We did jury in the bugging title case. Find the defendant as follows.
Unknown_17: Count one, assault with a deadly weapon. Guilty. Count two, burglar while in possession of a deadly weapon. Guilty. Count three, first degree kidnapping. Today I make my entrance.
Unknown_11: I'll be here as an independent so I have her independence. Don't need to be contentious. I terrify the sentence that I beat a fascist census while Obama leads a stressless sale. Do you agree? My crimes are horrendous, I'm an anarchist's menace And war is my essence, a slaughter is endless Makes my dad breathless, soon I'll make him headless Reckless, ruthless, relentless, offensive It's a wild evolution, it's the only solution It's a wild evolution, it's the only solution
What do you mean it's bad?
Unknown_12: What do you mean it's bad? You don't mean that. You don't mean that. That's White Revolution by Tice motherfucking Andrews. Get some fucking class.
Oh, jeez. I hope chat's doing well today. Feed us, Josh. You guys are going to get fucking fed today. This is the first time I wrote the words VEGAL NATION on a piece of paper and I didn't actually write anything else. I got some shit. I got some shit. I got lots of shit on my desktop.
Unknown_12: And we're going to be looking at some of that shit, right?
Unknown_12: And I'm just going to be winging it.
Unknown_12: Just going to be winging it.
Unknown_12: It's- it's hard- it's hard for me to even start. Where do I start with fucking Deagle Nation?
It's- it's- it's instrumental. I- I can't stress this enough. Deagle Nation, Jace Connors, TySandrus, Eli, it was instrumental. From taking the quickie forums, which was just about Pristin West and Chandler and taking it to Taking it to something else taking it to the kiwi farms and Yeah, I can't I can't understate it it changed it changed the site and it makes like I'm gonna I'm gonna catch some fucking fields and During the stream just a heads up That's why I've already I bought I bought vodka.
I bought vodka. I have established myself and We're gonna be we're gonna be going down memory lane Fact zone, you know, this is the wrong intro song I should have gone with this You know white revolution is funny, but this is also good
Unknown_12: Aww yeah. That's just called comfy. That's what that is.
Unknown_12: So many good memories? Yes. Stop the music.
Happy- No, no, it's not a belated birthday. My birthday is December 19th. You are just on time. I am streaming for my birthday. So what else would I be doing? Not much.
Unknown_12: Josh has a small wiener? That's rude.
Unknown_12: I'm letting people pile in because we always get some stragglers and shit. That's what you fuckers get. You set notifications and then you still have to catch up.
Let's look at something real quick before we get back to that.
Unknown_12: Before we get into the meat of it.
Unknown_12: I want to show you guys something that's funny to me.
Unknown_12: Just off topic that's entertaining to me.
Unknown_12: Hit the screen. All right, so I had a conversation with somebody.
Unknown_12: In case you don't know, there's a guy called Lorelai, and Lorelai is a rapist, like an actual rapist. Lorelai, as I say in this conversation, I say Lorelai is a literal, actual rapist. He'd give room and board to trans people for free, and then rape them after getting them drunk. He uploaded a video of this to his portfolio websites. And he's just genuinely one of the worst people
That, uh... That we have a threat on. Oh, it's Empty Hero. The Smegma God. Is it gay to eat your own ass if you rub sardine oil on the rim first? Yes. I think the sardines make it extra gay.
Unknown_12: Okay, but then this person, this other person, I even forgot who I was talking to. But they were mad at Lorelai. Like, Lorelai had fucked them over, they got into a fight. And I'm just like, okay, so Lorelai is an actual rapist. And you're mad that I misgendered them. And then they're like, yes, and also Israel shouldn't exist. And, um, that's not fucking okay.
That's not...
Unknown_12: Wait, I have to- Oh god, I'm fucking up OBS. I'm a fool. That's not okay! We love the nation of Israel here, okay? So don't- Beast! Yeah, I'm sure the fucking trannies are gonna be your greatest ally in the race war.
I think that the special ops, the elite units from Transylvania will sabotage the Iron Dome in Israel and allow for the Fourth Reich to strike at the heart of the Zionist capital. I'm sure that's what's going to happen.
Unknown_12: Diversity is our strength.
Unknown_12: Jews rock, pretty much.
Unknown_12: Jeez it's gonna be good. Okay, I Want to show anything in particular I got much marine training I'll set that one aside Wednesday ritual, I can't show a lot of the stuff I'd want that I showed on streamed at me on YouTube So I got to be careful with that Let's um
Let's start with just a brief introduction, Jason. Let me just show a random-ass fucking video.
Unknown_12: And I think you'll understand what his appeal is as a person, because I don't even know how to describe it for people.
Unknown_19: raining and cold out. Look at your boots. They're covered in blood.
Unknown_04: I know I take care of myself. I'm perfectly dry. Thank you very much. I don't think you understand how stressful this has been for me.
Unknown_04: You think it's stressful for you? Okay, you're the one
Unknown_19: Wait, wait, are you recording this?
I'm just texting Colby. That's all I'm doing. Okay, you're paranoid. You're being paranoid. Now listen, you don't know the situation of what was really happening. There are police out helping me look for you.
Unknown_19: That's how worried I was.
Unknown_04: There's no reason for you to do that, okay?
Unknown_04: Listen, you understand that I'm the one who protects his family, not the police, not anyone else.
Unknown_03: I'm the one who protects his family. I'm the one who, you know, requires, you understand that I'm the one who got to fucking explain this to that officer.
Unknown_04: You understand that I'm the one who you put this on me. I'm texting Colby. That's all I'm doing. You can chill. Okay. You don't know shit.
Unknown_03: I'm okay. Hold on.
Unknown_01: Okay.
Unknown_01: Yes, this is amazing.
Unknown_12: Why am I sniping Worski? I'm not sniping Worski! I thought he changed his fucking time to 7pm now. Oh, jeez.
Unknown_12: Okay, this is Jace Connors, and he is the leader of an elite spec ops militia called Deagle Nation. He is a former future Marine. He's an author, he's a gamer, he's a wolf lover, and he was very important to the Kiwi farms. I downloaded Hater Hit List. I don't remember how long that video is. Somebody mentioned it. Let me, do I have it? Parker did Manifesto.
Five minutes, perfect. Let's just put VLC up. I think VLC will work better for this.
Unknown_12: Media player... yeah.
Unknown_15: This video is for fans only! If you're not a fan of me, then don't watch this video! Okay, so my name is... this is YouTube. My name is HardcoreDude91.
And I'm on this site telling you in this YouTube channel trailer video who the fuck I am.
Unknown_04: My name is Jace W. Connors, and I am a future United States Marine.
Unknown_04: When I actually enlist in the armed forces, I'll be fighting against this nation's enemies to protect you, to protect your fucking right to go on here, okay? And on this site. And recently, You know, I'm also known by another name, and that name is the name of Corporal Stryker.
This is in the book that I created called Tiberius Rising, called Jace Connors, which is a realistic war novel about me, if I was a special forces soldier, and in the book, I can take out the enemy soldiers, called Jace Stryker.
Unknown_04: and corporal striker this video is going to be an introduction to the series known as the hater hit list online i have been getting trolled constantly by these fucking nerds from day one from the site 4chan also known as k hold on and these guys have been making my fucking life a living hell for as long as i can just been on here on this site
This are the people who are responsible. Now, this is a web, an intricate web, so I've created to trace the kingpin of this. This is me right here, and this is connect- I'm connected to my gaming clan known as Deagle Nation, which is a website that I set up, and this is my friend Tice from high school, and this is the leader of a trolling group known as Gamer Food, who is domestic and an Islamic trolling cult, trying to troll me, and these are all different people, who tried to troll me on this site, on YouTube. Well, not him, or him actually, but these guys. And guess what? Have you noticed something? Yeah, I'll give you a while to notice it, basically.
Yeah, that's right, dude. This fucking link's all back to the site K. And this is the site from fucking 4chan, which is the weapons site for gun stuff and everything like that. In this, he was responsible for this. Moot, also known as Christopher Poole, the creator of 4chan, who has been creating this
Oh god dammit, okay.
Unknown_12: Way back when, before we had like the Kiwi farms, we had boards on 4chan and each board had their own personal locales basically. We had Chris-chan for V, we had a bunch of different girls for CGL. You know, you have known people who are just spastics for each board.
Unknown_12: And for Kay, Jace in Deagle Nation was their Chris for a while.
And he really played into everything that they hated. And I'll play something specifically for somebody who pointed out a pretty astute point. Just already in chat. But I want to finish this because this is pretty funny.
Unknown_04: Web of fucking lies around my life like I am spun inside of a web for a long fucking time. Do you see what this is?
Unknown_04: This is proof that I'm not a phony. This is proof that I can actually do what I'm talking about. And this is proof that I can become a United States Marine. If you do not think that I have combat ability, then, hold on, you are dead fucking wrong. Alright? And if you're on this site trying to troll me, you picked the wrong person. Because I don't make threats, I make promises. Now, as I was saying, this knife here, do you see what this says? It says Semper Fidelis, which is actually the motto of the United States Marine Corps, for which means always faithful in Latin. and i've been on this site getting trolled by these nerds and i'm sick of it and due to the fact that i'm always faithful to united marines i have never given up and i'm never going to give up but this week i'm going to film a video where i call out every hater well the most important haters like most of them are on here like
Like, it's Glockenbagel, and Jamie Lankford, and DeagleDad420, who is hosting a fucking bullshit site about me, which I will talk about later, called the Parkour Dude Wiki, which is filled with fucking crap about me that isn't even true at all. And if you find that site, then do not believe a word of it, because it is what is known as slander. And slander is what is known as illegal. This is a picture that was sent to me recently by my friend known as CIADude420, who's actually been helping me with information. Do you notice that person look familiar? That's fucking right, he does. This person is known as Christopher Poole.
Unknown_04: This is the same guy, Moot. Here he is pictured inside a mosque. I was sent this by CAADude420, this photo, and he said that Moot was the one who's responsible for fucking trolling me on this site. And this is an actual, what looks like some sort of armed man, possibly some sort of fighter. And he has an AK-47 and Moot's got, like, a gun with him. And what I think about this is I think that this is the last of the evidence I need to actually start the court case from the evidence that I've compiled of the online trollings. These are chat logs.
