All right, wait, I forgot I started. Can you hear me?
Unknown_16: Can you hear me? Reboot chat.
Unknown_05: Actually, you know what? When I'm on foreground, I can just switch off the restream.
Unknown_05: That works even better. Okay.
Unknown_16: Muted, muted, muted, muted, muted.
Unknown_16: Always muted. I had a bunch of shit.
Okay. Hello.
Unknown_05: Now, what was that that caused the issue? Oh, was it? Wait, wait, is that it? No, that can't be it. That can't be it. That's a mistake.
Unknown_05: Bowfag, you done goofed. Everything is going to be, I am the captain of, I got this under control.
Unknown_16: Let me go ahead and, can I even download a copy of that?
Unknown_16: I can private it, I can do.
Unknown_16: Actually not.
Nah, I'll just delete it.
Unknown_05: It was, it was just two hours of me yelling about Milo Yane. It's fine. It can, it can go to the dustbin.
Unknown_05: It can disappear forever. Forever and ever. You'll never see it again. If there was some precious moment you saw on that stream, guess what? It's all over. It's all over now.
Unknown_16: I was gonna properly wrap up, but now I feel like I have to talk.
Unknown_05: I'll water my little garden on stream.me.
I have to I have we can we can get back on track now. We can properly fuck over Kitty style. Um, I got your fucking number kitty style. We're gonna we're gonna we're gonna beat kitty style today.
Unknown_05: I Have to have to come back one for like an hour a day during Hanukkah. Make sure that I stay on top of them right now Right now in 20,000 points.
Unknown_16: I gotta make up I gotta make up to get on top of
Unknown_16: New information leak on Medicare, he's just a screencap ADF scrote. Yeah, if you don't know, Ralf and stuff stream on this.
So, it's all Gucci.
Unknown_16: It's all Gucci.
Unknown_16: Went down on you Tim.
Unknown_05: I guess I can take calls. I know people don't like to cause what do you guys think? Should I take calls or should I talk about we keep watching ADF videos talk about the ball inflation?
Unknown_05: Basically, it was a really like I'll show you a picture of this guy Real quick Let's see if you want to find his thread yourself you can it's um, I
Just beef and That should be the first or yeah, okay, um Pull up I'll do a pole. That's right. We're on stream that me fucking alpha channel proper pole Pole balls. Yes Oh now you get a minute you get one minute
Unknown_16: Oh God, it's like tied.
Unknown_16: Oh, see people don't like the calls. Alright, um, okay, so in this guy.
and This isn't that safe for work.
Unknown_05: Okay, this is him like, okay. He's this guy. Yes. He's very very buff He's buff as fuck right? But if you look at his face, he looks he's got like a weird baby face He's got this weird thing on where he's like a super really super fucking buff, dude but at the same time he looks like a complete fucking fruitcake and I can't
Unknown_05: Oh yeah, so these are, I don't want to scroll down too far, but you can see that they actually tattooed property of Master Dylan on the back. I don't want to get too far into it because this is what's going to be the meat of this.
But basically these guys are all like in a weird gay BDSM sexual master-dom relationships and It resulted in and they do this weird thing where they inject silicone their scrotum to make their penis puffy because it gets it's not just the scrotum it gets in the skin between the penis and And they're trying to achieve some kind of cause aesthetic that is only found in like pornography
I mean, it's nasty fucking that But it resulted in the death of somebody. I think he's under investigation in Australia, which I'm pretty sure is with us I'm still doing the research into it There's another person like I have a couple things that I want to do streams on I want to do streams on ADF I want to do streams on this beef and noodles guy And I want to do a stream on I don't even know their name, but I'll pull it up real quick because they
Unknown_05: They're an interesting case of of Parental abuse kind of in the same vein as daddy a five and people frequently make that that association I also want to do a video on her she Do I have that clip?
I know I clipped it before I started the stream Keep losing my shit all over the place
Unknown_16: Why can't you guys see a Firefox? I think it's only when I minimize it.
Unknown_16: But can you see? Can you see? Why can't I see?
Unknown_16: People are responding to shit that's on stream.
Unknown_05: Yeah, feud beauty. This is the this is the check. I want to uh, I want to talk about her Because I did a thing on amberlynn people really liked amberlynn but um this woman is worse this woman she is married to a somali immigrant and uh They're pretty sure that they're only together because he wants a visa and they can't he can't be separated from her as long they've been together for quite some time and
I don't know there's there's so much about her that if I were to try to do a proper stream on her fire a lot of work and Chantal is interesting more interesting than Amberlynn because Amberlynn seems to thrive on negativity She just spins it to be something to garner sympathy for herself. But with Chantal She is almost litigious and how how much she defends her her reputation But let's just watch this.
Unknown_16: This is a great kind of leap into
Unknown_16: Did you inject silicon into everywhere?
Muted. Oh, god damn it.
Unknown_05: You son of a bitch motherfucker.
Unknown_13: I came to the works.
Unknown_06: If you haven't seen my last works mukbang, it's my epic cheat day video, the works gourmet burger.
Unknown_13: So check that out.
Unknown_05: Listen to that sound.
Unknown_05: Eat it. Stuff it into your fat fucking face. This is too good.
So this is crispy dill pickles with like beach house sauce. And this is a burger.
Unknown_05: It's called the three ring binder. It's on a veggie patty, on a brioche bun. This is the quality content you came on to stream.me to see motherfuckers. Three onion rings, sauteed mushrooms, and gouda cheese.
Unknown_13: Oh my god. So let's like dig in. I really want a crispy dill right now.
Unknown_13: Oh my goodness, you guys.
Unknown_11: Seriously. I'm gonna give you a big bite.
Unknown_05: Josh the feeder confirmed. I know, don't slander my good name.
Unknown_05: Uh, I'm typing something. Somebody asked me a question and I'm typing. And I can just hear it in the background. I'm fucking dying.
Unknown_05: Ah, God.
Unknown_05: It looks like the fucking octopus from Little Mermaid.
I really just want to eat and be quiet. But... Is the video not playing correctly?
Unknown_05: Better be fucking playing. I want you fuckers to see this. You're not watching this.
Unknown_05: You're not watching this. No, this is not Amberlynn. This is a grosser Amberlynn.
Unknown_05: Why is it not... What are we fucking playing? That's Chipotle ketchup too. I want you fuckers to see this.
I hope they gave me... I hope they gave me napkins.
Unknown_11: No!
Unknown_13: They seriously did not give me any napkins. I need some napkins.
Unknown_05: Look, she's already- AHH!
Unknown_04: Don't open your mouth when you've got food in there! That's terrible. What the fuck?
Unknown_04: Oh jeez, this is bad. What the fuck?
Unknown_13: Like, I'm gonna need a bath after this. Swallow before you talk!
Oh my god. It's a drink.
Unknown_11: Oh, it's hot today.
Unknown_11: My lipstick is everywhere.
Unknown_11: Sparkling water.
Unknown_04: Oh, no.
Unknown_05: It's okay.
Unknown_11: What's new and exciting?
Unknown_05: He's incredibly fat. I have a mushroom stuck.
Oh, God.
Unknown_05: I never actually watch one of her videos from start to finish.
Unknown_13: I have to go shopping.
Unknown_04: Swallow before you talk, you fucking cow. Oh, jeez.
Unknown_13: I have to go to Lush.
Unknown_13: Um.
Unknown_00: Ugh.
We've been out of Lush products now for a little while.
Unknown_05: This is intense. This is hard to watch. Oh my God.
Unknown_05: I have to go to the mall because that's where the Lush is.
Oh, stop making those noises.
Unknown_13: I feel like a pig, but you know what? Oink oink.
Unknown_13: Yeah, I'm having some stuttering issues myself.
Unknown_05: I don't know if it's just like the fatness is so high quality that OBS is shitting itself. What are you guys up to today?
Unknown_11: Let me know.
Unknown_05: Retarded pole.
Unknown_11: I'm gonna go shopping.
Unknown_13: At Lush.
Try turning them. But I do want you guys to see every second of it. This is all obligatory.
Unknown_05: Berlin, your chewing noises are freaking you out. Hopefully.
Unknown_05: And keeps warskiing.
Unknown_13: And then I have to go to this Korean grocery store because I really want to try and get... Oh, God.
Unknown_05: How much longer?
The ingredients to make those rice cakes. Oh, we're not even like halfway through.
Unknown_05: Fuck this. I can't do this.
Unknown_16: Wait, what the fuck did she say in the description?
Unknown_16: Well...
Unknown_16: He said something like if you're... I don't know.
Unknown_05: Hey Feudy Beauties, if you are triggered by a fat chick pigging out, better skip this one lol. Otherwise, hope you enjoy this mukbang of cheesy onion ring burger and crispy deep fried pickles.
Oh, she she there's a scene where she like wipes her mouth and then wipes her eyes with like the same exact tissue like immediately like rubbing food right into her fucking And she like like police states her fucking her comments
Unknown_05: That's the that's the big that's the big draw really of doing a stream about her because she is going to like Like shit herself if I actually do coverage Okay, I want to see what our most popular do you know if that's gonna be the fucking group
super large cheesy oh god i'm actually nauseous reading that fucking title let's watch it this is 25 minutes it takes her 25 fucking minutes to pound this shit down let's get right to it i don't care about this pound it down lady look look at her
Unknown_05: Look at her face as she's like a commander general peering over the battleground, sizing up the tactical advantage of how she's going to completely fucking annihilate this dish.
Unknown_05: How she's going to eviscerate it. Jalapeno poppers!
Unknown_15: They never ever.
I thought she was going to put it on top of the pizza.
Unknown_12: You know what I mean? I want the cheese to be more brown. That's what I'm saying. In essence. Okay.
Unknown_12: Water.
Unknown_05: Water. Okay. That's good. That's a healthy choice.
Unknown_12: And they didn't have any jalapeno ranch left.
Unknown_05: No jalapeno. What a gyp.
Unknown_05: Look how disappointed she is that they don't have jalapeno ranch. Let's not ruin this pizza party.
Unknown_13: So, guys, grab something. I just want to chill out. I've been watching Dan Dell in the background.
Chill out with Brenda.
Unknown_12: Chill out. I'm home alone. I have pizza. This is a pizza party. I just want to chill out with you guys.
Unknown_11: Why does the delivery guy have to be hot, by the way? It's like, I had to warm on.
Unknown_12: It's like, we're at the friggin' door, boobs are swaying to and fro. I'm just like... Who wants to physically fucking inhale that pizza?
Unknown_05: Yeah, usually it's friggin' Aziz who comes.
Unknown_12: You know, the older guy.
Get to it! What the fuck is with all this talking?
Unknown_12: Creamy garlic?
Unknown_05: Get the fuck on with it! I'm not... I'm not sitting here to talk to you, bitch. Alright, guys. Fucking eat that pizza.
Unknown_05: Get, yeah. Oh, jeez, she's not even gonna dip it. Ah!
Unknown_13: Eat it. I'm gonna try the... Mmm.
Unknown_13: It's actually good.
