Hanukkah Stream 3 - Midnight Mad 2018-12-04

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(S Shorter than expected, * May be missing)

Unknown_21: Jeez, how is the quality by the way? I'm still testing it out. I'm using something other than Restream.io today, and I'm curious.

Unknown_21: I'm curious if it's working.

Unknown_21: RIP Tumblr. Uh, what happened to the stream yesterday? The stream yesterday, I accidentally showed somebody's taint. So I could not, I could not keep it up. I had to, I had to destroy it. I had, I had to destroy any, any trace of yesterday's stream. I apologize in advance.

Unknown_21: I wanted to hear you talk about Milo. Yeah, I'm sorry. It was mostly just me reading about stuff. If you want to catch up on that, the bulk of the content is on the cute farms for either his thread or the legal action board that we have on locales. Actually, I'm going to try recording my stream today.

Unknown_21: Hopefully, I'll try to record it. I don't know if my computer can record it, but I would like to record it so I can put it on the site, even if I have to take it down immediately.

Unknown_21: I accidentally, in quotes, accidentally shed somebody's taint.

Unknown_21: It was an accident. I was going to censor it out. I was going to mosaic it, but I accidentally downloaded it to something called download.jpeg, and I already had a download.jpeg in the OBS, so it just immediately popped that image in where the other one used to be and just broadcasted that taint right across the internet to the joy of nobody.

Unknown_21: To the joy of absolutely fucking nobody. Alright.

Unknown_21: I'm gonna warm up a little bit before we start just digging in. Let me fix fucking... I just eat shit constantly. Like nothing works. I'm using restream.io to fucking do chat and the stream.me people just get completely shit on when I do that.

Unknown_21: It was hot you really think that guy was hot in case Since we're warming up since we're just shooting the shit right now. Let me go ahead and show you from whence the taint cometh to give you a sampler Sampler what you missed out on I

Unknown_21: Let's see, let's go ahead and go for this one. I remembered to cut the audio one today. That's great, we're off to a great start.

Unknown_22: Hi y'all, this is Isabel Rosario.

Unknown_18: I need help with something. I am down on my last eight shaving razors.

Unknown_21: Chat if you want to if you want to see this man's taint press one that's one in chat If you don't want to see this man's chain Get the demon off your screen This isn't even the one where you can see the upside-down cross on his head I

Unknown_18: As a trans woman, I shave every day to deal with my facial dysphoria.

Unknown_21: He needs money for more razors. He's only got eight disposable razors left.

Unknown_18: I don't know what to do, I'm asking.

Unknown_21: He requires a razor to really whack that shit down every day.

Unknown_18: I'm running out of... You've already seen it? I only have 32 cents in my bank account right now.

Unknown_18: And this is not enough shaving razors for me to last until my next payday.

Unknown_18: And I need friggin' help.

Unknown_21: What is this freaking creature? This is, uh, Phil. This is the other Phil on the Kiwi Farms. If you wanna, if you wanna pull up Phil, that'd be my guess.

Unknown_00: I like how he doesn't even try to go for a reasonable excuse.

Unknown_21: Like, he needs money or something. He just flat out fucking says, I need, I need razor blades to groom my fucking face.

Unknown_21: So, uh, so I look more like a beautiful woman. Just flat out fucking the most bullshit thing that you could ever give him money for.

Unknown_22: Still warming up.

Unknown_21: I don't want to get too deep. I've decided With my infinite wisdom I've decided that I will be talking about KittyStyle today And if you're not watching this on stream.me You have no fucking idea who KittyStyle is even if you are watching this on stream.me You probably don't know who he is so He's not he's not interesting enough to warrant like a full Wednesday stream where I have to compile a bunch of shit and Really? I'm fucking far behind on my Wednesday stream I haven't put up a stream card for Wednesday yet because I don't I still don't know who I want to talk about I might do a poll and stream dot me tonight to decide what I'm going to talk about tomorrow but

Unknown_21: Yeah, KittyStyle's not that interesting. He, um... He is... Again, I'll save him for a little bit, because I think the stream's still warming up. We gotta keep it light. We gotta keep it light, so people can join in a little bit later. And have some idea of what's going on. Because I don't ever advertise my streams properly. It's all my fault. I'm a fucking idiot. I have to wait for people to find it because of notifications and YouTube suggestions. Kenneth Englehart, that's a great idea. That's somebody who's even less interesting than... He is... Kenny is... Kingle is so fucking annoying that he absolutely 100% does not deserve any kind of attention, but he is so insistently boring.

Unknown_21: I'll just show you his picture.

Unknown_22: This is Kingle.

Unknown_21: This is probably one of the better pictures of Kingle. I'm not fucking around. This is about as flattering a picture as you can get.

Unknown_21: um he is he's like 60 and he is intimately involved in the locale scene to the point where that's all he does right let me try and find uh you know i bet you the locale wiki has his twitter on the locale wiki hopefully uh Sonichu fansite Rose, okay, he came about oh he deleted he deletes his fucking things all the goddamn time

Unknown_21: And he got suspended.

Unknown_21: He does this shit all the fucking time. He got found out originally because he was trying to get involved in Chris-chan trolling.

Unknown_21: He was mercy banned from the original QuickieForums before I even took it over. And he desperately wanted to be one of the big trolls, I think. Or just wanted to be friends with Chris. And there was a point, I'll actually, um...

Unknown_21: I'll actually show you this, see if I can find it.

Unknown_21: Because it's actually, it's there, it's just not something, there it is.

Unknown_22: Hold on.

Unknown_22: I think, yeah, god damn it.

Unknown_21: I didn't want to, I didn't have Kingle on the brain when I started this.

Unknown_21: Yeah, that's the right board. Let me just go to the net. Back in the day when this was still the QuickieForums, we would post shit in this update board. It's now hidden, but it used to be something we updated regularly.

Unknown_21: And we stopped doing it towards the end of November.

Unknown_21: But when we were doing these daily updates, anytime Chris posted anything, we'd make a new thread specifically for it.

Unknown_21: And if it was on a Facebook post, all these links are broken now because that domain is defunct, unfortunately.

Unknown_21: But if Kingel would reply to every single one of Christian's Facebook things, every single thing he posted, there would be a comment from Kingel. And I would painstakingly... painstakingly edit out his name and his comment unless Chris replied. If Chris replied and I had to archive what Chris was posting, I would just break his display picture and make it like a broken image thing and then replace his name with attention whore. because I fucking hated him and I went out of my way for so long to uh... to keep him out of the limelight because that's all he wanted and then finally finally I give up and I say fine Kingel you want fucking attention then you'll get fucking attention so I let somebody make a threat on him after years of this shit it wasn't just um...

Unknown_21: It wasn't just Chris. He tried to get involved with Jace. He tried to get involved with a bunch of the Trannies. He's like, he's friends or tried to be friends with so many different Trannies that they all know of him. He made this Facebook page called Answering Kiwi Abuse, which nobody wanted to join because

Unknown_21: As this guy points out, the problem I foresee, Kenneth, is that you only, so far, have only gathered maybe two Lolcals here.

Unknown_21: You would not only need to find a way to draw these people in, but to offer them a safe place to engage. Otherwise, it just becomes a barrel for the Kiwis to shoot Fizz. So he was trying to get all Lolcals to join, like, a union to go on a Lolcal strike or something. Like, that was his fucking goal.

Unknown_21: and like he had a wife he he literally ordered like a Ukrainian bride and she fucking dumped him because he's disgusting he and if you need more reason to think this guy's fucking gross let me just tell you um he boils hamburgers he boils hamburgers and that's that's just repulsive like what the fuck is wrong with you

Unknown_21: Just disgusting. Somebody said Milo's going to be on the killstream next week? God, that's fucking sad. Well, that's so much for being a big celebrity.

Unknown_21: His goal was to pin the locales into one easily searched webpage. He wanted to offer like a support group, because again, he wants things to be about him. He wants to be the center of attention, he wants to be the focal point with things that are going on, on the forum, even back in the day. Even when the forum was very small, he was very self-centered about this shit.

Unknown_21: And... Oh, he's a fucking Muslim! I forgot! He's a Muslim convert, and he eats bacon. And he eats pork.

Unknown_21: And he boils hamburgers.

Unknown_21: What's his current Twitter page? I want to show you guys the shit he tweets. And he doesn't just tweet out the most inane bullshit ever.

Unknown_22: Yeah, this is it.

Unknown_21: He, okay, so we used to be called, the URL, I'll type it in the DuckDuckDo thing, it's kiwifar.ms. MS is the top level domain for Monteserrat, an island in the Caribbean. And this is just like a cute little domain hack. Before the island of Monteserrat told us to fuck off, and we just became kiwifarms.net. Well, back in the day when he was still being a weirdo about the Kiwi Farms, early on, he bought the domain onionfar.ms to host a blog.

Unknown_21: And this is the kind of shit he blogs about.

Unknown_21: Genevieve Nagy, feminist oil painting drama. And he's just talking about this dumb shit. He never gets any kind of attention. Nothing.

Unknown_21: Nothing and nothing ever nobody ever talks to him. He doesn't get he paid for like 10,000 followers, right? He's got all this shit. He's paid for like like 13,000 followers He had me posted this and pinned it May 4th 2018 gotten two likes Zeroes zeroes zeroes. He doesn't have a ratio if you try to make this a ratio he

Unknown_21: It would be not a number, it would be mathematically impossible to call that a ratio because you can't ratio something to zero. He gets fucking nothing on his post. But he constantly tweets about this shit. So this isn't even on onionfar.ms, this is on a different blog called Kenneth Irwin Englehart, named after himself to try and fight back the SEO tidal wave against him, supporting our friend. Because as I mentioned, he likes to be involved in the locale world however possible.

Unknown_21: So he's just tweeting about, uh, that fucking growth trending we just went over.

Unknown_21: Prime Minister of Portland Antifa has posted the latest casualty statistics for Australatina which is apparently in a full-blown civil war. So when I mentioned before that ADF has a fictional country he draws pictures of and he also tweets out boring numbers statistics about an ongoing civil war in his fake country because apparently even in his fake country he's a failure and people want to murder him and have a coup d'etat.

Unknown_21: Kenneth, that might be a post on the Kiwi Farms. We might post this and go, what a retard. Like he blogs about this and then tweets it out as if it's like serious journalism. And it's all the fucking time. He is multiple times per day. Venezuela rolling out new identification card. Central American caravan. Like he's, he takes this shit so seriously. Like one day, I think even

Unknown_21: His name used to be like, Kingoblogger or something, and he would literally fucking promote.

Unknown_21: My Week in Twitter, 4 likes.

Unknown_21: He would promote this shit, he would pay money. to have these boring-ass fucking tweets about nothing. Like, not even links to his blog, just boring-ass fucking links to absolutely goddamn nothing. And he would pay money for that to be promoted. And people would be asking him, like, why the fuck are you promoting this? This is utterly pointless. What is wrong with you?

Unknown_21: VisitSemiCountries1.