Do you see how thick that is? These are chat logs from practically every conversation that I've had over Steam, of which I've had practically thousands by this point, of people who are trolling me and attempting to just be hilarious, but really, they're just proving that they're actually retards from the start of day one.
Adelo is saying, what is on the site is, you will be seeing soon these videos of me taking out the trolls, so stay subscribed. and send profanities to all our armed forces, and don't believe in what the trolls say about me, because that is what this is about. This is about actually bringing the truth and keeping you on the inside scoop of what is happening online. So that's it, I'm out of time for the video. This is Parco, do you not- Oh, jeez.
Unknown_12: Sorry, I forgot- I forgot about that part.
Okay, somebody pointed this out about something he was wielding a firearm. That's pretty scary, right? Well, he talks about his firearm a little bit. Let's take a look at that.
Unknown_04: YouTube, PeteyTheParkourDude91 coming at you with a vlog. This is for all gun owners out there and all Airsoft fans. This is why real guns are actually pretty gay. And Airsoft guns are better. So... I won't play all of this, I'll just play a couple of them. So-called trolling me. They will come on the comments and ask me, ParkourDude, why don't you get a real gun instead of an Airsoft gun? And, you know, why don't you do this? Why don't you do that? Well, here's a friggin' answer, trolls. I don't get a real gun because...
They- I just like airsoft guns better. And, okay, so whatever. Here's reasons why. One, airsoft guns, you can shoot anything you want, and you don't have to- you don't fucking- you know, I can't shoot my- my friends with a real gun. I mean, I could, but I would go to jail and-
Unknown_04: You know, I'm just gonna shoot shit in my bedroom with an airsoft gun. I can shoot as much as I want, alright? You don't have to worry about that kind of shit. I mean, I shoot myself with my airsoft gun accidentally all the time, because of fucking ricochet, and that's fucking stupid if I were to do that with a real gun, you know? It's just gay. And another reason, real guns cost, like, way too much money.
Okay, airsoft guns are like 50 bucks, real guns are like 500. And next, biggest reason, why do you even need a real gun, retard? It's not like you're getting fucking, like, shot at by terrorists all the time, okay? Listen, I am actually in a situation, you know, for your intel, that is dangerous. I am a former retired veteran, I used to be in the U.S. Marines Armed Services, and I retired after being honorably discharged. However, even though my life is still in danger, I don't have a real gun. But I mean, that's mainly because my mom is a bitch and won't buy me one. But my point is that you don't even need a real gun unless you're a soldier, okay? And I'm not a soldier, I'm retired. If you're just some guy who's living in his house and you live in the suburbs or something, and you don't even live in the ghetto,
You have no reason to own a real gun, okay? It's just gay, so you might as well just fucking take all that money and flush it down the toilet. It's not like you're fucking doing anything with it, you're just fucking sitting around like it's a toy. Fuck you, you know? It's like, you know, well I might as well just go play with my little ponies. Not like it's doing anything, it's just a little gay toy. You know, at least with airsoft guns, at least you can like, you know, actually have fun with them and shoot people and stuff. You can go fucking airsoft fights and stuff.
You can't do that with real guns. You know, it's not like you can just organize a fucking shootout with a real gun. Get arrested, dude. Fuck that. You know, so at least airsoft guns, you know, at least... Well, some people like to call them airsoft guns. I like to call them battlefield replicas. Because I feel like that's more realistic.
Unknown_04: I've mastered gun spinning. I've done a lot of stuff with these guns, so I like to call them battlefield replicas. Another reason why real guns aren't really worth it. They cost too much money, you can hurt yourself with them, and it's just they're stupid. There's no real reason to get one. I mean, airsoft guns are more fun. If you like guns, every real gun has an airsoft gun, you know, version of it. I mean, what are you gonna need it for, dude? Like, who cares if you can really kill people? You know, what's that, like, you know? What's, what's, wow, what's the difference? Okay, so what? You can kill someone in real life with a gun. Okay? Well, guess what? I can kill people in an airsoft war with my gun. And I don't care if... That's, that's more fun. Okay, I don't need to really kill a real person. That's gay, alright? I'm not, like, a murderer. So I don't know if you guys are, like, murderers in real life or whatever. You think that's cool, but... i think that stuff is fucking gay and i like to just chill so airsoft guns are for people who like to chill and people who don't like to like you know i'm not gonna carry a deadly weapon around with me you know if someone attacks me then i could just take them out with my fucking moves okay i know martial arts i know different martial art moves such as Taekwondo and, you know, Krav Maga. And I also have homemade weapons such as this that I can use to defend myself. Check my channel video DIY Tactical Scythe for info on how to build this and me showing my moves. I've been doing a homemade weapon series, but anyway. That's why I think that aerial guns are just, you know, they're just not as good as people think they are. So, I think that airsoft guns should be seen as legit. I think that airsoft guns should be respected. I think they deserve respect. Alright? And I deserve respect. I demand respect. And if you're not willing to give it, then you can suck my dick. Okay? So, for all trolls, fuck off. I have an airsoft gun, and that's just as good as a real gun. So, suck my dick. To trolls. Okay, to all fans, Semper Fi, okay? To all our armed forces. Okay, peace out.
Check my channel for more. Peace.
Unknown_12: Alright, let me explain a little bit of the backstory at this point, because I'm sure many of you have questions, and I'm reading the chat, so if you ask questions, I will answer them.
Unknown_12: So Jace started out, as I mentioned, he was the locale of K for a little while. Years and years ago, like in 2013,
Unknown_12: And in 2014, he began, the streams kind of crossed. He said in that hater hit list video, he was talking about DeagleDad420. And DeagleDad420 made a thread on the Kiwi Farms about Jace. And soon enough, the maelstrom that was Jace and DeagleNation kind of hit the board. Jace registered.
His friend Tice even registered, and that Gamer Food clique, the Islamic cult that he mentioned, they're a bunch of trolls too. And I played this video, I'm gonna pull that up real quick, but they had anthems and stuff, and they were real people. Gamer Food still exists, they still hack and grief CSGO. And you can find their channel on YouTube and look at the shit that they do. But they got interested in Jace and they started fucking with him.
You know, just as trolls do, to be funny.
Unknown_12: And, you know, they didn't like us very much. There was like a schism between the kiwi farms and gamer food.
Unknown_12: Because what we just wanted to do, we just wanted to have fun with Jace. We thought it was funny. You know, we thought he was a nice guy. He was a bit of a tard, but we liked him. He had some kind of odd charisma to him, and his harmlessness. Gamer Food tried to get him to rob a bank with that fake airsoft pistol. They tried to tell him to rob a bank, which would have gotten him killed. Because, you know, a security guard is not going to play games. They see that gun. and they're just going to shoot them and kill them. So, you know, we fought with them. And Gamer Food began to attack the Kiwi farms. And they forced me into a position where I had to learn very quickly on the fly how to secure the site against an outside threat. So I began to learn about IP identification attacks. I put the site behind Cloudflare.
I turned off certain features that exposed us to IP identification attacks and that kind of stuff. I learned very quickly
Unknown_12: how to keep the site up against people trying to DDoS it down or to come after me. And that was really some of the most fun I've ever had running the site. It was an us versus them kind of thing. And it led me in part to quitting my job because at the time I was developing timesheet software for a payroll company. And I told them at the end of the year, after I'd been dealing with this for about a year, I was like, I would really like to do anything else besides just write more fucking timesheet shit.
And they refused to move me. They just wanted me to keep doing that pigeonholed software development that I had been doing for years and years at that point. Meanwhile on the quickie forums. I was having fun. You know dealing with cyber security and shit, and I That I was perfectly happy with my job up until that shit after that I wanted out because it was just so boring compared to everything else that I was doing Gamer food and Jace deagle nation Essentially pivoted my entire life, and it's kind of gay to say that but it's true and
It diverged the site from just being about Christian Leston Chandler to being about a lot of people. Not just silly people, but sometimes extremely mean and violent people. And the gamerhood itself kind of... tempered the site and gave me time to to fix things before more serious threats started attacking it, so It's kind of a weird origin story, and I was thinking about what was I gonna do for my birthday? Because it is my birthday, and I already saw somebody donated and said happy birthday. Thank you the orange cow But I was thinking, what could I do for my birthday that would be appropriate, that would be near and dear to my heart? And I said, you know, even though Deagle Nation's been a dead thing for a while, in terms of impact that it had on the site and stuff, Deagle Nation's like right up there with Chris in terms of origin. And I just would never do a stream on Chris. Chris is... I'm so done with Chris.
While this has been happening, I've been looking for something, by the way.
Unknown_12: My site's being slow as fuck for some reason. Downloading shit off the archive is always so slow.
Unknown_12: But I think this is it. I'm just gonna save it.
Unknown_12: But yeah, so part of the story was that there was not just Jace, there was a cast of characters. I mentioned Tice and Eli. And I'll show you, I don't have anything on Eli, but I do have something on Tice. And I'll show you what Tice was like. And Tice kind of had like a character arc. But even, even Jace's mom was a prominent feature in these videos. You saw that video where, you know, he ran away from home so she had to go and get him. And they're talking and she's like, are you talking to your friends? I'm grounding you, I'm taking away the internet connection and shit.
Unknown_12: It's just funny. It's funny and it's wholesome. You look at Chris and you look at the shit that he does and the dimensional merges and the people trying to extort him and all this other shit and you compare that to other locales and they're all transgender and they're all angry at Trump and they're political and there's always that divide. There was no divide with Jace. There was no divide. It was just funny. It was just a funny guy doing funny shit. And there's not much like that anymore. It's all these fucking, like, freaks cutting off their dicks and people being mad about Trump and shit. It's just awful.
And Deagle Nation was not that.
Unknown_12: Deagle Nation was this.
Unknown_07: Wait, I saved that.
Unknown_01: Wait, why is it muted? Stop being muted, I didn't end it.
Where'd it go? Okay live audio that's enabled media player that's enabled What Why is it why is it muted?
