I'm gonna be a busy boy this week.
Unknown_01: I'm gonna be very busy.
Unknown_01: I don't even know why I am streaming right now. I just felt like it. I'm super tired. I probably shouldn't have streamed. I'm like exhausted. Oh geez.
Unknown_01: But, uh, the gist is tomorrow I'm gonna wake up early. I'm probably gonna spend my entire day clipping shit and gathering stuff for the, uh, the very suddenly decided to stream, uh, end of the year stream.
And then on Wednesday, I'm gonna be streaming again about Wings of Redemption.
Unknown_01: And that's gonna be, that's gonna be fun. That's gonna be fun for a lot of wrong reasons.
Unknown_01: Because it's going to make a lot of people hate me.
Unknown_01: Because Wings of Redemption has already been done. As far as I'm concerned, the stream that Jim did on Wings of Redemption is comprehensive. You don't really need to say anything else about Wings himself.
Unknown_01: But what I want to talk about is the troll sphere around Wings. Wings has the sons of Kojima 2.0 around him.
And the people involved in trolling Wings of Redemption are so secretive and so crazy. Like, they have a multi-level Discord permission set up and they delete channels constantly. Like, they clone channels and delete the old ones to hide the history. And nobody's talking to me. Nobody's talking to me whatsoever. I'm trying to talk to people and, like, I'll show you this.
I'll show you this if nothing else.
Unknown_01: It's like a teaser.
Unknown_01: Let me find it. What the fuck is this guy?
Unknown_01: It's crazy. I talked to him just a couple days ago and he's already pushed down so far down my friends list and shit.
Unknown_01: Here, this guy.
Unknown_01: There's some drama between a couple of content creators. No, no, I'll show that one next.
uh... this is i'm trying to talk to leaner is one of the guys that does the videos for for the fact that and as i'm poking around trying to get a hold of people that one of the other trolls who hates lean who hates lean who wanted lean to get out of their community who banned lean from their channel says yo this is important you know this dude called josh they're from one of those 4chan sites just had to warn you because the guy is a pedo asking around people info about wings and shit He's like, you don't want to talk to him.
Unknown_01: And that's the same guy that sent this.
Unknown_01: I'm asking him some general information, general questions about the Discord server and Wings of Redemption.
Unknown_01: And that's his response. After a while, he deletes everything he sent me using a bot or something and then just starts spamming nonsense at me.
Unknown_01: And it's like, okay, these guys are fucking crazy. These guys are like schizophrenics, like fucking Fred Fox.
And they're crazy people. And there's a lot of, there's another shit, like this Lean guy, the whole beef with him and in Wings of Redemption, it stems from the fact that Lean's videos aren't wholly negative to Wings of Redemption.
Unknown_01: And, um,
Unknown_01: I'm sorry, let me find this on the fly.
Unknown_01: I wasn't gonna show this Is this it No, this is the shot this is the Sean Ranklin video But
The guy, he joins the discord to talk to them and the people he's talking to are just so fucking pathetic. Like, they're nasty fucks. And he's talking to them, and he's like, what do you guys want? And the guy is like, I want to ruin your life. I want to make your life a living hell. And it's like, if you're following a lolcow, and the reason why you're following the lolcow is that you want to make their life a living hell, you're not in it for the right reasons. You're fucked up. You're a fucked up person, and you're way too emotionally invested in a crazy person on the internet.
And it's not even just that they want him to like, like a lot of people want like DarkSideFuel to stop streaming and get a job. Well with Wings of Redemption they're making like fake resume sites in his name, like they're buying his name as a domain name and setting up fake resume sites where they just say awful shit in the first person as if he wrote it.
Unknown_01: And it's quite clear that they don't want him to stop streaming and get a job. They want him to be completely fucking destitute. And it's like, why? Because he got mad playing video games? Because he said the word nigga once? Like, get the fuck over yourselves. What's wrong with you people?
And, um... The moment I started asking questions, like, these people completely fucking locked down. They refused to talk to me and shit.
Unknown_01: Yeah, it's just it's just fucking nonsense Somebody sent me a tweet from a wings account, but I don't even think that's him like it looks convincing It sounds like something he'd write but wings like I follow the real wings his Twitter account on my Twitter That's not the right address so it like even people in my circles are falling for like fake accounts that they run using his picture and his name trying to talk like him to to respond to their own trolling efforts. It's just they're the worst fucking people. They're entirely dedicated to this shit. Wings barely even mentions or notices them at all.
And, yeah, I have a feeling that once I talk about them, once I do a proper stream and put it up on my YouTube channel and link to it and shit, all of those people are going to throw massive fucking tantrums. It hasn't even happened yet. Like, I asked a couple questions, and it's one of the things that when Zoom was yelling at me on the Ralf Retort, It was one of the things he brought up, like, oh, you gate-kept Chris-chan, you were white-knighting Chris-chan, and now you're gonna white-knight wings. It's like, all I did was ask a couple questions. How the fuck do you even know about that? How do you know about that enough to be angry about it? So, no, this... I get the feeling that a lot of people are gonna be really, really, really, really fucking mad that I talked about it. And it's not even like... It's not even like, um...
Like, I think Wings is a good person, I don't. I think he's super entitled. I think the way he uses the word cyberbullying unironically is fucking infantile. Like, you're a grown-ass man, you can't be fucking cyberbullied. I don't even think cyberbullying is a real thing. Like, unless you're a child who has to go to school, you can't be fucking cyberbullied. Like, you're twice the age, past the threshold, of being capable of being cyberbullied.
And it's just like... I don't know. It's just real fucking sad to me.
Unknown_01: And what's really sad is that a lot of the Wings content is really fucking good. I really like a lot of the music videos and stuff. They're really funny. I used one of them... What started this off is that I used Plump Pimp as the intro song to the Chantal stream because I thought it was a really funny song.
And, um, I say, you know, big ups LiquidDick and shout out Sean Ranklin after that. And I get, like, a bunch of comments from people saying, like, you shouldn't associate with Sean Ranklin and LiquidRichard because they're creepy fucking weirdos. I'm like, whoa, whoa, where does this come from? And then people start talking about this Discord server where they're all congregating and doing shady shit and actively conspiring to ruin Wings' life. The one that really got me is, um,
Wings of Redemption uses Streamlabs connected to his PayPal to collect donations for shit, right? And routinely, like every stream, multiple times every stream, the same exact people commit chargeback fraud by, you know, donating and then charging it back by lying to their payment processor or credit card company that they bought vacuum cleaner parts or something and then never got the parts.
Unknown_01: The thing is is that when you use PayPal to donate it doxes you like I accepted PayPal donations for a while It gives you like the first last names cell phone number email address home address. It gives you everything a person has
to the merchant, and they flagrantly are committing chargeback fraud with everything about them attached to these transactions. And it's like, well, number one, if I were Wings, I'd be reporting them to the fucking police for fraud. I would be making routine complaints to the fucking authorities to get these people arrested. But number two, you know, is sometimes you say, he'll read a comment that's a troll comment, a troll donation, and he'll be like, you know what, I bet that's like Robert or something. He'll say the first name of the person who routinely does chargebacks. And then Sean Ranklin will put out a video like, Wings doxes a donor. Like, nigga, you're fucking tempting this guy to dox you.
And you fucking would deserve it if he did. I wouldn't hold it against him. I would have fucking doxxed you a year ago at this point.
Unknown_01: But how do you fucking play the victim? And like, you're playing chicken with him and trying to get him to lash out at you so you can further ruin his fucking life by getting a ban from Twitch too. Like, fuck off. All you people are sick, manipulative fucking shitbags.
I have no empathy for them. I'm glad I cut this stream after not sleeping for like 20 hours and just ranting aimlessly about what I'm going to talk about with the next stream. Let's see what people are saying in chat. I'm not even looking at chat, I've just been staring at my fucking monitor filled with contempt.
Fun fact, the owners of Stream.me have repeatedly been in lawsuits for non-payment on their other websites, porn streamers.
Unknown_01: Oh, that's not a good sign.
Unknown_02: Except they're like the mythical detractors that DSP thinks are ruining his life, except real.
Unknown_01: DSP did have people who legitimized his complaints, and the thing is, Negger pointed this out after he dismantled Sons of Kojima.
Unknown_01: DarkSidePhil ran out of things to complain about. Because before, with the Sons of Kojima and the organized trolling, they would be routinely doing things that DarkSidePhil could point at and be like, hey, you know, look, these guys, these trolls, the detractors, they're hurting my business because they're doing this shit, right?