Unknown_21: And he's like, he got a visitor from the Maldives to his country, and he's just so excited, he tweets about it. I fucking hate Kingel. I really, like, I don't hate many people. Oh, I didn't even touch on his fucking art! This kind of shit. This is stupid, unimaginably fucking ugly shit.

Unknown_21: And, uh, let me, hopefully I can find a picture of this shit. I'm not even looking at chat, I'm sorry, I usually look at chat more, but I'm in a rage right now. Kingel Buffalo Cube.

Unknown_21: Yes, this.

Unknown_21: This, this thing. This was like his Mona Lisa. He loved the Buffalo Cube. To this day, people will talk about how awful the fucking Buffalo Cube is on the Kiwi farms. And I guess this is his Mona Lisa 2.0, the Buffalo Cube revision. Because it got a little bit of attention.

Unknown_21: Like, look at this. Look at it.

Unknown_21: Do you see how garbage this is?

Unknown_21: And he does it without motivation, without attention. You fucking ignore him. You go out of your way to ignore this fucking dipshit and his art. And he just goes on. He has no audience. He has no friends. He has no family. His Ukrainian mail-order bride fucking dumped him.

Unknown_21: And this is what he does, and it boggles the mind, chat.

Unknown_21: Streamed at me and broken again.

Unknown_02: God damn it.

Unknown_21: So, what do you guys think? Do you guys love the Buffalo Cube? Are you converts to the Church of Kingle? Have I shrewd up some more fan support for his blog?

Unknown_21: He should sell it to a Chinese businessman for millions. I don't think he'll get millions.

Unknown_22: And again, the stream yesterday got destroyed because of a taint.

Unknown_21: Hell, the time cube.

Unknown_21: Stop encouraging him to draw more fucking buffalo cubes.

Unknown_22: We don't need more of it.

Unknown_22: How does he make money?

Unknown_21: Guess. Guess how he makes money. Come on. Use your imagination. How do you think this guy makes his money?

Unknown_21: Come the fuck on.

Unknown_22: That should be a no-brainer.

Unknown_22: Tugboat, there we go. He's not selling his fucking art.

Unknown_21: He gets money for being autistic.

Unknown_21: Nope, no Bitcoin. He's on welfare. No, nobody donates to this fucking idiot's Patreon. Does he even have a Patreon?

Unknown_21: I don't know.

Unknown_21: That's all I wanted to say. I just think he's been like a thorn in my fucking foot for forever. And I have desperately tried, DESPERATELY tried not to give this dipshit attention. And I, like, he still, he goes on to different streams and he talks shit about me. He still sends me, he sends me email. He sends me email all the fucking time. Just asking me, you know, the kind of inane, bullshit, retard fucking questions you would expect somebody like this to ask me.

Unknown_21: Can I find one real quick? Let me open this up.

Unknown_22: Um, no, I don't even know how to, what I would search for with my email to find it by doing that.

Unknown_21: Oh, like this. Okay. I have told him repeatedly. He is not welcome to contact me. He is completely, Not welcome to contact me.

Unknown_22: And this is the kind of shit I get. Let me just throw this up on the screen real quick.

Unknown_22: Wish I could just Ctrl-V it into the OBS, but I cannot.

Unknown_22: Here.

Unknown_22: This is after my Wolf stream.

Unknown_21: So this was recent, this was like last Sunday.

Unknown_21: Wolfzoo say to stream to Null at Kiwi Farms from Kingle1021 and AOL.com. They will throw him in a psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane. They won't let him walk. I didn't fucking ask him. I didn't fucking ask him. I didn't ask this motherfucker to email me. I didn't say you can email me. I didn't say email me if you want to supply some fucking commentary. He just does it. He does it whenever the fuck he wants to.

Unknown_21: Yeah, don't send me email. The biggest reason why Infinity Next is not done is because I get so many emails. If you want me to finish the Infinity Next, you just gotta stop sending me the emails. But no, for real, this fucking guy, it's like he tries to father me or something. It's the creepiest fucking shit. Don't at me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, hold up. Hold up. This is me right now.

Unknown_21: Don't at me, if you're gonna chat shit, don't at me Fool back a little bit, don't at me I am not having it, don't at me You will get blocked quick, don't at me With your default pick, don't at me Billy, ooh that shit, don't at me Have to tell these pricks, don't at me Fuck that nigga Fuck that nigga in his fucking trifling ass ways Sending me unsolicited fucking contact over every goddamn thing Fuck him, that's what I gotta say

Unknown_22: Stupid ass brit music Can I have that song I'll post it in the discord right now for for anybody who wants it Just letting everybody know to fucking join my discord because it's full of autistic girls Which I guess is the best possible audience that I could have

Unknown_21: Oh god no! Stop adding me! Oh no! It's happening! Oh jeez. Turn on DVR. I will do that. It should be on now.

Unknown_21: Getting really mad over this. Stop sending me emails. Yeah, I already did my stop sending me emails thing. All right, now for the feature presentation. I wish I had one of those ident cards for now the feature presentation. I wanna talk about this fucking guy. This crazy motherfucker, where is his picture? I've got his picture somewhere on my desktop.

Unknown_21: No, that's a taint. I'm gonna delete the taint picture. The taint will not come back.

Unknown_21: I refuse. Where the fuck is that picture of him?

Unknown_21: Oh, jeez. I look like a fool now. Why can't I ever find anything? You know, I try to be organized, I try to have everything set up so I can just drop it in OBS and, uh, that is not what happens.

Unknown_21: Oh, I did have it, it was just in a pile of shit.

Unknown_21: There we go. This guy. Okay, a serious question, I'm gonna wait for this.

Unknown_21: If you're on YouTube, if you are the YouTubers, tell me.

Unknown_21: Tell me if you know who this is.

Unknown_21: No, stream me people, you have to, you can't, don't spoil it. Don't spoil it for my YouTubers.

Unknown_22: No, not kitty.

Unknown_21: It's kitty style. Varg?

Unknown_21: It's not Varg. Literally no clue.

Unknown_21: Sticks and Hammer, Amazing Atheist. Literally who?

Unknown_21: Meth Jesus, he's a nibba.

Unknown_21: Amazing atheist looking rough. I don't know if he was amazing atheist. He looked pretty fucking good compared to amazing atheist All he does is dream. Okay. Yes, this is as many people baked, Alaska As many people have said is Kitty Styles. No, who the fuck is Kitty Styles?

Unknown_21: Um No, don't feed kitty stiles bananas or maybe do because he's fucking broke and he needs your help. He needs your money to feed himself um We go over to stream.me, right?

Unknown_22: Uh link in new tab Let me hide this picture so we can get on with him Oh, I didn't want to do that

Unknown_22: Okay. Shut up.

Unknown_21: Is that Paladins?

Unknown_22: No, it's Overwatch.

Unknown_21: It looks like Paladins. Paladins is a better game than Overwatch. I'm just saying. Okay, we look at the leaderboard down here, right? You see KDstyle, welcome to Denmark. He's one of the top ones. How is that possible? We look at the live things, we see Ranbot. Ranbot's got about 40 people. DanishPolice got about 30 people. ElRosh, I need to get rid of this guy. This guy is cancer.

Unknown_21: That fucker lied to my face.

Unknown_21: Anyways, down even below El Rariachi, we've got Kittystyle. Welcome to Denmark. He gets about 20 people at tops, usually between 10 and 20. He's been on stream.me for a very long time.

Unknown_21: I mean a very long time. I found archives of Stream.me going back like a year when Britvong first tried it out and he streams 18 hours a day. In fact, when Ralph first came over to the

Unknown_21: To stream dot me he started complaining that Ralph is lazy Ralph only streams for like two hours three hours, right? Ralph is raised lazy the kitty cells put in all the work. He streams for so long but

Unknown_21: The thing is that Ralph usually has some interesting shit going on, some interesting things to say, some interesting things to read, right?

Unknown_21: And Kitty does not. So the question then becomes, what the fuck does he do? And I will show you.

Unknown_21: When before the drama happened before the great kitty Showa This is what he did. I'm gonna just drop these in OBS again That might have been a mistake transform fit the screen perfect we had a nice nuclear bomb and

Unknown_21: We got a nice Pika Seahorse Achille. That reminds me of Sonichu. That's kind of unsettling. I didn't read that fucking title before.

Unknown_21: Can I show this on YouTube? This is art. Do I have to put the thing up on the screen again that says this is a high art stream? I'm gonna do it.

Unknown_21: Where is it?

Unknown_21: Properties. This is a high art stream. I love Israel. Perfect. We got to cover our bases here and make sure that people don't get the wrong idea.

Unknown_21: So, okay, this is high art. Again, this is Kitty Stiles' heart. It appears to be, and this represents the eagerness for mankind to enter space and transcend our corporeal shackles.

Unknown_21: This is respect my rights.

Unknown_21: That's either, I think that's like a Pinochet helicopter or something. I don't know.

Unknown_21: Um, so we got Peter Griffin, we got Pepe the frog. That looks like that album cover. There's a, there's an Ankh number 42 again, and then a demon. I don't know what that face is.

Unknown_21: Okay, so that's what he drew, and he would draw for literally hours a day, and he's stoned 24-7. You basically look at him on the stream, and he is definitely smoking, like, right on the stream. He would never last on, like, Twitch or YouTube, because he does drugs right on the stream.

Unknown_21: So that's his life. Now, I mentioned he smoked.

Unknown_21: Somebody brought this up. I don't know if it's...

Unknown_21: If it's in the thread yet, hopefully I have it. There we go. He is Danish and he runs this weed forum, right?

Unknown_21: About, or he tried to, he doesn't have any posts on it. It's never had many users.

Unknown_21: Oh, geez. And it has pop-ups. That's great.

Unknown_21: But in general, it's just like, it's just shit. But he's been politically active in marijuana before. And by politically active, I mean he, uh, I'll just read the article. I'll bring that up.

Unknown_21: So this is his foray into politics.

Unknown_21: A 29-year-old man from Haiderslev is facing possible jail time for making threats against conservative MP May Mercado. These threats were made on Facebook last Friday after Mercado expressed her satisfaction with police action against cannabis sales in Christiana.

Unknown_21: But Mercado said that she'll withhold any statement until she sees the outcome of the preliminary hearing scheduled for tomorrow. So, ooh, that sounds ominous. What did Kitty Sell say to this woman because she supported the police in Denmark?

Unknown_21: Burn in hell the man posted you deserve an acid bath while your children are watching The man is also alleged to have posted die whore I hope you and your disgusting child die of AIDS you fucking herpes infested whore Mercado said that she had no problem with differences of opinion, but the man's posts in this case were simply too far. Oh

Unknown_21: Uh, he, he did go to jail for this. From what I understand, he was sentenced to six months. He voluntarily surrendered his, uh,

Unknown_21: His Facebook account to police when asked, and they looked at it, they confirmed that those Facebook posts were made by him, apparently, and he was sentenced to six months in jail. But he claims that he spent five months in prison or jail in solitary confinement. Only given one hour a day in the yard to socialize with people and buy snacks and stuff. I don't know what jail is like in Denmark, but I really doubt that.