Unknown_12: I'm so mad Let me download this off YouTube again because this is important. This is this is a very important video Now you know what I have to I Know what I have to do
Media Player Classic can't fucking play that format. That's why.
Unknown_12: Firefox. Okay.
Unknown_04: Wait, this isn't it either. Oh, yes it is.
Unknown_04: Yes, thank you Semper Fi. I was just wondering what you thought about the Money in the Bank match when John Cena won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. That was fucking awesome, honestly. Like, I mean, I sort of came into it- I can't help that it's too quiet. You don't want it to be too loud. Actually, a lot of people say money in the bank matches are kind of like a cliche, but I really like them. I think they're a lot of fun. I saw that one of my favorite John Cena scenes was the contract signing between him and CM Punk. where they're doing the whole money in the bank match, and CM Punk's just laying down these bitch-ass lines, and then eventually, you know, they flip the table, and then John does his sick-ass kick on him, sends him, like, rollin' out of the ring, right? And it was fuckin' awesome. Yeah, dude, that's sick.
That's sick, dude. Sick, dude!
Unknown_09: That's chill.
Okay, let's be realistic. Okay, okay, that's chill. Dude, do it, do it, do it. Dude, do it, dude, look, look.
Unknown_09: You're the one that's a dick! I don't know how that!
Now it's too loud. Stop fucking bitching.
Unknown_09: I need you to see this.
Unknown_04: I think you need to see this.
Unknown_04: This is to anyone who thinks that I won't fucking
Unknown_04: Do you see this?
Unknown_04: When I took my microphone and threw it at my fucking monitor, because I was so fucking pissed off!
You see what I did?! YOU SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO? !
Unknown_03: Right there.
Unknown_03: Thanks, asshole, thanks! Not like I fucking wanted this Acer monitor! Not like I like this widescreen Acer monitor! Or anything, not like I FUCKING NEED THIS TO PLAY MY VIDEO GAMES IN HIGH DEFINITION RESOLUTION!
I will not tolerate anti-dog, anti-wolf bullshit on my stream! You are a fucking disgrace to me! What you did to me is a fucking... You will take... I will... I'm gonna call the cops on that video for you jerking off your dog. I will do this to your face! I'm gonna fucking beat you down to shit, you motherfucker!
I'm so happy. I'm- I can't describe it. You know how fucking happy I am that chat fucking loves this shit. That chat loves- oh man. It's like when grandpa shows the kids his old music and they're like, oh jeez pops, that's a swinger right there. And he starts to tear up because his old man shit is appreciated by the youngins. Like, that's me right now.
Unknown_12: I mean, this is, um, Kozacka Prada. That's what I'm drinking today. I just opened up.
I'm not drunk yet. I'm gonna be drunk by the end of this, though.
Unknown_08: Ooh, that is smooth.
Unknown_12: That is good shit.
Unknown_12: Ah, spasiba. Okay. His moments, though, Jace's moments weren't all that kind of shit. It wasn't always, like, highs.
Unknown_12: There was so much mellow to it, so much character building. Character building moments like this.
Oh, I mentioned... I mentioned...
Unknown_12: Uh, GamerFood, this was their anthem. If you heard this song, this is where I got it from.
Unknown_12: I got it from GamerFood.
Unknown_07: The best, the best Muslim music. Techno G-Odd.
best shit um but this was the kind of stuff that defined jace it was the the slow mellow stuff where is tice where's that video with tice too many dicks my mom called the cops weekly live stream attention parkour dude permuda day seven nothing's real that's it let me skip this i'm gonna get a fucking copyright strike for this shit
Unknown_12: Meet our second supporting character, this is Ty Sanders.
Unknown_13: I mean, this one's more just kinda... I'm like, going on about like, as like an extension of like the livestream.
Unknown_12: Cause like...
I've been thinking a lot about it since Jason was playing with those dolls. I was kind of looking at them like, dude, what the fuck? And I just kind of started to realize that maybe nothing's real.
Unknown_13: So last year, in some class, I don't really remember what the fuck it was about, some gay
Unknown_13: They were talking about like, I don't know, there was like these people who thought like, they were the only people that were real. And I was like, wow, that's pretty fucking gay.
Then like, after just watching Jace fucking play with those dolls, I kind of think that maybe is it, right?
Unknown_13: That maybe I'm the only real person.
Unknown_13: So like, I basically, I went home afterwards because like,
Unknown_13: I mean, I wasn't going to stay there. And then I was watching Matrix on Fox, because Fox plays that every day, that and Green Mile, or whatever the fuck it's called. Eight Mile or some shit.
And then I saw it, and I was like, wow, this is really boring. I guess I'll just take some shrimps.
Unknown_12: So if you haven't told, Tyce's character is that he's extremely dumb. He's a very dumb guy, and he likes drugs. There's a whole thing in Deagle Nation that went on for ages where Tyce was allegedly keeping his shit in bottles so he could huff the fumes called Jenkim. I really started to think like,
Unknown_13: Maybe I'm the only thing that's real and like everything else is like a dream or like made by a computer. Cause like that really only makes sense. Cause like that would explain all the crazy stuff that happens and why like I'm always like coming out as king.
And so I basically think that this means that I can do whatever I want.
Unknown_13: Which means that, basically, if I do... since this is all fakes, I basically rule the world. So, Jay just came here and he's like, yo, let's... let's fucking get the tripod. Have you started to vlog yet? I mean, like, look at this shit. We've been doing this for 30 fucking minutes now. 40 minutes straight, we're just like, oh, hey, watch me fucking do my contas.
And just... He's just getting his shit. He just sits there. Running back and forth across the beach. Punching, kicking, and jumping. Like, he hasn't stopped.
Unknown_09: Fucking doing this. I'm like... It's just really good to show that it's all fucked up.
So... That's my scoop.
Unknown_13: It's basically just... It's basically just kind of hooked up, so like... Yeah, that's basically where I'm going with this.
Unknown_13: So like, I'm thinking I'm gonna have to like, rank up my prank game.
I forgot about the pranks.
Unknown_13: I mean... I just don't get this, like...
Unknown_13: He's just sitting there, just chomping the air.
Unknown_13: Look, I mean, I'm gonna rank up my prank game, and then, you know, just kinda do whatever, because there's nothing else I'm gonna do.
But, you know, in the end, like, I was actually, like, reading this book, and in it, they were going on about how, like, no one's, like, actually real. Well, okay, well, I wasn't really reading the book. It was more like, I was just kinda, I was kinda covered, like, I looked at the back of the book.
Unknown_12: You can read, two people said that at once.
Unknown_13: It was basically just saying everything that I just said, like... Oh, fuck, here he is. What?
Unknown_04: I'm done with my Katas. Yeah. You can go now. Did you record it? Yeah, I recorded all of it.
Unknown_13: Don't worry, dude. Alright, this is T-Dog's side.
Unknown_12: So, Tice was also a prank master. There's, uh, there's something I'm gonna show you regarding Tice that's kind of a big deal.
that had significant impact way outside just the Kiwi farms. But before I do that, let's waste 30 minutes together. We're gonna watch something that, I'm gonna show you a picture.
Unknown_12: This is Soap the Wolf. He mentioned something about wolves earlier when he was screaming about dicks.
Unknown_12: He said he was a wolfkin, but he was not a furry. He just had a wolf spirit, and that spirit's name was Soap. And he's the dog from Call of Duty Ghosts, but he's not a dog, he's a wolf dog.
And he's very loyal, and he's a trained killer, and he has Juggalo face paint.
Unknown_12: So a lot of what Jace did that was super mellow super chill that we just watched and we all had a good time watching was
Unknown_12: The Sims 3. He would do video game streams of him playing The Sims 3, and they would go on for hours, and they would be fucking hysterical. So somebody, thankfully, in the Deagle Nation Ward Library, uh, clipped together a highlight reel from, uh, one of his weekly streams. And we're just gonna, it's a long, it's a long thing, but you know what, we're gonna fucking watch it, because it's my birthday. And you can't leave. That's the rule.
And, by the way,
Unknown_12: Uh, why is this sound not fucking working? Do I have to do this in VL- ah, fuck you. Let's do this in Firefox again. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with my media player classic, but it can't play shit. Uh, I was gonna mention, you are gonna hear the name Josh in this. And yes, that is me. I was a chat- I was a fucking janitor for his- for his chatroom for a little while. And people got super mad at me because I was banning too much, but he would yell at me to ban people, so I would!
There's gonna be a long stream, I think, probably like 4 hours or so. Tonight, we are gonna be playing The Sims 3, with the life of what is known as Commander Stryker. This is the Deagle Nation officer uniform, okay? This is right here, okay? I'm gonna have to move weird so you can see it, it's like that, it's like... That's chill or whatever right? It's like You know deal nation Semper Fidelis This is a message to Josh being anyone who's trolling anyone who says anything that is gay Okay, Paul leap ban him.
He grew me. He grew me My mom actually did take away my internet I
Unknown_04: I don't want to give in to the trolls because that's just letting them win. So we're going to zoom into Stryker's base here, and I'm going to give you guys a tour of Stryker's base. After he destroyed the Gamerfruits, he stole all the Gamerfruit bitcoins from their servers and all their illegal money. Now he's just using in his own house. So he bought a huge skate park and he put in his house I also put walls all over the house with about 20 to 20 feet high walls 25 feet high walls With fences that are electrocuted in here. So if anyone from gamer food thinks twice Okay, if any of you guys in the stream you think that you're gonna bust into strikers house. Guess what? You're not so in here I finished the weed room and this is strikers grow room and He has fluorescent lights, for growing, and he's growing a huge amount of cool weed here, and it's like basically just sick. Basically, paparazzi got pictures of him blowing up houses and killing people, because they were terrorists, and now, he's slandered in the news, the liberal news media, you know, those fucking anchors, they don't know, they don't, they don't know what it's like. Oh, that's his Jace voice, that's when he's talking in the Jace voice. He's so mad, he's supposed to yell, he's like, they don't know what the fuck it's like to be a soldier! This is Stryker's Deagle Nation Gamer Lair, Okay, so this is where he has all his cool parties. He's gonna go and load up some Counter-Strike Global Offensive.
