you 0:02:04 Unknown_07: I should learn by now not to play such great songs. Because as soon as I start talking the coolness level of the chat of the stream just plummets. I can't follow this shit up. What am I thinking? Unknown_07: Oh well. Unknown_07: So. Unknown_07: That's way too loud. Okay. Hi. How is everyone? I am doing just fine. This is not my normal streaming time, but I've just, I've thrown this together last second and I've done so in a way to fuck over Andy Warski again. 0:02:38 Unknown_07: I swear to God, I'm not intentionally trying to steal his time slot. Somebody pointed it out that he, he moved, like I started streaming every day and Andy moved his time slot a couple hours forward and now I'm streaming at one, one in the fucking morning here. And it just coincides with fucking him or her, and I feel bad for it. Unknown_07: But this is an exception to the rule, not the new rule. Streams will still be at Wednesday at noon, Eastern Standard Time usually. Noon or 1pm. Unknown_07: Okay, um, these people are fucking crazy, and I don't know, I should have thought about this before I started streaming, but I'm an idiot, and I was playing with hamsters on before I actually went live, and I should have been thinking things through. 0:03:27 Unknown_07: Let me just go ahead and say quickly. I'm not gonna show clips. I can't I can't be bothered to get clips right now for that but Chantal did in fact see your stream. I mentioned specifically very specifically don't Unknown_07: Don't show Chantal that stream. I just want to talk about people. Just don't show it to them. I just want to talk about people without trouble. Well, Chantal did see it because somebody, I don't know who, but one of you motherfuckers showed that stream to them and they did not take it well. Just didn't like it at all. 0:04:01 Unknown_07: Literally threatened to quit streaming YouTube or posting shit to YouTube altogether. Locked down their Facebook and within hours, Unknown_07: Maybe even one hour. Revise their opinion entirely so that they were going to continue streaming because they, in defiance, in defiance of me being a bully, which obviously we're not a bully stream, but in defiance of what she alleges to be a bully stream, she's going to continue posting content. So, I'm... I don't know. What she does as a response is irrelevant, because again, I don't intend for people to see these streams. I legit just do it because it's fun. But she alleges that she's going to post even more stuff in defiance of me, which is fine. I hope her all the best in her endeavors with that. 0:04:33 Unknown_07: But that's not what we're talking about today. This woman has nothing to do with Chantal. Nothing at all. Unknown_07: And I don't, I want to make that clear because I don't want to give any impression. I did mention that there was a possibility that Chantel might like sue me or make some kind of DMCA claim or something like that. 0:05:06 Unknown_07: And I don't want to confuse it. This has nothing to do with Chantel. This is a completely unrelated person, unrelated to family unit, filing completely unrelated litigation. and Chantelle has nothing to do with it. So, uh, shut up and get to the feeder porn. There will be no- I considered very strongly just showing a random fat person eating throughout the video for no reason other than to, uh, to hammer home this lore, but I've decided not to. Hamster pride worldwide. Hell yeah. I can get behind that. 0:05:44 Unknown_07: Feeder Josh, our Irverlord. Unknown_07: People keep calling me the Irverlord now, and I appreciate that. Can you please say it's ErverAnakin, I have the high ground. I think I can do that. Unknown_07: And yeah, holy shit, people are super supportive tonight, which is fucking very funny. Very nice. Unknown_07: Okay. Unknown_07: Let's just get to it. And I'm thinking about... 0:06:15 Unknown_07: Okay, let's start with this video. I got together a bunch of old clips. I've shown some of these clips in the past. Some of this might look familiar, but I've never shown the full context. Unknown_06: So let's just start with this clip. Unknown_04: I'm still waiting, Joshy boy. Unknown_04: Come on, Mr. Porker. Where's your video? Unknown_04: Come on, show your ugly porker face. 0:06:49 Unknown_04: Come on, man, it's my day off. I'm having fun. Unknown_04: But you're too much of a coward, a little bitch-made punk, right? Unknown_04: That's right. Unknown_07: Well, he asked for it. That is Marshall Casterson. That fine young man that you just saw is the person on the right in the background image. The person he is smooching on is, she's called, colloquially she's referred to as Tamar. Her legal name is Melinda Lay Scott. 0:07:23 Unknown_07: Let's just give you a background on Melinda Lay Scott. Unknown_07: Because you will have no fucking idea what's going on unless I do. She's in her thirties. Now this is contested and actually in the legal documents she contests some of the information that I'm saying. So for the sake of covering my ass I'm just going to say that this is alleged. She's in her thirties. It's alleged that she has had nine husbands and she has, I don't know how many kids, but she's had them to different husbands I'm pretty sure. 0:07:55 Unknown_07: She lives in the Appalachian Mountains in Virginia. Unknown_07: Her entire family is trailer park trash. Unknown_07: And very interestingly, not many people are going to know what the fuck I'm talking about, but... Unknown_07: She is a part of something called the Hebrew Roots Movement. Unknown_07: I can't adequately explain what the fuck that is. From what I understand, from what I've been told, the Hebrew Roots Movement is not like an actual Jewish organization. As far as I know, it's kind of like Jews for Jesus. and that all the mainstream Jewish organizations condemn it entirely, categorically deny that this is a part of Judaism. But they call themselves Jewish. I don't think they're ethnically Jewish, but they believe that Jesus is... 0:08:29 Unknown_07: is somehow divine or somehow a messiah. It's some crazy fucking mountain people shit and it doesn't matter. It's a very disorganized religion. It doesn't really have any prominence. Unknown_07: But it's important because through the Hebrew Roots Movement she met somebody called Andrew Carlson. And I'm going to throw a picture up of Andrew Carlson because it's a funny picture. He's a nice... I shouldn't say he's a nice guy. 0:09:06 Unknown_07: He's one of the most tolerable people in this story. So, feast your eyes upon my buddy, Andrew. Unknown_07: And I'll explain why I'm calling him my buddy, but that's him. I don't know if he ever shaved that fucking awful beard, but that's him. Unknown_07: He's in chat right fucking now. If you see somebody named Andy Carlson with a little Hebrew user icon in YouTube, That's our guy. And he is, in this story, he is our guy. 0:09:41 Unknown_07: So give him the benefit of a doubt, because his story starts crazy and ends crazier, but not at his expense. Unknown_07: And as I take this picture, let me go ahead and show another video. We're going to be having lots of video content today, which is fantastic, because it means I don't have to try to be funny. The video is just funny by itself. Isn't that great? Yahasha. Unknown_07: This is an old video by the way. This predates anything else I'm going to show you from this guy. 0:10:13 Unknown_02: This video is addressed to the stalker that's been stalking my old lady and been stalking my Facebook and stalking my channel. Unknown_04: Listen motherfucker, you're fucking with the wrong bull. Unknown_04: You fuck with the bull, you're going to get the fucking horns. Unknown_04: I don't give a fuck. Unknown_04: You're causing me problems. Unknown_04: You can go around slaughtering me all you want to, I know you're subscribed to my channel on here. 0:10:46 Unknown_04: Anyways, you're a fucking piece of shit, and I don't give a fuck. Unknown_04: I will fucking crush you, you motherfucker. Don't fuck with me. Unknown_04: I ain't fucking around. Unknown_04: And, uh... You need to leave my girl alone. Unknown_02: You know what I mean? It's, uh, sorry about your luck, man. Unknown_04: But, uh, anyways, for my subscribers that don't know about me, um, basically, I was charged with domestic violence about in March. 0:11:25 Unknown_04: Found out my wife was cheating on me, all that good stuff. You know what I'm saying? I was married to a pagan, you know what I mean? And, you know, we just didn't see eye to eye or nothing, and we're divorced. And, uh, well, I met a new lady. And I got a fucking stalker that's obsessed with her. And now he's going around spreading my shit all over Facebook. I mean, yeah, I did too much in jail. I put my wife in a fucking headlock. So fucking what? You know what I mean? Unknown_07: I'm sorry, I forgot about that part. 0:11:57 Unknown_04: You know what? I ain't perfect. And, uh, you know, she fucking attacked me through a fucking cigarette in my face. Unknown_04: So, Unknown_04: You know, I'm a human being, you know what I mean? And, uh... You know, I'm just a man. Unknown_04: But you motherfucker, you're really getting under my fucking skin, you know? Unknown_04: I will fucking crush you. You know, if you cause me and my girl a breakup, I'm not gonna put her name on YouTube. 0:12:29 Unknown_04: I will fu- I'm gonna come for your ass, motherfucker. I don't give a fuck. I will fucking crush you. You better watch your ass, motherfucker. You don't know who you're fucking with. Alright? Unknown_04: Late. Unknown_07: All right, that's Marshall Castreson, that's the husband in this situation. I forgot how funny that video was, because again, I'm just kind of throwing shit together. I gave myself an hour and a half. I'm like, oh, fuck, this isn't enough time. Let me scrape together what I fucking can, right? Unknown_07: No, in that video, he admits that he puts his wife in a fucking headlock. That's fucking hysterical. So he's obviously a very tough guy. He's strong enough to beat up women, which is the barometer that we're going to use for tough guy status. 