0:00:35 Unknown_02: You're already signed into Hangouts? Unknown_02: Yeah. What's your name or phone number? Unknown_01: Let's see. Unknown_01: ICHVERBOT at gmail.com should work. Unknown_02: ICHVERBOT? Unknown_00: Yes. Unknown_02: At gmail.com? Unknown_00: Yes. Unknown_00: Okay. Unknown_00: Joshua moon yes Hell yeah, Joshua Luke let's take over the internet together, bro. 0:01:13 Unknown_01: We'll see we'll see I've been trying to do that for a while I Believe we I have the power to do it, and if you have if I'm with you I think we can do it did you get my message? Let's see Yes Unknown_01: All right, except, let me try to pull you into a hangout. Unknown_01: Create a group hangout with Nathan. Unknown_01: No. Unknown_01: Oh sorry, I'm good at computers, I'm bad at app shit. This is like outside of my 4K. Let's see, how do I? 0:02:00 Unknown_01: Maybe is it video call? Unknown_01: How many followers do you have on Twitter? On Twitter? Not many. I don't do Twitter very much. Unknown_01: And Twitter keeps banning me. Unknown_02: They don't like me very much either. Unknown_02: Did you get that call? I'm the only one here. Invite, if that works. 0:02:32 Unknown_02: Oh, I think I hung up on him. Whoops. Unknown_02: Yo, hello? Hey. Unknown_02: I see you. It works. Perfect. Cool Chrome Hangouts. Excellent. Unknown_02: You there? He was there for a second, for a wee moment. 0:03:04 Unknown_02: um heartbroken because he was there for a second not my end i'm pretty sure let's see get a message from him Unknown_02: allow hangouts to use your camera. I do not want to allow hangouts to use my fucking camera. Fuck off. Unknown_02: Nathan's left the call. 0:03:58 Unknown_02: He's having technical difficulties. I'm heartbroken. Unknown_02: Hey, there you are. Unknown_02: Yo. Unknown_01: Yo. Unknown_01: Can you hear me? Unknown_00: What's up, bro? Unknown_01: Yeah. Nothing much. Unknown_00: Are we streaming? Unknown_01: Yeah, yeah, we're on. Give me a sec. I'll broadcast it on YouTube in a second. Unknown_00: Ooh, do you stream on Twitch? 0:04:30 Unknown_01: No, Twitch would ban me in like a millisecond. Unknown_01: So I have to hedge my bets with that. Unknown_02: Crazy bro crazy Hopefully, I hope I didn't give out the hangout invite in that second