0:00:00 Unknown_13: That wasn't it. There we go. Unknown_13: Fix this shit. 0:00:33 Unknown_35: Look around, tell me what do you see? All on a tick now, get like me It's a wrap by the count of three And it's all being filmed, don't shock TV Yeah, it's me, I'ma do my best To rip to your chest, mingle your flesh Jangle your neck, fatten my check I don't really care if I got your respect I just slaughtered, don't be bothered 0:01:11 Unknown_14: Ah, that was much better. I can't use that German song too much. People can get bored of it. This from Anarchy Reigns, it sure is. Unknown_14: Somebody send him the rabbi TikTok. Don't. Unknown_14: Please don't. Unknown_14: Also, at the request of literally everybody, I have worked on my audio a little bit. I've added a compressor to my microphone, so hopefully my mic does not blow out your eardrums at complete random. And I've also done the same to the audio. So hopefully when I drag in audio to OBS, it doesn't kill you. 0:01:44 Unknown_14: Alright, so, I don't know, I'm thinking, I'm pondering over what to go over. Unknown_14: Looks like Camroll doesn't- What? That's a tragesty. Unknown_14: Tragesty? I can't- That's a good sign. I've made it not five minutes into the stream before completely desecrating the fucking English language. Unknown_14: Okay, yeah, the fucking hamsters aren't working on the replay because I'm using Restream again, which doesn't have the emoticons from... 0:02:26 Unknown_14: From the fuck is it called? From stream.me. Unknown_14: I received 50 sparkles for my referral of two users. What the fuck? Unknown_22: Oh, I got sparkles now. That's cool. Unknown_22: All right, what was I talking about? Unknown_14: Oh, we've had some happenings. I've been alerted to happenings on the internet, as they frequently do. But as we wait for people to settle in and get their popcorn. 0:03:00 Unknown_14: And happy Hanukkah, by the way. Happy Hanukkah to Easy Peasy, who apparently is very unhappy with my appropriation of his holiday. But I'll have you know, I've had actual Jews vet my stream, and they can confirm that I am, in fact, Jewish. I'll just read that first. If you didn't watch the Beck stream, I would highly suggest you watch the Beck stream. But if you haven't, let's go to a follow-up on Beck. I'll read through some of this as we settle in for the long haul. 0:03:39 Unknown_22: Alright. Unknown_14: Since a hate site literally just made an entire video about how I'm faking being Jewish, can someone please remind me that I'm a valid Jewish convert? Unknown_14: And this is her usual stick. Whenever she wants, like, ass pats from people, she will ask people to validate her existence. So she's asking people, please, please remind me that I'm a valid Jewish convert. These people have literally made a video about how I'm faking Judaism and it's triggering my imposter syndrome. Okay. Sorry, can't answer everyone individually. So angry right now. Hey, cool. I didn't know this video was made by a Jewish person. That's cool. And that's referring to YouTube.com. Let's see. 0:04:12 Unknown_14: That is referring to the video description, which I will pull up right now. Unknown_14: Okay, for the fourth day of Hanukkah, we'll be looking at someone peculiar who is of my tribe. So as written, as written, I am officially, by the language of a Jewish convert, a member of the tribe. And easy peasy, your opinion does not matter. 0:04:54 Unknown_14: Get fucked. Unknown_14: I didn't want to say that for later. Unknown_14: There's my theme song for that video. Unknown_14: What I find funny is Jewish people aren't allowed to say Jewish converts. aren't jewish but there's a jewish person monologuing for an hour about me being a fake jew so hey welcome to my life as a jewish convert people feel comfortable making entire videos about how i don't belong in my own community why bother this is the part i like the most why bother changing my name why bother attending tourist study and shabbat services and lighting candles weekly i'll never be jewish nothing i do will change that why even bother 0:05:39 Unknown_14: I'm gonna unlock the call line easy peasy if you want to talk to me about you and I real quick Because I know you didn't see the actual stream But if you want to talk to me about this lady, I welcome you and that would be the time Because I have a question I have a genuine question that I I will save if you can if you can get on Unknown_14: but uh uh i thought i found a welcoming community clearly i don't y'all i don't i don't think i can do this anymore right now i just want to rip up my conversion and mikvah immersion certificates and tell the rabbi i'm sorry but he made a mistake and i won't be attending services anymore uh going to lie down for a bit thanks for everywhere everything folks with an x of course or full x if you prefer i'm going to play some octopath traveler to help tonight uh 0:06:28 Unknown_14: And then there's another update with her. She's just ranting and raving about how she's totally Jewish and people need to respect her. And also, she's a man now. According to the state of Florida... Wait, fuck. Unknown_14: According to the state of Florida, my name is Yonah Bex Gerber and my gender marker is non-binary suck-it transphobes. Unknown_14: And there it is. That's her court documents proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that Yonah Bex Gerber is now a non-binary person. According to... Oh, sorry, not Florida. She moved. She's in L.A. now. According to California, she's non-binary and named that. 0:07:03 Unknown_14: Suck it, transphobes. Victory. You're still crippled. You'll never make Aliyah. You'll never be Jewish. You'll never make it to Israel. But according to the state of California, you are non-binary and maybe also a carcinogen, depending on the FDA regulations at the time. Unknown_22: All right. 0:07:36 Unknown_22: All right, all right, all right. Unknown_14: I guess Easy Peasy couldn't get one. That's a shame. Let me know if you can. Because I do want to ask you that question. So that's that. I got rid of this. Unknown_22: Easy. Hey. Unknown_22: All right, yes, yes, I can. All right, let me make sure. Unknown_14: Actually, let me, hold up, hold up. I have to, I caught myself that time. I actually did it. I remembered to cut it on for people. All right, so my question is, 0:08:08 Unknown_14: Because I thought about this when I was reading it. That one particular tweet, I actually have to open it up again because I'm a fucking idiot. Unknown_09: I really like her avatar that has the long nose. Really getting into it. Unknown_14: I thought you were going to say literally anything else about that avatar, about how it's visually appalling in every sense of the word. Unknown_09: Yeah, artistically it's a pile of crap, obviously. 0:08:42 Unknown_14: Oh, actually, I'll have to open that one up, too, because that one's fucking funny. There is a... God, where the fuck is it? It's the part where she's like... Because it's literally the video I made. She says it's a Jewish person who made it, so therefore she's not welcomed by the Jewish community. But then she says something like, I'm going to tear up my oaths and I'm going to tell the rabbi I can't attend. Like, you know, I can't imagine that in any other context. Like in the military, like if you're going through boot camp and somebody says that you're like a fat ass, you're not going to do a good job in the army. So you're like, I'm just going to tear up my oath and I'm going to fucking desert. Because obviously, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, drill sergeant, but I can't go through with this. People are making fun of me. I don't think that would go over well. 0:09:19 Unknown_09: I don't think her rabbi would even care. Is the rabbi an outreach program? Is she not going to show up and she's going to get a call from a rabbi like I get a call from the gym when I don't show up for like a week? He doesn't give a fuck. Unknown_14: What is that thing she talked about? Not the Shabbat. The Mikvah immersion certificate. What's that? Unknown_09: Okay, I didn't know they were doing a... They're giving out fucking certificates, but there's a custom in Judaism where you're supposed to... It's sort of like a Jewish baptism, but not exactly. Once in a while, you need to bathe in the Mikvah. And the Mikvah is basically a place to collect I think rainwater. I'm not very up to date on the religion, but women are supposed to dip in the collected rainwater to, I don't know, purify themselves or something like that. That's basically it. So I guess the Jews in America get like a certificate, like a participation trophy for dipping in the rainwater. Yeah. 0:10:39 Unknown_14: That's actually really funny. Unknown_14: I'm just imagining her in her room with my video playing and my squeaky-ass fucking voice over the speakers while she's tearing up these fucking rainwater certificates and throwing the pieces over. Unknown_09: I'm imagining her watching it, and she has it like... framed on a wall and it's a piece of like 4a printer paper that they have like at the meet but just you know click he writes her name and he clicks the button and just kind of goes like the printer noises and just hands it over to her she prints it on prints it out puts it on the wall 0:11:14 Unknown_09: You don't need a fucking certificate. Just dip in the rainwater. What the fuck is a Mikva certificate? Unknown_14: Somebody's suggesting that it's the blood of Goy children. Is there any truth to this? Unknown_09: Look, I can't confirm or deny. You know I can't answer these questions. That's privileged information. Unknown_14: I can't say anything about that. Unknown_09: No one gets... Unknown_09: a Mikva certificate here. Literally, in America, you guys are so fake Jews. You're so shit. You need a fucking piece of paper to prove you're Jewish. No one gets a fucking certificate here. I don't walk around with my ID and a little laminated plastic card that says, this guy got circumcised. 0:11:48 Unknown_09: I like the hashtag fake Jews. Unknown_14: I just imagine... What's Trump's daughter's name? I forgot. Unknown_09: Ivanka's his wife. Ivanka, that's it. Unknown_14: No, no, Ivana is... Ivana is the wife. Ivanka is the daughter. I just imagine President Ivanka Trump pointing at somebody in the audience and going, you are fake Jews. Yeah. Unknown_14: I bet Ivanka Trump has a fucking Mikva immersion certificate plated in gold. 0:12:30 Unknown_09: Disgusting. Unknown_14: Disgusting. Unknown_09: Unacceptable. Unknown_09: You can't get a fucking Judaism certificate. Look, you need some things. You need some people to die in the Holocaust from your family. You need to get some of your skin cut off. It doesn't work like that. You don't get a piece of paper. You need to live with some really annoying people that judge you about everything for no reason. I was looking for clips of Jewish shit to play during my Hanukkah streams. Unknown_14: And one of the things I was tempted to play was a clip from the Rugrats. Because you know the Rugrats, Tommy was Jewish. And they had some Jewish holiday specials. The only other Jewish holiday specials I know of besides Adam Sandler movies. 0:13:02 Unknown_14: And I was surprised to learn that in one of their flashbacks where the babies are like in biblical times, there's a store that has like, is it Yiddish or Hebrew, the writing? Yeah. But they have it written, and then there's a little sign in English that says cut rate prices or something. And apparently the store is called, it just says circumcisions in Hebrew, and the sign says cut rate prices. So that's like a little baby dick snipping joke that the Rugrats snuck into the show. Beautiful. 0:13:36 Unknown_09: Beautiful, beautiful stuff. Fuck. Unknown_09: God, I hate Judaism and being Jewish. Unknown_14: Why are you a self-hating Jew? That sounds like a... You all are. What? Unknown_09: Have you ever met any... How can you not hate... Say it again, you cut out. Unknown_09: Have you met any Jews? Like, how can you not hate us? I'm stuck with Jews all day long. Even when I'm alone in a room, I'm stuck with a Jew. Of course I hate Jews. Jews are annoying. 0:14:12 Unknown_14: Is Jewish hell being stuck in a room with Bex doing mikvah together? Unknown_09: Can you imagine her naked? Disgusting. Unknown_14: I can, because she has nudes on the forum. Just a heads up. Horrible. Horrifying. Don't show them to me. I don't want to know. She has this permanently plastered, very sad puppy face, and she's being led around on a leash by, I guess, her husband. And this was quite a few years ago. She's not as bad looking as I imagined she would look today. Is her husband also Jewish? No. I don't know if he converted. Her husband's a cuck. She's polyamorous. 0:14:45 Unknown_08: So he's a shiksa. Unknown_14: A shiksa. He's a male shiksa. A goy husband? Unknown_09: Yeah, a shiksa is a Gentile woman. We're learning Hebrew today, Chet. Yeah, for a bitch. A shiksa is our nickname for a Gentile woman who is unpure. 0:15:18 Unknown_09: You don't spend your time with the Schicksals. Unknown_14: What do Jews call each other? Because there's Goy and Gentile, but what do you call each other? Unknown_14: Jew, I guess. Unknown_09: We don't need a special name. You're in the out group. You need a nickname. We don't. We're human. Unknown_09: You have souls. Unknown_14: Actually, let me find this tweet. Unknown_09: I have several souls. Unknown_14: I stole a lot of them. There's a reply to this tweet rant where it says something from Ben Kasterner Frenchman. 0:15:53 Unknown_14: Kabbalah says that when two Jewish people sleep together, they create a Jewish soul, even if they don't create a baby. These extra souls are how you get converts, Jewish souls and non-Jewish bodies. It's all very mystical, but the message is clear, exclamation point. So I like the implication from the Kabbalah that apparently non-Jews do not have souls until some fucking frigid Jewish couple somewhere knocks one out. And at the time you convert, then you get their fucking aborted soul offspring. Unknown_09: Yeah. When a Jew masturbates, that's where gingers come from. 0:16:30 Unknown_14: There'd be a lot more fucking gingers then. Unknown_09: Yeah, good point. Unknown_14: Maybe the potatoes get the souls. Unknown_09: Yeah. Unknown_09: You know, this is an interesting thing. You know why the Irish is the only country that has never expelled the Jews? Unknown_14: Ireland has never expelled, because nobody, no Jews go there. Unknown_09: Yeah, because they never let them in in the first place. And just for the record, that's a quote from James Joyce's Ulysses. That's something that's in Ulysses. 0:17:03 Unknown_14: I'm reminded of playing Crusader Kings 2 and trying to convert all of Ireland to Judaism by marrying merchants in the courthouse strategically to convert the entire island to a Jewish kingdom. It did not work out well. Everybody declares war on you and invades you, by the way, in case you're wondering. Unknown_09: well i mean it kind of worked out great anyway like half of the country is ginger no souls half the country is jewish no souls how you'd create more door basically you mean no souls i thought jews were the jews jew fucking was the only source of souls in the world yeah but we create souls we don't have them you just you just we create them so we can harvest them later no you create them so you can bank them with interest rate and loan them out unsustainable rates uh to the goy 0:17:52 Unknown_09: Yeah, you know, you give someone a soul. I tell him, listen, you can pay me back whenever you want to, but if he doesn't pay me back, some people are going to show up at his house. They're going to repossess the soul. If you want to get into heaven, you got to make sure you have this soul. Unknown_14: This is a genuine certified. Unknown_09: Yeah, if you have no soul, what are you going to do? You got to have a soul. Unknown_14: It has the name of the Jewish couple that fucked and successfully procreate for that soul. Unknown_09: Listen, I'll give you a discount. 0:18:27 Unknown_09: Just so you know. A discount. Unknown_14: A friend's discount. Unknown_09: We're friends. We're friends. I'll give you like 10% off. Unknown_14: Since you're here, I might as well speak of other Jewish tricks that are happening in the current world. Unknown_09: What have we done this time? Unknown_14: Why did you show Sargon's Patreon? What is the thought process for this? Unknown_09: Well, he wasn't sharing the gold. Unknown_09: He wasn't sharing the gold. You got to pay your protection fees. And he didn't do it. So that's what happened to Jesus too. 0:18:58 Unknown_14: Do you know what? Vice did an article on this already. And you know how they describe Sargon? Unknown_09: Please share with me. Unknown_14: They called him a conspiracy theorist, a far-right conspiracy theorist on YouTube. Unknown_09: Well, he is a conspiracy theorist. I mean, he's less into conspiracies now, but back in the day, he was a 9-11 truther. Unknown_09: Well, I was only informed of that after the fact. Unknown_14: What's his 9-11 truth? That the government did it? 0:19:33 Unknown_14: Yeah, I think so. That's true, though. Unknown_09: No, excuse me, that's completely not true. The Jews did it. I've excited for information. Unknown_14: We fucking, we trained them. The CIA trained these motherfuckers, and they blow up our towers. And we knew ahead of time that there was going to be a plane-related attack involving the World Trade Centers, and somehow we didn't manage to prevent it. Unknown_09: By the way, interesting fact about that. I read a book. Unknown_09: I don't remember what it's called. It's about Gregory Scarpa and his father. They were very famous gangsters. So the father died, the son went to prison, and while the son was in prison, to get his sentence reduced, he snitched on some Muslims, and he found out they were going to do a terrorist attack. So he passes this information over to the CIA. Oh, yeah, specifically the exact terrorist attack that actually happened. Yeah, no, he first passed the information about a first terrorist attack, and they didn't do anything, and the terrorist attack happened. Then he found out about 9-11. He told them, listen, guys, this happened. This is about to happen. I was right the first time. I'm right the second time. They're about to crash a plane into the fucking Twin Towers, and they didn't do anything, and of course it happened, and now they're keeping him in jail to make sure that story doesn't get out. 0:20:39 Unknown_14: Yeah, no. It's not a conspiracy theory. The government was intentionally negligent with how they handled 9-11. And I can only assume because they wanted to get into war. I have a feeling they're just incompetent. Unknown_09: That's my guess. I used to think that. Unknown_14: That used to be the line of thought. It's like, George Bush is so fucking stupid. How could he be the mastermind behind a plot? And then you just realize, oh, they intentionally put the dumbest motherfucker possible up as president so that everything that happens is a benefit of a doubt and incompetence. 0:21:10 Unknown_14: But no, I see through the games. And I guess now I'm going to get fucking kicked off Patreon because I'm a conspiracy theorist. Unknown_08: Yeah. Unknown_14: What's sad is that there's a very high probability that this sudden departure had something to do with... There's one of two ways to go about it. A lot of people are blaming just like UKIP and wanting to suppress UKIP. But if that's the case, why didn't they go for Dankula first? Maybe because Dankula is more personable. He's had less retarded shit happen in recent history. 