Unknown_21: As far as I know, solitary confinement is banned by the EU. It's banned by the UN.

Unknown_21: except in extreme cases even in the u.s. We only put people in solitary if they Are being is like a punitive measure or if they are at elevated risk for for violence either suicide or violence against them due to their criminal status like pedophiles and other sex offenders so like I don't know if I'll read chat for this you guys believe that he went to solitary confinement and

Unknown_21: They have solitary confinement in Denmark? That doesn't sound right. That's what I said, not in the UK. I thought Nordic gales were pretty cozy, that's what I heard. They have actual beds in some of those prisons. Sentence of seven months, served six months, I think he said. Well, okay, that makes more sense.

Unknown_21: Isn't that a US only thing? That's what it sounds like.

Unknown_21: If they kept him away from others, it was probably for his safety. Well, that's the other thing is that.

Unknown_21: He claims that in that hour a day he had in the yard, right?

Unknown_21: He claims that they treated him like Jesus, like a political martyr.

Unknown_21: That right wing guy that shut up the island got a few years in jail. He sued because he didn't have enough video games and he won the lawsuit. That was in Norway. But yeah, I mean the jails in Europe don't seem to be that hard. So the fact that he would get a six months hard time, like really hard time, uh, doesn't sound right to me.

Unknown_22: Somebody mentioned Andy Warsky again.

Unknown_21: I can't help it. I can't help it that Andy Warsky streams like eight hours a day I have to stream at some point and I do it before bed No people wait you've known people he speaks the truth, you know people who've been to prison and Denmark Okay, I'm really curious if he's telling the truth on this because I can't possibly fucking imagine that he is he claims he is

Unknown_22: Sweden and they have they have solitary confinement in Sweden Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, I just don't believe it um Maybe I don't know maybe is but his point is that he says that gave him PTSD.

Unknown_21: He says all sorts of shit, right? Oh

Unknown_21: And now, after he got out of prison, apparently his wife or girlfriend and their child split up with him.

Unknown_21: And I know the riot streams are unavailable. That's because of WMG. I'll fucking show you that shit in a second. But he says that his wife and kid split with him while he was incarcerated.

Unknown_21: So now he's out of jail. He's apparently living in a camper van somewhere alongside the road in Denmark, and is just streaming 18 hours a day. And the high score table, I'll show that again, is how he gets his weed money. So he's, where's the fucking money at? I have to go to this page. KittyStyle225, just because of the sheer, how much he streams. Now last week, he did not get as many points as, he didn't get so high. He actually fell off the top 10. And the reason for that is when he started getting trolled, he shut off chat. But in the rules, it says that you get five minutes per five minutes that somebody watches your stream. So if you have a hundred people watching your stream for a hundred minutes, you'll get, 10,000 points for that.

Unknown_21: But you get 10 bonus points for chats. So every time somebody sends you a message, it's like 10 points, which is 10 minutes of somebody's time, technically, right?

Unknown_21: So you benefit by having tons and tons and tons of people spamming, just spamming Binachu. And KittyStyle realized when he cut off chat entirely that he was slipping in points and he wasn't making as much money. Now he streams with chat enabled.

Unknown_21: And he has his text-to-speech enabled, so every time you go to his stream and you spam some shit at him, he gets 10 minutes worth of points. And just by encouraging people to send him abusive messages, he's competing head-to-head with like Ranbot and Zidane, even though they are much, much more popular than KiddyStyle. It's just that

Unknown_21: You know, he gets 20 people watching on average. He streams for 18 hours a day and usually the people in his chat are trolls who are just saying shit because they want to hear text-to-speech hurl abuse at him, right?

Unknown_21: When he tried moderating his chat, when he tried slowing it down, it just hurt him. So he's basically whoring himself up for weed money right now.

Unknown_21: Streamers mining those plus tens? Exactly. You got to get the plus tens.

Unknown_21: Sounds like good capitalism to me, I guess. But now, what I, again, I've been ignoring this guy because Stream.me basically asks that you don't stream snipe people on their platforms and cause drama. The first week this guy is, uh, that the Ralph gets showered and he moves over to Stream.me, um, he suddenly realizes that, oh, he's not going to be the top spot anymore. He was competing before that. He was only competing with Narcissa.

Unknown_21: Narcissa and him both streamed for hours and hours and hours a day. In fact, I think they're both live right now.

Unknown_21: If we go over to the high score table, Narcissa is no longer even in the top 30.

Unknown_21: Narcissa has been bumped down to sub 30, which means you're not in the money zone anymore. And the answer for that, as to why that is,

Unknown_21: is Narcissa has completely disabled their chat. You can only send messages to Narcissa if you're in their Discord. And their Discord is locked down as tightly as possible. So they don't get any messages, they don't get any points. And even though they stream for many, many, many hours a day, they don't get enough requisite points to even show up on the table, basically.

Unknown_21: So that's the logic behind that. But here's what happened when he realized that he would no longer be popular. He would no longer be easily in the top rankings of the chart.

Unknown_22: Let me just save this real quick.

Unknown_22: Now move this down here.

Unknown_21: Okay. I thought this had sound. I think it does have sound in it, but if you look over to the, uh, the right hand side and I'll, can I blow this up? Can I zoom in zoom 200%?

Unknown_21: Oh, that doesn't help.

Unknown_21: That doesn't help.

Unknown_21: I'll have to actually take the media player in.

Unknown_21: OBS to show you so I can I do I do want to make sure that everybody can see what is going on here And just requires some setup

Unknown_21: So you see this is him. This is him in the chat spamming cancer. He's just spamming, uh, this is Danish police. Welcome. Yeah. Danish police. This was when he started streaming and started shitting on Ralph and shitting on Gator and all the other people of the Ralph or Torque who moved over and started doing their own streams. Um, he would flag their channels to try and get them banned. When that didn't work, he would just go into chat and spam, right?

Unknown_21: So just a really proper good old fashioned chimp out as we like to call it on the Queeky forums.

Unknown_21: Now that obviously didn't work and eventually he took a liking not only to Ralph, he took a liking to me. I think why is people know what the Kiwi Farms is and when they started seeing him being salty and being nasty in his videos, they warned him. They warned him that the Kiwi Farms guy is on stream.me as a part of Ralph's crew. I think I was getting above him, especially during that week when he had chat disabled.

Unknown_21: He got worried that I was gonna go after him and he just started saying all this dumb shit about me saying that I was a cyber bully and I ignored him again because I like streamed on me and I was like, I don't want to spit in the faces of these of these guys who were helping out Ralph and stuff, but I joined for the first time I joined Danish police's chat because kitty style happened to be in it and Unfortunately, I do have a I do have a video I want to see if I can find it that specific moment again. I didn't plan this I'm just kind of winging it and I'm just kind of complaining as I go But this is supposedly the full conversation My life is meaningless

Unknown_21: and like it's um it's just people shouting at each other it wasn't really well the whole conversation wasn't really well put together but he he said something that that hashtag triggered me i think that this is where we're going to see that so let's just listen to it

Unknown_21: You're not a marty-er. You're not like- There's not like a retard movement that you're gonna be a marty-er for. You're just gonna be yet another one of these nameless faceless fucking people that everybody makes fun of on the internet. Yeah, do me like you?

Unknown_21: Sure, if you wanna go that way.

Unknown_08: You're gonna be just like me, big boy.

Unknown_21: You're gonna be just like me, big boy.

Unknown_08: You could always be like KSG guy.

Unknown_21: It's just like... Nobody knows who that is, that's just you. You're not a fucking, you're not a martyr, and you need to get over yourself. I'm sorry.

Unknown_22: You're still a loser.

Unknown_21: Okay.

Unknown_21: You see, you see, you make fun of me, and I just go, okay. Or I don't care. And then nobody has anything else to say. There's not like a 60 minute livestream about it. People don't dedicate channel names.

Unknown_10: Unlike you I will keep defending myself I Will keep coming at you forever I will come to you forever. Okay? I will be relentless I will be relentless 23 hours a day

Unknown_10: For the rest of my fucking life.

Unknown_21: Go for it. I like this. I like it when people threaten me. You take it easy, kitty.

Unknown_22: Don't threaten us with more content. Oh no.

Unknown_07: Kitty, that was a really dumb move. That was the one guy who could have prevented you from ending up on Kiwi Farm.

Unknown_07: Like, all you had to do was convince him that you were willing to make some kind of progress.

Unknown_22: Oh wait, Josh left.

Unknown_07: Yeah, he left. He left. It's over. It's over. Man, he's like on his way right now. Kitty just threatened Josh's life, and Josh just fucking left. That's what just fucking happened.

Unknown_20: You done fucked it.

Unknown_07: I don't care.

Unknown_08: You pissed off the wrong person. I don't care.

Unknown_21: I don't want to go that route where it's like I'm going to nail you to a fucking cross because I'm not. It's just that in this circumstance, because I'm not a tough guy. I'm big and squishy. I'm a nice guy. I'm a nice guy. Okay. Let's not mince words here, right?

Unknown_21: But,

Unknown_21: I had gone out of my way to make sure that this guy did not get a thread on the forum because I liked stream.me and I was gracious that they allowed us to stream on their platform. I was gracious for how they do business because again they cut checks. I've received cash checks

Unknown_21: cut from, you know, a checkbook sent to my virtual inbox. And I love that. It's not online. Nobody can stop me from cashing a check. That's great. That's a great way to do business in this era of censorship. So I was withheld. And anytime, like Kitty Style would stream snipe me when I was streaming. And he would say, you know, he would rant and rave about the cyber bullies being on streamed on me. I would go out of my way to pay him no mind. And then the one time I talked to this guy, he tells me the one thing that I really desperately want to hear. That if you make a threat on me, if you talk about me, I will retaliate and I will never stop retaliating. I will pick up this cross on my back and I will crusade until the end of time.

Unknown_21: So I went ahead and I made a thread for them. Because that's what I want to hear. Because it's always the weird people. It's always the people who seem harmless. Who seem like they have not much going on. That they wouldn't have much content. When they let on that they're psychotic and they take this kind of shit as a personal crusade. That's when you know you've struck gold. Because they will come out

Unknown_21: You know sometimes weeks months even years later and try and harass your hosting providers and just come out with all this weird shit and basically what I've been going through is just Is just what I'm showing you Is what I put into the thread. This is the video version of that and I didn't make a full Wednesday stream on it because Didn't figure that there would be enough content for a Wednesday stream But you know if shit keeps happening if he keeps doing this kind of stuff it might it might be something that turns into a Wednesday stream because Like how like you heard him I can cut to any point in the stream where he's talking before after I join and he's screaming Like, let's just pick random scenes and see how long it takes for him to start screaming.

Unknown_10: I want to hear, I want to hear them say it. I am pure garbage. Yeah, say it, Alex. Say you're subhuman. Say you're filthy. This is what you need.