And then, once that stopped happening, he couldn't do that anymore. And he couldn't say, like, hey, look at this, here's the problem, help me fix it.
Unknown_01: And he's been in very sharp decline since. So it's like a reverse Tinkerbell effect. The more you try to troll somebody and hurt them, the more sympathetic people are going to be. Quote Erot Demonstrandum, myself. The fact that he's now the victim of actual financial crimes. That makes me think, wow, maybe he's not as shitty as all the people around him. Which isn't to say, again, that he's not- Wings himself is not shitty. It's just that I don't think people should be the victims of crime because they stream on Twitch and throw controllers and shit. I just don't. I don't believe in swatting. I don't believe in chargeback fraud. I don't believe in extorting retards out of their money for anime video games and shit. I think that's all bullshit.
I think if you have to commit a crime to try and troll a locale, you should just be strung up by the fucking neck because you're subhuman.
Unknown_01: You found the stream? My secret stream? This is my secret stream. Don't be telling people about my secret stream. I'm just ranting like a fucking lunatic right now.
Did you watch the PQA stream with JimBeltWings? I did watch. Only Jim's side of it. I watched his video. I was never going to do a stream on Wings because I thought Jim did a really good job going over the history of Wings of Redemption and his fall from grace. But now, I'm just going to cover the highlights. I'm going to give some background on why people troll him, but I mostly want to talk about how he's cultivated a hate following that feels completely justified in doing whatever they want.
regardless of if it's funny or if it gets a reaction or if it's legal.
Unknown_01: Bullies are real, Josh. Haven't you seen Bullywatch? I have seen Bullywatch. It reminds me a lot of Social Autopsy. A lot of people don't remember that base Candace Owens got famous because she tried to make an anti-kiwi farm. It's a doxing site dedicated to doxing internet bullies.
Unknown_01: By the way, Candace Owens is the only nigger I would fuck. She's really pretty for a black girl. I'm just gonna throw that out there in case Candace Owens is listening and likes racist white men Which I guess she does. I mean she looks at the people she associates with DSP is one of the largest autism magnets on the net. He sure is he is like pure He's like the eye of the storm you think DSP is fucking autistic everybody around him a hundred times worse. I
Hey, I'm slicker than your average nigger killer.
Unknown_01: Twist niggers' heads off, fucking stink niggers and gayers. Chicken winging players. Alright, don't, don't be, don't be, don't be calling me a fucking, uh, a male mud shark, or whatever the fuck. That's not how it'd be. I'm just saying I'd make an exception for Candace Owens.
And a shit dick.
Unknown_01: Will there be a lolcow whose rabbit hole will be so deep that it would hit the Earth's core? Probably. It's probably ongoing right now. It's just something that's so closed door. Like the lolcow doesn't have any real public presence and the trolling group doesn't have any public presence and it's probably been going on since fucking Usenet and we just haven't found it yet. TommyTutor would be as close as I can think of to that. TommyTutor has some fucking deep lore.
When I fucked Tracer if she was black?
Unknown_02: Oh jeez, that's a tough one.
Unknown_01: PKA was them telling Jim how they tried helping Wings but all they did was fuck with him? I can believe that.
Unknown_01: Yeah, I don't believe those PKA guys were all fucking angels. I mean, the one thing that got me is when
Basically like they copyright trolled him. I should mention that as well Wings of Redemption essentially got into a like with Dick Masterson and Maddox They started the best podcast in the universe together. There was no formal agreements, but they started it together and formed an unofficial Partnership where they both owned half the company well when it falls apart Maddox tries to copyright the best podcast in the universe as his sole exclusive property. Dick Masterson retaliates and the judge says, no, you guys are a partnership because your presence was about 50-50 on the podcast. And I get the feeling from what Wings mentioned, I'm glad you mentioned that because I should write it down as a footnote for when I prepare for my stream, that PKA formed with Wings of Redemption, and I think a third person, so it should be a partnership where they each own a third of the company, but they vote Wings out.
PKA goes on to make half a million dollars and they kick wings out without giving him a penny. And then after they kick him out, the fucking guy goes and tries to file a copyright for PKA to be the sole owner of it. And the other guy, they asked to leave. They gave him $10,000 and they didn't give Wings shit. So you know, Wings might be a fucking asshole and shit, but they trolled him in a way that is borderline criminal as far as I'm concerned.
I have no... I just... I don't like thieves. I don't like liars. I don't like thieves. I don't like extortionists. I don't like... I just don't... Like, you know, you can be an asshole just by talking shit about somebody, and that should be the extent of it. If you have to fucking commit crimes against somebody, you've got an agenda that isn't anything to do with having a good time.
Unknown_01: Hashtag kill thieves hashtag kill the bankers more like it in Minecraft Wings made PK irrelevant. Yeah, he was he was the biggest one at the time It was his it was basically he's like Call of Duty podcast as far as I'm as far as I know
Nah, more of a maxi pad man myself.
Unknown_01: Oh yeah, speaking of that, like I've been harassing the YouTube support, right?
Unknown_01: And I'll just read my emails with them.
Unknown_01: It doesn't have a receipt for my message, but basically I'm just like hey, you know I'm being copyright trolled the guy knows who I am. He's doing this maliciously I would really like to be able to stream again the entire point of the strike was to Prohibit me from streaming, you know, I'm gonna take this guy to court if it requires it so if you could please lift restrictions on my account, that'd be great and
His response was, Hi Joshua, I think this is a stock message. Thank you for your message. I hope this email finds you well. I understand you want to resolve the copyright strike on your channel. Please allow me to explain further. There are three ways to resolve the copyright strike. And it goes 1, 2, 3, wait for it to expire, get a retraction, submit a counter notification. Now this is obviously just like a stock email because this is the exact same information on the help page. And I'm clarifying already that I'm not asking for help on how to resolve it. I'm saying I'm asking for help to not have restrictions while it's being disputed because the intent of the copyright strike is to prohibit me from being able to stream. And it's a completely baseless fact. And I explained that. I said, I appreciate the reply, but as I mentioned, I've submitted a copyright copyright strike appeal that hasn't even been reviewed yet after several days. And I should mention that even since sending this message in reply, my counter notification is still awaiting review. So they haven't even reviewed it yet.
My information is there. The person knows who I am. They are deliberately and maliciously misusing your systems to hurt my channel and remove my ability to stream. I will fight this person in court, have invited him to service me at my address, but he has not done so. Please at least reinstate my ability to livestream. I have sworn under penalty of perjury multiple times. The alleged works are fairly used, and I will fight this person in court. He replies again, thank you for your response. I hope you are well. You may contact the claimant directly to have this sorted out. Unfortunately, we cannot mediate for claim issues. If needed, you may seek legal assistance. Should you have additional questions, feel free to reply to this email. I reply again saying, I'm not asking you to mediate anything, I would just like my privileges restored and not be placed at the mercy of a mentally ill person. This does not happen to larger channels, and I have not gotten a response to that since. I should also mention, I tweeted this out, and I'll take a screencap of this so you can see what the fuck I'm talking about.
I got my response with...
Unknown_01: Twitter as well, because after I appealed, somehow my account became unlocked. But then I got this notification a day later saying, I got a notification saying, an update on your report. Thanks for letting us know. Our investigation found this account violated the Twitter rules.
point, violating our rules against hateful conduct. We appreciate your help in improving everyone's experience on Twitter. And the message I get is like, it's as if I reported myself. So the appeal system, the appeal system acts as if I reported myself when I'm appealing a report.
Unknown_01: It's the most broken, busted-ass fucking thing I've ever seen. It's just complete garbage. It's a billion-dollar-a-year software suite for tweets and shit, but the report system is apparently joined at the hip with the appeal system in such a way that if you get an appeal response, it's like a review of a report or something. It's just utter fucking garbage.
And, uh, somebody mentioned get Keemstar involved. I've contacted Keemstar. I sent him a drama alert tip. He doesn't give a shit. Like, I'll show you what fucking Keemstar's up to. And really, you know, I try to be fair to Keemstar because in his latest appearances at least, he's tolerable. He's kind of interesting. One, um... One, the Ralf Retort, right?
But we go to Firefox and we look at this. Wait, wait, where's Keemstar?
