oil in the oven oh and add the pepper 1:58:41 Unknown_13: Pepper. Unknown_04: That's a carrot. Oh. Oh, that's vegetables. Unknown_04: So, we lost that square. Okay, people are demanding the no bra. Unknown_13: And some seasoning. Dun dun dun! Unknown_04: That's the seasoning. Unknown_04: Well, she just fucked you guys right out of the gate. Unknown_11: That's the only thing I forgot. Unknown_04: If there's chicken in this, we have salmonella rice, but she didn't put margarine in it. 1:59:12 Unknown_04: She looks so you guys we tried to hate on her, but she's just she's just proven how adaptive she is She's got grease on the notes 200 My oven is on 200 which it's always on at 200 and Unknown_13: By the way, I'm going to put it in the oven for about a minute, and hopefully it'll be ready. Unknown_04: Wait, wait, wait, hold up, hold up, hold up. Are you guys, are you saying that the seasoning was pre-packaged? Because that would count. Unknown_04: I don't, no, because that's like rice or something in a package. It's not the same. 1:59:56 Unknown_04: Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, that doesn't count. Unknown_13: Right, so stir the chicken in. Unknown_14: Okay! There we go. Unknown_13: Then it said cook for another five minutes until the chicken is golden brown. So it's going in, and like I said, my oven is at 200, so it's going in for five minutes. Five minutes? It says it's five minutes, so in goes the onion. 2:00:29 Unknown_04: That's so greasy. That counts. That counts as an appalling excess of liquids. Unknown_13: Mix that in. In goes the garlic. Unknown_04: That chicken's so raw it's still running around squelching. Unknown_04: okay we can get a bingo if the plate at the end the final product is way too much food and she mentions her dead husband for this dish i could not get i tried three times in the same place and i could not get it so i managed to get one so it's got to make do with one now i need to put the rice in it yes those are raw onions oh we slipped 2:01:34 Unknown_04: Processed garlic, that's okay. She can't even fucking grind up garlic. Yeah, that is just a package of rice, that's fine. That's not pretty much. Unknown_13: That's it, go on. Unknown_13: And you don't need a full one, but it needs a full two. Unknown_13: Right, that's two. Unknown_04: She didn't say owl, I didn't hear it. She like bumped her hand or something. It has to be a good burn. She'll probably burn it getting this out of the oven. And I'll be putting all of this in, because it doesn't need it. 2:02:08 Unknown_13: But it does want a good amount. Unknown_02: This is awful. I've put that too much on the top, didn't I? Yeah, yeah, the rice is completely fucking uncooked. Unknown_04: Too much on the bottom. Unknown_13: So, I'm going to... Okay, fine. Unknown_04: I see enough people being mad about the owl. Unknown_04: We'll throw the owl up there. You guys need to win. Unknown_13: Jesus, a bit more. Unknown_13: She's so close. I'm gonna put... Okay. Unknown_04: The Tommy I was in. Oh, dude, she could totally feed these to the dogs. 2:02:41 Unknown_04: If we need the dogs. Unknown_04: No, she did not drain the grease. This looks just fucking awful. Unknown_08: I don't think so. Unknown_04: That would count as fu- Yeah, that would be pretty- Like, she can't make her own fucking tomato sauce? Like, really? Unknown_04: For your jambalaya? You have to go to Tesco and get the cheapest shit possible? Unknown_13: Hello, Ziggy. Come see what I'm cooking, darling. Unknown_04: The- Are you gonna- Are you gonna feed them some of that? Can the dog eat the rice? 2:03:15 Unknown_13: Mix that in a bit. Unknown_02: Oh, that looks awful. Unknown_02: She said it! Even she said it looked disgusting! This bitch. Unknown_13: And then it says, season with 2:03:52 Unknown_13: Sorry, it's seasoned with salt and pepper. I was just laughing at the dog. I'm not laughing at anybody in particular. I'm laughing at the dog. Unknown_04: Thank you for clarifying. I felt offended there. And it says, add chicken stock. Unknown_13: That's going to be disgusting. I should have used this as a pistache. I should have done this as a pistache. Unknown_13: I can't see, I didn't stop, it's tomato. 2:04:27 Unknown_13: And there's enough juice in it, but I'm not gonna argue. Unknown_04: Oh, wait, do we have an appalling excess of liquid? Can I- I ain't even gonna put it all in because there's no way it's gonna all go in. I'm gonna, I'm gonna put three on that. We've got- So, I shall mix it. We've got some fucking appalling excess of liquid going on. Yeah, you do see, on the, uh, Unknown_13: Well, it says it on one of them, it doesn't say on the other one. It says cook it with a lid on it, which I shall do. And then it says take it out and have a look at it. And the juice should have reduced a bit. So that's probably why the rest of the broth won't need to go in. 2:05:02 Unknown_13: Right, as you can see, it hasn't reduced in size. Unknown_13: Taz Oak juice is gone. Yeah, I think that might need to go back in. Oh, there's not quite a bit of juice. Unknown_13: Right, so anyhow, I'm going to put a scoop back for Lee to try. Unknown_13: Look at them horrible tomatoes there. 2:05:46 Unknown_13: Nali is coming to do the taste test. Unknown_13: Careful, it's hot. Unknown_05: Oh, gee! Unknown_04: Yeah, no shit, you fucking retard! I said it's hot! Unknown_12: You fucking mongoloid fucking retard motherfucker! Unknown_05: Not that bad. 2:06:20 Unknown_13: You put a big mouthful in didn't you? Unknown_05: You don't let it cool down before you make me try it do you? Unknown_05: All nice. Unknown_10: Nice mixture of flavours. Unknown_05: Very good. Unknown_04: I can't count that as a... Well, Lee said it was nice. Unknown_13: He said it was hot. But obviously, I doubt it didn't let it cool down. Unknown_05: Say you'll feed it to the dogs. You're born. Unknown_04: No, it doesn't count because he said it was hot. Unknown_13: So if you like what you see, please keep viewing me. If you want to give me a big old thumbs up, it would be much appreciated. 2:06:53 Unknown_03: Oh, come on. Say the dogs. And if you haven't left a comment or you want to leave a comment, please feel free. Unknown_13: The more the merrier. If you haven't subscribed, If you want to subscribe or you don't want to subscribe, just get subscribing. Get everybody else subscribing. Thank you! Bye! Unknown_04: Aw, we got cucked again, guys. Unknown_04: We're not having much luck here. Wait, is that hers? Okay, let's watch this. This wins by default. Thank you, YouTube. You know exactly what the fuck I want. Unknown_13: People and I'm back! 2:07:27 Unknown_04: Wait, hold up. Let's take a moment here to recognize this is a first. This is a first. She not only is not wearing a Metallica t-shirt or an Iron Maiden t-shirt, she is wearing a bra. So we're on, we're on fucking hard mode. We are on, we're entering into this KFC gravy video on fucking hard mode. So... Not looking good. If you can call it cooking today, because today I'm going to be doing the long-awaited KFC gravy. KFC gravy that means she says along the way hold up fan requested and that is So we're making we're making gains again We're catching up we're catching up says I'm just giving it 2:08:20 Unknown_13: It says on a low heat, but I'm just giving it up to a temperature. It says on a low heat, so let's use the highest setting. Get off my spoon. Unknown_13: Get off my spoon. It won't get off. So, I'm going to let it melt. Unknown_13: Get off. Unknown_04: She's going to burn it. Unknown_13: Right, I'm gonna turn down the temperature before I have time to... How is she so bad? How is she so bad? Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! 2:09:04 Unknown_14: Burn that Marge! Unknown_13: Burn that Marge! Burn that Marge! Unknown_14: I've got some all-purpose flour here and it says to add two tablespoons of that. 2:09:38 Unknown_13: So, but it hasn't melted yet, as you can see. Yes it fucking has, it's just stuck to your fucking spoon, you retard! Unknown_14: She's gonna burn it! Unknown_02: She's gonna burn it! Unknown_13: Alright, come on now! Unknown_14: Oh please! Unknown_14: It gotta see some burning! Yeah, it's a bit, um... Unknown_04: You're using margarine instead of butter. 2:10:18 Unknown_13: It's not a one-to-one substitute. What I'm going to do is I'm going to boil some water and put them both in together. Unknown_13: Right, now I'm gonna add the oxo's. Unknown_04: She put in pre, like, store-bought chicken stock. Unknown_10: What the fuck is that? 2:10:51 Unknown_13: There's still some left in that, but it doesn't mention anything about the oxo's in the... That looks awful. Unknown_13: mention about the oxo's in it it does say on the recipe is that burn what the fuck is that so um on the actual on these on what you need it says add oxo's on the actual recipe of Making it doesn't actually say anything about where you add the oxo, so I'm adding them at the minute. 2:11:35 Unknown_04: No, it's something... Oh! We got a spill! We have a spill! Unknown_04: We have a spill! Unknown_13: I think I need to turn this up a bit. I'll put on number four. Unknown_04: That looks absolutely appalling. Unknown_13: It's starting to thicken up, don't you think, eh? Unknown_04: Flour does count, any kind of spill counts. Do you have a KFC grater? No, no, no, fuck off. If she spills anything moving it, that counts. 2:12:10 Unknown_04: It does look like baked beans, but there's nothing solid in it. Unknown_13: Lee said it looked a bit thick. Unknown_13: And he said add some more water. Unknown_04: I can't tell if it's burned. Unknown_04: You know what? Unknown_13: I think I've added too much water. I need to put some more flour in there. Unknown_04: You know what? I've got two spoons full of flour. I'm calling it. I'm calling it, chat. She has burned that. That is fucking burned. Let's put more in just to be on safe side. 2:12:41 Unknown_04: That is burned. Unknown_13: Gone thick again. Unknown_04: Is she making like cookies? Unknown_13: What the fuck is she- I think I'm not gonna put no more flour in. I think if I do, I'll put in a bit more water than that, simply. Because that, the picture you showed me, that's exactly the same colour. Unknown_12: She's such a retard. What the fuck? Oh, it's too thick. Unknown_13: That is not right for KFC gravy. Unknown_13: Let me paper up for you. 2:13:15 Unknown_13: Is she just going to keep doing this forever? So all I'm going to do is just keep mixing this until it gets Unknown_04: Yeah, you know cooking takes time sometimes you have to you have to let it you have to wait We need an instant replay of that One No, wait, that's just for moving the camera. I thought that was two cuts in a row. I would got excited there So you want to do a taste test here? 2:13:52 Unknown_13: I have to do a taste test on there. Don't you want to do the taste test? No! What the fuck are you doing? He's going to taste this hot, red, hot drip gravy. Gravy. Too scary, don't it? I don't even know what it tastes like. I've never had it. Unknown_05: I've never had KFC gravy, so... That's chicken gravy. Unknown_13: Oh yeah, that's nice. Unknown_05: I'm going to burn the camera. 2:14:28 Unknown_05: If that is KFC gravy, I'm going to buy some. Is it nice? It's like eating paste gravy. You know when you get stuff in a paste? Unknown_13: You mean like beef spread and all that? Unknown_05: Yeah, it's like that. It tastes like gravy paste. Unknown_05: So it's not really like gravy, but it's thick like a paste. I don't know if KFC gravy is thick. I don't think it is. Unknown_04: I've never had it. Unknown_05: But surprisingly, I wasn't thinking it was going to taste like gravy, but surprisingly, it actually does taste nice. Yeah, that's not lying. 2:15:04 Unknown_08: This guy's just fucking retarded. Unknown_13: I don't want to. I don't want to. Exactly like that, weren't it? Unknown_13: Well, did you give me a thumbs up? Lee obviously gave me a thumbs up, it must taste nice. Well, that's it. If you like what you see, please keep viewing me. If you want to give me a big old thumbs up, it'd be much appreciated. That's what I should have said yesterday. And if you haven't subscribed, no, I'm too far in from 2:15:39 Unknown_13: If you want to leave me a comment, that's it. If you want to leave me a comment, please feel free, the more the merrier. And if you haven't subscribed, or you know someone who hasn't subscribed, get them subscribed and get subscribed. Unknown_04: Okay, this one, this is bean burgers gone wrong. We have to get a fucking bingo. Unknown_13: Hi people, and I'm back cooking again. Unknown_13: She's wearing a bra, I can tell. Unknown_04: What the fuck is she wearing? Oh my fucking god. We might be okay. 2:16:37 Unknown_02: So I'm putting the pan on full like I normally do and spreading it out. Unknown_04: Margarine's like a fuckin' free space. She manages to put that shit in goddamn everything. Buy that t-shirt. Unknown_04: How is she so bad at melting fuckin' margarine? You know, this is why she puts that shit at like a hundred... Because... That chemical fuckin' mulch that she uses as butter is just disgusting. 2:17:15 Unknown_04: Wait, the meat is boiled? Well, that's a fuckin' free one. Unknown_04: What is that? Unknown_04: What is that, onions? Why do you need a pound of margarine for your fucking onions? Unknown_04: That counts as a vegetable, so does the carrots. Unknown_13: There we are. Unknown_04: Yeah, butter is fucking way better than margarine. But margarine tastes like garbage. Unknown_13: Well, onions put in. As you can see, why are we still... 2:17:47 Unknown_04: That's an awkward laugh. This is classic. We might get this one. Unknown_13: Transmelt... Mod... With no heat on. Unknown_04: Bam! She tried to melt it with no heat on the fucking stove. How is she so fucking retarded? She is retarded. It also says... Unknown_13: Excuse me. Add carrots. Now I've cut, as you probably can see, I've cut the onions up. I've tried to dice them as much as I can. I don't know if you can see, can you get that on camera? Yeah. 2:18:18 Unknown_13: I've diced them up. Unknown_04: The baked beans are out of a can, you're right. Unknown_13: The onions are starting to do. Unknown_13: And I'm going to add some carrots. As you can see, I've diced them up a little bit. 2:18:55 Unknown_13: Yeah, I'm going to turn it down because I don't like the sound of it all cracking. Unknown_04: Yeah, those carrots are not going to cook. You have to like simmer that shit at like a low temperature for an hour. Unknown_13: Oh! Boom! Boom! Unknown_13: I know the carrots and the onions. Unknown_04: That's my favorite space. She did it again. Fuck it, I'm putting another. I'm putting another. I know the beans need a lot longer, less than the onions. 