Unknown_17: But we love Kitty.

Unknown_08: If I say I'm subhuman, will you get a job? No, no, no, no.

Unknown_17: Kitty, this is what you want from me. You want me to admit that I'm garbage, right? I don't love you.

Unknown_10: You don't have anything in your life that they didn't love you.

Unknown_10: Sick pants.

Unknown_10: You're dog-piling on people.

Unknown_08: I don't hear anything. And just let them have at it.

Unknown_21: There was parts where, like, he was, like, he's calmer now, because I think I'm there, and Missalicious is there. Yeah, the police said that you confirmed them.

Unknown_21: Yeah.

Unknown_10: Yeah, so do you know whose words you're reading right now?

Unknown_10: And see the public. The police said that you confirmed them.

Unknown_22: You're asking some weird questions like I don't know what the fuck you're talking about the first thing that was the public offended

Unknown_09: also zugzug is in the stream i'm still i'm still paying for it

Unknown_21: I just want to show you guys parts where he's like yelling. Let me wait for him to get really close to his mic. There, I think he's yelling there. No, don't talk to me again. Never talk to me again.

Unknown_10: Ever, ever. Don't ever talk to me again. Don't ever talk to me again. Don't ever talk to me again. Don't ever talk to me again.

Unknown_10: Your fake news, don't ever talk to me again.

Unknown_10: You committed a crime! I'm not a victim! You committed a crime! I'm not a victim! I'm not a victim! I'm not a victim!

Unknown_21: I'm not a victim! I'm not a victim! I'm not a victim! I'm not a victim!

Unknown_10: That doesn't answer my question, how am I not a victim?

Unknown_20: Because you don't answer!

Unknown_10: I am a victim.

Unknown_21: How are you a victim?

Unknown_10: I'm a victim. I'm a victim.

Unknown_21: What are you a victim of?

Unknown_10: Of a fascist government!

Unknown_21: You were arrested for sending a threat, Kitty. You must sit up.

Unknown_21: Kitty, you threatened a child and her mother.

Unknown_10: I didn't.

Unknown_13: but you know what you don't have to apologize because that doesn't make you not guilty i think okay so if i said find a rope is that a threat i think this his stream is like several seconds behind i'm giving somebody on a baby

Unknown_21: But yeah, I was subjected to this for an hour and a half, apparently.

Unknown_21: And, you know, there was lots of yelling back and forth and shit, but he was just so emotionally affected when he really shouldn't have been. And he kept blaming people. He was like, my life is ruined and I'm harmed. The crux of his argument was, because I'm a victim and because I've suffered and because I went to jail, you guys can't make fun of me. And there's a part where he literally says, unless you've been where I've been, unless you've been through the things I've been through, you have no right to bully me. And I asked him, well, you know, Ralph has made fun of you for being a spastic, and Ralph's gone to prison. Ralph went to, not prison, he went to jail, which is arguably worse than prison.

Unknown_21: And for the same amount of time, he went to jail for six months. Does that give him permission to make fun of you? And he didn't answer that.

Unknown_21: That was his best thing and when we brought up that Ralph had been in jail, oh he did no answer for that shit. That's too inconvenient for him.

Unknown_21: You are a CIA prison? I'm a victim of boredom?

Unknown_21: Denmark fascist victim of the government. I don't know And really I do think he has like he was super paranoid when all these people just started joining stream me And he was super agro, and I it came across to me that he had schizotypal disorder You know where he had the the symptoms of schizophrenia and you have schizophrenia You really really really shouldn't be smoking weed because the THC content in marijuana will fuck you if you uh

Unknown_21: If you do that.

Unknown_21: But this is, this is his autobiography. I've had this open the entire time. And that, like, I don't know, I was going to peek over. He, he cut off his mic or he cut off his, uh, his webcam, I guess. Cause that's the first time I've ever seen it without his webcam. And I think it's because he, um, he knows that I'm streaming and he doesn't want to, uh, he doesn't want to let me snipe him and show people what he looks like.

Unknown_21: Even though he's, you know, his face is all over. He streams 18 hours a day. He claims he has an IQ of 160. Like, right out the fucking bat. Just the dumbest shit.

Unknown_21: Heritage Viking. Politically left-leaning libertarianism.

Unknown_21: And then he has this shit, the 42 rules. I have not committed sin. I have not committed robbery with violence. I have not stolen. I have not slain men and women. I have not stolen grain. Is this from like a quote or something?

Unknown_21: Is this some sort of, uh... I have not transgressed the law. What the fuck?

Unknown_21: Pretty sure you have, quite literally.

Unknown_21: I have not slain the cattle belonging to God. Okay, that has to be a quote for something, or he's just fucking insane.

Unknown_21: The most interesting thing that he's been saying recently though is flat-out that he is Jesus.

Unknown_21: Does this nigga watch Rick and Morty? His IQ is only 160, not 200.

Unknown_22: Some ancient Egypt shit?

Unknown_21: Maybe, because the Ankh is in some of his drawings.

Unknown_21: But...

Unknown_21: I wasn't gonna say I got distracted. I got angry and confused while reading that list and I lost my train of thought Kitty look at what you've done. You've given me like secondhand like weed addict memory loss.

Unknown_21: Oh He was saying he was Jesus I mean he means that literally he kept saying like especially towards the end of that stream let me see if I can pull it up again and just show you the

Unknown_21: The end, because I think at the end he's literally just saying that he's Jesus.

Unknown_07: This is the last minute and a half. No. No, I'm sorry. I don't think it was. He's muted at the, uh, at this point.

Unknown_21: I want to hear him. Hold up, let's back up.

Unknown_07: There's his muting.

Unknown_21: Do you understand the kind of relationship we're gonna have?

Unknown_10: Do you understand that? Amigo? If you're gonna mock me, if you're gonna mock me, do you understand the kind of relationship we're gonna have, you fucking faggot?

Unknown_10: Do you understand it?

Unknown_07: I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to Barry.

Unknown_10: Barry.

Unknown_10: Do you understand what I'm saying to you?

Unknown_08: Do you understand what I'm saying to you?

Unknown_10: Stop mocking me.

Unknown_10: I said how our relationship is gonna be.

Unknown_08: We have a relationship now.

Unknown_08: Don't talk to me, subhuman. Don't talk to me or my weed ever again.

Unknown_10: Sit down, subhuman. I don't want to talk with you. You're the heir to me. Shut up. I'm done with you. Done with you forever. Don't talk to me. Don't even converse with me. You have nothing to offer me, so say goodbye. Get out of my life. Get out of my life.

Unknown_21: Get out of my life. Get out of my life. Get out of my life.

Unknown_09: Get out of my life. Get out of my life. Get out of my life. Get out of my life. Get out of my life.

Unknown_10: Get the fuck out of my life, you piece of shit. Get the fuck out of my life, you piece of shit.

Unknown_07: Alright my turn my turn.

Unknown_08: Yeah, kitty.

Unknown_07: I'm done.

Unknown_21: Okay at that point he needed No, I never mind.

Unknown_07: Okay, you're a bully.

Unknown_09: I'll be waiting right here. You fucking fag

Unknown_10: You're a faggot. You're the one that's mocking me, and you can't take that.

Unknown_06: I come back to you and say that, you know, shut the fuck up, NPC Anon.

Unknown_10: I won't talk with you right now. I want to say something to Barry. Barry, you're mocking me. You're laughing at me, and you're disguising me as if you're good. No, you're fucking bad. Look in the fucking mirror, dude. Look in the fucking mirror. Look long and hard in the mirror, and look at what you've become, you disgusting piece of filth. What do you want to say, NPC Anon?

Unknown_07: and it's at this point he gets muted and I think

Unknown_21: this is a stream right now

Unknown_07: Okay, so now that you think any cutoff is he cut off his camera so that you can't you can't see I guess you can't see what he looks like which it doesn't make any sense, um But I get the feeling with this guy that he is legit going to do funny things with with his threat out because he he cannot take people poking at him and

Unknown_21: like the best kind of locale really in terms of vicious server reaction are people who think that they're in the right and that if they if they yell enough they're going to prove to you that they're in the right in fact reminds me of somebody else I haven't checked on her in a hot minute let's take a second and detour to the Virgo zone what the fuck what's this now

Unknown_15: Hello, everyone. This is me on a horse. This is the only picture I have of myself on a horse.

Unknown_15: And this was not one of the biggest horses I've ridden.

Unknown_20: Oh, Jesus. I've ridden a lot of horses, and they are beautiful animals.

Unknown_15: And just letting you know that I love cats and I love horses. And yes, this is me. You probably can't tell.

Unknown_15: It is me, and I wasn't running the horse right here, but I've run horses. They've tried to throw me. I've had friends from Finland that lived in the United States that were horse instructors that gave me horseback riding lessons. I took horseback riding lessons from them.

Unknown_03: Look at my horse. My horse is amazing. Give it a lick. It is just like crazy. Have a stroke of its mane. It turns into a plane.

Unknown_15: Ooh, that's dirty.

Unknown_15: Okay, this is her strings by the way.

Unknown_21: She just talks about shit and films her. Like, she's just fully fucking Ramblin' Matic. But she does this shit where she believes that the Kiwi farms is mean, right?

Unknown_21: God this one's from an hour ago, and she's been on and on about this fucking lady I'll flip through it cuz he's gonna film pictures of her but it's just it's like this vegan woman who runs like a blog or something and She's just been ranting and raving about what a narcissist she is because on her portfolio website for her vegan stuff she has a bunch of pictures of her and I guess this is her talking about horses again and

Unknown_21: But she streams all this just to prove how fucking virtuous she is and how awful everybody else is.

Unknown_15: I'll play this clip again because I love this clip.

Unknown_21: Oh, off the internet. There he is. Look, Kitty, if you watch this, I want you to know, this is going to be you if you keep being a fucking schizo fucking weirdo complaining about people on the internet.

Unknown_15: You're harassing me again and I'm a married woman. That's not my last name. Okay? And you can't find that documentation. I've made it so you will not be able to find this documentation anywhere due to stalking. I changed my name legally and they waived the ability for you to find out who I am due to incessant stalking.

Unknown_15: You don't know my name. You don't even have a legal name anymore.

Unknown_15: So you're a delusion. I already saw what you look like. It gets better. With a baseball cap, redneck. The temperature is rising right now. I already saw what you look like with the tattoos all over your body.

Unknown_15: with a southern accent, with the gas chambers. I already saw what you look like. Can't show your face?

Unknown_15: Junior, you can't show your face because you're genetically screwed up.

Unknown_15: You don't have any power, mister. I have power because I showed my freaking face- We need- we need an interview with his ex-wife.

Unknown_21: If you can get me Kitty Sells' ex-wife, you know my email address. It's nolikekiwifirms.net. Hook me up. Hook a nigga up.

Unknown_15: Face online, mister.

Unknown_15: You are, again, going to be thrown off the internet wasting your time for copying somebody else's videos, mister.

Unknown_15: You're gonna be thrown off the internet, you piece of garbage scumbag.