0:21:46 Unknown_14: or it's because of the fighting between, you know, Ralph's people and his people. I really can't tell. And it's scary to me, because I briefly talked to Ralph's people in their Discord, and they were like, oh, it's karma, you know, you can't guilt us when laughing at this. And then I'm like, you realize that Jim and Ralph are probably going to get kicked off before the end of the year. And their response to that was basically just like, oh, we know that's coming anyway, so who cares? 0:22:30 Unknown_09: they're not wrong i mean it is it could have happened like a year down the road but now you're gonna you're gonna number one you're gonna legitimize it like without this they would have they'd have to find some other reason but not anymore i i'm not i'm not following who's they for for ralph uh patreon but for ralph i mean ralph is fucked but medicare i mean he didn't do anything particularly bad Unknown_14: No, not really. So, I mean, with Ralph, yeah, Ralph is only a matter of time. Probably hours. Like, if it happened in the next 12 hours, I would not be surprised. 0:23:06 Unknown_14: But with Jim, like, the back and forth, the shit about his kid, his dead baby, rest in peace. Didn't get a soul from the Jewish couple fucking in Israel. Unknown_09: Well, Stargon should have shared some of the money. Unknown_14: It almost makes me wonder if Jim's been silent the last few weeks simply because he knows that this shit's happening. And if he's not making videos, he can't get in trouble. Like, I'm wondering if that's the line of logic. Unknown_09: No, I think he's just lazy. I think he's just lazy. It doesn't feel like doing anything. He may not be doing streams because he knows Sargon and all his friends are waiting for him to do a stream to report him. That might be the reason. But there's a good chance he just doesn't care. He takes long breaks. He's busy playing new video games. He's probably playing Red Dead Redemption right now. That's probably what's going on here. 0:23:40 Unknown_09: Yeah, I don't know. But no, so the theory... So basically, there's a big purge going on on Patreon, and Sargon is blaming Ralph and his friends for reporting him, which... Is he? I doubt... Ralph definitely didn't do it. Maybe the people who watch him did, but he didn't tell them to do it. No, of course. And if they did... Well, they probably did because Sargon himself was trying to contact his ISP. He was trying to... Well, I'll throw this up on OBI so people can see. 0:24:17 Unknown_14: This is what Ralph retweeted. And it's basically just Sargon saying LOL to, I guess, a screenshot of him personally reporting Jim's Twitter and getting him suspended for a week or so. Unknown_09: Yeah. No, Jim got suspended. Sargon... 0:24:49 Unknown_09: had tried to get him suspended. Well, this account, which claims to be Sargon, which might be or not be him, which Sargon says is him. It's probably him. I think at first it was someone else. Well, that's my guess. Never mind. Scroll down to the comments. Oh, that's just a screenshot. Oh, that's just a screenshot. Never mind. Okay. There's a comment from me also saying lol. Oh. Unknown_08: Yeah, that's what I wanted to share. Unknown_09: Okay, so basically what I'm saying is... So, Sarkhan is essentially asking for it. Like, from day one. Like, people made fun of him, and he keeps escalating the situation. And then... He goes too far, then people do to him what he does to other people, or something just happens to him and he blames unrelated people for it. 0:25:20 Unknown_14: That's my thing, though. That's my hang-up. And that's why when people were all happy about it and shit in Ralph's Discord, it reminded me of this. This quote, which I guess now is a passe. It's a pseudo-intellectual thing to bring up because it's so passe. But I'm just thinking of this from Voltaire. I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. I've never tried to remove Vordrak shit from the internet. I've never once asked you to edit my fucking ED article. I just think people should be able to say literally anything that they want. And I don't think that there should be financial penalties for it. 0:25:53 Unknown_09: well I agree but that's not the point the point is that Sargon started it Sargon blamed other people for starting it even though they didn't then he did it Unknown_09: saying that his justification is that they did it first. I'm not saying he's not a faggot for it. 0:26:29 Unknown_14: I believe that as far as just desserts go, yeah, he probably deserves to eat shit. Unknown_09: I'm not supporting what happened. I'm just saying Ralph almost definitely didn't do it. Ralph isn't responsible for the fact that his audience does it because I know his audience. Even if he told them not to do it, they would still do it. My audience, if I tell them not to go fuck with someone, They will still fuck with them. Like, I can't stop them. When I watch someone else's videos and they tell me, hey, I'm making fun of this guy, but please don't go harass him. I'm going to go harass him. Unknown_14: I literally do not want to drive people away. 0:27:07 Unknown_14: If I say don't harass him, they really mean it. Unknown_14: It's just... Unknown_14: I think things that are funnier when they're unmoved by the outside. And people are saying, well, I'm not going to give him sympathy because he's an asshole. I'm not asking for your sympathy. I'm just saying that as far as precedent goes, as far as logic goes, it's illogical to want this. Because there is no difference in my mind to far-left authoritarianism and far-right authoritarianism. If you want somebody to be crushed because they disagree with you, it doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum you're on, you are in the wrong. 0:27:41 Unknown_09: I'm not saying I support it or like it. I'm just saying it's funny. Like, you know, a person gets hit by a car and flies like 60 feet off a bridge. And it's a funny video. I'm not saying we should hit more people with cars, but, you know, it already happened. Me not laughing at it is not going to change it. Unknown_14: And see, like, even people on stream.me, like, listen to it right now. Like, making fun of it. Oh, it's the horseshoe. It's the horseshoe. You're being a logic cock. Like, no. That's literally... A logic cock? That's literally what it is. You don't want people to be censored. If you really want this, if you really, really want this, I beg of you to think about what you're asking for, because you will get it. And I'm gonna... Yeah, no. I'm gonna play something from Styx. You can... 0:28:13 Unknown_09: oh god no please don't it's just a couple seconds because he really does he sums it up perfectly and like it was something that even I hadn't considered regarding this and I've had a lot of fucking time to think about this oh let me find it real quick it was Unknown_09: You know, before you play it, just let me say this. I've made like one or two videos about the topic of YouTube banning everyone. And what I said in the first one is, you know, you asked for censorship, you got it. Everyone was crying about everyone. Like, you know, they were crying about the prank channels. They were crying about the children's cartoons channels. They were crying about like all sorts of dumb scams to get money on YouTube. And now they're all getting censored. They asked for it. Am I muted? No. No. And in the second video, I was talking about the whole Logan Paul thing, and my message there was stop snitching. If you all go around reporting everyone you don't like, it's not going to get YouTube to just ban the person you reported because they like Jake and Logan Paul. They're golden boys. They might give them a slap on the wrist, and then they'll use it as a justification to censor and ban everyone else. 0:29:26 Unknown_14: Don't get sucked into the temptation – Unknown_09: of reporting people you don't like because all that's going to lead to is more people just getting banned it's basically youtube is going to go hey listen these guys are asking for it i guess i can ban everyone now yeah let me let me play this and it goes along the same lines it's uh it's pretty Unknown_11: They've formed a situation in which they have gone after primarily the right wing. Ah, but it's just a ruse because they're hoping that eventually the right will call for censorship. They'll actually be aboard with the whole plan as long as it's also aimed at the left wing. And then once they crush those fringes so-called, which now apparently doesn't even involve individuals that are truly fringe at all and haven't done anything wrong or unconscionable or illegal, anything that could... cause harm. Yes, Sargon, I'm sure, Sargon goes around with a Klan hood all its fucking time in private, dude. They've gone from that. They will slowly grind their way in towards the middle, normalize censorship, and lay waste to all independent commentary. They don't want an alt-media. Because it's out-competing the legacy media. They don't want alternative politics. Left, right, center. No, no, no. They don't give a fuck what the alternative politics are, but they don't want it to take hold. Because they're comfy. They're comfy and corrupt and extremely rich and very powerful. And that's what we're fighting. And yet we've got a creator community. People still fight one another. Yes, I don't care. You know, Maul knew. I think, didn't he sell a bunch of Bitcoin? He's probably got a million bucks. He's considered impoverished next to the people that are generating these outrage mobs. 0:30:33 Unknown_14: I think that's the gist of it. Let me undefin myself. But what he says, if you didn't hear it, is... I've seen this clip before. 0:31:05 Unknown_09: His gist is that what they want is... If you don't remember, before Donald Trump came along, before he saved us, the top political speculators were saying that the 2016 election was going to be... Do you remember who? Unknown_14: Hillary versus... No, wait. Unknown_09: Versus... Not Bernie. It wasn't Bernie. Oh, Jeb. 0:31:37 Unknown_14: Jeb. It was going to be Bush v. Clinton 2016. That was the speculation. And that was because for the last 26 fucking years... People were like zombies. They were completely submerged in this perfected, you know, like hedge-trimmed idea of what politics was. And if it hadn't been for Trump and it hadn't been for crazy fucking people on the Internet screaming at the top of their lungs, it would have been Bush v. Clinton 2016. 0:32:10 Unknown_14: And I would have fucking killed myself if it was Bush v. Clinton. Unknown_09: That would have been disastrous. I can't imagine anything worse, anything more disgusting. Unknown_14: If that had happened, I would have completely lost any hope whatsoever in the United States. I would have left and expatriated and burned my fucking passport by 2017. Unknown_09: I want American politics to go back to the days of my favorite American president, Andrew fucking Jackson. You know, you get into an argument with someone, you shoot. Another state pisses you off, you invade them. Why not? Unknown_09: A man and wife... Unknown_09: Get angry at you. They say something wrong. You shoot the man. You shoot your own vice president. Just have some fun. Can you imagine a good Texas invasion of California? Oh, man, that would be beautiful. But they would have to first invade half of their own state. 0:32:44 Unknown_14: Eh, that's fine. We'll just march through Arizona and New Mexico. Nobody will mind. Unknown_09: But one thing I don't agree with Styx, I've seen this clip before, and he said something similar in a video when he was talking about the whole Sargon-Jim situation, is that he's like, why can't we all get along? We're all in this together. And one thing he doesn't get is that we're not in this together. Like, Jim's side, and Sargon doesn't get this either, don't want to be part of Sargon's political campaign. They're not interested in following to the tune of his flute and helping him save the West. They just want to fuck around and get a reaction. In World War II, when Japan invaded China, there was an ongoing civil war between Mao Zedong's Peasants Army and the Kuomintang Republic of China Army. 0:33:49 Unknown_14: And when Japan invaded and they're like, oh shit, they just took over all of Manchuria. We got to defend. We got to do something about this. They formed the Chinese United Front with the sole goal of fucking killing the Japanese. Except, you know, Mao Zedong stabbed the Kuomintang in the back. They let them do everything and then killed them once they were defeated already. Unknown_14: But it's like, you know, you can have your nice little argument and shit. But when people are coming after everybody's livelihood, you got to do something about it. Because they'll come after you next. Unknown_14: And Dankula said something really, really poignant as well. 0:34:25 Unknown_14: I guess people don't like Dankula in Ralph's circle. I don't understand that. Unknown_09: They don't like him because he's friends with Sargon. There's no rational reason for it. Unknown_14: Dankula's fine. I think he also was a communist or something as a teenager, and that's what they don't like. So what? So was so was harmful opinions and they like him. Unknown_14: Basically, if you have the wrong politics or if some people simply do not like you, they will find it justifiable to put you in a situation where you will possibly end up homeless as they will take away any method where you could have just made enough to pay your rent. You then drift away from activism because you now need to spend 100% of your time struggling to make sure you don't end up on the streets. It's probably one of the most vile and evil tactics that has no justification. And it's true. Like with the Kiwi Farms, there's so much I want to do with the forum. There's so much that I want to do with the forum. And I can't because I have to focus on other shit. 0:34:58 Unknown_14: I have to play the rat race. And it does. It holds me back and it holds back a lot of the fun ideas I've had. Unknown_09: Josh, nobody's going to give you money to run a forum. Unknown_09: We ain't paying for it. It ain't happening, Josh. Unknown_14: People would if they could. When I've had donation forums up and running, I got over $1,000 a month just from all donations. 0:35:38 Unknown_09: Yeah, so did we, and Zyger bought cocaine with it. Unknown_14: Well, I'm just saying. Then you should not say that because it's objectively fucking wrong. People will pay to support something that they use every day. The site gets something like 3,500 logins every day. Unknown_14: Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. And if the people who logged... If just one dollar, just one dollar, if each of those people just gave one dollar, it would be saved. It would be more than saved. I'd have like an army of fucking Ukrainian PHP developers helping me bash out some fucking code, but... But no, I don't get to have a little donation for him. You know why? Because when I have a donation for him, somebody buys stolen credit cards off of Tor and then rings up $14,000 in fraudulent donations in a single hour. Isn't that fun? Isn't that a fun time? 0:36:12 Unknown_09: That's a fun prank. Josh really is Jewish. Unknown_14: I'm the worst Jew in the world. No Jew has been as financially catastrophic as I have. Unknown_09: Yeah, you suck at being a Jew. I think I might revoke your Judaism. 0:36:42 Unknown_14: Oh, you're going to tear up my mikvah immersion certificates. Unknown_14: Dankula is a cuck who refused to blame Judaism for going after him. Well, you know, if he did blame Judaism for going after him, you know what would go after him? Judaism. And then he would be fucked. Unknown_09: Yeah. Dankula's nice. I talked to him for like three minutes. Unknown_09: He's an okay guy. You know, the funny thing to me is that Sargon occasionally tries to go after Jim and by criticizing and going like, well, you make shitty content about internet spurgs, but that's exactly what Dankula does. It's literally the same content. 0:37:18 Unknown_14: Dankula said that about Jim? Unknown_09: No, Sargon says that about Jim and he doesn't realize that his criticism is equally... Sargon's a massive fucking hypocrite. Unknown_14: Yeah, his This Weekend's Stupid, it's literally just a Sunday fun day, except with political spurgs instead of people who shit themselves and fuck dogs in costumes. Unknown_09: How funny is whatever is going on at Sargon's house is right now? Because, you know, he can't read a news article without screaming at it. Can you imagine the hollering going on in his house when he realized that his Patreon got shut down? 0:37:57 Unknown_14: I don't address chat. I read chat all the time. Some of the only feedback I've ever gotten, like positive feedback, is I'm like the only person who does streams now that actually reads the chat. The difference is I don't... Unknown_09: That the chat is stupid and they have nothing interesting to say. You guys are dumb. Shut up. I don't pause it to read Super Chats. Unknown_14: Like, I see your Super Chats. I'm appreciative of them. It's just that... I don't know. I don't... Like, I've acknowledged that point. Nobody wants it. We're just laughing at it. Like, to an extent, that's true. But there are a lot of people who do want it. Who do... Yeah, there are people who are, like, really mad at Sargon and really want him banned. 0:38:33 Unknown_09: But I don't think they're the ones who got him banned. Like... Unknown_09: Patreon is currently banning... No, Patreon is, at the moment, in the last few days, is banning pretty much everyone. He's just one of the people that they're banning. Unknown_14: Here, I do have a hot take for everybody listening, because we're now at right about maximum capacity. Unknown_14: I'm going to go out on a limb. I do not believe that this was Patreon's fault directly. I'm going to say, because the rumor is... Great companies, huh? No that PayPal kicked them off first now I've said this repeatedly especially in that Juche video that I did that if if You know it stops from the stretch from the top the MasterCard Visa card tell PayPal or stripe You got to kick this person off. They got to kick them off because if MasterCard or Visa card drop patreon and stripe That's like 40% of their transaction volume just fucking gone overnight PayPal in particular is extremely political more so than stripe and stripe is fucking monstrous and 0:39:44 Unknown_14: I don't know why people are like massive cucks for Elon Musk. Elon Musk has made so much money stealing from small businesses he can now afford to routinely send shit into space. Unknown_14: He's not a great entrepreneur. He's an absolute fucking thief. He will steal tens of thousands of dollars without warning from companies. Unknown_09: Yeah, most of them. I think most of the money the paper was making was finding excuses to shut people's accounts down and steal the money. Unknown_14: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I've said this for years. They are a pseudo financial institution. They do not play. But they play as a bank. They role play as a bank. They LARP as a bank. They make tons and tons of fucking money like a bank. But they are not accountable to any of the rules and regulations that normal banks abide by. Elon Musk is a fucking thief. PayPal is a corrupt institution. It should be regulated. And they are one of the most political organizations in the world. So when PayPal comes down to Patreon and says, you're going to kick this fucking guy off. You've already disabled his account. You're not going to let him flip the switch over to Stripe. And you're going to do it now. They're going to do it. Because if they lose PayPal, they lose 50% of their transaction volume. 