0:13:02 Unknown_07: And he's coming after Andrew, who is a bona fide stalker. He did at one point have a restraining order against him, an emergency injunction placed against him from Melinda Scott, who is the suee in the sewer. That sounds like a dirty word, calling her a sewer. Unknown_07: She's the person who has repeatedly filed lawsuits against me and against this guy. It's sometimes at the same time a little bit of a lawsuit threesome, which is not not hot at all considering the parties involved But it's the reality so okay. We're gonna get rid of Andrew for right now So 0:13:45 Unknown_07: He, Andrew is, again, I think he met through the Hebrew Roots Movement. I think they met when they were very young and she was older than him and he chased after her after like a first crush. He had five, 10, 20, 50 year plans to get him, get her to love him and was very open about it. He would go to the Kiwi farms and he would post openly under an account called Tamar Lover. And I think her original, like her maiden name is Tamar or something. Unknown_07: and he would just espouse openly how he was going to convince this chick to love him even and how he was going to take care of her kids to different men and all this other shit actually you know what since i'm talking about i better put the fucking picture back up because people are not gonna fucking know i'm talking about 0:14:36 Unknown_07: All right, all this shit, lots of plans, right? So that didn't work out. She became litigious against him, tried to get restraining orders against him, did get restraining orders against him, and essentially his plans went nowhere. Unknown_07: But, when he came to the Kiwi farms and did this, I got a little white knighty. As I do. You know how I am about my boy Christine up in Virginia. I get protective. And I'm saying this guy, he was still under restraining order at the time. I'm thinking, there's no way. This is not a violation of his injunction against him. To come onto this website and openly talk about how the second his injunction is over, he's going to continue stalking this woman some more. Like, clearly that would be a violation. So I was thinking, how am I going to tell this woman that she needs to use evidence on the Kiwi farms against this guy to get him to fuck off? 0:15:10 Unknown_07: So, I looked into it, and this is what I came up with. Unknown_07: Or, how do I put this? Let me just read this post to you, and I think it'll make my past self, make myself clear. Yes, okay. 0:15:49 Unknown_07: I start off, some people are really fucking stupid. You may remember Andrew Carlson, or Tamar Lover, a weird guy from the hills of Virginia who was obsessed with a childhood love interest named Tamar, now legally Melinda Scott, on her 9th husband at the age of 29. Unknown_07: Despite having a restraining order against him by the time Andrew was posting on the forum, he outlined and detailed, intricate plans to continue contacting her the moment the order is up, as well as a 40-year plan to continue trying to make her love him. But, as I continue, Andrew isn't the biggest loser of this story. I was discussing with a few people if we should contact this Melinda Scott person and warn her that Andrew was surely violating his restraining order with evidence that could lead to a permanent injunction. As in usually restraining orders are a very heavy infringement on your personal rights as an individual to go about your business. So it's sort of like usually a restraining order lasts a very short time and then an injunction against you lasts maybe a couple months to a couple years. 0:16:29 Unknown_07: And then a permanent injunction is like you are obviously dangerous and if you fuck this up again ever in your life, we will put you in jail because you're a threat. So that's what I was talking about. 0:17:12 Unknown_07: But before I could do that, before we could email her, she emailed me and this is what she says. Unknown_07: Legal action will be taken against you from Melinda Scott W at Unknown_07: You currently have a blog post that uses my name, links to my business, and information regarding a stalker, she says. This is a formal notice to you that if you do not immediately remove all content regarding my name, you will be sued for slander, or as her husband likes to say, slander, co-conspiracy with a stalker, and damages. This is your only and final notice. Sincerely, Melinda Scott, TCO. I don't know what that means. 0:17:52 Unknown_07: Being the intellectual Ivy Tower businessman, entrepreneur, person with vague legal interests, this is my response. It's four in the fucking morning and my contact lenses aren't in and you can't even give me a fucking link to your bullshit thread. Maybe think before you go popping off at the mouth to some fucking guy over some internet bullshit. I'm not omnipotent, this is a forum with two million fucking posts. Unknown_07: So that was my response. Very, very formal and very nice, right? As I am. 0:18:26 Unknown_07: And she goes in reply, you're breaking the law, running a ridiculous blog, but you want to correct me? Maybe you should think, in all capital letters, before you go posting. The attached letter should clear things up for you. I made sure your corporate got a copy and they'll be hearing from me too on Monday. Well, who is the Kiwi Farms corporate? Who is that? Unknown_07: Oh, can I not open this in Firefox? Fuck off Firefox. Why are you so fucking useless? 0:18:59 Unknown_07: Can I show you Adobe Unknown_07: No BS that is the million-dollar question right now. Give me a second. I apologize window capture Adobe Adobe there. Unknown_07: Oh Sure as fuck is look at that big boy OBS game right now There we go Too fucking good at this 0:19:35 Unknown_07: Okay, this is the letter that she sent. Unknown_07: So this is from Melinda Scott via fax message to Agents and Corporations Incorporated at my home address, my former home address, sent via fax. Unknown_07: To the owners of Local LLC and Agents and Corporations Incorporated, you are listed by the Florida Division of Corporations as the owner of Unknown_07: On, you have an article which includes my name, information regarding my business. Unknown_07: and information regarding a stalker. This is a formal notice that unless you remove the Kiwi Farms article Andrew Peter Carlson slash Aniyah Carlson slash Tamar Lever dash Jewish slash Christian cult leader stalker ugly as fuck which contains my name Melinda Lay Scott I will be taking legal action against you For Slaughter, co-conspiracy to stalking and damages totaling $150,000. This is your final notice. Sincerely, Melinda Lee Scott. Signed with the Adobe Acrobat Automatic Signature Generator. Pretty heavy stuff. I should... 0:20:10 Unknown_07: I want to elaborate that Agents and Corporations Inc. is a LLC registrant company. So if you don't want to file the paperwork on your own, if you need an agent in the state, for instance, if you live out of the state sometimes, which I fucking do, if you need like a virtual office, Agents and Corporations Inc. is the owner of a company called IncNow. and IncNow is the registrant agent of Locale LLC. So she looked up who registered this company, saw that it was Agents and Corporations Inc, and just assumed that IncNow, a company that is owned by fucking lawyers and registers a thousand businesses a fucking day, owns Clearly a Ivy League intellectual. Very, very smart person, right? 0:21:08 Unknown_07: So we continue with our prior story. 0:21:42 Unknown_06: So I tell her, I would strongly advise you read this. Unknown_07: And I link to her to a guide, an article that I wrote, regarding how the site's legal, how we handle takedown notices, how we're protected by law, and how our procedures go. And in general, if anybody threatens me with a lawsuit, I do not ever do what they want to do. Never. It doesn't say that if you're nice to me in email that I might or I will, but if you threaten me with a lawsuit, it's just, it's over. I'm not helping you. So, first things first, I don't even have to reply to this letter. Your notice is not signed under penalty of perjury and was sent over email, so I don't have to care. I have no idea what you're referring to by corporate. This is me wondering what the fuck she's talking about with the owner company. 0:22:16 Unknown_07: And I tell her that I googled that number that she sent this to via fax, and it's inked down, which I explained is the company that incorporated us. I said, your notice in general is embarrassing. Your signature looks like you pulled it off one of those signature generators you can find on Google. Slander is spoken defamation. Liable is written defamation. Co-conspiracy to stalking is not a crime that exists. It's some shit you made up. You've also still managed not to include a URL, which is fucking incredible considering I specifically asked for one last time you sent me your dumb bullshit. At least this includes a title so I can theoretically find what thread the offending post belongs to, but I'd never know specifically what posts within the thread are slaughtering you. 0:22:51 Unknown_07: Second, on the subject of liability, the Kiwi Farms is a forum, not a blog. My posts belong under one account. The rest are owned by individuals. I explain that the law, as it is, says that people own their own posts, and unless I make the posts, that's an offense to her. She can't sue me for what other people are doing. 0:23:29 Unknown_07: And I said, third, regarding Andrew, prior to you sending me this pathetic, impertinent letter of grievance, I was asking my people within the forum how we could use the thread to help you protect yourself. Andrew has stringently laid out plans to ruin your life in public. There is communication between me and a more knowledgeable person regarding the situation, that's us talking about how, if we should email her, what to say. Unknown_07: And I finish off by saying, it's amazing how if you had taken 30 seconds to not be a fucking banshee, you'd have all the sympathy and help you'd need. But now I'm not doing shit for you, and nor am I obligated to. There is no law in the United States of America that prevents my website from having a real name on it. And God knows what he saw in you, because you're one dumb bitch." And that's referring to Andrew. 0:24:08 Unknown_07: And then I just tell her that she's not allowed to use my website, and I tell her to fuck off. So that is the gist of the buildup, the calm before the storm, the first signs of danger, right? Unknown_07: So surely they must have a good response to this, right? 0:24:49 Unknown_06: Here we go. Unknown_06: Actually, you know what, let me just open it in Media Player. Unknown_06: Hello everyone, I'm making a video response to Kiwi Farms and I would like for them to remove the thread that they have posted about the stalker with my wife and I's personal information on it. 0:25:25 Unknown_04: And I want to clarify that the emails and letters that were faxed were legal threats. Unknown_04: And if our personal information is not removed, and the untrue statements about me being violent is not removed, then we will pursue personal damages for $150,000. And also, all comments in regards to committing crimes that were posted on the comment threads will be used in court. So I know the stalker was on there running his mouth. 0:26:08 Unknown_04: And yes, I'm going to screenshot all of it and put it in a file. And if he does not stop his pursuit of stalking us, there will be legal repercussions as well. Unknown_04: That's all I have. Bye bye. Unknown_07: All right, so now we're getting serious. As you can tell, he's got the big boy sunglasses on. This means he's not fucking around. Unknown_07: There's another video that I definitely want to show you. I don't know why I didn't fucking save this one, because it's the best one. I'm gonna be really fucking butthurt if I can't get this video. 0:26:46 Unknown_06: Let me queue up this one while we wait for it. Unknown_07: Because I want you to, uh... Because she did eventually sue me, I should mention. Unknown_07: She did do it. The absolute madman actually went through with it. Unknown_07: Archive tomorrow. I curse my enemies. Oh man, if this video is somehow gone, I'm just gonna slit my throat. Unknown_07: I curse my enemies. Oh, I'm super butthurt. 