2:19:33 Unknown_13: But, it said mix them all together. I've opened two tins of beans. You're supposed to cook the vegetables. You can open as many as you want. You can open one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Unknown_11: Never mind. Unknown_13: So that's the beans. You're supposed to cook the vegetables, dude. Unknown_03: Before you incorporate the beans. That's the beans. Unknown_13: With the carrots. Unknown_03: My pot's too small. 2:20:06 Unknown_04: She's like... And the onions. Unknown_13: Let's load it up. As you can probably see, Unknown_13: I've got a tin of mincemeat. I know I took some mincemeat out. Unknown_04: You know what? That was so bad and she was like crunching shit. I'm going to say she physically destroyed the food because she was like... When the onions and everything is done, I'm going to mix it all together. Unknown_13: I'm running out of space on this tile. Unknown_04: And I'm going to throw it in a frying pan. 2:20:40 Unknown_02: She eats it. I'm hoping bean juice will hold it together. Unknown_13: If not, Unknown_13: have to be the disgusting egg way, or I class the disgusting egg way. Unknown_13: Like I said, I've done my minced meat for an hour, cooked it for an hour. Like I said, I think I made a big mistake, but I'm trying to marinate everything. Now I'm going to leave them to cook, these, to cook for about 15 minutes, half an hour, on half heat, on full heat. 2:21:19 Unknown_13: It gives them time to heat all the way through. Unknown_13: And now, as you can see, I've got all the mincemeat. I've got all the- What the fuck did she put in that? Unknown_13: Juice out the mincemeat. And I've got that. Unknown_04: Oh no. Unknown_13: Hold on. The carrots. Unknown_04: That's like the beef broth from the mince. In the pan. Unknown_13: And I'm gonna transfer it all into the mincemeat. Unknown_04: Oh no. 2:21:58 Unknown_04: That's like pure margarine. Unknown_13: There we are. Unknown_04: It's all in there. It's like all colour. Unknown_13: Mincemeat, yes it is. Still needed a bigger pan I think. Unknown_04: Yeah, no shit. Unknown_13: Right, now I am gonna give this a couple of minutes to settle in. A couple of minutes? I think I might need some of that mincemeat actually. Unknown_13: Extra mincemeat to... Unknown_13: Oh, dear, I'm not as strong as I used to be. 2:22:32 Unknown_13: I think I will pinch a bit of that mincemeat. Unknown_04: You're killing yourself with your shit-food. And this is mincemeat that I cooked earlier. Really? Unknown_13: Is she just going to stuff it? Unknown_04: Oh, my God. Unknown_13: I think that will be right. Now I've got it all together. Unknown_04: Can you imagine eating this? Unknown_13: I'm going to turn the ring off. I'm going to leave it to cool down before I start making the burgers. As you can see, I'm an impatient person. I am putting burgers in with a spoon. As you can see, the meat is still steaming. 2:23:13 Unknown_13: My hands aren't very good as it is. I'm just making these. Yes, they're falling apart. Unknown_13: But then again, what doesn't fall apart that I make? Unknown_04: What the fuck is that? Is it like oil in the bottom? What the fuck is happening with this food? I'm gonna put another one in. The pan is cold, yes. 2:23:54 Unknown_04: Yeah, you know what, I'm going to call it. This is excess liquid. Like, I don't know what the fuck is going on in that pan, but that's an excess. Unknown_04: No, they're not supposed to fall apart. You're supposed to let it cool down, and then you're supposed to form it. Unknown_04: Well, she's like... And that's the start of cooking bean burgers. Unknown_13: As you can see, they've all gone now. 2:24:26 Unknown_14: She burned it. Unknown_13: She burned it. That's a proper fucking burn. Team them out onto a plate. Unknown_10: Can you stop playing on your phone while I'm doing a video? Unknown_14: Uma delicia. Unknown_02: Well, she just needs to say she's gonna feed it to the dogs. 2:25:08 Unknown_04: Actually, you know what? She didn't put any fucking seasoning in. Unknown_13: Yeah, no shit. That's why you don't cook everything in the goddamn highest temperature. Unknown_13: Not in the years I've been cooking, I haven't, so no. Unknown_04: That is unbelievable. Unknown_13: This is the end result of bean burger done Kay's way. It's a massive serving of food. That's not going to do a taste test. 2:25:41 Unknown_12: Come on. Unknown_12: Careful. It's going to be very hot. Oh, it's hot. Yes, I just said that's going to be very hot. Unknown_13: It's going to be very hot. Unknown_13: You don't need to shovel that much in because it's hot. Unknown_04: She's trying to explain to a retard how to eat. I just like to know, you know. 2:26:14 Unknown_05: Tastes like mincemeat. Unknown_05: Onions, carrots, beans. Yeah, it just tastes like, well it just tastes like that really. It just tastes like what it really is. That's all I can actually say. But yeah guys, thumbs up. Unknown_05: I hope I gave you a rough idea. Unknown_13: In fact, it didn't give you any idea at all. But it gave you a rough idea of what to put in. Unknown_04: Obviously, yours will turn out a lot better than me. Unknown_13: I'm just giving you the basic settings out of what I was told to put in. So if you like what you see, please give me a... If you like what you see, please keep viewing me. Give me a big old thumbs up. and if you want to leave me a comment on whether you want me to make something or just to or whatever you want me to do or whatever you want to say please feel free the more the merrier and if uh if you haven't subscribed why not get subscribing let's get the views and the subscribers at the same amount thank you bye wait wait did she say that's a fan request feel free the more the merrier and if uh if you haven't hold up hold up hold up 2:27:39 Unknown_09: We're never gonna get a bingo? Did she... Fucked up ending, smashed her path, fucking cockteas? Unknown_04: Well here, you know what? I think, let's watch an older one. I think if we watch an older one, we'll stand a better success. Because these, the newer ones, she's like adopted. Unknown_04: Adopted to how terrible she is, and intentionally avoids saying shit. Let's go for an old one. 2:28:15 Unknown_09: Actually, let's go for a higher view one. Because the higher view ones are like the best. Unknown_09: Most popular. There we go. Unknown_09: Made a calzone. Have we watched this one? Unknown_09: Okay, let me pause it like right here, and I'll do a poll. Unknown_04: I'll do a poll for this one. 2:28:49 Unknown_04: Which... Uh... I'll do it. Unknown_04: Making a pizza, fish finger pie, or... Unknown_09: Prawn Risotto, I'll put that one up. Unknown_04: Okay, we got prawn risotto, making a pizza, or fish finger pie. Let's go. I'm gonna go for prawn risotto. That's my pick. Oh my jeez. Fish finger pie is taking the early lead though. Making a pizza, not doing too well. Fish finger pie almost has, is up 10, up 10 on prawn risotto, which is not doing, not doing all that much. 2:29:29 Unknown_04: Yeah, Fish Finger Pie is maintaining a 20 point lead over Prawn Risotto. Making a pizza has no hope. Half- It's not in third place, it's half the second place. But Fish Finger Pie is maintaining a 20 point advantage over Prawn Risotto. 