0:40:19 Unknown_09: Yep. 0:40:52 Unknown_09: But again, that's not Ralph. That has nothing to do with Ralph or his fans. Unknown_14: It could have been. I mean, people could have complained to him. I can't say for sure because they've not said anything about this one. That woman who shot a flare on a boat, what the fuck was her name? Unknown_09: Lauren Southern. Unknown_14: Lauren Southern. When she got kicked off, they did the whole thing about mob and their policy towards in-real-life violence. Yeah, but right now they're just banning everyone without explaining why. Unknown_09: Well, they said for Milo, they said it was for the Proud Boys. Unknown_14: So I can't wait. With Vice saying that he's a far-right conspiracy theorist. 0:41:25 Unknown_09: Yeah, I think they just kicked off, I think, the quartering and said that he doxxed someone. What? ! Unknown_09: I just saw some sort of tweet about that, but I'm scrolling down and I can't find it. Unknown_14: They kicked off the quarter pounder? That's crazy. Oh, everybody's going. Everybody's going. Ralph is gone and Jim are gone by the end of the month. No way they're not. Unknown_09: They're kicking everyone off just blanket band festival. 0:41:59 Unknown_09: And a few days ago, they also banned Anime Outsiders. Unknown_09: Anime Outsiders? Anime Outsiders, yeah. I think one of the guys at Crunchyroll accused them of stalking them or something. Unknown_22: Is that like a Comixgate thing? Unknown_09: I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you for like a... You're breaking up really bad, that's why. Unknown_09: Yeah, there's a bit of a storm outside. It's kind of fucking with my internet. Can you hear me right now? How does a allegedly first world country have the shittiest internet? 0:42:36 Unknown_14: I'm in fucking an eastern block country. My country is poorer than the fucking Philippines. And my internet connection is stable. Unknown_09: It's not the country, it's my house, okay? There's something wrong with the electrical wiring outside and it keeps fucking with the... And it fucks up your fiber optic connection? Unknown_09: Every time there's a storm, the shit just goes down. I don't know why. And at exactly the same hour. That's the strange thing. At exactly the same hour. I just thought of it today. I think maybe my internet service provider is just kind of fucking with me or something. 0:43:10 Unknown_09: I completely lost track of what I was trying to say. God damn it. Unknown_14: Somebody said, in before Jim and Noel are the only ones left despite their paranoia. If that happens, if an official Kiwi Farms Patreon can stay on Patreon but not these tepid fuckers, I would laugh out loud. That would be genuinely funny. Unknown_09: But yeah, what I said, yeah, that's what I want to say. Yeah, they also kicked off Anime Outsiders, and I'm not sure what it was about. I think Miles from Crunchyroll said they were stalking him. I'm not sure. I'm not sure on the details there. 0:43:43 Unknown_14: Well, Crunchyroll, didn't they fucking censor that goblin rape? Unknown_09: No, they didn't censor it. They put it on the site, and then they realized that there's a rape scene in the fucking first episode. Like, it's a pretty tame rape scene, but it's the same compared to what you used to watch in the 90s. But people got mad. Like, people got pissed off and then became goblins or Jewsmen. Anyways, they started... In the second episode, he literally gasses a room full of goblins. So... Unknown_14: The goblin fears the samurai. The goblin is Trey. 0:44:17 Unknown_09: Yeah, the goblins are in a big fort made out of a tree, so he sets it on fire, and then he blocks the door, and they all burn and suffocate. Unknown_14: That's awesome. That sounds like a better anime than I heard. Unknown_09: It's a pretty good anime. Anyway, so in the... Unknown_09: After that happened, they started adding, like, a tagline at the top of the episode that this show contains material that is inappropriate for sensitive viewers or some shit like that. Unknown_08: The show contains graphic... Yeah. 0:44:50 Unknown_09: Fucking... Breaking up again. Unknown_08: Crunchyroll is going to shit. Unknown_14: Well, you know, that warning isn't as bad as long as it's still accessible. Like who gives a shit? Unknown_09: Yeah. Crunchyroll is going to fucking fuck down. First, they had the whole thing where they stole the money to make their own show. The money they collect is only being used for licensing fees. It's not going to the anime industry. And when they got all that blowback for that stupid show, which, by the way, I have more to say about that show, but that's for another time. When they got blowback for that, they suddenly, after like five years, remembered to change the thing that plays the videos. It was using Flash, and it was a complete piece of shit. And finally, when people started unsubscribing from Patreon, from Crunchyroll over this, over the stupid Guardian spy show, they finally suddenly remembered to fix their fucking site. 0:45:32 Unknown_14: Oh, to use HTML5 like YouTube dubs. Yeah, yeah. Unknown_09: It took like five years. Somebody said, by the way, that this all started with pornography and hentai artists the moment they got the boot from Patreon earlier this year. Unknown_14: I knew it was coming down for us. Unknown_14: There are still tons and tons of pornography artists on Patreon. Unknown_09: Oh, yeah, there's a... Bunch of like, you know pay me to draw child porn sort of accounts on patreon like a bunch is shatman still on Uh on patreon because i've heard conflicting. No, I think shatman got kicked off. I'm not 100 I knew he got warned to take off Uh his patreon link on on his main website when he got kicked off of his initial host some time ago earlier this year but um, i'm not If he's still on patreon after this like i'm just like what the fuck Oh, by the way, you know, if I brought up that High Guardian Spy Show, here's a little... preview of a video I'll make sometime in the past. The organization WIA, Women in Animation, is complete bullshit. 0:46:47 Unknown_09: They collect a ton of money from sponsors, and it seemingly all goes to the pockets of the people running the organization who don't even know the people who started it. Unknown_09: One person who's an accountant I talked to, he tried to get their financial information and just stopped responding. It's just a complete shit show. The whole thing is completely corrupt. Unknown_14: How is Shadman not in jail? I'm pretty sure he drew porn based directly on real life children. Is considered child porn? I think it is too. I don't know how he's not in jail. I don't know how McKeemstar allowed what happened to happen. Unknown_09: You know, the child porn is one thing, but his old webcomic is a literal war crime. 0:47:28 Unknown_14: Did you say that on stream already or were you writing about that somewhere? Unknown_09: Yeah, I was writing on the chat. The comic was abysmal. Unknown_14: Before he started doing porn, he was doing a webcomic. Yeah, he was doing an unbelievably bad webcomic. Unknown_09: It was supposed to be comedy, but it didn't make sense. None of the punchlines made any sense. It was just a bunch of random fucking drawings. And then over time, every now and again, instead of a comic page, it would be just some porn he drew. And he realized he's getting more views for it than his... god-awful webcomic and over time the site just became a porn site where he draws this horrible awful porn and after that 4chan fucking fell in love with him and they started talking shit about the bad webcomic wiki which is a great site the best site somebody said josh keemstar practices what you preach I've never said I'm okay with people having you know being shitty on the internet I'm not okay with people drawing pornography of somebody else's kids 0:48:01 Unknown_14: I've never said anything to that effect like I'm okay with people drawing like fictional characters and shit but I would fucking kill him if Shadman did that to my kids I would fucking murder him in cold blood sorry he would be dead in Minecraft but somebody said why not make a stream on him I'll do it if something happens or I can nail him on it I'll save it for later until then I'm just going to rant about him Unknown_09: Yeah, there's nothing to talk about with Shavin. Nothing he does in private is probably... Well, nothing that we know of that he does in private is any worse than what he does in public constantly. Well, what he does in public, like, he gets away with shit in his Discord. 0:49:00 Unknown_14: Because I mentioned before that he had Lieutenant Corbis, who's like 13, in his 18-plus Discord with, like, a special daddy's little girl rank or some shit. Jesus Christ. Unknown_09: Jesus Christ, what a shit show. Unknown_14: What was his comic about, by the way? People are asking. Unknown_14: I'm sorry? What was his comic about? People are asking. Unknown_09: Nothing. It was literally just random. Let me look this thing up. I think the first page is on... Is on what? 0:49:36 Unknown_22: Are you dead? Did you get shown? Unknown_22: Are you officially dead now? Unknown_22: Rest in peace. Unknown_22: He'll probably pop back in a little bit. What else do I got on my thing? Unknown_14: Let's watch this video while he moves to his bunker as Palestine shells his house. Unknown_07: Hi, everybody. Well, I've noticed that Kiwi Farms is harassing educated people. Tommy Tudor 0:50:15 Unknown_14: If you guys remember yesterday, we watched a bunch of these two people interacting for a while. This is that crazy lady who makes videos about me like multiple times per day. And this is that crazy guy who's like 70 and says he's entirely a woman except for his penis. They had a nice conversation where Tommy eventually hung up on her because she kept calling him a guy. And hopefully you guys can hear what she's saying in this. Unknown_07: very quiet though turn it up I can't but he did say marine biology I can't remember what else he said I have to look at it again but um I was just asking him on the phone it was a live stream before because he's one of the people that they're bullying and they're bullying a lot of intelligent people, particularly because Joshua Connor Moon on Kiwi Farms has no education. 0:51:07 Unknown_07: And Tommy worked in a lab in the University of Texas for some renowned physicians. And he... Oh, you keep... I don't know if he was... You keep hearing how she keeps... Like, he hung up on her. Unknown_14: He called her a babbling, like, a babbling bitch or something on the stream. And she hung up on him. Because she kept calling him a he or a him. And she kept... Like, he kept getting upset about that. And now she's making a video after the fact defending him, right? And she's still calling him a he. 0:51:45 Unknown_07: And I can't wait to see his reaction to this. Okay, and living in the TARDIS, I'm not afraid to put my face online. Is that true? I was a high school dropout for many years because I got expelled in the 10th grade for quote unquote hacking. Unknown_14: And that's a story in and of itself. I'd have to tell a different day. But after that, I started taking college classes. I got into a dual enrollment program where you would take college classes at a campus, at a community college campus. And you would get credits for high school stuff, right? Yeah. And I never completed my Associates of Arts because it required me having a second Spanish class. And I attempted Spanish, too, like four times. And I have such utter contempt for the Spanish language, I never actually finished my degree. But I went back into... 0:52:19 Unknown_14: In 2016, I went back and completed my AA. So I'm officially a college graduate. Be proud of me, chat. 0:52:51 Unknown_14: I did it. Unknown_14: In case you're wondering, my diploma is in Associates of Arts, a general AA. It has no meaning whatsoever. Unknown_14: Spanish language is dog shit. Si, senor. Unknown_14: You guys really want to hear the fucking hacker story? Okay. Unknown_14: This will give you an idea of how much of a fucking bleeding heart I am. Unknown_14: Because it was the 10th grade, and almost all of my classes were in the IT hall, right? Because I'm a big nerd, and I was taking a bunch of different classes in high school for IT. 0:53:24 Unknown_14: One day, over the weekend, one of my IT teachers, who I didn't get along with very well... It was a woman who did digital design for Photoshop classes. Unknown_14: She died. Unknown_14: She had a heart attack in the shower. She fell, her head busted open, and she bled out in the shower. Unknown_14: So, you know, on Monday, come Monday, they're telling all the students this and they're saying, you know, if you need to talk to a counselor, you can go to the counselor. All the people in the IT hall were really fucking sad. Like all the teachers and stuff. They were obviously devastated. I think they had worked for her or worked with her for a very long time and she died suddenly. So everybody was torn up. I didn't care that much because I didn't like her classes. Well, in my English class, we had a row of computers for for library stuff that had Internet access or network access. And I had learned on 4chan on B just that weekend that if you type in a command like like I'll type in on the screen. 0:54:39 Unknown_14: Net send and then a message. Unknown_14: I think was the command. Unknown_14: In a command prompt, it actually sends a pop-up box to every computer on the network. But I didn't know at the time that the message will render like this. Unknown_14: Room A222. Unknown_14: It looks like this. Computer room A1125 says message, okay. So the, again, yeah, hacking in quotes. That's why I said in quotes. 0:55:12 Unknown_14: So I didn't realize that the computer name would show up in the message. Unknown_14: And I told the kid at the computer, I said type in NetSend and then a message like I hate NHS. And NHS is the acronym for my school. Unknown_14: And he does, he types it in, and he's afraid to press enter. So a third kid presses enter for him, and it goes to every computer on the entire network, and then also for the middle school that was on the same network, like a straight over. 0:55:49 Unknown_14: So the next class, the IT teachers are talking about it and shit, and they trace it back to that room, because the room's in the name of the computer. and the three of us end up in there, and we tell the professor or the principal that the kid who pressed enter only pressed enter, so he didn't really have much to do with it, and then the teacher's like, okay, I'm going to give you guys both Saturday detention. The other kid legit starts fucking crying because he has a ROTC meeting on that weekend for that Saturday, and ROTC is like the wannabe military thing that the school had because it was a military town, Unknown_14: And he's crying. I feel bad for him. I say, you know what? It was just me. It was just me. So the guy's like, OK, well, we're going to have to take you to the IT hall to talk about this because, you know, you're a problem student. We got to figure out what to do with you if you're doing it all by yourself. 0:56:28 Unknown_14: So they do that. They dismiss the other kid because it's all me now. And the dean of the IT hall says something to the effect of, after some time, that... How do I phrase this? 0:57:03 Unknown_22: This is what she said exactly. Unknown_14: Or not exactly, but almost exactly this. that I was such a bad student. I was such a bad student that I gave everybody in the IT hall stress. Unknown_14: and she said that my stress i was such a terrible stressful student to deal with that i exacerbated her heart condition and i killed that teacher she had a heart attack she dead ass darkest dungeon had a heart attack and died because of what an awful student i was and she like she was in rage and tears As she told me this. And then said that they had done like a vote with all the teachers present at the school. And they unanimously decided to vote me out of the IT halls. And they replaced all my classes with like gym and art and shit. So I dropped out completely. 0:57:45 Unknown_14: And that's when I started doing door enrolling. Unknown_14: Darkest Dungeon Stress 200. Unknown_14: If you want to know what makes a Kiwi Farms admin, that's one of the ingredients. That's one of my origin stories. 0:58:21 Unknown_22: What did my mom say? Unknown_14: I don't know. She seemed okay with me just dropping out over that and going to completely online classes. Unknown_14: To become admin, you have to kill your teacher. Exactly. Unknown_14: Yeah, Darkest Dungeon. I'm like one of those skeletons with a chalice at the back that just throws a stress juice on people. Unknown_09: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Did you bring me back onto the fucking thing? Hold on, hold on. No, you've been here the entire time. 0:58:55 Unknown_14: I was just telling a story of how I killed my teacher. Unknown_22: Hold on, let me get my mic connected back. Unknown_22: Why is, I have no idea what's going on. Unknown_22: You're getting shelled by Palestine. Unknown_14: That's the story every time I, you have to disconnect. Unknown_22: Josh, kill count one. My kill count's much higher. That was little Josh who had a kill count of one. Unknown_22: Listen, did you read what I said in the chat? 0:59:30 Unknown_14: No, what'd you send in chat? Unknown_09: yeah so hold on god damn it yeah drop me in here i didn't drop you motherfucker you joined okay so anyways i think my uh my mic is connected back up you're fine yeah okay so i didn't kill my teacher but i did once make my uh teacher pass out in anger Unknown_09: We had this English teacher who hated us and we hated her. She didn't teach any English. She just screamed at us all day. I was in the... I wouldn't say special class. It was the... 1:00:04 Unknown_09: For for the kids who did really poorly in middle school like poorly both behaviorally and and Well, you get what I mean Because I I was a piece of shit. I just I didn't study and I was an asshole anyways So she'd scream us all the time one time. She called us autistic and 1:00:35 Unknown_09: fair that's fair yeah she was screaming at us and then she went what are you guys autistic and then all of us started doing this why are you doing this are you trying to prove her point by being as yeah we were Yeah, we started pretending to be literally retarded because she called us off. You were merely... We were pretending. Merely pretending, of course. Yeah, so one time she said, listen, if anyone doesn't want to be in this class, you can just leave. And so me and... I just got up and left. And she got so angry, she went off and she went to the principal's office and she passed out due to high blood pressure, I guess. That's what she fucking gets. Unknown_09: Yeah. Another time she was screaming at us so hard. We got tired of her constantly screaming at us. So one of my friends decided to record her on his phone and show it to the principal. And she screamed so hard that the microphone on the phone couldn't handle that much noise. At some point, it just kind of went... 1:01:22 Unknown_09: just fucking i don't know was it all was it all in hebrew was it hebrew screaming no she was screaming us in english and i spoke better english than she did i could have taught that fuck you're cutting out again you need to you need to get like what's called a a hard line you need to get like a connection to your device to a modem okay i'll get one can you hear me now yes are you are you like actually using wireless during a storm 1:02:09 Unknown_14: Yeah. Is that the issue? Unknown_09: No, I think the issue is just literally the storm because every time there's a storm, something just starts going crazy with my router. Unknown_09: This goes completely to shit. So basically what I was saying is she always screamed at us in English and I spoke better English than her. I could have taught that fucking class. Unknown_09: It was bullshit. Unknown_14: I'm very smart. Unknown_09: I'm very intelligent. Even though I was in the class for the dumb retard. 