Unknown_05: Yeah, no fucking shit. It's all fried. And you're dipping it in fucking mayonnaise. Yeah, it's gonna be fucking tasty, I promise you.
Oh, I've got it! It's, like, spilling everywhere! Fuck!
Unknown_05: Put it out of its misery! It's in pain!
Unknown_05: She's doing a victory dance. One popper down, eight pieces of pizza to go.
Unknown_05: Better start.
Unknown_13: Yum. So the pizza, my favorite.
Unknown_05: The general looks on. Thin crust, garlic. A weak point has been spotted.
Unknown_13: Sriracha, base sauce, extra cheese, chipotle chicken, red onions, green olives, green peppers.
She rallies the troops. A pincer maneuver! The pizza! It sustained critical damage. They're being routed out.
Unknown_05: She's driving them back. The pizza menace is being annihilated.
Unknown_05: War crimes are being perpetrated.
Unknown_05: The UN Humanity Council will be left to clean up the pieces of the broken lives.
Unknown_05: Between that piece of pizza and that jalapeno popper, the only word she's gotten out of her mouth is anyways. I don't know if I should talk about this or... I feel like I need to because...
Unknown_13: I don't know. People apparently are really disturbed.
Unknown_05: Oh, really? That's news to me, lady.
That I eat so much.
Unknown_13: Let me look at it this way. I mean, I don't think I'm not offended by people being concerned about me. I mean, I don't understand how
Unknown_13: People who are complete strangers could give a shit about me at all. But the fact that people do is kind of nice.
Unknown_13: The fact that people care about other people they don't know is kind of nice. As long as there's no malicious intent behind it and you genuinely care.
You know what I mean? The pizza amplifies the funny fact.
Unknown_13: But... I don't know what to say about that.
Unknown_14: I guess if you have a fan who looks up to you, and is rooting for you, and you just completely let them down, I can see that being the woman.
Unknown_05: I get that.
Well, she hasn't gotten a word out yet. Thumb does not count. Oh, she's going for the poppers. You know. It's a flanking maneuver.
Unknown_13: And I don't want it to seem like I'm completely ignoring. I mean.
Unknown_06: Stop calling me a beater. I'm not completely ignoring. I'm just enjoying the show. Well, yeah. I have been ignoring my husband.
Unknown_06: But. I'm not a beater, Chad. Stop bullying me. I'm a World War II historian. I value my life, I do.
Unknown_13: I know it doesn't look like it right now.
Unknown_13: But I do.
And I am going to be, you know.
Unknown_05: What's the food equivalent of a Jew?
Unknown_05: Lux?
Unknown_06: Oh no.
Unknown_13: Implementing some changes.
Unknown_06: I shouldn't have mentioned the feed- oh no, the chat.
Unknown_13: When, how, what.
Unknown_13: I don't know. I do know, but I'm doing a video.
And then somebody, I found out, going through the comments, there's this- Josh has a crush, fuck off.
Unknown_05: What the hell is Kiwi Farms?
Unknown_13: What? Is that like a forum or a website where people go and like, discuss other people? What the fuck?
Unknown_06: Oh god, it's getting meta! It's getting meta, she knows!
Unknown_06: She knows! She knows we're watching her! What the hell?
Unknown_06: What is wrong with people? We've been found out! We've been found out!
Unknown_06: Shut it down! Shut it down! Whatever.
I mean... Josh, back the fuck out.
Unknown_13: I'm accepting the fact that I'm a YouTuber.
Unknown_05: We thought we could insert spies behind her lies. Not everybody's gonna like me.
Unknown_13: He has anti-spy protocols. There's a lot of hateful people out there or there's people who just...
Unknown_05: I don't know. I mean, the world is full of all kinds of people and I can't control how people react to me.
Unknown_13: And I'm accepting that.
I delete really hateful comments on my channel because if you see the majority
Unknown_13: It's not just that she deletes really hateful comments, by the way.
Unknown_05: She deletes all comments.
Unknown_13: And a lot of them get upset and message me and be like, you know, delete those hateful comments.
Unknown_05: She also deletes videos. When you re-upload any of her clips, she's like super bad about that.
Unknown_13: It's a much nicer place.
Unknown_05: Super bad about deleting.
Unknown_13: So that's why I do that.
Unknown_05: Why is the stream frozen again? Fucking goddammit stream.
Unknown_05: Why is the fat chick eating? I know I have to change, but at the same time,
I know I'm a good person. No matter what size I am.
Unknown_13: No matter how much pizza I'm eating.
Unknown_05: You're gonna eat a lot of fucking pizza. I wish my life is not perfect. Why the fuck is it? God damn it stream me.
Unknown_05: I need I need chat to see her eating. This is this is critical. This is this is mission critical information.
Unknown_05: Go, go, go, Chuck, Chuck, Chuck, Chuck.
Unknown_05: And, uh... You got one piece of pie down. This is a 25 minute long video. We're watching all of it. My consciousness is clean as a person, you know?
So, whatever you have to say about me is superficial. And... You know?
Unknown_05: He's running low on mayo. We gotta get back up to that.
Unknown_05: The tanks can't run without fuel, goddammit.
Unknown_13: That being out of the way.
Unknown_05: You need the lubrication to put the pizza down the throat.
Unknown_13: I mean, I get this is not everybody's cup of tea. Like, you know... I don't know.
I need to find... Okay, chat. I'm gonna make another poll. I need... I need mission-critical information on this.
Unknown_13: You should really act, you know... You're telling me that life is short and I should take care of myself. Well, in turn, you should realize that life is short and you shouldn't waste your time worrying about my life and watching me if I bother you. I don't know!
Unknown_05: What the fuck is with you people voting no on that pizza? That looks like a tasty piece of pizza.
Unknown_13: Go ride a horse.
Go travel to the fjords of yonder. I don't know, like, do something.
Unknown_05: Go ride a horse.
Unknown_06: Oh!
Unknown_13: I'm alone in the house.
Unknown_13: I can yell out anything I want.
Unknown_13: Johnny Depp is hot!
Unknown_05: You're gonna eat him?
Unknown_05: You're gonna like envelop him in a silk cocoon and then suck out his intestines. No one.
No, she's Ursula. She's gonna like, she's gonna like, tuck him in between her tentacles. Eat him through her bottom beak.
Unknown_05: Or whatever.
Unknown_13: Comment below.
Unknown_05: Chicken pizza. Wait, there's chicken on that pizza? That's gross. Chicken is gross.
Unknown_05: Efe is good.
Unknown_13: What do you get on your pizza? Like your go-to toppings?
Unknown_05: What do you get on your pizza chat? Type it quickly. Spam chat with your favorite toppings. Spam it as quickly as you can. It's not working. I think if it's stuttering, you just gotta refresh it. Like once I refresh it, it works fine. I think it's just a replay issue.
Shit, I see shit pizza. Cummy pizza.
Unknown_05: Nothing pizza. Cyanide pizza. If you're seriously a fan of pineapple pizza, literally slit your throat. I'm not talking about Minecraft. I mean literally kill yourself. You're fucking a horrible person.
Unknown_05: No, no, no. Fuck all the pineapple niggas. We need to rise up. We need to rise up and have a genocide against the pineapple niggas.
I disavow the pineapple niggas in fucking chat. Fuck you. Soy pizza. Kiwi pizza. That's even worse than fucking that. Gamer girl pizza.
Unknown_13: It's a bit sketchy because... Banana peppers.
Unknown_05: We're small. Okay. I have to pause this video to talk about banana peppers.
Unknown_05: Look, I'm a fatty. I'm fat. I'm not Chantal fat. I don't eat whole pieces, whole family size pizzas, but I like Subway. And the only people who eat at Subway, be honest, are fat people. But when I go to Subway, I get a spicy Italian, right? That's what I get. But I like it with so many banana peppers that it doesn't close. I want so many banana peppers on that fucking pizza, not pizza, but Subway sandwich that it is it is like 90% banana peppers by the time it's eaten. You cannot find banana peppers outside of the United States. They do not have banana peppers in Australia. They do not have banana peppers in Philippines. They do not have banana peppers in Japan. Banana peppers are like a localized phenomena in the United States. And niggas outside the United States don't know what the fuck a banana pepper is.
And it's just the saddest fucking thing. That's how you know America is the best country. Got banana. Them niggas don't. I don't even remember applying for this job.
Unknown_13: Second, the person sends me an email.
Unknown_13: The title of the email says office, it doesn't say, you know, anything about the job.
Unknown_13: The body of the email has an application form, which I already sent my resume so I don't know why, anyway.
Some places you need to fill out an application form.
Unknown_05: Josh just called, yes I am. It doesn't say the name of the place or anything like that.
Unknown_13: Just says, pick one of the interview times selected below, reply to my email, the interview's at blah blah blah, the address.
Unknown_13: So I look up the address.
Unknown_05: Oh, we almost got Kitty? Good. We're gonna, we're gonna submit that fucker. And it's a medical building with several different offices. We're gonna submit him to our will. We will oppress him.
Hold up. I'm on internet. Hold up, you can do this.
Unknown_16: Gotta check the leaderboard.
Unknown_16: Only 3,000 points left.
Unknown_05: Get fucked, didn't work. Such a motherfucker.
This is repulsive to look at. Don't look. Don't look away. Punish yourself. You've done something to deserve this. At some point in your life, you committed a crime.
Unknown_05: And this is your punishment.
Unknown_13: I just want to be clear. I'm gonna get some beans.
Unknown_05: No, God, wait, what? Well, hold the fuck up. Did she say she's getting beans? He's eating this shit. And she's like, you know what would go great with this fucking pizza? I need some beans. I need fucking I need. Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Unknown_13: Like, I just want to be clear.
Unknown_13: It's the name of the.
Unknown_05: Listen, listen.
Unknown_13: I just want to be clear.
Unknown_13: The name of the place where you're doing your interview is not the name of the location where you'll be working. I don't know.
Didn't make sense.
Unknown_06: She has like an entire family sized pizza in front of her.
Unknown_05: She's got an entire family-sized pizza and she needs fuckin' food accessories. She needs some fuckin' beans so she can be a brap hog.
Unknown_13: And then she's like... Well... Um, she named- she said a name.
Unknown_13: And I googled it.
Unknown_13: And I can't find any- any information on it.
I don't know.
Unknown_13: I'm gonna see what it's about.
Unknown_13: But... This guy...
Unknown_18: With your asshole! Ass! Ass! Titties! Titties! Mommy! Give me milkies! Mommy, let me smell your shit, spank!
Hell yes, my dear! Quite pungent, indeed!
Unknown_03: Rip?
Unknown_16: What do you mean rip?
Wait, are you guys fucking with me?
Unknown_16: Shit's fucked?
Unknown_16: Now you guys are fucking with me.
Unknown_05: The stream died for a minute. Oh, I wonder if that's, I wonder if that's restream again. It's such a pain in the ass.
Unknown_05: Putin saved you fuckers. He pulled the plug. He, that motherfucker, Poroshenko, he pressed the button to kill the feed. When that, when that video came up, he saved you.