2:30:05 Unknown_04: I think- I think we're gonna have to just go for the Fish Finger Pie. I can't imagine Prawn Risotto catching up. I think it's over. Unknown_09: Fish- Where the fuck is it? Unknown_09: Where the fuck did you even see that? Unknown_09: Was it the one above? Oh, yes it is. All right, let's clear the board. Unknown_04: Hi people, and I'm back cooking again. Unknown_13: And today I'm going to be cooking two things. 2:30:41 Unknown_03: Wait, hold up, hold up. Unknown_09: As you can see, I'm going to be cooking Unknown_04: Is that a bra? I need a bra expert. I don't think that's... Blood Omen Legacy of Kain? That's a video game, so that's not a... That's not one. Unknown_13: I'm gonna say that she's not wearing a bra, though. Oh, yeah, she is. Yes, she is. Unknown_13: I've got some big beans as well, but I'm going to put them in the microwave. I think I might have to put a little bit of water in the beans. 2:31:15 Unknown_04: Yeah, you're right. Her tits like fall to the side, like under her armpits when she's not wearing them. I hope there's enough in. Unknown_13: I've got green beans. Kidney beans. Ugh, too many beans. So like I said, I've got kidney beans. I'm going to put the kidney beans on. I'm going to wait for the taste to get a bit more going. And then I'm going to do my extra twist then. Unknown_04: Somebody's already calling no bingo. She's using a spray instead of margarine. We're not looking so well. 2:31:49 Unknown_13: As you can see the taters are boiling. A way to help the taters get done faster is salt, and it also adds to the flavour as well. Unknown_04: I'm going to say that's on the highest setting. I'm going to lay it back on and I'm going to turn them down because as you can see... Spray margarine. Unknown_13: Scooping out everything. Unknown_04: No, that doesn't count. That doesn't count. She has to actually be moving the food for the spools to count. Unknown_13: As you can see, I've got four. I don't know if you can see. I've got four. 2:32:22 Unknown_04: I've got four fish fingers. In the frying pan. And I'll explain to you later why they are in the frying pan. Unknown_13: Right, I didn't tell you what I was cooking. What I am doing, I am going to be doing a fish pie, and the twist, what I was saying that is coming now, is somebody's also asked me to do fish finger sandwiches. Unknown_04: She physically destroyed it with her utensils, that counts. Unknown_13: No, it wasn't you Lee, it was someone else. 2:32:55 Unknown_05: I have a question. Unknown_13: Yes, yes, yes. Unknown_05: You said fish pie. Unknown_13: Yeah. Unknown_05: It's fish finger pie. Unknown_13: Fish finger pie, that's what I meant to say. Yes, my mistake. Yes, I made a mistake. I don't see my... And what you got? Unknown_05: Yeah, I'm gonna say that on camera, aren't I? Unknown_13: Yeah. Unknown_13: I'm taking these fish fingers out of there. She's, like, obliterating that food. Unknown_12: Very gently. Unknown_04: No, you're right, you're right. And that's the fan suggestion. That was a fan suggestion. 2:33:26 Unknown_13: Everybody knows you put your bread, you put them on and that's it. So that is your fish finger sandwich, not sandwich. That's your fish finger sandwich done. But obviously I haven't put the bread on, but I mean, obviously I'm getting the fish finger pie scene too. Unknown_04: I didn't see her spill anything. I don't think that's burnt, it's just a little bit of black. I think that might be from the bag, not something that she did. 2:33:58 Unknown_13: We got onions, we got onions. Unknown_04: No, it doesn't count as multiple quick cuts unless it's like one after the other. Unknown_08: Awkwardly. Unknown_04: Okay, fine. People are saying that it's burned. I'll mark it. 2:34:37 Unknown_13: I said thinly, but I meant on the... Unknown_02: Oh, you're right. Man down. We got food. Unknown_13: Cool. These are a bit keen. All right, so I'm going to mix them together. Unknown_11: I've thrown onions all over my cooker. Don't mind me. Unknown_11: So I'm going to mix these all in together. Unknown_11: it's kidney beans and onions. 2:35:11 Unknown_13: I'm going to put a lid back on them and I'm going to let them cook. Unknown_13: So the potatoes have got about another 10 minutes to go, so the kidney beans and the onions will have time to cook as well. Unknown_13: And as I told you, most of the things I've done, as you can see, I don't know if you can see, but I can see the Unknown_13: What's in the egg, Lee? Unknown_05: Kidney beans. Kidney beans and onions boiling away frantically. Unknown_13: So I'm just putting these fish fingers in the pan to cook a bit. Well, I'm going to cook them before I put them in the pie. 2:35:48 Unknown_13: Oh, we're going to go in that space. Unknown_04: Why not bake them? I don't know. Like, literally, why not bake them? I don't understand. Unknown_13: My panky's burning me every time I try and pull them in. Right, I think I can fit another three in. Unknown_13: Push them up a bit, yes, one, two, three, that's it. That's it, I think I need to put a bit more spray in them. 2:36:27 Unknown_04: Here, I'll get rid of a really tough one. Because this is a heavily requested one. I have saved a lot of lard. Unknown_13: But when I found out, I've been finding out this is worse than lard. And I have been told scientifically. So all you're saying is get that fry loose. Unknown_13: You've just been trying to finish me off faster. Unknown_13: The potatoes are now done, so I'm going to take them and I'm going to mash them. 2:37:00 Unknown_04: If you don't know, you need to mash the potatoes. Unknown_04: No, it was just a regular oil spray, but she said she added margarine. 2:37:43 Unknown_10: Yeah, she definitely overcooked some of that shit. Unknown_04: That's awful looking. Unknown_04: You could have just used fish. Unknown_13: Why would you have to use processed fish? Right, and what I'm going to do is I'm going to put the kidney beans and the Unknown_13: Pass me some oven gloves please. Unknown_02: Now she's getting safe. We don't need that. 2:38:20 Unknown_13: I'm going to drain these. I don't know if you can see it. I've got a spout and I've got a spatula on each spoon. I need to wring that first don't I? Unknown_11: That's fucking burnt. Unknown_04: That looks nasty. It looks bad. Unknown_04: Oh, did she say Al? Unknown_13: Can you fetch me the beans, please? Unknown_04: That's it. That looks disgusting. 