Unknown_15: You tattooed covered Yahoo with a southern accent. Baseball caps.

Unknown_15: Rednecks.

Unknown_15: Not all people with tattoos are horrible people, but I'm saying that's what you are. You are a person with body modification. You're not even real. This makeup here, you made my face look terrible. I didn't even wear makeup. I'm not a phony. You are a phony, loser.

Unknown_15: You are a talentless person who can't show your freaking face online for a reason and you haven't won. You don't have my name and you don't have any information on me. I am an artist. You understand what I am, mister? This is my name. I can name myself anything I want and I did legally, okay? You don't have a name anymore, mister.

Unknown_15: You have a name and you ugly redneck covered in tattoos. That's what you are. And that's what these people are. And that's why they're hiding their face because they're unsophisticated rednecks. And that's what they look like. And he's laughing.

Unknown_15: Well, nobody's going to be laughing when you're thrown off the internet and bullied off the internet, baby.

Unknown_15: Cause a person like me, I'm going to scream. You know, I'm going to scream cause I'm going to get attention from people. That's the only way to get attention.

Unknown_15: You don't have the power to do what I'm doing, baby. What I'm doing is I'm gonna get people to bully you off the internet.

Unknown_15: We're gonna find out who you are and your IP addresses. The police didn't do, I guess they could be doing something. This is what I am, an artist.

Unknown_15: I am not somebody like you. I am not a redneck. I am not somebody involved with what you're involved with. I am not involved with stalking and copying people's stuff every day. You are a loser. You are a redneck.

Unknown_21: Now my whole reason for showing you that is because that attitude of I'm gonna bully you off the internet, I'm gonna fight back, I'm gonna prove to everybody that you're a bad person and we're gonna make fun of you and you're gonna get the shit into the stick.

Unknown_21: That is exactly what Virgo Rouge believes when she streams, she doesn't stream, she records for like 20 views each of just wailing at a fucking computer monitor, being pissy, accomplishing fuck all. That's exactly what she fucking does. And if you think for a fucking second

Unknown_21: that you're ranting on stream.me is fighting back against the cyberbullies, you're out of your fucking mind. And then what's the step up from there? You're going to complain to hosts, you're going to complain to email providers, you're going to complain to Cloudflare. It's all been done before by more competent people with higher than 160 IQs who have done everything possible to take down this fucking site. and it has completely ruined their lives. The people who've gone after the hardest are Trans Lifeline. Trans Lifeline tried to rally an entire organization against us, and now Trans Lifeline is basically bankrupt. The people who founded it are essentially on the fucking street. You got Sam. Sam's been stalking me for three years now? Three years? As of January 30th, it'll be three years.

Unknown_21: And no, not even that, December 30th or so, is three years. And all he's done in the process is he's spent thousands of dollars, he's spent money on denial of service attacks, he's spent money going to court. He has a permanent court document attached to his name now where a judge is exonerating him of the claim that he is a pedophile, that he wants to tear up infants' assholes like wet tissue paper. Like that shit is, he tried to go get a libel case to get a court order to take down some shit on the internet. All it did is it got it taken down from UK Google. And now that shit in a legal document is permanently associated with his name and it's public record and anybody can find it.

Unknown_21: People who do these kinds of things are just retarded.

Unknown_21: And the best thing you can do is literally anything else except what you've done.

Unknown_21: Yeah, happy anniversary, thank you, thank you. I appreciate it.

Unknown_22: Let's see what chat says over here.

Unknown_21: Virgo is riding DSP's current girlfriend, Kat.

Unknown_21: Shout out to Subaru man.

Unknown_21: Yeah, Kat.

Unknown_21: This is just an aside, but in the world of Darkside Phil...

Unknown_21: Somebody had found out that his girlfriend Like he said his girlfriend couldn't be doxxed. So of course she got doxxed but not only did she get doxxed people found out that when she was a kid her mother was a schizophrenic and Thought she thought she DSPs girlfriend was possessed by a demon. I'm pretty sure that's how it goes and I

Unknown_21: Like there was a, I think Child Protective Services got involved. But during the recent Halloween stream that DarkSidePhil did, somebody sent in a super chat asking him to do a marathon of demon possession movies. And the moment he did that, because Kat was with him at the time for the big Halloween stream, she immediately gets upset and leaves. And he has no idea why. He has no idea why.

Unknown_21: So he chases her down and they talk about it and he gets back and he's all fired up and he's ranting like you fucking assholes that was a step too far you fucking hurt Kat and there's no reason to get her to get at Kat she didn't do anything and it's just the best shit ever.

Unknown_21: Poor dorkside Phil By the way, zugzug who was in the voice call He was the guy that sounded Swedish like the Swedish chef and was trying to trying to walk Katie Siles off a cliff He said that my my streams are bad because I sound smug when I laugh Do I have do I have a smuckle? Do I have a smug chuckle going on?

Unknown_21: I Hope not play the clip. Let me try to find it

Unknown_21: Uh, let's see. Oh yeah, and not only... Not only did he blame trolls for that shit, he specifically blamed a black guy named Tevin, who didn't do anything. Like, that's a proper Halloween movie script. Immediately fucking shoot off at the black guy.

Unknown_22: I think this is it. Is this it?

Unknown_21: Hopefully it's not too long. These DSP videos go on for fucking ages.

Unknown_16: Okay, everyone, so I am setting up here for Conjuring House, which is now, I believe, called The Dark Occult. They changed the name of the game completely, I don't know why. Woah. Way off. Glad that I'm...

Unknown_16: Can I just mention something? Can I just mention this? Get a fucking nasal strip.

Unknown_21: Like, his fucking snorting is the most gross off-putting fucking thing. Like, I can't even hate watch his fucking videos. Because, you know, let's have a fucking snort counter. Let me re-appropriate my fucking Israel thing. Snort count one. And see, see how many fucking times in this video this fucking asshole is going to snort. Because it is so bad. And he does nothing about it.

Unknown_21: You love the snort?

Unknown_16: Oh, you're disgusting. Is Josh gay or something because I don't like snorts?

Unknown_16: And then, we're going to be taking one final break and we're gonna do some Dead by Daylight to end it, okay?

Unknown_16: Roughly we're gonna end between 7-7.30pm tonight, FYI. Snorts are half the charm, are you fucking for real?

Unknown_16: um some people earlier were asking what happened to cat uh bottom line is she's you know basically bummed out that so many people were trolling and it sucks because i knew that was going to happen as i told you guys you know previously cat has nothing to do with myself or my content or any of the negativity associated with me and she thought oh this would be something nice to do to dress up for Halloween and come by the stream and hang out with everyone and the excessive amount of trolling that was going on basically got to her and she says I want to go do other stuff you know I've been here for two games and I'm not in a good mood anymore and I want to go do other stuff so she did basically she went on she you know she's actually not even home right now she wanted to leave because she was such a bad mood um

Unknown_16: You know, and it sucks, because I would, you know... Honestly, if the trolling wasn't so bad and things weren't so nasty, she probably would be in my stuff a lot more often. But that's the reason why she really hasn't been in anything, because the trolling got so nasty. You know, stuff about stupid shit, you know, about her looks, about her past, stuff that has nothing to do with anything going on. And, you know, it pisses me off because this is something special that we were building up and talking about for weeks and weeks, and she was really excited for it, and she went and got a costume for it and everything. And here she is trying to- she was gonna start doing commentary, the first thing she sees when she looks at stream chat is trolling and nasty shit about her. And it totally turned her off, and basically after two games she was like, I just don't wanna be there anymore. And I was like, alright, I'm not gonna make you.

Unknown_16: You know, if you really are upset. You know, it sucks. And I just wanna say, thanks to the mods, the mods are doing a good job today. I don't want the mods to feel like they didn't do a good job or whatever. They did, like when it was happening, I saw they were shutting it down fast. But, you know, there's nothing much else that we can do. Um, you know, there's a sick motherfucker on the internet called Tevin, who likes to illegally re-stream my fucking streams, and has an army of people- That nigga Tevin at it again. ...any notoriety is because he copies my shit and he eggs his trolls on to do negative shit like this to come to my stream and to basically make fun of my girlfriend and do nasty shit. It's his fault that this kind of stuff happens and anyone who supports that kind of fucking content is a mentally ill asshole who has no fucking conscience or morals and the bottom line is the only reason he does it is because he knows he can get away with it because YouTube won't shut down his streams even though what he does is completely illegal. They don't care.

Unknown_16: Suddenly he's against the DMCA. Oh yeah, YouTube is the Wild West. Yeah, okay. You fucking retard.

Unknown_16: And basically after two games, she was so upset, she was like, I just don't want to do this anymore. I'm not having fun because I can't, if I say a word, people criticize me about anything that I say, my looks, and you know, I just don't want to do it anymore. So it sucks. We're breaking the law. We're all criminals now. We're complete fucking utter losers on the internet who will insult people who've never done a damn thing to hurt anyone. And it makes me angry, and it obviously upsets her, but there's nothing we can do to control it. And I apologize for that, guys.

Unknown_16: Goddammit. Can you imagine Phil Irver, you thrusting pathetic and all you hear is that snort in your ear? No, I cannot fucking imagine that.

Unknown_16: And it's directly their fault, 100%, and nobody else's. Because, you know, you go, oh, I make my living and notoriety off of making fun of Phil. You're a scumbag. And you don't deserve any of any popularity you ever got. And you are eventually going to pay for what you're doing, just so you know. It always comes back to bite you in the end. You will end up having it hurt you in one way or another long term. It ain't gonna be me, but something's gonna come back to get you in the end when you do so much negativity and just toxic shit. It's gonna come back to get you, trust me.

Unknown_16: But it is what it is, I can't stop him, you know, I can't do anything about it. Uh, it sucks. And... That's life, right? Um... I remember that time he tugged his dick on stream, I do remember that.

Unknown_21: Everybody remembers that.

Unknown_16: That made international news. So anyway, that's what happened, because a lot of people were wondering what the hell happened when she was on the stream, she didn't look, she was having fun, and then she left after two games, I thought she was gonna be here all day, that was the plan, and the whole thing got shut down because of that shithead over there. Okay?

Unknown_16: Okay. I don't think he can afford coke.

Unknown_16: Again, I do want to say thank you guys very much for all of your support today. I really do appreciate it. Your tips are great today. Um, you know, apologies that that happened and now Kat's not here. That wasn't the plan. Um, it's Tevin's fault. Um, and there's nothing I can do. I wish I could shut him down or whatever. There's no way. YouTube doesn't care. YouTube allows illegal restreaming constantly and they never do anything about it. If they actually had any conscience or any humans working for them, he would have been shut down You know, a million years ago, but they don't give a shit. Okay?

Unknown_16: Alright. Um... So!

Unknown_16: Let's go ahead and do this and get this set up for DSP Tries It.

Unknown_21: That nigga... That nigga Tevin.

Unknown_16: At it again. Causing fucking problems for my man, DSP, who didn't do nothing.