Okay, Josh, you need to fucking crack down on these guys in the chat. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Unknown_04: Someone's saying, like, the Marines don't tolerate cheating, you should've banned him. Someone said, Russian, prudis, you should've banned him, why the fuck aren't you doing your job? Alright? Okay, I'm sorry, but I'm not in a good mood right now, and this isn't making me very happy, okay? What the fuck? Dude, I joined the Marines.
Why does it say I'm unemployed?
Unknown_12: His character would join the military branch and the sims and keep getting fired for not showing up in time.
Unknown_04: BAN SCARY DEEP! BAN SCARY DEEP! BAN SCARY DEEP! BAN! BAN! BAN! BAN! Okay, I'm not letting that happen in my chat, okay? And this is my butler, who I got, and I just hired, and I think she's pretty hot, okay? Someone asked, your butler is an AI that Interpol inserted into your game, and that's bullshit. My butler is a- Kim is a loyal soldier and bodyguard to me, and I will not have you say bullshit about her. That means that she is a spy, so she just fucking admitted it.
Why does she have a gun? She has a katana!
Unknown_04: Good day, I said good- You're not gonna fucking go anywhere, you're a spy! Get the fuck back here! Get the fuck back here! Get the fuck back here! Get the fucking striker, chaser, chaser, striker, striker, striker, striker, chaser, chaser- Okay, he hits a secret button, and reveals the Gamer Food Torture Chambers.
Okay, this is where the terrorists are detained, underneath his base, so they can- Actually, he can interrogate them. He's going to basically just take her out.
Unknown_04: um he's gonna take her out with a hammer yeah i think a hammer i like how the intonation for killing is just like she's dead that's right tango down kill confirmed what the fuck is that holy shit
Unknown_04: You didn't see that, Gamers? He just went into like... What the fuck was that? What, he's mad at me because I killed the maid? Who cares? She's a fucking terrorist, yo. Why won't Soap be friends with me in this game? I'm not gonna kill Soap. Okay, from now on, anyone... Anyone who says that Soap is a traitor is getting banned. John Cena! Hell yeah, man! Okay, come over here, John. John. John. I bet John Cena and Stryker are best friends. Yes.
Someone asked, did Stryker hack himself into some friends? Yes. What the fuck? Come on, Stryker! Don't get run over! He's gonna get run over! He's walking in the middle of the road!
Unknown_12: I'll be fine, kids.
Unknown_04: Don't worry about- don't worry about soap. Thanks for all the birthday wishes, by the way. I appreciate it. Press one. I better see some fucking ones for girl gamers in chat, you motherfuckers. Hell yeah. Look at all those ones. I see some- I see some woman disrespecters, but I'll-
I can't ban you right now.
Unknown_04: Josh, ban the twos.
Unknown_12: Ban the women disrespectors.
She's a fucking spy! Dude! Okay, Starker's gotta get out of bed and shoot her to death with a gun. You might be hot, but you're a fucking spy!
Unknown_04: You were hot. But not as hot as the last one. But... Okay.
Unknown_04: Fuck you. Fuck. Why won't you let me- What last- Fuck you. Okay. There. Okay. He has to- He's gonna go cheer her up. Girl gamers don't exist. Grilled cheese can wait. Grilled cheese can wait. Grilled cheese can wait. Grilled cheese can wait.
Well, don't walk in while she's taking a shit to cheer her up. Jesus Christ. Get out of there. What the fuck, man? Why does this game always do things I don't want it to do? This game is not good. I don't like this game.
What the fuck is that?
Unknown_04: What the fuck? A fire at start? What do you mean a fucking fire at start?
Unknown_04: Hold on. Okay. Where is Soap? Is Soap safe? Soap, Soap, get the fuck out of there! Okay, I don't like this game. What the fuck? Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude!
Unknown_19: Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude What the fuck? It was the Interpol! They fucking set my kitchen on fire! Why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this to me? Why can't you let me play my game? Why do you keep having to hack my game and set my house on fire? Game of Food? The whole house is on fire! The whole fucking... The whole fucking house is on fire in this game! What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? Come on. Dude.
This is not cool! This is not cool!
Unknown_04: I can't reach the fire? What the fuck? It's right there! So the firefighters can't get in because I built 20 foot high walls to keep out the Gamer Food Terrorist Interpol agent. It even looks like it's time to leave.
Unknown_04: Wow. Fuck you, firefighter, you're just gonna run away? You bitch! What the fuck? It's like my whole- That's my room! That's my- By the way, fuck, Mariline! That's the fucking- Well, in the game, anyway. That's my kitchen! That's- Why are these firefighters doing this to me? Why does this keep happening to me? Why is this game unfair to me? I've never done anything bad in this game. This house is under attack. I have to- Oh yeah, he also spontaneously almost threw up when he gets excited. What the fuck?
What is-
Unknown_04: Did soldiers take a boat across the river?
Unknown_18: How the fuck did he get a boat? Get out of there, GET OUT OF THE HOUSE, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE A PARKOUR MASTER, NOW FUCKING LEAVE THE HOUSE!
And now we have to find somewhere else to fucking stay for the night. Because my fucking house is on fucking fire! I don't understand why this game has to make my life so difficult.
Unknown_04: My virtual life is not something that is just just just just can just be made fun of I know what I'll do for the night. Okay, he's gonna visit Let's just say a friend of his okay, and this is a squad that will take out. Okay? Okay, listen up Dan if you're watching the stream, then you know that this is the last thing you will see Okay in this game. I'm gonna take a screenshot because that looks pretty
just silently scope him out. You fuckin' woke him up, that's not stealth! I said that he stealthed into the key word, okay? Stealth, dude. And he's gotta go for cover.
Unknown_04: how you like that motherfucker and dan is just like what the fuck he's yelling at me you say it's time to leave yeah it's time to leave for me yeah sorry uh mate boy mate okay it's time to leave for you time to leave life because you're gonna be taking the fuck out no don't don't leave don't leave no you have to kill him why are you striker what the fuck are you doing okay meryl has to kill him
He just kicked him out of the house.
Unknown_04: Scope him out. Open that door was the last mistake you ever made, motherfucker. This is it, gamers. You made your last mistake.
Unknown_09: That's right.
Unknown_04: Nope. You need to go... What the fuck, Stryker?!
Unknown_19: Why did you get blown up?!
Unknown_04: Meryl might be, for instance.
Unknown_04: you know, that was a close call there. And then Jack was like, close call's my middle name. And then she just, she would say something like, yeah, you know, you know, you just, you just say that you come close to the razor's edge to finish the fight. And then Jack would be like, okay. And that's what I think. Okay, I think that I'm John Cena's roommate now, so that's good. What the fuck are you yelling about, Meryl? Chill the fuck out, Jesus. I'm not gonna read, because reading's gay.
Yeah, see, I did it gamers! That's how you get laid! Yeah, that's right! Ha! But yeah, I need to just chill, because it's just stressing me out. I just don't like to get stressed, okay? I mean... It just seems like in my life, I can't do anything without getting stressed and getting proud. I mean, I try to have fun with my friends, and then Tice... I try to game, and then Tice takes my steam.
I can't play Counter-Strike Global Offensive even though I am an expert in that game. And then I try to have fun with my friends. I try to have fun with Colby and then he gets fucking beating up. He gets fucking shit beat out of him. Okay, so I can't have fun with Colby either.
Unknown_04: I try to fucking get weed and I can't get any because Kyle is with Tice and fucking everyone else is with Tice. Okay, all the dealers. Every single one of them.
Unknown_04: I can't do anything. My life...
Unknown_12: Gamers, take a shot of your Kozacka Rada if you have some on hand.
Unknown_04: I can't even smoke weed. I can't hang out with my friends. None of my friends talk to me and hang out with me, OK? Because Decalation's getting fucked up because of TICE. And then I get on Steam and I can't do Steam, OK? And just, I'm getting calls, phone calls from trolls saying they're going to kill me, all right? And then I just, like, just. I come on here so that I can relax. I come on here so I can game, okay?
I just- I can't even fucking game in The Sims 3. Even Stryker can't have fun, alright?
Unknown_19: I- I know that I can't have fun, but it's fucked up that even Stryker can't have fun with his friends, alright? Stryker deserves to have fun with his friends. He's a fucking soul-
This is exactly what I was afraid of, and this is why I'm going to take just a little break because I don't want to just get stressed out. I just did this stuff for fun, okay? I just want to have fun. So I'm going to just be right back, okay gamers? So I'll be back in just 20 minutes. Just stay tuned, okay? Alright, peace.
Unknown_04: hello gamers uh... we're back here you know i just wanted to take a little break and uh... i am basically back on here so we're just gonna get back right in the game right away and just not leave you guys waiting cuz i don't want you guys to just wait on me so we're just gonna get in the game now
Ted, if you don't know, he is actually a real life person, real life, and I know him. He is a Jewish-Israeli money launderer. He is a money launderer. Okay, extremely Jewish and extremely...
Unknown_04: Did you have John Cena? What the fuck, dude? Okay, he didn't sleep with John Cena!
Unknown_04: John... Okay, I need to find... Okay, that was a mistake in the... That was just a mistake in the game, that's all. That was not gay. That was not gay. That was not gay. All that was... Okay, they just slept in the bed... I just need to sleep in a different bed. Are there different beds in this house? He's gone. After stealing his car and selling it on the black market, he finally has enough cash to take out...
The illegal trolling servers!
Unknown_04: Why is there a cooking show? That's gay.
Unknown_09: Chase, where are you?
Unknown_04: Chase, don't read! Reading is gay! I told... ...looks into his eyes and you can see the fire reflected in his eyes. He says, wow, I guess you need to update your firewall, motherfucker! Fire! That's why you burned to hell!
That's realistic. That's on this site.
Unknown_04: One last time, motherfucker!
Unknown_04: Go to hell! You friggin' Israeli-Palestinian bitch! Oh, jeez! Okay? Well, that's not racist. Sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone.
Unknown_12: You're forgiven, Jace.
Unknown_04: Yeah, this is what he says. Now, just... Jack has just got to lip-sync to this, okay? This is what he says. This is what Jack says. Okay, in the ring.