Unknown_13: And I know I should call him back.
Unknown_13: So I left a message and you know, I told him, he didn't answer, so I left a message. Told him I'm not, you know, I'm not, I currently have a job somewhere else.
I lied. Because when I really think about like the job description, it's a high paying job, like admin work, but it's also very, very, very demanding.
Unknown_13: And...
Unknown_13: I just don't feel at the right place right now to take on that kind of responsibility.
She doesn't eat the entire thing. You better eat most of this fucking pizza lady.
Unknown_05: You better eat more than half.
Unknown_05: That's all I got to fucking say on the issue.
Unknown_05: How many times have you came?
Unknown_05: I'm a gentleman, I saved myself at the end. I want to have the time to do that.
Her fingers are viscerally repulsive.
Unknown_05: You make claws specifically for attacking jalapeno peppers. I don't even really need to work right now, to be honest.
Unknown_05: If Beanie takes care of her.
Unknown_13: I'm not gonna go into my financial situation because it's none of your business.
Unknown_13: It's not.
Unknown_13: But... Just... I don't really need to work, I just feel like I should.
Yeah, that's a normal feeling. That's perfectly normal, just so you know.
Unknown_13: Anyway, same old bullshit in my life.
Unknown_13: Same old dilemmas.
Unknown_13: What I feel I need to be doing is... She has fingers the size of sausages.
Unknown_05: Doing what I say I'm going to be doing. How much do you donate to her Patreon?
Unknown_13: I'm not Kimmy, I don't pay pig. Going back to the gym.
Unknown_13: Setting up my life in a routine where I can work on the creativity and productivity of my channels.
Unknown_05: The beans are killing me. Yeah, the beans are pretty fucking gross.
Setting up my kitchen.
Unknown_13: so I can do cooking along with my mukbangs.
Unknown_13: I have a lot of recipes I want to cook with you guys and share with you guys.
Unknown_10: Ladies and gentlemen, we got them.
back to the brat pog the featured the featured full course meal of this stream so
Unknown_06: Easy clap.
Unknown_06: Oh, how do you do the polar bear? I've become friends with another YouTuber.
Look, this is what people really want, Kitty Styles. You gotta stream fat women eating themselves to death.
Unknown_13: If you like food porn, oh my god. These recipes are amazing.
Unknown_13: He's a chef.
Unknown_13: So I always call him chef.
Unknown_05: It strokes.
Unknown_13: Go show him some love.
Unknown_05: He's so fucking boring.
Unknown_05: She's only interesting if you're interested in people eating themselves to death.
Unknown_13: I'm gonna be collabing with him and doing some of his recipes.
Unknown_05: Josh jerking off intensifies.
Does it affect gravity mirror?
Unknown_05: This is what Josh wants specifically. Her... Her being a feeder. Maybe. Don't make speculation about my penis.
Unknown_05: Oh wait, you know what else?
Unknown_13: Yeah, so this channel I really wanna... Well, shut up.
Unknown_05: Shut up, Raphog.
Unknown_05: I like the high score table. I like the catty dynamics of it. You know who I don't see? Let me go ahead and pull up the front page. We got some quality streamers here. We got Danish Police and Ranbot, of course.
Where is he? Did he give up? Is he not even getting four viewers right now?
Unknown_16: Maybe not.
Unknown_16: But you know who I'm not seeing on this top 30?
Unknown_05: not seeing somebody i'll leave it up to the you guys can speculate in chat who may not be on this list of people but i'm i'm not seeing a specific name of interest no no spoilers do my mystery mondays creepypastas no not ralph
And I want to really improve those series, you know? I really want to do more research.
Unknown_05: I really want to write my own stories.
Unknown_13: I have so many short stories I want to share with you guys. I need the time to write.
Unknown_05: Ralph will be on it. He'll be number one.
Unknown_13: I need the time to write. I just need the time to shoot a video every day.
Unknown_13: And, um... I cannot comment on the horse-like nature of the teeth.
Unknown_05: That would be a dead giveaway if I commented on that.
Unknown_05: No, I'll tell you, um... Let me skip ahead with this. So I worked out the Senate.
Unknown_05: I think she was done eating, basically.
Unknown_05: I mentioned this before, but part of the way that the highest score table is set up with stream.me is if you read the rules, the top one says every five minutes that an active viewer watches an active stream, it will add five points towards that streamer's weekly total. which means that, um, you know, if one, if a hundred people watch 60 minutes of a stream, uh, that generates about 1200 points. But down here at number 10 is the other one that's interesting. You got multipliers and shit for having lots of activity. But number 10 says 10 bonus points for chats. So every chat message adds 10 bonus points. So, uh,
Narcissa was in kitty style kitty cell especially is able to get a lot of points just because they do a text-to-speech thing and In their chat. So every time any message is sent on the kitty style stream. I
Kittystyles get 10 points and he encourages this by having text-to-speech over the open air. So if you send something abusive to Kittystyles, it'll be heard and that way he monetizes trolling basically. Narcissa benefited a lot from this not only in stream, but people would watch the stream specifically to send any text messages But he closed down the chat entirely and now he's not even on the top 30 because he you know Even if he streams 24 7 with one or two viewers, he does not get any points, right? KittyStyles banned a bunch of people from his chat, but he fell way down on the high score table because he didn't have any points from chat. Now, Ralph has his chat set to as lenient rules as possible, as do I, and normally I would have it like one message per two seconds, but right now I've got it two messages per one second, simply because, you know, I benefit from having people speak as much as possible.
It's just, it's just an interesting thing. I mentioned this before.
Unknown_05: But really, I think that's too much. Because every like, again, every chat message is worth 10 minutes of somebody actually actively watching the stream. That's overpower. OP as fuck, right?
And it's just like, the stream.me people like they shouldn't.
Unknown_05: It should be something else where it's like, you know, in a 10 minute time period, if somebody sends a message, it should count 10 points, right? So that way, you regularly engage your chat, but people can't just spam. And you can set your chat rules to whatever you want them to be.
Unknown_05: You know, you won't be penalized from having a slower chat, even if people are actively engaged in conversation. Like right now, the chat is completely unusable. If I wanted to ask you a question about pizza or bratpogs, I could not possibly get a valuable answer from chat because it's jammed, but mathematically speaking,
This is this is ideal. This is This is what I want. So just like I'm not complaining. I'm not trying to game the system It's just something that's uh, that's funny to me. I've known so Also, I don't know what fat people I don't watch Oh God, look she has another one. There's another pizza video. That's so gross
Are those Sonic mozzarella sticks? What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck?
Unknown_04: What the fuck? What the fuck? Do you guys see that?
Unknown_04: She has pictures, she has the last photo of like a 15 and 8 year old girl that were kidnapped, tortured, and raped in her Sonic drive-thru mozzarella stick mukbang.
Okay, I'm interested. Let's go. Let's go. I want to see her eat mozzarella sticks and oh god, 15 fucking minutes. Are you shitting me?
Unknown_11: Foodie beauties.
Unknown_05: What is up guys?
Unknown_11: I feel like I've been away for so long.
Unknown_13: It hasn't been that long. So, um, yeah, welcome to my first episode of, oh, and Harry Bush has got to be in here. Welcome to my very first episode of Mysterious Mondays. So basically, so basically the series, you know, I have my creepypasta series, which is a pasta dish on Fridays with a spooky story, like a creepypasta talking about creepypastas. This is going to be talking about mysteries and things that really interest me are unsolved mysteries with that extra creep factor.
young people, bound and gagged. You might not want to look.
Unknown_05: It's in the fucking thumbnail!
Unknown_13: So it shows a young boy on the right.
Unknown_05: No, it's a boy.
Unknown_13: Blond hair, bound and gagged. And on the left, a young, a teenage woman. Is that the chair crying out in pain? And beside her is a BC Andrews novel, My Sweet Audrina, which was reportedly one of Tara Calico's favorite or her favorite novel at the time.
The two kids seem to be in some sort of van.
Unknown_05: Is she fat to that pic? Yeah, she uses the mozzarella stick. And the woman at the convenience store said that before finding the Polaroid, a Toyota cargo van had been parked in that spot where she found the Polaroid.
And, you know, vans think what reading instances of that, like there's so many van abductions that that every time I see a creepy van, I'm like, OK, bye. You know, I don't think they'd be able to fucking abduct you, Chantal.
Unknown_05: I'm pretty sure they need eight people in a fucking stretcher. So.
Unknown_11: They're so good, guys.
Unknown_13: Now the boy in the picture, who is he? He was never identified because it was thought to be, it was thought to have been a young boy named Michael Henney.
This is the worst Cold Case Forensic Files episode ever.
Unknown_13: It's a terror hack.
Unknown_13: But upon further analysis, I guess it was found to be unlikely. It wasn't determined that it wasn't, but it was very unlikely that it was him.
Unknown_13: Michael's body was found in the zoo.
Unknown_05: It's her rape fantasy.
Unknown_13: Eventually, so.
Unknown_13: The investigators just assumed that.
Unknown_05: You hate her.
Unknown_13: Or they thought that.
Unknown_05: Yeah, eating with her mouth open is fucking gross.
He had just wandered off and died of exposure.
Unknown_11: The mother of Terra Calico firmly believes that the girl in the picture is Terra Calico.
Unknown_13: The Scotland Yard's investigation, in their investigation, they concluded that the girl was Terra Calico.
Unknown_05: What do you guys think? I personally don't know.
Unknown_13: I see a lot of similarities.
And the pictures where she has 80s feathered hair. I don't know what it is about the 80s hairdos, but they made teenagers look like 30 year old people, you know?
Unknown_13: Like, watch Saved by the Bell.
Unknown_13: Everyone looks like they're in their late 20s or 30s.
Unknown_05: Hold the fuck up.
Unknown_13: You know, Jesse.
Unknown_05: Look at this shit. Look at this shit. Give me a second.
Unknown_05: Wait. I'm gonna find this.
Unknown_05: I'm gonna find this. I'm gonna point it out. What the fuck? Hold up.
Unknown_05: No, I'm mad now. This is gonna happen. I'm gonna make it fucking happen. I'm gonna find this.
I saw something in chat and I'm not happy about it. I'm gonna point it out. It's the last fucking thing I do.
Unknown_16: Where the fuck is it?
Unknown_16: Look at this.
Unknown_05: I'm calling you out specifically, motherfucker. Joyboat. I would smash unironically. Fuck you. Fuck you, you motherfucker. What the fuck is wrong with you? That's some sick, twisted, demented shit. Kelly.
It's the hair.
Unknown_13: And the clothes.
Unknown_13: But there's some pictures where Tara looks young.
Unknown_13: And I could see similarities. The eyebrow shape, a little off, but that could be how she tweezed, you know?
Unknown_13: Her mother said that she had gotten in a car accident and she had a scar on her leg that was identical to the girls in the picture. I don't really see the scar in the picture.
Yeah, it's just that you log on TV. It's not actually a fire. You might have to pause the video to really look at it.