Unknown_21: Was just snorting his own business.

Unknown_21: That nigga Tevin had to fuck it up. Hope you're happy. Threatening Tevin that sounds about right A couple cheers coming in here.

Unknown_16: Welcome to the dab side cheer. He says excited for the chill stream Sorry about how badly Halloween stream went the bottom line is here's the here's the truth of the matter the Halloween stream didn't go badly like when you're talking about all attendance and contributions and all that it was great the problem was

Unknown_16: I don't know if I want to sit through half an hour of this. She was excited for that stream. Because she hadn't been on one of my streams since the summer. And she said, man, I haven't dressed up for Halloween in years. We'll go until I get bored. We'll go until I get bored. Maybe I can interact with the stream chat and everything.

Unknown_16: And basically the whole thing blew up within 20 minutes of her being on stream with people just trolling the shit out of her, you know? And it's one thing if it's insults and stuff towards me, it's another thing entirely when you're bringing up stuff about her past and shit that has literally nothing to do with anything. Like being possessed by a demon.

Unknown_16: These fuckers are bringing shit up that's, you know, terrible memories for her and stuff. And she's looking at it and basically she's trying not to freak out on stream because it's actually like really bothering her. And to the point where she kind of locked up and stopped talking.

Unknown_21: So that's 8 minutes and... GeekRoam did a 175-bit cheer.

Unknown_22: What's happening? How long is this one? So that's 8 minutes. That's 8 minutes.

Unknown_21: Those are the same video.

Unknown_16: He says, yeah, I don't actually get that either. The people trying to play as the victim. Yeah, well, that's what it is. They do something bad, but then they realize, oh, shit, maybe we went over the line and we're going to get in trouble for it. Oh, quick, let's try to flip it so that we're innocent. And, you know, it's Phil's fault. I was like, what? You actively came to my place of business. You actively did malicious intentions, right? You did malicious things. It's somehow our fault, like it doesn't even make any, there's no logic there. It's called, you know, defense mode, panic mode for people who know that they screwed up and they have a very much a chance that they're going to be held liable for what they did, you know?

Unknown_16: And, you know, the real shame here is that the people who directly did this stuff probably won't be the ones who get hurt. It's gonna be the guy who streamed they were watching when they did it to get jollies. You know, he's gonna be the one who's gonna pay for it. I'm gonna get hurt. You know, maybe he should kind of realize that. I guess this is Kevin's stream sniping. You know, what he does, what he incites... I'm gonna get hurt. ...he says and does on his stream, he's gonna be the one held responsible for it. Not the people doing it. Those people are anonymous. He's the one... They're not anonymous, DSP.

Unknown_16: So he's going to be the one who's going to get it. Holy cow. So he should probably think a little bit more clearly about what he's fucking doing with his life.

Unknown_21: I don't know if I want the Kevin commentary, to be honest.

Unknown_16: I hope I'm not crossing the line, but if you know who apologized, would you forgive him? If, let me put it this way, if this person

Unknown_16: actually actively meant it and apologized, then yeah, I would forgive them. The problem is that person has made their entire existence based off of me. They stream my content on a daily basis, right? Every day, having to re-stream my content to get attention. Because if they do something for themselves, no one gives a fuck. But the second that they try to do dramatic shit about me, that's when they get attention. So, if that person said, yeah, you know, I saw the mirror in my way, I realize that what I do can be very personal.

Unknown_16: I'm having second thoughts about the 8 minute version.

Unknown_16: I mean, to be honest, what I know about Tevin, that's basically true.

Unknown_21: He doesn't do anything besides fucking, um, besides stream snipe Phil. If he stopped doing that, he wouldn't have viewers.

Unknown_16: That does make me laugh though.

Unknown_10: How long have I been streaming?

Unknown_16: An hour and a half? Only a drink.

Unknown_16: Yeah, you know, I know I don't want to say kick the hornet's nest because I hear that stammering.

Unknown_16: People can only take so much. You don't want to talk too much, Dave. So just in case something happens, they're going to step up and say, no, we're just going to we're just going to, you know, get this guy shut down for the shit. You know, we have to sell.

Unknown_21: Um, he does God's work.

Unknown_16: He can he just cheered and said I'm glad you're addressing this behavior because he's getting out of hand trolling you is one thing but your girlfriend is wrong. I agree. Judicious that goes Jesus. Could you link proof of that person harassing your girlfriend on Twitter or something so we can flag? Well, here's the problem. He doesn't he doesn't archive that content. Unlike me. I record everything I uploaded all the YouTube you guys know that he doesn't do that whenever he's restreaming my shit illegally. He doesn't fucking archive that so that people cannot go back and try to get him in trouble. So that's the problem. The Ralph Retort approach. Right now, more than likely, he's rebroadcasting me. I don't know if he is, honestly. I don't pay attention. He's probably rebroadcasting me right now. But after this stream ends, people say, man, did you hear all the stuff he said about you on stream? Oh, OK. Well, guess what? It's now live on his channel. So you can't flag it. You can't do anything with it. And I think that's the problem. He's basically found a way to make it so that YouTube will not find a way to review his shit. As in often that YouTube actually even reviews those comments I could tell you right now from from people who've told me basically flagging stuff for bullying and shit doesn't doesn't do anything They rarely even will will look for bullying.

Unknown_21: Come on now.

Unknown_19: You're begging people to flag my flat flagging by the way How fucking transparent can you be about this?

Unknown_19: And it's so many people getting banned in his chat so many people and they all coming from him because he got nobody fucking watching and

Unknown_16: Judicious Echoes, uh, cheered- excuse me, I already read that. F this- F this guy, he's- he's, uh, a pedophile, he's a racist, blah blah blah, and then he- the video was live on YouTube, and you flagged it, then probably it would- that video would actually get shut down, but this guy doesn't do that, he will rebroadcast my content, but not archive it, so there's no evidence of it after the fact, and he's just fucking stupid, and actually moved back into the game.

Unknown_19: Apparently I call DSP a pedophile now?

Unknown_21: And yeah, I mean, the thing is that DSP's channel depends entirely on drama. If it wasn't for this, nobody would watch him at all. Like, people watch him just to see him say shit that's outrageous.

Unknown_16: Whenever I sat here and said he's a pedophile... Somebody else already did that, by the way, years ago, and it never got the video taken down.

Unknown_16: Welcome to the dab side just cheered. He says you said you got protection. Does that mean you've got a gun? No, what on earth are you fucking talking about dab side dude? Shut up, and I mean that too like don't you can't be talking about that kind of shit what? There's nothing to do. Dude, we're talking about things on the fucking internet way to completely go into another realm of existence that we are not at. So let's get this straight.

Unknown_19: I'm going to pay in real life for what I'm doing. Someone's people going to get me and all of this, but you talk about a gun. Well, if he's talking about internet stuff, he seemed really fucking mad for it to be internet stuff.

Unknown_16: God said, cheers. Is that guy done? Holy crap. It's really terrible. If you ever, link to him bullying I'd be happy to do my part well that's the problem again it doesn't there's nothing to link to because the guy will do it he'll do the live the live stream and egg the people on say the insulting things about me or my girl or whoever egg the people on in this fucking on his streams to go do it themselves they go do it but then there's no evidence of him doing it and youtube so i want to hear is there a part where in particular is 100 illegal i'll make this twice as fast i want to i want to hear the part where he says it's bottom per Per criteria of YouTube is illegal, but YouTube's too stupid to figure out. Twitch got him, because Twitch actually did some active research- Can I get some eggs in chat, please? Got him to get the hell out of there, banned him from the site, but now YouTube's too dumb to figure it out.

Unknown_21: This is how I should watch all things. He called it out during the same stream.

Unknown_16: Oh, that's shit. I was told, I was lied. I was lied to. I was told that there would be him saying something stupid.

Unknown_21: Do I have any funny archives? I like to, sorry, I like to check the archive every so often and see what I have. Because usually they're archived like clips, if somebody's especially prolific. Or I only archive everything.

Unknown_21: Dark side.

Unknown_22: Dark side.

Unknown_22: calling you out and you're finished stop staring at my profile lol what's this this must be something hey everyone i was just leaving a message to say hi i hope you guys are that's uh that's the the fucking the crazy lady now before we get started ladies and gentlemen now oh god this is half an hour fuck that oh this one's also long I think.

Unknown_21: He has a nice room. I wish I had a room like that.

Unknown_21: Look at him wiggle. Look at him wiggle!

Unknown_22: Aw, that's boring. I wanted to see him

Unknown_21: Atlas strikes a name quitting rage quits and apologizes and all of his streams are so wordy you can't really dig into them like you can like you can pull up a Virgo stream and You can watch her be mad about shit, and it's just good

Unknown_21: Dick stroking phil vlogs community gold is he's not the guy that um There is one guy he has like the worst phil edits on the entire internet his name i think his name is like Dick snort phil or something but i want to pull up one of his uh one of his Streams just because his streams have like 60 plus seconds of introductory content.

Unknown_21: Uh, it is just amazing. Dark snort Phil. I think that is our snort Burnell or something.

Unknown_21: Snort.

Unknown_21: Oh, that's him. Oh wait, I got it right. I just want to show you guys the intro to his videos cause they are the worst fucking things I've ever seen.

Unknown_22: Yeah.

Unknown_22: This is how I play the game!

Unknown_21: This is every video.

Unknown_21: Every video has a full minute of just this shit.

Unknown_21: In fact, I think he has multiple intro cards, and he plays them all.

Unknown_00: I have to warn everyone. Warning. What you may see right now is going to be absolutely disgusting.

Unknown_21: Alright, so 37 seconds of just that shit, and I think it's every one of his videos that has that.

Unknown_21: Like, okay, you want a, um, a pro tip. Like, I'm not- If you put out content on the internet, for the love of fucking God, do not do that shit. Because it is awful. It is awful to watch. Like, I've lost like 20 viewers just showing that. Like, just showing that. It's like repulsive. It's mentally repulsive content that nobody wants to see. Just cut to the fucking quick. Nobody wants to see your awful fucking edit.

Unknown_16: Hello everyone and welcome to the King of Hate Vlogs! This is my YouTube destination for my thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Unknown_22: Seven seconds long. I think it's just her voice.

Unknown_21: Oh, okay. I'll just freeze on that.

Unknown_21: I want you guys to tell me in chat, what gender and what age is that is, is that arm? What gender and what age can we, can we get a guess on the gender and age man? 36. That's a good guess. 25 year old male. 666 okay, I'll play the video if you want to update your gas go ahead Yay kitty, aren't you excited?

Unknown_21: Okay, just take a guess on what you think that arm and voice belongs to Cuz I if you don't know There you go, this is the voice

Unknown_21: Yes, she is a Skellington. No, there's nothing wrong with her. She's just a Skellington. That's her, that's her, that's her profile. That's what she actually is in real life.

Unknown_21: Wait, is that actually her? Oh no, don't tell me that that thought is fucking Ashley Isaacs.