0:27:20 Unknown_06: We're there, man. We're at the- Oh! Unknown_07: Fuck yeah! I'm so happy. Unknown_02: This video is for all my enemies out there. I can't believe I didn't download this one. Unknown_07: I'm such a dipshit. Unknown_07: uh... almost this is probably one of the best piece of media we've ever had generated specifically for the kiwi farms and everyone needs to watch it in its entirety right the fuck now this video is for all my enemies out there for all you people out there that have cursed my wife and I 0:28:05 Unknown_04: and for all you people that wish evil upon us and have slandered us. Unknown_07: If you're wondering why I'm using the word slandered, that's why, by the way. This video's for you. Unknown_04: Anyways, there's a lot of people out there trash-talking my wife and mocking my faith in Yahuwah. Unknown_04: And especially you, Joshua Moon. 0:28:40 Unknown_04: I curse you and all your followers and all your people over there that have spoke against my wife and I. I curse all of you in the name of Yahuwah that you die and that Yahuwah takes your life and that your insides rot with pestilence. Unknown_04: May you die. Unknown_04: for coming against Yahuwah's righteous and for the stalker I curse you in the name of Yahuwah that Yahuwah will take your life for your evil plots and for your adulterous thoughts for conspiring to kill me and 0:29:33 Unknown_04: conspiring against my wife. Unknown_04: May Yahuwah curse you and destroy you and take your life. Unknown_04: And I have complete confidence in Yahuwah that He will hear my call and give me justice. Unknown_04: For He loves His righteous and He hears their call and He protects His sheep. 0:30:06 Unknown_04: And... I'm battle-hardened. I've been through a lot of battles in my lifetime. Unknown_04: And Yahuwah gives me strength to crush all my enemies. Unknown_04: Then all my enemies fall. Unknown_04: And I destroy them. Unknown_04: Anyways... I hope you all die. In the name of Yahuwah, so be it. Unknown_07: Alright, you heard it here. Sorry, I should have given you guys a warning. You're all cursed to die from pestilence and internal hemorrhaging, apparently. 0:30:43 Unknown_07: Sorry, Yahweh wills it. Unknown_09: There is such a concept in Jewish law as any population, and under very, very specific circumstances, according to various rabbinic opinions, it would be seemingly permissible to kill children. 0:31:20 Unknown_07: I get fucked. Unknown_07: Okay. So. Unknown_07: You have now been cursed to die, even the children, under Taluminic... Sorry, I'm not on top of my Hebrew game today. Talmidic? Talmundic? Whatever. I'm a very terrible Jew. As a man who was chosen by God, I'm awful at this. Unknown_07: So, they did in fact, they did in fact file a lawsuit. I do not have a copy of that lawsuit because I was never served, but if you listen to Marshall Castreson, you would think that's not the case. 0:31:51 Unknown_06: Wait, shit, this is the wrong one. Unknown_06: You know, I was checking out what all those ass clowns on Kiwi Farms were saying about me. Unknown_04: And I heard something, well I read something that was hilarious. Unknown_04: Joshua Moon thinks I can't find him. Unknown_04: He thinks I don't know where he lives. Unknown_04: But he's putting information out there to try to throw people off saying he moved and yada yada yada. 0:32:42 Unknown_04: But it's only disinformation. You're served papers by a federal marshal. Unknown_04: that signed for it, meaning that you lived there. Unknown_04: Or they wouldn't have took our case from the get, because you have to prove that they were served. Unknown_04: So you can run your mouth all you want to and try to throw out disinformation, but I got your number, I know where you are. Unknown_04: So, go ahead, keep running your mouth, homeboy. Unknown_07: Keep running my mouth, I think I fucking will. Thank you very much. I don't need your fucking permission, but I will do exactly that. 0:33:16 Unknown_07: Here's what he's saying regarding that. Let's open up Firefox again. Unknown_07: And let me show you this lawsuit. Unknown_07: Because they did file it. They did indeed file it, but they gave- they had- okay, when you s- when you sue somebody's, uh, sue a pauper, I think is what it's called, sue a pauper, it basically just means that you're too fucking poor to afford your own lawsuit, but, uh, that shouldn't be necessarily a prohibiting factor in you being able to- to file a lawsuit. Should you have the gumption and an actual tort committed against you, anybody should be able to sue and reclaim- recover damages, right? So, in the event that you're too poor to sue, like because you're white trash from the Appalachian Mountains, you can have a sheriff do servicing for you. So he didn't need, as far as I know, have a sheriff in Escambia County visit my mom's house, and she signed for me, but she never gave me the paperwork. I don't know if she had to, Or if the sheriff just makes sure that the paperwork gets to that house. Now I never got it, so I never got serviced. 0:34:29 Unknown_07: But that didn't matter necessarily. Unknown_07: This is the actual lawsuit. Now I really love this because you'll see this page a lot on the Kiwi Farms. Mostly because this is the exact same site you go to when you want to look up Chris Chan being in trouble. So I really get nostalgic when I start seeing this page. Unknown_07: But as you can see, this is the actual lawsuit. There is no information whatsoever. There was one continuance, but at 930 a.m. on July 22nd, 2017, there was a hearing. And all I know is that it was dismissed. 0:35:02 Unknown_07: There was a motion for summary judgment sua sponte, which I think is the correct term. It basically means that the court itself files a motion, which is unusual. Usually it's one of the parties, but in the event that one of the parties doesn't show up and the lawsuit is completely spurious and has no basis in law, the judge might file a motion for the defendant saying this is bullshit and then It's thrown out which is exactly what happened here I won this without knowing that it happened until after it was over. No, I didn't attend court They did in fact, I think in one of them. 0:35:39 Unknown_07: I want to say in one of the next lawsuit spoiler alert There was a a witness called to the stand Unknown_07: But um, I don't know who or what they said or what happened but Spoiler alert they lost that one, too So let's just read this post She threatened to sue for I think that actually does say $150,000 somewhere on it. Oh, no, it doesn't it's just empty. Oh 0:36:28 Unknown_07: Uh, and she followed through, a blank docket, no compensation sought, no tort or crime listed, no service attempts made, no attorney listed, nothing. It's a blank piece of paper with a case number and my name and old address scribbled on it. I only found out about this on the 22nd, and I not have found out about it at all except that Andrew... That's right, our buddy Andrew happened to be looking up cases from her against him by searching her name and discovering she had been in more litigation since he last checked and forwarded it to me. 0:37:06 Unknown_07: Contacting the clerk of court today would reveal that the case was dropped. My suspicion is that the first continuance was the judge telling the plaintiff that she had to figure out what the fuck she was doing before it could continue, and the second date was her presenting a case that made no more sense than the first. Unknown_07: Motion for judgment, as that docket said, is short for motion for summary judgment, and basically what I just told you, it was thrown out automatically. Unknown_07: So congratulations, Melinda Scott, you lost a case against someone who wasn't there and didn't even know you were suing him. 0:37:42 Unknown_07: Andrew is also being sued separate separate case for damages done. He created a video archive. Unknown_07: From what I understand, it wasn't even a video archive. He just made a playlist on YouTube with some of her videos and she's claiming that because he made that YouTube playlist of her videos, she caused $40,000 of damages against her company that has never made any money. Unknown_07: So there you go. Unknown_07: Melinda Leigh Scott versus Joshua Connor Moon, Mark 1, 2017. Unknown_07: Absolutely nothing of consequence. Doesn't that suck, right? What a travesty. 0:38:17 Unknown_07: But they were not deterred. Isn't that like a Hillary Clinton thing? Unknown_07: But she persisted. But she persisted. Unknown_06: And how did she persist? Unknown_04: He's directed at Joshua Connor Moon, a publicly known neo-Nazi. Unknown_04: He owns a website called Kiwi Farms or Locals LLC. 0:38:54 Unknown_04: And his old profile picture, you know, he flew a Nazi flag. Unknown_04: And my wife and I are Jewish and we follow Torah and he's attacking us. He's anti-Semitic and he hates black people. Unknown_04: And he's victimized a lot of people out there. Unknown_04: And, you know, I'm going to respond by publicly exposing him as the coward Nazi he is. There's a lot of people out there who hates Nazis. Unknown_04: There's anti-fascist groups all over Florida where he lives. 0:39:33 Unknown_04: And, you know, there's a lot of African-American people who hate Nazis as well. Unknown_04: And he's a little fat. Unknown_04: you know, ugly, lives with his mama, you know, white supremacist, you know, who goes around trying to take advantage of and victimize people by humiliating them online. Unknown_04: Anyways, uh, him and his little minions are gloating because my wife's case got dismissed off technicality. Off technicality? Unknown_07: Let me- I'll explain what that means in a second. But, 0:40:11 Unknown_07: This isn't over. Unknown_04: It's just begun. Unknown_07: My name is not- So, laugh it up. What's important is what I'm going to do. Unknown_04: Something's coming your way. Unknown_07: I just fucking hate this world, and the human worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is cold, bitter hatred, and I have always wanted to die violently. 0:40:42 Unknown_07: All right, so what did he mean by technicality? The technicality is she didn't have a case. The case was dropped because she failed to make a claim. What that means is when you sue somebody, you have to say, this is the law I'm suing them under. And if you're suing someone without stating what law you're suing them under, you failed to make a claim. And that's the technicality. It's less of a technicality and more of the foundation of an entire fucking lawsuit. 0:41:17 Unknown_07: It's like saying the story wasn't published because of a technicality. The technicality being that there was no story, there was no plot, there was no structure, no characters. Unknown_07: That's what he's saying. Unknown_07: But wait, there is more. You might be wondering why he's calling me a Nazi. Well, lots of people call me a Nazi, but what's this guy's reason? Unknown_07: There was a time, not too long ago, where I had the Aryan man from this lovely poster for the man in the high castle as my avatar. And based solely off that, he has based this entire crusade against me and my Nazism. 