Unknown_01: I go to Keemstar right and it's just like he's talking about Deji Deji messed up expose Deji reacts to KSI and Deji videos hashtag drama alert Poor Deji is getting destroyed on his new song. We take no L's Let's I have a feeling many mentor ate Chinese food tonight. Thank you all so much on your support for the new drama alert and it's just like
This is just like bullshit.
Unknown_02: And I hate his fucking beard.
Unknown_01: It's the grossest fucking thing ever. Look at this guy.
Unknown_01: What the fuck is that? What is that on your face? Why do you have that on your face?
He doesn't care. He doesn't care about shit like this because it's not... You know the whole thing with um...
Unknown_01: With him showing up on the Ralf Retort, I kind of get the feeling that Keemstar hates his audience. I think, like, if you go to, like, Google, and you type in, um, assume no one's to load, type in Keemstar with fans, right?
Unknown_01: And it's just like, Oh, that's one with his kid. Why would he take... This is why Shadman draws porn of her, bro. Take that shit off.
And he's with, like, there's one of his fans that looks like a kid who has cancer. And then here's all of his other fans. They're all, like, 12.
Unknown_01: There's a bunch of his fans, and I think it's either his fans or it's, like...
Unknown_01: He's being attacked by a middle school. There's his other fans. None of these people look like they've hit puberty. I just get the feeling that he really fucking hates all of his fans. And I think he hates the fact that his fanbase is a bunch of little fucking shitty kids.
And he's really envious of the fact that Ralph has like a majority adult audience.
Unknown_01: And he... he enjoys that more than when he built for himself, which is why he read Rovers River. But as far as like, actually sticking his neck out for freedom of speech and shit, nah, I don't think that'll ever fucking happen. He doesn't give a shit.
And, uh...
Unknown_01: Fuck, what the fuck is his title? I'll never think of it now because he's so irrelevant. This guy, um, he's been trying to get involved in internet drama and shit, because he wrote an expose on Ralph, really hard-hitting stuff. Oh, he fucking... Did he delete all his shit?
Unknown_01: Oh, hold up. He, like, there's fucking random bullshit with Twitter. God, I hate fucking Twitter. Twitter's such a piece of shit.
Did he delete it?
Unknown_01: Oh, no fucking way. I had, um... It looks like he deleted it.
Unknown_01: Instead of that pinned tweet that I'm looking at on Firefox right now, he had a picture of him with Keemstar. And he looks so fat and fucking dumpy.
Unknown_01: That's funny that he deleted that Because this guy lives in a Brooklyn or something and Keemstar lives in Erie County he lives in Buffalo, so I mean they're they're pretty far apart in terms of like state lines, but they're nearby This guy's a fucking loser Massive fucking loser.
He's so awful
Unknown_02: I want to show you Like this video has like no views because it's shit.
Unknown_01: Oh Jesus got 2,000 views. That's really good for him. Listen to all those fucking faggot talks.
Unknown_02: Oh you can't hear. Why do you have to result to using doctored fake evidence to prove your point?
I was sent a pastebin on screen and a few screenshots two weeks ago in the very beginning of December. So you sat there and looked at this information for that long and thought you should still post it? I mean, honestly, I did what any smart person would have done who was making a video
Unknown_01: You know, my voice is not the best, but doesn't this just make you wanna fuckin' shoot yourself in the back of your head? You know, if you take a gun, right, and you put it in your mouth, and you aim it at the top of your spine, where your spine connects to your brain, if you shoot that part of your brain,
It's like lights out, just lights out. That's like the control center. That's like the most fundamental part of the central nervous system. You pop that, it's like a light bulb going out.
Unknown_01: In case, um, in case you, you're inspired.
Unknown_06: Inspired to kill yourself.
Unknown_06: It's not easy to miss.
Unknown_01: That's the most, that's how, when Hitler killed himself, he consulted a doctor and the doctor suggested taking cyanide and then doing exactly what I told you. So, if you don't trust me, trust Hitler. That's the best way. I mean, the cyanide's just a backup in case you do miss. But I mean, the fucking bullet is assuring. Definitely will fucking kill you.
Look at Kraut's comment below.
Unknown_01: Oh, so this is what a doxing server looks like?
Unknown_01: No.
Unknown_01: No.
Unknown_01: This.
Unknown_01: This is what a doxxing server looks like, Kraut. You know what? This whole thing about, oh, he's a doxxer. He's a doxxer. Ralph doxxed this guy, and then this guy doxxed this guy.
And it's just, it's the gayest shit ever. You know what, you know what, you know what I think about doxxing? I think there's literally nothing wrong with doxxing.
Unknown_00: I think everybody should just say that.
Unknown_01: At least you should just say there's literally nothing wrong with doxxing. In fact, I have, I have what is, what is supposed to be the phone number of NicholasDeOreo.
I'm hesitant to call it because it may be also his parents number and I don't want to bother his family.
Unknown_01: But if I knew for sure it was his cell phone number or something, I would 100% call it.
Unknown_01: I just don't want to bother some old folks.
Unknown_01: It becomes an issue when I worry about it, I have to say, because I might lose my job.
Unknown_01: I guess, but that's already how it is. You think that there's not an issue where you might lose your job because of what you say? You can always get doxxed. It could always be traced back to you. The government knows who you fucking are. That shit can leak. You think that just because you're anonymous right now that nobody cares enough to identify you?
What you say is anonymous and it's never gonna hurt you, ever. If you ever piss off the wrong people, you ever get too much attention, it'll fucking find you. It's like with, um...
Unknown_01: Do I remember? Ricky Vaughn. Ricky Vaughn was a very popular Trump supporter. Who made race realist comments on Twitter. He had a more active following than major publications. Like his tweets got more attention than like tweets from the Wall Street Journal and shit. And CNN. He completely trumped traditional media. Just by being a shit poster on Twitter.
He got doxxed and he lost everything. I mean it wasn't a matter of if it would happen. It's a matter of when.
Unknown_01: Of course you do. Of course you have to worry about being doxxed, but it's like... You can't stop it.
Unknown_01: Even if it was illegal. Even if it was illegal in the United States. You know what would happen with the Kiwi Farms? It would be kiwifarms.ru or something. It would be in a different country and it would still fucking exist. The only person who can stop you from getting doxxed is yourself. And the more you're out there, the more popular your message is, the more unified your identity is, the more likely you are to get doxxed.
Nobody thought Jim would get doxxed, but... It happens. It'll always happen. Nothing you can do about it.
Unknown_01: They even know who, the Department of Defense even knows who Satoshi is, the Bitcoin guy. And the reason why they know who he is, is because they took, in the early days of Bitcoin, he was a very prolific writer. And he had some interesting word choices. And the Department of Defense took all of his messages, all of his posts, all of his signed messages that they knew were by him.
And they fed it into machine learning against a database of different writing signatures called linguistic forensics or machine learning tools.
Unknown_01: build up composition signatures on word choices and grammar styles and punctuation and shit. And they believe they know who Satoshi is just because they know who everybody is just on how they write. There are even tools dedicated to anonymizing writing styles by reducing word choice and selecting things from a simple English pill and eliminating punctuation as well.
Josh botched Jim's docs. Jim has said absolutely nothing that would contradict what he said originally, that the docs is real. The docs is fake? I love it. I love it. People are so desperate. Please.
Unknown_01: Daddy Jim. Daddy Jim can't be doxed. He's so perfect and so funny and everything he does is so great all the time.
Unknown_01: His docs can't be real because that would clash with my masturbatory image of what he is. That's some gay shit. Get the fuck over it. He's a guy. He's a white supremacist who fucks Asian women.
Like, he's not special. He's got a nice voice. He can be really funny. He's pretty sharp on his feet, but he's not a god. Stop sucking his dick.
Unknown_01: Jealous boy? Oh, jeez. I'm jealous of how much money he makes.
Unknown_01: Could go for some fucking 1L.
Unknown_01: I don't care if you like better. I really don't. You're free to have opinions. I'm just telling you to stop sucking dick because it looks fucking pathetic to have his jizz on your fucking chin.
Fear monger. I'm Blackfield, baby.
Unknown_01: It's all coming down.
Unknown_01: He can't be a white supremacist, he's not even white.
Unknown_01: That's pretty good.
White supremacists are bad? I'm just saying that it's hypocritical. What's funny to me is that all the people in this kind of sphere, you got Jim, you got Ralph, they're either fucking somebody who's not white or they're not white themselves.
Unknown_01: Look, I think... Who's... Is it... Is it... Nick Fuentes or Mark Collett that's like Mexican or something? It's... It's just like everything's fucking hypocritical. There's no point even getting mad about it.