1:02:43 Unknown_09: They made the mistake of putting both the classes for the dumb on top and the class of the nerds at the bottom floor and we would always throw things at them and I almost got expelled because I threw a trash can at a kid. You threw a trash can at a kid? Yeah. Yeah, from the top floor. Unknown_22: I hurled it off the balcony at him because, I don't know, he was nervous. Unknown_09: They shouldn't have put it below. Unknown_14: The Jew will tell you that he went to detention, but he won't tell you why. Unknown_09: Okay, listen, you brought me on just as I was trying to eat something, and then I had to turn the heat off, and it got cold, and now I'm heating it up again, and then you bring me back on. Well, you can go, motherfucker. 1:03:26 Unknown_14: Go eat. Go eat your hummus and shit. Unknown_09: So before I go, okay, let me just... Unknown_09: stuttering here just a little bit i'm doing a comedic effect you're doing an andy wars impression is it funny yeah is it funny or is it annoying should i stop doing that i do in my videos too i can never tell if you stutter you're not stuttering as an accident motherfucker don't lie to me no i'm actually doing it because i think it's funny nigga you're fucking lying Unknown_09: I don't know. I think it's funnier that way. Anyways, let me sing you a little Hanukkah song. Because, well, I got it. It's a Hanukkah stream. You never got any Hanukkah song. So I'm going to sing you one in Hebrew. 1:03:57 Unknown_08: Banu choshech le'garesh be'yadenu Unknown_08: I'm waiting for the number of watchers to just completely, like, tank. Unknown_14: Like, get this Jew shit off my fucking screen. I see somebody left. Fuck you. 1:04:32 Unknown_09: I'm going to sing the Israeli national anthem. No, get out of here. Unknown_14: You're going to kill my stream. You're going to kill it. Get out of here. Go eat your hummus and bagels, motherfucker. Unknown_14: I have to be tough but fair, chat. I have to be tough but chair. Kick, kick, Jew. Kick, ex. Unknown_14: English only. God, I hate them. But for some reason, he's triple parenthetical bracketed the word them. I don't know what that means. Unknown_14: I don't think he's using parentheses correctly in that context. 1:05:08 Unknown_14: All right, what else I got? What else I got? I guess chat really liked my story of how I killed my teacher. Unknown_14: That is a good story. I almost thought of, I still remember the name of that. There was one teacher in particular who taught Visual Basics and C Sharp. He did all the programming classes. His name was Ben Schumann. He was a former US Air Force officer that is a programming teacher at that school now. And I've always thought about going back to that school and telling that motherfucker, you kicked me out. 1:05:45 Unknown_14: You denied me opportunities at normalism. And now I am the biggest cyber bully the world has ever seen. Unknown_14: Docs, I'm just talking about my history. There's no docs here. Unknown_14: I'm plotting my fucking revenge. Unknown_14: One day I'm going to take over that school. Unknown_14: They will all know me. Unknown_22: Oh, Virgo Rouge. Unknown_22: What's she talking about? Hey, it's Milo. Unknown_07: See, I don't think she put out anything. Oh! I'm glad I thought of that. Hold up. I posted about this on the Kiwi Farms. Shut up. Oh, she literally just posted this. In her car. What the fuck? 1:06:18 Unknown_22: He posted this as we were talking about me killing my teacher. Unknown_14: I left this play in the background. Unknown_07: Okay, I'll pause this. 1:07:11 Unknown_14: She rants about me. Unknown_14: On my fifth Hanukkah stream, right, she left comments. She left multiple comments. My name is not Virgo Rouge. Unknown_14: Come on my channel to see why Josh is so jealous of me and so insecure. You will also feel small and jealous when you come to my channel, lol. Josh is jealous and he can't put his face online. He has a following of insecure weirdos. Temporary. He is a person who bullies people. Than continues when he feels too insecure to put his face out there. LOL. Come to my channel. Listen to my music. Living in the TARDIS and also look at my face. These bullies are so insecure. LOL. I am not Jewish. He is making up stories. 1:07:42 Unknown_14: Oh, these all say read more. I need to find the actual comments so I can read. I can show you. Unknown_14: I can show you. Unknown_14: What they say in full. Because these are great. These are quality contents. Quality internet content. 1:08:18 Unknown_14: Let's see. Unknown_22: Comments. Unknown_22: Scroll down. I do enjoy. I do enjoy these comments. Where the fuck are they? Unknown_22: Oh god, there's so many comments on these videos. Unknown_14: Can't keep up with them anymore. Unknown_14: Oh, this guy is on the Kiro or the wolf stream saying, Kiro is not a sadist. He's not in the photos. God is the judge of all of us. Fools take God's place. Sadistic people are against Kiro. There is a reason why Jesus did not do to people what people want to do to Kiro. They want that evil for Kiro so that Kiro will be reduced to ashes on the last day. Fools talk like Satan, wanting what Satan wants. That's about Kiro the wolf. I have no fucking idea what it means. 1:08:48 Unknown_22: Let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see. I want the Virgo comments. Unknown_22: Gosh darn it. 1:09:26 Unknown_00: Let me just go to the actual video and see if I can find them there. Unknown_22: I'm very butthurt about this. Unknown_22: This is a different one. Unknown_14: Although the ones where I favorited them are her comments. I cannot find the one by her specifically, unfortunately. But we'll just go to this one. Unknown_14: It's number two. Where's number two at? Unknown_14: Joshua did not graduate high school, yet he constantly tries to get other people who are dropouts to harass college grads. Tommy Tudor has a degree in marine biology and other degrees, I think. He was a lab technician for physicians at the University of Texas. This lady is a woman with a serious background in composition and opera. I think that she studied at a school that is like Juilliard. Curtis Institute is harder to get into. He is also a musician. She also studied compositions at numbers of schools. What is Kiwi Farms background? They have no background in trying to make themselves seem more cool than people who do something with their lives. Kiwi Farms is for idiots. 1:10:03 Unknown_14: And then again, number three, Kiwi farm sucks. They should be banned from YouTube. They will be. He is so jealous of college graduate educated people. Tommy Tudor has a degree from good college university. 1:10:41 Unknown_14: This woman is also educated on a very high level. They are very intelligent compared to Kiwi Farms. They are high intimidating to high school dropout who has mental problems. You are nobody's but sick, twisted, and idiotic people who work at blue collar jobs. So obvious. He talks like a retarded Trump. 1:11:13 Unknown_14: Kiwi Farms. This is number four. This is the final one. Kiwi Farms are so jealous of Tommy since he is college educated. He worked in a lab at the University of Texas. You are trying to get other people who work as cashiers to harass two people who are very educated. Tommy is way more intelligent than anyone from Kiwi Farms. it is not because he is jewish kiwi farms just picks people who are smart this composer and multi-instrumentalist is a very educated person she speaks to people like francis monk monkman monk man of curved air i don't know who the fuck that is they were on a major label he wrote her messages he is also a brain he is also a brain 1:11:57 Unknown_14: I'm just imagining that fucking avatar that Harmful Opinions uses for all of his videos. Playing a guitar or something. Unknown_14: Kiwi Farms is stupid and you are not going to get anywhere on YouTube or online. Tommy and this woman are low profile people who are very powerful speakers. You are not articulate, intelligent, or strong. You cannot post your video of your face online. You are that weak. Notice how strong Tommy is and how strong she is. Both of them are not afraid to speak online. Unknown_14: Well, all of those comments sounded very different from each other and are definitely from different people. 1:12:37 Unknown_14: What do you guys think? Am I a coward for not showing my face? Am I a coward because y'all won't even smoke crack? Unknown_14: Oh, hi, Marissa. Unknown_14: Can't find his face. No, here's the thing. Here's what's really, really, really, really, really, really funny about this. You go to her videos, right? Unknown_14: We go to our videos, and let's just scroll down and see how many times my face shows up in these thumbnails. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. 1:13:21 Unknown_14: Uh, how much more? There's a clip of my stream. That's not my face, though. That's it. So, just scrolling down her videos, I see my face 17 different times. But apparently, I'm too much of a coward to even smoke crack. Unknown_14: Josh looking like a downie? Unknown_22: Oh, jeez. The bands. Unknown_22: Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright. Unknown_14: Did she say anything interested in this? Unknown_07: She's just calling me a gas station attendee. There's 13 minutes of her in her fucking car. What is it with fucking schizophrenic gang stalking types who sit in their cars when they record? Is there something, like... 1:13:53 Unknown_14: Like with intangible properties about a vehicle that encourages psychotic people to talk to themselves in it. Unknown_22: One? I didn't ask people to press one. 1:14:27 Unknown_14: She has a secret crush. I think she does. Unknown_14: The car is safe. Safe from gang stalking. Unknown_14: Does she want me to be her gas station attendant at one of these... Unknown_14: It lets you get away and see on all sides. I guess so. Unknown_14: The car is a way to kill Glow Dark CIA niggas. I guess that's true. I've heard that from a very reliable source, so that is the case. 1:15:00 Unknown_14: Also, I want to point out that in one of her videos, she says Tommy Tudor is a flautist. I guess that's the... Unknown_14: Official title for somebody who plays who plays the flute I want to find this video. I played this yesterday, I think but There's a part where he places his his flute let me find it That's him putting it together Putting it together Where do you play your flute you fucker? You said you were doing an impromptu music session. I 1:15:37 Unknown_14: There you go, guys. Unknown_21: Professional flautists. Unknown_14: Surely there's a better video. Okay, I think this is a different one. 1:16:10 Unknown_14: Different desired objects of desire. That's the name of the people there with the other trainees I Gotta give him a better shake than that. That was just that was fucking miserable I see him. Is this it? Oh, yeah, this is it. I Unknown_24: Put it in your mouth and blow on it. When I hear him do it, I can break it down. Break it down, Tommy. Well, it saves itself. Okay. I guess I'll just spoil it if I can't find... 1:16:42 Unknown_14: If I can't find an actual part where he's playing this fucking flute. It's not a flute. I'll just spoil it. It's a recorder. He's playing a wooden recorder. And she's calling him a flutist. 1:17:14 Unknown_14: Whatever the fuck that means. Unknown_14: Oh, no. I think he also plays a saxophone, but he plays that terribly as well. Unknown_14: I'm so happy these people met each other. It really does warm my heart. Oh, is this him playing his recorder? Unknown_05: Here's another one. Unknown_14: Oh, thank God. Play it. They're welcome guys 1:17:48 Unknown_14: You're very welcome. Somebody says that Quarter Pounder has a user under the name Colonel J. I almost said Colonel J, and I know people would tear me to shit for that. Colonel J. It's not my fucking fault they spell it Colonel. 1:18:22 Unknown_22: Don't blame me for this shit. Unknown_22: What state does Quarter Pounder live in? Unknown_22: What state does Quarter Pounder live in, chat? Tell me. Unknown_22: Inquiring minds want to know. Unknown_22: The deep state, Wisconsin. 1:18:59 Unknown_22: No, this person is from a different state. They are not from Wisconsin. Unknown_22: Sorry, Charlie. Unknown_22: Locale dating service, when? Unknown_14: I tell people if they get laid because of the Kiwi Farms, they owe me $20. Unknown_14: There has been a surprising number of people to pay me $20 for that. Unknown_14: And I'm a pimp. Unknown_22: P-I-M-P, nigga. Unknown_22: A state of madness. 1:19:36 Unknown_14: Didn't he? Well, he got kicked off the fucking... What did Quarter Pounder get kicked off for? I'm curious. Quartering. The Quartering Patreon. Unknown_22: What? Unknown_22: That was... The quartering patron was taken down. Unknown_14: I'm very... What did he get kicked off for? Being a cuck? Unknown_14: Why are we doxing quarter pounder? We're not. We're not. We're just looking up some stuff. He doxed somebody. Doxing? Oh, jeez. 1:20:06 Unknown_14: Is there something wrong with infected hemorrhoid? Um... Oh. Unknown_22: Yeah, out of context, that's a very bad quote. Unknown_22: God, his fucking Twitter feed is so inane. I just want to hear about his Patreon shit. Unknown_22: And, uh... 1:20:40 Unknown_22: Alright, whatever. Unknown_00: I'm bored of him already. Unknown_22: He's very fat. That's all you need to know about him. He's fat. Unknown_22: Geez I'm gonna have to like stream for like a Year to catch up with Zidane. Unknown_14: Zidane comes on right after the ralph retort and kicks me off my spot I'm getting like 50,000 points a night. It's a pain in the ass Patreon yeetus. Yeah, that's a People really don't like that term if you ever say the word yeet like people get really fucking pissed off about that shit That's that's a that's an unpersoned word. You can't talk about yeeting. I 1:21:17 Unknown_14: Is it true? I have heard rumors, but I've not confirmed this. Is it true that Andy Worsky is moving his time slot to 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time? Because I've heard stories. Unknown_22: Wheat. Let me check, see if he's streaming. Unknown_14: Josh, please send a hot Russian bodybuilder lady and I'll give you 20 bucks. 1:21:50 Unknown_14: I'm not gonna lesbianism does not exist and in Russia Was that streaming right now isn't he usually streaming at this time Bullying Andy from this time flat. It wasn't my intention. I thought he would do mornings and I would do like afternoon But he he streams for so long Unknown_14: My concern with Andy Iworski moving to 7 p.m. is that I know Andy naturally likes to stream for a very long time, like four plus hours a day. So if he's streaming from 7 p.m. and he doesn't want to bump into the Ralph Retort, which I would imagine he wouldn't want to do, he would only be able to stream for three hours a day, right? 1:22:37 Unknown_14: Well, three hours and five minutes a day. So, like, the decision to have it at seven, I don't understand. Unknown_14: Boomer, Doomer, Zoomer, which one are you? Unknown_14: I don't know. I'm not a Zoomer. I wasn't born past the turn of the millennia. Unknown_22: Can confirm the only good lesbo is a sunset lesbo? Unknown_14: That's rude. Lesbian only exists in two dimensions. Unknown_14: It sucked about 15 minutes ago. 1:23:10 Unknown_14: Last time I watched, he was taking the piss on waiters saying that he wanted to be a waiter is easier than being a streamer. Unknown_14: The streams that I do on Wednesday do actually require a lot of work. I have to sit down for eight hours if I don't know the person that well and try and cobble together a notebook with clips and stuff. Unknown_14: It is a lot of work, and I would never, unless it was like full-time, lots of money kind of streaming, I would never be able to dedicate that much time every day to streaming. But Andy's stuff is more like this stuff, where you just cut on the camera and you start talking, and you maybe get the token Jew to help you out with some stuff. And it's not that much work. This is a fun thing. This is the kind of stream you do when you're having fun and you want to talk to people and get a nice little community chat thing going on. 1:23:50 Unknown_14: Waiter's a risk-free job. You get told what to do. Unknown_14: It's not entirely risk-free because you're vulnerable to market shifts and stuff. But yeah, in terms of just sitting there getting a paycheck, it is relatively risk-free. Unknown_14: Get hype from a Crohn's sunsetting Cutting a falling cutting blade sunsetting guillotine sunsetting is their dedicated cross servers page on Kiwi farms. There's not Cross rivers are relatively recent but they've been happening a lot where you keep getting these little cows especially in the tranny community who are trying to take down the forum together. And their team-ups are usually very short-lived, because we don't make threads on just trannies, you know? Being a tranny in and of itself is not funny. 1:24:29 Unknown_14: Having associated personality disorders that alienate you from everybody else around you is funny. Unknown_14: So when two people on the forum decide to team up and take on the Kiwi Farms together, it usually goes extremely poorly very quickly, because there are two dysfunctional people trying to work together. 1:25:12 Unknown_22: Am I sure about that? Unknown_14: Yeah, I am. Unknown_14: Easiest job as security guard? Unknown_14: Are you streaming the protest tomorrow? Unknown_14: No, I don't think so. Tomorrow, again, we have this event scheduled. Unknown_14: If you're interested at all in China, I would recommend you take a peek at what we got planned or what I have planned for tomorrow. Unknown_14: Let me pull it up. Unknown_14: Basically, I have a friend who routinely works in Beijing and Shenzhen. 