Unknown_21: I know this is the before and after, that has to be her. Look at this, look at the comparison. She used to be cute. Now she's, now she's a Skellington. I've never seen that picture before.

Unknown_21: Aww, that's sad. That's really sad. That's sadder than I expected. I've never seen those pictures before of her.

Unknown_21: That's the worst shit. Here's the other Skellington to take the crown.

Unknown_21: One day, Eugenia Cooney will be the number one Skellington.

Unknown_21: Smash or pass? Okay, let's do a poll. Let's do a poll.

Unknown_21: Uh, Skellington... Skellington Ashley. Because I don't want you guys to think it's the hot Ashley. It's not.

Unknown_21: Smeash or... Oh, people in chat are saying to feed her.

Unknown_21: Hey, don't get me started on feeding, okay?

Unknown_21: Because I can take up some fucking air time with some feeding.

Unknown_22: Don't even try.

Unknown_22: So let's pop in the stream.me so people can see the actual vote.

Unknown_22: So okay, I'll switch to this if I ever need to.

Unknown_21: Oh, I can't see the results? Way to go, fucking goddammit. I'm not logged in.

Unknown_21: Okay, it's um... It's 22 smash to 62 pass. She actually has a boyfriend, by the way. And I think he's admitted to her that he has what's called a holocaust fetish.

Unknown_21: Which is, to me, is really fucking gross. I don't know about you guys, but I personally find the idea of a holocaust fetish actually physically fucking revolting.

Unknown_21: Who knows.

Unknown_21: Do I have anything else? I might be able to call this quits at a reasonable hour as opposed to fucking never.

Unknown_21: Any suggestions? Anything you guys want to talk about?

Unknown_22: We can shit on kitty styles again.

Unknown_22: How does that fetish work? You find somebody who is almost dead from anorexia and then you fuck them.

Unknown_22: Talk about fat girls.

Unknown_21: Here, I found... Somebody sent me this video out of the blue.

Unknown_21: And I just... It's really gross.

Unknown_02: Where is it?

Unknown_21: Did we actually have that long of a conversation? I know I sent it to you.

Unknown_21: There it is.

Unknown_21: Like this is just flat. This is an unambiguous fucking feeder fetish.

Unknown_21: I'm not going to watch all of this. I'm just going to show it to you guys.

Unknown_14: Hi guys, so I have some food today. I have fries from Burger King.

Unknown_21: No more mukbangs? Ah nigga, you're in the wrong place. You're in the wrong place.

Unknown_21: Look at you people look at you weak specimens pressing. No spamming. No spamming eggs. No, no, no, no, we're watching We're watching this miss piggy She's really fat 600 no, she's like 300.

Unknown_21: She's not she's not 600. I'd smash. Are you shitting me? All right. All right I'll do another smash or pass if you fucking insist if you're so fucking depraved that we got we gotta do another one smash or pass No chat, no

Unknown_21: If you would honestly fuck this chick, there is something wrong with you. Like legit, I would rather fuck Ashley Isaacs than this fat bitch. To be honest.

Unknown_21: I guess I shouldn't say that, that's a bit mean. I support people with their eating disorders, but my penis, and this is about sexual agency, as I am a agender dragonkin.

Unknown_21: You know, I have sexual agency and you need to respect that, but my dragon dick would not want to fucking pork this chick.

Unknown_21: How would you even fuck her? Presumably in a fat fold. See, look at this! Look at this, you people tell me, no, no more mukbangs, no more mukbangs, but then I get super chats.

Unknown_21: I get super chats for my mukbangs. You know, this is just capitalism. As far as I'm concerned. I'm giving the people what they want. And what they want is this fucking woman killing herself with food.

Unknown_21: Somebody said to check my email. Is this gross shit? This better not be gross shit.

Unknown_21: I didn't get an email.

Unknown_21: Fucking liar.

Unknown_21: Josh, do your own gookbong.

Unknown_21: My gookbong would just be Rolton noodles and vodka. 50 viewer drop. Nobody wants to see this fat chick eating.

Unknown_21: Oh no, it's not alive.

Unknown_21: OK, fine.

Unknown_21: Fine. I have to find another way to.

Unknown_21: To, uh, occupy, what is it, 20 minutes of time?

Unknown_21: Her hands are still thin, that's because... Who the fuck is... I'm gonna do Brianna Rue.

Unknown_22: I like this video.

Unknown_22: I would like it if it would load. Do you want to load for me?

Unknown_22: My precious?

Unknown_22: Ah, you piece of shit.

Unknown_21: I need to find somewhere to fix my fucking server so it downloads faster. Because I rely on these archives way too much.

Unknown_22: Not have it work.

Unknown_22: What's this?

Unknown_22: Does this one download?

Unknown_22: No.

Unknown_22: Perfect then fuck you too asshole. Maybe I can find it. I'll just find it on YouTube Let's see that is from there we go Tube comm slash watch V

Unknown_22: All of her videos.

Unknown_13: I'm Frank Wu. Brianna and I have been together for a decade. I just wanna, I wanna point out, this guy is like an engineer or something.

Unknown_21: He works, I don't know what he does in particular, but he makes a lot of fucking money. And he fucks Brianna Wu.

Unknown_21: Just, for a second, think about that as we proceed.

Unknown_13: And there are two words I like to use to describe her. Oh, it says right there, Briotech Expert. Bravery and integrity.

Unknown_13: The weekend that we met,

Unknown_13: We clicked right away. She's beautiful and smart and awesome. And then she disappeared.

Unknown_13: Apparently, she had gone off to protest George W. Bush and his pointless stupid wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Unknown_20: Is he trans, man?

Unknown_13: No, he's not. And she did every Saturday afternoon.

Unknown_13: So impressed. Years later, Brianna and I were targeted personally by Steve Bannon and the alt-right. We had people saying they were coming over to our house with big knives to kill us and our dogs. We had people making videos of themselves flipping over their cars on their way to our house. And it was absolutely terrifying.

Unknown_13: And yet Brianna did not back down.

Unknown_21: Dang, yo.

Unknown_13: And now we live in this terrifying time where Donald Trump is president, and we wake up every day angry and scared, and we wonder, are the politicians that represent us in Washington going to stand up?

Unknown_13: And I look at Stephen Lynch and I think of things that he said like, the press has been too hard on Donald Trump. And he said, we should wait and see.

Unknown_13: what Donald Trump is going to do. Donald Trump is doing exactly what he said he was going to do during the campaign.

Unknown_21: I also want to point out that even for Breonna Woo's political ads, they show as little of Breonna Woo as absolutely possible.

Unknown_13: Hey, destroying freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, destroying the environment, advancing the causes of billionaires at the expense of your family.

Unknown_13: And so, I am so proud of Brianna for standing up and for deciding to run for Congress and to fight for what's right. I could not be prouder of her.

Unknown_21: I'm Brianna Wu, and I approve this message.

Unknown_03: There she is.

Unknown_21: Or there they are. Okay, people want me to play this, apparently.

Unknown_22: Somebody paid me a dollar to play this.

Unknown_22: Five minutes. What is it?

Unknown_21: Living as an adult baby. Oh, that's not good.

Unknown_17: Everybody needs a bottle in the morning.

Unknown_21: Oh, no.

Unknown_17: Oh, no! What the fuck?

Unknown_20: Oh, jeez!

Unknown_17: Yay! Handy Manny is on! It's my favorite show. Yeah! Oh, God!

Unknown_17: I like coloring because it's just relaxing to color stuff in.

Unknown_17: You don't really have to follow the rules because you can color it whatever you want. What the fuck?

Unknown_21: Man, I've seen so many of these adult baby people, but it never gets fucking easy. It never gets easy. These people... And you know what? Why are they always fat and disgusting?

Unknown_21: Chat, can you answer me this question?

Unknown_21: Why are they fat and disgusting?

Unknown_21: Is it, do you think, I want to hear your honest to God truth. I'm going to put a stream.me poll up again because I'm enjoying the stream.me polls. Do you think that fat is a symptom of mental illness? Like, you know, I'm kind of big, but in general, do you think that fat is a additional symptom to other kinds of mental illness? Yes or no? Answer me.

Unknown_21: Answer me this shit and we'll watch the video as the poll runs.

Unknown_17: An adult baby is somebody who enjoys dressing up and acting like a baby and it could be as young as You know, you want to be a six month old or you can go up to two or three years old. I see a lot of people. Whatever that feels right for you. Very, very passionate about this. I associate most with being two years old because I think it's the best of both worlds. You're young enough to still be able to use a crib and a bottle and diapers. Okay, here's my question then.

Unknown_21: For a long while, the United States was way, way, way ahead of other people in obesity rates. So is the United States just way more mentally ill than other people in other countries? Like, what the fuck?

Unknown_17: All that stuff, but you're also still old enough that you can get around on your own and talk and tell people what you want. Ah, refreshing.

Unknown_17: You want a drink?

Unknown_17: Not very many adult babies get a chance to have AB furniture. I see a lot of people saying that yes, Americans are just fucking retarded. This is my custom made crib. Took me about a week to build it and a couple days to paint it. It's my favorite piece of adult baby furniture to play with. Well, I've got my diaper changing materials nice and close. I've got my puppy dog mobile.

Unknown_17: I've got my Lion Guard bed sheets, and I've got my Ocean Wonders aquarium. Who the fuck recorded this? And then I got my cat here. Who is normalizing this? Keeping my bed warm. Some people will ask, do I actually use the diapers, and yes, I use the diapers. Oh, Jesus, fuck. Being in Continent, you're gonna be in diapers, and these are my usual ones.

Unknown_17: But when I'm roleplaying, I love wearing my Tycables.

Unknown_17: These things are just adorable. The animals, good absorbency so you stay nice and dry while you're out playing. When I have to make a number two.

Unknown_21: Okay, let me do another poll because I'm curious. I'm not even gonna... I want to keep it a secret until it's up.

Unknown_22: This is, it's a secret.

Unknown_22: It's a secret.

Unknown_21: Okay, my question is, since I got it up, do you think armored skeptic and shoe on head wear diapers when they do their daddy little girl shit?

Unknown_21: And I'm just going to say, I think that I think that Shulan Head wears the taikables. That's just that's just my guess. But I'm definitely like they they're so gross about what they're gross about with their public displays is probably less gross than what they actually do in the toilet.

Unknown_17: And no, I don't sit in a wet diaper all day long. But of course, I've got mine on. I'm staying dry.

Unknown_17: Some of my favorite adult baby activities would be playing with my Duplo Legos. It's relaxing to play with the Legos. I can forget about putting them on.

Unknown_05: A lot of people are very certain that they wear diapers, mostly shoes, but sometimes they don't.

Unknown_17: You can build anything you can imagine. If you don't like it anymore, you can take it apart and build something else. It's a spacecraft.

Unknown_17: It could take off.

Unknown_17: Hey, don't hate the player, hate the game.

Unknown_17: I like playing with my activity book, and drawing, and coloring.

Unknown_21: Imagine the smell, though.