Just live and let live.
Unknown_01: Kumite dead air. Like, I'm tired. I'm just reading chat.
Unknown_02: Nice voice change.
Unknown_01: I sat up straight.
Unknown_01: Ralph only does it because the money is in it for him. Yeah Maybe I don't know. I don't have strong opinions about Ralph in terms of Ralph's motives Fuentes had a nigger girlfriend isn't his sister a mud shark or something. I
Hey, I don't know Colette or Fuentes too much. I've only heard things. Like, I don't give a shit.
Unknown_01: Give us an entertaining story? I don't think I have anything off the top of my head right now.
Unknown_02: Is he really 5'2"? I've seen pictures that make him look really fucking short.
Tell us about your involvement with infinity next I think I've told this story a thousand times at this point Well, you have a specific question I can I can say it what's going on the stream of Hot Wheels gonna be about I'll save it for the Ralfertort stream. I don't want to scoop him. But basically, I mean he's already said a lot I'll pull it up if you want me to read this because he's tweeted this and I suppose there's no harm in Just reading it some more
Unknown_01: Okay, nine hours ago. Welcome to all my new followers. Please absorb these facts. Number one, I have absolutely no say in 8chan's administration. I do not have the password for the InfiniteJan account and never post on it. Two, I gave away 8chan voluntarily. It was not stolen. Three, Josh Moon that did nothing wrong.
Although I gave away 8chan voluntarily, it was never a fair fight. I was set up to fail. After my departure, four people were hired to replace me. Two PR people, one of whom composed from the CodeMonkey trip, and by CodeMonkey trip, he means the administrator cap code on 8chan. One programmer, and finally the part-time CodeMonkey himself.
During my administration, the company always claimed poverty. We had to crowdfund urgently needed software, referring to Next. After I left, suddenly I could afford salaries for an unprofitable website. I gave 8chan away voluntarily, but I had the support CodeMonkeyz has, perhaps I wouldn't have.
Unknown_01: And finally, if you want to understand how 8chan stays online, here's the answer. 8chan is a yacht. It's not about profit. Jim is a very rich man, or at least he lives the lifestyle of one. It is about power, not money. He and his son enjoy it, so they keep it, no matter the cost, like a boat.
So, uh, we we caught up a little bit on either friday or saturday. I can't remember my Been up for so long. I'm kind of in a haze But essentially the uh he's gonna he's gonna be clarifying the situation that 8chan is in and without giving away too much because uh, I would like him to to say it himself on the ralph stream Uh 8chan is completely fucked If things go the way that he is prognosticating that they will go, 8chan is completely and totally fucked.
But I don't want to say too much more on that.
Unknown_02: Take a nap.
Unknown_02: Found my secret stream. Oh gosh, I'm exposed. 16 hour nap, that sounds great.
Unknown_01: Fucked as in it might go away within 2019.
Unknown_02: It might be gone.
Well, yeah.
Unknown_01: My vision for HN, because 4chan is its own thing. You can't beat 4chan in its own game. But I noticed that we had a huge user base of Brazilian, and Polish, and Finnish, and Egyptian users. And I thought, that's the ticket. That's the ticket to make 8chan better than 4chan, to make it something that 4chan couldn't be. And I wanted to internationalize it. I built Next with a strong emphasis on localization. Even after the official development stopped, I had a functional right-to-left layout for Hebrew and Arabic and Farsi. I had it all planned out in my head how I wanted to expand 8chan. And and make it a place where people connect through tour to talk about their government in private and I had a I had what I thought was a great a great vision for it and Ultimately didn't come to fruition, but I thought that would that would have fixed that would have been great No joke I might be moving to Egypt soon any advice on how to use the internet there get a VPN and
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Hebrew, whatever.
Unknown_01: Whatever. Maybe they're the oppressed Palestinians who are trying to overthrow the Israeli government. You don't know.
Unknown_01: Winning non-whites won. The white market's already very firmly controlled by 4chan proper. You're not gonna dissuade that.
Globalize the means right to left chins Palestinians are not oppressed 4chan's fucking super white Kick coach red pill.
Unknown_01: Oh geez. I wasn't gonna go to um, I
Unknown_01: to Berlin with him in January to make use of a YouTube space and be an asshole and YouTube corporate property.
Unknown_01: But now it's like, I don't know, that last stream where I had him on, like it was such an awkward conversation. Like I couldn't tell if he was doing it on purpose. Like I was having, I just wanted to do a 15 minute long stream where I talk about the strike I got, the community guidelines strike I got.
And he's like, hey, let me on, let me on. I want to talk. And I'm like, oh, OK. So Coach Red Pill must have some insight, because he's a much larger channel with like 100,000 subs. I'm like, he has to have some kind of insight on the copyright guideline system and how these things happen. And I'm like, sure, OK. I'll let him on, and we'll talk about that. And I accept the invite, get Google Hangout set up. And the first thing he says is like, hey, how's it going? What's up?
Unknown_01: I'm like, I thought you were watching the stream. I thought you wanted to talk about the copyright stuff.
And he just wanted to, like, shoot the shit. And it's like, bro, this is supposed to be like a 30-minute long stream where I just go over the, uh, the, uh, the situation. It's supposed to be like a situation report. And I thought you had something you wanted to say on it.
Unknown_01: And, like, if you don't interrupt him and assert yourself, he will talk forever.
Unknown_01: And I get not wanting to have dead air, but there's also like ebbs and flows of conversation where you just run out of things to say, but if he runs out of something to say, he'll just switch to the next topic like immediately without giving you like a chance to respond or even inquiring as if he gives a shit about what you have to say in response to that. It's truly baffling.
I think he's lonely for bros.
Unknown_01: I wouldn't go that far. I mean, maybe. It is pretty isolating over here, but the thing is with me, I'm extremely used to being isolated. It doesn't bother me at all.
Unknown_02: It does not bother me at all.
Unknown_02: Hello, Esperant. It is going well.
That's being in cell lower your standards go to a conservative church with large congregations.
Unknown_01: There's nothing wrong with waiting until marriage. That's true. I remember Like I didn't have sex until I was like 22 or something and when I was a teenager I was very frustrated about it and I thought like if I just had sex like that would fix a lot of the things I was angry about and
Unknown_01: And then I finally just got it out, right? I met somebody I was friendly enough with. And we drank, and we had sex. We had sex a couple times, actually. But nothing changed. Like, I wasn't angry about that, but I was still pretty fucking angry. 22?
Yeah, I guess.
Unknown_01: I mean, I didn't- I was like homeschooled and shit. I didn't go to any clubs.
Unknown_02: I didn't want to, like, fuck in a bar or something.
Unknown_02: She wasn't fat enough.
Unknown_01: I'm not an incel. I mean, I've had a couple flings. It's just that I've never had sex with somebody I was in love with, you know? And I think that's a different thing.
Angry about being circumcised, it's true.
Unknown_01: I don't want to get- I don't want to do too much TMI. But um, I get the feeling that me being circumcised is a detriment to my ability to enjoy sex. I'll just leave it there. I don't want to talk about my dick. I think people would fucking leave.
Unknown_01: Josh, what was his name?
Oh jeez, I'm getting cyberbullied.
Unknown_01: You guys are so mean.
Unknown_01: What was the feeling of being a wizard? I'm not even 30 yet. You have to be 30 to be a wizard.
Unknown_02: My penis is nice, alright.
Unknown_02: My first boyfriend was circumcised and the sex was shit.
Unknown_02: Oh no!
Unknown_02: Lizard Apprentice?
Unknown_01: Dude, at 22, 22 is not even like... I think most people in the West have sex later now. Like, maybe in fucking, like, Nigeria, people with Lizard of Virginia are like 14, but in the West, people are... People are not having sex as much, because everybody's socially awkward and autistic and playing video games.
What's your opinion on Eggie? I don't know who Eggie is.
Unknown_01: Josh's outline is Florida.
Unknown_01: I have to be careful with my penis because Brian Dunn will fucking get it and print it out and hang copies of it on his wall.
You know I don't know who Eggie is.
Unknown_01: Oh, okay.
Unknown_01: Somebody is named Virgorouge Trans in chat. So I guess I have no option. If you don't know, Virgorouge is my wife. And Virgorouge quit the internet because I cyberbullied her off the internet, right? But she's back, baby. She is back. And she's posting crazy shit.