0:42:00 Unknown_07: So if you're wondering where he got that from, that's where. Unknown_07: Shouldn't a Jew be good at law stuff, you'd think. He's a fake Jew, though. As a member of God's Chosen, he's clearly... Like, these Hebrew Roots people aren't Jewish. Unknown_07: Okay. So you might think, well, it kinda sounds like he's threatening me in that video. Unknown_07: Don't worry. He is. And he's very stupid. Unknown_04: How the fuck do you find this asshole, Joshua Connor Moon? 0:42:35 Unknown_04: For all those people that have beef with him and can't stand him, motherfucker. Unknown_04: And would like to get revenge for all the shit that that motherfucker... Do low-cows have beef? Unknown_04: So how the fuck can you find him? How did I find him? Unknown_04: Well, his website is a incorporation and he has an EIN number. He's a registered business. Unknown_04: kosher beef he's making money from your information and your photos and videos on there and we didn't give him fucking permission to do this shit and he's profiting off of it and uh he's making money check the uh business registries his business is listed 0:43:33 Unknown_04: He receives income for the information he puts out online. And this is proven. Unknown_04: And the address on there that's listed can be proven and has been verified by the US Marshals Service. He's trying to put out disinformation online saying that he don't live there anymore, but he lives there. He lives with his mama. He makes money, but who knows how much money he actually makes. And the funny thing is, is his little minions that follow him around. 0:44:09 Unknown_04: You know, they, you know, are idiots because they're just helping him make money. Unknown_04: You know, they're getting nothing in return while he's profiting off the dough. Unknown_04: And honestly, for the victims out there, you know, I think You know, everybody in the United States that has beef with him should consider suing him. To stay well fed. Who knows? Unknown_04: You know, honestly, you know, bankrupt the motherfucker. Unknown_07: Bankrupt me. Oh, Jesus. Whatever you do. Don't take my my dozens of dollars So what I really liked about that video because I you know besides the the Keno black and white and the Violating the the two-thirds rule right or the one-third so I don't fucking know words, right? But I really like that he says the intent of suing him would be to bankrupt him. It has nothing to do with getting justice for a crime. You don't want to do that. If you're suing somebody, you don't ever want to go on record and say, we're suing you specifically because we want to cause you damage, not get money back for a tort. 0:45:30 Unknown_07: You know, justice is about setting things back to where they were before a tort or a crime were committed. It's trying to equalize things when damage has been done. It's not about punishing people, per se. Unknown_07: it's about balancing things out especially in civil court so you don't want to say i'm trying to bankrupt you especially if your wife is the one doing the lawsuit because in law as far as i'm aware i could be completely wrong on this but if in the eyes of the law a wife and husband are a single thing usually Um, so that's a lot of people say that Bill and Hillary Clinton, for instance, are married because they can't be forced to testify against one another because they're married. That's a, that's a privilege that marriage gets you. But I imagine it working like this too, where if your husband says that you're suing somebody to make money and not to, to, you know, repair a damage that looks badly on your lawsuit. Not that it fucking matters. I'm not having to defend myself because this bitch is incompetent and everything she does just fails horribly. Right. 0:46:15 Unknown_07: Here is a follow-up video to that regarding the Nazism Going out to Kiwi Farms and to Joshua Moon, well, all you and your little minions are talking all this shit and honestly If someone attacks you for being a Nazi 0:47:03 Unknown_04: It's your own doing. You're the one who publicly exposed yourself as being a Nazi for flying the Nazi flag on your profile picture. So everybody could take screenshots, take photos that you're a publicly known Nazi on a public forum, which you publicly published yourself. I didn't make you do it. And if somebody attacks you, it's not on my regard. Unknown_04: All I'm doing is passing the information down. So if you get attacked, It's because you flew a Nazi flag and chose to attack Jews and to allow people that hate black people on your website. You know, can I just pause and say, this is the second fake Jew that I've seen. 0:47:43 Unknown_07: Like I didn't realize how many fake Jews we had on the Kiwi farms who immediately use their Judaism as like a shield to deflect criticism as being neo-Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda. Like you're not Semitic. You're not. You're like a Mexican in Virginia. You're not Semitic. I can't be anti-Semitic against you. I can be anti-burrito maybe, but that doesn't fucking make sense. I don't make fun of you for being a Mexican. I make fun of you for being a bumbling dipshit. 0:48:17 Unknown_04: Because you own the website, so you're therefore responsible for what happens on that website. So, it is your fault if anything happens to you. Unknown_04: You know, if somebody attacks you and you try to sue me, you know, mean I'm going to show everything in paperwork. And we pleaded for you to take my information down. So you don't want to take my information down, which I could be attacked for being a Jew. Unknown_04: So I'm going to expose you as a Nazi. There's more Nazi haters and Jew haters in this country. 0:48:52 Unknown_04: And that not, and the Jew haters in this country are a bunch of little coward bitches. Unknown_04: They don't do shit, they get their ass whooped whenever they have some Nazi rally, they get their ass whooped. So, you know, you wanna fuckin' start a war? Unknown_07: Alright, that's just where it cuts off, and I did not pause this tactically, that's just the final frame of the video, so enjoy that while I, uh, I saw some interesting comments. It says, uh, Midden Emery says, sounds like someone engaging in abusive process to me. We will just keep suing him in order to cause him damage. Just saying. Like, yeah, that's exactly what it is. That's abuse of process. He's harassing you now. Sue the shit out of him. 0:49:26 Unknown_07: And no, my dude Kiwi Farms is a non-profit charity. I have considered... I have literally considered re-reorganizing the Kiwi Farms into a church. Unknown_07: A church with a free speech doctrine. I think that would be fantastic. Unknown_07: if you press one if you would join my church and and contribute tax-exempt money to it no not 501c3 uh... i think it's 501c2 that's the churches something like that 0:50:06 Unknown_07: I see a seven. I see a lot of ones. I'll look into that. I'll deadass call a tax attorney and figure out how we can become a church. And I'll get and we'll make this happen. You all will be my apostles. Unknown_07: All right. Unknown_07: Let's watch. Okay. Let me before I, at some point after this video, I think at some point people like, uh, Hey, you're telling us basically that you're, you're assuming us to be a problem and not to make, uh, not to repair damages. Right? So you're an idiot and you're hurting your wife's case. If she does actually follow up with a, uh, another lawsuit. 0:50:48 Unknown_07: And after that, he starts doing this weird shit. And actually, I deleted a video that was, um, I think a duplicate of another video. I can't find that right now. Maybe this one. Yeah. Okay. Yes. He uploaded this video as you're seeing it now. 0:51:18 Unknown_07: But he re-uploaded it after deleting this other video, which is the exact same thing without the filter, without the Coach Keno effect to it. And he does that specifically because he's trying to hide his identity in the laziest dipshit fucking way possible because he knows he's hurting his own case, his wife's own case, right? So let's just listen to this. This is the exact same video, it's just without the filter. Unknown_04: You know, to all these people that are being harassed by this neo-Nazi bastard named Joshua Connor Moon, really though, this is some real talk. Unknown_04: All those people that are being harassed by this man, you know, who gives a fuck what these people say? You know, they're buffoons. Every person on that website is a loser who probably lives with his mama. 0:52:03 Unknown_04: and has probably been bullied in school. So they're trying to project their scars on other people because they themselves have been victimized and bullied because they're freaks and ugly motherfuckers. Unknown_07: Oh jeez, how offensive. 0:52:35 Unknown_04: Who gives a fuck what these losers have to say about anything? And honestly, You know, I don't give a fuck. I'm just having entertainment. You know, I could care less what these buffoons say about me. Unknown_07: Sounds like fucking Forrest Gump. Unknown_04: You know, it doesn't mean I'm gonna try to make money off of it, of course. Unknown_04: And you know what? Unknown_04: You know, they're mocking me because my wife's case got dismissed. Unknown_04: And they have no fucking idea what happened in court because Joshua Connor Moon didn't show up like a bitch made punk he is. 0:53:11 Unknown_04: And I was there. Unknown_04: The real reason why the case got dismissed was because we had a biased judge who didn't like a white woman being with a brown guy. I mentioned him being Mexican. Unknown_07: It wasn't clear to me at all what he was until after this. I don't know if he's Mexican. I think he might be Cuban. He's something. He's something. But he's actually claiming that the judge threw this retarded fucking case out because he was racist. And that's an important footnote. I'm glad he reminded me of that. a rural area. 0:53:44 Unknown_04: So, you know, I get fucking, you know, there's fucking neo-Nazis everywhere around this motherfucker. But they're all fucking bunch of cowards. Ain't none of them trying to do shit. You know what I mean? I'm from the motherfucking Bay Area, and we deal with motherfuckers like that. Unknown_04: And I tell you that right now, you know, I ain't no motherfuckin' punk. Unknown_04: Anybody who would fuckin' try to step on my toes, man, they get knocked the fuck out. Oh, jeez. Plain and simple, you know? 0:54:16 Unknown_04: And I'm very confident in my skills. Unknown_04: So, and I'm confident in who I am. So, you know, these fuckin' imbeciles on, they're a bunch of fuckin' loser bastards. Unknown_03: Loser? Unknown_04: Nerds who've been picked on and pissed on all their lives, so they're projecting their rage and anger on smaller people that they think they can get aroused out of. 0:54:48 Unknown_04: Honestly, they're not even worth my breath. I'm just doing it for entertainment purposes. And I'm going to make some money off of them. Because honestly, when I take that case and reopen it, Unknown_04: Oh, I really like this video in particular. Unknown_07: I mentioned the whole thing about the husband and wife being the same legal union, the same entity. This part of the video is just like, wow. If this lawsuit was ever actually a problem and I had to deal with it, this part is just beautiful. Thank you for making it absolutely perfectly clear that you and your wife are working in unison to try and cause financial damages instead of actually trying to get compensation for a real tort. Just beautiful. 