Unknown_02: You've got one good UMP. They've got a thousand. We don't even know if that's a thousand or a thousand.
Unknown_02: The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on earth. I think that's a luxury, not a curse. It's very close to the end. It's a kind of freedom. A good time to take inventory. Wait, no. You're not done.
Unknown_02: Say that you're not a Muslim.
Unknown_04: Do not laugh at me!
Unknown_04: What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You just laughing at me? Alright, motherfucker. You're going down.
Do you think this is funny, huh?
Unknown_04: Huh, is this funny? You wanna joke with me now, bitch? Right?
Unknown_04: Yeah, what? What, you've never seen me fucking stab a guy before? Come on. John's like, yo, that's not cool. Like, dude.
Unknown_04: this is talk shit okay i'd do what have to be done colby you're getting a fucking morning if you laugh at me again i will be forced to take action as your commander colby and jack are no longer friends?
wow okay well i guess who's really my friend i know because we've already spent the night are you fucking laughing at me john cena? alright that's it you know what
Unknown_04: I... John Cena will never laugh at me!
Unknown_04: John Cena... Okay, you know what? I'm gonna prove to him. John Cena will never laugh at me. I'm gonna challenge him to a match in the ring. That's it. That's it. I'm gonna challenge him to a match. John, get in the ring with me and prove! Okay? If you wanna laugh at me... Hell in a cell!
Unknown_12: Okay? No, hold far!
Unknown_04: That's miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
okay wow nice great you know i don't fucking even need to live here anymore this is i'm moving out you know john you can go fuck yourself i thought i would never say that but you you disrespect me oh my god this is disrespectful to the united states that striker would ever have to stoop to this to live to get by okay okay now we have to build a roof okay that's the gamer shack
Unknown_09: I already moved out of the house, I can't sell anything from the house.
Unknown_04: Okay, this is it for now. This is just, this is what Striker's life is gonna be, okay? And I can, I'm going to learn to live with that. I'm not gonna let this beat me, okay? But fine, okay, I'll start a game.
Unknown_04: Someone said, can you make Meryl get a job? Uh, that's actually a really good idea, because then I can just stay home and game. okay how about for once you get a job and then you get some money so i can game okay how's that sound just probably have just enough oh wow we don't have enough money to buy dog food cool someone said cool headset mic sunglasses combo faggot listen i'm not a faggot all right i i'm just trying to
I'm not if someone said edgy news confirmed. Yeah, well edgy. You know fuck off you want to see an edge, bitch Alright, I got an edge for you right here. You think you can make fun of me online motherfucker I Got it. I got one edge for you. Okay, bitch. That's an edge. How's that you think that's edgy? You guys better think twice about talking shit to my man Jace. You got the edge. Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Unknown_04: He looks so good in his hat.
What the fuck? Dude, come on! It didn't help. Call 9-1-1. I'm dying! I don't care whether or not you think that I'm in the Marines.
Unknown_01: It doesn't matter to me at all.
Unknown_04: I am in the Marines. There's nothing... uh... nothing...
that you can do about it. I don't care whether or not you're, um... whether or not you think that I'm a Marine, I'm still a Marine no matter what. So that's final. So fuck off, bitch.
Unknown_04: Okay, you're you're you're fucking trolling site if you are from B or K or any of the V or any of the other alphabets You can suck my dick bitch. This is trolls and this stream is not for you You are trolls you are trolling on this site saying autism autism Okay Whatever. Okay. This isn't autism. This is my life. You want it? You want to come here? And if you want to see autism, well, then you go somewhere else because I'm not autistic. I'm a fucking soldier, bitch. All right?
So fuck off. Don't come in here and say autism.
Unknown_04: That's not Spurrg, okay? That's not Spurrg! You wanna Spurrg? Well, you can go suck gay dick, asshole! And hell, for all I care, you're gonna just go... Go and just... You can fuck off, motherfucker, because this is my stream, alright? I do what I want on this stream. I don't wanna just do this if you're gonna hate.
I'm still alive by the way, unfortunately, I didn't ask for your opinion Okay, fuck off.
Unknown_04: I'm not bad at everything. Okay, I'm banning you. You know, you're you're Talking you're all bad. You're bad at not getting fucking banned from my channel for being a little faggot. All right, I
Unknown_04: Anyone who's from the alphabet sites, go home, alright? This isn't for you. If you type in chat saying that you're one of the B's or the V's or the K's or any of the alphabets, alphabet suit bitches, then you are getting banned, because I don't want to do this stream if people like that are here, hating, alright? So fuck off.
Get your ban, your ban, your ban, your ban, your ban, your ban, your ban, your ban, your ban.
Unknown_04: These aren't fucking Cheetos, bitch! These are Cheez-Its! You will be banned, because trolling is illegal and you will go to jail. Yeah, trolling is illegal, dude. It's called harassment, and that's fucking illegal, bitch. That is 9GAG. Yes, 9GAG is actually very funny. Someone said, you're on your own channel being a dickhead. I'm not a dickhead, I'm a marine. I'm a United States soldier. Alright, do you see what this is? This says United- Okay, that's Navy SEALs. This says United States Marines. And do you see what the fuck this is? Alright? This says Deagle Nation. Alright? I am the leader of an entire nation of gamers. You try to be an ass- Don't say nigger in the chat! Don't say- Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that word. I'm sorry, everyone.
I disavow the hard arm.
Unknown_04: This is a way of life. I am playing The Sims. This is gaming. Listen, I am a gamer. I decide who is the gamer. I decide who is the gamer. I decide. I am the gamer, not you, not anyone else. I am the gamer who believes in myself, okay? I don't need your approval to be a gamer. You're just being hating. Okay, I'm gonna fucking kill this bitch in the game because I'm pissed off and I need to take my frustration out so I'm gonna be like, fuck you. I'M NOT AN AUTIST, I'M NOT GONNA KILL MYSELF!
You're not laughing at me, okay?
Unknown_04: I'm not... I will not be laughing, I will not be. I am a gamer, bitch. You will respect me whether you like it or not, okay? I'M NOT A GAMER OF AUTISM! I'M NOT A GAMER- The world is not laughing at me. I am the one who is on top of the world, okay? It's like life is a freaking video game and I got all the cheat codes, bitch, okay? So you can just suck my dick, retard. I'm not autistic! Fuck off. I'm not autistic! Stop!
If you're- you will be banned from the site permanently and I will call the police for your trolling crimes against me on the site.
Unknown_04: Yeah, like, touchdown. Like, like, that's what I'd say. Okay.
I- Yes I am live streaming, I'm not a fucking outist! Okay? I'm not an outist! I'm a human being, bitch! Okay? Fuck off! I'm not an outist! I'm not an outi- I'm not an outist! I'm not an outist! I'm not an outist! Okay, apparently that didn't go over well. Okay, well, I'm gonna stab her.
Unknown_04: That's a chill. Go to jail?
Unknown_04: What the fuck are you talking about?
What do you mean I'm going to jail? Wow!
Unknown_04: You're kidding me!
Unknown_04: well as they killed her so what i kill i kill everyone in the park marina i'm not going to jail they're not going to take me alive okay no no i'm not going to jail i've got a rock run run run run run run run run run come on jayce jayce okay you can't do this you can't you can't take me to jail i am a soldier god fucking damn it i'm a soldier leave go run you can make it you're a parkour expert
Unknown_04: The street so save me so kill the cops so so come over here, so be honest I hate me. Oh my god. I got it. I don't want to go to jail. I don't want to go to Just piss himself Dude
This game is bullshit!
Unknown_18: I have never done anything! I have never deserved this! Okay? My house gets on fire! My wife is cheating on me with a wrestling superstar! I was attacked unfairly by a Bitcoin master! Okay? This is not true! This is bullshit! And now I have a wolf that I have to leave all by myself? No one can get in my way, okay? No one!
No one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one! Not you, not anyone on the side of Fort- Fortune! Cannot pills wind up being robbed? MY FUCKING HOUSE IS GETTING ROBBED?!
Unknown_18: ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
Unknown_18: Why is my house getting robbed? The second that I'm- Now my house is gonna get killed by a burglar in my house!
you're just stealing my shit!
Unknown_04: Mom, I'm... what?
Unknown_04: Listen, I'm sorry.
Unknown_04: Listen, Mom, you don't understand what I'm going through.
Unknown_04: You know how much work that I've put in, and you can't just leave me to get...
Unknown_04: Oh! Fine! Okay gamers, I have to turn this down. And now, I'm gonna take him out with my sword. Bitch. And I'm gonna stab her too, because, just guess what, okay? I'm in a bad fucking mood, she's in the wrong place at the wrong time, okay? Let's just say that, bitch.
He's killing more people. He just got out of jail.
Unknown_04: I don't want to deal with this. He was not able to sign the baby's traits. This baby has been a couch potato in slob traits?
Unknown_04: What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Unknown_12: His kid's retarded now. I don't want to go to jail again.
Unknown_18: I don't want to go to jail again. I don't want to go to jail again. I don't want to go to jail again. I don't want to go to jail again. Okay, where's the baby? Okay, where's the baby?
What the fuck?
Unknown_18: Are you fucking kidding me? I don't want to play this game! I don't want to play this game!
Unknown_09: I'm not going to play this game! I'm not going to be dead for the rest of my life! I don't want to play this game! I don't want to play this game! It's over! I don't want to play this game! It's over! I don't want to play this game! It's over! I don't want to play this game! It's over! I don't want to play this game! It's over! I don't want to play this game!
It's over! I don't want to play this game! It's over! I don't want to play this game! It's over! I don't want to play this game! It's over! I don't want to play this game! It's over! I don't want to play this game! It's over!
Unknown_12: I don't want to play this game! It's over! I don't want to play this game! It's over
Unknown_12: That was the normal. That was every stream. And you see how... how... how perfect that is? There's no politics. There's nothing.
Unknown_12: It's just good. It's just goodness. It's good... good some... good some stuff.
And everybody could love it.
Unknown_12: Some people didn't and they had to get banned from the Kiwi Farms because they were wrong thinkers. They were wrong thinkers, chat. But that was deserved. Everybody else who deserved to stay on the Kiwi Farms got to stay on the Kiwi Farms. Don't worry about that.