1:25:47 Unknown_14: I'm not good at Chinese. But he's going to be coming on. We're going to be going over some articles. I'm going to be taking questions from anywhere I can. I might have callers and stuff to talk about China and stuff. And I think people would really like that because there's a lot of people who... Unknown_14: Just see China as this mystical lockdown place and they don't really have any good insight into what it's like there. China? Unknown_14: Yes, Shenzhen is I think how you pronounce it. Unknown_14: Ching ching. 1:26:20 Unknown_14: I wonder if social justice warriors saw the number of men in dresses they would reconsider their openness to trannies. Unknown_14: No, because they believe that gender identity is completely fluid and there's nothing wrong with just being a man in a dress or a woman who just looks like a woman demanding to be called a he, he, him. There's nothing wrong with that to them. Unknown_22: China. Unknown_22: You need a super cut of Josh saying Irver? Unknown_14: Please don't. Unknown_14: Please just, just don't. Don't do it. 1:26:56 Unknown_14: We'll explore more of Asia. No, just China for this stream. I might go into other countries and stuff, but as far as what I know, what I care about, and what the people I know care about, China is the most interesting thing. Unknown_14: Did China make up global warming to kill us on trade? The interesting thing about that is that quote isn't as dumb as it sounds. Because even if it's not made up, China does promote the idea of global warming, at least geopolitically. 1:27:31 Unknown_14: It promotes it a lot. Because in the Paris Climate Accord, it would have us paying China. The United States and Europe would be paying China to go green for like 30 years. Unknown_14: And there would be no way to check and ensure that they're actually doing what they're saying they're going to do and shit. It would be a complete fucking mess. I don't know why people were so hung up over that shit. Unknown_14: Who do you main in Overwatch? Oh, baby, I'm a tracer. Unknown_14: I can't play Overwatch anymore though because if I get killed by Hanzo or Widowmaker, I rage quit. Like I just exit out of the game immediately. 1:28:04 Unknown_22: Are nukes real? I think so. Unknown_22: Thoughts on Taiwan? I have many thoughts on Taiwan. Unknown_22: Josh has already traced it. No, fuck off. Unknown_22: Get out of here with that shit. Unknown_22: Overwatch was fun at some point. 1:28:38 Unknown_22: Anything interesting in Ukraine? I finally got my winter clothes. I'm nice and comfy. Unknown_22: You guys are such fucking cyber bullies. Unknown_14: Hey, you know, okay, the thing about Tracer is, Tracer is probably the hottest video game character ever conceived in the history of the world. And that motherfucker, that loser, that pathetic little man who runs Overwatch, I don't even know his name, it's like Jack something, I think. 1:29:12 Unknown_14: He decides to make her gay. Make her gay, not the big butch lesbian woman with the pink hair and shit. Unknown_14: They make her gay. And that's like a direct insult to the fucking fans. Because everybody wants to jack off to Tracer. Unknown_22: Widowmaker is French. He can't be hot. Unknown_14: Oh, Jeff. That's right. Jeff is a pathetic weak man. Unknown_14: Tracer shouldn't be a carpet muncher. She should have been straight. But they made her gay to spite the fans. 1:29:44 Unknown_14: Oh yeah, I would do horrible things to Tracer. Unknown_14: Just saying. Nerf Tracer? She's already nerfed. She's useless. Unknown_14: Lost all respect? Ah, what a shame. Unknown_22: I'll have to kill another teacher to make up for it. Unknown_22: Do I know NixlePixel? I do not. You are so wrong about the lesbos. 1:30:15 Unknown_14: Oh, and Russia. Russia. Unknown_14: Here, I also want to point out... What the fuck is this? Unknown_14: This is not okay. This is not okay, Blizzard. Activision Blizzard. What the fuck is this? Unknown_14: This is pathetic. Unknown_14: I want to point out while I'm on a roll about Tracer. Okay. Okay. Unknown_14: Want to tell everybody I want to make sure that this is perfectly well known there is no confusion That that this chick right here this so 1:31:00 Unknown_14: Is it Soe or Soe? I can't pronounce her fucking name because it's Swiss. Swiss. Soe Grishlinda Penske. She is my wife. I was posting Soe or Soe on 4chan before any of you motherfuckers started copying me. I was doing it before anybody else. And you motherfuckers who are copying me will burn in hell for adultery. Unknown_14: I'm just saying it now. 1:31:35 Unknown_14: And what if tracers by all women are bisexual? All women are bisexual. Homosexuality does not exist in women. Unknown_14: Women will do whatever men instruct them to do. Unknown_14: erect swish swisherland can i pronounce anything no i'm not even intoxicated you should see me when i get intoxicated take your meds i'm beyond i'm beyond medication 1:32:07 Unknown_14: Waifu sealers, that's exactly what they are. Waifu claims, thank you. Just remember, if you see a Zoe or a Zoe poster, whatever the fuck her name is, if you see a poster on 4chan, you instruct them, you correct them that she is off limits. And I don't care that she's married. Okay? It's bullshit. That's against my religion. Shit. Unknown_14: Josh, when's the new Metro game coming out? I had never played a Metro game. Get out of the train station. Unknown_14: Men are pretty gay. No, they're not. Lesbians are fake. 1:32:41 Unknown_14: For once, your waifu isn't the worst girl. Unknown_14: Kill her husband. Unknown_14: I'll put him in... When you go through the Obsidian portal in Minecraft, it's like hell. I'm going to put him in that in Minecraft. Unknown_22: Ugh. Unknown_14: I don't know what NTR is. Do I play Stalker in real life? I do not. I'm nowhere near the exclusion zone. Cuck him. Sunset him. Unknown_14: Drunk stream? I'll probably stream... What's it called? On Christmas. I'll stream on Christmas drunk. Mercy is HIV positive? Confirm myself. Your waifu is shit? Fuck you. Fuck you, asshole. 1:33:16 Unknown_22: Ugh. Unknown_22: Is it possible to get cucked by somebody's husband? Yes, obviously. I have no idea what NTR is. Unknown_22: Fuck your white holiday. Unknown_14: Fuck you, asshole. I'm Jewish. That's why I can stream on Christmas without it being pathetic. 1:33:53 Unknown_14: I have no idea what else I can talk about. Why the fuck does my phone keep blowing up? Who the fuck are you people messaging me? Talk, talk, talk. Why is Andy Worski talking? Unknown_14: What is happening with my computer? I'm being assaulted. What's Kitty Style up to? I'm curious. Unknown_22: Kitty Style. Unknown_22: Where are you? Unknown_22: Talk to me, Kitty Style. 10 viewers. Unknown_22: What are they watching? 1:34:27 Unknown_00: Nobody's pulling any strings. Nothing to see here. Everything is justice. There's no no justice. And the freedom of speech, you have that. Don't worry about that. Everything is good. Everything is fine. Don't worry about it. You know, nothing to see here. The guy in the wheelchair luckily did get... Yes, so... I think you should let it go, but it's against the law. Unknown_31: We have to change the law. Unknown_14: I like how you can flip to Kenny Sell at literally any time, and he's having a breakdown about something. Just something is happening, and he's upset about it. 1:34:59 Unknown_14: I give you crap, but you've been killing it, bro. Is this killing it? Like I'm getting numbers and stuff. I don't know what the fuck people want. I'm just sitting here late in the evening talking about trannies and tracer. And so who's my wife? And people like that. Apparently just don't chat before you use racial slurs. Ask yourself, what would Jesus think? Jesus was probably the racist. I'm just going to throw that out there. Unknown_14: Don't give him viewers or messages. Oh yeah, don't fucking, don't give this guy messages. Fuck off. 1:35:32 Unknown_31: I disavow that crude language. Unknown_14: Ah, fucking Zidane. I'm getting cucked by the fucking Bhutanese now. How could this happen? I need that money for my farm. I'm gonna have to sell the farm if Zidane cucks me on that third place. 1:36:04 Unknown_14: He's on another tangent? Yeah, he flips topics all the fucking time. Unknown_14: Let's see, I went over that, I went over the Patreon thing. Unknown_14: What else can we watch to fill 20 more minutes, 25 more minutes? Tell Ralph to pay Zidane. I have. They never address that if it gets brought up in the stream. Poor Zidane even takes all fucking work to show up on the Ralph Retort at odd hours. Unknown_14: SBCC Southern Poverty Call Center. I don't like prank calls. I'm sorry. Prank calls make my skin crawl. 1:36:36 Unknown_14: Anything we can laugh at. Amberlynn. Oh, fuck. If Amberlynn has a new video, I have no choice in the matter. Unknown_14: How does she not have a YouTube nickname? Unknown_14: Okay, whatever. Let's do it. Unknown_19: Hey guys, welcome to Vlogmas Day 7! Unknown_19: Woo! So we have come to a little standstill, if you will. This is like the days I wouldn't normally vlog. I'm just like, what is life? Vlogmas is so fun and so fun to watch, but it's just like, hi, living my life. Not my best life, but I'm living my life, so that's a good thing. Last night, my video would not upload for some reason. I don't know what was happening. So I had to upload it three times until it finally worked. And it took five hours to upload each time. I was so... 1:37:08 Unknown_19: Math. But I finally got it up for you guys about my dietitian, that whole situation. And the, like, opinions are very, very split. Some people are like, this is your fault. And then there's really sweet comments just saying, like, you know, your dietitian should have told you. Like, that's kind of messed up and all this stuff, which I totally agree with. But I read you guys the text messages, and I didn't do anything wrong. So I'm going to take this as this is not my fault. 1:37:41 Unknown_14: She didn't do nothing. It's like she knew that I got a lot of hate and stuff. She didn't do nothing. Unknown_19: So she kind of knew that was what my channel was experiencing when she messaged me. Unknown_14: Oh, trust me. She's not. Anyways, enough of that. Unknown_19: While I was deeply frustrated with the whole uploading thing, like for some reason my video... You don't have a choice in this matter, chat. Unknown_14: We're looking at a fat lady. Unknown_19: After a video uploads, there's this processing thing that it has to go through. And every time I would get to that step, it would say that it was corrupted. I had no idea what was going on. So I had to figure out a new way of uploading. But I freaking figured it out because I promised... Well, I didn't really promise you guys. It's something I promised myself. That I would have Vlogmas ready 11 a.m. Eastern Time. And I wasn't going to sleep until it happened. So... I am tired. I'm not complaining. I'm just saying there are their pros and there are their cons for vlogmas. But I did something last night that I shouldn't have and I haven't done in years. Like, I have not done this in years. I was already super frustrated and I noticed that when I already am, like, feeling miserable, it's like, I do things to make myself more miserable. Fuck it. 1:38:15 Unknown_14: We're going to skip. We're going to skip to the good part that everybody loves in chat. 1:38:49 Unknown_19: I wonder if people are enjoying vlogmas. Unknown_14: Oh, hell yeah. Unknown_14: It's time. It's time, chat. Unknown_19: Okay. Unknown_19: Let's do a noodle. Unknown_14: Stop pressing X. Stop pressing X. Your X has no power here. It's worthless. It has no value. That's really good. The dad pays Ralph on Patreon. Oh, Jesus. Unknown_14: Hopefully it makes a lot of money, then. I got a water from Starbucks, literally. 1:39:23 Unknown_14: That's a waste of money. Oh, it's a free big one. Unknown_19: Don't you dare skip it. We're not skipping it. Unknown_14: We're watching her eat. Chuck. What? And I was like, yeah, I really want to just drink their ice water out of their cup. And she was like... Unknown_14: Okay, somebody asked about her dietician. We watched her story about her dietician yesterday, but to fill people in who might have missed it, essentially somebody contacted her on Instagram saying that they were a certified dietician and they wanted to help her with her weight loss. And they're like, OK, well, you should try to restrict your calories to about 3000 to 4000 initially, because if you just try to get down to 2000 right off the bat, you're going to you're going to end up fucking yourself and, you know, you're going to regress. So just try to get down to 3000 to 4000 instead of, you know, the multiple thousands that she's eating per day. And she's like, okay, well, this is what I ate today. I got Burger King. I got a McDonald's McFlurry. I got all sorts of gross shit, but I kept it down to about 3000 calories. And the dietician apparently said, yeah, it's fine. But it was completely okay with her like asking all sorts of stupid ass fucking questions. Until she asked if she could read, if Amberlynn could read her dietician's messages on her stream. And after that, she says because her messages are so awful, she got spooked that she was going to get doxed or something and cut contact cold turkey with her. Though people disagree if the dietitian existed at all, if the dietitian cut because of what she said, or if the dietitian cut because she was eating McDonald's and Burger King. 1:40:44 Unknown_14: She mentions in particular that after her dietitian gets on, and she's on the dietitian's plan, this video comes up. Unknown_14: And this is the best shit I've ever seen. 1:41:25 Unknown_14: Take a bite of that burger, lady. Eat it. Unknown_19: Y'all harsh. Unknown_14: Eat the burger. Unknown_19: But it just... Eat the burg. Oh, yeah, I cared. I was so sensitive back then. Like, YouTube has built my skin to be so tough. Unknown_14: Eat the burg. Eat the burg. Eat the, yes. Unknown_14: Okay, so this video comes after her Burger King mukbang comes after her dietician's trying to give her advice. And people are saying that the dietician might have stopped because that video came out at all. Because apparently it was just a volunteer dietician and not like somebody she was actually paying. She keeps referring to herself as a client or something in regards to the dietician, but she wasn't paying her any money. 1:41:58 Unknown_19: Okay, I'll learn. Unknown_14: I do not have a feeder fetish. I just like seeing fat people eat. I did not have a feeder fetish. Unknown_19: You guys are fucking liars. I just want to see the fat lady eat herself to death. I got some water on me. I also wanted to answer one of the questions from the community tab. 1:42:41 Unknown_19: Ricky just texted me. Hey. I'll be like, hi. Cute. Unknown_14: She looks like Jabba the Hutt right now. So I'm going to go to the community tab. Unknown_19: We're going to answer a question from there. Unknown_14: Oh, God. Unknown_14: People are saying I should do a borscht mukbang. I don't know if I have the shamelessness. The requisite shamelessness to do it. You can only do it through cell phone. Unknown_19: Go to said YouTuber's channel. And then up top, there's going to be a little community button. Unknown_14: She's like Amberlynn eating backwards. What? 1:43:12 Unknown_19: So I'm just going to scroll through randomly. Unknown_19: And I'm just going to scroll through for a while. Unknown_19: Just scrolling as I talk. Unknown_14: Put your dick away, Josh. Fuck off. Unknown_19: A lot of people want me to talk about my struggles with my weight or whatever. That's such a common thing. People are just like, why do you act happy? Why do you act like you can do everything? Unknown_19: When we all know that you can't and all this stuff. Death, that attraction. Unknown_14: I don't want to be scrolling anymore. This lady does not look like anything like Zoe from Switzerland. Where? Does not look anything like Tracer. 1:43:44 Unknown_19: I'll just pick random. But that's like such a common thing where people just want to hear about my struggles. And I'm going to tell you right now, cooking this dinner was hard. I had to sit down in between stirring. It was hard. I even dished out the meals sitting down. Unknown_19: And I know within a week of just me eating healthier. Unknown_14: And you're not going to be bored either. I'm not going to be that way. Unknown_19: It's just how it works for me. Unknown_19: Okay. Unknown_19: Random question there. Unknown_19: Amberlynn's Dietitian. There's like this troll account called Amberlynn's Dietitian. So hey, shout out to you. It said, are you eating enough? 1:44:16 Unknown_19: Truly, no. I'm just, I'm not. That was such a troll question. Okay. Unknown_19: Okay. Let's do another. Unknown_14: I would not like this lady in yellow spandex. You're full of shit. Unknown_19: People don't believe I'm scrolling. Eric texted me, too. Why are they texting me? Unknown_14: Josh wants to eat the Cheetos stuck in our rolls. I do not. Unknown_14: I was adjusting in my seat. Do not bully me. Josh imagines himself as the burger. Fuck off. 1:44:47 Unknown_14: Decadence has ruined us. Unknown_19: See, I really do scroll. You guys can see it. Random, go. Who or what is your biggest inspiration when it comes to losing weight? Unknown_19: My biggest inspiration, fat girl fed up. I have a friend who's lost a lot of weight. Unknown_19: And obviously on Instagram, there is this girl, which not as many people. Unknown_14: I'm getting fucking cyberbullied on my own stream. Unknown_14: Jerks off to a fat tracer. Does she like roll around like Sonic the Hedgehog? Unknown_19: And I can't find her. Like what? I'm confused. Unknown_19: But this girl has lost over 300 pounds. 1:45:24 Unknown_14: Stop talking with your mouth full. Unknown_19: Living her best life. Counting calories. Doing her thing. Unknown_14: Learn manners, lady. Unknown_19: I've talked about it before. Unknown_14: Oh, my God. She's talking with her mouth. That's so gross. That's physically fucking repulsive. I will say the texture of these noodles. Unknown_19: The chickpea noodles are very different than regular. Unknown_19: They're more like thick. I don't know how to explain it. Thick. Thick. 1:45:56 Unknown_19: It's nice to try new things. Unknown_14: This bitch is planetary. That sounds like a song quote or something. Unknown_19: Low calorie. Unknown_14: Somebody tried to pay me $5 to skip this video. That's not fucking happening. Look at her neck sleeve. Her neck sleeve is fucking massive. Unknown_19: It was painful, but I did it. Unknown_19: One step at a time. 1:46:26 Unknown_14: What the fuck was that cut? Oh, my God. What the fuck? Unknown_14: No. What are you doing? Cease. Cease and desist. Unknown_19: This is vlogmas. Your head looks so swollen. Unknown_14: I feel violated. Hi, everyone. Unknown_15: Oh, you want to talk to him? hi hi everyone i'm a little blurry my hair looks really bad oh well i'm just trying to let grow out you know is that becky in the viewfinder is that actually becky talk to you about uh what i had for dinner and it was just um i could chicken chicken In a skillet, and I had... Is that actually Becky? 1:47:07 Unknown_14: Becky's her girlfriend. Unknown_15: And then I had some peas. Unknown_14: Where did Becky get so fat? I knew she was fat. That's fucking... And then I had about... She's gained like 50 pounds. Unknown_15: Six or seven of the really small microwavable... Microwavable baby potatoes that go in the microwave with the seasoning packet with it. But yeah, I had a really good dinner. Unknown_14: Is that Roadhog? Unknown_15: And... Unknown_15: You know, I did good there, I think. 