Unknown_13: So... If she has... I'm not sure. I thought the little boy looked a lot like Michael Henley as well.
Unknown_05: She keeps bringing the fucking picture up on the goddamn stream. Rest in soul.
Unknown_13: Poor kid.
Unknown_13: Poor both of them.
Unknown_13: Disappearances are so heart-wrenching because you never have closure. You just never have closure because you don't... Well, it's harder to get closure.
Because you have no idea what happened to these people. Your loved ones, I mean, they could still be out there. It's so sad. Anything.
Unknown_05: Oh, a smash or pass poll? If there's a single fucking vote. Oh, jeez.
Unknown_13: Now, some odd things have surfaced since the disappearance.
Unknown_05: Look at these troll votes. Look at these fucking troll votes. You motherfuckers. You're all full of shit.
Police department received two more photographs of a sandy colored haired boy.
Unknown_05: Nom nom. That is so sad.
Unknown_11: The mouth had been drawn over in ink as if to, you know, to represent some kind of mouth cover.
Unknown_11: Do people support this in the comments?
Unknown_05: I just came across your videos. I'm obsessed. You're such a great storyteller. Please keep doing this series with the fire in the background. So mysterious and cozy. Love the idea of the new Mystery Monday. I love unsolved mysteries. Your skin is gold. Your videos are just awesome. Do more vegan mukbangs.
I just saw this story. I love cheese sticks.
Unknown_05: Why is this fake fire on and it's 100 degrees inside?
Unknown_05: I have a request to do a series called Singing Sunday. Gee, like, she has, like, a fucking Nazi grip on that shit.
Unknown_13: Dude.
Okay. Here's the thing. Here's the thing with Chantal. I mentioned this before. She is a hundred percent like against any people making fun of her. She is extremely bad with like YouTube DMCA stuff. She's really bad with like legal threat. She's threatened, uh, like locale.farm, which is a girl board talking about locales and stuff. She's like, she's bad about it. If I do a video on her, she will a hundred percent lose her fucking mind.
Unknown_16: And yeah, I'm tempted. I'm tempted to do it just because of that.
Fat girl thighs. But it's like, you know, it's so close to to do an Amberlynn. I might save it for a while, but it's definitely on my fucking my to do.
Unknown_05: You know, she has a ton of subs.
Unknown_13: Her like.
Unknown_05: The way she just segues from like awful, gratuitous fucking murder to eating. I see a lot of people saying to do it. I'll do it. Um, I'll do it. What's next week?
That'll be the, well, I do my Christmas present. I can do the video where she talks about not being able to wipe her ass. What? Okay. Give me a second.
Unknown_05: Give me a second.
Unknown_13: So as of recently, I think in 2016, there was a six-person task force that was assigned, again, to the case of Terra Calico.
It's still ongoing. If you have the video, let me know.
Unknown_05: I'm looking for it now.
Unknown_13: I'm not sure. I'd have to look it up, but I thought, I think her mother passed away, but maybe not.
Unknown_05: This human cruelty? I thought I'd read that she had, and you know, not ever knowing, going to your grave and not ever knowing what happened to your daughter, you know?
Unknown_05: It's talking about fingers.
Unknown_05: Talking about her butthole.
Unknown_11: Forest Foxes wasn't necessary.
Unknown_05: Oh god, she's so- aah! God, that's too much for me. That's my break. That fucking- oh, that's nasty.
Unknown_05: Okay, do you have that video where she's talking about farting? Oh, you do. Aren't you fantastic?
If you have a timecode, let me know.
Unknown_15: Hello, booty booties.
Unknown_05: That girl files embarrassing facts. Oh no, this entire thing might be over. But you can't be pregnant unless you have sex. You tease.
Unknown_13: Hi. Oh my gosh. So I cut my own hair. can't tell um don't ever do that just just don't okay i just got fed up with it being so long it was just hot i don't know what came over me i go through these phases and i don't know i just i feel like maybe i should get like a shortcut i know my face will look fatter but in the end i think that When you have long, thin hair, it just ends up looking stringy at some point. I don't know, what did you guys think?
Oh, holy shit, I just saw the video. She looks disgusting. Holy shit.
Unknown_13: Alright, so an update on this whole singing thing. He looks like a fucking melted garbage bag. Whoa! Sam, you're beezin'! Yes, you're beezin'.
Unknown_05: She barely looks human.
Unknown_13: Sorry.
Unknown_13: When I film, the cats have to be around and mess things up. This ring light is so hot. Like, it really does a good job, but I'm just warning you. I don't know if you can hear me.
Unknown_05: Oh, girls, name Chantel and Camila are super fat.
Wow, it's warm. Speaking of YouTubing, I need a new background. I just hung up, I don't know, try to make it look like I have a background, but in like a fashionable background. Like, yay, I'm a YouTuber, I have a few shirts hanging up.
Unknown_05: Is disabling on any videos? Let's take a second. Oh, I guess you proved your fucking point.
Unknown_13: This whole singing thing, I've been really obsessed over Ken Tamplin music lesson videos. And he has a course that I'm going to be purchasing. It's just something on the side, kind of a hobby when I have time. Um, when I have more time and get more organized, I'm going to purchase that course and work on it because just watching those videos, I realize how
Like compared to his students, I have like no vocal technique. I have no breath support. And that is the number one thing that I need to work on because without breath support and- I'm not gonna lie, chat.
Unknown_05: It's not gonna work. Chat, I'm not gonna lie. You know, some people have given the feedback that it's just too breathy. I was hungry and I was thinking, what could I eat? And I did watch a few videos on that. You know how hard it is to find fried shit over here? Like nothing's fried. I cannot catch my breath.
Unknown_13: I need to practice a diaphragmatic breathing. And before I can do any of that, guess what? Yes, this belly fat has to come off because I'm very belly fat heavy Oriented just the belly and that needs to come off because I need to have a strong diaphragm and I need to be able to breathe and just even talking to you sitting down I'm out of breath. So by a fryer or a more winded so that needs to happen.
I can't leave a comment. She blocked comments another thing I wanted to talk about and I guess it's been like what two or three days and I'm like
Unknown_13: I feel like I haven't talked to you guys in forever. So I've been, my channel, I'm not going to be able to do videos every day anymore for now.
Unknown_13: I don't know for how long I will still do videos, but I have taken on something in my life
that requires a lot of my time and it's something that I really enjoy doing and it's something very exciting and I just don't have the time to do everyday videos anymore. And I know that I'm not great with keeping schedules normally for my channel, it's been all over the place, but I actually feel
Unknown_13: Things that are, I have a sense of humor about these things.
Unknown_13: Some people might think, well, it's kind of sad, maybe you shouldn't laugh about these things. Well, it's like laugh or cry, right? So some of these things I find to be really, you know, kind of embarrassed. Maybe I should be more embarrassed about them, but I really just sometimes have a lack of shame.
So these are TMI Fat Girl Facts. Fat Girl Fats. Fat Girl Facts. Things that have, after they've happened, have embarrassed me and had made me say, I need to lose weight, but never do. Oh my God, my hair, guys. I look like it's that haircut from that frigging girl from Game of Thrones there.
Unknown_13: What, Arya Stark?
Unknown_13: Anyway, so the first one is, this is really bad.
Unknown_13: Sometimes you get things stuck in crevices that, you know, thin people don't have. So, for example, one time I had a Cheeto stuck in my bra, probably was there all day.
I took my bra off, you know, to get busy with my boyfriend and there was a Cheeto.
Unknown_13: So I hope he was hungry. Anyway, um, another thing, um, was that one time I also had a, I felt like a, a little bit of a, you know, a pain, like a nagging pain down in my roll somewhere. And um,
Unknown_13: You know, I was like, what is that? You know, so finally I Went to discover what it was. I went searching and there was a Pringles cap stuck somewhere in my roll Probably was there for like 12 hours Once you pop you can't stop Wait, what the fuck did you just say?
where in my role searching and there was a Pringles cap stuck somewhere in my role probably was there for like 12 hours what how do you feel that another thing that was really embarrassing is that you know like I have a really big large backside
Unknown_05: No, but and I cannot lie, you know, I used to know You know, I was like, yes, he's defending big girls, but then it was like I like big butts and I cannot lie Right there that's when it stopped for me I was like anybody waste I'm excluded anyway, so I have a problem with TP and
Unknown_13: I have to be really careful.
Unknown_13: TP tends to get stuck and I don't know. My butt cheeks are just like really compressed together, I guess. I don't know what it is. I told you this was TMI. I hope you're all laughing at me. That's the point of this video. It's happened where I don't notice and I go to get intimate with a guy.
Oh no!
Unknown_13: Many times.
Unknown_13: Uh, where they find a little bit of a surprise. I remember I told you the story time about how it happened to me at the gynecologist.
Unknown_13: Um, well, yeah, I think, like, one guy just tried to be really nice about it and not say anything and just kinda picked it out and I felt him pick it up and I was like, oh my god, it's like toilet paper! Okay, another thing that was really embarrassing and actually, like, I'm just, I wanna blush, but I think, thank god I bought a shade of foundation too.
Oh my god!
Unknown_13: Anyway, one time I got pulled over by a cop.
Unknown_13: and i was swerving um on the highway so this is dangerous so don't ever do this and um don't snack and drive anyway um i was swerving so i got pulled over and you know so the cop you know cop asked me to pull down my window and says have you been drinking and honestly guys i almost wish that it was booze related because I think it would have been less embarrassing than having to admit that Noah was just reaching for a McDonald's snack wrap. So there's one more that I guess I'll share with you guys for now. I just kind of like...
could only think of like five things for now, but I'm sure I'll think of more. But there was a time where I had my friends over and, you know, I can't just take a second to acknowledge that she drove so recklessly.
Unknown_05: A police officer pulled her over for DUI and all she was doing was like her belly was like pressing up against the steering wheel as she was sliding into her passenger seat to try and find a fucking McDonald's snack wrap.
Like Jesus fucking Christ. It would be a good idea to make them a vegetable platter.
Unknown_13: And I make this like really awesome dip. A lot of you probably have had this before and can agree how good it is. But it is sour cream mixed with a packet of Lipton or Knorr now I guess. Onion soup mix. And the thing with that soup mix is that it makes me very gassy. I don't know what it is.
Unknown_04: Oh no!
Unknown_13: It makes me gassy.
Unknown_13: And well, it's like a double whammy of embarrassment because we were sitting at the table playing a game, a card game, and we were, you know, had snacks previously on the vegetables and dip.
And all of a sudden, I didn't even have a warning. My kitchen chair broke beneath me. And I went flying down, and on the way down, I farted, like, really loud. And I did my pathetic non-scream, like, farted, and I smashed my head on my metallic, it's like a big metal garbage bin.
Unknown_13: I didn't feel it. I must have a really hard head because there's like, I should show you guys, there's a huge dent in it. It still works.