This is one hour ago. This is four minutes. Let's watch this.
Unknown_00: Well, I know there's a lot of people that are more interested in talking about computers than there are people interested in music or culture. I'm not over there. It's Freja, Evie, bon chose. I'm not there talking to you. Now, this is my channel. I've been using this for years. I used to have music on this channel. and I use it all the time to browse and to talk to people.
But with this situation of somebody talking to everyone... My future ex-wife.
Unknown_00: C'est fraƮche et vive bonne chance.
Unknown_00: It is.
Unknown_00: somebody else, somebody who hacked into my computer and set up a fraudulent duplicate channel. YouTube, by the way, purposely most likely blocked me from getting into that channel. Because I know my password.
Unknown_00: And I also have, you can recover it by giving the phone number that you had on the account. I mean, they are rejecting both of them. So they purposely locked me out. And yeah, I mean, hackers, people that are computer illiterate, do not know about hacking.
An expert hacker can crack through anything, virtually anything, and see what you're doing. And they can see where you're going. And if it was a YouTube employee, they could possibly see what I'm doing.
Unknown_00: I use Orbit Mod all the time to browse YouTube. So anybody who's an expert hacker could have seen that I was using Orbit Mod.
And no, it wasn't because it was in my browser. That's not why I remove the videos. I remove videos all the time for different reasons. And people think
Unknown_01: Would I crack her? No, I would not. I'm doing these videos because I'm feeling incriminated or something like that.
Unknown_00: That's not true. I don't even know because I don't read what you're posting, but I assume that's what you're probably writing. That I am Orbit Mod and making up stories that it was in my browser. Yeah, I saw that it was in my browser and said, oh my gosh, people are going to think it's me. But it wasn't me.
She's like legit fucking crazy.
Unknown_00: It's very easy for an expert hacker to take over a person's identity on the internet. They can fraudulently get into your bank account. Expert hackers can crack anything.
Unknown_00: And your computer illiterate and basically anybody that could see where I am, what I'm doing, they can see that I'm using Orbit Mod to browse YouTube. All of a sudden they have their fake account and they go and write something on my channel. And that's exactly what happened. They purposely locked me out of my YouTube channel.
And you're saying, don't you remember your password? They purse, purse.
Unknown_01: This is, uh, this is, this is what she eats. This is what I'd have to feed her if I wanted to plump her up.
Unknown_00: Hello. More than superficial films that look wonderful on the outside, but on the inside people are unhealthy. I am very healthy. I'm eating raw, pastured beef liver from a farm. It's been frozen for two weeks. I don't know if it actually kills pathogens.
There are people in this country who are A pretty normal one guy who's a martial artist from Wisconsin, he eats raw liver. He's not on the internet talking about killing people. like this guy in Germany, okay? So there are normal people who eat raw liver. Tracy eats raw liver. I eat it more than she does, though. My father is eating it twice a week. I eat it a few times a week. Weird flex, but okay. Right now I need to eat this. It's only a small amount, completely raw. I just downed an egg yolk, and this is the egg white. I'm going to put it in the refrigerator for later because the allicin in it
binds with biotin so I eat the raw egg white separately. I have a few coconuts here, young Thai coconuts.
Unknown_00: That's basically just her showing all the shit she eats and trying to be like I'm better than you because I eat beef liver tips.
Unknown_00: Let's see four minutes, there we go.
Unknown_01: I think this is her funny one.
them in their entirety unless you give me some money through PayPal because you've been taking advantage of me and stealing my things actually and you're not going to be able to steal anymore from me okay? I don't think that musicians should have their things stolen okay? So that's it and I'm doing really well today and I have to go out and I'm trying to get some good lighting in here in the kitchen I don't really know if it's any good But... How about letting the sun shine on your fucking face instead of eclipsing it like a goddamn moon?
Unknown_01: I'm almost 100% raw, 95-100% raw. She likes it raw, guys.
Unknown_00: Raw sirloin, raw fish, raw eggs, raw beef liver, tons of raw vegetables, hemp hearts, chia seed, some fruit, very little carbs.
It makes me feel good, but it's not the end of all the life.
Unknown_00: I just think up here is a positive attitude and friendship and love and these things peace Okay, so I'm not here to try to look good for you because I'm in the real world and the only thing I care about is people that I see in the real world.
Unknown_01: You know, it's this is like a movie thing where if you
Unknown_01: You get you have like a close-up with a face right like you're watching a movie and the camera gets really close to the face And that's supposed to be like you're supposed to empathize more with the character It's just the brain thing if you're really close to somebody's face you empathize with them more
But, if we have an extreme close-up like this, and it lingers, it makes you uncomfortable, because they're now in your space. And she is inadvertently, because she's a fucking crazy person, filming herself in a cinematic way to make you uncomfortable, because she's up in your fucking face and invading your space. I'm just pointing that out. That's me smirking about cameras and shit.
Unknown_00: I've led a really moral life, and they're claiming that I'm immoral, and that I'm sleeping around. and that I have, uh, they edit my words and make it sound like I've done porno. You don't have any proof.
Unknown_00: Okay? It's just fake. I never admitted to anything like that. You're fake. Fake as anything could be. So, the fact that you can't put your face online is another reason that nobody should trust you.
Unknown_01: There's... Oh, what the fuck?
Unknown_02: Hold up. Hold up. I saw something.
Unknown_02: Wait, wait, wait.
Unknown_01: No, god damn it.
I need the title card. It's on the title card. OK, look. I will show you. I'm not crazy.
Unknown_01: Maybe I am crazy, but you will see. You will see. I'll make you see. Give me a sec. Give me a sec.
Unknown_01: Look.
Unknown_02: Look here and listen.
Unknown_02: Enhance.
Unknown_02: Enhance the picture.
Do you see it? Do you see it? I can't help but see it.
Unknown_01: It is blinding to me.
Unknown_01: Look, it's right fucking there. I can't, I can't not see it. It's just so obvious to me. Is it not uncanny?
Unknown_01: It's fucking, it's the exact goddamn thing. It's like I'm seeing hamsters in my sleep delirium. Oh jeez.
Oh dang it.
Unknown_01: You know, I did the hamsters like one time, just at the end, because I was playing like Cotton Eye Joe or something. I was like, fuck it, I'll play the hamsters, because the hamsters are cute. And now, and then like the next time I played music, somebody's like, you gotta play the fucking hamsters. Where the fuck the hamsters at? Now, now it's just like, it's just like a thing. It's like, it's better that way, because it's not like Forest. It's people, people like the fucking hamsters. You gotta give people what they want.
Oh, God. Shut up.
Unknown_01: So this is another minute long video. Usually her videos are like 25 fucking minutes long. Now they're like a minute and a half.
Unknown_00: Well, um, I did take down some videos that were defaming online. I'm sure some of the other ones will be removed. But I'm not giving my legal married name. And for that reason is my husband is very concerned about his reputation with his job and his reputation.
Okay, so here's the thing. She always says that she's married, but there's no evidence whatsoever that she is married. Nothing. It's not like you can hear a male voice off in some of her videos. There's not a single fucking thing, but she continually talks about being married. And I'm curious what you guys... I'll make a poll for this, actually. I'm gonna make a poll. I'm making a poll. We're making a poll. Who is the husband?
Literally no one or the man of her dreams or as a stunner and my personal favorite But But given
Unknown_01: Okay, and to clarify for the third option, I'm saying that it's her father, but she wants to put on a front so she just claims it's her husband. I'm not saying that they're married or having a sexual relationship. I'm saying that whenever her dad yells at her and says, you gotta get off the internet because people are fucking with you and I'm afraid of getting my job fucked with, She just says it's my it's my husband instead of just saying my dad So I'm not saying that they're married or anything, but that's my that's my personal speculation And I think that's going to tilt the polls in favor of it But uh oh geez the votes are coming in. They're actually all kind of tied That's surprising
Literally no one has always been in the lead, but now her father is... Their neck and neck. Their neck and neck! Oh god, it's too tense.
Unknown_01: It's too intense.
Unknown_01: Every time one takes the lead, the other usurps it. It's madness.
Unknown_01: It's madness.
Unknown_01: A hundred votes are coming in. This is only a minute long poll, so we'll see. Oh jeez, I think it's gonna be literally no one now.
I think that's where I was leaning. I'm clicking the refresh button as hard as I can. This is too close.
Unknown_01: Literally no one beats out her father by one vote. Fucking amazing. That was a much closer poll than I was expecting.