1:47:40 Unknown_14: I'm a one-girl apocalypse. Unknown_15: I could do better in that area. I need to drink one more water. Unknown_14: This can't be Becky. This lady is too fucking fat to be Becky. I'm more degenerate than V. Fuck you. Get out of here with that shit. Unknown_19: I hope you guys enjoyed it. And I know it was super boring, but it was mainly just like a... Josh is into people. Unknown_14: Just because I look at people eating does not mean I'm into it, you fucking assholes. Unknown_19: Anyways, I'm going to go. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye. Unknown_14: Oh, don't give me kisses. I'm ducking that shit. Unknown_14: I can't believe how far you've let yourself go. We're all worried about you. We fear the day Becky will upload a video saying you died. Wake up, Amber. I just want to see Amberlynn succeed on her weight loss journey, sad faces. Where is the actual Christmas content, Lamal? Here faster than Amberlynn's dietician hitting that block button. 1:48:12 Unknown_14: Instead of eating out, why not make a great, homemade, yummy, yet healthy meal? Shut up, lady. Unknown_14: Amber, nobody wants to see you gain weight. I do. Not in that way, though. I just think it's funny. We expect you to gain weight because you repeat the same behaviors year after year. This is not my fault. 1:48:47 Unknown_14: Just remember when you're trolling, you're the one that's dying, not us, so you're trolling yourself. Upside down face. Infantile behavior. Not taking responsibility. Always blaming others. Wanting to have it her way and for everyone else to shut up. That ego is bigger than you, girl. Girl. Unknown_22: Uh... Current weight is 556 pounds. Unknown_14: That is pretty fucking fat. Unknown_14: That is pretty fucking fat. I do say so myself. 1:49:21 Unknown_22: What's the date? Unknown_22: It's Friday. Oh, jeez. Unknown_22: Oh, no. Unknown_14: Do not send me this shit. I don't want this. Unknown_14: This is not okay. This is not okay. This is the exact fucking opposite of what okay is. It's unacceptable. Get it away. Unknown_22: Banish it. 1:49:58 Unknown_14: Gotta get down on Friday. Unknown_14: I gotta get some cheeseburger, girl, on Friday. Unknown_14: What else? Unknown_14: Chat, tell me, has anything else interesting happened in the last few days that I've not talked about? Unknown_14: Any drama from the internet? Unknown_22: I'm checking the Twitter. Unknown_14: I know that Shuon had apparently published a video about Tumblr pedophiles, even though she's into that creepy daddy little girl shit. 1:50:34 Unknown_14: That's physically fucking repulsive. Unknown_14: Anybody who talks about their kinks like that is fucking gross in my opinion. Nothing good. Unknown_14: Check the Corlin thread. I'd rather fucking kill myself in Minecraft. Unknown_14: You guys don't know that Sean heads into daddy little girl shit and they talk about it on fucking... Unknown_22: On Twitter in public all the fucking time? You have a state of emergency? No, nothing's changed. Everything's fine. 1:51:09 Unknown_22: YouTube Rewind? Here, I'll show you my favorite part about YouTube Rewind. Unknown_15: Right now you're watching BTS. What's up? Welcome to it. Unknown_14: No, I don't want behind the scenes. Fuck off. 1:51:42 Unknown_14: Here, this is my favorite part. Let me find it. I like the part where they're at the fucking camp circle. Jerking each other off. Unknown_14: Oh, yeah. They talk about mental health this year and showing their viewers that it's okay to go through tough times like that. Unknown_04: It takes a lot of bravery to be that vulnerable, and I'm so proud of this community. I think this year's Rewind should celebrate. Unknown_14: It's so brave to sell out and make your vulnerable audience think that they should subscribe themselves to some kind of fucking scam therapy site. 1:52:17 Unknown_14: There's no hope. There's no hope for the West. Unknown_04: I'm so proud of this community. I think this year's rewind should celebrate the fierce, fabulous, and empowering art of drag. The fierce, fabulous, and empowering art of drag. Look at that shit. Look at that shit. Unknown_14: This is all your fault, Easy Peasy. Unknown_19: Can we also give a moment to Asian representation in entertainment this year? Major strides were made. Unknown_14: There's only 2 billion of them on the planet. Yeah, created something really special. 1:52:50 Unknown_04: Here's to all women in 2018 finding their voices. Can we give a moment to working moms? And to everyone who taught. Or who learned something this year. Unknown_14: Okay, this is my favorite part. And to all the refugees and anyone looking for a home. Aww. Unknown_13: Aww. Isn't that sweet? Unknown_13: That's what YouTube's about. Unknown_14: It's about all the refugees looking for a home, guys. My favorite part is, um, besides this bullshit. 1:53:21 Unknown_14: Oh, I like this part too. Unknown_25: We should read the comments. Unknown_14: I like how they're all like, they're all positive shit. Unknown_14: And let's read the comments. That fucking girl that had to take time off because being a YouTube content creator was too stressful. Unknown_14: Yeah, her comments are just, oh, then they have this shit. Unknown_14: But you read the actual comments, and they're just shitting all over her for being awful. My favorite part, though, in the comments is, 1:53:59 Unknown_14: There are no Brazilians in this entire video and arguably Brazilian demographics probably the largest outside of Outside of like European and American but they don't get they don't get representation because they don't wear hijabs They're not refugees. They don't hate Trump. So they don't get people Oh and also, you know who isn't in this video? I'll give you a hint 1:54:36 Unknown_14: come to Brazil I might if you guys get a second amendment in 1776 rises again I will come oh Indian maybe there's some Indian stuff in this but yeah Unknown_14: PewDiePie. PewDiePie is not in this video anywhere. You know why? Because he said the N-word. He said the N-word. He's off the chain. He's off the plantation. Can't have the biggest, single, most subscribed person in all of YouTube in your video. Because he said the N-word. Unknown_07: Let's give the people what they want. Unknown_14: Yeah, that's what the people want. That's what we want right there. Oh, jeez. I think the only reason why they included football in this is that... 1:55:26 Unknown_14: What happened? The French mercenary team of African footballers won the tournament for them. If Serbia had won, they wouldn't have fucking done shit for football. Fuck itself. The Brazilians and the footballers can go eat shit for all they care. Unknown_14: What a miserable, miserable celebration of a death of a society. 1:56:08 Unknown_22: Play the vid in the email. You look at we're shit live. Unknown_22: This better not be... Somebody sent me Chantel's tits. Unknown_22: I think, in email. Unknown_14: Starman meet Moonman. Sucker. Unknown_14: No. Unknown_14: Can you imagine if they invited me to their fucking YouTube rewind? Can you imagine the shit show? Like, what the fuck? You didn't invite PewDiePie, but you invited the fucking doxer. Unknown_22: The triple X doxer. 1:56:42 Unknown_22: Oh, God. If you sent me this before... I don't know if I want to play this. Unknown_22: Uh... Unknown_14: Let's see. Unknown_14: Okay, I guess I'll pull it up. Hold up. Am I even signed in on YouTube? No, I'm not. Unknown_14: Okay. I guess I'll download it. I will download this fucking video for you people. Because this guy really, really wants to see this shit. Even though it's disgusting. Let me make a live VLC. Let me change it so that it does not... I don't want it to shut down when I'm doing the source. 1:57:15 Unknown_22: How do I change that? Unknown_22: Here, you know what? I'll just do the media player. I'll beat up, or boot up MLC. Unknown_14: That'll work. That'll work. I'll find a way. Unknown_22: Where there is a will, there is a way. 1:57:52 Unknown_22: There might not be sound, though. Where the fuck's my sound? Unknown_22: Oh god damn it, it doesn't fucking work without, with MLC. Unknown_14: God, I'm so mad. Let me download it in webm format. Unknown_22: This is exciting. Unknown_22: Alright, this better work. Unknown_14: Oh yeah, there we go. 1:58:25 Unknown_14: I'm not liking what I see. Unknown_14: Oh, no. Unknown_14: This is shooting fucking music. Unknown_25: Today, we are in Louisiana at the Ponies on the Delta Pony Play event. Unknown_05: Welcome to Pony Play. 1:59:02 Unknown_05: Today we're out here having a pony play competition where people compete in events and classes just the same as real horses do. Unknown_05: These events are very competitive. Just like a regular horse show event, we end up with some crashes and wrecks. Unknown_05: Get wrecked. People go down over the dump. Unknown_05: The competition gets pretty crazy sometimes. Unknown_30: I'm gonna beat you so hard. Unknown_05: When ponies put on the gear, it puts them into what they call a pony space. And I see a lot of people that once they put... Can we talk for a second? 1:59:46 Unknown_14: See, I went into the Ralph Retort Discord earlier today, and I said something to the effect of white people deserve to die because white people are lemmings. Unknown_14: White people are lemmings. That's my thought. I don't know how anybody can watch this shit and say, yeah, you know, white America is going to make a comeback. It's never going to come back. It's gone. It's dead forever. It'll never come back. Unknown_14: They, uh... Unknown_14: This is, this is white culture. I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I'm too, too black-pilled. Unknown_14: Black-pilled for you guys, but... It's, uh, I have no confidence. 2:00:26 Unknown_14: I voted no confidence. Unknown_27: When I put the bit in his mouth, it's like a ritual between us. Unknown_05: He needs that transition to get into headspace. Unknown_27: And I can feel through the bit when he actually kinda changes from, like, human space like funny space now i'm going to leave him here for a minute for pony space before we take him out in for the reigning competition because i found she has like she must have really droopy tits because look at the size of like how much that support brawl is doing work she's got like a girder belt to keep it suspended time to transition into his head space that allows him to express himself as a pony 2:01:14 Unknown_29: When I'm doing commentary, I'm pretty free and wild. I kick the cards. I hate this. Unknown_29: I hate this. So they really have to try to keep us to obey, but it usually doesn't work in their favor. Unknown_25: I really just fall into that space, and I'm a pony when I do that. Unknown_29: So I'm free, I run around, I gallop, I jump, I snort, I whine, and I muzzle. Unknown_14: I don't even know what the transformation fetish is, dude. I don't think I want to know. That will always be my favorite part. 2:01:48 Unknown_05: All of our outfits that we make are based off of Biohorse equipment or made out of Biohorse equipment that's been rearranged to fit humans and can get very costly. People are very proud of their outfits they put together. Unknown_10: Whose titties? Those were just... It's a very essential part for most ponies. but it's also very important to adopting that those are just one of the the pony people's to change from the human aspect to the pony aspect and um in a headspace kind of way like really get into character 2:02:35 Unknown_14: New Red Dead Redemption DLC. Unknown_27: So to get to go out and pretend to be something else for the weekend is like so much fun. Unknown_10: It's about expressing your inner personality, too, because so many other people I'm sure I can speak for live a life Monday through Friday that's not really an expression of who they are, what they do. It's what pays their bills. And when you get a chance to come out here and you get to enjoy what you do and See, my thought is, I'm watching this, right? And I'm thinking, on one hand... 2:03:21 Unknown_14: I'm watching this, right, and I'm thinking, on one hand, I really support personal liberty, right? I'm a huge fan of the idea that people should be able to do whatever they want. But I also believe that there should be a natural draw for people to want to do something that's healthy for them and that isn't this shit. And it tears me. Because it's like, how do we have personal freedom and also make it clear to people that this shit is not okay? That this shit is not fucking okay and you shouldn't do this. Freedom was a mistake. Because this is what makes people fascist. 2:03:57 Unknown_14: Like, when people talk about Weimar Germany and the shit that was happening in Weimar Germany, that's all I can think of when I see this shit. Unknown_22: What the fuck is this video? Unknown_22: If somebody wants me to play this, I don't know what it is. It better be good. Let me show you what weird looks like. 2:04:40 Unknown_01: I owe an apology to TonkaSaw, Failure Accomplished, Andy Warski, Swedish Mate, Dame Pesos, and Maxwell Silver for reporting their videos to YouTube for bullying and harassment. Unknown_26: No one here fucking likes you at all. You're here just trying to be friends with everyone. No, I'm talking. I don't know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Hold on. This is, this is loser. Unknown_14: I love, you know, I, I, I'm not a big fan of Keemstar at all. Like I'm, I'm just not, he's been more and more tolerable as I've seen more of them. I think he's settled down and stopped trying to be the cool kid. He stopped trying to be like Jim and shit during his, uh, during the Ralph retort. 2:05:24 Unknown_14: But in particular with this, when Monday Matt was trying to interrupt him and trying to make him say who he was, like reintroduce himself, Keemstar did not put up with that at all. Just continued to call him like a little bitch until Monday Matt was forced to admit basically that he knew who Keemstar was. Unknown_26: Who is this? Who is this? Oh my god, is that Keemstar? Unknown_36: A lot of influencers that are doing a lot of good things are really annoyed with the toxic people and we don't want them in our communities. Unknown_03: But he also, in Annie's defense, has a significant hate foul. What the fuck is he doing? One of the largest I can talk about. 2:06:09 Unknown_02: I'll eat your pussy whenever I can. Unknown_33: They get about 8,000 viewers. A lot of times they bring in very controversial guests like Richard Spencer, and they bring them on to debate extremist views. I have the YouTube silver button hanging on a box behind me on the wall, in a frame. Unknown_23: It fell down and hit me on the head and I screeched in a very high voice. Unknown_11: Basically, they're all doxers. There's literally nothing now. Unknown_11: I think that it's remarkable. This is embarrassing for you. This is an embarrassing monologue for you. Yeah. You want to, you want to, how about, I'll make you a deal. We'll, we'll rebuild this bridge right now. Suck my dick and we can rebuild this bridge. How about that? 2:06:42 Unknown_30: Oh, tumbling off the ring apron and the floor. Unknown_14: You dead? Oh, that was a Tonka so. Unknown_11: Alright everyone, for those who thought that I was joking yesterday on Twitter, I actually wasn't. I am now officially throwing my hat in the ring for the governorship of Vermont now. Unknown_23: Are you yourself Sonichu? When you go to Krakow, do you transform into Sonichu? I go there, I go there, I'm human, and then I can transform into my Christian Sonichu form. 2:07:18 Unknown_30: What the fuck? Unknown_03: Sargon of Akkad semen. Unknown_03: No. Can I inject, out of all the skeptics and the people around Sargon, 2:07:57 Unknown_14: Don't hate me, but I hate V the least. V is the most tolerable out of all the skeptics. Just saying. Unknown_14: He's the least mean-spirited, I feel. I know your friend is being treated injustice. Unknown_11: You think that you are more intelligent than you are, and that is a difficult place for you to be. Unknown_30: in this country in 15 or 20 years time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man it's the murder case shocking america yeah i think um 2:08:38 Unknown_02: I think it's, yeah, it depends on the child, really. Oh my god, this fucking triggered me. I was just on a deep-seated level. I couldn't get over this. This really fucking pissed me off. Unknown_28: I won! This is what a winner looks like! Unknown_28: I can show you what you've all been asking for. Here. Unknown_28: Here. Feast upon my grotesque body horror tits. Feast upon them. 2:09:11 Unknown_14: Those are awful. Unknown_28: Wank off, you kip voters. Wank off to my grotesque tits. Unknown_14: They're not even even. Unknown_28: I give you these, you kip voters. Wank off to me now. Unknown_32: But there is one thing to take away from all of this, this entire disgusting clusterfuck of what's going on right now. Those videos that those people have watched, the pictures that were shared back and forth, that shit really does exist. Unknown_14: That was in context of the Kira leaks, but he reappropriated it. 2:09:46 Unknown_14: If each member of UKIP had done even a tenth of what Jahans has done for the independence of the United Kingdom and the plight of the white Englishman, Brexit would have happened months ago. Sad. Sad. Unknown_14: In the words of Jesse Lee Peterson, that's amazing. Hail the White Race Gas Sargon. Unknown_14: Absolute nectar. Unknown_22: That was a pretty good video. That wasn't shit. Uh oh, somebody's pinging me again. Unknown_14: What's this? Unknown_14: This better be good too. Unknown_14: I'm just stumbling into shit blindly right now. 2:10:23 Unknown_14: No way! Unknown_14: No, wait. Well, this is from a few days ago. Unknown_14: Isn't it? Unknown_14: Yeah, no. This isn't what I thought it was. Unknown_14: I might have to do a video on next Wednesday. It might be on Chantal. And I'll just show you who Chantal is. I think that's how you pronounce her. Because I'm getting requests from people. 