But huge dent and like big dent. Like I'm surprised I didn't have a concussion. So I was just like, you know, everyone was like, are you okay? Are you okay? But no, that was, I think,
Unknown_13: The embarrassment was the worst part of that whole thing. So anyways guys, that's another crazy... She broke her chair and as she fell backwards she farted and then she hit her fucking head on a trash can after she fell.
Well, you know what we need for that, right?
Unknown_16: Oh, yes, my dear.
The best part of that clip is when it's Irver and he's just like whimpering like like a beaten dog It's uh, it's pretty fantastic if I do say so much I'm gonna keep playing that every fucking time rap hog shit happens. This is worse. No, I
Unknown_16: You guys are dickheads, I can't fucking help it.
Unknown_05: It's not my fault my mother drank when she was pregnant with me, now I can't pronounce the word over correctly without specific fucking effort. Alright, it's not my fucking fault. I'm not gonna be dickheads about it.
Unknown_16: The one I'll post it in I'll post the clip to the brat thing and in the word You need an invite.
I guess I need to put the fucking thing somewhere and where people can find it. It's an invite edit link Right.
Unknown_16: I'm trying to link happy didn't Try to find a to put it Well, I can't add my fucking discord link as a social thing
Unknown_16: Okay, done.
Unknown_16: Okay, um, yeah, you are the dickheads. Don't fucking backtalk me.
Unknown_16: Weirdest binges TMI edition. Well, we're on a fucking roll with the TMI.
I need to clip that fucking.
Unknown_16: Let me clip that one.
Unknown_16: Oh, God, if she's warning us, she's warning us.
Unknown_16: Okay.
Unknown_16: This also has comments to say.
Unknown_16: Josh less than chat.
Is it muted? God damn it.
Unknown_05: God fucking damn it. Listen, let's look, listen. Okay. One day I will have a regular computer with two monitors so I can see the fucking audio meters and I can see if I'm live or if I'm muted. But until that fucking day, I will continually fuck this up for all eternity.
Unknown_04: You have my apologies. You have my apologies. Never. Cunts. Shouts. Cocksucker motherfuckers. Let it all out.
Oh, speaking of singing, I have a lesson coming up next Tuesday with a teacher who's like offering a consultation and like a lesson for like 20 bucks. So I'm like, yeah, after that, it probably goes up to like 700 a month. Who knows? So I'll probably just be doing this one lesson, but you know, if I can get anything out of it, good. Alright, um, yeah, so today is a TMI and today is going to be a Fat Girl Files video. I don't know if you guys like these or not, but I find they're fun to do because I have a very immature sense of humor and I like laughing at myself sometimes. You know, I like laughing at myself. I don't mind other people laughing at me. Depends how bitchy I am. You're definitely going to be laughing at me with this video and I wrote them all down in
my handbook for the recently deceased, which is appropriate because you are going to be recently deceased after hearing these. So these are TMI, Fat Girl Files, Fat Girl Facts, whatever, I don't even remember what the name of the series is, but it's going to be strangest binge stories because if there's anything that I can say, it's that, well, you know that I'm a food addict and, you know... You can't stomach anymore?
I apologize. It's very obvious.
Unknown_13: If you watch my videos, you know that, blah, blah, blah. You know my struggles.
Unknown_13: Am I?
Unknown_05: I'm number two until the big three come along. I have some not-so-proud binge stories and I just thought whatever you know I'm just gonna share them with you whatever just get those skeletons out you know so I told you about the pizza boxes in the closet feels good but there's some that are just so weird and I'm just like when I was writing these down I was like what the hell you know? Binge on some fucking bleach? That's mean. I have this ring light and if people from the outside see this ring light I don't want them to think that I'm like
growing pot or doing porn. I don't know.
Unknown_13: Most people just don't have like a ring light in their apartment, you know? Also, I wanted to mention that the time is approaching where I am going on my friend's bachelorette party in Montreal.
Unknown_13: And for those of you who are new here, I'm very, I have bad anxiety about this because one, I'm claustrophobic.
Unknown_05: Do you guys know of like a 10 seater limo?
Unknown_13: if the windows open, because I'm like claustrophobic, especially in situations where I don't have any control. Like the driver's gonna have all the control. And I think that's why I'm scared of elevators, because when you go in the elevator for those few minutes, you don't have control of what's gonna happen, you know? Also, I'm afraid that I'm gonna be the biggest person there, and, well, I will be, and I'm afraid that the seats are gonna be really small, and I'm gonna be squished up against somebody who's gonna be like barfing the whole way. I don't know. I'm really afraid of that. I'm going to have like barf buckets. Um, because I'm so like, I have like this phobia of barf where I won't even go to carnivals anymore because, um, or fairs because it's just like a biological hazard.
She fucking sits in a chair, the chair breaks, she farts. The force of her farting propels her into a fucking trash can, which is probably where she would belong if she could fit into it. She gets invited to a wedding, she needs a fucking barf bag because she can't sit in a limousine without throwing up.
Unknown_05: She's just projecting fucking emissions from both ends.
Unknown_13: I'm just like so overseeing people barfing on rides and especially when people are drinking, right? Like we're gonna be getting We're supposed to be reserving a table and we're gonna be sharing doesn't It's gonna be a long night and
Basically, we're going to get three bottles of booze with that. So that's a lot to split between seven people, seven girls. So it's like, we're going to be drinking a lot, you know, we're going to be pre drinking, the limo is going to come get us, it's like an hour drive away or more. to the club, then we're going to be doing a lot of drinking at the club, and then it's going to be like a car, a long car ride home. It's probably going to be hot and stuffy.
Unknown_06: I would use, I don't know how that's going to go, but those are my anxieties.
Unknown_05: I would use that soap to wash my ass. But despite all that, I'm really going to try to suspend that and just drink and try to, you know,
I think she's between 500 and 600.
Unknown_05: I don't know if she's over 600. So I'm going to try to pace myself.
Unknown_13: I don't know what I'm going to wear. I don't really want to just go and buy something just for one night. I don't go out much.
Unknown_13: I have some old dresses somewhere in the closet.
Unknown_13: see what you guys think i might do like a little try on and see which one you guys think is the best one if you want to help me out that will definitely vlog i won't be vlogging a lot of like drinking and doing shots and stuff like that because i do have to keep it relatively advertiser friendly on this channel so anyways five minutes of babbling yay me all right so let's get to this
I've decided to use this book for writing my video ideas down and stuff like that. I'm not sure.
Unknown_05: I'll try to find out if she's bigger than me. I'm not proud of these.
Unknown_13: Please don't think that I am.
Unknown_13: I don't even know why I'm doing this.
Unknown_13: Number one, TMI, weirdest binges. So number one was one time I scarfed down an entire package of Hungarian salami.
Unknown_13: Spicy Hungarian salami. I remember it was spicy because I remember the horrible time I had in the bathroom after. Oh my god, I don't want to hear about this shit.
Why am I doing this? I had gotten groceries before picking my friend up for work.
Unknown_04: Can you just imagine for a second? Hold up.
Unknown_04: Hold up.
Unknown_05: Can you imagine watching this fucking brap hog?
Unknown_05: Like, this is what Hungarian salami is, apparently. Can you imagine her just, like, biting into this like a fucking baguette and just devouring it? Like, this entire thing? Just, like, scarfing it the fuck down? And then imagining her, like, just tearing up the fucking bathroom after.
Oh man, I bet it's like, ugh. I'm grossing myself out thinking about this.
Unknown_11: Say hi to everybody, BBJunes.
Unknown_05: Even her cat is fat.
Unknown_05: Hi. It's a pretty kitty cat, though.
Unknown_11: Oh, you're such a good girl. Oh, yes.
Unknown_15: Let BB shin. She goes to France. She eats croissant. She like to dance.
Unknown_05: Darn me.
Unknown_13: Not you, Sam. Here you go. Go in the box. Whoa.
Unknown_13: Sorry guys, I have my camera hoisted on this box that BB Juns likes to go in. So yeah, just stay BB Juns, just stay. So it might be wobbly, you might see my background.
Okay, so anyways, so I went to do groceries before picking my friend up from work, and I had Hungarian salami in there. This was a long time ago. Anyway, and I scarfed down the whole package waiting for her because I was a bit early to pick her up. So yeah, so that's number one. What did she scarf down the whole package of?
Unknown_05: I was still looking for Instagram.
Unknown_13: What did you eat, lady? Waiting for her because I was a bit early to pick her up.
Unknown_13: Okay, so anyways, so I went to do groceries before picking my friend up from work, and I had Hungarian salami in there. This was a lot.
Oh, he was talking about Hungarian salami.
Unknown_13: But the fried bologna emergency.
Unknown_13: When I lived at home with my mom, years and years ago,
Unknown_13: I haven't lived with my mom since like in forever, so I was like a teenager. Anyway, so when I lived with my mom...
Unknown_13: I would stay up late, even back then, and she would be in bed, you know, sound asleep, and she would be awakened by the sound of the smoke detector going off, you know, beep, beep, beep, and it would alarm her, and, you know, she would come downstairs all groggy, and I would be, it would be me, I would be the culprit. I would set the smoke detector off from frying on high heat, um, bologna and hot dogs.
That's really gross.
Unknown_13: Do you have to scratch the box right now, B?
Unknown_05: Like, I'm surrounded by cats right now.
Unknown_13: How do you not? So yeah, so that was a regular occurrence. She fried bloating hot dogs in a saucer. So this is kind of gross. And this is more of a warning to people out there everywhere. Um,
Unknown_13: Never binge on an entire box of Garlic and Herb Instant Mashed Potatoes by Betty Crocker and down it with, chase them with a whole liter of Mott's Garden Cocktail.
That is not pretty coming out.
Unknown_05: Number four! I thought you were going to say like gravy. I was lonely one night.
Unknown_13: I was living by myself.
Unknown_05: This was one of the times when I lived with my gross roommate.
Unknown_13: The one that, you know, wore holy underwear, listened to Evanescence, and just ate garlic bologna all day.
Unknown_05: Wait, does that say whopper prostitution?
Unknown_13: I was really desperate and lonely, and I was really, really desperate. I was hungry and craving.
Unknown_05: No!
Unknown_13: I had no food. No!
Unknown_05: I was really, like, didn't have much money back then, and, um...
So I got desperate and asked, called one of my lovers.
Unknown_13: I won't say which one, but I might not even remember which one. Oh yes, I do. And anyway, um, this is bad. This is like low key prostitution, but I offered him foreplay if he would come over and bring me a couple of Whoppers. I think it was Whopper Wednesday. What the fuck? He got there and I was so mad, it gets worse, I was so mad and pissy that he forgot the zesty sauce for my onion rings that I only let him squeeze my boobs. So number five.
So a while ago, like years and years ago, um, McDonald's had this like cheeseburger and burger sale.
Unknown_13: I think cheeseburgers were 69 cents and hamburgers were 59 cents. And I was like psyched, you know, as like, you know, a big person, um, and just in love with food. I called my skinniest friend I could find and you know, said, let's go get some burgers.
Well, when we got there, I, uh, I asked her to order eight burgers and she had one.
Unknown_13: Number six is a recent addition. I can't believe she recently drove. I told you about this.