Unknown_01: All options are Josh.
Unknown_01: The poll was on is on the web app. Hopefully you can see it If you can't Literally no one wins by a single vote So keep in mind that as far as chats concerned literally no one is telling her this a maiden name and not my married name he doesn't want anyone to know who he is in terms of online and
Offline, everybody knows who he is, but he doesn't want anyone to know that he's married to me. And the whole thing, I'm using my old name, basically.
Unknown_00: So that's about it. I told you what the deal was. I don't owe you any explanations. I'm just letting you know that you're delusional people.
Unknown_00: I'm trying to protect my husband.
Unknown_00: And I don't owe anybody anything on YouTube. They owe me.
Because I've been giving you free, quality music. I've done nothing wrong.
Unknown_00: I have done absolutely nothing to deserve being gang-stalked. I'm not giving you any of your messages.
Unknown_01: I'm also not giving you my married name because I want to protect my husband and his job.
Unknown_00: Thank you.
Unknown_01: Oh! Cal's watching this stream! I love Cal. That's the only good thread on HN. Is the Cal thread about the streaming live. Sorry, I'm fucking tired. The uh... What is this? Is it just called Internet Bloodsports General? Is that the name of it?
You don't usually look at the OP because it's a cyclical. Yeah, the IBS General.
Unknown_01: They're bullying me. They're saying that I'm still a virgin. I'm so triggered.
Unknown_01: Oh, okay, this one sounds funny.
Unknown_01: It sounds so entitled, just the fucking actual title of it.
Unknown_00: Hi, I have news for you. I'm a professional level musician on a pretty high level, okay? Especially in the creative world.
I don't read comments. I don't talk to people online. So anyone that you see is a poser and it's defamation. I don't check to see who's talking about me online. I don't check to do anything because I don't have time to fill out papers. I don't care about it. The only thing I'm checking online right now is my PayPal account.
Unknown_00: My email address underneath, all you need is a PayPal account and my email address and you can send me donations and money. And if you really want me to send you new DVDs, new music, I can send it to your mailing address with your real name.
That's funny.
Unknown_00: And it has to be a good amount of money. So I don't have to... What? What is my purpose of communicating? I'm not communicating with anybody online. I'm not reading messages anymore. Okay, past today. Okay, so there's new videos. You want me to look at this again, right? I'm not doing it. More defamation. How many videos do you have that are defamation on here? How many videos? I didn't do anything. Just like Melinda Scott. This woman that they're harassing on Kiwi farms, she didn't do anything. And they accused her of being a slut and they said that she had nine husbands. This woman didn't do anything.
And I'm not coming online anymore because there's too many people that have mental illness online. There's nobody here supportive of me. All these people making believe that they like me are aliases.
Unknown_00: This Cartelette, whoever this person is.
Unknown_01: She's like always throwing a pity party for herself. It feels sorry for me.
Unknown_00: None of these people actually like me.
Unknown_01: Send money to my PayPal account.
Unknown_00: Shut up. I am not calling myself a genius. I'm not a music expert. I'm not there talking to you. I don't have a website for Rouge anymore. I'm not I don't have a website. So if you want to basically send me some money you can I'm not here for you to how many how many videos do you have? This is a fake video. I never said I did pornography. I'm married. That's not my name.
So I'm not making music videos anymore for you. I don't care about any of these videos. I'm also not on YouTube especially YouTube which allows defamation other platforms are decent platforms where they don't allow this kind of garbage. I know this for a fact.
They have guidelines.
Unknown_00: YouTube does not have any guidelines. They allow people to be harassed. They steal content. Do you think I would upload anything to something like this where they allow people to stalk people online?
Unknown_00: They allow slander, harassment, and defamation.
Unknown_00: And I haven't filled out any forms for this. I don't have any time. I'm working. I have a job. Kiwi Farms, the owner, doesn't work. I have jobs. I have to work. I don't have time for this. I don't have time to fill out papers. You don't work a job. You just have some software. You have all the time in your hands to stalk people all day long. I don't. And right now, I'm basically, I have to get back to work. And whatever this is, I don't really care because I have to work. I know you don't have a job. Joshua O'Connor Moon doesn't work. He's unemployed and stalking people online, but I don't have time for this. So if you want to hear my new music, I'm going to leave my email address underneath this video, and I'm not giving you any attention to this. Oh yeah, she's going to ask for money again. I never said I did porno. I said I didn't. You edited my words. All of this is fake. You used Adobe Creative Cloud. Send me some money if you want to hear my music. I'm bypassing these people because I'm really, really working on some great music right now. And I'm really doing some serious studio work that is amazing, is much better than a lot of the live stuff. because I just use too much reverb. I don't have a really good amp. So if you really want to hear some great music, because I think it's great, and I'm also... She thinks it's great. Her mom says it's great. If I'm going to be praising myself, it's going to be on this channel. It's not going to be me with these sock puppets. It's not me. So I'm not reading your messages. I'm not talking to you. I'm not. I'm too busy. I work a job.
It's not literally Sargon. I think when Cal the Anonymous is replaced with Sargon. The default username is just Sargon. So I'd like to let you know I'm on PayPal for anyone who's a music fan, a real diehard music fan. who wants some more DVDs, you want some more live DVDs, keep stumbling upon my words. Please contact me and send me some money and you'll get some more music because I'm cranking out music right now but I'm not putting it online. and I've been really, really working hard on studio work and I don't have time to give attention to unemployed bimbos online. Unemployed derelicts who have all the time in the world to make videos about people. I don't have time for this. I'm a serious musician and I want to spend my time doing music, not filling out papers. I could care less about you. I want you to know for anyone who really loves music to please
Come online here, and uh, send me some money. And I'll send you all the music you want. New music. Okay? So you don't have all my new music, because I'm making a lot of new recordings. Well, it's super secret new music. You gotta, you gotta fork up.
Unknown_01: There's a... Speaking of... In this thread, there was fucking, um... Like, Jewish ASMR.
Unknown_01: I'm gonna play that if I can find it. That shit was fantastic.
Unknown_01: We're gonna listen to some Jewish ASMR if I can find that shit.
Oh god, this thread gets so many fucking posts.
Unknown_01: Ooh, there it is. Perfect. Thank you. For posting this, because it's some good shit.
Unknown_01: Oh, you know what? I'm just gonna switch it over to media player. That'll- that'll work it. Alright, we're gonna get really quiet, because we got some ASMR.
Unknown_04: Shalom, koi. Welcome to my second kosher ASMR. My first one was free, but this one is going to cost you, so hand over those dollars. Ah, it sounds so good.
Sorry, I really like that, that clip. The guy has like a series of them and they're all really really fucking funny.
Oh yeah, somebody even predicted that Jewish ASMR would be just rubbing money together and it's- he literally does just that and it's actually a pretty nice sound to be honest with you.
Unknown_01: Oh geez.
Unknown_01: Why is Josh familiar with ASMR series? Because... Because it is, uh...
Some ASMR is good. I'm gonna catch flack for saying that but I'm gonna say it some of it's really relaxing if you're a massive spastic like me I don't know what I don't like is um I don't like it when people talk like shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear you talk just touch stuff make noise I don't want to I don't want to hear your fucking hear you fucking talk Can I like close this so I don't have to see the thing but being a troll. I'm not a troll
Unknown_01: Josh fears Intel. Intel loves me. Don't even try. Okay, after NEXT was over, I legit had a cult of people from the International Board who followed me for literally years. I wonder what happened to them.
Josh is a troll. I'm not a troll. I'm a nice guy. A nice goy.
How long have I been streaming? I just booted this up out of complete fucking boredom.
Unknown_01: And I guess it was a good time to stream. People tuned in. I didn't advertise it literally anywhere, but 250 people are watching. That's usually a bit more than when I get one streamed on me.
Unknown_01: Oh Jesus.
Unknown_01: Intel is a free, or is a herd free from RollCockery. There was, um... At one point, Intel, after HN got really shitty...
They made their own image board called Freach. It was like in Freach Hand. Or Free Speech, but it was called Freach.
Unknown_01: And they were so vehement about not deleting any posts, unless it was like child pornography or animal crush, that they didn't even delete spam. And there was a Viagra spam bot that flooded the board.
Unknown_01: And they, uh... They like, worshipped it. Because...
Unknown_01: Because they saw the Viagra spam bot as like a beacon of free speech.
They were very strange. I kept tabs on them because they were interesting.