2:10:55 Unknown_14: To do one on Chantel, because I did one on Amberlynn. And my other fat lady of choice is Chantel, who is just... Like, if you think Amberlynn is gross, this woman is fucking unbelievable. Let me just find her most popular videos. We're going to watch another fat woman eating. I'm sorry. I can't get my rocks off unless there's a fat woman eating in front of me. Unknown_14: super large cheesy pizza mukbang mukbang eat hell she put the korean she put the korean in the title like there's like there's some fucking korean motherfuckers who want to oh she is massive like what whale i need to see her eat the pizza i know that ain't fucking happening 2:11:46 Unknown_14: Look, she even tagged it. Mookbang. Cheesy Mookbang. Lasagna Mookbang. Oh, jeez. I don't know. I don't want to see this. This is too much for me. I do want to see her eating the pizza. No, we already watched the pizza. Eating McDonald's. That's perfect. Unknown_14: Eat. Eat cow. Unknown_16: Hello, foodie beauties. Unknown_14: Shut up. Eat the food. Unknown_14: oh god she's like half a second half a second gluttony and she's she's like chewing with her mouth yeah exactly lost close it 2:12:29 Unknown_14: Devil... Yeah, I can't watch this shit. That's too much. Unknown_14: But the ladies that watch this apparently want me to do Chantel. They really like my videos on Fat Woman. So Chantel is high up on the list. But especially right now, they're asking it because... She has a boyfriend from a West African country called Senegal. Or Senegal. And his name is Bibi, and every time she records him, he looks so unhappy. He looks literally on the verge of suicide every time she's recording him. And he's been gone since November 23rd, and people are suspecting that Bibi has fled the country, abandoned his hopes of getting a permanent residence visa in the United States or Canada—she's in Canada—of getting a residence visa in Canada. and has returned to Senegal to live with his people and to build a family there because it would be easier than trying to live with Chantal Murray. She ate him. 2:13:07 Unknown_14: Can we find a video with Bibi? Because I want you guys to see the soul-crushing defeat that this man has. Unknown_14: Where is she? See, all of her mukbangs are with this fast food shit, like Taco Bell. She very, very, very seldom, as far as I'm aware, do mukbangs with home-cooked food. Let's find one with BB. If you have a video with BB, send it to me. 2:13:57 Unknown_22: Is that one... Is that one BB? Unknown_06: Hi guys, it's me. No, that's Becky. Fuck off. I don't want to look at you, Becky. Get away from me. Unknown_14: I'm looking for Bebe, not Becky. Unknown_22: Bebe. Unknown_22: Bebe, come back. Unknown_22: You can blame it all on me. 2:14:34 Unknown_13: Oh, jeez. Unknown_13: Let's watch this one. Because he looks miserable. Unknown_20: This is my boyfriend, everybody. Unknown_14: Look at the chroma. Look at how bad the chroma effect is. That's impressive. You can see... You're supposed to backlight it. You're supposed to backlight it so that the light catches on the background and it provides a flat color. You're not supposed to frontlight it because then the light reflects off of it and makes his black ass fucking green like he's goddamn Lex Luthor or the Green Lantern. Lady, you're fat. 2:15:06 Unknown_20: And you're dumb. Unknown_14: Look, okay, just look at how miserable he is. Tell me when you start feeling bad for him. Unknown_16: I hope you appreciate what he's doing. Unknown_16: And this is the only video you're going to make with me, is that right? Unknown_18: Well, yeah. Unknown_20: Okay, so I gave him a few things he has to work with here. Unknown_02: Look at him rubbing his temples. And I'm not going to tell him what is or what. He's already stressed. Unknown_20: There's a few brushes. I'm not going to tell him. He's just going to wing it. He doesn't know anything about makeup. I mean, he doesn't watch me do my makeup. So step one, I've already primed my face, so he doesn't have to do that. 2:15:38 Unknown_14: Look, there's chunks of her fucking face missing because she's not doing the chroma color right. Unknown_20: I didn't let him watch a makeup tutorial. Like I said, I was going to do new Sir Bob. Unknown_14: Look how gross. He's thinking, like, I could be back at home with my mama and my papa. You know, we were poor, but we had Ohana. We had family. And family means staying together. You have to explain what your logic is here. 2:16:12 Unknown_20: What are you doing? Unknown_18: Logic here is to... Unknown_16: You guys, he's rubbing my face with a beauty blender with no makeup on it. Unknown_16: My red cheeks. Unknown_14: He had no food and he would eat, he would behead this. Unknown_20: Yeah, you might have to dab it a bit. 2:16:43 Unknown_14: Dab. Unknown_14: Is fat woman dating black man the new MRA marrying Asian woman? Look, BB's just trying to get ahead of life. He didn't ask for this shit. Unknown_16: Oh, you're hiding my red cheeks. Unknown_16: You're hiding my red cheeks. Unknown_14: You would... Stop trying to make me read things that'll get me fucking banned from YouTube. I never condone violence. I'm just reading my chat just so you know. So what you're trying to hide is my red cheeks, right? She ate all the baby's food. 2:17:14 Unknown_16: They're like really ugly, actually. Unknown_14: Metacurse, you're gonna get me fucking banned if I read this shit. Team Bibi. Bibi didn't do nothing. Bibi's a good boy. He's just trying to get his green card, get his life together. He's fucking with them. Unknown_20: A cardboard background? Unknown_14: Oh man, I really wish I could see her fucking green screen. Unknown_20: I bet you it's horrific. 2:17:57 Unknown_14: This poor man. Unknown_18: Why are you laughing? Unknown_25: You're at the salon. Shut up. You're at the salon. Shut up. Unknown_14: Her laugh makes me uncomfortable. He's doing a good job. He's really focusing on making sure that those fucking moles disappear. He's like rubbing foundation into the moles to get them to go away. Unknown_14: He knows what he's doing. He's not retarded. I look dead, but... Why? Unknown_14: Yeah, what a compliment, you fucking asshole. He's doing his best to make you look like a presentable person. 2:18:29 Unknown_19: Okay. Unknown_19: Yeah, he is doing decent. Unknown_14: She looks prettier than when they started. That's like a V compliment again. Tell them what you're doing, please. He's not fucking up too bad. Oh, that's gross. Unknown_16: He's rubbing... Why is she so mean to him? He's rubbing the Beauty Blender sponge into the other sponge. Unknown_14: He's doing okay. He's covering up your fucking mold so you don't look like you've got shit growing on your face. 2:19:06 Unknown_14: VB's black all he has is his credit. Yeah, I'm gonna kick you out. What's that a reference to? I remember that. Unknown_14: Oh, okay. Somebody super chatted something, which is actually funny. BB is black. All he has is his credit. I don't think this is on YouTube anymore because it got murdered by YouTube, but we went over Milo's lawsuit. And Milo is talking to the guy that he's in a lawsuit with. And he's basically saying that, if I don't get help from you, if I don't get money from you, I'm going to have to rely on my husband. And Milo's husband is black. And he says something really stupid like, he's a black man. And he has it tough. And all he has is his credit. And he has to work really hard for that. And it's like, are you saying that he's literally nothing but his credit score? Like, what a fucking asshole. 2:19:39 Unknown_16: There's no powder on the sponge, but that's okay. Unknown_18: Okay. Unknown_16: Okay, I'll be a good patient. I mean, a patient. Unknown_16: Good customer. Unknown_14: I would pay to see Tariq Nasheed commentate this. 2:20:20 Unknown_20: Well, you're being very thorough. Unknown_14: He can't escape her pull. He probably had to wait for an eclipse or something. Unknown_14: As far as this video goes, he's stuck. He might as well be in fucking prison. As far as this is concerned. Unknown_16: Are you buffing my face now? Unknown_14: You miss pre-marriage Milo? He's such a cunt now. He's always been pretty bad as far as I'm concerned. Unknown_14: Yeah, her laugh is like actually alienating. 2:20:51 Unknown_14: Will Kiwi Farms do a Gamergate? And where are they now special hosted by Danny Glover? We're hosted by my own hosting company. Unknown_14: No, I'll reboot the stream.me chat. Sorry about that. Unknown_16: Apparently your cheek is the whole half of your face. Unknown_14: Yeah, she's pretty bad. Here, this is the other one that I know BB's in. And we'll watch this. I've gotten the gist of this, where she's just being an asshole to him. This one, you can actually see. 2:21:24 Unknown_14: You can see what pure and utter contempt looks like. Unknown_20: Hello. And we're going to use some peanut oil to, you know, just. Unknown_20: Peanut oil is what we always use for this type of dish. So these are the ingredients you're going to need for that. So let's get cooking. Unknown_14: Did you hear that? She made him say, hey, feuty beauty. And he said it with all the enthusiasm of a death row inmate reading his last words. 2:21:57 Unknown_20: Okay, so first step we do is we add the chicken breast. Unknown_20: This is like cooking ASMR on medium high heat in the peanut oil. Unknown_10: Yeah, we already looked at this. Unknown_20: And we're going to cook it on both sides until it's brown, right babe? Yeah. Unknown_14: We did already look at this, but a lot of people haven't seen this. It was a stream.me special. 2:22:36 Unknown_20: So we're just going to... That's too much oil. Unknown_14: They're deep fat frying it, I think. Unknown_20: And I'll be back in there with the chicken fry. Unknown_16: Ooh, yum. Yum. Unknown_14: He is literally her sleep. Unknown_14: Oh, poor BB. Unknown_16: At the bottom, that's all flavor down there. Unknown_20: I know it looks like a lot of oil, but the juices from the chicken are mixing with that. 2:23:10 Unknown_20: Oh, God. Unknown_14: Oh, God, that fucking laugh. I wish you could smell this flavor. Unknown_20: Omnis is shit. Smells good, eh, babe? Unknown_20: Thanks for cooking. Unknown_21: Baby, no! Unknown_20: Yeah. Unknown_20: We're almost done. Unknown_20: Are we gonna need two cans of tomato paste? Unknown_20: No. Now we're just gonna add the chopped onions to the chicken. We did drain out a little bit of the oil. 2:23:43 Unknown_20: Oh, smells so good. There's the minced garlic there in the jar I put in. Unknown_20: The garlic there. Unknown_20: In the jar. Unknown_14: I think I crashed my chromium. Trying to add a picture to this. Unknown_14: Chromium, come back to me. I need you. I'm not a great camera man. 2:24:16 Unknown_14: He's so... My thing about this is when you're watching it, it's so obvious. He is... Unknown_14: He is so unhappy that she's, like, in his space. Because, you know, she's a really fat lady. Unknown_14: And that kitchen's not that big. So she's taken up, like, half the fucking kitchen. To, uh... To film this shit. And he's just not amused by it. And she always has this weird shitting grin. It's so unsettling. She has an unnatural smile. Unknown_14: I sound very hateful and womanly right now, but I'm just saying what I think, okay? And what I think is that this is repugnant to God. 2:24:54 Unknown_14: He's looking at that knife like, bitch, come at me. I will end this. Unknown_14: I will end this faster than you know. I did wash these vegetables, but I don't peel them. Unknown_14: Also, look at her cutting technique. Look at how she cuts this shit. Breaking news, okay. 2:25:27 Unknown_20: This is from our guy ADF. I don't know when I'll do a stream on him, but he gets a stream at some point. Unknown_14: I love my Trantifa pills. That's some words of wisdom from our sponsor, Ahuvia. 2:26:00 Unknown_22: The potatoes. Unknown_14: Josh is mad because he wants to be the one to feed her. Hey, now. Unknown_20: You think? Unknown_14: No, look. Fat people. Here's the thing. Fat people do not know how to cook. Like, even I. Like, fat people don't know how to cook. They only know how to eat out. If you know how to cook, you're going to be a healthier weight. Shut up. No. 2:26:54 Unknown_20: Okay, so we have that. Unknown_20: I want fruit flies getting to our stuff. Unknown_20: Be careful with big kitchen knives. Okay, we'll be back, guys, in a few minutes. Unknown_14: I feel uncomfortable when she talks at me. Unknown_20: Yeah. Seasoning. Unknown_20: He's adding it now. Unknown_20: Not all of it, just some of it. So just half now. Unknown_20: Oh my gosh. Unknown_20: That looks so good. Again, this is, there's so many different ways. I mean, his mom and sister, you know, they've been making masay in Senegal for years and years. They're just, you know, I'm, I've never, before I met him, I've never made this. So I can't compare to their cooking. 2:27:28 Unknown_20: You know, but we're gonna put the lid on for a few minutes and yeah. Unknown_18: Yeah, just anything. 2:28:03 Unknown_20: This is my kitchen. It's not the cleanest kitchen in the world. Unknown_14: No, I do not. Stop sexualizing me. I'm an innocent boy. I do not want the fatness. This is defamation on the online. Unknown_25: Cut that shit. Unknown_16: Look at this pretty girl, everybody. Unknown_14: He is so done with her bullshit. Unknown_14: No, I do not. You're defaming me. I will sue you. Now he's mixing. 2:28:34 Unknown_20: Is that the whole can? Unknown_14: Of course she has a can. Yeah. Unknown_14: Is the cat fat too? Of course the cat's fat. Unknown_20: What the fuck? Unknown_14: What are you thinking? Unknown_20: We use one can. If you want it to be more tomato-y, maybe add a second can. Unknown_17: If you put too much tomato, it's going to be acid. It's going to be acid, yeah. Unknown_20: Because tomato paste is really acid-y. But some people really like really tomato-y things. We don't like the really acid-y tomato juice too much. Unknown_14: The stream.me chat is off the fucking rails. You guys are horrible. 2:29:08 Unknown_14: Now I don't want to watch her eat the cat. What the fuck is wrong with you? And it's going to mix with all the oil. Your video is making me hungry. I already had my borscht. OK, I'm all good for today. Unknown_20: So I'm just going to mix it around, put the lid on, let it cook for a little bit. Unknown_14: No, I do not want to watch her eat BB. You guys are awful. 2:29:39 Unknown_21: Looks good, babe. Unknown_21: It looks good, babe. Unknown_14: Yes. Affirmative. Female, so... It looks good. Unknown_14: He is dying inside. He is literally regretting and pondering about life. Are you a big boy or are you a big girl? 2:30:12 Unknown_20: No one knows. Unknown_14: Poor Bebe. Unknown_20: What are you? A big boy or a big boy? Unknown_14: She has that grin because she loves to emasculate him and make him feel like shit. She loves being powerful. That's sad. Don't say that. You're making me fucking depressed. Unknown_14: You have so many little cubs but you choose to look at fat people? You have a fat fetish? No, they're just the funniest. Unknown_20: What are you doing? It's weird being on camera, isn't it? Unknown_20: I love it. You know, some people just don't like being on camera. Unknown_14: Fuck off. 2:30:45 Unknown_20: Let's name it. Unknown_20: Babe, we named the bugs in our house. Unknown_13: He is... Unknown_20: We always name the bugs in our house. Do you like the wreath on my door, guys? I got it at Pier 1 when it was on sale. He is so... And I've had it on my door all season. All year. All seasons. For this conversation. I'm one of those people that don't take things down. Unknown_20: So, yeah. Unknown_14: I'll speed it up a little bit. So this is cooking away. Unknown_20: Getting ready to add those veggies. Oh, yeah. Unknown_14: Yeah, that's what she's excited for. 2:31:17 Unknown_20: We're just putting the veggies in. BB is peeling the potatoes because he does not like the peel on potatoes. But I do. I don't mind. How wasted is she? Unknown_14: She's not wasted. She's just fat. Unknown_20: But again, it's pretty much to your preference. So, you know. Unknown_20: Hi, Sam. Unknown_20: Sam-Sam. Unknown_20: Oh, hi. Unknown_20: Lucky swiper right now. Oh, big boy. Hey, little big boy. Unknown_14: Women who sing like that to you are very manipulative. That's a strange take. I've never heard that before. 2:31:48 Unknown_20: Sorry, guys. I always get distracted by cats. I'm a crazy cat. 30 men, please stop. Unknown_14: No, we're watching this. I'm glad I have 1,000 people watching this with me. Unknown_14: I feel, I feel strong. Unknown_20: We're gonna, we're gonna power through this. Unknown_14: The cat hates the sound of her voice. Look at how, look at his ears. She probably, like, she'll probably make that voice and then, like, picks him up and fucks with him. And he knows instinctively to get the fuck away from her when she makes that voice. 2:32:20 Unknown_20: Oh, they're putting peanut butter in it, by the way. Unknown_14: I know, I know chat likes to freak out. Unknown_20: So now we just let this cook for, you're going to put the water and cover it and let it cook until the vegetables are tender and then you're going to come back and put the peanut butter. Unknown_14: I did it, chat. I made you guys feel bad for a black man. I'm showing you. Unknown_14: This is racial outreach. We're doing good things here. It's demonic. Unknown_20: Perfect for Halloween. 2:32:55 Unknown_20: We're going to add some all-natural baby. Oh, and in the meantime, guys, we have our big pot of jasmine rice cooking. That is our favorite rice. It's like a long grain white rice. Unknown_14: Peanut butter is good in Thai food, but this is Senegal food. Unknown_20: A little bit different. We're going to add some peanut butter. Unknown_20: Oh, yeah. Creamy goodness. Unknown_14: Don't make those noises, please I've not felt this before I almost seen this human you're welcome If Obama had a son he'd look like BB 2:33:38 Unknown_14: Is her BF a citizen or is he with her for the green card? They are in Canada, but he is with her for the green card. That's what people think. He's been with her for six years, by the way, so keep that in mind. As you evaluate your pity for him. Unknown_20: So about four cups of water total. Unknown_20: And then we're just going to cover the stuff up, guys, and let it cook. We're going to reduce the heat and let it cook for about, I'd say, about, what, 20 minutes? 2:34:11 Unknown_14: Yeah, if you're wondering why he looks so dead inside, it's because he's been with her for six years. Unknown_20: The oil will separate on the top. You'll see what I mean by that. I'll show you when it's ready, guys. Unknown_13: Swing low sweet cherry Okay Okay, so take a look or pause it right there chat that is the finished project look at his face first of all First of all 2:35:03 Unknown_22: That is the face of making mistakes. Unknown_14: That is the face of wanting to go home to thinking back, thinking back to what happiness was. Unknown_14: Back, back in the, he wish he could turn back time to the good old days. Unknown_14: In Senegal. Show me pictures of Senegal, YouTube. You did this before. Unknown_14: Are you going to fuck me over this time? You're not going to show me pictures? 2:35:37 Unknown_22: Fuck you, I'll find my own pictures then, asshole. Unknown_22: To the good old days. Where they would wash the goat in the water. Unknown_22: Have nice little beach towns. Unknown_22: Look at white chicks on the beach. Unknown_22: Fighting the sand pits, apparently. 2:36:10 Unknown_14: Catch swordfish and shit. Unknown_14: With white guys. Unknown_14: They had a simple life. A good life. Unknown_14: Sure, it was full of trash. It was very poor. It was a dump. Unknown_14: But it wasn't this. Unknown_14: It wasn't this. And since I've got it frozen, let's pull it up. Unknown_14: This is what Moffat usually looks like. Unknown_14: So they nailed it, guys. 2:36:42 Unknown_22: They nailed it. Unknown_14: Look at how badly he just wants to eat. Unknown_14: He's so ready. He's so ready to eat. Unknown_20: She's gonna eat pickles with it. Unknown_20: He just wants to eat. Unknown_14: Look at him. Leering at that fucking plate. He just wants to eat. He was literally seconds from dipping in. 2:37:30 Unknown_14: I'm getting that shit. Unknown_20: This is that. Unknown_20: Sriracha. Unknown_14: Ah, he gets a bite. Unknown_14: Ah! BB has been fed. Let's try. We got him, ladies and gentlemen. Unknown_20: So let me just get that. Unknown_20: Beauty bite. Unknown_14: She's dropping shit on the table. He's just thinking, I got to clean that shit up after you're done spilling shit all over the fucking table. Unknown_25: They're hot. Unknown_14: Well, he's got fucking habaneros on it. Of course it's fucking hot. 2:38:02 Unknown_14: Instead of sending blacks to prison, we should make them date fat chicks. I think that's against the Geneva Convention. Or the UN Human Rights. Unknown_18: People on our Discord are asking me to make BB's face in emoticon. Unknown_20: Are you happy, Josh? Is this what you wanted? This is what I always wanted. 