Unknown_05: I'm still, I'm still thinking about the prostitution thing. She cucked a guy like, okay.
Unknown_05: I've told this story elsewhere. Um, let me try and find a picture real quick.
Unknown_05: There was, back in the day, back during the Chris-Chan trolls, there was a woman named Casey who was dating Liquid Chris. They actually got married through Chris-Chan trolling.
But there is a story, and I'll try to find... Oh!
Unknown_05: Oh, there it is! Oh, beautiful!
Unknown_16: Okay, this is good. This is good shit, hold on.
Unknown_16: If it wants to fucking load...
Unknown_16: I gotta be such a dickhole.
Unknown_16: Show me the hog.
Unknown_16: Oh, it's just a shitty thumbnail.
Unknown_05: God damn it. Copy, replace. Okay. This, this is Casey. Um, this is again, this is a shitty thumbnail. I don't know what happened to the original, but, um, she was, again, she got married to a guy while trolling Chris and, um,
The, there's a story from way back when that she asked, Oh, here's the full res. I had to do something again. She asked her husband, Liquid Chris.
Unknown_05: Like, she would just ask in the middle of the night, go get me a McFlurry. Go get me a McFlurry. And she would wake up, you know, he would wake up in the middle of the night and drive to McDonald's and get her McFlurries in the middle of the fucking night and bring it home.
Unknown_05: And that's what I'm thinking of. I'm just thinking of this fat bitch rolling on the bed like, Jamal, can you get me a McWhopper? And then, you know, he gets over there because he's, you know, he's a degenerate and he wants to fuck this flat fat bitch, right?
And, uh...
Unknown_05: He gets cocked he wakes up in the middle of the night dude this fat bitch or fucking McDonald's and He doesn't even get he doesn't even get his dick wet Really a tragedy, but it should teach you guys a valuable lesson. Don't ever fuck with fat bitches Like I know I'm a retard, but I know that don't fuck with fat bitches if they're fat There's something wrong with them. Don't fuck with them They'll wake you up in the middle of the night to get a McFlurry and they won't even suck your dick I drove pretty close to 200 kilometers each way so like a total of four hours Approximately to
to get the type of food I wanted. I heard of this specific food that I saw somewhere on social media, I can't even remember, and I could not forget about it. So that's when I obsess. When I see a food that I really want, I obsess over it and do anything in my power to get it. So I drove
Unknown_13: that far you know like my car could have broken down I would be in stuck in the middle of the highway in the dark you know anything could have happened and actually something really creepy did really happen on on the way back from that and I was gonna tell you guys in like a creepy time story because it is pretty weird and it's something I can't really explain.
Oh yeah she's Canadian by the way.
Unknown_13: I'm sure it could be explained somehow but it was just so creepy so anyway yeah I remember being in
Unknown_13: Overeaters Anonymous and there was a girl there And she wasn't even overweight actually, none of the people there were pretty were none of the people that were in my group were overweight and I guess that's why I felt kind of uncomfortable because I was the only one but This girl actually was retelling her story about how when I had gone to OA it was there was a blizzard It was like really bad. They were warning people not to drive and But I'd gone out anyway, and I figured, you know, my rationale was I have driven in worse conditions to get the food I wanted, so I could do it to get away. Well, this girl also said that she had walked in, like, worse conditions than that, far, far, far distances just to go through a drive-thru or just to get food that she wanted, you know?
She walked through a drive-thru. So the last one is... Irver Eder's Anonymous.
Unknown_05: So this was a time when I was like not living at home.
I was kind of just bouncing around from friend's house to friend's house.
Unknown_05: Being Canadian looking American.
Unknown_13: And you know there was one time and I didn't really have this was one time it was like a really low point in my life. I was still a teenager. I had no money.
Unknown_13: I was still in school. I lived with a girl. She was looking for a roommate. I wasn't really her friend.
Unknown_05: A hundred grams and rock bottom.
Unknown_05: Oh.
Unknown_13: Anyways, so she was a new model.
Unknown_05: Does she trade drugs for food?
Unknown_13: She was really thin, you know, she was very in shape, had a nice body, whatever. But I don't think she ate very much and like when I came in, I was like, oh no, the minute I looked in her kitchen and saw that she didn't even have a regular size fridge, it was like, a bar fridge so i was like what the hell you know i was like where am i gonna fit all my food because i was getting help with groceries and buying stuff like that oh by the way speaking of regular size fridge and small size fridge does anyone watch bob's burgers i can't i love that show because there is a regular there's a carrot she walks in she's a half-sized fridge and her first she's panicking she's in fucking like cold sweats like i can't fit all my fucking food in that
I can't fit my fucking fruit in there! I'm gonna fucking starve!
Unknown_05: How can I fit my Hungarian salamis in this fucking tiny-ass little bar fridge? There's a character called Regular Size Rudy, and then there's a character called Pocket Size Rudy.
How is she gonna survive? I don't know, it was just such a weird concept to me, and it was just so funny. If you don't watch Bob's Burgers, you should check it out. It's an animated series voiced by... I can't remember the guy's name.
Unknown_13: something is it something anyway he he has like one of those names with like a middle initial and then but he um he has he has a very distinctive voice he does the voice of bob and he also does the voice of coach mcgurk from home movies which is another awesome series anyways i digress so this model
I got to her place and, um, you know, I remember her saying to me, like, you can help yourself to anything in the fridge. And she had gone to work. And so I opened the little bar fridge and I'm looking inside, you know, here's, here's another Josh pro tip.
Unknown_05: If your roommate is 600 fucking pounds.
Unknown_05: Do not ever, do not ever utter the words, help yourself to the fridge. Just don't. Do not, just don't do it. Don't do it.
I'm not kidding, there was like a bottle of water, it was Fiji water, and about 100 grams of lean turkey deli meat and a baggie with a few slices of red pepper.
Unknown_13: And I was like, well, you know, she said I could help myself to something and I, I didn't have anything to eat. I had no lovers that could bring me Burger King for foreplay, you know, so I ate it. And the worst part was, is that I don't know if she remembered, she told me, you know, like help yourself. Maybe it was just like a, you know, being polite, but then she came home and she was like, she was really strange. She would just like,
Unknown_13: She was one of those people that would go from like super nice to like insidious. Kind of like me, but she was like psychotic. Um, like she's really bad. So she became like psychotic on me and was just like all upset and really upset that I had eaten her food. And I was just sitting there on her couch and just thinking to myself, like,
Is this real? What has my life become?
Unknown_13: I'm sitting here arguing with a nude model over a few slices of red pepper and 100 grams of turkey meat. What the fuck? Anyway, so yeah.
So that's, um, those are some of my stories. I'm sure I have a lot more because I've been, um, I've had this, you know, eating disorder for this unhealthy relationship with food probably since I was about like six years old. So, um, yeah, so there's a lot of stories there, but anyways, guys, what kind of stories, like, what do you want? What kind of stories do you want to hear? Let me know. Um, and, uh, yeah, I guess that's it for me.
Unknown_16: physical laughing at debating debating I should do an epic cheat day bitch you ain't on a fucking diet somebody asked if this bitch is a model no she was with a model in that in that story she was living with a model who made the mistake of offering her the cunt
I'm not expecting not expecting this fucking cow to graze and destroy it.
Unknown_16: Trying the potato diet and the potato diets.
Unknown_05: Man, unless you're talking about the Irish and by diet, you mean not having any potatoes.
Unknown_05: Then that then that diet works pretty well.
Unknown_05: Look, her channel is 259 mukbangs.
Unknown_16: Oh, gee.
Unknown_16: I want TMI.
I want to hear this bitch's redisgusting dirty seat. How long have I been streaming? One and a half.
Unknown_16: I'll go to the turn of the hour. Okay, let me load up all the videos I can control off. I'm gonna find some.
Unknown_16: Did you know there's some teams?
Unknown_16: That girl's father where's been is am I moving honey garlic stir-fry?
Juice cleanse day tmid. Oh, that's so gross I know it's she's gonna talk about poopoo and the juice one. I don't know if I'm I don't know if I can handle the poopoo much poop I see salmon.
Unknown_16: Yeah, am I?
Unknown_16: EMI Chinese movie.
Unknown_16: That sounds like a. Usually waits till like 4 minutes.
Oh God, oh God.
Unknown_05: Oh yeah, I don't know if I can do this one.
Unknown_15: And.
Unknown_05: No, OK, I can't do it. She's eating well. She's that's way too bad. That's way way fucking.
Unknown_05: Try a different one.
Unknown_05: ain't doing that shit.
Unknown_05: I fucking happen.
Unknown_05: Okay, let's do the spicy salmon tea. That video. I'm not fucking watching that.
For a bit, we weren't like good friends or anything. We just partied together.
Unknown_13: She had a car and she's like, if you give me money for gas, we can go up to Ottawa. You know, I had a day off.
Unknown_13: We can go shopping and the mall in my hometown is really crappy so we can go shopping. Who the fuck is William Luther Pierce?
Unknown_13: At the mall.
In case you're wondering, tomorrow I'm starting the potato diet.
Unknown_05: Not a thing. It'll be the official start.
Unknown_13: More of a challenge.
Unknown_13: Mmm.
Unknown_13: I love spinach. Oh, avocado shell.
Unknown_05: I'm not simulcasting on YouTube because fucking restream is completely broken. And I canceled my last stream because I accidentally showed somebody's paint and scrote.
Unknown_13: You know, I didn't have much money to spend. I just wanted to go get, um, just look around, maybe get a new lip gloss or something. You know, I used to collect lip glosses.
If I have to cut off my video, it's getting fucking cold in here. Down the hall of a mall.
Unknown_13: That rhymed.
Unknown_13: And there's like kiosks in the middle.
Unknown_13: You might already know this, but this is mall advice people.
Unknown_13: Never make eye contact with the kiosk people. The kiosk people are desperate and they'll do anything to sell you their product. And this is an example.
So I was just like, don't make eye contact.
Unknown_05: I mean, there's the brow bar, there's a sun. Usually I just rely on my laptop on fire. The most aggressive guy was this guy.
Unknown_13: Um, he was selling cell phone cases, like cheap, cheap ass cell phone cases. And I use cheap ass cell phone cases. You know, they're cheap. Let's be real.
Unknown_13: I don't have $80, $90 for an Otter Box, you know, so this guy would always be like, you know, I have Gucci, I have Louis Vuitton, three for $10, and he would like be yelling after you.
And they weren't real, obviously, brand name. As you're talking about how to deal with brown people, don't make eye contact.
Unknown_05: Where's the TMI? I want to hear her say something great.
Unknown_01: Look at that fucking swinging jowl.
Unknown_05: Look at that shit. Here, I'll show you guys something that I like to do. Let me go back a bit. There it is. There, perfect.
Perfect. I feel inspired to do the art.
Unknown_05: Take a print screen of that.
Unknown_16: Open up Photoshop's.
Unknown_16: Open up the Photoshop's.
Unknown_16: Okay, perfect.