0:55:21 Unknown_04: Joshua O'Connor Moon, we're not going to be south of the Dixie Line. Unknown_04: And we're going to go to a liberal area because, you know, honestly, you know, when I was in the courtroom, you know, you know, the judge was biased against my wife because she's with a brown guy. You know, the bailiff started fucking with me. 0:55:57 Unknown_04: You know, he's like, who is this guy? Because I'm wearing my stunners in the courtroom. You know what I mean? Where's he from? Oh, he's from fucking Los Angeles, San Francisco. Unknown_04: You know, so my wife put a, did an awesome job on the case. You know, and that imbecile, Unknown_07: She wrote it entirely in pencil, I think. I'm pretty sure she wrote it on like, high school notebook paper. I don't have the actual document, but I'm 100% sure that's what it was. 0:56:30 Unknown_04: Would be fried in court if the judge wasn't a racist biased himself. So anyways, that's all I got to say. Unknown_04: You know, I'm still waiting. Joshua, make a video. Unknown_04: Holy shit. Get off my ass. That's right. Unknown_04: You're a fucking buffoon, and I'm just gonna keep laughing at you. Unknown_07: I'm a buffoon. Alright, hold up. I'm actually... I'm trying to find this now, because it's very funny. This, uh... Oh, where's the writing where it's literally just scribbles? I'm such a dummy if I didn't archive this. It must be somewhere else in one of those, uh... 0:57:10 Unknown_07: Yeah, it has to be buried in a thread somewhere. Let me check one other place, and then I'll just show you a very funny thing, because this is before, this is before a paper I'm about to show you. Unknown_06: Yeah, unfortunately I don't have that. So we'll just look at this. Unknown_07: Make sure that Adobe Archivette's in the right thing, it show is, and bap, and this. 0:57:47 Unknown_07: Okay, I'll shrink this a little bit so you guys can see the full document. Perfect. Unknown_07: Okay, so United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia, Big Stone Gap Division. Melinda Scott plaintiff versus Wise County Commonwealth's attorney et al. Unknown_07: That's a big, that's a big old chunk of meat. At this point, she's not suing me. She's suing me as a co-defendant, not as the primary defendant. The primary defendant is the Attorney General of Wise County Commonwealth. That's a pretty big thing. She's suing a government official. Now what she's saying in the lawsuit is that the Attorney General has failed for various reasons to arraign me on cyber-stalking charges. And she is saying that he needs to arraign me, and she's suing him to force him to arraign me. Now, this is actually an interesting little case study, and we'll read what the judge, James P. Jones, appointed by Bill Clinton, I'm pretty sure, because he's a federal judge. She's suing him in district court. I'm pretty sure that's how it goes. He's an old guy. He's a Blue Dog Democrat and appointed by Bill Clinton. So he's not like some racist, right? 0:59:07 Unknown_07: He's a venerable judge, and this is what he has to say. So he's saying she doesn't have to pay anything for it because she's too poor. Unknown_07: In her complaint, the plaintiff alleges that she is the victim of cyber stalking. She requests the court to direct the state prosecutor in Wise County, Virginia to obtain the extradition of the alleged perpetrator and to order the United States Attorney for this district to prosecute the alleged perpetrator for interstate stalking in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2261A. The plaintiff asserts that her cause of action arises under the Victim's Right Act of 18 U.S.C. 3771. 0:59:40 Unknown_07: The judiciary does not have the authority to direct that persons be prosecuted for crime. State and federal prosecutors make such decisions. The Victims' Rights Act expressly provides, nothing in this chapter shall be construed to impair the prosecutorial, oh geez, trying to read legal documents is gonna kill me, the prosectional, 1:00:34 Unknown_07: Prosecutional discretion of the Attorney General or any officer under his direction. The Plaintiff also requests the Court to issue a restraining order directing that all online postings be published by a third party that are aimed at harassing the Plaintiff as a victim of cyberstalking to be removed. That section provides that a district court may issue a restraining order prohibiting harassment of a victim or witness in a federal criminal case. However, there is no federal criminal case existing at this time. Moreover, for such a restraining order to issue, specific facts must be alleged under oath showing that there are reasonable grounds to believe that harassment of an identified victim or witness in a federal criminal case exists. No such specific facts have been alleged. Finally, the plaintiff requests that her lawsuit be sealed. Sealing is the exception and not the rule, and no specific facts have been alleged that would justify sealing the case. 1:01:21 Unknown_07: For the foregoing reasons, it is ordered as follows. The application to proceed in district court without prepaying fees or costs is granted and The plaintiff's action is dismissed. The clerk shall close the case. Unknown_07: Basically what happened is she tried to force the government to extradite me to Virginia to be prosecuted under Virginia crimes. 1:02:03 Unknown_07: But nothing about that makes sense. The judge can't do that. Literally cannot do that. Unknown_07: It's up to the the prosecutor to try and do that. and everything she said was bullshit. Now this was the slam-dunk case that Marshall Kasserson was so gun-ho about. And I especially like the part about how she requested that her petition be sealed. So she essentially wanted me to be dragged to fucking Virginia under cyber-stalking laws without any paper trail saying that this has happened. Um, which might happen in the UK, not gonna happen in the United States. Sorry to say. Well, not really. It's a good thing that that's not the case. 1:02:37 Unknown_07: Um, and then there is a video follow-up to that. Oh, this is something he posted Coach Keno style that, uh, basically sums up my reaction to this, this whole lawsuit thing. Unknown_02: Um, this video is addressed... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA So good that's the Gucci stuff right there this needs to get remixed But wait there's more 1:03:40 Unknown_07: What if I told you that was not the end of it? What if I told you that was not the end of it? Unknown_07: You better believe it, because that wasn't the end of it. The reason why I decided to stream this is that, you know, all that shit I mentioned, these three different lawsuits, she filed again. At the beginning of the year, she filed again. And lost again. Let me bring that up, I do have a post talking about that. 1:04:23 Unknown_07: And this time, she sued me again for the third time in Virginia. Yahoo, I'll be praised. We have triumphed over the tides of darkness yet again without doing anything. Filed November 2nd, 2017 in the Wise County Circuit Court. Scott Melinda Proce versus Joshua Moon Proce directly. 1:04:59 Unknown_07: It did get to trial apparently. And then was dismissed. So she got to some kind of trial or hearing and it was automatically thrown the fuck out. Unknown_07: Uh, sucks to be you. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait But wait, but wait, there's more. She filed again, a year later, December 12th, 2018, Melinda Lay Scott versus Joshua Connor Moon, Mark 4. 1:05:37 Unknown_07: And that, and that is what we get up to today. Unknown_06: Let me bring it. Unknown_06: So no catch. Here we are. Unknown_06: So list, uh, where is it? Unknown_07: These are all the people she's suing. Now she's suing Andrew Carlson and me, uh, again, using the wrong fucking address, which helps a lot. 1:06:29 Unknown_07: Suing, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm going to skip all over this shit. I'll read this part. Statement of fact for first publication of defamatory statements. Unknown_07: We're talking about Carlson. Publication of private information talking about Carlson. Unknown_07: In March 2017, defendant Andrew Carlson published a video on YouTube that included the plaintiff's legal name. Unknown_07: and the legal names of her children. Within the same video, Andrew Carlson made allegations and statements relating to plaintiff's former and current marital status, including the legal name of her former and current legal spouses. 1:07:08 Unknown_07: In addition, Mr. Carlson made allegations and statements as to who the biological fathers of the plaintiff's children are. Now you'll notice, usually, like let's take a look at that other statement again. This one from the judge. So the judge is talking and whenever he says something, he usually cites a case or he cites a law, right? Unknown_07: That's what you're supposed to do even as the plaintiff. You're supposed to be saying he did this and here's the law and the case law backing up what I have to say. There is no no reference to any law whatsoever and remember I said in the second case it was dismissed because she failed to make a case or the first one she failed to make a case so she's not learned from that first that first oopsie. She's not yet managed to actually state this is the crime being committed. 1:07:54 Unknown_07: This is some other bullshit. Blah, blah, blah. Doxing is bad and illegal, which it's not. As we know, there's literally nothing wrong with doxing. Unknown_07: Still talking about Andrew Carlson. Unknown_07: Now, again, I've not read through all of this yet, because I wanted to keep it a secret. And we're only halfway through. So get ready for your sleepy time reading. Let me get some water. Unknown_07: Maybe I can spice this up by playing him laughing some more. 1:08:29 Unknown_07: The private information published on YouTube by Defendant Andrew Carlson was intercepted and seized by Defendant Joshua Moon, owner of a business called Local LLC. Between April 2016 and the present day, Joshua Moon has published for an international audience the legal name a plaintiff's legal spouse, the plaintiff's residential home address, the city of residence in which the plaintiff lives, and the county of residence that the plaintiff lives in. None of the aforementioned four bullets is a public knowledge for an international audience. Joshua Moon has published that his website gets millions of hits a day and is seen by thousands. Unknown_07: Those are some thick stats. Unknown_07: As of June 2018, Defendant Joshua Moon has also threatened to publish photos and names of her children on his business website, which I don't remember doing. 