2:39:13 Unknown_13: Can you see them? Can't you see the beans? Unknown_05: No, I'm trying to get them on. Can you see them now? Unknown_13: Right. I think I can put them down now. Get my safety mitt off. Unknown_04: Oh. It's just wieners. Unknown_02: It's just wieners and beans. Unknown_04: And fish. What the fuck? Unknown_11: Yeah, can you get me the mashed potatoes as well, please? 2:39:45 Unknown_04: Yeah, no seasoning. Unknown_13: Yeah, couldn't take my shirt out. Doesn't matter. Get out. I'll shake it over there. Unknown_04: What the fuck is that? That's a little bit of tea. Unknown_13: That's all I need. What the fuck is that? Unknown_13: What the fuck is... What? Now I'm going to put the mashed potatoes Unknown_13: I always make them very creamy, so it's more like you can drink them from a straw. Yeah, they need him. 2:40:16 Unknown_13: But. So I'm just gonna. Unknown_04: You know what? The drink it with a straw makes me think of appalling excess of liquid. I don't know about you guys. Unknown_11: That's it. I'm going to put this in the oven. Unknown_13: There we are. You got a question? 2:40:48 Unknown_11: Oops, I told you to stop it. Unknown_03: What the fuck? She always mentions her fucking dogs in all the videos she's played. Unknown_11: She's not mentioned the dogs. Unknown_03: Fish finger! Unknown_12: Fish finger pie! Why do I keep saying fish? Unknown_04: She hasn't added seasoning. I'm giving up hope on the seasoning. 2:41:19 Unknown_12: Right, this is the end product of a fish finger pie. Unknown_04: Wait, hold up. We have an opportunity here. I'm gonna scoop one out. Unknown_13: Put it in the dish. Unknown_04: We have an opportunity here. How much does she add? If she adds like... Like three... Is she not gonna do it? Unknown_12: No! No! Unknown_04: It's just one spoon. Unknown_12: She had to add at least two. Papa? 2:42:01 Unknown_13: I swear, when this camera's on, I swear, I'm gonna slap you so... Mad. Unknown_04: Watch, watch, I'm gonna make a prediction. She's not gonna like, he's not gonna like it. And we're only gonna get cut because she's not wearing a fucking... Wait, wait, wait, hold up. Hold up, hold up. Unknown_03: We're gonna get cut because of the t-shirt we're gonna get cut because of the t-shirt fuck off You've got to get out the number at 10 It is like such a retard nice contest everything tastes nice at all all the taste not mixing together 2:42:54 Unknown_05: Tastes nice. Go on. Unknown_12: That's ten. Unknown_05: You must be careful! Yeah, that was what she said tonight, I'll tell you. Really nice, really nice. Big thumbs up. Unknown_13: Right, I hope you like the twist where I made a fish finger pie and fish finger sandwich. I know I didn't put it on the bread, but I did after I'd done them. But anyway, I hope that shows you how to go on. Unknown_03: All he did was eat some mashed potatoes. Unknown_13: If you want to give me a big old thumbs up. Unknown_13: big old thumbs up I can't speak it would be much appreciated if you want to leave a comment someone left one today after they mean everything he wanted and I do thank you for that um so obviously he told me he wanted me to make something which was more informative than just put in chips and if you want to subscribe well please subscribe to me as well and the more the merrier thank you bye and what's funny is is that um it's not like we're like we're losing in different ways so it's not like the thing is rigged in one particular way hold on i'm gonna pick one this time i get to pick this one 2:43:43 Unknown_09: Hmm I need something. Unknown_04: Okay. Here's my strategy going into this I'm gonna find something that I think she can feed to the dogs. I think once we find something with the dogs We'll be set that looks awful. I'm gonna open like yeah, that's fucking awful Something dog food dog food. What can we feed to the dogs? 2:44:36 Unknown_09: Sausage pie? I don't trust that. She's gonna do something stupid. Unknown_09: Uh... Egg bread? Unknown_09: I'm gonna do- that's like six minutes. Unknown_04: I'm gambling. Hold up. We're watching this. Unknown_13: Hi, people! Unknown_04: I'm- Ah, we got the shirt! 2:45:09 Unknown_13: And today, I'm gonna have a go at making eggy bread. Unknown_13: Right, well, I'm saying this for this eggy bread. Oh, you've really no idea how to make it. I have never, ever made it, not even at school. My mother used to make it. Unknown_13: And I am just melting some mud in a pan. I think I'll turn that heater down a bit. Unknown_04: Oh my God. Unknown_14: We might do it. So what I'm doing is I'm cracking three eggs. 2:45:45 Unknown_14: We're burning through these. Unknown_13: I don't even know how much milk to add. I might need some milk. Unknown_04: Look, she's burned the margarine. She's clearly burned the margarine. Unknown_04: We got this guys. This is a six minute winner. Unknown_13: that off because I think that's done. I don't even know what marge is for. Unknown_04: She's just burning some marge. That's okay, we get two wins out of that. Probably to lighten the tin, won't it? 2:46:17 Unknown_13: As you can see, that's gone like a milky yellowy blacky colour. Unknown_04: She's utterly destroyed that fucking margarine. I did add labored breathing. It's between no seasoning and hello people. Yeah, that's right. Unknown_13: There's gonna be no vegetables whatsoever on this. I'm gonna get some bread and dip the bread in here. 2:47:01 Unknown_13: And then I'm gonna put it in the tray. Unknown_13: As you can tell, well you probably can tell now. Unknown_04: She's spreading that shit. Unknown_02: That is fucking ridiculous. Unknown_02: That is ridiculous. Unknown_13: But it's not that, it's the colour of the butter. Unknown_13: Believe it or not. Unknown_13: Well it's not actually butter, it's margarine. Unknown_04: Well you're right, she is. So I'm just buttering my bread. Unknown_04: And she's not adding any seasoning whatsoever. I'll take this off if she does. Let's see how it goes for the first time. But... Add another margarine. Fuck, dude, let's add three. 2:47:33 Unknown_13: Right, I'm not sure how to do this. If I remember my mother doing it like this... Cause like I said, I haven't got a clue what I'm doing. I am just... Oh... Unknown_04: Her shaking's a... God, I need her to shake her hands. 2:48:07 Unknown_13: Um... Can you eat raw eggs? Unknown_04: Can you eat raw eggs like that? Unknown_04: I don't think that's how you make French toast. Unknown_13: There it is. I've got stuff left over. Unknown_04: Okay, I'm going to point this out. Unknown_04: I'm gonna go back to this. She has dumped raw egg on that, right? But it looks like the bread is dry. And the reason why I think the bread looks dry is because margarine is a synthetic butter substitute that's made out of oil. So it's like she's slicked a pan or something and it's like a non-stick bread where the eggs are just rolling into the fucking bottom of the plate. Because it doesn't- the margarine repulses it. 2:48:49 Unknown_04: But yeah, this is excess liquid because of that. Because it's not absorbing the fucking egg yolk. Unknown_13: But now I'm going to put it in the oven for two to three minutes. Unknown_13: And then I'm going to turn it over and hopefully... Yeah, this is... I'm going to hold it. Unknown_03: I'm not going to say it. It depends on how it comes out. Unknown_13: Hopefully it tastes a lot better than it looks at the moment. 