Unknown_16: Can I win? Can I take a window cap?
Unknown_16: We're gonna do something different now.
Unknown_16: Nope.
Why can't I? Is that it? Oh, wait, does it not show the actual thing? Oh, fuck off. What the fuck?
Unknown_16: I just want to show people my art.
Unknown_16: Fucking piece of shit. If I can't show people my art, I'm gonna be really bad.
Unknown_16: I'll do it while the video plays.
Unknown_05: And then we'll look at my- It'll be a surprise.
Unknown_13: So this is what eating to live and not living to eat looks like.
I'm drinking my jar of water. Get on it.
Unknown_01: Bite.
Unknown_13: Buckwheat is like... Buckwheat's a staple, isn't it?
It's almost like a rice. A mushy rice.
Unknown_13: Tastes kind of like rice.
Unknown_13: Wow, that's some fucking inspiring-ass fucking commentary.
Unknown_05: It's like our rice. It kind of tastes like rice. Let me have them all.
Unknown_13: And... There was like a new kiosk, and... I didn't want to look, but I was doomed from the get-go because the kiosk owner was an iMagnum. He was gorgeous.
I want to hear about your... Like, so gorgeous.
Unknown_11: And I'm boy crazy. Or I was, you know?
Unknown_05: Mmm, you're whopper crazy.
Unknown_05: Making progress on my project. And it was like he knew, you know?
Unknown_13: He was on the prowl, like his eyes were zooming. Oh god. Like a radar. Our eyes locked?
And he just, like, his dark, mysterious look.
Unknown_05: Oh, God. He had, like, dark, mysterious looking guys, you know?
Unknown_13: He'd definitely like them dark.
Unknown_05: Definitely like them dark.
Unknown_06: He's from somewhere in South America, but I don't remember where.
Unknown_13: Maybe Ecuador? Anyway.
Unknown_13: So I'm like, I can't take my eyes off of him.
Unknown_13: Too late.
Unknown_05: Kiosk is not consent, lady.
Come let me straighten your hair. It was a kiosk of hair straighteners, you know, like flat irons, supposedly really high quality ones.
Unknown_13: And he wanted to do a demo on my hair. I'm going to sell you something. And I was just like, I couldn't say no. I was drawn to him when he said, come. It was like, he summoned to me and I just floated over.
Unknown_13: Probably quite pathetically.
Unknown_05: I'm not ready for this.
Unknown_13: So.
Unknown_13: I float over there in my love trance and I don't know, he just starts touching my hair and straightening. He took the straightener, started curling it. It was a bit longer. My hair started curling it.
And I was like, I've tried doing that with a straight iron and I just can't do it. But he did it wonderfully.
Unknown_11: So I'm ready. He's like, I don't know.
Unknown_05: This is what I like to do in my spare time. You know, I'm I'm an artist. I'm very artistic, right?
Unknown_05: But, you know, when I get like a really super fat person who has like a lot of face canvas going on, I do something to them. I take them to my Photoshop dungeon and I make art with them.
I call this... The guy had to pick toilet paper between my butthole one time. It's my newest art piece.
Unknown_16: I hope you guys enjoy.
Unknown_16: As it goes.
Unknown_16: I don't remember exactly what we said.
Unknown_13: It was a long time ago. Some details I remember, some I don't.
Unknown_13: Excuse me, but we started talking and he was getting really flirty, like not unprofessionally flirty, but you know what I mean?
He was saying all the right things and his name was like, I think it was Roberto. I'm going to call him that. I don't remember. I think it was, that was his name, but I'm not a hundred percent sure.
Unknown_04: What do you mean I'm a fraud? I'm not a fraud. I'm an artist.
Unknown_05: The spinach is my favorite with the rest of the image. Impressed.
Unknown_11: Kind of tastes a bit cheesy.
Unknown_13: I'm a creamy avocado.
I was already second place.
Unknown_13: So, um, eventually, you know, it finishes my hair and
Unknown_13: I kind of forgot that he was selling something. He starts telling me, Oh, you look so amazing.
Unknown_11: You know, he's like, you know what?
Unknown_11: He's like, just between you and I, he comes really close.
Unknown_11: Here comes the bullshit.
Unknown_11: This specific gold or some shit, not gold, but you know, George Lincoln Rockwell stream sniping.
Oh geez.
Unknown_11: And he's like,
Unknown_11: This is like a $200 value that I'm going to give it to you for $85.
Unknown_05: Did you take it?
Unknown_13: And so I was like, Oh, okay. Um, I'm like, well, I don't have much money right now. Um, I'll just, I'll look, I'll give it some thought and I'll come back.
Unknown_05: Offer to suck his dick.
Unknown_13: I totally had no intention of doing that. I had like a cheap Revlon 1399 straightener that did... I mean, I have straight, thin hair, you know? Mmm, that salmon.
And unless Roberto came with a straightener, no. I'm not paying $85, you know?
Unknown_05: He took advantage of that dance time. I don't need one that high grade. To have her hair touched by him.
Unknown_05: I guess women do that a lot, though, in general.
Unknown_13: It's like you ladies are from around here and we told them we were from out of town.
Unknown_05: Oh, OK. Wait, OK. Before this is this one's boring. She's not talking about shitting herself. So let me just set them. Let me just set the tone because I know it's going to happen.
Unknown_05: I'm going to I'm going to play this and I want to show you her boyfriend and let's just let's just get it right out of the bat out of the way. I'm setting the I'm setting the mood.
Just get it out.
Unknown_05: This is how we do therapy. This is how we heal as a family.
Unknown_16: Alright, let's fuck it. Let's go.
Unknown_12: Oh god.
Unknown_12: Okay, so first step we do is we add the chicken breast. Of course he's frying something.
Unknown_14: He's frying chicken! On medium high heat. And the peanut oil.
And we're gonna cook it on both sides. Until it's brown, right babe? Yeah.
Unknown_15: The baby's cooking.
Unknown_15: So we're just going to cook this and then eat it.
Unknown_12: And I'll be back when the chicken's brown.
Unknown_06: He looks so pissed off. He looks like he regrets his life choices.
Unknown_12: Look how brown those chicken baby breasts are getting. And see the little, at the bottom, that's all flavored now in there.
I know it looks like a lot of oil, but... Is it wrong to feel bad for them?
Unknown_05: Smells good. I wish you could smell this place right now.
Unknown_15: Smells good, eh babe?
Unknown_14: Thanks for cooking.
Unknown_14: Oh god. Mmm, yeah. We're almost done.
Are we going to need two cans of tomato paste?
Unknown_12: Now we're just going to add the chopped onions to the chicken. We did drain out a little bit of the oil.
Unknown_05: So many people don't feel bad for him.
Unknown_12: There's minced garlic there in the jar I put it.
Unknown_12: The garlic there.
Unknown_05: Now this is not my future wife.
Unknown_05: Imagine, Aisha. Yes.
Unknown_05: Where's the hot sauce?
He's like from Somali or something.
Unknown_13: I'm not a great cameraman.
Unknown_12: Add a little bit of minced garlic to your taste. Everything is to your taste. I mean, you can add as many onions, as much garlic, as much everything you want pretty much of any of these ingredients.
Unknown_12: I'm going to go chop the potatoes and carrots.
Unknown_15: School's out. School's out.
Hey guys, can't really see me very well, but I'm just gonna be chopping the onions and potatoes, carrots and potatoes to go in the sauce, so.
Unknown_13: Just give me a minute. Wee, wee, wee, wee!
Unknown_13: I know I'm weird.
Unknown_14: Chop, chop, chop.
Unknown_14: I did wash these vegetables, but I don't peel them.
Unknown_12: Do I need to peel the potatoes?
If you want.
Unknown_12: So we're gonna chop. The good thing about Mafé is you can have big chunks of vegetables.
Unknown_13: Like, usually they put just big chunks of vegetables. You don't have to cut them too small. Because you want them to withstand the cooking, you know?
Unknown_05: That guy's really fucking black, though.
Unknown_13: Like proper black.
Unknown_05: He stays thin.
Unknown_05: Kind of. He's a bit big.
Unknown_12: That's because he fries shit.
Yeah, holy fuck, look at how bad she is at chopping shit.
Unknown_05: Oh god, I'm worried. Her fingers are so fucking big. And she's such a clumsy fat fucking cow with that knife.
Unknown_05: Watch out lady, you're gonna cut yourself.
Unknown_05: No, that nigga did not watch it on Sesame Street. He's from fucking Somalia. They ain't got no fucking Sesame Street in fucking Somalia, lady. Are you fucking retarded? Be careful with big kitchen knives.
He is so unamused. Alright, so we're just gonna add some Jimbo seasoning.
Unknown_12: She's adding it now.
Unknown_05: You can tell she doesn't know how to cut veggies. I don't think she, yeah, she's more accustomed to Domino's.
Unknown_12: Oh my gosh.
Unknown_12: That looks so good. Again, there's so many different ways. I mean, his mom and sister
Unknown_12: You know, they think they've masqueraded Senegal for years and years.
You know, I've never, before I met him I've never made this, so I can't compare to their cooking, you know.
Unknown_12: But, we're gonna put the lid on for a few minutes, and uh, yeah.
Unknown_12: Yeah. Just anything.
Unknown_13: This is my kitchen. It's not the cleanest kitchen and there's like fruit flies. But, you know.
Unknown_05: Sounds like she's making fun of the black guy. Like, look, you're not fucking clean enough. Cleaning well enough, nigger. I can put you out in the fucking yard. If you're not gonna clean better. Bee.
Bee. Hi, bee. Look at this pretty girl, everybody. Bee, bee, juice.
Unknown_15: Bee, bee, juice.
Unknown_05: How do you get that big and not know how to cook? You go out for every day. Is that the whole can of tomato paste?
Unknown_05: Nigga I'd rather be in slavery in the south than be here. That's a good idea for a poll. Let's run that. He obviously knows how to cook too.
And he's usually works like a cynic.
Unknown_10: He knows his food. I guess that's why she married him.
Unknown_12: Oh yeah, baby. And it's going to mix with all the oils. So I'm just going to mix it around.
Put the lid on, let it cook for a little bit.
Unknown_05: Back in Egypt under the pharaohs.
Unknown_14: Looks good, babe.
Unknown_14: Adding more water?
Unknown_05: She's like, it looks good babe, and he's just like, yes.
Yes it does. I know you're gonna eat it. I know you're gonna eat it regardless without fucking base. I'm not too fucking concerned.
Unknown_00: Are you a big boy or a big girl? No one knows. What are you? A big boy or big boy? Big boy or big girl?
Unknown_00: The cat looks offended.
Unknown_05: Looks pissed off. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you got autism or something bitch?
Unknown_13: Hi.
what are you doing it's weird being on camera isn't it i love it he's so you know some people just don't like he's so unhappy to be on camera i feel so bad for him babe we named the bugs in our house
Unknown_04: He wishes he was back home in Somali with his mom and dad. And not with this fat, psychotic bitch.
Unknown_13: I'm one of those people that don't take things down.