Unknown_12: Let's watch this one. I like Tice.
Unknown_08: Let's watch some Tice interactions.
Unknown_08: How's moving back into your home been?
Cameras you guys can see here what actually happened. I was told that I'll get fucking WWE wrestling figures Well, what I got was this piece of shit and you'll see when the stream loads fucking Bible man action figure look at this shit. All right Like superhero bullshit for Christian faggots
I'm gonna like this stuff, and then I'm gonna like I'm gonna let you know her do this to me You know I can put the gay little swords in his hands hold on I'm you aren't you glad to be back in your home Yes, I am. Well, I mean, I'm glad I have my gaming computer back instead of my laptop, but no, I'm not glad, because I'd like to smoke Kyle's weed, and I can't do that here, because I only have, like, a more limited supply, kind of, because, like, for business purposes, I can't exactly smoke all of it, you know? But, see, the fucking little gay swords won't even go to his hand. Okay, this is bullshit. Where's my John's? Give me my John Cena. Go get it. Go get it.
I was talking to FlyAway now. Get it. I don't see it. Dude, it's on the floor. I don't see it. Where do my drugs need to go?
Unknown_04: several times so this is what would actually happen if bible man and john cena were like fighting and shit it'd be like you know it'd be like okay and then and then what would actually happen is is is is like tice where are you going i'm just standing here okay well fine you don't think that's awesome though shut up i'm i'm reenacting a wwe match i'm not doing the meme zone john cena this is what would actually happen this is like me and i'm coming into my house
FUCKING MOM gives me the fucking Bioman instead of John Cena and she's lying to me. What would actually happen, and what should happen, is John Cena would come in and he'd be like, Yeah, stop right there, Bible bitch!
Unknown_16: You think you can trick Jace?
Unknown_04: You know, he'd be like, Whoa! And then Bioman would activate his shield defenses, and then he'd be like, you know, trying to get away from John Cena with the gun, and then John Cena would be like, Yeah, you just got headlocked! Whoa! Whoa! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! No, no, no, stop, stop.
Unknown_16: I'm doing my sling.
So, John C. would go in for a push kick, like this, and he'd be like, pshew! Okay, and Bioman would go flying, like, ahhh, all the way across the room. John C. would be like, you wanna fuck with Jace? You wanna disrespect the Deagle Nation? Super slam! And he would do like a front flip, like, ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch.
Unknown_04: Bible Bitch would be like, NOOOOOO! Okay, like, and then John Cena would be standing over him with a gun, and John Cena would be like, THIS IS WHY I'M, UH, I'M ATHEIST! CAUSE FAGGOTS LIKE YOU, OKAY?
Look at Tice! Look at Tice!
Unknown_09: Look at Tice! Look at Tice!
Unknown_09: Yeah, you think this is the last you've seen of me?
Unknown_04: You're playing with toys. These aren't toys, they're Battlefield replicas, man. They're like 20-something.
I'm 23 for your intel. Listen, they're battlefield replicas and all I'm doing is reenacting. Get back.
Unknown_02: What do you mean you've done?
Unknown_15: I didn't really expect that to happen.
Unknown_12: So that started a great arc between them.
Unknown_12: After this, Tyce had a skinhead arc. Let me go ahead and play this as well.
I want to take it aside to show you guys something.
Unknown_18: to the so-called queaky forms for trolling and harassing my life from the start of day one.
Unknown_04: And this is one that you have earned for yourselves, okay? You didn't think this would happen. Imminent closure, okay? Unfortunately, Regal...
Unknown_12: So this is the quickie forum circa 2014 on the April Fool's Day of 2014. I put up a notice saying that the forum would be closed and Jace made a video talking about the banner that I put up saying that it was his action.
Recent legal activity requires management to commit a full shutdown of quickieforums.com until the next 24 hours.
Unknown_04: Copyright and libel claims have been pressed, okay? And purging our database of all illegal content. And that is what you have earned, okay? And that is what you have done. That is what has happened to any troll who thinks that I will not take action in that.
Unknown_18: but the site delimination.com has not brought awareness of your trolling and terrorism groups to the forefront and taking your behavior to the court of law where it belongs.
And that is in fact proof that I am correct and that you are wrong, okay? So next time, how about you listen to me before it's too late and before your site gets shut down for illegal activities, okay? That's what I think, okay? Let this be a lesson to everyone who thinks they're invincible, because guess what? You're not, okay? And I will come with you in a court of law and take you the fuck down if you make it necessary for me. That is all. Goodbye.
Unknown_12: Let's actually pull this up. Let's just take a look at what I'm talking about.
Close this.
Unknown_12: Okay, this is the thread that we had on the Kiwi Farms prior to rebranding.
Unknown_12: November 2014. Rebranding. This discussion of rebranding has been going on for some time now. I'd like to formally open discussion. There's no timeline and nothing's going to happen before Xenphoria 2.0 comes out, so probably not this year.
Unknown_12: The most requested names by far have something to do with Kiwis. It's a really adorable name, so I'll start the suggestion list off with that. Atsamu.com, which is a Chris reference.
Kiwifarms.net, lolcal.kiwi, and SpurgClub. These are the different names that we picked up when we were just the clicky forums.
Unknown_12: Exceptionalindividuals.com, KiwiForums. I personally like the KiwiFarm.
Unknown_12: No change, definitely KiwiForums though. Do we really want to be associated with a bunch of sheep fuckers?
Unknown_12: This the Kiwi farms the best the Cal compendium split between the Kiwi farm and Kiwi forums Let's see, I think everything should remain the same Kiwi farms by hellblazer people were drawn art and stuff and it was finalized I Had a poll between the top two ones Kiwi farm is 155 to 24 and that was the decision and I
It's entirely because Jace Connors could never pronounce the name. I'll write it so you guys can see what the name was.
Unknown_12: I think it still redirects.
Unknown_12: This was it. QuickieForums.com.
Unknown_12: And he couldn't pronounce it.
Unknown_12: So eventually, when we rebranded away from just Chris discussion, we went with what he pronounced it as, which was something along the lines of Kiwi forums or Kiwi farms. We went with Kiwi farms because of the fruit and bird allegory reference, I think. It rolled off the tongue better.
Oh, I guess it's something on the side I should show you. There are people who didn't catch it before. Yes.
Unknown_12: We are absolutely devastated to have lost our sweet Claire last night. Her body system shut down, possibly due to a catastrophic virus. Our local EMS and police worked lovingly and thoroughly to try and save her life.
Unknown_12: Despite their attempts, we were not able to restart her heart. Her body had fulfilled its mission on Earth, and Claire earned her angel wings. We are completely shattered in total disbelief and heartbroken beyond comprehension. We know how many lives she impacted in her short 17 years, and we are so proud of her for living and loving life to its fullest. We selfishly wanted more time. Yes, you fucking did. Selfishly is the right fucking word. And life is just not the same without her here. We will be taking a social media break until we feel we are able to sort through the magnitude of this tremendous loss. Thank you for loving our girl all these years and never forgetting how important her precious life life was we love you all heart This girl is fucking dead the other one Lola I think is her name is in is worse like her her conditions even worse and people are expect to speculate and that she'll be gone next just a nice little aside From our fantastic, hilarious Deagle Nation recap, Claire Hartley is dead. F. Press F to respect potatoes that have passed. In fact, I'll drink some vodka, because I think vodka has potatoes in it.
Yes, okay. Let's cut from that to memes.
Unknown_01: Let's see, I played that one. Played that one.
Unknown_16: Dude, does this even look fucking legal? It doesn't matter if it's legal, this is street justice.
Yeah, I wanna use fucking lethal force, this fucking bitch-ass faggot.
Unknown_04: You can't use lethal force. No, no, we're going for ground and pound. Okay, I'll get on top of the submission moves. Wait, is that, is that him?
Unknown_16: I think that's him. What the fuck? No, what the fuck is that on his head? Is that him? The fuck? Get fucking in.
Unknown_16: What the fuck is that on your head, dude? Dude, it's called fuckin' pride.
Unknown_07: Dude, what the fuck?
Unknown_16: Yeah, okay, that doesn't look like pride to me. You look like a fuckin' skinhead. You look like a fuckin' like, man. Pay attention to what's on his face.
You look like a fuckin' idiot.
Unknown_16: Okay, what? Okay, listen, put that on, no, put the camera off. This is gonna be a fuckin' YouTube. We're gonna see this. Are you ready? Yeah, are you fuckin' ready? No, you're no weapon. Dude, you're no weapon. No fuckin' weapon. You said no swords.
Unknown_17: Where are you fuckin' going? Let's go, bitch, let's go. Go, you little faggot. Get the fuck over here. Go Tice go Tice
It's not fair! You're fighting like white inwards! 2 on 1! Come on now! Oh no! Tyce! Get up! You can't even fucking board!
Unknown_20: Tap out! Tap! Fuck out! You can't win without doing 2v1, bitch!
Unknown_12: Andy vs. Tonka!
Unknown_20: Get the camera! Why don't you 1v1 me? Get the camera!
Unknown_20: You couldn't 1v1!
Unknown_20: You have the right to remain silent and quit being a bitch!
You have the right to buy me my fucking Xbox One that you sent me to another fucking country for.
Unknown_09: You have the right to buy me Advanced Warfare 2.
Unknown_20: Call that fucking interest! Yeah, that's right, bitch. So what? You want to fucking get a beat in the face, or what? What's a Yuletide party?
Unknown_16: I don't fucking need you guys! Buy me my fucking Xbox One! I'd rather buy an Xbox One to deal with your fucking shit!
Unknown_20: I'd rather buy an Xbox One to deal with a lazy-eyed son of a bitch who's in a hurry!
Unknown_07: Fucking lazy-eyed!
Unknown_20: Fucking buy me the Xbox One, I'll leave you the fuck alone!
Unknown_07: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
Unknown_16: Huh? Oh, you can't! Take his wallet, take his wallet, dude, take his wallet!
Fuck off! Take his fucking wallet!
Unknown_16: Fuck off! Fucking take his wallet!