Unknown_01: Josh lost his virginity to a black tranny at the age of 22. Was her name Candace Owens? Is that what you're getting at?
Unknown_01: Get gym on Here let me get my my fucking my magic stick my cauldron my spices Or I can just get a baked potato whatever works
ASMR has basically become porn. Yeah, it has like there's some really crazy shit that happens on an ASMR Does anyone have like a really funny one I know there's like like really crazy like black people ASMR videos Where they're just being retarded Josh will always lose when will you transition Josh?
Unknown_01: Why would I transition?
I'm perfect just the way God made me.
Unknown_01: What's this a link to? This better be crazy black people ASMR.
Unknown_01: Oh, this fucking thing! Oh God, I love this. I looked for years to find this video. This is one of the funniest fucking videos ever recorded.
Unknown_07: Yeah, you suck. How dare you get rude in front of everybody else? Get out!
Unknown_07: No, you go. I'm not going anywhere, shithead. Get the fuck out of my neighborhood. Get out!
Unknown_07: You're no artist, you suck. You're a mediocre piece of shit, you can't even play. You suck, I've been playing for 41 years. You suck. I'm a left-handed guitarist, you suck.
Unknown_07: No!
Unknown_07: You go! Get the fuck out! Get the fuck out!
Get out! Fuck you! Fucking asshole! Get out! Where are you from?
Unknown_07: Go to a studio and rehearse! Maybe someday you'll learn! You suck! You're a no-talent piece of shit! You impose your lack of talent and order on everybody around you whether they want you here or not! Get out!
How dare you come down here and do this?
Unknown_07: You're a disgrace! You suck!
Unknown_07: How dare you? I'm like three blocks down!
Unknown_07: Look at how high up his pants are. He has like no torso.
You miserable, presumptuous, no talent.
Unknown_07: You're no artist.
Unknown_07: An artist respects the silence that serves as the foundation of creativity. You obviously don't have the talent. You don't have enough respect for yourself or other people, or what it is to express yourself, in music or any other form of creativity.
Unknown_07: And I'm an NYU film school graduate. Sucker. And the School of Visual Arts. And the Academy of Art University of San Francisco.
Unknown_07: You suck. You are no talent. If you really have talent, go practice. And then get yourself a gig. Instead of ruining the end of the day for everybody down here. You disgrace. You are everything that's gone wrong in this world. You are self-consumed, no talent, mediocre piece of shit. And I've earned my right to say it.
Unknown_07: I had 200,000 people with Bill Grant in 1975. I woke Bob Dylan up on stage. Who the fuck are you? I knew the Grateful Dead from 1966.
Unknown_07: Who the fuck are you?
You nothing.
Unknown_07: You nothing.
Unknown_07: You are nothing.
Unknown_07: And you will never be anything.
Unknown_07: Never.
Unknown_07: How dare you?
Unknown_07: How dare you! You miserable, mediocre nutcase!
Unknown_07: He's so mad!
Unknown_07: Shame on you.
Unknown_01: There's still 34 seconds of this shit. You little smop. You little pip.
Unknown_07: You don't learn to play. You don't learn to play.
You're flat! You can't even carry a fucking note! I don't care about your little white horned lip. It doesn't mean that you know how to play. You're flat!
Unknown_07: I'm trained classically, I'm trained contemporaneously, and you suck.
Unknown_07: No!
Unknown_07: No.
Unknown_07: No.
Unknown_01: He went on and on without any input or stimulation, he just... I expected that to be a little bit longer, but what the fuck ever, that works.
Oh, jeez.
Unknown_01: Oh, link to the video? Okay, I will post the link to the video in the thing, in the chat.
Unknown_02: What's this link from HM? I don't trust that.
Unknown_01: I don't trust any link from HM. Let me pull this up.
Unknown_01: Oh!
I do look like Carol the Wolf. That's scary.
Unknown_02: Gaze long into the abyss.
Unknown_01: I'm not muted. I was just, I was just conflicting. No, I'm not showing it. Fuck off. You can go find it if you want. The guy keeps spamming it in chat. Just pull it up.
Unknown_01: A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-
What, um... I put dark theme on YouTube?
Unknown_01: I'm not a basement dweller, I can stand the light theme.
Unknown_01: What, uh... Can I find, like, worst ASMR?
Unknown_02: No, it's like a...
Unknown_02: There's one where it's like a crazy black woman I like Google that Crazy black woman is Was that it I think this is it actually I Want to mute this
This looks semi-right.
Unknown_01: This doesn't look like what I- OH GOD NO THIS IS ACTUALLY IT.
Unknown_01: No it's not. The other one was like way worse. Wait, no.
There's like a warning for this video.
Unknown_01: There's like a black- Why am I always watching videos of people eating and cooking? What the fuck? I didn't- Oh.
Unknown_01: Sorry, that's nauseating. I can't listen to that shit.
Unknown_01: Oh, this is a playlist. Black women ASMR.
Unknown_02: Oh, jeez.
Unknown_02: These are like actual people putting in effort. I want like a crazy black woman It's just it's a specific one I have in mind, but it's probably buried by the search algorithm because it's awful Show Kiro nudes on stream.
No They're out there though. They are definitely out there if you want to find them Peter Josh at it again Rest in peace
Unknown_01: First date with a black woman roleplay?
Unknown_02: I did not see that.
Unknown_02: What's this?
Unknown_01: I'm not going to listen to this, but I'll probably just skip halfway into it.
Buy Neural Sargon of the Cod weight loss ASMR. I only eat things that are healthier.
Unknown_01: This isn't ASMR.
Unknown_01: Oh, it's ASMR hypnosis.
Unknown_01: Okay, I see.
Unknown_01: Chris would listen to ASMR videos to try and grow a vagina. True story.
Unknown_01: The Septic Tank Diver? I'm pretty sure... I think people... I know what you're... What this is already. It's still on YouTube. Yeah, yeah.
The original title of this video is... An Ubisoft Fan Has Fun. I think.
Unknown_01: Oh, did they take it down?
Unknown_01: I think they did.
Unknown_01: Yeah, they must have, because that was definitely the name of the video.
I'll just show it to people. I'm not 100% sure that this is actually real.
Unknown_01: Oh, a Bioware fan has flown. You're right. Is it actually real? There's no way this is real. You would die. You would get like an infection and die.
Unknown_01: Oh, fullscreen it? Okay, let's look at the last minute in fullscreen.
Shitrat, it's good for the skin.
Unknown_01: Quite pugnant.
Unknown_01: He lost his goggles. Oh, that's awful. He was definitely getting pink eye.
That's all I gotta say about that. I think it was good in pink eye.
Unknown_01: Not the fun kind like in South Park. The bad kind.
Unknown_02: Look, I'm just enlightening you. I don't know why you're mad.
Unknown_01: Nick Bates bath time? He wishes.
Unknown_01: Is that Jim rolling around in the shit?
Unknown_01: I got that reference.
Did Josh just show a porn website? No, that was livestream.
Unknown_02: I just had some, like, uh... I was like, titty it.
Unknown_02: Nah.
Unknown_02: I'm sleepy now.
Unknown_01: Anything else you guys can think of to watch? Bedtime thing. Oh, Todd Howard ASMR. Fuck it, we'll watch this. Then I'll play a song and go to bed. Because I'm tired as shit. Oh, uh, hey there.
That's right, it's me, Bethesda's Todd Howard.
Unknown_05: Look, I know you told me not to come around anymore. I know, after you bought Skyrim for the Xbox One, you said you were done. Well, at least let me plead my case.
Unknown_05: Did you know that Fallout 4 is the perfect game? It'll have no load timer.
Yeah, did you like that?
Unknown_05: You can create any character you want.
Unknown_05: We even generate a baby based on the couple you make.
Unknown_05: Does that tickle your fancy? No?
Unknown_05: How about these?
Unknown_05: True dynamic soft shadows.
Unknown_05: Radiant AI.
Unknown_01: I guess before we go I should explain the name of this video is Todd Howard seduces you in the bathroom at a Fleetwood Mac concert. That's important information. I guess I should have read that before the video.
physics. Go where you want.
Unknown_05: Do whatever you want.
Unknown_05: Dynamic, volumetric lighting.
Unknown_05: All of this is being generated in real time by the game.
Unknown_05: Over 200 dungeons, all handcrafted.
Unknown_05: The most ambitious and detailed game world that we have ever made. It works. It actually works perfectly. We have been working very, very hard to create something special.