Unknown_13: So, yeah.
Unknown_13: So it's just cooking away. Getting ready to add those veggies. Oh yeah.
Unknown_13: So we're just putting the veggies in. Phoebe is peeling the potatoes because he does not like the peel on potatoes, but I do. I don't mind.
Imagine this from his perspective. He's standing, imagine you're in your kitchen, right? You're in your kitchen, you're cooking up, you know, a home meal. This is like something that mom would make. You know, it's just hearty vegetables and chicken and shit, right? But next to you is this 650 pound fucking woman with a camera recording you up in your fucking space, picking up all your fucking kitchen space. Running out the fucking mouth, making stupid-ass fucking noises, asking you questions, trying to get you involved in their stupid-ass fucking livestream. Like that nigga just wants to be left the fuck alone to make his fucking meal. So he can get through the day unmolested by this bitch.
You can add as much water as you like. It depends how soupy you like your mafe. We like ours more on the thick side.
Unknown_12: We poked holes all throughout the chicken breast. The chicken breasts are going to absorb all that flavor. It's a very simple dish, but it's very delicious.
Unknown_05: He most likely cheats on her, but he comes back to cook because of guilt. He needs her for his visa. Don't you put more water when you put the peanut butter, though?
So put enough water at least to cover the veggies and cook them, you know?
Unknown_05: Here's a true story I learned, by the way. I lived in upstate New York for some time, for about a year. After the site went down and came back up, I lived in New York for about a year. And while I was there, you know, every time I took an Uber or Lyft, the guy driving would be a black African.
Unknown_05: And, you know, I would talk to them. I met a couple like I met a Turkish guy and stuff, but I would talk to him.
And the story I heard repeatedly. was that they would be African immigrants to Canada who later came into the United States. Every single one of them, none of them had migrated directly to the United States. So it seems like what they do is they have an easier time getting into Canada, but once they have a permanent resident visa in Canada, they more easily migrate south to the United States. That just seems to be
Unknown_05: What what happens?
I don't know if that's how how it works or that's uh, that's what it looks like to me So now we just let this cook for You're gonna put the water and cover it and let it Cook until the vegetables are tender and then you're gonna come back and put the peanut butter Okay, we're getting ready to add the PB PB and J. No, just the PB.
Unknown_13: Oh Look at that That's my new favorite voice, guys.
Unknown_13: Demonic.
Unknown_14: Perfect for Halloween!
Unknown_13: He is so unimpressed!
Unknown_04: He is so unimpressed by our child's bullshit! He looks like a dad who just got home from work and he just wants to sleep and he's gotta feed his stupid fucking kids.
Unknown_05: And they're in the kitchen, annoying the fuck out of him.
Unknown_06: And he's just trying to... It's like a long grain white rice pretty much. Wait, did he put peanut butter in that?
Unknown_12: amount of rice. Okay, so we're gonna add some peanut butter. What? Oh yeah.
Unknown_05: No!
Unknown_05: That was Jamal! Jamal, what are you doing?
Unknown_05: No!
Unknown_13: I had some leftover of that lentil.
Unknown_04: No! What the fuck?
Unknown_13: Two squares of dark chocolate and that's it.
I'm saving my calories for this meal.
Unknown_13: Mmm. Yum yum.
Unknown_05: Send them back. Okay.
Unknown_05: Okay. New poll. New poll.
Unknown_13: Are you gonna add more water?
Unknown_13: and add, I think we've added about two or three cups, about three cups of water so far. So he's gonna add probably about another cup. We just eyeball, we really don't measure things.
Unknown_13: So about four cups of water total.
The chat has turned decisively against him. The peanut butter was one bridge too far. It's time to go back, Jamal.
Unknown_13: We're gonna reduce the heat and let it cook.
Unknown_13: For about, I'd say about what, 20 minutes?
Unknown_13: Give or take.
Unknown_13: You'll know when it's ready. The oil will separate on the top.
Unknown_13: You'll see what I mean by that. I'll show you when it's ready, guys.
Unknown_13: It splattered everywhere.
Unknown_05: Oh my god.
We're just gonna skim a little bit of the oil off the top.
Unknown_05: That is genuinely fucking vile.
Unknown_05: What the fuck? Look, it's splattered all over the place. They didn't even put the fucking lid on it.
Unknown_12: Oh, no! Look at him!
Unknown_12: Look at him!
Unknown_14: He's so sad! He's so angry!
Jamal, you could have stayed home. You could have made a life for yourself. You could have owned land. He's so ready to eat.
Unknown_06: And she won't let him... She just wants to eat his food.
What the fuck is she spraying on it? He just wants to eat. Look, he went in. He didn't wait for her to fucking ruin that shit with... Look at all that sriracha. That's fucking nasty. He...
Unknown_15: Let's try.
Unknown_15: Gotta give them a beauty bite. So let me just get that.
Unknown_05: Soy sauce.
Unknown_05: He is so mad. Look at that. Dude.
Unknown_05: Look, you know, I know there's a race difference, a culture difference, but we're both, we're both men. And I know that nigga is not in a good place right now. He doesn't want that soy sauce. A little bit of it. Where are the plates? She just explained that in Africa they eat off the same serving dish.
Yeah, if you have any... So, okay.
Unknown_12: It's not based on a Galician dish? Or is it from another place?
This is just too depressing.
Unknown_12: It's West African, right?
Unknown_10: Yeah, but the thing is...
Unknown_05: I think you don't talk with your mouth full, don't you? He's training him poorly. I have a lot of peanuts.
Unknown_10: Senegal has peanuts? Yeah. Senegal.
Unknown_05: In a country that has a lot of peanuts, there's a lot of ways to cook food.
Unknown_10: Some of them are not fair.
Unknown_05: Senegal. That's not Somalia, that's West Africa.
Mali? Yeah.
Unknown_05: Is he from, like, Guinea?
Unknown_10: Where the fuck is this guy from?
Unknown_05: I'm curious now.
Unknown_10: Noel has obviously never worked with any Africans.
Unknown_05: I've not.
Unknown_05: Yeah, is she eating pickles with this shit? What the fuck? That's really gross.
what like you would use chicken with the bone yeah because the chicken is cooked there is uh still there and even if you come with uh you have an idea this is where senegal is still uh i guess now you can find it doesn't matter though
Unknown_05: This is where this guy's from. He's desperately trying not to go back.
Unknown_10: He doesn't want to go back to Africa.
Unknown_05: Look, even the animals look starved.
Unknown_13: You gave it all up, Jamal. Could have had it all.
Unknown_05: Instead you're eating this shit.
With this fat fucking cow.
Unknown_05: Could have had a life.
Unknown_05: Oh jeez.
Unknown_05: That's a fucking dump. That's a hard, oh. Oh jeez.
Unknown_05: That's a proper fucking slump. That reminds me of the Philippines.
Unknown_05: Like the worst parts of the Philippines.
Unknown_13: Where do you buy vegetables?
He has no idea what the fuck a market is. Can we save Jamal?
Unknown_05: He can work on my farm. He can go to the kiwi plantation. I have room for him.
Unknown_11: Yeah.
Unknown_11: I see.
Unknown_13: Whatever. Do you remember?
Unknown_13: When's the first time I ate this here? You told me about it. He put a little word in my ear about mafé, this mafé. And I made it. We made it one night. And ever since then, I've been in love with mafé.
What the fuck is mafé?
Unknown_05: Describe it.
Unknown_05: Pig woman, describe the mafé.
Unknown_14: Can we tell them about the little... Can you tell them the little riddle about not saying it makes you fart?
Unknown_05: Apparently it does though, right, or something? I don't know, it doesn't do that to me, but... Well, it's basically peanuts, so...
I want to see what Ma Fé is now. Now I'm fucking curious. I happen to be a culture vulture, okay? I want to know what Ma Fé is.
Unknown_05: Ma Fé.
Unknown_11: Spicy.
Unknown_11: So delicious. They're not mafia.
Unknown_05: You really made it well. I said, you know.
Unknown_11: Yeah.
Unknown_05: We have a picture of Ma Fé. Show it to me.
Unknown_05: Give us brap? I'm not giving you brap. I'm not playing it yet.
I cannot find this dish.
Unknown_10: Oh, it's the food they're eating now.
Unknown_13: Okay.
Unknown_05: Fuck all.
Unknown_13: How the fuck do you guys... How the fuck do you niggers know so much about fucking African cuisine?
Unknown_05: You shit. You fucker.
Unknown_05: Less African peanut soup, okay. This is what they cook for content.
Unknown_15: Nailed it. No, stop with the brap. The brap is forbidden.
So you slice it up, dredge it in flour, salt, and pepper, and then fry it.
Unknown_10: You don't like it that way?
Unknown_13: I like fried stuff!
Unknown_10: I told you. Go watch the Food Network.
Unknown_10: But it's okay.
Unknown_05: Why are we watching this fat whore because Like I'm tired. I just want to see somebody eat themselves to death. I can't believe how long this goes on I Think I'm done though.
I Think I'm done. I want to be I'm gonna be streaming tomorrow, right? I'm gonna be streaming every day for Hanukkah as it as will be a tradition if I continue to do this for more than one I'm
Unknown_05: Tomorrow, again, I have no idea what I do. Like, when I just start up a stream, I just start it. Whatever happens, happens. Know what I mean?
Unknown_05: So, I'm gonna call it quits for today. I've been streaming for many, many more hours. I don't, it just keeps happening. Because I just wanted to wreck shit on the leaderboard, and then I just wanted to watch fat people, fat people eat. Eat themselves to death. Can you photoshop her as Shrek?
Maybe, if we do a video on her, I'll do some,
Unknown_05: Did she import this nigger directly from Africa? Yes, she did. He's in Canada. He is with her for her green card, but not her green card.
Unknown_16: Okay.
Unknown_16: Okay, let me wind it down.
Unknown_16: I got an intro song already lined up.
Thank you for watching, my dear friends. Hopefully you enjoyed.
Unknown_16: And I probably will start streaming it hopefully restream the IO operative Easy
Ein, zwei, drei, schicke, schicke Schweine Oh, oh, ein, zwei, drei, schicke, schicke Schweine Ein, zwei, drei, schicke, schicke Schweine Oh, oh, ein, zwei, drei, schicke, schicke Schweine
I didn't expect to get into XV again And now I won't forgive you, Holland is coming I want to pick up their words Eins, zwei, drei, schicke schicke scheine
Unknown_08: Ein, zwei, drei, schicke schicke Schweine! Ein, zwei, drei, schicke schicke Schweine! Ein, zwei, drei, schicke schicke Schweine! 1, 2, 3, Shikishikishvaine! 1, 2, 3, Shikishikishvaine! 1, 2, 3, Shikishikishvaine! 1, 2, 3, Shikishikishvaine! 1, 2, 3, Shikishikishvaine! 1, 2, 3, Shikishikishvaine! 1, 2, 3, Shikishikishvaine! 1, 2, 3, Shikishikishvaine! 1, 2, 3, schicke schicke Schweine 1, 2, 3