1:09:20 Unknown_07: Joshua Moon has obtained the home address of the plaintiff from Andrew Carlton. The plaintiff participates in an address confidentiality program, finally citing some kind of Virginia Code, but as we've established, I don't live in Virginia, so that doesn't mean a fucking thing. And her address is not a matter of international public record. The plaintiff's residential address can only be obtained by a search of her private papers, her residential lease, which is confidential, her medical records, which are confidential, Department of Social Service documents, which are confidential, Social Security documents, which are confidential, and her health record departments, which are confidential. She forgot to mention number seven, the Kiwi Farms, which is public record. 1:09:57 Unknown_07: The name of plaintiff's legal spouse can be obtained by a search for marriage certificate, which is not public, which I think is wrong. I'm pretty sure anybody can find a marriage certificate. Joshua Moon, owner of Locale LLC, has violated the plaintiff's Fourth Amendment rights by publishing information from her private papers and papers from courts not of record. Let's learn a little bit about the Constitution of the United States, just a little bit. I'm going to be smug. 1:10:32 Unknown_07: Fourth Amendment U.S. Unknown_07: And let's read what it says, because it's a very important amendment that you should know by heart. Unknown_07: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no warrant shall issue but upon probable cause supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. 1:11:11 Unknown_07: The Fourth Amendment is one of the best amendments in the entire Constitution. It's extremely important. It makes America a country that's not as shitty as the rest of the world. But the interesting thing about the Fourth Amendment is that it only applies to the government. This is a shield, a barrier between you and the government. Unknown_07: The government cannot raid your house unless they have a reason to basically Does not say Joshua Connor Moon can't publish your address on his website So get fucked bitch. That's all I gotta say get fucked 1:11:49 Unknown_07: defamatory publications. Additionally, defendant Joshua Moon published false statements about the plaintiff which have been read by an international audience. The false statements are 1. The plaintiff has had 9 husbands by 29, 2. The plaintiff has a list of husbands, 3. that the plaintiff committed sexual acts with an unnamed former landlord, four, that the plaintiff is a gigantic whore, in quotes, five, that the plaintiff is a kike, in quotes, and that the plaintiff changes husbands like she changes panties, quote. It's like a greatest hits page. I don't know what she's complaining about. That's fucking funny. 1:12:28 Unknown_07: Oh, women. Unknown_07: Defendant Joshua Moon has also published a headshot photo of the plaintiff falling on the floor outside of a boxing ring. The intent of the photo publication is to mock the plaintiff. Further, in June 2018, an administrative email address from Locale LLC sent the plaintiff an email stating that she had been doxxed with two exes on 1:13:06 Unknown_07: I just want to say that if it says doxxed in quotes with two x's, it didn't fucking come from me. Number two, I don't know who owns, but I think I've mentioned this before, I feel really fucking bad for them. Unknown_07: The implication of the email was that the private information of the plaintiff was going to be published on LowCal LLC and shared with their users. The information, the admin of LowCal LLC stated they were publishing public Unknown_07: Okay, this the information the admin of LLC's stated they were publishing public I think she left out a word public information for an international audience Okay, this this sentence is a fucking train wreck 1:13:53 Unknown_07: The, what I think she's trying to say, what I was publishing was public information, was the plaintiff's residential address. The admin also threatened to put plaintiff's children's name in the photo on the internet, namely on locale LC. She bullet points. Unknown_07: Bullet points this with one, as if there were multiple things that I threatened to publish, but there is no two. Unknown_07: Oh my, oh jeez. Unknown_07: No, I can read. Nigga, I can read fine. Read this shit with me. It's on the fucking, it is on the fucking thing. It is, it is a mess. I can't read this shit because it doesn't, it's not fucking written right. 1:14:35 Unknown_07: Although suits filed in circuit courts and general district courts are public, generally most people do not go searching for them with the intent of keeping track of private citizens. Bringing them to light for an international audience and thus disclosing the plaintiff's county of residence is an invasion of privacy. Defendant Joshua Moon published a sequential list of lawsuits that the plaintiff has been involved in in the past few years. Unknown_07: Again, not citing, as she should be, a law or case law or fucking anything saying that invasion of privacy is even a fucking crime. 1:15:16 Unknown_07: Malice. Defendant Joshua Moon committing these acts against the plaintiff with willful malice with the intent to embarrass, humiliate, and vilify the plaintiff. Lowell LLC publishes that their mission is to milk for amusement the stories and people they post about. In emails and online, Joshua Moon has used vulgar language toward the plaintiff. He has published statements labeling the plaintiff as a bitch, dumb, and stupid, and the dumbest person possibly ever. 1:15:49 Unknown_07: Defendant Joshua Moon has published cartoons to mock the plaintiff. Defendant Mr. Moon has spoke about the plaintiff online in a derogatory manner to cast the plaintiff in a negative light in front of an international audience. Unknown_07: The statements made about the plaintiff are misogynistic and anti-Semitic, seeking to vilify the plaintiff for having matriarchal elements in her family orientation as well as identifying with Jewish culture and religion. When I read that, the statements made about the plaintiff are misogynistic and often anti-Semitic. Always posted on the internet. Reminded me of that Fox News segment from years and years ago about 4chan. 1:16:24 Unknown_07: uh... further defendant joshua moon statements have aimed at casting the plaintiff in a negative light for her choice of spouse by linking the defamatory comments of newspapers and other information about her spouse the defendant mister moon seeks to portray the plaintiff's spouse as a violent woman beater which is untrue the portrayal of their marital association is an attempt to vilify the plaintiff for associating with her legal spouse we watched the video just today about him saying that he put hands on the plaintiff on his 1:17:02 Unknown_07: I called her the plaintiff on his ex-wife. Unknown_07: Like he said it, not me. Unknown_07: Now have fun in Virginia prison. Is Ralph gonna be my cellmate? Unknown_07: In violation of Fourth Amendment rights, Defendant Sherrod DeGrippo- What? Unknown_07: What? She didn't even- What? She didn't- What? Unknown_07: She didn't even list Sherrod in this. She didn't list him anywhere. What the fuck? 1:17:35 Unknown_07: Defendant Sherrod DeGrippo- Unknown_07: Defendant Sharon DeGriffo has acted with intentional malice. The article on Encyclopedia Dramatica has a photo that contains a picture of the plaintiff. The subtitle for the picture states that the plaintiff is a Jew or on her way to Auschwitz. The intent is anti-Semitic. The statement can also be considered as a death threat or a threat of conspiracy to murder the plaintiff and her spouse because they identify with Jewish religion and culture. The defendant's use of the term baby daddy is now Attempt to cash shame on the plaintiff for having for one Having matriarchal elements in her family to for not having an abortion or three not using birth control Ironically the defendant although a female herself as propelling misogyny against a person of her same gender class The intent of using the term baby daddy is to try to vilify the plaintiff for having matriarchal elements in her family orientation 1:18:08 Unknown_07: Um, besides Sherid not being listed in the fucking lawsuit as a defendant. 1:18:45 Unknown_07: Uh, if you don't know, Sherry DeGrippo has not been admin of Encyclopedia Germanica since like 2009. Like, she's been long gone. That is fucking incredible. Like, she's listing statements of fact against a person not in her lawsuit who hasn't been involved in the website she's suing for fucking years, and even if she still was the admin, wouldn't have anything to do with that article. Unknown_07: Oh, jeez. But wait, we're not even like a third of the way done. Unknown_07: Calls of action for all three defendants. She didn't list three defendants. Published private information on the plaintiffs without plaintiff's consent. She's using plaintiffs with an apostrophe implying possession when she means to say plaintiffs as a plural. But there's only one plaintiff. So it's wrong in every way possible. 1:19:25 Unknown_07: Without plaintiff's consent, none of the information published is of legitimate concern to the public, and none of the information published is privileged. By publishing private information from the plaintiff's private documents, they have deprived the plaintiff of the privileges of her Fourth Amendment rights, which we just established is fucking bullshit. In publishing her residential address, they have made the plaintiff lose the security of her house and persons. Their actions are an invasion of her privacy, and done with willful malice, the plaintiff retains the right to privacy in the public eye, including remaining anonymous to strangers, employers, landlords, and other persons generally including remaining anonymous to employers and landlords, that's not how it fucking works. 1:20:01 Unknown_07: Cause of action two, emotional distress. All three defendants have willfully published defamatory statements and the plaintiff's private information have subsequently caused the plaintiff to substantial emotional distress and grief more than the ordinary everyday upset. That's actually a quote, more than ordinary everyday upset. Unknown_07: I don't know if that's some kind of legal jargon or if that's just bullshit. I'm going with bullshit though. 