Unknown_17: Don't make me pull out the brat weapon, because I will pull out the brat weapon.

Unknown_21: Fucking, don't tempt me, you motherfuckers.

Unknown_17: It's not so good.

Unknown_17: I like lots of colors, but I like green the best. This fat piece of shit legit makes me want to kill myself. It's like the same color grass and trees. In Minecraft. I like trees, they're fun. A lot of people when they first meet me or hear about me online, they assume that I'm an adult baby all day long, that's all I do is lay in my crib and the reality is I do it about an hour or two in the morning and about an hour in the evening. The rest of the day I'm like everybody else. Am I this big?

Unknown_21: No, I'm 250.

Unknown_17: For me, getting into being an adult baby is kind of a complicated subject. I got into it for two reasons. The first... Okay.

Unknown_21: Okay, I'm gonna put down money right here and right now.

Unknown_17: Sexual abuse. ...was because I started wetting the bed when I was 13, and the diapers were a way to keep it dry. But I also got into it around the same time even more,

Unknown_17: as a way to cope with the child abuse that was going on.

Unknown_02: For me, with the diapers, it just kind of became that safeness.

Unknown_17: And it's not sexual. It's all about just the safeness of being a child again. As a baby, you're safe and protected. You're loved. And that became what they meant for me. You know, everything is very friendly and safe. And it's just about being that two-year-old.

Unknown_17: If you've enjoyed this video, please subscribe to the Wizard of Odd. Oh god.

Unknown_21: Oh god!

Unknown_21: Don't make weirdos say that about your fucking channel. Okay, this guy also, he paid me another dollar to play this video.

Unknown_22: What's this?

Unknown_22: Um...

Unknown_21: I don't know if I can watch this one.

Unknown_21: I don't think I can watch this one.

Unknown_21: Calling fake child abuse story as a cover?

Unknown_21: I don't know. I don't think they lie about it. I think if you get diddled you become a complete fuck up. Like every time.

Unknown_21: That means lack of self-control or fucked up metabolism. 80% chance the guy lives in Florida? I take that as a challenge.

Unknown_22: He doesn't live in Florida. He lives in California or something.

Unknown_21: Florida isn't like that. Florida isn't that kind of crazy.

Unknown_21: Living as an adult is Stanley Thornton Stanley sleeps in his crib when he first began to return to 14 adult babies Okay, let's see if I can find this guy Okay, this is his biography from his website so it's not me Um

Unknown_22: Before I got into my biography, where do you live?

Unknown_22: Anyways, I went to Cypress Elementary School in Covina, California.

Unknown_21: Motherfuckers. Ain't no goddamn Florida, okay? This is California, you fucker. Here, I'll even control that for Florida. No Florida. California.

Unknown_21: There is some California, many, many mentions of California. No, yeah, no. In Florida this nigga would be Gatorbait. This nigga wouldn't be fucking walking around on the streets. Florida, Florida don't pull up with that, okay? That ain't right.

Unknown_21: That ain't godly. What's this?

Unknown_21: Somebody's begging me to play this. It's gonna be- Ah! Get fucked.

Unknown_21: I ain't playing your Ricardo Milo shit. Your Dachimuchi. That ain't happening. I'm one step ahead, motherfucker.

Unknown_22: All right, all right, all right, all right.

Unknown_21: It's a reasonable time. I got, we got, the counter is chasing us down. We got five more minutes before I wrap up at a reasonable time, barring unforeseen consequences. What's Kitty up to?

Unknown_11: Kitty, what are you up to? When this is something that pays itself rather than something that just is a pain and suffering.

Unknown_11: Or, well, yeah, something that's worth the time. People think that I'm very funny apparently. You're funny to make- Oh god, you fucking wish.

Unknown_11: Alright, keyframes in that archive.

Unknown_21: I got five minutes. I'm hearing- I got that fucking Sonic drowning theme in my head. What's this? Is this where Keemstar calls Alex the N-word?

Unknown_21: What is this?

Unknown_22: I'm gonna have to edit that out.

Unknown_21: I gotta be careful with clicking on shit in my archives.

Unknown_21: Every goddamn stream I can't get away from it. I try and I try. Oh, this is way too long. I can't download that.

Unknown_21: Talk about YandereDev or kid behind the camera. I have talked about YandereDev. Here, I want to talk about a funny clip.

Unknown_21: I don't know how many people watch like out of the the like 800 people watching this on YouTube and the 200 people watching this one uh One streamed at me. I don't know how many people actually watch all my stuff versus are just casually watching Let me let me go ahead and open this This one's funny actually god damn it I'll get I'll just open it up in the YouTube again. Oh

Unknown_21: This is the best shit he's ever done.

Unknown_21: Okay, there's another one we'll watch one of his longer videos and Find a really short videos.

Unknown_22: Oh, no, this is the now this is now not this one It

Unknown_11: Those are some big busty boobies. I'm gonna make sure that all my entire stream chat is subjected to this at least once per stream.

Unknown_21: Yeah, let's just go to this fucking YouTube channel and make fun of him.

Unknown_22: Call it a click in dairy That one lasts like five minutes 14 minutes 10 minutes you

Unknown_21: Oh, God. You know, I usually don't like cringe, but I think we got it for this. I've never seen this before.

Unknown_12: Dear Senpai.

Unknown_21: Oh, God.

Unknown_12: You don't know me, but I know you.

Unknown_12: I've been watching you.

Unknown_12: I'm writing you this letter because I'm worried about you.

Unknown_21: No, we're watching all of it.

Unknown_12: Our school used to be such a happy place.

Unknown_12: Full of bright, smiling faces.

Unknown_21: Oh jeez, look at the autistic hen shit.

Unknown_12: So many scary things have been happening lately.

Unknown_21: She didn't even cut the table.

Unknown_12: People have been disappearing without a trace.

Unknown_12: Or dying mysteriously.

Unknown_02: No, watch all of it.

Unknown_12: The police can't figure out which deaths were accidents.

Unknown_12: And which were murders.

Unknown_12: It was a mistake anymore.

Unknown_12: Everyone is worried that they might be the next victim.

Unknown_12: Everyone who died or disappeared was connected to you in some way.

Unknown_21: I can't believe how many women he has supporting him.

Unknown_12: While he just steals their fucking money. You might be the culprit.

Unknown_12: But I don't believe the rumors.

Unknown_12: I think you're innocent. I think you're a good person. You don't deserve any of this.

Unknown_12: You might feel like you're cursed, or like an evil spirit is haunting you, or like everyone is going to turn against you.

Unknown_12: But no matter how bad things get,

Unknown_12: I want you to know that I don't care what people are saying.

Unknown_02: I'm still on your side.

Unknown_02: Someday, I'll gather enough courage to talk to you.

Unknown_12: And then, maybe we can be friends.

Unknown_12: Or maybe, something more.

Unknown_21: Why does it keep going? Why doesn't it end? I just wanna play my ending song.

Unknown_21: They should have started with that and just had nothing else but that.

Unknown_21: Okay, that's enough of this. I'm done. Fuck all of you. I gotta play- I gotta pick a song.

Unknown_21: You know what? I got it. I got the perfect song.

Unknown_22: Wait, where is it?

Unknown_22: Where is it? I know what I want to play! Oh no! I'm done with this.

Unknown_21: Where is it?

Unknown_22: I'm gonna slit my fucking wrists if I can't find this goddamn song.

Unknown_21: It's all I want. There it is. There it is. Okay.

Unknown_21: You guys, you guys know it's coming. There's only, there's only one way to play this out. Only one song which will work.

Unknown_03: Electro, Diglett, Nidoran, Mankey, Benazora, Tattop, Fearow, Pidgey, Sea King, Jolteon, Dragonite, Gastly, Ponyta, Vaporeon, Poliwrath, Butterfree!

Unknown_06: Catch'em, catch'em, gotta catch'em all, Pokemon! I'll search across the land, look far and wide, release from my hand the power that's inside!

Unknown_03: Venomoth, Poliwag, Nidorino, Golduck, Ivysaur, Climber, Victory Bell, Voltrain, Nidoking, Farfetch'd, Abra, Jigglypuff, Kingler, Rhyhorn, Clefable, Wigglytuff!

Unknown_06: Catch'em, catch'em,

Unknown_06: Got to catch em all, Pokemon!

Unknown_03: Kabuto, Persian, Paris, Horsea, Raticate, Magnemite, Kadabra, Weeper Bell, Ditto, Cloyster, Caterpie, Sandshrew, Bubbles, Archimander, Golem, Pikachu!

Unknown_05: At least 150 or more to see! To be a Pokémon Monster is my destiny!

Unknown_03: I can say I'm dope, do a vent on that macho Kangaskhan, Hypno, Electabuzz, Flareon, Blastoise, Poliwhirl, Ahadish, Trouse, Raichu, Nidoqueen, Bellsprout, Starmie!

Unknown_04: Woo! We're at the halfway point! Doing great so far! We? What's all this we stuff? I'm doing all the hard work! Break time's over! Here we go!

Unknown_03: Metapod, Marowak, Hakuna, Clefairy, Dodrio, Seadra, Firebloom, Crabby, Lickitung, Tauros, Weedle, Nidoran, Machop, Shellder, Porygon, Hitmonchan! Gotta catch'em all! Gotta catch'em all! Yes! Gotta catch'em all! Gotta catch'em all! Yeah! Articuno, Jinx, Litterina, Beedrill, Haunter, Squirtle, Chansey, Pokemon! Parasite, Exeggcute, Muk, Dugong, Johto, Lapras, Vulpix, Rhydon!

Unknown_05: At least 150 or more to see to be a Pokemon!

Unknown_05: My monster is my destiny!

Unknown_03: Charizard, Machamp, Pinsir, Koffing, Dugtrio, Goldbat, Staryu, Magikarp, Ninetales, Ekans, Omastar, Scyther, Tentacool, Dragonair, Magmar!

Unknown_04: Whoa! Catch your breath, man! Shake out those lips! It's downhill from here! Just 24 more to go! Now it gets tricky, so listen real good!

Unknown_03: Sandslash, Hitmonlee, Psyduck, Arcanine, Eevee, Exeggutor, Kabutops, Zapdos, Chatini, Bowlight, Mr. Mime, Cubone, Graveler, Voltorb, Gloom. We're almost home!

Unknown_04: Gotta catch them all! Gotta catch them all! Gotta catch'em all, gotta catch'em all! Gotta catch'em all, Pokémon!

Unknown_03: Charmeleon! Wartortle! Mewtwo! Tentacruel! Aerodactyl! Armanite! Slowpoke! Pidgeot! Arbok! That's all, folks! Catch'em, catch'em, gotta catch'em all!

Unknown_06: Ooh, gotta catch'em all, Pokémon! Catch'em, catch'em, gotta catch'em all! Ooh, gotta catch'em all, Pokémon! Catch'em, catch'em, gotta catch'em all! Gotta catch'em all, Pokémon!

Unknown_21: And if you don't like the Pokemon rap, you're no fucking friend of mine.