2:38:43 Unknown_14: Of course it has fucking peanuts. You're eating peanut stew from Senegal. Unknown_14: Where the fuck do you think they came from? Unknown_18: Mali? Unknown_18: This is the first time I want to help an immigrant. Unknown_14: Do you know what they do different than this one? Unknown_14: Yeah, he sprays like a little bit of sesame oil like in his corner of the plate. Where she like dumped it all over the entire fucking thing. Look at how much closer it is to her than it is to him. He has to like hold his hand underneath the spoon to catch shit that falls because he's got like a mile to travel the spoon. 2:39:17 Unknown_14: The spray is sesame oil. Unknown_14: Help him escape. Unknown_20: He misses Wakanda. Unknown_14: He does. 2:40:04 Unknown_14: This confirms that Josh, culture is lost. We've reached a point of no return like Rome. Unknown_14: Are they going to be looking back on this in the year 3000 and thinking, like, at some point in the past, the United States and Canada imported people like Bibi and then made them cook for them as indentured servants and sex slaves? Unknown_18: Where do you buy vegetables? Unknown_20: At the market. Or... 2:40:38 Unknown_14: Yeah, her laugh is hard to still make. Unknown_14: He looks like he's wearing the outfit he came on the boat in. Unknown_14: She doesn't give him extra clothes. Unknown_14: If she gives him clothing, it sets him free. So he has to wear what he came on the boat in. Unknown_20: We made it one night. And ever since then, I've been in love with Maffei. Can you tell them the little riddle about Maffei makes a fart? 2:41:39 Unknown_13: Master has given BB a sock. Unknown_13: BB is free. Unknown_14: This is a jealousy stream we found Josh's King. I'm being fucking slammered. Slammered. Unknown_21: Slammered. Unknown_14: I'm being slandered on the internet. Unknown_18: You can just add gumbo. Unknown_20: Gumbo? Unknown_18: Black gumbo. Unknown_20: Gumbo with okra. Okra. 2:42:12 Unknown_18: Yeah, you can... I think we had some frozen okra. Unknown_20: I wish we would've added some. Unknown_14: Oh, Jesus. Unknown_14: Holy shit, we've been streaming for fucking... almost three hours. I was gonna wrap up after two hours, but... I've been trapped. I've been stuck. Unknown_20: Another thing you can do... Unknown_14: No, I do not want to slammer Chantal. If you don't like how slimy Oprah is, you can dry it. Unknown_14: You guys are fucking awful. I can't read any of these messages. I'm going to get fucking banned off YouTube. 2:42:45 Unknown_20: You don't like it that way? Unknown_14: I like fried stuff. Unknown_14: I'm going to get my email from the fucking YouTube partner program. Like, we have to cancel your program because you read all this shit about fat chicks and black guys. A little bit, eh? If we can't free this man, we should mercy sunset him at least. Damn. Unknown_14: Are we going to, like, imagine this like a zombie movie. Like, Chantal is, like, on top of him and he's being crushed. And he, like, reaches his hand out and is just like, just shoot me. don't shoot her just shoot me and you gotta you gotta sunset them you gotta put them down because you know you can you can you can get this you can get the zombie but you know he's still fucked so he might as well be you know the more merciful thing to do is just to do him this past year in january will be one year where i've done uh youtube videos i've had a youtube account for a while but mostly just to watch videos like a lot of you but 2:43:20 Unknown_20: The Southern Poverty Law Center is being used for trusted flaggers right now? I don't know anything about that. Can you check the Jack Scalfani thread for another stream? He's a lot like Chantel and Amberlynn. Maybe. 2:43:54 Unknown_20: Whenever I left my job, I was so depressed and unsure about my future, and then just doing YouTube has really kept me... BB's fled. 2:44:28 Unknown_14: When he was off camera, he was getting his documents to go back to Senegal in order. Unknown_14: Do you know the great locale Tree Sneed? I think I've heard the name like once. I have no idea what they're about. Unknown_20: I hear the cat in the background suffering. 2:45:11 Unknown_20: That was a big plate, man. Unknown_14: No, not the Southern Poverty Law Center. The Southern Poverty Call Center, which is a stream.me stream where they do prank calls a lot. Unknown_16: Right? Unknown_20: Are you going to bring some to work tomorrow? Unknown_20: Let me ask you this. What is the one major thing that you miss about Senegal? 2:45:43 Unknown_20: Besides your family. I know you miss your family. Unknown_18: The major thing? Everything? Unknown_14: He said everything. The worst of things. Like, whenever you think of Senegal, anything you miss. He said everything. Phoebe, no. Go home. Ohana means family. 2:46:19 Unknown_14: Do a stream with him. A free BB stream. Are we going to do a Super Chats for Good where we try to get BB? Make some food in Senegal. Unknown_18: You have Sao de Portugal, Sao Blas, Sao Blas, yeah. And they have town and more. Unknown_20: Oh, yeah? Yeah. Unknown_17: That's one of the most visited places. They have a really nice business over there. Mm-hmm. 2:46:56 Unknown_14: I didn't tell him to watch fat chicks for two hours. Have you ever watched my streams? This is my good shit. Unknown_14: Go fund me to get him a ticket home. Unknown_14: Go fund me to send her to Senegal. Unknown_14: You'd have to get... Come on now, chat. Be reasonable. You have to get her two plane tickets to Senegal. She's going to need that extra seat. 2:47:28 Unknown_20: It looks like a lot of food, but I spread the rice out like I measure. Spread it out. Unknown_14: Always ends this way with the feeder. Unknown_14: Look, it's a go-to. I can always cut on video of this chick eating and laugh at it. And it's just fantastic. Unknown_04: She's a bad boy. Unknown_14: Here, let me find something that's not a fat check. Hold on. Unknown_20: Man, that was really, really good. 2:48:04 Unknown_14: I'm going deep into my vault. Unknown_20: A video not about fat people. Unknown_28: Hey. Unknown_20: Sorry, guys. Unknown_20: Sorry about that. He ruined ya. Unknown_20: Sammy. His big cat butt was right there. Unknown_20: Some people are gonna be like, eww. 2:48:36 Unknown_14: He's so bothered. He just wants to eat his fucking food in privacy. Unknown_20: It's not very nice, is it? Unknown_14: Oh, shit. Unknown_20: So we just cleaned today. BB's playing, what video game are you playing? Unknown_17: Battlefield. Unknown_20: Battlefield 3? Is that the newest one? Unknown_17: That's my first time playing. Unknown_20: I want to play a video game for you guys, but I can't find my glasses. So when I find my glasses, I can't play without my glasses. Unknown_20: That's why I haven't been playing. 2:49:09 Unknown_20: So I apologize about that. Anyways, guys, I guess we'll go. You know, I don't have to wait for the last grain of racism. So, uh, thanks for watching, pretty beauties, and see you guys. Thanks for 15k. Unknown_14: Oh, somebody emailed me a video. Tell me below what you want me to do for my one-year YouTube anniversary in January. What's that shit? It's already good. Unknown_14: Aunt Marna's party cheese salad. Unknown_14: It is a person cooking. Do you know what time it is? Unknown_14: Oh god, not this shit. 2:49:43 Unknown_14: This is not a fat woman, but this is a fat man. Unknown_37: It's a doubleheader. That's right. Last week we did Aunt Myrna's recipe with the coleslaw. Amazing. This week we're going to... I'm going to let this play until I find the video that I want to end on. I was like, I'm not sure about some of these ingredients, but then I tasted it and it's like a dessert. It's really cool. So let's get this thing started. We're going to cook all this on the stove. Unknown_14: Look at the dislike ratio, by the way. I've never used it in my whole life. Unknown_37: I think my mom gave me this because I've never used this. And then we're going to chill it. So it's going to be awesome. Let's get started right now. Wait till you see this. I never would have put these ingredients in. 2:50:16 Unknown_14: Does chat already know what this video is? Talk about furries? No, I can't do that in my good feels that people thread. Unknown_37: Okay, let's go over that together. Pineapple, cream cheese. Uh... Unknown_14: pimentos, cool whip, pecans, jello, green bell pepper or capsicum, as it's called in Australia, and shredded fake American cheese. Can you believe this? 2:50:57 Unknown_37: This is crazy. Let's go to the stove right now and get this thing started. Take your crushed pineapples and pour it in the pan. Unknown_14: Mundane Nats, brother. Unknown_37: All right, get your Jell-O mix. You're going to do one large Jell-O, lemon or lime, or you're going to do two small packets. I grabbed a large one. 2:51:28 Unknown_37: There you go. I'm not even sure what utensil to use for this. Unknown_37: So I'm just going to mix it up right now. Unknown_37: There we go. I'm afraid later on, if I use a wooden spoon, it's going to stick to the wooden spoon. All right, so we're going to get this all mixed up. Okay, once the jello is dissolved, you're going to add, I chopped up the cream cheese. You're going to add all your cream cheese in there. Unknown_37: And you're going to mix that until it totally mixes in, totally melts down. 2:52:01 Unknown_37: Cream cheese pretty much melted down. You can still see the chunks of pineapple in there. Unknown_37: I think we're about ready to... Does this look appealing to you? Unknown_14: This looks like fucking slop. This looks like actual slop. The best part is at the end where... Oh, there's celery too. It's not all just bell pepper. Unknown_14: That's really gross. I'm going to mix that in. Aunt Myrna should get fucking Nuremberg trials with this shit. Unknown_37: He has to constantly reassure people as he's cooking because he knows it looks disgusting. So I hope mine turns out as good as hers. Have as good as hers. I'll be in business. Okay, I've turned the flame off. I'm just mixing it in now. So go ahead and turn your flame off. 2:52:38 Unknown_37: There we go. Get it all mixed in. Alright, here's a crucial ingredient. Unknown_37: Your whipped cream. Unknown_37: Get that out there. Unknown_37: Gonna mix that in gently. Don't want to spill over. 2:53:12 Unknown_37: And I don't recommend using, uh, it's the Cool Whip. I don't recommend using imitation or fat-free or sugar-free because they have a different reaction. Unknown_14: What? Wait, wait, wait, hold up. He said it's real Cool Whip. I don't recommend using imitation. Unknown_14: Does anybody point in this that Cool Whip is not real? Unknown_22: It's fake? Unknown_22: No? Nobody points this out? 2:53:45 Unknown_14: OK. Unknown_37: You want the regular, real Cool Whip or real whipped cream? Unknown_14: It's not real whipped cream. It's imitation. Unknown_37: Use real whipped cream. Unknown_37: What the fuck? Unknown_37: Oh my god. Unknown_14: That looks like actual fucking vomit. Unknown_14: It even sounds like somebody fucking throwing up when it hits the pan. That's disgusting. 2:54:19 Unknown_37: Wow, the lemon and the pineapple are just busting out. And crazy enough, the last step, you're going to sprinkle on some cheese on top. Unknown_37: Use American cheese. I wouldn't use a cheddar or a sharp because it's not going to have the same flavor effect. Now I'm going to chill this overnight and then we're going to take a look at it in the morning. It's going to be solid. It's going to be cold. It's going to be sweet. It's going to be delicious. Unknown_14: Oh, God. Unknown_37: Okay, well, I realized I didn't have to wait overnight and the family wants to try this out. So we've only been chilling this for about four hours. But as you can tell, it's completely solid and cold and it looks beautiful. Look at that. Doesn't that look great? No. Awesome, that looks. 2:54:52 Unknown_37: All right, so let's serve up a little section here and try it out. Unknown_37: And you just cut it almost like a dessert. Unknown_37: And you just scoop it out. Unknown_14: Oh, my God. Can you see it? Unknown_37: Can you see that? It's beautiful. Place it on a plate. Come on. Unknown_37: There we go. Unknown_37: It almost has like a pudding effect. Unknown_13: Why would you? Unknown_37: We're going to give that a try. Look at how beautiful that looks. Mmm. Wow. So good. I know it. 2:55:28 Unknown_37: Of course I don't know if mine came out as good. So here's to his nervous. Unknown_14: That was, that was not a convincing reaction. Jack said it's so sweet and dessert like, and has all those vegetables in it and American teas on top. Unknown_37: It is really, Unknown_14: He's afraid to take the second bite. Unknown_37: Look at that. It's sweet, and it's crunchy, and it's got a custard feel to it on your tongue. It's beautiful. All right, I'm going to chow on this, give some to the family. He didn't take a second. 2:55:59 Unknown_14: He's not taking a second bite. He cut it before he took a second bite. Look at this. All right, I'm going to chow on this, give some to the family. Unknown_37: You guys have a good one, and I'll see you on the next episode. Take care. Unknown_13: He cuts before he puts it in his mouth. Unknown_14: today's theme by the way is is regret is the face of regret and not knowing what you did wrong in your life and not knowing what to do with your life going forward we've seen some regret and i think with that um we're gonna watch one more thing and then i'm gonna call it call it a stream call it quits so let me load this up this is uh 2:56:53 Unknown_14: This is gonna be one of my, one of my special picks. Unknown_22: Federal institutions commit unconstitutional crimes because their payments are without gold or silver. Unknown_34: What the fuck is my sexual orientation? Unknown_34: Your sexuality is crippling crossface. Why didn't you tap out? WHY DIDN'T YOU TAP- Eat a slut. Eat a slut. Eat a slut. Eat a slut. Eat a slut. Eat a slut. Eat a slut. Eat a slut. Eat a slut. Eat a slut. Eat a slut. Eat a slut. Unknown_25: Eat a slut. Eat a slut. Eat a slut. Eat a slut. Unknown_34: I know what you're thinking right now, and you better stop thinking that, or else. Quit assuming, bro. The cuts on her thighs are not inspired by years of emotional and spiritual self-neglect. She can be a healthy, self-harming, non-gender-specific human being. She can be perfectly well-adjusted while maybe or maybe not blowing her boyfriend to Marcus' pitbull in front of her husband. Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me. Life partner. I cannot do this here. I am shamed for being the person I am by my own family, who I love a lot, but has not told me that they would do in over a month, and I do not feel safe, at least emotionally, anywhere nearby. Tumblr and Miitomo are all I have left here. Everyone I know in this town who means a lot to me would leave me, hate me for being born in the wrong body. I'm so deep in the closet, I am drained. No, you're not. And that's not even counting other shit going on. 2:57:25 Unknown_00: I need to get back to school or at least away from here. 2:58:01 Unknown_34: Ever wonder why America can't, for the life of it, win a war? It's because of people like this. And this. How about for 2016 boys to get to wear stockings without being insulted? The homosexual yells homophobia as he beats himself to death. If by beat you mean stealing his little sister's lipstick in preparation of his performance art piece called The Boy Who Cried Hate Crime. Ogbear from Birmingham talks about his sexuality and his faith. And what, the NHS for providing his AIDS medication? And how he lost his faith in Christianity and turned instead to paganism. Oi, bruv, you readin' the Bible? That's not banter, that's homophobic, you gotta go to jail, mate. Rotherham happened on an island of amoral hedonists, but I gotta go, the International Anglo is on my case, so I gotta go to jail, mate. 2:58:45 Unknown_14: All right. Somebody requested that I say over. So it's all over now. And we will be retiring with a special song that long-term fans of Common Filth might recognize. Unknown_14: Take it easy, guys. Tomorrow, 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Set notifications. I will be talking about the Chinaman in the Chinese minutes. Take it easy. And remember, I do not find fat people sexually attractive. 2:59:17 Unknown_25: Yeah, the God is true Unknown_12: I've grown, ain't I? The skinny nigga with the fro to the slightly bigger nigga who's a killer with the flow and from YouTube beats and SoundCloud, nigga. The only difference now is that I found Twitter. Fuck it. It's struggle rap, man. They never see the trouble that I'm going through. The way I sing, they think I live in bubble wrap. Fuck all that, even though I'm on some poppin' shit. With my niggas as my witness, I'm a nigga who can spit. Don't believe me? Overlooking my potential I'm that poet to a phone That poet to a pencil My mental Is similar to that Of a lion And I'm the king of holler You niggas I ain't even trying No lying I'm Scar You niggas Mufasa dying I'm killing you faggots Don't bother hating or crying And don't try getting your feelings Because you're feeling my rhyming And if my music ain't crackling's Word of God, you be buyin' I see you fuckers aspiring to be me Soundcloud, you spying and see me suckers That's hiding, saving my tracks, Private Ryan Oh Lord, I know I'm inspiring But have some pride in yourself Cause ain't no nigga can be me Unless that nigga's myself Yes, Lord Yes, Lord Yes, Lord Yeah 3:00:10 Unknown_12: Word to another excuse, it's just another excuse I just been busy all year and now I'm back with the juice I watch a lot of your moves, I move my bishop to you I'm going straight for the king, I'll hang that boy with a noose And I'll be fucking the queen, fuck it I lost a few And all these flat chested bitches ain't really checking for you Checkmate, I'm playing checkers with my shoes Got the breads on, and your girl give me neck because her head's gone Jaw hurts, that's a quote from my main bitch I look her dead in the eyes, said that's a shame, bitch. Same bitches everywhere, so running game is backwards compatible. Ain't a woman I could name, bitch. I never cared for the meet and greet. I tell them greet my meat, treat them like a piece of meat. See the seat. My money dirty, so I never really need receipts. And ain't nobody in life I really need to keep. I still gon' roam with my family cause they put me here And rest in peace to all my niggas, that's what took this year Rear view, the stories had us shook this year I lost a lot of people, so I'm doing this here In case there isn't a next, in case I die by tomorrow Let my words lead my life and let my legacy follow I made a promise and I'll keep it, yeah I will Much love to all of my people, yo for real, it's true Yes Lord 3:02:00 Unknown_25: Take it easy.