Unknown_07: No, I'm keeping that, get it, do you get it? I got the fucking wallet. How much money is in there?
Unknown_16: How much money is in there? It's fucking... 47.
Unknown_16: You like the skull size, bro? Oh, these really help you. You're a fucking artist. The only way that you make money is by stealing from the welfare.
Unknown_20: You're a fucking welfare.
Unknown_20: You don't want us anymore. We don't need you anymore, bro. We need your money for the Xbox just buy my
Fuck another country Go go go.
Unknown_09: I'm going going going. Oh, yeah
Unknown_12: Okay, so you mentioned a lot ago over there, but that was the climax of the Tice arc, where he became like a Nazi skinhead leader of a skeleton army, huffing jankum in his house. They mentioned something about being stranded in a foreign country, and I should explain that in the very, the tail end of the Deagle Nation saga, right?
There was a part where Eli goes to Israel and While this was happening and the Tice breakup was happening. Well Eli was in Israel
Unknown_12: We even went on to police scanners in his area. And while we were hunting for Eli, or not for Eli, for Tice, who had apparently done something, and Jace was after him, I can't remember the details. We were actively, like 50 people were listening to this police scanner, trying to get sign that Tice was being chased by the police. And somebody, like they said, they reported a white van with a swastika painted on the side.
And we're thinking, holy shit, this idiot fucking painted a swastika on the side of his, on his vehicle and was going down the road, right?
Unknown_12: And all the while, Eli had gone to Israel with a paperclip crossbow to assassinate the leader of Palestine. And he even took videos. I don't, I don't know if I have the videos of him in Israel. I'll check real quick.
Unknown_12: Um,
I don't think... Daily Dice, Eli's Manifesto, Proof of Conspiracy, Eli Gets His Xbox, Livestream... Oh... No, I don't know if I have that right at the hand. But it's like all this shit was going on, and it was nonsense, but we had the videos of him in Israel, and I even saw, like, the cars with the license plates, and I pulled up what Israeli license plates look like.
Unknown_12: And he was no doubt in Israel.
Unknown_12: And then he gets back, and this shit happens with Kais, and the final saga unfolds. The final saga being Wu-Akalypse. And I'll show you, and maybe you guys will remember this.
This is Brianna Wu, February 2015, very into Deagle Nation. This person sent a video outlining his plan to kill me tonight. Hope Massachusetts law enforcement acts quickly. That's Tice.
Unknown_12: And he's got his skeleton mask on, the same one that was in that fight that we just saw.
Unknown_12: And this is his thing, and he declares war on Brianna Wu, Operation Wuacalypse and stuff. And they're talking about Gamergate, and he, like Jace co-opted Gamergate at this point, and people in Gamergate were super pissed at him for talking about Gamergate and saying he was a fake gamer and all this other shit.
But what is this assassination attempt? What is this assassination attempt?
Unknown_08: I will show you.
Unknown_08: Someone said, give a fuck you to Brianna Wu for being a tranny bitch who hates gaming.
Unknown_04: BRIANNA WU IS A FUCKING HOMOSEXUAL MOTHERFUCKER TRANNY AND I WOULD DISPENSE ELITE JUSTICE ON HER SOUL WITH A SINGLE KNIFE WOUND. Okay, this is what I'd do to Brianna Wu. I'd be like, she'd be like walking around and stuff.
Unknown_04: And she'd be like, meeting with her evil friends who are trying to destroy the gaming because they're paid by ISIS as super secret agents. And then I would be sitting on a rooftop like the Batman of gaming. And then I would have a cape on that says Gamergate on the back, and then I'd have a pot leaf and a picture of my face on the pot leaf. And then I'd just be like spying on her from below. And then I'd be like, jump out of the sky like Batman. And there'd be a big cape, like whoosh, because I'm using my wolf spirit. I'm using my wolf spirit to hunt prey. And I land on her. And then I'd be like, and then it's like a takedown, like I sat on the screen where you jump on someone. I'd like land on her from like jumping off a roof from a sick dive move, and then I'd be like, hey, guess what? GamerGate says hello, nerd! Fag, that is!
And also, fuck you, if you will!
Unknown_04: Okay, that is, bitch! And then I'd take a game controller and like smack her in the face with it, and like leave the game controller there as like a calling card to prove that gamers win forever. And then I'd also go up to like
Unknown_04: Like and then like put a sign on her that says Isis will never defeat the gaming alliance of the world and also wolves are not gay I would go up to the body and I take like she'd be unconscious because I don't believe in killing Well, I do but I only believe in killing terrorists. Well, I guess trainees are pretty bad, too I guess I do it. She's a trainee. So I guess I didn't care. So I I
Spraying Old Spice on the body, let them spray it so the cops couldn't smell it. Because I'm a wolf spirit, and then I can smell dead bodies. And that's why I would be a good detective. They should make a detective show about me, where I'm a detective wolf, and I go and sniff out the crimes. Look, I'm sniffing out the crimes.
Unknown_04: I'm sniffing them out.
Unknown_04: I'm on your trail, bad guys! And then I use my extreme wolf speed to run up to them, you know?
Unknown_12: So, at this point in time, beginning of 2015, we've changed into the Kiwi Farms. GamerFood's basically gone, GamerGate's started up, Brianna Wu's a big deal.
DeagleDad420, I mentioned him at the start of the video basically, haven't touched on him since. He is now the second in command. He's basically the co-admin of the entire site. I trust him implicitly. And he has a really good idea of what the forum should be. We have a line, basically. And we both want a funny place where people don't take shit too seriously, and we just laugh at retards on the internet. We're in accordance.
Unknown_12: You know, this shit's happening. It's getting kind of serious for Jace because Brianna Wu is trying to get the police involved. And while this is happening, uh, like this is another video he makes about Operation Walkalypse, right? Let's watch this. Oh.
Uh, the training cop. There we go.
Unknown_08: This is fucked up.
Unknown_12: This is fucked up.
Unknown_14: It's a tranny! She's flying a helicopter!
Unknown_12: It's just like people are asking how we get to Sims 3 to assassination Yeah, I'm not I'm not showing all the good stuff because a lot of it was just live streaming He would live stream on YouTube. He'd live stream on whatever on Whatever obscure platform and we'd follow him there, and it was just casual It was casual like a drip feed of this and the highlights video is funny Jason was just a genuinely funny fucking person and I You know There comes a point where it's like a lot of people in the the forum the cookie farms are like this guy This guy's an actor. This is too perfect. It's just like you know who gives a shit. It's fucking funny
And that's why I said you have no place here. If you can't have fun, it's like, don't be a Debbie Downer for fucking everybody else ruining it. Like there would be a guy named BG Hef who would show up and chat just during live streams just to try and throw this bullshit around and try to bring everybody else down. And it's just like, you know, fuck off. You're ruining it.
Unknown_12: Tell them about the Skype rap battle, I don't even remember that. There's so much, there's so much shit, and you can go look it up if you want to.
But this was the coup de grace. This was essentially the final thing that happened to Jace.
Unknown_08: Nope. Again, fucking, god damn it.
Unknown_08: Hopefully this is still on YouTube.
Unknown_08: YouTube.com, watch.
Unknown_12: Essentially, Jace has- Oh, YouTube!
Unknown_07: This is Jace right here, and this is my fucking car!
Unknown_20: Or my mom's car! That, when I was street racing, could not perform! Couldn't fucking perform on the road! And now this piece of shit is crushed! Okay? I can't even kick the rear shock, because it's made of bullshit plastic from Jinx! It blows! I wasn't even fucking drunk! I was just racing, you know, like normal! I was trying to street race on the fucking highway! And look at this bullshit. Look at this shit. Totally useless. I hit and I fucking rolled on the ice. Fucking rolled down here. And now look at this piece of shit. And I'm a street racer. God. Fuck. I'm a street racer. God. And look at this shit. And look at my life. And this is all because of Ivan. And the rest of these tourists. You're fucking mad we do this. And this isn't my fault. And just cause the road was slippery doesn't mean I'm not a street racer.
Unknown_12: So he uploaded that he's talking about Brianna Wu and He's basically saying that Brianna Wu tried to kill her or try to kill him in the in the streetlights This was cited many many months later by Brianna Wu.
Hi filter here
Unknown_12: Is this- is this actually enough?
Unknown_09: This is not the clip, this is just some faggot talking.
Unknown_12: Brianna will the internet ruin my life. If I can't find this I'm gonna be pissed. This- you have to see this.
Unknown_08: You have to see this.
Unknown_01: I'm gonna put it up on two and try to skip.
The gist is I don't know if I'll be able to find it but Is it is she like just the second half?
Unknown_12: That's some bitch Bitch some other bitch
Unknown_12: Can't find it. Brianna Lou basically goes on fucking television and says the internet ruined my life and include clips of Tice shit-talking her and includes that car crash and the long skinny is the long skinny is that Jace suffered a concussion in in the car crash
And I know you might be thinking, did Jace die? He's street racing in the snow in his mom's hybrid.
Unknown_12: Car skids off the road. He gets a concussion.
Unknown_12: And he didn't die, but he changed.
Unknown_12: See, Jace, as many people asked during the chat, was an actor. Tyce was an actor. His mom was in on it. The entire time, everybody was an actor. And I think it fell apart for a lot of people when Eli went to Israel to assassinate the guy with the paperclip crossbow.
People started asking, this can't be real. Like, even the most devouted people were like, yeah, this has to be bullshit because it's one step too far.
Unknown_12: And when this accident happened, and it did happen, it was a genuine accident, it was not staged, but the guy, his first thought when he crawled out of that car was, I gotta get my camera and I gotta do Jace for this. I gotta do Jace for this car accident. I gotta make this funny. I gotta make this funny for people.
Unknown_12: And he did, but the guy himself, his name was Jan. I don't want to give his full name because he's buried himself. After this shit, he disappeared. I don't know what the fuck he's doing anymore. He's just gone. He's been gone. He stayed gone for years.
But Jan had suffered. He was born with a condition that gave him seizures as a kid.
Unknown_12: And he had seizures all throughout his childhood until he suffered a concussion.
Unknown_12: And after he got the concussion, his seizures stopped.