This is stressing you out.
Unknown_05: You can play forever.
Unknown_05: I know your friends told you to stay away from me.
Unknown_05: And I know Those paid mods, man, I screwed that up. I screwed that up real bad, but I promise. I promise I've changed.
Unknown_04: Look, baby, I was under a lot of stress today.
I mean, Fallout 3 had over 200 endings.
Unknown_05: We're probably doing too much. I'm working too hard. Player freedom still remains one of our major goals.
Unknown_05: We have a responsibility to do this game right.
Unknown_05: Our artists have painstakingly modeled over 9,000 objects.
Unknown_05: Even our dialogue is dynamic. We put a lot of emphasis on making this entertaining. I'm doing all of this for you.
Unknown_05: Our fans really are the greatest in the world.
You're the greatest in the world.
Unknown_05: That's why I've been working so hard to bring you the kind of experience that you deserve.
Unknown_05: Now I gotta go. They're playing my favorite song out there, and if I don't dance well, then I'll regret it forever. Because when you think of me, you think of fun. That's the Todd Howard guarantee.
Unknown_05: Here's my gamer tag.
Unknown_05: Now you behave yourself.
Unknown_01: I can't tell if people hate this guy or love this guy.
I'm leaning towards hate.
Unknown_01: Especially after Fallout 76. Did he actually shill Fallout 76? Was he the mind behind it?
Unknown_01: I don't pay enough attention to the games industry to know this for sure, but I'm pretty sure most people fucking hate him. It's both. They love to hate. Oh, jeez.
Okay, I'll do both.
Unknown_01: Todd. Love.
Unknown_01: Hate. Both. All those are four-letter words, how apropos.
Unknown_02: Okay, both is in the lead, but hate...
Unknown_01: is 11 times, 12 times, 13 times more popular than Love. So I'm pretty sure most people just fucking hate him. I've played this a thousand times. Like, I haven't- I've definitely played it in at least three different streams.
I'm gonna punch you just- oh fuck, what the- this better be fucking good. This better be like 3 minute long and actually funny. What is this?
Unknown_01: Okay fine, I'll play this.
Unknown_02: Sign in to confirm your age? What?
Unknown_01: Fuck it, let me um... Let me download it and I'll play it through OBS directly.
I don't know why they had to age-restrict this. I'm pretty sure it's just fucking... It's just Sam Hyde talking.
Unknown_02: I mean, it can't be too bad. All right. A lot of DLC.
Unknown_02: Where is it? There.
Unknown_01: Should be good.
We love sugar.
I just wanna kill so many fucking people! Demon up inside my brain and make me do evil! Disagree finale bitch won't be no sequel! Mama think I come inside while I do her hair!
Unknown_08: in the West, and a motherfuckin' president!
That's fuckin' weird.
Unknown_01: I don't know what the fu- Like, I've never seen that before. Apparently somebody- People are acting as if I should definitely know what that is. But I've not- I've never been this, uh, exposed to it before.
Unknown_02: Alright. I don't think-
Unknown_01: Let me check because that has any drama happened recently on the forum that's worth talking about I don't think so I don't think so not since you knew let me check and see if during the stream they've they've reviewed my appeal yet Hold my breath up. No, they haven't been three fucking days. They still haven't fucking reviewed it. It's fantastic. I
His story I don't even know his story is
I'm too sleepy. I gotta go to bed. I'm gonna collapse and start snoring on the stream and shit Starry green eyes was the tranny who got hallowed and less than 24.
Unknown_01: Is that the guy with the tits? Is he still posting?
Unknown_02: Starry What board is that in That we still posting is it in um
You can't be in the Rat King board, can it? He's just a tranny. He's not like an influential person.
Unknown_02: The fuck was the name of this guy again? Uh, sorry Green Eyes.
Unknown_01: Yeah, hold up. I'll show you guys this person. He's um...
Unknown_01: He's he's like I don't know his story, but I do know he has tits We're gonna see some tranny tits here in a second Which means that it's okay?
because Because it's not female tits basically what I'm saying Firefox
Unknown_02: Again, these are male tits.
Unknown_02: So don't worry about it.
Unknown_01: Yeah, this is it. This is what I wanted everybody to see.
Unknown_01: Behold.
Unknown_01: Behold! I want to make 250 people look at this.
Unknown_01: It's transphobic to not look at the tits. That's right. That's right. That's how it is.
Unknown_01: You're welcome. I'm glad you're all glad you're happy. I'm here. I'm ribbed for your pleasure That's just a but that doesn't count Here here we go again, these are feet these are male tits so
He said don't worry about it Josh's wife. No No, it's not Link your bit shoot Josh. I can do that The the new stream if you're looking for that because fucking streamed at me really fucked up the I
The... What's it called?
Unknown_01: The archive. The archive is completely busted.
Unknown_01: But if you want to go to BitChute at this, which I guess is really obvious. I really shouldn't need to post this.
Unknown_01: It's obvious. Here, I'll brand them right across the tits.
Unknown_01: Sex sells. I'm gonna sell my brand with these boobs.
Unknown_02: That works, right?
Unknown_02: All right, select color black.
Yeah, there we go.
Unknown_01: Perfect. Wait, wait. Oh, God, it's too big.
Unknown_01: There we go.
Unknown_01: Excellent. Go there if you want the Unib stream.
Unknown_01: Anything else I can think of?
Unknown_01: I can't think of anything.
Unknown_01: I will say this tomorrow at noon Eastern Standard Time. I will be doing a review of 2018 I'll be going through some some messages. I put a tweet out and put a post up on the forum and
Asking asking about your favorite moments. So if you are if you are going to be bored on one tomorrow at Noon Eastern Standard Time you are cordially invited to review the year with me in style Well, I'm not gonna be I'm not gonna be streaming too late I'm not gonna be streaming over
Unknown_01: Over the gym stream not gonna be streaming the actual turn of the year. So No worries there update on Kiro you like you have an update on Kiro or Or you want an update on Kiro as far as I know Kiro the wolf is still in forced isolation. I
Update you he's he's been hiding dude He's been hiding and I think everybody who committed a crime and the zoo sata circle is fucking gone Wolf in particular is is just I mean, he's just fucking gone, dude He's in the Cuban system. He'll never they'll never find him again. He's he's just fucking gone but cure the wolf I think he mentioned that he was under police investigation and
When he was acting like it was only because people kept reporting him as opposed to him being a suspect, but he could just be a retard and not realize that.
But they're gathering information on him.
Unknown_01: I don't think There was that one guy called Debbie or something and he was released but only because only temporarily because they were gonna be charging him with a lot more than just what they had arrested him on and that required formally Releasing him on no charges and then filing charges properly So
Yeah, people don't think that he's dead.
Unknown_01: People think that what happened with him is, at least the best theory that I personally heard was,
Unknown_01: They don't have animal abuse laws in Cuba, but they do have Castro era anti-sodomy laws. And sodomy isn't treated as a crime, it's treated as a mental illness. So what people suspect is that Wolf was picked up on 1950s anti-sodomy laws and he's been interred in a Cuban mental asylum against his will. And they're probably just gonna keep him doped up on Thorazine until he dies.
That's uh, that is uh, the Yeah, it is pretty scary.
Unknown_02: I don't envy him But that's the uh, that's the best theory that I heard regarding that That's a good note to end the stream on Let's see I'm gonna play a song.
Unknown_01: What song do I have on my computer?
He tried to swim to Miami. We'd send him back if that little Cuban boy from the Clinton administration is anything to go by.
Unknown_02: Ah.
Unknown_02: Hmm.
Unknown_02: Hmm, what song?
Unknown_01: I'll play this. I'll play this and then I'm napping. Thank you for watching my- my secret stream. I hope you've been entertained.
just didn't yet sorry fucker be here more punctually next time
Angels don't fly in the sky anymore, they don't fly, they don't fly In the sky only wires hang, oh, hang, oh, hang The Internet is crawling and puffing on them, the Internet, the Internet, oh, the Internet You want the sun, so turn on the light
Unknown_09: Toilet, lightbulb, do you want to love? So let's fuck! My girl, you're a swan!
The angels in the sky no longer fly, they do not fly, oh, they do not fly, there in the sky only the right to hang. Oh, they hang, oh, they hang, the Internet crawls on them and puffs.
Unknown_09: Internet, Internet, do you want the sun? So turn on the light in the toilet! Do you want a lightbulb of love? So let's fuck! My girl, you're a swan!