1:20:44 Unknown_07: Oh, somebody sent me this one discord. I'll just take him aside real quick to, uh, uh, to show you guys what it is. Cause I want you to show once you guys to see what Marshall Casterson called a fantastic lawsuit that he was very proud of. Unknown_06: Wow. Unknown_06: There we go. Unknown_07: This is her well put together lawsuit that got dismissed without anybody answering it. 1:21:22 Unknown_07: Just an aside. Unknown_07: The publication of the plaintiff's minor children's biological parents is an insensitive move made by defendant Andrew Carlson to attack a fatherly bond between the plaintiff's legal spouse and her minor children. Defendant Andrew Carlson stated in his YouTube video that he would do whatever it takes to reunite them with their biological fathers. Ooh, what's that cod when you're taking care of somebody else's kids? 1:21:53 Unknown_07: I don't know. It's slipping me. Unknown_07: It's on the tip of my tongue. I can't think of it, though. Cause to action three, harm to reputation. Unknown_07: As of the filings of this pleading, the content published by Defendant Joshua Moon has been published for more than 550 days. Content published by Defendant Chirag Degrippo has been published for more than 365 days. Content published by Defendant Andrew Carlson remains on YouTube under a private link. The videos published by Mr. Carlson were published publicly for more than 30 days. 1:22:28 Unknown_07: Defendant Andrew Carlson has caused harm to reputation, the contents of his videos and websites have been intercepted by other American citizens who have furthered his defamatory statements and misogyny. Defendants Joshua Moon and Sherrod DeGrippo have caused harm to reputation. In April 2017, plaintiff issued one letter to Joshua Moon to cease and desist. In the earlier part of 2018, the plaintiff also contacted the Anti-Defamation League for assistance. The plaintiff was unable to remove the content by injunction in a state court. The plaintiff filed for civil action in a county court seeking injunctive relief against Kiwi Farms on May 2017. Unknown_07: The case was dismissed on grounds that the pleading, although originating in a general district court, did not allege every fact brought up in the circuit court hearing and two, under the state laws, the damages claimed are only speculation. Telephone and email requests for assistance from legal aid did not result in the ability of the plaintiff to appeal to a higher court. So she's using 1:23:20 Unknown_07: as evidence against me that she already tried this exact same shit in court and it was thrown out because it was bullshit. Unknown_07: In August 24, 2018, it became apparent that the articles online were causing more actual harm to the plaintiff's reputation when statements were made to her Unknown_07: when statements were made to her by neighbors demonstrating that the articles written by the defendants brought her under criticism and contempt. On August 24th, 2018, the plaintiff was told by a neighbor that she was a Hebrew pagan. 1:23:58 Unknown_07: The same neighbor stated that if she didn't like their treatment of her, she could leave because no one wanted her there because she goes around suing everyone. Unknown_07: The only way the neighbor had knowledge of many of the lawsuits the plaintiff has been involved in was through the efforts of Andrew Carlson and Locale LLC. The actions of all three defendants were done with malice and recklessness. Their ultimate intent was a misogynistic crusade with the goal of vilifying a woman because she had matriarchal elements in her family. All three defendants have caused the plaintiff to be seen in a negative light by others and in front of an international audience. The full scope of damage caused by the egregious nature of the written libel can be intrinsically understood and assumed. 1:24:37 Unknown_07: Again, this is written in handwriting. Plaintiff seeks the following relief, injunctive relief, ordering all three defendants from New York, Florida, and Michigan, I think, to remove permanently any and all internet content they have published regarding the plaintiff, her former or current marital relations, her children, and her residence from any and every internet media or website under their control. Special damages in the amount of $36,000 to pay for security cameras around her residence for a period of 10 years, payable by Joshua Moon and Andrew Carlson each $18,000. Damages in the amount of $80,000 for each defendant, a total of $240,000 to one, compensate for the deprivation of her Fourth Amendment rights harmed under reputation and emotional distress, And two, to punish the defendants for undue malicious conduct towards the plaintiff, 1:25:27 Unknown_07: Oh three, in an attempt to deter future light conduct, the plaintiff's request for punitive damages is to prevent a future breach of peace. 1:26:14 Unknown_07: Demand for jury trial no, signed the 14th day of November 2018. Unknown_07: All plaintiffs named in this caption are compliant, must state and sign. Unknown_07: This is just her information. Unknown_07: Tickin' some boxes. Oh, and she sent it by mail with little stamps. Isn't that cute? Unknown_07: Oh, here's, oh, jeez. Attachment what? Attachment one, plaintiff lives in Wise County, Virginia, and her residential address is whatever this is. Unknown_07: Due to an active protective order against defendant one, plaintiff requests that her one, county of residence, and two, residential address be hidden slash concealed from public records on and any mailings to third parties. 1:27:01 Unknown_07: Attachment number two, defendant number three, Sherrod DeGrippo. That's Sherrod's docs, I guess. Diversity of citizenship. I'm just talking about where people are from. Well, this might be the end. Unknown_07: It appears that at the current time, Unknown_07: This lawsuit lays the Kiwi farms low, and this is goodbye. I can't afford $300,000. Unknown_07: The best I can do is offer her half of Local LLC. And unless by some miracle the court had already dismissed this, 1:27:45 Unknown_07: Uh, which would never happen. We've seen that the court does not automatically dismiss every fucking thing that she ever sends to them. Uh, this might be the end. Oh wait, here it is. Unknown_07: Pro se litigant Melinda Scott has submitted an application to file a civil action without prepaying fees or costs. In her proposed action based on diversity jurisdiction, Scott claims of defamation, publication of private information in violation of the Fourth Amendment against Andrew Carlson, who allegedly created a website containing statements about Scott. Unknown_07: Joshua Moon, who operates an internet forum containing statements about Scott, and Sherb DeGrippo, who owns a wiki containing statements about Scott. While I will permit the filing of action without prepaying of fees and costs, I will dismiss it because Scott's allegations fail to state a claim on which relief may be granted for reasons discussed below. I haven't read this yet. I just said the first time when I pointed out she wasn't citing any fucking laws. 1:28:24 Unknown_07: that she would have it dismissed for failing to state a claim again. Not saying I'm basically a lawyer, because that would be illegal, but apparently I know my shit more than she does. Unknown_07: Let's continue. Unknown_07: This is Scott's eighth pro se case filed in this court within the last two years. All of them have been dismissed. A wiki is a website that users can collaboratively modify. Well, that's a great little footnote. Scott's complaint alleges the following facts. In December 2016, Scott discovered a website that Andrew Carlson had created containing a list of men with whom she allegedly had sexual relations. In March 2017, Carlson posted a video on YouTube that contained biographical information about Scott and her children, and allegations and questions about the paternity of her children. In that video and in others, Carlson also made statements falsely attributing sexual acts to Scott which are untrue, including a supposed sexual act with a former unnamed landlord, and allegations that Scott had been married more than twice. 1:29:50 Unknown_07: Carlson also created an image depicting Scott's head on a nude body. Unknown_07: That's creepy don't fucking do that Andrew. What the fuck is wrong with you? Scott asserts that Carlson obtained the biographical information about her family from a protective order issued by a Virginia State Court Joshua moon owns locale LLC a corporation that runs Kiwi farms and internet forums Scott asserts that moon published on Kiwi farms and Biographical information about her and her family, along with the statements that she had nine husbands but 29, has a list of husbands, has a sexual relations with a former landlord, is a gigantic whore, and a kike, and changes husbands like she changes panties. Scott asserts that Moon obtained information, who wrote this? 1:30:29 Unknown_07: Presiding Judge James P. Jones, my nigga James P. Jones, holy shit. This guy again, this guy knows this chick. Unknown_07: Hold up. Unknown_06: Can we, can we rise for the honorable, the honorable James Parker Jones? Unknown_07: My, my nigga. Look at this, this nigga don't take the shit. This nigga, this nigga knows. 1:31:03 Unknown_07: I think he was James Parker Jones was a is a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for Western District of Virginia and the judge of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. He is also a judge of the Alien Terrorist Removal Court. Holy fuck. Unknown_07: Holy fuck. This guy is is like a badass. What the fuck? 1:31:37 Unknown_07: Professional failed federal judicial jurist became a judge on the Western District of Virginia after President Bill Clinton nominated him on December 12 1995 Yeah, I'm getting the feeling that the Honorable Judge James Parker Jones is not fucking Is not fucking racist. I get the feeling that he's a straight shooter He has talks more people than we have Yeah, okay, keep in mind, this nigga is a fucking badass. As you read this, as I read this. Unknown_07: Let me feng shui my OBS a little bit. I gotta get this settled. Comfty. Unknown_07: Joshua Moon owns locale LLC a corporation that runs Kiwi farms and internet forum Scott asserts that moon published on Kiwi farms Biographical information about her and her family along the statements that he has nine husbands at 29 Has a list of husbands has had sexual relations with a former landlord is a gigantic whore and a kike and changes husbands like she changes panties Scott asserts that moon obtained information about her from Carlson 1:32:49 Unknown_07: Let's continue. Unknown_07: Thought Patrol. Sherry DeGrippo owns Encyclopedia Dramatica, a website that its users can collaboratively modify. Scott alleges that DeGrippo published on Encyclopedia Dramatica biographical information about her and her family, along with statements that Scott had sexual relations with a former landlord, has four baby daddies, is a horny Jewess, and is incestuous. I took down the picture of the judge way too soon. Unknown_07: Scott alleges that Agrippo obtained information about her from Carlson and Moon. 1:33:22 Unknown_07: Scott's complaint asserts claims of defamation, publication of private information, and violation of the Fourth Amendment against Carlson. It also asserts claims of defamation and violation of the Fourth Amendment against both Moon and Agrippo. Scott seeks an injunction ordering the removal of statements described above and monetary damages. Section 2, federal pleading standards require that a complaint contain a short and plain statement of the claim showing that the pleader is entitled to relief. In evaluating a complaint, the court accepts as true all well-pled facts and construes those facts in the light most favorable to the plaintiff. 