2:49:31 Unknown_13: Took it out of the oven, and like I said, I'm gonna turn it over. All I'm gonna do is just... Oh my God. Unknown_04: Yep. Unknown_04: Yep, yep. That's the salmonella. All I'm gonna do is just make a pig's ear with it, like an omelette. Unknown_05: Oh, bless. Unknown_13: He's not a real pig's ear. He's a tit again, people tell it. Unknown_04: That is like raw egg, you know, oh just being funny. Yeah, she's look she's destroyed the first one goes in the 2:50:12 Unknown_13: Yeah, that's it, the mixture. As you can see, most of the mixture has gone. Unknown_13: And that's it. That's the rest of the mixture. Unknown_13: Probably made too much. Google will give you a rough idea of what to do. You have to go back here, don't you? Unknown_13: As you can see, it's now all set and everything's happy and it's looking- No, that's- that's a massive serving of food. 2:50:52 Unknown_04: Just for the two of them? Oh my god, we're getting- we're getting cucked so fucking hard. Unknown_13: Like I said, I've never done it before, so I'm hoping... Unknown_13: It gives you a rough idea. Unknown_04: She's not wearing a bra. Unknown_13: If you like what you've seen in all my videos, please keep viewing them. Unknown_02: Wait, wait, the sun didn't taste it? If you want to leave a comment, please feel free, the more the merrier. Unknown_04: The sun didn't taste it? To all you people who have been leaving nice comments, thank you very much. Oh my god. 2:51:27 Unknown_13: And if you haven't already subscribed, or you know someone who hasn't subscribed, Tell them to press the button. Thank you. Bye I've just remembered. I forgot to do my taste test. Unknown_04: Yeah, no shit retard Okay, this counts if she's tasting it That's an awkward way, wait, we did it we did it 2:52:01 Unknown_02: We did it! Unknown_02: Will you tell me what they taste like? Unknown_04: I can't believe it. The six minute egg video was just a fucking masterpiece. Unknown_14: That is satisfying. 2:52:33 Unknown_09: Alright. Unknown_04: I can't believe that was so hard. I thought I made the- I was afraid I made the bingo card too fucking easy because she does all that shit all the fucking time. But it was on me! It was on me. I didn't pull that one. I decided that fucking French toast was the- the shitty French toast was the fucking winner. Unknown_04: Okay, we're gonna do one more and then I'm gonna go to bed because I am a sleepy boy. 2:53:07 Unknown_04: Sleepy. Unknown_04: Ah, look at the hamsters. Oh, the Hamtaro! I love the Hamtaro one. Whose fucking channel is that? Unknown_04: Dude, Danny Davidochu, please give me... I'm gonna incorporate that Ham Ham Dance logo into fucking everything. That is fucking amazing. Unknown_04: Can I even use the Ham Ham Dance? 2:53:39 Unknown_04: I can't even use it. Danny Devitochu, please, on the Discord, please send me the Ham Ham Dance. I need that. I need that for reasons. Unknown_04: All right, we'll do one more, one more, and then I'm probably gonna go nap. Unknown_04: I'm tuckered out. I walked a lot today. I was fucking walking all over the fucking place today. Unknown_04: My fat ass isn't used to that shit. I'll hold this one up to a vote, because I got my bingo. Me, alone, by myself, picked the right one, the winner. 2:54:13 Unknown_04: So, I will yield scraps to whomever. Unknown_04: I'm gonna pick the, I'm gonna pick, ooh, I'm gonna pick, I'm gonna make this one a tough one. I'm gonna pick five based on thumbnails. Unknown_04: Just, my qualification, make sure you're paying attention to the video if you can, because my qualification is I'm gonna pick the five grossest fucking thumbnails on this thing. Unknown_04: And all of them are I mean all of her soups look just just the fucking worst. I'm gonna do beef pasta soup, which is Now let's not do that. Let's do the cowboy pie cuz that looks awful That's a awful thumbnail cowboy pie Did we watch the Haddock pastry no way I Feel like I'd remember that 2:54:47 Unknown_04: Haddock pastry, I'll add that one. Unknown_04: Not quite chicken nuggets, that sounds horrific. And it's three years old, so it has a great chance of being awful. 2:55:25 Unknown_04: She's gotten better over time, at least in how she presents herself. Unknown_04: Chicken nuggets. Let's see, I need two more. Unknown_04: Bailey's Cheesecake, that's not an awful-looking thumbnail. Actually, no, I'm gonna stick to my criteria. Awful thumbnail. Unknown_04: Ribs with BBQ sauce. Ribs with BBQ. Or... Uh... 2:56:08 Unknown_04: Oh, the chicken, anything with chicken in it is a good contender because she does never, she never cooks fucking chicken correctly. A chicken pie. Okay, that's our five. Unknown_04: Let me go ahead and pop these in. We're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna do a finale for our weird little fucking... Unknown_04: lazy friday night stream which final in parenthetical brackets cowboy pie haddock pastry uh chicken nuggets not not quite chicken nuggets is the official title 2:56:59 Unknown_04: Ribs with BBQ sauce. Unknown_04: Or, last but not least, a chicken pie. Unknown_04: With what I can only assume is a ton of salmonella. Okay. Let's do this. Unknown_04: Our five-way finale. Unknown_09: I voted for... I'm not gonna say what I voted for. Unknown_04: Let's see, cowboy pie is just way up in the lead. I think everybody saw that thumbnail and they were thinking the same thing I was, but not quite chicken nuggets. Just the way she described it is awful, which is why that's in second. 2:57:34 Unknown_04: But haddock pastry and a chicken pie are tied. Unknown_04: I think that's it. I mean, I mean I can't, I can't imagine with the massive fucking lead that CowboyPie has. I don't think there's, there's no, there's no redemption arc. I'm calling it. I'm calling it right now with 120 votes in. Unknown_04: It's all about the CowboyPie. Let's do it. Alright. 2:58:10 Unknown_04: Clear that fucking bingo card, we are set. Unknown_13: Hi people and I'm back cooking again. And today I'm going to make... She's got a bra on and she doesn't have a Metallica shirt. Unknown_04: So this has to be a fucking disaster. You can see I started doing it. Unknown_13: Uh, I'm gonna- I have no idea what I'm doing. Um, I don't know if you can see my mushrooms. I've washed them, obviously, again. Unknown_04: Oh my god, mushrooms. Unknown_13: Which, I know I don't need to, because once they've been peeled. Um, I'm gonna- I'm gonna take the- I'm gonna put the onions in. I'm gonna slice them into the pan. 2:58:42 Unknown_04: Is she gonna cut herself? Unknown_04: I hear- I hear the breathing. Unknown_04: Just chop them roughly. Unknown_13: I don't know if you can see, we've got some potatoes boiling away. They're for the mashed potatoes that goes in here. Unknown_02: Mushrooms aren't vegetables. Is that the official? Cowboys don't eat mushrooms. I think they're... Oh, another one there. 