Unknown_12: Not bullshit, not a made up story, he had seizures. Once he hit his head, his seizures stopped.
Once he had this car accident, he got another concussion and his seizures started up again and he couldn't do JACE anymore. He couldn't do JACE anymore because he had gotten fucked up by this car accident.
Unknown_12: You know after that We found we found a link Tice did a stream because he wasn't feeling well Tice was doing a lot of stuff in the final months pulled up Pulled up a stream and in the the steam ID for for the account he was signed into was suicidal socks as in socks that are suicidal and And we pulled up this other guy called Jan, that people were saying looked just like Jace, and he had some association with Million Dollar Extreme, and it was probably Jace. And we're like, nah, nah, it can't be the same person, because there was one stream I didn't even show where Jace pisses himself. He has a panic attack and collapses and throws up and pisses on himself. And we're like, nobody's gonna fucking piss themselves on livestream to seal the deal. Nobody's gonna get their mom involved. Nobody's gonna get all these other characters involved. It's just troll.
And they did it was all it was like everything you did worked and A lot of people think it's fake just because they saw the highlights, but when you when you're living in that shit every day It's real
And by the end of it, um, you know, this shit's happening and he hits his head and he can't do it anymore. And Tice logs into stream and shows off the suicidal socks account, which is the, like the Skype alias and the Steam ID of this Jan guy that's associated with million dollar stream. And that's, that's the link. That's not, Oh, this is incidental. This is coincidental. This is odd coincidence. There is no coincidence anymore. Suicidal Socks, there's no way that Jace is signed into the Steam account that belongs to Jan.
Unknown_12: That's the fucking end of the road. That's the yellow brick road.
It's Irver. It's all Irver. It's Irver for good. Jace is fake. And he comes out, they do a stream, it's like three hours long, I'm not gonna play it, because it's questions that we had. It's not people who are just seeing highlights would care about.
Unknown_12: But he's got his sunglasses off for the first time. He doesn't have a lazy eye. Tyce isn't talking like a retard. He's articulate. They're friends and they're having fun. The mom stops in to say hi. I was just doing what Jan asked me to do.
And that was it. And he disappeared. They all disappeared. But the immense change in the site and how I handled things, because the guy, deagledad420, who was my second in command for the Kiwi farms, named after a slur that Jace had,
Unknown_12: was Jan. Jan was his own biggest troll. He had gotten to number two on the site and was the person I trusted implicitly to guide the site to a funnier place.
And he disappeared. I had to de-admin him because he wasn't around anymore. I didn't know what he was up to.
Unknown_12: But while he was second-in-command and I was dealing with gamer food, he was telling me how to deal with these people. Because I wasn't socially competent enough to deal with these fucking lunatics. These guys who were very clever and knew how to get what they wanted. Because it wasn't just hacking and DDoS attacks and shit. They would convince me in other ways and I would fall for it. And Jace was like, no, no, no, don't fall for that. Don't believe that shit. This is how you do it. This is what you look for, and just don't give a shit what people say. And I was like, okay. So, like, I probably wouldn't be as good as an administrator of the site. I would probably be more gullible and more naive and not know how to deal with fucking assholes, if not for Jace.
And, like, who knows what the site would look like today? So,
Unknown_12: The whole reason why I did this for my birthday is not just because I think Jace is fucking funny. And it's nice to have a big audience of thousands of people for the first time in years looking at this shit that everybody had forgotten about until I drug it up.
Is that it's near and dear to my heart because it affected the course of the history of my life. And I guess that's kind of fucking gay, but it's kind of fucking true too.
Unknown_08: I demodeled him because I didn't know what to expect and after that he wanted to leave anyway, so it's just like whatever.
Unknown_08: When did I say Reddit?
Did I say Reddit? I didn't say anything about Reddit.
Unknown_08: A drink of mine? I've had a kebab and I've had a little bit of vodka, that's it.
Unknown_12: Josh you can come out in 2018. Not for long, it's gonna be 2019 soon. Nice try.
Unknown_08: Yeah, it is kind of sad.
I miss Jace. I miss Jan.
Unknown_12: But after the car accident, we've had very, very sparse communication after the car accident.
Unknown_12: And essentially, it's not just the seizures that are back.
Unknown_12: Last I checked, last I heard years ago, he was taking physical therapy and shit to get back into life.
Unknown_12: It fucked up his whole life. That car accident fucked up his whole life.
Unknown_12: And he just wasn't even like the same person. It's like it had a personality difference to him too.
It's not just that he's Jace but calm, or how he was when he was Deagle dad. He was like a completely different fucking person.
Unknown_12: And he wasn't a match for the site anymore, and that's what's sad.
Unknown_12: He has a podcast. He did lots of weird stuff. There was a time where he was trying to put on like this Deagle Nation post-mortem where he was just being like a fake Alex Jones and shit. There's a lot of little stuff that he did that I don't want to get into. But none of it was funny. None of it was the same. And as far as I know, he dropped all of it. True fact, he is dedicated in How to Blow Up the U.S. Government. In the MDE book, How to Blow Up the U.S. Government, I think he gets a dedication in one of the early pages. So if you have that book, you can check that out and see this is not bullshit. He did get a dedication.
Yeah, Wisdom Gun, all that other shit. His initial idea after Deagle Nation fell out was that he was going to do other trope stuff, and he was going to make a trope group, like his own MDE, and do this other stuff, but the seizures were too bad, his health was too poor.
And his initial attempts to do shit just didn't pan out so he gave up pretty quickly after and Faded into the ether as far as I know he could have changed his fucking name and moved to to some place like Ukraine But it would be uh I wouldn't know
Unknown_12: He also shows up in ideas man. Yeah, something like that. He wrote a bunch. Yeah, he was a ghostwriter. I think he did he did a lot of stuff After but as far as like public public appearances go as far as involvement with like the Kiwi farms and shit like nah Am I him I'm not that funny Did filthy Frank get seizures too
Josh's Jace slash Jen confirmed.
Unknown_12: Oh geez, the secret's out.
Unknown_12: He emerged as Donga.
Unknown_12: I'm obsessed with Jen. Well, I guess he has a true fan out there. That's funny.
Unknown_08: I'm glad you came.
Unknown_08: Yes, it is sad. It's sad. I don't want to end on a sad note.
Unknown_12: Um, actually, yeah.
Unknown_12: Let's end it. I'm gonna play one more clip, and this is gonna be the end. So, strap in, buckle up, do whatever the fuck you gotta do.
Uh, I got a coup de grĂ¢ce for this stream.
Unknown_12: To finish this fight, one way, or a hard way, okay?
Unknown_04: once a marine, always a marine. And Semper Fidelis to the end.
Unknown_04: There have been a lot of things in this life, okay, the Sims life. I started as just a normal kid in the suburbs, okay?
Unknown_04: And in the game, I started from nothing. I started from the bottom, but now I'm here, okay? I started in just a normal guy, and then I joined the Marines and my life was changed forever, forever in life. This is me role-playing, by the way.
But then that dream was not to be it was not meant to be Because when the truth came, okay, I was kicked out and became my fall from glory fall from duty and when that duty fell to me, I Failed my country and I failed the people and I counted the most now it is up to me as the last marine Okay, I am the master Battlefield I am a hero to us all Live by the bullet! Die by the bullet!
Don't we have to dig a hole to kill himself?
Unknown_04: Live by the bullet!
Unknown_18: Die by the bullet!
Unknown_04: Oh wait. This is actually pretty good music. Except for Fidelis. And he had a hard life. But it was worth it.
Unknown_18: Worth it to be the one who lives on the battlefield! The one who is the battlefield! The one!
And I will not let the sacrifice go in vain! Not for Chuck! Not for anyone else!
Unknown_18: And that is the way it is!
Unknown_18: And that is what I believe!
Unknown_18: ON THE SIDE! It's over, okay?
Unknown_09: I don't have to put up with anything anymore.
I don't have to put up with this anymore.
Unknown_10: It's over.
Unknown_10: Live by a bullet, and you die by a bullet.
Unknown_10: Stalking to death.
Unknown_04: This is not the first time that I have met with death.
Unknown_04: Out of all this life.
Unknown_02: The only companion I have had to the end has not been Meryl, it has not been Soap, it has been Death.
I have lived by the blade, and now I will- Wait, what?
Unknown_04: What the fuck is that?
Unknown_04: Jack, your constant misfortune amuses me and those around you. It would be a shame to take that priceless entertainment from them. I'll take you some other-
Unknown_04: What the fuck does that supposed to mean? Dude, I put a gun to his head!
Unknown_04: How does he not die? Come on. What? What?
Unknown_04: What do you mean he can't... Dude, that... What?
Unknown_04: I want this game to be over, goddammit! I don't wanna fucking keep playing this!
Dude, I...
Unknown_04: I was trying to make that, like, a cool, epic ending, okay? Like, it had cool-ass music and everything. What the fuck, man?! I even had, like, cool music and shit, and it was ruined! The whole dramatic tension was ruined by this fucking... Jesus Christ, dude. So what? Do what? You want me to just torment me fucking forever? You want me to just live in a fucking GAMER SHACK FOREVER, BITCH? Alright, well, fuck you. You know, I'm not, no, I'm uninstalling this game and I'm not playing it, okay? I'm not, I don't care. If Striker's gonna live, then he can fucking do it himself, okay? He doesn't need me, alright? Because I'm done playing this game. I'm done playing this game for you and for everyone else. Who's just, well, your misfortune is musing, alright? That's, well guess what, I'm not gonna be your puppet anymore, bitch, alright? I'm done being a musing, I'm done being a fucking bitch like you! I'm done with streaming, alright? And I'm done, and I'm going to sleep, and my mom's gonna fucking yell at me, because I'm making noise!
And I don't wanna play, I don't wanna do this, and people are making fun of me, I'm trying to be like shit, alright? So you...
I am done! Goodbye! Okay? Goodbye! Goodbye! I hope you're having...
Unknown_05: foreign
Not bad.
The white thread that leaked from the ground disappeared. As I looked up at the sky, it froze and disappeared right away. Each and every one of the grown-ups is so beautiful.