1:34:01 Unknown_07: However, threadbare recitals of the elements of a cause of action supported by mere conclusory statements do not suffice. Unknown_07: A document filed pro se is to be liberally construed, but the court is not required to recognize or obscure or extravagant claims defying the most concerted efforts to unravel them. As to Scott's allegation of publication of private information against Carlson, she fails to state a claim on which relief may be granted because New York law contains no such cause of action. New York State does not recognize the common law tort of invasion of privacy except to the extent it comes within Civil Rights Law 50 and 51, which creates a cause of action in favor of any person whose name, portrait, or picture is used for advertising purposes or for trade without the plaintiff's consent. Scott has not alleged any facts that would support a cause of action under the Civil Rights Law subsection 50 and 51, and thus she fails to state a New York invasion of privacy complaint. 1:34:41 Unknown_07: As to Scott's allegations of Fourth Amendment violations against all defendants, she fails to state a claim on which relief may be granted because she has not alleged any governmental intrusion on her privacy. The Fourth Amendment cannot be translated into a general constitutional right to privacy. That amendment protects individual privacy against certain kinds of governmental intrusion. Scott's complaint alleges Fourth Amendment violations solely against private individuals, and thus she fails to state a constitutional invasion of privacy claim. Scott's allegations of defamation against all defendants also fail to state claims on which relief may be granted. Her allegations against Moon and DeGrippo fail because the Federal Communications Decency Act bars actions under any state or local law that is inconsistent with the terms of subsection 230. 1:35:27 Unknown_07: which establishes a general rule that providers of interactive computer services are liable only for speech that is properly attributable to them. They are not liable for enabling the unlawful content of others to be posted online. Scott's allegations of defamation against Moon and DeGrippo do not contain sufficient facts to attribute the statements on their interactive websites to them. Although the complaint asserts that Moon and DeGrippo published the statements, this merely recites an element of the cause of action without further factual support. Thus, although some of the statements may be otherwise defamatory, the complaint lacks facts sufficient to treat Moon and DeGrippo as the statement's publishers. 1:36:09 Unknown_07: Scott's allegations of defamation against Carlson also fails to state a claim. In New York, defamation is the injury to one's reputation, either by written expression, which is libel, or by oral expression, which is slander. The elements are a false statement published without privilege or authorization to a third party, constituting fault as judged by, at a minimum, a negligent standard, and it must either cause special harm or constitute defamation per se. 1:36:46 Unknown_07: Special harm is harm that causes the loss of something having economic or pecuniary value, and that stems directly from the harm to reputation. Unknown_07: Plaintiff suing in slander must plead special harm unless the statement falls into one of four categories of per se defamation. Statements that the plaintiff committed a crime, statements that tend to injure the plaintiff in his or her trade, business, or profession, statements that the plaintiff has contracted a loathsome disease or 1:37:29 Unknown_07: Statements that impute unchastity to a woman. That's a very strange exception. In contrast, a plaintiff suing in libel must plead special harm unless the statement tends to expose the plaintiff to public contempt, ridicule, aversion, or disgrace, or induce an evil opinion of him in the minds of right-thinking persons, and to deprive him of their friendly intercourse in society. Claims alleging libel and slander must be brought within one year of the statement's publication. 1:38:10 Unknown_07: Federal pleading standards require that plaintiffs specifically allege each act of defamation. Unknown_07: First, the December 2016 list of men with whom Scott allegedly had sexual relations in the March 2017 video containing statements questioning the paternity of Scott's children occurred more than a year prior to the commencement of this action, and thus the claims arising from them are barred by the statute of limitations. Unknown_07: In addition, the image depicting Scott's head on another body does not rise to the level of reputational harm required to show libel per se, and Scott does not plead special harm. Likewise, the statement that Scott has been married more than twice does not fall into one of the four categories showing slander per se. Remaining is Scott's allegation 1:38:48 Unknown_07: that within the March 2017 video and other videos, Carlson made statements falsely attributing sexual acts to Scott which are untrue, including supposed sexual acts with former unnamed landlord. This claim fails to satisfy the federal pleading requirements that Scott specifically alleged on each act of defamation in the time that each act occurred. Section 3, for the foregoing reasons, I will allow the filing of action without prepayment of fees and costs, but I will dismiss the complaint. A separate order it will be entered for with. Whew, that's my reading practice for today. 1:39:30 Unknown_07: Thought, thought status fucking patrolled. Unknown_06: My nigga. Unknown_06: Eat shit England. Unknown_06: Barb is dead. What? Unknown_06: This better not be bullshit. I'm never reading chat again. 1:40:14 Unknown_06: Yeah, you're all fucking retards. Fuck you. She's not dead. You cunts. Unknown_06: Okay. Unknown_06: RIP Boogie. He fell on Barb. Unknown_06: All right, I think that's all I can read for today. Well, that's the story. That is the story. 1:40:47 Unknown_07: Wait, are people? Unknown_07: I'm getting worried because lots of people are saying and I can't tell if they're just fucking assholes or what. Let me just check the board. Unknown_07: The board doesn't lie to me. Chat might. Unknown_07: Chris buys the treadmill in the last post. You guys are full of shit. I don't think Chris... Chris is buying a cha- uh... treadmill because his mom died. 1:41:23 Unknown_06: Everyone lies? I can believe that. Unknown_07: So that is the story of the lawsuits, of all four lawsuits. And let me show you, she mentioned specifically this, which I have to update now. If I go back to Firefox, you see this, you will lose your lawsuit thing with three different lawsuits that I summarized. I'm gonna have to add a fourth now, because she's fucked up four times. Unknown_07: So that's gonna be exciting. 1:41:55 Unknown_07: Let me check chat and see if there's anything not related to Barb being dead that I can read. Unknown_07: The Honorable Judge Parker has seen some shit. He's seen some really bad shit. He's in fucking terrorist courts and shit. Surely this will be the lawsuit that brings down the international terrorist organization known as Kiwi Farms. Maybe that's why he's getting these cases, because he's the anti-terrorist guy. Unknown_07: For fuck's sake footnote should appear on the page where they are referenced I know some judges who would kick them kick this due to bad formatting loan pro se or not That's true. She didn't do a very good job at making the effort to make her lawsuit legible Enclosed is a monetary sum to be allotted to legal defense of Joshua Connor moon phase contingent on him losing weight I can't lose weight. How am I gonna feed my bitches if I'm losing weight and shit? 1:42:39 Unknown_07: Clearly you didn't think this went through Unknown_07: Anything else Josh's IP comes from Jerusalem the punning design called defamation. Unknown_06: No, it does not Unknown_07: Yeah, she's every time she somebody's asking about how she's trying to get information sealed from public view She does this constantly like every lawsuit She's um, she's trying to ask that I get sealed preemptively, but they've never as far as I know They've never been answered. Like you just don't you can't do that in the United States You can't have your you can't sue somebody and then just like disappear your entire case Like that's not how it works People have the right to know what stupid shit you're up to 1:43:15 Unknown_06: BB died. Unknown_06: Shut up and give us more feeder tips. Unknown_07: Always go for Zaxby's. You know how fucking good Zaxby's is? Zaxby's is some fucking good chicken. Unknown_07: So that's my, that's feeder tip number three. If you want a bitch to get plump, you gotta get some Zaxby's chicken. 1:44:00 Unknown_06: Now, all the shit about Barb being dead, I looked it up. She's not dead. You guys are just being assholes. Unknown_06: Any questions from the audience? Unknown_06: Oh, you guys are idiots. Unknown_07: He got trolled and somebody put on his Twitter account that Barb had died. And now he put up this other video. 1:44:36 Unknown_07: Does she look dead to you, damn hacker? See, she's alive. Unknown_06: What do you got to say for yourself, Barb? Unknown_06: Hi, Mom. Unknown_01: Say something. Unknown_01: My name is Barbara Chandler. Are you dead right now? No. You're very much alive? Yes. How strong do you feel? Very strong. Good. Thank you. Unknown_07: See, there you go. Stop freaking out, people. She is alive, very alive, and she feels very strong. So there's nothing to be worried about. I have definitely not moved into Kris's house, and I am definitely not wearing Barb's skin as a suit. So this bullshit slaughtering that's going on right now needs to stop immediately. 1:45:09 Unknown_06: Sorry my skin suit was a little bit tight. Where are we? Anything else guys? Otherwise I'm going to call it quits. Call it quits. 1:45:51 Unknown_06: She looks pretty dead to me, she looks dead. Not the dead on the outside, she's mentally in the grave. Unknown_07: How do you feel about Ralph's impending implosion? I didn't realize that Ralph was impending an implosion. Unknown_07: I mean he's fat, but he's not like super massive and about to collapse and kill himself. Unknown_06: Like I'm probably fatter than Ralph at this point. 1:46:31 Unknown_06: Great stream? Okay. Unknown_07: Okay, I don't have an outro song picked out, so I'm just gonna go... I'm gonna make this my theme song. Because this is a fucking good-ass song. Yeah, I got it. I got an idea. I got an idea to end this one. Unknown_07: Fear not. Unknown_07: All right, take it easy. Remember, I got a Patterson at slash man at the internet. That's a great way to make it so I can get my computer back from America. It's on the way. Hopefully I can get it before Christmas. That'd be a great Christmas present. 1:47:02 Unknown_07: So yeah, if you like me talking to myself for two hours, definitely give me money. Thank you. Enemy eliminated And when he knocks you better You better let him in He's got his own way Of getting things done He's always looking out for number one And if you mess with him, you know you'll never win. He's an instigator, enemy, and liminator. And when he knocks, you better... You better let him in. He walks alone, under the big city lights. 1:48:57 Unknown_00: He always knows what he's doing.