2:59:16 Unknown_13: Sorry, my mistake. Unknown_13: There we are. And then, I'm going to cut... Never wash mushrooms. I'm going to cut the bacon out. Unknown_13: Two rushes. Unknown_13: Cut one up. Like I said, I'm just going to cut these up. Unknown_13: Roughly. Unknown_13: With a proper pair of scissors, that should work. These are not food scissors though. 2:59:50 Unknown_13: What the fuck is she doing? And then, all I'm going to do is just cut it up. Unknown_13: and drop it in the pan and then I'm going to add the rest of this stuff. So up to now I've got beans and, I've got beans, I'm from India. Up to now I've got bacon and mushrooms in. I mean you're not going to like cook the mushrooms, the pork, whatever. 3:00:25 Unknown_02: She just threw the scissors into her pot. She just threw the scissors into the pot. She threw the pot with the raw bacon. Unknown_13: And I've also been told to add... Is that done? No, I guess it's done. Two thick sausages. Unknown_13: And because my sausages aren't very thick, I've decided to get three out. Unknown_13: back to school and start counting again. So I'm going to now, I don't know if you can see, 3:01:00 Unknown_13: I've done the, uh, bagel. That's not cut. Oh, here's my mistake. Unknown_13: Sausages. Yes, I'm gonna cut the sausages as well. Unknown_04: Yep. Packaged food. I don't even know if I'm doing it right. Unknown_13: But the potatoes are boiling anyway, I love that. Unknown_04: The potatoes are fucking, like, I can tell just by hearing it that the fucking stove is on next. I think that's about it. She's cutting sausages with scissors, but she cut them. Unknown_13: I'm gonna open the tin of beans. Unknown_04: Whatever. Unknown_13: And then I'm going to put the beans in, and then I'm going to put some tomato juice. I'm not putting tomatoes in for simple reasons. Tomatoes give me acid reflux, uh, obsess me acid reflux. So I'm going to open these beans that I've got, then I'm going to put some tomato puree in. 3:01:33 Unknown_04: And to clarify, the rule on, um... Unknown_04: on the serving is, is not the amount that she cooks, but how much she puts on the plate at the end. It has to be, like, an obscene amount for that, that style. Unknown_13: Right, like I said, I've got six pieces of bacon, three sausages, and a menagerie of mushrooms. Now I'm tipping in the beans and sausage, as you can see. 3:02:12 Unknown_03: Why'd you put two different kinds of sausage? Unknown_13: There we are. Unknown_13: I don't know how much water this is going to take, but I know it's going to take a lot. Unknown_13: So now I'm just adding the tomato sauce. Unknown_10: If I can get it right. Unknown_04: She should get her scissors in there and start cutting up those sausages. Right, I'm going to add all this because it's very strong in taste. 3:02:53 Unknown_13: That's what I should have done. So I'm just going to add what I think is half a tin of... Half a tin? It's a packet. Half a packet of tomato sauce. Unknown_13: And that's it. Unknown_04: What the fuck is she doing? Unknown_13: Could you get me a spoon, please? Because it's going to drip. I know it is. Unknown_04: Why is she not cooking the meat? Unknown_13: Thank you. See, I told you it was going to drip. 3:03:30 Unknown_13: Right, now that is that done. Unknown_13: Like I said, I think, I won't be 100% sure, I think I need to add some water. Unknown_04: You know what, I'm gonna, I'm gonna... Or, I could try cooking it with just the lid on. Unknown_13: But I'm on the wrong ring, I need to be on a big ring. Unknown_13: But I'll move that later, when the taters are done. Unknown_13: I've put it on a big ring. I've put it on six. I don't even see it lighting up now. It's red on the oven, but pink on the camera. So I'm going to just, like, defend my almond on the... Yeah, I'm marking that down for appalling excess. 3:04:03 Unknown_04: That's just fucking nasty. I need a little bit of water. Unknown_13: I don't think it needs a lot. Unknown_13: So I'm going to add... Unknown_13: A pint of water. Unknown_04: Oh. Unknown_04: Good. More liquid. That's what we needed. 3:04:37 Unknown_13: Oh, I'm going to try and see if the equivalent of a pint of water will be taken. Like I said, it's a big pan. The potatoes are boiling over, like I said, nicely. Unknown_13: I'll just turn them down to number four. Unknown_13: So I'm not going to put the full a quarter. Could you just hold that for me, please? Thank you. 3:05:11 Unknown_04: That's actually nauseating to look at. Because we don't want it too moist. Oh, boiled meat. You're fucking right. Unknown_13: We don't want it too wet, though. Unknown_04: That is some boiled-ass fucking meat in there. Unknown_13: Obvious reason. You know, taste. You need a bit more? I would say... Unknown_13: About half a pint of water. Unknown_13: Yeah, because obviously I've got to add the potatoes to it and then to make the pastry after. 3:05:42 Unknown_13: So yes, that's going to... Is that bacon not cut up? I don't believe it. I'd have to... Look. Unknown_04: It's so gross. Unknown_13: It's not cut up. Oh, it is. Unknown_04: Wait, wait, hold up. Unknown_13: Is it? Unknown_04: No way. Okay, there's no seasoning in there. I've got big chunks of bacon in. Unknown_13: I didn't actually... I've cut some more than I know I have. Unknown_04: And... But that's just a big chunk. And... I mean... Yeah, it is being cut up, yeah. Unknown_13: My eyes. They are shocking. 3:06:16 Unknown_13: Right, well, the only thing I can say is I'm going to leave that. Unknown_02: I'm gonna reserve judgment until this is on a fucking plate. Unknown_04: Beans are starch and mushrooms are fungus, not veggies. Unknown_13: And then I'm going to put that on a slow heat. Unknown_04: I'm waiting until the end she has an opportunity To add vegetables, but I'm calling it now. She's not adding seasoning. She's not I'm going to slap its lid on and Then I'm going to bother when it's done. 3:07:00 Unknown_13: I'm going to add them all together. Then I'm going to throw them in a bag Now I'm going to transfer everything from this Unknown_13: Not too hot. Unknown_03: Ow. That is not cooked. Unknown_04: The bacon is fucking raw. That is raw fucking bacon. That is raw fucking bacon. That is not cooked. Unknown_04: That is fucking raw. No, she out. She out. She out. I put that there for a minute. 3:07:37 Unknown_04: Did she actually transfer that food without spilling it? Get out of it. Unknown_11: That bacon is fucking raw! Unknown_13: That is raw fucking bacon! From what I've been told, it's a bit like a... cottage pie. It's bloody hot. Unknown_04: That is awful. Unknown_13: With the taters on the top. But, with a bit of the juice... Is that the serving? Unknown_04: I can see mine's going to sink. 3:08:10 Unknown_04: I don't think I'm going to spread these out as much because, like I said, they are sinking as I'm putting them on. Unknown_03: What the fuck is she doing? Wait, she's not... Like I said, I had not... I spent not so much, because like I said, the sink, because of the juice. 3:09:05 Unknown_04: Kate, this is fucking pitiful. This is fucking awful. I can't believe you're doing this. Unknown_13: You can add anything to these, like onions or anything. I haven't added an onion. Unknown_13: Because I didn't want to. She didn't want to. Unknown_02: Wait, does that mean? Unknown_02: Does that mean there are no vegetables? Unknown_13: As you can see 3:09:50 Unknown_13: It doesn't look any different really, um, but, well, as far as I know it's done. So I'm going to save it at, uh, because as you can see this is the end bit. Unknown_04: No, no, no, hold on. The person saying this, the no vegetables tile says specifically no vegetables besides starches. She uses potatoes in everything she cooks, but I don't include anything that constitutes a starch. It has to be an actual vegetable. Unknown_04: And not like a fucking tomato puree. This is the end product of a cowboy pie. Unknown_13: And now my little boy is going to do his taste test. 3:10:29 Unknown_13: It might be a bit hot so be careful. That's so gross. Unknown_04: I think it's a bit hot for him, don't you? Unknown_04: That's so gross. Nuke it! Unknown_13: Nuke it! Unknown_13: Right, I hope you like what you're seeing. I know I had a different taste test and I know my dog ate it all. His dish was empty so obviously he liked it. 3:11:04 Unknown_13: Um, I know he couldn't give you a claw rope. It wouldn't be funny if he did. But anyway, I hope that gave you a rough idea how to start doing a cowboy pie. If you like what you see, please leave... Unknown_13: please keep viewing me. If you want to leave me a big old thumbs up, thank you very much, it would be nice. And if you want to leave me a comment, please feel free. And if you haven't already subscribed to me, get subscribing, the more the merrier. Thank you, bye! 3:11:40 Unknown_13: right i've just found out there's a lot of people out there that are doing k's good cooking merchandise like i keep telling you none of it is real unless i mention it on camera you can keep buying if you want but there is two trademarks on these t-shirts if you keep buying them you're buying the wrong set Unless I mention that there's a different website or that you can get them somewhere, then you'll have to wait for that. But the people who are selling, I know there's a lot out there, but they're all cons. None of them are real, so if you don't want to buy, don't. If you do, buy one that isn't a proper one. Unknown_04: I'm gonna change one final thing. Let me bring the card back up. I'm gonna make one final judgment as we end the stream. I'm going to change, she excuses some condition her kitchen is in. And I'm gonna say, she excuses, let me up the size. 3:12:32 Unknown_04: apologizes for kitchen or yells at fans so now instead of just she has to say something about her kitchen she can either apologize for her kitchen or she can say something yelling at her her viewers like that would count or whenever she says like I've been getting snooty comments asking me to redo if you make if you make a post saying redo I'm I'm just gonna delete a comment. Like that's uh, that's gonna be the new rule for that one. 3:13:10 Unknown_04: And I guess dead hu- we got de- we- hmm. It's not cheating. We're done. Unknown_04: I'm just improving the card so we have more bingos. Unknown_04: I guess we could replace dead husband. I like dead husband though. Unknown_04: Here, I'll keep that the same, but I'll change it. 3:13:46 Unknown_04: Mentions dead person. Unknown_04: So that can be either her husband, her parents, anybody who's dead. Unknown_04: And I'll clarify with the dogs. Unknown_04: Kay feeds the dogs or says she will. So just to clarify on that. If she does, cook it. And I'm going to change Salmonella Risks to being raw chicken or pork. Unknown_04: And there. I think that's a much, much fairer card. So we'll get a couple more of that. 3:14:19 Unknown_04: Let me change the no starches one so that it's more obvious so that people can read it 24 And that way the next time we do this should be a little bit fairer So we don't get cucked by that fucking kid Who who gives the big thumbs up every time every time mom hands him some fucking slop 3:14:59 Unknown_04: All right, this is, this is skeet, this is scorecard v2. All right, all right, all right. Well, thank you guys for watching this incredibly weird and lazy stream. We got a lot of viewers, too. It's like a lot of fucking people. So thank you. Unknown_04: And now for Zacudagraw. I don't know when I'll be streaming on, um, Unknown_04: On YouTube again, I still have that strike again. So I'm gonna try to get him to withdraw it by bullying him. We'll see how it goes. Next Wednesday is the John Bulla stream. So I'm currently working on the John Bulla stream. I hinted at it. John Bulla is a schizophrenic straight white man who is, if anything, underweight. So I will fulfill my promise to... 3:15:33 Unknown_04: To get a actual stream about a normal, or not normal, he's fucking schizo, but a not fat person. And uh, not tranny. Unknown_09: Alright, alright. 3:16:12 Unknown_09: Take it easy guys. Unknown_07: I was born on a Dublin street where the loyal drums did beat The loving English speaker walked all over us And every single night when me da would come home tight He'd invite the neighbours out with his chorus Unknown_07: Come out, ship black and tans, come out and fight me like a man. Show your wife how you want riddles, down with blanders. Halla, halla, dee-halla-ray, major on like Halloway. From the green and lovely lanes up hill is Chandra. 3:16:43 Unknown_07: Come let us hear you tell how you slandered great Parnell When you taught him a well and truly persecuted What are the sneers and jeers that you loudly let us hear When our leaders of sixteen were executed Unknown_07: Come out you black and tanned, come out and fight me like a man. Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders. How proudly I reign, Major, unlike hell away, from the green and lovely lanes of Killishandra. 3:17:20 Unknown_07: Come tell us how you slew them all Arabs two by two Like the Zulus they had spears, bow and arrows How bravely you faced one with your sixteen pounds of gold And you frightened them damned natives to tomorrow Come out, chippin' egg and tans, come out and fight me like a man. Show your wife how you won medals down at Flanders. At our hall the NRA made you run like hell away, from the green and lovely lanes of Kirishandra. 3:17:55 Unknown_07: The time is coming fast, and I think this day is near When he's shown he ain't traitor, he will run before us And if there'll be a need, well our kids will say Godspeed With a verse or two of singing this fine chorus Come out your blackened hands, come out and fight me like a man Show you I follow you, and let us stand as flanders Tell her how the Irish From the green and lovely lanes up Killshawn Road. Come on, shipwreck and sand, Come out and fight me like a man, Show your wife how you won medals down at Blanders, That are all the IRA, Made your own like Calloway, From the green and lovely lanes up Killshawn Road.